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συγκριτική εκπαίδευση του καθηγητή Πασιά, τμήμα Φιλοσοφίας , Παιδαγωγικής, Ψυχολογίας


, ,



. 1 : .

1.1. . .

1.2. . .

1.3. To : ; 1.4. To 1.5. 1.6.

. 2 : 2.1.




2.5. .

2.6. , .

. 3 : / .

3.1. . .


3.3. 19 . . .

3.4. 20 . .

3.4.1. .

3.4.2. : .

3.5. : 70 - 90.

3.6. : 21 .

3.7. . , .

3.7.1. .

3.7.2. .

3.7.3. .

. 4 : .

4.1. .

4.2. :

. 5 : .



5.2. . , , .5.3. .

5.4. .

5.5. .

5.6. 5.7. .

5.8. .

5.9. 5.10. .



Michael Sadler



. . . 20 , , . , , , , , - .

, , , .

. . , 18 , 21 .

: , , , , , . . : , . .

. , , .

1.1. . .

1.2. . .

1.3. To : ;1.4.To : .

1.5. .1.6. .

1.7. , .

1.1. . .

! , , , , , . , . , , , .

. , , , , ..

, , , , , . , , . , .

. , . , . , .

. , , . : , , . , : , , , .

: . , , (, , , , ) (, , ). , , , , , , , , .

, , , . . / : - . .

J. Piaget . , , . , .

( , , ) (18 ) . (19 ) : , , , , , , .

. . - . .

J. Schriever , , , , . . (, , , , ). (, , , ). (, , , , ). , , , , , .

- , , . .Lakatos , . , .

. , , . Etiemble o () ().

Carlos E. Oliveira o . , , , , , , , , , .

1.2. . .

, , , , . , , , . . . . , .

. , , , , - , , , , .

O Le Than Koi . , . , , , , . .

. , , , , .

. : ) , ) ) ( ).

1.3. To : ;

. . , , , , , .

: ; . (1990), . (1993), . (1995), . (1998), . , , , , , , , . , , , , . , . , , . . .

, , . , , , , , , . , , , , , , , (, , , ). , , , , , , / / . , / .

. . , , , . , . , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , . / . . , , .

, , :

) 19 20 ,

) , 20 .

19 . , 20 . 20 . , , , , , .

, 20 . , , , , , , , , , , , .

(Comparative Education, Education Compare, Educacin Comparada) . , CESE ( Comparative Education Society in Europe) , Comparative Education Review Comparative Education. (...).1.4. To . , . , , , 19 . , , . , , , , , . :

) , , .

) , (, , ). , ( ) .

, , , . , , . , , , ( , , ), (, , , ), (, , , ) (, , , ) .

. : , .

, , , ( , , , ) (, , ). . , . ( , , - ) ( , , , ).

, , 19 , , 20 . , .


. , , :

. . . . . . F. Seidenfaden (5) :

. . , , , , .,

. . , , .,

. . , , , . . .

. . . , , .

. . . , .

, . :

.. . , , . ( ) . .

. . , , , . , . Lauwarys . , . .

. . , , .

1.6. , , , :

. , ,

. , - ,

. , ,

. (, .) (.. ) .

, . , . .

. , , , . - , .


2.2. 2.3.


2.5. .

2.6. , .

2.1. .

. 60 . .

(, , , ) (politics) (policies).

(, , , ), , ( , , ) (, ) (, , , ). (reviews and surveys) , (OECD, UNESCO, ).


. , , .

. .

. , .

, , :

) ,

) ,

) , , , ,

) .

. Popper . ( ) , . . , , , . : ) , ) , , , , ) .


. . .

. - ( ).

. , .

. / , .

. .

. , .

. .. .

. .

. .

. .

2.2. . Bray & Murray , . / ( , , , , , , ).

: Bray & Murray, Levels of Comparison, 1995, p.

/ ( / , , , , , , ). ( , , , , , ).

- - - . / . (, , ), , , , .

2.3. .

, , . , , , , , .

Phillips & chs (2004) .

Phillips & chs , , , , , .

: Phillips & Schweisfurth, Comparative and International Education, 2008, p.97.

- (context) (conceptualization) . :

- (conceptualization) ( , ). , // . - (, , , , , ..) ( / ), : ( ) ( ) ; .

- ( ). / - () - () ; .- . ( , , , ..). ( ) , () , .

- . , , : ( ) , () , / () ;. 2.4. . / (international education), (education abroad), (development education). . , , , , .

, . , , . W. Halls ( 1) / (/) .


: alls, W.D., Comparative Education,1990:23-24.

. Phillips and Schweisfurth (2008) , , . 2 . : ) , ) , , , , (OECD, UNESCO, World Bank) .



: Phillips and Schweisfurth (2008:154)

( ). , , , , , , , .

, , (PISA, TIMMS, IEA), . , , (, ECD, World Bank) . , , , , . , .

(, ) (reconceptualization) .

2.5. .

. , ( ) , ( , ), (- -) ( ).

. , , , , , .

. , , , , , , .

. - . , , (-) (-) , , , , , , , .

, . : - , , , . , , , .

, . , , . . . , , .

. . . .

. :

) ) , ) , ) , ) ) , ) .

2.6. , .

- ( , , ) , . , , , , , , .

/ . , - , - - .

, , .

/ : (discourses / politics). , (policies). , / . (national reviews) . 1996 2011, 1997-2000, 2011-2013.

, , : , , , /, , / (/).

/ , , .

(discourse) (practices of discourse), . / / . , (educational discourse/politics) (educational practices/policies).

(, , ) / , / - - , / .

, , :

, : , , , , , , , .

, : , , , , , , , , .

, , . , , : , , , , , , , , , , .

, (/) :

) () ()

) , . .

. , , - .


/ .


3.1. . .


3.3. 19 . . .

3.4. 20 . .

3.4.1. .

3.4.2. : .

3.5. : 70 - 90.

3.6. : 21 .

3.7. . , .

3.7.1. .

3.7.2. .

3.7.3. .


, , . . , . :

) .

) - .

) .

) .

) .

. , , . 20 .

3.1. . .

, , (, , , , ). (Tacitus, , ), (Ad-Al-Rahim Ibn Khaldun) ( , Petty, La Chalotais, Diderot, Condorcet).

, , , , , , , . 19 . , , . , , , , , , . , , , , .

. :

. , , , , , , , .

. , , . .

. , , ,

. . , , (, , ). ( ).


. , , , , .

. , , (, , ) . . , , , .

, , . . 11-13 . (-) 15-18 . .

12 7 . . , , /. ( , , ), ( ) ( , ). .

(13-15 ) . (1078). universitas studiorum ( ) , , (1208), (1214), (1215), (1218), (1224), (1250), (1254), (1347), (1348), (1364), (1383), (1451), (1477).

studium generale, . Bologna (1078) . , , studium generale (11) universitas studiorum (13) Universities (15 . . , trivium (--) quatrium (--- ) , , . (15-17 ) , (, , , , ). (, , , ) 17 . , . , . , .

3.3. 19 . . .

, 19 , . .

. , 18 19 . , , . : , , , , , , , , , . A.Smith, K.Marx, M.Weber, E. Dyrkheim, T.Parsons, (I.Wallerstein, E.Hobsbawm, A.Giddens, E.Gellner, A.D. Smith), (L.Althusser, P.Bourdieu, N., J.Habermas, M.Carnoy). , , (M. Sadler, N. Hans, I. Kandel, M. Archer, A. Green, F. Ringer, B.Simon, Th. Husen).

, 18-19 :

) , -, .

) , () .

) , , , .

) ., .

17 18 . , , , , , . , , , . , , , , , . A. Green, 18 , , , . . Green, . 14 1826, 1921 .

, (G.Whitty, A.Novoa,A. Green, F.Ritger, B.Simon) .

) (1750-1850) , . : , , , , , .

) (1860 1940) . : , , , , , , , , .

) (1950-2000) - , , . : , , , , , , , , , .

18 . 18 . Chartier Julia : (1759-1772), (1760-1775), (1763), (1763), (1774), 91775), (1779) , (1780), (1782).

19 (5-12 ). (M. Archer) , , (A. Green). , (12-18 ) (1870-1930) (F.Ritger, B.Simon).

(State formation theories) 19 . A. Green 19 . , . .

, , . , . . 19 . , , . , , , , . , ( ), .

19 . , , , , . , ( ). (/) (/) , ( , , , , ). , . , , .

, . J. Guntara, . . . . : .

, , . , , , , , , , 19 .

19 , , , , , , , , . , , .

. , .

, Erasmus (1469-1536) Comenius (1592-1670 ) , . , (1672-1725), .

, , 19 , 1817 Marc-Antoine Jullien de Paris (1775-1848) : (Esquisse et Vues preliminaries sur un Ouvrage sur l Education Compare). , , .

19 . Victor Cousin, Horace Mann, John Griscom, Henri Barnand , Matthew Arnold, Joseph Kay Michael Sadler, T. Kruse F. Thiersch. , , . , :

. .

. , .

. .

. .

3.4. 20 . .

3.4.1. .

20 , , . .

, , , , . , . , , , . , , , , , .

, , , , ( ), . , . , , ( , ), , .

, , . . , 19 , , , Teachers College Columbia . (1923), (Bureau International de l Education BIE) (1925) Institute of Education (1932).

. , , , , (OECD, Unesco, Council of Europe) .

1900 Michael Sadler (How far can we learn anything of practical value form the study of foreign systems of education?). Michael Sadler, Isaac Kandel, Nicholas Hans, Vernon Mallinson, Friedrich Schneider, Robert Ulich.

. , , . , ( , , , ) (, , , ). , :

. .

. .

. , - .

. , .

3.4.2. : .

, , , , , , , . , , , , . , , .

19 20 :

. ( ).

. ( )

. ( , ).

. ( , ).

. .

(1950 -60):


) , , , .

. , ., , , , . , . , . , .

, , , 60. . , , .. .

60 , . . , : Comparative Method in Education, G.Z.F Bereday(1964), Problems in Education. A Comparative Aprroach, B.Holmes, (1965), Comparative Studies and Educational Decision, E.J King (1967), Towards a Science of Comparative Education, H.Noah M.Ekstein (1969). - , - , , .


) / (, , ) ,

) , , Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 1956 Comparative Education Society in Europe (CESE), 1961, , Comparative Education Review, Compare, Comparative Education, to Prospects, to International Review of Education, .

3.5. : 70 - 90.

70 . , , , / , . (), . 60, (National reviews Of Education) . O O .

70 ( , , , .) , , , , .

80 Inkeles & Sirowy 6 / : ) ( ), ) ( ), ) ( ), ) , ) / ) ( curricula ( ) / ).

A. Green, 70 - 80 . , , , :

1. % .

2. .

3. -

4. , / / (,).

5. / : ) ( ), ) / /.

6. , .

7. (3) / : ) , ) ) ().

8. - ( ) / .

9. ( , , , -, , - , .).

A. Green :

1. . (Mc Lean, 1990).

2. ( , , ) (Green and Steedman, 1993).

3. , (Lauglo, 1995).

4. ((Green and Steedman, 1993).

70 .

. :

. : ( - ) .

. : , , .

. : - .

. : , , .

. : .

. : .

, . , ( ), , , , , , .

, . , . . , , . , .

, 70 : ) ,

) ,


) .

. . 3 -: , - , .

) (Structural functionalism) , , , , , , .

) T - (development modernization model) , (human capital theory) (, ). (OECD, Unesco, EC/EU) .

) T ( conflict theory model). . , , P.Bourdieau J.C.Passeron, M. Carnoy, M.F.D Young, , - (world system analysis), R.rnove, P.Altbach, G.Kelly.

3.6. . 21 .

20 , 2000 100 . Sadler (Sadler, 1900), 20 . 21 , , , . , . , , (retrospect), (re-invention) (reconceptualisation) , , , , .

, , , R. Paulston. Comparative Education as Heterotopia? , . Foucault, , -. R. Paulston (heterotopia), (spaces) , .

Comparative Education as Heterotopia

R. Paulston , , . (knowledge communities). e (A.Comte, K.Marx, E.Dyrkheim, T.Parsons) (critical) (reflexive) ( late modernity / J.Habermas, T.Adorno, A.Giddens, U.Beck, A. Green, R. Cowen, D. Coulby, M. Jones). , , , , , : ) ( postmodernist deconstructions / J.Derrida, M.Foucault, F.Lyotar, R.Edwards, R.Usher, J. Whitson), ) (semiotic society/ .McLuhan, J.Baudrillard, J.Kenway, G. Kress), ) ( radical alterity / C. Schrag, C. Mohanty, D.Branti, I. Epstein,), ) (social cartography / F.Nietzsche, Z.Deleuze, R.Paulston, M. Liebman).

3.7. . , .

20 , ( , , UNESCO), . , . , , , , , , , , , , . , , , , , , , . , , , , , , , , , , , .

90, / , , . - (post-industrial/Bell), - (post-capitalist/Drucker), (information society/Castells), (knowledge society/ European Commission), , , :

. .

. .

. -.

. . . , , , , , , , . , , .

3.7.1. .

, , , ( ) , , , , , .

- , 21 . , , . . (Drucker).

, - , , , . , , , , .

. , I. Kant, : , , .

- (knowledge based economies) , , , (, ). , , , , , . (knowledge based economies and societies) , , , , . , , , , , . ( , , , , ), (, , , , , , , , , .), . , , , , , , , , . , , , , () .

3.7.2. .

(globalization) . . . , , , , , . , (global society), , , , , .

. (, , , , , ). , 18 20 , , , , , . , , .

, , . , , , , , - . , , , , , , .

, , , . , , . , , , , . , , , (, , , , , .), . , (global) (local). , , , (, , , .. , , , .). , (, , ) (, , ) (glocalization) global local. ( , , .) , ( ) ( , , ).

3.7.3. .

, , , , .

/ /


, , , ,

(Risk society, crisis, reflective modernization, globalization, glocalization, postmodernity, europeanization).

(risk society = education for risk, risk education ?)

, ,

, , ,


( ).

, , . . , , . ., , ,

( ).

. . , ,

, , , , , /


, , . . ,

, , .

, , .

, , / , (, , , ) , , ( , , , )

, , Standarnds, , , ;.

, ,

, , ( , , ). , , / , (, , , , , .). .

. . , - (post/neo-fordism) , , , , (WTO/GATS), , . , , , , , .

. . , , -, . , , (.. , , G8). , , , . , .

. . . , , , , , . , , (precarious) .

. . , , - , , (Mac, Hollywood, .). , , , , , . , , , , . , , , .

. , , . , , / . , , , , , , , -.

, , , . , , , , . , , , , , , . (governance at a distance) , ( standarnds, , , , (benchmarks), , .

, , , / . .


4.1. .

4.2. :


4.1. .

. , , , , .

( ) . , , , / . , - , , . , , , , .

, , , . , , , , , .

, 19 20 , : ) ) . /, , .

, , , . , 18 (, ) , , (Curricula) .

, Comenius, Rousseau, Kerchenschneider, Froebel, Herbart, Pestallozzi, Montessori, Piaget, Freinet, O Neil, Cousinet, Dewey, .

, , , (, , ), (, , ) (, , ). B. Holmes M. McLean :

) ( Essentialism), ) (Encyclopaedism), ) (Polytechnicalism) ) (Pragmatism). , 19 . , 20 , .

, , , . quatrivium (, , , ) trivium (, , ) .

16 , . . . 19 . : , , , , , , .

, .

, . H.Spencer ;. , , . J. Dewey, .

4.2. :


. , , .

. , , .

. .

. , .

. .



: Yun-Kyung Cha , The Origins and Expansion of Primary School Curricula (1820-1920, p. 68.

1 . . . () . , , , ( , ) / . , , , , , . 1860-1945 (, , ), (, , , , , ) , . , , ( 27.3 72.7) ( 54.5 90.9).

Yun-Kyung Cha :

) 3R (Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic), ( ) (, ) . , , .

) , . 19 , , , , 20 .



: Benavot,A, et al, Knowledge for the Masses : World Models and National Curricula (1920-86), p.47. 2 3 20 . 2 . 3 . ( , , ), ( - ) ( . ).



: Benavot,A., et al, Knowledge for the Masses : World Models and National Curricula (1920-86), p.51. 20 (1910-20) 50 (1945-60) 80 80 (1986). - - . , , 98.7 100% 1970-86. .




5.2. . , , .5.3. .

5.4. .

5.5. .

5.6. 5.7. .

5.8. .

5.9. 5.10. .


, . 70 . , . , 80 . (/Euridice, Unesco, OECD, Council of Europe) (Husen, Meyer et al, Ramirez) , , , . (, , , , ).

90 . , . : , , (, , , ), , , , , .

. H o .


, . 1960. / , , , .


: Eurydice, Key Data in Education 2012, p.19.

. (.19) 30 (- 27). 25 , 30 - 27 15,5 %, 204,3 1985 172,6 2010.

10-19 (22 %), 0-9 (16 %), 20-29 (8,7 %). -27 20-29 1985 1990, 2010. 10-19 . 1985 2005, 0-9 1,9% .


0-9 10-19 20-29

198561 981 77470 560 14671 747 526

199059 755 14066 069 00173 035 161

199556 945 60362 870 81371 366 222

200053 277 50061 186 12067 608 395

200551 056 06758 902 94965 903 421

201052 038 21055 045 82665 533 037

: Eurydice, Key Data in Education 2012, p.20.

, 30 34,4% 2010, 0,9% 2007 (Eurydice, 2009a). 2010, , 30 , .

(5-14 ) 2000-2010. 5-9 10-14 . 5-9 , 4,3% -27 2015, 7,9% 2000-2010 5,2% 2020. - 27 2020 1 Isced 2000 (-3 %). 10-14 , EUROSTAT 3% 2020, 10% ' , 2000.

5.2. . , , . -27 17,2 2005 2009, . .

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18 19 , . , (ISCED 5A) (ISCED 6).

2000, ECTS ( ). , ( Bachelor), , , ( 180 ECTS). ( Masters) 1 2 ( 60-120 ECTS).

, . (, , , ). 1997 31% 20-29 , 50-59 53 % 65% .

, , . . , . 15-24 25-34 . ( , , .) . 18% 7% . , . 53% 65% . , . , , .

5.3. .

: , , , - , . . , , . , , () (), ( ) , (). , , , , , , , . . : . . . . , , . / : , , . 3 , 6 12 . 2-3 , 5-6 , 3-4 3 . 25 30 . 9-10 15 . 15-16 . 18 . . . , . . , , . , .

5.4. .

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: - 2001, .82.

3/4 . , , , 3/4 . , .

. ( ) . (. 7). (, , ) (, , ) ().


: - , 2001, .87.

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(. .8). ( , , ,) , (, , . , ) (, , , , ) (. . 9). ( , , , ) .


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13 . , , . , , . , (, , , ) 25%.


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(.. ) . 11 . , , . . (, ). .


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