志工不是社會過動兒 ( 英文版 )

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志工不是社會過動兒 ( 英文版 ). 吳英明 高雄市立空中大學校長. 吳英明簡歷 美國喬治亞大學公共行政博士. 高雄市立空中大學校長 高雄市政府國際事務委員會委員 高雄縣政府縣政顧問 高雄市前金基督教長老教會長老 台灣透明組織( Transparence Taiwan )顧問 高雄市美館社區協力關懷協會理事長 高雄市原生植物園創價協會理事. 好動、過動、亂動、反動. 志工應避免陷入過動 ( Hyperactivity Disorder ) 的失制與矛盾: 不專注 過動 衝動. 一、何謂志工 What is Volunteer ?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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吳英明 高雄市立空中大學校長

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吳英明簡歷美國喬治亞大學公共行政博士高雄市立空中大學校長高雄市政府國際事務委員會委員高雄縣政府縣政顧問高雄市前金基督教長老教會長老 台灣透明組織( Transparence Taiwan )顧問高雄市美館社區協力關懷協會理事長高雄市原生植物園創價協會理事

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( Hyperactivity Disorder )的失制與矛盾:不專注


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一、何謂志工What is Volunteer ?

在民主社會中,志工是一個很奇特但不奇怪的 服務者,這個人展現了「志」( will 、 willingness )、「工」( service 、 labor 、 work )、「公」( public & civic responsibility )的特殊屬性。

In a democratic society , the volunteer is the most unique but not strange service pr

ovider; he/she demonstrates the very special attributes of will and willingness

to undertake labor, work and service all for the public interest 。

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志工以甘美、甘願、善良的自由意志,為共同的好、公共利益、和公共財富而提供自發性的勞動、工作 、服務。志工到底是好人還是好公民?您應該知道。 Volunteers provide all kinds of service, labor,

work with the most willing of spirits, for the benefit of the public interest, common good, and public wealth 。 Is the volunteer a good person or good citizen ? You should know.

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一、何謂志工What is Volunteer ?

擔任志工及從事志願服務到底是一種善行、慈善事業、積功德、消業障,還是公民精神及公民服務的友善表現 ? Does volunteering or participating in

voluntary service mean doing good deeds and accumulating good merits to improve personal karma, or is it a friendly demonstration of a social conscience and civil service of a responsible citizen?

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一、何謂志工What is Volunteer ?

志工是社會所典藏最優雅、無私、專業、和自然的一種力量。志工精神不在於標榜做善事,而是以社會一份子理當奉獻的認知,不求回報發揮專業服務。其目的在於持續帶動改造社會的動力,而非慈善性的助人而已。 吳英明教授:『市民社會與地球村』

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一、何謂志工What is Volunteer ?

Volunteerism is a society’s most graceful, altruistic, specialized, and natural strength. The spirit of volunteering does not boast of good deeds, but rather offers specialized services out of a sacrificial spirit, expecting nothing in return. Its ultimate purpose is to carry on the momentum of transforming society, not only the offering of free handouts.

“Civil Society and the Global Village” - Professor Eing-Ming Wu

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二、 志工的精神The Spirit of Volunteering

和好:所到之處帶來和好及醫治的效果。 Reconciliation: Bringing about peace and healing.仁慈:願意為他人的利益和福祉而犧牲和成全。 Benevolence: Willing to sacrifice for the sake

of others’ interests and benefit.

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二、 志工的精神The Spirit of Volunteering

熱誠:被更高階的愛和利益感動而展現的熱情。 Enthusiasm: Showing passion inspired by a

higher level of love and interest.鍥而不捨:願以創意及鍥而不捨的精神達成目標。 Entrepreneurship: Reaching goals with creati

vity, endurance and perseverance.

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三、 志工的基本認知The Fundamental Understandings of Volun


1. 是( Being )志工,而不只是做( Doing or Becoming )志工

The focus is on being a volunteer, not on doing or becoming a volunteer.

2. 是民主公民素養的行動,而不是做、積公德的善行 It is an action of a democratic citizen. It is not demonstrating or accumulating pe

rsonal good deeds.

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三、 志工的基本認知The Fundamental Understandings of Volun


3. 是專業素養的服務,而不是隨興的做善事 It is more than a specialized and profession

al service. It is not good deeds performed on impulse. 4. 是增進公共利益,而不是累積個人聲望 It is to enhance public welfare and interest. It is not to gain personal fame.

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三、 志工的基本認知The Fundamental Understandings of Volun


5. 是強化社會的團結及和好,而不是分化團結的社會 It is to strengthen solidarity and reconciliatio

n within a society. It is not to divide a united society. 6. 榮耀歸給社會,功勞歸給社會,快樂歸給自己 It is to give honor and credit to society, and h

appiness to individuals.

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三、 志工的基本認知The Fundamental Understandings of Volun


7. 在志工服務中,經常讚美和欣賞別人的優越性,也珍惜和表現自己的獨特性。 Through volunteering, one should lear

n to frequently praise and admire others’ strengths or superiority, while cherishing and expressing his /her own uniqueness.

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四、志工倫理守則The Ethics of Volunteering:

我願誠心奉獻,持之以恆,不無疾而終。 I am willing to offer myself with sincerity,

consistency and perseverance.我願付出所餘,助人不足,不貪求名利。 I am willing to offer what I have to help o

thers, not to pursue personal fame or profit.

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四、志工倫理守則The Ethics of Volunteering:

我願專心服務,實事求是,不享受特權。 I am willing to serve whole-heartedly, to

strive for thoroughness, not to enjoy special privileges.我願客觀超然,堅守立場,不感情用事。 I am willing to remain objective, to be fir

m with my beliefs, not to make decisions based only on personal feeling.

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四、志工倫理守則The Ethics of Volunteering:

我願耐心建言,尊重意見,不越俎代庖。 I am willing to patiently offer advice, to re

spect others’ opinions, not to meddle in other people’s affairs.

我願學習成長,汲取新知,不故步自封。 I am willing to grow, to gain new knowled

ge, and not to confine myself to old patterns.

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四、志工倫理守則The Ethics of Volunteering:

我願忠心職守,認真負責,不敷衍應付。 I am willing to be loyal to my job, to be res

ponsible, and conscientious. 我願配合志願服務單位,遵守規則,不喧賓奪主。 I am willing to cooperate with my work unit,

to obey the rules, and to respect people in authority.

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四、志工倫理守則The Ethics of Volunteering:

我願熱心待人,調和關係,不惹事生非。 I am willing to treat people with compassion, t

o create harmony between groups of people, and not to cause division.

我願肯定自我,實現理想,不好高騖遠。 I am willing to affirm myself, to realize my goals,

not to aim for what is beyond my reach.

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四、志工倫理守則The Ethics of Volunteering:

我願尊重他人,維護隱私,不輕諾失信。 I am willing to respect others, to protect t

he privacy, not to violate the mutual trust. 我願珍惜資源,拒謀私利,不牽涉政治、宗教、商業行為。 I am willing to treasure resources, to refus

e to amass personal fortune, and not to be caught up in political, religious, and commercial activities.

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五、志願服務工作的名言: Proverbs of Volunteering

志工工作的一般定義 a. 非強迫性 b. 不求立即性,或大筆的金錢回報 c. 目的在幫助別人 d. 是工作而非玩樂 伊凡 .席勒( Ivan Schei

er )

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五、志願服務工作的名言: Proverbs of Volunteering

The common definition of voluntary service :

a. Not compulsory b. Not seeking instant or large amount of money as reward. c. The goal is to help others. d. It is to serve and work, not to have personal fun.

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五、志願服務工作的名言: Proverbs of Volunteering

當任志工,便是願意從事與自己利益無關,而且沒有義務從事的工作。 Being a volunteer is to do the work th

at is neither relevant to one’s own profit, nor is it that is compulsory.

墨克對希爾斯公司案 Mork vs Hills

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五、志願服務工作的名言: Proverbs of Volunteering

志願工作是個人認識到社會的某種需要,而願意以負起社會責任的精神,不計較金錢報酬,超出自己的基本義務,而提供額外服務。 Voluntary service comes when one realizes the n

eeds of society, is willing to take social responsibility, going beyond one’s basic obligation to provide extra service regardless of monetary reward.

蘇珊 .艾力斯與凱薩琳 .諾亞斯 Susan Elice and Katherine Noas

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五、志願服務工作的名言: Proverbs of Volunteering


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五、志願服務工作的名言: Proverbs of Volunteering

A volunteer is a citizen who, out of his or her free will, goes beyond moral or legal obligation, to arrange one’s own work and private time with the intention of seeking the public interest. This person contributes his or her own time resource and energy to the group after fulfilling one’s own civil and private obligations. This person gives enthusiastically responses to the new needs of society and takes care of the less-fortunate. 義大利 Nuovo Dizionario di Sociologia, Italy