强调句的结构: ( it be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) they arrived in paris...


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Page 1: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days
Page 2: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days

强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分)

They arrived in Paris three days later .① 强调主语:It was they who arrived in Paris three days later.

② 强调时间:It was three days later that they arrivede in Paris.

③ 强调地点:

It was in Paris that they arrived three days later.

Page 3: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days

widely adv.

settle v.

passenger n. remaider n.

specify v.

generally adv. . harvest n.


【动词】明确 , 确定

【名词】收获 , 丰收



【动词】安家 , 安顿


Page 4: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days















Page 5: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days

5 月 1日3 月 8日

(Labor Day ; May 1st )

6 月 1日

12 月 25日

(Women’s Day ; March 8th )

(April Fools’ Day; April 1st )

(Christmas Day; Dec. 25th )

Name the festivals and dates:Name the festivals and dates:

4 月 1日

(Children’s Day ; June 1st )

(Thanksgiving Day; November)

11 月

Page 6: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days





逃亡的清教徒乘坐的“五月花”( Mayflower )

长途跋涉后登上普利茅斯( Plymouth )签立公约

Page 7: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days
Page 8: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days

(教学目标 )

① Read and Translate the Text ( 阅读并翻译课文 )

② Learn the Language Points※ ( 学习课文语言点 ) ※

③ Retell the history of Thanksgiving ( 简述感恩节的来历 )

Page 9: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days

No other holiday that is now widely celebrated in North America has such a long and curious history as Thanksgiving.

A group of Englishmen arrived in Plymouth , America , in the Mayflower in December 1620 and settled down there.

Page 10: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days

During the winter after arriving in the New World, 47 of the 103 May-flower passengers died, but the rest did not lose hope.

By spring,each family had a home, and all were planting grains they had brought with them from England and corn given by friendly Indians.

Page 11: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days

They were eating fish the Indians had taught them how to net, along with wild game from the woods.

To thank God for the good harvest, December 13, 1621 was set aside for celebration.

Page 12: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days

There was no specific day of

Thanksgiving set aside in 1622. But

in 1623, Thanksgiving Day was so

devoted to thanking God that some people say it was the real beginning

of Thanksgiving.

Page 13: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days

After the hard winter of 1622-1623,

the Mayflower passengers planted

seeds and hoped for a large crop.

After the harvest, another day was

set apart to thank God.

Page 14: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days

During the following years throughout New England, there were specific days of Thanksgiving sometimes once a year, sometimes twice. George Washington, the first president of the United States, declared November 26, 1789 to be Thanksgiving Day.

Page 15: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days

The several presidents after

Washington generally allowed

the governors of states to decide

whether there should be a specified Thanks giving Day.

Page 16: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days

And if so, what day it should be?

It was Abraham Lincoln who

decided that the last Thursday in

November be Thanksgiving Day.

Page 17: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days

※Learn the Language Points

1. No other holiday ( that is now widely celebrated in North America ) has such a long and curious history as Thanksgiving.

① that is now widely celebrated (in North America )

主 谓 状

定语从句,修饰先行词 holiday. 该从句必须由 that 引导 , 而不能用 which.

( 当先行词前有 all, any , few, no, little 等修饰语时必须用 that)

Page 18: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days

② such a /such that “ 如此”表示议论或感慨

How did you make such a mistake? 你怎么会犯这样的错误?

Why are you in such a hurry? 你为什么这么着急呢?

Such a strange person that I have never seen. 一个我从未见过的如此古怪的人。

Page 19: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days

2.A group of Englishmen arrived in Plymouth, America, in the Mayflower in December 1620 and settled down there.

settle down

① 定居,安家 Many Chinese workers settles down in the west of the US.

Page 20: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days

② 舒适地坐下(或躺下) I settled down with a book.

③ 使某人安静下来,平静下来 It always takes them a while to settle down in class.

④ 定下心来做 She found it hard to settle down to her work.

Page 21: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days

3.By spring, each family had a home, and all were planting grains they had brought with them from England and corn given by friendly Indians.

plant 有两个宾语 :

① they had brought with them from England 仍是定语从句,修饰先行词 grains, 但省略了引导词 which/that 。

grain 和 corn

Page 22: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days

② given by friendly Indians 为过去分词短语作定语,修饰 corn.

I know the boy named Jack.

Page 23: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days

4. They were eating fish the Indians had taught them how to net, along with wild game from the woods.

① fish the Indians had taught them how to net

此处为省略关系代词的定语从句,修饰前面的 fish

Page 24: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days

② along with : 相当于 together with 意思是:“共同”“ 以及 ”“与……在一起”。 She lost her job when the factory close

d, along with hundreds of others.

③ game n. [u] 猎物,野味 He ate fish along with game from the woods.

n. [c] 游戏,比赛 The basketball game is on Thursday.

n. [pl] 运动会 The Olympic Games will be hold in Beijing .

Page 25: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days

5. But in 1623, Thanksgiving Day was so devoted to thank God that some people say it was the real beginning of Thanksgiving.

devote… to… “ 把……献给……”

He devoted all his life to the school.他将毕生献给了学校。She devoted herself to nursing.她一生致力于医护事业。

Page 26: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days

注意 to 在这里为介词,后跟名词或动名词。

He was devoted to helping the poor in his


Edison devoted all his life to inventing

new things.爱迪生一是致力于发明新东西。

Page 27: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days

6. The several presidents after Washing-ton generally allowed the governors of states to decide whether there should be a specified Thanksgiving Day.

allow sb. to do My boss doesn’t allow us to use the telephones in the office.allow doing We don’t allow smoking in our house.be allowed to doYou are not allowed to smoke here.

Page 28: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days

7. It was Abraham Lincoln who decided that the last Thursday in November be Thanksgiving Day.

这是 ( ), 强调人时一般用 ( ), 强调其他成分用 ( ), 偶而也会用到( ).

强调句 who that


Page 29: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days

Retell the History

of Thanksgiving Day

Page 30: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days

• 1620 Plymouth

• 1621 celebration

• 1622 no special day

• 1623 real beginning

• 1789 George Washington

• Later Abraham Lincoln

Page 31: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days

• such a….

• devote to

• along with

• settle down

• allow sb to do

• allow doing

• be allowed to do• It is/was+ 强调部分 +that/who + 其他部分

Page 32: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days

Write a composition with 100~150 words

about your favorite festival.

写一篇 100-150字的短文,介绍你最喜欢的节日

Points: 1. name and date

2. main features

3. history

Page 33: 强调句的结构: ( It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who+ 其它部分) They arrived in Paris three days later. ① 强调主语: It was they who arrived in Paris three days