1 ЗОВНІШНЄ НЕЗАЛЕЖНЕ ОЦІНЮВАННЯ - СЕРІЯ «ГОТУЄМОСЯ ДО ЗНО ЗА 100 ДНІВ» А. П. МАРТИНЮК, І. О. СВЕРДЛОВА, І. Ю. НАБОКОВА АНГЛІЙСЬКА МОВА НАВЧАЛЬНИЙ ПОСІБНИК Ефективна методика підготовки до ЗНО Теоретичний матеріал Контрольні тести до кожної теми Тести у форматі ЗНО-2012 Відповіді до тестів ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. FORM 10 FORM 11 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. CONTENTS ПЕРЕДМОВА ЧАСТИНА 1. 10 КЛАС SECTION I. GRAMMAR ..............................................................................................................4 UNIT 1. NOUN ...................................................................................................................................5 UNIT 2. ARTICLE ............................................................................................................................13 UNIT 3. PRONOUN ........................................................................................................................21 UNIT 4. ADJECTIVE ......................................................................................................................29 UNIT 5. ADVERB ...........................................................................................................................39 UNIT 6. NUMERAL .........................................................................................................................44 UNIT 7. VERB TENSES (ACTIVE VOICE) ............................................................................47 UNIT 8. SUBJECT VERB AGREEMENT ...................................................................................64 UNIT 9. PREPOSITION .................................................................................................................70 UNIT 10. CONJUNCTION ...............................................................................................................76 SECTION ІІ. VOCABULARY ......................................................................................................82 UNIT 1. PEOPLE.............................................................................................................................83 UNIT 2. HOUSES AND HOMES..................................................................................................92 UNIT 3. YOUR HEALTH ................................................................................................................99 UNIT 4. FOOD AND MEALS ...................................................................................................... 108 UNIT 5. EDUCATION ................................................................................................................... 116 UNIT 6. WORK .............................................................................................................................. 123 UNIT 7. ACTIVITIES AND INTERESTS ................................................................................... 130 SECTION III READING .............................................................................................................. 141 UNIT 1. НАВЧАННЯ ПЕРЕГЛЯДОВОГО ЧИТАННЯ ............................................................ 143 UNIT 2. НАВЧАННЯ ОЗНАЙОМЛЮВАЛЬНОГО ЧИТАННЯ .............................................. 146 WRITING ............................................................................................................... 149 UNIT 1. НАПИСАННЯ ОСОБИСТОГО ЛИСТА ...................................................................... 149 UNIT 2. НАПИСАННЯ ФОРМАЛЬНОГО ЛИСТА ................................................................... 152 UNIT 3. НАПИСАННЯ ЕСЕ.......................................................................................................... 155 КЛЮЧІ ДО ТЕСТОВИХ І ТРЕНУВАЛЬНИХ ЗАВДАНЬ

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Ефективна методика підготовки до ЗНО

Теоретичний матеріал Контрольні тести до кожної теми

Тести у форматі ЗНО-2012 Відповіді до тестів






SECTION I. GRAMMAR .............................................................................................................. 4

UNIT 1. NOUN ................................................................................................................................... 5

UNIT 2. ARTICLE ............................................................................................................................ 13

UNIT 3. PRONOUN ........................................................................................................................ 21

UNIT 4. ADJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................... 29

UNIT 5. ADVERB ........................................................................................................................... 39

UNIT 6. NUMERAL ......................................................................................................................... 44

UNIT 7. VERB TENSES (ACTIVE VOICE) ............................................................................ 47

UNIT 8. SUBJECT VERB AGREEMENT ................................................................................... 64

UNIT 9. PREPOSITION ................................................................................................................. 70

UNIT 10. CONJUNCTION ............................................................................................................... 76

SECTION ІІ. VOCABULARY ...................................................................................................... 82

UNIT 1. PEOPLE ............................................................................................................................. 83

UNIT 2. HOUSES AND HOMES .................................................................................................. 92

UNIT 3. YOUR HEALTH ................................................................................................................ 99

UNIT 4. FOOD AND MEALS ...................................................................................................... 108

UNIT 5. EDUCATION ................................................................................................................... 116

UNIT 6. WORK .............................................................................................................................. 123

UNIT 7. ACTIVITIES AND INTERESTS ................................................................................... 130

SECTION III READING .............................................................................................................. 141

UNIT 1. НАВЧАННЯ ПЕРЕГЛЯДОВОГО ЧИТАННЯ ............................................................ 143

UNIT 2. НАВЧАННЯ ОЗНАЙОМЛЮВАЛЬНОГО ЧИТАННЯ .............................................. 146

WRITING ............................................................................................................... 149

UNIT 1. НАПИСАННЯ ОСОБИСТОГО ЛИСТА ...................................................................... 149

UNIT 2. НАПИСАННЯ ФОРМАЛЬНОГО ЛИСТА ................................................................... 152

UNIT 3. НАПИСАННЯ ЕСЕ.......................................................................................................... 155


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SECTION І. GRAMMAR ........................................................................................................... 173

UNIT 1. PASSIVE VOICE ............................................................................................................ 174

UNIT 2. MODAL VERBS ............................................................................................................. 182

UNIT 3. REPORTED SPEECH. SEQUENCE OF TENSES ................................................. 188

UNIT 4. INFINITIVE / ING-FORMS ............................................................................................ 199

UNIT 5. CONDITIONALS ............................................................................................................. 207

SECTION ІІ. VOCABULARY .................................................................................................... 214

UNIT 1. COUNTRIES AND NATIONALITIES .......................................................................... 215

UNIT 2. TRAVEL AND MEANS OF TRANSPORT ................................................................. 226

UNIT 3. CITIES AND TOWNS ..................................................................................................... 235

UNIT 4. SHOPPING....................................................................................................................... 245

UNIT 5. LEISURE TIME ................................................................................................................ 253

UNIT 6. THE ENVIRONMENT .................................................................................................... 262

UNIT 7. SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS ............................................................................................. 273

SECTION ІІІ. READING AND WRITING ................................................................................. 284


SECTION IV. TESTS AND CONTROL WORKS TEST 1 ............................................................................................................................................... 302

TEST 2 ............................................................................................................................................... 312

TEST 3 ............................................................................................................................................... 322

CONTROL WORK ........................................................................................................................... 332





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Успішне складання таких важливих віпробувань для випускників, як

зовнішнє незалежне оцінювання і державна підсумкова атестація, залежить від

якісної підготовки з англійської мови. Навчальий посібник «Англійська мова» із

серії «Готуємося до ЗНО за 100 днів», що виходить у двох частинах (10 та 11

класи), призначений для повторення і систематизації знань, отриманих

упродовж вивчення шкільного курсу.

Згідно з рішенням Міністерства освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України

контроль навчальних досягнень учнів з іноземних мов проводиться за двома

компетенціями — читанням і письмом.

Посібник включає передмову, основну частину, практичну підготовку

(тести), ключі до тестових і контрольних завдань.

Основна частина складається з таких розділів:

1. Навчання іншомовного матеріалу



2. Навчання іншомовного спілкування



мування у старшокласників основних навичок писемного спілкування та вклю-

чення їх до складу мовленнєвих умінь. Метою навчання граматичного матеріалу

є оволодіння репродуктивними навичками письма і рецептивними навичками

читання. Відпрацювання лексико-граматичного матеріалу відбува-ється в

умовнокомунікативних вправах та вправах на переклад.


навчанню читання та письма. Згідно з програмовими вимогами, контроль

засвоєння шкільного матеріалу здійснюється у форматі тестів, зміст, форма та

структура яких орієнтовані на міжнародні тести типу FCE (First Certificate in

English), TOEFL та ін. У розділі надаються методичні рекомендації, які

ознайомлюють учнів не тільки зі структурою, змістом тестів та формами

тестових завдань, але й детально роз'яснюють послідовність кроків, необхідних

для успішного виконання кожного їх виду.

Усі тексти, на яких побудовані тестові завдання, відібрані з автентичних

джерел (газет, журналів, брошур, інтерв'ю, англомовних Інтернет-сайтів).

Посібник укладено в повній відповідності до вимог Програми ЗНО-2012 з

іноземніх мов Міністерства освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України та

загальноєвропейських рекометдацій із мовної освіти.

Отже, шановні старшокласники, беріться за роботу і пам'тайте стародавню

мудрість. На питання учнів як досягти успіху, Арістотель відповів:

«Наздоганяти тих, хто попереду, і не чекати тих, хто позаду».


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PRE-TEST Read the texts below. For (1-6) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).


Did you know that modern pencils owe it all to an ancient Roman writing instrument

called a stylus? Scribes (1) ........... this thin metal rod to leave a light, but readable mark

on papyrus (an early form of paper). (2) ........... early styluses were made of lead, which

is what we still call pencil cores (3) ........... they are actually made of non-toxic graphite.

Graphite (4) ............ into widespread use following the discovery of a large graphite

deposit in Borrowdale, England in 1564. Appreciated for leaving a darker mark than

lead, the mineral proved so soft and brittle that it required a holder. Originally, (5) ..........

graphite sticks were wrapped in string. (6) ............. , the graphite was inserted into

hollowed-out wooden sticks. The wood-cased pencil was born!

1 A use В used C have used D had used

2 A Other В Another C The other D The others

3 A despite В even though C because D nevertheless

4 A has come В came C had come D was coming

5 A a В an C the D —

6 A Late В Later C Latest D The latest


Tourism, the act of paying money to go from one place to (1) ............ to see different and

unique sights, (2) ............ a fact of civilized life since approximately the 12th century. Of

course, back in (3) .......... days it was basically the upper classes that had the time, the

money, and the interest in travelling from spot to spot. The word "travel" by the way

comes from the medieval English word "travail" which means suffering great hardship,

and that is a very good description of travel in the earliest days. Much has been written

about the journeys of Marco Polo, who until recently was considered the (4) ........ first

tourist. Celebrated in books, movies, musicals and television specials in several

countries, Marco Polo is today a hero in Italy and in China: Venice named its airport

after a beloved native son. There's the Marco Polo bridge outside Beijing, and no tourist

to the Chinese capital in (5) ............ was ever allowed to miss the Marco Polo Carpet

Shop at the Temple of Heaven. Across Asia, in tributaries of the storied Old Silk Road

that linked West and East, Polo's name (6) ............. modern travelers to restaurants,

hotels and souvenir shops.

1 A other В another C the other D the others

2 A is В has been C was D had been

3 A this В these C that D those

4 A world В world's C worlds D worlds'

5 A 1980s В the 1980s C 1980th D the 1980th

6 A has attracted В attracts C attract D attracted

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Іменники, що утворюють множину за правилами

Закінчення слова

в однині Приклади

Закінчення слова

у множині Приклади

s, ss, sh, ch, х, z bus, class, dish,

watch, box, topaz N+ -es

buses, classes, dishes,

watches, boxes, topazes


голосна + о

голосна +у






N + -s





приголосна +у lady, story N(y) -ies ladies, stories

приголосна + о potato, hero N + -es potatoes, heroes

Винятки: photos, pianos, solos, autos, avocados

-f, -fe leaf, knife N f(e) — -ves leaves, knives

Винятки: beliefs, chiefs, roofs, chefs, cliffs, sheriffs.

Іменники, що утворюють множину не за правилами

Однина Множина man, woman, mouse, tooth, foot, goose men, women, mice, teeth, feet, geese sheep, fish, trout, deer, aircraft, series sheep, fish, trout, deer, aircraft, series child, ox, person children, oxen, persons or people


1. Деякі іменники вживаються тільки в однині: advice, knowledge, news,

research, money, hair, success, progress etc. Водночас вони перекладаються як

поради, знання, новини, дослідження, гроші, волосся, успіхи тощо.

Наприклад: No news is good news. - Відсутність новин - добрі новини.

Слід пам'ятати, що порада — a piece of advice; дві поради — two pieces of advice;

новина — a piece of news; дві новини — two pieces of news.

До цієї групи іменників також належать назви хвороб (mumps, measles etc.),

наук і навчальних дисциплін (physics, linguistics, mathematics etc.),

ігор (billiards, darts, dominoes, cards etc.).

2. Деякі іменники вживаються тільки у множині:

police, clothes, scissors, trousers, spectacles, pajamas, binoculars etc.

Наприклад: The police are efficient. — Поліція працює ефективно.

These clothes are stylish. — Цей одяг стильний.

Слід пам'ятати, що a pair of jeans — одна пара джинсів;

three pairs of jeans — три пари джинсів.




birds of prey








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Write the plural form of each noun.

holiday — ....................

turkey — ....................

knife — ....................

cranberry — ....................

potato — ....................

family — ....................

spice — ....................

nut — ....................

guest — ....................

man — ....................

snack — ....................

woman — ....................

apple — ....................

peach — ....................

tomato — ....................

pie — ....................

shelf — ....................

deer — ....................

roof — ....................

watch — ....................

tax — ....................

month — ....................

chief — ....................

trout — ....................

goose — ....................

myth — ....................

dish — ....................

path — ....................

person — ....................

foot — ....................

sky — ....................

photo — ....................

sheep — ....................

wife — ....................

fox — ....................

sheriff — ....................

life — ....................

ox — ....................

wolf — ....................

postman — ....................

cuckoo — ....................

mouse — ....................

spy — ....................

series — ....................

passer-by — ....................

mother-in-law — ....................

woman-driver — ....................


Use the words in the sentences below.

carton loaf cup strand packet jar slice

piece pound glass bottle tin bowl piece

1. When I entered the kitchen, I saw a ........ of coffee and a ......... of cake on the table.

2. Will you buy a ................. of sardines and a .................. of jam on your way home?

3. Two ............................. of bread will be enough for our family.

4. She took a ....................... of milk out of the fridge, but then changed her mind and

poured herself a ................................ of juice.

5. How much is a ............................. of crisps?

6. You can take either of these two ........................ of advice, they're both reasonable.

7. Her hair is jet-black, but for one ............................... of hair, which is bleached.

8. Uncorking a ............................... of wine, he took a .............................. of cheese.

9. You'd better take a ....................................... of soup.

10. How much is a …………………………… of beef?

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EXERCISE 3. Use is / are in the sentences below.

1. My new watch .................... five minutes fast.

2. All the sheep on the farm .................... grazing now.

3. The police .................... after a dangerous robber.

4. The money .................... not enough to buy a laptop.

5. His clothes .................... wet — he has fallen into a pool!

6. Your progress .................... amazing.

7. My mother's hair .................... turning grey.

8. Darts .................... popular with people of any age.

9. Measles .................... dangerous for grown-ups.

10. This pair of jeans .................... not very expensive.

EXERCISE 4. Translate into English.

1. Мої невістки подарували мені букет незабудок.

2. На столі лежали два буханця хліба, шматок сиру та пачка масла.

3. Літаки здійснили декілька зльотів і приземлень.

4. У зоопарку можна побачити оленів, вовків, лисиць й багато інших звірів,

птахів і риб.

5. Хочу дати тобі кілька порад.

6. Поліція опитує перехожих.

7. Буревій пошкодив дахи.

8. Листя на деревах уже жовте.

9. У цьому салаті недостатньо помідорів.

10. У тебе змерзли ноги.

11. Вівці зараз на пасовищі.

12. У мене є дві новини. З якої розпочати?

13. У нашій школі працюють як вчительки, так і учителі-чоловіки.

14. Я задоволена твоїми успіхами у навчанні.

15. Джон читав ці три оповідання.

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Іменник Закінчення Приклад

1. Назви істот в однині

N типу boy N’s The boy’s book is on the table.

2. Назви істот у множині

Ns типу parents Ns’ The parents’ house is big.

3. Назви істот, що утворюють

множину не за правилами,

N типу men women children


The men’s suits are grey.

The book is about women’s friendship.

The children’s toys are everywhere.

4. Імена, що закінчуються на -s,

N типу Charles N’(s)

Charles' wife is pretty.

Charles's wife is pretty.

5. Складні іменники типу

daughter-in-law N’s

My daughter-in-law's favourite flowers are


6. Імена двох осіб, що спільно

чимось володіють, NmdN (N and N)’s

Ilf and Petrov's novels (співавтори) але

Byron's and Shelly's poems (не співавтори)

7. Збірні іменники

N типу government N’s The government's decision is quite arguable.

8. Географічні назви

N типу Ukraine N’s Kyiv is Ukraine's capital.

9. Назви неістот

N типу church the of N St. Peter's is the name of the church.

ПРИМІТКА: three weeks’ holiday = a three-week holiday


Complete the sentences with the correct possessive form of the nouns.

1. That store sells ........................................... (children) books.

2. Mary is a ........................................ (girl) name.

3. (Mary and Sue) .................................................... room is rather big.

4. Robert is staying at his ......................................... (uncle) house.

5. In this country teachers have ............................................ (two months) holiday.

6. Biographies are stories of ............................................... (people) lives.

7. ............................................ (students) lives are busy.

8. Do you know ............................................ (Mr. Richards) wife?

9. Have you seen my .............................................. (brothers) wives?

10. My ............................................... (parents-in-law) house is in California.

11. My ............................................... (dog) name is Fido.

12. Everybody knows ............................................. (Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky) novels.

13. Are Jim and Tom ...................................... (men) names?

14. Our ..................................................... (children) school is near our house.

15. The ..................................................... (church/windows) are very beautiful.

16. The ..................................................... (church/name) is Saint Paul's.

17. The ..................................................... (dresses/girls) are pretty.

18. Who chose the ............................................................. (flowers/color)?

19. There's a considerable decrease in ............................................... (Spain) imports.

20. The ....................................... (committee) decision is rather arguable.

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Complete the sentences with the correct possessive form of the nouns.

father-in-law St. Paul Dennis and Peter (brothers) Ukraine two days

women Mr. Johnsons Dickens Monet and Cezanne today baker

1. When ........................... car pulled up at the gate of ................................... Church,

it was met by a crowd of journalists.

2. The article covers ................................................. foreign police.

3. We saw ................................................ paintings in the museum.

4. I have read this news in .......................................... newspaper.

5. My .................................................. shop sells footwear.

6. He's leaving on a ............................................ business trip.

7. If I need any bread, I go to the ......................................... .

8. .............................................. parents don't let them play computer games.

9. .............................................. novels belong to the classics of English literature.

10. This is a boutique of ............................................ clothes.


Translate into English.

1. Хобі тітоньки Аліси - читання.

2. Подарунок Ганни і Білла дуже сподобався батькам.

3. Дах будинку червоного кольору.

4. На поличках стояли іграшки дітей.

5. Невістки завжди прислухаються до порад своїх свекрух.

6. На вчорашніх зборах обговорювалися дії уряду.

7. Школярі вивчають поезію Байрона і Шеллі.

8. Усі вітали вступ Польщі до ЄС.

9. Ми чули лише спів птиць.

10. Результати спортсменів вражають.

11. Будинок містера Джонса - найбільший на нашій вулиці.

12. Зазвичай я проводжу канікули в бабусі.

13. Ковбасу можна купити у м'ясній крамниці.

14. Він пробіг дистанцію в три милі дуже швидко.

15. Усі підтримали думку голови комісії.

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Use the words in brackets in the appropriate form.

It is midnight and everybody in (Charlie and Susan) ........................................ house is

about to climb into bed when (Charlie) ........................ wife informs him that there is a

light on in their garden shed. Charlie starts to go outside to turn off the light, but

notices some (thief) ………………. in the shed who are busy stealing his (belonging)

....................... and his (sons) ............................ bicycles.

He runs back inside right away and calls the police, who (ask) ............................. him

"Are there any intruders in your house?" to which Charlie replies 'no' and explains his

(circumstance) .......................... . The (policeman) ............................ answer is that all

patrol (car) ..................... are otherwise occupied, and that Charlie should just lock his

door and a uniformed (policeman) .................... will be at his house when one is free.

Charlie answers, ‘Alright,’ hangs up, waits 30 seconds, and then calls the police again.

"Hello, I have just called because there are some (person) .................... stealing (stuff)

.................... from my shed. I want to let you know that they're not a problem anymore

because I've just shot every one of them."

Charlie then hangs up the phone. In (five minutes) .................... time, three patrol (car)

.................... , a SWAT team, and an ambulance arrive, and of course, the police

(catch) ........................... the (thief) ................................. in the act.

One of the (policeman) ...................... snaps at Charlie: "I thought you said that you

shot every one of them!"

"I thought you said there were no patrol (car) ........................ free!" Charlie answers.


Use the nouns in brackets in the appropriate form.

EXAMPLE: The (woman) face was really pretty. — The woman's face was really pretty.

The (shoe) factory has closed. — The shoe factory has closed.

1. There were several (office) ......................................... workers in the refectory.

2. St. Monique is a (girl) .......................................... boarding school.

3. The (computer) .................................... keyboard fell on the floor and cracked.

4. The (oil) .................................... production has decreased dramatically.

5. Have you seen my (address) ............................................ book anywhere?

6. I never read (newspaper) .................................................. editorials.

7. Her grandparents used to be (tea leaf) .......................................... pickers.

8. The (soup) ........................................... bowl slipped out of my hands.

9. The (boy) ............................................. arm was injured and in a sling.

10. My (winter) .......................................... jacket needs brushing.

11. Don't forget to buy some (shoe) .......................................... polish.

12. We spent the weekend on the (river) ........................................ bank.

13. We mustn't destroy (bird) ................................................ nests.

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Use the appropriate form of the words in the sentences below.

Sometimes more than one variant is possible.

luggage loaf son-in-law information person tea schoolchild bus

council billiards aerobics time income progress cow take-off

1. My parents are very happy about my .......................................... at school.

2. ............................................ has become her favourite pastime.

3. The ....................................... faces were beaming with excitement.

4. In our area .......................................... don't circulate after midnight.

5. The draftsman used to buy two ....................................... of stale bread.

6. .............................................. milk is believed to be necessary for children.

7. The ............................................ activities have been criticized lately.

8. My ............................................. names are John and David.

9. The .............................................. we got last week is very important.

10. ................................. is getting more and more popular with young ......................... .

11. How many ............................................ and landings have you made?

12. I've got a lot of ............................................. . I'd better take a taxi.

13. Frank plays volleyball three .............................................. a week.

14. Can we have a ................................................. and two coffees?

15. I don't know anything about the ....................................................... tax.


Study the phrases.

Use them to fill in the blanks in the sentences below.

for heaven's sake to keep at arm's length to one's heart's content

out of harm's way a stone's throw a needle's eye

to be at one's wit's end at death's door

1. The device slot was as small as ………………………………………………….. .

2. The nearest supermarket is ......................................................... from here.

3. She's very cautious and ........................................... everybody ................................ .

4. ......................................... don't drive so fast if you don't want to get in a car crash.

5. I'm ......................................................... , I don't know what to do.

6. He doesn't have to work and lives ……………………..…………………….. .

7. She's as fit as a fiddle, but pretends to be ................................................................ .

8. I decided not to raise the issue at the meeting to keep ………………………………. .

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ВИКОНАЙТЕ ТЕСТ Під час роботи над тестом не можна користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.


Choose А, В, С or D to fill in the blanks in the sentences below.

Write your answers on answer sheet A.

1. The police …………... for Ted Turner.

A is looking В are looking

C has looked D was lookine

2. Pete and Andy are away on holiday. .............. flat is empty now.

A Pete and Andy's C Pete's and Andy

В Pete's and Andy's D Pete and Andy

3. Joan is exhausted after a ………… trip.

A ten days C ten-day

В ten day's D ten days'

4. How do I get to the .................... station?

A police В police's

C policeman's D policemen's

5. I am lucky to have three daughters and two ................... .

A son-in-law's C sons-in-law's

В sons-in-law D son-in-law

6. Her clothes ……….. smart.

A is C were

В was D have

7. Chinese ……….. are rather unsafe.

A coal mines C coal miners

В coal's mines D coal miner's

8. The department of …………. clothing is downstairs.

A child C children

В child's D children's

9. The ……………… order was fulfilled immediately.

A commander's-in-chief В commander-in-chief's

C commander's-in-chief's D commanders-in-chief

10. Your …………… washing.

A pajamas needs В pajama needs

C pajamas need D pajama need

11. Mumps ………… rather dangerous for adults.

A has В is

C have D are

12. .................... very popular in this country.

A Dominoes is C Domino is

В Dominoes are D Domino are

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Артикль — це службове слово, яке вживається з іменниками.

В англійській мові є три артиклі: означений (the), неозначений (а/аn) та нульовий.

Вживання артикля залежить від типу іменника і контексту.

Щоб вибрати необхідний артикль, слід визначити:

1) чи називає іменник предмет взагалі (не виділяючи його з однорідних

предметів), чи він указує на конкретний предмет.


I bought a book yesterday (книжку, а не зошит).

The book I bought yesterday is really interesting (саме та книжка, яку я купив);

2) іменник є обчислювальним чи необчислювальним.


a book, a house, a dog, a watch, a friend — обчислювальні іменники;

joy, snow, love, furniture, sunshine, advice — необчислювальні іменники;

3) іменник має форму однини чи множини.


a book — однина; books — множина.

Нижче подано алгоритм уживання артикля.

1. Чи називає іменник конкретний предмет?



2. Чи називає іменник обчислювальний предмет?


3. Чи називає іменник предмет в однині?


(а) (-)


This is a book. Не is a doctor. There is a cup on the table.

These are books. They are doctors. There are cups on the table.

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EXERCISE 1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles.

1. .................... books on .................... table are not mine.

2. .................... airports and .................... railway stations are usually overcrowded.

3. I prefer .................... green tea.

4. .................... soup was very tasty.

5. .................... boys, who were playing in the yard, didn't hear anything strange.

6. .................... freedom is impossible without .................... democracy.

7. Stanley works at .................... factory. He's .................... worker.

8. Where did you find .................... keys?

9. .................... carpet needs hoovering.

10. How often do you read .................... detective novels?

11. The Browns spent .................... holiday in .................... mountains.

12. Put .................... milk into .................... fridge.

13. .................... plane landed safely.

14. .................... houses were built of .................... stone.

15. I like .................... cheese.

16. There is .................... lake near .................... village.

17. I want to give him .................... picture as .................... birthday present.

18. .................... children like .................... icecream.

19. It's .................... interesting TV programme.

20. .................... doctor told .................... patient to have some tests.

EXERCISE 2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles.

1. .................... Blacks are moving to .................... New Zealand.

2. .................... Lake Balaton is situated in .................... Hungary.

3. .................... President delivered a speech at the convention.

4. .................... Checks are preparing for the presidential elections.

5. My uncle has a farm in .................... Montana.

6. The weather in .................... United Kingdom is very changeable.

7. .................... Andes are situated in .................... America.

8. The students observed .................... Venus in .................... sky.

9. I have always dreamt about a week's holiday in .................... Bahamas.

10. .................... Nile flows into .................... Mediterranean Sea.

11. We spent the weekend in .................... Regent's Park.

12. .................... Eifel Tower was built in .................... Paris.

13. How long have you been learning .................... Italian language?

14. I learnt to play .................... flute when I was ten.

15. .................... Titanic is the best-known ship in .................... world.

16. Let's meet on ................. Monday, ............... 15th of .............. November.

17. Phil is proud of being ....... student of ...... Harvard University. He studies ..... Law.

18. Businessmen read .................... Financial Times.

19. Fortunately people in .................... Ukraine seldom have .................... malaria.

20. Don't worry, it's just .................... cold.

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Нульовий артикль ( - ) Означений артикль (the)


власні імена John Kennedy члени однієї


the Kennedys

титул + ім'я Queen Elizabeth титул,

етнічні групи

the Queen

the Ukrainians

міста, штати,



Kyiv, Ohio, Mexico,

South America

Виняток - the Hague

країни, назва яких

складається з

кількох слів

the United States

the Republic of China

Виняток - Great Britain

гори Mount Everest

Peak Dale

групи гір the Himalayas

назви планет,


Venus, Mars унікальні об'єкти the earth, the moon, the sun,

the sky

острови, озера Coney Island,

Lake Michigan,

але the lake of Michigan

групи островів,


the Philippines

the Great Lakes

пляжі Palm Beach річки, океани,

моря, канали,


the Danube the Atlantic Ocean

the Mediterranean

the Panama canal

the Sahara Desert




Wall Street,

Madison Avenue,

Hyde Park

Виняток the High Street

відомі будівлі,

назви кораблів,


the Empire State Building

the Titanic

the San Diego Zoo

мови English мова + language the English language

ігри, види спорту

play + вид спорту


play soccer

play + музичний


play the piano

місяці, дні,


місяць + день

July, Saturday

Mother’s Day

March 8

день + місяць

the eighth of March

ім'я + коледж


Hopkins College

London University, але

the University of London

війни the Crimean War

шкільні предмети History, maths назви газет the Tribune

назви журналів Sports історичні


the Constitution

хвороби AIDS, malaria нездужання a cold, a toothache,

a headache Виняток - the flu

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Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles. 1. On our trip to .................... Spain we crossed .................... Atlantic Ocean.

2. Last time we played .................... baseball ten years ago.

3. Rita plays .................... violin and her sister plays .................... guitar.

4. David attended .................... Princeton University.

5. Harry has been admitted to .................... University of Delaware.

6. .................... children like sweets.

7. He has .................... black umbrella. .................... black umbrella is in his bag.

8. Do you like .................... apples?

9. I am taking .................... trip to .................... Africa in .................... July.

10. ................ Queen Elizabeth I was ............... monarch of .............. Great Britain.

11. .................... armchair that you are sitting in is broken.

12. I've got .................... headache, it might be .................... flu.

13. Rita is studying ................ English language and ............... maths this semester.

14. ............ Lake Erie is one of ............... Great Lakes in ............... North America.

15. ............ Civil War was fought in ............. United States between 1861 and 1865.

16. ............ Florida State University is smaller than ........... University of Florida.

17. .................... Declaration of Independence was drawn up in 1776.

18. .................... Thanksgiving is a celebration of .................... friendship.

19. .................... Cooper's Art School is known all over the world.

20. Have you ever been to .................... St. James' Park?


Translate into English. 1. Сполучені Штати святкують День Незалежності 4 липня.

2. Італійці люблять спагеті, а англійці — пудинг.

3. Гавана — столиця Куби.

4. Королева Єлизавета є формальною правителькою 16 країн, включаючи Канаду.

5. Де хлопці? — Вони грають у футбол.

6. У дитинстві мати завжди давала мені склянку теплого молока перед сном.

7. Вранці я почув цікаві новини.

8. Моя сестра вивчає хімію в Лондонському університеті.

9. Учора я купила українсько-англійський словник.

10. Шотландія є частиною Великої Британії.

11. У Берлінському зоопарку народилися левенята.

12. Роберт захоплюється іспанською мовою.

13. У мене болять голова і горло, але сподіваюся, що це не грип.

14. Він зараз миє посуд у кухні.

15. Не раджу тобі пити міцну каву.

16. Дівчатка зазвичай обожнюють гратися ляльками, а хлопчики — машинками.

17. Друга світова війна розпочалася 1 вересня 1939 року.

18. Якісне взуття виготовляють зі шкіри.

19. Відпустка, яку ми провели у Гаазі, виявилася дуже цікавою.

20. Мій батько читає газети та журнали кожного дня.

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a lot of/ a great deal of/ a great number of

as a result

as a matter of fact

for a short/long time

in a low/loud voice

it's a pity/shame

in a hurry

at a loss

to have a good time

in the morning/evening/afternoon

in the country

in the original

on the one/other hand

on the whole

the other day

to be out of the question

to go to the theatre/cinema/movies

to tell the time

to tell the truth

to pass the time

at night/dawn/dusk/sunset

at dinner/breakfast/supper

at school/home/work

at first sight

at peace/war

by car/bus/ train /plane

by heart

by chance/mistake

on board a ship

on foot

on sale

by day

day by day

bit by bit

from morning to(till) night

from time to time

from head to foot

from beginning to end

to take offence


Use the phrases in the sentences below.

In some cases more than one variant is possible.

A. a lot of as a result in a low/loud voice

a great deal of as a matter of fact it’s a pity/shame

a great number of for a short/long time in a hurry

at a loss to have a good time

1. ............................................... you can't join us tonight.

2. You needn't speak in such ...................................... , I can hear you perfectly well.

3. You are lucky to have ............................................... friends.

4. We miss James — we haven't seen him ................................................ .

5. Ann had worked hard, ............................................ she did very well in her exams.

6. I hope you ................................................. in the camp.

7. Such decisions shouldn't be made ....................................................... .

8. ................................................. I have never heard of this author before.

9. Pete doesn't know what to do, he's ................................................................. .

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B. in the morning/evening/afternoon in the original on the whole

on the one/other hand in the country the other day

to be out of the question to go to the theatre/cinema/movies

to tell the time to tell the truth to pass the time

1. ........................... , the film is quite exciting, but ........................... , it's rather long.

2. It's ........................................ , I don't let you go to the night club.

3. Though there are some minor mistakes in your essay, I like it ............................... .

4. My watch has stopped, so I can't .................................................. .

5. We discussed this issue .................................................. .

6. Mary likes ballet and ................................................. quite often.

7. Susan always spends her holiday .................................................. .

8. .......................................................... , I would turn this offer down too.

9. Jack prefers doing homework ......................................................... .

10. Nancy knows English very well and reads books .............................................. .

11. ...................................... while waiting for Roger, I decided to read a newspaper.

C. at night/dawn/dusk/sunset by day at breakfast/dinner/supper

at school/home at first sight at peace/war

by car/bus/ train /plane by heart by chance/mistake

on board a ship on sale to take offence on foot

1. Girls believe in love ................................................................... .

2. Steve goes to college .............................................................. .

3. This place is especially beautiful ......................................................... .

4. We first met .............................................. during the Mediterranean cruise.

5. These rules must be learnt ...................................................... .

6. ................................... Tom and Liza were discussing their plans for the summer.

7. This dictionary is ............................................... in all the bookshops of the city.

8. It was just a joke, but Sheila ..................................................... .

9. Jeremy lives near his office, so he goes to work ................................................ .

10. I spent most of the time ........................................................ .

11. England and France were .............................................. for one hundred years.

12. Jessica took my textbook ................................................. .

13. This work must be done .................................................. .

D. day by day from morning to(till) night from head to foot

bit by bit from beginning to end from time to time

1. The book was very interesting ................................................................................. .

2. ........................................................... she put aside the book and made some notes.

3. You shouldn't study ........................................................ without making any breaks.

4. The boys got in the rain and were wet ...................................................................... .

5. .............................................................. Lucy calmed down and felt more confident.

6. ........................ Tom used to come to the railway station as if waiting for somebody.

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Translate into English.

1. Чому ти так голосно розмовляєш?

2. Час від часу Стів зупинявся перепочити.

3. З одного боку, пиріг дуже смачний, але з іншого — він надто калорійний.

4. Я давно не подорожував літаком.

5. Мері випадково дізналася цю новину.

6. Діти вивчили напам'ять багато віршів.

7. Цієї книги ще немає в продажу.

8. Лікарі радять більше ходити пішки.

9. Він сподобався мені з першого погляду.

10. Допомога прибула вночі.

11. Роман А. Хейлі «Аеропорт» захоплює з початку до кінця.

12. Тарас мріє прочитати «Гамлета» в оригіналі.

13. Мати уважно оглянула сина з голови до ніг.

14. Здається, ти зробила цю вправу похапки, у тебе багато помилок.

15. Днями ми ходили у театр.

16. Під час сніданку ми вирішили поїхати за місто.

17. Не ображайся на Пола, він жартує.

18. Взагалі я поділяю твою точку зору.

19. Це не обговорюється. Ти маєш сам усе виправити.

20. Соня зараз удома.


Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles.

.......... Stephenie Meyer's life changed dramatically on ............... 2nd June, 2003.

.......... stay-at-home mother of ............ three young sons woke up from ............ dream

featuring ........... seemingly real characters that she could not get out of her head.

"Though I had ............... million things to do, I stayed in .............. bed, thinking about

............... dream. Unwillingly, I eventually got up and did .............. immediate

necessities, and then put everything that I possibly could on .......... back burner and sat

down at .......... computer to write—something I hadn't done in such .......... long time

that I wondered why I was bothering."

........... Meyer invented ............. plot during ............ day through ........... swim lessons

and ............. potty training, and wrote it out late at ............. night when ............. house

was quiet. Three months later she finished .............. first novel, Twilight. With

............. encouragement from her older sister ( .............. only other person who knew

she had written .......... book), Meyer submitted .............. manuscript to ............ various

literary agencies. Twilight was picked out of ............ slush pile at Writer's House and

eventually made its way to ........... publishing company Little Brown, where everyone

fell immediately in ............ love with ............ gripping, star-crossed lovers.

Twilight was one of 2005's most talked about novels and within ............. weeks of its

release .............. book debuted at #5 on New York Times bestseller list.

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ВИКОНАЙТЕ ТЕСТ Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.


Choose А, В, С or D to fill in the blanks in the sentences below.

Write your answers on answer sheet A.

1. .................... air-conditioning is not working.

A A C The

В An D (-)

2. tea is too sweet for me.

A A C The

В An D (-)

3. I'd like to work as .................... guide.

A a C the

В an D (-)

4. My brother is a student at .................... Kharkiv University.

A a C the

В an D (-)

5. .................... Times is a quality newspaper.

A A C The

В An D (-)

6. We decided to present her with .................... umbrella.

A a C the

В an D (-)

7. There's .................... university in our town.

A a C the

В an D (-)

8. .................... Cambrian Mountains are situated in Wales.

A A C The

В An D (-)

9. .................... Snowdon is the highest peak of Great Britain.

A A C The

В An D (-)

10. It was .................... sensible advice.

A a C the

В an D (-)

11. .................... AIDS is a dangerous disease.

A A C The

В An D (-)

12. .................... discovery made by Eugene Mayson is going to change the world.

A A C The

В An D (-)

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1.1. Personal, Possessive and Reflexive Pronouns

(Особові, присвійні та зворотні займенники)

Особові (Personal) Присвійні (Possessive) Зворотні

(Reflexive) Загальний відмінок Об'єктний відмінок Відносна форма Абсолютна форма

І me my mine myself

you you your yours yourself

he him his his himself

she her her hers herself

it it its — itself

we us our ours ourselves

you you your yours yourselves

they them their theirs themselves ЗАПАМ'ЯТАЙ!

He was behaving strangely.

Він поводився дивно.

Behave yourself.

Поводься чемно!

How do you feel?

Як почуваєшся?

He got to his feet and felt himself.

Він підвівся і обмацав себе.

1.2. Demonstrative Pronouns

(Вказівні займенники)


this book (this Ns)

that book (that Ns)

these books (these Ns)

those books (those Ns)


Fill in the blanks with appropriate pronouns.

1. I have a sister. .................... sister got married five years ago.

2. She loves .................... husband very much.

3. My sister and I visit .................... parents once a week.

4. My parents have got a nice country house. ............... country house is by the lake.

5. My dress is white. .................... (she) is blue.

6. My dress is white. .................... (she) dress is blue.

7. Their dog is ugly. .................... (we) dog is cute.

8. Their dog is ugly. .................... (we) is cute.

9. The teacher helps .................... (we) to learn English.

10. .................... (we) classroom is large.

11. The teacher brings .................... (she) books, and we bring .................... .

12. My children go to a state school. .................... (she) go to a public school.

13. Daniel loves Sofia, she loves .................... (he) too.

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14. I don't like to eat by .................... .

15. I often ask .................... what unites people in the family.

16. Frank and Silvia spend .................... (they) free time in the country.

17. We have to solve our problems .................... .

18. .................... (this) jeans are blue, .................... (that) are grey.

19. We have three kids, we spend a lot of time with .................... .

20. We had our birthday party at home, they had .................... in Paris.

1.3. Неозначені (some, any), заперечні (no) та означальні (every) займенники й

похідні від них.

body one thing where

some somebody someone something somewhere

any anybody anyone anything anywhere

no nobody no one nothing nowhere

every everybody everyone everything everywhere


Some is used in questions when we want to make an offer, a request or when we

expect a positive answer.

Would you like some hot chocolate? Could I buy some oranges?

Any is used in positive sentences meaning "it doesn't matter when, which, etc."

You can go anywhere you want. Anybody can do this.

Nobody/No one knows his real name.

None of us know(s) his real name (if there are more than two of us).

Neither of us knows his real name (if there are two of us).


Study the following sentences. Translate them into Ukrainian.

1. There is some cheese left.

2. I doubt if anyone can give her his new address.

3. There is no coffee left.

4. There isn't any cheese left.

5. I see somebody's books on the table.

6. Everything is ready for the ceremony.

7. I've got no time.

8. I've got nothing to say.

9. Is there anybody at home?

10. Did you see anything interesting there?

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Choose the right word.

1. There is anything / nothing in the refrigerator.

2. Have you got some / any free time on Sunday?

3. Does somebody / anybody understand this?

4. Just say anything / nothing, so that we can see if the machine works.

5. Jack tells his problem to anybody / nobody who will listen.

6. Is anything / everything OK?

7. I'm not hungry. I don't want nothing / anything.

8. That's too hard: nobody / everybody can do it.

9. Jane is unhappy: everybody / nobody loves her.

10. Do you know some / any good jokes?

11. Nobody / none of them were at home last night.

12. Jack and Pete are good at tennis. Nobody / neither of them likes football.

13. Mr. Smith is somewhere / anywhere in the Far East.

14. I'm glad everything / everywhere is alright.

15. None / neither / nobody of my parents can speak Polish.

1.4. Interrogative Pronouns

(Питальні займенники) (Used at the beginning of the sentences)

who whom what which whose ПРИМІТКИ

— Who is this boy? — Tom Rider.

— Хто цей хлопець (як його ім'я)?

— Том Райдер.

— What is your father? — An architect.

— Хто твій батько (за професією)?

— Архітектор.

— Who is going to the theatre?

— Хто йде до театру?

— Which of you is going to the theatre?

— Хто з вас йде до театру?


Complete the sentences below with appropriate interrogative pronouns.

1. .................... will take part in the discussion?

2. .................... do you think about John's offer?

3. .................... did Mary invite to the wedding party?

4. I like both books. ......................................... shall I buy?

5. .................... is this girl? — Jenny Forsyte.

6. .................... is she? — She is a dancer.

7. .................... do you do for your living?

8. .................... present has she prepared for her granny?

9. .................... towel is it? — Mine.

10. .................... of the exercises was the most difficult?

11. .................... is laughing in the next room?

12. .................... is going on here?

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Translate into English.

1. Хто знайшов мій підручник?

2. У тебе є конверти?

3. Це її зошити, а де мої?

4. Хто з вас вже прочитав текст?

5. Я приготувала вечерю сама.

6. Поводься чемно!

7. Він ніде не може знайти свій телефон.

8. Чия це серветка?

9. Кого вони нагородили?

10. Як вона сьогодні почувається?

11. Її собака дуже розумний. Вона ним пишається.

12. Спитай себе, чи все тобі подобається.

13. Будь-хто може приєднатися до нашої екскурсії.

14. Моїх друзів звуть Мет і Роб. Жоден із них не вміє грати на муз. інструментах.

15. Мені все зрозуміло.

16. Подивись на себе у дзеркало!

17. Ніхто з моїх друзів не робив цього.

18. Хтось співає в сусідній кімнаті.

19. Усі сплять.

20. Мені подобаються ці квіти, але не подобаються оті.

1.5. Conjunctive Pronouns

(Сполучні займенники) (Used to introduce subordinate clauses)

who whom what which whose that


Study the following sentences. Translate them into Ukrainian.

1. That's the gentleman who wanted to see you.

2. I'm going to phone the doctor who(m) my friend has recommended to me.

3. I don't agree with what you say.

4. He bought a car which was rather expensive.

5. I've just spoken to a writer whose book is very popular.

6. It's the most interesting book that I have ever read.


Complete the sentences below with appropriate conjunctive pronouns.

1. Is there anybody to ............................... I can turn for help?

2. I've got a friend ............................... mother works at the bakery.

3. The book ............................. is on the table is not mine.

4. I can't understand .............................. you want of me.

5. Anybody .................... is interested in the job can come for the interview tomorrow.

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6. He burst into laughter, ............................ is rather strange.

7. Amy Brown, ............................ lives in the country, commutes to work.

8. The car, .............................. was badly damaged, was taken away from the road.

9. It's the best suit ............................... you can find in our shop.

10. I'll never forget ............................... you've done for me.

11. I didn't buy the computer ................................. was displayed in the shop window.

12. Mum always approves of ................................ I do.

1.6. Defining Pronouns

(Означальні займенники)

all both each every everybody

everything either another other(s) everyone


Study the following sentences. Translate them into Ukrainian.

1. I've done all the exercises.

2. I knew how to answer both questions.

3. Each student got his own task.

4. Work at your English every day.

5. Everybody likes our puppy Joy.

6. She's always nice to everyone.

7. The doctors did everything possible.

8. There are shops on either side of the street.

9. Would you like another cup of tea?

10. In other words, she's just an angel.


Complete the sentences below with appropriate defining pronouns.

Sometimes more than one variant is possible.

1. ................................ believes the project will be completed in time.

2. He was carrying a suitcase in ............................... hand.

3. Bill and Jack are my brothers. ............................. of them are students.

4. .................................... night it was raining heavily.

5. I'll keep two of these books and return the ........................... books to the library.

6. ............................... student has to work hard during the exam time.

7. Can I have a look at .................................. hat? You've got so many of them.

8. ................................. the clothes have been washed.

9. Where are the .................................... ?

10. My granny is always kind to ....................................... .

11. ........................................... the tourists have gone on the excursion.

12. Have you invited Tim or Ron? — ...................................... .

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another + N (one more) I need another pencil (one more pencil).

Мені потрібен ще один (будь-який) олівець.

the other + N

(the last of the set)

I have two pencils. One pencil is blue, the other pencil is black

(the last pencil present).

У мене два олівця.

Один олівець — блакитний, інший олівець — чорний.

other + Ns (some more) I have enough pencils. I don't need other pencils (any more pencils).

У мене достатньо олівців. Мені не потрібні інші (будь-які) олівці.

the other + Ns

(the rest of the set)

I have five pencils. Two pencils are blue, the other pencils

(all remaining) are green.

У мене є 5 олівців. Два олівці - блакитні, решта олівців - зелені.

others (any other) Some people like tea, others prefer coffee.

Деякі люди полюбляють чай, інші надають перевагу каві.

the others

(the last of the set)

I have five pencils. Two pencils are mine, the others (all remaining)

belong to my brother.

У мене є п'ять олівців.

Два належать мені, решта — моєму братові.


the other day — днями one way or another — так чи інакше


Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the pronoun OTHER.

Use articles where necessary.

1. Have you told .......................................... about the meeting?

2. Would you like .......................................... apple?

3. Have you read these two books yet? — I have read this one, but haven't read

............................................ .

4. Some of my friends learn German, ................................ learn French.

5. ..................................... members of my family approve of my decision.

6. Of these two coats one is too tight, ..................................... — too loose.

7. We have already been to York, Leeds and ....................................... cities.

8. David passed the last exam ....................................... day.

9. Two of my classmates voted against the proposal, ............................... supported it.

10. We'll return to this discussion some .................................. day.

11. I advise you to read ..................................... book by this author.

12. There were so many people at the concert — Jane, Josh, Sue and ........................ .

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Translate into English.

1. Усі ці папери не мої.

2. У мене є подруга, яка вміє писати обома руками.

3. Чия це серветка? — її.

4. Дехто полюбляє троянди, інші надають перевагу польовим квітам.

5. У кімнаті два вікна, але я не можу відчинити жодне з них.

6. Хто брав мої диски? Я ніде їх не бачу.

7. Усе зрозуміло. Я виконала всі вправи.

8. Хто з вас допоможе мені? — Ніхто. Ти маєш все зробити сам.

9. Запроси його на свій день народження.

10. Жоден з учнів не відмовився взяти участь у змаганнях.

11. Діти самі приготували собі вечерю.

12. Учора Стів не прийшов до школи, що досить дивно.

13. Мені не подобається ця сукня. Покажіть мені, будь ласка, іншу.

14. Усі питання тесту досить легкі.

15. Обидва мої брати навчаються в університеті.

16. Кому ти телефонуєш?

17. Ніщо не зупинить цих хлопців на шляху до перемоги.

18. Джессіка все вирішила сама.

19. Чий тато відремонтував замок?

20. Візьми ці підручники і віддай їх йому.

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ВИКОНАЙТЕ ТЕСТ Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.


Choose А, В, С or D to fill in the blanks in the sentences below.

Write your answers on answer sheet A.

1. .................... of my parents likes porridge.

A Nobody C Neither

В No one D None

2. I haven't decided yet .................... to ask for help.

A which C whose

В whom D what

3. Stan and Mike have fixed the bicycle .................... .

A they C them

В their D themselves

4. It's my phone. Where's .................... ?

A you C yours

В your D yourself

5. I've got two friends. .................... of them are sportsmen.

A both C all

В each D every

6. I want to tell you about my neighbor, .................... dog is constantly barking.

A who C whom

В whose D which

7. I'll go home if there is .................... urgent to do now.

A something C everything

В anything D nothing

8. That's she told me about.

A all C which

B nothing D none

9. .................... has come. We can start the meeting.

A All C Both

B Everybody D Nobody

10. Children, you must do your room .................... .

A both C yourself

B everybody D yourselves

11. I've got .................... time to waste.

A no B none

C nothing D neither

12. Have you seen my notebook .................... ?

A somewhere C everywhere

B anywhere D nowhere

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Прикметники утворюються за допомогою суфіксів

-ic historic -ent independent -ed tired

-al cultural -less cloudless -ive active

-able capable -ant brilliant -ish childish

-ible audible -ing interesting -ous famous

-ful wonderful -y rainy -ly friendly


Use the words in B to form adjectives that fit the spaces in the sentences in A.


1. Julia is a ……………………………….. and loving mother. care

2. My brother is interested in the …….………….. life in this country. politics

3. Your suspicions are …………………….……………… ! ridicule

4. I'd like to watch a ………………………………. comedy. fun

5. Everybody values her ………………………… taste. artist

6. Sam is a good boy, so ……………………….. of his little brother. mind

7. What a …………………………. dress you're wearing today! love

8. I'd like to apologize for my …………… behavior. thought

9. Mum was really ………... at hearing about my progress at school. surprise

10. Brian didn't expect the cabin to be so ………………………… . comfort

11. I hope you understand how ……………………….. for me it is. importance

12. A …………………. person like Bob can't do such a stupid thing. sense

13. If parents are too …………………….. , their children get spoilt. indulge

14. The measures taken by police turned out to be …………………. . effect

15. You're 18 already, stop being so ……………………… . boy

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Порівняльний Найвищий

1. Прикметник має

один склад

tall taller the tallest

2. Прикметник має

два склади

і закінчується на

-y, -er, -e, -le, -ow, -ure













the easiest

the cleverest

the nicest

the simplest

the narrowest

the purest

3. Прикметник має

два склади.

ВИНЯТКИ. Дві форми мають такі

двоскладові прикметники:

simple, common,

handsome, quiet, gentle,

narrow, clever, friendly,

angry, polite, stupid



more active


more quiet

the most active

the quietest

the most quiet

4. Прикметник має

три склади або більше

difficult more difficult the most difficult

5. Прикметник


на -ed або -ing



more tired

more interesting

the most tired

the most interesting


Форма Правило Приклад

1. Прикметник,

що закінчується на -y Adj (y) — ier/iest



the easiest

2. Прикметник,

що закінчується на -e Adj (e) + er/est



the nicest

3. Прикметник,

що закінчується на приголосну -

голосну - приголосну



Adj + er/est



the biggest

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Прикметник Порівняльний ступінь Найвищій ступінь порівняння





a lot













elder (члени однієї родини)

(але older than smb)



the best

the worst

the farthest (про відстань)

the furthest (про відстань, послідовність)

the least

the most

the oldest

the eldest (стосовно однієї родини)

the latest

the last

the nearest (про відстань)

the next (про послідовність)


Give the comparative and superlative forms of each word.

fat .................... ....................

pretty .................... ....................

high .................... ....................

important .................... ....................

careful .................... ....................

delicious .................... ....................

young .................... ....................

bad .................... ....................

little .................... ....................

beautiful .................... ....................

far .................... ....................

foolish .................... ....................

good .................... ....................

famous .................... ....................

elegant .................... ....................

common .................... ....................

lucky .................... ....................

fast .................... ....................

thin .................... ....................

simple .................... ....................

tired .................... ....................

tall .................... ....................

hard .................... ....................

new .................... ....................

a lot .................... ....................

angry .................... ....................

sad .................... ....................

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Use the adjectives given in brackets in the comparative or superlative form.

Add articles if necessary.

1. Fanny is (pretty) ....................................... girl in our group.

2. Your book is (thick) ...................................... than mine.

3. I'd like to get (much) ..................................... money.

4. (Few) ........................................ people have come to today's conference.

5. This is (exciting) .............................................. film I've seen lately.

6. My mother wants me to find (dangerous) ……………………................... job.

7. If you want to improve your results, you should be ......................... (hardworking).

8. There was a bench in (far) ...................................... corner of the garden.

9. I was frustrated when my project turned out to be (bad) ..................... in the class.

10. You look (happy) .................................... than your cousin.

11. What is (important) ................................................. thing for you now?

12. Ned has bought this juice at (near) ......................................... shop.

13. I've got two brothers. My (old) ....................................... brother's name is Peter.

14. Kevin goes to (old) ............................................... university of our city.

15. My (old) ............................... sister is three years (old) .............................. than me.

16. I have never seen (narrow) ..................................... street than this one.

17. I disapprove of your buying (expensive) ...................................... TV in the shop.

18. Which of your friends is (handsome) ................................................ ?

19. Never before have I felt (tired) .................................................... .

20. You have made three mistakes again, you should be (careful) ............................... .


Translate into English.

1. Я ще ніколи не бачив щасливішої людини.

2. Стів написав найцікавіший твір.

3. Де розташований найближчий супермаркет?

4. Мій молодший брат вивчає французьку мову.

5. Клімат планети змінюється на гірше.

6. Після відвідання цирку Енн повеселішала.

7. Девід - мій найдавнішій товариш.

8. Моя оселя більша, ніж твоя, але менш комфортабельна.

9. Його подальші дії стали для нас повною несподіванкою.

10. Матуся пригнічена останніми новинами.

11. Сьогодні прохолодніше, ніж учора.

12. Зараз Грегорі почувається краще.

13. Хто з вас вище - ти чи твій старший брат?

14. Ми вирішили прийняти на роботу більш досвідченого спеціаліста.

15. Ніколи не бачила, щоб батько був більш розлюченим.

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still + порівняльнии


She is still cleverer (still more

intelligent) than her brother.

Вона ще розумніша,

ніж її брат.


much + порівняль-

far ний ступінь

a lot

She is much cleverer

(much more intelligent) than her


Вона набагато

розумніша, ніж її брат.

порівняльний ступінь

+ порівняльний


She is getting cleverer and cleverer

(more and more intelligent).

Вона стає усе


(і розумнішою).

EXERCISE 5. Translate the words given in brackets and use them in the

appropriate form in the sentences below. Add articles if necessary.

1. It is (ще тепліше) .................... today than yesterday.

2. His latest novel is (набагато цікавіший) .................... than the previous one.

3. Lately he has been getting (усе більш серйозним) .................... .

4. His actions were (ще більш неочікуваними) .................... than his words.

5. Dorothy is getting (все веселішою) .................... .

6. Bill is (набагато молодше) .................... than I am.

7. I don't know why, but I feel (набагато сумнішим) .................... .

8. After the rain the air has become (ще вологішим) .................... .

9. The soup you've cooked today is (ще смачніше) .................... than before.

10. Jack's article is (набагато довша) .................... than Ivan's.


This phone is as cheap as that one. Цей телефон такий же дешевий, як той.

This phone is not as/so cheap as that one. Цей телефон не такий дешевий, як той.

This telephone is twice as expensive as that one. Цей телефон удвічі дорожчий, ніж той.

This telephone is half as expensive as that one. Цей телефон удвічі дешевший, ніж той.

EXERCISE 6. Recast the sentences below according to the model.

MODEL: The Hudson is shorter than the Mississippi (long).

The Hudson isn't so long as the Mississippi.

1. Kharkiv is younger than Kyiv (old).

2. The dictionary is cheaper than the encyclopedia (expensive).

3. The Baikal is bigger than the Balaton (big).

4. My room is darker than yours (light).

5. The novel is duller than the story (exciting).

6. Ann is eighteen, Jane is nine (old).

7. Bob is 90 cm tall, his elder brother is 1m 80 cm (6 foot) tall (tall).

8. Elbrus is lower than Everest (high).

9. The cat is smaller than the dog (big).

10. Today is colder than yesterday (warm).

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The more he reads, the less he likes the book.

Чим більше він читає, тим менше йому подобається книга.


Recast the sentences below according to the model.

MODEL: Jeremy drove for a long time. He was very tired.

The longer Jeremy drove, the more tired he was.

1. It was getting dark. We were cold.

2. I spend a lot of time on my English. My grades are better now.

3. Justin has a lot of friends. He's very happy.

4. Julia has bought two books. She has little money left.

5. The music is very loud. Mum is angry.

6. The sea is stormy. There are few people on the beach.

7. The apples are big. They are tasty.

8. The book is thrilling. My brother is very interested in it.

9. The trousers are short. Pete looks funny.

10. The day is warm. There are a lot of children outside.


Study the use of quantifiers with countable and uncountable nouns.

Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.


Обчислювальні іменники Необчислювальні іменники

many Ns багато

рідко вживається в розповідних реченнях much N

a lot of Ns багато a lot of N

a few Ns мало, але достатньо a little N

few Ns мало, недостатньо little N

no — no

1. I've got a lot of flowers in my garden.

2. Do you have many disks at home?

3. Has Judy got much patience?

4. Today there are fewer clouds in the sky.

5. Ken has too little knowledge of the subject.

6. I need a little rest.

7. Granny doesn't have many relatives.

8. In fact, she has only a few nephews.

9. I have little money, I can't lend you any.

10. She has told a lot, but I understood little.

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Complete the sentences. Sometimes more than one variant is possible.

1. We didn't spend ......................................................................... money.

2. Kate drinks ....................................................................................... Coke.

3. Does it cost ......................................................................... to repair the car?

4. He isn't very popular. He has .......................................................... friends.

5. Jane is very busy these days. She has ...................................................... time.

6. The days have been dry recently. We've had ................................................ rain.

7. I'm lucky. I've got ............................................................... problems today.

8. I don't know ................................... French, just ................................... words.

9. This square is not a very interesting place to visit, so .................. tourists come here.

10. A ................................................................. learning is a dangerous thing.

11. Cactuses need .................................................................... water.

12. Your ideas are difficult, ................................................ people can understand you.

13. Are there .................................................................... theatres in your city?

14. Could you possibly give me .............................................................. help?

15. She speaks .............................................................. languages.

16. Please, add ............................................................ milk to the coffee.

17. There is .......................................... food in the refrigerator. Let's make a sandwich.

18. She is a healthy woman, she gets ....................................................... exercise.

19. She walks .............................................................. miles.

20. How ........................................................ sugar is there in the recipe?


Translate into English.

1. На жаль, у мене обмаль часу.

2. У мене менше журналів, ніж у тебе.

3. Мало хто дійсно підтримує його ідеї.

4. Скільки в тебе марок!

5. Не бери із собою так багато одягу.

6. Джой має кілька питань.

7. Скільки вправ тобі треба виконати?

8. У тебе велике домашнє завдання?

9. Вона всім дає багато порад.

10. Сьогодні на збори прийшло менше учнів, ніж минулого разу.

11. Хочу сказати тобі декілька слів.

12. Скільки часу вона провела в парку?

13. Скільки годин вона провела в парку?

14. У нас залишилося лише кілька яєць. Сходи, будь ласка, до крамниці.

15. Купи трохи моркви, будь ласка.

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My friend and I are alike. similar

We have similar interests.


I spent the evening alone. lonely

I felt very lonely.


Steve is confident of his abilities. confidential

The information is confidential.


Paul has considerable knowledge. considerate

Paul is a considerate person.


The detective examined the dead body. deadly

There was an epidemic of a deadly disease.


Louise came by a later train. latter

I see Ann and Jo. The latter (Jo) is smiling.


The coat is loose on you. lose

I'm afraid I may lose the key again.


Gold watches are rather expensive. golden

Her golden hair is so beautiful.


Kids often have imaginary friends. imaginative

To be a writer one should be imaginative.


Helen is ill. sick

The sick girl was sleeping.


The gods were considered to be immortal. immoral

What you are doing is immoral.


Kharkiv is an important industrial centre. industrious

Mary is a very industrious girl.


She's very sensitive and easily gets hurt. sensible

She's very sensible and clever.


This doesn't mean anything: it's worthless. priceless

This masterpiece is priceless.


The lively kids were playing in the yard. alive

We hope the victims are still alive.


He gave a talk on the economic situation. economical

She's very economical.


The principal problem was to find water. principle

I won't act against my principles.


It's quiet. Not a single sound is heard. quite

It's quite noisy outside.

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Choose the right word to complete the sentences below.

1. The police are after the thieves who have stolen a worthless / priceless landscape

from the museum.

2. When the ambulance arrived, the patient was lively / alive.

3. Twins often buy alike / similar things.

4. The kids are sleeping, so everybody's trying to be quite / quiet.

5. I need to talk to the principal / principle.

6. Kevin and Arnold are my friends. The former / previous is 16, the later / latter is 17.

7. If you want to buy a new laptop, try to be more economic / economical.

8. The doctor spent the night at the ill / sick girl's bedside.

9. Being so sensitive / sensible, you can't make a good boss.

10. Kelly is so imaginary / imaginative: she's very good at making up stories.

11. My cousin prefers a(n) lonely / alone mode of life.

12. He's changed a lot lately, has become more considerable / considerate and

industrial / industrious.

13. Put down the letter. It's confident / confidential.

14. Everybody likes her: she has a gold / golden heart.

15. I like this coat, but it is a bit too loose / lose.


Translate into English.

1. Ця кімната ще світліша, ніж моя.

2. На авторалі червоне авто виявилося таким же швидкісним, як і блакитне.

3. Який місяць року найкоротший?

4. Я полюбляю комедії набагато більше, ніж мелодрами.

5. Мій старший брат має удвічі більше друзів, ніж я.

6. Христина обрала найдорожчу страву в меню.

7. Сьогодні так само тепло, як учора, хоча вітер забагато сильніший.

8. Хто найвидатніший драматург сучасності?

9. Коли я слухаю останні новини, я почуваюся усе сумнішим.

10. Чим більше малюнків у книзі, тим більше вона подобається малюкам.

11. Температура влітку стає все більш високою.

12. Вона ще більше зніяковіла.

13. Чим старіші гори, тим вони нижчі.

14. Ліза стала ще гарнішою.

15. Боб сховав щоденник із двійкою в найдальшому куточку.

16. Моя сестра вдвічі молодша за мене.

17. Це найдовший лист, що я колись писав.

18. Що спекотніша погода, то більше людей користуються кондиціонерами.

19. Усі ці продукти можна купити в найближчому супермаркеті.

20. Емілі - дуже економна людина.

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ВИКОНАЙТЕ ТЕСТ Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.


Choose A, B, C or D to fill in the blanks in the sentences below.

Write your answers on answer sheet А.

1. The .................... I get, the .................... my eyesight is.

A elder poorer B older poorer

C eldest poorest D oldest poorest

2. This way is twice .................... that one.

A as longer as C longer as

B as long than D as long as

3. The author has told us about his .................... novel.

A last C later

B late D latest

4. Are you getting off at the .................... stop?

A next B near

C nearer D nearest

5. His knowledge is getting .................... .

A more and more good B better and better

C best D best and best

6. The swimming pool is .................... than I expected.

A much bigger B the biggest

C twice as big D still big

7. My father's salary is .................... my mother's.

A higher as B more than

C higher than D as much as

8. Which of the two boys is .................... ?

A tallest C taller

B the tallest D the taller

9. I'm afraid the dictionary is .................... than I can afford.

A less expensive B more expensive

C as expensive D the most expensive

10. Allen spent .................... hours on his homework than Patrick.

A less B a few

C fewer D the least

11. Liz was .................... girl in the group.

A a more cheerful B the more cheerful

C most cheerful D the most cheerful

12. We were ready to carry out his .................... orders.

A far B farther

C further D furthest

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1.1. Правила утворення прислівників на –ly


прикметника Приклад Закінчення прислівника Приклад

- ic basic Adj + ally

Виняток public - publicly basically

приголосна + le simple Adj (le) — e + y simply

приголосна - e nice Adj (e) + ly nicely

приголосна - y easy Adj (y) — i + ly

Виняток shy - shyly easily



quiet Adj + ly


slowly slow


a fast train to run fast

a hard frost to work hard

a late visit to come late

an early breakfast to get up early

a good lesson to read well


Make adverbs from the adjectives given below.

immediate ………………….

cruel ………………….

ruthless ………………….

fast ………………….

happy ………………….

nice ………………….

true ………………….

harsh ………………….

merry ………………….

late ………………….

careful ………………….

historic ………………….

legal ………………….

wise ………………….

funny ………………….

fresh ………………….

cheap ………………….


hard важко, багато hardly ледь

late пізно lately останнім часом

close біля, поруч closely ретельно

near біля, поруч nearly майже

wide широко widely широко

deep глибоко у прямому значенні deeply глибоко у переносному значенні

high високо highly високо

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Choose the correct adverb to complete the sentences below.

1. This year the river is flowing wide / widely.

2. Professor Peyton is wide / widely known in scientific circles.

3. The wind is blowing hard / hardly now.

4. The wind is hard / hardly blowing today.

5. Why did you come so late / lately?

6. What have you been doing late / lately?

7. The birds are flying high / highly.

8. He is always high / highly spoken about.

9. Why are you looking at me so close / closely?

10. I live close / closely to my school.

11. The oil deposit is deep / deeply under the ground.

12. Everybody was deep / deeply touched by his words.

13. The library is near / nearly the cathedral.

14. It's near / nearly midnight. It's time to go to bed.

1.2. Ступені порівняння прислівників

Форма Прислівник Порівняльний


Найвищий ступінь


1. Прислівник

має один склад fast faster (the) fastest

2. Прислівник

закінчується на -ly brightly

Виняток early more brightly


(the) most brightly

(the) earliest


Прислівник Порівняльний ступінь Найвищій ступінь порівняння

well better best

badly worse worst

much more most

far farther farthest (про відстань)

further furthest (про відстань і послідовність)

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Give the comparative and superlative forms of each word.

fast ……….… ……………

heavily ……….… ……………

close ……….… ……………

quickly ……….… ……………

well ……….… ……………

gladly ……….… ……………

hard ……….… ……………

badly ……….… ……………

clearly ……….… ……………

far ……….… ……………

near ……….… ……………

luckily ……….… ……………

simply ……….… ……………

often ……….… ……………

nicely ……….… ……………

quietly ……….… ……………

slowly ……….… ……………

late ……….… ……………

angrily ……….… ……………

cheaply ……….… ……………


Use the adverbs given in brackets in the comparative or superlative form.

1. Who can do it ........................................ (fast) than you?

2. Henry works on his English ...................................... (hard) of all.

3. Could you come a little bit ..................................... (early) tomorrow?

4. The sun is shining ......................................... (brightly) today than yesterday.

5. I would be glad if you spoke ............................................... (loudly).

6. Which of you lives ..................................................... (far) from the office?

7. She did the translation ................................................. (well) of all.

8. I don't understand you, speak ....................................................... (distinctly).

9. Claudia studies at the library ...................................................... (often) of all.

10. I know where to buy this laptop ........................................................ (cheaply).


still + порівняльний ступінь She runs still faster

than her brother.

Вона бігає ще

швидше, ніж її брат.


far + порівняльний ступінь

a lot

She runs much faster

than her brother.

Вона бігає набагато

швидше, ніж її брат.



+ порівняльний


She is running faster

and faster.

Вона біжить усе

швидше (і швидше).

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Translate the words given in brackets and use them in the appropriate form.

1. This time he read the text (ще уважніше) ............................................................ .

2. As usual, the mother got up (набагато раніше) .............................. than the others.

3. Paul comes home (усе пізніше) ............................................................. .

4. I know Jeremy (ще краще) .......................................................... than you.

5. The bakery is situated (ще ближче) ........................................... than the chemist's.

6. She was whispering something (усе тихіше) ......................................................... .

7. We like your new boyfriend (набагато більше) ..................................................... .

8. Lenny has been speaking (усе грубіше) lately ....................................................... .

9. He tells this joke (набагато смішніше) .................................................................. .

10. The professor repeated the last sentence (ще чіткіше) ........................................... .


This phone rings as quietly as that one. Цей телефон дзвонить так само тихо, як той.

This phone does not ring as / so quietly as that one. Цей телефон не дзвонить так само тихо, як той.

EXERCISE 6. Recast the sentences below according to the model. MODEL: The Browns live nearer than the Smiths (far).

The Browns don't live so far as the Smiths.

Jim and Sally are examining the picture closely (closely).

Jim is examining the picture as closely as Sally.

1. Bob knows the text well. So does Joe (well).

2. Derek sings worse than Frank (nicely).

3. Mark and Alex are driving equally fast (fast).

4. Ron likes Coke. So does Rita (much).

5. Little Doris was reading the book more slowly than her brother (fast).

6. Denis and Willy were deeply touched (deeply).

7. Mother woke up later than Father (early).

8. Victoria visits her granny more seldom than Lucy (often).

9. Mary and Ann were laughing happily (happily).

10. The boys were playing more loudly than the girls (quietly).

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The dish tastes nice. Блюдо чудово смакує. ЗАПАМ'ЯТАЙ!

The music sounds harsh. Музика лунає різко.

She looks wonderful today. Вона виглядає чудово сьогодні.

The cloth feels soft. Тканина м'яка на дотик.

The milk smells strange. Молоко пахне дивно.

EXERCISE 7. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences below.

1. I like people who always look happy / happily.

2. The mother looked happy / happily at her newborn son.

3. The radiator feels warm / warmly.

4. The doctor was feeling the patient's injured leg cautious / cautiously.

5. The dog is smelling the food suspicious / suspiciously.

6. I refuse to eat this meat, it smells suspicious / suspiciously.

7. Your remarks sound rude / rudely.

8. What are you listening to so careful / carefully?

9. The cake tastes delicious / deliciously.

10. The kid tasted the porridge unwilling / unwillingly.

EXERCISE 8. Translate into English.

1. Зараз майже шоста година, рухаємось скоріше.

2. Ти міг би частіше відвідувати батьків.

3. Мати сумно розповідала про хворобу бабусі.

4. Я охоче допомогу вам написати рецензію.

5. Клара розмовляє англійською дуже швидко.

6. Тобі треба ретельніше опрацьовувати матеріал.

7. Де ти побував останнім часом?

8. Шкода, що це не трапилося трохи раніше.

9. Потяг їхав усе швидше і швидше.

10. Негайно повертайся додому!

11. Чому вони розмовляють так тихо?

12. Він широко відкрив двері.

13. Старий ледь пересувався сходами.

14. Його праці широко відомі у світі.

15. Університет розташований недалеко від станції метро.

16. Подивись уважно на малюнок.

17. Він дихає все важче.

18. Діти сміялися все голосніше.

19. Берта щасливо посміхнулася.

20. Учні уважно слухали лекцію про шкоду паління.

21. Джон навчається професії так само швидко, як Джим.

22. Клара не вміє танцювати так граціозно, як Енн.

23. Чим скоріше ти прийдеш, раніше ми закінчимо всі приготування до подорожі.

24. Чому ти дивишся на нього так уважно? - Він виглядає дуже сумним.

25. Що це пахне так смачно?

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Кількісні числівники (Cardinal) Порядкові числівники (Ordinal)







кількісний числівник + th

four fourth

five fifth

six sixth

seven seventh

eight eighth

nine ninth

ten tenth

twelve twelfth

20-90 20-90-ty — ieth

twenty twentieth

twenty-three twenty-third

EXERCISE 1. Write the following numbers in words.

EXAMPLE: 137 - one hundred and thirty-seven

2, 458 - two thousand four hundred and fifty-eight

34 ………………………………………………

67 ………………………………………………

149 ………………………………………………

387 ………………………………………………

1, 953 ………………………………………………

2, 611 ………………………………………………

324, 564 ………………………………………………

1, 975, 600 ………………………………………………

10, 112, 324 ………………………………………………

234, 768, 155 ………………………………………………



nineteen sixty-five

nineteen (ou) eight


in the 20-ies у 20-ті роки

3 dozen

5 hundred

10 thousand

dozens of books

hundreds of students

thousands of stars

page 3 the third page

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EXERCISE 2. Write the following years in words.

1809 ………………………………..

1977 ………………………………..

2008 ………………………………..

1289 ………………………………..

1992 ………………………………..

2010 ………………………………..

1902 ………………………………..

1773 ………………………………..

1945 ………………………………..

1572 ………………………………..

EXERCISE 3. Write the following telephone numbers in words.

EXAMPLE: 714 78 08 - seven one four seven eight ou eight

933 56 42 - nine double three five six four two

564 77 32 ……………………………….. 321 89 15 ………………………………

455 12 49 ……………………………….. 905 85 63 ………………………………

757 83 10 ……………………………….. 27053202 ………………………………

EXERCISE 4. Write the following fractions in words.

EXAMPLE: 2/3 - two thirds

4.52 - four point five two / four point fifty two

9.06 - nine point naught six

3/5 ……………………………….. 65.89 ………………………………

1/7 ……………………………….. 8/9 ………………………………

3.0987 ……………………………….. 1.76 ………………………………

2/6 ……………………………….. 0.456 ………………………………

87.231 ……………………………….. 2/7 ………………………………

EXERCISE 5. Translate into English.

1. Це відкриття було зроблено в 1956 році.

2. Зараз ми вивчаємо історію 18 сторіччя.

3. Такий одяг був модний у шістдесяті роки минулого століття.

4. Мільйони людей в усьому світі захоплюються творчістю цього письменника.

5. Дві п'ятих урожаю було знищено буревієм.

6. Запам'ятай мій номер телефону: 757 95 75.

7. Сотні років тому люди в Європі навчилися вирощувати картоплю.

8. У моїй колекції є 2 354 марки.

9. Щоб отримати відповідь, треба помножити 4,78 на 9,24.

10. На кожному столі лежала дюжина книг.

11. Прочитайте текст № 8 на сторінці 25.

12. Учора я виконала п'ять вправ. Третя з них була найскладнішою.

13. З'їзд розпочався 12 червня 1992 року.

14. Скільки штатів входять до складу США? - Здається, п'ятдесят один.

15. Дві третини наших учнів уже визначилися з майбутньою професією.

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Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.


Choose A, B, C or D to fill in the blanks in the sentences below.

Write your answers on answer sheet А.

1. The roast beef tastes .................... today than yesterday.

A delicious C more delicious

B deliciously D more deliciously

2. Mum bought two .................... eggs.

A dozen C dozens

B dozen of D dozens of

3. The wind was blowing .................... .

A hard and hard C harder and harder

B hardly D more and more hardly

4. We were told to do the exercise on ……….. .

A the page 7 C seventh page

B page 7 D a seventh page

5. ………………. workers went on strike.

A Hundred C Hundred of

B Hundreds D Hundreds of

6. There are .................... twelve million books in our library.

A near C close

B nearly D closely

7. Why have you been so busy .................... ?

A late C latest

B later D lately

8. Ken has done .................... in his English today than at the previous lesson.

A badly C bad

B worst D still worse

9. He became a champion because he ran the distance .................... of all.

A much faster C still faster

B faster D fastest

10. Your voice sounds .................... .

A quietly C quiet

B more quietly D much more quietly

11. Such cars were produced in .................... .

A fifty C the fiftieth

B fiftieth D the fifties

12. The car was .................... damaged.

A bad C badly

B worse D worst

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Base form (V) Past form (V2) Past Participle (V3) Base form (V) Past form (V2) Past Participle (V3)

be was/were been lay laid laid

bear bore born/borne lead led led

beat beat beaten leave left left

become became become lend loaned/lent loaned/lent

begin began begun let let let

bend bent bent lie lay lain

bet bet bet light lit lit

bid bid bid lose lost lost

bind bound bound make made made

buy bought bought mean meant meant

bite bit bitten mistake mistook mistaken

bleed bled bled overcome overcame overcome

blow blew blown overtake overtook overtaken

break broke broken overthrow overthrew overthrown

breed bred bred pay paid paid

bring brought brought plead pled/pleaded pled/pleaded

broadcast broadcast broadcast prove proved proven/proved

build built built put put put

burst burst burst read read read

cast cast cast ring rang rung

catch caught caught rise rose risen

choose chose chosen run ran run

cling clung clung say said said

come came come see saw seen

cost cost cost seek sought sought

creep crept crept sell sold sold

cut cut cut send sent sent

deal dealt dealt set set set

dig dug dug sew sewed sewn

dive dove/dived dove/dived shake shook shaken

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do did done shed shed shed

draw drew drawn shine shone/shined shone

drink drank drunk shoot shot shot

drive drove driven show showed shown

eat ate eaten shrink shrank shrunk

fall fell fallen shut shut shut

feed fed fed sing sang sung

feel felt felt sink sank sunk

fight fought fought sit sat sat

find found found sleep slept slept

fit fit fit slide slid slid

flee fled fled speak spoke spoken

fly flew flown speed sped sped

forbid forbade forbidden spend spent spent

forget forgot forgotten split split split

forgive forgave forgiven spread spread spread

freeze froze frozen spring sprang sprung

get got got/gotten stand stood stood

give gave given steal stole stolen

go went gone stick stuck stuck

grind ground ground sting stung stung

grow grew grown stink stank stunk

hang hung hung strike struck struck

have had had strive strove striven

hear heard heard swear swore sworn

hide hid hidden sweep swept swept

hit hit hit teach taught taught

hold held held understand understood understood

hurt hurt hurt wear wore worn

keep kept kept win won won

know knew known write wrote written

EXERCISE 1. Translate the verbs into English and give their forms.

Знати, забувати, вішати, навчати, різати, присягатися, чути, вибачати, закривати,

підніматися, зростати, ховати, красти, боротися, розповсюджуватися, малювати,

набрякати, тримати, замерзати, стояти, спати, повзти, мати справу, йти, ранити,

забороняти, показувати, сидіти, співати, бачити.

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1. Susan has French classes twice a week. (Present Simple)

2. Now she is doing a translation from English into French. (Present Continuous)


1. Last night John came home from work later than usual. (Past Simple)

2. His wife Joan was watching TV. (Past Continuous)

3. She has already looked all the new words up in the dictionary.

(Present Perfect)

4. Susan has already been doing her homework for an hour.

(Present Perfect Continuous)

5. She had already sent the children to bed by the time he came.

(Past Perfect)

6. The children had been sleeping for about an hour by the time John came.

(Past Perfect Continuous)


1. I promise, I shall (will) help you with the project tomorrow.

(Future Simple)

2. We'll be working on it the whole evening.

(Future Continuous)

3. I'm sure, we'll have completed it by 10.

(Future Perfect)

4. By this time I'll have been working on it for a week.

(Future Perfect Continuous)









E 1. …

2. did not …

3. did …?

1. (-s) …

2. do not …

3. Does …?

1. will …

2. will not …

3. Will / Shall …?

1. would …

2. would not …

3. Would / Should ?












1. were ing….

2. was not ing

3. Were ing ?

1. am ing …

2. is not ing

3. Are ing ?

1. will be ing …

2. will not be ing

3. Shall be ing ?

1. would be ing …

2. would not be ing

3. Should be ing ?





1. had …

2. had not …

3. Had …?

1. have …

2. has not ...

3. Have …?

1. will have …

2. will not have …

3. Will have …?

1. would have …

2. would not have …

3. Would have …?










1. had been ing…

2. had not beening

3. Had been ing ?

1. have been ing…

2. has not been ing

3. Have been ing?

1. will have been ing…

2. will not have been ing

3. Will have been ing?

1. would have been ing…

2. would not have been ing

3. Should have been ing ?

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2.1. THE PRESENT TIME (Теперішній час)

2.1.1. BE-forms


I - am I am a student.

You/we/they - are They are teachers. He/she/it - is She is a doctor.


Am I a student? Why is she in London now?

Are they doctors? What color are the walls in your room?

Is he a chef? Where am I?


I am not a student. (I'm not a student.)

They are not teachers. (They aren't teachers.)

She is not a doctor. (She isn't a doctor.)

2.1.2. The Present Simple Tense


I/ you/we/they - V We work hard.

He/she/it - Vs She loves music. Але: дієслово have приймає форму has

USE 1. With general truths, to show that something is consistently true.

Dogs give people love.

2. With customs.

Owners walk dogs on a leash.

3. To show а regular activity (a habit) or repeated action.

He feeds his cat three times а day.

4. To show place of origin.

I come from Italy.


Do you work hard? Why do they live in Paris?

Do they speak English? When do they usually meet?

Do I love him? Why does she go to work by bus?

Does she know Peter? Does she read novels?


We don't work hard.

She doesn't love music. ЗАПАМ'ЯТАЙ!







always 100% at home at 8 o'clock.

usually / generally late for classes.

often / frequently angry with me.

I/ you/we/they




sometimes /occasionally meet in the morning.

rarely / seldom reads magazines.

never / not ever 0% reads love stories.

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2.1.3. The Present Continuous Tense

Form Example Use

AFFIRMATIVE STATEMENTS 1. An action that is in progress now.

Jack is singing now.

2. A longer action that is in progress

at this general time.

Judy is meeting a lot of new people

at this time.

3. Recent trends in the society.

People are living better nowadays.

4. A habit which irritates the


She is always asking questions.


is + V(ing)


I'm doing yoga.

She is teaching Web design.


Are they dancing now? Is Jack taking a tour?

Who is sitting in front of the computer?

Why is she asking questions?


Jack isn't doing yoga.

They aren't watching TV. She isn't laughing.

2.1.4. The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Form Example USE

AFFIRMATIVE STATEMENTS We use this form to show the

time spent on an activity and

emphasize that action is still


She has been working for

three hours.


has been + V(ing)

I have been using the Internet

for hours.

She has been living in London.


Have you been using their new computer?

Has she been working hard?

Why have you been surfing the Internet all day?


Jack hasn't been’t doing yoga.

They haven't been watching TV all day.

She hasn't been waiting for me.


STATE VERBS that are not used in the Continuous form:

1. Verbs denoting physical perception - see, hear, notice, feel, smell, sound, taste

2. Verbs denoting wish - want, wish, desire

3. Verbs denoting emotions - like, love, adore, respect, detest, respect

4. Verbs denoting mental processes - believe, know, understand, doubt, mind, recognize

5. Relational verbs - have, possess, own, belong, include, conain, consist, comprise

2.1.5. Правила правопису дієслівних форм (Vs)

1. Дієслово закінчується на s, z, sh, x,ch, tch, ss V + es miss - misses fix - fixes 2. Дієслово закінчується на приголосну + y Vy - ies carry - carries worry - worries 3. Дієслова go, do V + es goes does

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EXERCISE 2. Give s-forms of the verbs given below.

watch play buzz fetch brush dress marry

push undergo pity overdo study stay fuss

teach wash relax deny finish kiss


Форма Правило Приклад

1. Дієслово має один склад та

закінчується на приголосну +

голосну + приголосну


подвоюється + ing

Виняток: w, x, y

не подвоюються

plan - planning

stop - stopping

show - showing

stay - staying

2. Дієслово закінчується на

приголосну + e Ve/ + ing

live - living

write - writing

3. Дієслово має два склади та

закінчується на приголосну +

голосну + приголосну

V + ing

(якщо останній склад не


listen - listening

open - opening

4. Дієслово має два склади та

закінчується на приголосну +

голосну + приголосну


подвоюється + ing

(якщо останній склад

дієслова наголошений)

refer - referring

begin - beginning

5. Дієслово закінчується на -ie V(ie) — y + ing die - dying lie - lying

6. Дієслово закінчується на -с V(c) + k + ing panic - panicking

EXERCISE 3. Give ing-forms of the verbs given below.

prefer smile cry put tie picnic come

star play carry stir sit regret occur

widen conquer agree notice cut forget

EXERCISE 4. Use appropriate forms of the verbs TO BE and TO HAVE.

1. Jessica ........................................... a very diligent student.

2. How many dogs ...................................... your parents?

3. We ............................................. very happy to see you again.

4. Peter ............................................... his English four times a week.

5. ........................................... Stan and Suzie on holiday now?

6. Jason and I ............................................ interested in history.

7. My cat ............................................. three kittens.

8. Lucy and Sheila ........................................... not very cute.

9. I ....................................................... sorry to interrupt you.

10. Why .................................................. you so excited today?

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EXERCISE 5. Analyze the use of verbs in the sentences given below.

Pay attention to the use of adverbs and adverbial modifiers.

Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. Monika is doing an exercise now.

At present she is working very hard. She is having her exams soon.

2. The wind is getting harder and harder.

3. My brother goes to school every day, except on Saturdays and Sundays.

Usually he gets up at 7.30, though sometimes he gets up at 7.

He is a good student and always does his homework properly.

4. Metals conduct electricity.

5. I have already been learning English for three years.

6. Henrietta is very tired. She has been working a lot lately.

7. I have just seen Derek, but I haven't seen Barbara yet.

8. Margaret has already taken a decision.

9. Have you been to the circus recently?

10. Sondra is upset, because she has lost her new phone.


Use appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences below.

1. How often you ....................................... (go) to the disco?

2. Clair ........................................... (not book) the tickets yet.

3. Where George usually .............................................. (spend) his holiday?

4. My cousin ........................................... (drive) his old Ford for seven years already.

5. Rachel still ............................................................. (cook) the dinner.

6. My little daughter ....................................................... (like) fairy tales.

7. A water molecule .............................................. (consist) of hydrogen and oxygen.

8. How long you ................................................................ (play) chess?

9. I ................................................................ (meet) Ken three times lately.

10. The band .............................................................. (play) for half an hour already.

11. This professor always ..................................................... (give) interesting lectures.

12. What they .................................................. (discuss) now?

13. David already ........................................... (save) up enough money to buy a laptop.

14. Mr. Pike ...................................................... (play) golf at weekends.

15. Though Martha ................................................... (prefer) comedies, sometimes she

................................................ (watch) dramas.

16. The girls ........................................... (tidy) up their room since the very morning.

17. I .................................... (not believe) him, he never ......................... (tell) the truth.

18. Who you ................................................ (wait) for here?

19. We ............................................. (roam) about the museum for three hours already.

20. The kettle just .................................................... (boil).

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EXERCISE 7. Use appropriate Present time forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. Now I ........................................................ (believe) everything you say.

2. At present such books .......................................... (not attract) Helen.

3. Mr. Perry ............................................ (work) this week, he's on holiday.

4. Brian ........................................... (know) Alex since childhood.

5. Now I ......................................... (understand) what you ............................. (mean).

6. We ............................................ (build) a cottage in a picturesque place.

7. What language you ............................................. (learn) at present?

8. What you ............................................ (want) to change in the paper?

9. Henry ....................... (not hear) what his friends are talking about in the next room.

10. Mr. Swenson .................................... (own) the footwear store for many years.

11. Nobody ......................................... (remember) Clara's phone number.

12. My son ......................................... (watch) cartoons in the living room now.

13. What ........................................ (smell) so tasty in the apartment now?

14. Jonathan .......................................... (want) to buy a new bike for a long time.

15. I ............................................... (not trust) you any more.

EXERCISE 8. Translate into English.

1. Джулія часто проводить вечори з друзями.

2. Хто шумить у сусідній кімнаті?

3. Я вивчаю англійську вже шість років.

4. Твої батьки працюють у театрі, чи не так?

5. Моя старша сестра виснажена, тому що вже два тижні готується до екзамену.

6. Зазвичай ця крамниця не працює у неділю.

7. Хто з вас знає ім'я цього виконавця?

8. Як мені зараз хочеться пливти в морі!

9. Що ти робив сьогодні цілий день?

10. Чому ти розмовляєш пошепки?

11. Моя матуся готує дуже смачний борщ.

12. Я надаю перевагу класичним авторам.

13. Гарі входить до кімнати, відчиняє шухляду і дістає блокнот.

14. Вічно ти вихваляєшся своїми подвигами!

15. Хтось стукає у двері, але Віктор нічого не чує.

16. Ти давно на мене чекаєш?

17. Узимку часто йде сніг.

18. Зараз я розумію, що ти маєш на увазі.

19. Містер Броуді працює в нашому відділі вже дванадцять років.

20. Я не вважаю, що Марк припускається помилки.

21. Що ти хочеш зараз мені сказати?

22. Моя матуся завжди вважала, що друзі важливіші за гроші.

23. Відтепер печиво смакує набагато краще.

24. Ми знайомі з дитинства.

25. Цей словник у мене вже багато років.

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2.2. THE PAST TIME (Минулий час)

2.2.1. BE-forms


I/he/she/it - was I was a student.

You/we/they - were They were teachers. She was a doctor.


Was I a student? Were they doctors? Was he a chef?

Why was she there? What color were the walls in your room?


I was not a student. They were not teachers. (They weren't teachers).

She was not a doctor. (She wasn't a doctor).

2.2.2. The Past Simple Tense


I / He / she / it

You / we / they .... V(ed) / V2

We worked hard.

She loved music.


Did you work hard? Did they speak English?

Did I love him? Did she know Peter? Did she read novels?

Why did they live in Paris? When did they meet? Why did she go there by bus?


We didn't work hard. She didn't love music.

USE 1. To show a regular activity (a habit) in the past.

I worked in London then.

2. To show a completed event in the past.

I finished my work at 6 o'clock yesterday.

3. To show single events in the past (it isn't important how long they lasted).

What did you do in the evening? - We watched a film.

2.2.3. The Past Continuous Tense

Form Example USE

AFFIRMATIVE STATEMENTS 1. To show what was in progress at a

specific moment in the past.

Jack was singing at 3:00 in the morning.

2. To show that two events were happening

at the same time.

Ann was reading while I was watching TV.

I/ he/she/it was

+ V ing

You/we/they were

I was doing yoga

when you called me.

We were finishing our

essay at 7 o'clock.


Who was sitting in front of the computer when I came in?

Why was she speaking while I was giving a report?


Jack wasn't doing yoga when I called him.

They weren't watching TV at 6 o'clock yesterday.

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1. Use when + the Past Indefinite with the shorter action.

2. Use while + the Past Continuous with the longer action.

1. Einstein was living in Switzerland when he discovered his theory of relativity.

2. Einstein discovered his theory of relativity while he was living in Switzerland.


Einstein was living in Switzerland when he discovered his theory of relativity. (NO COMMA)

While Einstein was living in Switzerland, he discovered his theory of relativity. (COMMA)

2.2.4. The Present Perfect Tense


AFFIRMATIVE STATEMENTS 1. To show that the action in

the past has a result now.

- Where is your key?

- I've lost it.

2. To give new information.

Oh, I've cut my finger!

have/has +


I have been in the USA for three

years. She has used your computer

a lot. They have helped me.


Have you used their new computer?

Has she worked hard this month?

Why have you met with them?


Jack has never done yoga.

They haven't seen this film yet. She hasn't got her



Use for + an amount of time: for two months, for three years.

I've known him for a long time

Use since + date, month, year:, etc that the action began.

I've known him since 1997.


I have never made a lot of money.

You have already translated the text.

She has even finished her degree.

They have always been interested in computers.


Just means "a short time ago". Have you just arrived?

We use already to say that something happened sooner than expected.

What time is Jane leaving? - She has already gone!

We use yet to show that the speaker is expecting something to happen.

It is used only in questions and negative sentences. Has it stopped raining yet?

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2.2.5. The Past Perfect Tense


AFFIRMATIVE STATEMENTS To show that one action in the

past happened before another


Karen didn't want to go to the

cinema, she had already seen

this film.

had + V(ed)/V3 I had moved to the USA before Jack

left school.

She used the computer which we

had bought in July.


Had you used their computer before you bought this one?

Why had you met with them before we telephoned you?


Jack had not done yoga before we met him. They hadn't seen this film up to then.

She hadn't got to the station by the time the train left.

2.2.6. Правила правопису дієслівних форм



1. Дієслово закінчується на - e V(e) + d die - died

live - lived

2. Дієслово закінчується на

приголосну +y

V(y) — i + ed carry - carried

worry - worried

3 Дієслово закінчується на

голосну + y

V(y) + ed destroy - destroyed

stay - stayed

4. Дієслово має один склад та

закінчується на приголосну +

голосну + приголосну

Приголосна подвоюється

+ ed

Виняток: w, x не


stop - stopped

plug - plugged

sew - sewed

fix - fixed

5. Дієслово має два склади та

закінчується на приголосну +

голосну + приголосну

Приголосна подвоюється

+ ed

(якщо останній склад

дієслова наголошений)

permit - permitted

occur - occurred

star - starred

stir - stirred

prefer - preferred

6. Дієслово закінчується на - с V(c) + k + ed panic - panicked

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Make the sentences below negative and interrogative.

1. The girl greeted everybody and smiled.

2. Nathan had delivered three lectures before he lost voice.

3. Josh has tried to fix the car for two hours.

4. At that moment his heart was beating fast.


Give ED-forms of the verbs given below.

regret refer play cry conceal occupy tie admit

traffic adore walk envy limit appear care argue

betray agree die copy reply employ rob picnic

exit offer expel scar repair answer


Analyze the use of verbs in the sentences given below. Pay attention to the use of

adverbs and adverbial modifiers. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. When I was a little boy, I often went to my granny's for holiday. As soon as I came,

Granny cooked a delicious dinner. Then we discussed the latest news. I phoned

Granny last week. She was glad to hear me. We talked till my phone battery went low.

2. What were you doing this time yesterday? - I was doing my room. I was cleaning

and washing everything the whole day. When I was finishing, my elder sister came

and helped me. While we were watering the flowers, we were making plans for the


3. By 3 o'clock yesterday William had found all the necessary books at the library. He

had been looking for them since the very morning. He was annoyed, because he had

wasted a lot of time.

4. When Drew called, I had already learnt the rules and had been writing the exercises

for more than twenty minutes. I had never done such difficult tasks before.

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Use appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences below.

1. The staff .................... (receive) a detailed briefing in the morning.

2. I already .................... (buy) a can of Coke, when my mum ................... (come up).

3. The whole day yesterday we ............ (try) to find common features in all the cases.

4. Mrs. Smith .................... (risk) her life to save the children in the storm.

5. While the actor ................ (recite) the poem, the audience ........... (hold) their breath.

6. I .............. (notice) that he .............................. (read) the same page for 25 minutes.

7. The students .................... (make) all the arrangements for the party by 3 yesterday.

8. The kids .................. (laugh) loudly, when they ................. (watch) cartoons on TV.

9. Where you ................................. (go), when Betty .................... (meet) you?

10. I .................... (be) a member of a tennis club in my childhood.

11. Last year Danny often ....................... (play) volleyball with his friends.

12. Patrick ........................ (find) all the necessary information in the book yesterday.

13. Last September Greg ...................................... (live) in Switzerland for seven years.

14. Lady Gaga ................ (rise) to fame after she ...................... (sing) a couple of hits.

15. At that moment I ........................ (see) that a minibus already .................... (leave).

16. Ann ........ (feel) exhausted because she ................ (do) the gardening the whole day.

17. This time yesterday Monica .................... (browse) the Internet.

18. We .................. (wait) at the phone till Vic ................. (call) to give the final answer.

19. In 2003 Gina .................... (give birth) to cute twin girls.

20. The professor .................... (begin) his fundamental research 20 years ago.


Translate into English.

1. Де ти був, коли приходив Пітер?

2. Цілий день учора ми сперечалися про місце будівництва котеджу.

3. Рослини зав'яли, тому що ти забув полити їх.

4. Коли я повернулася додому, концерт по телебаченню вже розпочався.

5. Раніше ми вважали Грега чесною людиною.

6. Де ти вивчав французьку до того, як записався на курси?

7. Як тільки настала зима, дачне селище спустошилося.

8. Пол ще не закінчив писати твір, хоча розпочав ще рано вранці.

9. Хлопці грали у волейбол, доки на вулиці не стемніло.

10. Моя родина переїхала до Києва в 1987 році.

11. Вона почала опитувати учнів тільки після того, як ще раз пояснила вправи.

12. Мері була щасливою, коли бабуся подарувала їй маленьке цуценя.

13. Середньорічна температура в той період постійно зростала.

14. Коли мама зазирнула у кімнату, діти щось захоплено малювали.

15. Поки мати готувала вечерю, діти закінчували домашнє завдання.

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2.3. THE FUTURE TIME (Майбутній час)

There are many ways of talking about future. These are the most common forms and

their uses: the Future Indefinite, the Future Continuous, the Future Perfect,

the Present Simple, the Present Continuous, to be going to.

Indefinite (Simple) Continuous Perfect

Affirmative I/ we shall/will help you


He will be studying for the

exam the whole evening.

She will have come by 3


Question Shall/Will I/ we help you


Will he be studying for the

exam the whole evening?

Will she have come by 3



I/ we shall not (shan't)/ will

not (won't) help you


He will not (won't) be

studying for the exam the

whole evening.

She will not (won't)

have come by 3 o'clock.




To talk about future facts,

expectations, instant decisions.

O.K. Then I'll help you to choose a good one

(decision taken during the conversation)



To talk about actions which

will be in progress at a specific

time in future, predicted events

This time tomorrow I'll be traveling by plane.

In the twenty-second century, people will be

living to the age of 130.



To talk about actions which

will be completed by a

particular time in future.

By the year 2012, I'll have left school and

studied at the university.



To talk about schedules,

timetabled or fixed events. The match starts at 7.30 this evening.


TO + V

To talk about intentions or

plans, predictions based on

present knowledge.

I am going to buy a new bicycle (decision

taken before the beginning of the conversation).

My sister is going to have a baby.



To talk about actions which

have already been arranged to


Alex is getting married next month (the date of

the wedding has already been fixed).

I am seeing the doctor tomorrow (I have an


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EXERCISE 16. Make up sentences using the table given below.

More than one variant is possible in each case.

Pay attention to the tense-aspect forms of the verbs.

I'll read this book if a concert begins on another channel.

Susan'll water the flowers in case they don't train properly.

My parents'll scold me unless you understand it.

The teacher'll call my parents on condition that she reads my essay.

The house'll catch fire after I learn the new words in French.

The team'll lose the match when I get an F for the test.

We'll watch the film before you aren't careful.

I'll put on my raincoat till the weather changes.

You'll fall ill as soon as it starts raining.

EXERCISE 14. Analyze the use of verbs in the sentences given below.

Pay attention to the use of adverbs and adverbial modifiers.

1. I promise I'll call on you tomorrow.

2. Will you be at home at noon?

3. Yes, in the morning I'm going to do my English homework.

4. I hope I'll have finished by 11.30.

5. By this time I'll have been studying for three hours.

6. I'll be waiting for you from 11.45 to 12.15.

EXERCISE 15. Use appropriate forms of the verbs to complete the sentences below.

1. The weather forecast says it .................... (be) warm and sunny.

2. I .................... (not go) to the movies with you, I .................... (review) the article.

3. On Sunday we .................... (live) in this apartment for a year.

4. The whole next year I .................... (study) for my entrance examinations.

5. Big summer sales .................... (begin) in August.

6. I've just spoken to Adam. We .................... (play) tennis on Thursday afternoon.

7. Tonight there's a concert on TV. It .................... (start) at 7 pm.

8. The swallows are flying low. It .................... (rain).

9. I can't talk to you now. I .................... (call) you back in 5 minutes.

10. From five to seven tomorrow my sisters .................... (shop).

11. We .................... (have) a party on Saturday. We've already invited a lot of friends.

12. In 2015 Peter and I .................... (be) friends for 15 years.

13. At this time tomorrow Julia .................... (sunbathe) on the beach in Brighton.

14. I'm sure the weather .................... (change) for the better soon.

15. Don't help her, she .................... (do) everything by herself.

16. You .................... (see) for yourself what an interesting person he is.

17. Henry has thought everything over. He .................... (sue) Mr. Perkins.

18. I've got a sore throat. - I .................... (warm up) some milk and honey for you.

19. Do you have any plans for the weekend? - Yes, we .................... (have) a picnic.

20. Christine .................... (embroider) the napkin by her granny's birthday.

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EXERCISE 17. Translate into English.

1. Я обіцяю, що закінчу переклад завтра.

2. Я думаю, потяг прибуде вчасно.

3. Якщо у тебе виникнуть питання, я охоче на них відповім.

4. Мішель прийме це важливе рішення надвечір.

5. Куди ви їдете у відпустку цього літа?

6. Підозрюю, що буду прибирати оселю цілий день.

7. Бен не розкриє цю таємницю.

8. Як тільки заняття розпочнуться, я вимкну свій телефон.

9. Ми не знаємо, коли цей відомий театр знову приїде до нашого міста.

10. Наші співробітники нададуть вам необхідну допомогу.

11. Вони погодяться на вашу пропозицію якщо ви зустрінетеся з їх адвокатом.

12. Він сплатить цей рахунок задовго до того, як банк почне хвилюватися.

13. Обережно, будинок зараз рухне!

14. Фестиваль розпочинається у понеділок.

15. Наступного тижня у цей самий час святкуватимемо новосілля.

16. Боюся, оркестр не виконає цю композицію.

17. Здається, цей проект стане занадто дорогим.

18. Якщо ти дражнитимеш собаку, він тебе покусає.

19. Концерт закінчиться опівночі.

20. Тепер увесь вечір вона буде розпитувати мене про подробиці інциденту.

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ВИКОНАЙТЕ ТЕСТ Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.


Choose A, B, C or D to fill in the blanks in the sentences below.

Write your answers on answer sheet А.

1. Rachel was surprised because she .................... anything like that before.

A hasn't seen C hadn't seen

B haven't seen D didn't see

2. Dad looked into the room and saw that the boys .................... computer games.

A played C has been playing

B were playing D had been playing

3. We'll meet as soon as Adela .................... from Chicago.

A return C will return

B returns D will have returned

4. Pamela .................... already 16, when her family moved to Leeds.

A was C has been

B had been D have been

5. I .................... to school today, I've got a cold.

A don't go C am not going

B not go D not going

6. I hope it .................... raining by the evening.

A stops C is going to stop

B will stop D will have stopped

7. Sheila has just told me her parents .................... back tomorrow

A come C would come

B will come D are coming

8. I've got a splitting headache. - I .................... you an aspirin.

A am giving C give

B am going to give D will give

9. Veronica .................... a pie since the very morning.

A makes C has made

B is making D has been making

10. Penny says she .................... Louise for ages.

A knows C knew

B has known D had known

11. While Mum was washing the windows, Dad .................... in the garden.

A was pottering C had pottered

B pottered D had been pottering

12. The tourists felt that the wind ………. harder and harder.

A blew C had blown

B was blowing D had been blowing

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V Don't V

Come here!

Think of it.

Press the red button.

Watch out!

Help me!

Don't come here!

Don't think of it.

Don't press the red button.

Don't hurt yourself.

Don't leave me alone.


React to the following statements using imperative sentences.

Make the sentences negative if necessary.

EXAMPLE: It's too stuffy in here. - Open the window.

1. The music is too loud.

2. The doorbell is ringing.

3. I can't solve this problem.

4. I want to give you a piece of advice.

5. The room is a mess.

6. I don't need this book any more.

7. I want to keep it secret.

8. The film is boring.

9. I don't know where he is.

10. I'm afraid Joanna thinks I'm a failure.









the boy


help you.

explain everything.

stay at home tonight.


go to the park.

go to the station.

wait a little.

sing this song.

ПРИМІТКИ Let her not go there. Don't let her go there.

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EXERCISE 2. React to the following statements using LET.

Make the sentences negative if necessary.

EXAMPLE: It's too stuffy in here. - Let's open the window.

1. I'm absolutely free tonight.

2. I'm annoyed with your behaviour.

3. I can't find my wallet.

4. It's Mother's birthday tomorrow.

5. The dog hasn't been taken out since morning.

6. The flowers need watering.

7. Stephen is a strange person.

8. The baby is crying.

9. I need to talk to you immediately.

10. John and Peter are going to Berlin.

EXERCISE 3. Translate into English.

1. Не поспішай, давай перевіримо усе ще раз.

2. Нехай діти п'ють своє молоко і лягають спати.

3. Віднеси книги до бібліотеки.

4. Не вагайся, якщо хочеш досягти успіху.

5. Скажи мені його новий номер телефону.

6. Не засмучуйся, усе можна виправити.

7. Батьки поїхали відвідати бабусю. Давайте влаштуємо вечірку.

8. Не забувай перемішувати овочі.

9. Нехай дівчата починають готувати вечерю.

10. Давайте не будемо сперечатися з цього приводу.


is a book on the table.

is a cup and two spoons on the table.

There are two spoons and a cup on the table.

was a lot of snow in our garden last year.

were some children playing snowballs in the yard.

will be a lot of fruit in our garden next year.

ЗАПАМ'ЯТАЙ! There is an apple on the plate. Is there an aple on the plate?

There isn't any apple on the plate.

There is no apple on the plate.

There is an apple on the plate, isn't there?

ЗАПАМ'ЯТАЙ! There is a bird in the cage. - У клітці птах.

The bird is in the case. - Птах у клітці.

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1. Set phrases It's a pity/shame he isn't at home.

It's time to go home.

2. Distances It's 2 km from here to the underground station.

3. Time It's 3 o'clock. It's midnight.

4. It + to be + adjective + infinitive It's hard to understand him.

EXERCISE 1. Complete the sentences with the form of the verb TO BE.

1. There ....................... a lot guests in the living room when I came home.

2. What ........................ there in the basket you saw on the floor?

3. There ....................... a new hotel here next July.

4. There ....................... some ink on your shirt, you'll have to try to wash it off.

5. There ....................... a comb and two brushes by the mirror, you can take any.

6. ......................... there any mistakes in your test last week?

7. There ....................... a lot of changes in my life lately.

8. There …………….. a new show on TV soon.

EXERCISE 2. Complete the sentences below with THERE or IT.

1. ............... is a pleasure to talk to you.

2. ............... was no time to hesitate.

3. ............... is 5 o'clock.

4. ............... is time to have tea.

5. ............... is easy to memorize these words.

6. ............... is a large city.

7. ............... are a lot of sights here.

8. ............... is a short distance to cover.

9. ............... is an hour to waste.

10. ............... is too cold to sunbathe.

11. ............... are only two kilometers of good roads here.

EXERCISE 3. Translate into English.

1. У такий сонячний день у парку повно дітей.

2. Новий парк знаходиться у самому центрі міста.

3. За місяць на клумбі буде багато троянд.

4. У шухляді знаходилися олівець і декілька ручок.

5. Що лежить в он тому чемодані?

6. Останнім часом у компанії було багато вечірок.

7. Чи буде багато глядачів на стадіоні під час наступного футбольного матчу?

8. У цій історії багато таємниць.

9. У нашій крамниці багато товарів найкращого ґатунку.

10. У цій книзі немає ілюстрацій.

11. Час тобі складати речі.

12. Приємно почути таку гарну новину.

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I have a brother.

My brother doesn't have a car yet.

Do you have a car?

I have got a brother.

My brother hasn't got a car.

Has your brother got a car?

Helen has / has got a headache now.

She often has headaches.

She had a headache yesterday.

I hope she won't have a headache tomorrow.


Use the verbs in the sentences below in the Past or Future forms.

Make all the necessary changes.

EXAMPLE: I have got four classes today.

I had five classes yesterday.

I'll have five classes tomorrow.

1. Nelly has got a toothache.

2. Rose has tea five times a day.

3. Denis has got a dog.

4. My sister has got a lot of friends.

5. Paul has a shower every morning.

6. Gordon has got very little time today.

7. We haven't got any questions to you.

8. I've got a sore throat.

9. The Browns have got a lot of books.

10. I seldom have my French these days.


Translate into English.

1. Як часто у тебе болять вуха?

2. Учора у нас не було лекції з історії.

3. Сподіваюся, у тебе будуть гарні канікули.

4. У дитини болить живіт.

5. У мене не було жодних сумнівів.

6. У кого є зайва ручка?

7. У нього часто бувають проблеми.

8. Як часто ти приймаєш ванну?

9. У мене англійська чотири рази на тиждень.

10. Скільки разів на день ти їси?

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Neither my parents nor my brother is at


Either Lily's friends or she is singing.

Neither my brother nor my parents are at


Either Lily or her friends are singing.

A number of people are waiting


The number of people waiting outside is quite


Lily with her friends is singing. Lily and her friends are singing.

Fish and chips is my favourite dish. Chips were lying all aver the place.

The only reason for his actions is


The reasons for his behaviour were shame

and jealousy.

Three hours is a tang time to wait.

EXERCISE 9. Complete the sentences with appropriate forms of the verbs.

1. Neither my dog nor my cat ................................. (want) to eat this meat.

2. Fried potatoes .............................. (be) something I like very much.

3. A number of students ............................... (take part) in the conference this month.

4. The effect of my questions ........................... (be) unpredictable.

5. The number of students at our department ................. (double) for the last few years.

6. Either Sam or his brother ............................... (talk) over the phone now.

7. One of the things I' like to discuss with you ........................... (be) your attendance.

8. A sausage and beans ............................... (be) a traditional breakfast in our family.

9. The members of our team ................................ (be) in the gym now.

10. The potatoes ............................... (not be) ready yet.

11. The headmaster with the teachers ................................. (have) a conference now.

12. The teachers and the headmaster ...................................... (take) a decision already.

EXERCISE 10. Translate into English.

1. Або Павло, або Тетяна чекають на мене біля виходу.

2. Єдиним поясненням твоїх нечемних слів є нервове напруження.

3. Ані я, ані мої батьки не збираються їхати до Італії.

4. Деякі учні нашого класу відвідують підготовчі курси.

5. Яєчня - моя улюблена страва на сніданок.

6. Кількість запитань залежить від якості опрацювання матеріалу.

7. На жаль, яйця розбилися.

8. Лікар із медсестрою оглядають хворого.

9. Лікар і медсестра готуються до прийому хворих.

10. Кілька питань залишилися нерозгляну-тими.

11. Або мій сусід, або його дружина будуть зараз удома.

12. Тренер зі спортсменами відповідають на запитання журналістів.

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ВИКОНАЙТЕ ТЕСТ Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.


Choose A, B, C or D to fill in the blanks in the sentences below.

Write your answers on answer sheet А.

1. Frank with his friends .................... a surprise for the girls.

A is preparing C are preparing

B prepares D prepare

2. He .................... a bath in the evening.

A have C has

B having D has got

3. .................... to the cinema today.

A Let's not to go C Not let's go

B Don't let us to go D Don't let us go

4. Neither Dolly nor Ella .................... called me yet.

A has C hasn't

B have D haven't

5. 50 dollars .................... a lot of money for a poor student.

A it is C is

B are D there are

6. A number of books .................... damaged by the fire yesterday.

A is C has

B was D were

7. Ice and vapour .................... different states of water.

A is C are

B it is D they are

8. .................... a boy and a girl in the room.

A There is C It is

B There are D They are

9. .................... many guests at the birthday party?

A There will be C Be there will

B Will be there D Will there be

10. A representative of the Trade Unions .................... begun his speech.

A is C were

B has D have

11. Let Mother .................... a little longer today.

A sleep C to sleep

B sleeping D will sleep

12. 15 minutes .................... not enough to relax after such a hard lesson.

A are C it is

B is D they are

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in +

at +

on +

by +

on +

between +

among +

cities/towns/streets/the suburbs/an armchair/danger/a queue /a picture

house number 15/home/school/university/work/a bus stop

the floor/a chair/foot/holiday

bus/taxi/car/plane/train/ship/boat/air/sea but in a taxi/car

a /the bus/plane/train/ship/boat

two people or objects

three or more people or objects


Complete the sentences by circling the correct prepositions.

1. The mat is a small carpet placed at / near the door.

2. He jumped in / into the river and swam to the opposite bank.

3. We rented the apartment in / at Number 3 Maple Street.

4. Houses in / at the suburbs are in great demand now.

5. If you want some peaches, you'll have to climb up / down the tree.

6. The old gentleman could hardly get from / out of the taxi.

7. Children like hiding under / above the bed.

8. You can take the seat on / in the right.

9. She sat in / on the armchair knitting socks for her grandson.

10. It's no good spending all your time in front of / behind the TV.

11. If you want to read, you'd better sit by / near the window.

12. We first met in / on the plane to Brazil.

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13. Tilda is a shy girl and prefers keeping in / at the back.

14. Between / Among my friends there are a lot of students.

15. Teenagers seldom stay in / at home in the evening.

16. Last night we went in / to the theatre.

17. Walt kissed me on / in the cheek.

18. I dream to spend a couple of days in / at Venice.

19. I can't get used to living at / on the 15th floor.

20. They decided to place the armchair between / among the sofa and a fireplace.


Complete the sentences with the phrases given below.

go to the theatre/cinema/movies/circus/school at the top/the bottom on page 5

at reception in the sky on the menu/a list in the corner of the room

at work at the corner of the street on a farm at the factory on a bike

1. I've been very busy lately and have no time to ............................................ .

2. He was disappointed when he didn't find his name ...................................... .

3. Before entering college Boris worked ......................................... .

4. There were hundreds of stars .......................................... .

5. Go straight forward and turn ........................................... .

6. Jeremy used to spend his summers ...................................................... in Utah.

7. Don't forget to put down your name .................................................... of the page.

8. The cat's favourite place was .................................................................. .

9. You are to retell the text ............................................................................ .

10. If you leave before I come, leave the keys ..................................................... .

11. Don't call me, when I'm ............................................................................... .

12. We were shocked when the manager came to the reception ................................... .


Complete the sentences with the phrases given below.

across the square through the park out of the bag over the stream

towards the port into the purse from the table through the window

1. We had to jump .................................................... .

2. The cat got into and out of the house .................................................. .

3. Have you taken any papers .................................................. ?

4. The yacht was sailing ........................................................ .

5. Going out Fiona put the comb ........................................................ .

6. When I'm in a hurry, I go ............................................................. to shorten the way.

7. The demonstrators were marching ..................................................... .

8. The boy took his textbook ............................................................... .

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at 8:20 in the morning/night on Sunday

at Christmas/Easter in November (months) on January 3

at midnight in summer (seasons) on a summer night

at the weekend in 2005 (years)

at night in the 20 century

8.05 five past eight

8.15 (a) quarter past eight

8.30 half past eight

8.40 twenty to nine

8.45 (a) quarter to nine

EXERCISE 4. Complete the sentences below with appropriate prepositions.

1. I don't get up so early ................................ Sunday.

2. Our city is especially beautiful ................................. spring.

3. The expedition departed ..................................... May 8, 1956.

4. Coach tours gained popularity .................................... the 19th century.

5. We always play tennis ..................................... weekends.

6. Can he have come home .................................... midnight?

7. Fred called on me ..................................... Friday morning.

8. This year I was on holiday ...................................... May.

9. School begins ............................ half ............................... 8.

10. Before the exams Sheila had to study even .......................................... night.


at 8:30 = exactly at that time by 8:30 = not later than that time

on time = at the right time in time = not late, early enough

The train arrived on time. We were in time for the lesson.

at the end = at the time when something ends in the end = finally

At the end of the lesson he gave us a task. In the end, she agreed to join us.

for two days = to say how long something goes on

I worked on the project for 2 days.

during the film = to say when something happens

I fell asleep during the film.

while + subject + verb

I fell asleep while I was watching the film.

I have been working since 3. I was working from 3 to/till 5.

by next Tuesday = something will happen at or before a certain moment

until Friday = a situation will continue up to a certain moment

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EXERCISE 5. Complete the sentences below with appropriate prepositions.

1. The train left the station .................... time.

2. We have been friends .................... childhood.

3. .................... the end of the lesson the teacher set the home assignment.

4. I'll be waiting at the entrance .................... 5, not later.

5. The research had been completed .................... 2007.

6. She has had a bad cough .................... three days already.

7. The lecture lasted .................... 6 .................... 8.

8. Gina had a snack .................... the break.

9. .................... the end she managed to give up smoking.

10. Greg injured his leg .................... getting off the bus.

11. Clara revised the rules .................... going to bed.

12. Nick will have returned from the cruise .................... next Wednesday.

13. The phone rang several times .................... the interview.

14. I don't like to be late, I'm always .................... time.

15. We have been looking for you .................... the very morning.

EXERCISE 6. Complete the sentences below with appropriate prepositions.

1. The Browns live .................... a very beautiful cottage.

2. There is a green garden .................... the cottage.

3. I parked my car .................... the house.

4. There is a church .................... my house.

5. Last week we drove .................... London.

6. My birthday is .................... the 20 of June.

7. Were you born .................... summer?

8. Let's meet .................... 5:30.

9. .................... the trip we visited a lot of sights.

10. My grandson was born .................... 2005.

11. How did you get .................... Paris? — .................... plane.

12. .................... the weekend we are going to London.

13. The train arrived .................... time, as usual.

14. The article was translated .................... Friday.

15. We met a lot of interesting people .................... we were on holiday.

16. I watched television .................... two hours.

17. .................... the end she agreed.

18. She is .................... danger. We must help her.

19. Go .................... the front door .................... the cottage.

20. I get to my work .................... foot.

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The door was opened by the boy (who did it).

The door was opened with the key (with the help of what).

EXERCISE 7. Complete the sentences below with appropriate prepositions.

1. The presentation was prepared ............................. our students.

2. Nuts can be released from the shell ............................. a nutcracker.

3. The lecture was delivered ………………….. Professor Cromwell.

4. The violent crowd was surrounded ............................... the police.

5. The violent crowd was dispersed ................................ water jets.

6. You can take wonderful photos ................................... this camera.

7. The photos were taken ..................................... my boyfriend.


by cheque

by post

by hand

by heart

by credit card (but in cash)

by chance / mistake / accident

by air / sea / car / ship (but on foot)

EXERCISE 8. Complete the sentences with the phrases from the box above.

1. More and more people prefer going on a bike to going ...................................... .

2. I didn't do in on purpose. It happened ........................................... .

3. If you don't have any money on you, you can pay ........................ or ....................... .

4. In a hurry I took somebody else's bag ............................................... .

5. If you get seasick, you shouldn't ................................................. .

6. The blackmailer sent the letter ............................................... .

7. Lace should be washed ..................................................... .


above suspicion

before long

behind one's back

on an/the average

on the whole

out of danger

over and over

at the age of

at all costs

at the request of

at the latest

in exchange for

without fail

up and down

EXERCISE 9. Complete the sentences with the phrases from the box above.

1. She couldn't memorize the words, so read them .................... again.

2. I promise the goods will be delivered on Friday .................... .

3. He became famous .................... 28.

4. Adam's reputation has always been .................... .

5. What would you like to have .................... your assistance?

6. The committee was set up .................... the local inhabitants.

7. At present Roy earns a thousand a week .................... .

8. Though not perfect, the project is satisfactory .................... .

9. Luckily, due to the firefighters' efforts everybody was .................... .

10. No matter how hard the task may be, we'll carry it out .................... .

11. It won't do to do such things .................... .

12. The manager was nervously walking .................... his office.

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ВИКОНАЙТЕ ТЕСТ Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.


Choose A, B, C or D to fill in the blanks in the sentences below.

Write your answers on answer sheet А.

1. People should sleep .................... night.

A in B at

C at the D during

2. Tomorrow I will be at home ……….…. 2 to 5.

A from B since

C between D with

3. .................... the whole the trip was successful.

A in B at

C on D into

4. If you like, you can pay .................... cash.

A with B by

C in D on

5. We discussed this problem .................... Monday morning.

A in B during

C for D on

6. Don't stick your hands .................... the pockets: it's impolite.

A to B onto

C in D into

7. Do you enjoy your studies .................... university?

A at B in

C inside D within

8. Choose any .................... your friends to help you.

A from B of

C out of D among

9. Our students have a lunch break .................... midday.

A in B for

C during D at

10. Though opposed at first, he took our arguments .................... the end.

A in B at

C by D after

11. Who is this guy .................... the photo?

A on B in

C at D into

12. What dishes are traditionally made .................... Easter?

A on B in

C for D at

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1.1. Copulative, Disjunctive and Adversative Conjunctions

(Єднальні, розділові та протиставні сполучники)

and й, та, а The phone rang, and Mrs. Bush went to answer it.

as well as так само як (й) We spoke to Eugene as well as to Jasper.

both ... and як ... так і,

так само … як Both Karen and Hilda put on their best dresses.

but але, а I like tea, but I don't like coffee.

either … or або ... або Stephen has left either for Leeds or for York.

neither … nor ані ... ані Neither people nor animals could stand the heat.

not only … but also не тільки ... але і I like not only your clothes but also your manner on the


or або Behave yourself or I'll have to talk to your mother!

whereas у той час як Some people like summer, whereas others prefer winter.

while у той час як,

тоді як Peter is a serious boy, while you are a lazybones.


Combine the sentences using copulative disjunctive and adversative conjunctions.

1. Jessie isn't at home. Elvira isn't at home either.

2. Dad usually watches news programmes. Mum prefers documentaries.

3. Edith may spend her holiday at home. Probably, she will go to the seaside.

4. Hetty is very good at cooking. Besides she is good at sewing.

5. We have an apartment in town. We also have a country cottage.

6. Dorothy has got an A for her essay. Her grade in physics is a C.

7. Felice left her purse at home. She also left her passport.


Make up your own sentences with each conjunction.

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Сполучники підрядності вводять підрядні речення








I saw that Susan was annoyed.

Ask Miranda if Jerry has returned.

Ask Miranda whether Jerry has returned or not.




as soon as


після того як

коли, по мірі того як

як тільки

до того як

After we had a game of chess, Barney went home.

As she grew up, she made more and more friends.

As soon as the boss came in, we got down to work.

They had been dating for a year before they got


hardly ... when

no sooner ... than


till / until



не встиг … як

не встиг … як

з того часу як



у той час як

Hardly had it stopped snowing when the sun appeared in the


No sooner had she fell down than he helped her to her feet.

Fanny has been thoughtful since she returned from college.

They laughed till tears filled their eyes.

When I woke up in the morning the sun was high in the sky.

A lot of things happened while they were staying with the





now that



тому що

тепер коли


As it was rather early, everybody was still asleep.

It was quiet in the room because they had their lesson.

Now that you know the truth, we can talk everything over


The budget had to be altered since the expenditure was too




in case

on condition that

provided that



у випадку

за умови

за умови якщо

якщо … ні

I won't be surprised if Dora doesn't come.

Call me immediately in case there are any complications.

We'll move to Manchester on condition that you get a post


The order will be carried out provided that the payment is

made in time.

We'll surely meet unless I'm too busy.


so that/in order that

аби, щоб

I've come so that you can hear the news firsthand.

I'm calling in order that I can warn you about the change in

the schedule.

способу дії:


as if/as though


начебто He always acts as he wishes.

Sheila turned round as if looking for somebody.


so … that

such … that

так … що

такий … що

He was so frightened that could hardly breathe.

It was such a tiresome day that everybody went to bed

at once.


as … as


так само … як

ніж Rupert is as brilliant as Einstein.

Rupert is even more brilliant than Einstein.



хоча The competitions were held though the weather wasn't


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Complete the sentences with appropriate coordinative conjunctions.

Sometimes more than one variant is possible.

1. We noticed .................... Michael was talking to a stranger.

2. .................... the lecture was over, the students didn't leave.

3. The race will be held .................... it starts raining.

4. The experiment failed .................... there was a shortcut.

5. .................... Jolly is out of town, we'll have to turn to somebody else.

6. Tell me .................... you liked the meat pie or not.

7. She kept silent .................... she didn't hear my question.

8. .................... everything is OK, we can celebrate the happy outcome.

9. .................... Ella was informed about it, she burst into tears.

10. Granny did more for the girl .................... anybody else.

11. Alec did everything .................... you said.

12. The tourists hid in the cave .................... the storm abated.

13. Sondra changed her mind .................... she had talked to her lawyer.

14. Harold looked absolutely calm .................... in fact he couldn't help worrying.

15. The novel was .................. exciting ................. I couldn't tear myself away from it.


Translate into English.

1. Оскільки наш рейс було скасовано, ми повернулися додому.

2. Марк обіцяв прийти, якщо його не затримають у школі.

3. Дівчинка старанно повторювала слова, як її вчила місіс Кроулі.

4. Коли папуга залишив клітку, ми боялися, що він вилетить у вікно.

5. Вона така щаслива, нібито виграла мільйон.

6. Ледь ми ввімкнули новий холодильник, як він зламався.

7. Як тільки стався землетрус у Гаїті, сотні волонтерів рушили до цієї країни.

8. Я вперше чую від нього подібні речі з того часу, як ми познайомилися.

9. Батьки купили Майку електронний перекладач, щоб йому було легше

вивчати іноземні мови.

10. Я буду розмовляти з тобою лише за умови, що ти вибачишся.

11. Якщо в тебе знову буде лихоманка, негайно викликай лікаря.

12. Ми всі працювали в саду, у той час як Макс теревенів по телефону.

13. Поспішай, а то ти запізнишся на шкільний автобус!

14. У той час як поліція опитувала перехожих, крадій переховувався у

супермаркеті, тому що там було дуже багато людей і він міг залишитися

непомітним серед них.

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ВИКОНАЙТЕ ТЕСТ Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.


Choose A, B, C or D to fill in the blanks in the sentences below.

Write your answers on answer sheet А.

1. .................... the snow fell down, huge snowdrifts formed at the sides of the road.

A As B Before

C Although D As if

2. We were looking for a shade .................... the sun was shining too bright.

A so B so that

C whether D as

3. Make a list of the books you need .................... you don't waste time in the library.

A so B because

C that D so that

4. .................... Marcus knows no German, he wants to go to a German university.

A As B If

C Even D Even though

5. Could you ask Peter .................... he is coming to the party or not?

A when B if

C whether D unless

6. I'll be waiting for you in the cafe .................... you come.

A before B while

C as D till

7. Mike was looking at me in surprise .................... he had never seen me before.

A when B though

C as if D so

8. Troy had hardly seen Joanna .................... he fell in love with her.

A as B when

C after D before

9. We argued about .................... to buy flowers or chocolates.

A if B therefore

C whether D unless

10. .................... we tried, our attempts failed.

A Nevertheless B Despite

C Because D However

11. We decided to put off the trip .............. the weather was changing for the worse.

A because of B unless

C because D due to

12. The day was so hot .................... the streets were almost empty.

A and B that

C so D because

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Read the text below.

For each of the empty spaces (1-6) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).


The wars increased interest in international travel. This interest was given the

shape of mass tourism by the aviation industry. The sufficient number of (1)

.............. and growth of private airlines aided the expansion of air travel. The

planes became more comfortable and steadily (2) ............. for overseas travel.

With the introduction of Boeing 707 jet in 1958, the age of air travel for the

masses arrived. The beginning of chartered flights boosted the package tour

market and led to the establishment of organised mass tourism. The Boeing 747,

a (3) ............ craft, brought the cost of travel down sharply. The seaside resorts in

the Mediterranean, (4) ............... North Africa and the Caribbean were the initial

hot spots of mass tourism.

A corresponding growth in hotel industry led to the establishment of world-

wide chains. Tourism also (5) ............. to diversify as people flocked alternative

destinations in (6) ............... . Nepal and India received a throng of tourists

lured by Hare Krishna movement and transcendental meditation. Air travel also

led to a continuous growth in business travel especially with the emergence of

the MNCs.

1 A aircraft B aircrafts C aircraft's D aircrafts'

2 A cheap B cheapest C cheaper D much cheap

3 A 400-seat B 400-seats C 400-seat's D 400-seats'

4 A a B an C the D —

5 A has begun B began C had begun D begins

6 A 70s B 70th C the 70th D the 70s

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Read the text below.

For each of the empty spaces (1-6) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).


The Aztec Indian legend held that cacao seeds had been brought from

Paradise and that wisdom and power came from eating the (1) .................... of the

cacao tree. Because of a spelling error, probably by English traders long ago, the

cacao beans became known (2) .................... the cocoa beans.

The Spanish general, Hernando Cortes, landed in Mexico in 1519. The

Aztecs believed he was the reincarnation of one of their lost gods. They honored

him by serving him an unusual drink, presented in a cup of pure gold. This

unusual drink was called "chocolat".

When Cortes returned to Spain, he (3) .................... the cocoa bean with him

and there it was mixed with sugar and vanilla. This sweet drink became

fashionable and soon (4) .................... chocolate houses in all the capitals of


Milk chocolate was invented in 1876 by a Swiss chocolatier, Daniel Peter

(1836-1919) of Vevey, Geneva. Daniel Peter successfully combined chocolate

with powdered milk to produce the first milk chocolate. Today, the (5)

.................... chocolate is (6) .................... made in Switzerland, and the

consumption of milk chocolate far outweighs that of plain chocolate.

1 A fruit B fruits C fruit's D fruits'

2 A like B as C for D how

3 A has taken B was taking C had taken D took

4 A there were B there was C it was D they were

5 A finer B far finer C fine D finest

6 A yet B still C else D already

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Read and complete the text below choosing the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

IS IT TRUE THAT ELEPHANTS NEVER FORGET? The saying "an elephant never forgets" first (1) ............ in print in 1904, when the

New York Times reported a speech given by a trainer at the Ringling Brothers Circus.

In the 1950s the German zoologist Bernhard Rensch investigated the relationship

between brain (2) ......... and intelligence. During his studies he experimented with a five-

year-old Indian elephant. He (3) .......... the animal with two boxes: an empty one bearing

the symbol of a circle on the lid, and one containing food marked by a cross. After more

than 300 attempts the elephant (4) .......... twigged and thereafter consistently chose the

box that contained the food. Rensch introduced further pairs of boxes marked with

symbols, and the elephant was able to learn twenty different pairs and locate the food

correctly nearly 600 (5) ........... in a row. In 1964 Leslie Squier taught three elephants to

(6) ........... sugar cubes by distinguishing between lights of different colors. Eight years

later one of the animals remembered correctly; the other two were less successful but by

then they were both nearly blind. Dominant female elephants build up a social memory

as they get older, which (7) ............. them to distinguish between friends and outsiders.

When the matriarchs encounter individuals they do not recognize, family members group

together to protect their young. But they don't (8) ............. sight alone; they can also

distinguish between friends and strangers by smell or sound.

Elephants travel long (9) ............ to find food and water, and being able to remember

favorable locations is vital for survival. This was highlighted in a 1993 study of three

groups of elephants in Tanzania's Tarangire National Park during a severe drought. Two

groups (10) ........... by matriarchs aged thirty-eight and forty-five left the park to find

water, while the other group, led by a matriarch who was only thirty-three, stayed behind

and suffered 63 percent of deaths in all three groups that year. The two older females had

(11) .......... a comparable drought thirty-five years earlier; the younger female was unable

to draw ог this experience to (12) ............. her family.

1 А used B presented С remarked D appeared

2 А proportions B size С greatness D amount

3 А presented B showed С offered D gave

4 А absolutely B definitely С finally D completely

5 А periods B times С intervals D terms

6 А discover B meet С observe D find

7 А allows B lets С approves D makes

8 А care about B object to С rely on D agree with

9 А intervals B distances C widths D lengths

10 А ruled B governed С headed D commanded

11 А survived B lived С existed D passed

12 А liberate B free С keep D save

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EXERCISE 1. Match the expressions on the left with those on the right.

1 She is 3 days old. А She's a child.

2 She is 18 months. B She's a newborn baby.

3 She is 8. C She's a teenager.

4 She is 14. D She's an adult.

5 She is 20. E She's a toddler.

6 He is 28. F He's in his early forties.

7 He's 35. G He's fairly elderly.

8 He's 48. H He's in his mid-thirties.

9 He's 85. I He's middle-aged.

10 He's 42. J He's in his late twenties.

EXERCISE 2. Match the beginnings and endings of the expressions below.

Use the endings twice.

1. She fancies A with him.

2. She’s not really interested B about him.

3. She's absolutely crazy C in him.

4. I don't know what she sees D you.

5. She's always flirting

EXERCISE 3. Use these expressions to complete the following sentences.

to fancy smb. to be interested in smb. to be crazy about smb. to flirt with smb.

1. My friend Jane likes Jack, but he ............................................... Anna.

2. Peter likes Jane but she .......................................................... Bruce.

3. Anna .......................................................... Tom. She speaks about him all the time.

4. Kate ........................................................ all the boys from her class.

ЗАПАМ'ЯТАЙ! In American English you say that you are dating somebody

instead of seeing or going out with them.

EXERCISE 4. Use these expressions in the situations below.

saved his marriage separated never stop fighting split up left him

1. I'm not going to invite them to the party. Last week they decided to ...................... .

2. Jack and Jill ....................................................... . I'm surprised they stay together.

3. His wife ........................................................... two years ago for another man.

4. Joan and Arthur weren't happy and they ................................................... last year.

5. Jack's things got much better. That ....................................................... .

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EXERCISE 5. Use these words in the sentences.

aunt uncle niece grandmother grandfather

grandsons nephew cousins granddaughters

1. Your parents' parents are your .................... and your .................... .

2. Your father's brother and sister are your .................... and your .................... .

3. Your brother's son and daughter are your .................... and your .................... .

4. Your aunt's and uncle's children are your .................... .

5. Your children's children are your .................... and your .................... .

ЗАПАМ'ЯТАЙ! Your in-laws are your husband's or wife's family

or your children's husbands and wives.

EXERCISE 6. Look at this family tree and put names to the relations.

Robert = Liz Bill = Cynthia

Nigel Eve Kevin Sue

Samantha = Peter Jane = Jon

1. Nigel's mother-in-law .................... 4. His sister-in-law ....................

2. His father-in-law .................... 5. His son-in-law ....................

3. His brother-in-law .................... 6. His daughter-in-law ....................

EXERCISE 7. Look at this family tree and proceed to the tasks.

A. Answer the questions. e.g. Who is Brenda? - She is Sam's mother. She is Alice's aunt.

Benjamin = Agnes

Ernest = Brenda Bruce Bernie = Edna

Sam Ella James Kate Alice

Who is Ella? .................... Who is James? ....................

Who is Bernie? .................... Who is Edna? ....................

Who is Kate? .................... Who is Ernest? ....................

B. Find the names.

Example: I've got one brother and one sister. I'm Alice. My sister's name is Kate.

1. I've got one brother and three cousins. My name's ...................................... .

2. I've got one sister. I haven't got any brothers. My name's ............................... .

3. I haven't got any brothers. I've got two cousins. My name's ................................... .

4. I have got one brother and one sister. My name's ..................................... (2 answers).

5. I have got two sons and one daughter. I'm a man. My name's ................................ .

6. I have got a daughter and a son. I'm a woman. My name's ................................... .

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Use the words to describe these people.

tall short slim stocky overweight plump skinny strong well-built small

Jack and Jill Tom and Jerry Frank and Peter


Match the descriptions with the names.

Translate the descriptions into Ukrainian.

Mary Kate Benjamin Bernie Bruce Alice

1. ....................... has a round face, close-set eyes, a long straight nose.

....................... is almost bald and wears glasses.

2. ....................... has medium-length, loose, dark, wavy hair, freckles, large eyes,

long thick eyelashes and dreamy smile.

3. ....................... has short hair, an oval face, shrewd eyes, thick eyebrows, big ears,

a grey beard and moustache.

4. ....................... has an oval face, big ears, a long straight nose, natural blond hair,

pigtails. ................................. wears glasses.

5. ....................... has a round face, big ears, a wrinkled forehead, large sad eyes,

an aquiline nose, ................................. is bald.

6. ....................... has dark hair, a pony tail, a long straight nose, well-cut lips,

shrewd eyes and big ears.

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EXERCISE 10. Put the following words and phrases into the correct column below.

greedy careless conceited vain hard working ambitious

kind gentle moody shy quick-tempered quiet

friendly good-fun intelligent selfish stubborn

Good traits of character Bad traits of character

EXERCISE 11. Use these words in the sentences.

friendly conceited kind vain hard working quick-tempered careless

gentle moody shy quiet ambitious good fun greedy

1. I don't like Chris. He is really ........................ and thinks he is the best student in

the class. He is also very ....................... . He wears expensive clothes and loves

looking at himself in the mirror.

2. Mandy is really ............................ , she laughs and smiles a lot.

She is also very ................................... and likes meeting people.

3. Kim is very .......................... and often works during the breaks and after school.

She is also very .................................. and one day wants to be a famous dancer.

4. I feel sorry for Simon. He is very .......................... especially when a girl he likes

doesn't like him. He is also .............................. and can get angry very easily.

5. I think Kate is really nice. She is very .......................... and ........................... .

She likes helping people and never gets angry.

6. Alice is very ........................................ . She blushes very easily.

She is very ....................................... and doesn't like talking much.

7. Jane doesn't give any pen to her classmates, she is ..................................... .

8. Tom's clothes are always dirty. He is very ....................................... .

EXERCISE 12. Write your name vertically.

Write the words that describe your personality.

Example: P atient

E nergetic

T rue friend

E nthusiastic

R omantic

EXERCISE 13. Find the twelve hidden words:

greedy lazy noisy stupid

shy jealous frank careless

angry patient kind cruel









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Match the situations in A with the feelings in B.


1 When I saw a huge dog A I feel so guilty.

2 I'm having my English test tomorrow. B I was very tired.

3 I saw my boyfriend with Jane. C I was really confused.

4 I forgot about my friend's birthday. D I was really scared.

5 I didn't tell her the truth. E I am nervous.

6 I worked hard yesterday in the evening. F I feel so proud!

7 My daughter has become a lawyer. G I'm jealous.

8 They talked about their problems all evening. H I was shocked.

9 I came home and found a stranger on the sofa. J I was so bored.

10 She was so violent that I I was so surprised.


Translate into English.


1. Джейн ще дитина.

2. Я не розумію, що моя дочка побачила в ньому.

3. Твій двоюрідний брат зовсім не цікавить мене.

4. Мій зять дуже захоплюється новим комп'ютерним програмуванням.

5. С'юзі подобається двоюрідний брат мого друга.

6. У Мері двоє дітей: хлопчик-підліток та дівчинка, яка тільки починає ходити.

7. Ліз фліртує з Джеком.

8. Енн не перестає сперечатися з Томом.

9. Ніщо не могло врятувати їхній шлюб.

10. Чому твої батьки розлучилися?

11. Моя племінниця покинула свого чоловіка два роки тому.

12. Я в захваті від твого племінника!


1. Том дуже високий та худий. У нього орлиний ніс, сиві борода і вуса.

2. Джері - низенький та кремезний. У нього кругле обличчя, зморшкувате чоло,

руде кучеряве волосся, густі брови та прямий довгий ніс.

3. Енн - природна білявка. У неї зелені очі, гарні губи та чудовий «кінський

хвіст». Вона висока та струнка.

4. Мій дядько лисий і веснянкуватий. У нього овальне обличчя та великі

проникливі блакитні очі. Він повний й низенький, але онуки обожнюють його.

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1. Я ненавиджу дощ.

2. Том жадібний та завжди в поганому настрої.

3. Я ще ніколи не бачив такої пихатої та марнославної людини.

4. У мене Кет - найкраща подруга. Вона добра, сором'язлива, спокійна.

5. Чому ти такий впертий? Твої егоїстичні плани зруйнують твою кар'єру.

6. Твоя легковажна поведінка лякає мене.

7. Аліса дуже запальна, але в неї є почуття гумору.


1. Вчора я дуже втомився і не пішов на тренування.

2. Коли я побачила чорну кішку, то дуже злякалася.

3. Я дуже нервую: завтра d мене останній іспит.

4. Я був просто шокований, коли почув її історію.

5. Мене дуже вразила її зухвала поведінка.

6. Я почуваю себе винним. Коли я побачив Мері з іншим хлопцем, я почав

ревнувати і не розповів їй про твою пропозицію.

7. Я просто збентежений! Як ти міг розповісти все цьому запальному хлопцеві?

8. Я пишаюся тим, що вивчив усі незнайомі слова та добре склав тест.


Draw your family tree. Write a composition about your relatives.

Dwell on the following questions.

1. What are the names of your relatives? How old are they?

2. What do they look like?

3. What kind of people are they?

4. How do you feel when you have to spend the whole day with them?


Your immediate family: your mother, father, brothers and sisters, or, if you are

married, your husband, wife and your children.

Your relatives: all your immediate family plus your grandparents, uncles, aunts

and cousins.


Write your comment on the following proverbs.

• Appearances are deceitful.

• Handsome is that handsome does.

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Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.


Read the text below.

Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Write your answers on answer sheet A.

Alice is 18. She studies at the London School of Music and Dance. Alice is

talking to her best friend about her groupmates.

"I don't like Chris. Though he is very popular with our girls, I think he is

conceited and (1) .................... .

His suits are very expensive, and he loves looking at himself in the mirror.

He is also (2) ................ . One minute life is wonderful and the next minute he

gets angry. When he starts (3) ................ somebody, all students in the school

know about this. Moreover, he is (4) ................. : he is always trying to grab

more than he needs.

My favourite character is Debbie. She is very (5) ............ . She often stays at

school after classes.

She likes helping people, she is very kind and (6) ................. .

Kate is a daughter of my mother's sister. She is my (7) ................ . Kate is in

her early twenties. She is 1.50 m. tall and weigts 47 kg. She is (8) ................. and

(9) ................ . Kate is married. Her daughter, Deborah, is 18 months. Deborah

is a (10) .................... . Kate doesn't like when her husband speaks to other girls.

She is (11) ................. . I was really (12) ................. when Kate said they would

split up if her husband didn't stop getting on her nerves. I think she is not right."

1 A shy B vain С crazy D friendly

2 A amuzing B kind С cruel D moody

3 A meeting B flirting С dating D gathering

4 A greedy B ambitious С jealous D patient

5 A lazy B quiet С hard working D inactive

6 A gentle B careless С cruel D proud

7 A sister-in-law B niece С cousin D aunt

8 A low B short С tall D high

9 A stocky B slim C plump D little

10 A baby B child С teenager D toddler

11 A jealous B bored С confused D quilty

12 A amazed B tired С happy D shocked

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baby; generation; child / kid; preschooler; teenager / youth / adolescent;

adult / grown-up; middle-aged; elderly; old; to be in one's early forties;

to be in one's late twenties; to turn 17; to be retired; 3 years younger / older than;

first name; patronymic; surname / family name; full name; nickname; namesake;

to name after.

Love and romance

to be / fall in love; boyfriend; girlfriend; relationship; to be interested in smb.;

to be crazy about smb.; to flirt with smb.; a casual relationship; to adore;

a brief relationship; to go out together; to date.

The end of a relationship

to finish with; never stop fighting; to split up; to have a large row;

not to be right for; to be through with, to break up with.


to get engaged; wedding; marriage; to set a date; fiance; fiancee; bride; groom;

clergyman; bridesmaids; church wedding; registry office;

silver wedding; golden wedding.

When things go wrong

to destroy one's marriage; to break up; to get a divorce; to leave smb.;

to get custody of the children; to save one's marriage;

to separate; ex-wife; ex-husband; to go one's separate ways; to drift apart.


death; grave; cemetery; coffin; to bury.


aunt; uncle; nephew; niece; (great)grandparents; ancestors; cousins;

mother-in-law; stepdaughter / stepson; stepparents / foster parents;

to bring up / to raise; to adopt; to spoil; to be strict to; obedient / disobedient;

mindful son; indulging mother; protective parents; to feel secure;

close up family; immediate family.

workmate; partner; classmate; pen-friend; flatmate; fellow student; colleague;

companion; acquaintance; to be on friendly terms; to get along well.

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tall; short; stocky; slim; well-built;

to be overweight; plump; skinny; fat;

wide-shouldered; graceful;

thick/ natural / dyed / curly / straight hair;

chestnut / blond / fair / grey / red / bleached hair;

long / short / loose / plaited hair;

pigtails; pony tail; braids; crew cut; fringe;

round/oval face;

chin; ears.

blue /green / hazel / large / far-set / shrewd / piercing / cold / dreamy eyes;

long thick eyelashes; eyebrows;

pink / pale / with dimples cheeks;

fair / dark / tanned / flawless skin;

even / regular / artificial teeth;

long / short / straight / turned-up / aquiline nose;


sensitive; thoughtful; self-confident;

generous; hard-working; outgoing;

cheerful; amusing; polite; persistent;

loyal / faithful; ambitious; trustworthy;

creative; honest; sensible; easy-going

arrogant; absent-minded;

aggressive; vain; moody;

selfish; stubborn; silly;

bossy; rude; greedy;



a gossip; an extrovert; a big-head; a couch potato; a laugh;

a snob; a coward; a liar; a lazybones; a chatterbox; a slowcoach.


jealous; scared; confused; guilty;

nervous; excited; embarrassed; proud;

surprised; shocked; amazed; exhausted; disgusted;

stunned; horrified; terrified; relieved;

ashamed; tired; worried; relaxed.

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EXERCISE 1. Match types of the house with their peculiar features.


1 a cottage A

is rather small, usually one-storeyed, sometimes

on the coast in a warm climate

2 a detached house B is large, consists of a number of flats, in the city

3 a semi-detached house C is rather small, separate, usually out of the city

4 a bungalow D is separate, rather big, usually in the suburbs

of the city

5 a block of flats E is usually for two owners, in the suburbs of the city


Fill in the parts of the house.

Use the following words:

garden window door path

roof stairs garage balcony


A. Can you name these rooms?

Fill in the gaps.

В. Match the room with what you can do in it.

1 You relax and watch TV A in the bathroom

2 You cook B in your bedroom

3 You eat your dinner C in the lounge

4 You sleep D in the dining room

5 You have a shower E in the closet

6 You keep your things F in the kitchen

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Write a letter to your friend.

Describe your (or your friend's) house using the following words:

lovely house quiet street pleasant area wonderful view

pretty bedroom large garage beautiful garden spacious living room

huge modern kitchen comfortable dining room



Fill in the gaps. sofa living room walls furniture

carpet bookcase ceiling curtains

This is a ...................... . The ...................... in this room are yellow, the .......................

is white. There is a large ...................... on the floor. The ...................... on the window

are golden. There is not much ........................ in the room. There is a ...................... for

my favorite books, a TV set, and a ............................. on which my cat likes to sleep.


Draw your living room. Describe it to your partner. Use the following words:

carpet curtain armchair fireplace cushions bookcase vase

coffee table lamp sofa television clock picture chair



Fill in the gaps. dresser bedroom curtains blanket

window bed sheet pillows

This is a ........................... . There is a large ........................... in it. The .........................

on the window are rosy. There is a .................................. in the middle. There is a rosy

...................... , two .......................... on it. The .......................... is also rosy. There is a

................................ in the corner.


Describe the bathroom using the following words:

bath mirror shower towel shower curtain

washbasin towel rail toilet shampoo toothpaste

soap shaving foam comb razor



Describe the kitchen using the following words:

fridge cooker dishwasher washing machine

sink tap cupboard saucepan frying pan

knife fork spoon plate napkin cup bowl

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Match the verbs on the left with the nouns on the right.

1 make A the oven

2 water B the table

3 sweep C the plants

4 wipe D the bed

5 clean E the floor


Answer the questions.

1. Who does the washing in your family?

2. Who does the dusting in your family?

3. Who does the washing up in your family?

4. Who does the cooking in your family?

5. Who does the ironing in your family?

6. Who does the gardening in your family?



Match the names of equipment in A with their definitions in B.


1 vacuum cleaner A a tool for cleaning made of cloth

2 iron B a device that is used for pressing cloth

3 bucket C an electric appliance for cleaning carpets

4 mop D a container for carrying smth


Match the words in A with their translations in B.


1 scissors A ліхтарик

2 nail B голка

3 glue C клей

4 screw D плоскогубці

5 hammer E молоток

6 ladder F нитка

7 needle G цвях

8 thread H сходи, драбина

9 pliers I ножиці

10 torch J гвинт, болт, шуруп

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Jack is very unhappy. He is writing to his sister.

Read the letter and translate it into Ukrainian.

Dear Maria,

Thank you for your letter. You asked me about my weekend. Frankly speaking, it

wasn't the best one in my life. Sunday morning was the day after the fancy-dress

party. I woke up late and wasn't feeling very well. I went to the kitchen and found out

that the hot water tap was dripping. The drain was blocked and the radiator was

leaking. When I came into the dining room I saw that there were stains on the carpet,

it was ruined! I wanted to open the window, but I couldn't. It was stuck. The lock

hasn't been fixed. There was something wrong with the light switch. I called my friend

and asked him for help. What happened next...

Sorry, I have to go. I'll write to you soon. Remember me to our friends.

With love, Jack

ЗАПАМ'ЯТАЙ! Fix is more informal than mend or repair.

Mend suggests making something that has been broken or

damaged (mend a piece of china).

Repair suggests a skillful mending of a complicated thing that

has been damaged very much (repair a car).


Translate into English.

A. Дебора мешкає у власному будинку, який розташований у затишному місці

на тихій вулиці. Біля дому — чудовий сад. У домі багато кімнат: простора

вітальня, зручна столова, величезна, сучасно об-ладнена кухня, гарна спальня.

Під будинком — великий гараж. Дебора хоче купити новий «мерседес».

B. Мені дуже подобається вітальня Дебори. Посередині на підлозі —

величезний зелений килим. У кімнаті шовкові штори. Праворуч — камін. Поряд

із каміном стоїть диван із подушками. Біля дивану — лампа, стіл для кави, на

ньому — ваза з квітами. Ліворуч — книжна шафа, телевізор, крісло. На стіні —

красивий годинник.

C. Спальня в Дебори невелика, але дуже гарна. Ліжко біля стіни. На ньому —

рожеві покривало, простирадло та подушки. Біля ліжка — туалетний столик. У

спальні — велике вікно. Вікно закривають штори з рожевим візерунком.

D. Ванна кімната в Дебори невелика, але зручна. Зліва біля стіни — ванна з

душем. Справа — умивальник. Біля нього на вішалці висить рушник. На стіні —

дзеркало. Над умивальником — полиця. На полиці — шампунь, зубна паста,

мило, щітка для волосся. Праворуч від умивальника — унітаз.

E. У Дебори сучасна кухня. На кухні є холодильник, плита, посудомийна та

пральна машини. Праворуч — раковина, над нею — кран. На стіні — шафи.

Дебора не любить прибирати. На столі у неї — каструлі, сковорідки. Я не міг

знайти чистих ножів, виделок, ложок, чашок і тарілок. Чи є в неї серветки?

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F. Я запитав Дебору: «А хто миє посуд, готує їжу, витирає пил, пере, прасує у

твоєму домі? Ти хоч інколи працюєш у саду? Взагалі чи є в тебе пилосос,

праска, швабра та відро?» Дебора відчинила шафу та показала мені голку,

плоскогубці, молоток, цвях, ножиці, кілька шурупів. «А ще в мене є драбина та

ліхтарик», — сказала вона.

G. Коли вчора я прийшов до Дебори, то був шокований. У кухні з крана

крапала холодна вода, а батарея протікала. У вітальні килим був зіпсований

плямами. У кімнаті було душно. Я хотів відчинити вікно, але його заклинило.

Щось трапилося з вимикачем. Я не міг увімкнути світло. Я хотів покликати

електрика, але замок не відчинявся. Тільки Дебора була в чудовому настрої і

збиралася на вечірку.


Read the advertisements. Answer the questions.

Then write a rental advertisement for a newspaper about your house/ apartment.

Hollywood — furnished, 3 baths upstairs, lvgrm downstairs, garage, 3 cars, stores,

park, gym $1800/mo

New York — 8th St.2 bath, upstairs, garage — 2 cars, lvgrm, large closet, kitchen,

stove/freeze. $760/mo

Bel Air — 7th St., 1 bath, lvgrm, bedrm, large closet, stove/freezer, basem., yard,

near stores, schools. $650/mo

1. Where is the house?

2. How many rooms are there?

3. Is there a large living room (bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, garage)?

4. What is close to the house?

5. How much is the rent?


Draw а plan of your house/ apartment and tell your partner about it.


Give your partner а description of your favourite room. Let him draw your room.


Draw the house of your dream. Tell your partner about it.


You have bought an old, not expensive house.

Write a letter to your friend. Dwell on the following:

• where you live: the location, conveniences, and the price

• describe the rooms and the problems about the house

• how you would like to furnish your rooms anew

• what should be done to renovate the house.

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Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.


Read and complete the text below.

For each of the empty spaces (1—12) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Write your answers on answer sheet A.

When I was a student, I decided to (1) ....... a house with a couple of good friends.

We didn't have any stuff of our own, so we tried to find a nice (2) .......... house. We

found an advertisement and decided to speak to the landlord.

The house was half a mile from the city center. It was in a (3) .............. area and

was quite (4) ............... . We had to pay 300$ per month. But as it turned out the whole

place needed repairing.

The bathroom taps were (5) ................ , radiators were (6) ................ , the sink

was (7) ................. , and the bathroom ceiling needed fixing. Upstairs there were three

bedrooms and a study. All the carpets were (8) ................ . The landlord said he

couldn't get off a horrible brown color. Downstairs there was a kitchen, a dining room

and a spacious living-room. The kitchen was in a terrible mess, it looked like a bomb

hit it. But the landlord said that he would (9) .............. the cooker and (10) ................

all the empty bottles. When we wanted to switch on the light, we couldn't, because the

light bulb had (11) ................. . The garden was in a bit of a state too. The grass

needed (12) ................... . Though it wasn't the house of our dream we decided to

move in the next day. The landlord was happy!

1 А rent B borrow С loan D hire

2 А decorated B equipped С furnished D fitted

3 А attractive B pleasant С attracting D pleasing

4 А worthless B poor С priceless D cheap

5 А running B pouring С flowing D dripping

6 А leaking B releasing С watering D fleeting

7 А stuck B loaded С set D blocked

8 А stained B destroyed С broken D smashed

9 А clear B clean C do D make

10 А throw out B pick out С tidy up D give up

11 А fired B burnt С gone D heated

12 А scrubbing B cutting С sweeping D fixing

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1. Types of dwellings

(semi)detached house; terraced house; flat / apartment; cottage; bungalow;

block of flats; skyscraper; multi-storeyed building; mansion; villa.

2. A house and around it

roof; gate; steps; fence; garage; balcony; chimneys; hedge; lawn;

porch; veranda; kennel; drive; front / back door; window; shutters;

attic; basement; cellar; garage; gate; flower bed.

3. Conveniences

electricity; (central) heating; gas; running water; rubbish chute; telephone.

4. A room

entrance hall; kitchen; living / sitting / drawing room; study;

children's room / nursery; bedroom; bathroom; studio; pantry; ceiling;

fireplace; power point; light switch; radiator; wall; floor; wall unit; carpet;

curtain; armchair; fireplace; cushions; bookcase; stereo system; blind; sofa; rug.

5. The kitchen

cupboards; fridge; freezer; cooker; oven; microwave; dishwasher; toaster;

coffee maker; food processor; washing machine; plate; knife; dish; fork;

saucer; teaspoon; glass; tumbler; jug; cup; bowl; mug; cutlery; china;

frying pan; saucepan; kettle; salt / pepper shakers; butter dish; sugar bowl;

napkin; tablecloth; to boil; to heat.

6. The bedroom and bathroom

bed; bedside table; blanket; wardrobe; pajamas; chest of drawers; pillow; sheet;

night lamp; mirror; bath / tub; shower; bath mat; towel; tiles; washbasin;

toilet seat; toilet lid; toothpaste; sponge; soap; shaving foam; comb; razor.

7. Jobs about the house

to do / clean / tidy up a room; to do the washing; to do the dusting; to do the cooking;

to do the ironing; to sweep the floor; to mop the floor; to do the cooking;

to do the washing-up / to wash the dishes; to beat / shake / hoover a carpet.

8. Equipment

vacuum-cleaner / hoover; iron; mop; bucket; ironing board;

washing liquid / powder; brush; stain remover.

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A. Match these words with the parts of the body

in the picture.

heart leg arm spine head stomach lungs

B. Find these parts of the body in the picture.

waist back elbow foot shoulder chest

hip palm nail knee toes skull

liver kidneys nose lips eyelid eyes

neck finger cheek forehead


Match the beginning of the sentences on the left with the endings on the right.

What the organs do

1. The heart A circulates around the body supplying oхygen to the cells.

2. The skin B beats more than 100,000 times a day.

3. Blood C helps to regulate body temperature.

4. The kidneys D helps to clean the blood.

5. The liver E separate waste liquid from the blood.



Match the problems below with common medicines.

1. You can't sleep. A antibiotics

2. You have a dry cough. B painkillers

3. You have a chest infection. C eye drops

4. You have a bad backache. D cough mixture

5. You have an eye infection. E sleeping pills


Americans talk about drugs instead of tablets or pills.

In Britain drugs usually mean heroin, cocaine etc.

In the United States a chemist's is called a drugstore.

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Match the pictures with the symptoms from the table.

Which doctor will you visit if you have these symptoms?

Example: I've got a fever. I'll see a family doctor.





5. 6.



9. 10. 11. 12.


I've got a runny nose. ear specialist






I've got a heart attack.

I've got a headache.

I've got a terrible cough.

I've got a toothache.

I've got a fever.

I've got a sore throat.

I've got a stomach ache.

I've got indigestion.

I've got a sore eye.

I've got a sore finger.

I must be operated on for appendicitis.

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Act out dialogues between a doctor and a patient.

Use the information from the table below.



— sore throat — get lots of bed rest

— runny nose — eat good food

common cold — cough, headache — drink lots of liquids

— sneezing — take medicine for pain

— red eyes — if sick more than three days, see a doctor

sore throat — throat hurts — see a doctor, drink lots of liquids

— often with fever — take medicine for pain

— lungs hurt — see a doctor, get lots of bed rest

pneumonia — noise in the lungs — take antibiotics

— hurts to breathe — drink lots of liquids

— cough — take medicine for pain

— fever, throat hurts — get lots of bed rest

flu — pain in muscles — eat good food, drink lots of liquids

— headache — take medicine for pain

— coughing — see a doctor immediately

— coughing up blood — follow the doctor's orders!

tuberculosis — lose weight quickly — take antibiotics

— feel very tired — eat good food

— sweat at night — get lots of bed rest

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A. Match the verbs in A with the nouns in B.

1. join A A weight B

2. lose B a gym

3. put on C a diet

4. go on D a few kilos

5. resist E chocolates

F a health club

G anything sweet

B. Use four of the verbs above to fill the gaps in the dialogue below.

Аnn. I don't know what to do. I seem to (1) .................... weight so easily.

Every time I weigh myself, I'm a kilo heavier!

Barry. Well, you do eat a lot of fatty food — perhaps you should (2) .............. it.

Аnn. Oh, I don't know. I find it very difficult to stick to a diet.

Barry. At least you should try to cut down on all those burgers you eat.

Perhaps you could (3) .................... a gym or a health club.


Put the phrases into the correct list below.

My Mum's in really good shape. She goes to the gym twice a week and plays tennis

on Sunday. My dad, on the other hand, is really unfit. He spends all day in front of the

TV — he gets out of breath if he has to get up to answer the phone! My sister's a

swimming instructor. As you can imagine, she's as fit as a fiddle, but my brother, who

used to play rugby every weekend, has let himself get really out of condition — he

must have put on twenty kilos in the last two years. Finally, there's my grand-dad.

He's nearly eighty but he's got loads of energy. He plays golf three times a week and

jogs round the park.



Debate the picture in pairs.

I've got a toothache, my wrist hurts,

my neck aches, I've got a pain in my knee,

my nose is blocked up, I've got diarrhea.

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Match these lifestyle problems with the pieces of advice below.



My hair always feels lifeless and oily. If I wash it in the

morning, I need to wash it again when I come home from

work. And I can't get rid of the spots on my face.


If I buy a new pair of trousers, they don't fit me after a

couple of months. So now I buy all my trousers one size too

big. That way they last twice as long.


I get really breathless if I have to go upstairs nowadays.

I used to be able to run up the stairs. Now I have to stop

halfway up and have a rest.


When I come home from work, the first thing I do every

evening is pour myself a large gin and tonic. It's the only

way I can relax.


A You are simply eating too much. If you are putting weight on so quickly, you

must simply eat less and eat more healthily. Try cutting out all sugar and butter

immediately, then start cutting out other things, like cream. Change to semi-

skimmed milk.

B You're smoking too much. At the moment you are breathless. What will you do

when the doctor tells you it's cancer?

C Look carefully at your diet. Are you eating too many oily foods, like chips or

potato crisps?

D You'd be far better playing squash or tennis after work. That would help you

relax far better. You need less stress in your life.

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Discuss with a partner.

1. Why do people want to look like fashion models?

2. Why are so many people overweight?

3. What are the reasons for growing weight problem?

4. How can people avoid health problems?

5. What does the doctor do when he comes to examine you?

6. What are the symptoms of the flu (measles, appendicitis, heart attack)?

7. Describe your last visit to the doctor.

8. Make a list of bad habits that you or someone in your family has.

9. Make a list of your lifestyle changes in the past few years.

10. How would you like to change your lifestyle?


When you join any health club, you have to fill out an application for membership.

Fill out the membership application for yourself.


5286 Prince Street

Winfi eld, New York 11500

swimming pool

tennis courts

exercise room

running track

health food restaurant

aerobics classes

group trips—skiing,

mountain climbing, and many more

Name Sex: Male Female

(Circle one)

Date of birth

Address Telephone

Height Weight


I. Do you have any health problems? (If yes, explain)

II. Things you like to do:

1. Things you'd like to learn how to do at the club:

2. Trips you'd like to take with the club:


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Translate into English.


1. Я звичайна людина: у мене є голова, шия, два ока, два вуха, ніс, губи,

дві руки, дві ноги.

2. Де в тебе талія?

3. Покажи на малюнку людини спину, лікоть, плече, грудну клітку, стегно.

4. Чи у Пітера міцні мускули?

5. У мене п'ять пальців на руці та п'ять на нозі.

6. У неї довгі нігті.

7. Я знаю, де знаходяться печінка, легені, шлунок та нирки.

8. У мене серце шалено б'ється, коли я бачу Дебору.

9. Ти маєш знати, що кров приносить клітинам кисень, а печінка очищує кров.

10. Шкіра допомагає регулювати температуру тіла.


1. У мене дуже болять голова та горло, а ще в мене сильний кашель і нежить.

Доктор прописав антибіотики та мікстуру від кашлю.

2. У мене болить зуб, але я не піду до дантиста. Я краще прийму снодійне.

3. У моєї сусідки лихоманка, а вона не хоче викликати терапевта.

4. У неї дуже сльозяться очі. їй треба сходити до окуліста.

5. У Джека дуже болить живіт. Я думаю, що в нього порушення травлення.

Йому треба піти до хірурга або дієтолога.

Але він не хоче і лише приймає знеболювальні таблетки.


1. Тобі треба записатися в спортивну секцію.

2. Я набрала три кілограми, мені необхідно сісти на дієту.

3. Якщо хочеш схуднути, відмовся від шоколаду, солодощів і хліба.

4. Моя сестра в чудовій формі. У неї гарне здоров'я, і вона в доброму гуморі.

У неї безліч енергії.

5. Джек не в добрій формі. Він погладшав, йому важко дихати.

Але він не хоче відмовлятися від кави та цигарок.


Last weekend you got ill and couldn't visit your friend.

Write a letter to him.

Dwell on the following questions:

• specify the symptoms of your illness

• describe your visit to the doctor

• detail the medical advice the doctor gave

• explain what the doctor recommended you to change in your way of life.

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Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.

TEST Read and complete the text below.

For each of the empty spaces (1—12) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Write your answers on answer sheet A.

GESTURES Some gestures are used by all British and American people. Many are

appropriate in informal situations; others are considered rude. Some people make

many gestures when they speak, so they are said to talk with their (1) ............... .

People nod (move their (2) ................ gently up and down) to indicate "yes".

(3) ............ the head from side to side means "no". When somebody (4) ............

this gesture with the eyes wide open it indicates disbelief. If there is a (5) ............

smile then the person is also amused.

Pointing with the (6) .............. (first finger) at somebody or something shows

which person or thing you want or are talking about. If you stick your fingers in

your (7) ............. you cannot stand the noise of something.

People often shake (8) .............. when they are introduced to each other or

when they make agreement.

Sometimes people (9) ............... their feet (usually one foot) on the floor in

time to music, but more often the gesture shows that they feel impatient.

Raising (10) .............. with the eyes wide open or blinking (closing and

opening both eyes very quickly) expresses surprise, shock or sometimes

disapproval. Wrinkling the (11) ............... (moving it up and to one side) suggests

that there is a bad smell.

Some gestures have several meanings, (12) .............. the context.

1 А faces B arms С hands D appearances

2 А forehead B head С skull D face

3 А Putting B Placing С Shrugging D Shaking

4 А makes B fulfils С acts D produces

5 А small B little С slight D light

6 А thumb B nail С forefinger D toe

7 А eyes B ears С mouth D nose

8 А fists B hands С shoulders D palms

9 А tap B hit C clap D cross

10 А eyeballs B eyelashes С eyebrows D eyelids

11 А tongue B lip С teeth D nose

12 А concentrating on B depending on С dealing with D caring for

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1. Feeling ill

to get a cold; to have a headache; to get the flu; to have pain; to have jetlag;

to feel run down; to have a splinter in one's hand; the nose is blocked up;

to have diarrhea; to feel dizzy; to have indigestion; running nose; sore throat;

red rush; red spots; stomachache.

2. Injuries

blood; scar; bruise; wound;

to be unconscious;

to be bleeding; to be bruised;

to be swollen; to have a black eye.

3. At the doctor's

dietician; optician; physiotherapist;

pediatrician; rheumatologist.

4. Medicines

sleeping pills; antibiotics; painkillers;

eye drops; cough mixture;

herbal remedies; massage; aromatherapy;

injection; homeopathy.

5. A healthy lifestyle

to be in good shape; to be unfit;

to get out of breath; to be as fit as a fiddle;

to have loads of energy.

6. Watching your weight

to weigh oneself;

to stick to a diet;

to cut down on burgers;

to give up smoking;

to avoid stressful situations.

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EXERCISE 1. Match the words in A with their definitions in B.

1 breakfast A A the desire for food B

2 lunch B the main evening meal

3 dinner C the condition of being very hungry

4 supper D grilling food outside

5 snack E a quick and easy meal

6 appetite F the first meal of the day

7 starvation G the meal eaten around midday

8 barbeque H a small meal eaten just before you go to bed

EXERCISE 2. Match the sentences in A with the comments in B.


1 Is dinner nearly ready? А I've lost my appetite.

2 I don't know what's wrong with


В It's really given me an appetite. 3 No more for me, thanks. С It'll spoil my appetite.

4 I'm glad we went for that walk. D I'm starving.

5 I shouldn't eat chocolate before


Е I'm full.

EXERCISE 3. Discuss with the partner.

1. At what time do you have breakfast/dinner/supper?

2. Where do you usually have breakfast/dinner/supper?

3. What is your favorite meal (dish, course)?


meal time of eating We have three meals a day: breakfast, dinner and supper.

dish cooked food of one kind Baked apples are my favorite dish.

course a part of a meal We had a three course dinner. The first course was soup.


EXERCISE 4. Put the different types of meat below into the correct place.

beef lamb pork chicken ham turkey liver veal bacon duck kidney fowl

pig sheep poultry cow inside an animal

1. 1. 1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2. 2.

3. 3.


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EXERCISE 5. Match the nouns in A with their Ukrainian equivalents in B.

1 salmon A форель

2 trout B лосось

3 tuna С камбала

4 lobster D омар, рак

5 crab E тунець

6 prawn F креветка

7 plaice G краб

EXERCISE 6. Complete the following sentences with the words below.

A. sour burnt fresh

1. Oh, sorry! The toasts are ........................................ . I'll make some more.

2. I wouldn't drink that milk if I were you. It doesn't smell very ................................. .

3. This milk tastes a bit ................... . Did somebody forget to put it back in the fridge?

B. tasty/delicious off/disgusting a bit overdone (underdone)

1. This fish smells a bit ................................. . - Yes, it's absolutely ............................. .

2. The chicken looks very .............................. . - It's absolutely .................................. .

3. The steak is ......................................... .


EXERCISE 7. Match the words with the pictures.


apple pear cherries bananas pineapple strawberries

lemon grapes raspberry plum blackcurrant pomegranate

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

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potato carrot cabbage cauliflower sweet pepper onion

peas tomato mushroom aubergine sweet corn cucumber


EXERCISE 8. Match the verbs with the pictures.

A. grate squeeze beat slice chop peel

B. fry boil grill steam roast

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EXERCISE 9. Read the recipe and translate it into Ukrainian.


1 large aubergine

1 pound minced beef

1 teaspoon oregano

12-ounce tomato juice

8 ounces mozzarella cheese

1 tablespoon chopped onion

salt and pepper to taste

2 teaspoons grated Parmesan cheese

1 tablespoon fresh chopped basil

1 clove garlic, crushed

About half an hour before cooking, peel skin from aubergine and slice it.

Brown meat in a pan, add tomato juice, basil, oregano, garlic, and onion.

Add pepper, and salt if desired. Coat a casserole dish with cooking oil and

layer, alternately, meat sauce, aubergine, and mozzarella.

Finish with meat sauce and sprinkle Parmesan over the top.

Bake at 350 degrees until aubergine is soft, about 35 to 45 minutes.

EXERCISE 10. Sometimes it is difficult to know which word to use when you

mean "a small piece / part of something".

This algorithm will help you to find the right word.



a piece of cake a drop of water



a bit of ( ... ) a grain of salt a crumb of bread a pinch of salt



a slice of bread a bar of chocolate a chunk of meat/bread a lump of sugar

EXERCISE 11. Look at the pictures.

Say "a part of something" using the words from exercise 10.

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EXERCISE 12. Work with a partner. Discuss your favorite course with him/her.

Share your recipes. Use the information from the table below.

Some cooking terms

It's cooked in a large pan.

It's baked in the oven.

It's fried in oil (bacon, eggs, potatoes, fish).

It's boiled (meat, potatoes, cabbage, eggs, milk).

It's roasted (meat, fowl, potatoes).

It's seasoned to taste with salt and pepper.

It's served with rice/pasta/vegetables.

We peel (slice, chop, grate, mince).

Some ingredients










EXERCISE 13. Larry and Marry are in the restaurant.

Put the conversations in the right order.

A. Larry.

Waiter. Excuse me. Could I have the bill, please?

Certainly, sir.






It was a lovely meal, Larry. Thank you very much.

That's all right, Marry. Would you like another cup of coffee?

No, thanks. I've had enough. Thank you.

I'll get the bill, then.

C. Larry.



Oh, all right. I'll have a steak, then. Well-done, please.

Vegetables, sir?

Yes. Some green beans. And some boiled potatoes, please.






Good evening.

Good evening. Could we have a table for two, please?

Certainly, sir. Would you like to sit over here?

Oh, yes. Thank you.

E. Waiter.



And for you, sir?

I'll have soup to start with, please. Then I'll have chicken casserole with ...

I'm sorry, sir. The chicken casserole is all gone.

F. Marry.

Larry. Oh, dear! That's very expensive, Larry.

No problem, Marry. I've got plenty of money. Now, where is my wallet?






Would you like to order now?

Yes. I think I'll have melon to start with, please. Then I'll have a steak with

French fried potatoes.

How would you like your steak, madam? Rare, medium or well done?

Medium, please. And I'll have a side salad.

H. Waiter.



Would you like something to drink?

Can I have a glass of red wine, please?

I think I'll have a lager, please. And could I have some water?






Oh, no! How embarrassing!

What is it, Larry?

I've left my wallet at home.

Oh, Larry.

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EXERCISE 14. Translate into English. A. 1. Я не знаю, що зі мною. 3. Я страшенно голодний! Коли буде обід?

2. Я зовсім утратив апетит. 4. Не слід перекушувати перед барбекю.

5. Давай прогуляємося до ланчу, щоб мати добрий апетит.

6. Хочеш ще чогось? — Ні, дякую. Я наївся.

B. 1. Лосось погано пахне, він гидкий.

2. Ця недосмажена яловичина зіпсувала мені апетит.

3. М'ясо порося - свинина, корови - яловичина або телятина, вівці - баранина.

4. Курча, качка та індичка - свійська птиця.

5. Я не люблю печінку свійської птиці.

6. Я ніколи не куштувала омарів, крабів та креветок.

7. Форель виглядає смачно. Я думаю, що вона чудова!

8. Ця камбала несвіжа.

9. Не пий молоко. Воно кисле. 10. Свинина підгоріла. Вона гидка.

C. 1. Більш за все мені подобаються банани, апельсини, полуниця та малина.

2. Для моєї дружини легка закуска - це груша або персик, також вона дуже

любить яблука та виноград.

3. Вона голодує, відмовляється від м'яса та риби, але кожен день їсть один лимон,

апельсин, ананас та 300 грамів слив.

4. Ця вишня кисла. 5. Ти любиш диню?

D. 1. Я готую м'ясо у великій сковорідці.

2. Діана смажить рибу в олії, а я люблю запікати в духовці.

3. Скільки хвилин ти вариш картоплю?

4. Для того щоб приготувати мою улюблену страву, я беру м'ясо, приправляю

його сіллю та перцем і смажу з цибулею 30 хвилин. Його добре подавати з

рисом, овочами або макаронами.

5. Ти любиш хліб із маслом?

6. Я ненавиджу гіркий перець, оцет та гірчицю, але люблю часник.

7. Я буду чистити картоплю, а ти пропусти м'ясо через м'ясорубку.

8. Натри мені, будь ласка, сиру.

9. Спочатку наріж м'ясо, відбий, приправ сіллю та перцем, а потім підсмаж в олії.

E. 1. Я хотів би замовити столик для двох біля вікна.

2. Що ви будете замовляти?

3. Я почав би з ананасового соку.

4. Я почну із супу з креветками, потім буду їсти підсмажену камбалу із салатом

із капусти, помідорів та огірків.

5. Я не люблю пересмажену яловичину. 6. Можна рахунок?

7. Я хотів би замовити омарів. — Пробачте, у нас є лише креветки.

8. Ви будете щось пити?

9. Ще кави? 10. Я не буду нічого солодкого. Я ситий.

EXERCISE 15. Write a letter to your friend about a traditional Ukrainian dinner. • describe a traditional Ukrainian dinner

• spesify the shopping list of the things you will need to buy

• characterise in detail the dishes you will cook

• write a recipe for your favorite dish.

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ВИКОНАЙТЕ ТЕСТ Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.

TEST Read and complete the text below.

For each of the empty spaces (1—12) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Write your answers on answer sheet A.

FOOD Visitors to the US think either that there is no real American food, only (1) ..........

borrowed from other countries, or else that the Americans eat only "fast food". While

there is some truth in both these impressions, real American food does exist.

The British also have a poor (2) ........ for food. Visitors to Britain often (3) ...........

that food in restaurants is badly presented, overdone and has no taste. But the best

English food is not generally found in restaurants but in people's homes. Certain foods

are considered essential to traditional British cooking and form the basis of most

meals. These (4) ............. bread, pastry and (5) ............ products such as milk, cheese

and eggs. Potatoes, especially chips, are eaten at lunch or dinner. A (6) ..............

potato (a potato baked whole in its skin) with cheese is a popular "pub lunch". Good

(7) ............... home cooking, i.e. food prepared without spicy or creamy sauces, is

something the British are proud of. People's interest in trying new recipes is

encouraged by the many cookery programs on TV. Famous TV (8) ................ include

Della Smith and Ainsley Harriott. They give advice about healthy eating. The main

idea is to (9) ............... the amount of fatty foods and sugar and to (10) ...............

people to eat more fruit and vegetables.

When British and American people (11) .................... they can choose from a

wide range of eating places: burger bars, pizzerias, fast food outlets. They seem to be

(12) ................ a battle between what they want to eat and what is good for them.

1 А courses B meals С dishes D stuff

2 А taste B status С experience D reputation

3 А complain B argue С discuss D persuade

4 А have B include С consist D mean

5 А dаiry B organic С fatty D vegetarian

6 А coat B dressed С jacket D peeled

7 А easy B simple С ordinary D plain

8 А chefs B bosses С chiefs D directors

9 А ignore B miss С reduce D neglect

10 А encourage B help С convince D assure

11 А take out B eat out C get out D stay out

12 А playing B fighting С struggling D combating

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1. Eating out

cafe; restaurant; pub; sandwich bar;


to book a table; to order one's food;

to have a starter / the main course / a dessert;

to pay the bill;

to leave a tip.

2. Cooking

to fry; to boil; to roast;

to bake; to grill; to steam;

to grate; to squeeze;

to beat; to slice; to chop; to peel.

3. Meat, fish and groceries

beef, lamb; liver; veal; pork; bacon;

chicken; duck; ham; turkey, fowl;

salmon; prawn; trout; tuna;

cereal; flour; mustard.

4. Fruit and vegetables

apple; cherries; grapes;

currants; pineapple;

peach; plums; water-melon;

strawberry; raspberry;

potato; carrot;

cabbage; beans;


onion; garlic;

peas; pepper; cucumber.

5. Talking about food

to have breakfast / lunch / dinner / supper;

a snack;

to starve;

tasty; delicious; tender; wonderful;

revolting; disgusting.

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Read the text below.

For questions (1-5) choose the correct answer (A, B or C).


School usually means the same in American English as in British English, but

sometimes it can also mean 'university'. If a parent says 'I work during the mornings

when the children are at school', it means that the children are young and are probably

at elementary school. But 'My youngest son is always at school now' almost certainly

means that he has started university in another city.

Many Americans send their children to a nursery school, or to day care or pre-

school at an early age. At 5 children go to kindergarten. As in Britain US schools are

divided into primary and secondary, but these words are rarely used. It is more

common to talk about elementary school, junior high school and high school and the

grade, or year group, students are in. Elementary schools teach children from

kindergarten till the end of sixth grade. Grades seven and eight are taken at junior high

school, and the ninth to the twelfth grades at high school.

1. In American English "school" is a .................... .

A secondary school

B university

С secondary school + university

2. As a rule "to be always at school" means .................... .

A to go to university

B to spend a lot of time at school

С not to miss classes

3. Before five children .................... .

A go to kindergarten

B attend a day care school

С stay at home

4. The word "grade" is closest in meaning to .................... .

A month

B term

C year

5. Grade "four" corresponds to .................... .

A elementary school

B high school

С junior high school

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EXERCISE 2. Match different places in A with their definitions in B.


1 hall A where you play football and other sports

2 playground B the teachers' room

3 classroom C where students go during breaks

4 gym D a quiet place to read or look things up

5 staff room E where you have most of your lessons

6 playing fields F a special room where you can do experiments

7 physics lab G a big room where the whole school can meet for assembly

8 library H where you do PE (physical exercises)

EXERCISE 3. Match the school staff in A with their job descriptions in B.


1 head of department A I teach volleyball and other sports.

2 PE teacher B I'm the head of the school.

3 learning support assistant C I provide extra help in the classroom.

4 caretaker D I make sure the doors are locked at night.

5 librarian E I'm in charge of the library.

6 deputy head F I'm number 2!

7 lab technician G I help the science teachers prepare their experiments.

8 principal H I run the English department.

EXERCISE 4. Match the subjects in A with their definitions in B.


1. history

2. maths

3. physics

4. chemistry

5. geography

6. information


7. biology

A deals with living things

B deals with the compositions and properties of substances

C deals with the location of living and nonliving things on earth

D a branch of knowledge that records and explains past events

E the science that studies numbers, quantities and the relation

between them

F deals with the facts about matter and motion and includes

mechanics, heat, light, etc

G deals with computers

EXERCISE 5. A. Tell your partner what you must or mustn't do in class.

Use the prompts.

eat in class, chew gum, write on the walls, sleep in class,

keep the classroom clean, be quiet in class, cheat in tests,

talk to each other, bring pets into school, fight in class


B. Make three rules for your school.

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Read and complete the text below.

For each of the empty spaces (1—12) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

GOING TO UNIVERSITY IN BRITAIN After school many British students go to university. They (1) ............. to several

universities and receive (2) ............... of a place on condition that they (3) ..............

certain grades in their A levels.

Most universities (4) .............. some money from the state. The oldest and most

famous are Oxford and Cambridge. Other much respected universities (5) ............

London, Durham and St Andrew's. Most universities have their buildings (6) ............

together on a campus.

A first degree generally takes three years. Most courses (7) ............. exams called

finals. Results are given as grades. (8) .............. may add the letters BA (Bachelor of

Arts) or BSc (Bachelor of Science) after their name. Some graduates (9) .............. to

study for a further degree, often a master's degree.

Students in Britain formerly had their tuition fees paid by the state and received a

government grant to help pay their living (10) ......... . Now, they receive only a loan,

and from 1999 most have to pay £1 000 a year. The new arrangements have (11) ........

a great deal of concern both among students and among members of the public who

(12) ............ that education should be free.

1 А go B address С assign D apply

2 А permission B offer С approval D request

3 А achieve B do С realize D reach

4 А demand B ask С earn D receive

5 А include B contain С consist of D admit

6 А collected B sorted С grouped D assembled

7 А finish B complete С stop with D end with

8 А Graduates B Tutors С Students D Sophomores

9 А leave B go on C go after D end

10 А conveniences B conditions С expenses D standards

11 А resulted B caused С made D fabricated

12 А believe B trust С doubt D suspect


University teachers are called lecturers.

In the UK the heads of university departments are Professors.

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Use these words to complete the sentences.

presentation tutor lectures seminar options handout term notes

1. I've got two ......................................... this morning.

2. I wasn't able to go to my literature lecture on Friday morning. I asked my friend to

pick up an extra copy of the ........................ and borrowed his lecture ..................... .

3. I must see my ................................... to decide what .............................. I'm going to

do next .................................... .

4. On Monday I gave a short ................................... at my English ............................... .


Use these words to complete the sentences.

finals revising paper graduation deadline coursework results term

1. - It's your last ...................................... at university, isn't it?

- Yes, I've already done my oral, so now I've got to submit four pieces of

................................................ . The ...................................... is next Friday.

2. - Hi Jane, I haven't seen you for ages!

- No, I've been at home ........................... most nights. I've got my ............................

next month. I can't wait till it's all over. Can you believe it we don't get our

.............................................. until the end of July?

3. - Overall, the exams weren't too bad but the British history .....................................

was really difficult.

4. - It's my ...................................................... ceremony next week.


Read the text below. For questions (1—3) choose the correct answer (A, B or C).

In Britain your first degree is a BA (Bachelor of Arts or Humanities) or a BSc

(Bachelor of Science). If you do post graduate study, you may get a MA (Master of

Arts) or MSc (Master of Science). Undergraduates usually write essays. A long essay

is called a dissertation. A thesis is longer still and contains original research After

several years' original research and publishing a thesis, you can get a PhD (Doctor of


1. An undergraduate degree is .................... .


2. What comes first .................... ?


3. What is longer .................... ?

A an essay B a dissertation C a thesis

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Complete the dialogues with these words and expressions.

second language strong accent mother-tongue native speaker

1. - Jack, what language do you speak in Holland?

- Well, of course, Dutch is my ......................................

but for almost everyone, English is spoken as a .......................... .

2. - Marry, you've been learning English for ten years!

- But I want to keep learning until I can speak like a.......................... .

3. - Sorry, I find it very difficult to understand you.

You've got quite a ........................................... .

- I'm sure you'll get used to it.


Choose one of the underlined words from the text as an example of each part of



English began as a West Germanic language which was brought to England by

the Saxons around 617. Old English was the spoken and written language of England

between 400 and 1100 AD. Many words used today come from old English, including

man, woman, king, mother, give and wash, as do many slang expressions and swear

words. But Old English was very different from modern English and only a few words

can be easily recognized. In the 9th and 10th centuries, when Vikings invaded

England, Old Norse words, e.g. sky, take and get and many place names, enter the

language. From the "Norman Conquest" (1066) until the late 12th century English was

replaced as the official language by Norman French, though English was still used by

the lower classes. English from about 1300 to 1500 is known as Middle English. It

was influenced by French and also Latin in vocabulary and pronunciation. French

brought many words connected with government, e.g. sovereign, royal, court, legal,

and government itself. Latin was the language of religion and learning and gave to

English words such as minister, angel, master, school and grammar. Literature began

again to be written in English.

main verb noun adjective

modal verb uncountable noun numeral

participle I definite article preposition

participle II indefinite article conjunction


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EXERCISE 12. Use these words and expressions to complete the sentences.

correct making mistakes write it down revise rub it out

look it up listen carefully repeat hand in do the exercises

1. ................................................ on page 57 for homework.

2. Don't worry about ....................................... It is important to try to communicate.

3. Don't forget you need to ........................................ your essays on Friday.

4. ........................................... after me: "I can do this exercise".

5. Remember to ........................................ the irregular verbs.

6. I'm not going to ............................................. every mistake you make.

7. If I am not sure what something means, I .................................... in my dictionary.

8. Whenever I hear a new word that I think is important, I .........................................

in my notebook.

9. I always write the answers in pencil. Then if I get one wrong, I can ........................

and do it again.

10. I'm going to play the tape, so ............................................ .

EXERCISE 13. Translate into English. А. 1. У нашій школі є все: просторі навчальні класи, класи для лабораторних робіт,

величезний зал, учительська, спортзал, спортивний майданчик та футбольне поле.

2. Директор школи та завуч завжди зустрічають дітей перед заняттями. 3. Завуч з

англійської мови - наш учитель. 4. Наш учитель фізкультури знає дві іноземні мови.

5. У школі працюють два лаборанти та бібліотекар. 6. Я люблю історію. Це цікава

наука про минулі та сучасні події. 7. Яка наука вивчає механіку, світло, тепло?

8. Математика - це наука, яка вивчає числа.

В. 1. Керівник нашої групи приніс тези лекції та нагадав про випускні екзамени.

2. Остання дата здачі курсової роботи - 20 травня. 3. Коли ми будемо знати

результати письмової роботи? 4. Коли ви будете представляти вашу роботу? 5. Мені

подобаються лекції та семінари професора Брауна. 6. У цьому семестрі я буду

вивчати інформатику факультативно. 7. Перед екзаменом слід повторити весь

матеріал. 8. У Джейн є записи всіх лекцій.

С. 1. У вас дуже сильний акцент. 2. її рідна мова - англійська, а іноземна -

українська. 3. У нас була зустріч із носієм мови. 4. Учитель не завжди має виправляти

помилки. 5. Для того щоб мати мовну практику, слід їхати в Лондон. 6. Джек щось

записав на дошці і миттєво стер. 7. Слухайте уважно і повторюйте за мною. 8. Завуч

попросила здати конспекти. 9. Коли виконуєш вправу, не лінися подивитися значення

незнайомого слова в словнику. 10. Я знаю такі частини мови: іменник, прикметник,

дієслово, артикль, числівник, прийменник, сполучник. А що таке дієприслівник?

EXERCISE 14. Write a letter to your friend about your school days.

Dwell on the following questions: • describe your school and your favorite school teacher

• rank in order of importance the subjects you studied at school and give your reasons

• write about important events in the school year

• what changes you would make in your school if you were its principal.

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Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.


Read and complete the text below.

For each of the empty spaces (1—12) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Write your answers on answer sheet A.

THE TRICK THAT FAILED Twin brothers Freddie and Felix often played tricks at school. One day they

decided to try to (1) .................... on a French exam. Freddie was very (2) ....................

learning languages and was always the best student in both Spanish and French. Felix,

however, (3) .................... in mathematics. He was not interested in languages at all.

When Felix discovered that he had to (4) .................... a standardized exam in French,

he asked his brother for help. The day of Felix's test, they met in the boys' restroom

during lunch and switched clothes.

Freddie went to his brother's French class and took the (5) .................... for him.

Meanwhile, Felix followed Freddie's schedule. After school, the twins laughed about

their trick and headed home. As they entered the house, their mother called them into

the kitchen. She was (6) ............... ! She had (7) ............... a phone call from the school

principal. The French teacher (8) ................. about the trick! "How did he know?"

cried Felix. "Easily," replied his mother. "Everyone at the school knows that one

obvious (9) ................ between you and your brother is that you are right-handed and

Freddie is left-handed. While the French teacher was (10) ............... the tests, he

noticed that the check marks on the test were (11) ................ by a left-handed person."

Felix and Freddie got into a lot of trouble that day, but they (12) ................ a valuable

lesson — and they never cheated again.

1 А deceive B lie С falsify D cheat

2 А familiar with B used to С good at D aware of

3 А talented B excelled С managed D supervised

4 А pass B learn С take D do

5 А test B option С handout D coursework

6 А guilty B furious С scared D proud

7 А taken B accepted С obtained D received

8 А heard of B looked over С found out D objected to

9 А difference B similarity C likeness D contrast

10 А looking B grading С doing D writing

11 А made B done С fulfilled D carried out

12 А taught B read С took D learned

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Certain traditional jobs are professions: the medical profession, the legal profession,

the nursing profession and the teaching profession.


Match the positions in А with the job descriptions in В.


1 receptionist A repairs cars

2 sales manager B is responsible for selling the goods

3 mechanic C welcomes visitors and deals with their enquiries

4 plumber D installs wiring and sockets

5 electrician E installs and repairs pipes


Lawyer is a general word for both solicitors and barristers.

In Britain only a barrister is allowed to address the court in the most important cases.


Match the professions in А with the definitions in В.


1 solicitor A treats sick animals

2 doctor B performs operations in hospital

3 vet C helps to look after patients

4 surgeon D deals with routine legal work

5 nurse E looks after your teeth

6 teacher F presents criminal cases in court

7 dentist G treats patients

8 barrister H gives children an education


Use these words in the sentences below.

firefighter police officer pilot soldier paramedic sailor

1. John's a ................................... in the Royal Navy.

2. He's a .................................... in the fire brigade.

3. He's a .................... in the ambulance service.

4. I'm joining the army to become a .................................... .

5. My father was a ................................... in the air force.

6. He's a senior ..................................... .

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Match the word in A with a word in B to make the name of a job.

1 taxi A A guard B

2 shop B instructor

3 bank C assistant

4 driving D clerk

5 security E driver


Match the words with the pictures.





ballet dancer


shop assistant

police officer









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EXERCISE 6. Job or work?

Complete the sentences with the necessary word.

1. I'm a bit nervous. I'm starting a new .................... next week.

2. I hear you're a lorry driver. I bet that's hard .................... , isn't it?

3. I didn't really want to go back to .................... after I had the baby.

4. I'm sorry, I can't stop now. I've got a lot of .................... to do.

5. He's got a pretty good .................... .

6. I hope to find some casual ............... while I'm at college - working in a bar or a shop.

7. I want to do something a bit different. I wouldn't like a regular nine-to-five ........... .

EXERCISE 7. Job or career?

Complete the sentences with the necessary word.

1. Peter started as the office junior. Now he's a supervisor.

He's had a very successful ................................ .

2. Ronaldo was the best footballer in the world until a bad knee injury ended his

.................................. .

3. Don't you think you should stop traveling and get yourself a steady ........................ ?

4. I'm planning a ................................... in politics when I leave university.


ЗАПАМ'ЯТАЙ! Your annual salary is the total amount you are paid over a year.

Salaries are paid monthly; if you are paid daily or weekly you get wages.

You are dismissed, sacked or fired if you do something wrong at work or if you do not work to

the required standard. You are made redundant when the company closes or doesn't have enough

work. In the USA a CV (curriculum vitae) is called a resume.

EXERCISE 8. Complete the sentences with the words.

long hours a company car six weeks'paid holiday a good pension scheme

well-paid run a system offlexi-time health insurance good salary

do overtime to get promoted

1. I don't work very .................... and my work isn't very .................... .

2. I got .................... and .................... .

3. They've got .................... .

4. Have a private .................... .

5. I'm on a pretty .................... but I'm hoping .................... next year.

6. I can .................... if I like. They .................... .

EXERCISE 9. Complete the sentences with the words.

stressful challenging boring satisfying repetitive

1. My job's so ................................ . It's the same thing day after day.

2. It's so .................................. . I just sit there all day filling in forms.

3. It's very ............................... to know that you've helped somebody.

4. I find it very ............................ . It requires a lot of concentration and determination.

5. This job's so ................................... . It's making me ill.

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Read the letter and complete the sentences with the words.

enclose internship completing available direct

gained advertised requires hearing 43 Broad Road

Belair NJ


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to apply for one of the (1) ............................. positions at your hotel,

(2) ......................... in the Monde Times on 18 August. As I understood there are three

positions available: switchboard operator, receptionist and restaurant hostess.

I am currently (3) ............................ HOI - Service, at the International School of

Hotel Business. As the school program (4) ......................... I am expected to find a job

for my (5) ................................. I would like to start my internship at F&B department,

because all the experience I (6) ...................... during the first year of studies, I want to

(7) ........................... to service. I (8) ................................ my CV.

I look forward to (9) .................................... from you.

Yours faithfully,

Julia Roberts


Translate into English.

A. 1. Мій знайомий - артист балету. Він пишається своїм учителем.

2. Сьогодні найкращі в Україні адвокати і юрисконсульти є випускниками

Національної юридичної академії в Харкові. 3. Шеф-кухар у ресторані -

амбіційна людина. 4. Хороші програмісти нині користуються великим попитом

роботодавців. 5. У мого зубного лікаря є міжнародний сертифікат. 6. Брат мого

чоловіка працює електротехніком. 7. Сьогодні пожежники повинні бути і

лікарями, і спортсменами, і механіками. 8. Спочатку вона працювала

медсестрою, а після закінчення медичного інституту — педіатром. 9. В Україні

багато відомих художників, музикантів, співаків. 10. Моряк мріє про море, а

льотчик - про небо. 11. Вона планувала стати ветеринаром. 12. Продавець

подякував за покупку.

B. 1. У Великобританії була запропонована хороша пенсійна система.

2. Місячна зарплата Джейн - 3000 $, а Джек отримує 1000 $ кожного тижня.

3. Енн працювала погано, і її звільнили. 4. Офіс закрився, і працівників

звільнили. 5. Пітер мав добре оплачувану роботу, медичну страховку, гнучкий

графік та велику відпустку. 6. Алекс активно працював і наприкінці року

отримав підвищення по службі. 7. Приносити користь іншим - велике

задоволення. 8. У Доллі була нудна та одноманітна робота. 9. Мене запросили

на співбесіду. 10. Відправте своє резюме на сайти відомих фірм, шукайте тих,

хто забезпечить вас хорошою зарплатою, цікавою роботою, гнучким графіком.

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Here is a business letter

from Dennis White,

the head of

a huge company,

to his business


Use this letter

as an example

to write your

own business letter.


Write your own CV.

EXERCISE 14. Write a letter to your friend about your career plans.

Dwell on the following questions: • what work is for you

• rank in order of importance the factors you find important in your future job

• rank in order of importance the occupations (5 at least)

• describe what makes them most/less important and prestigious in this society.

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Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.


Read and complete the text below.

For each of the empty spaces (1—12) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Write your answers on answer sheet A.

Jack thought it would be quite easy to find a job when he left school, but it was really

difficult. He looked through the job (1) .................... in the local paper every week, but

everybody seemed to want people with lots of (2) .................... and Jack didn't do very

well at school. He sent his (3) .................... to dozens of companies in the local area

but nobody got back to him. He must have filled in at least thirty (4) ....................

forms and he only had one reply. He went for (a) an (5) .................... last week but it

didn't go very well — they said they wanted someone more (6) .................... .

His father, Martin, also lost his job. He was (7) .................... when he was discovered

using the Internet to (8) .................... his holiday during work time. Martin was

amazed by his employer's (9) .................... . He said, "Everybody uses the internet at

work - the company can't sack us all!"

Around 250 workers (10) .................... unemployment after the company announced

that it plans to close the factory next year. 65 men will be made (11) .................... at

the end of November and a further 130 in June. The closure will have a devastating

effect in an area where 10% of the adult population is already (12) .................... .

1 А piece B division С section D magazine

2 А qualifications B habits С power D ability

3 А forms B resume С letters D records

4 А application B request С appeal D work

5 А consultation B meeting С discussion D interview

6 А experienced B polite С mature D sensitive

7 А thrown B sent С dismissed D released

8 А gain B book С obtain D acquire

9 А opinion B decision C conclusion D point

10 А see B watch С face D observe

11 А redundant B fired С expelled D poor

12 А free B available С liberated D unemployed

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Office jobs

admin assistant; receptionist; personnel manager.

Factory jobs

quality controller; managing director; supervisor;

sales manager; production manager;

mechanic; electrician; carpenter; plumber; bricklayer;

hairdresser; waiter.


teacher; doctor; dentist; barrister; solicitor; nurse; vet; surgeon.

Emergency and armed services

firefighter; soldier; police officer; paramedic; pilot; sailor.


qualification; experience; interview; CV; salary; position.


Working conditions

well-paid; to have a company car;

six weeks' paid holiday; pension scheme;

to get promoted; to work overtime; flexi time;

to get a regular pay rise;

to get a private health insurance; to go part-time;

to go up the career ladder;

to get a bonus.

Problems at work

strike; low pay; crisis; to be sacked; to be unemployed;

to be made redundant; to be fired; to be out of work; to lose one's job.

How's business?

boring; repetitive; satisfying; rewarding; challenging; stressful.

profit; to go through a bad patch; to be pretty slack; to go to the wall;

to be a market leader; to expand; to go bankrupt.

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EXERCISE 1. Put the different kinds of books into the correct column below.

encyclopedia novel biography textbook dictionary thriller detective

story cookery book travel guide classic science fiction ghost story


ЗАПАМ'ЯТАЙ! Novels are fictional stories although some are based on true events.


A. Translate the following words into Ukrainian.

1. paperback .................... 5. contents ....................

2. plot .................... 6. chapter ....................

3. cover .................... 7. preface ....................

4. title .................... 8. character ....................

B. Complete the sentences with the words given above.

1. A book with a flexible paper binding is called ...................................... .

2. ....................................... is a main division of a book or story.

3. The name given to a book is a ....................................... .

4. .......................................... is a section at the beginning that introduces a book.

5. The main story of a novel is a ........................................ .

EXERCISE 3. Put the following words and phrases into the correct column below.

absorbing amusing controversial depressing fascinating dull wise

powerful disturbing moving heavy going readable one-dimensional


EXERCISE 4. Discuss the following questions with the partner.

1. What books are you reading now?

2. Where is your favorite place to read?

3. Who is your favorite novelist?

4. Who is your favorite character? Which character do you hate most?

5. Which contemporary author do you most admire?

6. Which is the first book you can remember reading?

7. What is your favorite children's book?

8. Which book changed your life?

9. What is the most difficult book you have ever read?

10. How do you select books to read? Do you listen to advice?

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EXERCISE 5. Read the descriptions from these book covers.

Would you like to read any of these books? Which one? Why?


You can make three wishes. You can ask for three things in the world, and your wishes

will come true. 'But this cannot happen in the modern world!' you say. Well, think about it.

What can you ask for? What do you want?

When you make your wish, that is only the beginning. When you change one thing, then

you change everything in the world. One change makes another. And who knows where the

changes will end? The White family in this story can make three wishes. But they make one

small mistake. Their first wish comes true, then suddenly, their life is like a terrible dream.

W.W. Jacobs (1863—1943) was a writer of short stories. The Monkey's Paw is probably

his most famous story.


Haiti is an island where people do not always die — they only sleep. Voodoo san bring

dead people back to life. Voodoo can speak to the spirits of all things, alive or dead.

Voodoo is the magic of Haiti. There are still people, today, who use voodoo magic to speak

to the dead. Or perhaps you don't believe in magic... ?

This is a story about the fight between the old world and the new world. James Conway

wants to bring the new world to Haiti. He wants to build new houses, shops, and hotels.

Most of all, he wants to make money. Kee is an old man who understands and loves the old

world. Kee has very little money; he is not an 'important' person in the new world. But Kee

understands people. Kee understands. James Conway better than James Conway

understands himself. And Kee understands voodoo.

Michael Duckworth, the author of this story, is an experienced teacher and writer. He

lives and works near Oxford.


Do you believe in ghosts? Of course not. We like to talk about ghosts, and to tell stories

about them, but we don't really believe in them ... Do we?

In the Paris Opera House in 1880, strange things are happening. One of the dancers sees

a shadow in a dark passage. It comes through a wall in front of her, and its face has no eyes.

One of the stage workers sees a man in a black evening coat, but he has the head of a dead

man, with a yellow face and no nose. People hear a voice in another room, but the room is

empty. It is the Phantom of the Opera ...

The first story about the Phantom of the Opera was written by a Frenchman, Gaston

Leroux, in 1911. His book was very popular, and in 1925 it was made into an American

silent film, with the great Lon Chaney as the Phantom. Since then, there have been many

other films and plays, including the famous British musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber.

Jennifer Bassett, the author of this story about the Phantom, is an experienced teacher

and writer. She lives and works in Devonshire.

EXERCISE 6. Use these words to complete the sentences.

poems poetry poet verses recite

1. When we do ......................... at school, we have to learn whole ......................... by heart.

2. I hate to ......................... poems for the whole class!

3. My favorite .......................... is G. Byron.

4. I have just learned the longest poem in my life - over ten ......................... !

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An artist can also be called a painter.

A painter can also be a person who paints your house.

So, all artists are painters, but not all painters are artists.


Translate the following words into Ukrainian.

1. Oils ……………… 6. Portrait ………………

2. Watercolours ……………… 7. Battle piece ………………

3. Landscape ……………… 8. Artist ………………

4. Seascape ……………… 9. Canvas ………………

5. Still life ……………… 10. Masterpiece ………………


A. Put the following words and phrases into the correct column below.

moving dull poetic in tone and atmosphere

obscure depressing cheap and vulgar

lyrical romantic distinguished by a sense of color and composition

positive impression negative impression

B. Use the information above to improvise a conversation with a partner

about some painting. Explain what you like/dislike about it.

These words may be helpful.


What I like most ...

What's really great...

What really grabs me…

What bothers me the most ...

What turns me off…

What I hate …

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EXERCISE 9. Tick the type of music you listen to.

1. Classical 3. Jazz 5. Country 7. Reggae 9. Techno

2. Opera 4. Rap 6. Folk 8. Heavy metal 10. Pop

EXERCISE 10. А. Match the words with the pictures.

flute harp drums trumpet violin

singer piano chorus electric bass accordion

1. 2. 3. 4.





B. Complete the sentences with the following words.

string instruments classical music band vocalist

percussion instruments pop music tune chorus

keyboard instruments wind instruments conductor orchestra

1. A kind of music that many people like is called .............................. .

2. Instruments whose sound is produced by touching or moving strings are called

.............................. .

3. A(n) ................................ is an individual singer.

4. Instruments whose sound is produced by hitting one object against another are

called ............................... .

5. Instruments whose sound is produced by pushing down keys are called ................... .

6. Instruments whose sound is produced by blowing air into them are called

............................... .

7. A kind of music (especially European music of the 18th

and 19th

centuries) that is

often played by an orchestra is called .................... .

8. A group of musicians who play wind, percussion, and keyboard instruments but

generally not stringed instruments is called a(n) .................... .

9. A group of people who sing together is called a(n) .................... .

10. To adjust a musical instrument so that it plays correctly is to .................... .

11. A person who leads an orchestra is called a(n) .................... .

12. A group of musicians who play different instruments, including strings, is called

a(n) ............................. .

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Use these words to speak about your favorite band/group/album/singer.

lead singer bass player guitarist drummer keyboard player backing singers


A. Read the anecdote about the late nineteenth-century composer Gustave Mahler.

Gustave Mahler hated to wake up early. He enjoyed working at night and sleeping

during the day. One day Mahler received a notice to appear in court as a witness at

7:00 am. On the day of his court appearance, he overslept. The same thing happened a

second time. Mahler got a third notice. But this time it said if he didn't appear, he

would be thrown in jail for contempt of court. A friend of Mahler's decided to help

him. He came to Mahler's apartment and managed to get the composer dressed and

ready in time for court. As Mahler stepped outside early in the morning, he looked

around and was amazed to see crowds of people up and around. He turned to his

friend and asked in amazement, "Do all these people need to appear in court?"

B. For questions 1—5 choose the correct answer A, B or C.

1. The word "hated" is closest in meaning to .................... .

A preferred B disliked С enjoyed

2. In the passage the word "witness" is closest in meaning to .................... .

A viewer B observer С testifier

3. Which of the following does the pronoun "it" refer to?

A court B composer С note

4. The word "contempt" is closest in meaning to .................... .

A overlook B respect С violation

5. The word "amazement" is closest in meaning to .................... .

A surprise B confusion С anger


Discuss the following questions with the partner.

1. What musical genres do you know? What genre do you prefer?

2. What role does music play in your life?

3. Do you want music just to make you happy or does the music that you prefer vary

with your mood? How does it vary?

4. Do you think that at school music should be given the same emphasis as subjects

such as maths, literature, etc.?

5. What are the most popular instruments of pop groups, jazz or rock?

6. What is your favorite instrument? Can you play it?

7. Do you like opera?

8. How can you account for the large scale popularity of rock?

Is it only an entertainment to young people?

9. What is your favorite song? How does it make you feel?

Do you associate the song with a certain person or time in your life?

10. Did your taste in music change as you got older? In what way?

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EXERCISE 14. Match the word with the picture.

A. rabbit mouse horse cat dog bull







B. duck swan owl cock peacock goose

C. butterfly fly grasshopper mosquito ladybird spider

D. rat zebra camel fox rhinoceros deer

hippopotamus monkey giraffe mole hedgehog

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EXERCISE 15. Discuss with the partner.

1. Do you enjoy reading or dislike reading stories about animals?

2. What domestic animals can you name?

3. Is the cow a useful or a useless animal to man?

4. In what different ways is the cow useful to man?

5. What other animals are very useful to man?

6. What wild animals can you name?

7. Which are more useful to man, wild animals or domestic animals?

8. What are some ways in which wild animals are useful to man?

9. Which do we generally find in zoos, wild animals or domestic animals?

10. Wlmt is your favorite domestic animаl?

11. Do you find it interesting or dull to watch the animals in the zoo?

12. Is the elephant a small or a large animal?

13. Is the elephant in its native condition a wild animal or a domestic animal?

14. Is it possible or impossible to domesticate the elephant?

15. What other wild animals can be tamed or domesticated?

16. Is the peacock a bird or an animal?

17. How do you understand the expression "as proud as a peacock"?

18. Is it easy or difficult to tame a bear?

19. Which is easier to tame, a bear or a lion?

20. What do we call the man in the circus who tames the lions?

EXERCISE 16. Translate into English. A.

1. У мене вдома є багато книжок: енциклопедії, словники, книги з кулінарії.

2. Мої найулюбленіші книжки — романи про кохання та фантастика.

3. Агата Крісті — відомий автор детективів. У мене багато є її книжок.

4. Якщо я купую підручник, я завжди читаю зміст.

5. Мені дуже сподобалася глава, в якій описувалася зустріч Тома і Джері.

6. У передмові ми знайшли інформацію про те, як працювати з підручником.

7. Головний герой - невдахa, сюжет - нецікавий, персонажі - неправдоподібні.

8. Яскравий, зворушливий образ Джейн робив книжку цікавою.

9. Я вивчаю улюблені вірші напам'ять.

10. Сьогодні ввечері я буду декламувати поезію Шеллі. B.

1. Тобі подобаються картини, що написані олійними фарбами?

2. У мене вдома багато акварелі.

3. Айвазовський був великим художником-мареністом.

4. Яких українських художників-баталістів і портретистів ти знаєш?

5. Натюрморт був виконаний олівцями.

6. Який чудовий пейзаж! Просто шедевр.

7. Сюжет цього полотна зовсім не зрозумілий.

8. Ці картини відзначаються бездоганною кольоровою гамою та композицією.

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1. Чи можуть реп, поп, регі, важкий метал, вважатися класичною музикою?

2. Моя бабуся обожнює фольклорну музику.

3. Що таке кантрі-музика?

4. Скрипка та арфа - струнні інструменти, флейта й кларнет - духові, а барабан - ударний.

5. Герберт фон Караян — видатний німецький диригент.

6. Джон Леннон, лідер групи «Бітлз», був відомим гітаристом і співаком,

а Рінго Стар — барабанщиком та співаком. D.

1. Кролі - дуже привабливі домашні тварини, але потребують особливого догляду.

2. Наш кіт завжди ласується молоком.

3. Мені подобається їздити верхи, тому коні — мої улюблені тварини.

4. Кіт Том — член нашої родини, ми дуже любимо його.

5. Собака мого друга отримав медаль на виставці.

6. Корида в Іспанії — це дуже небезпечно.

7. Дикі каченята із задоволенням плавають у холодній воді.

8. Що може бути красивіше за білого лебідя?

9. Побачити сову уві сні — погана прикмета.

10. У селі нам не потрібен будильник — пісні півнів розбудять кожного.

11. Мій брат ходить гордий, як павич.

12. Кожного ранку гуси прямують до озера.

13. Я вже давно мрію відвідати музей метеликів.

14. Улітку важко позбавитися від мух.

15. Іноді я не можу заснути без скрекоту коника.

16. Важко повірити, що існує пам'ятник комару.

17. Діти дуже радіють, побачивши сонечко.

18. Мій батько дуже боїться павуків.

19. У нашому підвалі безліч пацюків.

20. Зебра — одна з найкрасивіших тварин Африки.

21. Не уявляю, як верблюди можуть декілька тижнів існувати без води.

22. Моя молодша сестра хитра, мов лисиця.

23. У міському зоопарку можна побачити навіть носорога.

24. Кожної зими мій дідусь полює на зайців.

25. Мрія мого молодшого братика — побачити справжнього жирафа.

26. Гіпопотами можуть важити до п'яти тонн.

27. Із дитинства я полюбляю спостерігати за поведінкою мавп.

28. Хоча кроти і сліпі, вони дуже швидкі.

29. Восени в лісі можна побачити їжаків.

30. Галапогоська черепаха — найбільша у світі.

31. У нашому акваріумі плавають різнокольорові рибки.

32. Укус скорпіона може мати трагічні наслідки.

EXERCISE 17. Write an essay about a song you like. Dwell on the following questions.

• Which song do you like? • Who wrote the words of the song?

• Why do you like this song? • How does it make you feel?

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TEST Read and complete the text below.

For each of the empty spaces (1—12) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Write your answers on answer sheet A.

ART GALLERIES AND MUSEUMS In Britain, works of art are (1) ............. in art galleries and, especially outside

London, in museums. Shops that sell paintings are also (2) ............. galleries. In the

US public art collections are displayed in art museums, and a gallery is a place where

people go to buy works of art.

Many galleries and museums in Britain and the US receive limited financial

(3) .............. from national or local government. Some galleries obtain money through

sponsorship. Works of art are often eхpensive and galleries can rarely buy them

without organizing a public appeal or, in Britain, (4) ............. money from the

National Art Collections Fund.

Visiting an art gallery is a popular leisure activity for a large number of British

people. Galleries and museums are friendlier places than they used to be. Many try to

(5) ............... children's interest in art by (6) .............. school visits. Most Americans

make their first (7) .............. to an art museum with their school class, but when they

are older, they usually only visit museums when they travel on vacation.

The most popular galleries in Britain, all in London, are the National Gallery,

which (8) ............... over 4 million visitors a year, the Tate Gallery, which specializes

in the work of British artists. Important art museums in the US include the

Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

Galleries sometimes mount exhibitions of the paintings of one artist, e.g. Turner,

that are brought together from all over the world. People are (9) ............. to queue for

a long time to see them. Many people admire old masters, famous works by great

artists, but have little interest in modern art. New works receive (10) .............. in the

media only when they are unusual or likely to shock people. Galleries and museums

try to encourage a more positive (11) ................ to modern art but many people

(12) .............. doubtful.

1 А presented B seen С displayed D shown

2 А said B called С known D proclaimed

3 А defense B money С protection D support

4 А asking B asking for С begging D demanding

5 А encourage B start С begin D bring

6 А arranging B doing С making D realizing

7 А voyage B trip С journey D tour

8 А receives B bears С obtains D experiences

9 А glad B prepared C happy D willing

10 А fame B celebrity С reputation D publicity

11 А attitude B position С survey D meaning

12 А continue B go С remain D rest

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1. Basic vocabulary

encyclopedia; atlas; ghost story;

textbook; detective story; novel;

dictionary; thriller; science-fiction;

poetry; a cookery book;

a travel guide; a children's book;

hardbacks; paperbacks;


chapter; playwright.

2. Poetry

poems; verses; to recite.

3. Useful expressions

I couldn't put this book down;

It's very readable;

The characters don't really develop;

This character is one-dimensional;

The chapter is heavy going;

It's such a moving story;

There is no real plot.

4. Painting

watercolour; portrait; landscape;

still life; oils;

to exhibit.

5. Other creative works

ceramics; mosaic; bust; statue; mural; sculpture.

6. Music

composer; conductor;

choir; voice;

to play the flute / the piano / the violine;

lead singer; guitarist; bass player; drummer; backing singers.

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Read and complete the text below.

For each of the empty spaces (1—12) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.


CLASSICAL MUSIC THAN WHEN THEY LISTEN TO ROCK'N' ROLL? Yes. They also (1) .............. country to rock. It seems that cows would rather

listen to mood music than to something with a strong fast beat. And in case you think

that is unfounded, you'll be relieved to discover that the question was (2) ............. by a

ten-year-old boy, who won first place in a regional science fair for his (3) .............. .

Daniel McElmurray lives on a dairy farm in Augusta, Georgia. In 2003, after

hearing his father (4) .............. the amount of milk his cows were producing, Daniel

decided to test the effect of three different types of music on milk yield: classical,

rock, and country. The cows were (5) ............ being milked to the sound of music, as

Daniel and his father always had something playing while they worked. For his

(6) ................ he played Lynyrd Skynyrd, Shania Twain, and various classical

(7) ............... . The cows responded to the classical music by producing 1,000 pounds

more of milk. Rock music proved the least productive. Daniel's (8) ............... : "I guess

a slower beat helps them (9) ................ ."

Contemporaneous research in the United Kingdom corroborated these findings.

Psychologists at Leicester University played music of different tempos to herds of

Friesian cows. Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony and Moon River had a very positive

(10) ............... on milk yield, while up-tempo tracks such as Bananarama's "Venus"

and Wonderstuff's "Size of a Cow" that of cows that listened to no music at all. The

study's leader, Dr. Adrian North, explained the results: "Calming music can improve

yield, probably because it (11) .............. stress." During the 9-week experiment the

researchers (12) ............. an increase of 3 percent in milk yield in cows that listened to

music with a slow tempo for 12 hours a day every.

1 А like B prefer С choose D favor

2 А replied B fulfilled С answered D asked

3 А efforts B plans С wishes D dreams

4 А warn about B object to С thank for D complain about

5 А accustomed to B responsible for С sick of D angry with

6 А exam B attempt С quiz D experiment

7 А creations B pieces С portions D examples

8 А definition B motive С illustration D explanation

9 А sleep B rest C relax D stay

10 А affect B effect С event D conclusion

11 А reduces B increases С stops D closes

12 А weighted B sized С determined D measured

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TASK 1 Read the texts below. Match choices (A-H) to (1-5).

There are three choices you don't need to use.


One of London's largest hotels, the Royal National offers all rooms with bath, shower,

w.c., t.v., radio and self dial telephone. Amongst the amenities of the well located hotel is

a busy cocktail bar, typical English pub, Carver Restaurant with a full range of roasts,

coffee shop, Chinese restaurant, and a recent innovation, a health food restaurant. A large

tourist hotel with a busy international flavour.


Situated in London's fashionable Sloane Square, close to the popular Knightsbridge

shops and in the heart of Chelsea, The Royal Court has been completely rebuilt inside to

create an elegant luxurious 4 star hotel. All bedrooms have private bath or shower, direct

dial telephone, colour television, in house films and room service. The restaurant The

Old Poodle Dog together with its Old English tavern and Court Cafe Bar makes this a

much sought after hotel.

3. JOHN HOWARD HOTEL 4 Queensgate Kensington SW7 5EH

Well located in Kensington, near Albert Hall, and Kensington High Street, this luxurious

hotel offers. The Captains Bar, an elegant reception lounge and 51 beautiful rooms all

en-suite. Luxury furnished apartments with reproduction antique furniture, hi-fi and

kitchen are also available at a supplementary cost. (English breakfast included)

4. COBURG HOTEL 129 Bayswater Road W2 4RJ

With its distinctive "terra cotta domes" this prominent tourist hotel offers a warm and

friendly welcome to its guests. Located in Bayswater overlooking Kensington Gardens

and close to Queensway, it is very convenient for the many ethnic restaurants in the

vicinity, Queens Ice Rink, Portobello Road, and Bayswater Sunday Art Display, Oxford

Circus are 12 minutes away. The Coburg has a pleasant lounge bar in addition to a

restaurant offering excellent food and service.

5. THE GEORGE Templeton Place SW5 9 NB

Convenient to Earls Court and Olympia Exhibition Centres, this medium grade hotel

occupies a quiet residential location in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. It

offers traditional standards of comfort and hospitality combined with modern facilities

including small indoor swimming pool, Jacuzzi spa, sauna, snooker room, solarium, and

gymnasium. All rooms have bath, shower, w.c. in this 127 room hotel.

Which hotel gives you an opportunity to ....................

A cook your own food?

B buy souvenirs and presents without leaving the hotel?

C try national cuisines at the restaurants situated nearby?

D book railway tickets?

E taste Oriental food?

F enjoy videos in your own room?

G do some sport?

H hold business meetings?

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TASK 2 Read the text below. Match choices (A—H) to (1—5).

There are three choices you don't need to use.

FIVE TIPS FOR BACKPACKING 1 ....................

This may seem fundamental to most but I, like many others, set off on my first

backpacking Europe trip with just a one way ticket. When the money ran out sooner than

expected it was a major hassle getting back home. Make sure you have a (preferably

open dated) return ticket with you.

2 ....................

Do some research and have an outline of your backpacking trip and possible places to

stay (hostels are the best for meeting up with other backpackers and like-minded

travellers) but aim to go with the flow and don't pre plan your trip too much. Don't try to

pack in too many places. Backpacking Europe does not mean you have to visit every

European capital in four weeks, or even four months. Relax, taste and feel the different

culture, get to know the locals and immerse yourself a little.

3 ....................

Backpacking is hard work! Whatever you take with you on your backpacking trip will be

carried on your back for the duration. Obvious? Yes but it's amazing how heavy that

backpack can become after you've lugged it on and off buses and trains numerous times.

Travel light. Really really light. Wear a pair of comfy shoes and pack one more pair. One

jacket, a couple of jumpers and T shirts, an extra pair of jeans, shorts, swimwear, towel.

You shouldn't need much else.

4 ....................

You'll meet lots of new people, other backpackers, travellers, locals, and you'll most

likely end up chatting easily to strangers. Most of them will be good people, but not all

of them. Girls should be particularly vigilant. Stay in touch with family. If immediate

strangers ask, always tell them that your family or friends at home know exactly where

you are, i.e which city you are in and the address where you are staying.

5 ....................

This from a female backpacker (me again!) who hitched thousands of miles in the 80's

across France, Italy and Greece. Yes, there are lots of wierdos out there. You may feel

there is safety in numbers but that's not always so. Catch the bus or the train, really it's

worth it!

A Don't travel alone E Try to enjoy every minute of it

B Be aware of personal safety at all times F Don't plan to visit too many places

C Avoid hitchhiking G Carry little cash

D Don't put too many things into your backpack H Get a ticket back home in advance


Your penfriend writes that he/she would like to have a dog but his/her parents don't let him

have one. He/she complains that his/her parents don't understand him.

Write a letter to your friend in which advise him/her

• to try and understand that having a dog is a great responsibility

• to act so as to prove to the parents that he/she is a responsible person

• to talk to the parents to find out their reasons for refusal • to start with having a smaller pet.

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Переглядове читання передбачає пошук вибіркової інформації в тексті і

характеризується великою швидкістю виконання (500 слів за хвилину).

Тестові завдання контролюють наявність таких умінь:

• сканування автентичних текстів обсягом 50—80 слів різнопланового

характеру (статей із періодичних видань; листів (особистих, ділових тощо);

оголошень, реклами; розкладів (уроків, руху поїздів тощо); меню, кулінарних

рецептів; програм (телевізійних, радіо тощо); особистих нотаток, повідомлень);

• пошук у тексті загальної інформації;

• орієнтування в логіко-смисловій структурі тексту.

Переглядове читання контролює вибіркове розуміння прочитаного (Matching).

Ця форма тестування містить легкі та оптимальні запитання. Завдання

включає п'ять коротких текстів (обсягом 50—80 слів) та вісім запитань до них,

які передбачають пошук відповіді у вигляді вибіркової інформації. Три запи-

тання є зайвими.

Для успішного виконання завдання дотримуйтеся таких рекомендацій:

• прогляньте тексти і визначте їх тематику;

• ознайомтесь із запитаннями до текстів;

• поверніться до текстів, ще раз прогляньте їх і знайдіть інформацію, про

яку запитується; визначте в ній ключовий мовний вираз (слово, групу слів або


• співвіднесіть кожне запитання з текстом, що містить відповідь на нього;

• виключте три зайвих запитання.

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Read the texts below.

Match choices (A—H) to (1—5). There are three choices you don't need to use.


Saturday, December 6 - 12 noon

Furnishing, Americana, Asian, Rugs Fine and Decorative Art

Sunday, December 7 - 12 noon

Gold, Silver, Objects de Vertu Unmounted Gemstones/Diamonds


333 North Main Street, Lambertville, NJ 08530

2. S W A N N

Autographs, Books/ Manuscripts, Maps/Atlases, Photographs, Posters,

Works of Art on Paper, Natural History and Historical Prints


Dec 4, 10:30 am & 2:30 pm, 6th fl

Catalogue Orders and General Inquiries: 212 254 4710, ext 0.

104 East 25th Street, New York, NY 10010

Catalogues and video previews at www.swanngalleries.com

3. Sotheby's Auctions & Exhibitions

American Paintings, Drawings & Sculpture


The Sporting Sale Equestrian, Wildlife & Maritime Art


Finest & Rarest Wines


Sotheby's Offers Art-Related Loans Free & Open to the Public.

Gallery hours Mon - Sat 10 am - 5 pm, Sun 1 pm 5 pm www.sothebys. com

4. Classic photographs, books, posters, collectibles,

commemorative reprints and more at The New York Times online store



Sunday, December 7, 10-5

Admission $10, $9 with ad — To benefit the John Corr Memorial


Antiques & Art of the 18th, 19th, and 20th Centuries

The source for fine antiques, handsomely presented, at fair prices.

Wilton High School Field House, Route 7, Wilton, Connecticut

Only 50 miles from New York City 10 Chicken Street, Wilton, Connecticut

Where can you ....................

A buy things via the Internet? E get acquainted with Latin American art?

B go if you take an interest in ivory miniature? F buy jewelry items?

C go every year? G go if you're interested in geography?

D get financial support? H take part in charitable activities?

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Подані тексти включають рекламні оголошення про виставки та аукціони з

предметів розкоші.

Запитання A передбачає пошук інформації про те, де можна придбати речі через

Інтернет (Where can you buy things via the Internet?). Ця інформація надається в

оголошенні 4. Вона репрезентована графічно — електронною адресою

(nytimes.com/store) і лексично — словосполученням on line store (Інтернет-


У пункті B запитується, де можна знайти мініатюри зі слонової кістки.

Ця інформація не міститься в жодному тексті. Відтак, запитання B є зайвим.

У запитанні С ідеться про те, який захід можна відвідувати щорічно.

Цієї інформації немає в жодному тексті. Відтак, запитання C є зайвим.

Пункт D є запитом про джерела фінансової допомоги.

Відповідь міститься в тексті 3. Ключовим є слово loans (кредити).

У пункті E запитується, де можна ознайомитися з мистецтвом Латинської

Америки. Такої інформації немає в жодному тексті. Запитання E — зайве.

Запитання F передбачає пошук інформації про те, де можна купити коштовності.

Ця інформація є в тексті 1. Вона репрезентована низкою слів: gold, silver, objects

de Vertu, gemstones, dimonds (золото, срібло, вироби Верту, самоцвіти,

діаманти). Проте для знаходження правильної відповіді достатньо помітити

навіть одне з них.

Пункт G містить запитання про те, куди піти людині, яка захоплюється

географією. Відповідь на запитання надана у тексті 2.

Ключовими є слова maps/atlases (карти/атласи).

Нарешті, у пункті Н запитується, який захід надає можливості для

благодійності. Відповідь — у тексті 5.

Ключовим є вираз To benefit the John Corr Memorial

(На користь Меморіалу Джона Корра).

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Навчання і контроль цього виду читання здійснюється на матеріалі

автентичних текстів, які містять інформацію про історію, побут, традиції,

культуру країни, мова якої вивчається.

Темп ознайомлюваль-ного читання становить 180 слів за хвилину.

Тестові завдання контролюють наявність таких умінь:

• прогнозування змісту за заголовком або початком тексту;

• визначення смислових частин тексту та зв'язків між ними;

• виділення головних фактів, випускаючи другорядні.

Навички читання з метою загального розуміння прочитаного перевіряються

за допомогою завдання на встановлення відповідності (Matching). Це завдання

належить до категорії легких. Воно містить п'ять коротких текстів/абзаців

одного тексту (обсягом 50—80 слів), об'єднаних спільною темою, та вісім

заголовків/запитань до них, три з яких є зайвими. Кожен текст містить певну

ідею. Для виконання завдання (підбору заголовку або співвіднесення запитання

з текстом, у якому міститься відповідь на нього) необхідно зрозуміти основну

ідею кожного тексту.

Для успішного виконання завдання дотримуйтеся таких рекомендацій:

• ознайомтесь із загальним заголовком, якщо він є;

• прогляньте тексти і визначте їх тематику;

• ознайомтесь із пропонованими заголовками (запитаннями);

• поверніться до текстів, уважно прочитайте кожний із них; знайдіть

ключовий мовний вираз (слово, групу слів), який розкриває основну

ідею тексту;

• співвіднесіть кожний заголовок (запитання) з відповідним текстом;

• виключте три зайвих заголовка (запитання).

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Read the texts below.

Match choices (A—H) to (1—5). There are three choices you don't need to use.

Choosing a university can look like a daunting process, but there are lots of resources to

help make it easier. Before you start filling out those university application forms,

consider the many variables that affect the "fit" of a university to your unique personality

and educational goals. Take a look at the following factors.

1 ....................

Make sure the university offers the program you want — you can check program listings

in this directory, or online www.aucc.ca/canuni/search/index/e.html. Remember that

your first year is often a time to try a variety of courses, and then choose the area in

which you want to specialize. You could try new fields of study that aren't available in

high school — courses like astronomy, philosophy or international studies.

2 ....................

Have a look at the university calendars and read the individual course outlines. You can

also compare how individual programs are designed by different universities (such as

course components), the structure of courses (is it group work or exam-based?) and the

flexibility offered each year in terms of what students can choose to study.

3 ....................

Do you want a small university, where most of the students are undergraduates and live

on campus? Alternatively, would you prefer a larger university, with access to a greater

range of facilities and programs?

4 ....................

A University's reputation continues to be a major factor in how students choose where to

study. That said, choosing a university should not be done solely on reputation. Be aware

that reputations are sometimes out of date or overstated, so first-hand experience is often

beneficial. Prospective students can visit the campuses of their top university choices and

spend some time talking with current students and getting a feel for the campus. Try to

get a sense of how you'd see yourself living in that particular place for 3 or 4 years.

5 ....................

The costs associated with attending university go well beyond tuition fees to include

housing, food, books, supplies, and personal living expenses. These costs are different

depending upon the type of program, type of university and the size and location of the


A Start with studying your admission requirements

B Find out about the course content

C Try to get your own impression of the university you choose

D Make sure you can afford it

E Learn how far away from home it is

F See if you'll be satisfied with the housing conditions

G Consider the size of the university

H Check on the curriculum

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Подана низка текстів присвячена проблемі вибору університету.

Заголовок А

Start with studying your admission requirements (Почніть з ознайомлення з

умовами вступу) є зайвим, оскільки в жодному тексті не йдеться про те, що

починати потрібно з ознайомлення з умовами вступу.

Заголовок B

Find out about the course content (Дізнайтеся про зміст курсу) співвідноситься з

текстом 2. Ключовими тут є словосполучення course outlines; course components;

the structure of courses, що є синонімічними course content.

Заголовок С

Inquire about good and bad sides of the university (Дізнайтеся про переваги та

недоліки університету) відповідає тексту 4. Ключовими тут є словосполучення

first-hand experience, visit the campuses, spend some time talking with current

students (власне враження, візити на територію університетів, бесіди зі

студентами, що в них навчаються).

Заголовок D

Make sure you can afford it (Переконайтеся, що Вам це по кишені) репрезентує

текст 5. Ключовими є вирази costs та tuition fees (плата за навчання).

Рекомендації E та F є зайвими.

Рекомендація G

Consider the size of the university (Прийміть до уваги розмір університету)

відповідає тексту 3. Ключовими є вирази small university та larger university.

Рекомендація H

Check on the curriculum (Дізнайтеся про навчальні програми) відповідає тексту 1.

Ключовими є слова the program, curriculum (програма) та variety of courses

(різноманіття курсів).

Окрім підбору заголовків, завдання може передбачати відповіді на запитання.

Завдання такого типу подані в тренувальних тестах.

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Завдання з розгорнутою вiдпoвiддю передбачає створення власного

висловлювання у письмовій формі відповідно до запропонованої комунікативної

ситуації. Для виконання завдання учасник тестування отримує бланк. Учасник

повинен оформити своє письмове висловлювання таким чином, щоб на бланку

вистачило відведеного для цього місця.

Виконуючи це завдання, слід звернути увагу на змістове наповнення, логічний

зв'язок між частинами, лексичну наповнюваність та граматичну правильність


Одним із видів письмового завдання є особистий лист.

Особистий лист має розпочинатися з привітання Dear та ім'я або прізвиська


У першому абзаці використовуються такі вступні розмовні формули (opening

remarks), як How are you? I'm fine. Thanks for your letter. It was really nice to hear

from you. I'm sorry I haven't written for such a long time but... Hi! How's everything

(going)? I hope you are well. Sorry I haven't written sooner, but... тощо.

Далі слід вказати, із якою метою Ви пишете лист: The reason I'm writing is... I'm

writing to tell you... You asked me to recommend some (places to stay in my country)

... I've managed to find out some information about (language schools) for you.

Ретельно опрацюйте всі чотири пункти комунікативного завдання, присвятивши

кожному пункту окремий абзац.

Для організації зв'язку між абзацами доцільно вживати з'єднувальні елементи.

Для переліку фактів та пов'язування ідей, використовуйте такі з'єднувальні

елементи, як firstly, secondly, to begin with, in addition, furthermore, lastly,

moreover, besides.

На позначення контрасту та протиставлення застосовуйте on the one hand...on the

other hand, however, still, in spite of/despite, nevertheless тощо.

Для підбиття підсумків вживайте вирази: all in all, to sum up, in conclusion тощо.

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Приклад завдання для написання неформального листа другові


Привітання Dear + our friend's first name

Початок листа Вступні розмовні формули

How are you? I'm fine. Thanks for your letter.

It was really nice to hear from you.

I'm sorry I haven't written for such a long time but...

Hi! How's everything (going)? I hope you are well.

Sorry I haven't written sooner, but...

Мета написання листа

The reason I'm writing is ...

I'm writing to tell you…

You asked me to recommend some (places to stay in my country) ...

I've managed to find out some information about (language schools)

for you.


частина листа Опрацювання пунктів комунікативного завдання

З'єднувальні формули

Firstly, secondly, to begin with, in addition, furthermore, lastly,

moreover, besides; on the one hand...on the other hand, however,

still, in spite of/despite, nevertheless; all in all, to sum up,

in conclusion тощо.


листа Завершальні розмовні формули

I'd better go now.

I can't wait to hear from you.

Write back soon.

Well, that's all my news.

Look forward to hearing from/seeing you soon.

Give my regards to your parents.

Drop me a line.

Love, / Yours, / Best wishes, + first name.

Your friend is planning to visit the Lake District.

As you know the place very well share you ideas on:

• how he/she can get there

• where he/she can stay

• what sights it is famous for

• what weather to expect.

Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write any dates and addresses.

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Dear Maria, Thank you for your letter. You asked me about the Lake District. It

certainly is a beautiful place to visit. I’m enclosing a map and a postcard. Isn’t it lovely?

You can travel to the Lake Distlict by train or coach from London. I think you should take a train, as you have very little time and its much quicker and vely comfortable.

As for the places to stay, I guess you ought to try a Youth Hostel. They’re quite cheap and good places for meeting people. You sleep in single beds but you share a room.

Speaking about sights, the Lake Distlict was the home of the famous poet William Wordsworth, who spent most of his life there. It’s a wonderful place for walking. There’s also a very interesting museum, about Lakeland life and industry. Unfortunately, the whole area gets very crowded in summer with people coming to visit the Lakes and the poet’s home, so perhaps the best thing to do would be to travel on a Friday morning and come back on Monday or Tuesday to avoid the weekend rush.

Concerning the weather, it’s often wet, so bring light, waterproof clothing and it might be an idea to buy an umbrella! Hope this helps. We’re looking forwald to meeting you.

Love, Sally



Your penfriend complains that his/her parents make him/her read classical literature

while he/she prefers fantasy. They don't approve of the music he/she listens to.

Write a letter to your friend in which

• say that you used to have the same problems

• explain that educated people should be acquainted with various styles

of literature and music

• advise him/her an intersting book to read

• tell him/her about your favourite singer/band

Write a letter of at least 100 words.

Do not write any dates and addresses.

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Завдання з розгорнутою вiдпoвiддю передбачає створення власного

висловлювання в письмовій формі відповідно до запропонованої комунікативної

ситуації. Для виконання завдання учасник тестування отримує бланк. Учасник

повинен оформити своє письмове висловлювання таким чином, щоб на бланку

вистачило відведеного для цього місця.

Виконуючи завдання на написання формального листа, слід звернути увагу на

змістове наповнення, логічний зв'язок між частинами, лексичну наповнюваність,

граматичну правильність висловлювання.

До формальних листів належать ділові листи, рекомендації, запити, скарги,

відзиви, офіційні та рекламні листівки тощо.

Формальний лист має розпочинатися зі слів Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms та прізвища

людини, до якої Ви звертаєтеся. Якщо Вам невідомо, до кого саме Ви пишете,

лист має розпочинатися зі слів Dear Sir/Madam.

У першому абзаці слід чітко вказати, чому ви пишете листа, які запитання

хочете з'ясувати: I am writing to complain about / enquire about / tell you about /

suggest... ;I would like to requestfurther information about... ;

I would be most grateful if you could send me details of ...;

In response to your letter of 26 February, I am writing to ...

Ретельно опрацюйте усі чотири пункти комунікативного завдання, присвятивши

кожному пункту окремий абзац. Залежно від типу формального листа, основна

частина може включати Вашу точку зору на певні проблеми і шляхи їх

вирішення, скарги і вимоги щодо їх задоволення, точну інформацію стосовно

предмета, що Вас цікавить тощо. Формальні листи мають бути стислими, не

включати зайвої інформації. Будьте обережні: не вживайте розмовні формули

(I gonna, you see, etc.), скорочення (isn't, 'cause, etc), жаргонізми тощо.

Для організації зв'язку між абзацами доцільно вживати з'єднувальні елементи.

Для переліку фактів та пов'язування ідей, використовуйте такі з'єднувальні

елементи, як: firstly, secondly, to begin with, in addition, furthermore, lastly,

moreover, besides.

На позначення контрасту та протиставлення застосовуйте: on the one hand...on

the other hand, however, still, in spite of/despite, nevertheless тощо.

Для підбиття підсумків вживайте: all in all, to sum up, in conclusion тощо.

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Привітання Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Lodge

Dear Sir/Madam - якщо Ви не знаєте ім'я або прізвища адресата

Початок листа Мета написання листа

I am writing to complain about / enquire about / tell you about /


I would like to request further information about...

I would be most grateful if you could send me details of...

In response to your letter of 26 February, I am writing to ...


частина листа Опрацювання пунктів комунікативного завдання.

З'єднувальні формули

Firstly, secondly, to begin with, in addition, furthermore, moreover,

besides; on the one hand...on the other hand, however,

still, in spite of/despite, nevertheless; all in all,

to sum up, lastly, in conclusion тощо.



I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully (якщо Ви не знаєте ім'я людини, до якої звертаєтеся)

Yours sincerely (якщо Ви знаєте ім'я людини, до якої звертаєтеся)


Ваше ім'я друкованими літерами


You have recently read an advertisement of a new Language School for people of any age

or occupation. As you're planning a two-month business trip to Spain soon, you'd like to

take a crash course in Spanish. Write a letter to the School manager in which: • explain the reason for your writing • ask about the price of the studies

• ask about the duration of the course • ask for a brochure with a detailed information.

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing with regard to the advertisement of your Language School in The Sunday

Mirror dated 26th May. I'm writing to request further information about your school. To begin with, I am to go on business to Spain in two months, so I would like to enquire

about the duration of the crash courses you offer. Secondly, I would appreciate your giving me detailed information about the prices you

charge and terms of payment. I should be grateful if you would send me your brochure and price list about your

language courses. I do hope to become your student. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, J.Mellow Jonathan Mellow

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Приклад завдання на написання

ЛИСТА-РЕЗЮМЕ для влаштування на посаду за конкурсом

Лист-резюме зазвичай має п'ять абзаців. У першому абзаці пояснюється причина

написання листа, чітко вказується посада, про яку йдеться, і джерело, звідки

було отримано цю інформацію. В основній частині листа повідомляється про

вік, освіту, кваліфікацію, досвід роботи і особистісні якості. В останньому абзаці

сповіщається контактна інформація і бажаний час співбесіди (інтерв'ю).

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing with regard to your advertisement in The Liverpool, Post dated 13th

March. I am very interested in getting the position of office manager.

I have left school this year and am currently taking an evening course in office

management. Besides, I have already completed a computer course and have been

attending German and Spanish courses for a year.

I don't have any previous practical experience of office management, but I am a good

student, a very punctual and industrious person. I am sure I shall cope with the job.

Ahs for my personal qualities, I am considerate, open and easygoing. I consider myself

to be perfectly fit for the position of office manager.

I would be grateful if you would consider my application. I am available for

interview any day till four p.m. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,


Marion Lewis


Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.


You have recently bought an MP3 player from one of the Electroworld stores.

Unfortunately it turned out to be faulty. Write a letter of complaint in which:

• state your reason for writing the letter

• say when and where you bought the player

• describe the problem with your MP3 player

• say what compensation you would like to have.

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Есе (франц. еssai — спроба, нарис) — твір невеликого обсягу, що виражає

індивідуальні враження і міркування з конкретного питання. Есе має демонструвати

Ваше вміння чітко формулювати думки і логічно їх обґрунтовувати, використовуючи

необхідні факти та приклади. Через усе есе повинна чітко проходити його головна

тема. Усі інші міркування можуть лише підкріплювати її.

Есе зазвичай складається з передмови (introduction), у якій чітко окреслюється коло

питань, що Ви розглядатимете; основної частини (main body), у якій наводиться

Ваша аргументація за чи проти точки зору, що була висловлена; заключної частини

(conclusion), у якій підсумовуються розглянуті питання, робляться висновки і

надається Ваша особиста точка зору.

Важливим елементом есе є плавні переходи від абзацу до абзацау, адже саме вони

демонструють Ваше вміння логічно мислити і чітко формулювати свої думки.

Засобом, що може забезпечити таку плавність, є слова-зв'язки.

Якщо Ви додаєте якусь інформацію, то використовуйте

and, moreover, as well as, in addition to, additionally, furthermore, what is more.

Для позначення контрасту вживаються

but, however; on the other hand, in contrast, by contrast, yet, on the contrary.

Якщо йдеться про виключення або протиріччя застосовуються

despite, in spite of, notwithstanding.

Причинно-наслідкові відношення можна передати за допомогою so, therefore, as a

result, as a consequence, consequently, this results in, this leads to, this has the effect of.

Прислівники послідовності, порядкові числівники і прислівники, що від них утворені,

допомагають відтворити послідовність подій або положень, що є важливими для

Вашого есе: then, next, after, afterwards, finally, lastly, first, second, third або firstly,

secondly, thirdly.

Намагайтеся урізноманітнювати мовні одиниці, що Ви вживаєте, шукайте синоніми.

Уникайте використання скорочених форм (isn't), розмовних слів та виразів, прикладів

з особистого життя. Есе, у якому надається власна точка зору, зазвичай пишеться з

використанням дієслів теперішнього часу.

Для висловлення особистого ставлення вживайте фрази I believe/think that.,

I strongly believe., in my opinion/view..., I (do not) agree that..., As far as I am concerned...,

I am totally against..., I (strongly) disagree with/that., I couldn't agree/disagree more.

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At present at school you are working on the topic "Education".

Your home assignment is to write an essay on pros and cons

of taking a correspondence course.

When writing keep to the following plan:

• introduction — general comments on correspondence courses

• advantages of correspondence courses and facts/reasons

• disadvantages of correspondence courses and facts/reasons

• conclusion — give your opinion using different words

Nowadays people of different ages and background education try to get

training in different fields in older to improve their chances of getting a good

job. Correspondence courses give you an excellent opportunity to get the

necessary knowledge and qualifications.

I think that the main advantage of correspondence courses is a possibility

to combine training and a part time job or standard courses at colleges or

universities. Moreover, they are not so time consuming and you may have spare

time to enjoy yourself. What is more, it is much easier to get into a

correspondence course than a university.

However, it is the student who has to study and work hard at the end of

the day. Unfortunately, not everybody can work systematically without

constant control of the teacher.

I stlongly believe that correspondence courses are one of the finest options

available, especially for people who do not care about attending lectures or

have to earn their living.

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TASK 1 Read the texts below.

Match choices (A—H) to (1—5).

There are three choices you don't need to use.


The planets haven't been brilliantly kind to you over the last few days,

and thanks to the continuing challenges from the stars you're likely to be

feeling a twinge of dissatisfaction today too. Arm yourself with a couple

of trusty friends who will be able to keep you feeling as optimistic as



It's going to be a very relaxing day for you today thanks to the positive

influence of the moon. At the beginning of the day you may feel a little

drained after all the energy that has been buzzing around you lately.

However, by the end of the day you will have found a way to simply

ease into a more relaxed state!

3. LEO

You can look forward to a generally good day, but for the one or two

obstacles that are standing in the way of your happiness in matters of the

heart. Maybe you need to rethink the way you approach this. Being more

tolerant will certainly help you overcome the problem!


You are not usually one for loving lots of attention, preferring to sit back

and quietly take stock. However, thanks to the power of the elements you

will be full of witty comments today and everyone around you will be

keen to allow you to take center stage in any social gatherings!


You should try and avoid the mall today, because the planetary line-up

suggests that you're likely to fritter your money away, especially if you're

not feeling on top of the world. To give your mood a boost you should

arrange an evening of dancing the night away instead!

People of which sign ....................

A are going to have the most enjoyable day?

B are likely to need a helping hand?

C should be ready to get out of the background?

D may hope for a more successful day in the near future?

E are sure to succeed in business?

F are going to have a wonderful day for romance?

G should be more flexible?

H are going to have a bad day for shopping?

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TASK 2 Read the texts below. Match choices (A—H) to (1—5).

There are three choices you don't need to use.

TOP 5 TIPS FOR NEW STUDENTS 1 .................... Starting to establish connections on campus can help you feel

more settled. The perception of many first years is that everyone else already has

friends on campus and that they are the ONLY person who doesn't know anyone. Get

to know people in your course. This can help you feel more socially connected and

enable you to chat with other students about assignments or set up study groups. There

are lots of different clubs and societies that you can join to get to know other students

with similar interests to yours.

2 .................... Unlike high school, no one will follow you up if you don't go to

class. However, it is easy to fall behind quickly if you're not attending lectures, and

your grades may be affected. Some courses have compulsory attendance requirements,

or a participation component to the final grade. Even if you are not feeling great, just

being in a lecture and listening is a good idea.

3 .................... Many students feel shy, anxious or awkward when attending

new classes. If you have come from a small school, you may have been a big fish in a

little pond and now you may feel like a very small fish! Be positive about yourself and

your abilities. Remember that you have demonstrated the abilities and qualities needed

to get you in to university and you will feel more confident with time.

4 .................... The first few weeks of university can seem pretty manageable

— then the first few assignments are due in the same week! In the first week of

lectures you will be given a course outline for each subject which will list all of your

assignments and their due dates. Write these in your diary and on a wall calendar so

you can see clearly where they fall and plan ahead to ensure that you can meet all the


5 .................... At university it can be hard to tell how well you're going.

Standards are high and your grades may be a bit lower than what you are used to, or

you may not have many assignments from which to gauge your performance. This is

why it is important that you recognise the achievements you make and reward

yourself. Celebrate finishing an assignment, getting to all of your classes, doing a

presentation or just keeping a balance in your life and feeling like you are managing.

A Go to sleep earlier E Be sure of yourself

B Prize yourself F Think about the timetable

C Keep a balance G Ask for help

D Don't miss classes H Make friends

TASK 3 The central part of your city is overloaded with traffic, there is

shortage of parking lots. The City Council is looking for ways to solve

the problem. Write an essay on the problem following the plan below:

• state the problem • suggestion 1 and reason • suggestion 2 and reason • summary

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Text 1. 1 B Text 2. 1 B

2 A 2 B

3 B 3 D

4 B 4 B

5 D 5 B

6 A 6 B



Exercise 1.

Holidays, turkeys, knives, cranberries, potatoes, families, spices, nuts, guests, men,

snacks, women, apples, peaches, tomatoes, pies, shelves, deer, roofs, women-drivers,

watches, taxes, months, chiefs, trout, geese, myths, dishes, paths, persons/people, feet,

skies, photos, sheep, wives, foxes, sheriffs, lives, oxen, wolves, postmen, cuckoos,

mothers-in-law, mice, spies, series, passers-by.

Exercise 2.

1. cup, piece. 2. tin, jar. 3. loaves. 4. carton, glass. 5. packet.

6. pieces. 7. strand. 8. bottle, slice. 9. bowl. 10. pound.

Exercise 3.

1. is. 2. are. 3. are. 4. is. 5. are. 6. is. 7. is. 8. is. 9. is. 10. is.

Exercise 5.

1. children's. 2. girl's. 3. Mary and Sue's. 4. uncle's. 5. two months'. 6. people's.

7. students'. 8. Mr. Richards'(s). 9. brothers'. 10. parents-in-law's. 11. dog's.

12. Tolstoy's and Dostoyevsky's. 13. men's. 14. children's.

15. windows of the church/church windows. 16. name of the church.

17. girls' dresses. 18. color of the flowers. 19. Spain's. 20. committee's.

Exercise 6.

1. Mr. Johnsons'(s); St. Paul's. 2. Ukraine's. 3. Monet's and Cezanne's. 4. today's.

5. father-in-law's. 6. two-day. 7. baker's. 8. Dennis and Peter's. 9. Dickens'(s).

10. women's.

Exercise 8. It is midnight and everybody in Charlie and Susan's house is about to climb into bed when

Charlie's wife informs him that there is a light on in their garden shed. Charlie starts to go outside

to turn off the light, but notices some thieves in the shed who are busy stealing his belongings and

his sons' bicycles.

He runs back inside right away and calls the police, who ask him "Are there any intruders in

your house?" to which Charlie replies 'no' and explains his circumstances. The policemen's answer

is that all patrol cars are otherwise occupied, and that Charlie should just lock his door and a

uniformed policeman will be at his house when one is free.

Charlie answers, "Alright," hangs up, waits 30 seconds, and then calls the police again.

"Hello, I have just called because there are some people stealing stuff from my shed. I want to

let you know that they're not a problem anymore because I've just shot every one of them."

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Charlie then hangs up the phone. In five minutes' time, three patrol cars, a SWAT team, and an

ambulance arrive, and of course, the police catch the thieves in the act. One of the policemen snaps

at Charlie: "I thought you said that you shot every one of them!" "I thought you said there were no

patrol cars free!" Charlie answers.

Exercise 9.

1. office. 2. girls'. 3. computer. 4. oil. 5. address. 6. newspaper.

7. tea-leaves. 8. soup. 9. boy's. 10. winter. 11. shoe. 12. river. 13. birds'.

Exercise 10.

1. progress. 2. aerobics. 3. schoolchildren's. 4. buses. 5. loaves. 6. cow's. 7. council's.

8. sons-in-law's. 9. information. 10. billiards, people. 11. take-offs. 12. luggage.

13. times. 14. tea. 15. income.

Exercise 11.

1. a needle's eye. 2. a stone's throw. 3. keeps everybody at arm's length.

4. for heaven's sake. 5. at my wit's end. 6. to his heart's content.

7. at death's door. 8. out of harm's way.


1 B 2 A 3 C 4 A 5 B 6 D 7 A 8 D 9 B 10 C 11 B 12 A.


Exercise 1.

1. the; the. 2. -. -. 3. -. 4. the. 5. the. 6. -, -. 7. a, a. 8. the. 9. the. 10. -. 11. the, the.

12. the, the. 13. the. 14. the, -. 15. -. 16. a, the. 17. a, a. 18. -, -. 19. an. 20. the, the.

Exercise 2. 1. the; -. 2. -; -. 3. the. 4. the. 5. -. 6. the. 7. the, -. 8. -, the. 9. the. 10. the, the. 11. -.

12. the, -. 13. the. 14. the. 15. the, the. 16. -, the, -. 17. a, -, -. 18. the. 19. -, -. 20. a.

Exercise 3.

1. -, the. 2. -. 3. the, the. 4. -. 5. the. 6. -. 7. a, the. 8. -. 9. a, -, -. 10. -, a, -. 11. the.

12. a, the. 13. the, -. 14. -, the, -. 15. the, the. 16. -, the. 17. the. 18. -, -. 19. -. 20. -.

Exercise 5.


1. it's a pity/shame. 2. a loud voice. 3. a lot of. 4. for a long time. 5. as a result.

6. had a good time. 7. in a hurry. 8. as a matter of fact. 9. at a loss.


1. on the one hand, on the other hand. 2. out of the question. 3. on the whole.

4. tell the time. 5. the other day. 6. goes to the theatre. 7. in the country. 8. to tell the

truth. 9. in the morning/evening/afternoon. 10. in the original. 11. to pass the time.


1. at first sight. 2. by car/bus. 3. at night/dawn/dusk/sunset. 4. on board a ship.

5. by heart. 6. at dinner/ breakfast/supper. 7. on sale. 8. took offence. 9. on foot.

10. at school/home. 11. at war. 12. by chance/mistake. 13. by day.


1. from beginning to end. 2. from time to time. 3. from morning to night.

4. from head to foot. 5. bit by bit. 6. day by day.

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Exercise 7.

— Stephenie Meyer's life changed dramatically on the 2nd of June, 2003. The stay-at-

home mother of — three young sons woke up from a dream featuring — seemingly

real characters that she could not get out of her head. "Though I had a million things

to do, I stayed in — bed, thinking about the dream. Unwillingly, I eventually got up

and did the immediate necessities, and then put everything that I possibly could on the

back burner and sat down at the computer to write — something I hadn't done in such

a long time that I wondered why I was bothering".

— Meyer invented the plot during the day through — swim lessons and — potty

training, and wrote it out late at — night when the house was quiet. Three months later

she finished the first novel, Twilight. With — encouragement from her older sister

(the only other person who knew she had written a book), Meyer submitted the

manuscript to — various literary agencies. Twilight was picked out of a slush pile at

Writer's House and eventually made its way to the publishing company Little Brown,

where everyone fell immediately in — love with the gripping, star-crossed lovers.

Twilight was one of 2005's most talked about novels and within — weeks of its

release the book debuted at #5 on The New York Times bestseller list.

Теst. 1 C 2 C 3 A 4 D 5 C 6 B 7 A 8 C 9 D 10 D 11 D 12 C


Exercise 1.

1. my. 2. her. 3. our. 4. their. 5. hers. 6. her. 7. our. 8. ours. 9. us. 10. our. 11. her, ours.

12. hers. 13. him. 14. myself. 15. myself. 16. their. 17. ourselves. 18. these, those.

19. them. 20. theirs.

Exersice 3.

1. nothing. 2. any. 3. anybody. 4. anything. 5. anybody.

6. everything. 7. anything. 8. nobody. 9. nobody. 10. any.

11. none. 12. neither. 13. somewhere. 14. everything. 15. neither.

Exercise 4.

1. who. 2. what. 3. who(m). 4. which. 5. who. 6. what. 7. what. 8. what.

9. whose. 10. which. 11. who. 12. what.

Exercise 7.

1. whom. 2. whose. 3. that/which. 4. what. 5. who. 6. that/which.

7. who. 8. that/which. 9. which. 10. what. 11. that/which. 12. what.

Exercise 9.

1. everybody/everyone. 2. either/each. 3. both. 4. every/each/all/the whole. 5. other.

6. every/ any/each. 7. another/every/each. 8. all. 9. others. 10. everybody/everyone/all.

11. all. 12. both/neither.

Exercise 10.

1. the others. 2. another. 3. the other. 4. others. 5. the other. 6. the other.

7. other. 8. the other. 9. the others. 10. other. 11. another. 12. others.

Test. 1 C 2 B 3 D 4 C 5 A 6 B 7 D 8 A 9 B 10 D 11 A 12 B

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Exercise 1.

1. caring 2. political 3. ridiculous 4. funny 5. artistic 6. mindful 7. lovely

8. thoughtless 9. surprised 10. comfortable 11. important 12. sensible

13. indulgent 14. effective 15. boyish

Exercise 2.

fat fatter, the fattest

important more important, the most important young younger, the youngest

beautiful more beautiful, the most beautiful good better, the best

common more common, the most common / commoner, the commonest

thin thinner, the thinnest

tall taller, the tallest

a lot more, the most

pretty prettier, the prettiest

careful more careful, the most careful

bad worse, the worst

far farther, the farthest/further, the furthest

famous more famous, the most famous

lucky luckier, the luckiest

simple simpler, the simplest

hard harder, the hardest

angry angrier, the angriest

high higher, the highest

delicious more delicious, the most delicious

little less, the least

foolish more foolish, the most foolish

elegant more elegant, the most elegant

fast faster, the fastest

tired more tired, the most tired

new newer, the newest

sad sadder, the saddest

Exercise 3.

1. the prettiest 2. thicker 3. more 4. fewer 5. the most exciting 6. a less

7. more hardworking 8. the farthest 9. the worst 10. happier 11. the most important

12. the nearest 13. elder 14. the oldest 15. elder, older 16. a narrower

17. the most expensive 18. the most handsome/the handsomest 19. more tired

20. more careful

Exercise 5.

1. still warmer 2. much more interesting 3. more and more serious

4. still more unexpected 5. more and more cheerful 6. much younger

7. much sadder 8. still more humid 9. still tastier/more delicious 10. much longer

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Exercise 6.

1. Kharkiv isn't so old as Kyiv.

2. The dictionary is as expensive as the encyclopedia.

3. The Balaton isn't so big as the Baikal.

4. My room isn't as light as yours.

5. The novel isn't so exciting as the story.

6. Ann is twice as old as Jane.

7. Bob is half as tall as his elder brother.

8. Elbrus isn't so high as Everest.

9. The cat isn't so big as the dog.

10. Today isn't so warm as yesterday.

Exercise 7.

1. The darker it got, the colder we were.

2. The more time I spend on my English, the better my grades are.

3. The more friends Justin has, the happier he is.

4. The more books Julia buys, the less money she has.

5. The louder the music (is), the angrier Mum is.

6. The stormier the sea (is), the fewer people there are on the beach.

7. The bigger the apples (are), the tastier they are.

8. The more thrilling the book (is), the more interested in it my brother is.

9. The shorter the trousers (are), the funnier Pete looks.

10. The warmer the day (is), the more children there are outside.

Exercise 9.

1. much 2. a lot of/little/a little 3. much 4. few/a few 5. little 6. little 7. few

8. much, a few 9. few/a few 10. little 11. little/a little 12. few/ a few 13. many

14. a little 15. a few/a lot of 16. a little 17. little/ a little 18. a lot of

19. a few/a lot of 20. much

Exercise 11.

1. priceless 2. alive 3. similar 4. quiet 5. principal 6. former, latter 7. economical

8. sick 9. sensitive 10. imaginative 11. lonely 12. considerate, industrious

13. confidential 14. golden 15. loose

TEST. 1 B 2 D 3 D 4 A 5 B 6 A 7 C 8 C 9 B 10 C 11 D 12 C



Exercise 1.

Immediately, cruelly, ruthlessly, fast, happily, nicely, truly, harshly, merrily,

late/lately, carefully, historically, legally, wisely, funnily, freshly, cheaply.

Exercise 2.

1. wide 2. widely 3. hard 4. hardly 5. late 6. lately 7. high 8. highly 9. closely 10. close

11. deep 12. deeply 13. near 14. nearly

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Exercise 3.

Fast faster fastest, heavily more heavily most heavily,

close closer closest, quickly more quickly most quickly,

well better best, gladly more gladly most gladly,

hard harder hardest, badly worse worst,

clearly more clearly most clearly, near neare nearest,

far farther fаrthest/furt:her furthest, luckily more luckily most luckily,

simply more simply most simply,

often oftener oftenest/more often most often,

nicely more nicely most nicely, quietly more quietly most quietly, slowly more slowly

most slowly, late later latest,

angrily more angrily most angrily, cheaply more cheaply most cheaply.

Exercise 4.

1. faster 2. hardest 3. earlier 4. more brightly 5. louder

6. farther/further/farthest/furthest 7. best 8. more distinctly 9. oftenest/most often

10. more cheaply/cheaper

Exercise 5.

1. still more carefully 2. much earlier 3. later and later 4. still better 5. still nearer

6. more and more quietly 7. much better/more 8. more and more rudely

9. much more funnily 10. still more distinctly

Exercise 6.

1. Bob knows the text as well as Joe.

2. Derek doesn't sing as nicely as Frank.

3. Mark is driving as fast as Alex.

4. Ron likes Coke as much as Rita.

5. Little Doris wasn't reading the book as fast as her brother.

6. Denis was touched as deeply as Willy.

7. Mother didn't wake up as early as Father.

8. Victoria doesn't visit her granny as often as Lucy.

9. Mary was laughing as happily as Ann.

10. The boys weren't playing as quietly as the girls.

Exercise 7.

1. happy 2. happily 3. warm 4. cautiously 5. suspiciously 6. suspicious

7. rude 8. carefully 9. delicious 10. unwillingly

ТEST. 1 C 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 D 6 B 7 D 8 D 9 D 10 C 11 D 12 C



Exercise 4.

1. were 2. was 3. will be 4. is 5. is 6. were 7. have been 8. will be 9. is

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Exercise 5.

1. it 2. there 3. it, it 4. it 5. it 6. there 7. there 8. it 9. there 10. it

Exercise 7.

1. Nelly had a toothache yesterday. She will have a toothache tomorrow.

2. Rose had tea five times a day. Rose will have tea five times a day.

3. Denis had a dog. Denis will have a dog.

4. My sister had a lot of friends last year. My sister will have a lot of friends next year.

5. Paul had a shower yesterday morning. Paul will have a shower tomorrow morning.

6. Gordon had very little time yesterday. Gordon will have very little time tomorrow.

7. We had no/didn't have any questions to you. We won't have any questions to you.

8. I had a sore throat. I'll have a sore throat.

9. The Browns had a lot of books. The Browns will have a lot of books.

10. I seldom had my French those days. I'll seldom have my French next month.

Exercise 9.

1. wants 2. is 3. have taken part 4. is/was 5. has doubled 6. is talking 7. is 8. is 9. are

10. aren't 11. is having 12. have taken

ТEST. 1 A 2 C 3 D 4 A 5 C 6 D 7 C 8 A 9 D 10 B 11 A 12 B



Exercise 1. know knew known forget forgot forgotten

hang hung hung teach taught taught

cut cut cut swear swore sworn

hear heard heard forgive forgave forgiven

shut shut shut rise rose risen

grow grew grown hide hid hidden

steal stole stolen fight fought fought

spread spread spread draw drew drawn

swell swelled swollen hold held held

freeze froze frozen stand stood stood

sleep slept slept creep crept crept

deal dealt dealt leave left left

hurt hurt hurt forbid forbade forbidden

show showed shown sit sat sat

sing sang sung see saw seen

Exercise 2.

watches, plays, buzzes, fetches, brushes, dresses, marries, kisses, pushes, undergoes,

pities, overdoes, studies, stays, fusses, teaches, washes, relaxes, denies, finishes.

Exercise 3.

preferring, smiling, crying, putting, tying, picnicking, coming, starring, playing,

carrying, stirring, sitting, regretting, occurring, widening, conquering, agreeing,

noticing, cutting, forgetting.

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Exercise 4.

1. is 2. do your parents have 3. are 4. has 5. are 6. are 7. are 8. has 9. are 10. am

Exercise 6.

1. do you go 2. hasn't booked 3. were does George usually spend 4. has been driving

5. is still cooking 6. likes 7. consists 8. have you been playing 9. have met

10. has been playing 11. gives 12. are they discussing 13. has already saved 14. plays

15. prefers, watches 16. have been tidying 17. don't believe, tells 18. are you waiting

19. have been roaming 20. has just boiled

Exercise 7.

1. believe 2. don't attract 3. isn't working 4. has known 5. understand, mean

6. are building 7. are you learning 8. do you want 9. doesn't hear 10. has owned

11. remembers 12. Is my son watching 13. smells 14. has wanted 15. don't trust

Exercise 9. 1. The girl didn't greet everybody and didn't smile. Did the girl greet everybody and smile?

2. At that moment his heart wasn't beating fast. Was his heart beating fast at that moment?

3. By this time yesterday Josh hadn't been trying to fix the car for two hours. Had Josh been trying

to fix the car for two hours by this time yesterday?

4. Nathan hadn't delivered three lectures before he lost voice. Had Nathan delivered three lectures

before he lost voice?

Exercise 10.

Regretted, referred, played, cried, concealed, occupied, tied, admitted, trafficked,

adored, walked, envied, limited, appeared, cared, argued, betrayed, agreed, died,

copied, replied, employed, robbed, picnicked, exited, offered, expelled, scarred,

repaired, answered.

Exercise 12.

1. received 2. had already bought, came up 3. were trying 4. risked

5. was reciting, held 6. noticed, had been reading 7. had made

8. were laughing, were watching 9. were you going, met 10. was 11. played 12. found

13. had lived/had been living 14. rose, had sung 15. saw, had already left

16. felt, had been doing 17. was browsing 18. waited/had been waiting, called

19. gave birth 20. began

Exercise 15. 1. will be 2. won't go, am going 3. will have lived/will have been living 4. will be

studying 5. begin/will begin 6. are playing 7. starts 8. is going to 9. will call 10. will

be shopping 11. are having

12. will have been 13. will be sunbathing 14. will change 15. will do 16. will see 17. is

suing 18. will warm up 19. are having 20. will have embroidered


1 C 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 C 6 D 7 D 8 D 9 D 10 B 11 A 12 B


Exercise 1.

1. at 2. into 3. at 4. in 5. up 6. out of 7. under 8. on 9. in 10. in front of 11. by 12.on

13. at 14. among 15. at 16. to 17. on 18. in 19. on 20. between

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Exercise 2.

1. go to the theatre 2. on the list 3. at the factory 4. in the sky

5. at the corner of the street 6. on a farm 7. at the bottom 8. in the corner of the room

9. on page 5 10. at reception 11. at work 12. on a bike

Exercise 3.

1. over the stream 2. through the window 3. from the table 4. towards the port

5. into the purse 6. through the park 7. across the square 8. from the table.

Exercise 4.

1. on 2. in 3. on 4. in 5. at 6. at 7. on 8. in 9. at, past 10. at

Exercise 5.

1. on 2. since 3. at 4. till 5. by 6. for 7. from, till/to 8. during 9. in 10. while 11. before

12. by 13. during 14. in 15. since

Exercise 6.

1. in 2. behind 3. in front of 4. near 5. to 6. on 7. in 8. at 9. during 10. in 11. to, by

12. at 13. on 14. on 15. while 16. for 17. in 18. in 19. to, of 20. on

Exercise 7.

1. by 2. with 3. by 4. by 5. with 6. with 7. by

Exercise 8.

1. by car 2. by accident 3. go on foot 4. by credit card or by cheque 5. by mistake

6. go by ship 7. by post 8. by hand

Exercise 9.

1. over and over 2. at the latest 3. at the age of 4. above suspicion 5. in exchange for

6. at the request of 7. on an/the average 8. on the whole 9. out of danger

10. without fail 11. behind one's back 12. up and down 13. before long/without fail

Test. 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 C 5 D 6 D 7 A 8 B 9 D 10 A 11 B 12 D


Exercise 1.

1. Both Jessie and Elvira aren't at home.

2. Dad usually watches news programmes while/whereas Mum prefers documentaries.

3. Edith may either spend her holiday at home or go to the seaside.

4. Hetty is good not only at cooking but also at sewing.

5. We have an apartment in town as well as a country cottage.

6. Dorothy has got an A for her essay while/whereas her grade in physics is a C.

7. Felice left both her purse and passport at home.

Exercise 3.

1. that 2. though/although 3. unless/even if 4. as/because 5. as/since 6. whether

7. as if/as though 8. as/since 9. when/as/as soon as 10. than 11. that 12. till

13. after /as/because 14. though/although 15. so.........that

TEST. 1 A 2 D 3 D 4 D 5 C 6 D 7 C 8 B 9 C 10 D 11 C 12 B


Text 1. 1 A 2 C 3 A 4 D 5 B 6 D

Text 2. 1 A 2 B 3 D 4 A 5 D 6 B

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Exercise 1.

1 C 2 D 3 E 4 A 5 B

Exercise 3. A. 1. bedroom 2. bathroom 3. closet 4. kitchen 5. dining room

B. 1 C 2 F 3 D 4 B 5 A 6 E

Exercise 10.

1 D 2 C 3 E 4 B 5 A



1 D 2B 3 A 4C 5 B 6 D 7 A 8 C 9B 10 C 11 A 12D



Exercise 1. 1 B 2 E 3 A 4 C 5 D 6 J 7 H 8 I 9 G 10 F

Exercise 2. 1 D 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 A

Exercise 3.

Possible answers: 1. is crazy about 2. is interested in 3. fancies 4. flirts with

Exercise 4.

1. split up 2. never stop fighting 3. left 4. separated 5. saved his marriage

Exercise 5.

1. grandmother, grandfather 2. uncle, aunt 3. nephew, niece 4. cousins 5. grandsons,


Exercise 6.

1. Cynthia 2. Bill 3. Kevin 4. Eve 5. Jon 6. Samantha

Exercise 7.

1. Ella 2. Sam 3. James 4. Bruce/Alice or Kate 5. Benjamin 6. Brenda

Exercise 8.

1. Jack is short and stocky. Jill is tall and slim. 2. Tom is plump and overweight. Jerry

is tall and skinny. 3. Frank is well-built and strong. Peter is short and small.

Exercise 9.

1. Benjamin 2. Kate 3. Bernie 4. Mary 5. Bruce 6. Alice

Exercise 10.

Good traits: hard working, ambitious, kind, gentle, quiet, friendly, good-fun,

intelligent. Bad traits: greedy, careless, conceited, vain, moody, quick-tempered, shy,

selfish, stubborn.

Exercise 11.

1. conceited, vain 2. good fun, friendly 3. hard-working, ambitious

4. moody, quick-tempered 5. kind, gentle 6. shy, quiet 7. greedy 8. careless

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Exercise 13.









Exercise 14.

1 D 2 E 3 G 4 C 5 A 6 B 7 F 8 J 9 I 10 H

ТEST 1 B 2 D 3 C 4 A 5 C 6 A 7 C 8 B 9 B 10 D 11 A 12 D


Exercise 1. 1 C 2 D 3 E 4 A 5 B

Exercise 3.

A. 1. bedroom 2. bathroom 3. closet 4. kitchen 5. dining room

B. 1 C 2 F 3 D 4 B 5 A 6 E

Exercise 10. 1 D 2 C 3 E 4 B 5 A

Exercise 12. 1 C 2 B 3 D 4 A

Exercise 13. 1 I 2 G 3 C 4 J 5 E 6 H 7 B 8 F 9 D 10 A

ТEST. 1 A 2 C 3 B 4 D 5 D 6 A 7 D 8 A 9 B 10 A 11 C 12 B


Exercise 1. A 1. head 2. spine 3. arm 4. leg 5. stomach 6. heart 7. lungs

Exercise 2. 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 E 5 D

Exercise 4. 1 E 2 D 3 A 4 B 5 C

Exercise 6. A: 1 B, F 2 A, D 3 A, D 4 C 5 E, G

B: 1. put on 2. resist 3. join

Exercise 8. 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 D

ТEST. 1 C 2 B 3 D 4 A 5 C 6 C 7 B 8 B 9 A 10 C 11 D 12 B

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Exercise 1.

1 F 2 G 3 B 4 H 5 E 6 A 7 C 8 D

Exercise 2.

1 D 2 A 3 E 4 B 5 C

Exercise 4.

pig sheep poultry cow inside an animal

1. pork 1. lamb 1. chicken 1. beef 1. liver

2. ham 2. turkey 2. veal 2. kidney

3. bacon 3. duck

4. fowl

Exercise 5.

1 B 2 A 3 E 4 D 5 G 6 F 7 C

Exercise 6.

A. 1. burnt; 2. fresh; 3. sour

B. 1. off, disgusting; 2. tasty, delicious 3. a bit overdone

Exercise 7.

A. 1. blackcurrant 2. pomegranate 3. bananas 4. apple 5. lemon 6. strawberries

7. plum 8. pineapple 9. raspberry 10. pear 11. cherries 12. grapes 13. melon

B. 1. cauliflower 2. onion 3. cabbage 4. potato 5. mushroom 6. carrot 7. peas

8. aubergine 9. sweet corn 10. sweet pepper 11. tomato 12. cucumber

Exercise 8.

A. 1. beat 2. slice 3. squeeze 4. peel 5. grate 6. chop

B. 1. steam 2. boil 3. fry 4. roast 5. grill

Exercise 11.

1. a piece of cake 2. a slice of sausage 3. a lump of cheese 4. a piece of bread 5. a

drop of water 6. a slice of lemon

Exercise 13.

1 D 2 G 3 E 4 C 5 H 6 B 7 A 8 F 9 I

ТEST. 1 C 2 D 3 A 4 B 5 A 6 C 7 D 8 A 9 C 10 A 11 B 12 B


Exercise 1. 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 A

Exercise 2. 1 G 2 C 3 E 4 H 5 B 6 A 7 F 8 D

Exercise 3. 1 H 2 A 3 C 4D 5 E 6 F 7 G 8 B

Exercise 4. 1 D 2 E 3 F 4 B 5 C 6 G 7 A

Exercise 6. 1 D 2 B 3 A 4 D 5 A 6 C 7 D 8 A

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Exercise 7.

1. lectures 2. handout, notes 3. tutor, options, term 4. presentation, seminar

Exercise 8.

1. term, coursework, deadline 2. revising, fi nals, results 3. paper 4. graduation

Exercise 9.

1 B 2 C 3 C

Exercise 10.

1. mother-tongue, second language 2. native speaker 3. strong accent

Exercise 11.

main verb began countable noun words adjective old

modal verb can uncount noun pronunciation numeral 9th

participle I including definite article the preposition of

participle II written indefinite article a

pronoun it

conjunction when, until also

Exercise 12.

1. do the exercises 2. making mistakes 3. hand in 4. repeat 5. revise

6. correct 7. look it up 8. write it down 9. rub it out 10. listen carefully

TEST. 1 D 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 A 6 B 7 D 8 C 9 A 10 B 11 B 12 D


Exercise 1.

1 C 2 B 3 A 4 E 5 D

Exercise 2.

1 D 2 G 3 A 4 B 5 C 6 H 7 E 8 F

Exercise 3.

1. sailor 2. firefighter 3. paramedic 4. soldier 5. pilot 6. police officer

Exercise 4.

1. taxi driver 2. shop assistant 3. bank clerk 4. driving instructor 5. security guard

Exercise 5.

1. police officer 2. secretary 3. pilot 4. lecturer 5. ballet dancer 6. computer

programmer 7. singer 8. waitress 9. mechanic 10. dentist 11. shop assistant

12. chef 13. painter 14. writer 15. musician

Exercise 6. 1. job 2. work 3. work 4. work 5. job 6. work 7. job

Exercise 7. 1. career 2. career 3. job 4. career

Exercise 9. 1. boring 2. repetitive 3. satisfying 4. challenging 5. stressful

Exercise 10. 1. available 2. advertised 3. completing 4. requires 5. internship

6. gained 7. direct 8. enclose 9. hearing

TEST. 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 D 6 A 7 C 8 B 9 B 10 C 11 A 12 D

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Exercise 1.

fiction non-fiction

ghost story encyclopedia

thriller biography

detective story textbook

classic dictionary

science fiction travel guide

novel cookery book

Exercise 2. B. 1. paperback 2. chapter 3. title 4. preface 5. plot

Exercise 6. 1. poetry, poems 2. recite 3. poet 4. versus

Exercise 10.

A. 1. harp, violin 2. drums 3. trumpet 4. flute 5. singer 6. electric bass 7. chorus

8. accordion, piano

B. 1. pop music 2. string instruments 3. vocalist 4. percussion instruments

5. keyboard instruments 6. wind instruments 7. classical music 8. band 9. chorus

10. tune 11. conductor 12. orchestra

Exercise 12.

1 B 2 C 3 C 4 A 5 A

Exercise 14.

A. 1. dog 2. horse 3. bull 4. cat 5. rabbit 6. mouse

B. 7. cock 8. owl 9. swan 10. goose 11. peacock 12. duck

C. 13. fly 14. butterfly 15. grasshopper 16. spider 17. ladybird 18. mosquito

D. 19. zebra 20. camel 21. giraffe 22. hippopotamus 23. rhinoceros 24. deer

25. monkey 26. mole 27. hedgehog 28. rat 29. fox

E. 30. fish 31. scorpion 32. turtle

TEST. 1 C 2 B 3 D 4 B 5 A 6 A 7 D 8 A 9 B 10 D 11 A 12 C


1B 2C 3 A 4D 5 A 6 D 7 B 8 D 9C 10 B 11 A 12D



Task 1. 1 E 2 F 3 A 4 C 5G

Task 2. 1 H 2 F 3 D 4 B 5C


Task 1. 1 B 2 A 3 G 4 C 5H

Task 2. 1 H 2 D 3 E 4 F 5B

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TEXT 1 Read the text. For empty spaces (1-6) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).


Christmas stockings are hung near the chimney on Christmas Eve for Santa Claus

(1) .......... them with goodies for the children. The children in the United States and some

other countries have been following this tradition of hanging a Christmas stocking, (2) .........

that Father Christmas will fill it with sweets and gifts for them. The items that are believed

(3) .......... in the Christmas stocking by Santa Claus are known as stocking stuffers. The

tradition of the Christmas stockings began by a story (4) ........ since ancient times about a

kind noble man who had three daughters. The wife of the nobleman had died and the

daughters (5) ........... all the work in the house. When the daughters became young and

eligible for marriage, the poor father could not afford to give huge dowries to their husbands.

One evening the daughters, after washing their stockings, hung them near the fire place

to be dried. Santa Claus, being moved by the plight of the daughters, came in and put in

three bags of gold, one in each of the stocking (6) .......... by the chimney. The next morning

the family noticed the gold bags and the nobleman had enough for his daughters' marriage.

The daughters got married and lived happily ever after. Since then children have been

hanging Christmas stockings.

1 A filled B to fill C will fill D to have filled

2 A believe B having believed C believing D to believe

3 A were stuffed B stuffed C to stuff D to be stuffed

4 A told B was told C has told D telling

5 A must do B had to do C must have done D had to be done

6 A hanging B was hanging C to hang D having hung

TEXT 2 Read the text. For empty spaces (1-6) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).


Christmas decorations date all the way back to the old Christmas markets in the 16th

century Germany. In those days, Christmas food, such as sugar rods, honey cakes, and other

Christmas candy, (1) ......... as Christmas decorations. In 1610, tinsel was invented in

Germany and (2) ........ from genuine silver. Machines that shredded silver into thin tinsel-

sized strips were invented. However, since silver tinsel tarnishes and loses its shine over

time, people eventually created artificial replacements. It (3) ........ that the original inventor

of tinsel remains unknown. In the 18th century, many other kinds of Christmas decorations

became popular. Among them were (4) ......... paper, and those (5) ........ candies, nuts,

cakes, raisins, and fruits. In many families, Christmas decorating traditions and decorations

are passed on from generation to generation. However, every year new decorations are

purchased (6) ........... the old or if new inspiration is needed.

1 A used B were used C using D had been used

2 A made B done C was made D was done

3 A must note B must be noted C must be noting D must have noted

4 A having colored B coloring C colored D being colored

5 A contain B contained C containing D were containing

6 A to replace B replaced C will replace D have replaced

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Indefinite (Simple) Continuous Perfect





V(ed) / V3




being V(ed)/V3 have

has been V(ed) / V3

Past was

were V(ed) / V3


were being V(ed)/V3 had been V(ed) / V3

Future shall/will be V(ed)/V3 shall/will have been V(ed)/V3

ПРИКЛАДИ 1. This magazine is published weekly.

Its latest issue is being sold everywhere now.

The greater part of the issue has already been sold out.

2. Your article was discussed at the meeting yesterday.

It was being argued about for the whole hour.

When Ann came, the discussion had already been finished.

3. The car will be repaired tomorrow.

Everything will have been done by 6 p.m.


People always laugh at his jokes. His jokes are always laughed at.

Everybody is looking for Peter. Peter is being looked for (by everybody).

People speak a lot about this event. This event is spoken about a lot.

EXERCISE 1. Complete the sentences with passive forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. The text already ............................................... (translate) by the students.

2. The concert .............................................. (broadcast) on the radio yesterday.

3. The conference .................................................................. (hold) next April.

4. When I came, the table already ........................................... (set) by my daughter.

5. The amendment to the Constitution ................................... (adopt) two months ago.

6. This time yesterday the plan ......................................................... (discuss).

7. The room ............................................................. (air) three times a day.

8. The house ............................................................ (build) of brick.

9. How many questions ........................................................ (ask) after the lecture?

10. The new president .................................................... (elect) by the end of the year.

11. The letter .................................................................. (tear) into pieces.

12. This rare phenomenon ............................................ (observe) every ten years.

13. The potatoes already ............................... (boil), the meat ..................... (roast) now.

14. The baby .......................................... (look after) by the babysitter.

15. Not all the disadvantages .............................. (consider) carefully at the conference.

16. The landscape .............................................. (paint) very artistically.

17. Children's behaviour ................................................... (influence) by TV.

18. Fortunately, nobody ................................................... (injure) in the car crash.

19. His ideas .......................................... (talk about) by people for many years by now.

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20. The life boat ........................................ (call out) five times for the last two months.

21. A few attempts .................................................... (make) so far.

22. When the light ............................................... (turn on), we saw a body on the floor.

23. I see his attitude to life .............................................................. (review) now.

24. Unfortunately the mistake ................................................................ (make) again.

25. First one shot ...................................................... (hear), then a second, and a third.

26. By the end of the last year the show ......................... (watch) by two million people.

27. Sometimes stamps ..................................................... (sell) at incredible prices.

28. The patient ................................................. (examine) by the doctor at the moment.

29. By next September the novel ........................................ (write) for a decade already.

30. His status ...................................................... (believe) to be privileged.

EXERCISE 2. Translate into English.

1. Було вирішено зробити ще одну спробу.

2. Ця драма поставлена в багатьох театрах країни.

3. Нарешті було зроблено вирішальний крок.

4. Натовп уболівальників було розігнано поліцією.

5. Ці питання обговорюватимуться на наступних зборах.

6. Білизну саме зараз прасують.

7. Його пропозицію було підтримано більшістю голосів.

8. Цієї традиції дотримуються багато століть.

9. Ця пісня виконується багатьма співачками.

10. У тиші лісу було чути лише спів птахів.

11. На щастя, мій комп'ютер уже відремонтовано.

12. Нове місто буде засновано на березі великої ріки.

13. Усі запаси будуть використані наприкінці місяця.

14. Настрій було зіпсовано поганою погодою.

15. Підлогу зазвичай виробляють із дерева.

16. Ці квіти поливають через день.

17. Про цей проект довго сперечалися.

18. Що шукають уже півгодини?

19. Його ще не проінформовано про зміни в контракті.

20. Над ним завжди сміються.

21. Календар було винайдено ще в стародавні часи.

22. Яку подію зараз святкують у цьому ресторані?

23. Будівля опалюється газом.

24. Ці вірші написані дуже талановитою людиною.

25. Коли і ким було забруднено річку?

26. У цьому будинку ніколи не жили.

27. Скільки уроків було пропущено?

28. У таких випадках зазвичай посилають за лікарем.

29. Про це будуть сперечатися ще багато років.

30. Цю тему буде вивчено до кінця семестру.

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Complete the sentences below with appropriate active and passive forms of the

verbs in brackets.

1. Sofia ............................. (have) three dogs when she ........................... (be) a child.

2. Elena and Sofia always ......................................... (love) pets.

3. I .................................................. (sit) in front of a computer now.

4. At the moment Jack and Jill ............................................ (say) to be in the gym.

They .................................................. (lift) weights.

5. Fiona ................................. (not like) jeans, but she ....................... (wear) jeans now.

6. Big changes .............................................. (see) in the next ten years.

7. Martin Luther King ................................................ (be) a great American.

8. There ............................................ (be) many changes in the twentieth century.

9. I ................................................. (teach) to read when I ............................ (be) five.

10. Jack ...................................................... (get) a driver's license last week.

11. Jane ...................................................... (see) in this park recently.

12. It ....................................................... (rain) the whole evening yesterday.

13. By the time I come back, they ....................................................... (have) supper.

14. I ......................................................... (break) my pencil.

15. We ....................................................... (reach) the station when it began to rain.

16. Last Sunday we ............................... (arrive) at the station, ............................ (take)

a taxi and ............................................. (drive) to the hotel.

17. Jack came home late. He ..................................... (have) a meeting with his friends.

18. Bill ................................................. (turn off) the light before he left the room.

19. I ................................................. (translate) the article by next Friday.

20. Jane just .......................... (come). I .............................. (wait) for her for two hours.

21. Business letters .................................................. (write) on special forms.

22. The luggage .......................................... (examine) at the customs when we arrived.

23. They .................................................. (discuss) the question next week.

24. I ........................................................ (invite) to the concert.

25. This house .......................................................... (buy) last year.

26. The house ........................................................... (build) before I arrived.

27. We ................................................... (not show) the new film yet.

28. The accident ..................................... (cause) by the driver using a cell phone.

29. In about 40 countries laws ............................................. (pass) that prohibit drivers

from using cell phones.

30. Accidents ..................................................... (cause) by distracted drivers.

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Translate into English.

1. Коли ми вийшли на вулицю, уже стемніло.

2. Перегорнуто нову сторінку в моєму житі.

3. Усі неприємності вже забуто.

4. Коли розпочався буревій, було повалено багато дерев.

5. Мені здається, про дитину добре піклуються.

6. Ця церква була відреставрована кілька років тому.

7. Тобі сплатять за роботу до кінця тижня, якщо нічого не трапиться.

8. Зараз вони розважаються в клубі.

9. Коли вони прилетять, їх відвезуть до готелю.

10. За що тебе було оштрафовано?

11. Їх зупинили, коли вони вже наближалися до кордону.

12. Палац охоронявся озброєними людьми.

13. Його було визнано винним.

14. Ми йшли пішки 20 хвилин, коли нам запропонували підвезти нас на вокзал.

15. Я не впевнена, що ці папери вже були переглянуті.

16. Малюнок буде проданий на аукціоні за величезні гроші.

17. Ліжко було накрито простирадлом ще до того, як прийшов лікар.

18. Урожай буде зібрано наприкінці серпня, якщо не розпочнуться дощі.

19. Сир виготовляють з молока.

20. Автобусом керував досвідчений водій. ДІЄСЛОВА MAKE AND DO


make a date/an appointment do (the) homework

make a plan do an exercise

make a decision do the dishes

make a telephone call do the cleaning/laundry/ ironing/washing etc.

make a reservation do the shopping

make a mistake do one's best

make an effort do a favor

make an improvement do the right/wrong thing

make a promise do a job

make money do business

make noise What do you do for a living? (asked about a job)

make the bed How do you do?

(said when you meet someone for the first time) make an attempt

make an impression

make a pause

make a step

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EXERCISE 5. Complete the sentences with forms of the verbs MAKE and DO.

1. Shall I .................... a cake?

2. .................... a copy of this letter.

3. She never .................... her bed in the morning.

4. .................... something!

5. She .................... her best to learn English.

6. Let's .................... a decision where to go away for holiday.

7. I must .................... my hair.

8. You've .................... progress for the past week.

9. She always .................... crazy plans.

10. Could you .................... the washing up?

11. .................... me a favor, close the door.

12. Children .................... so much noise that I couldn't go to sleep.

13. Let's .................... a phone call.

14. She .................... a lot of mistakes in the dictation.

15. Don't .................... a fuss over trifles!

16. Time to .................... some work.

17. They .................... a lot of money yesterday.

18. She is .................... the wrong thing.

19. You've .................... your job pretty well.

20. You should .................... a reservation beforehand.

EXERCISE 6. Translate into English.

1. Ти добре попрацював.

2. Чому ви так галасуєте?

3. Чим Ден заробляє собі на життя?

4. Я не можу надати вам цю послугу.

5. Клайд знову припустився багатьох помилок у диктанті.

6. Батько зробив кілька телефонних дзвінків.

7. Нарешті я прийняла рішення.

8. Як часто ти робиш покупки?

9. Останнім часом наша фірма заробила непогані гроші.

10. Терпіти не можу прасувати білизну.

11. Емілі досягла значних успіхів у навчанні.

12. Білл вчинив правильно.

13. Раджу вам заздалегідь забронювати місця в готелі.

14. Лікарі роблять усе можливе для спасіння дитини.

15. Якщо ви бажаєте покращити свої результати, потрібно докласти багато зусиль.

16. Коли ти зазвичай робиш домашнє завдання?

17. Вони планують казкове весілля.

18. Після вечірки я мила посуд дві години.

19. Запишися на прийом до лікаря.

20. Моє ім'я - Джеймс Бонд. - Приємно познайомитися, містер Бонд.

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accuse sb of sth be familiar with pray for

be accustomed to be famous for be prepared for/to

adjust to feel like prevent sb from

be afraid of be fond of prohibit sb from

agree with forget about protect sb from

be amazed at/by forgive sb for be proud of

be angry about sth be glad about recover from

be angry at/with sb be good at be related to

apologize to sb for sth be grateful to sb for sth rely on/upon

approve of be guilty of be responsible for

argue about be happy about be sad about

argue with hear about be satisfied with

be ashamed of hear of be scared of

be aware of hope for be sick of

believe in be incapable of be sorry about sth

blame sb for insist on/upon be sorry for sb

be bored with/by be interested in speak about

be capable of be involved in speak to/with

care about/for be jealous of succeed in

compare to/with be known for be sure of/about

complain about be lazy about be surprised at

be concerned about listen to take care of

concentrate on look at talk about

consist of look for talk to/with

count on look forward to thank sb for

deal with be mad about be thankful to sb for sth

decide on be mad at think about/of sth

depend on/upon be made from/of be tired of

be different from be married to be upset about/with

disapprove of object to be used to

be divorced from be opposed to wait for

dream about/of participate in warn sb about

be engaged to plan on be worried about

be excited about pray to worry about

EXERCISE 7. Complete the sentences below using appropriate prepositions.

Example: I plan .... on .... going back to London soon.

1. I'm afraid ................................................................................... .

2. I'm interested ................................................................................... .

3. I want to succeed ............................................................................ .

4. I'm not very good ........................................................................ .

5. I'm accustomed ............................................................................... .

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6. I plan ................................................................................. .

7. I don't care ................................................................................ .

8. I'm grateful ................................................................................... .

9. I'm not used ........................................................................................ .

10. I don't want to depend ………………………………………….................... .

11. I want to talk .......................................................................... with my friend.

12. My friend is concerned ................................................................................... .

13. I tried to concentrate ........................................................................ , but in vain.

14. My family consists ........................................................................................ .

15. I blame my friend ...................................................................................... .

16. I'm surprised ........................................................................................... .

17. I insist ...................................................................................................... .

18. I'm proud ................................................................................................. .

19. I'm tired .......................................................................................................... .

20. I'm looking forward ............................................................................................. .

EXERCISE 8. Complete the sentences below with the given verbs and prepositions.

A. be worried decide prevent be divorced count be angry

be capable complain object be ashamed hope

1. We have finally ................................................................ going to Bali.

2. You should ....................................................... your impudent behavior.

3. I don't want to .................................................... you about such trifles.

4. Mr. Nicolson .......................................... his wife. Now they live in different cities.

5. Ken is a reliable person, you can always ....................................................... him.

6. I ................................................................. your health - you're coughing again.

7. Don't ................................................................... me, I meant well.

8. I don't like people who always .......................................................................... life.

9. We don't believe Ned ...................................................................... betrayal.

10. Nothing will ever ........................................... me .................... realizing my dream.

11. Optimists are people who ......................................................... the better.

12. I ....................................................................... being called a liar. B. feel approve be excited be prepared be jealous look

think compare be guilty protect wait

1. If you ................ your test paper ........ mine, you'll see why you've got A, and I - B.

2. I don't .......................................... going out in such nasty weather.

3. My mother doesn't ........................................ my going to bed at 3 in the morning.

4. Children are often ....................................... their brothers or sisters.

5. My neighbours .................................................... moving out.

6. The children .............................................. the prospect of going to the circus.

7. I'm tired of .............................................. you - you're 35 minutes late.

8. Greta wasn't ..................................................... being dismissed.

9. Jinni has lost her mascara and doesn't know where ............................................. it.

10. Unfortunately I can't ........................................ you .................... hardships of life.

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Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.


Choose A, B, C or D to fill in the blanks in the sentences below.

Write your answers on answer sheet А.

1. You mustn't blame me .................... what happened yesterday.

A for C in

B of D with

2. Obviously this food .................... at the nearest supermarket.

A buys C was buying

B bought D was bought

3. I don't like .................... when I'm delivering a speech.

A to interrupt C to be interrupted

B to be interrupting D will be interrupted

4. The report .................... on the latest data.

A is based C is basing

B base D has based

5. I didn't expect you to object .................... our plan.

A against C on

B with D to

6. I would be very grateful if you .................... me a favour.

A do C will do

B make D will make

7. No side effects .................... before.

A have been observed C were observed

B had been observed D were observing

8. This hypothesis is sure .................... by other scientists.

A to reject B to be rejected

C to have rejected D to be rejecting

9. When he finally arrived, he .................... by all his relatives and friends.

A was waiting B was being waited

C was waited for D was being waited for

10. The children were too lazy .................... doing the room in their mother's absence.

A for B about

C with D to

11. I've got enough time .................... the shopping now.

A to do B to make

C do D make

12. The film .................... by the end of November.

A is shot B was shot

C will be shot D will have been shot

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Present can V must V may V

Past could V had to V might V Future will be able to V will have to V will be allowed to V


1. I can speak English now, but I couldn't do it last year.

Я можу (вмію) зараз розмовляти англійською, але я не могла (не вміла) минулого року.

I hope next year I'll be able to speak English much more fluently.

Я сподіваюся, що наступного року я зможу розмовляти англійською набагато краще.

2. I had to work hard to do well in my tests.

Я мав наполегливо попрацювати, щоб добре скласти тести.

Now I must do my best to make a good specialist.

Тепер я маю докласти всіх зусиль, щоб стати гарним спеціалістом.

Very soon I'll have to take my first exams as a student.

Незабаром я буду змушена складати свої перші студентські іспити.

3. I thought I might use your bicycle.

Я думала, що можу скористатися твоїм велосипедом.

You may use it any time.

Ти можеш брати його, коли захочеш.

You will always be allowed to use it.

Тобі завжди буде дозволено користуватися ним.

EXERCISE 1. Complete the sentences below with appropriate modal verbs.

Sometimes more than one variant is possible.

1. We ................................................. not eat in the classroom.

2. Students ..................................................... not talk during a test.

3. We ............................................... use our dictionaries when we write compositions.

4. You ..................................................... not write a test with a pencil.

5. Students ...................................................... sit in any seat they want.

6. We .......................................................... not use our textbooks during a test.

7. You ............................................................. leave the room if you want.

8. We .............................................. not go to the lab this afternoon, we'll do it tomorrow.

9. You ............................................... change the locks without my permission.

10. ................................................... I come in?

11. Next year we ................................................... read English books in the original.

12. Jane ................................................ leave her child with us if she wants to.

13. Yesterday we .................................................... be present at the meeting.

14. ...................................................... you wait a minute? I'll ask my wife.

15. You've got a high temperature. You ............................................ call a doctor.

16. You ............................................... move in next month.

17. .......................................................... I borrow your car?

18. You .......................... pay your rent with cash. You ....................... pay by check.

19. One .................................................. park here.

20. I .................................................... go to the party last week.

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be at home.







be watching TV now.

дивиться телевізор зараз.

have done his homework already.

уже зробив домашнє завдання.

visit us tomorrow.

відвідає нас завтра.

propose to Adela.

освідчиться Аделі.

Can / Could




be at home?


be watching TV now?

дивиться телевізор зараз?

have done his homework already?

уже зробив домашнє завдання?

visit us tomorrow?

відвідає нас завтра?

propose to Adela?

освідчиться Аделі?

John can't / couldn't

Не може бути, що Джон

be at home.


be watching TV now.

дивиться телевізор зараз.

have done his homework already.

уже зробив домашнє завдання.

visit us tomorrow.

відвідає нас завтра.

propose to Adela.

освідчиться Аделі.


Complete the sentences below with appropriate forms of the infinitives in brackets.

1. Kelvin is tired. He must .................... (work) in the garden the whole morning.

2. Can you .................... (go) to the circus yesterday?

3. The sky is grey. It may .................... (rain) soon.

4. I have just seen him at the bus stop. He can't ..................................... (carry out)

the experiment in the lab now.

5. Could Sarah ................................... (believe) in ghosts?

6. The headmaster must .................................. (suspect) yesterday that we were going

to skip the History class.

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7. The children must ……… (watch) cartoons. I’ve never heard them laugh so loudly.

8. We are behind the schedule. We may ..................... (have to) work at the weekend.

9. I'm sure he'll come to the test. He must ......................... (approach) the school now.

10. The hotel is so big. There must ............................. (be) one hundred rooms in it.

11. I haven't seen Karen for a week. She might ........................ (go) away for holiday.

12. I saw Ron with a fishing rod. He must .............................. (go) fishing.

13. Mrs. Robinson looks so young. She can't ............................ (be) 40 already.

14. Could you ................................ (forget) to phone Mark yesterday?

15. I can't hear what they are talking about. They may ................................... (discuss)

arrangements for the Christmas party.

16. The Taylors must ........................................... (be married) for fifteen years.

17. Can he ....................................... (steal) your idea yesterday?

18. We may ....................................... (return) to this issue in a week.

19. Sheila goes to the gym every day. She can't ................................... (gain) ten kilos!

20. The singer is so popular. He must .......................................... (earn) a lot of money.


Translate into English.

1. Я не можу зараз розмовляти з тобою.

2. Ти можеш скористатися моїм словником.

3. Учора Деборі довелося їхати на роботу на таксі.

4. Не могли б ви трохи зачекати?

5. Не може бути, що вони зараз говорять про мене.

6. Мій брат, напевно, знову з кимось почав листуватися.

7. Тобі доведеться самому розповісти про власні вчинки.

8. Невже ти ще сумніваєшся, що вона тебе кохає?

9. Теду можна буде залишитися у клубі на всю ніч.

10. Тоні не зможе поїхати з нами до Ліверпулю.

11. Майк не зміг скласти іспит з алгебри з першого разу.

12. Дивись, якою стрункою стала Кетрін. Напевно, вона сидить на дієті.

13. Ти маєш допомогти братові з англійською.

14. Туристам не довелося довго чекати на гарну погоду.

15. Не може бути, що виставу скасували.

16. Ти маєш негайно повернутися додому.

17. Коли ми зможемо зустрітися ще раз?

18. Не можна брати чужі речі без дозволу.

19. Я радий, що зараз мені не треба рано прокидатися.

20. Можна я візьму твій калькулятор?

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You should (ought to) pay more attention

to your grammar.

Тобі слід приділяти більше уваги


You shouldn't (oughtn't to) waste so much

time. Тобі не слід гаяти так багато часу.

You should (ought to) have revised the

rules before the test.

Треба було тобі повторити правила

перед тестом (але ти цього не зробив).

You shouldn't (oughtn't to) have gone to

bed so late.

Не треба було тобі лягати спати так

пізно (але ти зробив це).

Why should I believe you? І чому я маю вірити тобі?

(риторичне запитання)


We need to go shopping. Нам треба сходити до крамниці.

We needn't go shopping.

We don't need to go shopping. Нам не треба йти до крамниці.

Need we go shopping?

Do we need to go shopping? Треба нам йти до крамниці?

We needed to go shopping

yesterday. Нам треба було сходити до крамниці вчора.

We didn't need to go shopping


Нам не треба було йти до крамниці вчора

(ми і не ходили).

We needn't have gone shopping


Нам не треба було йти до крамниці вчора (але

ми пішли і тільки марно витратили час і гроші).


Complete the sentences below with appropriate modal verbs (should / ought to /

must / need / have to) and forms of the infinitives in brackets.

Sometimes more than one variant is possible.

1. The weather was awful. I was glad I ............................................... (not go) to work.

2. Fiona ......................................................... (not be) so rude to Mrs. Swift yesterday.

3. I'm afraid you .............................................. (call) the doctor tomorrow.

4. Sam ..................... (not) behave like that if he doesn't want to be expelled from school.

5. You .............................................. (think) earlier about the possible consequences.

6. Christine ................ (not cook) yesterday, because she was invited to a birthday party.

7. Why I ............................................. (do) the same task again?

8. Dan ........................................... (get up) early yesterday to catch his train to Boston.

9. Linda ............................ (not buy) any milk. We have enough in the fridge.

10. My brother .................... (study) even at night now - he's taking his finals at college.

11. Ben ..................................... (put on) a warm coat yesterday - he caught a cold.

12. Look! Jack is driving a brand new BMW. He ................................... (buy) recently.

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13. Tommy, you ..................................... (go) to bed right now! It's nine already.

14. She ...................................... (miss) her favourite programme yesterday because of

the class she enrolled in recently.

15. Despite the late hour Mr. Ford .................................................... (walk) his dog.

16. If you have a toothache, you .................................................... (see) your dentist.

17. You ............................................................ (warn) earlier you were not coming.

18. Pupils ...................................................... (wear) uniform to school.

19. Phil .................................................... (not drink) cold milk - he is coughing now.

20. Leo ..................................................... (come) if he doesn't want to.


Complete the sentences below with appropriate forms of the infinitives in brackets.

1. They must ..................................................... (miss) their bus if they are not here yet.

2. You need ................................................ (not write) this exercise. It was an oral one.

3. Joy should .......................... (turn) to someone for help if she didn't know what to do.

4. Can he .............................................................. (lose) the key again?

5. Henry might ............................................................... (e-mail) you tomorrow.

6. Arthur must ............................................. (be) ill, too. Everybody around has the flu.

7. Stella may still ......................................................... (try on) dresses.

8. You can't ........................................................... (believe) this story. It was stupid.

9. Martha shouldn't .......................................................... (tell) everybody Pete's secret.

10. You must ................................................................ (kid). It's absolutely incredible.

EXERCISE 6. Translate into English.

1. Ми могли б подивитися якусь комедію.

2. Тобі не можна слухати музику так гучно.

3. Сусіди, напевно, ще сплять.

4. Мені потрібно сходити до бібліотеки.

5. Не треба було Філу братися за цю роботу самому.

6. Тобі доведеться вибачитися.

7. Чому я маю мити посуд? Сьогодні твоя черга.

8. Спортсменам треба було добре відпочити перед матчем.

9. Я більше не можу його чекати.

10. Можливо, літак уже приземлився.

11. Невже ти досі пишеш твір?

12. Не може бути, що вам не подобаються ці лижі.

13. Треба було тобі самому впевнитися, що все гаразд.

14. Луїзі потрібно купити нову спідницю.

15. Тесса ледача. Вона має змінитися.

16. Ви можете не виконувати цю вправу, якщо не хочете.

17. Треба було добре поміркувати до того, як заводити цуценя.

18. Не треба тобі втручатися у їхні справи.

19. Міку потрібно відремонтувати машину.

20. Ученицям не можна користуватися косметикою.

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Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.


Choose A, B, C or D to fill in the blanks in the sentences below.

Write your answers on answer sheet А.

1. Eddie ............. overtime yesterday, though he felt quite sick.

A must work C had to work

B had worked D must worked

2. Felix .............. to answer your letter only tomorrow.

A could C has

B will be able D can

3. We ............... to have our laptop repaired as soon as possible.

A must C could

B should D need

4. Could Greta ........... the remaining shampoo? What shall I do now?

A use C using

B used D have used

5. Harold is in trouble again. He .............. what he did.

A shouldn't do C mustn't have done

B shouldn't have done D mustn't do

6. Hugh ............... to ask any questions, everything was clear.

A needn't C needn't have

B needed D didn't need

7. Jasper ............. swim when he was five.

A could C should

B might D must

8. Marcus ........... cut the amount of food he eats if he wants to lose a couple of kilos.

A may B has

C needs D should

9. Veronica ................ forget how much you've done for her.

A may not B needn't

C oughtn't D shouldn't

10. I can't pull on my favourite jeans. I ................ have gained some weight.

A may B can

C must D should

11. William ............... to get over his anxiety and failed the test.

A wasn't able B should have

C ought D needed

12. Why ............... I go there now? It can wait a bit.

A can B should

C ought D need

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Час Пряма мова Непряма мова





Future Future Indefinite in the Past

He said, "John will come soon". He said (that) John would come soon.

Present Past Indefinite He said, "John lives in London". He said (that) John lived in London.

Past Past Perfect

He said (that) John had returned on Monday. He said, "John returned on Monday".





Future Future Continuous in the Past He said,"John will be working

from 3 to 5".

He said (that) John would be working

from 3 to 5. Present Past Continuous

He said, "John is working". He said (that) John was working.

Past Past Perfect Continuous He said, "John was working from 3 to 5". He said John had been working from 3 to 5.




He said, "John will have returned by


Future Perfect in the Past

He said (that) John would have returned

by Monday.

Present Past Perfect

He said, "John has already returned". He said (that) John had already returned.

Past Past Perfect

He said John had returned by Monday. He said, "John had returned by Monday".







s Future Future Perfect Continuous in the Past

He said, "John will have been working in He said (that) John would have been

working in our firm for 3 years in May". their firm for 3 years in May.

Present Past Perfect Continuous

He said, "John has been working since 3". He said John had been working since 3.

Past Past Perfect Continuous

He said, "By that time John had been

working for 3 hours".

He said (that) by that time John had been

working for 3 hours.


Willy said, "I was born in 1994". Willy said (that) he was born in 1994.

The teacher said, "Water boils at 100

degrees Celcius".

The teacher said (that) water boils at 100

degrees Celcius.

Ned said, "When I noticed Liz, she was

crossing the road".

Ned said (that) when he noticed Liz she

was crossing the road.

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Пряма мова Непряма мова

this that

these those

here there

now then

today that day

yesterday the previous day / the day before

the day before yesterday two days before

tomorrow the next / following day

the day after tomorrow in two days

last week the previous week / the week before

next week the next / following week

3 days ago 3 days before

ПРИКЛАДИ: 1. Peter complained, "I lost my wallet yesterday".

Peter complained (that) he had lost his wallet the day before.

2. Julia asked Jim, "What are you going to do tomorrow?"

Julia asked Jim what he was going to do the following day.

3. Mum said to me, "Do this task now".

Mum told me to do that task then.



Willy said, "I don't like autumn". Willy said (that) he didn't like autumn.

Willy said to Kate, "I don't like autumn". Willy told Kate (that) he didn't like autumn.


Recast the sentences below into indirect speech.

1. Mary said, "We can walk in the park if you like".

2. Nancy said, "I'm sorry I didn't come yesterday".

3. Peter remarked, "I don't know when The Coca Cola Company was founded".

4. My granny used to say, "There are so many people who don't observe any rules".

5. He said, "Our new neighbour always dresses so elegantly".

6. My boyfriend said to me, "I have missed you so much lately".

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7. The students said to the teacher, 'We didn't mean to disrupt the class".

8. My colleague said, "I entirely agree with you".

9. Judy said to Clara, "Melanie had a baby in May".

10. The department head said, "We'll have to make some changes in the schedule".

11. My guest said, "I usually have three spoonfuls of sugar with my tea".

12. Megan said, "Last year we went to Austria".

13. Tom complained, "I'm very tired. I had very little sleep last night".

14. The mother said to her children, "A trip to a wildlife park is too expensive for us".

15. The father scolded his son, "You can't spend the whole days lazing about".

16. Amanda said dreamily, "In two weeks I'll be far away from here".

17. Vic said, "In my childhood I had a nanny, who was always smiling".

18. Mr. Sandford promised, "The new equipment will have been installed by May,

19. Marcella said, "I have just got an e-mail from Steve".

20. Ann said to her husband, "In the morning the toys were lying all over the room".


Complete the sentences below with appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. Ann said they .......................................... just (buy) a Christmas tree.

2. The teacher said she ........................................ (want) to see my parents.

3. The shop assistant told me that the set ........................ (deliver) the following week.

4. Kevin said he ............................................. (try) to fix his bike for two hours.

5. The mother said her son .......................................... (sleep) in his cradle.

6. Steve said he ...................................... (need) a pencil sharpener.

7. The manager was happy there ................ (be) so many customers in the shop lately.

8. The police promised the stolen car ..................................... (find) in two days.

9. I hoped the train ................................. (arrive) in time.

10. The bartender told Dick that he .................... (can) smoke if he .................... (like).

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11. Ned said he always ....................................... (be) interested in history.

12. The psychologist said the child ................... (enjoy) being involved in adult activities.

13. Julia complained she ........................................... (not be) sure of the answer.

14. The Browns said they ........................ (arrange) a house-warming party on Sunday.

15. Vivian remarked she never ............................................ (like) semolina.

16. The doctor said he ............................... (come) to see me again in a couple of days.

17. Linda replied she ..................................... (be) very busy for the last several days.

18. Granny promised she .............................................. (teach) me to knit.

19. The host said he ................................. (want) to introduce me to the other guests.

20. The defendant said he .................................. (not plead) guilty.


Translate into English.

1. Підлітки поскаржилися, що їм не вистачає кишенькових грошей.

2. Співачка розказала у своєму інтерв'ю, що пише пісні з дитинства.

3. Дресирувальник сказав, що леви готові до виступів на арені.

4. Мій бос пообіцяв, що мені підвищать заробітню платню.

5. Лікар сказав, що загроза минула.

6. Деніс стверджував, що не брав гроші.

7. Хлопчик повторював, що бачив щось дивне в темній кімнаті.

8. Редактор заявив, що газета змінює свій напрям.

9. Мама каже, що мені ще рано заміж.

10. Майкл відповів, що не збирається продовжувати навчання.

11. Мені сказали, що виліт затримується.

12. Синоптики стверджують, що погода погіршиться наприкінці тижня.

13. Моя бабуся завжди казала, що життя стало цікавішим.

14. Фред згадав, що залишив гаманець у кишені плаща.

15. Я не знала, що ніколи більше його не побачу.

16. Петро був щасливий, що іспити залишилися позаду.

17. Ніхто не розумів, чому спалахнула будівля.

18. Хто тобі сказав, що все було давно вирішено?

19. Гравці зазначили, що наступний матч буде дуже складним.

20. Я вважала, що не можу відмовити йому в допомозі.

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Peter asked Betty

"Do you love me?"

"Did you see Ben yesterday?"

"Were you shopping the

whole day on Sunday?"

if / whether she loved him.

if / whether she had seen Ben the

day before.

if / whether she had been shopping

the whole day on Sunday.


Recast the sentences below into indirect speech.

1. Patricia asked, "Have we met before?"

2. Mum asked me, "Are you hungry?"

3. David wondered, " Is everybody here?"

4. The kids asked their dad, "Are we going to the circus?"

5. The policeman inquired, " Did you see the robber clearly?"

6. Valerie asked me, "Is the water warm?"

7. Liz wondered, "Have you been waiting long?"

8. Mrs. Craig asked, 'Will you have finished the work by 6?"

9. The waiter asked, "Would you like something for dessert?"

10. My brother asked me, "Have you seen my belt?"

11. Mr. Hendricks wondered, "Were you sleeping at 3 yesterday?"

12. The girl asked, "Had everybody come by 6?"

13. The dentist asked, "Does it hurt?"

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14. The insurance inspector asked, "Does the painting really cost a million?"

15. The nurse asked, "Have you taken the medicine?"

16. The receptionist asked, "Have you got a reservation?"

17. My husband asked me, "Do you like this necklace?"

18. Mum asked me, "Are you going to do your room?"

19. The boss asked his secretary, "Is there anybody waiting to see me?"

20. The taxi driver asked me, "Are you in a hurry?"


Complete the sentences below with appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. I asked Anthony if he ever .......................................... (be) to the Hague.

2. The examiner asked if I ..................................................... (understand) the question.

3. The notary asked Glenn if he ............................................. (have) a passport on him.

4. Victor asked Ingrid whether she ................................................ (marry) him or not.

5. My mother-in-law wondered if I ................................................... (buy) some bread.

6. Hilda asked Lou if she ................................................. (be) afraid of spiders.

7. The reporter asked the man whether he ................ (see) the tsunami with his own eyes.

8. The dean asked the students if they ............... (participate) in the conference next May.

9. The hairdresser asked Linda if she ........................................... (dye) her hair herself.

10. Stephanie wondered if the concert ................................................... (finish) by 10.

11. My aunt asked if it already .................................................. (stop) snowing outside.

12. The interpreter asked whether I ....................................... (can) repeat the last word.

13. My cousin wondered if the tickets ........................................................ (book).

14. Mum asked if I ............................................... (return) by the beginning of the film.

15. A colleague asked Mr. Patterson if he ............................ (can) give him a lift home.

16. The principal asked my parents if they ..................... (punish) me at least sometimes.

17. Rita asked Paul if he ................................................. (buy) a present for their mum.

18. Arthur inquired if anybody .......................................................... (listen) to him.

19. My little daughter asked me if I ................................................ (sing) her a lullaby.

20. The shop girl asked whether the customer .................. (pay) in cash or by credit card.

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Peter asked Betty

"Why do you love me?"

"Where did you see Ben yesterday?"

"How long were you shopping on Sunday?"

why she loved him.

where she had seen Ben the

day before.

how long she had been

shopping on Sunday.


Recast the sentences below into indirect speech.

1. Dolly asked, "What is your favourite magazine?"

2. Emma asked, "Where have you been?"

3. Eugene wondered, "When will you come again?"

4. Ida asked, "How can I get there?"

5. I was asked, "Why are you so embarrassed?"

6. Simon inquired, "How much did you pay for the script?"

7. Ruth asked, "Whose towel is it?"

8. Phil asked, "Who is knocking?"

9. Jake asked, "What is going on here?"

10. The teacher asked, "Where is your homework?"

11. A friend of mine asked, "What have you been doing lately?"

12. Kate wondered, " How did you spend your holiday?"

13. Max asked, "How many people have you invited to the party?"

14. A passer-by asked, "How far is it to the City Hall?"

15. The shop assistant asked the customer, "How much butter would you like?"

16. The bus driver asked, "Where exactly are you going?"

17. Frank wondered, "Who can do such work in a day?"

18. Judy asked, "What have you done to help them?"

19. My colleague asked me, "How did you manage to leave the office unnoticed?"

20. The director asked the actors, "How long will it take you to get made up?"

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EXERCISE 7. Complete the sentences with appropriate forms of the verbs.

1. Gladys asked when the pizza ................................. (deliver).

2. Martin wondered why his question ................................... (remain) unanswered.

3. Nina asked her mother when the dinner ......................................... (be) ready.

4. The singer asked how much he .............................. (get) for the previous concert.

5. Brian wondered whose dog .......................................... (bark) the whole night.

6. Connor asked how long ....................................... (learn) Spanish.

7. Charlie inquired how many tasks he ...................................... (have to) do.

8. The dentist asked Ann which tooth .................................................. (ache).

9. The reporter asked how many people .................................. (injure) in the crash.

10. The detective asked whom Mrs. Forsyte ...................... (run) into at the entrance.

11. The superintendant asked who ...................................... (make) so much noise.

12. The maid asked what else her master ...................................... (want) her to do.

13. Nora wondered when they ......................................... (can) meet next time.

14. Nick asked his grandpa what ................................. (be) the most important thing he

............................................. (do) in his life.

15. The girl asked how long it ............................ (take) her to become a super model.

16. The chemist asked what medicine I ................................ (need).

17. The photographer asked how many photos the couple ..................... (want) to have.

18. Boris wondered why his offer .................................... (reject).

19. Oliver wondered who ..................................... (say) such nasty things about him.

20. Robin asked how many kilometers we ........................................ (cover) that day.

EXERCISE 8. Translate into English. 1. Мати спитала мене, коли я повернулася зі школи додому.

2. Кондуктор запитав мене, де мій квиток.

3. Тренер запитав гравців, чому вони припинили тренування.

4. Лікар запитав пацієнта, як довго він уже кашляє.

5. Стюардеса запитала, що буде їсти пасажир.

6. Девід поцікавився, чому я посміхаюся.

7. Покупець спитав, скільки коштує велосипед.

8. Бібліотекар запитав, коли я поверну підручники.

9. Дідусь запитав онука, як він вчиться.

10. Сусід поцікавився, коли ми закінчимо ремонт оселі.

11. Тереза запитала, скільки хвилин я на неї чекаю.

12. Бабуся запитала, чому я досі не сплю.

13. Директор школи запитав, скільки учнів відсутні на зайняттях.

14. Джон поцікавився у свого брата, де він узяв новий програвач.

15. Туристи запитали гіда, де вони можуть повечеряти.

16. Моніка запитала, куди я поклала її парасольку.

17. Діти поцікавилися, коли батьки куплять їм цуценя.

18. Містер Хопкінс поцікавився, де моє домашнє завдання.

19. Ми запитали касира, коли відправляється наступний потяг.

20. Мене запитали, хто подарував мені таку чудову сукню.

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asked "Call me later". to call him later.

told "Go home". to go home.

warned "Don't tell him a word". not to tell him a word.

Peter advised Betty "Have another try". to have another try.

instructed "Be careful with the money". to be careful with the money.

begged "Come back soon". to come back soon.

ordered "Get the papers ready". to get the papers ready.

ЗАПАМ'ЯТАЙ! Willy said, "Let's think it over".

Willy suggested thinking it over.


Recast the sentences below into indirect speech.

1. Derek said, "Don't disturb me, I'm busy".

2. Mr. Evans warned me, "Don't forget your ticket".

3. Fiona said, "Let's skip the lesson".

4. Mark advised me, "Put on a sweater if you don't want to get cold".

5. Andrew said, "Turn to somebody else".

6. William begged Lucy, "Don't tell anybody about my failure".

7. Richard asked me, "Bring something for dinner".

8. A classmate of mine said, "Let's throw a party on Saturday".

9. Rudy said, "Watch your step!"

10. The driver said, 'Don't slam the door".

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EXERCISE 10. Translate into English.

1. Мій кузен стверджував, що бачив прибульців.

2. Том запитав мати, чи фільм уже розпочався.

3. Учні не здогадувалися, що зробили важливе відкриття.

4. Він не зміг відповісти на запитання, коли був заснований Лондонський Тауер.

5. Ненсі розповіла поліції, що постріл пролунав, коли вона готувала вечерю.

6. Я не знала, що нікого немає вдома.

7. Барбара запитала, скільки часу залишилося до кінця уроку.

8. Генерал наказав офіцерам посилити дисципліну.

9. Моя тітонька запропонувала зустріти Новий рік разом.

10. Учителька наказала учням не підказувати Михайлові.

11. Батько попередив мене, що повернеться, коли я вже буду спати.

12. Учитель фізики пояснив дітям, що метали проводять електричний струм.

13. Я відчувала, що тебе щось бентежить.

14. Актор розповів про те, як розпочав свою кар'єру.

15. Слідчий розпитував свідків, як усе сталося.

16. Пілот попередив пасажирів пристебнути паски безпеки.

17. Лідія сказала, що не бачила Павла з того часу, як вони закінчили школу.

18. Мешканці мікрорайону попросили свого депутата допомогти їм закінчити

будівництво нової школи.

19. Олена сказала, що просиділа в поліклініці дві години.

20. Я пообіцяв, що повернуся до вечері.

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ВИКОНАЙТЕ ТЕСТ Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.


Choose A, B, C or D to fill in the blanks in the sentences below.

Write your answers on answer sheet А.

1. Helen told her little sister that she .................... her a candy.

A gave B was giving

C will give D would give

2. The clerk asked the visitor if he .................... to put his name on the waiting list.

A phoned B had phoned

C has phoned D had been phoning

3. Stanley wondered if I .................... time to go to the pub together.

A have B has

C had D was having

4. I was told I would get the job if I .................... the necessary papers.

A produce B produced

C will produce D would produce

5. Ray answered he .................... on the project for six months.

A works B worked

C was working D had been working

6. Ursula complained she .................... from David for a month.

A didn't hear B wasn't heard

C hadn't heard D hadn't been heard

7. My brother suggested .................... about trifles.

A not argue B not to argue

C didn't argue D not arguing

8. The producer promised he .................... get enough money to shoot the film.

A will B would

C is going to D was going to

9. Percy inquired why .................... whispering.

A I was B I am

C was I D am I

10. Walter wanted to know when Columbus ………… America.

A discovered B was discovered

C had discovered D had been discovered

11. The mother said when she looked into the nursery her son .................... something.

A drew B was drawing

C drawn D had been drawing

12. Sally knew that the planets in the Solar system .................... round the sun.

A goes B go

C went D were going

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Активний стан Приклад Пасивний стан Приклад

Indefinite (to) V I'd like to go for a walk. (to) be V(ed)/V3 The article must be

translated today.

Continuous (to) be V(ing) She seems to be


Perfect (to) have V(ed)/V3 I'm glad to have seen


(to) have been +


The article should

have been translated

two days ago.



(to) have been


She must have been

sitting here since early



The to-infinitive is used The infinitive without to is used

1. After verbs to express purpose

She went out to buy some milk.

2. After certain verbs (advise, agree, appear,

decide, expect, hope, promise, refuse etc)

He рrоmised to be back at 10 o'clock.

3. After certain adjectives (angry, happy, glad )

She was glad to see him.

4. After question words (where, how, what,

who, which, but not after "why")

Has she told you where to meet them?

But: Why leave so early?

5. After would like/would love/would prefer

I'd love to go for a walk.

6. After nouns

It's a pleasure to work with you.

7. After too/enough constructions

He's too short to reach the top shelf.

He isn't tall enough to reach the top shelf.

8. With it + be + adjective (+ of + object)

It is nice of him to have given me a kitten for

my birthday.

1. After modal verbs can / may / must / should

You must be back at 12 o'clock.

2. After had better/would rather

I'd rather stay in tonight.

3. After make/let/see/hear/feel/have + object

Mum let me watch TV.

I made him apologize.

Але: in the passive form: be made/be heard/be

seen + to -infinitive

He was made to apologize.

4. Help is followed by a to-infinitive or an

infinitive without to.

She helped me (to) wash the dishes.

5. If two infinitives are joined by "and", the "to"

of the second infinitive can be omitted

I want to eat something and (to) have a rest.

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Complete the sentences below with appropriate forms of the infinitives in brackets.

1. I want ................................... (see) a manager.

2. Your car will ........................................ (repair) by next Wednesday.

3. It's important .......................................... (listen to) her alibi.

4. She agreed ................................................. (meet) with Jack.

5. They are too lazy ................................................. (wake up) at dawn.

6. Why not ................................................ (visit) your parents?

7. I'd better .......................................... (go) home now.

8. It's necessary .......................................... (plan) everything carefully.

9. She sat down ...................................... (have) a rest.

10. She was made ..................................... (go) to the out of the way village.

11. It's nice ....................................... (sit) next to you now.

12. I'd rather ....................................... (meet) you tonight.

13. Do you know where ..................................... (wait) for her?

14. Let me ............................................... (see).

15. She made him ............................................. (stop) smoking.

16. She is too angry ............................................ (speak) to him.

17. She met me only .............................................. (make fun of) me.

18. Could you help me ............................................... (translate) this article?

19. You could ............................................ (kill) by lightning yesterday.

20. It may ............................................... (rain).


V + to V V + object + to V


























































ПРИКЛАДИ: 1. I plan to call on him and discuss this question.

2. He agreed to come tomorrow.

3. He wants me to go there tonight, but I don't want to.

4. She asked me to wait a little.

5. They seem to have gone to Cyprus last year.

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EXERCISE 2. Complete the sentences with appropriate forms of the infinitive.

1. I persuaded Tom ............................................ (join) a sports club.

2. You have been warned .................................................. (not believe) this liar.

3. It's important .................................................. (understand) by your friends.

4. Sheila was told .................................................... (fetch) a taxi.

5. The coach instructed the goalkeeper ....................................... (be) more attentive.

6. Ada urged her husband ................................. (look for) the lost puppy everywhere.

7. Bart seems ................................................ (sleep) in his room now.

8. Dave knew Agatha ........................ (travel) all over the world for the last few years.

9. Natalie pretends ............................................... (read).

10. I want ................................................... (invite) to Ross's party.

11. Parents should encourage their children ....................... (take) independent decisions.

12. Clare refused .......................................... (participate) in the contest.

13. I thought Oscar ............................................. (stay) with his friends in Florida then.

14. Lily seems ........................................... (go) shopping an hour ago.

15. Nobody helped Eve .................................................. (do) the apartment.

16. Julian believed Neil ................................................. (work) overtime that week.

17. Ed swore ............................................. (see) everything with his own eyes.

18. I chose Penny ............................................. (dress) as Snowwhite at the matinee.

19. We always forget .................................... (close) the windows before leaving home.

20. Viola pretended ............................................... (leave) her homework at home.

EXERCISE 3. Translate into English.

1. Джессіка була досить розумною, щоб зрозуміти мій натяк.

2. Хто дозволив тобі використовувати моє ім'я?

3. Мати примусила Тоні працювати на городі.

4. Здається, концерт уже закінчується.

5. Я вважав, що справа є невідкладною.

6. Дуже добре з вашого боку попередити мене про розіграш.

7. Він робить вигляд, ніби продивляється кореспонденцію.

8. Друзі переконали мене купити будиночок на березі озера.

9. Не хочу, щоб мене використовували в чиїхось цілях.

10. Чому б не спитати його поради?

11. Я не очікувала, що мене нагородять цінним подарунком.

12. Вважають, що поліція заарештувала не ту людину.

13. Хільду примусили тричі переписати вправу.

14. Ти не забув поставити молоко в холодильник?

15. Він присягався, що виконав усі вправи сам.

16. Хто навчив тебе так добре керувати автівкою?

17. Ти б краще йшов додому, якщо в тебе нежить.

18. Містер Тейлор відмовився свідчити в суді.

19. Ніхто не погоджувався зніматися в цій рекламі.

20. Шкода сидіти вдома в такий гарний день.

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Активний стан Приклад Пасивний стан Приклад

Present V(ing) She enjoys dancing. being V3 He entered the room with-

out being noticed.

Perfect having V3 He denied having

stolen the money. having been + V3

I admitted having been

shown the letter.


1) as a noun:

Eating vegetables is good for your health.

2) after certain verbs (admit (to), avoid, consider, continue, delay, deny, enjoy, escape,

excuse. fancy, finish, forgive, imagine, involve, keep (continue), look forward to,

mention, mind, miss, object to, postpone, practise, prevent, report, resist, risk, save,

stand, suggest, understand etc):

He objected to restoring the painting.

3) after love, like, dislike, hate, enjoy, prefer (to express general preference):

He likes cooking.

ЗАПАМ'ЯТАЙ: like + to V = it's a good idea; it's useful; it's the right thing to do:

I like to eat a healthy breakfast.

4) after certain phrases (I'm busy, it's no use, it's (no) good, it's (not) worth, can't help,

what's the use of, there's no point (in), can't stand, be/get used to, be/get accustomed to,

have difficulty (in) ):

It's no use complaining.

5) after go for physical activities:

They go skiing every winter.

6) after spend/waste time:

He wasted his time playing video games.

7) after prepositions:

He entered without knocking at the door.

8) after see, hear, listen, watch, feel to express an incomplete action, an action in

progress or a long action:

I saw Kate painting the kitchen. (I saw Kate in the middle of painting. I saw

Kate when she was panting the kitchen. I didn't wait until she had finished.)

(Я бачив, як Кейт фарбувала кухню.)

ЗАПАМ'ЯТАЙ: see, hear, listen, watch, feel + V to express a complete action,

something that one saw or heard from beginning to end

I watched Kate paint the kitchen. It took her two hours.

(I saw the whole action from beginning to end.)

(Я бачив, як Кейт пофарбувала кухню.)

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EXERCISE 4. Complete the sentences below using ІNG-forms.

Example: The best way to improve your vocabulary is by .... reading ... .

1. One way to find a job is by ................................ .

2. It's very difficult to find a job without .................................... .

3. The best way to quit a bad habit is by ................................ .

4. I can't speak English without ................................... .

5. Have you thought about ............................................ ?

6. Are you dreaming about ........................................... ?

7. I'm upset about ........................................ .

8. I insist on ........................................... .

9. I don't believe in .......................................... .

10. I will object to ............................................ .

11. Sarah doesn't approve of .......................................... .

12. Ben wasted his time ........................................ .

13. It's no use .......................................... .

14. My brother is interested in ........................................... .

15. Why did you stop .................................................... ?

16. Kelly isn't used to ................................................. .

17. Every Sunday the Osborns go ............................................. .

18. We are looking forward to ............................................ .

19. Jess can't stand ..................................................... .

20. Have you ever participated in ................................................. ?

EXERCISE 5. Translate into English.

1. Ми спостерігали, як водій намагався завести двигун.

2. Немає сенсу сперечатися з Ніком.

3. Долорес наполягала, аби її обрали старостою класу.

4. Ми плануємо покататися на човні сьогодні ввечері.

5. Психологи стурбовані, коли діти дивляться фільми жахів.

6. Було приємно слухати, як вчителі хвалили її сина.

7. Джулія зайнята прибиранням оселі.

8. Не можна досягти успіхів, не працюючи наполегливо.

9. Я з нетерпінням очікую зустрічі з моїми колишніми однокласниками.

10. Я люблю виконувати дом. завдання в п'ятницю, аби бути вільною на вихідних.

11. Харчування у фаст-фудах призводить до надлишкової ваги.

12. Я надаю перевагу пішим прогулянкам.

13. Лола проводила час, зустрічаючись із подругами.

14. Терпіти не можу, коли мене будять рано вранці.

15. Ми бачили, як грабіжник вибіг із дому навпроти.

16. У моєї сестри труднощі із запам'ятовуванням великої кількості слів одночасно.

17. Я не звикла, щоб мені вказували, що я маю робити.

18. Дружині не дуже сподобалося, що чоловік витратив усі гроші на подарунки.

19. Не варто витрачати стільки часу на безглузді балачки.

20. Сесилія почула, як Майк гримнув дверима.

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V + V(ing) admit consider excuse miss regret

adore delay fancy permit resent

advise deny finish postpone resist

appreciate describe forbid practise risk

avoid detest imagine put off suggest

can't help dislike involve quit tolerate

complete dread keep recall understand

commence enjoy mind recommend

ПРИКЛАДИ: 1. She enjoys dancing.

2. I can't help laughing when she starts singing.

3. He denies having seen the film before.

4. Doctors advise keeping to a healthy diet.

5. We admitted being invited to the reception.


Дієслова, що вживаються з герундієм або інфінітивом без зміни значення

attempt deserve love

begin hesitate neglect

can't stand intend prefer

continue like start

ПРИКЛАДИ: 1. I like swimming.

2. I like to swim.


We stopped to talk about the weather.

Ми зупинилися (з якою метою?), щоб обговорити погоду.

We stopped talking about the weather.

Ми припинили обговорювати погоду.


Complete the sentences below with appropriate ING-forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. The girls put off ................................. (visit) a beautician till the following week.

2. I can't imagine your .................................................. (beat) by this amateur boxer.

3. Would you mind ........................................................ (appoint) head manager?

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4. I don't understand her ……………………….. (make) the same mistake five times.

5. Who suggested .......................................................... (buy) a dishwasher?

6. We're considering ........................................ (spend) our holidays in the mountains.

7. Do you really enjoy ........................................... (praise) like that?

8. I'd recommend ............................................ (see) the doctor immediately.

9. Louise admitted ............................................ (lose) the keys again.

10. Lindsey adores ............................................ (photograph) by paparazzi.

11. I can't resist .................................................. (eat) so many sweets.

12. We can't help ....................................................... (laugh) when he tells jokes.

13. Mike avoided ............................................................. (see) by the headmaster.

14. Why did you quit .................................................... (go) to the library?

15. I appreciate your ........................................................ (help) in emergency.

16. Jessica denies .................................................. (spend) all her money in one day.

17. I can't stand people ................................................... (lie) to me.

18. Ned deserves ........................................................ (send) to a good resort.

19. When did you start ......................................................... (play) hockey?

20. Why did you stop ........................................................... (play) the trumpet?


Translate into English.

1. Джозеф шкодує, що відмовився від цієї посади.

2. Не можу не милуватися вашою чарівною дочкою.

3. Ви не проти, якщо ми повернемося до цього питання пізніше?

4. Лора заперечує, що винаймає квартиру.

5. Не розумію, чому ти не прийшов учора на збори.

6. Терпіти не можу, коли до мене ставляться як до дитини.

7. Не можу уявити, як я буду працювати вчителем у цій школі.

8. Моя донька любить, коли їй розповідають казки.

9. Стенлі заслуговує, щоб його похвалили.

10. Мені подобається перекладати вірші.

11. Коли ви розпочали обговорювати цю статтю?

12. Чак уникає розмов про особисте життя.

13. Мати запропонувала провести свята за містом.

14. Психологи рекомендують частіше аналізувати свої відчуття.

15. Рейчел визнала, що не відвідувала зайняття без поважної причини.

16. Вибачте, що я запізнився.

17. Студенти продовжували вигукувати свої пропозиції.

18. Лінда обожнює спостерігати за тваринами.

19. Я ніколи не припиняю стежити за своєю зовнішністю.

20. Чому ви припинили підготовку до експедиції?

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ВИКОНАЙТЕ ТЕСТ Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.


Choose A, B, C or D to fill in the blanks in the sentences below.

Write your answers on answer sheet А.

1. The boys may .................... darts for an hour already.

A play B be playing

C have played D have been playing

2. The doctor persuaded me .................... some tests made.

A have B to have

C having D to have had

3. The wind seems to .................... more and more biting.

A get B be getting

C have got D have been getting

4. The neighbours stopped .................... after the argument.

A talking B to talk

C to be talking D being talked

5. I can't understand her to sell .................... .

A her new car. B she sold

C her selling D having sold

6. Patrick has always wanted .................... his own shop.

A opening B to open

C open D he opens

7. Polly decided to take a computer course .................... for her new job.

A prepare B prepared

C to prepare D for preparing

8. She's very independent by nature and avoids .................... anybody for help.

A asking B being asked

C to ask D having asked

9. .................... books in the original is very important for future interpreters.

A Reading B To be reading

C They read D Having read

10. I hope he appreciates .................... him with repairs.

A me to have helped B I was giving

C being helped D my helping

11. The headmaster doesn't let the students .................... jeans for school.

A wearing B be wearing

C wear D to wear

12. My sister was made .................... the dog out.

A take B taking

C to take D to be taking

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If-clause Main clause Use

If + S1 + Present Simple

Present Continius

Unless (if not)


S2 + Future Simple

can/may/must +V

Real or very probable

situation in the present or



Unless you can afford it, don't buy it.

If she comes late, we'll miss the bus.

If it rains, we won't go to the country.

If you see Jane, can you tell her my story?


If-clause Main clause Use

If + S1 + Past Simple


S2 + could + V


Improbable situation in the

present or future: also is

used to give advice


If I were you, I would go to see a doctor (advice).

If I had money, I would buy a new house.


If-clause Main clause (result) Use

If + S1 + Past Perfect


S2 + could + have + V3


Unreal or improbable

situation in the past, also is

used to express regrets and



If you hadn't missed classes, you would have passed the exam.

If you had been polite to her, she would have stayed with us.

Примітка: S — subject

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EXERCISE 1. Complete the sentences with appropriate forms of the verbs.

1. If I have time, I ........................................... (write) to him.

2. If today ............................................ (be) Sunday, we could go to the beach.

3. If I didn't have to study, we ........................................... (go out) tonight.

4. If it hadn't snowed, we ............................................ (leave) yesterday.

5. If you are in Paris, ................................................ (call) me.

6. She would have sold the house, if she .................................... (find) the right buyer.

7. If I have time, I usually .................................................... (walk) to work.

8. If you ..................................... (go) to the post office, please mail this letter for me.

9. If I finished the dress before Sunday, I .................... (give) it to Ann for her birthday.

10. If I had seen the movie, I .......................................... (tell) you about it last night.

11. He would give you the money, if he .................................................. (have) any.

12. She ................................................. (call) you, if she had needed your help.

13. We could go for a drive if today ............................................. (be) Friday.

14. I ...................................................... (accept) if they invite me to the party.

15. If they had known him, they ................................................. (talk) to him.

16. If I heard from Jane, I ................................................ (call) you.

17. If I .............................................. (hear) from Jane, I would have called you.

18. We would have arrived sooner, if we ............................................... (lose) our way.

19. If I .................... (be) you, I ................................ (spend) the week-end in London.

20. If Terry ................. (like) coffee, he ..................... (go) to the coffee shop every day.

EXERCISE 2. What would you say to a friend who .................... . Example: doesn't go out much — If I were you, I would spend more time outdoors.

1. isn't very interested in studies

2. spent too much money at the club

3. eats too many sweets

4. caught a cold last week

5. wants to enter a university

6. is too trusting

7. lives in the South

8. doesn't know what to do in future

9. has lost his wallet

10. is too touchy

11. reads only comics

12. never goes to the theatre

13. learns five foreign languages at the same time

14. has a new camera

15. was rude to the teacher

16. forgot to buy a newspaper for his dad

17. has never been to Kyiv

18. pays too much attention to his appearance

19. has five dogs

20. is in hospital now.

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Translate into English.

1. Я почувалася б щасливою, якби погода була б сонячною.

2. Якби ми вчора зустрілися, ти б побачила моє нове пальто.

3. Якщо я куплю квитки, я завтра поїду в Крим.

4. Якби ти більше читав, ти б не ставив таких безглуздих запитань.

5. Якби я не читав цю книгу, я б не зрозумів, про що фільм.

6. Якби я міг обирати, я б хотів бути Джеймсом Бондом.

7. Ти міг би допомогти мені, якби я до тебе звернувся?

8. Мені не було б так страшно, якби не було так темно.

9. Я б став мільйонером, якби вгадав ще одну цифру.

10. Якби в мене були діти, я б не примушувала їх лягати спати о дев'ятій.

11. Якби поліція не знайшла запальничку злочинця, його б ніколи не знайшли.

12. Якби я був зараз вільним, я б із задоволенням зустрівся з друзями.

13. Якби я мав більше вільного часу, я б пішов до басейну.

14. Якби Рон був більш зібраним, він не припускався б таких прикрих помилок.

15. Якби я був вчителем, я б не задавав учням таке велике домашнє завдання.

16. Я б не одружився з Мері, якби вона дивилася серіали.

17. Якби ти вчасно прийняла ліки, ти б не захворіла.

18. Якби завтра були вибори до парламенту, ми б усі пішли голосувати.

19. Якби ваза не розбилася, мати не була б такою сердитою.

20. Якби я не знала, що робити, я б давно звернулася до тебе за допомогою.

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2. РЕЧЕННЯ З ДІЄСЛОВОМ TO WISH Форма Уживання Приклад

I wish + Subject + Past Simple

(If only = "I wish" but more


We express a wish about a

present situation which we

want to be different.

I wish he were with us now.

Шкода, що він не з нами зараз.

If only he were with us!

Якби тільки він був зараз із нами!

I wish + Subject +would V

(If only) NOTE

We never say: I wish I would

We express a wish for a

change in the future.

I wish she would ever stop smoking.

Шкода, що вона ніколи не

припинить палити.

I wish + Past Perfect (If only)

We express a regret or a

wish that something

happened or didn't happen

in the past.

I wish he hadn't failed his test last


Шкода, що він не склав цей іспит у

минулому семестрі.


Complete the sentences below with appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. I wish I ...................................... (meet) with you when you were in town.

2. Jack wishes he ........................................ (send) the letter yesterday.

3. If only people .............................................. (fly).

4. Jane wishes she ........................................... (go) to London, but she has to work.

5. I wish your brother ............................................ (stop) drinking.

6. I wish it .................................................. (be) so cold now.

7. Paula wishes Jack .................................................. (talk) so much yesterday.

8. I wish you .............................................. (not be) so lazy.

9. Kate wishes you ................................................... (type) faster.

10. Mr. Brown wishes his students ........................................... (work) better last term.

11. If only it ............................................ (be) Indian summer now!

12. Melanie wished she ...................... (not mention) Patrick's name in the conversation.

13. Now Dan wishes he ................................................. (study) harder at school.

14. I wish I ................................................. (know) the answer to this question.

15. The Davises wished they never ............................................. (board) that plane.

16. We wish your cat ........................................... (not leave) mice at our door.

17. My brother wished he ............................. (not go) to college that day. He got an F!

18. I wish I .............. (be) Sherlock Holmes and ...................... (can) solve the mystery.

19. Thousands of people wish the volcano eruption ................................ (not start) yet.

20. The police inspector wished there ........................ (be) more witnesses to the crime.

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EXERCISE 5. Respond to the following statements, beginning with I WISH. Example: It's rather windy. - I wish it weren't so windy / I wish the wind would stop blowing.

1. Life is not so easy.

2. Sarah doesn't believe in love at first sight.

3. The bill wasn't adopted.

4. The shower isn't working.

5. The road was blocked.

6. There were snowdrifts everywhere.

7. I have never seen a shark.

8. It is going to rain.

9. Our guide has fallen ill.

10. You sounded foolish.

11. Yesterday we were caught in a heavy downpour.

12. My dream hasn't come true yet.

13. My son dropped a fresh bun.

14. Roger can't play the quitar.

15. We had a flat tire on our way to Bristol.

16. We can't play soccer.

17. The task is too difficult for me.

18. Grandpa has retired recently.

19. I have a bad ear for music.

20. You have spoiled everything.

EXERCISE 6. Translate into English.

1. Шкода, що канікули такі короткі.

2. Шкода, що телефон не працює.

3. Тині шкода, що літак не може вилетіти через буревій.

4. Шкода, що в тебе болить горло і ти не можеш піти на ковзанку.

5. Мені було шкода, що ми не познайомилися раніше.

6. Генрі хотів би, щоб будівництво його будинку було розпочато якомога скоріше.

7. Шкода, що ти не слухаєш мої поради.

8. Шкода, що ми зрідка бачимося.

9. Мені хотілося б, щоб наша розмова вчора була більш серйозною.

10. Я би хотів, щоб у мене більше ніколи не боліли зуби.

11. Шкода, що тебе цікавлять лише комедії.

12. Містеру Куперу було шкода, що він не отримав жодних гарантій.

13. Шкода, що я не втримався від зауважень.

14. Стелла хотіла б, щоб ця вечірка ніколи не закінчувалася.

15. Шкода, що мене неправильно зрозуміли.

16. Шкода, що наша збірна не стала чемпіоном світу з футболу.

17. Шкода, що заняття на курсах розпочинаються так пізно.

18. Шкода, що жовтень у цьому році такий холодний.

19. Шкода, що цей светр занадто малий для мене.

20. Шкода, що виставу скасували.

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Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.


Choose A, B, C or D to fill in the blanks in the sentences below.

Write your answers on answer sheet А.

1. If you .................... the beginning of the film, you would have enjoyed it better.

A didn't miss C hadn't missed

B weren't missing D hadn't been missing

2. I wish he .................... to post the letter yesterday.

A doesn't forget C hasn't forgotten

B didn't forget D hadn't forgotten

3. If only Susan .................... that I love her!

A has believed C believes

B was believed D believed

4. If you didn't believe rumours you .................... much happier.

A were C will be

B would be D would have been

5. I .................... my mind if you had told me about everything honestly.

A won't change C wouldn't change

B won't have changed D wouldn't have changed

6. If the expedition .................... with everything necessary, it would have failed.

A didn't provide C hadn't been provided

B wasn't provided D wouldn't be provided

7. My brother wouldn't have joined the army if he .................... the university.

A entered C had entered

B were entering D had been entering

8. Stan wishes he ………… to the USA soon.

A will go B goes

C would go D would have gone

9. If only you .................... with us here now.

A stay B are staying

C stayed D were staying

10. You wouldn't have crashed the car if you .................... the rules.

A followed C had followed

B was following D would have followed

11. The mother wishes she ……….. her son's secrets.

A knew B were known

C knows D know

12. If I were as clever as Francis I .................... a millionaire already.

A will be B were

C would be D would have been

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TEXT 1 Read the text below.

For each of the empty spaces (1-6) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).


WWW resources are organized to allow users (1) ............... easily from one resource to

another. Users generally navigate through the WWW using an application known as a

WWW browser client. The dream behind the "WorldWideWeb" was of a common

information space for people (2) ............... by sharing information referred to by a single

"Universal Document Identifier". Its universality is essential: the very fact that a hypertext

link can point to anything, be it personal, local or global, be it draft or highly polished.

There was a second part of the dream, too, (3) ............ the Web (4) ............ so generally that

it became a realistic mirror (or in fact the primary embodiment) of the ways in which we

work and play and socialize. That means that once the state of our interactions (5) .......... on

line, we (6) ......... computers to help us analyze it, make sense of what we are doing, where

we individually fit in, and how to better work together.

1 A to move B moving C will move D moved

2 A will communicate B to communicate C would communicate D having


3 A dependent on B dependent from C dependent with D dependent to

4 A using B to use C to be used D being used

5 A is B are C was D were

6 A can be used B could be using C can use D could use

TEXT 2 Read the text below and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).


Everyone must (1) ............... the word 'pyjama'. A pyjama or a pajama is an important

piece of clothing, (2) .......... by both men and women. In places like Britain and the United

States, the term applies to sleeping suits (3) ............. trousers and a loose front-buttoned

jacket. These days, pajamas or pj's (4) ............ anything, from flamboyant beach trousers to

airy boxers. More often than not, any item of male sleepwear today is synonymous to a

pajama. Still, the traditional pyjamas are a combination of a jacket and a pair of trousers

alongside. Today, soft fabrics such as flannel are used (5) ............... pyjamas, so that they

are more comfortable (6) .............. . The sleeves of the jackets are cuffless and they have a

placket front. Often, pyjamas are called jim, jams or jimmies, in colloquial speech in the

South Asian region. In South Africa, people know them as night suits. Customarily,

pyjamas are worn without underwear and with bare feet. However, wearing styles may vary

according to the personal preferences of the wearer.

1 A hear B have heard C heard D be hearing

2 A enjoyed B enjoying C is enjoyed D being enjoyed

3 A consisted on B consisting from C consisted from D consisting of

4 A should mean B need to mean C can mean D could be meaning

5 A to make B making C to do D for doing

6 A worn B being worn C wearing D to wear

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PRE-TEST Read and complete the text below.

For empty spaces (1—14) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).


The Admiralty Mariual of Seanlariship published by the British Royal Navy in

1964 advises that sea water is poisonous. (1) ......... the manual, "Numerous lives were

lost from this (2) ........... during the last war. Madness and death follow very quickly

after drinking sea water." The truth is that drinking a small (3) ........ of clean sea water

won't do you any harm, especially if you also drink plenty of fresh water to (4) .........

your body flush out the sodium chloride. However, if you drink sea water exclusively

for the (5) ......... of hydration then you will quickly find yourself in trouble. If you

continue to drink sea water and no other hydrating fluids, the sodium levels in your

blood will (6) .......... to toxic levels, water will be expelled from the cells in your

body, your nervous system will crash, and you will experience seizures, brain damage,

and ultimately heart and kidney failure. You will also become more thirsty, as your

body (7) ......... more water than it takes in to flush out the salt. While you are still

conscious; you will experience raging thirst, delirium, confusion, and an over-

whelming fear that you are about to die. Mad or not, you certainly won't be very

rational. Fresh water has fewer than 1,000 parts per million of dissolved salts. That

(8) .......... that less than 0.1 percent of the water's weight is salt. Human blood is

around 0.9 percent and sea water is about 3.5 percent salt by weight.

Several ocean travelers have reported drinking a mixture of sea and fresh water

with no ill (9) ......... . Norwegian explorer and writer Thor Heyerdahl reported

drinking 40 percent sea water mixed with 60 percent fresh water during his 1947

expedition across the Pacific Ocean on board the raft Kon-Tiki. In 1952 "voluntary

cast-away" Dr. Alain Bombard (10) ........... 65 days on board a tiny inflatable, the

Heretique, to (11) ......... that castaways could and should drink small quantities of sea

water, while collecting fresh water from condensation. However, his findings are

controversial and the maritime rule is still to avoid drinking sea water at all (12) ....... .

1 А according to B due to С thanks to D owing to

2 А motive B object С principle D cause

3 А number B measure С amount D part

4 А encourage B support С assist D help

5 А purposes B plans С ideas D functions

6 А occur B rise С happen D climb

7 А treats B uses С operates D employs

8 А symbolizes B makes С means D intends

9 А effects B powers C actions D conclusions

10 А wasted B spent С passed D occupied

11 А test B analyze С check D prove

12 А ways B means С costs D values

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EXERCISE 1. Match the parts of the world with the numbers.

Africa the Mediterranean South America Central America

Asia the Middle East the Caribbean South East Asia

the Arctic North America the Far East Scandinavia

Antarctica Central Europe the British Isles North Africa

EXERCISE 2. Use the dictionary to complete the list.

Country Capital Nationality Language

Austria Vienna Austrian German

















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Use these words to complete the sentences.




proud of





consists of












The US (1) .......................... 50 states and (2) .......................... 9.6 million square

kilometers making it the third largest country in the world. The country's size means

that its climate and (3) ................................... are very (4) .................................... .

The US is traditionally (5) ....................................... into five regions.

New England in the North-East is the smallest region. There are many small

towns, and Boston is the only (6) .............................. city. New Englanders, sometimes

called true Yankees, are (7) ..................................... their history.

The Pilgrim Fathers settled in the area, and the American Revolution began there.

The Mid-Atlantic states (8) ................................ along the Atlantic Ocean to the south

of New England. Major cities include New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and

Baltimore, as well as Washington, DC, the (9) ................................ city of the US.

The East Coast is the country's main business (10) ....................................... .

From the Midwest pioneers set out to (11) ............................................ the West. The

(12) ................................ cities of Chicago and Detroit are considered liberal, but most

Midwesterners are thought to be (13) .................................... . People from the East

Coast laugh about the old-fashioned ways of Midwesterners, but respect their

(14) ................................ for family value; and religion. The South has many poor

areas. The hot climate (15) ........................ that people have a slower lifestyle, so other

Americans sometimes think Southerners are lazy. They also (16) ................................

the South for its past (17) ...................................... of slaves.

The West includes the cities of Dallas and Los Angeles, the (18) ...........................

centers of Las Vegas and Hollywood. Americans considеr the West to be a place of

new beginnings and (19) ........................... . From here Bill Gates (20) .........................

the electronic world.

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Match the names А with the descriptions of the historical figures B.

1. Tutankhamun A a Roman emperor

2. Cleopatra B a Nazi dictator

3. Plato C a king of England

4. Julius Caesar D a Greek philosopher

5. King Henry VIII E an Egyptian queen

6. Genghis Khan F an Indian spiritual leader

7. Mahatma Gandhi G an Egyptian pharaoh

8. Adolf Hitler H a Russian revolutionary

9. Leon Trotsky I a Mongol warrior


Use these words to complete the sentences.

leader hereditary judicial powers chairman

elected monarchy legislative directing executive

Great Britain is a (1) ............................ , but the monarchy of Great Britain is not

absolute, it is constitutional. It means that the (2) ..................... of the Queen Elizabeth

II are limited by Parliament. The Queen reigns but she does not rule.

Parliament is a higher (3) ................................ organ where British laws are made.

It consists of two houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House

of Lords is a (4) ................................ Chamber. There are over 1,000 members in the

House of Lords. The Chairman of the House of Lords is Lord Chancellor.

The members of the House of Commons are (5) ........................... by secret ballot

for a period of five years. They belong to different political parties. In the House of

Commons there are 635 members. The Speaker is the (6) ............................... at all the

debates in the House of Commons. His duty is to keep order. He is elected by all the

members of the House of Commons.

The (7) ................................. power belongs to the Government, that is, the Prime

Minister and the Cabinet. They are responsible for initiating and (8) .............................

the national policy. The Prime Minister is usually the (9) ............................... of that

party. The second largest party becomes the Official Opposition with its own leader

and "Shadow Cabinet".

The (10) ....................................... branch is represented by the Supreme Court.

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Read the text. For questions 1—5 choose the best answer.

Тhе US flag is an important symbol to all Americans. During the revolution

аgainst Britain, George Washington asked Betsy Ross to make a flag as an

encouragement for his soldiers. This flag had 13 stripes, seven red and six white, and

in one corner 13 white stars on a blue background to represent the 13 states. On 14

June 1777 it became the flag of the independent US. As each new state became part of

the US аn extra star was added. Today, the flag is called Old Glory or Stars and

Stripes. Children start the school day by saying the Pledge of Allegiance, a promise to

be loyal to the flag and to their country. Each of the US states also has its own flag.

State flags may show the state flower or bird, or other emblem.

The flag of the United Kingdom is known as the Union Jack. (Jack is a sailing

term for a flag.) Ithas been used as the British flag since 1603, when Scotland and

England were united. The original design combined the red cross of England with the

white diagonal cross on a blue background of Scotland. The red diagonal cross of

Ireland was added in 1801, when Ireland became part of the United Kingdom. Wales

is not represented on the Union Jack because it is a principality of England.

1 The word "encouragement" is closest in meaning to .................... .

A inspiration

B support

С help

2 In the passage the word "background" is closest in meaning to .................... .

A context

B setting

С environment

3 The word "pledge" is closest in meaning to .................... .

A oath

B agreement

С contract

4 The word "loyal" is closest in meaning to .................... .

A truthful

B neutral

С faithful

5 The word "principality" is closest in meaning to .................... .

A union

B territory

С place

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Read and complete the text below.

For each of the empty spaces (1—10) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).



How did these creatures come to be the symbols of the

national parties? One person is primarily responsible. A

man (1) ............... Thomas Nast was the most influential

political cartoonist in U.S. history. He worked for a

weekly magazine as a political cartoonist. Another

political cartoonist first used the donkey to (2) ............ the Democratic party in 1837,

when a cartoon (3) ............ depicting President Andrew Jackson riding the beast. In

1870, Nast drew a donkey to mock the Democratic newspapers who (4) ............ with

the South.

Nast first used the elephant to represent the Republican party in a satirical cartoon.

In 1874 the New York Herald reported that President Ulysses S. Grant intended to run

for an unprecedented third (5) ............ term in 1876, and accused him of "Caesarism,"

(6) .............. the famous Roman emperors. Several weeks later, the paper erroneously

reported that animals from the New York City Zoo had (7) ............. and were roaming

around Central Park. On November 7, just before midterm elections, a Nast cartoon

ran in Harper's Weekly (8) .......... a donkey disguised as a lion and marked "Caesar-

ism." The lion was scaring all the other animals that were loose in the park, (9) ..........

a huge elephant labeled "the Republican Vote." Nast's depiction of the two parties

using these animals was not complimentary but it stuck, and they now proudly

represent their respective parties.

Incidentally, Nast is also (10) ........... drawing the first modern-looking Santa

Claus. Before Nast, Santa didn't even have a beard.

1 А characterized B named С mentioned D selected

2 А represent B perform С produce D estableish

3 А arrived B seemed С looked D appeared

4 А understood B sympathized С supported D coincided

5 А time B duration С period D term

6 А referring to B citing С suggesting D concerning

7 А escaped B avoided С run D evaded

8 А branding B detailing С depicting D characterizing

9 А composing B containing С including D adding

10 А great for B famous for С noted as D known as

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Translate the sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the words in italics.

1. About 75% of Britain is farmed.

2. The main crops in Britain are cereals, e.g. wheat and barley,

and potatoes, sugar, beet and oilseed rape.

3. Livestock, mainly sheep and cattle, are reared in hilly areas,

though dairy cows (cows used for their milk) are kept on the

richer grass of the lowlands.

4. Many farmers practice organic farming without chemicals.

5. The most important products of British industry are food items, transport

equipment, machinery and motor vehicles.

6. Heavy industries include coal mining, engineering, manufacturing of cars, ships

and aircraft, and steel and chemical production.

7. Light industries include the manufacture of small electronic and household goods.

8. The US is the world's leading industrial nation.

9. Texas is an important manufacturing center. Products include chemicals, industry,

machinery, food processing and electronic items.

10. Mining for a variety of metals, including iron and gold is very important for the US.


A. Put the different types of products below into the correct place.

movies grapes watches rice clothing and textile cars

sheep sugar cattle coffee silver jewelry televisions

produce / manufacture raise grow

B. Match the country with the product.

Example: Cars are manufactured in Japan.

1. U.S.A. 6. Japan

2. France 7. China

3. Scotland 8. Brazil

4. Switzerland 9. Australia

5. Ukraine 10. Italy

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EXERCISE 10. Match the occasions A with the descriptions B.


1. New Year's Day

2. Easter

3. Halloween

4. Christmas

5. Valentine's Day

A December 25 is celebrated in honor of the birth of Christ

B October 31 is observed with parties and with playing of

tricks by children during the evening

C January 1 is observed as a legal holiday

D A Christian church festival observed in memory of the


E People send card or buy presents for the people they fancy

EXERCISE 11. Complete the sentences with the words. Translate the text.

ensure screams started found observed foolish caught


Different versions of an All Fools' Day have been (1) ...................... around the

globe for several centuries. One example is the Indian feast of Huli, held each year on

March 31. It is celebrated by sending people on (2) ...................... errands. It is thought

to have its roots in the Roman Cerealia festival held in early April to (3) ....................

a good planting. According to Roman mythology, the goddess Proserpina had filled

her lap with daffodils. Pluto (4) ....................... her and carried her, screaming back to

the underworld. Her mother, Ceres, went looking for her, following the echoes of her

(5) ....................... . This was a fool's errand because it is impossible to find an echo.

All Fools' Day is thought to have (6) ........................ in France in the fifteenth

century. Someone fooled on April 1, in France, is called April Fish, because fish are

easily (7) ....................... in early April. It wasn't until the early 1700s that the custom

moved to England. The tradition was carried to the USA with the early settlers.

EXERCISE 12. Match the names with the biographies.

1. Jules Verne

2. Shakespeare

3. Cervantes

4. Leonardo

5. Marilyn Monroe

6. Charlie Chaplin

A He was English. He was born in 1564.

He was a writer and an actor. He wrote plays. He died in 1616.

B She was American. She was born in Los Angeles in 1926.

She was an actress, a singer and a dancer too. She died in 1962.

C He was Italian. He was born in 1452.

He was an artist and a scientist. He painted the "Mona Lisa"

(La Gioconda). He died in 1519.

D He was born in London in 1889. Later he lived in the USA.

He was an actor and a film maker. Died in Switzerland in 1977.

E He was Spanish. He was born in 1547. He was a writer.

He wrote Don Quixote. He died in 1616.

F He was French. He was born in 1828. He was a writer.

He wrote science fiction stories. He died in 1905.

EXERCISE 13. Write 5-7 sentences about famous figures in the Ukrainian history.

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EXERCISE 14. Translate into English.


1. Європа — найбільший материк у світі, чи не так?

2. Де знаходиться річка Темза? — Вона знаходиться в Англії.

3. Ви знаєте, що в Канаді дуже холодно? — Так, я був там кілька разів.

4. Коли наша родина їздила до Криму, ми жили в селі, розташованому в горах.

5. Вони не поїхали до Африки, бо там надто спекотно.

6. Чорне море — одне з найулюбленіших місць відпочинку для моїх друзів.

7. У столиці Польщі Варшаві незабаром буде збудовано чудовий дитячий парк.

8. Де розташоване Південне море?

9. Ліллі сказала, що Міссісіпі - найдовша річка у світі, яка знаходиться в Пд Америці.

10. Дніпро — найбільша й найкрасивіша річка в Україні.

11. Дружина мого брата народилася в Афінах — столиці Греції.

12. Багато років тому головною галуззю промисловості Англії була текстильна.

13. Звичайно з України люди їдуть до Польщі працювати, а до Болгарії - відпочивати.

14. До таких країн, як Греція, Франція, Австрія, люди їздять заради задоволення.

15. Ти був коли-небудь у Гаазі?


1. Угорщина розташована недалеко від України, і це чудова країна для проведення

літньої відпустки.

2. «У Швейцарії говорять китайською мовою, чи не так?» запитав маленький хлопчик.

3. Я б хотіла провести зимові канікули в Токіо — столиці Японії.

4. Торік мої друзі збиралися поїхати в подорож Азією на поїзді.

5. Острів Гоа розташований недалеко від Індії і омивається Індійським океаном.

6. Великобританія й Північна Ірландія — частини Сполученого Королівства.

7. Великобританія складається з Англії, Уельсу й Шотландії.

8. Ірландія називається також державою Ейре, яка є незалежною від Великобританії.

9. Северн довший за Темзу, але Темза глибша від Северна.

10. Ла-Манш розташований між Великобританією й Францією.


1. Австралійський долар дешевший, ніж долар Сполучених Штатів Америки?

2. Щоб з Бельгії потрапити до Канади на кораблі, треба перетнути Атлантичний океан.

3. Північне море більше, ніж Ірландське, але менше за Середземне.

4. Учитель запитав, чи омиваються Британські острови Балтійським морем.

5. Волга довша за Неву, але коротша від Дунаю й Лени.

6. Коли він здійснював цю подорож, він переплив Індійський і Тихий океани й досяг

Північного Льодовитого океану.

7. Україна — європейська країна, а Китай — азіатська.

8. Найглибше у світі озеро Байкал розташоване ближче до Паміру, ніж до Гімалаїв.

9. Річка Урал знаходиться між Європою й Азією.

10. Оттава, канадська столиця, розташована в Північній Америці.

11. Хоча Америка — англомовна країна, там майже не знають британську літературу.

12. Частина громадян Бельгії говорить голландською, а частина — французькою.

13. Ти бував у Софії і можеш сказати, чи схожа болгарська мова на російську.

14. В Японії не розуміють в'єтнамську мову, а у В'єтнамі — японську.

15. Австрійці й частина швейцарців говорять німецькою мовою.

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1. Дехто з учнів не знає, що Гаага — не столиця Голландії, а Женева — не

столиця Швейцарії.

2. Румунія експортує сировину до Італії, Німеччини й навіть до Швеції, а купує

харчові продукти в багатьох країнах світу.

3. Грецька мова складніша, ніж італійська чи шведська, але набагато легша, ніж


4. Найкрасивіша з європейських столиць — Рим.

5. Минулого літа мені пощастило: я побував у Відні, Брюсселі й Парижі, а потім

літаком перетнув континент і відвідав Ханой та Пекін.

6. Наступного року сподіваюся поїхати поїздом зі Стокгольма до Берліна, а

потім проїду через Бонн і Прагу.

7. Ця фірма купувала в Делі чай, а продавала машинне обладнання, двигуни й


8. Як називається цей білий материк на півдні земної кулі? — Антарктида.


Imagine that you work in a travel bureau.

Write a short prospect giving the main information about three countries you are

advertising to visit. Dwell on the following questions:

• geographical position and political systems

• economy and the biggest cities

• national symbols and holidays

• national heroes or famous people

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Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.


Read and complete the text below.

For each of the empty spaces (1—12) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Write your answers on answer sheet A.


The Netherlands is one of the Low Countries, so named because much of its

(1) .................... is below sea (2) .................... or is comprised of wetlands. (They say

the Netherlands is so flat, that if you stand on a chair, you can see clear across the

(3) .................... country!) The Netherlanders have reclaimed much land from the sea

through the (4) .................... of dikes and windmills. Their famous windmills have

been (5) .................... since the early sixteenth century to pump water out of the wet

areas into canals and (6) .................... more land for agriculture. Dikes were built to

(7) .................... the sea at bay and prevent flooding.

Since much of the Netherlands' coastal land was soggy, special shoes were

(8) .................... to work the fields. Rubber boots weren't (9) .................... , so the

Dutch took to wearing "sabots" or wooden shoes. Such shoes, (10) .................... from

beech or chestnut wood, are water resistant and perfect for walking in the wetlands.

(11) .................. wooden shoes and windmills are not used much anymore, they

will always be a (12) ................ of the Netherlands' battle with the sea and are great

tourist attractions.

1 А earth B land С district D soil

2 А level B height С altitude D horizon

3 А full B all С whole D total

4 А construction B constitution С composition D fabrication

5 А consumed B treated C exercised D used

6 А discover B create С invent D make

7 А preserve B support С keep D protect

8 А lacked B missed С needed D called

9 А ready B convenient С done D available

10 А made B done С fulfilled D executed

11 А For B While С If D Until

12 А logo B symbol С sign D character

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1. Geographical position

plain; mountain; highland;

hills; lowlands; valley;

to be situated; to occupy;

to boarder on; to vary.

2. Political system

sovereign state; president; parliament;

monarchy; democracy;

election; voters; bill.

legislative branch;

executive branch;

judiciary branch;

supreme court;

3. National Symbols

the National Anthem;

the National Flag;

the National Emblem.

4. Economy

total output; investment; deposits;

national output; income; consumption;

ore; rock salt; coke;

fuels; mercury;

retail business;

to decline; to rival;

to obtain; to produce;

to share; to expand.

manufacturing productivity;

international trade;

economic strategy;

annual turnover;

unemployment rate;

purchsing power;

gross national product per capita;

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Fill in the blanks with the words.

truck highway car bicycle bus boat subway train airplane

b .................... e c .................... r t .................... k

b .................... s h …………… y b .................... t

s .................... y t .................... n a .................... e

ЗАПАМ'ЯТАЙ! We get on or get off the bus/train/plane/bike.

We get into or get out of a car.


Match the verbs with a means of transport.

ride drive fly sail

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ЗАПАМ'ЯТАЙ! You catch the bus at a bus stop but you get the train at a station.

A single ticket takes you one way only, a return takes you there and back. If you make the

same journey every day, you need a weekly, monthly or annual season ticket.

Sometimes you can buy a 10-journey ticket. These are sometimes called carnets.

EXERCISE 3. Use the correct form of these verbs to complete the sentences.

miss cancel leave catch run

1. Excuse me, where I can .................... the number 96 bus, please?

2. We must hurry up or we'll .................... the train.

3. Come on, let's go. Our train .................... in five minutes.

4. The buses are ................. late again. I've been waiting for nearly twenty minutes now.

5. We regret to announce that the 18.04 train to Bristol has been .................... .


EXERCISE 4. Use these words to complete the sentences.

A. fares timetable queue rush-hour

1. They've put train ............................. up again. That's the third

increase this year.

2. I hate traveling during the ........................... .

3. The service is even worse since they changed the ............................. . Now there is

only one train a day instead of two.

4. There was such a long ..................... at the ticket office that I nearly missed my train.

B. running arrival standing delay

1. We apologize for the late ............................. of the train from Baltimore. This train

will arrive at platform 3 in approximately 10 minutes' time.

2. The 4.45 to Lawrenceville is .............................. approximately 20 minutes late. We

apologize to passengers for the ....................... and any inconvenience this may cause.

3. The train to Bel-Air now is ............................. at platform.

EXERCISE 5. Translate these words and use them in your own sentences.

1. passenger car .................... 5. baggage room ....................

2. baggage compartment .................... 6. gate ....................

3. driver's cab .................... 7. ticket collector ....................

4. baggage man .................... 8. booking-office ....................

EXERCISE 6. Use these words to complete the sentences.

adult popular hobby boring collecting involves fun thing engines


Train spotting is a (1) .................... in Britain, (2) .................... mainly with boys but

also with some (3) .................... men. It (4) .................... going to places where trains

can be seen, especially railway stations, and (5) .................... the numbers of railway

(6) ................. they see by writing them down. People sometimes make (7) .................

of this hobby and the people who do it because they think it is a (8) .................... and

ridiculous (9) .................... to do.

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Read the helpful hints from a cruise brochure, then proceed to the tasks.



While aboard Princess ships, all meals are included (except alcoholic

beverages). While ashore and on cruise tours, no other meals are included.


Passenger dining assignments are made by request on a first-come, first-served basis.

To request preference in first or second seating, special diets, or seating with a specific

party, have your travel agent make the arrangements at the time of booking.

Approximate seating times while at sea are as follows: Breakfast— first 7:30 am,

second 8:30 am; lunch—first 12 Noon, second 1:30 pm; Dinner—first 6:00 pm,

second 8:00 pm.


Clothes are casual or semiformal and occasionally formal. Casual is appropriate for

daytime aboard ship or ashore and consists of standard sports outfits as worn at

resorts. Shoes should be low-heeled for deck activities. Evening clothes on the cruise

falls into 3 categories: casual, semiformal and formal. On casual evenings, open neck

shirts, slacks and sports outfits are appropriate. On semiformal evenings, ladies

usually wear dresses or pantsuits; men wear coats and ties. On formal evenings,

women usually wear cocktail dresses. Men wear tuxedos, dinner jackets or dark suits.


A 15% gratuity is automatically included on all beverage tabs for your convenience.

You may also wish to reward your stateroom steward or stewardess and your dining

room waiting staff with a cash tip.


When packing you should include: spare eyeglasses and contact lenses, sunglasses,

extra film and camera batteries, prescription medicines, your address book, proof of

citizenship, an umbrella and even binoculars.

A. Complete the statement 1-4 with the choice A-D.

1. Unless it is a formal evening, ............

2. It is a good idea to make your dining room reservation as soon as possible because ......

3. Unless you make a reservation in advance, ............

4. Although all meals are included on the ship, ...........

A seats are given on a first-come, first-served basis.

B none are included on land.

C you won't be able to sit with people you choose.

D women do not wear evening gowns or cocktail dresses.

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Match the flying words A with the definitions B.


1 landing

2 pilot

3 boarding

4 baggage

5 flight

6 crew

A a scheduled trip by an airplane

B coming down and settling on a surface

C a person who is qualified to fly an aircraft

D the group of people who operate a ship, train, or airplane

E going aboard a plane

F personal belongings of travelers


Match the words with the figures.

A a hand

B a figure

C a sand glass

D an alarm clock

E a clock

F a watch

G a face


What time is it now in the USA (France, etc.) if it's midday/midnight in GB.

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Journey usually suggests traveling a long distance and often that the traveling may be

dangerous or difficult (the long journey across the desert).

Trip suggests that the traveling is brief, swift, or ordinary (our weekly trip to the


Tour suggests a circular journey with several stopping places and an end at the place

where it began (a tour of the city).

Voyage suggests a journey especially by water from one place or country to another.


A. Match the words in italic in 1—4 with meanings A—D.

1. We didn't arrive until midnight. The journey took six hours.

2. Larry loves sailing. This summer he's making a voyage across the Pacific Ocean.

3. On Monday we went on a guided tour of Buckingham Palace.

4. The travel agent offered day trips to London.

A traveling a long or short distance

B a visit stopping in more than one place

C a visit to a particular place and back

D traveling a long distance by sea or in space

B. Complete each sentence with the correct form of journey, voyage, tour or trip.

1. We're going to do a .................... of Europe next month. We want to visit six

different countries.

2. We are taking a short .................... to New York this weekend.

3. NASA is planning another ................. to Mars. It's going to cost millions of dollars.

4. I don't like long boat .................... . They're boring and uncomfortable.


When you travel as part of your job, you go on a business trip.

In British English you go on holiday, in American English you take a vacation.


A. What do people do on holiday?

Match the verb in A with a word or phrase in B.

1 stay A A excursions and trips B

2 send B a car

3 look round C sightseeing

4 hire D the museums and art galleries

5 go E some postcards

6 go on F some souvenirs

7 take G in a hotel or a guest house

8 buy H some photos

B. Discuss with a partner what activities you enjoy when go on holiday.

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EXERCISE 13. Translate into English.


1. Кет обожнює подорожувати пароплавом улітку, а літаком — узимку.

2. У мене є авто, але я люблю їздити на роботу велосипедом.

3. До Криму ти можеш доїхати потягом або на автобусі.

4. Найкращий вид транспорту у великому місті — метро.

5. У мого друга є вантажівка, але я не сідаю в неї.

6. «Будь ласка, вийдіть із машини», — сказав поліцейський.

7. Я сів на літак і був дуже щасливий.

8. Коли я виходив з автобуса, то побачив Джейн.

9. Швидше біжить, ми не встигнемо на потяг.

10. Поквапся, автобус від'їжджає через три хвилини.


1. Знову ціни на залізничні квитки підвищили.

2. Ненавиджу подорожувати в час пік.

3. Розклад поїздів було змінено.

4. Бран простояв у черзі за квитком 20 хвилин.

5. Поїзд на Берлін прибуває через три хвилини.

6. Автобус знову затримувався.

7. Не залишайте багаж без догляду.

8. Рейс на літак до Вашингтона було оголошено.

9. Екіпаж літака привітав пасажирів.

10. Пілот літака був дуже досвідченим.


1. Стрілки годинника були вироблені із золота.

2. Поглянь на циферблат! Я ніколи не бачив такої краси.

3. У мене вдома є все: і наручний годинник, і будильник, і пісочний годинник.

4. Зараз 2.45.

5. Ми вийшли зі школи о 14.50.

6. Друзі домовилися зустрітися о 18.25.

7. Я завжди лягаю спати об 11.30.


1. Наш похід у супермаркет був вдалим.

2. Подорож тривала дванадцять годин, і ми були дуже втомленими.

3. Подорожуйте містом, вивчайте його історичні пам'ятки з нашою турфірмою!

4. Подорож морем не принесла їй задоволення.

5. Я мрію про подорож до Парижа.

6. Я дуже люблю подорожувати.

7. Я хочу здійснити подорож до Нью-Йорка літаком.

8. Коли в тебе відрядження?

9. Давайте візьмемо на прокат машину і будемо подорожувати містом.

10. Мені подобається фотографувати.

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If you planned thirty days' journey which started and ended in your native city,

which route would you chose?

Describe the route and dwell on the following questions:

• Where would you like to go and why?

• Which means of transport would you use?

• What are the advantages and disadvantages of different means of transport?

• What experience would you like to get from this journey?

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Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.


Read and complete the text below.

For each of the empty spaces (1—12) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

TRANSPORT Most journeys in Britain and the US are made by road. Some of these are made

on (1).................... transport but most are by private car.

In Britain many people rely on their car for daily local activities, e.g. getting to

work, (2) .................... the shopping, and visiting friends. People living in urban areas

may use buses, trains or, in London, the underground, to get to city centers, mainly

because traffic is often (3) .................... and it is difficult to find anywhere to park a

car. Some places in the country may have a bus only two or three times a week so

people living there have no (4) .................... but to rely on their cars. In the US large

cities have good public transportation systems. The railroad in Chicago and the

underground systems of New York, Boston, San Francisco and Washington, DC are

heavily used. Elsewhere, most Americans (5) .................... to use their cars. Families

often have two cars and, outside major cities, have to (6) .................... fairly long

distances to schools, offices, shops, banks, etc. Many college and even high-school

students have their own cars.

Long-distance travel in Britain is also mainly by road, (7) .................... railways

link most towns and cities. Most places are linked by motorways or other fast roads

and many people prefer to drive at their own (8) .................... rather than use a train,

even though they may get (9) .................... in a traffic jam. Long-distance coach/bus

services are usually a cheaper (10) .................... to trains, but they take longer and

may be less comfortable. Some long-distance travel, especially that undertaken for

business (11) .................... , may be by air. There are (12) .................... flights between

regional airports, as well as to and from London.

1 А universal B civil С public D common

2 А making B doing С performing D preferring

3 А heavy B large С full D big

4 А variety B selection С idea D choice

5 А agree B object С prefer D refuse

6 А ride B drive С move D transfer

7 А but B thus С though D and

8 А convenience B usefulness С suitability D availability

9 А stuck B used С fixed D puzzled

10 А replace B substitute C alternative D choice

11 А schemes B procedures С ideas D reasons

12 А typical B regular C ordinary D normal

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1. Basic vocabulary

package holiday;





to go on holiday;

to take a vacation.

2. Different kinds of holiday








3. Beach holidays

beach; jet ski;

sunlounger; windsurfer;

bikini; snorkel and mask;

swimming costume; flippers; beach towel.

4. Forms of transport

ON LAND: car; van; train; motorbike; bus; scooter; bicycle; lorry; tram.

ON WATER: cruise ship; speed boat; car ferry; barge; fishing boat; submarine; yacht.

AIR TRANSPORT: helicopter; aircraft.

5. Travelling by plane




cabin crew;

take off;






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EXERCISE 1. Match the words with the pictures.

supermarket restaurant pharmacy bookstore library bank

hotel gym travel agent's barber's jewelry's tailor's rental agency

s ............... t b ........... k p .............. y j .............. 's h .............. l g ............. m

l ............... y t ............. 's b .............. e t….... a …..'s r ............... t b ............... 's

EXERCISE 2. Match the local business А with the description В.


1 department store A a movie theatre

2 gas station B a place for the care of people's hair, skin and nail

3 garage C a store having different departments for different kinds of goods

4 beauty salon D a building where automobiles are repaired

5 shoe repairer's E a place for serving motor vehicles

6 cinema F a place where clothes are washed and ironed

7 laundry G the place where shoes are put back in good condition

EXERCISE 3. Find the twelve hidden words:

barber bank bar book cinema garage

gym travel pub jewelry shoe pharmacy








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Match the words from A with the information from B.

Example: I'll go to the gym to play volleyball.


1 The bank A to have a haircut

2 The supermarket B to get some money

3 The barber's C to post a letter

4 The post office D to take a book

5 The cinema E to see a film

6 The travel agent's F to play tennis

7 The laundry G to buy some food

8 The library H to wash my clothes

9 The gym I to book a holiday


Match the public buildings with the pictures.

church bus terminal hospital airport train station fire station

h ........... l a ........... t f ..... e s .......... n t ..... n s ......... n b...s t .......... l c ........ h



Remember the positions.

between next to across from on the corner


at the corner of the street. (British English)

На розі вулиці

on the corner of the street. (American English)

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Look at the pictures and discuss the following questions.

1. Is the clinic on Adam's boulevard?

2. Is City Hall on the corner of 1st avenue and "A" street?

3. Is the train station across from the hospital?

4. Is the library on "B" street?

5. Is the post office next to the bus terminal?

6. Is the police station across from the church?

7. Is the high school on "A" street past 3rd avenue?

8. Is the library on "A" street between the park and the high school?

9. Is the fire station on the corner of "A" street and 2nd avenue?

10. Is the office building across from the post office?

1st Ave. 2nd Ave. 3rd Ave. Office Building


Find the hidden words:

corner, station, street, house, road, town, city, bus, next, post, park, club








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The treasure is in this building.

Follow the directions and find where the treasure is.

Move 1.

Go up the steps and go through the door.

Walk straight on and go into the door in front of you.

Which door is it? A, B or C?

Move 2.

Go straight the door and walk to the end of the corridor.

Where are you? D, E or F?

Move 3.

Go up the stairs to the next door.

Turn right and go into the second door on your left.

Which door is it? A, B, C, D, E or F?

Move 4.

Walk along the corridor and go into the third door on the

left. Which door is it? A, B, D, E, F, G or H?

Move 5.

Go down the stairs to the next floor.

Go into the door on your right.

Which door is it? A, B, C, D, E or F?

Move 6. You are now in the treasure room.

The treasure is in a safe but the door of the safe is locked.

To find out the combination of the lock write down the

letters (A, B, C etc. of the answers to moves 1—5. These

letters form a code. To find out the combination change the

code letters to numbers. To help you: A=0, B=1, J=9.

Now write the five numbers.

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EXERCISE 10. Follow the directions on the map, then say where you are.

1. You are at the school. Go along to the end of

the road and turn right. Then, take the third

turning on the left. Go straight on to the end of

that road. Then turn right and go along for about

fifty meters.

2. You are at the church. Go along to the end of

the road and turn left. Then, they take the second

turning on the right and go straight on for about

three hundred meters.

3. You are at the Park Hotel. Go straight on and

take the third turning on the left. Go along that

road and take the first turning on the right. Then

turn first left and go along that road for about a

hundred meters.


EXERCISE 11. Do you have the following problems where you live?

1. homelessness 5. vandalism 9. overcrowding

2. beggars 6. pollution 10. ………………..

3. traffic congestion 7. a high crime rate 11. ………………..

4. unsafe areas 8. high unemployment 12. ………………..


Theft is the general word for stealing. The plural of thief is thieves.

Burglars break into people' s homes. Pickpockets steal from your pockets or bags.

In spoken English pinch is an in formal word for steal: Somebody's pinched my bike.

EXERCISE 12. Match each crime with one of the situations.

burglary shoplifting mugging theft robbery embezzlement

1. ..................... Somebody stole my car from outside the library yesterday.

2. ..................... Somebody broke into Jack's house when he was away on holiday and

took his camera and video.

3. ..................... Two armed men attacked security guards as they were delivering

money to a bank.

4. ..................... A woman was caught leaving the store with a lipstick in her bag.

5. ..................... The head of the accounts department had been transferring money to

his own account systematically for several years.

6. ..................... Jane was walking down the street when a guy grabbed her handbag

and ran off with it.

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EXERCISE 13. Look at the pictures.

Invent your own story. Use the prompts given below.

3. be drunk / policeman/stop Jack 4. hear a gunshot / run after the woman / tell Jack to wait

5. policeman was not nearby / arrive home / 6. have a big surprise / see a policeman from

put the car into the garage the night before

7. ask about Jack's new car / take to his garage 8. A. How did the policeman find Jack?

B. Jack had another big surprise when he

opened the garage door. Why?

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Go back to exercise 14. Look at the pictures and put the story in the right order.

A. Jack waited for a few moments.

Then he was alone. So, what did he

do? He quickly got into the car and

drove off. Half an hour later he

arrived home and put the car in his

garage. Then he went to bed.

E. When Jack opened the garage door he

had another big surprise. There was a white

saloon car in the garage, but it wasn't Jack's

new car. This car had a blue light on the roof

and the word POLICE on the side!

B. When Jack got into his car, a

police car stopped in front of him. A

policeman got out of the car and

walked slowly up to Jack. The

policeman could smell the

champagne on Jack's breath.

F. "Good evening, sir", said the policeman.

"Step out of your car, please". Jack opened

the car door and got out. Just then he heard a

gunshot. Then a blonde woman came out of

the bar. She had a gun. She saw the

policeman and ran down the road. The

policeman turned to Jack. "Wait here", he

said. Then he ran after the woman.

C. Early the next morning there

was a knock at Jack's front door. Jack

was still in bed. He got up, put on his

dressing gown and went downstairs.

When he opened the door he had a

big surprise. It was the policeman

from the night before.

G. "Good morning, sir", said the policeman.

"I'm sorry to trouble you. It's about your car:

"My car?" asked Jack.

"Yes, sir," said the policeman. "Do you know

where your car is at the moment?"

"Er, yes", said Jack. "It's in my garage";

"Really, sir," said the policeman. "Can I see

the car, please?" — "Er, yes. All right," said


D. Last Saturday afternoon Jack

Pratt bought a new car. It was a

beautiful white saloon car and Jack

was very proud of it

H. In the evening Jack drove to his favorite

bar to celebrate. Some of his friends were

there and Jack proudly showed them his new

car. Then he started drinking. He had two or

three glasses of champagne. Then he had

three or four more. Then, at midnight, he had

one last drink and walked back to his car.

EXERCISE 15. Use the correct form of steal or rob to complete the sentences.

1. Three men ................................................... a bank in Bel Air this morning.

2. Somebody ........................................... Jack's bike from outside the school yesterday.

3. Somebody's ............................................ the money that I left in this drawer.

4. My car was .............................................. last month.

5. We were ................................................. last weekend while we were in the Hague.

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EXERCISE 16. Translate into English.


1. Мері живе в невеликому містечку, але воно їй дуже подобається. Недалеко від

дому знаходяться супермаркет, спортзал та церква, праворуч — лікарня та

пожежна станція, ліворуч — аптека, перукарня та бібліотека.

2. Пробачте, а де ювелірний магазин?

3. Якщо хочеш відпочити на Багамах, звернися до туристичної фірми.

4. У нашому місті є лише один книжковий магазин.

5. Якщо підеш прямо, а потім повернеш направо, то побачиш медичний пункт.

6. Мені не потрібен банк, де пункт обміну валюти?

7. Ліворуч від готелю — кінцева зупинка автобуса.

8. У Харкові побудовано новий аеропорт.


1. Це дуже небезпечний район, у ньому високий рівень безробіття та злочинності.

2. У нього немає, де жити.

3. Вандалізм — дуже небезпечне соціальне явище.

4. Ти коли-небудь бачив жебраків?

5. Забруднення середовища, перенаселеність, затори — це проблеми сучасних



1. Джон усім розповідав, що бачив крадіжку зі зломом.

2. Я бачив, як вона купувала парфуми в магазині.

3. Його арештували за хуліганство.

4. Джон у в'язниці за розтрату коштів.

5. Хто прибрав мій гаманець?

6. Коли я відпочивав, нас пограбували.

7. Грабіжник витяг із сумки 10 доларів.

8. Хто поцупив мій велосипед?

EXERCISE 13. Write an essay on the problems of your native town or city.

Dwell on the following questions:

• Describe your native town/city.

• Summarize the most acute problems of the town/city.

• Suggest the steps to be taken to fight these problems.

• Describe what may happen unless these problems are solved.

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Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.


Read and complete the text below.

For each of the empty spaces (1—12) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).


Most British people prefer to live in a house rather than a flat and one of the

(1) ............ for this is that houses usually have gardens. The garden is (2) .......... by a

fence or hedge and is a place where people can be outside and yet private. It is

somewhere to sit when the weather is sunny, and somewhere for children to play.

If a house has a front and back garden, the front is likely to be formal and

decorative, with a lawn or fancy paving and flower borders. In Britain people

normally (3) ......... to sit in the back garden, out of (4) .......... of other people. The

back garden usually also has a lawn and flower beds, and sometimes a vegetable plot

or fruit trees. There is often a bird table and a shed in which garden tools are (5) ........ .

Some houses have only a very small back garden, (6) .......... of concrete, called a

backyard or, in more fashionable areas, a patio. People often (7) ........... it with plants

in tubs, or in pots or baskets (8) ............. to the wall. For British people a garden is an

extension of their home. They buy garden furniture — chairs, tables and sun loungers

— so that they can sit outside in summer and relax.

In the US the area of grass in front of and behind most houses is (9) .......... a yard.

The word garden is used only for the areas where flowers and vegetables (10) ........... .

Yards usually consist of a lawn and trees, flowers and bushes. They may have fences

around them and, at the front of the house, a path going from the door of the house to

the street. Many backyards have swings, slides or climbing frames for children.

During warm weather, Americans spend a lot of time in their yards, especially the

backyard. Children play there and often have small pools of water or sand boxes. All

the children living in an area go (11) ......... into each other's backyards. People like to

eat outside, often (12) ............ meals on a barbecue.

1 А ideas B aims С reasons D senses

2 А surrounded B closed С located D situated

3 А select B pick С choose D decide

4 А outlook B scene С notion D view

5 А remained B protected С possessed D kept

6 А mostly B nearly С greatly D principally

7 А do B decorate С make D arrange

8 А directed B focused С fixed D established

9 А surrounded B built C known D called

10 А grow B locate С spread D cultivate

11 А individually B idly С freely D naturally

12 А doing B producing С preparing D getting

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1. Local business




beauty salon;



department store;

gas station;








rental agency;


shoe repairer's;


swimming pool;


travel agent's;

2. Directions

go along; turn right / left;

go straight; go up;

go through; go across;

to take the first turning on the right.

3. Around town












parking lot;






traffic lights;

traffic warden;


rush hour.

4. Problems



traffic congestion / jam;

unsafe areas;



racial tension;


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Match the shops in A with what you can buy in them from B.

1 greengrocer's A A meat B

2 baker's B flowers

3 butcher's C butcher's

4 chemist's D newspapers, magazines

5 florist's E fruit and vegetables

6 newsagent's F medicine

7 ironmonger's G tools, nails


Complete the dialogues using the following words.

credit good prices I'm just looking may how much pay cash excuse me

1. — .............................. I help you?

— No, thank you. ............................... .

2. — ...................................... , I need some help. ............................ are the plates?

— The plates are $2.75 each, or eight for &21. Those are .................... .

— OK. I need eight of those.

— Great! Are you going to pay with ............... , with a check, or with ............... ?

— I am going to ................................ with cash.



Put the different types of clothes and other items below into the correct place.

Raincoat gloves slippers rompers overcoat nightgown scarf glasses

anorak briefcase umbrella hat sleepers earring jacket socks sweater

belt shirt blouse skirt cap dress suit jeans swimsuit T-shirt coat

windbreaker boots shoes boxer shorts bra sneakers watch.


and underwear







shoes jewelry and


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Complete the dialogues using the words describing clothes.

fashionable smart casual worn-out scruffy dress well

1. — You're looking very .......................................... today.

— Yes, I'm on my way to a job interview.

2. — Will I have to wear a suit to the meeting?

— No, I expect most people will be wearing ...................................... clothes.

3. — I need a new dress for this party but I don't know what color to go for.

— Well, pink's supposed to be ............................ at the moment, isn't it? It's this

season's color.

4. — Why are you throwing that jacket out?

— It's ................................ . Look, it's got a hole under the arm and most of the

buttons are missing!

5. — I like your new trousers. They're very smart.

— Well, I start my new job tomorrow and I can't turn up wearing ......................

old jeans. Everyone there is very well-dressed.

6. — You must spend a fortune on clothes.

— I don't really, but I must admit I do like to ................................. .


Use these words in the sentences below.

wrong go with match suit tight fit

1. It doesn't .......................................... me. It's too tight.

2. It doesn't ............................................ me. I'm too old for it.

3. It's the size. It's too small.

4. — Do you think this top goes with my skirt?

— Well, no. They don't ......................................... at all, actually.

5. It's a bit ............................................. for me.

6. This skirt doesn't ............................................. this jacket.


Match these sentences with the pictures.

A It's not my size. B It's too long. C They are three sizes too large.

D It's too short. E It's too big. F It's tight.

1 2 3 4 5 6

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Fill in the gaps with the dates below.

Put the information about fashion in the right order.

Describe fashion in the 90-ies and at the beginning of the 21 century.

A Before the First World War E The-1960s

B In the Roaring Twenties F In the late 1960s

C In the 1930s and 40s G The 80s

D In the 1950s

1. …………. people were richer

and teenagers spent a lot of

money on clothes. For men this

was the age of the teddy boy.

Teddy boys wore long jackets in

very bright colors — pink,

orange or yellow -and very tight

trousers called 'drainpipes'. For

women jumpers with wide skirts

and short sockets were the

fashion. Both men and women

wore shoes with long pointed

toes. The women's shoes had

high stiletto heels.

2. ….…..…. and the early

70s the hippy 'flower

power1 style was in.

Women wore loose maxi-

dresses. Men wore jeans

and brightly colored

shirts or T-shirts. Clothes

were very colorful. Very

long hair was fashionable

for men and women, and

beards became more

common (but only for


3. ……..……. fashions

did not change very

quickly. Men wore dark

suits. They had short

hair and moustaches

were popular. Women

wore long dresses and

they had long hair.

Under their dresses they

wore stiff corsets.

These gave women a

very narrow waist, but

they were very uncom-


4. …….……. brought teenagers

with punk hairstyles in red, blue,

purple and green, and brightly

colored makeup.

5. ...........… saw a revolu-

tion in clothes. Every-

thing changed. This was

the time of the mini-skirt

and long boots. For the

first time in the twentieth

century men had long hair

the famous Beatle haircut.

6. ……….. hair, dresses

and coats became lon-

ger again. Men's fashion

didn't change very much.

Men wore a suit, a tie

and usually a hat, too.

Moustaches were less


7. ……….… dresses and hair

became much shorter. People

saw women's knees for the first

time! Corsets disappeared. A

straight figure with no waist or

bust was fashionable. For men,

trousers with very wide legs

became fashionable. They were

called Oxford bags.

8. In the 1990s people ... 9. The beginning of the

21st century was marked

by ……...

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EXERCISE 8. Match the words with their meanings.

A a commercial B a leaflet C a poster D classified ads

1. .................... A large sheet of paper advertising something, for example, a play,

a film or a concert.

2. .................... A small piece of paper used for door-to-door advertising.

3. .................... Small adverts placed by private individuals in a newspaper.

4. .................... A TV or radio advert.

EXERCISE 9. Use these words to complete the sentences.

influence publicity agency sponsor slogan competitors hype logo

1. — Do people really buy things just because they've seen them advertised on TV?

— Of course, they do! Advertising has a huge ........................... on all the choices

we make.

2. Advertisers like to think of a clever ......................... to make people remember their

product. For example, Coca Cola slogan is 'It's the real thing.'

3. Nike are going to .................................... the next World Cup. All the players will

have to wear the Nike ................................... on their shirts.

4. Most companies spend a lot of money on advertising. It's the only way they can

stay ahead of their ……………………… .

5. My sister's just got a job working for an advertising .............................. in London.

6. — Did you see Jodie Foster on that chat show last night? She was really good.

— She's been on all the shows this week. It's all just ........................ for her new film.

7. — You went to see that new film at the weekend, didn't you? What was it like?

— Well, considering all the ............................. , I thought it was a bit disappointing.


We use hype when we think the advertising is exaggerated.


Look at the advertisement and answer the questions.

Sheila's Shampoo!

All natural oils and herbs!

Cleans and conditions hair!

The shampoo of the stars!

Your hair will look like Sheila's!

Use the shampoo Sheila Lane uses!

1. What product is the advertiser selling?

2. What is the fact in the ad?

3. What is the opinion in the ad?

4. Do you think this is a good product?

How can you tell?

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Create sales presentation. Follow the instructions and use the words from the table.

modern high tech popular necessary revolutionary 100% wool

small wide pretty quality long-lasting safe

Instruction 1. Describe what your product is.

Instruction 2. Give the name of the product.

Instruction 3. Explain what it can do.

Instruction 4. Describe how it looks.

Instruction 5. Tell why it's better than other products.

Instruction 6. Tell how much it costs and why it's a good deal.


Choose a clothing item.

Give the product a brand name and create an ad to sell your product.


Read the gift ideas. Think about the gift for each of these people.


A nineteen-year-old college student

Interests: enjoys pop music, dancing,

likes to eat, but doesn't like to cook

Occasion: Just moved to her new



A twenty five-year-old French teacher

Interests: enjoys likes to travel during

school vacations

Occasion: His birthday


A fifteen-year-old student

Interests: likes movies, computers, sports

Occasion: New Year


A sixteen-year-old pretty girl

Interests: enjoys - ?

Occasion: date!


Food: cookies, candy, fresh fruit, selected

teas, coffees


For travel: bag, umbrella, passport case,

dictionary of foreign terms, travel book,



For the office: clock for desk, briefcase,

pocket calculator, pen, pencil set


For the home: cookbook, kitchen

accessories, CDs, flowers


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EXERCISE 14. Translate into English.

А. 1. Пробачте, а де овочевий відділ?

2. Мені потрібні квіти. У вас є відділ, де я можу їх купити?

3. У нашому супермаркеті є все: булочна, м'ясний відділ, газетний кіоск,

аптека, навіть відділ, де можна купити залізні вироби.

4. Тут приємні ціни. Якщо немає готівки, я можу розрахуватися кредиткою.

5. Я можу вам допомогти? — Ні, дякую. Я просто дивлюся.

6. Скільки коштує цей інструмент?

7. Я завжди купую газети та журнали біля дому в газетному кіоску.

B. 1. Це не мій розмір, дайте мені більший.

2. Ця сукня дуже велика та довга для мене, у вас є інший розмір?

3. Який же модний костюм на цьому чоловікові!

4. Ця спідниця підходить до цієї блузи.

5. Моя дружина часто відвідує магазини прикрас.

6. Цей шарф дуже їй личить.

7. Обов'язково надягай рукавички, шарф та шапку, бо на вулиці холодно.

8. Візьми парасольку, одягни пальто.

9. Яка гарна нічна сорочка!

10. Де можна купити жакетку, сорочку, джинси, носки та черевики?

11. Дівчина носить окуляри, і вони їй дуже личать.

12. Літом на морі я люблю ходити в купальнику та капелюшку.

13. Давай купимо цей комбінезон.

14. Я хочу приміряти ці штані з коричневим поясом та светер.

15. Де ти купив цей портфель?

16. Ця вітрівка мала. Покажіть мені той анорак.

17. У цьому магазині є широкий вибір капців, але зовсім нема черевиків й чобітків.

18. Моєму племінникові ми подарували дитячу піжаму, його татусеві —

футболку та боксерські штані, а матусі — гарненькі сережки.

19. Мені подобаються ваші кросівки.

20. Для повсякденних зустрічей у мене є спеціальна одежа та годинник.

C. 1. Вдала комерційна реклама сприяла розвитку нашого бренду.

2. Ми побачили знайомі обличчя на афіші.

3. Де ви взяли ці брошури?

4. Я вже не читаю оголошень, які пишуть власники автівок.

5. Я чула по радіо цікаве оголошення про святкування Дня міста.

EXERCISE 15. Write an essay describing your attitude to shopping and present-day

fashion. Dwell on the following questions:

• What do you consider to be the advantages and disadvantages of small shops on the one

hand and large ones on the other?

• What is your idea of advertising goods? • Which shops do you prefer and why?

• Describe in what way today's fashion is different from the fashion of the days when your

parents were your age.

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Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.


Read and complete the text below.

For each of the empty spaces (1—12) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Write your answers on answer sheet A.

US FASHIONS Americans are not adventurous in the way they dress and (1) .............. practical,

comfortable clothes. Simple styles that do not quickly (2) ............... of fashion are

most popular. The western cowboy (3) ............... is no longer fashionable but, because

it was very practical, parts of it are still common, especially jeans, heavy cotton shirts,

wide leather belts, and boots.

Clothes may be brightly colored, but people must (4) ............ rules about what

colors match. Blue and red match, and red matches orange, but an orange shirt should

not be (5) .................... with a blue sweater. Although it looks strange, people wearing

suits or dresses go to work in running shoes because they are more (6) .............. , and

change into smarter shoes at the office.

The outlet store is a popular place to buy clothes. Outlets (7) ............. clothing

that was in stores the previous season but was not sold. Many Americans prefer to buy

clothing at a (8) ............ price, and do not care whether it is fashiоnable.

For many younger Americans, the world of sport sets fashions. Some try to wear

the same kind of basketball shoes that their favorite players wear. They may also buy

T-shirts, pants and jackets with the names of sports teams on them. This type of

(9) ............ can be expensive.

Fashion is not just about clothes. A person's (10) ............ is important, as well as

their hairstyle, make-up and accessories. Fashion models are usually thin, and it is

often difficult for (11) ............. people to buy fashionable clothes, so many people try

to diet to (12) ............. their figure.

1 А wish B want С desire D prefer

2 А go out B go on С escape D run

3 А expression B manner С look D behaviour

4 А watch B follow С see D issue

5 А put B worn С shown D used

6 А comfortable B relaxing С pleasant D cosy

7 А buy B throw С change D sell

8 А short B low С limited D last

9 А cloth B material C clothing D fabric

10 А complexion B status С figure D character

11 А overweight B ordinary С poor D simple

12 А cut B shorten С improve D develop

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1. Money

notes; coins;

credit card; currency;

cash; cheque;

to get 200 hrivnas a week;

to earn pretty good money;

to spend money on smth.; loan

to borrow money from; to lend

2. Shops and shopping

different kinds of shop greengrocer's; baker's;

newsagent's butcher's; chemist's;


Talking about shopping

to keep the receipt; to make a list;

to try on; to get a refund;

to pick up a bargain; to cost a fortune;

it's a real bargain; it didn't cost me a penny;

to pay through the nose.

Men's clothing

overcoat; windbreaker;

jacket; belt;

pants; shirt;

briefs; socks;

sweater; hat.

Women's clothing

suit; dress; skirt;

blouse; blazer; stocking;

panty hose; nightgown; T-shirt.


running shoes; boot;

ankle boot; sandal;

slippers; clog.

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Put the words into the right column.

coins chess crosswords stamps computer games jigsaws

do play collect


Match hobbies with the pictures.

camping fishing sewing gardening knitting

skiing cycling boxing painting drawing

train-spotting playing tennis playing music motor racing collecting stamps

1. …………… 2. …………… 3. …………… 4. …………… 5. ……………

6. …………… 7. …………… 8. …………… 9. …………… 10. …………

11. ………… 12. ………… 13. ………… 14. ………… 15. …………

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EXERCISE 3. Read the text and choose the correct answer (A, B or C).

The main field sports in Britain are hunting, shooting and fishing. They are often

also called blood sports because they involve killing animals. All three sports were

traditionally associated with the upper classes, although today they all, especially

fishing, attract a much wider group of people.

Shooting game birds, such as pheasant and grouse, is a sport mainly of the upper

and middle classes. Grouse shooting begins each year on 12 August, and takes place

mainly in Scotland. The hunters often employ beaters to drive the birds towards their

guns. Those who object to shooting at live birds for sport do clay-pigeon shooting

(shooting at clay discs fired into the air).

Fishing is a very popular sport, mostly among men. There are three main kinds of

fishing: fly-fishing, coarse fishing and sea-fishing. Fly-fishing, which is expensive, is

fishing for salmon, trout and other fish in fast-flowing rivers, using specially disguised

hooks. Coarse fishing in rivers and lakes for fish other than salmon and trout, most of

which are thrown back after being caught is more widely popular. On the coast people

may fish with a rod and line on a boat or from the shore.

Americans do not use the name field sports. Instead they say outdoor sports or,

because that can include camping, walking and boating, simply hunting and fishing.

Bird hunting is often used instead of shooting, because that cаn also mean shooting at

targets made of wood. People who enjoy these sports buy magazines like Field &

Stream and American Rifleman. There are also many television programs about

hunting and fishing.

1. The best title for this passage would be .................... .

A Sports in Britain and the USA

B Outdoor games

C Field sports

2. "They" in line 3 refer to .................... .

A upper classes

B sports

C group of people

3. According to the passage, beaters were to .................... .

A shoot at live birds

B do clay-pigeon shooting

C direct the birds to hunters' rifles

4. While sea-fishing people .................... .

A use a rod and line

B use special hooks

C throw fish back

5. It is stated in the passage that American outdoor sports are .................... .

A camping, walking and boating

B hunting and fishing

C shooting

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Match the verbs with the pictures.

A. bow kneel lie down stand up sit down


run dance walk jump climb dive hop crawl


Complete the following boxes with the verbs below.

jump sit lean walk lie climb

1. …….…….

down the road

to school

for miles

through the park

to work out

of the room

around town

2. …………..

onto the roof

up the hill

a mountain

the ladder

over a wall

out of the window

a tree

3. ……….….

against the wall

out of the window

too far

across the table


4. …………..

in bed

on the beach


on your back


5. …………..

up and down

into the pool

into the sea

over a wall

out of the window

off the roof

6. ……….…..

in an armchair

on a stool

back and relax


on the sofa

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Discuss with your partner the hobbies and interests below.

What do you think about them? These words may be helpful.

A. shooting horse racing

surfing singing

parachute jumping

doing crosswords

B. camping skiing skating shooting

playing tennis / chess / badminton / hockey


EXERCISE 7. Put the different sports below into the correct place.

football table tennis rugby boxing basketball badminton judo

wrestling baseball tennis karate volleyball weightlifting


1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. 5.

EXERCISE 8. Fill in the missing words in the table.


1. 1. boxer

2. swimming 2.

3. 3. skater

4. skiing 4.

5. 5. gymnast

6. athletics 6.

7. cycling 7.

8. 8. climber

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EXERCISE 9. Do you know where you play?

Match the words on the left with those on the right.

1 football A course

B court

C pitch

2 golf

3 tennis

4 basketball

5 volleyball

6 rugby

7 hockey

8 badminton

EXERCISE 10. Do you know the equipment?

Match the words on the left with those on the right.

1 tennis A bat

B racquet

C club

D stick

2 golf

3 baseball

4 table tennis

5 hockey

6 badminton

EXERCISE 11. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. I don't know who will win. What do you think?

2. I think your team will lose.

3. I'm sure we'll beat you 10-0.

4. It's a three-day tournament.

5. Our team will be in semi-final this year!

6. Jack lost in the first round.

7. We won two-nil (2-0)

8. They drew four-all (4-4).

9. It was nil-nil (0-0).

10. France scored three goals, Spain conceded three goals (France 3 — Spain 0).

EXERCISE 12. Complete the following phrases with either win or beat.

1. .................... the final

2. .................... a medal

3. .................... a point

4. .................... the cup

5. .................... our rival

6. .................... the champion

7. .................... a competition

8. .................... the world record

9. .................... the other team

10. .................... by two seconds

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Complete the following texts with the words.

Translate the texts into Ukrainian.

A. point sticks pitch goal players pass-back goalkeeper

Hockey played on ice is called ice hockey. There are 11 (1) ....................... in each

team, five forwards, three halfbacks, two full-backs and a (2) ......................... . A

hockey (3) ........................ is 100 yards (91 meters) long and between 55 and 60 yards

(50 and 55 meters) wide. There is a (4) ......................... at each end. The aim of the

game is to hit a small white ball into the other team's goal with wooden hockey

(5) .................... . A goal is worth one (6) ..................... . Each game has two halves of

35 minutes. A game begins with a (7) .................... : a forward hits the ball but it is not

allowed to cross the centre line until another player from either team has also hit it.

B. serves bounds net hit court hits scores points

Volleyball is played on a rectangular (1) ...................... divided across its width by a

high (2) ....................... . Two teams, usually made up of six players each, face each

other across the net. Players use their hands to (3) ...................... a large ball back and

forth over the net. One team (4) ...................... the ball. The opposing team must return

the ball within three (5) ...................... The serving team (6) ......................... a point if

the opposing team fails to return the ball or hits it out of (7) ........................ . If the

serving team fails to return the ball over the net, the other team gets the serve. The

team that scores fifteen (8) ...................... with at least a two-point lead wins the game.

C. ball set court bounds racket match net

Tennis is played on a rectangular (1) ...................... divided across its width by a low

net. There are two types of tennis games. The singles game is played by two people,

with one person on each side of the (2) ........................ . The doubles game is played

by four people, with two people on each side of the net. Players use a (3) .....................

to hit a small (4) ..................... over the net. A player scores when the opponent cannot

return the ball or hits the ball out of (5) .......................... . Players with the most points

win a game. Those who win the most games win a (6) .......................... . Players who

then win the most sets win the entire (7) .............................. .


Translate into English.


1. Я дуже люблю розгадувати кросворди та грати в комп'ютерні ігри.

2. Мій батько збирає старовинні монети.

3. Мері любить шити та в'язати, а її чоловік захоплюється рибалкою і

велоспортом улітку та лижами взимку.

4. Старий Джек працює в саду зранку до вечора, а його дружина проводить

вільний час, граючи в теніс або малюючи дерева в саду.

5. Коли ти вирішив зайнятися мотоспортом?

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1. Встаньте, наклоніться вліво, підстрибніть три рази, а потім сідайте.

2. Мій маленький онук уже почав повзати.

3. Бігайте, танцюйте, стрибайте, лазьте по деревах і не хворійте.

4. Він зібрався на гору вперше, коли йому було 50.

5. Він йшов парком та побачив малюка, який схилився над квіткою.

6. Підиймися драбиною та зазирни у вікно.

7. Кішка залізла на дерево та голосно нявкала.

8. Джейн вийшла з кімнати і побачила, що він притулився до стіни і важко дихав.

9. Ти любиш лежати на пляжі?

10. Стрибай в море, а потім будемо пірнати.

11. Сядь прямо, не нахиляйся вперед.

12. Кішка вистрибнула із вікна.

13. Сідай у крісло, відкинься та розслабся.

14. Я не збираюся стрибати з даху.


1. Хто твій улюблений боксер?

2. Я обожнюю плавання.

3. Українські боксери та гімнасти відомі в усьому світі.

4. Коли я був у четвертому класі, я захоплювався легкою атлетикою.

5. У Харкові є чудове футбольне поле.

6. Я побачив Джейн на бадмінтонному майданчику.

7. Уболівальники з'явилися на хокейному полі.

8. Поле для гри в гольф було вкрите зеленою травою.

9. Скільки гравців на полі, коли грають в регбі?

10. Я не знаю, хто виграв у матчі «Дніпро» - «Металіст».

11. Здається, «Локомотив» програв.

12. Ми виграли з рахунком 3:2.

13. Я вважаю, що буде нічия.

14. Бразилія забила три голи.

15. Гравці Ямайки пропустили 5 голів.

16. Ми виграли кубок.

17. Я виграв змагання з бігу в школі.

18. Наші спортсмени побили світовий рекорд.

19. Наша команда виграла в напівфіналі у збірної Чехії.

20. Матч закінчився з рахунком 0:0.

EXERCISE 15. Write a letter to your friend about the interests and hobbies of

young people in this country. Dwell on the following questions:

• Describe the hobbies which are typical for people of your age.

• Write about your interests, what you do in your spare time.

• Describe your favorite sport (team or individual, place where played, how to play and win)

• Cheer up your friend who is angry with the result of the game.

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Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.


Read and complete the text below.

For each of the empty spaces (1—12) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Write your answers on answer sheet A.

HOBBIES Traditional indoor hobbies or pastimes (1) ............. collecting things, e.g. shells,

model cars, dolls, comic books, stamps, coins or postcards. Children (2) .............

collect sets of picture cards from packets of tea and small toys or models from packets

of breakfast cereal. Many collect stickers of football or baseball players or pop stars.

They buy packets of these and trade them with their friends, (3) ........... those they

(4) .............. have for the ones they need to complete the set. Many people continue to

collect things as they get older. Formerly picture cards were given away in packets of

cigarettes and many of these old cards are now (5) ............. . Now people collect

things like beer mats, concert programs, decorated plates, and antiques.

Many people like to do something (6) ............ , such as painting or drawing,

playing music, knitting or sewing, cooking, or (7) .............. crossword puzzles. In

1996, 84% of US households contained one or more people with a hobby or craft

(= an activity in which something is made) and over $10 million was (8) ............. on

such activities.

Some people have hobbies which take them away from home. Bird watching is

(9) ............. popular.

So too is flying model aircraft. Other people go to public record offices and

churches to (10) .............. their family history. One very British hobby is train-

spotting, which involves visiting railway stations and recording the names or numbers

of trains. The (11) ............. of hobbies now popular is (12) .......... in the number of

specialist magazines available in both Britain and the US.

1 А contain B include С consist of D cover

2 А yet B too С already D also

3 А exchanging B giving С changing D selling

4 А still B already С yet D although

5 А important B worthless С useful D valuable

6 А talented B creative С inspired D cheerful

7 А reading B making С doing D solving

8 А spent B lost С missed D sent

9 А principally B normally C especially D unusually

10 А analyze B open С look D research

11 А name B range С file D series

12 А reflected B copied С taught D instructed

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1. Meeting with friends

to meet up with;

to go round;

to get together;

to have a party;

to come along;

to be stuck indoors.

2. Hobbies and interests

to collect coins / stamps / antiques / postcards / old photographs;

to play chess / computer games / musical instruments.

3. Outdoor activities

hill-walking; hunting; skateboarding;

camping; surfing; skiing;

gardering; fishing; riding; water skiing;

climbing; snowboarding.

4. Social activities

to play pool; to go to a yoga class;

to play in a band; to play darts;

to sing in a choir.

5. Sports

cycling; swimming;

horse racing; ice-skating;

gymnastics; ice-hockey;

weightlifting; boxing; wrestling.

6. Results and scores

to win; to lose; to beat 2-0;

opponent; tournament; semi-final;

first round; result; trophy;

score; championship;

world record; the second place; the lead;

the gold / silver medal; cup.

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1. THE NATURAL WORLD EXERCISE 1. Match the words with the pictures.

waterfall sea river valley mountains forest desert Northern pole hills

EXERCISE 2. For questions 1—5 choose the correct answer A, B or C.


The ocean is the eventual depository for most of Earth's water. Over the millenniums of

land and ocean formation, dissolved minerals from Earth's crust were washed into the

ocean. As time went on, water was continuously evaporating from the ocean, leaving behind

mineral salts until they reached their present-day concentrations. Salt water is roughly 3.5

percent dissolved mineral salts. Fresh water contains dissolved mineral salts too, but at

concentrations too low for us to taste. Salt lakes often are found in a region where the rate

of evaporation is high and dissolved salts are left behind. One famous lake, which is saltier

than the ocean, is the Great Salt Lake in the state of Utah. The Dead Sea has a 25 percent

salt content, so high that, it is almost impossible to drown.

1. The word "eventual" is closest in meaning to .................... .

A final B basic С greatest

2. In the passage the word "crust" is closest in meaning to .................... .

A coating B surface С covering

3. The word "roughly" is closest in meaning to .................... .

A approximately B hardly С vaguely

4. The word "rate" is closest in meaning to .................... .

A way B structure С speed

5. The verb "content" is closest in meaning to .................... .

A capacity B substance С matter

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Translate the names of the trees into Ukrainian.

A 1 oak B A береза

2 birch B верба

3 fir C ялинка

4 willow D каштан

5 chestnut E дуб


Find the part of the tree in the picture.








Use these words to complete the sentences.

conditions plants due to drop fades daylight prepare

WHY DO TREE LEAVES CHANGE COLOR IN THE AUTUMN? Chlorophyll is the dominant pigment in green (1) …..................... and gives tree

leaves their green color in the summer. Other pigments are also present but are

masked by the abundant chlorophyll.

As the (2) ....................... shortens in autumn and the nights become cooler, trees

"sense" the coming of winter and (3) ............................. to shed their leaves. Deprived

of water and nutrients, a leaf's chlorophyll breaks down and the green color

(4) ........................... while the yellow and orange pigments become more prominent.

Some leaves turn red and purple. This is (5) ....................... the cold nights, which

cause the breakdown of sugars and their conversion into red and purple pigmentation.

The best autumn weather (6) .......................... for good leaf color are sunny days

followed by clear, cool nights with temperatures below forty-five degrees Fahrenheit.

Because trees (7) ............................ their leaves in autumn we call this season "fall."

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EXERCISE 6. Match the words with the pictures.

lily of the valley pansy dandelion tulip rose

corn flower poppy gladiolus peony daffodil

EXERCISE 7. Read the text below.

Use the word in brackets to form a word that fits in the space.


Roses, technically (1) ............................. (to speak), have prickles, not thorns. Thorns

are botanically (2) ............................ (consideration) to be modified branches. Prickles

are actually outgrowths of the outer skin of the stem. Prickles easily break off from the

stem; thorns are hard to break off because they are part of the (3) ..................... (wood)

tissue of the plant. Both thorns and prickles serve (4) ............................... (protection)

the plant from being eaten.


EXERCISE 8. Match the season of the year with the pictures.





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EXERCISE 9. Read and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).


As we know from our lessons in Geography climate is the average weather

conditions of a (1) ............ place. It is made up of the average summer and winter

temperature, the (2) ........... of sunshine, the direction of the winds, the average

rainfall, etc. The British Isles are (3) ............. by the ocean and have an insular climate

which is more equable than that of Central Europe. Western Winds that (4) ............

from the Atlantic Ocean influence the climate of Great Britain. The climate is mild

and (5) ............ frosts are rare. The January average temperature is higher and the July

temperature is lower than in most European countries. The coldest part of the country

is the Highlands of Scotland. It is as frosty in Scotland as in St. Petersburg. In January

South-Western England (Devon and Cornwall) is the warmest part in Great Britain.

The snow is rare and it never lies for long. In summer the South-Eastern part of

England is the warmest. This is an abundance of rainfall in the West, which is the

reason for (6) .............. fogs.

1 А exact B definite С marked D possible

2 А amount B sum С number D quantity

3 А detected B limited С located D surrounded

4 А depart B run С flow D pass

5 А deep B strong С healthy D firm

6 А serious B wide С thick D broad


Match the description

with the picture.


A. This country enjoys a Mediterranean climate for most of the year, with warm to

hot days and mild nights. However, in the middle of summer it can be unbearably hot

and stuffy and winter can be chilly. December and January can be very cold and in

February it is often rainy. April can be changeable with sunny days are interrupted by

windy showery weather.

B. Most of this country is always warm from April to October though it can

occasionally be cold and rainy in the North, especially in the mountains. The South is

amazingly mild throughout the year - it hardly has a winter. Although the Atlantic lies

only a few miles away, the climate is more like Mediterranean.

C. This country has a very changeable climate, both from day to day and from place

to place. Although long periods of fine weather occur each year, it is not easy to

forecast the weather accurately and you can be soaked during any season. The North

of the country is much colder and windy in winter, often with quite heavy snowfalls.

The South-West has milder weather.

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EXERCISE 11. Match the words and expressions with the picture.

icicle dropping

dry and hot


sunny and hot



thunder and lightning


chilly and nippy


Each of these pairs has a similar meaning, but one word is stronger.

Put a cross (x) against the word with a stronger meaning.

1. rain — drizzle 4. warm — boiling hot

2. frosty — cold 5. fog — mist

3. breeze — gale 6. icy — slippery


Look at the map of Western Europe.

Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

sunny windy showers lightning

storms rain cloudy hot

1. Paris will be partly ............................ with

occasional ................................ .

2. In London you can expect .........................

throughout the day.

3. Barcelona should be very ..........................

and ..................................... all day.

4. It will be very ..................................... in Frankfurt.

5. You can expect to find .................................. and .................................... in Rome.

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Use the correct form of verbs to complete the forecast.

A. rise fall reach remain

Tomorrow the south will again (1) .................... warm and dry. Temperatures could

(2) .................... 5 °C during the afternoon. In the north, the day will start quite cool,

but temperatures will (3) .................... gradually during the day. Later in the week the

weather will turn cold and night-time temperatures could (4).................. as low as 8 °C.

B. Now use these words to complete the next forecast:

wintry icy melt sleet frost

Tonight will be cold and most parts of the country can expect an overnight (5) ........... .

Tomorrow will also be bitterly cold with (6) ...................... showers in many places.

Rain or (7) ....................... will turn to snow, especially on high ground, later in the

day. Roads will be (8) .......................... . At the weekend daytime temperatures could

fall below zero and there will be snow in most parts of the country. Monday will be a

little warmer and by Tuesday morning the snow will begin to (9) ............................ .


When a clear sky becomes cloudy, we say, "It's clouding over"

When it improves, we say, "It's clearing up."

A long spell of unusually hot weather is called a heatwave.

A cold spell is sometimes called a cold snap. Another word for chilly is nippy.

When the rain is very heavy we say "It's raining cats and dogs."


Read and complete the text below.

For each of the empty spaces (1—5) choose

the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

On September 7th, 1953, it rained frogs in Leicester, Massachusetts, USA. Many of

them (1) ............ on the roofs of the houses. They were still alive and (2) ............

about. We don't know how it (3) .............. .

Perhaps there was a storm somewhere and a strong wind (4) ............ water and

animals from a lake or river into the air. When the wind became less strong, the water

and animals (5) ............. .

1 А docked B came С arrived D landed

2 А crawled B ran С hopped D jumped

3 А resulted B happened С realized D fulfilled

4 А lifted B picked С pulled D gathered

5 А sank B fell С decreased D escaped

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Match the words with the definitions.

1 forest fire

A a long period with little or no rain

2 hurricane B a sudden violent movement of the surface of the earth

3 earthquake C when huge areas of woodland are alight

4 flood D when an area of land which is usually dry becomes covered

in water

5 drought E a huge wave which builds up in the sea over thousands of


6 volcano F a very powerful storm, often at sea

7 tidal wave G a large mountain which erupts from time to time and sends

rocks up into the air and molten rock pours down the side


Use these words in sentences.

droughts volcanoes earthquake floods

1. Mount Vesuvius near Naples is one of the

most famous …………….. in the world.

2. Many parts of sub-Saharan Africa suffer from

...................................... .

3. Many low-lying parts of England suffer from

........................ after prolonged periods of rain in the winter.

4. San Francisco and Tokyo are both situated right

in the middle of dangerous ...................................... zones.

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Use these words in the sentences.

acid rain ozone layer global warming greenhouse effect

1. The gradual rise in the Earth's temperature is known as .................... .

2. When heat gets trapped in the Earth's atmosphere, it is known as .................... .

3. Over Antarctica scientists have found holes in the .................... .

4. Rain mixed with toxic chemicals from factories is known as .................... .


Read the text. Fill in each gap with one word which best fits the sentence.

In most (1) .......................... there are political parties which aim is (2) .........................

the environment — the Green Party or the Ecology Party, for example. Greenpeace is

an international (3) ............................ that protests against anything which is a threat to

the (4) .................................. , like dumping nuclear waste and, more recently, growing

genetically (5) ...................................... crops.


Translate into English.


1. На півдні України багато заповідників.

2. Улітку ми з батьками завжди їдемо до моря.

3. Біля нашого дому тече річка Харків.

4. Я обожнюю прогулянки по долинах у квітах.

5. Повітря у горах дуже чисте.

6. Восени у лісі дуже багато грибів.

7. На жаль, у нашій країні не має пустель.

8. Відпустка на Північному полюсі має бути дуже веселою.

9. На селі, де живе моя бабуся, багато пагорбів та долин.

10. У цьому яру видно навіть коріння дерев.

11. Висота стовбура цього дерева може досягати 17 метрів.

12. Після дощу на дереві майже не залишилося гілок.

13. Весною дерева покриваються листям.

14. У нашому садку багато фруктових дерев: яблунь, слив та груш.

15. Яблуня під нашим вікном у повному розквіті.

16. Листя дуба мають дуже цікаву форму.

17. Березовий сік — дуже корисний напій для кожного.

18. Після дощу повітря в ялиновому лісі пахне свіжістю.

19. Верба має товстий та нерівний стовбур.

20. Існує два види каштанового дерева.

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1. Зима в південних країнах не дуже сувора.

2. Улітку я завжди намагаюся відвідати нову країну.

3. Восени всі діти йдуть до школи.

4. Навесні дні стають довшими.

5. Коли надворі прохолодно та морозно, я залишаюся вдома.

6. Я полюбляю вітряну погоду, навіть взимку.

7. Я мрію поїхати до Мексики, бо там завжди сухо та спекотно.

8. У разі грому та блискавки потрібно зачинити вікна.

9. Коли сонячно та спекотно, не можна багато часу проводити на сонці.

10. Клімат у країнах біля моря дуже вологий.

11. Коли на вулиці сніжна погода, діти полюбляють гратися у сніжки.

12. Сьогодні у Криму сонячна погода.

13. Увечері почувся гуркіт грому.

14. Уранці почалася літня злива.

15. Маленька дівчинка дуже боялася блискавки.

16. Шторм на морі розколихував хвилі.

17. Лише під вечір дощ закінчився та виглянуло сонце.

18. Прогноз погоди на сьогодні: хмарно і дощитиме.

19. День видався спекотним.

20. Ураган знищує все на своєму шляху.


1. У спекотну погоду часто виникає лісова пожежа.

2. Існує багато видів торнадо, і всі вони дуже небезпечні для життя людини.

3. Великої шкоди завдав землетрус у Китаї.

4. Причиною повені є підвищення води.

5. Засуха цього року принесла збитків урожаю пшениці.

6. На Землі існує майже 1500 вулканів.

7. Причиною цунамі є водний землетрус.

8. Причини глобального потепління вченим не відомі.

9. Парниковий ефект існує навіть на Марсі.

10. Озоновий шар має велике значення для розвитку життя на Землі.

11. Кислотні дощі — одна з глобальних екологічних проблем.


Write an essay about the ways of preserving nature.

Dwell on the following questions:

• What are the most important environmental problems of the 21 century?

• What should be done to preserve nature?

• How can natural disasters affect people's lives?

• What was the most dramatic natural disaster for the past ten years? Why?

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Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.


Read and complete the text below.

For each of the empty spaces (1—12) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Write your answers on answer sheet A.


The popular view of the British weather is that it rains all the time. This is not true

and Britain gets no more rain in a(n) (1) ............... year than several other European

countries. In some summers the country goes for weeks with nothing more than a

shower. Perhaps the (2) ............... characteristic of Britain's weather is that it is hard to

(3) .............. . This is probably why people regularly listen to weather (4) ............. on

radio and television. However, the weathermen are sometimes wrong.

The British are not used to extremes. In summer the temperature rarely goes

higher than 30 °C (86 °F). In winter the south and west are fairly mild. The east and

north get much colder, with hard frosts and snow. A cold snap (period of very cold

weather) or heavy falls of snow can (5) ............. transport to a halt.

When two Englishmen meet their first (6) ............... is of the weather, and this is

still true. The weather is a safe, polite and (7) .............. topic of conversation. Most

British people would (8) ............... that bright sunny weather, not too hot and with

enough rain to (9) ............. their gardens, is good. Bad weather usually (10) ..............

dull days with a lot of cloud and rain or, in winter, fog or snow. The British tend to

(11) ............. the worst as far as the weather is (12) ............ and it is part of national

folklore that summer bank holidays will be wet. It may be pouring with rain, teeming

down, bucketing, or even just drizzling or spitting, but it will be wet.

1 А extreme B average С ordinary D medium

2 А necessary B main С capital D absolute

3 А predict B see С know D discuss

4 А forecasts B shows С programs D broadcasts

5 А carry B bring С fetch D produce

6 А fact B report С story D talk

7 А impersonal B private С intimate D impudent

8 А judge B hesitate С agree D refuse

9 А water B pour C rain D drizzle

10 А presents B causes С means D proposes

11 А wait B expect С believe D hope

12 А concerned B spoken С involved D regarded

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1. Basic vocabulary

waste; pollution; damage;

emission; environmentalist.

2. What causes the damage

exhaust fumes; toxic waste; deforestation;

pesticides; air quality.

3. Global warming

floods; radiation; ice caps.

4. Environmental problems

to destroy natural habitats;

to be in danger of extinction; to have implications.

5. Consequences

global warming; greenhouse effect; acid rain; ozone layer.

6. Disasters

forest fire; flood; hurricane; drought;

tornado; volcano eruption;

earthquake; tidal wave.

7. Describing disasters

to lose the year's crop; waterholes dried up;

the river burst its banks;

lava poured down;

the tremor, measuring 6 on the Richter scale;

to cause cracks in the roads.

8. Temperature words

freezing cool; mild; warm; humid; chilly.

9. Vocabulary notes

to pour; to rain cats and dogs; it's clouding over;

it's clearing up;

a heatwave; a cold snap; nippy;

hearty shower; huge puddle; sleet.

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EXERCISE 1. Complete the table below.

botany physics astronomy chemistry zoology genetics biology

Subject The scientific study of Scientist

1. living things

2. the habits and classification of animals

3. inherited characteristics

4. fundamental forces, light, heat, etc

5. how elements combine and react

6. space, stars, planets, etc

7. plants


A. Delete the verb which doesn't collocate well with the following groups.

1. do, carry out, take, perform an experiment

2. do, make, carry out, conduct research

3. do, carry out, conduct, put some tests

B. Delete one noun from each line which doesn't make a connection with the verb.

1. analyze information, results, statistics, somebody's eyes, a blood sample.

2. test nuclear weapons, a new engine, drugs on animals, somebody's eyes,

the evidence.

3. examine the results, drugs on animals, a blood sample, somebody's eyes,

the research.

4. develop an idea, a theory, a conclusion, a new engine, a new drug.


Discover is used when one finds and makes known something that already exists but

is nor known to others (to discover a new planet).

Invent suggests making something new for the first time and usually after some

thinking or experimenting (to invent a new camera).

Create suggests producing something for its own sake (create unusual toys).

EXERCISE 3. Discuss with the partner.

1. What is a discovery?

2. Who discovered America / the Periodic Law / electricity?

3. What other great discoveries do you know?

4. What great discoveries have been made by Ukrainian scientists?

5. What is an inventor?

6. By whom and when was radio invented?

7. What inventions were made by Edison, Alexander Bell, etc?

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Read the story.

Chose the correct word.

Ever since Dr. Dean was a boy he has enjoyed doing scientific (1) ....................

(patents / research). Five years ago he was in his laboratory doing some

(2) .................... (experiments / discoveries) in electronic circuitry when he

(3) .................... (concluded / discovered) the way to modify a camera to take

photographs at great distances. He (4) .................... (hypothesized / constructed) that if

he could simply add a locating device to a camera, he would have a "crystal ball." He

did additional research and then made a complete (5) .................... (research /

analysis). He used the results in working on his locating device and finally

(6) .................... (patented / constructed) his "crystal ball." Of course it isn't made of

crystal, and it's not shaped like a ball, but it does allow him to see anyone at any time

in any place. Dr. Dean would like (7) .................... (to invent / to patent) his

(8) .................... (invention / patent) someday, but he doesn't think that the government

would believe that it is real. He has (9) .................... (experimented / concluded) that

the world isn't ready for such an advanced device.


Discuss with the partner.

1. Do you feel that you are willing to carry out research work and that you are

ready for it?

2. Would you like to be engaged in scientific research in the field of different

branches of science or in the humanities?

3. What qualities do you think are needed to succeed in scientific research?

Do you think you will be able to carry out scientific research?

4. If you choose a scientific career, what would you like to become and why?

5. Do you agree that some people spend their life working on scientific problems

because they are paid large sums of money?

6. Can one be a great scientist only in one field of knowledge?

7. What is the role of science in our lives?

8. Design a booklet on the topic "The Makers of the Modern World".

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Appliances are all the electrical equipment you use to help you do jobs around the house.

Most household appliances are powered by a motor.

Machine is a general word for electrical equipment. It can be used for household appliances

— for example, a washing machine.

Machinery is a general term, used to refer to large industrial machines.

Device is a small, useful machine. Gadget is an informal word for a small, modern device.

EXERCISE 6. Match the words with the pictures. A. battery CD player socket extension lead headphones

EXERCISE 7. Сomplete the sentences below using these words.

gadgets motor machinery device appliances machine

1. The vacuum cleaner's not working. I think there's something wrong with the

.......................... . It keeps making a funny noise.

2. Most cars nowadays are fitted with a security ................................. of some kind.

3. We're opening another factory next year, so most of this year's profit will be spent

on new ……………….……… .

4. He's got a really flashy new car with all the latest .................................... .

5. It's surprising how much it costs to equip a modern kitchen. The electrical

................................ alone will cost at least one thousand dollars.

6. Sorry, madam, I think this ............................... is beyond repair. Perhaps you should

think of replacing it with a newer model.

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If something doesn't work, you need to fix it, or get it fixed.

Before you try to fix something electrical, make sure you unplug it.

When you have fixed it, you can plug it back in again.


For questions 1—5 choose the correct answer A, B or C.

The dishwasher was invented as a dish-saving appliance, not a laborsaving one. In

1886 socialite Josephine Cochrane invented a machine to help clean up after her

dinner parties without breaking the china.

Impressed with the "steam servant girl," hotels and restaurants began placing

orders. But because early home models could cost up to $1,000 and could use up a

whole tank of hot water for one load, sales to housewives were not brisk. Most

surprising to dishwasher manufacturers was women's claim that they enjoyed washing

dishes by hand. As machines got quieter, more efficient, and better at removing stains,

and as attitudes toward housework began to change, sales picked up. Today more than

half the homes of America have dishwashers, and we wouldn't have it any other way.

1. The word "breaking" is closest in meaning to .................... .

A dividing B separating С smashing

2. In the passage the word "brisk" is closest in meaning to .................... .

A stimulating B active С dull

3. The word "claim" is closest in meaning to .................... .

A demand B requirement С proclamation

4. The word "removing" is closest in meaning to .................... .

A abolishing B transferring С replacing

5. The verb "picked up" is closest in meaning to .................... .

A dropped B raised С developed


Try to complete the sentences.

1. In 1880 in England, the first vending machine sold .................... .

A soda B stamps C postcards

2. For over sixty years, Horn and Hardart was a cafeteria chain in the United States.

The food was behind glass doors. To get the food, you put money in an opening. The

restaurant opened in .................... .

A 1902 B 1922 C 1942

3. You need for some vending machines .................... .

A Identification B Exact change C Exact time

4. Vending machines have an opening for coins. The opening is called a .................... .

A slot B lot C spot

5. .................... has the largest variety of vending machines.

A China B Japan C The United States

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EXERCISE 10. Discuss with the partner.

1. Do you often buy things from vending machines?

2. What do you usually buy?

3. What was the last thing you bought from a vending machine?

When did you buy it?

4. What do you like/dislike about vending machines?

5. Do you agree that vending machines take jobs away from people?

6. Will vending machines be harder to use in the future?

7. Do you often see "Out of Order" signs on vending machines?

8. How many new words can you make from the letters in the phrase "Out of Order"?

EXERCISE 11. Fill in the blanks with the following verbs.

surf pay bought use has play take used walked up

Kim Won Jung (1) ....................... to a vending machine. She (2) ........................

an orange drink. She didn't (3) ........................ coins. She (4) ........................ her cell

phone to pay for her drink.

In South Korea today the cell phone is for more than talking. Telecom companies

are working together with credit card companies and banks. People (5) ........................

for everything from groceries to gasoline using their cell phones.

In South Korea today there are 33.2 million cell phone users. The country

(6) ......................... 48 million people. People use cell phones to (7) ............................

the Internet, transfer money, (8) .......................... the lottery, buy movie tickets, and

(9) ........................................ pictures.



Translate the instructions from the menu on the computer into Ukrainian.

1. open .................... 4. close .................... 7. save ....................

2. save as .................... 5. select .................... 8. insert ....................

3. copy .................... 6. print .................... 9. delete ....................


Match the verbs from A with the phrases in B.

Translate into Ukrainian.


1 insert A a back copy

2 make B an icon

3 run C an e-mail

4 surf D a floppy disk

5 send E the Internet

6 click on F part of the text

7 highlight G a program

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Complete the sentences below using these words.

unwanted users research

site searches links

features graduate field

lifestyles degrees experts

Since its start in 1998, Google has become one of the most popular search

engines. It has grown from a (1) ......................... project in the dormitory room of two

college students to a business that now employs approximately 1,000 people.

Google's founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, met in 1995 when they were in

their 20s and (2) ........................ students in computer science at Stanford University

in California. They realized that Internet search was a very important (3) .....................

and began working together to make searching easier. Both Page and Brin left their

studies at Stanford to work on their project. Interestingly, they have never returned to

finish their (4) ............................. .

Brin was born in Russia, but he has lived in the U.S. since he was five years old.

His father was a mathematician in Russia. Page, whose parents were computer

(5) .............................. , has been interested in computers since he was six years old.

When Google started in 1998, it did 10,000 searches a day. Today it does 200

million (6) .................................... a day in 90 languages.

It indexes three billion Web pages.

How is Google different from other search engines? Have you ever noticed how

many ads and banners there are on other search engines? News, sports scores, stock

prices, (7) .......................................... for shopping, mortgage rates, and more fill other

search engines. Brin and Page wanted a clean home page. They believed that people

come to the Internet to search for specific information, not to be hit with a lot of

(8) ............................................. data. The success of Google over its rivals has proved

that this is true.

Over the past few years, Google has added new (9) ............................. to its Web

site: Google Images, where you can type in a word and get thousands of pictures;

Google News, which takes you to today's news; Froogle, which takes you to a

shopping (10) ................................. ; and more. But one thing hasn't changed: the

clean opening page that Google offers its (11) .................................... .

In 2003, Fortune magazine ranked Page and Brin among the top ten richest people

under 30. So far these two men haven't changed their (12) ................................. very

much. They continue to live modestly.

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EXERCISE 15. Dramatize the dialogues. A. — Hello!

— May I speak to Mr. Johns, please.

— Speaking.

— Good morning, Mr. Johns. This is Jackson calling.

B. — Hello! Can I speak to Jane?

— Sorry, Jane is out at the moment.

— Could you take a message?

— Yes, of course.

C. — Hello. May I speak to Mr. Roberts?

— Sorry, sir. Mr. Roberts is not available. Is there any message?

— No, thank you. I'll call back later.

— Right. Good-bye.

D. — Three-four-five; eight-double seven-nine.

— Can I speak to Mr. Scott?

— I'm afraid you've got the wrong number.

— Oh, sorry to have troubled you.

EXERCISE 16. Read and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Before mobile phones made everything so (1) ........ , the public telephone (2) ........... was an

important focus for community life. People of all types and classes would (3) ........... an

orderly queue outside its red iron door, clutching their pennies and (4) ........... patiently for

their (5) .......... to be linked up to the great wide world. For a shy people like the British it

was an opportunity to meet and (6) ............ news and gossip with neighbors and to

(7) ............. some fresh air. And what's more, once you were inside that box everything you

said was (8) ............ . Everybody uses mobiles nowadays, but talking loudly in (9) .........

places with unseen faces, about (10) .......... feelings or secret dealings... well it's not

something true Brit feels (11) .......... about! Now there's a new (12) ........... of phone boxes

which can link you up to the Internet, receive mails, take payment by phone card or credit

card. Impressive, perhaps, but where is the romance?

1 А light B quiet С secure D easy

2 А box B case С chest D container

3 А produce B build С form D develop

4 А remaining B waiting С resting D pausing

5 А turn B round С period D act

6 А barter B substitute С shift D exchange

7 А receive B get С fetch D catch

8 А hidden B exclusive С private D secret

9 А popular B national C public D open

10 А personal B individual С special D own

11 А comfortable B cosy С relaxed D cheerful

12 А origination B production С creation D generation

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EXERCISE. 17. Translate into English.


1. Зоологія — наука про тварин.

2. Що вивчає фізика?

3. Після проведення експерименту з мишами Джон став відомим серед колег.

4. Яке наукове дослідження він проводив?

5. Ми маємо розв'язати декілька тестів.

6. Джейн проводить аналізи води в басейні кожні три години.

7. Ми вивчили результати дослідження і погодилися з винахідником.

8. Коли вперше було випробувано атомну зброю?

9. Коли був розроблений цей двигун?

10. Хто відкрив періодичну таблицю елементів?

11. Коли була відкрита електрика?

12. Хто винайшов радіо?

B. 1. У мене багато хатніх приладів. Вони роблять життя цікавішим.

2. Це машинне встаткування застаріло.

3. Праска не працює. Щось трапилося з механізмом.

4. Це дуже дорогий двигун.

5. Для чого цей пристрій?

6. Якщо ви придбаєте це пристосування, міксер буде працювати краще.

7. Слід полагодити швейну машину.

8. Вимкни мікрохвильову піч, я спробую полагодити її.

9. Увімкни комп'ютер і чекай на моє повідомлення.

10. Цей автомат не працює. Я кинув в отвір долар, але не отримав жувальну гумку.


1. Відкрий мій файл та зітри інформацію про торгівельні автомати.

2. Збережи цей файл як «Відкриття».

3. Ти вставив диск?

4. Я не зробила копію доповіді про ваш винахід.

5. Я не можу запустити цю програму.

6. Пошукай в Інтернеті інформацію про винаходи 20 століття.

7. Виділи цю частину тексту та скопіюй її.


1. Хто дзвонить? Пробачте, Джона зараз немає вдома. Залишите йому повідомлення?

2. Джейн зараз зайнята. Щось їй передати?

3. Ви набрали неправильний номер. Зателефонуйте ще раз.

4. Пробачте, що потурбував вас.

EXERCISE 18. Write an essay describing your attitude to scientific progress.

Dwell on the following questions:

• If technology has made the world a better place to live?

• What is the most beneficial discovery for the Ukrainian people in the last 100 years?

• Do you agree that science brings disasters.

• If you wanted to change people's lives, what would you invent?

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Read the text ALFRED NOBEL and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Alfred Nobel, the great Swedish inventor and industrialist, was a man of many

contrasts. He was a scientist with a love of literature, and industrialist who managed to

(1) ......... an idealist. He made a fortune but lived a simple life, and although cheerful in

company he was often sad in private. A lover of mankind, he never had a wife or family to

love him; a patriotic son of his (2) ........ land, he died alone on foreign soil. He invented a

new explosive, dynamite, to (3) ........ the peacetime industries of mining and road building,

but saw it used as a weapon of war to kill and injure his fellow men. During his useful life

he often felt he was useless. "Alfred Nobel," he once wrote of himself, "ought to have been

put to death by a kind doctor as soon as, with a cry, he entered life." World-famous for his

works he was never (4) ......... well known, for throughout his life he (5) ....... publicity. "I do

not see," he once said, "that I have (6) ......... any fame and I have no taste for it." But since

his death, his name has brought fame and glory to others.

He was born in Stockholm on October 21, 1833 but moved to Russia with his parents

in 1842, where his father made a strong position for himself in the engineering industry.

Most of the family returned to Sweden in 1859, where Alfred (7) ............. them in 1863,

beginning his own study of explosives in his father's laboratory. He had never been to

school or university but had studied privately and by the time he was twenty was a skilful

chemist and excellent linguist, speaking Swedish, Russian, German, French and English.

Alfred Nobel was imaginative and inventive. He was quick to see industrial openings for his

scientific inventions and built over 80 companies in 20 different countries. Indeed greatness

lay in his outstanding (8) ......... to combine the quаlities of an original scientist with those of

a forward-looking industrialist.

But Nobel's main concern was never with (9) ......... money or even with making

scientific discoveries. Seldom happy — was always searching for a meaning to life, and

from youth he had taken a serious interest in literature and philosophy. Perhaps because he

could not find (10) ......... human love he never married — he came to (11) ......... deeply

about the whole of mankind. He was always generous to the poor. His greatest wish,

however, was to see an end to wars, and thus peace between nations, and he spent much

time and money working for this cause until his death in Italy in 1896. His famous will, in

which he left money to (12) ......... prizes for outstanding work in Physics, Chemistry,

Physiology, Medicine, Literature and Peace, is a memorial to his interests and ideals.

1 А remain B stay С last D survive

2 А national B domestic С local D native

3 А correct B improve С mend D repair

4 А privately B individually С intimately D personally

5 А confronted B escaped С avoided D faced

6 А earned B won С deserved D justified

7 А rejoined B united С connected D linked

8 А efficiency B possibility С ability D power

9 А doing B making C producing D acquiring

10 А ordinary B everyday С typical D usual

11 А regard B care С mind D interest

12 А contribute B allow С provide D arrange

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1. Telephone

mobile telephone; public telephone;

phone card; receiver;

fax; to phone/call/ring up;

the telephone is engaged;

to hang up; to call straight back;

to get the wrong number;

to leave a message;

to hold the line; to be available.

2. Computers

palmtop; laptop; keyboard;

mouse; mouse pad;

printer; scanner; the internet;

to browse the Internet;

online, web page;

download; sites.

3. Domestic equipment

hairdryer; sewing machine;

iron; vacuum cleaner; fan.

4. Plugs and things

plug; extension lead; switch; knob; socket.

5. Phrasal verbs

to put the light off;

to turn the volume down;

to switch on the answer-phone.

6. When machines don't work

to fix;

to unplug;

to plug smth. back in;

to be out of order;

to make a funny noise;

to be as good as new;

to work properly.

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Read and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).


If you want to split hairs and (1) .......... this a trick question, then the answer is no

one "invented" zero, since it was sort of always there and just (2) ........... discovering.

Then again, numbers are a human construct, so there is a (3) ............ argument that

someone indeed invented it, since the number zero is very different from the concept

of nothing. The idea of nothing, or "not having," must have been in people's (4) ..........

as soon as numbers were invented. What was lacking for so many years was a special

symbol for zero to bring it into the number line. We know that the Babylonians used a

space a placeholder for empty "columns" as far back as 1700 В.С. They wrote in

cuneiform, a system which relied on making a series of marks on soft clay tablets,

leaving a space in the clay to (5) ......... a place without value. They didn't, however,

(6) ............ the space as a number itself. It was seen rather as the lack of a number,

which is not the same thing as the modern number zero. The Babylonians didn't use

their zero symbol on its own or at the end of a number. (7) ........... of the Babylonians,

the Mayans had (8) ............. the concept of zero by 36 В.С. and used a shell-shaped

figure to signify it. There is some (9) ........... to suggest that a neighboring

Mesoameriсаn civilization such as the Olmec may have used a zero symbol even

earlier. In the second century A.D., the ancient Greeks devised a symbol for zero — a

small circle with a long overbar — which they used alone rather than as a placeholder.

They were very uncomfortable with the paradox of something being nothing,

however, and restricted the zero to the fractional part of a number, rather than

including it among the integrals. The truly modern concept of zero as a number rather

than a symbol for separation didn't really blossom until the ninth century in India. The

Indians embraced both the philosophical and spiritual significance of zero, as well as

its concrete (10) ........ . They (11) .......... practical calculations with it, and (12) ..........

it as a separate number in its own right, with none of the philosophical reservations

that plagued the Greeks.

1 А call B label С exclaim D term

2 А lacked B missed С needed D called

3 А deep B weighty С hot D strong

4 А memories B minds С opinions D ideas

5 А indicate B register С express D state

6 А look B examine С check D view

7 А independent B free С separate D sovereign

8 А discovered B developed С put D intended

9 А clue B mark C sign D evidence

10 А living B survival С existence D actuality

11 А carried B achieved С solved D performed

12 А managed B treated С dealt D operated

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Read the text below. Match choices (A—H) to (1—5).

There are three choices you don't need to use.

BIGFOOT From around the world come reports of peculiar animals that most people don't

believe in because they have never seen them and because no one has ever captured

one to show to the public. The most famous examples are the Loch Ness Monster of

Scotland, or Yeti of Asia. Canadians call the latter Sasquatch, in the Pacific Northwest

it is known as Bigfoot, in Mongolia - as Almas.

Bigfoot is an apelike creature believed by some people to exist in certain areas of

the United States and Canada. Hundreds of people since 1840 have reported sighting

such a creature in wooded areas of the Pacific Northwest, California, New Jersey,

Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, and British Columbia, and one photographer took a brief

movie sequence supposedly showing a Bigfoot in northern California in 1967. Tracks

measuring up to more than 17 inches (43 cm) long and 7 inches (18 cm) wide, and

attributed to Bigfoot, have also been found. However, no specimen has ever been

captured or photographed clearly. Bigfoot is generally described as a primate

resembling a man or ape, 6 to 8 feet (1.8—2.4 meters) tall, standing erect on two feet,

with massive shoulders and a body covered with gray, black, or brown hair. It flees

when approached, and generally makes no sound. Although most scientists do not

recognize its existence, a few believe that it may be the descendant of an extinct

apelike creature, Gigantopithecus, that may have crossed the Bering land bridge from

Asia to North America in prehistoric times.

On October 23 1975, at 7:30 p.m., the police sergeant answered a call to a house

where something had been heard pounding on the back wall. The woman who lived

there had gone next door to her son's house and there was no prowler to be found, but

something had apparently torn some plastic that covered a back doorway, and there

was a window broken. At 2:20 а.m. the same night something was again reported

behind the house, and when the sergeant arrived, along with several other people, his

spotlight quickly picked up what looked like a very large ape standing in the back

yard. While someone else held the light on it the sergeant walked to within 35 feet of

the animal, which made no attempt to run but crouched down as he got near. There

they stayed for "many minutes," while the sergeant wondered what to do next.

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He had a shotgun loaded with buckshot but he was not sure if the thing was some

kind of human, and if it wasn't, he didn't know how much buckshot it could take.

He noted afterwards in his report that it was black in color, would stand seven to

eight feet tall and appeared to have no neck. It was covered with short hair, except on

the face. He could see no ears. The eyes were small. It appeared to have four teeth

larger than the others, two upper and two lower. Its nose was flat. He could see the

nostrils. At the end there were seven people watching it, although only two others

approached close to it. Then there were noises heard off in the dark at both sides, and

the man with the spotlight swung it off to the right and called that there was "another

one over there". At that point the sergeant decided to return to his patrol car...

1. According to the passage Bigfoot is a creature which .................... .

A hasn't been caught.

B lives on all the continents.

C leads a humanlike way of life.

D hasn't been taken a picture of.

2. The policeman was called because .................... .

A something strange disturbed people.

B something was knocking on the wall.

C something had damaged a back doorway.

D something had broken into a house through the open window.

3. All of the following are true EXCEPT .................... .

A the creature did not make any attempt to escape.

B the policeman had loaded a shotgun with buckshot.

C the policeman had a shotgun loaded with buckshot.

D as the policeman approached the creature kneeled down.

4. The creature the sergeant saw had .................... .

A no ears

B four teeth

C a hairless face

D a harsh low voice

5. It is stated in the passage that .................... .

A Bigfoot lives mainly in the forest.

B Bigfoot remains upright in danger.

C Bigfoot takes an interest in people's life.

D Bigfoot's appearance is accompanied by a lot of noise.

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Read the text below.

Choose from (A—H) the one which best fits each space (1—6).

There are two choices you do not need to use.

HOW COLLEGE IS DIFFERENT FROM HIGH SCHOOL In the movie Old School, Luke Wilson and Vince Vaughn start a fake fraternity

(1) ........... . To keep their status as a student organization, they must excel in a wide

range of tasks (2) ............ . They master everything from academics to community


Although the tale is just a movie, and you shouldn't (3) ............ , sometimes

Hollywood gets a few things right. College really is the best time of your life. It is a

time to be involved in everything your college or university will have to offer. When

you reach your 30s, you will likely (4) ............ and wish you really could do it all

over again. College is a time when the "cool kids" disappear. Welcome to college,

where you are now considered an adult.

Being a first-year student is fun! Unlike high school, where your first year is

usually filled with anxiety and the occasional wrong-classroom mishap, colleges

prepare first-year students with an orientation that builds a strong bond among class

members. Many colleges offer additional early orientation programs (usually a

camping trip or gathering hosted in a nearby city) to foster relationships (5) ............. .

Get used to saying "Professor" or "Dr." Your teachers are no longer Mr. or Ms.

Brown, but Professor or Dr. Brown, and guess what? You are expected to have an

opinion! You are no longer a passive learner who just sits and listens to a teacher,

occasionally writes a paper, and takes a test in which you are expected to simply

reiterate what you have learned or been told by the teacher. In college your professors

expect you to (6) ........... , and disagreeing with the professor's opinion is considered

an interesting debate, not deviant behavior. Class participation and providing your

own perspective and analysis are keys to success in the college learning environment.

A believe everything you hear

B before the school year even begins

C just so they can relive their college experience

D voice your thoughts

E balance academic and social life

F that prove they are true college students

G become involved in social activities

H look back at your college experience

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Every year not far from your city the local authorities hold a Folk Music Festival

which attracts thousands of spectators from the whole country.

Write an article describing the Festival held last summer.

Comment on the following:

• the name of the festival, where and when it is held

• preparations for the festival

• events taking place during the festival

• people's feelings; your recommendations

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Вивчаюче читання передбачає повне розуміння інформації тексту і її критичне

осмислення. Це вдумливе читання, яке здійснюється в досить повільному темпі

(50—60 слів за хвилину). Тестові завдання контролюють наявність таких умінь:

• pозуміння змісту конкретних та абстрактних автентичних текстів

обсягом до 500 слів;

• пошук детальної інформації відповідно до завдання

(значення незнайомих слів

розкривається на основі лінгвістичної та контекстуальної здогадок);

• усвідомлення структури текстів і розпізнавання зв'язків між

частинами текстів;

• відділення фактичної інформації від уявлень.

Контроль навичок вивчаючого читання у форматі тесту 2011 року включає

два види завдань:

а) на повне розуміння прочитаного (MULTIPLE CHOICE);

б) на розуміння змісту і структури тексту (FILLING GAPS).



Завдання на повне розуміння прочитаного з вибором однієї правильної

відповіді містить текст (обсягом до 500 слів) та п'ять запитань (тверджень, які

треба закінчити), на які необхідно відповісти. До кожного запитання (твердження)

пропонується чотири варіанти відповіді, з яких лише один правильний.

Це тестове завдання перевіряє повне розуміння змісту автентичного тексту

з установленням значення незнайомих слів на основі лінгвістичної та

контекстуальної здогадок.

Запитання (твердження) до тексту можуть бути спрямовані на:

• пошук конкретної інформації, що базується на фактах, викладених у тексті;

• з'ясування фактів, що суперечать інформації, наданій у тексті;

• формування висновків на основі інформації з тексту;

• уточнення значення лексичної одиниці на основі контексту;

• визначення основної ідеї тексту.

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Read the text below.

For questions (1-5) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Are most business people honest? When they were children, the businesspeople

of today were taught by their parents that honesty pays and that the dishonest will

suffer. Their parents and teachers told them moral stories about honest people who

were rewarded and dishonest people who were punished. Then they grew up and went

out into the cold hard world of business. Faced with a choice between honesty and

dishonest profit, which road do these people take? According to a study conducted by

Harvard Business Review, most U.S. businesspeople do conduct their affairs honestly.

They also are willing to trust other businesspeople, because their experience has

taught them that most of them are honest too. But the Harvard team found numerous

examples with a different outcome: sometimes dishonesty was greatly profitable. A

computer company deceived an advertising agency in order to get good terms, and

that single ad helped them sell $150,000 worth of software. Expensive department

stores in New York City have a reputation for breaking their promises to suppliers and

costing the suppliers a great deal. Some investment brokers deceive their clients and

lose all their money. Yet more clients come along, the suppliers keep working with the

department stores, and ad agencies take new chances with unknown firms.

Given examples like these, it may seem strange to you that businesses would be

so trusting. It's partly due to an assumption in the business world that some dishonest

people are going to come your way, and you just have to take it in stride. In other

cases the reason is greed: the investor convinces the client that he will make such

incredible profits that the client can't resist. The smooth talk of the sales rep may win

over the customer. Clients have their lawyer go over the contract with a fine-toothed

comb, hoping that they can outfox the deceiver. And another reason that dishonesty

pays is because most businesspeople believe that most others are as honest as they

themselves are. You might think that dishonest companies and businesspeople would

be sued, but they seldom are. The victims may be afraid of the person's power, they

may just not want to spend the time and money and effort, or they might not want to

endanger their own reputation.

It sounds bad, doesn't it? Crime pays, honest people suffer. Yet these stories do

seem to be in the minority. It's true that you can always find ways to lose your money

if you want to take foolish risks with people who have bad track records, but the truth

is, most business people generally trust people. Most of them also said that they

themselves were honest in their own business dealings. Why? Not because they

believed that it would bring them higher profits, but because of their own self-respect

and moral principles. They "took pride in their good names." Said one: "We keep

promises because we believe it is right to do so, not because it is good business."

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1. The passage is primarily about .................... .

A lies and truth

B businesspeople

С the reputation of business people

D honesty and dishonesty in business world

2. Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage?

A Dishonesty can't bring profit.

B Honesty is always good business.

С There are a lot of stories when dishonesty is sued.

D Business people's experience shows that most people are honest.

3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the victims of dishonesty?

A They may fear powerful people.

B They appreciate their money and time.

C They don't want to take foolish risks.

D They don't want to risk their reputation.

4. The author of the passage states that .................... .

A all businesspeople are honest

B honest business people get high profits

C businesspeople are proud of their clean names

D dishonest businesspeople are always punished

5. Most businesspeople are honest because .................... .

A teachers told them moral stories

B honest people are always rewarded

C it is correct to behave in such a way

D parents taught them to be honest

Твердження 1 (the passage is primarily about) спрямоване на з'ясування основної теми

тексту. Щоб знайти правильну відповідь, доцільно дотримуватися таких рекомендацій:

• прогляньте кожний абзац;

• визначте ідею, яка їх об'єднує;

• якщо головна ідея не очевидна, об'єднайте ідеї, що містяться в кожному абзаці і визначте


• упевніться, що Ваша відповідь стосується всього тексту, а не окремого абзацу.

У першому абзаці йдеться про ділових людей (business people), чесність та шахрайство

(автор вживає такі слова, як honesty, dishonesty, moral stories, to trust, to deceive, to break

promises). У другому абзаці також говориться про світ бізнесу (business world), чесність та

шахрайство; про ділових людей та про те, що вони піклуються про свою репутацію (they

might not want to endanger their own reputation). У третьому абзаці автор робить акцент на

тому, чому ділові люди намагаються бути чесними в діловому світі (Not because they

believed that it would bring them higher profits, but because of their own self-respect and moral

principles. They "took pride in their good names".). Відтак, твердження А та B можна віднести

до всіх трьох абзаців, проте вони є надто загальними.

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У твердженні А не йдеться про чесність та шахрайство саме серед ділових людей, а

твердження В стосується будь-якого аспекту діяльності ділових людей. Твердження C

більш стосується другого абзацу. Таким чином, правильною відповіддю є твердження D,

адже саме воно відображає основну тему тексту — чесність і шахрайство у діловому світі.

Завдання 2 (Which of the following is true, according to the passage?), 4 (The author of the

passage states that...) та 5 (Most business people are honest because...) спрямовані на пошук

детальної інформації, що базується на фактах, викладених у тексті.

Очевидно, що у завданні 2 відповідь А не може бути правильною, тому що в першому

абзаці автор говорить, що нечесність іноді приносила великий прибуток (sometimes

dishonesty was greatly profitable). Твердження В не містить інформації тексту, хоча в цілому

відповідає темі тексту. Ми можемо припустити, що чесність насправді гарний бізнес, але

автор не надає нам конкретних фактів. Твердження C також не відповідає дійсності, тому

що в другому абзаці автор стверджує You might think that dishonest companies and

businesspeople would be sued, but they seldom are (Можна було б припустити, що нечесні

компанії та бізнесмени будуть переслідуватися у судовому порядку, але таке трапляється

рідко). Таким чином, правильною є відповідь D. Окрім того, в першому абзаці говориться

про те, що businesspeople do conduct their affairs honestly. They also are willing to trust other

businesspeople, because their experience has taught them that most of them are honest …

(Бізнесмени насправді ведуть справи чесно. Вони також мають схильність довіряти іншим

бізнесменам, бо їхній досвід свідчить про те, що більшість із них—чесні люди).

У завданні 3 слід знайти факти, що суперечать інформації тексту. Надаються три правильні

відповіді і одна, що не відповідає дійсності. Ключовим словом запитання є victim (жертва).

Детальна інформація про жертв шахрайства надана в другому абзаці: The victims may be

afraid of the person's power, they may just not want to spend the time and money and effort, or

they might not want to endanger their own reputation (Жертви можуть боятися могутності

людини, не бажати витрачати час, гроші та зусилля або не ризикувати своєю репутацією).

Отже, твердження автора, що іноді жертви не бажають мати справу із впливовими особами

відповідає A, витрачати час, гроші та зусилля на з'ясування стосунків — B, піклуються про

репутацію — D. У третьому абзаці автор також говорить про безглуздий ризик (foolish

risks), але в зовсім іншому контексті. Таким чином, правильною відповіддю є C.

У завданні 4 відповідь А не може бути правильною, тому що в першому абзаці автор

говорить про те, що більшість бізнесменів (але не всі) насправді є чесними людьми (most of

them are honest too). У твердженні В ідеться про прибутки чесного бізнесу, але в тексті

немає прямих фактів, які б підтвердили це. Твердження D також не може бути прийнятим з

цієї ж причини: автор не надає доказів того, що шахраї завжди несуть покарання. Відтак,

правильною відповіддю є С. Про це свідчить речення з третього абзацу They took pride in

their good names (Вони пишалися своїм добрим ім'ям).

У завданні 5 А та D не можуть розглядатися як правильні відповіді тому, що батьки та

вчителі дійсно говорили дітям про те, що слід бути чесними Their parents and teachers told

them moral stories about honest people who were rewarded and dishonest people who were

punished (Їх батьки та вчителі розповідали їм повчальні історії про чесних людей, які

отримали належне, та нечесних, які були покарані), але автор не стверджує, що кожен

фактор окремо відіграв вирішальну роль при виборі стратегії поведінки бізнесменів у

діловому світі. Твердження В не може бути прийнятим, тому що автор не надає доказів

того, що чесні люди завжди отримують винагороду. Відтак, правильною відповіддю є С.

Про це свідчить і твердження у третьому абзаці: Said one: "We keep promises because we

believe it is right to do so, not because it is good business" (Говорять: «Ми дотримуємось

обіцянок тому, що вважаємо це правильним, а не тому, що це гарний бізнес»).

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Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.

TEST Read the texts below. Match choices (A—H) to (1—5).

There are three choices you don't need to use.


By James McGowan, Ph.D.

What are dreams? Do they mean anything? These are two questions my clients

often ask. When Pocket Digest asked me to write a brief article about dreams for this

month's issue, I was happy to agree.

So, first: What are dreams? Dreams are stories people create, watch, and

participate in while sleeping. Dreams are imaginary, of course, but they seem real to

the dreamer. Whether we are awake or asleep, our brains continually produce

electrical brain waves scientists can measure. During sleep, there are two basic types

of waves: (1) large, slow waves; and (2) smaller, faster waves. The type of sleep that

occurs when the waves are smaller and faster is called REM, which stands for Rapid

Eye Movement. Most dreaming happens during REM sleep. If you watch someone

who's asleep and dreaming, you'll probably see that person's eyelids moving quickly.

REM periods usually occur from three to five times per night. When we wake up in

the morning and remember our dreams, it often seems that they've gone on for hours

and hours. They haven't, though; REM periods usually last from five minutes to half

an hour.

Second: Do dreams mean anything? Well, yes, they mean something. But it's a lot

more difficult to assign a specific meaning to a dream than we might think. Sigmund

Freud, whose theory of psychoanalysis has dominated psychiatry in the twentieth

century, said that dreams are usually disguised wish fulfillments. Suppose, for

example, you have a red-headed co-worker you don't like who's always criticizing

you. One night you dream you're driving a car. You see a man dressed in red, and you

hit him with your car. According to Freud, hitting the man in red would represent your

anger at the red-haired man at work. Your dream fulfills your wish. But not all

psychiatrists agree with Freud. Some say that this kind of matching of dreams and

reality is too easy. The reality of people's lives, they say, is much more complex.

Dreams have meanings, of course, but we shouldn't be too quick to interpret them.

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1. According to the passage, Pocket Digest is .................... .

A a client's name

B a weekly newspaper

С a monthly magazine

D a doctors' association

2. Electrical impulses generated by brain can be measured .................... .

A at any moment

B during REM sleep

С when eyelids are moving

D when a person is awake

3. The author states that the duration of а REM sleep period is .................... .

A from minutes to hours

B equal to a night's sleep

С from three to five hours per night

D from five to thirty minutes per night

4. All of the following are true EXCEPT .................... .

A Dreams are meaningful

B Dreams are imaginary stories

С Dreams realize people's desires

D Dreams come over and over again

5. It can be inferred from the passage that .................... .

A people are interested in the nature of dreams

B the red colour in our dreams symbolizes anger

С there is a direct connection between our dreams and reality

D we remember our dreams if we wake up during REM sleep

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Завдання містить текст (обсягом 300—400 слів), у якому

пропущено шість фрагментів речень, та вісім варіантів відповідей.

Два варіанти відповідей є зайвими.

Для успішного виконання завдання доцільно дотримуватися таких


• прогляньте весь текст;

• прогляньте всі відповіді;

• поверніться до тексту й встановіть, які з варіантів відповідей є його

фрагментами. Зверніть увагу на те, чи вписуються ці відповіді за змістом

та граматичною формою у структуру незакінче-них речень тексту.


Read the text below.

Choose from (A—H) the one which best fits each space (1—6).

There are two choices you do not need to use.

FIRST TIME ON THE SNOW? As with any type of holiday you can choose a package ski or snowboard holiday

with a tour operator or you can go alone and (1) .................... . There are advantages

and disadvantages with both options so take the time to investigate which is best for

you before you book.

Booking a skiing or snowboarding holiday is not a complicated process and it can

be done in the same way as you would book any other sort of holiday: book a package

with a travel agent or tour operator, or arrange your own flights, transfers and

accommodation and (2) .................... .

Package ski and snowboarding holidays remain popular with UK travellers

probably because they require less organisation (3) .................... . However,

independent travel can provide much more flexibility and it is often a good way to get

off the beaten track or away from the crowds. Independent travel also means you may

be able to visit a few mountain resorts in one trip.

If budget is important to you — and let's face it, it is for most of us —

(4) .................... . You may not get as wide a choice of accommodation on late deals

but there is the added advantage of picking an area where you know there has been

recent snowfall.

It is sometimes possible to save money by booking skiing and snowboarding trips

independently (5) .................... . However, some tour operators get discounts on a lot

of products so don't assume a package is more expensive. In the past you may have

been tempted by a package holiday (6) .................... .

However, the Internet means that it is now easy to gather all the information you

need and to book your travel, accommodation, tuition and equipment rental online.

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A travel when you want to

B when you arrive in the resort

C because you only pay for what you need to

D when the day's skiing comes to an end

E you might consider a late package deal

F on your part

G book your trip independently

H because everything is arranged for you

У пропуск 1 структурно вписуються відповіді A та G, проте за містом підходить

лише G: you can choose a package ski or snowboard holiday with a tour operator or

you can go alone and book your trip independently (Ви можете вибрати тур на

лижний курорт через туроператора або замовити його самостійно).

Правильність вибору доводиться змістом усього тексту, адже в ньому йдеться

про два альтернативних способи організації відпочинку: вдатися до послуг

турагентів або замовити все самостійно.

Подібним чином за змістом i граматичною формою пропуск 2 заповнюється

фрагментом А: book a package with a travel agent or tour operator, or arrange your

own flights, transfers and accommodation and travel when you want to (замовте тур

у тур-агента або самі подбайте про рейс, доставку до місця відпочинку та житло

й подорожуйте, коли вам заманеться).

Пропуск 3 корелює з фрагментом F: Package ski and snowboarding holidays

remain popular with UK travellers probably because they require less organization

on your part (Організовані тури на лижні курорти залишаються популярними

серед подорожуючих британців, оскільки вони вимагають від них особисто

менше клопоту).

У пункті 4 єдино можливою є відповідь E: If budget is important to you — and

let's face it, it is for most of us — you might consider a late package deal (Якщо

бюджет дуже важливий для вас — давайте визнаємо, що він турбує більшість із

нас, — ви можете розглянути можливість оплати туру зі знижкою).

Правильність вибору підтверджує наступне речення, у якому йдеться саме про

тури зі знижкою (late deals).

Пропуск 5 заповнюється фрагментом C: It is sometimes possible to save money by

booking skiing and snowboarding trips independently because you only pay for what

you need to (Іноді можна заощадити, займаючись організацією лижних турів

самостійно, оскільки ви сплачуєте лише за те, що вам потрібно).

І, нарешті, інформацію, втрачену через пропуск 6, реконструює фрагмент H: In

the past you may have been tempted by a package holiday because everything is

arranged for you (У минулому вас, можливо, вабили організовані тури, бо в них

усе для вас було передбаченим).

Відповіді В та D є зайвими.

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TEST Read the text below.

Match choices (A—H) to (1—5).

There are three choices you don't need to use.

Write your answers on answer sheet А.


There's an e-mail making the rounds with a job description attached. If you apply,

be warned: you will be burdened with "challenging" tasks with "variable hours, which

will include evenings and weekends and frequent 24-hour shifts on call." That's why

lately (1) .................... . They are often too busy wiping the noses and taking the

temperatures of other people's kids to do likewise for their own.

Training to be a paediatrician isn't much fun. Granted, things could be worse:

residents are called residents because until the 1950s (2) .................... . Their lives

now are closer to normal, but a big problem remains: the residency begins around age

26, over-lapping exactly with the prime years (3) .................... .

Solution is a part-time paediatrics residency. Take Susan Clinton Martin, who

realized during her first year at Children's that her new job left her no time to raise two

kids under age 4. Instead of quitting, she went part-time. Now in her final year, she

tells the directors (4) .................... .

Stories of overworked, sleep-deprived doctors unwittingly making mistakes are

legion. Part-time residents (5) .................... . They may avoid another pitfall:

depression, which afflicted 20 percent of paediatrics residents in a recent study — and

which can increase the chance of medical errors sixfold.

Given the data — and the fact that 17 percent of paediatricians eventually take on

part-time practices — paediatrics residents ought to be clamouring for reduced

schedules.Yet part-time residency remains an extreme rarity. Of 10,000 "peds"

residents in the United States a mere ten are part-time. Too many doctors

seem to think there's something noble (6) .................... . When it hurts small

people in their care, there's nothing noble about it.

A for bearing and raising children

B require a lot of the same skill

C I've been feeling sorry for paediatrics residents

D they lived at the hospital

E to be well-trained

F certainly get more chances to rest

G in working themselves to bone

H she is "their happiest resident"

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UNIT 2. НАПИСАННЯ СТАТТІ / ОПИСУ Завдання з розгорнутою відповіддю може мати форму статті/опису (події, фестивалю,

концерту, міста, історичної пам'ятки тощо). Стаття такого типу може мати чотири абзаци.

У першому абзаці надається вступ до статті, у якому зазначається, що саме стане

предметом опису, вказується точна назва, місце розташування, час проведення (якщо це

подія), причини, із яких ви обрали саме таку тему статті.

Якщо місто/будівля/фестиваль тощо мають історію/традицію, у другому абзаці

наводяться історичні факти, пов'язані з ними.

У третьому абзаці здійснюється опис міста/будівлі/події із зазначенням визначних

пам'яток, торговельних і розважальних центрів, парків міста; внутрішнього і зовнішнього

вигляду будівлі; підготовки і проведення події тощо.

У четвертому заключному абзаці вміщуються коментарі або рекомендації, описуються

почуття та емоції.

Коли ви описуєте місто/будівлю/пам'ятку, використовуйте теперішній час дієслів. Для

опису події типовим є використання Past Simple.

Приклад завдання для написання статті/опису

You have applied for a job with the local newspaper. The editor has asked you to

write an article describing your home town to see how good at writing you are.

Write an article in which dwell on the following:

• name, location, general facts • history of the town

• things to see/to do • comments/recommendations

Kharkiv is a large city in the north-east of Ukraine. It is a major cultural, scientific, educational, tlanspolt and industrial centre of the country, with 60 scientific Institutes, 30 establishments of higher education, 6 museums, 7 theatres and 80 libraries. There are hundreds of industrial companies in the city. Among them are world famous giants like the Malyshev Tank Factory and the Turboatom turbines producer.

Founded in the middle of 17th century by the near-legendary character called Kharko, the settlement became a city in 1654. Kharkiv became the centre of the Sloboda cossack legion. The city had a fortress with underground passageways.

During the Soviet era Kharkiv was the capital of industrial production in Ukraine and the third largest centre of industry and commerce in the USSR.

Among the many attlactions of Kharkiv which are worth visiting ale the Derzhprom building, Memorial Complex, Freedom Square, Taras Shevchenko Monument, Mirror Stream, Dormition Cathedral, T. Shevchenko Gardens, funicular, Childrens narrow-gauge railroad and many more. The Freedom Square (Maidan Svobody) is known all over the world as one of the largest squares.

There are plenty of places to go shopping in Kharkiv, from huge megastore to tiny boutiques. If you feel like enjoying yourself, hundreds of clubs, cafes, restaurants are at your disposal.

Kharkiv is a city that has something to offer to everyone. That is why we love our home town so dearly and will never exchange it for anything else.

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Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.


Every year not far from your city the local authorities hold a Folk Music Festival

which attracts thousands of spectators from the whole country.

Write an article describing the Festival held last summer.

Comment on the following:

• the name of the festival, where and when it is held

• preparations for the festival

• events taking place during the festival

• people's feelings; your recommendations


Якщо Вам треба написати розповідь, то насамперед визначтеся з

жанром і тональністю (серйозна, гумористична, трилер тощо), сюжетом і

головними героями.

У першому абзаці Ви маєте зазначити що саме, з ким, де і коли трапилося. Щоб

зробити розповідь більш реалістичною, опишіть погоду, місцевість, людей (зовнішність,

одяг, настрій). Іноді на початку тексту вживають риторичні запитання (Why couldn't we stay

at home?), пряме звертання до читача (My little friend, would you like to listen to a scary story?)


У наступних абзацах розповідайте про події, що відбулися, у хронологічній

послідовності. Особливо виділіть кульмінаційні епізоди. Не забувайте використовувати

з'єднувальні елементи (див. попередні рекомендації).

В останньому абзаці потрібно розповісти про те, чим закінчилися події і як почувалися

герої Вашого твору.

Для пожвавлення тексту вживайте різноманітні прикметники і прислівники.

Дієслова в розповідях зазвичай вживають у Past або Present Simple.

Приклад завдання для написання розповіді

Your friend decided to keep her birthday at the skating rink. At first you hesitated

whether to accept or reject the invitation, as you had never gone skating before.

Finally you decided on accepting it.

Write a story about what happened at the birthday party.

Follow the plan below:

• introduction — who, when, where, what happened

• events in the order they happened

• conclusion — end the story, people's feelings/comments.

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Have you evel seen a cow on the ice? You could have seen one, if you had been among the guests of Susan Arnold’s bilthday party last Saturday. At least those, who were skating at the Chateau Ledau that evening, giggled and said something about cows going in for sports.

The moment I put on the skates I undelstood that was going to be the most difficult bilthday party in my life. While all the guests made for the ice rink, laughing and chattering cheerfully, I felt my legs shaking and was afraid to make even one step. So the fact that finally I pulled myself together and followed everybody to the ice was a great victory for me.

I had never thought ice could be so slippery! Have you? Anyway, among the guests there was a boy whose opinion is important for me. I couldn’t let him think I was a clumsy coward, so I closed my eyes and tried to skate. Luckily I didn’t get too far from the board. That saved me from falling down right away.

Gradually my legs got firmer, my heart stopped jumping in my chest, I dared to open my eyes. In my opinion, I did pretty well for a person skating for the first time. Sometimes I even took my hands off the board!

Even though for others I seemed to be a skating disaster, I started enjoying what I was doing. I am even thinking of keeping my own birthday on the ice!


Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.


In summer your family went canoeing down the Vorskla river. You spent three

wonderful days, full of impressions and joy. Unfortunately, your canoe got a puncture

and almost sank. Write a story following the plan below:

• introduction — who, when, where, what happened

• events in the order they happened

• conclusion — end the story, people's feelings/comments

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Рекламна листівка або оголошення складаються, принаймні, із трьох абзаців.

У першому абзаці зазначається, про що саме йдеться в ній: про екскурсію, табір, захід,

місце, крамницю, курси тощо. У листівці потрібно надати точну інформацію про назву,

розташування, цілі та аудиторію призначення.

Другий абзац містить детальну інформацію стосовно послуг, що надаються, вимог,

видів діяльності, ціни тощо. Відповідно до комунікативного завдання абзаців може бути

більше (див. Тест 1 (вхідний)).

В останньому абзаці надаються рекомендації або запрошення взяти участь у події,

вказується контактний телефон або адреса.

Для того щоб привернути увагу цільової аудиторії, використовують різноманітні

прикметники, цікаві (можливо неочікувані) словосполучення, мовні засоби, що посилюють

емоційний вплив повідомлення (найвищий ступінь порівняння прикметників і прислівників,

прислівники типу extremely, окличні речення тощо).

Приклад рекламного оголошення

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Під час роботи над тестом НЕ МОЖНА користуватися будь-якими підручниками, посібниками, словниками тощо.


You are going to have "Autumn Ball" at your high school with a lot of contests,

dances and choosing The Queen of the Ball.

Write an advertisement, informing the students about the ball.

Give some information about:

• the name of the event, the date and the place it will be held

• information about the contests and requirements for the contestants

• other activities planned for the ball

• recommendation, contact number/address

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Match choices (A—H) to (1—5).

There are three choices you don't need to use.

1 …………………….

Fallout 3. Ideal audience: old-school role-playing gamers and anyone who wants to

see Washington in ashes. The return of the classic Fallout series is a sprawling re-

creation of the Capitol area after a nuclear war. The tone is darker and less slyly

humorous than previous Fallout games, but the sheer size and ambitions of the game

impress. For Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. Rating: M for mature.

2 …………………….

Grand Theft Auto IV. Ideal audience: well-adjusted adults who want to explore a

rich, intelligent, politically incorrect digital rendition of New York City. As long as

you can accept that a great work of modern entertainment can revolve around

criminals - something long assumed in television and films -then it is almost

impossible to deny that G.T.A. IV is one of the most compelling games in recent

years. For Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. Rating: M for mature.

3 …………………….

Gears of War. Ideal audience: testosterone-fuelled core gamers who like chain saws.

When you think about the stereotypical video game, this is what you're thinking

about: big guns, voracious alien bad guys, great graphics, huge explosions, cardboard-

cutout characters, silly dialogue and cheap thrills all around. Not that there's anything

wrong with that. For Xbox 360. Rating: M for mature.

4 …………………….

Fable II. Ideal audience: emotionally mature children and most fans of delicate

entertainment design. This game is rated M not because it is especially violent or

profane. It is rated M because in between casting spells and swinging swords you can

have children, you can get married (and have affairs if you choose), and you can buy

condoms. Shocking, I know. For Xbox 360.

5 …………………….

Professor Layout and the Curious Village. Ideal audience: puzzle fans. One of the

sleepers of 2008, Professor Layton ties together more than 100 beautifully designed

brainteasers with an endearing anime-style story. The puzzles themselves are perfectly

intelligible to non-gamers. For Nintendo DS. Rating: E for everyone.

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Match choices (A—H) to (1—5).

There are three choices you don't need to use.

Which video game would you choose if you wanted to …

A have an experience of tough and rough fight?

B get an exciting experience of building a city in outer space?

C meet cosmic aliens?

D be engaged in brainstorming?

E play a game of stealing a car?

F take part in a battle with zombies from a spaceship?

G try to scrape through the city ruins?

H practise in building relationships?

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Read the text below.

For questions (6—10) choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D).

Write your answer on the separate answer sheet.

Halloween has its roots in Samhain (pronounced sow-in), an ancient harvest

festival held at the end of the Celtic year. The festival marked the end of summer and

the beginning of the dark wintertime. It was believed the spirits of the dead returned

on this eve to damage crops and play tricks on the living. It was also believed that the

Celtic priests, or Druids, were able to make predictions about the future, which they

did during large bonfire celebrations where they wore animal skins and sacrificed

crops and animals to the spirits.

In early A.D., Romans came to the Celtic territories of modern day England,

Scotland and Northern France, and were the first people to influence the celebration of

Samhain. They brought their own holidays: Feralia, the Roman day to honor the dead

in late October, as well as another holiday to honor Pomona, the Roman goddess of

fruit and trees. It is possible that this Roman influence is the reason apples are given

out and bobbed for on Halloween.

By 800 A.D., Christianity spread to the Celtic Territories and brought with it

another holiday, "All Saints Day." Pope Boniface IV, the designator of All Saints Day,

was likely trying to replace Samhain with a similar but holier holiday meant to honor

saints and martyrs. Later on, All Saints Day was renamed "All Hallows" and thus the

day of Samhain (Oct. 31st) began to be called "All Hallows Eve," and eventually

shortened to "Hallowe'en."

All of the holidays that were melded together to create our modern version of

Halloween involved dressing up in one way or another. The celebrators of Samhain

wore animal skins at their bonfire celebrations and those that observed "All Saints

Day" often dressed as saints or angels. Later on men in Scotland would impersonate

the dead on the day, explaining the ghoulish tradition we still observe.

During the mid 1800's, Irish and English immigrants flooded the United States

and brought Halloween with them. From these immigrants we received the Halloween

traditions we recognize today, however skewed they are now. For instance, the first

trick-or-treaters were far from today's smiling children with commercialized costumes.

They lived in Medieval England, and practiced "souling," in which poor people would

beg for sweet breads, in return for praying for the families' souls. Later, the

immigrants who brought Halloween to America would develop their own version of

trick-or-treating, but it didn't become popular here until the 1930s.

What used to be just a singular holiday with minimal things to purchase has

turned into an entire "Halloween Season." Between decorative lights and lawn

ornaments, elaborate costumes and loads of candy, the average American spends a

pretty penny on this fall holiday. However popular Halloween has become, the

recession has affected spending for this year's spooky night. Spending is down,

according the National Retail Federation.

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Shoppers will spend an average of $56.31 on the holiday compared to $66.54 in

2008. Some ways people are cutting down include making homemade costumes, using

last year's decorations and buying less expensive candies. For the children's sake, let's

hope everyone doesn't resort to giving out apples and pennies. Didn't you just hate that

as a kid?

6. It is stated in paragraph 1 that .................... .

A Halloween used to be celebrated at the end of the summer

B the Druids' animal skins put off the spirits of the dead

С the Celtic priests could foresee further events

D the Druids wore skins of the sacrificed animals

7. According to paragraph 2 .................... .

A Romans turned Samhain into Halloween

B Romans influenced the early Celtic religion

С the origins of some Halloween traditions are uncertain

D people in France didn't celebrate Halloween till early A.D.

8. The name of the holiday .................... .

A was introduced by a pope

B has been in use since 800 A.D.

С appeared on the Celtic Territories

D has nothing to do with harvest or crops

9. It can be inferred from the passage that .................... .

A Halloween has become a commercialized holiday

B Halloween traditions have changed a lot since the 1930s

С different cultures have the same traditions of keeping Halloween

D immigrants in the US had no money to buy their children sweets

10. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A people now have to reduce the amount of Halloween expenses

B kids prefer getting sweets to getting apples or other fruit

С Americans set decorations outside their homes

D the holiday arrangements now last a long while

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Read the texts below.

Match choices (A—H) to (11—16).

There are three choices you don't need to use.

Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

11. …………………….


Via del Plebiscite, 118. ТеЬ892101. Opening hours: Tuesday — Sunday 10 a.m. — 7

p.m., dosed 1 January. Admission: €9, reduced €6. Until 6 February.

The exhibition compares for the first time the two most important empires in history,

the Roman and the Chinese Qin and Han dynasties covering the period from the 2nd

century BC to the 4th centuгу AD. Over 450 Italian and Chinese masterpieces

reconstruct the phases and salient moments in the rise and development of the two

empires, throwing light on aspects of everyday life, society, religious worship and


12. …………………….


Information: 060608. Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday, 9 a.m. — 7 p.m. Admission:

€3, reduced €2. Until 30 January. The exhibition of some 40 works documents the

presence of the rose, its iconic meaning and fortune in de costive arts at the beginning

of the 20th century. The display includes ceramics, porcelain, glass and bronze vases,

furnishings, coral, gold and glass jewelry.

13. …………………….


Piazza del Colosseo. TeL 0639967700. Opening hours: until 15 February, 8.30 a.m. -

4.30 p.m. (Ticket office closes (43.30 p.m.). Closed 25 December and 1 January.

Admission: €12, reduced €7.50 (Ticket valid for two days also for the Palatino and

Forum Romanum). Reservation advised.

14. …………………….


Tel. 060608. Opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday 9 a.m. — 7 p.m. (Ticket office closes at

6 p.m.), 24 and 31 December, 9a.m.— 2 p.m,closed Моndays,1January, l May and 25

December. Admission: €9, reduced €7. wwwarapacis.it

The first architectural work erected in the historical town centre of Rome since the fall

of Fascism. Inside the museum is a display of the celebrated Augustan altar of peace.

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15. …………………….

MAXXI - Museo nazionale dells arti del XXI secolo

Via Guido Reni, 4a. Tel. 0639967350. Opening hours: Tuesday—Sunday, 11 a.m.—

7p.m,Thursday, 11 a.m.— 10p.m. (Ticket office closes at 6 p.m. and 9 p.m.)

Admission: €11, reduced €7. www.maxxparc. beniculturali.it

The MAXXI museum is not only a space for exhibitions of art from this century, but

also a laboratory for artistic, culturally innovative and linguistic experimentation.

16. …………………….


See works of traditional art representing people and cultures from around the world, as

well as works by noted black artists. The museum is located on the campus of historic

Hampton University. Museum hours are Sam to 5pm, Monday through Friday; noon

to 4pm, Saturday and Sunday. Closed on major holidays and campus holidays. Free

admission. 727-5308.

Where can you …

A look at splendid watercolors?

B view Oriental culture as well?

C observe anti-war exhibits?

D see the exhibits of the last century?

E enjoy pieces of art of different nations?

F study animal biodiversity?

G spend time more than once?

H do some creative work?

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Read the text below.

Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (17—22).

There are two choices you do not need to use.

Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

FIRST COMPUTER (17) .................... when a British mathematician named Charles Babbage

dreamed up the idea of a mechanical calculator. He called it a "difference

engine." Like the railroad, (18) .................... .

It took Babbage ten years to build just one section of his difference engine.

When it was completed, (19) .................... . But even as he was working on the

difference engine he conceived of something even more ambitious: a machine

that could be programmed with punch cards to perform even the most complex

calculations. In other words, a mechanical computer.

Babbage made hundreds of drawings outlining his new idea. He envisioned

that this "analytical engine" would be about as big and heavy as a small

locomotive, (20) .................... . It would be able to add or subtract forty-digit

numbers in a few seconds, and multiply similarly large numbers in about two


(21) .................... , since this was a more than hundred years before the first

electronic computer was created. (22) .................... to create the complex

machine. He did, however, develop other more practical things, including

something for those newfangled railroad locomotives.

A people marveled at its sophistication

B Babbage was a bit ahead of his time

C it was designed to operate by steam

D it became more and more complex

E containing thousands of finely machined gears

F technology was not far enough advanced

G it contained ten thousand vacuum tubes

H railroads were still brand-new in 1822

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Read and complete the text below.

For each of the empty spaces (23—32) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Where did we get the names of the days of the week?

Early England was a much-conquered country. The Romans and Saxons were two

of the conquerors who left their (23) ............ on the development of the English

language. Originally, all the days of the week had Roman names (24) ........... the

planets. The Romans (25) ............ that the first hour of each day was ruled by a

different planet, and the days of the week were named accordingly. After the Saxon

invasions certain days were renamed for Teutonic gods. The name (26) ............ of the

days of the week are listed below:

Sunday is an English translation of the Latin "Sun's Day," the old Teutonic

people's (27) ............. day of the sun. Monday is from the Anglo-Saxon "Monan-

daeg," (28) ............ Moon's Day. Tuesday is named in (29) ............. of the Teutonic

god Tiw, the son of Woden. Wednesday is named after the supreme Teutonic god

Woden. Thursday is named for Woden's son, Thor, god of thunder and lightning.

Friday is from the Anglo-Saxon "Frigg-daeg," named to honor Frigg, the wife of

Woden and the goddess of marriage and love. Saturday is from the Anglo-Saxon

"Saeter-daeg, and named for the Roman god of Saturn, (30) ......... a day of bad omen.

The Quakers and more modern Israelis have a more exact, less pagan-(31) ..........

system for naming the days. They (32) ............. call them first day, second day, third

day, etc. The Quakers are very practical, if not very romantic.

23 A brand B mark C note D feature

24 А representing B expressing С showing D acting

25 А understood B believed С learned D heard

26 A foundations B origins C reasons D births

27 А favorite B preferred С sacred D chosen

28 А formulating B intending С planning D meaning

29 А fame B honor С respect D praise

30 А considered B imagined С accepted D dreamt

31 А powered B modified C impressed D influenced

32 А absolutely B really С simply D totally

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Read the texts below.

For each of the empty spaces (33—42) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.


Stonehenge is Britain's greatest national icon, (33) ………. mystery. Its original

purpose is unclear to us, but some have speculated that it was a temple or an

astronomical observatory. (34) ………. claim that it was a sacred site for the burial of

high-ranking citizens.

The question of who built Stonehenge is largely unanswered. Julius Caesar told of

a Celtic priesthood who flourished around the time of their first conquest (55 BC). By

this time, though, the stones (35) ………. there for 2,000 years.

The best guess seems to be that the Stonehenge site (36) ………. by the people

of the late Neolithic period. These "new" people, (37) .................... Beaker Folk

because of their use of pottery drinking vessels, began to use metal implements..

33 А symbolizes B symbolize С symbolized D symbolizing

34 А Another B Others С Other D The other

35 А had stood B has stood С was stood D stood

36 А have been begun B was begun С has begun D began

37 А call B are called С called D were called

What is the difference between «bravery» and «courage»?

(38) ………. bravery and courage are acts of valor and (39) ………. a certain

strength and fearlessness. There is, however, a subtle difference in meaning between

the two words. Courage comes from the French word coeur, meaning heart. It is a

quality of character that allows someone (40) .................... through with a difficult

(41) .................... plan of action. Bravery, on the other hand, comes from the Spanish

word bravado, meaning a single or spontaneous act of valor. It is not planned, but

rather a knee-jerk reaction that often occurs within a (42) ………. .

38 А As B While С Both D Either

39 А implies B imply С are implied D has implied

40 А carry B carrying С to carry D carries

41 А premeditated B premeditate С being premeditated D been premeditated

42 А crisis B crisis' С crisis's D crises

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43. You have just turned 18 and are thinking of getting a driving license. Yesterday

you came across an advertisement of a Driving School located in your neighbourhood.

Write a letter to the School manager in which

• give the reason for your writing

• ask about the duration and price of the course

• ask about the instructors and the cars available

• ask for a brochure with detailed information

Write a letter of at least 100 words.

Do not write any dates or addresses.

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Read the text below.

Match choices (A—H) to (1—5).

There are three choices you don't need to use.

Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.


1. Free yourself from negative emotions such as, guilt, anger, doubt, fear,

resentment, and worry. Your goal in this area should be to constantly

examine, and then eliminate the negative emotions you find in your own

life. This is, quite possibly, the largest part of finding true happiness.

2. Imagine yourself as perfectly healthy. Good health is another huge key to

achieving true happiness. You become what you think and imagine.

Imagine yourself eating the right things, exercising, and being happy when

you look in the mirror.

3. You need to take the time to examine your past experiences in order to fully

understand your current thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. You must learn

to forgive others and embrace all the experiences, good and bad, that have

shaped who you are today. Only then can you move forward to becoming

the best you possible.

4. A true measure of your personality is the loving and intimate relationships

you have. If you are involved in relationships you know are unhealthy, it's

time to make a change. Strive to be around people who love you, build you

up, and whom you look up to.

5. This is about living on purpose. You need a commitment to something

greater than yourself if you want to find happiness. Start thinking about

how you can use your talents, personality, and skills to make the world a

better place.

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Match choices (A—H) to (1—5).

There are three choices you don't need to use.

A Try to be physically fit

B Spend more time going out

C Don't discuss your private life

D Analyze what you have lived through

E Improve other people's lives

F Develop harmony and peace of mind

G Review your contacts

H Read humorous books

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Read the text below.

For questions (6—10) choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D).

Write your answer on the separate answer sheet.

The Wallet is a tiny, often pocket sized tool for storing cash, and other small

articles such as credit cards, bank cards, drivers licenses, identification cards, and

other valuables such as these. Usually it is made from fabrics such as leather, or

synthetic plastics. Typically, wallets are associated with men, as most women

carry a similar object known as a purse. However, in modern day society, many

women now also carry wallets as they are smaller and often, more convenient.

Some women carry purses with wallets tucked inside of them.

Wallets were invented in the late 1600's, almost immediately after paper

currency was introduced. Paper currency was invented in Massachusetts in 1690.

Prior to this, simple purses were used to carry around metal coins. The first

wallets were generally made from cow or horse leather, and had one small pouch

for where people would place their identification cards (know then as calling


Today's modern wallet, which has many different slots for our many cards

was invented in the 1950's, because of the invention of the first credit card.

Wallets virtually remained the same throughout the 20th century, with the

exception of the Velcro wallet which was introduced in the 1970's. Late in the

20th century, in 1996, what is known as the All-ett billfold wallet was invented.

This type of wallet reduced the bulkiness of the original wallet by nearly half. In

the 21st century, wallets have evolved in many ways including numerous shapes,

sizes and color, all mostly for stylistic purposes rather than function.

Wallets are a huge hit among pick-pockets, who target people carrying

wallets in the pockets of their pants. To avoid this, some wallet owners have

chains connecting their wallets to their pants. Other wallet owners have inside

pockets on their coats, so that they can not be pick-pocketed without noticing.

Although the wallet was originally designed to carry around cash, in modern

society they are more often used for carrying credit cards. With the advanced

systems of banks and other money institutes, people feel that carrying around

cash is often unnecessary and a hassle. Some people still like to carry around

change purses, which can be convenient for small purchases where using a credit

card or bank card would be silly and wasteful.

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For questions (6—10) choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D).

6. According to paragraph 1 wallets …

A have a great value for their owners

B are an object of men's outfit

C contain important belongings

D are seldom used by women

7. According to paragraph 2 .................... .

A wallets were introduced in Massachusetts

B people used the first wallets for small change

C at first wallets looked like tiny leather purses

D the first wallets served for carrying documents

8. It is stated in the passage that .................... .

A the purpose of the wallet has changed overtime

B people prefer paying for small things in cash

C the purse is usually smaller than the wallet

D the ideal shape of the wallet has been found

9. It is NOT mentioned in the passage that wallets are .................... .

A made of various materials

B often stolen from their owners

C over three hundred years old

D used for virtual money

10. The author states that .................... .

A the wallet wasn't changed for 200 years

B square wallets are multifunctional

C there have been two types of wallets

D modern wallets have become thinner

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Read the texts below.

Match choices (A—H) to (11—16).

There are three choices you don't need to use.

11 ……………..

William & Mary Bookstore

106 Jamestown Road/221-2480 FAX (757) 221-2498

This college bookstore offers a wide selection of authorized insignia clothing,

caps, souvenirs and gifts. Large general book section in addition to textbooks.

website: wwwbkstore.conL/wm

12 ……………..

Soccer Mainea

Patriot Plaza, 3044 Richmond Road/565-0384

Now open at Patriot Plaza in Williamsburg, this store has everything you need

for soccer, lacrosse, field hockey and more. Featuring the largest selection of

athletic sportswear available anywhere. Experience the Soccer Mainea difference


13 ……………..

Rack Room Shoes

Williamsburg Outlet Ма11/565-0389

Welcome to the world of brand-name shoes! Save up to 40% off most retailers'

prices on brand-name shoes for the entire family. Style, selection and value...you

get it all here!

14 ……………..

Williamsburg Drug Co.

440 Duke of Gloucester Street/229-1041 Operating continuously since 1895, this

store represents an old-fashioned drug store with all the amenities of a modem

pharmacy. Whether it be a fine cigar, souvenirs or a selection from their soda

fountain, you will be amazed at the quality and scope of their merchandise.

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15 ……………..

Williamsburg Pavilion Shops

(600 Richmond Rd. (Rt. 60W.)

Located on heavily traveled Richmond Road, they offer a unique opportunity to

purchase the finest gifts and home furnishings at reasonable prices. Five minutes

west of colonial Williamsburg.

16 ……………..

Williamsburg House of Crafts

6965 Richmond Road/564-0308 This is the best place to shop in Williamsburg"

is heard frequently here. Six rooms display crafters' handmade items, folk art,

floral designs, woodworking, decorative clothing, jewelry, baskets and much

more. A1 delightful mix of handcrafted items and friendly service.

Located 1/4 mile west of the Pottery. Open daily at 9am. Buses are welcome!

Here you can buy …

A the best medicine

B jewelry and souvenirs

C items produced not by machine

D things for your household

E literature on different subjects

F different brands of footwear

G bags and accessories

H any sports equipment

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Read the text below.

Choose from (A—H) the one which best fits each space (17—22).

There are two choices you do not need to use.

Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876—right? Well,

actually, a German schoolteacher managed to do it fifteen years before Bell,

(17) .................... .

In 1860 Philip Reis rigged up what (18) ……………… .

This instrument was built from an improbable assortment of items: a violin, a

knitting needle, an ear carved in wood, even a piece of sausage. "I succeeded in

inventing an apparatus by which ...one can reproduce sounds of all kinds at any

desired distance....I named the instrument [the] 'telephone.'"

It worked—but poorly. So Reis kept tinkering with it. He hooked up a wire

between his workshop and the school, which convinced his students that he was

using the telephone to eavesdrop on them. (19) …………….. and his models

became more and more sophisticated.

Eventually Reis sent some improved models of his telephone to scientists

around the world. They could transmit music fairly well, (20) .................... .

"Single words were perceptible indistinctly,» said one listener. Nobody seemed

very impressed.

Most scientists at the time regarded the Reis telephone as little more than a

toy. Crushed, (21) .................... , and died of tuberculosis in 1874. Two years

later, Alexander Graham Bell filed the patent that earned him the glory and

(22) ………………. .

A but speech came out garbled at best

B he worked on his telephone for several years

C financial rewards of telephone invention

D he tried to build a better telegraph

E but he didn't have very good PR

F it was of no importance in a business light

G he described as an "artificial ear"

H he abandoned work on it

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Read and complete the text below.

For each of the empty spaces (23—32) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

The person who has won the most Oscars is not (23) ………. for being an

actor but was someone who has (24) ............... joy to children of all ages, Walt

Disney. During his (25) ............ , Walt Disney won 26 Oscars and 6 special

Academy Awards. He was also only one of two presenters who opened the

envelope to (26) that he had won the Oscar (the other was composer Irving


After his death, James Dean was nominated twice for best actor, once for

East of Eden in 1955 and once for Giant in 1956. He did not win (27) .............

time. In 1941 Orson Welles was nominated for best producer, director, artor, and

sсreenwritrr. He only wоn best sсreenwriter, along with his collaborator, Herman

J. Mankiewicz.

The Oscar is only one of the awards (28) by the Academy. Awards for

(29) .............. achievements may be a scroll, a medal, or any other design. In

1937 a wooden Oscar statuette with a movable jaw was (30) to ventriloquist

Edgar Bergen for his creation of Charlie McCarthy. Walt Disney (31) ............. an

Oscar and seven miniature statuettes in 1938 when he was (32) ............ for his

film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

23 A identified B detected C known D picked

24 А produced B found С taken D brought

25 А existence B lifetime С biography D job

26 A count on B look for C agree with D find out

27 А either B every С all D each

28 А given out B given in С given back D given forth

29 А ordinary B exact С popular D special

30 А presented B offered С shown D handed

31 А greeted B saw C obtained D received

32 А respected B honored С accepted D paid

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Read the texts below.

For each of the empty spaces (33—42) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

The apple pie did not originate in America. English colonists brought a taste for the

fruit from the Old World and (33) ............ planting orchards (34) .......... early as 1628.

Dried, raw, and cooked, the apple found its way into numerous colonial (35) ......... .

Apple pie became known as American, not because it (36) ……… in America, but

because of the abundance of apples in the orchards of Washington and New York. No

other dessert is (37) ............ identifiable with America than apple pie.

33 А have begun B had begun С begin D began

34 А as B so С such D since

35 А dish B dishes С dishes' D dishe's

36 А had invented B has been invented С was invented D is being invented

37 А most B much С the most D more

Kwanza, a Swahili word for "(38) ............... first fruits of the harvest," is a celebration

of African-American culture (39) .............. by African harvest festivals. The

celebration (40) ............... in America and begins on December 26. It lasts for seven

days and centers on seven African practices (41) ……… , among others, ideals of

unity, self-determination, and faith. Each evening the family lights one of seven

candles, exchanges gifts, and discusses the principle for the day. Near the end of the

holiday the community gathers for a feast and enjoys (42) ............... original culinary


38 А - B a С an D the

39 А inspiring B inspired С inspires D to inspire

40 А is originating B had originated С originated D been originated

41 А encompassing B encompassed С have encompassed D are encompassing

42 А much B a lot С many D lots

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43. Some days ago you went to a concert of your favorite group.

Write a letter to your friend in which

• tell him/her about your tastes in music

• describe the place where the concert took place and how you got there

• comment on the feelings the concert inspired in you

• say why attending live performances is more enjoyable than watching some on TV

Write a letter of at least 100 words.

Do not write any dates or addresses.

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Read the texts below.

Match choices (A—H) to (1—5).

There are three choices you don't need to use.

Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

1. …………..

Having definite objectives will help you to work towards your goals. Break them

down into smaller ones as you work towards your ultimate goals. It is much

better than having everything going round in your head and being unsure whether

you are actually carrying out your plans.

2. …………..

Keep abreast of what your competitors are doing. Many times I talk to people

who are in business and yet have no idea even of who their competitors are. Also

find out about your customers. Who are they? What and why they purchase from

you? This will help you to get more of the right type of customers.

3. …………..

On a regular basis you need to continuously review and monitor your progress

and where you are. Monitoring the progress means that if something isn't

working you can modify it immediately. This will help you to take your business

to the next level.

4. …………..

Get help from experts —use their knowledge to help you grow your business.

Recruit a PR person, a bookkeeper, an admin person etc. Check out the expert

advice and list of recommended experts contained in the Business Essentials

section of the Mums in Business website. Ensure you have the support network -

family, friends and of course Mums in Business.

5. …………..

We often get lost in our businesses, especially when it is new so try and take time

out for yourself on a regular basis. Treat yourself to lunch with friends, get your

hair/nails done, play golf, go shopping etc. Every one of us has the ability to

achieve our goals and dreams. So believe in yourself, believe that you can do it

and with help and support from your friends and family this is possible.

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Match choices (A—H) to (1—5).

There are three choices you don't need to use.

A Don't take on too many expenses at the beginning

B Start with as much of your own money as possible

C Examine your future business' expenses

D Have faith that you will soon succeed

E Research and study your market

F Know exactly what you want to achieve

G Discard the myth that you can do it all yourself

H Evaluate and supervise your business

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Read the text below.

For questions (6—10) choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D).

Write your answer on the separate answer sheet.

According to legend, Marco Polo brought the secrets of ice cream with him from

the Orient, together with a lot of other savories. There is, however, no proof of that,

although there is some evidence that the Chinese indulged in iced drinks and desserts,

which gives some weight to the Marco Polo theory.

The Chinese did, however, teach Arab traders how to combine syrups and snow,

to make an early version of the sherbet. Arab traders proceeded to show Venetians,

then Romans, how to make this frozen delight. The Emperor Nero was quite fond of

pureed fruit, sweetened with honey, and then mixed with snow - so much so that he

had special cold rooms built underneath the imperial residence in order to store snow.

In the 1500s, Catherine de Medici brought the concept of the sorbet to the French,

who were soon to make a great improvement on it.

As you must have noted, the above are frozen desserts, not ice cream. That

invention awaited the development of the custard, then the discovery that freezing it

would create a heavenly dessert. This notable event occurred in 1775 in France, and

was shortly followed by the invention of an ice cream machine, which did a much

better job of creating a light and fluffy frozen custard than beating by hand could do.

Thomas Jefferson, who imitated Nero in having a special cold room for storing

snow, provided us with the first recipe for ice cream found in the United States. Not to

be outdone, George Washington invested in one of the ice cream machines.

Until 1851, ice cream (or, more frequently, cream ice) was solely made at home.

But a daring man from Baltimore, named Jacob Fussell changed all that by opening

the first ice cream factory.

Near the turn of the century, the ice cream soda was created, although by who

seems to be in question - either James W. Tuff or Robert Green. It does seem to have

been done by accident, however, a scoop of ice cream falling in a glass of flavored

soda water. At any rate, the drink became a national craze, and many a girl and boy

went courting over an ice cream soda. So many, in fact, that many municipalities

passed laws forbidding the sale of soda water on Sunday. Quickly afterwards, the

'sundae' was invented - it contained ice cream, syrup, and whipped cream of the soda,

but without the evil influence of soda water. Numerous variations existed.

The next ice cream craze came with the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition in

Saint Louis. Charles Menches was doing a lively business selling scoops of ice cream

in dishes, all the way up to the point that he ran out of dishes. Frustrated, but

determined to still find a way to make a profit, he lighted upon his friend Ernest

Hamwi, who was selling a wafer-like cookie called zalabia (a Syrian treat). The

combination proved irresistible.

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For questions (6—10) choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D).

6. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A The first ice cream was made of snow.

B Marco Polo added savories to ice cream.

С The Chinese taught Italians to make ice cream.

D Frenchmen played a great role in developing ice cream.

7. It is stated in the passage that .................... .

A Nero kept snow in a special basement

B Catherine de Medici was fond of frozen desserts

С Thomas Jefferson created the first ice cream recipe

D George Washington invented a device for making ice cream

8. It is NOT mentioned in the passage that .................... .

A the Marco Polo version may be a fiction

B big amounts of ice cream and soda are unhealthy

С people used to combine snow with various ingredients

D many great people have something to do with the development of ice cream

9 . It can be inferred from the passage that …… .

A people prefer fluffy ice cream

B ice cream developed from pureed fruit

С the history of ice cream has had several peaks

D homemade ice cream is tastier than industrially made

10. Charles Menches .................... .

A made profit in 1900

B liked Syrian cookies

С was upset not to be able to sell ice cream

D didn't have time to wash the dishes for his ice cream

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Read the texts below.

Match choices (A—H) to (11--16).

There are three choices you don't need to use.

Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

11. …………..

Museum of the Early Middle Ages

Viale Lincoln, 3. Tel. 0654228199. Opening hours: 9a.m. -1.30 p.m.

Closed Mondays. Admission: €1, reduced €1.

Items from the late Antiquity and from the early Middle Ages.

12. …………..

Central Museum of the Italian "Risorgimento"

Complesso del Vittoriano, Via San Pietro in Carcere. Tel 066793526.


Opening hours: 9.30 a.m. - 6.30 p.m. Closed on the first Monday of the month.

Admission: free.

The great rooms inside the Vittoriano host over 500 works of art, old

photographs, relics and arms telling of the unification of Italy from the beginning

of the 19th century to the end of the First World War.

Historical documentaries are subtitled in English.

13. …………..

Wax Museum

Piazza S.S. Apostoli, 67. Tel. 066796482.

Opening hours: 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Admission: €8, reduced €6.

110 statues of celebrities.

14. …………..

National Museum

Via Merulana, 248. TeL . 0646974831. Opening hours: Tuesday, Wednesday,

Friday, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Thursday, Saturday, Sunday and holidays, 9 a.m.-7.30 p.m.,

closed Mondays. Admission: €6, reduced €~.

Material from excavations in the Middle and Far East.

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15. …………..

National Museum of Popular Art and Traditions

Piacca Marconi, 8. TeL 065926148.

Opening hours: Tuesday- Sunday 9 a.m. — 8 p.m. Closed Mondays.

Admission: €4, reduced €2. Costumes and aspects of the traditional Italian life.

16. …………..

The Virginia War Museum

See one of the nation's largest collections of military posters, plus uniforms,

insignia, weapons, vehicles, and photographs — a collection of more than 60,000

artifacts from 1775 to the present: U.S. military history comes out of the history

book in this visually exciting museum filledwith military memorabilia.

247-8523. Admission: $ 8

In which of the museums will you …

A see a fascinating collection of watercolors?

B see various exhibits of a very great age?

C see the modeled images of famous people?

D learn more about Oriental cultures?

E learn about the customs of the country?

F see American arms and combat pictures?

G learn how the country was united?

H learn how the country was ruled in the Middle Ages?

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Read the text below.

Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (17-22).

There are two choices you do not need to use.

Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Arthur Blissitt of North Fort Myers, Florida, has walked 33,151 miles. Not

only has he (17) ............... , he has carried a 12-foot, 40-pound wooden cross

with him on the entire journey.

Blissitt operated a coffee shop in Los Angeles, California. One day he

decided to place a 12-foot-high cross on the wall. Many patrons were drawn to it

and one evening he said that (18) …………. .

(19) ............. . He started walking, and he walked and walked. He carried the

cross through 277 countries, 49 of them at war, over all 7 continents, to the Dead

Sea, to the top of Mount Fuji in Japan, and to the depths of Carlsbad Caverns in

New Mexico. He carried the cross through frozen Antarctica, across the steaming

Darien jungle from Panama to Colombia, and over the hot deserts of Turkey and

Egypt. He even carried the cross across the Panama and Suez canals.

Although Blissitt's pilgrimage was to spread the word of Jesus, (20) .......... .

He has been arrested 24 times and once faced a firing squad. On Christmas Day,

1998, Arthur Blissitt (21) ............... .

It had taken him almost 30 years to complete his incredible journey. Blissitt

has not stopped walking, however. He now plans to (22) .............. .

A not everyone has been cordial to him

B on Christmas Day, 1969, Blissitt started his pilgrimage

C walk through the states that he missed on his original journey

D returned to the place where he had started 29 years before

E Blissitt walked with a crowd of people

F God told him to take the cross to the people

G he wasn't fond of some of the food given

H walked farther than any other person in the world

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Read and complete the text below.

For each of the empty spaces (23—32) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Greece was, of course, the (23) .............. of the Olympics games and the

people of Greece felt cheated when they (24) ............. to Sydney the right to

stage the Millennium Olympics Games in 2000. There was a belief among some

in the Olympic Movement that Athens was not able to stage the games due to its

infrastructure. But I suspect that this was actually a good (25) ............. for Athens

as the people were so enraged that they were (26) ............. to prove that not only

could they stage amazing games in 2004, but they would do it in a modernized

and appealing city.

The people of Athens had a (27) .............. to rally around and prove that

Athens was a First Class City.

In usual Greek (28) ........... though, they did it in such a way that the outside

world was convinced that it would never be done in time - forgetting that the

Greeks usually get things done but in their own time. They did literally finish on

time and even weeks before the Olympics some observers were (29) ..............


The Greek way is a more leisurely (30) ............... to life and to getting things

done. The weather, no doubt, plays a big part as it is usually glorious, (31) .........

it does get almost unbearably hot in mid summer.

Athens has put in place as a result of the Olympics many (32) .............

infrastructure changes which make it a better city for a visitor, e.g. the new

airport which is modern and very pleasant to travel through.

23 А beginners B founders С explorers D discoverers

24 А missed B gave С offered D lost

25 А move B victory С initiative D idea

26 А hard B steady С determined D excited

27 А motto B call С time D challenge

28 А type B style С kind D sort

29 А waiting B hoping С predicting D considering

30 А way B approach С opinion D treatment

31 А although B even C nevertheless D moreover

32 А absolute B grand С major D main

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Read the texts below.

For each of the empty spaces (33-42) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Why is the lump in a man's throat called an "Adam's apple"?

The Adam's apple (33) .................... only in men, and it got its name from an ancient

embellishment of the story of Adam and Eve. Folklore had it that when Adam

swallowed the (34) fruit, one large piece of the apple (35) .................... in his throat

and remained there, (36) .................... a lump. This lump in every (37) throat, his

Adam's apple, is an eternal reminder of his humility in the eyes of God.

33 А has found B is is found С had found D found

34 А forbidder B forbidding С forbade D forbidden

35 А got stuck B had got stuck С has got stuck D had been got stuck

36 А to form B forming С forms D form

37 А man's B men С man D men's

Thomas Cook

The father of modern mass tourism was Thomas Cook who organized the first

package tour in history. He arranged for the rail company (38) .............. one shilling

per person for a group of campaigners from Leicester to a rally in Loughborough,

eleven miles away.

Cook was paid a share of the fares actually charged to the passengers, as the

railway tickets (39) ……….. at his own price.

There (40) ………… railway excursions before, but this one included entrance to

an entertainment held in private grounds, rail tickets and food for the train journey.

Cook immediately saw the potential of a convenient 'off the peg' holiday product

in (41) ………… everything was included in one cost. Afterwards he pioneered

package holidays in both Britain and on the European continent (where Paris and the

Alps were (42) ……… destinations).

38 А would charge B to charge С charging D had charged

39 А couldn't be issued B couldn't issue С can't be issued D can't issue

40 А has been B have been С were D had been

41 А whose B That С which D whose

42 А most popular B the most popular С far popular D the more popular

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43. Your penfriend writes that he/she would like to have a dog but his/her parents

don't let him have one. He/ she complains that his/her parents don't understand him.

Write a letter to your friend in which advise him/ her

• to try and understand that having a dog is a great responsibility

• to act so as to prove to the parents that he/she is a responsible person

• to talk to the parents to find out their reasons for refusal

• to start with having a smaller pet

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Read the text.

Write a short summary of it (5—6 sentences).

Use your own words to express the main idea of the text.


In 1851 Great Britain was arguably the leader of the industrial revolution and

feeling very secure in that ideal. The Great Exhibition of 1851 in London was

conceived to symbolize this industrial, military and economic superiority of Great

Britain. Just representing the feats of Britain itself would have excluded many of the

technological achievements pioneered by the British in its many colonies and

protectorates, so it was decided to make the j exhibit truly international with

invitations being extended to almost all of the colonized world. Many people felt

secure, economically and politically, and Queen Victoria was eager to reinforce the

feeling of contentment with her reign. It was during the mid-1850's that the word

"Victorian" began to be employed to express a new self-consciousness, both in

relation ; to the nation and to the period through which it was passing.

The Great Exhibition was held in Hyde Park in London in the specially

constructed Crystal Palace. It was originally designed by Sir Joseph Paxton in only 10

days and was a huge iron goliath with over a million feet of glass. Over 13,000

exhibits were displayed and viewed by over 6,200,000 visitors to the exhibition. The

millions of visitors that journeyed to the Great Exhibition of 1851 marvelled at the

industrial revolution that was propelling Britain into the greatest power of the time.

The objects on display came from all parts of the world, including India and the

countries with recent white settlements, such as Australia and New Zealand that

constituted the new empire. Many of the visitors who flocked to London came from

European cities. The profits from the event allowed for the foundation of public works

such as the Albert Hall, the Science Museum, the National History Museum and the

Victoria and Albert Museum.

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Write an email to your English-speaking friend saying that you would like to go

on holiday with him/her and say which town in Ukraine you recommend to visit

and why.


Speak about a famous British artist (musician, writer).

Express your point of view on the following:

• the influence of Art on your/your friend's personal growth

• modern trends in Art

• the places (music compositions, books) you'd like to visit / listen to / read.

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Text 1. 1 B Text 2. 1 B

2 C 2 C

3 D 3 B

4 A 4 C

5 B 5 C

6 A 6 A



Exercise 1 1. has already been translated. 2. was broadcast. 3. will be held.

4. had already been set. 5. was adopted. 6. was being discussed. 7. is aired.

8. is/was built. 9. were asked. 10. will have been / had been elected.

11. was/is torn. 12. is observed. 13. have already been/are boiled, is being roasted.

14. is (being) looked after. 15. were considered. 16. is/has been painted.

17. is influenced. 18. was injured. 19. have been talked about. 20. has been called out.

21. have been made. 22. was turned on. 23. is being reviewed.

24. was/ has been made. 25. was heard. 26. had been watched. 27. are sold.

28. is being examined. 29. will have been written. 30. is believed.

Exercise 3 1. had, was. 2. have always loved. 3. am sitting. 4. are said, are lifting.

5. doesn't like, is wearing. 6. will be seen. 7. was. 8. were. 9. was taught, was.

10. got. 11. was/has been seen. 12. was raining. 13. will have had. 14. have broken.

15. (had) reached. 16. arrived, took, drove. 17. had had. 18. (had) turned off.

19. will have translated. 20. has just come, have been waiting. 21. are written.

22. was being\had been examined. 23. will/are going to discuss. 24. am/was invited.

25. was bought. 26. had been built. 27. haven't been shown. 28. was caused.

29. have been passed. 30. are caused.

Exercise 5 1. make. 2. make. 3. makes. 4. do. 5. does. 6. make. 7. do. 8. made. 9. makes. 10. do.

11. do. 12. were making. 13. make. 14. (has) made. 15. make. 16. do. 17. made.

18. doing. 19. done. 20. make/have made.

Exercise 8 A. 1. decided on. 2. be ashamed of. 3. argue with. 4. is divorced to. 5. count on.

6. am worried about. 7. be angry with. 8. complain of. 9. is capable of.

10. prevent me from. 11. hope for. 12. object to.

B. 1. compare with/to. 2. feel like. 3. approve of. 4. jealous of. 5. are thinking of.

6. are excited about. 7. waiting for. 8. prepared for. 9. to look for. 10. protect from.

11. is guilty of.

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1 A 2 D 3 C 4 A 5 D 6 A 7 A 8 B 9 D 10 B 11 A 12 D


Exercise 1 1. can't/mustn't/may not 2. can't/mustn't/may not 3. can/may/have to

4. can't/mustn't/ may not 5. can/may 6. can't/mustn't/may not 7. can/may

8. can't/don't to have 9. can't/mustn't/may not 10. can/may 11. will be able to

12. can/could 13. had to /could/were able to 14. can/could 15. must 16. will be able to

17. can/may/could 18. can/don't to have 19. can/may 20. could/was able to

Exercise 2 1. have been working 2. have gone 3. rain 4. be carrying out 5. believe

6. have suspected 7. be watching 8. have to 9. be approaching 10. be 11. have gone

12. have been going 13. be 14. have forgotten 15. be discussing 16. have been married

17. have stolen 18. return 19. have gained 20. earn/be earning/have earned

Exercise 4 1. didn't have/need to 2. oughtn't to/shouldn't have been 3. will have to

4. oughtn't to/shouldn't 5. oughtn't to/shouldn't have thought 6. didn't have/need to

7. should I do 8. had to 9. needn't have bought 10. has to

11. ought to/should have put on 12. must have bought 13. must 14. had to

15. had to 16. should/must/have to 17. ought to/should have warned 18. must

19. oughtn't to/shouldn't have drunk 20. doesn't have to

Exercise 5 1. have missed 2. needn't have written 3. have turned 4. have lost 5. e-mail 6. be

7. be trying on 8. have believed 9. tell/have told 10. be kidding

ТЕСТ 1 C 2 B 3 D 4 D 5 B 6 D 7 A 8 D 9 D 10 C 11 A 12 B



Exercise 1 1. Mary said (that) we could walk in the park if I liked.

2. Nancy said she was sorry (that) she hadn't come the day before.

3. Peter remarked (that) he didn't know when the Coca Cola Company was founded.

4. My granny used to say (that) there are/were so many people who don't/didn't observe any rules.

5. He said (that) their new neighbour always dressed so elegantly.

6. My boyfriend told me (that) he had missed me so much lately.

7. The students told the teacher (that) they hadn't meant to disrupt the class.

8. My colleague said (that) he entirely agreed with me.

9. Judy told Clara (that) Melanie had had a baby in May.

10. The department head said (that) they would have to make some changes in the schedule.

11. My guest said (that) he usually had three spoonfuls of sugar with his tea.

12. Megan said (that) the year before they had gone to Austria.

13. Tom complained (that) he was very tired and he had had very little sleep the previous night.

14. The mother told her children (that) a trip to a wildlife park was too expensive for them.

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15. The father scolded his son (that) he couldn't spend the whole days lazing about.

16. Amanda said dreamily (that) in two weeks she would be far away from there.

17. Vic said (that) in his childhood he (had) had a nanny who had always been/was always smiling.

18. Mr. Sandford promised (that) the new equipment would have been installed by May, 12.

19. Marcella said (that) she had just got an e-mail from Steve.

20. Mrs. Hendricks told her husband (that) in the morning the toys had been lying all over the room.

Exercise 2 1. had just bought 2. wanted 3. would be delivered 4. had been trying

5.was sleeping 6. needed 7. had been 8. would be found 9. would arrive

10. could, liked 11. had always been 12. enjoyed 13. wasn't 14. were arranging

15. had never liked 16. would come 17. had been 18. would teach

19. wanted 20. didn't plead

Exercise 4 1. Patricia asked if/whether they had met before.

2. Mum asked me if/whether I was hungry.

3. David wondered if/whether everybody was there.

4. The kids asked their dad if/whether they were going to the circus.

5. The policeman inquired if/whether I had seen the robber clearly.

6. Valerie asked me if/whether the water was warm.

7. Liz wondered if/whether I had been waiting long.

8. Mrs. Craig asked if/whether I would have finished the work by 6.

9. The waiter asked if/whether I would like something for dessert.

10. My brother asked me if/whether I had seen his belt.

11. Mr. Hendricks wondered if/whether I had been sleeping at 3 the day before.

12. The girl asked if/whether everybody had come by 6.

13. The dentist asked if/whether it hurt.

14. The insurance inspector asked if/whether the painting really cost a million.

15. The nurse asked if/whether I had taken the medicine.

16. The receptionist asked if/whether I had (got) a reservation.

17. My husband asked me if/whether I liked that necklace.

18. Mum asked me if/whether I was going to do my room.

19. The boss asked the secretary if/whether there was anybody waiting to see him.

20. The taxi driver asked me if/whether I was in a hurry.

Exercise 5 1. had ever been 2. understood 3. had 4. would marry 5. had bought/would buy 6. was

7. had seen 8. were going to/would 9. (had) dyed 10. would have/had finished

11. had already stopped 12. could 13. had been booked 14. would have returned

15. could 16. punished 17. had bought 18. was listening 19. would sing 20. would pay

Exercise 6 1. Dolly asked what my favourite magazine was.

2. Emma asked where I had been.

3. Eugene wondered when I would come again.

4. Ida asked how she could get there.

5. I was asked why I was so embarrassed.

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6. Simon inquired how much I had paid for the script.

7. Ruth asked whose towel it was.

8. Phil asked who was knocking.

9. Jake asked what was going on there.

10. The teacher asked where my homework was.

11. A friend of mine asked what I had been doing lately.

12. Kate wondered how I had spent my holiday.

13. Max asked how many people I had invited to the party.

14. A passer-by asked how far it was to the City Hall.

15. The shop assistant asked the customer how much butter he would like.

16. The bus driver asked where exactly I was going.

17. Frank wondered who could do such work in a day.

18. Judy asked what I had done to help them.

19. My colleague asked me how I had managed to leave the office unnoticed.

20. The director asked the actors how long it would take them to get made up.

Exercise 7 1. would be/had been delivered 2. (had) remained 3. would be 4. had got

5. had been barking 6. had been learning 7. had to do 8. ached/was aching

9. had been injured 10. had run 11.was making 12. wanted 13. could

14. was, had done 15. would take 16. needed 17. wanted 18. had been rejected

19. (had) said 20. had covered

Exercise 9 1. Derek said not to disturb him, he was busy. 2. Mr. Evans warned me not to forget

my ticket. 3. Fiona suggested skipping the lesson. 4. Mark advised me to put on a

sweater if I didn't want to get cold. 5. Andrew said to turn to somebody else.

6. William begged Lucy not to tell anybody about his failure. 7. Richard asked me to

bring something for dinner. 8. A classmate of mine suggested throwing a party on

Saturday. 9. Rudy said to watch my step. 10. The driver said not to slam the door.

ТЕСТ 1 D 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 D 6 C 7 D 8 B 9 A 10 A 11 B 12 B



Exercise 1 1. to see 2. have been repaired 3. to listen to 4. to meet 5. to wake up 6. visit 7. go

8. to plan 9. to have 10. to go 11. to sit/be sitting 12. meet 13. to wait 14. see 15. stop

16. to speak 17. to make fun of 18. (to) translate 19. have been killed 20. rain

Exercise 2 1. to join 2. not to believe 3. to be understood 4. to fetch 5. to be 6. to look for

7. to be sleeping 8. to have travelled/to have been travelling 9. to be reading

10. to be invited 11. to take 12. to participate 13. to be staying 14. to have gone

15. (to) do 16. to be working 17. to have seen 18. to be dressed 19. to close

20. to have left

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Exercise 6 1. visiting 2. being beaten 3. being appointed 4. having made 5. buying 6. spending

7. being praised 8. seeing 9. having lost 10. being photographed 11. eating

12. laughing 13. being seen 14. going 15. helping/having helped

16. spending/having spent 17. lying 18. being sent 19. playing/to play 20. playing

ТЕСТ 1 D 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 C 6 B 7 C 8 A 9 A 10 D 11 C 12 C



Exercise. 1 1. write/will write. 2. were. 3. would go out. 4. would have left. 5. call. 6. had found.

7. walk. 8. go. 9. would give. 10. would have told you. 11. had. 12. would have called.

13. were. 14. will accept. 15. would have talked. 16. would call. 17. had heard.

18. hadn't lost. 19. were, would spend. 20. liked, would go.

Exercise 4 1. had met 2. had sent 3. could fly 4. went could go 5. stopped would stop 6. weren't

7. hadn't talked 8. weren't 9. typed 10. had worked 11. were 12. hadn't mentioned

13. had studied 14. knew 15. had never boarded 16. didn't leave 17. hadn't gone

18. were, could 19. hadn't started 20. were/had been

ТЕСТ 1 C 2 D 3 D 4 B 5 D 6 C 7 C 8 C 9 D 10 C 11 A 12 C


CONTROL TEST Text 1. 1 A 2 B 3 A 4 D 5 A 6 C

Text 2. 1 B 2 A 3 D 4 C 5 A 6 D


PRE-TEST 1 A 2 D 3 C


4 D 5 A 6 D 7 B 8 C 9 A 10 B 11 D 12 C



Exercise 1 1. North America 2. the British Isles 3. the Arctic 4. Scandinavia 5. Central Europe

6. Central America 7. the Caribbean 8. North Africa 9. the Mediterranean

10. the Middle East 11. Asia 12. South East Asia 13. the Far East 14. South America

15. Africa 16. Antarctica

Exercise 2

Country Capital Nationality Language

Austria Vienna Austrian German

Belgium Brussels Belgian Belgian

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Canada Ottawa Canadian Canadian China Peking Chinese Chinese France Paris French French Greece Athens Greek Greek Holland the Hague Dutchman Dutch Italy Rome Italian Italian Japan Tokyo Japanese Japanese Poland Warsaw Polish Polish Russia Moscow Russian Russian Sweden Stockholm Swede Swedish Switzerland Geneva Swiss Swiss Ukraine Kyiv Ukrainian Ukrainian USA Washington D.C. American English

Exercise 3 1. consists of 2. covers 3. landscape 4. varied 5. divided 6. capital 7. proud of

8. lie 9. major 10. area 11. explore 12. industrial 13. conservative 14. concern

15. means 16. criticize 17. treatment 18. entertainment 19. opportunities 20 controls

Exercise 4 1 G 2 E 3 D 4 A 5 C 6 I 7 F 8 B 9 H

Exercise 5 1. monarchy 2. powers 3. legislative 4. hereditary 5. elected 6. chairman 7. executive

8. directing 9. leader 10. judicial

Exercise 6 1 A 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 B

Exercise 7 1 B 2 A 3 D 4 B 5 D 6 A 7 A 8 C 9 C 10 B

Exercise 9 A


movies watches

clothing and textile cars

televisions sugar

silver jewelry

Exercise 10 1 C 2 D 3 B 4 A 5 E

Exercise 11 1. observed 2. foolish 3. ensure 4. found 5. screams 6. started 7. caught

Exercise 12

1 F 2 A 3 E 4 C 5 B 6 D

ТЕСТ 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 A 5 D 6 B 7 C 8 C 9 D 10 A 11 B 12 B

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Exercise 1 1. bicycle 2. car 3. truck 4. bus 5. highway 6. boat 7. subway 8. train 9. airplane

Exercise 2

ride drive fly sail

a bicycle a horse a car a plane a boat

Exercise 3 1. catch 2. miss 3. leaves 4. running 5. canceled

Exercise 4 A. 1. fares 2. rush-hour 3. timetable 4. queue

B. 1. arrival 2. running, delay 3. standing

Exercise 6 1. hobby 2. popular 3. adult 4. involves 5. collecting 6. engines

7. fun 8. boring 9. thing

Exercise 7 1 D 2 A 3 C 4 B

Exercise 8 1 B 2 C 3 E 4 F 5 A 6 D

Exercise 9 1 F 2 D 3 B 4 A 5 G 6 C 7 E

Exercise 11 A. 1 A 2 D 3 C 4 B

B. 1. tour 2. trip 3. journey 4. voyages

Exercise 12 A. 1 G 2 E 3 D 4 B 5 C 6 A 7 H 8 F

ТЕСТ 1 C 2 B 3 A 4 D 5 C 6 B 7 C 8 A 9 A 10 C 11 D 12 B


Exercise 2 (p. 67).

1 C 2 E 3 D 4 B 5 G 6 A 7 F

Exercise 3 (p. 67).








Exercise 4 1 B 2 G 3 A 4 C 5 E 6 I 7 H 8 D 9 F

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Exercise 8 (club, park, station, street, house, road, town, city, bus, next, post)








Exercise 9 15420

Exercise 10 1. park hotel 2. railway station 3. school

Exercise 12 1. theft 2. burglary 3. robbery 4. shoplifting 5. embezzlement 6. mugging

Exercise 13 1. robbed 2. stole 3. stolen 4. stolen 5. robbed

Exercise 15 1 D 2 H 3 B 4 F 5 A 6 C 7 G 8 E


1 C 2 A 3 C 4 D 5 D 6 A 7 B 8 C 9 D 10 A 11 C 12 C


Exercise 1 1 E 2 C 3 A 4 H 5 B 6 D 7 G

Exercise 3





women's children's shoes and jewelry and

underwear clothing clothing socks accessories raincoat overcoat overcoat rompers slippers gloves

anorak jacket nightgown sweater boots scarf swimsuit sweater jacket sleepers shoes glasses T-shirt shirt sweater sneakers briefcase windbreaker suit blouse umbrella

jeans skirt socks earring boxer shorts coat dress belt bra suit watch

jeans coat hat cap

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Exercise 4 1. smart 2. casual 3. fashionable 4. worn-out 5. scruffy 6. dress well

Exercise 5 1. fit 2. suit 3. wrong 4. match 5. tight 6. go with/match

Exercise 6

1 C 2 F 3 E 4 A 5 B 6 D

Exercise 7

In the 1950s people were richer and

teenagers spent a lot of money on

clothes. For men this was the age of

the teddy boy. Teddy boys wore long

jackets in very bright colours - pink,

orange or yellow -and very tight

trousers called 'drainpipes'. For wom-

en jumpers with wide skirts and short

sockets were the fashion. Both men

and women wore shoes with long

pointed toes. The women's shoes had

high stiletto heels.

In the late 1960s and the early

70s the hippy 'flower power1

style was in. Women wore

loose maxi-dresses. Men

wore jeans and brightly

coloured shirts or T-shirts.

Clothes were very colourful.

Very long hair was fash-

ionable for men and women,

and beards became more

common (but only for men)

Before the First World War

fashions did not change

very quickly. Men wore

dark suits. They had short

hair and moustaches were

popular. Women wore long

dresses and they had long

hair. Under their dresses

they wore stiff corsets.

These gave women a very

narrow waist, but they were

very uncomfortable.

The 80s brought teenagers with punk

hairstyles in red, blue, purple and

green, and brightly coloured makeup

The-1960s saw a revolution

in clothes. Everything

changed. This was the time of

the mini-skirt and long boots.

For the first time in the

twentieth century men had

long hair the famous Beatle


In the 1930s and 40s hair,

dresses and coats became

longer again. Men's fashion

didn't change very much.

Men wore a suit, a tie and

usually a hat, too.

Moustaches were less


In the Roaring Twenties dresses and hair became much shorter. People saw women's

knees for the first time! Corsets disappeared. A straight figure with no waist or bust

was fashionable. For men, trousers with very wide legs became fashionable. They

were called Oxford bags.

In the 1990s people.....

The beginning of the 21 century was marked by...

Exercise 8 1. influence 2. slogan 3.sponsor, logo 4. competitors 5. agency 6. publicity 7. hype

Exercise 9 1 C 2 B 3 D 4 A 5 B 6 A 7 D 8 B 9 C 10 C 11 A 12 C

ТЕСТ 1 D 2 A 3 C 4 B

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Exercise 1

do play collect

crosswords jigsaws chess

computer games

ccins stamps

Exercise 2 1. motor racing 2. cycling 3. fishing 4. gardening 5. playing tennis

6. boxing 7. skiing 8. collecting stamps 9. camping 10. playing music 11. drawing

12. sewing 13. knitting 14. painting 15. train spotting

Exercise 3 1 C 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 B

Exercise 4 A. 1. lie down 2. bow 3. kneel 4. sit down 5. stand up

B. 1. hop 2. jump 3. crawl 4. run 5. dive 6. dance 7. walk 8. climb

Exercise 5

1. walk 2. climb 3. lean down the road onto the roof against the wall

to school up the hill out of the window

for miles a mountain too far

through the park the ladder across the table

to work over a wall forward/back

out of the room out of the window

around town a tree

4. lie 5. jump 6. sit in bed up and down in an armchair

on the beach into the pool on a stool

down into the sea back and relax

on your back over a wall upright

awake out of the window on the sofa

off the roof

Exercise 7

team sports individual sports fighting sports

1. football 1. table tennis 1. boxing

2. basketball 2. tennis 2. judo

3. rugby 3. badminton 3. karate

4. baseball 4. weightlifting 4. wrestling

5. volleyball

Exercise 8

sport person

1. boxing boxer

2. swimming swimmer

3. ice-skating skater

4. skiing skier

5. gymnastics gymnast

6. athletics athlete

7. cycling cyclist

8. climbing climber

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Exercise 9 1. pitch 2. course 3. court 4. court 5. court 6. pitch 7. pitch 8. court

Exercise 10 1. racquet 2. club 3. bat 4. bat 5. stick 6. racquet

Exercise 12 1. win 2. win 3. win 4. win 5. beat 6. beat 7. win 8. beat 9. beat 10.win

Exercise 13 A. 1. players 2. goalkeeper 3. pitch 4. goal 5. sticks 6. point 7. pass-back

B. 1. court 2. net 3. hit 4. serves 5. hits 6. scores 7. bounds 8. points

C. 1. court 2. net 3. racket 4. ball 5. bounds 6. set 7. match

ТЕСТ 1 B 2 D 3 A 4 B 5 D 6 B 7 C 8 A 9 C 10 D 11 B 12 A


Exercise 1 1. river 2. sea 3. mountains 4. desert 5. valley 6. hills

7. waterfall 8. Northern pole 9. forest

Exercise 2 1 A 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 A

Exercise 3 1 E 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 D

Exercise 4 1. stump 2. root 3. trunk 4. leave 5. branch 6. foliage

Exercise 5 1. plants 2.daylight 3. prepare 4. fades 5. due to 6. conditions 6. drop

Exercise 6

1. tulip 2. gladiolus 3. daffodil 4. pansy 5. poppy 6. corn flower 7. peony

8.dandelion 9. lily of the valley 10. rose

Exercise 7 1. speaking 2. considered 3. woody 4. to protect

Exercise 8 1. spring 2. summer 3. winter 4. autumn

Exercise 9 1 B 2 A 3 D 4 C 5 B 6 C

Exercise 10 1. Spain 2. Greece 3. Great Britain

Exercise 11 1. wet 2. snowy 3. sunny and hot 4. rainy 5. thunder and lightning 6. dry and hot

7. windy 8. chilly and nippy 9. icicle dropping

Exercise 12 The stronger meaning have: 1. rain 2. frosty 3.gale 4.boiling hot 5. fog 6. icy

Exercise 13 1. cloudy, rain 2. storms 3. sunny, hot 4. windy 5. lightning, showers

Exercise 14 A. 1. remain 2. reach 3. rise 4. fall

B. 5. frost 6.wintry 7. sleet 8. icy 9. melt

Exercise 15 1D 2D 3B 4A 5B

Exercise 16 1C 2F 3B 4D 5A 6G 7E

Exercise 17 1. volcanoes 2. droughts 3. floods 4. earthquake

Exercise 18 1. global warming 2. greenhouse effect 3. ozone layer 4. acid rain

Exercise 19 1. countries 2. to protect 3. group/organization 4. environment/people,etc 5. modified

ТЕСТ 1 B 2 B 3 A 4 A 5 B 6 D 7 A 8 C 9 A 10 C 11 B 12 A

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Exercise 1 1. biology/biologist, 2. zoology/zoologist, 3. genetics/geneticist, 4. physics/physicist,

5. chemistry/chemist, 6. astronomy/astronomer, 7. botany/botanist

Exercise 2 You should have excluded:

A. 1. take 2. make 3. put B. 1. somebody's eyes 2. the evidence 3. drugs on animals

4. a conclusion

Exercise 4 1. research 2. experiments 3. discovered 4. hypothesized

5. analysis 6. constructed 7. to patent 8. invention 9. concluded

Exercise 6 A. 1. CD player 2. headphones 3. battery 4. socket 5. extension lead

B. 1. hairdryer 2. electric toothbrush 3. electric shaver

C. 9. fan 10. vacuum cleaner 11. iron 12. sewing machine

Exercise 7 1 motor 2. device 3. machinery 4. gadget 5. appliances 6. machine

Exercise 8 1 C 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 B

Exercise 9 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 B

Exercise 11 1. walked up 2. bought 3. use 4. used 5. pay 6. has 7. surf 8. play 9. take

Exercise 13 1 D 2 A 3 G 4 E 5 C 6 B 7 F

Exercise 14 1. research 2. graduate 3. field 4. degrees 5. experts 6. searches 7. links

8. unwanted 9. features 10. site 11. users 12. lifestyles

Exercise 16 1 D 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 D 7 B 8 C 9 C 10 A 11 A 12 D

ТЕСТ 1 A 2 D 3 B 4 D 5 C 6 C 7 A 8 C 9 B 10 A 11 B 12 C


Control test

1 A 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 D 6 D 7 A 8 C 9 A 10 B 11 B 12 C




Тask 1

1 A 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 A

Тask 2

1 С 2 F 3 A 4 H 5 B




А. Завдання на повне розуміння прочитаного (multiple choice)

1 C 2 A 3 D 4 D 5 C

B. Завдання на розуміння змісту і структури тексту (filling gaps)

1 С 2 D 3 A 4 H 5 F 6 G

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Task 1 1 G 2 E 3 A 4 H 5 D

Task 2 6 C 7 D 8 D 9 A 10 B

Task 3 11 B 12 D 13 G 14 C 15 H 16 E

Task 4 17 H 18 C 19 A 20 E 21 B 22 F

Task 5 23 B 24 A 25 B 26 B 27 C 28 D 29 B 30 A 31 D 32 C

Task 6 33 D 34 B 35 A 36 B 37 C 38 C 39 B 40 C 41 A 42 A


Task 1 1 F 2 A 3 D 4 G 5 E

Task 2 6 C 7 D 8 A 9 D 10 D

Task 3 11 E 12 H 13 F 14 A 15 D 16 C

Task 4 17 E 18 G 19 B 20 A 21 H 22 C

Task 5 23 C 24 D 25 B 26 D 27 A 28 A 29 D 30 A 31 D 32 B

Task 6 33 D 34 A 35 B 36 C 37 D 38 D 39 B 40 C 41 A 42 C


Task 1 1 F 2 E 3 H 4 G 5 D

Task 2 6 D 7 A 8 B 9 C 10 C

Task 3 11 B 12 G 13 C 14 D 15 E 16 F

Task 4 17 H 18 F 19 B 20 A 21 D 22 C

Task 5 23 B 24 D 25 A 26 C 27 D 28 B 29 C 30 B 31 A 32 C

Task 6 33 B 34 D 35 A 36 B 37 A 38 B 39 A 40 D 41 C 42 B

УДК 811.111 ББК 81.2+74.261 М29

Серія «Готуємося до ЗНО за 100 днів» започаткована 2011 року


М 29 Англійська мова: навч. посіб. / А. П. Мартинюк, І. О. Свердлова, І. Ю. Набокова. — К.—X.: Веста,

2011. — 352 с. — (Серія «Готуємося до ЗНО за 100 днів»).

ISBN 978-966-08-5743-8

Матеріал посібника, що відповідає Програмі ЗНО (2012) з англійської мови, розрахований на 100 днів

самостійної системної підготовки з предмета. Він складається зі стисло викладених теоретичних

відомостей і умовно комунікативних вправ, тематичних і тренувальних тестів у форматі ЗНО-2012,

запропонованих для практичної роботи.

Призначається для випускників (у тому числі й минулих років) шкіл, ліцеїв, гімназій, які заздалегідь готу-

ються до вступу до вищих навчальних закладів.

УДК 811.111 ББК 81.2+74.261

ISBN 978-966-08-5743-8

© А. П. Мартинюк, І. О. Свердлова, І. Ю. Набокова, 2011 © Видавництво «Веста», 2011

Серія «Готуємося до ЗНО за 100 днів»

Навчальне видання

Мартинюк Алла Петрівна

Свердлова Ірина Олександрівна

Набокова Ірина Юріївна PDF REMAKE - 2013

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