الأسس العلمية والعملية لتقييم الأداء فى شركات التأمين...

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  • )yevruS A(



  • 2



    soitaR laicnaniF ) :

    ( . .

    ) ( ) ( (. )


    . )yevruS A( :

    : : :

    -1 -2 -3 -4

  • 3

    -5 : :

    ( - - ) -1 SIRI -2 CIAN -3 SIRI -4 CIAN -5 CBR I-

    TSAF II- -6

    : :

    -1 -2 " "oitaR yrammuS s'K.U" " -3 -4

    : : -1 )8991 ,bbuhC( - -2

    : : 2891 ( 3) -1 -2

  • 4

    : :1 -1

    . : : :

    . : -1 . -2 . -3

    : : :

    . -1 . -2 . -3 . -4 . -5 . -6

    6891 82 . 1

    .kcolK .D & reffefP .I yB .ecnarusni no sevitcepsreP 6-3 . 4791 noitidE

  • 5

    . -7 . -8

    ) ( % 52 .

    : : .

    2 .

    . :

    - -

    . : -2

    3 :

    : 2 : -

    .91-8 2991 53 : 3

  • 6

    " !!.. .

    : ,



    . - . - -

    . . - . - -

    .. ... .

    / -

    .02-5 499144

  • 7


    " :4 . . * . * *

    . : -3

    : 5 ( 1)

    & tcudnoC erutcurtS tekraM ecnamrofreP



    .5 5991 5

    12 .62-1 5991

  • 8

    . . .

    ( 2)

    . .

    : noitartnecnoC

    erahS tekraM eziS mriF htworG

    noititepmoC ngieroF : :

    . :

    eziS mriF -1 erahS tekraM -2 noititepmoC ngieroF -3


  • 9

    : .


    . :6 -4

    . )994.P 3891 ,yoJ( )267 .P 5791 ,ztnieH dna klaF( . )2991 weiveR ehT(

    . )4891 ,la te nikyaD( (: ) -5

    . )3 p ,6691 .llabmiK(

    . )943-043 p ,7891 .soiratkeN(

    )13 .p ,6891 .timhcS(


    .15 4991 6

  • 01


    : .

    : 7

    .yrtsudnI ecnarusnI eht ni noititepmoC dna noitalugereD .B ,llwoDcM - .9891 ,skooB murouQ :kroY weN fo esaC ehT :noitalugeR fo ymonocE lacitiloP ehT .J .K ,reieM - .8891 ,ynuS :sserpkroY weN fo ytisrevinU etatS .ecnarusnI

  • 11

    : ( : - - ) 8 -1

    . 9

    . .

    . 8091

    : 8 -

    .2891 .7891 - " ( 2991 ) 9

    tessA: " "gnihctaM ytilibaiL tessA "" ycnevloS "tnemeganaM ytilibaiL

    ( ) " " ". "

  • 21

    . .

    : ( ) ( )

    ........ ..... ......

    : =




  • 31

    : 01 SIRI -2 )CIAN(

    srenoissimmoC ecnarusnI fo noitaicossA lanoitaN .metsyS noitamrofnI yrotalugeR ecnarusnI( )SIRI. .

    SIRI 11 SIRI . 21


    : : : :

    . -3. -2. -1

    : 01 .91-8 - .15 4991 - ( ) -

    - 1 7891 43 .34

    yb ytirohtuA yrosivrepuS ecnarusnI naitpygE ehT ot detneserP ydutS A - ecnarusnI & scitamehtaM - ytisrevinU oriaC - ecrammoC fo ytlucaF rebmetpeS ,nodnoL ,)DAG( .peD yrautcA tnemnrevoG ehT dna .tpeD .432-132 .pp ,6991

    ksiR ,.L .J nraehtA dna ,.I .H ,suahgnipreoD ,.T .J timhcS ,.T .S ,ttehctirP11 ,6991 ,ynapmoC gnihsilbuP tseW :kroY weN ,ecnarusnI dna tnemeganaM .166 p .6991 la te & .S ttehctirP

  • 41

    : : : . -6. -5. -4 : : : . -8. -7

    . : :


    : - 1 : -1

    % 009

    : )A( - A1 %.003 % 022

    ( )



    ( ) .

    : -2 ( / - )

    %.33% 33-

  • 51



    . : -3


    = : %52


    : :

    : : : -4

    : - + = :

    / =

    / = =

  • 61

    %.001 : -5


    % )6 %.01 % 4, 5 (

    : : -6 -

    ( + ) =

    1= :

    2 )

    / ) ( + (


    %05 % 01- : :

    : : : : -7

    / .

    . %.501

  • 71

    : : -8 /

    . %.04 .

    : : -9/ =

    = :

    . - :

    . %.52 :

    : : -01 /

    = : - .

    : .

    %.52 : : : -11

    / - = :

    . :

  • 81

    %52 : 59/49 19/09 .21(1) - :CIAN -3

    . 31 SIRI s'CIAN eht dna sgnitaR s'tseB :

    ,)3791 ,sehcniP & nnamhcseirT( ,)7791 ,rodaeM & notnrohT( ,)7691 ,grebneneD( anteA( ,)2891 ,9791 kcE( ,)4791 ,nnamhcseirT & sehcniP( ,41)8791 ,ynapmoC anteA( ,)0991 ,viN-raB( ,)8891 ,esorbmA(,)3891 ,viN-raB( ,)0991 ,eserraB( ,)8791 ,ynapmoC



    . .

    : 21

    ,ytirohtuA yrosivrepuS ecnarusnI naitpygE ehT ot detneserP ydutS A .122-912 .pp ,6991 rebmetpeS , ,TICPO noitciderP eruliaF dna noitalugeR ycnevloS fo sisylanA nA" .I ,gnoehC31 etatS aigroeG ,noitatressiD .D .hP ".yrtsudnI ecnarusnI efiL .S.U ehT ni .701-001 PP ,1991 ,ytisrevinU gninraW ylraE ytilibaiL/ytreporP ,noitaicossA ecnarusnI naciremA41 .7891 ,ynapmoC ytlausaC & efiL anteA yb deraperP ,lasoporP

  • 91

    : (. / ) -1 . -2 . oitaR denibmoC -3 . / -4 . / : -5 . / : 51 -6 . -7 / : -8

    . / : SIRI -4


    :61 etairavinU SIRI . -1 . -2 : -3 .

    . -4

    .233 .p ,3791 ,sehcniP & nnamhcseirT( : ) 51 : 61

    .34 -1 7891

  • 02


    . . .

    : :

    . -1 -2 . -3 . ( ) : -1

    8 . 11

    : -2

    . : -3 .

  • 12


    : -4 % 001 . 06 04 %04 :

    %.001 06

    . : CIAN -5

    CIAN : CIAN .latipaC desab-ksiR CBR() -I

    )TSAF( metsyS gnikcarT sisylanA laicnaniF - II . : CBR71 -I CBR :

    . -1 . -2 . -3

    )3991 ,CIAN( CBR 71

    . )3991 ,suaheiN dna ,notgnirraH ,snimmuC(:

  • 22

    -4 .

    CIAN CBR : (. ) -1 (. ) -2 (. ) -3 (. ) -4

    latoT CBR ))CAT( latipaC detsujdA

    . CBR :)TSAF( metsyS gnikcarT sisylanA laicnaniF - II SIRI s'CIAN

    metsyS gnikcarT sisylanA laicnaniF 0791 11 0991 )TSAF(

    . . .

    TSAF 52) TSAF . SIRI SIRI (( 2)


    TSAF .

    TSAF .

  • 32

    . TSAF CIAN . 81

    : . .

    :TSAF dna CBR CIAN 2991

    latipaC desab-ksiR CBR()


    (. ) 91

    laicnaniF 02 CBR() )TSAF( metsyS gnikcarT sisylanA

    9891 erocs TSAF 19910991

    CBR TSAF . .

    TSAF 81 .)5991( nielK dna ,notgnirraH ,ecarG

    doowelgnE .de ht21 ,ecnarusnI efiL ,.H ,reppikS dna ,.K ,kcalB )21(91 .3001 p ,4991 ,.cnI ,llaH ecitnerP :sffiilC desaB-ksiR ,.W treboR ,nielK dna ,.E ttocS ,notgnirraH ,nitraM ,ecarG02 lanoitaN ,stseT lacirepmE dna sesehtopyH :gnineercS ycnevloS dna latipaC .63-1 .pp ,8991 ,srenoissimmoC ecnarusnI fo noitaiossA

  • 42

    4991 CBR 5991


    CBR . . CBR SIRI 0991 TSAF .12 ezitiroirp dna neercs

    . CBR CBR

    CBR .22 CIAN CBR

    tfarD CBR ( )

    latipac lautca CBR . CBR


    . CIAN )3991( nielK12 22

    : ,tnanneT-mmaL dna ,)2991( dlanoDcM dna viNraB ,)2991( grobnelliW .)3991( sekotS dna ,skratS

    : .)4891( yluaP dna regnisniF dna )2891( doowllamS dna hcnuM

  • 52

    TSAF (( 2) ) .

    serocs TSAF

    . : -6



    . ynapmoC tseB .M .A -1 . s'ydooM -2 . s'rooP & dradnatS -3

    : :ynapmoC tseB .M .A -1

    51 F C +A ++A tseB .M .A +A


    : 32

    .3991 ,rebotcO/rebmetpeS ,muroF ecnarusnI ehT - .701-001 pp ,1991 ,TICPO , .I ,gnoehC - ,sgnitaR laicnaniF ediwnoitaN :ynapmoC ecnarusnI efiL ediwnoitaN - .lmth.sgnitar/ynapmoc/ecnarusni /moc.ediwnoitan.www//:ptth enil nO .8991

  • 62

    tseB .M .A

    : roirepuS tnellecxE

    dooG yreV dooG

    dooG ylriaF riaF

    +A -A & A

    +B B& -B

    +C -C & +C

    .A :.J.N ,kciwdlO( sgnitaR s'tseB fo noitanalpxE ,ynapmoC tseB .M .A :ecruoS .3-2 P ,)1991 ,ynapmoC tseB .M

    s'ydooM: -2 s'ydooM

    52 .

    C. ++A :s'rooP & dradnatS: -3

    s'rooP & dradnatS 004 . ytiliba gniyap-smialC

    . 42 22 . 52 0002 D. AAA


    sgnitaR ytilibA gniyaP-smialC rerusnI s'rooP & dradnatS :weivrevO42 .31-4 p ,)8891 ,noitaroproC s'rooP & dradnatS :kroY weN( .41A ,1991 ,9 lirpA :lanruoJ teertS llaW ehT52

  • 72

    . .

    tseB .M .A



    : : SIRI

    : -1 ( )

    = ( 51 2991 ) %.05 . /

    . .

    / 62

    " , " . 61 8991 81

  • 82

    : CIAN



    % 05 . 72 :

    :82 -2 : 8

    : oitaR ksir ecnarusnI -1 .

    . : -2 . : -3 . : oitaR sgninraE -4 : oitaR feileR sulpruS -5 . . : -6


    311 5991 - .711

    ycnevloS gninraW ylraE CART efiL ,dtL secivreS ecnarusnI CART 82 ./moc.cart.www//:ptth .enil nO .8991 ,)sgnitaR( serocS dna stseT

  • 92

    : -7 .

    : -8 .

    SIRI .

    :92""oitaR yrammuS s'K.U" " -3

    : =

    + + + +

    : / =

    % 001 . tnevlos


    ,ytirohtuA yrosivrepuS ecnarusnI naitpygE ehT ot detneserP ydutS A92 .432-132 .pp ,6991 rebmetpeS ,TICPO

  • 03

    ( . 03

    ) : . ( .

    : ( ) -4

    :13 ( ) / + = / -* = :

    * .

    ( ) .

    . .

    . 4991 : 03 : 13

    .351-051 7991 -

  • 13

    . .

  • 23


    :23 -1 sdnuF ytnarauG

    ( )


    (:bbuhC ) -2 )8991 ,bbuhC(33 : .M .A ) -1

    (. ynapmoC tseB (. ) -2 -3

    . . -4 . -5

    ksiR ",ycnevlosnI rerusnI ot ediuG s'reganaM ksiR A" ,.C .G ,mhorK23 .62-22 .pp ,2991 rebmeceD ,tnemeganaM na gnitaulave nehw rof kool uoy dluohs tahW :eruhcorB s'bbuhC33 ecnarusni/moc.ecnarusni.www//:ptth .enil nO .)8991 ,?ynapmoc ecnarusni .yrarabil

  • 33

    : :2891 ( 3) -1

    2891 ( 3) 1891 ( 01) ( 93) % 01

    . 8991 651

    43 ......

    - -

    . : -2

    - - (1)

    . / 43

  • 43

    53 .

    % 009 % 004 ( ) %. 009 % 004 :

    / . % 001

    . .


    ( 2) SIRI



    ,ytirohtuA yrosivrepuS ecnarusnI naitpygE ehT ot detneserP ydutS A53 .132-622p ,6991 rebmetpeS ,TICPO

  • 53


    6991/5991 63( 6991/5991 5991/4991 )

    % ( 1) )A1( )


    75 76 96 36 49 701 55 65 55

    % ( 2) ( SIRI ( 1) )

    231 06 981 381 372 433 101 241 311

    2, 4- 41, 3 ,2 53, 8- 53, 9- 12, 4 1, 4 2, 3- 12 % ( 3) 2, 4 ,2 2, 1 2, 3 3, 1 2, 7 1, 8 3 2, 3 % ( 4) 57 82 04 14 55 45 06 55 901 % ( 5) ) ( 6)

    % ( 9 61 11 8 11 31 21 11 5

    ( 7) %

    21 01 8 11 01 21 11 21 11

    % ( 8) (7) -( 6( + )5= )

    27 43 34 83 65 55 16 45 301

    34 73 63 43 43 23 55 93 94 % ( 9) ( 01)

    % 9 91 11 9 31 31 21 21 5

    ( 11) %

    93 54 33 84 94 04 54 43 83

    ( 21) %

    84 46 44 75 26 35 75 64 34


    4991/3991 .6991/5991 5991/4991

  • 63

    : stluseR laciripmE : ( 2)

    )A1( (: 1) )A1( % 003 :

    ((9) ) CIAN CIAN ( 1) (( 9) ) .

    - )A1( ( 1) )A1(. ( 1)

    ( ) :

    (: : ) CIAN % 003 %009

    . .

    (: : ) .

    CIAN ( ) % 022 % )701

  • 73

    ( .

    . .

    ((: 3)) ( 2) %33+ % 33-

    %( 53-)


    ((: 4)) %4, 5 % 6


    ((: 5)) SIRI

    ((8) ) ( )

    ( 2) %(901) % 08 % 07 %06% 82

  • 83

    : 7349 68 % 003 % 002

    . .

    ( 6) ) %.91 % 5 ((:01)

    ((: 7) ) %.21% 8

    ((: 8) ) %. 001

    83 ( ) . .

    . ( 11) (:21) ( 11)

    %94 % 83 %.46% 34 ( 21)



    - .404 763 6991 (.1) 83

  • 93

    -1 .



    . .

    -3 :

    . -4 . -5 .

    . .

  • 04

    ( ) ( 8)

    21 SIRI s'CIAN . 11

    . : SIRI s'CIAN

    . )CBR( latipaC desaB-ksiR - I CBR

    CBR .

    )TSAF( metsyS gnikcarT sisylanA laicnaniF: - II SIRI ...

    ) 52 (.

    ( SIRI ) .

    laicnaniF -6 CBR )TSAF( metsyS gnikcarT sisylanA

    1909 98 erocs TSAF

    . CBR

  • 14

    TSAF .

    -7 ( ) .


    tseB A- - ynapmoC

    . -8

    . .

    -9 .


    . -11 . -21

  • 24


    " -31 "


  • 34

    : : -1

    5991 - .711 311

    _________________ -2 -

    .804-753 6991 3 6891 82 -3

    . 4791 noitidE .kcolK .D & reffefP .I yB .ecnarusni no sevitcepsreP 6 .7891 -4 -5

    .6991/5991 5991/4991 4991/3991 " -6

    81 " .61 8991

    : -7 .91-8 53

    -8 .2891

    ) - -9 7891 43 ( .34 -1

    : -01 .351-051 7991 -


    .6- 1 5991 12

  • 44

    12- 6 1994 39-92.

    13- ____________________ 1995.

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    3- Ambrose, Jan M., and Seward, J. Allen. "Bests Ratings, Financial Ratios and Prior Probabilities in Insolvency Protection," The Journal of Risk and Insurance, no. 55, June 1988, pp. 229-244.

    4- American Insurance Association, Property/Liability Early Warning Proposal, Prepared by Aetna Life & Casualty Company, 1978.

    5- Bar-Niv, Ran, "Insolvency Prediction for Property-Liability Insurers: New Statistical Measures and the Effects of Alternative Accounting Practices. "Ph. D. Dissertation, Ohio State University, 1983.

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    7- ____________, and Hershbarger, Robert A. "Classifying Financial Distress in the Life Insurance Industry," The Journal of Risk and Insurance, no. 57, March 1990, pp. 110-136.

    8- ____________, and Smith, Michael L. Detecting Financial Distress in P/C," Risk Management, February, 1987, pp. 38-45.

    9- ____________, and McDonald, J. "Identifying Financial Distress in the Insurance Industry: A Synthesis of Methodological and Empirical Issues," The Journal of Risk and Insurance, 1992.

    10- Barrese, James. "Assessing the Financial Condition of Insurers," CPCU Journal, no. 43, March 1990, pp. 37-46.

    11- Black, K., and Skipper, H., Life Insurance, 12th ed. Englewood Cliiffs: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1994, pp 975-1018.

    12- Cheong, I. "An Analysis Of Solvency Regulation and Failure Prediction In The U.S. Life Insurance Industry." Ph. D. Dissertation, Georgia State University, 1991, PP 100-107.

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    14- Cummins, J. D., Harrington, S., and Niehaus, J. "An Economic Analysis of Risk-Based Capital Requirements in the Property-Liability Insurance Industry, Journal of Insurance Regulation, 1993.

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    17- Eck, James R. "A Critical Analysis of State Regulation of Insurance." Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana -Champaing, 1979.

    18- _____________. "Detecting Financially Troubled Property-Liability Insurers," Journal of Business Research, no. 10, 1982, pp. 445-458.

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    25- Krohm, G. C., "A Risk Manager's Guide to Insurer Insolvency," Risk Management, December 1992, pp. 22-26.

    26- Lamm-Tennant, Starks, J. L., and Stokes, L. "A Cost-Effective Approach for Regulating Insurance Company Solvency". Presented at New York University Salamon Center Conference on the Dynamics of the Insurance Industry, (1993).

    27- McDowll, B. Deregulation and Competition in the Insurance Industry. New York: Quorum Books, 1989.

    28- Meier, K. J. The Political Economy of Regulation: The Case of Insurance. State University of New York press: Suny, 1988.

    29- Munch, P., and Smallwood, D. Theory of Solvency Regulation in the Property and Casualty Insurance Industry. In G. Fromm, ed. Studies in Public Regulation. Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, 1982.

    30- National Association of Insurance Commissioners. NAIC Property-liability Risk-Based Capital Formula Exposure Draft, 1993.

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    31- Nektarios, M ., "The Role of the State in the Insurance Market," Journal of Insurance Regulation, 54, March 1987, p 340-349.

    32- Pinches, George E., Trieschmann, James S. "The Efficiency of Alternative Models for Solvency Surveillance in the Insurance Industry," The Journal of Risk and Insurance, no. 41, December 1974, pp. 563-578.

    33- Pritchett, S. T., Schmit J. T., Doerpinghaus, H. I., and Athearn J. L., Risk Management and Insurance, New York: West Publishing Company, 1996, PP. 638-658.

    34- Schmit, J. T., "The Hidden Regulators and the NAIC: Innovators in Improving Consumer Protection," Journal of Insurance Regulation, 6, March 1986, p 31.

    35- The Insurance Forum, September/October, 1993. 36- Thornton, John H., and Meador, Joseph W. "Comments on the validity of the

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    38- Trieschmann, James S., and Pinches, George E. "A Multivariate Model for Predicting Financially Distressed P-L Insurers," The Journal of Risk and Insurance, no. 40, September 1973, pp. 327-33.

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  • 74

  • 84


    - 59/49 19/09

  • 94



    )I( TSAF

    . SIRI ni I nA( .woleb detsil era metsys gnirocs TSAF eht ni dedulcni selbairav ehT sesehtnerap tniop dna segnar elbatpecca ehT ). ni dedulcni si osla elbairav eht taht setacidni rof seulav .elbaliava ylcilbup ton era TSAF )I( sulprus ot nettirw smuimerp teN -1

    )I( nettirw smuimerp ten ni htworG -2

    )I( sulprus ot dia sulpruS -3

    )I( dleiy tnemtsevnI -4

    )I( sulprus ni htworG -5

    )I( sulprus ot tnempoleved evreser raey-owT -6

    oitar denibmoc ni egnahC -7

    nettirw smuimerp ssorg ot sesnepxe ssorG -8

    sesnepxe ssorg ni htworG -9

    sulprus ot sessol diap no elbarevocer ecnarusnieR -01

    sulprus ot sessol diapnu no elbarevocer ecnarusnieR -11

  • 50

    12- Premiums in long-tailed lines to total premiums

    13- Affiliate investments to surplus

    14- Affiliate receivables to surplus

    15- Miscellaneous recoverables to surplus

    16- Non-investment grade bonds to surplus

    17- Other invested assets to surplus

    18- Growth in liquid assets

    19- Growth in agents' balances

    20- Managing producer exposure 1 )1 (

    21- Managing producer exposure 2 )1 (

    22- Cash outflow test

    23- Gross premiums written to surplus

    24- Reserves to surplus

    25- Growth in gross premiums written

  • 15

    (3) SIRI

    : 11 % 009 -1 % 022 - A1


    - ): -2% 33- ( /

    %.33 : -3


    : -4 - + =

    %.001 / : -5

    ( % )6 %.01 % 4, 5

    : : -6 -

    %05 % 01-

    / : -7 %.501

  • 25

    / : -8 %.04

    = : -9 %.52 : /

    / : -01 .%52 :

    : -11 %52 : /