Вестник Московского университета № 6 • 2013 • НОЯБРЬ —...

СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Исследователь, педагог, организатор науки. К 90-летию со дня рождения, 60-летию научной и педагогической деятельности профессора Г.Е. Маркова . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 К о к и н а Е.А. Формы владения вельможескими гробницами в Египте эпохи Древнего царства . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Л о г и н о в А.В. Мщение и месть в терминологии гомеровского эпоса . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 П р е с н я к о в а Л.П. Служилая биография князя И.Д. Бельского по данным разрядных книг, летописей и записок Генриха Шта- дена . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 П р е с н я к о в А.З. Проблема будущего Австро-Венгрии в оцен- ках французской интеллектуальной и политической элиты (январь–март 1918 г.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Новосельцев Б.С. Подготовка Белградской конференции неприсоединившихся стран 1961 г. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 С к о р о х о д о в а О.Н. От конфронтации к сотрудничеству: ста- новление новой модели экономических отношений США и стран-членов ОПЕК (1973–1978 гг.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 М у р о м ц е в а Л.П. Праздники и памятные даты в жизни россий- ской эмиграции . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92 Е ф и м о в а Е.А. Итальянское путешествие Жака Андруэ Дюсерсо старшего (1511–1585): факты и гипотезы . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Указатель статей и материалов, опубликованных в 2013 г. . . . . . . . . 146 Вестник Московского университета НАУЧНЫЙ ЖУРНАЛ Основан в ноябре 1946 г. № 6 2013 НОЯБРЬ — ДЕКАБРЬ Выходит один раз в два месяца Серия 8 ИСТОРИЯ Издательство Московского университета

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Исследователь, педагог, организатор науки. К 90-летию со днярождения, 60-летию научной и педагогической деятельностипрофессора Г.Е. Маркова . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3К о к и н а Е.А. Формы владения вельможескими гробницами вЕгипте эпохи Древнего царства. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18Л о г и н о в А.В. Мщение и месть в терминологии гомеровскогоэпоса . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26П р е с н я к о в а Л.П. Служилая биография князя И.Д. Бельскогопо данным разрядных книг, летописей и записок Генриха Шта-дена . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39П р е с н я к о в А.З. Проблема будущего Австро-Венгрии в оцен-ках французской интеллектуальной и политической элиты(январь–март 1918 г.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51Н о в о с е л ь ц е в Б.С. Подготовка Белградской конференциинеприсоединившихся стран 1961 г. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64С к о р о х о д о в а О.Н. От конфронтации к сотрудничеству: ста-новление новой модели экономических отношений США истран-членов ОПЕК (1973–1978 гг.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76М у р о м ц е в а Л.П. Праздники и памятные даты в жизни россий-ской эмиграции . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92Е ф и м о в а Е.А. Итальянское путешествие Жака Андруэ Дюсерсостаршего (1511–1585): факты и гипотезы . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116Указатель статей и материалов, опубликованных в 2013 г. . . . . . . . . 146


  • , , . 90- , 60- .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

    .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26

    .. .. , - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39

    .. - - ( 1918 .) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51

    .. 1961 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64

    .. : - - (19731978 .) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76

    .. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92

    .. (15111585): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

    , 2013 . . . . . . . . . 146

    1946 .

    6 2013



    Researcher, teacher, organizer of science. To the 90th anniversary of the birth and the 60th anniversary of the scientific and pedagogical activity of Professor G.E. Markov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    K o k i n a E.A. Forms of private tomb possession in the Old Kingdom Egypt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

    L o g u i n o v A.V. Vengeance and revenge in the terminology of the Ho-meric epics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26

    P r e s n y a k o v a L.P. Service biography of Prince I.D. Belsky according to the lists of nobility, Chronicles and notes by Henry Staden . . . . . . . .39

    P r e s n y a k o v A.Z. The problem of the future of Austria-Hungary as estimated by the French intellectual and political elite (JanuaryMarch 1918) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51

    N o v o s e l t s e v B.S. Preparation of the Belgrade conference of non-aligned countries of 1961 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64

    S k o r o k h o d o v a O.N. From confrontation to cooperation: formation of a new model of economic relations between the US and OPEC (19731978) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76

    M u r o m t s e v a L.P. Holidays and memorable dates in the life of Rus-sian emigration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92

    E f i m o v a E.A. Italian journey of Jacques Androuet du Cerceau the Elder (15111585): facts and hypotheses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

    List of articles and materials published in the journal in 2013 . . . . . . . . . . 146

    . . -. . 8. . 2013. 6

    . , 2013

    , ,

    90- 60- ..

    21 2013 . 90 , , .. , .

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    30 (- ), , .

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    . . -. . 8. . 2013. 6

    .. ( . .. )*

    , . , , 800 : , . - , - . , , , .

    : , , , , .

    The article deals with the forms of private tomb possession in the Old Kingdom of Egypt. The analysis of decorative, architectural, and textual sources from more than 800 private tombs reveals existence of two main forms of possession: sole possession and joint possession which can be subdivided into two different types. The most common form was sole possession when all elements of tomb decoration were made for one person. Joint tombs were built for more than one person, usually for relatives and rarely for colleagues.

    Key words: Ancient Egypt, Old Kingdom, private tombs, right of possession, legal inscriptions.

    * * *

    (XXVIIXXII . .., IIIVIII ) 1. - , - , , . , , -

    * , .: 8-905-506-93-07; e-mail: [email protected]

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    roglyphische Inschriften des Alten Reiches. Opladen, 1981. Abb. 4.4 Peck C.N. Some Decorated Tombs of the First Intermediate Period at Naga ed-Dr.

    Ph. D. Thesis. Brown University. Chicago, 1958. P. 56, pl. III.

  • 20 21

    , - . - , / , , ( - ) , 5. - , 6, - .

    800 , - . 269 , . . . .

    , - . - 7, . - -; -. - . , , - . , .. 8; , - 9. 10.

    -. .

    5 Barta W. Aufbau und Bedeutung der altgyptischen Opferformel. Glckstadt, 1968; Lapp G. Die Opferformel des Alten Reiches, unter Bercksichtigung einiger spterer Formen. Mainz am Rhein, 1986.

    6 .: .. . - . ., 2001.

    7 -.

    8 Lapp G. Op. cit. S. 4649; Chauvet V. The Conception of Private Tombs in the Late Old Kingdom. Ph. D. Diss. Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore, 2004. P. 161216.

    9 .. . ., 1966. . 4955, 102103.

    10 Simpson W.K. Mastabas of the Western Cemetery. P. I. Boston, 1980. Pl. XV bd, fig. 12; Sethe K. Op. cit. S. 122, 11.

    , ( ) . - , .

    . - 7 , - . , 11. , - : - . - .

    (154 -), (45 ), (30), (22), (14), (10), (7), (6), (4 ).

    . . . - , 75% 12, .

    ( ) , 13. . , -, 14. - ; - ; () / (), . ,

    11 Moussa A., Altenmller H. Das Grab des Nianchchnum und Chnumhotep. Mainz, 1977.

    12 McCorquodale K. Representations of the Family in the Old Kingdom. Women and Marriage. Ph. D. Diss. Macquarie University. Sydney, 2010. Tab. A.

    13 Helck W. Wirtschaftliche Bemerkungen zum privaten Grabbesitz im Alten Reich // Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo. Wiesbaden; Mainz, 1956. Bd. 14. S. 66; Chauvet V. Op. cit. P. 217285; Zelenkova L. Die privaten Stiftungsinschriften des funerren Bereichs des Alten Reiches und der 1. Zwischenzeit. Diplomarbeit. Wien, 2008. S. 154156.

    14 McCorquodale K. Op. cit. Tab. A.

  • 22 23

    , . - .

    , . - . , 15. .

    . - - -. 8 , , , 11 , , , . (122 ). (, , -, ) , .

    49 , , - (16 ; 26 ; 7 - ). , - 16. . , , (.. - ) -17. , , 18. 19. : , - , , , . , 20. -

    15 Helck W. Op. cit. S. 67; Chauvet V. Op. cit. P. 310333; Zelenkova L. Die privaten Stiftungsinschriften. S. 157, 159160.

    16 Lehmann K. Die Mastaba G 2009 auf dem Westfriedhof von Giza. Magisterarbeit. Heidelberg, 1995. S. 8390.

    17 Edel E. Die Felsgrbernekropole der Qubbet el Hawa bei Assuan. Paderborn; Mn-chen; Wien; Zrich, 2008. S. 459512.

    18 Ibid. Fig. 2 QH 34e.19 Ibid. Fig. 1a QG 34e, Abb. 1 ac QH 34e.20 Sethe K. Op. cit. S. 140, 17 141, 3; Edel E. Die Felsgrbernekropole der Qubbet

    el Hawa. S. 466467, fig. 1 a.

    , , , , .. . , . -, , - , - , 21.

    , - . - . , , , - ( )22. - , .. , - . - (, , ) 23, - .

    20% - (57 ). VVI . -, V - , , , - 24. , - - .

    , / . , . , ,

    21 Edel E. Die Felsgrbernekropole der Qubbet el Hawa. S. 502.22 Feucht E. Das Kind im Alten gypten. Die Stellung des Kindes in Familie und Ge-

    sellschaft nach altgyptischen Texten und Darstellungen. Frankfurt am Main; N.Y., 1995. S. 6164; Chauvet V. Op. cit. P. 217223.

    23 .. . . . 206207.24 Brta M. Architectural Innovations in the Development of the Non-Royal Tomb

    During the Reign of Nyuserra // Structure and Significance. Thoughts on Ancient Egyp-tian Architecture / Ed. by P. Jnosi. Wien, 2005. P. 105125.

  • 24 25

    . -, , , - . - , 25. / - , , .

    - , - , , .. (27 ). , - - 26. , .

    , - . , , , , - - . - .

    , -, , - , .

    1. .. . - . ., 2001.

    2. .. // . , 2013. 4.

    3. .. . ., 1966.

    4. .. . ., 1988.5. Brta M. Architectural Innovations in the Development of the Non-Royal

    Tomb during the Reign of Nyuserra // Structure and Significance. Thoughts on Ancient Egyptian Architecture / Ed. by P. Jnosi. Wien, 2005.

    6. Barta W. Aufbau und Bedeutung der altgyptischen Opferformel. Glck-stadt, 1968.

    25 .. . ., 1988. . 1318.26 .. -

    // . , 2013. 4. . 322.

    7. Chauvet V. The Conception of Private Tombs in the Late Old Kingdom. Ph. D. Diss. Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore, 2004.

    8. Edel E. Hieroglyphische Inschriften des Alten Reiches. Opladen, 1981.9. Edel E. Die Felsgrbernekropole der Qubbet el Hawa bei Assuan. Pader-

    born; Mnchen; Wien; Zrich, 2008.10. Feucht E. Das Kind im Alten gypten. Die Stellung des Kindes in Familie

    und Gesellschaft nach altgyptischen Texten und Darstellungen. Frankfurt am Main; N.Y., 1995.

    11. Goedicke H. Knigliche Dokumente aus dem Alten Reich. Wiesbaden, 1967. 12. Goedicke H. Die privaten Rechtsinschriften aus dem Alten Reich. Wien,

    1970.13. Hassan S. Excavations at Giza 19301931. Cairo, 1936.14. Helck W. Wirtschaftliche Bemerkungen zum privaten Grabbesitz im Alten

    Reich // Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo. Bd. 14. Wiesbaden; Mainz, 1956.

    15. Jasnow R. Old Kingdom and First Intermediate Period // A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law / Ed. by R. Westbrook. Leiden; Boston, 2003.

    16. Lapp G. Die Opferformel des Alten Reiches, unter Bercksichtigung eini-ger spterer Formen. Mainz am Rhein, 1986.

    17. Lehmann K. Die Mastaba G 2009 auf dem Westfriedhof von Giza. Ma-gisterarbeit. Heidelberg, 1995.

    18. Lippert S. Einfhrung in die altgyptische Rechtsgeschichte. Berlin; Mnster, 2008.

    19. McCorquodale K. Representations of the Family in the Old Kingdom. Women and Marriage. Ph. D. Dissertation. Macquarie University. Sydney, 2010.

    20. Moussa A., Altenmller H. Das Grab des Nianchchnum und Chnum-hotep. Mainz, 1977.

    21. Peck C.N. Some Decorated Tombs of the First Intermediate Period at Naga ed-Dr. PhD. Thesis. Broen University. Chicago, 1958.

    22. Sethe K. Urkunden des Alten Reichs. Leipzig, 1933.23. Simpson W.K. Mastabas of the Western Cemetery. P. I. Boston, 1980.24. Zelenkova L. Die privaten Stiftungsinschriften des funerren Bereichs des

    Alten Reiches und der 1. Zwischenzeit. Diplomarbeit. Wien, 2008.

    26 2012 .

  • 26 27

    . . -. . 8. . 2013. 6

    .. ( .. )*

    , , , . , . - .

    : , , , .

    The article investigates the terms of revenge in the Homeric poems. The author concludes that the Homeric revenge is different from the modern concept of the term. The usual result of Homeric revenge is killing. The Homeric revenge is associated with honor und trade. There is no concept of forgiveness in the Homeric poems.

    Key words: revenge, blood vengeance, Homer poems, the meaning of the terms.

    * * * -

    , . , - , , .

    , . , , , - .

    .. . , - , , -1.

    . .. . , , . - , .. , , - , 2.

    * , . 8-906-782-59-23; e-mail: [email protected] Thonissen J.J. Le droit criminel de la Grce lgendaire. Bruxelles, 1893. P. 31, 39.2 Glotz G. La solidarit de la famille dans le droit criminel en Grce. Paris, 1904.

    P. 106107.

    , . , : 3. 4. , .., , 5. - 6. . - . , 7.

    .. . , - : (Rache), (Strafe) - (Bue)8. .. , 9.

    - - .. . .. , 10. .. -, , , - . , - , , .. .

    .. , - , , , , 11. -, , -12. , .

    , . .. , ,

    3 Ibid. P. 108109.4 Ibid. P. 111.5 Ibid. P. 109110.6 Ibid. P. 110.7 Cantarella E. Norma e Sanzione in Omero. Contributo alla protostoria del diritto

    greco. Milano, 1979. P. 231237.8 Leist B.W. Graeco-italische Rechtsgeschichte. Jena, 1894. S. 322323.9 Lipsius J.H. Das Attische Recht und Rechtsverfahren. Bd. 1. Leipzig, 1905. S. 7.10 Treston H.J. Poine. A Study in Ancient Greek Blood Vengeance. London, 1923.

    P. 2833.11 .., .., ..

    . ., 1995. . 21.12 . . 2122.

  • 28 29

    .. , . - . , . .. -, .. . , - .. .

    . , , - , 13. -, ; - , , 14. , - , - . , - , , , , .., - , .

    , . -, ; , 15.

    . . . , 16.

    - .. . , , , 17. , ius talionis18. . . 19 20.

    21. , 22.

    13 . . ., 1995. . 274.

    14 .15 . . 275.16 Linden D. Ehre und Ehe: Handlung und Gerechtigkeit in Ilias und Odyssee //

    Hermes. 120. 1. 1992. S. 111.17 Loney A.C. Narrative revenge and the poetics of justice in the Odyssey: a study on

    tisis. Durham, 2009. P. 8, 32, 39, 4445, 267.18 Ibid. P. 2728, 170, 226, 267.19 Ibid. P. 31, 111115.20 Ibid. P. 3435.21 Ibid. P. 114118.22 Ibid. P. 220, 267.

    , - . , - , , . .. : . , , - . - . - ( ) . - . , , - . , -, . .. , vengeance , .., , - , - . .. - .

    , - , : , - , .. , , , . .

    - . . .. , , . . . - .. .

    , -, -, . . , , .

  • 30 31

    , , , , , , , , , , .. , - , .

    . , - , .

    -, , , , .

    : , , , , , -, .

    , - . , , .

    , , : ) (Il. 15. 115116, Od. 24. 470, Od. 3. 195, Od. 3. 203206, Od. 3. 196197, Il. 17. 3435, Il. 11. 142, Il. 4. 161162); ) (Il. 18. 93, Il. 21.134, Il. 22. 271272, Il. 16. 398, Od. 23. 312313, Od. 9. 479); ) (Il. 22. 820, Il. 1. 508); ) (Il. 3. 366, Il. 3.351, Il. 3. 28, Il. 15. 177, Od. 14. 163, Il. 22. 317, Od. 23. 31, Od. 23. 57, Od. 3. 216, Od. 24. 352, Od. 5. 24, Od. 13. 386, Od. 13. 193, Od. 17. 540, Od. 16. 255, Od. 11. 118, Od. 22. 6164, Od. 1. 268, Il. 1. 42, Od. 15. 236); ) - (Od. 22. 168169); ) - (Od. 13. 213); ) (Il. 19. 259260); ) - (Il. 21. 399).

    , , : Il. 15. 115; Il. 21. 134; Il. 18. 93; Il. 3. 28; Il. 3. 366; Il. 3. 351; Il. 4. 161162; Il. 15. 177; Il. 22. 270; Il. 11. 142; Il. 16. 398; Od. 12. 378; Od. 12. 383384; Od. 3. 195; Od. 3. 203-206; Od. 14. 163; Od. 15. 236; Od. 317; Od. 23. 31; Od. 23. 57; Od. 3. 216; Od. 24. 352; Od. 5. 24; Od. 13. 386; Od. 13. 193; Od. 17. 540; Od. 16. 255; Od. 22. 168169; Od. 11. 118; Od. 22. 60-64; Od. 1. 268; Il. 1. 508; Il. 1. 42. - : Od. 23. 312313, Od. 9. 479, Il. 22. 1820, Il. 21. 399, Od. 22. 218, Od. 24. 470, Il. 18. 3435, Od. 13. 213214, Il. 19. 259260.

    , : Il. 21. 399; Il. 15. 177; Il. 15. 115; Il. 18. 3435;

    Il. 18. 93; Il. 21. 134; Il. 22. 270; Il. 16. 398; Il. 11. 142; Il. 22. 1820; Il. 3. 366; Il. 3. 351; Il. 317; Il. 3. 216; Il. 24. 352; Od. 23. 312313; Od. 3. 28; Od. 14. 163; Od. 23. 31; Od. 23. 57; Od. 3. 203-206; Od. 3. 195; Od. 24. 470; Od. 5. 24; Od. 13. 386; Od. 13. 193; Od. 17. 540; Od. 16. 255; Od. 11. 118; Od. 22. 6064; Od. 1. 268; Od. 15. 236; Od. 22. 218; Od. 22. 168169. - -, : Il. 4. 161162. : Od. 9. 479, Il. 22. 1820, Il. 1. 508, Il. 1. 42, Od. 12. 378, Od. 12. 383384, Od. 13. 213, Il. 19. 259260.

    , ; - . : - (14 ), (20 ), (2 ), -, , , ( - ). (31 ), 9 -, . , (35 ), 8 .

    , , . : Od. 2. 132133, Il. 18. 407408, Od. 22. 235, Od. 13. 1415, Od. 14. 166, Od. 22. 218, Il. 8. 186, Od. 12. 378, Od. 12. 383384.

    , : Od. 8. 347348, Od. 8. 355356, Il. 9. 634635, Il. 3. 286, Il. 3. 288289, Il. 3. 459460.

    : Od. 7. 67, Il. 1. 244, Il. 1. 509510, Il. 9. 110, Il. 9. 118, Il. 16. 274.

    , , (42 63). : , , - (9 ), (6 ), - (6 ). , , , - .

    , , ( -, ) . . .

  • 32 33

    , , . - 23. : , , . . (, Il. 1. 42).

    . - (Od. 1. 40, Od. 2. 76, Od. 13. 143144). , - . , Od. 13. 143144 .

    , , , . . : , , , , . : Il. 2. 196197, Il. 1. 278279, Il. 17. 251, Il. 6. 193, Il. 15. 189, Il. 9. 616, Od. 11. 495, Od. 11. 503, Od. 24. 30. : Il. 1. 353, Il. 16. 8485, Il. 24. 57. : Il. 4. 410, Il. 9. 319, Il. 17. 92. : Il. 9. 605, Il. 9. 608, Il. 23. 649, Od. 5. 335, Od. 8. 479480, Od. 11. 302304. , , : Od. 11. 338.

    (Il. 3. 459, Il. 3. 286, Od. 22. 5658). , . . , 24 . . 25 . 26. (Il. 5. 552553). , (Od. 14. 7071). -, :

    23 .: . . ., 2000. . 182.24 : Homeri Odyssea / Ed. H. van

    Thiel. Hildesheim; Zuerich; N.Y., 1991; Homeri Ilias / Ed. H. van Thiel. Hildesheim; Zuerich; N.Y., 1996.

    25 Leaf W. The Iliad, edited, with apparatus criticus, prolegomena, notes, and appen-dices. London, 1900.

    26 Seymour T.D. Homers Iliad, Books I-III and Homers Iliad, Books IV-VI. Boston; London, 1891.

    , - (Od. 14. 117). , , Od. 1. 117. , . , - (Od. 9. 270271). , . - , , , , -, .

    , , , , , , -, . honor. . Il. 5. 552553, Od. 14. 7071, Od. 14. 117, Od. 9. 270271, , . . . , 27, . , - 28, .

    . Il. 14. 483484, Il. 21. 2728, Il. 13. 659, Il. 16. 398, Od. 23. 312313. Il. 17. 206208. Il. 18. 498499, Il. 9. 633.

    , , , . .. . , - 29. .. - .. , 30. , Il. 17. 207 - . . .. , , 31. .. ,

    27 Glotz G. Op. cit. P. 106107.28 . . . . 274.29 Thonissen J.J. Op. cit. P. 31, 39; Glotz G. Op. cit. P. 106107.30 Treston H.J. Op. cit. P. 2833; Lipsius J.H. Op. cit. S. 7.31 Cantarella E. Op. cit. P. 231237; .., .., ..

    . . . 2122.

  • 34 35

    , .

    . , - . (.., - , ) , , . , .

    , . , : -.

    , , . (Il. 22. 349, Il. 24. 555556, Il. 24. 137, Il. 24. 276, Il. 24. 578); (Il. 21. 100, Il. 1. 13, Il. 11. 134); - (Il. 19. 138, Il. 9. 120).

    , , . . , . , 32. . , -, , , . , - . , 33.

    , ( , , ), , . - , , , . , , .

    , , .

    32 Glotz G. Op. cit. P. 111.33 Ibid. P. 110.

    . , .

    , - . , / : , , (Il. 1. 454). , / (Il. 2. 34). Il. 16. 237. , . - , , , : (Il. 1. 505). Il. 1. 559. Il. 15. 77 , / : , - . , : (Od. 13. 128129). : , , , , .

    : Il. 23. 787, Il. 22. 235, Il. 11. 46, Il. 13. 113, Il. 16. 271, Il. 12. 310, Il. 9. 38, Il. 16. 460, Il. 23. 649, Il. 9. 297, Od. 19. 280, Od. 23. 339, Od. 5. 36, Od. 13. 28, Od. 3. 379, Od. 7. 69, Od. 14. 203, Od. 15. 365, Od. 1. 312, Il. 17. 99.

    , , , . . , . , , .

    , , . , - (Il. 19. 179180, Il. 18. 501, Od. 14. 59, Od. 19.43, Od. 24. 255, Od. 19. 168, Od. 21. 312). - (Od.11.218). (Od. 14. 84).

    , - (Il. 1. 203, Il. 1. 214, Od. 17. 169, Od. 16. 410, Od. 16. 418, Od. 17. 564565, Od. 17. 588, Od. 1. 227, Od. 1. 368, Od. 17. 581, Od. 20. 170, Od. 18. 381, Od. 3. 207, Od. 17. 245, Od. 17. 431).

  • 36 37

    (Od. 17.486487). - (Od. 8. 575, Od. 6. 120, Od. 13. 201, Od. 9. 175). , , -, . (Od. 18. 346348, Od. 20. 284286, Il. 11. 142, Od. 20. 169, Od. 24. 325326). .

    , : , , , , , , , . - .


    , .., , - , . - . , - . - , .. , . , . - . : , .

    , . , , . , . .

    - .

    -, - . .

    -, - . , . , - . - .

    -, . - , , . - , , .

    -, . , , , .. . .

    -, . - . , , . .

    , , - , -, .

    , - , .

    1. . . ., 1995.

    2. .., .., .. - . ., 1995.

    3. . . ., 2000.4. Cantarella E. Norma e Sanzione in Omero. Contributo alla protostoria del

    diritto greco. Milano, 1979.5. Glotz G. La solidarit de la famille dans le droit criminel en Grce. Paris,

    1904.6. Leaf W. The Iliad, edited, with apparatus criticus, prolegomena, notes,

    and appendices. London, 1900.7. Leist B. W. Graeco-italische Rechtsgeschichte. Jena, 1894.

  • 38 39

    . . -. . 8. . 2013. 68. Linden D. Ehre und Ehe: Handlung und Gerechtigkeit in Ilias und Odyssee // Hermes. 120. 1. 1992.

    9. Lipsius J.H. Das Attische Recht und Rechtsverfahren. Bd. 1. Leipzig, 1905.

    10. Loney A.C. Narrative revenge and the poetics of justice in the Odyssey: a study on tisis. Durham, 2009.

    11. Seymour T.D. Homers Iliad, Books IIII and Homers Iliad, Books IVVI. Boston; London, 1891.

    12. Thonissen J.J. Le droit criminel de la Grce lgendaire. Bruxelles, 1893.13. Treston H.J. Poine. A Study in Ancient Greek Blood Vengeance. London,


    11 2012 .

    .. ( .. )*

    .. ,

    .. , - XVI . - , - .. .

    : , , , , , , .

    This article presents the reconstruction of military and court service of I.D. Belsky, one of the most important person in the Russian State at the middle of the XVIth century. The lists of nobility and the chronicles allow to restore the career of Prince Belsky, who received important posts thanks to his noble origin.

    Key words: Ivan Dmitrievich Belsky, Gediminovichi, voevods, lists of nobili-ty, Crimean tatars, Zemshchina, Heinrich von Staden.

    * * *

    - . . - XVI . , - - , 1. .. , - . - XVI .: , , , , , -, . .. -

    * , . 8-919-967-30-06; e-mail: [email protected] 1 IX XVIII .: /

    . . .. . ., 2006. . 34.

  • 40 41

    XVI .

    , , . - - . .

    , - XVI . XVI XVII ., , , , . , , -, , .. 2

    -, ( - XVI .). , - , , . () , - . .. - , .

    , , XV . III. - , , 3. - - , -, . , - , , .. , III 4. 1526 . , III .. - , , -

    2 .. XV XVII . ., 1962. . 6.

    3 .. - XV XVI . ., 1988. . 124.

    4 . . 125.

    . , - .

    - 1547 ., IV . , 5. 8 1554 . - , III . - , 6.

    , .. , . XVI . 15 , . .. , , , 1551 .7 , , - . 1555 .8 , .. 1554 . , , , - 15381539 .

    .. . -, .. 1555 .9 -, , .. -- ( ). 1555 . 10, .. . 1556 . ( ) - , , 11. -

    5 14751605 . . 1. . 2. ., 1982. . 322.6 . . 1. . 3. ., 1982. . 481.7 .. XVXVI . // -

    . 1957. ., 1958. . 52. 8 14751605 . . 1. . 3. . 495.9 .

    10 . . 501.11 . . 510.

  • 42 43

    .. .

    , ( , -. , ) - . .. - , .. - , .

    , . - .. , .. 12. , 1557 . , - . , , . , 13. .

    , .. , . ( 1554 . 1517 ) ? . , 15881589 . , : ( . ..), , , -, , - , 14. , .. -. , 1555 1558 . . .. , . .. , . .. , .. , .. .

    12 .. XVIXVII . . ., 1994. . 52.

    13 14751605 . . 2. . 1. . 1112.14 . . ., 2002. . 87.

    .. , .

    , - . - , - . , - , . , - , , (, ), .

    .. . 1555 .15, . .. , 1560 .16

    , .. 1560 . - 50- . ( 1554 1560), . , , .. . -. .. . ( 1565 1571 .) , . , - . XVI ., - , - , , .. .

    - , .

    15 14751605 . . 1. . 3. . 501.16 .. XVXVI . . 55.

  • 44 45

    , , . , -, . IV , .

    , , , , , , 17, - .. . - ( ) , -, . . - 18, . , : - . - , . . - : , [ ], , [] , , - . : .. , . - - .

    IV .. . , 1562 . - . , , , . - ( - 1569 ., .. ) .

    17 . -. ., 2002. . 35.18 . . 45, 52.

    , - , , . , 1562 . .. , - 150 . - 20 1562 ., 33 , 19, - 116 20. , .. , . . - - - . 1561 . ( ) , - 21, -. 1562 . , 1562 . - , 22. - - ( , .. .).

    . --, .. : - - . -, , , , . , (, , ).

    , . IV , 23.

    . 17 - 1563 . . 24. , . - , . . . ,

    19 .. 15271571 . 4 // . . 10. ., 2004. . 15.

    20 . . 16.21 14751605 . . 2. . 2. . 510.22 // . . 29. ., 1965. . 301. 23 .24 . . 304.

  • 46 47

    .. - , .. . , 1563 . .. . IV - .

    31 , . - 25. , . 5 - , , 26. .. - , . , , . , 15 , .

    , .. , , . , . , IV - . - .. - (-, 11 1563 .), 27.

    , .. ( 1563 . 13 1565 .) . 1563 . . . 1564 . , . 28, . .

    25 . . 305.26 . . 309.27 . . 321.28 14751605 . . 2. . 1. . 164.

    , .. , , -. , , .

    13 1565 . - 29. .. 30, - , .

    - . 3 1565 . IV - , , , , , . , . - , , , . - , - 5 - , , - . . . -, , 31.

    , , , , -: , - 32. , .. , , , , .

    1565 . - , , , , , 33.

    29 . . 176.30 . . 181.31 .. . ., 2002. . 187.32 // . . 29. . 344.33 . . 347.

  • 48 49

    , , - 34. -, - - , : , ; - 35.

    , 11 , - . , . -, -, , . 36. - , , . 37.

    .. . . , 1566/1567 . - 38. -, . 1569 . -, 39. 1569 . - - 40. -. , - . , , .

    34 .35 . . 348.36 .37 14751598 . ., 1966. . 229.38 . . 233.39 . . 235.40 . . 239.

    1570 . , . 1571 . -, , . ( ) . , 41. , , . , 42, - . - , 43. , , - . , .

    : - 24 , , , -, . 23 , , : - . , - , -.

    , - . , . .. : , , - 44. :

    41 14751605 . . 2. . 3. . 269.42 . . 277.43 . . 280.44 . . 281.

  • 50 51

    , 45.

    : - , , , - , , - , . , , . .

    , .. - XVI . - , . - , - -, . .

    1. .. 15271571 . 4 // -. ., 2004. . 10.

    2. .. XV XVII . ., 1962.

    3. .. XVXVI . // .1957. ., 1958.

    4. .. XV XVI . ., 1988.

    5. .. XVI . // -.1980. ., 1981.

    6. IX XVIII .: / . . .. . ., 2006.

    7. .. . ., 2002.8. .. XVIXVII .

    . ., 1994.


    45 .. XVI . // . 1980. ., 1981. . 57.

    . . -. . 8. . 2013. 6

    .. ( .. )*

    - ( 1918 .)

    - -- . . - . - .

    : -, , , , - , , .

    This article examines the position of French politicians and intellectuals on the possibility of the territorial and political changes in the Hapsburg Empire after the First World War. The variants of the decision of this problem are studied on the base of French periodicals and political essays. The main issues of this article are the theoretical foundations of proposed changes and the significance of the problem of Austro-Hungarys future for French foreign policy at the end of the World War.

    Key words: Austro-Hungary, France, First World War, territorial and political changes, principle of nationalities, right to the self-determination.

    * * *

    , , , -. , -. , , - . 1918 . . - ,

    * , . 8-915-422-76-95; e-mail: [email protected]

  • 52 53

    , , . - . - , - - .

    1917 . . - , (, ) . , - .

    , - -, . - . - . 5 8 1918 . . - , - - 1, - 2.

    , - - 3. ,

    1 Mr. Lloyd Georges Speech to the Trade Unions. January 5, 1918 // War memoirs of David Lloyd George. Vol. V. N.Y., 1982. P. 70.

    2 Wilson W. An Address to a joint session of Congress, 08.01.1918 // The papers of Woodrow Wilson. Vol. 45. Princeton, 1984. P. 537.

    3 .. : - // . 2010. 6. . 104112; .. - (19131921 .): . . . . ., 2005; .. - : - - // - XIX -

    , -. , 4, -, , - 5.

    , - - - 1918 . - , . - 20 1918 . - . , - . , - - - .

    19141917 . - -. - -, 6.

    . ., 1991. . 260269; .. - 19171918 // - - - XIX . ., 1991. . 269279; Soutou G.-H. Les grandes puissances et la question des nationalits en Europe centrale et orientale pendant et aprs la Premire Guerre mondiale: actualit du pass? // Politique trangre. 1993. Vol. 3. P. 695710; Taylor A.J.P. The war aims of the allies in the first world war // Essays presented to sir Lewis Namier. London, 1956. P. 475505.

    4 Kalervo H. Cordon sanitaire or barrire de lEst? // Turku, Turun yliopisto, 1975. T. 135. Turku, 1975; Renouvin P. Les buts de guerre du gouvernement franais (19141918) // Revue historique. T. 135. JanvierMars 1966. P. 138. Stevenson D. French War aims and peace planning // The treaty of Versailles: a reassessment after 75 years. Cam-bridge, 1998. P. 87110.

    5 Marjanovic E. Die Habsburger Monarchie in Politik und ffentlicher Meinung Frankreichs 19141918. Wien; Salzburg, 1984.

    6 Bainville J. Les trois gnraux de renfort // LAction franaise. 27.01.1915.

  • 54 55

    , , - . , . - , -: - , ; - . .

    19141917 . - -- -7. , - : - . , - - , - 8. - - . - - -- -9. , , . - - , , 10.

    7 ., : Denis E. La question dAutriche. Les slovaques. Paris, 1917; Idem. La grande Serbie. Paris, 1915; Leger L. La liquidation de lAutriche-Hongrie. Paris, 1916; Idem. Le panslavisme et lintrt franais. Paris, 1917; Chradame . Le plan pangerma-niste dmasqu. Paris, 1916; Chradame . La paix que voudrait lAllemagne. Paris, 1915.

    8 Le Role dAutriche // LAction franaise. 7.08.1914; Chradame . Le plan panger-maniste dmasqu. P. 352.

    9 Bainville J. Ne confondons pas les genres // LAction franaise. 28. 07.1916.10 Pichon R. Les obstacles notre propagande // La nation tchque. 5. 1.08.1917.

    . 106.

    - . - , - , - 11, 14 - 12. . - , - - 13. - , , , , . . - , .. , (socit des nations)14, - .

    - - , . - . -. -, - 15. . . - , , - 14 - 16.

    11 Bainville J. Perspectives ouvertes par M. Lloyd George // LAction franaise. 7.01.1918.12 Bainville J. Les conditions de M. Wilson // LAction franaise. 7.01.1918.13 Bainville J. Le sort de lAutriche // LAction franaise. 11.01.1918.14 Ibidem.15 Gauvain A. Le gouvernement par consentement des gouverns // Journal des Dbats.

    8.01.1918.16 Benes E. Lloyd George, Wilson et Pichon contre lAutriche-Hongrie // La nation

    tchque. 16. 1.02.1918. . 548.

  • 56 57

    , - . . - . - , . , - - , , . , , - - . - 17 - - , , .

    - -- - ( ), 12 1918 . , - , . - , - . - -- -, , , - 18. - - , - 19. , - , -

    17 Wilson W. Op. cit. P. 537.18 Lettre dun diplomate une provinciale de ses amies // LEurope nouvelle. 1.

    12.01.1918. . 8.19 De Brest-Litovsk Washington // LEurope nouvelle. 1. 12.01.1918. . 3.


    -, - -. - , (18931983). , , . , . , 19141917 . . - -21. , - 22.

    , 1918 . - - . , , . -, 1918 . . - , - - , 1917 . -23.

    , - : - , . 9 1918 . - - . , - 24. , -

    20 Dillon E.-J. Le discours de Lloyd George. Le point de vue anglais // LEurope nou-velle. 1. 12.01.1918. . 13; Idem. La paix. Le point de vue anglais // Ibid. 2. 19.01.1918. . 66.

    21 Weiss L. Les esprances des pays tchques // Revue de Paris. 1.12.1917.22 La Nation Tchque. 15 15.01.1918.23 Gauvain A. La paix americaine // Journal des Dbats. 11.01.1918.24 Bainville J. La paix allemande avec lUkraine et la position de la Roumanie //

    LAction franaise. 10.02.1918.

  • 58 59

    - , -. 9 , , - - , .

    , - -- . - . - - 25. , , 1915 ., . . - , - , , - . . - , - - - 26. . , I.

    , - . , , - - , - 27. .

    25 Bainville J. LAutriche et la rpublique russe // LAction franaise. 19.01.1918.26 . . 2. .; ., 1945. . 329330.27 Bainville J. Le sort de lAutriche // LAction franaise. 11.01.1918.

    - - . 1918 . - - - . , , - , 28. , -- , 29. . -- -. - - . , , , 30. - -, .

    - -- - 31. - - 32. , 1918 . .

    . 1918 . - . . - 33.

    28 Chopin J. Un nouvel quilibre europen // La Revue de Paris. 15.02.1918. . 879.29 Ibid. P. 876.30 Ibid. P. 888, 891.31 Leger L. Les slaves dAutriche-Hongrie [ -

    19 1914 .] // Leger L. La liquidation de lAutriche-Hongrie. Paris, 1916. P. 12.

    32 Chradame . Le plan pangermaniste dmasqu. P. 204.33 From Robert Bridges. New York. December 31, 1917 // The papers of Woodrow

    Wilson. Vol. 45. P. 410.

  • 60 61

    , . . 34. -, , , 35. 1918 . , , - - - , . - , - , , - 36.

    - - - -. , 1916 . 37, - - , - 38. 1918 . , , - , - - , - .

    1918 . - . 1917 . - - . 1917 . - I 39.

    34 Ibid.35 To Robert Bridges. White House. January 2, 1918 // The papers of Woodrow Wilson.

    Vol. 45. P. 423.36 // . . III.

    ., 1938. . 271.37 Bainville J. Toujours loiseau et le grain de sel // LAction franaise. 21.06.1916.38 Bainville J. DAlgsiras Brest-Litovsk // LAction franaise. 3.01.1918.39 .: .. : -

    - 19141917 . ., 1985. . 111123.

    : - -40. 1917 . , - , . 1918 . , -, - . - 1918 . , - 41.

    - - , - 12 1918 .42 - . 1918 . . - - . . , -, , , - 43.

    - , - , - 1917 . - . - , , , -

    40 .: .. : 1917 // . XVIIIXX . . 2. ., 1998. . 189216.

    41 Lintervention austro-allemande en Russie // Le Temps. 17.02.1918.42 Annales de la Chambre des dputs. 11 legislature. Tome unique. Premire Partie.

    Session ordinaire de 1918. Sance du 11 Janvier 1918. Paris, 1919. P. 30.43 Poincar R. Au service de la France. Neuf annes de souvenirs. Vol. 10. Victoire et

    armistice. 1918. Paris, 1933. P. 2124.

  • 62 63

    , . - 1918 . - . - , - , - , , 44.

    - - 3 1918 . , , -: . . , 45. - - , - .

    , 1918 . , -- - . - - . --: , , . - - -, , - 1918 . ,

    44 Benoist Ch. Les revendications italiennes // Travaux du Comit dtudes. Tome second. Questions europennes. Paris, 1919. . 380430; Haumant E. La question Adria-tique au point de vue des yugo-slaves // Travaux du Comit dtudes. Tome second. Ques-tions europennes. . 431458.

    45 Bainville J. Consquences de la paix russe // LAction franaise. 6.03.1918.

    , - , .

    1. .. : - 19141917 . ., 1985.

    2. . . 2. .; ., 1945. 3. .. :

    // . 2010. 6.4. .. : 1917

    // . XVIIIXX . . 2. ., 1998.

    5. .. -- (19131921 .): . . . . ., 2005.

    6. .. : - // - XIX . ., 1991.

    7. .. - 19171918 // - XIX . ., 1991.

    8. Kalervo H. Cordon sanitaire or barrire de lEst? // Turku, Turun yliopisto, 1975. T. 135. Turku, 1975.

    9. Marjanovic E. Die Habsburger Monarchie in Politik und ffentlicher Meinung Frankreichs 19141918. Wien; Salzburg, 1984.

    10. Renouvin P. Les buts de guerre du gouvernement franais (19141918) // Revue historique. T. 135. JanvierMars 1966.

    11. Soutou G.-H. Les grandes puissances et la question des nationalits en Europe centrale et orientale pendant et aprs la Premire Guerre mondiale: actualit du pass? // Politique trangre. 3/93. Paris, 1993.

    12. Stevenson D. French War aims and peace planning // The treaty of Versailles: a reassessment after 75 years. Cambridge, 1998.

    13. Taylor A.J.P. The war aims of the allies in the first world war // Essays presented to sir Lewis Namier. London, 1956.

    11 2012 .

  • 64 65

    . . -. . 8. . 2013. 6

    .. (. . )*

    * , .: 8-905-583-26-71; e-mail: [email protected]

    1961 .

    , - , , - 1961 . (, , ), , . .

    : , , , .

    The article is based on unpublished sources from Russian and Serbian archives as well as contemporary Serbian scientific literature. It concerns the preparation of Belgrade Conference of Non-Aligned Countries in 1961. The author analyzes not only the position of the main participants of the planned movement (Yugoslavia, India, Egypt), but also of the great powers USA, USSR and China. The main directions of Yugoslavian foreign policy and its role on the international arena are also designated.

    Key words: Yugoslavia, Non-Aligned movement, Belgrade conference, Josip Broz Tito.

    * * *

    1961 . - . - .

    1948 ., - , . - -- - .

    1950- ., .. , - () , - , . , -

    - , , . - , - .

    1950- . - : - - -, - . , - - .

    1961 . . - . - - 1.

    14 1961 . - : , , , , , , (). - . , , . , - - , . - - XVI - . , , -, .

    5 1961 .2 II. (1722 1961 .) - - . -

    1 Diplomatski arhiv Saveznog ministarstva za inostrane poslove. Politika arhiva ( DASMIP. PA). 1960. f-56. 436438. Spoljna politika Jugoslavije i meunarodni odnosi.

    2 Bogeti D. Nova strategija spoljne politike Jugoslavije 19561961. Beograd, 2006. S. 355357.

  • 66 67

    - 17 1961 . 3.

    , , , -. XV 1960 . - -, - . - 4.

    26 1961 . 21 , . -, - . , - , . , XVI - 5.

    512 1961 . , . -- , .

    , - - , . - (, , , ) -

    3 Arhiv Jugoslavije. Kabinet Predsednika Republike ( AJ. KPR). I-2/13-1. Put J.B. Tito u UAR.

    4 - 26 1961 . - , , - . , , , - . , , : - (AJ. KPR. I-1/372. Poruka Pred-sednika vlade Indije Davaharlal Nehru-a, kojom odgovara na zajedniku poruku pred-sednika Tita i Gamal Abdel Nasera, 2530.4.1961).

    5 AJ. KPR. I-2/13-1. Put J.B. Tito u UAR // Tekst zajednike poruke predsednika Tito i predsednika Nasera, koja je 26 aprila i nadalje uruena efovima 21 zemlje.

    . 6. - , - . - -: , , , - 7. , , , -, (, ) -8, .

    , - - , , , 9. , . , - .

    , - : , ; - ; - ; - 10.

    -, . - , -

    6 1954 . -- . 1955 . 5 : , , , -, .

    7 ., : Osmi kongres Saveza komunista Jugoslavije. Beograd, 1964. S. 105.8 .. -

    ( ). ., 1983. . 5860.9 avoki J. Jugoslavija i Daleki Istok Trei Svet izmeu Jugoslavije i Kine // Jugo-

    slavija u hladnom ratu. Prilozi istraivanjima. Beograd, 2010. S. 70.10 Petranovi B. Istorija Jugoslavije 19181988. Trea knjiga. Socijalistika Jugoslavija

    19451988. Beograd, 1988. S. 563.

  • 68 69

    , , , 11. -, 12. - , 19 - , , : , , , , , , -, , , , , , , -, , , -, 13.

    . -

    - : . -, . , , -. . 19 1961 . - , , , - : -, , 14. 8 , - 15.

    -, , - , , - . 19 - , - , 16. 3 . . ,

    11 ( ). . 78. . 22. . 38. . 14. . 106.

    12 19 1961 . -, [ ] - -. , . (AJ. KPR. I-1/195. Poruka Predsednika Repub-like Josipa Broza Tita Caru Etiopije Haile Selassiu. 19.7.1961).

    13 . . 78. . 22. . 39. . 16. . 12.14 AJ. KPR. I-1/374. Poruka Predsednika Republike Josipa Broza Tita Predsedniku

    vlade Indije Davaharlal Nehru. 19.7.1961.15 Ibid. Poruka Predsednika vlade Indije Davaharlal Nehru-a Predsedniku Republike

    Josipu Broz Titu. 8.8.1961.16 Ibid. I-1/428. Poruka Predsednika Republike Josipa Broza Tita Predsedniku Re-

    publike Indonezije Dr Ahmedu Sukarnu. 19.7.1961.

    . , - , . , . . , , - 17.

    1961 ., , . 1961 . . - II -18. , 1961 . -: II - . : 1955 . - , 1956 . , . - .

    , -- , - . -. , , -, -. - 19.

    , -, , , - .

    - 1950- . . - , , - 20.

    , 1961 . , - - : -

    17 AJ. KPR. I-1/1293. Poruka Predsednika FNRJ Josipa Broza Tita Predsedniku Gamal Abdel Naseru. 3.8.1961.

    18 avoki J. Op. cit. S. 68.19 Ibid. S. 64.20 Ibid.

  • 70 71

    -? , , : , ?

    - - , - , , , . , - . - - , , , , , 21.

    - , , , - . , . .

    - : -22. -, , . . 31 1961 . - - , - .

    . .

    1960 . - . - . , . - - ,

    21 Ibid. S. 70.22 Ibid. S. 66.

    . - .

    , , - , 23. , 1960- . -, . , , ..., 24.

    25, 1961 ., . , - - . - , . , 26.

    . - , 1950- ., -- .

    - , - , - , - - 27. , , ,

    23 AJ. KPR. I-3-a/107-100. SAD. Prijem ambasadora George. F. Kennan-a. Maj 1965.24 Foreign Relations of the United States ( FRUS). Vol. XVI. 19611963.

    Eastern Europe. Yugoslavia. Doc. 89. Memorandum of Conversation. 22.3.1961.25 (19042005) ,

    , . ( 1952 .). (19611963 .) .

    26 FRUS. Vol. XVI. 19611963. Doc. 89. Memorandum of Conversation. 22.3.1961.27 AJ. KPR. I-3-a/107-104. SAD. Beleka za Kabinet Predsednika Republike povo-

    dom predstojeeg sastanka druga Predsednika sa Chester Bowles-om // Prijem podsekre-tara SAD Chester Bowles-a. 25.7.1961.

  • 72 73

    28, 1961 . - -- .

    17 . . - : , - . -, , 29. , , -: , , , 30.

    30 - 31. , - , - . , 32.

    28 1950- 1960- . - , - . -, . , , - . , , - -, , - , . - , - - . -, , , - . -. , , -, . , - . - , , , - .

    29 AJ. KPR. I-3-a/107-103. SAD. Prijem ambasadora George Kenana. 17.7.1961.30 FRUS. Vol. XVI. 19611963. Doc. 93. Memorandum of Conversation. 17.7.1961.31 (19011986) .

    (19511953 19621969). - , : 1961 . - .

    32 AJ. KPR. I-3-a/107-104. SAD. Zabeleka o razgovoru druga predsednika sa podsek-retarom SAD Chester Bowlesom // Prijem podsekretara SAD Chester Bowles-a. 30.7.1961.

    33, , - . -. , , , - . 34.

    - . 35, .. XX 1956 . - 1960 . , - .

    1960 1961 . . -. , 36. - -. , , 37.

    - - 38 (713 1961 .). .. .. , .. .

    33 DASMIP. PA. 1958. Indija. f-38. 410345. ifrovano pismo B. Crnobrnje iz Delhi.34 Bogeti D. Pogoranje jugoslovensko-amerikih odnosa posle prvog samita nes-

    vrstanih zemalja u Beogradu // Istorija XX veka. 2/2006. S. 72.35 Tripkovi . Poboljanje jugoslovensko-sovjetskih odnosa 19611962 // Tokovi

    istorije. 34/2008. S. 7778. 36 Ibid. S. 7879.37 DASMIP. Str. pov. 1961. f-2. 58. Rezime stavova sa sastanka kod J.B. Tita. 11.02.1961.38 () (19081992) --

    , . - (19481953 .), (19531965 .), - (19661967 .).

  • 74 75

    10 , , , - - ( , - ). , : , , . : , - . , -. , . , 39.

    , - 40. , , - .

    , , 1961 . - - . , - , - , - , - 41.

    , , , - , , - 42.

    -. , , , 43. -

    39 DASMIP. PA. 1965. SSSR. f-158. 420547. Beleka o zvaninim razgovorima Koa PopoviGromiko. 10.7.1961.

    40 Tripkovi . Op. cit. S. 80.41 Bogeti D. Pogoranje jugoslovensko-amerikih odnosa posle prvog samita nesvrstanih

    zemalja u Beogradu. S. 72.42 Ibid. S. 7173.43 13 1961 . -

    . -- , ,

    , - 44. - - 45.

    (16 1961 .) , , -. . . - . - 1960- . - .

    1. .. - ( ). ., 1983.

    2. Bogeti D. Nova strategija spoljne politike Jugoslavije 19561961. Beograd, 2006.

    3. Bogeti D. Pogoranje jugoslovensko-amerikih odnosa posle prvog samita nesvrstanih zemalja u Beogradu // Istorija XX veka. 2/2006.

    4. Petranovi B. Istorija Jugoslavije 19181988. Trea knjiga. Socijalistika Jugoslavija 19451988. Beograd, 1988.

    5. Tripkovi . Poboljanje jugoslovensko-sovjetskih odnosa 19611962 // Tokovi istorije. 34/2008.

    6. avoki J. Jugoslavija i Daleki Istok Trei Svet izmeu Jugoslavije i Kine // Jugoslavija u hladnom ratu. Prilozi istraivanjima. Beograd, 2010.

    23 2012 .

    . 24 , . 1961 . , - 1989 ., .

    44 1960 . , - , . . - . , , - , , , .

    45 Bogeti D. Pogoranje jugoslovensko-amerikih odnosa posle prvog samita nesvrstanih zemalja u Beogradu. S. 73.

  • 76 77

    . . -. . 8. . 2013. 6

    .. ( ..)*

    : (19731978 .).

    (), 19731974 . . , - - , -- .

    : , , , , .

    The article covers the issue of formation of a new model of relations between the U.S. and OPEC (the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) that turned into a substantial actor of the international arena in the aftermath of the energy crisis of 19731974. It is worth mentioning that this problem is insuf-ficiently explored in the Russian historiography. Examining recently declassified archival documents, the author considers the development of the USOPEC relations from the economic and political perspectives and analyses relevant do-mestic discussions and as well as the USEuropean contradictions.

    Key words: OPEC, IEA, energy crisis, petrodollars recycling, the Group of Six (G6).

    * * *

    1970- . - . , - 40 , , . , - 1970- .

    1970- . - , .

    , - . 1960- . ( , ), - . - , 6 1973 . , . , , - , , . , - -, 3,65 11,65 .

    , , - , . -, , , , -, : , - , - , , .

    , - . , , . , , - 1.

    , - , 2. , -

    1 An Open Market in Oil: To Restore Competition. The Washington Post. 24.03.1974.2 Congressional Record: proceedings and debates of the 93th Congress. Vol. 122.

    Washington, 1976. P. 1066.* , .: 8-910-418-29-48; e-mail: [email protected]

  • 78 79


    - . , - , . 6 1973 ., , . - , - 1985 . , 4.

    . . , , . 1970- . -, -, 22 38%5. , - - 1970- ., , .

    - -, . ; , , - . , 1976 . - 7,66 ., , -. -, , - , ,

    3 . : .. : , , . ., 1991.

    4 U.S. President. 19691974. Richard Nixon. Public Papers of the Presidents of the US. November 7, 1973. Address to the Nation About Policies to Deal With the Energy Shortages // www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws

    5 Rustow D.A. The Middle East: US Saudi Relations and the Oil Crises of the 1980s // Foreign Affairs. April 1977. Vol. 55. N 3. . 501.


    - 1974 . -, . . , . , , - -- .

    (), 1974 ., - - , , , . - - , , - .

    , , - , 7. - -, -. 34 1974 . 20 9 , - 8. 1974 . , , . , -

    6 US OPEC relations. Selected Materials.Washington, 1976. P. 206.7 .. -

    . . ., 2005. . 132133.8 The Papers of the Nixon White House. The Richard M. Nixons National Security

    Files. Telegram from AmEmbass Brussels to SecState. Wash. DC. March 5, 1974. 8:26 Confidential. Declassified 12/29/04.

  • 80 81

    - - .

    31 1974 . - 90- , (90 - )9. 1517 1975 . - ( ), - - 10.

    , -: 23 1975 . , , , - . , , - . , 1975 . - Bechtel, - , 2 11. , , , . . , -.

    , - , . , , 12. - 11 . 1970 . 107,9 . 1976 ., 1974 . 24,6 .13

    9 Ibid. Telegram from AmEmbassy Brussels to SecState. June 31, 1974. Secret. Declassified 12/29/04.

    10 First Rambouillet Summit. Declaration of Rambouillet. November 17, 1975 // http://www.mofa.go.jp/policy/economy/summit/2000/past_summit/01/e01_a.html

    11 Declassified Documents Reference System. Report On Private Group Five Meeting. February 23, 1975. Secret. Declassified 5/23/06.

    12 Arabs and Their Money a Lot of Ways to Spend It. US News and World Report. January 14, 1974.

    13 Skeet I. OPEC: Twenty-Five Years of Prices and Politics. Cambridge, 1988. P. 244.

    -: 1974 . . : 60- . 5%, 70- 3,2%. - , ( 5%, 1974 . - 10%)14, - . , 1973 ., - , , - .

    , - , , 1975 . - . , , - . , , - , 15 . , - , -. , - , - 1975 . , . 1974 ., 1967 ., 1 ., - 50%16, 1975 . - 3,3 . 1976 ., , 46 . , - 17.

    14 US Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics // http://www.bls.gov/15 Vital Speeches of the Day. October 10, 1974. 16 Impact of Inflation and Recession on the USSR and Eastern Europe (S-6806). CIA

    Historical Review Program. Release in Full 1998 // http://www.foia.cia.gov/browse_docs_full.asp

    17 USSR: Problems in Financing Hard Currency Trade Deficits. Created: 1/1/1976. Top Secret. Declassified Docs // http://www.foia.cia.gov/browse_docs_full.asp

  • 82 83

    - : , , - .

    17 1975 . , -18. , , , - 1975 . , , - . - , - . , 1974 ., - , , -, , -, 19. .

    , 27% - . - , .. , - - , , 20. , 1976 . - 10%, 12,7 ., ( ) - , 5%21. , , , . -

    18 US-OPEC relationsP. 91.19 Declassified Documents Reference System. The Development Coordination Com-

    mittee. Memorandum to DCC members. November 6, 1975. Confidential. Declassified 1/28/92.

    20 International Oil Developments. Created: 5/30/1974. Secret, No Foreign Dissem. Approved for Release. December 1976. Declassified Docs // http://www.foia.cia.gov/browse_docs_full.asp

    21 Resolution XLVIII. 17-76. OPEC Official Resolutions and Press Releases, 19601980. Oxford, 1981.

    , 1977 . 5%, - .

    - . - . , : - , - . , , - 1974 . 22. , - , .

    - . . - (), 1974 . VI , . - - . - , - 23. , , -24, 1975 1977 . , - .


    22 OAPEC. Secretary Generals First Annual Report to the 13th Ordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers. Kuwait, 1974. P. 18.

    23 1 1974 . - A/RES/3201 (S-VI) // http://www.un.org/russian/documen/gadocs/6spec/r3201_s6.pdf

    24 ?

  • 84 85

    (, - , , - , ) - . , , - , - .

    , 25, .. , - , .

    , - . 1977 . - 7 26. 1973 1978 . 3,9 7,7%. : 8082% , ( 30%), , , . - 5%27. - , .

    . 19751976 . , , , - -28. 1500 -

    25 . : .., .. . ., 1978; Stone R.A. OPEC and the Middle East. The Impact of Oil on Social Development. N.Y., 1977.

    26 The OAPEC. Secretary Generals Fourth Annual Report P. 37.27 P.O. . ., 1983. . 60.28 Discriminatory Arab Pressure. Hearings before the Subcommittee on International

    Trade and Commerce of the Committee on International Relations House of Representatives. Washington, 1976. P. 15.

    , Chase Manhattan Bank, Ford Motors, Xerox, Coca-Cola, Motorola, Republic Steel, Random House. - , . - , 29. - , - - Black&Veatch International Inc. . , - , , , 30. , , -, .

    - 45% - 1974 . ( 1977 . 70%), , : .

    , - 31. - , , , , - , , - , 32.

    , , , - , ..

    29 Antiboycott Law Held Success; But Arab Business Has Been Lost // The New York Times. 2.12.1978; Justice Department Retreats on the Arab Boycott of Israel // The Washington Post. 14.08.1978.

    30 Arab Boycott. Hearing before the Subcommittee on Monopolies and Commercial Laws of the Committee of the Judiciary of the House of Representatives. Washington, 1976. P. 9.

    31 Pollack G.A. The Economic Consequences of the Energy Crisis // Foreign Affairs. April 1974. Vol. 52. N 3. P. 615.

    32 US OPEC relations P. 6.

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    , 24%33. - - - . 1976 . 146 ., - (100 .). , 50% ( , , ) , 70% 34.

    , . , , , - (19641976), - (19771981), , , , ?35 . - . , - - . , 36.

    , , - , - - . , 1974 . (Foreign Investment Review Act), 5 1975 . , - 37.

    - . , - . : - , -

    33 Stone R.A. Op. cit. . 178.34 The OAPEC. Secretary Generals Fourth Annual Report P. 31.35 Mondale W.F. Beyond dtente: toward international economic security // Foreign

    Affairs. October 1974. Vol. 53. N 1. P. 11.36 US OPEC relations P. 157.37 PPPUS May 7, 1975. Executive Order 11858. Foreign Investment in the United

    States // http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws

    , 38. , , , - 1970- .39 , - , , .

    - , , , , . , - . - . -, - , , , - . - , , - , . -, , , . -- , , , . , - 40, .

    , , - - : . . , 1970- . 75% 41.

    38 Vital Speeches of the Day. January 13, 1976.39 .: .., .. . .; .. . .40 .. . . . 107.41 .. : 70- . ., 1982. . 168.

  • 88 89

    -. -, , - , - .

    -, - - , - . , , . . , , , - .

    -, - - - . , 1970- . - - , . , 1972 . -, , - .42 -, , , - , , . , - . , ?43

    , , ..

    42 The Persian Gulf, 1974: Money, Politics, Arms and Power. Hearings before the Subcommittee on the Near East and South Asia of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Washington, 1975. P.27.

    43 PPPUS February 26, 1975 .The Presidents News Conference. http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/

    , . , - 1972 1976 . 1200 - 18 .44 19721975 . 5,8 ., 1976 . 7,51 .45

    , - , - . . , , -, 1976 . 200 ., - 46. , 1976 . , . -, , , , ( 15 . 19761977 .)47 .

    , , - . , -, - . , , - . , - -. , 1975 . 15 - 48.

    - -, - . -, ,

    44 Congressional Record. Vol. 122. Part 22. 1976. August, 31. P. 28566.45 US Arms Policies in the Persian Gulf and Red Sea Areas: Past, Present, and Future.

    Report. Washington, 1978. P. 62.46 Congressional Record. Vol. 122. Part 22. 1976. August, 31. P. 28566.47 OAPEC. Secretary Generals Fifth Annual Report P. 13.48 Middle East Arms Sales Proposals. Hearings before the Committee on Foreign

    Relations US Senate. Washington, 1978. P. 28.

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    -49, , , , , .

    , , - 19731974 . - . , -, . - , , , - . - , - , . . , - , , - , .

    , , -, . - - -, - .

    , 1970- ., . , 1970- . . , - , - 1970- . -

    49 .. . .; .. . 70- 80- . ., 1990; Stone R.A. Op. cit.

    , . , , 1979 . - - , - -, , - , - , 1973 . . , , - , - , - .

    - . , - , , -, , , - . - , - .

    1. .., .. . ., 1978.2. .. : 70- . ., 1982.3. .. -

    . 70- 80- . ., 1990.4. .. . .,

    1983.5. .. : , , . ., 1991.6. ..

    . . ., 2005.7. Mondale W.F. Beyond dtente: toward international economic security //

    Foreign Affairs. October 1974. Vol. 53. N 1.8. Pollack G.A. The Economic Consequences of the Energy Crisis // Foreign

    Affairs. April 1974. Vol. 52. N 3.9. Rustow D.A. The Middle East: U.S.Saudi Relations and the Oil Crises of

    the 1980s // Foreign Affairs. April 1977. Vol. 55. N 3.10. Skeet I. OPEC: Twenty-Five Years of Prices and Politics. Cambridge,

    1988.11. Stone R.A. OPEC and the Middle East. The Impact of Oil on Social

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  • 92 93

    . . -. . 8. . 2013. 6

    ..( . , - .. )*

    , - 1920- . . , - , - - .

    : , , , .

    The article looks at the tradition of festivals and anniversaries which ap-peared in 1920th and was preserved at all centres of Russian expatriate commu-nities during the whole 20th century. Despite the tragic exile and daily hardships of living as expatriates, religious and secular holidays were the foundation of emigrants life and united Russians living abroad at the basis of the idea of con-serving their historical and cultural legacy and returning it to Russia.

    Key words: Russian emigration, The Day of Russian Culture, Tatianas Day, The Day of Russian Kid.

    * * *

    1920- . , - . - , , , -, , .

    19201930- . , , , - - , - .

    * , . 8-925-855-33-16; e-mail: [email protected]

    - , , , . - , - , . , - - , 1. .. 1917 . IV .. 2. - . , 1917 . , - .

    1924 . - , 125-- .. 3. - , - -4. , .. , .. , .. . 1925 . - (), .. 5.

    1925 . - : , , - - ,

    1 .. // . . 410 1928 .

    2 .. (19201930- .) // . - XIXXX . ., 1996. . 6970.

    3 .. - // . ., 1995. . 46.

    4 .. - - (2030- . .) // : . . ., 1997. . 263.

    5 . . -5850. . 1. . 47. . 4.

  • 94 95

    . - . .. - .. , , .. , .. .. . 1000 , 6.

    : -

    . - . , , . - . , . , - . - , -. , , . . - : -? - . , - . , - .

    , - -, . 8 (26 ) , - .

    6 . . 5.


    , -, . .. - : , - , , , - , 8. -. , 9.

    , , , - , .. , - , 10. 1925 . - , 13 , - , - .

    - , , . , , , , , - , - . , , , 11.

    7 .: . : . 19191939. ., 1994. . 270271.

    8 : - 1925 . / . .. . , 1926. . 6869.

    9 . . -5850. . 1. . 9. . 102.10 . . 36.

    11 . . 8. . 10; . 10. . 41 .

  • 96 97

    -, , , - - 12. 1920- . , - -, - . .. : , 13.

    , , , - , 14. -, .

    , - , . , 1925 . - , , . . 15. .. , -, , 16.

    , . , , , - 1935 . , , : -, , , , , ..17. 1935 . -

    12 . . 12. . 271272. 13 .. .. // .

    1926. 29. . 232.14 .. - // .. -

    . ., 2005. . 119.15 . . -5850. . 1. . 47. . 20. 16 .. : -

    (19201970). , 1971. . 118.17 . . -5850. . 1. . 12. . 96.

    . .. - .. , , , . - (- , -, .), 18.

    19251928 . 23 , -, , , , . - , , . - , , , . , - , - - - .. 19. . (1930 .) : . . - . - 20.

    - , - , : , - , , , , 21.


    18 . . 9697; . ( ) // - . 31.05.1935.

    19 . . -5850. . 1. . 6. . 445.20 . , 1930. . 4143.21 . . -5850. . 1. . 47. . 36.

  • 98 99

    . , - , - , ..22 , -. , - 23.

    .. , 1928 ., , , . : - , 24. 1920- . , - , , , , .. , .. , .. , .. , .. , .. -, .. , .. , .. .25 1925 1942 . - - . -, , . , 1936 . 50- 15-- . - .. , .. , .. 26.

    , , , , - . - 1930- . , . -, 1934 . , , .. , .. , .. , .. -

    22 . . 938. . 34.23 . . 47. . 1920.24 .. . , 1929. . 4.25 . . -5850. . 1. . 3. . 62.26 . . 62 .

    , .. 27. - , - .

    , , , , , -28.

    - , -, - . 1925 . -. , - . , . 8 1925 . I - . 29.

    , , 30. - - . .. . - , 31. - , , , - .

    . , . . . - , , , .

    27 . . 12. . 58.28 . . 47. . 16, 24, 30, 32.29 . . 22. 30 . . 17.31 . . 19.

  • 100 101

    - 32.

    - , -- . , 25 1928 . () . - .. . .. - , - ( )33.

    - . , , , - , - , , - . , , . 1925 . 9 - . , . - . , , , ... - . 8 , , , 8- 34.

    1932 . , - . -, , - 1 1932 .

    32 . . 44.33 : , :

    19201940. / . . .. . . 1. .; Paris. 1995. . 471.34 1925 . / C.

    .. . . 39.

    , - 1 1932 . , . , - 35.

    - -, , -. ( ) 36.

    , 1930- ., , - . - , , , . 29 1936 . - , - . , -, . 1938 . 750- 37, , , - . 1938 . - 1812 ., , 38.

    . - , - . 39. - 1943 . ; 19401941 .

    35 . . -5850. . 1. . 4. . 10.36 . . 6. . 4.37 . . 26. . 130.38 . . 5850. . 1. . 3. . 40.39 . . 12. . 535539.

  • 102 103

    , .. , -40. 1942 . - 41. , - - , - 42.

    , . 1919 ., -, 1923 . 43. - . 25 , - , , , 44. , , , -- . - 1935 . , - , .

    , , - , , . , , 175- (1930 .), 180- (1935 .) 45. , - - --, - 46.

    40 . . 1. . 59.41 . . 6. . 550.42 .. . . . 6869.43 . // . 2004. 1. . 142145.44 .. // . ., 1998. . 63.45 . 19201945 . -

    . . ., 2007. . 56. 46 . . -5820. . 1. . 10. . 20.

    1927 . .. - -. 47.

    1920- . 120150 -, , , , , , , 48. 1929 . - 175- - , ; - 1930 . 49. - , - . - , 50. 1929 . - 14 , .

    12 1930 ., 175- , , - - , - 51. , , . , , , , .. - 52.

    , - , , - -

    47 .. . ( - ). . 1927.

    48 . . -5820. . 1. . 10. . 5. 49 . . 4. 50 . . 12.51 . . 8. . 123.52 , 17551930. . . 1930.

  • 104 105

    1920- . - . -: , , , , 53. -, , , . , , 54.

    , , , . , 175- , - - , - 55. , , , , , , . , 56. - , - , , -, 57.

    , 58. - .. , .. - , 59. , , - . , 175- 110 - 60.

    - , - , -

    53 . . -5820. . 1. . 1. . 1.54 . . 5. . 4.55 . . 8. . 203. 56 . .10. .19. 57 . . -5820. . 1. . 10. . 6.58 . . 2. . 7. 59 . . 8. . 201201.60 . . 10. . 15.

    . 25 393 . (11 116 - ) . - 61. - 42 75 - . , , , , , , , , , , , , -. , , , , , , 62.

    1935 . 170- .. , - . .. .. - 63.

    -- : , .. , , . - , 64.

    - . , 100- - .. , - . - 100-- .. . 1935 . .. (), .. -, .. , .. .. . - 166 , . - 9 14 1937 . , - ,

    61 . . 4. . 2.62 . . 10. . 17. 63 .. : , 170-

    / / . . .. -. , 1936.

    64 . . -5850. . 1. . 6. . 39; . 12. . 149.

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    , 65. .. , , : , , , - 66 1937 . 42 231 .67 - .. .. . - 68.

    1937 . , - . 69. 1937 . , , , , - .. 1000 -. , - , .. 70.

    , , .. 1937 . - . - , , - . .. , - .. , . - - ( . ) , . 1937 , - .. , , -

    65 (19351937). . I. ., 2000. . 6061.

    66 . . 61.67 . . 13.68 . 19192000: : 3 . /

    . . . , . , . . ., 2008. . 1. . 14.69 .. 1937 // -

    . 2008. 2. . 8692.70 .. . ., 2009. . 86; ..

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    , . - , - . 11 1937 . . - , , - . 1940- . , 1947 . . 1987 .71 - , - , . 1937 . 72.

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