14048517 hazrat ghausulazam shaikh abdul qadir jilani ra

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  • 7/28/2019 14048517 Hazrat GhausulAzam Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Ra


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    Parentage Early Life .................................................................................. ..............................2

    Education ......................................................................................................... .......................7

    Spiritual Advancement ...................................................................................... ......................8

    Public Life ................................................................................................................. .............10

    Preaching .................................................................................................. ............................16

    Writings & Teachings ....................................................................................... ......................29

    Spiritual Developments .................................................................................... .....................38

    Karamat (Miracles) ........................................................................................... .....................45

    Parting Admonitions .................................................................................... ..........................54

    Raja Hamza Javed 03335199328 [email protected]

  • 7/28/2019 14048517 Hazrat GhausulAzam Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Ra


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    PARENTAGE EARLY LIFESyedina Ghous-ul-Azam is not only known as the greatest of all helpers, but was also a great

    preacher, a great educationalist, a great moralist and a great doctor of Muslim law. He was the

    glory of the learned and the light of Islam; the Spokesman of theologians, the Interpreter of men

    of spiritual knowledge, the unique Leader of Leaders; the Leader of nations; the Chief of thechiefs; the Succourer of men and the Jinn; the Reviver of Religion; possessed of very high and

    perfect spiritual knowledge; and hailed as the Honour of Religion

    In Persia, in a place called Naf in the district of Jilan, in the South of the Caspian Sea, there

    lived a pious and God fearing man. He was Hazrat Abu Saleh Jangi Dost. He used to spend most

    of his time in the contemplation and love of Allah (God).

    Once he was sitting on the bank of a river in deep contemplation, when upon opening of his eyes,he saw an apple floating down the river. The apple, which reached him near the bank, was taken

    up and eaten by him. Soon after, his conscience questioned the propriety whether the apple eaten

    by him was lawful. He got up and walked along the bank of the river towards the sides from

    where the apple had come; in order to find out the owner of the garden where from the apple had

    fallen into the river. Hazrat intended to pay him the price for the apple in order to make the

    energy derived from that apple lawful, since he had eaten it, without his permission.

    After a long journey, he reached a spot where appeared a large garden on the bank of the river,

    which convinced him that the apple eaten by him had fallen from that garden. Upon inquiry he

    learnt that the garden belonged to Hazrat Abdullah Sawmai. Hazrat Abu Saleh approached him

    and begged his pardon for eating the apple of his garden without his prior permission. Such

    approach made Hazrat Abdullah Sawmai to perceive that Hazrat Abu Saleh was a pious and a

    Raja Hamza Javed 03335199328 [email protected]

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    noble man. He therefore, asked him to pay the price of the apple before his request for pardon

    was considered. The price was to serve under him as long as he desired. Hazrat Abu Saleh agreed

    to serve Hazrat Abdullah Sawmai for as long a period as his service was considered necessary.

    After a few years service, Hazrat Abu Saleh asked the owner of the garden to grant him pardon

    and release him. Hazrat Abdullah Sawmai, before pardoning and allowing him to leave, asked

    Hazrat Abu Saleh to agree to marry his daughter who, he was told, was blind, deaf, lame and

    paralytic of hands. After marriage he was also to stay with them until a child was born to them.

    These were the qualifying conditions of his release.

    In order to obtain his pardon, Hazrat Abu Saleh Jangi Dost agreed to the proposal and the

    marriage was accordingly fixed up. When he entered the chamber of the bride, he saw instead a

    beautiful and healthy lady. He turned his eyes from he assuming that he had entered a wrong

    chamber because the lady before him did not tally with the description given to him.

    By his Kashf (Clairvoyance) Hazrat Abdullah Sawmai understood the predicament of Hazrat

    Abu Saleh about his bride. He called him and explained to him that he had stated that his

    daughter was blind, because her eyes never fell upon any outsider other than members of their

    family; she was said to be deaf, because she had never heard untruthful statements; she was

    supposedly lame, because she never undertook and stepped on towards committing acts, alien tothe laws of Islam.

    Such a description of his wife enlightened Hazrat Abu Saleh with a new light and he began to

    live happily with his wife whose name was Umul Khair Fatima. She was the pious daughter of

    Hazrat Abdullah Sawmai, who was himself a great Sufi and Saint of his time and was a direct

    descendent of Hazrat Sayidina Imam Hussain (R.A)

    In this Saiyed family of Saints, Hazrat Umul Khair Fatima gave birth to a son in 470 Hijri during

    the month of Rabi-ul-Akhir. The child was named Abu Muhammad Abdul Qadir. Abu

    Muhammad was his Kuniet that is the name by which he was familiarly called by relatives and


    Raja Hamza Javed 03335199328 [email protected]

  • 7/28/2019 14048517 Hazrat GhausulAzam Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Ra


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    Some of the Saints of the time of foresaw the birth of his Imam-ul-Auliya Saiyidina Abdul Qadir

    Jilani. Hazrat Abu Bakar Bin Hawara once told some of his disciples that in the near future a

    great Wali (Saint) would be born in Ajam a non-Arab country who would be God fearing and

    highly respected by the people of his time and thereafter. His foot will be on the neck of all Walis

    (Saints) and Walis of his time would testify to the truth of his claim. Another Saint, Hazrat

    Ahmed Abdullah Bin Ahmed stated about 468 AH, that shortly a child would be born in Ajam

    whose miracles would be numerous and whose rank among Walis (Saints) would be very high.

    From the above details, it will appear that Saiyidina Abdul Qadir Jilani was a direct descendent

    of Hazrat Imam Hassan Ilaihe-salam (R.A) on his fathers side. From his mothers side he

    descended from Saiyidina Imam Zainul Abedin Ilaihe-salam son of Hazrat Imam Hussain Ilaihe-

    salam. He was therefore both a Hassani and Hussaini Saiyed tracing his lineage thereby to thetwo grandsons of Nabi Muhammad Mustafa (Sallalahu Alaihi WA Sallam).

    All the writers agree that the age of Hazrats mother was much above the normal age of child

    bearing, when this great Saint of Jilan was born to her. Despite having taken birth in such an

    advanced age of his mother, he was nevertheless, possessed of all the good faculties normally

    expected of a healthy child. The child was a born Wali (Saint). From the very birth, he was

    endowed with germs of Psychic powers. His Wilayat was obviously felt from his infancy.

    His first Karamat was witnessed, when as an infant child during the month of Ramzan, he would

    take his mothers milk only at night and not during daytime. This fact has been proved on the

    evidence of his mother. Once the new moon of the month of fasting was not visible in the

    evening on account of clouds. In the morning people came to his mother to inquire whether the

    day was the first of Ramzan. She replied that her child did not take her milk during daytime,

    which indicated that the day was the first of Ramzan.

    As a child, Saiyidina Hazrat Abdul Qadir would not play with other children. The Psychic

    powers, which were exhibited by him in his infancy, naturally developed as he grew up, and

    were visible in all the stages of his holy life. Once the children of the vicinity, where Saiyidina

    Abdul Qadir with his mother was living, invited him to play. He led the game and asked all the

    children to say IL-LAL-LAH, when he would recite LA-ILAHA. This play of the children

    Raja Hamza Javed 03335199328 [email protected]

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    reciting LA-ILAHA-ILLALLAH (There is no God but God) could very well show the

    inclination and pursuits of the Leader.

    He was quiet and sober from his early childhood and was generally disposed towards

    contemplation. His mother and his maternal grandfather, who themselves were, Walis (Auliya

    karaam) naturally gave him the training that was necessary for a Wali. It may be said, that he was

    brought up in the cradle of Sufism. Whenever he thought of playing, he will hear a voice

    questioning him where he was going. At this, he would be frightened and would run back to take

    shelter in his mothers lap.

    At the age of ten, however, he attended school. The teacher would ask his fellow students to

    make room for the Wali of Allah to sit in the class. He lived in Jilan up to the age of 18 years. In

    one day Hazrat would learn by heart as much of his lessons as others would take a week to

    master. One day, he was going to the fields for an excursion. A plough bullock was ahead of him.

    The animal suddenly turned round and seemed to tell him that he was not born for the purpose of

    utilizing his time on excursions. Frightened at this incident, he turned back to his house and

    climbed its roof. With his spiritual vision, he saw vast assembly standing on Jabl-ul Arafat.

    He then requested his mother to dedicate him to ALLAH (GOD) and also allows him to proceed

    to Baghdad, which was then famous in the Muslim World as a great seat of learning for theacquisition of knowledge. The desire to acquire knowledge was intensely burning in the Hazrats

    heart and he overcame the love his mother, his hearth and home, for the sake of ALLAH. He was

    not deterred by the prospect of hardships of a long and dangerous journey, and residence in a

    remote city without friends or relatives.

    When his mother heard the proposal, she shed silent tears as she perceived that on account of her

    old age, she was not destined to see her dear son again, whom she had brought up so carefully

    and tenderly, after the death of her husband long age. But the Saintly Lady would not stand in the

    way of his devotion of ALLAH.

    She sewed forth dinars (Gold Coins) into his garment, so that they might not easily be lost. It was

    his half share of the money left by his father. The other half was kept for his brother. He soon

    joined a small caravan, which was going to Baghdad.

    Raja Hamza Javed 03335199328 [email protected]

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    From the time of his childhood, he had never uttered falsehood, but despite this trait of his

    character, his mother at the time of parting, took a vow from him that he should not tell even one

    lie under any circumstances. They then parted with heavy hearts. The separation between the son

    and the mother was pathetic and sublime. It was no less similar to that of the leading of Hazrat

    Ismail by his father, Saiyidina Hazrat Ibrahim for sacrifice under divine orders, as the separation

    in either case was not for wealth, rank or fame, but for the sake of ALLAH.

    The caravan passed quite safely as far as Hamadan, but beyond that place, a gang of sixty

    robbers fell upon the caravan and plundered it, but none laid violent hands upon Hazrat, taking

    him to be a penniless, religious youth. One robber however, questioned him whether he had

    anything with him. He readily said he had forty dinars sewed into his garment. The man took it

    as a joke and went away. Another robber also asked the same question from Hazrat, and onreceiving the same reply, moved off. They reported the incident to the leader of the gang, who

    ordered the production of them youth before him. Accordingly, when he was taken before the

    gang leader, he said the same thing, which he had stated before. The garment was then cut open

    and the forty dinars were found.

    On seeing the "dinars" the leader was astounded and asked Hazrat what had made him to tell the

    truth when he knew that he too would be robbed. He replied that he had promised his mother not

    to tell a lie under any circumstances. Hazrat added that if he had told a lie on the very first stage

    of his journey undertaken for the sake of acquiring knowledge of religion, he would obviously

    have no chance of acquiring any real knowledge of religion at subsequent stages of his career.

    Upon this, the robber realizing the felonious life he and his companions lad led, burst into tears

    and said that he had been breaking the commands of God throughout his life, while a youth was

    so conscientiously fulfilling his vow made to his mother.

    By placing his hands upon the hands of Hazrat, the leader of the robbers solemnly vowed to give

    up robbery. The other robbers also followed their leader and repented. The robbed belongings

    were returned to their owners. The conversion of the gang of robbers was not only due to Hazrats

    strict adherence to truth but to his psychic powers also. Most of the authorities are of the opinion

    that this incident showed the greatness of Syedina, in the making. Had his nature not been

    Raja Hamza Javed 03335199328 [email protected]

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    truthful in origin, such a courageous and unwavering stand for truth, even in the face of such

    heavy odds, would not have been possible for him.

    EDUCATIONIn Baghdad, Hazrat studied several subjects, under many famous Savants of Islam. He studiedFiqah under Qazi Abu Saeed Mubarak bin Mokarrimi, Abu Ofa Ali Bin Aqil and very many

    other learned teachers. He learned Hadith and his teachers included the famous Abu Ghalib

    Ahmed and Abu Qasim Ali. He acquired proficiency in Arabic literature under the learned Abu

    Zakaria Yahya Tabrizi, who was at that time the principal of Madrasa Nizami.

    During his stay in Baghdad, he established, by his conduct, that he was truthful and extremely

    charitable. During his stay, although he had to endure great hardships, by dint of the natural

    talents and devotion, he very soon became the Master of Quran, Fiqah, Hadith and Arabic

    literature, with all its connected branches.

    He was once teaching Quran and a verse was erad. Several interpretations of the verse citing

    previous interpretations were quoted. In addition to these interpretations, so many other aspects

    and meanings of the verse were explained in detail, that Sheikh Jamal-din bin Jowzi, who was

    amongst the audience and was himself a renowned author of his time, admitted to a companion

    of his, that he knew of only eleven out of the forty different explanations of the verse given by

    Hazrat Ghosul Azam.

    In 521 Hijri, Hazrat Abu Saeed Mubarik Bin Mokarrimi made over his Madrasa to Saiydina

    Abdul Qadir, In the beginning, there were only very few students; but soon his fame for learning,

    piety, inner illumination, veracity, and strict adherence to Shariat spread far and wide and people

    from all over the world began to flock round him to reap the benefits of his lectures and sermons.

    Gradually the existing building proved too small for the ever-increasing students, and in 528 AH,

    adjacent houses had to be acquired. For thirty-three years between 528 and 561, he devoted

    himself to the cause of Education. He himself taught Muslim Law, commentaries on the Quran,

    Hadith, Syntax (grammar) and other Islamic subjects. Students from every part of Iraq and all

    over the Muslim world came to his Madrasa, where they received free education with boarding

    and lodging provided.

    Raja Hamza Javed 03335199328 [email protected]

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    After completing their course of studies, these students either returned to their own countries or

    went to some other lands in order to spread the knowledge and virtues acquired from the Hazrat.

    Education thus spread throughout Iraq and other Muslim Countries to achieve Saiyidinas sole

    object of the revival of Islam. Most of his students later became famous Saints and Savants of

    Islam. Among them was Sheikh Ali bin Hiti-a- Qutub of his time Sheikh Baqir bin Batu, the head

    of the Autad, Sheikh Shahabuddin Umar Suharwardy the author of the well known book on

    Sufism, Awarif-ul-Maarif and Head of the Suharwardy Order, Sheikh Abdul Hassan the famous

    preacher of Egypt and very many others.

    As a student, when he was engaged in his studies he did not neglect his efforts to attain spiritual

    perfection. He therefore, often resorted to fasting and would not ask for food from any one, even

    if he had to go without any meal for days together.

    SPIRITUAL ADVANCEMENTHe sought the company of holy men and was intimate with them. After completion of his studies,

    he became more severe on his own self. He began to deny himself the many cravings of life,

    except the barest minimum merely to sustain life.

    When his devotion towards "Mujahida" increased, he left Baghdad and went to a place called

    Sauster. Hazrat has said Do not expect to be included in the company of spiritual people, unless

    you have become an enemy of your whole-self and have become absolutely separated from all

    the organs of your body and all your limbs, and have cut off all connections with your existence,

    your movements, your speaking your hearing and seeing, with your efforts and your intelligence,

    and with every thing that proceeds from you, before your spiritual existence come into bring in


    He explained "All that will be found in you, after spiritual existence is breathed into you,because all these things constitute a screen between you and your Lord. You should consider

    your whole being and your parts as idols together with the rest of the creation and you should not

    obey any of them. Then you will learn the secrets of divine knowledge and acquire extraordinary


    Raja Hamza Javed 03335199328 [email protected]

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    "Then you will truly become a manifestation of the powers of God; you will hear, see, speak, and

    understand through God, and will have comfort and rest through Him. Thus you will be blind

    and deaf to any thing besides Allah, so that you will not find anything existing besides Him".

    For one year, he lived mainly on vegetables. In the next year, he mainly lived on liquid. In the

    third year, he barely ate drank or slept. Gravings were thus brought to the very minimum. This

    Mujahida was undertaken to assume the attributes of Allah, who neither eats nor drinks nor

    sleeps. Hazrat wandered in the jungles of Iraq in a state that neither had he known anything about

    the people nor anybody knew anything about him. People thus took him for a dumb and insane

    person. He lived for many years in the ruins of Madain in Jazab. He moved about alone for about

    twenty-five years amidst the ruins of Iraq.

    Thought insane and taken for treatment, his condition would worsen and outwardly to those

    around him he would appear to be dead. When the people prepared to wash his body prior to

    burial, he would suddenly regain consciousness and movements. Such was his physical state.

    For about forty years he performed morning prayers with the ablution (wuzoo) taken for the

    previous night prayers. After night prayers, he would stand holding a post to avoid sleep and

    recite the Quran till the time for morning prayers. Hazrat Sheikh said whoever preferred sleep to

    wakeful prayers at night would lose alertness, towards approach to Allah, neither who nor hisangels needed sleep. Thus merit lies in keeping awake for prayers at night, denying slumber.

    For eleven years he lived in a tower, which on account of his long stay, was known as Burje-

    Ajami. Once in this tower he vowed to God that he would not eat nor drink unless food was put

    into his mouth. He began to fast. After completion of forty days of fast, some one came and kept

    near him some food. Since it was not put into his mouth, he did not eat it, although the animal

    desire in him was eager to devour it. He spiritually heard loud cries of "Hunger". "Hunger" at

    this time Hazrat Abu Said Mokarrimi happened to pass by the place and inquired what the matter

    was. Hazrat Sheikh replied that his nafs was greedy but his soul was serene in the contemplation

    of God. Hazrat Abu Said asked him to join him in Baghdad. But Hazrat Sheikh did not leave for

    Baghdad until Hazrat Khizer had gone and requested him to go to Hazrat Abu Said who was

    waiting for him. He then left and upon reaching there, was fed by Hazrat Abu Said. Hazrat

    Raja Hamza Javed 03335199328 [email protected]

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    Sheikh Abdul Qadir took a khirqa from Hazrat Abu Said and the latter also requested Saiyidena

    Abdul Qadir to put a "khirqa" on him.

    Satan disturbed the Hazrat but with the grace of Allah he resisted. Once he was in a jungle

    without food or water being available. After a few days, Hazrat felt extremely thirsty. Then a

    cloud appeared over his head and burst into rain and the Sheikh quenched his thirst with it. A

    luminous figure appeared on the horizon and said, I am your God. I now make all unlawful

    things, lawful to you. At this the Sheikh recited the words I seek the protection of God from

    Satan the accursed. On hearing this, the figure changed into a cloud and it was heard saying, By

    your knowledge and by the grace of God you have been saved from my deception. Then Satan

    asked the Sheikh how he had recognized him so quickly. The Sheikh replied that his

    announcement of making unlawful things lawful betrayed him, because such an announcementcould not have been from God.

    There is also another version that one day, Satan appeared before him introducing himself as

    angel Jebreel and with him appeared to be Buraq which was associated with the spiritual

    ascension (Mihraj) of the Holy Prophet and inviting the Hazrat to make a similar ascension and

    said that he had brought Buraq from Allah. To this he promptly replied that the speaker could be

    none other than Satan himself, because neither Hazrat Jibreel nor Buraq could come on to the

    world for any person other than the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Satan

    however was provoked to say Well Abdul Qadir, you have saved yourself by dint of your

    knowledge be off Satan. The Sheikh retorted do not tempt me any further, it is not through my

    knowledge but through the Grace of Allah that I have escaped from your trap.

    PUBLIC LIFEThe most attractive part of the life of a Wali is that which deals with his manners and customs as

    corresponding to those of the Holy Prophet and is in accord with Sunnah. Hazrat Sheikh-ul-

    Islam, from the very beginning was devoted towards divine love and was engaged also in the

    service of mankind. He spent practically his whole life in such service to making especially in

    the educational and spiritual spheres.

    Raja Hamza Javed 03335199328 [email protected]

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    In early life as a student during a year of famine in Baghdad, one day he felt very hungry. But he

    did not have any money to buy food. He was obliged therefore, to proceed towards the bank of

    the river Tigris to pick up some vegetables to satisfy his hunger. When he found something

    edible, he did not run ahead of the other hungry persons, who were around him, to first take and

    have it for himself. Such was his exemplary conduct, even when starving.

    Once having been unsuccessful in his attempt to find any food, he returned to Baghdad in an

    exhausted condition and entered a mosque to take rest. There he found a stranger eating

    something. The stranger invited him to join and share the food, but he declined though he was on

    the point of starvation.

    He stranger however requested Hazrat again to share his meal for the sake of Allah. Then only,

    he joined him. In the course of conversation the stranger learnt that he was Abdul Qadir of his

    own town Jilan, and was perturbed. He confessed to Hazrat that his mother had given him eight

    dinars to be given to him, but as he could not locate him in Baghdad and as he had no food for

    the last two days, he had that day purchased the meal out of that fund under such extreme


    He apologized and placed before Hazrat the balance in hand. Hazrat not only pardoned him, but

    returned to him the balance tendered, thereby depicting his benevolence.

    Once in Baghdad deprived of substantial food for 20 days, he proceeded to the ruins of Aewan-I-

    Kisra to see if he could find any vegetable or edible roots. He preferred such search to seeking

    help from anyone, under any circumstances. When he reached there, he found about seventy

    Walis already there in that same search for food. He returned to town and did not consider it

    proper to remain there and thereby reduce the quantity that may be found. Upon reaching back to

    the town, he met an unknown person from his native place. The stranger delivered him some

    pieces of gold and silver stating that those were sent by the mother of Hazrat Sheikh, to be

    delivered to him. He took them and immediately went back to the ruins of Kisra and distributed

    these pieces of gold and silver to those Walis, retaining one, with which he purchased food,

    which he shared with other needy persons. What a rare example of benevolence indeed.

    Raja Hamza Javed 03335199328 [email protected]

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    His whole life was devoted towards the service of the poor and he devoted more of his precious

    time to the poor, than to the rich. Whenever in a town while passing through its streets, the

    people would come out of their shops and houses, and would stand on both sides of the streets to

    greet him in their reverence.

    Once his son Sheikh Abdur Razak was with him on a journey to Hijaz when they reached a

    village where Hazrat Sheikh desired to stay. Instead of staying in the village, he proceeded

    towards the surburb, where he saw an isolated tent in which an old man, his wife and their

    daughter were residing. Hazrat Sheikh asked his permission to camp in vicinity.

    Soon the news of the arrival of Hazrat reached the village and the notables and Amirs of the

    village came to Hazrat and requested him to come to their village and stay with them, but he

    declined to accept their offer. When his Murids, devotees, students and people of the neighboring

    villages heard this, they rushed to see him. They then gifted various presents. The Hazrat

    graciously accepted them but gave them to the old man near whose tent Hazrat had preferred to

    stay. Obviously this act was done to improve the financial position and social status of the old

    man and his poor family, who were until then disallowed from living in the village itself. The

    effect of this act obliged the people of the village to shift him to the village and to allow him to

    live among them.

    Hazrat had a very soft corner for the needy and he would not rest until their needs were fulfilled.

    Even after his demise, any prayer for spiritual help from Hazrat seldom met with disappointment.

    He was very fond of feeding people along with him. His door was always open for all. He would

    personally look after the needs of his guests. After evening prayers, his tablecloth would be

    spread and his personal attendants would announce dinner for his guests, whatever was the food


    Sometimes, people with a desire for a particular dish would come to Hazrat. Once on his return

    from Hijaz after Hajj the famous preacher of Egypt Sheikh Zainuddin in Bhahjat-ul-Asrar, has

    narrated that he and his other companion wished mentally to have honey and milk dishes

    respectively at dinner. Meals were brought and when these were being served the servant placed

    honey before my companion and the milk dish before me. One seeing this Hazrat pointed out to

    Raja Hamza Javed 03335199328 [email protected]

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    his attendant to reverse the dishes, that is, the place honey before me and the milk dish before my

    companion as were mentally desired by us. Hazrat Ghous once said, I have explored the weight

    of every human action and have finally come to the conclusion that feeding of the poor and

    hungry is virtuous of all actions.

    He was always most polite and respectful to his visitors. Whenever, any one of them was absent

    for sometime, he would enquire particularly about him. In cases of indisposition he would visit

    the patients and pray for their health and happiness.

    He disliked the company of Amirs and rich men. Whenever the Khalifa or other Amirs intended

    to come to Hazrat, he would get up from amongst those present and retire to his chambers. It has

    not been established by any writer so far that Hazrat Ghous had ever gone to see any Khalifa or

    Amir. On the contrary they used to come to Hazrat.

    Khalifa Almustanjad Billah once came to him and presented him bags of gold. Hazrat Sheikh

    refused the gift. When the Khalifa begged and pleaded for the acceptance of the gift, Hazrat took

    two of the bags and pressed them. Blood seemed to ooze out of the bags of gold. He then

    addressed the Khalifa stating that his wealth had been amassed by oppressing the poor people.

    Sometimes, people with a desire for a particular dish would come to Hazrat. Once on his return

    from Hijaz after Hajj the famous preacher of Egypt Sheikh Zainuddin in Bhahjat-ul-Asrar, has

    narrated that he and his other companion wished mentally to have honey and milk dishes

    respectively at dinner. Meals were brought and when these were being served the servant placed

    honey before my companion and the milk dish before me. One seeing this Hazrat pointed out to

    his attendant to reverse the dishes, that is, the place honey before me and the milk dish before my

    companion as were mentally desired by us. Hazrat Ghous once said, I have explored the weight

    of every human action and have finally come to the conclusion that feeding of the poor and

    hungry is virtuous of all actions.

    He was always most polite and respectful to his visitors. Whenever, any one of them was absent

    for sometime, he would enquire particularly about him. In cases of indisposition he would visit

    the patients and pray for their health and happiness.

    Raja Hamza Javed 03335199328 [email protected]

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    He disliked the company of Amirs and rich men. Whenever the Khalifa or other Amirs intended

    to come to Hazrat, he would get up from amongst those present and retire to his chambers. It has

    not been established by any writer so far that Hazrat Ghous had ever gone to see any Khalifa or

    Amir. On the contrary they used to come to Hazrat.

    Khalifa Almustanjad Billah once came to him and presented him bags of gold. Hazrat Sheikh

    refused the gift. When the Khalifa begged and pleaded for the acceptance of the gift, Hazrat took

    two of the bags and pressed them. Blood seemed to ooze out of the bags of gold. He then

    addressed the Khalifa stating that his wealth had been amassed by oppressing the poor people.

    In addition to the daily preaching, he would deliver specific lectures thrice a week. These

    sermons were delivered at the Idgah on Friday mornings, at the Madresa on Tuesday nights, and

    at the Guest House, on Wednesday mornings. All categories of people attended these sermons,

    and included Sufis, Faqihs, Amirs, Khalifas, Rijal-ul-Ghaibs, Jins, Angels, Souls of the departed

    ones. Even non-Muslims attended these sermons and many of them subsequently embraced


    Sinners, who listened to his discourses, reformed their lives. His sermon alone helped in the

    reformation of over one lac of evil doers, which included murderers and thieves, who repented

    their past sins and started to lead better lives. Without any fear, he publicly denounced the unjustacts of Khalifa Muqtaza-ai-Ammarallah who once appointed the notorious tyrant and dishonest

    person Abu Ofa to the post of a Qazi. The Hazrat disapproved this appointment and said that the

    Khalifa had committed a grave error in making this appointment and that he would have to

    account for his action in the near future before Allah. When the Khalifa heard of this admonition,

    he trembled with fear and dismissed the tyrant Qazi.

    Addressing a date tree, in the yard of his Ribat as if it represented the ruling Khalifa Muqtaza-ai-

    Ammarallah, he said that he would cut off its head if it should be refractory. On hearing of this,

    the Khalifa asked his minister, Ibn Habira to submit to Hazrat Sheikh, in private, that it was not

    proper for His Holiness to oppose a Khalifa, when he knew well the rights of the Khalifa. When

    Ibn Habira went to the Hazrat, he saw many persons sitting round him; hence he awaited an

    opportunity to speak to him in private. In the course of conversation, Hazrat told him that he

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    would certainly cut off his head. The minister understood he good intentions and sincerity of the

    Hazrat. Ultimately the Khalifa himself came to Saiyidena Ghous ul Azam and sat down

    respectfully. He then lectured the Khalifa and reproached him so severely that he burst into tears.

    Then Hazrat Sheikh treated him with kindness. The censure had the desired effect on account of

    the psychic powers of Hazrat.

    Once in 528 A. H., Abdul Hassan Saeed was present at a meeting when Hazrat Ghous was

    delivering a sermon on Zumud (Renunciation). He thought within himself that he would like to

    hear a sermon on Mahifiat (gnosis). Hazrat Ghous suddenly changed his subject and spoke on

    marfat of such a high character that he had never before heard.

    He then mentally desired to hear a sermon on Shawq (intense desire) to please God. Hazrat again

    changed his subject and spoke on Shawq (intense) desire. His sermon on the subject was so

    excellent that he did not hear the one like it before. In this manner Abdul Hassan Saeed mentally

    desired to hear discourse on different subjects, and Hazrat spoke on subjects like annihilation and

    subsistence, and lastly on Hazuri (Presence of heart in God) and Ghaibat (absence from all things

    except Allah). After he had spoken on the last subject, he told Sheikh Abdul Hassan Saeed that,

    that enough had been spoken for him. Abdul Hassan lost his control and tore his garments.

    One day Hazrat Abdul Wahab, son of Hazrat Ghous, on his return to Baghdad, after extensivetravelling and acquiring knowledge in different branches of Islamic theology, and having

    obtained the previous permission of his father, sat on the chair of his father and delivered a

    scholarly speech. The lecture did not move the audience. The heart of none appeared to be

    emotionally affected. Many in the audience then requested Hazrat Ghous his father, to speak. At

    this Hazrat Abdul Wahab got down and Hazrat Ghous ul Azam occupied the chair.

    Hazrat merely spoke on his daily routine. But these few words made the whole audience

    attentive. His son inquired the reason for having been able to arrest so quickly the attention of the

    audience of quite a formal discourse. At this, Hazrat replied to his son that he was proud of his

    travels, though he had yet to travel on a higher plane. Hazrat said when I ascended the chair, a

    spark from Providence flashed in my heart and I spoke in that state a few words, which naturally

    had such an affect on the audience.

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    At first he began to preach in the Madresa made over to him by Hazrat Abu Saeed. In the

    beginning only two or three persons formed his audience. ; But on account of his profound

    learning, piety, spirituality, adherence to truth, strict observance of the Shariat , avoidance of

    Bidat (innovations) and his eloquence, his fame spread through out the different quarters of

    Baghdad and all the Muslim world.

    Crowds began to flock to hear his sermons. As there was not sufficient accommodation in the

    Madresa. People used to sit outside the Madresa on the road up to the entrance to the Serai. As

    the audience still increased the houses adjacent to the Madresa were acquired and the Madresa

    was extended in 528 A. H. Even then, the Madresa and its percents were not large enough for the

    audience. It was then in the Idgah outside the City, that Hazrat used to address mammoth

    audiences. Subsequently a monastery was built for this purpose, which was also known asMusafir Khana.

    PREACHINGPraise be to Allah, the Lord of the world, the first and last, outwardly and inwardly, as many

    times as the number of His creations and equal to the measures of His words and to the weight of

    His throne, and to the extent of His own pleasure and to the number of all thins single and in

    pairs, and things that are wet and dry, and of all that our Lord has created and spread for ever,and in all its purity and blessedness. Praise be to Him, Who has created and then made complete

    and who has made thins according to their measure and guided them to their goal; to Him who

    cause death and gives life, who makes one laugh and weep; who gives food and drink; who gives

    one good and bad luck; by Whose command, the seven strong heavens stand and the mountains

    are fixed like pegs, and the spread out of the earth is staged and in Whose mercy no one can be

    disappointed and from Whose planning and enforcement of order and dignity and command, no

    one can escape, and to Whose service no one can be averse, and of Whose blessings no one can

    be devoid of.

    He is praised, because He has loved and is offered thanks, because he affords safety. He confers

    benefits on us, protects and keeps us safe, gives us life and keeps away from us all that injures

    and gives us trouble, and all these just out of His mercy and compassion and as an act of absolute

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    favor, and because of His will to give us standing protection in our expressions and actions both

    private and open and in our reticence and in our plight and in our pleasure.

    Surely he is the Absolute Doer of whatever He likes and orders whatever He wills, and knows

    whatever is hidden, and is informed of all affairs and conditions, both of sins and errors as well

    as acts of obedience and states of nearness of Him, and I ears and accepts all prayers from

    whomsoever, He likes and wills, without any contentions and hesitation. His favours on his

    servants are in abundance and ceaselessly at all hours of nights and day and in all conditions, as

    He has said If you enumerate the favours of Allah you will not be able to count them And

    whatever of blessings is with you, it is from Allah.

    Blessings be then upon His chosen Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon hum), and any one who

    follows what he has pronounced receives guidance and whoever turns away from him is

    misguided and perishes, the truthful Prophet of recognized truthfulness, abstainer from the

    World, and seeker of the High, the one who has been, from among all his creatures, the selected

    one, with whose advent the Truth has come and with whose appearance, falsehood has

    disappeared and with whose light the earth is illuminated. Blessings pure and abundant are upon

    him as also on the pure among his offsprings and companions, and his followers, together waits

    His favor.

    Three things are indispensable for a believer in all conditions of life said Hazrat Ghous ul Azam.

    He should:

    1. Keep the commandments of Allah;

    2. Abstain from forbidden things; and

    3. Be pleased with the decree of Providence.

    A Muslim he said, should follow faithfully, in the footsteps of the Prophet (peace be upon him)

    and should not create innovations and remain obedient to Allah and His Prophet (peace be upon

    him). He should not ascribe any partner to Him nor ascribe any evil to Him but should maintain

    His truth without any doubt, and remain patient and firm without running away.

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    Apply to Allah for your needs, but do not feel annoyed; but wait. Be united in obedience and do

    not be disunited. Love on another and do not bear spite towards one another. Keep free from

    vices and do not be contaminated or defiled by them. Beautify yourself with obedience to your

    Lord. Do not keep away from the doors of Your Master and do not refrain from being attentive to

    Him. Do not delay your repentance but return to Him. Do not feel weary of seeking forgiveness

    from your creator at any time during day and night. If you do so, may be, mercy will be shown to

    you and you will have good luck and be kept away from hell fire. Be united with Allah and enjoy

    His blessings.

    The first thing which a man of intelligence should see is the condition and composition of his

    own self, and then of the other creations and inventions. Then he would infer from them the

    existence of their Creator and Originator, because, creation indicates the creator, and theunderlying strong power is the pointer to the wise Actor behind it, because all things are in

    existence through Allah.

    In every thing there is an attribute from the attributes of Allah, and every name is a sign for one

    of His names. So surely you are between His names and His attributes and works, inwardly

    through His power and outwardly through His wisdom. He is manifest in His attributes and

    concealed in His person. His person is concealed in His attributes and His attributes are

    concealed in His works. And He had revealed His knowledge through His will and expressed His

    will in movements. And He has concealed His skill and His workmanship through His will. So

    He is hidden in His invisibility and He is manifest in His wisdom and power. There is nothing

    like a likeness of Him and He is bearing and seeing.

    Keep away from disobedience to Allah, the exalted, and the Glorious, with utmost effort, and

    cling to His door with truth. And apply all your power effort in obeying Hum with apologies and

    entreaties, showing your readiness, in silence with down cast looks not looking at people nor

    following your animal desires, nor seeking any recompense, whether of this world or of the

    hereafter, nor yet any promotion to higher positions or honorable stations. And know it for

    certain that you are His servant, and all that the servant possesses belongs to his Master, so that

    he cannot any thing against Him.

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    Observe good manners and do not blame your Master. Every thing is in an appointed measure

    with Him. What he puts forward, no one can push back and whatever He keeps back, no one can

    push forward. Nothing keeps you off from the favor of Allah and His direct blessings, excepting

    your reliance on people, and means, and arts and crafts, and earnings. Thus people become a

    barrier to you. Thus, so long as you remain with people, that is, you yearn for their gifts and

    favours and solicit from them with expectations at their doors; you are then associating Allahs

    creation with Him.

    Then, when you have renounced your hopes with the people and youre associating them with

    your Lord, you would have thrown away polytheism. If you have discarded your reliances on

    your earnings, ability, and power, then you testify Allah that He is the Giver of livelihood and

    Creator of causes of care and of strength for earning and Giver of power over everything good.

    Thus you turn towards Him and throw yourself before Him, the Mighty and the Glorious, when

    he lifts the veil that intervenes between you and His favor and opens the door of sustenance by

    His favor at every time of necessity, who is also a fried of the patient as a protection from Him,

    the Mighty and the Glorious in order to keep you clear from any inclination towards what is

    besides Him. He thus pleases you by his favours. Thus, when he removes from your heart every

    purpose and every desire and every pleasure and every object, there remains nothing in your

    heart excepting His purpose.

    Thus He wants to bring to you your allotted share which cannot escape from you and which is

    not meant for any one else from among his creation. He will create in you a desire for that share

    and will direct it to you, so it will reach you at the time of your need. Then He will give you

    strength to be grateful to him and he will direct it to you and give it to you as your sustenance so

    that you may be grateful to Him and may recognize and know it. Thus this will increase your

    desire for aloofness from people and distance from men and for emptiness of your heart from

    whatever is besides Him.

    Then when your knowledge has been strengthened as also your certainty, and your heart has

    expanded and is illuminated, and your nearness to Allah and your position with Him, and your

    trustworthiness and worthiness in the matter of guarding His secrets have been increased thereby,

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    you will be given knowledge before hand as to when your share will come to you as a sign in

    your favor, and as an exaltation of your dignity. This is a favor from Him and an act of kindness

    and guidance. Allah the Exalted and Glorious says those who strive hard for US, we will most

    certainly guide them in our ways.

    And fear Allah and He will teach you then, He will invest you with the power of controlling the

    Universe, with a clear permission, which will have no obscurity in it and with clear signs which

    will be bright like the bright sun and with sweet words which will be sweeter than all sweet

    things, and with true revelation without any ambiguity and will be free from any evil suggestion

    of the animal self and from the promptings of the devil, the accursed.

    O child of Adam, I am Allah; nothing deserves to be worshipped excepting me. I say to a thing

    Be it will likewise come into being. Obey Me; I will make you so that if you say to a thing is it

    will likewise come into being. And He has endowed this gift to many of His Prophets (peace be

    upon him) and Awliyas and people specially favored from among the children of Adam.

    Verily there is nothing excepting Allah and you and you are the addresser. The self of man is

    opposed to Allah and inimical to Him and all things are subordinate to Allah. The Self of a man

    really belongs to Allah as a creation and as a possession and the self of man entertains

    presumptions, wherefrom arises false hopes and passions and sexual pleasure. So if you allyyourself with Truth by opposing yourself and becoming hostile to it you will belong to Allah said

    to Prophet Dawood (peace be upon him) Dawood I am your unavoidable Resort, so hold firmly

    to this Resort. True servitude consists in your becoming inimical to your own self for my sake.

    It is then that your friendliness towards Allah and servitude to Him will become a proved fact.

    And it is then that you will get your share of things holy, wholesome, and pleasant. ; You will

    then become dear and honourable and everything will become your servant and render you

    homage and will be afraid of you; because all of them are subordinate to their Allah and in

    harmony with Him, since He is their Creator and Originator and they acknowledge their

    servitude to Him.

    Allah says, And there is nothing that does not glority Him with His praises, but you do not

    understand their prayers. Do not follow your low desires because they will lead you astray from

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    the path of Allah. Shun your low desires because there is nothing that contends with me in my

    kingdom excepting the carnal desire of man. And there is a famous incident related to Abu Yazid

    Bustami that when he saw Allah the Almighty in his dream, he asked Him How can one get at

    you? Allah said, Discard you and come to Me. thus all good, lays in fighting ones self in

    everything and in all conditions of life.

    Get out from your own self and be away from it and be a stranger to your sense of self and

    surrender everything to Allah. Become His gatekeeper at the door of your heart and keep his

    commandment by admitting whomsoever he permits to be admitted, and honor His prohibition

    by keeping away from every thing, which He forbids. Do not will anything, which is not the will

    of Allah. Any will of yours, which is not the will of Allah, is the wilderness of the fools. It is

    death for you and a curse of falling away from the sight of Allah and of screening Him awayfrom yourself if you are in this wilderness. Always guard the commandment of Allah and abstain

    from His prohibitions and surrender to Him always in all that He has ordered and do not

    associate with Him anything from His creation. Polytheism consists not merely of idol worship.

    It is also polytheism if you follow the desire of the flesh to adopt anything of this world and of

    the hereafter in association with Allah. Because whatever is besides Allah, is not Allah. Thus

    when you are engaged in anything, which is besides Him, you are undoubtedly associating that

    other thing with Allah.

    Therefore, be aware and do not remain indifferent; seek and then alone will you attain security.

    Do not ascribe any condition and position of yours to your own self and do not claim anything

    among these, for yourself. Thus, if you are placed in any condition or raised to any position do

    not speak of it to any one. Because in the changing circumstances from day to day, the glory of

    Allah manifests itself in an ever-new aspect and Allah intervenes between His servants and their

    hearts. It may be that the thing about which you may speak may be removed from you and the

    thing, which you think to be permanent and abiding, may under go a change so that you will be

    put to shame before those to whom you spoke about them. You should rather reserve the

    knowledge of this within your own self and should not communicate it to others. Then if the

    things continue in existence, know it to be the gift of Allah and ask for power to be thankful and

    for an increase in the favours of Allah. But if the thing ceases to exist, it will bring progress and

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    light and wakefulness and regard. So do not ascribe any shortcoming to His decree and His

    procedure and do not entertain doubt about His promise.

    All good lies in being regardful of the existing condition and in being contended with it and in

    warding off desires for any thing, which is besides it. Because such things must be either one that

    is allotted to you or one, which is allotted to nobody, but has been created by Allah as a trail. So

    if it is destined for you, it is bound to come to you, whether you like it or dislikes it.

    It is not proper, therefore, that any unmanned lines should be manifested from you or by any

    greed in your desire for it, because it is disapproved by the standards of intelligence and

    knowledge. If it is destined for another man, why should your, bear ill will for a thing, which you

    could not get, which is never destined to reach your hands? It is a thing, which but to fall to the

    lot of any man to whom it is only a trail. How can an intelligent person like and approve that he

    should call for himself a trial and yet actively seek for it. Thus it is proved that good and safety

    lie wholly in paying regard to the existing condition. When Allah the Mighty and Glorious gives

    you wealth and you are diverted by it from obedience to Him, He screens you away, on account

    of it from Himself both in this world and as well as in the hereafter. And it is also possible that

    He may take away the gift from you and change you and reduce you to poverty as a punishment

    for your turning away from the Giver.

    And if you engage yourself with obedience to Him and become indifferent towards the wealth,

    Allah will make a free gift of it to you and will not lesson it even by an atom. Remember wealth

    is your servant and you are the servant of the Lord. Therefore, live in this world under His loving

    care and in the hereafter honorably and in the garden of Abiding residence in the company of the

    truthful (Siddiq) the witnesses (Shahids) and the virtuous (Salih).

    Do not ask from Allah, the Mighty the Glorious, any thing other than forgiveness of your past

    sins and protection from sins in the present and the future and the power of goodly obedience, in

    order to perform His commandments and to abstain from prohibited things and to be pleased

    with even the bitterness of the decree of Providence and to be patient in the fact of abundance of

    comforts and gifts and lastly to die achieving a good end of the life in order to become united

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    with the Prophet, Siddiques and Shahids and virtuous men, who are a goodly band of


    He has kept the knowledge of things hidden from you and He is alone in His knowledge of

    good and evil of things. Allah knows what is good and what is bad and you do not know.

    Never be proud of your own deeds. The best course for you is to give thanks and praise to the

    helper and to praise Him continuously and to ascribe your achievement to Him in all conditions

    of your life unless it is evil, and sinful acts, should be ascribed to your own self.

    You should ascribe to your own self injustice and bad manners and blame yourself for these, for

    it is your own self, which had deserved these things more than any one else, since it is the seat of

    all-evil is also your self. When all grants prayer of a servant of His and gives him what he asks

    for, His own purpose does not thereby become frustrated. On the contrary such a prayer is in

    conformity with the object of the Lord and occurs in time. So the acceptance of the prayer and

    the fulfillment of the needs take place in due time and in accordance with a set plan which

    Destiny has arranged before hand in the beginning of time which have been marking time for

    fulfillment at the appointed hour.

    D not say, I will not pray for anything to Allah because if the prayed for object has been allotted

    to me, it will surely come to me whether I ask for it or not. Whereas if it is not in my lot, He will

    not give it to me even if I ask for it. No, You should ask from Him all that you want and need of

    good things of this world and of the hereafter, provided there be nothing in it which is forbidden

    and injurious, because Allah has commanded us to ask from Him and has urged us to do so in

    that respect. ; He says in Holy Quran Call on me, I will accept your prayers. Ask from Allah His

    favours. Ask from Allah while you are fully confident of the acceptance of your prayers. You

    should persist in your prayers to Him, so that if it is a thing, which is allotted to you, He will

    send it to you after you have asked for it, and thus increase your faith and certainty in realizing

    His unity. He will help you in keeping away from soliciting from people and in diverting you to

    Him in all your conditions and in enhancing your confidence that all your needs are fulfilled by


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    And if it is not in your lot, He will give you self sufficiency with regard to it and will give you

    pleasure with Himself, the Mighty and the Glorious, inspite of your poverty. And if you are in the

    midst of poverty and illness, He will make you pleased to reconcile yourself with such affliction.

    And if it is a question of debt He will turn the heart of the lender from an attitude of severe

    demand into that of gentleness towards you; and of deferment and of provision of facility up to

    the time when it is convenient for you to repay the debt or make a reduction of it, or to a mood

    which will make him write off the debt. But if it is not written off in your behalf or reduced in

    this world, Allah, the Almighty, the Glorious, will give you in the life after death a considerable

    amount of reward in exchange for what He has not given you in response to your prayers in this

    world, because He is generous, free from want and merciful. He will not disappoint one who

    prays to Him to this world and in the hereafter. So it cannot but bring in some benefit andacquisition, sooner or later.

    A saying of the Prophet (peace be upon him) runs to the effect that the believer will see in the

    record of his deeds, on the Day of Judgment, some acts of merit which he had not performed nor

    was aware of them. So he will be asked, do you not know where these are from. So it will be said

    to him. Surely this is in recompense of your petitions which you made in your prayers to Allah,

    the Mighty, the Glorious whom you were remembering and acknowledging His unity, keeping

    things in their proper places, and giving a person his due, and discarding the assumption of

    Might and power to your own self and renouncing pride and vanity and boastfulness. All these

    constitute good deeds, for which there has been a reward in the eye of Allah, the mighty, the


    Do not say O penniless man; from whom the world and its people have turned away their face,

    who is without any fame, and is hungry and thirsty, Whose body is meager of clothing, who

    wanders about every corner of the world, in every mosque and in every desolate place and is yet

    turned away from every door, and who is fed up and disappointed with all the desires and

    longings of his heart, that Allah has made me so poor and deprived the world from me and

    brought about my fall and has forsaken me as an enemy and made me distracted and denied me

    of any composure of mind and has not given me enough in this world and has reduced me to

    obscurity and has not made my name exalted among people and my brothers, while He has given

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    other plenty of His blessings and made them superior to me and to the people of my house,

    although both of us are Muslims and believers, and have our common mother in Eve and

    common father in Adam, the best of mankind.

    Well, Allah has dealt with you in this manner because your nature is pure and the moisture of the

    Mercy of Allah is to come to you incessantly in the form of patience and cheerful surrender.

    Certainty and reconcilement and knowledge and the light of the faith and of monotheism are to

    be heaped on you. Then the tree of your faith with its root and seed will be established and it will

    become firm and grow and spread out shady branches, shooting forth twigs. Thus, every day it

    will enlarge a will grow without need for any manure to help its growth and development. The

    things which Allah has allotted to you will come to you in due time whether you welcome it or

    are averse to it. So you should not be greedy or eager for what will be yours. And do not feelsorry for what is meant for another person and not for you. What is in your possession must be

    either of the two, yours or another persons.

    Now if it were yours it will come to you and you would be drawn towards it and the meeting will

    take place very soon. And what is not yours, you will be turned away from it and it will turn

    away from you, and so there will be no meeting between your and the thing. So be occupied in

    the best manner with what you are after in the time present before you in obeying your Lord. Do

    not raise your head nor pay any heed towards what is besides Him. God says in the Holy Quran,

    And do not stretch your eyes after that with which we have provided different classes of them

    (of) the splendor of this worlds life, that we may thereby try them; and sustenance (given) by

    your Lord is better and more abiding.

    So certainly Allah has forbidden you to pay attention to anything else but that, on which He has

    maintained you and has given you your provision of obedience, and has bestowed on you out of

    His all, otment provisions and favor. And He has warned you that whatever is besides possess a

    trait with which He has been trying them (others) and that your cheerful acceptance of your

    portion is better for you and purer and preferable. So let this be your way and resort; your

    objective and longing through which you will attain every object and reach every station to

    receive blessing, freshness and joy. Allah has said in the Holy Quran, No soul knows what is in

    store for them of that which will refresh the eyes, a reward for what they did. So there is no deed

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    beyond the five prescribed ways of service, eschewing all sins. There is nothing greater and more

    honourable and more liked by and pleasing to Allah than what we have mentioned for you

    already. May Allah by his favor give you and us the power to do what is liked by him and is

    pleasing to Him?

    Therefore, cultivate patience and cheerful submission; pay regard to the present and practice

    obscurity; remain quiet, composed, and silent; Be aware; Make good your escape; Make haste,

    Fear Allah; And again fear Allah; Cast down your looks; Turn away your eyes; Be modest; till

    the destined reaches its appointed time and you are taken by your hand and brought to the


    Then will be removed from you all that you feel heavy, after which you will be made to plunge

    in an ocean of favours and kindness and mercy; and will be clothed with the robe of light and

    Divine secretes and rare knowledge. Then you will be made near and spoken to, and given gifts,

    and made free from need, and made courageous and exalted, and addressed with the words,

    Surely you are in our presence to day in honourable and faithful one.

    Then guess and appraise from the condition of Yoosuf when he was addressed through the

    tongue of the king of Egypt, its chief. Apparently it was the tongue of the king that was speaking,

    but in fact, the speaker was Allah, who was speaking through the tongue of knowledge. ToYoosuf was given the material kingdom, namely the kingdom of knowledge both spiritual and

    intellectual and of nearness to Allah, and of distinction and high position before Allah. Thus it is

    that Allah says and thus did we give to Yoosuf power in the land; he had mastery in it wherever

    he liked. The land here stands for Egypt. With regard to kingdom of Spirit, Allah says, Thus

    (it was) that we might turn away from him evil and indecency, surely he was one of our sincere


    With regard to the kingdom of knowledge he says, This is what my Lord has taught me; surely I

    have forsaken the religion of a people who do not believe in Allah. When you are thus addressed

    O truthful one, you are given an ample share of great knowledge and blessed with strength,

    goodness, power and saintliness, and an order which affects the spiritual and non spiritual

    matters and are vested with the power of creation, with the permission of Allah, of things in this

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    world even before the coming of the hereafter. Then in the hereafter, you will be in the abode of

    peace in Paradise. And the sight of the countenance of Allah will be an additional favor, which is

    an objective without limit or end.

    It is a parting advice of mine that you should never complain about any mishap that may befall

    on you to any one either a friend or a foe. You should not blame your Lord for what He does to

    you, and for His test of you. You should rather give publicity to what good happens to be with

    you and to express your thankfulness on that account. Who is there that is devoid of the blessing

    of Allah? The mighty and Glorious says And if you count the blessings of Allah, you will not be

    able to enumerate them. How many are the blessings with you, but you do not recognize them,

    you should look to no body else, because in nothing else is there harm of good or appropriation

    or renunciation or honor or dishonor or elevation or fall or poverty or affluence or movement orpause. Matter is the creation of Allah and in the hand of Allah lays the source of its movement by

    His command and permission. It continues to exist up to a time fixed by Him. And every thing

    exists according to a measure so fixed by Him. Whatever He has made posterior can by any

    means be made anterior and whatever He has made anterior can by any means be made posterior.

    If any harm is to befall you, no one can avert it excepting Him. And if any good is to accrue to

    you, no one can withhold His favor.

    Thus if you complain against Him while you are in comfort enjoying some of his blessings in

    your desire for an increase of them, shutting your eyes to what has been bestowed upon you as

    very poor you will offend Allah. He will remove them from you and make your own false

    complaint real and double your misery and intensify His chastisement and anger and displeasure

    for you. He will make you fall off from His sight. Therefore, beware of complaint, even if your

    flesh is cut into pieces by means of scissors. Save yourself, Fear Allah, Fear Allah, Fear Allah.

    Verily most of the various calamities that befall the son of Adam are due to complaint against his

    Lord. How can one complain against Him? He is the most Merciful of the merciful ones and the

    Best of all judges Patient, Aware, Compassionate, Merciful, and kind towards His servants. He is

    not unjust to His servants and is like a patient, affectionate, loving, and kind physician related to

    the patient. Can any fault be found in an affectionate and kindhearted father or mother? The holy

    Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) has said, Allah is more merciful towards His

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    servants than a mother is towards her son, O poor man; show the utmost of good manners.

    Exhibit patience at the time of calamity, even if you become exhausted by patience. Hold on to

    patience, even if you get exhausted through your cheerful submission to and harmony with Allah.

    In the self of a man, there are various kinds of sins, faults and blemishes, on account of which he

    becomes unworthy of the company of Allah. Unless purged of impurities of sins, no one can kiss

    His threshold. None other than those who are purified from the dirt of self-conceit can kiss His

    threshold just as no one can be worthy of the company of kings, except those who are cleaned of

    impurities, bad smell and dirt. Thus, calamities are atonements and purifiers. The Prophet (peace

    and blessings be upon him) has said, The fever of one day is an atonement for the sins of a whole


    Regard good and evil as two fruits coming out from two branches of one single tree. One of the

    two branches yields sweet fruit and the other bitter. So you leave cities and countries and their

    outskirts where fruits plucked from this tree are sent, and keep away from them and their people.

    But approach the tree itself and become its guard and attendant servant, and acquire knowledge

    of these two branches and of the two varieties of fruits emerging there from and remain near the

    branch, which yield the sweet fruits. Then it will be your food and your course of strength. But

    beware, lest you should approach the other branch and eat the fruit thereof, because its bitterness

    shall kill you. When you persist in this attitude, you will be in ease, in security and safety from

    all misery because troubles and tribulations are born of this bitter fruit. O, you who believe, be

    patient and excel in patience and remain steadfast and be careful of your duty to Allah. He has

    commanded you to be patient, O, believer, then to see one another cultivate patience. To be

    steadfast and to remain on guard and to make this incumbent on yourself. He further warns you

    against discarding patience in the words Be careful of your duty to Allah when referring to

    discarding this virtue. Thus good and safety lie in patience. And the holy Prophet (peace and

    blessings be upon him) has said, Patience stands in the same relation to faith, as the head stands

    in relation to the body. And it is also said for everything there is a reward according to a

    measure but for the reward of patience, its prize has no measure. And Allah says, Verily the

    patient will be given their reward without any measure.

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    WRITINGS & TEACHINGSDespite innumerable handicaps Hazrat Sheikh ul Islam by the dint of his labor, became, an

    acknowledged teacher of Quran, Fiqah Hadith and Arabic literature and all their subjects. Hazrat

    has himself referred in his famous Qasida the extent of knowledge acquired by him. He says I

    acquired knowledge to such an extent that I became a Qutab and reached perfection through the

    grace of Allah.

    Once Ajami swore that he would divorce his wife if he could not, for a short time, be engaged in

    worshipping Allah in such a manner that none else on earth could do likewise. The learned men

    of Iraq were questioned as to what the man was to do, so that he might not have to divorce his

    wife. No one could devise a suitable plan. The question at last was referred to Hazrat and he said

    that such a person should instead go to Mecca and get the Mutafe Ka aba vacated and make

    seven circuits around it. In this manner also could his vow be fulfilled, because no one on earth

    at that time will be engaged in worshipping Allah in that manner in that holy spot.

    One of his Murids, during the course of a discussion between dervishes said Hazrat Shaikhul

    Islam Ghous ul Azam was bestowed with the superior spiritual rank than Hazrat Ba-Yazid

    Bustami, He was so confident about his assertion that he swore that if his assertion was wrong he

    would divorce his wife. Divorcing ones wife was considered the greatest penalty for any wrongcommitted, as such a course would deprive the person concerned of the blessings of a truly

    married life.

    He came and narrated to him about his vow regarding his superiority over Hazrat Ba-Yazid

    Bustami. He questioned his Murid the wisdom of taking oath to divorcing his wife, lest he went

    wrong. The Murid replied that it was due to his extreme love and reverence for his Sheikh that he

    could not accept the superiority of anybody else. Hazrat then replied you need not divorce your

    wife. Your belief on my superiority over Sheikh Ba-Yazid is borne our by the following facts.

    i. Hazrat Ba-Yazid Bustami had not under taken preaching of the faith and had not rendered

    any service towards Fiqah and had given any Fatwas; Whereas I had done; all these.

    ii. He had not reached that stage of spiritual advancement and perfection in a married state

    to comply with Sunnah, whereas I have done so.

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    There are many other points of distinction but for the purpose of our oath he said, I confine to

    these two reasons only.

    Questions on the law of Shariat were addressed to him from all parts of the Muslims World and

    he would answer them promptly. Saiyidena Ghous ul Azam devoted his time to many religious

    works, of which the following are known.


    Comparison of Sunni laws with those of other schools of Muslim law mainly relating to

    prayer. Fasting, Hajj, Zakat and such other subjects


    A collection of 62 sermons delivered by him during the period 545-546 Hijri


    A collection of 78 sermons on various subjects complied by the Sheikhs son, Seyed Abdul

    Razak, followed by his dying deposition and his pedigree from his father and mothers sides. (An

    English translation of this by Maulvi Aftab-ud-Din Ahmad has been published by Maktaba

    Nawai Waqat Lahore, West Pakistan) Extracts of this translation appear in the chapter on

    Preaching and Teaching in particular and the other chapters in general.


    A collection of mystical prayers

    And held and plat the Hazrats foot on his (Ali Bin Hitis) neck. All other persons present there

    stepped forward and bent down their necks.

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    When Saiyidena Ghous ul Azam made this declaration, the Walis all over the World heard it

    spiritually and they too bent down their necks simultaneously in submission and in

    acknowledgement of His superiority and leadership. Three hundred Walis and 700 Rijal-il-

    Ghaibs (hidden persons) some of whom while dwelling on earth could even fly about in the air,

    also bent down their necks. On this declaration the Walis of the World saw with their spiritual

    eyes the flag of the rank ofQutub planted in front of him with the crown ofGhouse placed

    on his head. They also saw him making the aforesaid declaration, donning a robe, which denoted

    a higher spiritual rank. The robe, embroidered with flowers, symbolized Shariat and Haqiqat. As

    he was making the declaration, divine halo appeared to shine from the heart of Ghous-ul-Azam.

    When the Walis had bent their necks acknowledging Hazrats sole suzerainty, their hearts too

    appeared to glow brilliantly than before; signifying that their knowledge and status had becomehigher on account of their submission and acknowledgement. Sultanul Hind Khawaja Moin-ud-

    din Chishti was at the time in a cave in the hills of Khorasan, when he too heard this declaration

    with his spiritual ears. He said that the feet of the Ghous-ul-Azam were on his eyes and head as

    well. For this particular submission; Hazrat Khawaja Miunuddin became the spiritual head of

    India (vide Tafrith-ul-Khatir).

    For those in doubt it should be clarified that there is not the slightest tinge of egoism in the

    aforesaid declaration. Hazrat had completely mastered his lower self and by his conduct,

    sermons and writings to wean mankind from all low desires and passions, he could not have for a

    moment think of self exaltation. It was the manifestation of Divine wills that he was obliged to

    make this declaration so that the Walis in particular and the mankind in general may know to

    whom to turn for guidance in spiritual advancement.

    The stages of spiritual advancement and Human consciousness are divided into three categories

    rising upward in the scale of evolution.

    i. Nafs Ammara.-Un-ruly animal self.

    ii. Nafs Lawwama.-Struggling moral self.

    iii. Nafs Mutmainna.-Composed Allah realised self

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    In the first stage Ammara man is animal-like, restless with bestial urges, impatient of

    restrictions and indifferent to any pricking, of conscience. By a systematic course of religious

    training, of which obedience to command and Prohibitions is the chief feature, he develops a

    sense of propriety and impropriety and repents for falling into error each and every time. This if


    State That, State which begins with a faint dawning of the moral sense and ends in a complete

    surrender of the animal ego in man, is the third and the highest stage viz Mutmainna. The

    struggle between the lower and the higher self having now ended, the pilgrim enters a condition

    of perfect peace, of purity, of rectitude and of knowledge. To indicate the experience starting

    from the thresh old of this stage, further on, the Sufis have coined three more terms.


    At this stage, man ceases to be disturbed by an urge of desire. The only urge left in him, is

    prayerful surrender of his whole being.

    BAQA This means a restoration of the self to a new consciousness this time not of the flesh,

    but of the spirit. The urges of the self are no longer from animal passions, but from the controlled

    spiritual region of Allah, invariably beneficial to humanity and creation.

    LIQA This is the stage wherein mans spiritual knowledge rises to such a high pitch that the

    rewards for his faith, sincerity and devotion no longer remain a matter of belief, but becomes a

    palpable certainty and an experience, as if he had undergone them already. His faith in Allah

    reaches a point wherein it appears to him that he is seeing Him face to face. Such a man becomes

    free from all fears of the nature and from all sorrows of the present and past.

    In such a state, man is free from all hesitation and obscurity of judgment and doubts and

    misgivings. In this state, the devotee feels tinted by the attributes of Allah in the manner of a

    piece of iron, eventually the colour transforming to that of fire if retained there at long enough.

    In moments of commotion such a mans feelings assimilate Divine powers, so much so, that this

    rapture produces the pleasure and blessings of Allah or his displeasure brings in the wrath and

    curse of Allah. Events seemingly contrary to the laws of nature occur through his action. Having

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    received such powers from Allah, he could even possess a power of creation. He could create

    events and even determine the course of history.

    After a pilgrim had entered the state of Fana which in the language of the Quran is called

    ISTI-QAMA, the next two stages of BAQA and LIQA follow as a matter of course. The

    reason is that, when a person becomes completely void of attachment to creation and desires and

    personal will, he automatically enters the state of BAQA.

    As long as a man is not confirmed in the state of Fana self annihilation and his surrender to

    Allah does not become a spontaneous act, he cannot be deemed to be in the state of BAQA;

    which requires that all acts of devotion and surrender should become natural acts, not needing

    any effort. When such a state is attained, the man feels that all that belongs to him are really

    Allahs. While other people of the World may enjoy the satisfaction of their personal desires,

    such a person would relish the worship and remembrance of Allah.

    Thus, when the pilgrim is confirmed in this state ofBAQA and it becomes the warp and woof

    of his very being, a light would appear to descend from heaven and the mist of uncertainty would

    altogether be lifted from his heart, and filled instead with sweet feelings of love never

    experienced before. This would be accompanied frequently by a highly pleasant shower of divine

    communication diffusing a heavenly sweet aroma and atmosphere of coolness like that of spring


    At this stage, the devotee would become so immersed in ecstasy that he would be prepared to

    sacrifice his all for the sake of Allah even his honor and very life. His heart becomes so much

    filled with light Divine that it would appear as if he is experiencing the effect of the rays of the

    midday sun within his bosom, and as if Allah himself had descended on his heart with all His

    glory. These are the signs of the state of LIQA. It should also be remembered that, whileattainment of FANA is the result of Human effort, the two higher stages ofBAQA and LIQA

    are the gifts of Allah proceeding from His grace.

    The pilgrims spiritual struggle takes him up to the stage ofFANA only. Thereafter, Divine

    grace takes him by the hand and carries him to the higher planes.

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    There are four varieties among men, One is who has no tongue and no heart, and he is a man of

    ordinary position, dull and lowly, who does not count with Allah and one who has nothing good

    him. He and people like him are like chaff which has no weight, unless Allah covers then with

    His mercy and guides their hearts towards faith in him and moves the organs of their body in

    obedience to Himself. Beware that you do not become one of them nor entertain them nor yet

    stand among them. These are the people of chastisement and wrath of Allah; they are the

    inhabitants of Fire and its inmates. Let us seek refuge of Allah from them.

    You should, on the contrary, endeavor to be equipped with Divine knowledge and to be among

    the teachers of good and guides of religion. So beware that you should approach and invite them

    to obedience to Allah and warn them sinning against Allah. You will, then be a fighter in the

    cause of Allah and will receive the rewards of the Prophet and the messengers of Allah. The HolyProphet (may peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said to Hazrat Ali If Allah gives

    guidance to one person through your guiding him, it is better for you than that on which the sun


    The other kind of person is he who has got a tongue but no heart; he speaks wisdom, but does not

    act according to it. He calls people to Allah but himself flees from him. He abhors defects in

    others but he himself persists in having similar defects in himself. He shows to others his piety,

    but contends with Allah by committing major sins. When he is alone, he is like a wolf in clothes.

    The Prophet has warned and said The thing to be most afraid of and which I am afraid of in

    respect of my followers is the learned men who do evil. We normally seek the refuge of Allah

    from such learned men. So you should keep away from such a man and turn away from him, lest

    you should be misled by the sweetness of his talk contaminated by the fire of his sin, which will

    consume you, and the filth of his heart, which will smother you.

    There is a third category of man who has a heart but no tongue but he is true believer. Allah has

    screened him away from his creation and hung around him His curtains to provide him and

    insight into the blemishes of his own self, and enlightened his heart to make him aware of the

    mischief in mixing up with people and of the evil of talking and speaking and in ensuring safety

    in silence and retirement in a corner in keeping with what the prophet (peace and blessing of

    Allah be upon him) said, Whoever kept silent attained salvation. Surely the service of Allah

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    consists of ten parts, nine of which are in the silence. Thus this man is a friend of Allah in his

    secret, and is protected and possessed of safety and abundant intelligence. He is the companion

    of the Beneficent Allah, and is blessed with his favours.

    So mind you, you must keep c