Перцепција на децата за нивните права,...

Наслов: Перцепција на правата, дискриминацијата и насилството врз децата Издавач: Прва детска амбасада во светот Меѓаши Република Македонија Извршен директор и основач: м-р Драги Змијанац Автор: Прва детска амбасада во светот Меѓаши Ментор/уредник: Гордана Пирковска Змијанац Обработка на податоците од истражувањето: БРИМА Скопје, асоцијативна членка на GALLUP International Превод на албански: Флорим Исмаиловски Превод на англиски: Светлана Мулкуеен Дизајн на корица, графичка подготовка и печатење: Југореклам Тираж: 500 Адреса на издавачот: Прва детска амбасада во светот Меѓаши - Република Македонија ул.„Коста Новаковиќбр. 22 а 1000 Скопје, Република Македонија тел. +389 2 2465-316, факс: +389 2 2463-900 СОС - телефон за деца и млади: 0800 1 2222 E-mail: [email protected] www.childrensembassy.org.mk CIP – Каталогизација во публикација Национална и универзитетска библиотека Св. Климент Охридски“, Скопје 342.7-053.2 (497.7) (047.31) 342.724-053.2 (497.7) (047.31) 364.63-053.2 (497.7) (047.31) ПЕРЦЕПЦИЈА на правата, дискриминацијата и насилството врз децата / [уредник Гордана Пирковска Змијанац] . – Скопје : Прва детска амбасада во светот-Меѓаши Република Македонија, 2010. – 312 стр. : табели ; 20 см ISBN 978-608-4603-00-9 а) Права на детето Македонија Истражувања б) Дискриминација Деца Македонија Истражувања COBISS.MK-ID 81649674

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  • 1.: , : : - : /: : , GALLUP International : : , : : 500 : - . . 22 1000 , . +389 2 2465-316, : +389 2 2463-900 - : 0800 1 2222 E-mail: [email protected] www.childrensembassy.org.mkCIP . , 342.7-053.2 (497.7) (047.31) 342.724-053.2 (497.7) (047.31) 364.63-053.2 (497.7) (047.31) , / [ ] . : - , 2010. 312 . : ; 20 ISBN 978-608-4603-00-9 ) ) COBISS.MK-ID 81649674

2. , - 3. , .......... 7 ....................................... 8 (, )............................................................................................... 11 ............................................................................................................................ 14 Perceptimi i fmijve pr t drejtat e tyre, diskriminimi dhe dhuna mbi fmijt (raport nga hulumtimi n teren) ..................................................................................................... 16 Njohja e fmijve me t drejtat e tyre dhe sa ata t drejta rrespektohen........................................ 17 Dhuna (shkolla, familja)................................................................................................................. 20 Diskriminimi................................................................................................................................... 23 The field research report on perception of childrens rights, discrimination and childrens exposure to violence...........................................................25 Childrens information about their rights and how much they are respected................................. 27 Violence.......................................................................................................................................... 30 Discrimination................................................................................................................................ 33 ................................................................................................................ 35 , ().............................. ..................................... ............................................................37 , ( )..................................................................................................... 79 , ( )............................................................................................................ 173 , ( )............................................................................................................. 241 4. , ( ) 1 8 2009 41 7 (, , , , , ) 24 16 -6 (, , , , ) . 70 , : , , , , , - . , GALLUP International, . 2234 , 10 18 . . 2234 . 1282 (57.4%) , 659 (29.5%) , 74 (3.3%) , 44 (2%) , 33 (1.5%) , 31 (1.4%) , 4 (0.2%) 19 (0.9%). 88 (3.9%) . , 7 . , , , . , 1034 (46.3%), 1078 (48.3%) , 122 (5.5%) . , 3 : , . . . , .7 5. 70% , . . , 65% , , . : ? 105872.6% , , , , , / ( ) .2. ? %62743.0%31121.3%28719.7%1339.1%88 71 60 60 42 38 38 31 28 19 18 5 14576.0% 4.9% 4.1% 4.1% 2.9% 2.6% 2.6% 2.1% 1.9% 1.3% 1.2% .3% 200.0% 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. /81540 1039 873 646 57168.9% 46.5% 39.1% 28.9% 25.6% 6. ,, / ? 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(40%). / 7 .,(/ / /) / 8 . (/ / /) 23% . , 44 % , (23%) , , 44 % . . .44. / ?/49.4%/ /44.1% 33.6% 20.0% 20% . (27%) (16%). 14 12. . , / (46%), (30,8%). (31%) (32%), , , . (22%) (12%). . (23%), . (10%). ( 8%). (20%) (21%). ( 8%). (20%) (21%). . (23%), . . (11%). (29%), . (6%). 6 ., 3- . 5 . (31%), . (5,7%) (25%) (32%). www.childrensembassy.org.mk : - (70) 65 (16 ): , , , , , . , , (IDHR) .15 13. PERCEPTIMI I FMIJVE PR T DREJTAT E TYRE, DISKRIMINIMI DHE DHUNA MBI FMIJT (raport nga hulumtimi n teren) Ambasada e Par n bot - Megjashi nga data 1 Qershor e deri n datn 8 Qershor t vitit 2009 bri nj hulumtim tek nxnsit prej klass s pest deri n klasn e tet n 41 shkolla fillore n 7 qytete t Maqedonis (Kumanov, Shkup, Tetov, Kavadar, Krov, Prilep dhe Strumic) dhe nxns prej vitit t par deri n vitin e tret n 24 shkolla t mesme n 16 Komuna - 6 qytete (Kumanov, Shkup, Tetov, Kavadar, Prilep dhe Strumic). Hulumtimin n teren e bn nj grup prej 70 fmijsh dhe t rinj, antar t shtat organizatave qytetare: Antiko - Krov, Nna - Kumanov, Kshilli pr preventiv nga delikuenca pr t mitur Kavadar, Porta - Strumic, Loja - Tetov, Qendra pr Inicijativa Qytetare - Prilep dhe Ambasada pr fmij Megjashi - Shkup. BRIMA Shkup, antare asociuese e GALLUP International, i prpunoi t dhnat duke prdorur metoda specifike pr prpunim statistik t t dhnave. Anketimi sht br mbi 2234 nxns, fmij prej moshs 10 - 18 vjeare me ndihmn e nj pyetsori anketues. Fmijt i pregaditn pyetjet t cilat konsideronin se duhet q t jen t parashtruara, ndrsa m von t njejtat ishin t prpunuara nga ana e personave profesionist. Shembulli i marr nga 2234 t anketuar n mnyr reprezentative e pasqyron popullatn rinore n Maqedoni n baz t disa kategorive demografike. Sipas prkatsis etnike t t anketuarve 1282 (57.4%) jan Maqedonas, 659 (29.5%) jan Shqiptar, 74 (3.3%) jan Rom, 44 (2%) jan Serb 33 (1.5%) jan Boshnjak 31 (1.4%) jan Turq 4 (0.2%) jan Vlleh dhe t tjer jan 19 (0.9%). Nj pjes e t anketuarve prkatsisht 88 (3.9%) kan refuzuar q t prgjigjen n pyetjen mbi prkatsin e tyre etnike. Hulumtimi sht br sipas shembujve t rastit npr shkolla, i prbr nga shkollat e mesme dhe fillore n 7 komunat konkrete. Kjo paraqet perceptimin e fmijve pr t drejtat e tyre, pr dhunn dhe diskriminimin, i shfaq ato perceptime n forma t ndryshme dhe nivele t pranishmris s tyre, si prjetime personale ose si ndodhi t njohura pr ta. Sipas prfaqsimit gjinor t t anketuarve, meshkuj jan 1034 (46.3%), ndrsa 1078 (48.3%) jan femra, ndrsa 122 (5.5%) e t anketuarve kan refuzuar q t prgjigjen n kt pyetje. Raporti prfshin analizn nga disa aspekte t hulumtimit, t ndara n 3 trsi tematike: njohja e fmijve me t drejtat e tyre dhe participimi i fmijve, diskriminimin dhe dhunn mbi fmijt. N baz t t dhnave t fituara me analizn e hulumtimit, fmijt do t pregadisin Raport nn hije i cili do t dorzohet deri tek Komiteti pr t drejtat e fmiut pran OKB-s. Raporti do t prmbaj edhe rekomandime deri te Qeveria dhe Kuvendi i Republiks s Maqedonis me qllim t prmirsimit t fmijve n shtet dhe kyjen e tyre n proceset e vendimmarrjes n interes t tyre. N pajtim me rezultatet dhe rekomandimet nga hulumtimi, Ambasada pr Fmij do t ndermerr aktivitete lobuese pr nevojn e mbrojtjes sa m efikase t fmijve n Maqedoni dhe implementimin praktik t Konvents pr t drejtat e fmiut nga ana e institucioneve shtetrore.16 14. NJOHJA E FMIJVE ME T DREJTAT E TYRE DHE SA ATA T DREJTA RRESPEKTOHEN Konkluzion gjeneral sht se mbi 70 % e fmijve n moshn shkollore nuk i njohin t drejtat e tyre, ndrsa t tjert e dijn se kan t drejta por nuk kan informata mbi ta. Fmijt edhe kur munden t identifikojn se ndonj e drejt e tyre sht e cenuar nuk dijn se ku t drejtohen q ta mbrojn at t drejt t tyre. sht interesante e dhna se fmijt m s teprmi dijn pr t drejtat e fmijve nga shkollat, ndrsa 65% e tyre, nse u thyhen t drejtat, nuk do tu kishin drejtuar n shkoll. Ky konkluzion paraqet nj problem serioz pasiq parashtrohet pyetja: si fmijt do t kujdesen pr t drejtat e tyre nse nuk i njohin dhe nse nuk mund q ti mbrojn n institucionet ku e kalojn pjesn m t madhe t dits? Tabela Raste Pa prgjigje105872.6%E drejta n arsimim dhe edukim n gjuhn amtare E drejta n mendimin e lir, lirin e fjals, konfesionit627 31143.0% 21.3%E drejta n mbijetes dhe zhvillim n paqe dhe liri E drejta n dashuri, mbrojtja nga keqprdorimi dhe mallretimi Prgjigje joadekuate E drejta q t jet i rrespektuar dhe ti rrespektoj t tjert E drejta n loj, koh t lir dhe relaksim E drejta n shtpi, prindr/familje E drejta e mbrojtjes shndetsore T tjera Privatsia E drejta e identitetit E drejta n shoqrimin e lirshm E drejta e barazimit (pa diskriminim) Liria e zgjedhjes E drejta e qasjes deri tek informatat adekuateP.2. Cilat t drejta t fmijut i njeh?Prgjigje %28719.7%1339.1%88 71 60 60 42 38 38 31 28 19 18 5 14576.0% 4.9% 4.1% 4.1% 2.9% 2.6% 2.6% 2.1% 1.9% 1.3% 1.2% .3% 200.0%GjithsejFmijt m s teprmi kan qen t informuar pr t drejtat e fmiut nprmjet t shkollave 1.Shkolla 2. TV 3. Shtpi 4. Internet 5. Gazet/ revist1540 1039 873 646 57168.9% 46.5% 39.1% 28.9% 25.6%N pyetjen A keni ndgjuar pr Konventn mbi t drejtat e fmiut? (KDF) 53% nga fmijt jan prgjigjur me PO, ndrsa 38.5% me JO. Informimi i fmijve n lidhje me KDF ende nuk sht n nivelin e knaqshm. E rndsishme sht ajo se fmijt pr KDF m s shpeshti informohen nga shkollat dhe mediumet (69%), ndrsa m pak nga familjet e tyre (33%).17 15. Me qllim q fmijt t njoftohen me t drejtat e tyre dhe Konventn pr t drejtat e fmiut, rekomandojm q t mbahen m tepr or t dedikuara ksaj teme, m tej tribina, puntori, seminare si edhe hartimi i materialit edukativ (postere, fletushka) q do t ndahen kryesisht npr shkolla. Edhepse 68.9 % nga fmijt pr t drejtat e tyre kan qen t informuara nga shkollat, ata pr cenimin e ktyre t drejtave nuk jan drejtuar n shkoll por tek prindrit e tyre 49,7%, n polici 13,5, ndrsa n shkoll jan drejtuar vetm 9,1 %. Si duket si shkak pr kt jan vet profesort t cilt fmijt i prmendur n vendin e par n lidhje me mosrrespektimin e t drejtave t fmijve (29,7%) jashta familjes e m pas edhe shokt 27,8% ndrsa fqinjt me 22,8%. Hulumtimi tregoi se 60% e t anketuarve nuk jan t njoftuar me SOS linjat telefonike ku munden t drejtohen pr ndihm. Nga numrat e njohur t prmendur, n 83% e t anketuarve e njohin numrin e policis. 30% e fmijve jan paraqitur n ndonjrin prej numrave pr ndihm, nga t cilat 76% i prket numrit t policis. Nga kjo mund q t vrehet se fmijt nuk jan t njoftuar mjaftueshm me numrat e telefonave pr ndihm, si prjashtim nga kjo sht numri i policis. Hulumtimi tregon se 55-77% e fmijve jan mjaft t informuara pr shtjet nga lmia e arsimimit, smundjeve varse, mbrojtja nga HIV?SIDA dhe smundjeve bartse, kultura dhe shndetsia. Kjo statistik, kryesisht ka t bje me fmijt t cilt shkojn npr shkolla dhe t cilt jan pjes e familjeve qytetare. Prfitim t informimit nuk kan fmijt e rrugve, nga grupet vulnerabile, dhe fmijt e viseve rurale. N familje, t drejtat e fmijve m s teprmi rrespektohen nga gjyshet dhe gjyshit, ndrsa m pak nga prindrit e tyre. Sipas t dhnave t fituara n suza t familjes m s shpeshti thyerja e t drejtave t fmiut bhet nga ana e vllaut/motrs. Gjat thyerjes s ndonj t drejte, fmijt m s shpeshti u drejtohen familjeve, ndrsa m pak se 25% drejtohen n SOS telefonat ose n institucione tjera. N pyetjen Cilat t drejta nuk rrespektohen n familjen tnde 60% nga t anketuarit jan prgjigjur se ajo sht e drejta e privatsis, 32% e drejta e mendimit personal, ndrsa 7% jan prgjigjur se ajo sht e drejta n arsimim. Mosnjohja e t drejtave t identitetit, barazis, liris s zgjedhjes dhe shoqrimit, t drejts n informim, paraqet nj problem serioz pasiq bhet fjal pr t drejta me domethnie esenciale dhe t drejta q paraqesin pasqyrn kryesore pr secilin shtet demokratik. N pyetjen se kush sht i detyruar q ti garantoj/siguroj t drejtat e fmiut ata jan prgjigjur n vend t par Shteti me 71,2%, familja 68,3%, shkolla 46,8% ndrsa organizatat qytetare jan n vendin e katrt me 19,6%. sht interesante t prmendet se fmijt pr t drejtat e fmiut m s teprmi informohen prve shkollave edhe nga televizioni 46,5%, n shtpi 39,1%, nprmjet t internetit 28,9%, nga gazetat 25,6%, Organizatat qytetare 10,2%. Por, kur i pyetm se ku kan ndgjuar pr Konventn mbi t drejtat e fmiut, 21,3% jan prgjigjur nga web-faqja e Ambasads s par n bot Megjashi dhe 21,1% nga organizatat qytetare. Sipas ksaj pyetje (Ku ke ndgjuar pr Konventn mbi t drejtat e fmiut) n vend t par prsri sht shkolla me 61,2%, mediumet me 60,7%, nprmjet t internetit 42,6% dhe n shtpi me 33,3 %. Hulumtimi tregoi se e drejta e fmiut q t jet i ndgjuar shum rrall praktikohet npr shkolla dhe m gjer.18 16. N pyetjen se a thua sipas jush t drejtat e fmiut i inkuadrojn edhe prgjegjsit, me PO jan prgjigjur pothuajse 82,5%. N pyetjen ka sipas teje paraqet prgjegjsia e fmiut t anketuarit jan prgjigjur se prgjegjsi sht q ti kryejn obligimet e tyre dhe t sillen me rrespekt ndaj tjerve (deri 64%), ndrsa nj prqindje shum e vogl (deri 1%) jan prgjigjur se prgjegjsi sht q ti rrespektojn t rriturit (prindrit), t msojn dhe ti kryejn obligimet n shkoll. Pr kt t dhn, vt fmijt t cilt e realizuan kt hulumtim n teren konsiderojn se bhet fjal pr at se rrespektimi ndaj m t rriturve dhe prindrve sht i rndsis m t vogl pr fmijt. Sipas tyre pr tu ndryshuar situata e ktill sht e nevojshme q familja t funksionoj n mnyr m demokratike, prkatsisht m tepr t rrespektohet dhe t merret parasysh mendimi i fmiut gjat sjelljes s vendimeve pr familjen, me ka mes tjerash do t vendoset edhe raporti miqsor ndrmjet prindrve dhe fmijve e me at edhe m tepr do ti rrespektoj. Nevoiten prpjekje plotsuese pr tu siguruar trajnime kuadrove arsimuese, shndetsore, sociale etj, nga kjo lmi n kontekstin q t bhet njoftimi i trsishm me rregullat e Konvents pr t drejtat e fmiut. Edhe pse t drejtat e fmijve u bn pjes e programit msimor t obliguar n shkollat fillore nprmjet t lndve Njohje me mjedisin jetsor dhe Shoqri civile, prap duket se ajo ende nuk sht e mjaftueshme, nevoiten hapa plotsuese pr fmijt q t njihen me t drejtat e tyre, e edhe m tepr q t rrespektohen.19 17. DHUNA (SHKOLLA, FAMILJA) Konkluzion gjeneral sht se dhuna sht gjithkund prezente n nj prqindje tepr t lart (n familje, n shkoll, n rrug, ndrmjet bashkmoshatarve). Sipas fmijve t cilt e bn hulumtimin n teren, shumica e rasteve t dhuns mbeten t padukshm pasiq fmijt frigohen q t flasin pr at. Rekomandimi i tyre sht q fmijt duhet q t inkurajohen q t flasin pr kto probleme pasiq heshtja e vshtirson zgjidhjen e problemeve. DHUN N SHKOLL Nuk na befason aq fakti q 57% e fmijve njohin fmij tjer t cilt jan rrahur nga ana e msuesit/profesorit, sesa fakti q 35% nga fmijt jan t informuar pr egzistimin e dhuns nga ana e fmijve ndaj profesorve/arsimtarve. N pyetjen A ka dhun n shkolln e juaj? - gati 56% e nxnsve jan prgjigjur duke pohuar, ndrsa 14% e tyre jan prgjigjur se dhuna ndodh do dit. N shkollat e mesme dhuna sht m e pranishme pr 6% m tepr sesa n shkollat fillore.Fmijt i kan definuar kta forma t dhuns n shkoll: 7. Emra fyes dhe nofka 65,7% 8. Fyerje 58,6% 9. Shprndarjen e t pavrtetave - thashethemeve 56,1% 10. Rrahje, sulm fizik 55,6% 11. Kanosje me dhun fizike 48,1% 12. Ndrmjet formave t dhuns t cilat egzistojn n mjediset shkollore numrohet edhe shqetsimi seksual pr t cilin 9% e t anketuarve jan prgjigjur pozitivisht. Konsiderojm se ky numr sht m i madh pasiq nj pjes m e madhe e fmijve nuk e dijn se ka nnkuptohet me termin shqetsim seksual (si duket kjo sht ashtu pasiq npr shkolla ende nuk egziston edukimi seksual), ndrsa nj pjes e tyre turprohen q ta pranojn at. N pyetjen A njeh fmij t cilin profesori/profesoresha e ka rrahur? - 57,4% jan prgjigjur pozitivisht. N pyetjen A je i/e informuar pr raste t dhuns s nxnsit ndaj profesorit/profesoreshs? - pozitivisht jan prgjigjur 35% Por kur i pyetm se n ciln mnyr profesori ka rrahur fmiun: Mnyra e dhuns Prqindja Shuplak 63% Shkop 34% Shkums 24% Shkelm 15%20 18. Si forma m t pranishme t dhuns psiqike ndrmjet profesorit - fmiut vrehen kta kategori vijuese: Mnyra e dhuns Prqindja Fyerje 23,5% Emra dhe nofka nnmuese 20,8% Nga kto tabela, parashtrohet pyetja se a thua vall profesort rrahjen e konsiderojn si mas m efikase pedagogjike, e mu pr at edhe e praktikojn dhe konsiderojn se do t mund q t tolerohet e njejta? Rastet e shumta t dhuns n shkolla ngelen t padukshme pasiq fmijt frigohen q t tregojn. Fmijt duhet q t inkurajohen q t flasin pr dhunn pasiq heshtja e tyre e rndson zgjidhjen e problemeve. Fjalt vullgare jan forma e par e dhuns nga ana e fmijve ndaj profesorve pr dallim nga profesort ndaj fmijve kur shuplakat jan n vend t par. N pyetjen se a je i/e informuar pr rastet e dhuns s nxnsit ndaj profesorit/profesoreshs pozitivisht jan prgjigjur 35%! N ciln mnyr nxnsi ka sulmuar profesorin? Me fjal vullgare 51.7% Me shuplak 29.3% Me shkums 18.1% Me shkelm 17.1% Me shkop 16.9% DHUNA N FAMILJE, NDRMJET BASHKMOSHATRVE, N RRUG 64% e fmijve jan prgjigjur me at se n familjet e tyre nuk ka dhun familjare, ndrsa 21% e fmijve kan deklaruar se ka dhun, nga t cilat 2.3% jan prgjigjur se ajo ndodh pr do dit. Por, edhepse 64% nga fmijt jan prgjigjur se nuk ka dhun n familjet e tyre, n pyetjen se a sht ushtruar ndaj tyre dhun n familje, 41,6% e fmijve kan pohuar se ato i ka mshuar dikush me shuplak n familje, q sht pr 15,8% m pak sesa prqindja e fmijve q kan qen t rrahura n shkoll, si edhe vrtetimi se 35,9% kan qen t rrahur n rrug. N pyetjen A t ka ndodhur q ti personalisht t rrahish ndonj antar n familjen tnde? me PO jan prgjigjut 15.5% nga t cilt meshkuj jan 14% ndrsa femra 18%. N lidhje me dhunn psiqike kategori m t shprehura jan fyerje (30%) dhe prqeshje (18%). Kjo m s teprmi sht e shprehur tek nxnsit e vitit t tret (45% fyerje; 24%-prqeshje). Sipas fmijve q e kan brew hulumtimin, si duket kjo sht ashtu pasiq bhet fjal pr fmij m t rritur t cilt fizikisht dhe mentalisht jan m t zhvilluar dhe ndaj t cilve prindrit nuk munden q t ushtrojn dhun fizike. Prfaqsim procentual t ngjajshm ka edhe n sitautn e kundrt kur fmijt personalisht fyejn ose prqeshin ndonj antar t familjes.21 19. Dhuna ndrmjet bashkmoshatarve M tepr se gjysma (64,2%) e fmijve jan prgjigjur se sht e pranishme dhuna ndrmjet tyre. Ata jan prgjigjur se m s shpeshti si form e dhuns sht prdorimi i shuplakave, por menjher pas saj vjen dhuna me fjai vullgare ose kanosje. M e lart sht prqindja e fmijve t cilt jan prgjigjur se kan qen t fyer nga bashknxns. Nuk sht i vogl edhe numri i fmijve t cilt jan prgjigjur se personalisht kan rrahur ndonj bashkmoshatar (21,8%) me prqindje prej 8% m e lart e personave t tilla npr shkollat e mesme sesa n ato fillore. Sipas rezultateve nga anketa pothuajse 65% e fmijve jan prgjigjur se egziston dhuna n rrug nga t cilat 22% kan deklaruar se ajo ndodh pr do dit. N pyetjen se ku mund t drejtohesh pr ndihm, fmijt i kan numruar shrbimet urgjente dhe numrin e informatave (192,193,194 dhe 188) e m pas edhe SOS linjat, nga t cilat SOS telefonin pr fmij dhe t rinj e njohin vetm 25% nga fmijt. N cilat nga kato numra ndonjher je paraqitur? Policia 192 SOS telefoni pr fmij dhe t rinj - Megjashi76.3% 20.1%Doverba kshillimore pr droga13.0%SOS linja pr ndihm nga tregtia me njerz12.6%SOS telefoni pr ndihm nga droga SOS telefoni pr informim dhe parandalim t HIVSIDA12.3% 12.0%Mund q t vrehet se numri i telefonit 192 i policis sht m frekuent ku fmijt lajmrohen dhe krkojn ndihm 76,2%, m tej vijon SOS telefoni pr fmij dhe t rinj 0800 12222 me 20,1%, SOS telefoni pr ndihm nga droga 13.0% dhe SOS telefoni pr ndihm nga tregtia me njerz 12.6%.22 20. DISKRIMINIMI Konkluzion gjeneral sht se parimi dhe e drejta themelore q t mos jet i/e diskriminuar sht m s paku i njohur tek fmijt, q njherit tregon edhe n rrezikun se ata edhe n situata kur diskriminohen nuk e vrejn at si diskriminim, pasiq edhe nuk kan njohuri t mjaftueshme pr t njejtn. sht e nevojshme q n procesin e edukimit ti prkushtohet rndsi m e madhe ngritjes s vetdijes s kuadrit pedagogjik dhe nxnsve pr shtje nga lmia e (mos)diskriminimt. Vetm 1,3% e fmijve e njohin t drejtn e barazis (pa diskriminim)! 39% nga fmijt e anketuar n kt hulumtim konsiderojn se ndonjher n ndonj situat kan qen t diskriminuara ndrsa 40% pohojn se n ndonj situat kan qen t diskriminuar edhe at prshkak t: moshs (44%), gjendjes sociale 23%, grupit etnik t cilit i prkasin (17%), gjinis (16%), konfesionit (15%). Diskriminimin sipas gjinis m s teprmi e ndjejn femrat (19,1%) sesa meshkujt (12,2%). Si baz m e shpesht pr diskriminim fmijt e kan prmendur moshn q sipas nesh tregon n faktin se fmijt nuk trajtohen mjaftueshm n mnyr t barabart me t rriturit dhe nuk veprohet ndaj tyre sikur ndaj subjekteve. Vijon diskriminimi n baz t statusit social, gjuhs, pastaj prkatsis etnike, gjinis dhe konfesionit. Diskriminimi n baz t moshs sht m e pranishme n qytetet e Kavadarit dhe Krovs (me 60%), ndrsa m pak n Tetov dhe Kumanov (40%). Mosha si shkak pr diskriminim m s teprmi e ndiejn nxnsit/nxnset nga klasa e 7-t, (secili/a i/e dyt ndjehet i/e diskriminuar) ndrsa m pak nxnsit/nxnset e klass s 8-t (sesili/a i/e tret ndjehet i/e diskriminuar). 23% e fmijve jan prgjigjur se prejardhja e tyre sociale sht baz pr diskriminim prkatsisht se ajo krijon nj trajtim m t ndryshm ndaj tyre nga ana e t tjerve. Gjysma e tyre kan deklaruar se ndjehen t diskriminuar n baz t prejardhjes sociale nga ana e shokve/qeve, ndrsa 44 % nga ana e profesorve. Nj e katrta (23%) e fmijve jan prgjigjur se prejardhja e tyre sociale sht baz pr diskriminim prkatsisht ajo krijon nj raport m t ndryshm ndaj tyre nga ana e t tjerve edhe at, gjysma e tyre kan thn se ndjehen t diskriminuar n baz t prejardhjes sociale nga ana e shokve, ndrsa 44 % nga ana e profesorve. Dallimet sociale dhe urat q egzistojn n shoqri reflektohen n raportin e profesorve ndaj fmijve dhe reflektohen edhe ndrmjet vet fmijve. P.44. Tek cili/a keni vrejtur se ka ndikim ndaj raportit mbi ju prshkak t prejardhjes tnde sociale?Shok/qe49.4%Profesor/esh Bashknxn s Mjek/e44.1% 33.6% 20.0%Rreth 20% e fmijve jan prgjigjur se ndjehen t diskriminuar prshkak t prejardhjes s tyre etnike. Nga kto meshkujt me (27%) ndjehen m t diskriminuar sesa femrat (16%). Hulumtimi tregon se ky lloj i diskriminimit sht m i prfaqsuar ndrmjet vet fmijve. Raportin jo t barabart sipas ksaj baze, fmijt e ndjejn nga ana e shokve/qeve t tyre (46%), bashknxnsve (30,8%).23 21. Diskriminimi n baz t prejardhjes etnike sht m i pranishm n qytetet e Tetovs (31%) dhe Krovs (32%), n pajtim me diskriminimin sipas gjuhs, q tregon n nevojn nga marrja e masave me t cilat do t mund t veprohet n drejtim t zvoglimit t ksaj dukurie, veanrisht nprmjet t programeve adekuate shkollore. Meshkujt ndjehen m t diskriminuar (22%) sipas ksaj baze nga femrat (12%). Ky lloj i diskriminimt dominon n vitin e par n shkollat e mesme (23%), ndrsa m s paku sht e pranishme n vitin e tret n shkollat e mesme (10%). Diskriminimin n baz t gjinis m s teprmi e ndjejn femrat sesa meshkujt (dallim prej 8%). Ashtu sikurse edhe dy bazat e mparshme t diskriminimit edhe kjo baz m e pranishme sht n Tetov (20%) dhe Krov (21%). Diskriminimin n baz t gjinis m s teprmi e ndjejn femrat sesa meshkujt (dallim prej 8%). Ashtu sikurse edhe dy bazat paraprake t diskriminimit edhe kjo sht m e pranishme n Tetov (20%) dhe n Krov (21%). M s teprmi ndjehet tek nxnsit e vitit t par n shkollat e mesme (23%), ndrsa m pak n vitin e tret n shkollat e mesme (11%). Gjuha si baz pr diskriminim sht m e theksuar n Tetov me (29%), ndrsa m e vogl n Kavadar (6%). M s shpeshti paraqitet n klasn e 6-t, ndrsa m pak n vitin e tret n shkolln e mesme. Konfesioni si baz pr diskriminim sht m e pranishme tek fmijt e klass s 5-t (31%), ndrsa m pak n vitin e tret n shkollat e mesme (5,7%) dhe m s shpeshti ndodh n Tetov (25%) dhe Krov me (32%). M tepr informata pr hulumtimin shikoni n veb faqen: www.childrensembassy.org.mk Faleminderim deri te: -24t gjith fmijt (70) t cilt e realizuan hulumtimin n teren dhe koordinatort T gjith 65 shkollat fillore dhe t mesme t cilt lejuan q ky hulumtim t realizohet vetqeverisja lokale (16 komuna): Strumic, Kavadar, Tetov, Kumanov, Prilep, Shkup dhe Krov. financuesit e hulumtimit si nj nga aktivitetet e parapara me projektin Krijimi i kulturs t participimit fmijror, i finansuar nga Komisioni Evropian si pjes e programit pr instrumentet evropiane pr demokraci dhe t drejtat e njeriut - (IDHR) dhe i kofinansuar naga UNICEF-i. 22. The field research report on perception of childrens rights, discrimination and childrens exposure to violence The field research was conducted by the First Childrens Embassy in the world-Megjashi, among students from 5th to 8th grade in 41 primary schools in 7 towns in Macedonia and among high school students from 1st to 3rd year in 24 high schools in 6 towns in Macedonia. The research was conducted among 2.234 students and data was processed by Brima Galup Skopje, which used specific methodology for processing and analyzing the data. he report contains a description of the methodology and the procedures used in conducting the field research on the perception of rights and violence against children. From 1st to 8th of June 2009, the First Childrens Embassy in the World - Megjashi, Skopje, conducted field research among students from fifth to eighth grade in 41 elementary schools in 7 cities in Macedonia (Kumanovo, Skopje, Tetovo, Kicevo, Kavadarci, Prilep and Strumica) and students from first to third year in 24 high schools in 6 cities in Macedonia (Kumanovo, Skopje, Tetovo, Kavadarci, Prilep and Strumica). The survey was conducted with 2234 students. The division according to their level of education is: According to the ethnicity of the participants-students, 1282 or 57.4% are ethnic Macedonians, 29.5% or 659 respondents, members of Albanian nationality, 205 or 9.3% members of other nationalities, all between 10 and 18 years of age. About 88 or 3.9% of the respondents refused to answer the question. According to the gender distribution of respondents, male respondents were in 1034 or 1078 and 46.3% or 48.3% are female respondents. About 122 or 5.5% of respondents refused to answer the question. For the needs of the research, a random sample of schools was used drawn from the base of secondary and primary schools in the specific 7 municipalities where the survey took place (delivered by Megjashi in cooperation with the local government). From the available relevant data on students from those schools BRIMA Skopje, an associate member of GALLUP International, designed the sample which represented the students according to its location (urban-rural), according to the division of the classes and the nationality as a demographic characteristic. For the data processing Brima used specific methods from SPSS - a software program for statistical data processing, which allowed quality summarizing of the results using statistical methods. The survey shows that the range of the children that are familiar with the rights of the child is still not high. Namely, although Macedonia has ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1993 and assumed responsibility for its wide dissemination (distribution), although in the 3rd grade curriculum a learning unit is taught on the Rights of the Child, the object Introducing the environment and children's rights, became a part of the compulsory curriculum in the primary schools and in the seventh grade through the subject Civil Society, the percentage of students who are not familiar with the rights of the child is high (31.21%), this is confirmed with the question of whether you heard about the Convention on the Rights of the Child, when 53% said yes, and 38.5% said no. It is important to emphasize that only 68.0% of the respondents first got their information about the rights of the child in schools. But when we asked them when one of their rights was violated / broken did they turn to their school for help, even 65% of students responded negatively. When some of their rights had been broken, the students believed and turned to their parents 49.7%, 13.5% to the police and the ones that told the schools were only 9.1%.25 23. On the question who is obliged to guarantee / ensure the rights of the child, their first answer was the state with 71.2%, family 68.3%, school 46.8%, and civil organizations are at the fourth place with 19.6%. It is interesting to note that the children are mostly informed about the children's rights besides the school, 46.5% from television, home 39.1%, 28.9% via the Internet, magazine 25.6%, 10.2% Civil organizations. But when we asked them where did you hear about the Convention on the Rights of the Child, 21.3% said the webpage of the First Children's Embassy in the world and 21.1% of CSOs. In relation to this (where did you hear about the Convention on the Rights of the Child) the first place is again the school with 61.2%, 60.7% the media, via the Internet 42.6%, and at home 33.3%. When asked whether they think that the rights of the child includes the responsibilities too, even 82.5% answered with the interpretation that the responsibility for a child is to carry out its own duties 63.9%, to behave with respect towards the others 61.8%, to respect the rights of the others 46.8%, and to support respect for the rights of the others 20.2%.26 24. Childrens information about their rights and how much they are respected General conclusion is that over 70 % of the children at school age are not familiar with their rights, and the rest of them are familiar but they dont have detailed information about them. Even when they know that some of their rights are violated they dont know where to turn to in order to protect them. An interesting fact is that most of the children heard about children's rights in school, and only 65% of them, would not ask protection in school if their rights are violated. This conclusion is a serious problem because the question is: how children will fight for their rights if they do not know them and if they can not protect them in the institution where they spent most of the day? Cases Q.2. Which rights of the child do you know?1058No answer The right for upbringing and education on mother tongue The right to free opinion, freedom of speech and religion The right to survival and development in freedom and peace The right to love, protection from maltreatment and abuse Inappropriate answers The right to be respected and to respect the others The right to play, free time and recreation The right to home, parents/family The right to health insurance Other Privacy The right to identity The right to free socialization The right to equality (no discrimination) Freedom of choice The right to access appropriate informationTotalAnswers % 72.6%62743.0%31121.3%28719.7%1339.1%88 71 60 60 42 38 38 31 28 19 18 5 14576.0% 4.9% 4.1% 4.1% 2.9% 2.6% 2.6% 2.1% 1.9% 1.3% 1.2% .3% 200.0%Most children were informed about the childrens rights through school 1.School 2. TV 3. Home 4. Internet 5. Newspaper/magazine1540 1039 873 646 57168.9% 46.5% 39.1% 28.9% 25.6%On the question Have you ever heard about the Convention on the Rights of the Child? (CRC) 53% of children answered positive, while 38.5% negative. Information of the children for the CRC is still not satisfactory. It is significant that the children are informed for the CRC at most from the schools and the media (69%) and less from the families (33%).27 25. In order to familiarize the children with their rights and the Convention on the Rights of the child, we recommend holding more hours devoted to this subject, also debates, workshops, seminars and preparation of educational material (posters, flyers) distributed mainly through schools. Although 68.9% of the children have been informed for their rights by the school, they didnt turn to the schools for the violations of these rights, but to the parents 49.7%, police 13.5 and school are addressed only 9.1%. Perhaps the reason for that are the teachers / professors, who are put on first place by the children for the violation of the childrens rights (29.7%) out of the family, then friends 27.8 % and neighbors 22.8% The survey showed that 60% of respondents are not familiar with the SOS telephone numbers where they can call for help. From the above mention known numbers, the 83% of the respondents are familiar with the police number. 30% of children called on the phone numbers for help, from which 76% to the police. From this it is evident that children are not sufficiently familiar with the phone numbers for help, exclusion from that is the telephone number of the police. The survey shows that 55-77% of children are sufficiently informed about the issues of education, addiction, prevention of HIV / AIDS and transmitted diseases, culture and health. This statistic, however, refers to children who attend school and are part of urban families. Benefits of information do not have children who are on the street, who are coming from vulnerable groups and children from rural areas. In the family, children's rights are most respected by grandparents and less than their parents. According to data obtained within the family often violations of children's rights are made by the brother / sister. In case of violation of same right, children often refer to the family, and less than 25% reefer to the SOS phones and other institutions. On the question "Which rights are not respected in your family" 60% of respondents answered that it is the right of privacy, 32% right of own opinion, while 7% said it was right to education. Not knowing the rights of identity, equality, freedom of choice and friendship, the right to be informed, is serious problem because it is right with an essential meaning and rights which are an important feature of any democratic state. On the question of who is obliged to protect/ ensure their rights, at first place they put the state with 71.2%, than the family 68.3%, the school 46.8% and NGOs are on fourth place with 19.6%. It is interesting to note that the children for the children 's rights at most are informed besides the school, 46.5% from television, home 39.1%, 28.9% via the Internet, magazine, 25.6%, 10.2% NGOs. But when we asked them where have you heard about the Convention on the Childrens Rights, 21.3% of respondents answered from the website of the First Children's Embassy in the world and 21.1% of NGOs. Regarding the question (where have you heard about the Convention on the Rights of the Child) in the first place is again the school with 61.2%, 60.7% the media, via the Internet 42.6% and home 33.3%. Investigation showed that the right of the child to be heard is very rarely practiced in schools and other places.28 26. Asked whether the rights of the child include also the responsibilities with YES answers 82.5%. On the question "What according to you is the responsibility of the child respondents said that responsibility is to carry out their duties and to behave with respect towards others (up to 64%), while very small percentage (1%) responded that the responsibility is to respect adults (parents) to learn and perform duties in school. For this information, the children themselves who conducted field research believe that talking about respect for adults and parents is of least importance to children. According to them, to change this situation it is necessary the family to function on more democratic way, or more to be respected and taken into consideration the opinion of the child when making decisions in the family, with which among other thinks friendly relations will be established between the parents and children and with that will be more respected. Additional efforts are needed to provide training in teaching, health, social and other personnel from this area in the context to make a full introduction to the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Although the children's rights became part of the compulsory curriculum in elementary schools through the subjects Introduction of environment and civil society, it seems that it is still not enough, additional steps are needed for children to be introduced with their rights, and even more to be respected.29 27. VIOLENCE (SCHOOL, FAMILLY) General conclusion is that violence is everywhere present in extremely high percentage (family, school, street, among peers). According to children who have conducted field research, most cases of violence remain invisible because children are afraid to talk about it. Their recommendation is to encourage children to talk about these problems because silence complicates the solution of problems. VIOLENCE IN THE SCHOOL We are not surprised by the fact that 57% of children know children who have been hit by the teacher / professor, as the fact that 35% of children are informed of the existence of violence by children against professors / teachers. On the question whether in your school violence happens? - 56% of students answered affirmative, while 14% of them said that violence happens every day.In high school violence is 6% more present than in the primary.The children defined the following forms of violence in school: 1. Abusive names and nicknames 65.7% 2. Assaults 58.6% 3. Spreading lies - gossip 56.1% 4. Hitting - beatings, 55.6% 5. Threatening with physical violence, 48.1% 6. Among the forms of violence that exist in school environments sexual harassment is calculated for which 9% answered affirmative. We believe that this figure is higher because many children do not know what is meaning of the sexual harassment (probably because in the school there is not sexual education), and one part of them are ashamed to admit. Asked Do they know child who have been hit by the teacher/professor? - 57.4% answered positively. Asked Are you informed about cases of violence conducted by the student upon teacher / professor? 35% affirmative answers But when we asked them how teacher hit a child: Type of violence A slap on the face Stick Chalk Kick30Percentage 63% 34% 24% 15% 28. Like most frequent forms of psychological violence among teacher - child are the following categories: Type of violence Insult Bad names and nicknamesPercentage 23,5% 20,8%From these tables, the question arise whether teachers considered physical abuse as more effective pedagogical measure, so they applied and think it could be tolerated? Most cases of school violence remain invisible because children are afraid to speak. Children should be encouraged to speak about violence because silence complicates the solution of problems. Vulgar words are the first form of violence by children to teachers, unlike teachers to children when the slap the first place. On the question are you informed about cases of violence of student upon teacher / professor, affirmative answers 35%! In which way did a student attack a teacher? With vulgar words 51.7% With a slap 29.3% With chalk 18.1% With a kick 17.1% With a stick 16.9%VIOLENCE IN THE FAMILY, BETWEEN CHILDREN ON SAME AGE ON STREET 64% of the children answered that in their families there is no violence, while 21% of the children reported that there is violence, of which 2.3% responded that it happens every day. But although 64% of children said that there is no violence in their families, on the question whether they have been hit, 41.6% of them confirmed that have been hit in the family, which is only 15.8% less than the percentage of children who were hit in school, as well as confirmation that 35.9% were hit in the street. On the question "Whether happen to you to strike a member of your family?" With YES answer 15.5% of respondents, form which 14% are male and 18% female. Regarding the physical assault most expressed categories are assaulting (30%) and mockery (18%). This is very expressed at students of third year (45% assaulting; 24 % despise). According to the children researchers, probably that is due to the fact that it comes to older children who are physically and mentally developed and on which parents can not apply physical force. A similar percentage representation there is in the opposite situation, when children personally insult or despise any family member. Violence between peers More than half (64.2%) of children answered that the violence is present between them. They said that slap is usually use as a form of violence, then the violence with vulgar words or threats. The highest is the percentage of children who answered that were offended by classmate. The number of children who said that they personally hit classmate (21.8%) is not to neglect, is more present among males and also more present among high schools than pupils from basic school.31 29. According to the results of survey even 65% of children answered that there is violence on the streets of which 22% reported that it happens every day. On the question where can I go for help, the children cited emergency services and information (192,193,194 and 188) and then SOS lines, of which only 25% of the children know the SOS telephone. Which of these numbers have you ever called? Police 19276.3%SOS phone for children and youth - Megjashi20.1%Confidence drug counseling13.0%SOS phone line for human trafficking assistance12.6%SOS phone line for help from drugs12.3%SOS phone line for information and prevention from HIV - AIDS12.0%It may be noted that the telephone number 192 of The Police is the most frequent where children call and request assistance with 76.2, than is SOS telephone for children and youth 0800 12222 with 20.1 SOS for help with drug and 13.0% SOS for help with human trafficking 12.6%32 30. DISCRIMINATION General conclusion is that the basic principle and the right not to be discriminated is at least known among children, which also indicates the danger that they in situations when are discriminated not notice this as discrimination, because they dont have enough knowledge about it. It is necessarily in the process of education to pay more attention to raising awareness of the pedagogical staff and students on issues of (non) discrimination. Only 1.3% of children are familiar with the right of equality (no discrimination)? 39% of children surveyed in this research believe that once in a situation were discriminated, while 40% feel that in some situations have been oppressed and that due to age (44%), 23% social origin, ethnic group to which they belong (17% ), gender (16%), religion (15%). Girls feel more discrimination by sex (19.1%) than boys (12.2%). As the most common grounds for discrimination, the children named age which according to us indicates that children are not sufficiently treated equally with adults and not act on them as the subjects. Follows discrimination on grounds of social origin, language, ethnicity, gender and religion. The discrimination based on age is very present in cities and Kavadarci and Kicevo (60%) and least in Tetovo and Kumanovo. (40%). Age as a reason for discrimination is more present between students from grade 7 (every second feels discriminating) and less between students from grade 8. (each third feels of discriminating) 23% of children answered that their social background is the basis for discrimination, that it creates a different relationship to them by others. Half of them answered that they felt discriminated on the basis of social background by friends and 44% by teachers. One quarter (23%) of the children answered that their social background is the basis for discrimination, that it creates a different relationship to them by others and that half of them said they feel discriminated on the basis of social background by friends and 44% by teachers. Social differences and gaps that exist in the society are reflecting in the attitude of the teachers towards children and also reflected between children themselves. Q.44. Who have you noticed that may have treated you differently due to your family social status?Friend49.4%Professor Classmates Doctor44.1% 33.6% 20.0%Approximately 20% of the children answered that they feel discriminated because of their ethnic origin. From these, the boys (27%) feel more discriminated than the girls (16%). The research shows that this kind of discrimination is more present among children. Unequal relationship on this basis, the children perceive from their friends (46%), classmates (30.8%). The discrimination on ethnic origin is more present in the cities of Tetovo (31%) and Kicevo (32%) respectively on the discrimination based on the language, which indicates the necessity of taking measures that would have acted in the direction of reducing the occurrence, especially through appropriate training programs.33 31. Boys feel more discriminated (22%) on this basis than girls (12%). This kind of discrimination dominates in the first year of high school (23%), is less present in the third year of high school (10%). Discrimination based on gender is more felt by the girls than boys (a difference of 8%). Like the previous two grounds of discrimination, this ground for discrimination is more present in Tetovo (20%) and Kicevo (21%). Discrimination based on gender is more felt by girls than boys (a difference of 8%). Like the previous two grounds of discrimination, this ground for discrimination is more present in Tetovo (20%) and Kicevo (21%). It occurs most among students of first year high school (23%) and at least a third year high school (11%). The language as a basis for discrimination is more present in Tetovo (29%) and less in Kavadarci. (6%). Often occurs in 6 grades, and at least the 3rd year high school. The religion as a basis for discrimination is more present among children from 5th grade (31%), and at least in third year school high school (5.7%) and usually occurs in Tetovo (25%) and Kicevo (32%). More information about the survey see on www.childrensembassy.org.mk Thanks to: - All children (70) who conducted field research and coordinators - All 65 primary and secondary schools that allowed this research to be conducted - Local Self Government (16 municipalities): Strumica, Kavadarci, Tetovo, Kumanovo, Prilep, Skopje and Kicevo. - Financiers of the survey as one of the activities provided by the project "Building a Culture of Children's Participation", funded by the European Commission as part of the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights - (EIDHR) and co-financed by UNICEF.34 32. - - 2009 33. . 1 8 2009 , , , 41 7 (, , , , , ) 24 6 (, , , , ) . 2234 . : 270 284 556 266 330 218 310 2234 -, 1282 57.4% , 659 29.5% , , 205 9.3 % , 10 18 . 88 3.9% . , 1034 46.3% 1078 48.3% . 122 5.5% . 7 ( ). , , GALLUP International, (-), . , , . - . . . SPSS , . 66.36 34. , - - 2009 35. M2 Mesec na sproveduvawe na intervjutoFrekfencija Valid%Validen %Kumulati ven %2234100.0100.0100.0JuniM3 Datum na intervjuto Frekfenc ijaValid%Validen %Kumulati ven %108 737 743 517 14 105 10 22344.8 33.0 33.3 23.1 .6 4.7 .4 100.04.8 33.0 33.3 23.1 .6 4.7 .4 100.04.8 37.8 71.1 94.2 94.9 99.6 100.01 2 3 4 5 8 Bez odgovor VkupnoM4 Denot vo nedelata koga intervjuto e zavr{eno Frekfenc ijaValid%Validen %Kumulati ven %213 737 744 518 14 8 22349.5 33.0 33.3 23.2 .6 .4 100.09.5 33.0 33.3 23.2 .6 .4 100.09.5 42.5 75.8 99.0 99.6 100.0Ponedelnik Vtornik Sreda ^etvrtok Petok Bez odgovor VkupnoM5 [ifra na anketarot Frekfenc ijaValid381 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 99 110 Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %255 141 71 211 130 185 135 174 417 82 1 363 69 223411.4 6.3 3.2 9.4 5.8 8.3 6.0 7.8 18.7 3.7 .0 16.2 3.1 100.011.4 6.3 3.2 9.4 5.8 8.3 6.0 7.8 18.7 3.7 .0 16.2 3.1 100.011.4 17.7 20.9 30.3 36.2 44.4 50.5 58.3 76.9 80.6 80.7 96.9 100.0 36. M7 Oddelenie/klas Frekfenc ijaValidPetto oddelenie [esto oddelenie Sedmo oddelenie Osmo oddelenie Prva godina sredno Vtora godina sredno Treta godina sredno Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %270 284 556 266 330 218 310 223412.1 12.7 24.9 11.9 14.8 9.8 13.9 100.012.1 12.7 24.9 11.9 14.8 9.8 13.9 100.012.1 24.8 49.7 61.6 76.4 86.1 100.0M8 U~ili{te Frekfenc ijaValidOsnovno Sredno Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %1376 858 223461.6 38.4 100.061.6 38.4 100.061.6 100.0M9 Ime na u~ili{teto Frekfenc ijaValiden %Kumulati ven %25 Maj 26 Koriku 5 Privatna gimnazija 8 Septemvri Bajram [abani bez odgovor Bla`e Koneski Boro Petru{evski Bra}a Miladinovci Braka Ramiz Bratstvo-Migeni Cvetan Dimov Valid%30 31 11 49 56 2 23 49 89 30 27 681.3 1.4 .5 2.2 2.5 .1 1.0 2.2 4.0 1.3 1.2 3.01.3 1.4 .5 2.2 2.5 .1 1.0 2.2 4.0 1.3 1.2 3.01.3 2.7 3.2 5.4 7.9 8.0 9.0 11.2 15.2 16.6 17.8 20.8Dimkata A.Gaberot S.Vata{a241.11.121.9Dituria Dobri Daskalov Drita Georgi Dimitrov Goce Del~ev Goce Petrov or|ija Pulevski Istikbal Jane Sandanski Josip Broz Tito Kiril Pej~inovi} Ko~o Racin Krste Misirkov61 34 40 65 130 20 25 26 55 15 69 64 842.7 1.5 1.8 2.9 5.8 .9 1.1 1.2 2.5 .7 3.1 2.9 3.82.7 1.5 1.8 2.9 5.8 .9 1.1 1.2 2.5 .7 3.1 2.9 3.824.6 26.1 27.9 30.8 36.7 37.6 38.7 39.8 42.3 43.0 46.1 48.9 52.739 37. Kuzman Josifovski Pitu Lirija Quben Lape Mir~e Acev Mo{a Pijade Nace Bu|oni Naum Naumovski Bor~e Nikola Karev Nikola [tejn Nikolina Nikolovska Orce Nikolov Orde Copela OU Aco [opov45 37 22 64 30 79 24 48 32 1 28 28 242.0 1.7 1.0 2.9 1.3 3.5 1.1 2.1 1.4 .0 1.3 1.3 1.12.0 1.7 1.0 2.9 1.3 3.5 1.1 2.1 1.4 .0 1.3 1.3 1.154.7 56.4 57.3 60.2 61.5 65.1 66.2 68.3 69.7 69.8 71.0 72.3 73.4OU Dr.Vladimir Pole`inoski241.11.174.4OU Johan HajnrihPestaloci331.51.575.9OU Kire Gavriloski OU Mar{al Tito OU Nikola Vapcarov OU Partenija Zografski OU Sande Sterioski OU Vera Joci} OU Vidoe Podgorec P.P.Arsov25 18 23 40 19 24 25 291.1 .8 1.0 1.8 .9 1.1 1.1 1.31.1 .8 1.0 1.8 .9 1.1 1.1 1.377.0 77.8 78.9 80.7 81.5 82.6 83.7 85.0Petar Zdravkoski-Penko281.31.386.381 36 20 2 7 31 27 30 30 13 30 22343.6 1.6 .9 .1 .3 1.4 1.2 1.3 1.3 .6 1.3 100.03.6 1.6 .9 .1 .3 1.4 1.2 1.3 1.3 .6 1.3 100.089.9 91.5 92.4 92.5 92.8 94.2 95.4 96.7 98.1 98.7 100.0Rajko @inzifov Rampo Pevkata Sami Fla{eri [totori Stra{o Pinxur Sv.Kliment Ohridski V.C.Trena Vasil Antevski Dren Vlado Tasevski Zdravko Cvetkovski Zef Qu{ Marku VkupnoM10 Grad Frekfenc ijaValid40Kumanovo Skopje Tetovo Ki~evo Kavadarci Prilep Strumica Total%Validen %Kumulati ven %296 1171 316 69 71 174 137 223413.2 52.4 14.1 3.1 3.2 7.8 6.1 100.013.2 52.4 14.1 3.1 3.2 7.8 6.1 100.013.2 65.7 79.8 82.9 86.1 93.9 100.0 38. P.1 Dali si zapoznaen/a so pravata na deteto? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %1457 694 83 223465.2 31.1 3.7 100.065.2 31.1 3.7 100.065.2 96.3 100.0Slu~ai Bez odgovor72.6%62743.0%pravo na slobodno mislewe, sloboda na govor, veroispovest31121.3%pravo na opstanok i razvivawe vo mir i sloboda28719.7%pravo na qubov, za{tita od zloupotreba i maltretirawe1339.1%nesoodvetni odgovori886.0%pravo da bide po~tuvano i da gi po~ituva drugite714.9%pravo na igra, slobodno vreme i rekreacija604.1%pravo na dom, roditeli/semejstvo604.1%pravo na zdravstvena za{tita422.9%drugo privatnost pravo na identitet38 38 312.6% 2.6% 2.1%pravo na slobodno dru`ewe281.9%pravo na ednakvost (bez diskriminacija)191.3%sloboda na izbor181.2%pravo na pristap do soodvetni informacii Vkupno1058pravo na vospituvawe i obrazovanie na maj~in jazikP.2 Koi prava na deteto ti se poznati?Odgovori %5.3%1457200.0%41 39. P.3 Dali spored tebe, pravata na deteto gi vklu~uva i negovite odgovornosti? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %1843 192 199 223482.5 8.6 8.9 100.082.5 8.6 8.9 100.082.5 91.1 100.0Slu~ai Da gi izvr{uva sopstvenite obvrski142863.9%Da se odnesuva so po~it kon drugite138161.8%Da gi po~ituva pravata na drugite104646.8%Da se zalaga za po~ituvawe na pravata na drugite45120.2%drugo nesoodveten odgovor143 1436.4% 6.4%da u~i i da gi izvr{uva obvrskite vo u~ili{te231.0%da gi po~ituva vozrasnite (roditelite)P.4 [to spored tebe prestavuva odgovornost na deteto?Odgovori %13.6%2234207.2%VkupnoSlu~aiP.5 Od kade si dobil/a informacii za pravata na deteto?Odgovori %U~ili{te TV Doma Internet Vesnik/spisanie Rodnini/prijateli1540 1039 873 646 571 42168.9% 46.5% 39.1% 28.9% 25.6% 18.8%Nevladina organizacija22710.2%178 116 70 3 22348.0% 5.2% 3.1% .1% 254.4%Radio Drugo Bez odgovor Roditelite Vkupno42 40. Q.6 Kolku smeta{ deka se po~ituvaat detskite prava vo tvoeto mesto na `iveewe? Frekfenc ijaValiden %Kumulati ven %Celosno Delumno921 114041.2 51.041.2 51.041.2 92.3Voop{to ne se po~ituvaat1084.84.897.1Bez odgovor TotalValid%65 22342.9 100.02.9 100.0100.0P.7.1 Dali tebe li~no ti se slu~ilo tvojata majka da ne gi po~ituva tvoite prava? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %338 1267 629 223415.1 56.7 28.2 100.015.1 56.7 28.2 100.015.1 71.8 100.0P.7.2 Dali tebe li~no ti se slu~ilo tvojot tatko da ne gi po~ituva tvoite prava Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %350 1210 674 223415.7 54.2 30.2 100.015.7 54.2 30.2 100.015.7 69.8 100.0P.7.3 Dali tebe li~no ti se slu~ilo tvojot brat/sestra da ne gi po~ituva tvoite prava? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %451 1032 751 223420.2 46.2 33.6 100.020.2 46.2 33.6 100.020.2 66.4 100.0P.7.4 Dali tebe li~no ti se slu~ilo tvoite dedo/baba da ne gi po~ituvaat tvoite prava? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %234 1187 813 223410.5 53.1 36.4 100.010.5 53.1 36.4 100.010.5 63.6 100.043 41. P.7.5 Dali tebe li~no ti se slu~ilo tvojot staratel da ne gi po~ituva tvoite prava? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %165 925 1144 22347.4 41.4 51.2 100.07.4 41.4 51.2 100.07.4 48.8 100.0P.7.6 Dali tebe li~no ti se slu~ilo tvojot sosed da ne gi po~ituva tvoite prava? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Odgovor%Validen %Kumulati ven %509 905 820 223422.8 40.5 36.7 100.022.8 40.5 36.7 100.022.8 63.3 100.0P.7.7 Dali tebe li~no ti se slu~ilo tvoite drugari da ne gi po~ituvaat tvoite prava? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %622 891 721 223427.8 39.9 32.3 100.027.8 39.9 32.3 100.027.8 67.7 100.0P.7.8 Dali tebe li~no ti se slu~ilo tvojot profesor/ka da ne gi po~ituva tvoite prava? Frekfenc ijaValid44Da Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %663 843 728 223429.7 37.7 32.6 100.029.7 37.7 32.6 100.029.7 67.4 100.0 42. Slu~ai Ne130562.2%Detska ambasada Me|a{i32615.5%Unicef Da207 1209.9% 5.7%Drugi gra|anski organizacii391.9%Sos telefoni381.8%Detska ambasada Me|a{i, UNICEF311.5%Stranski organizacii Dr`avni institucii27 201.3% 1.0%Broevi na itni slu`bi (191, 192, 193, 194)P.8. Dali poznava{ institucii za za{tita na pravata na decataOdgovori %15.7%9 7 3 2098.4% .3% .1% 102.3%nesoodveten odgovor drugo ne znam VkupnoP.9 Dali si zapoznaen/a so nekoj SOS telefonski broj kade {to mo`e{ da se obrati{ za pomo{? Frekfenc ijaValiden %Kumulati ven %Da Ne Nesoodveten odgovor135 1341 456.0 60.0 2.06.4 64.0 2.16.4 70.4 72.6Itni slu`bi i informacii (192,193,194,188)38417.218.390.9Neznam Drugo11 26.5 1.2.5 1.291.4 92.7Trgovija so luge 0800111118.4.493.0Pomo{ od droga 08001144415.7.793.7Prvencija od HIV, sida i polovo prenoslivi infekcii 080334444.2.293.91215.45.899.76.3.3100.0VkupnoValiden%209693.8100.0Sistem1386.22234100.0SOS za deca i mladi 0800 12222 SOS semejno nasilstvo 3175516 Bez odgovor Vkupno45 43. Slu~ai Policija 192186383.4%SOS telefon za deca i mladi - Me|a{i55825.0%SOS linija za pomo{ od trgovija so lu|e33915.2%SOS telefon za informirawe i prevencija na HIVSIDA31214.0%SOS telefon za pomo{ od droga30713.7%Bez odgovor22810.2%Krizen centar Nade` za `rtvi od semejno nasilstvo2009.0%[elter centar1788.0%Doverba sovetuvali{te za drogi1667.4%2234P.10 Koi od navedenite telefonski broevi ti se poznati?Odgovori %185.8%VkupnoP.11 Dali nekoga{ si se javil/a na nekoj od gorenavedenite telefonski broevi? Frekfenc ijaValid%Validen %Kumulati ven %692 1478 64 223431.0 66.2 2.9 100.031.0 66.2 2.9 100.031.0 97.1 100.0Da Ne Bez odgovor VkupnoSlu~ai Policija 19252876.3%SOS telefon za deca i mladi - Me|a{i13920.1%Doverba sovetuvali{te za drogi9013.0%SOS linija za pomo{ od trgovija so lu|e8712.6%SOS telefon za pomo{ od droga8512.3%SOS telefon za informirawe i prevencija na HIVSIDA8312.0%[elter centar8312.0%Krizen centar Nade` za `rtvi od semejno nasilstvoP.12 Na koi od ovie broevi nekoga{ si se obratil/a?Odgovori %7611.0%39 6925.6% 174.9%Bez odgovor Vkupno46 44. P.13.1 Koga bi ti bilo povredeno/ prekr{eno nekoe pravo dali bi se obratil vo tvoeto u~ili{te? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %781 1453 223435.0 65.0 100.035.0 65.0 100.035.0 100.0P.13.2 Koga bi ti bilo povredeno/ prekr{eno nekoe pravo dali bi mu obratil na tvoeto semejstvo? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %1556 678 223469.7 30.3 100.069.7 30.3 100.069.7 100.0P.13.3 Koga bi ti bilo povredeno/ prekr{eno nekoe pravo dali bi se obratil na nekoja SOS linija? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %469 1765 223421.0 79.0 100.021.0 79.0 100.021.0 100.0P.13.4 Koga bi ti bilo povredeno/ prekr{eno nekoe pravo dali bi se obratil vo Centar za socijalni raboti? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %261 1973 223411.7 88.3 100.011.7 88.3 100.011.7 100.0P.13.5 Koga bi ti bilo povredeno/ prekr{eno nekoe pravo dali bi se obratil vo Policija? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %839 1395 223437.6 62.4 100.037.6 62.4 100.037.6 100.0P.13.6 Koga bi ti bilo povredeno/ prekr{eno nekoe pravo dali bi se obratil vo Nevladina organizacija? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %300 1934 223413.4 86.6 100.013.4 86.6 100.013.4 100.047 45. P.13.7 Koga bi ti bilo povredeno/ prekr{eno nekoe pravo dali bi se obratil vo Bolnica? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %508 1726 223422.7 77.3 100.022.7 77.3 100.022.7 100.0P.13.8 Koga bi ti bilo povredeno/ prekr{eno nekoe pravo dali bi se obratil vo nekoja druga institucija? Frekfenc ijaValiden Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %Da Ne Vkupno196 1055 12518.8 47.2 56.015.7 84.3 100.015.7 100.0Sistem98344.02234100.0P.14 Dali ti li~no si se obratil/a nekade, koga ti bilo povredeno nekoe pravo? Frekfenc ijaValiden %Kumulati ven %Da Ne481 96721.5 43.321.5 43.321.5 64.8Ne mi bilo povredeno dosega nitu edno pravo78635.235.2100.0VkupnoValid%2234100.0100.0P.15 Kade si se obratil/a, koga ti bilo povredeno nekoe pravo? Frekfenc ijaBez odgovor Vkupno48Validen %Kumulati ven %239 65 44 18 11 410.7 2.9 2.0 .8 .5 .249.7 13.5 9.1 3.7 2.3 .849.7 63.2 72.3 76.1 78.4 znam Bez odgovor VkupnoValiden%12 81 481.5 3.6 21.52.5 16.8 100.083.2 100.0Sistem175378.52234100.0Roditelite Policija U~ili{te Bolnica SOS Me|a{i Ovlasteno lice, centar za socijalni raboti 46. Q16 Kolku si bil zadovolen/a od poddr{kata na taa institucija na koja si se obratil/a? Frekfenc ijaKumulati ven %22810.247.447.4Do nekade sum zadovolen/a1135.123.570.9Ne sum mnogu zadovolen/a331.56.977.8Voop{to ne sum zadovolen/a14.62.980.7Ne znam Vkupno Bez odgovor VkupnoValiden %Mnogu sum zadovolen/aValiden%93 4814.2 21.519.3 100.0100.0Sistem175378.52234100.0Slu~aiP.17 Koj e dol`en da gi obezbedi pravata na decata?Odgovori %Dr`avata Semejstvo U~ili{te1591 1526 104571.2% 68.3% 46.8%Nevladinite organizacii43819.6%92 79 2 22344.1% 3.5% .1% 213.7%Drugo Bez odgovor PolicijaVkupnoSlu~ai Pravo na obrazovanie Pravo na izbor1910 186989.8% 87.9%Pravo na zdravstvena za{tita185087.0%Pravo na igra180985.0%Pravo na bezbednost i sigurnost179184.2%Pravo na sopstveno misleweP.18a. Koi prava se po~ituvaat vo tvoeto semejstvo?Odgovori %176382.9%1624 212776.4% 593.1%Pravo na privatnost Vkupno49 47. Slu~ai Pravo na privatnost37859.8%Pravo na sopstveno mislewe20332.1%Pravo na igra Pravo na izbor142 11322.5% 17.9%Pravo na bezbednost i sigurnost8213.0%Pravo na zdravstvena za{titaP.18b. Koi prava NE se po~ituvaat vo tvoeto semejstvo?Odgovori %629.8%45 6327.1% 162.2%Pravo na obrazovanie VkupnoSlu~ai Gi branam sopstvenite stavovi166874.7%Razgovaram so prijatel79635.6%Mol~am i se povlekuvam40418.1%Razgovaram so profesor33214.9%Drugo Bez odgovor Nesoodveten odgovor198 102 68.9% 4.6% .3%6.3%2234P.19 [to prevzema{ da gi za{titi{ pravata vo semejstvoto?Odgovori %157.2%Razgovaram (se doveruvam na semejstvoto/ roditelite) VkupnoSlu~ai Gi branam sopstvenite stavovi148066.2%Razgovaram so profesor79835.7%Razgovaram so prijatel P.20 [to prevzema{ da gi za{titi{ pravata vo {koloto?Odgovori %65429.3%Mol~am i se povlekuvam35716.0%drugo Bez odgovor Nesoodveten odgovor198 122 78.9% 5.5% .3%2.1%1 2234.0% 162.0%Razgovaram (se doveruvam na profesorite) so nasilstvo Vkupno50 48. Slu~ai Gi branam sopstvenite stavovi158871.1%Razgovaram so prijatel56525.3%Razgovaram so semejstvoto53523.9%Mol~am i se povlekuvam38417.2%Razgovaram so profesor2059.2%Bez odgovor drugo nesoodveten odgovor so nasilstvoP.21 [to prevzema{ da gi za{titi{ pravata na ulica?Odgovori %125 102 6 4 22345.6% 4.6% .3% .2% 157.3%VkupnoP.22 Dali vo tvoeto u~ili{te se slu~uva nasilstvo? Frekfenc ija%Validen %Kumulati ven %1251 93056.0 41.656.0 41.656.0 97.6Bez odgovor532.42.4100.0Vkupno2234100.0100.0Da Ne ValidP.23.1 Koi oblici na nasilstvo se zastapeni vo tvoeto u~ili{te: Navreduvawe? Frekfenc ijaValiden Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %Da Ne Vkupno733 518 125132.8 23.2 56.058.6 41.4 100.058.6 100.0Sistem98344.02234100.0P.23.2 Koi oblici na nasilstvo se zastapeni vo tvoeto u~ili{te: Pogrdni imiwa i prekari? Frekfenc ijaValiden Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %Da Ne Vkupno822 429 125136.8 19.2 56.065.7 34.3 100.065.7 100.0Sistem98344.02234100.051 49. P.23.3 Koi oblici na nasilstvo se zastapeni vo tvoeto u~ili{te: Ismejuvawe poradi etni~ko poteklo? Frekfenc ijaValiden Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %Da Ne Vkupno467 784 125120.9 35.1 56.037.3 62.7 100.037.3 100.0Sistem98344.02234100.0P.23.4 Koi oblici na nasilstvo se zastapeni vo tvoeto u~ili{te: Ismejuvawe poradi semejstvoto? Frekfenc ijaValiden Bez odgovor VkupnoSistemValiden %Kumulati ven %307 94413.7 42.324.5 75.524.5 100.0125156.0100.098344.02234Da Ne Bez odgovor%100.0P.23.5 Koi oblici na nasilstvo se zastapeni vo tvoeto u~ili{te: Zakanuvawe so fizi~ko nasilstvo? Frekfenc ijaValiden Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %Da Ne Vkupno602 649 125126.9 29.1 56.048.1 51.9 100.048.1 100.0Sistem98344.02234100.0P.23.6 Koi oblici na nasilstvo se zastapeni vo tvoeto u~ili{te: [irewe nevistini - ozboruvawe? Frekfenc ijaValiden Bez odgovor Vkupno52%Validen %Kumulati ven %Da Ne Vkupno702 549 125131.4 24.6 56.056.1 43.9 100.056.1 100.0Sistem98344.02234100.0 50. P.23.7 Koi oblici na nasilstvo se zastapeni vo tvoeto u~ili{te: Vle~ewe? Frekfenc ijaValiden Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %Da Ne Vkupno344 907 125115.4 40.6 56.027.5 72.5 100.027.5 100.0Sistem98344.02234100.0P.23.8 Koi oblici na nasilstvo se zastapeni vo tvoeto u~ili{te: Udirawe - tepawe? Frekfenc ijaValiden Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %Da Ne Vkupno695 556 125131.1 24.9 56.055.6 44.4 100.055.6 100.0Sistem98344.02234100.0P.23.9 Koi oblici na nasilstvo se zastapeni vo tvoeto u~ili{te: Seksualno voznemiruvawe? Frekfenc ijaValiden Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %Da Ne Vkupno210 1041 12519.4 46.6 56.016.8 83.2 100.016.8 100.0Sistem98344.02234100.0P.23.10 Koi oblici na nasilstvo se zastapeni vo tvoeto u~ili{te: Drugo? Frekfenc ijaValiden Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %Da Ne Vkupno203 1048 12519.1 46.9 56.016.2 83.8 100.016.2 100.0Sistem98344.02234100.0P.24.1 Dali ti se slu~ilo profesor/profesorka da te ismejuva? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %464 1770 223420.8 79.2 100.020.8 79.2 100.020.8 100.053 51. P.24.2 Dali ti se slu~ilo profesor/profesorka da te navreduva? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %525 1709 223423.5 76.5 100.023.5 76.5 100.023.5 100.0P.24.3 Dali ti se slu~ilo profesor/profesorka da te udri - tepa? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %323 1911 223414.5 85.5 100.014.5 85.5 100.014.5 100.0P.25 Dali poznava{ dete koe profesor/profesorka go udrilo? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %1282 952 223457.4 42.6 100.057.4 42.6 100.057.4 100.0Slu~aiVkupno62.6% 33.8% 29.1% 23.9% 14.7% 9.3% 1.8% 1.0% 1.0% .2%1verbalen napad (zakana)803 433 373 306 189 119 23 13 13 3.1%1282P.26 Na koj na~in profesor udril dete?So {lakanica So stap~e So vulgarni zborovi So kreda So kloca drugo fizi~ki napad (drugo) so drugi predmeti nesoodveten odgovor ne mi se slu~ilo toaOdgovori %177.5%P.27A Dali poznava{ dete koe profesor/profesorka go navredilo? Frekfenc ijaValid54Da Ne Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %1137 1097 223450.9 49.1 100.050.9 49.1 100.050.9 100.0 52. P.27B Dali poznava{ dete koe profesor/profesorka go ismejuvalo? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %904 1330 223440.5 59.5 100.040.5 59.5 100.040.5 100.0P.27C Dali si informiran/a za slu~aj/i na nasilstvo na u~enik vrz profesor/profesorka? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %791 1443 223435.4 64.6 100.035.4 64.6 100.035.4 100.0Slu~ai So vulgarni zborovi So {lakanica So kreda So kloca So stap~e drugo so drugi predmeti fizi~ki napad (drugo) verbalen napad (zakana)409 232 143 135 134 33 29 2451.7% 29.3% 18.1% 17.1% 16.9% 4.2% 3.7% 3.0%222.8%nesoodveten odgovor ne mi se slu~ilo toaP.28 Na koj na~in u~enik napadnal profesor?Odgovori %13 4 7911.6% .5% 148.9%VkupnoP.29 Dali ti se slu~ilo ti li~no da se odnesuva{ nasilno kon profesor/profesorka? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %151 2083 22346.8 93.2 100.06.8 93.2 100.06.8 100.0P.30.1 Dali ti se slu~ilo ti li~no da navredi{ profesor/profesorka? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %208 2026 22349.3 90.7 100.09.3 90.7 100.09.3 100.055 53. P.30.2 Dali ti se slu~ilo ti li~no da ismejuva{ profesor/profesorka? Frekfenc ijaValid%Validen %Kumulati ven %339 1895 223415.2 84.8 100.015.2 84.8 100.015.2 100.0Da Ne VkupnoP.30.3 Dali ti se slu~ilo ti li~no da udira{ - tepa{ profesor/profesorka? Frekfenc ijaValid%Validen %Kumulati ven %47 2187 22342.1 97.9 100.02.1 97.9 100.02.1 100.0Da Ne VkupnoP.31 Dali vo tvoeto u~ili{te e prisutno nasilstvo me|u vrsnicite (dete vrz dete)? Frekfenc ijaValid%Validen %Kumulati ven %1435 799 223464.2 35.8 100.064.2 35.8 100.064.2 100.0Da Ne VkupnoSlu~ai So {lakanica88962.0%So vulgarni zborovi ili zakani86960.6%So kloca So kreda So stap~e861 225 17860.0% 15.7% 12.4%so fizi~ki napad (so boks, davewe, intimni delovi od telo)1248.6%Drugo765.3%oru`je (boksira~, no`, pi{tol)141.0%drugi predmeti ({ipki, bezbol palki)P.32 Na koj na~in u~enik napadnal sou~enik?Odgovori %10.7%8 5 1435.6% .3% 227.1%nesoodveten odgovor poni`uvawe Vkupno56 54. P.33.1 Kolku ~esto se slu~uva nasilstvo vo tvoeto Semejstvo? Frekfenc ijaValiden %Kumulati ven %Sekojdnevno Edna{ sedmi~no Edna{ mese~no Edna{ godi{no Retko52 39 25 22 3322.3 1.7 1.1 1.0 14.92.3 1.7 1.1 1.0 14.92.3 4.1 5.2 6.2 21.0Ne se slu~uva nasilstvo143064.064.085.0Bez odgovor VkupnoValid%334 223415.0 100.015.0 100.0100.0P.33.2 Kolku ~esto se slu~uva nasilstvo vo tvoeto U~ili{te ? Frekfenc ijaValiden %Kumulati ven %Sekojdnevno Edna{ sedmi~no Edna{ mese~no Edna{ godi{no Retko315 225 188 57 70014.1 10.1 8.4 2.6 31.314.1 10.1 8.4 2.6 31.314.1 24.2 32.6 35.1 66.5Ne se slu~uva nasilstvo45120.220.286.7Bez odgovor VkupnoValid%298 223413.3 100.013.3 100.0100.0P.33.3 Kolku ~esto se slu~uva nasilstvo vo tvojata ulica ? Frekfenc ijaValiden %Kumulati ven %Sekojdnevno Edna{ sedmi~no Edna{ mese~no Edna{ godi{no Retko480 168 149 72 60021.5 7.5 6.7 3.2 26.921.5 7.5 6.7 3.2 26.921.5 29.0 35.7 38.9 65.8Ne se slu~uva nasilstvo40918.318.384.1Bez odgovor VkupnoValid%356 223415.9 100.015.9 100.0100.0P.34.1 Dali ti se slu~ilo nekoj vo semejstvoto da te udri? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %930 1169 135 223441.6 52.3 6.0 100.041.6 52.3 6.0 100.041.6 94.0 100.057 55. P.34.2 Dali ti se slu~ilo nekoj vo semejstvoto da te navredi? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %674 1389 171 223430.2 62.2 7.7 100.030.2 62.2 7.7 100.030.2 92.3 100.0P.34.3 Dali ti se slu~ilo nekoj vo semejstvoto da te ismejuva? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %397 1662 175 223417.8 74.4 7.8 100.017.8 74.4 7.8 100.017.8 92.2 100.0P.34.4 Dali ti se slu~ilo nekoj da te udri koga si nadvor na ulica? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %803 1264 167 223435.9 56.6 7.5 100.035.9 56.6 7.5 100.035.9 92.5 100.0P.34.5 Dali ti se slu~ilo nekoj da te navredi koga si nadvor na ulica? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %1004 1048 182 223444.9 46.9 8.1 100.044.9 46.9 8.1 100.044.9 91.9 100.0P.34.6 Dali ti se slu~ilo nekoj da te ismejuva koga si nadvor na ulica? Frekfenc ijaValid58Da Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %800 1237 197 223435.8 55.4 8.8 100.035.8 55.4 8.8 100.035.8 91.2 100.0 56. P.34.7 Dali ti se slu~ilo nekoj vrsnik (sou~enik, drugar) da te udri? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %745 1294 195 223433.3 57.9 8.7 100.033.3 57.9 8.7 100.033.3 91.3 100.0P.34.8 Dali ti se slu~ilo nekoj vrsnik (sou~enik, drugar) da te navredi? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %1037 1021 176 223446.4 45.7 7.9 100.046.4 45.7 7.9 100.046.4 92.1 100.0P.34.9 Dali ti se slu~ilo nekoj vrsnik (sou~enik, drugar) da te ismejuva? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %785 1259 190 223435.1 56.4 8.5 100.035.1 56.4 8.5 100.035.1 91.5 100.0P.35.1 Dali ti se slu~ilo ti li~no da navredi{ nekoj ~len od tvoeto semejstvo? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %521 1446 267 223423.3 64.7 12.0 100.023.3 64.7 12.0 100.023.3 88.0 100.0P.35.2 Dali ti se slu~ilo ti li~no da ismejuva{ nekoj ~len od tvoeto semejstvo? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %343 1710 181 223415.4 76.5 8.1 100.015.4 76.5 8.1 100.015.4 91.9 100.059 57. P.35.3 Dali ti se slu~ilo ti li~no da udira{ - tepa{ nekoj ~len od tvoeto semejstvo? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %346 1695 193 223415.5 75.9 8.6 100.015.5 75.9 8.6 100.015.5 91.4 100.0P.35.4 Dali ti se slu~ilo ti li~no da navredi{ nekoja li~nost (dete/vozrasen) koga si nadvor na ulica? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %666 1381 187 223429.8 61.8 8.4 100.029.8 61.8 8.4 100.029.8 91.6 100.0P.35.5 Dali ti se slu~ilo ti li~no da ismejuva{ nekoja li~nost (dete/vozrasen) koga si nadvor na ulica? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %552 1480 202 223424.7 66.2 9.0 100.024.7 66.2 9.0 100.024.7 91.0 100.0P.35.6 Dali ti se slu~ilo ti li~no da udira{ - tepa{ nekoja li~nost (dete/vozrasen) koga si nadvor na ulica? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %501 1524 209 223422.4 68.2 9.4 100.022.4 68.2 9.4 100.022.4 90.6 100.0P.35.7 Dali ti se slu~ilo ti li~no da navredi{ nekoj vrsnik (sou~enik, drugar)? Frekfenc ijaValid60Da Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %689 1344 201 223430.8 60.2 9.0 100.030.8 60.2 9.0 100.030.8 91.0 100.0 58. P.35.8 Dali ti se slu~ilo ti li~no da ismejuva{ nekoj vrsnik (sou~enik, drugar)? Frekfenc ijaValidValiden %Kumulati ven %526 1496 212 2234Da Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno% 23.5 67.0 9.5 100.023.5 67.0 9.5 100.023.5 90.5 100.0P.35.9 Dali ti se slu~ilo ti li~no da udira{ - tepa{ nekoj vrsnik (sou~enik, drugar)? Frekfenc ijaValidValiden %Kumulati ven %488 1544 202 2234Da Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno% 21.8 69.1 9.0 100.021.8 69.1 9.0 100.021.8 91.0 100.0P.36 Postoi li vo tvojata sredina Detski Parlament (organizacija ili debaten klub ili drugi formi na zdru`uvawe na decata)? Frekfenc ijaValid%Validen %Kumulati ven %443 738 1053 223419.8 33.0 47.1 100.019.8 33.0 47.1 100.019.8 52.9 100.0Da Ne Ne znam VkupnoP.37 Dali Detskiot Parlament pridonesuva za podobruvawe na detskite prava? Frekfenc ijaKumulati ven %151 1966.8 8.834.1 44.234.1 78.3Donekade ne pridonesuva221.05.083.3Voop{to ne pridonesuva341.57.791.0Bez odgovor Vkupno Bez odgovor VkupnoValiden %Mnogu pridonesuva Donekade pridonesuva Validen%40 4431.8 19.89.0 100.0100.0Sistem179180.22234100.0P.38 Dali tvoeto u~ili{te ima Kodeks (Pravilnik) na odnesuvawe? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Ne znam Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %1458 208 568 223465.3 9.3 25.4 100.065.3 9.3 25.4 100.065.3 74.6 100.061 59. P.39 Dali si vklu~en/a vo donesuvaweto na Kodeksot vo u~ili{teto (pravila na odnesuvawe vo u~ili{teto)? Frekfenc ijaValiden Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %Da Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno702 714 42 145831.4 32.0 1.9 65.348.1 49.0 2.9 100.048.1 97.1 100.0Sistem77634.72234100.0P.40.1 Dali ti li~no dobiva{ dovolno informacii za pra{awa koi se od oblasta na Obrazovanie ? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %1717 236 281 223476.9 10.6 12.6 100.076.9 10.6 12.6 100.076.9 87.4 100.0P.40.2 Dali ti li~no dobiva{ dovolno informacii za pra{awa koi se od tvoj interes od oblasta na Zavisnostite - {tetnoto vlijanie na nikotinot, alkoholot i drogata ? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %1264 607 363 223456.6 27.2 16.2 100.056.6 27.2 16.2 100.056.6 83.8 100.0P.40.3 Dali ti li~no dobiva{ dovolno informacii za pra{awa koi se od tvoj interes od oblasta na Za{titata od sida i polovo prenoslivi bolesti ? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Total%Validen %Kumulati ven %1304 523 407 223458.4 23.4 18.2 100.058.4 23.4 18.2 100.058.4 81.8 100.0P.40.4 Dali ti li~no dobiva{ dovolno informacii za pra{awa koi se od tvoj interes od oblasta na Kulturata? Frekfenc ijaValid62Da Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %1542 335 357 223469.0 15.0 16.0 100.069.0 15.0 16.0 100.069.0 84.0 100.0 60. P.40.5 Dali ti li~no dobiva{ dovolno informacii za pra{awa koi se od tvoj interes od oblasta na Sportot? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Total%Validen %Kumulati ven %1575 308 351 223470.5 13.8 15.7 100.070.5 13.8 15.7 100.070.5 84.3 100.0P.40.6 Dali ti li~no dobiva{ dovolno informacii za pra{awa koi se od tvoj interes od oblasta na Zdravstvenata za{tita? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %1573 281 380 223470.4 12.6 17.0 100.070.4 12.6 17.0 100.070.4 83.0 100.0P.40.7 Dali ti li~no dobiva{ dovolno informacii za pra{awa koi se od tvoj interes od oblasta na Pravata na deteto? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %1459 424 351 223465.3 19.0 15.7 100.065.3 19.0 15.7 100.065.3 84.3 100.0P.40.8 Dali ti li~no dobiva{ dovolno informacii za pra{awa koi se od tvoj interes od oblasta na Seksualnoto obrazovanie? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %895 903 436 223440.1 40.4 19.5 100.040.1 40.4 19.5 100.040.1 80.5 100.063 61. P.40 Dali ima{ ne{to da dodade{ vo vrska so dobivaweto na dovolno informacii od oblastite koi se od tvoj interes? Frekfenc ijaKumulati ven % informacii za razli~ni temi12.56.411.2Nemam {to da dodadam Nesoodveten odgovor Drugo89 28 144.0 1.3 .647.6 15.0 7.558.8 73.8 81.3Nasilstvo, diskriminacija4.22.183.4Potrebni se informacii za prava na deteto21.911.294.7Nema potreba od drugi informacii10.45.3100.0Vkupno Bez odgovor VkupnoValiden %Seksualno obrazovanie (da se vovede vo OU)Validen%1878.4100.0Sistem204791.62234100.0P.41 Dali smeta{ deka nekoga{ vo nekoja situacija si bil/a obespraven/a (diskriminiran/a)? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %886 1201 147 223439.7 53.8 6.6 100.039.7 53.8 6.6 100.039.7 93.4 100.0Slu~aiP.42 Pri~inata poradi koja si se po~uvstvuval/a diskriminiran/a?Vkupno64Vozrast Drugo Jazik Etni~ka pripadnost Pol Veroispoved RasaOdgovori %388 324 171 149 142 132 81 88643.8% 36.6% 19.3% 16.8% 16.0% 14.9% 9.1% 156.5% 62. P.43 Dali smeta{ deka tvoeto socijalno poteklo (semejstvoto na koe pripa|a{) ima vlijanie na odnosot na drugite vrz tebe? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %524 1564 146 223423.5 70.0 6.5 100.023.5 70.0 6.5 100.023.5 93.5 100.0Slu~ai P.44 Kaj kogo si zabele`al/a deka ima vlijanie na odnosot vrz tebe zaradi tvoeto socijalno poteklo?259 231 176 105 95 524Drugar/ka Profesor/ka Sou~enici Lekar/ka DrugoVkupnoOdgovori % 49.4% 44.1% 33.6% 20.0% 18.1% 165.3%P.45 Dali smeta{ deka tvoeto etni~ko poteklo (nacionalna pripadnost) ima vlijanie na odnosot na drugite vrz tebe? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %468 1606 160 223420.9 71.9 7.2 100.020.9 71.9 7.2 100.020.9 92.8 100.0Slu~ai P.46 Kaj kogo si zabele`al/a deka ima vlijanie na odnosot vrz tebe zaradi tvoeto etni~ko poteklo?218 144 134 115 96 468Drugar/ka Sou~enici Profesor/ka Drugo Lekar/kaVkupnoOdgovori % 46.6% 30.8% 28.6% 24.6% 20.5% 151.1%P.47.1 Dali se dru`i{ so vrsnici od drugo etni~ko poteklo (nacionalna pripadnost): Makedonci? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %1704 226 304 223476.3 10.1 13.6 100.076.3 10.1 13.6 100.076.3 86.4 100.065 63. P.47.2 Dali se dru`i{ so vrsnici od drugo etni~ko poteklo (nacionalna pripadnost): Albanci? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %985 955 294 223444.1 42.7 13.2 100.044.1 42.7 13.2 100.044.1 86.8 100.0P.47.3 Dali se dru`i{ so vrsnici od drugo etni~ko poteklo (nacionalna pripadnost): Romi? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %684 1192 358 223430.6 53.4 16.0 100.030.6 53.4 16.0 100.030.6 84.0 100.0P.47.4 Dali se dru`i{ so vrsnici od drugo etni~ko poteklo (nacionalna pripadnost): Turci? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %760 1118 356 223434.0 50.0 15.9 100.034.0 50.0 15.9 100.034.0 84.1 100.0P.47.5 Dali se dru`i{ so vrsnici od drugo etni~ko poteklo (nacionalna pripadnost): Srbi? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %985 875 374 223444.1 39.2 16.7 100.044.1 39.2 16.7 100.044.1 83.3 100.0P.47.6 Dali se dru`i{ so vrsnici od drugo etni~ko poteklo (nacionalna pripadnost): Vlasi? Frekfenc ijaValid66Da Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %432 1365 437 223419.3 61.1 19.6 100.019.3 61.1 19.6 100.019.3 80.4 100.0 64. P.47.7 Dali se dru`i{ so vrsnici od drugo etni~ko poteklo (nacionalna pripadnost): Bo{waci? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %649 1195 390 223429.1 53.5 17.5 100.029.1 53.5 17.5 100.029.1 82.5 100.0P.47.8 Dali se dru`i{ so vrsnici od drugo etni~ko poteklo (nacionalna pripadnost): Ostanati? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %780 941 513 223434.9 42.1 23.0 100.034.9 42.1 23.0 100.034.9 77.0 100.0P.48.1 Koja e pri~inata zaradi koja ne se dru`i{ so Makedonci? Frekfenc ijaBez odgovor VkupnoValiden %Kumulati ven %Ne `iveat vo mojata sredina Validen% sum se zapoznal/a Ne sakam da se dru`am Drugo Bez odgovor Vkupno3 2 1 208 226.1 .1 .0 9.3 10.11.3 .9 .4 92.0 100.06.6 7.5 8.0 100.0Sistem200889.92234100.0P.48.2 Koja e pri~inata zaradi koja ne se dru`i{ so Albanci? Frekfenc ijaBez odgovor VkupnoValiden %Kumulati ven %Ne `iveat vo mojata sredina Validen%27312.228.628.6Ne sum se zapoznal/a Ne sakam da se dru`am Drugo Bez odgovor Vkupno250 291 31 110 95511.2 13.0 1.4 4.9 42.726.2 30.5 3.2 11.5 100.054.8 85.2 88.5 100.0Sistem127957.32234100.067 65. P.48.3 Koja e pri~inata zaradi koja ne se dru`i{ so Romi? Frekfenc ijaBez odgovor VkupnoValiden %Kumulati ven %Ne `iveat vo mojata sredina Validen%23110.319.419.4Ne sum se zapoznal/a Ne sakam da se dru`am Drugo Bez odgovor Vkupno288 250 39 384 119212.9 11.2 1.7 17.2 53.424.2 21.0 3.3 32.2 100.043.5 64.5 67.8 100.0Sistem104246.62234100.0P.48.4 Koja e pri~inata zaradi koja ne se dru`i{ so Turci? Frekfenc ijaBez odgovor VkupnoValiden %Kumulati ven %Ne `iveat vo mojata sredina Validen%30313.627.127.1Ne sum se zapoznal/a Ne sakam da se dru`am Drugo Bez odgovor Vkupno326 145 39 305 111814.6 6.5 1.7 13.7 50.029.2 13.0 3.5 27.3 100.056.3 69.2 72.7 100.0Sistem111650.02234100.0P.48.5 Koja e pri~inata zaradi koja ne se dru`i{ so Srbi? Frekfenc ijaBez odgovor Vkupno68Validen %Kumulati ven %Ne `iveat vo mojata sredina Validen%2079.323.723.7Ne sum se zapoznal/a Ne sakam da se dru`am Drugo Bez odgovor Vkupno148 51 33 436 8756.6 2.3 1.5 19.5 39.216.9 5.8 3.8 49.8 100.040.6 46.4 50.2 100.0Sistem135960.82234100.0 66. P.48.6 Koja e pri~inata zaradi koja ne se dru`i{ so Vlasi? Frekfenc ijaBez odgovor VkupnoValiden %Kumulati ven %Ne `iveat vo mojata sredina Validen%37316.727.327.3Ne sum se zapoznal/a Ne sakam da se dru`am Drugo Bez odgovor Vkupno373 110 36 473 136516.7 4.9 1.6 21.2 61.127.3 8.1 2.6 34.7 100.054.7 62.7 65.3 100.0Sistem86938.92234100.0P.48.7 Koja e pri~inata zaradi koja ne se dru`i{ so Bo{waci? Frekfenc ijaBez odgovor VkupnoValiden %Kumulati ven %Ne `iveat vo mojata sredina Validen%36316.230.430.4Ne sum se zapoznal/a Ne sakam da se dru`am Drugo Bez odgovor Vkupno342 95 43 352 119515.3 4.3 1.9 15.8 53.528.6 7.9 3.6 29.5 100.059.0 66.9 70.5 100.0Sistem103946.52234100.0P.48.8 Koja e pri~inata zaradi koja ne se dru`i{ so Ostanati? Frekfenc ijaBez odgovor VkupnoValiden %Kumulati ven %Ne `iveat vo mojata sredina Validen%22610.124.024.0Ne sum se zapoznal/a Ne sakam da se dru`am Drugo Bez odgovor Vkupno216 75 67 357 9419.7 3.4 3.0 16.0 42.123.0 8.0 7.1 37.9 100.047.0 54.9 62.1 100.0Sistem129357.92234100.069 67. P.49 Dali smeta{ deka pravoto na sopstveno mislewe na decata se po~ituva vo tvoeto oddelenie/klas od strana na profesorite? Frekfenc ijaValidMnogu ~esto Retko Skoro nikoga{ Nikoga{ Bez odgovor Total%Validen %Kumulati ven %903 846 153 137 195 223440.4 37.9 6.8 6.1 8.7 100.040.4 37.9 6.8 6.1 8.7 100.040.4 78.3 85.1 91.3 100.0P.50.1 Dali tvoite roditeli go po~ituvaat tvoeto mislewe vo vrska so: Oblekuvaweto? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %1879 119 236 223484.1 5.3 10.6 100.084.1 5.3 10.6 100.084.1 89.4 100.0P.50.2 Dali tvoite roditeli go po~ituvaat tvoeto mislewe vo vrska so: Hranata? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %1845 149 240 223482.6 6.7 10.7 100.082.6 6.7 10.7 100.082.6 89.3 100.0P.50.3 Dali tvoite roditeli go po~ituvaat tvoeto mislewe vo vrska so: Izleguvaweto? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %1706 253 275 223476.4 11.3 12.3 100.076.4 11.3 12.3 100.076.4 87.7 100.0P.50.4 Dali tvoite roditeli go po~ituvaat tvoeto mislewe vo vrska so: Dru`eweto? Frekfenc ijaValid70Da Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %1777 192 265 223479.5 8.6 11.9 100.079.5 8.6 11.9 100.079.5 88.1 100.0 68. P.50.5 Dali tvoite roditeli go po~ituvaat tvoeto mislewe vo vrska so: U~eweto? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %1790 188 256 223480.1 8.4 11.5 100.080.1 8.4 11.5 100.080.1 88.5 100.0P.50.6 Dali tvoite roditeli go po~ituvaat tvoeto mislewe vo vrska so: Li~nite stavovi? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %1720 200 314 223477.0 9.0 14.1 100.077.0 9.0 14.1 100.077.0 85.9 100.0P.50.7 Dali tvoite roditeli go po~ituvaat tvoeto mislewe vo vrska so: Igrata? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %1784 154 296 223479.9 6.9 13.2 100.079.9 6.9 13.2 100.079.9 86.8 100.0P.51.1 Dali tvoite roditeli ti nametnuvaat odredeni stavovi za: Oblekuvawe? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %545 1362 327 223424.4 61.0 14.6 100.024.4 61.0 14.6 100.024.4 85.4 100.0P.51.2 Dali tvoite roditeli ti nametnuvaat odredeni stavovi za: Hrana? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %599 1277 358 223426.8 57.2 16.0 100.026.8 57.2 16.0 100.026.8 84.0 100.071 69. P.51.3 Dali tvoite roditeli ti nametnuvaat odredeni stavovi za: Izleguvawe? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %660 1209 365 223429.5 54.1 16.3 100.029.5 54.1 16.3 100.029.5 83.7 100.0P.51.4 Dali tvoite roditeli ti nametnuvaat odredeni stavovi za: Dru`ewe? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %573 1291 370 223425.6 57.8 16.6 100.025.6 57.8 16.6 100.025.6 83.4 100.0P.51.5 Dali tvoite roditeli ti nametnuvaat odredeni stavovi za: U~ewe? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %779 1100 355 223434.9 49.2 15.9 100.034.9 49.2 15.9 100.034.9 84.1 100.0P.51.6 Dali tvoite roditeli ti nametnuvaat odredeni stavovi za: Tvoite ubeduvawa? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %537 1284 413 223424.0 57.5 18.5 100.024.0 57.5 18.5 100.024.0 81.5 100.0P.51.7 Dali tvoite roditeli ti nametnuvaat odredeni stavovi za: Igra - slobodno vreme? Frekfenc ijaValid72Da Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %501 1350 383 223422.4 60.4 17.1 100.022.4 60.4 17.1 100.022.4 82.9 100.0 70. P.52 Dali vo tvoeto u~ili{te ima deca so posebni obrazovni potrebi (o{teten vid, o{teten sluh, telesna popre~enost i dr.)? Frekfenc ijaValid%Validen %Kumulati ven %1077 989 168 223448.2 44.3 7.5 100.048.2 44.3 7.5 100.048.2 92.5 100.0Da Ne Bez odgovor VkupnoP.53 Dali tvoeto u~ili{te e pristapno za decata so hendikep? Frekfenc ijaValide n%Validen %Kumulati ven %451 1597 186 223420.2 71.5 8.3 100.020.2 71.5 8.3 100.020.2 91.7 100.0Da Ne Bez odgovor TotalP.54 Kolku smeta{ deka pravoto na obrazovanie im e ovozmo`eno na decata vo tvojata sredina? Frekfenc ijaValiden %Kumulati ven %Celosno im e ovozmo`eno106647.747.747.7Donekade im e ovozmo`eno76834.434.482.1Donekade ne im e ovozmo`eno1125.05.087.1Voop{to ne im e ovozmo`enoValid%813.63.690.7207 22349.3 100.09.3 100.0100.0Bez odgovor VkupnoP.55 Dali bi u~estvuval vo aktivnosti koi bi vlijaele na vklu~uvawe na site deca vo u~ili{te? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %1622 424 188 223472.6 19.0 8.4 100.072.6 19.0 8.4 100.072.6 91.6 100.0P.56 Dali si vklu~en/a vo nekoi aktivnosti so koi mo`e{ da im pomogne{ na decata ~ii prava ne se po~ituvaat? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %645 1411 178 223428.9 63.2 8.0 100.028.9 63.2 8.0 100.028.9 92.0 100.073 71. P.57 Smeta{ li deka decata se mo}ni da pravat pozitivni promeni za pra{awa od niven interes? Frekfenc ijaValid%Validen %Kumulati ven %711 982 329 212 223431.8 44.0 14.7 9.5 100.031.8 44.0 14.7 9.5 100.031.8 75.8 90.5 100.0Da, mnogu Ne, donekade Ne, voop{to Bez odgovor VkupnoP.57A Zapi{i zo{to misli{ deka decata se mo}ni da pravat pozitivni promeni za pra{awa od niven interes? Frekfenc ija 532.46.46.41175.214.120.5da go izjasnat stavot da pobaraat pomo{ ako sakaat mo`at46 17 602.1 .8 2.75.5 2.0 7.226.0 28.0 35.3se borat za svoite prava1315.915.851.0ako se zdru`at vo organizacija15.71.852.8da go izmenat stavot10.41.254.0na decata im e dozvoleno da pravat {to sakaat10.41.255.2idninata e vo mladinata221.02.657.9decata imaat svoe mislewe612.77.365.2bidej}i ne se polnoletni351.64.269.4decata ne uspevaat da gi promenat negativnostite271.23.272.7ne se informirani za temata na pra{aweto2.1.272.9decata ne se zainteresirani da pravat promeni10.41.274.1bidej}i se mo}ni i umni391.74.778.8vozrasnite ne go slu{aat misleweto na decata783.59.488.2da nema tepawe i nasilstvo6.3.788.9ne znam Vkupno74Kumulati ven %vo niven interes da pravat pozitivni promeniBez odgovor VkupnoValiden %nesoodveten odgovorValiden%92 8314.1 37.211.1 100.0100.0Sistem140362.82234100.0 72. P.58 Dali si slu{nal/a za Prvata detska ambasada vo svetot Me|a{i? Frekfenc ijaValidDa Ne Bez odgovor Vkupno%Validen %Kumulati ven %957 1106 171 223442.8 49.5 7.7 100.042.8 49.5 7.7 100.042.8 92.3 100.0P.59 Dali