Οδηγία 2004/18

Το ΠΔ 60/2007 Προσαρμογή της Ελληνικής Νομοθεσίας στις διατάξεις της Οδηγίας 2004/18/ΕΚ "περί συντονισμού των διαδικασιών σύναψης δημοσίων συμβάσεων έργων, προμηθειών και υπηρεσιών" Παρουσίαση και Κείμενα Ειρήνη Νικολάου- Παναγιώτης Σκουρής- Ελένη Τροβά Δικηγορική εταιρία Σκουρής Τροβά και Συνεργάτες Τεκμήρια Αθήνα Δεκέμβριος 2007

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60/2007 2004/18/ " , " - -


2004/18/ , 60/2007 60/2007 ( ). : . . , . ( ) . , . 59/2007 . 2


. , . . 2007

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


60/2007 ................................................................................................................1 2004/18/ " , " ...........................................1 ............................................................................................1 ..........................................................................................................5 . ................................................................................................................................8 ............................................................................................................9 2004/18/EK .........................................................................................9 2004/17/EK .......................................................................................10 .......................................................10 ............................12 () .............12 ...................................................13 . To ......................14 ..........15 ....................................................................16 ...............................................17 1. buying green .....................17 2. .................................................................20 4. ()........................................................................................................................21 5. .............21 6. ..............................22 SIMAP .................................................................................................................................22 ...............................................................................................22 .....................................................................................................23 ..............................................................................................23 7. ................................................................24 8. ...........................25 . 2004/18 .............................................................................27 2004/18/EK .......................27 2004/18/EK ......................................................................28 1. ...................................29 2. ......................................................................................................31 3. ..............................................................................................33 4. .....................................34 5. ...................................................34 6. ............................................................................35 . ........36 .......................................37 1. 93/37/EK..................................................................38 5

2. 93/36/..................................................................39 3. 92/50/EK..................................................................40 4. ( 2004/18) ..................................................................................40 . O 2004/18...................................................................41 1. 2004/18 .......................................................................................................41 2. .............................................................42 3. ......................................................43 4. ..............................................................................................43 . .................................44 1. 44 2. ...............................................46 3. ...............................48 4. .................................................................................50 . ...................................................................................53 1. ..............................................................................................53 2. .....................................................................................54 3. ' ...................................55 . 2004/18/ ...................................55 .......................................56 .....................................................................................56 .................................................................................57 4. ......................................58 ...........................................................................................................58 ...........................................................................................................58 ............................................................................................58 5. .................................................60 . ...........................................................................................................................61 1. ........................................................................................................61 2. ........62 3. .............62 4. .........................................................................................................63 . ..........66 1. .........................................................................................................66 2. 89/665/ , 21 1989, , , ............................................................................................................................67 3. ....................................................71 4. .....................................................................................71 5. .....................................................................................72 6. 2006..................................................................................74 . ().......................................................................................................................76 1. ...................................................77 2. ............................................................................................................................80 6

3. .................................................................................80 4. ................82 5. .......................................................................82 6. .......................................................................................83 7. .........................83 8. 2004/17 ...........85 9. : . 3389/05...................................................................85 10. .....................90 . 2004/18 ..........................................93 1. ...............................................94 2. ...................................................................................95 3. ......................................................................................................96 ...................................................................96 .........................................................................................................96 .....................................................................................97 ........................................................................................................97 - ....................................................................................97 ......................................................................................................99 ..............................................................................................................................99 .................................................................................111 ...................................................................................................................................112 .................................................................................................116 . ............................................................................................................................117 60/2007 ........................................................................................................................118 2004/18/ " , ", 2005/51/ 2005/75/ 16 2005 ( 64 16.3.2007)........................................................................................................118 ...................................................119 60/2007........................................................................................................................125




, , , 2004 ( 31 2006). 2007 . : . 2004/18/EK , 31 2004, , , . 2004/17/EK1 31 2004 , , . . 2004/18/EK 60/2007 2004/18/ " , ", 2005/51/ 2005/75/ 16 2005 2004/18/EK , 31 2004, , . , . , , 2.

13 2007, C-507/2003, , 11 2007, C-241/06, Lmmerzahl GmbH, 18 2007, C-399/05 , 18 2007, C220/2005, Jean Auroux ., 11 2006, C-340/2004, Carboterno SpA, 9 2006, C-226 C-228/2004.



2004/17/EK 2004/17/ 59/2007 ( 63/16.03.2007) 2004/17/ " , , ", . 2000 3 . . 93/36, 93/37 92/50 . . : , . , , , . :


13 /. . 17/01/87/ 437/6-6-2006 .18 /. . 17/05/106/.8/13-72006.3

) TOY KAI TOY , , , 30.8.2000 COM(2000) 275 /2 ) TOY KAI TOY , , 31.8.2000 COM(2000) 276 /2 2000/0117 (COD)


1. 2. , , , 3. , 4. , , 5. 6. 7. 2004/18 . . 1 , , , , , , . 2 .


. . , , . ' . 1996 : : (Com 96 583 27 1996). , . . . 2000 , . ()4 , , . . ' . , , . , 4

. http://curia.europa.eu/el/index.htm


5. . . , , . , . , . . . / . . 89/665 . . 5 2004/18, , ' . .

5 . 18 , C-382/05, , 7 2000, C-324/98, Telaustria Telefonadress, 30 2002, C-358/00, Buchhndler-Vereinigung, 10 2005, C-29/04, , 13 2005, C-458/03, Parking Brixen, 21 2005, C-231/03, Coname .


. To , . . , , , , . . . , , , , . (. 280 ). , , . . . 1 . . . 14

, . , 4 1950 , . 130 .2 , . , . , (), , , , , , , , . , 6 , , .


[ C 121, 29.04.2000]


: . , , . . , . , , . : , . , , . , . , . , . , , , . . . , , .


. , . . 1. buying green ' . ( ), . . - 27/11/1996 (Com (96) 583 ) . , . 2004/18 (. 5 33) . . 5 6 , 3 , . , , , , /. 2004/17/ ( 35) 2004/18/ ( 23) , , , .


. - 20057. , . . . , , . , . . , . () . 2004/17/ ( 35) 2004/18/ ( 23) . , . , . . . , , 2004/17/ ( 35) 2004/18/ ( 23) . . () , .

, 2005- 39.21 29.7 cm



, ( , ). , (.. , ). , . , . , , (.. , , ..). , , , . . , . . . , . : ) ) ) ) 8. , , , , , . , (.. , ,. 17 2002, C-513/99, Concordia Bus, 4 2003, C-448/01, Wienstrom.8


..). , , , , . , . . 2. . , , , 2004 ( 31 2006). , (2004/18) , , (2004/17). , , , , . . 60/2007 59/2007. . , . , , . , , , , . . , , , , ..


, . 3. 2004/18 23 2006 (2006/C 179/02) 9 . 4. () , . , 10, 11 , , , 12 2004, 12. 5. 7 2000, C- 324/98 Telaustria, 21 2005, C- 231/03 Coname, 13 2005, C-458/03, Parking Brixen, 3 2003, C-59/00 Bent Mousten Vestergaard, 20 2005, C- 264/03 , 27 2005, C- 234/03, Contse, 27 2005, C- 525/03, , 12 2002, C- 470/99, Universale Bau AG, 23 2006, C-174/03 Impresa Portuale di Cagliari,, 2 2002, C-50/00 Union de Pequenos Agricultores, 15 1987, 222/86 Heylens, 5 1996, C-46/93 48/93, Brasserie du Pecheur, 27 2003, C- 327/00, Santex.10 9

COM(2004) 327 C 121, 29.04.2000 COM(2004) 374 - ].




, . . . 6. , , . . () . . , , / . . , , . SIMAP , (SIMAP)13, . , . SIMAP , , . . . , 13



26 2003 , , - (eGovernment) [COM(2003) 567 - ]. . , . . 14, 20 , S . . . . . . , . , . . , 15. .



, .. , .



, , / , . 16. , , . , , . , , . , . , . . 7. ( , ) ( . , 2004/18) 17. , . () . 2195/2002 5 2000 (CPV) [ L 340, 16.12.2002], () . 2151/2003 16 2003 [ L 329, 17.12.2003]. TED , S. 20 2003, TED .

16 ( ) , .17

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18. , . , , . () . . 8. fraude, . , 280 . . , . . 1997 . 280 ( 209 ) : 2. , . , . 255 41 19. . . http://ted.europa.eu/?&time=http://ted.europa.eu/Exec?Template=TED/homepage.htm&Data Flow=hRead.dfl&hpt=ALL&StatLang=EL . 2691/1999, , 19 18


255 , . . , , . 4120. . . . 2004/1821, 45 .

, ( '47 12.3.1999) 1 1999 . .0546/26/ 276/.4770 ( 87). 41. , , , , , . (43) . , / , /, . . , , , .21 20


. 2004/18 2004/18/EK , , . . . , . ( 6 ), ( 43 . ) ( 49 . ), . 2004/18 . ( ) , , , . 22. 25 , 2004, . , . 23. , 2006, 1.500 . , . 16% () (). http://europa.eu/scadplus/leg/el/lvb/l22009.htm . : " " (, 28-29 1985) COM(85) 310, 1985, http://europa.eu/documents/comm/white_papers/index_el.htm. http://europa.eu/scadplus/leg/el/lvb/l22009.htm : , 2% 23 22


( ) , . , . . . . , . sine qua non . , , . , , , , . , , . 2004/18/EK , , , , . , , , , 24. . . . . 2 2004/18 2 .24


. , . , . , . 1. , , . 43 ( 52) 49 ( 59) , , . , , 25. , 26. , .

3 2005, C-21 C-34/2003, Fabricom SA, . 27, 14 2004, C-434/2002, Arnold Andre, . 68, 14 2004, C-21-/2003, Swedish Match ., . 70), 17 2005, T-160/2003, AFCon, .91. . 8/10/1980 C-810/79, Ubertschar, 14 2007, C-6/05 Medipac-K AE, 7 2000, C-324/98, Telaustria Telefonadress, 13 2005, C-458/03, Parking Brixen, 21 2005, C-231/03, Coname 27 2005, C-234/03 Contse 3 2005, C-21 C-34/2003, Fabricom SA, . 26, 19 2003, C-315/2001 GAT, . 73, 12 2002, C-470/1999, Universale Bau, . 91, 17 2002, C-513/1999, Concordia Bus Finland, . 81, 25 1996, C-87/1994, , . 51, 22 1993, C243/1989, Storebaelt, . 3326



27. : 52 59 , , , , . 28 : 1) , 92/50/ , 18 1992, , , , . 2) 59 (, , 49 ).. . . , 29. 30. , 31.


. 26 1992, C- 357/89, Raulin.

7 2000, C-94/99, ARGE Gewsserschutz Bundesministerium fr Land- und Forstwirtschaft. 3 2005, C-21 C-34/2003, Fabricom SA, . 29, 25 1996, C-87/1994, , . 54.30 29


25 1996, C-87/1994, , . 70. 25 1996, C-87/1994, , . 88.



22.6.1993 C-243/89 . 71/305/. , , 5/12/1989 C-3/88 32. , , . . , 49 , , , , , 33. . 2. 25/4/1996 C- 87/1994, . 34. 35. , 36. 14 2007, C-6/05 Medipac-K AE, 7 2000, C-324/98, Telaustria Telefonadress, 13 2005, C-458/03, Parking Brixen 21 2005, C-231/03, Coname. . 29 1980, 22/80, Boussac Saint-Frres, 9 5 1989, C-3/88, , 8. . 3 2005, C- 21 C-34/2003, Fabricom SA, .2935 34 33 32

4 2003, C-448/2001, Wienstrom, .52.

2 2005, C-394/2002, , . 46, 7 2000, C-324/1998, Telefonadress, .62



, , . , , , . , , 37. , . . 38 , . . . 39. . . , . .

7 2000, C-324/98, Telaustria Verlags GmbH, . 62 . . 25 2003, - 183/00, Strabag Benelux . 39 . 15 1996, C- 87/94, . . 18 1992, C-24/91, , .39 38



. 40. . . . 3. . , . , . , 41. 42. . , , , , .

18 2007, C-507/03, 13 2007, C-6/05 , 14 2007, C-5/2005, MedipacK AE, 7 2000, C-324/98, Telaustria Telefonadress, 13 2005, C-458/03, Parking Brixen, 21 2005, C-231/03, Coname, 3 2005, C-21/03 C-34/03, 3 2005, 18 2007, T195/05, Deloitte Business Advisory NV.41


. 19 1997, -260/94, Air Inter SA.

. 11 1989, C-265/87, Schroeder, 27 1993, C-127/92



. . . , , , . 4. . , . . , , , . 5. , 43. , , . ,

. 10/3/1987, C-199/85, , 18 1995, C-57/94, .



44. 12 2001 C-399/98 Ordine degli Architetti delle Province di Milano e Lodi, Piero De Amicis, Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti, Leopoldo Freyrie. , . , , , , . 6. . , , . , . 45 , , , , , , .

. 17 1993, C-71/92, .45


. , .


. , 71/305/, , . , . , 46. . 11/8/1995 C-433/93 E , (), 88/295/ 77/62/ 80/767/ 89/440/ 71/305/ . . 20/9/1988, C-31/87 Beentjes, ( M. Elmer . 6). , , , . 17 1993, C-71/92, . . 92/50 24 1998, C-76/97, , , 46


1998 11/3/1998 (COM 98, 143) , 47. , . . , , , , . , . , 92/50 , , . 24 1998, C-76/97, - VI , , . 92/50/, . .47

. . , . . http://www.eib.org/pub/divers/tenders.htm . . . http://europa.eu.int/comm/dg01/proc2.doc.


. , 2004/18, (, , ) - , . . , 2004/18/ , 48. 1. 93/37/EK , 2004/18, 93/37/EK 14 1993 49. 93/37/48

. COM (96) 583 final, 27.11.1996, http://europa.eu.int/comm/dg15/en/publproc/green/index.htm. 15 . SPECIAL SECTORIAL REPORT N 1: PUBLIC PROCUREMENT Brussels, November 1997, http://europa.eu.int/comm/dg15/en/publproc/sector/publrep.htm#22. . , Public Procurement : Commission Communication outlines policy priorities 11/3/1998 http://europa.eu.int/comm/dg15/en/publproc/comm/pubcomm.htm , Public Procurement in the European Union - Commission Communication COM (98) 143, 11/3/1988 http://europa.eu.int/comm/dg15/en/publproc/comm/pubel.pdf. To 97/52 . , SIMAP http://simap.eu.int/EL/pub/src/welc93ome_EL.htm, 93/36/ 92/50/ . Electronic procurement and follow up to the Green Paper Brussels conference 8-9 December 1997, http://www.rics.org.uk/division/brusselsreport.html . H 93/37/ 71/305/, . . http://europa.eu.int/eurlex/el/lif/dat/1993/el_393L0037.html. 71/305/ 49


14 1993 .. 23/ 93 71/304, 71/305, 78/669, 89/440, 89/665 ( 8/93 ), 85/95 ( 52 ) ... 23/1993 . 92 3/8.3.95 .. 23/1993. 334/200 37, ( '279 21.12.2000), 93/37/... 2. 93/36/ 93/36/ 14 1993 50. 80/767/, 89/440/, GATT. 93/37/ 93/36/, , . 93/37 97/52/ 13 1997 92/50/, 93/36/ 93/37/ , , , 13 1998. 97/52/ 13 1997 92/50/, 93/36/ 93/37/ , , , 13 1998. . http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex/el/lif/dat/1997/el_397L0052.html. 97/52/ 16 1999, C-27/98, Metalmeccanica Fracasso SpA, Leitschutz Handels- und Montage GmbH Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung fr den Bundesminister fr wirtschaftliche Angelegenheiten, , 18 . 1 93/37/, 97/52/, , 97/52/, 18. p. 1 93/37/, . . 22 1994 (1986-1994), ' (94/800/EK), http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex/el/lif/dat/1994/el_394D0800.html, , 50


93/36/ 14 1993 . 370 11/14 1995, ( 199) , 93/36/ 14 1993 105/2000, 100/17.3.2000. . 2286/1995 , ( 19). 3. 92/50/EK , 92/50/EK 18 1992 51. 92/50/ 18 1992 . 346 30.9/12.10.98 ( 230) 92/50/ 18 1992 ( 101/2003 18/2000 15/3.2.2000) . E 92/50/ . 716/77, 11//0/8/116/40/27.8.93. 4. ( 2004/18) 60/2007 , 2004/18 . (. 77). 60/2007 , . , , (. 9). . 59 ( 63/16.03.2007) 52. 1, 2 3 , , , , 4 (). 51 . . 4 52 59/2007 2004/17/ " , , ", .


. O 2004/18 2004/18 . , . . 1. 2004/18 . 53. ,

. http://europa.eu/scadplus/leg/el/lvb/l22010.htm () . 2083/2005 2005/51/ . . . 17/06/19/. 417.1 31 2006 : 2004/17/ , , , . 53 . 2004/18 (1) : 1) 92/50/ , 18 1992, (5), 93/36/EOK , 14 1993, (6) 93/37/EOK , 14 1993, (7), 27 1996, , , . , , , , , , 2.


54. (, ) . . . , . 2. . . . , . / . . :

, , , ( ) (.. ) .

2004/18, 93/37 .



3. , , . 4. 2004/18: " " , . , " ", : - , 23, 3, ), ) ), , / - / . / . ' . . 37 . , , , ( ) . , ( / -). . , . . .


. . . . . , 55. . 1. . 2004/18 (. 1, 9): " " : , , . " ", : ) . ) , ) , , , , , ,

. 28 1999, C-81/98, Alcatel Austria Bundesministerium fr Wissenschaft und Verkehr, . 20.



1 . 9 III 56. , , . 60/2007, 2004/18, 9 2 . , 93/36, 93/37 92/50 , . . 57. , 93/36 . 2004/18, , , : ) , , ) , , ) , ( , , , . 58.

. 16 2003, C-283/2000, , . 72, 27 2003, C-373/2000, Adolf Truly, . 66, 22 2003, C-18/2001, Korhonen, . 48 59. . 17 1998, C-323/96, , Vlaam Raad, . . 15 2003, C-214/2000, , .54, 1 2001, C-237/1999, , , 50 60, 15 1998, C-44/1996, Mannesmann Austria, . 6 29, 10 1998, C-360/1998, BFI Holding, . 61-62.58 57



, . 2. . , . , . 59. 60. 20 1988 Beentjes61. 71/305/ , . , , , , , . 20/9/1988, C31/87, Gebroeders Beentjes BV Staat der Nederlanden, 17/12/1998, C- 353/96, , 17/9/1998, C- 323/96, , 15/1/1998, C-44/96, annesmann Anlagenbau Austria AG , 10/11/1998, C-360/96 Gemeente Arnhem, Gemeente Rheden BFI Holding BV, 12/12/2002, C-470/1999, Universale Bau, 15/5/2003, C214/2000, , 12 2002, C 470/99, Universale Bau, . 51: , , , (., , 3 2000, C-380/98, University of Cambridge, 2000, . -8035, 16, 1 2001, C-237/99, , 2001, . -939, 41). 20 1988, C-31/87, Gebroeders Beentjes B.V. Staat der Nederlanden.61 60 59


62. . , 63. , , , . , . 64 65,

. . 17/9/1998 C-323/96 . Vlaam Raad, Beentjes, . : "26. , , , , . 27. ' , . , , . 28. , 20 1988, 31/87, Beentjes ( 1988, . 4635, 11 13), , 1, , 71/305 , , . , , , , . "63


16 2003, C-283/2000.

, , , (. 27 2003, C-373/2000, Adolf Truley, . 35 45, . B. 19 2000, C-287/98, Linster, . 43, 9 2000, C357/98, Yiadom. , . , , , , (. 27 2003, C- 373/2000, Adolf Truley 50 10 1998, C-360/93, BFI Holding, . 50 51,



. 66. , 67. 3. . . 15 1998 C-44/96 annesmann Anlagenbau Austria AG 68.

10 2001, C-223 C-260/99, Agor Excelsior, . 37). , (C-223/99 260/99 26, C-44/96, Mannesmann Anlagenbau Austria .., 1998, . -73, 21, 10 1998, C-360/96, BFI Holding, 1998, . -6821, 29 10 2001, C-223/99 C-260/99, Agor Excelsior, 2001, . -3605, 26, Adolf Truley, , 34. C-18/2001, 33).65

: - ( 27 2003, C 373/2000, . 50 .). - . In concreto . ( 10 2001, C-223/99 260/99 . 33-40 42-43). - ( 1 2001, C- 237/99, , . 1, 25, 45, 46. ) - ( 10 1998, C- 360/96, 52). - , .66

12 2002, C-470/1999, Universale Bau, . 55. 15 1998, C-44/1996, Mannesmann Austria, . 25.


. 20 , , ,



. 12 2002, C470/99 Universale Bau, . 53 . : , , , , 1, , 93/37 , 1, , , , 93/37, . . 69. , . , .

, . .69


( , BFI Holding, 36, Agor Excelsior, 32). . . (C 373/200 66). , (., , BFI Holding, 48 49 C-18/01 49 ). ' . (C-373/2000, 59, 60 61 .. ). , . C-18/01 51.


70. , . 71, . 10/11/1998 C-360/96 Gemeente Arnhem, Gemeente Rheden BFI Holding BV. , . 72. . , 73. 4. . . , () . ( ). 15 1998, C-44/96 annesmann Anlagenbau Austria AG . ., 3 2000, C-380/98, University of Cambridge, . 1672 71 70

15 2003, C-214/2000, , . 55. 15 2003, C-214/2000, , . 56.



, . , , 74. . , , 75. , , . 76. , . . , , . .

74 . 27 2003, C 373/2000, Adolf Truley, . 50 .), . 75 . 120/1987, 3709/1987, 4617/1988, 7/2001, 2931/1994 4704/1987, 10/1992 . 76 . .


. . , .


. 1. . 1 2004/18: " " , .. , . , . " " , , , , , . "", .. " " ), , , -, , .. : , , , , " ". " " , , .. : , , " ", . : , , . . " " ,


. 2. 2004/18 , .. :

137.000 (, ) 211.000 , (&A), , , , , , , , , 5.278.000 .

. , (). 24 31 1 . , 1 2004. . . , , , , 77.


18 2007, C-220/05, Jean Auroux ..


3. ' : : , , , &

' ( ) . . 2004/18/ , . , " " " (46) 2004/18. , . , , , 55

. , , , . , . , /. , , , . , , , / . , . , , , , . , , / , .


, . : , , , , , , , , , .



' . 78. , :

( ) ( ). , (). . . ().

. ( SIMAP ). , . . , :

, * .

. . , , . 11 1995, C-433/1993, , 24 1995, C-359/1993, , 20 1988, C-31/1987, Gebroeders Beentjes.78


, , . 4. : , , . , . , 52 . , 36 . 22 . , . 37 . , , , . . . , 36 . 22 . ' , , 15 (10 ) 10 . , . :

, 58

, , . : : , : & , , : 50 % , ' . , 37 . , 15 (10 ). , , ( ) . , , . .


. 5. ( ) . :

137.000 211.000 211.000 &, , , , , , , , , .

. . . , . . , . : . .




, ( , , , ) . . , , , . . , , , . . . , 2% 79. . , ( ) , . .. , . . ,




80, ( ). , minimum 81. 2. , 82, . ( ) . , . . 3. .

, 2251/1994 ( 1 .3). . http://europa.eu/scadplus/leg/el/lvb/l33158.htm . , http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/cons_int/safe_shop/fair_bus_pract/cont_law/index_en.htm, , . http://ec.europa.eu/justice_home/fsj/civil/fsj_civil_intro_en.htm , .82 81


. .


, . 4. . , , . 2001 , 11 2001, [COM (2001) 398 - C 255 13.09.2001].. . , 12 2003, , 83. . 84. . , , . , . , .. . . .http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/cons_int/safe_shop/fair_bus_pract/cont_law/analyticaldoc _el.pdf .84 83



. . . , 85, . : 1) : [COM(2005) 456 - ]. 2) , , COM(2007)447 86. , 87, , . , . . .85

. 3587/2007, 152/10.7.2007 . 2251/1994 " ", - 2005/29 ( L 149). http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/cons_int/safe_shop/fair_bus_pract/cont_law/progress05_el.pdf http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/cons_int/safe_shop/fair_bus_pract/cont_law/index_en.htm . http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/cons_int/safe_shop/fair_bus_pract/cont_law/index_en.htm : : [COM(2004) 651 - ], - - [COM(2003) 68 C 63 15.03.2003] 7 2007. EE C 158 26.6.1989, .400, EE C 205 25.7.1994, .518, EE C 140 13.6.2002, .538, C 76 25.3.2004, .95, 2005/2022 ()87 86


, , . . , , - - (. ), ( ) . . , , . , . . . . , , , , 88. . , . ( 104/39, . 264/59, , 1959, 03, . 447/59 1960.24.) 88


. H 89 . 1989 , , . 80, . , , . . . , , . 1. Bundesvergabeamt 89/665/, . 22 C- 76/97 , 17 1997, C-54/96, ( 40), , . 90. , . COM (96) 583 final, 27.11.1996 http://europa.eu.int/comm/dg15/en/publproc/green/contents.htm. . 16 2004, C- 15/2004, Koppensteiner, . 34 24 1999, C-81/98, Alcatel Austria ., . 4990 89


. , . , , , 7 C-54/96, . C-76/97 , , . , , , , 91 . , , ' . 2. 89/665/ , 21 1989, , , 21 1989 , (89/665/EOK), 41 92/50/ 93/37/, 93/36/ 92/50/ . 92. , 93. . . . 18 2007, C-503/2004 , . 35, 12 2002, C-470/1999 Universale Bau ., . 71. 16 2004, C- 15/2004, Koppensteiner, . 33, 4 1999, C-258/97, HI, . 25.93 92 91


. . 94. 95. , 96. , , , 97. , 98, 99.

4 1999, C-258/97, HI, . 17, 4 1999, C-103/1997, Kllensperger, . 20. . 11 2005, C-26/03, Stadt Halle ., . 7, 24 2004, C-212/2002, , . 20, 12 2004, C-230/02, Grossmann Air Service, . 36, 19 2003, C-315/01, GAT, . 52, 19 2003, C-249/01, Hackermller, . 22, 15 2003, C-214/2000, , . 49, 23 2003, C-57/01, , . 68, 12 2002, C-470/1999 Universale Bau ., . 74, 18 2002, C-92/2000, HI, . 37, 24 1999, C-81/98, Alcatel Austria ., . 33 34 34. . , 15 2005, C-129/2004, Sofibail ., . 17, 11 2005, C-26/03, Stadt Halle ., . 40, , 24 2004, C-212/2004, , . 24, 12 2004, C-230/2002, Grossmann Air Service, . 26, 19 2003, C-410/01, Asfinag, . 27, 19 2003, C-249/01, Hackermller, . 18. 12 2004, C-230/2002, Grossmann Air Service, . 39 . 19 2003, C-315/01, GAT, . 45, 27 2003, C-327/00, Santex, . 47.99 98 97 96 95


19 2003, C-410/01, Asfinag, . 31 .


100, 101. , 102. . . 103. , . . , , . , . . , , . 89/665 93/37/, 93/36/ 92/50/, . , . , 89/665, .

19 1996, C-236/95, , . 15, 19 2003, C-315/2001, GAT, . 54.101


18 2007, C-503/2004, , . 42. 10 2003, C- 20 28/2001, . 38. 28 1999, C-81/1998 Alcatel Austria ., . 37.




104 105 . 89/665/ , 21 1989, , , 2004/18/ , , . . . , . , . , . . . : ( ) , ,

2 2005, C-15/2004, Koppensteiner, . 29 , 11 2005, C-26/03, Stadt Halle, . 22 ., 18 2002, C-92/2000, HI, . 30 31, 28 1999, C81/1998, Alcatel Austria, .31 . . 27 2003, C-327/2000, Santex, . 66.105




3. 89/665/ , 93/38/, 92/13/106 25 1992 , , , , 89/665. , ( 9-11 ), . , , . , . : , , ( ) 89/665/, , . 4. 107. 2522/97,

92/13/ , 25 1992, , , , [ L 76 23.03.1992]107


19.6.1996 C-236/95.


89/665/ ( 178/8.9.97 ), . 92/13/ , . 2522/97 2854/2000. . C- 57/01 23 2003. 5. 89/665 . , , . . , 108. , 89/665 109. , , , , , , , 110. 9 2003, C-424/2001, CS Communications, .31, 18 2002, C-92/2000, HI, . 67, 11 2002, C-62/2000, Marks and Spencer, . 34, 24 2002, C255/2000, Grundig Italiana, . 33109 108

9 2003, C-424/2001, CS Communications, . 29.

2 2002, C-470/99, Universale-Bau 79, 27 2003, C-327/00, Santex, 50.



, 111. , , 112. 113 . , 114. , . 89/665 , , , . , , , , , . 89/665115. ,111

2 2002, C-470/99, Universale-Bau . 76 14 1995, C-312/1993, Peterbroek, . 14. 27 2003, C-327/2000, Santex, . 57.



. 18 2004, C-314/2001, Siemens sterreich, . 48.115


27 2003, C-327/2000, Santex.


116. , , 89/665117. , 89/665, , 118. . , 119. 6. 2006 2006 120 , , , . 121. 116

24 2004, C-212/2002, , . 20

24 1998, C-111/1997, Evo Bus Austria GmbH, . 18, 24 1998, C-76/1997, Walter Tgel, . 25, 17 1997, C-54/1996, Dorsch Consult, . 43. . 14 1994, C-91/1992, Fancini Dori, sk. 26, 16 1993, C-334/1992, Wagner Miret, . 20, 13 1990, C-106/1989, Malreasing, .8.118


2 2005, C-15/2004, Koppensteiner, . 39. 9 2003, C-424/2001, CS Communications, . 31.



, 4 2006, 89/665/ 92/13/ [COM(2006) 195 /2 - ] [COD/2006/0066] . 24 2004, C-212/2000, .121


. , 122, 2004/18/ 2004/17/, , , . . . 123 2006 .


89/665/ 13 2006, . 17/05/106/.8 .123

23 2006 [ ] ( DE ) ( EN ) ( FR ) (2004/17/ 2004/18/).


. () 71/305/, 89/440/, 124, . , , . , . , : . , , , , , , , . 71/305/ , . 3 . 1 , , , , ( ), , . , , , . , . , (12.4.2000) , . . 7 2000, C-324/98, Telaustria Verlags GmbH, Telefonadress GmbH Telecom Austria Ag.124


125. , , . . 1. , . , . , , 126 . . . 127 , .


, 30.4.2004, COM(2004) 327

93/37/ 2004/18/ 31 2004. . 11 2005, C-26/03, Stadt Halle, RPL Recyclingpark Lochau GmbH Arbeitsgemeinschaft Thermische Restabfall- und Energieverwertungsanlage TREA Leuna, 7 2000, C324/98, Telaustria Verlags GmbH, Telefonadress GmbH .127


. 3389/2005 .


. , , . . . . , . . , . , , , . , , 334/2000 . . , . , . , . , , , , , , , , . , . , , , . 78

. , . , , . . . , , , , , . , , . . , . , . 1955/91 . 2229/94, , . , , . , , , . . , .


2. , PPP , , . , , . , , . . . . , . 1995 . 1999, , , . 93/37/ , . , . 3. , . . 19 , . . (, ) , 80

, . . , , . , . . , . , , , . . , , , . . . , , . , . , . . . concession des travaux publics, , , concession de service public. . , , .


4. 93/37/K , , . , , . 20 . 93/37/ . , 2204/18/ , 89/665/ . , . . 5. 2000 (12.4.2000) 24/2/1999, . , , . , , . , . .


. . 2004/18/ 31 2004 , , . 6. 2004 , . . . . 7. , , , , . , . 90 C-272/92 26 1994 C- 331/92 19 1994 Gestion Hotelera Internacional SA Comunidad Autonoma de Canarias , , . 10/11/1998 C-360/96 Gemeente Arnhem, Gemeente Rheden BFI Holding BV, 92/50/ , 83

. C-324/98 7 2000, Telaustria Verlags GmbH, Telefonadress GmbH Telecom Austria Ag . C- 108/98 9 1999 RI.SAN. Srl Commune Ischia . 15 , , 92/50/ . , . . . . , , . C-94/99 7 2000 C-380/1998 3 2000, ( ) ( ). C-399/98 12 2001 Ordine degli Architetti delle Province di Milano e Lodi, Piero De Amicis, Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti, Leopoldo Freyrie , . , 89/665/ .


8. 2004/17 6.242.000 . :


. 52 , . . , . . , , . , . 9. : . 3389/05 , 23/1992. 128 , , , , . . , . , , 19 . 1861 , , 1860 128


. . , . . 23/1993 71/304, 71/305, 78/669, 89/440 89/665 . 23/1993 , 129. 130. 131. 3389/05 ( 232/22-9-2005). . 2687/53, . 4171/71 . 3299/2004 , 132 . , . .129

3 . 1 23/1993. 3 . 1 23/1993.


3 . 1 23/1993. . 1418/84.132


COM 82004/327 Final


: () , () , , , , , , , () , , () . (PFI, BOT, BOO, PPP ) , , . , , , . , . . ( ) . :

() , , . () 87

. () . () , , , , . () . () . () , . () . () . () . () . () , . () , , . () , , , . () , . () , . 88

() . () . () . () . () . () . () , , . () . () . 2004/18/ . / . . . , . . 2004/18 60/2007 3389/05 .


10. . 89/665/ . . , , . , . , , , , . . . , . , . 2522/97 . . 2522/97 133. . .


. 2522/97.


1 . 2522/97 : , , 93/37/, 93/36/ 92/50/ . . 93/37/ 93/36/ 92/50/ . . 93/37/ . . . . . . , . 119/1999 . 2522/97 , 23/1993 ( ) 93/37/ . 119/1999: , 93/37/ , , "" 89/665/ 2522/1997, , , . , 3 . 2522/1997.


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23 2003, C-57/01 , 89/665/


789/2002 790/2002


. 69 70 . . . 2004/18 , . : - , - II 2004/18/ XVII 2004/17/ , - . . . . , , . , . , , . . . . . , . 93

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15 1987, C- 325/85, ,: 18 , , , ' . , , . . 22 1997, T-115/94, 22 janv. 1997, Opel .137 136


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PPP Bulletin http://www.pppbulletin.com The Institute for Public-Private Partnerships, Inc. http://www.ip3.org Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships - Publications http://www.pppcouncil.ca/publications.asp Canadian Union of Public Employees United States PPP lobby - National Council for Public-Private Partnerships http://www.ncppp.org BBC News article http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/1518523.stm Industry Canada Website http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/epic/internet/inpuprbdpr.nsf/vwGeneratedInterE/Home thePFI.net http://www.thepfi.net C.R.E.A.M. Europe - Public Private Partnerships in the EU Enlargement http://www.cream-europe.eu UNISON http://www.unison.org.uk/pfi/ PPP website Infrastructure Finance http://www.europeanpublicfinance.com Public Private Finance http://www.publicprivatefinance.com Irish Government PPP website http://www.ppp.gov.ie

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2004/18/ " , ", 2005/51/ 2005/75/ 16 2005 ( 64 16.3.2007).


- - 1 2 ( 1 2004/18/) 3 ( 2 2004/18/) 4 ( 5 2004/18/) 5 : ( 3 2004/18/) ' 6 ( 7 2004/18/, 2 .1 2083/2005) 7 50% ( 8 2004/18/, 2 . 2 2083/2005) 8 , - ( 9 2004/18/) ' 9 , , ( 12 2004/18/) 10 ( 13 2004/18/) 11 ( 14 2004/18/) 12 ( 15 2004/18/) 13 ( 16 2004/18/) 14 ( 17 2004/18/) 119

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