Τομος πρακτικων

3ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο SCHOOLS as LEARNING ORGANIZATIONS Η Σχολική Μονάδα ως ένας «Οργανισμός που Μαθαίνει» Προσεγγίσεις και εφαρμογές 12, 13, 14 Σεπτέμβρη 2014, ΑΘΗΝΑ Κολέζα Ευγενία Αργυροπούλου Μαρία Τσιόκανος Αθανάσιος ISBN: 978-960-99494-1-5

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3ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο SCHOOLS as LEARNING ORGANIZATIONS Η Σχολική Μονάδα ως ένας «Οργανισμός που Μαθαίνει» Προσεγγίσεις και εφαρμογές 12, 13, 14 Σεπτέμβρη 2014, ΑΘΗΝΑ


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    12, 13, 14 2014,

    ISBN: 978-960-99494-1-5

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    : "




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    1 ................................................................................................................ 9

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    . ; ................ 14

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    2 .............................................................................................................. 31

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    : ..................................................................................... 35

    , ...................................................... 35

    3 .............................................................................................................. 42

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    : ...................................................................................... 48

    .................................................................................................. 48

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    : ....................................................... 51

    1 ............................................................................................... 51

    . ....................................................................................................... 51

    . ................................................................................................ 51

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  • 6

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    .............................................................................................. 61

    ......................................................................................... 61

    ............................................................................................ 61

    , . ......................... 67

    ........................................................................................ 67

    ..................................................................................... 67

    , (Outdoor Education) ............................................................................................................................ 73

    * ................................................................................ 73

    ** ........................................................................................... 73

    , : --. ............................................................................................................. 78

    .................................................................................. 78

    ..................................................................................... 78

    : project .............................................................................................. 85

    ................................................................................... 85

    ...................................................................................... 85

    ........................................................................................... 85

    : Jacques Prvert. ................................................................................................................. 91

    ..................................................................................... 91

    ............................................................................................ 91

    : ........................................................................... 99

    ............................................... 99

    .......................................................................................... 99

    .................................................................................... 99

    : ...........................................................................................................................106

    o ....................................................................................106

    8 - ..................................112



    () .............................................117


    4 .............................................................................................................125

  • 7

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    . ...................................................................................................125






    5 .............................................................................................................167


    , : ................................................................167



    - . .......172



    : ..............178



    2 . :

    . . 1870 . 1944 .......................................................................................183



    M .............................................................................................188

    1 3 .. ............................197

    - ...............................................................197


    / ...............................................................................197




    How a rural school reforms itself and develops ...................................................212

    Chiotelis Ioannis .............................................................................................212

  • 8

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    Theodoropoulou Maria ...................................................................................212

    Birbas George .................................................................................................212

    (): .........................................219



    . ...........................................................225





    . ................................................................................................................231


    : . ..........................................................................................237




    6 .............................................................................................................244


    Lcole, lieu de formation de ses matres. Vers des tablissements scolaires apprenants ..........................................................................................................244

    Alain Bouvier .................................................................................................244



    7 .............................................................................................................256

    Developing mathematics teaching through inquiry-based practice ......................256

    Barbara Jaworski ............................................................................................256

  • 9

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014




    . 1974 1990



    , ..


    Argyris/Schoen 1978, Senge 1998).



    , . Wilke (2004, . 59

    ..) , .

    , ,

    , ,


    : , , ,

    . ,



    , .



    (Argyris und Schoen 1978, Duncan

    und Weiss 1979, Senge 1990).




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    2. , ,

    . (Teams)

    , , .

    . .



    Argyris Schoen.






    (. ) .




    Argyris & Schoen 3


    1. :

    , (..


    2. :



    3. -: .


    / .



    , ..

    . ..

    / :

    1. .

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    Hedberg (1981) ,





    Senge, P. (1998, . 15), ,


    , (personal

    mastery), (mental models, .




    ) (

    ), (


    : ,


    , .

    ( -)

    ( )

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    , . (1998), , , .11, , .15.

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    [email protected]

    , , ,

    . ! ,






    -40 (Hayek 1949). -80 (Nelson &

    Winter 1982), , ,


    , .


    (Drucker 1992:95).


    , .


    ), ,

    . -

    . ,


    . Hedberg

    , .

    , ,

    (Hedberg, 1981: 6).

    , Cook Yanow

    . ,



  • 15

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014


    (Cook and Yanow, 1993: 378).

    Popper Lipshitz (1998)


    (learning in organizations) (learning by

    organizations). ,



    , .

    , ,

    / .


    , ,

    Argyris Schn (1978),-

    -, Senge (1990) Nonaka (1994).

    Senge (1990:3)

    , .





    Senge (1990) :

    1) (personal mastery),


    (Personal vision) .

    . , ,

    . ,

    , .


    ; ;

    (.. , ).

    ; ,



    creative tension). ,

    ( ) .


    . ,

  • 16

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    . ,

    /: /


    ( )


    2) (mental models),


    . , ,




    3) (shared vision),

    . ,


    4) (team learning), ,

    ( )

    , . ,


    , (

    ) ,

    (), .



    5) :





    (system thinking),


    ( ) ,


    , ,



    (Organizational Learning) Argyris

    Schn (1978), ,

    , -

  • 17

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    (single-loop) ,

    (double-loop). ( -)


    . ,

    . ,





    (Garvin 1993).


    , ,


    (Watkins & Marsick 1993).

    Fiol Lyles (1985),

    (organizational learning) (organizational



    . , ,



    () (Fiol & Lyles, 1985, . 811).



    , (: )

    (Argyris and Schn, 1978).

    , o Nonaka (1994), A dynamic theory of

  • 18

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    organizational knowledge creation,

    , : (1) ,


    (2) .


    // (tacit) //

    (explicit.) ,

    , ,

    . , ,

    , .

    - know how-

    . ,



    , ,


    , ,

    ( ), .

    (knowledge conversion).

    , :

    (: ), (

    - ), (

    -) (:


    , - Nonaka-

    justified true belief (Nonaka and Takeuchi 1995:58),

    -, .

    (Charles Peirce, William James, John Dewey),

    , - (Putnam 1981),

    . , ,

    , (be justified) ,

    , ,

    , .


    (Nonaka & Von Krogh 2009: 640),

    , ,

    (Zrraga and Bonache 2005, Beech et al. 2002).


    2000, - -

    ., ,

  • 19

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014


    1960s, Coleman Report (1966) Plowden

    Report (1967) . 2000, ,

    , ,

    : 2010


    . 2000


    . [...]



    . [...]

    () ,



    , 2001 ( )


    . .



    : , ,

    . ,

    . ,

    , ,

    (: )

    . ,

    ( organizations for learning),

    (learning organizations ).

    : (school effectiveness)

    (school improvement). , ,


    (school improvement approach)



    Schon (1983, 1967), Argyris and Schon (1996) Senge

    (1990). , , ,

    , (Argyris and Schon,

  • 20

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014


    , ,


    , -


    . , .

    (Knowledge management).

    () ,


    , , .

    ( ), (






    . , ,


    (Tyack & Tobin, 1994; Armstrong, Henson, & Savage, 1997),


    ( ,

    , . 2012),


    ( -).

    , (Hargreaves, 2003),

    , , .. (

    , , )

    , ,




    / (Gold & Miles, 1981; Fletcher, Caron, & Williams, 1985; Smith,

    Dwyer, Prunty, & Klein, 1987)




  • 21

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    1981). : ,

    , ,

    (Metz, 1991),

    (.. .),


    - . ,


    / ,


    , ,

    ) .


    Putnam Making Democracy Work (1993) Bowling Alone (2000):

    (community networks),

    (civic engagement), (civic

    identity), ,


    , .

    - -

    (Brown &

    Lauder, 2001)

    (Deming, 1986). " ,



    - ,

    (Mitchell & Sackney, 2000; Mulford, 1998).

    Wenger (1998) ,


    (Cochran-Smith & Lytle, 1999; Louis & Kruse,

    1995;McLaughlin & Talbert , 2001; Scribner, Cockrell, Cockrell &Valentine, 1999).




    (Newmann, King, & Youngs,

    2000; Newmann & Wehlage, 1995).

  • 22

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014


    , project.

    (project team).



    , .

    , , ,

    . , -

    . ,


    . ,




    Ubuntu, Leymah Gbowee:

    . ("I am what I am because of who

    we all are). ,





    . , ,

    . Senge -

    - (O'Neil 1995) : "

    (. 3).






    , .

    (Snell 2001:322).

    - -

    , ,

    (Solomon 1994:59). ,

    (Hammond and Wille 1994).

  • 23

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    : )

    , )


    , (Driver 2002:34).







    (Giles and Hargreaves, 2006).

    Senge (1990), ,

    (Learning Disabilities)


    (I am my position), March Olsen (1975)

    (role-constrained learning). ,

    . ,


    ( the enemy is out there).

    - -


    , .

    (the fixation on

    events), .

    Program focus,


    (the boiled frog),

    (the delusion of learning from experience),

    (the myth

    of the management team)

    Senge .

  • 24

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    / (Murrell and Walsh 1993:295).

    , ,

    (Senge1990). , ,





    : , ,



    . , ,



    , (Watkins & Marsick, 1993)

    (tunnel vision),

    (truncated learning),

    ( )


    . ,


    : ,

    ( ,


    ( technoculture) (Quicke, 2000; Rifkin & Fulop,


    : ,


    ( )

    . , ,

    , --


  • 25

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014


    Bourdieu (1973), modus operandi opus operaturn,





    , , ,

    . ,


    . ,

    , ,


    Taylor ,

    , :

    , .


    (Suchman 1987).

    , .


    /, ,








    ... ;

    , , ,

    . ,

    , . Law et al,




  • 26

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    ( ),


    , ,




    (, 2011). ,



    ( 21


    . (http://www.protovoulia.org/diktyo/diktyo-simera) ( .50).




    , ,



    , 2010).

    (94) ( 224


    2009 10.

    2007 08, 40


    . ,


    , .


    ( , ),

  • 27

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014


    . (.57)







    [] ,


    , .( 116).



    . ( 117)

    , , . ,

    . , ,



    (. 17-18). ,

    ( )

    , .


    (. )

    , ,

    , (. )

    . ,



    . ( 120).


    , []

    , ,




    . , ,

  • 28

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014




    ( 121).


    , ,







    , , ;


    . , ,


    , .

    , , , ,

    , :

    ; ;



    , . ,





    , , ,

    . ,

    , ,


    . ,


    . ,

    , .


    // ;

  • 29

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    ; critical





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    ravanis@upatras, [email protected]

    . ,



    . .


    In this paper we present a teacher training program about inquiry approaches

    for natural sciences in preschool education. More specifically, we discuss a theoretical

    framework concerning an active, participatory, critical and stochastic initial education

    and training of teachers, we describe elements of the content of the program is

    presented as well as a specific example of the program application. Finally we discuss

    the overall results of the effort.






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    enseignants du prscolaire et du primaire en Grce: volutions et perspectives. Revista de Formacin e Innovacin Educativa Universitaria, 3(1), 33-42.

    Ravanis, K. Balias, S. Komis, V. Karalis, T. (2011). lments de rflexion sur la formation des enseignants en Grce : expriences du cadre universitaire et perspectives. Revista Educao Skepsis, 3(2), 2034-2053.

  • 42

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014


    , , ,

    , ed

    [email protected]

    , . .





    . .


    , ,





    Energy, everything revolves around it. Everything is energy. In every change

    that occurs in nature, energy in its various forms is always present regardless if we

    become aware of it or not. Also any human activity is directly connected to the way

    people choose to act. Every small or big action or even the lack of denial to act for a

    certain situation has great impact not only on our life, but, possibly to the lives of

    other fellowmen whether we know them or not. Infinite events both positive and

    negative surround and define our lives and all have a common starting point. They are

    derived from our actions.

    We thought that if we manage to mobilize our fellow pupils, our families, our

    school, our nearby social microcosm and act together, we will learn how to be active

    citizens, because acting together as a whole is a new form of action bigger than the

    sum of all the individuals. The power to change the world lies within us.


    95 .


  • 43

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014


    . , ;


    , ,


    , .


    , ,

    , ,

    , .

    , , , ,

    , ,

    ( ., 2013).


    , ,


    (, 2011).



    , Unesco 2013-2014





    . ,




    - (,2003):

    (, 2003).T

  • 44

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014


    : , , , ,

    , , ,


    , ,

    (, 1998). :

    1) :

    , , ,



    ( ., 2013).

    2) :



    3) :


    4) : - - -

    ) , )

    , ) . -


    5) :

    , ,

    , ,



    6) :

    , , ,

    . ,

    ( ., 2013).

    7) :

    , ,

    . , ,


    ( , 2012), John Lennon, Martin Luther King,

    Gandhi, Marie Curie..

    8) : .

    9) - : ,

    , , .

    10) :


    , ,

    , Imagine.

    11) : .

  • 45

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014






    , blog

    respect diversity British Council

    . British Council,






    , ,

    (, 2001). . .




    (, 2000, , 2011) .

    (, 2011, , 2011).




    / ,





    3. ,

  • 46

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    4. ...



    ) ,

    / .

    . .

    ) /

    / .

    ) ,







    ; .

    . 1 1 5

    (Macbeth & al., 2005).

    ., ., ., . (2013), , ... , , 14-16

    ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., . (2013), , , 89-98

    .(2003), , , , 124-126

    . (2011) , , ..., 1-9 . (2011), , .., ..., . (1998), ,

    , 23-24 ., ., (.) . (2012), ,

    - , , , , 23-32

    . (2009), , , . 10,- 2009, 67-73

    MacBeath J., Schratz M., Meuret D., Jacobsen L. (2005), - , ,

    . (2003), . ., , , 48

  • 47

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    , . (2008), , : , 20-23

    . (2000) , , 21, , 52-55

    . (2011) , ,, ..,1-11

    . (2006), , , ...., 1-24

    . & . (2011), , .., 1-6 ., ., . (2013),

    , , 33-37 45-48 : http://respect-

    diversity.org/index.php/el/. , HANDS95 : TA XERIA DEN EINAI GIA NA XTYPANE

  • 48

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014


    1 .... -...,

    [email protected]

    1 .... (...),

    [email protected]

    , .


    , .



    In this project, Alki Zeis novel The liar grandfather constituted the main focus around which the teaching of a large number of activities concerning both Greek and

    English language was developed. Clues from other school subjects were also

    integrated. The main objective of the project was the cultivation of love for literature

    and the development of the childrens imagination through the study of a significant book of the Greek childhood literature. The novel and a variety of parallel-

    supplementary texts became both a motive and a means for the study of Greek and

    English language, as well as other school subjects. The project led to the improvement

    of the students written speech and to the development of their imagination, and triggered their love for learning.

    1 .... (...). 21 , 11 10 , . , .


    (. Carr & Kemmis, 1986 Altrichter et al., 1993),

    ( )

  • 49

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014



    , ,

    (Vygotsky, 1987).

    , .

    . ,




    , ,


    , , ,

    . ,

    , ,



    , () (power point,



    Altmnnerhaus in Amsterdam M. Liebermann

    Sarabande . . .




    , ,


    (. , 1988)


    (. Moll, 1990). ,


    ), ,


    , , .

    , ,


  • 50

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014




    . ,

    , ,

    , ( . ,

    1988, Vygotsky, 1997).







    , ,

    , .

    , , . , , , . , . , , , , .

    Altrichter, H., Posch, P & Somekh, B. (1993), Teachers Investigate their Work: An

    Introduction to the Methods of Action Research, New York: Routledge

    , .. (1988), , : Carr, W. & Kemmis, S. (1986), Becoming Critical: Education, Knowledge and Action

    Research, London: The Falmer Press

    Moll, L. (1990) (ed.), Vygotsky and Education: Instructional Implications and

    Applications of Sociohistorical Psychology, Cambridge: Cambridge University


    Vygotsky, L.S. (1987), The Collected Works of L.S. Vygotsky, v.1: Problems of

    General Psychology, New York & London: Plenum Press

    Vygotsky, L.S., (1997), The Collected Works of L.S. Vygotsky, v.4: The History of the

    Development of Higher Mental Functions, New York & London: Plenum Press

  • 51

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014





    5 , 1

    [email protected]

    , 2011-2012


    . ,






    This paper concerns the pilot implementation of the Curriculum of Mathematics,

    which took place in the period of 2011-2012 in an elementary school of Thrace, to

    emerge aspects of this implementation in the mathematics classroom, but also in the

    wider school context. This paper presents elements of such a use, while the first

    indications show that there was a developed cooperation between teachers, who were

    led to a reflection of their teaching actions and controverted their effectiveness. The

    need to find alternative pathways to learning and teaching of mathematics formulated

    a series of recommendations on the type and the content of their further education, as

    well as of their professional development.


    () ,

    2011-2012 1


  • 52

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014



    / .


    , ,

    , ,

    , ,



    . ,

    ( )

    , ,







    ( ,

    ). ,


    ( 2011).

    , , ,

    . ,


  • 53

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014


    , .



    , ,




    , / ,





    , (..

    Taylor et al 2005),


    . ,




    , ,

    , ( )

    , , ,





    , ,

  • 54

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014


    , , ,









    , ( ),


    ( 2011).






    . ,







    . ,



  • 55

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014






    , ,






    , ,




    , .







    . ,




    , ,

  • 56

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014


    , , , .).

    , ,




    (, ,



    (2011). . / 2007-13\ .. & \.. 1-2-3 ( 21

    ) , .

    (2011). . . : / 2007-13\ .. & \.. 1-2-3 ( 21 ) , .

    Taylor, A. et al. (2005). Lesson study: A professional Development Model for

    Mathematics Reform. The rural educator (winter), 17-22.

  • 57

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    , , :

    1 .... -...,

    [email protected]

    1 .... -...

    [email protected]

    , ,


    .... .



    , , ,



    Honey, jam, ketchup and mustard is a theatrical play written by the students

    of two fifth grades of the 1st model-experimental primary school of Thessaloniki. The

    spark for this action was given by a creative writing activity that took place in a Greek

    language course. In this activity, the students, divided in small groups, created

    theatrical characters and short scenarios. The writing of the play was completed

    around the end of the school year, so it will be continued by the sixth grades, as the

    staging of the play is programmed for the autumn of the coming school year.

    , , ,


    , . . .

    36 (21 15 ), 17

    19 .

    , ,




    : ,

  • 58

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    , ,

    . , ,

    , :




    ( );








    , , ,

    , , .



    : !



    , ,

    . ,


    9 .. . ,


    , .



    . ,

    . ,

    , ,


    ( . :

    , 2001).

    . ,

    , (. Carr &

    Kemmis, 1986 Altrichter et al., 1993),

    . ,

  • 59

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014






    . ,

    . ,

    , .



    ( , , )




    . . ,

    (Vygotsky, 1987),

    . ,



    . 1988). ,

    , .


    , .,



    , ,



    , . ,


  • 60

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    Altrichter, H., Posch, P & Somekh, B. (1993), Teachers Investigate their Work: An

    Introduction to the Methods of Action Research, New York: Routledge

    , .. (1988), , : Carr, W. & Kemmis, S. (1986), Becoming Critical: Education, Knowledge and Action

    Research, London: The Falmer Press

    , . (2001), , : , . (.), : : 2 , : , . 251-255

    Vygotsky, L.S. (1987), The Collected Works of L.S. Vygotsky, v.1: Problems of

    General Psychology, New York & London: Plenum Press

  • 61

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    , , [email protected]

    , , [email protected]

    , , [email protected]

    , , [email protected]

    , , [email protected]






    . (

    , , )



    The action described concerns the assignments (projects) undertaken by the students

    of the Experimental Junior High School of Patras during the school year 2013-2014.

    Through this process there were multiple benefits for both teachers and learners, but

  • 62

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    mostly for the latter who cooperated and had a first contact with the scientific

    research. Students approached experientially the principles of crosscuricularity and

    interdisciplinarity and had a further opportunity for pedagogical use of NT (new

    technologies). The exodus of students from the classroom and the positive attitude

    this action caused covered the extra workload and the feelings of frustration which

    scientific research often creates. In parallel, the school - as a learning community -

    approached and was connected with the local community. The problems which arose

    (e.g. poverty of source, overlapping issues, divergence of schedule) were overcome

    instantly and the satisfactorily result of the whole attempt proves that all the effort has

    achieved its objectives and has offered benefits to all participants.





    (20) (180).

    ... -




    , ,


    (, 1998) ,

    (thinking school, http://www.thinkingschool.co.uk). ,


    (N. 3966/2011),

    , , ,

    (, 1998).


    , - -


    ..). (..

    ) ,

    (,1986). ,


    , .


  • 63

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014



    3. / /















    . ,








  • 64

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014



    5. -







    , . ,









    : (.. ,

    ) (.. , ..).

    6. -



    , ,







  • 65

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014


    . ,

    , ,




    , , ,

    , , .

    , ,

    (.. ).



    , ,

    . (, 1999).















  • 66

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014


    (gym-peir-patras.ach.sch.gr) ,








    , ,


    - . . (2009), , E B, . 10, 2009

    - , . (1998 & 2011), , ,

    - , . (2000), : , , ( : " - " , 8-9 2000 ... http://www.geocities.com/pee2000mac)

    - , . (2011), , , , 17 2011

    - ,.. (1999), : , 42, , , 2013

    -http://www.thinkingschool.co.uk ( 14/7/2014)

  • 67

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014







    , .








    ). ,


    . ,

    - ,

    , ,


    , .


    In our work we will present the overall education plan (educational application) that

    was implemented at the Model Experimental Junior High School of Patras (P.P.G.P.),

  • 68

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    entitled: "Learn how to learn, to collaborate and to accept difference". The for-

    mentioned educational project developed under the formation of excellence groups,

    innovation and creativity. We have decided to move to the direction of reformation,

    school adjustment and alignment to the new sociopolitical and pedagogic-didactic

    statements, taking advantage of the opportunities that the new legislative framework

    provides us with. So we designed an interdisciplinary educational plan (application)

    that was based on the major theoretical assumptions of learning (Natural Learning),

    while we implemented our theoretical plan by using the method of asynchronous

    distance learning. At the same time we have taken advantage of group advisory

    meetings (O.S.S.) to implement a series of interactive activities related to the

    acceptance of diversity, inclusion and multiculturalism in collaboration with

    PRAKSIS (Non - governmental organization). We set as major principle that the

    participating teachers first need to be adapted to the conditions of our educational

    project, so we incised the basic axis of our educational attempt. This was decided

    under the view of resetting our mission as educators, renewing our educational

    context and reconsidering the conditions that are actually making up the learning

    process. We planned, organized and implemented our interdisciplinary training plan

    (application), having always in mind that first of all, we have to learn, to adapt and

    develop, throughout the fundamental definition - concept of learning: knowledge is

    always gained by acting and doing.

    (...) .

    .3966/2011 ,

    , ,

    , ,






    . ,


    . ,

    (, 2003).

    (2013, .17) :


  • 69

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014


    , ,

    , .


    ... , . ,

    , ,

    , ,

    (, 2011).


    (, 2000).

    - ,




    (, 1987).


    , Vygotsky

    (Bliss et al, 1996 De Corte, 1990 Collins et al,

    1996 Vosniadou, 1996 , 1999, . . ,

    2000, .65). ,

    (, 2000). -


    (Kalantzis & Cope, 2013).


    , ,

    (Kalantzis &

    Cope, 2013).



    (, 2006).




  • 70

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    , ,

    ( & , 2001).



    (, 2013).




    (Dede, 2005

    McLoughlin & Lee, 2008 Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005, . . ,

    2013:18). ,

    , (Simens, 2005).

    - ,

    (Tapscott, 2008).



    11 10.



    17-10-2013 2014. (...)




    (...) ,


    , ,

    , ,

    (, 2002).




    (Reddy & Srivastava, 2003, . .

  • 71

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    , 2011, .38)

    . ,





    ... PRAKSIS.



    . , ,






    (Horton, 2001).


    . ,


    . ,



    , . (2011). : . : , 7(1), 36-53. 10 , 2014 : http://journal.openet.gr/index.php/openjournal/article/view/121/70

    , . (2013). : . , 1(1), 8-29.

  • 72

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    Horton,W. (2001). Evaluating E-Learning. American society for training &

    development. USA: (ASTD)

    Kalantzis, M., Cope, B. (2013). . (. . ). :

    , . (2003). . . : Gutenberg

    , . (2006). . . (.), : (.11-41). : .

    , . (2011). . 2 . ( , .9-17).

    11 , 2014, : http://www.cetl.elemedu.upatras.gr/proc2/proceedings.html

    , . (1987). . : .

    , . (2000). : . : Gutenberg

    , . (2002). , : . , 7, .19-36.

    , . (2013). E-Learning . . (.), 7 & , ( 2, 15-26). 15 , 2014, :


    , ., & , . (2001). . . :

    Siemens, G. (2005). Connectivism: A learning theory for a digital age.

    12 , 2014, : http://www.itdl.org/Journal/Jan_05/article01.htm Tapscott, D. (2008) Grown up digital: How the Net generation is changing your

    world. New York: McGraw-Hill.

    : http://www.minedu.gov.gr/neo-sxoleio-main.html?showall=1&limitstart=

    .3966/11. , , . . 118/24-6-2011

  • 73

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    , (Outdoor




    * .04.02, MEd, , [email protected],

    ** .15, MSc, , [email protected]


    Education) .


    , ,



    , (..








    In this project an innovative teaching practice for the Greek curriculum called

    Outdoor Education is shown which is based on the principles of teamwork and

    experiential learning. The activity took place in the courtyard of the Experimental

    Junior High School and involved the concepts of Nutrient intake and digestive

    system and Nutrition in the subjects of Biology and Home Economics in

    interdisciplinary teaching at the first grade. Students participated in specially designed

    games, discussions, completed worksheets and evaluation forms and described the

  • 74

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    activity as enjoyable and effective in assimilation of new knowledge. Lack of

    inclusion of similar actions in the curriculum, the difficulty of moving students out of

    school (e.g. neighboring park), poor funding for the purchase of supplies and the

    unfamiliarity of students with corresponding teaching practices were challenges partly

    dealt by coordinating teachers who had knowledge of classroom management groups

    in the outdoors and knowledge of new teaching practices. The results of the action

    such as the keen interest of students, the activation of the weakest ones and the

    consolidation of the defined concepts strengthen the perception of teachers of the

    teaching value of Outdoor Education (OE), and make it a springboard for the

    implementation of similar wider actions in the future.


    (Outdoor Education)




    John Dewey, o The School

    and Society

    (Woodhouse et al., 2000), 1964 J. Besli J. Mesesnel

    .. (Burnik & Mrak, 2010).

    Outdoor Education (O.E.)


    , ,


    O.E. .. (

    ), ( , ,

    , , ), ( ),

    () (Higgins, 2009),

    (Fenwick, 2010).


    (Burnik & Mrak, 2010).

    (, , , , ..)


    (Woodhouse et al, 2000, Dillon et al., 2006).


    (Burnik & Mrak, 2010).

    Knapp, (1996) ..


    (Woodhouse et al., 2000). ..

    (Burriss & Burriss, 2011).

  • 75

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014





    2014 30

    ( )


    (45 )












    4 ,


    : )






    3. //

    : )

    (.. ,

    ), (.. , ,

    ) )

    ( , ,

    ) )



  • 76

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014





    : )



    , )

    (.. )

    .. ,




    ) )



    , ,

    . ,



    (, , ,



    . ,


    .. ,








  • 77

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    . -






    Burnik, S. & Mrak, I. (2010). Mountaineering as an Important Part of Outdoor

    Education. (10th annual EOE conferences collection of papers) Encountering, Experiencing and Exploring Nature in Education, 13-25.

    Burriss, K. G., & Burriss, B. (2011). Outdoor Play and Learning: Policy and

    Practice. International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership, 6(8).

    Dillon, J., Rickinson, M., Teamey, K., Morris, M., Young Choi, M., Sanders, D. &

    Benefield, P. (2006). The value of outdoor learning: evidence from research in

    the UK and elsewhere. School Science Review, 87(320), 107-110.

    Fenwick, J. J. A. (2010). Outdoor Learning Within the Formal Scottish Secondary

    Curriculum: Opportunities and Challenges. (10th annual EOE conferences collection of papers) Encountering, Experiencing and Exploring Nature in

    Education, 60-69.

    Higgins, P. (2009). Into the Big Wide Word: Sustainable Experiential Education for

    the 21st Century. Journal of Experiential Education, 32(1), 44-60.

    Knapp, C. E. (1996). Just beyond the classroom: Community adventures for

    interdisciplinary learning. Charleston, WV: ERIC Clearinghouse on Rural

    Education and Small Schools. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED

    388 485).

    Malone, K. & Tranter, J. P. (203). School Grounds as Sites for Learning: making the

    most of environmental opportunities. Environmental Education Research, 9(3),


    Moser, . & Martinsen, . . (2010). The outdoor environment in Norwegian kindergartens as pedagogical space for toddlers play, learning and development. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 18(4),


    Niklasson, L. & Sandberg, A. (2010). Children and the outdoor environment.

    European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 18(4), 485-496.

    Woodhouse, L. J., & Knapp, E. C. (2000). Place-Based Curriculum and Instruction:

    Outdoor and Environment. Charleston, WV: ERIC Clearinghouse on Rural

    Education and Small Schools. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED

    448 012).

  • 78

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    , : -





    , ,




    , ,










    : , , ,


    With this report, we are attempting to present an educational action in the direction of

    inter-disciplinarity, cross-thematic integration, experiential learning as well as

    dramatization. The deepening of the approach of roles called for interpretation by the

    specific group of students, increased knowledge via the experiential learning process.

    What is more, the principles and practices of inter-disciplinarity and cross-thematic

    integration have contributed to the achievement of our educational goals because they

    have contributed to the approach of knowledge experientially, via collective forms of

  • 79

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    investigating topics, issues and problems, while not only promoting the uniformity of

    school knowledge but activating student interest as well.

    The self-reflection on the need to involve children in an active way and holistically in

    the learning process was the starting point of our interest for this educational practice.

    Among other things, the exchange of roles was attained and a different collaboration

    between teachers and students-teachers was formed.

    The specific action was effectuated by a group of secondary school students in the

    Secondary school of Kastritsi, in Patras during the school year 2011-1012. The

    secondary school of Kastritsi belonged to the network of schools under the

    supervision of the Museum of Science and Technology of the University of

    Patras. The network's title was "Volunteering and social networking". The action

    was presented during the International Day of Francophonie in collaboration with the

    French Institute of Patras and was titled "Tribute to Marie Curie.

    Key-words: inter-disciplinarity, cross-thematic integration, experiential learning,



    . ,

    , ,

    , ' ,

    (, 2002).



    , .

    , Bruner,

    (, 2002, . . , 2000 .181).








    (Kalantzis & Cope, 2013).



  • 80

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    Cook-Sather & Shore (2007, .13)


    , .



    (North Central Regional Educational

    Laboratory, 2001, . . Gardner, Wissick, Schwender & Canter-Smith

    2003, .162).


    . ,


    (, 2009).


    (, , ),

    (Mathison and Freeman, 1997, . . , 2009, .25).


    21 )- , MIS 295379,


    (104868/2/13-09-2011, 124674/2/1-11-2011)




    , ,

    , ,

    (, 2011).


    .( Kalantzis & Cope, 2013).




  • 81

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    . ,



    . ,


    (, 1996, .80).

    , , , .


    / . ,




    , ,



    , ,


    , . ,




    ( 21 ) ,

    MIS: 295450, ,



    , ,


    , ,

    . ,

    , -,

    . ,




  • 82

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014


    ( & , 2010).


    (...) - ,

    . ( ). ,


    ) (16.01 ) 22

    , .. !!

    ( , Madame

    Curie/ , ),

    .., .

    Madame Curie -

    Huynh Van Nhan Renaud,


    . ,

    , ... .


    , - -

    : .




    , ,



    , ,


    , ,

    . ,




    ( ),

  • 83

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    , ,

    . ,

    , ,






    ..., .





    Gardner, E., Wissick, C., Schwender, W. & Canter-Smith, L., (2003). Enhancing

    Interdisciplinary Instruction in General and Special Education: Thematic Units

    and Technology. Remedial and Special Education, 24(3), 161-172

    Cook-Sather, A. & Shore, E., (2007). Breaking the Rule of Discipline in

    Interdisciplinarity: Redefining Professors, Students, and Staff as Faculty.

    Journal of Research Practice. 3(2), 1-14. 20 , 2014, : file:///C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/101-763-1-PB.pdf

    Kalantzis, M., Cope, B. (2013). . (. . ). :

    , . & , . (2010). .

    (.....), 5 . 18 , 2014, :


    , . (2000). . :

    , ., (2009). , :

    , ., (2011). ( 21 )- ,

  • 84

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    , MIS: 295379. 18 , 2014 : http://goo.gl/QVaOZc

    , . (2006). - . : Gutenberg.

    ( 21 )- , MIS 295450, : http://goo.gl/pQBrrv




  • 85

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    : project

    , ...., [email protected]

    , ...., [email protected],

    , ..... & ..., [email protected]

    ( ),

    ( ), .. live steaming.





    - -




    project, .


    This paper presents a series of activities in the course of Astronomy at the

    Experimental High School of Patra University (class B), the diffusion of it in

    Experimental Middle School (grade III), while using ICT and live steaming. The

    signatories followed interdisciplinary approach to teaching in combination with

    collaboration learning method. Exploring the stimulation of student interest,

    engagement of the student groups and finally the achievement of learning objectives

    set at the beginning of the project were the major objectives of our work. The

    three main activities had two theme centers: the collision of galaxies in the

    constellation of Hydra-action flowed from high school in middle school-and

    measurement of the circumference of the earth, in parallel with the

    measurement of Eratosthenes. The diffusion of the action was in direct connection

    between the two schools, with participation of a third observer in the process of

  • 86

    3 : Schools as Learning Organizations. 2014

    presenting the project, which was completed with synchronous collaboration

    between the two teachers.



    (.. 303-304 2003). , (interdisciplinary





    , ,


    (Thinking schools)-

    . Bob Burden,




    Georgiades and Phillimore,

    () (The Myth of the Hero Innovator),


    (Burden, 2006).



    , .



    (Jones, Rasmussen, Moffitt 1997).


    (Jacobs 1989). .


  • 87

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    2008). , ,


    (, 2003). (

    ), ..

    : .





    Eratosthenica . ,


    . ,

    . ; ,





    , (Kincheloe, Steinberg 1998).


    ). Stellarium


    , .

    , ,


    (St. Hawking, into the Universe).

    / ,





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    , ,

    ( ) .


    tablets -