英語讀本全語言教學 a whole language approach in story books 高雄市鳳陽國小曾信達

英英英英英英英英英 A Whole Language Approach in story books 英英英英英英英英英英

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英語讀本全語言教學A Whole Language Approach in story books


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Content-based Instruction

經由溝通教導知識,而不只是教導學生如何溝通 (Larsen-Freeman, 2000)


Inquizitive “Light and shadow” Oxford Read and Discover “Ocean


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Content-based Instruction 主要教學原則

多重教學重點 (Multiple focus) 提供豐富學習環境 (Enriching learning

environment) 應用真實語料 (Authenticity) 幫助學生主動參與學習 (Active learning) 幫助學生建立學習鷹架 (Scaffolding) 提升互助合作 (Cooperative learning)

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真實語料之重要性 What do you want to eat? You’re welcome! What’s you hobby? Can you speak English? The “exit” of the building is right on the

corner. million & value

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視覺化對於閱讀的重要性 聆讀與閱讀所建立的連結 「悅」讀優質的文章,欣賞實用新穎的作品,以及吸取讀物中的優美詞句與文彩,是自然導引學習者將詞彙、句型與內涵,融會在說、寫、聽等語言能力培養的不二法則。

(Stephen Krashen, H. Douglas Brown, Catherine Snoe, Patricia A. Duff)

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Online Reading Resources

bubblr http://www.pimpampum.net/bubblr/

Online video sharing with substitle http://dotsub.com/

Online composing WORDPRESS http://wordpress.com/

Reading well is like playing the piano or the violin. It is a high-level cognitive ability that requires long-term practice. ~Dana Gioia

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Pre-reading activity 1 Introduce the name of the book, the

writer, the illustrator, the publisher ,ISBN code and so on.

If I were the writer… Story predicting

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Pre-reading activity 2


●What do you see in the cover? ●Can you write down the animals in the forest as many as possible? ●What happened to the mouse?

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Pre-reading activity 3 閱讀前的暖身活動介紹 安排幾個讀本中的圖片,請學生排序

( ) ( ) ( )

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Pre-reading activity 4

Rearrange the sentences in “Piggybook”

● ( ) Hurry up with the breakfast, Mum. ● ( ) Hurry up with the meal called the

boys when they came home from school. ● ( ) And then mom went to work.● ( ) Mum made all the bed.

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During-Reading Activity 1 Students and the teacher read the

paragraph of the main idea “the death of the horse” Bookworm Oxford. It’s required for the group students to feel less-stressed to read independently later on.

Before commencing the group reading independently, tell students the utilize the reading skills

●scanning ●skimming ●guessing

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The Death of horse

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During-Reading Activity 2

●Silent / Buddy Reading: Have Ss work in pair or groups. Each pair have to read and grasp the gist of the content accompanied with the narration of CD.

●在中級閱讀指導階段,教師可以提供學生預測性的故事 (Predictable stories)

. There was an old lady who swallowed a fly


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During-reading Activity 3

◎Read the paragraph and have students work in pair to play the script “Oxford Read and Discover 4: Ocean Life”

All jellyfish have tentacles that can sting. When a fish swims near a jellyfish, the tentacles sting it many times. The jellyfish can then eat the fish.

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During-Reading Activity 4

Sequencing the sentences Scramble the sentences and have the

students to rearrange the sentences logically Example:

★ ( ) The tentacles sting it many times.

★ ( ) When a fish swims near a jellyfish,

★ ( ) The jellyfish can then eat the fish.

★ ( ) All jellyfish have tentacles that can sting.

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During-Reading 4

Sequencing: scramble the sentence structure


that she kissed the animals

and danced with the vet.

was so thrilled

George’s mother

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During-Reading: Increasing Reading Fluency

重複閱讀 (Repeated Reading)重複閱讀能增進讀者的流暢度與理解度。在教學上,重複閱讀是指反覆閱讀一段簡短且有意義的段落,直到達到一定程度的流暢度 ( 每字 85字 ) 。

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During Reading- the three tips in Increasing reading fluency Model 教師向學生示範何謂流暢的閱讀 Assistance 教師坐在學生身邊一起唸讀或學生跟讀 Practice 重複閱讀旨在幫助學生花更少的力氣在解

字上 *dylasia:

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After-reading activity 1

全語言整合活動:利用 powerpoint 寫上故事對白,學生用 camtasia 錄製對白的內容,完成一個有趣的動畫!

The Dot (Irma S and James H Black) The meaning of gifts “the death of

horse” (Oxford Bookworm)

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After-reading activity 2 ( 四格學習寫作單 )

The Dot

BeginningVashti didn’t want to draw on her art class.

IssueVashti’s teacher encourage her to draw more.

SolutionVashti also encourages the little boy to draw on the paper.

ConclusionAlways be patient to those who are late bloomed.

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After-reading activity 3

◎story retelling relay: ask students to retell the story heard in classes no matter in Chinese or English. Of course, English is recommended. Each group is assigned for just one sentence and the story should be continued logically.

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After-reading activity 4

◎ words to learn: fill in the missing words

●Maybe I can’t draw, but I can ____ my name.

●Vashti was surprised to see what was hanging above her teacher desk.

●If I can make little dots, I can make _____ dots, too.

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After-reading activities 5

加入 story webbing ,請學生填入可能的情節

The DotHow?


When? Ending?



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After-reading activity 6 “weed read” Read the text below. There are five extra

words in the text. Highlights the extra words.

It’s the art class and the Vashti draw nothing on her paper. Her the teacher asked her to draw something on her paper. Vashti took a marker and gave her a paper a good strong jab. To her surprise, her art work was hang on the wall. Her teacher framed the paper work and put it on the office wall.

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After-Reading Activity 7 “Where have all the verbs gone?” Small fish and other animals to keep

safe from predators. Some fish swim together in big groups shoals. In a shoal, there more fish to look out for predators. There also lots of fish to eat. So if a fish is lucky, the predators one of the other fish!

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聽說讀寫的活動設計 Choose a listening file from each of

the websites below and answer these questions:

Who is it aimed at? What is the purpose? How could it help your learners? Short stories

Poetry 4 kids LearnEnglish Podcasts Poem of the week

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Listening Materials on-line

Podcasts in English ESL Pod BBC World News for Children Learnenglish Kids

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Web 2.0 for EFL/ESL teachers http://courses.britishcouncil.org/pub/


Digg - a news website where users vote on what appears on the front page

Wikipedia - a user generated encyclopaedia YouTube - user generated video sharing website

BigThink - a forum for new ideas

Flickr - a photo sharing website TeacherTube - a video sharing website aimed at


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MonkeySee - a user generated 'how to' video site

Podomatic - a website where users can create their own radio style radio shows

Voicethread - a tool for discussing files and photos

VoxSwap - a language exchange site

Palobea - a language learning site for teachers to teach online

CourseLab -free e-learning authoring tool