Відповіді з англійської Верба

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Page 1: Відповіді з англійської  Верба

КЛЮЧІ до посібника з граматики

сучасної англійської мови

Page 2: Відповіді з англійської  Верба

Б К 81.2АНГ-2 Ю83

Ю83 Юрченко Є. О .

Ключі до посібника з граматики сучасної англійської мови (Л.Г. Верба, Г.В. Верба). Довідник — К. : Чумацькии Шлях, 2009 .— 112 с.

ISBN 966-8272-19-6

Збірка ключів до вправ із посібника "Граматика сучасної англійської мови" Л. Г. Верби, Г. В. Верби призначена для перевірки рівня оволодіння граматичними правилами та закріплення знань у процесі вивчення мови. Рекомендовано школярам-старшокласникам, абітурієнтам, студентам та насамперед тим, хто вивчає англійську самотужки.

Виключні права на видання твору належать Видавничому дому "Чумацький Шлях". Будь-яке відтворення тексту, цілком або частково, без письмового дозволу видавництва забороняється і переслідується згідно з чинним законодавством.

ISBN 966-8272-19-6 © Видавничий дім «Чумацький Шлях», 2005

© Видавничий дім «Чумацький Шлях», 2009


Exercise 1.

I. The girls learn English. 2. My friends get up early. 3. The work-ers come home at six. 4. My brothers work at the factory. 5. His uncles live in Poltava. 6. The buses run quickly. 7. They know all about engines. 8. They love their parents. 9. His sisters know Spanish. 10. The taxis go through the town.

Exercise 2.

I. The engineer goes to the plant. 2. The pupil does his homework. 3. The tree grows well. 4. The boy goes in for sports. 5. My friend studies English. 6. The girl sings very well. 7. My friend calls me Vic. 8. The pupil looks straight into my face. 9. The old woman talks about the weather. 10. The schoolgirl here wears a striped jacket and a blue; skirt.

Exercise 3.*

1. I play basketball every day. 2. He goes to school at eight o'clock. 3. She gets up in the morning. 4. We swim in the river on Sundays. 5. You take a bus once a week. 6. They skate in winter.

1. Do you live in that house? 2. Does he speak English? 3. Does she work at school? 4. Do we learn French? 5. Do you play the piano? 6. Do they teach history?

1.1 don't learn German. 2. He doesn't play hockey in summer. 3. She doesn't work here. 4. We do not go to school on Sunday. 5. You

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do not read that newspaper. 6. They do not like this film.

Exercise 4.

1. a) Do the children drink coffee in the evening? b) The children do not drink coffee in the evening.

2. a) Does her sister dance very well? b) Her sister doesn't dance very well.

3. a) Does our grandmother grow potatoes? b) Our grandmother does not grow potatoes.

4. a) Do the pupils remember this rule? b) The pupils do not remember this rule.

5. a) Does Nick go to bed at ten? b) Nick does not go to bed at ten. 6. a) Do they listen to the radio in the morning? b) They do not lis-

ten to the radio in the morning. 7. a) Do you meet him every day? b) You do not meet him every

day. • і 8. a) Does it often snow in November? b) It does not often snow

in November. 9. a) Do you want to play chess with him? b) You do not want to

play chess with him. 10. a) Does his mother teach geography at school? b) His mother

does not teach geography at school. 11. a) Does your cousin want to become a doctor? b) My cousin

does not want to become a doctor. 12. a) Does she take a bus? b) She does not take a bus.

Exercise 5.

Ask me: 1. Do you remember your first teacher? 2. Does your brother live

in Odessa? 3. Do you spend your holidays in the Crimea? 4. Do your pupils make many mistakes in their dictations? 5. Do you speak French? 6. Does your daughter speak French? 7. Do your children speak French? 8. Do you live in a new house?

Ask one of your classmates: 1. Do you go in for sports? 2. Do you like to play volleyball? 3. Do

you travel much? 4. Do you collect stamps? 5. Do you want to become a tractor driver? 6. Do you want to take a walk? 7. Do you play ten-nis? 8. Do you come home late? 9. Does your mother come home late? 10. Do your parents come home late? 11. Do your friends like to dance? 12. Does your father work at the factory?


Exercise 6.*

1. Where do you live? 2. Where does she work? 3. Where does he study? 4. Where do we play tennis? 5. Where do you buy milk? 6. Where do they skate?

1. At what time do'you come from school? 2. At what time do you go to bed? 3. When does he play basketball? 4. At what time do you get up? 5. When do they go shopping? 6. When do we watch televi-sion?

1. How do you speak English? 2. How does he play the piano? 3. How does she dance? 4. How do we sing? 5. How do you get to school? 6. How do they study?

1. Who works at that plant? 2. Whose sister studies at the univer-sity? 3. Which of you knows French well? 4. Which of those girls lives there? 5. What hangs on the wall? 6. Whose bag lies on the table?

Exercise 7.

Ask one of the boys: 1. When do you get up? 2. What do you want to become? 3. Where

do you keep your books? 4. Why do you miss classes sometimes? 5. What do you do on Sundays? 6. At what time do you go to bed? 7. What does your sister do in the evening? 8. When do your friends go to the cinema? 9. Where do your uncles live? 10. Why doesn't your brother go to school? 11. Who makes your bed? 12. When do you do your homework?

Ask one of the girls: 1. Where do you spend your summer holidays? 2. How do you get

home from school? 3. Whom do you invite to your birthday party? 4. When do you clean your room? 5. What kinds of sports do you go in for? 6. At what time does your brother go to bed? 7. What do you do in the evening? 8. Who helps you with your studies? 9. Who washes your dresses? 10. Where does your aunt live? 11. Why don't you go to the theatre? 12. Which of your friends plays the piano best of all?

Exercise 8.

1. When do the pupils plant trees? 2. When does the teacher cor-rect our dictations? 3. At what time does Peter come to school? 4. When does our family go to the Crimea? 5. At what time does his

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father usually come home? 6. When do they discuss films? 7. At what time do we listen to the news? 8. When do her parents gather mush-rooms?

Exercise 9.

1. Where does her brother study? 2. Where does the wolf live? 3. Where do they spend their holidays? 4. Where does her mother work? 5. Where do many birds fly in autumn? 6. Where do her parents live? 7. Where do my schoolmates go in the evening? 8. Where do they read newspapers?

Exercise 10.

1. At what time do the children go to bed? 2. How does his son know English? 3. What does your father read in the evening? 4. Where does her aunt live? 5. What do our parents grow? 6. Where does this man work? 7. When does it snow? 8. What do we buy at this shop? 9. Who learns many poems by heart? 10. Who helps her mother about the house? 11. What do we do at the lessons? 12. What does her moth-er teach?

Exercise 11.

1.1 get up at seven o'clock. 2 .1 do my morning exercises. 3. Yes, I do my morning exercises every morning. 4. I go to school in the morning. 5. The classes at our school begin at half past eight. 6 .1 come home from school at three o'clock. 7 .1 usually do my homework in the afternoon. 8. I help my mother about the house in the evening. 9. Yes, I go shopping every day. 10.1 watch TV, read books, listen to music or play computer games in the evening.

Exercise 12.*

A: Do you play chess every day? B: No, I don't . A: Why not? B: Because I haven't enough time.

A: Do you drink coffee every morning? B: No, I don't . A. Why not? B: Because I don't like it.

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A \ Do you go to the theatre on Saturdays? g: No, I don't . A: Why not? B: Because I haven't enough money?

Exercise 13.

1.1 learn English. My friend learns English too. 2. Where do you live? Where does your friend live? 3. We do not work at the plant. We go to school. 4. My sister does not learn English. She learns French. 5. Your brother works at the hospital. 6. Where do your parents work? 7. At what school does this boy study? 8. Do you read French books? 9. What do you do after your lessons? 10. Where does this engineer work? 11. When do you play chess? 12. I do n o t like this book. 13. My friend does not like these stories. 14. Her father teaches mathematics at our school. 15. Why do you miss your lessons? 16. This girl works at the factory and studies at the evening school. 17. At what time do you get up? 18. At what time does your son go to bed? 19. On Saturday we go to the theatre or to the cinema. 20. Who lives in this house? 21. Who teaches English at your school? 22. How does her son study? 23. Whose sister knows Spanish? 24. Does the boy want to go to the forest? 25. Don ' t you study physics? 26. Doesn't your brother go to school? 27. This girl sings very well. 28. Who helps you to learn English? 29. How many drivers do work here? 30. How do the pupils spend their summer holidays?

Exercise 14.

1. am; 2. is; 3. is; 4. are; 5. is; 6. are; 7. is; 8. am; 9. is; 10. are.

Exercise 15.

1. a) Are you an engineer? b) You are not an engineer. 2. a) Is his little brother a schoolboy? b) His little brother is not a

schoolboy. 3. a) Are her parents at home? b) Her parents are not at home. 4. a) Is our teacher at the library? b) Our teacher is not at the

library. 5. a) Are the cars in the street? b).The cars are not in the street. 6. a) Is the theatre in the centre of the town? b) The theatre is not

in the centre of the town. 7. a) Is my cousin at school? b) My cousin is not at school. 8. a) Are they good sportsmen? b) They are not good sportsmen. 9. a) Is his father a worker? b) His father is not a worker. 10. a) Is the street narrow? b) The street is not narrow.

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Exercise 16.

1. Yes, I am. I 'm a pupil. 2. Yes, I am. I 'm a schoolboy. 3. No, I am riot. I 'm not a schoolgirl. I 'm a schoolboy. 4. No, I am not. I 'm not a teacher. I am a pupil. 5. Yes, I am. I 'm at home now. 6. No, I am not. I 'm not at the desk. I am at the window. 7. Yes, I am. I 'm at the blackboard. 8. No, I am not. I 'm not in the street. I am at home. 9. Yes, I am. I 'm a teacher. 10. No , I am not. I 'm not an engineer. I am a pupil. 11. Yes, I am. I 'm a teacher of English. 12. No, I am not. I 'm not a teacher of geography. I am a teacher of English. 13. Yes, I am. I 'm in the classroom. 14. No, I am not. I 'm not in the garden. I am at school. 15. Yes, I am. I 'm at the table. 16. No, I am not. I 'm not at the window. I am at the desk. 17. Yes, it is. My book is on the desk. 18. No , it is not. My note - book is not on the floor now. My note-book is on the desk now. 19. No, it is not. Odessa is not in the North of our country. Odessa is in the South of our country. 20. Yes, it is. Vladivostok is in the Far East. 21. No, it is not. London is not the cap-ital of France. London is the capital of Great Britain. 22. Yes, it is. France is in Europe. 23. Yes, it is. The Volga is a river. 24. No, it is not. The Mississippi is not a mountain. The Mississippi is a river. 25. Yes, it is. Cuba is an island.

Exercise 17.

1. My father is a teacher. 2. My mother is a doctor. 3. My friends are pupils. 4 .1 am of home now. 5. My friends are at home now. 6 . 1 am at school now. 7. My parents are at their work. 8. My bag is on the floor. 9. My books are on the table. 10. The blackboard is on the wall. 11. My house is in Perova Street. 12. The Dnipro is a river. 13. The Nile is in Africa. 14. Washington is a city. 15. Paris is in France.

Exercise 18.

Ask me: 1. Are you a teacher? 2. Is your brother a worker? 3. Are you at

home now? 4. Is your son at home? 5. Is your grandfather alive? 6. Is your neighbour at home? 7. Are you ill? 8. Are you tired? 9. Where are you? 10. What is your sister?

Exercise 19.

1. My father is a tractor driver. 2. Our teacher is in Kyiv now. 3. Is your sister at home? 4. Petro is not ill. 5. Where is your brother? He is not in the room. 6. We are at school. 7. The tractors are in the field. 8. Is Olga at home? 9. His father is very tired now. 10. What is your sister? She is a doctor. 11. Is her daughter in Kyiv? No, she is not in


Kyiv, she is in Lviv. 12. Are the pupils in the hall? No, they are not in the hall, they are in th£ classrooms. 13. Where is your pen? It is in the bag. 14. Where are your books? They are in the bag. 15. Where is a geography map? It is on the wall. 16. The newspapers are on the table. 17. What colour is your pen? My pen is red. 18. What colour are the desks? They are white. 19. Where are you? I am in the kitchen. 20. Why isn't Petro here? He is at school.

Exercise 20.

1. have; 2. has; 3. have; 4. have; 5. has; 6. have; 7. has; 8. have; 9. has; 10. have.

Exercise 21.*

1. Has he a brother? 2. Has she many English books? 3. Have we any friends in Ternopil? 4. Have you blue eyes? 5. Have they a flat in the centre of the town.

1. Does he have breakfast at seven? 2. Does she have dinner at home or at a restaurant? 3. Do we have tea at school? 4. Do you have a pleasant time there? 5. D o they have a walk before going to bed?

1 .1 haven't a bicycle. 2. He has not much free time. 3. She hasn't your textbooks. 4. You have not any dictionaries. 5. They have not two textbooks for the sixth form.

1 .1 have no German newspapers. 2. He has no watch. 3. She has cousins. 4. We have no time to go there. 5. You have no skates.

1 .1 do not have supper at eight o'clock. 2. He doesn't have dinner at home. 3. She does not have a bath every day. 4. We don' t have a good time there. 5. You do not have a walk in the morning. 6. They do not have tea at school.

Exercise 22.

1. a) Has Peter a tape recorder? /Does Peter have a tape recorder? b) Peter has not a tape recorder. /Peter has no tape recorder.

2. a) Have you many relatives there? /Do you have many relatives there? b) You have not many relatives there. /You don' t have many relatives there.

3. a) Has my sister music lessons once a week? /Does my sister have music lessons once a week? b) My sister has not music lessons

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once a week. /Му sister doesn't have music lessons once a week. 4. a) Have the children many toys? /Do the children have many

toys? b) The children have not many toys. /The children don' t have many toys.

5. a) Have we coffee in the afternoon? /Do we have coffee in the afternoon? b) We have not coffee in the afternoon. /We don't have coffee in the afternoon.

6. a) Has her daughter a piano? /Does her daughter have a piano? b) Her daughter has not a piano. /Her daughter doesn't have a piano. /Her daughter has no piano.

7. a) Have the children lunch at eleven? /Do the children have lunch at eleven? b) The children have not lunch at eleven. /The chil-dren don' t have lunch at eleven.

8. a) Has Jane a bookshelf? /Does Jane have a bookshelf? b) Jane has not a bookshelf. /Jane doesn't have a bookshelf. /Jane has no bookshelf.

9. a) Have I a bath once a week? /Do I have a bath once a week? b) I have not a bath once a week. Я don' t have a bath once a week.

10. a) Have you his textbook on physics? /Do you have his text-book on physics? b) I have not his textbook on physics. Я don' t have his textbook on physics.

11. a) Have we much snow this winter? /Do we have much snow this winter? b) We have not much snow this winter. /We don' t have much snow this winter.

12. a) Have they breakfast at half past seven? /Do they have break-fast at half past seven? b) They have not breakfast at half past seven. /They don' t have breakfast at half past seven.

13. a) Has his uncle a garden? /Does his uncle have a garden? b) His uncle has not a garden. /His uncle doesn't have a garden. /His uncle has no garden.

14. a) Have you enough paper to write three letters? /Do you have enough paper to write three letters? b) You have not enough paper to write three letters. /You don't have enough paper to write three let-ters.

Exercise 23.

Ask me: 1. Have you a brother in Tbilisi? 2. Do you have apple trees in

your garden? 3. Do you have coffee every day? 4. Has your brother a car? 5. Do your children have tea or coffee in the morning? 6. Has your daughter music lessons? 7. Do you have many English^ maga-zines? 8. What do you have in your right hand? 9. How many4 broth-ers and sisters do you have? 10. Where do you have your dinner? 11. What do you have in your room? 12. At what time do you have break-fast? 13. What does your sister have in her room? 14. At what time do


your, children have supper?

Exercise 24.

1. a) Have you got a fountain pen? b) I have not got a fountain pen.

2. a) Have we got many relatives there? b) We have not got many relatives there.

3. a) Have they got six lessons today? b) They have not got six les-sons today. v

4. a) Have you got that magazine? b) You have not got that mag-azine.

5. a) Has he got a camera? b) He has not got a camera. 6. a) Have they got a comfortable flat? b) They have not got a

comfortable flat.

Exercise 25.

1. are; 2. is; 3. has; 4. are; 5. seems; 6. works; 7. know; 8. am ... am; 9. is; 10. seem; 11. is; 12. are; have; 13. are; 14. waits.

Exercise 26.

1. doesn't; 2. don't; don't; 3. don' t know; 4. do; 5. don't want; 6. don't think; 7. means; 8. don't believe; 9. do ... keep; do ... go; 10. don't like.

Exercise 27.

1. Yes, I have got a brother. 2 .1 have one brother and two sisters. 3. Yes, I have an aunt in Poltava. 4. Yes, I have a bookcase. 5. Yes, I have got a bag. 6 .1 usually have papers in my bag. 7. Yes, my parents have a car. 8. No, my father has not a bicycle. 9.1 have my breakfast at eight oclock. 10.1 have dinner at home. 11.1 have tea twice a day. 12.1 have a bath every day. 13. K<?S, I have a walk before going to bed. 14.1 usually have supper at seven o'clock. 15.1 have tea for breakfast.

Exercise 28.

1. I have a camera. 2. My friend has a motorcycle. 3. We have fountain pens. 4. Do you have colour pencils? 5. Has Victor a bicycle? 6 .1 don't have free time. 7. They haven't got English-Ukrainian die- -tionaries. 8. I don' t have this article. 9. Have you got a brother in Kyiv? 10. Has she any relatives in Sochi? 11. We have no time to go there. 12. What do you have in your pocket? 13. How many brothers and sisters does she have? 14. At what time do you have your break-

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fast? 15. Do you have dinner at home or in a school canteen?

Exercise 29.

1. «Принаймні, поліція не підозрює Ральфа. Вони працюють у трохи іншому напрямку». «Але в тім-то й річ!» - вигукнула дівчина. - «Вони все-таки підозрюють його!». 2. Я думаю, що він міг би довірити мені таємницю. 3. «Гаразд», - сказав я собі, -«можливо, стан справ таки зміниться, поки ти спиш». 4. Я дуже хочу поїхати до Південної Америки. 5. Ви й справді знаєте кожного у цьому крихітному селі. 6. Але ж він у захваті від золотавого волосся Флори. 7. Ми знаємо, що він справді довіряє вашій думці. 8. Я дуже хочу, щоб Кароліна була присутня на інтерв'ю. 9. Знаю, це Досить дивно, але цього ранку я почуваюся щасливим. 10. «Ти виглядаєш наляканою, люба».


Exercise ЗО.

Looked, seemed, dressed, loved, cried, jumped, profited, enjoyed, hurried, cleared, regretted, carried, cooked, repaired, shouted, scat-tered, robbed, stirred, compelled, peeled.

Exercise 31.*

1.1 began to learn English last year. 2. He left for Kyiv yesterday. 3. She read that novel in September. 4. We returned on Monday. 5. You finished school in 1990. 6. They discussed the film three days ago.

1. Did you play volleyball on Saturday? 2. Did she work there last summer? 3. Did she go to the cinema yesterday? 4. Did we receive the telegram on Saturday? 5. Did you go to the Caucasus last summer? 6. Did they arrive yesterday?

1 .1 did not play the piano yesterday. 2. He did not go to the the-atre last night. 3. She did not live here last year. 4. We did not invite them last week. 5. You did not help him in July. 6. They did not write a composition yesterday.

Exercise 32.

1. saw; 2. wrote; 3. gave; 4. saw; 5. called; 6. taught; 7. were; 8. died;

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9. happened; 10. went; saw.

Exercise 33.

1. didn't tell; 2. didn't tell; 3. did ... dance; 4. doesn't like /didn't like; 5. did ... handle; 6. did ... meet; 7. did ... buy; 8. did ... come; 9. did ... see; 10. did ... reply; 11. did ... enjoy.

Exercise 34.

1. a) Did the teacher repeat the question? b) The teacher did not repeat the question.

2. a) Did the boys played football in the afternoon? b) The boys did not play football in the afternoon.

3. a) Did the girl catch cold? b) The girl did not catch cold. 4. a) Did mother turn off the gas? b) Mother did not turn off the

gas. 5. a) Did they sleep in the open air? b) They did not sleep in the

open air. 6. a) Did the pupils answer at once? b) The pupils did not answer

at once. 7. a) Did the boy break the window? b) The boy did not break the

window. 8. a) Did the woman change her clothes? b) The woman did not

change her clothes. 9. a) Did the tourists reach the village before dark? b) The tourists

did not reach the village before dark. 10. a) Did the clock strike five? b) The clock did not strike five. 11. a) Did our team win the match? b) Our team did not win the

match. 12. a) Did the doctor allow you to go out? b) The doctor did not

allow you to go out.

Exercise 35.

1. His father worked at a plant. 2.1 often saw them in the park. 3. Did your pupils read English books? 4. His father taught chemistry at school. 5. We didn't know his address. 6. He got up, washed, dressed, had breakfast, and went to school. 7. Did the doctor speak English? 8. We understood the rule. 9. My friend didn't like such films. 10. In summer we picked berries and mushrooms. 11. They didn't change trains there. 12. This worker repaired his car himself.

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Exercise 36.

Ask me: 1. Did you sleep in the open air? 2. Did you play chess that night?

3. Did you study chemistry at the institute? 4. Did your friend called on you last week? 5. Did your sister spend her holidays in the Crimea? 6. Did you take a bus this morning? 7. Did you enjoy the perform-ance? 8. Did you see me yesterday?

Exercise 37.*

1. When did he begin to learn English? 2. Where did she meet them? 3. When did we gather mushrooms? 4. Where did you learn Spanish? 5. When did they buy the bicycle?

1. What did you do last night? 2. What did he write yesterday? 3. What did she read in the evening? 4. What did you eat in the morn-ing? 5. What did they buy there? 6. What did we learn at school?

1. Who saw him yesterday? 2. Which of them translated this story? 3. Whose son came first? 4. Who lived here before the war? 5. Which of them worked at this factory at that time? 6. Whose son set a record in the long jump?

Exercise 38.

Ask me: 1. When did you receive the letter? 2. Where did you work five

years ago? 3. What foreign language did you study at school? 4. At what time did you get up this morning? 5. What did you do yesterday? 6. Where did your parents live? 7. When did you finish the secondary school? 8. What did your friends do last night? 9. How did you spend your summer holidays? 10. How did you lose your way? 11. Which of your pupils made no mistake in the last dictation? 12. Who gave you this magazine? 13. Which of your friends came to see you yesterday? 14. Why did you decide to become a teacher? 15. Who told you about it? 16. When did they tell you about it?

Exercise 39.

1. At what time did they start to work this morning? 2. Where did Peter see them? 3. How did the pupils understand the rule? 4. Where did his brother go every year? 5. What did the boy eat? 6. Who grew beautiful roses? 7. How did she play tennis? 8. What did the children,

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drink in the morning? 9. Whose wife saw your cousin in Kharkiv? 10. Why did they lose their way?

Exercise 40.

1.1 usually get up at seven o'clock. 2 .1 go to bed at seven o'clock. 3. I got up at seven o'clock this morning. 4 .1 went to bed at nine o'clock last night. 5. I read books and watch TV in the evening. 6. I went to school and studied last week. 7 . 1 usually have dinner at home. 8. I had dinner at school yesterday. 9 .1 read books on my days off. 10.1 skied on my last day off. 11.1 spent my winter holidays well. 12.1 spent my last winter holidays perfectly well. 13. I usually spend my summer holidays in the Crimea. 14.1 spent my last summer holidays in Kyiv. 15.1 usually come home from school at three o'clock. 16.1 came home from school at three o'clock yesterday. 17.1 go to the cinema in the evening. 18.1 went to the cinema last time on Monday. 19. I like adventure films. 20. Yes, I like the film I saw last.

Exercise 41.

1.1 was a pupil. 2. They were at school. 3. His father was a work-er. 4. She was a schoolgirl. 5. You were tired. 6. His parents were farm-ers. 7. The girls were at the theatre. 8. Peter was ill. 9. Was the doctor at the hospital? 10. Were you ready to go there?

Exercise 42.*

1. I was there last week. 2. He wasn't here yesterday. 3. She was not in London at that time. 4. We were not at school on Sunday. 5. You were not at home in the evening.

1. Was I there last summer? 2. Was he at the cinema last night? 3. Was she in the country two days ago? 4. Were we here on Saturday? 5. Were you at the doctor's yesterday? 6. Were they in the forest on Saturday?

Exercise 43.

1. a) Was Nick at home at that time? b) Nick was not at home at that time.

2. a) Were you angry with me? b) You were not angry with me. 3. a) Was the little girl afraid of the dog? b) The little girl was not

afraid of the dog. 4. a) Were we ready to have a test in English? b) We were not

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r e a d y to have a test in English. 5 a) Was the baby asleep? b) The baby was not asleep. 6. a) Were the boys at the stadium yesterday? b) The boys were not

at the stadium yesterday. 7. a) Were you glad to hear this news? b) You were not glad to

hear this news. . 8. a) Were her parents at the theatre last mght? b) Her parents

were not at the theatre last night. 9. a) Was their house the finest in the street? b) Their house was

not the finest in the street. 10. a) Were they silent for a while? b) They were not silent lor a


Exercise 44*

1 When was I in the country? 2. When was he at the theatre last time'? 3. When was he in Kharkiv? 4. Where were we in June? 5. Where were you yesterday? 6. Where were they the day before yesterday? 7. When was she at the library? 8. Where was he at ten o'clock? 9. Where were you on Wednesday?

Exercise 45.

Ask me: 1 Were you at the doctor's on Thursday? 2. When were you at the

doctor 's7 3. Were you in Siberia last year? 4. When were you m your native village? 5. Were you busy yesterday? 6. Where were you yester-day7 7 Were you at home last night? 8. Where were you last night? 9. Was your daughter at the theatre last night? 10. When were you in Minsk? 11. Were you ill the day before yesterday? 12. When was your brother in Chernihiv?

Exercise 46.

1. Yes, I was at school yesterday. 2. Yes, I was in the Crimea last summer. 3. Yes, my mother was at home last Sunday. 4. Yes, I was in the country in July. 5. No, I was not at the cinema last night. 6 .1 was at the cinema on Monday last time. 7. I was at the theatre yesterday last time. 8 .1 was at the theatre with my mother. 9 .1 was born on the 14th of April in 1980.10.1 was born in Kyiv.

Exercise 47.*

A : Did you play chess yesterday? B: No, I didn't. * — можливі й інші варіанти-відповідей

THE PRESENT INDEFINITE TENSE 11 A: Why not? B\ Because I had no companion.

A: Did you go to the theatre last night7

B: No, I didn't. ' A: Why not? В: Because I was tired.

A: Did you go shopping? B: No, I didn't. A: Why not?

B. Because I had no time.

Exercise 48. 1. Отже, ви все ж зробили запит про це, чи не так? 2. У мене на

мить промайнула думка, що міс Рассел могла навмисно вигадати біль у коліні. 3. «Ви були тут, лікарю. Ви точно повинні знати що саме вона сказала». 4. Тепер ми знаємо, що й насправді хтось чужии приходив тієї ночі до будинку. 5. Було цілком очевидно що він справді поїхав на дачу. 6. Я звернувся з питанням до компанії. Вони відповіли, що містер Акройд дійсно купив диктофон у їхнього представника. 7. Але того ранку я справді бачив, як Віллі потискав руку Тіні Даффі. 8. Так, він утік, коли приишов час. 9. Вона обіцяла пообідати зі мною, коли я захочу, і вона-таки обідала зі мною декілька разів. 10. Одначе, я працював на парубка, якого всі неполюбляли. 11. М и були дуже закло-потані. Та все ж часто з нею бачились.

Exercise 49.

1. The children helped (to) their parents. 2. Father came back home late. 3. What did you do on Sunday? 4. Where were you yester-day in the evening? - 1 went to the cinema. - Did you like this film7 -Yes I liked the film very much. 5. What did you do at the English les-son? - We read the new text, answered the questions, and translated sentences f rom Ukrainian into English. 6. When did you start to learn English? - We started to learn English three years ago. 7. How many pages did you read last week? - 1 read ten pages last week. I like this book. 8. Where were you the day before yesterday? - We went on an excursion at the machine-building plant. The excursion was very interesting. 9. At what time do you usually get up? - 1 usually get up at seven o'clock. 10. At what time did you get up yesterday? - 1 got up at eight o'clock yesterday. I always get up at eight o'clock on Sunday j l . When did your friends come to you? Who came to you yesterday? 12. I entered the room, switched on the light and began to do my homework. 13. We did not send the telegram yesterday, because we

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didn't know her address. 14. What foreign languages do you know? -I know English and French. I also learned German at school, but I know it badly. 15. Where did you buy this clock? - 1 bought it in the department store seven years ago.


Exercise 50.

1. The pupils will have dictations twice a week. 2.1 shall spend my summer holidays in the country. 3. Our engineer will leave for Kyiv on Monday. 4. She will agree with him. 5. Our school year will begin on the 1st of September. 6. We shall do our homework in the afternoon. 7. My brother will be a driver. 8 .1 shall see him at school. 9. We shall sleep in the open air. 10. Her husband will work at the factory. 11. They will be at home. 12.1 shall be busy on weekdays.

Exercise 51.*

1.1 shall ring you up tomorrow. 2. He will start in the morning. 3. She will not come back on Sunday. 4. We shall not go to the cirpus next week. 5. You will clean the room tomorrow. 6. They will send a telegram next week. 7. We shall not visit them next week.

1. Shall I watch television this evening? 2. Will he leave for Lviv on Saturday? 3. Will she study Spanish next year? 4. Shall we go shop-ping tomorrow? 5. Will you finish school next year? 6. Will they go to the theatre tomorrow?

1. When will you play football? 2. At what time shall I wait for you? 3. Where will they have dinner? 4. When will she buy a tape recorder? 5. Where will he grow rice? 6. Where shall we build the fac-tory?

1. What will they discuss at the evening? 2. What shall I do tomor-row? 3. What shall we study next year? 4. What will he tell her? 5. What will you build there? 6. What will she sing?

Exercise 52.

1. a) Will the meeting begin at eight? b) The meeting will not begin at eight,

2. a) Will they be in Brussels the day after tomorrow? b) They will not be in Brussels the day after tomorrow.

* — можливі й інші варіанти відповідей


з: a) Will she cook breakfast for us? b) She will not cook breakfast for us.

4. a) Shall we start at dawn? b) We shall not start at dawn. 5. a) Will the boy be seven next year? b) The boy will not be seven«

next year. 6. a) Will the plane take off in five minutes? b) The plane will not

take off in five minutes. 7. a) Shall We climb the mountain next week? b) We shall not

climb the mountain next week. 8. a) Shall I see you on Monday? b) I shall not see you on Monday. 9. a) Shall I buy a camera next month? b) I shall not buy a camera

next month.

10. a) Will they tell us about it? b) They will not tell us about it.

Exercise 53. 1. When will our friends come to see us? 2. Who will arrive in some

minutes? 3. Where will his parents be after six? 4. When will the peace talks be held in Vienna? 5. Why won't Jack go to the cinema? 6. Who will play chess this evening? 7. At what time shall we get up tomor-row? 8. What will the plant make? -

Exercise 54.

1. will be; will do; 2. will be; won't; 3. will ... go; 4. won't say; 5. will explain. 6. shall come; 7. will be; 8. will talk; 9. will be; 10. will . . . return; will ...return; will ...return; 11. will be.

Exercise 55.*

1.1 shall go to the forest if the weather is fine. 2. He will begin the work when the clock strikes ten. 3. She will watch television till he comes. 4. We shall clean the room before she leaves. 5. You will stay here after classes are over. 6. They will leave as soon as they send a telegram.

1. If they come, I shall begin it. 2. As soon as we get there, we shall let you know. 3. When you pass your exam, you will go there. 4. If they buy it, they will ring you up. 5. As soon as he allows it, she will do it. 6. When she leaves, he will invite them.

Exercise 56.

1. comes; 2. shall go; get; 3. enters; 4. return; 5. shall not; is; 6. will

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stay; rains; 7. stops; 8. pass.

Exercise 57.

1. If the weather is fine, the children will go on a trip. 2. If Peter comes to see me, we'll play chess. 3. If my mother doesn't allow us to go to the cinema, we'll see the film on the television. 4. If the wind blows f rom the west, it will rain. 5. If you don't wake me up, I'll miss the train. 6. If we take a taxi, we'll catch the train. 7. If I fall ill, I'll call doctor. 8. If he doesn't come in time, we'll go without him. 9. If it rains on Sunday, the children will stay at home. 10. If I see her, I'D invite her to our conference.

Exercise 58.

Ask me: 1. Will you get up early tomorrow? 2. Will you have dinner at

three? 3. At what time will you have supper this evening? 4. What will you do tomorrow? 5. When shall we have a test in English? 6. Will you wait till we come back? 7. Will you go to the river if it rains? 8. Where will you go in the evening if you are not tired? 9. When will you go to Odessa if you don't get a ticket today? 10. How will you spend your day off if the weather is bad?

Exercise 59.

1.1 shall get up at seven o'clock tomorrow. 2 .1 shall do physical exer-cises tomorrow morning. 3. I shall come home from school at three o'clock. 4. I shall help my mother about the house in the evening. 5. I shall do my homework in the evening. 6 .1 shall help my mother about the house this evening. 7.1 shall go to bed at ten o'clock. 8 .1 am fourteen. I shall be fifteen next year. I shall be seventeen in three years. 9.1 shall fin-ish the secondary school in two years. 10. Yes, I shall try to enter the institute. 11. Yes, I shall go to the cinema on Saturday. 12.1 shall go to the theatre next Sunday. 13. No, I shall not be busy tonight. Yes, of course, I shall listen to the news before you go to bed. 14. My mother will wake me up tomorrow. 15.1 shall enter the university after I finish the second-ary school. 16. No, 1 shall not go to school tomorrow if I feel bad.

TOE F U T U R E I N D E F I N I T E - I N - T H E - P A S T T E N S E

Exercise 60.*

1.1 said that I should come in time. 2. He thought that he would be busy on Friday. 3. She knew that he would go there next day. 4. We

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hoped that we should get tickets beforehand. 5. You told us that you would be twenty the next year. 6. They wrote that they would work in Siberia.

Exercise 61.

1. They said that they would return in two days. 2. The woman said that her son would be at home in the evening. 3. The man said that it would be very cold in January. 4 .1 said that I would be very busy in the afternoon. 5. The teacher said that he would explain it on Monday. 6. Ann said that her parents would buy her a piano. 7. She said that my brother would hardly agree with this judgment. 8. Hilda said that then they would have tea in the garden. 9. Betty said that she would go home and would not stay to dinner after all. 10. Mr. Parker Pine said that the boy would be very upset, of course.

1. The man said that he would catch the train if he took a taxi. 2. Mother said that she would miss the train if she didn't hurry. 3. The girl said that she would ring him up if she got tickets. 4. The boy said that he would go skating if it was not very cold. 5. Mother said that they would have dinner as soon as father came. 6. He said that he would wait till the clock stroke nine. 7. The teacher said that Paul would fail at the examination if he didn't work hard. 8. The pupils said that they would work in their village after they finished school. 9. He said that he would go below and get to bed before the boat started. 10. She said that they would keep her luggage till she gave her new address.

Exercise 62.

A: I thought you would come to see me. B. I 'm awfully sorry but I couldn't. A: Why not? В: I didn't think Mr. Peterson would keep me so long but he did.

A: I thought you would teach me to drive a motorcycle. B: I 'm awfully sorry but I couldn't. A : Why not? В: I didn't think Mr. Peterson would visit me but he did.

A : I thought you would play chess with me? В: I 'm awfully sorry but I couldn't. A : Why not? В: I didn't think Mr. Peterson would ask me to help him but he did.

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Exercise 63.

1. would; 2. should; 3. would make; 4. wouldn't be; 5. would take; 6. would do; 7. would be; 8. would be; 9. would go on; 10. would go.

Exercise 64.

1. The pupils will go to the museum tomorrow. 2. Will you go to the concert tonight? 3. When will the lection begin? 4. She will not come today. 5. We shall leave for Warsaw in a month. 6. At what time will you get up tomorrow? 7. We shall learn the new text next week. 8. She will not be at school on Monday. 9. He will be fifteen in three weeks. 10. If the weather is fine, we shall go on an excursion. 11. I'll wait till you pass the exam. 12. She will get a passport when she is six-teen. 13. We shall go to her place as soon as she calls us up. 14. He will work at the plant after he finishes the school. 15. The doctor said that he would come in the morning again. 16. I thought that they would return on Monday. 17. We hoped that our football team would.win. 18. He promised that he would be here at six o'clock. 19.1 knew that he would call me up if he got a telegram. 20.1 think you will write me when you come to Paris. 21. They promised that they would wait till I came. 22.1 said that I should go there as soon as I got the letter. 23. The doctor said that he would come tomorrow if I felt myself bad and called him up.

Exercise 65.*

1. I am cleaning the room. 2. He is not playing hockey. 3. She is not having breakfast. 4. We are listening to the radio. 5. You are not reading a newspaper. 6. They are cooking dinner.

1. Is he watering flowers? 2. Are we watching television? 3. Are you having breakfast? 4. Is she drinking tea? 5. Are you washing up dishes? 6. Are they having dinner?

1. What are you doing? 2. Who is reading? 3. Whom are you wait-ing for? 4. What are we speaking about? 5. Whom is she playing with? 6. What are they listening to?

Exercise 66.

1. a) Is the teacher explaining a grammar rule? b) The teacher is not explaining a grammar rule.

2. a) Is the woman playing with a child? b) The woman is not play-

* . „ . . . — можливі и інші варіанти відповідей


i n g with a child. 3. a) Are the-boys skating? b) The boys are not skating. 4. a) Am I waiting for them? b) I am not waiting for them. 5. a) Are the children having supper? b) The children are not hav-

' ing supper. 6. a) Is it raining? b) It is not raining. 7. a) Am I cleaning the blackboard? b) I am not cleaning the

blackboard. 8. a) Are my sister Chris and David getting married today? b) My

sister Chris and David are not getting married today. 9. a) Am I always thinking about her these days? b) I am not

always thinking about her these days. 10. a) Are Ingrid and Dorothy giggling and whispering together?

b) Ingrid and Dorothy are not giggling and whispering together. T H E P R E S E N T C O N T I N U O U S T E N S E

Exercise 67.

1.1 am going to the door. 2.1 am standing at the blackboard. 3.1 am writing a sentence on the blackboard. 4 .1 am holding the duster in my left hand. 5 .1 am sitting at my desk. 6.1 am putting my books into my bag. 7. We are taking our notebooks out of our bags. 8.1 am counting the words in the text. 9 .1 am drawing a house. 10.1 am car-rying my friend's bag.

Exercise 68.

Ask me: 1. Are you going to school? 2. Are you preparing for the concert?

3. Is your sister working at a factory? 4. Is the wind blowing? 5. What are you thinking about? 6. Whom are you waiting for? 7. What are you going to do? 8. Where are you standing? 9. Are you going to the theatre? 10. Do you often go to the theatre? 11. Are you speaking German? 12. Do you speak German? 13. Is it raining? 14. Does it often rain in autumn? 15. Where are you going? 16. Where do you go in the morning?

Ask your classmate: 1. Are you having supper? 2. Are you doing your homework? 3.

Are your friends playing volleyball? 4. What are you writing? 5. What are you listening to? 6. Are you skating? 7. Do you skate well? 8. What are you doing? 9. What do you do in the morning? 10. What languages do you study?

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Exercise 69.

1. What are the children planting? 2. Where are they working? 3. What is the girl trying on? 4. Who is talking with his friends? 5. What are the students doing? 6. Where is the man sitting? 7. What is the girl doing? 8. What is the woman wearing? 9. Whose brother is riding a bicycle? 10. What are they talking about? 11. Who is speaking over the telephone? 12. Why is the boy running fast?

Exercise 70.

1. are saying; 2. are wasting; 3. are ... packing; 4. are speaking; 5. are ... laughing; 6. am marrying; 7. is having.

Exercise 71.

1. gather; 2. are gathering; 3. is doing; does; 4. write; 5. are writing; 6. boils; 7. is boiling; 8. dances; 9. is dancing; 10. are you hurrying; 11. hurries; 12. prepares; 13. is preparing; 14. is raining; 15. rains.

Exercise 72.

1. М и збираємося на пікнік на острів Стробері. 2. Цього вечора я залишаюся на обід у Рендів. 3. Я хочу поставити вам питання і Чекаю на щиру відповідь. 4. Я збираюся купити сюди годинника. 5. У мене є для тебе надзвичайна новина. Джейн виходить заміж. 6. Ми збираємося до Італії на медовий місяць. 7. Можна вас спитати, чому ви збираєтесь виходити заміж за цього молодого чоловіка? 8. Не міг же я знати, що він помирає. 9. Містер Воул, я хочу поставити вам дуже серйозне питання. 10. Я збираюся купити вам автомобіль, тож ви не будете почуватися так погано, як ті, в кого він лише один. 11. Коли ви збираєтесь розповісти про це хлопчикам?

Exercise 73.

1. Ann is going to spend the summer holidays in the country. 2. The pupils are going to visit the Art gallery. 3. We are going to learn Spanish next year. 4. She is going to take a taxi. 5. The pupils are going to deco-rate their school. 6.1 am going to take part in the sports competition. 7. I am going to think about it. 8. He is going to show her the house and the garden. 9 .1 am going to talk French four days a week and Russian in the remaining three. 10. We are going to talk about this some other time.


Exercise 74.

1 .1 am going to write a composition this evening. 2. I am going to relax on the beach on Sunday. 3. I am going to learn German next sum-m e r . 4.1 am going to enter the university. 5 .1 am going to spend my win-ter holidays in the Carpathian Mountains skiing and skating. 6. I am going to have dinner at seven o'clock today. 7. She is going to borrow some books.

Exercise 75.

Можна вибрати будь-який варіант.

Exercise 76.

1. What are you doing? - We are preparing for the concert. 2. Where are you going? - 1 am going to the library. 3. Where is Mykola? - He is in the reading hall. He is doing his homework there. Mykola often does his homework in the reading hall. 4. What ' s Petro doing now? - He is repairing his radio. 5. Is Olena at home? - No, she is not at home. She is on the music lesson now. She always has music lessons at this time. 6. Who is in gym now? - The pupils of our class are train-ing there. They train themselves twice a week. 7. Don ' t be noisy. Kovalenko is speaking over the telephone. 8. Don ' t come in that room. The pupils of our class are passing exam in mathematics there. 9. The pupils pass exams once a year. 10. Is it raining? - No, it is not raining, but the strong wind is blowing. 11. We are leaving tomorrow in the morning. 12. His son is going to become an agronomist. 13. What are you going to do? 14.1 am going to explain them this rule now.


Exercise 77.*

1.1 was not working in the field at that time. 2. He was gathering mushrooms the whole day. 3. She was riding a bicycle when I came. 4. We were waiting for a tram at that time. 5. You were discussing the novel while I was reading. 6. They were not training there from 6 till

1. Was I taking a bath at that moment? 2. Was he swimming in the river f rom 8 till 9? 3. Was she giving a lesson when I rang up? 4. Were we watching television while I was writing? 5. Were you playing the

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piano at that time? 6. Were they walking home at eight?

1. What was I doing when he entered the room? 2. What was he drawing the whole evening? 3. What was she learning f rom 7 till 9? 4. What were we listening to at seven o'clock? 5. What were you looking for at that time? 6. What were they speaking about when she rang you up?

Exercise 78.

1. a) Was she standing alone before the fife? b) She was not stand-ing alone before the fire.'

2. a) Were they crossing the street at the wrong place? b) They were not crossing the street at the wrong place.

3. a) Was I listening to their conversation? b) I was not listening to their conversation.

4. a) Were they talking about our party? b) They were not talking about our party.

5. a) Was George preparing for his examination the whole day? b) George was not preparing for his examination the whole day.

6. a) Was she playing the piano when you came in? b) She was not playing the piano when you came in.

7. a) Were the children doing their homework at six? b) The chil-dren were not doing their homework at six.

8. a) Was their son going to be a painter? b) Their son was not going to be a painter.

Exercise 79.

1. The man was standing near the door. 2. Tom was telling a story. 3. The children were swimming in the river. 4. Was Mary wearing a white dress? 5. She was going to the cinema. 6. They were not working in the garden. 7. We were not sitting by the window. 8. The workers were building a bridge. 9. The girl was trying on a dress. 10. The old man was speaking in a low voice.

Exercise 80.

1. was coming; 2. was helping; 3. were searching; were; 4. was cry-ing; 5. was standing; 6. was digging; 7. was dancing; 8. was playing; 9. was ... playing; was digging; 10. was cooking; 11. was ringing; 12. were ... eating.


Exercise 81.

Ask me: 1. Were you having supper when I rang you up? 2. Was Ann cook-

ing when you came to her place? 3. Was it raining the whole day yes-terday? 4. Was it snowing when you got off the trolleybus. 5. What were you doing at three o'clock yesterday? 6. What' were you writing when I entered the room? 7. What were you thinking about when I asked you this question? 8. What were your pupils doing when you came into the classroom? 9. What were you doing the whole day yes-terday? 10. What was your son doing when you came home last night?

Exercise 82.

1. What was the man doing when somebody knocked at the door? 2. What was he waiting for? 3. Who was skating? 4. When were the students dancing? 5. What was the girl eating when we came in? 6. Whom was she looking after? 7. What were the pupils discussing? 8. When was the man passing the theatre? 9. When was it snowing? 10. How was the boy running?

Exercise 83.

1. Yes, I was watching television at ten o'clock last night. Yes, Iliked the programme. 2. Yes, I did my homework yesterday. No, I was not doing it the whole evening. 3. The pupils were writing a composition when the teacher came into the classroom-. 4. My mother was cooking when I came home yesterday. 5. Yes, it rained yesterday. Yes, it was rain-ing when I went out.

Exercise 84.

1. We were going to spend our holidays at a camp. 2. She was going to visit the picture gallery. 3.1 was going to call on him on Sunday. 4. His son was going to enter an agricultural college. 5. The tractor driv-er was going to buy a car. 6. They were going to congratulate him. 7. We were going to take a taxi. 8. They were going to send their son to Oxford. 9. We were going to buy ice cream for dessert. 10.1 thought you were going to find a new job-

Exercise 85.*

A: Did you visit your friend last night? , -B. Yes, I did.

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А: What was she doing when you saw her? B. She was watching television.

A : Did you see Kate on Sunday? B. Yes, I did. A: What was she doing when you met her? В: She was doing some shopping.

A\ Did you meet Pete this morning? B. Yes, I did. A: What was she doing when you met him? B: He was hurrying to the bus stop.

Exercise 86.

1. We saw her yesterday. She was working in the garden. 2. When the clock stroke twelve, we were all sitting at the table. 3. Where were you at three o'clock? I was calling you up but nobody answered. - 1 was repairing a bicycle. 4. When I came into the hall Olga was play-ing the violin. 5. What was she doing when you came to her? - She was cleaning the room. 6. When I went out it was pouring. 7. What was the teacher doing till you were writing a composition? 8. What was your son doing at eight o'clock in the evening? - He was reading a book. He always reads books, watches TV programmes or listens to the radio at this time. 9 . 1 saw you when you were running through the street. Where were you hurrying? 10. We were coming home late. It was not raining but the strong wind was blowing.


Exercise 87.*

1. We shall be packing at this time on Friday. 2. I shall be doing some shopping when you come. 3. He will be taking a bath at five o'clock. 4. She will not be making a report at this time on Friday. 5. You will not be having dinner at that time. 6. They will not be flying to Rome at five o'clock.

1. Shall I be driving a car at this time tomorrow? 2. Will she be having a music lesson at seven o'clock? 3. Will he be answering letters at this time tomorrow? 4. Shall we be taking a walk at seven o'clock? 5. Will they be training at seven o'clock?

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Exercise 88.

1. a) Will John be coming soon? b) John will not be coming soon. 2. a) Shall we be flying to Kherson at this time tomorrow? b) We

shall not be flying to Kherson at this time tomorrow. 3. a) Will you be meeting him every day? b) You will not be meet-

ing him every day. 4. a) Shall we be packing our things when you come? b) We shall

not be packing our things when you come. 5. a) Will he be going to school soon? b) He won't be going to

school soon. 6. a) Will Jack be looking for you all afternoon? b) Jack will not

be looking for you all afternoon. 7. a) Will mother be cooking all day tomorrow? b) Mother will

not be cooking all day tomorrow, 8. a) Shall we be walking among the New York skyscrapers this

time tomorrow? b) We shall not be walking among the New York skyscrapers this time tomorrow.

9. a) Will he be waiting for you? b) He won't be waiting for you. 10. a) Will they be sending you invitations to dinner all summer?

b) They will not be sending you invitations to dinner all summer.

Exercise 89.

1. They will be having dinner at three. 2 . 1 shall be doing my morn-ing exercises. 3. The children will be skiing in the afternoon. 4. The girl will be reciting a poem. 5 .1 shall be waiting for you at the metro station. 6. The boys will be playing hockey. 7. The students will be discussing it on Friday.

Exercise 90.

1.1 shall be doing my homework at four o'clock tomorrow. 2.1 shall be watching TV at this time tomorrow. 3. I shall be playing computer games at this time on Sunday. 4. My mother will be riding on a horse at this time on Sunday. 5 .1 shall be waiting for you. 6. Yes,Ishallbe learn-ing German next year.

Exercise 91.

1. The woman said that she would be having dinner soon. 2. The girl said that f rom now she would be asking thousands of questions. 3. The man rose and said that he would be seeing him. 4. Father said that he would be going to school soon.

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Exercise 92.*

1. We have won the match. 2. He has not become an engineer. 3. She has left for the USA. 4 .1 have cooked breakfast. 5. You have not lost that paper. 6. They have built the bridge.

1. Have I seen this film? 2. Has she turned off the gas? 3. Has he guessed the riddle? 4. Have we lost the game? 5. Have you bought that coat? 6. Have they invited them to the evening party?

1 .1 have often crossed the street at that place. 2. He has seldom met them in the park. 3. She has never been to Kyiv. 4. We have already shown them our picture gallery. 5. You have just visited the exhibition. 6. They have not yet gone to the seaside.

1.1 have not seen him today. 2. He has been to a concert this week. 3. She has finished it this month. 4. We have not finished it this year. 5. You have visited that museum lately. 6. They have not read that article today.

1 .1 have known this doctor for five years. 2. He has not seen her these two years. 3. She has lived in this village since 1990. 4. We have worked at school for five years. 5. You have been there ever since. 6. They have studied English since the war was over.

Exercise 93.

1. a) Has Mary switched on the light? b) Mary has not switched on the light.

2. a) Have my relatives received the parcel? b) My relatives have not received the parcel. ,

3. a) Has our grandfather travelled much? b) Our grandfather has not travelled much.

4. a) Has the boy passed all his exams? b) The boy has not passed all his exams.

5. a) Has the little girl broken the cup? b) The little girl has not broken the cup.

6. a) Has the director signed the order? b) The director has not signed the order.

7. a) Have they seen "Swan Lake" at the Bolshoi Theatre? b) They have not seen "Swan Lake" at the Bolshoi Theatre.

8. a) Have you paid for the stamps? b) You have not paid for the

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stamps-9. a) Have the pupils solved the problem? b) The pupils have not

solved the problem. 10. a) Has Robert come back? b) Robert has not come back.

Exercise 94.

1.1 have cleaned the blackboard. 2 .1 have closed my book. 3 .1 have put my pen on the table. 4 .1 have brought my daybook. 5.1 have opened the door. 6.1 have written the word "table" on the blackboard. 7 .1 have shown my notebook to you. 8 . 1 have put my pencil into my bag. 9 . 1 have taken my English book out of my bag. 10.1 have come up to the table.

Exercise 95.

1. The teacher has explained the rule. 2. Mother has cooked dinner. 3.1 have done my homework. 4. The boy has washed his hands. 5. We have had breakfast. 6. Tom has painted the fence. 7. I have cleaned my teeth. 8. The girl has learnt the poem. 9. I have mended my socks. 10. The children have drunk milk.

Exercise 96.

1.1 am not going to read this story because I have read it already. 2.1 am not going to see this film because I have seen it already. 3. We are not going to discuss this book because we have discussed it already. 4. He is not going to have dinner because he has had it already. 5. They are not going to repair the road because they have repaired it already. 6. I am not going to buy TV set because I have bought it already. 7. She is not going to wash the dishes because she has washed them already. 8. I am not going to answer the letter because I have answered it already. 9 . 1 am not going to turn off the tape recorder because I have turned it off already. 10. We are not going to learn this poem by heart because we have learned it already.

Exercise 97.

Ask me: 1. Have you ever been to Yerevan? 2. Have you travelled much? 3.

Have you travelled by air? 4. Have you ever played tennis? 5. Have you corrected our dictations? 6. Where have you left your watch? 7 Has your neighbour bought a new car?

Ask your classmate: 1. Have you read Gulliver's Travels by J. Swift? 2. Have you left your

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English book at home? 3. Have you brought your notebook to school? 4 Have you broken your pencil? 5. How many books have vou read this year? 6. How many examinations have you passed up to now? 7. How many questions to the text have you prepared?

Exercise 98. 1 Yes I have been to London. I was there in spring last. 2. Yes, I have

read some stories by Jack London. I read - White Fang" last year. 3. Yes, I have travelled by air. I flew at the age of seven for the first time. 4. Yes, we have had two dictations this mouth. We had them at the first and the last week of this mouth. 5. Yes, of course, I have read Robinson Crusoe by D Defoe I read it seven years ago. 6.1 have planted one tree this year. I planted it in autumn. 7. Yes, I have already had my dinner. I had it at two


Exercise 99-

1 have not seen; 2. have seen; 3. have not come; 4. has gone; 5. has been married; 6. have graduated; 7. have broken; 8. have known; 9.

hasn't been locked; 10. has been; 11. have lived; have lived. Exercise 100. 1 have done; 2. Have you ever been; was; 3.1 have already sent; 4.

s e n t S did not see; 6. have not seen; 7. have not received; 8. went; 9. have just seen-10. saw; 11. Have you already had breakfast? 12. When did you have'breakfast? 13. When did you arrive in Kyiv? 14. fell asleep; 15. have known; 16. have written.

Exercise 101.

1 I have left my copybook at home. 2. Where is Petro? - He has not come yet 3. What are you doing? - 1 am reading an English story. - How many pages have you already read? - 1 have already read seven oases 4 How many new words have you learnt this mouth? 5 .1 can-not go with you. I have not passed examination in geometry yet. 6. We have just read the telegram. 7. We received the telegram yester-dav 8 I have known this doctor since 1992. 9. Why is it dark in that room? - I have switched off the light. 10. We have not seen him for three years 11-1 have no pen, I have lost it. - When did you lose it? 12 Where are the pupils? - They are in the garden. They have already been there for two hours. - What are they doing? - They are planting trees 13 We went to the exhibition in Warsaw last year. I have not been to Warsaw since that time. 14. We have finished the work at last. We can have a rest now.


Exercise 102.*

A: Would you like to go to the theatre tonight"? В: I would but I can't. A: Why not? В: Because I have not visited my sick friend yet.

A: Would you like to take a walk this afternoon? В: I would but I can't. A: Why not? B. Because I have not cleaned my room.

A: Would you like to play chess tomorrow? В: I would but I can't. A: Why not? B. Because I have not prepared for my music lesson yet.


Exercise 103.*

1.1 had not posted the letter by three o'clock. 2. He had received the te egram by that time. 3. She had not swept the floor bv three o'clock. 4. We had fallen asleep before he came. 5. You had no cooked dinner by that time. 6. They had finished it before he came

t, l:. " a d , h e decorated the building by Monday? 2. Had she washed he dshes by that time? 3. Had we moved there by the time you came?

L n H T . ^ * Т b y t h a t t i m e ? 5- H a d y o u Earned the poem by Monday? 6. Had they prepared the report by that time? У

1. I said that I had finished school. 2. He thought that she had bought a tape recorder. 3. She wrote that she had I o n the game 4 They asked if I had left for the Far East. 5. We thought that thev had built the plant. 6. You wrote that you had solved thf problem

Exercise 104.

1. a) Had the pupils translated the text before the bell rang? b) The Pupils had not translated the text before the bell rang

d o n i ' ? ^ K a u d o n ? h e r l e s s o n s ЬУ e ight o'clock? b) Kate had not Чопе her lessons by eight o'clock.

3. a) Had Peter studied English before he entered the institute? b) Peter had not studied English before he entered the institute j

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4. a) Had the girls cleaned the room by the time their mother саще back? b) The girls had not cleaned the room by the time their mother came back.

5. a) Had we reached the village before the sun set? b) We had not reached the village before the sun set.

Exercise 105.

1. had not thrown; 2. had been; 3. had drunk; 4. had just come; 5 had happened; 6. had seen; 7. hadn't told; 8. had left; 9. knew; 10. had felt; 11. had been disorganized.

Exercise 106.

1. The woman said that she had studied German at school. 2. The teacher said that he had seen them in Kyiv. 3. The girl said that she had already spoken to them. 4. The pupils said that they had done the exer-cises. 5. The man said that he had lived in Kaniv at that time. 6. He said that he had not recognized his handwriting. 7. His aunt said that she had been at home at that time. 8. The girl said that she had spent her holi-days in the country.

Exercise 107.

1. discussed; had seen; 2. had gone; began; 3. had fallen; 4. told; had seen; 5. showed; had bought; 6. had cooked; came.

Exercise 108.

1. When Nelya came at school, her schoolmates had already watered the flowers. 2. We read the book I had bought in Kyiv. 3. The teacher said that he had checked our dictations. 4. The pupil had translated the text by ten o'clock. 5. When we returned home the child had already fallen asleep. 6. My brother wrote that he had already passed exams in physics and in mathematics. 7. He thanked me for what I had done for him. 8. The pupil read aloud the story which he had written at home. 9. Last summer her father went to the village where he had spent his childhood. 10. Yesterday, Ann came home at five o'clock. Her younger brother was doing his homework, her father and mother hadn't come back from their work yet. 11. She was sure that she had seen that woman before, but she couldn't remember where she had seen her. 12. His father began to work at the plant when he was twenty years old. Before that time he had lived in the vil-lage. 13. After my friend had gone home I remembered that I had for-gotten to show him my new stamps.



Exercise 109.*

1.1 shall not have done it by that time. 2. He will have written it by five o'clock. 3. She will not have translated it by the time she comes. 4. We shall have built it by the end of the year. 5. You will not have prepared it before I return. 6. They will have had dinner when he comes back.

Exercise 110.

1. «Я поїду туди», - сказала вона. - «Я буду спокійно жити там, поки не надійдуть гроші. На цей раз я буду розсудливою, я не дозволю їм згоріти. Спочатку я дізнаюся, де вони потрібні, на що їх можна витратити. А потім я зроблю те, що маю зробити. До того часу я дізнаюся, як стати чимось корисною. А також встигну побувати далі, ніж змогла б тут. Я побачу, який він, - той інший світ. Небагато людей туди їздять, але я поїду». 2. «Хто знає», - подумав він. - «Можливо, у п'ятдесят років я забуду той надзвичайно глибокий смуток, у який я нині поринув». 3. Гадаю, ви закінчите друкувати перш, ніж піде прибиральниця, міс Мурчісон. Якщо ні, будь ласка, не забудьте вимкнути світло та віддати ключ міс Ходжіс, яка знаходиться у підвальному приміщенні.

Exercise 111.

1. They will have built the new school by the first of September. 2. The teacher will have looked through our exercise-books by that time. 3. We shaH have discussed the report by four o'clock in the afternoon. 4. The pupils will have read three English books by the end of the year. 5.1 shall have written the composition by nine o'clock.

Exercise 112.

1. will receive; 2. will have received; 3. shall have done; 4. shall do;

5. will have taken; 6. will take; 7. will correct; 8. will have corrected.


Exercise 113.* 1. I have been working at this plant since 1998. 2. He has been

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learning English for three years. 3. She has been looking for it for half an hour. 4. She has been waiting for them since I came here. 5. We have been building this factory since I have been here. 6. They have been playing chess since 5 o'clock.

Exercise 114.

1. have been hunting; 2. have been going; 3. had been playing; 4. has been raining.

Exercise 115.

1. Has the film been running for a month? 2. Have they been wait-ing for the director since two o'clock? 3. Has the boy been keeping the book for a month already? 4. Have the pupils been translating the text for an hour and a half? 5. Has it been raining since the morning?

Exercise 116.

i . My sister has been learning French for two years. 2. Our teacher has been teaching English for fifteen years. 3.1 have been looking for this magazine for half an hour. 4. His father has been working at the rail-way station since 1985. 5. The boy has been sleeping since ten o'clock.

Exercise 117.

Ask your classmate: 1. D o you learn English? 2. When did you begin to study English?

3. Since when have you been learning English? 4. How long have you been studying English? 5. Where does your father work? 6. How long has your father been working there? 7. Is it snowing now? 8. Did it snow yesterday? 9. Has it been snowing since the morning?

Exercise 118.

1. Since when has he been playing chess? 2. What has his younger brother been doing for an hour? 3. Who has been looking after the baby since her mother went to the market? 4. For whom and how long have we been looking for? 5. How long has Ann been speaking over the telephone?

Exercise 119.

1. planting; have been planting; plant; have already planted; 2. is having; has; 3. have done; have been doing; 4. have they been build-

THE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE 37 ing; 5. have found; have been looking; 6. is reading; works; has been learning; has read. 7. What do you do; 8. What have you been doing.

Exercise 120.

1. My favourite subject is English. I have been studying it for six years. 2.1 began to learn English six years ago. I have been learning it for six years. 3. I went to the library on Monday last time. I took some English books there. I have been keeping them for five days. 4. Yes, I play chess. I have been playing it since my childhood. 5 .1 bought my coat in the supermarket. I have been wearing it since January. 6. I live in Kyiv, in Perova Street. I have been living there for all my life. 7 .1 began to read it on the sixteenth of September. 8 . 1 have been doing my homework for two hours. 9. It is half past three. 10. They began to watch television at a quarter past six.

Exercise 121.*

A: What are you doing here? B: I 'm waiting for Pete. A: How long have you been waiting for him? B. For half an hour.

A: What are you doing here? B: I 'm looking after my little brother. A : Since when have you been looking after him? В: Since I came home.

A: What are you doing here? B: I 'm looking for my key. A: How long have you been looking for it? В: For twenty minutes.

Exercise 122.

1. What are you doing? - 1 am waiting for a bus. - How long have you been waiting for it? - I have been waiting for it for ten minutes already. 2. We learn English. We have been learning it for four years already. 3. Since when has his father been working as a chief engineer at the plant? 4. It has been raining since the morning. 5. Nina has lost her pen and she has been looking for it for a quarter of an hour. 6. My kola left the secondary school three years ago. Since that time he has been working at the plant. 7. When did you begin to read this book? How many chapters have you already read? How long have

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you been reading it? 8. The pupils have been discussing the novel for already an hour and a half, which they read last month.


Exercise 123.*

1.1 had been sleeping for an hour by eight o'clock. 2. He had been waiting for him for 20 minutes when he came. 3. She had been work-ing here for five years by that time. 4. We had been looking for it for twenty minutes when he came. 5. You had been living there for five years by that time. 6. They had been working here for three months before she left.

1. I said that I had been working there for a long time. 2. He thought that he had been studying it for an hour. 3. She wrote that they had been reading all day. 4. We knew that you had been playing chess for an hour. 5. You thought that I had been working there since 1970. 6. They knew that we had been riding all day.

Exercise 124.

1. The girl said that she had been thinking about it all day. 2. He said that she had been behaving strangely. 3. Tom said that he had only been in the country for two days. 4. The teacher said that he had been correcting our dictations. 5. The boys said that they had have been rowing for a long time.

Exercise 125.

1.1 had been packing my things for an hour and a half when you came. 2. He had been working in the laboratory for two years by that time. 3. They had been quarrelling for a long time before she left. 4. The children had been skating for an hour before it rained. 5. He had been wearing this suit for a year when she arrived. 6. My brother had been serving in the army for two years by that time.

Exercise 126.

A: What are you doing now? B. I 'm reading an English book. A: How long have you been reading? B: I've been reading it for three hours. A : Were you reading it when your mother came?

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УЗГОДЖЕННЯ ЧАСІВ 39 В: Yes, I was. A: How long had you been reading it when your mother came? В: I had been reading it for two hours by that time. A: By what time will you have read it? В. I hope I'll have read it by six o'clock.

A: What are you doing now? B: I 'm writing a letter. A: How long have you been writing it? B: I've been writing it for half an hour. A: Were you writing it when I rang you up? B\ Yes, I was. A: How long had you been writing it when I rang you up? В: I had been writing it for ten minutes by that time. A: By what time will you have written it? В: I hope I'll have written it in half an hour.

A: What are you doing now? B: We're packing things. A: Were you packing them at four o'clock? B: Yes, we were. A: How long had you been packing them by four o'clock? B: We had been packing them for an hour by that time. A : By what time will you have packed them? В: I hope we'll have packed them by six o'clock.

Exercise 127.

1. When I entered the classroom the pupils were discussing the plan of excursion. They had already been discussing it for 20 minutes. 2. When Olga graduated from the institute, her sister had already been teaching English at school for five years. 3. His parents left the flat where they had been living for twenty years. 4 .1 had been look-ing for my copybook for half an hour before I found it under the newspaper. 5. Yesterday the postman brought me a letter. I had been waiting for this letter for three weeks. 6. When we went out it was raining. It had already been raining for two hours.


Exercise 128.

1. The pupils said that they studied English. 2. The girl said that she had learnt French at school. 3. The man said that he was an engi-neer. 4. My aunt said that she would be at home at seven o'clock. 5.

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Mary said that she had been there with her parents. 6. The boy said that he had done his homework. 7. His father said that he did not speak Spanish. 8. The doctor said that he would come again in the morning. 9. The woman said that she had not seen Helen there. 10. The children said that they had had lunch at school. 11. The woman said that she had three children. 12. Ann said that she had not bought anything at that shop. 13. The boy said that he was not hungry at all. 14. The teacher said that Nick did not know the rule. 15. My friend, said that he had not recognized him. 16. The boy said that his name was Paul. 17. The girl said that she was doing her homework. 18. He said that he was there in 1945. 19. She said that she saw him at 5 o'clock. 20. The teacher said that London is the capital of England.

Exercise 129.

1. know; can; 2. had happened; 3. was; 4. wasn't; 5. is; 6. was going; 7. would take; 8. would dress; 9. were; 10. would be; would be; 11. would do; 12. could; 13. rains.

Exercise 130.

Ask your classmate: 1. D o you study mathematics? - Yes, I do. I study mathematics. -

He said that he studied mathematics. 2. Do you go in for sports? Yes, I do. I go in for sports. - He said that he went in for sports. 3. Will you go to the cinema this evening? -Yes, I shall. I shall go to the cinema this evening. - He said that he would go to the cinema this evening. 4. Are you tired? - Yes, I am. I am tired. - He said that he was tired. 5. Do you like to play volleyball? - No, I do not. I do not like to play volleyball. - He said that he did not like to play volleyball. 6. Do you drink tea for breakfast? - Yes, I do. I drink tea for break-fast. - She said that she drank tea for breakfast. 7. Will you go skiing today? - Yes, 1 shall. I shall go skiing today. - He said that he would go skiing today. 8. When do you do your homework? - 1 do my home-work after classes. - He said that he did his homework after classes. 9. Do you play chess with your friend? - Yes, I do. I play chess with my friend. - He said that he played chess with his friend. 10. Where did you buy this bag? - 1 bought this bag at the department store. -He said that he had bought that bag at the department store. 1 1 . At what time do you get up? - 1 get up at 7 o'clock in the morning. - He said that he got up at 7 o'clock in the morning. 12. Have you brought your English textbook to school? - Yes, I have brought my English textbook to school. - He said that he had brought his English text-book to school. 13. Do you play the piano? - Yes, I do. I play the piano. - He said that he played the piano. 14. Are you hungry? - No, I am not. I am not hungry. - He said that he was not hungry. 15. Have

THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD 41 you read the novel? - Yes, I have read the novel. - He said that he had read the novel.

Exercise 131.

1. She says that her mother works at school. 2. She said that her mother worked at school. 3. He says that his father worked at the fac-tory. 4. He said that his father had worked at the factory. 5. He says that he will go to the sea in summer. 6. He said that he would go to the sea in summer. 7. We know that he is at home. 8. We knew that he was at home. 9. She thought that you would call her. 10. They thought I knew French. 11. She said she liked the film. 12. We know that you will like the concert. 13. We knew that you would like the concert. 14.1 thought that you were busy. 15. We know that you are busy. 16. The teacher asks where you live. 17. The teacher asked where I lived. 18. He asked me where I had bought this textbook. 19. We did not know that she was ill. 20. We read in the newspaper that the new hotel complex would be built in this place. 21. He said he was in Paris in January in 1980. 22. The pupils knew that T. G. Shevchenko was born in 1814.


Exercise 132.*

1. Furniture is sold at this shop. 2. Radio sets are repaired at our plant. 3. Coal is mined there. 4. Wheat is grown here. 5. Tomatoes are grown in this district.

1. The theatre was built last year. 2. Those cars were bought in summer. 3. The library was closed at ten o'clock. 4. The bicycle was repaired five years ago. 5. The shop was opened at ten o'clock.

1. The novel will be translated next year. 2. The letter will be writ-ten tomorrow. 3. The newspaper will be brought in half an hour. 4. The book will be printed next year. 5. The document will be signed on Monday.

1. The factory is being built. 2. The book is being read. 3. The film js being discussed. 4. The houses are being repaired. 5. The letter is being written.

1. The factory was being built at that time. 2. The film was being discussed when I came. 3. The houses were being repaired when he moved here. 4. The letter was being written when he were there. 5. The

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book was being read at that time.

1. The resolution has been signed. 2. The delegates have been elect-ed. 3. The treaty has been prepared. 4. The TV set has been repaired. 5. The motor car has been bought.

1. The plant had been built by that time. 2. The tickets had been bought when I came. 3. The hospital had been repaired by that time. 4. The coat had been sold when I came. 5. The bicycle had been repaired when I came.

Exercise 133.

1. a) Are all pupils supplied with textbooks? b) All pupils are not supplied with textbooks.

2. a) Was America discovered by Columbus? b) America was not discovered by Columbus.

3. a) Was the floor painted last summer? b) The floor was not painted last summer.

4. a) Will the shop be closed at 8 o'clock? b) The shop will not be closed at 8 o'clock.

5. a) Is the sick man being operated on? b) The sick man is not being operated on.

6. a) Is the room being cleaned now? b) The room is not being cleaned now.

7. a) Was this metro line being built at that time? b) This metro line was not being built at that time.

8. a) Has this novel been translated into Ukrainian? b) This novel has not been translated into Ukrainian.

9. a) Has a new business centre been built in our town? b) A new business centre has not been built in our town.

10. a) Had the tickets been sold out by that time? b) The tickets had not been sold out by that time.

Exercise 134.

1. The flowers are watered every day. 2. This magazine is published in Paris. 3. Such questions are not discussed at our meetings. 4. This castle was built in the sixteenth century. 5. This film was not shown last week. 6. This work will not be finished tomorrow. 7. He will be invited to take part in the concert. 8. The road is being repaired. 9. The film was being shown from 7 till 8. 10. The door has been locked. 11. My pencil has been broken. 12. The letter has been posted. 13. The composition had been written before the bell rang. 14. The camp was made not far from the village.


Exercise 135.

1.1 am taught English by my sister. 2. The car is driven by Peter. 3. Her father was killed by the fascists. 4. The key has been lost by Mary. 5. The delegation will be met by his assistant. 6. Our dictations have been checked by the teacher. 7. The orchestra was being conducted by our music teacher. 8. The door was opened by Parker. 9. The letter was put in the envelope by him. 10. The bear was killed by the hunter.

Exercise 136.

A. 1. We were shown the monuments of Lviv? 2.1 was offered a cup of

tea. 3. She was promised an interesting job. 4. The actress was given a bunch of flowers. 5.1 was shown the way to the railway station. 6. We were offered two tickets for the concert.

B. 1. The doctor was sent for. 2. The little boy was laughed at. 3. The

children were looked after. 4. The professor was listened to with great interest. 5. This film is very much spoken about. 6. He was made fun of.

Exercise 137.

1. was built; 2. was ... puzzled; 3. was burned down; 4. was brought; 5. was brought up; was adopted; 6. was unlocked; 7. was ... seen; 8. is ... portrayed; 9. were scarred; 10. will be recognized; 11. was brought; 12. is paved.

Exercise 138.

1. When will the letter be answered? 2. What were they shown? 3. Where is wheat grown? 4. When was this town founded? 5. Where are water-power stations being built? 6. When was she told the news? 7. What is much spoken about?

Exercise 139.

1. When was a dictation written? 2. When are flowers watered? 3. When will the novel be published? 4. Where was the delegation met? 5. When was the road repaired? 6. Where are motor cars made? 7. When was this shelf made? 8. When will the composition be written?

Where was he spoken about?

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Exercise 140.

1. Moscow was founded in the 12th century. It was founded by Uriy Dolgorukiy. 2.12 years are spent on acquiring a secondary education. 3. Great Britain is situated on the British Isles. 4. The British Isles are washed by the Irish Sea and Atlantic Ocean. 5. The coal is mined in Donetsk region. 6. All industries are developed in our region. 7. One foreign lan-guage is taught at our school. 8. Our school library is closed at 3 o'clock. 9. English is spoken in the United States of America. 10. English is spoken in more than 42 countries. 11. Butter is made from milk. 12. My dress is made of cotton. 13. Our school was built in 1962. 14. Many buildings and offices are being built in our town now.

Exercise 141.

1. The agricultural machines are produced at this plant. 2. The reading hall is aired four times a day. 3. This factory was built ten years ago. 4. The textbooks will be sold tomorrow. 5. When was this book published? 6. She was given the Ukrainian-English dictionary. 7. He was offered a ticket for the concert. 8. You will be paid for this work tomorrow. 9. They were ordered to leave the hall. 10. The sol-diers were ordered to cross the river. 11. She was asked to sing this song once more. 12.1 was asked whether we would go to the theatre. 13. If I am asked I shall tell them everything. 14. This question is being discussed on the meeting now. 15. When I entered the hall this ques-tion was being discussed. 16. He was listened to very attentively. 17. The bridge had been destroyed before we came there. 18. The teacher said that our dictations had been checked already. 19. The children will be looked after. 20. This event is much talked about.


Exercise 142.*

1. In your place I should take a rest. 2. But for him she would stay at home. 3. But for the bad weather we should bathe in the river. 4. But for him they would go to the forest. 5. In your place she would take part in the concert. 6. But for the bad weather he would be sent to Lviv.

1. But for the rain I should have slept in the open air. 2. In his place she would have bought this camera. 3. But for them he would have lost the match. 4. But for the rain we should have gone on an excursion. 5. In your place he would have been sent there yesterday.

* — можливі й інші варіанти відповідей


6. But for the rain they would have been examined on Monday.

1. He would have translated the story long ago. 2. She would have done it yesterday. 3. I should return the book this evening. 4. We should visit the exhibition next week. 5. They would go to the theatre tomorrow.

Exercise 143.

A. 1. I should not skate on it. Because the ice is still very thin. 2. I

should go there by plane. 3 . 1 should buy for him a wrist watch as a birthday present. 4 .1 should go for a walk.

B. 1.1 should not have watched television. 2 .1 should have chosen a

popular science book. 3. In your place I should have gone to the the-atre. 4. In your place I should have gone in the Crimea. 5 . 1 should have taken fried fish for the second course.

Exercise 144.*

1.1 wish she were at home today. 2 .1 wish I had finished school at that time. 3 . 1 wish they knew my address now. 4 .1 wish he were not so busy then. 5 .1 wish I had been told the truth yesterday. 6 .1 wish he worked at our school at present. 7 .1 wish I had not told her about it at that time.

Exercise 145.

A. 1.1 wish he was at school now. 2 . 1 wish you were not so absent-

minded. 3 .1 wish I spoke French. 4 .1 wish he was not busy now. 5 .1 wish you were not leaving our school. 6 .1 wish she was not so shy. 7. I wish I could help you. 8 .1 wish I had Ukrainian-English dictionary.

B. 1 .1 wish I had read that article. 2 .1 wish she had not gone there

yesterday. 3.1 wish she had been invited to take part in the concert. 4. I wish the night had not been very dark. 5 .1 wish I had not said this in his presence. 6 .1 wish the weather had not been so bad. 7 .1 wish I had learnt this language in my childhood.

* — можливі й інші варіанти відповідей

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Exercise 146.

1. was; 2. could say; 3. deserved; 4. hadn't spoken; 5. was; 6. could do; 7. had answered; 8. had; 9. had seen.

1. Це ідеї, на яких ви виховувалися на вашому острові в маєтку. Але зараз життя в Англії не таке. Якби-то воно було таким. 2. Хотів би я сказати, що ніколи не боявся. 3. Якби я був гідний твоїх компліментів, але це не так. 4. Я боявся, що щось мало відбутися, і краще б я нічого не казав. 5. Хотілося б, щоб бідолашний Стрікленд був усе ще живий. Цікаво, що б він сказав, якби я дав йому 29 800 франків за його картину. 6. Якби лишень я міг щось для вас зробити, щось гарне. 7. Зараз він бажав відповісти інакше директорові його фірми, коли той звернувся до нього. 8. «О, я не знаю, що зараз кажу. Як би я хотів мати якусь пристойну освіту». 9. «Чи не були ви у Парижі?» - «Так, я там був минулого року, у вересні». - «Ми, мабуть, були там разом. Як цікаво! От якби я вас побачив».

Exercise 147.*

1. If I were you, I should go there. 2. If he had time, he would read it. 3. If she had money, she would buy it. 4. If we were free, we should go home on foot. 5. If you were young, you would play football. 6. If they had time, they would play chess. 7. If they lived there, they would write him a letter.

1. If I had been there, I should have come in time. 2. If he had received the letter, he would have done it. 3. If she had known it, she would have been happy. 4. If we had been invited, we would have vis-ited it. 5. If you had had time, you would have bought it. 6. If they had had money, they would have taken a taxi.

Exercise 148.

1. If the weather was warm, we should bathe in the river. 2. If there was much snow in January, they would go skiing every day. 3. If the rain stopped, the girls would go for a walk. 4. If he was not very busy, he would help you. 5. If she came, she would join us. 6. If I sent the money at once, my dog would be returned alive and well. 7. If she was given the chance to go back again, she would take it. 8. If you put in a word for me, it would help so much. 9. If you had spoken the truth, you would not have anything to complain about. 10. If Ackroyd learned the truth, he would have no mercy on you.

* — можливі й інші варіанти відповідей


Exercise 149.

1. If she had been attentive, she would not have made so many mis-takes. 2. The boy would have posted your letter, if you had given it to him. 3. If I had known the number of his telephone, I should have rung him up. 4. If I had received any news, I should have let you know. 5. She would have bought that dress, if she had had money with her. 6. If that had been so, he would have hardly given his partner his address. 7. If it had been just a whim, he would have got over it. 8. If it had not been for the children, Mrs. Strickland would not have minded anything. 9. It would have been dreadful, if she had gone nowhere. 10.1 would not have approved of paying such sum of money, if I had known anything about it.

Exercise 150.

A. 1. If I lived far from school, I should go there by bus. 2. If it was

not cold, the children would go for a walk. 3. If she was not tired, she would play basketball today. 4. If I was ill, I should go to the doctor. 5. If my father had spare time, he would play chess with me today. 6. If I knew him, I would ask him to help me.

B. 1. If Nick had worked hard, he would have passed his examina-

tion. 2. If my sister had not been busy last night, she would have watched television. 3. If you had sent me a telegram, I should have met you at the station. 4. If the weather had not been bad the day before yesterday, the children would have gone to the forest. 5. If we had not gone to Odessa by plane, we should not have come in time. 6. If I had been sent there, I would have made a report at the conference.

Exercise 151.

A. 1. If I had known your address, I would have sent you a letter. 2. If

Mary was not ill, she could go to school today. 3. If it was not late, they could finish this work today. 4. If my friend knew English, he could read this book in the original. 5. If I had seen him yesterday, I could have told him about it.

B. 1. If we could get tickets, we should go to the circus. 2. If she could

read English, she would subscribe to News from Ukraine. 3. If I had seen them, I would have told them about today's meeting. 4. If I had gone to the cinema, I would have seen the film. 5. If he could sing, he would take part in the concert.

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Exercise 152.

1. got; 2. had; 3. does not tidy; 4. had not found; 5. did; 6. saw; 7. was; 8. had gone; 9. was; 10. did not saved; 11. had been sent; 12. had-n' t been; 13. had behaved; 14. were.

Exercise 153.

1. would be; 2. should pay; 3. had been looking; 4. knew; 5. thought; 6. had wanted; 7. were; 8. did not mean; 9. thought; 10. had; 11. were; 12. had.

Exercise 154.*

A. 1. ...I should go for a walk. 2. ...I should buy a new suit. 3. ...I

should become an engineer too. 4. ...I should be ready to treat peo-ple. 5. ...we should spend our free time in the open air. 6. ...I should switch on the light. 7. ...we should go to the theatre. 8. ...I should speak it. 9. ...we should have played inside. 10. ...I should have gone at the cinema.

B. 1. ...he had money. 2. ...if we had had money. 3. ...the weather

hadn't been fine. 4. .. .you had vacant place. 5. .. .she liked it. 6 . . . .she had received it. 7. ...they had worked hard. 8. . . . I had not taken,a taxi.

Exercise 155.

1.1 should go to the bookshop. 2.1 should go to the cinema. 3.1 should have gone to the stadium. 4. No, I shouldn't have gone to the river. 5. I should have taken another pen. 6. I should switch on the light. 7 .1 should get up at eight o'clock. 8.1 should put a coat on. 9. I should go to the library. 10. I should buy some food. 11. I should drink some water. 12.1 should have stayed at home.

Exercise 156.

1. could not have had; 2. might . . . have married; 3. could believe; 4. could have seen her; 5. could ... relieve; 6. could have confided; 7. could have seen.

* — можливі й інші варіанти відповідей


Exercise 157.

A : What would you do if you had free time now? В: I'd go for a walk. A: But if you couldn't go for a walk? В: Then I'd most probably work in the open air.

A: What would you do if you were thirsty? B: I'd go to a soda-fountain. A: But if you couldn't go to a soda-fountain? B: Then I'd most probably drink a glass of water.

A: What would you do if you felt bad? В: I'd go to the polyclinic. A: But if you couldn't go to the polyclinic? B. Then I'd most probably send for a doctor.

Exercise 158.*

1. It is necessary that the tourists should reach the camp at seven. 2. It was important that they should hand in their compositions. 3. It was desirable that Ann should go there at once. 4. It is necessary that he should return the book to the library. 5. It is necessary that the film should be discussed today. 6. It was desirable that we should do our morning exercises.

1. He suggested that we should go to the cinema this evening. 2. She ordered that the flowers should be watered. 3. He suggested that Nick should go to the doctor. 4. She ordered that everybody should come in time. 5. He suggested that the girls should decorate the room. 6. She ordered that the pupils should read English books.

1. I am afraid lest the children should lose their way. 2. I was afraid lest he should forget to post the letter. 3.1 feared lest we should miss the train. 4.1 worry lest the shop should be closed. 5.1 am afraid lest she should fail the examination. 6 .1 was afraid lest they should meet with an accident.

1. It is natural that you should think so. 2. It was surprising that Pete should have made so many mistakes. 3. It is strange that she should be so careless. 4. It was impossible that he shouldn't have pre-pared the report. 5. It was a shame that he should have broken the rules. 6. It was a pity that you should have caught cold.

* . „ . . . . „ — можливі и інші варіанти відповідей

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Exercise 159.

1. Yes, our teachers demand that we should leave the classroom for the break. 2. Because the air should be fresh in the classroom. 3. Yes, our school doctor insists that we should do morning exercises every day. 4. It is desirable because it helps us to be strong and healthy. 5.1 don't know. 6. Yes, our teacher demands that the pupils should answer at the blackboard. 7. Because it should help them to remember their homework better. 8. Nobody suggested that all of us should go on an excursion to Kyiv next summer.

Exercise 160.

1. Боюся, в неї не було б свята, якби ви її не запросили. 2. Здавалося, ніби це був не її власний голос. 3. Ти б упізнав його, якби побачив? 4. От якби ви розповіли мені, як знову зробитися молодим. 5. Було необхідно здійснити жертвоприношення. 6. І почувався він так, ніби просто повертається з одноденної екскурсії з Манчестера. 7. Ох, як би їй хотілося, щоб її тітка поїхала (геть). 8. Коли б ви були матір'ю, то зрозуміли б. 9. На мить у нього виникло почуття, ніби він і не їхав звідси ніколи. 16. Якби я міг побачити її обличчя. 11. Вона дуже боялася дізнатися, що залишилася сама. 12. Він так на тебе дивився, немов раніше ніколи не бачив жінку. 13. Я б не повірив, якби не побачив це на власні очі. 14. От якби Мері Бартон прийшла. 15. Так само тихо, немов побоюючись, що її можуть почути стіни, вона відповіла: «Помер». 16. Кожен, хто знав його життєвий шлях, сказав би це. 17. Якби він не повернувся, я б ніколи не розповів тобі. 18. Якби я не знайомився таким чином, у мене б взагалі нікого не було. 19. От, якби ти написав і розповів мені.

Exercise 161.

1. should have said; 2. should go; 3. should go; 4. should go; 5. should know; 6. should get; 7. should live; 8. should be; 9. should come; 10. should take; 11. should feel; 12. should go.

Exercise 162.*

1. She looks at me as if she didn't know me. Вона так на мене дивиться, ніби не знає мене.

2. She looks at me as though she had not seen me before. Вона так дивиться на мене, ніби ніколи раніше мене не


* — можливі й інші варіанти відповідей

THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD 51 3. She spoke to me as if she knew nothing.

Вона розмовляла зі мною так, наче нічого не знає. 4. She behaves as though nothing had happened.

Вона поводить себе так, наче нічого не трапилося. 5. She looks as if she were very tired.

Вона виглядає так, ніби дуже стомилася.

Exercise 163.

1. was; 2. was; 3. was; 4. was; 5. had known; 6. had spent; 7. was-8. was; 9. were; 10. was; 11. had been running.

Exercise 164.

A. 1. If it was winter now we should/would go skiing. 2. If she had

rung me up yesterday, I should have brought the book. 3. If I had more free time today, we should/would play a few games of chess 4. We should/would read English books in the original, if we knew English better. 5. If I were you, I wouldn't refuse taking part in the competitions. 6. Ann would recite this poem as if she knew it by heart. 7. If you had come at seven o'clock yesterday, you would have found me at home.

B. 1. If I were you, I should/would go there by train. 2. He would

have bought a piano last year but he had no money then. 3. We should/would send the parcel now but the post office is already closed. 4. They would go to the cinema tonight but they have to pre-pare for the exam. 5. I am sure that my brother would help you to repair your flat. 6. But for you, we would lose our way. 7. But for the rain, the children would go to the river

C. 1.1 wish it were so. /I wish it were this way. 2.1 wish you had taken

Part in the chess tournament. 3 .1 wish I could go there. 4.1 wish you had seen their wall newspaper. 5. I wish they came tomorrow 6. I wish you hadn't told her about this. 7 . 1 wish she knew English. 8. I wish you discussed the film tomorrow. 9 .1 wish he had finished the work in time. 10.1 wish you hadn't missed the train

D. 1. It is so warm today as if it was already spring. 2. Our teacher

Knows London so good as if he had lived there. 3. She looks as if she was very tired. 4. It seems as if I have never seen such a forest. 5. R.atyalis so pale as if she was ill. 6. Katya is so pale as if she had been

H e r sister behaves as if she was a little child. 8. He says as if he e w nothing about this. 9. They know each other so well as if they

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had spent many years together. 10. He was looking at me as if he was going to tell me something.

E. 1. It is necessary that all the pupils should do morning exercises. 2.

It is very important that you should read this article. 3. The teacher demands that the pupils should answer at the table. 4. The monitor suggested that all the pupils should take part in the preparation for the party. 5. I am afraid lest she should fall ill. 6. We got up at six o'clock in the morning lest we should miss the train. 7. It is a shame that you should not have answered such an easy question. 8. It is impossible that they should have already come back home. 9. It is strange that you should not have been seen by anybody. 10. If you should meet Nina, invite her to our party.



Exercise 165.*

1.1 can speak German. 2. He cannot translate this text without a dictionary. 3. She could answer this question. 4. We can repair a tele-vision set. 5. You couldn't skate. 6. They couldn't see him in the after-noon.

1. Can you play tennis? 2. Can I solve this problem? 3. Can' t he speak French? 4. Could she lift the box? 5. Couldn't we go there by bus? 6. Can they run 100 meters in 12 seconds?

1. I'll be able to break the record. 2. He will not be able to do this sum. 3. She will be able to carry the child. 4. We shall be able to get there at once. 5. You will not be able to pay such a sum. 6. They will be able to ring you up.

1 .1 could have prepared the report. 2. He could have gone there. 3. She could have done it yesterday. 4. We could have bought a motorcycle. 5. You could have broken the report. 6. They could have come in time.

1 .1 can't be at school now. 2. He couldn't know this man. 3. She couldn't have said it. 4. We can't be waiting for you now. 5. You couldn't have been teaching for ten years. 6. They couldn't have insulted her.

* — можливі й інші варіанти відповідей


1. Can I be preparing for an examination now? 2. Can he be at home at such an hour? 3. Can she know Japanese? 4. Can you be still waiting for us? 5. Could you have lost it? 6. Could they have fallen ill?

Exercise 166.

1. a) Can Peter make a shelf? b) Peter cannot make a shelf. 2. a) Could Ann go there yesterday? b) Ann could not go there

yesterday. 3. a) Will his friends be able to help him on Sunday? b) His friends

will not be able to help him on Sunday. 4. a) Can our pupils read and speak English? b) Our pupils cannot

read and speak English. 5. a) Will the tourists be able to reach the village before dark? b)

The tourists will not be able to reach the village before dark. 6. a) Can I show you the way to the park? b) I cannot show you

the way to the park. 7. a) Could he buy the ticket beforehand? b) He could not buy the

ticket beforehand. 8. a) Will you be able to catch the train? b) You will not be able to

catch the train.

Exercise 167.

1. No, I cannot speak German. 2. Yes, my mother can speak English. 3. Yes, I could speak English three years ago. 4. Yes, lean skate. 5. Yes, I will be able to skate tomorrow. 6. Sasha, Peter and Kolya can play ten-nis. 7. I can see the films at the cinemas and at home. 8. Yes, I shall be able to go to the cinema this evening. 9 . 1 can buy books at the bookshops. 10. I can get to school by bus. 11. I can recite poems by Robert Burns.

Exercise 168.

Ask your classmate: 1. Can you speak French? 2. Could you play the piano last year?

3. Can you run 100 meters in 13 seconds? 4. Will you be able to come to my place tomorrow? 5. Can you go to Kyiv by plane? 6. Can your friends play ice-hockey? 7. Can you repair a radio set?

Exercise 169.

A. 1. You can use dictionaries. 2. He can receive a passport. 3. They

can live in this flat. 4. She can stay away f rom these lessons. 5. He can take a month's holiday in summer.

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B. 1. Can I attend your lectures? 2. Can I take my seat? 3. Can I join

you? 4. Can I take your dictionary? 5. Can I stay here? C. 1. You cannot travel by train without a ticket. 2. You cannot

occupy this house. 3. You cannot enter the cinema hall during the show. 4. We cannot hunt hares now. 5. Children cannot go to an evening show.

Exercise 170.

1. They could have helped him. 2. She could have bought this book. 3. She could have written a good composition. 4. You could have sent me a telegram. 5. She could have passed her examination in physics. 6. Our football players could have won the match.

Exercise 171.

A. 1. Can he be writing a novel? 2. Can she know five foreign lan-

guages? 3. Could Nick have failed in mathematics? 4. Can she be so absent-minded? 5. Could he have finished school already? 6. Can our basketball team have lost the match? 7. Could he have been there yes-terday?

B. 1. He cannot have seen a bear in this forest. 2. He cannot be work-

ing so late. 3. They cannot be discussing this question. 4. She cannot know this man. 5. He couldn't have lived in Odessa. 6. He cannot have come in time. 7. They couldn't have lost their way.

Exercise 172.

1. «Я не чую ані слова», - сказала Медж. 2. Це залежить від того, наскільки швидко я друкую. 3. Тож ви можете лише уявити, яка це делікатна справа. 4. Та я бачив, що насправді Анна не слухала моїх відповідей. 5. Вони не зносили одне одного. 6. Я не міг сприйняти це серйозно; це було неможливо. 7. «З вулиці дзвінка не чути», - сказала вона, - «ми встановили його на верхньому поверсі, тому що ніколи не могли почути його». 8. Я ніколи не зможу пояснити цього. 9. Вона сказала: «Хто мені потрібен, то це юрист». - «Не думаю, що зможу тобі допомогти». 10. Ти б міг зателефонувати мені, коли я була тобі потрібна. 11. Все не так вже й погано, могло би бути і набагато гірше. 12. Ви сіли там і слухали. Ви могли встати і піти геть. Але ви слухали. Сподіваюся, вам вдалося пролити трохи світла на минуле бідолашного Дейрдра. 13. Можливо, ми могли б зустрітися якось


іншим разом. 14. Я не можу знайти його. Ніхто ніколи не скаже мені, де він. 15. Ви обидва можете розмовляти про Едварда Дріффілда, але я піду звідси, коли мені все це набридне. 16. У гаморі вона не розчула одного питання. 17. Філіп, можна поговорити з тобою хвилинку? 18. Не можу зрозуміти, як я міг скоїти таку безглузду помилку. 19. їй не вдалося зберегти більшої частини того, що «Бірлінг і Компанія» їй заплатили.

Exercise 173.

A. 1. We can finish this work today. 2. My sister can play the violin.

3.1 could not answer the second question. 4. Will you be able to come tomorrow? 5. This boy can skate. 6. Can I take your copybook? 7. I'll be able to do it tomorrow. 8. They could not buy tickets for the con-cert. 9. Will you be able to go there in summer? 10. She could miss the train.

B. 1. He can't have failed at the examination in chemistry. It is his

favourite subject. 2. Can she have said it? 3. They can't be waiting for us now. 4. Can he be at home now? 5. He can't have already arrived. 6. Can she have left Kyiv already? 7. Can she have forgotten us? 8. They can't have been there since eight o'clock. 9. Can they have been working there since eight o'clock? 10. Can they have been playing chess for four hours already?


Exercise 174.*

1. They may be at the theatre now. 2. He might be ill. 3. She may come on Friday. 4. We might have forgotten about it. 5. You might be fond such films. 6. They might have learned German at school.

1. May I take your book? 2. May he use a dictionary? 3. May she keep this book till Monday? 4. May we go to the cinema at the evening? 5. May we join your excursion? 6. May they go home?

1.1 may find him at home only in the evening. 2. She may buy such a TV set at the department store. 3. He may borrow this book at our school library. 4. We may take a bus. 5. We may spend a holiday in a village. 6. They may go there by train.

1.1 might be more careful. 2. He might have done this homework

* — можливі й інші варіанти відповідей

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better. 3. She might listen to me more attentively. 4. You might have told me about it before. 5. We might have sent him a telegram. 6. They might keep silent while I 'm speaking.

Exercise 175.

I. We shall be allowed to occupy this room. - We were allowed to occupy this room. 2. He will be allowed to stay away from school. - He was allowed to stay away from school. 3. The tourists will be allowed to spend the night in the camp. - The tourists were allowed to spend the night in the camp. 4. You will be allowed to see these documents. - You were allowed to see these documents. 5. She will be allowed to work in the laboratory. - She was allowed to work in the laboratory. 6. The pupils will be allowed to go home. - The pupils were allowed to go home. 7.1 shall be allowed to be present at the meeting. - 1 was allowed to be present at the meeting.

Exercise 176.

1. Mother told her son that he might go to the cinema. 2. The doc-tor told the sick man that he might go out. 3. He told me that I might look at it. 4. The girl told her friend that he might work in her room. 5. The militiaman told them that they might cross the street.

Exercise 177.

1. He might have bought the dictionary. 2. They may be in the park. 3. A letter may come to you today. /You may receive a letter today. 4. It may rain tomorrow. 5. The child may be there. 6. She might have read this story. 7. His mother may know Spanish. 8. They may know each other. 9. She might have gone to the doctor. 10. They might have left for Moscow yesterday.

Exercise 178.

1. I might have forgotten about it. 2. It might have killed him. 3. He might have broken the window. 4. She might have fallen asleep. 5. I might have caught cold.

Exercise 179.

1. You might help me. 2. You might do something for them. 3. You might be more modest. 4. You might have done it in time. 5. They might have been there yesterday. 6. You might speak English at the lesson. 7. You might have visited him in the hospital. 8. He might behave properly. 9. He might be here.


Exercise 180.

1. Вам, напевно, цікаво, чи думав я коли-небудь про одруження з Ганною. 2. «Мені ніде заночувати», - сказав я їй. -«Чи можу я залишитися тут?» 3. Ти зовсім не повинен був погоджуватися з моєю думкою щодо цього. 4. Я живу досить непогано. Хоча деякі люди можуть гадати інакше. 5. Можливо, він взяв їх до моїх батьків. Але я не знаю. 6. Я відвідаю тебе, якщо можна. 7. Вона могла навіть не помітити, як я сходив униз. 8. Він також думає про це вже 20 років. Йому було б приємно сказати, що він пробачив вам. 9. Я подумав, ти би погодилася, щоб я підвіз тебе до роботи. 10. «Чому ти не скажеш мені про це?» -мовила вона ніжно. - «Можливо, це не так і погано, як здається». 11. «Запропонувати вам якісь фрукти?» 12. Місіс Пелгрейв, схоже, не просто далеко звідси; можливо, її ніколи й не існувало. 13. «Мабуть, це було надзвичайно! Ви ж могли пройти повз убивцю на вулиці! Ви могли бути зовсім поруч із ним!» 14. «На добраніч, панове. І нехай вранці ми всі зустрінемося знову!».

Exercise 181.

A. ' 1. May I come in? 2. May I open the books? 3. May I close the win-

dow? 4. May we go home? 5. May she go to the library? 6. May they play football in the school yard? 7. May I write with a pencil? 8. May we speak loudly here? 9. May I switch on the light? 10. May he take his little brother with him?

B. 1.1 may get tickets beforehand. 2. We may go there by bus or by

train. 3. There is a gym in our school where pupils may go in for dif-ferent kinds of sport. 4. He may have dinner in the canteen. 5. In our city you can see a building that was built in the seventeenth century.

C. 1. Steve may be waiting for you near the cinema. 2. They might

have already gone home. 3. The chief engineer may be back tomor-row. 4. She may be listening to the radio now. 5. It may rain tomor-row. 6. She may not know your address. 7. He might have already fin-ished the school. 8. Ann might be ill.

D. 1. Fortunately, I have met the children in the forest. They might

lose their way. 2. Don't play football near the house. You may break the window. 3. If she didn't put on a warm coat she might have caught cold. 4. You are so careless. You might break a plate. 5. I had no money with me. I might buy this book.

E. 1.1 am not satisfied with your answer. You might have answered

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better. 2. You might listen more attentively. 3. Shame on you. You might have helped him then. 4. You might be more modest.


Exercise 182.*

1.1 must get up at six o'clock. 2. He must learn this poem by heart. 3. She must go home at once. 4. We must work hard to know English

„ well. 5. You must prepare the report by Monday. 6. They must come to school at a quarter past eight.

1. She must be lying in the sun now. 2. He must be ill. 3. She must be angry with me. 4. They must be afraid of you. 5. You must have won the game. 6. They must have been waiting for her since seven o'clock.

Exercise 183.

1. Must we air the room twice a day? 2. Must children sleep nine hours a day? 3. Must the pupils clean their classrooms? 4. Must she help her mother about the house? 5. Must we read English books every day? 6. Must everybody go in for sports? 7. Must all children go to school? 8. Must we come to school in time?

Exercise 184.

1. No, you mustn't . You must not open the window. 2. No , you mustn't . You must not fish in this pond. 3. No , you mustn't . You must not play football here. 4. No, you mustn't. You must not use this telephone. 5. No, they mustn't . The children must not play in the street. 6. No , they mustn't . They must not dance in this room. 7. No, you mustn't . You must not hunt in this forest. 8. No, you mustn't. You mustn ' t tell your friends about it.

Exercise 185.

1.1 had to catch up with my class. I shall have to catch up with my class. 2. The man had to sell his house. The man will have to sell his house. 3. She had to turn off the radio. She will have to turn off the radio. 4. You had to be there at nine. You will have to be there at nine. 5. The girl had to water flowers. The girl will have to water flow-ers. 6. They had to get up at six. They will have to get up at six. 7. His sister had to go shopping. His sister will have to go shopping. 8. We

* — можливі й інші варіанти відповідей


had to work in the reading hall. We shall have to work in the reading hall. 9. They had to stay at home. They will have to stay at home. 10. You had to pay for it. You will have to pay for it.

Exercise 186.

1.1 get up at seven o'clock. 2 .1 get up at eight o'clock on Sunday. 3 .1 must come to school at eight o'clock. 4. Children must go to bed at ten o'clock. 5.1 must wash myself and have breakfast in the morning. 6 .1 must do my homework in the evening. 7. I must help my mother about the house in the afternoon. 8 .1 must work hard to know English well. 9. The pupil must clean the blackboard on duty.

Exercise 187.

A. 1. You must be very tired. 2. Your friend must be a very modest

girl. 3. He must be ill. 4. They must know you. 5. He must have plen-ty of time. 6. He must be a very good doctor. 7. She must be an expe-rienced teacher. 8. You must like such films.

B. 1. He must be skating now. 2. They must be working in the gar-

den. 3. They must be preparing for their examinations. 4. She must be cooking dinner now. 5. Your friend must be fishing.

C. 1. You must have seen this performance last year. 2. It must have

happened on Sunday. 3. His daughter must have finished the second-ary school. 4. He must have fallen ill. 5 . 1 must have lost my pen. 6. He must have left his book at home. 7. They must have gone away. 8. The girl must have known him since 1992.

D. 1. They must have been working here since morning. 2. He must

have been waiting for you for half an hour. 3. She must have been learning English for three years. 4. They must have been living for a number of years. 5. They must have been discussing this question since two o'clock.

Exercise 188.

1. Я повинен розповісти комусь, я був змушений розповісти Комусь. 2. Якщо ти не згоден, то так і скажи. 3. Ви, мабуть, стомилися. І, напевно, хочете піти додому. 4. Я повинен був знати це, розумієте, я повинен був чекати цього весь час. 5. Скажіть мені, чому ви віддали гроші тій школі, в Африці. Напевно, вам було складно вибирати. 6. Саймон цілком правий, Т и не можеш розраховувати на те, що ми зробимо твою

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домашню роботу, ти повинен виконати її самостійно. 7. Він, мабуть, сказав вам, що хоче повернутися. 8. «О, ні!» - несамовито скрикнула Ганна. - « О, ні, ні, ні. Ви, мабуть, жартуєте!» 9. Це не був нещасний випадок, тому хтось мусить нести відпо-відальність. 10. Напевно, вона вважає мене сліпим або дурнем. 11. Я й справді не повинен залишати Сару саму в такому настрої на дуже довгий час. 12. Дасте мені вашу адресу в Лондоні. Ми живемо у Беркшері, недалеко звідси. Можливо, ми могли б зустрітися якось. 13.1 завтра ви обоє повинні прийти на ланч. 14. Ви, мабуть, міс Хоуп, - гувернантка, яку я маю зустріти. 15. Мама каже, що нам неможна залишатися дуже довго. 16. Ми мусимо обговорити це питання спокійно та розсудливо і вирішити, чи можливо щось вдіяти в цій ситуації.

Exercise 189.

A. 1. Pupils must do their homework. 2. She lost her pen and had to

write with a pencil. 3. You must not eat ice cream. 4.1 had to turn off the TV set. 5. We must come to school in time. 6. When must I return the book? 7. Must we learn this poem by heart? 8. You must not use dictionary during the exam. 9. She said that we must water the flow-ers. 10. He will have to/must pass the exams in August.

B. 1. His father must be an engineer. 2. It must have happened last

night. 3. He must be preparing for the examination in chemistry now. 4. Olena must have fallen ill; she has never missed the lessons. 5. He must know your father. 6. He must have been here for an hour and a half already. 7. They must have been discussing this question yet. 8. It must be raining in Chernihiv. 9. You must be cold, put on a coat. 10. They must have built a new bridge over the Dnipro.


Exercise 190.*

1.1 have to stay in for a few days. 2. He has to see a doctor. 3. She has to tell him. 4. We had to tell him the truth. 5. You will have to bor-row five dollars. 6. They will have to put the meeting off.

1. Do I have to pay for it? 2. Does he have to get up early? 3. Does she have to cook supper? 4. Did we have to look after the children? 5. Will you have to clean the room? 6. Will they have to take entrance examinations?

* — можливі й інші варіанти відповідей

MODAL VERBS - TO HA VE 61 1.1 do not have to make a report. 2. He does not have to buy it. 3.

She does not have to put off the excursion. 4. We shall not have to lock the room. 5. You will not have to learn it by heart. 6. They did not have to take a bus.

Exercise 191.

1. a) Does her father have to wear spectacles? b) Her father does not have to wear spectacles.

2. a) Does the woman have to go to the post office? b) The woman does not have to go to the post office.

3. a) Did you have to return home? b) You did not have to return home.

4. a) Did the girl have to catch up with her class? b) The girl didn't have to catch up with her class.

5. a) Do they have to live in one room? b) They do not have to live in one room.

6. a) Did the boy have to write with a pencil? b) The boy did not have to write with a pencil.

7. a) Did they have to work at night? b) They did not have to work at night.

8. a) Did I have to wait for them? b) I did not have to wait for them.

Exercise 192.

1. Я мушу бути на роботі рано вранці. 2. Мені потрібно буде знайти іншого адвоката - своєму я ніколи не зможу знову подивитися в очі. 3. «Мене затримали», - сказав Саймон. - «Я повинен був поїхати з клієнтом подивитися місце». 4. Знаю, що це неприємно, але я буду зобов'язаним внести це до звіту. 5. Я повинен буду подумати про це зараз. 6. Я був змушений знову поговорити з Андрієвими. 7. «Люсі, вам доведеться поїхати звідси. Продайте віллу і їдьте додому». 8. Я просто не розумію, чому треба псувати такий приємний вечір. 9. Я мусив прийти і побачити курчат. 10. Потім настав день, коли я повинен був повертатися до школи. 11. Я маю повернутися до Лондона у понеділок рано вранці. 12. Вибачте, мені вже час йти додому спати. Я годувальник сім'ї. 13. Я піду. Вам доведеться дати мені трохи грошей. У мене нічого не залишилось. 14. «О брате, чому ти мав померти таким молодим і такою жорстокою смертю?» 15. «Томмі! Перестань крутити кільце серветки! Скільки разів я маю тобі це казати?» 16. «Я передрукую цей лист правильно». -«Боюся, що вам-таки доведеться». 17. Ти не змушений працю-вати на ту людину. 18. Через декілька місяців вони сказали, що вона повинна поїхати. 19. Я повинен був тоді поїхати у справах

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на декілька тижнів.

Exercise 193.

A. 1. Не has to get up at half past six. 2. She had to build a bridge

across the river. 3. She had to read many books in order to prepare a good report. 4. I shall have to stay at home on Saturday. 5. I shall have to see a doctor.

B. 1. The driver had to stop the car. 2. The teacher had to give him a

"two". 3. I'll have to expel you from the circle. 4. The woman had to lock the door. 5.1 had to repeat my question.


Exercise 194.*

1.1 am to leave for Kyiv on Monday. 2. He is to take part in the competitions. 3. She is to return tomorrow. 4. We are to meet at a rail-way station. 5. You were to invite him. 6. They are to do it just now.

1. We were to have met in the park. 2. He was to have come yes-terday. 3. She was to have finished school last year. 4 .1 was to have written her a letter. 5. You were to have prepared a room for them. 6. They were to have aired the room.

Exercise 195.

1. Це було жахливо, оскільки ми мали зустрітися в ніч її смерті. 2. Йому довелося жити на фермі, коли він одружився. 3. Індійські леді і джентльмен мали надіслати по нас свій екіпаж цього ранку о дев'ятій. Та так ніхто і не приїхав. 4. Я гадав, там не мало бути поло. 5. Лікар сказав, що я повинен був поїхати туди минулого літа на шість тижнів. 6. Меблі можна було привезти у п'ятницю. 7. Медсестра-англійка мала приїхати у понеділок вранці. Покоївка також повинна була приїхати у понеділок о восьмій ранку. її мали привезти на машині її брата. 8. Том був її юристом з Лондона. Він мав приїхати рано-вранці наступного дня. 9. Я мав зустріти його тієї ночі, в суботу. Тітка Кетлін була за кордоном, у покоївки був вихідний, і я мав скласти Кетлін компанію у порожньому будинку. 10. Як же тоді ми маємо знайти її? 11. Але хто ж має вручити нам премії? 12. Скажи, що я повинен казати. 13. Вона сказала мені, що містера

* — можливі й інші варіанти відповідей


Дкрольда неможна було знову турбувати цього вечора.

Exercise 196.

A. 1. We are to meet near the theatre. 2. They are to discuss the film

after classes. 3. The pupils are to go to the forest on Sunday. 4. We are to spend the summer in the country. 5. We are to come to school at five.

B. 1.1 was to have met them at the bus stop. 2 .1 was to have gone

there by plane. 3. You were to have been given this task. 4. You were to have joined us in Poltava. 5. The pupils were to have gone on an excursion to Kyiv.

C. 1. The delegation is to arrive on Monday. 2. The conference is to

be held in London. 3. Peter is to take part in the sports competition. 4. The timetable is to be changed next week.

D. 1. You are to come at eight sharp. 2. He was to air the room. 3.

The children are to go to bed. 4. The soldiers were to clean their rifles. E. 1. You were not to enter this room. 2. The sick man was not to go

out. 3. Children are not to go to the cinema in the evening. 4. Pupils are not to talk during the lesson.

F. 1. The medicine was to be shaken before using. 2. The machine

was to be lubricated once a week. 3. The paint was to be kept in a dry place. 4. Special washing soda was to be used for silk things.

G. 1. She is to be found at home in the evening. 2. This book is to be

found in the library. 3. A TV set is to be bought at the department store. 4. This magazine is not to be found in our school library.

H. I. Our children were to have spent the summer holidays in the

Carpathians but they didn't go there. 2. We were to have met at the post office but we didn't. 3. She was to have taken part in the per-formance buf she didn't. 4. We were to have gone to the circus but we didn't.

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S H O U L D , O U G H T

Exercise 197.*

1.1 should visit him. 2. He shouldn't help her. 3. She ought to take the child to the doctor. 4. We oughtn't to know this. 5. You should be more attentive. 6. They should be listening to the teacher.

1.1 should have come here the day before yesterday. 2. He should not have said this in her presence. 3. She ought to have done it. 4. We oughtn't to have invited them. 5. You should have bought a motor-cycle. 6. They shouldn't have gone there.

Exercise 198.

1. Вам дійсно слід було віддати це відразу вашим юристам. 2. «Вам слід раніше лягати спати», - сказав він. - «Ви виглядаєте таким стомленим». 3. Бачили б ви його обличчя. 4. Мені слід доповісти про це? 5. «Тобі б не завадило мати повноцінний сніданок», - сказав він, даремно намагаючись знайти бекон та яйця. 6. Маю попередити вас, що необізнаність не є засобом захисту. 7. Я гадаю, нам слід поговорити з її друзями. 8. Я ніколи не був тут раніше, але здається, тут має бути гарно. 9. Звісно, треба приймати відвідувачів якомога частіше. 10. Мені зараз піти звідси, поки вони не прийшли, та не повертатись, доки не підуть? 11. Ви б не критикували іноземців у присутності Ненсі. 12. Я вважаю, що ту дитину слід відвести додому. 13. Ви краще спаліть ті листи і забудьте це.

Exercise 199.

1. Але ж мені слід зробити щось із тим листом, що надійшов сьогодні? 2. Мені не слід було затримувати тебе так допізна. 3. Вам вже час іти додому. Я дуже затримав вас. 4. «Ми зараз-таки повинні вирушати назад», - сказав він. 5. Чи не повинен я звільнити їх і сказати Артурові зараз, що йому слід більше бачитися з Крістел, що Крістел потребувала захисту? 6. Його довело до сказу те, що маленькі створіння п'яти-шести років самі перетинають Пікаділлі. Поліція повинна була відразу ж зупинити рух. 7. Кларіс почала розповідати матері, що їй слід дати йому іще один шанс. 8. «Манні», - сказав Берт, - «тобі не

- здається, що нам слід надіслати телеграму твоєму батькові?» 9. Ви гадаєте, мені слід розповісти їм це? 10. Ти б зайшов до нас у коледж наступного разу, як будеш удома. 11. Думаю, вам слід

* — можливі й інші варіанти відповідей

MODAL VERBS - SHOULD, OUGHT, SHALL 65 виступати в інтересах суспільства. 12. Мені, певно, слід побачитись з твоєю матір'ю і обговорити з нею плани на майбутнє. 13. Здається, погода має бути гарною. 14. Мені треба зв'язатися з бідолашним Джорджем. 15. Тобі має бути соромно, -такий великий звір, і покусав бідолашного маленького песика? 16. Сід був душею компанії на тому пікніку. Чув би ти його! 17. Краще б вона і не влаштовувалася працювати у Марлбороу Хаус. Це було так, ніби овечку запропонували вовкові. 18. Гадаю, тобі слід бути більш розбірливим щодо фільмів у кінотеатрі. Ти б ходив тількі на найкращі з них.

Exercise 200.

A. 1. You should buy this coat. 2. You should go in for skating. 3.

You should read this book in the original. 4. You should consult a doctor. 5. You shouldn't go there tonight.

B. 1. You ought to wait for them. 2. You oughtn't to go there alone.

3. You ought to apologize to her. 4. She oughtn't to punish the boy for it. 5 .1 think you should better read aloud.

C. 1. You should have come to my place yesterday. 2. He shouldn't

have bought this camera. 3. They should have thought about it before. 4 .1 shouldn't have gone there. 5. You shouldn't have broken it.

Exercise 201.

1. You ought to do morning exercises. 2. You should wait for them. 3. She shouldn't have taken the child to the cinema. 4. We should have bought the tickets beforehand. 5. You should visit her. 6. You should get this magazine. 7. You should be more attentive at the lessons. 8. You shouldn't have locked the door.


Exercise 202.*

1. He shall get a new flat next year. 2. She shall miss the train. 3. You shall catch the flue. 4. They shall stay here. 5. They shall go to the Zoo on Sunday.

1. Shall he open the window? 2. Shall he read? 3. Shall we translate

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the sentence? 4. Shall you do this exercise in written form? 5. Shall they clean the blackboard?

Exercise 203.

1. Кейт, мені прийти і знайти які-небудь сухі речі для тебе? 2. Налити тобі теплу ванну? 3. «Мені зробити висновок?», - сказав Дейв. 4. «Він повернеться», - сказала місіс Карпентер, - «я обі-цяю вам» 5. Хоч би що там трапилось, він обов'язково повернется до Англії на Різдво. 6. Тоді ходімо зі мною? Відвести тебе до бабусі? 7. Мені поголити вас цього ранку, чи ви зробите це самі? 8. Прибрати вашу тарілку? 9. Коли ви збираєтесь по-вернутися? 10. «Ваші накази буде виконано», - сказав керівник. 11. Вам нічого буде їсти, поки не зробите, як я хочу. 12. «Сідней», - сказала моя мати, - «ніколи не одружуйся з жінкою, яка п'є. Губи, що торкаються лікеру, ніколи не торкнуться твоїх!» 13. Ви матимете фото, яке бажаєте.

Exercise 204.

1. Shall I turn on the radio? 2. Shall I write this word on the black-board? 3. Shall I lock the door? 4. Shall I post the letter? 5. Shall he fetch the book? 6. Shall we water the flowers?


Exercise 205.

A. 1. Will (would) you come in? 2. Will (would) you pass me the salt?

3. Will (would) you wait for me a little? 4. Will (would) you give me your pen? 5. Will (would) you turn on the light?

B. 1.1 will play chess with him. 2. We will work in the field in sum-

mer. 3. We will go to the theatre this evening. 4 .1 will help you. c. 1. The window won't open. 2. The TV set wouldn't turn on. 3. This

knife won't cut bread. 4. This machine won't work. 5. The suitcase wouldn't close.

Exercise 206.

1. Я не можу і не хочу дозволяти такі сцени у кімнаті, де я працюю. 2. Я не бажаю розмовляти з вами. Я не дозволю якійсь емоційній дурепі шантажувати себе. 3. «Не хочу чути жодного слова проти італійських дівчат», - сказав JIaypo, - «а тим паче


про свою дружину». 4. «Гельдо, Гельдо!», - сказала мати. -«Припини, Гельдо. Не смій казати більше ані слова. Замовкни». 5. І якщо ви дозволите мені приєднатися до вашої компанії, я також піду до Смарагдового міста і попрошу Оза допомогти мені. 6. Не смійся Джейн, я не терпітиму цього. 7. «Я не дозволю, щоб це непорозуміння посварило нас, Чарльз. Я завтра порозуміюся з ним». 8. Старий Акройд і чути не хоче нічого про Ральфа, і їм доведеться миритися із цим.

Exercise 207.

1. О! Доки ви не сіли, чи не були б ви такі люб'язні, зробити для мене дещо? 2. Звичайно, спадкоємець намагатиметься отримати гроші, перш ніж повернути собаку. 3. Ми могли б попросити і Анну. Але вона не хоче приходити. 4. Він годинами сидів на самоті, слухаючи гучномовець. 5. Я не знав, що він має на увазі, але він не пояснив. 6. Вона не оберталася, доки він не наблизився, і навіть тоді вона не глянула на нього. 7. Інколи він не розмовляв цілими днями. 8. Я сказав їй це двічі, але вона не слухала мене.


Exercise 208.*

1. I needn't do this exercise in written form. 2. He needn't have learnt this poem by heart. 3. We needn't be afraid. 4. You needn't have called the doctor. 5. They needn't lock the door.

1. Need I say it to you? 2. Need he trouble him with such a trifle? 3. Need we repeat the sentence? 4. Need you do it again? 5. Need they put on a coat in such weather?

ДЕ,- a

1.1 do not need to hurry. 2. He does not need to worry about it. 3. You did not need to take a taxi. 4. We do not need to stay in. 5. They did not need to get up so early.

1. Do I need this magazine? 2. Does he need a bicycle? 3. Did we need a ticket for the concert? 4. Will you need an engineer? 5. Will they need an alarm clock?

1.1 do not need this newspaper. 2. We did not need any bookshelf. 3. They shall not need a taxi. 4. You will not need a sofa. 5. She does not need your advice.

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Exercise 209.

1. The woman needn't have sent for the doctor. 2. He needn't have gone to the post office. 3. She needn't have bought the tickets before-hand. 4. The pupils needn't have copied the text. 5. I needn't have bought a stamp.

Exercise 210.

1. No, you needn't. You needn't come to school on Sunday. 2. No, you needn't. You needn't bring your dictionary tomorrow. 3. No, he needn't. Nick needn't rewrite his homework. 4. No, you needn't. You needn't wait for me. 5. No, she needn't. She needn't go there herself.

Exercise 211.

1. Але зрештою вам нічого дуже засмучуватися. 2. Це була зовсім не моя провина, і вам не варто було згадувати про це. 3. Не варто звертати на неї увагу, вона лише стара дурна жінка. 4. Але ж нам не обов'язково повідомляти про це Кліффорду, чи не так? 5. Щоб мати налагоджений бізнес, вам потрібні були гроші. І справді, вам не обов'язково було мати для цього ще щось. 6. «Але краще б саме ви спитали вашого дядька, чи можна вам прийти. Мені це не потрібно». 7. «О, мій любий друже, це не так легко. У мене зараз так багато термінової роботи». - «Вам не знадобиться на це багато часу». 8. Мені ще необхідно попрацювати із секретарем, тому вам не обов'язково приходити раніше шостої. 9. Не слід втрачати самовладання, я лише вимагаю виконання ваших обов'язків. 10. Не треба чіпати мене руками, я йду. 11. «Не шепотіть, Мід. Думаєте, я не знаю всього цього про дядька Сіда?» 12. Навряд чи мені варто радити вам, панове, замикати свої двері.

Exercise 212.

1. Ви знаєте, що Крістел відчуває до вас. Гадаю, вона не наважується навіть думати про вас зараз. 2. Вона не наважилася порушити його загадкове мовчання. 3. «О! Ваша милість, Коні передражнювала захекану міс Бентлі, я на таке ніколи б не наважилася!» 4. «Так, мені довелося пити чай у крамниці міс Бентлі», - сказала вона. - «Невже! Ти б могла випити чаю і в Уінтера». - «Могла б, але не смію розчаровувати міс Бентлі». 5. «Я лікар», - усміхнувся він. - «Змії не посміють вкусити мене». 6. Я поцілую тебе - і ніхто не наважиться заподіяти шкоду людині, яку поцілувала Відьма Півночі. 7. Невже ти наважишся вкусити Тото? 8. «Ми не можемо заподіяти шкоду цій маленькій


дівчинці», - сказав він їм, - «тому що її захищає Сила Добра, а вона має більшу владу, ніж Сила Зла». 9. Він не наважувався навіть згадати про ту жінку. Йому було моторошно. 10. Дівчина підскочила: «Як ви смієте питати мене про таке? Це, це ж образливо!»

Exercise 213.

1. Не може бути, аби щось було правильним або неправильним лише для тебе, якщо це так - тоді так воно має бути для всіх. 2. Люди не повинні почуватися безпорадними, потрібно якось діяти. 3. Але, люба Френсіс, ти, мабуть, бачила таких дівчат, як ця, сотні разів. В Дубліні їх повно-повнісінько. 4. Так або інакше, але Його Святість постійно казали, що в них немає рук. Вони не можуть битися. 5. «Ось, я зірвав для тебе чудовий пуп'янок троянди. Обережно, колючки». - «Нехай і в нашому з тобою житті не буде колючок». 6. Ні, краще не купуй цієї каблучки. Ти ще маєш можливість передумати. 7. У мене дуже мало часу на світські бесіди, даруйте. 8. Ви не можете вибачитися самим лише словом «пробачте», і не таким тоном. 9. Як би було добре, коли б ми могли зустрічатись іноді і розмовляти просто так про все, що спало на думку. 10. Послухай, Кетлін. Я повинен тобі дещо розповісти. 11. Не розмовляй так голосно. Я досить добре тебе чую. Тут неможна так говорити. 12. Ви ж знаєте, що він піде за вами куди завгодно. Невже ми мусимо зв'язати його? 13. «Знаєте, вам слід було мені зателефонувати, Крістофер, це б могло захистити мене». 14. Можливо, я геть безграмотний, але принаймні я можу заробити собі на прожиття. 15. Я ніколи не зможу пояснити це. 16. Маю зауважити, що дещо насторожено ставлюся до цих загадкових «фахівців», які не можуть навіть зрозуміло сказати, чим вони займаються. 17. З вашим грудним кашлем вам не варто бути в Лондоні взимку.


Exercise 214.»

1.1 am glad to meet you. 2. He is happy to hear it. 3. We are sorry to be late. 4. She is sorry to have missed the train. 5. You were glad not to have been informed about it. 6. They will be glad to be given this chance.

1 .1 want to tell you everything about it. 2. I hate to be troubled when I am working. 3 .1 like to play basketball. 4 .1 want to be sent

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there. 5 .1 like to be visited when I am ill.

1.1 can find that magazine. 2. He may be found there. 3. We must show you the way to the railway station. 4. You may be shown the way to the railway station. 5. They must bring the children home.

Exercise 215.

A. 1.1 am happy to work at the factory. 2 .1 am glad to see you. 3.1

am glad to study French. 4 .1 am happy to live in this town. 5 .1 am happy to know this man.

B. 1 .1 am happy to be going to Paris. 2 .1 am happy to be spending

my holidays in the Crimea. 3. I am glad to be listening to the sym-phony. 4.1 am glad to be reading his letter. 5.1 am glad to be playing chess with you.

C. 1 .1 am happy to have spent my holidays in the country. 2. He is

happy to have played chess with the world champion. 3.1 am glad to have bathed in the river. 4. I am glad to have learned English at school. 5.1 am glad to have passed my examination yesterday.

D. 1.1 am sorry not to understand this rule. 2 .1 am sorry not to be

working there now. 3 .1 am sorry not to have seen this film. 4. She is sorry not to have been working all these years. 5. Peter is sorry not to have seen her.

E. 1. She is sorry not to have been invited to the evening party. 2. We

are glad to be taught English. 3 .1 am glad to have been waked early this morning. 4 .1 am sorry not to have been informed of it. 5. I am sorry not to have been allowed to go there.

Exercise 216.

1. Кожен хотів щось сказати. 2. Він вирішив піти сам. 3. Щоб жити, треба багато працювати. 4. На питання має бути відповідь. 5. В це було важко повірити. 6. Вона збиралася до мене, щоб побачитися з моєю тіткою. 7. їй ажніяк не хотілося відкривати серце своїй тітці. 8. Приготувати добрий сніданок - велика справа. 9. Я готовий піти з Енні. 10. До ранку нічого неможна було вдіяти. 11. Небезпечно було переходити міст вночі. 12. Щоб заробити на прожиття, він став продавцем. 13. Першим сказав чоловік. 14. Я занадто старий, щоб мене били. 15. Це моя лава, і ви не маєте права забирати її у мене.


Exercise 217.

A. 1.1 am glad to work with him. 2 .1 am glad to have worked with

him. 3. She is happy to study at this institute. 4. She is happy to have studied at this institute. 5 .1 am sorry to trouble you. 6 .1 am sorry to have troubled you. 7. He will be glad to go there. 8. He will be glad to have gone there.

B. 1.1 am glad to invite you at the party. 2.1 am glad to be invited at

the party. 3.1 am glad to have invited them at the party. 4 .1 am glad to have been invited at the party. 5 .1 am glad to send you this book. 6.1 am glad to have sent her this book. 7 .1 am glad to be sent to this conference. 8 .1 am glad to have been sent to this conference.

C. 1 .1 want to send her a telegram. 2 .1 want to be sent to the con-

ference. 3. My sister wants to see them there. 4. She doesn't want to be seen there. 5. The girl likes to be told fairy tales. 6. The girl likes to tell fairy tales.

D. 1. It was impossible to forget that day. 2. It was dangerous to cross

the river at night. 3. The task of every student is to study hard. 4. To help him now means to save him. /To help him now is to save him. 5. Her dream is to become a doctor. 6. Your task is to write a composi-tion about your summer holiday. 7. Our task was to finish the work till the fifth of December.

E. 1. He was the first to help us. 2. She was the first to write a com-

position. 3. She was the first to tell me about it. 4. The director was the last to speak at the meeting. 5. He was the first to congratulate us. 6.1 was the last to go home.

F. 1. We took a taxi to come to the station in time. 2. She went to the

post office to get a parcel. 3 .1 turn on the TV set to watch a football match. 4. They arrived in Kyiv to take part in the sports competitions. 5. Tomorrow, we shall go to the forest to gather mushrooms. 6. You should read as much as possible to learn the language.

G. 1. The weather was too fine to stay at home. 2. The task was too

difficult to be done in an hour. 3. He is experienced enough to do this task. 4. It is too cold today to go to the river. 5. There are too many new words in this text to understand it without a dictionary.

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Exercise 218.*

1.1 saw him enter the house. 2. They heard you play the piano. 3. We noticed her leave the room. 4. He watched them approach the river. 5. She heard the girl sing.

1.1 made him learn the poem by heart. 2. She let them go home. 3. We caused them to do the exercise again. 4. They force me to buy it. 5. He let me read it aloud.

1 .1 want her to work here. 2. She wanted them to speak English. 3. They would like the boys to stay here. 4. He wanted me to sing this song. 5. We should like her to become an agronomist.

1.1 expect him to come back at five. 2. She expected you to arrive on Monday. 3. They expect us to help them. 4. You expect me to answer the letter at once. 5. We expected them to win the match.

1.1 considered him to be brave. 2. He believed you to be an hon-est man. 3. We thought you to be a good pupil. 4. They supposed us to be lazy. 5. We knew you to be about twenty.

1.1 find it difficult. 2. She found the film to be funny. 3. We found the subject to be easy. 4. You found the story to be dull. 5. They find the flat to be comfortable.

Exercise 219.

1. I saw Peter take my pen. 2. I saw him run to the river. 3. I noticed the girl smile. 4. I heard the children shout. 5. My brother heard her play the violin. 6. We saw the man try to open the door. 7. He saw them get into a taxi. 8. We heard somebody knock at the door.

Exercise 220.

A. 1. We watched the dockers unload the ship. 2. They watched me

make my bed. 3. Mother saw him climb over the fence. 4 .1 watched them play ice hockey. 5. Nobody noticed her go away.

B. 1. We expect him to come back at seven. 2. They expect their foot-

ball team to win the game. 3. She expected her friend to write her a letter. 4.1 expect you to come in time. 5. He expects his friends to help

* — можливі й інші варіанти відповідей


him. C. 1.1 think him to be a good engineer. 2.1 suppose him to be about

forty. 3 .1 believe them to be at home now. 4 .1 know her to be very modest. 5. They believe him to be honest.

D. 1.1 wish you to tell me about it. 2. Her parents wish her to enter a

music school. 3. We wish you to go to the forest with us. 4. His father wishes him to become an engineer. 5.1 wish you to stay here.

E. 1.1 desire him to see me off. 2 .1 desire her to go shopping. 3. We

desire him to repair our radio set. 4 .1 desire him to stop smoking. 5. I desire them to return tomorrow.

Exercise 221.

1. He is reported to know this language. 2. She is said to be writ-ing a play. 3. You are said to have finished school. 4. You were said to have arrived in Kyiv. 5. They were reported to have been teaching for five years.

1.1 am expected to arrive in Kyiv tomorrow. 2. He is known to be very strong. 3. She is believed to be a lover of music. 4. We are con-sidered to be interested in chemistry. 5. They were supposed to make a present for her.

1.1 was seen to cross the street at that place. 2. He is heard to play volley-ball. 3. She is watched to burst out laughing. 4. We were noticed to unlock the door. 5. We were heard to approach the school building.

1 .1 seem to understand spoken English. 2. He appeared to have recognized me. 3. She happened to be cooking dinner. 4. We proved to know the city very well. 5. They chanced to meet you at the expe-dition.

1.1 am sure to come back in time. 2. He is certain to know English. 3. We are likely to lose the match. 4. You were unlikely to solve this problem. 5. She was sure to get an excellent mark.

Exercise 222.

1-. She was heard to sing a folk song. 2. He was seen to put his coat on. 3. The clock was heard to strike nine. 4. The rider was seen to dis-appear in the distance. 5. The plane was seen to take off. 6. He was expected to return in a fortnight. 7. She was known to be a talented

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actress. 8. Не was supposed to be a foreigner. 9. He was considered to be a great man. 10. The telegram was expected to be sent tomorrow.

Exercise 223.

A. 1. They are said to work in the field. 2. She is believed to know sev-

eral foreign languages. 3. The film is said to be very interesting. 4. He is supposed to understand Spanish. 5. The cosmonauts are reported to feel well.

B. . . 1. Kate is said to be preparing for her entrance exammations. 2.

They are said to be working in the field. 3. The painter is reported to be working at a new picture. 4. He is believed to be writing a histori-cal novel.

C. 1. The delegation is reported to have arrived in Paris on the 10th

of September. 2. The spaceship is reported to have reached the moon. 3. This house is believed to have been built in the 18th century. 4. She is said to have been teaching mathematics for thirty years.

D. 1. He is expected to arrive on Monday. 2. The book is supposed to

be published next year. 3. The film was expected to be shown in May. 4. The weather was supposed to be fine in April. 5. He is expected to buy a car.

E. 1. They seem to live in the same house. 2. He seems to be compos-

ing a new symphony. 3. He seems to have known it long ago. 4. She seems to be listening. 5. You proved to be right. 6. The text turned out to be very difficult.

Exercise 224.

A. r 1. It is likely to rain before evening. 2. She is unlikely to forget her

promise. 3. The winter is likely to be very cold this year. 4. They are likely to be late. 5. This medicine is unlikely to help him. g

1. They are sure to like this film. 2. The doctor is sure to do his best. 3. He is likely to forget the address. 4. She is likely to catch cold. 5. He is sure to do his duty. 6. The weather is likely to change.

Exercise 225.

1. It is necessary for me to stay here. 2. It was important for you


to go there at once. 3. It will be dangerous for him to cross the river here. 4. It is high time for us to buy it. 5. It will be better for them to take a taxi.

1. The best thing is for him to see a doctor. 2. The best thing was for me to invite them. 3. The best thing was for you to go there by plane. 4. The best thing would be for you to see a doctor. 5. The best thing is for me to go home.

1 .1 wait for you to speak. 2. He waited for me to go out. 3. We waited for him to send an invitation. 4. You will wait for them to answer. 5. They wait for us to come back.

Exercise 226.

1. It is necessary for us to start early in the morning. 2. It is neces-sary for her to come here in time. 3. It is important for him to work systematically. 4. It is necessary for you to air the room twice a day. 5. It is necessary for you to go in for sports.

Exercise 227.

1. The text is too difficult for the pupils to translate it. 2. The car is too expensive for me to buy it. 3. The story is easy enough for me to read it without a dictionary. 4. The weather was too bad for us to go to the forest. 5. The coat is too long for her to wear it.

Exercise 228.

1. Потім, здалося, він почув голос. 2. Я бачила, що вона дивилася на нього. 3. Що ви хочете, щоб я зробив? 4. Джуд спостерігав за тим, як вона зникала у напрямку готелю. 5. Вона змусила свого брата говорити про себе. 6. Ніколи не сподівався, Що ви взагалі його запитаєте. 7. Мій батько не хоче, щоб ми зналися одне з одним. 8. Здавалося, що він добирає слова. 9. Здавалося, що її обличчя набагато помолодшало. 10. Ми бачили, як він увійшов до вокзалу. 11. Містер Рочестер, здається,' повернеться нескоро. 12. Здавалося, вона його не слухає, із'. Клайд відчув, що затремтів. 14. Я не хочу чути, коли ви так говорите про Гаррі. 15. Здається, ви не розумієте, наскільки це складно.

Exercise 229.

А. 1. We saw her crossing the street. 2 .1 noticed her open the book.

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3. The pupils saw the plane land. 4.1 heard them singing this song. 5. We noticed him stand up and leave the room. 6. Everybody heard you say this. 7. They saw me running home. 8. Mother heard the child burst out crying.

В 1 .1 want you to do it today. 2 .1 should like you to come to the

meeting. 3. His father wants him to become a doctor. 4 . 1 don't like him to speak so slowly. 5.1 want you to stay here. 6.1 don't want you to go to the cinema today.

C. 1. We hoped him to come on Wednesday. 2.1 didn't think you to

be late. 3. Do you think her to be a good organize? 4. Doctors hope him to recover soon. 5. Scientists consider this town to have been founded in the 12th century. 6. We hope our volleyball team to win the match.

D. 1. The teacher made us learn the poem by heart. 2. What made you

go there in such a nasty weather? 3. We shall make him clean the room. 4. The rain made me stay here. 5.1 don't make you do this.

E. 1. He is said to live in Kyiv now. 2. He is said to have lived in Kyiv.

3. The Polish delegation is reported to have arrived in Kyiv. 4. This fortress is considered to have been built in the 10th century. 5. He is considered to be a very educated person. 6. He is said to be the best sportsman in the school. 7. She is known to have been learning sever-al foreign languages.

F. 1. The train was heard to be approaching. 2. She was seen in the

shop every morning. 3. She was heard to sing in the next room. 4. He was never seen to be angry. 5. The plain was seen to be flying high in the sky.

G. 1. She seems to know French. 2. He seems to have got your letter.

3. They seemed not to be listening to him. 4. We happened to meet in Poltava. 5. He turned out to be a gifted mathematician. 6. You are likely to have forgotten about this.

H. I . He is sure to come tonight. 2. They are likely to know about

this. 3. She is unUkely to have got this book. 4. You are sure to like this film. 5. We are unlikely to go there. 6. He is likely to be late.



Exercise 230.*

1.1 came up to the woman sitting on the bench. 2. He approached the man reading a newspaper. 3. We pointed to the boys digging pota-toes. 4. You called the children playing basketball. 5. They came up to the girls working in the garden.

1. The man sitting in the corner is my best friend. 2. The woman standing at the window works at this plant. 3. The boy making the report is a good swimmer. 4. The girl approaching us lives in our house. 5. The pupil crossing the street dances very well.

1.1 stood smiling. 2. He sat reading a newspaper. 3. We went away singing. 4. You approached me trembling. 5. They read the letter lis-tening to the song.

1. Entering the room, I found nobody there. 2. Opening the door, we greeted her. 3. Seeing her, we recognized her at once. 4. Coming home, they decided to tell her the truth. 5. Hearing her voice, you apologized to her.

1. While reading the story I fell asleep. 2. While playing chess we remembered you. 3. While preparing the report she heard a knock at the door. 4. While watching television you fell asleep. 5. While trans-lating the text they used a dictionary.

1. Having read the book, I decided to take a short rest. 2. Having written the letter, he switched on the TV set. 3. Having cleaned the room, they went for a walk. 4. Having done it, you went to the post office. 5. Having finished it, we went shopping.

1. I was reading a book printed in our town. 2. He bought the newspaper published last month. 3. We took the magazine received this morning. 4. You looked for a book written by Professor Brown. 5. They used an article published last month.

1. The agreement concluded by them was soon broken. 2. The treaty made there serves the cause of peace. 3. The contract signed last year is useful for both sides. 4. The document concluded by them was approved by our people. 5. The agreement made there has been car-ried out.

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Exercise 231.

A. 1. Most of people working at our factory have received comfort-

able flats in new houses. 2. Many pupils learning English are members of our English club. 3. The man selling newspapers showed me the way to the post office. 4. The students living on the left bank of the river cross this bridge twice a day. 5. The woman teaching English at our school studied in Kyiv.

B. 1. The man making the report is our history teacher. 2. The work-

ers repairing the road go home by bus. 3. The girl reciting the poem is our teacher's daughter. 4. The boys playing hockey live in our house. 5. The women working in the field go to the exhibition.

C. 1. Hearing her name, she turned round. 2. Seeing our teacher, we

stopped and waited for her. 3. Coming home, he switched on the TV set. 4. Entering the hall, I saw my friends dancing round the fir-tree. 5. Going out of the shop, I met my schoolmate.

D. 1. When,discussing this novel, the pupils expressed their thoughts

in good literature language. 2. When cooking dinner, Jane forgot to salt it. 3. When studying at the University, Paul published several sci-entific articles.

E. 1. Having passed our examinations, we went to a summer camp.

2. Having lost my key, I couldn't get in. 3. Having had a dictionary, he did not have to go to the reading hall every day. 4. Having booked tickets beforehand, we went to the theatre half an hour before the per-formance began. 5. Having received the telegram, they packed and left for Glasgow.

F. 1. We live in a house built last year. 2. She received a telegram sent

yesterday. 3.1 have got a TV set made in Lviv. 4. The decisions adopt-ed at the conference are supported by many scientists. 5. The machines made at our plant are exported to many countries of the world.

Exercise 232.

1. She looked at me smiling. 2. The children sat watching televi-sion. 3. The girl spoke trembling. 4. The children ran about shouting. 5. He turned over the pages of a book looking at the pictures. 6. The man read a book making notes from time to time.


Exercise 233.

1. Одягнувшись якомога швидше, я вийшов прогулятися. 2. Вона зайшла у гардеробну пошукати речі, що належать її батькам. 3. Якийсь час Мері стояла мовчки, спостерігаючи та прислухаючись. 4. Все ще дивлячись на мене, вона хитала головою, поки я говорив. 5. Я помітив, як промайнула тінь на її обличчі. 6. Він ходив колами, нічого не кажучи. 7. Мері все ще сиділа і дивилась на написане. 8. Ми сиділи там і розмовляли про старі добрі часи у Кентербері. 9. Вони підбігли до східців, що вели до води.

Exercise 234.*

1. I saw you playing tennis. 2. He heard me quarrelling. 3. She watched him climbing a tree. 4. We noticed the boys whispering some-thing. 5. You observed her swimming across the river. 6. They found him skating on the pond.

1 .1 was seen cUmbing over the fence. 2. He was heard crying. 3. She was watched playing the violin. 4. You were observed entering the department store. 5. They were noticed running away.

1.1 had my hair cut. 2. He will have his coat cleaned. 3. You will have your shoes mended. 4. We had our dinner cooked. 5. They had their dress made.

1. The weather being very cold, she had to stay at home. 2. Her daughter having fallen ill, she sent for the doctor. 3. The weather being very cold, she put off the trip. 4. The weather being very cold, she heated the room. 5. Her daughter having fallen ill, she was very much upset.

Exercise 235.

1.1 saw him picking flowers in the park. 2. We watched them play-ing hockey. 3. The teacher observed the pupils writing compositions. 4.1 saw the girl crossing the street. 5. She watched him repairing his car. 6. We saw wild geese flying to the South.

Exercise 236.

1. We heard the woman shouting at the boys. 2. She heard the birds singing in the trees. 3. I noticed the man trying to unlock the

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door. 4. They heard the boy whistling. 5. We watched the children swimming in the river.

Exercise 237.

1. He had his suit made. 2. He had his car repaired. 3. He had his photograph taken. 4. He had his article typed. 5. They had their din-ner brought. 6. He had his shirt washed and ironed. 7. They had their supper cooked. 8. He had his luggage brought into the car.

Exercise 238.

A. 1. My friend living far from here, I go to his place by bus. 2. The

play being very popular, it was difficult to get tickets. 3. It being rather cold, I put on my coat. 4. His mother teaching English, he knows the language very well. 5. Her son being ill, she couldn't go to the theatre.

B. 1. Our teacher having visited India, we asked him to tell us about

that country. 2. The match having ended, the people went home. 3. My friend having bought the tickets beforehand, we did not need to hurry. 4. The sun having risen, we continued our way. 5. His sister having broken his spectacles, he had to buy a pair of new.ones.

C. 1. All shops being closed, we couldn't buy anything. 2. The road

being repaired, I couldn't go there by bus. 3. The book being printed, we hoped to get it soon. 4. Houses being built very quickly nowadays, we'll soon get a new flat. 5. The waiting room being cleaned, the pas-sengers were not let in.

D. 1. The house having been built, we got a new flat. 2. The key hav-

ing been lost, she couldn't get into the room. 3. The road having been repaired, we could go there by bus. 4. The waiting room having been cleaned, the passengers were let in. 5. All the tickets having been sold out, we couldn't see the performance.

Exercise 239.

1. Вона відкрила двері і почула, як вони розмовляють. 2. Вона застала старого з онукою за сніданком. 3. Ентоні побачив, що до нього йде його молодший брат. 4. Вона вже одного разу бачила, як він читав це. 5. Я помітив, як на мить старий добрий лікар звернув до мене СВІ"» "ПОКІЙНИЙ погляд. 6. Зробивши це, він відчув, що майже зобов'язаний вийти з кімнати. 7. Він частенько чув ненароком, як вони обговорюють дуже цікаві речі. 8. Із


калатанням у серці Мері поспішала додому. 9. Я бачив, як він спускався сходами рано-вранці. 10. Він бачив, як вона сиділа на ліжку, і її золотаве волосся спадало хвилями.

Exercise 240.

1. We watched the children playing football. 2 .1 saw the children drinking tea. 3. They heard her father speaking German. 4. We saw him getting on the tram. 5 .1 saw the boat approaching the bank. 6. We noticed her laughing. 7. The pupils saw the plane landing. 8. I have my radio repaired. 9. She has her hair done. 10. Do you have your shoes mended? 11. We have tickets to the concert bought.

Exercise 241.

1. The wind blowing from the north, it was very cold. 2. The teacher being ill, we didn't have a physics lesson yesterday. 3. The let-ter being written, I took it to the post office. 4. Father having come, everybody sat down at the table to have dinner. 5. It being already late, all shops were closed. 6. The telephone being out of order, I couldn't call you up. 7. My brother having finished school, our fami-ly moved to Lutsk. 8. The lessons having finished, the pupils went home.


Exercise 242.*

1. I insisted on visiting that museum. 2. He objected to doing morning exercises. 3. We agreed to helping them. 4. You thought of buying the tickets beforehand. 5. They succeeded in learning the poem by heart.

1. I suggested playing hockey. 2. He gave up smoking. 3. We couldn't help laughing. 4. You enjoyed meeting them. 5. They finished learning English.

1. After finishing school I decided to go there. 2. Before coming home she had a short rest. 3. On recovering we spent a week at home. 4. After getting there they began to work. 5. Before leaving for Kyiv they booked a ticket.

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Exercise 243.

1. We continue studying English. 2. The children like playing bas-ketball. 3. The boy started running. 4. His mother intends spending her holiday in the Crimea. 5. They preferred going there by plane. 6. She tried opening the window but couldn't. 7.1 have just begun trans-lating the text.

Exercise 244.

1.1 thank you for giving me a dictionary. 2.1 thank the woman for showing me the way. 3. We thank you for explaining to us this gram-mar rule. 4.1 thank Ann for passing me the salt. 5. Peter thanks Nick for buying a notebook for him. 6 .1 thank him for repairing my TV set.

Exercise 245.

A. 1 .1 think of going to the theater tomorrow. 2. I think of joining

them. 3.1 thought of buying this coat. 4. Tom thinks of playing hock-ey on Saturday. 5. She thought of taking a taxi. 6. We think of visit-ing him in the hospital.

B. 1. After passing their exams they went to the Caucasus. 2. Before

moving to this town we lived in Kyiv. 3. After writing the letter she went to the post office. 4. Before crossing the street you must look to the left and then to the right. 5. Before leaving home I turned off the light. 6. After walking about two miles we met him.

C. 1. He insisted on showing them the way. 2. He insisted on being

shown the way. 3. They insisted on helping me. 4. They insisted on being helped with their work. 5 .1 insisted on examining them in the afternoon. 6.1 insisted on being examined first.

Exercise 246.

A. 1. I am looking forward to visiting that exhibition. 2. She was

looking forward to going to the country. 3. He is looking forward to being offered this job. 4. We are looking forward to seeing this per-formance. 5.1 am looking forward to being invited to the conference.

B. 1.1 enjoyed working with him. 2.1 enjoyed reading this story. 3.1

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enjoyed playing tennis. 4. He enjoyed riding a bicycle. 5. He will enjoy listening to this lecture.

C. I. It is no use inviting her. She won't come. 2. It is no use growing

tomatoes in this region. The summer is too short here: they won't ripen. 3. It is no use teaching her to play the piano. She has no ear for music. 4. It is no use going shopping now. Most of the shops are closed. 5. It is no use going to the theater now. The tickets are sold out.

Exercise 247.

A. 1. Excuse me for ringing you up so late. 2. Excuse me for turning

on the radio when you are working. 3. Excuse me for coming so late. 4. Excuse me for breaking your pencil. 5. Excuse me for coming home without waiting for you.

B .

1.1 am sorry for not helping you yesterday. 2 .1 am sorry for not waiting for you. 3 . 1 am sorry for not doing my homework. 4 .1 am sorry for not ringing you up. 5.1 am sorry for not answering your let-ter.

Exercise 248.

A. 1. He is proud of working with Professor Collins. 2. He is proud

of having worked with Professor Collins. 3. He is proud of playing chess with a champion. 4. He is proud of having played chess with a champion. 5. She is ashamed of having made many mistakes. 6. She is ashamed of making many mistakes.

B .

1. She is proud of being given an important task. 2. She is proud of having been given an important task. 3. She is proud of being loved by her pupils. 4. She is proud by having been loved by her pupils. 5. He is proud of being praised by the teacher. 6. He is proud of having been praised by his teacher.

C. 1. We enjoyed seeing this film. 2. She enjoyed playing the piano. 3.

He enjoys collecting stamps. 4. They enjoyed playing football. 5. We enjoyed bathing in the river.

D. 1. I translate the text without using the dictionary. 2. Mary left

home without locking the door. 3. He went to bed without taking off his shirt. 4. The boy continued to speak without looking at us. 5. The man saved the child without giving his name.

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E. 1. Instead of going to the Crimea, we spent the summer in the

country. 2. Instead of preparing for his exams, he was playing chess. 3. Instead of learning the story by heart, I prepared to retell it. 4. Instead of going to the cinema, I shall watch television. 5. Instead of writing her a letter, I'll send her a telegram.

F. 1. Tom is busy repairing his bicycle. 2. Jane is busy washing her

dress. 3. I was busy preparing my report. 4. The children are busy cleaning the room. 5. The teacher was busy correcting our tests.

G. 1. This book is worth reading. 2. This film is worth seeing. 3. This

house is worth repairing. 4. This museum is worth visiting. 5. This lan-guage is worth learning.

Exercise 249.

1. Чи могли б ви позичили мені два сірника? 2. Дік продовжував розпитувати про різних друзів. 3. Вона рятувала її від допиту та перевірки. 4. Йому часом спадало на думку взяти із собою Стіва. 5. Я наполягаю на тому, щоб до мене ставилися з відповідною повагою. 6. Я не проти розповісти вам. 7. Вона перестала запитувати про час. 8. Вона має хист працювати 16 годин поспіль. 9. Позад будинку дві жінки займалися пранням. 10. Він боявся бути бідним. 11. Я пригадую розмову про це. 12. Тож він відкинув будь-які спроби поснідати. 13. Я щось не дуже пригадую, щоб бачив її в театрі.

Exercise 250.

1.1 am found of playing chess. 2. Yes, I am found of skating. 3.1 like better skating. 4. Yes, I remember going to school for the first time. It was very pleasant day for me. 5.1 have seen many films late-ly. «Matrix» and «Transporter» are worth seeing. 6. I have read 10 English books this year. The «Adventures of Sherlock Holmes» and «Jane Eyre» are worth reading. 7.1 dream of becoming a doctor. 8.1 am busy learning English now. 9. We use knife for cutting bread. 10. We use pen for writing. 11. We use scissors for cutting things. 12. It is impossible to learn English without working hard. 13. I read «Headless Horseman» last. Yes, I enjoy it. Because the plot is plain and the characters are well depicted. 14.1 have never traveled by air. But I think I 'd like it because it is the fastest way of traveling. 15.1 intend spending my holidays in the Crimea.


Exercise 251.*

1.1 insisted on my going there. 2. He looked forward to his com-ing back. 3. She thought of her being sent there. 4. We objected to our being given this task. 5. You dreamed of your being invited to the party. 6. They looked forward to their inviting to the party.

1.1 am pleased with my playing so well. 2. He is sure of his having said it. 3. She is surprised at our being invited there. 4. We are proud of their having won the match. 5. You were sure of your behaving so. 6. They were pleased with Jane's having been praised.

Exercise 252.

1. Nick's father is proud of his well studying. 2. We are surprised at her having failed in the examination. 3 .1 am sure of his coming in time. 4 .1 am pleased with her playing the piano. 5. We are proud of their having won the match. 6.1 am surprised at their being here.

Exercise 253.

1.1 insist on Kate's reciting this poem. 2. They insisted on my tak-ing part in the competition. 3.1 object to Jane's staying here alone. 4. The teacher insisted on the pupils' doing this exercises. 5. Mother objected to Mary's going to the cinema. 6 .1 object to his being elect-ed chairman. 7 .1 insist on her being sent to the conference.

Exercise 254.

1.1 dislike your quarreling. 2 .1 don't mind your opening the win-dow. 3 .1 enjoy their dancing. 4. His parents are pleased with his get-ting an excellent mark. 5. I dislike your making noise. 6. I am sur-prised at your not knowing the lesson. 7. I'll be proud of your passing examination well.

Exercise 255.

1. Do you enjoy travelling by sea? 2. Do you like playing chess? 3. Do you object to my opening the window? 4. Do you agree to my using your dictionary? 5. Do you intend going to Riga this year? 6. Are you ashamed of making spelling mistakes? 7. Are you sure of Passing your examination well? 8. Do you dream of becoming a doc-tor? 9. Do you insist on my playing chess with you? 10. Are you fond °f skating? 11. Is your mother afraid of your catching cold? 12. Are

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you afraid of catching cold? 13. Are you afraid of my catching cold? 14. Is the film you saw last worth seeing? 15. Is the book you read last worth reading?

Exercise 256.

1. Я не терпітиму вашої манери заохочувати людей. 2. Він думав про візит Джема того вечора. 3. Нас розвеселило бажання Дори подобатися іншим. 4. Ви дасте мені довідку про те, що не можете поїхати? 5. Вибачте, що я сказав таке.

Exercise 257.

І. I. Excuse me for taking your book. 2. Excuse me for being late. 3.

Excuse us for troubling you again. 4. Excuse us for not coming in time. 5. Excuse me for interrupting you. 6. Excuse us for speaking so loudly. 7. Excuse me for calling you up so late.

II. 1. Thank you for showing me the way to the town. 2. Thank you

for helping me to get the tickets. 3. Thank you for taking me home. 4. Thank you for waking me up. 5. Thank you for explaining me this rule.

III. 1.1 remember having seen him in Kyiv. 2. She remembers having

read this book. 3. We remember his having been working with us. 4. He remembers having seen this film. 5 .1 remember her having been studying in our school.

IV. 1.1 am surprised at her doing so many spelling mistakes. 2 .1 am

surprised at your having missed so many lessons. 3.1 am surprised at his having said this. 4.1 am surprised at your being late so often. 5.1 am surprised at their losing the match.

V. 1. The teacher objected to our going to the cinema today. 2. They

don't object to my joining them. 3. Do you object to my opening the window?/ Do you mind my opening the window? 4. I object to this question being discussed today.

VI. 1. He insisted on everybody's coming at 8 o'clock tomorrow. 2.

She insisted on my going to the doctor. 3.1 insist on her going to Kyiv immediately. 4.1 insist on her being sent to Kyiv immediately. 5. We insist on this house being repaired.

VII. 1. It depends on his coming in time. 2. Everything depends on the

weather being fine. 3. Your trip depends on your getting the tickets.


4. The success of our work depends on your helping us. 5. It depends on the shop being opened.

VIII. 1. We looked forward to his returning. 2. The pupils are looking

forward to their going on an excursion. 3. She is looking forward to being invited to the party. 4. We are looking forward to this book being published. 5.1 am looking forward to working at this plant.

IX. 1. She went out the house without switching off the TV set. 2. I

couldn't prepare the report without reading these articles. 3. The pupils went home without discussing this question. 4. We can't go to the theatre without buying the tickets beforehand. 5. He left without saying goodbye.

X. 1. Instead of going to him, you can phone him. 2. Instead of buy-

ing this book, I have taken it at the school library. 3. Instead of going to the forest, we stayed at home. 4. Instead of going there by tram, he went on foot. 5. Instead of sending a telegram there, I'll write him a letter.

XI. 1.1 have learned many words by reading English books every day.

2. We can be in time for the train by taking a taxi. 3. He helped us a lot by having explained the rules. 4. You may ask him about it by phoning him. 5. I remember the words better by using them in sen-tences.

XII. 1. I didn't have a chance of talking to him. 2. She didn't have a

chance of buying a ticket to this performance. 3. He has a good habit of putting down each word into his vocabulary. 4. There are different ways of translating the gerund into Ukrainian. 5. They didn't have an opportunity of using a tape recorder.

XIII. 1. This house needs repairing. 2. The floor needs painting. 3.

Children need taking care of. 4. The shoes need mending. 5. The film requires discussing.

XIV. 1. My friend is busy repairing a TV set. 2. She is busy translating

an article. 3. We are busy discussing a very important matter. 4. The pupils are busy planting trees in the school garden.

XV. 1. This film is worth seeing. 2. This novel is worth reading. 3. This

story is worth translating into Ukrainian. 4. These facts are worth remembering. 5. The TV set is worth buying.

XVI. 1. After planting the flowers the pupils watered them. 2. On com-

ing home he turned on the light and began doing his lessons. 3. After

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graduating f rom the institute his sister returned to her village to work as a doctor. 4. Getting the telegram he left home immediately. 5. Arriving in town the tourists went to the hotel.


Exercise 258.

caps, tasks, ports, pipes, lakes; combs, pigs, hands, songs, tubes, names, meals, gloves, rooms; days, letters, doors, operas; countries, cities, duties, industries; lives, leaves, shelves, loaves; potatoes, Negroes, photos, zeroes; dresses, buses, wishes, roses, foxes, pages.

Exercise 259.

lip, log, rabbit, painter, line, time, slope, kite, pass, phrase, type, dish, country, melody, lorry, calf, wife, half, knife, hero, cargo.

Exercise 260.

1. The children are playing in the yard. 2. The stories were very interesting. 3. We came up to the women who were working in the garden. 4. The matches will be held in Kyiv. 5. The geese are in the yard. 6. The lorries passed by. 7. The tomatoes are ripe. 8. The books are on the shelf. 9. These watches were made in Minsk. 10. The cat caught mice.

Exercise 261.

1. children; 2. woman; 3. room; 4. car; dog; 5. man; 6. people; 7. water; 8. painters; 9. company; 10. door; 11. remnants; 12. news.

Exercise 262.

1. our teacher's pen; 2. this room's window; 3. Tom's bicycle; 4. her child's boy; 5. the chair's back; 6. the captain's order; 7. her pupils' bags; 8. the river's banks; 9. the actors' arrival; 10. Dick's father.

Exercise 263.

1. Jack's pen; 2. my friend's camera; 3. her pupils' books; 4. the girl's shoes; 5. the workers' flats; 6. this miner's car; 7. his brother's coat; 8. the teacher's watch.


Exercise 264.

Північні вітри; дубовий ліс; харчова промисловість; граматична помилка; літні канікули; вечірня сукня; державна влада; шкільний вік; залізнична станція/вокзал; кам'яна стіна; залізна руда; річковий транспорт; зимовий спорт; серцеві захворювання; яблуневий сад; демонстрація в Глазго; шкіль-ний/навчальний рік; військова промисловість; шовкова сукня; пасажирський літак; продукти тваринництва.

Exercise 265.

1. an iron gate; 2. a silk dress; 3. a border town; 4. a pine forest; 5. the west winds; 6. the party leader; 7. a picture gallery; 8. London strike; 9. Paris conference; 10. a spelling mistake; 11. liver diseases; 12. the government policy; 13. a chicken farm; 14. the peace movement.


Exercise 266.

1. a; 2. the; 3. -; 4. the; 5. a; 6. the; 7. the; 8. a; 9. a; 10. the; 11. the; 12. the; 13. an; 14. the; 15. a. . .a; 16. the.. .a; 17. the...a.

Exercise 267.

A little girl was sitting on the front porch when a stranger came up to the gate. He tried to open it but the gate wouldn't open.

«Is your mother at home, little one?» asked the stranger. «Yes, sir, she's always at home,» said the child. The stranger jumped over the gate and rang the doorbell. There

was no answer. He rang it several times more, and waited. The door remained closed. Somewhat angry, he turned to the child and said:

«Didn't you stfy your mother was at home?» «Yes, and I 'm sure she is,» replied the girl. «Then why she doesn't answer my ring, I wonder.» «I think she will, sir, when you reach our house,» replied the girl.

«We live four doors down the street.»

Exercise 268.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles, the largest of which are Great Britain and Ireland. The British Isles are separated from the continental Europe by the Nor th Sea and the English Channel, the narrowest part of which, the Straight of Dover, is 33 kms wide.

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In the west the British Isles are washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The Irish Sea separates Great Britain from Ireland.

The United Kingdom consists of England, Wales, and Scotland and Northern Ireland.

The Northern part of the island of Great Britain (Scotland) is occupied by the mountains which are called the Highlands of Northern Scotland and the Southern Uplands with the Central Lowland of Scotland between them. The Highlands of Northern Scotland are divided into the North-western Highlands and the Grampians. The highest mountain in Great Britain is Ben Nevis; it is situated in the Grampians.

The Pennines are the mountains situated in the central part of the island of Great Britain, the Pennines are separated from the Southern Uplands by the valley of the river Tyne. The Tyne flows into the North Sea.

Wales is a mountainous part of Great Britain. It is occupied by the Cambrians. The highest mountain in the Cambrians is Snowdon.

The longest river in Great Britain is the Severn. It rises in the Cambrians and flows into the Bristol Channel.

The Thames is not so long as the Severn but it is the most impor-tant river in Great Britain. London, the capital of the United Kingdom, is situated on the Thames.

Exercise 269.

Charles Dickens, a great English writer, was born on the 7th of February 1812 in a small English town. He was a weak child and did not take part in noisy and active games. The little boy was very capa-ble. He learned to read at an early age and read many books in his childhood. When he was about six, someone took him to the theatre for the first time. He saw a play by Shakespeare and liked it so much that he decided to write a play himself. When it was ready, he per-formed it with some of his friends. Everybody enjoyed the perform-ance and a little writer felt very happy.

When Charles was nine years old, the family moved to London where they lived in a very old house. Charles' father was a poor clerk. The life of the family was very hard. There were several younger chil-dren in the family besides Charles. The future writer could not even go to school. At that time his father was put in prison because he could not pay his debts. His wife and all the children went into the prison too. Those were the most unhappy days in Charles' life. At the age of ten he had to start working. The boy worked from morning till night to help his family.

When his father was out of prison, young Charles was sent to the school where he remained three years. When he was fifteen, he had to leave school and start earning his own living again. He spent his spare

СКЛАДНЕ РЕЧЕННЯ 91 time reading in the British Museum.

In a few years, he became a newspaper reporter. In 1836 Dickens published his first book.


Exercise 270.

bright brighter brightest hot hotter hottest wide wider widest easy easier easiest brave braver bravest good better best active more active most active nervous more nervous most nervous fine finer finest fat fatter fattest bad worse worst profitable more profitable most profitable dirty dirtier dirtiest old older oldest beautiful more beautiful most beautiful thin thinner thinnest courageous more courageous most courageous

Exercise 271.

1. March is longer. 2. Yes, Kyiv is larger than Minsk. 3. Kyiv is the largest city in Ukraine. 4. New York is the largest city in the United States of America. 5. Yes, the Black Sea is deeper than the Caspian Sea. 6. Baikal is the deepest lake in the world. 7. In summer days are longer. 8. The 22nd of June is the longest day of the year. 9. February is the shortest month of the year. 10. It is warmer in May. 11. It is colder in November. 12. The United States of America is larger than England. 13. Everest is the highest mountain in the world. 14.1 think literature is more interesting than grammar. 15. I think chemistry is more difficult than physics. 16. In my opinion, mathematics is the most difficult subject. 17. English is the most interesting subject.

Exercise 272.

1. The Dnipro is not so long as the Volga. 2. My room is as large

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as his one. 3. This watch is as good as that one. 4. Snowdon is not so high as Ben Nevis. 5. Paul is as old as his friends. 6. Today is not so warm as yesterday. 7. July is as long as August. 8. I shall be not so busy tomorrow as today. 9. This street is as wide as that. 10. This story is not so interesting as that one.


Exercise 273.

a) 3 - three; 13 - thirteen; 4 - four; 14 - fourteen; 40 - forty; 5 -five; 15 - fifteen; 50 - fifty; 2 - two; 12 - twelve; 20 - twenty; 8 - eight; 18 - eighteen; 80 - eighty;

b) 21 - twenty-one; 82 - eighty-two; 35 - thirty-five; 44 - forty--four; 33 - thirty-three; 55 - fifty-five; 96 - ninety-six; 67 - sixty-seven; 79 - seventy-nine; 41 - forty-one; 53 - fifty-three; 22 - twenty-two;

c) 143 - one hundred and forty-three; 258 - two hundred and fifty--eight; 414 - four hundred and fourteen; 331 - three hundred and thir-ty-one; 972 - nine hundred and seventy-two; 205 - two hundred and five; 101 - one hundred and one; 557 - five hundred and fifty-seven; 999 - nine hundred and ninety-nine; 313 - three hundred and thirteen;

d) 1,582 - one thousand five hundred and eighty-two; 7,111 -seven thousand one hundred and eleven; 3,013 - three thousand and thirteen; 5,612 - five thousand six hundred and twelve; 2,003 - two thousand and three; 9,444 - nine thousand four hundred and forty--four; 4040 - four thousand and forty;

e) 15,500 - fifteen thousand and five hundred; 57,837 - fifty-seven thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven; 45,971 - forty-five thou-sand nine hundred and seventy-one; 92,017 - ninety-two thousand and seventeen; 65,331 - sixty-five thousand three hundred and thirty--one; 11,443 - eleven thousand four hundred and forty-three;

f) 235,142 - two hundred and thirty-five thousand one hundred and forty-two; 978,218 - nine hundred and seventy-eight thousand two hundred and eighteen; 106,008 - one hundred and six thousand and eight; 321,103 - three hundred and twenty-one thousand one hundred and three; 627,344 - six hundred and twenty-seven thousand three hundred and forty-four; 552,331 - five hundred and fifty-two thousand three hundred and thirty-one;

g) 1,352,846 - one million three hundred and fifty-two thousand eight hundred and forty-six; 4,125,963 - four million one hundred and twenty-five thousand nine hundred and sixty-three; 35,756,394 -thirty-five million seven hundred and fifty-six thousand three hun-dred and ninety-four; 257,382,761 - two hundred and fifty-seven mil-lion three hundred and eighty-two thousand seven hundred and sixty--one.


Exercise 274.

a) 7 - seventh; 4 - fourth; 8 - eighth; 9 - ninth; 5 - fifth; 12 -twelfth; 3 - third; 2 - second; 1 - first; 13 - thirteenth; 11 - eleventh; 10 - t en th ;

b) 20 - twentieth; 21 - twenty-first; 30 - thirtieth; 32 - thirty--second; 40 - fortieth; 43 - forty-third; 50 - fiftieth; 54 - fifty-fourth; 60 - sixtieth; 75 - seventy-fifth; 98 - ninety-eighth;

c) 100 - (one) hundredth; 120 - one hundred and twentieth; 125 -one hundred and twenty-fifth; 200 - two hundredth; 230 - two hun-dred and thirtieth; 231 - two hundred and thirty-first; 300 - three hundredth; 450 - four hundred and fiftieth; 563 - five hundred and sixty-third; 892 - eight hundred and ninety-second.

Exercise 275.

9/III . 1814- the ninth of March eighteen fourteen; 22/ VI. 1941-the twenty-second of June nineteen forty-one; 9/ V. 1945 - the ninth of May nineteen forty-five; 23/ XI. 1928 - the twenty-third of November nineteen twenty-eight; 12/ IV. 1961 - the twelfth of April nineteen sixty-one; 27/ X. 1977 - the twenty-seventh of October nine-teen seventy-seven; 30/ XI. 1982 - the thirtieth of November nineteen eighty-two; 24/ VIII. 1991 - the twenty-fourth of August nineteen ninety-one; 1/ XII. 1991 - the first of December nineteen ninety-one; 28/ VI. 1996 - the twenty-eighth of June nineteen ninety-six.

Exercise 276.

1. Seventeen plus nineteen is thirty-six. 2. Twenty-five plus thirty-two is fifty-seven. 3. One hundred and twenty plus two hundred and five is three hundred and twenty-five. 4. Thirteen minus four is nine. 5. Two hundred minus forty-five is one hundred and fifty-five. 6. Seven multiplied by eight is fifty-six. 7. Forty-two divided by six is seven.

Exercise 277.

a) 1/7 - one seventh; 1/5 - one fifth; 1/9 - one ninth; 1/3 - one third; 1/12 - one twelfth; 1/15 - one fifteenth; 1/25 - one twenty-fifth; 3/8 - three eighths; 2/5 - two fifth; 4/7 - four sevenths; 9/23 - nine twenty-thirds; 3/4 - three fourths; 5/9 - five ninths; 1 3/40 - one and three fortieths; 1 3/5 - one and three fifths; 2 5/7 - two and five sev-enths; 5 1/3 - five and one third; 4 1/6 - four and one sixth;

b) 3.5 - three point five; 2.34 - two point three four; 12.3 - twelve point three; 52.51 - five two point five one; 0.1 - nought point one; 0.25 - nought point two five; 0.302 - nought point three nought two;

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132.054 - one three two point nought five four; 5.37 - five point three seven; 6.4 - six point four.


Exercise 278.

1. They are playing tennis. 2 .1 saw them in the park. 3. Put them on the shelf; 4. They are on the shelf. 5. We have seen it. 6. It is very interesting. 7. She went to the post office. 8. I am waiting for her. 9. We listened to him with great interest. 10. He explains a new grammar rule.

Exercise 279.

1. him; 2. it; 3. me; 4. me; 5. we; 6 . 1 . . . you; 7. she; 8. her, me/you; 9. it; 10. you.

Exercise 280.

A. 1. This school is ours. 2. This notebook is mine. 3. This desk is

yours. 4. This bicycle is his. 5. This bag is hers. 6. This classroom is theirs. 7. This bus is ours. 8. This suggestion is hers.

B. 1. Your watch is better than mine. 2. His pen is worse than mine.

3. Our house is older than theirs. 4. Nick's camera is more expensive than his. 5. Her friend's story is more interesting than hers. 6. Your teacher is younger than ours.

Exercise 281.

1. myself; 2. herself; 3. ourselves; 4. themselves; 5. yourself; 6. myself; 7. himself; 8. himself.

Exercise 282.

1. These are apples. 2. Those are houses. 3. Those are cars. 4. These are chairs. 5. Are these tables? 6. Are those stars? 7. Are these gardens? 8. Are those buses?

Exercise 283.

1. Our flat is more comfortable than that of our neighbour. 2. The price of a motor car is higher than that of a motorcycle. 3. The win-dows of our classroom are larger than those of our flat. 4. Though he


is young, his face is like that of an old man. 5. The sum of 5 and 7 is equal to that of 9 and 3. 6. These flowers are more beautiful than those growing near our house.

Exercise 284.

1. some; 2. any; 3. any; 4. some; 5. some; 6. any; 7. some; 8. any; 9. some; 10. any.

Exercise 285.

1. No, I haven't any brothers or sisters. 2. Yes, I have got some English books. 3. Yes, there are some pictures on the walls of my room. 4. Yes, there are some trees in front of my house. 5. Yes, some of my friends can speak German. 6. Yes, I have read some English books this year. 7. No, I didn't receive any letters yesterday. 8. No, I didn't find anybody in the classroom when I came to school today. 9. No, there is nothing on my table now. 10. Yes, I invite some friends to my last birthday party. 11. No, nobody invited me to dinner last week. 12. No, there is noting in my pocket now.

Exercise 286.

1. The little boy has no toys. 2. There is no water in the jug. 3. There are no fruit trees in the park. 4. We have no classes on Sunday. 5. It was so dark that we could see nothing. 6. We have learned no new words this week. 7. She asked nobody to help her. 8. I saw nobody there. 9.1 knew nothing about it. 10. There was no theatre in our town before the revolution.

Exercise 287.

1. One must be careful while crossing the road. 2. One must read newspapers every day. 3. One can find any book in this library. 4. One can't master a foreign language without working hard. 5. One can't forget that day. 6. One must air the room before going to bed. 7. One must take that into consideration. 8. One couldn't go for a walk yes-terday: it was raining all day long.

Exercise 288.

1. The new flat is more comfortable than the old one. 2. The white dress is as nice as the yellow one. 3. The brown shoes are as expensive as the black ones. 4. The thin book has as many pages as the thick one. 5. The cotton dress is not so expensive as the silk one. 6. This film is more interesting than that one. 7. I don't like this coat. Show me

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another one. 8. The shop assistant showed me two suits of different colours. I chose the blue one.

Exercise 289.

1. many/ a lot of1 plenty of/ a great deal of1 lots of; 2. much/ a lot of1 plenty of1 a good deal of; 3. much/ a lot of1 plenty of1 lots of; 4. a lot of / much/ plenty of1 lots of; 5. many/ a lot of/ lots of/ a great deal of; 6. much/ a lot of/ a good deal of; 7. much; 8. much/ a lot of1 lots of/ a great deal of; 9. a lot; 10. many; 11. many; 12. much/ a lot of/ plenty of; 13. much; 14. much; 15. many/ a lot of/ plenty of/ lots of.

Exercise 290.

1. little; 2. a little; 3. a few; 4. few; 5. little; 6. a few; 7. a few; 8. a little; 9. a few; 10. a little.

П Р И С Л І В Н И К Exercise 291.

1. John eats slowly. 2. Mary translates the sentence correctly. 3. My companion walked quickly. 4. She cooked carelessly. 5. He arrived unexpectedly. 6. My friend dances excellently. 7. He died sud-denly. 8. She spoke wonderfully.

Exercise 292.

1. No, Peter drives the car more carefully than Tom. 2. No, a taxi runs faster than a bus. 3. No, Jane speaks calmer than Helen. 4. No, I came later than my brother did. 5. No, Nick speaks slower than Peter. 6. No, Susan speaks French better than her mother does. 7. No, Harry gets up earlier than his father. 8. No, Nick does his grammar exercises more carelessly than he did last year.


Exercise 293.

1. 1) Subject - a king; predicate - was; 2) subject - he; predicate -had.

У реченні повна інверсія тому, що вжито зворот there (there was).

2. Subject - the statue; predicate - stood. У реченні повна інверсія тому, що речення починається з

обставини місця (high above the city).


3. Subject - you; predicate - could tell. У реченні часткова інверсія, тобто одна частина присудка

стоїть перед підметом, а друга після підмета. 4. 1) Subject - grandfathers; predicate - were children; 2) subject -

a doctor; predicate - was; 3) subject - name; predicate - was. У першій частині речення (once ... children) - прямий порядок

слів. У другій частині речення (there was a doctor) - повна інверсія тому, що у реченні вжитий зворот there was. В третій частині (and his name was Dolittle) - прямий порядок слів.

5. 1) Subject - you; predicate - are sure; 2) subject - he; predicate - will be.

У першій частині речення (are ... sure) часткова інверсія, тому, що тільки перша частина присудка стоїть перед підметом. У другій частині речення (he will be at home) - прямий порядок слів. У третій частині речення: subject - Jane; predicate - said. Повна інверсія в словах автора після прямої мови. У четвертій частині речення - subjects: they, she, Michael, Marry Poppins; predicate -got off. Прямий порядок слів.

6. Subject - a man; predicate - lived. Повна інверсія тому, що речення починається з обставини

місця і головні члени речення вводяться зворотом there. 7. Subject - Marry Poppins; predicate - stood. У реченні повна інверсія тому, що речення починається з

обставини місця. 8. В прямій мові: subject - medicine; predicate - is У питальному реченні зворотний порядок слів або повна

інверсія. В словах автора: subject - Michael; predicate - asked. Повна інверсія.

9. Subject - silence; predicate - was. У реченні повна інверсія тому, що речення починається з

ввідного there. 10. Subject - expression; predicate - was У реченні повна інверсія

тому, що речення починається з ввідного there. 11. Subject - photographs; predicate - were. У реченні повна інверсія тому, що речення починається з

ввідного there. 12. 1) Subject - the girls; predicate - come. Повна інверсія тому, що речення починається зі слова Here.

2) Subject - we; predicate - had better be off. Прямий порядок слів у реченні. 13. 1) Subject - a car; predicate - was coming. Прямий порядок слів.

2) Subject - a man; predicate - sat. Повна інверсія тому, що речення починається з обставини

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місця. У другій частині речення (his ... the wind) незалежний дієприкметниковий зворот (абсолютний дієприкметниковий комплекс blown back by the wind.)

14. В словах автора: subject - he; predicate - said.

Прямий порядок слів. В прямій мові: subject - you; predicate - will come. Речення питальне, тому часткова інверсія. Розривається

присудок: перша частина присудка will стоїть перед підметом, а друга частина присудка с о т е після підмета.

15. Subject - wife; predicate - is all right. Складений іменний присудок. Часткова інверсія тому, що

присудок розривається, тобто дієслово-зв'язка is стоїть перед підметом, а іменна частина складеного присудка після підмета.

16. 1) Subject - no boats; predicate - were; 2) subject - no motor boat.

У реченні повна інверсія тому, що речення починається зі слова There.


Exercise 294.

1. Складносурядне речення, що складається з двох простих речень, з 'єднаних за допомогою сурядного єднального сполучника and.

2. Складне речення із сурядним і підрядним зв'язком. Частини речення поєднані сполучником сурядності but та сполучниками підрядності that, so.

3. Складносурядне речення, складене з двох простих речень, не підпорядкованих одне одному і поєднаних за допомогою безсполучникового зв'язку.

4. Складносурядне речення, в якому декілька простих речень. Перші два поєднані за допомогою безсполучникового зв'язку. Друге та третє - за допомогою сурядного єднального сполучника and.

5. Складносурядне речення, складене з двох простих речень, поєднаних за допомогою безсполучникового сурядного зв'язку.

6. Складносурядне речення, складене з двох простих речень, поєднаних за допомогою безсполучникового сурядного зв'язку.

7. Складносурядне речення, складене з двох простих речень, поєднаних за допомогою єднального сурядного сполучника and.

8. Складносурядне речення, що складається з двох простих речень, поєднаних за допомогою сурядного протиставного сполучника but.


9. Складносурядне речення, що складається з двох простих речень, поєднаних за допомогою сурядного єднального сполуч-ника and.

10. Складнопідрядне речення, що складається з двох простих речень, поєднаних за допомогою підрядного сполучника so, яким вводиться підрядне речення наслідку.

11. Складносурядне речення, що складається з двох простих речень, поєднаних за допомогою сурядного розділового сполуч-ника or.

12. Складносурядне речення, частини якого поєднані за допомогою єднального сполучника and та розділового сполучника otherwise.

13. Складносурядне речення, що складається з двох простих речень, поєднаних за допомогою єднального сполучника and.

Exercise 295.

1. Складнопідрядне речення: 1) Не wondered - головне речення; 2) what ... time - підрядне речення (object clause), поєднане з головним реченням за допомогою сполучного займенника what.

2. She was tired - просте речення. Друге - складне речення з підрядним та сурядним типами зв'язку: 1) She was beginning to think - головне речення; 2) it was time - підрядне додаткове речення (object clause); 3) that people left - підрядне означальне речення (attributive clause), приєднане за допомогою сполучного займенника that', 4) but . . .Germany - сурядне речення, приєднане до головного за допомогою протиставного сполучника but.

3. Складнопідрядне речення: 1) Anyway ... know - головне речення; 2) what happens - підрядне додаткове речення (Object clause), пов'язане з головним реченням за допомогою сполучного займенника what.

4. Складнопідрядне речення: 1) She went into the kitchen -головне речення; 2) to do washing up - підрядне речення мети (adverbial clause of purpose); 3) which she always did -підрядне означальне речення (attributive clause), приєднане за допомогою сполучного займенника which.

5. Складнопідрядне речення: 1) When ... home - підрядне речення часу (adverbial clause of time); 2) she found - головне речення; 3) her baby-sister...asleep - підрядне додаткове речення (object clause).

6. Складнопідрядне речення: 1) He didn' t see - головне речення; 2) how ... serious - підрядне додаткове речення (object clause), поєднане з головним реченням за допомогою сполучникового прислівника how, 3) however....look it - підрядне допустове речення (adverbial clause of concession), приєднане

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сполучником however. 7. Складнопідрядне речення: 1) Не ... at me - головне речення;

2) as if ... magician - підрядне порівняльне речення (adverbial clause of comparison), приєднане сполучником as i f , 3) who could ... soul - підрядне означальне речення (attributive clause), яке вводиться сполучним займенником who.

8. Складне речення з сурядним і підрядним зв'язком. 1) Не had no job - головне речення; 2) and that worried him - просте сурядне речення, приєднане єднальним сполучником and; 3) because it was winter - підрядне речення причини (adverbial clause of cause), приєднане до головного за допомогою сполучника because.

9. Складнопідрядне речення: 1) But ... more - підрядне підметове речення (subject clause), яке вводиться сполучним займенником what', 2) was... to Whitechapel - головне речення.

10. Складне речення з сурядним і підрядним зв'язком. 1) After we had eaten та 2) and I had settled in - підрядні речення часу (adverbial clauses of time), пов'язані між собою єднальним сполучником сурядності and, 3) I went.. . afternoon - головне речення.

11. Складнопідрядне речення: 1) Why ... shoes - головне речення; 2) which... for her - підрядне означальне речення (attributive clause), приєднане сполучним займенником which.

12. Складнопідрядне речення: 1) After ... rooms - підрядне речення часу (adverbial clause of time), приєднане до головного за допомогою сполучника after; 2f) there ... work - головне речення.

13. Складнопідрядне речення: 1) I wonder - головне речення; 2) where... minute - підрядне додаткове речення (object clause), приєднане за допомогою сполучного прислівника where.

14. Складнопідрядне речення: 1) І . . . in it - головне речення; 2) because... true - підрядне речення причини (adverbial clause of cause), приєднане за допомогою сполучника because.

15. Складнопідрядне речення: 1) Не ... well - головне речення; 2) as... might do - підрядне порівняльне речення (adverbial clause of comparison), приєднане сполучником as.

Exercise 296.

1. come; 2. comes; 3. am; 4. sees; 5. sees; 6. go...get; 7. am; 8. live; 9. get; 10. come; 11. have killed; 12. get; 13. changes.

Exercise 297.

1. continue. Present Simple тому, що це 1 тип умовних речень. В підрядному реченні умова вводиться сполучником if. Вживаємо Present Simple тому, що в головному реченні, яке починається словами you will... вжитий Future Simple.


2. can. Present Simple модального дієслова can тому, що в головному реченні Future Simple. Тобто це 1 тип умовних речень.

3. don't go. Вживаємо Present Simple тому, що в підрядному реченні умова, що вводиться сполучником if, а в головному реченні I will... вжитий Future Simple.

4. comes. 1 тип умовних речень. В підрядному реченні умова (Present Simple), а в головному реченні Future Simple.

5. is. Те саме. 6. notice. Те саме. 7. agree. Те саме. 8. are kept. Present Simple (Passive Voice). 1 тип умовних речень,

а в головному реченні вжито Future Simple. 9. telephones - аналогічно. 10. is - аналогічно. 11. stay - аналогічно. 12. find - аналогічно. 13. wait - аналогічно.

Exercise 298.

A. Загальні питання (General questions) 1. Чи була вона засмучена? 2. Гадаєте, я старію і роблюся

потворним? 3. «У тебе все гаразд, Барні?» 4. Ви знаєте, що трапилося в Ліберті Хол минулої неділі? 5. Ендрю та Гільда вже переїхали? 6. Ти схвалюєш нове місце Гільди? (нове місце роботи). 7. «Барні, я так схвилююсь». - «Чому люба? Невже Кетлін дізналася про щось?» 8. «Ти був на сповіді?» - «Ні». - «А чи не варто б тобі туди сходити?» - «Можливо». - «Ти підеш?» -«Не знаю». 9. Чи є ще хто-небудь у кімнаті? 10. Ти розповів Френсіс про нас? 11. Ти зустрічав когось на вулиці по дорозі назад? 12. «Ну що, Хейзл, невже ти не привела з собою Ернеста?» 13. Він був розчарований, що не знайшов майора Річ?

B. Спеціальні питання (Special questions) 1. Щ о я щойно зробив? 2. Коли Франсіс виходить заміж? 3.

Щ о сталося? 4. Але ж чому він так швидко впав у відчай? 5. «Чому чоловіки йдуть воювати на цю жахливу безглузду війну? Чому вони всі не скажуть ні, ні, ні?» - «Я згоден з тобою, Франсіс. Але вони просто відчувають себе безпорадними. Щ о вони можуть вдіяти? Щ о хтось із нас може вдіяти?» 6. Чому ти вважаєш, що це нещиро? 7. «Що трапилося, Кетлін? Ти маєш геть спантеличений вигляд». 8. Щ о ти таке говориш, Кетлін? 9. Але чому ж секретар порвав іншого листа? 10. Хто ж тоді, на твою думку, вбив міс Френч? 11. «Який шлях веде до Жахливої Відьми Заходу?» - спитала Дорогі.

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С. Розділові питання (Disjunctive questions) 1. Не може ж це більше так тривати? Щось має статися, чи не

так? 2. Вам подобаються ці білі нарциси? Вони досить незвичайні, чи не так? 3. Адже ви вірите мені? 4. «Ви думаєте про молодого Теда Джерарда, так, сер?» 5. Не треба знову цих пустих балачок, гаразд? 6. Чесно кажучи, це було мов грім серед ясного неба для нас обох, згоден? 7. Він не залишався вдома, чи не так? 8. Зрештою, все так і скінчилось, правда? 9. Ви ж мене не боїтесь? 10. Адже ви збиралися намалювати мій портрет, чи не так? 11, «Ви ж розумієте, як їй велося, Гаррі?» 12. «Ти ж не почуваєшся пригніченою, Саллі?» 13. Ваша дружина була б не проти змін, чи не так? 14. Адже зараз іще рано лягати спати? 15. Ви ж не будете заперечувати, якщо я закінчу прасувати? 16. Ви ж не відмовите? 17. «Ми повинні бути практичними, чи не так, Джеральд?»

Альтернативні питання (Alternative questions) 1. Юначе, на яких науках ви спеціалізуєтесь - точних чи

гуманітарних? 2. Ви ж письменник? 2. Опишіть свій біль. Він короткий та різкий, чи тривалий і тупий? 3. Що я відчуваю до нього - любов чи просто жаль? 4. Як би ви описали ці болі? Вони тривалі чи раптові? 5. «Це мій песик, Тото», - відповіла Дороті. -«Він зроблений з олова чи напханий вовною?» - спитав лев. - «Ні те, ні інше, - це справжній живий собака». 6. Вона справді сказала все це тобі, Кей, чи ти вигадав? 7. То ми сидітимемо колом у такій напруженій та офіційній атмосфері чи почуватимемося комфортно і розкуто? 8. «На жаль», - сказав Кларк сухо, - «він божевільний! Як ви вважаєте, містере Пуаро? Зупиниться він на цьому, чи спробує закінчити те, що почав?» 9. Ви хочете, щоб я дізнався правду, чи ні? 10. Йому зупинитися тут попити чи йти далі? 11. Роджерс звернувся до міс Брент: «Ви почнете, мадам, чи зачекаєте?» 12. Замовите холодний язик чи холодну шинку, мадам? 13. Яке тут світло, яскраве чи тьмяне?

Exercise 299.

1. Чи бажаєте прогулятися садом? 2. «Ви могли б витерти сидіння?» Він витер сидіння гойдалки своєю хустинкою, і вона сіла. 3. Може увійдемо? 4. То було хамством з твого боку. Чому ти не можеш бути просто ввічливим зі мною? 5. Як ви можете бути таким жорстоким? 6. «О, дякую тобі, Моді, просто залиш візок тут, і чи могла б ти підкласти трохи торфу в камін?» 7. «Ендрю, чи міг би ти зняти ці коробки зі стільців? Але обережно з ними». 8. «Чи бажаєте приєднатися до нас? Щоправда, це лише холодна їжа». - «Ні, дякую». 9. «Кетлін, ти б не залишила нас із Пет наодинці на декілька хвилин?» 10. Вона почекала, поки вони


курили, і потім сказала: «Міллі, чи могли б Ви принести папери?» 11. Запропонувати вам чашечку кави, поки чекаєте? 12. «Чи бажаєте сісти?» - спитав він. 13. Може б ми пішли куди-небудь поїсти риби з картоплею? 14. Можна з вами переговорити? 15. Ви б часом не могли дати мені його адресу?

Exercise 300.

1. спеціальне питання до підмета What was heard just outside the room at that moment?

- до обставини місця Where was an extraordinary sound heard at that moment?

- до обставини часу When was an extraordinary sound heard just outside the room?

- спеціальне питання до означення підмета What kind of sound was heard just outside the room at that

moment? 2. спеціальне питання до підмета Who seemed a little depressed by this news?

- до додатка What did Christopher seem a little depressed by?

3. спеціальне питання до підмета Who scraped his knife and fork on his plate in a pretense of eat-

ing? - до присудка What did Andrew do with his knife and fork in a pretense of eat-


- до обставини способу дії How did Andrew scrape his knife and fork on his plate?

4. спеціальне питання до підмета Who stares across the river at the clouded west?

- до присудка What does he do across the river at the clouded west?

- до обставини місця Where does he stare? 5. спеціальне питання до підмета Who watched him go down the plane and find an empty row of

seats? - до присудка

What did I do? - до додатка

What did I watch? 6. спеціальне питання до підмета Who stands looking for keys in her handbag?

- до присудка What does Jane do?

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- до обставини способу дії How does Jane stand?

- до обставини місця Where is Jane looking for keys? 7. спеціальне питання до підмета Who went and stared in a little mirror over the chest of drawers?

- до присудка What did Dan do?

- до обставини часу When did Dan go and stare in a little mirror over the chest of

drawers? - до обставини місця

Where did Dan stare after a moment? 8. спеціальне питання до підмета

Who was awakened just before noon by Jane's voice outside the room?

- до обставини часу When was I awakened by Jane's voice outside the room? 9. спеціальне питання до підмета

Who found Jane peeling potatoes when he returned downstairs? - до присудка

What did I do? - до додатка

Whom did I find when I returned downstairs? - до обставини часу

When did I find Jane peeling potatoes? 10. спеціальне питання до першого підмета першого речення What began to ring outside?

- до другого підмета першого речення Who went to answer the telephone?

- до першого присудка першого речення What did the telephone begin to do outside?

- до другого присудка першого речення What did she do?

- до обставини першого речення Where did the telephone begin to ring?

- до підмета другого речення Who took a taxi at five and bought a presents for all the family?

- до присудка другого речення What did he do?

- до першого додатка другого речення What did he take?

- до другого додатка другого речення What did he buy for all the family?

- до інших додатків другого речення What did he buy for Honoria? What did he buy for the boy? What


did he buy for Marion? What did he buy for Lincoln? 11. спеціальне питання до підмета Who met him in the rose garden in front of the house?

- до присудка What did they do in the rose garden in front of the house?

- до обставини Місця Where did they meet him?

- до додатка Whom did they meet in the rose garden in front of the house? 12. спеціальне питання до підмета What seemed dark after the bright evening outside?

- до обставини часу When did the room seem dark?

Exercise 301.

A. 1. He said that they were having a test on Byron that day. 2. Crane

told me that he would meet me at the library at eleven. 3. Millie went on that the sun was shining and it would be dry directly. 4. He answered lightly that he didn't understand much about politics and that he was living that for later. 5. She murmured that she would catch a train that afternoon. 6. Lincoln spoke first and said that they had been talking that over ever since they got their letter the previous month. 7. She told me that she hadn't seen me for a whole year. 8. She told me that she had seen my sister out shopping the day before. 9. She told me that I hadn't opened the telegram yet. 10. The colonel said that they would not attack before four. 11. He said that they didn't know they couldn't use that. 12. He said that he hoped he had-n't interrupted. 13. We told him that nobody would ever know what he was and where he was going. 14. He said that they would be all right. 15. He added smiling that they had seen Simon driving down his street the day before. Simon answered that he had seen them too and added that their dad had got a new car.

B. 1. Hayward asked if I had a photograph of Fonny with me. 2.

Cooper asked if I had wished to see him. 3. Frances asked if I had seen an old woman going down the path. 4. Marian asked why I hadn't thought of all that before. 5. Kismine clutched John's arm and cried wildly asking where they were going and what they were going to do. 6. A1 Capone asked Brian why he kept the doors closed and locked. And he answered that he did it to keep insects out. 7. The man asked us if we were all right. 8. She asked what Tom had said about those cheeses. 9. George asked us what time to wake us. 10. I asked him where he had got that helmet. 11. She asked if there are skyscrapers in

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London. 12. I asked him if he had ever seen that before. 13. George asked rather annoyed how he could see that since he had never been to Naples. 14. Smith asked Lloyd if he was going in his hotel the next morning.

C. 1. The sergeant ordered to take two men and go to the village and

arrest him. 2. She asked Jim not to talk for one minute. 3. Kismine, intent on the scene before her, cried that she could not hear me and asked me to talk louder. 4. She told Bill to go away into school and not to come back for a long time. 5. She asked me to wait a little longer. 6. He ordered me to drop my rifle. 7. I told him not to be a fool. 8. The old woman asked me not to worry about her. 9. A voice came up the stairs asking George to come out of that stuffy room at once. 10. George Augustus raised his hand and ordered exclaiming to leave that house and not to return to it until he had learned to apolo-gize for his behaviour. 11. George grabbed Elizabeth's arm and asked her come to get on the bus suggesting her to go on top. 12. She asked Gerry to promise her not to say anything, not a word.

Exercise 302.

1. George said: «I feel thirsty». 2. They said: «It is very interest-ing». 3. I said to my cousin: «Do you think it can be a dream?» She replied: «I am about to ask you the same question». 4 .1 answered: «I think you will never smile again». .5. He said to them: «You can fol-low me». 6. He went up to the policeman and asked him: «Do you know what time is it?» 7. She asked me: «Is he serious?» 8 .1 said to her: «Don't go out». 9. I said to Sam: «Don't leave the house». 10. Then he asked me: «Do you write for any newspapers?». 11.1 said to her: «Don't worry». 12. The elder sister said: «I am afraid that you haven't got on dresses suited to work». 13. When I had finished George said: «Is the soup in?» - 1 said: «I don't care whether the soup is in or whether it isn't». 14. They said: «It is very kind». 15. He said to them: «They can follow me». 16. I promise mother: «I'll be home early tonight». 17. George said: «I always like to live in the middle of London». 18. They shook hands and barber asked: «Do you want to go some place for a coffee?» 19. He just came to one night and said: «I have got leave of absence from my job for a month and I shall be back inside of thirty days and I shall tell you about it when I get back and I beg you not to ask any questions». 20. He said to me: «I will not write».

Exercise 303.

1. would; 2. would; 3. would ring up; 4. was going; 5. would come; 6. are; 7. should be; 8. would not forget; 9. was going; 10. had; would come in and write.

Видавничий дім «Чумацький Шлях»

пропонує для реалізації

1) Великий українсько-англійський словник / Попов, Балла / -2007. - 704 с. В словнику понад 175 тис. слів та словосполучень.

2) Новий англо-український словник / Балла / - 2008. - 668 с. В словнику понад 160 тис. слів та словосполучень.

3) Великий німецько-український словник / Мюллер / - 2008. -792 с. В словнику близько 170 тис. слів та словосполучень.

4) Чесько-український словник /Новак/ - 2008. - 586 с. В словнику понад 100 тис. слів та словосполучень.

5) Латинсько-український та українсько-латинський словник /Чуракова/ - 2009. - 617 с. У словнику понад 25 тис. слів та словосполучень

6) Большой русско-украинский политехнический словарь / Под ред. Благовещенского / - 2002. - 752 с. В словнику близько 160 тис. слів.

7) Польсько-українский та українсько-польський словник / Бачинський, Задніпряна, Хотинська / - 2009. - 540 с. В словнику близько 60 тис. Слів та словосполучень.

8) Словенско-русский словарь / Котник / - 2001. - 818 с. 9) Прискорений курс англійської (підручник ) / Куліш,

Друянова, Мотова, Мостицька / - 2001. - 360 с.: з іл. 10) Вживання прийменників у англійській мові (навчально-

методичний посібник) / Балла / - 2000. - 230 с. 11) Начальний курс арабского язьїка / Сегаль / - 2009. - 184 с. 12) Ключі до посібника з граматики сучасної англійської мови

/ Л. Г. Верба, Г. В. Верба/ - 2009. - 108 с. 13) Ключи к пособию по грамматике современного английско-

го язьїка / Л. Г. Верба, Г. В. Верба/ - 2005. - 112 с. 14) Польська мова. Практичний курс. /Ю. Пучковський/ -

2009 - 265 с.

Адреса: Київ, 03115, вул. Відпочинку, 12, оф. 240 тел./факс: (044)569-43-23, (044)496-61-17 E-mail: [email protected]

Page 55: Відповіді з англійської  Верба

Довідкове видання

Ю Р Ч Е Н К О Євген Олександрович


Редакція :

Художнє оформлення: Ревіна Я.М.

Комп'ютерна верстка: Зелінський С.П.

Коректори: Пікуль С.А. Німак A.M.

Підписано до друку 22.09.2009. Формат 84x108/32. Папір газетний. Гарнітура "Тайме". Друк офсетний.

Умов. друк. арк. 5,9. Тираж 5000 прим. Зам. № 9-542

Надруковано з готових діапозитивів у друкарні ВАТ «Поліграфкнига» Корпоративне підприємство ДАК «Укрвидавполіграфія»

Київ, вул. Довженка, З

Свідоцтво про внесення до Державного реєстру видавців, виготївників та розповсюджувачів

серія ДК № 3089 від 23.01.2008 р.

Видавничий дім «Чумацький Шлях» Свідоцтво про внесення

до Державного реєстру видавців серія ДК № 3400 від 19.02.2009 р.

З питань придбання звертатися: Україна, 03115, Київ, вул. Відпочинку, 12, оф. 240 тел./факс (044) 569-43-23,

(044)496-61-17 E-mail: [email protected] Сайт: http://www. ukrkniga.com

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