06과 기출 변형문제 - file.megastudy.net

ENGLISH YBM [한] 06과 기출 변형문제 1. 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 1) In India, many traditions are today being challenged as a result of globalization. The practice of eating a home-cooked meal for lunch, however, continues. In Mumbai, many people who work in offices far from home rely on an express food delivery service run by dabbawalas. Dabbawalas are delivery men who carry hot lunch boxes for Mumbai office workers from their homes to their offices. The word dabbawala comes from the Hindi dabba meaning “lunch box,” and wala meaning “the person who carries it.” The dabbawala service began around 1890, when a banker hired a young man to deliver a lunch box from his home to his Mumbai office. Other people liked the idea and copied it. When demand for the service expanded, a businessman started the lunch-delivery service in its present format. Now, more than 120 years later, the dabba is a unique part of the Mumbai culture. ① 세계화로 인해 인도의 많은 전통이 도전받고 있다. ② 세계화의 결과로 집에서 만든 음식을 점심 식사로 먹는 관행은 사라졌다. dabbawala는 음식 배달 서비스이다. dabbawala에서 dabba점심 도시락을 의미한다 Mumbai에서는 독특한 도시락 배달 서비스가 있다. 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. Today approximately 5,000 dabbawalas cover 70 square kilometers in and around Mumbai. They conduct about 400,000 transactions daily 200,000 lunch boxes are delivered to offices every morning, six days a week, and 200,000 are returned home every afternoon. They even deliver in the pouring rain and during political strife. Surprisingly, hardly any cases of late or mistaken delivery are ever reported. Their motto is “error is horror.” The dabbawalas are proud of their 99.99 percent accuracy rate, which means just one mistake in every six million deliveries. It is an amazing record, considering that most of the dabbawalas are illiterate and that not a single piece of paper is used in the delivery process. The secret to this error-free system is in a coding system. Each dabba carries a code, painting with different colors, numbers, and symbols. These codes tell the dabbawala where the food comes from and which railway stations it must pass through on its way to a specific office in a specific building, in Mumbai. 2. 위 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? 2) Why Is The Accuracy Important? Dabbas: The Most Popular Lunch Box Store in Mumbai The Reason Why They Have Difficulties in Delivery Dabbawala: The Most Dangerous Job In The World The Secret of the Accuracy: Dabba‘s Coding System 3. 위 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중 어법상 틀린 것을 고르면? 3) ①ⓐ home ②ⓑ ever ③ⓒ what ④ⓓ considers ⑤ⓔ painting 4. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계없는 문장은?. 4) The dabbawala organization is an outstanding example of an efficient distribution system. ()It is simple, relies on teamwork, has a low operating cost, and delivers almost 100 percent customer satisfaction.()Dabbawala are developing new lunch box for vegetarians. ()It is not surprising, then, that business schools and large corporations around the world learn from the dabbawala system. ()Today, most people cannot imagine an efficient delivery system operating without the benefit of technology. ()Dabbawalas, however, demonstrate that with no form of technology, some of the old ways may still be the best ways.

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YBM [한]06과 기출 변형문제

1. 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?1)

In India, many traditions are today being challenged

as a result of globalization. The practice of eating a

home-cooked meal for lunch, however, continues. In

Mumbai, many people who work in offices far from

home rely on an express food delivery service run by

dabbawalas. Dabbawalas are delivery men who carry

hot lunch boxes for Mumbai office workers from their

homes to their offices. The word dabbawala comes

from the Hindi dabba meaning “lunch box,” and wala

meaning “the person who carries it.”

The dabbawala service began around 1890, when a

banker hired a young man to deliver a lunch box from

his home to his Mumbai office. Other people liked the

idea and copied it. When demand for the service

expanded, a businessman started the lunch-delivery

service in its present format. Now, more than 120

years later, the dabba is a unique part of the Mumbai


① 세계화로 인해 인도의 많은 전통이 도전받고 있다.

② 세계화의 결과로 집에서 만든 음식을 점심 식사로 먹는

관행은 사라졌다.

③ dabbawala는 음식 배달 서비스이다.

④ dabbawala에서 dabba는 ‘점심 도시락’을 의미한다

⑤ Mumbai에서는 독특한 도시락 배달 서비스가 있다.

다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

Today approximately 5,000 dabbawalas cover 70

square kilometers in and around Mumbai. They

conduct about 400,000 transactions daily — 200,000

lunch boxes are delivered to offices every morning, six

days a week, and 200,000 are returned ⓐhome every

afternoon. They even deliver in the pouring rain and

during political strife. Surprisingly, hardly any cases of

late or mistaken delivery are ⓑever reported. Their

motto is “error is horror.”

The dabbawalas are proud of their 99.99 percent

accuracy rate, ⓒwhich means just one mistake in every

six million deliveries. It is an amazing record, ⓓconsidering that most of the dabbawalas are illiterate

and that not a single piece of paper is used in the

delivery process. The secret to this error-free system is

in a coding system. Each dabba carries a code, ⓔpainting with different colors, numbers, and symbols.

These codes tell the dabbawala where the food comes

from and which railway stations it must pass through

on its way to a specific office in a specific building, in


2. 위 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?2)

① Why Is The Accuracy Important?

② Dabbas: The Most Popular Lunch Box Store in Mumbai

③ The Reason Why They Have Difficulties in Delivery

④ Dabbawala: The Most Dangerous Job In The World

⑤ The Secret of the Accuracy: Dabba‘s Coding System

3. 위 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중 어법상 틀린 것을 고르면?3)

① ⓐ home ② ⓑ ever

③ ⓒ what ④ ⓓ considers

⑤ ⓔ painting

4. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계없는 문장은?.4)

The dabbawala organization is an outstanding

example of an efficient distribution system. (①)It is

simple, relies on teamwork, has a low operating

cost, and delivers almost 100 percent customer

satisfaction.(②)Dabbawala are developing new lunch

box for vegetarians. (③)It is not surprising, then,

that business schools and large corporations around

the world learn from the dabbawala system.

(④)Today, most people cannot imagine an efficient

delivery system operating without the benefit of

technology. (⑤)Dabbawalas, however, demonstrate

that with no form of technology, some of the old

ways may still be the best ways.

06과 기출변형문제 [2021]

5. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A),

(B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?5)

The dabbawala organization is an outstanding

example of an efficient distribution system. It is

simple, relies on teamwork, has a low operating cost,

and delivers almost 100 percent customer satisfaction.

It is not surprising, then, that business schools and

large corporations around the world learn from the

dabbawala system. Today, most people cannot imagine

an efficient delivery system operating without the

benefit of technology. Dabbawalas, however,

demonstrate that with no form of technology, some of

the old ways may still be the best ways.

The dabbawala organization is one of the best

examples in light of (A)__________ and operated

with (B)___________.

(A) (B)

① cost-efficiency no technology

② fast delivery more technology

③ rapid growth no technology

④ distribution system more technology

⑤ intentional no technology


6. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?6)

Dabbawala service began around 1890, when a

banker hired a young man to deliver a lunch box from

his home to his Mumbai office. The word dabbawala

comes from the Hindi dabba meaning “lunch box” and

wala meaning “the person who carries it.” Most

dabbas, or lunches, reach their destination after passing

through several pairs of hands. A typical scenario

would have one person on a bicycle pick up a dabba

by 9:00 a.m. from about thirty different addresses.

After collecting all of the dabbas assigned to him, he

takes them to the nearest train station. Another person

loads each dabba onto the right train, sending them off

in different directions. A third person rides on each of

the trains with the dabbas. Finally, a fourth person

picks up the boxes at the receiving station and

distributes them, again by bicycle, to each customer’s

office, all by 12:30 p.m. The empty dabbas are picked

up by 5:00 p.m and are returned to their original

addresses by the same team, following the same

procedure in reverse.

① How Dabbawala Service Works

② Dabbawalas: The Hardest Job in the World!

③ Why Dabbawala Service Started

④ The Reason Why the Number of Dabbawala is Increasing

⑤ Secret of Successful Dabbawalas

7. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?7)

The dabbawalas, who deliver lunch boxes, are proud

of their 99.99 percent accuracy rate, which mears just

one mistake in every six million deliveries. It is an

amazing record, considering that most of the

ddabbawalas are illiterate and that not a single piece of

paper is used in the delivery process. The secret to this

error-free system is in a coding system. Each

dabba(lunch box) carries a code, painted with different

colors, numbers, and symbols. These codes tell the

dabbawala organization is an outstanding example of an

efficient distribution system. It is simple, relies on

teamwork, has a low operating cost, and delivers almost

100 percent customer satisfaction. It is not surprising,

then, that business schools and large corporations

around the world learn from the dabbawala system.

① 대부분의 다바왈라는 문맹이다.

② 배달과정에서 한 장의 종이도 사용하지 않는다.

③ 부호화 체계 덕분에 실수가 거의 없다.

④ 다바왈라는 복잡한 부호화 체계로 인해 운영비가 비싸다.

⑤ 세계의 대기업들은 다바왈라의 시스템에서 배운다.

8. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장을 고르시오.8)

Most dabbas, or lunches, reach their destination

after passing through several pairs of hands. A typical

scenario would have one person on a bicycle pick up a

dabba by 9:00 a.m. from about thirty different

addresses. After collecting all of the dabbas assigned to

him, he takes them to the nearest train station. ① Many people who work in offices far from home rely

on the food delivery service. ② Another person loads

each dabba onto the right train, sending them off in

different directions. ③ A third person rides on each of

the trains with the dabbas. ④ The boxes are picks up

by a fourth person at the receiving station and

distributes to each customer’ office, again by bicycle,

all by 12:30 p.m. ⑤ The empty dabbas are picked up

by 5:00 p.m. and are returned to their original

addresses by the same team, following the same

procedure in reverse.

06과 기출변형문제 [2021]

9. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?9)

Dabbawalas are delivery men who carry hot lunch

boxes for Mumbai office workers from their homes to

their offices. Those who use the dabbawala service are

mostly middle class office workers who live in one of

Mumbai’s suburbs. They have to leave for the office

early in the morning, riding on a packed train. It

would be difficult for them to carry their own dabba.

Also, they often have dietary restrictions, depending

upon their religion. Hindus do not eat beef, Muslims

do not eat pork, and Jains do not eat onions and

potatoes. As a result, it is not easy for workers to find

the right food in restaurants near their office. To meet

their dietary needs. Indian workers prefer their

home-cooked meals, made especially for them.

① reasons for using the delivery service

② Religion is the most important factor to choose food

③ normal lives of middle-class office workers

④ various traits of the delivery service in Mumbai

⑤ The way people get their jobs in Mumbai

10. 다음 글의 내용을 요약할 때 빈칸에 적절한 표현을 쓰시


In India, many traditions are today being

challenged as a result of globalization. The practice of

eating a home-cooked meal for lunch, however,

continues. In Mumbai, many people who work in

offices far from home rely on an express food delivery

service run by dabbawalas. Dabbawalas are delivery

men who carry hot lunch boxes for Mumbai office

workers from their homes to their offices. The word

dabbawala comes from the Hindi dabba meaning

“lunch box,” and wala meaning “the person who

carries it.”

⬇( ) the globalization, the custom of having a

home-made meal for lunch has been ( ),

which generates dabbawalas.

11. 다음 글을 읽고 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?11)

Are you planning to visit India? If so, then you

should know a few things about their culture before

you arrive. First, you cannot eat beef or pork in

some places because of their religions. Indians who

practice Hinduism don’t eat beef, while Muslims

don’t eat pork. Second, the majority of the Indian

people eat with their hands. You probably won’t

have to do that yourself, but you should not criticize

them for doing it. Third, eating with your left hand

is considered rude, and if you do so, it may offend

people. Keep your left hand at your side and off the

table while you are eating. Keep these three things

in mind, and you will have a wonderful time in


① You should not eat pork where Muslims live.

② Most of Indians use their hands for eating.

③ Eating with left hand is normal in India.

④ If you visit India, you should respect their culture.

⑤ It’s a good idea to keep your left hand off the

table as long as you don’t use it.

12. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 알맞은 것은?12)

Today approximately 5,000 dabbawalas cover 70

square kilometers in and around Mumbai. They

conduct about 400,000 transactions daily — 200,000

lunch boxes are delivered to offices every morning, six

days a week, and 200,000 are returned home every

afternoon. They even deliver in the pouring rain and

during political strife. Surprisingly, hardly any cases of

late or mistaken delivery are ever reported. Their

motto is “_______________________”.

① Sincerity is more important than accuracy

② Anyone can make a mistake

③ Mistakes are not acceptable

④ Making no mistakes doesn’t mean perfect.

⑤ The more launch boxes we deliver, The more

money we can get.

06과 기출변형문제 [2021]

13. 다음 글을 읽고, 밑줄 친 부분이 문법상 어색한 것은?13)

Most dabbas, or lunches, reach their destination

after passing through several pairs of hands. A typical

scenario would ① have one person on a bicycle collect

a dabba by 9:00 a.m. from about thirty different

addresses. ② After picking up all of the dabbas

assigned to him, he takes them to the nearest train

station. Another person loads each dabba onto the

right train, ③ sent them off in different directions. A

third person rides on each of the trains with the

dabbas. Finally, a fourth person picks up the boxes at

the receiving station ④ and distributes them, again by

bicycle, to each customerʼ office, all by 12:30 p.m. The

empty dabbas are picked up by 5:00 p.m. ⑤ and are

sent back to their original addresses by the same team,

following the same procedure in reverse.

14. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?14)

The dabbawalas are proud of their 99.99 percent

accuracy rate, ①which means just one mistake in every

six million deliveries. It is an amazing record, ②considered that most of the dabbawalas are illiterate

and that not a single piece of paper is used in the

delivery process. The secret ③to this error-free system

is in a coding system. Each dabba carries a code, ④painted with different colors, numbers, and symbols.

These codes tell the dabbawala where the food comes

from and ⑤which railway stations it must pass through

on its way to a specific office in a specific building, in


15. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장

적절한 것은?15)

In India, many traditions are today being

challenged as a result of globalization. The practice of

eating a home-cooked meal for lunch, however,

continues. In Mumbai, many people who (A) [ works /

work ] in offices far from home rely on an express

food delivery service (B)[ ran / run ] by dabbawalas.

Dabbawalas are delivery men who carry hot lunch

boxes for Mumbai office workers from their homes to

their offices. The word dabbawala comes from the

Hindi dabba (C) [ means / meaning ] “lunch box,”

and wala (C) [ means / meaning ] “the person who

carries it.”

(A) (B) (C)

① works run means

② works ran meaning

③ work run meaning

④ work ran meaning

⑤ work run means

16. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?16)

The dabbawala organization is an outstanding

example of an efficient distribution system. ①It is

simple and relies on teamwork. ②In spite of the fact

that it has a low operating cost, it delivers almost 100

percent customer satisfaction. ③It is not surprising,

then, that business schools and large corporations

around the world learn from the dabbawala system. ④Today, must people cannot imagine an efficient delivery

system operating without the benefit of technology. ⑤Dabbawalas, however, demonstrate that with form of

technology, some of the old ways may still be the best


06과 기출변형문제 [2021]

다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

The dabbawala service began around 1890, ⓐwhen

a banker hired a young man to deliver a lunch box

from his home to his Mumbai office. Other people

liked the idea and copied it. When demand for the

service expanded, a businessman started the

lunch-delivery service in its present format. Now, more

than 120 years later, the dabba is a unique part of the

Mumbai culture.

Why do Mumbai workers ⓑnot take their lunch

boxes with them in the morning, when they leave for

the office? Those who use the dabbawala service ⓒare

mostly middle-class office workers ⓓwhose live in one

of Mumbai’s suburbs. They have to leave for the office

early in the morning, riding on a packed train. It

would be difficult for them to carry their own dabba.

Also, they often have dietary restrictions, ⓔdepending

upon their religion. Hindus do not eat beef, Muslims

do not eat pork, and Jains do not eat onions and

potatoes. As a result, ⒜in restaurants, easy, be, their

office, workers, near, the right food, find. To meet

their dietary needs, Indian workers prefer their

home-cooked meals, made especially for them.

17. 다음이 글의 주제가 되도록 (A), (B)에 가장 적절한 것을

각각 해당 철자로 시작하는 한 단어로 쓰시오.17)

The (A)o of the dabbawala service and the

(B)r why it develops in Mumbai

답: (A) o

(B) r

18. 어법과 문맥에 맞도록 윗글의 ⒜부분을 다음의 조건에 맞게

순서대로 배열하시오.18)


세단어를 추가 할 것

be, find 형태를 알맞게 쓸 것


19. 윗글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?19)

① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ

④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ

20. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?20)

Most dabbas, or lunches, reach their destination

after passing through several pairs of hands. A typical

scenario would have one person on a bicycle pick up a

dabba by 9:00 a.m. from about thirty different

addresses. After collecting all of the dabbas assigned to

him, he takes them to the nearest train station.

Another person loads each dabba onto the right train,

sending them off in different directions. A third person

rides on each of the trains with the dabbas. Finally, a

fourth person picks up the boxes at the receiving

station and distributes them, again by bicycle, to each

customerʼ office, all by 12:30 p.m. The empty dabbas

are picked up by 5:00 p.m. and are returned to their

original addresses by the same team, following the

same procedure in reverse.

① 도시락 배달 과정에서 자전거도 사용된다.

② 세 번째 사람은 도시락들을 들고 기차를 탄다.

③ 12시 30분까지 점심 도시락이 고객들에게 배달된다.

④ 빈 도시락은 5시에 수거된다.

⑤ 오전에 도시락을 배달하는 팀과 오후에 도시락을 수거하

는 팀은 서로 다른 팀이다.

06과 기출변형문제 [2021]

다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

The dabbawala service began around 1890, when a

banker hired a young man to deliver a lunch box from

his home to his Mumbai office. Other people liked the

idea and copied it. When demand for the service

expanded, a businessman started the lunch-delivery

service in its present format. Now, more than 120

years later, the dabba is a(n) common part of the

Mumbai culture.

Why do Mumbai workers not take their lunch boxes

with them in the morning, when they leave for the

office? Those who use the dabbawala service are mostly

middle-class office workers who live in one of

Mumbai’s suburbs. They have to leave for the office

early in the morning, riding on a(n) (A)[crowded /

empty] train. (가)It would be difficult that they carry their own dabba. Also, they often have ⓐ_________,

depending upon their (B)[region / religion]. Hindus do

not eat beef, Muslims do not eat pork, and Jains do

not eat onions and potatoes. ⓑ__________, it is not

easy for workers to find the right food in restaurants

near their office. To meet their dietary needs, Indian

workers (C)[dislike / prefer] their home-cooked meals,

made especially for them.

21. 윗글의 빈칸 ⓐ에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?21)

① their own recipe ② various life pattern

③ cultural diversity ④ strict rules in life

⑤ dietary regulations

22. 윗글의 (A), (B), (C)의 각 괄호 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로

가장 적절한 것은?22)

(A) (B) (C)

① empty region prefer

② crowded religion dislike

③ empty region dislike

④ crowded religion prefer

⑤ crowded religion prefer

23. 윗 글의 내용을 읽고, 밑줄 친 (가)를 “가주어-의미상 주어-

진주어 to-V 구문”을 이용하여 문장을 다시 완성하시오.23)

24. 윗글의 밑줄 친 ⓑ에 들어갈 가장 적절한 연결어(구)를 영

어로 쓰시오.24)

25. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 They, Their 중 가리키는 대상이 나머지

넷과 다른 것은?25)

Today approximately 5,000 dabbawalas cover 70

square kilometers in and around Mumbai. ①They

conduct about 400,000 transactions daily — 200,000

lunch boxes are delivered to offices every morning, six

days a week, and 200,000 are returned home every

afternoon. They even deliver in the pouring rain and

during political strife. Surprisingly, hardly any cases of

late or mistaken delivery are ever reported. Their

motto is “error is horror.”

②They are proud of their 99.99 percent accuracy

rate, which means just one mistake in every six million

deliveries. It is an amazing record, considering that

most of the dabbawalas are illiterate and that not a

single piece of paper is used in the delivery process.

The secret to this error-free system is in a coding

system. Each dabba carries a code, painted with

different colors, numbers, and symbols. ③They tell the

dabbawala where the food comes from and which

railway stations it must pass through on its way to a

specific office in a specific building, in Mumbai.

④Their organization is an outstanding example of

an efficient distribution system. It is simple, relies on

teamwork, has a low operating cost, and delivers

almost 100 percent customer satisfaction. It is not

surprising, then, that business schools and large

corporations around the world learn from the

dabbawala system. Today, most people cannot imagine

an efficient delivery system operating without the

benefit of technology. ⑤They, however, demonstrate

that with no form of technology, some of the old ways

may still be the best ways.

06과 기출변형문제 [2021]

26. 다음 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?26)

To avoid this inconvenience, the dabbawala collect

the lunch box at 9:00 a. m. from the house, deliver it

to the office before the lunch hours and then collect

the empty lunch boxes to deliver back home.

Why do Mumbai workers not take their lunch boxes

with them in the morning, when they leave for the

office? Those who use the dabbawala service are mostly

middle-class office workers who live in one of

Mumbai’s suburbs. ( ① ) They have to leave for the

office early in the morning, which means that his wife

or mother would have to cook the boxed meal at 5:00

a. m. ( ② ) Also, home-cooked food is preferred by

mumbai people because of health, emotional and

financial reasons.

( ③ ) Eating food from reataurants is expensive and

street food, though delicious isn’t considered especially

healthy for regular consumption. ( ④ ) In addition,

home-cooked food is the ultimate way for a wife or

mother to express her love and affection for her

husband or son. ( ⑤ ) Dabbawalas tap into all these

needs and have created an industry that – even after

125 years – has a growth rate of as much as 10% per


*tap into : ~을 활용하다

27. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요악하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A),

(B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?27)

The dabbawala organization is an outstanding

example of an efficient distribution system. Most

dabbas, or lunches, reach their destination after

passing through several paris of hands. A typical

scenario would have one person on a bicyle pick up

a dabbe by 9:00 a.m. from about thirty different

addresses. After collecting all of the dabbas assigned

to him. He takes them to the nearest train station .

Another person sorts our the dabbas at the railway

station according to destination and puts them in

the luggage carriage. A third person travels with the

dabbas to the railway stations nearest to the

destinations. Finally, a fourth person picks up

dabbas from the railway station and drips them off

at the offices. The dabbawalas rely on low counts to

get the job doen, using cycles, wooden carriages and

local trains and very little technology to meet their

daily goals.

⬇Several groups work (A)_______ and

(B)_______ with each other to cover service areas.

(A) (B)

① independently network

② simultaneously dispute

③ individually disagree

④ collectively interact

⑤ immediately connect

28. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?28)

The dabbawalas are proud of their 99.99 percent

accuracy rate, which means just one mistake in every

six million deliveries. It is an amazing record,

considering that most of the dabbawalas are illiterate

and that not a single piece of paper is used in the

delivery process. The secret to this error-free system is

in a coding system. Each dabba carries a code, painted

with different colors, numbers, and symbols. These

codes tell the dabbawala where the food comes from

and which railway stations it must pass through on its

way to a specific office in a specific building, in


① How Dabbawalas Thrive in Mumbai

② Dabbawalas : The Most Popular Job in Mumbai

③ The Difficulties of Decoding their Codes.

④ The Secret to Dabbawalas’ Err-free System

⑤ The Technology Hidden in a Coding System

29. 다음 글에서 우리말로 주어진 부분을 영어로 바꾸어 쓰시


In India, many traditions are today being

challenged as a result of globalization. The practice of

eating a home-cooked meal for lunch, however,

continues. In Mumbai, 집에서 멀리 떨어진 사무실에서 일하는 많은 사람들이 Dabbawalas에 의해 운영되는 ①속 음식 배달 서비스에 의존한다. Dabbawalas are delivery

men who carry hot lunch boxes for Mumbai office

workers from their homes to their offices. The word

dabbawala comes from the Hindi dabba meaning

“lunch box,” and wala meaning “the person who

carries it.”

work / who / run / rely on / many people /

home / in offices / far from / delivery service /

dabbawalas / by / an express food

06과 기출변형문제 [2021]

30. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 어색한 것은?30)

Most dabbas, or lunches, ①reach their destination

after passing through several pairs of hands. A typical

scenario would have one person on a bicycle ②pick up

a dabba by 9:00 a.m. from about thirty different

addresses. After collecting all of the dabbas ③assigned

to him, he takes them to the nearest train station.

Another person loads each dabba onto the right train,

sending them off in different directions. A third person

rides on each of the trains with the dabbas. Finally, a

fourth person picks up the boxes at the receiving

station and ④distributes them, again by bicycle, to

each customer's office, all by 12:30 p.m. The empty

dabbas are picked up by 5:00 p.m. and are returned to

their original addresses by the same team, ⑤followed

the same procedure in reverse

31. 다음 글의 전체 흐름과 관계없는 문장은?31)

Why do Mumbai workers not take their lunch boxes

with them in the morning, when they leave for the

office? Those who use the dabbawala service are mostly

middle-class office workers who live in one of

Mumbai's suburbs. They have to leave for the office

early in the morning, riding on a packed train. It

would be difficult for them to carry their own lunch

box. ① However, the most efficient way they have

lunch is carrying their own lunch boxes. ② Also, they

often have dietary restrictions, depending upon their

religion. ③ Hindus do not eat beef, Muslims do not

eat pork, and Jains do not eat onions and potatoes. ④ As a result, it is not easy for workers to find the right

food in restaurants near their office. ⑤ To meet their

dietary needs, Indian workers prefer their home-cooked

meals, made especially for them.

32. 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장

적절한 곳은?32)

The secret to this error-free system is in a coding


Dabbawalas even deliver in the pouring rain and

during political strife. Surprisingly, hardly any cases of

late or mistaken delivery are ever reported. ① Their

motto is "error is horror." ② The dabbawalas are

proud of their 99.99 percent accuracy rate, which

means just one mistake in every six million deliveries.

③ It is an amazing record, considering that most of

the dabbawalas are illiterate and that not a single piece

of paper is used in the delivery process. ④ Each dabba

carries a code, painted with different colors, numbers,

and symbols. ⑤ These codes tell the dabbawala where

the food comes from and which railway stations it

must pass through on its way to a specific office in a

specific building, in Mumbai.

33. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?33)

The dabbawala organization is an outstanding

example of an efficient distribution system. It is

simple, relies on teamwork, has a low operating cost,

and delivers almost 100 percent customer satisfaction.

It is not surprising, then, that business schools and

large corporations around the world learn from the

dabbawala system. Today, most people cannot imagine

an efficient delivery system operating without the

benefit of technology. Dabbawalas, however,

demonstrate that with no form of technology, some of

the old ways may still be the best ways.

① Dabbawala depends on teamwork.

② Most of customers who used dabbawala service were satisfied.

③ Many large companies learn from dabbawala system.

④ The dabbawala organization has a low operating cost.

⑤ The high technology is one of factors that makes dabbawala service run efficiently.

06과 기출변형문제 [2021]

34. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?34)

Most dabbas, or lunches, reach their destination

after passing through several pairs of hands. A typical

scenario would have one person on a bicycle pick up a

dabba by 9:00 a.m. from about thirty different

addresses. After collecting all of the dabbas assigned to

him, he takes them to the nearest train station.

Another person loads each dabba onto the right train,

sending them off in different directions. A third person

rides on each of the trains with the dabbas. Finally, a

fourth person picks up the boxes at the receiving

station and distributes them, again by bicycle, to each

customerʼ office, all by 12:30 p.m. The empty dabbas

are picked up by 5:00 p.m. and are returned to their

original addresses by the same team, following the

same procedure in reverse.

① The Hardship to Deliver Dabbas in Given Time

② Delivering Dabbas Depends on Speed

③ The Importance of Transportation for Delivery

④ Journey of Dabbas to Reach the Final Destination

⑤ Ways for Customers to Use the Four Step Delivery Service

35. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?35)

In India, many traditions are today being

challenged as a result of globalization. The practice of

eating a home-cooked meal for lunch, __________,

continues. In Mumbai, many people who work in

offices far from home rely on an express food delivery

service run by dabbawalas. Dabbawalas are delivery

men who carry hot lunch boxes for Mumbai office

workers from their homes to their offices. The word

dabbawala comes from the Hindi dabba meaning

“lunch box,” and wala meaning “the person who

carries it.”

① however ② for instance ③ hence

④ likewise ⑤ additionally

다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

Today approximately 5,000 dabbawalas cover 70

square kilometers in and around Mumbai. They

conduct about 400,000 transactions daily — 200,000

lunch boxes are delivered to offices every morning, six

days a week, and 200,000 are returned home every

afternoon. They even deliver in the pouring rain and

during political strife. Surprisingly, hardly any cases of

late or mistaken delivery are ever reported. Their

motto is “error is horror.”

The dabbawalas are proud of their 99.99 percent

accuracy rate, which means just one mistake in every

six million deliveries. It is an amazing record,

considering that most of the dabbawalas are illiterate

and that not a single piece of paper is used in the

delivery process. __________________is in a coding

system. Each dabba carries a code, painted with

different colors, numbers, and symbols. These codes tell

the dabbawala where the food comes from and which

railway stations it must pass through on its way to a

specific office in a specific building, in Mumbai.

36. 위 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?36)

① 매일 아침 20만개의 도시락이 배달된다.

② dabbawala는 정치투쟁이 발생하더라도 배달을 한다.

③ dabbawala는 늦게 배달을 하는 경우가 거의 없다.

④ dabbawala는 배달 과정에서 종이를 사용한다.

⑤ dabba를 분류하기 위해서 색깔, 숫자 등의 부호 체계가


37. 위 글의 흐름으로 보아, 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 적절

한 것은?37)

① The difficulty of delivery is

② The factor of their mistakes is

③ The secret to this error-free system

④ The reason they need the latest technology is

⑤ The merit of working alone is

06과 기출변형문제 [2021]

38. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 어색한 것은?38)

Most dabbas, or lunches, ①reach their destination

after passing through several pairs of hands. A typical

scenario would have one person on a bicycle ②to pick

up a dabba by 9:00 a.m. from about thirty different

addresses. After collecting all of the dabbas ③assigned

to him. he takes them to the nearest train station.

Another person loads each dabba onto the right train,

④sending them off in different directions. A third

person rides on each of the trains with the dabbas.

Finally, a fourth person picks up the boxes at the

receiving station and ⑤distributes them, again by

bicycle, to each customer’ office, all by 12:30 p.m.

다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

In India, many traditions are today being

threatened as a result of globalization. The practice of

eating a home-cooked meal for lunch, however,

①ceases. In Mumbai, many people who work in offices

far from home ② depend on an express food delivery

service run by dabbawalas. Dabbawalas are delivery

men who carry hot lunch boxes for Mumbai office

workers from their homes to their offices. The word

dabbawala comes from the Hindi dabba meaning

“lunch box,” and wala meaning “the person who

carries it.”

The dabbawala service began around 1890, when a

banker ③ employed a young man to deliver a lunch

box from his home to his Mumbai office. Other people

liked the idea and copied it. When demand for the

service ④ increased, a businessman started the

lunch-delivery service in its present format. Now, more

than 120 years later, the dabba is a ⑤ unique part of

the Mumbai culture.

39. 윗글의 밑줄 친 ①~⑤ 중 문맥상 적절하지 않은 것은?39)

① ceases

② depend on

③ employed

④ increased

⑤ unique

40. 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?40)

① The meaning of the Word “Dabbawala”

② The Globalization of Indian Food Delivery Service

③ The Popularity of Food Delivery Service in Mumbai

④ The Introduction and Development of Dabbawala Service

⑤ The Reason People in Mumbai like eating home-cooked meal,

06과 기출변형문제 [2021]


1) [정답] ②

[해설] 글에서 여전히 집에서 만든 음식을 점심 식사로

먹는 관행이 지속되고 있다고 했으므로 ②는 글의 내용

과 일치하지 않는다.

2) [정답] ⑤

[해설] 글에서 다바왈라는 매일 도시락 배달 수십만 건

을 처리하지만 배달에 실수가 있었던 적이 거의 없을 정

도로 높은 정확도를 갖고 있으며, 이러한 비결은 그들만

의 부호화 체계에 있다고 설명하고 있다. 따라서 ‘정확

성의 비법: Dabba의 부호화 체계’가 가장 적절하다.

① 정확성이 왜 중요한가?

② Dabbas: Mumbai에서 가장 유명한 점심도시락 가게

③ 그들이 배달에 어려움을 겪는 이유

④ Dabbawala: 세계에서 가장 위험한 직업

3) [정답] ⑤

[해설] 과거분사 painted가 적절하다.

4) [정답] ②

[해설] 글은 dabbawala 배달 시스템의 우수성에 대해 설

명하고 있다. 따라서 ‘Dabbawala가 채식주의자들을 위한

새로운 도시락을 개발하고 있다’는 문장은 흐름과 관계

가 없다.

5) [정답] ①

[해설] 글은 dabbawala 배달 시스템의 우수성에 대해 설

명하고 있고, 특히 ‘low operating cost(낮은 운영비)’ 라

고 했기 때문에 (A)에는 cost-efficiency가 적절하다. 또

한 Dabbawala는 기술 없이 운영되고 있다고 했으므로

(B)에는 no technology가 적절하다.

6) [정답] ①

[해설] 글은 다바왈라 서비스가 운영돠는 방식에 대해

설명하고 있다. 따라서 ‘다바왈라 서비스가 작동하는 방

식’이 가장 적절하다

② 다바왈라: 세계에서 가장 어려운 직업

③ 다바왈라 서비스가 시작된 이유

④ 다바왈라의 수가 증가하고 있는 이유

⑤ 성공적인 다바왈라의 비밀

7) [정답] ④

[해설] 글에서 ‘운영비가 낮다고 했으므로(has a low

operating cost)’ ④는 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는다.

8) [정답] ①

[해설] 글은 Dabbawala 서비스의 배달 과정에 대해 설

명하고 있다. 따라서 ‘집에서 먼 곳에서 일하는 많은 사

람들은 음식 배달 서비스에 의존한다’는 글의 흐름과 관

계가 없다.

9) [정답] ①

[해설] 주어진 글은 사람들이 다바왈라 서비스를 이용하

는 여러 이유에 대해 설명하고 있다. 따라서 ‘배달 서비

스를 이용하는 이유’가 가장 적절하다.

② 종교는 음식을 선택하는 가장 중요한 요소이다.

③ 중산층 사무직 노동자의 일반적인 삶

④ 뭄바이에서 배달 서비스의 다양한 특성들

⑤ 뭄바이에서 사람들이 직업을 구하는 방법

10) [정답] Despite / continued

[해설] 주어진 글에 따르면 세계화에도 불구하고 인도에

서는 집에서 만든 음식으로 점심을 먹는 관행이 계속 되

고 있다. 따라서 첫번째 빈칸은 ‘~에도 불구하고’의 의

미를 갖는 Despite가 적절하고, 두번째 빈칸에는 계속된

다는 의미의 단어가 들어가야하므로 ‘continued’가 적절


11) [정답] ③

[해설] 글에 따르면 인도에서 왼손으로 밥을 먹는 것은

무례하다고 여겨진다. 따라서 ③은 글의 내용과 일치하

지 않는다.

12) [정답] ③

[해설] 주어진 글은 Dabbawala 배달 서비스의 정확성에

대해 이야기하며, 배달이 늦거나 잘못된 경우는 거의 없

었다고 이야기하고 있다. 따라서 빈칸에는 “실수는 용납

되지 않는다”가 가장 적절하다.

① 정확성보다 진정성이 더 중요하다.

② 누구나 실수할 수 있다.

④ 실수를 하지 않는 것이 완벽을 의미하진 않는다.

⑤ 더 많은 점심 도시락을 배달할수록, 더 많은 돈을 벌

수 있다.

06과 기출변형문제 [2021]

13) [정답] ③

[해설] sent가 아닌 현재분사 sending이 적절하다.

14) [정답] ②

[해설] considered가 아닌 현재분사 considering이 적절


15) [정답] ③


(A) 선행사가 people이기 때문에 work가 적절하다.

(B) 앞의 food delivery service를 수식하는 구이기 때문

에 과거분사 run이 적절하다.

(C) 각각 앞의 dabba, wala를 수식하는 것이기 때문에

meaning이 적절하다

16) [정답] ⑤

[해설] 주어진 글은 다바왈라 시스템의 우수성에 대해

설명하고 있다. 따라서 ⑤는 글의 전체 흐름과 관계가


17) [정답] origin / reason

[해설] 주어진 글은 다바왈라 서비스의 기원과 다바왈라

서비스가 뭄바이에서 발전할 수 있었던 요인들에 대해

이야기하고 있다. 따라서 (A)에는 기원(origin), (B)에는

이유(reason)이 적절하다.

18) [정답] it is not easy for workers to find the right food in restaurants near their office

19) [정답] ④

[해설] whose가 아닌 workers를 수식하는 주격관계대

명사 who가 적절하다.

20) [정답] ⑤

[해설] 글에 따르면 같은 팀이 도시락 수거도 맡고 있다

고 했으므로 ⑤는 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는다.

21) [정답] ⑤

[해설] 빈칸 뒤에 힌두교도는 쇠고기를 먹지 않고, 이슬

람교도는 돼지고기를 먹지않고, 자이나교도는 양파와 감

자를 먹지 않는다는 설명이 뒤따르고 있다. 따라서 ‘음

식 제한(dietary regulations)’가 적절하다.

① 그들 자신만의 레시피 ② 다양한 생활패턴

③ 문화적 다양성 ④ 엄격한 생활규칙

22) [정답] ⑤

[해설] (A)는 문맥상 붐비는(crowded), (B)는 종교

(religion), (C)는 선호하다(prefer)이 적절하다

23) [정답] It would be difficult for them to carry

their own dabba

24) [정답] As a result

[해설] 문맥상 결과를 나타내는 연결어(구)가 들어가야하

므로 ‘As a result(결과적으로)’가 적절하다.

25) [정답] ③

[해설] ③은 앞에서 언급된 colors, numbers, symbls를

가리키고 나머지는 모두 dabbawalas를 가리킨다.

26) [정답] ⑤

[해설] 주어진 문장에서 가리키는 ‘this inconvinience’에

대한 내용이 글의 처음부터 ⑤의 앞부분에서 설명되고

있으므로 5에 들어가는 것이 가장 적절하다.

27) [정답] ①

[해설] 글은 도시락을 배달하기 위해 팀을 이룬

dabbawala들이 각각 맡은 일에 대해 설명하고 있다. 따

라서 (A)는 독립적으로(independently), (B)에는 네트워

크(network)가 적절하다.

28) [정답] ④

[해설] 글은 다바왈라 서비스의 우수성에 대해 이야기하

며 그들만의 부호화 체계에 대해 설명하고 있다. 따라서

‘오류 없는 다바왈라 시스템의 비밀’이 가장 적절하다.

① 다바왈라가 뭄바이에서 번창한 방법

② 다바왈라: 뭄바이에서 가장 인기있는 일자리

③ 그들의 부호를 해독하는 어려움

⑤ 부호화 체계에 숨겨진 기술

29) [정답] many people who work in offices far from

home rely on an express food delivery service run by


30) [정답] ⑤

[해설] followed가 아닌 현재분사 following이 적절하다.

06과 기출변형문제 [2021]

31) [정답] ①

[해설] 글은 뭄바이의 노동자들이 다바왈라 서비스를 이

용하는 여러 이유들에 대해 설명하고 있다. 따라서 1은

글의 흐름과 관계가 없다.

32) [정답] ④

[해설] 주어진 문장에서 언급하고 있는 coding system에

대한 부연설명이 ④의 뒤에서 이어지고 있기 때문에 ④

에 들어가는 것이 가장 적절하다.

33) [정답] ⑤

[해설] 글에서 다바왈라는 기술 없이 운영되고 있다고

했으므로 ⑤는 적절하지 않다.

34) [정답] ④

[해설] 글은 도시락이 배달되는 과정을 설명하고 있으므

로 ‘최종 목적지까지 도달하기 위한 도시락들의 여정’이

가장 적절하다.

① 주어진 시간 내에 도시락을 배달하는 것의 어려움

② 도시락을 배달하는 것은 스피드에 의존한다.

③ 배달을 위한 교통의 중요성

⑤ 네 단계의 배달 서비스를 이용하는 고객들을 위한 방법들

35) [정답] ①

[해설] 세계화로 인해 많은 전통들이 도전받고 있다는

앞 문장과 상반되는 내용이므로 그러나(however)이 가장


② 예를들어

③ 그러므로

④ 유사하게

⑤ 게다가

36) [정답] ④

[해설] 글에 따르면 배달 과정에서 종이는 사용되지 않

는다. 따라서 ④는 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는다.

37) [정답] ③

[해설] 글에 따르면 실수가 거의 없이 배달할 수 있는

것이 부호화 체계 덕분이므로 ‘실수가 없는 시스템의 비

밀’이 가장 적절하다.

① 배달의 어려움

② 그들의 실수 요인

④ 최신 기술이 필요한 이유

⑤ 혼자 일하는 것의 장점

38) [정답] ②

[해설] have의 목적보어로 동사원형이 와야하기 때문에

to pick up이 아닌 pick up이 적절하다.

39) [정답] ①

[해설] 문맥상 게속된다는 것이 자연스럽기 때문에 중단

되다(cease)는 적절하지 않다.

40) [정답] ④

[해설] 글은 다바왈라 서비스의 시작과 기원, 발전에 대

해 설명하고 있으므로 ‘다바왈라 서비스의 도입과 발전’

이 가장 적절하다.

① “다바왈라”의 의미

② 인도의 음식배달 서비스의 세계화

③ 뭄바이에서 음식배달 서비스의 인기

⑤ 뭄바이 사람들이 집에서 요리한 음식을 좋아하는 이유