丽的周报 red-news: 世华新加坡分会创会典礼

丽的周报 RED-NEWS 第五期-4月11日2013年 Volume5-11th April 2013 世华新加坡分会创会典礼 自古以来,女性在社会上就扮演了无法替代的重要角色。从母亲到 妻子,从老师到护士;随着时代的变迁,女性在社会上所担任的角 色和对社会的贡献也随之增加。现代的女性既是妈妈,又是太太, 同时也是医生老师,议员总统。现代女性是社会和国家重要的支柱 之一,而召集女性的力量从而帮助社会和国家进步正是世界华人工 商妇女企管协会(世华会)的目的。 世华会的宗旨为:“心怀世界,掌握动脉,建立网络,发展经贸” ,并且希望能够透过团结全球华商妇女的力量来完成这向宗旨。虽 然团结全球华商妇女貌似一项不可能的任务,但是世华会却已经一 步一脚印的朝成功迈进了。世华会从比利时到夏威夷,从泰国到新 西兰,在世界各地都成立了分会。而在今年(2013年)的4月7号, 成为世华会第47个分会的,正是我们新加坡分会。 世界华人工商妇女企管协会新加坡分会,在4月7号那天,在浮尔 顿酒店举办了创会典礼。前来参加的,除了有远道而来的各个国家 的世华会姐妹们之外,还包括了台湾驻新加坡大使,谢发达先生, 新加坡前国会议员何玉珠以及世界华会的总会长施郭凤珠女士,永 久名誉会长柯杜瑞琴女士。我们丽的呼声的主席,张美香女士也以 荣誉顾问的身份,参加了这个庆典。 典礼上当然少不了,歌唱表演,不过典礼的焦点必然是新加坡分会 的会长和总会长以及永久荣誉会长的传承的仪式还有新加坡分会会 员们的宣誓仪式。仪式后,所有的世华会员们齐声演唱会歌,祝福新 加坡分会能有个成功的开始,而庆典也在200余人的来宾的欢笑声中 画上了完美的据点。但是,典礼只是一切的开始,而如果在阅读这篇 新闻的你也希望能够身为华商女性,为其她女性,为新加坡,为世界 尽一份力的话,就请到以下地址,询问入会。

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这个星期的丽的周报要为您报道世界华人工商妇女企管协会新加坡分会的创会典礼! This week, we are bringing you GFCBW's Singapore Charter founding ceremony event coverage!


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Volume5-11th April 2013







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Volume5-11th April 2013 RED-NEWSGFCBW(Singapore) Founding Ceremony

Global Federation of Chinese Business Women or GFCBW is a mouthful either way. With a name like that, you can be sure that said organization is serious about what they are doing, and the ladies at GFCBW most certainly are.

With a vision of “Envisioning the world, embracing the trend, establishing networks and developing trade and economy”, GFCBW is an organization that seeks to unite the power of Chinese women around the world to make a difference. As Beyoncé’s hit song, Run the World (Girls)goes, the ladies of the 21st century do play an indispensable part in keeping the world spinning in the right direction. From mothers to wives, from doctors to teachers, from CEOs to entrepreneurs, from ministers to presidents, the emancipated women of the 21st century are influential at home and at large. Therefore it is completely logical that there should be an entity out there that seeks to harness and unite these influences to make a positive impact on today’s society.

Uniting Chinese women around the world sounds easy on paper, but despite the inevitable challenges, GFCBW makes it look easy too. With 47 charters around the world, in countries ranging from Thailand to Belgium and growing, the ladies at GFCBW are making their vision a reality. Of course, there was no way that Singapore would be left out from such an

important party, therefore on the 7th of April 2013, the GFCBW officially established their Singapore Charter. The founding ceremony was an elegant affair (and we would expect nothing less with an all-woman organization), held at the tasteful Fullerton Hotel with great food and great company.

Present company included the Taiwan representative in Singapore, Mr Hsieh Fadah, ex-parliament member, Ms Ho Geok Choo and of course the Chairwoman of GFCBW Ms Nancy Shih and Honorary President Ms Ko Tu Jui Chin. Rediffusion’s own Chairman, Ms Eva Chang was also present at the ceremony in her capacity as Honorary Consultant to the GFCBW Singapore Charter.

Whilst food and performances were aplenty at the ceremony, the main event was without a doubt, the baton-passing ceremony (not an actual baton of course but flags and necklaces, these are women we are talking about here) between the Chairwman of the Singapore Charter and the overall Chairwoman as well as the Honorary President. The founding ceremony ended with a flourish of singing, great food and lots of productive chattering. This ending however marks the beginning of a new chapter for the GFCBW here in Singapore. Should you be one of those women who wants to be part of this new beginning, please visit their website for more information.