香港 的 卫 生检疫 措施 border health measures in hong kong

香香香香香香香香香 Border Health Measures in Hong Kong 香香香香香香香香香香香香 香香香香香 Dr Edwin TSUI, Chief Port Health Officer 2014 香 7 香 5 香 1

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香港 的 卫 生检疫 措施 Border Health Measures in Hong Kong. 香港卫生署总港口卫生主任 徐 乐 坚 医生 Dr Edwin TSUI, Chief Port Health Officer 2014 年 7 月 5 日. 大纲 Content. 香港卫生 署 港口卫生处 的 职 能 Duties of Port Health Office of Department of Health, HKSAR - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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香港的卫生检疫措施Border Health Measures in Hong Kong


Dr Edwin TSUI, Chief Port Health Officer

2014 年 7 月 5 日

Page 2: 香港 的 卫 生检疫 措施 Border Health Measures in Hong Kong

香港卫生署港口卫生处的职能 Duties of Port Health Office of Department of Health, HKSAR

入境旅客的健康检查 Health screening of arriving passengers

入境运输工具的卫生状况 Sanitary condition of cross-boundary conveyances

口岸的卫生状况 Sanitary condition of Point of Entry

口岸持份者的准备 Preparedness of POE stakeholders

对外游人士的旅游健康服务 Travel health service for outbound travellers



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香港卫生署的使命Mission of Department of Health, HKSAR

香港政府的卫生事务顾问 Government's health adviser

执行政府卫生政策和法定职责的部门 agency to execute health policies and statutory functions

透过促进健康、预防疾病、医疗护理和康复服务,以及加强社区协作和国际合作,保障香港市民的健康 safeguard the health of the people of Hong Kong through promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative services as well as fostering community partnership and international collaboration


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卫生署港口卫生处的职能Duties of Port Health Office of Department of Health

根据香港法例第 599 章《预防及控制疾病条例》赋予权力及《国际卫生条例》的指引 legal power in accordance to the Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance (Cap.599) and guidance of International Health Regulation

在机场、海港及陆路口岸执行防疫措施,防止严重传染病及医学媒介生物传入香港 implement public health measures at airport, seaport and ground-crossing points to prevent importation of important infectious diseases and vectors into Hong Kong


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面積約 1104 平方公里人口 (2013 年中 ) 約 7.18 百萬



香港的口岸和公共医院设施POEs and Public Hospitals in Hong Kong

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入境旅客的数目Number of Arriving Passengers

2013 年度访港旅客人次 Arriving passengers in 2013

◦5,430 万人次 (54M)

机场入境 (airport) : 1,233 万人次 (12M)

陆路入境 (ground-crossing) : 3,690 万人次 (36M)

海路入境 (seaport) : 506 万人次 (5M)


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入境旅客的健康检查Health Screening for Arriving Passengers

在各口岸设立卫生站及检疫设备 health screening facilities and equipment at all boundary control points

为旅客作体温检测及转介怀疑法定传染病个案到医院作进一步的检查 conduct temperature check and referral of suspected infectious disease cases to hospitals


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旅客健康筛检工作Health Screening for Travellers

集体式红外线检测仪 (thermal imaging scanner) 手提式红外线检测仪对部分旅客进行体温检测

(hand-held infrared scanner) 对发烧旅客进行健康评估 (health assessment)

◦了解发病的情况 (clinical information)◦查询旅游史和接触史 (travel and contact history)◦于部分口岸派医护人员进行初步检查 (medical

assessment in some POEs)◦病人的處理 (management of sick traveller)

强制转介到传染病中心进行排查 (compulsory referral) 建议到医疗机构进行跟进 (voluntary referral)


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呈报传染病个案Reporting Infectious Dieases

《预防及控制疾病条例》 ( 第 599 章 ) Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance (Cap.599)

48 种呈报的传染病 48 statutorily notifiable diseases

强制转介 compulsory referral

通知卫生防护中心 notification to Centre for Health Protection of Department of Health

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张贴关于预防传染病的海报 posters of infectious disease prevention

向出入境的旅客派发健康宣传单张 dissemination of health pamphlets

在出入境大堂、部分飞机和火车航班广播健康信息 broadcast of health messages at arrival and departure halls, flights and transit through trains

口岸及交通工具的宣传工作Health Promotion at POE and conveyances


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入境运输工具的卫生状况Sanitory Condition of Cross Boundary Conveyances

船舶 (vessels)◦发出自由无疫通行证 (Free Pratique)

◦签发「船舶免予卫生控制措施证书」 (SSCEC) / 船舶卫生控制措施证书」 (SSCC)

飞机 (airplanes)◦监测飞机膳食供应商提供的食物,


跨境直通火车 (transit through train)


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自由无疫通行证 (Free Pratique)◦港口卫生处发给跨境船舶的证明文件,准许该船舶在港进行运

作,当中包括卸货或上落乘客。◦申请方法 ( 免费 ) (Application free of charge)

电邮方式;或 (email) 传真方式;或 (fax) 海事处的电子业务系统 (eBS) 。 (designated electronic website)

◦ 2013 年签发了 180,000 个自由无疫通行证 (180,000 FP in 2013)

「船舶免予卫生控制措施证书」 (SSCEC) ◦《国际卫生条例》的要求,船舶可以在不同地区的港口申请,

有效期为半年 (IHR requirement, valid for 6 months)

◦视乎船舶的大小收费,由港币 $2,030 至 $3,940 不等 charges HK$2,030 to HK$3,940 according to vessel size

◦ 2013 年签发了 350 个 SSCEC (350 SSCEC issued in 2013)

船舶的卫生状况Sanitary Condition of Vessels


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在航行香港与内地珠江三角洲小型船舶卫生监督领域的合作安排 (2008)

inspection arrangement of river vessels in Pearl River Delta Region

◦国家质检总局与香港特区卫生署 (AQSIQ and DH/HK)

◦统一小型船舶卫生监督评定标准和卫生指南 standardized protocol for inspection

◦定期巡查船舶的卫生情况 (regular inspection programme) 2013 年港口卫生处共巡查约 900 只内河船舶,当中只发现轻微的

卫生问题 (900 river vessels inspected in 2013)

◦定期通报卫生监督情况 (regular feedback mechanism)

小型船舶的卫生监督合作Sanitary Inspection of River Vessels


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监察飞机上的卫生状况 monitoring of sanitary condition of airplane◦监察飞机膳食供应商提供的食物卫生 monitor food

hygiene from air caterers

◦巡查抵港飞机的环境卫生 monitor environmental hygiene

◦监督航班的消毒或灭虫工作 supervise disinfection and disinsection works

定期回顾机场的紧急应变程序 regular review of emergency response plans in airport

定期举行公共卫生事故演习,提高各部门的应变能力 conduct regular infectious disease exercises

to strengthen response capacity of airport stakeholders

飞机的卫生状况Sanitary Condition of Airplane


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监察跨境直通火车的卫生状况 monitor sanitary condition of transit through trains◦整体的环境卫生情况 (general hygienic condition)

◦灭虫、灭鼠及消毒工作 (disinfection, disinfection and deratting)

◦洗手间设施 (toilet facilities)

◦车上提供的食物及食水的来源 (water and food source)

广播关于传染病的健康讯息 broadcast of infectious disease health messages

突发公共卫生事故的准备 preparedness for emergency public health incidents◦跨境直通火车上发现人类感染禽流感的演练 (2008 年 5

月 ) infectious disease exercise (avian influenza) onboard of a transit through train

跨境直通火车的卫生状况Sanitary Condition of Transit Through Trains


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口岸的卫生状况Sanitary Condition of POEs

监察各口岸的废物处理站及洗手间的卫生 monitor sanitary condition of waste disposal areas and toilets

监察机场内的食肆及食水的卫生 monitor food premises, food and water hygiene

监察口岸附近地方的环境卫生 monitor environmental hygiene in vicinity of POEs

监察口岸的医学媒介生物 conduct vector survey

◦登革热 (dengue fever)

◦鼠疫 (plague)


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传染病应急预案 emergency preparedness

plans of infectious diseases ◦严重急性呼吸系统综合症、禽流感、流感大流行、鼠疫

及登革热等 SARS, avian influenza, pandemic influenza, plague, dengue fever, etc.

传染病演练 infectious disease exercise◦中东呼吸综合症演练 (2013 年 9 月于香港国际机场举

行 ) exercise for MERS (conducted in HK International Airport in Sept 2013)

口岸持份者的准备Preparedness of POE Stakeholders


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继续与国家质检总局及其他内地检验检疫局保持紧密的合作,达致联防联控的目标 continue to collaborate with AQSIQ and other provincial CIQs in regional collaboration of infectious disease control

◦ 《中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局卫生检疫监管司与香港特别行政区卫生署关于两地卫生检疫工作的会谈纪要 》 (2003年 )

◦ 《香港特别行政区卫生署与中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局卫生检疫监管司关于两地应对流感大流行口岸卫生检疫合作行动方案》 (2006年 )

◦ 《有关卫生检疫的合作安排》 (2008年 )

◦ 《香港特别行政区卫生署与深圳出入境检验检疫局关于加强第 26届世界大学生运动会期间深港卫生检疫工作合作安排》 (2011年 )

区域性的联防联控Regional Collaboration of Infectious Disease Control


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卫生署旅游健康中心 (Travel Health Centres)

◦服务包括健康风险评估、旅游健康教育,防疫注射和预防药物 (Services include health risk assessment, travel health advice, vaccination and chemoprophylaxis)

◦每年大约 5900 到诊人次 (2013 年 ) ,当中约 4800 宗黄热病疫苗的注射 (about 5900 consultations in 2013, including 4800 yellow fever vaccination)

对外游人士的旅游健康服务Travel Health Service for Outbound Travellers


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旅游健康教育Travel Health Education


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旅游健康展覧Travel Health Exhibition

定期举办健康展覧 regular travel health exhibition

◦帮助旅客了解健康风险 understand more about health risk

◦提供有关旅游健康的信息 provision of travel health information


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单张,旅游健康锦囊Health pamphlets and Travel Health Bulletin


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与旅游业界保持联系Close Partnership with Travel Industry

香港旅游业议会 Hong Kong Travel Industry Council

◦保持良好沟通 maintain close communication

◦通报疫症情报 update disease situation


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谢谢Thank you

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