台灣電影欣賞 taiwanese movies - tahw brochure.pdf · 台灣電影欣賞...

地點:台灣中心 San Diego Taiwan Center 費用:免費入場 Free Admission 軍中樂園 Paradise in Service 5/24/16 ,星期二, 2:00 PM 軍中菜鳥小寶(阮經天飾)來到海天一色的金門,被挑中進入最精銳的兩棲 作戰部隊,接受魔鬼士官長老張(陳建斌飾)的嚴酷訓練,準備成為精悍的 海龍蛙兵。但天生怕水的小寶,終究慘遭退訓。因緣際會之下被分發到素有 「軍中樂園」之稱的軍中特約茶室工作,肉體與心理的挑戰更加艱難。 史明‧革命進行式 Su Beng, the Revolutionist 5/25/16 ,星期三, 2:15 PM 本片為台灣英雄史明紀錄片,由姚文智擔任製作人,紀錄片名家陳麗貴親自 執導。他一生縱橫四大洲、反抗三政權。他一生都在「跑路」。曾經投入中 共地下組織從事抗日活動;曾經成立「武裝部隊」企圖暗殺蔣介石;曾經亡 命日本,完成首部台灣人民族志,並持續對台灣輸入「武裝革命」與「民主 啟蒙」;至今97歲,一眼全盲、身形佝僂,卻依舊戰鬥力滿點,依舊傳奇不 斷。 大喜臨門 The Wonderful Wedding 5/26/16 ,星期四, 2:00 PM 32歲的淑芬終於要結婚了!不料,淑芬的老爸李金爽(猪哥亮 飾)看這憨 女婿是越看越不爽,不捨女兒外銷,規矩訂得比101大樓還要高!眼看新娘 就要娶進門,卻突然哭跑了! 安娘喂~吶ㄟ安捏? 大稻埕 Twa - Tiu - Tiann 5/27/16 ,星期五, 2:00 PM 大學生陳佑熙,是個有點小憂鬱,沒有太大人生目標的大學生,失戀之後, 萬念俱灰。誰知在有點古怪的歷史系朱正德教授的引導下,佑熙竟然陰錯陽 差地掉入了時光隧道,回到了大稻埕—1920年代日治時期台灣最繁華的第一 鬧區,還遇到了朱教授。 他們意外地見識了重大的臺灣歷史事件;一面參 與社會運動,爭取自治,一面卻陷入愛情的甜蜜。 換妻記 Taiwanese Opera 5/28/16 ,星期六, 2:00 PM 朝廷新君登位,宮內美人全數遣散出宮。原來之三千宮女一律用布袋蒙面, 由官媒領往御街,以每位三十兩銀子賣給百姓為妻,從而發生了這個荒唐可 笑,又耐人尋味的諷刺喜劇。 台灣電影欣賞 Taiwanese Movies

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Post on 25-Mar-2018




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  • San Diego Taiwan Center Free Admission

    Paradise in Service5/24/16 2:00 PM

    Su Beng, the Revolutionist5/25/16 2:15 PM 97

    The Wonderful Wedding5/26/16 2:00 PM 32 101

    Twa - Tiu - Tiann5/27/16 2:00 PM 1920

    Taiwanese Opera5/28/16 2:00 PM

    Ta iwanese Mov ies

  • Food B a z a a r 5/21/163:00 PM San Diego Taiwan Center Parking Lot Free Admission()

    San Diego Taiwanese Cultural Association presents Taiwanese Culture & Food Fair. The fair features varieties of traditional Taiwanese cuisines. (Cash Only)

    & Open ing Ceremony & Handbe l l So lo Concer t

    5/21/165:00 PM Box dinner 5:30 PM Program Starts San Diego Taiwan Center Auditorium ; $10 ()Free Admission; Dinner $10 (Please register with TACC office in advance)12 33 2015 Solo Handbell Showcase concert The 2015 TAFSD High School Scholarships, Kuan Chen Memorial Mother of the Year Special Award, Mao-Chun Memorial Fund Award, Taiwan Award, and Mr. Taiwanese San Diego will be presented at the ceremony. After the ceremony, Mrs. Mary Liao will perform 12 folk songs with handbell. Mary was born in Tai-wan, received her Bachelor of Science degree in Math from UCLA. Gifted in hand-bell with 33 years of handbell experiences, Mary specializes in advanced hand-bell techniques and handbell solo performances, especially Taiwanese Folk Songs.

    5/29/163:00PM Green Island Professor Shawna Yang RyanGreen Island.SacramentoU.C. BerkeleyU.C. Davis2002(Fulbright scholar)228University of HawaiiIn this talk, Shawna Yang Ryan will discuss the research for her novel Green Island, which spans Taiwan's history from 1947 to 2003. She will share some of the encounters with her interviewees and the relationships between people and their personal stories--what people tell and what memories get locked away, and what that meant for the story of Taiwan.Shawna Yang Ryan is a former Fulbright scholar and the author of WATER GHOSTS (Penguin Press 2009) and GREEN ISLAND (Knopf 2016). GREEN ISLAND. She is the 2015 recipient of the Elliot Cades Emerging Writer award. Originally from Califor-nia, she now lives in Honolulu and teaches in the Creative Writing Program at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

    Spec ia l Lec ture


    To Sign up for Karaoke competition, please contact Taiwan Center. Great Prize!!!

    OK Youth Karaoke Competition

    E-Waste Recyc le5/01/16() ~ 5/31/16()Yearly E-Waste Recycle.

    5/28/165:00 PM Dinner 5:30 PM Program Starts San Diego Taiwan Center Auditorium ; $10 (5/26$12)Free Admission; Dinner $10 (Please register with TACC office in advance)

    Through interesting stories and beautiful songs, Dr. Steve Huang and his students from TACC Taiwanese Language class will lead the audiences to a greater apprecia-tion for the profound beauty of Taiwanese languages. Mrs. Songmei Peng will also lead the TACC Senior Choir Group and present several well-known Taiwancese folk songs. San Diego Presbyterian Church Youth Group will present several program also.

    & C los ing Ceremony & Lets Speak T iwanese

  • San Diego Taiwan Center Free Admission

    Paradise in Service5/24/16 2:00 PM

    Su Beng, the Revolutionist5/25/16 2:15 PM 97

    The Wonderful Wedding5/26/16 2:00 PM 32 101

    Twa - Tiu - Tiann5/27/16 2:00 PM 1920

    Taiwanese Opera5/28/16 2:00 PM

    Ta iwanese Mov ies