Повторення слів і виразів

Повторення слів і виразів

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Post on 04-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Повторення слів і виразів

Повторення слів і виразів

Page 2: Повторення слів і виразів

1) Навіщо це робити? Студентам не так важко пам’ятати

вже вивчену граматику, оскільки

найбільш вживані граматичні

структури постійно трапляються у

текстах різних типів. Однак слова,

особливо за відсутності

англомовного середовища поза

заняттями, часто переходять у

пасивний словник, або і взагалі


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Скільки часу на це витрачати? Якщо заняття триває півтори

години, на повторення можна

виділити 10-15 хвилин, до того ж

його можна поєднати з

повторенням граматики, вивченої

на минулому занятті. Якщо заняття

триває годину, на повторення варто

відводити 5-10 хвилин.

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Як організувати повторення цікаво?

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Charades Break your class into two teams, and have

one individual from each team act out the

same word. The team to correctly guess

the word first scores a point.

Keep the class as one team, have students

act out a word in turns while the others

are trying to guess the word.

Complicate the game by having the students make up sentences with

the word. For instance, if you are revising the Present Continuous

tense + daily routines, have one student act out an activity while the

rest must say “Mary is brushing her teeth,” “Mary is waking up.”

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The rules are pretty much the same as in

charades, the only difference being that instead of acting out, the

students get to draw a picture which represents the word.

This game, just like charades, is not communicative. Therefore, it

should be used carefully. Don’t use it in every class and, when time

allows, add a communicative follow-up activity.

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Word + definition Options:

o Write the words on a set of flash cards

and the definitions on a different set of cards. Play the

“pairs”/”memory” game (students pick a pair of cards, if the

word fits the definition, they get to keep them, if not, they put

them back). Works best with easy definitions or pictures.

o Students receive cards with words and have to come up with a

definition; the others guess the word by the provided definition.

Works best with higher levels.

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Make up a sentence

Each student pulls a flash card

and comes up with a

sentence that contains the given


There are many options: while doing that, you

can drill a new grammatical structure, several forms

(affirmative, interrogative and negative) of the given tense, etc.

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Storytelling To make up sentences with more purpose and

achieve more fun results, you can have the students

come up with a story using the words.

It gets more fun as the students pull out new

cards and need to come up with a sentence using that

word which makes sense for the whole story.

You can modify the activity by creating extra conditions, such as the

use of tenses, the characters or the first sentence in the sequence.

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Consequences is a paper and pencil game

where the students fill in the blanks in a

story. With the next student NOT seeing what

the previous student wrote, the story is likely to turn out really funny.

The game looks like this:

Hamlet met Angelina Jolie at her

house. He said "Do you have a

credit card?". She said "How are

you spelling that?". He made a

shopping list. She had a

revelation. The consequence was

that they wasted a lot of money.

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Students play it in pairs or in a chain.

Student 1 asks a question starting with “why,” the next

student answers with “because.” Sometimes, it makes perfect

sense, sometimes, it may be pretty funny.

o Student 1 (gets the phrase “pay in cash”): “Why do you pay in cash in

the supermarket?” – Student 2 (gets the phrase “credit card”):

“Because I don’t have a credit card.”

o Student 1 (gets the phrase “get divorced”): “Why did Peter and Julia

get divorced?” – Student 2 (gets the word “stay up”): “Because Peter

would always stay up late and it annoyed her.”

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“Who am I?”

This popular game may be useful when

revising such vocabulary units as jobs,

animals, etc., though it can be used for

other subjects, too.

Each student gets a sticker on the forehead or the back telling the

others who they are. By asking yes/no questions the student should

determine who he/she is.

e.g. “Cat.” “Am I an animal?” – “Yes.” – “Do I have claws?” – “Yes.” –

“Am I scary?” – “No.” – “Am I fluffy?” – “Yes.” – “Do I live in the

house?” – “Yes.” – “Am I a hamster?” – “No.” – “Am I a cat?” – “Yes.”

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The options are endless…

What games do you use? What games do you think are the best?

Share your knowledge in the comments.