질적 자료 분석 방법으로서 매트릭스 분석(matrix analysis)의 이해

질적 자료 분석 방법으로서 매트릭스 분석(Matrix Analysis)의 이해 민성은* 진주교육대학교 질적탐구 Journal of Qualitative Inquiry 2016, 제2권 제2호, pp.161~191 본 연구에서는 질적 자료 분석의 한 방법으로서 매트릭스 분석의 개념과 특징, 적용 방법에 대 해 알아보고자 하였다. 매트릭스(matrix)는 행과 열로 이루어진 두 목록들을 교차시킴으로써 자료를 시각화시키는 데이터 디스플레이(data display) 방법 이다. 매트릭스 분석은 자료 수집 과 자료 분석이 순환적으로 이루어지는 질적 연구 과정 중에서 연구자로 하여금 연구 문제에 적합한 자료 수집을 가능하게 할 뿐 아니라, 독자로 하여금 광범위한 질적 자료들을 효과적으 로 이해할 수 있도록 돕는다. 이에 이 글에서는 질적 자료 분석에 있어서 대표적으로 활용할 수 있는 해던 매트릭스, SWOT 매트릭스, 시간 중심 매트릭스, 역할 중심 매트릭스 등을 소개 하면서 각 방법의 특징에 대하여 논의하고자 하였다. 또한, 실제적인 매트릭스 분석과정을 소 개함으로써 어떻게 매트릭스가 질적 연구 과정에 있어 활용될 수 있는지 논의하였다. 이를 통 하여 우리나라에 심층적으로 소개 되지 않았던 매트릭스 분석의 의미, 가능성 그리고 한계에 대하여 살펴보고자 하였다. 주제어: 질적자료분석, 매트릭스 분석, 질적연구 요약 * 교신저자. Email: minsungeun@naver.com 접수일(2016831일), 수정일(20161012일), 게재확정일(20161015일)

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Journal of Qualitative Inquiry
2016, 2 2, pp.161~191
. (matrix)
(data display) .

, SWOT , ,
. ,

162 2 2

. (2012) ‘Bricoleur’ , , ,

. (2004) ‘’ , ,
. (2004) ‘


(, 2014; , 2016; , , 2014).

. (2012) , , ,
. , (2014)
‘ / → → 1 →
2 → 3 → ’ 6 ,
‘ ’ .

(Charmaz, 2011; Strauss & Corbin, 1990), (Crotty, 1996; Moustakas,
1994; Smith et al., 2009; van Manen, 1990; Wertz, 2011), (Weber, 1985)

( , 2016).
, (2000)
(2015) (domain analysis) ,
, (taxonomy), ,
(freelisting) , Triad . (2015)
| (Matrix Analysis) 163
van Kaam(1966), Giorgi(1971), van Manen(1990)
(2015) Dollard(1935), Mandelbaum(1973)
6 ,
, , /
, / ,
, / .
( , 2016). ,

(matrix analysis)
(data display)
, , , , , , ,
(Miles & Huberman, 1994).
. ,
Huberman, & Saldana, 1994).
, ,

. ,
, , ,
, ,
164 2 2
, ,
(Agnes, 2000).

(Miles & Huberman, 1994).
‘’ .

. Miles & Huberman(1994)
[ 1] ··
, , /
(Miles & Huberman, 1994). (,
, ) .

| (Matrix Analysis) 165
[ 2] ,
, , /

. , ,
, ,

. , 1960

166 2 2
theory) .
Glaser Strauss ,
1991). ,
(matrix) .
(Haddon, 1970) .
‘ ’, ‘ ’, ‘ ’ 3

Miles Huberman 1994 ‘
(Qualitative data analysis)’ . Miles Huberman
, , ,
, .
440 , 85 , 259 ,
2,713 .

, (Altschuld & Witkin,
2000; Marsh, 1990; Sandelowski, 2000). Altschuld & Witkin(2000) ,
, , ,
Marsh(1990) (process-oriented matrix)

| (Matrix Analysis) 167
. (Meadows &
Morse, 2001; Straub & Welke, 1998; Yassine, Falkenburg, & Chelst, 1999). Yassine
et al.(1999) Design Structure Matrix (DSM) .
. Straub & Welke(1998) Countermeasure
Matrix Model ,
, .
(Crandall & Associates, 1983; Dalin et al.,
1992; Huberman, 1981), (Huberman, 1986, 1989,
1993), (Huberman & Gather-Thurler, 1991)

(Atkinson & Hammersley, 1983; Lincoln & Guba, 1985; Lofland & Lofland,
1984; Patton, 1990).

. . ,
(Miles & Huberman, 1994). ,

. ,
168 2 2
, , ,
. ,

. ,

, .
(check list)
. ,
. , (2014)
‘ / ’, ‘’
. ,
(Averill, 2002).
(Cleveland, 1985). ,

. , ,
, (Miles & Huberman, 1994).
, , .

| (Matrix Analysis) 169
3 .
‘matrix analysis’ ‘qualitative
research matrix analysis’, ‘ ’ ,

30, 10 .


1. (haddon matrix)
Haddon, Jr. 3 (row) 4 (column)
. 3 (phase), 4
(factor) . Matrix
· , · , ·
, Haddon → →
(, 2010).
· , ,
(Schmukler, 2009).
170 2 2
. .
< 1> ( )


(host), (agent), (physical environment), ·
(social·socioeconomic environment) .

. ,
, ·
, · , .
Deljavan R. et. al. (2012)
, . ,
/ ( , ,
), / , / , ( ,
, , ) .
| (Matrix Analysis) 171

. ,
. //
, (critical period)
. ,
, , , ·
, , ,
2. SWOT (SWOT matrix)
SWOT 1971 Ken Andrews ,
. ,
, , SWOT .
SWOT (internal origin)
(eExternal origin), (helpful) , (harmful)
, (strength), (weakness),
(opportunity), (threat) .
172 2 2
< 2> SWOT (S )
(Helpful) (Harmful)

(Internal origin)

(External origin)


. () ‘
’, ‘ ’ ,
() ‘ ’ .
, () ‘ ’,
() ‘ ’ .
Srivastava et al.(2005) Lucknow
, , , . Lucknow
, , , ,
, , , ,
, ,
/, /
. SWOT ,
| (Matrix Analysis) 173
, , ,

, .
3. (time-centered matrix)
, ,
(Miles & Huberman, 1994).
, ,

(, 2015).

174 2 2
< 3> : (, 2015, p. 12)
10 20 30 40 50

(, 10, 20 ) .
, ,
, / .

. ,

(Miles & Huberman, 1994).
, , .
| (Matrix Analysis) 175
4. (Role-centered Matrix)
‘ ’
(Miles & Huberman, 1994). ·
< 4>
, .
. ‘’ , ‘’
‘’ .
, .

< 5> .
176 2 2
< 4> 1 (Miles & Huberman, 1994, p. 189)


| (Matrix Analysis) 177
< 5> 2(Miles & Huberman, 1994, p. 191 )

( ) , ,
, ,
< 5> ,
, , .
, /
, , ,

. 2016 5

. 3
, 3 7~8
2, 40 .
178 2 2
. , , ,
, SWOT , ,
. ,

(Miles & Huberman, 1994).

. ,
. 7~8

. , ,

| (Matrix Analysis) 179

. ,
< 6> ( )

. ,
, , , ,
/, , / .
, , , , ,
< 7>
( , ) (reduction)
( , )
: ? .
: .
: .
: , .
: ?
: . .
. ( 5)
: ?
: .
: 3, 5
. .
: . .
: . .

< 6> .
< 8> .
< 8> ( )

| (Matrix Analysis) 181
, .
(analytic text) .
. Glaser & Strauss(1967)
(grounded theory)
. ,

, .
. ,
< 8>

, ,

, .
. ,
. , .


, .

182 2 2
. , .
. , .
, , ,
, ,

, ,
, /
. .

| (Matrix Analysis) 183
[ 3] ,
/ .
, .
, < 8>

. , ,
. , ‘
’ ‘ ’
. ,
, .
// .

184 2 2
< 9> ()

| (Matrix Analysis) 185

, ,
, .
. ,
. , ,
, ,
. Glaser(1978) ‘ → →
→ ’ . ‘ ’
186 2 2
, , .
. Glaser ‘’
, .
, .
, .
, ,


. ,

| (Matrix Analysis) 187

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(2014). . , 147,
, , (2015). .
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, (2014). :
. , 12(1), 159-184.
(2015). . 2015
, , (2016). . , 2(1), 127-
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| (Matrix Analysis) 191
Sung-Eun Min Jinju National University of Education
This research is designed to define the concept, features, and application
methodologies of Matrix Analysis. A matrix is defined as “a set of numbers or terms
arranged in rows and columns; within which, or within and from which, something
is originated, takes form, or develops”. It is used to identify mutual relationship of
interaction among more than two major dimensions. Data analysis consists of data
reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. As a matrix is one of the
data display methods to facilitate data analysis with circular procedures of data collection
and data analysis, it enables researchers to collect proper set of data and also helps
readers understand extensive range of qualitative data more efficiently. This research
also introduced the representative forms of matrix, including Haddon Matrix, SWOT
Matrix, time-centered matrix, and theme-centered matrix, reviewing features of each
method. The discussion also covered how matrix can be utilized in qualitative studies,
by introducing the procedures of matrix analysis. With these efforts, meaning, potentials
and restrictions of matrix analysis were reviewed, to provide in-depth insights on the
topic that has not been covered much in previous researches.
Keywords: qualitative data analysis, matrix analysis, qualitative research