Τα ψηλά βουνά @ 45 8 4 2016

Τα ψηλά βουνά Από το 1918 στο 2016 Τμήμα Σχολικών Δραστηριοτήτων Πρωτοβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης Ηρακλείου Υπ. Τμήματος: Γιώργος Π. Μαρκατάτος Μαριλία Κωστάκη Δασκάλα 45 ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Ηρακλείου

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1918 2016

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: (1877 - 1940)

. . 20 . 1923 . 1938 .

1918 . ! . ! !

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: 1933 - 1974

1933: . 1974: . .

1933 & 1977


( 2016) () .



: 1949,


: 1949,

Project: (1918)

WILLIAM HEARD KILPATRICK(18711965) 1918 Teachers College Record

project .http://www.paremvasis.gr/old-site/2005/ek050805a.htm

The Project Method, , . ) ) , ( ) , .

Knoll, project 1590 1765. , Academia di San Luca 1577. (1593) . , , . , , . progetti (projects). , , , . , Academie Royale d Architecture (1671), . projects , .

project . .

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. - . Dewey.

How then does the purposeful act utilize the laws of learning? A boy is intent upon making a kite that will fly. Hitherto he has not succeeded. His purpose is clear. This purpose is but the set consciously and volitionally bent on its end. As set the purpose is the inner urge that carries the boy on in the face of hindrance and difficulty. It brings readiness to pertinent inner resources of knowledge and thought. Eye and hand are made alert. The purpose acting as aim guides the boys thinking, directs his examination of plan and material, elicits from within appropriate suggestions, and tests these several suggestions by their pertinency to the end in view. The purpose in that it contemplates a specific end defines success: the kite must fly or he has failed. The progressive attaining of success with reference to subordinate aims brings satisfaction at the successive stages of completion.

Satisfaction in detail and in respect of the whole by the automatic working of the second law of learning (Effect) fixes the several bonds which by their successive successes brought the finally successful kite. The purpose thus supplies the motive power, makes available inner resources, guides the process to its preconceived end, and by this satisfying success fixes in the boys mind and character the successful steps as part and parcel of one whole. The purposeful act does utilize the laws of learning.

Maria Montessori (1870 1952) 1907 (Casa dei Bambini)1915 , Montessori

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John Dewey (1859 1952) : (1916) ( )



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Dewey . Dewey . , . , , ' .

, . J.Dewey , , , .

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Image of John Deweys experiential classroom. Every school, as he wrote in The School and Society, must become an embryonic community life, active with types of occupations that reflect the life of the larger society and permeated throughout with the spirit of art, history andscience.

Elementary geography class. Laboratory School.Education through experience formed the foundation of the Laboratory School curriculum. Students learned practical skills from weaving to woodworking to sculpting. Science was mastered in the garden as well in the classroom, where sandboxes offered opportunities for individual experiments in landforms and erosion.

The School and Society: Being Three Lectures (1899)

: , John Dewey (1859 1952)



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Dewey . Dewey . , . , , ' .

, . J.Dewey , , , .

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, (, , , .), , . .

Image of John Deweys experiential classroom. Every school, as he wrote in The School and Society, must become an embryonic community life, active with types of occupations that reflect the life of the larger society and permeated throughout with the spirit of art, history andscience.

Elementary geography class. Laboratory School.Education through experience formed the foundation of the Laboratory School curriculum. Students learned practical skills from weaving to woodworking to sculpting. Science was mastered in the garden as well in the classroom, where sandboxes offered opportunities for individual experiments in landforms and erosion.

(1880-1956) 1923

, , , 1907

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. 2 1911 . . . .http://tvxs.gr/news/san-simera/o-megalos-paidagogos-poy-misise-i-ekklisia-kai-i-politeia

Forest Schools Education Laona Wisconsin 1927


a type ofoutdoor educationin which children (or adults) visit forests/woodlands, learning personal, social and technical skills. It has been defined as "an inspirational process that offers children, young people and adults regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence through hands-on learning in a woodland environment"