協同中學圖書館 五月份館訊 concordia middle school library information

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協同中學圖書館 五月份館訊 Concordia Middle School Library Information. 好書介紹 新書 推薦 特別副刊 新聞報報 藝文活動 好站推推 借閱 排行. 發行人:協同中學校長 俞繼光 主編:校園記者 _ 洪霈馨、鄭宇彤、莊芷姍 發行單位: 圖資中心 發行地點 :嘉義縣民雄鄉建國路二段 31 號. 好書介紹. 24 個比利. 博客來好書 http://www.books.com.tw/. 24 個比利. 多重人格分裂- 紀實小說. 作者 簡介. 1927 年生於紐約。他曾擔任過雜誌編 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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協同中學圖書館 五月份館訊Concordia Middle School Library


好書介紹 新書推薦特別副刊 新聞報報 藝文活動

好站推推 借閱排行發行人:協同中學校長 俞繼光 主編:校園記者 _ 洪霈馨、鄭宇彤、莊芷姍發行單位:圖資中心 發行地點:嘉義縣民雄鄉建國路二段 31 號

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好書介紹 24個比利

博客來好書h t t p : / / w w w. b o o k s . c o m . t w /

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作者簡介1927 年生於紐約。他曾擔任過雜誌編輯、時裝攝影等工作,在轉行任中學老師時,開始從事小說創作。 1959年首次發表中篇小說《獻給阿爾吉儂的花束》,即榮獲「雨果獎」, 1966年又以發展成長篇小說的同本書獲得「星雲獎」。擁有心理學背景的丹尼爾.凱斯,擅長在小說中探討人類最微妙、最深層的心理問題。他在俄亥俄大學任教時,便開始以多重人格為創作的方向, 1980 年發表的《第五位莎莉》及 1981 年發表的《 24 個比利》,讓他的名字與「精神分析小說」劃上等號,也讓他在文學史上擁有一個旁人無法取代的地位!

丹尼爾.凱斯Daniel Keyes

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★博客來 2002年百大暢銷書之一★榮獲中國時報 1994年一週好書榜


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威廉. 密里根是一位令人頭痛的人物。他可能是個精明的騙子,騙倒了社會大眾、犯下強姦重罪卻安然無事;否則他就真的是一位多重人格失序的人,但不論是哪一種人,這都是不幸…… 1981 年俄州《戴頓日報》

無論如何,其中還有一些未解開的疑點:威廉. 密里根是如何學習到由湯姆「其中的一個人格」所展現的霍迪尼似的逃脫技巧?他對那些被強暴者聲稱的《游擊隊》和《殺手》指的究竟是什麼?醫師們認為,威廉. 密里根或許還有未經揭露的其他人格 ----- 其中的一些人或許犯過一些未被發現的罪行。1981 年《新聞週刊》


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威廉. 密里根是美國史上第一位犯下重罪,結果卻獲判無罪的嫌犯,因為他是一位多重人格分裂者。




一九七七年,在美國俄亥俄州涉及連續強暴案的嫌疑犯比利‧密里根遭警方逮捕。但是,他對自己曾犯下的罪行居然毫無記憶。事實上,在他內部(包含比利在內)總共有 24 個人格存在,這些人格不僅在性格上,甚至連智商、年齡、國籍、性別方面也都各不相同。這些不可思議的人格,到底是如何產生的呢?

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那些曾經與比利共事過、見過或成為受害者的人,他們大多接受比利具有多重人格的事實。他們多半還記得比利說過或做過的事,而這會讓他們瞭解「他並不是裝出來的」;仍然有人認為他是個騙子,利用精神錯亂做為幌子以躲避牢獄之災。我盡量與這兩種不同看法的人直接交談,然後由他們告訴我他們的反應與理由。 同樣的,我也始終保持著一種懷疑的態度;但是,在與比利共同工作撰寫這本書的兩年期間,他回憶時的行為和經驗又不禁讓我不得不確信,本書揭露的現象是確有其事。類似這樣的正反爭論,仍然受到俄亥俄州各大媒體的青睞,在一九八一年一月二日的戴頓日報上仍然可以獲得印證—距離最後一次犯罪已有三年二個月了。




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女人都不說 男人都不問我哪裡比不上那個賤貨…… 女人愛比較的習慣OUT你找不到比我對你更好的人…… 男人莫名的自信OUT

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寵物是你前世的好朋友你們的相遇  從來都不是巧合

寵物與你的相遇,從來都不是巧合  牠們以愛和智慧,協助我們完成生命的課題

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愛情的成分有許多種  有甜蜜、有悸動、   有不安、有痛苦…愛,還成立嗎?


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死亡很痛苦嗎 ?人死了會去哪裡 ?神真的存在嗎 ?


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一些她要完成的使命…… 在這個真人故事中,作者讓大家瞭解死亡並不可怕,反而是回到靈魂本來的狀態,充滿喜悅。而且死後的確有其他的靈魂聚集的地方,也有天使,而人是為了某些目


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融合「全面啟動」的虛實交錯  「墮落天使」的神話元素  「暮光之城」的浪漫綺戀

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她死後轉醒,發現自己在陌生的神祕之地,能藉由一個主機系統,重返記憶中的場景 ,不但能分段讀取自己的回憶,還可以觀看別人的記憶! GoHome

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在協同 6年,對妳成為主播的歷程有什麼影響嗎?影響滿大的,協同很鼓勵學生參加活動和校外比賽,如此能培養許多知識,也能打開你的眼界,老師們都希望你能多發表自己的意見,就像外國的教育方式。協同也開啟了我對英文的興趣,導致我念了外文系,我的英文加強了,考中視招考時也能順利過關。

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 Preparing for Disasters

When disaster strikes, you might find yourself without water, gas and electricity. You might even need to leave your home with litter warning. But emergencies don’t have to surprise you. Plan ahead for bad situations.

Planning for the worst Hold a family meeting. Discuss the types of disasters that could happen. Then plan a

way to gather your family together if they get separated. This will give your family a place to gather if your must evacuate.

Preparing to survive Create a family disaster bag. It should include everything your family needs to

survive for at least three days. Place your bag so you can carry it.

Do not forget your dog Pets are important members of the family with their own special needs. Decide how you

will care for your pet in an emergency.

Once you have prepared your family for the worst, it is important to maintain your plan. Practice your emergency plan, and update it as necessary. You may not be able to avoid disasters, but with a little planning you can be prepared.

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Chocolate may protect the brain from stroke

Chocolate might not be the healthiest thing for your waistline – but research suggests it may protect against stroke. A study following more than 37,000 Swedish men showed those eating the most chocolate were the least likely to have a stroke.

Everyone taking part in the study was asked about their eating habits and their health was monitored for a decade. They were divided into four groups based on the amount of chocolate, with the bottom group eating, on average, no chocolate each week and the top group having chocolate – slightly more than an average.

Comparing the top and bottom groups showed those eating the most chocolate were less likely to have a stroke during the study. One of the researchers. A professor said, “The beneficial effect of chocolate consumption on stroke may be related to the flavonoids in chocolate.”

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How to say “No“  A friend or family member asks you to do a favor for them. If

you say no, do you feel guilty or selfish? Many people do, so they say yes. That just increases their stress level and often leads to bad feelings. So learn to say no nicely!

Maybe someone asks you to help with some event for your school. You do not have time. But before turning them down, say something about the event’s importance. Say, “That is a great cause,” or “ You have an important goal.” That way, the person sees you value the project even if you can not help.

When you say no, make kind remarks. Say, “Thank you for asking, but I can’t this time,” or “I regret having to say no.”

You can give the person other ideas. For example , your friend asks you to take care of her dog for a few days. You can’t, but you know another person who loves dogs. Suggest them instead. Then your friend can get help she needs.

Just learn to say no – nicely. Your will be glad you did

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The Sun Gets in Your Eyes When you choose sunglasses, your priority should be protection.

The most important element should be lenses that provide 99 to 100 percent UVA and UVB in protection or a UV 400 protective coating. Everyone needs the same level of UV protection no matter what their ethnic background or eye color is. Ideally, sunglasses should have lenses that wrap around the face and cover the eyes and surrounding skin and eyelids completely. People can get skin cancer on their eyelids!

So get in the habit of wearing sunglasses. Keep them by the door, and always grab them when you go out. Your eyes will thank you for years and years to come.

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Research links coffee to lower death rates

A new study that tracked the health and coffee consumption of more than 400,000 older adults for nearly 14 years found that java drinkers were less likely to die during the study than people who avoided it.

The research doesn’t prove that coffee can help people live longer. But it is the largest analysis to date to show that the drink’s reputation for being a liquid may be improper.

To get a deeper understanding of the risks and benefits, the National Cancer Institute research turned to data on 402,260 adults who were between the ages of 50 and 71 when they joined the Diet and Health Study in 1995 and 1996.

When the team first crunch the numbers, coffee seemed to have a disadvantage effect on the length of life. But people who drink coffee are more likely to smoke, and when the scientists took that into account (along with other demographic factors), the opposite appeared to be true.

Compared with men who did not drink any coffee at all, those who drank just one cup per day a 6 percent lower risk of death during the course of the study; those who drank two to three cups per day had a 10 percent lower risk, and those who had four to five cups had a 12 percent lower risk.

The relationship between coffee and risk of death was even more dramatic in women. Those who drank one cup per day had 5 percent lower possibility of dying during the study compared with women who drank none. Those who consumed two or three cups a day were 13 percent less likely to die and those who downed four or five cups were 16 percent less likely to die.

The relationship even held for people who mostly drank without caffeine, the researchers found.

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The floating island of New Zealand

  There is a huge floating island found near the coast of New

Zealand. It is about two million 160 square kilometers, about the size of two-thirds of Taiwan.The island is composed of a rock called pumice rock

These rocks are likely to come from the volcano in water. The reason that pumice can be able to float is because it is full of bubbles. Thus, they become very light.

The top of the island's rocks exposed surface over the water about a half meters. The floating rocks will go up and down with waves.

One witness described the island looks white, seemed to be ice. He also said it is the most strange things he have seen.

This phenomenon is of course very strange, but this is not the only one floating island around the world. The most recent one we have seen in the past another floating island was in 2004 in the Atlantic Ocean.

The island is estimated to breaking up step by step in the several months.

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Rising unemployment

 In Taiwan, many for the first time job seekers can not find work during the summer, mainly which are just graduated, resulting in rising unemployment. Unemployment rate climbed from 4.12% in May to 4.21% in June, which shows that the traditional trend of the summer, the unemployment rate tends to rise. Because there are so many first time job seekers want to enter the job market, often makes the number of unemployment rate get rising from May to August.

First six months in 2012, the number of persons employed rose 1.6 percent, over the same period last year. The lowest rise in rage in the past three years. Indicates that the attitude of the employers in the new job openings is very conservative. According to the released data, the average salary per month rose 1.88 percent compared with last year. However, if it contains the year-end bonuses and other awards, the average monthly income was decline than last year's.

This represent that the global economic slowdown has affected the company line number.

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The Iron Lady “The Iron Lady” Margaret Thatcher, former prime minister of England passed

away this Monday. Leaders around the world expressed their grief. Mrs. Thatcher was the first female prime minister in England. Also the longest-serving one in 20th century. When she was the prime minister, she worked 18 hours per day and relaxed with a cup of Whiskey at home. She got different critics for her policies. One of the most well-known things she did was fought back Folk land Islands from Argentina. Rest in peace, Mrs. Thatcher.

The issue of North Korea rose these days. North Korea not only threatened to launch missiles. It would also close the industrial zone in Kaesong. Which was worked with South Korea. The zone was an mile stone for two Koreas. It shows that North Korea would rather hurt its economic to show its anger. South Korea claimed it would protect people in the zone. There was a Korean War in 1950. It was because the ambassador from North Korea was attested in South Korea. We still have no idea if the last trigger would be pulled.

The tuition for college is going to rise. The tuition hasbeen stopped rising for 5 years. It would rise 6 percentin the first section. The increased earnings wouldhelp students in low-income households.


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午夜巴黎 演出團體:米多里室內樂團 活動類別:音樂會 演出時間: 05/05( 日 )15:00 演出地點:演藝廳 票  價: 200 售票系統:兩廳院售票系統


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日期 :5/4( 六 ) 時間 : 晚上 7:30 活動地點 : 嘉義市政府文化局音樂廳 展演單位 : 晨星劇團 主辦單位 : 嘉義市政府文化局 入場方式 : 購票 http://www.cabcy.gov.tw/show/show_content.aspx?show_id=133

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孫悟空大戰盤絲洞 演出團體:臺北木偶劇團 活動類別:戲劇 演出時間: 05/25( 六 )15:00 演出地點:嘉義縣表演藝術中心實驗劇場 票  價: 150 售票系統:兩廳院售票系統


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糊塗小子妙判官 演出團體:小茶壺兒童劇團 活動類別:戲劇 演出時間: 05/26( 日 )15:00 演出地點:演藝廳 票  價: 200/300/400 售票系統:年代售票系統http://pac.cyhg.gov.tw/chinese/act_1.aspx?s=576&y=1&n=10065


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內有豐富的比賽資訊!比賽類別包羅萬象 ~~參加校外比賽,不但能累積經驗值,幸運獲獎還能得到豐厚獎金唷!

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借閱排行名次 讀者姓名 ( 編號 ) 讀者單位 流通冊次1 1000453 國二 10 612 1000271 國二 6 493 1000205 國二 5 364 1000279 國二 6 325 1000116 國二 3 306 1000362 國二 8 27

7 224 教師群 26

8 10219 國一 5 259 1000339 國二 7 23

10 10331 國一 7 23
