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Post on 04-Oct-2015




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sistem & teknik pemeliharaan operasiona;


  • Pemeliharaan

    [email protected]

    Manajemen Operasi

  • Definisi

    MAINTENANCE: semua aktivitas yang berkaitan dengan

    menjaga sistem dan peralatan agar selalu dalam keadaan

    siap pakai.

    RELIABILITY: Probabilitas suatu bagian/suku cadang dari

    mesin/produk dapat berjalan dengan baik untuk jangka

    waktu tertentu dalam kondisi yang ditentukan.

  • Tujuan

    Menjaga kemampuan

    sistem dalam

    keadaan siap pakai

    dan mengendalikan


  • Mengapa Pemeliharaan Penting..

    Karena berpengaruh langsung pada:

    1. Kapasitas produksi

    2. Biaya produksi

    3. Kualitas produk dan jasa

    4. Keselamatan pelanggan dan tenaga kerja

    5. Kepuasan pelanggan

  • Posisi Maintenance dlm Perusahaan..

    Di bawah Dept. Operasi atau,

    Langsung di bawah Direksi.

    Level manajer maintenance ditentukan oleh The

    importance of maintenance for the organization.

    Departemen maintenance biasanya dibagi 2:

    Bangunan (& Pekarangan)


  • 4 Taktik

    Reliability Tactics

    1. Improving individual components

    2. Providing redundancy

    Maintenance Tactics

    1. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Implementing or improving preventive maintenance

    2. BREAKDOWN MAINTENANCE Increasing repair capabilities or speed

  • Umur Mesin

    Umur Ekonomis



    Umur Teknis

    *Maintenance membuat umur ekonomis mendekati umur teknis.

  • Preventive Maintenance

    Keeping machinery and equipment


    Designing technical and human system

    that will keep the productive process

    working within tolerance.

  • A. Langkah Pencegahan

    Feel - Rasakan

    Inspection - Periksa

    Tighten - Kencangkan

    Clean - Bersihkan

    Adjust - Setel

    Lubrication - Lumasi

  • B. Overhaul (Bongkar)

    C. Repair (Perbaiki)

    D. Maintenance Scheduling.

  • Breakdown Maintenance


    Dilakukan setelah mesin rusak.

  • Jenis Maintenance

    Menurut Biaya Most necessary maintenance

    Trouble Free Maintenance

  • Faktor Penentu Kualitatif

    Jenis Maintenance Vital atau tidaknya alat tsb

    Daya tahan alat tsb

    Struktur kelengkapan pabrik (layout)

    Line layout Trouble free

    Process layout Tdk harus trouble free

  • Repair, Replacement & Overhaul

    Keputusan2 untuk membongkar dan mengganti. Dapat dikaitkan dengan

    biaya modal dan operasional (termasuk biaya mantenance) dari peralatan.

    Biaya operasional naik untuk sementara.

    Adanya kenaikan biaya sedikit demi sedikit, hingga akhirnya sampai pada penggantian yg dapat dibenarkan.

    Adanya beda biaya modal dan biaya reparasi mesin baru dengan mesin lama dapat mempengaruhi keputusan dilakukannya penggantian, karena rancangan mesin baru punya

    kemajuan yg disebabkan adanya mekansime/otomatisasi yang bisa meringankan biaya tenga

    kerja dan biaya2 maintenance.



    Repair Overhaul Replacement

  • Best Practice

    Walt Disney Company intolerant of failure or


    United Parcel Service

    Dedicated drivers who operate

    the same truck every day

    Dedicated mechanics who

    maintain the same group of


  • Improving Individual Components

    System reliability (Rs) is a product of

    individual reliability.

    Rs = R1 * R2 * R3 * ...

    0.90 0.80 0.99


    Rs = 0.90 x 0.80 x 0.99 = 0.713 or 71.3%

  • Evaluating Maintenance


    Probability that an item will function for a given time

    Mean time between failures (MTBF)

    Average time between failures of a repairable item

    Failure rate

    Reciprocal of MTBF

  • Formula

    Number of failures

    Failure Rate(%) = FR(%) = * 100%

    Number of units tested

    Number of failures

    Failure Per Operating Hour(n) = FR(N) =

    Operating time

    1 Mean Time Between Failure = MTBF = FR(N)

  • Example

    Twenty air-conditioning systems designed for use by astronauts in NASA space shuttles were operated for 1,000 hours at NASAs Huntsville, Alabama test facility. Two of the systems failed during the test one after 200 hours and the other after 600 hours. Compute

    a. The percentage of failures,

    b. Number of failures per operating hour and

    c. MTBF

  • Answer

    a) FR (%) = 10%

    b) FR (N) = 0.000106 failure/unit-hr

    c) MTBF = 9,434 hour

  • Providing Redundancy

    Back Up

    Redudancy is provided

    to ensure that if one

    component fails, the

    system has recourse to


  • Perfect Computer System

    No bug, no crash

    Extraordinarily reliable

    Fighter jets

    Space shuttle

    Nuclear power plants

  • Providing Redundancy

    Ex: reliability of a component is 0.80 and we back it up with another component with reliability 0.80.

    Reliabilty result = 0.80 + [0.80 x (1-0.80)] = 0.96

    Probability of




    Probability of





    Probability of




    * = P(R)

  • F-14

    Only 10% of the F-14s software is used to fly the plane

    40% used to automatic testing and verification

    50% is redundancy

    Tomcat F-14

  • Other Example



    R2 R3



    0.80 0.99

    After redundancy P (R) = 0.94

  • Preventive Breakdown

    Routine inspection & servicing

    Prevents failures

    Basis for doing

    Time: Every day

    Usage: Every 300 pieces

    Inspection: Control chart


    Types of Maintenance

    Non-routine inspection

    & servicing


    Basis for doing

    Equipment failure

  • Preventive & Breakdown


    Meliputi inspeksi rutin untuk menjaga fasilitas peralatan

    dalam kondisi baik dan mencegah kerusakan


    Memperbaiki peralatan yang telah rusak

  • Formula

    Expected number of breakdowns

    = [(number of breakdowns)x(corresponding frequency)]

    Expected breakdown cost

    = (Expected number of breakdowns)x(cost per breakdown)

    Preventive Maintenance cost

    = Expected breakdowns cost if service contract signed

    + cost of service contract

  • Contoh Aplikasi

    Suatu perusahaan beroperasi dengan

    mengunakan sistem komputer. Dalam

    waktu 20 bulan terjadi kerusakan

    pada perangkat komputer yang ada.

    Biaya perbaikan setiap kali terjadi

    kerusakan adalah Rp 300 ribu

    Jumlah Kerusakan

    Jumlah Bulan Terjadinya Kerusakan

    0 2

    1 8

    2 6

    3 4

    Total 20

    Saat ini perusahaan menerima tawaran kontrak

    preventive maintenance dari pihak ketiga. Meskipun

    misalnya nanti perusahaan memutuskan untuk

    menerima penawaran preventive maintenance tersebut,

    kerusakan akan tetap terjadi dengan perkiraan rata-rata

    kerusakan satu mesin per bulan. Nilai kontrak yang

    ditawarkan adalah Rp 150 ribu per bulan.

  • 4-Langkah Pengerjaan

    1. Hitung expected number of breakdowns (tanpa preventive maintenance)

    2. Hitung expected breakdown cost per month (tanpa preventive maintenance)

    3. Hitung expected breakdown cost per month (dengan preventive maintenance)

    4. Bandingkan kedua pilihan yang ada.

  • Jawaban

    1. Expected number of breakdowns = 1,6

    kerusakan per bulan.

    2. Expected breakdown cost = Rp

    480.000 per bulan

    3. Preventive Maintenance cost = Rp

    450.000 per bulan

    4. Tanpa Preventive Rp 480.000 sedangkan dengan

    preventive Rp 450.000

    Terima tawaran kontrak.

  • Breakdown Maintenance

    Reliability and preventive maintenance are

    seldom perfect.

    Good Maintenance facility:

    Well-trained personnel

    Adequate resources

    Ability to establish a repair plan and priorities

    Ability and authority to do material planning

    Ability to identify the cause of breakdowns

    Ability to design ways to extend MTBF.

  • Isu Mengenai Pemeliharaan

    TPM (Total Productive Maintenance)

    Combines total quality management with strategic view of

    maintenance from process and equipment design to preventive


    Reducing variability & Improving Reliability designing machines that are reliable, easy to operate and easy to maintain.

    Emphasizing total cost of ownership when purchasing machines, so that service and maintenance are included in the cost.

    Developing preventive maintenance plans that utilize the best practices of operators, maintenance departments and depot services.

    Training workers to operate and maintain their own machines.

  • Challenger

    28 Januari 1986

    73 detik

    Bocor tangki bahan bakar

    bagian kanan.


    1 Februari 2003

    Meledak saat akan
