新聞英文之構成原理與閱讀策略 廖柏森 國立台北大學應用外語學系

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新聞英文之構成原理與閱讀策略 廖柏森 國立台北大學應用外語學系. 新聞工作者 :. 採訪記者:交稿壓力大、親臨新聞現場、見證歷史、 學習空間大、設定社會議題、領導輿論。 但工時超長、部份採訪環境複雜、生涯發展有瓶頸。 編輯:工時固定、易學難成、下標立見功力、具美化版面能力、二手資訊學習。 編譯:交稿壓力相對較小、文有所本、工時短、全盤掌握國際時勢、語文能力俱增、可發展長期職業生涯、工作環境單純,失之於刻板。. 報紙新聞編譯. 適合傳播較艱深的觀念、嚴謹的材料、長篇的分析與解釋性新聞 1. 篇幅有限,文字要求精簡的書面體 2. 綜合大量文字稿,濃縮精華 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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新聞工作者 :

採訪記者:交稿壓力大、親臨新聞現場、見證歷史、 學習空間大、設定社會議題、領導輿論。 但工時超長、部份採訪環境複雜、生涯發展有瓶頸。



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報紙新聞編譯 適合傳播較艱深的觀念、嚴謹的材料、長篇的

分析與解釋性新聞1. 篇幅有限,文字要求精簡的書面體2. 綜合大量文字稿,濃縮精華3. 譯稿來源豐富,選稿頗為主觀,但有時消息

來源說法不一時,賴譯者依專業知識判斷4. 譯稿專業度較高,有時需就教專業人士。 5. 缺點 : 發行時間固定,無法在時效上與電視


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電視新聞編譯 利用影片將新聞視覺化,偏重感官作用,同時


1. 畫面是靈魂,文稿字數相對較少,一則文稿就是一則新聞,也可合併數則作綜合報導。

2. 文字稿需配合鏡頭,辨認畫面中的新聞人物,譯者自行過音,速度比平時講話快,語氣呈現權威感,資料畫面需保存妥當,可再利用文字稿創造電視新聞。

3. 主播稿簡潔帶出主旨, 50 至 80 字左右,有時以大嘴巴帶過。

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電視新聞編譯 4. 新聞長度控制需得宜,以 30 秒到 1 分 20 秒為

限, 50 秒最恰當,視新聞重要性而定。5. 上字幕旁白時需注意中英文字序差異,受訪

者後說的話可能要先上,區分意義段落。 Germany’s unemployment rate fell to 11.7%

last month from 12.2% in February as the job market picked up at the end of winter.

( 德國由於去年底就業市場好轉,今年失業率由二月份的 12.2% ,下降到本月的 11.7%)

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電視新聞編譯 6.筆譯與聽譯均需勝任,英文新聞播報速度比一般口語快,即使是 native speaker亦無法勝任聽譯。聽譯需反覆求證,數字、金額、點數,多人談話時取最關乎主題的發言來譯。

7. 搶第一時間,事前規畫人力分組,接力搶譯,甚至參考其它電視台現場報導。

8. 缺點 : 不易提供新聞背景和解釋,資訊轉瞬即逝,聽過想再求證已不及。

外電來源 : WTN 、 BLOOMBERG 、 AP 、 Reuters 、 NHK、中央社、 AFP 、 UPI 、 Dow Jones 、 magazines 、 newspapers

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新聞的內容 直述性新聞 : 是對事件或觀念力求客觀和時


特寫 :通常是配合直述性新聞來撰寫,以提供事件的背景資料,作出分析或解釋。

評論 : 是由主筆或撰述委員撰寫的評論性文章,例如社論、專論、短評。

專欄 : 的內容甚為廣泛,題材可針對某個社會現象、某一知識專題、或某種趣味嗜好來加以討論,筆觸表達比較生動活潑。

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新聞英文用詞的特色 新詞 : 為了要報導社會快速的脈動,往往

需要使用各個領域最新出現的詞彙。而在既有詞彙不敷使用時,甚至要創造新的詞彙 以 表 達 最 新 的 事 件 或 思 潮 , 如Monicagate 。

1. 衍生 字 : shopaholic 、 foodaholic 、 chocoholic 、 sleephoic

2. 複合字 : market-boosting measures 、 state-of-the-art facility 、 tech-savvy users

3. 頭字詞 : IPR 、 BOT 、 HBO 4. 縮寫詞 : Haz-mat 、 gov’t 、 int’l

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新聞英文用詞的特色 套語 : 能提高記者的寫作和讀者閱讀的效率,

不過新聞的品質往往就難以兼顧。 「…且讓我們拭目以待」、「…只能留待時間

來證明了」、「這恐怕是…所始料未及的」 、 「…可見衝擊力道有多嚴重」等陳腔濫調

1. reach consensus on several key issues 2. decline to comment on the speculation 3. refuse to comment on the report 4. speaking on condition of anonymity 5. quoted unidentified sources as saying 6. according to reliable sources

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新聞英文用詞的特色 比喻的修辭 : 使用具體的字眼來取代原本


The Teflon Diplomat 換喻 : 借用某一事物的名稱代替另一事物 1. Foggy Bottom: State Department

2. Capitol Hill : Congress

3. Langley : CIA

4. Downing Street: the official residence of the British Prime Minister

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新聞英文用詞的特色 典故詞 : 源自於聖經、神話故事、文學


1.Many Good Samaritan boats on scene are taking off passengers .

2. And today, with 14 million Muslims, Europe remains our Achilles’ heel.

3. crying wolf ; The die is cast .

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新聞英文用詞的特色 習語 : 包括俚語、俗語、諺語和成語,通常生動傳神,表現力比一般詞語強,可以增加讀者閱讀新聞的趣味。

1. The core of the diplomatic option would be a policy of carrots and sticks to convince Iran to give up its nuclear ambitions.

2. President Chen Shui-bian is no lame duck as he has just easily reshuffled the cabinet for the fifth time in five years.

3. back to square one ; the last straw

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新聞英文用詞的特色 專業領域詞語 : 更貼近讀者各方面的生活經驗,產生新奇感,更生動活現。

1. Marina Bay is just one part of a government-orchestrated effort to change the face of Singapore. This is no Botox job.

2. Undergrads at Ohio State University have been so gung ho about an international-studies course called Terror and Terrorism.

3. throw in the towel ; debut

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新聞英文用詞的特色 外文詞語 : 表達上較為精確貼切,增加新

聞的異國情調和新鮮感,吸引注意力。 1. He added "Australia needs not to kowtow to


2. US investment guru Warren Buffett's personal fortune climbed to US$52 billion.

3. Today marks two years since the 2004 tsunami unleashed untold suffering and devastation upon coastal communities.

4. de facto ; guanxi ; paparazzi

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新聞英文用詞的特色政治正確的用語 : 對社會中不同社群或團

體在言語上加以尊重,但難直譯成中文 。 1.Janet Rice walked into a classroom filled with

preschool students who are mentally or physically challenged.

2. housewife: homemaker

3. chairman: chair/ chair person

4. wrong: differently logical

5. ugly :aesthetically challenged

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新聞英文句法的特色新聞英文句法的特色 擴展的簡單句 : 採用擴展的簡單句,可使


1. 同位語 : David Miller, spokesman for the America Institute in Taiwan, refused comment on first lady Wu Shu-chen’s indictment on corruption charges yesterday.

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新聞英文句法的特色新聞英文句法的特色 2. 介系詞片語 : Human error has been blamed for a

slight derailment of Taiwan High-Speed Rail train in Kaohsiung, with a transport official saying it was a “good thing” for the accident

to occur during testing.

3. 現在分詞片語 : Many feared factories would close, leading to mass layoffs and grinding industry to a halt.

4. 過去分詞片語 : The strong odor, described by many people as similar to natural gas, resulted in the evacuation of some buildings and affected some subway and train lines.

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新聞英文句法的特色新聞英文句法的特色 簡化的副詞子句 : 為了精簡句型和濃縮資訊

,只要從屬子句和主要子句的主詞相同時,有些意義重複或沒有實質意義的元素,例如從屬子句的主詞和 be 動詞可以省略。

1. 現在分詞 : Using land it had been reclaiming since the 1970s, the government several years ago began auctioning Sentosa plots to the private sector.

2. 過去分詞 : Backed by an international marketing campaign, Sentosa Cove homes are nearly sold out.

When the government is using land it had been reclaiming since the 1970s, it several years ago began auctioning Sentosa plots to the private sector.

Because Sentosa Cove homes are backed by an international marketing campaign, they are nearly sold out.

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新聞英文句法的特色新聞英文句法的特色 直接和間接引述 : 為了強調報導的客觀性和正


1. 直接引述 : “After Prime Minister [Shinzo] Abe took office in Japan, our relationship has improved,” Zhang was quoted as saying.

2. 間接引述 : In a pitch to lawmakers and the American people, Bush said the United States will keep the onus on the Iraqi government to take charge of security and reach a political reconciliation.

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新聞英文句法的特色新聞英文句法的特色 主動語態 :主動語態的句型主詞是動作的


Asian markets ended mixed Monday as property stocks pushed Hong Kong shares to a new record for a fourth straight session. Japanese stocks were mixed, but Australian, Indonesian and Indian shares also climbed to a record close while Chinese stocks rose to their highest in five years.

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新聞英文篇章的架構新聞英文篇章的架構 直述性新聞報導的篇章架構是由三個部

份所組成,首先是 (1) 新聞的標題(headline) ,接下來是新聞的文章,又可分為 (2)第一段的導言 (lead) 和 (3)第二段以後的本體 (body) 。

多數新聞報導的架構呈倒三角形,上寬下窄,在新聞寫作上稱作「倒金字塔」(inverted pyramid) 這個形狀所代表的意義是將新聞事件中最重要的訊息寫在最前面的導言,之後在本體中依訊息的重要性依序寫出,愈瑣碎的細節則置放在本體的愈後面。

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標題 標題 (headline)(headline) 標題的時態使用 :1. 使用現在式可表示過去發生過的事件 Executive Yuan denies reports about Su

resignation2. 使用現在分詞可表示正在進行或即將發生

的事件 TAIEX bracing for a possible crash3. 使用不定詞可表示未來將要發生的事件 KMT to initiate president's recall again4. 使用過去分詞可表示被動語態 Shaken Saddam sentenced to hang

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標題 標題 (headline)(headline) 標題的標點使用標題的標點使用1. 逗號通常表示 and South Korea, Japan pledge to aid U.S. on

nuclear issue 2. 分號用來分開代表兩個事件的獨立子句 North Korea calls nuclear sanctions war; 2nd

test possible3. 冒號是引介消息來源所表示的意見 Hospital: Sharon out of intensive care 冒號也常用來分隔兩個有密切關係的項目作

為標題與副標題 Master of Time: Wong Kar-wai in America

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標題 標題 (headline)(headline) 標題的詞彙使用 1. 使用短字 : Japan, Indonesia OK bilateral free trade pact2. 使用頭字詞和縮寫詞 : Q4 private consumer spending to rise 2.21%3. 使用俗語和習語 : When silence isn’t golden 4. 使用押韻 : Green and mean A mad Macs movie

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標題 標題 (headline)(headline) 為了縮短標題長度和突顯標題中重要的內

容字 (content words) ,從語法的角度而言,英文新聞的標題也常會省略不重要的內容字或不具實質意義的冠詞、 be 動詞、連接詞、代名詞等。

1. 33 killed as old bridge collapses onto Indian train

2. Onions, garlic linked to lower cancer risks

Thirty-three people were killed as an old bridge collapsed onto an Indian train.

Onions and garlic were linked to lower cancer risks.

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導言 導言 (lead)(lead) 硬性新聞導言 : 在新聞的第一段中盡可能提供該

事件、地點、時間、人物、原因、及如何發生等資訊,也就是要寫出所謂的 5W1H 要素,讓讀者看完後決定是否有興趣或需要讀全文 。

Asia-Pacific leaders (who) vowed on Sunday (when) to free up trade and combat terrorism while condemning North Korea’s Oct. 9 nuclear test (what), as security issues again overshadowed the group’s annual meetings (why).  

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導言 導言 (lead)(lead) 偏重 where 的導言 The New York Stock Exchange has announced

plans to cut back its floor trading space in a further move toward electronic trading as it tries to cut costs and keep up with global competition.

偏重 when 的導言 From Dec.1, a government funded flu

vaccination program will be expanded to cover citizens aged 50 or over, officials from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) said yesterday.

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導言 導言 (lead)(lead) 偏重 why 的導言 The United States’ aging, overweight

population is fueling demand for personal trainers skilled at prodding the out-of-shape of all ages to get fit.

偏重 how 的導言 Only through dialogue can stereotypes such as

Westerners regarding Islam as “a breeding ground for terrorists” and Muslims seeing the West as “deficient in morals” be removed, an Indonesian minister said on Wednesday.

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導言 導言 (lead)(lead)

軟性導言 : 不像硬性導言一開頭就要提供5W1H 的要素,而是用一些生動活潑的方式吸引讀者注意,誘使他們繼續往下閱讀,這種導言通常超過一段以上,但也要儘快點出全文的主旨或核心 (nut graph) 。

1. 描述性導言 (descriptive lead)

2. 軼事導言 (anecdotal lead)

3. 問題導言 (question lead)

4. 挑逗導言 (teaser lead)

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本體 本體 (body)(body)



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新聞英文的閱讀策略 每週閱讀幾篇你感興趣的新聞英文報導 (Reading several English news articles per

week in areas in which you are interested in)


目前眾多第二語言習得的實證研究結果也都指出,在通過長期大量廣泛閱讀(extensive reading) 後可自然而然累積培養英文字彙、閱讀、乃至於寫作的能力,效果相當驚人。

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閱讀相關中文新聞有助理解英文新聞內容 (Preparing yourself for the content by looking at

related articles in Chinese) After arduous talks(艱苦談判 ), North Korea agreed(北韓同意 ) yesterday to shut down(關閉 ) its main nuclear reactor(核子反應爐 ) and eventually dismantle its atomic weapons program( 最終廢棄核武計畫 ), just four months after Pyongyang shocked the world by testing a nuclear bomb.

The deal marks the first concrete plan(達成突破性協議 ) for disarmament(廢棄核武 ) in more than three years(三年多 ) of six-nation negotiations(六方會談 ). The plan(計畫 ) also could potentially herald a new era of cooperation in the region with the North's longtime foes -- the US and Japan -- also agreeing to discuss normalizing relations with Pyongyang.

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Under the deal(協議 ), the North(北韓 ) would receive initial aid(援助 ) equal to 45,000 tonnes of heavy fuel oil(重燃油 ) for shutting down and sealing(關閉 ) its main nuclear reactor(核子反應爐 ) and related facilities at Yongbyon(寧邊 ), north of the capital, within 60 days, to be confirmed by international inspectors(允許國際原子能總署核查 ).

許多關鍵字如 nuclear reactor(核子反應爐 ) 、 six-nation negotiations(六方會談 )、 Yongbyon(寧邊 )等都已經可以經由中文新聞而清楚理解。其它重要字如Pyongyang( 平壤 ) 、 normalizing relations(關係正常化 ) 、 related facilities( 相關設施 )等可經上下文來判斷或是查一下字典,即可以完全理解該則英文新聞。

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泛讀全篇主旨 (Skimming for the main points)


Page 36: 新聞英文之構成原理與閱讀策略 廖柏森 國立台北大學應用外語學系

精讀支持主旨的細節 (Reading carefully for supporting details)

在泛讀後即可進行精讀,以期從文中獲得更詳細或符合自己閱讀目的之資訊,例如特定的事件、地點、時間、人物、原因、及如何發生等細節資訊,也就是所謂的新聞 5W1H(what, where, when, who, why, how) 要素。雖然閱讀新聞英文不講求逐字理解,但仍應注重釐清事件的脈絡發展,才能成為知識成長的一部份。

Page 37: 新聞英文之構成原理與閱讀策略 廖柏森 國立台北大學應用外語學系

根據文境猜測字義 (Guessing the meaning of words from the

context) With his first official visit to China scheduled for this

week, U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has been at pains to ease frictions between the world's two largest trading partners. Despite its ballooning trade deficit with China and the loss of American manufacturing jobs, the U.S. remains a champion of open markets, Paulson said in a speech last Wednesday. (Time)


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用字典查閱困難的字彙 (Using the dictionary to look up difficult


當然光靠猜測字義不可能解決所有字彙的問題,總是還有需要依賴字典來解惑釋疑的時機。只是我們如何判定一篇文章中哪些字是重要字彙,哪些是可以忽略也不影響理解整篇文意的字 ? 一個簡單的原則就是如果該生字在文中重覆出現的頻率相當高,比如說三次以上時就可能是個關鍵字,不妨就查閱字典來瞭解其字義,並多學習一些單字。

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用筆記本記下新詞 (Keeping a notebook for news

vocabulary and expressions) insider trading (內線交易 ) He was under suspicion of insider trading. 他被懷疑從事內線交易 indict (起訴 ) He would be indicted over his alleged involvement

in insider trading. 他會因涉嫌內線交易而被起訴 detain (收押 ) He has been detained on suspicion that he was

involved in insider trading. 他因涉嫌內線交易已被收押

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寫下全文綱要或練習翻譯 (Making a written summary or

translating) 最後的步驟是對於所讀的新聞報導作一總結,練習用英文寫出該新聞的大意或綱要,可以訓練自己組織閱讀內容並有效加以表達的技能。如果有人對翻譯新聞有興趣,也可以使用中英對照的文本,在自己譯完後與專業譯者的版本比較有何異同,很快就能提高自己翻譯的功力。寫作和翻譯練習是一種學習的輸出(output) ,比起只有閱讀輸入 (input) 的學習方式雖然較為費時耗力,但更能加深自己對文章的理解和保留更多學習的成果,對於真正痛下決心要精通新聞英文的人士是必備的學習策略。

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