koncar · fuse-switch disconnector . tipe/model: os-00c/1 , os-ooc (see enclosure) brand name:...

KONCAR Sluzba za certificiranje proizvoda INSTITUT SCERT za elektrotehniku Sluzba za certificiranje proizvoda SCERT akreditirala je Hrvatska akreditacijska agenclJa prema normi HRN EN 45011 :1998 - Broj akredita cije: 3169/08 Proizvod: Tip/model: Komercijalni naziv: Podnositelj zahtjeva: Proizvodac: Propis: Primijenjene norme: Broj i datum izvjestaja 0 ispitivanju: Ispitni izvjestaj izdan od: Mapa predmeta: ZAKLJUCAK CERTIFIKAT 8roj: LVD 30090024 OSIGURAC-RASTAVNA SKLOPKA OS- 00G/1, OS-OOG (vidi prilog) Koncar-Niskonaponske sklopke i prekidaci d.o.o., Zagreb, Hrvatska Koncar-Niskonaponske sklopke i prekidaci do.o, Zagreb, Hrvatska Pravllnika 0 elektricnoj opremi namijenjenoj za uporabu unutar odredenih naponskih granica (N.N. br. 101/2009) lEe 60947-31999+A12001+A2: 2005, lEG 60947-1:2004, lEG 60947-12007 HRN EN 60947-32005+A22008, HRN EN 60947-1 :2008 Izvjestaj br. 34/2108 od 16062008, br.35/6138 od 22092006, br. 067306 od 14.12.2006. i 34/2132 od 23092009 Koncar- Institut za elektrotehniku d.d, Zagreb Laboratorij za velike snage, Akred. br. 11 39/08 , HAA Visokonaponski laboratorij , Akred. Sr. 1035/03, HAA LVD -005/9 Ovime se potvrduje da su znacajke proizvoda u skladu sa zahtjevima gore navedenih normi. Napomena: Ovaj dokument je potvrda 0 sukladnosti ispitanih uzoraka. Za sukladnost svakog proizvoda identicne tipske oznake kao i ispitanog uzorka odgovoran je podnositelj zahtjeva. Rok valjanosti: Mjesto i datum: Valjanost ovog certifikata moze se ospor iti ako je stariji od tn godine Ocjenitelj Kati f: .3 Simic, ing. di' U Zagrebu 25.092009. KONCAIiI .p)nstitut za el ektrolehnlku d. d. ZAG REB 12 Adresa KON AR - Institut za elektrotehniku d.d. Sluzba za certificiranje proizvoda SCERT pp 202, 10002 ZAGREB, Fallerovo setaliste 22 Telefon: 385 (0)1 3655277 Telefaks: 385 (0)1 365 5277 E-mail: [email protected] http://www . koncar-institul.hr FC-Shra-S

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Page 1: KONCAR · FUSE-SWITCH DISCONNECTOR . Tipe/model: OS-00C/1 , OS-OOC (see enclosure) Brand name: Applicant: Koncar-Niskonaponske sklopke i prekidaCi d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia

KONCAR Sluzba za certificiranje proizvoda INSTITUT SCERT za elektrotehniku

Sluzba za certificiranje proizvoda SCERT akreditirala je Hrvatska akreditacijska agenclJa prema normi HRN EN 45011 1998 - Broj akreditac ije 316908



Komercijalni naziv

Podnositelj zahtjeva



Primijenjene norme

Broj i datum izvjestaja 0


Ispitni izvjestaj izdan od

Mapa predmeta


CERTIFIKAT 8roj LVD 30090024


OS- 00G1 OS-OOG (vidi prilog)

Koncar-Niskonaponske sklopke i prekidaci doo Zagreb Hrvatska

Koncar-Niskonaponske sklopke i prekidaci doo Zagreb Hrvatska

Pravllnika 0 elektricnoj opremi namijenjenoj za uporabu unutar odredenih naponskih granica (NN br 1012009)

lEe 60947-31999+A12001+A2 2005 lEG 60947-12004 lEG 60947-12007

HRN EN 60947-32005+A22008 HRN EN 60947-1 2008

Izvjestaj br 342108 od 16062008 br356138 od 22092006 br 067306 od 14122006 i 342132 od 23092009

Koncar- Institut za elektrotehniku dd Zagreb Laboratorij za velike snage Akred br 11 3908 HAA Visokonaponski laboratorij Akred Sr 103503 HAA

LVD -0059

Ovime se potvrduje da su znacajke proizvoda u skladu sa zahtjevima gore navedenih normi

Napomena Ovaj dokument je potvrda 0 sukladnosti ispitanih uzoraka Za sukladnost svakog proizvoda identicne tipske oznake kao i ispitanog uzorka odgovoran je podnositelj zahtjeva

Rok valjanosti Mjesto i datum

Valjanost ovog certifikata moze se osporiti ako je stariji od tn godine


Kati f3 Simic ing

di ~IV ~

U Zagrebu 25092009

KONCAIiI p)nstitut za elektrolehnlku d d


Adresa KON AR - Institut za elektrotehniku dd Sluzba za certificiranje proizvoda SCERT pp 202 10002 ZAGREB Fallerovo setaliste 22

Telefon 385 (0)1 3655277 Telefaks 385 (0)1 365 5277

E-mail scertkoncar-Inst ituthr



4~)ll IIAA bull

KONCAR Sluzba za certificiranje proizvoda INSTITUT SCERT za elektrotehniku

Sluzbu za certificiranje proizvoda SCERT akreditirala je Hrvatska akreditacijska agencija prema normi HRN EN 45011 1998 - Broj akredltaclJe 316908


Broj LVD 300900024


Podnositelj zahtjeva Koncar-Niskonaponske sklopke i prekidaci d oo Zagreb Hrvatska

Proizvodac Koncar-Niskonaponske sklopke i prekidaci d oo Zagreb Hrvatska

Izdani Certifikat odnosi se na izvedbe osigurac -rastavne sklopke slijedecih tehnickih karakteristika

Tipmodel OS-00C1 (1 pol) OS-OOC (3 pola)

Nazivni napon izolacije Ui 690 V Nazivni impulsni podnosivi Uimp 6 kV Nazivna termicka struja Ith 160 A Nazivna pogonska struja Ie za kategoriju primjene 220230V 400V 500V 690 V

AC-21 B 160 A 160 A 160 A 125 A AC-22 B 160 A 160 A 100 A 40 A AC-23 B 125 A 63 A 25A 16 A DC 22 B 80 A DC-23 B 80 A

Nazivna uvjetovana struja kratkog spoja 63 kA 400V (osiguraci velicine 0001 OOA)

Jedino za os-ooe (3 pol)

Mjesto i datum

U Zagrebu 25092009

Ocjenitelj MP Upravitelj SCERT-a

Katica Simicing KONCAR bull Insmut za elektrotehniku d d


Adresa KONCAR - Institut za elektro tehn iku dd Telefon 385 (0)1 365 5277 E-mail scertkoncar-Inslltuthr Sluzba za certificiranje proizvoda seERT Telefaks 385 (0)1 365 5277 Fallerovo setaliste 22 pp 202 10002 ZAGREB http wwwkoncar-Institu thr


45(111 10

KG CAR Certification Department Electrical Engineering SCERTINSTITUTE

Certification Department SGERT IS accredited by Croati an Accreditation Agency accord ing to HRN EN 450 11 1998 - AccreditaUo ll no 3169108

Assessment of conformity

No L VO 30090024


Tipemodel OS-00C1 OS-OOC (see enclosure)

Brand name

Applicant Koncar-Niskonaponske sklopke i prekidaCi doo Zagreb Croatia

Manufacturer Koncar-Niskonaponske sklopke i prekidaci doo Zagreb Croatia

Reg u lations Low Voltage Directive (LVD) 200696EC

Related standards IEC 60947-31999+A12001+A22005 IEC 60947-1 2004 IEC 60947-12007 HRN EN 60947-32005+A22008 HRN EN 60947-12008

Test report No Test Report No 342108 by 16062008 No 356138 by 22092006 and date of issue No 067306 by 14122006 and 342132 by 23092009

Test report issued by Koncar- Electrical Engineering Institute Inc Zagreb Croatia High Power Laboratory Accred No 113908 by HAA High Voltage Laboratory Accred No 103503 by HAA

Subject file LVD-0059

CONCLUSION The sample of the product listed in this document has been recognized to be in conform ity with requirements of the standard listed above

Remark This document is a certificate of conformity of the tested samples The applicant is responsible for conformity of product with the same typemodel name

Period of validity Place and date Th is Certificate may be challenged if it is more than three years old

Croatia Zagreb 25092009

Assessor KON~AFYEalnstltu t zaKatica Simic Eng eiektroteh oiku d d


Address KONCAR - Electri cal Eng ineering Institute Inc Phone 385 (0) 1 3655277 E-mail scertkoncar-instituth r Certifi cation department SCERT Fax 385 (0)1 365 5277 Fallerovo setaliste 22 pp 202 HR-10002 Zagreb CROATIA httpwwwkoncar-instituthr


KONCAR Certification Department El e ctrical Engineering SCERT INSTITUTE

Certification Department SCERT is accredited by Croatian Accreditation Agency according to HRN EN 450 11 1998 - Accreditation no 3169108


No LVD 30090024


Koncar-Niskonaponske sklopke i prekidaci doo Zagreb Croatia Applicant

Koncar-Niskonaponske sklopke i prekidaci doo Zagreb CroatiaManufacturer

Issued Certificate include following models OS-00C1 (1 pole) OS-OOC (3 pole)

Electrical data

Rated insulation voltage Uj 690 V Rated im pulse withstand voltage Ujmp 6 kV Rated conventional free air thermal current Ith 160 A Rated operational current Ie for utilization category 220230 V 400V 500V 690 V

AC-21 B 160 A 160 A 160 A 125 A AC-22 B 160 A 160 A 100 A 40 A AC-23 B 125 A 63 A 25 A 16 A DC-22 B 80 A DC-23 B 80A

Rated conditional short-circuit current 63 kA 400V (fuse links size 0001 OOA)

only for OSmiddotOOC (3 pole)

Place and date

Croatia Zagreb 25092009

Assessor Seal Head of SCERT Department

KONCAR bull Instltut za Katica Simic Eng elektrotehniku d d


J A~lvi (

Rudolf Mil ~o~ng

Address KONCAR - Electrical Engineering Institute Inc Certification department SCERT Fallerovo setaliste 22 pp 202 HRmiddot10002 Zagreb CROATIA

Phone Fax

385 (0)1 3655277 385 (0)1 365 5277

Emiddotmail scertkoncar-Instltuthr



  • Koncar Institut Certifikat za OS 00C
  • Koncar Institute Certificate for Fuse-Switch Disconnector OS 00C
Page 2: KONCAR · FUSE-SWITCH DISCONNECTOR . Tipe/model: OS-00C/1 , OS-OOC (see enclosure) Brand name: Applicant: Koncar-Niskonaponske sklopke i prekidaCi d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia

4~)ll IIAA bull

KONCAR Sluzba za certificiranje proizvoda INSTITUT SCERT za elektrotehniku

Sluzbu za certificiranje proizvoda SCERT akreditirala je Hrvatska akreditacijska agencija prema normi HRN EN 45011 1998 - Broj akredltaclJe 316908


Broj LVD 300900024


Podnositelj zahtjeva Koncar-Niskonaponske sklopke i prekidaci d oo Zagreb Hrvatska

Proizvodac Koncar-Niskonaponske sklopke i prekidaci d oo Zagreb Hrvatska

Izdani Certifikat odnosi se na izvedbe osigurac -rastavne sklopke slijedecih tehnickih karakteristika

Tipmodel OS-00C1 (1 pol) OS-OOC (3 pola)

Nazivni napon izolacije Ui 690 V Nazivni impulsni podnosivi Uimp 6 kV Nazivna termicka struja Ith 160 A Nazivna pogonska struja Ie za kategoriju primjene 220230V 400V 500V 690 V

AC-21 B 160 A 160 A 160 A 125 A AC-22 B 160 A 160 A 100 A 40 A AC-23 B 125 A 63 A 25A 16 A DC 22 B 80 A DC-23 B 80 A

Nazivna uvjetovana struja kratkog spoja 63 kA 400V (osiguraci velicine 0001 OOA)

Jedino za os-ooe (3 pol)

Mjesto i datum

U Zagrebu 25092009

Ocjenitelj MP Upravitelj SCERT-a

Katica Simicing KONCAR bull Insmut za elektrotehniku d d


Adresa KONCAR - Institut za elektro tehn iku dd Telefon 385 (0)1 365 5277 E-mail scertkoncar-Inslltuthr Sluzba za certificiranje proizvoda seERT Telefaks 385 (0)1 365 5277 Fallerovo setaliste 22 pp 202 10002 ZAGREB http wwwkoncar-Institu thr


45(111 10

KG CAR Certification Department Electrical Engineering SCERTINSTITUTE

Certification Department SGERT IS accredited by Croati an Accreditation Agency accord ing to HRN EN 450 11 1998 - AccreditaUo ll no 3169108

Assessment of conformity

No L VO 30090024


Tipemodel OS-00C1 OS-OOC (see enclosure)

Brand name

Applicant Koncar-Niskonaponske sklopke i prekidaCi doo Zagreb Croatia

Manufacturer Koncar-Niskonaponske sklopke i prekidaci doo Zagreb Croatia

Reg u lations Low Voltage Directive (LVD) 200696EC

Related standards IEC 60947-31999+A12001+A22005 IEC 60947-1 2004 IEC 60947-12007 HRN EN 60947-32005+A22008 HRN EN 60947-12008

Test report No Test Report No 342108 by 16062008 No 356138 by 22092006 and date of issue No 067306 by 14122006 and 342132 by 23092009

Test report issued by Koncar- Electrical Engineering Institute Inc Zagreb Croatia High Power Laboratory Accred No 113908 by HAA High Voltage Laboratory Accred No 103503 by HAA

Subject file LVD-0059

CONCLUSION The sample of the product listed in this document has been recognized to be in conform ity with requirements of the standard listed above

Remark This document is a certificate of conformity of the tested samples The applicant is responsible for conformity of product with the same typemodel name

Period of validity Place and date Th is Certificate may be challenged if it is more than three years old

Croatia Zagreb 25092009

Assessor KON~AFYEalnstltu t zaKatica Simic Eng eiektroteh oiku d d


Address KONCAR - Electri cal Eng ineering Institute Inc Phone 385 (0) 1 3655277 E-mail scertkoncar-instituth r Certifi cation department SCERT Fax 385 (0)1 365 5277 Fallerovo setaliste 22 pp 202 HR-10002 Zagreb CROATIA httpwwwkoncar-instituthr


KONCAR Certification Department El e ctrical Engineering SCERT INSTITUTE

Certification Department SCERT is accredited by Croatian Accreditation Agency according to HRN EN 450 11 1998 - Accreditation no 3169108


No LVD 30090024


Koncar-Niskonaponske sklopke i prekidaci doo Zagreb Croatia Applicant

Koncar-Niskonaponske sklopke i prekidaci doo Zagreb CroatiaManufacturer

Issued Certificate include following models OS-00C1 (1 pole) OS-OOC (3 pole)

Electrical data

Rated insulation voltage Uj 690 V Rated im pulse withstand voltage Ujmp 6 kV Rated conventional free air thermal current Ith 160 A Rated operational current Ie for utilization category 220230 V 400V 500V 690 V

AC-21 B 160 A 160 A 160 A 125 A AC-22 B 160 A 160 A 100 A 40 A AC-23 B 125 A 63 A 25 A 16 A DC-22 B 80 A DC-23 B 80A

Rated conditional short-circuit current 63 kA 400V (fuse links size 0001 OOA)

only for OSmiddotOOC (3 pole)

Place and date

Croatia Zagreb 25092009

Assessor Seal Head of SCERT Department

KONCAR bull Instltut za Katica Simic Eng elektrotehniku d d


J A~lvi (

Rudolf Mil ~o~ng

Address KONCAR - Electrical Engineering Institute Inc Certification department SCERT Fallerovo setaliste 22 pp 202 HRmiddot10002 Zagreb CROATIA

Phone Fax

385 (0)1 3655277 385 (0)1 365 5277

Emiddotmail scertkoncar-Instltuthr



  • Koncar Institut Certifikat za OS 00C
  • Koncar Institute Certificate for Fuse-Switch Disconnector OS 00C
Page 3: KONCAR · FUSE-SWITCH DISCONNECTOR . Tipe/model: OS-00C/1 , OS-OOC (see enclosure) Brand name: Applicant: Koncar-Niskonaponske sklopke i prekidaCi d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia

45(111 10

KG CAR Certification Department Electrical Engineering SCERTINSTITUTE

Certification Department SGERT IS accredited by Croati an Accreditation Agency accord ing to HRN EN 450 11 1998 - AccreditaUo ll no 3169108

Assessment of conformity

No L VO 30090024


Tipemodel OS-00C1 OS-OOC (see enclosure)

Brand name

Applicant Koncar-Niskonaponske sklopke i prekidaCi doo Zagreb Croatia

Manufacturer Koncar-Niskonaponske sklopke i prekidaci doo Zagreb Croatia

Reg u lations Low Voltage Directive (LVD) 200696EC

Related standards IEC 60947-31999+A12001+A22005 IEC 60947-1 2004 IEC 60947-12007 HRN EN 60947-32005+A22008 HRN EN 60947-12008

Test report No Test Report No 342108 by 16062008 No 356138 by 22092006 and date of issue No 067306 by 14122006 and 342132 by 23092009

Test report issued by Koncar- Electrical Engineering Institute Inc Zagreb Croatia High Power Laboratory Accred No 113908 by HAA High Voltage Laboratory Accred No 103503 by HAA

Subject file LVD-0059

CONCLUSION The sample of the product listed in this document has been recognized to be in conform ity with requirements of the standard listed above

Remark This document is a certificate of conformity of the tested samples The applicant is responsible for conformity of product with the same typemodel name

Period of validity Place and date Th is Certificate may be challenged if it is more than three years old

Croatia Zagreb 25092009

Assessor KON~AFYEalnstltu t zaKatica Simic Eng eiektroteh oiku d d


Address KONCAR - Electri cal Eng ineering Institute Inc Phone 385 (0) 1 3655277 E-mail scertkoncar-instituth r Certifi cation department SCERT Fax 385 (0)1 365 5277 Fallerovo setaliste 22 pp 202 HR-10002 Zagreb CROATIA httpwwwkoncar-instituthr


KONCAR Certification Department El e ctrical Engineering SCERT INSTITUTE

Certification Department SCERT is accredited by Croatian Accreditation Agency according to HRN EN 450 11 1998 - Accreditation no 3169108


No LVD 30090024


Koncar-Niskonaponske sklopke i prekidaci doo Zagreb Croatia Applicant

Koncar-Niskonaponske sklopke i prekidaci doo Zagreb CroatiaManufacturer

Issued Certificate include following models OS-00C1 (1 pole) OS-OOC (3 pole)

Electrical data

Rated insulation voltage Uj 690 V Rated im pulse withstand voltage Ujmp 6 kV Rated conventional free air thermal current Ith 160 A Rated operational current Ie for utilization category 220230 V 400V 500V 690 V

AC-21 B 160 A 160 A 160 A 125 A AC-22 B 160 A 160 A 100 A 40 A AC-23 B 125 A 63 A 25 A 16 A DC-22 B 80 A DC-23 B 80A

Rated conditional short-circuit current 63 kA 400V (fuse links size 0001 OOA)

only for OSmiddotOOC (3 pole)

Place and date

Croatia Zagreb 25092009

Assessor Seal Head of SCERT Department

KONCAR bull Instltut za Katica Simic Eng elektrotehniku d d


J A~lvi (

Rudolf Mil ~o~ng

Address KONCAR - Electrical Engineering Institute Inc Certification department SCERT Fallerovo setaliste 22 pp 202 HRmiddot10002 Zagreb CROATIA

Phone Fax

385 (0)1 3655277 385 (0)1 365 5277

Emiddotmail scertkoncar-Instltuthr



  • Koncar Institut Certifikat za OS 00C
  • Koncar Institute Certificate for Fuse-Switch Disconnector OS 00C
Page 4: KONCAR · FUSE-SWITCH DISCONNECTOR . Tipe/model: OS-00C/1 , OS-OOC (see enclosure) Brand name: Applicant: Koncar-Niskonaponske sklopke i prekidaCi d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia

KONCAR Certification Department El e ctrical Engineering SCERT INSTITUTE

Certification Department SCERT is accredited by Croatian Accreditation Agency according to HRN EN 450 11 1998 - Accreditation no 3169108


No LVD 30090024


Koncar-Niskonaponske sklopke i prekidaci doo Zagreb Croatia Applicant

Koncar-Niskonaponske sklopke i prekidaci doo Zagreb CroatiaManufacturer

Issued Certificate include following models OS-00C1 (1 pole) OS-OOC (3 pole)

Electrical data

Rated insulation voltage Uj 690 V Rated im pulse withstand voltage Ujmp 6 kV Rated conventional free air thermal current Ith 160 A Rated operational current Ie for utilization category 220230 V 400V 500V 690 V

AC-21 B 160 A 160 A 160 A 125 A AC-22 B 160 A 160 A 100 A 40 A AC-23 B 125 A 63 A 25 A 16 A DC-22 B 80 A DC-23 B 80A

Rated conditional short-circuit current 63 kA 400V (fuse links size 0001 OOA)

only for OSmiddotOOC (3 pole)

Place and date

Croatia Zagreb 25092009

Assessor Seal Head of SCERT Department

KONCAR bull Instltut za Katica Simic Eng elektrotehniku d d


J A~lvi (

Rudolf Mil ~o~ng

Address KONCAR - Electrical Engineering Institute Inc Certification department SCERT Fallerovo setaliste 22 pp 202 HRmiddot10002 Zagreb CROATIA

Phone Fax

385 (0)1 3655277 385 (0)1 365 5277

Emiddotmail scertkoncar-Instltuthr



  • Koncar Institut Certifikat za OS 00C
  • Koncar Institute Certificate for Fuse-Switch Disconnector OS 00C