• v:.-:»ii inyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn92061419/1851-05-29/ed...'"~r^mm )...

'"~r^mm ) Dr" rotf-timeTM^mm'MaWadturer, st' %e'Pulaski Book Store, No. 2, Ingersoll.,-'. ^mmmmM^ j T b ^ e m e r jpntle^ajo, imng faty^ t*» «!»$ rri'eiiely remarking that /'fi.lthoujEihhe ,had beep on that mountain often, ho newr thought muobt about it." The mountain was on his own eststa. sonTS-fctoiei, souinsiae-oj we»»»*.», T ~ "J. v ~ . " «• i.~ .^ r, t-.» _», ^ " Piilaski "rVi'^i's- _' »J£hei , eas no more common saymg which CQj|r ! r-^'juT-t^u^j'^ijj^^^j^'-- ; _ itajns m<k4 t$)th than '^millarlty''begetstoaflf- • •• * •'•*'- Pu'lasltr; m - f . V ' ; ' •" - E • '•" ! .• SOTtOBOti fcENltiSiy?' „ _ • .. ' Boms intheStone Block, over®. W. FoXWStore. ^4|ating^BMd^oi^^i|i^^.JEV!Nf,. fljra$,' j|fb,li||^4 -jolfd, and'bromine, igd;ine^|Bya^uro 4 rhedtym,' •k»ng. pioture^on/metifl j p j j ^ l ^ r t b ^ i ^ J i h e &nimj?,y&ejmfa!;^ pjiblie regarded iis jp^t^^^,'^^ i J)jee» b^crepen% ; ig»%?n?MN W l d j «o>tofi^ of wonder, |snd ifh'if djfl^e^.^as',n^t.^^ .$).« 8a§d\XBt^r6M^0ohr^ifi^xi^, : bia.l\B,. rMd|^w 1 erj! rt a^d r ^|i^6:W an$ woraien e^?e% ,Bay,Vahd Ittey. are faydw&ii^w^ ABigmmm^mr^m^ psfwwwg. on (M. tibjuy-tpU ,on th.o^ g^jr^i-a^dth^s. !ro|r,eg| ; ^m ai'tite .^a,|[|tt)«ij!»axefl*v. •:- .-.-,. »^>ft^ra^(j^f fte ^M'^Jp^? 9k$Pk'$i,4•• G ^' ii S^'0X^m^ n tbe^.year iWi "Hn nnnvnflg. <•-;?•,£ ? , A *' l^s-tisffiffla^+sttii*&&&**.that, t vahf*t\ ... roa^E?^©061ffireEL.t.OHi-ATL ! A.W ) FARMEB'-S' B X C H ATMGE» teaUfi JAME'tf A. CLiAK ~ ft doorNori • Putaslfi: K - T . |-i0B-ofi^je mostniighty ewntpaia4'jwe'^f"^, mode, aHeftBt during-anyiothe** ^ranpfevperied of the world's history; and yot living48 ivta do in ; tho miflstif' such aSvclopBrnentS"'with Mit s leaves ofj the book of invention' stlft tttiMngt'oK »vet, we 'do not wohtferjj fotit is |u|t lito^huhfallf. •nal^re, that thV inaj^sityto^niiaiklnulta«''J»t?i lous .to, ik® me|it^. '.and i^npoitatio)e ,«& Jh^ l dl^- ooyei!(ie,s,'maae jijj their own d,ay,_ w^i^nQJigi, Ijheyaie reaping pn^ldbpefltsjfpm tnenj, Letus'look baok. to the bogiinning of thi» century, and .see ij*hat mighty Wofks ; 'ha»e been Lrand and Ak^Bft primeval 'lonelin^s, Wept. ^ ^''.f^S??^ ^r- , , , V .-...' ^~* -' , —^-->« *^W B k *'Wfe-'IMW ^hefe bnlivenea'by the elumfey 4 r t U n ^ H b L . W g % ?^?^^M-P^'^i^ tude flat boat. In 1807,Mtdtt lMaiel«Jfl%e -w--»--*.!•. „„„ Clennbnt, whWh'inatfe a ^a^ag.o to Alblftf jri th4rt^wfb,our8. At thii' tiim'e, the nfsifob'f ttaveCWas by 'sbh s 66fietaindyOops; whldh' wefa frequently s|X)|'a.y^.Qia^).e passag>J"^he rl Jnj^ ^rovemeiit was oerto?nlfy]great{T3tttiwh?t^(»ii )Fultoh~aow-«ay to §e?e steamboats running i£^ same 4i3tan«e in' .^ight. hQiira^gajid^janifLj^ them- larg'S'Tsn'oTi^W^stow- tKe;i<3termoht;; on* theirforward decks?• No steaniboiS"h^bro,. ken the wafers <ff thS VMisBissippt" ip'reyfehBLtt] pled moretnneHhan a steamboat jyQffl^n^take, ^o oii'o.uninav.igate the'glbbe! At pwsoBt, it.iSj calculated there are 4 nolBsa-than 3A00 steam- boats, of-all sizes'-in Amorioa, and^the timo saved-totatveller*;by. - the „ invention pJLibfc; ITT'ORNBVS .Atyi.'coui»ai"t«,'oRi3 at CAW,' IffiCe on Lake stffet/west oitbe Stone Blockj Pttl'Sslu 3 iSv"Yi --•--. T- ~ . jj. la'OABTY, ' i. • < ; -i•.> P. A. gtffift «eMf<MW& "jtiiwVoEOPTBEiBEACB.' " '1 OBi«e r .No.-J%.#(je,Jtl9ck v .>flp stairs. , I S. C. HUBTTINGTON, - Olfic'ein Mansfield?pl)nilding, :enedoor'Spuih; i^eSalman RiveV-ftpuse ove.rj A. R. AngeiJ'e •~„, , s,iare, Pnlask^,!}, Y, .._ - ^__ "WR^HJ, # S't«?I?ES i ••• ^ ^ ^ w i b i t , is'at'leafit seventy per cent; that-ta, idanngiproppsition; and when the proposal ^wa)s. M.6rfee(rjfi}i«mp<»weted<W'8p^intan^eom. -Y ^ ^ of ^peWsbvs attheirji^ /aramM'V row«<S^n1i , Wgadef regittieiitW nndiC^mpany - •!' .,.. ° . •f., L , : - „ . J « r,f„v i . !( ..a£: •essijif telegraph' ^Sa-^ih^ffifetibtiS* dT'^Sspiph^i^eetfBwS,. -thfefe the.i the progressottetegrapn 'wiies-'ugiiirMttiDinuutr- «• ^,~.~,~r r ..^ ~, Ibjfen'lnjist' e'tfr^riiirigl-^na.a^dna^pra^-' ^»^i}e^ta j n&las ; .TCCdj#-.:dise i ,,1&ing oann6w l <surprjtee.U8 i^^e",8|aje' of, t ^ - j jfoMHTOj^pf i t s i g h t had e«t«yea.tl»e rhumftn; jeaveTy. All the jroporta^t cities in. par Jtjnlpni »y«f a n d ^ d s ) * David'. JSfi'fiwster'h"a» »# I i-ATTOBRE^ AKDJOOUNSfU,p»e|AT LAWi j iffice corner of Jefferson andteridgeStreets,} Pulaski, N. ¥. - _ ' 'f^jPartlcinai attention given to<j3pUei)tipn8. ,~liow~tijo^^^^i t ^ . "••r •• rr •' .jr^.terorpw .- •' ' '• »•#. wm&Hjj;,. ..." astlceoflheP^ace«lniCitmnjjs?ioner of Iaeeds, Gorner of ©tiflge and Jefierson Ste. PuWki, N. Y. ,.._• . .- |HB ptt, IMfUtti^GTE ^fc SON, E H'Y-S 1 0 t A"li i' £M''btiR'd IS 6 MB;' BBfee T dneTJo^PSBntB 6f*64brg<Hjmrley '*!OftbinBt; ^arffRJoom.iefferaonatrteet.'BtilaskiiN.Y. . Cabinet Ware-Room and Ghavt, Factory, 3 N'o. 9, Jefferstm st. Pulasfei. " WOaLEK lyiiNUFACTORY or i, titalihaSlreet,$autris,i3eof theriver. . . . A, H,'STERNS, : iat,Cap and j6*^r S^ore, two doors iNorth ofthe Stone Bteck, nearlyBpScjsite Fati&ffBaitA, "" "'" "Pula'slf^ , ,'N.T i , •'' SlSflRE^pJipR SHOP. . . ifl JjBNNETr&;.fiiALt)3T. ' | Rjyer Street,,.Pulaski, gs^ego^onnty, N. Y. a person 'can travel' a greitor flistance intfilrty days noiy, by steamboat,T;han he cSM'inony hundred 'days fa'^ggo. ."J'nst fenoV .^enittihin hundred'd,ays in I860. ."Jnsl sanoy .flemamin . -,-<-"^Br-^-^K.«: .^^^^ H , %-H^ Ifranl^betng^most Wreojfo;c(> ^ngTroTT^l!^esTn^e^ia|poTcosting;bus$&ls ••*'-- • • «.V-'_i—«. -jfcalt-ii-.' 'AiXewyear?.aKpma^,ft^wpar'aMd,toarpfho^se We linked .together5Ly;thelig!htning ttaoks, and: wherewer wokravol, there \w behdld, suspon-' along which the lightning fleets with .its,,me s* s^fe oflovej'hopB, gainoifeari' -• ' •••> .••> Th|fl t?l.eg^hi(aB J pfOduood!moat*8V )n i 8, Wf •observed;'»ty a^av 6f ihe^solar *ysji©n)i j»rt ,dif5,oyereAb^.l?aniH ^ifWoad, "em ttpmble A,i«er^ati i m6o%qic\whp; Jifie E*rpSfl "strn^. Igied te. findfebmethine nete .among' the aW r , /MEAGHAM & CRONK, Qufastu.-er.soil'yin-and sheet Jroij Ware, deal- . .„: ... .jgpijfffe, iy. y b ..,. . t ~ 1_r ^-" MBS.'-'J. PBOWD,' ••' •'•. s MI&tlJS^lAWD M&NTAtyMiA-RER, . . Dealer in Fancy Goods, Trimmings, Ribandsjetc. Boniiets ijres's.edandT.flmmeAneatly atfa " iroteptly,' mi 4, ln^ersdlf felo'Ck, .. -i&'pvimiv•" .'• . •> ,8*BBi!afia^afjB.|n8ssavP^fl^oMEB', &c. •tone Block, o*el'E.1S. p Pox , s Swre r Jefterjion st. ,. .. -•P.ntojjft, N. Y. 1 , ' // ; " ; I'Jf'ia&^ksVi^i -^' ; ' bbm;pfBriogWW®a1tr > ee , t,Mhs \a*tf B^.iA^MAf&iW'SOMi ' ,-i>u'lafeli» ) *'3NrvYi.,.' : )ealer '^! l M.'WAiibWE ; LL ) . . " w J t e i ' f T ' "'•"" ,M v ' ' : '' ^''«'-MialH'lS, T, .;'.- ; '. •.: r- b i - inVnt.Biiiiti^fya-£~ qr Uifew York to Amboy, and'thje. wesae^ j^jSVf was in oooupyiing thirty-two-hpuss or» i^e pas- sage—a distance whi'Sh i^ aocpmpMshp.a; eyeijr day by our steamboats in oiie dnd a half hour^ —a great change ttuly! I n Europe steamb'batB were wiinknbwn' "until TOll'.anl nosea was regulafljf t>ttv"fg4te^ ty: .stestrabtfats until 1818. The ptbgr^s's'o/'MkriiBe' Navigation is remarkable. In 1833 jo steam- boat had ventured across the stormy Atlah^io to establish oooan navigation. Npw we have communication .every wook with Europe by teg- ular steam mtfflk; and to show the advantage of steam over more sailing vessels, within». few, days from the presept dafe.'somb-Of 6U» finest salting paokets have flome iin after; a. passage of .'fifty days; While our ste'atfishi^ r hB.Ve.iiOi.,'be,en out moife than B^xteen d a y s / ^ l f ^hejTast'hjPHf oentury had given us no c^her^iirven^bn than, the steamboat, that alone,' oonsidorli^g, its im- portanoe, is enough to immortalize'it. If, in 1800,<tJhere. \v_as no steamship in the Wide wpjtld, where 8s the country now-where [email protected] not je'xereis^ng a' tooSt important influericol - No 1 country m the wdfld. dh thferiudgoniMrtiB' sippi, om allpur lakes, rivets-and' seaa, rand OH all theWoeahs of the^world. Ott thfets'tfawherti the Walters iplled^upinto Wats'to plbw fios'eiff and the Hebrews •to'pass drjjshpi; on. the anw pient^ Nile, wh.eteCjeopatra'ftj^^y spread j^'' ^silken sails totho breeze; pn^ttlie Ganges anid Indus in the East, and theSaCramCntp in ft)6 West, there maybe soennutaerous'monUnieiita to' the' inventor of the steatnboat-^tho steamJ . ship "ruled the waves." '•'. •' '• < "•"• T h e 8t6ambb'at is hot ritepnly Sm'pdrtant in'- yisntioh bf the'fas* half oent<ir|^h^'pttgWs* or indention is just as matk'e'd in. other ^opairt- mpnts pf djEoovory^. Lppk.'a^ ,tJio,' I^pa Hp|fse ipoving^ut ef, his stable, sdre^niing jina" panfl ing to start on his jpurney.' SSWjsJbo ^Ww,' engine InitSj most perfeot state-r-it-^a .neji'r •approach to the spiritual and pliysioal'combina- ikm. Behold how easily he draws th* ^p6n«' deroiis train a,ttlH) ratb oi*3ifety. ti^iles aii'hbhr, ithUB' oWeymg-iinndreds of pasfohgerk ihT eoitcort and safety, toa'uistaneo in air h|oW> ! wSaioh, but a few years agof^oulaHlke theWl .nearly a ijfhole'day to accomplish by stages ~ Aiiew years' .agp'^^^weV^C^W. 0 ^ ^°^?' iflesfcither* was in getting'the news from Pal Ifet?Anting, the winter seasorf. Now. what a"- chB»ge. A steamship arrives !tot. Ilalifax, Bo's-' tool'or New Yorkthiamorning^alnd the Europe- an ne*s is published in tho Nie'w,-Orleans ;pa T p e n inrthe evening. The ; speeches !flelivoro$ ia t h e halls ofCongress to-da|ji, are ld"eUv"ere«j to the readers ofthe ne wepaped's in all our jmv poitantoitiesiioxtni;orning. Oar as'tronomei'a "paile'watchers ofthe rolling<*phare^;*niplby the lightning pen to rpgistor their Observationi?. Thew^ole soiorice.of Voltaism, Elootro-mag- inetism, and Electro-typing, are trophies of ifce .disccweries made during the last half cenlifiry. Volta% letter toSir Joseph Banks, announcing the discovery of the Voltaio Pile, is- iate'd ;M»roh,30,1800. ' " ;,.. ..-.„.,'.. ' | Tiw splendid discovery ofthe Eleotro Mag- 1 tt.«i:*y- Oersted, i|"dftte<l ^8^1; and; tj»e . ^ « t i - f fojil|«,Tt of Eleotrotypittg, wheT.eby elqctrioSjy. is, . usade to resolve the metals fromjthelr.liquia so- jlfcltiphg, and copy, with the, utmost acburaoy Irtienreaalsofr)urer,thomostydeli6atoototiitigsj |i«hd even write on permanent letters ilf febld. lEledtroiiiaghctiem has beotf employe^'to'lcpa- ,»aie n^lfs.18 froni therir ores, to drivb irittoi'inery, |, a ffl LW;W^'bilge .bars pf irontp Jde^o^^oVafr,' machines, like the fabled ooffm.of -Mahpniefc/|jid.'what it atrufne raay .aecamplish ifi futurp times, (for, thprp ar« »tiUi*ysteries oonUoctod with it) it is; not.pog- sible to predict. ' '. •' Befpre the begfeifting elf the o;eiii;ujy^ \^bat' , ^^'^lfipting^resB fojatgit' it n^k-is,] '4 |^jyea|8rago',i»'er^;,iifas .no^.ja; si9g|e,.',pri'a<ing |, press dfHvpn 6y,steapa» nojw thero is not a jpa- p e r witlh a large ipireulation printed without ifcj PnSm prihtihg teOO, 2000 and 4O00'copies per liour, the latP'sttoproved press' Cdti print 10,000( iginaiplan' ;orpdtoa.torae."., .ICheri is no|,a sjp^le .aod art but has been greatly eaHcbjed .with jiaplen4id .^ispoyecfek ^during, tie last fifty •jceara/diiq! tnogp' fiig'cov'driea, ii(ltho'ugh so many arp blind to their value tolave be'en'tmr meanB of conferring great bletitfhgs- upba all classes. Lodk atroesimple «rticle of liuci- fer-matches, tweniyjyesiri ago we knew' no- thing about theis benefitsj None but those •who were <sdmjsa*attvely rieh Pould buyShem .and fifteen years 5ga;, it box Which Jidw " ^ *>. X 11*3 BOOVOOV.W w . . « . , . - . ^ - r —,-, -_,.-.^. hereby required to be filed and d«livbref; ! arid shall -laitachtlvereartto an affidavit subSstUritfal lya^lbltows: .. '' •-"" ll " t " '"•" f and diligent ifli 'of 1 ..I m'es y«lat-_.-, , mm ' uiugcuv i.lqusryto ascertain th. .._...-. of all persons required to be'anrolled,. $$• lip ble,to»mtlitary du^y, by.thfl;4a«vs '6f th|. ttpii jted^^tes^retidiftg.in said town,, vulfffeiy pi ;ward,pi . that the. roll hereunto annex- ed fs' as near as these deportenta'cari (>scwtaiii 'acorrectrollof allpersjns, residing' ih '^ftld 't.o'Wh <nt' ward, wH»«rff liitfbte to'be ; entdfry." ,The sfttd nffida«ifc,nray»'h 1 -«tlSffi'ijje|bre any officer authorised. Jjy lav>tp talje aHtda,vhs, whose duty it shall be to take the saui^ with- out feO or reward.. ?T . ' . : §7; ^litaverrikeeper&,'kBeper"»of4ioarding houses, porsons havinguonrdori in their mm- ihesjandeveryjlnaster-vand mittress of any „.. ._.. mm., nanner as other taxes are colle^ten'ih?^^ uald-ioitoyl- t AndH1'i^ WaMahls' a!iSn]5keiJ% Ithe stirfepviaprtsi 16-itfie aaSpejimynte'VOIiH»'»<*f |t|jlst t - Beyemjt'itoVW.and.wn.rdsjiah'al^ lectorfoaallec.t the 'said s^m.oJi.jfifiynQeOtfri IweUing bouse, and he«d of ,fl»pkf ^? r BU *- ;ersgsciete.sir con^mwnjlties, Bh»,ll npi?n the ;d kesr .uuu HIWSU JIOO." -si). ••--- -T-- •» - lof&e.names' ofall p'6«8»ns !i reBidmg or ioog- forone certti eou)d ndt be purchased for less gSfc1l t^qse,, 6r*BloHging to aucheool- than t^lve tents. Dtirirfg the last Wat be- e ty er cpmmanity. and liable to be enrojled, tweeiD Ameripa'Ana-Bnglarid, potton «ldthi> and *ll other gK»ppt,:fo(pjt^ntfoii corjcerning , Whkih ndwitfan be purdUsedforeight eents such person^ ia;4eflPtt«sseii!J}raB,yije~n»nnd.' '• Icouidnpt^hns.dfprforty 1 M M ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ , ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ has given the world a'.maottittVwbteh, by ^ t ^ p f y M»ll ff! «He p^vlsiorifrfli'itftie apt,) potting aictiigh black ot marble kipon a spin- shsill'refuf e to giyp.suchfailbrmiation,«tr shall die.66pn'ifoiWiUn*o..tHe%emi*sof CJay or !gi*»false |nfprmatfe»|^toyphali 'J'oriftt and -wlfcijo. . •(" ; -Sgy ten dollars.for. eftch Wem rtti-infprraation » Tl 1.' 1 '". . . 1 . ' 1 J '£' femandftd of b^ml)X,.anv,aswijior p ^ & U e l y Bogpirdush.BS^iv^ptp the world feis ^n- '^a.^vfery^WWl^/ihiiirrefiiae'tb graving maohine,;<*B!aEe sorry tq^jiy it J%', gWe 1 his bWrioatfie" amJ ; |*WpiSt' v 'infii(i , hi(a l tioh httleknWn,).which (fan,I engrave the.Hnest <'M^mi^f]? a !f^^i^^'^ „.It,o„= «Lt' t m J.lo„TiiL fl„*»^ n , a'ialse name onaformatoh.i^htxUforle.itand; numbers, and the .most Ifeautilul Holers, on : •" u - ~—J iw «~.. «„„„» metal. moneys so ootlecledr-etiBll*^' the 1 'BtVlleew 111 paid aver to the;' treasiupef "bfj'tlie cSunty 7 , he credit ofthe tail^Bij^ fund <if siiidctstt-utjtyif i'ouMething; fiontaiftetfnjii»isjafitPhftll subject any Biwrj,. Kara ,ojs of ty fym-^pmamtit: s'dm aksepeu p> taxed, against ftny, Jhal.wguf' fcdttf <n the com* 0, ,. , -Pulaski,!?. •tv '.itjt.uT .lift J l ^ > I U i i M ^ A R l E ( T Y . SHPORB. ^'-4P^e^49P,mil?s a 4q 1 te j t), hquffi..'In M% { |tjie,'saine.3pmfnfly .ppuW ppfcbci.aJa.op.mBHsftW; jn. [ie"ss,'th)itreightl'days. <*u- '.:?-'• -•-•.'i;'i| in 1800 there-was/not a single locomotive.in !«toe W0»ld ( n«ffou*wenty j years ; i«fte)f < vias the ,5th dttf $'0d0^l&;m&ify Wvoitm W «1l 0 eket ,, : t&8£& tiiveffiof &$Wim& RailwaJM'^eWa^ Kfe'^of Is'lmllosper •fimn Fron^tha^momM|.^o, s ^ fa;$pr .tnoneemont ef a new ahd. most wtoiiiBhipg', era to'the*hi8tory-of4iscpViery^^^n^la|i|^^ wo now 5,6001 miles of Mlway •ct5ft^«ioted : „. " * -•• > '•'- •-- - ~L—-..J.j..,- , u* «*^.*««*,*:'<P..'*A'Wi-«/ .Inwhat mayi be termed toinar thaehiries, I the inventions and jmjiroifemonts have not IbeedofttSinorimportance, Fifte"BnjfearaJogo ipint* We all made by hand, eaph tvas made i •efaiionfrqro bpgmning to.cafl J audi jn..W<*tet'*. 1 bupyjr Gbnaeotieiitj-. fS,fl3O,"($0 4 * ^ ' f i s h e d 1 S^Tery day, and'dhe-machinery for'counting !«ti(I'*tiokWg th*m],4Bfto p p j s k irf^'qually in part half century 'iQ'^anu'aetprers^'''' Nes'%th , s j they_ reside, steam hammer. whJcli was Jnve'jitejl ^ut, 84 Tew .yearsagpjjMn ,te nanage^Vfthl6,B, dp-1 ^lo'fje fut'Up eility of a'ial&S:' 'We, have n»w" gold .and steel qi^Mlni/tead, "br goOse 1 Quills. 1 ' The- tnumphs of'warriors fro nnoglit cohJjpa'reu 3 with the rt'rtum'pto'ejr Wentofe. THe.ifdtf Bridge BpnntiiHjflne* sei ;iti gredler Bfatiiffltot- of mentu;! power than Avfclerlitaf or Water- loo. _ m •' 'r —i- c .. .,/• .:, And if the last balfjcfintury h'as g j ^ n ^ f i h tq, s'pCiPanygraW \|(sew>eries nnjl Snyghtidns } 18 there any reasbn W'^ilbk ^aOheljjjtiire" may more than outstrip the past?". V^$ *}ap see none. Hope ja pointing her (linger to. the year,|9Q0; ."'' ; ; •-. ; > #1 '•••. : : ^6ha^<*tt}'''' J '''•<'" •' ' ' A yottttg lady .^SOriffl 6bm ditfe^ffioge ifli' stitutionffwhOtd'the'.'^oHd Btenblbs" i Wd't'aiJgTll' jra'Dlio" ptfecefciifithe vitlag?, eityj town orward, whieh-. nbtices^bay-B^Jprttoihallbo.ns^tseors have I diade»tjjieir, roll ol all .Rqrsps Ifabjl.ejW,. be. jen?, ,rolled aefcordmg.to tBtelijiWs qf m .United hSStatcs>hd thai a'dBWlh'eVJibf V f e f with owe of their numbei r fttf'tte ^designated Tn iuch- notice, at soirte placo to be •. »pccifie,(jli! thcroin. Whe^e the sa^^ay.^e.s^rij.aiidvj^ainitted by any persdh lnteresed therein, during twen-. ty days; the assessor' with whom siieh-rotl ip left, shall sttbmtttlte ^'aWe (Sluflngtb« twenty' days specified In such notictejttftheinKpoetlon of all persoria^ho,^^! WpJjrfflftJhto purppse. 5 10. Any.peison whose baroe appears on, tottiilitai<fMlf, dh 1 atJdOUrit bf aOme!' j^ihysibal defebtflrbodily irifirnj'ity,orithatheie'exempt -,., „,i"5r taxe,d...daainst any,JhdlWdtir' blunder tfiis actwlrfch'sIafnolBdrdiMM by tile collector af-^imw^MWW'mt fl^MPho provislbias'.of arfiplf •fiigtiHp three, oliiipter thlrteoh of part firBtjpf the fe'^ vi8op\statutes.s}fall 'apply to tWs 1 u«(i'"'iii'(»fbj*^9r the-elm^are,explicable* ••- <.i'f «u v-iiJ , .J20. T.heb>ndre%tired,byi/^ tMe t l j M pKipjtet e!pvon,fif,PftH to.J,&tfiim* weed statutes to be.executed to t th^jBup^rjyiBoj! ofthe city, village, town or wara'by.thpooirec- tor, shall apply l^' any""mpndys'" > "requif<ia, to -be 'ooiloetod'by this Bet. •"''„'"' 1" :.:' .'.> L '^4% Itshbllbo «JiW"di«ty-'Pf *v«^coubty treasurer in' this.state,,to procure suitfiblft books. .in.wbJiSh.shall bo entoredVafi'Baepuntr'ofr'Blt mcrieyB, feooivplirj pursimftpe '&£ thhti^oWiapd whioii sbMb? ;ialJaili^n"iiS«s^i^l'^4fc ppurity 1he. shall alsp enter in m'tAbWcaauLaos! e6«nt of Ullmdneys paid but of'the saiil~.funoi ttnd for w t o rfilrp\)8e^n«i» 'aiiebuht Shall TO sd kept thathicattlbt' M tfj^W^ib'^O Beparatolyv •>»"• .H •• i.'.jad !iv'»^iii! i;>' v.i' •) - §22. Tbatflito^ <&eW<«ilP«llail/^(?'4|^I^A r axplusively tairnifitajfy purpeiosv"j'oi ,! tli^ be'nbflt ofthe militiatofsaiitl cnuMtyco^cPpttlia^ayess* bTS shal)]be pntltlt)d,torpo'el.v;e for their sOrvieos, re,qujred by tl)isact*..tlio.~„eumof one'dol!a*;i$$ Hwepty-flyp ..oontsforoaclj day's tfiykajMM |fcst•door•^'uth>:oftheSalmon^E^te'rfHoUi5bi^ ; - ,-, . . -«. Hi^.'f[>4 IBuWtfj-VNi^&v j.f.r^v. :: ; l L i!|jandajjm&pymore,pr.Bp6aed**t*o06hp^ |.'ly, We np^w l^ehfild the mpst ,D(§»tifu|,earpet«) ,and esAet ^ ? ou|aey,in cardinal virfttes,., while qokinfj-junon a sea-. scene by, moonlight exelijimeai "^at a. mj»g- nifioent wa^efesoape." 'Ill' ' .'!,'' '..1'^ ^'. •,. "'Ill ' .*' ,''" -.'''•>' ' ". |. .,.1 1 « ,. Carrying pjafj$'nesB to ixbejsgji* said ,td bo raising yon* hat|(>a yom g/jigy^n the Btreet^ and'allowiqga'ebliple of dirty eollars japd a| vffltitbdto wWbutt- ' " ,tWt.'^HW..'.i .' .' I . ^'w»«t«ttwrit«riWn1^ttst if th« pr^opB*' , wayjWrspalltfMiV'tho^lJ,' m 'eigh^' and- && ,, ;«b*au*»' tfee >$fVip#r<*ii.f»{if- spell «patatob(if laffidaviti^tatiBgafli^sracttbn which lja-eialmr to beexfemptoMfttliabte.illJ.dojnilitary duty., paBK-anmne'-TiBHpjiBiHB. "»»'*"»-i-5 T"-, -5.-" ilffldtttfint-to Belied'totfiB o^cei #4he'bit* toWfl'brWai-d wAioh 'iUe eail.MlisBfejntry discharge eaidduties, that.th(ittgeoa««te'pefea by said assessor is just an&ieaiSOM&'Mjp' «"•'- *§-23.-No money slicllb^p»'|tb4 r Subhiund by the cpwnty t r e a s i ^ e n ^ b W ^ ^ p s ^ i.as- seBaors S^%SSmMSii^^^ '< Of a bpttffl of offikrJv .ftfe.fejMw.Jni ^.etfoit , cpi«mandMV mMmmm^t tn4 specifyonatBWtf&b'objppts'ffir which'sWoft, .monbylB^ift'^n?'' x<* •'* '• ." " Xf:''^' ' . §2^i8irbh ; bpa|d.^lia'll 'coneistj ofthot'^m* mandiqgMilQBtJf-.tho/btteade) wJjo^isKaWW president theroofi-iand efme field MeSrtofithft *f 2S. ^Wnlrflitpart of 4 a reginffi^v sM ii|'tfohe'o l oanty,&b'fdhas''8haTO^ MM t* ln%«#rtto orthat^prtfon'dlililif^lplolj;';» the ooontyjaM to- an .eqhittfblb r %#^n. W T ^*-. fc&Mngtn tsitiOn TOreumo 6haff ilii¥l4 iai ' 6 ^4Pwd-M ' >.*•• . - --v f i i r '• . iV A. ' •a- -• \3 . 'U. i.. ; . !15S»*i' Lt4v|!Lv.-' '^~?-*-&fya-'''*"'''^ i & 1 -'''«'.'/^^-;.^ > ij;*^fe'-|V , S^^S®^ • "V:.-:»ii I '...., ?>,-;,•ij.-.s.:..,.;'TIT.;?•,,,',, r^'tM^tfe'-''.-;.-'.; ii'ftKVeiitsas^'afv,,.., . I SSg^-''"''"''-' '• *"' ' - a »i**»?;---'-v, ••• • ««?.^.- w ? **'-"''*'"-*' '•- h*8®V'*'''"'""' * ?5?S<)--i , '5'V'.".'"' - f ISf#'V ; '>:wi'''i*-- 4rc#,-,*.'^ -lH*".k ii_ |SSf*.''« : '«'7'ff *' ^y.vVv. -w. .•- ,\v j " t^p'V-'S^' ' jasSS'- 1 :),!.- •. v. il- ife/ BS K: 71 lA -*r -' k' ' ' "i. & / * ' ; " ; •. |s:S'-.. "'•'••' ' SPV ,r . ' .• IHfe^-.-„ >• .... :• ^Wfis:''*'/' ', &'.sll'.-l' -/ .. ' t' sse

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Page 1: • V:.-:»ii Inyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn92061419/1851-05-29/ed...'"~r^mm ) Dr" rotf-timeTM^mm'MaWadturer, st' %e'Pulaski Book Store, No. 2, Ingersoll.,-'. ^mmmmM^ • jTb^emer

'"~r^mm ) Dr"

rotf-timeTM^mm'MaWadturer, st' %e'Pulaski Book Store, No. 2, Ingersoll.,-'.

^mmmmM^ •

j T b ^ e m e r jpntle^ajo, imng faty^ t*» « !»$ rri'eiiely remarking that /'fi.lthoujEihhe ,had beep on that mountain often, ho newr thought muobt about it ." The mountain was on his own eststa.

sonTS-fctoiei, souinsiae-oj we»»»*.», T ~ "J. v ~ . " «• i.~ .^ r , t-.» _», ^ " Piilaski "rVi'^i's- _' »J£hei,eas no more common saymg which CQj|r!

r - ^ ' j u T - t ^ u ^ j ' ^ i j j ^ ^ ^ j ^ ' - - ; _ itajns m<k4 t$)th than '^millarlty''begetstoaflf-

• •• * •'•*'- Pu'lasltr; m - f . V ' ; ' •" •• -

E • '•" ! .• SOTtOBOti fcENltiSiy?' „ _ • .. ' Boms intheStone Block, over®. W. FoXWStore.

^4|ating^BMd^oi^^i|i^^.JEV!Nf,. fljra$,' j|fb,li| |^4 -jolfd, and'bromine, igd;ine^|Bya^uro4 rhedtym,'

•k»ng. pioture^on/metifl j p j j ^ l ^ r t b ^ i ^ J i h e &nimj?,y&ejmfa!;^ pjiblie regarded iis j p ^ t ^ ^ ^ , ' ^ ^ i J)jee» b^crepen%;ig»%?n?MN Wld j «o>tofi of wonder, |snd ifh'if d j f l^e^ .^as ' ,n^ t .^^ .$).« 8a§d\XBt^r6M^0ohr^ifi^xi^,:bia.l\B,.

rMd|^w 1 er j ! r t a^d r ^ | i^6:W an$ woraien e^?e% ,Bay,Vahd Ittey. are

faydw&ii^w^ ABigmmm^mr^m^ psfwwwg. on (M. tibjuy-tpU ,on th.o^ g^jr^i-a^dth^s. !ro|r,eg|; ^m ai'tite .^a,|[|tt)«ij!»axefl*v. •:- .-.-,. »^>f t^ra^( j^f fte ^ M ' ^ J p ^ ? 9 k $ P k ' $ i , 4 • • G ^ ' i i S ^ ' 0 X ^ m ^ n tbe^.year iWi

"Hn nnnvnflg. <•-;?•,£ ?, A *' l^s-tisffiffla^+sttii*&&&**.that, tvahf*t\

... roa^E?^©061ff i reEL.t .OHi-ATL !A.W )



JAME'tf A. C L i A K ~

ft doorNori • Putaslfi: K - T .

|-i0B-of i^je mostniighty ewntpaia4'jwe'^f"^,

mode, aHeftBt during-anyiothe** ranpfevperied of the world's history; and yot living48 ivta do in ;tho miflstif' such aSvclopBrnentS"'with Mit sleaves ofj the book of invention' stlft tttiMngt'oK »vet, we 'do not wohtferjj fotit is |u | t lito^huhfallf. •nal^re, that thV inaj^sity to^ niiaiklnul ta«'' J»t?i lous .to, ik® me|it^. '.and i npoitatio)e ,«& Jh^ ldl^-ooyei!(ie,s,'maae jijj their own d,ay,_ w^i^nQJigi, Ijheyaie reaping pn^ldbpefltsjfpm tnenj,

Letus'look baok. to the bogiinning of thi» century, and .see ij*hat mighty Wofks;'ha»e been

Lrand and Ak^Bft primeval 'lonelin^s, Wept . ^ ^ ' ' . f ^ S ? ? ^ ^ r - , , , V . - . . . ' ^ ~ * - ' , — ^ - - > « * ^ W B k *'Wfe-'IMW

^hefe bnlivenea'by the elumfey 4 r t U n ^ H b L . W g % ? ^ ? ^ ^ M - P ^ ' ^ i ^ tude flat boat. In 1807,Mtdtt lMaiel«Jfl%e - w - - » - - * . ! • . .» „„„ Clennbnt, whWh'inatfe a ^a^ag.o to Alblftf jri th4rt^wfb,our8. At thii' tiim'e, the nfsifob'f ttaveCWas by 'sbhs66fietaindy Oops; whldh' wefa frequently s|X)|'a.y .Qia ).e passag>J"^herlJnj^ ^rovemeiit was oerto?nlfy]great{T3tttiwh?t^(»ii )Fultoh~aow-«ay to §e?e steamboats running i£^ same 4i3tan«e in' . ight. hQiira^gajid^janifLj^ them- larg'S'Tsn'oTi^W^stow- tKe;i<3termoht;; on* theirforward decks?• No steaniboiS"h^bro,. ken the wafers <ff thS VMisBissippt" ip'reyfehBLtt]

pled moretnneHhan a steamboat jyQffl^n^take, ^o oii'o.uninav.igate the'glbbe! At pwsoBt, it.iSj calculated there are4 nolBsa-than 3A00 steam­boats, of-all sizes'-in Amorioa, and^the timo saved- to tatveller*; by. - the „ invention pJLibfc;

ITT'ORNBVS .Atyi.'coui»ai"t«,'oRi3 at CAW,'

IffiCe on Lake stffet/west oitbe Stone Blockj Pttl'Sslu3iSv"Yi --•--. T - ~

. jj. la'OABTY, ' i. • <; -i•.> P. A. gtffift

«eMf<MW& "jtiiwVoEOPTBEiBEACB.' " '1

OBi«er.No.-J%.#(je,Jtl9ckv.>flp stairs. ,

I S. C. H U B T T I N G T O N , -Olfic'ein Mansfield?pl)nilding, :enedoor'Spuih; i^eSalman RiveV-ftpuse ove.rj A. R. AngeiJ'e

•~„, , s,iare, Pnlask^,!}, Y, . ._ - ^ _ _ " W R ^ H J , # S' t«?I?ES i ••• ^ ^ ^ w i b i t , is'at'leafit seventy per cent; that-ta,

idanngiproppsition; and when the proposal wa)s.

M.6rfee(rjfi}i«mp<»weted<W'8p^intan^eom. -Y ^ ^ o f ^ p e W s b v s a t t h e i r j i ^ /aramM'V row«<S^n1i,Wgadef regittieiitW nndiC^mpany - •!' .,.. ° . •f., L , : - „ . J « r,f„v i. ! (..a£:

•essijif telegraph' ^Sa -^ ih^ f f i f e t i b t iS* dT'^Sspiph^i^eetfBwS,. -thfefe the.i the progressottetegrapn 'wiies-'ugiiirMttiDinuutr- «• ,~.~,~rr..^ ~, Ibjfen'lnjist' e ' t f r ^ r i i i r i g l - ^ n a . a ^ d n a ^ p r a ^ - ' ^»^i}e^ta jn&las ; .TCCdj#- . :dise i

,,1&ing oann6wl<surprjtee.U8 i^^e",8 |aje ' of, t ^ - j jfoMHTOj^pf i t s i g h t had e«t«yea.tl»e rhumftn; jeaveTy. All the jroporta^t cities in. par Jtjnlpni »y«f a n d ^ d s ) * David'. JSfi'fiwster'h"a» » #

Ii-ATTOBRE^ AKDJOOUNSfU,p»e|AT LAWi j iffice corner of Jefferson andteridgeStreets,}

Pulaski, N. ¥ . • - _ '

'f^jPartlcinai attention given to<j3pUei)tipn8. ,~liow~tijo ^ it . • "••r •• rr •' .jr^.terorpw .- •' ' '• » • # . wm&Hjj ; , . ..." astlceoflheP^ace«lniCitmnjjs?ioner of Iaeeds,

Gorner of ©tiflge and Jefierson Ste. PuWki, N. Y. ,.._• . . -


ptt, IMfUtti GTE fc SON, E H'Y-S 10 t A"li i' £M''btiR'd IS 6 MB;' •

BBfee TdneTJo^PSBntB 6f*64brg<Hjmrley '*!OftbinBt; ^arffRJoom.iefferaonatrteet.'BtilaskiiN.Y. .

Cabinet Ware-Room and Ghavt, Factory, 3N'o. 9, Jefferstm st. Pulasfei.

" W O a L E K ly i iNUFACTORY or

i, titalihaSlreet,$autris,i3eof theriver.

„ . . . A, H,'STERNS, : i a t ,Cap and j6* r S^ore, two doors iNorth ofthe

Stone Bteck, nearlyBpScjsite Fati&ffBaitA, " " " ' " " P u l a ' s l f ^ , , ' N . T i

, • ' ' • SlSflRE^pJipR SHOP.

. . iflJjBNNETr&;.fiiALt)3T. ' | Rjyer Street,,.Pulaski, gs^ego^onnty, N. Y.

a person 'can travel' a greitor flistance intfilrty days noiy, by steamboat,T;han he cSM'inony hundred 'days fa'^ggo. ."J'nst fenoV .^enittihin hundred'd,ays in I860. ."Jnsl sanoy .flemamin • . -,-<- • "^Br-^-^K.«: . ^ ^ ^ ^ H , %-H^ Ifranl^betng^most Wreojfo;c(> ^ n g T r o T T ^ l ! ^ e s T n ^ e ^ i a | p o T c o s t i n g ; b u s $ & l s

• • * ' - - • • «.V-'_i—«. -jfcalt-ii-.' 'AiXewyear?.aKpma^,ft^wpar'aMd,toarpfho^se

We linked .together5Ly;thelig!htning ttaoks, and: wherewer wokravol, there \w behdld, suspon-'

along which the lightning fleets with .its,,me s* s^fe oflovej'hopB, gainoifeari' -• ' •••> .••>

Th|fl t?l.eg^hi(aBJpfOduood!moat*8V)ni8,Wf

•observed;'»ty a^av 6f ihe^solar *ysji©n)i j»rt ,dif5,oyereAb^.l?aniH ^ifWoad, "em ttpmble A,i«er^atiim6o%qic\whp; Jifie E*rpSfl "strn^. Igied te. findfebmethine nete .among' the aWr

, /MEAGHAM & CRONK, Qufastu.-er.soil'yin-and sheet Jroij Ware, deal-

. .„: ... .jgpijfffe, iy. y b . . , . .t ~ 1 _ r ^ -" MBS.'-'J. P B O W D , ' ••' •'•.

s MI&t l JS^ lAWD M&NTAtyMiA-RER, . . Dealer in Fancy Goods, Trimmings, Ribandsjetc.

Boniiets ijres's.edandT.flmmeAneatly atfa " iroteptly, ' mi 4, ln^ersdlf felo'Ck,

.. -i&'pvimiv•" . ' • . •> ,8*BBi!afia afjB.|n8ssavP fl oMEB', &c.

•tone Block, o*el'E.1S.pPox,s Swre r Jefterjion st. ,. .. -•P.ntojjft, N. Y. 1 , '

// •;"; I'Jf'ia&^ksVi^i - ^ ' ; '

bbm;pfBriogWW®a1tr>ee,t,Mhs \a*tf

B^.iA^MAf&iW'SOMi ' ,-i>u'lafeli»)*'3NrvYi.,.' :

)ealer ' !lM.'WAiibWE;LL). .

" w J t e i ' f T ' "'•"" ,M v '

':'' ^ ' '« '-MialH'lS, T , .;'.-;'. •.:

r - • b i - inVnt.Biiiiti^fya-£~ qr

Uifew York to Amboy, and'thje. wesae^ j ^ j S V f • was in oooupyiing thirty-two-hpuss or» i^e pas­sage—a distance whi'Sh i^ aocpmpMshp.a; eyeijr day by our steamboats in oiie dnd a half hour^ —a great change ttuly!

In Europe steamb'batB were wiinknbwn' "until TOll'.anl nosea was regulafljf t>ttv"fg4te^ ty : .stestrabtfats until 1818. The ptbgr^s's'o/'MkriiBe' Navigation is remarkable. In 1833 j o steam­boat had ventured across the stormy Atlah^io to establish oooan navigation. Npw we have communication .every wook with Europe by teg­ular steam mtfflk; and to show the advantage of steam over more sailing vessels, within». few, days from the presept dafe.'somb-Of 6U» finest salting paokets have flome iin after; a. passage of

.'fifty days; While our ste'atfishi^rhB.Ve.iiOi.,'be,en out moife than B^xteen days /^ l f ^hejTast'hjPHf oentury had given us no c^her^iirven^bn than, the steamboat, that alone,' oonsidorli^g, its im-portanoe, is enough to immortalize'it. If, in 1800,<tJhere. \v_as no steamship in the Wide wpjtld, where 8s the country now-where [email protected] not je'xereis^ng a' tooSt important influericol - No1

country m the wdfld. d h thferiudgoniMrtiB' sippi, om allpur lakes, rivets-and' seaa, rand OH all theWoeahs of the^world. Ott thfets'tfawherti the Walters iplled^upinto Wats'to p l b w fios'eiff and the Hebrews •to'pass dr j jshpi ; on. the anw pient^ Nile, wh.eteCjeopatra 'f t j^^y spread j ^ ' ' ^silken sails totho breeze; pn^ttlie Ganges anid Indus in the East, and theSaCramCntp in ft)6 West , there maybe soennutaerous'monUnieiita to' the' inventor of the steatnboat-^tho steamJ . ship "ruled the waves." '•'. •' '• < "•"•

The 8t6ambb'at is hot ritepnly Sm'pdrtant in'-yisntioh bf the'fas* half oen t< i r | ^h^ 'p t tgWs* or indention is just as matk'e'd in. other ^opairt-mpnts pf djEoovory . Lppk.'a^ ,tJio,' I^pa Hp|fse ipoving^ut ef, his stable, sdre^niing jina" p a n f l ing to start on his jpurney. ' SSWjsJbo ^Ww, ' engine InitSj most perfeot s t a t e - r - i t - ^ a .neji'r •approach to the spiritual and pliysioal'combina-i k m . Behold how easily he draws th* p6n«' deroiis train a,ttlH) ratb oi*3ifety. ti^iles aii'hbhr, ithUB' oWeymg-iinndreds of pasfohgerk ihT eoitcort and safety, toa 'u is taneo in air h|oW>

! wSaioh, but a few years agof^oulaHlke theWl .nearly a ijfhole'day to accomplish by stages ~

Aiiew years' . agp '^^^weV^C^W. 0 ^ ^°^?' iflesfcither* was in getting'the news from Pal Ifet?Anting, the winter seasorf. • Now. what a"-chB»ge. A steamship arrives !tot. Ilalifax, Bo's-' tool'or New Yorkthiamorning^alnd the Europe­an ne*s is published in tho Nie'w,-Orleans ;paT

p e n inrthe evening. The ; speeches !flelivoro$ ia the halls of Congress to-da|ji, are ld"eUv"ere«j to the readers ofthe ne wepaped's in all our jmv poitantoitiesiioxtni;orning. Oar as'tronomei'a "paile'watchers ofthe rolling<*phare^;*niplby the lightning pen to rpgistor their Observationi?. Thew^ole soiorice.of Voltaism, Elootro-mag-inetism, and Electro-typing, are trophies of ifce .disccweries made during the last half cenlifiry. Volta% letter toSir Joseph Banks, announcing the discovery of the Voltaio Pile, is- iate'd ;M»roh,30,1800. ' " ;,.. . . - .„ . , ' . . ' | Tiw splendid discovery ofthe Eleotro Mag-1 tt.«i:*y- Oersted, i|"dftte<l ^ 8 ^ 1 ; and; tj»e . ^ « t i -ffojil|«,Tt of Eleotrotypittg, wheT.eby elqctrioSjy. is, . usade to resolve the metals fromjthelr.liquia so-jlfcltiphg, and copy, with the, utmost acburaoy Irtienreaalsofr)urer,thomostydeli6atoototiitigsj |i«hd even write on permanent letters ilf febld. lEledtroiiiaghctiem has beotf employe^'to'lcpa-,»aie n lfs.18 froni therir ores, to drivb irittoi'inery, |,affl LW;W^'bilge .bars pf irontp J d e ^ o ^ ^ o V a f r , ' machines, l ike the fabled ooffm.of -Mahpniefc/|jid.'what it atrufne raay .aecamplish ifi futurp times, (for, thprp ar« »tiUi*ysteries oonUoctod with it) it is; not.pog-

sible to predict. ' '. •' Befpre the begfeifting elf the o;eiii;ujy^ \^bat'

, ^ ^ ' ^ l f i p t i n g ^ r e s B fojatgit' it n^k-is,] ' 4 |^jyea|8rago',i»'er^;,iifas .no^.ja; si9g|e,.',pri'a<ing |, press dfHvpn 6y,steapa» nojw thero is not a jpa-p e r witlh a large ipireulation printed without ifcj PnSm prihtihg teOO, 2000 and 4O00'copies per liour, the latP'sttoproved press' Cdti print 10,000(

iginaiplan' ;orpdtoa.torae.".,

.ICheri is no| ,a sjp^le .aod art but has been greatly eaHcbjed .with jiaplen4id .^ispoyecfek ^during, t i e last fifty •jceara/diiq! tnogp' fiig'cov'driea, ii(ltho'ugh so many arp blind to their value tolave be'en'tmr meanB of conferring great bletitfhgs- upba all classes. Lodk at roe simple «rticle of liuci-fer-matches, tweniyjyesiri ago we knew' no­thing about theis benefitsj None but those •who were <sdmjsa*attvely rieh Pould buyShem .and fifteen years 5ga;, it box Which J i d w "

^ *>. X 11*3 BOOVOOV.W w . . « . , . - . ^ - r — , - , - _ , . - . ^ .

hereby required to be filed and d«livbref;! arid shall -laitachtlvereartto an affidavit subSstUritfal lya^ lb l tows: .. '' •-""ll"t" '"•" f

and diligent ifli

'of 1

..I m'es

y«lat-_.-, , mm ' uiugcuv i.lqusryto ascertain th. .._...-. of all persons required to be'anrolled,. $$• lip ble,to»mtlitary du^y, by.thfl;4a«vs '6f th| . ttpii jted^^tes^retidiftg.in said town,, vulfffeiy pi ;ward,pi . that the. roll hereunto annex­ed fs' as near as these deportenta'cari (>scwtaiii 'acorrectrollof allpersjns, residing' ih ' ftld 't.o'Wh <nt' ward, wH»«rff liitfbte to'be; entdfry." ,The sfttd nffida«ifc,nray»'h1 -«tlSffi'ijje|bre any officer authorised. Jjy lav>tp talje aHtda,vhs, whose duty it shall be to take the saui^ with­out feO or reward.. ?T. ' . : §7; ^litaverrikeeper&,'kBeper"»of4ioarding houses, porsons havinguonrdori in their mm-ihesjandeveryjlnaster-vand mittress of any

„.. ._.. mm., nanner as other taxes are co l l e^ ten ' ih?^^

uald-ioitoyl- tAndH1'i^ WaMahls' a!iSn]5keiJ% Ithe stirfepviaprtsi 16-itfie aaSpejimynte'VOIiH»'»<*f |t|jlstt -Beyemjt'itoVW.and.wn.rdsjiah'al^ lector fo aallec.t the 'said s^m.oJi.jfifiynQeOtfri

IweUing bouse, and he«d of ,fl»pkf ^ ? r BU*-;ersgsciete.sir con^mwnjlties, Bh»,ll npi?n the

;d kesr

.uuu HIWSU JIOO." - s i ) . ••--- - T - - •» - lof&e.names' ofall p'6«8»ns!ireBidmg or ioog-forone certti eou)d ndt be purchased for less „ gSfc1l t^qse,, 6r*BloHging to aucheool-than t ^ lve tents. Dtirirfg the last Wat be- ety er cpmmanity. and liable to be enrojled, tweeiD Ameripa'Ana-Bnglarid, potton «ldthi> and *ll other gK»ppt,:fo(pjt^ntfoii corjcerning

, Whkih ndwitfan be purdUsed for eight eents such person^ ia;4eflPtt«sseii!J}raB,yije~n»nnd.' '• I c o u i d n p t ^ h n s . d f p r f o r t y 1 M M ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ , ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ has given the world a'.maottittVwbteh, by ^ t ^ p f y M»llff!«He p^vlsiorifrfli'itftie apt,) potting aictiigh black ot marble kipon a spin- shsill'refuf e to giyp.such failbrmiation, «tr shall die.66pn'ifoiWiUn*o..tHe%emi*sof CJay or !gi*»false |nfprmatfe»|^toyphali 'J'oriftt and -wlfcijo. . • ( " ; -Sgy ten dollars.for. eftch Wem rtti-infprraation

» T l 1. '1 ' " . . . 1 . ' 1 J '£' „ femandftd of b^ml)X,.anv,aswijior p ^ & U e l y Bogpirdush.BS^iv^ptp the world feis ^n- ' ^ a . ^ v f e r y ^ W W l ^ / i h i i i r r e f i i a e ' t b

graving maohine,;<*B!aEe sorry tq^jiy it J%', gWe1 his bWrioatfie" amJ; |*WpiSt'v'infii(i,hi(altioh httleknWn,).which (fan,I engrave the.Hnest <'M^mi^f]?a!f^^i^^'^ „.It,o„= «Lt' tu»mJ.lo„TiiL fl„*»^ „n, a'ialse name onaformatoh.i^htxUforle.itand; numbers, and the .most Ifeautilul Holers, on : •" —u- ~ — J iw «~.. «„„„» metal.

moneys so ootlecledr-etiBll*^' the1 'BtVlleew 111 paid aver to the;' treasiupef "bfj'tlie cSunty7,

he credit ofthe tail^Bij^ fund <if siiidctstt-utjtyif i'ouMething; fiontaiftetfnjii»isjafitPhftll subject • any Biwrj,. Kara ,ojs of ty fym-^pmamtit: s'dm aksepeu p> taxed, against ftny, Jhal.wguf'

fcdttf <n the com* 0, ,. , -Pulaski,!?. • t v '.itjt.uT .lift

J l ^ > I U i i M ^ A R l E ( T Y . SHPORB.

^'-4P^e^49P,mil?sa4q1tejt), hquffi..'In M%{

|tjie,'saine.3pmfnfly .ppuW ppfcbci.aJa.op.mBHsftW; jn. [ie"ss,'th)itreightl'days. <*u- '.:?-'• -•-•.'i;'i|

in 1800 there-was/not a single locomotive.in !«toe W0»ld( n«ffou*wentyjyears;i«fte)f< vias the ,5th dttf $'0d0^l&;m&ify Wvoitm W «1l0eket , , :t&8£& tiiveffiof &$Wim& R a i l w a J M ' ^ e W a ^ Kfe'^of Is'lmllosper •fimn Fron^tha^momM|.^o, s^ fa;$pr .tnoneemont ef a new ahd. most wtoiiiBhipg', era to'the*hi8tory-of4iscpViery^^^n^la|i|^^ wo now 5,6001 miles of Mlway •ct5ft «ioted:„.

" * - •• > '•'- •-- - ~L—-..J.j..,-,u* «*^.*««*,*:'<P..'*A'Wi-«/

. I n w h a t mayi be termed toinar thaehiries, I t h e inventions and jmjiroifemonts have not IbeedofttSinorimportance, Fifte"BnjfearaJogo ipint* W e all made by hand, eaph tvas made i

•efaiionfrqro bpgmning to.cafl J audi jn..W<*tet'*. 1bupyjr Gbnaeotieiitj-. fS,fl3O,"($0 4*^' f i shed 1

S^Tery day, and'dhe-machinery for'counting !«ti(I'*tiokWg th*m],4Bfto p p j s k irf^'qually in

part half century 'iQ'^anu'aetprers^' ' ' ' Nes '%th , s j they_ reside, steam hammer. whJcli was Jnve'jitejl ^ut, 84 Tew .yearsagpjjMn ,te nanage^Vfthl6,B, dp-1 ^ l o ' f j e fut'Up eility of a'ial&S:' 'We, have n»w" gold .and steel qi^Mlni/tead, "br goOse1 Quills.1' The-tnumphs of'warriors fro nnoglit cohJjpa'reu3

with the rt'rtum'pto'ejr Wentofe. THe.ifdtf Bridge BpnntiiHjflne* sei ;iti gredler Bfatiiffltot-of mentu;! power than Avfclerlitaf or Wate r ­loo. _ m •' 'r —i-c .. .,/• .:,

And if the last balfjcfintury h'as g j ^ n ^ f i h tq, s'pCiPanygraW \|(sew>eries nnjl Snyghtidns}

18 there any reasbn W'^ilbk ^aOhel j j j t i i r e" may more than outstrip the past?". V^$ *}ap see none. Hope ja pointing her (linger to. the year,|9Q0; ."'' ;; •-. ; > #1

• '•••. : :^6ha^<*tt}''''J'''•<'" •' ' ' A yottttg lady .^SOriffl 6bm ditfe^ffioge ifli'

stitutionffwhOtd'the'.'^oHd Btenblbs"iWd't'aiJgTll'

jra'Dlio" ptfecefciifithe vitlag?, eityj town or ward, whieh-. nbtices^bay-B^Jprttoihallbo.ns^tseors have I diade»tjjieir, roll ol all .Rqrsps Ifabjl.ejW,. be. jen?,

,rolled aefcordmg.to tBtelijiWs qf m .United hSStatcs>hd thai a'dBWlh'eVJibf V f e f with owe of their numbeirfttf'tte ^designated Tn iuch-notice, at soirte placo to be •. »pccifie,(jli! thcroin. Whe^e the sa^^ay.^e.s^rij.aiidvj^ainitted by any persdh lnteresed therein, during twen-. ty days; the assessor' with whom siieh-rotl ip left, shall sttbmtttlte ^'aWe (Sluflngtb« twenty' days specified In such notictejttftheinKpoetlon of all persoria^ho,^^! WpJjrfflftJhto purppse.

5 10. Any.peison whose baroe appears on, to ttiilitai<f Mlf, dh1 atJdOUrit bf aOme!' j ihysibal defebtflrbodily irifirnj'ity,orithatheie'exempt

- , . , „ , i"5r taxe,d...daainst any,JhdlWdtir' blunder tfiis actwlrfch'sIafnolBdrdiMM by tile collector af-^imw^MWW'mt

fl^MPho provislbias'.of arfiplf • fiigti H p three, oliiipter thlrteoh of part firBtjpf the fe' vi8op\statutes.s}fall 'apply to tWs1 u«(i'"''iii'(»fbj* 9r the-elm^are,explicable* ••- <.i'f «u v-iiJ • ,

. J 2 0 . T.heb>ndre%tired,byi/^ tMe tl jM pKipjtet e!pvon,fif,PftH to.J,&tfiim* weed statutes to be.executed tot th jBup rjyiBoj! ofthe city, village, town or wara'by.thpooirec-tor, shall apply l ' any""mpndys'">"requif<ia, to -be

'ooiloetod'by this Bet. •" ' ' „ ' " ' 1" :.:'' .'.> L '^4% Itshbllbo «JiW"di«ty-'Pf *v«^coubty treasurer in' this.state,,to procure suitfiblft books. .in.wbJiSh.shall bo entoredVafi'Baepuntr'ofr'Blt mcrieyB, feooivplirj pursimftpe '&£ thhti^oWiapd

whioii sbMb? ;ialJaili^n"iiS«s^i^l'^4fc ppurity 1he. shall alsp enter in m'tAbWcaauLaos! e6«nt of Ullmdneys paid but of'the saiil~.funoi ttnd for w t o rfilrp\)8e^n«i» 'aiiebuht Shall TO sd kept thathicattlbt' M t f j ^ W ^ i b ' ^ O Beparatolyv •>»"• .H •• i.'.jad !iv'» iii! i;>' v.i' •) -

§22. Tbatflito^ H« <&eW<«ilP«llail/ (?'4| I Ar

axplusively tairnifitajfy purpeiosv"j'oi,! tli^ be'nbflt ofthe militiatofsaiitl cnuMtyco^cPpttlia^ayess* bTS shal)]be pntltlt)d,torpo'el.v;e for their sOrvieos, re,qujred by tl)isact*..tlio.~„eumof one'dol!a*;i$$ Hwepty-flyp ..oonts for oaclj day's tfiykajMM

|fcst•door•^'uth>:oftheSalmon^E^te'rfHoUi5bi^ ;- ,-, . . -«. Hi^.'f[>4 IBuWtfj-VNi &v j .f . r^v. ::;lLi!|jandajjm&pymore,pr.Bp6aed**t*o06hp^

|.'ly, We np w l ehfild the mpst ,D(§»tifu|,earpet«)

,and esAet ^?ou|aey,in cardinal virfttes,., while qokinfj-junon a sea-. scene by, moonlight exelijimeai " ^ a t a. mj»g-nifioent wa^efesoape."

' I l l ' ' . ' ! , ' ' ' . . 1 ' ^ ^ ' . • , . " ' I l l ' . * ' , ' ' " -.'''•>' ' " . | . . , . 1 1 • « , .

Carrying pjafj$'nesB to ixbejsgji* said ,td bo raising yon* hat|(>a yom g/jigy^n the Btreet and'allowiqga'ebliple of dirty eollars japd a | vffltitbdto wWbutt-

' " ,tWt.'^HW..'.i

. ' .' I

. ^ 'w»«t« t twr i t« r iWn1^t t s t if th« pr opB*' , wayjWrspalltfMiV'tho^lJ,' m 'eigh^' and- && ,, ;«b*au*»' tfee >$fVip#r<*ii.f»{if- spell «patatob(if

laffidaviti^tatiBgafli^sracttbn which lja-eialmr to beexfemptoMfttliabte.illJ.dojnilitary duty.,

paBK-anmne'-TiBHpjiBiHB. "»»'*"»-i-5 T"-, - 5 . - "

ilffldtttfint-to Belied'totfiB o^cei #4he'bit*

toWfl'brWai-d i« wAioh 'iUe eail.MlisBfejntry discharge eaidduties, that.th(ittgeoa««te'pefea by said assessor is just an&ieaiSOM&'Mjp' «"•'-*§-23.-No money slicllb^p»'|tb4rSubhiund

by the cpwnty t r e a s i ^ e n ^ b W ^ ^ p s ^ i.as-seBaors S^%SSmMSii^^^ '< Of a bpttffl of offikrJv .ftfe.fejMw.Jni ^.etfoit

, cpi«mandMV mMmmm^t tn4 specifyonatBWtf&b'objppts'ffir which'sWoft, .monbylB^ift'^n?'' x<* • •'* '• ." " Xf:''^' '

. §2^i8irbh;bpa|d.^lia'll 'coneistj ofthot'^m* mandiqgMilQBtJf-.tho/btteade) wJjo isKaWW president theroofi-iand efme field MeSrtofithft

* f 2S. ^Wnlrflitpart of4a r e g i n f f i ^ v s M ii|'tfohe'oloanty,&b'fdhas''8haTO^ M M t* ln%«#rtto orthat^prtfon'dlililif^lplolj;';» the ooontyjaM to- an .eqhittfblbr%#^n. W

T *-.

fc&Mngtn tsitiOn TOreumo 6haff ilii¥l4iai'6^4Pwd-M ' • >.*•• . - --v f i i r '• .iVA. '


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