· created date: 4/11/2012 11:43:38 am

2. fu€{r Tt.t'ff

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2. fu€{r Tt.t'ff

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lddR {({R,

6lFt6' qi s{Ir{fi6 {fi f4qr4 (fddr g{tlal YIrqI)


ftqq :- !!rm-+tq Fff5q} * qsrr/5<.ld{ * riiq t {fr ffto qt g1ms in tg frit. rqwfrq rftft t argft qd sfu{, lrfflt ft-fi€ t{crr e} qe q{ tm

engmz+rrt frr< engm, trn feqTq 6l ttifl*r*r n<s * tfurn t rnfro frqt


re sr+n * ei6-fl {qr zr+ f<lro r.q'go ER gwsFr'F q*rcq} * vq{/5{trar * diq {fift fcqlpr c{ {qrq ti qi {E rq,'sd, tfrdt, airec € vde} + gcl 61 erg{is c,d + fr cr

eq<frqqfrftqr'ralfrql.'F[tltrvgrqrrtqqfrld{flqrr{dqqlnrdrffi6illfiqFlf6qrtF[ ql :-

r, w, rrqg q*< - qqq I

z 1fr {qR org<, t{6n - it'{rdnfir (<R I

3. f{4, dirll. si f6r{ frqlrr, fd€R ifcr6r€t{ {<g t

. 4. Fft orgwerur f+t qrgR, f{6R - i*{qrd-c qssc t

5. qfqq,6lFb qt s$r{f{d, {qR f{qn, f{6R - T€-qfq-q I

:qri qffi{ vqR, lrqR qfq il Es sfrfr 6t qtr qq{ T{ {i{ rm 1qg' nq dq

el oqq-n { qBa rq<tq ffqfd al Rri6 27.6q2 d g{ ta { ffiqra qr gF Rqt 'rcl

f5 ecrga *i {t{q, w*q f{dr€ tqqlq d fr qs sfrfr 6r v{s firqr qm srf6q' ffi vttmr

a1 sqt's nqq' +E {6rt + vq1 qi g{'ie t A €t *dFrd t.qt{ {R * w|r{f{6' 6ii sr a.d

lcFr+, {a-o' ertqq t, fqsqr arq efrld 6{ Rql qr{ q{'fi{ t t

sf,d: {q { v$r€F{6 {dr{ql a gq 5l'ta * ride {ff( ftqkq q{ !flH iffi 3-qRtq

€fqfr*q(g*€tt{ {gRqi Tt{r, dq fsEI{ frsn 6} rtrk frc sIal t lriFf,f{tfti

€li d fdft t :qq !q qiqfr + trqt+-d q<s elt :-

( t ) q<(q, {-qR q+< - srEm

(2) st{s, 6fifr cs s{r[{t{6 {qR fqqrq - q(s-qtcs

t .46 I

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iirtfl !- €qri{r Rq srdt * fs ffifl ql frfR {rqqr * qHwq sr6 d gr< ffirfrR frqtqrq sih {sdi cF q.6R * eS fqsdiR$ fscmedrc{ Icw-me rctg"fins$sq f{6ts qg{d qE FS fsdr q,F{flftq} Ef qqil qd' eqrdrqq i;fu * fdqrBmfia +1 vp r

fu{-rrqqffi'+ elq{ i,Eo/- rrf{ qqRsr*n * sfus r

w tgr-16 (€)fqo 3o 06-0797 rno-72 ran-rs, ffio z+rest

ufftrro-q+qo, rrdq gilrdq, Tmnc<m, rra-7 sl d f{dn l_qqr * €ryd erk irslftn ori tg iFsd r

q dqr-16 (q)fi. go 06 o'tlsi q,lo-i2

€o/- T+r EqRqtqn *nfus r

rt?RI-15, Rirlfi' 2.4. 1998

yfrfrfr - qr*n d itfr v+edl arg*is{ av ffira.qr{ft/q$

(3) 3figffi qi qiss, il*q fq6rs frqr4, fi-6R

(4) $q {qR qqR, f{dR

(i) sfus, ?irsr{ qq ifir€ fqqrq, f{6R

(6) fird qrgft/s{c{ ift e{rgfi, t{d fqqFr

fret q<fffidi oi qa.nd ituc r

ittl dt||t-ril,(q)1fu !o 0G.07/97 i6to-72 , .

-.. !fr{tfu -afrs, 9r*q frqiq frqwfrE{I5,snqt{ lfui r

sq iiGn-r6 (€yfu. g. 6-07t9'1 qo-:tz

qftfdfr - '$#tn eqqq/ffir qq q* qfl*.{q.q*s crslC ift-n r ,

- q<€r

gi{r{rfr{ lK€l

- sffirv{s- !t'{r6rd-r {r(gl

Eo/- T+r qm' rran * qft'{ r

116 -15, frfr 2.4.1998

+qrad{rq frkn({s 6Y qa'{d qi qey€

€o/- T{-{ triRqrqr * qf€


qan-15, ffis 24.1998

- EOl_ Tfi{WR}.ffi $qHd I

I ..6 I

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{a-fivlFn-l5, firir 25 q{qt' 92 |

tnnr:- rrcq {G6R E} cdtfi, Fdr, 3q{sd * qlq-qrq wic * qrr * dd{ I {frFfntrq c( {Frl ii t6 Yawfu rftfr a rrc< t

w rsr*n * $m {qr 234 Rrifi 7'9'm an qc*n of ctis-d/tqfl N$6fl d "oTrdc * g<r * w+r { r1fr -f{qi{q q{ {ars ii tg Y TY ry I T1 ts'n't<t u' nut

.* t* * **-l an f<efofua q<fir*rfid'd sfrfr qidil fr rr{ 2n I

(U 4 qR * *qr$4, cl' n t, {(s' rMs ctlE - €cqq

(iD lfr 1rqR lcrgffi - oi{r6tdi F(s

lrrq efa<, **a € f*+rr frqrrr, F-6R - id{r*rffr {r€ |

(ig f*<, er8la $i r. g f<vrr, f+en - v<e-st{* I

aff * se. *. *qrwq, {(q, {-qR c& d e-dl fqf{ + 3c{i( qsi rcnrcrt at v<wm

*<o,oioo*q,**{€ nqr qfsq { qsq-{qq c{ ffi :rq q{fir+rfi ct q(e$rt {R'rrqg c*{ * Fq d ltdl rtn qsRc aq{-fi q6'd {sr - z:+ fticid z's'qo d 6f;*t-a * Fqi6

r ml J qfRrr 6q { *rn ari gs * "n* figr srdl * f6 g<s' rFrs !&' cflq d'

{agtc {ftfd t eqq <di t

er{lt :- rNIi{I f<r srdl t fr Y{ {s-fi 6l ffiR rrqrr * erslst{ol fi { g'd l-6|fda

frqr sTq, €ct{ Es*1 efr qr*R * €S ffi/s$ frqFnqd:'/q$ fi56qqrg.al/s$ sc ft'drs qrgd qd sd ffitrqFgl qi q-q{ ei €crc{F

rr@ * f€q qq{rftd 61 qrq t

f{6t{Rqro + qrt{ t'sa-eq*6 EqR +fi

er6FR * sfus t

t- 2"J

t{6T( er6R

6rff+' ss' wrst. o gqR fiqfl |

(fiqr gili-dl {ll€l)

I ar7 I

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i{q Tbr-16/Fq. X, 2-utgo-tl v_ll, ftird 2i nFr.T0, 1992 |

efdfrfr - q4{s', {rd6tq $vnqc, nilcl({rrr, qc{ 61 {* i{6R {sc? * qrd qqrqRqfr{mRnolifuifra r

w- ewnq' qet dvfrsrsr * sfos

iR IT€qr 17 lrf , ffi{.25 Tfifr, tB2 I

1frffi - gr+n * qS fqqFrM f{qmqqi.€S cqisdq qrgm/s$ EcfuqT€ €crgm/s$turffiolqn{ift-d r

e.r- e{F*.tqh qlqiiqr+n * sfuq

i c fu 17 qan; Rds_25 qfit, 1992 |

ffifrfr _ cEs, gl*q ffir{ f{qrv ftirr{,, c,{{d{tq f{i{ndq d Wlq C{.gq{Tsoris|{ fu ifrd r

av_ vri_+ 5rn e1e0s{dR t' sfud

arq ds 17 q_{, R{ri5, 25 Vfi{fr, 1992 |

rfdfrfr - Tmrd erqq/qflsrd-{ v{s gs v<s_sfuq si Ufl qi !qrq${d.s[qf{ ifudt .

60/- eRild' tqR iltm{f6r * €F€-4.


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f{6R qf{r(

6rFi6' qq qqnqFrs BqR fflm I

(ftrdt Sdai qrsr)


frqq,- rrq s{.Frr d qtrca, fudr, srd*q * qrq-sq ude * gw * {dq C

fA-trutwr w Wra tl fu wawfra tfrR an rct t

f{€R {q { 3ttfr tt v4ge, +z frer, *z +5r<a se sql sot 6r4tc t r'{*[frr{rdr izzl rpo ej €i qffitr< al i-c* i otrd rn fi-d, 6 Ti qficd qi fqFF eod i r+s qrd * lqr6r fpiq fuqt ?{, cK 3lS g{FFI qrqf-iFn rd gel t I vs* ErFdft-fi fqFr;r fqqrqq.qul !F

qrqrf{6 qelten {drR + dn a{ qdcd qq fsd', €rdr6d lFi e€-e q{ri 41 qi'r Efi qrfr {fr + 3t{

rrd ftqnqq { { ei+l qqq dqr t{-{rrdrfr €*-e eni pi,-frr+{ fqFrq Mi 6l cGic, ri{id/fq-dl

Fi c{.{d ot <qf i+ qt qrq q1 'ffi d t

' z. wie?fi, fwdrsqtiedr' nqr csd 4'l Ccc, tflqf{6' 3qR, ft + rqlFfr q{ slqlis-s

fd*'rs qE v{nqr 6t qrar el erorqflsi * vid dffid ilI 3v6t effq{+rtrd 3 i366'qi

-{Rr{ {dri 61 gfu t frql s|dr * ltqr tsr rFI t f{ qgii i€.tq? vffi, fircii, ef,5i't{i sq

*g ot gqr Eqr t, ${d vt*r@r, q}rmd qd cqeii a1 {ql + 5ffiu t q6'6rdl =rS i t qo'

qa ecre{qq i fu Es {.iq { rw qr+n cm g+ frftq< fr"iq d-{.( vffi/f{droTd *<rv rra

cs6{ * gqr * ffiq q q{{sr, drsc qi sd€i +1 $ql 61 Arfl 3t{ gcftr+d+ Sql f{qfta

+1 srq s*{ E? tqrct o1 qrqn qrroc c{nsfrs SHu i vrsd, fq-dl, 3f,{E;rd d slq-qq Yss

* Ver c{ f{qn t*'nt qrq I

:. t{{ w stsq t * f{. fa. nqr ( qr. s. i.) el qqq-dr drs sq€tu qfrfr 6r rrsr

gar w, ffi vr*n ol err* cid+{r t5/3/s5 A f<qr qI t ftTfi sFcF 61 3r$rsl 6{ s{ Ytrd

dg+1t*rcs*q61 €r4fq + 6lqt qfiFdr Sg:n * t wt, w omvtm *foglt so Ya*rfti

efrfr 6r 'ra-r 1'6-qr srq, d ft qr * er<r rpq qc+n ql +fc-f<qftq $ Sq { sIT{ c{rqYf d I

4..:rd: c$Tsft6 F{T{ !tr' uti q{ crtrd, tc.dr, sqd'<e * w-ele v<i< * 5+i-a4vr fufrfd firsi{'r * frq nq qr+n ol gfl'q ti fu fiqrf6d qdirsrfid'qfi u'n sqwit4 sfufd rrBfl

qftsrfit rt14eI

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l- f. cr. *. d-cr<q (q. x. t), q<g, rrqR q{1 - stElsl

2- lfr C.rR eurg<, t{6R - offia ws

3- qf{q, +q{ qd fd{Ts f{cFr, fiw - dflqtnt{ ll<sl

4- cfqs, sntfi, cE qffsf{{, {cR fdwr, f{dR - rr<rq qf?q r

5. {frFd rm ffiq frqq frqtrd.d *i -(6,) {{qn I{|I{ffi Efn !d FdErr{ d s4$ 6'.dr I

(E) frdr{ qi 6-erq * ql*xd * ss-€ Erqfqql ?qr vw${ 6l si-qsdu€cl + rfrvil-l*fl-e vrt gt c* sqr4 {ct * ffi s4-d, F-er, qt{<e * uc-su $* d g{tei/q{r i!lvn tr t

(q) ldsfliwuqFsfl * €lq-Hq css + diqntrf icr6R, fsfr, dzqs, q-n*eqr qG

* are&r { er+ gl'targq{ * Sdq { qqrglq qrc{d (qrdq ,ct{ qnrs-dq) * f{qtor * {ftdg{r{ t{ |

(s) !f|r€f{{, t6Ed * fr qqrffr{rM/{trqrFd + {d-frqt{"r nqr qfi cd BR6'{ dalc{Gir€il * dd{ { Wn t+ r

(6) Es{< Fdqt c{ f{sR 6'{i {cc sfrfr Eq ffia({ 6i q{4q{ {&fr, sl * fr. fr. ilnd qwdr { rfu rdq €frfr i rsnrts aJ gtfi +i sqFlfi f6qr qt t

3ct€ fqsi t t'{kd :r< getn gnn in ffi qfrfd 3rqFfl {qi t

6 €Frfr *ril f{h di 6t frfr t d-q qn * q<r oq-n rfri<q w wr ol ti r

qi{r - qrt{ fft vil * f6 d6f, 6l ftiK rrqqi * qsqRq si6{Er<slfiInfr{qTq dh {d ffi q{dR d cS ffirs$ |Mrs{ I{16{ q|lr{*/{*<l tuie aq*Iad q{ ffic} qfir cd erqv6 E{qd*ffiqmf< d qq t

frct-Tqqfl * qrt{ {,. Eo/-qri6 Es{ clqt

sr+n * sFf I

I .50 I

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nrq dEqr-leifr" go 2-&/90 iao-234 qzqr-15, fFri[' 7'9'90

cfdfdfr - qfiq'6, rrdmq {Eolrirl, Tilqrtolrt, !zn-7 q} Et t{dn {-qqr * qrd qk, il

e-drfud 6{i A-g ifrd I

E"/-q{t|6, EqR riqt{f{R * sFc I

arq {sl-rofc. go 2-04190 610-234 !r4n-t5' fr{rr 7'9'm

eiqlsg - sa+q * eS frqrq/qS fqqmqel:e* *te-64 er5*itrs$ sq f{drs qrgmirufr

fqqr qq&ffitR.ii ql q+ltd ifoc t

av-q{trr 6rn *vtw6R it sF{ |

q {crtr-16/G" go 2-04190 isro-234 q{n-15, fidi5, 7'9'q)

lidtdfr - qffi, rffiq fdsl{ frqFvFR{rf, fsr{d{rq f{drdq Ei qErld qd qr{{{d

4'rqfd illrc t

Eo/-q{',iiF EqR "1st

srqn t qr{q t

an dqr-reifq" go 2-04190 610-234 rrr[-rs, frlitr 7'9'90

eftfdfr - ridft( eqwffil qqs st qsqrd qi <qrewd 6rdq iFd I

6o/-q{i6 EcR ffi' s(6R* qfifi |

t 451 |

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t4l, q{ rRbr 66

tr6R q{6,R

' drF|s' W cflr€Fs' lrtR fflIFrnqo',

flr lito lito ; fi, i{q{ I@ qfuq I

*{ {,

t@ sfrs, l*an, qr+ r

T.{r, ffi+' I2l15 {r{, 1985fc{q - wrcFr€ Ffir{ qa ErsT {qrr {frFd qr sFa*<t r


f+.r{ {+ ere gsn sFtfd qr rfr*<l nq sr+n 6l scfr? 6{ T6r E I

lral ITadR + Fraq €qI r ror, ffio q q{, t9r9+ * Cm gs efcfr 6r rra{ ffq rIqI qretr'f cS" sg. rnier, n-ordr wr 3w <F+e gs$ erqe r{r4 Td q r d triqr * {qnrdrold R-qrd !d W qfufr 61 3tqqr q-+rqr trqr * | Es {frfr * qq s<q Frqftrfcn E :_

(r) ei.. ce do {<1, eng*, z6-qfr +r4mr r

(2) * s'rsr<,. eiRrfi Tdrf.rt{r+ l

. {3) 4 EsRr f€k, erffr{r<l sgq, ildF-ffi cfr{6.qffir, f{rFnfi frqrrr I

(4) ,ft BTR" :qro ft-.', qrgft_Fe_qR-E, ffisd €f{qrfiq g+ v+<+ iflr'_sqs_sffi |

2. qfrfi q6 efifrrd€r s€r sr$fr f6 * rqRo qro fu€, s(s_{idd 6io w sftfr *Errsrq qi !fd+€ +qR rrri { cgqs s5qay Frd t r f fra fflb' 4 qt, le84 d 31 3rdtn,1984 T6 olci 6-Sq * qtaic< qg cq qj dqrd t r aiqrsr{ | :tirE1, 1984 t rqrq n_s. ( t2 crd,1985) +drf{tn di * s'*$ Fs qfrfr *' 6d \fqr. Fq e 6{i {i r efufd 41 et{r€r t fd s{6Rf fs€r * 614 ql c{r€r q{i * sla_ttq qrt{d qr{q +1 nRr rqrq d sH r


fr" fr" qrfi,src( tq {Fs I

t 452 1

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rio 1101, f<ii6 I qf, rga+

frqq - oo*a* r*g su uA S gun * rfee fr rre wrqn q) tare ?i t{ Fq[ilfu

sfufr qr rrd{ |

wrwd6afia-d€dqE+dE6Tgdd) rqop w5{'re qrd s ffi t tqgd

61 qr{qr dqr srfl{ { S tr{dr t I f{srs qi 6flrq 6rffi'+ fiqlqqr i-E qdqn c{twf{6

od d grtal c{ fq-sn qrt a1 qrar+rdr t r fqelrsf,{i'Tdrre< a1 sqsreil/€qrfldi qi *ds-€

emR * ergen qqlqorftd'sq qffi' + ce oi g{fiqftd qri +t rfi qsm * r

z svrrsfi-fi r*r{ qi srn qr futsq Q tq-qn 6{ wn 4 ffi mq sr+n o1 g{rq ti fuffi6d qdirdrR"if d qo rqmtq Rfrfd ridd s€ 6l trstq ftm 'rqr * '-

(r) * g€. q{. rr+qr, 3Tc{ I@ stfi - slqH

(z) f fs. Fo rlfi, Y{rr{frr {qR 3c(Ifi - s<q

(3) 4 q[qrrr<, nnqii Tdlftft{6, td - s(t4

(4) * s{rfi fr6, qfff{l qgq, firRr{ il{,ffi 61tinr _ s(€q

( 5 ) * qR" qo fs€, 3crgffi-T6-€ffi-qfrq-sd {F-qrfiq *i qEqq fqqFl -q<s-sff{a t

r. efrld ERr ffiq fqqq fiqfufqn ifi :-

(i) {dcr< vflrsFr€ BrA qq {dt{d q1 sffw 6-fi1 |

(ii) f*qrq qi 6-dM S orffi'* q!F-d drqtqqi 1 q{rr{i 61 q{-ecl6lsNif * cfd

riffic qnfr gc,g* eqIA {€i + fdq q.tq|r d-*q e{lr€f{6 ari { {l|R eri ?g

qqrq i{ |

(iii) c'trd/ti-dverdG-daqs q ef,{d ql 3{4 nffst{d f6rd + SdFc+ er+R' ftqfd'

d?qa, qr*iet eqIR + 3{rd6 { a++ 5+tar + qdq { infiqral qqfl-el'ra

ffqk"r Sd cflrst{q 6ii * T{'lal * deitl { {flrq t{ t

I {50 I

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. (rv) wn€f{6 {6IFif 6r s'fi6{q aqr g-+6 d fdq q{fifdrtrs'ffi qr ce fiqfRa qd* {dq i gsn <* r

(v) sc{qa f{€qi t sqfttd er-q gqm gar{ t{ frQ efrfd 3cgen {qd r

+. sfrfr d{-fl f{,i? di d fdlU { ft E&i t sr<{ qtrfl gfl.r {RI srcrn oi tfr t

qrt{r - qfq{r Rqr srct t f6 $rd qi fuen rrqq-* * sTsrffior if6 ri qrd 96rRrd f6qlqq rct{ Es+1 ffi ecqn * qfr fiirqFi/tqqFnEqd/€S crieqtq.{ilrsq frsrsqT"if q{ s* tq-drnrdrfidi +i q+* w qrq{.r6 6Thr{ * ffi qq{rRn 61

ft-en-rrqqro * erilt t,!S. to ScrRs,

rr{dR * fs*q {f q t

t 454 I

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rrl dqT 461-{0 €o

fddR q{dFR

ilffq f{6r€ fqqq ({qr{dfq f{i{n(c)

i[6,* iq !{E +q{, t@ sffi, feER, qan t

*sr t<{ argfi ci {fssis{ {rs-q/E$s Rf{4/qS fqqT.Itqq/qs q+{dq lqrgRrs* d{q

f*+rs :cr{ffi/s$ fffiI *1q66aq 3q-tr*w ergwss erlrc-o v<Rr+rfr t

ffio r qrd' tsst t

frlrq - frm riqrrfi TfrFfr nqr fugr cf{ qfrf{qc' rgsr * 3rfltd qBtl ft-dT qftii dl

"Afr* w

"t{""ttfi * ridq i Bq-ff*ts slrgm-w{q artlcrclfi rr{fr 'rn

+ 6fq sl 5a-uddl qq6 ffRnfoarfr' st5{'ca qqtffi qd utis

ft-crs q{ffi* {Fror t

nfu - nsrdc t@ Rlqq ql t' *" i" t-fi tt cftc7 {gr 4340' fii{id s d' l9?3 cs

45s7, R{id, 5 frdq{, 1974 |

f{ifi$n g* 6F{l t f6 frER qsrm €frfr ill fder qfq qfqf{qc' 196l * qr'rqnl *

*r,n e ;'"{l-m { firqd {frfid qt ffir qrtcl 6r qa El 36r i r erfi ffi c*{ i finriF

r aq<{, tgm { 5r{ 6(lr !r<q qr fiiqr t I qq q{{ql + q*{ *q mrs er*cq fffi| qtd

otq** em+* q4l dqFqd f6qr qFm rqs dq61$l*f€cfddqcrrdddfrd

ffi,ftddrqfrerq-qrgff*sqiiq<qlfrdf+q'rqrtdfurgrq{qg6r'l6c*r't+<€*!qdTFirqt{ffiqfiffratqqFfrq{qnfiIRlci*rtrrw6[.t6cdd{<dtdr(caprah d the bam) d {tfl er(l qti t slq-{Ic fiw C< * 1e 6r{ctcrr q(lflr.Ft 61

ilRct { A fddl d{ + f{"iql 61 qrqlfaa oti I

2 tg qllelr + t{F el * erqqli * etw { qqi nw ef<e * S" *' i' *+l d

[€rK{tcfrqrfrFb 8d, 1973 w s mq' le74 qi ft'ld f5{ t it ormq d <<cd d

I .55 I

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qfif€rFd qq TlFls-{ * qrqR q{ qr6T{ i rl cs.flrfr cfiF+ 6t ffisd 6{ frelefua ffiFq4 filiq ff,ql t I

3. qrfr,'r idsrs cE 6-icrq 6rffi'qil trrqfr {q Sql3fr g qlqq d srqr q,.{ri S.B*qQ r{rfi {ti lqR q{ sq-ffir€ qrgqf, c{ {iqr r f6 fudr rRrfffi d sr*r r t{6R {qt{d €frftqq fqdr q+c afqf{qq o1 qqfr- r q qF{a qRqtq*etr ai W frrdr c{si + €r{-{ €Rrdft_d q,{i

f{"tq S {.{6R i fuq t r c* srfqt{qq +1 qRr 47 (in) { qrqva{ i{irrr 6{ 3rq fqqqi q;r

€Rrdlq qfrq d T{qq-{Icq tlt tqdr cfql 6i dci ql qq+q * sc+n e.r.Ifr r Sq sA{. i3c-fudRr sngqq + Til q{ 3rfir6R ftqfdF@R di :-

sc-td6r€ 3ngffi-s6-{@ {dqils q-(tfu6rf. * F-e qd arftr*n

a. f€ Bq-f{fiq urgm-g6-gw ordvrc+ qqt}I6rd q.sR + fqlq{ ffi.an qrq}&asc{t€ ERrRftd rr*,,r f{6rs d-s{Bn * f{qnr * fdq edcrm €{t qsfdq F{ *q{q} tddfm ss fqai.tq qd

"-r-+ eqtfiq q-d{6'fr sc-l'ffirs qrgqn-F6-t@ Erdo,F-"F qqrfffi *

+6e { foe-sf+r ord 6'ii dqr 3d q* sqq Fr+,r ss {rtrqfl ti Gi r

s. eqfu Eq-ffirc qrgw ca-gw ar4vrr* v-rfffi ffir*r0 s qar sq * 6d +l{ift1 g;q6 qqE { f*' wrrrf nqr sq-fmrs qq1ft-R g@ crqqr-ro qqiw{T.fr + +'-f< g.qto tS tqrq d, d <fd d q{6H qqfirdrfid t ss\ {q-i d I tS qRFfd t T6 sffiq Erqr fsR qrrd' 6i cKqR-6 fuqR-ffi i gdflr fdqr qs 1 q6fi1a4 +1 ftqfr { cd,rcftq qrgffi *frDtqrjsR si4 | T6 str{lr E1 srfr i f6 c{g.cfrq engm * Ve..m qi s€ldc q,1

eirEscidr fard A vg'fr, ft{ S qq orfr r{rft ftqfi c},fi d yA.-*q qr$fi s frdq *d c{ d*'6rt*rn r

6. Bq-trsrs .lqqfft i*er q{< + gw cr4wo lErn6rfi T*i qt{ Fm ft-6rR q<rfirfirfti<d qfuc r ts ordqffd vqtfffi a1 tnrft t gq_f{drt qrgft dr sfi.rw;igd cfidfitld!96ffi*Tf eqn t.di qq es tS s-frrd iclcpil + ffic ta.w{rffi+,qrfirorftifqq Effi'* 5,e-T{sr f{iisr {*rn

7. w-fi-drq qrgR-v6-gw xl&mr rcflrslt sqs f{6rs r<|ir6r$, qmi-q {r4qF*cqftrdrft, T6rq6, cfidsn 6r{qT{' Tcn 6rt Ss' ydd { v<*qrfra qq qffrmffi R ffiq qcio'fi{q {dt nq A ir c-dr*.ftd d +{, ffi cs qil ffi c{ rFd.Rlfi 6t c_q..d q.*Fsr+drflfrts*ir


g. sq-ft-drs ql{-{F-tw srdqrf,s' cqdrrdrfr fqdr€il{ + fqqFtq yqr{ * ssr<fca4r'frq ffsrs +qrr 6e orffi q{ eft*€-ffi ar o< +t{ quor qm sdi cr{=dffi tfr










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*rf*q E,r fitqq ori arII nisdi* 4'rrrqrd \q lqfiqds ql sqfr{{ sfirnfi qrtli 61 EF|n srq

€fit9. 3q-fu{rs qrgR-{rd-tq or{qrc* \r(Itirsrt sqn-€ E€tRftd cnds{3il isii$ ili-qr€ilt

+ ffiq sqd * 6d cs 3rq{"d qt qrfi{* rffiq lFd+fi ffii aql st qr{6 ldqrrlqqif E}

sm€rRd q-{ F+i I

r0. 3q-fq6rs q(F-s6-5@ 6r{qcr q{flrdrfr i{drq 6rd d fdn efdFrdfqd q{{rt

{,4qlfcii q{ vqrr{fr6 fuit'4 {{iiq t

r r. 3q-F{6I{ 3rgfi-{6-:I@ 6rdqre+ qqrfir6rt (ql6if + q(d '.iqrqa {ftfird' qt{ ss*

sr4 sfrfrrd + T(d 6i fis'd * qr€{ rM { qrrr di fu arx-rr+ o1 ff otl t

12. 3q-1=tri6rq engm-va-€e or&rc+ q<flr+rfr qqrrai o +<d qo, ev-ruu nw fuer

qd< * F(d + ( €qqq qs sqlqq qil Ei.56{) Ffr|{q q<rfffi dn I

13. sq-f{6r€ :crg6-{I6 g@ 6r4qdd q<firdrt i{d 3r<{d {qrqfr qtrfr * qwqfid

q{Fldri{d 6r rqrdrd{ur 3rddf< 6ti I

t4. i{6R'iqrqa {frfi qi frdr q{s 1qs-a qi dq) frqqr+d, Itaa * ttqq l3l Fi 132

+ ird'i-d gq-f{drg e,irged-rr6-gq 6rdcm6 qclfirsft ersqrsl 3lFrR, rrfrq srfqqrq {'rd161

rrq t 25.m0.00 {" t 50000.m to r*'orql t fr qflrqf{d ffd {n I

fwarq<rftmrfr* qfu*r

r:. {t* f*<r qsfir{rt {i fqfq-qflql firn {qi * ffi ar vrTf,r* qrc<eii * qqq,

qrflttr;n ir{ frqlq{, :Eq s{d qrR q€€Wi qrfutif * orqtqql fu qq s{,q qrdwf qr+r{

6rto.ii qi slflrqr{ 6i qq-f, firi $ tr qtrq sqq q{ fqF{i M'+ {qlfii6mRlqffiai q1

t{ qi ''Il.ed

qft 61 s{q{.rd-dl qsa €tfr Wtq{q sctfi s"t r+tr{d se fudl q*( qi qqm

qtrfr * eqt{el qs'f{drw{r q-<nr*rn d ql o'trcii nqt Ffira fqqr'frq qqlffi gi

6+srRd +1 tel eqt ori e{r* T{+1 {rqrt 'r@ qrq qri qt stfirdn -e ttql t aidq'* fqel

csilffi * qrffi 6r cm{ fset qi rH * R{t { cq{qfrd qdtmrfr qi 6ffi 6tn I

re. sc${ qftfufd d el qfr q{RsrR-d'\rq qffi * fs6-g 3l-Srsffi qt@ 6{i ql

gRq 6{ri fl Erfq'n f"-dr q<rp6rt q;t {6r|r qtr :{rq{rr6d\qi .R i f{dqi 6r S 3crE{r i lrdliqrF[ nqrq .r<Frorfr * qqq 3s fdq .r{mt ot sdt t


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17. fwr qoftr*r0 20-qfi 6rtr*l + eqrt f r rr qc_sft qi Ei<v{ c-eu qrfscit 6r* q+&{Er qq q{qql qrfl qsdr t fqsd E€ fditr( rd t*-q qr s+a t r erq od y+n e1q.eqor*rft *qcr3T 6l sF€ ffirl 6r qR qq.l {rFr q{ qrsr gl c{ ffi * {qtds fr€r + Fsrsqq 6'€rq {deft *tffi'n Td f{CW 3rf,'r Td {g1 sr €-qidr t r 11 onfx.d * qqrm + fuqs-df?rd f+{r'fu qdl|Eritqi * sler eftr qd +dr 6l {dqr{ €Fc qqr{d {eyn r qrq d tficrfus6Rort * fqdr i d sfsR * cftfrflr qrr sTd i 3lR qrar e{c qci Eiq. e6'R 61 6M.+ f{qRr+1 srqw {qfi * r Erar 5l tqel q{frmr0 d sfr-4 {fu*t qf{trqd {elfr I

Ir. gs eesq * qr*n i Td frr4q fq,n t fr sq-idsts argm *;n4+crd * {ds { cfdqd qdq * 3{'aer € flrdr qqrlrrs;i rMq qfsiqr cffiq 3irSR + qrq +fi fq€ q{ f{qn 6{qlgff qR?-gRft q rffiq 3l13t€q 3{ird 6ii I

19. qr-sr*q H i fsdr.r<rflrsd ol Erfriqlcrq ,fr*r * ,rr, sc qtrl d ftdr {qrfffi{rqm c+qcr6 sifM rirl 3ii( sqnff ord-oq t* qrqfq+q * tr qs qEr;sq Ffufr {irn ffiqtafl fsdr qsrfirsrfr T*'l *t sq f{6rs qqfi, scrqq nra efr qffir+rfi Cs fq-dr RA-qa-qffi q<rfEmrt gq* {€ di r qlffi e1 y'rfr qi qfrqrt €ftrfr qtfi ri,i e}r qs qqq iisEfsd ft'fl sd 3t{ cFi-E{il 6{rqfi r

20. ar4 sEfi 4't m gqr: T€ qqrfrffifl qq rien qr rin fu+d ARr *r't F+$d tdqt qqr

d, frq vr+rt anr sw-qqq q{ Est qqd qFrqr fuer qcdrmrfr * fu-rqrtflr imrqr qrdr Gqruiiitl" tA fq-er qsfffi ctrq cs tqrqd sftftrd'* qqrtffi,.*ffi si qq tflFtqTqlfir6'rRqi qq 6ffi 61 +qldFdnilfuqqr srfqqr ss.€ d v* |

2t. erltd frqFI d +r4 or ffqK? frrdr Tdir6r0 + errft{ 3r{dB-d lSrfffi dFrfdqnqtr 3rd-d :$r*rfr o'ri r

zz. ql sqa{i o1 q6 a{qq F{ft Td t fs- fqdr r{fql6'rt fqer qtrQr' qs {srqd sF{frTd 6rftq-rq q<rnrqrfr rii r qa qe qr in ansrqd * fu Fgr<trd orffi * seq { fudr rr<rfffiq4 3rgrse q{Ff*l0 ffifi ar4-oddi q 6{rfr E€d*q re sii .ft q{ rt e'rffi ql iqftdorqffqfd !F {t*ri dld Ks scd eryre+ 4 f6:( S a.e cr,ftRfl firi ol emsa*'-dr qg dr +Sfufd d $ enc$ c{rc{i qs'gflq tor aw fuErt dto rrq{r m d qrtsri 6ti drls qr-qfdhfq€erpil ql fr?riftR et{ i 614 qli 6l $ et-{s{ cra d s* r srq 6 ilf6 E-{dr {of s6+,r frorqf<l ql crR d Es fu ffiirorfr f{dr cf{ q1 +d*' { {qr4 qrfr-d + 6c t qH di I

2:. {q eqd * orqfqcq ii qffiq qrg*ii +1 oftFqfrr€ Tfu{r €fr r Firdq qrSftW *+a f*me qrg-fi t+cd fs-dt R{ c{ gs e{+{{q RRI c{ fffirs c{ Fiqrq sE'fr sS *firsiiqF 6rqsd 6r q*+qTdr qs f{frqq 6tii 3+{ q"tifsd f{i{r ii fssfi 3r{qF{ R4 Eti I

t 4s8 I

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24.3flfrftqq d sm 68 d Td scqitl tfr3q-fu{Is 3ngR tddl qf(+ffi ftfq o rsl

qfrRrq * nqtqqq 6t rqFn qt sdi 3lR ildid8 eftr+fi qr5fi qq qr+rc 6l frq{r * ffi*$.1 r fqfl cf< * t@ qt{qrdd {qfir*r0 4i tSI 3fiq6R dqql !r {Fn3n e1 qqiE + etT{d

irfr fir r f*-q fo qd qqF[ ?R|f<r sa qfifr * t+ ei{ iffr qdq qe|sl tsr{rd €fcld q{{I{ 61

dfr * lfcqi qrr* ffiq il-cti'd sdtr tdtg fflliq d Eqtdq {e fird'iri +1 qm ec+n et gta

fre{ "Ii6q

arfr ssdl Erqtqfi Td d v* r ss t{ qril 6s + sqsq el rnifcrd +l {d 3ritr6rt

ctirfrq qER 41 d {t [ | Es ig rt erq{qq, drn f4, e4Etih e+5* <a f+er -mFr*rft ei fwet

qfr qq qqrqa strfr + c6-dT't f{"td Fi qF{RFi'q1 qfit qcn titrfi {* ffts 3{-q{q{-dtisR

Fer qqfir*lfr *S lr$rsl engm * ern qqq qq qq sd t

25. r{.tfrc :c([ft Eq f{6rs rNqR-{6 Eq 6rfq€qi r{firfrfi * 6r{ qi 3nq{ur c{

qlfifd 'ffiq sTqffiql' ffii I ss edq { a iq-d q*s a :rqel qa fq.st qErfii6rfl q'1 rrr$r€r

qtrrl,qiT'l crq s'{n dh sq c{ td*sn s{ qqd qxffi 3ffid dti I

26. 3c-f{fiIq qirfi-{6-5@ 6rdqrc+ qqrfirdrfr * 3rqi({6 {cs,r$ riW orc, T{+1 qi{r

fuki cs qnl-Tdr ffi'c{ ctd{aRT{ 6{i q1 {tff wicqtq 3lrgffi ql crq drfi |

srtlisa q{rffi * qfu*r

27. sf cqst + ortrde ql ifl flflsq sq-f+*re qr{fi F f{dl f++rq {srf*rsrft ra- qt

vfi r qqldq lrlrsc c<f{dr0 of S w ordmq d 3Tq{q d dqnl qrq | -; n6 t++re

q<tf}mrfr * qrtrrdFii * cddq"l qe i{frs{q ori aq s+o qri-<fi 6oi 4J 3f'r6R 16{l I

29. ssrg f{fiq qaflr+rn o ri;fq { e+d iryird csrf'r+Tt :-r* qrtrq;oni' * ds'q ri

E{T{ srqk sq-ffir€ qrgR * t+qKd +'i'rt t

fqrqa qfrfu' * '5q

S c€s f{6r{ q(If}rTrfi * fl?i*'"j 6 qdq t 3{q{ t'd-q

sq-ffiTs slrg* d €q +di I s{l st ae.Il 3rlriqd q<IFr*rfr o1 e5{rgt qt l=*qR 6{ 3q fudrs

:rgm afifo irrfrq 3{elfftql fdn cti r fql mrffi'qr omfq+l qds tfirs {<rfiffirfi

dn fqer qqfirqrt w 3r{rsd q<fimfi + f{drqlqt{ qti, iq {erd{t{ t{rl 3{R 6rd-5q 3-{S

vie { ergico v<ffr+rt :qq{ qlFfd qEFff fsdl qqfirdrfr 6l t-$i fqq erqt q{ frdl q<tfffi

afrs dq*4 qt[rR ffid qtn I

qdc f€rs q{ffi 41 qfrr4r

29. 1f{, rsoc fdrdTs qdq-6rt qs qqr{d sftft * qqh A 4rd sti Fsfdq q€ €qrq{qs

* f6 cg-s- gr q{ r.qrrs ft-d6ls T{ierdrfi 6t $ clnffifi q-lrql q|q 3i{ sq EE r€ c& R{ c.{


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q{.{qrRa qtfr fqq'nq rffirdrftql qq 6f{rft.i, 6r c+&r6tq qsrftrfit {r,* qrq, ?rE d sq's. R{ q{ (cI idr o1 qFr6r frcl €{ r


-r0. f:sdr, 3rjrls-d qa yqrrs f{srq 6r4fdq q T({qrftd eqefr+a g qgffiq 4-{:arft.qto1 rvrra 6*, f". qqrlV+r:t q q*t eqw{mq { 6 Gq f*-< gs rqrq=n t arafana qr+o,1,+ +raiqfi 6fr qrq qi qqe qsr i6ffi sc-fu$R a{gat * "rft cfrfrgai ffn qii,l


t" crdFqi+d + ffiq ffi F+'r 6r cff{gk-q-in 3irrq tq r-fr Gi'n r qr+n qi qa erqer i r* morq{fu-6r0 s'{rr€ +,r'H' * qrqi€qr Bg sq-ta-m'rs 3{gR t qirqvf or qte riqr { qqrd,qsfqrfi:d 41 rFdFtgi€ qfddq oti .*r sc qnl d, fds qffiq :cqsn d ER*c 6{r defiar{s-dr rd qirft t

:r. lqer qf< q eor sqnor, qqa 3irfq +{'R qli or a-ga q5sE1 io1 rtn , qs+ fci q-{"i+'rdn dqr q<rfffi 61 F{r sfr snErq-d-dr d'fr, fs-{ vff€ w qC !f{d rfi d sril * ils rdtsdr dqr qfiffi e+rrrt * e{-l rr.a g< S qq-{ g* vq_f+*rs wgm *i slvr*l ond tdrr r

32. f.{.T 'firF{srfr + erft{ fudl dgt cqrnFrfr q+ qE rqF4R r*rn fo w_f++rq 3lrg€€ cq.rs F-srq q<rftmrfid * fu1ons,fl-r qrqlqqr di qd qldrd.+ dq ql S qrq ss {*eTq6{A ratr *( TN-d$n cid+qr w f*ore crgar +t tn f6-{ SHffi{ qq ffi srFrqnftdrsiil * sriqq |qdr q{firsrn 6l S d-sq$ cft+fi ii dd r

i-r. *ffi s,raa or ar4 {rq* frqrq + cqfirsrt aqr q4qrt qs fffirg 6rd t {idrrqErfuqrfr qq 4.ffi tffifi ori t r rc-d: siM q'|a {+cd f{fl rKrffi + qlf-{ ftr R<fuer sinsr*1 qqrftrsr0 cq r-{ar q++tq qffffid w *tr<64.a1 g* *_f{dFrq qrg< qj qdqdcr {6ri' I

:,r. *+ sS ysn fsrdr qq-eqS qqfimr0 fqdr cErffrdrfi + srd-{ 6rd 6ti fd-{dq-f{*rs slrtm $ s,r+1 t-* q,r sqdq qltt efu fqer qq-{t{d q<lf}r6rt iii loi tairq ti qt{iltrs* 3-{+' rrlM'or vrc+ att r

35. f=c-drw0-4 fqrnqr"zq F<rdftd orfod t ridFn qu --+ A*t" -*.an*na +qts Es rdiqTf c-drqn fr1 qfifdrcqr- rq-fuom qrg* *i aqoel oni srifi r

:c fqer qf< d elsi-{ '1u-+ f+*rv wnel g4n, erydi *.rrun rfi risFrd {f6rt ffi

ERr to q:|rsR fq-fl ccrnrdrfr 4 slq *dl ri,'t r f+1 aRrdf{d fdq{n i{ {irisfl {-,dT,f FdrqRrq fu+m enTff * qrq Eiqr r


t., .

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37. qE F{ Ffdt q& { q-sftrd lsrFrdrft?ii 6' fcq fa infur 61 6rd $l +6 f+-4 srdl ?

ffi (6 qdq[{ i srs+r :'{|qrfrq 116 qs Frqidq *rre * qFizr { qq ffi 3IFrg qrq qq F{sl

crizc qcrani qi 3q-ffiI{ ilrgft q6-1@ oraqrif+ qrfY*rfr ti' 6r(I qficldd 5q i dFn I

38. €$fr er{-fi qd qi{q/siqq qd fecwqq scf€ ofcfier d 3ffi6d qtsrfr f+qd a

*.1qo faiu. t{qq onlq t 'iErsr{rs' rkiqr * fr qn en+r++ ortr o<i +1 fql 6-i t

J9. f'{fu * qRzr qq qrq grtm fcgsii w ir{<w qr< d cffid 6lrn t

+0. :ra d qr+n gl: w qR q{ qd til srrfr * ffi idot qdE rri qsr{dt{F 'irfir * swq

orqfqqr * idq €S v<IF{drn q<{r sqrs 6ti ek sq ig qEr{ W q6+q ti rai icq{ q.{R

ol flfo rrdrp er+r *ffi qr-6eu d sq{q e1 qfd d rF fi-qnq i qc+n d cft qf,dl 41

3lI{eII qq fE[qrq d luff{ ffi-ffl 6fi € |

3T{6r F{qrsqmr,

cq rqra -h'r,

w.* ggr sfr{q

(itr{dEl li@I $" Ss" 3/$" 3/107/81 t fr44 ffrqr rrql l)

t 461 I

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t7'lNo. /t340/cP




Shri P K. J. Menon, Chiet Secretary to Government.

All Principal Secretaries/All Secretaries/All Heads of DeparffientyAll DivisionalCommissioners/All District OfficervAll Regional Dev. Officers.

Dated rhe 8th May, 1970

Subiect -Duties and functions ot the Deputy Development @mmissbn€r-cum-Chiet Executive Otticer in connection withtheZila parishads constitutedunder Bihar Panchayat Samities and Zila parishads Ac-t. 1961.


I am directed to say that with the relerence to the policy decision ot the SiateGovernment to entrust all the schemes and activities concerning the development andwelfare at district and its lower tevels to lhe zila parishads and panchayat samities il hasbecome necessary to redetermine the duties and functions oI the districl officers andnewly created posts of Deputy Development Commissioner-cum-Chief Executive Otficerin lhe senior scale of l. A. S., so that work concerning developrnent and weltare be attendedto without any hindrance and programmes relating to the same be e)(ecuted promptly andproperly. For lhis purpose it has been decided thal the posts ot the Deputy DevelopmentCommissioner-cum-Chiet Executive Officer will be at par with and equivalent to the oostoJ Districl Officer and after carefully examining allthe points and superseding allth6 previousorders on the subject, lhe State Government have now decided that in allthose districtswhere Bihar Panchayat Samities and Zila parishads Act, 1961 is in force or rnay be entorcedin future all the duties of the District Officsr in respect of planning, Developmenl andWelfare be entrusted to the Deputy Development Commissioner-cum-Chiet Executive

t 462 I

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Otficer. lt is quite possible lhat a lew subiecls coming under lhe purview ol the District

Officer and the Deputy Developmeni Commissioner'cum-Chief Executive otficer be such

thaf they may concern bolh the otlicers ln such circumstances lor the smooth lunclioning

of the administrative machinery it will be very proper if lhe problems related lo bolh ol

them be decided by mutual consultation ln case o{ difference oI opinion the work shall be

executed according to the decision of the Divisional commissioner' lt is hoped that the

Divisional Commissioner would hardly have to interfere in such matters'

2. In the districts notilied under the Panchayal Samities and Zila Parishads Act'

1961 rhe District officer himself willnot exercise the powers conlerred lor the co-ordination

and execution ol works relating to planning' development and wellare The Deputy

DeveloDmefi Commissioner-cum'Chiel Executive Otficer shallremain incharge of Planning'

Development and Welfare quite independent oI the District Oificer'

3. The Depufy Development Commissioner-cum-Chief Execulive Olticer shall

exercise similar control over the neads at the district tevel as was up till now exercised so

by the Oistricl Otficer.

4. The District Development Otficer (who is proposed to be subsequently

redesignated as Assistant Development Commissioner-cum-Oepuly Chief Executive

Otticei; witt work undel the adminislrative control and supervision ol the Deputy

Develooment Commissioner-cum-Chiet Exea'tive Officer' In the district where more than

one Assistant Development Commissioner-cum'Deputy Chief Executive Oflicer are posted

they shall also work similarly under his control and supervision'

5. In the district where more than one otticer in the rank ol Additional Collector are

posted under the Zila Parishad lor the works relating to planning' development and welfare'

lhe Oepuly Developmenl Commissionet-cum Chiel Execulive Ollicer willallocate the work

among them.

6.The Oeputy Development Commissioner-cum Chief Exacutive Oflicer willexercise

conlrol and supervision over the Block DevelopnEnt Oflicers/Project Executive Oflicers'

now instead of the subdivisional officer, the District Development otlicel/Assistant

Devetopment Commissioner-cum Deputy Chiet Executive Officer will sxercise immediate

hiararchical supervision and controlover the Block Developmenl Officers and the Oistrict

Developmeni Officer/Assistant Developme Commissioner-cum Deputy Chie{ Executive

Otficer will countersign lheir (Projeci Executive Otficers/Block Developmenl otticers) tour

diaries and T. A. Bills.

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7. The Deputy Devetopmenl Commissioner_cum_Chie, b€cutive Officer willexerciseconlrol over the tour of lhe Departmental Heads atiached to the development, ptanningand w'rfare at the district rever and wi grant tham casuar reave. For other kinds or leavehe will torward the applications to the departmental ofticers @ncerned. On leave beinggran'"d' the heads at district rever can proceed on reave onry atter obtaining p.rmissionfrom him. Wherever the jurisdiction of a head at the district level comprises more than onedistrict the head at the district reverwi[ be required to lake casuar reave from the DivisionalCommissioner but such leave shall be granted in consultation with the Deputy De\r'elopmentCommissioner-cum-Chief Executive Off icer.

8.The Deputy Deveropment commissioner-cum-chief Executive officer may initiatea proposal tor disclplinary action against heads at the district level and for their transferand will forward it to the departmental head.

9.The Deputy Devetopment Commissioner-cum_Chief Executive Officer may orderfortransfer within the district of oflicers and stafr subordinate to the departmentarheads atthe disfict level, bul before passing such orders he willconsult the concerned departrnentalhead at the district tevet.

10. The Deputy Deveropment commissioner-cum-chiet Executive onicer can askfor report, return or any other information regarding lhe programme ot ptanning,development and welfare trom the heads at the district level and he wilt have p.ivilegg ioInspect any wgrk and to obtain papers and records ot the same. He may require,romdepartmentar heads at the district rever report tor crarification in connection with any pranor programme.

'r 1 . The Deputy Deveropment commissioner-cum chiet Executi\€ otticer wifl writeannual confidential repon regarding the work and conducl ot the depanmentat heads atthe district level and will forward it to the head o, the departmenl concerneo.

12. The copies ot aI important correspondences made between the heads of thedepartments at the district tevel and their high officials will be lorwarded to DeputyDevelopment Commissioner-cum-Chiel Executive Otticer. Similarly copies oI importantconespon@nce behveen Deputy Developrnent commissioner-curFchief E)(ecut[re ot icerand heads at district rever wirt be sent to their immediate superior ofticer, DivisionatCommissioner and Regional Developrnent Commissioner. tt the jurisdiction ot deDart_mentar head at district level comprises rnore than one district these powors wil be exercisedby the Dsputy Devsloprnent Commissioner_cum-Chiet Executive Officer of the areaconcerned.

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'l3.The Deputy Developrnent Commissioner'cum'Chief Executive officer will wf ite

annual contidential rematks regarding the $,ork and conduct of the Assistant Development

Commissioner-cum-D€puty Chiet Exocutive Officar/Districl Development Officer' Project

Ereculive of|icer, B|ock oeve|opmer otficer and other oflic€rs ol p|anning, development

and weltare Programme.

14. The Oeputy Developmerit Commissioner-cum-Chiel Executive Otficer will

e)@rcise disciplinaryand administrative controlover the Government employees engageo

in planning, development and wellars work and allthe powers conferred on District Officer

will wst in him.

15.The Dsputy Developmenl Commissioner'curn'Chiet Executive Officer will keep

himsell in close touch in order to edsure progress Ot different planning, development and

wellare schemes, review quarterly the work progress and expendiiure and submit

consolidated report to the Community Developmentand Panchayat Departmenyoivisional

Commissioner/Regional Development Commissioners'

'16.The Deputy De\reloprnent Commissioner'cum-Chiel Executive Otficer will instead

ol the collector sanction the tour of the members ot Panchayat samitis and their standing

@mmittees to attend seminar outside the dislrict'

17.The Deputy Development Commissioner-cum-Chief Executive Ofticer will instead

of the Collector be the Controlling Otlicer of Pramukh, Up'Pramukh and the members ol

the Zila Parishad (exc€pt the Chairman and Deputy Chairman)'

18. The Depuly DeveloPment Commissioner-cum'Chief Executive Officer will

apptove the transler o{ non-gazetted employees ol Panchayat Samiti wilhin the district'

19. The Deputy De\€lopment Commissioner'cum-Chief Executive Otfic€r will

countersign the lour diaries and ravelting allowance bills of the District D€\€lopn€nt Officer/

Assistanl Development Commissionet-cum'Deputy Chisl Executive Oflicer and will also

grant them carsual lea\E.

20.Underrulesl3landl32ottheBiharPancha)'atSamitiesandZilaParishads(Budget & Account) Rulss, 1964 the Deputy Development Commissioner-cum-Chief

Executive Officer will accord adminisltative sanc{ion ior works ol Rs 25'000 to Fls- 60'000

in consultation with Executive Enginear, Rural Engineering Organizalion

2l. The Divisional Commissione? will have lhe pow€r to grant casual leave to the

Deputy Development Commissioner'cumExecutive Otticers and to countersign their tour

diaries and T. A. Bills.

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22. Divisional Commissioner will write annual contidential remarks regarding thework and conduol ot the Deputy Developrnent Comrnissionerrurn-Chief Execulive Officers.

23. The Slate Government attaches greatest importance to the complgte successot the planning, development and welfare programmes and is anxious to see that all theofficer attached to them work together under the leadership of the Deputy DevelopmeniCommissioner-cum-Chief Executive Officbr and continue to give him all possible co-operation and assistance.

24. In nutshell the objective is thal the Deputy Development Commissioner-cum-Chief Executive Otticer will replace the Collector in the field ol planning, development andwelfare work, so that a suitable background may be prepared for niaking over charge ofplanning, development and welfare activities to the elected Zila parishads and panchavat


25. All the Principal Secretari€s and Heads o{ the Departments arejrequired totake immediately necessary steps to make necessary amendment in law, rule etc., inaccordance with the Government decision contained in the above paragraphs as thisorder will come into force immediately.

Yours faithfutty,

P- K. J. Menon,

Chiet Secretary to Government ol Bihar

Memo no. 4340/GP Dated rhe 8th May, 1973.

Copy torwarded to the Chairman, Zila Parishad, Bhagalpur/Dhanbad/the Deputy

Development Commissioner.cum-Chiel Executive Officer, Bhagatpur/Dhanbad/a District

Development Officers/all Subdivisional Olticeryall Proiect Executive Ofticers/BlockDevelopment Otficers lor inlormation and necessary action.

P K. J. Menon

Chief Secretary to Government ol Bihar

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