;ir urtfta relation.( lb* eraiaelicej >\ ib notm**of tbe i'.....

;ir urtfta Relation .( lb* EraiaeliceJ >\ ib NotM** of tbe I'.. Hi RsWtt Marti l> I). An *, ....... « . i r >u conrlH l'»o tnui.iii, J*; . i -. .tout härtetet of Ik* Mftj F.u ........... »I «fl»iri ». !h««p<»ti .'.. '. ... .¦. BMrtMia "I the S at* Oot «raniaoi« » , , ., v». »i' 'u.(»r> »>»l*iu oltoe I mtp.1 Sim** , '. tl nhM| U,p ...:.,,<¦ nt Auni.cti _,. » . ( if ruioii, Iii» "'«* laBttOS a dortnur* n .k .ilF ¦ » , :.* »11 ati *eCt*I alad lite t |>e.-»tl. t.i of tn'tti m ^ #;,» 111 .! * H-*ihro Th« « Dtk i* p«»c*ir'i lad M . kaaTfJ * f *»i »'° euioueiiea au t ai n.Linnet" . l > «v »'«.»teir to be toiai il on >i>« tut aal witb.u toe §m. met tweti»*** 1a coin actlea *>nh kaj pf i pal toem*. II pr*t- e . iawi >e*aiiituarj ni iw t* ti »ii itoth« buttery, *je<r*rri mk. atatanata'. akalaaaaaleoaailiaa f'be altedStelae,watch »» maei *,i-»l rn'e r»i (m »Ii ( aa»e» ul re»l»r», and iinptrie a i vla'tP*. *Vna to he i uuwe ta a wjrk ol refermc*. II i MiMirS PAUORF.-- Ol ASTRONOM) l°a» recent progie** Ol A*.rooomf eap<-<«a |y .u the I'nited State* K a* I. >' lit, li 11 rrvfeetei MM »ol ftataial Phil j*oi hy la tha l.ivertt'y of the City of Netr \ era, atlO auttx'i "I aCouraool Mt uau'i «. T...- Kcrt'ott. mottly rtj-wtitte.. t.U BMl k o-lerg-d Haxo aualiii. * Tin la.Ltue damned tn u . popultr firm, the j», un-porajt aat a atnleal aleei rail** <( ta* pottt«n om. It tlllll pej*jBBaiail| u Lbaateeatrtra ol Uä* plaaet Noptune of batet* .iiold* ad the .. * .. e. It* atM the near ri. a ol tia.a ... f iba ciatt comet ut iBUt. Hie .'« .. met, Mi** Mitch- OjH'l comet Ac.. cf th«pai»i»» ol fixed «Ut«, m4 ou of the »l»If l»«.tllvl Ol II.» Urn al.< A .!'-!-¦:¦ fta* kB ©Wiret ,'.**, ctternoi attea ot ih» lenejltaaa hi tl.-t elecifx a»ie*jfapti »aaaaaBaMatrattftajtsaaaaa*latbaUuliadRtetaa vc Fiot Itajaaj .»"a ai«w M t!.-' rcam«tauca* attaavoinf taaduv eoietj oi Nep'ore, »."e»r*to tLvetraeal end tzoil laaptr. lit. that I bate teen J. t h.', », Flueutai i'role**o; ol Attrou pmwM <b» 11 .itraltT of t'anilo Oge, r.utln. 1. Ill THK l^aWTY-rirTH Pakt ok t oPLASD s MKD; CaL 1)1 jTlUNAtT. A U tfooary rf Pt«i tie*. Me. : - wattleta*, (i-:.err,! P»tko o«r». taa N»iuie »v.d Tte»uoe:.t of l»i*e*.e*, Morbid btriKtutee. «n.i the di»oide-« r*] -r.» y locice.t». to Climt'et, U tla) kit. aid to the oiS'ieoi ep'Cba 0' life, wub Burner ia Prataaflat La aw tba Mcalcu.** n a I ..«. Of I'nitiI >ci-.r1-nf to PeAoch'titui iTincsptei; . cop'ou* Bib'o- icittap. and an aiihui'» »» .r "'"*0 formula), rh'iwbi.s loioniaa Likrett if Palba .) ». d Prac .s*. Me lame. » .d a l'.tt»! tf MtdiCa! Lile-rktur*. Hv Jtm-* OoMatad M I). PR. S I.Jru«d. w >i n ;.o »a ..ud lerne tad i.t 011, by Cbarla* A. i>e, M I) Ta te co npieted iu Ihr«« .«r»* :,«.. rolemea V.i, BtaoaLBadII.ktaarftady. +sper »oi> u.t Sh»ep»»tr», »5 ,vi fytt »o I e M A:. Ktisiciopadia, emhrncn.* ib« while raufe of Medictl J-cleexe. ti?. Dapaand t fa in» leMaal aaTatt *uetaiue>t ay tb» Mow ef area! laatullal a^J e<i«ii*i»e »ipwrlaBCa. b»t to -leeiexi is the pr-i rftio oi » wab Boogaalaii kr int ttkmrl aaaay r ha* i-»»ri pat i" oi Bed hv inc-. bwth ta Ho* aud and Amadea, lt> ba t.: \. »a..u in u ed cal literat ire To* indaf t'ia able compiler I at devot. 1 over m>: 1) je»ri of ard'uut Uhjr to MaaTJbjtr'*. collar tbaaxperteUCI and autho.i'ieaol the IrwBtn t jroi«an ptacltliitnalt vnd me ti tl wnv ra >A tli* */a, Bud 'i tbit Auer,' »n r< pot licatiot. are incorporated thv*e of oa owaanntry. Tba brfcirMtioo am»«t-d m tbeaa TMaaaaIt Lter»tly Mo'caoua, the wlioie of tue n.atenala htve been moet CWfl-l.t a^leobs. pallet, tly tludied value t, Winnow el. diaotted, eiat'oratad a.d arrai t' d into oompict and mu,(,!e lornn, eatily »ccefwble y available. It i* not eaay to point out iu* tataa o* nwdical itei»' rr »ny wtri by a aunle hand *o much calcn Bted lo excite afiBklrattllBad ihe industry t»l»L". of the B'.ilhor. IBnuthand Foreign Medical Reiiew. IV. HARPF.R V RBOTtlCRS' BOOK LIST. 4aow Iiwcrtptita Catauanael li»r[,»r v Urother*' Publica titut, with an Index Bud ClaBaifiad Tab .. of Content*, it now r*at)y tot dwlilba«:,n, and may *'» obtained trataltoavly 01 ap to lba l'olllahora, peitonai.), or hy letter, n.cloiing bix t est* tn iOttilie a'atu^t. Tb» attention ot Heu lern, o. in town or oontry, letitmn.' r.. form Librariea or ami' k their Llktaiy coi.scti ni, it rtwaact tu ly tn.ited to Ihi* Ca'alc^BOt wkick w ill be band to co-npr:«* * 'art-> prnrtortion ol the atauda'd and mo*' < tteemel *r.. k. in Paaiaak lltatMoia eiiiiiptahendlin n.j..' thu^ Two Tk taaad Vrtitiaaa wltlcb ata nllarari i ouo*t maiaaee* at ,<st* ma i one- Luf the r( at of tin, :iar atodaAtloai iu Catlaad To lot rajiao* m d other* cinueiled wi'b College», School*, etc wbornav i oi liai" h' c> a I j i r- kt lie II da la >(in\ut the true ..¦.»!. t \ produr mni, i; n aa.l«va*l thii Cata I' ins wi prara eipaci.illy taiuahle as manual of toforaat a. A lo pr»ve:it al**p|k>in'men: |r it BUBaw*t*d that, wbe lever bcata cannt* b* obia i ed'hioiiga any bt»*kaall*f at local apjaati anlhMlnaa. wttbriailitaiitiei abeul* **e i i ei»«.j dliact to the P' «iber», which Wall be piaaipllj Htten.leU to. Second Rditl at Now Ready; rpHE HUMOROUS POE THY OF THE A i ^^JI.:^ll LAM .< \ from ciiai :fk To swf.. BV »> . |'t.rto\, A«tb>r of "Life of Horace Oreeiey." 1 vol , lakaaV,SM ap, Price *l ö' " Thi* ;i a r oat a boot ai d a half' bo partly are ill dtrnen- Matal; ).'. isrge aa It 1b vniouilv nnd jad'iriouilv ti led. n ¦ h.'re have larrativea, «itlr-i. aniiexa* karia*aaai, p»r> diei, triteetlet. epitrtins, tpit»oh*, ti«n»l»'io:i». Including ti e moat e»ieb'*t*1 Pot to, of The Ant .larobla Rt.tad Al- drttavt.' the 'Ingotdtby Legen »,' Black wood'* Magaaina, ß-r,»: «y t atttrellsny. and I'm. b, will more thin two ktuSrOd e;hrr»ni* »._j the rnelraal Uaasoroaa p, euy of the eijar an I tn^ra rneJetu Fl^gliih and America bard* " [¦sew Vork Kn'cke'Socker. " T*< > it up when in a ii,*nt Baoow, and von ihutl ti ,d *,'nin¬ th ii r tne-sin to jump with yoai ba jo r. wbaa jaded, or hot, or Dot of kmper, u:.d ten tu i,e the UtBBall .lota tri refit a you aaSdoyoetaOod ' [^taw-Tork Alb'on "Ail h»t ibere of fT»;eful jaiety ImfuilBa* wit. and ¦'.*> I'm tvn,'n the ahorter ;-'« ,f me Kngiteh laagaaaa, la bare aic.l'OA'i i " I **W-Yotk Piir. ool. ai' »1 Journal. " The1* * sn in n ensc fun t of aainajmanl la H,ana caaaot (a.i 'o 'oe rt'.iih»« by Iboaa wh ein tj j.r-eitte. neb kaasOt " (PbdaeayaWa A*a*ni mi Oaariar. .'I'.'e» fvh vt'1'.inie, thii SateBtj five aatbori eeauiBO'el to it, -r d "isrs ant her* lb . htight' st'oi thfir ^av " Litl lllifritad. " He'* ib* * laalrerg of 'he lalllat of a tine wit, or ot those of bwoxbI kraaeor, arbei La rkjnaaican 6:. then all eeietaltjodj Brr*rnl v c. lrr." |Vew York Plcayt-p. ¦* aft ararfc af aa aaaek anait to fal of paeaBxnji Tirietiat callad fi< a a. >..: andBeadaiai It re, kilaaiai sortbe taita* bath na*r aad old,' Unat r**trana»ad liaed la arary oata who oas a raliah fot irit; !...-r»t'ire." |Sew-Vr-.k Pamily V'lafttW. MTb*p p e eant aa.B*eaB*iitf and Ihe* can haie it la the moc-a./- I leltuna beware t, watch ta craaaaratd arltb wB droll' t iy and <it«e " Beaten Courier. The hare .! a . of ran ».. it; one ot plaaaa e, »ud not *riei j Cite if cv ' i it.i '., Bad Batweehlita)Ittag ,| rroht, and no lolly t .. wh . h W" w.. Io; .. 'it pel .]» ..' (, vhr..»,i or ,oiv *li"i'- in tjt » .».?. or 'n Iii« i o.o.iry, in taa h ^u'e or in the Sdl, la kbaartnktf Of tha ti.i-n.. " [V Y HaatO Jinrnal. '' A t»l*ui» ol the r»,eit »: d ric-i1 a lit " IM Y fhiinhmvn. "V> o lbs neaolhtll ot Mia«'«|*ire', we don't believe there it it hock "i "is wjr.d beiwee:. whose 11 roia ciu be foaad aora K^luinew.t etqulaite lull, aud rehncd buu or thtn in Ihn iul- lectw^ I I'r.vt >ri (O. o zt'.te. Pot taad .-..*.¦ \so.N BJlOTHilllS,Not Ii k 111»Bum-it., htt fork 30a000 ,%J£adR?,EI WEEK8 HU. THIRT1STU TtiOUSAND OK DIOElaOWrj I.ill-: OF FKEMONT. Ot latii U'tno vol .illuttr.ted. Price ri 1\> e P IT BBPOll THF. PKiPI.F." Otod tiiv're from the i'lbl qu trier, baja i he N Y. Ude^nd-nl: T''* w;rk Baapeiaa the f'ole*. a \a BBVal comple'e account y«t paablaarad Of tfeO 111" Of tha extrv r !l i»ry m in, and, by it* aiaas and '.rrtfraithla facta, fctaetalli aad stiarxa*the who'e in i- »9*1 brood ol ii.all,ihbnt a'aoder* with wich the Pro Siv.«..« par'v »rs BBdkaratal fill 'he pt.btie mind." b*»b Ihe N»tion»l **r» (tVatAlaftea 0)1 f ItHihto: klotrapl y wbit h ao lau*aaadoqaateatAfaWjat, :i . o:.iy .1 It' public semtes. but of the private, uis'otv of our Ctr-oitBt* It ia tiieiefore. a at laaao which no llepublican al u.d fa >,i |<tite>s L> f oi k PaiBHOB, TnCBBroBB, \K* t ii Man f with lili.i.Lo * s i.iil. of PR f.MONT " DFBBY A JACKSON, Pol. i-hera, New Y irk. . A.s^tH and Bi«iteile» t »in pietaeroetaatlaaa thali ordert, abichariHhaatoaaptlyfilladaaaaaollMa. I> \ J. GH 0 I C E S IT M M i B i E A 1) I N (i -', bat not Tnin. Peealia It a Ispted t anael 'be aattaaall ft Stimmer Touriir», tut ?0t l-'t*y too good lo I*, torow :. »aide af ar a einde peru»»l. Mr. Lrtta 'he talented . ,lit >r m '. Too L!rio| Ag«." h at *b w u vr»tt I»; .i ;:»!. ,;, Lfl bbj »eleet.on i.I tn ei Irom Kuropeau ai t'. i la*)Ritt abich Iteti, d was ti e cluraitg >i. ry, /. AID E E : V( wt-cii w* hu e tcid lo.i t o ropiea. The a. con,I. RATE <" o V E N I R V, k* rrttttog with g'e.t SjTW ftoai Ihe poWka, No.; i. S I h T E R ANN I , or* -J tba tr*a' s.-rlea evet lt. ad in " T: a L ving t^.-." will be a< lied cn the 1st ef Saptswba*. Sue ihaaanaabat*and aud tbeaa, aaai ye>a will too ist» a i i'-rery oi Choice Light I iteretai., witth ownii p. pab -tht J by ions p jewFTTA Co.Baatoa. RWllT, PRO Toll A vVORTHlNOTOM, Clereland Ohio. _WISLÜtiN, HI.AKKM AN A Co.. He a-Tax, PIX) TKACHKBS, LITERARY IN8TITU- 1 Tiff**, ihl ALL ENUaOBU IN CDl'CATION. IY.SON A PHINNFY **e. s.'l Broadway. New-Vork : , PHB A MARK in RIiL'CATIONAL SERIKit, Tt.etas'-.' C.'J Iaara'aaocaaafal exi-enenee n* it* *utb'r*and go.-Siaher* in pier SCHOOL AT BOOKS, btie.-edfj tl.i the.'pr.gri*ai\egii :ali." , attta-tive nia»ud adapta'i m A tb3y0 .°>g, pu:.- ,1» J e. -i it. d tui,i«, cha-arur; conformity tv khavri j;»r i a -tboi it lea t.. a '0 da «niuent | La* klaatlao cf all kaodati laaraiaamti with the etcel.«nrea af tha t»* thoif practical adtp'ttioh lo the aaoartalaad »tut* olacho- »u i t^tv oei, U't.r tujieriir Baaebauieal atwiaAkBa,aa r«oardi dit'^ic* t»ra. »Ute pat'er. pleasing and aoproor at-eiigravu.^* al laataful ai>i darahii bli bna: »t.i i*** »,»» « rwaaJt ot a 1, IbaoM va-ativo arte «;.J pleasure with wh.cli bey ire taught r aba ifareVM SANDEBS1 NKtV RRADF.Ra SP EL I 'I i TUoMSon'S IMPRiH » ,i AltiTilMF.TU .», »AltL».(tNS HI IT" IRIES. VARO'S TF \ T-B' >OK « IN Ti'r' BCIENfjPM: PASQl 1 i r.'tj FRENCH aad vvooii- Bl BJT'o oprman SERI BS i BRAI'BI 'VfB, HAsriNuS', and TAY..ob_s MUSIC Ki.ih> a. * A i^ PttlNNBl .-. .i.ttr DBBCBIPTTVE CAT A- LOCH t-» l'"t>* -, OOntalniLI oplalou of *mlri*nt te». bert mU UAta tatted tue*«- bo< k*. »lau crttJctJ review* from aMe lit- *-*ry y*or»«i* L i«er»l urma to teicner* desiring tj ea-uuina er eu: a* to* book* Ac IMfKJN a Pm.snkv i R'HlRS are aold bft c OBIfJ iS 111 IM i a C". HurtaJo, 0 ay M1 'Nil Sl'IIVCK U. U., SF.MOl K A al'i'AR.1 AiibuVr bT^'lok" Balis'* o 1VISON A PHlNNET _N JRN Br ad way] Now Y. rk L ~ A T H f D K M O M BOO, IN THE NEW^tORK s< N ONE CLNf Fi R ( OPV. I^EBDEl^K D0U0IsAS8« l»A!»EB of this H woek 'I K ' lata »t !..t 1,1 il'.'i Nt a A »t B"j./<» vy i- aftTVECBNfrJ. R V1 y\ Wühle, fine l*»t pisosi boIj bein»? IT Mar*« iscasasly asAaasbed hi HORACE WATERS. No. iti idwej Ageii ("i Ii " .»-« o( Pteaos, Meledso a), Re. Boat*i " Moaeb sy'l wettl j toi laasebedy"'. Atbertoo ." Bind Orshai Ii > Wood,' LHtia 014 Cattaay.Ptalay» "atd*i CcBaluil'' JaMOti i " Dial re of Live" end " I ueaiwcen be mif \ iiai Um i Nim Iba OM H *m ui o, BMMh aar* ('im «, " Coarttai la Coaaertirnt" Markaien,, Koie-'e Hieva" Ca-k. '.fas Rl'eaea FtraV» - tataa'k; *«"w* Aralbs" M»yat; Oa ...« « e»s,"-(»r (lea; - My*j'-- i -Hi' " >r llnaei» too long By «hy aÜB. lov« -Dodg«i VVeMI a' r- egi Il the ruoriio g"-B«k*r; Pw.r 'lid R. b C a, i.'e-28 MOta aerB| Hapey Heile*-'' -C .>.!.- ,.. . n etai Maraatulai tw-oi .».» « e»otaj Swee, b* tl.vd'«an.r- Veiecboene' :.i>reo-2Scai-ia liiaru- .e, ... " t BHi Pa k«" Basra 'laeaere Pol-* -»"2"*T Popular Qoedialle" Bellek " Mignloi ette Br bo Males!) -, raw Polka." *'SmrtM -Id MsieS" ******* Paw ti - Qoa ..»ep"-Esile-3i eai Backs " n «- "... .Yeti beat* I i "Sparkle* Siii^t Nii'.t V. ',, IDt. Maiketeti Mnaaatary Bell' »eh IS aaat* " Psora O^rllW'-AJawrt- '"<."'".¦ . '."'V0 ba MrMo rka Mai I > i<- ' «i| r-per nun t flM flit to Teacher* and 11m -rt at OBO- '.ntii the a irked price, r<-t p«JJ AH lawaHaaaaoarealetaBil CITl _ R E A D TM I Ii e ~bT O n I) 0 i> IK THE nkw-york BIN ore cent per cory ST I L L A N 0 T H E K TALE,- Till SCOURGE of SOCIETY, tr a DafOHTIB'l TCKOBaXCE| tow twh'.iehin,* is THE LEDGES OP ROMANCE Oaly FoarCents. R E A THE DEMON D 0 0 IN THE NEW.TOII gUN. .>SF CENT PEP. COPY. fine I) AGUEBREOTYPE PLATES OALVAN- \/i H or H aTTVBIEB Bftke Beet kind male toorder for tue me of DAOI allRr OTi l'l>T> By L L BMITB. No.» Caaelat, ti. T. KrMONT. ITI.EMOREand BUCHANAN.. J uat Put Ulied LIFE BIZt I'OllTIIAtrS of tneae dl*»iu- BBjeled Att'Ti. v.l. Price* eat h' Pi *1 TlNTIIi. R1 7S, CoinKBb, with liAgk Oaooao, + 1 Tb« uauaJ du-ount to ttii Traue. QOÜPI!. A Co. No 3B6 Broadway, N Y. Printing- IJRIIS'JTNO by STEAM.Copper-faced TYPE STATIONERS' HALL Not. 17! anal 17« Peeri-at. New-Yorfc. DOWN E A riAaMltOliCK, PAINTERS. LITHOGRAPHERS and STATIONKÄB. All kind* o/PRINTINO exeru'ed in the be*t ityle. with COPPER PACED TYPE, at the lower! istei ^"'hlBlTSE BlJlLDCk'GS..rRINTINGof every m. deacriptlOD, from a ¦>¦ to a Book, at the Uamt Ceaa Prieaa. hxkek a ooiitviN j..i.h. .¦-. ,.<«. Gtntionrrn anb Santr, ©oooe. ABTHVR'" PATENT AIR-TIGHT INK-SfAND, AND MTCILAOH OR PASTK-JAR. Two deiirehle ertlcl«» for the ConiKlng Room and Library. Call and aoe theTi Where you will ajao Gtid the in.nt torn- pftu« laamtaieot of PorelgB a:.d Dome«tla Statiui^ry la ihi ai'.y. Deelen only «upplieil. AM£B. &V.R&1CK, RARNKS k RHOADS, No. 7S John at., New York. Arency alao for the Kent Mil' Paper! BLAN'K-Ii OOKS and P A J' E R . BLOTEa JANES Stattoneri No. 91 Eulton-it., near William. OraaieraepectfaJ yaohcitod. üTTdT, beads, beads, BVP.RY OESCRIi'TlON, For aale ty M. P. BROWN, No ise Pearl at.. New-Tcra. DRUGGISTS' FANCY GOODS.Tooth, Nail, Halt and Cloth llrnahea. Labia'a Extraeta;'i lirowu Wll ö.ot and other hoapa. Pull boze«. Pomade« Twoeaera, Dreaall g and Eu e C'omha, Paria Toilet Arttciee.ana every alvle ol Ear ry Oi (, ndnpied to end told by Drugginti. lm|aiiied dirct' ai .! aold on io.mi reeeeaable t<*tm« by ill I I S K Mi HAUO A Co., Iiiioortera an 1 Jobh»r«, No SS Na»a«ti-»t., iup|>o«i'e the Post Otbxe,) N Y. MUCILAGE, in new and convenient Bottles, with Metalii. Cap and Brimh.iadiarejuaabw)to merchant* arid u*»f'! it Bveryeody. For »»le by TH \ DtlBVi DARIUS A Co., Mar ufacturmg SUlionera, No. M Clitl et, New York. Kit, II A I.(11. TR EE, S I A I U »N F.RS," At v~NÖ. i;i WMiain.t.N Y (near Ceda>-at,) offers mcei'oea oi rH ANK HOOK- PAPERS, COPYI O-PRE^SEd,8TS TlONFRt Diaaiei roa IBrl kltdvof u*ir owe aauatac Inreani n-¦ LOW PRICES. PRlNTfN», LI- niUtiRAl'Hi Bud PNORaVINO eteeattd laevawy vari*tf oi d«-«n aid etyba. at the lowe-' poanih!.- price*. We lolicit c. orrtr\ II il ifv hny»r« to call at No el WtHlaai «t STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS, Ä< .. W ILLIAM E. HAWS, No. ||3 C iv ti -t., cobsbb Tiioer-oa-, N.Y. BRAN' B OE R. c RoiiT. ANTHONY A Co., Emm eorataatl* do hand a g.. era! aeioraneal of STAPLE a:h FANCY STATION! I!Y, Account Boi k«. WiUJag Paaeie, Law hi d CommarciaJ Blai ka, Not. -, Dr«f' lt.... u Eichauge, Ac Pruiilna of all klnti* executed to order. N. B .Par'ici'Ur at bantlem Paid to 'he manufacture, of Blank Accoaat Bookeand to BANK I'RINTINO Check«, Bill II"»'*, Circular", Ac., Uthcgraelisl to my pat teut if tl'i uea'.<l>t T A TI O N E i.' Y and 1'ANCY COOPS.. RH HD. MOBELV A co.. Invite the TlUdn to a |-.*ue< ti m of >iieir Stock, It Nj. si lohu.*t., Ntw Y or*.. II ADD El S DA VI OS A Co. s M w KiTiNo kNKs. ManeeiMied ky the heel chernne» to he irnlde'e»ii any "'hei vet Tale. For Bale to trie TRADE om.\ i.y THaDDEVB davids a c .. aaannfaetarer* of 1NK» iu ail Mien vwietie*. S-aiiog- Wan .Wafer*, Mucilage, Ac, N< l'11It-at.fl New-York _^Vmnocmcnto._ Ai A D E M V OF MUSIC, 14th .tre. f. a si ait laaaw of Ita laa oi>er*. bi der the dlractaiai oi Max MARETZEE, c:n.n raetai on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER I, 13>J, wi'b Veuli'* Latt ana tlr«ate*t Opera. IL TEOVATOSE, MADAME ANNA de LA ORANGE iu t.ea p.-tixipal character. s pptitaAbi BBilaeasaitaUe,anththeaetaami adnmaiou lied at ul] ONE DOLLAR. Sfcii'e Peal*, etil«.Fifty Cent* Sen . d T't i .Fifty tent* Ad [ nth-a' r.luant> u.- Cent* Dot ra OBHi at n'c.ock comnie.tcittg at B. Boa Offica at the Ach of Mum and at Meaara. BALL 1 SON'S, No. 93$ Broadway, Opt a daily ireia la ita. to 8 P jo-_ BROUGHAM'" BOWERY THEATER.. Dreaal ud - u I Orcbeaaaa SeataM istsi Bosae, SB Mats | Pit.Kjceati 0* rrj IS\ eetiU; I'llvsls Bobwj. Door* op.n at 7, o'clock to rlaimsasn »t 71 iHla EYENINO, far the BENEFIT01 atlt BROUOHAM: LIKE IN NEW Mt|(K, OS, Tum am. Jcrbv ovi Vi«it. Crpt bowlüigreeo....Biomibaai Kaie.Madams Pot.u. LoimUnai. Ton.Mr Favksr) Jerry Hswtbois Mr. Daaa PO-CA-HON-TAS) Or. TRI Ot\Ti k 8*va..a. p"w hs tan.Mr Bra gbagfl Po cat h .n-tas..Mia* Denham W 1 BL 0'« GARDEN.- ** ~ ''"oi* op-n at 7 o'clock; »t R. Txie<.Fifty Cent* BINHir up M. MARZETPI, Rho Wim T U F WOID b K 9 V L HAVELS, wu. npieat istni celebaatad peaSemlaM of a. . . P O « O O . M"( K^',''"...ea.MarrTarki (tiei ti-t Ippi ei-t'.ce *i ce ber iiidiapoaitioa.) I oi K ElTI STAIIWIBTa. At' l.fRa-.e.n T- -a I'a.ra, tan BATI Rl AY EVENiNOI Aa«Ma«?BBs! To tttltu.ei.ctr with the BsWwt el lit t J . 1 r dusle a qcatre. 'It M :ka. i,, agaj ., ,, PONOO, THE INrEl.LiiiE.iiT APE el. atari'ii;. p ct.iit:...... . :Lj ,hVv:.:.-v.v.'.r..;;p^ ¦ .. 0RANd du FRTISSFMENT Lenuä:."' ' L"% >V«*ae" Manila, sad Flors Ti aeseladewltk the beaatUU aaWeavaof THE ITALIAN BtluaNDS aa or>t: a y end aiclaaively tep,.K.uted by the Wondsrfi! Rave * *:td tb< .r conb.'e c.mpaoT ' On MONDAl Mi B -. v..M bwgrsM ehawaasaaed PAI L pry, for the lea* tiles »lab aabec eaiaraaaaatan^aT lATLEDAYB aijbta.TLTSSIIaT^ TUfAoiiaia and laflDAYB.* 8 Bl*hto*J,0,l,>A,ri- W LDNEsDA PI aua NIBLO" GARDEN.GERMAN OPrlKA.-The ptb.:c *;r? re»7- lu. t h tomo* that the HKST Iltl'RESi.JiTAriON THl NEW HERMAN Sf III T R O I" p E wu. take p tee Sep: II '. *j Pa t I*.-, .n fiilnrr adrerUieBieutS BUCKLEY'" 8 E R E K A D F. R S . (»RAND OPENING" at tbe'j Nl. ta II ALL. N " i; ..»,. ALI. Till i » r BK w I be pi -. «a' '. * drei.. Orgu %. 0, era at T liOl A T O R t la J Ac e. wh s bji Pijata*yaaS s FTIIKOPIAN a-iNiTi ' ii ! a o-'-.e. ..«I« .-'CeOI*. i>< i a. *, f ut:c:- atva »v^lai »i 5 reck pUBDY1 NATIONAL THEATER.- J [>v*e* C'rtle* ! rent*, Chair*. Wet it*, P' -1.1 eeet* <<|UM) DEMOftSTRATI >N .. i.'TTI.K GO »01 L'a nil* M -TIM- aFTI BlOON «i .. .. ...-« t»i petteraaBd L'N. LETuti'lCaBIB Ii ¦>' <¦' %,r " (: H * nid, Mia o l II ten.'1 *i.1 l.t .. I .) w ir4 w etioesr. It. Hi- E>r- NINO,«' T|, l< 11. w- -i I'»* MAT. A».f »I. ,/. IraaA ha » » Ulli* IV urn NtCBOt* Fel-.we.lh» THE Mai.Ii ihLMI'f.T. Tnrooi.ule arltb LOBD OF THE ISLES, 1> 0 RllY'H NATIONAL TH KATER. Grand ektre» ti|>.ii like fi:l. year of oil rx.avoMeu.enl. Tu ha re.. irx'e>l no mommy Nl vT SEPTEMBEB I, 111 Being the i. mn ei remeolof t Feil «i I Winter S .ten.. » th » N ». u a N l> rOVIiri'L COIfAnT. In Die morning a, uiBglllRoOBl STAU> OK WASHINGTON Cati.J I.» tint relebr*'*<l ertis'e, A'.nter l.t..dti.nt't. »a j.. f No. Ml Sou'h«*. will h> . kti~I on ih« top of me Th'»ier. Tl"* be>in| tl*- itm-.l (tatae of the Fe'her of »ur Countrv .«.I eihll 'ted u. New I o.k. wnb the exception of th* on» tt u.on . .oaje,. T1U NTW-Yii°K BRAS"5 BAM). WUI al*i be ir att*>t. V - artag the Mecia« e* lb* Stare». *e weil tu ibtuiah the .'as am! evei ISA T> Theater will *l*u he il«eoi»leci wi'h the Hag* ot iiil Nn iota. In th» ewe kg A lINAtaO DISPLA*! OS »HU- VoRb'S Bj Mr**r* J O. BM \*.Kt. F.'gf of Jer**y Lit), will jxhl btetd at T. i ci««:k. frotr. the tof ol lb* bu.ding. nna tMb front f U o Hina* bnlialt j i Inn sted _ Two new PUCES OK OP.EAT I NT E R K - At del' (Arpec-B* BfBBty Will he pro dared. the one *u hat'erii r al.'i Mirficaj nj.d Mtf'ca. Sp« t»c.e, e Uli**] T B F F A 1 It Y » r B L I. Ai.d Ii* olbei entitled J E .1 .i I E . Or tl,» Returned ITaejIi HI A NEW PANTOMIME wt,. «leo be .>*. "J '.*.* ^' " eveol.g The fullowirg *li*t of 'b- at t*. '.e>.mi th' Powe:! .! t ¦ I tat] ..! d * t: . Seexre | BeJ*Ie**e* I'e pro-tor, and Manager.\. H rardj stage line tor.u. L. pea. I p initn.A. CaawawB Treaa.uer.u.1 I *etl Tirk. seilet Ic Pit .A. w Moora Scenic ArtiM. Oawtfa Ort in MwbJitrti.Wil.itm Crane. i ir. / eatre. I'trector ». J Compoeer."A m T. Feterw ban. Btnjunin J. iMen*. 1 eco.nlite and Property Amtt .C K t'nttnrner.Madame L^uirup. Oat t i.ginee r.Oeorf* "Ipic. r 1'ihei. Jan.** Ren» and J Bna.[ Police Ileparto enl n: d«r th* e rection "f Ml W in. M-Kmnj, aatwted bTMaaart J Ri>t.J A aermtn.and (' Prowhe TicAel 1nket*...Ma«ra J. Ttmont, P. rtmont, aal j. THE PEKPOEMEBE j. A. A!leu. '. J.. Pel, T. Co t. t W. Ti> or, II r ef" .. T llamot n. U Oakley. U M. Urewo P. T. Cum. l, M. Pike. W Milche.:. J Reed. B. Coay, j. Beane, P. Alken, Ma*t*r M-irray, A Cotiinmii, Mnater Andre***, Mattar* f»e Mello, M,a* lla'bawt}, Mara Paony Han Mkra « Caaaraaaa, M at Adel*-d« Pin-*, pruic'e r. ttaatailt an l *"*<)'< m u..**, Mra Wiey. Miw .-. xe'. Mo* Arlane, Mr*, ''air Mia* .-wicuey, Kit* Baa Mr* Mi.« Ml || r. Ml** Kv- May, Mi*< Bnaa, Mie* t*i nlhy, Mrn. I r-a. ; w T Pi*nacbaa, h J. Iie»n*. Oi. Mather, W in It.aaenhe: Mr Tt'.c, Mr. HuttaJI, \\ a*aaa*M B»< ba . Maat V. Peterichen, W. Haßley, Mi fi.eax*. Urni.atitt* to ih* E*i*Ui»hfT.ei t..C. W. Tay.oi. N. K. C!a:t*, and I PBariaa, Paatfa i \get t.P. t laa, B'n«e Dmkaefjei aid At. "r»r.**. Tren-uirl, Si,mn* tinder the di'e. tionof II. t BrbarJam atalt'ed oy C. IfaiiiBahli. Roh. it »tili. loba Ryan, v it*' Sal. on. ndct the direction of Mit* NL Mur Oeiera! tttiatant.Mon*. Culturt Duii. a the rteaaon New P ern, »-ritten etpranlt fot tati* e*- tehllthmer f will he MOttaced i-i rapid *Vaatta***aa. an 1 many of the atai dan! Ml ml all3 li.ttinc'ite old liians* wiil be retinal| bot iticb i-a-ri-tn c and imrnnral piod¦ tioot M Jack ineppird, tum and Jerry. n;.d Iba .- t Hemeea of Cnm-, ihtll not b* betealttr allowed on thit *ui*, under th* preeent rnaLtge- n ent. PEICE1 Tf) BEMaMN AS THEY ARv. Cltelea.25 r»:r». Pit.IB| c*Lf*. The fib »><t* of ilia Mai.ater moat remember bi* houae i* Bet la ge, bat hi- expet... * are BigR tt.. r»'"ure no t BEI>l can be grai ltd. Bakn"i» amkhican Misr.rM.. POSITIVELY «AND IMIEQI t\'»i KtLt Iba int week af that great artiat, wyvan theWIZAED,willarattathu mut?ini! fent* ar.d expenn.entt eierv aftenioon and BTaoing, »t 3 ai d ~i o'clock, Veatde» but eiqoi*ite Vbntrii o^i i»l 8i Bai 3 in I trOHOB, L . litt kTtOfil tt Sgaiaa, Ac. Two living Anao'j.lti, a Ii.ii i Skeleton, t»o living Sea Tiger*, tha Iln-arf Lail>, a Mt'lHL or Tilt MtLAKOfF, tM living W Ud Be---* ail to I e t*eu. Adaalltinca ±'< Cent«; Children un !er ren I2|. A RN r M - AMERICAN MUSEUM. ORAND DRAMATIC OPENING For the -. .*nn w.ih a 1 ninaliv of Cotoedia;.* WHOLLY I N.-l RPASSKD IN AMERIl a In point f Bftil.MtNT vb it - \ 111.I'M tiF TAltBMf at »eil a* PEOFESSIONaL Bl Pt'TATION. a n.oiig Ii e Corpt Dramafhi'ie wil be fotiad the nttne* of Mea'i« t'. W. i laike,HaaWtraTiBHlaatan, Lartiek,O. L!n- gnu1, j LfaagaiS, Dancalf, j. Heriwart, E. P, Taylor, Knvenagh, o i latk, UaralbCk, Cannl iham, Orittnaa, kc. kliaiEaii y M.rtejer, Mr*. PrtVCCe, Mi.t i dr .'«¦«. *!tt Ittl -k KaM Ortin. >fi*» Mtull, H'ecdame* iMckaon. Pain er. Lingard, Mi«* ii r i,.!.». at..! M.»» w ;!. n, *. r Mr. C w irk-, Dirojl ' ot An u-einentii, Mr S. Bleerker, Promp'et: Mr w. ii aiaca. Bcänic Arttati Mr R. Walker, Coeraater; Mr Btirrat, M .tl.ti.i* Mr. Juakxh Ha I k, AaBtat Uli MacatBktt Mr. T. Kie;- lu, Pmj> mn; Mot *. PotramAt,Oiibaetral l.ealer. The .-. i'on vi ill aao BkBJ re on MON Da ¦ Sept- ', Oi vtl.irh aaMatea. in the AFI F.B Not IN nf -. u'alock. Mr. LIONEL i.Ol.HSl HMlU.C' ebrH'ed f>r aia .M BoDra- nit.- reptra. ntalioLt of iiaracler. will give tit CUTi j*J0 Bad uai'itie e'iititeinmen> rill- ,1 tT HOME AND 4BR0A0; Or. Tin AoraarrvatTJ or * OtaTtiMAX i% Mtav LakTBt! Hi* imitau n* or a n ..» and iiia .iintle S. o: u »-o pro- n. uiiced u noliy betO',1 ail pa aliei KVE.NINO,»t7)oVlo,k, W 111 he preaeutt .1, ot Ibe requetl ot BaBBJ |.it: Be, fct tie lirat lin.t u, two Baaeong, the lOBOJai Coined oi M o NEY. Mr C W. Clarke at Evelto .Via Entity Meataver a* Clara, Mr Hudelt nv a* OravtA Mr. Brn gintn a* Sir J,,hr. S e»ei, Mr. Lerlck um Sir 1 ied. ii « III *XBi. Mi". Krai ¦ ut 1. idy Pral kliti, a i 'let that lor aperial BbtUtJ It whol!-, oup.'coedentvd .:. tba annale ol ihe undein On TUESDAY, the aaaaa lull of performance BrQI be pni-ed. On \\ FI' N e tliAY AFTERNOON and F.v EN IN . IbeCrwedy ol NONEY, rut a* above. On THURSDAY, UllliAS atd BATUaDAT. abelaa .l*gttlam*Bt»ta n.e It- lemoone, and a favoiile Comedy in the Eiening*. atnbrtcnig the ti tire itrrng'li of thel ompai y. on MONDAY, fuh IwetaBiber,aaauttralj nearCoaak Drunm will he arot aoad VIIIKN.V.I'M. No. f.'.I Mrtmlwity hf!..w üöül .tu et-A talei ted CeaBBBttf "t a, JUt EN1L1 PEBI ORMBRS willra*Baaaacaa aari** of btatliaBl and at*.-*.,: e aatartala* Bkt nit. on Ml iNDA i.\ BNIEO.SaBt :, it rei erlK n it oh a ORa.'.D roNCKRT. A'lin'nior MoaatBl R»aertrd Seal* hi) cent .. I CJJEO. CHRISTY knd WOOD*" MINT8TREL8, .5 No. HI Broadway, will opci BVBBT EVEMNO, with a wiil «e.Lii>tl Punrjnin.e. BtM.clading wh a asw and \ery la ighable Afterpiece, OrO PITRirPT. fl ago MlBOJOI. UENEY VlooD. Hui.< Munter T~niK BROADW A Y~VÄRIEriE.s, Mi. 47J BBOADWAY i CLOSED, for a tew Braake, eejafec the ptUBrae of etiargiug and renovating li* *aio>ti, d fing weich im.a the Wooo and Marth Juveni'e Cou.« hau* vitit Bnfla tti bee ejad Montreal. 'Die KEoPKMNLi will take plac* u' .ut IM! .J<" t. HENRY W OOD. BaabMfj Meager. 'UK Cin'STAL RAl.ACE. . ThiB beautiful boildir.g aoelalnfl variooi object* of Interett.An*l*nt Hobe- TAPi'STKY, a Gallery of Pabttlnp, rttl and valuable STATUABT, bealda Agriealtaral II, p>u.»nt* txJ Macbit:*ry. 't will ren am open until IVuTtaef notn-e DU88ELI)0RF ÖALLERY, No. 4W7 BrrjAtlwaf, coaUiu l!< rfthafinetl P AI NTINOS ever put uoou ex- ,'rdtlon Oaaaj PAY BAed EVENIMO Admitunce i'- oeot* I PIlflT RAITIN«; and \VIMT[Xf;.-Mr*. LOAN, teajl i e, nit. w u receive Mti'or* lur le,i week* oi y, at No. 1 '. OtOBd-tt, . few BBOBJ w**t cl K-ntdw.y. PTtia'a li'tii in dtilj from to 13 in Public. Cucie MON'DA*. KI'NF.-UAl «. 1 HIIuaY I \ 1 ninos fro.a h '".O.anl 11 SDAY,THUESDAl ud BATURDAi AbTERNOONS, tniuSloö. Tom-a .ViceLt*. GURNET1* PALACE wf ART, NulMltBrtiiMlviaj Cutitaii* the Urtett couection oi l'h. i, .rtpha BBd Daguwr- reotyret on exhibition in the wprld, and it aiwayi cpea lor tha free Lnyeftion of tea public. tDnnto. AY(»l'N'(f 1'rt'Dch LaVttj, .|i*alitif] t«> tfirh he-r ovt t.r.e. ni w,- a? Ml t. PaBBO- Forte, it wu'.uig to go as TUlOEESS la t i: rat* Ii the eoaatry or s. Ai Piy a'No_.":' 1'tli *t , u:. W «iii.eiJaj, Tnnradi. a4.d Sattuday, from 1 to 6 p. to. AN ENGLISH LADY, ofcreRt experisLCc io TEACHING, i* d»*ltaai ot uaavuaa »n eag tgentaat la reti-'er t Ot l .»t'iua OOY'BBWESS lag Ig ta I* OOaVBOtatl lo IBtpOtI a ii era. **nc»Uon .tea. hn.t Bsffl'tjj .n a.! i* branihe*. French, acquired dur ng a long restJen:e in ''. j ¦era ei ei.d L* in. with Music bj c Dttwtag. No ubjxtioa to p. lag Soo'u Addteg* P T r>*t Office. Y. nkert. 1\tan1 1i>. A r.-ajM .-f.-ihlo )«nno WotOAII wteke* a Brtaai -. in a pnin-e fnmily a* i HAM it.R- S'AII) *-d to do PLAIN SEWING tan to r iotal ritv referet ce glvem Ca'l lor I wo da)t at N». U,'. ''tb-bt , in out l oin HeVsk, tr t PA ni gf tta.n. V\rAM KI>.A niMintit'ii I'j' ft ri'-pivUliie joiioa; Y T i.- »a chamreemaid ind WaITBE Code, i. * g ven. Can l-e aeon f.- two J»}«, If not eugagad, at So loo JMh-at., betweet. ,d and 3d-*»*. »*i>K()oki.i n i^ rnujcAN ".CARRIERS 19».¦ l aN\ tVSBBBI W aNTI 0 -Aftw n-nof th« ruht ittmp obtain wt .1 ten mert'ed e'npto)meut by apoiymg DiBjedleta.] at Nt lal W u.-am tl . leOW-torfc, »I No xi ^.f^ bbia st-, Bt.oa.yn, E D._ (>\ WAN riP-Kn-m 13 to 13 jaart of as/e. Apr'y at the I'ry 000 >* ¦¦».«"» ISA AataBCk *t..Brxlyn (\>OK WANT 1.1».Id a pniate« fami.t. Liberal J wages arilt ba pavi. Apn.) at No IP Battle* gt.. up «'*.-i DRl'(i C'Lp RK W ft NTH» _A pomptsteot per .rn way f,r a «esvg . ni a a -i ta Unr Ran "7 *4W'i ">* «t N. S'i'h at B I?DUC41I0V..A Presch Oettl*mso « limti » »M i»i.f.».i!fi/« In T-*rtii'* *-icn If 11» C'r t.,.i w».. a tb-e ilhor c' .ver-J ..... a * ... llew « ' Ol e 1.f «i.: . Half** kill m i-r Da; ' * » . J I-";-'' In ¦ art**** family ar Bel. Beatnfcreacee arreo. Ac r- PROFESSOR Tnbeae Offtor i;MJ'Lo.MF.N-l wanted.Ai POM EH or Aj watchm to » reipeeM .* l a Miel. bea>* f kai kh 1 i-xue. or Ma, wt* pi ,,.».,,(,. .. & ^. t a**»n>iea to doty w-^uid 1** con aBlared aaeaaftaw-aS I 1 » uiawBfeAa omnon**')..» by . au Rfli f»ara of age, who writeeeaaed, plii- Bend, endIt IB «I« * tuJonl'«c1 i'li,r«irP< ** 1 .haracter Apply le l H. B TltBwaa OBra,_ GERMAN, Scotch or Ensliah COOK and LaL'NPRESS, I MAMBERAJAU' WAITKit QIRL, IP AMSTEPSI, NUSB I it; OROOM »ro wanted lain dint*;* at Be IS) Oiend-et k\m » gnCRPSMAN_ IAD WANTED.*\s CLERK ia a LAWYER'" j OFFK E A 1 id v. ri »Meoa 1 pal.icily A-Mr*a* Boa No. |B3foal OtLi- u. the handwmxg el the ap pliaaet. ]>()hl i;K . Wantiii a kituation M BHIPPWG CLERK Bf PORTER by . )< nn< Mat. |tt*ll6edf*l Bit** 1 ke*tl .*. whc r»j preeBBe ufjn**f-.u*bi* ci'v rei r«nce*. I i)4Mta::oa» Baedetete. 1 01 Heal eir.p.ametrt leair-i Al- .lie**, lor tvo day*. OE iRt»E, Tribe. «. oSh*. RETAIL BRAWL SALESMAN WAS ED, wb M well arT.tirtwl ari'h 'h* trad* Apply In JOl SNEAi I BIRNM AM, No. H Ai.*at:r It Bp klya TO TEACHERS..An Mperienced an.l eoer- getfc TEAf HEB, cot: patent to i'v* tooTo'nh toafriictun. la IBe rd Bar* Engliek branch**, ie warned in the Pitmar; Do- ptl' of *n Ii *Uliit.on In tbi* city 11* muat be ai Bnaet.- c*b. a hard worter. *rd a jedleleaa disciplinarian. Aopilciti-.n* received at No Latay at , t:. Saturdav. between I and ' p m. TO MII.I INKi:s.-W»nttd. a first-rat* Mil- aa FOREWOMAN, IB or tragsiy Baderateade far Baatsaaa bl all 'fa tranche*; «b» BtBBl be arc *nme>l to Bn.aoway trade Phe can obtain. b* po***»»irig'lie above '1'iall atioia. a pen.atei t aitua''cL Apt J a- No. II" Bleecker-*t I^o GKaMTE (utters..Hirer*dollar- |sj per cay will be pa d to too l i.-ar.ite s-oi e Csttan at 'ire new Ste'e Hoate now in c.mrae ot erection at Columbia. S. Ca !!«»¦, traveling eapenae* doe n *fter luoui .a work If any t'.rt er ,nfi -n i* re.,o.r» I It Can be obt ».::¦> 1 by wrubaj 10 Iba "TIME REBPER ' attheArci. t- rfl I I I*. B NeeB but lood Cotter* u»ed apr>lT T FÄCHER..A young Mnn. of Collfg« RdopR- A Uoa *td "ifer-.etce it. TE AC It ISO. Ie»l *r. epfaae ni t. I* e-i:i!D» to «0 Sottu ir Wtf. AdJra»* SIL.MA, lot No. 11" Ttitate >:! IUTOB..A Collocf Oraihiav. BOH riuramni; hi* »mdiea in tbu ei », wtihe* to e'tiploy two or th'ee Lour* sail* in TEACHI.Ni>. Eor t*BBr*aaM a..d*. aeVaMa M a., Tnbare office, baa No. MR I^EACHER..A tonn" Clergjman of tiv*> ypara' e»j 1 tier ce Ir Teachlrr. wiabiur to apei.d . t-- i-i 'he i'v, ue»!rt* to TP-ACU two or 'tree .>ur« per dty. AdJrcaa I O. R.. Boa No 1B». IX) J BWELLERS..WANTED.A fliRt rate B*rd Brace, t Maker Apply to AitllH R RCM'.UI.L Co gait g| Naa*i.u ai d Beekoiiuat* rpWO YOUKO MEN WANTElvTi7etweiMi the m an»* f fifteeB and twenty yean, ba the ofllea if e Week*} Rellgiea* N»w»i«per. to LEAKS to SET TYPE. Liberal wate* *i tl a I'ecriole «liuatiou ortered'o otitabie putaous. Ad- die*. EMPl.Oi ER, üo\ No l.aja Nea-iurk Poa: QtR**. T'NK ]>r>iiioiaelli> Allfuinntle. Harhatit Men BR« Ws ae gi er le fiM rata, .'allamand. le de*, ri 1 |aeleapria I »1 du piano, at panel t !'at alata pa*«a-.|etnet '. d. «tie ire ner i' 'ac» ... 11 n.e INBflTUTElCE daaa ..- fatu;.!e retpec- taMe.cB '.an» aa feaateaat de deta ¦.. '>. Elle a'aaaceoeob- lOction d'eilef .a campigne Ella a .'¦ pen.l,tt pluaieure Moeea iaatltatrica '-a:ia ,a Rai*** fraacaiie et ea A lemagne. Padre***! 1 ROBEBT 1 BETOE, No. TJ Br ad it.,N s " \\rA NTED IMMEI) I AT ELY.Two tirat-riTo Tf lett-baad BOILEE RIVET ERR Alae. two Rretrata CHIPPKKS and CALK&Rri. Ine-iiro at the Office of PI ER- MONT fllinr. ntetaiiiel. flew Yaik 117ANTED.A jotiBE Mao aa SALESMAN in a II HaT Bl 1 it sl'iiKE loan 1 rage* bera Plaee* obuini d f. .-Clerk*. BaleeaMO, < n i. tora, Porter* and Ccacbman. N. B..A Colored Man aa PORTER Bl a Tailor'* Store aa,. a SM pir week Ipnly 'L.i \a.-»a > 01LLEN A. Co., No. 0 P.BBt Broilway. WANTED.A PR0FE8H )rT,i EXOLIHH in ft mi liotittitlon in tbia c ty from 9a. m. to 1 p. ni. An An ei.caL'ed at *ome *.mk1 Colleal A fall (alary to a rt peteat eaVteat, imi aclvateacliar. n aoibaraneedepply. An Ij al No U Eaat INfe al, before 1 fPclozk p. aa. \\'A N TED .A TRAVELER to SOLICIT TT ORDERS fee POCKET CI'TLERY of Ae*erleaa Mat ufactcr.- it. the Wi rem State* None b «< wrieuced . i.e> 1 applv. AdJr«*i of the Advettlaet ma !e kaowu on apr catioi. at tBO Tribune MVa. W'ANTE11.Bj a Gentleman of middle age, ami 1* nach eajeriei.eii baaiaeaa,a penasaent a.' 1a i.ui *a A'.E.NT, 1 OLLECTOR. or in atir other CByaahty, where talei le, it i airy and atricl IttegrÜy will imnre a lair renuuier- attVa. radoobted cy rel'erei ta k>eu. A.i«ir»<« L. O. B., Tlibai e orl.ce._ 117ANTED.T 910 YOUNG MEN ucostomed Tl to Iba DEI GOODS JOBBING Bl SINES*, and able to it.tin. Be* (>>h Traile. A.iJre**, wan to lae) emp.oyer, Bot Na> US, Peei-OaVa._ WANTED.A colored (or white l'mteetanr) Weaaaa la ATTEND « CHIL0 and W \s|f tod I BOM App'y it No kl Monroe pi Brooklyn, be'weer. 1 and I o t k. Goal wtsl>Biaw*BBtkaaaaril balaejiilnal, rAN'IH»-To LEASE a lirit-rlas* rTOUSEi ft r a an ail f*mil\. Mu*! be we*t of the Bowerv. and :n aRytrfttbiL Apery at No RM Bret 'way, Rt>o i\ W fiorecs, Carriages, *Cc POH BALE.A fine BAY HORSE, öveyean I oi.l, fifteen and a haM kaaea h ub. la'eadld aaddle-aaeaa, gnoi in h.rtee*. and *o ,ud e\ery t-poet, (ill orailrea* T ('. E No. BE Rroadway. Handsome |mir black family CABRIAGE Houses I year* old. IM aaada blab aeaad, kbalaai Rwrleea la%tmm Real I. Iddnii tj ff. Trikeai TTTIrt <?o farmers ana tDtljcrs C1IDEH MILLN ami PRESS.Hickok's pateot, / a.l the new lmoro»ew.«-it.a, price + 16, t'.r hale by A. LONORTTi N '. II Clilt-at.. corner ot pinion. j )1 IM VlAM.I AMI, iH-viTiiitiriif BtRnd No. I. 1 COLOMBIAN Ol INO, Oavemtneat R.I No. 1. .-I PERPIIOBPHATE of LIME, BONE Dt'ST For .*!« hy A. LONOETf, No. 31 Cliff it. cjnerof PaitOB, ¦ " 1 Loot titib ironna- 92 C HEWARD..L08T, on the moraiagol tl- * JKth it at In cot ria* torn Pti-rniort to Heaover iquare. per ate a ¦>. boat laau' P. RmUb, | la !y'i nil] nm/areen- Mae anaoaelUd berk go d lepiaa WATCH, witb Chala, Cl i*a, aad Liebet atlBckaA The leekal hear* tboJaitieia A E B., ai dcoatita* t'a*Ltiifeetyraa of an aldaily lafy aad ge. Ueai ta. T' e find-r wi reeeJee tal^te reward, and ao qmatleag aakrd. by ittur..ii t the a*me to No. till Pearl-*L, NVw York. Co tX)l)om it man (Torucri.. ADYEIi'TlSl.NO..ANDREW WIND'« GEN- RAL ADVERTISING id SI BSCRIFTION AOKNCT, 13oNaaaan-at..upatai:*(i:a\t iloa.r to the Naaa.tu Ba ifc), preteut* a aestemtta oieain fortbe baaaaaai commut.icy, of having tSeil A<Urr-iaemeii'« finwaiüri a .1 Inaeitld in the moat widely e:r- aalaled newa| «per* throtirlout the United Stutee, ( at.a/la«, Utat li«i"» aad Baroae, »t the pul..*hur»' lowett rate*. Pa¬ per* on r.le tor e.v tminattt c. AT V. I!~PALMEK'1 A D V E K 1 ISIN 0 AOENcY no (a vaa*era r Ruit.r* are employed to *0 tcit l-uaii.eaa. A.l\rr:,*«ri tall at tneJAeetcy, or, by aeuding ada't. **. are wa:Vd cn. APHYSICIAN" ADV ICE TO MARRIED PEOPLE. Or TIKltai. CuNTEMl'Ltr: N i M\lt UlAO£, ooutai nil va uabe u-f rota.ion e.erv one ¦SOB o j. »*<.**, w. I no aer t to any addj9«a on receipt ot e'gbt peataie etaapa addttae Dr MIL LAM, N Na***uet,N7i Caution.. All perauna are hereby warnM agalnaf bnibxe ar aylltoa oi neaoriatlnj tbe foilowtur de* t rtbed Bonds op THE f'lTV OF LOtTlSVlLLR eaBad tbe LOI laVILl.t U HAKE |.a .- ., . .... 11.^ -: pa aaraiwar of Sttader 4 Thor*aeon, kadoeaed by i*me* TL. n.i »ou, a ..i da'ed March IS, IBV4, roaturttig tbiRJ v.i*r* tbtrefieci TbeaaM Bon.t* wer,, obteliied ; w ne by fain repiraatntaiiota, and w tiicut comio.-ration rendered. Dae ace t;ci haa bacn given tu tbe Cltl of Loujvlhe, proh.bitiu^ tue pa.vmei.t of tie Cooaong tbereto attached. B.m.i No. ii.a* a:..-aMd, ft.-*> I'.«n a: d the (Slowing i ambail aimtlar to It lie; Noi. SI, B, 37,, 85,»*, 8£, 112, IIS, llö, 13», |Sf ana 141 » w. E. LL-'LVtR. Looieville, Aer. 7, |I5R T\| IC1RrSCOPE..For aale, a first-rlsss Achro- l.vl rxa't; Micro*, ope, » fb movanle »'age »:. I po Xn.i ' t itage. l it. b. « inch, ai d i lüch object gi«a*e«, on An tewRcaa'ac fa keeeoB et A. F. EDEN'S, No. y toi t at. B BoftJya, near h t itot 1 errv, etween tbe bean o 11 II i i b'clial. NE W -LONDON, WILLIM ANTIC and PALMER RAILROAD BONDS..Boldare of I . Secoid Clan New Loadoa, W ^l.mantic aad Palmer Kadroad Bot.di ire re.j ie* ei to make immediate report bv letter or in |e,.oii, of tl.e nnmber and amount of b >nda heM by them, to tLa Tree*' er if the CaTpoiation at New-Loud u. I t. A plan n proioaed tn make :. w aad furt'.er j mil Sail f e 'bt . ¦ at.i fotaie payn.eatnl tb« eame. whi h re.iu.r.-* »r.*t allbaalderaehall I-ccna nted. JNO. DICKINSON, frea* Nt w Loadm. Ct.. Aug. 19, ll'n. I^HE IlT:iR.S of ail of the OFFICERS who Ktwi to N.e end ot tbe H'ar of tras Kt.\iil< I ION'.anl Iba oriba: LJuret of iboaa vka wee« kulad or died in aem . kaai ktow ur.n-l'ately wue'Ler tbey are entitled to px*t«' .no bava Ibeil rla.ui* proaecuied on reaaonable term* bv r ta- wtio wi.l gi»e lb* «rrouge*' a**araace* of bia claim* to ih«ir roi fideare * J make oocharge in caae the nlaiui lauoi allowed, ubetbi i tbg h'.1 f Uieir telia.f Bear l-e'oro C'.eigre** beciiue* . laworuui. A.ldrt** NaTUANIEL HATCH, e*^ No ifU l.ib *i., Waaaaaatea, 0. C. Ba On let ftrcMvr* or Tail*. ) 3; Chamber* «t. (new Coon-Henaai. > Mm Yon. June SI MM ) nan i nil, jtma Jt, le-o ¦ TO AYf ID th»* riaia tLat muat int'vitably occui fro. BEI c.-.iwd of lai P*-,era wa: pit oS la IBBlafBBt d*i d.e j tf-f.' of tk»rr Ulm. I hai-a d*t*i ni:»d tr adopt t he wi- or j r - aksak PwJ be n. dir adaaraU todniana e:y Urm el >Ri* 1 . J o' m.'«, afai » o/aaock *. cc. Every >ljoer I., leia le-f**ui4i* naicTi.v paoataiTipCroat ie Mllbll I kI i i » Bat to .-* or C*l.»**lo< «.ja ta,, ,, j - la.-a. u, M r X Rf it HOWAJ»IJ. ita» v VrALkV HALL hu- Mi*cb*i>ioi leetitut"). Ifs B.« n »1 KL *.' GM «Oll* r:ON. oKFICSs an' BOOMS TO LET, *V»e BOOM TOLK1 ¦.<>'. ».¦'»dto«'. ).''">*. I lM4 J !>*!*. tlr.'l*. a-t-lftl--. t"J .i p..ipr,.*«. I 're* tear- - id .miartee - twit**. b«!, _ _fin. _ TO I'KUSONS OIT OK _ . BL'ilN t .Torn «-!>»rti».w will.*, r*ce at->f »l. .... awktif TBaEBPABBET PaWCT MAP, which I aold )' .. *t-tv dnirrta' on tb» leralpi of a w 'laenSrec *e fcf rookl n f 1TR* PtMH.Y SOAP tec «4 . awr t-»- f.i- '~ - :.. . f ¦< fi.4 .* «a to makugat flirtetett kins* of Fancy *w»<p* a,,t ene u- II -, ntetWew with the advertiser an NSIaMlMf**, . i itufotirmlnai k'l aai aa To .eparia- ' ¦ ' ¦¦" f- ?*' ' I m''';'";l',.v/',vrKi rrom ai I in ormrerr uinaer pott An.'r-** Or L. I.AK'Mlt., ct-e o' John W N twbeuee, No 1M Bow«ry_ trhoncco for Uneincee ftten A ( TIVl". PABTKFB WANTED.ToUita4acs i_ til rat» i ol Fniopo the ante! eeetly ins'i- RANf EXBTBITIOM a .> ptep*rad hi fkJa C aatrj kwrtng taa n tat * at aoti mat am be ft**** tits aatBtaajra of lb* »¦ . !. I Pmh*y*edor» ai I HonraJ«, ana r*ber etoelel uffeeae* The app. raM mint ha t BUB of »ufficl« Dl pecuniary resoy *. f ha a warantaa <f hra its**earful iuaa»|arnant, Adlr-t* AKT Tr I ¦¦¦¦ I Office._ 1~T.Tm"»I> DiTESTaaENT..1,500 arrf-a Iowa A l. d will be eich»; tea for good* or art o"ier aaraonal Hoparty. a *>*.» H. M AOAMS. La Parao ttoeee, H. Y. a KARE (¦HAM'-E.-ArTKNTS WASTED A to BELL BROTH I R JOSATHkM'S PATENTED PI RMTl'RK POLISH- None genuine wi'hout the L.taulo' a;i rtter.'. e't name. Joh\ L Ba ti yv on Ute I.»hei a o.rt paj i) pat v tit Broa-wty. J'QlN I; BRAI.i N x Co, A~t-K.nti.KMAN of K<'<>d butiue*** habits- and a? . c»»o c»pi:ai. u wanted to tike ihe ptac« <t a BK- 1 nil ISO PARTNER la a ve'J aaUl kk i PV -.iy Newspaper. P «oi«er lieoloail* or pia.'if*i Journ«llat wrot -rTed. Ad- SKIA SP \PKK, Box No. IB Tribune OtEca._ BROOKLYN WATER WORKS. .NOTICE 7 0 M tt IIINIBTfl. flaalatl Prop^«*d» "^ll be received at . » » tke an larf*a*aae aatil Oet I. at aaatt, far taa CON< BTRCCTION if two ElfMPJNO BNOINBB. Ccwaaak or 11 ia. kg t rclab. for the Brooklyn vVater «A'orka. of capacitv to rane ten n.tUioti New York) aaüoae daily, each, 1T0 feet blab, witii three boilert e»ch, to be built er j erected complete on We atone 'onudatiotia prepaied firtbatn, ar.d to be of ti t'claaa workoiau- aidp. Urawlr (t un ddtaii accurate y JeSnirnj toe aMle and char- actor of Knainei and appnrtei.antea. to ha auhmtited by tu» pr< ;<j*eia wi* d-acrdpuoo Spe-tl :aUon» »^1 further inform*- t on may t>e bad at the Offre of the Chief Erelreer, J. P. Klikaaai.aaav, Na 4 Ilalaey'* Bnadimtc, Brooklyn, or of tba /m d. The rt|:ht it reaeried to reject *nt of the pro- poaeJt made H. S. WELLES Si Co., No. 4 Wall at.. N. Y. DIM i. STORE for SALE..A BBstly tittt-J. wail fan iahed, ar>l we!'ttocked DRt'tl STORE, In one f rba piincipal town* in ao towiB IsStaaa. now d->imt a a<x>d a sola** . and retail *jne'neoe. which can l>e it created to any et- text for BALK. The atand hat bean rxcup ei atadrut Mara rO«2Ayear*. Ttrmteaay A< ireaa ALBERTO RICHaRD SON, Wettern Adrettiiint and I crretpi'ndivj Office, No. BO Broadw .t. N Y. F( |R SALK.-"a sdiaH yacht, or PLEASURE BOAT 21 teet i ma by J feet It at wide, e^otaaets, wirk roand tteffn;la ccf*P*tTattatad ihrouanour, «.nd uia.h' of 'tie baal n atanal*) ha* been n».-d bur UttJa, and wii! be told (or lea* than bait itt coat. Inquire »t No 6. Kaat B.oedway. JROCB\i\ÄND LIQUOR STORE i<>r Sale.. Kare htnce to fte' aa ettab aakai bueiaea* ou acorner ». toayn A well aatextad »t- ck: low rent. Kor Store » J l)v attataja «1* ot L.^uor will pat ail utoe aas. Inaalra 11 Nj h7 <iie>-i.wirh cor. of Beich-tt. \\ \LLERS, LOOK HERE..A trud chaitctJ IfJ fat aptvi'al a natrattataat MILL PROPERTY .-as tail OHafJ tor SaLE, loeaAicej adtaLtataMait, in l.t Ofoaai Coaaty. W'i«. on»in. Por part'ci'ar* addrett E. M. PHILIP.*«, Bit \ tiey, I.* fronte County, aVI*ftia*la I1ÄRE ClLANCE.Nirvvsl-aI-p H fur s M.K.. A One of lb* bctt tatakliaked a'ol moat prop-able IIAII.Yaud vt 11 ki. skw.1i'\ryn< ::. ... . aetabliabn.ent it dolnc ¦ hnalneea of tpSO.OPC % year, and it ait .ated tn t t'ourlabina city, with Railroad cojt,ocrioe» la ail dir..-tic i.e. Apply In mediately to ALBERT O. RICH ARH-- >(1S Wea-.-rn Adverl tui< ai.d Coiteapondei.. e 'itli^e, St. ddr* Broadway N. Y. N B .Tba Paper it Republican in politic*, aad to good pat*! tH Baft * rite ihan. e. rpo JOB PRINTERS..A JOB OFFICE for a S 11 E. U e ofl^r tor tile the mtterinia a'id bu*iiie*a of an t tf. e in a good htialiie.e tlreet, in Ihia city, on very a.-ouuii e ditn g ttin x The mat»ri»Ia conaitt of I Raa medlunt Cytttaet l're« I mtdiitm Hand Preaa, Hoe Ctril Preaa. I ltti«!ea Raft* and Bill Heed Rot .rv, 1 Srv din* Pr. aa. thont i'^ to ,ta ot Type t.lti ted to Poti. r am Ca-i ^s I well twlec'ee] wich Itter- axcatacfey kwtaaaaa. WELLS v vVKrls to. il Hutch«t. IVANTI.lJ-A lil'MNrlSS man", fWlETeMh t t capital of from *>.<"» to *I.miO, lu Havel Bootk Of Weaf, ai d ik» bur" of a auf... ptaStaale, ana reapecta'de boat .eat, in wbt. b aru.' pn t,'» may be r. a ired. Add/*** M A. S I'rib- or >. Oafce, wita real nvtnatiid place of interview. G jüoarö anb ttoomo. \K!.\V dt'eirab'.t* ROOMS, with full .»r partial B* IA MO, em now be bid hi tke modem built brown «tont Hontet, No* 101' and MM Katt HtiTeOt., oppoaiU (il* Acadeuif ot Mcale. YnKNii LADY winlifH to obtsli. RO.MM» in a prli»te fninflv in New York or vicmi'y where IV- ITRUCTtON IN Mi Sic would he otinallarni an aqalTalaal tor Board, iddiaaa r M. E. Boatoa Paa»tl#a»A OARD..PiestADt SUITES 07 BOOMS lor Paatiliet and ingle Oeotlemen can I.Mahead bv »ppiy- tr-g ai Naa ell and na Hanimond-tt., be.ween Bieecker and Footth. Location very ph-aaant. OARDING stHtissseNo.917 Raat Uniadwa/.. a lataw tlaad Ro. m on «he »er,,ii.I Bnrw.wi h Paatrial *. Ui bod. ttatobto fag afl«ail**n*a ». d kit Wig* Alto, KuuM j for -ingle tenth men. N. B..Itoaao bat Oat aadBi'b. ItOAl.'l»..PlftvitBl ROOMS and horn.mtiirt* . »r r rdera'e » vpenae m»y be obte.ii ed a*. No. 54 Henry it, s v , tor Gentlemen and their *h-..oi tingle i .nut eaten. Peiaoua an'uridab tLeir own room* it Ibey with, aud have B'-ard either full r paitlal. Refeietira* eichanged. n<>Al;]»|\<; at i'l WnrriMi-st.: plnaeatit tlrj If,,, ina lay let, v. ui. Hoard at i.'-nileio- a, o. I.nt.emaii aaal rhelr W ivea. aritk a got I »m! »aal t baata. Ilef'erei. ea re piired nOARD in 11ROOKLYN..ROOMS, siBfj11~or in tails, |leaa»i t at-,! comfort tine. lr.,pi,re at No. IS Sal da at et ruer ol Jti, Bro. klj o. I'VoABD \\'ANTED.For two LÄdif» ami *»n»* 9 Oonlleatatt, brother and aiafei* inn hevlthy heiality, who a l'tin private family where tbete are o o' hoarier a kept, and \i b're the Ltdtr* ran have riKitn to atte'.d to tin-r a.-wiug nndlttarbeS. Brooklyn preferred. AiSieeeE. M. T.,Titaauia I U .*e, ttn'irg tem i. ayhiah n uaf ht 1.1- ITLvF! iTNISllED ROOM-Wmiff.I b.-twiin Heaataai end lith .t*., ai d Bowei* ai.d Ith-er., by » pUm W rJow of qelet Labi'-'. B-.l ol icfer«i,ce gicaa »ml r.nti'rcd. A.l.lieae for one weck, M. K., Jlotrop/.tti. Poti> en aa, Aw..- leaa u big H< ate fidUOffJ to £et- HOUSE B9 RENT-An exft>llt»nt thrf*a>gtory ROUSE in 33d-*t.,naar 6ih-aT., ihre* room* deep. Oat B*'B», As, Prrat-rata Bslgkkcr*rboo<l, Rent m ide-at* laaMlg ol C.A.DANA. No ."M'Ui.toi. ph g, or at the Pribnue OHica. STEADY KOWKR.-A few ckico ROOMS «tili to ba had ia toe Depot Building corner or Elm i ,d FTaaklia a't. or «inare trom rro«.way. F,,r Iba value the w rd " ateadv" tee the leninlg now thora. Inquire ol T. BEN- Nl TT. cn the | ren,tirf. W T KAM POWER .-.-ievi.ral well-lii-htH O ao (JMS to Itlf with Steaui Pttw*r No*. »»ud31 iiciä tt R. UOK A Co. rrO 1.kt.A finet two-Mory ami RtÜe HOUSE, A plaaaartly ntaaled on tba wear *ida ii thecv It it la perfi ' ot ter bn tta'h, enx. wt.b «ew»r \ ,. (',.«,-.. ,;, irmnediaieiy Ir intra of JAM KB CuTHELL. Trtbaao OSJoa rrO LET.Hol SK in llet at., bftwe<-n i;th-av M «;..! Broi.lway Rent +1'0. Ir quire of PUOSLEff A B ATNOP., c .raer Broadway aud t-Vb-tt. 'T'O RENT.A hanileunn' thret*Haiorj HOUSE, A with ail in* no d-tn imp: iveinen t litnatOvl »' No, aV Cot t*."-pit e. R<: t *te"<'per aa 'im Asply at MtO bsnaa). TO L E A 8E -t WO STORES, EfoTTr l tip TS, end Two BASEMENTS, ba the ,;.w b ul tiog No* |4 tad W Cxnal-at aTatar Rroadvay. Fol K LOTS to louia No 1)1 (t^nherttt. Alto, thro* Urge ROOMS at It lag No. 411 Br -adwiy romer of I.upeninl at ; all wall i... -,i ai.d detirablv adapted lor any kii.l o't- liaeat, 'ieeahote will ba lea 1 on Paeaiaakt taiiiig Apply to P DICKIE, No it-i f*k»aikea*, at Real Cf state for Sale. pOTTAOE at FLU8HIJiG f<»r SALE..Aa eiegej.t Octhio ( utttae tn oue the mott elevate.1 part* of *e \illaie of Plaabiag, Long It.'arvt, with . Ivrae gard.n at- terbe.!. ovenrr tha t^iace of etgh: or nine lota of ground Tba Ikutb ia moil inoataiitially bolU aid tine,, m with evrk bit 'd t cellar, intrhen ranze. Ire., aid excelling water; ij t'oitahed lu a rapeiior mam sr. The gtiien it ftnuly laid out, Sotn- hcoee In c^cter. aa<i cot.ran i n .y it. o *liraba *ui »»» at; them n ant tire *ve-g't*n and torn- very choice t\-. ifl-ent ot the rnaxtinlit Immediate. poa*e*tion can be had. Ii ia hai..!., n.n y fuiiotl.'-i. khi may be pircbateti with or wltiont the fnntitore kt It** than ba real enlut.tha earner kata t u. the pttb.ic, ami ataabla U, laaAla anywhara per- i-a'ei riy Ap,>ly to llafa)_a^ J. Bi.FK.CKFR A Co , No. 7 Broad *t_ PÖB SALE, REASONABLE-A double COT- r taoj.wtb Sie acte« of LAND and all n«rea»»ry out- x. lu, re the tewn if Patkakaiftr, We»uh«wier Couaty oi White P.tux ro«d In mile* ftoin tbacty. . it wi hta tt r vt*. w*.kof the Moi i.t Vernon or Pelb«m«nle dep.Urf L. New Havra Banatad. Apply to H. M. Sl.EEMAN.on tha ir. a tet. VC**A N*si i rfc anae* A;.,r*t i \ ANIiLrtBt/ra H. . ka| i > a f. .t 11 ii. ty ' f m CV)B HALB.a b..*.»Ut..l FARM of i n A.,r.. I . belfi , ...i.r.n,4 ^Use ef awaeW».. na «» roert* % aan«. aaeoeet »r ea«e reaaleag av. <,ew r » Kl ; V* n* A ei' mit C B OL) l | ¦ t^'«7i" '.ho a*eS'-*l*-er .¦ee«i1, Hi>i äe 5."ill nisf.< ht., »sts^tgSt we* «td " i t. r.'M r.».ir ««»Ii ,.,., fetSALI iy HABICHTS PARlaii N~ MK...;i tori!? orange, nb lf*-JR rsry ->ö» M er > I rT * f''roW«d, g»*.j,,* N «. V * l'"por I' wl M tu rear ¦Itü Iii* 6»»' o{ April Beat ¦.»¦', .** Aup y f Riefe«, ( . ANT1NE. A"o*-l" aul ' '¦--.*.<>' Lew Ho ttft»«Zr r N i or (o lAi r' M OIiWaN Bt <>'a- dfc 1 7 7,1 Ml ",Vr SAI'K (,r L.XrirAHGK, vi J . ". Nee eise * ' ' . Hoy Ii* N..a ISA »i 4 «1 O h ev W'»' «u**. Ttpt/.p «ter« p par-y »j. ö t »tote Bttpf, touraotv *td \. I»»*i.**. ...... (Um f.'i.'n . Ap,v i '. I IHK OA ri Iii IHM No * Brr via»«,_ Jnotrnction. A>TOS RIDGE SEMINARY, for YOi:«fg LADIES To» Ke» Ii ». HUfcTINuTOM, A.M o.^ p*j Tb* 'It MOriOfl c .rr.r- .. II lb r IRST vVEDMld.' !>A Y Uli II EVKKR. ,-ri i«i Aov.aTaoi* -The Ua»lt»t B umber01° rar**, WOB u raaehort. m rtTt o each pnpii a larae obere ei ii'wi'l4 Tbe lll06ll.lL . rnrr.»r»- fog ito heel'blne«* am' aeeaiygf m-.r/rr Ii ttu* chartimg and O. . I(rirü. r«tr«i ._ poirnt.' th* he,k« a. quire e Moiro. or. A »ho 'ria>i,.f . >'». rv papil w tbotrl kcaalten, b*« .it.pc--ve.tia tht« part* a . Tb« Bi.» fti tiooooWno aeeaty <** irdkfcaKter*,mim m»j., eotnC rtn »tid -oi ven'er.tea i r b«th r.eirri*. f'irnace« Wie, rt rn i c TuofTOiory cMMCtad wHk BV«rr tarbir Bi e itektni.UTOty il i «...m« in» »dv»:,i»ge of Esropoaa U*»«l. oa-l Ipou Uof:,»^ btftJAftl h'Firhsr.d l.«rni*ii IMWI04M.UM «.*»« »..IV« ri»AaeU4 b«| *Mm«< IM iltwVi.1 T*«' b«"«. »i..» i.«:.v*4Vt «Wlt frf.AI 4 Ahd O'rrnil T »nd h».»> b»«»li fo { il«»»i.*»|li ( ¦: .-.(.ml ye»r<, w.ih out ug'.n; *d (»Jin I '»-r»»iit **i4 > '.«.»-. ¦¦: . , . J:. r. .»».1 tu i. I'iri.n koftoone«. botiK-i-omr.jrU ».. 1 ftltWti ¦ tu»- .">. hoo i -^ <.. ..¦:.n.«i .1*1 l.<r % to#j .: .:..»..-. ». a » i 10 l«Vu««. m|H !. w i'im,it latrtwttoaocoti pro***' " AOCOM '¦" h. .r» riOOlAtboiid ('li»§t» \t <.* P»ii*.Wob,», \ ii harxov, or la 11 bovra fron ltib aod Itai^Vattla., *m M-4<« «ii- <.«- Kit Board lad TaW >n, nrtt«: i neidootal «irMnaai i. hm facl ol-aoalbt,loerlniao itiaebva*atbii«»*i BJ^Aayiar. K< r th» ..m<1, «doin« Mu»if . I K'ot.-eb i>&4 , oi Latta aaA Diaarlcj mn of Drawini Htta laja, #H| i. . rta R.r. B S III «TiNOWW, Vniaf Or»<r': To«* (»*.<. P.)! i»«l Co A( ai kmy~~ »ei «. ¦ m vas ii m -KIMI- v\ li k » bfKTROPOLITAal ¦ Doy aad Huar««,.. Bei ior Boyi a..u Yoat t Uaa unpaai ..? H«' pjrrti on tho 1*1 cf aasatMar, UM »aa al.ert wimh.i .»f iltaJi'«oo ______ A~ MPRICAN SCHOOL INSTiriTTEWl«trt> diir'oryatd Rrpre-eLUtl.ri..Mo. 2 Apalrtoti'i Rat, ipt Br.i*i!»at. rarrntacau tuar e >'t iratuitoal v »no'ab- nraie B'«'»teroffir»t rlaaa aVImo'a Erar) mfbiuiatio i,( Ircalaia, kt rbaoifaily nppllod. I'rnr'pala a d faoilliri caa «Malu .. mrot«! I Te»' bell aitbout d'lay »uplyiur »t Iba U.t'ii U*. Teaebeiaarfabioa airnatioii aboaldaddraaak. U ( UAl'MAN A PMlTH laiaira'iilrTy Ptli.rioala will licJ Ihrt luanlut« al.^ bee BMdlan ibroaga wbich the aaanta of IRadl ie«;.efU»e Schi ola tat. bo u.»». u.:oaleu. K BT. CHAPMAN i SMITH. PERNARD Ä KKDFir.i.i)^ BÖAR^WG ami d U«Y aCaOOLi for VOUNO HBNTOBMHN, N.» Iii N at d»l tf Sl Mai»'» place- Pbe \oelont ai .1 M»lern [.atignaiei an 1 l.ltaral'ire the Kl-inen-arv nt d Aleaiiicl Metbreae'lce, 'ha Esaat St leu -a; a tho-o-jnh Caa-«ertiaJ and roilea lieeoana A PrimaiytHepartnu.rt ha« be j .irjanlaed. Tb.-i.'h laedaaileyear .if th a l_lltaCtoa will comnieaeeaa MtiMMY ih.-ith ..i eeptaaiber. Clrcolaremay h* obtained ii Meaail U. I KILUsTr.l) v MJ.N, N*. >.'J Öuiade a>. cor. net oi Sprin» at_ COTTAO15 HHX semiNaRy, Poof^a^paia, Ve» Y^ra -Mii.o P. JE\v ETT, Priaalfal *i.J PraaaRp tor. latwaCOTTAOE HU I. SEMINARY It U pr .i-n*! I" cm- incttle aarefal «od aVaraaab traenn« r*f allwariad aaaabarei La.liea.conititiitum a aEi.r I f »* A M L Y ICMOaMa Ab'..» atnl raperlenced li.alruc'.in ar« ampiayad la «*t Uepart- ¦MOta, at.d tne nuinbajt i< Teachara a lame hi propufton Um eapRa. It ia the aim of'he It atieattenteatVetO ail It* meiTihertaaoUd, and uatlul educaeiai:; a.idoi« every pi«MM* accota- aUabaaeBt No I.K arioti «an be mere raPahte for the pnrpo' >. eotitem- elated than the City of Ponalib. rp«1e-a tow.. iorpae*» I hjr noue a*, t] "I lllaaaOB, *alul> ul cliti^te. and lue luteallaeiMa and reSriernetvl of Ir* citizen* E*pecia! aftHriiioii I* given to the health of the pupil*. Tbe agen i*» redei'on ate, cxwia . in the opena r, a liberal uae of iva'er c il and t^pid au abuiul.n.t WppfS Ot wlieleaonie fool I aid perfect a)«n_, order mid nui.c'iiaTny ia all Scüuul aud rSniily .liitie*. la idilitlon to daily waHl« *o ooM the b^uitifiS M«lroueo< Pooghkeep*ie. and recreation iu the play ¦jroeedeof the Searliiary, Oyvaaatlc and OaMaCbeaUexereiaeeareia*je3eats areeticed ui'def ti e lUreciion cl the Teac'ier* in tr.ier* are ne»er parnMii.I t., Vwit ooafa*lieaefTeaaeaaSL Ike ne»t Acadeiuic Year will eoraaaaaoe "t. the M of Sop- teinlier. There will Iw a reee«, during the Hohd »v* Pupil* niay ent*r for une U>i»r*«r oely: all bS . fiw tirh helnaj -layutiie kg advat re. T1u<«e wh ) etitaar lor tbe Scbolaaiic Year a .11 |*v M « hell at tte time of *dmt**ton. tfa* remainder a. iba lit of Mar^h. Esvaaeaa Men.bera of the family ot the Prit «lr*J wfrl bo charged for aaerd.pei raarter, #90. Thi* mc idea f'tnn*teJ Roauw. Paei, LANS a»d vt^elii- g. Young I.adie* are expeetel to provide Umtn.ael/e* w.tb tbaa aaual ajticlea for peraoual aa«, laaladuag r.)«ala. biapkina, rviivdt Uoeaert Koik aud Spvwu, and NapAia ftin*;. Tvitioi pv.a Utiaarai For tho Regvilar Couraa, including E. ali*h, La'ln, Pteuck and Poeel Maaie, EM Panilt not pursuing the Regular Cimrie are charged ag fx* Iowa: Eng.h. *l»; Krei h. +!0; Laim *l> Piano Poftaej 1, R1S| Oultar, RI5| Harp, ?.'>, Dtawtn*], RB)l Pell 'i.M* I water cobiMi "rl"; Punting ia OH, V.a-id Muaic ra-.|ilt r.-.i I all paaRS), * IS, Catab giie* furniahe on *t.|^icaiioii to M. P. JEVVETT. Poiignkeeinle, Jalr ¦>. IK**. _ »PATALOGIIE of SEDOWICR'a METBOPOL* V IT/aN SCADEMV and UTMNA8IUM, Second Th nand. Now I'EaI'Y Coorafae,In afdtoloa tetha u^ual intornuttuo of rata'eiue* an article on MPIMl'AI. (I YMNASTfl, Ti BLES, iNTr UESTiN'O STATISTICS Ac A b «>k of M I iai i«" be obtained al the Ru..ka'or>« of Mea«r* Rt5 boLPlI, Ni Nfli MILLER. No PRANCH No V,i, Liu KWiifii), No. tu BAILLIEBE, No. MSj CAETEE. N«. \ PPLl rON, No 141 Bi u leay. D (COMMERCIAL CLI88ICAL SCHOOL, No. J 7-, HeiiM «t., will re-o|iea Sept. lat. Kuuiwe departuieut l'.tj Eaat Un.a.lway. _SOLOMON JENNER, A. M , Principal. COLLEGE of sT pixels x avi El. .\.,. .,li Welt l.Slh-it Lolaaeeii nb .ud titli ava -Tk* ( aaaea aiil be leiiiomd ia thi* laatllallaa nn M ON HAY, sept i. MICHAEL DBIRCOL I'reeideiiL (CLASSICAL BBtl EN0Llsl?"i^H0OlI (Co 88 J Eaat Bma.iwav, will he reopeaedPar Bvyeoa MONDAI la _THEODORE I OLEMAN, Principal. CLASSICAL, FRENCH twl ENOLWH 14 BOOL.- wga. H. LBOOBTM Reboal No. IM Bread w iv i.tti at v. ih b^ r.,.|.e, e,| on MOMIAr.Sep teaaber« Cirrular* el LOCRWÖOIV8, N.> hi Broadway{ I ROWJ N 9, N " Broadway, tad at tlie roaidotiao ol Uae i'rii efpal, No. 219 1 Wut. Daily normal school of tln< BOARD of EDUCATION -The PALL PERMeC the Pdeatia Ds peitment ol Ih'a Sell ol will eaaiBMaca on MÜNDET, Sepl 1, at !i o'clock a. m aad «. me Ma..- Ifapertaiaal o E'iraKÄ- DAY.Bept u' p tue tiail of toe Beatdoi Edt rath n. ea*aei ef O.ei d and Elai *u. Ail pei*oua, re.,,l.nt« oi the l ny ol New-York, ol lue ag* ol' ii rearg and apward, II final**, audio year* and upward it n n.. a win. inierii, |., ,ie\,,te iheinaelea to Hie baataa** ol !<. x h lug, may alter. at to *e lime* lo Im asaaS rtxl and ciaaadioi. UM. II NEILSON, R, S. LEE.. JOlJS hAVIM'OUT, IMVIH WEBS, B. K. «IMHUdf, WM ALl.A.SON. _JEDE DIAH MILLER. Comiiii'e, RAWING Aad PAINTING fro-n OBIE^TS TAI 'our To School*and Private Pupil* By Profeeior C. tv ENODBON Ol ti ¦. Nl Yt rk Inafitu'ion for the Di tl and Uoo.h addnaa No. IM iv.^t IVb et., aeer Ttavetr IEVENING DRAWING CLASS for GENTLE - J MEN, from 7 to 9. ürawii c from Plaatei CaaM a' Prof 8 RHUSTER'R, No Vtt Broadway. L^RKNCH INSTTITTE for YOFNtflil',NTLB- M. MI N.No A. Baal Mtk at., near Mrtlaaa Park .Cotamer ajal and Claaaical Boartung anj Hay S. eel SptnUh ai.d Me- ai.iti Language*. Prcipectu*, Col tau.u.f fiaT partlcultra, taa- Sa ealale, rotcrouce*, Ac, to be had. _Prof ELIK CHARLIEU of Pati*. PR E NCH PROT £ STANT BOA1 {0IN(« and I I»aY SCHOOL for YOUNG L.VOiEd, N., tVaal H"i t Vra LF.VERETT wUI reafaahw. Bahoaf for nie* aaoaaaj rear o- MOMMY, eeptaawb-r IA App.Kanone I ir lOe admie- ka ot Peeaie nay I* in»te la her naieniia ir.or by 1.« adJreaa. N-w Y'jrk, Angnal at. It A pitENCH laEgPONS.-MoRR J J. HI RNTKH, m. a »rad»*te of tbe l'mver*i»e de Eraure. eooti iae< to leaeb rt* native la gaage to Claaae* In scbool* aad prtvatoty at baa spRa' or at hw at aideare He MS a*kre*.,araf lAtkrat. Ke/eren- ea ot tha highaal chaiai-«r. Ten. moderate. EVEcllNiJ I A AR1 n la beam Gotobeg I. I«'REM;II R~äVRDIN<; and DAY 8CJH01L . l':.--c'ec by the la'e Prcff,«,r*.of M Peag>iet-M*«ir*. .ERPINASSE 4 SMITH, Not M*. *> ig.!.*» mmt V* lt: tt a pi*, e. t'laaeicai Comm#rcial and Mttaarn»tical * ';»lie* noden Lai.*'.*g-* fantlf artthaat extra, chara**. An » <eaea- ar. Iiir^ronaria.aflyuinaaitim. Reopen* l*t Sepeoibet. PBIBND6' INSTaTtTE will REOPEN oq ^1 A ta), tbe let of Htb luooth ( iapt ). GKO. S. i'ARKER'"~SELECT SCHOOL far BOYS 'fbirnerij D. P. Bacon'*, wUI REt>PKaa ahPT. *, fhenare three Depa-tmeHe-tienior, Middla, and Pamary, »Ith Ovmraatic a pi -.r. .> for phvetenl tram jig OtuiehraTey >e la! at LOCK'S OOD'S Unok«tona, or at tbe Sabjolroeioa Ho :>Zl Broa»:way, eunar of ;i*l-*t. HorSATONlC instttute, N>w MilforrJ. Conn., will reopen on S,pt I -'leimi, SI*" P«r f" A A*m of |etj Wiii rec»ivee,wtw are litittg 'or Teadaaca at iba ate of OIK' per year. aHowiua the n to *#»i*t In rb* atboS to uake np the haiaico. The Prli clpd will aaalat tkam a* much « laaiESa in eetalnri »iloali t . for tbein «ben thev haaa faa abed their rtorae of ate*mm. threat." m*y ebtefaad « tha lot'* Stole of CLetk Auatin A Siuitb. and al Elite* Hösel '¦rk row, New York Ejr fairth*r p*r»u:ulart u Lea» M. A iTJNK, Prinrlpal_ ENRY STRITT GRAMMAR SCHOOL- Mo Ml BSSSI »r 1hor>;.». it that Iia*titaties wdl c. mruatxe or. MOS- >At Sepi 1 _J. U MARSHALL. M- A DAME MsJf/riNET'" FRENCH and KN- OC-H BOARD NO DAY at BOOL Rat YOUSl i'ii b. si **»aa Mat at b*.w»«u .n, tjaj MhyaejS a .** , jlTL'^i^.-Y.bipt I II

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Post on 16-Apr-2020




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Page 1:;ir urtfta Relation.( lb* EraiaeliceJ >\ ib NotM**of tbe I'.. Hi RsWtt Marti l> I). An *, ....... « . i r >uconrlH l'»o tnui.iii, J*; . i -. .tout härtetet

;ir urtfta Relation.( lb* EraiaeliceJ

>\ ib NotM** of tbe I'..Hi RsWtt Marti l> I). An

*, ....... « . i r >u conrlH l'»o tnui.iii,

J*; . i -. .tout härtetet of Ik* Mftj F.u........... »I «fl»iri ». !h««p<»ti

.'.. '. ... .¦. BMrtMia "I the S at* Oot «raniaoi«»

, , ., v». s» »i' 'u.(»r> »>»l*iu oltoe I mtp.1 Sim**, '. tl nhM| U,p ...:.,,<¦ nt Auni.cti_,. » . ( if ruioii, Iii» "'«* laBttOS a dortnur*

n .k .ilF ¦ » , :.* »11 ati *eCt*I alad lite t |>e.-»tl. t.i of tn'tti m

^ #;,» 111 .! * H-*ihro Th« « Dtk i* p«»c*ir'i ladM . kaaTfJ * f *»i »'° euioueiiea au t ai n.Linnet". l > «v »'«.»teir to be toiai il on >i>« tut aal witb.u toe§m. met tweti»*** 1a coin actlea *>nh kaj pf i pal toem*. II pr*t-e . iawi >e*aiiituarj ni iw t* ti »ii itoth« buttery, *je<r*rrimk. atatanata'. akalaaaaaleoaailiaa f'be altedStelae,watch»» maei *,i-»l rn'e r»i (m »Ii ( aa»e» ul re»l»r», and iinptrie a

i vla'tP*. *Vna to he i uuwe ta a wjrk ol refermc*.II

i MiMirS PAUORF.-- Ol ASTRONOM)l°a» recent progie** Ol A*.rooomf eap<-<«a |y .u the I'nitedState* n» K a* I. >' lit, li 11 rrvfeetei MM»ol ftataial Phil j*oi hy la tha l.ivertt'y of the City ofNetr \ era, atlO auttx'i "I aCouraool Mt uau'i «. T...-Kcrt'ott. mottly rtj-wtitte.. t.U BMl k o-lerg-d aualiii. *

Tin la.Ltue i« damned tn u . popultr firm, thej», un-porajt aat a atnleal aleei rail** <( ta* pottt«n om.

It tlllll pej*jBBaiail| u Lbaateeatrtra ol Uä* plaaet Noptuneof batet* .iiold* ad the .. * .. e. It* atM the near ri. a ol

tia.a ... f iba ciatt comet ut iBUt. Hie .'« .. met, Mi** Mitch-OjH'l comet Ac.. cf th«pai»i»» ol fixed «Ut«, m4 ou of the»l»If l»«.tllvl Ol II.» Urn al.< A .!'-!-¦:¦ fta* kB©Wiret ,'.**, ctternoi attea ot ih» lenejltaaa hi tl.-t elecifxa»ie*jfapti »aaaaaBaMatrattftajtsaaaaa*latbaUuliadRtetaa vc

Fiot Itajaaj .»"a ai«w M t!.-' rcam«tauca* attaavoinf taaduveoietj oi Nep'ore, »."e»r*to m» tLvetraeal end tzoil laaptr.lit. that I bate teen J. t h.', », Flueutai i'role**o; ol AttroupmwM <b» 11 .itraltT of t'anilo Oge, r.utln. 1.

IllTHK l^aWTY-rirTH Pakt ok t oPLASD s MKD;

CaL 1)1 jTlUNAtT.A U tfooary rf Pt«i tie*. Me. : - wattleta*, (i-:.err,!

P»tko o«r». taa N»iuie »v.d Tte»uoe:.t of l»i*e*.e*, MorbidbtriKtutee. «n.i the di»oide-« r*] -r.» y locice.t». to Climt'et,U tla) kit. aid to the oiS'ieoi ep'Cba 0' life, wub Burner ia

PrataaflatLa aw tba Mcalcu.** n a I ..«.

Of I'nitiI >ci-.r1-nf to PeAoch'titui iTincsptei; . cop'ou* Bib'o-icittap. and an aiihui'» »» .r "'"*0 formula), rh'iwbi.sloioniaa Likrett if Palba .) ». d Prac .s*. Me lame. » .d a

l'.tt»! tf MtdiCa! Lile-rktur*. Hv Jtm-* OoMatad M I).PR. S I.Jru«d. w >i n ;.o »a ..ud lerne tad i.t 011, by Cbarla* A.i>e, M I) Ta te co npieted iu Ihr«« .«r»* :,«.. rolemea V.i,

BtaoaLBadII.ktaarftady. +sper »oi> u.t Sh»ep»»tr», »5 ,vi

fytt »o I e MA:. Ktisiciopadia, emhrncn.* ib« while raufe of Medictl

J-cleexe. ti?. Dapaand t fa in» leMaal aaTatt *uetaiue>t ay tb»Mow ef area! laatullal a^J e<i«ii*i»e »ipwrlaBCa. b»t to -leeiexiis the pr-i rftio oi » wab Boogaalaii kr int ttkmrl aaaayr ha* i-»»ri pat i" oi Bed hv <¦ inc-. bwth ta Ho* aud and Amadea,lt> ba t.: \. »a..u in u ed cal literat ire To* indaf t'iaable compiler I at devot. 1 over m>: 1) je»ri of ard'uut Uhjrto MaaTJbjtr'*. collar tbaaxperteUCI and autho.i'ieaol theIrwBtn t jroi«an ptacltliitnalt vnd me ti tl wnv ra >A tli* */a,Bud 'i tbit Auer,' »n r< pot licatiot. are incorporated thv*e of oaowaanntry. Tba brfcirMtioo am»«t-d m tbeaa TMaaaaItLter»tly Mo'caoua, the wlioie of tue n.atenala htve been moetCWfl-l.t a^leobs. pallet, tly tludied value t, Winnow el. diaotted,eiat'oratad a.d arrai t' d into oompict and mu,(,!e lornn, eatily»ccefwble y available. It i* not eaay to point out iu* tataa o* nwdical itei»' rr »ny wtri by a aunlehand *o much calcn Bted lo excite afiBklrattllBad ihe t»l»L". of the B'.ilhor.

IBnuthand Foreign Medical Reiiew.IV.

HARPF.R V RBOTtlCRS' BOOK LIST.4aow Iiwcrtptita Catauanael li»r[,»r v Urother*' Publica

titut, with an Index Bud ClaBaifiad Tab .. of Content*, it nowr*at)y tot dwlilba«:,n, and may *'» obtained trataltoavly 01 to lba l'olllahora, peitonai.), or hy letter, n.cloiingbix t est* tn iOttilie a'atu^t.Tb» attention ot Heu lern, o. in town or oontry, letitmn.' r..

form Librariea or ami' k their Llktaiy coi.scti ni, it rtwaacttu ly tn.ited to Ihi* Ca'alc^BOt wkick w ill be band to co-npr:«** 'art-> prnrtortion ol the atauda'd and mo*' < tteemel *r.. k. in

Paaiaak lltatMoia eiiiiiptahendlin n.j..' thu^ Two Tk taaadVrtitiaaa wltlcb ata nllarari i ouo*t maiaaee* at ,<st* ma i one-Luf the r( at of tin, :iar atodaAtloai iu CatlaadTo lot rajiao* m d other* cinueiled wi'b College», School*,

etc wbornav i oi liai" h' c> a I j i r- kt lie II da la >(in\ut thetrue ..¦.»!. t \ produr mni, i; n aa.l«va*l thii CataI' ins wi prara eipaci.illy taiuahle as manual of toforaat a.A lo pr»ve:it al**p|k>in'men: |r it BUBaw*t*d that, wbe leverbcata cannt* b* obia i ed'hioiiga any bt»*kaall*f at local apjaatianlhMlnaa. wttbriailitaiitiei abeul* **e i i ei»«.j dliact to theP' «iber», which Wall be piaaipllj Htten.leU to.

Second Rditl at Now Ready;rpHE HUMOROUS POETHY OF THEA i ^^JI.:^ll LAM .< \

from ciiai :fk To swf..BV »> . |'t.rto\,

A«tb>r of "Life of Horace Oreeiey."1 vol , lakaaV,SM ap, Price *l ö'

" Thi* ;i a r oat a boot ai d a half' bo partly are ill dtrnen-Matal; ).'. isrge aa It 1b vniouilv nnd jad'iriouilv ti led.n ¦ h.'re w» have larrativea, «itlr-i. aniiexa* karia*aaai, p»r>diei, triteetlet. epitrtins, tpit»oh*, ti«n»l»'io:i». Including ti e

moat e»ieb'*t*1 Pot to, of The Ant .larobla Rt.tad Al-drttavt.' the 'Ingotdtby Legen »,' Blackwood'* Magaaina,ß-r,»: «y t atttrellsny. and I'm. b, will more thin two ktuSrOde;hrr»ni* »._j the rnelraal Uaasoroaa p, euy of the eijar an Itn^ra rneJetu Fl^gliih and America bard* "

[¦sew Vork Kn'cke'Socker." T*< > it up when in a ii,*nt Baoow, and von ihutl ti ,d *,'nin¬

th ii r tne-sin to jump with yoai ba jo r. wbaa jaded, or hot, or

Dot of kmper, u:.d ten tu i,e the UtBBall .lota tri refit a youaaSdoyoetaOod ' [^taw-Tork Alb'on"Ail h»t ibere i» of fT»;eful jaiety ImfuilBa* wit. and ¦'.*>

I'm tvn,'n the ahorter ;-'« .« ,f me Kngiteh laagaaaa, la bareaic.l'OA'i i " I **W-Yotk Piir. ool. ai' »1 Journal.

" The1* * sn in n ensc fun t of aainajmanl la H,ana caaaot(a.i 'o 'oe rt'.iih»« by Iboaa wh ein tj j.r-eitte. neb kaasOt "

(PbdaeayaWa A*a*ni mi Oaariar..'I'.'e» fvh vt'1'.inie, thii SateBtj five aatbori eeauiBO'el

to it, -r d "isrs ant her* lb . htight' st'oi thfir ^av "

Litl lllifritad." He'* ib* * laalrerg of 'he lalllat of a tine wit, or ot those of

bwoxbI kraaeor, arbei La rkjnaaican 6:. then all eeietaltjodjBrr*rnl v c. lrr." |Vew York Plcayt-p.

¦* aft ararfc af aa aaaek anait to fal of paeaBxnji Tirietiat calladfi< a a. >..: andBeadaiai It re, kilaaiai sortbe taita* bath na*raad old,' Unat r**trana»ad liaed la arary oata who oas a raliahfot irit; !...-r»t'ire." |Sew-Vr-.k Pamily V'lafttW.MTb*p p e eant aa.B*eaB*iitf and Ihe* can haie it la the

moc-a./- I leltuna beware t, watch ta craaaaratd arltbwB droll't iy and<it«e " Beaten Courier.

The hare .! a . of ran ».. it; one ot plaaaa e, »ud not *riei jCite if cv ' i it.i '., Bad Batweehlita)Ittag ,| rroht, and no lollyt .. wh . h W" w.. Io; .. 'it pel .]» ..' (, vhr..»,i or ,oiv *li"i'-

in tjt » .».?. or 'n Iii« i o.o.iry, in taa h ^u'e or in the Sdl, lakbaartnktf Of tha ti.i-n..

" [V Y HaatO Jinrnal.'' A t»l*ui» ol the r»,eit »: d ric-i1 a lit "

IM Y fhiinhmvn."V> o lbs neaolhtll ot Mia«'«|*ire', we don't believe there it

it hock "i "is wjr.d beiwee:. whose 11 roia ciu be foaad aoraK^luinew.t etqulaite lull, aud rehncd buu or thtn in Ihn iul-

lectw^ I I'r.vt >ri (O. o zt'.te.Pot taad .-..*.¦ \so.N BJlOTHilllS,Not Ii k 111»Bum-it.,

htt fork


DIOElaOWrj I.ill-: OF FKEMONT.Ot latii U'tno vol .illuttr.ted. Price ri

1\> e P IT BBPOll THF. PKiPI.F."Otod tiiv're from the i'lbl qu trier,

baja i he N Y. Ude^nd-nl:T''* w;rk Baapeiaa the f'ole*. a \a BBVal comple'e account

y«t paablaarad Of tfeO 111" Of tha extrv r !l i»ry m in, and, by it*aiaas and '.rrtfraithla facta, fctaetalli aad stiarxa*the who'ein i- »9*1 brood ol ii.all,ihbnt a'aoder* with wich the ProSiv.«..« par'v »rs BBdkaratal fill 'he pt.btie mind."

b*»b Ihe N»tion»l **r» (tVatAlaftea I» 0)1f ItHihto: klotrapl y wbit h ao lau*aaadoqaateatAfaWjat,:i . o:.iy .1 It' public semtes. but of the private, uis'otv of our

Ctr-oitBt* It ia tiieiefore. a at laaao which no llepublicanal u.d fa >,i |<tite>s L> f oi k PaiBHOB, TnCBBroBB, \K*t ii Man f with lili.i.Lo * s i.iil. of PRf.MONT "

DFBBY A JACKSON, Pol. i-hera, New Y irk.. A.s^tH and Bi«iteile» t »in pietaeroetaatlaaa thali ordert,

abichariHhaatoaaptlyfilladaaaaaollMa. I> \ J.

GH 0 I C E S IT M M i B i E A 1) I N (i', bat not Tnin.

Peealia It a Ispted t anael 'be aattaaall ft Stimmer Touriir»,tut ?0t l-'t*y too good lo I*, torow :. »aide af ar a einde peru»»l.Mr. Lrtta 'he talented . ,lit >r m '. Too L!rio| Ag«." h at *b w uvr»tt I»; .i ;:»!. ,;, Lfl bbj »eleet.on i.I tn ei Irom Kuropeauai t'. i la*)Ritt abich w« Iteti, d was ti e cluraitg >i. ry,

/. AID E E :V( wt-cii w* hu e tcid lo.i t o ropiea. The a. con,I.

RATE <" o V E N I R V,k* rrttttog with g'e.t SjTW ftoai Ihe poWka, No.; i.

S I h T E R ANN I ,

or* -J tba tr*a' s.-rlea evet lt. ad in " T: a L ving t^.-." will bea< lied cn the 1st ef Saptswba*. Sue ihaaanaabat*andaud tbeaa, aaai ye>a will too ist» a i i'-rery oi Choice LightI iteretai., witth ownii p. pab -tht J by

ions p jewFTTA Co.Baatoa.RWllT, PRO Toll A vVORTHlNOTOM,

Clereland Ohio._WISLÜtiN, HI.AKKM AN A Co.. Hea-Tax,


PHB AMARK in RIiL'CATIONAL SERIKit,Tt.etas'-.' C.'J Iaara'aaocaaafal exi-enenee n* it* *utb'r*andgo.-Siaher* in pier SCHOOL T» AT BOOKS, btie.-edfjtl.i the.'pr.gri*ai\egii :ali." , attta-tive nia»ud adapta'i mA tb3y0 .°>g, pu:.- ,1» J e. -i it. d tui,i«, cha-arur; conformity tvkhavri j;»r i a -tboi it lea t.. a '0 da «niuent | La*klaatlao cf all kaodati laaraiaamti with the etcel.«nrea af that»* thoif practical adtp'ttioh lo the aaoartalaad »tut* olacho-I» »u i t^tv oei, U't.r tujieriir Baaebauieal atwiaAkBa,aa r«oardidit'^ic* t»ra. »Ute pat'er. pleasing and aoproor at-eiigravu.^*al laataful ai>i darahii bli bna: »t.i i*** »,»» « rwaaJt ot a 1,IbaoM va-ativo arte «;.J pleasure with wh.cli bey ire taught

r aba ifareVM SANDEBS1 NKtV RRADF.Ra SPELI 'I i TUoMSon'S IMPRiH » ,i AltiTilMF.TU .»,»AltL».(tNS HI IT" IRIES. VARO'S TF \ T-B' >OK « INTi'r' BCIENfjPM: PASQl 1 i r.'tj FRENCH aad vvooii-Bl BJT'o oprman SERIBS i BRAI'BI 'VfB, HAsriNuS',and TAY..ob_s MUSIC Ki.ih> a.* A i^ PttlNNBl .-. .i.ttr DBBCBIPTTVE CAT A-LOCH t-» l'"t>* -, OOntalniLI oplalou of *mlri*nt te». bertmU UAta tatted tue*«- bo< k*. »lau crttJctJ review* from aMe lit-*-*ry y*or»«i* L i«er»l urma to teicner* desiring tj ea-uuinaer eu: a* to* book* AcIMfKJN a Pm.snkv i R'HlRS are aold bft c OBIfJ iS

111 IM i a C". HurtaJo, 0 ay M1 'Nil Sl'IIVCKU. U., SF.MOl K A al'i'AR.1 AiibuVr bT^'lok"Balis'* o 1VISON A PHlNNET

_N JRN Br adway] Now Y. rk





I^EBDEl^K D0U0IsAS8« l»A!»EB of thisH woek 'I K ' lata »t !..t 1,1 il'.'i Nt a A »t B"j./<» vyi- aftTVECBNfrJ.


V1 y\ Wühle, fine l*»t pisosi boIj bein»?IT Mar*« iscasasly asAaasbed hi HORACE WATERS. No.

iti idwej Ageii ("i Ii " .»-« o( Pteaos, Meledso a), Re.Boat*i " Moaeb sy'l wettl j toi laasebedy"'. Atbertoo ." BindOrshai Ii > Wood,' LHtia 014 Cattaay.Ptalay» "atd*iCcBaluil'' JaMOti i

" Dial re of Live" end " I ueaiwcen bemif \ iiai Um i Nim Iba OM H *m ui o, BMMh aar*('im «, " Coarttai la Coaaertirnt" Markaien,, Koie-'eHieva" Ca-k. '.fas Rl'eaea FtraV» - tataa'k; *«"w*Aralbs" M»yat; Oa ...« « e»s,"-(»r (lea; - My*j'--i -Hi' " >r llnaei» too long By «hy aÜB. lov« -Dodg«iVVeMI a' r- egi Il the ruoriio g"-B«k*r; Pw.r 'lid

R. b C a, i.'e-28 MOta aerB| Hapey Heile*-'' -C .>.!.-

,.. . n etai Maraatulai tw-oi .».» « e»otajSwee, b* tl.vd'«an.r- Veiecboene' :.i>reo-2Scai-ia liiaru-

.e, ... " t BHi Pa k«" Basra 'laeaere Pol-* -»"2"*TPopular Qoedialle" Bellek " Mignloi ette Br bo

Males!) -, raw Polka." *'SmrtM-Id MsieS" *******Paw ti - Qoa ..»ep"-Esile-3i eai Backs " n «- "...

.Yeti beat* I i "Sparkle* Siii^t Nii'.t V.',, IDt. Maiketeti Mnaaatary Bell' »eh IS

aaat* " Psora O^rllW'-AJawrt- '"<."'".¦. '."'V0

ba MrMo rka Mai I > i<- '

«i| r-per nun t flM flit to Teacher* and 11m -rt at OBO-

'.ntii the a irked price, r<-t p«JJ AH lawaHaaaaoarealetaBilCITl _


T M I Ii e ~bT O n I) 0 i>

IK THE nkw-york BIN

ore cent per cory

ST I L L A N 0 T H E K TALE,-Till


SOCIETY,tr a DafOHTIB'l TCKOBaXCE| tow twh'.iehin,* is THELEDGES OP ROMANCE Oaly FoarCents.






I)AGUEBREOTYPE PLATES OALVAN-\/i H or H aTTVBIEB Bftke Beet kind male toorder for

tue me of DAOI allRr OTi l'l>T> ByL L BMITB. No.» Caaelat, ti. T.

KrMONT. ITI.EMOREand BUCHANAN..J uat Put Ulied LIFE BIZt I'OllTIIAtrS of tneae dl*»iu-

BBjeled Att'Ti. v.l. Price* eat h' Pi *1 TlNTIIi. R1 7S,CoinKBb, with liAgk Oaooao, + 1 Tb« uauaJ du-ount to ttiiTraue. QOÜPI!. A Co. No 3B6 Broadway, N Y.

Printing-IJRIIS'JTNO by STEAM.Copper-faced TYPE

STATIONERS' HALLNot. 17! anal 17« Peeri-at. New-Yorfc.

DOWN E A riAaMltOliCK,PAINTERS. LITHOGRAPHERS and STATIONKÄB. Allkind* o/PRINTINO exeru'ed in the be*t ityle. with COPPERPACED TYPE, at the lower! istei

^"'hlBlTSE BlJlLDCk'GS..rRINTINGof everym. deacriptlOD, from a ¦>¦ to a Book, at the Uamt CeaaPrieaa. hxkek a ooiitviN j..i.h. .¦-. ,.<«.

Gtntionrrn anb Santr, ©oooe.


MTCILAOH OR PASTK-JAR.Two deiirehle ertlcl«» for the ConiKlng Room and Library.

Call and aoe theTi Where you will ajao Gtid the in.nt torn-pftu« laamtaieot of PorelgB a:.d Dome«tla Statiui^ry la ihiai'.y. Deelen only «upplieil.

AM£B. &V.R&1CK, RARNKS k RHOADS,No. 7S John at., New York.

Arency alao for the Kent Mil' Paper!

BLAN'K-Ii OOKS and P A J' E R .BLOTEa JANES Stattoneri No. 91 Eulton-it., near

William. OraaieraepectfaJ yaohcitod.üTTdT, beads, beads,

BVP.RY OESCRIi'TlON,For aale ty

M. P. BROWN,No ise Pearl at.. New-Tcra.

DRUGGISTS' FANCY GOODS.Tooth, Nail,Halt and Cloth llrnahea. Labia'a Extraeta;'i lirowu

Wll ö.ot and other hoapa. Pull boze«. Pomade« Twoeaera,Dreaall g and Eu e C'omha, Paria Toilet Arttciee.ana every alvleol Ear ry Oi (, ndnpied to end told by Drugginti. lm|aiiieddirct' ai .! aold on io.mi reeeeaable t<*tm« by

ill I I S K Mi HAUO A Co., Iiiioortera an 1 Jobh»r«,No SS Na»a«ti-»t., iup|>o«i'e the Post Otbxe,) N Y.

MUCILAGE, in new and convenient Bottles,with Metalii. Cap and Brimh.iadiarejuaabw)to merchant*

arid u*»f'! it Bveryeody. For »»le by TH \ DtlBVi DARIUSA Co., Mar ufacturmg SUlionera, No. M Clitl et, New York.

Kit, II A I.(11. TR EE, S I A I U »N F.RS," At v~NÖ.i;i WMiain.t.N Y (near Ceda>-at,) offers mcei'oea

oi rH ANK HOOK- PAPERS, COPYI O-PRE^SEd,8TSTlONFRt Diaaiei roa IBrl kltdvof u*ir owe aauatacInreani n-¦ LOW PRICES. PRlNTfN», LI-niUtiRAl'Hi Bud PNORaVINO eteeattd laevawy vari*tfoi d«-«n aid etyba. at the lowe-' poanih!.- price*. We lolicitc. orrtr\ II il ifv hny»r« to call at No el WtHlaai «t


W ILLIAM E. HAWS,No. ||3 C iv ti -t., cobsbb u» Tiioer-oa-, N.Y.BRAN' B OE R. c RoiiT. ANTHONY A Co.,

Emm eorataatl* do hand a g.. era! aeioraneal of STAPLEa:h FANCY STATION! I!Y, Account Boi k«. WiUJag Paaeie,Law hi d CommarciaJ Blai ka, Not. -, Dr«f' lt.... u Eichauge,Ac Pruiilna of all klnti* executed to order.

N. B .Par'ici'Ur atbantlem Paid to 'he manufacture, of BlankAccoaat Bookeand to BANK I'RINTINOCheck«, Bill II"»'*, Circular", Ac., Uthcgraelisl to my pat

teut if tl'i uea'.<l>t

T A TI O N E i.' Y and 1'ANCY COOPS..RH HD. MOBELV A co..

Invite the TlUdn to a |-.*ue< ti m of >iieir Stock, ItNj. si lohu.*t., Ntw Y or*..


M w KiTiNo kNKs. ManeeiMied ky the heel chernne» to heirnlde'e»ii any "'hei vet Tale. For Bale to trie TRADE

om.\ i.y THaDDEVB davids a c .. aaannfaetarer* of1NK» iu ail Mien vwietie*. S-aiiog- Wan .Wafer*, Mucilage, Ac,

N< l'11It-at.fl New-York

_^Vmnocmcnto._Ai A D E M V OF MUSIC,

14th .tre. f.a si ait laaaw of Ita laa oi>er*. bi der the dlractaiai oi

Max MARETZEE,c:n.n raetai on

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER I, 13>J,wi'b Veuli'* Latt ana tlr«ate*t Opera.


iu t.ea p.-tixipal character.s pptitaAbi BBilaeasaitaUe,anththeaetaami adnmaiou liedat ul]

ONE DOLLAR.Sfcii'e Peal*,etil«.Fifty Cent*Sen . dT't i .Fifty tent*Ad [ nth-a' r.luant> u.- Cent*

Dot ra OBHi at n'c.ock comnie.tcittg at B.Boa Offica at the Ach of Mum and at Meaara.

BALL 1 SON'S, No. 93$ Broadway, Opt a daily ireia la ita. to8 P jo-_BROUGHAM'" BOWERY THEATER..

Dreaal ud - u I Orcbeaaaa SeataM istsi Bosae,SB Mats |Pit.Kjceati 0* rrj IS\ eetiU; I'llvsls Bobwj. Door*op.n at 7, o'clock to rlaimsasn »t 71 iHla EYENINO,far the BENEFIT01 atlt BROUOHAM:LIKE IN NEW Mt|(K, OS, Tum am. Jcrbv ovi Vi«it.Crpt bowlüigreeo....Biomibaai Kaie.Madams Pot.u.LoimUnai. Ton.Mr Favksr) Jerry Hswtbois Mr. Daaa

PO-CA-HON-TAS) Or. TRI Ot\Ti k 8*va..a.p"w hs tan.Mr Bra gbagfl Po cat h .n-tas..Mia* Denham

W 1 B L 0'« GARDEN.-**

~''"oi* op-n at 7 o'clock; »t R.

Txie<.Fifty Cent*BINHir up M. MARZETPI,


wu. npieat istni celebaatad peaSemlaM ofa. . .

P O « O O .M"( K^',''"...ea.MarrTarki(tiei ti-t Ippi ei-t'.ce *i ce ber iiidiapoaitioa.)I oi K ElTI STAIIWIBTa.At'l.fRa-.e.n T- -a I'a.ra, tan

BATI Rl AY EVENiNOI Aa«Ma«?BBs!To tttltu.ei.ctr with the BsWwt el lit t J.

1 r dusle a qcatre.'It M :ka. i,, agaj ., ,,

PONOO, THE INrEl.LiiiE.iiT APEel. atari'ii;. pct.iit:...... . :Lj ,hVv:.:.-v.v.'.r..;;p^¦ ..

0RANd du FRTISSFMENTLenuä:."' ' L"% >V«*ae" M« Manila, sad FlorsTi aeseladewltk the beaatUU aaWeavaofTHE ITALIAN BtluaNDS

aa or>t: a y end aiclaaively tep,.K.uted by the Wondsrfi!Rave * *:td tb< .r conb.'e c.mpaoT'

On MONDAl Mi B -. v..M bwgrsM ehawaasaaedPAI L pry, for the lea* tiles »lab aabec eaiaraaaaatan^aTlATLEDAYB aijbta.TLTSSIIaT^ TUfAoiiaia and

laflDAYB.* 8 Bl*hto*J,0,l,>A,ri- W LDNEsDA PI aua

NIBLO" GARDEN.GERMAN OPrlKA.-Theptb.:c *;r? re»7- lu. t h tomo* that the


NEW HERMAN Sf III T R O I" p Ewu. take p tee Sep: II '. *j

Pa t I*.-, .n fiilnrr adrerUieBieutS


at tbe'j Nl. ta II ALL. N " i; ..»,.

ALI. Till i » r B Kw I be pi -. «a' '. * drei.. Orgu %. 0, era at

T liOl A T O R tla J Ac e. wh s bji Pijata*yaaS s

FTIIKOPIAN a-iNiTi ' ii! a o-'-.e. ..«I« .-'CeOI*.

i>< i a. *, f ut:c:- atva »v^lai »i 5 reck

pUBDY1 NATIONAL THEATER.-J [>v*e* C'rtle* ! rent*, Chair*. Wet it*, P' -1.1eeet* <<|UM) DEMOftSTRATI >N .. i.'TTI.K GO »01L'a nil* M -TIM- aFTI BlOON «i .. .. ...-« t»i w»

petteraaBd L'N. LETuti'lCaBIB Ii ¦>' <¦' %,r " (: H *

nid, Mia o l II ten.'1 *i.1 l.t .. I .) w ir4 w etioesr.

It. Hi- E>r- NINO,«' T|, l< 11. w- .¦ -i I'»* MAT.A».f »I. ,/. IraaA ha » » Ulli* IV urn NtCBOt* Fel-.we.lh»THE Mai.Ii ihLMI'f.T. Tnrooi.ule arltb LOBD OF THEISLES,

1> 0 RllY'H NATIONAL THKATER.Grand ektre» ti|>.ii like fi:l. year of oil rx.avoMeu.enl.

Tu ha re.. irx'e>l nomommy Nl vT SEPTEMBEB I, 111

Being the i. mn ei remeolof t Feil «i I Winter S .ten.. » th »

N ». u a N l> rOVIiri'L COIfAnT.In Die morning a, uiBglllRoOBl

STAU> OK WASHINGTONCati.J I.» tint relebr*'*<l ertis'e, A'.nter l.t..dti.nt't. »a j.. fNo. Ml Sou'h«*. will h> . kti~I on ih« top of me Th'»ier.Tl"* be>in| tl*- itm-.l (tatae of the Fe'her of »ur Countrv .«.Ieihll 'ted u. New I o.k. wnb the exception of th* on» tt u.on. .oaje,.

T1U NTW-Yii°K BRAS"5 BAM).WUI al*i be ir att*>t. V - artag the Mecia« e* lb* Stare». *eweil tu ibtuiah the .'as am! evei ISA T> Theater will *l*u heil«eoi»leci wi'h the Hag* ot iiil Nn iota. In th» ewe kg

A lINAtaO DISPLA*! OS »HU- VoRb'SBj Mr**r* J O. BM \*.Kt. F.'gf of Jer**y Lit), will jxhlbtetd at T. i ci««:k. frotr. the tof ol lb* bu.ding. nna tMb front

f U o Hina* bnlialt j i Inn sted _


At del' (Arpec-B* BfBBty Will he prodared. the one *u hat'eriir al.'i Mirficaj nj.d Mtf'ca. Sp« t»c.e, e Uli**]

T B F F A 1 It Y » r B L I.Ai.d Ii* olbei entitled

J E .1 .i I E .

Or tl,» Returned ITaejIi HIA NEW PANTOMIME wt,. «leo be .>*. "J '.*.* ^' "

eveol.gThe fullowirg I« *li*t of 'b- at t*. '.e>.mi th' Powe:! .! t ¦

I tat] ..! d * t: . Seexre |BeJ*Ie**e* I'e pro-tor, and Manager.\. H rardjstage line tor.u. L. pea.

I p initn.A. CaawawBTreaa.uer.u.1 I *etlTirk. seilet Ic Pit .A. w MooraScenic ArtiM. Oawtfa Ort in

MwbJitrti.Wil.itm Crane.i ir. / eatre. I'trector ». J Compoeer."A m T. Feterw Btnjunin J. iMen*.1 eco.nlite and Property Amtt .C Kt'nttnrner.Madame L^uirup.Oat ti.ginee r.Oeorf* "Ipic. r

1'ihei. Jan.** Ren» and J Bna.[Police Ileparto enl n: d«r th* e rection "f Ml W in. M-Kmnj,aatwted bTMaaart J Ri>t.J A aermtn.and (' Prowhe

TicAel 1nket*...Ma«ra J. Ttmont, P. rtmont, aal j. PEKPOEMEBE

j. A. A!leu. '. J.. Pel,T. Cot. t W. Ti> or,II r ef" .. T llamot n.U Oakley. U M. UrewoP. T. Cum. l, M. Pike.W Milche.:. J Reed.B.Coay, j. Beane,P. Alken, Ma*t*r M-irray,A Cotiinmii, Mnater Andre***,

Mattar* f»e Mello, M,a* lla'bawt},Mara Paony Han Mkra « Caaaraaaa,

M at Adel*-d« Pin-*, pruic'e r. ttaatailt an l *"*<)'< m u..**,Mra Wiey. Miw .-. xe'.Mo* Arlane, Mr*, ''airMia* .-wicuey, Kit* BaaMr* Mi.« Ml || r.Ml** Kv- May, Mi*< Bnaa,Mie* t*inlhy, Mrn. I r-a. ;

w T Pi*nacbaa, h J. Iie»n*.Oi. Mather, W in It.aaenhe:Mr Tt'.c, Mr. HuttaJI,

\\ a*aaa*M B»< ba .

Maat V. Peterichen, W. Haßley,Mi fi.eax*.

Urni.atitt* to ih* E*i*Ui»hfT.ei t..C. W. Tay.oi. N. K. C!a:t*,and I PBariaa,

Paatfa i \get t.P. t laa,B'n«e Dmkaefjei aid At. "r»r.**. Tren-uirl,Si,mn* tinder the di'e. tionof II. t BrbarJam atalt'ed oy C.

IfaiiiBahli. Roh. it »tili. loba Ryan, it*' Sal.on. ndct the direction of Mit* NL MurOeiera! tttiatant.Mon*. Culturt

Duii. a the rteaaon New P ern, »-ritten etpranlt fot tati* e*-

tehllthmer f will he MOttaced i-i rapid *Vaatta***aa. an 1 many ofthe atai dan! Ml ml all3 li.ttinc'ite old liians* wiil be retinal|bot iticb i-a-ri-tn c and imrnnral piod¦ tioot M Jack ineppird,tum and Jerry. n;.d Iba .- t Hemeea of Cnm-, ihtll not b*betealttr allowed on thit *ui*, under th* preeent rnaLtge-n ent.

PEICE1 Tf) BEMaMN AS THEY ARv.Cltelea.25 r»:r». Pit.IB| c*Lf*.The fib »><t* of ilia Mai.ater moat remember bi* houae i* Bet

la ge, bat hi- expet... * are BigR tt.. r»'"ure no t BEI>lcan be grai ltd.

Bakn"i» amkhican Misr.rM..POSITIVELY «AND IMIEQI t\'»i KtLt Iba int week

af that great artiat, wyvan theWIZAED,willarattathumut?ini! fent* ar.d expenn.entt eierv aftenioon and BTaoing,»t 3 ai d ~i o'clock, Veatde» but eiqoi*ite Vbntrii o^i i»l8i Bai 3 in I trOHOB, L . litt kTtOfil tt Sgaiaa, Ac. Two livingAnao'j.lti, a Ii.ii i Skeleton, t»o living Sea Tiger*, tha Iln-arfLail>, a Mt'lHL or Tilt MtLAKOfF, tM living W Ud Be---*ail to I e t*eu. Adaalltinca ±'< Cent«; Children un !er ren I2|.


For the -. .*nn w.ih a 1 ninaliv of Cotoedia;.* WHOLLYI N.-l RPASSKD IN AMERIl a In point f Bftil.MtNTv b it - \ 111.I'M tiF TAltBMf at »eil a* PEOFESSIONaLBl Pt'TATION.a n.oiig Ii e Corpt Dramafhi'ie wil be fotiad the nttne* ofMea'i« t'. W. i laike,HaaWtraTiBHlaatan, Lartiek,O. L!n-

gnu1, j LfaagaiS, Dancalf, j. Heriwart, E. P, Taylor, Knvenagh,o i latk, UaralbCk, Cannl iham, Orittnaa, kc. kliaiEaii yM.rtejer, Mr*. PrtVCCe, Mi.t i dr .'«¦«. *!tt Ittl -k KaMOrtin. >fi*» Mtull, H'ecdame* iMckaon. Pain er. Lingard, Mi«*ii r i,.!.». at..! M.»» w ;!. n, *. r Mr. C w irk-, Dirojl '

ot An u-einentii, Mr S. Bleerker, Promp'et: Mr w. ii

aiaca. Bcänic Arttati Mr R. Walker, Coeraater; Mr Btirrat,M .tl.ti.i* Mr. Juakxh Ha I k, AaBtat Uli MacatBktt Mr. T. Kie;-lu, Pmj> mn; Mot *. PotramAt,Oiibaetral l.ealer.

The .-. i'on vi ill aao BkBJ re on

MONDa ¦ Sept- ',Oi vtl.irh aaMatea. in the

AFI F.B Not IN nf -. u'alock.Mr. LIONEL i.Ol.HSl HMlU.C' ebrH'ed f>r aia .M BoDra-nit.- reptra. ntalioLt of iiaracler. will give tit CUTi j*J0 Baduai'itie e'iititeinmen> rill- ,1

tT HOME AND 4BR0A0;Or. Tin AoraarrvatTJ or * OtaTtiMAX i% Mtav LakTBt!Hi* imitau n* or a n ..» and iiia .iintle S. o: u »-o pro-

n. uiiced u noliy betO',1 ail pa alieiKVE.NINO,»t7)oVlo,k,

W 111 he preaeutt .1, ot Ibe requetl ot BaBBJ |.it: Be, fct tielirat lin.t u, two Baaeong, the lOBOJai Coined oi

M o NEY.Mr C W. Clarke at Evelto .Via Entity Meataver a* Clara,

Mr Hudelt nv a* OravtA Mr. Brn gintn a* Sir J,,hr. S e»ei, Mr.Lerlck um Sir 1 ied. ii « III *XBi. Mi". Krai ¦ ut 1. idy Pral kliti,a i 'let that lor aperial BbtUtJ It whol!-, oup.'coedentvd .:. tbaannale ol ihe undein

On TUESDAY, the aaaaa lull of performance BrQI bepni-ed. On \\ FI' N e tliAY AFTERNOON and F.v ENIN .

IbeCrwedy ol NONEY, rut a* above. On THURSDAY,UllliAS atd BATUaDAT. abelaa .l*gttlam*Bt»ta n.e It-lemoone, and a favoiile Comedy in the Eiening*. atnbrtcnigthe ti tire itrrng'li of thel ompai y.

on MONDAY, fuh IwetaBiber,aaauttralj nearCoaak Drunmwill he arot aoad

VIIIKN.V.I'M. No. f.'.I Mrtmlwity hf!..w üöül.tu et-A talei ted CeaBBBttf "t

a, JUt EN1L1 PEBI ORMBRSwillra*Baaaacaa aari** of btatliaBl and at*.-*.,: e aatartala*Bkt nit. on

Ml iNDA i.\ BNIEO.SaBt :,it rei erlK n it oh a

ORa.'.D roNCKRT.A'lin'nior MoaatBl R»aertrd Seal* hi) cent ..


CJJEO. CHRISTY knd WOOD*" MINT8TREL8,.5 No. HI Broadway, will opci BVBBT EVEMNO, with a

wiil «e.Lii>tl Punrjnin.e. BtM.clading wh a asw and \eryla ighable Afterpiece, OrO PITRirPT. fl ago MlBOJOI.

UENEY VlooD. Hui.< Munter

T~niK BROADW A Y~VÄRIEriE.s, Mi. 47JBBOADWAY i CLOSED, for a tew Braake, eejafec

the ptUBrae of etiargiug and renovating li* *aio>ti, d fingweich im.a the Wooo and Marth Juveni'e Cou.« hau* vititBnfla tti bee ejad Montreal. 'Die KEoPKMNLi will takeplac* u' .ut IM! .J<" t.

HENRY W OOD. BaabMfj Meager.

'UK Cin'STAL RAl.ACE. . ThiB beautifulboildir.g aoelalnfl variooi object* of Interett.An*l*nt Hobe-TAPi'STKY, a Gallery of Pabttlnp, rttl and valuable

STATUABT, bealda Agriealtaral II, p>u.»nt* txJ Macbit:*ry.'t will ren am open until IVuTtaef notn-e

DU88ELI)0RFÖALLERY, No. 4W7 BrrjAtlwaf,coaUiu l!< rfthafinetl P AI NTINOS ever put uoou ex-

,'rdtlon Oaaaj PAY BAed EVENIMO Admitunce i'- oeot* IPIlflT RAITIN«; and \VIMT[Xf;.-Mr*.LOAN, teajl i e, nit. w u receive Mti'or* lur le,i week*

oi y, at No. 1 '. OtOBd-tt, . few BBOBJ w**t cl K-ntdw.y.PTtia'a li'tii in dtilj from to 13 in Public. Cucie MON'DA*.\» KI'NF.-UAl «. 1 HIIuaY I \ 1 ninos fro.a h '".O.anl11 SDAY,THUESDAl ud BATURDAi AbTERNOONS,tniuSloö. Tom-a .ViceLt*.

GURNET1* PALACE wf ART, NulMltBrtiiMlviajCutitaii* the Urtett couection oi l'h. i, .rtpha BBd Daguwr-

reotyret on exhibition in the wprld, and it aiwayi cpea lor thafree Lnyeftion of tea public.


AY(»l'N'(f 1'rt'Dch LaVttj, .|i*alitif] t«> tfirh he-rovt t.r.e. ni w,- a? Ml t. PaBBO- Forte, it wu'.uig

to go as TUlOEESS la t i: rat* Ii the eoaatry ors. Ai Piy a'No_.":' 1'tli *t , u:. W «iii.eiJaj, Tnnradi. a4.dSattuday, from 1 to 6 p. to.

AN ENGLISH LADY, ofcreRt experisLCc ioTEACHING, i* d»*ltaai ot uaavuaa »n eag tgentaat

la reti-'er t Ot l .»t'iua OOY'BBWESS lag Ig ta I* OOaVBOtatllo IBtpOtI a ii era. **nc»Uon.tea. hn.t Bsffl'tjj .n a.! i*branihe*. French, acquired dur ng a long restJen:e in ''. j

¦era ei ei.d L* in. with Music bj c Dttwtag. No ubjxtioa top. lag Soo'u Addteg* P T r>*t Office. Y. nkert.

1\tan1 1i>. A r.-ajM .-f.-ihlo )«nno WotOAIIY» wteke* a Brtaai -. in a pnin-e fnmily a* i HAM it.R-S'AII) *-d to do PLAIN SEWING tan to r ritv referet ce glvem Ca'l lor I wo da)t at N». U,'. ''tb-bt ,in out l oin HeVsk, tr t PA ni gf tta.n.

V\rAM KI>.A niMintit'ii I'j' ft ri'-pivUliie joiioa;Y T i.- »a chamreemaid ind WaITBE Code,

i. * g ven. Can l-e aeon f.- two J»}«, If not eugagad, atSo loo JMh-at., betweet. ,d and 3d-*»*.

»*i>K()oki.i n i^ rnujcAN ".CARRIERS19».¦ l aN\ tVSBBBI W aNTI 0 -Aftw n-nof th« ruht

ittmp obtain wt .1 ten mert'ed e'npto)meut by apoiymgDiBjedleta.] at Nt lal W u.-am tl . leOW-torfc, »I No xi^.f^ bbia st-, Bt.oa.yn, E D._

(>\ WAN riP-Kn-m 13 to 13 jaart of as/e.Apr'y at the I'ry 000 >* ¦¦».«"» ISA AataBCk *t..Brxlyn

(\>OK WANT 1.1».Id a pniate« fami.t. LiberalJ wages arilt ba pavi. Apn.) at No IP Battle* gt.. up «'*.-i

DRl'(i C'Lp RK W ft NTH» _A pomptsteot per.rn way f,r a «esvg . ni a a -i ta Unr Ran

"7 *4W'i ">* «t N. S'i'h at


I?DUC41I0V..A Presch Oettl*mso «

limti » »M i»i.f.».i!fi/« In T-*rtii'* *-icn If 11» C'rt.,.i w».. a tb-e ilhor c' .ver-J ..... a * ... llew « '

Ol e 1.f «i.: . Half** kill m i-r Da; ' * » . J I-";-''In ¦ art**** family ar Bel. Beatnfcreacee arreo. Ac r-

PROFESSOR Tnbeae Offtor

i;MJ'Lo.MF.N-l wanted.Ai POM EH orAj watchm to » reipeeM .*

l a Miel. 1« bea>* f kai kh 1 i-xue. or Ma, wt* pi,,.».,,(,. .. & ^. t a**»n>iea to doty w-^uid 1** con

aBlared aaeaaftaw-aS I 1 » uiawBfeAa omnon**')..» by . au

Rfli f»ara of age, who writeeeaaed, plii- Bend, endIt IB «I« *

tuJonl'«c1 i'li,r«irP< ** 1 .haracter Apply le l H. BTltBwaa OBra,_


IPAMSTEPSI, NUSB I it; OROOM »ro wanted laindint*;* at Be IS) Oiend-et k\m » gnCRPSMAN_IAD WANTED.*\s CLERK ia a LAWYER'"j OFFK E A 1 id v. ri »Meoa 1 pal.icily

A-Mr*a* Boa No. |B3foal OtLi- u. the handwmxg el the appliaaet.

]>()hl i;K .Wantiii a kituation M BHIPPWGCLERK Bf PORTER by . )< nn< Mat. |tt*ll6edf*l

Bit** 1 ke*tl .*. whc r»j preeBBe ufjn**f-.u*bi* ci'v rei r«nce*.I i)4Mta::oa» Baedetete. 1 01 Heal eir.p.ametrt leair-i Al-.lie**, lor tvo day*. OE iRt»E, Tribe. «. oSh*.

RETAIL BRAWL SALESMAN WAS ED,wb M well arT.tirtwl ari'h 'h* trad* Apply In

JOl SNEAi I BIRNM AM, No. H Ai.*at:r It Bp klya

TO TEACHERS..An Mperienced an.l eoer-getfc TEAf HEB, cot: patent to i'v* tooTo'nh toafriictun.

la IBe rd Bar* Engliek branch**, ie warned in the Pitmar; Do-ptl' of *n Ii *Uliit.on In tbi* city 11* muat be ai Bnaet.-c*b. a hard worter. *rd a jedleleaa disciplinarian. Aopilciti-.n*received at No IÜ Latay at , t:. Saturdav. between I and'

p m.

TO MII.I INKi:s.-W»nttd. a first-rat* aa FOREWOMAN, IB or tragsiy Baderateade

far Baatsaaa bl all 'fa tranche*; «b» BtBBl be arc *nme>l toBn.aoway trade Phe can obtain. b* po***»»irig'lie above '1'iall

atioia. a pen.atei t aitua''cL Apt J a- No. II" Bleecker-*t

I^o GKaMTE (utters..Hirer*dollar- |sjper cay will be pa d to too l i.-ar.ite s-oi e Csttan at 'ire

new Ste'e Hoate now in c.mrae ot erection at Columbia. S. Ca!!«»¦, traveling eapenae* doe n *fter luoui .a work If anyt'.rt er ,nfi -n i* re.,o.r» I It Can be obt ».::¦> 1 by wrubaj 10

Iba "TIME REBPER ' attheArci. t- rfl I II*. B NeeB but lood Cotter* u»ed apr>lT

T FÄCHER..A young Mnn. of Collfg« RdopR-A Uoa *td "ifer-.etce it. TE AC It ISO. Ie»l e« *r. epfaaeni t. I* e-i:i!D» to «0 Sottu ir Wtf. AdJra»* SIL.MA,lot No. 11" Ttitate >:!

IUTOB..A Collocf Oraihiav. BOH riuramni;hi* »mdiea in tbu ei », wtihe* to e'tiploy two or th'ee

Lour* sail* in TEACHI.Ni>. Eor t*BBr*aaM a..d*.aeVaMa M a., Tnbare office, baa No. MR

I^EACHER..A tonn" Clergjman of tiv*> ypara'e»j 1 tier ce Ir Teachlrr. wiabiur to apei.d . t-- i-i 'he

i'v, ue»!rt* to TP-ACU two or 'tree .>ur« per dty. AdJrcaaI O. R.. Boa No 1B».

IX) J BWELLERS..WANTED.A fliRt rateB*rd Brace, t Maker Apply to AitllH R RCM'.UI.L

Co gait g| Naa*i.u ai d Beekoiiuat*

rpWO YOUKO MEN WANTElvTi7etweiMi them an»* f fifteeB and twenty yean, ba the ofllea if e Week*}Rellgiea* N»w»i«per. to LEAKS to SET TYPE. Liberalwate* *i tl a I'ecriole «liuatiou ortered'o otitabie putaous. Ad-die*. EMPl.Oi ER, üo\ No l.aja Nea-iurk Poa: QtR**.

T'NK ]>r>iiioiaelli> Allfuinntle. Harhatit Men BR«Ws ae gi er le fiM rata, .'allamand. le de*, ri 1 ,« |aeleapria

I »1 du piano, at panel t !'at alata pa*«a-.|etnet '. d. «tie ire neri' 'ac» ... 11 n.e INBflTUTElCE daaa ..- fatu;.!e retpec-

taMe.cB '.an» aa feaateaat de deta ¦.. '>. Elle a'aaaceoeob-lOction d'eilef .a campigne Ella a .'¦ pen.l,tt pluaieureMoeea iaatltatrica '-a:ia ,a Rai*** fraacaiie et ea A lemagne.Padre***! 1 ROBEBT 1 BETOE, No. TJ Br ad it.,N s

" \\rANTED IMMEI) IATELY.Two tirat-riToTf lett-baad BOILEE RIVETERR Alae. two RretrataCHIPPKKS and CALK&Rri. Ine-iiro at the Office of PI ER-MONT fllinr. ntetaiiiel. flew Yaik117ANTED.A jotiBE Mao aa SALESMAN in aII HaT Bl 1 it sl'iiKE loan 1 rage* beraPlaee* obuini d f. .-Clerk*. BaleeaMO, < n i. tora, Porter* andCcacbman. N. B..A Colored Man aa PORTER Bl a Tailor'*Store aa,. a SM pir week Ipnly 'L.i \a.-»a >

01LLEN A. Co., No. 0 P.BBt Broilway.WANTED.A PR0FE8H )rT,i EXOLIHH inft mi liotittitlon in tbia c ty from 9a. m. to 1 p. ni. AnAn ei.caL'ed at *ome *.mk1 Colleal A fall (alary to art peteat eaVteat, imi aclvateacliar. n aoibaraneedepply.An Ij al No U Eaat INfe al, before 1 fPclozk p. aa.

\\'A NTED.A TRAVELER to SOLICITTT ORDERS fee POCKET CI'TLERY of Ae*erleaaMat ufactcr.- it. the Wi rem State* None b «< wrieucedI» . i.e> 1 applv. AdJr«*i of the Advettlaet ma !e kaowu on

apr catioi. at tBO Tribune MVa.

W'ANTE11.Bj a Gentleman of middle age, ami1* nach eajeriei.eii baaiaeaa,a penasaent a.' 1a i.ui *a

A'.E.NT, 1 OLLECTOR. or in atir other CByaahty, wheretalei le, it i airy and atricl IttegrÜy will imnre a lair renuuier-attVa. radoobted cy rel'erei ta k>eu. A.i«ir»<« L. O. B.,Tlibai e orl.ce._117ANTED.T 910 YOUNG MEN ucostomedTl to Iba DEI GOODS JOBBING Bl SINES*, and able

to it.tin. Be* (>>h Traile. A.iJre**, wan to lae)emp.oyer, Bot Na> US, Peei-OaVa._WANTED.A colored (or white l'mteetanr)

Weaaaa la ATTEND « CHIL0 and W \s|f tod IBOMApp'y it No kl Monroe pi Brooklyn, be'weer. 1 and Io t k. Goal wtsl>Biaw*BBtkaaaaril balaejiilnal,

rAN'IH»-To LEASE a lirit-rlas* rTOUSEift r a an ail f*mil\. Mu*! be we*t of the Bowerv. and :n

aRytrfttbiL Apery at No RM Bret 'way, Rt>o i\W

fiorecs, Carriages, *CcPOH BALE.A fine BAY HORSE, öveyeanI oi.l, fifteen and a haM kaaea h ub. la'eadld aaddle-aaeaa,gnoi in h.rtee*. and *o ,ud e\ery t-poet, (ill orailrea*T ('. E No. BE Rroadway.

Handsome |mir black family CABRIAGEHouses I year* old. IM aaada blab aeaad, kbalaai

Rwrleea la%tmm Real I. Iddnii tj ff. Trikeai TTTIrt

<?o farmers ana tDtljcrsC1IDEH MILLN ami PRESS.Hickok's pateot,

/ a.l the new lmoro»ew.«-it.a, price + 16, t'.r hale byA. LONORTTi N '. II Clilt-at.. corner ot pinion.

j )1 IM VlAM.I AMI, iH-viTiiitiriif BtRnd No. I.1 COLOMBIAN Ol INO, Oavemtneat R.I No. 1.


No. 31 Cliff it. cjnerof PaitOB,¦ " 1

Loot titib ironna-

92C HEWARD..L08T, on the moraiagoltl- * JKth it at In cot ria* torn Pti-rniort to Heaover

iquare. per ate a ¦>. boat laau' P. RmUb, | la !y'i nil] nm/areen-Mae anaoaelUd berk go d lepiaa WATCH, witb Chala, Cl i*a,aad Liebet atlBckaA The leekal hear* tboJaitieia A E B.,ai dcoatita* t'a*Ltiifeetyraa of an aldaily lafy aad ge. Ueai ta.T' e find-r wi reeeJee tal^te reward, and ao qmatleagaakrd. by ittur..ii t the a*me to No. till Pearl-*L, NVw York.

Co tX)l)om it man (Torucri..


13oNaaaan-at..upatai:*(i:a\t iloa.r to the Naaa.tu Ba ifc), preteut*a aestemtta oieain fortbe baaaaaai commut.icy, of having tSeilA<Urr-iaemeii'« finwaiüri a .1 Inaeitld in the moat widely e:r-aalaled newa| «per* throtirlout the United Stutee, ( at.a/la«,Utat li«i"» aad Baroae, »t the pul..*hur»' lowett rate*. Pa¬per* on r.le tor e.v tminattt c.

AT V. I!~PALMEK'1 A D V E K 1 ISIN 0AOENcY no (a vaa*era r Ruit.r* are employed to

*0 tcit l-uaii.eaa. A.l\rr:,*«ri tall at tneJAeetcy, or, by aeudingada't. **. are wa:Vd cn.


UlAO£, ooutai nil va uabe u-f rota.ion e.erv one¦SOB o j. »*<.**, w. I no aer t to any addj9«a on receipt ot e'gbtpeataie etaapa addttae Dr MILLAM, N Na***uet,N7iCaution.. All perauna are hereby warnM

agalnaf bnibxe ar aylltoa oi neaoriatlnj tbe foilowtur de*t rtbed Bonds op THE f'lTV OF LOtTlSVlLLR eaBadtbe LOI laVILl.t U HAKE |.a .- ., . ....11.^ -: pa aaraiwar of Sttader 4 Thor*aeon, kadoeaed by i*me*TL. n.i »ou, a ..i da'ed March IS, IBV4, roaturttig tbiRJ v.i*r*tbtrefieci TbeaaM Bon.t* wer,, obteliied ; w ne by fainrepiraatntaiiota, and w tiicut comio.-ration rendered. Dae acet;ci haa bacn given tu tbe Cltl of Loujvlhe, proh.bitiu^ tuepa.vmei.t of tie Cooaong tbereto attached. B.m.i No. ii.a*a:..-aMd, ft.-*> I'.«n a: d the (Slowing iambail aimtlar to Itlie; Noi. SI, B, 37,, 85,»*, 8£, 112, IIS, llö, 13», |Sf

ana 141» w. E. LL-'LVtR.Looieville, Aer. 7, |I5R

T\| IC1RrSCOPE..For aale, a first-rlsss Achro-l.vl rxa't; Micro*, ope, » fb movanle »'age »:. I poXn.i ' t itage. l it. b. « inch, ai d i lüch object gi«a*e«, on AntewRcaa'ac fa keeeoB et A. F. EDEN'S, No.

y toi t at. B BoftJya, near h t itot 1 errv, etween tbe bean o11 II i i b'clial.


Secoid Clan New Loadoa, W ^l.mantic aad Palmer KadroadBot.di ire re.j ie* ei to make immediate report bv letter or in|e,.oii, of tl.e nnmber and amount of b >nda heM by them, totLa Tree*' er if the CaTpoiation at New-Loud u. I t.A plan n proioaed tn make :. w aad furt'.er j mil Sail f e 'bt

. ¦ at.i fotaie payn.eatnl tb« eame. whi h re.iu.r.-* »r.*tallbaalderaehall I-ccna nted. JNO. DICKINSON, frea*Nt w Loadm. Ct.. Aug. 19, ll'n.

I^HE IlT:iR.S of ail of the OFFICERS whoKtwi to N.e end ot tbe H'ar of tras Kt.\iil< I ION'.anl

Iba oriba: LJuret of iboaa vka wee« kulad or died in aem .kaai ktow ur.n-l'ately wue'Ler tbey are entitled to px*t«'.no bava Ibeil rla.ui* proaecuied on reaaonable term* bvr ta- wtio wi.l gi»e lb* «rrouge*' a**araace* of bia claim* to ih«irroi fideare * J make oocharge in caae the nlaiui lauoi allowed,ubetbi i tbg h'.1 f Uieir telia.f Bear l-e'oro C'.eigre** beciiue*. laworuui. A.ldrt** NaTUANIEL HATCH, e*^

No ifU l.ib *i., Waaaaaatea, 0. C.

BaOn let ftrcMvr* or Tail*. )3; Chamber* «t. (new Coon-Henaai. >

Mm Yon. June SI MM )nan i nil, jtma Jt, le-o ¦

TO AYf ID th»* riaia tLat muat int'vitably occuifro. BEI c.-.iwd of lai P*-,era wa: pit oS la IBBlafBBt d*i

d.e jtf-f.' of tk»rr Ulm. I hai-a d*t*i ni:»d tr adopt t he wi-or j r - aksak PwJ be n. dir adaaraU todniana e:y Urm el>Ri* 1 . J o' m.'«, afai » o/aaock *. cc. Every>ljoer I., leia le-f**ui4i* naicTi.v paoataiTipCroat ieMllbll I kI i i » Bat to .-* or C*l.»**lo< «.ja ta,, ,, j- la.-a. u, M r X Rf it HOWAJ»IJ. ita» v

VrALkV HALL hu- Mi*cb*i>ioi leetitut"). IfsB.« n »1 KL *.' GM «Oll* r:ON. oKFICSs

an' BOOMS TO LET, *V»e BOOM TOLK1 .» ¦.<>'.».¦'»dto«'. ).''">*. I lM4 J !>*!*. tlr.'l*. a-t-lftl--. t"J

.i p..ipr,.*«. I 're* tear- - id .miartee - twit**. b«!,

_ _fin. _ TO I'KUSONS OIT OK_ . BL'ilN t v» .Torn «-!>»rti».w will.*, r*ce at->f »l.

.... awktif TBaEBPABBET PaWCT MAP,which I aold )' .. *t-tv dnirrta' on tb» leralpi of aw 'laenSrec *e fcf rookl n f 1TR* PtMH.Y SOAP tec «4

. awr t-»- f.i- '~ - :.. . f ¦< fi.4 .* «a

to makugat flirtetett kins* of Fancy *w»<p* a,,t ene w» u-

II -, ntetWew with the advertiser an NSIaMlMf**,. i itufotirmlnai k'l aai aa To .eparia-

' ¦ ' ¦¦" f- ?*' ' I m''';'";l',.v/',vrKirrom ai I in ormrerr uinaer pott An.'r-** Or L. I.AK'Mlt.,ct-e o' John W N twbeuee, No 1M Bow«ry_

trhoncco for Uneincee ftten

A ( TIVl". PABTKFB WANTED.ToUita4acsi_ til rat» i ol Fniopo the ante! eeetly ins'i- RANf

EXBTBITIOM a .> ptep*rad hi fkJa C aatrj kwrtng taan tat * at aoti mat am be ft**** tits aatBtaajra of lb* »¦ .

!. I Pmh*y*edor» ai I HonraJ«, ana r*ber etoelel uffeeae*The app. raM mint ha t BUB of »ufficl« Dl pecuniary resoy *.

f ha a warantaa <f hra its**earful iuaa»|arnant, Adlr-t*AKT Tr I ¦¦¦¦ I Office._1~T.Tm"»I> DiTESTaaENT..1,500 arrf-a IowaA l. d will be eich»; tea for good* or art o"ier aaraonalHoparty. a *>*.» H. M AOAMS. La Parao ttoeee, H. Y.

a KARE (¦HAM'-E.-ArTKNTS WASTEDA to BELL BROTH I R JOSATHkM'S PATENTEDPI RMTl'RK POLISH- None genuine wi'hout the L.taulo'a;i rtter.'. e't name. Joh\ L Ba ti yv on Ute I.»hei a o.rt

paj i) pat v tit Broa-wty. J'QlN I; BRAI.i N x Co,

A~t-K.nti.KMAN of K<'<>d butiue*** habits- anda? . c»»o c»pi:ai. u wanted to tike ihe ptac« <t a BK-

1 nil ISO PARTNER la a ve'J aaUl kk i PV -.iy Newspaper.Aü P «oi«er lieoloail* or pia.'if*i Journ«llat wrot -rTed. Ad-


7 0 M tt IIINIBTfl. flaalatl Prop^«*d» "^ll be received at. » » tke an larf*a*aae aatil Oet I. at aaatt, far taa CON<

BTRCCTION if two ElfMPJNO BNOINBB. Ccwaaak or 11 ia.

kg t rclab. for the Brooklyn vVater «A'orka. of capacitv to rane

ten n.tUioti New York) aaüoae daily, each, 1T0 feet blab, witiithree boilert e»ch, to be built er j erected complete on We atone

'onudatiotia prepaied firtbatn, ar.d to be of ti t'claaa workoiau-aidp. Urawlr (t un ddtaii accurate y JeSnirnj toe aMle and char-actor of Knainei and appnrtei.antea. to ha auhmtited by tu»

pr< ;<j*eia wi* d-acrdpuoo Spe-tl :aUon» »^1 further inform*-t on may t>e bad at the Offre of the Chief Erelreer, J. P.Klikaaai.aaav, Na 4 Ilalaey'* Bnadimtc, Brooklyn, or of tba

/m d. The rt|:ht it reaeried to reject *nt of the pro-poaeJt made H. S. WELLES Si Co., No. 4 Wall at.. N. Y.

DIM i. STORE for SALE..A BBstly tittt-J.wail fan iahed, ar>l we!'ttocked DRt'tl STORE, In one

f rba piincipal town* in ao towiB IsStaaa. now d->imt a a<x>da sola** . and retail *jne'neoe. which can l>e it created to any et-

text for BALK. The atand hat bean rxcup ei atadrut MararO«2Ayear*. Ttrmteaay A< ireaa ALBERTO RICHaRDSON, Wettern Adrettiiint and I crretpi'ndivj Office, No. BOBroadw .t. N Y.

F( |R SALK.-"a sdiaH yacht, or PLEASUREBOAT 21 teet i ma by J feet It at wide, e^otaaets, wirk

roand tteffn;la ccf*P*tTattatad ihrouanour, «.nd uia.h' of 'tiebaal n atanal*) ha* been n».-d bur UttJa, and wii! be told (or lea*than bait itt coat. Inquire »t No 6. Kaat B.oedway.

JROCB\i\ÄND LIQUOR STORE i<>r Sale..Kare htnce to fte' aa ettab aakai bueiaea* ou acorner

». toayn A well aatextad »t- ck: low rent. Kor Store » Jl)v attataja «1* ot L.^uor will pat ail utoe aas. Inaalra 11

Nj h7 <iie>-i.wirh cor. of Beich-tt.

\\ \LLERS, LOOK HERE..A trud chaitctJIfJ fat aptvi'al a natrattataat MILL PROPERTY .-astail OHafJ tor SaLE, loeaAicej adtaLtataMait, in l.t OfoaaiCoaaty. W'i«. on»in. Por part'ci'ar* addrett E. M. PHILIP.*«,Bit \ tiey, I.* fronte County, aVI*ftia*la

I1ÄRE ClLANCE.Nirvvsl-aI-p H fur s M.K..A One of lb* bctt tatakliaked a'ol moat prop-able IIAII.Yaud

vt 11 ki. skw.1i'\ryn< ::. ... .

aetabliabn.ent it dolnc ¦ hnalneea of tpSO.OPC % year, and itait .ated tn t t'ourlabina city, with Railroad cojt,ocrioe» la aildir..-tic i.e. Apply In mediately to ALBERT O. RICH ARH-->(1S Wea-.-rn Adverl tui< ai.d Coiteapondei.. e 'itli^e, St. ddr*Broadway N. Y.N B .Tba Paper it Republican in politic*, aad to good

pat*! tH Baft * rite ihan. e.

rpo JOB PRINTERS..A JOB OFFICE fora S 11 E. U e ofl^r tor tile the mtterinia a'id bu*iiie*a of an

t tf. e in a good htialiie.e tlreet, in Ihia city, on very a.-ouuii e

ditn g ttin x The mat»ri»Ia conaitt of I Raa medlunt Cytttaetl're« I mtdiitm Hand Preaa, Hoe Ctril Preaa. I ltti«!ea Raft*and Bill Heed Rot .rv, 1 Srv din* Pr. aa. thont i'^ to ,ta ot Typet.lti ted to Poti. r am Ca-i ^s .« I well twlec'ee] wich Itter-axcatacfey kwtaaaaa. WELLS v vVKrls to. il Hutch«t.

IVANTI.lJ-A lil'MNrlSS man", fWlETeMht t capital of from *>.<"» to *I.miO, lu Havel Bootk Of Weaf,

ai d ik» bur" of a auf... ptaStaale, ana reapecta'de boat .eat,in wbt. b aru.' pn t,'» may be r. a ired. Add/*** M A. S I'rib-or >. Oafce, wita real nvtnatiid place of interview.


jüoarö anb ttoomo.

\K!.\V dt'eirab'.t* ROOMS, with full .»r partialB* IA MO, em now be bid hi tke modem built brown «tont

Hontet, No* 101' and MM Katt HtiTeOt., oppoaiU (il* Acadeuif otMcale.

YnKNii LADY winlifH to obtsli. RO.MM» ina prli»te fninflv in New York or vicmi'y where IV-

ITRUCTtON IN Mi Sic would he otinallarni an aqalTalaaltor Board, iddiaaa r M. E. Boatoa Paa»tl#a»A

OARD..PiestADt SUITES 07 BOOMS lorPaatiliet and ingle Oeotlemen can I.Mahead bv »ppiy-

tr-g ai Naa ell and na Hanimond-tt., be.ween Bieecker andFootth. Location very ph-aaant.

OARDING stHtissseNo.917 Raat Uniadwa/..a lataw tlaad Ro. m on «he »er,,ii.I Bnrw.wi h Paatrial *.

Ui bod. ttatobto fag afl«ail**n*a ». d kit Wig* Alto, KuuM jfor -ingle tenth men. N. B..Itoaao bat Oat aadBi'b.

ItOAl.'l»..PlftvitBl ROOMS and horn.mtiirt*. »r r rdera'e » vpenae m»y be obte.ii ed a*. No. 54 Henry

it, s v , tor Gentlemen and their *h-..oi tingle i .nut eaten.Peiaoua an'uridab tLeir own room* it Ibey with, aud haveB'-ard either full r paitlal. Refeietira* eichanged.

n<>Al;]»|\<; at i'l WnrriMi-st.: plnaeatit tlrjIf,,, ina lay let, v. ui. Hoard at i.'-nileio- a, o. I.nt.emaii aaal

rhelr W ivea. aritk a got I »m! »aal t baata. Ilef'erei. ea re piired

nOARD in 11ROOKLYN..ROOMS, siBfj11~orin tails, |leaa»i t at-,! comfort tine. lr.,pi,re at No. IS

Sal da at et ruer ol Jti, Bro. klj o.

I'VoABD \\'ANTED.For two LÄdif» ami *»n»*9 Oonlleatatt, brother and aiafei* inn hevlthy heiality, who

a l'tin private family where tbete are o o' hoarier a kept,and \i b're the Ltdtr* ran have riKitn to atte'.d to tin-r a.-wiugnndlttarbeS. Brooklyn preferred. AiSieeeE. M. T.,TitaauiaI U .*e, ttn'irg tem i. ayhiah n uaf ht 1.1-

ITLvF! iTNISllED ROOM-Wmiff.I b.-twiinHeaataai end lith .t*., ai d Bowei* ai.d Ith-er., by » pUmW rJow of qelet Labi'-'. B-.l ol icfer«i,ce gicaa »ml

r.nti'rcd. A.l.lieae for one weck, M. K., Jlotrop/.tti. Poti>en aa, Aw..- leaa u big H< ate

fidUOffJ to £et-

HOUSE B9 RENT-An exft>llt»nt thrf*a>gtoryROUSE in 33d-*t.,naar 6ih-aT., ihre* room* deep. Oat

B*'B», As, Prrat-rata Bslgkkcr*rboo<l, Rent m ide-at* laaMlgol C.A.DANA. No ."M'Ui.toi. ph g, or at the Pribnue OHica.

STEADY KOWKR.-A few ckico ROOMS«tili to ba had ia toe Depot Building corner or Elm i ,d

FTaaklia a't. or ,¦ «inare trom rro«.way. F,,r Iba value thew rd " ateadv" tee the leninlg now thora. Inquire ol T. BEN-Nl TT. cn the | ren,tirf.

W TKAM POWER .-.-ievi.ral well-lii-htHO ao (JMS to Itlf with Steaui Pttw*r No*. »»ud31 iiciä tt

R. UOK A Co.

rrO 1.kt.A finet two-Mory ami RtÜe HOUSE,A plaaaartly ntaaled on tba wear *ida ii thecv It it laperfi ' ot ter bn tta'h, enx. wt.b «ew»r \ ,. (',.«,-.. ,;,

irmnediaieiy Ir intra of JAM KB CuTHELL. Trtbaao OSJoarrO LET.Hol SK in llet at., bftwe<-n i;th-avM «;..! Broi.lway Rent +1'0. Ir quire of PUOSLEff AB ATNOP., c .raer Broadway aud t-Vb-tt.

'T'O RENT.A hanileunn' thret*Haiorj HOUSE,A with ail in* no d-tn imp: iveinen t litnatOvl »' No, aV Cott*."-pit e. R<: t *te"<'per aa 'im Asply at MtO bsnaa).

TO L E A 8E -tWO STORES, EfoTTrl tip TS, end Two BASEMENTS, ba the ,;.w b ul tiog

No* |4 tad W Cxnal-at aTatar Rroadvay. Fol K LOTS tolouia No 1)1 (t^nherttt. Alto, thro* Urge ROOMS at

It lag No. 411 Br -adwiy romer of I.upeninl at ; all walli... -,i ai.d detirablv adapted lor any kii.l o't- liaeat, 'ieeahotewill ba lea 1 on Paeaiaakt taiiiig Apply to P DICKIE,

No it-i f*k»aikea*, at

Real Cf state for Sale.

pOTTAOE at FLU8HIJiG f<»r SALE..Aaeiegej.t Octhio ( utttae tn oue r» the mott elevate.1 part* of

*e \illaie of Plaabiag, Long It.'arvt, with . Ivrae gard.n at-terbe.!. ovenrr tha t^iace of etgh: or nine lota of ground TbaIkutb ia moil inoataiitially bolU aid tine,, m with evrk bit'd t cellar, intrhen ranze. Ire., aid excelling water; ij t'oitahedlu a rapeiior mam sr. The gtiien it ftnuly laid out, hcoee In c^cter. aa<i cot.ran i n .y it. o *liraba *ui»»» at; c« them n ant tire *ve-g't*n and torn- very choice

t\-. ifl-ent ot the rnaxtinlit Immediate. poa*e*tion can be had.Ii ia hai..!., n.n y fuiiotl.'-i. khi may be pircbateti with orwltiont the fnntitore kt It** than ba real enlut.tha earnerkata t u. the pttb.ic, ami ataabla U, laaAla anywhara per-i-a'ei riy Ap,>ly to

llafa)_a^ J. Bi.FK.CKFR A Co , No. 7 Broad *t_

PÖB SALE, REASONABLE-A double COT-r taoj.wtb Sie acte« of LAND and all n«rea»»ry out-x. lu, re the tewn if Patkakaiftr, We»uh«wier Couaty oio« White P.tux ro«d In mile* ftoin tbacty. . it wi hta tt

r vt*. w*.kof the Moi i.t Vernon or Pelb«m«nle dep.UrfL. New Havra Banatad. Apply to H. M. Sl.EEMAN.on thair. a tet.

VC**A N*si i rfc anae* A;.,r*t i \ ANIiLrtBt/ra H.. ka| i > a f. .t 11 ii. ty ' f m

CV)B HALB.a b..*.»Ut..l FARM of i n A.,r..I . belfi , ...i.r.n,4 ^Use ef awaeW» «» roert* % aan«. aaeoeet »r ea«e reaaleag av. <,ewr » Kl 1» ; V* n* A ei' mit C B OL) l | ¦ t^'«7i"'.ho a*eS'-*l*-er .¦ee«i1,

Hi>i äe 5."ill nisf.< ht., »sts^tgStwe* «td " i t. r.'M r.».ir ««»Ii ,.,.,

fetSALI iy HABICHTS PARlaii N~ MK...;itori!? orange, nb lf*-JRrsry ->ö»M }¦ er > I rT * m» f''roW«d, g»*.j,,*N

«. V * l'"por I' wl v» r« M tu rear¦Itü Iii* 6»»' o{ April Beat ¦.»¦', .** Aup y f Riefe«,( . ANT1NE. A"o*-l" aul ' '¦--.*.<>' .» Lew Ho ttft»«Zrr N i or (o lAi r' M OIiWaN Bt <>'a-

dfc 1 7 7,1 Ml ",Vr SAI'K (,r L.XrirAHGK,vi J . ". Nee eise * ' ' . HoyIi*N..a ISA »i 4 «1 O h ev W'»' «u**. Ttpt/.p «ter« p par-y »j.ö t »tote Bttpf, touraotv *td \. I»»*i.**.

...... (Um f.'i.'n . Ap,v i '. I IHK OAri IiiIHM No * Brr via»«,_



p*j Tb* 'It MOriOfl c .rr.r- .. II lb r IRST vVEDMld.'!>A Y Uli II EVKKR.

,-ri i«i Aov.aTaoi* -The Ua»lt»t Bumber01° rar**, WOBu raaehort. m rtTt o each pnpii a larae obere ei ii'wi'l4Tbe lll06ll.lL . rnrr.»r»- fog ito heel'blne«* am' aeeaiygf

m-.r/rr Ii ttu* chartimg and O. . I(rirü. r«tr«i ._poirnt.' th* he,k« a. quire e Moiro. or. A »ho 'ria>i,.f .

>'». rv papil w tbotrl kcaalten, b*« .it.pc--ve.tia tht« part* a.Tb« Bi.» fti tiooooWno aeeaty <** irdkfcaKter*,mim m»j.,

eotnC rtn »tid -oi ven'er.tea i r b«th r.eirri*. f'irnace« Wie, rtrn i c TuofTOiory cMMCtad wHk BV«rr tarbir Bi

e itektni.UTOty il i «...m«in» »dv»:,i»ge of Esropoaa U*»«l. oa-l Ipou Uof:,»^btftJAftlh'Firhsr.d l.«rni*ii IMWI04M.UM «.*»« »..IV« ri»AaeU4

b«| *Mm«< IM iltwVi.1 T*«' b«"«. »i..» i.«:.v*4Vt «Wltfrf.AI 4 Ahd O'rrnil T »nd h».»> b»«»li fo u» { il«»»i.*»|li( ¦: .-.(.ml ye»r<, w.ih out ug'.n; *d (»Jin I '»-r»»iit **i4> '.«.»-. ¦¦: . , .

J:. r. .»».1 tu i. I'iri.n koftoone«. botiK-i-omr.jrU ».. 1 ftltWti¦ tu»- .">. hoo i -^ <.. ..¦:.n.«i .1*1 l.<r % to#j

.: .:..»..-. ». a » i 10 l«Vu««. m|H!. w i'im,it latrtwttoaocoti pro***' "

AOCOM '¦" h. .r» riOOlAtboiid ('li»§t» \t <.* P»ii*.Wob,»,\ ii harxov, or la 11 bovra fron ltib aod Itai^Vattla., *m M-4<«

«ii- <.«- Kit Board lad TaW >n, nrtt«: i neidootal «irMnaaii. hm facl ol-aoalbt,loerlniao itiaebva*atbii«»*i

BJ^Aayiar. K< r th» ..m<1, «doin« Mu»if . I K'ot.-eb i>&4, oi Latta aaA Diaarlcj mn of Drawini Htta laja, #H|i. . rta R.r. B S III «TiNOWW,

Vniaf Or»<r': To«* (»*.<. P.)! i»«l Co P«

A( ai kmy~~ »ei «. ¦ m vas ii m -KIMI-v\ li k » bfKTROPOLITAal ¦ Doy aad Huar««,..

Bei ior Boyi a..u Yoat t Uaa unpaai >¦ ..? H«'pjrrti on tho 1*1 cf aasatMar, UM »aa al.ert wimh.i .»filtaJi'«oo


A~ MPRICAN SCHOOL INSTiriTTEWl«trt>diir'oryatd Rrpre-eLUtl.ri..Mo. 2 Apalrtoti'i B« Rat,

M« ipt Br.i*i!»at. rarrntacau tuar e >'t iratuitoal v »no'ab-nraie B'«'»teroffir»t rlaaa aVImo'a Erar) mfbiuiatio i,( Ircalaia,kt rbaoifaily nppllod. I'rnr'pala a d faoilliri caa «Malu.. mrot«! I Te»' bell aitbout d'lay b» »uplyiur »t Iba U.t'ii U*.Teaebeiaarfabioa airnatioii aboaldaddraaak. U ( UAl'MANA PMlTH laiaira'iilrTy Ptli.rioala will licJ Ihrt luanlut« al.^bee BMdlan ibroaga wbich the aaanta of IRadl ie«;.efU»eSchi ola tat. bo u.»». u.:oaleu.


PERNARD Ä KKDFir.i.i)^ BÖAR^WG amid U«Y aCaOOLi for VOUNO HBNTOBMHN, N.» IiiN at d»l tf Sl Mai»'» place- Pbe \oelont ai .1 M»lern[.atignaiei an 1 l.ltaral'ire the Kl-inen-arv nt d AleaiiiclMetbreae'lce, 'ha Esaat St leu -a; a tho-o-jnh Caa-«ertiaJ androilea lieeoana A PrimaiytHepartnu.rt ha« be j .irjanlaed.Tb.-i.'h laedaaileyear .if th a l_lltaCtoa will comnieaeeaaMtiMMY ih.-ith ..i eeptaaiber. Clrcolaremay h* obtainedii Meaail U. I KILUsTr.l) v MJ.N, N*. >.'J Öuiade a>. cor.

net oi Sprin» at_

COTTAO15 HHX semiNaRy, Poof^a^paia,Ve» Y^ra -Mii.o P. JE\v ETT, Priaalfal *i.J PraaaRp

tor.latwaCOTTAOE HU I. SEMINARY It U pr .i-n*! I" cm-

incttle aarefal «od aVaraaab traenn« r*f allwariad La.liea.conititiitum a aEi.r I f »* A M L Y ICMOaMa

Ab'..» atnl raperlenced li.alruc'.in ar« ampiayad la «*t Uepart-¦MOta, at.d tne nuinbajt i< Teachara a lame hi propufton t» UmeapRa.

It ia the aim of'he It atieattenteatVetO ail It* meiTihertaaoUd, and uatlul educaeiai:; a.idoi« every pi«MM* accota-

aUabaaeBtNo I.K arioti «an be mere raPahte for the pnrpo' >. eotitem-

elated than the City of Ponalib. rp«1e-a tow.. iorpae*» I hjr nouea*, t] "I lllaaaOB, *alul> ul cliti^te. and lue luteallaeiMa

and reSriernetvl of Ir* citizen*E*pecia! aftHriiioii I* given to the health of the pupil*. Tbe

agen i*» redei'on ate, cxwia . in the opena r, a liberal uae ofiva'er c i l and t^pid au abuiul.n.t WppfS Ot wlieleaonie fool Iaid perfect a)«n_, order mid nui.c'iiaTny ia all Scüuul audrSniily .liitie*. la idilitlon to daily waHl« *o ooM the b^uitifiSM«lroueo< Pooghkeep*ie. and recreation iu the play ¦jroeedeofthe Searliiary, Oyvaaatlc and OaMaCbeaUexereiaeeareia*je3eatsareeticed ui'def ti e lUreciion cl the Teac'ier*

in tr.ier* are ne»er parnMii.I t., Vwit ooafa*lieaefTeaaeaaSLIke ne»t Acadeiuic Year will eoraaaaaoe "t. the M of Sop-

teinlier. There will Iw a reee«, during the Hohd »v*

Pupil* niay ent*r for une U>i»r*«r oely: all bS . fiw tirh helnaj-layutiie kg advat re. T1u<«e wh ) etitaar lor tbe Scbolaaiic Yeara .11 |*v M « hell at tte time of *dmt**ton. tfa* remainder a.

iba lit of Mar^h.Esvaaeaa

Men.bera of the family ot the Prit «lr*J wfrl bo charged foraaerd.pei raarter, #90. Thi* mc idea f'tnn*teJ Roauw. Paei,LANS a»d vt^elii- g. Young I.adie* are expeetel to provideUmtn.ael/e* w.tb tbaa aaual ajticlea for peraoual aa«, laaladuagr.)«ala. biapkina, rviivdt Uoeaert Koik aud Spvwu, and NapAiaftin*;. Tvitioi pv.a UtiaaraiFor tho Regvilar Couraa, including E. ali*h, La'ln, Pteuck and

Poeel Maaie, EMPanilt not pursuing the Regular Cimrie are charged ag fx*

Iowa: Eng.h. *l»; Krei h. +!0; Laim *l> Piano Poftaej, R1S| Oultar, RI5| Harp, ?.'>, Dtawtn*],RB)l Pell 'i.M* I water cobiMi "rl"; Punting ia OH,V.a-id Muaic ra-.|ilt r.-.i I all paaRS), * IS,Catab giie* furniahe on *t.|^icaiioii to M. P. JEVVETT.Poiignkeeinle, Jalr ¦>. IK**.


»PATALOGIIE of SEDOWICR'a METBOPOL*V IT/aN SCADEMV and UTMNA8IUM, Second Th nand.Now I'EaI'Y Coorafae,In afdtoloa tetha u^ual intornuttuoof rata'eiue* an article on MPIMl'AI. (I YMNASTfl, TiBLES, iNTr UESTiN'O STATISTICS Ac A b «>k of MI iai i«" be obtained al the Ru..ka'or>« of Mea«r* Rt5boLPlI, Ni Nfli MILLER. No PRANCH No V,i,Liu KWiifii), No. tu BAILLIEBE, No. MSj CAETEE. N«.

\ PPLl rON, No 141 Bi u leay.


(COMMERCIAL CLI88ICAL SCHOOL, No.J 7-, HeiiM «t., will re-o|iea Sept. lat. Kuuiwe departuieut

l'.tj Eaat Un.a.lway._SOLOMON JENNER, A. M , Principal.

COLLEGE of sT pixels xaviEl..\.,. .,li Welt l.Slh-it Lolaaeeii nb .ud titli ava -Tk*

( aaaea aiil be leiiiomd ia thi* laatllallaa nn M ON HAY,sept i. MICHAEL DBIRCOL I'reeideiiL

(CLASSICAL BBtl EN0Llsl?"i^H0OlI (Co 88J Eaat Bma.iwav, will he reopeaedPar Bvyeoa MONDAI la_THEODORE I OLEMAN, Principal.


w iv i.tti at v. ih b^ r.,.|.e, e,| on MOMIAr.Septeaaber« Cirrular* el LOCRWÖOIV8, N.> hi Broadway{I ROWJ N 9, N " Broadway, tad at tlie roaidotiao ol Uaei'rii efpal, No. 219 1 Wut.

Daily normal school of tln< BOARD ofEDUCATION -The PALL PERMeC the Pdeatia Ds

peitment ol Ih'a Sell ol will eaaiBMaca on MÜNDET, Sepl 1,at !i o'clock a. m aad «. me Ma..- Ifapertaiaal o t» E'iraKÄ-DAY.Bept u' p tue tiail of toe BeatdoiEdt rath n. ea*aei ef O.ei d and Elai *u.

Ail pei*oua, re.,,l.nt« oi the l ny ol New-York, ol lue ag* ol'ii rearg and apward, II final**, audio year* and upward itn n.. a win. inierii, |., ,ie\,,te iheinaelea to Hie baataa** ol !<. x hlug, may alter. at to *e lime* lo Im asaaS rtxl and ciaaadioi.




To School*and Private Pupil*By Profeeior C. tv ENODBON

Ol ti ¦. Nl .» Yt rk Inafitu'ion for the Di tl and Uoo.haddnaa No. IM iv.^t IVb et., aeer Ttavetr


J MEN, from 7 to 9. ürawii c from Plaatei CaaM a'Prof 8 RHUSTER'R, No Vtt Broadway.

L^RKNCH INSTTITTE for YOFNtflil',NTLB-M. MI N.No A. Baal Mtk at., near Mrtlaaa Park .Cotamerajal and Claaaical Boartung anj Hay S. eel SptnUh ai.d Me-ai.iti Language*. Prcipectu*, Col tau.u.f fiaT partlcultra, taa-Sa ealale, rotcrouce*, Ac, to be had.

_Prof ELIK CHARLIEU of Pati*.

PR ENCH PROT£ STANT BOA1{0IN(« andI I»aY SCHOOL for YOUNG L.VOiEd, N., tVaal H"it Vra LF.VERETT wUI reafaahw. Bahoaf for nie* aaoaaajrear o- MOMMY, eeptaawb-r IA App.Kanone I ir lOe admie-ka ot Peeaie nay I* in»te la her naieniia ir.or by leitai.at1.« adJreaa. N-w Y'jrk, Angnal at. ItA

pitENCH laEgPONS.-MoRR J J. HI RNTKH,m. a »rad»*te of tbe l'mver*i»e de Eraure. eooti iae< to leaebrt* native la gaage to Claaae* In scbool* aad prtvatoty at baaspRa' or at hw at aideare He MS a*kre*.,araf lAtkrat. Ke/eren-ea ot tha highaal chaiai-«r. Ten. moderate. EVEcllNiJI A AR1 n la beam Gotobeg I.

I«'REM;II R~äVRDIN<; and DAY 8CJH01L.l':.--c'ec by the la'e Prcff,«,r*.of M Peag>iet-M*«ir*..ERPINASSE 4 SMITH, Not M*. *> ig.!.*» mmt V*lt: tt a pi*, e. t'laaeicai Comm#rcial and Mttaarn»tical * ';»lie*noden Lai.*'.*g-* fantlf artthaat extra, chara**. An » <eaea-

ar. Iiir^ronaria.aflyuinaaitim. Reopen* l*t Sepeoibet.PBIBND6' INSTaTtTE will REOPEN oq ^1A ta), tbe let of Htb luooth ( iapt ).

GKO. S. i'ARKER'"~SELECT SCHOOL farBOYS 'fbirnerij D. P. Bacon'*, wUI REt>PKaa ahPT. *,

fhenare three Depa-tmeHe-tienior, Middla, and Pamary,»Ith Ovmraatic a pi -.r. .> for phvetenl tram jig OtuiehraTey>e la! at LOCK'S OOD'S Unok«tona, or at tbe SabjolroeioaHo :>Zl Broa»:way, eunar of ;i*l-*t.

HorSATONlC instttute, N>w MilforrJ.Conn., will reopen on S,pt I -'leimi, SI*" P«r f" A

A*m of |etj Wiii rec»ivee,wtw are litittg 'or Teadaaca at ibaate of OIK' per year. aHowiua the n to *#»i*t In rb* atboS touake np the haiaico. The Prli clpd will aaalat tkam a* much« laaiESa in eetalnri »iloali t . for tbein «ben thev haaa faaabed their rtorae of ate*mm. threat." m*y b« ebtefaad « thalot'* Stole of CLetk Auatin A Siuitb. and al Elite* Hösel'¦rk row, New York Ejr fairth*r p*r»u:ulart u Lea» M. AiTJNK, Prinrlpal_


1hor>;.». it that Iia*titaties wdl c. mruatxe or. MOS->At Sepi 1 _J. U MARSHALL.


i'ii b. si **»aa Mat at b*.w»«u .n, tjaj MhyaejS a .**, jlTL'^i^.-Y.bipt I