وَ ُ ُ شعِ دحِاُ ُ فصَلا ... · 2020. 10. 4. · what are the 2 sarf...

1 ةَ حْ فَ الصَ ونْ ْ شِ ع دِ احَ و وددٍ ءٓ وُ ن سِ مْ تَ لِ مَ ا عَ مَ ا وً َ َ ضْ حْ مٍ ْ ْ يَ خْ نِ مْ تَ لِ مَ ا عّ مٍ سْ فَ نْ لُ كُ دِ جَ تَ مْ وَ ي دَ وَ ت اً يدِ عَ ا ب دَ مَ أٓ ۥُ هَ نْ يَ بَ ا وَ هَ نْ يَ بّ نَ أْ وَ ل َ و ۥُ هَ سْ فَ نُ ـه ل ٱلُ مُ كُ ر ذَ حُ ي ُ ـه ل ٱلَ وِ ادَ بِ عْ ٱلِ ب وفُ ءَ ر3:30 ة آل عمران سورWhat are the 2 sarf irregularities found in the word highlighted? Complete the table below: Ism Mafool Ism Faa’il Masdar Present Tense )هو( Past Tense )هو( Meaning Family I III V VI

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Post on 26-Jan-2021




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  • 1

    ُ ةَحُُْالَصف




    دُدُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُ ُُُوُُُ

    ِمن ُسٓوٍء ْت

    َِملَا َوَما ع ً

    َْحَض ٍ مُّ

    ْيَْ ِمْن خ


    َِملَا ع ٍس مَّ

    ْفَلُّ ن

    ُ كُِجد

    ََيْوَم ت

    ُ َود

    َا ت

    ًا َبِعيد

    ًۢ َمدَۥٓ أُهََها َوَبْين

    َ َبْين

    َّنَْو أَ ل

    ۥوَ ۗ


    ْفَ نُـهَُّم ٱلل

    ُُركِّ ُيَحذ



    ِعَبادِ ْ ِبٱل

    ًۢ سورةُآلُعمران 3:30 َرُءوف

    What are the 2 sarf irregularities found in the word highlighted?

    Complete the table below:



    Ism Faa’il Masdar Present






    Meaning Family





  • 2

    What other root letters carry a similar meaning? Give examples from the Quran.

    (علم معاَن النحو) علم المعاَن (meaning) معَن is the plural of the word المعاَن This is the most important branch of القرآن البالغة

    َ . ف

    نا ما الجملة الصحيحة وما الجملة الخطأ .النحو يخيرGrammar tells us what is the correct sentence and what is the wrong sentence i.e. what sentence structure is allowed and what is not allowed.

    For example, according to grammatical rules the following sentences are permissible except for the last one:


    َُز ُُيد Zaid came.

    َُُز ُُيد

    َُ اءَُج Zaid, he came.

    ُإُِ ُجاءُن

    ًُ زيدا Indeed, Zaid did come.

    ُإُِ ُُن

    ًُُزيدا .Indeed, Zaid is surely coming آلت

    ُ ُجاءُزيد


    We need to know, from the permissible sentences, which one do we use and

    when. This is the essence of علم المعاَن .

  • 3

    المعَن َنا الفرق بْيَ الجمل ف .علم المعاَن يخير

    .tells us the difference in meaning between the sentences علم المعاَن

    We can say:

    م ُيْعرَ ْ هو ِعل

    َ ِبِه أ

    ُ وَ ْح ف


    َِّّ اُل الل ِ الَعَرنرِ

    ن َّ ال


    َتْ ُمق


    َِبها ُيط


    It is an ‘ilm (a science) by which it is made known the conditions of using Arabic

    expressions to suit the requirement of the condition.

    If we know this ‘ilm, we will be able to express what we need to say in the right

    way in the right place.

    لِّ ُاٍم ِلك

    َال َمق


    For example, we need to know when to use emphasis (ِكيدْأَ and how strong it) ت

    should be.

    In the following verses we see how emphasis is increasingly applied:

    رُمررَسلُونَ َيِة إِذر َجاَءَها ال َقررَحاَب الر صر

    َثًَلا أ ِبر لَُهم مَّ نَا ﴾١٣﴿ َواْضر

    ررَسلرَإِذر أ

    بُوُهَما ِ فََكذَّ نَْيرنَا بِثَاِلٍث إََِلرِهُم اثر زر ررَسلُونَ إِنَّ َفَقالُوا َفَعزَّ ﴾١٤﴿ ا إََِلرُكم مُّ

    13:36, 436:1سورة يس

    نتُمر إَِّلَّ ٍَء إِنر أ ُن ِمن ََشر ـٰ َ نَزَل الرَّْحر

    َثرلُنَا َوَما أ نتُمر إَِّلَّ بَََشٌ ِمِّ

    َقَالُوا َما أ

    ِذبُونَ لَمُ قَالُوا ﴾١٥﴿ تَكر إََِلرُكمر إِنَّا َربُّنَا َيعرَ ﴾١٦﴿ ُمررَسلُونَ ل

    36:15, 36:16سورة يس


  • 4

    The verses above are with regards to the coming of Messengers from Allah to the town of Antioch1 . Initially, two messengers were sent but the dwellers of the town did not believe in both of them and a third was sent to reinforce their message. When reinforcement was sent, the statement used by the messengers in verse 14 of Surah Yasin was “Indeed, we have been sent to you as messengers” .

    َّ .a harf of emphasis was used , ِإن However, the dwellers continued to deny them and called the messengers outright liars. In this situation, the messengers made a much stronger statement amounting to an oath, in verse 16 , “ Our Lord knows for sure that we indeed have been sent to you as messengers.” This is indicated by the Lam

    of Jawabu Al-Qasm َون

    ُ ُمْرَسل

    َ ;ل

    The oath itself can be said to be:

    لَمُ 2شهد اهلل . وعلم اهلل. : َربُّنَا َيعر~~~~~~~~~

    The First Chapter on علم المعاَن is regarding the types and components of speech.

    :األول الباب

    َ الكَير واإلنشاء :سمانقِ مُ ل

    َ الخ


    َلَم ك that we read is either ير

    َ ?What do we mean by this .اإلنشاء or الخ

    ُولَ الخير .1

    ُقَن ن

    َ أُِمِه :ما َيُجوز

    َلَ َفِ ك


    ُهَّاِئِلِه ِإن


    . اِذب َو كَ أ

    1 At-Tabari 20:500

    2 Al-I’rab Al-Mufassal li Kitab Allah Al-Murattal

  • 5

    ير َ – are statements whereby we can question its validity or permissibility الخ

    Is it true or false?

    For example the statement:

    . جاء زيد

    How can we decide whether this statement is true of false ?

    ابَ َ إذا ط

    َ ق

    َ الكَاِئُل الَواِقع مُ ل

    َ كان الق

    ً صاِدقا

    If the statement matches the reality/fact then it is true.

    َ إذا خَ َف ال

    َ الكَاِئُل مُ ل

    َ الَواِقع كان الق

    ً كاِذبا

    If the statement contradicts the reality/fact then it is false/ a lie.

    NOTE: We cannot say that ُهللا كالم or the sayings of Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص are false.

    Neither can we say that statements from the ُ كَّارف are true.


    المه أو ل :ما 3اإلنشاء .2َ كَ إنه صادق ف

    ُهَاِئلَيجوز أن نقول ِلق


    For this type of statements, the validity cannot be verified. For example when

    we ask a question:

    ؟ هل جاء زيد

    3 (to start, to make something) - َرَشأ ن

    َيُنرِشئُ أ

  • 6

    Here we are asking someone to start or to provide information regarding

    something. We cannot say the question is true or false.

    A command is also a form of اإلنشاء for the same reason.


    There are 2 main components or cornerstones in every sentence, regardless of

    whether it is الخير or اإلنشاء .


    َنُناِن ه

    ْ كل الجمل )الخير أو اإلنشاء(: ُرك

    َ ف

    Look at the following sentences:

    اءَ َج َ ز .Zaid came يد

    َ ز ْج مُ يد

    َ هِ ت

    .Zaid is hardworking د

    ُ أْ كُ ْب ت

    َ َس رْ د

    َ !Write your lesson ك

    We need to differentiate between النحو الخير َف and البالغة الخير

    َف .

    The role of الخير in a الجملة السمية is not the same as يةالملة الج خير .

    As we can see from the sentences above, from البالغة standpoint, the first

    two are يةالملة الج خير i.e. statements which inform either a truth or a lie, but grammatically speaking the first is الجملة الفعلية and the 2nd one is a .الجملة السمية

    The 3rd sentence is a command and hence is يةئاإلنشاملة الج i.e. a sentence which requires someone/something to start an action or to make a response. It does not involve establishing a truth or lie.


    The 2 main components or انَنْالخير أو اإلنشاءِ ملالُج of ُرك are:

  • 7

    وم .1ُيهِ َمْحك

    َلَ ع

    وم ِبهِ .2ُ َمْحك

    We can understand these terms by looking at الجملة السمية:

    يدَ ز


    َ ُمْجت

    َ ز يهِ : يد

    َلَوم ع

    ُ ْج مُ َمْحك

    َ هِ ت

    وم ِبهِ : د

    ُ َمْحك

    It is as if a judgement or statement has been made against Zaid ومُيهِ َمْحك

    َ َعل

    and the judgement or verdict is the ِوم ِبهَُمْحك , that he is hardworking.

    The more popular terms used are, however:

    إليهِ .1 دَوم )ُُمْسن


    َلَ ع

    َ ز يد

    2. دَوم ِبِه() ُمْسن

    ُ ْج مُ َمْحك

    َ هِ ت


    Zaid is the thing/ the one being talked about. ِإليه دَ ُمْسن

    That he is hardworking, is what was said about him. دَ ُمْسن

    These terms are also used in النحو .


    When we look at الجملة الفعلية :

    َجاءَ يدَ ز


    َ ز إليهِ : يد

    دَوم )ُُمْسن

    ُيهِ َُُمْحك

    َلَ : اءَ َج (ع

    دَوم ِبهِ ) ُمْسن

    ُ (َمْحك

  • 8

    For ةيئالجملة األنشا :

    ْب ُتْكُنْت أ

    َ أ


    َ !د

    ْب: ُتْكُوم ِبِه(أ

    ُ )َمْحك

    دَ(: ُمْسن

    َ إليهِ )أنت

    دَوم )ُُمْسن

    ُيهِ َُُمْحك

    َلَ (ع

    َ َس رْ د

    َيْ : ك

    َ ق

    In this 3rd sentence we are commanding the 2nd person َ أْ ن

    َت and he is

    therefore the one being addressed.

    NOTE: ِيهَ ِإل دَُمْسن OR محكوم عليه is either مبتدأ or فاعل or ئبل فاعلان –

    always an اسم. Hence in the advanced grammar books, اإلسند is stated as the sign of an ism.

    (and example has been done for


    سوا ِإنشائية عة(الفاعل )الواو الُجما الفعل )تنافس(َناف

    َ ت

    التتابعاش ِ يا مُ

    وتفهموا َف الدين

    وابدءوا بعلم كتاب هللا

    4 ْيدَان are words additional to the ق

    َنْمفعول ,صفة .of the sentence e.g ُرك

    .تأكيد ,تميْيَ ,حال ,به

  • 9

    لسنتكمفإنها َ نفاق أ

    أجيدوا الخط

    فإنه حلية كتبكم

    شعارو َ ارُووا األ

    واعرفوا غريبها

    َ فإن ذلك لكم ُمَعْي

    Note : Punctuation marks have been removed. Hint: Find the translation for

    the phrases before attempting. Identify those which are statements,

    questions, commands, invocations etc.