ΟΡΓΑΝΟΝ ΤΩΝ ΑΠΑΝΤΑΧΟΥ ΙΚΑΡΙΩΝdistrict 4- governor nicole androutsopoulos,...

ΟΡΓΑΝΟΝ ΤΩΝ ΑΠΑΝΤΑΧΟΥ ΙΚΑΡΙΩΝ VOLUME 32 • NUMBER 126 • SPRING / SUMMER 2010 OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF THE PAN-ICARIAN BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICA AND THE PAN-ICARIAN FOUNDATION Chapter Icaros Hosts the 35 th Annual Mini Convention Memorial Day Weekend, 2010 • Pittsburgh, PA Inside Features: 2010 Convention Info p.11-14 Mini Convention p.19 Obituaries p.43-46 Windows to the Aegean Sea p. 47-48

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Page 1: ΟΡΓΑΝΟΝ ΤΩΝ ΑΠΑΝΤΑΧΟΥ ΙΚΑΡΙΩΝDISTRICT 4- Governor Nicole Androutsopoulos, 1145 Sunhill Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Telephone: 770-339-4064 Email: nicbill92@bellsouth.net

Ikapia Magazine Page 1




Chapter Icaros Hosts the 35th Annual

Mini ConventionMemorial Day Weekend, 2010 • Pittsburgh, PA

Inside Features:2010 Convention Info p.11-14 Mini Convention p.19Obituaries p.43-46 Windows to the Aegean Sea p. 47-48

Page 2: ΟΡΓΑΝΟΝ ΤΩΝ ΑΠΑΝΤΑΧΟΥ ΙΚΑΡΙΩΝDISTRICT 4- Governor Nicole Androutsopoulos, 1145 Sunhill Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Telephone: 770-339-4064 Email: nicbill92@bellsouth.net

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SUPREME VICE PRESIDENT, NIKOLAOS J. PASAMIHALIS 1756 Gross Avenue, Pennsauken , NJ 08110Telephone: (c) 609-502-0524, (h) 856-662-7426 Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

SUPREME SECRETARY, GEORGE KOKLANARIS 22236 Harlan, Grosse Ile , MI 48138Telephone: (w) 734-283-1277, (h) 734-676-9307 Email: [email protected]

SUPREME TREASURER /DATABASE MGR., E. TERRY PLATIS 321 S. Sangamon, #808, Chicago , IL 60607Telephone: (h) 312-563-0036 (m) 917-941-4233 (w) 312-861-2044 Email: [email protected]

COUNSELOR, SOPHIA SAKOUTIS 1325 Inverness Lane, Schererville, IN 46375Telephone: 219-864-4315 Email: [email protected]

2007-2008 FOUNDATION OFFICERS Pan-Icarian Foundation P.O. Box 79037 Pittsburgh, PA 15216-0037Chairman Socrates Koutsoutis, 2405 Laurelwood Terrace, Silver Spring, MD 20905 301-439-7788 [email protected] Chairman C.D. “Gus” Yiakas, 1248 Via Coronel, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 310-378-3984 [email protected] Chris Aivaliotis, 222 Park Square Lane, Pittsburgh, PA 15238 (w) 412-828-9666 (ext 30) [email protected] PNP John A. Lygizos, 1150 Griswold, Suite 2400 Detroit, MI 48226 313-921-7477 [email protected] Costa Mavrophilipos, 1206 Oakcroft Drive, Lutherville, MD 21093 410-321-0611 [email protected] Secretary Maria Vassilaros, P.O. Box 79037 Pittsburgh, PA 15216-0037 412-563-0547 [email protected]

DISTRICT 1- Governor George Paralemos, 58-03 202 Street, Bayside, NY 11364 Telephone: 718-781-1491Email: [email protected]

DISTRICT 2- Governor Michelle Kotsagrelos , 1083 Surrey Woods Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102 Telephone: 412-680-1416Email: [email protected]

DISTRICT 3- Governor Athena Siringas, 1441 St. Antoine, 12th Floor, Detroit, MI 48226 Telephone: (w) 313-224-6642Email: [email protected]

DISTRICT 4- Governor Nicole Androutsopoulos, 1145 Sunhill Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Telephone: 770-339-4064Email: [email protected]

DISTRICT 5- Governor Athena Tsarnas Pugliese, 44 Broadway, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Telephone: 408-395-2923Email: [email protected]

DISTRICT 6- Governor Damianos Skaros, 941 North Blossom Road, Elma, NY 14059 Telephone: 716-668-4985Email: [email protected]

Scholarship Chairman - Steve Stratakos, 9305 S. 85th Court, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 708-430-6439 [email protected] Manager - Dean S. Tripodes CEO, Baywalk Web Dev. 2400 N. Lincoln Ave. Altadena, CA 91001 800-927-8841 [email protected] Magazine Editor - Niki Plutis Salame, 1770 Douglas Ave. Dunedin, FL 34698 727-733-8401 [email protected]



Telephone: 727-447-2715 Email: [email protected]


Telephone: 727-447-2715 Email: [email protected]


Ikaros Cover: Artist Unkown "Icarus" Stone Carving

Page 3: ΟΡΓΑΝΟΝ ΤΩΝ ΑΠΑΝΤΑΧΟΥ ΙΚΑΡΙΩΝDISTRICT 4- Governor Nicole Androutsopoulos, 1145 Sunhill Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Telephone: 770-339-4064 Email: nicbill92@bellsouth.net

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Headquarters of the Supreme Lodge June, 2010PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

When we started our journey last year during theSupreme Convention in Cleveland, the question wasasked “will you work with us?” I am proud toannounce that the chapters responded enthusiasti-cally throughout the year. As my journey draws toan end, with the Supreme Convention in Detroit,plans to visit the remaining chapters during Junehave been finalized, leaving the final coordination ofa new chapter in Charlotte, North Carolina to becompleted shortly.

I ask for your assistance with the Icarian Cook-book. Our co-chairs, Jackie Moraitis and TimLeakas, have extended the deadline for acceptingrecipes to July 15th . They continue to work dili-gently to coordinate the cookbook and solicit spon-sors in an effort to create a unique cookbook featur-ing the herbs and cuisine of our island. You maycontact both Jackie and Tim at the Icarian Cookbookwebsite of: [email protected]

Each chapter should submit their per capita to ourSupreme Treasurer, Terry Platis, as soon as possible.Our Supreme Secretary, George Koklanaris, willsend a Delegate Registration Form to your chapter inthe near future. The number of delegates allotted toeach chapter is determined by the number of percapita submitted to the National Treasurer.

In this last message to you as your president, Iremind you

“Promises made today are commitments for thefuture”.

I feel that this year’s administration increasedcommunications between the chapters and supremelodge offices. I thank all of the chapters and mem-bers for their hospitality and commitment to ourBrotherhood. Thank you for making this an inter-esting journey and supporting my efforts to

“Protect, preserve and promote our Icarianheritage.”

Looking forward to seeing many of you in Detroit, Iremain sincerely yours,

Sonja B. Stefanadis,Supreme President

Page 4: ΟΡΓΑΝΟΝ ΤΩΝ ΑΠΑΝΤΑΧΟΥ ΙΚΑΡΙΩΝDISTRICT 4- Governor Nicole Androutsopoulos, 1145 Sunhill Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Telephone: 770-339-4064 Email: nicbill92@bellsouth.net

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Greetings to the Members of the Brotherhood,

I had the privilege to participate in a few Chapter andHellenic events this past spring. These events includedtwo Greek Independence Day Parade celebrations withAtheras Chapter 12 in Philadelphia and Pandiki Chapter 5in New York as well as the 19th annual Hermes Expo inAtlantic City, NJ.

The Philadelphia Parade took place on March 21, 2010. Ijoined the largest group of participants my home Chapterof Atheras had ever had for this parade. The Pan-IcarianBrotherhood was well represented amongst the more than200 Greek Orthodox Churches and organizations thatcame together to honor the heroic efforts of the Hellenesof March 25.

The Philly Icarians walked a new parade route along thepicturesque Benjamin Franklin Parkway to the foot of theCity’s own acropolis, the Philadelphia Museum of Art.We enjoyed each other’s company in the sunshine and didnot even mind retracing our steps to find our bus. Theride back to the Atheras leski was brief and we werethrilled with thestacks of deliciouspizzas and cold sodathat waited.

On April 18, 2010, Idrove to New YorkCity with PSPGeorge Horiates sothat we might attendthe parade there. Wemade it to thePandiki leski just intime to meet withPandiki’s new ChapterPresident Evangelos Karoutsos, his wife Sophia and theirson. Evangelos graciously escorted us through thesubway system to Manhattan and the start of the parade

near the footof CentralPark. Ashundreds ofGreeksrushed aboutto find theirpositions, ourlittle groupmet up withPSP NickBatuyios and


PSP PetrosTsanteswalking onthe sidewalk.After a happybut briefexchange ofgreetings,these gentle-men alongwith PSP

GeorgeHoriateswent offahead tomarchwith theAHEPAdelega-tion.


member-ship arrivedshortlythereafterand startedsetting up.The sun-filled,windy dayboldly

stirred theGreek flagsand organi-zationbanners.The smell ofsouvlaki andtoastedpretzels fromthe streetvendors’carts only served to fuel our anticipation for our turn inthe parade.

Through the frenetic chaos I did manage to spot anIcarian favored son, U.S. Congressman Zack Space ofOhio and went up to greet him. Zack was walking withfellow Greek-Americans - Rhode Island State SenatorLeonidas Raptakis and US Congress candidate George

Pandiki President Evangelos Karoutsos,U.S. Congressman Zack Space and

PIB VP Nikolaos J. Pasamihalis

PSP Petros Tsantes and PSP George Horiates

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Demos. Heexplained thathe had marchedwith the otherdignitaries buthad come backto find the NewYork Icarians.I said that hehad found us

and brought him over to Pandiki where he greetedeveryone. Our group soon swelled with other out-of-townguests including Detroit natives former PIB counselorAthinaSiringasand herhusbandNick.

After aboutan hour ofwaiting,our mo-ment hadcome and Pandiki set off following its very own Ikarosset atop the Pan-Icarian float. The flag bearers struggled

to keep holdof the flagsas strongbreezesmarchedarm in armbeside us.Cheers andapplausemet us at

every block and we proudly finished at the MetropolitanMuseum of Art.

From there,Pandiki dis-persed andreassembledback at its hallfor its traditionalspaghetti dinner.CongressmanSpace addressedthe gathering tothank them for their hospitality and I also noted thanks toour host Evangelos and his Chapter on behalf of theSupreme Lodge and the Brotherhood.


On April 24, 2010, Itraveled to Atlantic City,NJ with Atheras ChapterPresident, JamesHoutridis and ChapterVice President Nick S.Pasamihalis. There, Iparticipated as an awardpresenter at the 19th

annual Hermes ExpoDinner. The HermesExpo has grown to be one

of the largest Greek-American trade shows in the United States. At dinner, wejoined othermembersfromAtheras andonce againmet withCongress-man ZackSpace. Asthe dinnerprogress, Iwas calledupon topresentrecognition awards to Mr. William Karras fromWilmington, DE and to Congressman Space. We allsuccessfully made it through the night’s speeches, thetiny crab cake appetizer and especially the gruff de-meanor of our white-gloved, plate slinging waitress.

In closing, I ask the Chapters to please remember toprovide Chapter Officer contact information, MembershipPer Capita dues and Convention Delegate lists to Su-preme Secretary Koklanaris and Supreme Treasurer Platisas quickly as possible. This information is vital for

Convention preparations andneeds to be accomplished byJuly 4th!

I look forward to future visitswith other Chapters and hope tosee many of you in Detroit inSeptember. Have a greatSummer!Regards, Nikolaos J.Pasamihalis, PIB Vice-President

Great chefs in the kitchen!

U.S. Congressman Space addressesthe 2010 Hermes Expo Dinner

Left to right: Angelo Horiates, PSP George Horiates,William Karras, Congressman Zack Space,

Constantine Horiates, PIB VP Nikolaos J. Pasamihalis,Atheras President James Houtridis

U.S. Congressman Zack Space andPIB VP Nikolaos J. Pasamihalis

Page 6: ΟΡΓΑΝΟΝ ΤΩΝ ΑΠΑΝΤΑΧΟΥ ΙΚΑΡΙΩΝDISTRICT 4- Governor Nicole Androutsopoulos, 1145 Sunhill Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Telephone: 770-339-4064 Email: nicbill92@bellsouth.net

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Dear Pan-Icarian Foundation,

I would like to thank you for choosing me as a recipientfor the Pan-Icarian Foundation Undergraduate Scholar-ship. The scholarship was very generous and greatlyappreciated. I am attending the University of Akron and Iplan to graduate in May with a degree in Marketing andSales. The scholarship will help me continue my collegeeducation and receive my degree in May. I would like tothank the Pan-Icarian Foundation again for this generousscholarship.Sincerely,Elaina Raptis

Mr. Stratakos,

I first of wanted to start by thanking you as well as thewhole Pan-Icarian Foundation. The $1500 scholarshipwas very helpful and used toward my flight training. Igreatly appreciate it and look forward to packing up anairplane someday with Ikariotes and heading to Ikaria!Thanks again,Dimitri Tsahas

Dear Pan-Ikarian Foundation,

I would like to give a tremendous thank you to everyonewho took part in allowing me to be the recipient of TheGeorge Saffos Scholarship. My family and I are veryhonored and grateful. This award is allowing me toachieve my goals and receive the best education here atThe George Washington University in Washington, DC. Iam having an amazing experience here and am workinghard every day to successfully achieve a degree ininternational business. I realize I would not be herewithout the generosity of organizations such as this andcould not be more grateful. Thank you once again!Sincerely,Giovanna Saffos

Dear Pan-Icarian Brotherhood,

I received one of your merit based scholarships thisprevious academic year and I just wanted to say thankyou for the scholarship. My family and I greatly appreci-ate the financial help, and my first year at Boston Collegehas been very successful and productive. Thank youagain for the scholarship and have a great summer.Alexander Manta

Dear Chairman Stratakos and the Pan-Icarian Foundation,

I am deeply honored and humbled to receive this scholar-ship from the Pan Ikarian Brotherhood. Scholarshippatrons such as yourself provide students the opportunityto pursue careers they desire and I hope to take fulladvantage of your generosity by pursuing a Ph.D. inNeuroscience. Recently, I have been accepted to theQueens College Honors Undergraduate NeuroscienceProgram and currently, I conduct research at the QueensCollege Neurophysiology Laboratory. The human mindhas always intrigued my curiosity and I hope to conductmeaningful research that could ultimately benefit human-ity. With this opportunity, I will ceaselessly maintain mydesire to educate and to understand, with the belief thathumanity as a whole, can benefit from my pursuits.Sincerely,John Kalambogias

Dear Mr. Stratakos and the Pan-Ikarian Foundation,

I wholeheartedly thank the Pan-Icarian Brotherhood fortheir generosity in awarding me the UndergraduateScholarship for 2009. I have always worked incrediblyhard throughout my academic career; this scholarship hasprovided me with the reassurance that hard work paysoff. The Pan-Icarian Scholarship is truly beneficial inassisting my studies at University of New Hampshire. Iam excited and eager to continue pursing my goals andthank you for easing the financial burden. I appreciatethe support and efforts your organization continues tocontribute to the young generation of Ikarians; who willcontinue to strive for a better tomorrow.Sincerely,Alexandra Stevens

Dear Pan-Icarian Brotherhood,

I want to thank you for awarding me your generousscholarship towards my education at Kent State Univer-sity. My plans are to go into early childhood education tobecome a teacher.I am proud to be Icarian descent and I will continue toparticipate in the activities, uphold its ideals and morals,and continue to promote this worthwhile organization.Thank you again for your support!Christina KalessisCleveland, Ohio

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Dear Ikarian Scholarship Committee and LychnosChapter 11,

I am honored to be the recipient of the Ikarian Scholar-ships. I have greatly appreciated your generosity andsupport throughout my academic career.I have recently begun my graduate career at the Univer-sity of San Francisco in Marriage and Family Therapy,Counseling Psychology. Additionally, I just received atraineeship in one of our Bay Area schools counselingchildren, which has been a life long dream of mine. Withboth the Ikarian Scholarship Committees and LychnosChapter 11’s help I have been able to achieve these goalsthat I have worked extremely hard for.By awarding me the Ikarian Scholarship, you havelightened my financial burden and have allowed me tofocus more on my education. I hope that one day I willbe able to help others in my position as you have helpedme. Thank you for your support in helping me achievemy life long goals.Sincerely,Patricia Tsampis

Dear Mr. Socrates Koutsoutis,

I am writing to thank you and the Pan-Icarian FoundationCommittee for awarding me with the 2009 $1500 MeritScholarship payable to Harvard University.I would like you to know what an honor and privilege itis for me to be recognized as deserving of sue an awardand how appreciative I am for this recognition.Receiving the Constantin and Elizabeth MavronicholasMemorial Scholarship is especially rewarding as mymother, Chrissa Zarna-Lefes is 100% Icarian and I havebeen to Icaria. It was truly a memorable trip being back tomy roots and seeing where it all began. Again, I thankyou for this honor.Respectfully,Theodora M Skeadas

Mr. Stratakos & Pan-Icarian Foundation,

I sincerely wanted to thank you for the generous Gradu-ate Scholarship I received this year. It was an incrediblehelp to me this past semester as I work towards mydoctorate in physical therapy. It instills great confidenceand happiness in me to know that you are all behind mein my pursuit for higher education. Again thank you allfor your continuing support.Sincerely,Stamatios Tripodis

Dear Mr. Stratakos and the Pan-Icarian Foundation,

I would like to send my utmost thanks and appreciation toall of you for granting me an Undergraduate Scholarshipthis past year. My Icarian heritage has always been a bigpart of my Greek identity, and it only continues to growstronger as I get older. I am so thankful that I have hadthe support of the Icarian Foundation throughout mycollege career at Ohio State. It has meant so much to me.I am excited to see what role the Pan-Icarian Brotherhoodwill continue to play in the next stage of my life. See youall in Detroit!Thank you again,Marina Tripodis

Dear Pan-Icarian Brotherhood,

I would truly like to express my sincere gratitude to youfor the Foundations perseverance and commitment foryoung Ikarians. I also sent out a special thanks to Dr.Socrates Koutsoutis and Mr. Steve Stratakos for theirdedication to serving as caring leaders to the upcomingyouth. Many thanks and God bless!Louis Padgett

Please e-mail your scholarship letter of thanks by the deadline date to [email protected] for publication in Ik aria Magazine.

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Steering Committee: Ellene Tratras Contis, Chair and PSP; George N. Koklanaris and Athina Siringas, Co-Chairs;

John A. Lygizos, George N. Contis, and Nick J. Tsalis, PSPs;

Chapter Officers: Nick Manolis, Nick Siringas, Kathy Mourselas, and Kay Batsakas.

Pan-Icarian Brotherhood of America "Icaros"


Supreme Convention Spanos/Areti Chapter #9

Detroit Marriott Renaissance, Michigan September 2-6, 2010

Dear Fellow Icarian Sisters, Brothers and Friends,

! The Spanos/Areti #9 Chapter is revving up its engines to host this year’s 107th Pan-Icarian Brotherhood Convention in Detroit, Michigan. Plan to come on Thursday, September 2, for the new Opening Ceremonies to the Convention and stay with us through Monday, September 6 for the Closing Ceremonies and brunch. Enclosed with this mailing, you will find the following:

Convention Album Contract (Send in Ikarian heritage photos; deadline July 15)

Schedule of Events (All are urged to register - badge discounts in the “D”)

Event Pricing (Pre-Paid Convention Packages are available)

Hotel Reservations (See below for ways to make your hotel reservations) The “D" is alive, well, and waiting to offer you a PARADOSIAKO PANIGYRI!! Our 107th Pan Icarian reunion will provide glendi for Icarians and friends of all ages. And be sure to look for “FranksAnatra” during the Convention! The Spanos/Areti chapter #9 is looking forward to meeting with you all at the Detroit Marriot Renaissance from Thursday, September 2 - Monday, September 6, 2010!

. Your Convention Steering Committee For more information or questions, please contact: Ellene Tratras Contis George Koklanaris 2010 Convention Chair 2010 Convention / Album Co-Chair Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Phone: 734 276 0787 Phone: 734 676 9307 Athina Siringas Chris Michalakis 2010 Convention Co-Chair 2010 Album Co-Chair Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Phone: 248 851 3450 Phone: 734 775 3162

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Ikapia Magazine Page 9

Event Prices (Check out our pre-paid discount package events in our next mailing!)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Registration (For all attendees; include “D” discounts) $ 5

Casino night (Includes transportation/dinner/slots) $ 30 Friday, September 3, 2010

Registration (For all attendees; include “D” discounts) $ 5

Henry Ford Museum (Includes transportation/entrance fee) $ 30

Ikaros Tour (Includes transportation/lunch) $ 30

Paradosiako Panigyri with Ikarian Violi (Souvlaki/drinks extra) $ 5 Saturday, September 4, 2010

Registration (For all attendees; include “D” discounts) $ 5

“Sailing” the Detroit River $ 30

Dance with Ikarian Violi, Levendes (Children under 13 free) $ 20 Sunday, September 5, 2010

Grand Banquet and Ball $ 75

Grand Ball only $ 25

Hotel Reservations (cost is $129/night plus taxes for a double)

You can make your reservations at the Detroit Marriot Renaissance by simply cutting and pasting the link below. You will be directed to the Detroit Marriott’s home page with the code already entered in the appropriate field. All you need to do is enter your arrival date to begin the reservation process.


To make reservations by phone, call Marriott reservations: 1 888 236 2427. Use the reservation code “PAIPAIA”. Convention rates may not be guaranteed after August 10.

Look for us on the Web! We will continue to provide you with updated information on

Convention happenings as well as linking you up - with sights and sounds – of our PARADOSIAKO PANIGYRI in the "D".

Website: PIBConvention.org

Facebook: Spanos Areti Chapter Detroit.

Steering Committee: Ellene Tratras Contis, Chair and PSP; George N. Koklanaris and Athina Siringas, Co-Chairs;

John A. Lygizos, George N. Contis, and Nick J. Tsalis, PSPs;

Chapter Officers: Nick Manolis, Nick Siringas, Kathy Mourselas, and Kay Batsakas.

Page 10: ΟΡΓΑΝΟΝ ΤΩΝ ΑΠΑΝΤΑΧΟΥ ΙΚΑΡΙΩΝDISTRICT 4- Governor Nicole Androutsopoulos, 1145 Sunhill Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Telephone: 770-339-4064 Email: nicbill92@bellsouth.net

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Steering Committee: Ellene Tratras Contis, Chair and PSP; George N. Koklanaris and Athina Siringas, Co-Chairs;

PSPs: John A. Lygizos, George N. Contis, and Nick J. Tsalis;

Chapter Officers: Nick Manolis, Nick Siringas, Kathy Mourselas, and Kay Batsakas.

Pan-Icarian Brotherhood of America "Icaros"


Supreme Convention Spanos/Areti Chapter #9

Detroit Marriott Renaissance, Michigan September 2-6, 2010

Schedule of Events***

Thursday, September 2, 2010 Archives / Symposium / Registration (for all attendees) 5 pm Opening Ceremonies 6 pm

Hanging Banner, Flags, Remarks by PIB SP, Others Wine Tasting/Reception 7 pm Casino Excursion/ Dinner 9 pm

Friday, September 3, 2010* Supreme Lodge Meeting 9 am – 12 noon Convention Registration (for all attendees) 1 -7 pm

Convention Business Meeting - Session I** 3 - 7 pm Henry Ford Museum Tour 2 – 5 pm Ikaros Tour (to EMU Icarus Statue) 2 – 5 pm

Ouzo Cruzo (Mosaic Bar Night – Greektown) 9 pm - 2 am Paradosiako Panigyri (Ikarian Violi) 10 pm - 4 am

Saturday, September 4, 2010* Registration (for all attendees; until 6 pm) 9 am – 6 pm Convention Business Meeting – Session II** 9 am – 1 pm “Sailing” on the Detroit River 2 – 5 pm Convention Business Meeting – Session III** 3 - 6 pm

Learn How to do it Icarian Style: Dance the Ikariotiko 9 am – 5 pm

Play the Ikarian Violin Prepare Ikarian dishes

Date Auction 2 – 5 pm Dance (Ikarian Violi and the Levendes) 10 pm – 4 am

Sunday, September 5, 2010* Memorial Service (Annunciation Cathedral) 9 am – 1 pm Convention Business Meeting – Session IV** 2 pm – 6 pm Tavli Tournament/Kafenio 2 – 5 pm Riverwalk 2 – 6 pm Cocktail Hour 7 – 8 pm Grand Banquet & Kids’ Banquet 8 – 10 pm Grand Ball (Ikarian Violi, Levendes, Kavo-Papas Dancers) 10 pm – 4 am

Monday, September 6, 2010 Convention Business Meeting - Session V (if needed) 10 am – 12 noon Supreme Lodge Meeting 10 am – 12 noon Closing Ceremonies 12 noon – 2 pm Closing Remarks, Passing Banner to Oinoe Chapter Brunch Card room available during the Convention. *After-hours food / drinks available for purchase in the Volt Bar of the Marriott (2-4 am) ** Greek/American baked goods, coffee and tea available at the meetings *** Raffle pre- and during Convention

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Ikapia Magazine Page 11

Pan-Icarian Brotherhood of America "Icaros" 107thSupreme Convention

Spanos/Areti Chapter #9 Detroit Marriott Renaissance, Michigan

September 2-6, 2010


For funds received, Spanos/Areti Chapter #9 agrees to enter the message of the purchaser inthe 2010 Detroit Convention Album/ -

Gold Page $250 Silver Page $225 White Page $200

Half Page 100 Quarter Page $70 Photo add $25

Place your message in this area, e-mail, or attach a "camera ready" copy.

Advertisements accepted with payment only.

Purchaser: ___________________________________________ Amount Paid: ____________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip, Country: _______________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________ Email: ______________________________________ Fax: ______________________________ Chapter Name/Number: ______________________________

Please make check payable to Pan-Icarian Brotherhood Chapter Spanos/Areti #9 and mail with this contract and payment to:

Spanos/Areti #9 c/o 15591 Hickory Lane

Southgate MI 48195

For questions, contact Chris Michalakis at 734 775 3162 or at Email [email protected] or Ellene Tratras Contis at 734 276 0787 or at Email etcontis@comcast.

All Sales are Final – No refunds Contracts must be received by July 15, 2010

D tD t tt

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V.I. Chebithes AKRON #2


Greetings to all our Ikarian Brothers and Sisters fromAkron, Ohio. Our new slate of officers have been busythis spring planning meetings and activities for this yearand continuing to build and grow our chapter with newmembers!In March, many of our members attended the ChapterPharos Independence Day dance in Cleveland, Ohio - awonderful time was had by all! Congratulations toChapter Pharos for another fun and successful event!Looking ahead, V.I. Chebithes is excited about our nextevent, a chapter meeting and Annual Lamb Roast in lateJune, to be hosted by past-president Argie Spithas-Minerat her home. The roast has become one of our biggestevents each year, and many members and friends come tojoin in the Ikarian fun!Also coming up this summer are a meeting and visit to alocal winery and planning for our annual reverse rafflefundraiser in October.V.I. Chebithes members are excited to see everyone inDetroit for the convention this year! Let’s party!

Chapter members (LtoR) Evangelia Spithas-Fresty,George Tonies, Patricia and Steven Parianos andVenette LaRocca enjoying the Membership Lun-

cheon in January.

Greetings from Chapter Pharos in Cleveland. We've hada busy first half of the year starting off with aÌáêáñïíáäá benefit for a Éêáñéïôéíá Leah Dadas whois sufferingthrough breastcancer at ayoung age.Through ahorrific snowstorm pound-ing the city,membersbraved thefew feet ofsnow andshowed up at the hall in the true Ikarian Spirit to make

this event a greatsuccess! All the foodand beverages weredonated by theChapter and membersdonated their time tocook and live musicwas generouslydonated by Dimitrifor our dancingpleasure. Thank You

to all that helped out with cooking, serving, cleaning,organizing, and donating for this worthy cause. If youwould like to help Leah Dadas out financially, pleasecontact Constantine Glaros @ 216-695-1813.

Our annualGreek Indepen-dence DayDance was heldin March withKarnavas andhis band “Flightof Icarus”

playing for ustill the earlyhours of themorning.Members andfriends enjoyeddancing theIkariotiko andenjoyed each

others company all night long. We had a good turnout asalways and the event was a success!

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CLEVELAND #3PHAROSWe are now making preparations for our annual IkarianPicnic to be held on August 15th. This outdoor“Panigiri” style glendi draws many from near and fromfar because it reminds them of Ikaria. We have livemusic, delicious souvlakia, fresh loukoumades andbeverages for all. Come join us for a day of fun at St.Savas Serbian Orthodox Picnic Grounds located at 2151West Wallings Road Cleveland, OH 44147Congratulations to Alexander Asser on his graduationfrom Brecksville-Broadview Heights high school.Alexander is the son of Maria Bratsis Asser and GeorgeAsser and will be attending The University of Akron inthe fall. "Kai s' anotera."

Congratulations to Marina MariaTripodis, daughter of Chris andKathryn Tripodis of Parma, Ohio,graduated Cum Laude this June fromThe Ohio State University with aBachelor's Degree in Strategic Com-munication. She was also on theDean's list for multiple quarters.


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On Friday, February 19, 2010, Pandiki Chapter # 5 heldtheir election meeting. The newly elected officers are asfollows: Evangelos Karoutsos, President; Kostas TsahasVice President; Demetrios Koutsouras, Treasurer andFrancesco Portelos, Secretary. The newly elected boardpledged to increase membership and start preparations tobring the convention to New York in 2012.

George, Tina and big brother John Paralemos joyfullyannounce the birth of Gregory George Paralemos .Gregory was born on February 23, 2010 at 12:05am,weighing 6 lbs. and measuring 18.5 inches. Proud grand-parents are John & Evanthia Paralemos and Gregory &Eleni Kassimis.

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Ikapia Magazine Page 15

Doliche STEUBENVILLE #6Congratulations to Zoe Locascio for a job well done onher recent piano competition. On Saturday April 10, 2010

Zoe performed at West LibertyUniversity in West Virginia.She had two solos to play. Thejudge gave her the highestrating possible. She earned aSUPERIOR WITH HONORSthis year. Zoe’s been takingpiano lessons for eleven years.She is a seventeen year oldjunior who attends CatholicCentral High School inSteubenville, Ohio. Her parentsare Joyce and Alan Locascio.Her yia-yia and papou are the

late Mary and Steve Collaros. Her family belongs to theSteubenville, Ohio DolicheChapter. We are very proud ofher.

On May 15, 2010 DoriMaria Locascio graduatedfrom Kent State University(in Ohio) with her Bachelor’sDegree in EducationalStudies. She is fromSteubenville, Ohio. The 21year old was recently ac-cepted into Kent’s Graduate

Program for Teachers. She plans to attend KSU in Junefor the MAT (Master of Arts in Teaching) and is enteringschool anticipating graduation in 2011 and completingher degree in Early Childhood Education. Dori’s familybelongs to the Doliche Chapter in Steubenville, Ohio.Her Yia-Yia and Papou were the late Mary (Manuras)Collaros and Stephen P. Collaros. We are all very proudof Dori and wish her much success in the future. MayGod bless her always.Submitted by Joyce Collaros-Locascio

The Doliche Chapter in Steubenville hosted a coffee hourafter church at Holy Trinity. Proceeds from the eventbenefit the local Doliche Chapter scholarship. Thescholarship is awarded to local graduating high schoolstudents entering college.Submitted by Stacey Kotsanis

PITTSBURGH #7IcarosChapter Icaros continues to meet the first Sunday of eachmonth. Our discussions include event planning, hallmaintenance, and decisions on making charitable dona-tions.Recent events include our annual Super Bowl Party onFebruary 7. Despite a 20+ inch snowstorm that hitPittsburgh that weekend, 20 members braved the weatherto attend and all enjoyed themselves. On March 14,Barbara Polimus and Bunny Manners hosted a spaghettidinner.

Brave Chapter Icarosmembers came out forour Super Bowl Partyon February 7, despitea 20+ snowstorm that


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PITTSBURGH #7IcarosOver the Memorial Weekend, Chapter Icaros hosted itsannual Mini Convention, which included the SteveManners golf outing on Saturday, May 29 and our bigglendi on Sunday, May 30. Both events went very well!We thank all those who helped to make the Mini Conven-tion a success by donating their time and/or money.

Saturday night tradition of going out for drinks with out-of-towners

Chapter Icaros annual wiffleball tournament

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CHICAGO #8Foutrides

PITTSBURGH #7IcarosWe look forward to hosting Supreme President SonjaStefanadis at our June 6 meeting.

Congratulations go out to:·Dimitri Facaros, who received his JD from the Univer-sity of Pittsburgh School of Law in 2010.·Anthony Mantagos, who received his MBA fromHarvard University in 2010.

We were greatly saddened by the deaths of Chapter Icarosmembers Costa Coutsoumbis, Hermione Malachias, andChristopher Randas. May their memory be eternal.

We wish our brothers and sisters a safe and happy sum-mer.

Submitted by Chapter Icaros Corresponding SecretaryAnna Aivaliotis

Anthony J. Mantagosgraduated with honorsfrom Harvard Univer-sity in 2010. Hereceived his Master’s inManagement whilesimultaneously workingfull-time as a managerof a Walmart in Boston,MA. He is the son ofCathy (Xenakis) andJohn Mantagos andgrandson of Anthonyand Despina Xenakis.

Submitted by proudYiayia Despina Xenakis

Warm spring greetings from the Chicago chapter! Happysummer to all – Kalo kalokairi 2010!Hope to see everyone at the convention in Detroit! GoBlackhawks!Exciting news for our chapter as three new little onesjoined us:

Congratulations to Tony andErika Roditis on the birth oftheir daughter, Isla MariaRoditis! Isla was born April14, 2010 weighing in at7lbs-13oz and measuring21inches. Proud grandpar-ents are members, Nick andElena Roditis and Edwardand Theresa Langle. Proudgreat grandmother ismember, Vasilia Roditis. Nasas zhsei h koroula!

Congratulations to Michael and Maria Campas on thebirth of their son, Serafeim Valentino Campas!Serafeim was born April 18, 2010 weighing in at 8lbs on

the dot and measuring20 inches. Elatedgrandparents aremembers, Philip andSofia Manolis andMike and JuliaCampas. Na sas zhseito agoraki sas!

Congratulations to proudmommy and daddy, EleniVasiliki Letsou and KevinSwierk! Their daughter,Christina Marie Swierk wasborn May 29, 2010 weighingin at 6.6 oz and measuring 20inches. Happy grandparentsare Arhon and LemoniaLetsou and great grandma,Eleni Kohila Patsaka. Na saszhsei h koroula!

In other chapter news:Chapter president, Peter-John Karnavas and vice-presi-

dent, Nick Shizas organized aSuperbowl party at the leski.Entrance fee included all-you-can-eat buffet, open bar, and squares.Parea was in abundance and free,of course! Much gratitude to theorganizers and participants of theinfamous Superbowl game night.

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John N Karnavas hosted a Monte Carlo night in mid-February. Ikarians gathered at the leski to enjoy thenight’s festivities and had the chance to envision them-selves in the luxurious royal principality for the night.Oui!

Officers and members gathered on April 23rd, 2010 for ameeting and a potluck dinner hosted by Rozina JanisKarnavas. Traditional Ikarian dishes like “pita” wereoffered to dinner guests. It was a nice chance for every-one to meet up before the summer travels begin forfamilies. Many thanks to Rozina and all of those whohelped make the night comfy and provided a hearty mealjust like home – “san to spiti sas.”

Our chapter once again marched in the Greek Indepen-dence Day Parade in Chicago’s Greektown on April25th, 2010. Thank you to all who showed and proudlymarched for our home sweet home, Ikaria! A big thankyou to treasurer, Brina Karnavas, who organized theevent.

We are saddened by the passing of one of our mostbeloved members, Maria Kotsores-Politis, (neeMavrodontis) in March 2010. Maria will always beremembered for her generous heart, hospitality, and allshe did for the clubhouse. She was a loving wife, mother,and yiayia. Our dear Maria will always be with us as hermemory and luminous smile lives on through her lovingfamily and friends. May her memory be eternal.

Submitted by Despina Karnavas

CHICAGO #8Foutrides

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DETROIT #9sPANOS/aRETIGreetings to all our fellow Ikarians from Detroit:

The time for the 2010 annual convention is drawing nearand we have been busy getting ready. Many of us met atthe Ikarian hall in Lincoln Park to stuff envelopes for ourfirst mailing. As we all worked collating, stuffing andstamping, the children seemed to be having the most fun.Our committee took a trip to the Marriott to inspect thefacilities again. The hotel has been extensively remodeledsince our last convention there, it’s now friendlier andmore open. The lobby has been remodeled and it’s quitebeautiful. Near the check-in desk there is a new lounge/bar where the seating is open on the floor. There areplaces to sit, meet, and use the wi-fi. Or use the outdoorterrace, which is right outside, next to the lounge. All ofthis is located on the third floor, overlooking theriverfront and the city.As stated in our convention literature we have plannedmany events, but the city itself has a lot to offer.Greektown and the casino are walking distance, or if youprefer, take the people mover. The world famous JazzFestival also takes place during Labor Day weekend, andsome of the most respected jazz musicians will be intown. The Detroit Art Institute, where you can see theabsolutely amazing Diego Rivera wall mural, is a shortcab ride away. Right outside the hotel is the riverfront ifyou just want to take a walk by the water.Besides the convention planning, in mid-March we heldour annual macaronada. This year it was sponsored byNick and Alexa Koklanaris, Anne Theodorou, Bessie

Mikrees, Peterand RoseMarie Mikrees,in honor of thememory ofJack andKostiaKoklanaris,and SteveTheodorou andSpirosMikrees. Asusual we had a great turnout, fine food and good friends.Thank you to our sponsors, to the Moraitis family forcooking, to everyone else who helped out, and to those

who attended.


Lygizos, FlatStanley, Tony

and LauraPapalas

waiting forspaghetti

Athina and Sid Kyrlangitses, Angeliki Papalas

Swearing in ofthe 2010 officers,

Kay BatsakesTreasurer, NickSiringas Vice -

president, KathyMourselas

Secretary, NickManolis

President, andNick Tsalis

On April 18th, we participated in the Greek IndependenceDay Parade in Greektown, where some of our most loyalmembers proudly carried the Pan-Icarian Brotherhoodbanner through downtown Detroit.

Nick Tsalis, Leonidas Siringas, George Contis, ChrisMichalakis, and Nina Contis at the Greek Independence Day


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This year three of our studentsare graduating from high school.James Grinstead will be gradu-ating from Southgate AndersonHigh School. Anna Harris willbe finishing at Grosse PointSouth High and will be attendingThe University of Michigan inAnn Arbor. Alexandra Manoliswill be graduating from Ply-mouth High School and will becontinuing her education atLoyola in Chicago. We wishthem all a happy and successfulfuture.




Nick Tsalis,and Nina


Grosse Point South High SchoolGraduate Ana Harris

2010 Plymouth High Graduate,Alexandra Manolis

2010 Southgate AndersonHigh Graduate James


We are excited to be hosting the Convention this year andwe look forward to seeing everyone on Labor Day inDetroit. Whether you want to just visit with your friendsand relatives, tour a museum, take a cruise, walk alongthe riverfront, play tavli, go to the Mosaic Club for Greeknight with the youth group, and of course dance theKarioitiko all night Saturday and Sunday, come and joinus.Submitted by Kathy Papalas Mourselas

Icarian Louisa Papalas has been named by the WayneCounty Prosecutor as the head of a newly formed “arsonfor profit unit”. Her position will also have investigativepowers as well as direct contact with insurance companyadjusters, investigators, and, of course police and StateFire Marshall units.Louisa is the daughter of Maria Papalas and her latefather Marino Papalas (originally from Warren, Ohio)who along with his brother Alex helped establish one ofthe endowed scholarships of the Pan-Icarian Foundation,the John A. & Mary Papalas Scholarship. Louisa’s Icarianroots are deep from both sides of her family. Her maternalgrandfather Louis Tsouris and grandmother Hariklia(Pardos) Tsouris were part of the foundation of herupbringing, strong family devotion, strong education, anddeep sense of service to the community that Louisaembodies not only as an assistant county prosecutor butalso as a wife (with devoted husband Michael Concessi)and as a mother of two young boys, Domenic andMarino.We are all very proud of Louisa.John A. Lygizos



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WILMINGTON #10THERMASpring has sprung and summer has begun. At our Easterservices, many of our Ikarian girls were Myroforesduring the Friday Night service.We wish to welcome back Pat Conzaman Poulos and herdaughter Koula who have come back home toWilmington to live again.Congratulations to Basile Katsikis for being nominatedfor an Emmy for his “Jimmy The Greek” documentary.We had a well attended breakfast meeting in early May atChris’ Restaurant.Once again, our Ikarians pulled together to help at our18th Annual Greek Festival led by festival chairman NickSaffo and Chefs John Psilos and John Poulos and all theIkarianworkers whocame out tohelp thatweekend. Yetanothersuccessfulfestival!

Our High SchoolGraduates this yearare Nathan Poulosand JoannaSkandalakis. Wewish them muchsuccess in College.Congratulations toJack and DaniellePoulos on the birthof their son born onApril 21st. He joinsbig brother Zachary.Grandparents are PatPoulos andEmmanuel Poulos.Our sympathy to the family of John Evangelos Fragoswho passed away on May 14th. He was preceded indeath by his wife Koula Poulos Fragos. He is survivedby his children Argie Moe, Sophia Tracy and EvangelosFragos. May his memory be eternal.We hope you have a wonderful summer and a greatconvention in Detroit!

Submitted by: Kay Skandalakis

Gregory Steele doing his thing

Lia, Perry andAvery Saffo

with theircousin Robert




Margolesand herhusband


Our Ikarian Dancers: Dia Saffo, Panteli Poulos, Joanna Skandalakis,Gregory Steele, Dimitri Brown, Zacharoula Katsikis, Katerina Katsikis,

Tommy Malahias, George Malahias, Maria Poulos


and Familypreparing


Dr. EmmanuelKoklanaris andMary Marmaras

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WILMINGTON #10THERMAchildren of Mrs. Theodore (Koula) Poulos and her late hus-band, Theodore George Poulos, both born in Icaria andmembers of Chapter Therma in Wilmington.Weston Theodore Poulos graduated Suma cum-laude fromNorth Carolina State University in December 2009. HereceivedhisBachelorof Sciencedegree inBusinessAdminis-tration witha minor inSpanish.He was amember ofPhi-BetaKappa andBeta Gamma Sigma Honor Societies and he was selected toserve as a student ambassador for the College of BusinessAdministration during his years at NCSU. He studied onesemester abroad in Valparaiso, Chile. Weston was awardedIcarian scholarship money twice during his college years and isvery appreciative of the support he received from the Icarianbrotherhood. Following his graduation, he took a job withAmerican Airlines Business Headquarters in Fort Worth,Texas. He is living in nearby Dallas, Texas.Catherine Michelle Poulos graduated from the University ofNorth Carolina at Chapel Hill on May 9, 2010 where shereceived a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism and MassCommunications with a concentration in graphic design. Herminor was in Entrepreneurship, which sponsored an internshipduring the summer of 2009 in Beijing, China working in anupscale restaurant business. Michelle also spent time abroad inNorth Africa and Turkey studying cultures and languages. Sheis currently plans to work a paid internship abroad in Ammon,Jordan next fall and is in the process of interviewing. Michelleis certified to teach Pilates, which she will be doing inWilmington for the summer. Michelle also was the recipient ofIcarian scholarship money, awarded twice during her collegeyears and is appreciative of this support.Nathan William Poulos graduated from John T. HoggardHigh School on June 12, 2010. Nathan is a North CarolinaAcademic Scholar and a recipient of the Presidential EducationAward. He is a member of the National Honor Society, SeniorBeta Club and was a NCHSAA Scholar Athlete during all fouryears of high school. He was President of the Legacy Cluband a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Nathanwas team captain for both his Varsity Football and Lacrosseteams and received all-conference and all-regional honors ineach sport. He was also selected to play in the NC Great 38All-star Game for high school seniors in Lacrosse. He re-ceived Hoggard’s “Male Athlete of the Year” senior award aswell as the Old Spice Red Zone Player of the Year for football.Nathan will be attending North Carolina State University in thefall and was accepted into the School of Engineering as hismajor. George and Cathy Poulos

Honoring BasileJuly 4th Weekend, 2009 - San Francisco, CABasile Zane Katsikis... BASILE was honored by theAHEPA at their National Convention and presented withthe ARISTOTLE AWARD FOR EXELENCE. “For his

excellence in the field ofentertainment, earninginternational critical acclaimfrom journalist and peers, fora brand of comedy thatbrings families and commu-nities of all ages together topromote Hellenism and ourGreek Orthodox faith.”March, 2010Basile Katsikis, along withESPN have been nominatedfor an EMMY for thedocumentary of “The

Legend of Jimmy “The Greek”.“It was wonderful to lendmy voice as Jimmy “The Greek” Snyder (Synodinos)who was perhaps one of the most colorful sports figuresin television. I was proud to portray Jimmy in thiswonderful documentary… It was an honor!”

Joanna Vasiliki Skandalakis graduated from John T.Hoggard High School in Wilmington, North Carolinawhere she was a member of the Art Club and ChoralGroup. Joanna is a memberof the St. Nicholas GreekOrthodox Church inWilmington where she is amember of the RomiosiniDance Group and a memberof the Choral Group wherethey won several metalsduring the HDF competition.Joanna served as President ofGOYA. She is the daughterof Kay Saffo Skandalakis ofWilmington, North Carolinaand Mitch J. Skandalakis ofAtlanta, Georgia. She is theGranddaughter of Angeline Batouyos Saffo and the lateWilliam P. Saffo of Wilmington and Mimi CutisSkandalakis and the late Dr. John Skandalakis of Atlanta.Joanna will be attending Shorter University in Rome,Georgia in the fall.

This has been the year of graduations for the children ofGeorge Theodore Poulos and wife, Cathy, of Chapter Thermain Wilmington, NC. From December 2009 to June 2010, allthree Poulos children graduated from either high school orcollege. Weston, Michelle and Nathan Poulos are the grand-

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Ikapia Magazine Page 23

NORTHERN CALIFORNIA #11LYCHNOSGreetings from Lychnos family,

Heartfelt gratitude was the emotional response for manymembers as peers honored Stellios Petsakos at his 96th

birthday party. Zack & Lavendar Kratsas, Paul &Chrysoula Tsampis, and John & Athena Kochilas wereinstrumental in initiating, organizing, and implementingthe won-derfulevent forLychnosChaptermembers.A simpleidea thatevolvedfrom lovingthoughtswhich transformed generous sentiments into a beautifulevent under the careful planning and focused preparationof creative professionals Lavendar, Chrisoula, John andAthena. The combined momentum of these incredibleindividuals transformed the birthday party into a memo-rable celebration!

Lychnos Chapter generously served complimentarydinners to members at the beautiful refurbished CrushedGrape Restaurant. Hosts Zack and Georgia Leventisserved incredibly prepared entrees and wonderful sidedishes with Ikarian style flair while members enjoyed theTuscany views of Mendocino County. The Brutocco

Winery andCellars wasthe idyllicbackdrop forAthena’smagnani-mous gift –a poemcelebratingthe wonder-

ful friendship of two incredible Ikarians – CostaKoloulias and Stellios Petsakos. After this sensitivereading, Athenashared anothertouching contri-bution; the cityof Ukiah plantedtwo trees withplaques honoringthe inspirationaldeeds of thesegifted Ikarianmen. Lavendar emceed the event with enthusiasm and

the crowd thoroughly enjoyed her entertaining style!Family and friends warmly reminisced about yesteryearwhile embracing a future filled with Ikarian initiative – inother words, tomorrow begins today with LychnosChapter members!

Submitted by Stella Bratsis

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ATHERAS once again sends best wishes to its fellowChapters of the Pan-Icarian Brotherhood of America. Wehave enjoyed a great year so far and have been busy. Ourmany volunteers and supportive membership have helpedto make our planned events successful.We began this yearby hosting theFederation of Hel-lenic AmericanSocieties of Philadel-phia and the GreaterDelaware Valley atour clubhouse onJanuary 12. PSPGeorge Horiates hadrecently been electedas President of the organization. The Federation overseesPhiladelphia’s Greek Parade and fought hard to keep itgoing amidst the City’s financial struggles and dimin-ished support for ethnic parades.For our Superbowl Hoagie Sale Fundraiser, the Chapterpledged to dedicate our efforts for the victims of theearthquake in Haiti and raised a significant sum for reliefefforts there. Many thanks should go to our volunteerswho prepared the great hoagies. Congratulations to thewinners of this year’s scoreboard games - we hope youenjoyed your prizes!

Χαιρετισµατα στην Αδελφοτητα! Σασ ευχοµαστεενα ωραιο καλοκαιρι!

Atheras hosts the Federation Leadershipat its Clubhouse

On February 15, 2010, theChapter held its IcarianDinner/Dance. We chose it asa celebration event for ourChapter’s 70th Anniversaryand we had a great turn out.With us that night wereguests from Baltimore andNew York City. The band,

PIB VP Nikolaos J Pasamihalis& PSP George Horiates address

the Dinner gueststhe Nisiotes, entertained every-one with the Ikariotiko and evenplayed one version with a goat-skin bagpipe! Thanks to all thevolunteers who helped to giveout tickets, set-up the hall, andmanaged the evening’s events.

Atheras Treasurer KalliopiSeindanis & Chapter Pres.

James HoutridisThe Ladies of Agia Marinashould be commended on theirValentines decorations thatbrought a very romantic look tothe hall. Thank you also to ourmember brothers over at theGateway Diner who prepared anexcellent dinner.

Stella Pasamihalis & IreneHatzinakis

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On March 21, 2010, many Chapter members and theirfamilies participated in the parade in Philadelphia tocelebrate the 189th Anniversary Celebration of GreekIndependence. ATHERAS packed a school bus to thelimit with flags, banners and four baby strollers and madethe short trip across the bridge to attend the event in theCity. After the successful outing, the group returned tothe Clubhouse for a great Pizza Party!Our summer season will kick-off on May 30 with ourannual Memorial Service at St. Thomas Greek OrthodoxChurch honoring past members of the Chapter and theLadies of Agia Marina. Other upcoming events willinclude the annual Atheras Icarian Picnic during Father’sDay weekend and a likely Canoe/Kayak excursion to theNew Jersey Pinelands.Atheras looks forward to seeing you in Detroit for thisyear’s Convention. We wish the Spanos/Areti ChapterNo. 9 great success in their planning efforts and theBrotherhood a safe, happy and fun-filled summer. Wewill see you soon! Submitted by PIB Vice-PresidentNikolaos J. Pasamihalis

Congratulations to our GreekSchool Graduate and NationalHonor Society inducteeYianni Pasamihalis formaking the DistinguishedHonor Roll for Straight A’s in2009-2010.Love Dad and Jill.

George and StavroulaHoriates

Kaliope Vlastakis, TrulyPasamihalis and Jill


The Demetrios ManolisFamily of Baltimore

John and Karla Saf fos

Apostolos and AssiminaSaf fos

Hrisoula, Galeneand John E.


Congratulations to TrulyJohanna Pasamihalis on herbaptism April 10, 2010. LoveGodparents, James and VasoHoutridis

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SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA #14oinoeGreetings from Chapter Oinoe in sunny Southern Califor-nia. We started off the year with our chapter meeting inJanuary at the home of Nicolas and Hilda James inGlendale, CA. After a pizza and salad dinner we held ourannual elections for the 2010 officers and send out acongratulations to; Nicolas James-President,Demosthenes Yiakas-Vice President, Bryan Gittings-Treasurer and James Horaites- Secretary. The big newsat the meeting was the2011 National Conven-tion that our chapterwould be hosting wouldbe changing venues fromthe Renaissance Hotel inHollywood to TheBeverly Hilton inBeverly Hills. Thechange was due tocontract disputes with theRenaissance Hotel that

we could notcome to anagreementwith. GusYiakas andConstantinosFrangos were

also self-appointed asthe Chairman of the2011 National Con-vention at this meet-ing.

Nikitas TripodesNick Yiakas &Argyro Yiakas

Katina Glaros, Lynn Bloch & VirginiaLappas

Our second meeting was held on March 14, 2010 at thehome of Steven and Sherly Saphos in Agoura, California.The main topic of discussion was the contract with TheBeverly Hilton. Constantinos Frangos and our newestmember Zachary Frangos let us know that the negotia-

tions weregoingvery welland acontractwould besignedsoon.

PresidentNicolas Jamesalso announcedthat our chaptermembers wentup! We had seta goal to reach110 membersin 2010 and wesurpassed thatgoal with 113 members by the March meeting. When the

meeting was overwe feasted on adelicious mealprepared by SherlySaphos andenjoyed some fineIcarian fellowship.

Howard Bloch, Nikitas Tripodes, James Horaites

Dino Lappas & Steven Saphos

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Nicolas, Hilda,Alexander andPeter James


Stevie Saphospicking theraffle andStevenSaphos

Stevie, Sherly andSteven Saphos

Our newestmembers Zachary,Joanne, Maria &Thalia Frangos

Greek Independence Day wascelebrated at Saint SophiaCathedral in Los Angeles onMarch 21, 2010. The celebra-tion took place in the fellowshiphall after the church service.Junior Chapter Oinoe membersSophia Anna James andAlexander Joseph James onceagain dazzled the crowd withtheir Greek poems and songs.

Sophia Anna Jamespresents the CouncilGeneral of Greece

Elisabeth Fotiadou ahomemade Greek pin

Alexander Jamesand Greek School


Hilda James, NiaVardalos, Irmen

Kianian and PeterJames cheeringon their children

and grandchildren

Melina Kanakaredes singing theNational Anthem

Sophia Anna James was very honored to be chosen forthe third time to be a Myrrofores girl for the Good FridayService at Saint Sophia Cathedral on April 2, 2010.

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SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA #14oinoe On April 12, 2010 we were all very saddened to hear ofthe passing of our beloved past president Bessie Bornino.She had been in the words of Gregory Karaptis’ eulogy “agreat lady who departed life leaving a legacy, as one ofthe most loved, respected, and revered people by everyonewho met her.” She will be sorely missed by her belovedJames Bornino, family and many friends. May hermemory be eternal.The last meeting we held took place on May 22, 2010 atthe site of our 2011 Convention The Beverly Hilton. We

met at thehotel restau-rant Circa 55next to thelegendary barTrader Vic andtook a tour ofthe facilities.The Conven-tion Committeewas very impressed with the spacious lobby, gorgeousGrand Banquet Hall. The same hall that hosts the GoldenGlobe Awards each year and the newly renovated hotelrooms that are completely modernized with flat screenTVs and modern bathrooms. The contract is signed withthe hotel now and our committee is putting together aconvention that we hope will surpass your every expecta-tion. Can’t wait to see you all in sunny California in2011! Have a great summer.Submitted by Nicolas G. James Chapter President Oinoe

Hilda and Peter James in the lobby

Helene Tripodis &Alexandria Katsas

Constantinos Frangos, Zachary Frangos & Gus Yiakas

Bryan and Maria Gittings

Nicolas & Hilda James

Nikitas Tripodes, Nick Yiakas & Constantinos Frangos

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BALTIMORE #16lefkasGreetings from Baltimore!In March we marched in the Greek Independence Dayparade in Baltimore’s Greek Town. In April we had our2nd annualEaster celebra-tion at ourIkarian house.Everyoneenjoyed adelicious dinnerand each otherscompany.We would alsolike to extend awarm thank you

to our SupremePresident,SonjaStefanadis withher husbandGus for joiningus in ourmonthlymeeting whichwas also ourannual end ofthe year picnicin May. Wehad a great turnout and every-

one had a great time together.On a sad note, in March we lost one of our belovedchapter members too soon. Maria Politis passed awayafterfighting agreatbattle. Shewas thesweetestlady I hadever met.She had agreatpassionfor lifeand was deeply in love with her husband and childrenwhich she talked about everyday. She is survived by herhusband life time member Konstantinos Politis, herchildren Alex Kotsores, Theo Kotsores, daughter in-lawJamie, grandchildren Tracey and Sophia Kotsores. Shewill be dearly missed by all her friends and family andnever forgotten.

We would also like to congratulate three of our membersin graduating High School. There names are EliasFrangos, Lemonia Mavrophilipos and Nick Pappas.We wish everyone a safe and happy summer and hope-fully see everyone at the convention.Submitted by Toula Manolis

Elias Frangos, son of Lefkas members Stamati and PopiFrangos and sister Georgia graduated in June from PerryHall High School 2010.Nick Pappas, son of Dean and Maria Pappas of

Edgewater, MD, and grandson ofAvgerinos and Pari Mavrophilipos,graduated from South River HighSchool June 1, 2010. Nick was a twotime recipient of the Minds in MotionAward, an honors student and wasalso a member of the South RiverBoys’ Varsity Lacrosse team whichwon a Maryland State Championshipin 2009, losing in the 2010 playoffs tothe state championship team. Nickearned 1st team All County honors asan attackman. Nick will be attending

Virginia WesleyanCollege in Norfolk, VAin the Fall of 2010where he will pursuehis undergraduatedegree while playinglacrosse in the OldDominion AthleticConference.

Lemonia D. Mavrophilipos,daughter of Dr. Dimitrios andStella Mavrophilipos and grand-daughter of proud lifetimeLefkas members Vasilios andLemonia Mavrophilipos andTheodossios and GeorgiaKohilas, has graduated fromDulaney High School withhonors. She has been a memberof the National Honor Society,Latin Honor Society, MathHonor Society, and ScienceHonor Society. She also is adistinguished scholar and APscholar. She was accepted earlydecision to The Johns Hopkins University where she willcontinue her studies in the fall. Lemonia has also success-fully completed her piano studies at the Peabody Prepara-tory where she received numerous achievement awards.

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CLEARWATER #19helios

COLUMBUS #17Christ E. AivaliotisThe Christ E. Aiviolitis Chapter #17 met on April 11,2010. We met at Anna’s Greek Restaurant on SawmillRoad in Columbus, Ohio for a short meeting. We dis-cussed our upcoming golf outing that will be held atRolling Meadows Golf Course on August 7, 2010. Wewill combine the outing with a Picnic. Also discussedwere continuing plans for the National Icarian Cookbook,which is creating a lot of excitement. We encourage allchapters and their members, to send in their recipes.We are looking for National sponsors to help fund thisendeavor. The Chris Aivaliotis Chapter #17 is happy to announcethat on August 7, 2010, we are hosting a golf outing andpicnic. It will be held at the Rolling Meadows GolfCourse located at 11233 Industrial Parkway, Marysville,Ohio. We will have music, food, prizes, golf and lots offriendship. Everyone is welcome, contact MarinoMoraitis at 614/529-8738 for details. The cost will be$65.00 for golfers.Submitted by Jackie Moraitis

Standing from Left to Right: Al Fricioni, Tim Leakas, Jackie Moraitis,Marino Moraitis, Aris Hutras, Cynthia Hollister, Alexandra Hollister,

Carl Hollister, Shawn Chacolas, Cassie Zeroski, Dessine Fricioni, FranKalas. Seated from Left to Right: Argiro Sourvanos, Chris George,

Ruth Bingham, Chris Pardos and Jim Kalas.

Greetings to all our Brothers and Sisters. Helios is proudto report that our chapter remains strong and active. Wecontinue to hold monthly meetings on the fourth Sundayof every month despite the devastating fire our clubhousesustained back in February of 2009.To help with the large undertaking of rebuilding ourclubhouse, Chapter Helios has started a fundraisingcampaign, led by PSP John Sakoutis. Information on ourcampaign is included in the following pages. PSPSakoutiskicked off ourfundraiser in abig way bygenerouslydonating$5,000!ChapterHelios is veryappreciativeof his timeand generos-ity.

On May 2, Helios members went on a bus trip to theSeminole HardRock Casino inTampa and funtime was had byall and no oneleft with emptypockets.On May 23 weheld our monthlychapter meetingat Fred HowardPark in TarponSprings.

Chapter President Dessi Plutis and PSP JohnSakoutis pose at the chapter Helios fundraising

meeting with John’s generous donation

Chapter Secretary Stanley Pardos reads theminutes at the May meeting

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CLEARWATER #19heliosEveryone broughta dish and enjoyedthe weather as weheld our meetingout in the open.Future plans andevents werediscussed, del-egates were chosenfor Detroit and wecontinued ourdiscussion aboutour clubhouse.

Congratula-tions go outto IKARIAMagazineEditor Niki(Plutis) andJamesSalame onthe birth oftheir sonAdrienNicholas onMarch 12,

2010. He has already attended his first chapter meeting.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis and Penny Christopher welcomedwith love, the birth of their son, Christos (Kris) LouisChristopheron January 10,2010. Krisweighed 7lbs-10oz and was20.5 incheslong. This isthe first grand-child for proudgrandparentsTed and KoulaPlakas, the firstgreat grand-child for Penelope Karoutsos and the fourth grandchildfor Avyi Christopher.

Miss Maria Tripodis, daughter of PSP Dr. Stan and AnnaTripodis, graduated June 11th

from the InternationalBaccalaureate Program atPalm Harbor University HighSchool. She will be attendingFlorida State Universitywhere she plans to major inNutrition Science. Congratu-lations!Submitted by Dr. StanTripodis

In other news,on March27th, we weresaddened ofthe loss ofbeloved ourmember MaryTsambis.Mary was akey memberof our chapter,volunteeringher time in thekitchen formany, many years. As one of our dearest and most lovingmembers, she will be greatly missed. May her memorybe eternal.Congratulations go out to Maria Tripodis on her gradua-tion from Palm Harbor University High School!Helios Chapter extends best wishes to Chapter Spanos/Areti of Detroit for a successful convention this comingSeptember.

Respectfully submitted byRecording Secretary, Stanley Pardos

On March 12th, 2010, proud parents Niki and JamesSalame welcomed their son Adrien Nicholas Salameinto the world. Adrien weighed 7lbs 5oz and was 20

inches long.He is the firstgrandchild forboth sides ofthe family andis truly thesunshine ofour lives!Proud grand-parents areNick andDessi Plutis ofPalm Harbor,

FL, Idelis Sotomayor of Clearwater, FL and GuillermoSalame of Guayaquil, Ecuador. Na mas Zisi!Submitted by Yiayia Dessi Plutis

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CLEARWATER #19helios

See architect photos, next page

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HOUSTON #20Kavo-Papas

CLEARWATER #19heliosProposed future home of Helios #19

Fellow Ikarians, We send a sincere greeting from the GulfCoast region of our great nation from all the proudmembers of Kavo - Papas.Several members recently got togetherfor a social event and chapter meetingat the home of George and MariaSaphos of Baytown, TX. The event wasa covered dish event, so there was morethan enough food and a good time washad by all. Topics of discussion at themeeting included the informative anddelightful visit from our SupremePresident, dues and per capita update,the collection of recipes for the IkarianCookbook, new member recruitment,and other chapter business.Other local news is the addition ofanother new grandchild to Stacy andPhil Moss. His name is Alexander, andthat makes six altogether.

Also, we have a wonderful photo to share of the grand-children belonging to Jimmy and Despina Mallios, ofHouston, TX.

Congratulations to all the new highschool and college graduates all over ourcountry…great job…. persistence anddetermination are the backbone ofAmerican exceptionalism. Those that arelucky enough to have embraced theirIkarian influence will be all the moreprepared than those that do not share inyour unique and active culture.Kavo Papas also wishes to extend thanksto all our veterans and current servicemen and women around the world, as wepass through the summer months and theMemorial, Flag, and Independence Dayholidays. Thank you for your sacrifices.Several members are looking forward to

the convention and all the great times that will be had inDetroit.

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TORONTO #21NISOS IKARIAMay 20, 2010 Nikos Poris celebrates his 80 years withthe Ikarian brothers and sisters of the Nisos IkariaToronto Chapter

March 25,2010 Ikarianmembersmarch in theGreek paradein Danforth,Toronto,Canada

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MONTREAL #22ikaros of montrealGreetings to all Ikarians from Montreal Chapter #22

This year of 2010 has been so far quite eventful for ourChapter and we would like to take this time to thank allour members for their continued support and commit-ment.

We began this year’s events with our General Assemblyon Sunday March 14th during which we reviewed ourchapter’s annual progress, discussed upcoming activitiesand set forth the annual agenda. Following the GeneralAssembly we treated our attending members a nice sit-down dinner with those who had participated that day.

Being that the 25th of March date fell on actual on PalmSunday with the onset of Easter early this time , theannual celebratory commemorative March 25th GreekIndependence day was postponed to Sunday April 25th.The parade took place on this sunny and warm (foronce!!) April day where hundreds of Greek Canadians

marched along proudly on the designated Greek townstreet of Jean-Talon, making it a great success.

As a seasonal ritual in Quebec, we gathered on April 11th

at our annual traditional Cabane a Sucre (Sugar Shack)in a rural village to feast on the traditional, delicioustraditional delicacies which consist of: hot rolls, cole

slaw, pea soup, regular and smoked ham, omelette, baconrinds, roast potatoes, homemade baked beans and fol-lowed by the maple-sweetened desserts like pancakes,maple sugar tarts, homemade donuts all made with thepure maple syrup of the thousands of maple trees sur-

rounding thevillage. Ourmembersenjoyed ahorse-drawnwagon ridethrough thewoods, whileother stayed totaste the hotmaple taffyfreshly served

on snow and scooped up with wooden sticks.

On April 18th, a luncheon event was held where ahandful of Ikarians gathered to support The SocratesEducational Foundation a non profit charitable organi-zation, benefiting low income families who requirefinancial assistance in order to send their youngsters to

one of our Greek parochial schools offering a trilingualeducation: French, Greek and English. It is without adoubt that we need to support organizations such as thesewhose aim is to preserve the Greek language and to allowyouth to flourish educationally and become successfulgraduates.

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MONTREAL #22ikaros of montrealOn Sunday May 16th, we gathered at Au Vieux Duluthrestaurant to celebrate our members who are IkarianMothers and Ikarian Fathers by offering them a compli-mentary Mother’s day & Fathers Day dinner event.In company of delicious food, abundant wine and eachother, a grand time was had by all and all the Mothers &Fathers were deeply appreciative of the recognition.

For other celebrations this year, we had many happyoccasions. On Sunday May 23rd, Nafsika and IreneAntypas were happily surprised by an unexpected babyshower for the two siblings, as both mothers-to-be, areexpecting at the same time this coming month!

Congratulations go out to proud parents Andree and JohnKarras (son of Nikolaos and Christina Karras) who onSunday May 30th

baptized theirprecious babyboy NikolaosKarras. Na saszisei and may thelittle one alwaysbe blessed!!!

That was all our recent Chapter events for now, I take thisopportunity to wish you all a most pleasant and restfulsummer vacation and for those of you who will be luckyenough to visit our Ikarian homeland, may you enjoy theMediterranean sun and sea and “Kali Antamosi” at theupcoming Spanos/Areti convention in Detroit!!

Respectfully submitted,Chryssa EfstratoudakisChapter Secretary

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MONTREAL #22ikaros of montrealÈåñìïýò ×áéñåôéóìïýò óå üëïõò áðü ôï ôìÞìá 22ºêáñïò ôïõ Ìüíôñåáë.

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Óôéò 16 ÌÜéïõ, ãéïñôÜóáìå óôï åóôéáôüñéï AuVieux Duluth ôéò ìçôÝñåò ìáò êáé ôïõò ðáôåñåòìáò, ìå Ýíá ôéìçôéêü ãåýìá äùñåÜí ãéá ôá ìåëÞ

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Page 38 Ikapia Magazine

BUFFALO #26PanagiaGreetings from Western New York’s Panagia Chapter#26. We would like to wish all of our Pan-Icarian broth-ers and sisters êáëï êáëïêáéñé!!

Our Chapter was very happy that one youth member,Damianos Skaros, was able to attend this year’s youthconference which was held in Clearwater, Florida. Muchwas accomplished at this event and it is a great way forthe youth of the brotherhood to meet, socialize, anddiscuss the future of the organization. We would like tothank the Clearwater chapter for hosting such a worth-while event!

For Easter 2010our chapter onceagain hosted anafter service partyat the HellenicOrthodoxChurch of theAnnunciation inBuffalo, NY.Members of thechurch were

treated to a lamb dinner and President Nikolaos Skaros’fantastic Ìáãåéñßôóá. This year also marked the Church’s33rd Annual Greek Festival. Chapter members volun-teered their time to help make the weekend a success.

We are looking forward to seeing you all at this year’snational convention in Detroit, Michigan!

Panagia members at the Cleveland Convention

MONTREAL #22ikaros of montrealÃéá ôéò õðïëïéðåò ïìïñöåò óôéãìåò, åé÷áìå ðïëëåò÷áñïõìåíåó åêäçëùóåéò! Ïðùò óôçò 23 Ìáéïõïðïõ åãéíå ìéá åêðëçîç ãéïñôç “baby shower” ãéáôéò äõï ìåëëïõóåò ìçôåñåò êáé áäåëöåò Íáõóéêáêáé Åéñçíç Áíôõðá. Êáëç åëåõèåñéá êáé óôéò äõï!

Óôçò 30 Ìáéïõ, çAndree êáé ïÃéáííçò Êáññáò(Ãéïò ôïõ Íéêïëá êáé×ñéóôéíáò Êáññá)âáöôéóáí ôïí ãéïôïõò ÍéêïëáïòÊáññáò. Íá óáòÆçóåé ôïíåïöùôéóôï!

ÁõôÜ Þôáí ôáðñüóöáôá íÝá ôïõôìÞìáôüò ìáò, óáòåý÷ïìáé Ýíá ùñáßïêáé îåêïýñáóôï

êáëïêáéñÜêé, êáé êáëÞ áíôÜìùóç óôï óõíåäñéïôïõ Detroit!!

Ìå åêôßìçóçÇ Ãñáììáôåáò, ×ñõóÜ Åõóôñáôïõäáêç



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SOUTHEASTERN VIRGINIA #28EiriniWe were extremely honored to have our Supreme Presi-dent, Sonia Stefanadis at our last meeting on Sunday,April 25th, 2010 in the Norfolk, VA home of ourchapter’s vice president, Stefanos G. Pedos. Our chapterheld a fund-raising dinner and learned many interestingand exciting facts about being part of the Pan-IcarianBrotherhood. May13th-16th held our annual GreekFestival on our church grounds. Many members of thechapter worked tirelessly in serving the delicious food aswell as working with the talented youth dancers. Atouching highlight from the festival happened on Sundayafternoon, when “The Annette Mavrophilipos DanceScholarship” was given to Christina Mavrophilipos,named after her late mother, and beloved member of ourchapter. Christina is the first recipient of this and we areextremely proud as she graduates this June and heads offto VCU in the fall. At our next meeting, we will beplanning a summer Ikarian Independence Day celebra-tion.

Submitted by Chapter Secretary Pari MavrophiliposSmith

Supreme President, Sonia Stefanadis with our chapter PresidentMosca Nickels and Vice President Stefanos G. Pedos

Adam, Pariand StellaSmith at

our GreekFestival in


Christina Mavrophilipos, receiving her scholarship, standing with herfather Dimitri Mavrophilipos, Yiayia Mosca Nickels, and sisters Vas

Mavrophilipos and Mosca Flint

Stelianos Bredologosand daughter

Evangelia at ourGreek Festival

Chapter Eirini at the home of Stefanos G. Pedos in Norfolk, VA

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Maria Aivaliotis Tsambis

Maria Aivaliotis Tsambis 88, of Clearwater Beach,Florida, diedon Saturday,March 27,2010 atHarbourWood Healthand RehabCenter inClearwater.She was bornin Icaria,Greece andcame toAmerica atthe age of 16.Daughter ofthe late Aristotle and Elizabet Aivaliotis, she was prede-ceased by her sister Irene and her brother Antonio, and issurvived by her brothers George of Pittsburgh, PA andPandele of Athens, Greece. She is also survived by herchildren, Elizabeth Gensante of Pittsburgh, PA, CharlottePardos of Clearwater Beach, and Gus Tsambis of NewPort Richey, as well as six grandchildren, four greatgrandchildren, and six nieces and nephews. Her love ofcooking brought joy to friends and family who wereregulars at her dinner table. She retired as a food servicemanager for the Pinellas County Schools, and will beremembered as a spirited figure in the Greek-Americancommunity in Clearwater. Herfuneral was held on March 31 atHoly Trinity Greek OrthodoxChurch in Clearwater. Maria willbe dearly missed.

Maria’s family wishes to thank everyone for their dona-tions in her name to the Chapter Helios Building Fund.

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Bessie BorninoMarch 11, 1922 –April 12, 2010

In the movie,Serendipity, therewas a quote said inGreek, and I willtranslate: “Greeksdon’t have obituar-ies, they just haveone question: Didshe live her lifewith PASSION?”

There is no greaterword that bestdescribes my AuntBessie – Passionate is what she was withEVERYTHING…EVERY aspect of her life whether it behow she cooked amazing meals for anyone who walkedinto her home, how she viewed life with all its trials andtribulations, with her faith in God and in love, and evenin how she dressed…Everything was done with passion.

Aunt Bessie was a “twin” or “sister” grandmother tome…to all of us. We were her kids. At the age of 6, mysister and I found heaven to be in her closet and bathroomvanity. It was every little girl’s dream to dress up in allher clothes and her high heels, and don’t forget her make-up! Yes, make-up at 6 or 8 years old was a little extreme,but she would take us to Bullocks-Wilshire all dolled upthat way. People would gawk and stare, but she did notcare – to her, it was just another way of expressing herselfliving with passion.

Aunt Bessie could cook – and when she did, which wasall the time, it was with ZEST! She cooked for an armyand always made sure we cleaned out her pantry beforeleaving. She took pride in what she cooked and how sheprepared it making sure we all knew the latest way toprepare our vegetables…the healthy way. Throughoutmy entire years in college, Aunt Bessie and Uncle Jimvisited me on numerous occasions and filled my entiredoom room or apartment kitchen with food to last about 2weeks, including 2 fresh “tupsies” ofgalatobouriko…every time! I quickly became known asthe girl with the coolest Greek Aunt! And she did it withpassion and all the love in her heart. *Did you know thatAunt Bessie and Uncle Jim, in their commitment to belife-long partners who share everything, shared a mealevery time they went to a restaurant at lunch? Theyalways shared a salad and a sandwich…at the end of the

meal, if there was anything left over, she would ask forextra bread to make a sandwich, then personally drivedown to Santa Monica Blvd and give it to a homelessperson…If there wasn’t anything left over, she wouldorder something additional to-go, to give to a homelessperson. Just another example of how she lived her lifewith passion.

Her heart…no room, no building, not even this world waslarge enough for her heart – it truly was made of gold asshe gave of herself freely for anything and anyone whoneeded her.

And love…there has not been a greater love than thatwhich was shared between Aunt Bess and Uncle Jim.God’s plan was for them to be together as partners, aslove-birds, and as the truest of friends. EVERY year ontheir birthdays and anniversary, they would give eachother a card with $100 in it, representing $1 for everyyear they were to be together.. and the words that theywrote to each other were of the truest feelings anddeepest emotions of love known…in their message toeach other, life did not exist without the other and theirlove for each other was the greatest gift God ever gavethem.

I learned about true love from Aunt Bessie and UncleJim…their wedding picture displays the words “OnlyYou” as it was “their song.” There will be no other …itwas only you Uncle Jimmy for my Aunt Bessie. I learnedabout inspiration and believing that faith and hope canbring you peace in your life. We shared some similartrials in our lives, Aunt Bessie and I, which paralleled oneother. And through her passion for love and faith, I wasable to pull through just as she did.

And if all that love wasn’t enough, you should have seenthe sparkle in her eyes when she got to be with her Great-Great Niece…My daughter, now 4, was her little jewel.She spoke only Greek to her and loved every minute thatshe had another little girl to let dress up in her clothes,put on her high heels and wear her make-up…and Brianadid just that this past Monday as we visited Uncle Jimmyat his home. She went into that same bathroom with mysister and me, and sat in Aunt Bessie’s vanity with hereyes wide open, just as I had remembered when I was herage. And she proceeded to put the lipstick on all over…

This is how I know that Aunt Bessie lives in us – is stillhere, now and always will be. She loved everyone nomatter who they were or where they came from, and herfamily was her world!! Let’s keep her spirit and passionalive as she would never want it to stop.I love you Aunt Bessie….Alexa Naltsas

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John Evangelos Fragos

John Evangelos Fragos passed away on May 14, 2010.He was born on May 21, 1932 in Perthiki, Ikaria. His lifewas full of adventure.He has traveled manyroads. He left Ikariawhen he was only 9years old to seekrefuge from WWII.He went to Turkeyfor about 9 months tofind a safe route toleave the country. Hetraveled by boat toAfrica, where hestayed in a refugecamp for 3 1/2 years.After the war wasover he went back toIkaria and stayeduntil he turned 18.He went to work onthe boats, where he worked for 3 1/2 years as a merchantmarine. He traveled from NY harbor to Miami and thenall around South America. He attempted to jump shipand was caught twice. On the third try he was successfuland went to Baltimore. He got a ride to Wilmington,North Carolina to see his brother. There he met andmarried Koula Poulos.Being in the United States illegally, he was forced to goto Cuba and establish residency so that he can get theproper documentation to enter the United States. Hereturned to Wilmington and started his life. He and hiswife had three children, Argiro Moe (David) SophiaTracy (Ernest), Evangelos John Fragos (Olympia) and sixgrand children, Joshua Tracy, Yianni, Koula, Eliana,George and Alexander Fragos. (Papou’s greatest prideand joy!)He was a member of the St. Nicholas Greek OrthodoxChurch, The Pan-Ikarian Brotherhood of America,Chapter Therma. He was a Master Mason 32 degree,Orient Lodge #395, a member of York-Rite MasonicBodies, Scotish-Rite Masonic Bodies and Sudan TempleShriner. He served over 35 years in the WilmingtonMasonic community. He enjoyed an active lifestyle.He retired from A&P Foods and Kroger Foods. Hepurchased the Dixie Grill in 1979 with his wife and theyoperated it together until he got sick in 1985. He wasforced into retirement again. He filled his days with hisother passion, FISHING! He had a great story to tellabout every fishing trip he went on. He also loved his


In October of 2009 the Saphos and Tsounos familiesendured a heartbreaking occurrence. On October 13th welost Sam (Lee Harouvis’s husband of 57 years and thefather of Suzanne DiGeorge, Alex Saphos and MariaVassilaros.) Sam was part owner of the London Grill,located in downtown Cleveland, Ohio. Sam was theyoungest of the Alex and Isabel Saphos family. Sixteendays later, we lost Athena, our older sister, who was amonth away from her 88th birthday. Athena taught schoolfor 35 years at Oliver High School located in Pittsburgh,PA.We were blessed to have had them as part of our families.They were kind, loving, giving and thoughtful. Theywere there when we needed them. They leave us withmany loving memories to be shared forever.Both Athena and Sam were long standing members of thePan-Icarian Brotherhood.

May their memories be eternal.

Submitted byThe Saphos and Tsounos Families.

gardening. He was so proud to show how tall the greenshad gotten, how juicy his tomatoes were and how big thecucumbers had grown.On December 23, 2009 his road made a very sad turn.His wife of 56 years passed away. He struggled with hissorrow and with his own failing health, but he haddetermination. He was determined to keep his hopes highand his family close. He spent the last month of his lifein the rehabilitation center. We all went to see him andwe talked and talked and talked. He had good days andbad days, but he stayed strong. We were so blessed tohave had him for our father, grandfather, uncle, andbrother. He was a great man with many experiences thatmolded the person he became. We know he is with ourmother and that they are together forever (soul mates).We will miss him dearly. May his memory be eternal.

Respectfully submitted by his loving children

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Vassiliki Carafas Spanos(December 25, 1912 - May 29, 2010)

Vassiliki Spanos, daughterof Peter and ElizabethCarafas, sister of Christo-pher, Eleftherios, andDimitrios, wife ofVassilios G. Spanos,mother to George, Maryand Patris, grandmother toVassi, Leo, Elizabeth,Stella, Steve, Adam,Dennis, and Mary, andgreat-grandmother toSebastien, Grace, Jack,Will, Josh, Bodhi andKatie. She was a treasureand inspiration to us all.She lived on this earth forover ninety-seven years, a life marathon, and she did itwith dignity and goodness. She lived through and sur-vived two world wars and a great depression. Strength ofcharacter, courage - “grace under pressure” - in the faceof adversity and uncertainty, self-sacrifice - a deep senseof duty to do what is right regardless of personal desires,not giving up regardless of how bleak things might look,standing up for what is right, hope and optimism and loveof family, is what defined her life.One of her favorite quotes is from Winston Churchill:

“Nature is merciful and does not try her children, man orbeast, beyond their compass. It is only where the crueltyof man intervenes that hellish torments appear. Other-wise, live dangerously and take things as they come,dread naught; all will be well.”

She tried to teach us many things, but the greatest lessonof all came through her example - how to live a life.



Moskoula Dorothy Charnasentered her eternal rest onFriday, May 21st 2010. Shewas born in Warren, Ohioon March 3rd to Nick andAthena Kayafas of Ikaria,Greece. She was preceded indeath by her loving hus-band, Stelios to whom shewas married 55 years – andher son-in-law the late LouisA. Pugliese.On October 27, 1946Moskoula married a younghandsome Ikarioti radio control pilot from Trenton, NewJersey who served in WWII. Moskoula and sister Basilia(Bessy) had a double wedding.She is survived by her 2 children Athena Charnas Pugliese ofLos Gatos, California and Marko Charnas of Marion, Ohio.She has also left behind her 3 grandchildren of which shewas deeply devoted. They were the loves of her life andbrought her much joy. Stephania and Grandson-in-lawArgyris L. Panayotopoulos of San Jose, California, ElianaM. Pugliese of New York, NY and Zane Charnas ofPineville, North Carolina. Moskoula is also survived by her3 sisters Basilia (Bessy) Space, Clara Hutras and Markella(Dolly) Lineman along with many nieces and nephews whowill sorely miss her.Throughout her life Moskoula worked at a number of repu-table organizations such as the Akron Police Department, OhioDepartment of Aging, Red Cross, Boy Scouts of America andS.D. Myers Inc. where her husband served as Vice President.As a member of the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Churchof Akron Ohio, she was a deeply caring woman who lovedher church. She also served as president of the Akronchapter of the Ikarian Club, Philoptichos, Parent & TeacherOrganization, Melissa and Chairman of Pastries at theAkron Greek Festival. Moskoula was also a joyful memberof the Venusettes in Cleveland, Ohio.In 2007 Moskoula relocated to California to be with her 3favorite girls Athena, Stephania and Eliana. Athena solelyand lovingly cared for Moskoula in her remaining years.The trisaigion (viewing) will be held on Friday, May 28th atthe Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church 129 South UnionAkron, Ohio from 5:00-8:00p.m. The funeral will also be atthe Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church on Saturday,May 29th at 2:00pm followed by the burial at GlendaleCemetery in downtown Akron.

Moskoula Dorothy Charnas

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civilizations – the steles (funeral markers), obelisksand bronze sculptures whose monumental scale haspassed through millennia. All of these impressionscogently manifest in eclectic pieces that act as abridge between cultures; the idyllic island of Ikariawhere he was born, and his experiences in thechanging art scene in post-war America.

With this exhibit, Calaboyias has shortened thedistance between impression and subject, approach-ing his subjects without overly intellectualizing theartistic process. Calaboyias says, “I sense the worksin theexhibit tohave beencarried bythe Aegeanwinds, thesea, andwashed inthe stronglight of thesun.”Mythologi-cal andhistorytracings areintroducedinto thecreative process, as in “Boy Falling,” a reference tothe story of Icarus, or “Phillip Thorakas,” areimagining of the breastplate and shield of KingPhilip of Macedonia, father of Alexander the Great.

Calaboyias also introduces a series of large oilpaintings developed in Ikaria whose vivid colorsreflect the clarity and light of the Mediterranean.Building forms are treated as three-dimensionalgeometric shapes that break horizontal lines oflandscape, tilting or intruding on space, squeezing orexpanding areas to reveal the larger landscapebehind. Smaller studies in acrylic develop themes ofview and memory through “parathiro” (windows)that frame the ubiquitous blue of the Aegean Sea.



Peter Calaboyias’Windows to the Aegean Sea

Posted March 9, 2010 at www.thebestfromgreece.com

Acclaimed Artist Peter Calaboyias’ current body ofwork is inspired by the artist’s lengthy stays in hischildhood village on the Aegean island of Ikaria,Greece.

Polished bronze sculptures and brilliantly coloredpaintings. In this exhibit, at Chicago’s NationalHellenic Museum, Calaboyias has materialized anabstract vision of the sea through “open windows” tothe Aegean Sea. The sculptures and paintings ondisplay are a statement of simplicity as experiencedon the island, influenced through sense and memory.

Calaboyias (born 1940) emerged in the early 1970sas a sculptor whose distinctive visual style wasinformed by his approach to issues of history andculture. His family fled Ikaria during the Germanoccupation of World War II, spending time in Tur-key, Cairo, Mombasa, and the Belgian Congo beforearriving in the U.S., where the family settled inPennsylvania. As a young artist, Calaboyias was

influenced by the burgeoning Minimalist art move-ment in post-World War II America, through whichhe developed his own unique interpretations. Classi-cism strongly pervades his work, his sculptures areinspired by the stories and sculptures of ancient

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Ikapia Magazine Page 45

The Sleeping Maid of Halipahby Mary Lukes Stamoulis

Upon a settee she lay sublimeA sculptured stone unravaged by timeAngel face rested on a pillowOf silk and lace turned yellow.

She clutched and caressedA cross held to her brest.Deprived of life it its primeHer soul sifting sands of time.

Forlorn I stand before this figureAbsorbed within her leisure.Cruel destiny sealed her fateWhen to stave death I came too late.

Halipah designed his sculptureTo capture and enraptureA grieving spouse like meWith what fate decreed must be.

Cemetery gates cannot deny meFrom tarrying within her beauty.My heart is not made of stoneThis life I cannot live alone.

My soul longs to join hersTranscending all the barriersTo see what lies aboveI pray it will be my love.The sleeping maid of Halipah.

Mary’s books can be purchased online at m-stamoulis.comor at Gift World 557 Dodecanese Blvd. Tarpon Springs, FL


As an artist, Calaboyias produces a wide range ofminimalist bronze forms through a lost wax castingtechnique that he modified in order to produce largerworks. These large pieces, often set in site-specific,urban locations, are created by the relationship ofform to space, scale and site. A resident of Pitts-burgh, Pennsylvania, he is most recognized interna-tionally for his piece, “Tribute,” a sculpture hecreated for the 1996 Summer Olympic Games inAtlanta, GA. The sculpture, a tribute to peace,ironically was damaged by the terrorist bomb thatexploded at the park during the Games, but at thesame time it shielded many from the explosion’simpact. Pieces from “Tribute” have found their wayinto several of the Thorakas sculptures in this ex-hibit.

NOTE: The opening of Windows to the Aegeanfeatured over 100 in attendance. The exhibit ran atthe National Hellenic Museum in Chicago fromJanuary 28 – April 17, 2010. It will next travel tothe Lancaster Galleries, 34 North Water Street,Lancaster, PA, where the exhibit will run fromSeptember 30 – December 1, 2010. For moreinformation, go to: www.lancastergalleries.com


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The Importance of the 2012 CelebrationThe 2012 celebration is of utmost importance in theIkarian community. This marks the 100 year anniversaryof when Ikaria gained freedom from Turkey. Every year,on March 25, we celebrate Greek Independence Day, andit is something we have always appreciated as a result ofour Greek heritage. However, in recent years, we havecontinued to learn more and more about our Ikarianheritage specifically. Joining the Ikarian club was aperfect decision because we have established so manyconnections and been inspired to continue seekinginformation about where our ancestors came from.

There are several ways we can learn about theimportance and background of Ikaria. Attending youthconferences and annual conventions ensures that we willmeet other Ikarians, and we come away from each eventwith new stories about Ikaria, as well as new lifelongfriends. We also traveled to Ikaria for the first time thispast summer, witnessing firsthand where our grandfatherlived and hearing many additional stories about theisland. All of these experiences have led us to want tolearn more, and consequently to new books and articleson various subjects. It was this research that led to ourdiscovery of the story of how Ikaria gained its indepen-dence nearly 100 years ago. It was not even that long agowhen reflecting upon it – our grandfather was living onthe island at the time, albeit as a very young child; evenso, we realized that we have a direct connection to thisevent. Although we never met him, the countless storiesfrom our mother growing up sometimes make us forgetthat we never actually knew him. We know he would beproud of the connections we continue to establish withour Ikarian background.

As an American history teacher, the story of our Ameri-can independence is especially important to me. Asproud Ikarians, the story of the island’s independencenow holds a special place in all our hearts. Our onlyregret is that it took this long for us to discover the story.We are looking forward to the 2012 celebration, when wecan once again show the joy we feel from being part ofsuch a brilliant and worthwhile heritage.

Submitted for Pramne #1 Youngstown

By Jaclyn Sarah Elias, Treasurer, Age 25;along with Dana Elias, Age 22; and Alexis Elias-Spohn,Age 27.


In Reason We Trust by John Chrysochoos, Ph.D

We live in an era ofobscenely expensivepolitical campaigns,perceived and realpolitical corruption,corporate greed,fraudulent invest-ment and bankingschemes, and biasedif not deliberatelydistorted reporting ofinformation by themedia. There is onlyone effective pathleft to individualsthat may guarantee the protection of their civil libertiesand financial well-being: Total reliance on reason andobjective judgment, rather than blind acceptance ofclaims based on ideology or leap of faith. Whereas leapof faith may be warranted in very special occasions, itseldom provides solid ground for protection. Suchreliance on reason and its lack thereof is applicable to allwalks of life in our society, whether political, financial, orsocial, leading to either beneficial or harmful results. Thehistory of our nation consists of enlightenment periodsduring which reason prevailed, as well as of dark periodsduring which both reason and objective judgment weretotally ignored.

About the Author - The author was born on a Greek island(Ikaria) in the middle thirties. He earned his Diploma inChemistry (B.S.) at the University of Athens, Greece (1953-1957), and his M.Sc. (1962) and Ph.D. (1964) in PhysicalChemistry at the University of British Columbia, VancouverB.C. Canada. In 1964 he settled in the United States as aneducator and researcher. He has been associated withseveral universities in North America and overseas, namelyHarvard, IIT, The University of Toledo, BGSU, The Univer-sity of Western Ontario, and the universities of Crete andPatras in Greece. He is currently professor emeritus ofChemistry at the University of Toledo. Ohio, USA. Inaddition to having published about one hundred fiftyscientific articles and conference abstracts, he is also theauthor of two other novels, namely a non-fiction novel“Beyond the Blue Ikarian Sea” and a fiction novel“Elusive Dreams” available online and at some bookstorechains: www.RoseDogbookstore.com; www.Amazon.com;www.Target.com; www.Bordersstores.com

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2012 CELEBRATIONAs a Greek-American, I am often trying to learn moreabout my heritage. My sister and I have been working ona family tree and attempting to chart our family historyback as many generations as possible. Unfortunately,most of my great grandparents have passed away, manybefore I was even born. Finding information has provento be difficult thus far.

I did have a chance to meet my Ikarian grandparents. Ido have memories of them from when I was very young,but I barely remember them before they passed away.My great grandparents were born right around 1900 inIkaria. They weren’t born on the island we know andlove today, but rather an island that was occupied by thecountry of Turkey.

This wasn’t all too uncommon for our little island.Throughout its history, different empires had claimedIkaria as its territory, other countries had occupied thesoil and the island had even been absorbed by otherGreek islands at some point in time. With such a smallpopulation, and historically being one of the poorer andslower to progress islands in the Aegean Sea, there waslittle hope that the islanders could pull together a revolt.All in all, Ikaria and its inhabitants were easily overpow-ered.

In 1912, Ikaria expelled the Turkish garrison that re-mained on the island, and they proclaimed independence.In the past 98 years, there have been instances of othercountries occupying the island, but for the most part, theyhave kept their independence for all this time.

Looking at the history of the island and its people, it issimple to see that the path has not been the easiest. Tosome, a mere 98 years might not seem like much, but weknow what it really means. Ikaria has never been a large,well-populated island and has never had a great amountof resources with which to defend itself. To my greatgrandparents who lived through this time, this wouldhave meant a lot; they might have never thought theisland would have remained independent for this long.They would also be glad to see that outside influenceshave not changed the island very much. I am sure if allof our ancestors knew how we now enjoy going back toIkaria and staying in those same villages where they oncelived, they would be glad to see the traditions carrying onthrough the years.

To me, who maybe hasn’t had the opportunity to visitIkaria as often as one would have wished, the indepen-dence of the island means something different to me. Ihave met many fantastic people, visited lots of wonderfulplaces, and had a great amount of experiences that Iwouldn’t trade for anything. If not for the independenceof Ikaria, almost 100 years ago, I might have never hadthe chance to go back to the island and visit the villageswhere my ancestors once lived because there probablywould be limitations on tourism and visitation. If not forthese experiences, I would not be the same person that Iam today.

I will never forget the feeling I had the first time I got offthe boat in Ayios Kyrikos. I instantly fell in love withevery aspect of the island. I loved how it looked as theboat came around into the dock, how the villages werebuilt into the mountainside, how everyone gathered in theplatea daily to relax, how the water smelled on the beach,how the sun felt on my face. I could never imagineanything about that place being any different. I am gladwe have maintained independence to ensure that ourtraditions will be passed on for generations to come.

Georgia Barlamas






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To continue receiving Ikaria Magazine, your dues must be paid for year 2009 or 2010 to a chapter of your choice.CHAPTER PRESIDENTS AND CONTACT INFORMATION

PRAMNE #1, YOUNGSTOWNAspasia Elias4069 Alvacardo Dr.Canfield, Ohio 44406

V.I. CHEBITHES #2, AKRONVenette LaRocca3777 Falcon Chase Street, NWUniontown, Ohio [email protected]

PHAROS #3, CLEVELANDZach Safos1767 Taylor's Mill TurnWestlake, OH [email protected]

DAEDALOS #4, WARRENKoula Glaros King938 North Road S.E.Warren, OH [email protected]

PANDIKI #5, NEW YORKLefkie Fradelos-Hunt4 Windsor Terrace Apt 6White Plains, NY 10601631-946-3683 [email protected]

DOLICHE #6,STEUBENVILLEStacy Kotsanis1716 Hamilton PlaceSteubenville, OH 43952740-283-2792

ICAROS #7, PITTSBURGHJoanne Melacrinos531 Berkshire AvenuePittsburgh, PA [email protected]

FOUTRIDES #8, CHICAGOPeter Karnavas12551 S Mason AvenueAlsip, IL 60803708-975-5529 [email protected]

SPANOS/ARETI #9, DETROITNicholas G. Manolis17269 ArlingtonAllen Park, MI 48101313-277-6779

KAVO-PAPAS #20, HOUSTONGeorge N. Tratras10910 FawnviewHouston, Texas 77070281-955-9790 [email protected]

NISOS IKARIA #21, TORONTOGeorge Touras825 Carlaw AvenueToronto, Ontario M4K-3L1Canada 416-469-0468

IKAROS OF MONTREAL #22Chryssa Efstratoudakis4124 GuenetteLaval, Quebec H7T-2G1Canada [email protected]

LANGADA #23, “Spirit of Ikaria”ATLANTABill Androutsopoulos1145 Sunhill RoadLawrenceville, GA 30043770-339-4064 [email protected]

DRAKANON #24, PARMAChris Parianos6425 Fairhaven RoadMayfield Heights, OH 44124(440) 473-1476 [email protected]

N’IKARIA #25,NORTHWEST INDIANAJohn S. Tsahas2915 Bristlecone DriveSchererville, IN 46375219-558-8430

PANAGIA #26,UPSTATE NEW YORKNick Skaros5 Pauline CourtLancaster, NY 14086716-681-4876 [email protected]

MESARIA #27PACIFIC NORTHWESTCharles Andrews1442 Bob's Hollow LaneDuPont, WA 98327253-912-0450 [email protected]

EIRINI #28SOUTHEASTERN VIRGINIAMosca Nickles100 East Ocean View #409Norfolk, VA 23503757-288-5667

THERMA #10, WILMINGTONGeorge Brunetti2824 Front StreetBurgaw, North Carolina 28425(910) 259-3161

LYCHNOS #11,NORTHERN CALIFORNIALavendar Kratsas18708 Dubin CourtCastro Valley, CA 94546(510) 690-9026

ATHERAS #12, PHILADELPHIAJames Houtridis6620 Westfield AvenuePennsauken, NJ 08110(856) 397-3838 [email protected]

OINOE #14,SOUTHERN CALIFORNIANicolas G. James3379 Country Club DriveGlendale, CA 91208818-269-2377 [email protected]

NEA IKARIA #15, PT. JEFFERSONKonstantinos SpanosP.O. Box 312Port Jefferson, NY 11777

LEFKAS #16, BALTIMOREDemetra Karoutsos4100 Isbell StreetSilver Spring, MD 20906301-946-9270

CHRIST E. AIVALIOTIS #17,COLUMBUSAristotle Hutras7348 Hayden Run RoadHillard, Ohio 43026614-771-1779 [email protected]

KOURSAROS #18, NEW YORKEvangelos Pyros234 Ethel StreetValley Stream, NY 11580516-872-6248

HELIOS #19, CLEARWATERDessi Plutis183 Shore DrivePalm Harbor, FL [email protected]

Page 49: ΟΡΓΑΝΟΝ ΤΩΝ ΑΠΑΝΤΑΧΟΥ ΙΚΑΡΙΩΝDISTRICT 4- Governor Nicole Androutsopoulos, 1145 Sunhill Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Telephone: 770-339-4064 Email: nicbill92@bellsouth.net

Ikapia Magazine Page 49




Official AddressPan-Icarian Brotherhoodof America

IKARIAMAGAZINE1770 Douglas AveDunedin, FL 34698

Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance CenterLabor Day WeekendSeptember 2-6, 2010

Spanos/Areti Chapter #9 is hosting the 2010107TH PAN ICARIAN NATIONAL CONVENTION

Join us for aParadosiako Panigiri!

We are looking forwardto hosting everyone as

we sail the IcarianPelagos — on the

Detroit River!

See inside for more information