| tke war for the union, › lccn › sn83030213 › 1861...iodei-d, it ia easy to detect the...

jBnemcee KbUccb. _| ****** Cm*nmk\l\ BW, No..M«dM PfltoBflh ,, ,. .8.6 Bfcafl Mpflca S..IU..... fl | Fl_h,Cr_alM_ia»'_»*a«o «***.j " Bdrped dfl do do . 8 t bolferloo do d* do . |n Tflca io do a* *o . ij llairitna dfl Oo . ,j titiit Mn-r. tit do. jteOWN'e. CoaOOAL Thiu.k-MimITB FBfla-BBBB. Or.vtlt Imp.ored. Phra* Uu.'t.?» .*| iu-«'.ar».*? ,, towtSflB- " . ' B) Kight Ouart .......... » » ' Uact W. Baow-. Maa-fartuiar. No IM .lohn .1. N >. r~As iMMEBai SiiKK ..» S4.fi,.*;. PuBiafira. Haii 00.. BmIiIIbbi fce ke. M b**^**^m**kiUJL\K^ -th' NawManiiiBB am- I'bk"mn l»"«'T N.. 6. .i Braafl* BJ Motart HalL FLA(.-T~FlA<JS ! Fi.A(is H.A(.s ! Buutina ai d Bilk B-fla. M *i*M.*ralBlfr.a*i *ata> M N.-t.lj oppt-tlle lll. I'Oll O'llC*. MnBto bb Ri rn aa LTobib-- wnin.'s Paibnv I.araa Tu. ..«- B*a c....-g BbbmB M Ii made Bfl a .aw P,inri,.i... _»aara*iw^aB^M-W*ff & 2, Boti,.. Y~BBTf-riTB I'lTiuoTic KnviioI'K**, nli tlif- iBflah aM by bbB eraaM for BaaJMaaraa.^ :, (,.,,.. .. fBBBBi K»R THE TlMl *». BflBI OFfOBTj BTT, CAh-iKr. 1. dolug good lervlc. tol!.. MeacBlkfllMi II* i, Mtaafl .1-g.nt liMtan rn the U44ea; tre-nt h (al p..an« l.e.imr Koo'i Ut OmM, -aaa; aafl ******* Ihr voiiM*. Choip- Hl* it' re u at No. IIJ »r,..ti.t a.¦ lltba-idUlhit. Pr.ctice.conomyl-y draiin.vtl'hh.'u. La-BBB. (Iaitkks. i*_, ; Bupb ""1 Tn** *»' "¦¦*.. B par ,..lr, with Lirtie.', MtaflS*', fleya*. anfl IbBMi fleflWflW ..*_._ rll*.**»_ jraaaafl^ fc ^ N_. ^ c.0a,-, BVTTOU. VAR1COIHE, rn... Ati- Fvi .aeaai *!*-*. Dr. flliari offlc. for thfl radi.avl BIWBMl af MflM dii. a- . ¦. ..No il Hatylay .... N. i_ _ KttvPPV** CoNCKNTRtni) KXTBACl ol Roois. Kou fl-BlM R'H'i Ubk- Thi* *.fraot. from vtl.l h me he.:.!.. ******** k,'own ." Raaaa* BaB Heet taatafla, i. pM -flaBt>ttta*M -c fo... ... .ud * I racB. iutt-1 i-nt f uj.ke IU. iS, ".... flii.l IBB mII.hi of Le _4a*r u..*ral ****** Ba. BMUaMiail B-MMm hy mbM wht.la.ile and iaia.1 diuggi.la. j Kl sM.s_Kll.ICAI. Cl RE Of Hl.KNIA. ob Bi r* TiK__-Dr. 3. N. Mak.h. of (hetv*i: _iou. ka«M flf Ma1-'' * <-..., No. * V*.ay itreet, *»or li,.,.-e. apP'Mla tba rbi.irli *a- aatflfl .... ;ial alteulion M Ibfl aarflbal adap-t-'l- B of '". l*t,f''.. To'e Tn.ia. Al.o ever. k.i.d ef 1 -.,».*«. Buppo-ien. Shoolder- Bracei. H-itlc Stockiogi aud Mecbanu-I apphai caa foi ne falu tfiei (A L.tly B'.teud-Ut I_ GROVEB A I.AKIK*. CaiaaRiran N..i*Kia».aaitikuVu )""'*. F.Biiat.v ani. MiitA, n-.v.n-'M ¦MBffltray.B.T. Wiimut A Wii-o.n's Simim.-Mmiiim** At MflBflfli price. v.i'1- (. mlUtt* I rr-iel. I'-prov CUlMWrtvetlr.,,:,!. l'.,..tl.r.0«r.let le. 1-fcBtaaflWB. lOWKR Cl'ilK-, 1-I4.I 1-4T8BB, AND OllK n Ci4MA_-tb. moat memr**tmt^ht*mmtt.,. dm* e*U .^^ ' ltii(llll.OR> HviK l)M..-lMi)l'l(,ll:'n' . | i. IBH Yi, a , fltaara. K',,t. ryb^«l [ft****! Bflo aud applied.it Ht-.iMKi-K'-M m j-H.-ti-y, No. H. Houd t J&b^ttrk Sailw Sril-ttnB -m*- FRIDAY. MAY 31, lc«31> ffl CORKYSl'OM'FyTS. B* notir* ean ba lukrr ef Ai .¦i.*u,.uk (omn .-nl. iHon* w hit eveti. Ii.i. ndeif bl laMltk* m.-M n* ...th.-t.li.ited bv the uani. anaadcte..e ihe writei-not neii ..irlly MCBflflflBB- tiua, bmar agn.ti.nt> for,hii good fiith Vfl rai-ii.4 iiiidi-rt.lr lo .'ton, rejrct.d ( on.roni lca-iotn. Ati b_iiit*i letier. lo, thb otho* eiii.i.1* be ad Jrt M*fl to 1 a* Tm.bi >*," New-Yiik ^^^^^^^^^ We reKnt Ba lt arn thut an iinlavt-ralile chonge ha.l takt-ii ptoflfl ir_ tbe cni d tn.n "f Mr. DflBftoa laat i.iKht, and thut it waa even -flflfM he miyht not Lire till mori.ing. -ra-- There wa* faator*BB| a ehortlived ereiteinent auiong tiur tr.tt.pi ut Alexuudria and the vieinity, eaiiBed by tbe report that Gea. LflB wrb advauc- itig wilh a fece Ut attaik the place. The inen, who showed theniaelveri, as u*ual, ea«er for a fijjbt, were di.ai'poi'.tt-d, no r>eceBBiotii»t aoldier couu.og vtitiiin raaaa. -mm- With the '.l.'Mxi BtflflBB.Bfll troop* at Fairfax Uiero are _..*). ritunie*, wbo Bre einplojed aa ae.atita. A great acarcity ol prov'iBiuus e.\i*t*, and tbe BBBflfl are tbe fir»t who are rotnpelled to go hnntry. It i. aaaflflMa that they will be- Ifore lonn a<ld thetn.-jlvet to tho rapidly increaa hy *tofk of rontrahabd good* uow iu the keepiDg of the 1 fderal kflflffl. -ra-- Two letter* writteu by tbe lion. Edward Uatea to John M. H»tt*, in ai.-.wer to some re¬ ceived froni the latu-r, aro pultliahed by ui thia pn.ri.it.p. Mr. l.Btea allud.e with leeling to the prenent potition of Mr. H.-tt* eompared with that he m.iritftined Bflt long aince, and tnakei, though with r.o BBgflade huiid, a pitilen diaioetiou of the Vitgi-iianV k'gic. -+- The BflM Military Departtneut of Kentucky, under the command of Col. lioltert Andertou, embrace* so lunch of the State aa liea withiu one huudred imles flf tho Oliio River. Thi* ap- w.iBtuient will briig under a vigilant eye the Muutl.s of the OaMBrltoal and Tennesbee Rivera, toto whieh aupplies lor the Rebela haie beeu eteadily florving for a long time. -ra- We call atle'ition to the letter of Mr. II. Ber- dan, addreaied to sharp ahooters iu the loyal Btatea. It aaapuaei to ornauizo a corpi of fir.t-rate rifleiuen, do one to be adtnitted who cannot brmg evidence of eitraordiuary akill in th. u.e of tbe BflflfM. at a diktauce of IN yarda or upward. As oue of tbe tthUtowledged beat ahota in tbe country, if not the Tery bent, Mr. Berdan takei the lead in thia movetuent, Gca. Houston ba. ftit bimcclf ioored to dw dare IBBB*- a ¦afeaL Hia *iteech is publiihed to-day. The sharpntas of bia repeated thrurta at hia pvlitieai eneiuies in Texas oiuth leBBeus the aioloBce el hi. deutinfiatio_a of tbe Aa.iuiatra- tion. He very clearly iut'oruii the "Boutb that they have broiight thia trouble upon thetuwlreB, but raya tbat uow they are iu, they muat en- deavor te win. He doea not aeem ao aauguiue of victory aa many of hia bretbren in tieasoui iodei-d, it ia easy to detect the mournful t-.ue of one who thikk* be ia more likely to die than AflBfBBB. -um,-. The capture and imprisonmrnt of hoitagea ia nothing uew, certainly; but the rebela have fltbi-overcd an original way of mmiaging it. Ordl- aahly a bclligerent party think* it nere.. ari to take it* priaonera trom the enemy'a eouutry; the Seoei- pioniata, however, with tho valorous diacretiou whioh Biarka ao many of their acta, are aeizing their owu citizeni and making priaonera of theut. Thua we d. ly hear thut the Virginiaiu have captured other Yiifliuiaaa, and are holdiug them tili they aee what the Uaited Btatea doea with tbe rebel cavalry oaught tha other day in Abxandria. Thia ia an BBuiently aafa proceeding, aud commend* itftelf to the ktoothera aoldiera. Taa fltoamatip Amerioa, wbich left Liverpool Oa tha ldth aud Queenatown on tha I9th inet., reached Halifax ywterday. Bha haa three daya later aewa. Au importaut debate took place in the Ilouaa of Lord* oa the 16th, concerniug Ameriflaa aflaiis aad the queitiona of blockade put prlvatrerinj, Th* oniaioij 1,111 eT-r.*v;»i *'r the Earl of Derby that the United Htatei conld not by tbe law of natioui treat priintecrs aa ¦-ir.it'.; Lord Cartipbell agreed with him; Lord I'r- -i-.'l.nin aaid that pnvateeriug was not piracy, but that to join an cxpedition against a power at peace with England waa a piratical nct. Od tbe l'iti, Mr. I'tilla* prenented Mr. Adams, and delnered his lett.rs of recall. Mr. Dalla* come* ly the Amsrica aa pas.enger. ~OVK.-tH-:.**4T*4 Olt VIB«I**1_. The inijtoitttnt inovciiii'iit of UniU'd .Statea troop* from the North-Ka*. and thc ara-tflWaal upon lliiriH'r'a Ferry is going steadily on, and iiiilt'riH the Rebela mn, ns ia uot uulikely, we shall noon have stirring BflflMk Tho Dth, 'Jl.t, -.'i.d, aml '.'4th Pcnn*.)lt.iiii_ B-fefljl.Bfltl n-ached (luiinbersburg. on th.-ir uay la Harper'. Ferry, early yoriterdny nioriiing. Mnorhead's, Lewis's, lijleV. the Scott Li gion Regimciita, and tho r).ilailcl|.hi:i City troops, were cupttctcd iai-Bfl tlu* aajat. Thus, aaaa atoftfal ye-.tcrd.iy moniing, tliere nre in tbi. B*tog alxmt 16.000 men ndvnnc- ing aaaa tho Bebala. On the other Hiile. the Ohio aml Waflfltffl Virninin traapa, under Col, Kcl.y, ent.'ii d (irallon ye.terdn), and tlie BBBBMtoflbta tled wilhotit tiring n gBB. Tbfl 6th Indiana Regiment vvas at CiaaiBBBttBB tlu'ivay to the Rame point. The 14th and Uli Ohio Regi- iii.iitfA aara aba aavGialtoaat Ikalalaataaaaaato| they iiiiinbered 9,000 BBBB. From Waa_Bftoa we lfiiri. that tho QafftoMI Oiinrd and the !»lh ISew-York RflfiflMfll ure ..-..teet- iun to lw M'lit upon hflportant BfTttofl toto Vinj'iiia; al.-o that two IBfta-flflrb of i'istrict Voliinteer* la/U araatofl received ordera la arafaia tof n bafa-aira- It is prol.able that HflflB pivparritioiM look IflMflir] lliitper'a Ferry. Thu* it will I.e BBBB tliat no hope IWB.1M f"i Ikfl BflM. at ttfl lnttor point eXCflfl b prrcipHate flight. Fraa aaflflsite WiBtoflBaaarl the laaaaatoa troopa have hiflfl t'i.¦ k two iirle. or more touard MartinBBBIf. and we lenra thit a hiindrod dflaflftbafl baaa them have takaa atoaa. The latent new8 fioui Waahington indicates immedia'.e action. The 7I-t l.egitiieiit wub ordered to be ready for instattt niarch la*t uiLlht. The laal re(Kiit for tl.e Bifhl from llar- jer'a Ferry state.l that tben. wt-re 10,000 troops theie. lt rh..niii l>e taken vntli i|iin)iti(*ation. Our liaitimore curreapomlci.t give* tl.e detailt of a plot hatclied by Qaa. l.ee to regain pon- -ereiiii. of tliat city. Tla advance ol tbe lorniid- able force upon ilarper'a Ferry will, however, roaterially dan a_,e hu plaiin, and he will have wi-ik etiough to tax all hu ability if ba is fontent to act inon-ly on the dtfensive. Tbere is no doubt that tbere are .noiigh traitora in Baltimore to make serions trouble there uuder more favorable circuinstani-os. Ihey reihon without their l.oBt, however, if they thiok to catch our gcLerals napping. WHO "AKKM THK 41 tit f If it had plea-ed God to make this a t'oolleaa world, the labor of journalints would have been conaiderably lightened and tbe occaaionB lor culti- vatiug the t hnatian grace ot patienc* nmtenally lesBened. And o. all exhibition. of bnman stoliriity or fatuity that try a naturally siveet tem'ter, we regard the eitrrent XeceMiouiat cant about Lin- roln't trnr on thr South as tbe Bflfll proroking. jVl.raham 1-iucoln li President of tbe United BtBtoa, and hai aworn t<> execute tha duties of that h'gh office. Ile haa uo cboice, no diacrvtion iu tbe preuua.1, uuleaa it be to perjur* hituaelf hy leaving un-one what he hat taken bia Mnh.r to witueaa he will taithfully do. Suppoae, now, that one of our niercbaut* were to iniport a cargo of Hilka or Wine*, and, giving fair notiee of hi* purpose, were to ui.dertake to land them at thit port and sell them witbout pay ing the CflBBBBB ini'tosed thereon by law, doea any one dmibt that it wonld be the I'resident's imperative duty to make hun call at the Custom-llouao aud pay the leg&l iii.pt.-t ou hia gnodi I .Sup|Ktte the icerehant honestlt believed that he ougbt not to pay tbat all tarifTs were iuvalid, becauBe violationi ol' tlm naturnl right of every umn to take bu property whitheraoever he would.euppme he eon.idered this particular tarifT illegal or uuconatitutional. auppoce be ennaidered Mr. Lincoln not duly elected, and theret'ore invc.ted with no righ-tful power in the preunaei.would ai.y or all of thr-ie, make any diflerence with regard to the PibbV dent'8 duty I i'Uiuly not. He could only aay, ""If you dispute the validity af the tarift. or of " my election, you can raise that qucation by " due legal proceaa, aud baie it adjudicaled in '. the Supreme Court; bnt I ruust BBfl] my oath *. aud follow tte plaiu letter of tho law." Who doubta it T If, now, tbe merchant ihould undertake to reaist, not by au appeal to the Courta, but by filling his abip with armed men, inatructed to resiet to tho death any collectiou of duties or seizure of the gooda, and the i're.id.-nt shotild thus be obliged to u*e force la eommand obedience to the laws, could it be honestly aaid that the Fresid.nt had made, trar on that obfltreperoua merchant? Would it not be the simple duty of the Eiecutive to uae 80 much force as ihould be necenary for the purpoie.no mattcr whether tcn men or tcn thousand ?.and would not the wrong- headed merchant be responaible to God aod man for all the Iobb of life theuc* accruing ? We have preeented uo iiapossible caae. It is, in fact, the very caae whieh Oen. Jamea Hanul- ton, jr., propoaed to make on behalf of the South Carolina Nuilifiere in IrW. Holding the duty then levied on Sugar to be unconstitutinnal, be declared tbat he would import a cargo from Cuba, enter it at Charlcaton, refuse to pay tbe duty, and, if the Ooierntnent interposed force, he would " go to the death for hia Sugar." Uut when hia Sugar arrived, Gen. Scott brought the veBsel to uuder the guoa of Fort Sumter, and there it remained until the other General thought better of the matter aud concluded to pay the duty. Who doea not know that if he reiisU an officer of tbe law engaged in the diacharge of hii duty he doea ao at hia own peril ? Who doubta tbat, ahould a riot grow out of auch reaiitance, tbe reiiater, not the officer, would be guilty of in- citing tbat riot T Who doea not know that, ahould that riot cultninate iu a homicide, tbe law-breaking party would be reaponaible for the murder 7 .' Ah ! but," aaya a cariler, " if a State reiiita, " or authorizea rciiitance, that altera the caae." Who told you ao 1 Not the Coaatitution.aot the laws of tha land. Tbe oath impoaed on the I'reeidcnt kindi him abaolutoly to eufarce the lawi.it kiioaa no authority compctent to qualify tbat obligatlon. An act of Congreas whlch the final jiidirial tribunal haa adjudged unconatitutional i. no law, aud biodi nobody; but bc wbo in practioe anuaics th*: ancvcitit'-t.caat^ ut .*** tM) oi Ci.ogreai dot-i io at bii |»t-.1. If Ibe Courta fail to Buitain bim, he ii a law-b.eu_.er, aud muat Mifler ao-rordingiy. The caao in band, however, preaenta no quea- tion of di.puted Uw. Tbat Mr. I. .....ln waa duly cho-en Prraident of tbe United Statea aa the.)- were laat November, wna oflieinlly pro- pliiiin.-d l.y Mr. Rreokinrtdge, hia "flflfl. fnnnida- Me tflflJBRflj-HJa The l'm-Slnvery Rel-ellioa ii nnt baned on any preteiiio of usurpntmn by Lim, for it wai atarted three niontha before bia ar- CA-iaion to nffica. Tbe authority of Mr. Bu- i-hanati, whoiii every MflflflflR] State had voted lor, wai dtfied by Bfll ri*bclli<>n ni pointedly, thi.tigh tict h.i extcii«i\('ly, that of Mr. Lincnln now ii. If Ifltflfl Stalea have M .«iiatituti«mil ivnrrant fnr delying Ihe Federal authority, ii.ith.r flfl.*. a flflflflfl. Tbe Eede(ftl and the Stite autboritiea have their ¦flfflffll nnd well-defmed inherea, which do not claah. They cnn only be BfflflflM into HHt- fliet by uaurpation ou one aide (T tbe otber. Siii-h a tbing aa war Ix-twc* n tliem ia aa im- BtRfliUfl ai that two plniifta, tillitig widely aepar- ated orbit*, almuld flflflBC bflfl codi-ion. If the l'tderal (loverimicnt were to .Bteriire.ldle 11 ith the li.bllul j.r.iiinco ol thi* Mate auttioritic, the Courti eould Cfltlflflt Ib ubcrratioru. If tb. iBttfltt rflflbfl tb* MflflRBMflbaal authority of tbe Federal (loveri.inint, or encrom-h upon its fl_fltflflrHj power |fl make Itflfllbfl, alliauuea, coiifi-eratioui .euter into any ngr.eii.cut or flflflflflflflfl with a State, or a foicign >H>wer.Iflflf troopa or ahipt tfl war.grant IflttMfl of nirir(|iie and repii.al tflfl. b'JIs ol r-tedit.make an\ tlnng but K«id aod *ilvcr ooin a legal teud. r, Ac, they juat aa plamly rebel Hgainet the Nfltbfl. ai.d 81 cl.-itrly Hiibjei't tl.einaclve" to tbc jM*i*nltit-a of labaihafl, aa doea the iuduidutl who Iflflbfll a aliernl's l«iy nr figlita tbo euitom-hoiiae oflieera at- ta-inptiii<- tu coli.-.-t tbe law lul dutiel 00 l.ii iin- port.Hi faafla. VYbntever .(.ufuainu or BRRff may BflM in iVl pulilic ii.ii.d ou tbi* aiibj.ct re-ult* lrom Mr. Bflflbflflflfl. reiilit inlidel.t) to 1.18 iui|HTiitive BlIlRfltifll M r.'e*;...lit. llld I.e, Bflfl tbc tir.t u.itlictitii! ni't'-c tuat tbc BflBjBflflbfl nl tln- F.d.ral lataaaa wn* aflBlraetafl ut 1 bki-rat-H, and thut the Pflflatal arma and iiiuii.tioiia thflffl flflpflflMBfl bnd Bflflfl HflRflfl bf tl*e trait.-ra, a< lod hflfl M l.rn. Jiuka.iii did Iflflfllf flaflll )c»ra ttotoro, Hfl ahould bave had tbia ___HBMB all *< Ul.ad iiii.mlii t**\ with little flfltH-fljflRRHfl flfflflflflBfll-fl Bnd lo<- l.aa of life. Tbe fountry ia MH paymg tl.e jMiialty of bii Hflflfl ded NflflaflM y, and it ia hkeiy to be a bflflt} one. Let M M Bflt ihnt anotbrr aueh troiibl" ttflj not anae ia the ((/ur-*. tt a ceutury._^^ 11.111-* (OHPl'8. A tjood dt-al of |.:it.*iit i...ii-en_e) and luteut brflflflBB ia fl>>nting Ihlfltfl a.-um flfl tbe joumali ..I thi* ct), 111 re_.ard b Hfl writ of flflflflflfl cor- pui. Iif-t u* unyli/e it: Thfl Conit.tiilion "I th" I'listed Stat.-i eipreaily provi.l.- tbat thu writ inty l-e iiuja iided wben, iu r_*ei of rabtBba or invt*."P, Ibe BfltVltt t-JVly rcquiie* it. Hut. bi Ibi t- rma ol lhat -flfltfl. iiieut, iie.tl.cr Ci.i.-H-ai nor any otber deaart* llii-lit flf tll (i'.ell.lll. Iit II .pOCilftlly i*lotl.4td witb tbe autl,only ol drt-r_ainiD| ti.at nu-h en- geney bai BIHflB. Hut tln* clnuac ol tbe Contti- tuli.'n ii not theretore int*ttflflfl tai be a de*d htler. Hy B-BflflBtt-fl tn lej.i-l.ite BRflRR it, * "ii- grou bai _ne_ high pr.tol aflBRH thal 10 t* op ii..li it t.a* notbiu,, to do witb th." .ul.jetet, or Ibal tne Biewution of tbia j.rovi-ii.ii mav Im- t**^. lelt to 8onie other bram-li of the (*..ier_iai-ni. Eren io t.inid and <-..u».*rvative a jourual at Tkt Sational Jritellmenrer adinila that tbe I're-ident may, in exln-ine canfi, *n.j., nd tl.e writ. Aa tbat p.iper aaya: Mtf B b. Itled tbtt ('otgre.1 .lju. ia erujowe "1 lo a .1 itoplilMflB if iBMbiB. aafl If a 'Bfl. -bb* to Raaatt *.-.« OaSBBflM >a uot ln .r.ilon il n.lglit do ibtlatt baBBM ".. d Bj ,.. ItoB-BBBB-BB. Mflflfl ui"i*r ai, RBB8BMfll p"b h oeoawl-., M Iflhfl (be rr.i'onn'.ili'y .-f.i.i.I ihfl 1.1. prrrogaiite " I >u r.i.g- tbe reee.a of ('..n|-reaa, an ani.ei^re- btBltfl '¦. the nioit lorinnl.-ilile eliur8<-t-"r ahtk.-a tbe frauiework ol nearly l.-ilf tbe Sltt.-a ol lloa Uabfl. It haa iiil.'Ud the army, Hfl ntvy, tb* lej-lilatur-i, tho judie.ary, the eicciitive depart- iin-nta; in fine, every braueh tti tb.. (.ov.-riiinent. Tbe dai.|_er of tbe entire Cahtb of the Keptiblio k'Ti... to flbeefl b iinmincnt. (...iieral* Hntl.-r and MrDow. II, in cnnimand of Federal triK.pa in Vir*;tfiia, oue of tho Iflbfll Statea, are BflflHflBfl, b tln* flflaafl >»f Bflflfl and nicret Hflfl, in ptittin*; dowu thu |laiH_haJ («in- apira.y at-ainat Libeit) nnd LflflT. Every day, traitur", rebel*, api.**, nnd tRBHb, ttro bro.ijht into their tHflflBh They hold them aa priaonera tf war. To lot thom bfl taken out of their hauda, while the eiiemy, in fomndable bHBBBBHI aud ready to nivr battie, Hfll but a few nnle* away, would put Ifl hazard tl.e very BBfaflnflfl «f the troopi uuder their comuiand. In l-Mflfli- there ii a l'tiiled Hlntr. Diitrirt Judkje, who has Mfl yet BRM Hrflflgb the for- mality of reaij-uina his I.d.ral Commiaioa. Under the lawa of CflBfrRflfl be haa the power to iaatie the writ of MflflM oor|iua. Hi* ayiupntl i.*a are notoriouily with the rcbili. Now, MffMI thut juit on tho eve of a bnttle at Mn -aaat. Juaction, or at the mouth of JflflMH Rner, thii Judge ahould lend his writ* to Otnerali Mc- Dowell and Hutler, requiring them to brin/- to bia bar tiio pnaoijera whom tln'y were detaming within their campa, would they r.ot be jii.tified, nay, would it not bo tbeir iinpenoiia duty U> dla- abflfl the writa aud detain theae traitora, rebela, Bpiea, aod i.-i>.iti, iu dehance of the mandate of the Court ? Bflfl, on what ground 1 Simply bei-au.e, in their opinion, the public aafety re¬ quired that the pririle^ei of the writ ol habeoa corpui abould be auapended . Well, if (-.-.).-.al* MeDowell and Huth-r mi*;Lt thua do in Yirgiuia, on tlie eve of battl. ¦ in their vieinity, might not QflH, Cadwaluder do the aamo in Haltimore, a city filletl with traitoni, on the eto of a MRflaHfl »t Hnrper'i Ferry, a ijnit cloaely rou* MflRfli v-iith that city by railway ? Haa it not oe* cun-ed to our cotemporarica that if we p_nnit Judgea in the rebel rjtat-B b> einbarruaa the aetion of our armiei by judicial proceaa, our (icuerab, bb they advanco deeper and deept*r into the rjouth, will find time to do little elae than prepare and put iu auBwerB to writi of habena corpua 1 Lookiiifl to the inevitable future, if thii sort of interferenro io behalf of re_.li and traiton ia tolcrated, wo are for meeting aud atriking it down at tbo vary threBhold of the war. We trnit the Govenimeut will not initrnct our miiitary leaderi to *wn__t Judgei whoie fidelity to the Conititution U iui- pected, to embiirraM tbeir opcrationi in theie peril* ouitim-abyuttempting to coiiceul ipiei and trai- t4)re underneath their judicial robea. Rather lot them b*3 encounvged, m eitreme caaee, and when all other reuiedi.-B fuil, to emulate the exampleof Audiow Jii.-_k.u nt *\cit-(. ri.a-i. KI.IZABKTH J.VtF LRATHRBWOOB. Tbia young Ia*iy, on thn 1th day of May, A. D. IBH, at i'luey Grore, Alabama, "on the occa- " an,n of a public gatlifi-iiig," rcad a patriotie p.-eiii, whieh ia publiahed in Tht Athent lionner. 'ibi* productiou began iu tbis apirited way: " I.adiea, give me your attention. Hear " mc apcak my miod, About the sad condition, Of " ourgl.if ions native land. In thia impcnding enaia, *. We ahould do whate'er we can, If only to en- " flaatflBB The brave and gallant men." Thia ia really a beautiful beginning. The whole aubject ifl Buceinctly atatod, juat aa Virgil aniiounces in hii firat line that he meana to aing " arnm and the " man;" just aa Homer begina with .' AcbilWa M wrath," nnd Milton with " Manfldiiobediencc." As a woman, tbe fair I-eathertvood will "epeak " ber mind." As a woman, God blesa her ahe will apcak it " to encoiirage thc men." " With " fainting heart," ao the lovely I/eatberwood truly observe*, " we never can keop our free- "di.iii. Then let ua do our part;" and tbeu what follows 7 Why, " then tbe monster I.iucolu " Neter ean subdue, And cauae ua to give up, " What to us ii due." Certaiuly not. Ry no mar ner of means. Kxactly *o. Th-n come the .Sriiptural exercirieri. In a few short rersea Klizabeth Jane B.toa with immense tersenoii B_8 Bad.8 argument of Fuller, Adanu . Co. i " ll * ia-i-1 lt in tbe Itihia, The hi-ly hoot of Ooa Tlut at( le i-t . arrival '1 ie i.t wan- iervn.li md tbflit borfl.1' " Wi c iu nr where r*ad tber» lbat ( luiil lurh.de t inn Th -.. .ei t uot. Inherit, Or fieelbeiu in th* liiui." " But all uf n. an road tl.era Tliat bntid thii d-cl_i*. Y l.l.d-e, Hiali liihnnt 'i MM -eet flt.ta tl.ey .h.i, iietr " Mint Li-utherwood, bowev.r, doo* not permit the iin im- ull'atti* to aurprne her into any m- cantiou. laiigiia^e. ilaiing occasion to use the word "I'reeinai.".whieh in so reioliitionary a c >|>y of v.-rrm* could hardl> be avoided.our she AlcieiiB justly eiplaiiiB: " We do not mttan the " colortd, When wo lay tbe freeborn inau, Hut " tl.oge whi.in (.od created, To rule tan Sxith- " ern land." Very well put' A BIBfW di.tino- Imn! Man) Sniithern Bflflto iu toWMBBB. when they talk ol ** Ireiiueii." forget lo make the nice but BBflflflflBiy distnii'tii.t) b.-twei-u mugers" and " Nature'* uoblemeu." Mut you cannot cateh OUr I.e illu'i li..O(| l.l:/llli.'t!i ilailB 'S a al;;,,- itofla araaflafal Andqmte a staNswuinan, to be .ure! BBa explicill) declarBfll " It n our liied " inteutioo, To kiep froe-ioilera houui, Nor let " their vain pretention, Depnve ua of BMB.Ml'a " botioe." Tbeu com.B th. duty of the Hoiithern woiiiao. She tn.nt aell her Jewels.at lea<t " .po-.t tbeiu".and iuie*t the pntci_.de in the purcbaae of unilorma, guns, atv.irda, corneake*, plfig-tiihai'.'o, aud wbi.ky for "our noble broth- " er*." On goe* tbe lyrio! CmtR eundo. l.-atberwfMxl li.-.tii. Itie tii|N.d near the ceuelu- t -ni of lliii Nybilline *ong hucumea very hot in- iaail "Ho' all ye dear young ladi... Of Middle 1 BflBBBaaa. -_ncotir*_.eyour dear bn.Ih.rt, 1*8 li«bt " for Liberty." " Ho nm-t not ln-re be mistak.B for "Hoe'".thoMoh couaidermg the iuipending v-ar.'ity of corn ae think that wonld bave aaaa the better word. Thua enda the war-anng of MiiB Kluabeth .lane Leatb.rvviMid. Th. i.ote* of her lyre n-aaed tn PflMf l.roie ai.d Mr. Rip. Iiflin t-i! ivte-l lur in a priMM'Bperch wbich inii't nav. i-iii. i.j l.y force «i oouipan.on. (huairy went iipott dtit) with a m i-ln-t i.poii itt .hi.ulil.-r ai.d a BBBfl <>( .-..!.! ha/-.iu in it. po. kel; Mit. I .-.iii,. t," d |-_«.e,| like a t»*tting atar h**r bflBMfl at d viij-m bfll BflflkM, or .v itb tbe otl,cr " dear flflBBJ ladi.t ol Mid.ll* ieni.eaare'' pn>- ei».iled tu ''ho." We would retp. c'fully aBflfleafl '-" E. '"' f i-'ii I ia i4 that aiter b. hat fiuitlirid " .-tTe.'t- " uatna. a li.au," he *h»uid proeeed to cur., re .tiaiu, iiiitigate, and even _tleuc« tbe Harda of tte ( (iiilo-l.ra.t. We do uot meau our dear Leatbei vv-H-d, who ib tbe be*t o! the Antn, but tli. otl.era, whut* pc-ln is priuni'.ally a croeg tiniweeii Lucy I.-mu and Doctor Walla. " (lood " VSli.tk)," an i a WeaU-ru Jndgn iu char.tiig a Jury, " ia favoiat'le, aa the ( oti rt kouw* troui " pafflflflfll ei|"4'i:ence. to h.nlth aud longeiity; " but l»r auch a ii.ii.ra!>!.' ariicb a* thit, the " |jl*iLtiii' caunot recov.r." Good poetry, say we, it faiorable L. rvtoliitiont and even rebel- liutit; but thoae Motitbern aottga, at lea.t auch of them a* have gre.ted BBf ailiniring eye, can only make tbe (,'onf.d.racy ludicrout. Where'a Miiiina .' Why sliuiilters his lofty lyre ' Where's 1'niil llayne who uted to coine all tho way to wicked lloston for a pnblisher ' Where'*.but, really, we cannot think of anybody An*. Lord Maoaulay went to the ballad treasuret of Kngland with grt-at MBMMfl for the illustration of manner* and of pojxilar fe.ling. What a ligure tbe Confederacy will cut wh.n future hi»- tonana uoearth the I.eatherwood ballads M-u will say: Theao ver*.* are vamglorious, iu!gar, nliterate, coar*e, reieiigeful, worthy of Becot.d- Clasa, unwortliy of ftrst-clasa aavag.B. 'II,,. aill uot be the verdict of any man, but of Criticiitu itself, Irom the judginent of wbich there cau be uo appeal. And for critieiam there will be atxple matenal. We have in our poisetBion a tol.ral,le rauge of collectiou of tbese Southern " pttems," carefully culled and unnuttakably ideniified; and wheu it parwes from nur hnnds it ahall go where it will b* preterved, aud where, one huudied yeara heoce, it will be r- ml by aiitupianaua, his- toriaus, aud phib.BopberB. 'Ihe little Leatberwood goea into tlie abeaf to-day. Other. will follow. Whether we eoui'uer or are comjiiered, we meau tbat pottenty aball know, at lenst, wbo Baato tbe beit poctry. The Haucroll of the tweoti.th century ahall amile upon Leatberwood througb hii apectaclei, aud the Clar.ndoii of this rebellmu aball grin at tbe tlaveholding barda. Nolblug but tbe capture vi et armit of our eecriUiir* can prevent tbis. Wherefore, Jefl.rn.n, we advia* you to offlcblly anub your atrident Btrummer* THR B-VKITII. The 7th returna to-day. if there be harhored in the breait of any aJHflBfl a tingle thought af unkiudueaa, a aingle fenliug thut any thing but a warm weleome ahould await them, let him re- call that day, the I'.Uli of April, wben they left ua. The day before, Col. Llltworth, just from Waahington, had aaid to ua, " ibey are aitting " tbere upon a volcano." Beauregard, it waa thougbt, waa on hi* way from Charleaton with an army of 10,000 men, whieh had been for month* in camp, and to come fluahed witb the firtt victory. Waahingt.'U cluatered around the Capitol Hill in fear and treinbling, awaiting the attack from foea without, the more fearful attack frdin foea withm, looking with doubtfui .)_. at tbe bandful of Diatrict Militia oa whicb alone they hnd to rely for defeato; atraiuiug tbeir eyea in rain to tbe Free-State border, lifty a_ics st*i*i, to tutek a a\mli oi tvua B^BMM iuc* oor, One . houiand uoarmed men from Penoiylta* aia only, except tlie dotibtful Diitrict force aod a few huettVe- soldien of the U-ited Btfltet, eould ba muaterofl to tbo defenae of the I .'apital, the offi* een of the OotemmeDt aod iti archive*. The wbole ooaotry trembled for their aafety. A deep diigrace, perhapa a dire cilamity, e-s-ernt-d im* {X'dding oter u*. M*auuib4i*etta and Bhode Iil- nnd had i.*nt a regiment eaeh to Fort Mmroe by order of the Commaoder-io-Chief; Peootyltania bad aent one regimeot to Wathington; *'" and MaMBchusetta had eaeh anothor on the way, aod on tbe J.-th tbe only other arailtblo regiinei.. io tho eauntry ready to march, received marchin-; ordert.Ihe 7th. Let ui rncnll that day a moment. Ko too, oor brotber, oor huibtnd, had /-one from among ui then to i-kiH-t tbe eoemy. The exeit. ment aod the gri*f of parting were oew, but except io the .whnmin. eyei of aome few mothem. wbo aat in their enrriagea on aide atreatt, to citch one laat look of tho-e whom they dearly loted, there wai no grief tuible, ouly excitement. llaite to Wa.ibii.gton Save tbe Capital I Thii wai the uiiiverial fecling, tnd all New-York came out that day to bid the 7th God ipeed to give the tint bleaiing of the war And even while tbey wero falling into rank came tbe _ewi that tho uoarmed I'onniyltania troopi were turoed back hy a mob, aod MaaiacbtisetU men lay dead in the atreet* of Haltimore. Wa* there one thought of holding back the 7th hy fathert, -U-hera, and new made wivei I Did the 7th eteo think of holding back ? Hurry Hurry! On to Waih- bflbjfll Sate that from death! Save the ooun- try from diagraoe ! Tbe march of tbe regimeat down Itroadwuy ii a thii.g uot to )>e forgotteo. They marchod iteadily to meet a known and nu unknown dnnger. If Beauregsrd *hould march on Wu*biiigton, the 7th knew how deiperate wai tue lervice they weie on; what perili they might aataaaRat from tbe bnrbarian* af lliilt'iiioro wb. doipped iii;-4'iei from houietopi »nd garret win- dowi, aud might neit throw vitriol upoo tbe paiaing aoldien, they did ont know. But they BHHflflflfl ateadiiy, ready to meet all perili koowo uud Bl Iflfl HB And though they have oncountered nona that they expectcd, they have mot and overome otber*. With tho ¦aa-flRfl-flflflflb IB. tbey took Annapolii and opened tho way Waabington for otber troopa. Their tlitrty dayi have grown to forty; while oo the ground no meo bate .In.wn more atnuiach for a 6ght if ooa eould huve beeu had. Wnen they are ayain wanted, whether it be for tho protectioa of their own hi-mt** or for dutant aervice, will any doubt tho 7th. Ai yet tho time of many and heroio deedi hai n..t c.uif,. Wl honor now tbe ipnug-tim* of .pirit tnd puritoArv, rather than the act* into which tbe.e ba.e blonomed. On .unday Ittit, we paid utiwiiuted niil.ttry and civic honora to ou* wh.) wai loved and reapectod for the qutl- it.ee ai full of future promi.e, aud wbich would bate made, had ho lived, bii country meo hii (h-litor*. lhat geueioui entbd.ia*m wbich haila in th.* youug Uien of tbe c.niitry a nobl* pur- poae aud a Mflt-flfltt IflflflHflfl, ahould gr*_t tbo return nf tbe regiment who** tbor«>ugh diaeipllne hce-ta tht-iu alwayi rendy, and who hy thetr apint a iiioiitb ago atflRtflfl *o well that they will bo al- wn)t r-ady to breait the firat br^nt of da.ger. ('UlllliniVD .1M.HOK-). With regard to no reut'ire ni tho war hai th.-r* beeu eo iinivcr.nl a concurrence «f aaat- iineut in tha> !»)al "Unto., n4 upon (»en. Htit- ler'* deteriniiintion to fletnin all negro altvea, ciiteriiig hii otmp ia the rebel Htttai, nt coutra* hand ot war. The couutry will be gratified to know that tha 8eer*t*ry of War haa omYlally tpproved th* act ll lieu. Hutler. Foilowing the ciear iiidu-ationi tfl pablio opblon, a* well U Ibe aound ninxuui flf law, wt truat tie Oot- ernmeut wdl direct all Commandere _f our land and aaval for.ei to adopt aed oarry out thii doctrine. _^_ Th* apo'i-ty ofTered bfl Mr. John Heli'i iuto ipeech agaimt the 1'nion that :t wt* mtde whea he wn* uuder tho mtliience flf BfflM ii not aatia- lactory. About thirty yean tiio Hlnnkwood'i Magazine (HH tbink in oue of the Soctet Ambro- abflttl laid down th* true doctribo upoo thia tuhject when it iiid, '- No ona doei wben ha la " drunk what he would not do wben he ia aober, " if* ke dared." DruukeniiOM doel not cbauga the nature of a mnn; it merely removei reitraint. lt ihuwa the man in hia true .-olora. A pretander ii itripped ol" hia peacoek a feather*, aud a traltor ia iii"wn to be ao. Ihe Rouiaui iJlnatrated thii idea when they adopted the maxim, " ln oino >' rrritui." Mr. Hell haa betrayed hiinielf, aud ii doubtleaa very lorry to be found out. Perhapi he labori under the idea that b* may li?e to be a I'reaident of the I'nitod Sttttoi.after the ru- cooitruction. _ The llealtb of Beaalor, liou._l.it. Oaii aud, Ihflaaflaj, M,.y 30, is-i Up to Iatt night, ii wua ihou^hi tbtt 8ei*tt*'i D~_g- liu wu getling t-ettrr. 8itir« tben. h* ha* been gt_d- ubII) fl-BahRJ, nnd feau ar* en'e-tiiinril hy bb friend* -inl pl.y-i.-i__* tbtt he will not Iite through the Blght. JLrrlTBl of rria.e tllr.-tl tti dl. John, "fl. Bi. Sr J.Hn, N. II., Thurwday. Mty 30, 18.1. Mbm Alfitti unive.i i*i* bfltabblatafldabjtfl. II* wt* received by tha OfltBtBOt ai.d eulie aiid tlvlo auihoritiea Tu* re wm t Urg* ton-hlignt prox._-_loB bv lh* Or* i-ouii BBflM b unilo: BB. Th* l'riiiie bus IflM drivii'g about th* city niifl aiiburba to-dny. He leavea IB BBBB for FrettHck- um nnd it i* aupj.oand he will pioce-ai lo "aJ/aobi. ty theUiver St. flflflfl and 'he lakeat" Ihfl KiverduL.up. j M> tluniy Itlnttrra al l'hli-a_,o. Caiaaaa, Thnr_dny. >iu» _o, HM* The Hiuik Cb____bttt8RM bave mnd* * (-all lor ad- diti .n_l Baaaibba on '>'.' tanka, baiiug a iircul_iioo _f 15 000,000, -ec.ire.1 by $1,31.,(Mai »f Norltoro. A.'oilO.OOl) of Horder But*, *nd $^00,(100 of «-_ad*d Nuitr aUH-lia. Tue call* give Iflfl -lauk* Mfl HH IH J iu. to uiuk" up lha 'leln it- -a»- Tba l-.lt-.-Hoa Ohio. CLtm abi). rhui-dty, May .u\ 18.1. Kelnrne of Tueadty't ('oi.gu-t-ional NM tiom ar8 meaiiBr, but BflflBUfl A. HflBHOB, CaajM-YaBtfl Re- I ulliiau, i* .lecied to bli Mr t'orwiu a va-aueybya tiuit.ll inuiority over lU.ltn. Ktdietl Kepiinlic-i.. .Stuiuel T. Wore* i er ia ci.o_.-ti iu ihe ylave vt Suer* u*Bu by a majoilty of about laflflB ..... ltlarlMe UlattBter. Kawroat, B. L, Tharadaj, May :*o, lWi. Thebrig Al| ine, (.'apt. Killmtin, haa ariived b*r* from N*w-()rl*__a for Boi_**ut, wilb >o«a or ttil., wiU rei-ir iniuu-uuiuly tud pnK-.*d. .Th* aid to Col. Hunler of th* A_ued-iet. orlgad*, at Aloiaii.lria, appointad from lha N-w-df.rk 69th Regiment, i* Mr. C. (Jt. Ilalpine, tha clevar and bril* ii-.ii* eilltor of Tht iVrv-V.r* Uader^and not Mr. HolydiuB, ai tha telograi<h8M made it yeatardaj oioruicg. Dr. N. K-e-.B_er*r, Snrf eon of th* .Vxh Regiment N. Y. 8. M., daair_a ua b tut-i tbtt tbe ceport t-iat h* ___. ^_v_ Jt ihitffa Sb TKE WAR FOR THE UNION, UtHtO 0R._m_.CE8 AT ALEJ.A!.DE(A. BEAVEKY OF THE J. EW-JEESEY BOYS SEBENADINO AT THE WHITE H0U8I 8PEECH BY 8ECEETAEY SEWAED. The SeY-snth Stay one Day Longer. THE CONTRABAND CHATTEL QUESTION. INSTRirCTIONS TO GENERAL BUTLBB. BOVT Tfll IE4.BOE. CAJIB TO BEfEBT. -m,- WHAT TUEY THINK OP THE REBEL ARMY. Preparations for Attack at Alexaadrii REPORTED ADVAME OF (M Ul* THE REBELS SHORT OF PROVISIOIf5 Thr Slav.s Put on Short AUowaoie PlrtU THE PBE8I0CRT AID 8ECBETABT SE WA«0 II VIMMA THEY LNSPECT THE FEDERAL CAMP*. Opaeia. Dl.tte*. Ut Tha K. Y. Triban*. Washiboton, Thuraday, May 30, 1861. ARRIVAL Or THB (1 AHIll U.DI tit'ARD. The Ganbaldi Guard arrived at 2 o'olock thii moraing. Prealdent Felton and Profesiora Peirce an i Wwhburn of Harrard ara here. COMPLAIMTH AT ALBXAKDRIA. Some citizena of -Uexaudria ooioplaia that negroei are aliowed more privilegae and treatad with more oonaideration by our aoldiera thaa themwlvw. They are aliowed, hke otber peri- pat.tie property, te go about the atreeM at nigbt Fro* negroea oomplain that the city anthontMfl have them whipped and loched up for apendiag too much time ia lookiug at the troopa. Oaa waa whipped for giving a aoldier a driak o. water. THE NEW-JfcRSEY TROOPS. A gentleman who apeut a uight at the New. Jertey camp aaye tbe conduct of the New-Jeraer line, when called to arma by a audden uight alarm, waa moat admirable. They behaved L.l old aoldiera. THE sl.l'.KItDK BY THK SKVEBTH. The serenade of the 7th Regmieut to the Prea- ident at midnigbt wu a very pleaaant affair. The regimental baad, and tive Uie* from eaeh oompany, uuder Liaut. Boatwick baaring torchea, drew up m front of tbe White Huuae, and played aeveral tune* very effectively. The Prmi- deot ut at an open window, acoompaaied by hia family. Tbe urenading party then went to Qov. Seward's, and played several airi, winding uj with " liail Columbia," .* The 6t*r-Spangl*d l.anner," and " Yaahee Doodle." The SecreUrj tbus addreated them: I t*e ia niv vi&itor* lo-night tnv friend* aad n.-if.h- bors of the State.>f New-York. I hava never .bo-i#nt I -ave alwaya known, that th* l-'ni'-u would ihh b* wonh much withuBt th* State olf Naw-York, a-d t-y tb. ev.nt. lhal ara uow fpogretmiug, Naw- .ork be- liavea tbat ahe would not b* m-irh wliuout f be I'nioa, j('h-*r* j We Uie in alirrinir liaiee. fBeaw are trr. iug to abt-lish Ynukee Doodle, liail Col'imi-ia, .id the Star S-iaiurl...! aa.BflB [Voioaa." No* a once." '.Dou'tawit." "NarvUm*." " Never," " Never .") Aud ibey ar* alao trylug tnat u-'.ber aud gteatei tav loarii.i'iiy. toal'oliih th. Kourtb of July. (Voi ee- ******** "('an't do lt."] Congrea* bHm.BMMM tho -ih of July, with th* couutry in tbe mi>l*t of t ei> il war. Ijettuhope that when il BMM again ok tha na.t I'.h of .luly,. we may bava pine, h.uaiiouv aud a re.t-ir.,1 !'.lion. Tbree ebaera wera given fo Oov. toward, followed by a tiger and a*ky-rockat. (i.-ntlei. .n. will ti.a do me lb* Uvor to w_d'k into t. hou*e ai.d take a glaae of win* with me. The whole d.taebment tbea went into th* hou*. and partook of refreabment*, after whfaB they weut to Willard'a and aereuaded Mra. Hlera. mar, Mri. McDowell, and Gen. Manafield, wh-> made a ahort apeecb, at did alao hii AJjutaut, Drake de Kay. The wrenader* did not reaoh tha camp till *. o'cl-tok. The 7th have poatponed tbeir departure to-morrow morning. 1HK (OSTHABANU HUIIBJ QOBflBMI Col. llutler returned to IflllBBM Mourot Bft-BBBfl. bearing ihe i-liowiiig letter of ia** " HMB to -fl brothar: ..WaaB-Bflaflfli Btayaa, 1*4.1. ..8iR: Yonr act ion ln ra-iBCt to iho iiear*"*- **** ****!withm your line*, BBB the ttttbn&nk*% Cwptovad. The L>e,4irtiu4.'iit M**aa*ibto of he Wriaai-euta, whieh -Bat anrrottnd flft BB BBBfla DiiHtary otteraiiot a to * BwM. by lha l_w* If B Wrnmty i* a-.. tioned. Ibe I**mmnmt nm**. .m**" J u __ _,,.,_, ._',,_, Ir ...1. rt.1 if.U.'-l nl .: lie raai ing nar*** paaaai lgrtbe'.mr'x)** mi-boub-u. A~...- ... -- , hi.u thcv Wug .^______r_!__to_^S Ot ibo Uiorbf WBBMa_afA*4tkwMB*«*J^ d t,,e ..,._** thoiu ,erfona.d, £^JffJJS&7ltoto BB- -I- 0f their ^V_____wdtor\aW4r- den miii.tiou. j^Mtiou wiU be ^X;.,, Bafltaat. of War. - Mii)r(jau«rBl Bflt.B. *\m*9**^^ BnticipaU-d iu my dispatoh of ye.terday Mi* MB. with tlie eulire ********** J*^T__t Tbe account ef lubor to Bfl-M ******* ^'*> Z*Z w.U not probably exhibit « ahirr.m, balaact, to deplete the trewury ol the flaflBBB. ***** Bid the future determmatioa ***** poai-don ofthe negroe- i. .«-eth...g more Utie than poaitive. The firM invoica of Vir- M«to property received al Gen. ¦^\**u\ eonaiated of eight packaSea. Gea. A^-tey ** detoUed to examine and report. "TAhat are you going to do with ui w* nagroea aiked. QtMi. A.hley-We ahall not harm you. Negiaw-VYa know tbat, but w,U Tf*J*** * Wa UtBB W mlWB* lMM«m1***

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Page 1: | TKE WAR FOR THE UNION, › lccn › sn83030213 › 1861...iodei-d, it ia easy to detect the mournful t-.ue of one who thikk* be ia more likely to die than AflBfBBB.-um,-. The capture

jBnemcee KbUccb. _|****** Cm*nmk\l\ BW, No..M«dM PfltoBflh

,, ,. .8.6Bfcafl Mpflca S..IU..... fl |Fl_h,Cr_alM_ia»'_»*a«o «***.j "

Bdrped dfl do do . 8 tbolferloo do d* do . |nTflca io do a* *o . ijllairitna dfl d» Oo . ,jtitiit Mn-r. tit do.

jteOWN'e. CoaOOAL Thiu.k-MimITB FBfla-BBBB.Or.vtlt Imp.ored.

Phra* Uu.'t.?» .*| iu-«'.ar».*? ,,towtSflB- "

. ' B) Kight Ouart .......... » »'

Uact W. Baow-. Maa-fartuiar. No IM .lohn .1. N >.

r~As iMMEBai SiiKK ..» S4.fi,.*;. PuBiafira. Haii00.. BmIiIIbbi fce ke. M b**^**^m**kiUJL\K^ -th'

NawManiiiBB am- I'bk"mn l»"«'TN.. 6. .i Braafl* BJ Motart HalL

FLA(.-T~FlA<JS ! Fi.A(is H.A(.s !Buutina ai d Bilk B-fla.M *i*M.*ralBlfr.a*i *ata> M

N.-t.lj oppt-tlle lll. I'Oll O'llC*.

MnBto bb Ri rn aa LTobib-- wnin.'sPaibnv I.araa Tu. ..«- B*a c....-g BbbmB M Ii made Bfl a

.aw P,inri,.i... _»aara*iw^aB^M-W*ff& 2, Boti,..

Y~BBTf-riTB I'lTiuoTic KnviioI'K**, nli tlif-iBflah aM by bbB eraaM for BaaJMaaraa.^ :, (,.,,.. ..

fBBBBi K»R THE TlMl *».BflBI OFfOBTj BTT,CAh-iKr. 1. dolug good lervlc. tol!.. MeacBlkfllMiII* i, Mtaafl .1-g.nt liMtan rn the U44ea; tre-nt h (alp..an« l.e.imr Koo'i Ut OmM, -aaa; aafl *******Ihr voiiM*. Choip- Hl* it' re u at No. IIJ »r,..ti.t a.¦

lltba-idUlhit. Pr.ctice.conomyl-y draiin.vtl'hh.'u.

La-BBB. (Iaitkks. i*_, ; Bupb ""1 Tn** *»' "¦¦*..B par ,..lr, with Lirtie.', MtaflS*', fleya*. anfl IbBMi fleflWflW..*_._ rll*.**»_ jraaaafl^ fc^ N_. ^ c.0a,-,

BVTTOU. VAR1COIHE,rn... Ati- Fvi .aeaai *!*-*.

Dr. flliari offlc. for thfl radi.avl BIWBMl af MflM dii. a- . ¦.

..No il Hatylay .... N. i_ _

KttvPPV** CoNCKNTRtni) KXTBACl ol Roois.Kou fl-BlM R'H'i Ubk-

Thi* *.fraot. from vtl.l h me he.:.!.. ******** k,'own ."Raaaa* BaB Heet taatafla, i. pM -flaBt>ttta*M -c fo... ....ud * I racB. iutt-1 i-nt f uj.ke IU. iS, ".... flii.l IBB mII.hi of Le_4a*r u..*ral ****** Ba. BMUaMiail B-MMm hy mbMwht.la.ile and iaia.1 diuggi.la.

j Kl sM.s_Kll.ICAI. Cl RE Of Hl.KNIA. ob Bi r*TiK__-Dr. 3. N. Mak.h. of (hetv*i: _iou. ka«M flf Ma1-'' *

<-..., No. * V*.ay itreet, *»or li,.,.-e. apP'Mla tba rbi.irli *a-

aatflfl .... ;ial alteulion M Ibfl aarflbal adap-t-'l- B of '". l*t,f''..To'e Tn.ia. Al.o ever. k.i.d ef 1 -.,».*«. Buppo-ien. Shoolder-Bracei. H-itlc Stockiogi aud Mecbanu-I apphai caa foi ne

falu tfiei (A L.tly B'.teud-Ut I_GROVEB A I.AKIK*.

CaiaaRiran N..i*Kia».aaitikuVu )""'*.

F.Biiat.v ani. MiitA, n-.v.n-'M ¦MBffltray.B.T.

Wiimut A Wii-o.n's Simim.-Mmiiim**At MflBflfli price. v.i'1- (. mlUtt* I rr-iel. I'-provCUlMWrtvetlr.,,:,!. l'.,..tl.r.0«r.let le. 1-fcBtaaflWB.

lOWKR Cl'ilK-, 1-I4.I 1-4T8BB, AND OllK n

Ci4MA_-tb. moat memr**tmt^ht*mmtt.,. dm*e*U.^^'

ltii(llll.OR> HviK l)M..-lMi)l'l(,ll:'n'. | i. IBH Yi, a , fltaara. K',,t. ryb^«l [ft****!Bflo aud applied.it Ht-.iMKi-K'-M m j-H.-ti-y, No. H. Houd t

J&b^ttrk Sailw Sril-ttnB-m*-

FRIDAY. MAY 31, lc«31>

ffl CORKYSl'OM'FyTS.B* notir* ean ba lukrr ef Ai .¦i.*u,.uk (omn .-nl. iHon* w hit

eveti. Ii.i. ndeif bl laMltk* m.-M n* ...th.-t.li.ited bv the

uani. anaadcte..e ihe writei-not neii ..irlly MCBflflflBB-tiua, bmar agn.ti.nt> for,hii good fiith

Vfl rai-ii.4 iiiidi-rt.lr lo .'ton, rejrct.d ( on.roni lca-iotn.Ati b_iiit*i letier. lo, thb otho* eiii.i.1* be ad Jrt M*fl to 1 a*

Tm.bi >*," New-Yiik^^^^^^^^^

We reKnt Ba lt arn thut an iinlavt-ralile chongeha.l takt-ii ptoflfl ir_ tbe cni d tn.n "f Mr. DflBftoalaat i.iKht, and thut it waa even -flflfM he miyhtnot Lire till mori.ing.


There wa* faator*BB| a ehortlived ereiteinentauiong tiur tr.tt.pi ut Alexuudria and the vieinity,eaiiBed by tbe report that Gea. LflB wrb advauc-itig wilh a fece Ut attaik the place. The inen,who showed theniaelveri, as u*ual, ea«er for a

fijjbt, were di.ai'poi'.tt-d, no r>eceBBiotii»t aoldiercouu.og vtitiiin raaaa.


With the '.l.'Mxi BtflflBB.Bfll troop* at Fairfax

Uiero are _..*). ritunie*, wbo Bre einplojed aa

ae.atita. A great acarcity ol prov'iBiuus e.\i*t*,and tbe BBBflfl are tbe fir»t who are rotnpelledto go hnntry. It i. aaaflflMa that they will be-Ifore lonn a<ld thetn.-jlvet to tho rapidly increaahy *tofk of rontrahabd good* uow iu the keepiDgof the 1 fderal kflflffl.


Two letter* writteu by tbe lion. EdwardUatea to John M. H»tt*, in ai.-.wer to some re¬

ceived froni the latu-r, aro pultliahed by ui thiapn.ri.it.p. Mr. l.Btea allud.e with leeling to the

prenent potition of Mr. H.-tt* eompared with thathe m.iritftined Bflt long aince, and tnakei, thoughwith r.o BBgflade huiid, a pitilen diaioetiou ofthe Vitgi-iianV k'gic.


The BflM Military Departtneut of Kentucky,under the command of Col. lioltert Andertou,embrace* so lunch of the State aa liea withiuone huudred imles flf tho Oliio River. Thi* ap-w.iBtuient will briig under a vigilant eye theMuutl.s of the OaMBrltoal and Tennesbee Rivera,toto whieh aupplies lor the Rebela haie beeu

eteadily florving for a long time.-ra-

We call atle'ition to the letter of Mr. II. Ber-

dan, addreaied to sharp ahooters iu the loyalBtatea. It i» aaapuaei to ornauizo a corpi offir.t-rate rifleiuen, do one to be adtnitted whocannot brmg evidence of eitraordiuary akill inth. u.e of tbe BflflfM. at a diktauce of IN yardaor upward. As oue of tbe tthUtowledged beat

ahota in tbe country, if not the Tery bent, Mr.Berdan takei the lead in thia movetuent,

Gca. Houston ba. ftit bimcclf ioored to dwdare IBBB*- a ¦afeaL Hia *iteech is publiihedto-day. The sharpntas of bia repeated thrurta at

hia pvlitieai eneiuies in Texas oiuth leBBeus theaioloBce el hi. deutinfiatio_a of tbe Aa.iuiatra-tion. He very clearly iut'oruii the "Boutb that

they have broiight thia trouble upon thetuwlreB,but raya tbat uow they are iu, they muat en-

deavor te win. He doea not aeem ao aauguiueof victory aa many of hia bretbren in tieasouiiodei-d, it ia easy to detect the mournful t-.ue ofone who thikk* be ia more likely to die thanAflBfBBB.


The capture and imprisonmrnt of hoitagea ianothing uew, certainly; but the rebela havefltbi-overcd an original way of mmiaging it. Ordl-aahly a bclligerent party think* it nere.. ari to takeit* priaonera trom the enemy'a eouutry; the Seoei-pioniata, however, with tho valorous diacretiou whiohBiarka ao many of their acta, are aeizing their owucitizeni and making priaonera of theut. Thua we

d.ly hear thut the Virginiaiu have captured otherYiifliuiaaa, and are holdiug them tili they aee whatthe Uaited Btatea doea with tbe rebel cavalryoaught tha other day in Abxandria. Thia ia anBBuiently aafa proceeding, aud commend* itftelf tothe ktoothera aoldiera.

Taa fltoamatip Amerioa, wbich left LiverpoolOa tha ldth aud Queenatown on tha I9th inet.,reached Halifax ywterday. Bha haa three dayalater aewa. Au importaut debate took place inthe Ilouaa of Lord* oa the 16th, concerniugAmeriflaa aflaiis aad the queitiona of blockadeput prlvatrerinj, Th* oniaioij 1,111 eT-r.*v;»i *'r

the Earl of Derby that the United Htatei conldnot by tbe law of natioui treat priintecrs aa

¦-ir.it'.; Lord Cartipbell agreed with him; LordI'r- -i-.'l.nin aaid that pnvateeriug was not piracy,but that to join an cxpedition against a powerat peace with England waa a piratical nct. Odtbe l'iti, Mr. I'tilla* prenented Mr. Adams, anddelnered his lett.rs of recall. Mr. Dalla* come*

ly the Amsrica aa pas.enger.

~OVK.-tH-:.**4T*4 Olt VIB«I**1_.The inijtoitttnt inovciiii'iit of UniU'd .Statea

troop* from the North-Ka*. and thc ara-tflWaalupon lliiriH'r'a Ferry is going steadily on, andiiiilt'riH the Rebela mn, ns ia uot uulikely, we

shall noon have stirring BflflMk Tho Dth, 'Jl.t,-.'i.d, aml '.'4th Pcnn*.)lt.iiii_ B-fefljl.Bfltl n-ached(luiinbersburg. on th.-ir uay la Harper'. Ferry,early yoriterdny nioriiing. Mnorhead's, Lewis's,lijleV. the Scott Li gion Regimciita, and thor).ilailcl|.hi:i City troops, were cupttctcd iai-Bfltlu* aajat. Thus, aaaa atoftfal ye-.tcrd.iy moniing,tliere nre in tbi. B*tog alxmt 16.000 men ndvnnc-ing aaaa tho Bebala.On the other Hiile. the Ohio aml Waflfltffl Virninin

traapa, under Col, Kcl.y, ent.'ii d (irallon ye.terdn),and tlie BBBBMtoflbta tled wilhotit tiring n gBB. Tbfl6th Indiana Regiment vvas at CiaaiBBBttBB tlu'ivayto the Rame point. The 14th and Uli Ohio Regi-iii.iitfA aara aba aavGialtoaat Ikalalaataaaaaato|they iiiiinbered 9,000 BBBB.From Waa_Bftoa we lfiiri. that tho QafftoMI

Oiinrd and the !»lh ISew-York RflfiflMfll ure ..-..teet-

iun to lw M'lit upon hflportant BfTttofl toto Vinj'iiia;al.-o that two IBfta-flflrb of i'istrict Voliinteer* la/U

araatofl received ordera la arafaia tof n bafa-aira-It is prol.able that HflflB pivparritioiM look IflMflir]lliitper'a Ferry. Thu* it will I.e BBBB tliat no hopeIWB.1M f"i Ikfl BflM. at ttfl lnttor point eXCflfl bprrcipHate flight.Fraa aaflflsite WiBtoflBaaarl the laaaaatoa troopa

have hiflfl t'i.¦ k two iirle. or more touardMartinBBBIf. and we lenra thit a hiindroddflaflftbafl baaa them have takaa atoaa.The latent new8 fioui Waahington indicates

immedia'.e action. The 7I-t l.egitiieiit wub

ordered to be ready for instattt niarch la*tuiLlht. The laal re(Kiit for tl.e Bifhl from llar-jer'a Ferry state.l that tben. wt-re 10,000 troopstheie. lt rh..niii l>e taken vntli i|iin)iti(*ation.Our liaitimore curreapomlci.t give* tl.e detailt

of a plot hatclied by Qaa. l.ee to regain pon--ereiiii. of tliat city. Tla advance ol tbe lorniid-able force upon ilarper'a Ferry will, however,roaterially dan a_,e hu plaiin, and he will havewi-ik etiough to tax all hu ability if ba isfontent to act inon-ly on the dtfensive. Tbereis no doubt that tbere are .noiigh traitora inBaltimore to make serions trouble there uudermore favorable circuinstani-os. Ihey reihonwithout their l.oBt, however, if they thiok tocatch our gcLerals napping.

WHO "AKKM THK 41 tit f

If it had plea-ed God to make this a t'oolleaaworld, the labor of journalints would have been

conaiderably lightened and tbe occaaionB lor culti-

vatiug the t hnatian grace ot patienc* nmtenallylesBened. And o. all exhibition. of bnman stoliriityor fatuity that try a naturally siveet tem'ter, we

regard the eitrrent XeceMiouiat cant about Lin-roln't trnr on thr South as tbe Bflfll proroking.

jVl.raham 1-iucoln li President of tbe UnitedBtBtoa, and hai aworn t<> execute tha duties ofthat h'gh office. Ile haa uo cboice, no diacrvtioniu tbe preuua.1, uuleaa it be to perjur* hituaelfhy leaving un-one what he hat taken bia Mnh.rto witueaa he will taithfully do. Suppoae, now,that one of our niercbaut* were to iniport a cargoof Hilka or Wine*, and, giving fair notiee of hi*

purpose, were to ui.dertake to land them at thitport and sell them witbout pay ing the CflBBBBBini'tosed thereon by law, doea any one dmibt thatit wonld be the I'resident's imperative duty tomake hun call at the Custom-llouao aud pay theleg&l iii.pt.-t ou hia gnodi I .Sup|Ktte the icerehanthonestlt believed that he ougbt not to pay tbatall tarifTs were iuvalid, becauBe violationi ol' tlmnaturnl right of every umn to take bu propertywhitheraoever he would.euppme he eon.ideredthis particular tarifT illegal or uuconatitutional.

auppoce be ennaidered Mr. Lincoln not dulyelected, and theret'ore invc.ted with no righ-tfulpower in the preunaei.would ai.y or all of thr-ie,make any diflerence with regard to the PibbVdent'8 duty I i'Uiuly not. He could only aay,""If you dispute the validity af the tarift. or of" my election, you can raise that qucation by" due legal proceaa, aud baie it adjudicaled in'. the Supreme Court; bnt I ruust BBfl] my oath*. aud follow tte plaiu letter of tho law." Whodoubta it T

If, now, tbe merchant ihould undertake toreaist, not by au appeal to the Courta, but byfilling his abip with armed men, inatructed toresiet to tho death any collectiou of duties or

seizure of the gooda, and the i're.id.-nt shotildthus be obliged to u*e force la eommand obedienceto the laws, could it be honestly aaid that theFresid.nt had made, trar on that obfltreperouamerchant? Would it not be the simple duty ofthe Eiecutive to uae 80 much force as ihould benecenary for the purpoie.no mattcr whether tcnmen or tcn thousand ?.and would not the wrong-headed merchant be responaible to God aod man

for all the Iobb of life theuc* accruing ?

We have preeented uo iiapossible caae. It is,in fact, the very caae whieh Oen. Jamea Hanul-ton, jr., propoaed to make on behalf of the SouthCarolina Nuilifiere in IrW. Holding the dutythen levied on Sugar to be unconstitutinnal, bedeclared tbat he would import a cargo fromCuba, enter it at Charlcaton, refuse to pay tbe

duty, and, if the Ooierntnent interposed force,he would " go to the death for hia Sugar." Uutwhen hia Sugar arrived, Gen. Scott brought the

veBsel to uuder the guoa of Fort Sumter, andthere it remained until the other General thoughtbetter of the matter aud concluded to pay the

duty.Who doea not know that if he reiisU an officer

of tbe law engaged in the diacharge of hii dutyhe doea ao at hia own peril ? Who doubta tbat,ahould a riot grow out of auch reaiitance, tbe

reiiater, not the officer, would be guilty of in-

citing tbat riot T Who doea not know that,ahould that riot cultninate iu a homicide, tbelaw-breaking party would be reaponaible for themurder 7

.' Ah ! but," aaya a cariler, " if a State reiiita," or authorizea rciiitance, that altera the caae."Who told you ao 1 Not the Coaatitution.aotthe laws of tha land. Tbe oath impoaed on theI'reeidcnt kindi him abaolutoly to eufarce thelawi.it kiioaa no authority compctent to qualifytbat obligatlon. An act of Congreas whlch the finaljiidirial tribunal haa adjudged unconatitutional i. no

law, aud biodi nobody; but bc wbo in practioeanuaics th*: ancvcitit'-t.caat^ ut .*** tM) oi

Ci.ogreai dot-i io at bii |»t-.1. If Ibe Courta failto Buitain bim, he ii a law-b.eu_.er, aud muatMifler ao-rordingiy.The caao in band, however, preaenta no quea-

tion of di.puted Uw. Tbat Mr. I. .....ln waa

duly cho-en Prraident of tbe United Statea aa

the.)- were laat November, wna oflieinlly pro-pliiiin.-d l.y Mr. Rreokinrtdge, hia "flflfl. fnnnida-Me tflflJBRflj-HJa The l'm-Slnvery Rel-ellioa iinnt baned on any preteiiio of usurpntmn by Lim,for it wai atarted three niontha before bia ar-

CA-iaion to nffica. Tbe authority of Mr. Bu-i-hanati, whoiii every MflflflflR] State had votedlor, wai dtfied by Bfll ri*bclli<>n ni pointedly,thi.tigh tict h.i extcii«i\('ly, a» that of Mr. Lincnlnnow ii. If Ifltflfl Stalea have M .«iiatituti«milivnrrant fnr delying Ihe Federal authority, ii.ith.rflfl.*. a flflflflfl.Tbe Eede(ftl and the Stite autboritiea have

their ¦flfflffll nnd well-defmed inherea, which donot claah. They cnn only be BfflflflM into HHt-fliet by uaurpation ou one aide (T tbe otber.Siii-h a tbing aa war Ix-twc* n tliem ia aa im-

BtRfliUfl ai that two plniifta, tillitig widely aepar-ated orbit*, almuld flflflBC bflfl codi-ion. If thel'tderal (loverimicnt were to .Bteriire.ldle 11 iththe li.bllul j.r.iiinco ol thi* Mate auttioritic, theCourti eould Cfltlflflt Ib ubcrratioru. If tb. iBttflttrflflbfl tb* MflflRBMflbaal authority of tbe Federal(loveri.inint, or encrom-h upon its fl_fltflflrHjpower |fl make Itflfllbfl, alliauuea, coiifi-eratioui.euter into any ngr.eii.cut or flflflflflflflfl with a

State, or a foicign >H>wer.Iflflf troopa or ahipttfl war.grant IflttMfl of nirir(|iie and repii.altflfl. b'JIs ol r-tedit.make an\ tlnng but K«id aod*ilvcr ooin a legal teud. r, Ac, they juat aa

plamly rebel Hgainet the Nfltbfl. ai.d 81 cl.-itrlyHiibjei't tl.einaclve" to tbc jM*i*nltit-a of labaihafl,aa doea the iuduidutl who Iflflbfll a aliernl'sl«iy nr figlita tbo euitom-hoiiae oflieera at-

ta-inptiii<- tu coli.-.-t tbe law lul dutiel 00 l.ii iin-

port.Hi faafla.VYbntever .(.ufuainu or BRRff may BflM in iVl

pulilic ii.ii.d ou tbi* aiibj.ct re-ult* lrom Mr.Bflflbflflflfl. reiilit inlidel.t) to 1.18 iui|HTiitiveBlIlRfltifll M r.'e*;...lit. llld I.e, Bflfl tbc tir.tu.itlictitii! ni't'-c tuat tbc BflBjBflflbfl nl tln- F.d.rallataaaa wn* aflBlraetafl ut 1 bki-rat-H, and thut

the Pflflatal arma and iiiuii.tioiia thflffl flflpflflMBflbnd Bflflfl HflRflfl bf tl*e trait.-ra, a< lod hflfl Ml.rn. Jiuka.iii did Iflflfllf flaflll )c»ra ttotoro, Hfl

ahould bave had tbia ___HBMB all *< Ul.ad iiii.mlii

t**\ with little flfltH-fljflRRHfl flfflflflflBfll-fl Bnd lo<-

l.aa of life. Tbe fountry ia MH paymg tl.e

jMiialty of bii Hflflfl ded NflflaflM y, and it ia

hkeiy to be a bflflt} one. Let M M Bflt ihntanotbrr aueh troiibl" ttflj not anae ia the ((/ur-*.

tt a ceutury._^^11.111-* (OHPl'8.

A tjood dt-al of |.:it.*iit i...ii-en_e) and luteutbrflflflBB ia fl>>nting Ihlfltfl a.-um flfl tbe joumali..I thi* ct), 111 re_.ard b Hfl writ of flflflflflfl cor-

pui. Iif-t u* unyli/e it:

Thfl Conit.tiilion "I th" I'listed Stat.-i eipreailyprovi.l.- tbat thu writ inty l-e iiuja iided wben,iu r_*ei of rabtBba or invt*."P, Ibe BfltVltt t-JVlyrcquiie* it. Hut. bi Ibi t- rma ol lhat -flfltfl.iiieut, iie.tl.cr Ci.i.-H-ai nor any otber deaart*llii-lit flf tll (i'.ell.lll. Iit II .pOCilftlly i*lotl.4tdwitb tbe autl,only ol drt-r_ainiD| ti.at nu-h en-

geney bai BIHflB. Hut tln* clnuac ol tbe Contti-tuli.'n ii not theretore int*ttflflfl tai be a de*d

htler. Hy B-BflflBtt-fl tn lej.i-l.ite BRflRR it, * "ii-

grou bai _ne_ high pr.tol aflBRH thal 10 t*

op ii..li it t.a* notbiu,, to do witb th." .ul.jetet, or

Ibal tne Biewution of tbia j.rovi-ii.ii mav Im- t**^.lelt to 8onie other bram-li of the (*..ier_iai-ni.

Eren io t.inid and <-..u».*rvative a jourual at TktSational Jritellmenrer adinila that tbe I're-identmay, in exln-ine canfi, *n.j., nd tl.e writ. Aatbat p.iper aaya:MtfB b. Itled tbtt ('otgre.1 .lju. ia erujowe "1 lo a .1

itoplilMflB if iBMbiB. aafl If a 'Bfl. -bb* to Raaatt *.-.«

OaSBBflM >a uot ln .r.ilon il n.lglit do ibtlatt baBBM ".. d Bj ,..

ItoB-BBBB-BB. Mflflfl ui"i*r ai, RBB8BMfll p"b h oeoawl-., MIflhfl (be rr.i'onn'.ili'y .-f.i.i.I ihfl 1.1. prrrogaiite


I >u r.i.g- tbe reee.a of ('..n|-reaa, an ani.ei^re-btBltfl '¦. the nioit lorinnl.-ilile eliur8<-t-"r ahtk.-atbe frauiework ol nearly l.-ilf tbe Sltt.-a ol lloa

Uabfl. It haa iiil.'Ud the army, Hfl ntvy, tb*

lej-lilatur-i, tho judie.ary, the eicciitive depart-iin-nta; in fine, every braueh tti tb.. (.ov.-riiinent.

Tbe dai.|_er of tbe entire Cahtb of the Keptibliok'Ti... to flbeefl b iinmincnt.

(...iieral* Hntl.-r and MrDow. II, in cnnimand ofFederal triK.pa in Vir*;tfiia, oue of tho IflbfllStatea, are BflflHflBfl, b tln* flflaafl >»f Bflflfl andnicret Hflfl, in ptittin*; dowu thu |laiH_haJ («in-

apira.y at-ainat Libeit) nnd LflflT. Every day,traitur", rebel*, api.**, nnd tRBHb, ttro bro.ijhtinto their tHflflBh They hold them aa priaoneratf war. To lot thom bfl taken out of theirhauda, while the eiiemy, in fomndable bHBBBBHIaud ready to nivr battie, Hfll but a few nnle*

away, would put Ifl hazard tl.e very BBfaflnflfl «fthe troopi uuder their comuiand.

In l-Mflfli- there ii a l'tiiled Hlntr. DiitrirtJudkje, who has Mfl yet BRM Hrflflgb the for-

mality of reaij-uina his I.d.ral Commiaioa.Under the lawa of CflBfrRflfl be haa the power toiaatie the writ of MflflM oor|iua. Hi* ayiupntl i.*a

are notoriouily with the rcbili. Now, MffMIthut juit on tho eve of a bnttle at Mn -aaat.

Juaction, or at the mouth of JflflMH Rner, thii

Judge ahould lend his writ* to Otnerali Mc-Dowell and Hutler, requiring them to brin/- tobia bar tiio pnaoijera whom tln'y were detamingwithin their campa, would they r.ot be jii.tified,nay, would it not bo tbeir iinpenoiia duty U> dla-

abflfl the writa aud detain theae traitora, rebela,Bpiea, aod i.-i>.iti, iu dehance of the mandate ofthe Court ? Bflfl, on what ground 1 Simplybei-au.e, in their opinion, the public aafety re¬

quired that the pririle^ei of the writ ol habeoa

corpui abould be auapended .

Well, if (-.-.).-.al* MeDowell and Huth-r mi*;Ltthua do in Yirgiuia, on tlie eve of battl. ¦ in their

vieinity, might not QflH, Cadwaluder do the aamo

in Haltimore, a city filletl with traitoni, on the eto

of a MRflaHfl »t Hnrper'i Ferry, a ijnit cloaely rou*

MflRfli v-iith that city by railway ? Haa it not oe*

cun-ed to our cotemporarica that if we p_nnitJudgea in the rebel rjtat-B b> einbarruaa the aetion

of our armiei by judicial proceaa, our (icuerab, bb

they advanco deeper and deept*r into the rjouth, will

find time to do little elae than prepare and put iu

auBwerB to writi of habena corpua 1 Lookiiifl to

the inevitable future, if thii sort of interferenro io

behalf of re_.li and traiton ia tolcrated, wo are

for meeting aud atriking it down at tbo vary

threBhold of the war. We trnit the Govenimeutwill not initrnct our miiitary leaderi to *wn__t

Judgei whoie fidelity to the Conititution U iui-

pected, to embiirraM tbeir opcrationi in theie peril*ouitim-abyuttempting to coiiceul ipiei and trai-

t4)re underneath their judicial robea. Rather lotthem b*3 encounvged, m eitreme caaee, and whenall other reuiedi.-B fuil, to emulate the exampleofAudiow Jii.-_k.u nt *\cit-(. ri.a-i.

KI.IZABKTH J.VtF LRATHRBWOOB.Tbia young Ia*iy, on thn 1th day of May, A. D.

IBH, at i'luey Grore, Alabama, "on the occa-" an,n of a public gatlifi-iiig," rcad a patriotiep.-eiii, whieh ia publiahed in Tht Athentlionner. 'ibi* productiou began iu tbis apiritedway: " I.adiea, give me your attention. Hear" mc apcak my miod, About the sad condition, Of" ourgl.if ions native land. In thia impcnding enaia,*. We ahould do whate'er we can, If only to en-" flaatflBB The brave and gallant men." Thia ia

really a beautiful beginning. The whole aubject iflBuceinctly atatod, juat aa Virgil aniiounces in hiifirat line that he meana to aing " arnm and the" man;" just aa Homer begina with .' AcbilWaM wrath," nnd Milton with " Manfldiiobediencc."As a woman, tbe fair I-eathertvood will "epeak" ber mind." As a woman, God blesa her ahewill apcak it " to encoiirage thc men." " With" fainting heart," ao the lovely I/eatberwoodtruly observe*, " we never can keop our free-"di.iii. Then let ua do our part;" and tbeuwhat follows 7 Why, " then tbe monster I.iucolu" Neter ean subdue, And cauae ua to give up," What to us ii due." Certaiuly not. Ry no

mar ner of means. Kxactly *o. Th-n come the.Sriiptural exercirieri. In a few short rersea

Klizabeth Jane B.toa with immense tersenoii B_8Bad.8 argument of Fuller, Adanu . Co. i

" ll * ia-i-1 lt in tbe Itihia,The hi-ly hoot of Ooa

Tlut at( le i-t . arrival'1 ie i.t wan- iervn.li md tbflit borfl.1'

" Wi c iu nr where r*ad tber»lbat ( luiil lurh.de t inn

Th -.. .ei t uot. t» Inherit,Or fieelbeiu in th* liiui."

" But all uf n. an road tl.eraTliat bntid thii d-cl_i*.

Y l.l.d-e, Hiali liihnnt'i MM -eet flt.ta tl.ey .h.i, iietr "

Mint Li-utherwood, bowev.r, doo* not permitthe iin im- ull'atti* to aurprne her into any m-

cantiou. laiigiia^e. ilaiing occasion to use theword "I'reeinai.".whieh in so reioliitionary a

c >|>y of v.-rrm* could hardl> be avoided.our sheAlcieiiB justly eiplaiiiB: " We do not mttan the" colortd, When wo lay tbe freeborn inau, Hut" tl.oge whi.in (.od created, To rule tan Sxith-" ern land." Very well put' A BIBfW di.tino-Imn! Man) Sniithern Bflflto iu toWMBBB. whenthey talk ol ** Ireiiueii." forget lo make the nice

but BBflflflflBiy distnii'tii.t) b.-twei-u '¦ mugers" and" Nature'* uoblemeu." Mut you cannot catehOUr I.e illu'i li..O(| l.l:/llli.'t!i ilailB 'S a al;;,,-itofla araaflafal Andqmte a staNswuinan, to be.ure! BBa explicill) declarBfll " It n our liied" inteutioo, To kiep froe-ioilera houui, Nor let" their vain pretention, Depnve ua of BMB.Ml'a" botioe." Tbeu com.B th. duty of the Hoiithernwoiiiao. She tn.nt aell her Jewels.at lea<t" .po-.t tbeiu".and iuie*t the pntci_.de in the

purcbaae of unilorma, guns, atv.irda, corneake*,plfig-tiihai'.'o, aud wbi.ky for "our noble broth-" er*." On goe* tbe lyrio! CmtR eundo.l.-atberwfMxl li.-.tii. Itie tii|N.d near the ceuelu-t -ni of lliii Nybilline *ong hucumea very hot in-iaail "Ho' all ye dear young ladi... Of Middle

1 BflBBBaaa. -_ncotir*_.eyour dear bn.Ih.rt, 1*8 li«bt" for Liberty." " Ho nm-t not ln-re be mistak.Bfor "Hoe'".thoMoh couaidermg the iuipendingv-ar.'ity of corn ae think that wonld bave aaaathe better word. Thua enda the war-anng ofMiiB Kluabeth .lane Leatb.rvviMid. Th. i.ote* ofher lyre n-aaed tn PflMf l.roie ai.d Mr. Rip.Iiflin t-i! ivte-l lur in a priMM'Bperch wbich inii'tnav. i-iii. i.j l.y force «i oouipan.on. (huairywent iipott dtit) with a m i-ln-t i.poii itt .hi.ulil.-rai.d a BBBfl <>( .-..!.! ha/-.iu in it. po. kel; Mit.I .-.iii,. t," d |-_«.e,| like a t»*tting atar t» h**rbflBMfl at d viij-m bfll BflflkM, or .v itb tbe otl,cr" dear flflBBJ ladi.t ol Mid.ll* ieni.eaare'' pn>-ei».iled tu ''ho."We would retp. c'fully aBflfleafl '-" "¦ E. '"'

f i-'ii I ia i4 that aiter b. hat fiuitlirid " .-tTe.'t-" uatna. a li.au," he *h»uid proeeed to cur., re

.tiaiu, iiiitigate, and even _tleuc« tbe Harda oftte ( (iiilo-l.ra.t. We do uot meau our dearLeatbei vv-H-d, who ib tbe be*t o! the Antn, buttli. otl.era, whut* pc-ln is priuni'.ally a croeg

tiniweeii Lucy I.-mu and Doctor Walla. " (lood" VSli.tk)," an i a WeaU-ru Jndgn iu char.tiig a

Jury, " ia favoiat'le, aa the ( oti rt kouw* troui" pafflflflfll ei|"4'i:ence. to h.nlth aud longeiity;" but l»r auch a ii.ii.ra!>!.' ariicb a* thit, the" |jl*iLtiii' caunot recov.r." Good poetry, saywe, it faiorable L. rvtoliitiont and even rebel-liutit; but thoae Motitbern aottga, at lea.t auch ofthem a* have gre.ted BBf ailiniring eye, can onlymake tbe (,'onf.d.racy ludicrout. Where'aMiiiina .' Why sliuiilters his lofty lyre ' Where's1'niil llayne who uted to coine all tho way towicked lloston for a pnblisher ' Where'*.but,really, we cannot think of anybody An*.Lord Maoaulay went to the ballad treasuret of

Kngland with grt-at MBMMfl for the illustrationof manner* and of pojxilar fe.ling. What a

ligure tbe Confederacy will cut wh.n future hi»-tonana uoearth the I.eatherwood ballads M-uwill say: Theao ver*.* are vamglorious, iu!gar,nliterate, coar*e, reieiigeful, worthy of Becot.d-Clasa, unwortliy of ftrst-clasa aavag.B. 'II,,. ailluot be the verdict of any man, but of Criticiituitself, Irom the judginent of wbich there cau beuo appeal. And for critieiam there will be atxplematenal. We have in our poisetBion a tol.ral,lerauge of collectiou of tbese Southern " pttems,"carefully culled and unnuttakably ideniified; andwheu it parwes from nur hnnds it ahall go whereit will b* preterved, aud where, one huudiedyeara heoce, it will be r- ml by aiitupianaua, his-toriaus, aud phib.BopberB. 'Ihe little Leatberwoodgoea into tlie abeaf to-day. Other. will follow.Whether we eoui'uer or are comjiiered, we meautbat pottenty aball know, at lenst, wbo Baatotbe beit poctry. The Haucroll of the tweoti.thcentury ahall amile upon Leatberwood througbhii apectaclei, aud the Clar.ndoii of this rebellmuaball grin at tbe tlaveholding barda. Nolblugbut tbe capture vi et armit of our eecriUiir* can

prevent tbis. Wherefore, Jefl.rn.n, we advia*you to offlcblly anub your atrident Btrummer*


The 7th returna to-day. if there be harhoredin the breait of any aJHflBfl a tingle thought afunkiudueaa, a aingle fenliug thut any thing but a

warm weleome ahould await them, let him re-

call that day, the I'.Uli of April, wben they leftua. The day before, Col. Llltworth, just fromWaahington, had aaid to ua, " ibey are aitting" tbere upon a volcano." Beauregard, it waa

thougbt, waa on hi* way from Charleaton withan army of 10,000 men, whieh had been formonth* in camp, and to come fluahed witb thefirtt victory. Waahingt.'U cluatered around theCapitol Hill in fear and treinbling, awaitingthe attack from foea without, the more fearfulattack frdin foea withm, looking with doubtfui.)_. at tbe bandful of Diatrict Militia oa whicbalone they hnd to rely for defeato; atraiuiugtbeir eyea in rain to tbe Free-State border, liftya_ics st*i*i, to tutek a a\mli oi tvua B^BMM iuc*

oor, One . houiand uoarmed men from Penoiylta*aia only, except tlie dotibtful Diitrict force aod a

few huettVe- soldien of the U-ited Btfltet, eouldba muaterofl to tbo defenae of the I .'apital, the offi*een of the OotemmeDt aod iti archive*. Thewbole ooaotry trembled for their aafety. A deepdiigrace, perhapa a dire cilamity, e-s-ernt-d im*{X'dding oter u*. M*auuib4i*etta and Bhode Iil-nnd had i.*nt a regiment eaeh to Fort Mmroe byorder of the Commaoder-io-Chief; Peootyltaniabad aent one regimeot to Wathington; *'" andMaMBchusetta had eaeh anothor on the way, aodon tbe J.-th tbe only other arailtblo regiinei.. iotho eauntry ready to march, received marchin-;ordert.Ihe 7th.

Let ui rncnll that day a moment. Ko too, oor

brotber, oor huibtnd, had /-one from among ui

then to i-kiH-t tbe eoemy. The exeit. ment aodthe gri*f of parting were oew, but except io the.whnmin. eyei of aome few mothem. wbo aat intheir enrriagea on aide atreatt, to citch one laatlook of tho-e whom they dearly loted, there wai

no grief tuible, ouly excitement. llaite to

Wa.ibii.gton Save tbe Capital I Thii wai theuiiiverial fecling, tnd all New-York came outthat day to bid the 7th God ipeed to give thetint bleaiing of the war And even while tbeywero falling into rank came tbe _ewi that thouoarmed I'onniyltania troopi were turoed back

hy a mob, aod MaaiacbtisetU men lay dead inthe atreet* of Haltimore. Wa* there one thoughtof holding back the 7th hy fathert, -U-hera, andnew made wivei I Did the 7th eteo think of

holding back ? Hurry Hurry! On to Waih-

bflbjfll Sate that from death! Save the ooun-

try from diagraoe ! Tbe march of tbe regimeatdown Itroadwuy ii a thii.g uot to )>e forgotteo.They marchod iteadily to meet a known and

nu unknown dnnger. If Beauregsrd *hould marchon Wu*biiigton, the 7th knew how deiperate wai

tue lervice they weie on; what perili they mightaataaaRat from tbe bnrbarian* af lliilt'iiioro wb.

doipped iii;-4'iei from houietopi »nd garret win-

dowi, aud might neit throw vitriol upoo tbe

paiaing aoldien, they did ont know. But theyBHHflflflfl ateadiiy, ready to meet all perili koowouud Bl IflflHB And though they have oncounterednona that they expectcd, they have mot andoverome otber*. With tho ¦aa-flRfl-flflflflb IB. tbeytook Annapolii and opened tho way t« Waabingtonfor otber troopa. Their tlitrty dayi have grownto forty; while oo the ground no meo bate.In.wn more atnuiach for a 6ght if ooa eouldhuve beeu had. Wnen they are ayain wanted,whether it be for tho protectioa of their own

hi-mt** or for dutant aervice, will any doubt tho7th.Ai yet tho time of many and heroio deedi hai

n..t c.uif,. Wl honor now tbe ipnug-tim* of

.pirit tnd puritoArv, rather than the act* intowhich tbe.e ba.e blonomed. On .unday Ittit,we paid utiwiiuted niil.ttry and civic honora toou* wh.) wai loved and reapectod for the qutl-it.ee ai full of future promi.e, aud wbich wouldbate made, had ho lived, bii countrymeo hii(h-litor*. lhat geueioui entbd.ia*m wbich hailain th.* youug Uien of tbe c.niitry a nobl* pur-poae aud a Mflt-flfltt IflflflHflfl, ahould gr*_t tbo

return nf tbe regiment who** tbor«>ugh diaeipllnehce-ta tht-iu alwayi rendy, and who hy thetr apinta iiioiitb ago atflRtflfl *o well that they will bo al-

wn)t r-ady to breait the firat br^nt of da.ger.

('UlllliniVD .1M.HOK-).

With regard to no reut'ire ni tho war haith.-r* beeu eo iinivcr.nl a concurrence «f aaat-iineut in tha> !»)al "Unto., n4 upon (»en. Htit-ler'* deteriniiintion to fletnin all negro altvea,ciiteriiig hii otmp ia the rebel Htttai, nt coutra*hand ot war. The couutry will be gratified toknow that tha 8eer*t*ry of War haa omYlallytpproved th* act ll lieu. Hutler. Foilowing the

ciear iiidu-ationi tfl pablio opblon, a* well U

Ibe aound ninxuui flf law, wt truat tie Oot-ernmeut wdl direct all Commandere _f our

land and aaval for.ei to adopt aed oarry outthii doctrine.


Th* apo'i-ty ofTered bfl Mr. John Heli'i iuto

ipeech agaimt the 1'nion that :t wt* mtde wheahe wn* uuder tho mtliience flf BfflM ii not aatia-

lactory. About thirty yean tiio Hlnnkwood'i

Magazine (HH tbink in oue of the Soctet Ambro-abflttl laid down th* true doctribo upoo thia

tuhject when it iiid, '- No ona doei wben ha la" drunk what he would not do wben he ia aober," if* ke dared." DruukeniiOM doel not cbaugathe nature of a mnn; it merely removei reitraint.

lt ihuwa the man in hia true .-olora. A pretanderii itripped ol" hia peacoek a feather*, aud a traltoria iii"wn to be ao. Ihe Rouiaui iJlnatrated thiiidea when they adopted the maxim, " ln oino>' rrritui." Mr. Hell haa betrayed hiinielf, audii doubtleaa very lorry to be found out. Perhapihe labori under the idea that b* may li?e to be

a I'reaident of the I'nitod Sttttoi.after the ru-


The llealtb of Beaalor, liou._l.it.Oaii aud, Ihflaaflaj, M,.y 30, is-i

Up to Iatt night, ii wua ihou^hi tbtt 8ei*tt*'i D~_g-liu wu getling t-ettrr. 8itir« tben. h* ha* been gt_d-ubII) fl-BahRJ, nnd feau ar* en'e-tiiinril hy bb friend*-inl pl.y-i.-i__* tbtt he will not Iite through the Blght.

JLrrlTBl of rria.e tllr.-tl tti dl.John, "fl. Bi.

Sr J.Hn, N. II., Thurwday. Mty 30, 18.1.Mbm Alfitti unive.i i*i* bfltabblatafldabjtfl.

II* wt* received by tha OfltBtBOt ai.d eulie aiid tlvloauihoritiea Tu* re wm t Urg* ton-hlignt prox._-_loBbv lh* Or* i-ouii BBflM b unilo: BB.Th* l'riiiie bus IflM drivii'g about th* city niifl

aiiburba to-dny. He leavea IB BBBB for FrettHck-um nnd it i* aupj.oand he will pioce-ai lo "aJ/aobi. tytheUiver St. flflflfl and 'he lakeat" Ihfl KiverduL.up. j

M>tluniy Itlnttrra al l'hli-a_,o.

Caiaaaa, Thnr_dny. >iu» _o, HM*The Hiuik Cb____bttt8RM bave mnd* * (-all lor ad-

diti .n_l Baaaibba on '>'.' tanka, baiiug a iircul_iioo _f15 000,000, -ec.ire.1 by $1,31.,(Mai »f Norltoro.A.'oilO.OOl) of Horder But*, *nd $^00,(100 of «-_ad*dNuitr aUH-lia. Tue call* give Iflfl -lauk* Mfl HH IH '«

J iu. to uiuk" up lha 'leln it-


Tba l-.lt-.-Hoa !¦ Ohio.CLtm abi). rhui-dty, May .u\ 18.1.

Kelnrne of Tueadty't ('oi.gu-t-ional NM tiom ar8

meaiiBr, but BflflBUfl A. HflBHOB, CaajM-YaBtfl Re-I ulliiau, i* .lecied to bli Mr t'orwiu a va-aueybyatiuit.ll inuiority over lU.ltn. Ktdietl Kepiinlic-i..

.Stuiuel T. Wore* i er ia ci.o_.-ti iu ihe ylave vt Suer*u*Bu by a majoilty of about laflflB

-» .....

ltlarlMe UlattBter.Kawroat, B. L, Tharadaj, May :*o, lWi.

Thebrig Al| ine, (.'apt. Killmtin, haa ariived b*r*from N*w-()rl*__a for Boi_**ut, wilb >o«a or ttil.,wiU rei-ir iniuu-uuiuly tud pnK-.*d..Th* aid to Col. Hunler of th* A_ued-iet. orlgad*,

at Aloiaii.lria, appointad from lha N-w-df.rk 69th

Regiment, i* Mr. C. (Jt. Ilalpine, tha clevar and bril*ii-.ii* eilltor of Tht iVrv-V.r* Uader^and not Mr.

HolydiuB, ai tha telograi<h8M made it yeatardajoioruicg.Dr. N. K-e-.B_er*r, Snrfeon of th* .Vxh Regiment

N. Y. 8. M., daair_a ua b tut-i tbtt tbe ceport t-iat h*

___. ^_v_ Jt ihitffa Sb





The SeY-snth Stay one Day Longer.





Preparations for Attack at Alexaadrii



Thr Slav.s Put on Short AUowaoie PlrtU



Opaeia. Dl.tte*. Ut Tha K. Y. Triban*.

Washiboton, Thuraday, May 30, 1861.ARRIVAL Or THB (1 AHIll U.DI tit'ARD.

The Ganbaldi Guard arrived at 2 o'olock thiimoraing.

Prealdent Felton and Profesiora Peirce aniWwhburn of Harrard ara here.

COMPLAIMTH AT ALBXAKDRIA.Some citizena of -Uexaudria ooioplaia that

negroei are aliowed more privilegae and treatadwith more oonaideration by our aoldiera thaathemwlvw. They are aliowed, hke otber peri-pat.tie property, te go about the atreeM atnigbtFro* negroea oomplain that the city anthontMfl

have them whipped and loched up for apendiagtoo much time ia lookiug at the troopa. Oaawaa whipped for giving a aoldier a driak o.


A gentleman who apeut a uight at the New.

Jertey camp aaye tbe conduct of the New-Jeraerline, when called to arma by a audden uightalarm, waa moat admirable. They behaved L.lold aoldiera.

THE sl.l'.KItDK BY THK SKVEBTH.The serenade of the 7th Regmieut to the Prea-

ident at midnigbt wu a very pleaaant affair.The regimental baad, and tive Uie* from eaehoompany, uuder Liaut. Boatwick baaring torchea,drew up m front of tbe White Huuae, andplayed aeveral tune* very effectively. The Prmi-deot ut at an open window, acoompaaied by hiafamily.Tbe urenading party then went to Qov.

Seward's, and played several airi, winding ujwith " liail Columbia," .* The 6t*r-Spangl*dl.anner," and " Yaahee Doodle." The SecreUrjtbus addreated them:

I t*e ia niv vi&itor* lo-night tnv friend* aad n.-if.h-bors of the State.>f New-York. I hava never .bo-i#ntI -ave alwaya known, that th* l-'ni'-u would ihh b*wonh much withuBt th* State olf Naw-York, a-d t-ytb. ev.nt. lhal ara uow fpogretmiug, Naw- .ork be-liavea tbat ahe would not b* m-irh wliuout f be I'nioa,j('h-*r* j We Uie in alirrinir liaiee. fBeaw are trr.

iug to abt-lish Ynukee Doodle, liail Col'imi-ia, .id theStar S-iaiurl...! aa.BflB [Voioaa." No* a once."'.Dou'tawit." "NarvUm*." " Never," " Never.")Aud ibey ar* alao trylug tnat u-'.ber aud gteatei tavloarii.i'iiy. toal'oliih th. Kourtb of July. (Voi ee-

******** "('an't do lt."] Congrea* bHm.BMMMtho -ih of July, with th* couutry in tbe mi>l*t of tei> il war. Ijettuhope that when il BMM again oktha na.t I'.h of .luly,. we may bava pine, h.uaiiouvaud a re.t-ir.,1 !'.lion. Tbree ebaera wera given foOov. toward, followed by a tiger and a*ky-rockat.(i.-ntlei. .n. will ti.a do me lb* Uvor to w_d'k into t.hou*e ai.d take a glaae of win* with me.

The whole d.taebment tbea went into th*hou*. and partook of refreabment*, after whfaBthey weut to Willard'a and aereuaded Mra. Hlera.mar, Mri. McDowell, and Gen. Manafield, wh->made a ahort apeecb, at did alao hii AJjutaut,Drake de Kay. The wrenader* did not reaohtha camp till *. o'cl-tok.The 7th have poatponed tbeir departure

to-morrow morning.1HK (OSTHABANU HUIIBJ QOBflBMI

Col. llutler returned to IflllBBM Mourot

Bft-BBBfl. bearing ihe i-liowiiig letter of ia** "

HMB to -fl brothar:..WaaB-Bflaflfli Btayaa, 1*4.1.

..8iR: Yonr act ion ln ra-iBCt to iho iiear*"*- ****

****!withm your line*, BBB the ttttbn&nk*%Cwptovad. The L>e,4irtiu4.'iit M**aa*ibto of he

Wriaai-euta, whieh -Bat anrrottnd flft BB BBBflaDiiHtary otteraiiot a to * BwM. by lha l_w* If B

Wrnmty i* a-.. tioned. Ibe I**mmnmt nm**..m**" Ju __ _,,.,_, ._',,_, Ir ...1. rt.1 if.U.'-l

nl .: lieraai ingnar***paaaailgrtbe'.mr'x)**

mi-boub-u. A~...- ... -- , hi.u thcv Wug

.^______r_!__to_^S Ot ibo UiorbfWBBMa_afA*4tkwMB*«*J^ d t,,e ..,._**thoiu ,erfona.d, £^JffJJS&7ltoto BB- -I-0f their ^V_____wdtor\aW4r- den miii.tiou.j^Mtiou wiU be ^X;.,, Bafltaat. of War.

- T« Mii)r(jau«rBl Bflt.B.*\m*9**^^BnticipaU-d iu my dispatoh of ye.terday Mi*MB. with tlie eulire ********** J*^T__tTbe account ef lubor to Bfl-M ******* ^'*>Z*Z w.U not probably exhibit « ahirr.m,

balaact, to deplete the trewury ol the flaflBBB.

***** Bid the future determmatioa *****poai-don ofthe negroe- i. .«-eth...g more a»Utie than poaitive. The firM invoica of Vir-

M«to property received al Gen. ¦^\**u\eonaiated of eight packaSea. Gea. A^-tey **detoUed to examine and report."TAhat are you going to do with ui w*

nagroea aiked.QtMi. A.hley-We ahall not harm you.Negiaw-VYa know tbat, but w,U Tf*J***

* Wa UtBB W mlWB* lMM«m1***