中国禽流感疫情现状及防控策略 situation and strategies on hpai prevention and control...

中国禽流感疫情现状及防控策略 Situation and Strategies on HPAI Prevention and Control in China Jia YouLing National CVO Director-General, Veterinary Bureau Ministry of Agriculture, P.R. China 2007.11 Beijing 国家首席兽医官 贾 幼 陵 农业部兽医局局长

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  • Situation and Strategies on HPAI Prevention and Control in China Jia YouLing National CVO Director-General, Veterinary Bureau Ministry of Agriculture, P.R. China 2007.11 Beijing
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  • 1 Brief of Poultry Industry in China 1.1. Overview of Chinas poultry sectoral development No. of poultry in pent increased 3-8% annually since 1980 In 2005 15.198 billion birds raised 5.333 billion in pent at the end of the year, including 4.36 billion chicken 730 million duck making up 26.5 and 69.1% of the world total respectively In 2006 15.541 billion birds raised, 5.365 billion in pent at the end of the year Share of poultry farms (households) over 2000 birds increased from 40.9 in 1999 to 49.5% in 2004
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  • 1 1980 2006 Fig. 1 Chicken yearend stock changes in China between 1980 and 2006 Unit ten thousand
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  • 2 Fig. 2 Regional Distribution of Poultry Industry Waterfowls Broilers Hens Shandong, Liaoning, Jinlin, etc. Shandong, Hebei, Henan, etc. Hunan, Hubei, Guangdong, Fujian, etc. feature different poultry concentrate in different regions
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  • 2. Situation of HPAI in China 2.1. AI profile in China As of today, no H7 infection detected in China In 1996 first H5N1 AIV isolated from geese in China. In Jan 2004, first H5N1 AI infection detected in Guangxi. From Jan 2004 through Oct 2007 94 HPAI cases of domestic birds founds in 22 provinces 34.8 million birds culled. 24 human cases of HPAI detected in Chinas mainland, 16 of which died Due to implementation of integrated prevention & control measures combining vaccination and cull, no. of cases and frequency for HPAI Dropped dramatically: 50 cases in 2004, 31 in 2005, 10 in 2006, and 3 so far in 2007
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  • Year Number of infected provinces Number of infected spots Number of birds( units: ten thousands) Number of wild birds (units: thousand) Number of infected animals Number of deaths Number of culled animals Number of Deaths (Wild Birds) 2004165014.4912.91904.50 2005123115.8215.462257.126.345 20067109.104.70298.523.641 2007332.302.1721.30 Total 229441.7135.243481.4441.71 1 China Table 1. Poultry HPAI Outbreaks in China from 2004 to 2007
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  • Wild birds clade (2005-2006, BHG/QH/06) Waterfowl clade (2005-2006, DK/HuB/05) Xinjiang Clade (2005, CK/XJ/05 ) Shanxi Clade (2006, CK/SX/06) HA gene of the H5N1 viruses isolated in 2005-2006
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  • 2. Situation of HPAI in China 2.3. Situation on HPAI Prevention and Control in China Infection source remains difficult to be eradicated in short term. In 2007, a total of 37 samples of HPAI positive detected, involving Fujian, Guangdong, Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, and Chongqing Greater proportion of free range farming for poultry, poor farming conditions and management, leading to difficulties in prevention & control of HPAI Frequent long-distance transportation of poultry leading to greater risks of occurrence and spread of disease Large farming population of water fowl, unvaccined water fowls may carry hidden virus Close contact of infected migratory birds with domestic birds results in threat of outbreak
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  • 3.1. Establish command system for HPAI prevention based on cross-sector cooperation 3. Strategies on HPAI Prevention and Control in China National HQ for HPAI Prevention & Control Provincial level City level County level Township level office MOA Foreign Affairs Group MFA Publicity Group Publicity Dept of CPC Central Committee Support Group NDRC Technology Group MOST Supervision & Quarantine Group: AQSIQ prevention & control Group: MOA
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  • 3. Strategies on HPAI Prevention and Control in China 3.2. establishing & refining laws & regulations, prevention & control according to law the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Animal Epidemic Prevention the Regulations on Handling of Major Animal Epidemic Emergencies the State Overall Contingency Plan on Public Emergencies the State Contingency Plan on Animal Epidemic Emergencies the State Contingency Plan on HPAI prevention & control
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  • 3. 3.3. integrated prevention & control measures, giving priority to prevention Full vaccination of all domestic birds Integrated prevention & control measures combining vaccination and cull Reinforcement of epidemic monitoring, quarantine surveillance and circulation control 3. Strategies on HPAI Prevention and Control in China
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  • 3.4. Strengthening monitoring and reporting, enhancing pre-warning and forecast capacity Annual national HPAI Monitoring plan drafted and strictly implemented since 2004 Building up animal epidemic monitoring and reporting mechanism 3. Strategies on HPAI Prevention and Control in China
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  • 2. 2004 2007 China Table 2. HPAI Surveillance Results in China from 2004 to 2007 Year ( : ) Number of serum samples (unit: ten thousand) ( : ) Number of pathogen samples (unit: ten thousand) Number of positive samples 2004286.89.316 2005292.320.921 2006635.246.550 2007283.9*22.637* total 154099.3146 * 2007 1 9 As of Sept 2007
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  • Vet. Bureau CADC Province level (36 , 5 ) ( ) Town Level 36000 village v level (645000) Farmer Practice Vet. National Animal Disease Surveillance And Report Ani.Disease Surveillance Station Ani.Disease Surveillance BordingStation Provincial Animal Disease Surveillance And Report National Animal Disease report Sys. National Animal. Disease Surveillance Sys. 4 Fig. 4 National Animal Disease Surveillance and Report System County level 2862 304 146 AI National AI Ref. Lab. CADC, China Chinese center for Animal Disease Control and Prevention
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  • 5 Fig. 5 The distribution of animal disease surveillance stations and border animal diseases surveillance stations in China. More than 2800 county animal disease surveillance bodies connected with state animal epidemic information network center to ensure real-time reporting
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  • 3.5. Sticking to scientific approach for HPAI prevention & control, promoting technical support capacity Strengthening R&D for AI vaccine, improving prevention & control technology Guaranteeing vaccine quality, enhancing production capacity Standardizing AI vaccination practice, reinforcing vaccination protection 3. Strategies on HPAI Prevention and Control in China
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  • 3 Table 3. Names and Features of Current Approved AI Vaccines Produced in China VaccineUseRemark Inactivated vaccine H5N2 Precaution against AI caused by H5, used mainly for chicken. Use ceased as from Oct 2006 First successful vaccine against HPAI Inactivated recombined vaccine H5N1 Re-1 Precaution against AI of chicken, duck and goose caused by H5 Can be used for water fowl recombined fowl pox vector live vaccine H5 Precaution against AI caused by H5 Difference between infection by immunization and wild virus can be identified double recombined live vaccine against AI and Newcastle disease rL- H5 Precaution against AI caused by H5 and Newcastle disease First safe and effective live vaccine of negative link RNA in the world recombined inactivated vaccine (H5N1 Re-1+ Re-4 Precaution against AI caused by H5 and Newcastle disease Precaution against AI caused by current H5 virus
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  • 3.6. Step up popularization and publicity, raise public awareness about AI prevention Organize expert teams to compile popular science information on AI in the form of posters, pocket books and basic knowledge brochures to be posted or handed out to rural families Disseminate to the public the basic AI knowledge and prevention and control policies through TV programs, radios, newspapers and Internet, and provide technical services 3. Strategies on HPAI Prevention and Control in China
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  • 6 Fig. 6 The Poster on HPAI Knowledge Printed in 4 Languages (Chinese, Uigur, Tibetan, Mongolian)
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  • 3.7. Compensation mechanism in a bid to support poultry sector development Provide subsidies for poultry vaccination and culling at epidemic areas Grant income tax exemption, value-added tax rebate upon payment, export tax rebate and local taxes reduction as appropriate Grant reduction and exemption of payment to some governmental funds and administrative charges Increase working capital loans and interest subsidies Enhance vaccine supply capacity Protect the reproducing capacity of breeders and resources of poultry breeds Maintain normal market supply order Ensure that poultry farmers enjoy policy benefits and that the livelihood of employees of poultry enterprises is guaranteed Advancement of transformation of poultry farming pattern in a gradual manner 3. Strategies on HPAI Prevention and Control in China
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  • 4.1. Refinement of notification system for major animal diseases Reported in a timely manner occurrence and human infection of AI to relevant international organizations such as FAO, WHO and OIE, foreign embassies and consulates in China and the competent authorities in HK SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan Province, and exchanged HPAI prevention & control experience Newly revised Law of the PRC on Animal Epidemic Prevention, to be effective on Jan. 1, 2008, stipulates in legal terms the details on reporting, notification and announcement of animal diseases, specifying the responsibility of MOA to notify animal diseases to international organizations 4.International Communication and Cooperation
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  • 4.2. Participate actively in international cooperation Chinese govt holds that advantage of international organizations be fully made use of, and will participate actively in activities of FAO, OIE, WHO, etc. A four-party joint conference mechanism was launched by MOA, MOH of China, FAO and WHO. China attended the FAO/WHO/OIE Emergency Meeting on Technologies for HPAI Control in Asia and the Symposium on HPAI Control Strategies and Economic Impact. China successfully hosted International Financing Conference for HPAI prevention & control, put forward and adopted along with other participants the cooperation initiatives on HPAI prevention & control, raising $ 1.9 billion for HPAI prevention & control, contributing to improvement of international collaboration system in this regard Organized experts from FAO/WHO/OIE to visit China 4.International Communication and Cooperation
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  • 4.3. Regional and bilateral cooperation In March 2004, MOA held China-ASEAN Special Meeting on HPAI prevention & control in Beijing, during which China and ASEAN nations reached consensus on seven issues regarding AI control In Dec 2005, Ministerial Conference for Asian Cooperation on HPAI prevention & control was held in Kunming, and Kunming Initiative on Asian Cooperation on HPAI prevention & control was jointly issued by China, 16 Asian countries and relevant international organizations In Nov 2005 MOA and USDA co-hosted a symposium on HPAI prevention & control Chinese govt provided technical, financial and material assistance to neighboring countries like Viet Nam, Thailand, as well as African countries like Mali, Kenya, and provided training to vet staff in ASEAN nations. 4. International Communication and Cooperation
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  • 4.4. Exchange & Cooperation in virus research China kept close cooperation with reference lab. of relevant countries and international organizations and provided 6 samples of H9 subtype AI viruses and 23 samples of H5N1 subtype AI viruses to WHO UK, US, Japan, Mongolia, and Viet Nam provided 20 samples of AI viruses of H9 subtype, 6 of migratory bird H5N1 subtype, and 6 of H5N1 subtype, to China 4.International Communication and Cooperation
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  • YearSupplierRecipientNo.Subtype 1994UKChina H1-H15,N1- N9, all HA- NA AI virus 2004 ChinaWHO6H9 UK,US, JapanChina20H9 ChinaWHO5H5N1 2005Mongolia China6 H5N1 migratory bird 2006China WHO CDC Flu Center, USA 18H5N1 2007Viet NamChina6H5N1 4 China Table 4. International AI Virus Exchange with China
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  • ! Thank you for your attention!