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Post on 16-Jul-2015




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A Accrual / Adjustment / / Appreciation Ask Price Absorption Absorption capacity Accelerated depreciation Acceleration clause Acceptance Acceptance credit Account day Account payee only Account statement Accounting ratios Accounts payable Accounts receivable Accrued interests Accumulated depreciation Accumulation Accumulation area Acquired stocks Acting agent Active balance of trade Active investor Active market

Active partner Adjustment Adjustment bonds Ad-valorem duties Advance (1) Advance (2) Advance decline index Advance in current account Advance payment Advance payment guarantee Adverse balance Adviser Advising bank African Development Bank After market After sight bill After-date bill After-hours trading Agency fee Agent Aggregate demand Aggregate risk Aggressive growth fund All Or None / Allotment "" Alpha indicator Alternative order

Amalgamation American Depository Receipts American option American Stock Exchange Amortization of a loan Annuity Anti-dilution protection Applicant Approved securities Approximate limit order Arab Currency Related Unit Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development Arab Monetary Fund Arbitrage Arbitrageur Around Arrangement fees Articles of association Asian Currency Unit Asian Development Bank Asian dollar Asian option / Asset allocation / Asset backed securities / Asset management

Asset manager Asset stripping Assets Assignee Assignment Assignor Association of South East Asian Nations At a backwardation At a discount At a premium At best At call deposit At or better At par At sight bill At the close At the market At the opening At your risk Auction Audit Authorized capital Automated teller machine Automatic reinvestment Average Average balance

Average stock Averaging down Averaging up B Balance of trade Bear Market Bid price Buy Bull Market Baby bang Back end load Back office Back to back credit Back up lines Backing support )1( Backwardation )2( Backwardation Bad debt Balance Balance of payment Balance of trade Balance sheet Balance sheet analysis Balance sheet ratios Balanced fund Balloon credit

Band Bank bill Bank draft Bank float Bank for International Settlement Bankers acceptance Banking secrecy Bankruptcy Barometer Barter Base currency Base price Base rate Base year Basic balance Basic value investing Basis point )1( Bear )2( Bear Bear sale / Bearer security Below par Below the line Benchmark price Best effort Bid and asked /

Bid bond / Bid price / Big Bang Big Board - Big market Bill auction Bill of exchange Bill of lading Black economy Black Friday Black market Blank check Blank endorsement Blanket credit line Blocked currency Blotter Blue chips / Board lot Board order Bona fide clause Bond Bond calendar Bond certificate Bond dealer Bond fund Bond issue

Bond rating Bond room Bond transfer Bond warrant Bond yield Bonds with put Bonus issue Book runner Book squaring Book value Booking abroad Boom Borrow short and lend long Borrowing power Borrowing requirements Bottom line Bottom out Bottom up Bought deal Bounced cheque Break Break out Breakeven point Bridging loan Broad market Broadcast Broker /

Broker loan rate Brokerage fees Brokerage house Budget Budget financing Buffer stock Build Operate Transfer Building permits Bullet Bullion market Bullish market Business cycle Business inventories Buy and hold )1( Buy back )2( Buy back Buy on margin / Buy on reaction Buyers credit Buyers market Buyers over C Cash market Central Bank Closed Position Collateral /

Commission Confirmation Contract Cross Rate Currency Symbol / Currency Currency Pair Currency Risk Capacity utilization Capital adequacy ratio Capital employed Capital evasion Capital expenditure Capital formation Capital gains Capital goods Capital increase Capital inflow Capital intensive Capital investment Capital market Capital outflow Capitalization of interest Capitalization Capitalization fund / Carry a position Carry over

Carrying costs Cartagena group Carter bond Cash against documents Cash card Cash dispenser Cash equivalents Cash flow Cash flow squeeze Cash management / Cash margin Cash market Cash ratio Cash settlement Central bank Central rate Central reserve system Central risk Certificate of deposits Certificate of origin Certified check Charter - party bill of lading Chartism Charts Cheap money Check the market Check to bearer

Check to order Chicago Board of Trade Chicago Mercantile Exchange Chicago school Choice price Circuit breaker Circulating assets Claim to money Clean bill of lading Clean draft Clearing house / Close a position Closed company Closed economy Closed-end investment company Closing day Closing price Closing range Club loan Co-financing Coincident indicators Co-lead manager / Collateral Collection charges Co-manager COB Commercial paper

/ / Commitment fee Commodities Commodity broker Commodity futures Commodity futures market Commodity option Commodity tabilization S Agreement Common Agricultural Policy Common market Common stocks / Commonwealth of Independent States Concerted intervention Conditionality Conditions precedent Confidence index Confirmation Confirmed letter of credit Consolidated balance sheet Consolidation of debt Consolidation of stocks Consolidation phase Constant annuity Constant depreciation Construction spending

Consular invoice Consumer confidence index Consumer credit(1) Consumer credit (2) Consumer Price Index Consumption spending / Contingent liabilities Contingent order Contract-note Contrarian investing Controlling interest Controlling stock Conversion feature Conversion issue Conversion period Conversion premium Conversion ratio Convertibility Convertibles Corporate banking Corporate bond fund Corporate finance Correction Correspondent banking - Cost and Freight Cost Insurance Freight

Cost-push inflation Counter cyclical stocks Counter trade Counterparty Counterparty risk Countervailing duties Country limit Coupon - Covenants Cover Credit / / Credit ceiling Credit crunch Credit facility Credit line Credit outstanding Credit overdrawing Credit rating - Credit reins Credit risk Credit scoring Credit squeeze Credit standing Credit watch Credit worthiness - - Creditor nation Creeping inflation

Cross default clause Cross on the board Cross rate Crossed check Cum coupon Cum dividend Cumulative preference stocks Currency availability clause Currency band Currency clause Currency option clause Currency swap / Current account Current assets / Current liabilities / Current maturities Current ratio Current yield Custodian / / Custodian fees / / / Customs union Cyclical stocks D Dealer

Deficit Delivery Depreciation Derivative Devaluation Dated security Day order Day to day money Day trader Days of grace Dead account Dead loans - Dealer Dear money Debentures Debit ratio Debt buy- back Debt commodity swap Debt equity swap Debt financing Debt instrument Debt rescheduling Debt security Debt servicing Debt servicing ratio Debt to equity ratio Debtor nation

Declaration date Declaration date Decline Declining balance depreciation Deed of transfer Deed of arrangement Deed of trust Deep discount Default of payment Defeasance Defensive stocks Deferred payment credit Deferred sales charges Deferred shares Deficit Deficit Financing / Deflation Deflator Delisting Demand deposits Demand-pull inflation Dematerialization Deposit account )Depreciation (assets) Depreciation (value) Depreciation fund Depressed market

Depression Depth of the market /Deregulation Derivatives / Devaluation Developing countries Development Assistance Committee Differential tariff Direct costs Direct placement Direct quotation Direct taxation Dirty money /Discount Discount bond / Discount broker Discount rate Discount window Discounted cash-flow Discounted value / Discretionary account / Discretionary portfolio Disintermediation Distributed profits Distribution Distribution policy

Diversification / Dividend Documentary bill Documentary collection Documentary credit Documentation Documents Documents against Acceptance Documents against Payment Dollar block Dollar cost averaging Dollar gap Domestic bond Domiciliation Dormant account Dormant partner Double bottom Double call Double premium Double taxation agreement Double top Dow Jones Composite Average Dow Jones Industrial Average

Dow Jones Transportation Average Dow Jones Utility Average Downgrading Drop lock bonds Dual currency bonds Due date Due diligence review Dull market Dumping Durable goods orders E Economic Indicator = European Monetary Union = Euro = European Central Bank = Early redemption Earning power Earnings per share Easy money Economic and Monetary Union Economic Cooperation Organization

Economic growth Economic indicators Effective rate Efficient portfolio Either way Elasticity Electronic Fund Transfer Systems Eligible papers Emerging markets Employment Endorsee Endorsement Endorser /Entry cost Entry fees Equalization tax Equilibrium Equipment trust certificates Equity capital Equity financing Equity fund Equity warrant Erratic market Escalator clause

Escrow Euro Eurobonds Euro-Certificate of Deposit Eurocheque system Euroclear Eurocredit Eurocurrency Eurodollar Euro-issue Eurolist Euromarkets Euronotes European Bank for Reconstruction and Development European Community European Currency Unit European Economic Area European Economic Community European Free Trade Association

European Investment Bank European Monetary Cooperation Fund European Monetary Institute European Monetary System European option European Union Events of default Excess liquidity Excess reserves Exchange control Exchange rate Exchange Rate Mechanism Exchequer bills Exchequer bonds Ex-coupon / Ex-dividend ***cution by outcry ***rcise ***rcise price / Ex-factory Exit bonds Exit fees

Exotic currencies Expiry date Date de liquidation Export credit Export price index Export quota )1( Exposure )2( Exposure Ex-rights Ex-ship Extendable security Extended Fund Facility Extensible External accounts External audit Extra-dividends Extremes

= Federal Reserve = First In -First Out = Foreign Exchange = Forward

Fundamental Analysis = FX = Facilities Facilities of payment Facility fee Factoring Factory good orders Family of funds Feasibility study FED funds rate FED watcher Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation / Fiduciary /Fiduciary transactions Final dividend Finance company Financial analyst Financial engineering /Financial futures Financial globalization Financial intermediary Financial market Financial paper Financial ratios Financial sphere Financial structure

Finders fee Fine paper Firm bid Firm commitment Firm offer Firm order Firm quote Firm underwriting Fiscal agent /Fiscal policy Fiscal year Fixed assets Fixed capital Fixed deposit Fixed exchange rate Fixed income Fixed rate Flat commission Flat income bond Flat market Flight to quality Float Float a currency Float an issue Floater Floating debt Floating exchange rates

Floating rate Floating Rate Notes Floor (1) Floor (2) Floor trader Floor-broker Fluctuation Food and Agricultural Organization For deposit only For indication only Foreclosure Foreign assets Foreign bill Foreign bond Foreign Exchange Foreign exchange market / Foreign exchange mismatching Foreign exchange risk Foreign liabilities Forex dealer Forfeiting Forfeited share Forward cover Forward exchange Forward exchange rate

Forward margin Forward operation Forward Rate Agreement Forward/forward Free market Free On Board Free trade / Fresh money Friendly Take Over Fringe benefits Front office Front-end commission Frozen assets Fully paid Fund of funds Fund Manager Fundamental analysis Fundamental disequilibrium Fundamentalist Fundamentals Funding of a debt Futures / Futures markets / G Gross Domestic Product

Gross National Product Gearing rate General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade General Arrangements to Borrow General obligation bond General partnership Generalized System of Preferences Geographical arbitrage Give on Global bond fund Global Depositary Receipts Global equity fund Gold coverage Gold exchange standard Gold fixing Gold leasing Gold pool Gold standard Gold tranche Golden parachute Golden shares Good till cancelled order

Goodwill Governments Grace period Gramm - Rudman Holdings Act Granny bond Green currency Green shoe option Grey market Gross Domestic Product Gross yield Growth fund Growth stocks - Guarantee Guarantee credit Guarantee fund Guarantee fund Guarantee stocks Guarantor Gulf Cooperation Council Gyration H Hedging Hard currency Hard landing

Hard terms Heavy stocks /Hedge fund / / /Hedged position /Hedging /Hedging instrument Heritable bond Hesitant market Hidden reserves High flyers High yield bond fund High- tech stocks Historic cost Hoarding /Hold a position Holding company Home banking Hostile take over bid Hot issues Hot stocks Housing starts Hyperinflation I I Inflation Idle sav ing Illiquid

Imbalance of order Immediate order Import deposits Import duty / Import license Import price index In and out In the black In the money In the red In the tank Inactive account Inactive market Income bond Income bond fund Income equity fund Income statement Income stocks Incomes policy Inconvertible Indebtedness Indenture Index fund /Indexation Ind***s Industrial capacity utilization

Industrial production Ineligible bills International Labor Organization Inflation Initial Public Offering Insolvency Insolvent Installment loan Institutional investors Instrument of payment / Intangible assets Inter-bank market Inter-bank rates Interest arbitrage Interest cover Interest coverage ratio Interest linked Interest rate differentials Interest rate risk Interest rate swap Interim Committee Interim dividend International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International debt issue International Development Agency

International Energy Agency International equity fund International Finance Corporation International Monetary Fund International Monetary Market Intervention Intraday limit Inverted saucer Inverted yield curve Investment bank Investment fund Investment horizon Investment manager Investment mix Investment objectives Investment strategy Investment trust Invisible Invitation Irredeemable bonds Irrevocable credit Islamic Development Bank Issue Issue premium Issue price / Issue syndicate

Issued capital Issuer bid Interference Jamaica agreement Jobless claims Joint account Joint and several Joint float Joint liability company Joint stock company Joint venture Jumbo loan L Leading Indicators Launch an issue Lead manager Leaders Leading indicators Leads and lags Leasing Lender of last resort Lending margin Letter of comfort Letter of credit Letter of guarantee

- Liabilities Life of a loan Life of an option Light trading Limit down Limit order Limit up Limited liability company Limited partnership Line of credit Lions Liquid assets Liquid market Liquidate a position /Liquidation Liquidation value Liquidity of the market Liquidity ratio Liquidity risk / Liquidity syndicate List Listed Listing statement Loan agreement Loan amortization Loan capital

/ / Loan syndication Loans against credit balances Locked in Locked market Lombard rate Lome convention London Commodity Exchange London International Financial Futures and options Exchange London Metal Exchange Long Long end of the market / Long position Long term Equity Anticipation Securities Loser Lost profit Louvre accord M Maastricht treaty Macro economics Majority interest Majors Make up day Management fees

Manager Managing group Mandatory redemption Manipulation Margin /Margin buying Margin call Margin requirements Margin trading Mark to the market Mark up Market amount Market capitalization Market forces Market If Touched Market makers Market participant Market risk Market sentiment Market trend Market value Marketability Marketable Matched book Maturity date Maturity strategy Medium taps

Medium term forecasts Mediums Memorandum Merchant bank Merger Mergers & Acquisitions Micro economics Mid month agricultural price index Middle price Mini max bonds Minimum reserves Minority interest Missing the market Mixed Moderate inflation Monetarism Monetary aggregates Monetary base Monetary Committee of the European Community Monetary Compensatory Amounts Monetary convergence Monetary policy Money changer Money laundering

Money market Money market fund Money market instruments Money supply Money supply target Monthly budget Moratorium Mortgage Mortgage bonds Mortgage-backed securities Most favored nation clause MSCI MSI Multicurrency loan Multi-Fiber Arrangement Multi-Option Financing Facility Multiple exchange rate Multiple placing agency Municipal bonds N Naked position - Narco dollars Narrowing the spread NASDAQ Composite Index National Association of

Purchasing Managers National Association of Security Dealers Automatic Quotation National debt National income Near money Negative pledge clause Negotiable instruments Negotiation area Nervous market Net Asset Value Net change Net earnings Net profit - Net worth Netting New Money New York Cotton Exchange New York Future Exchange New York Mercantile Exchange New York Stock Exchange No load fund No par value Nominal Nominal price

Nominal yield Non performing loan Non resident account Non sufficient funds Non-callable bond North American Free Trade Agreement - - Note Note Issuance Facilities Note issue Notional Numbered account NYSE Composite Index O Open Order Open Position Overnight Position Order Off- Balance Sheet Off-budget Offered Offered market Offered price Offering circular Offering day

One Cancel the Other One way market Open interest Open market operations Open order Open outcry / Open Position Open-end investment company Operating ratios Opportunity Cost Option Optional bond Ordinary stocks/shares Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Organized market Origination fee Out of line Out of the money Out-of-pocket expenses Outright Overbought

Overdraft account Overdraw Overdue Overextended Oversold Oversubscription Over-The-Counter Overvalued

Paid-up capital Paper Paper loss Paper profit Par value Parent company Pari Passu clause Paris donor club Parity Participating bonds Participation fee Partnership Pass-book deposit Passing dividends Passive trade balance Pay off (a debt) Pay off (of an investment)

Pay up Payable in advance Payable in arrears Payback period Payee Paying agent Payment agreement Payment under reserve Payout ratio Payroll employment Pegging the exchanges Penalty Penny stocks Percentage earnings Percentage order Performance allocation / Performance bond Period money Perpetual Personal guarantee Personal income Personal loan Personal s***ng Personal spending Petrodollars Petrodollars recycling Pink sheets

Place an issue Place an order Placing memorandum Placing power . // /Placing syndicate Plain vanilla financing Planned economy Pledge Plus tick Point Pool Portfolio Portfolio arbitrage Portfolio balancing Portfolio basis Portfolio diversification // Portfolio hedging Portfolio management Portfolio switching /Position Positive yield Positive yield curve Postdated cheque Power of attorney Preemptive right Preferential debts Preferential Trade Area

Preferred creditor Preferred stocks Premium Premium bond Premium on bond Prepayment Present value / Price /Earnings ratio Price difference Price limit Price nursing Pricing day Primary market Prime paper Prime rate Private banking Private placement Privatization/ Producer Price Index Profit and loss account Program trading Project finance Promissory note - Prospectus Protectionism Protective covenants Protest/

Proxy Psychological level Public debt Public issue Public offering Public Sector Borrowing Requirement Purchase agreement Purchase fund Purchasing power Put back Put Option Put or more Pyramid scheme Q Quality stocks Quantitative management /Quick assets Quotation R Range / / Rate / Resistance Revaluation Risk

: Danger / Jeopardy / Peril / Hazard Menace / Threat Risk Management Raid Raider Rally in prices Random walk Range Rate of portfolio rotation Rating Rating agency Rating change Ratios Reaction Real GDP Real guarantee Real rate Realize an asset Receivables Recession Reciprocal shareholding Recovery Red chips Red herring documentation Redemption/ Redemption fees

Redemption table Redemption value Rediscounted bills Refer to drawer Reference bank Refinancing Reflation Refunding Registered company Registered securities Registered trader Regular delivery Regular members " "Regulation Q " "Regulation U Relationship yield Renewal bond Reproduce the index Repurchase agreement Required reserves Rescheduling of debt Reserve Reserve currency Resistance level Resistant market Resting order Restore the balance sheet

Retail Price Index Retail sales Retained profits Retention money guarantee Retractable bonds Retrocession Return On Assets Return On Equity Return On Investment Revaluation Revenue notes or bonds Reverse take over Revocable documentary credit Revolving credit Risk aversion Risk free Risk yield Rollover credit Round lot S Sell /Put up for sale Settlement / Spot Price Spread Support Levels Securities /

/ Securitization ecurity Exchange S Commission Security Security agreement Security provisions Seed money Self-financing Sell a call Sell a put Sell short Sell-down Sellers market Selling group Sell-off Senior debts Serial bonds Set-off Set-off accounts Settlement date Settlement risk Shareholder/ Stockholder Shareholders equity Shark repellent Short

Short dates Short sale Short seller Short term loan Shorts Sight credit Sight deposit Sight draft Signature Sinking fund Skip day settlement Slack money Slash Sleeping /silent partner Slump Small caps Smooth Society of Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication Soft currency Soft goods Soft landing Soft loans Soft market /Soft terms Sole placing agent Solvency

Sovereign risk Spare capacity Special crossing Special deposits Special Drawing Rights Special situation Specialists Speculation Speculative bubble Speculative interests Speculative stock Spin off Split opening Split order Spot delivery / Spot exchange rate / Spot market / Spot price / Spot rate / Square / Squeeze-out Stag Stagflation Standby credit Standby letter of credit Standby loan

Statement of account Statutory reserves Stock /share Stock certificate Stock dividend / Stock exchange Stock index option Stock market capitalization Stock market orders Stock of record Stock option plan Stock picking Stock split Stocky Stop loss Stop payment Stop-go Straight bill of lading Straight bond Straight debt Straight line depreciation Strategic allocation Strike price Stripped bonds Structural Adjustment Structural unemployment

Subject bid Subject to collection Subordinated debt Subscribed capital Subscription Subscription agreement Subscription commission Subscription privilege or right Subsidiary Supply-side theory Support level Support point / / Swap Swap agreement Swap order Sweeteners Swing Swing credit Swings and roundabouts Switch Switching Syndicated loan Syndication Systematic risk T

Technical Analysis Transaction cost Turnover Take out Take Over Bid Take profit Tangible assets Tap Tap issue Target range Tariff Tax haven Tax shelter Technical analysis Technical correction Technical decline Technical diagram Technical support )1( Tender / )2( Tender Tender panel Tenor Term bonds Term deposit Term loan Terms of the credit Terms of trade

Test a level of resistance Test the market The Commonwealth / Thin market Third market Third window Tick Ticker Tied loan Tight market Tight money Tilted fund Time deposit Time draft Time order To the order of Tombstone Top down Top heavy market Top out Top up clause Trade balance Trade block Trade credit Trading limit Trading on the equity Trading post

Transaction date Transfer agent Transferable letter of credit Transform maturities Transportation average Treasuries Treasury bills Treasury bonds Treasury notes Treasury stocks Treaty of Rome Trend indicator Trend reversal Trust (1) Trust (2) Trust account Trustee Turn-key Turnover (1) Turnover (2) Two dollars broker Two-tier currency system

U Unrealized

Unbalanced market Undated Undercapitalized Under collection funds / Underlying asset Underlying bonds Under-subscription Undervalued )( Underwriting Underwriting agreement Underwriting fee Underwriting spread Underwriting syndicate Undigested securities Unearned income Unemployment rate Unit Unit of account Unit of trading Unit price Unit trust United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Unlisted securities Unsecured V

Volatility / / Value added tax Value date Variable costs Velocity of money Venture capital / Visible supplies Visible trade Volatile market Volatility Voting stocks/shares w Wall Street Warrant Wash sale Wasting assets Watered stocks Weighted Price When issued White chips Wholesale banking Wholesales sales Windfall profits Winding up

With limited recourse financing Withholding tax Without recourse Without recourse financing Working capital Working control World Bank World Food Programme World Trade Organization Write down Write- off Write up Y Yearlings / Yield Yield curve / Yield differential Yield to maturity Yo-yo stocks Z Zero coupon /