12-17668 #104

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  • 8/13/2019 12-17668 #104


    Case No . 12-17668


    BEVERLY SEVCIK, et al. ,

    Plaint iffs-Appellan ts



    efendants -Appellees and


    Intervenor -Defenda nt-Appellee.

    On Appea l fr om the Un i ted States Di s t rict CourtFor the District of Nevada

    Case No. 2:12 -CV -00578-RCJ-PALThe Honorable Robert C. Jones, District Jud ge


    Monte Neil StewartStewart Taylor MorrisPLLC12550 W. Explorer Drive,Suite 100Boise, ID 83713Tel: (208) 345-3333For Coalition for theProtection of Marriage

    Cather ine Cortez MastoAttorney GeneralC. Wayne HowleSolicitor General100 North Carson StreetCa1son City, NV 89701Tel: (775) 684 1227For Governor Sandoval

    Neil A. RombardoDi strict AttorneyRand al R MunnChi ef Deputy District A tty885 E. Musser StreetSuite 2030Carson City, NV 89701Tel: (775) 887-2010For Clerk- Re corder Glover

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    Plaintiffs-Appellants filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the District o f Nevada on

    AprillO, 2012, seeking a declaration that their exclusion from marriage based on their sexual

    orientation and their sex violated the Fourteenth Amendment. Plaintiffs-Appellants sought t

    permanently enjoin Defendants-Appellees Govemor Brian Sandoval and three county clerks, all

    named in their official capacity, from denying same-sex couples (i) access to marriage, or (ii) for

    those couples who validly have married in another jurisdiction, recognition of their marriages.

    The Coalition for the Protection o f Marriage, a Nevada advocacy group that campaigned for the

    passage ofNevada s state constitutional amendment preserving Nevada s definition o f marriage ,

    was permitted to intervene as a Defendant-Intervenor.

    On November 26, 2012, the District Court granted in part a motion to dismiss, granted

    summary judgment for Defendants, and denied Plaintiffs motion for summary judgment, thus

    upholding Nevada s marriage laws defining marriage . Plaintiffs-Appellants noticed this appeal

    on December 3, 2012.

    This case reached this Court in a posture similar to and at about the same time as the

    Hawai i same-sex marriage case, Jackson v Abercrombie No. 12-16995. Plaintiffs-Appellants

    filed a motion on December 11, 2012, asking the Court to (1) assign this case and Jackson to the

    same merits panel and se t them for argument on the same day; (2) conform briefmg in this case

    to the schedule in Jackson; and (3) deem any amicus brief filed in either case as having been

    filed in both. (Dkt. 7.) On December 12, 2012, the Clerk issued an order construing Plaintiffs

    Appellants request as a motion to assign this case and Jackson to the same merits panel. (Dkt.

    8.) On January 7, 2013, the Clerk granted Plaintiffs-Appellants motion to have the cases heard

    before the same merits panel. (Dkt. 11.) Based on the Supreme Court s grant o f certiorari n


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    United States v. Windsor, 133 S.Ct. 2675 (2013), and Hollingsworth v. Perry, 133 S.Ct. 2652

    (20 13), the Clerk stayed both this case and Jackson Wltil April 1 2013, and set the due date for

    opening briefs for May 1, 2013. (Dkt. 11.) On January 24 2013 the Clerk issued an order

    providing that amicus curiae briefs could be filed jointly in both cases. (Dkt. 12.)

    A party in Jackson renewed its request for a stay in both Jackson and this case on March

    19,2013. (Dkt. 27, No. 12-16995). The Clerk granted the request on March 26,2013, staying

    both cases until July 18 2013 and setting August 19, 2013 as the due date for opening briefs.

    (Dkt. 13.) On June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court issued decisions in Windsor and Hollingsworth.

    Parties in both this case and Jackson submitted streamlined 30-day extension requests for

    opening briefs, and the Clerk extended the due date in both cases to September 18, 2013. (Dkt.

    15; Dkt. 30, 32, No. 12-16995.)

    On August 20, 2013, the Plaintiffs-Appellants in Jackson and Governor Abercrombie

    moved the Court for a 30-day extension for opening briefs in both Jackson and this case. (Dkt.

    33, No. 12-16995.) The request was based on the likelihood that the Hawai i legislature might

    convene for a special session to consider legislation that would allow same-sex couples to marry

    in the state and thereby moot the appeal in Jackson. ( d. at 1, 4.) As the motion indicated, all

    parties in Jackson and this case had been consulted for their positions on the request for

    additional time in both cases, and no party objected. Id. at 5-6.) On August 21, 2013, the Clerk

    extended the deadline for opening briefs n Jackson to October 18, 2013. (Dkt. 34, No. 12-

    16995.) Plaintiffs-Appellants counsel in this case received clarification from the Clerk s Office

    the same day that the extension request must be filed in this case as well and accordingly


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    submitted a motion for a parallel extension of their opening brief due date to October 18, 2013.

    The Clerk entered an order granting that motion. (Dkt. 18.) 1

    On October 18) 2013, P l a i n t i f f s ~ p p e l l a n t sfiled their 26,500-word opening brief. (Dkt.

    20-3.) By October 25,2013, seventeen amici curiae had filed briefs in their support, totaling

    some 109,540 words. (Dkt 21, 22,24-32, 36-41.)

    e f e n d a n t s ~Appellees made their respective streamlined requests for a 30-day extension

    on November 5 and 6, 2013. (Dkt. 96, 98, 100.) The Clerk granted those (Dkt. 97, 99, 102),

    resulting in the current December 18, 2013, deadline for the response briefs.


    This case is of large public importance and, consequently, is the subject of an

    extraordinarily large opening brief(26,500 words) and seventeen amicus curiae briefs totaling

    109,540 words. The issues extend beyond bare issues oflegal doctrine to a wide range o f public

    policies and social concerns. To adequately address the issues and arguments massively briefed

    on the l a i n t i f f s ~Appellants' side, the Defendants -Appe llees need more time. The additional

    time is warranted because, in a case of this nature, the response briefs should be built on a careful

    analysis of the wide range of mportant arguments advanced by the other side, and this Court will

    be much better served i f the response briefs are of that nature.

    In this context, we note three important facts. One, the Defendant s-Appellees' briefing

    time was adversely impacted by the Thanksgiving holiday and will be adversely impacted by the

    onset of the December holidays. Two, even with the requested extension, there will still be a

    Because of new Hawai'i legislation, the Clerk of his Court on November 26,2013, entered an

    order giving the ackson appellants 2 days to move for voluntary dismissal ... or show causewhy [the appeal] should not be dismissed for lack of urisdiction, i.e. , because of mootness.(Dkt. 117.)


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    large disparity in the brief-writing time made available to each side; the time from the filing of

    the docketing statement until the filing o f the opening brief and the supporting amicus curiae

    briefs was more than ten months, while the time from the filing of the opening brief to the

    requested January 17, 2014 , filing deadline for the response briefs is three months . Three, as

    detailed in the next section, Plaintiffs-Appellants do not object to the requested extension.


    On Monday, December 2 2013, the Coalition's counsel (Mr. Stewart) spoke by

    telephone with the Plaintiffs-Appellants' counsel (Ms. Borelli) and requested her clients'

    position on the propo sed extension o f time. By e-mail on Tuesday, December 3 , 2013, Ms.

    Borelli responded: Plaintiffs consent to defendants' request for 30 additional days to file their

    answering briefs, on the understanding that defendants will not seek any further extension for

    their answering briefs absent exigent circumstances.


    For the reasons stated above, Defendant s-Appellees respectfully request that this Court

    grant them 30 additional days to file their response briefs, up to and including Friday, January

    17, 2014.

    DATE: December 4, 2013

    Monte Neil StewartStewart Taylor MorrisPLLC

    12550 W Explorer Drive,Suite 100Boise, ID 83713Tel: (208) 345-3333For Coalition for theProtection of Marriage

    Respectfully submitted ,

    Catherine Cor tez MastoAttorney GeneralC Wayne HowleSolicitor General100 North Carson StreetCarson City, NV 89701Tel: (775) 684-1227For Governor BrianSandoval


    Neil A. RombardoDistrict AttorneyRandal R MunnChief Deputy DistrictAttorney885 E. Musser Stleet,Suite 2030Carson City, NV 89701Tel: (775) 887-2010For lan Glover CarsonCity Clerk-Recorder

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    I. Monte Neil Stewart, testify under penalty of perjury and of my own personal

    knowledge that:

    1 I am a lawyer admitted to practice before this Court and the courts of the states of

    California, Nevada , Idaho, and Utah; a member of the Boise, Idaho law firm of Stewart

    Taylor Morris PLLC; and lead counsel for Defendant-Appellee Coalition for the

    Protection of Marriage. I provide this Declaration in support of the joint motion of all

    Defendants-Appellees for n extension of time for the filing of the response briefs.

    2. By consultation among defense counsel (Mr. Howle for Governor Sandoval, Mr. Munn

    for Clerk-Recorder Glover, and me), we have determined a pressing need for an

    additional 30 days for the preparation and filing of the response briefs, that is, until

    January 17, 2014. This need arises from the realities that:

    a. This case is of large public importance and, consequently, is the subject of an

    extraordinarily large opening brief (26,500 words) and seventeen amicus curiae

    briefs totaling 109,540 words. The issues extend beyond bare issues of legal

    doctrine to a wide range of public policies and social concerns. To adequately

    address the issues and arguments massively briefed on the Plaintiffs-Appellants

    side, the Defendants-Appellees need more time. We believe that additional time

    is warranted because, in a case o f this nature, the response briefs should be built

    on a careful analysis of the wide range of mportant arguments advanced by the

    other side, and, again in our view, this Court will be much better served if the

    response briefs are of that nature.

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    b. The Defendants-Appellees' briefing time was adversely impacted by the

    Thanksgiving holiday and will be adversely impacted by the onset of the

    December holidays.

    3. On Monday, December 2, 2013, I spoke y telephone with the Plaintiffs-Appellants'

    counsel (Tara Borelli) and requested her clients' position on the proposed extension of

    time. By e-mail on Tuesday, December 3, 2013, Ms. Borelli responded: Plaintiffs

    consent to defendants' request for 30 additional days to file their answering briefs, on the

    understanding that defendants will not seek any further extension for their answering

    briefs absent exigent circwnstances.

    Date: December 4 2013

    Monte Neil Stewart

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    I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing with the Clerk o f he Court for the

    United States Court o f Appeals for the Ninth Circuit by using the appellate CMIECF system on

    Decemb er 4 2013.

    Participants in the case who are registered CM/ECF users will be served by the appellate

    CM/ECF system.

    s Monte N. Stewart

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