李明璁 kpop 新聞學研究

‧新聞學研究‧ 第一二二期 2015 1 月 頁 37-78 37研究論文 韓國流行音樂的視覺性、身體化與性別展演: 以「少女時代」的 MV 產製和消費挪用為例 * 李明璁 ** 投稿日期:102 11 4 日;通過日期:103 3 8 日。 * 本文部份英文初稿,曾宣讀於 IASPM 2012 年會(2012 9 月於曼徹斯特舉 行)。感謝 Leiden University 亞洲研究中心(IIAS)、首爾國立大學在筆者田野 訪查期間所提供之相關資源。亦感謝本刊匿名評審的寶貴意見,計畫助理李雅筑 小姐的諸多協助,以及盧開朗先生和韓台兩地所有朋友、SONE 的慷慨分享。 ** 李明璁為國立臺灣大學社會學系助理教授,e-mail: [email protected]

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Post on 27-Jul-2015




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1. 2015 1 37-78 37 MV * ** 102 11 4 103 3 8 * IASPM 2012 2012 9 Leiden University IIAS SONE ** e-mail: [email protected] 2. 2015 1 38 K-Pop Scott Lash Celia Lury following the object K-Pop MV 3. MV 39 2009 Wonder Girls Nobody Billboard Top100 PSY Style Billboard UK Chart YouTube MV 2000 Web2.0 Holt, 2011PSY Style MV YouTube 20062007 4. 2015 1 40 90 200919991997 1999 2012 2012 20042007 ballad dancing song 2000 Howard, 2006; Russell, 2008 2012 149 2011 167.7% Korean Pop Music K-Pop 2011 SM Entertainment 5. MV 41 SM Entertainment Visit Korea Year K-Pop Lee Soo-Man IT K-Pop CTCulture Technology K-Pop MV 6. 2015 1 42 cultural proximity Sinclair, Jacka, & Cunningham, 1996; Sparks, 1998; Straubhaar, 1991 Sinclair, Jacka, & Cunningham, 1996 cultural discount; Hoskins & Mirus, 1988 K-Pop cultural commonalities 7. MV 43 posteriori authenticity K- Pop cultural hybridity K-Pop K-Pop K-Pop ocularcentrismscopic regimeimage-based cultureJay, 1988; Jhally, 1990 8. 2015 1 44 Mirzoeff, 1999 80 Aufderheide, 1986; Goodwin, 1993; Kaplan, 1987 visuality synaesthetic Bal, 2003 Scott Lash Celia Lury thingification of mediathe mediation of things cultural object Nike Swatch Lash & Lury, 2007, pp. 4-9 Lash Lury 9. MV 45 Lash Lury following the objects biographical approach Lash Lury Lash & Lury, 2007, p. 20 2010 2012 SM Entertainment SM MV SM01-05 K-Pop SM Girls Generation 10. 2015 1 46 YouTube MV K-Pop FacebookTwitter YouTube BBS PTT 2011 2012 23 10 FM01-10 13 FF01-13 18 32 K-Pop / FM01 , 20 2012/05 FM02 , 26 2012/02, 03 FM03 , 18 2011/10 FM04 , 25 2012/06 FM05 , 23 2012/06 FM06 , 20 2012/02 FM07 , 24 2011/12 FM08 , 30 2011/12, 2012/01 FM09 , 23 2012/01 FM10 , 21 2011/10 11. MV 47 / FF01 , 27 2012/03, 05 FF02 , 20 2012/05 FF03 , 23 2012/04 FF04 , 24 2012/01, 02 FF05 , 25 2012/03 FF06 , 22 2011/11 FF07 , 23 2012/02, 03 FF08 , 26 2011/9 FF09 , 28 2012/01, 02 FF10 , 25 2011/10 FF11 , 23 2011/12 FF12 , 32 2012/03 FF13 , 19 2012/05 K-Pop K-Pop 2008Kim & Shin, 2010; Russell, 2008; Shin & Ho, 2009 J-Pop 2009J-Pop 80 subgenre 90 12. 2015 1 48 idol groupShin Hyeonjoon2005 1998 J- Pop J-Pop K-Pop glocalization MTV OK Banks, 1997; Otake & Hosokawa, 1998 SM Russell, 2008, pp. 138-140 80 MTV OK Noraebang KTV Noraebang 90 Otake & Hosokawa, 1998, pp. 186-188; Russell, 2008, pp. 148-150 SM K-Pop Howard, 2006 K-Pop J-Pop ballad K-Pop ballad 13. MV 49 Bennett, 2004 ballad K-Pop SM SM03 SM01 90 rock tradition Longhurst, 2007; Negus, 1999SM J-Pop H.O.THigh-five of Teenagers 1996 star manufacturing system DSP MediaSechskies FinKlJYP Entertainment G.O.D. 14. 2015 1 50 SM SM03 90 K-Pop Shin & Siriyuvasak, 2007 90 event 15. MV 51 SM SM03H.O.T. SM 2001 SM Avex 2002 BoA Russell, 2008 2000 K-Pop 2005 Asianess 2000 Shin & Siriyuvasak, 2007 2000 global feeling Rain Jung, 2011 Rain MV Rain Jung Ji-Hoon Fanclub H.O.T. 1998 1999 16. 2015 1 52 JYP Entertainment 2007 Rain MV Rain Rain K-Pop 90 2000 2000 K-Pop Shin2009 Rain K-Pop Rain JYP Rain K-Pop 2000 SM BoA 17. MV 53 SM SM02 Rain SM Longhurst, 2007, p. 44 SM 2000 2010 K-Pop 2008-2010 408 OSMU; One Source Multi Use 18. 2015 1 54 SM Entertainment S.M. Entertainment Japan 2001 93.5% Star Light 2003 S.M. ACADEMY 75.00% S.M. Entertainment China 2004 Galgaly Family Entertainment 2005 24.00% Dream Maker Entertainment 2006 85.00% S.M. Entertainment Asia 2006 85% S.M. Pictures 2007 33.94% S.M. F&B Development 2008 100% Mstudio City 2008 31.03% S.M. Entertainment USA 2008 100% S.M. LUDUS 2008 38.16% KMP Holdings 2010 22.96% ALEL 2010 SPAO 49.00% S.M. Town Travel 2012 100% S.M. Culture & Contents 2012 100% SM Entertainment 2012 Web 2.0 K-Pop SM02 SM05 K-Pop YouTube MV MV MV HD/1080P K-Pop MV 19. MV 55 materiality K-Pop MV HD MV FF13 YouTube 2011 11 K-Pop K-Pop SM SM05 GeeOh! signified signifier rhythmize MV MV K-Pop MV FF03 20. 2015 1 56 FM04 K-Pop MV MV MV FM10 MV pose FF05 K-Pop MV K-Pop 21. MV 57 K-Pop MV K-Pop MVMV Goodwin, 1993 2000 MV PSY Style MV 2013 Gentleman MV SM SM01 K-Pop MV MV MV MV SM04 MV K- Pop MV MV fetishismMV 22. 2015 1 58 MV K-Pop MV K-Pop SM YG Entertainment 2000 G-DragonPSY BIGBANG2NE1 MV Style Icon Award MV MV MV MV MV MV MV Live MV FF02 MV FM05 23. MV 59 YouTube N MV MV MV SM MV MV MV 2009-2013 MV 1 Gee (2009) 2 Oh! (2010) 3 Run Devil Run (2010) 4 Hoot (2010) 5 The Boys (2011) 6 Paparazzi (2012) 7 I Got a Boy (2013) 24. 2015 1 60 SM SM04 MV Gee Oh! MV Oh! Oh! Oh! MV Kaplan1987 MV classical mode male gaze Mulvey, 1989 80 90 2000 AKB48kawaii SM SM SM02 kawaii 25. MV 61 idol MV 2010 Run Devil Run MV Oh! You better run run run run run Hoot Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Kaplan1987 MV socially conscious mode 26. 2015 1 62 Stacey1994 female spectatorship Pearce, 1991 MV scopophilia 2010 MV SM Lash Lury2007 2011 The BoysMV MV Baudrillard2006 MV 27. MV 63 FF12 SM SM05 MV K-Pop SM MV Kaplan1987 post-modernist mode self-reflexive 2012 Paparazzi MV bricolage Bolero Singing in the Rain MV 28. 2015 1 64 Kaplan1987 MV 2013 I Got a BoyMV 2009 MVGee Gee I Got a Boy Hey let me introduce myself; Here comes trouble! MV Paparazzi 29. MV 65 MV MV fill in rap rap MV MV 30. 2015 1 66 K-Pop MV K-Pop SONE FF09 90 fandom self-empowerment Fiske, 1992; Grossberg, 1992; Jenkins, 1992 Howes, 1996 MVFF06 FF08 FF11 see through 31. MV 67 amateur experts Judith Butlerperformative gender Buteler, 1990 Renold2005 FF01 FF04 2011 The Boys MV YouTube 2011 The Boys MV 32. 2015 1 68 FF08 FF01 fui FF06 Frith1996, p. 110 MV 33. MV 69 SONE FF10 MV MV cover dance embodied subject 34. 2015 1 70 MV Cover Dance UG MV parody cover dance YouTube 30 Star KingUG MV post-text pre-texts FM03FM05 FF11 YouTube UG MV Fiske1989 Web2.0 MV cover FM02 FF07 cover dance UG cover dance FM01 cover dance 35. MV 71 cover MV authenticity FM02 FF07 Thornton1995 subcultural capital remix G FM08 FM09 FM08 G DJ gay rap FM09 Buckland, 2002 FM08 FM09 G VIP cover dance body capitalShilling, 2012 36. 2015 1 72 MV cover FM08 FM09 visual body Young1990lived body body-in-situation body-in- construction cover cover FM07 37. MV 73 Butler1990, p. 40 MV stylized repetition of acts K-Pop K-Pop K-Pop 38. 2015 1 74 J-Pop K-Pop 90 K-Pop Rain K-Pop SM K-Pop 90 K-Pop 2000 Web2.0 80 YouTube K-Pop MV K-Pop MV cover dance 39. MV 75 Shilling2005, pp. 139-140 K-Pop K-Pop 2004 2009J-Pop DIY 101: 215-244 2007 2007Rain 2012 2009 73: 189-210 1999 33: 65-102 2006 2005K-pop () ,13(3): 7-36 2008 40. 2015 1 76 2010 16: 203-230 Aufderheide, P. (1986). 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Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. 42. 2015 1 78 The Visuality, Embodiment and Gender Performance of Korean Pop: A Study on the Production, Consumption and Appropriation of the MVs of Girls Generation Ming-Tsung Lee* ABSTRACT This paper tries to resolve the puzzle firstly: how can Korean pop (K- Pop) become transbordering since Korean is not the main language in the world? It can be attributed to the policy input and capital integration, the textual circulation through emerging audio-video platform on-line, as well as the specific textual form with intensive visuality and embodiment. This paper applies not only traditionally visual-textual analysis but also the new methodology called following the object by the British sociologists Scott Lash and Celia Lury. The researcher regards K-Pop as an object of cross- cultural consumption and tracks its circulation from local production to glocal consumption. Through the interview to the K-Pop professionals, review of the relevant articles, textual analysis of the music videos and the ethnographic fieldwork of local fans community, this paper tries to answer the two questions: (1) how does K-Pop produce itself by the strategies of visualization and embodiment, as well as gendered performance; (2) how do the fans appropriate the K-Pop texts to re-perform and re-shape their gender identities in their everyday life. Keywords: embodiment, gender identity, Girls Generation, K-Pop, music video (MV), visuality * Ming-Tsung Lee is Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University.