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. - 1 , , , .2 . TLG, Thesaurus Lingua Graeca. . . . , . . .

Internet. Honey 74.300.000 . 305.000 . 70.200 . 702 . 368.000 . 342.000 . 551 . 70 . 33.900 . 725 .

Gutemberg: 17.500 , , , , ... honey 5.025 .


28-1-2007, .12, . APIVITA. 2 , 29/09/1996 , .: A47. 6 . . . , , , , , . 6 , , , (12-15 ).

3 Concise Oxford:Bee.noun 1 (also honeybee or hive bee) a stinging social insect which collects nectar and pollen from flowers and produces wax and honey. [Apis mellifera and other species.] 2 an insect of a large group to which the honeybee belongs, including many solitary as well as social kinds. [Superfamily Apoidea.] 3 a meeting for communal work or amusement: a sewing bee. PHRASES. the bee's knees informal an outstandingly good person or thing. have a bee in one's bonnet informal be preoccupied or obsessed with something. ORIGIN. Old English beo, of Germanic origin.

. Britannica 2001, .Sweet, viscous liquid food, dark golden in colour, produced in the honey sacs of various bees from the nectar of flowers. Flavour and colour are determined by the flowers from which the nectar is gathered. Some of the most commercially desirable honeys are produced from clover by the domestic honeybee. The nectar is ripened into honey by inversion of the major portion of its sucrose sugar into the sugars levulose (fructose) and dextrose (glucose) and by the removal of excess moisture. Honey is stored in the beehive or nest in a honeycomb, a double layer of uniform hexagonal cells constructed of beeswax (secreted by the worker bees) and propolis (a plant resin collected by the workers). Honeycomb is used in winter as food for the larvae and other members of the colony. It is commonly sold by beekeepers as a delicacy, or the wax may be extracted for various purposes.Honey contains about 18 percent water, is water soluble, and may granulate between 50 and 65 F (10 and 18 C). Somewhat acid, it has mild antiseptic properties and has been used in the treatment of burns and lacerations. One of the most easily assimilated foods, it is widely used in baked goods, candies, prepared fruits, cereals, and medicines.Honey was almost the only source of sugar available to the ancients and was valued for its medicinal benefits. It was used to make mead, a fermented beverage, and was mixed with wine and other alcoholic drinks. In Egypt it was employed as an embalming material. In India and other Asian countries it was used to preserve fruit and make cakes, sweetmeats, and other foods. Honey is mentioned in the Bible and in the Qur'an.3


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Bee products.Honey production.

Honey is marketed in several different forms: liquid honey, comb honey, and creamed honey. Sometimes the predominant floral type from which the honey was collected is indicated.Liquid honeyIf liquid (strained, extracted) honey is desired, additional supers are added directly above the brood nest. When one is largely filled, it is raised and another is placed underneath. This may continue until several have been filled, each holding from 30 to 50 pounds (14 to 23 kilograms), or until the nectar flow has ended. After the bees have evaporated the water until the honey is of the desired consistency and sealed in the cells, the combs are removed, the cells uncapped with the uncapping knife, and the honey extracted. The removed honey is immediately heated to about 140 F (60 C), which thins it and destroys yeasts that can cause fermentation. It is then strained of wax particles and pollen grains, cooled rapidly, and packaged for market.4


Copyright 1994-2001 Encyclop?dia Britannica, Inc.


................................................................................................................1 Internet.......................................................................................................2 . Britannica 2001, ................................................................3 Bee products.Honey production. ...............................................................................4 ...................................................................................................................5 . .......11 . ..............................................................................................................11 ......................................................................12 - .........................................................................12 1................................................................................13 . : 8 .............................................................................................................15 .....................................................................................................................15 . ...............................................................................................................15 . ............................................................................................................17 . ................................................................................................18 . ................................................................................................................18 .............................................................................................................18 : 7 .. ........................................................................................................19 . ..................................................................................................................19 . .....................................................................................................19 . ..........................................................................................................19 . ...............................................................19 ............................................................................................................20 . 6 .. ........................................................................................................24 . ..............................................................................................................24 . .........................................................................................................25 . ......................................................................................................25 . ...............................................................................................25 . .........................................................................................................26 . ....................................................................................................26 . ......................................................................................................26 : 5 .. ........................................................................................................27 . ........................................................................................................27 . ......................................................................................................27 . ........................................................................................................27 . ........................................................................................28 ..............................................................................................30 . ...........................................................................................................31 ...........................................................................................................34 . .......................................................................................................34 . ..........................................................................................................34 . .......................................................................................................35 . ....................................................................................................35 . .....................................................................................................36 . .......................................................................39 . ............................................................................................40

6 . .....................................................................................................40 . ....................................................................................................41 : 4 .. ........................................................................................................41 . ............................................................................................................41 . ..........................................................................................................43 ......................................................................................................43 . ................................................................................................43 . ......................................................................................................47 . ....................................................................................................48 . ...........................................................................................................50 . ......................................................................................................50 . ...............................................................................................50 . ........................................................................................................51 . ...................................................................................52 . . ..........................................................................................52 . ..................................................................................................53 . .................................................................................................53 . ....................................................................................................53 . 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....................................................................................................57 . ........................................................................................57 : 3 .. ..........................................................................................................58 . .............................................................................................58 . .......................................................................................................58 . ............................................................................................................59 . .....................................................................................................59 . .......................................................................................59 ...........................................................................................................................59 . ..................................................................................59 . ........................................................................................................60 . ......................................................................................60 . .............................................................................60 . ............................................................................................61 . .......................................................................................................62 . ..................................................................................................63 . ....................................................................................63 . ......................................................................................64 . ...............................................................................64 ...............................................................................................................64 . ......................................................................................65 . ....................................................................................65 . .............................................................................................................65

7 . .........................................................................................................65 : 2 .. ..........................................................................................................66 . ............................................................................................66 . ...................................................................................67 . ...................................................................................................67 . ................................................................................................68 : 1 .. ..........................................................................................................68 . ....................................................................................................68 . ..........................................................................69 . ...................................................................................71 . ....................................................................................................73 . ................................................................................73 . ...............................................................................73 . ......................................................................................73 1 .............................................................................................................74 . .......................................................................................74 . ........................................................................................80 .......................................................80 Forbidden Gospels and Epistles, By Archbisop Wake. The Forbidden Gospels and Epistles, Complete. by Archbishop Wake....................................................................80 ................................................................................................................................81 . ............................................................................................................81 , . ..........................................................................81 . ..............................................................................82 -...............................................................................................83 . ............................................................................................83 . .............................................................................................................83 . ........................................................................................................84 . .....................................................................................................86 . ........................................................................................90 ...............................................................................................92 . .............................................................................................................98 .................................................................................................................................101 . ....................................................................................................101 . .................................................................................101 . ................................................................................102 . ...............................................................103 -. .................................................................................106 . ..................................................................................108 . ......................................................................................108 . ..........................................................................................109 . ...........................................................................109 . ......................................................................................................110 - ............................................................................................111 . ..........................................................................................111 . ..............................................................................111 . .............................................................................................112 2 ......................................................................................................112 . .............................................................................................112

8 ......................................................................................................................115 - . ............................................................................124 . ....................................................................................125 -. .............................................................127 .......................................................................................129 . ........................................................................................130 . ............................................................................130 . .......................................................................................132 . ......................................................................................132 . .................................................................................133 . .........................................................................................134 . ........................................................................................134 . ........................................................................136 .................................................................................139 ............................................................................................................142 . .................................................................143 . .....................................................................................144 . (2 . ..). ................................................................................................144 . .....................................................................................................145 ........................................................................................................................145 . ......................................................................................146 . ..........................................................................................148 ......................................................................153 . .............................................................................154 . ........................................................................................154 . .................................................................................................154 . .............................................................................................................155 . .....................................................................................156 : .. 3 ......................................................................................................158 . ............................................................................................158 - . .............................................................................159 . ..............................................................................159 .....................................................................................................159 . ......................................................................................159 . ......................................................................................................160 . ......................................................................................................161 ..........................................................................................161 . ..........................................................162 4 ............................................................................................................163 . . .....................................................................163 ..............................................................................165 . ......................................................................................165 . ......................................................................................................166 . .................................................................................168 . .......................................................................................................168 . ..................................................................169 . ....................................................................................176 ..........................................................................................................177

9 . .....................................................................................181 . ...........................................................................................181 . . .........................................................................182 . ...............................................................................183 . ...........................................................................................184 . .....................................................186 ...........................................................................................................186 .........................................................................................................187 . ......................................................................................................187 : .. 5 ......................................................................................................189 . ..........................................................................................189 . ..............................................................................................190 ..........................192 ...................................................192 . .....................................193 . ...............................................................................194 . ..................................................................................195 . ....................................................................................196 6 ............................................................................................................200 ..........................201 . ....................................................................203 ...............................................................................................................................203 . .........................................................................................203 . ................................................................................203 ..............................................................204 .........204 ..................................................................205 .........................................................................206 7 .. . ....................................................................................................206 . .................................................................................206 . .............................................................................207 . ....................................................................................207 .. ...................................................................................208 : .. 8 . ........................................................209 : .. 9 ......................................................................................................209 . ...................................................................................................209 . ................................................................210 . .................................................................210 . ..............................................................................................211 : .. 10 ....................................................................................................212 VII ................................................................212 . .................................................................................................213 : .. 11 ......................................................................................................219 . ..................................................................................................219 . ................................................................................219 . ....................................................................219 . .............................................................................................220 ........................................................................................220 : .. 12 ......................................................................................................223 . ..........................................................................................................223

10 : .. 13 ......................................................................................................227 ......................................................227 . .............................................................................228 ................................................................................................................................230 .............................................231 ..............................................................................................................232 ...............................................................................................................232 ........................................................................................................240 ............................................................................................................240 =............................................................................................244 ..........................................................................................249 ................................................................................................................249 . ....................................................................................................250 ..................................................................................................................................256 , .......................................................................................................256 ........................................................................................................................260 .......................................................................265 ..........................................................................................................266 ..............................................................................................................................267 .........................................................................267 - , . ....................................................................................................................................272 ............................................................................................................279 ..............................................................................281 ( ) : ...................................................................283 , , .......................................................................284


. .5 . , , . , . . . , , , . . , . . , . , . . . , .6



, , . . .

12 7 . . () Federation Of Greek Beekeepers Associations O.M.S.E. , - , . 28 1996 , 90 . .... APIMONDIA, .. (). .... COPA COGECA .

( 01/11/ ), Apis mellifera , , , , , , . 8 , , , .

- 7


, ,

13 , , , , , , . , , , , , . , .

1 , , , , , 14 .. (Michael Ventris) 1952. . . , , . ; , . . 9, . . .

, , ... , , , , , , . , 10 , 596-605 . 10 .. , 1932.9






. , ,

15 , . . . . .

. : 8 .. , , , , , , , , ... ... 1.249 .. .

16 ( , . .11) . 11.631 . ( . , ) . 12.167 . ( , , , , , .) . . 18.109 . ( .) 12 . . 23.170 . 2152 . 11 12

, : . . .2004. , : . . .2004.

17 ( .) .

13.. 10.234 . . ( . , , )14 . . . 13.106 . . . ( - .)15 . . 20.69 . ( , , .)16 . . 24.68 . 13

(-519) . (-168) - . (-213). 14 . . . . . . . 2006. 15 . . . . . . . 2006. 16 . . . . . . . 2006.

18 ( , , , , ) . .

.Herm 560 . . .

...594 . . : , , . ' ' , . , ' ' . ' ,


: 7 .... 146.1

.. 2a.2 . . . .

.. 338.7 ... 6 ...

. 7 . . 5.14.1-5.14.12 5.14 . . . ... . . .


. . 977 . . . . . . . . . 5.14.2 . . . . . . . .

21 . 5.108 . . . . 3.26.3 . . . . . . . 18.28 . . . 13.275 . . 19.242 .


17 . 62. . . . . 169.14 . . ... . . . . . . . . 894c.1 . . . ] . . ] 17

. , 08/02/1998 , .: C20. . , . , .... , , . . ... . . .

23 . . . . . 9.105.3 . . . .9.115b.2 . . . . v-vii 9.104.4 . . . . [gl.] . . 18 . . 423.3 . . . . . 18

, 29/09/1996 , .: A47. , . , , , , .

24 19 . . 20 . . . .

. 6 ... 10.98 . . 10.54 . . . . 3.77 . 6 . . 7.53 . 21 . . 5.54 . . 19

L.S. si,lfion si,lfion, to,, Lat. laserpitium, a plant, used in food and medicine, assafoetida, Solon, Hdt. 20 L.S simbleu,w simbleu,w, intr. to grow in a hive, of honey, Anth. simblh,ioj simblh,ioj, h( on, of or from the hive: fem. simblhi,j, i,doj, Anth. si,mbloj( SI MBLOS

SIMBLOS, o`, a beehive, Hes., Theocr.2. metaph. any store or hoard, Ar. 21 . ...

25 6 . . .52f.59 [] [] [] [] [ ] [] [] [ 8 . [] ...97.1

.. 612 21.A.164e.2 Poll. . . 3 .... . . .

. 88.1.1 . . .



26 . 34.1 . . . . 38.2 ... . . .. [ ] .

. . . . . -s. . . . .. .

. 1a,1,F.337.2

.. 21.5 . . .

.. 5.22 [] ... ...

27 .

: 5 .. .038 77 . . 038 563 . . . . . . . 043 488 . . 050 711 . .

. 52.1 . . .

. . 1.193.26

28 . . . . 1.198.1 . . . . 2.40.10 . . . 3.48.16 . . . 4.194.2 . . . . .

.. 1040 . . . Ant. . . . . . . . 1130 . . . .

29 . . . . . . . . Vesp 107 . . . . . . Vesp 676 ... . . Vesp 878 . . . 252 . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 . . . . . . . . . . . 581.1 . . . . 586-587.2 .

30 . . . .

.. . . . . . 7.17.3 . . . 22:[16] "Scraping up a barrier of fresh earth about it." Isch. And what when the weeds spring up together with the corn and choke it? or when they rob and ruthlessly devour the corn's proper sustenance, like unserviceable drones[17] that rob the working bees of honey, pilfering the good food which they have made and stored away with labour: what must we do?

. 7.38.3 . . . . . .

The Economist. y Xenophon Translation by H. G. Dakyns January, 1998 Xenophon the Athenian was born 431 B.C. He was a pupil of Socrates.22


.. 91.c.5 . . . . 47.e.9 . [ ] . . . 61.c.5 . . . . . . . 493.e.1 . . . . 72.b.8 . . . 534.a.5 .

32 534.b.2 . . . 559.d.8 . . ... , , , , 23 . . 565.a.5 . . .(= . , )24 : The Republic by Plato THE REPUBLIC by Plato (360 B.C.). translated by Benjamin Jowett. and as to the sweet `honey pale,' as they are called, what is the very name but the invention of a lover who talks in diminutives, and is not adverse to paleness if appearing on the cheek of youth? In a word, there is no excuse which you will not make, and nothing which you will not say, in order not to lose a single flower that blooms in the spring-time of youth. When a young man who has been brought up as we were just now describing, in a vulgar and miserly way, has tasted drones' honey and has come to associate with fierce and crafty natures who are able to provide for him all sorts of refinements and varieties of pleasure--then, as you may imagine, the change will begin of the oligarchical principle within him into the democratical? They are the most squeezable persons and yield the largest amount23

, . , . . , , . . 24 .

33 of honey to the drones. True, he said; but then the multitude is seldom willing to congregate unless they get a little honey. . 60.b.2 . . 782.c.4 . . . . 361.a.8 . . . . . . . 16.210.6 . . . . 33.6 . .


.012 10.10 [] [ ] []

21.3 . 23.2 . 24.2 . .


25. 1a.col2.15 [ [ [ [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 6[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]


. . 5 .. .


. b.37 e.18

. 27 . . . Dou.1.7 . . . . . .

26. 45.7


( 5 . ..). L.S. me,lissa me,lissa, Att. &tta, hj( h`, (me,li) a bee, Lat. apis, Hom., etc. 2. one of the priestesses of Delphi, Pind.II. = me,li, honey, Soph. Hence meli,sseioj meli,sseioj meli,sseioj, a( on, of bees, khri,on m. a honeycomb, N.T. melisso,botoj melisso,&botoj, on, (bo,skw) fed on by bees, Anth. melissono,moj melisso&no,moj, on, (ne,mw) keeping bees,:-in Aesch. ap. Ar., the Melissono,moi are priestesses of Artemis. melissopo,noj melisso&po,noj, on, = melittourgo,j, Anth. melissoso,oj melisso&so,oj, on, guardian of bees, Anth. melisso,tokoj melisso,&tokoj, on, (tekei/n) produced by bees, honied, Anth. melissotro,foj melisso&tro,foj, Att. melitt&, on, feeding bees, Eur. melissw,n melissw,n( &w/noj( o`; bee-hive*** melistagh,j meli&stagh,j, e,j, (sta,zw) dropping honey, Anth. meli,staktoj meli,&staktoj, on, = foreg., Anth. meli,teia meli,teia, h`, (me,li) baulm, Lat. apiastrum, Theocr. meli,teion meli,teion i( to,, (me,li) mead, Plut., etc. melito,eij melito,eij, essa( en, (me,li) honied, i.e. sweet, delicious, Pind. II. sweetened with honey, melito,essa (sc. ma/za) ( h`, a honey-cake, as a sacred offering, Hdt.; Att. contr. melitou/tta, Ar. melito,omai melito,omai, pf. memeli,twmai, (me,li) Pass. to be sweetened with honey, Thuc. melitopw,lhj melito&pw,lhj, ou( o`, (pwle,w) a dealer in honey, Ar.27


.28 . 15.33 . . . 15.36 . . . 15.47 . . . 11.47 . . . 11.50 . 28

" ". 460 ..

37 . . 11.52 . . 30.5 . De morbis popularibus . . . . . . . . . . . .

38 . . . . . . . . i-iii 2.12.25 . i-iii 2.28.5 . . i-iii 2.33.15 .



- . . 427.17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29. . .

. . . 2930

30. 3c,688,F.26.57

. .

. 4 .. . 415 ..

40 . 3c,688,F.45.246 . . . .

.003 12.14 . 31. .

.. 29.5 mortis exemplum fama vulgatum. . . . [.] . 29.6 . . .31

, 29/09/1996 , .: A47. , .

41 . 29.7 . . .

.. 1.28 . , . , . . . De universi natura 1.9.3 .

: 4 .. .. 1.107 . . . . . . 1.146 . .


. . . . 3.13 . . . . . . . 3.54 . . . . . 5.46 . . . . . . . . . 5.59 . . . . . . . . (=potideu,omai potideu,omai, Dor. for proj&de,omai.) . 5.126 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.81 .

43 32. .

.. 5.2.5 .

. 14.10.3 . . . . . . .

.Many of the goods traded throughout ancient Greek history were luxury goods, manufactured items, such as jewelry and finely painted vases, as well as specialty agricultural products like fine wine and honey. Necessities were also traded, however, for without long-distance trade, many Greek cities would not have been able to obtain metals, timber, wine, and slaves. One of the most extensively traded necessity items was grain, which came to Athens typically from the Black Sea region, Thrace, and Egypt. According to the orator, Demosthenes, Athens imported some 400,000 medimnoi (approximately 4,800,000 liters) of grain per year in the late fourth century from the Crimean kingdom of the Bosporus alone.33 421b.2 . . [ ] . 32

. . . , . , . . 33 SEMI- DAILY JURNAL February 20, 2003. Thinking About Aristotle of Stagira and Moses Finley.

44 . . 9b.1 . . 463a.13 . . 1137a.14 . . 759a.33 . . . . . . 759b.7 .

45 . . 760b.3 . . 34 . . . 487b.19 . . . . . . 488a.9 . . . . . . 488a.17 . . . 34

. . . ' . ' , .

46 . 488a.22 . . . . . . . 489a.32 . . . 519a.29 . . . . . 523b.18 . . . 532a.16 . . . . . . 532a.21 . . . .

47 . . 532a.24 . . . . . 534b.19 . . . . 553b.29 . . . 553b.31 . . .

. 27.2 . .

48 . ... .

.35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.51.8 35

(372 - 287 ..).

49 . . 6.46.4 . . . . . . . 190.1.1 . . Plut. de sol lert. anim. p. 978. . . 190.1.5 lert. anim. p. 978. . . . 190.1.12 . . . . . . .

50 . . . .

. 9.3 .Athen. V 646 d . . . Athen. V 645 d . . .

. 7.3 . . . . .. 293 . .

. 146.6 . .. .

51 . . 172.11 . . . . . . . . . .1.6 . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142.2 . . . . . . .2.6 .

. 125.3

52 . . . . . . . Lep.1.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . Lem.1.3 . 1.1 . . . Chr.2.3 . . . . . INCERTARUM FABULARUM . IFF.21.2 . . . . . .

.. 10.8 [][] [ [ [] [ [][ ] [] [] [] [ ] [] [ [] [] [ [][ [ ] [] [][ ]

. . 89.4 . . .


FIF.4.4 . . . . . .

. 15.4

. 36.1 . . . . . . . . FIF.5.1 . . . . . .

.016 110 3 . . . .

. . 264.5 36 36


54 . . 451.7 . . . 319.5 518.7 . . . 708.2 . . . . . Pseu.1.7 . . . FIF.160.2 .


. . .

. 3b,328,F.15.8 [] . . . . []. 334 F 8

. 3.22 . . . . .

.. 1.1029 .

. 62.17 . . .


. 32a.4 . . [] sc. .

. 96.2 . . II 43 f .

322.3 . . . . . .. 323.5 . APOLL. .. mirab. 38 . 372.2 . 30 .

57 .

.003 10.11 . .

.De incredibilibus 26.2 . [ .] . De incredibilibus 26.9 . . . De incredibilibus 26.17 . . . [ .].

. 6g.14 .


: 3 .. .. 1.879 . . 4.1136 . . 4.1454 . . .

.Ther 555 . Ther 556 . Alex 182 .

59 .

. 18.428 . .

. . . . . . . [] . . . .

. 2.1

. . . . .

. . 52a.1.2 . .

60 52a.3.2 . . .

. 128.1 . .

. 88.8 . . .

. 1.10.2 . . . . 1..1 . . . . . 1.26.1 . .

61 . . . 2.350.3 . . . . 2.552.5 . . . . 2.553.1 . . . . . 81.3 . . . .

.001 158.5 .

62 . 001 283,col3.16 . 001 291.3 . . . .

. . 350. . . 471.25 [ ] .

. 112.6

63 . . 1160.2 etc. . . moralia 714.7 . etc.

. . 2.45.1 . . . . . 2.52.21 . . . . . .

.003 8.14 . . . . . . [ ] . . . 003 9.11 . . . . .

64 . . . . 003 84bis.3 . . . .

. 5.6

.. 9.564.1 . .

. 88.37 . 88.51 . 89. ...


. 2a,81,F.25.3 . . 2a,81,F.27.8 . . . . .

.004 .7 . . . 6 .

. . . . 217.19 . . . . .

.003 5.2 . ... . .


: 2 .. . 9 . . . . . . . . [] . 33 . . [] . 35 . . [] . 55 . . . . . . .

67 . . . . . 51.3 . . . .

.003 18.182 . . .

. 45.38 . . . 3. 89.36 34. . . . [] 89.37 . .

68 . [] 1052 003 2a,87,F.104.40 . . . .

.. 7.6 . . . .

: 1 .. . 115.2 . , . 117.4 . .

69 118.3 . . Immut 99.4 . 1

. . . . . . .

70 . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pomp 3.12.5 .


37 .. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . 37

(65 .. - 21 ..).

72 . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 .2 . . . . . . . . . 12.3.18. .


.. 28.21 . . . . .

. . . . . . 2.9.11 . . . . .

. 1.249.1 . . . A. .

.002 3.2 .

74 . ... .

1 .. . . 22.7.2 ( ) . . 38: Eiresione bring figs, and Eiresione bring loaves; Bring us honey in pints, and oil to rub on our bodies, And a strong flagon of wine, for all to go mellow to bed on. . 30.2.14 . . . 15.4.2 . :39 Picus and Faunus, frequented the Springs and thick shades of that place; which might be two satyrs, or Pans, except that they went about Italy playing the same sorts of tricks, by skill in drugs and magic, as are ascribed by the Greeks to the Dactyli of Mount Ida. Numa contrived one day to surprise these demi-gods, by mixing wine and honey in the waters of the spring of which they usually drank.38

Plutarch's Lives, by A.H. Clough. Also known as "Parallel Lives", written in Greek ~100 A.D. Includes 50 biographies, 23 Greek, 23 Roman, 2 others.Edited by A.H. Clough. October, 1996.39

Plutarch's Lives, by A.H. Clough. Also known as "Parallel Lives", written in Greek ~100 A.D. Includes 50 biographies, 23 Greek, 23 Roman, 2 others.Edited by A.H. Clough. October, 1996.

75 . 23.8.1 . . . . 40.3.5 . . . 36.3.1 . . . 2.3.1 . . . . 32.E.8 . . 41.F.9

76 . . 75.A 79.C.9 . De virtute et vitio 101.C.6 . . 145.B.10 . . . . . 344.E.1 . . . 378.B.7 . . . . . 467.C.2 .

77 . . . 470.F.2 . 3 . . . 494.A.5 . . . . 601.C.5 . . . 652.B.4 . . . 709.E.3 .

78 . . . 750.C.8 3 . . 859.F.8 . . . 918.C.6 . . [] . 950.D.1 . . .

79 . 956.D.2 . . . . 995.C.5 . . . . 1044.E. . . 1077.C.10 . . 11.E.5 .

80 . 3.4 . . .

. 40.Moses also in like manner speaketh to them; Behold thus saith the Lord God; Enter ye into the good land of which the Lord hath sworn to Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, that he would give it you, and possess it; a land flowing with milk and honey. What therefore does he mean when he says, Into a good land flowing with milk and honey? Blessed be our Lord, who has given us wisdom, and a heart to understand his secrets. For so says the prophet, "Who shall understand the hard sayings of the Lord? But he that is wise, and intelligent, and that loves his Lord." The Lord saith; Behold I will make the last as the first. Wherefore the prophet thus spake, Enter into the land flowing with milk and honey, and have dominion over it. But what signifies the milk and honey? Because as the child is nourished first with milk, and40

Forbidden Gospels and Epistles, By Archbisop Wake. The Forbidden Gospels and Epistles, Complete. by Archbishop Wake.

81 then with honey; so we being kept alive by the belief of his promises and his word, shall live and have dominion over the land.

. 3.4.3 . . . 1.6.3 . . . 10.9.5 . . . .

. 6.1.1 . . . . .

, .. mentum 168 ... .


. . 2.118.4 . . . . 3.28.2 . . . 5.1.1 [] . . . 14.124.5 .

83 .

-.. 1.93.9 . . 3.17.3 . . . . .

.. 277.3 . .

. . . [] . .

84 . . . 5.1 . . . . .

. 2.15.6 . [] [] 2.15.7 [] [] . 2.16.7 . .

85 2.19.2 . [] 2.30.5 . . . 3.19.3 [] ... [....] [.... ...] [ ] [ ] . [ ] [ ] . 11.1.4 . . . 14.6.2 . . [ ] [ ] [


. iv . . . iv . . . . iv . . . . iv . 41 41

. . . , . , . , , . .

87 [] . . iv . [] . . . iv . . . . iv . . [ ] . iv . . .

88 . iv . . . . . iv . . . iv . . . . iv . . . . iv . .

89 . . . iv . . . iv . . .

.. 112.14 . . . . . . 113.30 . . 113.32

90 . .

. . 2..5 . . . . 4.63.2 . . . . 9.6.3 . . . . 32.59.3 . 3 . 32.98.8 . [ ]

91 . . . 35.18.2 . . . . 52.17.9 . . . 57.8.7 . . . 57.9.7 . [ ] . .


.42 , . 43 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

. . . (1 . ..). . , . (77-78 ..), , , . ., , o , , , , . , .43

The Great Events by Famous Historians, Vol. 2, by Various, Edited by Rossiter Johnson. The Project Gutenberg eBook. [Footnote 37: That there was honey in these parts, with intoxicating qualities, was well known to antiquity. Pliny mentions two sorts of it, one produced at Heraclea in Pontus, and the other among the Sanni or Macrones. The peculiarities of the honey arose from the herbs to which the bees resorted; the first came from the flower of a plant called oegolethron, or goatsbane; the other from a species of rhododendron. Tournefort, when he was in that country, saw honey of this description. Ainsworth found that the intoxicating honey had a bitter taste. This honey is also mentioned by Dioscorides.]

93 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

94 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

95 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [] .

96 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

97 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

98 . . . . . . . . . [0 . . . . . . e,li, itoj, to, (Hom.+) honey; sweet Rv 10:9f (Ezk 3:3); Hm 5, 1, 5f. W. milk as food for children (Diod. S. 5, 70, 3; Philostrat., Her. 19, 19; Is 7:15, 22) B 6:17; sign of fertility (schol. on Pind., O. 1, 157c [98] gh/ me,li r`e,ousa) 6:8, 10, 13 (Ex 33:3; on the formula s. HUsener [s. ga,la b]; NDahl, MGoguel Festschr. 50, 62-70). m. a;grion (s. a;grioj 1) Mt 3:4; Mk 1:6; GEb13, 79 (in antiquity m. freq. associated w. divine inspiration and oracular expression, cp. Pind., P. 4, 60 and schol. on the same).As healing remedy me,liti qera,peue seauto,n AcPl Ha 5, 36. SKrauss, Honig in Palstina: ZDPV 32,

991909, 151-64; Dalman, Arbeit VII (s. oivki,a 1a).AMayor, Mad Honey!: Archaeology 48/6, 32-40 (informative, but without detailed documentation of ancient sources); BHHW II 747.B. 384. DELG. M-M. TW.

me,li meli honeyThe ancients use honey as a preservative, for sweetening, and also in medicine and cosmetics. Comparison with honey (for sweetness) is common. With milk, honey is offered to the dead and to deities, and it is said to be the food of the gods. The LXX mentions meli some 60 times. The promised land is a land flowing with milk and honey (Ex. 3:8 etc.); the honey is that of wild bees, or sometimes perhaps of grapes or fruit, since beekeeping comes only later. Philo compares the divine wisdom to honey. In his exposition of the prohibition of honey as an offering, however, he equates it with excessive and unholy joy. In the NT the scroll that the divine eats in Rev. 10:9-10 is bitter and yet as sweet as honey (cf. Ezek. 3:1ff.). John the Baptist eats wild honey (Mk. 1:6), which is here the honey from wild bees, not the sweet exudations from certain trees. Some MSS add and of a honeycomb in Lk. 24:42. This is hardly an original reading that was dropped because of the Gnostic use of honey, nor is it an addition for cultic reasons. It reflects the contemporary custom of adding a sweet dessert to the main fish course. [W. MICHAELIS, IV, 552-54] .

kai. kate,bhn evxele,sqai auvtou.j evk ceiro.j Aivgupti,wn kai. evxagagei/n auvtou.j evk th/j gh/j evkei,nhj kai. eivsagagei/n auvtou.j eivj gh/n avgaqh.n kai. pollh,n eivj gh/n r`e,ousan ga,la kai. me,li eivj to.n to,pon tw/n Cananai,wn kai. Cettai,wn kai. Amorrai,wn kai. Ferezai,wn kai. Gergesai,wn kai. Euai,wn kai. Iebousai,wnBGT



Revelation 10:9 Kai. avph/lqon pro.j to.n a;ggelon( le,gwn auvtw/| dou/nai, moi to. biblida,rion Kai. le,gei moi( La,be kai. kata,fage auvto,\ kai. pikranei/ sou th.n koili,an( avllV evn tw/| sto,mati, sou e;stai gluku. w`j me,liBYZ

+Hn de. o` VIwa,nnhj evndedume,noj tri,caj kamh,lou( kai. zw,nhn dermati,nhn peri. th.n ovsfu.n auvtou/( kai. evsqi,wn avkri,daj kai. me,li a;grionBYZ

. 1:6

. 24:42 Oi` de. evpe,dwkan auvtw/| ivcqu,oj ovptou/ me,roj( kai. avpo. melissi,ou khri,ouBYZ

Honey 1654.01 (See BEE). Bees deposit it in the crevices of rocks (Ps. 81:16), and in hollow trees. Its "dropping" symbolizes speech, sweet, loving, and profitable (Song 4:11). The word of God (Ps. 19:10). As wine and meat express strong spiritual nourishment in faith, so honey and milk sometimes symbolize incipient faith (Song 5:1). The vegetable honey exuded from trees, as the Tamarix mannifera, and is found only in small globules which must he carefully collected and strained, so that it cannot be what Jonathan ate in the wood (1 Sam. 14:25), or the "wild honey" which John Baptist ate (Mt. 3:4).

1001654.02 Honey was forbidden in meat offerings, for it soon turns sour and was used for making vinegar (Pliny, 21:48). It produces fermentation, which is a symbol of the working of corruption in the heart (Lev. 2:11,12; 1 Cor. 5:7). Song of Solomon 4:11 khri,on avposta,zousin cei,lh sou nu,mfh me,li kai. ga,la u`po. th.n glw/ssa,n sou kai. ovsmh. i`mati,wn sou w`j ovsmh. Liba,nou..BGT

kai. pa/sa h` gh/ hvri,sta kai. iaar drumo.j h=n melissw/noj kata. pro,swpon tou/ avgrou/BGT

1 Samuel 14:25

Matthew 3:4 auvto.j de. o` VIwa,nnhj ei=cen to. e;nduma auvtou/ avpo. tricw/n kamh,lou kai. zw,nhn dermati,nhn peri. th.n ovsfu.n auvtou/( h` de. trofh. h=n auvtou/ avkri,dej kai. me,li a;grionBGT

Honey (Heb: debhash; Grk: meli): One familiar with life in Palestine will recognize in Heb: debhash the Arabic dibs, which is the usual term for a sweet syrup made by boiling down the juice of grapes, raisins, carob beans, or dates. Dibs is seldom, if ever, used as a name for honey (compare Arabic 'asal), whereas in the Old Testament Heb: debhash probably had only that meaning. The honey referred to was in most cases wild honey (Dt 32:13; Jdg 14:8,9; 1 Sam 14:25,26,29,43), although the offering of honey with the first-fruits would seem to indicate that the bees were also domesticated (2 Ch 31:5). The bees constructed their honeycomb and deposited their honey in holes in the ground (1 Sam 14:25); under rocks or in crevices between the rocks (Dt 32:13; Ps 81:16 ). They do the same today. When domesticated they are kept in cylindrical basket hives which are plastered on the outside with mud. The Syrian bee is an especially hardy type and a good honey producer. It is carried to Europe and America for breeding purposes. In Old Testament times, as at present, honey was rare enough to be considered a luxury (Gen 43:11; 1 Ki 14:3). Honey was used in baking sweets (Ex 16:31). It was forbidden to be offered with the meal offering (Lev 2:11), perhaps because it was fermentable, but was presented with the fruit offering (2 Ch 31:5). Honey was offered to David's army (2 Sam 17:29). It was sometimes stored in the fields (Jer 41:8). It was also exchanged as merchandise (Ezek 27:17). In New Testament times wild honey was an article of food among the lowly (Mt 3:4; Mk 1:6). Figurative: "A land flowing with milk and honey" suggested a land filled with abundance of good things (Ex 3:8,17; Lev 20:24; Nu 13:27; Dt 6:3; Josh 5:6 ; Jer 11:5; Ezek 20:6,15). "A land of olive trees and honey" had the same meaning (Dt 8:8; 2 Ki 18:32), and similarly "streams of honey and butter" (Job 20:17). Honey was a standard of sweetness (Song 4:11; Ezek 3:3; Rev 10:9 ,10). It typified sumptuous fare (Song 5:1; Isa 7:15,22; Ezek 16:13,19). The ordinances of Yahweh were "sweeter than honey and the droppings of the honeycomb" (Ps 19:10; 119:103). "Thou didst eat .... honey" (Ezek 16:13) expressed Yahweh's goodness to Jerusalem. ^James A. Patch 2 Samuel 17:29 kai. me,li kai. bou,turon kai. pro,bata kai. saffwq bow/n kai. prosh,negkan tw/| Dauid kai. tw/| law/| tw/| metV auvtou/ fagei/n o[ti ei=pan o` lao.j peinw/n kai. evklelume,noj kai. diyw/n evn th/| evrh,mw|BGT


.. menta 11.9 . 17.30 . 18.7 . . . . . . . . . menta inedita 70.28 C, .

. 405.12 . .

102 . . .

. . 5.6 . . . . . 7.30 . . . 8.3 . . . . 8.5 . . . . 15.24

103 . . . .13 . . . . 29.2 .. . . . 37.6 . . . .

. . 1.prol.38.4 . . . 44 . . .44

. . . . , . . .

104 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

106 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .

-. . . . [

107 . . Pr.121 . . . Pr.174 . 30.18 . [ .] . 25.5 . . . . . 34.1 .

108 . .

. . . 15.33 . . . . . . 105.4 . . . . . . . . . . 110.17 . . . . . . . . . . . . 168.12 . . . . . . . .

. 6.6a.2 . . .

109 . 6.8.4 . 6 . . 6 . 6.9b(10). . . . 6 . . 6.13c.3 . . 6.17a.1 . . 66 .

. . 167.7 . . .

. . 2.3 . .

110 . . . . 212.11 . . . . 257.18 . . . . .

. . . . . . . . 1.1.58 . . . . . . . . . 1.2.12 . . . .

111 . . . . . 1.5.15 . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.19 . . . . . . . . . . .

- 171 . . .