060414 a new command love one another

A New Command: Love One Another 一条新命令: 彼此相爱 约翰壹书 1 John 4:7-12, 16-21

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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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A New Command:

Love One Another



约翰壹书 1 John 4:7-12, 16-21

家庭的爱 Family Love

青春期的爱 Puppy Love

朋友的爱 Friendship Love

神的爱:更深层面 God’s Love: Deeper Level

I. 神是爱 (4: 8, 16) God is love.

a. 神不只拥有爱而是衪就是爱! God not only has love but He is love!

b. 我们是照着神的形象被造的 - 神是爱。 We’re made in the image of God – God is love.

所以我们有爱的形象。 Therefore we’re made in the image of love.

III. 我们有彼此相爱的心表明我们有爱神的心!(4:20-21) Our love for one another is evidence of our love for God!

“神赐给我们这条命令:凡爱神的也必须爱他的弟兄。” (约壹4:21) “And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must

also love his brother.” (1 John 4:21)

神的爱是完全的爱。 God’s love is perfect love.

这份爱不会向罪恶和自私而妥协。 It is not a love that gives in to sinfulness or selfishness.

这份严厉的爱为别人的益处作正确的事。 It is tough love that does the right thing for the good of the

other person.

我们有爱神的心就会吸引别人亲近耶稣。 Our love for God draws people to Jesus.