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- - . --t- . . . . , . .. . . . _ ' - 'oil . . . I - ( . , tJ 4 * , , ; l- 'j Jo" . : . , - " . ' . . .. . .,. .. . .. . . . . . _ . _ . _ . . _ . . . . . . . . . . " . I > . . . , . . , . , " iJ . !.. . " " ' " - 'III'- " r- ' ' 6i . ' "" ) . . - . .H..o..h . - _ . . . .J ' - - . - . . ' - : . ' " . . . . $- _ _ _ ' . . , . , .j. , . . . _ - " t _ . . _ . - . " . . . ! . , , , ' . . . . : ' . " . . u. " " " ' : _ ' f" I wer " r . . THE OMAHA , DAILY BEE. . . - . . . , . , Esrl'ABJ.ISlID JUNE ID , ] 871 OlLIA , 1IONDAY 1ORNIN'G AUGUST 20 , 1895. SINGLE OOI'Y FIY1 GENTS. FRANCE DOWN TO BUSINESS Ready t Discuss - the Wailer Ono in a Friendly Spirit , I KO DEMANDS NOR DISAGREEMENTS YET the I'rINoncr wih'c- lcrclCc to the Legal l'hnNel 01 IIN SIIlcll )' 'rrlitl and . 'PAnS , Aug 25.LeMatin has an Inter- ' wih Henry Vlgnaud , secretary of the -b United States embassy , on the subJc of the Wailer case M. Vlgnaud denied that there was any question yet of demands nor dis- agreement between France anti Ameria. "Ambaseador Eust9 , " saId : i. Vlgnaud , the present ha only Isled for the produc- tion - of the documents connected with the- cae , which sere mlslal1 during the voyage from Madagiscar. Newton II. Eusts , second secretlry of the embassy and son of the 1m- burador - , goes to Clalrvaux today with the legal advIser of the embJsy to Interview Ir- .Walor. . . France Is discussIng the mater In a. friendly EpIrIt , and , the friendly relations . are unimpaIred. No disagreement has arisen or could arise on this subject. " LONDON , Aug. 25.Tho Paris correspond- ent - of the Daily News says : The Wailer affair ought to teach the French the danger of thick revled espionage law. America vlll protect wih seine firmness this convictedP- RY lS I he were a white man. The spy. law , lS now stands , Is barbarous , and , France should feel obliged to America far giving this demonstration of Its evils. Should n good case lie made out . It Is believed that the court martial which sentenced'alior will be dlsa 'owe- l.IrJESCI , . AIOLOHIZI U . ' ) Lookeil Like 'Frmubl , , for n Time nt . ' ( I 11 CU" '. . 'i. ., WASHINGTON , Aug. 2.Actlng Secretary ) JlcAdoo ! , In view of what has been published concerning the refusal of the Castnl to sa- lute - the French lt Tamltave , Madagascar , decided to make the facts In tile case vubhlc. Commander Perry Informed the Navy de- .partment - sonIc time ago that lie did not sa- lute the French hag at Tamatave , and of " our treaty with Madagascar by which we had recognized that government as controlling the entIre Island , , and that lS there was no- representative of the native government here at Tamatlve . lie could , not salute that gov- ernment - . , and hence he fred no salute what- ever - There was I misunderstanding tetween the French ofcers on shore and the ofllcers on the Castne to grantIng pratique.'hen the frt from the Castine landed the I l miltar ) ' authorities on shore , with a' great dell , attcmpted to prevent the otlicers from approaching or speaking withi Mr. Wetter , our consul and , his party . saying that pratque had not beel given , although Captin had been so Informed { early day The French officers on shore became very much excIted , and , orderell al the AmerIcans back to their boats , one them shoving Paymaster Dent toward the Castines boat and cahitng on the gens d'lrmei to drtre oft the AmerIcans as In- truders . . During the Incident there was great excitement on tIle part of the French repre- sentatives - anti there might have been trouble. but It was , averted by the coolness and good . judgment of Eiislgn George R. flvans and . . Payniaster Dent. Comniander Perry prompt- ly - demander ample and full Ipologles. both to ' and to bus country , for In- suit. The French officers came aboard the Castne the next day and made full and un- reservel apologies for their unadvised be- . Afterward an apology satisfactory to tile consul was offered and acccptcd by blm. This closed the Incident. Cor'n'M X ' ! tluIIU' . WAShINGTON , Aug. : 5.A document re- ceived - at- the State department from Minister Sill at Seoul , Corpn , encloses four new ost- ago stamps. the ilrst ibsuell by Corea for do- metIo . purp ses. The stamps are In bright color anti CRI"'y besides their Engliahi let- tcrlg ) , tvlng their denomination , several Coreln cliaraeters which presumably coti- voy - the same InCormaton to the natives.- They . carry no peculiar Ile"lgns. The stamps are manuCncturea In Wa5hllgton for the Corean governiiient. They range In I : value from I cent. or [ peens, to 10 cents or 60 pocus Mr. Sill says that the Postal bu. t reau Is to be conducted In connection with the telegraphic bureau , and both are In the r department of public . works. - - - - Jlol"lz'IM the : : lnl ; Injured . PARIS , Aug. 25.The name of the conf- dental clerk of Baron Roth chld , who was wounded by the explosion of the InCernal machine cent to the baron on Saturday Is ,Jadkowitz , Instead of Zadkovlz , as before reported 'ho ( surgeons nol ! to the Injured eye of the cleric. ] Ills general condition Is elo Improved I" clothing was rldiled and his body brulstd In several . . ( Jlrard , director of the munIci- pal - laboratory , has made a ( acslmlo of the , . . envelol , which wi ho ent al and "I Itampofccs In endeavor trace the .ende. _____ _ w' ( ) IiuIerit'M 11'nlu'H in , II11 n. WAShINGTON , Aug. 25.Consul GIerl McIvor eC Ianlgwn . Japan , In a dispatch dated July 22 , Informs the department that the total number of deaths from choler In Japan luring H05 UII to July 19 was 4.801 , the nlunhel of cases being 701. In the previous year there were only 311 deaths. Consul General Mclvor also states that owing to the unusual prevalence of choler at Nag- Inlll and , hliogo : riGid InHpecton of the steamship China was she left for San Francisco . A favorable report was made b tIle iihiclan , ! who Inspected the ) vvasI. ________ _ 7 Cliul erie nt h"'foo. 'F WASINlTON , Aug. 25.The State de- partment - - , a cable from Sonsul Reed at Then ' 'ltn stating that the cholera at Chico Foe h G disappoarod- .0 . - - Tlir.r nniii lLITttIIIt CU'I'ICS- .Clu'rr . ) ' Slsteri t lion rds on n GnuJ "f Innlo I"II""M.C- PUUt . HAPI ( . In. , Aug. 25.Speclal ( Tehegram.-Tho ) Ohc'r sltrs , who have boclo Camel ! In this l'Ht : of Iowa hicceuse of their unique performances , gave :11 enter- talnment . a LiPirte lat night. A glng t' rew onions other thinga on the stage : , and a riot followed. The sisters , armed with boards , tuarchied down Into the audience ulil- S . general tight folowcl . durIng h'cl the beards worn used effect. sstcra ! were al arrested. and the little town Is S still In I hubbub of excteriieut. : _ _ 'Vest of : : InvIit- S'ASIIINGTON ;; ;; U"UN. , Aug. 2.A general test and competition h twlel machine guns his been set to begin Monday , September II I , nt Indian : Head. It expected that sIx mlehlne- arms wi enter ( hits contet , three of the six automatic and three not so , the automatIc weapons , ti'lng the Colt , the Maln-NorllenCeh suit the 10tchklS. ! the other belll Oatlnthe , : Inll thp Prat-Whiney. ( that this test shoot two weels , wi contnue __ . __ A.lnmnntnu ut fnhl In .tit nil Iii. WSIIN01'ONUI. 25.Accorihlng to a report Just rceelvct Iho State . .lcrJtnt front Consul GenEral Mareta at MLlbulmie. ' 1 Australia. the mint there receIved 537.:1 ounces of gold during the tlrst iIx lonths L85 , l against IJO , : S ounces for the sale perlo.1 last ) 'par. . CuilieN , . t on n " 'iis'lijIbIi. WA INOTO:1 Aug. 25.4tltant Srcr- etay . , upon ( arrival ! f Secretary La- moot , left for the west on : vacation. : Ir. floe hu . not fully recovered ton : ) his rC'.Dt- tUneu. ILIt.IN3 IS : . XIO VlO1tJIAiL. . () olfnl1 llnmiicruCiiuicteiI fr tmirulcr for 1lllnK I I ( k'tternl %' ernt'gai. MEXICO CITY , Aug. 2 . -The entire ray yesterday was devoted to the gul- Romero duel case . The public prosecutor made I great speech , which was Immediately cried In printed form all over the ciy . lie denounced dueling lS a crime and demanded the punishment of everybady concerned , and declared his conviction that Romero and his seconds laId n deliberate ( raft for Verltlgul and planned that ho should be provoked , Into making a countermand , which rendered his challenge necessary In view of the code. The prosecutor said that Iomero and his secOnd played on the vanity of Vlrasteguls seconds and thus ( the honorabhe , I mnittaken , man was led to make a sacrifice of his le.- He . coittended that General Itoclie should punished for having furnished the pistols lie demanded also that Ir. Preciado soiild be vunished for defying the law. The whole thing was premerltated murder of Verns- .tegll - , the grave dug before he went to the Spanish cemetery to ex'nmnge shots with itomitero.- CLvIl . prosectitimig attorney followed In a speech strongly denouncing Romero , raisIng In uproar In the court. Lawyers for the de- fense - Itomnero's attorney , defending ( his fght as I military titan who has been wounrel by insulting language The case hal gone the jury. Judge lie la Itose occupied two hours In deiivering lila charge to the jury In the Vernstcgtil-itoinero duelln case , finishing at 1 o'clock title moring. The jury rought In- n verdict nt : o'clock The ball of time court was crowded. Time jury brought In a verdict of guilty In the case of Colonel Itomero , and by n majority absolved General itocho and the four seconds , Prlda Castillo , liarreto and Carrello. The public prosecutor asked for n penalty of five years for Itomncro Time Judge , however , sentenced Itomnero to three years ali four months at hard labor In the munici- pal - prison , with liberty to choose the trade he preferreil to work at . He was also sentenced to pay a flue of $1,800 or serve 100 days ad- ditional. Furthermore , he was admonished that If lie ever commltel a similar offense the severest time crIminal code wou1 ho applied to him . judge then sentenced him to pay to time family of Yerasteul for eighteen years time sum of $1,600 t yearly and ale to pay the cost of Verasteguls funeral anl all costs In the case. The severity of the sentence was considered almost extreme , but opinion justified it . Dr. Proclado was absolved tiy time jury. 11Ige de- la Rose then gave notice that the verdict absolving all prisoners except Itomero , was , In his opinion , contrary to the law Inll the evi- dence - , and lie , therefore vouhd send time case to the upper court for Its decision which if unfavorable to time prIsoners vIll result In severe sentences for all of them. The sentence of liomnero estabhishmes a pre- .cedent . that men killing their antagonists In duels vlll have to maintain time of' Camly their victim or remain In prison perpetualy.- COI.I. . .) C'I'IXH . Nit iotiit I nll : ltl"1111 'l'n""H or thnt H"lluhtc XfW 1I'III ( 'aid. { ( OIIII'.I . , ] : h) ' ( Iii' A9oclatpl Irc s. ) MANAGUA , Aug. 25.Time national and municipal taxes on real estate In Nicaragua are now beIng collected amid should largely Increase the revenues. All who nelectel to report In writing over their signatures be- fore - June I , 1S95 , to the proper goverment omcias : a fair estimimate of the value of their property amid full statement of net Ilcom- oellng that date are now having these values by the goverment othhelals and are payIng 10ube : the tax rate. Time Colowlng will In part these taxes : hai 1 per cent on pet Incomes Ild one-hnl 1 per cent to time valu- aton - of the ) . The net Income from sales Is obtained by deductng the usual expenses for clerk hIre amid debts for the merchandise to citizens of Nicaragua resident In this country , foreign Indebtedness not alowed. Onlhal of I per Is collected by the on Incomes from loans the usual discount rates emi what Is commstdered 'Iero first class imper helng 2 to a per cent monthly.- Coffee . estates Ila ) ' 2 cents per poummid on all exported nnd one-hal of Iller cent on time thuatl1'alue estat , equivalent an- Ilal : ) $ i per acre export tax and 23 cents per acre occupaton tax. Many mine owners having give an estimnate of the value of their property , referring to time low price Ut their mueh watered stocks. iii.- thioumgii . they are Iunnlng at full time all their employee and shipping monthly hiuilliomi con- taining - 45 to 90 per cent goll , are now hmav- Ing to pay double rates of taxes. It iI'OIt'l' OI' I I.U'S'II l.t'l' ClOI.- Ue'nlH of thii' nO'rll"lt Esti mutes of tl Yht'hl. IIUDA-l'ESTII , Aumg. 25.Details of the government estimate of the wheat crop of time various Countrles . the total for which was stated In a (lispatchm ! August 23 , shows the following In buhuels : Great Dtlnln ... . . . .. . . ... . 46St.O France .... .. ... . . ..... : OI.13oO Gernmminy . . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. 103r.Oo Austria . . .. . . .... . . . .. . .. 432.0 Italy .. . . . ... .. . ...... . . . S.O ilclglum ... . . . . . . .. . .. .. . 212ji.OO Spain . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . 8Gr SOO- Hussln . . . . . ... . . . .. . .... , . ) llunmgary . ... . . . . ... . . .. . . . IPi.3ll000 India ... . . . . .. . ........ 2i.4m010 ' UmmIteut . States . ........ . .. . 4001.O Conuula- Itotminania ... . . ...... . . . . . . ; . .... . .. . . . . .. .. 1.2,411,00- 0Imulgaria . . .. . . . ...... . .. . r24S2.00 . Turkey ... . . . ... . ... ... . 42r"iO Arientina .. .. . . . . . ... .. . r9J5.0 ( Australia ... . . .. . . .. .. . . . . 3i46O Thic Nethmerlands. SwlzlllnlJ , Dlnmurk. , - gal Greece. together. . ... 29,502,000 Servin .. . . .. . . .. .... . . .. 8rt.0 I . . .... . . . . . ... .... . . . A , . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 4711.0 All Asia , except Iuidlut. . . .... . . j,95O Total . . ..... . ..... . . . . ... . . . .2402671000 AU 1n.1 , . to l'res.ii t Out rages.L- ONDON. . . Aug. 26.Time Berlin corre- spontlent of the Stltafl telegrphs to that paper that the news that France will Join England In whatever steps mya lie neces- sary - to stop time massacre of Corelgner In China , has . Induced omo Germans newspaper to express the hope that Germany hikeie. Gernmaay has n largo squadron In Chinese waters. ( 'h'uJ hIIUlr ,' ' ( .i3 ' Nin' . LONDON Aus. 26.A dispatch to the Times from Shanghai says time Chmeug in- uiry . has proceeded since dnesdJY with 11 the member of the consular commls- .slonHI - vreesnt. but time progress Is slow. Time ulspatch adds that a : lahomletan re- hellion hiss broken omit In ! of ICnsu ali Is flr ) allng seriously . Choh'rl 11 Il'HHlu- .S' . . PET ISnUHG , Aug. 25.Seven doth , front cholera have on hoard occulrel time steamer Balko which arrived lt- Vladlvost'ck August G from Cluc.Foo , China , slnc which time sixteen cases and twelve deaths have occurred lt 'Iadh'oltocl.sea. . lul :1tlnn Iii flhugiuuuuil. LONDON , Aug. 25.A fire blolle out lt- Hanblry hliack Friars , last nIght stub amid bltue all Satuurdy nlht destroy- ing - lie granary stub , the storle for oil , Sllar etunubustibbes. 1h" Iamae amolnt- .el - 100000. _ _____ Ih"'rul' hal ler t""lul llt1t8iO. Aug. exploslomu of a hailer oC'lrrul at hue Somaco nmuiil . emu Saturda ) . The premises were Iestroye. Five punot were killed and ouud t.llln hi'uuuit'rs : ; rresu.l llOMt , Aug . 25.The ui'urmes and . p- ole - surrounded the of , and arrcei . forty-two ummemubers of Mafia 5'che'I5t- on charges of murder anl other outrJl Ih.nh'n'nut i'.ii'r 1'11'11 I ) ' uutlveM . IHI'SSILS.uS. 25.Lieutenant Pelzer.- lh' . - flrig'an ' olcf commanclng the Katsi- cI 'rit t rf tae Congo district , hu bee k'ileG ; wil" lighting the uth.t. NEW YOR'S { ' DRIEST SUNDAY Police and Their Agents Manage to En- force - the Law , - fORTY THOUSAND READY TO PROTEST Active l'r llnrltouN for Ouie of tIme Greatest Jel.HIUH'rntouM Ever W'1tiist'1 In thnt CU )' UcuJ Muude. NEW YORK , Aug. 25.Thls was probably the drIest Sunday In the history of the mnuni- cipality-at any rate the police ofclals all report to that effect. In spite of the promises of the Wine and Liquor Dealers' association that they would urge all members of that body to close their saloons today Instead of waiting until next Sunday , the police In no wise relaxed their vigilance and men In unt- forums were statoned lt tIme doors of all suspected places An army of police olcer In citizens' attire were on the constant look- out . for violators of the law. The saloon keepers were extraordinarily vigilant ant sumpicious of any one In senrch of a glass of beer or whisky In several instances arrests of saloon keepers for In- terferIng - with otcers were made. In (. .- J.dllon - to the member of the department there were many who hail volunteered to assist the polce In searching out evidences of violatons the law by notylng time captlins saloons believed doIng bun ss. Smiperlutenujent Dormett of the Park- hurst society was early on deck anti floated about the east sub of the town , while mem- .bers . of time Ciy Vigilance league and miueiim- hers of ole the tempcrance societies of several of the fashionable churches were ac- th'c. ActIve preparations are being made for the parade and demonstration to be held Sell temmmber 25 and 26 under the auspices of the United Societes of time Liberal Sunray Laws. The have up to tme agreet to participate In the parallo represelt membership of about 40000. There will be divisions of singers , turners and schutzen , besides social. benevolent and trade organiza- ( Ions. An Iddress to the ptmbhlc has ben issueul by Ole Kempnmor , chairman of conmnmlttee on agitation , recitIng the elorts of time society to secure I local from the last legl lature. It complains that time police commissioners , Instead of constru- Ing the present statute In I liberal spirit . torture It Into a "justification of In oppres- dye polce crusade against personal rights and In Invsion of the consttutonal guaran- tee - of religious . all citizens to joIn the 1.lberty day' celebrai- on. - ( . 0 KILLING OF DISIlI ). Story of the Slnulh h'r In Oregon I'rohnhl' u Iul" . . , Ore. , Aug. 25.Diamond val- ley - the scene of the reported killing of four- teen flammnock lndianu , Is sItuated In the southeastern corner of Oregon. Durs , the county seat of Ilarney county , Is 150 mIles distant from Ontario , time nearest telegraph oittce. Ontario Is a smnl station on the Oregon Short LIne . , rIai border between Oregon and Idaho. The news Is not credited I here , as It Is not known that any ilannock Indians were In that vicinity. No flrther clews has been received con- corning reported massacre of fourteen Bannock Indians In DIamond valley by cat- tisimmenm. At Ontario the nearest telegraph office to tIme scene or the reported trouble , It Is belIeved there Is sonic truth In the rumnor but umo further informmmatlon can he secured until the arrival of the stage tomorrow night. There Is a daily stage froimu Ontario lieppner and Baker City to Dur! , the county seat o- CHarey county , but time scene of the reported masEcre Is more than 100 miles southeast oC- Burns. . Burns Is 150 mmuiles fromuu Ontario and It requires about forty-eighmt hours for time stage to make the journey. 'Itytm" Snumith , said to be the leader of the Cowboys Is known to be a bad character. If time flanimock Indians were In that vicinity they were there for the T purpose of hUltn- g.'II . lt nUl li.t1VS 10PE LiiS. ' 1'0'Un"HM"M h'Vhmouu lit , 1 "I."ct"- to ' ' ' " )Iu 'h. SAN FItANCISCO , Aug 25.The attorneys for Theodore Durrant have two witnesses , Marina Durnett and Edward McPherson , by whom they expect to prove that their client was on Market street at the moment when the prosecution InsIsts that a fiendish murderer was mutiatng the body of time dead girl In the library of Emanuel church. Durrlnt- hlmsel will trace hilts movements on that night , when hue claims to hlve taken the records aumd time money of the Christan Endeavor society down town. Durett McI'herson will testify that they saw time book under his arm when ho was down town , anb entries In time book Itself wi prove that luo colected dues from some the mem- bers - . Vogel's house- .It . Is now admnitted that Durrant's first story of his nioveunents on time night MinnieVil - llamas was murdered , when lie said lie went to time armory , Is untrue . He started for the sIgnal corps armory , but became absorbed In the Christian Endeavor accounts which he carried wlh him antI S rode on down. 1S'lBHS lOAUS %%' , ; ' ( ' 1' ALL. Tack Tno nolnI. Onto Inr""Ht lix.- euursiun . lu'eH 'l'h'lr 1errIt.ur ) ' . ChICAGO , Aug. 25.Conslderable friction Is likely to result between the Central Traffic association and the Western Lines Passenger association over the harvest excursions. The roads II the later organization made a rate of one fare plus $2 , and agreed to divide the $2 wIth time lines of the Central Traffic as- sociatlon. ThIs does riot satisfy the latter roads however , and they have decided to have al of the $2 to themselves. They do- cider make their rate one fare plus $2 up time western gateW8s. This action on their part 1 make time rate from eastern terrLory one fare plus H , but the proba- ! that nine-tenths of the purchasers wlii not understand the arrangement , and when called upon to give up the extra $2 before having their tickets exchanged will raise trouble and blame the western roars for lines. what Is entirely the fault of tie _ Intl'"H Otumosed to i'ullntnueut. AnD IORE , I. T. , Aug. 25.Delegates from the Chickasaw and Choctaw nation met tk conventon at WIllow Springs yesterday 1' response a popular call and adopted reso lutons strongly declaring thenmsolves unah- terbly opposed to the aliotmnent of their , as proposed by the Dawes commhs- lon. - . Tha resolutions Implore time legislature to pass laws luklng It Impossible to create such a change , declaring that their present conditIon Is au they desire . and they do not want to change the conditon for one of "mIsfortune ! precutIon. " which thy believe would follow the 11roposel flew order of things. Time csrryiimg the desires of tile nawes conumnission , they say , would mean an overthrow of their gO- Y.erment . and the oblterJton of all govern. ment patents to . . C , ('Iun" I'rcdit.teui. hAVANA , Aug. 25.At 1 a. m. a cy- clone , a warning of which was sent out from here on Friday , will ( robably , l'ns our meridian , entering the Gulf of Mexico this t evening In the neighborhood of the Yucatan cans I. Vuelta .hajo will feel strong winds from the right - of the . trJck of the cyclon . In ( iii' Ih''nt .r 1 :1"11 Iumgtmgeuuuvmt.- VAS1 . I1NGTON , Aug. 25.Commodore Ty- "nl chief of time medical bureau of time Navy department , ha prepared , and Senc- tar )' herbert has approved , an order makIng regulations for the care of the wounded In naval engageniente . The new order Is to re- move wounded men from ( tie deckl to the surgeon's room rapldlr . " WiY 1Olsn - ANn ilS wl n num C1INC of thc SIIlhlc fC tha.CN Moines : llu nUl ills 1rht . NEW YOn , Aug. 25.ToWorld tomor- row will says : The reason why Louis liani- mend and his wife of two weeks concluded to end theIr hives by taking chloral In noston was umadec lear today by Ilamniond's former partner , Irving ldittncr , and by Mrs. Jehn 0' Donnel , the wife or an engIneer. ra. O'Donnel and her daughter appear to have only Intluate frIends Mrs. 11am- month hiatt. Mr. Dtner mu In the perfumery businese. Ito gave the following ac- count - of his business relaiona wih llamnmond'e : were together busIness about seven months. llammnond was a pecullr fellow and woull seldom tak : affairs. I know Is that he came fronu Dee Moines Ia ., and ti at hIs father and mother were ulead. Saturday , JUly 27 , I bought hammond out. Wo 111' solved partnershlll and on time following day I that on tIme Fri.iay IJevouR ! , hue haul drawn from the bank I conEderble Imount of immoney belonging to . took no legal steps against. hIm . Mayhrn I should have lone so . If I eoull have found iilmn. In all probability , Ias the tear of this which drove him to sllc1le. I can't see however , how ho could imaveJueen so quickly bankrupt unless he spocuiafe r. " Mrs. O'lommnell and MIss Donnel explain Mrs. llammmnmonul's nnteceden follows : ' 'Mrs. Ilaimmimmonul's . mother , lhuo Is a trained nurse , Is a wilow. Kathiryniwas for n time n Newark , eying with her sister Then she studied enoJrPh ) " , In last she came to lIve : . O'Oon- Apri . In time fail sue got I ace , but lost It when winter came. Then s e went to her mother and asked for shuei r because site dId not want to burden us I uy longer. ler mother , she InCormed us , I d sIte hall room for him. Site came ack ammO said : 'They are lost to mile forever never let them know what happens to mime , fI die keep It froums thuem I beleve I woul rise out of my collln if I )' were near. ' Ont of work , frienulless except for s. It seems site cluing to thIs man lammond s a last refuge , and when that Caled , p I to die. " ( ( 1.tY , ' . : II' : Q COUItT.- F'lgimt . fur Coot mi iii 'emismsIvuusuImi lteeoiuc's 1Iet't'limigl ) ' In tenH" . IAllISnUHG , I'a , Aug4 25.Chalrman Gikeson of the republican ftate commIttee has made up time roll of dHegates to time coming state convemution. wuichm win meet Wednesday. It now seems p obabl that the contest for time chlirmanshll or time state commItee wi ho carried time courts In the rorm of In action on behalf of Senator Quay to compel Chairman Gikeson to sur- render - the books and papers comummnl- ttee. - . Time members of that body will huobul . I meeting tomorrow lt which a resolution will be adopted requesting Mr. Gikeson to attend Ind assist In preparing time rlof delegates. lie likely refuse . aud then It Is pro- posed - that time commitee elect T. D. Cooper temporary . " ' steps will be then taken to compel Glkeson to surrenuler time books . and arm ludltlg cmmltee will be- appoimited. This prorm will probably be carrel oult without opposition . lS It Is tile time iiastimmgs people to I ignore any acton time state commitee may tnke Time rapidly fllnOg up with polltl- clans from every part state , who have conic to the city to take part In or witness the exciting scenes that are expected to take place when time convention assembles. There are also present a hummmber ur the mnnmnbrs of the state comnummittee . "Jo'l -I eft - morrow's session of thlt : ' The result or the contest for time state chairmanship Is stIll In doubt Doth sides claim they will win but neither faction i 1lIln to make public the figures upon which 'Uley'base their Prediction. Chairman Gikeson and David Martin ar- rived tonight .he guests of Governor hastings. Senator Quay keeps close to his quarters In the Loelmiel , and Lieutenant Go- veror - Lyon Is here alrlnl the enator II rounding up hits the cQmlng bat- tie. } < 11 I.UIUIJ lA ttmBQ.- DrllHh . Lender Iv.'ii n nlnncr In NuYork ( 'ia. NEW YORK , Aug. 25.nelr : ilardie , the British socialist and ex-mnemmmber of - Ilra- ment , was given n din her tonight by the Central Labor federation at l.abQr lyceum.- In . a speech Mr. Ilardie said that Ie was glad to meet face to face time men and women ot America who are carryiimg the red fag of socialsm on to certaIn vlctor lie hoped hi to this country would Imeip the so- movement use much 'as he knew It would help him personally , and , as a result . the movement In England Mr. Ilardle In speaking of the criicisms which have been mumade In i4nglamud country regarding the coun of the socialist poet , Viiihummm Morris I , tn rjfustmmg to Issue cheap editions of his poems so that tIme per peope : to whom t'ncy would mmaturahly appeal could enjoy them , said thumut 1 I' his opinion Mr. MorrIs did not deserve the rlticismns show- ered - upon kIln. lie thought might pursue the same course under slmla conditions. Mr. Morris wrote hula the satsfacton or huts higher sensibilities. hey measure personal and for him self alone. Un- der . the present course they vould reach the woaltumy , who otherwise umi ght not muotice them , and really do more t an If they were scattered broadclet. There were 150 delegates t the table and Ernest lloohmmm , correspond secretary of the federation , presided. 0 * IIIIOUGIL'l' ' 11th CHINS II TO 'I'13tIi , 1"lr 'llncrH AU'n. time Trlnl of time hinter . NEW YORK , Aug. 25.- ' ue WorM prInts time following cable : FOOCIO ' ' , China , Aug. . . -Flrmness has brought the Cimineso to tu ma Foreigners are now preent at the trim of the persons 1m plca tel In time attacks u on mmiissionarles. Time Chinese ofclals afford every facity to the foreign commisIoners o . of the Chinese who had 1 ii ud In the mas- sacre - lt I1washan have en convite,1 ; , oC- murder. . New arrests are i ado . oo- chow is quiet. What was r rnrtcd abroad a new massacre was only a , peal riot. ( aIDI : ' ( w'ORICEUS X , S'l'ltIICII. I'iftu'emu Ituindredito u'Mf'r Unll- nh'l : h'rH ( t ni '('ii ShIII- H.ROCIEST . I N. Y. , Au 25-One of the greatest labor struggles ew waged between employers and employes 1 Ian last night , when 1,500 members of th . V led GUlent Worllers' associatlort went ' . Un- 1 less the bosses concede tim Im demands the tlntahiera and buton bole men , numumbeuing another . said be ready to go out , and time difficulty wll affect 8.000 Ia- borers. - . Time strikers demand that all shops simahi be strictly unionized . that wages shmahl be paid weekly and a general anmielioratlon of their commdittomis . There were no disturbances today. . _ 0- ' ( ' nmusiui'.i time 'Veuielers. W.AHOO , Aug. 25.Sp ( eitti.The Inst- tute closeut yesterday aud' the the afternoon undertook to gJve : time printers or the town n few pointers In time art of hal uiaIng . 'l'lue printers . Jmave two or mCI who are No 1 anti they Ctuused son a sicklUl over- spread - the of pedmmgogueus. The score begun to run dim , that at the cn,1 or the ieventli the birch wielders tIe- cluleul - to tiuiit In order to smuve their reimunat- iomiu. - . Score , 16 to 5 , In favor or ririnters. Time ColowlnH : Is n cart or time saul ' story : hits : lrlltfrS 22 ; 'teachers , 4. flatteries : ' ! , ford , Mauek and l'helOI ; Irlnterl : tcClaln , Lenmnster arid . * : . and Feta 1l : by Crawford and Mauck , 3. Umpire : Clark. l'huiuik 'I'iiey ' ' "' ( hr. Fruikcr . KANSAS CITYI Aug. 25.A special to the Times from Moberly , lila. , says ; man ar- , rested here I claimed by local authorities to tie tIme mining Or. George W. I'rlkerh. . was supposed t3 have been drcwnel - eelor : Spring. In 1804 , snub reist yes several Insurance companies recntly palt an ggrecate of 5800. Time man ! p'U th name of C. T. lal It II known he baa gone under the ala of larry George INIGITS TE ILAR COI1AND Boston Flooded with Delegations from Al Pars of the Country . WESTERN PILGRIMS GIVEN AN OVATION Gol11en Gate Couiimmmnmuiit'r' limiter the I'nrlll. , 'lt 1 YounG ClnU1lOl hour 1'11 Cr'n to n- SeuMlton. . BOSTON , Aug. 2Local eommamlerles Knights Templlr hlvo been on the alert all day looking after time welfare anti comnfort of their ' knights who have been cent- tog In at intervals , some of them after long and tedious journeys fromn time south anti west. The trains , with one exception , were frommi one to three hours late , but when ( the belated knights arrived , theIr welcome was such that any discomforts they had cmi- countered was more titan Itonell for. At time Union staten a scene was presented that hal never been witnessed lii this city on I Sabbath before The vast crowds of spectators , who cheered each new delegation , numberel far Into time thousands , mind time strains of musIc from many bands onlvenel the "h tetlous ._ . . . Wli. . , . ,. llnn . , , n. . .i. . ,. n.n. , n ' . , " , 0' " _ . < b" " " a u. . ' . .u- uPlchburg roa,1'as the Pltsburg com- mander - ) which numbered 10 anti their ladles . They were mmiet with the Masonic ho ors and escorted to hueadquiarters. The Askalow conmimmnnulery brought seventy kimights and Ildies from St. Lauis. Time chIef arrival was i that of Gramid Master McCurdy . who , with 196 knights and ladles front Detroit commmmmmandery , reached here simortly aCer 10 o'clock. This comnnmandery Is noted lS crack regiment In drill con- tests and Is expected to be hearl train In' competition. IOWA WAIUI.Y WEELCOMFD. ThIs afternoons I train of twelve cars con- taming time Iowa delegates was warmly wel- .cored. - . Time Ilclegaten that has exc'tet time most cItizens was the Gollen curiosiy San Francisco , whIch arrl'ed afterimoon. They were recelvet opel arms by an Immeno throng , were es- carted through time by the Boston commantlery. At the head of this parade was a 4-montims-Old cnnarnomm ! bear , whIch munich amusement among tbe spec- CIUO . ills bearship , however , got tired be- fore the end of the route and , imad to drop out. lie wi . be 11 condilon for Tuesra"s parade , During the early evening anti up to mil- night train upon traIn brought In its Iluota. The grand commanrer ) of Iowa. comprising 400 knights Ild'es . Irrlvcj In tIme for a late tea. Time grand comnummandery of Mary- land - was welcomed and escorted to time Von- dome. - . ThIs delegatIon was all from Haiti- more , cnmprinlng 250 knights , accompane : I by a number of ladies. , Tile Detroit com- mandery - of 100 knights and stveny ! ladles was escorted hy the Boston command2ry to the Vem10me. SPECIAL SERVICES HELD. This afternoon a specai Knlghmts Teniplar- nervice was held mm TrinIty church and that ! edifice was crowded by time knights and theIr ladles. The sermon was by Grand Prela'e ] Joseph M. McGrath . le chose for hil text Matthew x , 42 ; "Arid ' ver shall give drink unto one of these little ones , a cupbf cold water only In the name of a disciple verily , I say unto you , lIe shall In no wise lose hs ! reward. " After time service time knights , imoadeI by Grand Master McCurdy . Grand Commandcr- Lawrence and the other dignitaries of the grand encampment , returned In parade to the Tomorrow wIll be time busy day , over 153 beIng to arrive. delegatens scheduler 0 1'0 il11iAI. TO SgCIWI'.Ut' L.tMOT..- i. . . . H. 11. hetersiuimied to 1"Juln' Colummel ruthimisuu's . SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 25.The A. R. U. Is having a controversy wih Colonel Grahuamum commandant nt time presidio , and Interesting developments are likely to ensue. During time great strike at Slcramento last summer t'nited States troops 11 command of Colonel Graham were ordered to time eene to preserve order. Time first train that was rUI out of Sacramento under military guard was wrecked and four soldier killed . A numb oC time A , R. U. leaders were tried for time murder , but were acquitted. The death so- ldier - were burled at the presidio reservaton And their comrades erected a monulenL which stands time inscrIption : lurdered by strikers. " Time AmerIcan Railway union men object to thIs , contenling that the strikers did not murder the soldiers and Colonel Grallm had mme right to put. such an inscrptlcn ; en time monument. No attention was paid to time request of the strikers hy Colonel Graham and at a recent mlss mmseetimug le ) lutons were passer ruesting him to fmove , Colonel has replIed to time ressiutions In rather tart term lie refer to time action of the citizens who adopted them lS treason. able. That its lila jurgment the soldiers were killed by the Inscrlll- ( ion shall stand. The members of time Ameri- can - Ralwayu ! nlon say they wi appeal to ( the secretary of war. . 0 ( Foil :1'II I , IIA't'OS. "HM.rlll limit th. . Omnhn Hlrl InH 1:1"1.0 wlh 111. NEW YORK , Aug. 25.Ietectlves are looking for 10l , an actor and Miss : llbcl Eaton , an actress , lt the Instance of authorities of Peru , where Iloit's wile Is. Mrs. 10lt claims that her husband deserted her and two children and eloped Ih Miss Eaton. TIme couple left Toledo for New York several days ago Miss Eaton was raised , In- Omaha. . . - 'l'gI'G It , tl'hllCIl it 11 V l'l' I 1S. Forest fires at Vlneland N. J. , are rap- ihI ) SIJreadlng- .Flr . at HOlendale , N. Y. , de tro'el $ iO , worth of propel ) . , Most of those Injured In time City of 1'0- ledo accident wilt tile. At Maiden , Mass. D. J , shot lila wife fatally mind killed { iminmelt- .Font' . prIsoners : cH'ape,1 frol the Emllorla , ICan. , jai by sawing time hara John 111 : Inlhcwnlerson were fatally burel thei' , Mich . Atchisn. Tolmelca & Rulta I.'c will he tlln . thu receiver ? hans this Cripple Creel citizens witnessed another bull light Suiuday , In whIch one animal was ! . Governor McKinley atteumdctl services at Chautauqua , N. Y. , anti latc hell :1 In- formal meceimtlon- m.Tiuree . unknown trampa were kilitul ' In a wreck on the Clevehund , AIrn & Columbus- nit Milersimumg- .Thirty : . prisoners In the DetroIt jail thug 1 tunnel man )' feet long and were about escape when discovered. Waiter SI son or Yonll'l all two mmmi- known tral1's ' WNe Idle < railroad ' wreck It , N. James Rouln mind lidward Sc'hmues3hsr of Indianapols fell from a train nl Cedar . , . , were klrr..- Eugene . V. Debs (( nn open lets ter to General CoXoy In which : hue heaps abuse ,on the old political parties. Dr. Jamnisoms Van , piei.lmlcnm of time tieummct Bank of I.olrneno of Newllll , Uld. , has been . Troop II . UnIted States eavumiry , locate1 the renegade limdiumms who left the 'Isct- ; Ioa tn Arizona over time tue II Mlxl. . A Chicago honor Is nuulhuority fur time an- .nouncement . that General SolIcItor of time Santa I'e will o.ellt n 11J. Whim time Milwaukee. lllur 11 ltn Bishop Foley as.ertl that omm his recent trp : through hut found time maues- Indltrent : to home rule and over the factional 14t8. Ilsc.ualcd l'I TIT'r IdNliil Ti : AlnUn : 'r. Northern 1tcihloCus. ' Nomv lit time .11nll or thu Court. SEATTLE , Wash . , Aug. 25.Time Northern Pacific fight on the queston of Judge Jen- klns' jurisdiction In the mater cf ( the up- polntmmment - of time present receivers erd1 In the federal court yesterday , so far lS time ar- gumehts - are concerned , and time court has taken the question under 1lvlsem uit . The feature of time clay's proceedings was time speech mall by Colonel Pett ( , rOluel of the Norther Pacifc company , which lie so- .verely . , time other side. lie mncle one statement which created I sens.UI : In the court roommm lie thm admltell nleltlol that time Nortber pacltc sold : , . of ' to Inn.lccnL . Imeepie ' , when ex-Uniteth States Senator Spooner of counsel 1 for the receivers reummarkeul : "Yes , and you bid on them for Mr. Ires , did )'Oil not ? " Thou Colonel Pctlt ( that im had ammui saId : "I SlPP0511 cortiilc.mtes were not Issued unless ( lacy hall heen ant- hmorlzed - hy courts havIng jcmrisuhictiomm overt- ime ProPerty on which they are supposed to be a liemi . It was only witimImm two weeks that I learned to time contrary " 'Timeiue certificates , " said Pettt , "nrc not a lien on the property IHler case In- which time F'armmmers' Loan amid Trust eompnny was leCendant anti time company plalntl. The these obligatiomus wOlld to depend for theIr pay on courts whIch have jcmrisuhictlon. " . PIGII'l' Ol' 1 1 . IXg ! Ahlt'gel ttuiruIc'm'em's of lliliiumumni- reSIilve1i ' In Close ( luiumrtm'rs . IIANNII1AL. Mo , ttmg. 2 . -1 Is probable that time case against Dr. J. C. Ilearno anti wife , charged with time murder of Wlinm- Stlwel , will bo trIed at time September term , but they wt be arrlgnll and an effort will ho made to secure their release on bail. A motion will also be made to quash the Indictment on account of irregim- larity - of time grand jury's action. The grand jury appointed three of Its members as nn tnvestgatng counnmittee. As members of its member met almost every day and ran almost every clew whie they were procuring evluhence. I Is that time counsel of time defense ask timtt- ime indictmnents hue quashed on this groun- d.I . Is not known what view time judge will on ( this technicality , but niammy are fn- clineti - to thInk lu will give due consider- ation - to It. I'rosectmting Atorney II. Clay Heather declareul , today would be ready to try the case during time September term. Mrs. Ilearne refuses to see any visiors and converses with no one but her , VirginIa D. Todul , who Is charged with the mtmrder of liar ulatughmter. Dr. Ilearno also absolutely refuses bY talk to muewspaper men. lie spends mmmost of his time playing 'sohi- tsire - , " and has already about worn out one deck of carmhs , lie ammul his vife are mmot per- mitted - to hold any conversatiomu together under any circumstances.- SilO'S' . IllS lA1'l'hiLliSS W'IFhi.- almt . : Nuii. Iliutlertucki's 1mm 3lmmruler Ihic' %'omiuiIm ' % ' 1a , lesertc'mi Il liii. Sioux CITY , Aumg. 25.Special ( Teh- egramum.llazel - ) Ilamniommd , aged 18 , was simot through the Imead at 3 d'clock this morning by Max Noak , a laborer fromn Marcus.- Tue . slmootIng occurred a hagnio on I'earl street.'huen Nomlc saw his victlmn billie pu a bali tturomlglm lila own heath , inflicting in- slant death. A lamp which limO beemm overt- uurmied - set fire to ( lie fmirnitpre and the fire- men - , when thmoy entered , vere time first to ds cover the tragedy. Th girl was mmot dead and has a fair to recover , lthicuglu not yet able to makoany statement. Noak was not identified mumitil thmi afternoon. lie imas been 1mm town two weeks.- It . has been learimetl almost certminly this evening timat time lianimnonil womuman was Noak's wife , that lue had beemi endeavoring to induce her to return to hums , and that her rcfueai so enraged him timat he fired. hazel liamummond , or Ora Mimiton , as her right name Is said to be , is bald to have come from Central City , Neb. , wiuere her Par- anita are reported to live. It Is reported bys- oumme that Noak was the womuman'mu half- hrotimer - , ammO by others that hue was her imu- sband. - . Noak fornmerly worked at Grammd Ia- land and Limicoirm. Nob. Time doctors today say ( hue woman mary live- .imuL'rIshr . p itctR 'l'ii i A'1"VitAC'l'lO ? . Vuulkric' I 11 GuueiII'umu it Curiumi- sCros.I itt hIroi1yiu , BROOKLYN , Aug. 25.Never before did such a crowd collect at the celebrated dry docks of time Erie basin as that wimichi gathe- remi - tothmiy. The attrncthomm was tIme Ibritish racing ynchmt , Valhcyrle III. Nearly 8,000 men , women ninth yotitimful cramiks and curl- oils inuhividmmmuluu sven ( clown to see the yacimtt- rnlmty. . Unfortunately , vliiie they found entramice- to tue yard without imindrance , timey could imot see the yacht us they bud imoped , as- her imtiii svamu imemmrly coveretl wiih tariimmtmilns , These cuurtalums had not been himmumg for time purimoso of obstructIng a clear view of the ymch's powerful lines , but for mmmore pract- icrml - reasommut. 'rime stmmm'ml strong rays of 'es- torday - bud blistered iii 51)0(5 time iottead- or lacquer , with wiuichu the ve'sel's itIe- hmatl imecn itrimsimed , mmmi it tam; to iurcvcnt- furimer tuhisterimug tiuat time cloths ere stretcimed. 'J'bmis vi1i cause a shlgimt delay ii- iiioaing ( hue n4tmip tomorrow , nit anotimer coal of lucquem' will , imave to lie lmmt om- m.In . nil othuer wumys'niikl'rme lit is rcutly : to be fionleul , Everytumirmm on deck anti aloft is Iii time neat'st anti most simlpeIuaie order , Time crew bail tnkems a vchl eutrneth holiday unti gone up the liutison orm time ymichut steam tender , time City of Bridgeport.- A . couple of ynchitsnmen gimartled time deck , mmmii nimotimer unir wins on duty emu time iloor- of the dock to isrevent time over inttlliitive ( mom getting too near ( he keel , inmt 1mm i'very- ttSit'Ct time 'essel was free ( romn life , in marked contrast to tIme Iulctumre of nntmnn- lion ( hunt imas so vividly presentt'ui iti''lf every day she hiss been tIme ulock , as tIme 'iuilors , riggers and Incinmtcrs lulled timeir re- spectlve - vocations. Sham will iuitvcu her suiism- irramigemi : while being toct'ii to Stummuly Hook frommi the dry dock , Shme 'viii probably have a trial Fpln dumrlng time afternoon.- lultlS'i'OL . , It. I. , Aug. 25.Defermuler car- rie - imer new unset tonight , It having huecr- uFt'imlei betweems 5 antI 6 o'clock ( hula evom- ming. - . At .1 o'clock it s'mms pronomuncemi un- iimeth - amid Imnmneuiiately Put over time buamulm- mmiii towed out to Ictender hI' the steamer Areher. 'rime Arcimer's ( lerrlk lifted ( hue big stick until it was steppeti Witit ( hue great- eat came. 1iighme wires front ( hue munstimenti were temporarily mnutuhe fni.t to support ( ho mast ammch timen time wont of righuting evem thing lund to be stolietl on nccotmnt of ulmc- rness. . It will lie rem'uimncui at an early Iuoum , mummd it Is expt'ct.ul ( hint everytimtmmg will be In readiness 'I'imesulay iruorntmmg , NlP' YOItK , Acmg, 25.Thin Neu' York t'acimt clmmim has beemi notitluI i' time nme- rlea's - cuim committee that time next trial race between Dt'fcnmtler ommd'igiimummt wilt tuuk- opiaco oil 'ritimrmilav imext , 'Fimo rare was originally nucimcduled to come miff on Tuosduiy- .0 . - UI fiet-mi ilomummils ut Chess. HASTINGS , lng. , Aug. 25.Yestettlay time fifteenth round of time Immtem-national chme- stoturninient : was iula'euh. 'rime reummml ( v're- as follows : hum bent Micsemu itt a gimeen'sg- ammuhit ( alter twemity-ona mnovcs ; l'oiioukl- inaC Birth in a Vienna gammme tufter twenty- one ummo'es ; Gummmsherg beat Janowski iii a- ltuy Lopez utter tifty-ilve mncuves ; Murc'o heat Biackmiiunm : Iii a kimmg's giumnijit , cle'iimucd utter thirIyone tnover ; W'nlbrodt amid Pillsbury uImev Itumy Lopez nfter ts'emity.six mnmov"uu : Aibin amid Lasket' drew a Sicilian uIkumn after tot ty-sevemi rnol'eiu ; iiardieimt'ni ammO Telclmmummmrmmi ulrew mc (( ci ) ' 1opez tufter fortyo- mme - moves : 'ergnnI beat Schiecitter in i- iluy J.opcz uttlei' fifty-live moves ; ' .t'icim- mann anti titeinitz. dmew a fluy Itulez , alter ferty-ciglut mnoves ; Mason mmmiii t3cimiffers- hrew mc 1ttm' l.Iu1tC4 lifter fifty-six nioveum ; 'recimigorimm bent 'I imisley in a Fremmeit dofemme after ( him ty.mmimmo moves.a . - - - - - ltt't'orihs Mmmii c cm t ieui- DEN'Xilt , Aug. 5.1our world's records Ivere brokemu nit time state L. A. W. races , ast- uilowmu : One mimlie , class A , uuimpaceti , 4t. It , Hughes 2:10. : beaIin record by two aecrenls ; one tulle , nuvice , cass . , It. A. lalzli , 200 2-5 : halt mile , class A competition , C , C. ( 'chums 1:01 : 1-5 ; five mileA , i'las . % , conq- potitloum - , 1. ', C. Lrtwton , Ii : :00 15.- S'lcriul . p % tum's Chief of i'oiiue htt'iu'nsi'I , 'I'Ol'LlCA , tmg. 25-'i'Ime supreme court has Issued a tcummporary writ of litibtamu- t.trhuus releasiug Chmlef of I'olice t ( Vicimitu , vhma is in contempt of c'jmmrt m- maecoumni of trouble groing out of tlmua mm cent natO cmi time Vichulta club. 'rite aiIii m110mm - ' * mmmdc by Assistant Atorumus' (lUll- oral Camn'bell of Vichlt , 'rwi dU vIll be imeard Ira September. IDENTIFiED TIlE KNUDSENS Men Arresteti for the Train Robbery as Buttermilk Hill Recognized , GOTIIENBURGERSRECALL ThEM WELL ( ' 001)10 'li () S'umy 't'hii'mui for Sever3l- 1ims ( 'nor to time Aitumir Anti l'tsi I lvi. 1mm l'uuimut tmmg '('helms out mis (; .mlit , . NORTH i'LATTFi , Neb. , Mug. 25.SpcciatT- eegrammm.'ruo ( ) two mmmcmi arre.ted for ( lie Brady Islammd ( raimi robbcr' ivcro imrought to thus CII ) ' at 5:50 : ( lila aftermmoomi mmmiii lilaced 1m- mjaii imere. They are itt time keviuing of ( ho United States mmmarsimai mind iiil lrObibiY be- glvemm a itcaritug tommiorrow , mmmuml ( items tnkemm- to Omahua omm trial for (lie charge of luster- muptimug - time Umuiteil States iummmih. TIme immen- bothm give thmeir minutes amu Kmmtttlsemm , and mire toumghm looktmmg cumstommmers.mi ituimmuemmee crowd niet t.uenm at time dopot. Time tralimmuiemi iuav- eliracticaily Itlemmtlibcd , thmenm. 'l'htoy imelong in- iakotut coummty , thus state , amid are about 22 ammO 25 years old- .GItAND . Ib'LANI ) , Nob. , Aug. 25.Speclai.T- ime ( . ) - two trtmlmm robbers caught soiuthm ofi- lrokemm flow last night , time Kmmmumbs- euibrothiers , ivero Iuroumght to Gramuil Island overt- ime 11. & M. this mumor'ming ammO takemi Irons hero to North Platte on a sieCiai traimm. Time party commaisted of Uimltccl States Mmirsha- lVhito ammO two ilc'puitiesV. . T. Cmunatla , cimiet- of Ummiomi l'aciflo detectives : Jo'mmmm Keith amid J , C.'Izartl , Union l'mmciilc uhetectves ( ; llrewerI- temise of Colorado , withm hula three blood imourmuhum , anti ( lie two bumglumrs. Severmml hmnum- tired imeoplo gatimeremi nut time ii. & M. depot , cmurioums to see time muon. Time latter vlil mint say anyhmlmmg. 1)etective Cmmmmumda immformmmemb thu- ocorrespoimdent thma ( timero hum umo doubt wimat- ever butt ( lint they imavo time rigimt mmmcmi aiim ! is feeling good over tIme capture. "We are very thmamuhiful to tIme papers of time state. " said lie , "for assistammee memmtleretl in time itumit. '' Emugineer Ammstin antI Firemmiamm 1)umke wilt go to North Platte tomorrow to identify ( Imo muon and appear as witmmesses migaimmatt- hmemn. . IDENTIFIED AT GOTIIENBUItU.- GOT11ENIIUItG. . . Nob. , Mug , 25.Special- Teiegram.Tiue ( ) Union Pacific special train , wimicim left here Frday afternoomi for Calls- way , comiveying Simperintemident Smutimerland , United States Mmirsimai'lmite , "IV. L. Canada , cimlet of time Union i'acific detective force , withi a nummmbcr of depumty Ummiteil States muma- rsimals - and Unmioms l'acitlc Claimmi Ageit : John Keith of North l'latte , arriveti today at 3 p.- iii. . . with time mmmcmi arresiemb yesterday at Mason City as time traium rcbiors vimo huelt- iup No. S betweemm imere antI liratly Island last mmmormiing. About 200 of our cti- zens hmad gathered at the dtpat when tlma- traiim iuhleb in to get a look at time robbers , btmt ommly those who cialnmmed to have seen theuti loitering aroimmmd imero previous to the robbery were admumitted. Little Johmn Spencer , time il-yram-ahul herd boy , with whiomn one of time robbers is sup- posed - to have traded saildies , time first admitted anti in nut instamit lie PommtetI out time imuami with whmonm ham had traded siuldics , W'imen George G. Ostranti was arrested aiim brought In last Friday thus same by was taken throtmgiu time car widchm containmeth Os- tramith - mind several other pere'omus , but ime falici- to recognize hs ! muuan. Today 1mm time rear part of tIme iilcClai car iere time ttvo prisaners anti loumr officers coated ammd sevrsl memu standing wimen the boy was admnitel. lie looked around a second and , iuoumting out one of the prisoners , satl : "hero Is the mn3fl- I trauled sadmiles with. " A. S. Ilutytlems itlemitifleul time two men as- beimug the saimme mmmcii who cecumpied the va- c.unt - stable northeast of hula residemuce. lie huati seen timeims amid talked to timemum. Robert W'eathermi , J. . I. O'Neii's general clerk , recognized one of theta , as lie had sold imluum sonic groceries , which accotmmmted ( or ( lie imaumer sack foummid in ( lie grip containing J. I- .O'Neil's . grocery ndvertlsemmmemm- t.hmst . Su.muithuty evenimug J. F. Emery , time electrlciamm imo iii'es in time power huotuse , or- resteul - a mrmnmm w'imile milking imis cow. lie searcimeib imimmi anti lemmmitb $22 iii hula pockets. Not beimmg able to ( Intl time constable or mar- dual , ime gave imiuum a gooti iectimre mind turned him loose. Totlay hue recogmuizeil one of time prisoners mis time mmian who nmillteml imi cow- .Messrs. . . George Iloherts and Carl Maims- temi - foumntl a sluirt collar In time barn that that was snmpposetl to have beemi occtmpietl by- tini parties who coimmurmitteti time robbery. 'rime collar was produiceui tomimuy amid one of time prisommers was weariiug ii simirt which mnatcimei- it. . Time Umiion Pacific detectives took thi collar with thiemmi , Time vest foiiimti in thme grip one mile east of time robbery mumatciuetl the pants of one of time prisommermu. Time nmoruilmmg after ( lie rob- hery - a Union Pacific Pathflmmuher vitiu the nmtmp of Nebraska toni omit was tounmi , and tlis : numap was foumnul in omme of tiio prls'ner'a- pcckets when mirretted. Robert , section foreman at 'Yeam- mmamm - , was Imiesent and recogmitzetl them as time rmmen wimo rotle ( lit' luormucs ( hint were foummib after ( ha mobhit'ry , anub as time muen who camped atthie , house one mile tlmis sub of time robbery time first of time week. Tlmey were also iuionmtitheil by JoimmiV. . flrltlges , A, Ccllc- mum - , S. A. Tallmnamm and othiera who saw timem here a few days hirevious to the rob- bery - , _ -__ ____ 1.0- APIIAII ) '(' 0 Lii VII '( 'liii ,1t1I , 1"t'umr l'zevc'umted uihumeruui itegirut of- l'risouiers ii t Iuimiiit'r , LANDER , W'yo , , Aug. 25.Specinl ( Tei- cgraumiThe - ) escape of howard from the county jail last Timuursdmuy nigimt hrimmgs out the story timat all time prisoners In thue jail vere- in time selmeumie to escape , ammO Lust Elmumer honk , once ( hue pride of Frcmmmomtt county , 'as tue confident of hlowaruh , mummul agreed to time imlan- of ei'Caie. Fimuuihl ) ' two ohhuers joinetl in the sohuenme , anti Thursday night was the ( line fixed upon to make limo imreak for liberty , but. s'hen time tinme arriveth iioulc refused to- go , amud two of time others also cimammgeth theIr mninul , butt howard mmmdc time break alone imimui succeeded in getting clear of time prison amid to all oppearanres nutof tue country , ililoi' I''ytoim Zmmsumu- te.LANruEFt . , Wyo. , Aug. 25.Speeiai ( Tel- egramIi - ) , 'F. I'aytumm , editor of time 'Flierm- nopcmhls - Pilot , was broumght to- .tiuy . violently insane. lIe was con- hlneth - in a strait jacket with irommi : oni- mls feet. it Ic saul that ho bias gone crazy over ( hue lug Horn Irrigation tiltcim scimommie and ho has clovciopmud since last Into a violent mmmamuiuie. lie wIll have a hear- lag tcmerrow before Jumatico Allen , p- 'i'nik of Fixt'I iuuliumg Jut ,,, , LOS ANiLILi4 , Ciul , , Atug , 25-In an In- - Umitteul Slates Scmmumur'iiite said ( hut Iuibor Commmmnisnuiommer 1'itzgermuhd of San F'vaumt'isco hail misketi imini to Introultmce itt cousgeess it bIll simntlmir to lime 1'huinmstr oxc- iusmnum - art , wiulcim slmrill exciutrle Jrmptnese.i- 4miia ; . tar Viui It. hiucmu limommi it'ti to so it- Vitzgeruhd will Iormmiu'h the data to huruve tutU ( lie Jumpumuemuo : nrc scm iotmsiv imtjurins Amnericamm labor , lie does mmnt Iuehlevt' , how- ever. - . It ivili be as easy as it vns to get time I 'litmmcnuo hi I I t It rougi- m.tsteimIimig . time Suilvuiomm .trImiy , thAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 25.Among the pa'seiigers who sailetl cii ( ito att'amner lel- gie - for the Orient sitia ?tIltm4 lhlemi I'ash , an- cillrer of time Ikuivatiomi simrmiy , wimo goes to- 'okuhrtnia to uopIst In thom atuanizatloum of a Imimincim corps of ( hmt tinny him ( hunt coutntry. Mis. [ 'mmcli hums ti degree from Cmmmmiiiridgo- Ii ii Ivsi sI t y, limgltm imch , ni mud hums immutl ( cli yea is'- exliertece In maissiomuary work of ( his char- aetcr. - . - Cuirteml 4i I'hcec ! , I ml iic'mit miciy , mtIDDLhHIiOltO , IC' ., Aug. bloody ( 'meounter occurred at ( ho ynier works to- duty ium viiei * Jimmmiomt I. Ii' hltvriuily arved- i'eter ii'jhii'tmn to piee Lyle tusealied , but Iii closely. imuraimeul bymiii ; rolicc runui twenty- ( lye Infiit'1uutcI citlzeaslrau'lmt Lyle will hue lynched. _____ p- I ____ Iii huemus ( 'u rim mu , I'ro.'cvI i migs Fit II , h'NTA Ft , N. M. , Aug. 5.rimo petition of Janies l'ommstmu ! tt"nvi , iteM mis a lirisoner- iii ut rault ut .5011i bciitimm Icr iml conneetionm whim tlut' i'uaim imimmil graumi fraud , seekIng rekaso emu a silt of habeas corpus , bam beemi denieui b time court.

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THE OMAHA , DAILY BEE.. . - .. . ,





Ready t Discuss-

the Wailer Ono in aFriendly Spirit ,I KO DEMANDS NOR DISAGREEMENTS YET

the I'rINoncr wih'c-lcrclCc to the Legal l'hnNel

01 IIN SIIlcll )' 'rrlitl and.'PAnS , Aug 25.LeMatin has an Inter-

' wih Henry Vlgnaud , secretary of the-b United States embassy , on the subJc of the

Wailer case M. Vlgnaud denied that therewas any question yet of demands nor dis-agreement between France anti Ameria."Ambaseador Eust9 , " saId :i. Vlgnaud ,

the present ha only Isled for the produc-tion

-of the documents connected with the-

cae , which sere mlslal1 during the voyagefrom Madagiscar. Newton II. Eusts , secondsecretlry of the embassy and son of the 1m-burador


, goes to Clalrvaux today with thelegal advIser of the embJsy to Interview Ir-



. France Is discussIng the mater Ina. friendly EpIrIt , and, the friendly relations.are unimpaIred. No disagreement has arisenor could arise on this subject. "

LONDON , Aug. 25.Tho Paris correspond-ent

-of the Daily News says : The Wailer

affair ought to teach the French the dangerof thick revled espionage law. America vlllprotect wih seine firmness this convictedP-

RY lS I he were a white man. The , lS now stands , Is barbarous , and,France should feel obliged to America fargiving this demonstration of Its evils. Shouldn good case lie made out . It Is believed thatthe court martial which sentenced'aliorwill be dlsa 'owe-


, .


') Lookeil Like 'Frmubl , , for n Time nt.

'(I11CU" ' .. 'i.., WASHINGTON , Aug. 2.Actlng Secretary

) JlcAdoo! , In view of what has been publishedconcerning the refusal of the Castnl to sa-


the French lt Tamltave , Madagascar ,

decided to make the facts In tile case vubhlc.Commander Perry Informed the Navy de-


sonIc time ago that lie did not sa-lute the French hag at Tamatave , and of

" our treaty with Madagascar by which we hadrecognized that government as controllingthe entIre Island, , and that lS there was no-representative of the native government hereat Tamatlve . lie could, not salute that gov-ernment


, and hence he fred no salute what-ever


There was I misunderstanding tetween theFrench ofcers on shore and the ofllcers onthe Castne to grantIng pratique.'henthe frt from the Castine landed the

I l miltar )' authorities on shore , with a'great dell , attcmpted to preventthe otlicers from approaching or speaking withiMr. Wetter, our consul and, his party . sayingthat pratque had not beel given , althoughCaptin had been so Informed{ early

day The French officers on shorebecame very much excIted, and, orderell althe AmerIcans back to their boats , onethem shoving Paymaster Dent toward theCastines boat and cahitng on the gens

d'lrmei to drtre oft the AmerIcans as In-


. During the Incident there was greatexcitement on tIle part of the French repre-sentatives

-anti there might have been trouble.

but It was ,averted by the coolness and good

. judgment of Eiislgn George R. flvans and.. Payniaster Dent. Comniander Perry prompt-ly


demander ample and full Ipologles. bothto ' and to bus country , for In-suit. The French officers came aboard theCastne the next day and made full and un-

reservel apologies for their unadvised be-. Afterward an apology satisfactory

to tile consul was offered and acccptcd byblm. This closed the Incident.

Cor'n'M X ' !tluIIU' .

WAShINGTON , Aug. :5.A document re-


at- the State department from MinisterSill at Seoul , Corpn , encloses four new ost-ago stamps. the ilrst ibsuell by Corea for do-


purp ses. The stamps are In bright

color anti CRI"'y besides their Engliahi let-tcrlg) ,tvlng their denomination , severalCoreln cliaraeters which presumably coti-voy

-the same InCormaton to the natives.-


carry no peculiar Ile"lgns.The stamps are manuCncturea In Wa5hllgtonfor the Corean governiiient. They range In

I: value from I cent. or [ peens, to 10 cents or60 pocus Mr. Sill says that the Postal bu.

t reau Is to be conducted In connection withthe telegraphic bureau , and both are In the

r department of public.

works.- ---Jlol"lz'IM the ::lnl; Injured .PARIS , Aug. 25.The name of the conf-

dental clerk of Baron Roth chld , who waswounded by the explosion of the InCernalmachine cent to the baron on Saturday Is,Jadkowitz , Instead of Zadkovlz , as beforereported 'ho( surgeons nol ! tothe Injured eye of the cleric.] Ills generalcondition Is elo Improved I" clothingwas rldiled and his body brulstd In several

. . (Jlrard , director of the munIci-pal

-laboratory , has made a (acslmlo of the, .. envelol , which wi ho ent al and

"I Itampofccs In endeavor trace the.ende. _ _ _ _ _ _

w' ( ) IiuIerit'M 11'nlu'H in ,II11n.WAShINGTON , Aug. 25.Consul GIerl

McIvor eC Ianlgwn . Japan , In a dispatchdated July 22 , Informs the department thatthe total number of deaths from choler InJapan luring H05 UII to July 19 was 4.801 ,

the nlunhel of cases being 701. In theprevious year there were only 311 deaths.Consul General Mclvor also states that owingto the unusual prevalence of choler at Nag-Inlll and, hliogo : riGid InHpecton of thesteamship China was she leftfor San Francisco . A favorable report wasmade b tIle iihiclan, ! who Inspected the)vvasI. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_7 Cliul erie nt h"'foo.

'FWASINlTON , Aug. 25.The State de-


- , a cable from SonsulReed at Then ''ltn stating that the choleraat Chico Foe h G disappoarod-

.0.- -

Tlir.r nniii lLITttIIIt CU'I'ICS-



) ' Slsteri t lion rds on n GnuJ"f Innlo I"II""M.C-PUUt


HAPI( . In. , Aug. 25.Speclal(

Tehegram.-Tho) Ohc'r sltrs , who have

boclo Camel! In this l'Ht: of Iowa hicceuseof their unique performances , gave :11 enter-


aLiPirte lat night. A glng t' rewonions other thinga on the stage: , and ariot followed. The sisters , armed withboards , tuarchied down Into the audience ulil-

S . general tight folowcl . durIng h'cl thebeards worn used effect. sstcra!

were al arrested. and the little town IsS still In I hubbub of excteriieut.:__

'Vest of ::InvIit-S'ASIIINGTON

;; ;; U"UN., Aug. 2.A general test

and competition h twlel machine guns hisbeen set to begin Monday , September III , ntIndian: Head. It expected that sIx mlehlne-arms wi enter ( hits contet , three of thesix automatic and three not so , theautomatIc weapons, ti'lng the Colt , theMaln-NorllenCeh suit the 10tchklS.! theother belll Oatlnthe , : Inll thpPrat-Whiney. ( that this test

shoot two weels ,wi contnue _ _ . _ _A.lnmnntnu ut fnhl In .tit nil Iii.

WSIIN01'ONUI. 25.Accorihlng to areport Just rceelvct Iho State ..lcrJtntfront Consul GenEral Mareta at MLlbulmie.

'1 Australia. the mint there receIved 537.:1ounces of gold during the tlrst iIx lonthsL85 , l against IJO ,: S ounces for the saleperlo.1 last )'par. .CuilieN ,. t on n " 'iis'lijIbIi.

WA INOTO:1 Aug. 25.4tltant Srcr-etay

., upon ( arrival !f Secretary La-

moot , left for the west on : vacation. :Ir.floe hu

.not fully recovered ton: )his rC'.Dt-


ILIt.IN3 IS :.XIO VlO1tJIAiL..()olfnl1 llnmiicruCiiuicteiI fr tmirulcr

for 1lllnKI I (k'tternl %'ernt'gai.MEXICO CITY , Aug. 2 .-The entire ray

yesterday was devoted to the gul-Romero duel case . The public prosecutormade I great speech , which was Immediatelycried In printed form all over the ciy . liedenounced dueling lS a crime and demandedthe punishment of everybady concerned , anddeclared his conviction that Romero and hisseconds laId n deliberate ( raft for Verltlguland planned that ho should be provoked , Intomaking a countermand , which rendered hischallenge necessary In view of the code.

The prosecutor said that Iomero and hissecOnd played on the vanity of Vlrastegulsseconds and thus (the honorabhe , I mnittaken ,

man was led to make a sacrifice of his le.-He


coittended that General Itoclie shouldpunished for having furnished the pistolslie demanded also that Ir. Preciado soiildbe vunished for defying the law. The wholething was premerltated murder of Verns-.tegll

-, the grave dug before

he went to the Spanish cemetery to ex'nmngeshots with itomitero.-


prosectitimig attorney followed In aspeech strongly denouncing Romero , raisIngIn uproar In the court. Lawyers for the de-


Itomnero's attorney , defending(

his fght as I military titan whohas been wounrel by insulting language Thecase hal gone the jury.

Judge lie la Itose occupied two hours Indeiivering lila charge to the jury In theVernstcgtil-itoinero duelln case , finishing at1 o'clock title moring. The jury rought In-

n verdict nt : o'clock The ball of time courtwas crowded. Time jury brought In a verdictof guilty In the case of Colonel Itomero , andby n majority absolved General itocho and thefour seconds , Prlda Castillo , liarreto andCarrello. The public prosecutor asked for npenalty of five years for Itomncro Time Judge ,

however , sentenced Itomnero to three years

ali four months at hard labor In the munici-pal

-prison , with liberty to choose the trade he

preferreil to work at . He was also sentencedto pay a flue of $1,800 or serve 100 days ad-ditional. Furthermore , he was admonishedthat If lie ever commltel a similar offensethe severest time crIminal codewou1 ho applied to him .

judge then sentenced him to pay totime family of Yerasteul for eighteen yearstime sum of $1,600t yearly and ale to pay thecost of Verasteguls funeral anl all costs Inthe case.

The severity of the sentence was consideredalmost extreme , but opinion justified it . Dr.Proclado was absolved tiy time jury. 11Ige de-la Rose then gave notice that the verdictabsolving all prisoners except Itomero , was , Inhis opinion , contrary to the law Inll the evi-dence

-, and lie , therefore vouhd send time case

to the upper court for Its decision which ifunfavorable to time prIsoners vIll result Insevere sentences for all of them.

The sentence of liomnero estabhishmes a pre-.cedent

.that men killing their antagonists In

duels vlll have to maintain time of'Camlytheir victim or remain In prison perpetualy.-



. ) C'I'IXH .

Nit iotiit I nll :ltl"1111 'l'n""H or thntH"lluhtc XfW 1I'III ( 'aid.

{(OIIII'.I. , ] : h)' ( Iii' A9oclatpl Irc s. )

MANAGUA , Aug. 25.Time national andmunicipal taxes on real estate In Nicaraguaare now beIng collected amid should largelyIncrease the revenues. All who nelectel toreport In writing over their signatures be-


June I , 1S95 , to the proper govermentomcias: a fair estimimate of the value of theirproperty amid full statement of net Ilcom-oellng that date are now having these values

by the goverment othhelals and arepayIng 10ube

: the tax rate. Time Colowlngwill In part these taxes : hai1 per cent on pet Incomes Ild one-hnl 1

per cent to time valu-


of the ) . The net Income fromsales Is obtained by deductng

the usual expenses for clerk hIreamid debts for the merchandise to citizens ofNicaragua resident In this country , foreignIndebtedness not alowed.

Onlhal of I per Is collected by theon Incomes from loans the usual

discount rates emi what Is commstdered 'Iero firstclass imper helng 2 to a per cent monthly.-


estates Ila )' 2 cents per poummid on allexported nnd one-hal of Iller cent on time

thuatl1'alue estat , equivalent an-Ilal : ) $ i per acre export tax and 23cents per acre occupaton tax. Many mineowners having give an estimnate ofthe value of their property , referring to time

low price Ut their mueh watered stocks. iii.-


.they are Iunnlng at full time all their

employee and shipping monthly hiuilliomi con-taining

-45 to 90 per cent goll , are now hmav-

Ing to pay double rates of taxes.

It iI'OIt'l' OI' II.U'S'IIl.t'l' ClOI.-

Ue'nlH of thii' nO'rll"lt Esti mutesof tl Yht'hl.

IIUDA-l'ESTII , Aumg. 25.Details of thegovernment estimate of the wheat crop oftime various Countrles . the total for which wasstated In a (lispatchm! August 23 , shows thefollowing In buhuels :

Great Dtlnln ...... ........ 46St.OFrance ................ :OI.13oOGernmminy ................ 103r.OoAustria ............. ..... 432.0Italy .................. . . S.Oilclglum ............ ..... 212ji.OOSpain ..... ............... 8GrSOO-Hussln .............. .... , . )

llunmgary ...... .. ........ . . IPi.3ll000India ....... ........... 2i.4m010'UmmIteut. States ............. 4001.OConuula-Itotminania

................. ; ............ .... 1.2,411,00-0Imulgaria ....... ....... ... r24S2.00.

Turkey ...... .... ....... 42r"iOArientina ...... . .. ...... r9J5.0(

Australia ........ . ..... ... 3i46OThic Nethmerlands. SwlzlllnlJ ,

Dlnmurk. , -gal Greece. together. .... 29,502,000

Servin .............. . . .. 8rt.0I . ...... ............ . .A , ..... . ... ..... .... 4711.0All Asia , except Iuidlut. . ....... j,95O

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . ... .2402671000

AU 1n.1 , . to l'res.ii t Out rages.L-


. Aug. 26.Time Berlin corre-spontlent of the Stltafl telegrphs to thatpaper that the news that France will JoinEngland In whatever steps mya lie neces-sary

-to stop time massacre of Corelgner In

China , has. Induced omo Germans newspaperto express the hope that Germanyhikeie. Gernmaay has n largo squadron InChinese waters.

('h'uJ hIIUlr ,' '(.i3 ' Nin' .LONDON Aus. 26.A dispatch to the

Times from Shanghai says time Chmeug in-


has proceeded since dnesdJY with

11 the member of the consular commls-.slonHI

-vreesnt. but time progress Is slow.

Time ulspatch adds that a :lahomletan re-hellion hiss broken omit In ! ofICnsu ali Is flr) allng seriously .

Choh'rl 11 Il'HHlu-.S'

.. PETISnUHG , Aug. 25.Seven

doth , front cholera have on hoardocculreltime steamer Balko which arrived lt-Vladlvost'ck August G from Cluc.Foo , China ,

slnc which time sixteen cases and twelvedeaths have occurred lt 'Iadh'oltocl.sea. .

lul :1tlnn Iii flhugiuuuuil.LONDON , Aug. 25.A fire blolle out lt-

Hanblry hliack Friars , last nIghtstub amid bltue all Satuurdy nlht destroy-ing


lie granary stub, the storle for oil ,

Sllar etunubustibbes. 1h" Iamae amolnt-.el

-100000. _ _ _ _ _ _

Ih"'rul' hal ler t""lulllt1t8iO. Aug. exploslomu of ahailer oC'lrrul at hue Somaco nmuiil . emu

Saturda ) . The premises were Iestroye.Five punot were killed andouud

t.llln hi'uuuit'rs :;rresu.lllOMt , Aug . 25.The ui'urmes and. p-


surrounded the of , andarrcei. forty-two ummemubers of Mafia 5'che'I5t-on charges of murder anl other outrJlIh.nh'n'nut i'.ii'r 1'11'11 I)' uutlveM .

IHI'SSILS.uS. 25.Lieutenant Pelzer.-lh'


- flrig'an' olcf commanclng the Katsi-

cI 'ritt rf tae Congo district , hu bee k'ileG;

wil" lighting the uth.t.



Police and Their Agents Manage to En-




Active l'r llnrltouN for Ouie of tImeGreatest Jel.HIUH'rntouM Ever

W'1tiist'1 In thnt CU )'UcuJ Muude.

NEW YORK , Aug. 25.Thls was probablythe drIest Sunday In the history of the mnuni-cipality-at any rate the police ofclals allreport to that effect. In spite of the promisesof the Wine and Liquor Dealers' associationthat they would urge all members of thatbody to close their saloons today Instead ofwaiting until next Sunday , the police In nowise relaxed their vigilance and men In unt-forums were statoned lt tIme doors of allsuspected places An army of police olcerIn citizens' attire were on the constant look-out

.for violators of the law.

The saloon keepers were extraordinarilyvigilant ant sumpicious of any one In senrchof a glass of beer or whisky In severalinstances arrests of saloon keepers for In-


with otcers were made. In (. .-


-to the member of the department

there were many who hail volunteered toassist the polce In searching out evidencesof violatons the law by notylng time

captlins saloons believed doIngbun ss. Smiperlutenujent Dormett of the Park-hurst society was early on deck anti floatedabout the east sub of the town , while mem-.bers

.of time Ciy Vigilance league and miueiim-

hers of ole the tempcrance societies ofseveral of the fashionable churches were ac-th'c.

ActIve preparations are being made forthe parade and demonstration to be held Selltemmmber 25 and 26 under the auspices of theUnited Societes of time Liberal Sunray Laws.The have up to tme agreetto participate In the parallo represeltmembership of about 40000. There will bedivisions of singers , turners and schutzen ,besides social. benevolent and trade organiza-( Ions. An Iddress to the ptmbhlc has benissueul by Ole Kempnmor , chairman ofconmnmlttee on agitation , recitIng the elortsof time society to secure I localfrom the last legl lature. It complains thattime police commissioners , Instead of constru-Ing the present statute In I liberal spirit .torture It Into a "justification of In oppres-dye polce crusade against personal rightsand In Invsion of the consttutonal guaran-tee

-of religious . all

citizens to joIn the 1.lberty day' celebrai-on.

-( .


Story of the Slnulh h'r In OregonI'rohnhl' u Iul" . .

, Ore. , Aug. 25.Diamond val-ley

-the scene of the reported killing of four-

teen flammnock lndianu , Is sItuated In thesoutheastern corner of Oregon. Durs , thecounty seat of Ilarney county , Is 150 mIlesdistant from Ontario , time nearest telegraphoittce. Ontario Is a smnl station on theOregon Short LIne. , rIai border betweenOregon and Idaho. The news Is not credited I

here , as It Is not known that any ilannockIndians were In that vicinity.

No flrther clews has been received con-corning reported massacre of fourteenBannock Indians In DIamond valley by cat-tisimmenm. At Ontario the nearest telegraphoffice to tIme scene or the reported trouble , ItIs belIeved there Is sonic truth In the rumnorbut umo further informmmatlon can he secureduntil the arrival of the stage tomorrow night.There Is a daily stage froimu Ontario lieppnerand Baker City to Dur!, the county seat o-CHarey county , but time scene of the reportedmasEcre Is more than 100 miles southeast oC-

Burns. . Burns Is 150 mmuiles fromuu Ontario andIt requires about forty-eighmt hours for timestage to make the journey.

'Itytm" Snumith , said to be the leader of theCowboys Is known to be a bad character.If time flanimock Indians were In that vicinitythey were there for the


purpose of hUltn-g.'II


lt nUlli.t1VS 10PE LiiS.'1'0'Un"HM"M h'Vhmouu lit, 1 "I."ct"-to ' ' ' " ) Iu 'h.

SAN FItANCISCO , Aug 25.The attorneysfor Theodore Durrant have two witnesses ,

Marina Durnett and Edward McPherson , bywhom they expect to prove that their clientwas on Market street at the moment when theprosecution InsIsts that a fiendish murdererwas mutiatng the body of time dead girl Inthe library of Emanuel church. Durrlnt-hlmsel will trace hilts movements on thatnight , when hue claims to hlve taken therecords aumd time money of the ChristanEndeavor society down town. DurettMcI'herson will testify that they saw time

book under his arm when ho was down town ,

anb entries In time book Itself wi prove thatluo colected dues from some the mem-bers

-. Vogel's house-


Is now admnitted that Durrant's first storyof his nioveunents on time night MinnieVil -llamas was murdered , when lie said lie wentto time armory , Is untrue . He started for thesIgnal corps armory , but became absorbed Inthe Christian Endeavor accounts which hecarried wlh him antI

Srode on down.

1S'lBHS lOAUS % % ', ; ' ( '1' ALL.

Tack Tno nolnI. Onto Inr""Ht lix.-euursiun

.lu'eH 'l'h'lr 1errIt.ur ) '.

ChICAGO , Aug. 25.Conslderable frictionIs likely to result between the Central Trafficassociation and the Western Lines Passengerassociation over the harvest excursions. Theroads II the later organization made a rateof one fare plus $2 , and agreed to divide the$2 wIth time lines of the Central Traffic as-sociatlon. ThIs does riot satisfy the latterroads however , and they have decided tohave al of the $2 to themselves. They do-

cider make their rate one fare plus $2up time western gateW8s. This action ontheir part 1 make time rate from easternterrLory one fare plus H , but the proba-

! that nine-tenths of the purchaserswlii not understand the arrangement , andwhen called upon to give up the extra $2before having their tickets exchanged willraise trouble and blame the western roarsforlines.

what Is entirely the fault of tie_

Intl'"H Otumosed to i'ullntnueut.AnD IORE , I. T. , Aug. 25.Delegates from

the Chickasaw and Choctaw nation met tkconventon at WIllow Springs yesterday 1'response a popular call and adopted resolutons strongly declaring thenmsolves unah-terbly opposed to the aliotmnent of their

, as proposed by the Dawes commhs-lon.

-. Tha resolutions Implore time legislature

to pass laws luklng It Impossible to createsuch a change , declaring that their presentconditIon Is au they desire . and they do notwant to change the conditon for one of"mIsfortune ! precutIon. "which thy believe would follow the 11roposelflew order of things. Time csrryiimgthe desires of tile nawes conumnission , theysay , would mean an overthrow of their gO-Y.erment

.and the oblterJton of all govern.

ment patents to ..C , ('Iun" I'rcdit.teui.

hAVANA , Aug. 25.At 1 a. m. a cy-clone , a warning of which was sent out fromhere on Friday , will (robably, l'ns ourmeridian , entering the Gulf of Mexico this

t evening In the neighborhood of the Yucatancans I. Vuelta .hajo will feel strong windsfrom the right-of the .trJck of the cyclon.

In ( iii' Ih''nt .r 1 :1"11 Iumgtmgeuuuvmt.-VAS1

.I1NGTON , Aug. 25.Commodore Ty-

"nl chief of time medical bureau of time

Navy department , ha prepared , and Senc-tar)' herbert has approved , an order makIngregulations for the care of the wounded Innaval engageniente . The new order Is to re-move wounded men from ( tie deckl to thesurgeon's room rapldlr

. "WiY 1Olsn-ANn ilS wln numC1INC of thc SIIlhlc fC tha.CN Moines

:llu nUl ills 1rht .NEW YOn , Aug. 25.ToWorld tomor-

row will says : The reason why Louis liani-mend and his wife of two weeks concluded toend theIr hives by taking chloral In nostonwas umadec lear today by Ilamniond's formerpartner , Irving ldittncr , and by Mrs. Jehn0' Donnel, the wife or an engIneer. ra.

O'Donnel and her daughter appear to haveonly Intluate frIends Mrs. 11am-

month hiatt. Mr. Dtner mu In the perfumerybusinese. Ito gave the following ac-count

-of his business relaiona wihllamnmond'e: were together

busIness about seven months. llammnond wasa pecullr fellow and woull seldom tak:

affairs. I know Isthat he came fronu Dee Moines Ia . , and ti athIs father and mother were ulead. Saturday ,

JUly 27 , I bought hammond out. Wo 111'solved partnershlll and on time followingday I that on tIme Fri.iay IJevouR! ,hue haul drawn from the bank I conEderbleImount of immoney belonging to .

took no legal steps against. hIm . Mayhrn Ishould have lone so . If I eoull have foundiilmn. In all probability , Ias the tear ofthis which drove him to sllc1le. I can't seehowever , how ho could imaveJueen so quicklybankrupt unless he spocuiafe r. "

Mrs. O'lommnell and MIss Donnel explainMrs. llammmnmonul's nnteceden follows :' 'Mrs. Ilaimmimmonul's. mother , lhuo Is a trainednurse , Is a wilow. Kathiryniwas for n timen Newark , eying with hersister Then she studied enoJrPh )" , In

last she came to lIve : . O'Oon-Apri. In time fail sue got I ace , but lost It

when winter came. Then s e went to hermother and asked for shuei r because sitedId not want to burden us I uy longer. lermother , she InCormed us , I d sIte hallroom for him. Site came ack ammO said :

'They are lost to mile forever never let themknow what happens to mime , f I die keep Itfroums thuem I beleve I woul rise out of mycollln if I )' were near. ' Ont ofwork , frienulless except for s. It seems sitecluing to thIs man lammond s a last refuge ,

and when that Caled ,p

I to die."

( ( 1.tY, ' .: II': Q COUItT.-



fur Coot mi iii 'emismsIvuusuImilteeoiuc's 1Iet't'limigl )' In tenH" .

IAllISnUHG , I'a , Aug4 25.ChalrmanGikeson of the republican ftate commItteehas made up time roll of dHegates to time

coming state convemution. wuichm win meetWednesday. It now seems p obabl that thecontest for time chlirmanshll or time state

commItee wi ho carried time courts Inthe rorm of In action on behalf of SenatorQuay to compel Chairman Gikeson to sur-render

-the books and papers comummnl-


. Time members of that body will huobul. Imeeting tomorrow lt which a resolution willbe adopted requesting Mr. Gikeson to attendInd assist In preparing time rlof delegates.lie likely refuse . aud then It Is pro-posed


that time commitee elect T. D. Coopertemporary . "' steps will bethen taken to compel Glkeson to surrenulertime books

.and arm ludltlg cmmltee will be-

appoimited.This prorm will probably be carrel oult

without opposition . lS It Is tile time

iiastimmgs people to Iignore any acton time

state commitee may tnkeTime rapidly fllnOg up with polltl-

clans from every part state , who haveconic to the city to take part In or witnessthe exciting scenes that are expected to takeplace when time convention assembles. Thereare also present a hummmber ur the mnnmnbrsof the state comnummittee . "Jo'l -I eft -morrow's session of thlt : ' The resultor the contest for time state chairmanship IsstIll In doubt Doth sides claim they willwin but neither faction i 1lIln to makepublic the figures upon which 'Uley'base theirPrediction.

Chairman Gikeson and David Martin ar-rived tonight .he guests of Governorhastings. Senator Quay keeps close to hisquarters In the Loelmiel , and Lieutenant Go-veror

-Lyon Is here alrlnl the enator IIrounding up hits the cQmlng bat-

tie.}<11 I.UIUIJ lA ttmBQ.-



Lender Iv.'ii n nlnncr InNuYork ( 'ia.

NEW YORK , Aug. 25.nelr: ilardie , theBritish socialist and ex-mnemmmber of -Ilra-ment , was given n din her tonight by theCentral Labor federation at l.abQr lyceum.-


a speech Mr. Ilardie said that Ie was gladto meet face to face time men and women otAmerica who are carryiimg the red fag ofsocialsm on to certaIn vlctor lie hoped

hi to this country would Imeip the so-movement use much 'as he knew It

would help him personally , and , as a result .the movement In England

Mr. Ilardle In speaking of the criicismswhich have been mumade In i4nglamudcountry regarding the coun of the socialistpoet , Viiihummm MorrisI , tn rjfustmmg to Issuecheap editions of his poems so that tIme perpeope: to whom t'ncy would mmaturahly appealcould enjoy them , said thumut 1I' his opinion Mr.MorrIs did not deserve the rlticismns show-ered

-upon kIln. lie thought might pursue

the same course under slmla conditions. Mr.Morris wrote hula the satsfactonor huts higher sensibilities. heymeasure personal and for him self alone. Un-der

.the present course they vould reach the

woaltumy , who otherwise umi ght not muoticethem , and really do more tan If they werescattered broadclet.

There were 150 delegates t the table andErnest lloohmmm , correspond secretary of thefederation , presided.

0 *IIIIOUGIL'l' '11th CHINS II TO 'I'13tIi ,

1"lr 'llncrH AU'n. time Trlnl oftime hinter .

NEW YORK , Aug. 25.- ' ue WorM prIntstime following cable :

FOOCIO ' ' , China , Aug. . .-Flrmness hasbrought the Cimineso to tu ma Foreignersare now preent at the trim of the persons1m plca tel In time attacks u on mmiissionarles.Time Chinese ofclals afford every facity tothe foreign commisIoners o . ofthe Chinese who had 1 ii ud In the mas-sacre


lt I1washan have en convite,1; , oC-

murder. . New arrests are i ado . oo-chow is quiet. What was r rnrtcd abroada new massacre was only a ,peal riot.

(aIDI :'( w'ORICEUS X , S'l'ltIICII.I'iftu'emu Ituindredito u'Mf'r Unll-

nh'l: h'rH (tni '('ii ShIII-H.ROCIEST


I N. Y. , Au 25-One of thegreatest labor struggles ew waged betweenemployers and employes 1 Ian last night ,

when 1,500 members of th . V led GUlentWorllers' associatlort went ' . Un-1less the bosses concede tim Im demands thetlntahiera and buton bole men , numumbeuinganother . said be ready to goout , and time difficulty wll affect 8.000 Ia-


. Time strikers demand that all shopssimahi be strictly unionized . that wages shmahl

be paid weekly and a general anmielioratlon oftheir commdittomis . There were no disturbancestoday. . _

0-'('nmusiui'.i time 'Veuielers.

W.AHOO , Aug. 25.Sp( eitti.The Inst-tute closeut yesterday aud' thethe afternoon undertook to gJve: time printersor the town n few pointers In time art ofhal uiaIng . 'l'lue printers . Jmave two or

mCI who are No 1 antithey Ctuusedson a sicklUl over-spread

-the of pedmmgogueus.

The score begun to run dim , that at thecn,1 or the ieventli the birch wielders tIe-cluleul

-to tiuiit In order to smuve their reimunat-


. Score , 16 to 5 , In favor or ririnters.Time ColowlnH: Is n cart or time saul' story :hits : lrlltfrS 22 ; 'teachers , 4. flatteries :' !, ford , Mauek and l'helOI ;

Irlnterl :tcClaln , Lenmnster arid .* : . and Feta 1l : by

Crawford and Mauck , 3. Umpire : Clark.l'huiuik 'I'iiey ' ' "' ( hr. Fruikcr .

KANSAS CITYI Aug. 25.A special to theTimes from Moberly , lila. , says ; man ar-,rested here I claimed by local authorities totie tIme mining Or. George W. I'rlkerh. .was supposed t3 have been drcwnel -eelor: Spring. In 1804 , snub reist yesseveral Insurance companies recntly palt anggrecate of 5800. Time man !p'U thname of C. T. lal It II known he baagone under the ala of larry George


Boston Flooded with Delegations from AlPars of the Country .


Gol11en Gate Couiimmmnmuiit'r' limiter theI'nrlll. ,'lt 1 YounG ClnU1lOl

hour 1'11 Cr'n to n-

SeuMlton. .

BOSTON , Aug. 2Local eommamlerlesKnights Templlr hlvo been on the alert allday looking after time welfare anti comnfortof their ' knights who have been cent-tog In at intervals , some of them after longand tedious journeys fromn time south antiwest. The trains , with one exception , werefrommi one to three hours late , but when (thebelated knights arrived , theIr welcome wassuch that any discomforts they had cmi-

countered was more titan Itonell for.At time Union staten a scene was presented

that hal never been witnessed lii this cityon I Sabbath before The vast crowds ofspectators , who cheered each new delegation ,

numberel far Into time thousands , mind time

strains of musIc from many bands onlvenelthe

"htetlous._ . . . Wli.

. , . ,. llnn . , , n. ..i. . ,. n.n. , n'., " , 0' " _ . <b"" " a u.. ' . .u-

uPlchburg roa,1'as the Pltsburg com-


) which numbered 10 anti theirladles . They were mmiet with the Masonicho ors and escorted to hueadquiarters. TheAskalow conmimmnnulery brought seventykimights and Ildies from St. Lauis.

Time chIef arrival was ithat of Gramid

Master McCurdy . who , with 196 knights andladles front Detroit commmmmmandery , reached heresimortly aCer 10 o'clock. This comnnmanderyIs noted lS crack regiment In drill con-tests and Is expected to be hearl train In'


ThIs afternoons I train of twelve cars con-taming time Iowa delegates was warmly wel-



Time Ilclegaten that has exc'tet time mostcItizens was the Gollencuriosiy

San Francisco , whIch arrl'edafterimoon. They were recelvet opelarms by an Immeno throng , were es-carted through time by the Bostoncommantlery. At the head of this paradewas a 4-montims-Old cnnarnomm! bear , whIch

munich amusement among tbe spec-CIUO

. ills bearship , however , got tired be-fore the end of the route and, imad to drop out.lie wi .

be 11 condilon for Tuesra"s parade ,

During the early evening anti up to mil-night train upon traIn brought In its Iluota.The grand commanrer ) of Iowa. comprising400 knights Ild'es . Irrlvcj In tIme fora late tea. Time grand comnummandery of Mary-land


was welcomed and escorted to time Von-



. ThIs delegatIon was all from Haiti-more , cnmprinlng 250 knights , accompane: I

by a number of ladies., Tile Detroit com-


of 100 knights and stveny! ladleswas escorted hy the Boston command2ry tothe Vem10me.

SPECIAL SERVICES HELD.This afternoon a specai Knlghmts Teniplar-

nervice was held mm TrinIty church and that!

edifice was crowded by time knights and theIrladles. The sermon was by Grand Prela'e]

Joseph M. McGrath . le chose for hil textMatthew x , 42 ; "Arid ' ver shall givedrink unto one of these little ones , a cupbfcold water only In the name of a discipleverily , I say unto you , lIe shall In no wiselose hs! reward. "

After time service time knights , imoadeI byGrand Master McCurdy . Grand Commandcr-Lawrence and the other dignitaries of thegrand encampment , returned In parade to the

Tomorrow wIll be time busy day , over 153

beIng to arrive.delegatens scheduler0

1'0 il11iAI. TO SgCIWI'.Ut' L.tMOT..-



. . H. 11. hetersiuimied to 1"Juln'Colummel ruthimisuu's .SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 25.The A. R. U.

Is having a controversy wih Colonel Grahuamum

commandant nt time presidio , and Interestingdevelopments are likely to ensue. Duringtime great strike at Slcramento last summert'nited States troops 11 command of ColonelGraham were ordered to time eene to preserveorder. Time first train that was rUI out ofSacramento under military guard waswrecked and four soldier killed . A numboC time A , R. U. leaders were tried for time

murder , but were acquitted. The death so-


were burled at the presidio reservatonAnd their comrades erected a monulenLwhich stands time inscrIption : lurdered bystrikers. "

Time AmerIcan Railway union men objectto thIs , contenling that the strikers did notmurder the soldiers and Colonel Grallm hadmme right to put. such an inscrptlcn; en time

monument. No attention was paid to time

request of the strikers hy Colonel Grahamand at a recent mlss mmseetimug le ) lutonswere passer ruesting him to fmove ,

Colonel has replIed to time ressiutionsIn rather tart term lie refer to time actionof the citizens who adopted them lS That its lila jurgment the soldierswere killed by the Inscrlll-( ion shall stand. The members of time Ameri-can

-Ralwayu! nlon say they wi appeal to (the

secretary of war. .0

( Foil :1'II I, IIA't'OS.

"HM.rlll limit th. . Omnhn Hlrl InH1:1"1.0 wlh 111.

NEW YORK , Aug. 25.Ietectlves arelooking for 10l , an actor and Miss

:llbcl Eaton , an actress , lt the Instance ofauthorities of Peru , where Iloit's wile Is.Mrs. 10lt claims that her husband desertedher and two children and eloped Ih MissEaton. TIme couple left Toledo for New Yorkseveral days ago Miss Eaton was raised, In-

Omaha. . . -'l'gI'G It ,tl'hllCIl it 11 V l'l' I 1S.

Forest fires at Vlneland N. J. , are rap-ihI ) SIJreadlng-


at HOlendale , N. Y. , de tro'el $iO,worth of propel ) . ,

Most of those Injured In time City of 1'0-ledo accident wilt tile.

At Maiden , Mass. D. J , shot lilawife fatally mind killed{ iminmelt-


prIsoners: cH'ape,1 frol the Emllorla ,ICan. , jai by sawing time hara

John 111 :Inlhcwnlerson were fatallyburel thei' , Mich .

Atchisn. Tolmelca & Rulta I.'c willhe tlln.

thu receiver ? hans thisCripple Creel citizens witnessed another

bull light Suiuday , In whIch one animal was


Governor McKinley atteumdctl services atChautauqua , N. Y. , anti latc hell :1 In-formal meceimtlon-



unknown trampa were kilitul' In awreck on the Clevehund , AIrn & Columbus-nit Milersimumg-

.Thirty: .

prisoners In the DetroIt jail thug 1tunnel man )' feet long and were aboutescape when discovered.

Waiter SI son or Yonll'l all two mmmi-

known tral1's' WNe Idle < railroad'wreck It , N.

James Rouln mind lidward Sc'hmues3hsr ofIndianapols fell from a train nl Cedar. , . , were klrr..-Eugene. V. Debs ( ( nn open lets

ter to General CoXoy In which: hue heapsabuse ,on the old political parties.

Dr. Jamnisoms Van , piei.lmlcnm of timetieummct Bank of I.olrneno of Newllll ,Uld. , has been .

Troop II . UnIted States eavumiry , locate1the renegade limdiumms who left the 'Isct-; Ioa tn Arizona over time tue II Mlxl. .

A Chicago honor Is nuulhuority fur time an-.nouncement

.that General SolIcItor of

time Santa I'e will o.ellt n 11J.Whim time Milwaukee. lllur 11 ltn

Bishop Foley as.ertl that omm his recenttrp: through hut found time maues-Indltrent


to home rule andover the factional 14t8. Ilsc.ualcd

l'I TIT'r IdNliil Ti: AlnUn: 'r.Northern 1tcihloCus. ' Nomv lit time

.11nll or thu Court.SEATTLE , Wash . , Aug. 25.Time Northern

Pacific fight on the queston of Judge Jen-klns' jurisdiction In the mater cf (the up-


of time present receivers erd1 Inthe federal court yesterday , so far lS time ar-


are concerned , and time court hastaken the question under 1lvlsem uit . Thefeature of time clay's proceedings was timespeech mall by Colonel Pett( , rOluel of theNorther Pacifc company , which lie so-.verely

., time other side. lie mncle

one statement which created I sens.UI: Inthe court roommm lie thmadmltell nleltlolthat time Nortber pacltc sold :, .

of ' to Inn.lccnL. Imeepie' ,when ex-Uniteth States Senator Spooner ofcounsel1 for the receivers reummarkeul :

"Yes , and you bid on them for Mr. Ires ,did )'Oil not ? "

Thou Colonel Pctlt (that im hadammui saId : "I SlPP0511 cortiilc.mteswere not Issued unless ( lacy hall heen ant-hmorlzed

-hy courts havIng jcmrisuhictiomm overt-

ime ProPerty on which they are supposed tobe a liemi . It was only witimImm two weeksthat I learned to time contrary "

'Timeiue certificates ," said Pettt , "nrc nota lien on the property IHler case In-

which time F'armmmers' Loan amid Trust eompnnywas leCendant anti time company plalntl.The these obligatiomus wOlldto depend for theIr pay on courts whIchhave jcmrisuhictlon. " .

PIGII'l' Ol' 11.IXg !Ahlt'gel ttuiruIc'm'em's of lliliiumumni-

reSIilve1i' In Close ( luiumrtm'rs .

IIANNII1AL. Mo , ttmg. 2 .-1 Is probablethat time case against Dr. J. C. Ilearno antiwife , charged with time murder of Wlinm-Stlwel , will bo trIed at time Septemberterm , but they wt be arrlgnll and aneffort will ho made to secure their releaseon bail. A motion will also be made toquash the Indictment on account of irregim-larity

-of time grand jury's action. The grand

jury appointed three of Its members as nntnvestgatng counnmittee. As members of its

member met almost everyday and ran almost every clew whiethey were procuring evluhence. I Isthat time counsel of time defense ask timtt-ime indictmnents hue quashed on this groun-d.I

.Is not known what view time judge will

on (this technicality , but niammy are fn-


to thInk lu will give due consider-ation

-to It. I'rosectmting Atorney II. Clay

Heather declareul, today would beready to try the case during time Septemberterm.

Mrs. Ilearne refuses to see any visiorsand converses with no one but her ,

VirginIa D. Todul , who Is charged with themtmrder of liar ulatughmter. Dr. Ilearno alsoabsolutely refuses bY talk to muewspaper men.lie spends mmmost of his time playing 'sohi-tsire

-, " and has already about worn out one

deck of carmhs , lie ammul his vife are mmot per-mitted

-to hold any conversatiomu together

under any circumstances.-



IllS lA1'l'hiLliSS W'IFhi.-



: Nuii. Iliutlertucki's 1mm 3lmmruler Ihic'% 'omiuiIm '% ' 1a , lesertc'mi Il liii.

Sioux CITY , Aumg. 25.Special( Teh-egramum.llazel

-) Ilamniommd , aged 18 , was simot

through the Imead at 3 d'clock this morningby Max Noak , a laborer fromn Marcus.-


slmootIng occurred a hagnio on I'earlstreet.'huen Nomlc saw his victlmn billie pua bali tturomlglm lila own heath , inflicting in-slant death. A lamp which limO beemm overt-uurmied

-set fire to ( lie fmirnitpre and the fire-


, when thmoy entered , vere time first to dscover the tragedy. Th girl was mmot deadand has a fair to recover , lthicuglu notyet able to makoany statement. Noak wasnot identified mumitil thmi afternoon. lie imasbeen 1mm town two weeks.-


has been learimetl almost certminly thisevening timat time lianimnonil womuman wasNoak's wife , that lue had beemi endeavoring toinduce her to return to hums , and that herrcfueai so enraged him timat he fired.

hazel liamummond , or Ora Mimiton , as herright name Is said to be , is bald to havecome from Central City , Neb. , wiuere her Par-anita are reported to live. It Is reported bys-

oumme that Noak was the womuman'mu half-hrotimer

-, ammO by others that hue was her imu-


. Noak fornmerly worked at Grammd Ia-land and Limicoirm. Nob. Time doctors todaysay ( hue woman mary live-



itctR 'l'ii i A'1"VitAC'l'lO ? .

Vuulkric' I 11 GuueiII'umu it Curiumi-sCros.I itt hIroi1yiu ,

BROOKLYN , Aug. 25.Never before didsuch a crowd collect at the celebrated drydocks of time Erie basin as that wimichi gathe-


tothmiy. The attrncthomm was tIme Ibritishracing ynchmt , Valhcyrle III. Nearly 8,000men , women ninth yotitimful cramiks and curl-oils inuhividmmmuluu sven ( clown to see the yacimtt-rnlmty. .

Unfortunately , vliiie they found entramice-to tue yard without imindrance , timey couldimot see the yacht us they bud imoped , as-her imtiii svamu imemmrly coveretl wiih tariimmtmilns ,

These cuurtalums had not been himmumg for timepurimoso of obstructIng a clear view of theymch's powerful lines , but for mmmore pract-icrml

-reasommut. 'rime stmmm'ml strong rays of 'es-


bud blistered iii 51)0(5 time iottead-or lacquer , with wiuichu the ve'sel's itIe-hmatl imecn itrimsimed , mmmi it tam; to iurcvcnt-furimer tuhisterimug tiuat time cloths erestretcimed. 'J'bmis vi1i cause a shlgimt delay ii-iiioaing ( hue n4tmip tomorrow , nit anotimer coalof lucquem' will , imave to lie lmmt om-


.nil othuer wumys'niikl'rme lit is rcutly:

to be fionleul , Everytumirmm on deck antialoft is Iii time neat'st anti most simlpeIuaieorder , Time crew bail tnkems a vchl eutrnethholiday unti gone up the liutison orm timeymichut steam tender , time City of Bridgeport.-A


couple of ynchitsnmen gimartled time deck ,mmmii nimotimer unir wins on duty emu time iloor-of the dock to isrevent time over inttlliitive(mom getting too near ( he keel , inmt 1mm i'very-ttSit'Ct time 'essel was free ( romn life , inmarked contrast to tIme Iulctumre of nntmnn-lion ( hunt imas so vividly presentt'ui iti''lfevery day she hiss been tIme ulock , as tIme'iuilors , riggers and Incinmtcrs lulled timeir re-spectlve

-vocations. Sham will iuitvcu her suiism-


while being toct'ii to Stummuly Hookfrommi the dry dock , Shme 'viii probably havea trial Fpln dumrlng time afternoon.-


, It. I. , Aug. 25.Defermuler car-rie

-imer new unset tonight , It having huecr-

uFt'imlei betweems 5 antI 6 o'clock ( hula evom-ming.

-. At .1 o'clock it s'mms pronomuncemi un-


amid Imnmneuiiately Put over time buamulm-

mmiii towed out to Ictender hI' the steamerAreher. 'rime Arcimer's (lerrlk lifted ( huebig stick until it was steppeti Witit ( hue great-eat came. 1iighme wires front ( hue munstimentiwere temporarily mnutuhe fni.t to support ( homast ammch timen time wont of righuting evemthing lund to be stolietl on nccotmnt of ulmc-rness. . It will lie rem'uimncui at an early Iuoum ,mummd it Is expt'ct.ul ( hint everytimtmmg will beIn readiness 'I'imesulay iruorntmmg ,

NlP' YOItK , Acmg , 25.Thin Neu' Yorkt'acimt clmmim has beemi notitluI i' time nme-rlea's

-cuim committee that time next trial race

between Dt'fcnmtler ommd'igiimummt wilt tuuk-opiaco oil 'ritimrmilav imext , 'Fimo rare wasoriginally nucimcduled to come miff on Tuosduiy-


-UI fiet-mi ilomummils ut Chess.

HASTINGS , lng. , Aug. 25.Yestettlay timefifteenth round of time Immtem-national chme-stoturninient: was iula'euh. 'rime reummml ( v're-as follows : hum bent Micsemu itt a gimeen'sg-ammuhit ( alter twemity-ona mnovcs ; l'oiioukl-inaC Birth in a Vienna gammme tufter twenty-one ummo'es ; Gummmsherg beat Janowski iii a-

ltuy Lopez utter tifty-ilve mncuves ; Murc'o heatBiackmiiunm: Iii a kimmg's giumnijit , cle'iimucd utterthirIyone tnover ; W'nlbrodt amid PillsburyuImev Itumy Lopez nfter ts'emity.six mnmov"uu :Aibin amid Lasket' drew a Sicilian uIkumnafter tot ty-sevemi rnol'eiu ; iiardieimt'ni ammO

Telclmmummmrmmi ulrew mc ( ( ci )' 1opez tufter fortyo-mme

-moves : 'ergnnI beat Schiecitter in i-

iluy J.opcz uttlei' fifty-live moves ; '.t'icim-mann anti titeinitz. dmew a fluy Itulez, alterferty-ciglut mnoves ; Mason mmmiii t3cimiffers-hrew mc 1ttm' l.Iu1tC4 lifter fifty-six nioveum ;

'recimigorimm bent 'I imisley in a Fremmeit dofemmeafter ( him ty.mmimmo moves.a .

-- ---ltt't'orihs Mmmii c cm t ieui-DEN'Xilt , Aug. 5.1our world's records

Ivere brokemu nit time state L. A. W. races , ast-uilowmu : One mimlie , class A , uuimpaceti , 4t. It ,

Hughes 2:10.: beaIin record by two aecrenls ;one tulle , nuvice , cass . , It. A. lalzli ,

200 2-5 : halt mile , class A competition , C ,C. ( 'chums 1:01: 1-5 ; five mileA , i'las . % , conq-potitloum

-, 1.', C. Lrtwton , Ii ::00 15.-


.p% tum's Chief of i'oiiue htt'iu'nsi'I ,

'I'Ol'LlCA , tmg. 25-'i'Ime supreme courthas Issued a tcummporary writ of litibtamu-t.trhuus releasiug Chmlef of I'olice t (

Vicimitu , vhma is in contempt of c'jmmrt m-

maecoumni of trouble groing out of tlmua mm

cent natO cmi time Vichulta club. 'rite aiIiim110mm

-' * mmmdc by Assistant Atorumus' (lUll-

oral Camn'bell of Vichlt , 'rwi dU vIllbe imeard Ira September.


Men Arresteti for the Train Robbery asButtermilk Hill Recognized ,


( '001)10 'li ( ) S'umy 't'hii'mui for Sever3l-1ims ( 'nor to time Aitumir Anti

l'tsi I lvi. 1mm l'uuimut tmmg '('helmsout mis ( ; .mlit , .

NORTH i'LATTFi , Neb. , Mug. 25.SpcciatT-eegrammm.'ruo


) two mmmcmi arre.ted for ( lieBrady Islammd ( raimi robbcr' ivcro imrought tothus CII )' at 5:50: ( lila aftermmoomi mmmiii lilaced 1m-

mjaii imere. They are itt time keviuing of ( hoUnited States mmmarsimai mind iiil lrObibiY be-

glvemm a itcaritug tommiorrow , mmmuml ( items tnkemm-

to Omahua omm trial for ( lie charge of luster-


-time Umuiteil States iummmih. TIme immen-

bothm give thmeir minutes amu Kmmtttlsemm , and mire

toumghm looktmmg cumstommmers.mi ituimmuemmee crowdniet t.uenm at time dopot. Time tralimmuiemi iuav-eliracticaily Itlemmtlibcd, thmenm. 'l'htoy imelong in-

iakotut coummty , thus state , amid are about 22ammO 25 years old-


Ib'LANI ) , Nob. , Aug. 25.Speclai.T-ime

( . )- two trtmlmm robbers caught soiuthm ofi-

lrokemm flow last night , time Kmmmumbs-

euibrothiers , ivero Iuroumght to Gramuil Island overt-ime 11. & M. this mumor'ming ammO takemi Ironshero to North Platte on a sieCiai traimm. Timeparty commaisted of Uimltccl States Mmirsha-lVhito ammO two ilc'puitiesV. . T. Cmunatla , cimiet-

of Ummiomi l'aciflo detectives : Jo'mmmm Keith amidJ , C.'Izartl , Union l'mmciilc uhetectves( ; llrewerI-temise of Colorado , withm hula three bloodimourmuhum , anti ( lie two bumglumrs. Severmml hmnum-

tired imeoplo gatimeremi nut time ii. & M. depot ,cmurioums to see time muon. Time latter vlil mint

say anyhmlmmg. 1)etective Cmmmmumda immformmmemb thu-ocorrespoimdent thma ( timero hum umo doubt wimat-ever butt ( lint they imavo time rigimt mmmcmi aiim !is feeling good over tIme capture. "We arevery thmamuhiful to tIme papers of time state. "said lie , "for assistammee memmtleretl in timeitumit. ' ' Emugineer Ammstin antI Firemmiamm 1)umke

wilt go to North Platte tomorrow to identify( Imo muon and appear as witmmesses migaimmatt-

hmemn. .



. Nob. , Mug , 25.Special-Teiegram.Tiue

() Union Pacific special train ,

wimicim left here Frday afternoomi for Calls-way , comiveying Simperintemident Smutimerland ,

United States Mmirsimai'lmite , "IV. L. Canada ,cimlet of time Union i'acific detective force ,withi a nummmbcr of depumty Ummiteil States muma-


-and Unmioms l'acitlc Claimmi Ageit: John

Keith of North l'latte , arriveti today at 3 p.-


.. with time mmmcmi arresiemb yesterday at

Mason City as time traium rcbiors vimo huelt-

iup No. S betweemm imere antI liratly Island lastmmmormiing. About 200 of our cti-

zens hmad gathered at the dtpat when tlma-

traiim iuhleb in to get a look at time robbers ,btmt ommly those who cialnmmed to have seentheuti loitering aroimmmd imero previous to therobbery were admumitted.

Little Johmn Spencer , time il-yram-ahul herdboy , with whiomn one of time robbers is sup-


to have traded saildies , time firstadmitted anti in nut instamit lie PommtetI out timeimuami with whmonm ham had traded siuldics ,

W'imen George G. Ostranti was arrested aiimbrought In last Friday thus same by wastaken throtmgiu time car widchm containmeth Os-


-mind several other pere'omus , but ime falici-

to recognize hs! muuan. Today 1mm time rear partof tIme iilcClai car iere time ttvo prisaners antiloumr officers coated ammd sevrsl memu

standing wimen the boy was admnitel. lielooked around a second and , iuoumting outone of the prisoners , satl : "hero Is the mn3fl-

I trauled sadmiles with. "A. S. Ilutytlems itlemitifleul time two men as-

beimug the saimme mmmcii who cecumpied the va-


stable northeast of hula residemuce. liehuati seen timeims amid talked to timemum.

Robert W'eathermi , J. . I. O'Neii's generalclerk , recognized one of theta , as lie had soldimluum sonic groceries , which accotmmmted (or ( lieimaumer sack foummid in ( lie grip containing J. I-


grocery ndvertlsemmmemm-


Su.muithuty evenimug J. F. Emery , time

electrlciamm imo iii'es in time power huotuse , or-


a mrmnmm w'imile milking imis cow. liesearcimeib imimmi anti lemmmitb $22 iii hula pockets.Not beimmg able to (Intl time constable or mar-dual , ime gave imiuum a gooti iectimre mind turnedhim loose. Totlay hue recogmuizeil one of time

prisoners mis time mmian who nmillteml imi cow-.Messrs.


. George Iloherts and Carl Maims-temi

-foumntl a sluirt collar In time barn that

that was snmpposetl to have beemi occtmpietl by-tini parties who coimmurmitteti time robbery. 'rimecollar was produiceui tomimuy amid one of timeprisommers was weariiug ii simirt which mnatcimei-it. . Time Umiion Pacific detectives took thicollar with thiemmi ,

Time vest foiiimti in thme grip one mile eastof time robbery mumatciuetl the pants of one oftime prisommermu. Time nmoruilmmg after ( lie rob-hery

-a Union Pacific Pathflmmuher vitiu the

nmtmp of Nebraska toni omit was tounmi , andtlis: numap was foumnul in omme of tiio prls'ner'a-pcckets when mirretted.

Robert , section foreman at 'Yeam-


-, was Imiesent and recogmitzetl them as

time rmmen wimo rotle ( lit' luormucs ( hint were foummib

after ( ha mobhit'ry , anub as time muen whocamped atthie, house one mile tlmis sub of timerobbery time first of time week. Tlmey werealso iuionmtitheil by JoimmiV. . flrltlges , A , Ccllc-


, S. A. Tallmnamm and othiera who sawtimem here a few days hirevious to the rob-bery

-, _- _ _ _ _ _ _1.0-

APIIAII ) '('0 Lii VII '('liii ,1t1I ,

1"t'umr l'zevc'umted uihumeruui itegirut of-l'risouiers ii t Iuimiiit'r ,

LANDER , W'yo , , Aug. 25.Specinl( Tei-cgraumiThe

-) escape of howard from the

county jail last Timuursdmuy nigimt hrimmgs outthe story timat all time prisoners In thue jail vere-in time selmeumie to escape , ammO Lust Elmumer honk ,once ( hue pride of Frcmmmomtt county , 'as tueconfident of hlowaruh , mummul agreed to time imlan-of ei'Caie. Fimuuihl )' two ohhuers joinetl in thesohuenme , anti Thursday night was the ( linefixed upon to make limo imreak for liberty ,but. s'hen time tinme arriveth iioulc refused to-go , amud two of time others also cimammgeth theIrmninul , butt howard mmmdc time break aloneimimui succeeded in getting clear of time prisonamid to all oppearanres nutof tue country ,

ililoi' I''ytoim Zmmsumu-


, Wyo. , Aug. 25.Speeiai( Tel-egramIi

-) , 'F. I'aytumm , editor of time 'Flierm-


-Pilot , was broumght to-


.violently insane. lIe was con-


in a strait jacket with irommi: oni-

mls feet. it Ic saul that ho bias gone crazyover ( hue lug Horn Irrigation tiltcim scimommie

and ho has clovciopmud since lastInto a violent mmmamuiuie. lie wIll have a hear-lag tcmerrow before Jumatico Allen ,

p-'i'nik of Fixt'I iuuliumg Jut , ,, ,

LOS ANiLILi4 , Ciul , , Atug , 25-In an In-

Umitteul Slates Scmmumur'iiite said( hut Iuibor Commmmnisnuiommer 1'itzgermuhd of SanF'vaumt'isco hail misketi imini to Introultmce ittcousgeess it bIll simntlmir to lime 1'huinmstr oxc-


art , wiulcim slmrill exciutrle Jrmptnese.i-4miia

; .tar Viui It. hiucmu limommi it'ti to so it-

Vitzgeruhd will Iormmiu'h the data to huruvetutU ( lie Jumpumuemuo: nrc scm iotmsiv imtjurinsAmnericamm labor , lie does mmnt Iuehlevt' , how-ever.

-. It ivili be as easy as it vns to get time

I 'litmmcnuo hi I I t It rougi-



time Suilvuiomm .trImiy ,thAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 25.Among the

pa'seiigers who sailetl cii ( ito att'amner lel-gie

-for the Orient sitia ?tIltm4 lhlemi I'ash , an-

cillrer of time Ikuivatiomi simrmiy , wimo goes to-'okuhrtnia to uopIst In thom atuanizatloum of a

Imimincim corps of ( hmt tinny him ( hunt coutntry.Mis. [ 'mmcli hums ti degree from Cmmmmiiiridgo-Ii ii Ivsi sI t y , limgltm imch , ni mud hums immutl ( cli yea is'-exliertece In maissiomuary work of ( his char-aetcr.



Cuirteml 4i I'hcec ! , I ml iic'mit miciy ,mtIDDLhHIiOltO , IC' . , Aug. bloody

( 'meounter occurred at ( ho ynier works to-duty ium viiei * Jimmmiomt I. Ii' hltvriuily arved-i'eter ii'jhii'tmn to piee Lyle tusealied , butIii closely. imuraimeul bymiii ; rolicc runui twenty-( lye Infiit'1uutcI citlzeaslrau'lmt Lyle willhue lynched.

_ _ _ _ _ p-I

_ _ _ _

Iii huemus ( 'u rim mu , I'ro.'cvI i migs Fit II ,h'NTA Ft , N. M. , Aug. 5.rimo petition

of Janies l'ommstmu! tt"nvi , iteM mis a lirisoner-iii ut rault ut .5011i bciitimm Icr iml conneetionmwhim tlut' i'uaim imimmil graumi fraud , seekIngrekaso emu a silt of habeas corpus , bambeemi denieui b time court.