хедвей (початківець) зошит

1 Complete the conversations. Circle the correct letter. Conversation 1 A Hello, (1) ________ name’s Anna. What’s your name? B Ben. 1 a Your b My c You d I Conversation 2 A Hi, Carla. (2) ________ are you? B Fine, thanks. And you? A OK, (3) ________ . 2 a Hello b What c How d And 3 a hello b you c thanks d fine Conversation 3 A What’s (4) ________ in English? B (5) ________ ’s a book. 4 a my b it c this d is 5 a A b It c Is d This Conversation 4 A Pierre, this is Yukio. Yukio, (6) ________ Pierre. B Hello, Pierre. A Hello, Yukio. 6 a this is b is this c this d is 4 points for each correct answer 2 Put the words in the correct order. 1 you / how / are / ? How are you? 2 Ben / name’s / my 3 John / this / is 4 in / this / what’s / English / ? 5 thanks / very / well 6 thanks / OK / I’m 2 points for each correct answer 3 Complete the sentences. Use am, is, or are. is 1 This ________ James. 2 Hello. I ________ Sandra. 3 How ________ you? 4 My name ________ Tariq. 5 What ________ your name? 6 It ________ a photo. 4 points for each correct answer 4 Write the words. 1 a book 2 ________________________ 3 ________________________ 4 ________________________ 5 ________________________ 6 ________________________ 4 points for each correct answer (2 for intelligibility, 2 for spelling) 20 20 10 20 4 UNIT 1 Test A New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE NAME: 1 Test A

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1 Complete the conversations. Circle the correct letter.

Conversation 1

A Hello, (1) ________ name’s Anna. What’s your name?

B Ben.

1 a Your b My c You d I

Conversation 2

A Hi, Carla. (2) ________ are you?

B Fine, thanks. And you?

A OK, (3) ________ .

2 a Hello b What c How d And

3 a hello b you c thanks d fine

Conversation 3

A What’s (4) ________ in English?

B (5) ________ ’s a book.

4 a my b it c this d is

5 a A b It c Is d This

Conversation 4

A Pierre, this is Yukio. Yukio, (6) ________ Pierre.

B Hello, Pierre.

A Hello, Yukio.

6 a this is b is this c this d is

4 points for each correct answer

2 Put the words in the correct order.

1 you / how / are / ?

How are you?

2 Ben / name’s / my

3 John / this / is

4 in / this / what’s / English / ?

5 thanks / very / well

6 thanks / OK / I’m

2 points for each correct answer

3 Complete the sentences. Use am, is, or are.

is1 This ________ James.

2 Hello. I ________ Sandra.

3 How ________ you?

4 My name ________ Tariq.

5 What ________ your name?

6 It ________ a photo.

4 points for each correct answer

4 Write the words.

1 a book

2 ________________________

3 ________________________

4 ________________________

5 ________________________

6 ________________________

4 points for each correct answer (2 for intelligibility, 2 for spelling) 20




4 U N I T 1 Test A New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :1 Test A

5Test A U N I T 1New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

5 Write the numbers in words.

1 3 three

2 9 _____________

3 1 _____________

4 7 _____________

5 8 _____________

6 10 _____________

2 points for each correct answer

6 Write the number and the word.

1 six books

2 ________________________

3 ________________________

4 ________________________

5 ________________________

6 ________________________

4 points for each correct answer




1 Complete the conversations. Circle the correct letter.

Conversation 1

A Hello, (1) ________ name’s Anna. What’s your name?

B Ben.

1 a You b I c Your d My

Conversation 2

A Hi, Carla. (2) ________ are you?

B Fine, thanks. And you?

A OK, (3) ________ .

2 a How b And c Hello d What

3 a thanks b fine c hello d you

Conversation 3

A What’s (4) ________ in English?

B (5) ________ ’s a book.

4 a this b is c my d it

5 a Is b This c A d It

Conversation 4

A Pierre, this is Yukio. Yukio,(6) ________ Pierre.

B Hello, Pierre.

A Hello, Yukio.

6 a this b is c this is d is this

4 points for each correct answer

2 Put the words in the correct order.

1 you / how / are / ?

How are you?

2 thanks / OK / I’m

3 thanks / very / well

4 Ben / name’s / my

5 in / this / what’s / English / ?

6 John / this / is

2 points for each correct answer

3 Complete the sentences. Use am, is, or are.

is1 This ________ Ali.

2 It ________ a photo.

3 What ________ your name?

4 Hello. I ________ Marta.

5 My name ________ Tariq.

6 How ________ you?

4 points for each correct answer

4 Write the words.

1 a book

2 ________________________

3 ________________________

4 ________________________

5 ________________________

6 ________________________

4 points for each correct answer (2 for intelligibility, 2 for spelling) 20




6 U N I T 1 Test B New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :1 Test B

7Test B U N I T 1New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

5 Write the numbers in words.

1 3 three

2 10 _____________

3 8 _____________

4 9 _____________

5 7 _____________

6 1 _____________

2 points for each correct answer

6 Write the number and the word.

1 six books

2 ________________________

3 ________________________

4 ________________________

5 ________________________

6 ________________________

4 points for each correct answer




1 Write sentences.

4 points for each correct answer

2 Match the questions and answers.

1 Where are you from? His name’s Franco.

2 What’s his name? She’s from Argentina.

3 Where are they from? It’s in England.

4 Where’s she from? I’m from Italy.

5 How are you? They’re from the UnitedStates.6 Where’s London?Fine, thanks.

2 points for each correct answer

3 Complete the text. Use these words.

in Monica doctor England is from

This is a photograph of Bruce and Monica Brown (1) __________from ____

New York. They are (2) ______________ London. Bruce

(3) ______________ from the United States and Monica is from

(4) ______________ . They are married. Bruce is a

(5) ______________ . (6) ______________ is a student.

4 points for each correct answer

4 Write questions.

1 Her name’s Maria.

What’s her name?

2 She’s from Japan.

Where ______________________ ?

3 His name’s Luca.

What ______________________ ?

4 He’s from Rome.

Where ______________________ ?

5 I’m from Sydney.

Where ______________________ ?

6 They’re from Paris.

Where ______________________ ?

4 points for each correct answer 20




8 U N I T 2 Test A New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :2 Test A

Georgethe United States

1 His name’s George. He’s fromthe United States.











9Test A U N I T 2New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

5 Match the cities with these countries. Write sentences.

England Spain Brazil Italy France Japan

1 Rio de Janiero is in Brazil.

2 Barcelona ___________________________________

3 Milan ______________________________________

4 London _____________________________________

5 Paris _______________________________________

6 Tokyo ______________________________________

2 points each correct answer

6 Write the numbers.

1 26 twenty-six

2 30 _______________________

3 15 _______________________

4 12 _______________________

5 22 _______________________

6 18 _______________________

2 points each correct answer

7 Read the text and answer the questions.

Deborah and Carlos Vega are from Madrid. They are in Oxford.Deborah is from Texas, in the United States, and Carlos is fromSpain. They are married. Deborah is a student. Her school is inthe centre of Madrid. Carlos is a doctor. His hospital is in thecentre of Madrid, too.

1 Where are they from?

They are from Madrid.

2 Where is she from?

3 Where is he from?

4 What’s his name?

5 Where’s her school?

6 Where’s his hospital?

2 points each correct answer




1 Write sentences.

4 points for each correct answer

2 Match the questions and answers.

1 Where are you from? His name’s Franco.

2 Where’s London? Fine, thanks.

3 How are you? They’re from the UnitedStates.4 What’s his name?She’s from Argentina.5 Where’s she from?I’m from Italy.6 Where are they from?It’s in England.

2 points for each correct answer

3 Complete the text. Use these words.

in Sara doctor England is from

This is a photograph of Brad and Sara Mills (1) __________from ____ New

York. They are (2) ______________ London. Brad

(3) ______________ from the United States and Sara is from

(4) ______________ . They are married. Brad is a

(5) ______________ . (6) ______________ is a student.

4 points for each correct answer

4 Write questions.

1 Her name’s Maria.

What’s her name?

2 They’re from Paris.

Where ______________________ ?

3 I’m from Sydney.

Where ______________________ ?

4 She’s from Japan.

Where ______________________ ?

5 He’s from Rome.

Where ______________________ ?

6 His name’s Luca.

What ______________________ ?

4 points for each correct answer 20




10 U N I T 2 Test B New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :2 Test B

Georgethe United States

1 His name’s George. He’s fromthe United States.











11Test B U N I T 2New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

5 Match the cities with these countries. Write sentences.

England Spain Brazil Italy France Japan

1 Rio de Janiero is in Brazil.

2 Tokyo ______________________________________

3 Paris _______________________________________

4 Barcelona ___________________________________

5 London _____________________________________

6 Milan ______________________________________

2 points each correct answer

6 Write the numbers.

1 26 twenty-six

2 18 _______________________

3 22 _______________________

4 30 _______________________

5 12 _______________________

6 15 _______________________

2 points each correct answer

7 Read the text and answer the questions.

Jennie and Michel Ballon are from Paris. They are in Oxford.Jennie is from Los Angeles, in the United States, and Michel isfrom France. They are married. Jennie is a student. Her schoolis in the centre of Paris. Michel is a doctor. His hospital is in thecentre of Paris, too.

1 Where are they from?

They are from Paris.

2 Where is she from?

3 Where is he from?

4 What’s his name?

5 Where’s her school?

6 Where’s his hospital?

2 points each correct answer




1 Make the sentences negative.

1 He’s from France.

He isn’t from France.

2 She’s married.

3 You’re 23.

4 His address is 10 Downing Street.

5 My name’s Silvia.

6 He’s a doctor.

2 points for each correct answer

2 Look at the card and write the questions.

NNaammee Jane HudsonCCoouunnttrryy EnglandAAddddrreessss 35 Temple StreetTTeelleepphhoonnee 01855 345967AAggee 25JJoobb TeacherMMaarrrriieedd?? Yes

1 What’s her name?

Jane Hudson.




35 Temple Street.






Yes, she is.

4 points for each correct answer

3 Write short answers.

1 Is John a student?

No, he isn’t.

2 Are you from England?

Yes, I __________________ .

3 Is she a nurse?

No, __________________ .

4 Are you Amy?

No, I __________________ .

5 Is her phone number 314566?

Yes, __________________ .

6 Is he 27?

Yes, __________________ .

2 points for each correct answer

4 Write the words.

1 a teacher

2 _____________________

3 _____________________

4 _____________________

5 _____________________

6 _____________________

2 points for each correct answer 10




12 U N I T 3 Test A New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :3 Test A







13Test A U N I T 3New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

5 Write Good morning, Good afternoon, or Good evening.

1 Good morning.

2 ________________________

3 ________________________

4 ________________________

5 ________________________

6 ________________________

2 points for each correct answer

6 Read the text. Are the sentences true (✓) or false (✗)?

Hi! I’m Gianna and I’m from Rome in Italy. I’m a taxi driver. Myboyfriend, Franco, is a shop assistant. The shop is in the centreof Rome. Franco’s from Verona. We aren’t married. I’m 30 andFranco is 31. My address is 14, via Cavour, Rome, and mytelephone number is 06 543 267.

1 Rome is in Italy.

2 Gianna’s from Rome.

3 Franco’s from Rome.

4 Gianna’s a shop assistant.

5 Franco’s a shop assistant.

6 Franco’s 31.

7 Gianna’s 31.

8 The shop is in Verona.

9 Franco and Gianna aren’t married.

10 Franco’s address is 14, via Cavour, Rome.

11 Gianna’s telephone number is 06 543 267.

2 points for each correct answer

7 Complete the conversation. Circle the correct letter.

Receptionist (1) _____ your name Jean-Pierre?

1 a Are b Is c Am d Who

Jean-Pierre Yes, (2) _____ is.

2 a you b she c are d it

Receptionist (3) _____ you from France, Jean-Pierre?

3 a Are b Is c Am d Where

Jean-Pierre No, (4) I _____ from France. I’m fromBirmingham, in England.

4 a ’m b ’m not c ’re not d ’s not

Receptionist Are (5) _____ a teacher?

5 a I b he c you d she

Jean-Pierre No, I’m (6) _____ . I’m a doctor.

6 a not b am c he d a teacher

Receptionist How (7) _____ are you?

7 a old b where c are d fine

Jean-Pierre I’m 31.

Receptionist Thanks. And are you (8) _____ ?

8 a marry b from c England d married

Jean-Pierre No, I’m not.

2 points for each correct answer

8 Complete the conversations. Use these words.

Goodbye don’t know Pardon Good afternoon

1 A Good afternoon, Martyn.

B Good afternoon.

2 A Goodbye!

B ___________________________ !

3 A What’s your name?

B ___________________________ ?

A What’s your name?

B Sorry. My name’s Sarah.

4 A How old is David Jones?

B I ___________________________ .

C He’s 25.

2 points for each correct answer






0 8 : 0 0 1 9 : 0 0 1 6 : 0 0

1 0 : 3 0 2 1 : 0 0 0 6 : 0 0

1 2 3

4 5 6

1 Make the sentences negative.

1 He’s from France.

He isn’t from France.

2 He’s a doctor.

3 My name’s Silvia.

4 She’s married.

5 His address is 10 Downing Street.

6 You’re 23.

2 points for each correct answer

2 Look at the card and write the questions.

NNaammee Liz ShawCCoouunnttrryy EnglandAAddddrreessss 42 Park StreetTTeelleepphhoonnee 01356 79488AAggee 34JJoobb NurseMMaarrrriieedd?? No

1 What’s her name?

Liz Shaw.




42 Park Street.






No, she isn’t.

4 points for each correct answer

3 Write short answers.

1 Is Alberto a student?

No, he isn’t.

2 Is he 45?

Yes, __________________ .

3 Is her phone number 769321?

Yes, __________________ .

4 Are you from Argentina?

Yes, I __________________ .

5 Are you Emma?

No, I __________________ .

6 Is she a teacher?

No, __________________ .

2 points for each correct answer

4 Write the words.

1 a teacher

2 _____________________

3 _____________________

4 _____________________

5 _____________________

6 _____________________

2 points for each correct answer 10




14 U N I T 3 Test B New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :3 Test B







15Test B U N I T 3New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

5 Write Good morning, Good afternoon, or Good evening.

1 Good morning.

2 ________________________

3 ________________________

4 ________________________

5 ________________________

6 ________________________

2 points for each correct answer

6 Read the text. Are the sentences true (✓) or false (✗)?

Hi! I’m Blanca and I’m from Madrid in Spain. I’m a student. Myboyfriend, Juan, is a shop assistant. The shop is in the centre ofMadrid. Juan’s from Barcelona. We aren’t married. I’m 24 andJuan is 26. My address is 10 calle San Antonio, Madrid, and mytelephone number is 91 523 487.

1 Madrid is in Spain.

2 Blanca’s from Madrid.

3 Juan’s from Madrid.

4 Blanca’s a shop assistant.

5 Juan’s a shop assistant.

6 Juan’s 26.

7 Blanca’s 26.

8 The shop is in Barcelona.

9 Juan and Blanca aren’t married.

10 Juan’s address is 10 calle San Antonio, Madrid.

11 Blanca’s telephone number is 91 523 487.

2 points for each correct answer

7 Complete the conversation. Circle the correct letter.

Receptionist (1) _____ your name François?

1 a Am b Who c Are d Is

François Yes, (2) _____ is.

2 a are b it c you d she

Receptionist (3) _____ you from France, François?

3 a Am b Where c Are d Is

François No, (4) I _____ from France. I’m fromBirmingham, in England.

4 a ’re not b ’s not c ’m d ’m not

Receptionist Are (5) _____ a teacher?

5 a you b she c I d he

François No, I’m (6) _____ . I’m a doctor.

6 a he b a teacher c not d am

Receptionist How (7) _____ are you?

7 a are b fine c old d where

François I’m 31.

Receptionist Thanks. And are you (8) _____ ?

8 a England b married c marry d from

François No, I’m not.

2 points for each correct answer

8 Complete the conversations. Use these words.

Goodbye don’t know Pardon Good afternoon

1 A Good afternoon, Irina.

B Good afternoon.

2 A How old is Fernando?

B I ___________________________ .

C He’s 25.

3 A Goodbye!

B ___________________________ !

4 A What’s your name?

B ___________________________ ?

A What’s your name?

B Sorry. My name’s Hemal.

2 points for each correct answer






0 8 : 0 0 1 6 : 0 0 0 6 : 0 0

2 1 : 0 0 1 9 : 0 0 1 0 : 3 0

1 2 3

4 5 6

1 Complete the sentences. Use my, your, his, her, our, and their.

Her1 She’s from Spain. ____ house is in Malaga.

2 I’m from Germany. __________ husband’s fromFrance.

3 Ruth and Peter are students. __________ school is inLondon.

4 A Hello. What are __________ names?

B Clare and Nick. __________ address is 45, ArundelRoad, Andover.

5 A Stefan is in Rome.

B What’s __________ phone number?

2 points for each correct answer

2 Look at the family tree. Complete the sentences.

Margaret = Tom

Fiona Caroline Barry

Tom’s1 Margaret is _____________ wife.

2 Fiona is Caroline’s _____________ .

3 Barry is Tom and Margaret’s _____________ .

4 Tom is Barry’s _____________ .

5 Fiona is Tom and Margaret’s _____________ .

6 _____________ is Fiona’s mother.

7 Barry and Caroline are _____________ brother andsister.

8 Tom is Margaret’s _____________ .

9 Caroline is _____________ daughter.

10 _____________ is Caroline’s father.

11 Margaret and Tom are Fiona, Caroline, and Barry’s_____________ .

2 points for each correct answer

3 Look at the family tree again and answer the questions.

Tom1 Who’s Margaret’s husband? ______

2 Who’s Caroline’s brother? ______________

3 Who’s Fiona’s father? ______________

4 Who are Tom’s daughters? ______________

5 Who’s Margaret’s son? ______________

6 Who’s Barry’s mother? ______________

2 points for each correct answer

4 Complete the sentences. Use have or has.

have1 You ______ a very nice house.

2 Jan and I ______________ a dog.

3 Our school ______________ three classrooms.

4 I ______________ a part-time job.

5 Andy ______________ a lot of CDs.

6 We ______________ a flat in London.

2 points for each correct answer

5 Complete the sentences. Use has, have, is, and are.

is1 Our house ___ in Manchester.

2 We _____________ a big house.

3 Tony _____________ two sisters and one brother.

4 Tony’s sisters _____________ at school.

5 His brother _____________ a teacher.

6 Tony _____________ a good job.

2 points for each correct answer 10





16 U N I T 4 Test A New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :4 Test A

17Test A U N I T 4New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

6 Complete the telephone conversations. Circle the correctletter.

Conversation 1

A Good morning. The Boston Hotel.

B Hello. The manager, (1) _______ .

1 a please b pardon c excuse d thank you

A Certainly. And your name is?

B Julia Alvarez.

A How do you (2) _______ your surname?

2 a write b spell c say d do

B A-L-V-A-R-E-Z.

A Thank you.

C Hello, (3) _______ is the manager.

3 a that b this c is d I’m

Conversation 2

A Good afternoon. The Elite School of English.

B Hello. The director, Angela Rose, please.

A I’m sorry. She isn’t (4) _______ her office. What

(5) _______ your phone number?

4 a at b on c in d of

5 a this b the c are d ’s

B 00 39 05 65432.

A Thank you (6) _______ telephoning.

6 a of b for c in d have

B Goodbye.

4 points for each correct answer

7 Read the text and answer the questions.

Hello, my name’s Chris Alder. I’m married. My wife’s name’sShirley. She’s a nurse, and I’m a teacher.

We have two children – a son and a daughter. Their names areRyan and Clare. They’re both students at the High School. Clareis fifteen and Ryan is eleven. We have a dog, Pip.

Clare has a lot of CDs. Her favourite music is dance. Ryan is afan of Liverpool football team.

We have a house in Oxford. It is very nice. It is in the centre oftown.

Clare1 What’s Chris’s daughter’s name? ___________

2 What’s his son’s name? ___________

3 What’s his wife’s name? ___________

4 What’s his wife’s job? ___________

5 What is Chris’s job? ___________

6 How old is Clare? ___________

7 How old is Ryan? ___________

8 What’s Clare’s favourite music? ___________

9 What is Ryan’s favourite football team?___________

10 Where is Chris and Shirley’s house? ___________

11 What is their dog’s name? ___________

2 points for each correct answer




1 Complete the sentences. Use my, your, his, her, our, and their.

Her1 She’s from Spain. ____ house is in Malaga.

2 I’m from Italy. __________ wife’s from Germany.

3 Karen and Andy are students. __________ school is inLondon.

4 A Hello. What are __________ names?

B Hannah and Gordon. __________ address is 32,High Street, Bristol.

5 A Stefan is in Moscow.

B What’s __________ phone number?

2 points for each correct answer

2 Look at the family tree. Complete the sentences.

Sally = David

Alice Katie James

David’s1 Sally is _____________ wife.

2 Alice is Katie’s _____________ .

3 James is David and Sally’s _____________ .

4 David is James’s _____________ .

5 Alice is David and Sally’s _____________ .

6 _____________ is Alice’s mother.

7 James and Katie are _____________ brother andsister.

8 David is Sally’s _____________ .

9 Katie is _____________ daughter.

10 _____________ is Katie’s father.

11 Sally and David are Alice, Katie, and James’s_____________ .

2 points for each correct answer

3 Look at the family tree again and answer the questions.

David1 Who’s Sally’s husband? ______

2 Who’s James’s mother? ______________

3 Who’s Sally’s son? ______________

4 Who’s Katie’s brother? ______________

5 Who are David’s daughters? ______________

6 Who’s Alice’s father? ______________

2 points for each correct answer

4 Complete the sentences. Use have or has.

have1 You ______ a very nice house.

2 We ______________ a flat in Dublin.

3 Jerry ______________ a lot of CDs.

4 Helmut and I ______________ a dog.

5 I ______________ a part-time job.

6 Our school ______________ five classrooms.

2 points for each correct answer

5 Complete the sentences. Use has, have, is, and are.

is1 Our house ___ in Manchester.

2 Mark _____________ a good job.

3 His sister _____________ a teacher.

4 We _____________ a big house.

5 Mark’s brothers _____________ at school.

6 Mark _____________ two brothers and one sister.

2 points for each correct answer 10





18 U N I T 4 Test B New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :4 Test B

19Test B U N I T 4New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

6 Complete the telephone conversations. Circle the correctletter.

Conversation 1

A Good morning. The Boston Hotel.

B Hello. The manager, (1) _______ .

1 a excuse b thank you c please d pardon

A Certainly. And your name is?

B Julia Alvarez.

A How do you (2) _______ your surname?

2 a say b do c write d spell

B A-L-V-A-R-E-Z.

A Thank you.

C Hello, (3) _______ is the manager.

3 a is b I’m c that d this

Conversation 2

A Good afternoon. The Elite School of English.

B Hello. The director, Angela Rose, please.

A I’m sorry. She isn’t (4) _______ her office. What (5)_______ your phone number?

4 a in b of c at d on

5 a are b ’s c this d the

B 00 39 05 65432.

A Thank you (6) _______ telephoning.

6 a in b have c of d for

B Goodbye.

4 points for each correct answer

7 Read the text and answer the questions.

Hello, my name’s Peter Green. I’m married. My wife’s name’sFiona. She’s a nurse, and I’m a teacher.

We have two children – a son and a daughter. Their names areAdam and Nicola. They’re both students at the High School.Nicola is fifteen and Adam is eleven. We have a dog, Lucky.

Nicola has a lot of CDs. Her favourite music is dance. Adam is afan of Leeds football team.

We have a house in Chester. It is very nice. It is in the centre oftown.

Nicola1 What’s Peter’s daughter’s name? ___________

2 What’s his son’s name? ___________

3 What’s his wife’s name? ___________

4 What’s his wife’s job? ___________

5 What is Peter’s job? ___________

6 How old is Nicola? ___________

7 How old is Adam? ___________

8 What’s Nicola’s favourite music? ___________

9 What is Adam’s favourite football team? ___________

10 Where is Peter and Fiona’s house? ___________

11 What is their dog’s name? ___________

2 points for each correct answer




1 Complete the sentences. Use these verbs.

speak live like come work drink

drink1 I ______ French wine.

2 They _____________ in a hospital.

3 Do you _____________ English?

4 I _____________ in a small flat in the centre of Rome.

5 I think you _____________ from Canada.

6 I _____________ football.

1 point for each correct answer

2 Write questions and answers.

1 you / live / Spain? ✓

Do you live in Spain?

Yes, I do.

2 they / like beer? ✗

Do they like beer?

No, they don’t.

3 you / like / swimming? ✓

4 they / have / an American car? ✓

5 they / work / in a Chinese restaurant? ✗

6 you / speak / Spanish? ✗

7 they / eat / Italian food? ✗

2 points for each correct question and answer

3 Complete the questions. Use these question words.

Where What How

What1 _________ sports do you like?

2 _________ ’s your job?

3 _________ many languages do you speak?

4 _________ do you live?

5 _________ do you come from?

6 _________ ’s your name?

1 point for each correct answer

4 Write questions.

1 Kevin and Jan work in Paris.

Do they work in Paris?

2 Teresa and Paula are Brazilian.

Are they Brazilian?

3 Beatrice and Norman drink beer.

4 Peter and Viv work in a bank.

5 Jo and Jack have a dog.

6 Stella and Rob are from England.

7 Xavier and Maria like oranges.

3 points for each correct answer

5 Write ten words.

Sports Food Drink

tennis pizza tea_________ _________ _________

_________ _________ _________

_________ _________ _________

_________ _________ _________


2 points for each correct answer 20





20 U N I T 5 Test A New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :5 Test A

21Test A U N I T 5New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

6 Complete the table.

Country Nationality

Brazilian1 Brazil ___________

2 ___________ English

3 ___________ French

4 Germany ___________

5 ___________ Spanish

6 Portugal ___________

7 ___________ Italian

8 United States ___________

9 Mexico ___________

10 ___________ Chinese

11 Japan ___________

1 point for each correct answer

7 Write the numbers.

twenty-two1 22 _________

2 38 ______________________

3 84 ______________________

4 46 ______________________

5 55 ______________________

6 36 ______________________

1 point for each correct answer

8 Look at the prices and write questions and answers.

1 How much is the bag?

It’s twenty pounds fifty.






2 points for each correct question and answer

9 Read the text and answer the questions. Use short answers.

Lucy and William are married. They are from Canada but theydon’t live in Canada now. They live in London. They’re bothteachers and they teach in a big school in London. They live ina nice house in the suburbs of London. They have a German carand a Japanese computer.

Lucy and William like Italian food and wine, and they bothspeak Italian because they go to Italy on holiday. They don’tlike French food and they don’t speak French.

They play sport. They like football and skiing but they don’tlike tennis.

1 Are Lucy and William married?

Yes, they are.

2 Do they live in Canada?

No, they don’t.

3 Do they work in London?

4 Do they have a Japanese car?

5 Do they have a Japanese computer?

6 Do they like Italian food?

7 Do they speak Italian?

8 Do they go to France on holiday?

9 Do they like French food?

10 Do they speak French?

11 Do they play sport?

12 Do they like tennis?

2 points for each correct answer






Bag £20.50






1 Complete the sentences. Use these verbs.

speak live like come work drink

drink1 I ______ French wine.

2 I _____________ tennis.

3 I think you _____________ from Japan.

4 They _____________ in a hospital.

5 I _____________ in a small flat in the centre of Paris.

6 Do you _____________ English?

1 point for each correct answer

2 Write questions and answers.

1 you / live / Spain? ✓

Do you live in Spain?

Yes, I do.

2 they / like beer? ✗

Do they like beer?

No, they don’t.

3 they / eat / Spanish food? ✗

4 you / speak / Italian? ✗

5 you / like / swimming? ✓

6 they / have / an American car? ✓

7 they / work / in a Chinese restaurant? ✗

2 points for each correct question and answer

3 Complete the questions. Use these question words.

Where What How

What1 _________ sports do you like?

2 _________ ’s your name?

3 _________ do you come from?

4 _________ ’s your job?

5 _________ do you live?

6 _________ many languages do you speak?

1 point for each correct answer

4 Write questions.

1 Kevin and Jan work in Paris.

Do they work in Paris?

2 Teresa and Paula are Brazilian.

Are they Brazilian?

3 Xavier and Maria like oranges.

4 Stella and Rob are from England.

5 Beatrice and Henry drink wine.

6 Martin and Elaine have a dog.

7 Lars and Gunilla work in a bank.

3 points for each correct answer

5 Write ten words.

Drink Food Sports

tea pizza tennis_________ _________ _________

_________ _________ _________

_________ _________ _________

_________ _________ _________


2 points for each correct answer 20





22 U N I T 5 Test B New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :5 Test B

23Test B U N I T 5New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

6 Complete the table.

Country Nationality

Brazilian1 Brazil ___________

2 Japan ___________

3 ___________ Chinese

4 Mexico ___________

5 United States ___________

6 ___________ Italian

7 Portugal ___________

8 ___________ Spanish

9 Germany ___________

10 ___________ French

11 ___________ English

1 point for each correct answer

7 Write the numbers.

twenty-two1 22 _________

2 36 ______________________

3 55 ______________________

4 38 ______________________

5 46 ______________________

6 84 ______________________

1 point for each correct answer

8 Look at the prices and write questions and answers.

1 How much is the bag?

It’s twenty pounds fifty.






2 points for each correct question and answer

9 Read the text and answer the questions. Use short answers.

Sonia and Ian are married. They are from Canada but theydon’t live in Canada now. They live in Manchester. They’re bothteachers and they teach in a big school in Manchester. Theylive in a nice house in the suburbs of Manchester. They have aFrench car and a Japanese computer.

Sonia and Ian like Italian food and wine, and they both speakItalian because they go to Italy on holiday. They like Germanfood, but they don’t speak German.

They play sport. They like football and tennis but they don’tlike skiing.

1 Are Sonia and Ian married?

Yes, they are.

2 Do they live in Canada?

No, they don’t.

3 Do they work in Manchester?

4 Do they have a Japanese car?

5 Do they have a Japanese computer?

6 Do they like Italian food?

7 Do they speak Italian?

8 Do they go to Germany on holiday?

9 Do they like German food?

10 Do they speak German?

11 Do they play sport?

12 Do they like skiing?

2 points for each correct answer






Bag £20.50






1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of a verb fromthe box.

drink go (x2) work play speak (x2) leave (x2) liveeat have

has1 Jane ____ lunch at a restaurant near her office.

go2 Giorgio and Maria ____ out in the evenings.

3 Bruce ______________ home at 7.30 in themorning.

4 Sharon and Richard often ______________ a pizzaat home in the evening.

5 I ______________ to work by bus.

6 You never ______________ wine.

7 He ______________ in a small house in Oxford.

8 Clare ______________ work at 6.30 in the evening.

9 You ______________French.

10 They ______________ the piano.

11 She ______________ in a bank.

12 My parents ______________ German and Spanish.

2 points for each correct answer

2 Complete the sentences to make questions and answers.

Does1 _____ Harry have a shower?

doesYes, he _____ .

2 ___________ you like pizza?

No, I ___________ .

3 ___________ they go to work by bus?

Yes, they ___________ .

4 ___________ she go home for lunch?

No, she ___________ .

5 ___________ Tom watch TV in the evenings?

Yes, he ___________ .

6 ___________ Mel and Adrian work late?

No, they ___________ .

2 points for each correct question and answer

3 Make the sentences negative. Use he, she, or they.

1 Peter gets up at five o’clock.

He doesn’t get up at five o’clock.

2 Jack and Jean go to bed early.

They don’t go to bed early.

3 Jane cooks dinner in the evening.

4 Tom goes to work by bus.

5 Andres and Ana work in an office.

6 Maria has breakfast at eight o’clock.

7 My father lives in Brazil.

2 points for each correct answer

4 Write questions. Use these words.

How What Who Does Do When Where

What1 _____________ time do you go to bed?

2 ‘_____________ is she?’ ‘She’s Jo’s sister.’

3 _____________ old are you?

4 _____________ he have a good job?

5 _____________ does Luciano work?

6 _____________ ’s your job?

7 _____________ you have a dog?

8 _____________ do you get up?

9 _____________ time is it?

10 _____________ do you do in the evening?

11 _____________ do you spell it?

1 point for each correct answer 10




24 U N I T 6 Test A New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :6 Test A

25Test A U N I T 6New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :










9 3











9 3











9 3











9 3











9 3











9 3


5 Read the text and answer the questions. Write he, she, orthey.

Mary is 65. Her husband, Paul, is 68.

She’s retired. She doesn’t work. Paul is retired too.

Paul usually goes out and buys the newspaper and reads it in themorning with his breakfast. He has toast and tea. Mary often hascereal and a coffee. Sometimes Paul watches the news on TV butMary never watches TV in the morning. Paul has a nice garden andsometimes works in the garden.

Mary has a lot of hobbies. In the morning she sometimes paints andshe sometimes goes to French lessons.

Sometimes they watch TV in the afternoon. They like TV gameshows. In the evening they have dinner at seven-thirty and Marysometimes drinks a glass of wine. Paul never drinks wine but hesometimes drinks beer. They never eat pizza because they don’t likeItalian food. They usually eat English food. They never go out in theevening. They watch TV or play cards.

She1 ________ is sixty-five.

2 ________ is sixty-eight.

3 ________ are retired.

4 ________ has cereal and coffee for breakfast.

5 ________ has toast and tea for breakfast.

6 ________ has a lot of hobbies.

7 ________ watches the news on TV in the morning.

8 ________ works in the garden.

9 ________ like TV game shows.

10 ________ drinks a glass of wine.

11 ________ don’t like Italian food.

2 points for each correct answer

6 Write the times.

1 It’s seven o’clock.






1 point for each correct answer

7 Write the days of the week in order.

1 Monday

2 __________________

3 __________________

4 __________________

5 __________________

6 __________________

7 Sunday

1 point for each correct answer

8 Complete the table. Use these words.

work dinner music restaurants early TV


uussuuaallllyy ssoommeettiimmeess nneevveerr

early1 get up ___________

2 watch ___________

3 listen to ___________

4 cook ___________

5 go to ___________ by bus

6 eat in ___________

2 points for each correct answer

9 Study the table in exercise 8 and write six sentences.

1 Peter sometimes gets up early.






2 points for each correct answer







1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of a verb fromthe box.

drink go (x2) work play speak (x2) leave (x2) liveeat have

has1 Jane ____ lunch at a restaurant near heroffice.

go2 Giorgio and Maria ____ out in the evenings.

3 My parents ______________ German and Spanish.

4 She ______________ in a bank.

5 They ______________ the piano.

6 You ______________ French.

7 Clare ______________ work at 6.30 in the evening.

8 He ______________ in a small house in Oxford.

9 You never ______________ wine.

10 I ______________ to work by bus.

11 Sharon and Richard often ______________ a pizzaat home in the evening.

12 Bruce ______________ home at 7.30 in themorning.

2 points or each correct answer

2 Complete the sentences to make questions and answers.

Does1 _____ Harry have a shower?

doesYes, he _____ .

2 ___________ Mel and Adrian work late?

No, they ___________ .

3 ___________ Tom watch TV in the evenings?

Yes, he ___________ .

4 ___________ you like pizza?

No, I ___________ .

5 ___________ she go home for lunch?

No, she ___________ .

6 ___________ they go to work by bus?

Yes, they ___________ .

2 points for each correct question and answer

3 Make the sentences negative. Use he, she, or they.

1 Peter gets up at five o’clock.

He doesn’t get up at five o’clock.

2 Jack and Jean go to bed early.

They don’t go to bed early.

3 My father lives in Brazil.

4 Maria has breakfast at eight o’clock.

5 Jane cooks dinner in the evening.

6 Andres and Ana work in an office.

7 Tom goes to work by bus.

2 points for each correct answer

4 Write questions. Use these words.

How What Who Does Do When Where

What1 _____________ time do you go to bed?

2 _____________ do you spell it?

3 _____________ do you do in the evening?

4 _____________ time is it?

5 _____________ do you get up?

6 _____________ you have a dog?

7 _____________ ’s your job?

8 _____________ does Luciano work?

9 _____________ he have a good job?

10 _____________ old are you?

11 ‘_____________ is she?’ ‘She’s Jo’s sister.’

1 point for each correct answer 10




26 U N I T 6 Test B New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :6 Test B










9 3











9 3











9 3











9 3











9 3











9 3


27Test B U N I T 6New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

5 Read the text and answer the questions. Write he, she, orthey.

Dorothy is 65. Her husband, Edward, is 68.

She’s retired. She doesn’t work. Edward is retired too.

Edward usually goes out and buys the newspaper and reads it in themorning with his breakfast. He has toast and tea. Dorothy often hascereal and a coffee. Sometimes Edward watches the news on TV butDorothy never watches TV in the morning. Edward has a nice gardenand sometimes works in the garden.

Dorothy has a lot of hobbies. In the morning she sometimes paints andshe sometimes goes to French lessons.

Sometimes they watch TV in the afternoon. They like TV game shows.In the evening they have dinner at seven-thirty and Dorothysometimes drinks a glass of wine. Edward never drinks wine but hesometimes drinks beer. They never eat pizza because they don’t likeItalian food. They usually eat English food. They never go out in theevening. They watch TV or play cards.

She1 ________ is sixty-five.

2 ________ is sixty-eight.

3 ________ are retired.

4 ________ has toast and tea for breakfast.

5 ________ has cereal and coffee for breakfast.

6 ________ has a lot of hobbies.

7 ________ watches the news on TV in the morning.

8 ________ works in the garden.

9 ________ like TV game shows.

10 ________ drinks a glass of wine.

11 ________ don’t like Italian food.

2 points for each correct answer

6 Write the times.

1 It’s seven o’clock.






1 point for each correct answer

7 Write the days of the week in order.

1 Monday

2 __________________

3 __________________

4 __________________

5 __________________

6 __________________

7 Sunday

1 point for each correct answer

8 Complete the table. Use these words.

work dinner music restaurants early TV


uussuuaallllyy ssoommeettiimmeess nneevveerr

early1 get up ___________

2 eat in ___________

3 go to ___________ by bus

4 watch ___________

5 cook ___________

6 listen to ___________

2 points for each correct answer

9 Study the table in exercise 8 and write six sentences.

1 David sometimes gets up early.






2 points for each correct answer







28 U N I T 7 Test A New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :7 Test A

1 Circle the correct word.

1 Do you like his / her ?

2 This is a photo of they / them.

3 John likes you / your very much.

4 Peter sometimes writes we / us an email.

5 Joanna lives near me / my.

6 Andrew sees they / them at work.

2 points for each correct answer

2 Complete the sentences. Use him, her, it, them, and us.

it1 I don’t eat dinner at seven o’clock. I eat ___ at 6.30.

2 My brother, Barry, is a doctor. This is a photo of____________ .

3 Our son Paul lives in London. He visits ____________at the weekend.

4 ‘Do you like apples?’ ‘No, I hate ____________ .’

5 Maria likes Italian food. She cooks ____________ athome.

6 My sister goes to work early. I never see ____________in the morning.

2 points for each correct answer

3 Write the adjective. Use he, she, it, and they.

He’s hot.1 _________________ 2 _________________

3 _________________ 4 _________________

5 _________________ 6 _________________

2 points for each correct answer

4 Complete the sentences with question words.

What1 ____________ does Pat have for breakfast?

2 ____________ does Jack live?

3 ‘____________ is that woman in this photo?’ ‘Mywife.’

4 ____________ old are you?

5 ‘____________do you go to that supermarket?’‘Because it’s near my home.’

6 ‘____________ much is that book?’ ‘£9.99.’

7 ____________ does the film start?

8 ‘____________ do they get to work?’ ‘By bus.’

9 ‘____________ do you eat in the evening?’ ‘Pizza.’

10 ‘____________ is your office?’ ‘In the town centre.’

11 ‘____________ ’s your favourite actor?’ ‘Brad Pitt.’

2 points for each correct answer

5 Write questions and answers.

What’s that? What’s this?1 __________________ 2 __________________

It’s a house. It’s a glass.__________________ __________________

3 __________________ 4 __________________

__________________ __________________

5 __________________ 6 __________________

__________________ __________________

7 __________________


4 points for each correct question and answer 20





29Test A U N I T 7New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

6 Read the postcard and correct the sentences.

Dear Andrea,I’m in London. I’m on holiday with my friendJuan. London is a very beautiful city and thebuildings are very old. London is very expensivebut we like it.Our hotel is small and cheap but thebreakfast is very good!The Italian and Indian food is fantastic andit’s cheap, too.The weather is very cold but it’s hot in themuseums and galleries!See you soonLove,Piero

1 London is very cheap.

London is very expensive.

2 The buildings are new.

3 The hotel is expensive.

4 The hotel is big.

5 The Italian food is expensive.

6 The museums are cold.

2 points for each correct answer

7 Complete the conversations. Circle the correct letter.

Conversation 1

A Yes, please!

B (1) ______ I have an ice-cream, please?

1 a Is b Are c Can d The


B How (2) ______ is that?

2 a much b must c are d old

A £1.50, please.

B There (3) ______ are.

3 a is b I c they d you

A Thanks very much.

Conversation 2

A Hello, Can I (4) ______ on this T-shirt, please?

4 a go b buy c try d get

B Of (5) ______ . The changing rooms are just here.

5 a course b please c help d yes

Conversation 3

A Good morning. Can I (6) ______ you?

6 a sell b help c have d do

B Yes, please. Can I change (7) ______ traveller’scheque?

7 a the b an c this d three

A How (8) ______ is it?

8 a is b much c can d do

B 100 dollars.


Conversation 4

A (9) ______ I have a return ticket to London, please?

9 a Can b Do c Does d Are

B Sure.

A How much is (10) ______ ?

10 a this b that c them d ticket

B Twenty-five pounds fifty, please.

A There you (11) ______ .

11 a is b here c do d are

2 points for each correct answer





1 Circle the correct word.

1 Do you like his / her ?

2 Junko sees they / them at work.

3 Joanna lives near me / my.

4 This is a photo of they / them.

5 Luis usually writes we / us an email.

6 Manolo likes you / your very much.

2 points for each correct answer

2 Complete the sentences. Use him, her, it, them, and us.

it1 I don’t eat dinner at seven o’clock. I eat ___at 6.30.

2 My sister goes to work early. I never see ____________in the morning.

3 Maria likes Italian food. She cooks ____________ athome.

4 My brother, Simon, is a doctor. This is a photo of____________ .

5 ‘Do you like apples?’ ‘No, I hate ____________ .’

6 Our son Arturo lives in London. He visits____________ at the weekend.

2 points for each correct answer

3 Write the adjective. Use he, she, it, and they.

He’s hot.1 _________________ 2 _________________

3 _________________ 4 _________________

5 _________________ 6 _________________

2 points for each correct answer

4 Complete the sentences with question words.

What1 ____________ does Pat have for breakfast?

2 ‘____________ ’s your favourite actor?’ ‘Brad Pitt.’

3 ‘____________ is your office?’ ‘In the town centre.’

4 ‘____________ do you eat in the evening?’ ‘Pizza.’

5 ‘____________ do they get to work?’ ‘By bus.’

6 ____________ does the film start?

7 ‘____________ much is that book?’ ‘£9.99.’

8 ‘____________ do you go to that supermarket?’‘Because it’s near my home.’

9 ____________ old are you?

10 ‘____________ is that woman in this photo?’‘My wife.’

11 ____________ does Jack live?

2 points for each correct answer

5 Write questions and answers.

What’s that? What’s this?1 __________________ 2 __________________

It’s a house. It’s a glass.__________________ __________________

3 __________________ 4 __________________

__________________ __________________

5 __________________ 6 __________________

__________________ __________________

7 __________________


4 points for each correct question and answer 20





30 U N I T 7 Test B New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :7 Test B


31Test B U N I T 7New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

6 Read the postcard and correct the sentences.

Dear Olga,I’m in London. I’m on holiday with my friendMisha. London is a very beautiful city and thebuildings are very old. London is very expensivebut we like it.Our hotel is small and cheap but thebreakfast is very good!The Italian and Indian food is fantastic andit’s cheap, too.The weather is very cold but it’s hot in themuseums and galleries!See you soonLove,Sergei

1 London is very cheap.

London is very expensive.

2 The buildings are new.

3 The hotel is expensive.

4 The hotel is big.

5 The Italian food is expensive.

6 The museums are cold.

2 points for each correct answer

7 Complete the conversations. Circle the correct letter.

Conversation 1

A Yes, please!

B (1) ______ I have an ice-cream, please?

1 a Can b The c Is d Are


B How (2) ______ is that?

2 a are b old c much d must

A £1.50, please.

B There (3) ______ are.

3 a they b you c is d I

A Thanks very much.

Conversation 2

A Hello, Can I (4) ______ on this T-shirt, please?

4 a try b get c go d buy

B Of (5) ______ . The changing rooms are just here.

5 a help b yes c course d please

Conversation 3

A Good morning. Can I (6) ______ you?

6 a have b do c sell d help

B Yes, please. Can I change (7) ______ traveller’scheque?

7 a this b three c the d an

A How (8) ______ is it?

8 a can b do c is d much

B 100 dollars.


Conversation 4

A (9) ______ I have a return ticket to London, please?

9 a Does b Are c Can d Do

B Sure.

A How much is (10) ______ ?

10 a them b ticket c this d that

B Twenty-five pounds fifty, please.

A There you (11) ______ .

11 a do b are c is d here

2 points for each correct answer




1 Write there’s, there are, there isn’t, or there aren’t.

There’s1 _______ a sofa. ✓

There aren’t2 __________ any chairs. ✗

3 ________________ some keys in the drawer. ✓

4 ________________ a computer on the table. ✓

5 ________________ any photographs on the wall. ✗

6 ________________ any apples in the bag. ✗

7 ________________ a lot of people in this room. ✓

8 ________________ a dog in the garden. ✗

9 ________________ a CD player in my house. ✗

10 ________________ a lot of pictures in this book. ✓

11 ________________ a telephone here. ✗

12 ________________ two magazines on that table. ✓

1 point for each correct answer

2 Look at the table and write questions and answers.

What is in your house?1 a c omputer ✗

2 pic tures ✓

3 a TV ✗

4 a C D player ✓

5 books ✓

6 a video ✗

7 photographs ✗

1 Is there a computer?

No, there isn’t.

2 Are there any pictures?

Yes, there are.






4 points for each correct question and answer

3 Look at the pictures and circle the correct word(s).

1 The TV is under / next tothe arm chair.

2 The keys are on / underthe floor.

3 The mobile phone is in / next tothe drawer.

4 The magazine is under / onthe sofa.

5 The camera is on / next tothe lamp.

6 The shoes are on / underthe bed.

2 points for each correct answer

4 Put the furniture in the rooms.

a toilet a bed a cooker a sofa a shower a table


___________ ___________ ___________


a toilet___________ ___________ ___________

2 points for each correct answer

5 Complete the text. Use these words.

pictures evening TV room armchairs housebedrooms

houseWe live in a big (1) _____ in London. It has four

(2) ____________ , a living room, a big dining room, a

kitchen, and two bathrooms. In the living room there are

three (3) ____________ and two sofas. There’s a CD

player, a (4) ____________ , and a video. On the wall

there are a lot of (5) ____________ . It’s a very beautiful

(6) ____________ . In the evening we sit and watch TV

and listen to music.

2 points for each correct answer 10





32 U N I T 8 Test A New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :8 Test A

33Test A U N I T 8New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

6 Look at the map and complete the conversations.

Conversation 1

A Excuse me, how do I get to the bus station?

rightB Go down this road. Turn (1) _____ at the

Galaxy theatre. Go down (2) ____________ Street. It’s

(3) ____________ the newsagent.

Conversation 2

A Excuse me, is there a chemist near here?

B Yes, go (4) ____________ on and turn right into

(5) ____________ Road. It’s opposite the

(6) ____________ .

Conversation 3

A Excuse me, how do I get to the railway station?

B Go down this road, then turn (7) ____________ into

Brook Street, and then (8) ____________ into Dean

Street. It’s (9) ____________ the chemist.

Conversation 4

A Excuse me, is there an Internet Café near here?

B Yes, go down this road, and then turn right into

(10) ____________ Street. It’s (11) ____________ the


3 points for each correct answer

7 Read the text and answer the questions.

Brighton is an interesting city by the sea. It’s beautiful, it has old andnew buildings and good beaches. It is famous for its oriental pavilion.It also has good food and night life.

The best times to visit are in spring and summer. There are cheaphotels and bed and breakfasts. There are also good internationalhotels in the centre. Brighton has theatres and cinemas. There is avery good museum, too. It also has very good shops. There are a lotof small interesting shops in a place called The Lanes. Brighton hasfamous beaches. Go there, buy an ice-cream and go for a walk. Or siton the beach on a chair in the sun.

There are restaurants from every country – Italian, Turkish, Lebanese,Japanese, Thai, and Chinese. There are also a lot of seafoodrestaurants.

There are fast trains from London to Brighton and it isn’t expensive.The best way to see Brighton is on foot.

1 Is Brighton by the sea?

Yes, it is.

2 Does it have good beaches?

3 When are the best times to go?

4 Are all the places to stay expensive?

5 What hotels are in the centre?

6 Is there a museum?

7 Does Brighton have theatres and cinemas?

8 Where are there interesting shops?

9 What two things are famous in Brighton?

10 What restaurants are there in Brighton?

11 What is the best way to see Brighton?

1 point for each correct answer



Wood Street

Dean Street

Forest R


Brook S













You are here

1 Write there’s, there are, there isn’t, or there aren’t.

There’s1 _______ a sofa. ✓

There aren’t2 __________ any chairs. ✗

3 ________________ two magazines on that table. ✓

4 ________________ a telephone here. ✗

5 ________________ a lot of pictures in this book. ✓

6 ________________ a CD player in my house. ✗

7 ________________ a dog in the garden. ✗

8 ________________ a lot of people in this room. ✓

9 ________________ any apples in the bag. ✗

10 ________________ any photographs on the wall. ✗

11 ________________ a computer on the table. ✓

12 ________________ some keys in the drawer. ✓

1 point for each correct answer

2 Look at the table and write questions and answers.

What is in your house?1 a c omputer ✗

2 pic tures ✓

3 photographs ✗

4 a TV ✗

5 books ✓

6 a C D player ✓

7 a video ✗

1 Is there a computer?

No, there isn’t.

2 Are there any pictures?

Yes, there are.






4 points for each correct question and answer

3 Look at the pictures and circle the correct word.

1 The TV is under / next tothe arm chair.

2 The shoes are on / underthe bed.

3 The camera is on / next tothe lamp.

4 The keys are on / underthe floor.

5 The magazine is under / onthe sofa.

6 The mobile phone is in / next tothe drawer.

2 points for each correct answer

4 Put the furniture in the rooms.

a toilet a bed a cooker a sofa a shower a table


___________ ___________ ___________


a toilet___________ ___________ ___________

2 points for each correct answer

5 Complete the text. Use these words.

photographs evening CD player room armchairshouse bedrooms

houseWe live in a big (1) _____ in Dover. It has five

(2) ____________ , a living room, a big dining room, a

kitchen, and two bathrooms. In the living room there are

three (3) ____________ and two sofas. There’s a TV, a

video, and a (4) ____________ . On the wall there are a

lot of (5) ____________. It’s a very beautiful

(6) ____________ . In the evening we sit and watch TV

and listen to music.

2 points for each correct answer 10





34 U N I T 8 Test B New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :8 Test B

35Test B U N I T 8New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

6 Look at the map and complete the conversations.

Conversation 1

A Excuse me, how do I get to the railway station?

rightB Go down this road, then turn (1) _____ into

Brook Street, and then (2) ____________ into Dean

Street. It’s (3) ____________ the chemist.

Conversation 2

A Excuse me, is there an Internet Café near here?

B Yes, go down this road and then turn right into

(4) ____________ Street. It’s (5) ____________ the


Conversation 3

A Excuse me, how do I get to the bus station?

B Go down this road. Turn (6) ____________ at the

Galaxy theatre. Go down (7) ____________ Street. It’s

(8) ____________ the newsagent.

Conversation 4

A Excuse me, is there a chemist near here?

B Yes, go (9) ____________ on and turn right into

(10) ____________ Road. It’s opposite the

(11) ____________ .

3 points for each correct answer

7 Read the text and answer the questions.

Brighton is an interesting city by the sea. It’s beautiful, it has old andnew buildings and good beaches. It is famous for its oriental pavilion.It also has good food and night life.

The best times to visit are in spring and summer. There are cheaphotels and bed and breakfasts. There are also good internationalhotels in the centre. Brighton has theatres and cinemas. There is avery good museum, too. It also has very good shops. There are a lotof small interesting shops in a place called The Lanes. Brighton hasfamous beaches. Go there, buy an ice-cream and go for a walk. Or siton the beach on a chair in the sun.

There are restaurants from every country – Italian, Turkish, Lebanese,Japanese, Thai, and Chinese. There are also a lot of seafoodrestaurants.

There are fast trains from London to Brighton and it isn’t expensive.The best way to see Brighton is on foot.

1 Is Brighton by the sea?

Yes, it is.

2 Does it have good beaches?

3 When are the best times to go?

4 What hotels are in the centre?

5 Are all the places to stay expensive?

6 Does Brighton have theatres and cinemas?

7 Is there a museum?

8 Where are there interesting shops?

9 What two things are famous in Brighton?

10 What restaurants are there in Brighton?

11 What is the best way to see Brighton?

1 point for each correct answer



Wood Street

Dean Street

Forest R


Brook S













You are here

1 Complete the sentences with was, wasn’t, were, or weren’t.

was1 When ________ your father born?

2 When ________ your parents born?

3 Yes, I ________ in Dublin in 1999.

4 Gandhi ________ a politician.

5 Beethoven ________ a scientist.

6 ‘________ Sam at home yesterday?’ ‘No, he________ .’

7 No, I ________ at the beach yesterday.

8 No, they ________ American.

9 ‘________ Pete and Clare at work yesterday?’ ‘Yes,they ________ .’

2 points for each correct answer

2 Write the years in words.

eighteen forty1 1840 ___________

2 1955 __________________

3 1762 __________________

4 1979 __________________

5 2007 __________________

6 1442 __________________

1 point for each correct answer

3 Look at the table. Write questions and answers.

NNaammee NNaattiioonnaalliittyy BBoorrnn

Giuseppe Verdi Italian 1813

Queen Victoria British 1819

Louis Pasteur French 1822

Emily Dickinson American 1830

Pablo Picasso Spanish 1881

Kurt Weill German 1900

1 Giuseppe Verdi / 1819?

Was Giuseppe Verdi born in 1819?

No, he wasn’t.

2 Queen Victoria / German?

3 Louis Pasteur / 1822?

4 Emily Dickinson / American?

5 Pablo Picasso / 1819?

6 Kurt Weill / American?

3 points for each correct answer

4 Look at the table in exercise 3 again. Write negativesentences.

1 Giuseppe Verdi / British

Giuseppe Verdi wasn’t British.

2 Louis Pasteur and Pablo Picasso / American

3 Kurt Weill / 1830

4 Queen Victoria and Emily Dickinson / German

5 Giuseppe Verdi / 1830

6 Louis Pasteur / Italian

2 points for each correct answer 10




36 U N I T 9 Test A New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :9 Test A

37Test A U N I T 9New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

5 Complete the sentences. Circle the correct letter.

1 Last week I __________ shopping in London.

a go b went c goes d were

2 Pamela __________ a film yesterday evening.

a saw b saws c see d sees

3 Pamela __________ the film was very good.

a says b say c said d saids

4 Frank and Betty __________ a beautiful painting.

a buy b bought c be d were

5 They __________ the painting to an expert.

a went b take c took d tell

6 I __________ to see my grandparents last Wednesday.

a go b goes c were d went

2 points for each correct answer

6 Write questions.

1 We went to London.

did you goWhere _________ ?

2 They bought a painting.

What _________________________ ?

3 She was born in 1984.

When _________________________ ?

4 They saw their old friends.

Who __________________________ ?

5 He said ‘Good morning’.

What _________________________ ?

6 I took my dog for a walk yesterday.

When _________________________ ?

2 points for each correct answer

7 Write the dates.

1 15/01 January 15th

2 20/09 _______________________

3 03/07 _______________________

4 06/04 _______________________

5 30/11 _______________________

6 27/05 _______________________

1 point for each correct answer

8 Read the text. Are the sentences true (✓) or false (✗)?

Chris and Steve live in Oxford. They are married but they likedifferent things.

Last Saturday they went to London. In the morning they went on atourist bus. They saw a lot of famous places. They went to an Italianrestaurant for lunch. Chris said the lunch wasn’t good. Steve said itwas. In the afternoon they went to the National Gallery. Steve saw alot of beautiful paintings. Chris bought some postcards in the shop.

Then they went shopping in Oxford Street. Steve bought a new CDplayer and Chris bought some books. The CD player was veryexpensive. The books were very cheap. In the evening they went tothe theatre. Steve said it wasn’t very good. Chris said it wasexcellent. They went home on the 11 p.m. train. Steve and Chris bothsaid it was a lovely day!

✓1 Chris and Steve live in Oxford. _____

2 Last Saturday they went to Oxford. _____

3 Chris and Steve went on a tourist bus. _____

4 They went to a restaurant for dinner. _____

5 Steve said the lunch was good. _____

6 Chris saw a lot of paintings in the gallery. _____

7 Steve and Chris bought books and a CD player in London. _____

8 The books were expensive. _____

9 Steve said the theatre was good. _____

10 They went home by bus. _____

11 They said it was a lovely day. _____

2 points for each correct answer

9 Look at the information about Charles Dickens and completethe text.

N A M E Charles Dickens

B O R N 1812

J O B writer

TOW N A N D CO U N T RY Portsmouth, England

W I F E ’S N A M E Catherine

Charles Dickens was a (1) _______________ . He

(2) _______________ (3) _______________ in 1812.

He (4) _______________ in Portsmouth in England.

His wife’s name (5) _______________ Catherine.

1 point for each correct answer







1 Complete the sentences with was, wasn’t, were, or weren’t.

was1 When ________ your father born?

2 ‘________ Pete and Clare at work yesterday?’ ‘Yes,they ________ .’

3 No, they ________ American.

4 No, I ________ at the beach yesterday.

5 ‘________ Sam at home yesterday?’ ‘No, he________ .’

6 Beethoven ________ a scientist.

7 Gandhi ________ a politician.

8 Yes, I ________ in Dublin in 1999.

9 When ________ your parents born?

2 points for each correct answer

2 Write the years in words.

eighteen forty1 1840 ___________

2 1442 __________________

3 2007 __________________

4 1955 __________________

5 1979 __________________

6 1762 __________________

1 point for each correct answer

3 Look at the table. Write questions and answers.

NNaammee NNaattiioonnaalliittyy BBoorrnn

Giuseppe Verdi Italian 1813

Queen Victoria British 1819

Louis Pasteur French 1822

Emily Dickinson American 1830

Pablo Picasso Spanish 1881

Kurt Weill German 1900

1 Giuseppe Verdi / 1819?

Was Giuseppe Verdi born in 1819?

No, he wasn’t.

2 Queen Victoria / 1813?

3 Louis Pasteur / French?

4 Emily Dickinson / American?

5 Pablo Picasso / 1819?

6 Kurt Weill / American?

3 points for each correct answer

4 Look at the table in exercise 3 again. Write negativesentences.

1 Giuseppe Verdi / British

Giuseppe Verdi wasn’t British.

2 Louis Pasteur / Italian

3 Giuseppe Verdi / 1830

4 Louis Pasteur and Pablo Picasso / American

5 Queen Victoria and Emily Dickinson / German

6 Kurt Weill / 1830

2 points for each correct answer 10




38 U N I T 9 Test B New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :9 Test B

39Test B U N I T 9New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

5 Complete the sentences. Circle the correct letter.

1 Last week I __________ shopping in London.

a goes b were c go d went

2 Pamela __________ a film yesterday evening.

a see b sees c saw d saws

3 Pamela __________ the film was very good.

a said b saids c says d say

4 Frank and Betty __________ a beautiful painting.

a be b were c buy d bought

5 They __________ the painting to an expert.

a took b tell c went d take

6 I __________ to see my grandparents last Wednesday.

a were b went c go d goes

2 points for each correct answer

6 Write questions.

1 We went to London.

did you goWhere _________ ?

2 I took my dog for a walk yesterday.

When _________________________ ?

3 He said ‘Good morning’.

What _________________________ ?

4 They bought a painting.

What _________________________ ?

5 They saw their old friends.

Who __________________________ ?

6 She was born in 1984.

When _________________________ ?

2 points for each correct answer

7 Write the dates.

1 15/01 January 15th

2 27/05 _______________________

3 30/11 _______________________

4 20/09 _______________________

5 06/04 _______________________

6 03/07 _______________________

1 point for each correct answer

8 Read the text. Are the sentences true (✓) or false (✗)?

Belinda and Lucas live in Oxford. They are married but they likedifferent things.

Last Saturday they went to London. In the morning they went on atourist bus. They saw a lot of famous places. They went to an Italianrestaurant for lunch. Belinda said the lunch wasn’t good. Lucas said itwas. In the afternoon they went to the National Gallery. Lucas saw alot of beautiful paintings. Belinda bought some postcards in the shop.

Then they went shopping in Oxford Street. Lucas bought a new CDplayer and Belinda bought some books. The CD player was veryexpensive. The books were very cheap. In the evening they went tothe theatre. Lucas said it wasn’t very good. Belinda said it wasexcellent. They went home on the 11 p.m. train. Lucas and Belindaboth said it was a lovely day!

✓1 Belinda and Lucas live in Oxford. _____

2 Last Saturday they went to Oxford. _____

3 Belinda and Lucas went on a tourist bus. _____

4 They went to a restaurant for dinner. _____

5 Lucas said the lunch was good. _____

6 Belinda saw a lot of paintings in the gallery. _____

7 Lucas and Belinda bought books and a CD player in London. _____

8 The books were expensive. _____

9 Lucas said the theatre was good. _____

10 They went home by bus. _____

11 They said it was a lovely day. _____

2 points for each correct answer

9 Look at the information about Charles Dickens and completethe text.

N A M E Charles Dickens

B O R N 1812

J O B writer

TOW N A N D CO U N T RY Portsmouth, England

W I F E ’S N A M E Catherine

Charles Dickens was a (1) _______________ . He

(2) _______________ (3) _______________ in 1812.

He (4) _______________ in Portsmouth in England.

His wife’s name (5) _______________ Catherine.

1 point for each correct answer







1 Complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple of one of theseverbs.

visit buy have go watch play

played1 Alan and Maria ______ tennis last weekend.

2 Paul _____________ a new computer from thatshop yesterday.

3 I _____________ TV last night.

4 Pam _____________ her friends last night.

5 Roberta _____________ for a walk yesterday.

6 Jack _____________ a shower yesterday morning ateight o’clock.

2 points for each correct answer

2 Look at the table and write questions and answers.

YYeesstteerrddaayy TToonnyy .. .. ..1 buy some food ✓

2 see his friends ✗

3 play tennis ✓

4 buy a newspaper ✗

5 go to work ✓

6 listen to the radio ✗

1 Did Tony buy some food yesterday?

Yes, he did.






4 points for each correct question and answer

3 Write negative sentences.

1 Mike painted the picture.

Mike didn’t paint the picture.

2 Charles and Sue cooked a meal.

3 I worked at the office yesterday.

4 You watched a lot of TV yesterday.

5 We stayed at home this morning.

6 She listened to the radio last night.

2 points for each correct answer

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of a verb fromthe list.

have go buy get up eat visit

got upNell (1) __________ at six o’clock. She (2) __________

a shower. At ten o’clock she (3) __________ for a walk.

She (4) __________ a postcard in a shop. The weather

was lovely so she (5) __________ her lunch in the park.

In the afternoon she (6) __________ her grandmother.

1 point for each correct answer

5 Match A and B.


1 Full name ST5 7HL2 Address 18th August 19703 Postcode Italian4 Phone number Davide Crespi5 Date of birth 15 Bull Crescent, Keele6 Nationality 01782 77491

1 point for each correct answer 5





40 U N I T 1 0 Test A New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :10 Test A

41Test A U N I T 10New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

6 Answer the questions about you.

1 What did you have for breakfast this morning?

I had toast and coffee.

2 What time did you get home last night?

3 What did you have for lunch yesterday?

4 Who did you see last weekend?

5 Where did you have lunch yesterday?

6 What did you have for breakfast yesterday morning?

4 points for an appropriate answer

7 Write the names of the sports with the verb play or go.

1 play baseball

2 ____________________________

3 ____________________________

4 ____________________________

5 ____________________________

6 ____________________________

2 points for each correct answer

8 Read the text and answer the questions. Write sentences.


Last May my friend Sue and I went to Dublin. We went there byplane on Friday morning. We were there Friday, Saturday, and Sundaynight.

We stayed in a hotel in a room with a view. We saw the sea fromour window. Our friend Mike lives in Dublin and he took us roundthe city.

Every morning we got up at eight o’clock and had breakfast. Wehad eggs and bacon and then toast and coffee.

On Saturday we visited the Art Gallery and Trinity College. In theevening we went to a French restaurant.

On Sunday we went to the Wicklow mountains in Mike’s car. Wegot back late and cooked a meal at Mike’s house.

On Monday morning we went to Phoenix Park and we playedtennis. Then in the afternoon we took the plane home. We had areally good time.

1 Where did Diana go?

She went to Dublin.

2 What month did she go in?

3 How many nights did they stay?

4 What did she see from her hotel window?

5 What time did they get up?

6 What did they have for breakfast?

7 What did they visit on Saturday?

8 What day did they go to the mountains?

9 What day did they eat in a French restaurant?

10 Where did they eat on Sunday evening?

11 Where did they play tennis?

2 points for each correct answer











1 Complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple of one of theseverbs.

visit buy have go watch play

played1 Alan and Maria ______ tennis last weekend.

2 Zoltán _____________ a shower yesterday morningat eight o’clock.

3 Roberta _____________ for a walk yesterday.

4 Pam _____________ her friends last night.

5 I _____________ TV last night.

6 Jean-Luc _____________ a new computer from thatshop yesterday.

2 points for each correct answer

2 Look at the table and write questions and answers.

YYeesstteerrddaayy NNiiccoo .. .. ..1 buy some food ✓

2 listen to the radio ✗

3 go to work ✓

4 see his friends ✗

5 buy a newspaper ✗

6 play tennis ✓

1 Did Nico buy some food yesterday?

Yes, he did.






4 points for each correct question and answer

3 Write negative sentences.

1 Mike painted the picture.

Mike didn’t paint the picture.

2 She listened to the radio last night.

3 We stayed at home this morning.

4 Yannis and Olivia cooked a meal.

5 You watched a lot of TV yesterday.

6 I worked at the office yesterday.

2 points for each correct answer

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of a verb fromthe list.

visit have buy eat go get up

got upJo (1) __________ at six thirty. She (2) __________

a shower. At ten o’clock she (3) __________ for a walk.

She (4) __________ a book in a shop. The weather was

lovely so she (5) __________ her lunch in the park. In

the afternoon she (6) __________ her sister.

1 point for each correct answer

5 Match A and B.


1 Full name BA1 6HR2 Date of birth 34 Queen Street, Bath3 Nationality Joseph Doyle4 Address American5 Postcode 01227 940366 Phone number 1st July 1968

1 point for each correct answer 5





42 U N I T 1 0 Test B New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :10 Test B

43Test B U N I T 10New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

6 Answer the questions about you.

1 What did you have for breakfast this morning?

I had toast and coffee.

2 What time did you get home last night?

3 What did you have for lunch yesterday?

4 Who did you see last weekend?

5 Where did you have lunch yesterday?

6 What did you have for breakfast yesterday morning?

4 points for an appropriate answer

7 Write the names of the sports with the verb play or go.

1 play baseball

2 ____________________________

3 ____________________________

4 ____________________________

5 ____________________________

6 ____________________________

2 points for each correct answer

8 Read the text and answer the questions. Write sentences.

F R A N ’S W E E K E N D I N D U B L I N

Last May my friend Radmila and I went to Dublin. We went there byplane on Friday morning. We were there Friday, Saturday, and Sundaynight.

We stayed in a hotel in a room with a view. We saw the sea fromour window. Our friend Jeff lives in Dublin and he took us round thecity.

Every morning we got up at eight o’clock and had breakfast. Wehad eggs and bacon and then toast and coffee.

On Saturday we visited the Art Gallery and Trinity College. In theevening we went to a Chinese restaurant.

On Sunday we went to the Wicklow mountains in Jeff’s car. Wegot back late and cooked a meal at Jeff’s house.

On Monday morning we went to Phoenix Park and we playedtennis. Then in the afternoon we took the plane home. We had areally good time.

1 Where did Fran go?

She went to Dublin.

2 What month did she go in?


3 How many nights did they stay?


4 What did she see from her hotel window?


5 What time did they get up?


6 What did they have for breakfast?


7 What did they visit on Saturday?


8 What day did they go to the mountains?


9 What day did they eat in a Chinese restaurant?


10 Where did they eat on Sunday evening?


11 Where did they play tennis?


2 points for each correct answer









1 Write sentences. Use these words.

cook go swimming send an email have dinner watcha film book a holiday

What can you do … ?

1 on a computer

You can send an email.

2 in a sports centre


3 in a restaurant


4 in a kitchen


5 on the Internet


6 in the cinema


2 points for each correct answer

2 Write questions and answers.

1 John / read music ✓

Can John read music? Yes, he can.

2 Katarina / play the guitar ✗

Can Katarina play the guitar? No, she can’t.

3 Martin / ride a horse ✗

4 Simon and Martha / swim ✓

5 Ann / make a cake ✓

6 you / draw ✗

7 Barbara / understand French ✗

2 points for each correct question and answer

3 Use the table to complete the sentences.


play the guitar ✗ ✓

drive ✓ ✗

cook ✗ ✓

draw pictures ✓ ✓

can’t1 Colin _____ cook.

2 ______________ can drive but ______________can’t.

3 Colin can’t play the guitar but ____________________________ .

4 Samantha ______________ cook.

5 Colin and Samantha ____________________________ pictures.

6 Colin ______________ cook but Samantha______________ .

2 points for each correct answer

4 Complete the conversations. Choose the correct words.

Did me are help right didn’t work thanksGo much course

Conversation 1

meA Excuse (1) ____ . Can you (2) _____________ me? Iwant to go to the bus station.

B Yes, of (3) _____________ . (4) _____________straight on. About three hundred metres. It’s on the

(5) _____________ .

A Thank you very (6) _____________ .

Conversation 2

A This drinks machine doesn’t (7) _____________ . I

put in fifty p but I (8) _____________ get a drink.

B (9) _____________ you push this button?

A No, I didn’t .

B Here you (10) _____________ .

A Oh, (11) _____________ .

2 points for each correct answer 20




44 U N I T 1 1 Test A New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :11 Test A

45Test A U N I T 11New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

5 Match A and B.


1 read money2 play a magazine3 go chess4 book skiing5 watch a hotel6 change a video

2 points for each correct answer

6 Complete the everyday expressions.

matter help me sorry Check understand

me1 Excuse ____ .

2 ___________ it in your dictionary.

3 What’s the ___________ ?

4 I don’t ___________ .

5 I’m really ___________ .

6 Can you ___________ me?

2 points for each correct answer

7 Answer questions about you.

Can you …

1 read music? use a computer?

I can read music, but I can’t use a computer.

2 ride a horse? play tennis?

3 drive? draw?

4 cook? speak German?

5 swim? make a cake?

6 play the guitar? understand French?

2 points for each answer, 1 for grammatical accuracy, 1 for spelling

8 Read the text and answer the questions.

This week we interviewed Paola from Milan. She’sa designer.

When did you first use a computer?

I first used a computer in 1986 in Milan. I bought an

Amstrad computer. There was no mouse and it was very


You work in an office in London now. What do you use at work?

I use a modern PC. We have the Internet and I can

communicate with people in Italy by email for my job.

Do you have the Amstrad at home now?

No, I don’t. I bought a Macintosh computer in 1999. It

was very expensive but I like it.

You have a laptop computer too.

Yes, I bought it last month. It was cheap. Now I can

work where I like. I can work in the garden! It’s


1 When did Paola first use a computer?

In 1986.

2 Where was she in 1986?

3 Did the Amstrad have a mouse?

4 Was the Amstrad fast?

5 Where does Paola work now?

6 What does Paola use at work?

7 What country does she communicate with for work?

8 What computer did she buy in 1999?

9 Was the Macintosh cheap?

10 What did she buy last month?

11 Can she work in the garden now?

2 points for each correct answer






Me a






1 Write sentences. Use these words.

cook go swimming send an email have dinner watcha film book a holiday

What can you do … ?

1 on a computer

You can send an email.

2 in the cinema


3 on the Internet


4 in a sports centre


5 in a kitchen


6 in a restaurant


2 points for each correct answer

2 Write questions and answers.

1 John / read music ✓

Can John read music? Yes, he can.

2 Katarina / play the guitar ✗

Can Katarina play the guitar? No, she can’t.

3 Barbara / understand French ✗

4 you / draw ✗

5 Ivan / ride a horse ✗

6 Ann / make a cake ✓

7 Karl and Helga / swim ✓

2 points for each correct question and answer

3 Use the table to complete the sentences.


play the guitar ✗ ✓

drive ✓ ✗

cook ✗ ✓

draw pictures ✓ ✓

can’t1 Ferenc _____ cook.

2 ______________ can drive but ______________can’t.

3 Ferenc can’t play the guitar but ____________________________ .

4 Judit ______________ cook.

5 Ferenc and Judit ______________ ______________pictures.

6 Ferenc ______________ cook but Judit______________ .

2 points for each correct answer

4 Complete the conversations. Choose the correct words.

Did are help right didn’t work thanks meGo much course

Conversation 1

meA Excuse (1) ____ .

B Yes?

A This drinks machine doesn’t (2) _____________ . I

put in fifty p but I (3) _____________ get a drink.

B (4) _____________ you push this button?

A No, I didn’t .

B Here you (5) _____________ .

A Oh, (6) _____________ .

Conversation 2

A Can you (7) _____________ me? I’m lost.

B (8) _____________ do you want to go?

A To the bus station.

B (9) _____________ straight on. About three hundredmetres. It’s on the (10) _____________ .

A Thank you very (11) _____________ .

2 points for each correct answer 20




46 U N I T 1 1 Test B New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :11 Test B

Me a






47Test B U N I T 11New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

5 Match A and B.


1 read money2 change a video3 watch a hotel4 play a magazine5 book skiing6 go chess

2 points for each correct answer

6 Complete the everyday expressions.

matter help me sorry Check understand

me1 Excuse ____ .

2 Can you ___________ me?

3 I’m really ___________ .

4 ___________ it in your dictionary.

5 I don’t ___________ .

6 What’s the ___________ ?

2 points for each correct answer

7 Answer questions about you.

Can you …

1 read music? use a computer?

I can read music, but I can’t use a computer.

2 play the guitar? understand French?

3 swim? make a cake?

4 ride a horse? play tennis?

5 cook? speak German?

6 drive? draw?

2 points for each answer, 1 for grammatical accuracy, 1 for spelling

8 Read the text and answer the questions.

This week we interviewed Nayra from Seville.She’s a designer.

When did you first use a computer?

I first used a computer in 1986 in Seville. I bought an

Amstrad computer. There was no mouse and it was very


You work in an office in London now. What do you use at work?

I use a modern PC. We have the Internet and I can

communicate with people in Spain by email for my job.

Do you have the Amstrad at home now?

No, I don’t. I bought a Macintosh computer in 1999. It

was very expensive but I like it.

You have a laptop computer too.

Yes, I bought it last month. It was cheap. Now I can

work where I like. I can work in the garden! It’s


1 When did Nayra first use a computer?

In 1986.

2 Where was she in 1986?

3 Was the Amstrad fast?

4 Did the Amstrad have a mouse?

5 Where does Nayra work now?

6 What does Nayra use at work?

7 What country does she communicate with for work?

8 What computer did she buy in 1999?

9 Was the Macintosh cheap?

10 What did she buy last month?

11 Can she work in the garden now?

2 points for each correct answer






1 Write conversations.

1 cup of coffee ✓

Would you like a cup of coffee? Yes, please.

2 go for a walk ✗

Would you like to go for a walk? No, thanks.

3 send an email ✓

4 sandwich ✗

5 cup of tea ✗

6 change some money ✓

7 go shopping ✓

2 points for each correct conversation

2 Look at the table and write sentences. What do they want?


a new CD player ✓ ✗

buy a new car ✗ ✓

go out for a meal ✗ ✓

have a party ✓ ✓

a holiday in India ✓ ✗

some CDs ✓ ✓

James wants a1 ___________ new CD player.

2 ____________________________ buy a new car.

3 ____________________________ go out for a meal.

4 _______________ and _______________________________________ have a party.

5 ____________________________ a holiday in India.

6 _______________ and _______________________________________ some CDs.

2 points for each correct answer

3 Complete the conversations. Circle the correct letter.

Conversation 1

A (1) _______ help you?

1 a Would I b I’d c Can I d Do I

B (2) _______ a cup of coffee, please.

2 a Would I b Can I c Do I d I’d like

A (3) _______ like black or white?

3 a Would I b Would you c I’d d Can I

B Black, please.

A All right. (4) _______ you are. One pound fifty,please.

4 a Can b Here c Do e Please

Conversation 2

A Good morning. (5) _______ a stamp for thispostcard to Europe, please.

5 a I’d want b I’d like c Can I d Would I

B That’s 30p.

A Thank you.

B Here’s your stamp, and 70p (6) _______ .

6 a money b rest c changes d change

A Thanks (7) _______ . Bye.

7 a lots b a lot c much d very

Conversation 3

A Hello, I’d like (8) _______ a Spanish/Englishdictionary, please.

8 a to buy b buy c would I d bought

B OK. (9) _______ a big dictionary or aminidictionary?

9 a You like b Would you like c You’d like d Would you

A Just a minidictionary, please.

B (10) _______ £5.99.

10 a This one is b This one are c Here is d There one is

A That’s fine. Thank you very (11) _______ .

11 a a lot b please c good d much

2 points for each correct answer 20



48 U N I T 1 2 Test A New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :12 Test A

49Test A U N I T 12New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

4 Match the questions 1–6 with the answers a–f.

1 What would you like?

2 Where can I buy some potatoes?

3 Anything else?

4 Is there a newsagent near here?

5 Would you like an ice-cream?

6 Are you ready to order?

a Yes, it’s next to the bank.

b Yes, please. A chocolate one, please.

c No, that’s all, thanks.

d Yes, I am. I’d like the soup to start.

e I’d like a kilo of potatoes, please.

f At the market.

2 points for each correct answer

5 Complete the conversation. Use these words.

How order mineral bottle steak drink Mediumcooked Would soup main

orderWaiter Are you ready to (1) ___________ ?

Sally Yes, I’d like the chicken (2) ___________ ,


Waiter And for your (3) ___________ course?

Sally I’d like (4) ___________ , please.

Waiter (5) ___________ would you like it

(6) ___________ ?

Sally (7) ___________ , please.

Waiter And what would you like to (8) ___________ ?

Sally A (9) ___________ of red wine, please.

Waiter Very good. (10) ___________ you like a bottle

of (11) ___________ water, too?

Sally Yes, please.

2 points for each correct answer

6 Write the food in the menu.

chocolate cake beer seafood cocktail hamburgermixed salad ham

2 points for each correct answer

7 Read the text and answer the questions. Write the names.

AAnnddyy is 25. He eats a lot of fast food. He sometimes eats fruit. In hiskitchen there is always yoghurt, beer, and mayonnaise.

SSuuee is 35. She likes fish and vegetables. But she also likes chocolate.At lunchtime she always has a cheese sandwich. In her kitchen thereis always fruit juice and vegetables.

JJooaannnnaa is 20. She likes junk food. In the evening she eats with herfriends. She eats a lot of pizzas, hamburgers, and fries. She doesn’tlike fruit.

BBrriiaann is 45. He often eats in a restaurant. He eats chicken or steak andvegetables. He doesn’t like junk food.

Andy1 Who eats fast food? ______

2 Who doesn’t like junk food? ____________

3 Who has yoghurt in the kitchen? ____________

4 Who likes chocolate? ____________

5 Who eats fruit? ____________

6 Who often eats in a restaurant? ____________

7 Who has fruit juice in the kitchen? ____________

8 Who eats pizzas? ____________

9 Who has a sandwich for lunch? ____________

10 Who doesn’t like fruit? ____________

11 Who likes fish? ____________

2 points for each correct answer







v GREENS DINER sTToo ssttaarrtt SSiiddee oorrddeerrss

seafood cocktail_____________________ friestomato soup _____________________


SSaannddwwiicchheess DDeesssseerrttsschicken apple pie

_____________________ _____________________cheese ice-cream

MMaaiinn ccoouurrssee DDrriinnkkssroast chicken mineral water

_____________________ _____________________

h b n

1 Write conversations.

1 cup of coffee ✓

Would you like a cup of coffee? Yes, please.

2 go for a walk ✗

Would you like to go for a walk? No, thanks.

3 go shopping ✓

4 change some money ✓

5 send an email ✓

6 cup of tea ✗

7 sandwich ✗

2 points for each correct conversation

2 Look at the table and write sentences. What do they want?


a new CD player ✓ ✗

some CDs ✓ ✓

a holiday in India ✓ ✗

buy a new car ✗ ✓

have a party ✓ ✓

go out for a meal ✗ ✓

Alex wants a1 __________ new CD player.

2 ____________________________ buy a new car.

3 ____________________________ go out for a meal.

4 _______________ and _______________________________________ have a party.

5 ____________________________ a holiday in India.

6 _______________ and _______________________________________ some CDs.

2 points for each correct answer

3 Complete the conversations. Circle the correct letter.

Conversation 1

A (1) _______ help you?

1 a Can I b Do I c Would I d I’d

B (2) _______ a cup of coffee, please.

2 a Do I b I’d like c Would I d Can I

A (3) _______ like black or white?

3 a I’d b Can I c Would I d Would you

B Black, please.

A All right. (4) _______ you are. One pound fifty,please.

4 a Do b Please c Can d Here

Conversation 2

A Good morning. (5) _______ a stamp for thispostcard to Europe, please.

5 a Can I b Would I c I’d want d I’d like

B That’s 30p.

A Thank you.

B Here’s your stamp, and 70p (6) _______ .

6 a changes b change c money d rest

A Thanks (7) _______ . Bye.

7 a much b very c lots d a lot

Conversation 3

A Hello, I’d like (8) _______ a Spanish/Englishdictionary, please.

8 a would I b bought c to buy d buy

B OK. (9) _______ a big dictionary or aminidictionary?

9 a You’d like b Would you c You like d Would you like

A Just a minidictionary, please.

B (10) _______ £5.99.

10 a Here is b There one is c This one is d This one are

A That’s fine. Thank you very (11) _______ .

11 a good b much c a lot d please

2 points for each correct answer 20



50 U N I T 1 2 Test B New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :12 Test B

51Test B U N I T 12New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

4 Match the questions 1–6 with the answers a–f.

1 Are you ready to order?

2 Would you like an ice-cream?

3 Is there a newsagent near here?

4 Anything else?

5 Where can I buy some potatoes?

6 What would you like?

a Yes, it’s next to the bank.

b Yes, please. A chocolate one, please.

c No, that’s all, thanks.

d Yes, I am. I’d like the soup to start.

e I’d like a kilo of potatoes, please.

f At the market.

2 points for each correct answer

5 Complete the conversation. Use these words.

bottle order steak cooked How drink Wouldmineral soup Medium main

orderWaiter Are you ready to (1) ___________ ?

Rachel Yes, I’d like the chicken (2) ___________ ,


Waiter And for your (3) ___________ course?

Rachel I’d like (4) ___________ , please.

Waiter (5) ___________ would you like it

(6) ___________ ?

Rachel (7) ___________ , please.

Waiter And what would you like to (8) ___________ ?

Rachel A (9) ___________ of red wine, please.

Waiter Very good. (10) ___________ you like a bottle

of (11) ___________ water, too?

Rachel Yes, please.

2 points for each correct answer

6 Write the food in the menu.

apple pie mixed salad wine seafood cocktail cheesehamburger

2 points for each correct answer

7 Read the text and answer the questions. Write the names.

DDaanniieell is 25. He eats a lot of fast food. He sometimes eats fruit. In hiskitchen there is always yoghurt, beer, and mayonnaise.

MMooiirraa is 35. She likes fish and vegetables. But she also likeschocolate. At lunchtime she always has a cheese sandwich. In herkitchen there is always fruit juice and vegetables.

EEmmiillyy is 20. She likes junk food. In the evening she eats with herfriends. She eats a lot of pizzas, hamburgers, and fries. She doesn’tlike fruit.

CChhrriiss is 45. He often eats in a restaurant. He eats chicken or steak andvegetables. He doesn’t like junk food.

Daniel1 Who eats fast food? ______

2 Who doesn’t like junk food? ____________

3 Who has yoghurt in the kitchen? ____________

4 Who likes chocolate? ____________

5 Who eats fruit? ____________

6 Who often eats in a restaurant? ____________

7 Who has fruit juice in the kitchen? ____________

8 Who eats pizzas? ____________

9 Who has a sandwich for lunch? ____________

10 Who doesn’t like fruit? ____________

11 Who likes fish? ____________

2 points for each correct answer







v GREENS DINER sTToo ssttaarrtt SSiiddee oorrddeerrss

seafood cocktail_____________________ friestomato soup _____________________


SSaannddwwiicchheess DDeesssseerrttsschicken ice-cream

_____________________ _____________________ham chocolate cake

MMaaiinn ccoouurrssee DDrriinnkkssroast chicken mineral water

_____________________ _____________________

h b n

1 Write the -ing forms.

eating1 eat ______

2 drive ______________

3 swim ______________

4 run ______________

5 watch ______________

6 phone ______________

2 points for each correct answer

2 Write sentences in the Present Continuous.

1 He / read / a book

He’s reading a book.

2 I / use / a computer

3 She / dance

4 He / wear / brown shoes

5 We / enjoy / our holiday

6 They / cook / a meal

2 points for each correct answer

3 Write questions. Use the sentences from exercise 2.

1 Is he reading a book?

2 ___________________________________________ ?

3 ___________________________________________ ?

4 ___________________________________________ ?

5 ___________________________________________ ?

6 ___________________________________________ ?

2 points for each correct answer

4 Complete the sentences.

1 We usually play tennis but (today / football)

today we’re playing football._____________________

2 I usually wear a skirt but (today / a dress) ___________________________________________

3 He usually walks to work but (today / drive)___________________________________________

4 You usually watch TV but (today / listen to the radio)___________________________________________

5 I usually drink tea but (today / have coffee)___________________________________________

6 She usually eats out but (today / make pizza)___________________________________________

2 points for each correct answer

5 Complete the sentences. Use ’m, are, is, do, does, ’m not, isn’t,aren’t, don’t, or doesn’t.

Do do1 ‘____ you like coffee?’ ‘Yes, I ____ .’

2 No, I __________ going out this evening because I__________ very tired.

3 ‘__________ Frances cooking dinner?’ ‘No, she__________ .’

4 ‘__________ Paul have a CD player?’ ‘Yes, but he__________ have a video.’

5 This music is terrible. We __________ enjoying it.

6 ‘__________ you eating?’ ‘No, I __________ .’

7 ‘Do you go out on Fridays?’ ‘No, I __________ .’

1 point for each correct answer

6 Find the colours.

black1 alkbc _____

2 lewylo __________________

3 reneg __________________

4 yerg __________________

5 hetwi __________________

6 rwbno __________________

2 points for each correct answer 10






52 U N I T 1 3 Test A New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :13 Test A



53Test A U N I T 13New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

7 Match the clothes with these words.

shorts hat coat sandals trousers boots skirtshirt jacket jeans jumper dress

1 2 3 4

shorts jumper__________ __________ __________ __________

5 6 7 8

__________ __________ __________ __________

9 10 11 12

__________ __________ __________ __________

1 point for each correct answer

8 What’s the matter with the people? Complete the sentences.

cold1 She’s _____ .

2 He’s ________________ .

3 They’re ________________ .

4 He’s ________________ .

5 They’re ________________ .

6 She’s ________________ .

2 points for each correct answer

9 Read the postcards and decide if the sentences are true (✓)or false (✗).

Postcard 1

Dear Martin and Samantha,

We’re having a great time in Scotland. We’re

sitting in a café near the sea. Nicola is reading a

magazine and I’m writing this postcard to you.

We usually go to Spain every summer but this

year we wanted to see Scotland. We go for walks

every day in the mountains. We don’t go swimming.

It’s too cold!

See you soon

Steve and Nicola

Postcard 2

Dear Steve and NicolaWeÕre really bored here in London! WeÕre sitting at

home, IÕm watching the TV and SamanthaÕs sendingemails from her computer. We usually go to Scotland forour holiday but this year we canÕt go because we donÕthave any money. And the weatherÕs terrible! ItÕs raining.

Come back soon!Martin and Samantha

Postcard 1

1 Steve and Nicola are on holiday in Scotland.

2 They are sitting in a café.

3 Steve is reading a magazine.

4 Nicola is sending emails.

5 They usually go to Scotland.

6 They don’t like swimming in Scotland.

Postcard 2

7 Martin and Samantha are sitting at home.

8 Martin isn’t watching TV.

9 Samantha is reading a magazine.

10 They usually go to Spain for their holiday.

11 It’s raining in London.

2 points for each correct answer





1 Write the -ing forms.

eating1 eat ______

2 phone ______________

3 watch ______________

4 drive ______________

5 run ______________

6 swim ______________

2 points for each correct answer

2 Write sentences in the Present Continuous.

1 He / read / a book

He’s reading a book.

2 They / cook / a meal

3 We / enjoy / our holiday

4 I / use / a computer

5 He / wear / brown shoes

6 She / dance

2 points for each correct answer

3 Write questions. Use the sentences from exercise 2.

1 Is he reading a book?

2 ___________________________________________ ?

3 ___________________________________________ ?

4 ___________________________________________ ?

5 ___________________________________________ ?

6 ___________________________________________ ?

2 points for each correct answer

4 Complete the sentences.

1 We usually play tennis but (today / football)

today we’re playing football._____________________

2 She usually eats out but (today / make pizza)___________________________________________

3 I usually drink tea but (today / have coffee)___________________________________________

4 I usually wear a skirt but (today / a dress)___________________________________________

5 You usually watch TV but (today / listen to the radio)___________________________________________

6 He usually walks to work but (today / drive)___________________________________________

2 points for each correct answer

5 Complete the sentences. Use ’m, are, is, do, does, ’m not, isn’t,aren’t, don’t, or doesn’t.

Do do1 ‘____ you like coffee?’ ‘Yes, I ____ .’

2 ‘Do you go out on Fridays?’ ‘No, I __________ .’

3 ‘__________ you eating?’ ‘No, I __________ .’

4 This music is terrible. We __________ enjoying it.

5 ‘ __________ Paul have a CD player?’ ‘Yes, but he__________ have a video.’

6 ‘__________ Frances cooking dinner?’ ‘No, she__________ .’

7 No, I __________ going out this evening because I__________ very tired.

1 point for each correct answer

6 Find the colours.

black1 alkbc _____

2 rwbno __________________

3 hetwi __________________

4 lewylo __________________

5 yerg __________________

6 reneg __________________

2 points for each correct answer 10






54 U N I T 1 3 Test B New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :13 Test B



55Test B U N I T 13New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

7 Match the clothes with these words.

shorts hat coat sandals trousers boots skirtshirt jacket jeans jumper dress

1 2 3 4

shorts jumper__________ __________ __________ __________

5 6 7 8

__________ __________ __________ __________

9 10 11 12

__________ __________ __________ __________

1 point for each correct answer

8 What’s the matter with the people? Complete the sentences.

cold1 She’s _____ .

2 He’s ________________ .

3 She’s ________________ .

4 They’re ________________ .

5 They’re ________________ .

6 He’s ________________ .

2 points for each correct answer

9 Read the postcards and decide if the sentences are true (✓)or false (✗).

Postcard 1

Dear Richard and Jackie,

We’re having a great time in Wales. We’re sitting in a

café near the sea. Penny is reading a magazine and I’m

writing this postcard to you.

We usually go to Spain every summer but this year we

wanted to see Wales. We go for walks every day in the

mountains. We don’t go swimming. It’s too cold!

See you soon

Marco and Penny

Postcard 2

Dear Marco and Penny

WeÕre really bored here in London! WeÕre

sitting at home, IÕm watching the TV and

JackieÕs sending emails from her computer. We

usually go to Wales for our holiday but this

year we canÕt go because we donÕt have any

money. And the weatherÕs terrible! ItÕs raining.

Come back soon!

Richard and Jackie

Postcard 1

1 Marco and Penny are on holiday in Wales.

2 They are sitting in a café.

3 Marco is reading a magazine.

4 Penny is sending emails.

5 They usually go to Wales.

6 They don’t like swimming in Wales.

Postcard 2

7 Richard and Jackie are sitting at home.

8 Richard isn’t watching TV.

9 Jackie is reading a magazine.

10 They usually go to Spain for their holiday.

11 It’s raining in London.

2 points for each correct answer





1 Write the -ing form of the verbs.

collecting1 collect ________

2 fly ________________

3 have ________________

4 give ________________

5 get ________________

6 drive ________________

1 point for each correct answer

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the PresentContinuous.

are leaving1 When ____ you ________ ? (leave)2 Karen _____________________ her homework at

the moment. (do)

3 How __________ you _____________________ toLondon tomorrow? (travel)

4 We _____________________ next Thursday. (go)

5 I can’t help you now, I _____________________dinner. (cook)

6 Next weekend they _____________________ a newcomputer. (buy)

7 Stefan _____________________ his lunch. He’s veryhungry! (eat)

8 I _____________________ this film. It’s very good.(enjoy)

9 We can’t play tennis, it _____________________ .(rain)

10 Look! Armando _____________________ greentrousers. (wear)

11 Mustafa _____________________ his grandparentson Saturday. (visit)

2 points for each correct answer

3 Are the sentences in exercise 2 about the present (P) or thefuture (F)?

F1 _____ 5 _____ 9 _____

2 _____ 6 _____ 10 _____

3 _____ 7 _____ 11 _____

4 _____ 8 _____

1 point for each correct answer

4 Write questions and answers about Jane’s plans for Sunday.

SSuunnddaayy8.30 drive to Oxford by car9.30 meet David and Laura at the car park10.00 ticket to see Mir� exhibition1.00 lunch with Pamela at the Bombay restaurant2.30 visit the sports bookshop, buy tennis book4.00 go back to London to see film10.00 phone Richard

1 where / go / Sunday?

Where is Jane going on Sunday? She’s going to Oxford.

2 how / go Oxford?

3 who / meet?

4 where / meet them?

5 who / have lunch with?

6 where / have lunch?

7 when / go to the Mirò exhibition?

8 what / do / at 2.30?

9 what / buy at sports bookshop?

10 what time / phone Richard?

11 why / go back to London at 4 p.m.?

2 points for each correct question and answer 20




56 U N I T 1 4 Test A New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :14 Test A

57Test A U N I T 14New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

5 Read the sentences about yesterday and ask questions abouttomorrow.

Yesterday Tomorrow

Are you going to bed late tomorrow?1 went to bed late __________________________

2 left work early __________________________

3 met a friend __________________________

4 made dinner __________________________

5 got the bus to work __________________________

6 had a piano lesson __________________________

1 point for each correct answer

6 Match A and B.


1 catch sightseeing2 visit in a hotel3 stay a plane4 pack a museum5 go a car6 drive your bags

2 points for each correct answer

7 Read the texts and complete the conversations.

CHESTER TOURGuided tours of the cityPrice: £8 adults, £5 childrenThe bus leaves from the Tourist Information Centreat 10, 12, 2, and 4.The tour takes two hours.PETE’S BICYCLESExplore Norfolk by bicycle!Come and go as you please.£20 a day (children £15)Open: from 8.00 in the morning to 8.00 at nightTel 02654 768036CARTER’S GIFT SHOPBuy gifts for your friends and family.Delicious food, and lots more!Open: Monday to Saturday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sunday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.Hempstead Road, opposite the museumBROADWAY GARDENCome and enjoy our beautiful trees and flowers!Shop with plants, gifts, and booksCafé with sandwiches and drinksLocation: five miles from Cambridge on the A43Admission: £6.25

Conversation 1

A Excuse me. I’d like to visit a garden.

BroadwayB Well, you can go to (1) _________ Garden.

A Where is it?

B It’s (2) _______________ miles from Cambridge.

A How much is it to get in?

B It’s (3) _______________ .

A Can I buy gifts?

B Yes, there’s a (4) _______________ .

A And is there a restaurant?

B No, but you can eat (5) _______________ in the café.

Conversation 2

A Excuse me. can you tell me where I can buy gifts nearthe museum?

B Yes of course. At (6) _______________ .

A What time is it open on Sunday?

B (7) _______________ until (8) _______________ .

A And where is it?

B It’s (9) _______________ .

Conversation 3

A Hello, can we have bicycles, please?

B Yes, for two children and two adults?

A Yes, that’s right.

B That’s (10) _______________ .

A What time do you close?

B At (11) _______________ .

Conversation 4

A Excuse me. Where does the bus leave from?

B It goes from (12) _______________ .

A How much is an adult ticket?

B (13) _______________ . It takes (14)_______________ hours.

A Thank you. It’s eleven o’clock now. What time is thenext (15) _______________ ?

B At (16) _______________ .

2 points for each correct answer





1 Write the -ing form of the verbs.

collecting1 collect ________________

2 drive ________________

3 get ________________

4 fly ________________

5 give ________________

6 have ________________

1 point for each correct answer

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the PresentContinuous.

are leaving1 When ____ you ________ ? (leave)2 Mustafa _____________________ his grandparents

on Saturday. (visit)

3 Look! Armando _____________________ greentrousers. (wear)

4 We can’t play tennis, it _____________________ .(rain)

5 I _____________________ this film. It’s very good.(enjoy)

6 Stefan _____________________ his lunch. He’s veryhungry! (eat)

7 Next weekend they _____________________ a newcomputer. (buy)

8 I can’t help you now, I _____________________dinner. (cook)

9 We _____________________ next Thursday. (go)

10 How _________ you _____________________ toLondon tomorrow? (travel)

11 Magda _____________________ her homework atthe moment. (do)

2 points for each correct answer

3 Are the sentences in exercise 2 about the present (P) or thefuture (F)?

F1 _____ 5 _____ 9 _____

2 _____ 6 _____ 10 _____

3 _____ 7 _____ 11 _____

4 _____ 8 _____

1 point for each correct answer

4 Write questions and answers about Ann’s plans for Sunday.

SSuunnddaayy8.30 drive to Cambridge by car

9.30 meet Joszef and Danuta at the car park

10.00 ticket to see Mirò exhibition

1.00 lunch with Angela at the Bombay restaurant

2.30 visit the sports bookshop, buy tennis book

4.00 go back to London to see film

10.00 phone Steven

1 where / go / Sunday?

Where is Ann going on Sunday? She’s going to Cambridge.

2 how / go Cambridge?

3 who / meet?

4 where / meet them?

5 where / have lunch?

6 who / have lunch with?

7 when / go to the Mirò exhibition?

8 what / buy at sports bookshop?

9 what / do / at 2.30?

10 why / go back to London at 4 p.m.?

11 what time / phone Steven?

2 points for each correct question and answer 20




58 U N I T 1 4 Test B New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :14 Test B

59Test B U N I T 14New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

5 Read the sentences about yesterday and ask questions abouttomorrow.

Yesterday Tomorrow

Are you going to bed late tomorrow?1 went to bed late __________________________

2 had a piano lesson __________________________

3 got the bus to work __________________________

4 left work early __________________________

5 made dinner __________________________

6 met a friend __________________________

1 point for each correct answer

6 Match A and B.


1 catch sightseeing2 drive your bags3 go a car4 visit in a hotel5 pack a museum6 stay a plane

2 points for each correct answer

7 Read the texts and complete the conversations.

BOB’S BICYCLESExplore Dorset by bicycle!Come and go as you please.£20 a day (children £15)Open: from 8.00 in the morning to 8.00 at nightTel 02654 768036

STRATFORD TOURGuided tours of the cityPrice: £8 adults, £5 childrenThe bus leaves from the Tourist Information Centreat 10, 12, 2, and 4.The tour takes two hours.BROADWAY GARDENCome and enjoy our beautiful trees and flowers!Shop with plants, gifts, and booksCafé with sandwiches and drinksLocation: five miles from Cambridge on the A43Admission: £6.25BEVAN’S GIFT SHOPBuy gifts for your friends and family.Delicious food, and lots more!Open: Monday to Saturday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sunday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.Walter Road, opposite the museum

Conversation 1

A Excuse me. Where does the bus leave from?

the Tourist Information CentreB It goes from (1) _____________________ .

A How much is an adult ticket?

B (2) _______________ . It takes(3) _______________ hours.

A Thank you. It’s eleven o’clock now. What time is thenext (4) _______________ ?

B At (5) _______________ .

Conversation 2

A Excuse me. I’d like to visit a garden.

B Well, you can go to (6) ______________ Garden.

A Where is it?

B It’s (7) _______________ miles from Cambridge.

A How much is it to get in?

B It’s (8) _______________ .

A Can I buy gifts?

B Yes, there’s a (9) _______________ .

A And is there a restaurant?

B No, but you can eat (10) _______________ in thecafé.

Conversation 3

A Excuse me. can you tell me where I can buy gifts nearthe museum?

B Yes of course. At (11) _______________ .

A What time is it open on Sunday?

B (12) _______________ until (13) _______________ .

A And where is it?

B It’s (14) _______________ .

Conversation 4

A Hello, can we have bicycles, please?

B Yes, for two children and two adults?

A Yes, that’s right.

B That’s (15) _______________ .

A What time do you close?

B At (16) _______________ .

2 points for each correct answer





Each exercise has a total mark of 15 points: 6 points for grammatical accuracy, 6 for lexis and communication of message, 3 for spelling.

Unit 2

Write two sentences about you (your name, the country andcity you are from).

Unit 3

Write sentences about you (your name, where you are from,your address, your job, your age).

Unit 4

Write five sentences about you and your family, or about afriend and his/her family.

Unit 5

Write five sentences about you. Say where you are from, whatlanguages you speak, what food/drink/sport you like.

Unit 6

Write about your day. Use some of these words.

usually sometimes never

have breakfast/lunch/dinner go to school/work get homeget up listen to music watch television go shopping in themorning/afternoon/evening stay at home go out play

Unit 7

You are on holiday in a city. Write a postcard to a friend. Writeabout where you are, the hotel, the people, the food and drink,and the weather. Use adjectives, e.g. beautiful, big, small,expensive, cheap, friendly, etc.

Unit 8

Write about your house or flat. Describe where it is, what roomsthere are, what is in the rooms, what you do in the living room,where you have lunch and dinner, and what you like about it.

Unit 9

Write five sentences about your family. Write their names andwhen they were born.

Unit 10

Write five sentences about what you did last Saturday.

Unit 11

Write five sentences about what you can do and what you can’t do. I can . . . but I can’t . . .

Unit 12

Write about the food you eat. Use some of these words:

always never sometimes

fruit vegetables meat fish vegetarian food mealyoghurt wine lunch dinner cooking breakfast

Unit 13

Write five sentences about your favourite colours/clothes, whatyou are wearing now, and what you usually wear during theweek/at weekend.

Unit 14

Write five sentences. What are you doing this evening/tomorrow/next Sunday? Where are you going after this test/onyour next holiday?

60 Free-writing exercises New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

Free-writing exercises

61Listening testsNew Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

Listening tests

Unit 1 T 1.8 p112

Listen and complete the conversation.

R Hello. My (1) ________________ ’s Rita. What’s yourname?

T I’m Tina, and this is Mary.

R Hello, (2) ________________ . Hello, Mary.

M Hello Rita. How (3) ________________ you?

R I’m OK, thanks. And (4) ________________ ?

M (5) ________________ , thanks.

Unit 2 T 2.8 p112

Listen and complete the conversations.

1 G Hello, I’m Gérard. I’m from(1) ________________ .

A Hello Gérard. I’m Akemi from(2) ________________ .

2 C (3) ________________ . My name’s Charles.What’s your (4) ________________ ?

B Hi, Charles. I’m Bud. I’m from the(5) ________________ ________________ .Where are you (6) ________________ ?

C I’m from (7) ________________ , in England.

B Oh, yeah. I’m from Chicago.

3 L Hi, I’m Loretta. I’m from Sydney,(8) ________________ .

J Hi Loretta. I’m Jason. I’m from(9) ________________ , too.

L Wow! are (10) ________________ from Sydney?

J No. I’m from Melbourne.

Unit 3 T 3.6 p113

Listen and put ✓ or ✗.

1 Jeff is from England.

2 Jeff is from Texas.

3 He’s a businessman.

4 He’s 23.

5 He’s 25.

6 He’s married.

Unit 4 T 4.6 p113

Listen and complete the text.

Hello! My name’s Rachel, and I’m from

(1) _____________ . This is a photo of my

(2) _____________ . Our house is in San Diego. This is

my (3) _____________ . His name is Steve, and he’s

(4) _____________ . He’s a (5) _____________ . This is

my (6) _____________ . Her name’s Grace. She’s

(7) _____________ , and she’s a (8) _____________ .

And this man is my (9) _____________ , Bob. He’s

(10) _____________ , and he’s a businessman.

Unit 5 T 5.7 p114

Listen and decide if the sentences about Gordon are true (✓) orfalse (✗).

1 Gordon is from Scotland.

2 He lives in Aberdeen.

3 He lives in London.

4 He lives in a flat.

5 He works in a Chinese restaurant.

6 He doesn’t like Italian food.

7 He likes his job.

8 He wants to be an actor.

9 He doesn’t drink beer.

10 He speaks French.

11 He speaks Spanish.

Unit 6 T 6.8 p115

Listen and put ✓ or ✗.

1 Karl has breakfast at six forty-five.

2 He leaves home at seven thirty.

3 He doesn’t go to work by taxi.

4 He has lunch in his office.

5 He usually works late.

6 He sometimes eats in a restaurant.

62 Listening Tests New Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

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Listening tests

Unit 7 T 7.5 p116

Listen and complete the sentences.

1 How do you come to ___________________ ?

By ___________________ .

2 What do you have for ___________________ ?

Toast and ___________________ .

3 Who is your favourite pop ___________________ ?

I don’t ___________________ a favourite. I like a lot.

4 Where does your ___________________ work?

In an ___________________ in the centre of town.

5 Why do you want to learn English?

___________________ it’s an international language.

Unit 8 T 8.3 p116

Listen and tick (✓) the words you hear.

photographs telephone

sofa TV

radio computer

armchairs pictures

table lamps

Unit 9 T 9.7 p117

Listen and write the dates.

15641 Shakespeare _____

2 Van Gogh __________________

3 Beethoven __________________

4 Marilyn Monroe __________________

5 Elvis Presley __________________

6 Diana Spencer __________________

Unit 10 T 10.2 p117

Listen and number the things Betsy did in the order you hearthem.

a She went to bed early.

b She went to the supermarket.

c She got up late.

d She watched a film on TV.

e She cooked a meal.

f She bought some chocolate.

Unit 11 T 11.6 p118

Listen and complete the text with word/s.

come fromI (1) __________ South America, from

Argentina, but now I live and work in England, in

(2) _______________ . I (3) _______________ four

languages – Spanish, of course, French,

(4) _______________ , and English. I

(5) _______________ English very well now but in the

beginning it was very difficult for me. I

(6) _______________ a car and I (7) _______________

a horse – I don’t ride in London but when I’m back

home in Argentina I ride. I (8) _______________ and I

(9) _______________ very well and I

(10) _______________ the piano – but I

(11) _______________ the guitar.

Unit 12 T 12.4 p119

Listen and circle correct the place and thing.

1 music shop / Internet café CD / magazine

2 bank / Internet café letter / email

3 newsagent / bookshop dictionary / magazine

4 music shop / cinema tickets / stamps

5 bank / cinema stamps / traveller’scheques


63Listening TestsNew Headway Beginner © Oxford University Press P H O T O C O P I A B L E

N A M E :

Listening tests

Unit 13 T 13.1 p119

Listen and write the colours.

black1 George’s jacket _____

Sadie’s jacket __________________

2 George’s trousers __________________

Sadie’s trousers __________________

3 Sadie’s shirt __________________

George’s shirt __________________

4 Sadie’s shoes __________________

George’s shoes __________________

Unit 14 T 14.1 p120

Listen and number the things in the order you hear them.

a meeting Ed and Lucy after work

b having lunch with mum

c flying to Mexico City

d collecting tickets

e leaving work early

f seeing the doctor