Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (ddbms), conflict...

Резюмета на представените работи от гл. ас. д-р Светлана Желязкова Василева-Бояджиева за участие в конкурса за доцент в област на висше образование 4. Природни науки, математика и информатика, професионално направление 4.6. Информатика и компютърни науки (Информатика) (обнародван в ДВ бр.46/23.06.2015) 1. Генов, П., С. Василева. (2010) Структура, организация и управление на процесите в разпределени бази от данни. Научни трудове Педагогически колеж-Добрич, т. ІV, Университетско издателство “Епископ Константин Преславски”, Шумен, 2010, стр. 125-133, ISSN 1312-2347. http://shu.bg/sites/default/files/harakteristiki/dobrich/trudove/Dobrich_T4_final. pdf This paper presents basic concepts of the structure, the organization and management of the processes in centralized and distributed databases. The specifity of the work of distributed database management systems is analized. We accentuate the most often met problems and present some approaches and perpectives for their solution..

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Page 1: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

Резюмета на представените работи

от гл. ас. д-р Светлана Желязкова Василева-Бояджиева

за участие в конкурса за доцент в област на висше образование

4. Природни науки, математика и информатика, професионално

направление 4.6. Информатика и компютърни науки (Информатика)

(обнародван в ДВ бр.46/23.06.2015)

1. Генов, П., С. Василева. (2010) Структура, организация и управление на

процесите в разпределени бази от данни. Научни трудове Педагогически

колеж-Добрич, т. ІV, Университетско издателство “Епископ

Константин Преславски”, Шумен, 2010, стр. 125-133, ISSN 1312-2347.



This paper presents basic concepts of the structure, the organization and

management of the processes in centralized and distributed databases. The

specifity of the work of distributed database management systems is analized. We

accentuate the most often met problems and present some approaches and

perpectives for their solution..

Page 2: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

2. Vasileva, S. (2010) Modeling of Primary Copy Two-Version Two Phase

Locking. Proceedings of the IV International Conference on Information

Systems and GRID Technologies, 28-29 may 2010, Sofia, Bulgaria, organized by

University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski” and BulAIS - Bulgarian Chapter of

AIS, St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 79-91. ISBN:

978-954-07-3168-1 Available at: http://ci.fmi.uni-


The method of two-phase locking (2PL) is still used in concurrency access of the

global transactions management. It has its advantages in distributed database

systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant

of the protocol for PL with primary copies for DDBMS using two versions. As in

concurrency control of distributed transactions in DDBMS deadlocks are possible

to appear, one of the ways for their preventing is the usage of two-version

architecture of the data in distributed database (DDB). The lack of algorithms

published as well as results from investigations of such algorithms impose the

development of simulation models and their investigation. In detail the paper

considers such a model of Two-version two-phase locking (2V2PL) with primary

copies. The model is created by means of GPSS World Personal version. The

simulations of the algorithm and the results reported are achieved by the system of

imitation modeling.

Page 3: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

3. Zhekov, B., S. Vasileva. (2010) Opportunities and peculiarities of GPSS

World in simulation of concurrency control algorithms for DDBMS.

Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Informatics in scientific

Knowledge – 2010, Varna Free University “Chernorizets Hrabar” and the

Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,

June 24-26, 2010, Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 306-318. ISSN:1313-4345

The aim of the paper is to present the GPSS environment (General Purpose System

Simulation) as a means of imitation modeling of complex technical, economical

and other objects, which are given as queuing system. As an example of the

opportunities and advantages of GPSS, we consider an imitation model of the

DDBMS models that are connected to concurrency control of distributed


Page 4: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

4. Vasileva, S. (2010) Analysis of performance in distributed databases

managed by two-version two-phase locking algorithms. Proceedings of the

International Conference Automatics and Informatics’10, 3 – 7 October 2010,

Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. I-257 – I-260. ISSN 1313-1850

In this paper are given researches over simulation models of two-phase locking in

distributed database systems. The results of many results are collected and

analyzed for running simulated model algorithms of Centralized, Distributed and

Primary copy Two-version Two-phase locking. Basic characteristics are

represented according to the operation of transactions and their handling in

Distributed database management systems like throughput, response time and

probability service.

Page 5: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

5. Василева, С., П. Милев. (2011) Алгоритми за предотвратяване на

взаимоблокировки в разпределени бази от данни. Сборник Първа

национална конференция с международно участие „МАТТЕХ 2010”, 19 -

21 ноември 2010, Том 1, Университетско издателство “Епископ

Константин Преславски”, Шумен, стр. 196-203. ISSN: 1314-3921

В доклада са представени алгоритми, при които се избягват

взаимоблокировки на разпределени транзакции в разпределени системи за

управление на бази от данни. Разгледани са подробно многоверсионни

алгоритми за двуфазна блокировка, едноверсионни и многоверсионни

алгоритми за хронометраж и оптимистични алгоритми, основаващи се на

проверка на достоверността. Показани са предимствата и недостатъците на

отделните алгоритми и е предложен двуверсионен алгоритъм за разпределена

двуфазна блокировка в разпределени бази от данни. Показани са резултати от

моделирането на такъв алгоритъм със средствата на средата за имитационно

моделиране GPSS World. Резултатите показват, че същите дават възможност

да се избягнат взаимоблокировки в разпределени бази от данни.

Page 6: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

6. Василева, С. (2012) Фрагмент от модел на система за масово

обслужване за разпределена система за управление на бази от данни.

Научни трудове, Педагогически колеж-Добрич, т. V, Университетско

издателство “Епископ Константин Преславски”, Шумен, 2012, стр.139-

144. ISSN 1312-2347 Available at:


The paper presents a starting fragment of queueing system model for investigation

of transaction processing in distributed databases. We begin with considering a

model of a system, in which there are five nodes – the generators of transactions

and one central node for transaction concurrency control.

Page 7: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

7. Василева С. (2015) Возможности CMS Drupal для реализации

электронных учебных пособий. Проектирование электронной

энциклопедии и электронного учебника с помощью системы управления

содержимым Drupal. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, (2015-02-18)

ISBN-13: 978-3-659-30767-6 ISBN-10: 365930767X, Book language: Russian.

В книгата са представени и се анализират възможностите на системите за

управление на съдържанието (основно CMS Drupal) за създаване на

леснодостъпни и ефективни учебни материали. Книгата съдържа увод, 4

определя какво е това образователен web сайт и от какви елементи е

съставен. Във втора глава са представени накратко някои от класическите

средства за създаване на web сайтове (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP) и са

посочени предимствата на системите за управление на съдържанието. В трета

глава се сравняват възможностите на три от най-популярните безплатни

системи за управление на съдържанието: Joomla!, Drupal и WordPress за по

отношение на проектиране на електронни учебни пособия и електронни

тестове. В четвърта глава са описани подробно примери по създаване на

електронна енциклопедия „Лечебни растения и подправки”, електронно

учебно пособие и електронен тест по електронни таблици. Книгата е

предназначена за преподаватели, а и за всички, които искат да „изнесат”

дейността си в глобалната мрежа и да споделят знания и опит със


Page 8: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

8. Василева, С. (2010) Организиране на практикумите

„Текстообработка” и „Електронни таблици” в колежанските

специалности. Научни трудове, Педагогически колеж-Добрич, т. ІV,

Университетско издателство “Епископ Константин Преславски”,

Шумен 2010, стр.133-138. ISSN 1312-2347 Available at:



Teaching Wordprocessing and Spreadsheets is a part of the syllabus of Informatics

and Information technology for the Secondary Schools and institutions of higher

education. These disciplines are very important in the curriculum of the specialities

of Information technology and Library and information activities. That has been

recently established in the College in Dobrich which is part of structure of Shumen

university. In the present paper we discuss the organizing and carrying out the

practical seminars with a view to the requirements to the two specialities already


Page 9: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

9. Ruseva, P., S. Vasileva. (2010) Paper tests and /or computer tests in English

language seminars: Advantages and disadvantages of the two types. Език,

култура, идентичност, том II – Културология, методика и педагогика,

изд.”Фабер”, Шумен, 2010, стр.136-142. ISBN:978-954-400-282-4

The paper dwells on the issue concerning the choice of tests for evaluation of the

knowledge acquired in the English language seminars. It reviews the results of pass

tests and a computer test conducted in the college degree courses of Informatics

and Information Technology (IIT) and their earlier variant of Information

Technology (IT). It also gives some comments and offers some inferences about

the positive and negative facets of these types of tests.

Page 10: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

10. Павлов, М., С. Василева. (2011) Възможности на eлектронните

таблици за оценка на знанията на студентите чрез тест по Линейна

алгебра и аналитична геометрия. Сборник с доклади от Първа

национална конференция с международно участие „МАТТЕХ 2010”, 19-21

ноември 2010, Том 1, Университетско издателство “Епископ

Константин Преславски”, Шумен, стр. 338-342. ISSN: 1314-3921.

Най-съвременният метод за проверка и оценка на знания е чрез тест. Но се

поставя въпроса, доколко един тест правилно оценява знанията на учащите

се. Апостериорният анализ на възможностите на дидактически тест за

проверка и оценка на знанията е твърде трудоемък и може да се допуснат

много грешки ако анализирането се извършва ръчно. За да подпомогнем този

необходим, но дълъг и тежък процес, създадохме тест като работна книга и

модул на Visual Basic for Application в MS Excel, които ви представяме в

настоящата разработка..

Page 11: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

11. Vasileva, S. (2011) An algorithm for deadlock avoiding in distributed

database management systems. Journal of the Technical University Sofia,

branch Plovdiv. “Fundamental Sciences and Applications”, Vol. 16(1),

International Conference Engineering, Technologies and Systems TechSys

2011, pp.377-382, (In Bulgaria) ISSN 1310-8271. Available at: http://www.tu-


In this paper we present an algorithm in which deadlocks of distributed

transactions in distributed database management systems are avoided. Were

analyzed comparatively the three most used methods for solving deadlocks: Wait-

for Graph, time out and timestamp ordering. The advantages and disadvantages of

separate algorithms are shown. Centralized algorithm for two-phase locking in

distributed database systems is offered. Into the demonstrated algorithm is

integrated mechanism of timestamp, to avoid deadlocks of distributed transactions.

The results from modeling such an algorithm by means of the simulations GPSS

World environment are shown. The results present the fact that the shown

algorithm excluded the opportunity to avoid deadlocks in distributed databases.

Page 12: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

12. Vasileva, S. (2011) Algorithm for Primary Copy Locking with Timestamp

Ordering. Proceedings of the V International Conference on Information

Systems and GRID Technologies, 27-28 may 2011, Sofia, Bulgaria, organized by

University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski” and BulAIS - Bulgarian Chapter of

AIS, St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 236-247. ISSN:

1314-4855 Available at: http://ci.fmi.uni-


The method for two-phase locking (2PL) is still used in concurrency access of the

global transactions management. It has its advantages in distributed database

systems (DDBMS), saturated with conflict events. But deadlocks may occur in the

management of distributed transactions in the 2PL protocols. There are two basic

methods to eliminate deadlocks: 1) detection and solving and 2) prevention. As

existing algorithms by the first method are complex to implement and involving a

large number of transactions in deadlock, there may occur cascade rollbacks, it is

preferable in 2PL algorithms to embed mechanisms to prevent from deadlocks. In

this paper we present an algorithm of this kind for two–phase locking with primary

copies. A mechanism of timestamps to avoid deadlocks of distributed transactions

is integrated into the demonstrated algorithm. The results from modeling such an

algorithm by means of the simulations GPSS World environment are shown. The

results present the fact that the algorithm excludes the opportunity to avoid

deadlocks in distributed databases.

Page 13: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

13. Vasileva, S., A. Milev. (2011) Two-phase lock modeling algorithms using

timestamp ordering in distributed databases. Proceedings of the International

Conference Automatics and Informatics’11, 2–6 October 2011, Sofia, Bulgaria,

pp. В-359 – В-362. ISSN 1313-1850.

In this paper simulation models of two-phase locking in distributed database

systems are presented. A mechanism of timestamp ordering is embedded in the

modeling algorithms to prevent deadlocks. The results of running model of

Centralized, Distributed and Primary copy Two-phase locking algorithms are

gathered and analyzed and represented. The main characteristics of transaction

processing in distributed database management systems such as throughput,

response time and probability service are presented.

Page 14: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

14. Николова, E., С. Василева. (2011) Приложение на информационните

технологии в обучението по Хербология. НАУЧНИ ТРУДОВЕ на

Русенски университет "Ангел Кънчев" 2011, том 50, серия 6.1, стр. 39-43.

ISSN: 1311-3321. Available at: http://conf.uni-ruse.bg/bg/docs/cp11/6.1/6.1-


This work examines the use of information technologies in agriculture through the

application of the didactic test inspection and evaluation of knowledge in the

discipline of Herbology. The test is approbated on college students studying "Plant

Protection" of Shumen University "Episkop Konstantin Preslavski”. The main

tasks relate to the disclosure of the opportunities offered by information technology

training and acquisition of a knowledge in the study discipline. The test applied is

interesting and comfortable for the students because they can easily switch

between the test and other program environments where the answer could be

found. The results analysis determines the fact that the students acquire more

effectively the subject contents in the agronomical subjects with the help of the

Information technology than it does compared to the traditional one. This confirms

the results from the test. By means of Information technology application the

desire for new knowledge acquisition and its consolidation interweave slightly.

Page 15: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

15. Ненков, Н., С. Василева, С. (2012) За обучение по разпределени бази

от данни в колежанската специалност „Информатика и

информационни технологии”. Научни трудове, Педагогически колеж -

Добрич, т. V, Университетско издателство “Епископ Константин

Преславски”, Шумен, 2012, стр. 80-85. ISSN 1312-2347 Available at:


The paper considers the teaching on the topic of Distributed data and applications.

We offer an expansion of the thematic plan of the discipline from the point

of view of the contemporary tendencies in the development of the data bases

and the management systems of data bases. .

Page 16: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

16. Ruseva, P., S. Vasileva. (2012) Cross-curricular teaching of spreadsheets

practice in a workshop on English language of the college students. Conference

Proceedings Technics and Informatics in Education, Cacak, Serbia, 1-3 June,

2012, Volume II, pp. 681-687. ISBN 978-86-7776-138-7. Available at:



The paper is a suggestion to conduct an English language workshop using the

Speadsheets knowledge of the college students from the Pedagogical College in

Dobrich. On the one hand, attention is paid to the information which has already

been given to the students in their mother tongue during the workshops on

Spreadsheets and on the other, the language workshop is directed to the

consolidation of terms already known as well as to operations connected to them.

As a foreign language workshop it concerns language structures of the type of

commands and gives opportunity to practice their usage. Most of all, the purpose is

to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the words for there is a risk of being

pronounced the way they are written.

Page 17: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

17. Vasileva, S. (2012) Algorithm for Simulating Timestamp Ordering in

Distributed Databases. Proceedings of the VI International Conference on

Information Systems and GRID Technologies, 1-3 June 2012, Faculty on

Mathematics and Informatics, University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”

Bulgarian Chapter of the Association for Information Systems (BulAIS), St.

Kliment Ohridski University Press, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 352-364. ISSN: 1314-

4855 Available at: http://ci.fmi.uni-sofia.bg/isgt/images/ISGT_2012_body.pdf.

One of the major problems in Distributed database management systems is the

concurrency control. The paper considers an approach for modeling management

of the transactions parallelism by the timestamps method. As deadlocks originate

in concurrency control algorithms, based on two-phase locking protocols, in order

to avoid this problem, we offer timestamp ordering (TO) service of the

transactions. The TO method in distributed databases is still not investigated

enough. However, the use of timestamps makes the algorithms for transaction

management more complex due to the restarting of the transactions from

service and the additional waiting for processing. This is one of the reasons we

consider a modeling algorithm of TO in greater details. The results from executing

modeling algorithm by means of the simulations GPSS World environment are


Page 18: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

18. Vasileva, S., B. Zhekov. (2012) A Model of Distributed Two-Phase

Locking with Time Stamps in Distributed Database Management Systems.

Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Informatics in the

Scientific Knowledge – 2012, Varna Free University “Chernorizets Hrabar” and

the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of

Sciences, June 27-29, 2012, Varna, pp. 258-268. ISSN: 1313-4345.

The paper views the problems, connected with simulation modelling of

concurrency control of distributed transactions in distributed database systems.

There is a two-phase locking simulation model of distributed transactions with

using the timestamp ordering method for preventing deadlocks. The model is

developed with the tools of simulation modeling environment GPSS World

Personal Version. The distributed databases modeling in partial replication in

concurrent upgrade of data elements copies is conducted in defined and accepted

restrictions. The results from the simulations are presented and a comparative

analysis with models of two-version two-phase locking is made.

Page 19: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

19. Vasileva, S., I. Lorinkov. (2012) Simulation Modeling in Teaching

Operating Systems. Proceedings of the International Conference Professional

Military Education and Defence Studies: Past, Present and Future 25-27 June,

2012 Sofia, pp. 457-465. ISBN 978-954-9348-35-4.

Предимствата на симулационното моделиране предполагат неговото

използване в обучението на студенти по различни специалности. В работата

се разглеждат симулационни модели на алгоритми за едновременен достъп в

преподаването на дисциплината „Операционни системи”. Една от

класическите системи за симулационно моделиране GPSS World предоставя

програмни средства и среда за разработването на иновативен подход с

приложен характер при демонстрация и визуализация на различни

алгоритми. Обект на доклада са методите за междупроцесорна комуникация

при алгоритми за взаимно изключващ достъп до общ ресурс.

Page 20: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

20. Василева, С., Б. Гайдарджиев. (2012) Возможности CMS DRUPAL

для реализации электронного учебного пособия на примере электронной

энциклопедии. Сборник трудов I Международной Интернет-

конференции Инновация в образовании. Современная психология в

обучении. Казанский университет, Казань, 25-26 октября 2012 года, стр.

37-44. ISBN 978-5-990-3417-9-1 Available at:


Системы управления содержимым (Content management systems – CMS)

автоматизируют и облегчают процесс добавления и перемены содержимого в

сайтах, организацию, контроль и публикацию большого числа документов и

другого контента, как например изображения и мультимедийные ресурсы.

CMS используются для сохранения и публикации документов. Открытые

системы создаются, поддерживаются и развиваются множеством

разработчиков и их код публично доступен для чтения и редактирования. Это

обеспечивает большую гибкость, стабильность и разнообразие

дополнительных модулей и расширение их функциональности. CMS

позволяют составителям сайтов быть независимыми от web дизайнерских

фирм и иметь возможность менять и актуализировать содержимое сайтов.

Каждая CMS может быть подходящей в одних условиях и плохой в других.

Выбор CMS должен быть продиктован характером и нуждами сайта, для

которого она предназначена. Система управления содержимым Drupal

является вполне развитой системой с огромными возможностями. Она

бесплатна, мощная и популярная, кроме того - является открытой. С ее

помощью можно создать личный сайт, интернет медию, социальную сеть и

много других web приложений. Характеристики CMS Drupal делают систему

подходящей для разрабатывания web сайтов энциклопедий и в этом смысле и

электронных учебных пособий.

Page 21: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

21. Vasileva, S., K. Kapinchev. (2012) Some Simulation Models of Process’

Synchronization for Educational Purpose. Proceedings of the International

Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technology and

Statistics in Economy and Education (ICAICTSEE - 2012), October 5 -6th,

2012, UNWE, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp.474-483. ISBN 978-954-92247-4-0 URL:



The advantages of the simulation modeling makes it appropriate for using it in the

education of students from different specialties. This paper considers simulation

models of algorithms for concurrent access in the area of Operating Systems. One

of the classical systems for simulation modeling GPSS World gives program

means and environment for developing an innovative approach with applied nature

in the demonstration and visualization of different algorithms. The methods for

inter-processor communication in the algorithms for mutually excluding access to

a shared resource are the object of this paper. The algorithms of Dekker and

Peterson provide solution to the mutual exclusion problems in the case when two

consumers, or agents, share single resource. These algorithms use only shared

memory to create synchronization, which makes them easy for implementation and

suitable for theoretical education.

Page 22: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

22. Илиева, К., С. Василева. (2013) Проектиране и разработване на

информационно–търсеща система „SCILIB”. Научни трудове,

Педагогически колеж-Добрич, т. VI, Университетско издателство

“Епископ Константин Преславски”, Шумен, 2013, стр. 148-159. ISSN

1312-2347. Available at:



The paper presents a project for elaboration of information retrieval librarian

system. The system is designed to process information for editions of Science

Library at Dobroudja Agricultural Institute, General Toshevo. This type of

information systems relates to the so called “information retrieval systems”. This

system is developed with database management system (DMS) MS Access. The

goal of the project to help for search for scientific publications, dissertations, books

and other specialized editions in the Library of Dobroudja Agricultural Institute.

This will facilitate the work of the library staff and will save time researchers in the

search of their desired information. The system includes two important modules:

“Information sheets” and “search”. The database is created on the relational

principle and includs forms, queries and reports necessary for the library work. For

the creating of module „Searching” are used complex queries as part of the forms.

Page 23: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

23. Василева, С., Е. Николова. (2013) Електронни таблици в обучението

по агрономическите дисциплини. Сп. за наука Ново знание, год. II, Бр. 1,

Януари-Март 2013, Изд. на Висше училище по агробизнес и развитие на

регионите, Пловдив, стр. 298-307. ISSN: 1314-5703. Available at:



Обучението по електронни таблици (ЕТ) е част от обучението по академични

дисциплини като „Информатика” и „Информационни технологии” в

агрономическите специалности на висшите училища в България. Обикновено

в учебния план на тези специалности информатичните дициплини са

задължителни. Целта на работата е да предложи различни типове таблични

задачи, решавани с помощта на ЕТ, които могат да бъдат част от обучението

по различни агрономически дисциплини. Такива задачи са, например:

Обработка на таблица с технологични показатели на различни произходи или

сортове селскостопански култури; Сортировка и филтрация на записи в

склад; Обработка на метеорологични данни; Съставяне на оптимална диета,

Транспортна задача и други задачи от областта на Изследване на операциите,

Съставяне на щатно разписание; Съставяне на книга на приходите и

разходите и други.

Page 24: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

24. Vasileva, S. (2013) An algorithm modelling centralized two-phase locking

with integrated mechanism of timestamps. Journal of the Technical University

Sofia, branch Plovdiv “Fundamental Sciences and Applications”, Vol. 19(1),

International Conference Engineering, Technologies and Systems TechSys

2013, pp.237-242, (In Bulgaria) ISSN 1310-8271. Available at: http://www.tu-


В доклада е представен алгоритъм за двуфазна блокировка (2PL), с който се

избягва взаимоблокировката на разпределени транзакции в разпределените

системи за управление на бази от данни. До днес са известни три метода за

разрешаване на взаимоблокировки: граф на изчакването, метод на time out и

механизъм на хронометраж. В доклада се разглежда методът на хронометраж

като най-подходящ за реализация в разпределените системи за управление на

бази от данни (РСУБД). От алгоритмите за двуфазна блокировка в РСУБД

разглеждаме централизираната 2PL като основа за разработване на

останалите моделиращи алгоритми. От двете стратегии на механизма за

хронометраж за предпазване от взаимоблокировки разглеждаме стратегията

„раняване – изчакване”. В доклада са представени в съпоставителен вариант

резултатите от моделирането в средата GPSS World Personal Version на двата

алгоритъма: по метода “очакване - гибел” и по метода “раняване –


Page 25: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

25. Iliev, I., S. Vasileva. (2013) Information system for seed gene bank.

Proceedings of the VII International Conference on Information Systems and

GRID Technologies, 31 May - 1 June 2013, Faculty on Mathematics and

Informatics, University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski” Bulgarian Chapter of

the Association for Information Systems (BulAIS), St. Kliment Ohridski

University Press, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 81-91. ISSN: 1314-4855. Available at:


This paper discusses the problems in the creation and implementation of the web-

based information systems for seed gene banks. Each information system (IS)

serving seed gene bank is required to provide information about the samples that

are stored. Information issued by the information system is the link between

scientifi c institutes engaged in genetics and a breeding of cultivated plants. The

paper presents a web-based gene bank information system for cereals of

Dobrudzha Agricultural Institute – General Toshevo municipality. For the

implementation of the information system are synthesized SQL queries to issue

information about varieties and breeding lines, origin (country), winter type or

spring type varietyand more. User interface of the web-based IS is developed by

Drupal Content Management System and PHP.

Page 26: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

26. Vasileva, S., L. Gotcev (2013) An Algorithm Modelling Primary Copy

Two-Phase Locking with Integrated Mechanism of Timestamps. Proceedings of

the 14th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies,

ACM New York, NY, USA ©2013, pp. 216-223, ISBN: 978-1-4503-2021-4, URL:


The paper presents a model of algorithm for primary copy two-phase locking

(2PL). To avoid deadlocks of distributed transactions in distributed database

management systems is used a timestamps mechanism. From the two strategies for

timestamps mechanism for deadlocks avoiding, we consider the „wound – wait”

strategy. In the paper is presented a comparative variant of the results from the

modelling in GPSS World Personal Version environment of the two algorithms:

“wait-die” method and “wound – wait”.

Page 27: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

27. Milev, A., S. Vasileva. (2013) Modelling of Centralized Two-Phase

Locking With Integrated Mechanism of Timestamps by the “Wait – Die”

Method. Association Scientific and Applied Research International Journal, Vol.

4, July 2013, p. 66, ISSN 1314-62892013. URL: http://pdc-



This paper presents an algorithm for two-phase locking (2PL) in which deadlocks

of distributed transactions for distributed database management systems (DDBMS)

are avoided. The method of timestamps is chosen for solving deadlocks and the

centralized 2PL algorithm is implemented in DDBMS. The „wait - die" strategy of

timestamps mechanism for deadlocks avoiding is presented in this paper. The

simulation results of modeling "wait-die" algorithm are given by using GPSS

World Personal Version for two and three elements length of distributed


Page 28: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

28. Vasileva, S., I. Paneva, P. Dimitrov. (2013) Some simulation models of

transaction concurrency control for educational purpose. Proceedings of Седми

Међународни Симпозијум Технологија, Информатика и Образовање -

Стање и Проблеми, Циљеви и Могућности, Промене и Перспективе,

Филозофски Факултет Бања Лукa, Serbia, pp. 313-324. ISBN 978-99955-59-


The advantages of the simulation modeling make it appropriate for using it in the

education of students from different specialties. This paper considers simulation

models of algorithms for concurrency control in the area of Database Management

Systems. One of the classical systems for simulation modeling GPSS World gives

program means and environment for developing an innovative approach with

applied nature in the demonstration and visualization of different algorithms. The

methods for concurrency control in distributed database management systems

(DDBMS) are the object of this paper. From the algorithms for Two-Phase

Locking (2PL) in DDBMS: Centralized 2PL, Primary Copy 2PL and Distributed

2PL, in this paper we examine Centralized 2PL with integrated timestamp ordering

(method “wound-wait”). We suggest different GPSS World windows where the

students can observe the execution of concurrency control algorithms.

Page 29: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

29. Iliev, I., S. Vasileva. (2013) Realization of Electronic Textbook By Means

of Drupal Content Management System. Proceedings of the Second

International Conference on E-Learning and E-Technologies in Education

(ICEEE2013), September 23-25, 2013, Lodz University of Technology, Poland,

pp. 266-273. ISBN: 978-1-4673-5093-8 ©2013 IEEE, URL:


The Content management systems (CMS) automate and facilitate the process of

adding and modifying the contents of the Web sites, organization, control and

publication of a large number of documents and other content, such as images and

multimedia resources. This makes the Content Management Systems attractive for

specialists in various fields of human activity who want to publish on the Internet,

but have little knowledge in computer programming and web-programming in

particular. The article considers some opportunities provided by CMS Drupal for

designing and making electronic textbooks. It views an example of electronic

textbook on Spreadsheets.

Page 30: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

30. Vasileva, S., A. Milev. (2013) Models of 2PL Algorithms with Timestamp

Ordering for Distributed Transactions Concurrency Control. International

Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE), Volume-3, Issue-4,

September 2013, pp. 247–252, ISSN: 2231-2307, Available at:


In this paper simulation models of two-phase locking in distributed database

systems are presented. A mechanism of timestamp ordering (―wait – die‖

method) is embedded in the modeling algorithms to prevent deadlocks. The results

of running model of Centralized, Distributed and Primary copy Two-phase locking

algorithms are gathered and analyzed and represented. The main characteristics of

transaction processing in distributed database management systems such as

throughput, response time and probability service are given.

Page 31: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

31. Nikolova, E., S. Vasileva, I. Iliev (2013) CMS options for creating

electronic textbooks for agronomical subjects. Proceedings of the Science and

Information Conference (SAI), 7-9 Oct. 2013, London, United Kingdom, Publ.:

IEEE, pp. 969-973. URL:



The interest in distance learning (DL) in agronomic sciences, where students are in

a place far from the teacher and communicate with each other via computer and

other means of communication is growing fast. Thus distance learning becomes the

most flexible and adaptable one to the budget of working people, (mother - raising

their children, people living in remote locations, seasonal and timely work of

farmers as well as the disabled and groups with special educational needs.) The

teaching material used for Distance Learning shall be structured in such a form that

allows studying at a distance. This led us to investigate the capabilities of the

Content Management Systems (CMS) for creating electronic textbooks in

agricultural sciences. The report discusses opportunities provided by modern CMS

for creating electronic textbooks in the field of agricultural sciences.

Page 32: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

32. Василева, С., Б. Гайдарджиев. (2013) Възможности на CMS Drupal

за реализация на електронна енциклопедия. Годишник на Техническия

Университет във Варна, Том II, Изд. Технически университет – Варна.

2013, стр. 75-80. ISSN 1311-896X

Системите за управление на съдържанието (Content management systems –

CMS) автоматизират и облекчават процеса на добавяне и изменение на

съдържимото на Web сайтовете, организацията, контрола и публикуването на

голям брой документи и друго съдържание, като например изображения и

мултимедийни ресурси. Това прави системите за управление на

съдържанието привлекателни за специалисти от различните области на

човешката дейност, които искат да публикуват в Интернет, а нямат големи

познания в програмирането и по-специално в web-програмирането. В доклада

е представена електронна енциклопедия за цветя, реализирана със средствата

на CMS Drupal.

Page 33: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

33. Vasileva, S., A. Kulchiar. (2013) Some approaches to the application of

imitation modeling in educating students. Proceedings of the International

Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technology and

Statistics in Economy and Education (ICAICTSEE - 2013), December 6 -7th,

2013, UNWE, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 169-178. ISBN 978-954-644-586-5. URL:


application-imitation-modeling-educating-students, p.169

The advantages of the simulation modeling imply its use in the training of students

in various degrees. The paper offers some ideas for the application of imitation

modeling learning in various disciplines such as Databases and applications,

Operating systems, Computer Networks and Communications, Computer

Architectures, and more. One of the classic systems of the simulation modeling

GPSS World provides software tools and environment for the development of an

innovative approach with practical character in the demonstration of various

algorithms and visualization of work of various systems under different

management protocols. Subject of this paper are the methods of inter-processors

communication algorithms for mutually exclusive access to a shared resource,

algorithms transactions concurrency control in database management systems,

models of communication systems in different circumstances and working models

of processor systems.

Page 34: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

34. Devyatkov, V., S. Vasileva (2014) Opportunities of the Extended Editor

and the Universal Editor of the Forms of the GPSS World to create Simulation

Models and to conduct Simulation Studies. Proceedings of the Third Scientific

Conference Science, Education, Innovation, Dedicated to the 145th Anniversary

of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and to the 35th Anniversary of Georgi

Ivanov's Flight, Shumen, Bulgaria, 21-23 May 2014, Vol. II, pp. 429-438. (In

Russian) Available at: http://www.associationsar.com/wp-


Modern users of the simulation modeling systems pose to these programming

environments the following requirements: Automation of the entire action of the

simulation study (or at least the majority); Maintenance of the modern information

technology for storing and processing data for organizing the calculations the

collective and the remote processing, etc.; Providing the researcher with

convenient visual and customizable interfaces for interaction with the model. This

paper examines some new proposals of the extended editor and the universal editor

of the forms of GPSS World to resolve these problems and relieving the work of

researchers, which are using as a main tool the simulation modelling.

Page 35: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

35. Vasileva S., A. Milev. (2014) Comparative Simulating Analysis оf

Timestamp Ordering аnd Two-Version Two Phase Locking in Distributed

Databases. Science. Education. Innovation International Journal Scientific and

applied research, Vol. 2, 2014, pp. 27-38. ISSN 1314-9784, Available at:



This paper presents simulation models of two well known methods for conurrency

control of transactions in distributed database systems. The paper considers an

approach for modelling management of the transactions parallelism by the two-

version twophase locking (2V2PL) in its three modifications: Centralized 2V2PL,

Primary copy 2V2PL and Distributed 2V2PL. The main point of research is

timestamp ordering in Distributed Database Management Systems (DDBMS). The

paper offers timestamp ordering (TO) service of the transactions. In order to avoid

the deadlock problem we offer 2V2PL and timestamp ordering (TO) service of the

transactions. The results from executing modelling algorithms by means of the

simulations GPSS World environment are shown.

Page 36: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

36. Vasileva, S. I. Paneva, G. Nikolova. (2014) An approach to design and

realization of electronic textbooks. Proceedings of the 5th International

Conference Technics and Informatics in Education, 30-31 May 2014, Faculty of

Technical Sciences, Cacak, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-7776-165-3. pp. 377-385.

Available at:





The paper reviews a practical experience of working together students and teachers

to create e-learning materials in various disciplines. The possibilities of the

environment for web-applications Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 for

creating and realization of e-textbooks and e-learning materials are presented. This

type of training proposes to students a whole new different way of learning

process, stimulating innovation, improvement and professional development.

Page 37: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

37. Vasileva, S., A. Kulchiar (2014) Options of GPSS World for integrated

demonstration models in the educational process. Proceedings of 2014 Science

and Information Conference SAI 2014, 27-29 August 2014, London, United

Kingdom, pp. 933-937, ISBN: 978-0-9893193-1-7, Abstract available at:




The advantages of the simulation modeling imply its use in the training of students

in different disciplines. This paper provides various simulation models of

algorithms that operate on different systems: computer systems, computer

networks, database management systems and operation systems. These models can

be used to demonstrate how the quoted systems work, in teaching on the

disciplines accordingly Computer architectures, Computer networks and

communications, Database systems and applications and Operation systems. One

of the classic systems of simulation modeling GPSS World provides software tools

and environment for the development of an innovative approach with practical

character, to demonstrate and visualize the working algorithms of the quoted


Page 38: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

38. Николова, Е., С. Василева. (2014) Задачи за съставяне на бизнес план

в обучението по аграрни науки. Годишник на Висше училище

"Международен колеж", Том VII, Десета Международна Научна

Конференция "Образователен Мениджмънт: Ефективни практики", 23-

25 септември 2014, ВУМК - гр. Добрич, стр. 412-420. ISSN: 1312-6539.

С развитието на земеделието през последните години и предоставянето на

финансови средства от Европейския съюз, се поставят нови задачи в

обучението на студентите по аграрни науки. Преподавателят по аграрни

науки вече е длъжен да въведе в обучението такива теми като Приложение и

структуриране на бизнес план. В доклада се разглеждат резултати от работата

по проект за възможностите на обучаващите се по аграрни науки да

структурират свой бизнес план по определен модул от земеделието.

Предложената в доклада структура често се среща в практиката по

разработване на бизнес план. Структурата включва такива раздели като:

Представяне на организация, Описание на бизнес идея, Анализ на пазара и

конкуренти, Финансови прогнози, План на дейностите и други.

Page 39: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

33. Василева, С., E. Николова. (2014) Электронные таблицы для

обработки технологических показателей в обучении по аграрным наукам.

Сборник трудов III Международной Научно-практической Интернет-

конференции Инновация в образовании. Современная психология в

обучении. 7.10.2014, Казань, с. 22-26. ISBN: 978-5-906217-63-9 Available at:

http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=22578072 URL:


Новые масштабы развития и распространения информации накладывают

свой опечаток и на обучение биологическому земледелию - обучение

выходит за рамки традиционных образовательных программ по

биологическому сельскому хозяйству. Объем информации в области

сельскохозяйственных наук очень большой и обновляется часто. Много

новых направлений в исследованиях по растениеводству оказывают влияние

на индивидуальное и культурное развитие студента и для студентов является

очень важно научиться планировать, управлять и реализовывать

экономически эффективное биологическое производство, а также проводить

самостоятельно научные эксперименты и оценивать пределы и возможности

аграрных наук и биотехнологий в приогородном биологическом и

интегрированном саду. Данная работа пoпытается представить некоторые

возможности электронных таблиц (ЭТ) для решения табличных задач,

связанных с планированием и производством биологических продуктов.

Студенты должны найти и указать „самый подходящий” метод составления и

обработки результатов в спроектированных ими рабочих книгах MS Excel.

Исследование охватывает студентов специальностей „Управление

агробизнесом“, „Аграрная экономика“ и „Хозяйственное управление“ из

Высшего училища Агробизнеса и развития регионов в городе Пловдив.

Основные задачи связаны с ознакомлением и освоением возможностей MS

Excel для интегрирования в обучении по дисциплине Биологическое


Page 40: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

40. Василева, С. Модель двухфазной блокировки первичных копий с

интегрированным механизмом временных меток методом "wait-die".

Сборник научных трудов по материалам III Международной научно-

практической конференции Теоретические и прикладные аспекты

современной науки (Часть I), 30 сентября 2014, Агентство

перспективных научных исследований (АПНИ), Белгород, Россия, с. 28-34.

ISBN 978-5-9905837-4-0 (Часть I) Available at: http://issledo.ru/wp-

content/uploads/2014/10/Sbornik-3_1.pdf URL:


В докладе представлен алгоритм для двухфазной блокировки в

распределенных системах управления базами данных (РСУБД), при котором

предотвращаются взаимоблокировки распределенных транзакций. Для

исключения взаимоблокировок выбран метод временных меток, который

интегрирован в алгоритме для двухфазной блокировки первичных копий в

РСУБД. В данной работе использован метод временных меток стратегии

„wait - die” для предотвращения взаимоблокировок, имитационная модель

двухфазной блокировки расспределенных транзакций. Представлены

результаты имитационного моделирования алгоритма „wait - die” в среде

GPSS World Personal Version для распределенных транзакций длиной один,

два или елемента данных.

Page 41: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

41. Ivanov, Z., S. Vasileva (2014) Information System for Inventory of

Computers and Computing devices. Proceedings of the International Conference

Automatics and Informatics’14, October 1-3, 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. I-187 –

I-190. ISSN: 1313-1850.

This paper discusses the problems with the creation and implementation of the

web-based information systems for inventory of computing devices in large

company with workplaces, situated in different locations. Such information system

(IS) is required to provide information about the location and the computer devices

for inventory, the material responsible person, inventory products, etc. The paper

presents a web-based inventory IS for computer networks devices in the offices of

the regional post office – Dobrich. For the implementation of the IS are

synthesized MySQL queries to issue information about the inventory products.

User interface of the web-based IS is developed by HTML and PHP.

Page 42: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

42. Василева, С., И. Рофетова. (2014) Возможности CMS Joomla для

реализации корпоративного сайта отеля. Сборник научных трудов по

материалам IV Международной научно-практической конференции

Теоретические и прикладные аспекты современной науки, 31 октября

2014, (Часть I), Агентство перспективных научных исследований

(АПНИ), Белгород, Россия,. с. 97-102. ISBN 978-5-9906029-1-5 (Часть I)

Available at: http://issledo.ru/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Sbornik-4-1.pdf

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=22669856

Системы управления содержимым (Content management systems - CMS)

автоматизируют и облегчают процесс добавления и изменения содержимого

в Web сайтах, организацию, контроль и публикацию большого числа

документов и другого содержания, как например изображений и

мультимедийных ресурсов. CMS обеспечивают возможность управления

структурой сайта, внешним видом опубликованых страниц и навигацией для

пользователей. Это делает системы управления контентом предпочитаемыми

для специалистов разных областей человеческой деятельности, у которых нет

умения программировать (особенно в web программировании), но которые

хотят публиковаться в Интернете. Огромное число компаний выносит свой

бизнес в интернет и это является обязательным для маленьких семейного

типа отелей. В докладе представлены возможности CMS Joomla! для

конструирования сайта отеля. Рассмотрен пример морского хостела


Page 43: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

43. Юсню, Г., С. Василева. (2014) Информационна система за

мониторинг на произведената продукция в лабораторни изпитания.

Сборник научни трудове „МАТТЕХ 2014”, Том I, 21-22 ноември 2014,

Университетско издателство “Епископ Константин Преславски”,

Шумен, с. 155-160. ISSN: 1314-3921.

The paper considers some problems of the design and implementation of web-

based information systems (IS) for monitoring the output in laboratory tests. Such

IS are used to automate the activities of information services for laboratory tests

and to increase the efficiency of the company and its staff. Usually such IS each

year need updating system information, which is extremely expensive process.

Therefore the problem of the development of IP service testing laboratory

company as factory "Plastchim" - city. Tervel (featuring a distributed web-based

IS) requires the search of new and effective solutions. Such a solution is presented

in this report - developed by means of PHP web-based IS to optimize the

information services of the laboratory tests and to support decision making.

Page 44: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

44. Iliev, I., S. Vasileva. (2014) An Innovative Approach: Electronic

Textbooks By CMS Drupal. International Journal of Technology and

Educational Marketing (IJTEM), July-December 2014, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp.18-27.

ISSN: 2155-5605 Available at:

http://www.readcube.com/articles/10.4018%2Fijtem.2014070102 URL:


The Content management systems (CMS) automates and facilitates the process of

adding and modifying the contents of the Web sites, organization, control and

publication of a large number of documents and other content, such as images and

multimedia resources. CMS is attractive for specialists in various fields of human

activity who want to publish on the Internet, but have little knowledge in computer

programming and web-programming in particular. The article views some

opportunities provided by CMS Drupal for designing and making electronic

textbooks, in an example of electronic textbook on Spreadsheets.

Page 45: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

45. Станков, K., С. Василева. (2014) Применение информационных

технологий в обучении по методике физического воспитания. Сборник

научных трудов по материалам V Международной научно-практической

конференции Теоретические и прикладные аспекты современной науки,

(Часть VI), 30 ноября 2014, Агентство перспективных научных

исследований (АПНИ), Белгород, Россия, с. 198-203. ISBN 978-5-9906141-0-

9 (Часть VI) Available at: http://issledo.ru/wp-

content/uploads/2014/12/Sbornik-5-6.pdf URL:


Компьютерная техника и информационные технологии (ИТ) являются

существенной частью современной технической культуры человека.

Интегративные связи между информационными технологиями и физическим

воспитанием (ФВ) почти отсуствуют в образовательной системе Болгарии.

Существует очень малое число примеров вопреки большим возможностям

использования ИТ. В учебном плане специальности „Педагогика начальных

классов и иностранный язык” в Колледже Шуменского университета

изучается обезательная дисциплина „Теория и методика физического

воспитания” (в V семестре). Это обязывает преподавателей

неинформатизационных дисциплин использовать в определенной степени

компетенции студентов в области информационных технологий во время

усваивания нового учебного материала, в самостоятельной подготовке, в

проверке и оценивании знаний, умений и др. Цель настоящей работы -

представить некоторые возможности ИТ для усваивания нового учебного

материала в упражнениях и для проверки и оценивании знаний, умений и

компетенций студентов, способом теста с электронными таблицами (ЭТ) и

апостериорным анализом дидактического теста.

Page 46: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

46. Горанова, M., С. Василева. (2014) Экспериментальное исследование

некоторых идей об использовании интерактивных технологий для

формирования положительной мотивации в обучении по

Информационным технологиям в IX-XII классах, Сборник научных

трудов по материалам VI Международной научно-практической

конференции Теоретические и прикладные аспекты современной науки

(Часть VI), 31 декабря 2014, Агентство перспективных научных

исследований (АПНИ), Белгород, с. 52-57. ISBN 978-5-9906141-7-8 (Часть

VI) Available at: http://issledo.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Sbornik-6-6.pdf

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=22937442

В статье представлены некоторые авторские идеи о формировании

положительной мотивации у учащихся средних школ путем использования

интерактивных технологий в обучении по дисциплине Информационные

технологии (X класс, профориентированное обучение). Использован метод

ролевых игр в качестве интерактивной модели, которая вовлекает,

ангажирует учеников, повышает их активность, делает их ответственными за

результаты их обучения. Проведен психолого-педагогический эксперимент,

который оценивает влияние интерактивного обучения на поляритетный

профиль школьников. Результаты потверждают положительное влияние

элемента игры на интерес к учебному предмету, на качество и культуру

общения школьников и его превращание в предпосылку для модернизации и

повышении качества обучения.

Page 47: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

47. Илиева, К., С. Василева. (2015) Разработка поисковых форм для

информационной системы обслуживающей научную библиотеку.

Сборник научных трудов по материалам VII Международной научно-

практической конференции Теоретические и прикладные аспекты

современной науки, (Часть II), 31 января 2015, Белгород, Россия, ISBN:

978-5-9906355-0-0 (Часть II) с. 154-161. Available at: http://issledo.ru/wp-


URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=23046078

В статье обсуждаются некоторые аспекты разработки информационной

системы обслуживающей пользователей Научной Библиотеки

Добруджанского Земледельческого Института – Генерал Тошево. Научная

Библиотека хранит богатый библиотечный фонд содержащий ценную

информацию для аграрной науки в Болгарии и в мире (над 33 тыс.

библиотечных единиц). Цель спроектированной информационно-поисковой

системы – помочь в поиске научных публикаций, диссертаций, книг и других

видов ценных библио-течных материалов связанных с аграрной наукой.

Информационная система такого типа оптимизирует исполнение обычных

(будничных) библиотечных процессов в каждой биб-лиотеке, а также

сэкономила бы время научных сотрудников в поиске нужной информации.

Page 48: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

48. Василева С. (2015) Возможности Расширенного редактора GPSS

WORLD для создания учебных имитационных моделей Сборник научных

трудов по материалам VIII Международной научно-практической

конференции Теоретические и прикладные аспекты современной науки,

(Часть III), 27 февраля 2015, Белгород, Россия, с. 27-32. ISBN: 978-5-

9906520-2-6 (Часть Available at: http://issledo.ru/wp-


URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=23091284

В статье обсуждаются некоторые аспекты использования среды

имитационного моделирования GPSS World и ее специального добавления –

Расширенного редактора для создания демонстрационных моделей и

использования в обучении студентов. Классиче-ское применение

имитационного моделирования – для исследования систем. Однако но-вые

разработки к GPSS World и „окна наблюдения‖ системы подсказывают о

больших возможностях GPSS для создания имитационных моделей с

учебной целью. В работе представлены примеры использования

демонстрационных возможностей Расширенного редактора GPSS в обучении

студентов по Операционным системам.

Page 49: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

49. Culciar, A., S. Vasileva. (2015) Simulation studies of the implementation

of Centralized two-phase locking in DDBMS. Proceedings of the 29th European

Conference on Modelling and Simulation ECMS 2015, May 26th – May 29th,

2015, Albena (Varna), Bulgaria, pp. 107-114. ISBN 978-0-9932440-0-1

URL: http://www.scs-europe.net/dlib/2015/2015-0107.htm Available at:



One of the most important problems in distributed database systems is the

concurrency control. This paper considers algorithms simulating the

implementation of centralized two-phase locking (2PL) in distributed database

systems and simulation results. It describes specifically the simulations of two-

version 2PL and 2PL with integrated timestamp ordering mechanism. In

concurrency control method 2PL may take place deadlocks of the transactions.

Therefore, in the modeling algorithms described here are integrated algorithms for

deadlock avoiding: two-version architecture of database and timestamp ordering

strategy “wait-die”. There are also presented, the results of the simulations of these

two variants of the 2PL method at different scales of the networks for the

transmission of data and at different intensities of inflow transactions. Modeling

algorithms are developed by means of the system for simulation modeling GPSS

World Personal Version..

Page 50: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

50. Vasileva, S. (2015) Simulations of the implementation of primary copy

two-phase locking in distributed database systems. COMPUTER MODELLING

& NEW TECHNOLOGIES 2015, 19(4B), pp. 17-23. ISSN 1407-5806

http://www.cmnt.lv/upload-files/ns_39brt003-CMNT1904-822_.pdf Available at:


This paper considers algorithms for concurrency control in Distributed database

(DDB) systems. Below are the simulating models of the implementation of two-

phase locking (2PL) in DDB. From four types 2PL in DDB (Centralized 2PL,

Primary copy 2PL, Distributed 2PL and voting 2PL) is viewed Primary copy 2PL,

as this protocol is a "transitional" protocol of Centralized 2PL to the Distributed

2PL. The paper describes specifically the simulations of two-version 2PL and 2PL

with integrated timestamp ordering mechanism. In concurrency control method

2PL may take place deadlocks of the transactions. Therefore, in the modelling

algorithms described here are integrated algorithms for deadlock avoiding: two-

version architecture of database and timestamp ordering strategy “wait-die”. There

are also presented, the results of the simulations of these two variants of the 2PL

method at different scales of the networks for the transmission of data and at

different intensities of inflow transactions. Modelling algorithms are developed by

means of the system for simulation modelling GPSS World Personal Version.

Page 51: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

51. Горанова, М., С. Василева. (2015) Самостоятелна работа и

междупредметни връзки с Английски език и География и Икономика.

Годишник на Висше училище по Мениджмънт, Том VIII, Единадесета

Международна Научна Конференция "Образованието – Фактор за

икономически растеж и развитие на човешкия капитал", 26 юни 2015,

ВУМ, Добрич, стр. 133-138. ISSN: 2367-7368.

Целта на доклада е да покаже някои възможности за реализиране на различни

междупредметни връзки (информационни технологии, английски език и

география и икономика) в средното училище. Чрез многопосочни

вътрешнопредметни и междупредметни връзки се цели създаване на основа

за комплексен подход при решаване на конкретни проблеми от практиката,

от заобикалящата ни реалност. Разгледани са примери, разработвани за

часовете по информационни технологии в IX клас профилирано обучение.

Page 52: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

52. Василев, Д., Д. Иванова, С. Василева. (2015) Некоторые

возможности CMS для использования студентами в ВУЗе, Сборник

научных трудов по материалам III Международной научно-

практической конференции Современные тенденции развития науки и

технологий, (Часть I), 30 июня 2015, Белгород, Россия, с. 45-52. ISBN: 978-

5-9906900-7-3 Available at: http://issledo.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Sb_k-

3-1.pdf URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=23818729

В докладе представлен двухлетний опыт использования систем управления

содержимым студентами и поддержки со стороны преподавателей

созданного образовательного сайта обслуживающего студентов

специальности „Информатика и информационные технологии”.

Рассматриваются возможности систем управления содержимым Moodle и

WordPress, которые не только поппулярные и доступные, но и с их помощью

можно легко создать образовательный сайт для дистанционного обучения.

Page 53: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

53. Vasileva, S., A. Culciar. (2015) Options of the Extended Editor of GPSS

World for creating demonstration models in Operating systems. Proceedings of

the Science and Information Conference 2015, July 28-30, 2015, London,

United Kingdom, pp. 421-425, ISBN: 978-1-4799-8546-3, Abstract available at:




Modern users of the simulation modeling systems pose to these programming

environments the following requirements: Automation of the entire action of the

simulation study (or at least the majority); Maintenance of the modern information

technology for storing and processing data for organizing the calculations the

collective and the remote processing, etc.; Providing the researcher with

convenient visual and customizable interfaces for interaction with the model. This

paper examines some new proposals of application of the extended editor of GPSS

World to the development of models with educational character, to demonstrate

and visualize the algorithms for process’ synchronization which is studied in

subject Operation systems..

Page 54: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

54. Богданова, Г., С. Василева. (2015) Проектирование и реализация m-

Learning приложения. Сборник научных трудов по материалам V

Международной научно-практической конференции Современные

тенденции развития науки и технологий, (Часть II), 31 августа 2015,

Белгород, Россия, с. 6-12. ISBN: 2413-0869 Available at: http://issledo.ru/wp-


Интеллигентные мобильные устройства становятся все более популярными,

и таким образом набирает силу и новый метод обучения называемый m-

learning или мобильное обучение. Путем использования новых мобильных

устройств и мобильных приложений, мобильное обучение имеет большие

возможности облегчить как индивидуальное, так и групповое обучение,

развивая при этим творческое мышление обучаемых и способов усваивания


Page 55: Резюмета на представените работ舦 · systems (DDBMS), conflict saturated events. The paper views a model of a variant of the protocol for PL with

55. Dimitrov, D., S. Vasileva. (2015) Some opportunities of CMS OpenCart to

realization of e-shop. Proceedings of the International Conference on

Application of Information and Communication Technology and Statistics in

Economy and Education (ICAICTSEE - 2014), October 24 -25th, 2014, UNWE,

Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 413-420. ISSN: 2367-7635 (PRINT), ISSN: 2367-7643

(ONLINE). URL: http://icaictsee-2014.unwe.bg/history/ICAICTSEE-2014.pdf

The Content management systems (CMS) automate and facilitate the process of

adding and modifying the contents of the Web sites, organization, control and

publication of a large number of documents and other content, such as images and

multimedia resources. This makes the Content Management Systems attractive for

specialists in various fields of human activity who want to publish on the Internet,

but have little knowledge in computer programming and in particular web-

programming. Therefore CMS OpenCart recently is preferred by companies that

extend their business with the development of their e-shops. The report considers

some of the capabilities of CMS OpenCart design and creation of e-shops. We

have considered an example of e-shop for computer techniques and accessories.