Английская грамматика. Компиляция лекционных и...

Глава 2. Словообразование. Глава 1. Имя существительное. Правильное употребление артиклей в английском языке является достаточно сложным. Кроме довольно большого количества правил употребления артиклей, существует много исключений из правил, которые также следует знать и помнить. 1.1. Основные правила употребления артиклей. 1.1.1. Употребление артиклей с именами нарицательными. Неопределенный артикль употребляется: - с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе, когда имеется в виду любой представитель данного класса лиц или предметов: They live in a lovely house. I’m reading a good book at the moment. She’s expecting a baby. - когда существительное служит в предложении именной частью составного сказуемого и используется, чтобы описать, кем или чем является лицо или предмет, о котором говорится в предложении: My brother is an engineer. That’s an instrument for measuring distance. - когда существительное служит приложением: John Bolton, a student of our University, took the first place in the chess tournament. - если перед существительным, употребляемом в общем смысле, можно поставить слово “every” A computer can quickly make calculations, store and rearrange information. Определенный артикль употребляется: 35

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Page 1: Английская грамматика. Компиляция лекционных и семинарских занятий

Глава 2. Словообразование.

Глава 1. Имя существительное.

Правильное употребление артиклей в английском языке является достаточно сложным. Кроме довольно большого количества правил употребления артиклей, существует много исключений из правил, которые также следует знать и помнить.

1.1. Основные правила употребления артиклей.

1.1.1. Употребление артиклей с именами нарицательными.

Неопределенный артикль употребляется:- с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе, когда имеется в виду любой представитель данного класса лиц или предметов: They live in a lovely house. I’m reading a good book at the moment. She’s expecting a baby.- когда существительное служит в предложении именной частью составного сказуемого и используется, чтобы описать, кем или чем является лицо или предмет, о котором говорится в предложении: My brother is an engineer. That’s an instrument for measuring distance.- когда существительное служит приложением: John Bolton, a student of our University, took the first place in the chess tournament.- если перед существительным, употребляемом в общем смысле, можно поставить слово “every” A computer can quickly make calculations, store and rearrange information.

Определенный артикль употребляется:- перед существительными в единственном или множественном числе, когда из ситуации или контекста ясно, какое именно лицо или предмет имеется в виду: The room was in a mess. The books were on the floor and on the chairs… Where is the key? Mind the baby! She’s near the fire.- перед существительными, являющимися единственными в своем роде или в данной обстановке (the Queen, the Earth, the Atlantic): The sun was getting warmer. When goods have been loaded on a ship, the captain signs a receipt called a bill of lading.


Page 2: Английская грамматика. Компиляция лекционных и семинарских занятий

Глава 2. Словообразование.

- перед названием определенных общественных мест, если они употребляются в общем смысле: I went to the theatre last night. I’m going to the library. I have to go to the post office. Но: There isn't a theatre in this town. Where is a post office? - с существительными в единственном числе для обозначения целого класса предметов The thermometer becomes useless if the fluid in it either freezes or boils. The telephone was invented in the 19-th century. The pine grows in northern countries. Однако, в этих случаях артикль не употребляется со словом man. Слово woman чаще употребляется с определенным артиклем, хотя может употребляться и без артикля: Woman is man’s helpmate.Определенный артикль может заменить указательные местоимения this и that. Иногда его следует перевести словом “этот”: He is going to take a post-graduate course. I like the idea.

Упр.1.1.1.a. Поставьте существительные во множественное число, сделав все необходимые преобразования в предложении.

a. A dog is an animal. b. A potato is a vegetable. c. A pencil is like a pen. d. A ruler is a thin rectangular wooden or plastic strip. e. A test-tube is a hollow glass tube.f. A writer writes a book.g. The man who is sitting there is my friend.h. The girl in that room is my sister.i. The boy does his work well.

Упр.1.1.1.b. Поставьте существительные в единственное число, сделав все необходимые преобразования в предложении.

a. Horses are animals.b. Boots are kinds of shoes.c. Watches are small clocks.d. Novels are books.e. Children are not always good. f. Stockings are long socks.36

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Глава 2. Словообразование.

g. Schools are large buildings.

**Упр.1.1.1.c.Поставьте а/an, где необходимо.

a. I haven’t got computer. a. Do you keep record of the results?

b. I am not chemist, I am biologist. b. I work in theoretical research team.

c. You made very bad mistake. c. I’ve got very good idea.

d. It is convincing result. d. It is standard method.

Упр.1.1.1.d. Поставьте the , где необходимо. a. Which city is ___ capital of ___your country?b. What is ___largest city in ___world?c. Our apartment is on ___third floor. d. Help! Fire! Somebody, call ___fire brigade. a. Who was ___first man to walk on ___moon? b. ”Where is ___your dictionary?” “ It’s on ___top shelf on ___right.”c. We live in ___country, about five miles from ___nearest village.d. ___Prime Minister is ___most important person in ___British government.e. I don’t know everybody in ___this photograph. Who is ___man on ___left?f. It was a very nice hotel but I don’t remember ___name.g. I didn’t like her ___first time I met her.

Упр.1.1.1.e. Поставьте a/an, the , где необходимо.

a. I turned off ___ light, opened ____ door and went out.b. Excuse me, can I ask ____ question, please?c. Alan is ____ best player in our football team.d. How far is it from here to ____ airport?e. Enjoy your holiday and don’t forget to send me ____ postcard!a. Have you got ____ ticket for ____ concert tomorrow night?g. Yesterday I bought ____ jacket and ____ shirt.____ jacket was cheap but ____ shirt was expensive.a. What is ____ name of ____ director of ____ film we saw ____ last night?i. “Where are _____ children?” “They’re in ____ garden.”j. My sister’s _____ teacher in ____ school near Leicester. She has three children, two girls and ____ boy. ____ girls are in her class at school, but ____ boy isn’t old enough for school yet.


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Глава 2. Словообразование.

k. Jane and Bill are ____ very nice couple. She has ____ clothes shop, and he works in ____ office in ____ centre of town.l. “Where are my shoes?” “On ____ floor in ____ kitchen.”m. “How much are the driving lessons?” “Fifteen pounds ____ hour.”n. When you come to bed, can you put ____ cat out and turn off ____ light?o. I went to ____ restaurant last night.p. What’s _____ name of ____ restaurant we went to last night?

Упр.1.1.1.f. Выберите правильный вариант употребления артикля the.

a. Potatoes / The potatoes are not expensive.b. This is a good meal. Potatoes / The potatoes are very nice.a. Everybody needs friends / the friends. b. Jan doesn’t go to parties / the parties very often. c. Children / The children learn things / the things very quickly.d. I enjoy eating in restaurants / the restaurants.e. I enjoy taking photographs / the photographs. It’s my hobby.f. I must show you photographs / the photographs I took when I was on holiday.

**Упр.1.1.1g. Если перед такими существительными, как method, theory, effect, device и т.п. стоит имя собственное в притяжательном падеже, то артикль не употребляется: Seitz’s hypothesis, Whipple’s model. Если имя собственное стоит в общем падеже, то употребляется определенный артикль: the Holl effect, the Boltzman factor, the Gerrish drive, the Coulomb field etc.

Поставьте the, где необходимо.a. The DNA was examined by ____ Klein-Smith method.b. ____ Wilson’s model has been applied.c. ____ Hodgkin-Huxley equations modified by Dodge have been solved.d. The system is studied by ___ Smith’s method.e. Measurements performed on Bi-Te alloys are compared with Seeback coefficients

(S) using ___ Kelvin’s second relation P=ST.

1.1.1. Другие случаи употребления неопределенного артикля.

- В некоторых случаях неопределенный артикль сохранил значение числительного one. He did not say a word.38

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Глава 2. Словообразование.

A complete vibration or oscillation means a round trip. The velocity of light is 186,300 miles a second. The case weighs a (one) hundred pounds. A stitch in time saves nine.- Неопределенный артикль обычно стоит перед существительным или его определением: - в восклицательных предложениях типа: What a beautiful picture! What a clever man! - перед исчисляемым существительным в единственном числе после such, quite и rather: It is rather a long story. She is such a clever girl!

(В последних двух случаях перед исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе и перед неисчисляемыми существительными артикль отсутствует.)Однако, неопределенный артикль может стоять между прилагательным и существительным в единственном числе, если ему предшествуют усилительные частицы и местоимения, типа what, such, many, quite, rather, so и too:

It is not so simple a problem as it is seems. It is too urgent a matter to postpone. Only later was it discovered what fruitful a theory it was. Однако: Such a laborious procedure is obviously not suitable for routine identifications.- Неопределенный артикль используется также в ряде сочетаний и выражений: обозначающих количество: a lot of, a great deal of, a good deal of, a great number of, a good many, a great many; a few, a little;с предлогами: at a time when; at a time; for a long time; in a loud voice; on a large scale; as a result of; as a matter of fact;в сочетании с глаголами: to be a success / in a hurry; it is a pity; to have a mind / a cold / a good time / a look / a headache; to take a seat; to go for a walk; to make a living и др.

Упр.1.1.2.a. Поставьте a/an, где необходимо.

a. It is ___ pleasure to do ___ business with such ___ efficient organization.b. I have ___ headache.c. I have ___ pain in my shoulder.d. You must be strong in ___ mind and body.e. If they had ___ mind to, they could easily get it published.. f. Oh, I know there’s no danger, but I’m ____ little frightened all the same.g. ___ Little of the equipment was standardized. h. It is possible to make ___ very good living from being a businessman.


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Глава 2. Словообразование.

i. The quality of ___ urban living has been damaged by excessive noise levels.j. He was one of ___ few men of science who never terrified me, probably because he

never behaved like ___ doctor.

1.1.1. Употребление артиклей при наличии определения.

Когда существительное имеет при себе определение, выделяющее лицо или предмет из всех лиц или предметов данного класса, оно употребляется с определенным артиклем: The water inside the pipe does not meet the pressure of the air.Когда определение выражено определительным придаточным предложением, причастным оборотом или предложным оборотом, то:- при наличии ограничивающего определения существительное употребляется с

определенным артиклем: He knocked at the door of a very neat house. The things that I have come to me quite by accident. Show me the telegram which was received yesterday. This is the book you asked for.- при наличии классифицирующего определения существительное в

единственном числе употребляется с неопределенным артиклем, а во множественном числе - без артикля:

A letter which is written in pencil is difficult to read. Vessels built for the transportation of oil are called tankers.- описательное определение не влияет на выбор артикля, и существительное

употребляется с определенным или неопределенным артиклем или с местоимениями some, any на основании общих правил: I went to the door where they were waiting for us.

Last summer I spent in a small village, which I thought to be a nice place to live in. We have ordered some engines of 2,000 H.P. each.В сочетании “существительное + of + существительное” употребление артиклей зависит от того, говорится ли о знакомом предмете или лице, о ситуативно определенных предметах или лицах. Сравните:

a book of a student (одна из книг какого-то студента) the books of a student (эти книги какого-то студента)a book of the student (одна из книг знакомого студента)the books of the student (эти книги знакомого студента)the book of the student (эта книга знакомого студента)the books of students (эти книги каких-то студентов)

Упр.1.1.3.a. Переведите следующие словосочетания на английский язык.40

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Глава 2. Словообразование.

a. работа какого-то автора; знание какого-либо предмета; статьи какого-либо ученого; эти данные авторов; студенты какого-либо университета; человек науки; учитель математики.b. горы Крыма; металлы Урала; электростанции на Ангаре; Академия Наук Украины; леса Сибири; многие зоны (area) нашей планеты.c. история искусства; прогресс науки; важность образования; степень (degree) кандидата наук; формы растительной жизни (vegetable life); интерес к (for) экологии; население планеты.d. вагоны поезда; средства транспорта; цель (perpose) визита; служащие (clerk) гостиницы.

Упр.1.1.3.b. Поставьте артикль, где необходимо.

a. ___ chair on which you are sitting is not comfortable.b. There is ___ man waiting to see Mr Smith.c. ___ man whom Mr Smith telephoned this morning is here now.d. I should like to find ___ good book to read tonight.e. ___ book which I am reading now is a very good one.f. ___ book which gave me the greatest pleasure was “War and Peace”.g. Have you ___ cigarette?h. John threw away ___ cigarette he was smoking.i. Peter put ___ letter he had just received into his pocket.j. I must write ___ letter.

*Упр.1.1.3.c. Поставьте артикль, где необходимо.

a. Number ___ hundred and two, ___ house next door to us, is for sale. It’s quite ___ nice house with ___ big rooms. ___ back windows look out on ___ park.

b. Professor Jones, ___ man who discovered ___ new drug that everyone is talking about, refused to give ___ press conference.

c. Peter Piper, ___ student in ____ professor’s college, asked him why he refused to talk to ___ press.

d. ___ ship you were speaking about has just come onto ___ port. She has been at ___ sea for ___ long time.

Look: ____ captain has just come on ___ deck.

**Упр.1.1.3.d. Поставьте артикль, где необходимо.

a. This is a rather crude criterion of ___ purity.b. The technique of ___ paper chromatography was cited above.


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Глава 2. Словообразование.

c. The temperature of ___ solution should be controlled within half a degree or so.d. Addition of, say, ___ halogen molecule to benzene leads to a dihydrobenzene

derivative.e. Proof of ___ formula for d-galactose is too involved to be given here.f. The direction of ___ rearrangement will depend on two matters, which have to be

taken in order.g. In the light of ___ present-day knowledge of ___ molecular structure, much of this

material is now incorrect.h. The hypothesis of ___ intermediate compound formation traces its origin as back as


1.1.4. Употребление артикля с неисчисляемыми существительными.

a) Употребление артикля и местоимений some и any с именами существительными вещественными.Имена существительные вещественные употребляются: - без артикля, когда речь идет о веществе в общем смысле: We can’t live without water. Gas is cheaper than electricity. и когда одно вещество противопоставляется другому: Which do you prefer: tea or coffee? - с местоимениями some и any, когда речь идет о каком-то неопределенном количестве вещества: Bring me some water. Isn’t there any sugar in the sugar basin? - с определенным артиклем, когда речь идет об определенном количестве вещества, когда имеется определение, выделяющее определенное количество вещества, или из ситуации ясно, о каком именно количестве идет речь: I forgot to pay the bill and now the gas has been cut off. The milk I bought yesterday has turned sour. The ore discovered by the expedition is of a high quality. The nickel was probably inessential in the reaction. - с неопределенным артиклем, когда имеется в виду порция вещества: Could you give me a coffee and a sandwich? Употребление артикля при наличии классифицирующего и описательного определений, а также прилагательного в превосходной степени не отличается от его употребления с нарицательными существительными: Silk which is used for the aviation industry must be of the highest quality. Bulgaria exports tobacco, which is one of the stable agricultural products of the country. This is the best wine I have ever drunk.b) Употребление артикля и местоимений some и any с именами существительными отвлеченными. Артикль не употребляется перед названиями научных дисциплин, видов спорта, искусств:42

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Глава 2. Словообразование.

J.Bonner earned a BA in chemistry and mathematics from the University of Utah. Do you play chess? Имена существительные отвлеченные употребляются: - без артикля, когда они выражают отвлеченные понятия в общем смысле: While there is life there is hope. Knowledge is power. - с определенным артиклем, когда они имеют при себе определение, относящее это понятие к какому-либо лицу или предмету: He was the hope of his parents. I like the music of this ballet. - с местоимениями some и any, когда речь идет о неопределенной степени качества: There is some difference between these two samples. He did not show any fear. - с неопределенным артиклем, когда речь идет о разновидности качества или чувства: He has a cleverness quite of his own. He showed a patience that I had never expected of him. - с неопределенным артиклем, когда имеются существительные period, population, distance, height, salary и др. с последующим предлогом of + числительное + существительное: He has been working here for a period of 2 years.c) Отсутствие артикля перед именами существительными нарицательными - исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми.Артикль отсутствует: - перед существительным, имеющим при себе другой определитель: My room is large. This book is interesting. - перед исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе, когда в единственном числе следовало бы употребить неопределенный артикль: This plant is engaged in the manufacture of pumps. They are hard working students. Squares have four sides. These are such interesting books! Следует также помнить, что многие существительные имеют как отвлеченное, так и конкретное вещественное значение:medicine a medicineglass a glassiron an ironopera an operapainting a paintingradio a radiotin a tin

Упр.1.1.4.a. В выделенных словах укажите правильные варианты употребления артикля the.


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Глава 2. Словообразование.

a. ”Where’s coffee / the coffee?” It’s in the cupboard.b. Tennis / The tennis is a very popular sport c. We went for a swim in the river. Water / The water was very cold.d. I don’t like swimming in cold water / the cold water.e. You must visit the art gallery. Paintings / The paintings are very beautiful.f. Money / The money doesn’t always bring happiness / the happiness.g. English / The English is the language of international business.h. Women / The women are often better teachers than men / the men.i. In Britain coffee / the coffee is more expensive than tea / the tea.j. We had a very nice meal in that restaurant. Cheese / The cheese was especially

good.k. Most people / The most people still believe that marriage / the marriage and

family life / the family life are the basis of our society.l. They got married but marriage / the marriage wasn’t successful.m. I know someone who wrote a book about life / the life of Gandhi.n. Life / the life would be very difficult without electricity / the electricity.o. Do you know people / the people who live next door?p. Are you interested in art / the art or architecture / the architecture?q. Two of the biggest problems facing our society are crime / the crime and

unemployment / the unemployment.r. I hate violence / the violence.

Упр.1.1.4.b. Обратите внимание на разницу в употреблении артиклей в следующих парах предложений:My daughter is at school. The meeting will be held at the school.He was rushed to hospital immediately. I’m going to the hospital to visit him. То есть, употребление артикля перед словами типа university, school, hospital, church, prison и т.д. подразумевает, что говорящий имеет в виду здание. Употребление этих же существительных без артикля означает, что они рассматриваются как учреждения в общем смысле. Поставьте a, an или the, где необходимо.

a. Our children attend ……….. very good school.b. Some people think they know about education just because they were once at

……… school.c. People who spend time in ………….. prison rapidly become institutionalized.d. As soon as the riot broke out, police surrounded ………. prison.e. A lot of people think ………… prison should be just like any other building.f. The trial attracted a lot of attention and …………. court was crowded.g. A lot of people have been taken to …………. court for failing to pay local taxes.44

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Глава 2. Словообразование.

h. Though it’s a small town, it has ……… school, ……. church and ……… court.i. ____ youngest brother is at ____ school now.j. She is at ____ school. If you go to ___ school by ____ tram, you will be just in ___

time to meet her.

**Упр.1.1.4.c. Поставьте a, an или the, где необходимо.a. ___ thermometer is ___ instrument for measuring ____ temperatures.b. ___ temperature to-day is not so high as it was yesterday.c. ___ observation and ___ experience are two great teachers. d. ___ air is necessary for ___ life.e. ___ length, ___ breadth and ___ height of ___ cube are equal.f. Every machine requires some sort of ___ power to operate it.g. ___ history is his subject. Especially ___ history of ___ Middle Ages.h. There was ___ expression in his eyes that I could not understand.i. He finished his work without ___ difficulty.j. ___ task presented ___ difficulty, which we could not overcome at first.k. He was not discouraged by ___ difficulty of ___ task.

Упр.1.1.4.d. Подчеркните правильный вариант в каждом предложении.

Пример: I’ve got some cigarettes but I haven’t got light / a light. Light / the light travels faster than sound / the sound.a. We’re having lamb / the lamb for lunch.b. The sheep gave birth to lamb / a lamb in the middle of the night.c. Would you like cake / a cake?d. No, thanks. I don’t like cake / a cake.e. This suit is made of very fine cloth / the very fine cloth.f. Can you get cloth / a cloth, please? I’ve just spilt tea / a tea on your carpet.g. I went to a talk / talk on Russian revolution / the Russian revolution last night. It

was very interesting.h. There has been a talk / talk of redundancies at the British Shipping Company.i. Service / a service in restaurants isn’t as good as it used to be.j. The Health Service / Health Service is suffering from severe cutbacks.k. The Times / Times is one of Britain’s oldest newspapers.l. Time / the time and tide / the tide wait for no man. (поговорка)m. I don’t usually like poetry / the poetry.n. But here’s a poem / poem I do like.o. Do you want an ice / ice in your whisky?p. Ice / the ice at the North and South Poles is said to be melting little by little.


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Глава 2. Словообразование.

Упр.1.1.4.e. Поставьте a(an) или some, где необходимо. Подчеркните неисчисляемые существительные, которые можно использовать в словосочетании a piece of …

a. Can I offer you _______ advice? _______ suggestion?b. I’ve just heard _______ interesting news. _______ interesting announcement. _______ interesting information.c. There’s going to be ________ thunderstorm. ________ bad weather.d. She is carrying ______ luggage. _______ suitcase.e. We’ll need _______ accommodation. _______ room for the night.f. He’s got ______ strange equipment. ______ strange machine in his laboratory.g. Do you mind if I put on _____ music? _____ tape?

*Упр.1.1.4.f. Объясните случаи употребления артиклей или их отсутствие.

a. Is there life after death? She has lived a life of misery since the death of her husband.b. There’s a feeling of love, joy, beauty and peace. My new car’s a beauty. It’s a real joy to drive.c. That numerous people have had Near Death Experiences is not in doubt. There is still a doubt in my mind about whether it was the right thing to do.d. The future looks bleak - drought, disease and economic collapse. The drought in Africa last year cost many lives. There is a drought every year.

1.1.5. Употребление артикля перед числительными.

a) Как правило, когда определение выражено количественным числительным, существительное употребляется без артикля: Two men entered the room. Если же перед порядковым числительным употребляется артикль, то он приобретает смысловое значение: the two - эти два или оба - и часто обозначает полное количество объектов:The close agreement of the six compounds is unlikely to be a coincidence.


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Глава 2. Словообразование.

a) Перед порядковым числительным обычно употребляется определенный артикль. Однако, когда порядковое числительное имеет значение другой, еще один или неизвестно общее число предметов, действий и пр. употребляется неопределенный артикль:A third man (еще один) entered the room.The same authors put forward a second correlation.c) Артикль не употребляется перед существительным, если за ним следует его номер: I'm waiting for tram 55.The deduction of the equation you'll find in chapter 8 of the book. Упр.1.1.5.a. Поставьте артикль, где необходимо.

a. Of all those to whom he appealed one was actually not in ____ position to do anything for him; another was afraid; ___ third was calculating eagerly to drive ____ hard bargain; ___ forth was too deliberate, anxious to have much time.

b. Two people would have to hold ___ chair, and ___ third would help him up on it, and ___ forth would hand him ___ nail, and ___ fifth would pass him up ___ hammer.

c. ___ professor Earle Fox ignored for ___ second time ___ buzzing signal from the secretary in ___ adjoining office.

d. Mr Pickwick was perfectly aware that ___ tree is ___ very dangerous neighbour in ___thunderstorm. He had ___ tree on his right, ___ tree on his left, ___ third before him, and ___ fourth behind.

e. Our apartment is on ___ third floor.f. You are ___ forth visitor asking where ___ room 40 is there.

**Упр.1.1.5.b. Объясните случаи употребления артиклей перед числительными.

a. In brominating the ketone a second bromine atom enters the nucleus.b. The four centres lie in a plane.c. A second smaller step is also produced just before the final increase in current.d. All the three oxygen atoms lie in a plane with the carbon atom.e. Of the two reactions the second goes about a thousand times faster than the first.f. The close agreement of the six compounds is unlikely to be a coincidence.g. A second notation uses the lower-case letters d- and l- to denote configuration.

1.1.6. Переход прилагательных и причастий в существительные.

Это происходит, когда они употребляются с определенным артиклем, например: The wounded were taken to the hospital. The French are famous for their food.


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Глава 2. Словообразование.

Упр.1.1.6.a. Закончите предложения, используя the со следующими прилагательными:

rich sick blind poor injured unemployed deada. Braille is a system of reading and writing by touch for ____ .b. Many people were killed in the plane crush. The bodies of ____ were taken away.

____ were taken to hospital.c. Every English child knows the story of Robin Hood. It is said that he robbed ____

and gave the money to ____ .d. Those people with jobs have enough money but life is not so easy for ____ .e. Agnes has been a nurse all her life. She has spent her life caring for ___ .

Упр.1.1.6.b. Как вы назовете людей из этих стран?

один человек (a/an) народ в целом1. Canada? a Canadian the Canadians 2. Germany? ___________ __________3. France?1. Russia?2. China?3. Brazil?4. England?

1.1.7. Употребление артикля с именами существительными собственными.

Как общее правило, имена собственные употребляются без артикля. Это относится к именам, названиям улиц, дорог, площадей, городов, стран, состоящих из одного слова, континентов, озер, единичных островов и горных вершин, к названиям научных журналов, к словам, обозначающим звания, титулы. Определенный артикль употребляется перед ними в следующих случаях:- перед фамилиями во множественном числе: The Browns have left London. - если перед названием страны присутствует существительное с предшествующим определением или имеются слова: республика, королевство, союз и пр.: the British Empire, the United Kingdom - перед названиями океанов, морей, рек, заливов: the Pacific Ocean, the Persian

Galf, the Volga - в названиях горных хребтов: the Alps - перед названиями групп островов: the Bermudas- перед названиями судов, газет: the “Titanic”, the Daily World- перед названиями гостиниц, музеев, галерей, театров, кинотеатров: the “Savoy”, the Palace Theatre, the Odeon, the British Museum, the Tate Gallery.- перед названиями с of: the Bank of England, the University of Salamanca.


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Глава 2. Словообразование.

- перед названием исторических документов: the Constitution, the Magna Carta. - перед названием следующих городов, стран, улиц, местностей: the Hague (Гаага), the Netherlands, the Ukraine, the Crimea, the Caucasus, the Transvaal, the Congo, the Argentine, the West Indies, the Reviera, the Lebanon, the High Street, the Mall, the Strand и др.Если же в названиях есть имя или фамилия человека или название места, то артикль не употребляется (Buckingham Palace, Lloyds Bank, Cambridge University, Westminster Abbey) Упр.1.1.7.a. Поставьте артикли a, an и the где необходимо.

a. _____ Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from _____ France to _____ United States.

b. No one in ____ Spanish class knew _____ correct answer to _____ Mrs Perez’s question.

c. ____ Lake Erie is one of _____ five Great Lakes in ____ North America.d. On our trip to _____ Spain, we crossed ____ Atlantic Ocean.e. While we were in ____ Alaska, we saw _____ Eskimo village.f. David attended _____ Princeton University.g. Harry has been admitted to ____ School of Medicine at ____ midwestern university.h. ____ Queen Elizabeth II is _____ monarch of _____ Great Britain.i. ____ Declaration of Independence was drawn up in 1776.j. ____ Florida State University is smaller than ____ University of Florida.k. ____ Heathrow is ____ busiest airport in Europe.l. We arrived in ____ Paris on ____ third of August.

Упр.1.1.7.b. Поставьте the, где необходимо.

a. ____ Kevin lives in ____ Coronation Street. b. Have you ever been to ____ National Theatre and ___ British Museum? a. ____ Milan is a large city in ___ north of ____ Italy. b. Have you ever been to _____ Hague ?c. ____ Brussels is the capital of ____ Belgium. d. ____ Manila is the capital of ____ Philippines. e. There are two cinemas in our town - ____ Regan and ____ Plasa.f. ____ Dr.Bradbury comes from a small village in ____ west of ___ Ireland.g. ____ Rocky Mountains are in ____ North America. h. ____ Texas is famous for oil and cowboys.i. ”Where are you staying ?” “At ____ Intercontinental Hotel”.j. ____ National Gallery is in ____ Trafalgar Square in ____ London.k. In ____ London, ____ Houses of Parliament are beside ____ River Thames.


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Глава 2. Словообразование.

l. ____ Panama canal joins ____ Atlantic Ocean and ____ Pacific Ocean.m. If you sail from ____ Britain to ____ Denmark you cross ____ North Sea.

Упр.1.1.7.c. Поставьте артикли, где необходимо.

I. ____ (1) King Juan Carlos of ____(2) Spain arrived in ____(3) London today for ____(4) three day visit to ____(5) United Kingdom. He was met by ____(6) Queen and drove with her to ____(7) Buckingham Palace. Tomorrow he will have lunch with ____(8) Governor of ____(9) Bank of England and in the evening he will have talks with businessmen.II. On the first morning we went to ____(1) British Museum and had lunch at ____(2) MacDonalds in ____(3) Church Street. We looked in ____(4) Evening Standard newspaper and found there was a good film at ____(5) Odeon (cinema) near ____(6) Piccadilly Circus.

1.1.8. Обзорные упражнения.

При выполнении этих упражнений следует иметь в виду, что существует достаточно много случаев, так сказать, «немотивированного» употребления артиклей или их отсутствия. Часть из них упоминалась ранее. Напомним здесь еще некоторые устойчивые выражения, употребляющиеся с определенным артиклем: in the morning (evening, afternoon), the day before yesterday, in the country, on the one (other) hand, on the whole, to play the piano (the violin), to tell the truth, to run the risk, to catch the bus (to catch a train), to listen to the radio (to watch TV);употребляющиеся без артикля: at home, by tram (train, bus, air), on foot, by heard, by chance, by means of, in/on time, on sale, on credit, from morning till night и др. Упр.1.1.8.a. Поставьте артикли a, an или the, где необходимо.I.a. I don’t usually like staying at ____ hotels, but last summer we spent a few days at

___ very nice hotel by___ sea.b. ___ tennis is my favourite sport. I play once or twice ___ week if I can, but I’m not

___ very good player.c. I won’t be home for ___ dinner this evening. I’m meeting some friends after ___

work and we’re going to ___ cinema.d. ____ unemployment is very high at the moment and it’s very difficult for ___ people

to find ___ work.


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Глава 2. Словообразование.

e. There was ___ accident as I was going ____ home last night. Two people were taken to ____ hospital. I think ___ most accidents are caused by ____ people driving too fast.

f. Carol is ___ economist. She used to work in ____ investment department of ____ Lloyds Bank. Now she works for ___ American bank in ___ United States.

g. “What’s ___name of ___ hotel where you’re staying?” “____ Imperial. It’s in ___ Queen Street in ___ city centre. It’s near ___ station.a. I have two brothers. ___ older one is training to be ___ pilot with ____ British

Airways. ____ younger one is still at ___ school. When he leaves ____ school, he hopes to go to ____ university to study ____ law.

II.a. Excuse me. Is there ____ post office near here?b. A We haven’t got any money. B It’s all right. I’m going to ____ bank.a. My wife and I went out for ____ meal last night. ____ food was excellent. I don’t

usually like ____ Chinese food, but ____ duck was superb.b. Has ____ postman been yet? I’m expecting ____ parcel.c. We’ve moved to ____ lovely house in ____ country. It’s got ____ views of fields

and hills, and there’s ____ garden at ____ back.d. ____ government without ____ strong leader will not produce ____ good policies.e. ____ government has introduced ____ law to ban ___ sale of ___ air guns to ____

people under ____ age eighteen.III.a. In my job, I do____ business with people from all over the world.b. I’m going to do ____ shopping. Do you want anything?c. I was late for ____ work this morning.d. Can you keep ____ secret? I’m getting married.e. He got ____ sack because he was caught stealing money.f. It isn’t easy, but I think we’re making ____ progress.g. I lost ____ control of the car and crashed into a wall.h. Make ____ love, not ____ war.i. If you make ____ promise, you must keep it.j. When buying a house, you should take into ____ consideration how near it is to

public transport.k. He set ____ fire to his factory so that he could claim the insurance.l. You must make ____ effort to get to know your neighbours.m. I’ve been to all the countries of Europe with ____ exception of Albania.n. If you’re in Paris, take ____ opportunity to visit the Louvre.IV.a. ____ fog was so thick that we couldn’t see ____ side of ___ road. We followed ___

car in front of us and hoped that we were going ___ right way.51

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Глава 2. Словообразование.

b. I don’t know what ____ price ___ owners are asking. But Dry and Rot are ___ agents. You could give them ___ ring and make them ___ offer.

c. ___ day after ___ day passed without ___ news, and we began to lose ___ hope.d. “Would you like to hear ___ story about ___ Englishman, ___ Irishman and ___

Scotsman?” “No, I’ve heard ____ stories about ___ Englishmen, ___ Irishmen and ___

Scotsmen before and they are all ___ same.” “But mine is not ___ typical story. In my story ___ Scotsman is generous, ___

Irishman is logical and ___ Englishman is romantic.” “Oh, if it’s ___ fantastic story. I’ll listen with ___ pleasure.”*V.a. ____ worry about ____ state of his finances drove him to ____ despair.b. He sauntered down ____ streets without ____ worry in ____ world.c. ____ main worry of ___ most people is ____ good health.d. ____ news is just coming into ____ studio of ____ fire at ____ home of Mr Paul

Beaston, ____ film Director.e. I can’t wait to go on holiday. ____ sea, ____ sand and ____ books - that’s what I

want.f. I went to ____ theatre last night and saw ____ great play. I thought it was good,

anyway, but I read in ____ papers this morning that ____ critics had slammed it.g. ___ Paris of ___ 1980’s is nothing compared to ___ Paris of ___ 1968.h. She was appointed ___ President of ___ National Union of ___ Printworkers.i. ___ last year has been good for business.j. ____ last year was good for business.k. I decorated ___ children’s bedroom as fast as I could. In ___ week, I had finished.l. I haven’t got time to phone him at the week-end. I’ll do it in ___ week.**VI.a. ____ temperature varies with ____ pressure.b. ____ scientists believe to have discovered ____ new compound.c. ____ holes were spaced at ____ 10 foot intervals. d. ____ reaction is similar to that observed by us.e. In 1812 Berzelius advanced ____ theory of ____ chemical combination.f. No sooner had ____ reaction stopped ____ precipitate turned black.g. Such ___ stage is known as ____ “theoretical” stage or plate.h. ____ compound II can be hydrolyzed to yield ___ free amine.i. When being pure, ___ water is ___ colourless liquid.j. ___ benzene is ____ stronger acid than ____ ethane.

Упр.1.1.8.b. Поставьте артикли a, an, the, или местоимение some, где необходимо.


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Глава 2. Словообразование.

a. There is ___ fly in ___ lemonade.b. ____ youngest brother is at ____ school now.c. ___ birds can fly very high in ___ sky.d. ___ book on that shelf is ____ interesting one about ___ history.e. It is pleasant to play ____ game of ____ tennis on ____ summer afternoon.f. He makes ____ toys in the evening.g. ___ butcher opposite ____ library always sells ___ good meat.h. I am fond of ____ apples with ____ cheese.i. ____ honesty is ____ best of all ____ virtues.j. I should like to have ____ house in ____ country.k. ___ car is ready.l. Do you prefer ____ book of ____ poetry or ____ stories of ____ adventure?m. Peter travelled in ____ third-class carriage with ____ Americans.

Упр.1.1.8.c. Поставьте a, an или one, где необходимо.

a. ___ of my friends advised me to take ___ taxi; another said that there was quite ___ good bus service.

b. “___ friend of mine lent me ___ book by Meredith. I’ve only ___ more chapter to read. Would you like ___ loan of it afterwards?”

“No, thanks. I read ___ of his books ___ few years ago and didn’t like it. Besides I have ___ library book to finish. If I don’t take it back tomorrow I’ll have to pay ___ fine.

c. Most people like ___ rest after ___ hard day’s work, but Tom seems to have ___ inexhaustible supply of energy.

d. I’ve told you ___ hundred times not to come into ___ room with ___ hat on.e. You’ve been ___ great help to me; ___ day I will repay you.f. My car broke down near ___ bus stop. There was ___ man waiting for ___ bus so I

asked him for ___ advice.g. He took ___ quick look at my car and said, “Buy ___ new ___.”h. Most of the staff had been there for only ___ very short time, but ___ man had been

there ___ year and ___ half, so he knew ___ little more than the rest.i. ___ day a new director arrived. He was ___ ambitious, bad-tempered man, and the

staff took ___ instant dislike to him.

Упр.1.1.8.d. Поставьте a, an, the или my, his, her, our, your, their, где необходимо.

a. ___ most of ___ stories that ___ people tell about ___ Irish aren’t true.b. ___ married couple with ___ children often rent ___ cottage by ___ seaside for ___

summer holidays.53

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Глава 2. Словообразование.

c. ___ men hire boats and go for ___ trip along ___ coast; ___ children spend ___ days on ___ beach and ___ poor mothers spend ___ most of ___ time doing ___ cooking and cleaning.

d. When ___ Titanic was crossing ___ Atlantic she struck an iceberg which tore a huge hole in her bow. ___ captain ordered ___ crew to help ___ passengers into ___ boats.

e. Everywhere ___ man has cut down ___ forests in order to cultivate ___ ground, or to use ___ wood as ___ fuel or as ___ building material.

f. But ____ interference with ___ nature often brings ____ disaster. ___ tree-felling sometimes turns ___ fertile land into a dustbowl.

g. ___ people think that ___ lead is ___ heaviest metal, but ___ gold is heavier.h. You can fool some of ___ people all ___ time, and all ___ people some of ___ time;

but you cannot fool all ___ people all ___ time.i. Why are you standing here with ___ hands in ___ pockets?j. At most meetings ___ people vote by raising ___ right hands.k. The bullet struck him in ___ foot.l. Someone threw ___ egg which struck the speaker on ___ shoulder.m. He was ___ very tall man with ___ dark hair and ___ small beard, but I couldn’t see

___ eyes because he was wearing ___ dark glasses.n. She pulled him by ___ sleeve to attract his attention.o. He is ___ thoroughly selfish man; he wouldn’t lift ___ finger to help anyone.p. We have a very good train service from here to ___ city centre and most people go to

___ work by train. You can go by ___ bus too, of course, but you can’t get a season ticket on ___ bus.

q. “I’d like to see ___ Mr Smith please.” “Do you mean ___ Mr Smith who works in ___ box office or ___ other Mr Smith?”

Упр.1.1.8.e. Исправьте ошибки, связанные с артиклями.

a. Jane, has anyone ever told you that you’ve got some lovely fingers?b. I’m very interested in the history, especially the history of Western Europe.c. What a lovely weather we’re having! It’s such a nice day!d. We’re trying to sell our house. People came to see it on Saturday, and they were

quite interested, but some people who saw it on Sunday morning were very rude and said they didn’t like it at all.

e. Did you remember to buy a bread while you were out at some shops?f. Crossing the English Channel can be quite unpleasant in the bad weather.g. People who live on the floor above ours work in a government ministry.h. What’s the government going to do about the unemployment?

Упр.1.1.8.f. В 10 предложениях артикль the употреблен правильно, а в 10 - неправильно. Найдите неправильные предложения и исправьте их.


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Глава 2. Словообразование.

a. He lived in United States for ten years.b. John has cut the leg and needs the stitches.c. The camera I bought yesterday doesn’t work.d. William Wordsworth is famous for his poems about nature.e. It was first time I had crossed equator.f. This is only one left but you can have it.g. Frank does a lot of work for the disabled.h. I will be visiting the Netherlands next month.i. Society doesn’t care enough for old people.j. This is the same film I saw last week.k. The worst thing was not knowing exactly what had happened.l. Harder we work, more money we make.m. Smiths are coming round to dinner tonight.n. The aeroplane is one of the greatest inventions of the twentieth century.o. It’s very disappointing news but that’s the life.p. Eating the chocolate always gives me pimples on my face.q. What is on radio this afternoon?r. John plays the football very well.s. The furniture was sold at auction.t. He was sent to prison for life.

*Упр.1.1.8.g. Поставьте артикли, где необходимо.

a. What ___ strange feeling it was to be going home when it was not home, and to find that every object I looked at reminded me of ___ happy old home which was like ___ dream I could never dream again.

b. ___ one thing that really interested him in connection with his parents was ___ existence somewhere in ___ east in ___ small city called Lycurgus … of ___ uncle, ___ brother of his father’s.

c. But ___ bed I made up for myself was sufficiently uncomfortable to give me ___ wakeful night, and I thought ___ good deal of what ___ unlucky Dutchman had told me.

d. ___ English of ___ 14th century differs from ___ Modern English. e. ___ walls, down which ran ___ number and variety of ___ pipes and cables, were

painted in two contrasting of green - dark up to ___ height of five foot, lighter above that.

f. ___ London train was on ___ point of ___ departure. It was yet ___ early morning, ___ hour of ___ milkmen and ___ postmen. ___ station had ___ chill, unused, deserted look; ___ passengers were few.


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Глава 2. Словообразование.

g. And now he was in ___ large bedroom overlooking ___ Thames, ___ chamber with ___ writing table, ___ sofa, ___ telephone, ____ electric bells and ___ massive oak door with ___ lock and ___ key in ___ lock.

h. ___ sun comes up from ___ East and goes down to ___ West. i. Mr Skimpole could play ___ piano and ___ violoncello; and he was ___ composer,

had composed half ___ opera once, and played what he composed with ___ taste. After ___ tea we had quite ___ little concert, in which Richard and Mr Jarndyce and I were ___ audience.

*Упр.1.1.8.h. В текстах поставьте артикли, где необходимо.

I. Lovesick teenager snatched from cliff.____(1) lovesick teenager, threatening to jump seventy feet from ____(2) cliffs at ____(3) seaside resort, was saved by ____(4) human chain of ____(5) policemen today.____(6) eighteen-year old had driven from his home in ____(7) Lake District to Langhorn, near ___(8) Bouremouth, to talk his girlfriend out of breaking off their three-month romance.He threatened to jump off ____(9) balcony at her house, but when she dialled ____(10) 999 he dashed to ___(11) edge of ____(12) cliffs below ____(13) Metropole Hotel.____(14) police found him sitting on ____(15) edge. They chatted to him for twenty minutes in ____(16) darkness, then clung together and grabbed him.He was later released after _____(17) treatment by ____(18) hospital doctor.____(19) police spokesman said, “There was ____(20) high wind, it was pitch dark at about 2 a.m., and ___(21) grass on ____(22) cliff top was wet and slippery. It was ____(23) brave rescue.”“It was ____(24) case of ____(25) unrequited love. The youngster was upset after his romance broke up, but he has now recovered his senses.”

II. You can't teach managers.___(1) Harvard Business School is ___(2) ark of the tabernacle in ___(3) management education. ___(4) many schools more or less ape the HBS, especially its “case study” method of ___(5) instruction - though mulling over ___(6) out -of-date business anecdotes is about as helpful in ___(7) actual management as waging war by tramping over ___(8) old battlefields. ____(9) specific management element in these mind-bending studies is hard to isolate. Although ___(10) managers should be numerate (and many are not), they don’t require ___(11) skills in ___(12) higher algebra; and ___(13) many great businesses have been created by ___(14) men who all but count on their ___(15) fingers. ___(16) story tells of ___(17) two schoolboy friends, one brilliant at ___(18) maths, one innumerate to the point of idiocy, who meet much later when ___(19) first is ___(20) professor and ___(21) second ___(22) multi-millionaire. Unable 56

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Глава 2. Словообразование.

to control his ___(23) curiosity, ___(24) professor asks ___(25) figure-blind dunderhead how he managed to amass his fortune. “It’s simple”, replies ___(26) Midas. “I buy ___(27) things at $1 and sell them for $2, and from that 1% difference make ___(28) living.”III. Garbage.For most of ___(1) past two and ___(2) half million years ___(3) human beings left their garbage where it fell. Oh, they sometimes tidied up their sleeping and activity areas, but that was about all. This disposal scheme functioned adequately, because ___(4) hunters and ___(5) gatherers frequently abandoned their campgrounds to follow ___(6) game or find new stands of plants. ___(7) man faced his first garbage crisis when he become ___(8) sedentary animal - when, rather than move himself, he chose to move his garbage.IV. Tax.___(1) West Germany funds ___(2) large share of its social welfare outlays, as it did in Bismarck’s time, through ___(3) regressive payroll taxes. Like ___(4) Sweden, it uses ___(5) tax incentives to lower certain burdens on ___(6) wealthy. ___(7) capital gains on ___(8) stocks and bonds, subject to ___(9) tax of up to 33 percent in ___(10) United States, are exempt in ___(11) West Germany - as well as ___(12) Netherlands, ___(13) Belgium, and ___(14) Japan. (But ___(15) United States, virtually alone among ___(16) Western nations, leaves gains from ___(17) sale of one’s home, in most cases, untouched.) In ___(18) France, one of ___(19) most heavily taxed nations in ___(20) Europe, ___(21) successive governments after ___(22) World War II clung to ___(23) tradition of ___(24) indirect taxation. ___(25) France adopted ___(26) value added tax (VAT), ___(27) consumption tax on goods and services, in 1954.V.There are ___(1) several sources of ___ (2) funds. One source is ____ (3) commercial bank such as ___ (4) Citibank, Chase, Chemical and ___ (5) others. Any money you get from such ___ (6) source would be borrowed and only on ___ (7) short-term basis ___ (8) bank would become ___ (9) creditor of yours, not ___ (10) owner. Another possibility is ___ (11) venture capital firm, whose sole purpose is to invest in ___ (12) young, promising companies. To secure ___ (13) funds from such ___(14) firm, you would have to prepare ___ (15) convincing business plan for ___ (16) expected operation, showing ___ (17) return you expect on ___ (18) investment and how you intend to make it. Among ___ (19) other requirements, ___ (20) venture capital firm will expect you to incorporate. What does ___ (21) venture capitalist get out of ___ (22) investing in your company? ___ (23) sizable percentage of ____ (24) ownership.___(25) third source of ___(26) funds is ___(27) investment banker, who can help you raise ___(28) money through ___(29) sale of ____(30) securities, only if ___(31) company is incorporated.


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Глава 2. Словообразование.

1.2. Единственное и множественное число существительных.

1.2.1. Образование множественного числа существительных.

Основное правило образования множественного числа существительных просто: окончание -s добавляется в конце слова: car - cars, book - books.- Однако, если существительное оканчивается на -s, -sh, -ch, -x, то следует добавить -es: bus - buses, dish - dishes, match - matches, box - boxes.- Несколько существительных, оканчивающиеся на -o , требуют добавления окончания -es : tomato - tomatoes, potato - potatoes, hero - heroes. Несколько других образуют множественное число по общим правилам: photo - photos, piano - pianos.- Если существительное оканчивается на букву -y с предшествующей согласной, то она заменяется на -ies: baby - babies, family - families. Если букве -y предшествует гласная, то по общему правилу добавляется -s: holiday - holidays, key - keys.- Во многих словах, оканчивающихся на f, во множественном числе f меняется на v+(e)s: shelf - shelves, knife = knives.

Упр.1.2.1.a. Образуйте множественное число от следующих существительных:

child, person, woman, tooth, wolf, sheep, mouse, foot, leaf, half.Упр.1.2.1.b. Напишите следующие существительные в форме множественного числа:

boy, lady, day, potato, party, watch, glass, city, church, address, sandwich, key, video, way.

1.2.2 Особые случаи использования существительных в единственном и множественном числах.

- Собирательные существительные. К ним относятся такие слова, как class, team, police, committee, audience, family, и т.д. Они не меняют форму, если употребляются в значении множественного числа, указывая на членов коллектива. Индикатором числа в этом случае становится число сказуемого или местоимения.That class has its final test on Friday.


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Глава 2. Словообразование.

The class are working on their individual projects today. - Cуществительные, имеющие одинаковую форму во множественном и в единственном числе. Часть из них оканчивается на -s: species, series, means: That species is rare. Those species are common. Другая часть никогда не оканчивается на -s: sheep, deer, fish. That deer is young. Those deer are old.

Упр.1.2.2.a. Заполните пропуски в следующих предложениях формами глагола is или are в зависимости от числа подлежащего. Объясните свой выбор.

a. Several unusual species of birds _____ found in this area.b. When a young deer ______ motionless, its coloring will hide it well.c. The committee ______ ready to make its recommendations public.d. Both apparatus ______ available for your use.e. The family ______ fighting among themselves constantly.f. The fish in the aquarium ______ waiting for their daily feeding.g. All sheep ______ dipped in the spring to kill the parasites.h. The press ______ requested to show their credentials to the guard.

1.2.3. Существительные, не имеющие формы множественного числа.

Это:- названия наук и видов спорта: mathematics, physics, economics, statistics, ethics, gymnastics;- название болезней: measles, mumps, herpes;- некоторые отвлеченные существительные: news, politics.Как называется та область знаний, в которой вы проводите свои исследования? Попадает ли ее название в эту группу слов?

1.2.4. Выражения, обозначающие количество времени, веса, объема как одно целое.

Выражения, обозначающие количество времени, веса, объема как одно целое, имея форму множественного числа, согласуются с глаголом в единственном числе: Two weeks is enough time for a nice vacation.Five hundred roubles is required as an entrance fee.Twenty gallons of gasoline costs a lot of money. Названия книг, газет, фильмов, даже если имеют форму множественного числа, согласуются с глаголом в единственном числе:The New York Times is a good newspaper.


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Глава 2. Словообразование.

Star Wars was a good movie.

Упр.1.2.4.a. Найдите и исправьте ошибку в некоторых из следующих предложений.

a. News of the peace talks has not yet reached the island.b. Politics usually attract ambitious individuals.c. There were extra copies of the New York Times in all the offices.d. Two weeks are ample time for a camping trip to the state park.e. Two thousand dollars is a lot for him to pay for tutorial.f. Jaws, a movie about sharks, was seen by a record number of people.g. Both mathematics and physics are interesting.h. Thermodynamics are beyond me.

1.2.5. Неисчисляемые существительные.

Неисчисляемые существительные согласуются со сказуемым в единственном числе. Это существительные:meat, tea, butter, bread, juice, weather, accommodation, advice, permission, behaviour, chaos, damage, furniture, luggage, baggage, news, knowledge, scenery, traffic, work, luck, research, progress, information, и ряд других.

Упр.1.2.5.a. Сделайте все необходимые изменения, используя слова в скобках.

Пример: There aren’t many jobs for school leavers. There isn’t much employment for school leavers.a. He couldn’t give me much information. (details)b. When I moved into my flat, I had very few chairs or tables or anything. (furniture)c. There aren’t many flats to rent in this town. (accommodation)d. I haven’t got many bags. They’re in the boot. (luggage)e. I had a little time to spare, so I browsed round a bookshop. (minutes)f. Very little research has been done to find out the cause. (experiments)g. It’s very quiet in my area. There aren’t many cars or lorries. (traffic)

1.2.6. Еще несколько правил согласования.

Некоторые названия предметов одежды (trousers, jeans, shorts, pyjamas, tights) , инструментов (scissors, tweezers) согласуются с глаголом во множественном числе. Эти слова используются с глаголом в единственном числе в выражениях типа a pair of (jeans).


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Глава 2. Словообразование.

Если слова, выражающие понятие количества (several, many, both, few, a few), являются подлежащим, то они согласуются с глаголом во множественном числе:Only a few have passed the exam.Выражение a number of согласуется с глаголом во множественном числе, а the number of требует глагола в единственном числе.Какие еще выражения для обозначения количества вы знаете?

1.2.7. Единственное и множественное число слов с латинскими и греческими корнями.

Таких слов относительно много. Они образуют множественное число по правилам, суммированным в таблице.

Происхождение слова

Окончание в един-ственном числе

Окончание во множествен-ном числе

Примеры (в единственном числе)

Греческое -is -es basis, crisis, hypothesis, analysis, thesis, axis

Греческое -on -a criterion, phenomenonЛатинское -us -i radius, alumnus, nucleus,

genius Латинское -a -ae formula, vitaЛатинское -um -a datum, medium, bacteriumЛатинское -ix / -ex -ices index, appendix

Упр.1.2.7.a. Образуйте множественное число от приведенных слов.

**Упр.1.2.7.b. Заполните пропуски нужной формой глагола to be.

a. Alumni of the university ______ invited to the graduation ceremony.b. These bacteria _______being studied by university scientists.c. The criteria for promotion ________ clearly stated.d. The appendices ________ usually found at the back of a book.e. Supernatural phenomena ______ of great interest to many people.f. The hypothesis _______ supported by the data.

**Упр.1.2.7.c. Выберите правильный вариант числа существительного.


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Глава 2. Словообразование.

a. This phenomena / phenomenon follows the Newton Law.b. Data / datum speak in favour of this theory.a. This hydrolysis / hydrolyses is taken to follow the above scheme.b. Conclusive proof for the dioxane structure of IV was acquired through an

independent synthesis / syntheses.c. This thesis / theses holds for more general cases of isomerisation.d. The free proton resembles an-a particle in that it consists of a nuclei / nucleus

without planetary electrons.e. As long as the barrier to internal rotation is not too low, the molecule will remain in

one of these minimum / minima.f. The motion of a valency electron in its orbital is equivalent to the flow of a current in

the loci / locus of its motion.g. The equation will now be derived on a statistical basis / bases.h. We still have a long way to go before we can claim to have solved the problem of

sexuality in bacterium / bacteria.i. The equilibrium constant was found to equal 0.232 and the data to fit more

accurately into a formulae / formula.j. This value may be subject to refinement when analysis / analyses are complete.k. These workers have examined the spectra / spectrum of some seventy nitrides.

*Упр.1.2.7.d. Заполните пропуски в предложениях словами из предложенного списка. Каждое слово используется дважды в каждой паре предложений, один раз в форме единственного числа, а другой раз - в форме множественного числа. Это упражнение напоминает о том, что неисчисляемое существительное, если оно принимает окончание -s, приобретает другое значение.

quarter condition term experience youth good damage pain honour ground length saving

a. Under the _________ of the contract, you are obliged to repay the loan within two years. The car was a reasonable price, but wasn’t in good _______ .

b. It has been an ______ to work with you. I’ve been very proud of what we’ve achieved together.She has an _______ degree in geography.

c. I have a terrible ______ at the back of my neck.He took great ______ to ensure his quests’ stay was pleasant.

d. After the accident, it took her a long time to come to _______ with the fact that she would never dance again.During his first _______ of office, the Prime Minister made many sensible decisions.

e. We need a person with relevant ________ to fill the post.62

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Глава 2. Словообразование.

He wrote a book about his _______ whilst crossing Africa on foot.f. The Vicar was a kind man, and did a lot of _______ during his life.

There is a wide range of electrical _______ on sale in our village shop.g. The day return fare is only $12 – a __________ of $8 on the full fare.

Mrs Higgins’ house was broken into the other day, and all her _______ were taken.h. Officers don’t live with ordinary soldiers. Their _______ are usually separate and

more luxurious.Interest rates have risen to 8.25 per cent, a rise of a _______ of a per cent.

i. For some reason, he was ashamed of his working class background, and went to great ______ to conceal the fact.

I can only swim one _______ of the swimming pool before I get tired.a. Don’t sit on the grass. The _______ is still very wet. I trust John. I have good _______ for believing his version of events.a. The storm caused a lot of ________ . She was awarded four thousand pounds’ ________ in the libel case.a. Two _______ were seen running away from the scene of the crime. _________ has always been the time for rebellion.

1.3. Имя существительное в роли определения.

Существительное может служить в качестве определения к другому существительному. Такое существительное может бытьa) в притяжательном падеже, например, the professor’s opinion, the manager’s

signature, reader’s conference;b) в общем падеже, то есть без изменения своей формы. Такое существительное

переводится на русский язык прилагательным, существительным в родительном падеже, предложным оборотом или причастным оборотом:

an iron bridge - железный мост light waves - световые волны an institute building - здание института a particle model - модель частиц an exchange agreement - соглашение об обмене war damage - ущерб, нанесенный войной.Имя существительное может иметь в качестве определения два и более существительных в общем падеже, а существительное в функции определения может, в свою очередь, иметь определение, выраженное существительным, прилагательным или причастием. В таких случаях необходимо внимательно прочитать и проанализировать выражение, чтобы разбить его на составляющие части. Чаще всего помогает прием чтения от ключевого слова к началу цепочки слов:home market prices - цены внутреннего рынка,


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Глава 2. Словообразование.

engine-driven generator - генератор с приводом от двигателя,permanent bar magnet - постоянный стержневой магнит,a super high voltage transmission line - линия передачи сверхвысоких напряжений,a document-image-processing program - a program which processes images of documents. Существительное с предшествующим числительным, служащее определением, обычно стоит в форме единственного числа:a five-pound note - банкнота в пять фунтов,single circuit capacity - мощность одной цепи.

**Упр.1.3.1. Переведите следующие словосочетания, обращая внимание на местоположение слов.I.belt elevator – elevator belttube amplifier – amplifier tubespring balance – balance springsurface cooling – cooling surfacemaintenance equipment – equipment maintenancepressure gauge – gauge pressuretooth gear – gear toothcore transformer – transformer coreignition spark – spark ignitionroutine inspection – inspection routineheating furnace – furnace heatingcalorimeter test – test calorimeter pressure welding – welding pressurezone melting – melting zoneII.application server - server application call program – program callcall library – library callarray cell – cell arraycharacter identification - identification characterdata group – group datalibrary (sub)program - (sub)program libraryIII.bank credit – credit bankconstruction firm – firm constructionconsumption fund – fund consumptionlaw firm – firm lawbusiness world – world business64

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Глава 2. Словообразование.

world market – market worldquality standard – standard qualityequipment safety – safety equipmentsales discount – discount sales

**Упр.1.3.2. Переведите следующие цепочки слов.

generation system analystsgas turbine combined cycle 200-to-500 hours-per-year service rangemechanical design problemliquid nitrogen temperaturelower melting point materialslarge primary intermetallic compound particlescubic centimeter plasma densitydemonstration fusion power systemair quality standards emission regulationssuper high-voltage supply transmission lineproduction engineering functional organizational chartdata processing equipmentbattery-charging motor generatorsautomobile repair plant construction projectmolten metal extraction technology a four year degree coursefast growing peace market

**Упр.1.3.3. Составьте словосочетания из предложенных английских слов.

a. поперечное сечение ткани a) section b) tissue c) crossb. спектр эмиссии молекул a) molecular b) spectrum c) emission c. энергия электрона с пульсирующей амплитудой a) pulse b) electron c) energy d) amplituded. коэффициент сильной абсорбции a) strong b) coefficient c) absorptiona. орбитальные научно-исследовательские станции долговременного действия a)

term b) orbital c) stations d) long e) researchb. долговременное сотрудничество в области науки и техники a) term b) long

c) cooperation d) technical e) scientific 65

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Глава 2. Словообразование.

c. генератор переменного тока a) generator b) alternating c) currentd. мощность ГЭС a) plant b) power c) water e. станция перекачки природного газа a) station b) gas c) natural d)

transmissionf. вычислительные машины непрерывного действия a) action b) computers c)

continuousg. программное обеспечение для коллективной работы a) collaboration b)

software c) group h. запасы топлива всего мира a) world’s b) resources c) entire d) fueli. индекс цен на товары массового потребления a) price b) index c)

consumerj. совокупный общественный продукт a) product b) national c) gross k. 5% скидка за покупку большого количества товаров a) quantity b) discount

c) 5 per centl. Московская центральная фондовая биржа a) Stock b) Moscow c) Central

d) Exchange

**Упр.1.3.4. Переделайте предложенные определения согласно примеру.

Пример: A device that scans bar codes is called a bar code scanner.a. A unit that gives a visual display of information on a screen is called ……..b. A device that reads magnetic cards …..c. A device that prints using a laser as the light source …..d. A device that plots graphs …..e. A unit that holds magnetic disks ….f. A device that prints using a jet of ink …. g. The rate of transmission of data …..h. A package for making presentations using multimedia …..i. A program which processes data in batches …..

**Упр.1.3.5. Напишите простые короткие объяснения для следующих словосочетаний, опираясь в качестве примера на задание в предыдущем упражнении.

a. An input device is …..b. An optical character reader …..c. A graphics stylus …..d. A document sorter …..e. A fibre optics transmission system ……f. A sequence control register …..g. A liquid crystal display …..66

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Глава 2. Словообразование.

h. Network configuration information …..i. A desktop document manager …..j. A multimedia editing software package …..

Глава 2. Словообразование.

В английском языке различают два способа образования слов:- словопроизводство, т.е. образование одного слова из другого, - словосложение, т.е. образование одного слова путем соединения двух слов.Слова, образованные словосложением, встречаются в английском языке довольно часто (newspaper, schoolboy, steamship, father-in-law, red-hot, to broadcast и т.д.), однако в целом при их переводе и употреблении не встречается столько трудностей, как при употреблении слов, образованных способом словопроизводства. Поэтому далее будет рассматриваться в основном словопроизводство.

2.1. Совпадение разных частей речи по форме.

Такое совпадение форм особенно часто случается у существительных и глаголов, например:

Существительные Глаголы answer to answer class to class measure to measure purchase to purchase

Иногда при совпадении формы существительные имеют ударение на первом слоге, а соответствующие им глаголы на втором:

increase to increase export to export import to import

Совпадение форм встречается также у прилагательных и глаголов, например:Прилагательные Глаголы clean to clean empty to empty free to free


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Глава 2. Словообразование.

В некоторых случаях совпадение форм встречается у нескольких частей речи, например, слово light может быть существительным, прилагательным и глаголом.

Упр.2.1.1. Из предложенного списка слов выберите а) слова, которые всегда являются глаголами;б) слова, которые никогда не являются глаголами;в) слова, которые могут выступать и в качестве глагола, и в качестве любой другой части речи (существительного, прилагательного и т.д.) .1.Dream 2. Window 3. Seem 4. Live 5. Cigarette 6. House 7. Become 8. Eat 9. Can 10. Below 11. Laugh 12. Advice 13. Migrate 14. Passenger 15. Begin 16. Large 17. Continue 18. Trip 19. Smoke 20. Warm 21. Air 22. Dress 23. Must 24. Long 25. Water

Упр.2.1.2. Определите из контекста является подчеркнутое слово глаголом или нет:

1. mittens warm the hands2. the smoke rose to the ceiling3. those dormitories house the men4. her laugh hurt my ears5. the will interests the lawyer6. his cries fell on deaf ears7. one can fell on the floor8. the experiments require live organs9. secretaries book appointments10.her dreams came true


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Упр.2.1.3. Определите, являются подчеркнутые слова глаголом или существительным в зависимости от их функции в предложении.

1. In the desert the need for water is of primary importance.2. Out of darkness came a woman’s cry for help.3. On a dark night dreams can seem larger than life.4. A safe place for a will is in a bank deposit box.5. Since few classrooms have clocks, instructors time exercises with a watch.6. After a day on the slopes, skiers warm their feet by the fire.7. An opossum mothers her young carefully during their first weeks.8. At the last minute, a swift kick by one player tied the game.9. For the engineering student recent studies are the most relevant . 10.Near the living room windows were stands for the houseplants.11.When the weather turns warm, youngsters spring from their beds early.12.When they are unable to reach an agreement, committee members table motion.13.A country’s military might determines its international policies.14.Although it takes more money, highway engineers bank sharp curves on all new

roads.15.To ensure maximum growing time for young rosebushes, plant them in early

spring.16.Unless you place a flat stone under one leg, the picnic table will rock.

2.2. Суффиксы в словообразовании в английском языке.

2.2.1. Суффиксы отвлеченных существительных.

Упр.2.2.1.a. Образуйте существительные от глаголов, добавляя соответствующие суффиксы.

-ation -ence/-ance - ment 1 observe 1 depend 1 conceal2 inform 2 infer 2 move3 determine 3 accept 3 agree 4 form 4 exist 4 judge5 examine 5 correspond 5 advertise6 oblige 6 prefer 6 encourage7 ionise 7 occur 7 require8 excite 8 resist 8 measure9 combine 9 appear 9 arrange10 organise 10 assist 10 manage

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11 utilise 11 accord 11 state12 exploit 12 refer 12 improve13 install 13 perform 13 develop14 confirm 14 persist 14 retire

-al -ure -y1 survive 1 press 1 deliver 2 remove 2 expose 2 inquire3 approve 3 please 3 enquire4 refuse 4 fail 4 discover 5 arrive 5 erase 5 recover 6 propose 6 disclose 6 flatter

Упр.2.2.1.b. Найдите существительное, образованное от глагола. Напишите соответствующий глагол.

1. The man was arrested because of his failure to pay income taxes.2. The removal of his car was illegal.3. His father is an art collector.4. The paper he wrote shows his mastery of the subject.5. We need your assistance before we can finish repairing this bicycle.6. Eli Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin brought about significant changes in

plantation life.7. The departure of the airliner was delayed by stormy weather.8. At the conclusion of the movie, please remain seated.9. A group of volunteers will put up the party decorations tonight.10.His proposal was approved by the head of the company.

Упр.2.2.1.c. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов. Одни существительные совпадают с глаголом по форме. Другие образуются с помощью суффиксов –ment или -al ( в этом случае конечная буква e опускается).

Verb: to aim, to arrive, to judge, to invest, to approve, to refuse, to announce, to blame, to delay, to mistake, to rest, to survive, to develop, to propose, to troubleNoun:

Упр.2.2.1.d. Используя суффиксы –ion, -ment, -tion, -ance, -ssion, -age образуйте существительные от глаголов, приведенных ниже. Проверьте себя по словарю. Обратите внимание на ударный слог: во всех образованных существительных он – предпоследний.

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Verb: explain, enjoy, pack, expect, achieve, use, avoid, require, admit, disappoint, allow, exciteNoun: explanation

**Упр.2.2.1.e. Заполните пропуски, образовав от приведенной в скобках основы нужное существительное, используя суффиксы –age, -tude, -ism.

a. A _____ in the hydraulic system was diagnosed. (leak)b. In mathematics ________ is a one-to-one correspondence. (homeomorph-)c. These systems are capable of performing ______ of different tasks. (multi-)d. ______ is a widespread phenomenon in animals and plants, determined by

differences in either genetic constitution, enviromental conditions, or both. (polymorph-)

e. There has been a twenty per cent _____ in the steel industry in the past few years. (shrink)

f. A decision of this _____ had to have national support. (magni-) g. Dalton the physicist received lavish _____ in his formative years. (patron)h. _____ is caused by the motion of atomic electrons, which, since they are charged,

constitute a current. ( diamagnet-) i. Computers have a ______ capacity greater than the human memory. (store)

2.2.2. Суффиксы, используемые для образования слов, относящихся к человеку.

Упр.2.2.2.a. Составьте список из 10 соответствующих пар существительных, одно из которых является отвлеченнным понятием, а другое относится к человеку. Составьте список суффиксов, относящихся к человеку.

employee alcoholic servant service racketyouth carpentry geology sociability racketeerinnovator youngster authoress socialite authorshipcarpenter employment geologist alcoholism innovation Abstract noun. Noun referring to people. service servant

Упр.2.2.2.b. Объясните разницу между следующими парами слов. -or/-er -ee employer employee payer payee

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trainer trainee licenser|or licensee grantor grantee interviewer interviewee

2.2.3. Суффиксы прилагательных.

Упр.2.2.3.a. 15 пар слов представлены в случайном порядке. Одно слово в каждой паре является существительным, а другое – прилагательным. Напишите каждое слово в соответствующую колонку. Подчеркните 15 суффиксов прилагательных. Проанализируйте их.






Nouns Adjectives ease easy fame famous

Упр.2.2.3.b. Суффиксы –ian, -er, -ist используются для обозначения профессий, суффиксы -y, -ics – для обозначения дисциплин, которые они изучают. Ниже приводится список дисциплин, людей, которые ими занимаются, и производные от них прилагательные. Заполните таблицу, используя словарь, если это необходимо.Отметьте ударный слог. Ударные слоги могут быть разными в каждой колонке. Добавьте собственные примеры.

Subject Person Adjective history historian historical mathematicion chemist science physical biology philosophy psychologist mechanical

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music architect archeology

Упр.2.2.3.с. С помощью суффиксов –ness, -less, -ful образуйте от основы слова прилагательное или существительное, соответствующее русскому эквиваленту из правой колонки.

a) leafb) fearc) powerd) doubte) wonderf) whiteg) kindh) politei) nervousj) pityk) fruitl) carem)n) seriouso) respectp) thought


Упр.2.2.3.d. Образуйте недостающие части речи. Проверьте себя по словарю. Обратите внимание на произношение слов.

Noun Adjective Verb creation basic conclusion Noun Verb to agree to invent to complain discovery preparation

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Noun Adjective famous theory tradition possible

Упр.2.2.3.e. Выберите подходящее прилагательное из предложенного списка и напишите его на месте пропуска.

rocky penniless eventful yearly babyish silklike careless musical metallic stormy The yearly cost of the insurance is $452.1. Polyester is a __________ material.2. Saturday was certainly an __________ day.3. The car was badly damaged on the _________ road.4. Sheila made some _________ mistakes on her income tax.5. She liked silver and other _________ colours.6. The _______ old man lived alone in his big house.7. The piano is his favourite _________ instrument.8. The seven-year-old boy still behaves in a ______ manner.9. The __________ sky showed how near the hurricane was.

Упр.2.2.3.f. Суффикс -ly может быть добавлен и к существительным, и к прилагательным. В первом случае образуется прилагательное, во втором – наречие. Анализируя основу, к которой добавлен суффикс -ly, укажите какой частью речи является слово, вписав его в соответствующую колонку. В списке количество прилагательных и наречий одинаково.worldly easily foolishly beautifully yearly costly womanly stately universally carelessly neighbourly cowardly shapely seriously passively nervously ghostly lovely friendly enjoyably gladly finally

Прилагательные, оканчивающиеся Наречия, оканчивающиеся на -ly на –ly

worldly beautifully

Упр.2.2.3.g. Определите, правильно ли употреблены подчеркнутые слова.

Пример: We lost the match because we didn’t play very good. - неправильно, должно быть well. Ann has been working very hard recently. - правильно.1. Give my best wishes to your parents. I hope they are well.

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2. The children behaved themselves very good.3. I tried hardly to remember his name but I couldn’t.4. The company’s financial situation is not well at present.5. Don’t walk so fast! Can’t you walk more slowly?6. These instruments are well suited for such measurements.7. Amperometric titrations are almost carried out by making a few measurements

good before the equivalence point and a few more good after the equivalence point.

Упр.2.2.3.h. Определите, являются ли подчеркнутые слова прилагательными или наречиями в зависимости от их функций в предложении.

right a) What’s the right time? b) Right you are! c) He turned right round. d) Is the answer right or wrong?

high a) It’s high time to go. b) The cost of living reached a new high level last month. c) If you don’t fly high you won’t achieve your targets.

early a) He is an early riser. b) It’s better to be too early than too late. c) The early bird gets the worm. d) Come as early as possible.

easy a) The article is easy to translate. b) Many people would like to live in easy circumstances, but a few can. c) Take it easy!

fast a) My watch is five minute fast. b) Don’t speak so fast! c) Her tears fell fast. d) Jack is a very fast runner.

deep a) The lake was ten meters deep in its middle. b) He walked fast with his hands deep in his pockets. c) It’s a deep secret. d) Still waters run deep (пословица). e) He went on studying deep into the night.

hard a) She found it hard to make up her mind. b) It’s hard for foreigners to master English spelling. c) Regular physical exercises soon made the boys hard. d) Students are sure that examiners are hard hearted people. e) He tried hard to succeed. f) The widow was hard hit by her loss.

long a) Don’t be too long about it, do it quickly. b) Stay as long as you like. c) He wasn’t long in making up his mind.

late a) Don’t be late for classes! b) The train was ten minutes late. c) Post graduate students often keep late hours carrying out their experiments or calculations. d) Better late than never.

half a) This meat is half-cooked. b) Some students are half-dead having passed the last exam.

quick a) If you haven’t enough time to eat, have a quick meal! b) Let’s analyze the projects and find a quick way to solve our problems. c) Can’t you run quicker? d) I don’t know any get-rich-quick methods.

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slow a) That clock is five minutes slow. b) We had to buy tickets for slow train because we failed to book ones for an express train. c) How slow the time passes! d) You ought to go slow until you feel really well again.

well a) Does this blouse go well with that skirt? b) All’s well that ends well. c) These people are very well off.

2.2.4. Суффиксы глаголов.

Упр.2.2.4.a. Образуйте глаголы от прилагательных и существительных, используя соответствующие суффиксы.

-en -fy -ize/-iseblack politic false tight character sharp sympathy loose local short pure wide normal empathy

**Упр.2.2.4.b. Заполните пропуски, образовав от приведенной в скобках основы нужный глагол.

a. Don’t ______ on things which will hardly save you any money. (economy)b. With the aid of a screwdriver, _____ the two screws at each end. (loose) c. The final division of Germany was _______ by the completion of the Berlin Wall.

(simbol)d. This mathematical function is used to ______ the wave functions of elemantary

particles. (specific)e. It is a systematic attempt to ______ our competitive ability. (strength)f. I ______ with the philosophy students. (social)g. The only way we are going to compete with the West is to ______ .(industry) h. The subject is immensely complex, and hard to _____ . (simple) i. The chalcopyrite structure compounds can _____ either in the ordered or

disordered states. (crystal)j. 71 % of emploees are _____ in Belgium. (union)

2.3.Группы слов, производных от одного корня.

Упр.2.3.1. Образуйте группы слов (word families), являющихся производными от одного корня. Заполните ими таблицу, вписывая слова, соответствующие отсутствующим частям речи. (Не используйте неличные формы глагола – инфинитив, причастие и герундий). В некоторых случаях возможно больше одного правильного ответа.

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№ Глагол Существительное Прилагательное Наречие1 energy2 quick3 basically4 succeed5 electricity 6 exclusive7 economise 8 sensation9 categorically10 repeat

Упр.2.3.2. Заполните таблицу и отметьте ударения.Существительное Прилагательное Существительное, Глагол определяющее человека photograph photographic photographer to photographindustry

to inventcompetitioncriticism



to analyseactive

Упр.2.3.3. Выберите правильный корень или основу слова из приведенного ниже списка и образуйте слово с предложенным суффиксом. Запишите получившееся слово.

Change Instruct Lonely Summary National1.The orientation session about hospitals was instructive. (-ive) 2. On the application, please include your name and _______________ . (-ity) 3. Weather in Austin, Texas is very ______________ . (-able)

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4. Could you please _________________ (-ize) this information in your report?5. Since his mother died, he has been overwhelmed by ________________ . (-ness) Упр.2.3.4. Определите, какое из двух подчеркнутых слов в предложении употреблено в неправильной форме. Исправьте ошибку.

1. Useful (A) prizes will be awarded to students writing the most imagination (B) essays.

2. Those who answer the questions successfully (A) will be moved into a more rapidly (B) class.

3. Courses in comparison (A) linguistics are frequently (B) offered at the university.4. After several years of unhappiness (A) the couple finally separation (B).5. The firemen’s decision (A) action averted total destruction (B) of the building.6. The family reported the mystery (A) disappearance (B) of their child to the police

immediately. 7. All poisonous (A) wastes from the chemicals (B) plant were disposed of safety.8. The builder’s (A) last house is a repetitive (B) of his first one.9. The agriculture (A) development (B) of a country is a good measure of its

progress.10. Fortunately (A), the mayor has comparative (B) few friends in the business

community.11. The author of this book is also a well-respected (A) lecture (B). 12. The troupe gave satisfactorily (A) performances of some classic (B) plays.

Упр.2.3.5. Вставьте правильное слово в пробел.

die died dead deatha. Shakespeare ______________ in 1616.b. Her father’s _______________ came as a great surprise. He was only 45.c. Those flowers are __________ . Throw them away.d. Every winter many birds ____________ in cold weather.e. A Is Henry Jones still alive?B I’m sure he’s ____________ . Didn’t he _____________ about three years ago?

married get married got married marry f. A Are you ____________ ? B No, I’m single.g. A Whatever happened to Ann? B She _________ a man she met on holiday.h. I’m never going to ___________ again. I prefer being on my own.i. How many times have you been ____________ ?

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j. Darling, I love you. Will you ________________ me ?k. We had a lovely wedding. We __________ in a small country church, and had the

reception in the local hotel.l. Did you hear ? James and Henrietta ______________ last week.

Упр.2.3.6. Поставьте в пропуски подходящие слова или словосочетания.

Economic, economical, economics, economist, economize, economy. Business, on business, business address, business hours, business-like, business-man, get down to business, mind one’s own business, mean business, send sbd about his business, go into business. a. If we want a holiday this year we’ll have to __________________ . We’re

spending too much.b. Every country has its own _______________ problems.c. She’s an _________________ lecturer at Glasgow University.d. The most ___________ way of heating your house is by using solar energy.e. The Chancellor of the Exchequer is the minister responsible for the _____ .f. Naturally he has many professional _________________ to advise him.g. The world ________________ situation gets more and more complicated.h. It is usually more ________ to shop in a supermarket than in a small shop.i. He presented himself very well at the interview. He was very professional and

_____________ .j. Would you like a cup of coffee or shall we _____________ straight away?k. A How much do you earn a year, Dad? B That’s nothing to do with you. ______________________ .l. Peter’s thinking of _______ the textile business when he leaves university.m. I have to go abroad ________________ for at least two months a year.n. In a hotel, it is a receptionist’s _________ to help clients and tell them which room

they are in.

**Упр.2.3.7. Выберите правильное слово, чтобы закончить каждое предложение. Возможно, некоторые слова придется изменить.

1. electron, electronic, electronics, electronicallya. An ________ pen is one example of an input device.b. A computer solves problems _______ .c. Many _________ students go on to work as engineers.2. technology, technological, technologically, technologista. The computer is the greatest ________ invention of the twentieth century.b. There are two ______ involved in a clipboard PC.c. Today’s computers are ______ far superior to those used a few years ago.

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3. identify, identifying, identifiable, identitya. The clipboard’s pattern recognition software immediately _____ the letters and

numbers written by the stylus.b. Most computer companies will not allow people without an ______ card to enter

their promises.c. A password is a mechanism for ______ the computer-user and allowing access.4. compute, computing, computation, computerize, computerizationa. The ________ of the manufacturing division will be expensive in the short term,

but cost-effective in the long term.b. We should be able to _______ our profit for next year fairly accurately with the

new program.c. I could tell from all the _____ on the board that a maths lesson was in progress.5. consider, considered, consideration, considerable, considerablya. We’ll have to ______ using another company if they can’t provide the software

we need.b. The company has invited a _____ sum of money in ergonomic workstations.c. The CEO has submitted this proposal for your ______ .d. This computer is ______ faster than the old one.6. apply, applying, application, applicant, applicablea. We have interviewed five _____ for the new position.b. The last part of the form is not _____ to foreign students.c. My student is thinking of _____ for a government grant to continue his research.d. The new book uses business ______ to teach computer studies.7. explain, explained, explaining, explanation, explanatorya. The package includes an _____ booklet.b. The instructions are very clear and do not require any further _____ .c. It will only take a couple of minutes to _____ how the program works.d. If you are new to this system, almost everything will have to be _____ .8. depend, depending, dependent, dependence, dependable, dependably a. The company has supplied us _____ for over ten years.b. We have to reduce our _____ on imported goods.c. This is very _____ equipment, we have never had a serious breakdown.d. Today, many companies ______ more on FAXes than on mail.9. connect, connected, connecting, connector, connectivity, connectiona. _____ is an important concept in global communication.b. He only got that contract because he has _____ in the government.c. Make sure the _____ is not loose before you call a service technician.d. Once the new telephone lines are _____ , our system should be more efficient.9. create, created, creating, creation, creativitya. The ______ of this database will give us a huge advantage over our competitors in

the long run.

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b. The procedure for ______ a new file is very simple.c. The new position we are advertising is going to require someone with enormous

______ .9. generate, generated, generative, generationa. Exercises can be quickly _____ using this program.b. Our company is working on a new ______ of software products.c. This development is sure to _____ great interest.9. access, accessed, accessible, accessibilitya. All user requests to ____ a database are handled by the database management

system.b. _____ to the computer room is restricted to authorized personnel.c. Those files are not _____ unless you know the password.9. analyse, analysed, analysis, analysta. When a text is ______ , all pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and verb forms

are automatically identified.b. This _____ shows that most PC users are not aware of the full potential of the

software products they buy.c. The DBMS first receives the request and _____ it for syntax errors.9. correct, correctly, correction, corrective, correctnessa. If an error occurs, it is important to take ______ action immediately.b. The “spell check” facility checks the _____ of your spelling.c. The data were entered _______ , so the result must be accurate.9. detect, detection, detectable, detectivea. There were ______ traces of radiation in the water sample.b. The analyst could not _____ any errors in the system.c. She tried to escape _____ by disguising herself.9. sense, sensor, sensation, sensitivea. An infrared ______ detects the presence of intruders in the building.b. The probe is _____ to heat and light.c. The new system caused a _____ when it was launched last month.

2.3. Приставки латинского и греческого происхождения.

Многие слова современного английского языка содержат приставки латинского и греческого происхождения. Понимание значений этих приставок помогает овладению словарем и способствует развитию языковой догадки. Рассмотрим три категории приставок: приставки времени и пространства, приставки качества и условия и приставки количества.Приставка Значение Пример

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Time and Positionad-, ac-, an-, ag-, af-, ap-, at-ab(s)-ante-apo-cata-

to, towardfrombefore, in front ofaway from, offdown

admit, accurateabstractantecedentapologizecatastrophe

circum-com-, con-, col-, cor-de-dia-en-, em-

aroundtogether withaway from, downacross, betweenin


ex-, ec-, ef-, es-extra-in-, il-, im-, ir-inter-,intro-, intra-ob-, op-peri-post-pre-pro-re-, retro-trans-



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Quality and Conditionanti-contra-dis-heter-homo-hyper-mal-mis-pseod(o)-Number and Amountbin-di-, du-demi-, semi- hemi-mon(o)-multi-, poli-tri-

in opposition toopposed tonotothersameexcessivebadwrongfalse




Упр.2.4.1. Соотнесите слово, содержащее латинскую или греческую приставку, с его значением.

1. monologue2. dilemma3. nonconformist4. malevolent5. antagonistic6. reciprocal7. colleague

a. worker in the same occupationb. actively in opposition toc. showing ill willd. a choice between equally unacceptable alternativese. a long speech by one personf. refusing to live within the established norms of

societyg. affecting both sides mutually

Упр.2.4.2. Образуйте слова, соединив приставку с корнем. Переведите их на русский язык.

1. uni2. com3. super4. sym5. hemi6. multi7. tri

a. versityb. logyc. mediad. spheree. abundantf. metricalg. passion

**Упр.2.4.3. Заполните пропуски правильным префиксом из списка:

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auto de dec inter maxi mega micro mini mono multi semi suba. Most people prefer a colour screen to a ____ chrome screen.b. A _____ byte equals approximately one million bytes. c. Once you finish your program, you will have to test it and ____ bug it to remote

all the mistakes.d. The introduction of ____ conductor technology revolutionizes the computer

industry.e. If a computer system has two or more central processors which are under

common control, it is called a _____ processor system.f. The _____ imal system is a number system with a base of 10.g. When the user and the computer are in active communication on a graphics

system, we refer to this as _____ active graphics.h. All you have to do is to move the ____ imal point one digit to the left. i. Large books and even sets of books can be put on a single _____ chip.j. ____ meter measures small length with great accuracy.k. A ____ circle is one half of a circle.l. Hydrogen was ____ stituted by oxygen.m. The theory was thought to hold for ____ molecular compounds.n. ____ organisms, which are abundant everywhere, are of immense importance to

all living things. o. ____ rail systems are expensive to install and are currently only used for special

purposes. p. Many of the West’s large _____ national companies have substantial operations in

the poor African countries.q. The company now has 40% of the American _____- computer market.r. Both monetary policy and fiscal policy can be used to ____ flate the economy.s. The ____ polist can obtain a high profit by restricting supply and demanding a

high price.t. A ____ pression is characterized by low profits, investment and high


2.5. Образование антонимов.

Антонимы многих слов в английском языке образуются путем добавления разных латинских префиксов ( приставок). Например:attractive - unattractive ; advantage - disadvantage ; polite - impolite ; correct - incorrect ; understand - misunderstand.

Упр.2.5.1. Образуйте антонимы с помощью префиксов in-, im- и un- и запишите их в виде трех колонок в соответствии с использованным префиксом.

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likely certain possible true validexact pure perfect equal usualcommon visible practical suitable appropriate direct able active stable convenient plausible accurate complete reasonable significantknown even satisfactory favourable mistakablepleasant friendly patient sane usablecontaminated identified sufficient determined flexible

Упр.2.5.2. Образуйте антонимы от слов, данных ниже, путем добавления соответствующего префикса. in- un- im- dis-___frequently, ___loyal, ___comfort, ___specific, ___real, ___probably, ___available, ___assemble, ___suitable, ___proper, ___fit, ___occupied, ___order, ___distinguished

Упр.2.5.3. Образуйте антонимы с помощью префиксов отрицательного значения от следующих слов:

honest ferrous legal to connect to pronounce to arrange regular agree fatalУпр.2.5.4. Для тех, кто изучает банковское дело, предлагается следующий список слов для образования антонимов:

acceptable maturity negotiable certified necessary honoured agreement applicable employed manage stability effective informed active competent expensive profitable

Упр.2.5.5. Добавьте префикс или измените суффикс, чтобы образовать антонимы следующих прилагательных, глаголов и существительных:to believe useful importance to pack reliable efficiencyto like painful senseto appear experienced material to approve tidy probableto lock mature responsible to connect harmless

**Упр.2.5.6. Прочитайте следующие предложения, найдите слова с префиксами и постарайтесь понять, что в каждом случае означает префикс.

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a. Floppy disks are inexpensive and reusable.b. If a printer malfunctions, you should check the interface cable.c. The multiplexor was not working because someone had disconnected it by

mistake.d. Improper installation of the antiglare shield will make it impossible to read what is

on the screen.e. After you transfer text using the “out and paste” feature, you may have to reformat

the text you have inserted.f. You can maximize your chances of finding a job if you are bilingual or even

trilingual.g. Peripheral devices can be either input devices (such as keyboards) or output

devices (such as printers).h. Your pay rise is retroactive to the beginning of June and you will receive a

biannual bonus.i. The octal and hexadecimal systems are number systems used as a form of

shorthand in reading groups of four binary digits.

2.6. Слова, производные от латинских и греческих корней.

Многие слова современного английского языка являются производными латинских и греческих корней. Изучите значение наиболее употребительных корней, приведенных в таблице.Корень Значение ПримерLatin Rootsact ,ag, igalteranni, annu, enniaqua, aquearmartaudiben(e)capit, captced(e), ceed, cesscent(i)clam, claim

go, do, moveotheryearwaterarm, weaponart, craft, skillheargood, wellhead, chiefgo, yield, surrenderhundredcry out, declare

activate, agitate, navigatealternativeanniversary, annuityaquatic, aqueductarmy, alarmartificial, articleauditoriumbenefitcapital, captainproceed, successcentimeterproclaim

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corpcreddictduc(t), ducefinflu(x)fort, forcgrad, gressjunct, joinliberlocluc, luminman(u), medimem(or)miss, mit(t)mob, mot, movmor(t)pedpend, penspon, pos(e)portscrib(e)similartertesttractvidver(i)vit, vivGreek Roots archautobiochroncosmdemdog, doxdynerggram, graph

bodytrustspeakleadlimitflowstronggo, step, walkjoinfreeplacelighthandmiddle, betweenremembersendmove deathfoothang, weighput, placecarrywritelikeearthwitnessdrawseetruelife

ancient, chiefselflifetimeorder, world, universepeopleteaching, opinionpowerworkwrite

corporationcreditdictionaryconduct, reducefinishfluidreinforcegradual, progressconjunctionliberationlocatelucid, illuminatemanipulationmediummemorytransmitmobilemortgagepedestalsuspensionpositionportabledescribesimilarterritorytestifyattractiveevidentverdictvitamin


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hydrlog(ue)metermorphnom(y)op(t)orthphilphos, photopsychsophtechnthermtox

waterworld, speech, studymeasureform, shaperule, laweyestraightlovelightmind, spiritwisdomart, skillheatpoison


Упр.2.6.1. Соотнесите слова с их определениями.

1. immobilize2. finite3. fortify4. commemorate5. memorandum6. pedestrian7. revitalize8. autonomous9. dogmatic10.amorphous11.sophisticated

a. controlled by a single teaching or doctrineb. a person who is walkingc. having no specific or recognisable shape or

formd. functioning independentlye. to prevent from movingf. not naïve; complex, as a piece of machineryg. limited or bordered by time or any

measurementsh. to make strongeri. a note or record of events written as a

reminderj. to honour the memory of smth or someonek. to put new life into

Упр.2.6.2. Соотнесите латинский / греческий корень с его значением и производным.

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1. bio2. fort3. chron4. port5. ced6. scrib7. ali, alter

a. timeb. goc. writed. lifee. carryf. anotherg. strong

a. disportb. alibic. processiond. bionicse. synchronizef. comfortableg. transcription

Упр.2.6.3. Из предложенного ряда выберите слово, которое является синонимом подчеркнутого слова.

a. One recent advance confirmed that Alzheimer’s disease is sometimes inherited.a. made valid b. questioned c. diagnosed d. made doubtful

b. Video compression is sending not a complete color portrait for each frame, but rather a shorthand version that describes the difference between the current frame and the previous one.a. preceding b. already seen c. viewed d. following

c. The International Union of Biological Sciences met in Amsterdam to discuss how many species there are, and how many there will be if the environment is altered in various ways by man.a. is changed b. is polluted c. is made worse d. is affected

d. Almost half of U.S. newspaper editors say that dinosaurs and humans lived contemporaneously.a. peacefully b. for a short period of time c. at the same time d. destroying each other

a. Establishing an appropriate correspondence between time and the path position parameter is an important condition in controlling the path of the robot arm.a. approximate b. proper c. precise d. the closest

b. It wasn’t until language researchers began computer programs that the importance of lexical ambiguity came to be understood.

a. having an emotional component b. having two or more possible meanings c. having a pictorial component d. having an idiomatic character

c. The negative charge of an electron slightly distorts the lattice of the metal.a. expands b. makes weaker c. changes the usual form d. contracts

2.7. Схемы словообразования.

Посмотрите на схемы, иллюстрирующие разные способы словообразования. При чтении текстов обращайте внимание на составные части особенно длинных слов.

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unimaginative tasteless \ / \ un- imagine -ative taste -less

to form root to form root to form adjective the opposite word the adjective word meaning “without”

Упр.2.7.1. Заполните пропуски в следующем задании, предварительно образовав от приведенной в скобках основы нужную форму слова.

Пример: Artists are creative people. (create)a. John is ___________________ hardworking. (extreme)b. I did not like the food. I found it most _____________ .(pleasant)c. She was arrested because she was driving _____________ .(care)d. It was very ________________ of him not to help you.(kind)e. My wife likes the colour blue, but I find it _____________ . (attract)f. He’s a lucky man. He’s been _______ married for eight years. (happy)g. I bought a new car because the old one was so __________ . (rely)h. The dancer was superb. She gave a ____________ performance . (fault)i. The passengers were frightened when the pilot flew _________ close to a

building. (danger)2.8. Обзорные упражнения.

Упр.2.8.1. Используя слово, данное в скобках в конце каждого предложения, заполните пропуски требующимися по смыслу производными словами.

Пример: Sorry. Eleven o’clock is inconvenient time for me. (convenient) a. It is more _______ to buy a big packet of cornflakes than a small one. (economy)b. John Jameson is a famous _________ who stole five million pounds from a bank.

(crime)c. I’m quite an _____ person. I play a lot of sport and go running every day. (energy)d. ________ your own business can cause a lot of financial worries .(manage)e. Churchill was not only a famous ________ but also a respected ________ .

(politics; history)f. The surgeons tried to do their best to save his life, but unfortunately the operation

was _____________ . (success)g. I understand _________________ what you’re saying. (perfect)h. Jane’s ________________ as director came as no surprise. (appoint)i. A holiday in America can be _______________ cheap. (surprise)j. The ________ of the Hollywood actor, Jimmy Halton, was announced last night.


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k. My colleagues are very pleasant, but the manager is a little _________ . (friend)l. I _____________ this morning, and was late for work. (sleep)m. There have been great ____________ in medical care in the last twenty years.

(improve)n. _______________ is one of my favourite activities. (cook)o. Some people have a great fear of ________________ by plane. (travel)p. My car isn’t very _____________. It’s always letting me down. (rely)q. I wrote ______________ letters of application, but got no reply. (end)r. I apologize for my mistake made by my office. There appears to have been a slight

________ . (understand)s. Burning coal is an __________________ way of heating a house. Gas is much

cheaper. (economy)t. I’ve just been told some ________________ news. (astonish)u. In _________________ with most other countries, Britain has a very high rate of

heart attacks. (compare)v. We have to keep our costs as small as possible. We have so many ____________

trying to take our customers away. (compete)w. There are very few _____________ places left on earth. Man has been nearly

everywhere. (explore)x. There is extreme _______________ in many Third World countries. (poor)y. I recommend the _______________ of the house. It’s delicious. (special)z. He was dismissed for ___________ . He lost the order of a very important

customer. (care)

**Упр.2.8.2. Найдите слова с суффиксами и определите, какой частью речи они являются.

a. A programmer designs, writes and tests programs for performing various tasks on a computer.

b. A systems analyst studies organizational systems and decides what action needs to be taken to maximize efficiency.

c. Laser printers are preferable to other types of printing devices because of their speed and quietness.

d. The microcomputer we have purchased does not have a FORTRAN compiler. It is programmable in BASIC only.

e. We decided to computerize the entire plant to give each division more independence.

f. Spooling is a way of storing data temporary on disk or tape until it can be processed by another part of the system.

g. Turning your office into a paperless environment may be expensive at the beginning but can produce big savings in the long run.

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h. Software developers are producing increasingly sophisticated applications for a growing global market.

2.9. Тесты к разделу “Словообразование”.

Упр.2.9.1. Каждое предложение содержит одну грамматическую ошибку. Отметьте вариант, который Вы считаете неправильным.

a. She sings lovely (A) and everybody (B) praises (C) her singing (D).b. Interest in (A) automatic data processing has grown (B) rapid (C) since (D) the

first large calculators were introduced in 1950.c. Ordinary (A) a tornado breaks up (B) suddenly and dissipates (C) less than four

hours after it has formed (D).d. To the men who (A) worked so hard (B) on the project, the news was (C)

profound (D) disappointing. e. This (A ) is the mostly (B) beautiful girl I have seen (C) for a long time! (D)f. Over (A ) 50% of Ford Motor Company’s (B) employers (C) and 45% of IBM’s

(D) for instance, live outside of US.g. The relative (A) rich countries that (B) belong to the Organization of Economic

Cooperation and Development comprise (C) 15 % of the world population but enjoy (D) 75% of world output.

h. In order for one to achieve the desired results in this experiment, it is necessary that he (A) work (B) as fastly (C) as (D) possible.

i. During (A) hibernation bears (B) lose (C) between fifteen and thirty percent of their body weigh (D).

Упр.2.9.2. Вставьте в пропуск один из вариантов.

a. As office manager of Commercial Manufacturing Corporation, Wayne Thomson is responsible for _____________ twelve clerks and typists.

a) supervision b) supervisory c) supervisingb. The __________ rapid pace of technology transfer has led to a growing number of

firms possessing the same product or process technology.a) increasingly b) increased c) increasing d) increase

b. Pollution is the presence in soil, water or air of substances ______________ to health or to human beings or animals.a) objective b) objectionable c) harmless d) harmful e) harming

b. The student must see that knowledge is _______________ to growth and change.a) subjective b) subjected c) subject d) subjecting

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b. Because money growth is a main determinant of inflation, a sharp expansion in a country’s money supply, which tends to stimulate inflation, would cause its currency to ___________ .a) depreciate b) appreciate

b. Conversely, monetary contraction would cause the currency to _______________ .a) depreciate b) appreciate

b. The company dealing with tourism has hired some ______________ .a) travel agents b) travelling agents

b. X-ray are able to pass through objects and thus make ______ details that are otherwise impossible to observe.a) it visible b) visibly c) visible d) they are visible

c. _____ of the state of a material, the molecules of this material are continuously moving.a) with regards to b) regarding c) regarded d) regardless

Упр.2.9.3. Поставьте в каждый пробел подходящие слова, образованные от слов, приведенных в конце соответствующей строки.


According to government research, more people are workingfrom home than ever before. (0) Consequently, there has been consequencean increase in (1) _____ among those people who no longer lonelyhave to travel to their place of (2) _____ . Office workers employspend their day (3) _____ by friends and colleagues, while surroundhome-workers (4) _____ meet anyone face to face. The most raredirect means of (5) ____ a home-worker has with the communicateworld (6) _____ is the telephone. The tax and the internet are outtwo more (7) _____ links that can be used, although they technology still rely on the written, rather than the (8) _____ word. speakWhat a home-worker really wants is the (9) _____ of warm a human voice, not the (10) ____ bleeps of a computer. digit

Глава 3. Местоимение.

3.1. Формы местоимений.

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Личные местоимения имеют 5 форм: именительный (И), объектный (О) и притяжательный (П) падежи, абсолютную форму притяжательных местоимений (АП) и форму возвратных местоимений.

Упр.3.1.a. Заполните пропуски в таблице недостающими формами местоимений.




Абсол. притяж.mine________________________несуществ.________________theirs_______


3.1.1. Местоимения в именительном падеже. Местоимения в именительном падеже употребляются:- в качестве подлежащего в простых предложениях и в главной и придаточной частях сложных предложений;- при сравнении подлежащих 2-х предложений;- в конструкциях типа: It was he at the door. Упр.3.1.1.a. Определите предложения, в которых местоимения употреблены в правильной форме.

a. It was I whom called you last night.b. It is true that I am taller than he.c. It must have been he whom the police arrested.d. If you were me would you lend him money?e. My teacher thinks that I am more intelligent than him.

3.1.2. Местоимения в объектном падеже.

Местоимения в объектном падеже употребляются:- в качестве прямых и косвенных дополнений к глаголам;- в предложных дополнениях;- при сравнении дополнений двух предложений.

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Упр.3.1.2.a. Заполните пропуски нужным объектным местоимением.

a. Our parents worry about my brother more than about ______ .b. Mary asked us not to leave without ______ .c. The doctor _______ he visited specialized in eye diseases.d. If I see ________ tonight, I will tell him to call you.e. No one likes that waitress because it takes _______ so long to bring the food.

Упр.3.1.2.b. Определите предложения, в которых местоимения употреблены в правильной форме.

a. The students whom live across the street make a lot of noise .b. No one knows what happened except you, Flassy, and I.c. It must have been he whom we saw at the movie.d. This is a good picture of him.e. I think that the teacher knows whom took these photographs.

3.1.3. Притяжательные местоимения.

Притяжательные местоимения выражают принадлежность и употребляются перед существительным (в качестве определения) и перед герундием.Абсолютная форма притяжательных местоимений используется:- вместо существительного в функции подлежащего или дополнения;- после глагола to be и предлога, чтобы указать на принадлежность;- при сравнении 2-х дополнений одного класса, имеющих разных владельцев.

Например: It is her diskette. Yours is on the shelf. Here is your CD, but where is mine? I found an old resume of yours in this file. Their PC can calculate derivatives faster than ours.

Упр.3.1.3.a. Заполните пропуски нужным притяжательным местоимением.

a. He doesn’t realize that ______ whistling annoys the class.b. The person ______ car I just hit is going to be very angry.c. Charlotte insisted the coat was ____ .d. The queen greeted _____ subjects outside the palace.e. I brought my car, but Phil refused to bring _____ .f. The little boy dropped his ice-cream, so his mother gave him _____ .

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g. I did _____ best on the homework.h. Didn’t you tell me that a friend of ____ is staying with you?

Упр.3.1.3.b. Определите предложения, в которых местоимения употреблены в правильной форме.

a. The student whom forgot his books is going to be unhappy tonight.b. Her mother reminded her three times to do her homework.c. Your cat is much larger than me.d. The director has no idea whose car is blocking his.e. If I can do my homework you should certainly be able to do yours.f. George brought a friend of his to class yesterday.

3.1.4. Возвратные местоимения.

Возвратные местоимения употребляются:- чтобы усилить существительное или местоимение, к которому они относятся;- в качестве дополнения после предлога by;- в тех случаях, когда подлежащее и дополнение - одно лицо: He used to talk to

himself.-Упр.3.1.4.a. Заполните пропуски нужным возвратным местоимением.

a. He knows it _________ .b. I understand your interest for this work. I’m so much interested in it _______ .c. Jane is able to do it ________ .d. Bring back the textbook. I need it ________ .e. She has a habit of checking everything for ________ .f. Boys, I’m leaving. Finish the work by _________ .g. She’ll understand the situation _________ .h. We shall do everything _______ .i. Don’t take any medicine. Your headache will pass by ________ .j. Go there and you’ll see everything for _______ .k. He’ll get a ticket only for _______ .l. John is making a mistake, I suppose. Later on he’ll be angry with _______ .m. We prefer living by _______ .n. The governor ________ will speak at the university.o. That woman has put _______ in a difficult position.

3.1.5. Обзорные упражнения по формам личных местоимений.

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Упр.3.1.5.a. Выберите подходящее местоимение из двух, предложенных в скобках.

a. The director will hire the person (who, whom) has the best credentials.b. The first ones in line were Nancy, Jim and (he, him).c. His shoes are much newer than (her, hers).d. They offered their seats to you and (I, me).e. It was (she, her) who asked the question.f. No one was surprised at (him, his) winning the contest.g. There should be no secrets between you and (he, him).h. (Who, Whom) was it that asked that question?i. Beverly is a good friend of (me, mine).j. The picnic won’t be any fun without you and (they, them)k. I can’t figure out (who, whom) is on the phone.l. John did all the homework by (him, himself).m. Everyone but (he, him) did well on the test.

Упр.3.1.5.b. В каждом предложении найдите одно подчеркнутое слово или фразу, которые следует заменить или исправить. Не всегда ошибка связана с неправильным употреблением местоимения.

a. Jan Sibelius, a Finnish (A) composer (B), captured the spirit of him (C) country in his music (D).

b. The injured (A) passengers on the airplane that (B) crashed found themself (C) miles from the nearest (D) hospital.

c. Sequoya, whom English (A) name was (B) George Guess, invented (C) a syllabary for the Cherokee (D) language.

d. Regarding (A) as the creator of the historical (B) novel, Sir Walter Scott captured his (C) readers’ imagination with his (D) stirring tales.

e. At the age of (A) 26, William Shakspeare married (B) a woman who was eight years older (C) than him (D).

f. The Queen of England she keeps (A) her (B) crown in the Tower of London where (C) both tourists and English citizens can view it (D).

g. Faced with (A) the possibility of a water shortage during the summer month, the city has asked it (B) citizens to limit (C) their use (D) of water.

h. As the population of Africa continues (A) to grow (B), animals will continue to lose (C) theirs (D) native habitat.

3.2. Правила согласования местоимений.

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1) Два слова, соединенных двойным союзом both - and или два или более слов, соединенных союзом and, соотносятся с местоимением во множественном числе: John, Mary and I are returning to our class. Both John and Ann have passed their test. Если подлежащим является местоимение each или every, то подлежащее- сказуемое и характеризующее местоимение употребляются в единственном числе:Every man and woman is eligible to vote.Each student and teacher has the textbook.2) Неопределенные местоимения являются местоимениями единственного числа и согласуются с глаголом в единственном числе. Любое из местоимений 3-го лица единственного числа может быть использовано вместо такого подлежащего в зависимости от смысла предложения.

- body - one - thingsome - somebody someone somethingany - anybody anyone anythingno - nobody no one nothingevery - everybody everyone everything

А также each either neither.

Everyone must do his homework.He never puts anything back in its place.Neither of these books is very new.Местоимение all, синоним местоимения everybody, является местоимением множественного числа.Упр.3.2.1. Употребите everybody или all.

1. ____ are so happy today! . 2. _____ is so happy today! 3. _____ of them are bright scientists. 4. ______ is present. 5. _____ of these research workers has his field of research. 6. _____ the students have their holidays in July and August. 7. Where are the children? _____ of them are outdoors. 8. ____ of them is so serious. 9. Where are _____ the boys? 10. ______ is so busy at present.

Упр.3.2.2. Прочитайте следующий текст. Сколько разных местоимений в нем встречается? Переведите текст на русский язык.

Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody

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This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was asked to do it. Everybody was sure Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it but Nobody realised that Everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.

Упр.3.2.3. Заполните пропуски нужным местоимением.

a. Anyone who wishes can bring ______ husband to the party.b. You can tell from the blood on the bench that someone on the football team hurt

_____ .c. Both the cat and the dog spend _____ days outside.d. Everyone should sit quietly until _____ is asked to speak.e. Anyone who turns in a paper late will have _____ grade lowered.

Упр.3.2.4. Определите предложения, в которых местоимения употреблены в правильной форме.

a. Everyone in the American literature class will receive their textbooks tomorrow.b. Somebody put his cigarette out in the sink.c. The queen and her daughter spend much of her free time on horseback.d. My brother and I will spend my weekend at the lake.e. It is surprising that no one turned in their paper on time.f. Each fruit and vegetable were organically grown.g. Every post-graduate want to pass the grammar test.h. Everything in the house is for sale.i. Everyone have to arrive at 8:30 in the morning.

3) Когда два слова соединены разделительными союзами either … or, neither … nor, not only … but also, то число сказуемого и местоимения определяется по той части подлежащего, которая ближе к сказуемому:

Either the student or the teacher will give you his book.Neither the professor nor the assistant-professors discuss their preparation for lectures with students.4) Собирательные существительные, такие как group, team, family могут

употребляться как в единственном, так и во множественном числе:5) Выражение all of + noun имеет единственное число, если существительное

неисчисляемое: All of the money is in bank.

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и множественное число, если существительное исчисляемое:All of the books have been thrown away.6) Местоимения several, many, both, few являются множественными и

согласуются с глаголом во множественном числе. 7) При сочетании both, neither, either с существительным возможны два варианта:both books, neither student и т.д. и both of (neither of) the (these, those, my, Tom’s …) books и т.д.8) Местоимение no употребляется перед существительными в единственном и множественном числе. No = not a или not any: I have no ticket = I haven’t a ticket.I found no mistakes in your work. = I didn’t find any mistakes in your work. I have no time to study this approach. = I haven’t any time to study this approach.В качестве местоимения-существительного употребляется местоимение none, которое заменяет как исчисляемое существительное в единственном и множественном числе, так и неисчисляемое существительное:- Are there any defects in the sample?- No, there are none.

Упр.3.2.5. Найдите ошибки в согласовании местоимений или формы глагола.

a. Neither the reporters nor the editor have received their paycheck.b. Everyone have to use their identification number to activate the computer.c. In the bus sit the musicians, each holding their instrument.d. The boy’s new jeans is so old that they look like a rag.e. Anyone who abuse their children should be punished for their actions.f. No one are as ambitious as who want to be rich.g. Both London and Paris is crowded in the summer because it is so famous. h. The list of special courses are available at the front desk because they are requested

by so many students.i. The hundred thousand dollars were found because the thief dropped them while


Упр.3.2.6. В каждом предложении подчеркнуты два местоимения. Одно из них неправильное. Найдите ошибку и исправьте ее.

a. Each of the companies claims their products will outlast its competitors.b. The recording equipment and their carrying case were never put back in their

proper place.c. His family was shocked when James killed themselves.

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d. That chain of discount stores will lose customers if it doesn’t improve their service department.

e. The New York Times, renowned for their news coverage, recently increased its readership.

f. Neither the students nor their teacher was happy with his test grades.g. Just offstage stood the conductor and its assistants with their equipment.h. The secretary put the letter back in her envelope and filed it.i. Unlike his predecessor, the president feels it is in their country’s best interest to

reduce taxes.j. Alaska’s North Scope has found itself full of geologists and its seismic equipment.

3.3. Вопросительные местоимения. Местоимения, которые вводят определительные придаточные предложения.

3.3.1. Местоимения, которые вводят определительные придаточные предложения.

Местоимения, которые вводят определительные придаточные предложения, относятся к предшествующим существительным. Выбор такого местоимения зависит от определяемого существительного:who, whom - относятся к людям и домашним животным;which - к предметам, собирательным существительным и к животным;that, whose - применимы ко всем типам существительных.

Упр.3.3.1.a. В следующих примерах укажите те, в которых относительные местоимения употреблены правильно. В остальных исправьте ошибку.

a. …… woman which …… f. …… uncle which ……b. …… musician whom …… g. …… antelope whose …… c. …… actress that …… h. …… disaster whom …… d. ……. silver who …… i. …… arrival who …… e. …… acrobat that …… j. …… surgeon whom ……k. The river which divides Texas and Mexico is the Rio Grande.l. A friend recommended the doctor which is treating my son.m. The beautician who does her hair is very good.n. The senator which introduced the bill was defeated in the last election.o. Tigers who live in Africa are endangered.p. The artist whose works are on display is a native Texan.q. The tape dispenser that Phyllis borrowed was mine.r. The rain whom the crops needed never came.

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s. The advantages of which he spoke are numerous.

3.3.2. Вопросительные местоимения.

Назовите вопросительные местоимения, которые вы знаете. Как называются вопросы, которые начинаются с вопросительного слова? Помните, что вопрос к подлежащему всегда требует глагола в форме 3-го лица единственного числа вне зависимости от того, идет ли речь об одном или нескольких лицах и предметах. Например,My wife and daughter are tall. Who is tall?This article and that story are very interesting. What is interesting?

Упр.3.3.2.a. Поставьте вопросы с who или what к выделенным словам.

a. Bob is an interpreter. e. It’s Novikov. b. Bob is an interpreter. f. I have an Italian newspaper.c. Mrs Brown is a librarian. g. Lucy is a good journalist.d. George is a builder. h. Mike is a bus-driver.

3.4. Употребление неопределенных местоимений и их производных.

Употребление неопределенных местоимений и их производных зависит от того, является ли утвердительным, вопросительным или отрицательным предложение, в котором они используются. Местоимение some и его производные употребляются в утвердительных предложениях, я any в отрицательных предложениях, общих вопросах и условных предложениях.Some (а не any) употребляется в специальных вопросах, а также в общих вопросах, если они содержат просьбу, предложение, приглашение или спрашивающий рассчитывает на положительный ответ:

Would you like something to add?Can I have some cold water?Did someone just knock at the door?

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Упр.3.4.1. Заполните пропуски местоимениями some, any и их производными (something, somewhere, someone, anyone, anything).

a. A Did you buy _______ at the shops? B No, I didn’t have ______ money.b. A Can I have ______ to eat, Mum? I’m starving. B Look at the fridge. I think there’s _______ cheese. A There isn’t ______ in the fridge. It’s completely empty.c. A Did you meet _______ interesting at the party? B Yes, I met _______ you know. Carlos, from Spain.d. A I bought ______ meat and ______ grapes. B Did you buy _______ cooking oil? A I couldn’t. They didn’t have ______ .e. A Have you got _____ scissors? B Yes. They are _________ in the kitchen, but I’m not sure exactly where.

Упр.3.4.2. Заполните пропуски местоимениями, образованными комбинацией some, any, no, every + one, body, thing, where.

a. Put the picture _________ .I don’t mind where.b. Does _______ want a game of tennis?c. What’s the noise? Can you hear _______ screaming?d. I’m going to the shops. Do you want ______ ?e. You look familiar. Haven’t I seen you ________ before?f. She left the room without saying _______ .g. Is there _______ quiet we can go to talk in private?h. This doesn’t look a very nice restaurant. Can’t we go ______ else?i. I must have asked fifteen people, but ________ knows the answer.j. Midas was a king in Greek mythology. _______ he touched turned to gold.

Упр.3.4.3. Заполните пропуски предложенными словами. Некоторые слова можно использовать больше, чем один раз.

any, anywhere, everywhere, somewhere, nothing, everyone / body, anyone / body, someone / body, everyone / body, anything, no-one / body“Is ______ (1) here?”, said Mrs Thomas to the students on the coach. “Is _____(2) missing?” “I think _____ (3) is missing “, replied one student. “It’s Peter.” “Does _____ (4) know where he is?” asked Mrs Thomas. ______ (5) answered. Mrs Thomas asked Mr Smith to go back into the museum to look for Peter. Ten minutes later Mr Smith returned alone. “I can’t find him _____ (6)”, he said.

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“I looked _____ (7)”. “Did Peter say ______ (8) to _______ (9)?” said Mrs Thomas to the students.“No, ______ (10) at all”, muttered several students. “_______(11) suggestions?” said Mrs Thomas.“I think ______ (12) should go and look for him. One of us is bound to find him “, suggested another student. “He must be ______ (13)” “But where?” said Mrs Thomas. “He could be _____(14).”So _______ (15) got off the coach, went back to the museum and spread out to search for Peter. After a few minutes _____ (16) found him, still engrossed by the museum fascinating exhibits.

3.5. Употребление местоимений this, that (these, those) another, other.

Указательные местоимения this, that имеют форму множественного числа these, those, а местоимение another употребляется всегда только с существительным в единственном числе. Местоимение other употребляется как с единственным, так и со множественным числом существительного и имеет при себе либо определенный артикль, либо не имеет артикля в соответствии с правилами употребления артиклей. Существует также существительное множественного числа the others - другие, остальные.

Упр.3.5.1. Поставьте в пропуски одно из местоимений (the) other, another, (the) others.

a. I lost my watch, my pen and some _____ things.b. The village is on ______ side of the river.c. You are wet through. Change into ______ clothes.d. I must put on ______ coat before going to the party.e. “Have you any ______ books on the subject?” “I am sorry, but there are no

______ .”f. Take this chair away and bring me ______ . g. Give me _____ glove.h. “Is there _____ train to Kiev this evening?” “Yes, there is one that leaves at

midnight and there are two ______ that leave early in the morning”.i. He took two books and left _____ on the table.a. I saw Michael just _____ day in Hyde Park.b. Heather goes to her cottage in the country every _____ weekend.

3.6. Местоимения much, many, little и few.

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В качестве местоимений-прилагательных эти местоимения употребляются следующим образом:С исчисляемыми существительными. С неисчисляемыми существительными.Много: many: Do you study many plant much: I haven’t much work to do today. cells? Мало: few: He has few friends. little: I have very little time.Much и many употребляются главным образом в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях. В утвердительных предложениях much и many употребляются только, когда они определяются словами very, rather, too, so, as, how или когда они служат подлежащим или определением к подлежащему:

There are too many pages in this article.Many people attended the meeting. В других случаях в утвердительных предложениях употребляются выражения a lot (of), lots, plenty (of) и ряд других:We have plenty of time.Russia exports a great deal of timber.A little переводится как немного, а a few - немного, несколько: Please give me a little water.We have a few experimental results.The little переводится как то небольшое количество, а the few – те несколько, те немногие:Gold is one of the few metals which are found in a virgin state.

Упр.3.6.1. Перепишите предложения, используя слова few, a few, little, a little. Сделайте другие необходимые изменения.

a. Help yourself to a biscuit. There are one or two left in the tin.b. My days are so busy that I don’t have much time for relaxation.c. She’s exceptionally generous. Hardly anyone gives more money to charity than

she does.d. There’s a tiny bit of butter left, but not much.e. He keeps trying, although he doesn’t have much chance of success.f. “I’m afraid you need three or four fillings,” said the dentist.g. He must have made a hundred clocks in his life, but only one or two of them ever

worked properly.h. She wasn’t very hungry. She just had one or two spoonfuls of soup.

3.7. Обзорные упражнения на местоимения.

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Упр.3.7.1. Все следующие предложения содержат местоимения. Если предложение неправильно, найдите и исправьте ошибку.

a. The local soccer team has a season record that will put them in the final competition.

b. Mary reads just as well as him.c. Do you actually believe it is they who sent the letter?d. The children were extremely boisterous, which annoyed their teacher.e. When a person decides to move from the city to a farm, they should be prepared to

make some mistakes.f. You will never be able to convince him or her.g. Him that speaks before he thinks will get himself in trouble.h. The last owner of this house obviously didn’t enjoy working outdoors because

they neglected the lawn.i. The coach appreciated them giving him a new jacket.j. The crowd was so large that it took us a long time to get through them.k. One or the other of these people must give up their turn to speak.l. The engineers studied the data carefully, but it didn’t seem correct.m. I forgot my books, which will force me to return home to get them.n. There is some disagreement among they who were at the meeting.o. The teacher made all these improvements themselves.p. She is very sad which makes me sad, too.q. You cannot please both George and me.r. Did you know it was him who started the fire in the wastebasket.

**Упр.3.7.2. Укажите буквой слово, подходящее по смыслу.

I. Chinese people have made the most successful study of earthquakes because China has had the world’s worst earthquakes. Two times in (1) _____ history, in 1556 and in 1976, more than half a million people lost (2) _____ lives in earthquakes. In the winter of 1974-1975 there were readable signs twice. Almost (3) _____ the people left the cities, but the earthquake did not happen. Two months later the experts again warned the people. (4) _____ were unwilling to leave (5) _____ homes. (6) ______ thought (7) ______ was (8) ________ false alarm. However the police evacuated the dangerous areas. This time a severe earthquake did happen. Thousands of lives were saved.a) it; b) their; c) its; d) all; e) some; f) another.

To know (9) _____ is going on in the world is (10) _____ person’s right today, but it was once the luxury of (11) _____ leaders. Even so, the knowledge of events was

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slow in getting to the privileged class. Today, a world wide system of communication makes news available quickly to nearly (12) ____ (13) _____ can read, to (14) _____ person (15) ______ has a radio, to (16) _____ (17) _____ can watch TV.g) who; h) every; i) everybody; j) what; k) which; l) a few; m) little.

II. (1)____ years ago mathematicians (2) ____ over the world observed the 100th anniversary of the first proof of the prime number theorem. (3) ____ famous theorem tells (4)____ what proportion of the positive integers are prime numbers. The emergence of number theory as a by-product of numerology is analogous to that of (5)____ great science, astronomy, (6)____ owes (7)____ origins to a pseudoscience, astrology. Numbers that aren’t prime are composite, except that the number 1 is (8)____ prime ____ composite. This theorem has grown into a vast and beautiful branch of mathematics that for centuries has attracted the attention of (9)____ amateur ____ professional mathematicians.a) this; b) another; c) neither … nor; d) which; e) some; f) both … and; g) all; h) its; i) us.

3.8. Тесты на местоимения.

Упр.3.8.1. Выберите правильный ответ (в некоторых случаях правильным может быть больше, чем один вариант).

a. I’m going to a wedding on Saturday. ______ is getting married. A a friend of me B a friend of mine C one my friendsb. What time shall we ______ this evening? A meet B meet us C meet ourselvesc. They live on a busy road. ___________ a lot of noise from the traffic. A it must be B there must be C there must have D it must haved. He’s lazy. He never does ________ work. A some B any C noe. “What would you like to eat?” “I don’t mind ________ - whatever you have

got.” A something B anything C nothingf. We couldn’t buy anything because ________ of the shops were open. A all B no one C none D nothingg. When we were on holiday, we spent __________ money. A a lot of B much C too muchh. __________ don’t visit this part of the town. A the most tourists B most of tourists C most touristsi. I asked two people the way to the station but _______ of them knew . A none B either C both D neitherj. It was a great party. ________ enjoyed it.

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A everybody B all C all of us D everybody of usk. The bus service is very good. There’s a bus ________ ten minutes. A each B every C alll. A black box is a device _______ internal workings are immaterial and __________

behavior can be examined only at its input and output terminals. A that B those C which D whosea. “That tree looks terrible!” “The man cut off all ________ branches yesterday. A it B itself C its D their

Упр.3.8.2. Найдите в каждом предложении одну ошибку в подчеркнутых словах и словосочетаниях.

a. The more (A) profits US corporations earn in another (B) countries, the less (C) they need to care (D) about infrastructure and education in their country.

b. Any (A) material that (B) carries an (C) electric current even a straight wire - exhibit (D) all the characteristics of the passive circuit elements: resistance, capacitance and inductance.

c. We are not against him (A) being (B) present (C) at the coming (D) conference.d. Both (A) of (B) airliners arrived (C) on (D) time.e. Among pure pharmaceuticals (A), the earliest to be isolated from (B) natural (C)

sources they were (D) the alkaloids.f. My friend makes (A) less (B) mistakes in English than (C) I do (D).

Глава 4. Предлог.

Так как в современном английском языке падежные окончания почти полностью отсутствуют, то предлоги играют важную роль, являясь одним из главных средств выражения отношения существительного (или местоимения) к другим словам в предложении. Предлоги выражают пространственные, временные, причинные и др. отношения. Многие предлоги имеют несколько значений: at the table, at 5 o’clock, to laugh at smb.Некоторые глаголы могут употребляться с различными предлогами, меняя свое значение в зависимости от предлога: to look at smb. – смотреть на кого-то; to look for smb. – искать кого-то; to look after smb.- присматривать за кем-то.Предлоги также входят в состав большого числа словосочетаний и выражений. Некоторые глаголы в английском языке требуют после себя предлога, в то

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время как после соответствующих им русских глаголов предлог не употребляется: to wait for smb.- ждать кого-то; to listen to smb.- слушать кого-то. С другой стороны, в английском языке есть ряд глаголов, которые не требуют после себя предлога, тогда как соответствующие им русские глаголы употребляются с предлогами: to follow smb. - следовать за кем-то; to enter smth.- входить в.Предлоги бывают простые (of, for, on), сложные (below, between), составные (in front of, out of).Предлоги обычно ставятся перед существительными, к которым они относятся, однако в ряде случаев могут стоять после них, а также в конце предложения:This is a picture on the wall.What street do you live in?This novel is much spoken about.Следует также отличать случаи так называемого несвободного, фиксированного употребления предлогов в том или ином сочетании слов: on duty, on foot; а также широкое употребление послелогов, то есть предлогов, обязательных для ряда глаголов и стоящих после них: (to laugh at, to listen to и т.д.) Можно выделить три относительно большие группы предлогов: предлоги времени, предлоги места, предлоги направления.

4.1.Предлоги времени.

Ниже перечислены основные предлоги времени.on – on Sunday, on the tenth of Februaryin – in two days, in Septemberat – at 7 o'clock, at noonby – by 3 o'clock, by noonfrom … till – from early morning till late at nightsince – since 5 o'clock, since midnightfor – for an hour, for agesduring – during the lecture, during the breakbefore – before the bell, before winterafter – after the break, after classestill (until) – till May, till the end of the yearbetween - between one and two o’clock

Упр.4.1.1. Заполните пропуски правильным предлогом in, at или on.

a. I get up early ____ the morning and go to bed late ____ night.b. I’m so bored. There’s nothing to do ___ weekends.

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c. He went swimming ___ Sunday morning, and ____ the evening he play squash.d. I love going for walks ____ summer. It’s still light ___ nine o’clock.e. I take my annual holiday ____ June, but I have a few days off ____ Christmas.f. He usually starts work ____ 9.30, but ____ Friday he starts ____ 8.30.g. I was born ____ 18 January, 1954.h. People exchange presents ____ Christmas Day.i. This house was built ____ the nineteenth century.

Упр.4.1.2. С какими выражениями времени используются эти предлоги? Продолжите список на сколько вы сможете.

In the morning at night on Sunday morning___________ ___________ ___________________________ ___________ ________________ Упр.4.1.3. Все предложения этого упражнения касаются прошедшего времени. Заполните пропуски подходящими словами из данных ниже. В некоторых случаях предлог не требуется.

ago last in for at when on. Пример: I arrived home at six o’clock last night. I saw Jane - yesterday.a. I was born in Africa _____ 1970.b. My parents moved back to England ____ I was five.c. We lived in Bristol ____ three years.d. I went to college three years ___ .e. I found a flat on my own ____ last year.f. I usually go home ____ the weekend.g. I didn’t go home ____ weekend because some friends come to stay.h. They arrived ____ three o’clock ____ the afternoon.i. ____ Saturday evening we went out to a concert.j. ____ we got home we listened to some music.k. We got up late ____ Sunday morning.l. ____ the afternoon we went for a walk.m. I bought a car a few weeks ____ .n. I had an accident ____ last night.o. It happened ____ 7.00 ____ the evening.p. I took my car to the garage ____ this morning.

Упр.4.1.4. Употребите подходящие предлоги.

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____ February; ____ Monday; ____ 11 o’clock; ____ night; ____ the daytime; ____ March; ____ an autumn day; ____ what time? late ____ the evening; ____ Friday; ____ the XYIII century; ____ June; ____ the afternoon; ____ 2 o’clock p.m.; ____ the 1st Sunday; ____ a fine September day; ____ Friday evening; ____ noon; (через) ____ a fortnight; ____ the 2nd ____ December; ____ midnight; _____ sunny summer morning.

Упр.4.1.5. While - это союз, за которым следует придаточное предложение (подлежащее + сказуемое). Если говорят “X happened while Y happened”, то это означает, что события X и Y случились в одно и то же время.Пример: I met Peter while I was studying at university.During - это предлог и за ним следует существительное. Значение его то же, что и у while - в течении, во время: during the film /lesson / afternoon / football match. Пример: I worked on a farm during the holidays.Словосочетания с while и during отвечают на вопрос When? - Когда?Словосочетания с for отвечают на вопрос How long? - Сколько времени? Как долго? Пример: I lived there for three years / six months.Следует помнить, что a while - существительное, означающее период времени: for a while, for a long while.Заполните пропуски словами while (1), during (2) или for (3).

a. I fell and hurt myself ________ I was playing tennis.b. It started to rain ________ the match.c. We played tennis _______ two hours.d. I worked in Italy ______ three years.e. _____ the summer I stayed on a farm in Tuscany.f. I learned Italian _____ I was there.g. We went on holiday to Florida _____ three weeks.h. ______ the day it was very hot, but it was cool at night.i. We went to Disneyland _____ we were there.j. We had a lovely meal yesterday. We sat at the table _____ three hours.k. _____ the meal we exchanged news.l. _____ I was talking to Barbara, I learned that Tony was in hospital.

Упр.4.1.6. В рассказе о Mrs Gibbs заполните пропуски одним из следующих слов:

for during ago while

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Mrs Gibb’s husband died about fifteen years (a) _____ and to help her get over his death she decided to go abroad. She went to the Far East (b) _____ six months, found she liked travelling and so planned to travel more on her own. (c) ____ the winter of 1976 she bought and equipped a small camping van. Next summer she set off for Australia where she stayed (d) ____ two years. She went to America for the first time five years (e) ____ , and is going back this year. She plans to travel round Canada and America (f) ____ the next eighteen months. She says she has never been frightened, but once, seven years (g) ____ , someone came into her van and stole some papers. It happened (h) ______ she was driving through Zimbabwe. She heard a noise (i) _____ the night, but paid no attention.

Упр.4.1.7. Заполните пропуски одним из следующих предлогов времени:

at on in for since during by untila. Jack has gone away. He’ll be back in a week.b. We’re having a party _____ Saturday. Can you come?c. I’ve got an interview next week. It’s _____ 9.30 ________ Tuesday morning.d. Sue isn’t usually here ______ weekends. She goes away.e. The train service is very good. The trains are nearly always ____ time.f. It was a confusing situation. Many things were happening ____ the same time.g. I couldn’t decide whether or not to buy the sweater. _____ the end I decided not to.h. The road is busy all the time, even _____ night.i. I was woken up by a loud noise _____ the night.j. I saw Helen _____ Friday but I haven’t seen her ____ then.k. Brian has been doing the same job ____ five years.l. Ann’s birthday is __ the end of March. I’m not sure exactly which day it is.m. We’ve got some friends staying with us ____ the moment. They’re staying

____ Friday.n. If you are interested in applying the job, your application must be received ____


*Упр.4.1.8. Заполните пропуски соответствующим предлогом времени.

a. I lived in Paris ________ five years, ____ 1970 _____ 1975.b. Beethoven began his musical education _____ the age of five.c. We never see our cat. _____ the day it sleeps, and it goes out _____ night.d. I don’t usually go out _____ the evening, except ______ Monday evening, when I

go to play snooker.e. Generations of my family have lived in the same house ____ 1800.f. A How long are you staying here? B _____ the end of the month. Then I have

to go home.

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g. I mustn’t forget my library books. I must take them back _______ the 24th.h. I’m just going out to get a newspaper. If anyone rings, tell them I’ll be back _____

a few minutes.i. Are you going away _______ Easter, or are you staying at home?j. I met my husband in Wales. ______ the time, I was working in a travel agent’s.

4.2. Предлоги места и направления.

Основные предлоги места:on – on the desk, on the wallin – in the room, in the streetat – at the window, at the meeting, at the tablenear – near the door, near the wallby – by the riverover – over the table, over the seaabove – above the sofabeyond - beyond the lake, beyond the forestacross – across the streetunder – under the table, under the bedbetween – between two chairs, between the doorsamong – among the students, among thembehind – behind the house, behind the treeacross – across the street, across the riverin front of – in front of the house, in front of the columnthrough – through the window, through the glassПредлоги направления:to – to the library, to the south, to the parktowards – towards the forest, towards the housefrom – from the table, from the northalong – along the streetinto – into the room, into the boxout of – out of the house, out of the draweroff –off the table, off the wall

Упр.4.2.1. Выберите правильные предлоги.

1. a train ____ Moscow 5. ____ the ten o’clock show A to B for C on A on B in C at2. a ticket ____ the plane 6. a visit ____ a college A on B to C for A on B at C in D to 3. the plans ____ the future 7. ____ John’s birthday

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A for B on C to A on B at C in4. He is ____ his sister’s 8. What are the office hours ____ you? A by B near C at A at B by C near D with

Упр.4.2.2. Поставьте правильные предлоги места.

____ the South; ___ the stadium; __ the corner; ___the post-office; __ the factory; ____ the meeting; __ the sky; __ the hostel; __ the station; __ the fifth floor; ____ the concert; ____ the picture; ____ the apple-tree; __ the forest; ___the newspaper; __ Ottava; __ the chemist’s; ____ the USA; ____ the air.

Упр.4.2.3. Заполните пропуски одним из предлагаемых предлогов.

above across against among around behind towards below beneath beside onto over out of a. The cowboy leant _____ the bar in the saloon, drinking a beer.b. She took her purse _____ her bag and paid the taxi driver.c. Our cat just loves to curl up ________ the fire and go to sleep.d. The view from the top of the mountain was breathtaking. We could see the town

and the river ______ us, and people who looked like ants.e. Last night the temperature fell to three degrees _____ zero.f. The burglar heard a noise coming from upstairs, so he hid _____ the curtains.g. The dog jumped _____ my lap, and settled down for a good sleep.h. The hunter froze as the tiger started running ____ him. He had nowhere to hide.i. She has beautiful works of art all ____ her house, even in the kitchen and the

bedroom.j. These days, politicians like to walk ____ the crowds, shaking hands and saying

one or two words.k. He climbed _____ the wall and ran _____ the field.l. The plane took off and was soon flying _____ the clouds.

Упр.4.2.4. Заполните пропуски соответствующим предлогом.

a. I’d love to be able to visit every country _____ the world.b. “Have you read any books _____ Margaret White?” “No, I’ve never heard of

her.”c. “Is there a bank near here?” “Yes, there’s one _____ the end of this road.”d. Tim is away at the moment. He’s ______ holiday.e. You’ve got a dirty mark ____ your cheek. Have a look _____ the mirror.f. We went _____ a party ______ Linda’s house on Saturday.g. Bombay is _____ the west coast of India.

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h. Look at the leaves ______ the tree. They’re a beautiful colour.i. “Have you ever been _____ Tokyo?” “No, I’ve never been _____ Japan.”j. Mozart died _____ Vienna in 1791 _____ the age of 35.k. “Are you _____ this photograph?” “Yes, that’s me, _____ the left.”l. We went ______ the theatre last night. We had seats _____ the front row.m. “Where’s the light switch?” “It’s _____ the wall _____ the door.”n. What time did you arrive _____ the party?o. I couldn’t decide what to eat. There was nothing ___ the menu that I liked.p. We live _____ a tower block. Our flat is _____ the fifteenth floor.q. “What did you think of the film?” “Some parts were a bit stupid but ____ the

whole I enjoyed it.” r. When you paid the hotel bill, did you pay ___ cash or _____ credit card?s. “How did you get here? ____ the bus?” “No, _____ car.”t. A “I wonder what’s _____ television this evening. Have you got a newspaper?” B “Yes, the TV programmes are _____ the back page.”

4.3. Предлоги, которые используются, когда речь идет о способе путешествия.

Это предлоги by, on и in . При использовании предлога by между предлогом и словом, определяющим способ путешествия (air, sea, car, bus и т.д.), нет ни артикля, ни притяжательного местоимения. Предлог on употребляется, если есть артикль или притяжательное местоимение (on the train, on my bicycle, on his horse) (Исключение - on foot ). Предлог in используется так же, как и on, но только с автомобилем, как средством передвижения (in the taxi, in your car). *Упр.4.3.1. Выберите соответствующий предлог.

a. I saw him riding into town on / by his bicycle yesterday.b. He’d rather go on / by bus than drive there himself.c. She sent him home in / by a taxi.d. That’s much too far to travel on / in foot.e. Did you take the tunnel to France, or did you go on / in the ferry?f. She rode through town on / by her horse.g. Let’s go home in / by taxi - I can’t be bothered to walk.h. She sometimes gets sick when travelling on / by sea.i. He flies round the world in / by his own private jet.j. The quickest way to get there is on / by air.

Упр.4.3.2. Закончите второе предложение так, чтобы оно имело то же значение, что и первое. Используйте выделенное слово, а также от двух до пяти других необходимых по смыслу слов.

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a. Air travel frightens many people. plane Many people find travelling ___________ frightening.b. The train is the quickest way to get to London from here. on The quickest way to get to London from here ________ train.c. Sometimes it is quicker to walk than to drive to work. foot Sometimes it is quicker to go to _________ than to drive.d. The bicycle is my favourite form of transport. by I prefer __________ than any other way.e. We used the car that belonged to my uncle to drive to Wales. drove We _____________ my uncle’s car.

4.4.Предложные сочетания.

Упр.4.4.1. Во многих случаях существительные употребляются с последующим предлогом. Заполните пропуски соответствующим предлогом.

a. I got a cheque _____ five hundred pounds in the post today.b. There has been a rise _____ the number of violent crimes.c. Have you seen this photo _____ my daughter? Isn’t she beautiful?d. The difference _____ you and me is that I don’t mind hard work.e. I can think of no reason _____ such strange behaviour.f. It took a long time to find a solution _____ the problem. g. Could you give me some information _____ train times?h. I’m having trouble _____ my car. It won’t start.i. She’s doing research _____ the causes of tooth decay.j. This is a machine _____ grinding coffee.

Упр.4.4.2. После многих прилагательных в составном сказуемом с глаголом to be используются предлоги. Выберите нужный вариант.

a. Who isn’t present ____ the lesson? A on B at C fromb. Why are you afraid ____ him? A of B - C withc. Are you angry ___ her? A on B at C withd. What is John ill ____ ? A with B by C -e. John Smith is proud ____ his progress in Russian. A with B of C by

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f. I am quite sure ____ good results of our research. A in B with C ofg. The old woman is seriously ill. All are afraid ____ her. A of B for C -h. I am sorry ___ the girl. She isn’t able to pass the exam. A for B about C -

Упр.4.4.3. Заполните пропуски соответствующим предлогом.I.a. The plan has been changed but nobody seems to know the reason ____ this.b. Don’t ask me to decide. I’m not very good ____ making decisions.c. Some people say that Sue is unfriendly but she’s always very nice ____ me.d. What do you think is the best solution ____ the problem?e. There has been a big increase _____ the price of land recently.f. He lives a rather lonely life. He doesn’t have much contact _____ other people.g. Paula is a keen photographer. She likes taking pictures _____ people.h. Gordon got married ____ a woman he met when he was studying at college.i. He’s very brave. He’s not afraid ____ anything.j. I’m surprised ____ the amount of traffic today. I didn’t think it would be so busy.k. Thank you for lending me the guide book. It was full ____ useful information.l. Please come in and sit down. I’m sorry ____ the mess.*II.a. She was angry ____ me _____ breaking her best plate.b. Canterbury is famous ____ its ancient cathedral.c. Bill is jealous ____ anyone who has something he hasn’t.d. I’m very proud ____ my two daughters. They are so clever.e. You’re very different ____ your husband. I thought you’d be quite similar ____

each other.f. Are you excited ____ going to Greece?g. Many foreigners find driving in Britain quite difficult. They’re not used ____

driving on the left.h. Are you good ____ tennis?i. You are responsible ____ your own actions. j. Sweets are bad ____ your teeth, but fruit is good ____ them.a. I’m terribly short _____ time.

*Упр.4.4.4. Заполните пропуски одним из данных предлогов. Выучите получившиеся предложные словосочетания наизусть. Цифры показывают, сколько раз следует использовать предлог. in x 3 on x3 out of x2 for at by

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a. After running up the stairs he was __________ breath.b. My sister and I are very different. We don’t have much ______ common at all.c. I don’t want to go to Franco’s Restaurant again. We always go there. Let’s go

somewhere else _____ a change.d. I don’t dislike Jane. ______ the contrary, I’m very fond of her.e. _______ general I go abroad for my holidays, but occasionally I stay at home.f. It always pays to buy high-quality goods. _____ the long run it’s cheaper. g. You most certainly cannot borrow my car. It’s completely ______ the question.h. This is a very important decision. All our lives are _____ stake.i. I went on holiday _____ my own because sometimes I like being _____ myself.j. I’ll do it tomorrow. No, _____ second thoughts, I’ll do it today.k. I’ll love you _____ ever!l. Thank you ____ advance.

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*Упр.4.4.5. Заполните пропуски соответствующим предлогом.

a. At two thousand pounds, the car looks like a bargain. It’s _____ very good condition.

b. Don’t talk to me at the moment. Five bills arrived in the post today. I’m _____ a bad mood.

c. ____ average, I spend about thirty pounds a week on food.d. The house was _____ fire, but the blaze was soon brought _____ control.e. As I’m the deputy, I’m _____ charge of the office while the manager is away.f. I can see the arguments for capital punishment, but personally I’m not ____ favour

of it.g. Don’t give me any money for it. You can have it _____ nothing.h. It’s a good idea ______ theory, but I don’t think it’ll work _____ practice.i. When you go away, you’ll keep ____ touch, won’t you? I want to hear all your

news.j. I don’t think you dropped the vase _____ accident. I think you did it ____ purpose.

Упр.4.4.6. Переведите следующие выражения на английский язык:

решение проблемы; наоборот; в общем; в среднем; в конце концов; сам по себе; случайно; намеренно; отвечать (быть ответственным за что-либо); в пользу чего-либо; навсегда; в теории и на практике; отличаться от; иметь много общего; быть в цейтноте; хорошо уметь (что-либо сделать), заранее.

4.5. Устойчивые выражения с предлогами.

В зависимости от используемого предлога меняется значение словосочетания. Например, выражение at the beginning (of the story) означает в начале с хронологической точки зрения. А выражения in the beginning и at first подразумевают противопоставление, то, что обстоятельства позднее изменятся.Выражение at the end (of the story) означает в конце с хронологической точки зрения. А выражение in the end подразумевает разрешение некой проблемы или неопределенности, о которой речь шла ранее.Когда используются наречия finally и eventually, то это означает долгое ожидание результата, положительного или отрицательного.Выражение at last предполагает долгое ожидание положительного результата. Сравните следующие пары предложений.a. John and Anita got married at the beginning of May. In the beginning, the marriage worked well, but problems soon began to emerge. b. At the end of the war, the soldiers all went home. We had a long and bitter argument, but in the end I realized he was right after all.

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c. I burnt the meat and dropped the vegetables, but the meal turned out all right in the end.

At last the waiter brought them their meal, but by then it was cold.

Упр.4.5.1. Заполните пропуски соответствующим словом или выражением из тех, о которых шла речь выше в этом параграфе.

a. After the operation, he went home to recuperate. ______ he made good progress, but his condition soon began to deteriorate.

b. ____ of the film, we are introduced to the two main characters, Bill and Sarah Cunningham.

c. Damain told me the other day that he wants to be an astronaut. I didn’t believe him ______ , but then I realized he was serious!

d. She spent days trying to decide what to do. She _______ decided that the best course of action was to do nothing.

e. I’ve spent thousand of pounds trying to get my driving licence, and now, after seventeen goes, I’ve got it ________!

f. They tried hard to make the marriage work, but their hearts weren’t in it, and they got divorced ________ .

g. The story jumps around from place to place, and there are characters introduced who don’t seem to be connected. ________ , you have very little idea of what it was all about.

h. I had to wait weeks for the cheque to come, but it arrived ________ .

4.6. Глагол и предлог.

Можно выделить следующие типы комбинаций глагола с частицей. 1. Глаголы с закрепленными предлогами.2. Глаголы с последующим предлогом или наречием, совпадающим по форме с

предлогом, образующие новую лексическую единицу, которая часто имеет несколько значений. Количество таких комбинаций глаголов с последующим предлогом или наречием (послелогом) (phrasal verbs) в английском языке очень велико.

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4.6.1.Глаголы с закрепленными предлогами.

Упр.4.6.1.a. Заполните пропуски соответствующим предлогом.

a. I applied ____ the job that I saw advertised ____ the paper.b. I think you’re quite right. I absolutely agree _____ you.c. They are arguing ____ who’s going to win the World Cup. d. Water consists ____ hydrogen and oxygen.e. After six months of working overtime, she succeeded _____ paying off her debts.f. It took him a long time to recover ____ the injuries he sustained in the car crash.g. I’d like to complain ____ the manager _____ the state of my room. It isn’t very

tidy.h. Compared ____ many countries, the cost of living in Spain is quite low.i. She was concentrating so hard _____ her book that she didn’t hear me come into

the room.j. Do you believe _____ reincarnation? I do.k. Who does that car belong _____? It’s in my way.l. Could I speak ____ you for a moment ____ our plans for next month? It’s rather

important.m. Gold is not affected ____ moisture.n. The work was divided ____ four students.o. The ship cruises ____ Odessa and Batumy.

Упр.4.6.1.b. Закончите вопросы необходимым предлогом.

a. What are you worrying ____ ? i. Who do you agree ____ ?b. What do you hope ____ ? j. Who did you cooperate ____ ?c. What exam are you preparing ____ ? k. Who have you just danced ___? d. Where are you hurrying ____ ? l. What disease did she die ____ ? e. Who are you waiting ____ ? m. Who has it happened ____ ? f. What are you listening ____ ? n. Who have you learned it ____ ?g. What railway station does this train arrive ____ ?h. What have you congratulated John ____ ? Упр.4.6.1.c. Задайте вопросы по образцу (не к подлежащему).

Пример: I’m waiting. Who are you waiting for? a. Sh! I’m listening. What ____________ ?b. Jane’s talking. Who _____________ ? What ___________ ?c. Sh! I’m thinking. What ______________ ?

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d. They’re looking everywhere. What ______________ ?e. She’s going on holiday. Who _____________ ?f. I’m going out. Who _____________ ?g. I had a dream last night. What ________________ ?h. I had an argument with Bert yesterday. What ________________ ?i. Jerry ‘s in love. Who _____________ ?j. Sophie’s getting married. Who ___________________ ?

Упр.4.6.1.d. Преобразуйте утверждения в вопросы к выделенным словам.

Пример: Who are you looking at? I’m looking at that man. a. ________________________ She’s talking about politics.b. ________________________ I’m waiting for the postman to arrive.c. ________________________ He works for the American government.d. _______________________ I’m writing to the Prime Minister.e. ________________________ She was angry with her husband.f. ________________________ The house belongs to Mr Briggs.g. ________________________ The letter’s for you.h. ________________________ I stayed with some friends.

4.6.2.Глаголы to be и to get с предлогами и наречиями.

Глаголы to be и to get являются одними из “рекордсменов” по количеству идиоматических выражений, которые они образуют с предлогами и наречиями.

Упр.4.6.2.a. Закончите предложения одной из предложенных частиц.

away back out of over up out in offa. Many people are ________ work in the north-east of England.b. Don’t phone for the next few weeks. I’ll be ________ on business.c. I should be ________ on the 10th of March.d. I was ______ all the night with the baby. She just wouldn’t sleep.e. It had been a long winter, but at last it was nearly ________ .f. I phoned you, but there was no reply. You must have been _______ .g. Are you sure? I’ve been ______ all day, and I didn’t hear the phone.h. We’re ____ sugar. Could you get some more when you go to the shops?i. I’m ________ to Italy tomorrow, so I won’t see you for a while.Попробуйте передать смысл предложений с помощью синонимов.Например: Many people are unemployed in the north-east of England.Упр.4.6.2.b. Ниже дан ряд значений глагола to get с послелогами: to get back - to return to get up - to climb (e.g. a wall)

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to get in - to enter to get smth off - to remove (e.g. a stain) to get away - to escape to get off - to leave (e.g. a train, a bus)to get through - to pass with difficulty to get in touch with - to make contact (e.g. on the phone) а также примеры из словаря: The new manager is easy to get on with.Fred didn’t remarry. He never got over the shock of losing Jane.The books are locked up and I can’t get at them.Don’t let this cold weather get you down.How’s Jim getting on at school? Закончите следующие предложения, используя phrasal verbs на основе глагола get.

a. I must put this vase in a place where the children __________ .b. I know I shouldn’t let this comments ________ but I can’t help feeling upset.c. How are you ________ in your new job? d. A How __________ with your flatmate? B Not very well at all. He is a smoker, and I can’t bear the smell.e. Jim’s only just beginning to __________ his disappointment.f. My house was burgled yesterday. The burglar managed to _______ .g. The police were called, but the burglar ______ .h. We were in the capital when war broke out. Naturally we _____ .i. The journey was terrible. We didn’t _____ until three in the morning.j. Someone spilt wine on the carpet, but I _____ .k. I’ve been trying _____ to you for ages, but you’re always engaged.

4.6.3. Другие глаголы с послелогами.

Упр.4.6.3.a. Заполните пропуски правильной формой глагола look с нужным предлогом или наречием и запомните значение полученных словосочетаний.

after for out forward to up througha. Baby-sitters are people who _______________b. I wonder what “scratch” means. I’ll _________ dictionary.c. A What are you doing on your hands and knees? B I _________ my glasses. Have you seen them anywhere?d. Look _________! That box is going to fall on your head!e. It’s a great pleasure to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you, and I ________

meeting you for a long time.f. I looked these data ______ .g. I looked some figures _____ in the textbook.

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Упр.4.6.3.b. Прочитайте примеры из словаря, поясняющие значение phrasal verbs с глаголом put. Затем сделайте упражнение, закончив предложения с использованием нужной формы.The fireman soon put the fire out. Please put this call through to the manager. Put your books / toys away. Put the rent up by 50p (a week). The mere smell of garlic put him off his supper.

a. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I couldn’t smoke here. I ______________b. Why don’t you buy your car now? They’re going to ____________ soon.c. Hello, operator. Could you _________ extension 301, please? d. I’ll dry the dishes if you _________ . I don’t know where they should go.e. The violence in America _____________ going there for my holiday.

Упр.4.6.3.c. Замените глаголы в этих предложениях глаголом to put и нужным предлогом или наречием из данных ниже. away back off out up withПример:He placed the money on the table. He put the money down on the table.a. It is difficult to extinguish electrical fires. __________________b. I don’t know how you can tolerate so much noise. ______________c. Please replace the books on the shelves. ______________________d. We have postponed the meeting until next week.________________e. Could you please tidy all your clothes? ______________________

Упр.4.6.3.d. Употребите необходимые послелоги с глаголом to turn.

a. It grew dark and I turned ____ the light.b. In heavy snowfall the truck turned ____ .c. My tea was ready and I turned ____ the gas.d. The lamp was too bright and I turned it ____ .

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4.6.4. Обзорные упражнения на тему глагол + предлог.

Упр.4.6.4.а. Заполните пропуски, выбрав нужные глагол (из строчки А) или предлог (из строчки В). Поставьте глагол в необходимую форму. Цифры показывают, сколько раз используются в упражнении глагол или предлог.

A fill give put try look x3 turn fallB out back on away up x4 down x2 round after a. You look tired. Sit ____ and have a cup of tea.b. I’m looking for yesterday’s newspaper. Did you throw it ______ ?c. ______ on your warm coat. It’s cold today.d. Could I _____ on these shoes, please? Size nine.e. Turn ____ the music! It’s too loud!f. Don’t forget to _____ off the light when you come to bed.g. I live in Bristol now, but I grew _____ in Leicester.h. Have you heard? Tony’s going _____ with an Italian girl called Sophia.i. Could you _____ in this form, please, and sign it at the bottom?j. Come _____ ! Hurry _____ ! You’ll be late for school.k. I’m _______ forward to meeting her very much.l. Pick ______ your litter! Don’t drop it on the street!m. Don’t worry about the baby. I’ll look _______ her while you’re out.n. What a pretty dress! Turn _____ ! Let me look at it from the back.o. _____ out! The glass is going to fall! Oh! Too late! p. John! Wake ____ ! Can you hear a noise downstairs?q. I’m _____ for the car keys. Have you seen them anywhere?r. I’m going to take these shoes _____ to the shop. The heel has broken already.s. She _____ off her horse and hurt her wrist.t. I used to smoke, but I ____ up last year.

Упр.4.6.4. b. Употребите необходимые послелоги.

a. You should think the plan ____ . b. Let’s put it ____ for the next week.a. Look this word ______ in the dictionary. a. He rings her ____ almost every day. c. I can’t begin this work because it may take ____ a lot of time.d. It’s a nasty habit, believe me. You should give it ____ as soon as possible.e. “I want to buy this pair of gloves.” “Try them ____ first.”f. I just can’t make _____ my mind about the trip. g. How are you getting ____ ?h. How are the young men getting ____ ?

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i. “Do you think John is able to do this work?” “I think he is ____ to it.”j. After my disease I have to catch ____ with the group.k. I dropped _____ at the photographer’s.l. The Browns moved ____ last November. They live in a suburb now.m. I picked Jane ____ on my way to the hostel.n. We showed the stranger _____ .o. Pick me ___ on your way to school.p. Shall we drop ____ or pass ____ .q. I’ll be back in the town the day after tomorrow. I’ll drop ____ at your place.

4.6.5. Классификация Phrasal verbs. Phrasal verbs в различных словарях и пособиях классифицируются различными способами. В этом разделе дается их простая классификация, в которой выделяется 4 типа:Тип 1: phrasal verb не имеет дополнения: take off, (a) make a start in jumping. (b) (of an aircraft) leave the ground and rise: The plane took off despite the fog.Тип 2: дополнение находится между глаголом и предлогом: turn smth on, start the flow of (liquid, gas, current) by ~ing a tap, switch, etc: T~ the light / radio on. Дополнение может менять свое положение.Тип 3: дополнение следует за предлогом: look for smb / smth, (a) search for; try to find: Are you still ~ing for a job? Дополнение не может менять своего места.Тип 4: дополнение с двумя предлогами: look down on smb / smth, regard as inferior: Why do the English look down on everything foreign?

Упр.4.6.5.a. Сопоставьте phrasal verb из колонки А с его определением в колонке В. Ответьте на вопрос, к какому типу (2 или 3) они относяться.A Ba. to talk over a problem 1. to recover fromb. to try out an idea 2. to experiment withc. to go off a person / food 3. to canceld. to call off a meeting 4. to stop e. to give up smoking 5. to discussf. to look into a problem 6. to care forg. to get over an illness 7. to not accepth. to turn down an offer 8. to not like any morei. to look after a child 9. to investigate j. to work out a sum 10.to solve

Упр.4.6.5.b. Поставьте местоимение it на нужное место.

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a. Jan had a problem with her finances, so we talked ___ over ____, and now it’s fine.

b. I had an idea for reorganizing the system. We tried ____ out ____, and it worked well.

c. I used to love ice cream, but since I found out how it’s made, I’ve really gone ___ off ___ .

d. We were due to have a meeting on Thursday, but we’ve had to call ___ off ____ because the chairperson’s ill.

e. I wish you wouldn’t smoke. Why don’t you give ____ up ____ .f. I’m sorry to hear about your problem with the Tax Office. I promise I’ll look ___

into ___ as soon as possible.g. The best thing for backaches is rest. Don’t worry. You’ll soon get ___ over ____ .h. The job looks very attractive. You’d be a fool to turn ____ down ____ .i. That ring is extremely valuable. Make sure you look ___ after ____ .j. I need a calculator to see how much money I’ve got in my account. I can’t work

____ out ____ in my head.

Упр.4.6.5.c. Познакомьтесь со значениями словосочетания “bring smb / smth up”. Bring smb / smth up, (a) educate; rear: She has brought up five children. If children are badly brought up they behave badly. (b) vomit: ~ up one’s dinner. (c) call attention to : These are facts that can always be brought up against you, used as evidence against you. These are matters that you can ~ up in committee. (d) (mil) summon to the front line: We need to ~ up more tanks. (e) ~ for trial: He was brought up on a charge of drunken driving. (f) cause to stop suddenly: His remarks brought me up short /sharp / with a jerk.Какие из значений (a),(b),(c),(d),(e) или (f) использованы в следующих предложениях?1. I thought you brought up a very interesting point at the end of the lecture2. Her mother died in childbirth and she was brought up by her father.3. The war is going badly. We need to bring up more soldiers.4. The journey was so bumpy that the baby couldn’t help bringing up her breakfast.

Упр.4.6.5.d. Закончите предложения одним из приведенных ниже словосочетаний. К какому типу относятся полученные phrasal verbs?

away with on with down on up to back on up against in with out of away froma. We’ve run _________ sugar. Could you buy some more?b. Please don’t let me disturb you. Carry ___________ your work.

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c. We must try to cut ________ the amount of money we spend. We just can’t make ends meet.

d. Keep _____ me! I’ve got a terrible cold, and I don’t want to give it to you.e. When I look _______ my childhood, I realize what a happy time it was.f. She’s such a snob. She looks ____ people who have to work for their living.g. The only people she looks _____ are her grandparents.h. Children grow __________ their clothes so quickly. It costs a fortune to clothe

them properly.i. The government have come _______ a big problem in their economic policy. The

unions won’t co-operate, and management doesn’t approve of what they’re trying to do.

j. Face _______ the facts, Joey, and stop living with your head in the clouds. You’ll never get anywhere if you don’t work at it.

k. The antique table is very beautiful, but it doesn’t fit _____ the rest of the furniture, which is modern.

l. He tries to get ______ doing nothing around the house by charming everyone, but they’ve all learnt his tricks.

Упр.4.6.5.e. В данном упражнении обе части phrasal verbs используются буквально. Заполните пропуски предложенными наречиями или предлогами. away out on down off up ina. I’d better write your telephone number _______ . I’ve got a terrible memory.b. Don’t run _______ . Come here! I want to talk to you!c. The bird’s cage wasn’t closed properly. It managed to get _____ , and

unfortunately it flew ____ . We haven’t seen it since.d. When Mrs Johnson died, she didn’t have a penny. She’d given all her money

______ to charity.e. I don’t feel like cooking tonight. Shall we eat ______ ?f. The soup doesn’t taste very nice. If I were you, I’d put some more salt _____ .g. A button has come _____ my shirt. Could you sew it back ____ for me?h. It has just started to rain, and the washing is hanging outside. Could you help me to

bring it ____ ?i. Hello. It’s Peter, isn’t it? I hardly recognized you! You’ve shaved ____ your beard.j. Kate’s having a birthday party this afternoon. Could you help us to blow _____

some balloons?k. I fell _____ my horse and dislocated my shoulder.l. And my wife fell ____ stairs! One disaster after another!m. The wind was very strong last night. It blew ____ a tree in our garden.*Упр.4.6.5.f. Многие phrasal verbs имеют синонимы латинского происхождения. Phrasal verbs являются менее формальными, тогда как слова

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латинского происхождения более формальны и буквальны. Догадайтесь о значении phrasal verbs в следующих предложениях и найдите для них соответствующий синоним латинского происхождения из предложенного списка.

a. I was badly beaten up when I tried to break up a fight outside a pub last night.b. You should tell the police that it wasn’t your fault. I’ll stick up for you, don’t

worry.c. Soon there will be no import duties within the Common Market. They’re going to

do away with them.d. Government forces in Walliland have put down a revolt by a group of soldiers.e. The business went through a lean period at the beginning of the year, but things are

picking up now.f. Looking after six kids all day has completely worn me out!g. Many old people are taken in by bogus officials, who call their houses, find a

pretence for looking round and then steal their property.h. I was told off for being late again this morning. If it happens again, my pay gets

docked.i. We’ve bought an old house which isn’t in very good condition, but we’ll do it up

bit by bit.j. Don’t believe her when she says she’s got stomach ache. She’s putting it on. She

just wants to get out of going to school.k. I had a very unhappy childhood, but the delights of being an adult and a parent

have made up for that.l. I can’t solve the riddle at all. I give in. What’s the answer?m. The government is going to set up an inquiry into the condition of Britain’s

prisons.n. Police have ruled out murder, but are still holding several people for questioning.o. He’s a great mate of mine. He’s the kind of friend who’ll stand by you through

thick and thin.Список синонимов латинского происхождения.1. compensate for ___________ 9. establish_______________2. exhaust _________________ 10. exclude _______________3. deceive _________________ 11.improve _______________ 4. defend __________________ 12. decorate_______________5. pretend _________________ 13. surrender ______________6. abolish _________________ 14. support ________________ 7. reprimand _______________ 15. assault ________________8. suppress ________________*Упр.4.6.5.g. Затруднения, которые приносят многочисленные и многозначные phrasal verbs иностранцам и самим носителям языка тонко подмечены

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английскими журналистами. Далее в качестве примера приводится статья Майлса Кингтона, опубликованная в газете The Independent и написанная в форме урока английского языка по теме Phrasal verbs. Перед чтением сделайте ряд упражнений.a) Догадайтесь о значении следующих phrasal verbs, фигурирующих в статье.a. My sister has written, asking if we can put her up for a few days whilst she’s in

London.b. Paul was left ten thousand pounds in his grandfather’s will, so he set himself up as

a photographer.c. This bad weather’s really getting me down.d. The flat isn’t very nice, but I can put up with it until I find somewhere better.e. The family dog was old and crippled, so they decided reluctantly that they had to

have her put down.f. Let’s meet on the 20th . Put the date down in your diary so you don’t forget it.g. James Gregory was sent down for ten years for his part in the robbery.h. Peter thinks I’m trying to get off with his girlfriend, but I don’t find her very

attractive. Anyway, I wouldn’t do a thing like that to a mate of mine.i. Have you seen how Jane always putting him down? Either she criticizes him for

the way he dresses, or the way he eats or the way he speaks, and she makes him feel such a fool!

j. “I’ve been set up,” thought Alice. “Joe told the director that I was incompetent, than altered the accounts making it look like my handwriting, and now I’ve been accused of stealing money!”

k. Jeremy, who is a very good mimic, was sending up the Director and the way he screws up his face when he talks, when the Director himself came into the room. You could have heard a pin drop!

b) Сопоставьте phrasal verbs с предложенными определениями.1. to depress, make miserable ____________2. to send to prison _____________3. to establish a business __________________4. to prove a bed for someone for a short while _________________5. to imitate someone in such a way as to make them appear foolish ________6. to write down ______________7. to kill (an animal) out of humanitarian reasons ______________8. to tolerate _________________9. to begin a romantic or sexual relationship with someone ____________10. to make someone appear guilty in order to get them into trouble ________11. to make someone seem foolish by criticizing and ridiculing them _______c) Теперь прочитайте статью. Miles Kington Could I say to the vet, “Here is my cat, please have her sent up?”

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Learning English as a Second LanguagePart 597: Dealing with political pollsters.Please help me. What do I say if I stopped in the street by a man asking questions about elections? This was happening to me all the time during the general election.You say: ”Put me down as a Don’t Know”.Put me down as a Don’t Know, I see. What exactly does that mean?It means you don’t want any more questions.I see. What does “put me down” mean?It means, write me down on paper.But in lesson 413, you told me that “put down” means to make a lot of fun of. Your sentence was “Every comedian thinks it is funny to put down Val Doonican.”Yes, well, it means that as well.So maybe the man asking the questions will make fun of me?No, no. And in lesson 512, you said that “put down” also means to have your favourite animal killed. Your sentence was: “We are taking our cat to the vet for him to be put down.”Did I? Well, yes, it means that too.So I am afraid that the man asking the political questions will have me painlessly killed when I say “Put me down as a Don’t Know.”No, no, he won’t do that, I promise.If “put down” means to make fun of, suppose “put up” means to take seriously.No, no. It means to accommodate for a few days. Here is another sentence for you: “My mother has written to say she is coming to stay with us, so we will have to put her up for the weekend.”That is a bit like a sentence I remember from lesson 87. “I do my best to put up with your mother.”Ah, yes, that’s put up with.What does “put down with” mean?Nothing.Could I say “Set me down as a Don’t Know”?No. “Set down” means to let someone off a train at a railway station.And “set up” means to let them on the train at the railway station?Mmm, not exactly. Actually, it means something the police do when all else fails. Here is another sentence for you. “I spent three years in jail because the police set me up for the Croydon job”. Would they do that?Not if you’d really done the Croydon job. “Set up,” by the way, also means to give someone lots of money. For example, my parents set me up as a teacher of English as a second language.But the police would not give you lots of money for the Croydon job?

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No, I think not.Would it be possible to say to this man in the street: “Sent me down as a Don’t Know?”Well, not really, “Send down” means to put someone in prison.Oh, I see. The police set you up first and then they send you down.Yes. Well, not quite. The police set you up, but the judges send you down.This is all done to make more jobs?Yes, I think so.Well, if “send down” means to put you in prison, does “send up” mean get someone out of prison?Not exactly. In fact, not at all. “Send up” means to make a lot of fun of.Ah, just like “put down”. So the sentence from lesson 413 could also be: “Every comedian thinks it is funny to send up Val Doonican”?Very good, absolutely right. Spot on.And I could also say to the man in the street: “Send me up as a Don’t Know.”No.And I could say to the vet: ”Here is my cat - please have her sent up”?No.English is very difficult to learn as a second language.Believe me, English is very difficult to teach as a second language. It gets me down sometimes.Get down? You mean, as in the phrase: “Get down and boogie”?Where did you learn to speak like that?In a disco in the West End, where I also learn English as a second language.Ah, no, that is American as a second language. Oh, just look at the time. I think that is enough for today’s lesson. I must get off.Get off with whom?I will deal with that in our next lesson.

d) После прочтения статьи постарайтесь ответить на следующие вопросы.1. Каким образом “преподаватель” подшучивает над- проводящими опросы общественного мнения по политическим вопросам?

- Val Doonican (конферансье с характерной привлекательной внешностью)? - тещей и свекровью? - полицией? - американским английским? 2. Что привело в замешательство студента в конце “урока”?3. Какие идиоматические выражения “преподаватель” объяснял хорошо, а

какие плохо?

4.6.6. Идиоматические выражения, состоящие не только из глагола с предлогом или наречием.

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Идиоматические выражения могут состоять не только из глагола с предлогом или наречием, но и других частей речи.

Упр.4.6.6.a. Догадайтесь о значении шести идиом, включающих существительные - части тела. Затем поставьте им в соответствие расположенные в правой колонке определения. a. Keep your fingers crossed for me! 1. I’ve nearly remembered it. b. I’m pulling your leg! 2. It makes no sense to me at all. c. It’s on the tip of my tongue. 3. I’m joking!d. I’ll keep an eye on her for you. 4. I’ll watch her while you’re out.e. I can’t make head or tail of it. 5. Wish me luck!f. I really put my foot in it, didn’t I? 6. I said the wrong thing.

Упр.4.6.6.b. Составьте английские предложения, используя фразеологические единицы.

1. Вам не хватает денег. 2. Этого (будет) достаточно. 3. Вы поступите на эту работу. 4. У вас нет с собой мелочи. 5. Давно пора провести собрание по этому вопросу. 6. Вы закончите эту работу самое позднее в марте. 7. Вам надо зайти в булочную. 8. Вам эта работа по плечу. 9. Европейский чемпионат будет проходить в Москве.

Упр.4.6.6.c. Закончите предложения.

1.I hope, the change of the climate will …(приносить вам пользу) 2. I’ll visit them (попозже). 3. (Прежде всего) we’ll have to check the state of things. 4. When shall I see you в следующий раз)? 5. Let’s meet (послезавтра). 6. “How old will he be next year?” “30 (в крайнем случае, самое большее) 7. Everything will happen (своим чередом). 8. You may keep it (навсегда).

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*Упр.4.6.6.d. В этом упражнении выделены идиоматических выражения. Прочитайте внимательно текст и догадайтесь о смысле этих выражений.

a. A The question is, who left the window open? B For goodness sake, John. Stop splitting hairs! It doesn’t matter who left the

window open. The fact is that someone did, and that’s how the parrot escaped.b. He stole money from his wife’s purse so that he could go out drinking. But she got

her own back by locking him out, so he had to sleep in the garden that night. c. Don’t worry about Josephine. She shouts a lot, but really she doesn’t mean it. Her

bark is worse than her bite.d. A My wife and I just can’t control our finances. No matter how hard we try, we’re

always overdrawn at the end of the month. B Jack and I are in the same boat. I think it must be the cost of living that has

gone up.e. We’re a team, and we have to work together, but I don’t think Bill is pulling his

weight.f. My father agreed to lend me his car for this evening, but when I asked for some

money for petrol, he put his foot down.g. All negotiations in the miner’s pay dispute had broken down, and the strike was

due to start next day. Then, at the eleventh hour, the management made a new offer.

h. Setting up your own business should be quite a simple affair, but there is so much red tape involved, with tax offices, planning permission offices and so on, that it can take years.

*Упр.4.6.6.e. Выберите правильный вариант из четырех предложенных, чтобы получилось идиоматическое выражение.

a. He used the business profits to ___ his own nest. His employees gain nothing.fill feather enrich build

b. She is so quick to criticize other people. I think she should learn to set her own ____ in order first.home business house place

c. He paid an absolute fortune for a really tiny flat. There’s not enough room to swing a _____ .cat handbag monkey rope

d. Don’t be so impatient. You can’t hurry the decorating if you want to do it well. _____ wasn’t built in a day.New York St Paul’s Rome Colossus

e. Friends may let you down, but your family will always stand by you. Blood is thicker than ____ .tea wine tears water

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f. My car has just about had it. It’s on its last ___ . We’ll have to get a new one.legs life way routes

g. Politics is a cut-throat business where your friends can be more treacherous than your enemies, but, as they say, “If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the _____ .forge kitchen hearth desert

h. I don’t know what she’s got to be so cocky and self-important about. Someone should put her in _____ .

place boots cradle posti. I believed him! He looked so sincere. I feel such a fool now. He really led me up

the _____ .river garden path wrong road high street

4.7. Обзорные упражнения на предлоги.

Упр.4.7.1. Заполните пропуски соответствующим предлогом.

a. He invested all his money _______ stocks and shares.b. Could you throw that book ______ me, please? I’d like to have a quick look at it.c. They thanked him ____ being so kind.d. They invited us _____ their wedding, but we couldn’t go.e. I warned him _____ the dangers of driving without a seat belt.f. They provided me ______ food and bed, which was very kind.g. The smell of the food reminded me ______ when I was a child.h. He spent all his money _____ fast cars and gambling.

*Упр.4.7.2. Заполните пропуски в текстах соответствующим предлогом.EducationWhen my grandmother was at school, she had to learn everything (a) _______ heart, and even years later she could recite countless poems (b) _______ memory. She was discouraged (c) _____ thinking (d) ______ herself, and concentrated simply (e) ______ learning facts. The teacher were very strict (f) ______ pupils in those days. My grandfather confined (g) ______ me that he was expelled (h) ______ school (i) ______ playing truant just once.It is always worthwhile for government to invest (j) _______ education. Nobody should be deprived (k) _______ a good education, and everybody should benefit (l) ______ it. Nothing can compensate (m) ______ a bad start in life. Pupils (n) ______ public schools still account (o) _____ many of the students at Oxford and Cambridge University. Until quite recently these universities seemed to be prejudiced (p) ______ pupils from state schools. Many people objected very strongly (q) _____ this and at last things are changing.

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I had no intention (r) ___ staying (s) ___ at university after I had finished my first degree. I finally succumbed (t) ___ parental pressure, but only (u) __ protest, and carried out research (v) _____ the life of Baudelaire.

**The urge to get interconnected.Electronic intelligence is being built (a)____ more and more (b)____ the items we use every day, (c)___ the office, (d)___ home, and (e)___ school. The utility of many of these gadgets could greatly increase if, (f)____ addition (g)___ built-(h)____ intelligence, they were able to link (i)___ other devices to either pass (j)____ information or pick (k)____ control signals or data. An obvious example is the notebook computer that’s taken (l)____ the road and then brought (m)____ (n)____ the home or office. When getting ready (o)____ a trip, they might want to load some information, such as background (p)___ sales prospects and perhaps directions (q)___ getting (r)____ their sites, (s)____ the device that they will be carrying so that they can refer (t)____ it (u)____ the way.Moreover, appliances (v)____ your toaster (w)____ your coffee maker will be linked (x)___ your alarm clock, so that you are awakened (y)___ the smell of coffee. (z)____ your evening commute home, you can signal your home to turn (aa)____ the lights, start the evening meal (bb)____ the microwave, and so on. All of this will be managed (cc) ____ a home “control center” or an entirely new system.

4.8. Тесты на предлоги.

Упр.4.8.1. Выберите нужный вариант из предложенных.

a. I’ll be in London next week. I hope to see Tom ________ there. A while I will be B while I am C during my visit D during I am b. Fred is away at the moment. I don’t know exactly when he’s coming back but I’m

sure he’ll be back _______ Monday. A by B until C on D beforec. I’ll be at home _____ Friday morning. You can phone me then. A at B on C ind. I’m going away ______ the end of January. A at B on C ine. When we were in Italy, we spent a few days _______ Venice. A at B to C inf. What time did they ______ the hotel? A arrive to B arrive at C arrive in D get to E get ing. Tom’s away at the moment. He’s _____ holiday in France. A at B on C in D forh. We travelled ______ 6.45 train, which arrived at 8.30. A in the B on the C by the D by

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i. Have you read any books ______ Agatha Christie? A of B from C byj. The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage ___ the other car. A of B for C to D on E atk. Why were you so unfriendly ____ Tessa? Have you had an argument with her? A of B for C to D withl. I’m not very good ____ repairing things. A at B for C in D aboutm. I don’t understand this sentence. Can you _____ ? A explain to me this word B explain me this word C explain this word to men. If you’re worried about the problem, you should do something _____ it. A for B about C against D witho. “Who is Tom Madely?” “I’ve no idea. I’ve never heard ____ him.” A about B from C after D ofp. “What time will you arrive?” “I don’t know. It depends ____ the traffic.” A of B for C from D onq. I prefer tea ____ coffee. A to B than C against D overr. They gave me a form and told me to ____ . A fill in B fill it in C fill in it s. They got ___ the train at Los Angeles.

A out of B from C off D witht. The force that holds neutrons and protons together in the atomic nucleus is one

manifestation of the strong interaction ____ hadrons.A among B between C within D throughout

Упр.4.8.2. Заполните пропуски в текстах соответствующим предлогом из данных ниже.

The blue-and-white trains which run every half an hour ____(1) Tokyo and Osaka are the fastest trains in the world. They are not only very fast but very comfortable. Only those who have booked seats can travel ____(2) the train. It was not possible to run more trains ____(3) the old lines so the Japanese build a special line ____(4) the new fast trains. It is very good indeed. You can eat and drink ____(5) difficulty ____(6) 220 km an hour. You can know the speed because there is a speedometer ___(7) the carriage.a) on b) between c) for d) without e) at f) inside g) along

Глава 5. Глагол.

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5.1. Система глагольных времен действительного и страдательного залога в английском языке.

5.1.1. Таблица времен глаголов.

Основные трудности и тестовые задания, связанные с глаголом, определяются наличием 26 (!) времен действительного и страдательного залогов.

Таблица времен глаголов.

Время Использование Примеры Используе-мые обстоятель-ства времени, предлоги и вводные слова


(A) настоящее состояние дел

(B) общеизвестный факт

(C) регулярно происходящее действие и (или) установившийся распорядок

(D) будущее действие, происходящее по расписанию или по


(A) My sister lives in Washington.

(B) The sun rises in the east.

(C) I listen to the radio in the mornings.He generally buys a lot of historical books.

(D) My flight leaves at 10:00.

Usually, sometimes,seldom, never, every day, from time to time,often,at times,и др.


(A) действие, происходящее в момент речи

(B) действие, происходящее в течение настоящего периода времени или его промежутка

(C) запланированное

(A) Andrew is watching TV (right now).

(B) My sister is living in Washington.He is writing a new article.

(C) He is taking his

At the moment,now,today,at presentstill

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действие в будущем(D) негативные


examination on Friday.(D) I am always

forgetting about his birthday.


(A) законченное действие в прошлом

(B) законченное событие в прошлом, не имеющее связи с настоящим

(C) действие, регулярно происходившее в прошлом

(D) описание последовательных событий в прошлом

(A)The mail came early in the morning.(B) John worked in

advertising for ten years.

(C) We jogged every morning before classes.

(D) She ran out of the house, jumped on her bike and rode off.

yesterday,a minute (day,week …) ago,last year (month,week …),the day before yesterday


(A)Действие, продолжавшееся в момент другого, более быстрого действия.

(B) событие, происходившее в определенный момент в прошлом

(C) длительное состояние или повторяющиеся действия в прошлом

(D) запланированное действие в прошлом

(E) I was reading when the telephone rang.

(F) We were discussing the problem at ten o’clock last morning.

(G) She was looking very ill.

I was meeting lots of people at that time.

(H) Nancy was leaving for Chicago but had to make a last-minute connection.

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(A) действие, случившееся в неопределенный момент в прошлом и имеющее связь с настоящим

(B) если в настоящем важен результат действия в прошлом

(C) действие, произошедшее недавно

(D) действие, начавшееся в прошлом и продолжающееся до настоящего момента (часто с for или since)

(E) действие, происходившее какое-то число раз до настоящего момента

(A) She has never attended an international conference.

I’m sorry. I have forgotten your name.

(B) Have you ever

organised press conferences?

(C) He’s just met Dr Wittner.

(D) Jacky has lived in Maine all her life.

I’ve been here since Monday. He’s known her for two weeks.

(E) We have flown across the Pacific four times.

I’ve failed my test twice.

just,already,never,yet,ever,for,since,so far,this week / month, year …up to now,lately,recently


(A) действие, начавшееся в прошлом и только-что закончившееся, налицо результат действия

(B) действие, начавшееся в прошлом и продолжающееся в настоящем

(C) действие, повторяющееся

(A) Have you been ranking the lawn? There’s grass all over your pant legs.

(B) Laura has been studying for two hours.

(C) Simon has been

for,sinceHow long…?

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длительный период в прошлом и продолжающееся в настоящем

(D) общее действие, которое происходит без уточнения конкретного времени

smoking since he was fifteen

I have been phoning you all morning.

(D) I’ve been thinking about going to college next year.


(A) действие в прошлом, произошедшее раньше другого действия в прошлом

(B) действие, совершившееся до определенного момента в прошлом

(A) Tom had left hours before we got there.

(B) I had finished it by 5 p.m.


(A) длительное прошедшее действие, с указанием его длительности, совершавшееся в момент наступления другого действия в прошлом

(B) длительное прошедшее действие, закончившееся перед моментом наступления другого действия в прошлом

(A) I had been working for an hour before you came.

(B) He felt tired as he had been looking through the paper for several hours.

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(A) решение, принятое в момент речи

(B) предсказание вероятного события в будущем по личному мнению

(C) выражение готовности, желания что-либо сделать

(A) Perhaps I’ll call you after lunch.

(B) You will pass the test. Don’t worry. (I think so.)

(C) If I don’t feel better soon, I will go to the doctor.

perhaps,probably,possibly,I think,I am sure,I wonder


(A)продолжительное действие в определенный момент будущем

(B)продолжительное действие, которое будет совершаться в отрезке времени, но не непрерывно

(B) недлительное действие, когда выражается уверенность в его совершении

(A) At noon tomorrow, I’ll be giving a lesson.

(B) I’ll be preparing for my examination in May.

(C) He’ll be meeting us near the laboratory.

At noon,at 5 o'clock,at midnight,at that moment


(A) действие, которое будет закончено к определенному времени в будущем

(A) By next July, my parents will have been married for fifty years.


(A) подчеркивается продолжительность периода времени, который пройдет до определенного момента в будущем

(A) By May, my father will have been working at the same job for thirty years.

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5.2. Настоящее и прошедшее время и связанные с ними указатели времени.

Важным основанием для выбора временной формы является указатель времени в предложении. Достаточно часто выбор времени глагола целиком зависит от обстоятельства времени, например, при выборе между Past Simple и Present Perfect.

Упр.5.2.1. Определите, с какими указателями времени следует употребить Past Simple, а с какими - Present Perfect.

1. the day before yesterday; 2. a week ago; 3. in the past; 4. at that time; 5. lately; 6. today; 7. a minute ago; 8. just; 9. since; 10. never; 11. this year; 12. so far; 13.yesterday; 14.just now; 15.ever; 16.last Wednesday; 17.last night; 18.not yet; 19.up to now; 20.last century; 21.this century.

Упр.5.2.2. Употребите а) Past Simple или б) Present Perfect

1. ... you ever (to visit) ... Hungary? 2. Our group ... (to tour) Yugoslavia this month. 3. The film ... (to produce) a good impression on me. 4. A fortnight ago the theatre ... (to produce) a new play.5. When ... you (to finish) ... school? 6. I ... (to happen) to see John the other day. 7. I … (to start) writing my book two years ago. 8. I … (to write) half of it since. 9. We … (to witness) great progress in space research this century.

Упр.5.2.3. Определите, в правильном ли грамматическом времени употреблен глагол в сответствии с указателем времени.

a. So far no uniform international policy against terrorism is established.b. Some of the city's swimming pools were closed since the end of last summer.c. From time to time even the healthiest individual needs to have a complete

physical examination.d. The city council is for some time now considering widening that street.e. By this time next year, most students will leave school and return home.f. Up until now, no cure for cancer is found.g. It has been raining steadily since yesterday.h. At the time of his death, John Kennedy has still been in his forties.i. In the early part of the 20-th century, immigrants are coming to America in great numbers.

5.3. Времена Present Simple и Present Continuous.

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При выполнении следующих заданий следует помнить, что ряд глаголов, как правило, не употребляются в длительном времени. Это глаголы, характеризующие умственную деятельность: know, realise, suppose, understand, believe, remember, forget, think, assume, consider, expect, agree, mean, doubt и др.;глаголы эмоций: like, dislike, love, hate, envy, prefer, wish, want, care и др.;глаголы обладания: have, own, belong, contain и др.; глаголы чувств: see, hear, smell, taste и др.Однако многозначность этих глаголов не делает это правило абсолютным.

Упр.5.3.1. Определите, в правильном ли грамматическом времени употреблен глагол.

a. I get up at seven in the morning.b. I'm liking black coffee.c. He's speaking three languages.d. I think Mexico's a beautiful country.e. Restaurants are staying open late in Spain.f. We usually eat at one o'clock.g. He's having a flat near the centre.h. What are you thinking of Shakespeare?i. I'm so dirty I need a bath right now.j. Peter's in the kitchen. He cooks breakfast.k. What are you thinking about?

Упр.5.3.2. Закончите следующие предложения, употребив каждый глагол дважды: один раз в Present Simple, а другой - в Present Continuous.

havea. He ______ four cars, all of them Rolls-Royces.b. I _______ lunch with my mother tomorrow.thinka. What ________ you _______ of Stephen Spielberg's latest film?b. You're day-dreaming. What ___________ you __________ about?expecta. I ______ an important phone call from America. Could you tell me when it comes?b. I _____ you're hungry after so much hard work. Shall I get you something?appeara. He _________ to understand what you say to him, but when you ask him a

question, he isn't so sure.b. Roy Pond _________ at Her Majesty's Theatre in the role of King Lear.

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smella. Something ___________ good in the kitchen. What's cooking?b. Why __________ you __________ the meat? Do you think it's gone off?weigha. I need to know how much the meat _____ to know how long to cook it for.b. Why _____ you _____ yourself? Do you think you've put on weight?seea. I _________ what you mean, but I don't agree.b. She ________ a solicitor about her aunt's will.havea. I usually pick up languages quickly, but I ____ difficulties learning Chinese.b. He __________ more clothes than a department store.looka. It ________ as if it's going to rain. b. What are you doing on your hands and knees? ______ you ______ for

something?thinka. What _________ you ________ of doing when you leave here?b. How much ________ you _________ it would cost to fly to Australia?

Упр.5.3.3. Вставьте один из глаголов: hear, listen to, see, look at, watch в правильной форме. С глаголами hear и see часто употребляется can или can't.

a. I have a lovely view from my room. I _________ the whole city.b. A  What's Peter doing? B He ________ music in his bedroom.c. In winter I like ___________ the photographs of my summer holiday.d. In the evening I usually __________ the news on television.e. I find it difficult to sleep because I __________ the traffic all night.f. Can you speak louder? You're speaking so quietly that I _______ you.g. ____________ that strange man over there! What's he doing?h. Please __________ what I'm saying. It's very important.i. A Where's Maria? B Over there. She ________ the picture on the wall.j. Oh dear! Where are my glasses? I __________ anything without them.

5.4. Present Simple в придаточных времени и условия.

По правилам английской грамматики в придаточных предложениях времени и условия с союзами if, when, as soon as, until, before, after, whenever, unless и

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др. вместо будущего времени употребляется соответствующее настоящее время.

Упр.5.4.1. Соедините следующие предложения, используя слова в скобках.

Пример: She'll pay me back. She'll get some money. (as soon as)   She'll pay me back,  as soon as she gets some money.a. I'll wait here. You'll get back. (until)b. Give me a ring. You'll hear some news. (when)c. The TV programme will end. I'll do my homework. (after)d. I'll go to work. I'll have a bath. (before)e. She'll be in Paris. She'll visit friends. (while)f. The lesson will end. I'll go home. (as soon as)g. I won't leave the house. The postman will call. (until)h. Can you feed the cats? I'll be away. (while)i. I'll tell you about the holiday. I'll get back. (when)j. I'll study English. I'll speak it perfectly. (until)

5.5. Употребление Past Continuons и Past Simple.

Повторите случаи употребления Past Continuons и Past Simple по таблице. В сложно-подчиненных предложениях эти два времени могут использоваться вместе, если - длительное действие в прошлом прерывается другим действием в прошлом: We were playing in the garden when it started to rain.- действие в прошлом происходит во время другого более длительного прошлого действия или состояния:While I was working for the Health service I decided to give up smoking.

Упр.5.5.1. Выберите правильное грамматическое время.

Пример: The flight lasted / was lasting three hours.a. It was 8.00 in the morning. A lot of people stood / were standing at the bus stop,

waiting to go to work.b. A magnificent oak tree stood / was standing in the middle of the garden.c. I studied / was studying politics at university.d. He studied / was studying the effects of radiation when he suddenly died.e. When I woke up this morning it  rained / was raining .f. It rained / was raining every single day of the holidays.g. I asked him what he thought / was thinking about.h. I thought / was thinking the play was extremely good.

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i. A What  did you do / were you doing  with that electric drill?   B  I was putting up some book shelves in my bedroom.j.   A What did you do / were you doing with that electric drill? B I put it back in its box in the tool cupboard.k. A What did you do / were you doing before you took this job? B Nothing, actually. I only left school a few months ago.l. A What  did you do / were you doing  in my bedroom just now? B The light was on, so I just went in to turn it off.m. The poor chap  died / was dying . All we could do was comfort him.n. The poor chap died / was dying early last morning.

Упр.5.5.2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильное грамматическое время (Past Simple or Past Coutinuons).

a. I _______ (watch) TV when Mark ______ . (phone).b. What _____________ (you/do) at the time of the murder?c. She _____________ (jump) into the river and ___________ (rescue) the

drowning boy.d. I _____ (see) my first baseball game while I _______ (live) in New York.e. Where __________ (you/go) when you ___________ (get off) the train?f. We ________ (ring) the police because the neighbours _________ (play) their

music too loud.g. He ____________ (write) the whole composition during the lunch hour.h. She ___________ (write) to her brother when he ____________ (walk) through

the front door.i. ___________ (you/work) in Spain this time last year? Yes, I ___________ (go)

out there in '93.j. Mum and Dad ______ (sleep) when I _________ (get) home last night.k. What _____ (that news reader / say) just then? I don't know. I _______ (not /

listen).l. Someone ________ (take) a photo of me while I ___________ (have) a bath.m. “__________ (you / see) the match last night?” “No. I ________ (try) to get

some work done.”n. We ________ (not/know) what to do when the сomputer ______ (break down).o. It __________ (rain) outside and the children __________ (cry), so we

___________ (decide) to play a game.

Упр.5.5.3. Определите, в правильном ли грамматическом времени употреблены глаголы.

a. The kitchen caught fire while we were having dinner.

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b. The sun shone so we decided to go for a walk.c. I'm afraid I wasn't hearing what you said.d. Alan read a newspaper when he heard a strange noise.e. She was knowing she was being followed.f. The boss walked in while I played a computer game.g. I was walking home from work when a dog attacked me.h. He was reading the entire book, from start to finish, in two hours.i. What did you do when you saw someone trying to steal your car?j. I didn't see the last goal because I looked at the sky at the time.

5.6. Present Perfect или Past Simple?

Упр.5.6.1. Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильном времени.

a. Barbara Lively________ (write) a lot of books. She ________ (write) her first fifteen years ago.

b. ______________ you ever ___________ (try) Indian food?c. I _____ never _____ (be) to Japan. When _____ you _____ (go) there?d. I ____________ (live) in London for eight years, and I don't want to move.e. He __________ (live) in Oxford for two years, and then in 1995 he _________

(move) to London.f. We ____________ (meet) Tim and Maureen three years ago. How long

_________ you _________ (know) them?

Упр.5.6.2. Вставьте одно из предложенных слов в каждое предложение.

ever, never, for, since, already, just, yeta. He's worked there many years, 1986, I believe.b. I have loved anyone as much as I love you.c. We've known Paul two years. Have you met him?d. I've known him we went to school together, but I've met his parents.e. We have sold two hundred tickets and there is still a month to go before the

concert.f. I have visited New York. I’m looking forward to going.g. Have you thought of learning to fly?h. I have received my exam result. It came ten minutes ago.i. Janet hasn’t finished with the camera. She needs it tomorrow.

Упр.5.6.3. Задайте вопросы, используя глаголы в соответствующем времени.

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a. How long __________ you __________ (live) in your town?b. ___________ you ever __________ (drink) champagne?c. How many foreign countries ___________ you ___________ (visit)?d. Where ___________ you _________ (go) on holiday last year?e. How long ____________ you ____________ (know) your best friend?

Упр.5.6.4. Употребите глагол в скобке в правильном времени (Present Perfect или Past Simple).

a. Carlos _______ (come) to London before Christmas. When he ________ (arrive), he ________ (go) to stay with some friends. He _________ (be) in London for several months, and he's going to stay until the autumn.

b. A I'm looking for Susan. ___________ you ___________ (see) her? B I _____ (see) her yesterday, but not today. _______ you ________ (look) in

the coffee bar? A Yes. I ___________ (go) there before I _____________(ask) you.c. A John, you know I ____________ (borrow) your bicycle last night. Well, I'm

afraid I ____________ (lose) it. B That's awful! Where ______ you _______ (go)? What time ______ it

______ (happen)? A Well, I ________ (leave) your house at 8.00, went home and _________

(chain) it outside my house. Someone must have taken it during the night. I ________ (phone) the police, and they're coming soon.

B OK. You can tell them what _______________ (happen).

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Упр.5.6.5. Закончите предложения, соединяя строчку из колонки А со строчкой из колонки В.

A a) Jane's angry because. b) Anne's disappointed because. c) Julie's excited because. d) Kate's jealous because. e) Mary's worried because. B 1) she hasn't heard from her parents for a long time, and hopes they're all right. 2) she's just seen someone in the kind of car that she wants to buy. 3) her boyfriend hasn't arrived and they're already late for the party. 4) she's just won first prize in a competition. 5) she's had to cancel her holiday, and she was so looking forward to it.

5.7. Страдательный залог.

Времена страдательного залога образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени и формы причастия прошедшего времени (Past Participle).Как и в русском языке, страдательный залог употребляется, когда в центре внимания находится лицо или предмет, который подвергается действию, а не лицо или предмет, который совершает действие. Формой выражения лица или предмета, производящего действие, является косвенное дополнение с предлогом by (или with, если косвенное дополнение обозначает инструмент или орудие труда) : The images are computed by a four-processor system. Non-destructive observation of specimen surface microstructures down to 10 nm or less can be carried out with an electron scanning microscope.Страдательный залог также употребляется в тех случаях, когда необходимо описать какие-либо процессы, а также когда лицо, совершающее действие, неизвестно или когда считают ненужным его упоминать: Business letters are usually written on special forms. This educational networking project is designed for self-managing groups of students, teachers and resource administrators.Для всех рассмотренных времен существуют конструкции в страдательном залоге. В страдательном залоге отсутствует форма Future Continuous, а также времена группы Perfect Continuous. Ниже дана таблица времен в страдательном залоге.

Simple Continuous Perfect

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Present I am invited. I am being invited.

I have been invited.

Past I was invited. I was being invited.

I had been invited.

Future I shall be invited. - I shall have been invited.

Future in the Past

I should be invited.

- I should have been invited.

При употреблении страдательного залога следует помнить, что в английском языке, как и в русском, есть переходные (которые могут иметь при себе прямое дополнение) и непереходные (которые не могут иметь при себе прямое дополнение) глаголы. Переходные глаголы могут употребляться как в действительном, так и в страдательном залоге. Непереходные глаголы употребляются только в действительном залоге.

Упр.5.7.1. Прочитайте следующие предложения и решите, является подчеркнутый глагол переходным или непереходным.

a. The rule doesn’t apply.b. His dream came true.c. The temperature was slowly rising during the experiment.d. The government raised taxes on imported goods.e. He succeeded in solving the problem.f. We all breathe, eat and drink.g. The conference opens at 9 a.m. on Monday.h. The computer weighs some 1.5 kg.i. It costs 1.3 thousand dollars.j. The Australians don’t like cold weather.k. Babysitters look after children.l. In the course of Soviet period people never really elected their authorities.m. She made herself a cup of tea.n. The teacher makes students prepare for every lesson.o. The student put down an unknown word in his dictionary.p. Our state will hardly pay off all its debts soon.q. Look at the timetable to know when the train arrives at the station.

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Упр.5.7.2. Переделайте предложения так, чтобы они содержали сказуемое в страдательном залоге, опустив подлежащие.

1) You should open the wine about three hours before you use it.2) Somebody had cleaned my shoes and brushed my suit.3) We use this room only on special occasions.4) You must not hammer nails into the walls without permission.5) Someone switched on a light and opened the door.6) Somebody had slashed the picture with a knife.7) Why didn't they mend the roof before it fell in?8) Someone will serve refreshments.9) Someone has already told him to report for duty at six.10) No one can do anything unless someone gives us more information.11) People are spending far more money on food now that they spent ten years ago.12) The organizers will exhibit the paintings till the end of the month.13) It is high time someone told him to stop behaving like a child.14) They are pulling down the old theatre.

Упр.5.7.3. Переделайте предложения так, чтобы они содержали сказуемое в страдательном залоге, упоминая исполнителя, где необходимо. Если в исходном предложении есть прямое или косвенное дополнение, сделайте косвенное дополнение подлежащим в новом предложении. Пример: They gave her a clock.  She was given a clock. Обратите внимание на предложения 12, 15, где переход от актива к пассиву осуществляется с помощью вспомогательного глагола should.1) Who wrote it?2) Compare clothes which we have washed with clothes which any other laundry has washed.3) He expected us to offer him the job.4) They showed her the easiest way to do it.5) Lightning struck the old oak.6) Titian couldn't have painted it as people didn't wear that style of dress till after his death.7) Did the idea interest you?8) The lawyer gave him the details of his uncle's will.9) They used to start these engines by hand. Now they start them by electricity.10) Students are doing a lot of the work.11) The Prime Minister was to have opened the dry dock.12) They recommended opening new factories in the depressed area. (should)

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13) Anyone with the smallest intelligence could understand these instructions.14) We will not admit children under sixteen.15) They suggested making the tests easier. (should)

**Упр.5.7.4. Страдательный залог часто используется, когда в центре внимания находится лицо или предмет, который подвергается действию, при описании процессов или когда не важен исполнитель. Переделайте предложения так, чтобы они содержали сказуемое в страдательном залоге, и подумайте, какой залог уместнее использовать в каждом случае и почему.

1) Dr Brown widely used statistical methods in his field.2) I am going to submit a paper to the program committee.3) Landau introduced the conception of energy density matrix in 1927.4) We have processed the data obtained with the help of a computer.5) This procedure reduces the energy losses.6) Visualisation specialists often use conceptual illustration and data-driven

visualizations interchangeably.7) They projected graphics in stereo onto three walls and the floor.8) They are displaying both input circuit parameter values and output signal in the

same space.9) A biologist can link sells together into networks, and even systems of networks, to

explore how the brain's circuits work.10) People have used numbers for record-keeping and commercial transactions for

centuries.11) They maintained these conditions throughout the experiment. 12) No one can do anything unless someone can give us more information. 13) Everyone may use this program both to explore precomputed datasets and to

interactively steer supercomputer simulations.14) Participants wear stereo glasses to view the images in 3D.15) In a recent article in Science, authors have discussed the difficulty of

evaluating numerical simulations.16) A group of researchers has created these models recently using General Neural

Simulation System, a versatile software package developed a decade ago.17) Nobody can do science without computers.

**Упр.5.7.5. Переделайте предложения так, чтобы они содержали сказуемое в страдательном залоге, начав предложения с указанных слов.

a. You have sent us the wrong items again. (The wrong ….. )b. You should have delivered this consignment last week. (This consignment …)

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c. Someone broke two of the VDUs during transportation. ( Two ….. )d. You should have sent the documents by registered post. (The documents ….. )e. A faulty connection could have caused the problems with the hard disk. (The

problems ….. )f. You omitted the manuals from the order. (The manuals ….. )g. You delivered the printers over three weeks late. (The printers ….. )h. We will not pay the invoice until this problem is rectified. (The invoice ….. )

Упр.5.7.6. Переделайте предложения в действительный залог. Если исполнитель не указан: "This door must be kept shut” (школьное объявление) - введите его : "Students must keep this door shut”.

1) Why don't you have your eyes tested?2) This speed limit is to be introduced gradually.3) The runways are being lengthened at all the main airports.4) By tradition any sturgeon that are caught by British ships must be offered to the Queen.5) Have a lift put in and then you won't have to climb up all these stairs.6) Last year a profit of two million pounds was made in the first six months but this was cancelled by a loss of seventeen million pounds which was made in the second six months.7) The ship was put into quarantine and passengers and crew were forbidden to land.8) He was made to surrender his passport.9) This scientific theory has now been proved to be false.10) Why wasn't the car either locked or put into the garage?11) It is being said that too little money is being spent by the government on roads.12) Your money could be put to good use instead of being left idle in the bank.

Упр.5.7.7. Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму в газетных сообщениях: Castle fire.Winton Castle (a) _________ (damage) in a fire last night. The fire, which (b)__________ (discover) at about 9 o'clock, spread very quickly. Nobody (c)____________ (injure) but two people had to (d) _____________ (rescue) from an upstairs room. A number of paintings (e)_____________ (believe/ destroy). It (f) _____________ (not/know) how the fire started. Shop robbery.In Paxham yesterday a shop assistant (a)_______________ (force) to hand over $500 after (b) ______________ (threaten) by a man with a knife. The man escaped in a car which (c)_____________ (steal) earlier in the day. The car (d) ____________ (later/find) in a car park where it (e) ____________ (abandon)

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by the thief. A man (f)_____________ (arrest) in connection with the robbery and (g)_____________ (still/question) by the police. Road delays.Repair work started yesterday on the Paxham-Longworth road. The road (a) ________ (resurface) and there will be long delays. Drivers (b)_________ (ask) to use an alternative route if possible. The work (c)_________ (expect) to last two weeks. Next Sunday the road (d)________ (close) and traffic (e)__________ (divert). Accident.A woman (a)_____________ (take) to hospital after her car collided with a lorry near Norstock yesterday. She (b)______________ (allow) home later after treatment. The road (c)_____________ (block) for an hour after the accident and traffic had to (d)______________ (divert). A police inspector said afterwards: The woman was lucky. She could (e)_______________ (kill).

Упр.5.7.8. Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильном времени и залоге.

Пример: My car was stolen (steal) last night.Joseph Ford, the politician who (a) __________ (kidnap) last week as he was driving to his office, (b) __________(release) unharmed. He (c) _______ (examine) by a doctor last night, and (d) _____(say) to be in good health. Mr Ford (e) _____ (find) walking along a small country lane early yesterday evening. A farmer (f) _______ (see) him, recognized who it was, and (g) __________ (contact) the police. When his wife (h) __________ (tell) the news, she said, "I am delighted and relieved that my husband (i) ________ (find)." Acting on information received, the police made several arrests, and a man (j) ________ (question) in connection with the kidnapping.

Упр.5.7.9. Превратите предложения в пассивные.

a. Someone will give you your tickets at the airport. b. People asked me a lot of questions about my background. c. Someone usually shows airline passengers how to use a life jacket at the

beginning of the flight. d. If somebody offers you a cheap camera, don't buy it. It's probably stolen. e. Someone will tell you what you have to do when you arrive. f. My parents advised me to spend some time abroad before looking for work.g. Pleased to meet you. People have told me a lot about you.h. In a few years' time, my company will send me to our New York office.

*Упр.5.7.10. В следующих предложениях некоторые глаголы (но не все) употреблены в действительном залоге, хотя страдательный залог был бы более

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уместен и наоборот. Измените те предложения, которые по Вашему мнению нуждаются в исправлении, имея в виду, что пассивные конструкции также используется, если хотят сделать утверждение безличным, чтобы, например, избежать ответственности за сообщение неприятного известия. Сравните два следующих утверждения, которые может сделать компания.

Пример: We have awarded our staff a twenty per cent pay rise.   Unfortunately, the number of staff will be reduced by fifty per cent.a. Someone built this bridge in 1901.b. No one has seen the escaped prisoner since a guard was knocked out by him and

he ran away.c. A secretary has invited me to Buckingham Palace to collect an award!d. Someone wants you in reception. e. The telephone, which was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876,

revolutionized man's ability to communicate.f. The closure of the workshops will make a lot of men redundant.g. At interviews, people ask you quite searching questions. h. Alexander Graham Bell was a scientist and inventor. The telephone was invented

by him in 1876, and he also worked on early radio transmitters.i. Scientists working in California have discovered a drug which stops premature

aging. They will now manufacture the drug commercially, and it should be available soon.

j. Nobody must take reference books out of the library.k. The Health Service has prospered under this government. It is true that we have

closed hospitals and spent less money, but the system is now streamlined.l. A tiger was found roaming in a suburban garden today. Mrs Ethel Templeton

found the tiger while she was hanging out her washing.m. We broke a few cups while you were away. Sorry. They'll be replaced. Apart

from that, we didn't do much damage at all.n. I'm a fantastically successful author. I have sold over one million copies of my

books.o. Doctors have given him six months to live.

5.8. Present Perfect Simple и Present Perfect Continuous.

При употреблении этих времен следует помнить, что Present Perfect Continuous подчеркивает длительность действия, в то время как Present Perfect Simple подчеркивает факт совершения действия.

Упр.5.8.1. Выберите правильную глагольную форму в каждой паре предложений.

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a. I've cut my finger! I've been cutting my finger!b. Have you heard Paul Simon's latest record? Have you been hearing Paul

Simon's latest record?c. She's tired because she's shopped all day. She's tired because she's been

shopping all day.d. Sorry. I've broken one of your glasses. Sorry. I've been breaking one of your

glasses.e. How long have you had this book? How long have you been having this book?f. They have lived here for three years. They've been living here for three years.

Упр.5.8.2. Соедините строчки из столбца А с соответствуюшей строчкой из столбца В.


Ann's been sunbathing. She's furious.She's been shopping. She's got paint in her hairShe's been working in the garden. She's crying.She's been reading for hours. Her back hurts.She's been watching a sad film. She hasn't got any money left.She's been waiting for hours. She's a bit burnt.She's been doing the housework. She's soaking wet.She's been decorating the bathroom. The house smells of onions and garlic.She's been cooking. Her eyes hurt.She's been bathing the children. Everything's spotless.

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Упр.5.8.3. Употребите глагол в скобках в правильном времени (Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuons.)

a. I'm exhausted. I ________ (work) all day, and I ______ (not finish) yet.b. I __________ (visit) many countries in the last five years.c. Someone ___________ (take) my books. I ___________ (look) for them for ages,

but I can't find them anywhere.d. I ______________ (shop) all morning, but I ____________ (not buy) anything

yet. I haven't seen anything I've liked.e. The best book I _______________ ever ________________ (read) is One

Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Marquez.f. A You're filthy! What _____________ you ____________ (do)? B  I ____ (work) in the garden. I ___ (plant) all the vegetables for next year.g. I _______ (wait) for two hours, but nobody _________ (arrive) yet.

Упр.5.8.4. Задайте вопрос с How long...? для следующих предложений и решите, какое время нужно использовать, Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous. Если оба времени возможны, используйте Continuous.

a. I live in the country. How long ______________________ ?b. I play a lot of tennis. How long ______________________ ?c. I know Jack well. How long ______________________ ?d. I work in Italy. How long ______________________ ?e. I have an American car. How long ______________________ ?Упр.5.8.5. Для каждого из пяти предложений из предыдущего задания задайте вопрос в Past Simple , используя подсказки.

a. When __________________ move __________________?b. How old ___________ when __________ started _________ ?c. Where __________________ meet __________________?d. Why ___________________ decide ____________________?e. How much _____________ pay _________________?

Упр.5.8.6. Поставьте глагол в одном из следующих времен: Present Simple, Present Countinuous, Present Perfect Simple или Present Perfect Continuous.

Пример: I have been learning  (learn) Italian for the past three years, but there's still a lot I don't understand  (not understand).

a. A  Oh dear! Look out of the window. It __________________ (rain). B  Oh no. I _______________ (not bring) my umbrella.

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b. My uncle _______________ (know) everything about roses. He ____________ (grow) them for 35 years. Now he ______________ (try) to produce a blue one.

c. I _______________ (listen) to you for the past half an hour, but I'm afraid I _______________ (not understand) a word.

d. A  What's the matter, Jane? B  I _________________ (read) in my room and the light isn't very good. I

________________ (have) a headache. It's really hurting.e.   A  What are you doing? B  I ________________ (write) a letter.f.  A You _______________ (sit) at the desk for hours. Is it a difficult letter? B  Yes. I ________________ (decide) to resign from my job.g.  A  But how do you know you don't like it? You ________ only ______ (do) it

for a week. B  I do like it. But I _____________ (offer-passive) a better one, and I'm going

to accept it. It's in Brazil, and _________ always ___________ (want) to go to Brazil. I ___________ (not like) living in cold climates.

h.  A  But how ___________ you _________ (know) if you'll like it there? You _____________ never (be) out of England before.

B  That doesn't matter. Some friends of mine _____________ (live) there at the moment. They'll look after me.

i.  A  You're very lucky, really. I _______________ (try) to find a job for months. I ___________ (be) to endless interviews, and I ____________ (turn down- passive) each time, but you got two jobs in a week.

B  Well, obviously you ______________ (apply) for the wrong kinds of job. Don't worry. You'll find one soon.

j. I ______________(hope) so.

5.9. Past Simple и Past Perfect.Past Perfect употребляется для выражения действия, которое уже совершилось до определенного момента в прошлом: We carefully examined the samples which they had sent us.Сравните, как меняется смысл предложения при описании с использованием этих времен последовательности событий в прошлом:When we arrived at the stadium, the match started. (Мы успели во время и ничего не пропустили.)When we arrived at the stadium, the match had started. (На самое начало матча мы опоздали.)

Упр.5.9.1. В каждом предложении поставьте глаголы в скобках : один - в Past Simple, другой - в Past Perfect.

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Пример: He  died  (die) after he had been (be) ill for a long time.a. I ____________ (thank) her for everything she __________ (do).b. When I got to the office, I _________ (realize) that I _________ (forget) to lock

the front door.c. When they _______ (finish) their work, they _________ (go) home.d. I _______ (call) you at 8.00, but you _______ just __________ (go) out.e. I took my family to Paris last year. I _____________ (be) there as a student, so I

___________ (know) my way around.f. When I _________ (listen) to the news, I ______ (go) to bed.

Упр.5.9.2. Соедините следующие пары предложений, используя союзы в скобках. Замените время одного из глаголов на Past Perfect.

Пример: I had a bath. I went to bed.(after)   After I'd had a bath, I went to bed.a. I read the letter, I threw it away. (when)b. He passed his driving test. He bought a car. (as soon as)c. I took the book back to the library. I finished reading it. (when)d. I didn't go to bed. I did my homework. (until)e. I spent all my money. I went home. (when)f. I read the book. I saw the film. (before)g. Her children left home. She started writing. (after)

Упр.5.9.3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple или Past Perfect.

Пример: When we returned to the car we saw (saw) that someone had smashed (smash) the windows.1. I ________ (realise) I __________ (lose) my purse when I opened my bag.2. He ________ (lose) the squash game because he _________ (never / play) squash

before in his life.3. David ____________ (buy) his ticket the week before, so I don’t understand why

he ___________ (try) to get in without paying.4. By the time she __________ (be) eighteen she ___________ (visit) nearly every

capital city in the world.5. Paula ________(drop) the cup she was holding and ________ (burst) into tears.

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6. Why _____________ (you / not speak) to Jim at the meeting yesterday? Because he _______________ (leave) by the time I got there.

7. Sally was upset when _________ (you / not / eat) any of her birthday cake. I _______ (not / can) help it. I __________ (just / eat) a huge meal.

8. You _______________ (look) happy when you were talking to Jackie last night. Yes. I _________________ (not / see) her for six years.

9. “It _________ (take) nearly four hours to drive to the garden party, and when we ____________ (get) there they ____________ (refuse) to let us in!”

“Why?” “Because we _______________(forget) to bring our invitations.”10. Johnny ___________ (spent) seven years of his life in prison before he ______

(realise) that the things he _______ (done) to get there were wrong. He _______(rob) banks, he _______ (burgle) houses, he ________ (steal) cars. But, fortunately , he ___________ (never / kill) anyone.

Упр.5.9.4. Закончите второе предложение так, чтобы у него было значение, подобное первому. Используйте выделенное слово и от двух до пяти других необходимых слов.

1. Barry was very excited because it was his first time on television.  never Barry _______________ before, so he was very excited.2. The children ran over the bridge to see the fire engine, but it was no longer there.  had The fire engine ___________________ time the children ran over the bridge.3. He looked familiar to me, but in fact he was a complete stranger.  met Although he looked familiar to me, I ___________________ before.4. After they had had the contract read by a lawyer, they signed it.  before They had the contract read by a lawyer ___________________ it.5. Staying in a five-star hotel was a new experience for us.  stayed We __________________ in a five-star hotel before.6. They arrived at the cinema just in time to see "The End" come up on the screen.  just The film __________________ by the time they arrived at the cinema.7. He had to write over fifty letters to get an interview.  had He got an interview only after ___________________ over fifty letters.8. She left the office after turning off all the lights.

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 turned After __________________ all the lights, she left the office.9. When we arrived at the house, Dan had just left.  soon Dan left the house and __________________ after.10. I checked that I had my passport with me before I left for the airport.  after I left for the airport ________________ that I had my passport with me.

Упр.5.9.5. Закончите следующие предложения или добавьте свое, используя глагол в Past Perfect.

Пример: When I arrived home, I was starving. I hadn't had anything to eat all day.a. Tom was furious with Alice because she ______________________.b. James inherited a small fortune from his father, but a year later he didn't have a

penny. __________________. c. She was fined $ 200 because she ____________________. d. When I saw him, he was pale and shaking like a leaf. ______________.e. He was two hours late for the wedding because ______________.f. I didn't know her name, but the face was familiar. I was sure __________.g. I couldn't answer any of the exam questions, although __________.h. James was very proud of his eighteen-year-old son, who _________.

Упр.5.9.6. Подчеркните правильную глагольную форму. Пример: Everybody knew he had stolen / had been stealing  from his employer for years.a. I knew the facts of the case because I had read / had been reading the report.b. My eyes ached because I  had read / had been reading  for three hours.c. The children were filthy. They had played / had been playing in the garden, and

they were covered in mud. d. I was very nervous at the beginning of the match. I had never played/ had never

been playing  her before, and I didn't know how good she was.e. Donald excelled himself as a cook. He had cooked / had been cooking a wonderful

Spanish dish.f. Donald was very cross. He had worked/ had been working in the kitchen all

morning, and none had offered to help.Упр.5.9.7. Составьте предложения, используя слова в скобках. Используйте следующие глагольные времена: Present Perfect, Present Perfect Coutinuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Coutinuous.

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Пример: Ann is sitting on the ground. She's out of breath. (she / run) She has been running.a. Where's my bag? I left it under this chair. (somebody / take / it)b. We were all surprised when Jenny and Andy got married last year. (they / only /

know / each other / a few weeks)c. It's still raining. I wish it would stop. (it / rain / all day)d. Suddenly I woke up. I was confused and didn't know where I was. (I / dream)e. I wasn't hungry at lunchtime so I didn't have anything to eat. (I / have / a big

breakfast)f. Every year Bob and Alice spend a few days at the same hotel by the sea. (they / go

/ there for years)g. I've got a headache. (I / have / it / since I got up)h. Next week Gerry is going to run in a marathon. ( he / train / very hard for it)

5.10. "Used to" и "would" для выражения повторяющегося действия или обычного состояния в прошлом.

Used to используется, чтобы выразить обычные, повторяющиеся прошедшие действия и состояния, которые продолжались в течение некоторого периода времени в прошлом, но в настоящее время уже не происходят.Примеры: Last winter I used to spend a lot of time in the library. (повторяющееся

действие) He used to be very short-tempered. (состояние)Would употребляется со всеми лицами единственного и множественного числа для выражения повторного действия в прошлом в значении бывало, при этом употребление would не подчеркивает, что в настоящее время действие уже не происходит. Would  нельзя использовать, чтобы передать прошлые состояния. (Неправильно сказать: He'd live in a lovely cottage.) Если действие в прошлом совершилось лишь раз, и следовательно, не является привычкой, нужно использовать Past Simple.

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Упр.5.10.1. Соедините строчки из колонки А и В. Закончите предложение в колонке В подлежащим с used to.

A BI was very fit when I was young.The teachers at my school were horrible.My sister’s room was so messy.I had a dog when I was a kid.My family had some lovely holidays.When I was young we didn’t have a car.And we didn’t have central heating.My uncle was a pilot for British Airways.

It used to follow me everywhere.___________ go everywhere by bus._______ freeze on winter morning.___________ fly Concord.______ never ______ tidy it at all.___________ do a lot of exercises.___________ hit the pupils._______ go camping all over Europe.

Упр.5.10.2. Составьте предложения с used to. Обратите внимание на образование отрицательной конструкции didn't use to.

Пример; This town's so ugly. It used to be so pretty. There are so many tourists. There didn't use to be any tourists.a. The houses are very expensive.b. The streets are dirty.c. There is so much litter on the streets.d. The car parks are always full.e. There is a lot of traffic on the roads.f. It's noisy at night.g. Andy's changed! He's so miserable!h. And he's really mean.i. He's badly-dressed.

Упр.5.10.3. Составьте краткие ответы с never used to, и скажите , что на самом деле имело место в прошлом.

Пример: Jeremy drinks beer and whisky. (lemonade)   He never used to. He used to drink lemonade.a. Henry drives like a maniac. (carefully)b. Tessa spends a fortune on clothes! (very careful with her money)c. The children fight a lot these days. (get on well)d. I think Kate tells lies. (tell the truth)e. Margaret gets up at 11.00. (the first one up in the morning)f. The tape recorder keeps stopping. (work perfectly)Упр.5.10.4. Закончите предложения, используя Past Continuous или used to и глагол в скобках.

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Примеры: I haven't been to the cinema for ages now. We used to go a lot. (go) Ann didn't see me wave to her. She was looking in the other direction. (look)a. I ___________ a lot but I don't use my car very much these days. (drive)b. I asked the driver to slow down. She _______________ too fast. (drive)c. Rose and Jim met for the first time when they ______ at university. (study)d. When I was a child, I ______________ a lot of bad dreams. (have)e. When the phone rang, I __________________ a shower. (have)f. "Where were you yesterday afternoon?" " I _________ volleyball." (play)g. "Do you do any sports?" "Not these days. I _________ volleyball." (play)h. George looked very nice. He _______________ a very nice suit. (wear)

*Упр.5.10.5. Прочитайте следующий рассказ. Какие глаголы, выделенные курсивом могут быть заменены на (1) would или used to? (2) только на used to? (3) должны остаться в Past Simple?

We (a) met while we were doing a course in London. It wasn't exactly love at first sight, but I often (b) found myself looking in his direction, and he always (c) smiled back, and his eyes (d)  linger red just a little longer than was necessary. So we (e) started having lunch together in a small cafe, and then, if the weather was fine, we (f) went for a walk in the park, and (g) chatted  endlessly about everything. He (h) lived at one end of town, and I was miles away, but we often (i) met at weekends. I (j) thought it would last for ever, but of course it didn't. Nothing does!

Напишите пять-шесть предложений о том, что Вы делали, когда были студентами или школьниками, используя рассмотренные глагольные формы для выражения прошлых повторных действий.

5.11. Способы выражения будущего времени.

Действия в будущем времени могут быть выражены не только использованием форм будущего времени с вспомогательными глаголами shall и will (например, “I’ll come,” he said. (решение, принятое в момент разговора), He’ll win, I’m sure. (предсказание)), но также использованиемформы to be going to: We are going to play tennis. (намерение); времени Present Continuous: She’s meeting her publisher. (запланированное действие); времени Present Indefinite: My flight leaves at 10:00. (будущее действие, происходящее по расписанию).

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Упр.5.11.1. Используйте will или   be going to. Иногда возможен больше, чем один правильный ответ.

a. Look out! We _____________ crash!b. "There's the doorbell." "I ______________ go."c. We promise that if you vote for us we ______________ double your income in

twelve months.d. "It's very cloudy, isn't it?" "Yes, I think it ________________ rain."e. The next train to arrive at platform six _______________ be the delayed 7.32

service for Bristol.f. I wonder what she __________________ do next. g. "Can somebody answer the phone?" "I _____________________."h. A  Poor Sue went to hospital yesterday. B  I'm sorry to hear that. I ____________________ send some flowers.i. A  This room's very cold. B  You're right. I _________________ turn on the heater.j. A  Oh dear. I can't do this homework. B  Don't worry. I ________________ help you.k. A  It's John's birthday tomorrow. B  Is it? I can't afford a present but I _______________ buy him a card.l. A  How old are you? B  I'm 64. I _________________ retire next year.m. A  Why are you leaving so early? B  Because the teacher gave us a lot of homework and I _________ do it

very carefully.

Упр.5.11.2. Закончите следующие предложения, используя  will или  be going to и любые другие необходимые слова . Иногда возможны оба варианта.

a. A  I've got to phone a Paris number. Do you know the code? B  No, _________________ in the directory for you.b. A  What are you doing over the Easter holidays? B  Absolutely nothing. We _________________ rest.c. A  Did you hear the weather forecast? B  Yes. _____________ cold at first, then _____________ a little warmer this

afternoon, and this evening _________________ some light showers.d. A  Why did you buy a house in such terrible condition? B  It was cheap. We _______________ modernize it from top to bottom, and

we _____________ into a restaurant. What do you think?e. A  If you are elected, what ________ your party ______ about unemployment?

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B  We have carefully considered this issue. When we are elected, as we most certainly ________ be, we __________ create half a million new jobs.

f. A  What are you doing here? Annie's expecting you for lunch. B  I completely forgot! I__________ a ring, and tell her I ____________ be late.

Thanks for reminding me.g. A  How will the proposed tax increase on petrol affect your business? B  To be perfectly honest, we haven't thought about it yet. We ____________

cross that bridge when we get to it.

h. Упр.5.11.3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму будущего времени.

Пример: Hurry up! The plane arrives  (arrive) at 7.30.a. There's no point in running now. We ________ (miss) the bus anyway.b. Yes, I'll come out this evening. I _______________(not/work).c. You can relax. The match ______________ (not/start) until four o'clock.d. I __________ (go) to the market this afternoon. Do you want anything?e. Are you OK, Donna? You look like you ________________(faint). f. You realise that the boss _______________ (not/like) this, don't you?g. I ________________ (cook) dinner this evening - as usual.h. She _______________ (look) for a new flat next year.i. Don't worry. The shops _________ (not close) until eight o'clock tonight.

Упр.5.11.4. Закончите второе предложение так, чтобы его значение было подобно значению первого предложения. Используйте выделенное слово и от двух до пяти других необходимых слов.

a. Simon intends to join the police force when he leaves school. is When Simon leaves school _______________ the police force.b. He is such a bad driver that he is almost certain to have an accident soon.  going I think _____________ an accident soon because he is such a bad driver.c. The departure time for the train is 8.35.  at The train _________________ 8.35.d. I have arranged to meet my bank manager in the near future.  am I _______________________ soon.e. They say that if the cows are lying down, rain will soon follow.  is

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They say that if the cows are lying down, it means that ________ rain.f. What do you intend to do with all that money?  are What _______________________ with all that money?g. He has decided never to drink whisky again.  is He ___________________ whisky again.h. We have not arranged to do anything in particular this weekend.  are We ___________________ anything in particular this weekend.i. I do not intend to help him, even if he pays me.  am Even if he pays me, I ___________________ him.j. The film is scheduled to begin at four o'clock. not The film ___________________ until four o'clock.

Упр.5.11.5. Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильную форму. Выбирайте из следующих форм: I am going, I do, I’m going to, do, will, won’t, will (shall) be doing.

a. I feel a bit hungry. I think ________________(I/have) something to eat.b. Why are you putting on your coat? ____________ (you/go) somewhere?c. What time _____________________(I/phone) you this evening? About 7.30?d. Look! That plane is flying towards the airport. ________ (it/land).e. We must do something soon, before _____________ (it/be) too late.f. I'm sorry you’ve decided to leave the company. _______ (I/miss) you when

_________ (you/go).g. ________ (I/give) you my address? If ______ (I/give) you my address, ______ (you/write) to me? h. Are you still watching that programme? What time ________ (it/end)?i. ____________ (I / go) to London next weekend for a wedding. My sister

________________(get) married.j. I'm not ready yet. _________ (I/tell) you when __________ (I / be) ready. I

promise ________________ (I / not / be) very long.k. A Where are you going? B To the hairdresser's. __________ (I / have) my hair cut.l. She was very rude to me. I refuse to speak to her again until ______________

(she / apologise).m. I wonder where ______________________ (we/live) ten years from now?n. What do you plan to do when ______ (you / finish) your course at college?

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Упр.5.11.6. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную глагольную форму.

Пример: When you have read my book, could you give it back to me? Of course. As soon as I've finished  it, I'll give it to you.a. I ____________ (not be) in touch unless there __________ (be) something urgent

to tell you.b. The children _______ (not go) to bed until they ____ (have) a glass of milk.c. You _________ (phone) me before you ________ (go) away, won't you?d. A  When __________________ you (go) to the pub? B  When I ______ (finish) this work. It _______ (take) about another hour.e. If you ________________ (not hurry) up, we ______________ (be) late.f. I ___ (come) to London as soon as you _____ (find) somewhere for us to live.g. I'm sure you _____ (feel) a lot better after you ______ (take) your medicine.h. We _______ (have dinner) as soon as all the guests _______ (arrive).i. You _________ (not forget) to lock the door if you ______ (go) out, will you?j. I ______________ (not let) you go until I ____________ (tell-passive) the truth.

Which of you did it?

Упр.5.11.7. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильной форме: Future Simple, Present Simple или Present Perfect.

a. When we (pass) our exam we'll have a holiday. b. When I (finish) the book I'll lend it to you.c. After I (be) here for a year I'll ask for a rise.d. Don't drive at more than 50 k.p.h. till your car (do) 4,000 kilometres.e. When you (do) 4,000 kilometres you can drive it at 70 k.p.h. f. When we (see) the cathedral we'll go to the museum.g. He (not let) you out till you have finished your homework.h. Hotel receptionist: When you (sign) the hotel register the porter will show you

your room.i. By the end of the month 5,000 people (see) this exhibition. j. By next April I (pay) $3,000 in income tax.k. I suppose that when I come back in ten years time all these old houses (be)

pulled down.l. The strike leader said, "By midnight 500 men (come) out on strike."m. At your present rate you (burn) all that coal by the end of the month.n. The treasurer said, "By the end of the year all our debts (be paid) off.”

5.12. Правильное употребление глаголов.

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Употребление таких часто используемых глаголов, как take, make, do, have, вызывает иногда определенные трудности. Выбор глагола часто определятся следующим за ним существительным (прямым дополнением), а не только словарным значением глагола.

Упр.5.12.1. Образуйте правильные выражения, используя глаголы make и do. Затем закончите предложения, используя нужное выражение в соответствующей форме.

1 ___ a mistake 6 ______ a will 11 __ a complaint 16 __ progress 2 ___ nothing 7 ___ friends with 12 __ up my mind to 17___ a speech3 ___ a noise 8 ____ sense 13 __ business with 18 ____ a mess4 ___ one’s best 9 ____ my homework 14__ a phone call 19 ___ sure that5 ___ money 10 ___ the housework 15__ an exam 20 ___ someone a favoura. Could you ______ ? Could you give me a lift to the station?b. At first I found English difficult, but now I’m beginning ________ .c. Customer to waiter: “I think you _____ . My bill should be $5, not $15.”d. I _______ a lot of ______ with the Chinese. They are good customers of mine.e. Can you understand these instructions? They _______ to me.f. It took me a long time to decide, but I have finally _______ to accept the job.g. Sh! Don’t _______ . The baby’s asleep.h. Hello. I’d like ______ . There’s no hot water in my room.i. Before going on holiday you should _______ all windows and doors are shut and

locked.j. A You must try harder. B I’m _______ . A Well, it’s not good enough.k. Yesterday the Prime Minister _______ in the House of Commons.l. It took me hours to clean your room. If you ______ again, you can clean it up


*Упр.5.12.2. Заполните пропуск нужной формой глаголов make или do.

a. You can’t rely on him. He is always ______ excuses for never getting things done.b. Just a minute, I have to ____ a call.c. The recent cable break has ____ a lot of damage.d. You either know the answer or you don’t. It’s no good ____ guesses.e. Which modern languages are you ____ ? f. We _____ an agreement and you’ve broken it.g. I’ve got a lot of jobs to ____ this morning.

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h. I shouldn’t employ him. He’s always ____ trouble.i. We‘ve been studying this radiation for a year, but we haven’t ____ much progress.j. A car that size only ____ about 10 miles to the gallon.

Упр.5.12.3. Заполните пропуск нужной формой глагола have + существительное из приведенных ниже. Обратите внимание на то, что в сочетаниях типа have breakfast / lunch артикль не используется (но have a meal).

drink row look swim bath breakfast word day game time supper

Пример: “Would you like to have a drink ?” “Yes, please. I’m very thirsty.”a. “Did you watch TV last night?” “No, I _________ and went straight to bed.”b. “Did you _______ a good _______ of tennis?” “Yes, I won 6-0, 6-2.”c. “Bye, Mum. I’m going out now!” “Goodbye, darling. _______ a nice ______ !”d. “Did you ______ ______ this morning?” “No, I got up too late. I just had a cup of coffee.”e. I’m going to ______ a ________ and wash my hair. I feel dirty.f. I have a swimming pool at home, so if you want to _______ a ________ , just

come round.g. “Did you ______ a good ______ at the office, dear?” “No, I didn’t. The boss was very angry with me.”h. Peter and I always argue. We don’t agree about anything. Yesterday we ______ a

______ about politics.i. I’ve got my holiday photographs. Do you want to ______ a _______ ?j. John! Could I ______ a _______ with you for a minute? There’s something I want

to ask you about.

Упр.5.12.4. Для глаголов, совпадающих с существительным по форме, конструкция have + a + noun обозначает однократное действие. Герундий используется, когда говорят о чем-либо в общем. Сравните, например:Talking to someone about a problem usually helps to solve it.I had a talk with Susan last night.Составьте по два предложения для каждого из следующих слов, одно с герундием, а другое с have + a + noun.

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Глава 6. Модальные глаголы.

6.1. Вступление.

Чтобы успешно применять модальные глаголы, помимо хорошо известных правил их употребления необходимо знать некоторые детали, которые, может быть, не столь часто упоминаются в учебниках и пособиях, однако очень важны для понимания сути и функций модальных глаголов в английском языке.

1. Одно и то же отношение к действию можно передать с помощью разных модальных глаголов. Поэтому, прежде чем использовать модальный глагол, следует оценить, например, “степень” долженствования (требование жесткое, средней степени или более мягкое) или “вид” долженствования (в силу общих норм, обстоятельств, договоренности или моральных норм), степень вероятности протекания события и пр.

2. Практически каждый модальный глагол многозначен. Его значение определяется контекстом высказывания или формой следующего за ним инфинитива.

3. Отрицательная форма, которая для большинства модальных глаголов образуется путем добавления частицы not, часто имеет самостоятельное модальное значение. Например, для выражения высокой степени вероятности протекания события используется глагол must. Если же мы в такой же степени уверены, что событие не может произойти, то употребляется глагол can’t.

4. Следует также иметь в виду словосочетания, выражающие отношение к действию, например: would rather (do), had better (do), it’s high time to do.

6.2. Таблица случаев употребления модальных глаголов, их эквивалентов и вспомогательных глаголов в модальном


Значение глагола Форма глагола в настоящем (будущем) времени

Форма глагола в прошедшем времени

1.Должествование, обязанность, необходимостьа. Сильная степень Must (в случае личной Had to:

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b.Более слабая степень, совет

c. По расписанию или по договоренности

2. Запрет

3. Отсутствие необходимости.

необходимости что-либо сделать): I must work harder.Have to (в силу общих норм и правил): To become Doctor of Science every post graduate has to defend his thesis.

Should, shouldn’t, ought to, (had better): You should avoid doing some things contradicting common sense.

Is (am, are) to:The train is to arrive at 7 a.m.If we are to profit we have to develop our own ways to succeed.

Mustn’t, can’t:You mustn’t tell somebody the news. It’s a secret.You can’t smoke here. It’s not allowed.

Don’t have to, needn’t:Students don’t have to learn any tables by heart. They have to be able to find necessary information there.I needn’t go out tonight.

I had to work hard to pass the 1st Certificate English exam.Why did you have to re-sit your exam in economics?

Should, ought to + have done:You should have listened to my advice.

Was (were) to:He was to come but he failed.


Didn’t have to, needn’t + have done:There is no queue in the bank this morning so I didn’t have to wait.Needn’t + have done (действие было совершено, хотя в этом не было необходимости): You needn’t have bought the book. We have got enough copies in the library.Didn’t need to (do) (действие

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4. Способность

5. Разрешение, позволение

6. Вероятность событий

a. Абсолютная уверенность

b. Наиболее логичная интерпретация

Can, can’t:She can read English quickly but she can’t speak English fluently.

Can, may, could:When you’ve finished you can go home.May I ask you a question?Could I use your dictionary for a moment?

Will, won’t:Is that the phone? It’ll be John. He said he’d ring around now.Don’t take the cake out of the oven. It won’t be ready yet.

Must, can’t, couldn’t:You must be joking. I don’t

не было необходимым, но мы не знаем, было оно фактически совершено или нет):I didn’t need to do any shopping because I was invited to a dinner that night.

Could:She could play the piano when she was three.Was (were) able to, managed to (для выражения того, что однажды удалось в прошлом): A.S.Griboedov was able to enter Moscow University when he was 13.

Was (were) allowed to:I was allowed to do whatever I wanted when I was young.

Will (would), won’t (wouldn’t) + have done:You say you stayed in a hotel near the lake? That would have been my parent’s hotel! What a coincidence!It won’t have been Peter you met at the party last night. He was ill in bed.

Must, can’t + have done:He must have got lost. He can’t have known the way.

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ситуации на основе имеющихся фактов, несколько менее определенная, чем в предыдущем случае.

c. Обоснованное ожидание того, что что-то случиться при условии, что все произойдет по плану.

d. Невысокая вероятность события.

e. Еще меньшая уверенность в предположении.

7. Просьба.

8. Предложение.

believe you.She can’t be well today. She had a sore throat and high temperature yesterday.

Should, shouldn’t:We should be moving into our new house soon (as long as all the arrangements go smoothly).This homework shouldn’t take you too long (if you ‘ve understood what you have to do)

May, may not:We may go to Greece for our holidays, but we may not have enough money to go abroad this summer.

Might, might not, could:You could (might) be right but I doubt it.The American film could be worth seeing but it might not be admirable.

Could, can, would, will:Can you lend me 5 pounds until tomorrow?Will you give me a lift?Could (would) you explain this rule for me?

Will, shall:- What shall I do for you?

Should + have done:Where’s Henry? He should have been here ages ago!

May, may not + have done:Where is Ann? She may have overslept.

Might, might not, could + have done:She might have decided not to come.She might not have forgotten.



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9. Намерение, неизбежность

10. Упрек.

- I want someone to do a lot of typing for me.- Will I do?

Will, won’t:I’ll pay back tomorrow.The car won’t start.

Might, could:He could be more industrious.You might at least offer her help.

Wouldn’t:He was angry because she wouldn’t lend him any money.

Could (might) + have done:You could (might) have done it yesterday.He could not (might not) have sent this cable.

6.3. Глаголы, выражающие долженствование.

Обратите внимание на категоричность запрета, выражаемую mustn’t и отсутствие необходимости совершать какое-либо действие, выражаемое needn’t и don’t have to.

Упр.6.3.1. Употребите mustn’t или needn’t.

a. You ___________ give Freddy any more sweets or he won’t eat any tea.b. The doctor said I _______________ go back to the hospital; my leg is all right.c. You ___________ make any sandwiches for me. I’m not hungry.d. She ___________ fill in a new application form, we have the other one.e. You ___________ mention this to Kate, or she’ll get upset.f. She ____________ bring a doctor’s certificate, she was only away for one day.g. You ____________ take any more aspirins, you’ve had four already.h. Tell her she ______________ open any letters marked “personal”.

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Упр.6.3.2. Употребите нужный модальный глагол из предложенных только один раз в наиболее подходящей ситуации.

Must / mustn’t / needn’t / ought to / had bettera. There’s a fantastic film on at the Odeon. Advise your friend to see it before it’s too

late.b. Tell your friend not to drive her car till it’s insured.c. You are going to play tennis with a friend at the tennis club. Tell him it isn’t

necessary for him to bring any tennis balls as the club supplies them.d. Your friend has just received his bank statement. He’s sure it’s incorrect. Advise

him to telephone the bank.e. Tell your Venezuelan friend that she needs a visa to get into France.

Упр.6.3.3. Заполните пропуски формами have to, don’t have to или should учитывая, что все предложения связаны с темой “Посещение Америки”.

When you go to Americaa. you ________ get a visa.b. you ________ apply for a visa at least one month before you go.c. you ________ book a hotel room before you go, because there are usually a lot of

vacancies.d. you ________ get a work permit if you want to work there.e. you _______ visit San Francisco, because many people think it is the most

beautiful city in America.f. you _______ change your money before you go, because there are a lot of 24-hour

banks.g. you _______ hire a car, because it’s the easiest way to travel, and petrol is cheap.h. you _______ have special injections before you go.

Упр.6.3.4. Заполните пропуски положительной или отрицательной формами must, have to, had to, have had to, should.

a. I really do think you ___________ get your hair cut.b. Careful, darling. You ___________ play with matches. They’re too dangerous.c. My wife suddenly became ill in the middle of the night and I ____ call the doctor.d. I’m overweight. The doctor said I _________ eat too many sweets or potatoes.e. I like Saturday because I ___________ get up early.f. A. Why have you got so much money on you? You _______ keep it in the bank.

B. I know. But today’s the day I _________ pay my employees.g. It’s my mother’s birthday next week. I _______ remember to buy her a present and a card.

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h. No one likes __________ work at weekends.i. You _______________ come with me if you don’t want to. I don’t mind going on

my own. You stay here if you like.j. I have a really bad memory for phone numbers. I ___________ look them up in the

book every time.k. When I was at school we __________ wear a uniform. Everybody hated it.l. You ______________ touch electrical appliances if you’ve got wet hands. You

could kill yourself.m. She has a private income. She ______ never ______ do one day’s work in the

whole of her life.

Упр.6.3.5. В этом и следующем упражнениях проанализируйте ситуации, когда уместно использовать форму to be to для выражения долженствования по договоренности, правилам внутреннего распорядка или по расписанию.Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам. a. He was to give a talk on the properties of the Moon minerals.b. Petrov was to meet an American businessman at 2 p.m.c. The engineers of the team were to design and construct a new machine for

agriculture.d. I was to fly to Sverdlovsk the other day.e. The undergraduates were to have a class in the gym.f. We were to write a test and hand it to the teacher.

Упр.6.3.6. Задайте расчлененные вопросы с was, were + инфинитив с to.

Пример: The meeting ____ to begin at 6. The meeting was to begin at 6, wasn’t it?a. They ___ to have their exams on Wednesday.b. Lucy ___ to speak at the meetingc. He ____ to show the guests round.d. Bob ___ to come back by Friday.e. They ___ to produce the new machine two months ago.f. The competition ___ to go on for at least 4 days.

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Упр.6.3.7. Словосочетание had better + инфинитив без to выражает совет, пожелание. Дайте подходящий совет, употребляя had better (not) .

Пример: It’s too late. You had better go home now.a. John has a bad toothache. He __________ .b. The undergraduates are having a test today. They ___________ .c. It’s raining cats and dogs ( идет проливной дождь ). You ___________ .d. Bob wants to study German but he doesn’t know what to begin with. Bob,

_________ . e. Olga’s English pronunciation isn’t too good, she has a thick accent. What to do about it? ______ .

*Упр.6.3.8. Заполните пропуски положительной, отрицательной или вопросительной формами must, need или have to.

a. A. What time _________ we ____________ leave for the airport?B. It’s only a thirty-minutes drive, so we _______ go until about 3.30. I

__________ do my packing I haven’t start yet!b. I have an interview for a job next week, but before the interview I _______ have a medical examination.c. How did you damage your bike? You ______ learn to look after your toys. When I

was your age, I ____________ clean my bike every night.d. There’s a new Indian restaurant just opened that you should go to. It’s wonderful!

You ____________ book, though, because it’s so popular already.e. I’m sure she didn’t mean to upset you. You _______ take things so personally.f. I hate __________ get up on cold, winter mornings.g. I hate _________ tell you this, but you’ve just got a parking ticket.h. I have perfect teeth. I ____________ never __________ have a single filling.i. I think I’ve put on weight. I ___________ watch what I eat in future.j. I don’t think a career in the army would suit me. I ______ wear a uniform, for a

start.k. You _____________ worry about me. I can look after myself.l. The doctor said I’ve got conjunctivitis. I ______ put drops in my eye three times a

day.m. What a wonderful meal that was! You _____________ gone to so much

trouble!n. I got something for my cough from the chemists’s, so I ______ go to the doctor’s.o. I was very concerned about how my daughter would find going to her new school,

but I ____________ worried, because she loved every minute.p. You _________ take out travel insurance, but it’s a good idea, just to be on the

safe side.

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6.4. Упражнения на модальные глаголы, выражающие разрешение и возможность.

Упр.6.4.1. Заполните пропуски положительной или отрицательной формами can, could, to be able to. Имейте в виду, что когда речь идет об успешной одиночной попытке сделать что-либо в прошлом, глагол could не используется. Вместо него используются формы was able to и managed to . Can и could наравне с may употребляются для выражения разрешения, позволения что-либо сделать. Причем may относят к более формальному стилю.

a. In my country you ____________ get married when you are 16.b. Women ___________ vote in England until 1922.c. Last night I __________ get into my house because I had forgotten my key.d. I phoned the Gas Board because I thought I ___________ smell gas, which is very

dangerous.e. “Hello. Is that the dentist? ___________ I make an appointment to see you, please?f. I’m learning car mechanics because I want ___________ to service my own car. It

costs a fortune if you send it to the garage.g. Many night animals ______________ see very well, but they have a highly

developed sense of smell.h. If you __________ do this exercise, you’re very clever!

Упр.6.4.2. Ниже даны два диалога с перепутанными репликами, в которых один человек просит разрешения, а другой дает его. В одном диалоге Mr Roberts и Mr Thomas разговаривают в офисе, а в другом диалоге разговор идет между отцом и сыном. Поставьте реплики в правильном порядке, сформировав два диалога. Обратите внимание на различия при выражении позволения что-либо сделать.

a. But I’m taking Dave to see his girlfriend in hospital.b. Yes, what is it?c. I told you. I need it.d. It’s not a very convenient time at the moment.e. Well, as you know, my father can’t walk very well, and he needs to go into

hospital. I was wondering if I could have a day off work?f. Thank a lot, Dad. I won’t be home late.g. Oh, please. He won’t be able to go if I don’t give him a lift.h. That’s very kind. I’ll make up the time, I promise.i. No, you can’t. I need it.

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j. Mr Roberts? Could I have a word with you?k. I’d be terribly grateful. He wouldn’t be able to go if I weren’t there to help him.l. All right. I suppose I can walk. The exercise will do me good.m. Well, if that’s the case I suppose you should.n. Dad, can I have the car tonight? Диалог 1. Диалог 2.- Mr Thomas: - Son:- Mr Roberts: - Father:

Упр.6.4.3. Заполните пропуски словами из списка. Каждое слово можно использовать только один раз.

can may might must don’t have to needn’t ought rather wantForeign students in Britain (1) ________ usually stay with family or they (2) _______ be able to find a cheap hotel if they’d (3) ________ be on their own. Those who (4) _______ to improve their English very quickly normally stay with a family. Students who come to Britain for more than three months (5) _______ register with the police. If you stay for less than three months, you (6) ________ register at the police station. All foreign students (7) ________ to register with a doctor although it is not compulsory. You (8) ________ need medical help during your stay. If you fall ill, you (9) _________ go directly to a hospital unless it is a serious emergency. Phone your doctor first.

6.5. Степень вероятности протекания события.

Степень вероятности протекания события помогает определить ситуация. Чтобы дать вероятностную оценку прошлым событиям, необходимо употребить перфектный инфинитив.

Упр.6.5.1. Закончите следующие предложения, используя might и глаголы в скобках для выражения небольшой вероятности настоящих и будущих событий.

Пример: Take your umbrella because …. (rain)Take your umbrella because it might rain.a. She’s not sure what to do when she leaves university……(have a holiday / look for

a job).b. They don’t know where to have a holiday…..(Spain / stay at home).c. Write my telephone number in your book…….(forget it).d. I’ll try to arrive at 8.00, but ….(be late) if the traffic is bad.

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e. I’m going to Paris for a meeting next week…. (stay the night / come back the same day). It depends how long the meeting goes on.

Упр. 6.5.2. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужном времени, выбрав из следующих форм: will might may do, be doing could won’t a. There’s no point in phoning him this afternoon. He _________ (work) in the

garden, and he __________ (not hear) the phone.b. Don’t forget your umbrella. You never know, it __________ (rain).c. A I hope we ___________ (not disturb) Pat when we drop in tonight. B Don’t worry. She _____ (not work). She told me yesterday she never works in the evening.d. It’s a crazy idea but it _____________ (work).e. A I have invited Jane to the party on Saturday. B She ____________ (not come). She hates parties. f. A I’ve bought three kilos of cheese for the party. B That’s rather a lot, isn’t it? They ___________ (not like) cheese.g. A Why haven’t you gone to the airport? I thought you were going to Rome. B I’m sure the plane _____________ (delay - passive). The weather’s too bad. h. Be careful with the dog. She turns a bit nasty sometimes, and _______ (bite) you.i. I don’t know why I bother with my girlfriend. I know exactly what ______

(happen) tonight. I ______ (go) round to her house to pick her up, she ________ (have) a bath or ___________ (do) her hair as she always is, and I ________ (have to) wait three hours for her to get ready.

j. I have nothing to wear for this party. All I’ve got is this old black dress, and Suzy ___________ (wear) something spectacular, as usual.

Упр.6.5.3. Отреагируйте на предложения из колонки 1, используя must или can’t, добавляя соответствующие причины, выбранные из колонки 2.

Пример: A Is Jane married? B She can’t be married. She’s only fifteen.1 2 1. Is Jane married? a. I saw her looking at wedding ring yesterday. 2. I saw Alice in town yesterday. b. I’ve just seen her playing tennis.

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3. I was served in a restaurant by Tessa. c. She’s only fifteen.4. Is Sheila thinking of moving? d. There’s a strong smell coming from next door.5. Did Anita get engaged to Alan? e. She went abroad last week.6. Has Pat hurt his leg? f. She told me she did not like him.7. Is Jenny going out with Tom? g. She’s a school-teacher.8. Is Mary having her flat decorated? h. There’s a For Sale notice up outside her house.

Упр.6.5.4. Переделайте предложения, используя глаголы must, can’t или might с соответствующей формой инфинитива.

Пример: I’m sure Harry’s at least sixty. Harry must be at least sixty. Perhaps he’s having a party. He might be having a party.

a. I’m sure he hasn’t retired yet. He still leaves the house every morning.b. I’m sure he isn’t very well off. His house is in a terrible mess.c. Perhaps he spent all his money when he was younger.d. I’m sure he does a lot of gardening. His garden looks beautiful.e. I’m sure he’s read a lot of books about gardening. He’s certainly expert.f. I’m sure he’s working in his garden now. I can hear someone digging.g. Now I can hear voices. Perhaps he’s talking to Miss Appleby.h. No, I’m sure it isn’t Miss Appleby. It’s two men’s voices.i. They’re shouting. Perhaps they are having an argument.j. They’re talking about money. Perhaps Harry owes the other man some money.k. Now I can’t hear anything. I’m sure they’ve gone inside.l. My God! A gun shot! I’m sure Harry killed him!m. No, there’s Harry outside, so it wasn’t Harry who was shot.n. There’s a siren. I’m sure this is the police arriving.o. Look at all those lights and cameras. Ah! Now I understand. They were making a

film! Упр.6.5.5. Поставьте себя на место детектива, расследующего ограбление в доме Смитов. С помощью соответствующих модальных глаголов выскажите предположение о ситуации. “I wonder how the thief got in. He (a) __________ used a ladder or he (b) ________

had a key. Ah! What’s this? Broken glass by the kitchen door, and the door has been unlocked. He (c) _________ broken the window, put his hand inside, and

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turned the key. That (d) __________ made a noise. I wonder if the neighbours heard anything?”

(He goes next door to talk to the neighbours, and knocks on the door.)“There is no reply. I suppose they (e) _________ be on holiday, or they (f) ___________ watching television.”(He listens at the letter-box.)“I can hear voices. Someone (g) _________ in. Rather odd.”(He goes back to the Smith’s house.)“Now I wonder what was stolen. I don’t think the Smith family is terribly well off, so the thief (h) _________ found a lot to steal. It was clever of him to come in just after Mrs Smith went shopping. He (i) ___________ known she would be out. What was that noise? It came from upstairs. The burglar (j) _________ not _______ left the house yet! He (k) __________ hiding upstairs! I’d better go and see.”

Упр.6.5.6. Закончите второе предложение так, чтобы оно имело значение, подобное первому. Используйте выделенное слово и от 2 до 5 других слов, нужных по смыслу.

a. It is possible that you gave her the wrong number. might: You __________ the wrong number.b. It is not possible that Richard knew about this. have: Richard ________ about it.c. Perhaps Susan didn’t want to come to the party. may: Susan ________ to come to the party.d. There is a possibility that Mary forgot about the meeting. could: Mary _______ about the meeting.e. I am certain that he wasn’t telling the truth. must: He _______ lies.f. He might have seen the film already. has: Perhaps ________ the film.g. The police say his death was definitely not an accident. been: The police say his death ______ an accident.h. There is no doubt that he was driving too fast at the time. must: He ________ too fast at the time.i. Perhaps Colin was in the bath when you phoned. might: Colin ________ in the bath when you phoned.j. It is possible that she did not receive my letter. may: She ________ my letter.

Упр.6.5.7. Подчеркните слово или фразу, которая правильно завершает предложение.

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a. I’m not certain, but it might / must have been half past four.b. You must / can’t have been sunbathing all week - you haven’t got a tan.c. Why don’t you sit down? You may / must be exhausted after such a long journey.d. She can’t / must have gone on holiday. She’s got too much work to do.e. It can’t / must have been Tom who left the lights on. He’s always doing that.f. Laura may / can’t have tried to phone earlier, but I don’t know for sure.g. He must / might have picked up this gun because his fingerprints are all over it.h. She can’t / could have eaten that whole cake herself - it was huge!

6.6. Обзорные упражнения на модальные глаголы.

Упр.6.6.1. Прочитайте предложения. Определите функцию модального глагола, сопоставив букву предложения с номером соответствующей функции.

Например: a. She can dance but she can’t sing. a. – 8.1- request; 2- offer; 3- intention; 4- strong obligation; 5- mild obligation; 6- prohibition; 7- no obligation; 8- ability; 9- permission; 10- certainty; 11- possibility.a. Could you do something for me? I have a problem.b. I think you should write and apologize. c. What time do you have to start work?d. She could read when she was three.e. Will you lend me some money?f. I’ll pay you back tomorrow.g. Could I use your phone for a moment?h. You must hold it very carefully. It’s very fragile.i. You mustn’t drive if you’ve been drinking.j. Give me your suitcase. I’ll take it to the car.k. – Thank you, doctor. Shall I come in a week?

- Only if absolutely necessary.l. They must have been arrived. Their car is in the drive.m. They must be in bed.n. They can’t be out at this time of night.o. You can’t consult your neighbour at the exam.

Упр.6.6.2. Заполните пропуски, используя can, could, might, must, should, would и глагол в скобках. В некоторых предложениях следует использовать перфектный инфинитив. А в некоторых - отрицательную форму. a. A I’m hungry. B But you’ve just had lunch. You can’t be hungry already. (be)

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b. A I haven’t seen our neighbours for ages. B No’ They must have gone away. (go)c. A What’s the weather like? Is it raining? B Not at the moment but it ______________ later. (rain)d. A Where has Julia gone? B I’m not sure. She ___________ to the bank. (go)e. A I didn’t see you at John’s party last week. B No, I had to work that evening, so I ___________ .(go)f. A I saw you at John’s party last week. B No, you didn’t. You _____________ me. I didn’t go to John’s party. (see)g. A When did you post the letter to Mary? B This morning. So she ______________ it tomorrow. (get)h. A When was the last time you saw Bill? B Years ago. I _______________ him if I saw him now.(recognise)i. A Did you hear the explosion? B What explosion? A There was a loud explosion a few minutes ago. You ____________ it.(hear)j. A We weren’t sure which way to go. In the end we turned right. B You went the wrong way. You ___________ left.(turn)

Упр.6.6.3. Составьте предложения из слов в скобках.

a. Don’t phone Ann now. (she might / have / lunch) She might be having lunch.b. I ate too much. Now I feel sick. (I shouldn’t / eat / so much) I shouldn’t have eaten so much.c. I wonder why Tom didn’t phone me. (he must / forget)d. Why did you go home so early? (you needn’t / go / home so early)e. You’ve signed the contract. (it / can’t / change / now)f. “What’s Linda doing?” “I’m not sure.” (she may / watch / television)g. Ann was standing outside the cinema. (she must / wait / for somebody)h. He was in prison at the time the crime was committed, so (he couldn’t / do / it)i. Why weren’t you here earlier? (you ought / be / here earlier)j. Why didn’t you ask me to help you? (I would / help / you)k. I’m surprised nobody told you that the road was very dangerous. (you should /

warn)l. George was in a strange mood yesterday. (he might not / feel / very well)

Упр.6.6.4. Укажите буквой предложение, которое точнее передает смысл заданного предложения.

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a. Nissan is to announce on Monday a further modest rise in jobs at its plant in the north east England city.

A The aim of Nissan is to announce on Monday a further modest increase in jobs at its plant. B Nissan must announce on Monday a further modest rise in jobs at its plant. C Nissan announced on Monday a further modest rise in jobs at its plant.b. If the new investment project is to be adopted, it must be approved by the Board. A No doubt the project has been approved by the Board. B If the project is adopted it must be approved by the Board. C For the project to be adopted it must be approved by the Board.

*Упр.6.6.5. Закончите второе предложение, выразив в прошедшем времени ту же мысль, что и в первом предложении. Имейте в виду, что в некоторых предложения следует использовать другой глагол.

a. She can ski really well. She _______ really well when she was five.b. I can finish it by Friday but it won't be easy. I __________ it by Friday but it wasn't be easy.c. John can't live here. It's the wrong street. Shakespeare ________ in that house. It wasn't built until 1840.d. May I leave the room? I don't feel well.

I ______ the room because I didn't feel well.d. I must check the oil before we leave. I ______ check the oil before we left.e. It must be raining. Everyone has their umbrella up. It _______ . The ground is wet.f. Thank you very much. You needn't give me a lift, but it's very kind. You ________ me a lift, but it was very kind.g. He needn't collect me from the station. I'll walk. He ________ me from the station. I walked.h. Why don't you take the exam? You might pass. Why didn't you take the exam? You _______ .i. He should stop smoking before it's too late. He _______ stop smoking before it was too late.j. I could visit you next Sunday.

I ________ you last Sunday. Why didn't you ask me?k. There's the phone. It'll be Paul.

Did he have a deep voice? It ______ Paul.l. He'll sit in the armchair for hours, staring into space.

He ___________ in the armchair for hours, staring into space.m. Let's take the map. We may get lost.

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I wonder where they are. They _______ .

*Упр.6.6.6. Заполните пропуски, используя will, won’t, must, can’t, should и нужную форму инфинитива глагола в скобках.

A. OK. Don’t worry about the phone. I’ll answer it. It _____(a) (be) David ringing me about tonight’s meeting.“Hello. 37885.” “Hello John. It’s David. I tried ringing you earlier, but I got no reply. You (b) ___________ (be) out.”“I haven’t been out all morning. You (c) ____________ (get) the right number. Never mind. What’s about the meeting? How many people can we expect?”“There (d) ____________ (be) quite a few, judging by the number of enquiries we’ve been having. One thing’s worrying me. I haven’t heard from the speaker, Joan Bakewell. I’m sure she (e) __________ (forget), but it isn’t like her not to get in touch. Shall I give her a ring?” “Not now, no. She (f) ___________ (teach). You’d better wait an hour or so.”“I’ve bought twenty bottles of wine for the party afterwards. That (g) __________ (be) enough, don’t you think?”“Yes, plenty. I’ll see you later, then. Bye.”“Bye.”

B. “You (h) ___________ (be) very excited about your new book.”“Yes, I am. It (i) ____________ (sell) quite well if the publishers’ research is accurate.” “It (j) ____________ (take) you a long time to write.”“About three years, yes.”“What about your first book?”“I’m not terribly sure, but it (k) ____________ (do) very well, because it hasn’t been reprinted, and the first print run was only five hundred copies.”“Better luck with this one!”“Thanks!”

C. “My bank statement says I’m overdrawn. There (l) __________ (be) some mistake. I (m) ______________ (get) through a whole month’s salary already!”“We (n) ____________ (spend) too much money on the house lately.”“But how come I’m overdrawn?”“It (o) ____________ (be) the desk we bought. It was over eight hundred pounds.”“How much have you got ?”“About four hundred pounds.”“Oh, well. That (p) _____ (get) us through to the end of the month if we’re careful.”

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D. “Do you think Joey (q) ____________ (get) my letter yet?”“She (r) ___________ (receive) it by now. I haven’t heard of any hold-ups with the post. When did you send it?”“Last week. I just wonder why she hasn’t rung to tell us how she intends to pay us back the money she owes us.”“She (s) ____________ (think) up a good excuse as to why she can’t, I bet.”

Упр.6.6.7. Заполните пропуски, используя may, might или could и глагол в скобках. В некоторых случаях возможно использование каждого из трех глаголов. Обратите внимание на форму инфинитива.

I. I wonder why Alan didn’t buy me anything for my birthday. I suppose he (a) ________ (forget). Or he (b) _______ (think) that now I’m getting on. I don’t like to be reminded of my advancing years. On the other hand, he (c) _________ (not forget)! He (d) __________ (give) me a present this evening when I see him. Oh no! He (e) _______ (plan) a surprise party, as he did last year. What a disaster that was! I hope he isn’t doing it again!

II. Every time I phone Jane, it’s engaged. It’s very annoying. I suppose she (f) ____________ (try) to phone me while I’m phoning her. I’ll wait a while.

III. I can’t help worrying when Jack is late back home. I always think that he (g) __________ (have) an accident, and that he (h) __________ (lie) on the side of the road with ambulances and police cars all about him. I know it’s irrational. Wait a minute! It’s Tuesday today, isn’t it? He works late some Tuesdays. He (i) ___________ ( not leave) the office yet. I’ll give him a ring.

VI. I wonder why Helen has got all these books on Greece from the library. I suppose she (j) __________ (think) of going there on holiday. On the other hand, she (k) __________ (not get) them out for herself. They (l) ___________ (be) for Henry. He (m) ____________ (write) a project on Greece for his geography course.

*Упр. 6.6.8. Заполните пропуски глаголами could, managed to или соответствующей формой be able to. a. What’s forty-eight divided by eight? I ______ never ____ to do sums in my head. b. ___________ drive has changed my whole life. Now I can go wherever I want

without having to worry about public transport.c. I had a row with Sheila last night about nuclear arms. I __________ understand

the point she was trying to make, but I still didn’t agree.

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d. A girl was drowning, but I jumped in and I __________ save her. I ___________ swim since I was six.

e. The view was breathtaking. You ___________ see right across the valley to the hills in the distance.

f. Why don’t you stop smoking? You __________ do it if you tried.g. Ann’s operation was very successful. The doctors say she _________ walk again

in few weeks.h. I’m learning Russian because I want ______ talk to people when I go there next


**Упр.6.6.9. Заполните пропуски, используя could, may, must, have to, should и нужную форму инфинитива глагола в скобках.

a. Einstain’s theory predicted that the universe was not static, but _____ (be) either expending or contracting.

b. Because the universe is expanding it ______ (cool), which means that it _____ (be) much hotter when it was young.

c. Therefore, a significant fraction of the universe ____ (consist) of nonbaryonic matter.

d. There were no longer free electrons to absorb and scatter light, and photons _____ (travel) freely through the universe.

e. These fluctuations _____ (cause) by something that happened even earlier.f. We _____, however, (be) careful about taking these models too seriously; they

all _____ (be) wrong.

6.7. Тесты на модальные глаголы.

Упр.6.7.1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа. (Иногда их больше одного)

a. The fire spread through the building quickly but everybody ______________ . A was able to escape B managed to escape C could escapeb. The phone is ringing. It ______________ be Tom. A might B can C couldc. Why did you stay at a hotel when you went to New York? You ____________

with Barbara. A can stay B could stay C could have stayedd. I’ve lost one of my gloves. I ___________ it somewhere. A must drop B must have dropped C must be dropping D must have been droppinge. Take an umbrella with you when you go out. It _____________ rain later. A may B might C can D could

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f. What was wrong with you? Why _______________ go to hospital? A had you to B did you have to C must youg. There’s plenty of time. You __________ hurry. A don’t have to B mustn’t C needn’th. It was a great party last night. You __________ come. Why didn’t you? A must have B should have C ought to have D had toi. I think all drivers _________________ seat belts. A should wear B had better wear C had better to wear

Упр.6.7.2. Выберите один из четырех вариантов, который, по вашему мнению, грамматически соответствует ситуации.

a. The author ________ extremely ambitious indicating only desirable targets instead of attainable ones. A must have been B ought to have been C should have been D was to have beenb. The company is considering whether any new products ____________ to the line

for sale in foreign countries. A need to be added B should be adding C need add D ought to addc. Price restrictions __________ prevent firms from using the strategies they

consider optimal in achieving their ends. A may B should C must D ought tod. If you have a high blood pressure, you __________ stop eating salt and go on a

saltless diet. A had better B are better C need better D may betterf. You _________ go out without coat. A are better not B were better not C better not D had better notg. “When _________ we ________ expect you?” “Soon after half past five.” A are ____ to B must ___ ___ C do ______ have to D need _____ h. Don’t contradict her. You _________ respect her old age. A are to B have to C should D ought toi. All the samples of new products must be ready by Friday because the exhibition

__________ on Saturday. A is to open B has to open C should be open D should openj. Travelers __________ their reservations well in advance if they want to fly during

the Christmas holidays. A had better to get B had to get better C had better get D had better gotk. Thanks to a letter of credit the importer is able to buy without ________ in

advance. A having to pay B having paid C have paid D have to pay

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l. Because of variety of developing countries participated in OPEC, their potential impact ___________ no longer _________ .

A had _____ ignored B could _____ be ignored C had ____ to be ignored D should _____ have been ignoredm. “I am going to visit Ann.” “You __________ to telephone her first” A ought B might C should D mustn. The Ford theatre where Lincoln was shot _________ . A must restore B must be restoring C must have been restored D must restoredo. If we __________ succeed, we need to change the structure of our company. A have to B must C should D are top. No two corporations have the same name. For example, if the company’s name is

Maxwell Manufacturing, no other company _____________ under that name. A must get incorporated B should become incorporated C need be incorporated D may incorporateq. If you have a credit card you __________ carry a lot of cash with you. A must not B do not have to C have not D might not

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r. This rule _____ here. It’s an exaption. A doesn’t apply B is not apply C shall not be applied D must not have been applied

Упр.6.7.3. Найдите слово или фразу, которую надо заменить, чтобы предложение было правильным. a. “Black box” is a device whose (A) internal workings (B) are immaterial: its (С)

behavior must (D) be examined only at its input and output terminals.b. Whoever (A) inspected this (B) radio should have put (C) their (D) identification

number on the box.c. When a patient’s blood pressure is much (A) higher than (B) it should be (C), a

doctor usually insists that he will not (D) smoke.d. The more (A) profits US corporation earn in another (B) countries, the less (C)

they need to care (D) about infrastructure and education in their country.

Глава 7. Правило согласования времен. Прямая и косвенная речь. Типы высказываний. Типы вопросов. Глаголы речи.

7.1. Правило согласования времен.

7.1.1. Правило согласования времен запрещает использовать в придаточном предложении формы настоящего и будущего время, если в главном предложении сказуемое выражено глаголом в одном из прошедших времен. В таблице показано, каким образом обычно изменяются времена при переходе от прямой речи к косвенной.

Прямая речь Косвенная речьPresent Simple (“I live”) Present Contin. (“I am living”)Present Perfect (“I have lived”)Present Perfect Contin.(“I have been living”)Past Simple (“I lived”)Past Contin. (“I was living”)

Going to (Future) (“I am going to live”) Will Future (“I will live”)Can (“I can live”)

Past Simple (He said he lived)Past Contin. (He said he was living)Past Perfect (He said he had lived)Past Perfect Contin. (He said he had been liveng)Past Perfect (He said he had lived)Past Perfect Contin. (He said he had been living)Was going (He said he was going to live)Would (He said he would live)Could (He said he could live)

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May (“I may live”)Must (“I must live”)

Might (He said he might live)Had to (He said he had to live)

Указатели времени меняются следующим образом:Прямая речь Косвенная речь«today»«now»«here»«this» «tonight»«tomorrow (night)»«next week»«last week»«yesterday»«ago»

That dayThenThereThatThat nightThe next / following day (night)The following weekThe previous weekThe previous dayPreviously / before

Упражнение 7.1.1.a. позволяет отработать это правило для разных грамматических времен. В предложениях упражнения 7.1.1.b. использованы модальные глаголы. Преобразуйте высказывания в прямую речь подобно тому, как это показано в таблице.

**Упр.7.1.1.a. a. “I’ve attended two conferences this year.” b. “I’ve visited several genetic laboratories.” c. “I’ve seen a lot of interesting things.”d. “I’ve given two lectures at Prinseton University.” e. “I’m planning to visit Oxford.”f. “I’m hoping to go to Scotland.”g. “I’m writing my thesis now.”h. “I’m studying an interesting problem.”i. “I’ll start my next paper with the statement of the problem.”j. “My paper will consist of four sections.”k. “In the introduction I’ll outline the present state of research in the field of


Упр.7.1.1.b. a. “I can ring the Bank Manager.”b. “I may go abroad.”

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c. “We must observe the experimental conditions.”d. “I can’t promise you my assistance in this matter” e. “I may not be able to send you a copy of my paper shortly.”f. “I must think about it.” g. “I can’t do anything about it tonight.”h. “I must write an account of my work.” Упр.7.1.1.c. Следующие примеры показывают различные способы выражения будущего времени:We are going to play tennis. (намерение)She’s meeting her publisher. (запланированное действие)“I’ll come,” he said. (неожиданное решение)“He’ll win, I’m sure,” I thought. (предсказание)Поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующем времени. a. Henry! Good Lord! I forgot you _____________ (come) for supper. I haven’t

bought anything to eat at all! Never mind. Come in.b. The start of the film was dreadful. I hoped it ___________ (get) better, but in fact

it got worse as it went on.c. I went to bed early as I ___________ (leave) for New York the next day, and I

wanted to feel refreshed when I arrived.d. She didn’t worry about her son, Tom. He was a sensible boy, and she knew he

__________ (take) care of himself.e. I had invited Pat and Peter for supper at 8.00, but I didn’t start getting things ready

until 7.30 because I knew they __________ (be) late. They always were.f. Aren’t you Annie Beecroft? Do you remember me? Last time I saw you, you

___________ (emigrate) to Canada! Did you?

7.1.2. Oтклонения от правила согласования времен.

Случаи отклонения от правила согласования времен:- в определительных придаточных предложениях, а также придаточных

причинных и сравнительных предложениях глагол может употребляться во временах Present и Future: My brother told me about the book which you are reading. He was not able to translate the article because he does not know English well enough. He refused to go to the theatre as he will have an examination in Economy in a few days. It was not so cold yesterday as it is today.

- глаголы must (в случае выражения приказания или совета), should и ought употребляются в придаточном предложении независимо от того, в каком времени стоит глагол главного предложения: He tells (told) us that we

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mustn’t cross the road against the red light. He says (said) that I ought to send her a telegram at once. I tell (told) him that he should consult a doctor.

- форма Present сослагательного наклонения употребляется независимо от того, в каком времени стоит глагол главного предложения: It is (was) necessary that he send us the documents.

- глагол в дополнительном придаточном предложении выражает общеизвестный факт: Galileo proved that the earth moves (moved) round the sun.

- в научной и технической литературе после глаголов типа to believe, to assume, to suggest, to express, to maintain, и т.д., которые по своему значению не констатируют общеизвестную истину, а указывают на предположительные факты: The author suggested that the main valency chains of lignin are built up by a repeating 2-ring system.

**Упр.7.1.2.a. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующем времени. a. They held that this observation _____ (show) the reaction to be intermolecular.b. Kelner discovered that visible light ____ (have) the remarkable ability of restoring

viability.c. It was noticed that some water ____ (distill) at the beginning of the distillation.d. It was supposed that hydrate formation ____ (play) a part in the aqueous

polymerization.e. He was modeling the simplest possible chemical reaction – hydrogen exchange, in

which a hydrogen atom ____ (slam) into a hydrogen molecule and _____ (replace) one of its two atoms.

f. It was found that other derivatives ____ (not result) in higher yields. g. He established the formula of the alcohol and suggested that saponification of the

ester (under rather drastic conditions) _____ (proceed) as follows.h. It was shown that the velocity constant ____ (be) unaffected by an increase in

viscosity of the reacting mixture of over 2,000 fold.i. Gauss deduced the fundamental theorem from Proposition 30 in Book 7 of

Euclid’s Elements, which ____ (state) that if a prime ____ (divide) a product of two integers, then the prime must also divide at last one of the factors.

7.2. Повелительные конструкции в косвенной речи.

Повелительные конструкции в косвенной речи выражаются через инфинитив. Отрицательная форма повелительного наклонения do not заменяется инфинитивом с частицей not.Просьбы в косвенной речи можно передать двумя способами

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- используя if: “Will you move over please, Jim?” – He asked Jim if he would move over.

- с помощью инфинитива с частицей to: He asked Jim to move over.

Упр.7.2.1. Преобразуйте следующие высказывания в косвенную речь, используя глагол to tell в случае приказания и глагол to ask в случае просьбы. Пример: “Come into the sitting-room.” She told (asked) me to come into the room. “Don’t go there.” She told (asked) me not to go there. a. “Don’t sit down by the window.” g. “Ask at the station.”b. “Ring me this evening.” h. “Have another piece of cake.”c. “Look in the cupboard.” i. “Write to Head Office about it.”d. “Take a couple of aspirins.” j. “Take it back to the shop where you

bought it.”e. “Pour yourself another whisky.” k. “Explain to them what happened.”f. “Don’t be late, please.” l. “Don’t open the book.”

*Упр.7.2.2. Преобразуйте высказывания в косвенную речь.

a. “If you see him ask him to ring me”, she said.b. “When you are driving away look into your driving mirror before turning right”,

said my instructor.c. “Get the car off the road or to the verge if you have a puncture. Don’t leave it on

the road”, said my father.d. “If the lift should stop between two floors press the emergency button”, he said.e. “If you don’t like the programme switch to another channel”, I said to her.

7.3. Глаголы речи.

Более точное значение или оттенок того, что сказано, может быть передано в косвенной речи выбором соответствующего глагола речи. Следует иметь в виду, что кроме предложенных ниже в упражнениях, можно использовать и такие глаголы как to beg, to instruct, to claim, to demand, to offer, to promise, to refuse, to threaten, to admit, to suggest, to scream, to whisper, to stammer, to mumble to swear, to yell, to boast, to sigh и ряд других.

Упр.7.3.1. Употребите to say, to tell, to speak, to talk и to address в прошедшем времени.

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a. The boy _______ me his name.b. The head of the state _______ on the television last night. He _________ all the

people.c. She _________ it in French. She _________ good French.d. John and I ________ on different subjects.e. I _______ “Good-bye” to them and left.f. Professor Sedov _______ at the congress.g. The friend _______ about their future investigation.h. The foreigner ________ us in Italian.i. Bob ________ me the time.

Упр.7.3.2. Превратите высказывания в косвенную речь, используя предложенные глаголы.

a. “I’m going to Paris soon.”She said _________________________________________________

b. “It’s time to start revising for the exam,” said the teacher.The teacher told _________________________________________c. “The film will be interesting.” I thought _______________________________________________d. “I can’t help you because I have too much to do.”She said _______________________________________________e. “Anne has bought the tickets.”

I was told ______________________________________________e. “It took me three hours to get here because the roads are flooded.”He told me _____________________________________________e. “I think it’s a crazy idea. It won’t work.”She said _______________________________________________e. “Breakfast is served between 7.00 and 9.00.”

The receptionist explained _________________________________

Упр.7.3.3. Заполните пропуски соответствующими формами следующих глаголов.

say tell explain speak talk replyI met Mr Brown in the street the other day, and we stopped and (a) _______ for a while.He (b) ________ me that his wife had been taken into hospital. When I asked him how she was, he (c) __________ that she was getting better.

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He wondered why I hadn’t been to the tennis club for a few months, so I (d) _______ that I’d been very busy lately and just hadn’t had time.“There is something you must (e) ___________ me,” he said. “How many languages can your son (f) _________ ?”“Four,” I (g) ________ . “Why?”“I know your son has some very funny stories to (h) ___________ about learning languages and living abroad. We’re having a meeting of the Travellers Club next week, and I’d like him to (i) _________ at it.”I (j) ___________ I would (k) __________ to my son about it, and promised to get back in touch.Then we (l) _________ goodbye and went our separate ways.

Упр.7.3.4. Превратите высказывания в косвенную речь, используя каждый глагол из предложенных один раз.

ask tell warn urge remind invite persuade advisea. “I think you should accept the pay rise,” Sir Albert Pringle said to the

shipbuilder’s leader.b. “We really must stay united,” Peter Arkwright said to his members.c. “Don’t forget to come to the meeting,” Sir Albert said to his secretary.d. “Be careful of the press. They often make mistakes,” said a colleague to Peter

Arkwright.e. “I think we should return to work,” said Peter. “Well, if you think it’s a good idea,

we agree,” said shipbuilders.f. “Please reconsider this offer,” Sir Albert said to Mr Arkwright.g. “Stop work!” Peter Arkwright said to the builders.h. “Have lunch with me,” said Sir Albert to Peter.

7.4. Вопросы в косвенной речи.

При обращении специального вопроса в косвенную речь производятся следующие изменения: вопросительный знак опускается; вопросительное слово становиться союзом, соединяющим главное и придаточное предложения; вопросительный порядок слов заменяется порядком слов повествовательного предложения; соблюдается правило согласования времен.Общие вопросы в косвенной речи требуют соединительного союза “ли” - if или whether между главным и придаточным предложениями. Порядок слов прямой, правило согласования времен используется, если сказуемое главного предложения употреблено в прошедшем времени.

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Упр.7.4.1. Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную.

Пример: “Where do you live?” Mrs Mawby asked. She asked (me) where I lived.a. “How many bedrooms are there?” Sally asked.b. “When do you want to move in?” Mrs Mawby asked.c. “What sort of heating is there? Sally asked.d. “How often do you want the rent?” Sally asked.e. “How far is it to the shops?” Sally asked.f. “What do you think of the flat?” Mrs Mawby asked.g. “Where have you been today?”h. “What have you been buying?”i. “Where do you intend to go tomorrow?”j. “Why don’t you learn Spanish?”k. “Where are you going for your holidays?”l. “When I see him, what shall I say?”

Упр.7.4.2. Задайте вопросы в косвенной речи.

Пример: “Are you a student?” She asked me if I was a student.a. “Do you want to go abroad?”b. “Do you think it will be possible to get a job abroad?”c. “Do you intend to go to Germany?”c. “Are you going to answer any advertisements?”d. “Is there a chance you might continue with your studies?”e. “Is John trying to get a job?”f. “Have you been to the Labour Exchange?”g. “Aren’t you tired of doing nothing?”h. “Haven’t you got any plans at all?”i. “Are you definitely going to leave home?”

**Упр.7.4.3. Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную.

a. “I can’t turn this screw,” said Ann. “Will you do it for me?”b. “Would you like to tighten the bolt?” said Ann, handling me a spannel.c. “Would you mind discussing this question at the seminar?”d. “Shall I explain my recent results?”e. “Will you help me with translating the article please?”

Упр.7.4.4. Задайте вопросы в прямой речи.

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The job interview.The interviewer asked Bill why he wanted to change his job.a. First the interviewer wondered if Bill is pleased with his job.b. He needed to know what sort of translation Bill had ever been engaged in.c. He was interested in how much Bill would like to get for his job.d. He asked why Bill thought the company might be interested in hiring him.e. He wanted to know what Bill’s career goals were.f. He doubted if Bill was qualified enough for the job.g. He asked if Bill could prove his experience with letters of recommendation from

his previous job.

7.5. Обзорные упражнения.

Упр.7.5.1. Закончите следующий рассказ, используя вопросы в косвенной речи, помещенные в конце рассказа.

I had a most strange experience a few weeks ago. I was sitting at home, when at about nine o’clock there was a knock on the door. I wasn’t expecting anyone, so I wondered (a) _____________ . I opened the door, and there was this man, wearing an old raincoat. I asked him (b) ____________, but he didn’t tell me at first. He wanted to know (c) ___________________ in the house, which I thought was an odd question. Anyway, I said I was, because everyone else had gone out for the evening. Then he asked (d) ________________, so I said that I wanted to know who he was before I’d let him into my house, which is only natural, after all. Anyway, he didn’t answer, but looked up and down the street. By this time I was getting a bit worried, and I wondered (e) ______________ , because this chap seemed a bit suspicious. But he told me (f) _____________. He was a policeman, and he showed me his card to prove it. He said that the police were watching the people who lived in a house a few doors away, and he asked me (g) ___________________ .I said I didn’t. I’d seen them a few times, but I hadn’t spoken to them. Then he wanted to know (h) __________________ , so I said ‘a few weeks’. I’d seen their furniture van on the day they moved in. Then he explained (i) _____________________ . He asked me if he could stay in my front room and watch the street for a while, so I showed him in. I asked him (j) _________________ , and he said it was because they suspected of being drug smugglers. I couldn’t believe it. He stayed for three hours, and then left. Anyway, a few days later, I read in the paper that the police had arrested them.

1 if I knew them2 if he could come in

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3 why he was watching them4 who it could be5 who he was6 what he wanted7 if I should call the police8 if I was alone9 what he wanted to do10 how long they’d been living there**Упр.7.5.2. Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную, избегая, по возможности, глаголов to ask, to tell, to say, и употребляя глаголы из следующего списка: to accept, to accuse, to admit, to advice, to agree, to apologize, to assure, to beg, to call, to complain, to congratulate, to deny, to exclaim, to explain, to give, to hope, to insist, to introduce, to invite, to offer, to point out, to promise, to refuse, to protest, to remark, to remind, to suggest, to thank, to threaten, to warn, to wish.

a. He said, “Don’t touch the cable until you’ve switched off the power; it isn’t safe”.b. “You press the wrong button. Don’t do it again. You might have a nasty accident,”

said the mechanic.c. “I’ll drop you from the team if you don’t work harder,” said the supervisor.d. “Never operating a cutting machine until you‘ve oiled it and checked it,” he said.e. “You’d better twist electric wires together using a pair of scissors,” said John.f. “I wish the procedure would reduce the energy losses,” he said.g. “Mr Brown, this is Mr White,” he said.h. “Please, don’t tell my colleagues,” he said. “I won’t, I promise,” I said.i. “Hurrah! I’ve passed the first exam!” he said. “Congratulations!” I said, “And

good luck with the second!”j. “You are in a difficult position for you cannot explain this result,” said my

colleague. “It is,” I said. k. “I am sorry I am late,” she said. “My car broke down.”l. “He expects a lot of work for very little money”, said one of the engineers. “Yes,

he does,” said the other.

7.6. Тесты.

Упр.7.6.1.Выберите правильный вариант из предложенных.

a. “How often do you attend your English classes?” - I ask John. A I wonder how often does John attends his English classes. B I wonder how often John attends his English classes. C I wonder how often attends John his English classes. D I wonder how often John attend his English classes.

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b. “She has been unwell this week, hasn’t she?” A I wonder if she has been unwell this week. B I wonder if hasn’t she been unwell this week. C I wonder whether has she been unwell this week. D I wonder has she been unwell this week.

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c. It takes me twenty minutes to get to school. A I wonder how long it takes you to get to school. B I wonder how long does it take you to get to school. C I wonder how long does you take to get to school. D I wonder how long do take you to get to school.

d. They say John was in Japan in September. A Where they say John was in September? B Where do they say John was in September? C Where do they say was John in September? D Where they say was John in September?

e. “It was a long conference, wasn’t it?” A I wonder was the conference long or short. B I wonder whether the conference is long or short. C I wonder if it was a long conference. D I wonder a long or short conference was.

f. The “Consumer Price Index lists … A how much costs every car C how much every car costs B how much does every car cost D how much are every car cost

g. Hello, Jim. I didn’t expect to see you today. Sonia said you ______ ill. A are B were C was D should be

h. Ann ___________ and left. A said goodbye to me B said me goodbye C told me goodbye

j. I don’t understand this sentence. Can you ______ .A explain to me this word B explain me this word

C explain this word to meКлючи к упражнениям.

Глава 1. Существительное.

Упр.1.1.1.c. a. I haven’t got a computer. b. I am not a chemist, I am a biologist. c. You made a very bad mistake. d. It is a convincing result. e. Do you keep a record of the results? f. I work in a theoretical research team. g. I’ve got a very good idea. h. It is a standard method.

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Упр.1.1.1.d. a. the,-; b. the, the; c. the; d. the; e. the, the; f. -,the, the; g. the; h. the, the, the; i. -, the, the; j. the; k. the.

Упр.1.1.1.e. a. the, the; b. a; c. the; d. the; e. a; f. a, the; g. a, a, the, the; h. the, the, the, -; i. the, the; j. a, a, a, the, the; k. a, a, an, the; l. the, the; m. an; n. the, the; o. a; p. the, the.

Упр.1.1.1.f. a-potatoes; b-the potatoes; c-friends; d-parties; e-children, things; f-restaurants; g-photographs; h-the photographs.

Упр.1.1.1.g. a. the; b. -; c. the; d. -; e. -.

Упр.1.1.2.a. a. a, -, an; b. a; c. a; d. -; e. a; f. a little; g. -; h. a; i. -; j. -, a.

Упр.1.1.3.a. the (a) work of an author; the knowledge of a subject; the (-) articles of a scientist; the data of the authors; the students of a university; a man of science; the (a) teacher of mathematics. b. the mountains of the Crimea; the metals of the Urals; the electric power stations on the Angara; the Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine; the forests of Siberia; many areas of our planet.c. the history of Art; the progress of science; the importance of education; the doctor's degree; the forms of vegetable life; the interest for ecology; the population of the planet.d. the (-) cars of the (a) train; means of transport; the purpose of the visit; the clerks of the (a) hotel.

Упр.1.1.3.b. a. the; b. a; c. the; d. a; e. the; f. the; g. a; h. the; i. the; j. a.

Упр.1.1.3.c. a. Number hundred and two, the house next door to us, is for sale. It’s quite a nice house

with big rooms, the back windows look out on the park.b. Professor Jones, the man who discovered the new drug that everyone is talking about,

refused to give a press conference.c. Peter Piper, a student in the professor’s college, asked him why he refused to talk to the

press.d. The ship you were speaking about has just come onto the port. She has been at sea for a

long time. Look: the captain has just come on deck.

Упр.1.1.3.d. a. -; b. -; c. the; d. a; e. the; f. the; g. the, -; h. -.

Упр.1.1.4.a.a. ”Where’s the coffee?” It’s in the cupboard.b. Tennis is a very popular sport c. We went for a swim in the river. The water was very cold.d. I don’t like swimming in cold water.e. You must visit the art gallery. The paintings are very beautiful.

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f. Money doesn’t always bring happiness.g. English is the language of international business.h. Women are often better teachers than men.i. In Britain coffee is more expensive than tea.j. We had a very nice meal in that restaurant. The cheese was especially good.k. Most people still believe that marriage and family life are the basis of our society.l. They got married but the marriage wasn’t successful.m. I know someone who wrote a book about the life of Gandhi.n. Life would be very difficult without electricity.o. Do you know the people who live next door?p. Are you interested in art or architecture?q. Two of the biggest problems facing our society are crime and unemployment.r. I hate violence.

Упр.1.1.4.b. a. a; b. -; c. -; d. the; e. a; f. the; g. -; h. a, a, a; i. the, -; j. -, the, -, -.

Упр.1.1.4.c. a. a, an, -; b. -; c -, -; d -, -; e. the, the, the, a; f. -; g. -, the, the; h. an; i. -; j. the, -; k. the, the.

Упр.1.1.4.d.a. We’re having lamb for lunch.b. The sheep gave birth to a lamb in the middle of the night.c. Would you like a cake?d. No, thanks. I don’t like cake.e. This suit is made of very fine cloth.f. Can you get a cloth, please? I’ve just spilt tea on your carpet.g. I went to a talk on the Russian revolution last night. It was very interesting.h. There has been talk of redundancies at the British Shipping Company.i. Service in restaurants isn’t as good as it used to be.j. The Health Service is suffering from severe cutbacks.k. The Times is one of Britain’s oldest newspapers.l. Time and tide wait for no man. (поговорка)m. I don’t usually like poetry.n. But here’s a poem I do like.o. Do you want ice in your whisky?p. The ice at the North and South Poles is said to be melting little by little.

Упр.1.1.4.e.a. some advice; a suggestionb. news; an interesting announcement; some interesting information.c. a thunderstorm; some bad weather.d. some luggage; a suitcase.e. some accommodation; a room for the night.f. some strange equipment; a strange machine in his laboratory.

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g. some music; a tape.

Упр.1.1.5.a. a. Of all those to whom he appealed one was actually not in a position to do anything for

him; another was afraid; a third was calculating eagerly to drive a hard bargain; a forth was too deliberate, anxious to have much time.

b. Two people would have to hold the chair, and a third would help him up on it, and a forth would hand him a nail, and a fifth would pass him up a hammer.

c. Professor Earle Fox ignored for a second time a buzzing signal from the secretary in the adjoining office.

d. Mr Pickwick was perfectly aware that a tree is a very dangerous neighbour in a thunderstorm. He had a tree on his right, a tree on his left, a third before him, and a fourth behind.

e. Our apartment is on the third floor.f. You are the forth visitor asking where room 40 is there.

Упр.1.1.6.a. a-the blind; b-the dead, the injured; c-the rich, the poor; d-the unemployed; e-the sick.

Упр.1.1.6.b. 2. A German, the Germans3. A Frenchman (woman), the French4. A Russian, the Russians5. A Chinese, the Chinese6. A Brazilian, the Brazilians7. an Englishman (woman), the English

Упр.1.1.7.a. a.. the, -, the; b. the, the, -; c. -, the, -; d. -, the; e. -, an; f. -; g. the, a; h. -, -, -; i. the; j. -, the; k. -, the; l. -, the.

Упр.1.1.7.b. a. -, -; b. the, the; c. -,the, -; d. the; e. -, -; f. -, the; g. the, the; h. -, the, -; i. the, -; j. -; k. the; l. the, -, -; m. -, the, the; n. the, the, the; o. -, -, the.

Упр.1.1.7.c. I. 1. -; 2. -; 3. -; 4. a; 5. the; 6. the; 7. -; 8. the; 9. the. II. 1. the; 2. -; 3. -; 4. the; 5. the; 6. -.

Упр.1.1.8.a. I. a. -, a, the; b -, a, a; c. -, -, the; d. -, -, -; e. an, -, -, -; f. an, the, -an, the; g. the, the, the, -, the, the; h. the, a, -,the, -, -, -, -.II. a. a; b. the; c. a, the, -, the; d. the, a; e. a, the, -, a, the; f. a, a, -; g. the, a, the, -, -, the.III. a. -; b. -; c. -; d. a; e. a; f. -; g. -; h. -, -; i. a; j. -; k. -; l. the; m. the; n. a.IV. a. the, the, the, a, the; b. a, -, -, a, an; c. the, the, -, -; d. “Would you like to hear a story about an Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman?” “No, I’ve heard stories about Englishmen, Irishmen and Scotsmen before and they are all

the same.”

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“But mine is not a typical story. In my story the Scotsman is generous, the Irishman is logical and the Englishman is romantic.”

“Oh, if it’s a fantastic story. I’ll listen with pleasure.”V. a. -, the, -; b. the, a, the; c. the, -, -; d. -, the, a, the, the; e. -, -, -; f. the, a, the, -; g. the, the, the, -; h. -,the, -; i. -; j. the; k. the, a; l. the.VI. a. -, -; b. the, a; c. the, -; d. the; e. the, a; f. the, the; g. a, a; h. -, a; i. -,a; j. -, a, -.

Упр.1.1.8.b. a. a, the; b. the, -; c. -,the; d. the, an, -; e. a, -, the; f. -; g. the, the, -; h. -, some; i. -,the, -; j. a, the; k. the; l. a, -, some, -; m. a, some.

Упр.1.1.8.c. a. one, a; a; b. a, a, one, a; c. a, -, an; d. a, a, a; e. -, one; f. a, a, -; g. a, a, one; h. a, one, a, a, a; i. one, an, an.

Упр.1.1.8.d. a. Most of stories that people tell about the Irish aren’t true.b. A married couple with (their) children often rent a cottage by the seaside for their

summer holidays.c. Men hire boats and go for a trip along the coast; children spend days on the beach and

their poor mothers spend most of the time doing cooking and cleaning.d. When the Titanic was crossing the Atlantic she struck an iceberg which tore a huge hole

in her bow. The captain ordered the crew to help the passengers into the boats.e. Everywhere man has cut down forests in order to cultivate the ground, or to use wood as

fuel or as a building material.f. But interference with nature often brings disaster. Tree-felling sometimes turns fertile

land into a dustbowl.g. People think that lead is the heaviest metal, but gold is heavier.h. You can fool some of the people all the time, and all the people some of the time; but

you cannot fool all the people all the time.i. Why are you standing here with your hands in the pockets?j. At most meetings people vote by raising their right hands.k. The bullet struck him in his foot.l. Someone threw an egg which struck the speaker on his shoulder.m. He was a very tall man with dark hair and a small beard, but I couldn’t see his eyes

because he was wearing dark glasses.n. She pulled him by the (his) sleeve to attract his attention.o. He is a thoroughly selfish man; he wouldn’t lift his finger to help anyone.p. We have a very good train service from here to the city centre and most people go to

(their) work by train. You can go by bus too, of course, but you can’t get a season ticket on the bus.

q. “I’d like to see Mr Smith please.” “Do you mean the Mr Smith who works in the box office or another Mr Smith?”

Упр.1.1.8.e. a. Jane, has anyone ever told you that you’ve got lovely fingers?

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b. I’m very interested in history, especially the history of Western Europe.c. What lovely weather we’re having! It’s such a nice day!d. We’re trying to sell our house. Some people came to see it on Saturday, and they were

quite interested, but the people who saw it on Sunday morning were very rude and said they didn’t like it at all.

e. Did you remember to buy some bread while you were out at the shops?f. Crossing the English Channel can be quite unpleasant in bad weather.g. The people who live on the floor above ours work in a government ministry.h. What’s the government going to do about unemployment?

Упр.1.1.8.f. a. He lived in the United States for ten years.b. John has cut his leg and needs some stitches.c. It was the first time I had crossed the equator.d. This is the only one left but you can have it.e. The harder we work, the more money we make.f. The Smiths are coming round to dinner tonight.g. It’s very disappointing news but that’s life.h. Eating chocolate always gives me pimples on my face.i. What is on the radio this afternoon?j. John plays football very well.

Упр,1.1.8.g.a. What a strange feeling it was to be going home when it was not home, and to find that

every object I looked at reminded me of the happy old home which was like a dream I could never dream again.

b. One thing that really interested him in connection with his parents was the existence somewhere in the east in a small city called Lycurgus … of an uncle, a brother of his father’s.

c. But the bed I made up for myself was sufficiently uncomfortable to give me a wakeful night, and I thought a good deal of what the unlucky Dutchman had told me.

d. The English of the 14th century differs from Modern English. e. The walls, down which ran a number and variety of pipes and cables, were painted in

two contrasting of green - dark up to the height of five foot, lighter above that. f. The London train was on the point of departure. It was yet an early morning, the hour of

milkmen and postmen. The station had a chill, unused, deserted look; the passengers were few.

g. And now he was in a large bedroom overlooking the Thames, a chamber with a writing table, a sofa, the telephone, electric bells and a massive oak door with a lock and a key in the lock.

h. The sun comes up from the East and goes down to the West. i. Mr Skimpole could play the piano and the violoncello; and he was a composer, had

composed half an opera once, and played what he composed with taste. After tea we had quite a little concert, in which Richard and Mr Jarndyce and I were the audience.

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Упр,1.1.8.h. I. 1. a; 2. the; 3. a; 4. a; 5. -; 6. the; 7. the; 8. -; 9. the; 10. -; 11. the; 12. the; 13. the; 14. the; 15. the; 16. the; 17. -; 18. a; 19. a; 20. a; 21. the; 22. the; 23. a; 24. a; 25. -.II. 1. a; 2. the; 3. a; 4. a; 5. -; 6. the; 7. the; 8. -; 9. the; 10. -; 11. the; 12. the; 13. the; 14. the; 15. the; 16. the; 17. -; 18. a; 19. a; 20. a; 21. the; 22. the; 23. a; 24. a; 25. -.III. 1. the; 2. a; 3. -; 4. -; 5. -; 6. -; 7. -; 8. a.IV. 1. -; 2. a; 3. -; 4. -; 5. -; 6. the; 7. -; 8. -; 9. a; 10. the; 11. -; 12. the; 13. -; 14. -; 15. the; 16. -; 17. the; 18. -; 19. the; 20. -; 21. -; 22. -; 23. the; 24. -; 25. -; 26. a (-); 27. a; 28. -.V. 1. -; 2. -; 3. a; 4. -; 5. -; 6. a; 7. a; 8. the; 9. a; 10. an; 11. a; 12. -; 13. -; 14. a; 15. a; 16. the; 17. the; 18. the; 19. -; 20. the; 21. the; 22. -; 23. a; 24. -; 25. a; 26. the; 27. the; 28. the; 29. the; 30 -; 31. the.

Упр,1.2.1.a. children, people, women, teeth, wolves, sheep, mice, feet, leaves, halves.

Упр.1.2.1.b. boys, ladies, days, potatoes, parties, watches, glasses, cities, churches, addresses, sandwiches, keys, videos, ways.

Упр.1.2.2.a. a-are; b-is; c-is; d-are; e-are; f-are; g-are; h-are.

Упр.1.2.4.a. b-attracts; d-is; h-is.

Упр.1.2.5.a. a. He couldn’t give me many details.b. When I moved into my flat, I had very little furniture.c. There isn’t much accommodation to rent in this town.d. I haven’t got much luggage. It’s in the boot. e. I had a few minutes to spare, so I browsed round a bookshop.f. Very few experiments have been done to find out the cause. g. It’s very quiet in my area. There isn’t much traffic.

Упр.1.2.7.b. a-are; b-are; c-are; d-are; e-are; f-is.

Упр.1.2.7.c. a-phenomenon; b-data; c-hydrolysis; d-synthesis; e-thesis; f-nucleus; g-minima; h-locus; i-basis; j-bacteria; k-formula; l-analyses; spectra.

Упр.1.2.7.d. a-conditions, condition; b-honour, honours; c-pain, pains; d-terms, term; e-experience, experiences; f-good, goods; g-saving, savings; h-quarters, quarter; i-lengths, length; j-ground, grounds; k-damage, damages; l-youths, youth.

Упр.1.3.3. a. tissue cross section; b. molecular emission spectrum; c. pulse amplitude electron energy; d. strong absorption coefficient; e. long term orbital research stations; f. long term technical and scientific cooperation; g. alternating current generator; h. water plant power; i- natural gas transmission station; j. continuous action computers; k. group

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collaboration software; l. entire world’s fuel resources; m. consumer price index; n. gross national product; n. quantity 5 per cent discount; m. Moscow Central Stock Exchange

Упр.1.3.4. a. a visual information display; b. magnetic cards reader; c. a laser printer; d. graphs plotter; e. magnetic disks holder; f. jet printer; g. a data transmission rate; h. a multimedia presentation package; i. a batch data processor.

Глава 2.Словообразование.

Упр.2.1.1.a) seem, become, eat, migrate, begin, continue;b) window, cigarette, below, advice, passenger, large;c) dream, live, house, can, laugh, trip, smoke, air, dress, warm .

Упр.2.1.2. Глаголы в предложениях 1, 2, 3, 9.

Упр.2.1.3. Глаголы в предложениях 5,6 (warm),7,11,12,14 (plant),16 (place, rock).Упр.2.2.1.b. 1-fail; 2-remove; 3-collect; 4-master; 5-assist; 6-invent; 7-depart; 8-conclude; 9-decorate; 10-propose.

Упр.2.2.1.c. aim; arrival; judgement; investment; approval; refusal; announcement; blame; delay; mistake; rest; survival; development; proposal; trouble.

Упр.2.2.1.d. enjoyment, package, expectation, achievement, usage, avoidance, requirement, admission, disappointment, allowance, excitement.

Упр.2.2.1.e. a-leakage; b-homeomorphism; c-multitude; d-polymorphism; e-shrinkage; f-magnitude; g-patronage; h-diamagnetism; i-storage.

Упр.2.2.2.a. Существительные, относящиеся к человеку:Servant, employee, alcoholic, servant, racketeer, innovator, youngster, authoress, carpenter, geologist.

Упр.2.2.3.a. Прилагательные: comfortable, careless, heroic, foolish, wooden, Texan, deathly, truthful, famous, troublesome, statuesque, active, traditional, supplementary, easy.

Упр.2.2.3.b. Subject Person Adjective history historian historical mathematics ‘mathematicion ‘mathe’matical chemistry chemist chemical science scientist scientific physics physicist physical biology biologist ‘bio’logical

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philosophy philosopher ‘philo’sophical psychology psychologist ‘psycho’logical mechanics mechanic mechanical ‘music mu’sician ‘musical architecture architect archi’tectural ‘archeology ‘archeologist ‘archeo’logical

Упр.2.2.3.c. a) leafless, b) fearless, c) powerful, d) doubtless, e) wonderful, f) whiteness, g)kindness, h) politeness, i) nervousness, j) pitiful, k) fruitful, l) careless, m) hopeless, n)seriousness, o) respectful, p) thoughtful. Упр.2.2.3.d. Noun Adjective Verb creation creative create base (basis) basic base conclusion conclusive conclude Noun Verb agreement to agree invention to invent complain to complain discovery to discover preparation to prepare

Noun Adjective fame famous theory theoretic(al) tradition traditional possibility possible

Упр.2.2.3.e. 1-silklike; 2- eventful; 3- rocky; 4-careless; 5-metallic; 6-penniless; 7-musical; 8- babyish; 9-stormy.

Упр.2.2.3.f. Прилагательные: worldly, yearly, costly, womanly, stately, neighbourly, cowardly, shapely, ghostly, lovely, friendly.

Упр.2.2.3.g. 1-прав.; 2-неправ., well; 3-неправ., hard; 4-неправ., good; 5-прав.; 6-прав.; 7-неправ., well.

Упр.2.2.4.a. blacken, politicise, falsify, tighten, characterise, sharpen, sympathy, loosen, localise, shorten, purify, widen, normalise, empathise.

Упр.2.2.4.b. a-economise; b-loosen; c-symbolised; d-specify; e-strengthen; f-socialise; g-industrialise; h-simplify; i-crystalise; j-united.

Упр.2.3.1. № Глагол Существ. Прилагат. Наречие

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1 energize energy energetic energetically 2 quicken quickness quick quickly3 base (basis) base basic basically4 succeed success successful successfully 5 electrifies electricity electric(al) electrically 6 exclude exclusion exclusive exclusively7 economize economy economic(al) economically8 sensate sensation sensational sensationally9 categorize category categorical categorically10 repeat repeat repeated repeatedly

Упр.2.3.2.industry industrial industrialist to industrializeinvention inventive inventor to inventcompetition competitive competitor to competecriticism critical critic to criticize mechanism mechanical mechanic to mechanizespecialty special specialist to specializepolitics politic(al) politician to politicizenation national nationalist to nationalizeanalysis analytic(al) analyst to analyze activity active activist to activate

Упр.2.3.3. 2-nationality; 3-changable; 4-summarize; 5-loneliness.

Упр.2.3.4. 1- imagination-imaginative; 2- rapidly-rapid; 3- comparison-comparative; 4- separation-separated; 5- decision-decisive; 6- mystery-mysterious; 7- chemicals-chemical; 8- repetitive-repetition; 9- agriculture-agricultural; 10- comparative-comparatively; 11- lecture-lecturer; 12- satisfactorily-satisfactory.

Упр.2.3.5. a-died; b-death; c-dead; d-die; e-dead, die; f-married; g-married; h-get married; i-married; j-marry; k-got married; l-got married.

Упр.2.3.6. a-economize; b-economic; c-economics; d-economical; e-economy; f- economists; g-economic; h-economical; i-business-like; j-get down to business; k- mind one’s own business; l-going into business; m-on business; n- business.

Упр.2.3.7. 1.a-electronic; b-electronically; c-electronics;2. a- technological; b-technologist; c- technologically;3. identify, identifying, identifiable, identity4. computerization, compute, computation5. consider, considerable, consideration, considerably6. applicants, applicable, applying, applicationa. explanatory, explanation, explain, explained

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8. dependably, dependence, dependent, depend 9. connectivity, connectors, connection, connected10. creation, creating, creativity11. generated, generation, generate12. access, accessibility, accessible13. analysed, analysis, analyse14. correction, correctness, correctly15. detectable, detect, detection 16. sensor, sensitive, sensation

Упр.2.4.1. 1-e; 2-d; 3-f; 4-c; 5-b; 6-g; 7-a.

Упр.2.4.2. 1-a; 2-g; 3-e; 4-f; 5-d; 6-c.

Упр.2.4.3. a-mono; b-mega; c-de; d-semi; e-multi; f-dec; g-inter; h-dec; i-micro; j-micro; k-semi; l-sub; m-multi; n-micro; o-mono; p-multi; q-mini; r-de; s-mono; t-de.

Упр.2.5.1.in- : invalid, insane, inexact, invisible, inappropriate, indirect, inactive, inconvenient, inaccurate, incomplete, insignificant, insufficient, inflexibleim- : impatient, impossible, impure, imperfect, implausible, impracticalun- : unlikely, uncertain, untrue, unequal, unusual, uncommon, unsuitable, unable, unstable, unreasonable, unpleasant, unfriendly, unidentified, uncontaminated, unmistakable, unsatisfactory, uneven, unknown, unfavourable, undetermined, unusable Упр.2.5.2. infrequently, disloyal, discomfort, unspecific, unreal, improbably, unavailable, disassemble, unsuitable, improper, unfit, unoccupied, disorder, undistinguished

Упр.2.5.3.dishonest nonferrous illegal to disconnect to mispronounce to disarrange irregular disagree nonfatal

Упр.2.5.4. unacceptable immaturity nonnegotiable uncertified unnecessary dishonoured disagreement inapplicable unemployed mismanage instability ineffective uninformed inactive incompetent inexpensive nonprofitable

Упр.2.5.5. to disbelieve useless unimportance to unpack unreliable inefficiency to dislike painless senseless to disappear inexperienced immaterial to disapprove untidy improbable to unlock immature irresponsible to disconnect harmful

Упр.2.6.1. 1-e; 2-g; 3-h; 4-j; 5-i; 6-b; 7-k; 8-d; 9-a; 10-c; 11-f.

Упр.2.6.2. 1-d, d; 2-g, f; 3-a, e; 4-e, a; 5-b, c; 6-c, g; 7- f, b.

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Упр.2.6.3. a. confirmed - made valid; b. previous – preceding; c. is altered - is changed d. contemporaneously - at the same time; e. appropriate – proper; f. ambiguity - having two or more possible meanings ; g. distorts - changes the usual form. Упр.2.7.1. a. extremely; b. inefficient; c. carelessly; d. unkind; e. unattractive; f. happily; g. unreliable; h. faultless; i. dangerously. Упр.2.8.1. a. economical; b. criminal; c. energetic; d. managing; e. politician, historian; f. unsuccessful; g. perfectly; h. appointment; i. surprisingly; j. death; k. unfriendly; l. overslept; m. improvement; n. cooking; o. traveling; p. reliable; q. endless; r. misunderstanding; s. uneconomical; t. astonishing; u. comparison; v. competitors; w. unexplored; x. poverty; y. specialty; z. carelessness.

Упр. 2.9.1. a. well; b. rapidly; c. ordinarily; d. profoundly; e. most; f. employees; g. relatively; h. fast; i. supervising; j. weight.

Упр.2.9.2. a-c; b-a; c-d; d-b; e-a; f-b; g-a; h-c; i-d.

Глава 3. Местоимение.

Упр.3.1.1.a. Правильно b,c,d.

Упр.3.1.2.a. a-me; b-her; c-whom; d-him; e-her.

Упр.3.1.2.b. Правильно c,d.

Упр.3.1.3.a. a-his; b-whose; c-hers; d-her; e-his; f-hers; g-my; h-yours.

Упр.3.1.3.b. Правильно b,d,f,g.

Упр.3.1.4.a. a-himself; b-myself; c-herself; d-myself; e-herself; f-yourselves; g-herself; h-ourselves; I-itself; j-yourself; k-himself; l-himself; m-ourselves; n-himself; o-herself.

Упр.3.1.5.a. a-who; b-he; c-hers; d-me; e-she; f-his; g-him; h-who; i-mine; j-them; k-who; l-himself; m-him.

Упр.3.1.5.b. a-C; b-C; c-A; d-A; e-D; f-A; g-B; h-D.

Упр.3.2.1. 1-all; 2-everybody; 3-all; 4-everybody; 5-everybody; 6-all; 7-all; 8-everybody; 9-all; 10-everybody.

Упр.3.2.2. 29 (+4).

Упр.3.2.3. a-her; b-himself; c-their; d-she, he; e-his, her.

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Упр.3.2.4. a, b, h, i.

Упр.3.2.5. a. has received; b.has to use his; c. his; d. are; e. his; f. is, wants; g. are, they are; h. is, it is; i. is, it.

Упр.3.2.6. a. their – its; b. its; c. themselves – himself; d. their – its; e. their – its; f. his – their; g. its – his; h. her – its; i. their – his; j. its – their.

Упр.3.3.1.a. Правильно b,c,e,g,j,k,p,q,s. a,f,l,n-who,that. n,i,o,-which, that. d-that, whose.

Упр.3.4.1. a. anything, any; b. something, some; c. anyone, someone; d. some, some, any, any; e. some (any), somewhere.

Упр.3.4.2. a-anywhere; b-anyone; c-someone; d-anything; e-anywhere (если нет уверенности), somewhere (если есть уверенность); f-anything; g-anywhere; h-somewher; i-nobody; j-everything.

Упр.3.4.3. 1-everybody; 2-anybody; 3-somebody; 4-anybody ; 5-nobody / no-one; 6-anywhere; 7-everywhere; 8-anything; 9-anybody; 10-nothing; 11-any; 12-everyone (каждый), everybody (все вместе); 13-somewhere; 14-anywhere; 15-everyone / everybody ; 16-someone / somebody.Упр.3.5.1.a-other; b-the other; c-other; d-another; e-other, others; f-another; g-the other; h-another, others; i-the others; j-the other; k-other.

Упр.3.6.1. few, a few, little, a little. a. There are a few left in the tin. b.… I have little time for relaxation. c. Few people give more money to charity than she does. d. There’s little butter left, but not much. e. … he has little chance of success. f. “I’m afraid you need a few fillings,” said the dentist. g. … but only a few of them ever worked properly. h. She just had a few spoonfuls of soup.

Упр.3.7.1. a. them-it; b. him-he; e. they-he; g. him-one; h. they-he; i. them-their; j. them-it; k. their-his; l. it-they; n. they-them; o. themselves-himself; r. him-he.

Упр.3.7.2. I. 1-c; 2-b; 3-d; 4-e; 5-b; 6-d; 7-a; 8-f. 9-j; 10-h; 11-l; 12-i; 13-g; 14-h; 15-g; 16-h/i; 17-j. II. 1-e; 2-g; 3-a; 4-i; 5-b; 6-d; 7-h; 8-c; 9-f.

Упр.3.8.1. a-B; b-A; c-B; d-B; e-B; f-C; g-A,C; h-C; i-D; j-A,C; k-B; l-D,D; m-C.

Упр.3.8.2. a-B; b-D; c-A; d-B; e-D; f-B.

Глава 4. Предлог.

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Упр.4.1.1.: a-in, at; b-at; c-on, in; d-in, at; e-in, at; f-at, on, at; g-on; h-on; i-in.

Упр.4.1.2.: in the afternoon / the evening / spring / 1998 / 14-th century; at 3.30 / Christmas / my / weekends; on my birthday / Christmas Day / workdays.

Упр.4.1.3.: a. in; b. when; c. for; d. ago; e. -; f. at; g. last; h. at, in; i. on; j. when; k. on; l. in; m. ago; n. -; o. at,in; p. -.

Упр.4.1.4.: in February; on Monday; at 11 o’clock; at night; in the daytime; in March; on an autumn day; at what time? late in the evening; on Friday; in the XYIII century; in June; in the afternoon; at 2 o’clock p.m.; on the 1st Sunday; on a fine September day; on Friday evening; at noon; (через) in a fortnight; on the 2nd of December; at midnight; on sunny summer morning.

Упр.4.1.5. a-1; b-2; c-3; d-3; e-2; f-1; g-3; h-2; i-1; j-3; k-2; l-1.

Упр.4.1.6. a-ago; b-for; c-during; d-for; e-ago; f-for; g-ago; h-while; i-during.

Упр.4.1.7. b-on; c-at, on; d-at; e-on; f-at; g-in; h-at; i-during/in; j-on, since; k-for; l-at; m-at, until; n-by.

Упр.4.1.8. a-for, from, to; b-at; c-during, at; d-in, on; e-since; f-until; g-by; h-in; i-at; j-at.Упр.4.2.1. 1-A; 2-C; 3-A; 4-C; 5-C; 6-D; 7-A; 8-D.

Упр.4.2.2. in the South; at the stadium; in/at the corner; at the post-office; at the factory; in the meeting; in the sky; in the hostel; in/at the station; on the fifth floor; at the concert; in the picture; in the apple-tree; in the forest; in the newspaper; in Ottava; at the chemist’s; in the USA; in the air.

Упр.4.2.3. a-against; b-out of; c-beside; d-beneath; e-below; f-behind; g-onto; h-towards; i-over; j-among; k-over, across; l-above.

Упр.4.2.4. a-in; b-by; c-at; d-on; e-on, in; f-to, at; g-on; h-in/on; i-to, to; j-in, at; k-in, on; l-to, in; m-on, by; n-at; o-on; p-in, on; q-on; r-in, by; s-on, by; t-on, on.

Упр.4.3.1. a-on; b-by; c-in; d-on; e-on; f-on; g-by; h-by; i-in; j-by.

Упр.4.3.2. a-by plane/on a plane; b-is on the (train); c-work on foot; d-travelling by bicycle; e-drove to Wales in.

Упр.4.4.1. a-for; b-in; c-of; d-between; e-for; f-to; g-about; h-with; i-into; j-for.

Упр.4.4.2. a-B; b-A; c-C; d-A; e-B; f-C; g-B; h-A.

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Упр.4.4.3. I. a-for; b-at; c-to; d-to; e-in; f-with; g-of; h-to; i-of; j-at/by; k-of; l-about. II. a-with, for; b-for; c-of; d-of; e-from, to; f-about; g-to; h-at; i-for; j-for, for; k-of.

Упр.4.4.4. a-out of; b-in; c-for; d-on; e-in; f-in; g-out of; h-at; i-on, by; j-on; k-for; l-in.

Упр.4.4.5. a-in; b-in; c-on; d-on, under; e-in; f-in; g-for; h-in, in; i-in; j-by.

Упр.4.4.6. a solution to the problem; on the contrary; in general; on average; in the end, after all, at last; by himself; by chance, by accident; on purpose; to be responsible for; in favour of; for ever, for good; in theory and in practice; to differ from; to have much in common; to be terribly short of time, to be pressed with time; to be good in something; in advance.

Упр.4.5.1. a-in the beginning/at first; b-at the beginning; c- in the beginning/at first; d-finally, eventually; e-at last; f-in the end; g-at the end; h-in the end, eventually.

Упр.4.6.1.a. a-for, in; b-with; c- about; d-of; e-in; f-from; g-to, about; h-with; i-on; j-in; k-to; l-to, about; m-by; n-among; o-between.

Упр.4.6.1.b. a-about; b-for; c-for; d-to; e-for; f-to; g-at; h-on; i-with; j-with; k-with; l-of; m-to; n-from/through.Упр.4.6.1.c. a-What are you listening to?; b-Who is Jane talking to? What is Jane talking about?; c-What are you thinking about?; d-What are they looking for?; e-Who is she going on holiday with?; f-Who are you going out with?; g-What was your last night dream about?; h-What did you argue about?; i-Who is Jane in love with?; j-Who is Sophie getting married to?

Упр.4.6.1.d. a. What’s she talking about? b. What are you waiting for? c. What does he work for? d. Who are you writing to? e. Who was she angry with? f. Who does the house belong to? g. Who’s the letter for? h. Who did you stay with? Упр.4.6.2.a. a-out of; b-away; c-back; d-up; e-over; f-out; g-in; h-out of; i-off.

Упр.4.6.2.b. a-can’t get at it; b-get me down; c-getting on; d-do you get on with; e-get over; f-get in; g-got away; h-got away; i-get back; j-got stains off; k-to get in touch with you.

Упр.4.6.3.a. a-look after babies while parents are out; b-look it up in the (dictionary); c-am looking for; d-out; e-have been looking forward to; f-through; g-up.

Упр.4.6.3.b. a-I’ll put my cigarette out; b-put up the price; c-put me through; d-put them away; e-put me off.

Упр.4.6.3.c. a-put out; b-put up with; c-put them back; d-put it off; e-put them away.

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Упр.4.6.3.d. a-on; b-over; c-off; d-down.

Упр.4.6.4.a. a-down; b-away; c-put; d-try; e-down; f-turn; g-up; h-out; i-fill; j-on,up; k-looking; l-up; m-after; n-round; o-look; p-up; q-looking; r-back; s-fell; t-gave.

Упр.4.6.4.b. a-over; b-off; c-up; d-up; e-up; f-up; g-on; h-up; i-on; j-along; k-up; l-up; m-in; n-out; o-up; p-round; q-up; r-in, by; s-in.

Упр.4.6.5.a. A a b c d e f g h i j B 5 2 8 3 4 9 1 7 6 10 Тип 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 2Упр.4.6.5.b. a-talked it over; b-tried it out; c-gone off it; d-call it off; e-give it up; f-look into it; g-get over it; h-turn it down; i-look after it; j-work it out. Упр.4.6.5.c. 1-c; 2-a; 3-d; 4-b.

Упр.4.6.5.d. a-out of; b-on with; c-down on; d-away from; e-back on; f-down on; g-up to; h-out of; i-up against; j-up to; k-in with; l-away from.

Упр.4.6.5.e. . a-down; b-away; c-away, out; d-out; e-up; f-in; g-off; h-in; i-off; j-up; k-off; l-down; m-away.

Упр.4.6.5.f. a-15; b-4(14); c-6; d-8; e-11; f-2; g-3; h-7; i-12; j-5; k-1; l-13; m-9; n-10; o-14.

Упр.4.6.5.g. a-4; b-3; c-1; d-8; e-7; f-6; g-2; h-9; i-11; j-10.

Упр.4.6.6.a. a-5; b-3; c-1; d-4; e-2; f-6.

Упр.4.6.6.b. 1-to be short of; 2-will do; 3-to take up; 4-small change on/about somebody; 5-high time, to hold a meeting; 6-to finish, to be through with, piece of job/work, at the latest; 7-to drop in/at; 8-to be up to; 9-to take place. Упр.4.6.6.c. 1. to do somebody good; 2. later on; 3. first of all; 4. next; 5. the day after tomorrow;6 f. at the most; 7. in its turn; 8. for ever.

Упр.4.6.6.d. a-to hold (carry on) the investigation (inquiring); b-to revenge herself for; c-she is bad tempered but not dangerous; d-to have the same dangers (problem) to face; e-to do one’s share to work properly; f-to refuse to do something; g-when almost too late; h-intricasy.

Упр.4.6.6.e. a-feather; b-house; c-cat; d-Rome; e-water; f-legs; g-kitchen; h-place; i-garden path.

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Упр.4.7.1. a-in; b-to; c-for; d-to; e-about/of; f-with; g-of; h-on.

Упр.4.7.2. Education: a-by; b-from; c-from; d-for; e-on; f-with; g-to; h-from; i-for; j-in; k-of; l-from; m-for; n-from; o-for; p-against; q-to; r-of; s-on; t-to; u-under; v-into.The urge to get incorporated: a-into; b-of; c-in; d-at; e-at; f-in; g-to; h-in; i-to; j-on; k-up; l-on; m-back; n-to; o-for; p-on; q-for; r-to; s-into; t-to; u-along; v-from; w-to; x-to; y-by; z-on; aa-on, off; bb-in; cc-by.

Упр.4.8.1. a-B,C; b-A; c-B; d-A; e-C; f-B,D; g-B; h-B; i-C; j-C; k-C; l-A; m-C; n-B; o-D; p-D; q-A; r-B; s-C ; t-A.

Упр.4.8.2. 1-b; 2-a; 3-g; 4-c; 5-d; 6-e; 7-f.

Глава 5. Глагол.

Упр.5.2.1. 1.Past Simple.; 2.Past Simple; 3.Past Simple; 4.Past. Simple; 5.Pres.Perf.; 6.Pres.Perf.; 7.Past Simple; 8.Pres.Perf.; 9.Pres.Perf.; 10.Pres.Perf.; 11.Pres.Perf.; 12.Pres.Perf.; 13.Past Simple; 14.Past Simple; 15.Pres.Perf.; 16.Past Simple; 17.Past Simple; 18.Pres. Perf.; 19.Pres.Perf.; 20.Past Simple; 21.Pres.Perf.

Упр.5.2.2. 1.Pres.Perf.; 2.Pres.Perf.; 3.Pres.Perf.; 4.Past Simple; 5.Past Simple; 6.Past Simple; 7. Past Simple; 8. Pres. Perf.; 9.Pres.Perf.

Упр.5.2.3. a. Present Simple / Present Perfect. b. неправ. – надо Present Perfect. d. неправ. – надо Present Perfect. e. неправ. – надо Future Perfect. f. неправ. – надо Present Perfect; h. неправ. – надо Past Simple; i. неправ. – надо Past Simple.

Упр.5.3.1. Неверно:b,c,e,g,h,j.

Упр.5.3.2. a. He has; I am having. b. What do you think; What are you thinking. c. I'm expecting; I expect. d. He appears; Roy Pond is appearing. e. Something smells; Why are you smelling. f. the meat weighs; Why are you weighing. g. I see; She's seeing. h. I'm having; He has. i. It looks; Are you looking. j. You're guessing; I guess. k. What are you thinking; how much do you think.

Упр.5.3.3. a. I can see; b. He's listening to; c. I like looking at; d. I usually watch; e. I can hear; f. I can't hear; g. Look at; h. …listen to…; i. She's looking at; j. I can't see.

Упр.5.5.1. a. were standing; b. stood; c. studied; d. was studying; e. was raining; f. rained; g. was thinking; h. thought; i. were you doing; j. did you do; k. did you do; l. were you doing; m. was dying; n. died.

Упр.5.5.2. a. was watching, phoned; b. were you doing; c. jumped, rescued; d. saw, was living; e. did you do, got off; f. rang, were playing; g. wrote; h. was writing, walked; i. were

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you working, went; j. were sleeping, got; k. did the newsreader say, wasn't listening; l. took, was having; m. did you see, was trying; n. didn't know, broke down; o. was raining, were crying, decided.

Упр.5.5.3. Неверны: b,c,d,e,f,h,j.

Упр.5.6.1. a. has written, wrote; b. have … tried; c. have never been, did you go; d. have lived; e. lived, moved; f. met, have you known.

Упр.5.6.2. a. have you lived; b. have you ever drunk; c. have you visited; d. did you go; e. have you known.

Упр.5.6.3. a. came, arrived, went, has been; b. have you seen, saw, have you looked, went, asked; c. borrowed, have lost, did you go, did it happened, left, chained, phoned, happened.

Упр.5.6.4. a. He's worked there for many years, since 1986, I believe.b. I have never loved anyone as much as I love you.c. We've known Paul for two years. Have you ever met him?d. I've known him since we went to school together, but I've never met his parents.e. We have already sold two hundred tickets and there is still a month to go before the

concert.f. I have never visited New York. I’m looking forward to going.g. Have you ever thought of learning to fly?h. I have just received my exam result. It came ten minutes ago.i. Janet hasn’t finished with the camera yet. She needs it tomorrow.

Упр.5.6.5. a-3; b-5; c-4; d-2; e-1.

Упр.5.7.7. Castle fire: a. was damaged; b. was discovered; c. was injured; d. be rescued; e. are believed to have been destroy; f. is not known. Shop robbery: a. was forced; b. being threatened; c. had been stolen; d. was later found; e. had been abandoned; f. has been arrested; g. is still being questioned.Road delays: a. is being resurfaced; b. are asked / are being asked / have been asked; c. is expected; d. will be closed; e. will be diverted.Accident: a. was taken; b. was allowed; c. was blocked; d. be diverted; e. have been killed.

Упр.5.7.8. a. was kidnapped; b. has been released; c. was examined; d. is said; e. was found; f. saw; g. contacted; h. was told; i. has been found; j. is being questioned.

Упр.5.7.9. a. You will be given your tickets at the airport. b. I was asked a lot of questions about my background.

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c. Airline passengers are usually shown how to use a life jacket at the beginning of the flight.

d. If you are offered a cheap camera, don't buy it. It's probably stolen. e. You will be told what you have to do when you arrive. f. I was advised by my parents to spend some time abroad before looking for work.g. I have been told a lot about you.h. In a few years' time, I will be sent to our New York office.

Упр.5.7.10. Следует исправить предложения a, b, c, f, i, j ,k, m, o. В предложении d пассивная конструкция допустима, но это хороший пример разговорного английского.В предложении l можно использовать два варианта, в зависимости от того, что хочется подчеркнуть: Mrs Ethel Templeton found the tiger. Или The tiger was found by Mrs Ethel Templeton.Предложение n приемлемо, если автор считает это допустимым.

Упр.5.8.1. a-1; b-1; c-2; d-1; e-1; f-2.

Упр.5.8.3. a. have been working, haven't finished; b. have visited; c. has taken, have been looking for; d. have been shopping, haven't bought; e. have ever read; f. What have you been doing, have been working, have planted; g. have been waiting, has arrived.

Упр.5.8.4. a, b, d – Present Perfect Cont.; c, e - Present Perfect.

Упр.5.8.6. a. It is raining, I haven't brought; b. has known, has been growing, is trying; c. have been listening, haven't understood; d. have been reading, have (have got); e. I am writing; f. have been sitting, I have decided; g. have only been doing, have been offered, have always wanted, don't like; h. do you know, have never been, are living; i. have been trying, have been, have been turned down, have been applying; j. hope.

Упр.5.9.3. 1. realised, had lost; 2. lost, had never played; 3. had bought, tried; 4. was, had visited; 5. dropped, burst; 6. din't you speak, had left; 7. didn't eat, couldn't help, had iust eaten; 8. looked, hadn't seen; 9. took, got, refused, forgot / had forgotten; 10. had spent, realised, had done, had robbed, had burgled, had stolen, had never killed.

Упр.5.9.4. Возможные ответы: 1. Had never been on television; 2. Had gone / left by the; 3. Had never met him; 4. Before they signed; 5. Had never stayed; 6. Had just finished; 7. He had written; 8. She (had) turned off; 9. We arrived soon; 10. After I had checked.

Упр.5.9.6. a. had read; b. had been reading; c. had been playing; d. had never played; e. had cooked; .f had been working.

Упр.5.9.7. a. Somebody has taken it. b. They had only known each other (for) a few weeks. c. It has been raining all day. / It has rain all day. d. I had been dreaming. e. I had had a big

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breakfast. f. They 've been going there for years. g. I've had it since I got up. h. He has been training very hard for it.

Упр.5.10.4. a. used to drive; b. was driving; c. were studying; d. used to have; e. was having; f. was playing; g. used to play; h. was wearing.

Упр.5.10.5. a-3; b-1; c-1; d-1; e-3; f-1; g-1; h-2; i-1; j-2.

Упр.5.11.1. Future Simple: b,c,e,g,h,I,j,k.

Упр.5.11.2. a. I'll look; b. are going to; c. It'll (is going to), it'll (is going to), there'll be; d. are going to, are going to; e. will (is), do (going to do); will, are going to; f. I'll give, I am going to; g. will; h. are you going to.

Упр.5.11.3. a. are going to miss; b. am not working; c. doesn't start; d. am going; e. are going to faint; f. isn't going to like; g. am cooking; h. is going to look; i. don't close.

Упр.5.11.4. a. he is going to join; b. he is going to have; c. leaves / depart at; d. am meeting my bank manager; e. it is going to; f. are you going to do; g. is never going to drink; h. are not doing; i. am not going to help; j. does not begin.

Упр.5.11.5. a. I'll have; b. Are you going; c. shall I phone; d. It's going to land; e. it is; f. I'll miss / I'm going to miss…you go / you have gone; g. Shall I give…I give…will you write; h. does it end; i. I'm going …is getting; j. I'll tell…I'm…I won't be; k. I'm going to have / I'm having; l. she apologises; m. we'll be living; n. you finish.

Упр.5.11.6. a. I won't be…there is; b. won't go…have had; c. you'll phone…go; d. are you going, I've finished…It'll take; e. don't hurry…we'll be; f. I'll come…you find / have found; g. you'll feel…you've taken; h. we'll have …arrive / have arrived; i. won't forget…go; j. won't let…I've been told.

Упр.5.11.7. a. have passed; b. have finished; c. have been; d. has done; e. have done / do; f. have seen; g. won't let; h. sign; i. will see; j. will pay; k. will be ; l. will come; m. will burn; n. will be paid.

Упр.5.12.1. 1. Make a mistake; 2. Do nothing; 3. Make a noise; 4. Do one's best; 5. Make money; 6. Make a will; 7. Make friends with; 8. Make sense; 9. Do my homework; 10. Do the housework; 11. Make a complaint; 12. Make up my mind to; 13. Do business with; 14. Make a phone call; 15. Do an exam; 16. Make progress; 17. Make a speech; 18. Make a mess; 19. Make sure that; 20. Do someone a favour.a – 20; b – 16; c – 1; d – 13; e – 8; f – 12; g – 3; h – 11; i – 19; j – 4; k – 17; l – 18.

Упр.5.12.2. a. making; b. make; c. done; d. making; e. doing; f. made; g. do; h. making; i. made; j. does.

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Упр.5.12.3. a. I had supper. b. Did you have a good game of tennis? c. Have a nice time! d. Did you have breakfast? e. I’m going to have a bath. f. If you want to have a swim. g. Did you have a good day? h. We had a row. i. Do you want to have a look? j. Could I have a word with you?

Упр.5.12.4. Возможные ответы.Horse riding is a hood fun. I had a ride on Jane’s horse.Drinking too much alcohol is bad for you. Would you like to have a drink?Looking for a job may be very frustrating. Have a look this photograph. Do you recognize who it is?My little son enjoys washing. I’ll just have a wash, then I’ll be ready.Try to avoid quarreling with anybody. What’s the matter? Have you had a quarrel? Walking in the early morning is one of life’s great pleasures. We had a lovely walk this morning.И т.д.

Упр.5.12.5. Take: a trip, medicine, an airplane, place, part, a turn, a bath, a bus, your seat, your temperature, the floor.Have: a rest , dinner, lunch, a chance.Make: a comparison, a suggestion, arrangements, a favour, a proposal, an experiment, an appointment, a good job, friends, sure, advances, a speech, an effort, money, a bet, notes, a promise, progress, a recommendation, a reservation, research, difference.Do: housework, my best, homework, an exam, research, a hard time, a cold, a headache, a cough, heart trouble.

Упр.5.12.6. a. is done – is taken; b. to do – to make; d. have been done – have been made; e. take time – have time; f. making – doing; g. to do – to make; h. to do – to make; i. have been done – have been made; j. has been done – has been made.

Упр.5.13.2. a. raised; b. risen; c. rose; d. sat; e. set; f. set; g. lain; h. laid; i. laid; j. lying.

Упр. felt; 2. fell; 3. filled; 4. felt; 5. felt; 6. feel; 7. fell; 8. fall; 9. feeling.

Упр.5.13.4. 1. laid, lies; 2. lay; 3. laid; 4. lie; 5. lie; 6. lay; 7. lies; 8. laid; 9. lies; 10. lie; 11. lies; 12. laid.

Упр.5.13.5. 1. rises; 2. rose; 3. raised; 4. rose; 5. rose; 6. raise; 7. rose; 8. raised; 9. rose; 10. rises; 11. raised; 12. am raising.

Упр.5.13.6. Неверно: b (lain); c. (setting); f. (were raised); j. (laid); k. (rise); m. (set); p. (raised).

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Упр.5.14.1. a. haven’t had; b. didn’t go; c. is wearing; d. has grown; e. haven’t decided; f. is being; g. wasn’t reading; h. didn’t have; i. is beginning; g. found; k. wasn’t; l. you’ve been; m. I’ve been going; n. didn’t she go; o. I’ve been playing; p. do you come; q. since I saw her; r. for 20 years.

Упр.5.14.3. a. I'll get a cloth; b. What will you do / are you going to do / are you doing; c. I'm going back to university; d. Will I disturb / be distubing you; e. I'll miss my appointment; f. I'll do / I'm going to do a retraining scheme.

Упр.5.14.4. a.  I'm coming; b. I'm going to see / I'm seeing; c. Will you be / are you; d. I won't be; e. I'm going; f. are you going; g. is opening; h. are you going; i. I'm not back / I won't be back; j.  does your plane get in; k. I'll be / I could be; l. I'll see; m.  we'll have finished; n.  I'll see you. 

Упр.5.14.5. a. are getting / are going to get; b. starts; c. will have; d. is being given / will be given; e. will be / is; f. will have; g. are having / are going to have; h. are going; i. are staying / are going to stay; j. is going to start / will start; k. will have cost; l. are you going to get; m. will arrive / will be arriving / is arriving; n. does the play start; o. will get; p. will have; q. are we doing / are we going to do; r. is taking / is going to take; s. will we get / will we be getting; t. will have.

Упр.5.14.6. 1. b; 2. a; 3. a; 4. b; 5. b/c ; 6. b; 7. a/b; 8. b; 9. b/c; 10. b;. 11. a/b; 12. a; 13. b; 14. a; 15. a.

Упр.5.14.7. 1. Mr Brown is leaving at 3 pm this afternoon. He’s catching a flight to London at Hellenikon Airport at 6 pm. 2. Mrs Curtis has ordered a taxi for 10.30 am. She will meet her brother at the entrance to the Akropolis at 11.00 am. 3. Miss Wiseman has cancelled her order for the “Times” newspaper. She would like to order the “International Herald Tribune” instead. 4. Mr Drew, who made a booking for three nights in a single room with bath from 21 March 1997, has sent a letter confirming the booking. 5. Mrs Payne called the doctor at 9 am because her husband was ill. The doctor sent Mr Payne to the City Hospital at 11 am. 6. John Adams left a message for Mr Authur at midday that he would not be able to meet him in the Diplomat Bar at 7 pm this evening.

Упр.5.14.8. A car. 1. began; 2. had shown / showed; 3. was built; 4. needed; 5. was … provided; 6. patented; 7. were selling / sold; 8. were registered; 9. has been; 10. include; 11. are diminishing; 12. has risen; 13. will hold out; 14. is found; 15. be better managed; 16. will become.The microwave background radiation. 1. calculated; 2. would be; 3. was ignored; 4. was finally discovered; 5. were measuring; 6. had made; 7. looked; 8. found; 9. expected; 10. had discovered / discovered; 11. have been; 12. has been; 13. know; 14. varies; 15. has made; 16. tells; 17. look; 18.compare; 19. will be.

Упр.5.15.1. Present and Past. a. A; b. B; c. C; d. B, C; e. C; d. A.

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Present Perfect and Past. a. B; b. C; c.A; d. C; e. A; f. B; g. A; h. D; i. A; j. A; k. A; l. C; m. B; n. C. Future. a. A; b. C; c. A,C; d. B; e. C; f. A.

Упр.5.15.2. a. C; b. A; c. B; d. C; e. C; f. D; g. A; h. A; i. B; j. A; k. C; l. C; m. A; n. A; o. C; p. A; q. D; r. B/D; s. D; t. B.

Глава 6. Модальные глаголы.

Упр.6.3.1. a. mustn’t; b. needn’t; c. needn’t; d. needn’t; e. mustn’t; f. needn’t; g. mustn’t; h. mustn’t.

Упр.6.3.2. a. ought to; b. mustn’t; c. needn’t; d. had better; e. must.

Упр.6.3.3. a. have to; b. have to; c. don’t have to; d. have to; e. should; f. don’t have to; g. should; h. don’t have to.

Упр.6.3.4. a. should; b. shouldn’t; c. had to; d. mustn’t / shouldn’t; e. don’t have to; f. should, have to; g. must; h. having to; i. don’t have to; j. have to; k. had to; l. mustn’t; m. has … have to.

Упр.6.3.8. a. do we have to; don’t have to / needn’t, must; b. have to;c. must,; d. must, have to / need to; e. mustn’t; f. having to; g. to have to; h. have … had to; i. ‘ll have to / must; j. would have to; k. don’t have to / needn’t / mustn’t; l. have to; m. needn’t have ; n. don’t /didn’t have / need to; o. needn’t have ; p. don’t have / need to.

Упр.6.4.1. a. can; b. couldn’t; c. couldn’t; d. could; e. could; f. to be able; g. can’t; h. can / ‘ve been able to.

Упр.6.4.2. Диалог 1: j,b,e,d,k,m,h. Диалог 2: n,i,a,c,g,l,f.

Упр.6.4.3. 1. can; 2. may; 3. rather; 4. want; 5. must; 6. mustn’t; 7. ought; 8. might; 9. needn’t.

Упр.6.5.2. a. will be working, won’t hear; b. may / might / could rain; c. won’t disturb, won’t be working; d. might / could work; e. won’t come; f. may / might not like; g. will be delayed; h. may / might bite; i. will happen, I’ll go, she’ll be having, doing, I’ll have to; j. will be wearing.

Упр.6.5.3. 2-e; 3-g; 4-h; 5-a; 6-b; 7-f.

Упр.6.5.4. a. He can’t have retired; b. He can’t be very well off. c. He might have spent…; d. He must do a lot of…; e. He must have read…; f. he must be working…; g. He might be talking…; h. It can’t be Miss…; i. They might be having…; j. Harry might owe…; k. The

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must have gone…; l. harry must have killed…; m. It can’t have been Harry; n. This must be…; o. They must have been making… .

Упр.6.5.5. a. might / could have; b. might / could have; c. may / could have; d. must have; e. might / could; f. might / could be; g. must be; h. can’t have; i. must have; j. might not have; k. may / might / could be.

Упр.6.5.6. a. might have given; b. can’t have known; c. may not have wanted; d. could have forgotten; e. must have been feeling; f. he has already seen; g. can’t have been; h. must have been driving; i. might have been; j. may not have received.

Упр.6.5.7. a. might; b. can’t; c. must; d. can’t; e. must; f. may; g. must; h. can’t.

Упр.6.6.1. a-1; b-5; c-4; d-8; e-1; f-3; g-1; h-4; I-6; j-2; k-2; l-10; m-10; n-10; o-6.

Упр.6.6.2. c. could / might rain; d. might / could have gone; e. couldn’t go; f. could / can’t have seen; g. should get; h. wouldn’t / might not recognised; i. must have heard; j. should have turned.

Упр.6.6.3. c. He must have forgotten; d. You needn’t have gone home so early; e.It can’t be changed now; f. She may be watching television; g. She must have been waiting for somebody; h. He couldn’t done it; i. You ought to have been here earlier; j. I wouldn’t have helped you; k. You should have been warned; l. He might not have felt very well.

Упр.6.6.4. a-B; b-C.

Упр.6.6.5. a. could ski; b. managed to finish; c. can’t have lived; d. had to leave; e. had to check; f. It must have been raining; g. needn’t have given; h. needn’t have collected; i. might have passed; j. should have stopped; k. was able to; l. It would have been; m. would sit; n. may have lost.

Упр.6.6.6. a. will be; b. must have been; c. can’ have got; d. should / will be; e. won’t have forgotten; f. will be teaching; g. should / will be; h. must; i. should; j. must have taken; k. can’t be doing; l. must; m. can’t have got; n. must have been spending; o. will / must be; p. should / will get; q. will have got; r. should / must have received; s. will be thinking.

Упр.6.6.7. a. may / might / could have forgotten; b. may / might think / have thought; c. may / might not have forgotten; d. may / might / could give / be giving; e. may / might / could be planning / have planned; f. may / might / could be trying; g. may / might / could have had; h. may / might / could have had; i. may / might not have left; j. may / might / could be thinking; k. may / might not have got; l. may / might / could be; m. may / might / could be writing.

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Упр.6.6.8. a. have never been able; b. Being able to; c. could; d. manage to, have been able to; e. could; f. could; g. will be able to; h. to be able to.

Упр.6.6.9. a. had to be; b. must be cooling, must have been; c. may consist; d. could travel; e. must have been caused; f. must be, may / might / could be.

Упр.6.7.1. a. A,B; b. A,C; c. C; d. B; e. A,B,D; f. B; g. A,C; h. B,C; i. A.

Упр.6.7.2. a. A; b. A; c. A; d. A; f. D; g. A; h. D / C; i. A; j. C; k. A; l. B; m. A; n. C; o. D; p. A; q. B; r. A.

Упр.6.7.3. a. D; b. C; c. D; d. B.

Глава 7. Согласование времен.

Упр.7.1.1.c. a. were coming; b. would; c. was leaving; d. would; e. would; f. were going to.

Упр.7.1.2. a. showed / shows; b. has; c. (should) distill; d. (should) play; e. slams, replaces; f. (should) result; g. (should) proceed; h. (should) be; i. states, divides. Упр.7.3.1. a. told; b. spoke, addressed; c. said, spoke; d. talked; e. said; f. spoke; g. talked; h. addressed; i. told.

Упр.7.3.2. a. he was going; b. the students that it was time; c. the film would be; d. she couldn’t help me; e. that Ann had bought; f. that it had taken him; g. she thought it was; h. that the breakfast was served.

Упр.7.3.3. a. talked; b. told; c. said / replied; d. explained; e. tell; f. speak; g. said / replied; h. tell; i. speak; j. said; k. speak; l. said.

Упр.7.3.4. a. ask tell warn urge remind invite persuade advisea. Sir Albert Pringle advised to the shipbuilder’s leader that he should accept the pay rise.b. Peter Arkwright persuade his members that they really must stay united.c. Sir Albert reminded to his secretary didn’t forget to come to the meeting,”.d. A colleague warned Peter Arkwright to be careful of the press. e. Peter persuaded that he thought they should return to work. Shipbuilders said they

agreed if he thought it was a good idea.f. Sir Albert asked Mr Arkwright to reconsider that offer.g. Peter Arkwright told the builders to stop work.h. Sir Albert invited Peter to have lunch with him.

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Упр.7.4.3.a. Ann said that she couldn’t turn that screw and asked me to do it for her.b. Ann asked me to tighten the bolt handling me a spannel.c. He asked if I would mind discussing this question at the seminar.d. I asked if I should explain my recent results.e. She asked me to help with translating the article.

Упр.7.4.4.a. “Is you pleased with your job?”b. “I want to know what sort of translation you’ve ever been engaged in.”c. “How much would you like to get for your job?”d. “Why do you think the company may be interested in hiring you?”e. “I want to know what your career goals are.”f. “I doubt if you are qualified enough for the job.”g. “Can you prove his experience with letters of recommendation from his previous job?” Упр.7.5.1. a-4; b-6; c-8; d-2; e-7; f-5; g-1; h-10; i-9; j-3.

Упр.7.5.2. a. He advised me not to touch the cable until I had switched off the power; it wasn’t safe.b. The mechanic explained that I pressed the wrong button. He warned me not to do it

again as I might had have a nasty accident.c. The supervisor threatened that he would drop me from the team if I didn’t work harder.d. He advised (warned, reminded) me never operating a cutting machine until I had oiled

and checked it.e. John suggested (advised) me to twist electric wires together using a pair of scissors.f. He wished the procedure would reduce the energy losses.g. He introduced Mr White to Mr Brown.h. He beged me not to tell my colleagues. I promised I would not.i. He exclaimed that he had passed the first exam. I congratulated him and wished him

good luck with the second.j. My colleague remarked that I was in a difficult position for I couldn’t explain that result.

I agreed. k. She apologized being late and explained that her car had broken down.l. One of the engineers complained that he expected a lot of work for very little money.

The other agreed.

Упр.7.6.1. a-B; b-A; c-A; d-B; e-C; f-C; g-B; h-A; i-C.

Тесты для аспирантов.

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Tест 1

I. Из каждой пары слов выберите существительное, стоящее в единственном числе.

1 a ) phenomena b) phenomenon 2 a) analyses b) analysis 3 a) criterion b) criteria 4 a) theses b) thesis 5 a) nucleus b) nuclei 6 a) hypothesis b) hypotheses

II Заполните пропуски словами, обозначающими "количество" или "степень" из предложенного списка.

То smoke or not to smoke ? The problem of smoking is ... 7 under discussion. Some people smoke, ... 8 don't. ... 9 of those smoking wish to give it up, and a great... 10 heavy smokers often make ... 11 attempts before they give up either smoking or the attempts. It requires not a... 12 will power and ... 13 of determination. So only ... 14 succeed. And those... 15 say that they have felt so .. .16 better ever since.

a) much b) a great deal c) many d) some e) few f) most g) several h) little

III Найдите английские эквиваленты русским модальным глаголам

17. То be a successful scientist one а) необходимо at the very least b) уметь to ask questions.18. A good experimenter вынужден be a jack of all trades.19. To be a great scientist one необязательно solve a great many problems.20. Most people а) способно question the uncertain, only few b) способно question the

obvious.21. An individual scientist а) может и не be highly moral. Scientific community as a whole b)

должна to be.

IV Найдите в тексте шесть существительных со значением “размер", "количество". 22 а), b), с), d), е), f).

Never before have the scope of research and the number of the people occupied in it increased as rapidly as they are doing today. The magnitude of certain projects and the size of some installations are often breath-taking, while the bulk of the information accumulated can hardly be even roughly estimated, let alone digested. And yet the extent to which processes occurring naturally can be controlled and regulated by man is very limited.

V. Выберите правильный ответ.

23. If this discovery… in the XVII century, it would not have been recognized by contemporary scientists.

a) was made b) had made c) would have made d) had been made24. Some people …easily… by other people’s opinion.

a) are influencing b) is influenced c) are influenced d) have influenced25. He doesn’t appear …with the problem.

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a) to concern b) concern c) to be concerned d) having concerned26. A few more functional elements, germanium perhaps .. a good candidate, may

be discovered in the future.a) having b) is c) having been d) being

27. The history of last 30 years shows him …very well.a) to have done b) to do c) to be done d) was doing

28. No physicist untrained in biology would have ever solved the problem, …would a biologist, without a sound physics background.

a) either b) so c) neither d) no29. It has been suggested that an end …to the barbarous treatment of nature.

a) has put b) should be put c) will be put d) is being put

VI. Заполните пропуски предложенными ниже словами.

Scientific attitudeWhat is the nature of the scientific attitude, the attitude of a man or woman who studies and …30 physics, biology, chemistry or any other …31. What are their special …32 of thinking or acting? What qualities do we usually expect them to …33?To begin with, we expect a …34 scientist to be full of curiosity – he wants to find out how and why the …35 works. He usually directs his attention towards problems which have no …36 explanation. He is a good observer, …37, patient and objective.He is to be highly imaginative since he often looks for …38 which are not only complex, but also …39.

a) possess a) b) successful

a) c) applies

a) d) incomplete

a) e) science

b) f) accurate

b) g) methods b) h) data b) i) universe b) j) satisfactory

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VII Употребите предложенные глаголы в требуемой форме.

Titanic Disaster.Titanic Disaster is one of the worst maritime disasters in history. The British luxury liner Titanic (46,000 gross tons) of the White Star line, on its maiden voyage from Liverpool to New York City, .. .40 (strike) an iceberg about 153 km south of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland on April 14, 1912. Of the more than 2220 persons aboard, about 1513 died, .. .41 (include) the American millionaires John Jacob Astor, Benjamin Guggenheim, and Isidor Straus. The ship ... 42 (proclaim) unsinkable because of its 16 watertight compartments, but the iceberg punctured five of them, one more than had been considered possible in any accident, and the Titanic ... 43 (sink) in less than three hours. Subsequent investigations found that the ship ...44 (steam) too fast in dangerous waters, that lifeboat space ... 45 (provide) for only about half of the passengers and crew, and that the Californian, close to the scene, ... 46 ( not come) to the rescue because its radio operator was off duty and asleep. These findings led to many reforms, such as lifeboat space for every person on a ship, lifeboat drills, the maintenance of a full-time radio watch while at sea, and an international ice patrol.The sinking of the Titanic ... 47 ( be) the subject of several books and films since then, but not until September 1985 was the actual wreck found and the area .. .48 (photograph), by a joint French-U.S. expedition, through the use of robot submersibles equipped with television cameras. In July 1986 the U.S. researchers explored the Titanic in the three-person Alvin submersible; they ... 49 (take) pictures of the interior, but recovered no artifacts. The following year a controversial French salvage effort retrieved dishes, jewels; currency, and other artifacts, which ... 50 (exhibit) in Paris in September 1987.

Тест 2

I.Образуйте формы множественного числа cледующих существительных

1. a) phenomenon b) thesis с) criterion d) datum е) hypothesis f) radius g) axis h) analysis

II . Выберите слово, наиболее близкое по значению выделенному

2. The number of insect species is greater than that of all other animal species.a) exceeds b) equals c) augments d) predicts

3. A chance sample can often provide information about a large population.a) prudent b) genuine c) random d) modified

4. Microprocessors, unlike computers, are programmed to complete defined tasks.a) specific b) different c) several d) similar

5. Since research studies have shown a relationship between cancer and cigarette smoking, many people have cut down.

a) ceased smoking b) become frightened c) decreased the number of cigarettes d) got sick

6. In order to be issued a passport, one must either present legal documents or call a witness to give evidence concerning one's identity.

a) investigate b) falsify c) testify d) evaluate7. Americans have been criticized for placing too much emphasis on being on time.

a) activity b) importance c) bother d) assistance

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III Найдите 4 существительных со значением "поток, течение"

8 а) b) с) d)The language is perpetually in flux: it is a living stream, shifting, changing, receiving new strength, losing old forms. The current of time continuously brings about a fresh flow of words.

IV.Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами

"...9 is worth doing is worth doing well". ...10 said this originally was perfectly right. For ...11 and ...12 we come across upon something that is not done properly we feel annoyed no matter what it is: an ugly building, a tasteless dinner or inaccurate measurements. ...13 would seem to agree with this, as far as ...14 else's work is concerned. But are we equally critical of ...15 done by ourselves?

a) everybody b) somebody c) everything d) whatevere) whenever f) wherever g) whoever

V.Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу глаголами

Computer virus. A virus ...16 of a set of instructions that ...17 itself to other computer programs, and ...18 part of them. In most cases, the corrupted programs continue ...19 their intended functions but surreptitiously.... 20 the virus's instructions as well. A virus is usually.... 21 to execute when it is ....22 into a computer's memory. The virus .... 23 its host program .... 24 the viral code into, or "infect", any number of the programs and files .... 25 in the computer. The infection can then .... 26 itself to files and code on other computers. The replicating viruses often .... 27 until they.... 28 data. A virus may simply.... 29 a harmless joke or cryptic message....30 on a computer user's video monitor each time he .... 31 on his computer. A more damaging virus can .... 32 an extremely large computer system within a matter of minutes or hours.

a) instructs b) transfer c) cause d) designed e) turns f) becomes g) loaded h) stored i) crash j) execute k) to perform I) attachesm) consists n) multiply o) to copy p) to appearr) destroy

VI. Выберите правильный вариант ответа

33. Mendeleev's ....a periodic law of nature has entered his name into the history book of world science.

a) being established b) having established c) having been established34.They considered all water on the surface of this planet... by volcanic action.

a) having liberated b) to be liberated c) to have been liberated35 .Molecular biology ... to dominate other sciences .

a) expects b) is expected c) is expecting36. Such phenomena should ... as early as the 18 century.

a) know b) have known c) have been known37. If the distance to the star...., its light power would be judged from its brightness.

a) is know b) was known c) were known38. Newton suggested that the light... as a stream of particles.

a) is interpreted b) be interpreted c) was interpreted

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39. The instruments were packed carefully lest they ... during transportation. a) will be damaged b) would be damaged c) should be damaged

VII. Употребите глаголы в нужной форме

Tunguska event.The remote site of the explosion ...40 (investigate) from 1927 to 1930 in expeditions ...41 (lead) by Leonid A.Kulik. Around the epicentre he ...42 (find) splintered trees ...43 (lie) radially for some 15 to 30 km; everything ...44 (devastate) and very little ...45 (grow) two decades after the event. Eyewitnesses who ...46 (observe) the event from a distance ...47 (speak) of a fireball lighting the horizon, ...48 (follow) by trembling ground and hot winds strong enough ...49 (throw) people down and ...50 (shake) buildings as in an earthquake.

Тест 3

I. Соотнесите корень латинского происхождения с его значением и его производным . Выпишите корневое слово и соответствующие буквы вашего выбора.

1.duc(t) fin(e)flect, flexliterdictmob, mot pend, pensurbven(e)

a) hangb) speakc) moved) leade) cityf) comeg) end h) bendi) letter

a) preventiveb) motivationc) suburbsd) suspensione) jurisdictionf) flexibleg) educationh) illiterate i) infinite

II. Определите какое слово является лишним в ряду. Âûïèøèòå åãî.

2. a) chronicles; chronometer; synchronize; chronology; chromosome b) dogma; dogged; dogmatism; paradox; orthodox c) diagram; telegram; geography; anagram; gram d) barometer; perimeter; isometric; meteorite; geometry

III. Соотнесите слово с его определением, обращая внимание на префиксы.

3. multilateral a) combining of diverse elements into one entity4. semiskilled b) slow down5. homogenize c) having many sides or participants6. peripheral d) doing work requiring only limited training7. synthesis e) make uniform throughout8. decelerate f) of minor or secondary importance

IV. Заполните пропуски подходящими словами.

a) complement b) complimentEducation should… 9 one’s natural abilities.

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The dean will …10 the honor students for their high grades.a) farther b) further

I live …11 from campus than I used to.This matter will require …12 study.

a) formally b) formerly…13, these proceedings were conducted more …14.

a) quiet b) quiteThe library wasn’t …15 …16 enough for the head librarian.

a) adapt b) adoptIf you …17 a child, the family will need time to …18 to a new person.

a) thorough b) throughThe supervisors made a …19 inspection as they walked …20 the plant. IV. Поставьте глагол в соответствующую форму в страдательном залоге.21. John Burton …( arrest) if he hadn't fled the country.22. The books are certainly missing. They …(might steal).23. The works of art have not been seen for decades. They …(must destroy) during the war.24. The acrobats performed a dangerous trick. They …(could kill).25. I bought a copy of Parade's End that …(sign) by the author in 1930.26. Seven candidates …(interview) so far.27. The test results …(analyse) at this very moment.28. Everyone …(send) a copy of the agenda before next Monday's meeting.29. “Those documents …(should not give) to the press”, said the minister. “My secretary made a

mistake when he released them.”30. These scales are supposed …(check) every month.

V. Поставьте глагол в необходимую форму.

31. The technique allowed us …(obtain) results predicted by theory.32. Unless immediately …(stop) the environmental pollution may become irreversible.33. It was suggested that the atmospheric and temperature ranges of those planets… (be) different

from those of the Earth.34. Some experiments prove that it is physically possible for the ground ice of Alaska …(form) by a

process of segregation.35. If the Earth … (be) stationary, the movement of the atmosphere would be controlled almost

entirely by temperature differences 36. The dean would rather that students … (make) appointments instead of dropping by.37. The hypotheses which … (propose) agreed with the experimental observation.38. When Professor Jones retires next month, he … (teach) for 45 years.

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VI. Заполните пробелы наиболее подходящими словами из предложенного выбора.

The Natural World.Whenever we read about the natural world nowadays, it's generally to be … 39dire prediction about its imminent destruction. Some scientists go so …40 as to assert that from now on, the world can no longer be called «natural», insofar as future processes of weather, …41, and all the interactions of plant and animal life will no longer carry on in their time-honoured way, unaffected by …42. There will never be such a thing as ‘natural weather’ again, say such writers, only weather …43 by global warming. It is hard to know whether to believe such .prophets of doom, possibly because what they are saying seems too terrible to be…44. There are other equally influential scientists who argue that climate, for example, has changed many times over the …45, and that what we are expecting now may simply be part of an endless cycle of change, rather than a disaster on a global … 46. One cannot help wondering whether these attempts to wish the problem away simply underline the extent to which western industrialised countries are to blame for upsetting the world’s … 47. It is not our fault, they seem to be saying, because everything is all right. One certain … 48 which is chilling in its implications, is that there is no longer anywhere on the earth’s …49, whether in the depths of the oceans or in the polar wastes, which is not stained by polluted air or …50 with empty cans and bottles. Now we are having to come to terms with understanding just what that means, and it is far from easy.

39. a) made b) given c) told d) granted40. a) much b) often c) really d) far41. a) change b) atmosphere c) climate d) even42. a) beings b) man c) people d) humans43. a) built b) manufactured c) affected d) organised44. a) stopped b) true c) guessed d) here45. a) top b) again c) centuries d) world46. a) sense b) form c) scale d) existence47. a) future b) ecology c) balance d) population48. a) fact b) must c) fault d) and49. a) planet b) atmosphere c) anywhere d) surface50. a) even b) recycled c) littered d) bothered

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Тест 4

I. Соотнесите корень латинского происхождения с его значением и его производным.

1 firm a) build a) instructional2 labor b) first b) confirm3 rect c) strong c) elaborate 4 stru(ct) d) work d) primary 5 prim e) straight e) rectify--

П. Заполните пропуски в тексте словами в подходящей по контексту форме, образованными от предложенных справа.

SATELLITTESSince the late 6..., thousands of artificial satellites have been put inthe Earth’s orbit. Many are now out of 7..., just scrap metal in space, which may be involved in 8... with useful satellitesSome satellites provide 9... information for weather forecastingOthers can measure 10 ... in the earth's crust which may indicate earthquake 11... in the near future. There are satellites which canindicate the exact 12 ... of forest fires long before they could bespotted by 13... on Earth. Some satellites have sensitivephotographic 14... which can show how well crops are growingin the fields and make 15... of rivers and deserts. In the future, satellites, in the form of giant mirrors, could provide 16... forcities and roads by reflecting the sun's rays onto Earth's nightside.



17. ... his colleagues opposition, he decided to continue his research. a) Although b) However c) Despite d) Owing to18.... my car dates from 1981, yours is brand new.

a) Nevertheless b) In spite of c) Although d) Whereas19. Tom is not suitable for the job. He's too old. ..., he isn't interested. a) Besides b) In addition to c) As well as d) And20. ... there are no more questions to discuss, we can finish the meeting.

a) As b) Because c) So that d) Unless 21.I did not support his view. ..., I disagreed strongly.

a) On the contrary b) Otherwise c) By contrast d) Conversely

IV. Употребите правильную форму глагола.

We regret (22) …(inform) you that your application has been unsuccessful.We know him (23)... (object) to this style of research on previous occasions.It (24).. .(announce) that the proposed new office block (25).. .(now not build) because of the

current economic situation.

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Pictures of the surface of the planet Venus (26)... (receive) yesterday from the space probe 'Explorer' which (27)... (launch) last year

No decision (28) ... (make) about any future appointments until all suitable candidates (29) ...(interview).

We expect an announcement (30)... (make) next week.The problem seems (31)... (occur) during the night.If we had paid our workers better, they (32)... (leave) the company.The meeting has been going on for two hours, so they could (33)... (decide) by now.My colleagues suggested that I (34) ... ( get) this job in a bank.

V. a) everywhere b) each c) everyone d) every day e) everything f) every

35..... in this workshop has done an apprenticeship with an engineering company.36. More than 400 machine tools are produced here ..., except Saturday.37. ... production line runs continuously, for 24 hours.38. ... eight hours a supervisor checks the level of output.39. ... is maintained by our own team of fitters.40. All the production is distributed to agents ... in Europe.

VI.Выберите подходящее слово из предложенного выбора.

a) fewer b) less41. There are ... exploited workers than there used to be. a) impossible b) impossibly42. The problem appeared … , a) arose b) rose43. A discussion ... about the best way to pay. a) beside b) besides44. .. literature, we have to study history and philosophy. a) hard b) hardly45. I've ... learnt anything this year. a) effective b) efficient46. The German telephone system is highly … .

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V. Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами.

47. Mary specializes ... designing theatres and concert halls.48. This number refers ... the next page of the article.49.1 count... nothing in this company, unfortunately.50. Damage to the building resulted ... an unusually high wind.


Тест 11 b2. b3. a4. b5. a6. a7. a8. d9. f10. c11. g12. h13. b

14. e15. e16. a17. a) must b) be able 18. has to19. need not20. a) can b) can21. a) may not b) ought to22. a) scope b) number c) magnitude d) size e) bulk f) extent23. d

24. c25. c26. d27. a28. c29. b30. c31. e32. g33. a34. b35. I36. j

37. f38. h39. d40. struck41. including42. had been

proclaimed43. sank44. had been

steaming45. had been provided46. had not come

47. has been48. photographed49. took50. were


Тест 21. a) phenomena b) theses c) criteria d) data e) hypotheses f) radii g) axes h) analyses2. a 3. c 4. a 5. c 6. c 7. b8. a) flux b) stream c) current d) flow9. d10. g11. e или

f12. e или

f13. a

14. b15. c16. m17. l18. f19. k или


20. j или k

21. d22. g23. a24. o25. h

26. b27. n28. r29. c30. p31. e32. i

33. b34. c35. b36. c37. c38. b39. c

40. was investigated41. led42. found43. lying

44. had been devastated или was devastated

45. was growing46. had observed

47. spoke48. followed49. to throw50. (to) shake

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Тест 31. duct d) g) fin g) i)flect h) f)

liter i) h)dict b) emob c) b)

pend a) d)urb e) c)ven f) a)

2. a)chromosome b) dogged c) gram d) meteorite3. c4. d5. e

6. f7. a8. b

9. a10. b11. a

12. b13. b14. a

15. b16. a17. b

18. a19. a20. b

21. would have been arrested22. might have been stolen23. must have been destroyed24. could have been killed25. had been signed26. have been interviewed27. are being analyzed28. will have been sent29. should not have been given30. to be checked

31. to obtain32. stopped33. (should) be 34. to have been formed35. were36. made37. were proposed38. will have taught или will have been


39. b40. d

41. c42. b

43. b44. b

45. c46. c

47. a48. d

49. c50. c

Тест 41 c) b)2. d) c)3. e) e)4. a) a)5. b) d)

6. fifties7. action8. collisions9. reliable10. movements

11. activity12. location13. observers14. equipment

15. measurements

16. illumination

17. c 18. d 19. a 20. a 21. a22. to inform23. to have objected24. has been announced25. will not be built26. were received27. was launched28. will be made29. have been

interviewed30. to be made31. to have occured32. wouldn’t have left33. could have decided34. ( should) get

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35. c36. d37. b38. f39. e40. a41. a42. a43. a44. b45. b46. b47. in48. to49. for50. from

Ключи к тестам в приложении.

Тест 1.1 b; 2 a; 3 b; 4 b; 5 a; 6 a; 7 d; 8 c; 9 b; 10 a; 11 a; 12 d; 13 f; 14 c; 15 g; 16 h; 17 b; 18 e; 19 e; 20 a; 21 a) must, b) be able; 22 has to; 23 need not; 24 a) can, b) can; 25 a) may be, b) ought to; 26 a) scope, b) number, c) magnitude, d) size, e) bulk, f) extend; 27 d; 28 c; 29 c; 30 d; 31 a; 32 b; 33 c; 34 b; 35 c; 36 e; 37 g; 38 a; 39 b; 40 j; 41 h; 42 k; 43 f; 44 i; 45 d; 46 struck; 47 including; 48 had been proclaimed; 49 had been considered; 50 sank; 51 had been steaming; 52 had been provided; 53 had not come; 54 has been; 55 photographed; 56 took; 57 exhibited. Тест 2.I. 1. a) phenomena b) theses с) criteria d) data е) hypotheses f) radii g) axes h) analyses; II. 2 a; 3 c; 4 a; 5 c; 6 c; 7 b; III.8 flux, stream, current, flow; IV. 9 d; 10 g; 11 f; 12 e; 13 a; 14 b; 15 c; V. 16 m; 17 l; 18 f; 19 k; 20 j; 21 d; 22 g; 23 a; 24 o; 25 h; 26 b; 27 n; 28 r; 29 c; 30 p; 31 e; 32 i; VI. 33 B; 34 A; 35 B; VII. 36 b; 37 c; 38 b; 39 c; 40 a; 41 c; 42 c; 43 b; 44 c; VIII. 45 was investigated; 46 led; 47 found; 48 lying; 49 had been devastated (was devastated); 50 was growing; 51 had observed; 52 spoke; 53 followed; 54 to throw; 55 (to) shake.

Тест 3.I. 1. cred –b-g; duc/t –e-i; fin –h-k; flex i-h; fus, fund –k-b; jac –j-l; liter –l-j; dict –c-f; mob –d-c; pend –a-e; urb –f-d; ven –g-a; II. 2. a) chromosome, b) dogged, c) gram; d) meteorite; III. 3 –c; 4 –d; 5 –e; 6 -f; 7 –a; 8 –b; IV. 9 –a; 10 –b; 11 –a; 12 –b; 13 –b; 14 –a; 15 –b; 16 –a; 17 –b; 18 –a; 19 –a; 20 –b. V. 21 would have been arrested; 22 (might) have been stolen; 23 must have been destroyed; 24 could have been killed; 25 had been signed; 26 have been interviewed; 27 are being analyzed; 28 will have been sent / will be sent; 29 should not have been given; 30 to be checked. VI. 31 to obtain; 32 stopped; 33 (should) be; 34 to have been formed / to be formed; 35 were / was; 36 made; 37 were proposed; 38 will have taught / will have been teaching. VII. 39 b; 40 d; 41 c; 42 b; 43 b; 44 a; 45 b; 46 c; 47 c; 48 a; 49 b; 50 a; 51 d; 52 b; 53 c.

Тест 4.

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I. 1 - c-b; 2 –d-c; 3 –e-e; 4 –a-a; 5 –b-d. II. 6 fifties; 7 action; 8 collisions; 9 reliable; 10 movements; 11 activity; 12 location; 13 observers; 14 equipment; 15 measurements; 16 illumination. III. 17 –c; 18 –d; 19 –a; 20 –a; 21 –a. IV. 22 having established; 23 to have objected; 24 has been announced; 25 will not be built; 26 were received; 27 was launched; 28 will be made; 29 have been interviewed; 30 to be made; 31 to have occurred; 32 wouldn’t have left; 33 could have decided; 34 get / should get. V. 35 c; 36 d; 37 b; 38 f; 39 c; 40 a. VI. 41 a; 42 a; 43 a; 44 b; 45 b; 46 b; VII. 47 in; 48 to; 49 for; 50 from.