1929 - ojp

l!(f ). 'T - (J) m z Il: 0 0 a-. - f- -, '0 - U --I en - Z >- ::l :::e:: (J U -( e 1 i - .. .... , .... UNITED OF LAB0it CHILDREN'S BUREAU GRACE ADlIOrr. Chid !2dC/?d.. JUVENILE .. COURT STATISTICS 1929 BASED ON INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY 96 COURTS En.:aA'TA IChlldroo's Dureau Publication No. 2m.l Page 2, line 4: For p. 62, read p. GO. Pllge 8, line 12: For p. 51, rend p. 49. Page 10, line 14: For pp. 40, 42, rend pp. 38, 40. Pnge 13, line 15: For IJP. 44, 46, rend pp. 42, 44. Pllgr 22, line 10: For p. fi8, rend p. 56. Pnge 23, line 4: For p. 54, rend p. 52. Pnge 25, line 7: For pp. 60, 61, read pp. 58,59. UNITED STATE'S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1931 f. ..... Ie \;1. the Superintendent 01 Documcnh. Washi"l\.ton. D. C.' Pritt 1.5. <entf. If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov.

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Page 1: 1929 - OJP

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IChlldroo's Dureau Publication No. 2m.l Page 2, line 4: For p. 62, read p. GO. Pllge 8, line 12: For p. 51, rend p. 49. Page 10, line 14: For pp. 40, 42, rend pp. 38, 40. Pnge 13, line 15: For IJP. 44, 46, rend pp. 42, 44. Pllgr 22, line 10: For p. fi8, rend p. 56. Pnge 23, line 4: For p. 54, rend p. 52. Pnge 25, line 7: For pp. 60, 61, read pp. 58,59.




f. ..... Ie \;1. the Superintendent 01 Documcnh. Washi"l\.ton. D. C.' Pritt 1.5. <entf.

If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov.

Page 2: 1929 - OJP

1 "I" -


'Plnn of the report. _______________________________________________ _ Part I.-Geneml rlil<clIRsion and l;uInmary tnhlcs _____________________ _

Thc ('(lurts conpt·ral.inK _______________________________________ _ DdinllllC'lll'Y casC'/I ___________________________________________ _

Chilrlrcn invoh'dri in the eMcs _____________________________ _ f:IJnrccs of referencc to cOllrt ______________________________ _ }'Iaces or care pending hearing or diRposit.ion _______ ~ ________ _ RC'a~oIlS for refcrenee to courL _________________________ _ J)i"po~it.i!llIR _____________________________________________ _

DCllCllflelll'Y and nc~dC'ct, Clll"CS _________________________________ _ Childrrn it,yolycd in the easc,8 _____________________________ _ Sourcrs of rcfrrencc to cOllrt and rCMons for r('[erl'llrc ________ _ 1'Iac( .. ~ of curc pending hearing or disposit.iol1 ________________ _ Djl'pf)sitioflS _____________________________________________ _

CIl~el< of chilrlrclI discharged from SlJpcJ"\'isioll ___________________ _ :Part II.-Cornpamtivc tahlrs for HJ27, HJ~8, a.ncl EI2!} _______________ _

Trcnds in jll\'cnilc rlelin!(lIcncy ________________________________ _ Comparative RlIlIIlTI'\ry tablcs ________________________________ _

Part II L-f;:ource t.lhlcs __________________________________________ _ ,1\,ppendix.-Courts furnishing statistical matcrial for 1!)2!) ____________ _


U.S. Department of Justice National Institute of Justice


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PnRr 1 2 2 5 [; 7 8

10 ]:1 HI In 21 22 23 24 21i 2r; 20 31 6(1







This report, which is the t.hird Ilnnual report based on data. supplied hy courLR cooperating wit.h the Children's Bureau in the/Ian, for obtaining uniform statistics of delinquency, dependency, an neglect. cases deult with hy juvenile Goucts, is urrnngeu in thiee parts: 1. Gen-, ernl disC'ussion and summary tubles hased upon figures received from ull courts report.ing in 1920; IT. Comparative tables for the three years 1927, 1028, and H120, including a table showing incrense or dccrease in the number of delinquency cnses reported hy court,c; send­ing cards for two or more yenrs, and comparative summary tables for, the three yenrs; and III. Source tables giving figures for indi vidual courts reporting in 1929. The courts for which figures arc shown in the source tables comprising Part III fnll into two groups: (1) Thoso serving populations of 100,000 or more nnd (2) those sen.-ing popula­tions of 2:i,OOO to 100,000 according to the cemms of 1920.' The tables dealing with whitt seem to be the more significant items show figures for both groups; tho remainder of tho tables show figures (or the first group only. Figures reported by courts serving areas with populations of less Lhan 25,000 in 1920 are not shown in the source tallieR but arc indHded in tho sllmmary tables of Part I. The numbor of cases of ench type reporLed by these courts is shown in tho first of tho summary tables (p. 3). . '. (

I Population figures (or 1930 woro not nvnllnblo whell lhese tnhulntlons were made.

1 .'1


Page 3: 1929 - OJP



Ninct~-Rix ('omts RC'nt,in Rtat.iRticai rtnt-a for the {'ntiro cnJcndnr yC'ur 1929, as ('ompared with 65 courts for 1928 and 43 for 1027.2 'I'll(' nnmes of the 96 ('{lurts r{'port.ing for 1929, with the largcRt, city or-iown in the area served by each court, are giv{'n in the nppNHlix (p. !l2). For conY{'ni{'nce {'a('h court will bo d{'signat.{'cl in all othor plncrs only hy th{' territ,ory ov('r which it has jurisdiction. The ('oopC'rnting courts reported 46,312 deJinqu(,I1ey cnROS, 18,805 dop{'nc/elH'Y nnd negl{'d. CIl."('R, and 10,493 (,Rses of children dischal'g{'d from SlI IH'l'visioIl. The Dlnnb{'1' of caR{,S I'('ported by each court for the Y(,IU' is shown in Table 1. Although all the courts have juriRdiction ()v('r hoth <I('lin­ql.lcncy Rnd dep{'nd{'ncy or negieet cases, 7 courts reported drlinquf'n('y CRses only and 3 reported drpendency or n{'glcct CRR{,S only, Nillrty­three of the courts;, therefore, reported ('as{'s of d{'Jinquency, and xU reported Cll.,,('s of df'.pendency and n{'glret. Sixt.y-~ix COurtR rrpoJ'tNl cases of ('hildren discharged from suprrvision; 61 of th{,Rf'. ('01I1'ls

reported cas{'s of dpHnquen t ehiIdren, nncl48 courts cases of drprndrn t and nrglectrd childJ'rn, Thrse 'figurrR, repJ'{'srnting the num hrl' of ('ourts rrporting rR('h type of casc, will be usrd in the sllmmnry tnbJrR Rnd dis('ussions in this report,

The work of the conrt RS to hoth number and t.yprs of cnses wns reported more eomple(cly by some courts than by othrI'S. Inco1l1-plrte re('.ords or diVIded responsibility in chr('king clmls was rrspoll­sible for mRny of the failurrs to report.3 All the courl~s were Rsked j.o report unofficiRl cnses, but no such CRses were reported hy 25 4 (,01l1'[.S, nlthough it is probable that in some oC thrse court" a few ('omplnint.s nrc adjusted unofficially. In some courts records arc not kf'pt of unoffiCIal work.

The failure of 30 courts to report Cll."es of children clis(:hal'gf'(l from supen'iRion rony be duf'. to ineomplete prohation records or to thf' prn('­tice of allowing cases to become mactive without dismissal or removal from the list or index of active cases,

Table I shows wide variation nmong the courts in the relative number of delinquency ano of dependrn('y Rno noglrct ('aRrs reported for the year. This vRriation is due in part to the ext,rnt to which local ngcncies other thnn the court arc e!ll'ing for drpendcnt aud l}('g­lected children in the different communities.

• lnvenUe-Conrt Stotlstlcs, 11127 Bnd 1928. United States Children'S Dnrean Publlrntlons No. 1P5 (Wflsh­Inglon. 19211) and No. 200 (WlI2hfngton, 1930).

1 The orgnnlmtfon 01 the prollntlon offirr n',ncillted with the conrt, Irom which mosl 01 tho cnnls wrre rCl'ch'l,1 ond Its rclatlon to the conrt dllTrr ITIlm ploco tl) plnco. 1n ~me locnllties this offire Is nn Inh'gml

Imrt 01 the conrt; In oChrr.! IL Is a srpnrnlo orgnnl1f,Uon. The olliro IIIny IlInrtf.m liS a unit or, ,'"prl'j:lll), n Ihp lonzrr conr!.', he divided Inlo srpornto d,'pnrlmrn!... In ~mr comlllnnlti,'s I.hr conrl rrrrlvr ... ,'Il"'­

work srnlrn Irom nnoth~r OKeney; lor cI8mplo, n Mnnly chlhl·wrllorc deportment. • Alnhnmn-Fmnklln Co.1ll1y 1IIohile Count)'; IlHnols,-Jtoek 1.lnnd Connty; ].onl.lnnn-llo<;sler nnrl

Wehstor 1'0rl~hes; l\1Ir.hh:nn -krnl ('ollnty; l\flnnr""to-lIennrpln COllnly. JlIum"y ('mlllly; Nrw lprsry-Ihulson Connty, J\IeT('cr C·onnly; N('w York-JJulTnlfl, Clllmlllllg COllnty, Jh~ln\""f\r(l ('oullty. Erie Counly, NeW' York City. Onlnrin Cm.nty, OTh'nn:; C01lnty, nrn~"I'lnt'r ("mml.y; Norlh Dnkula .~ TI'Ird Jnrlirinl dl~trld; Ohln -Franklin CrnUlly, /.nke ('onnty; 1'!'IIII,yl""nin·-Allr·gh,'ny COllnt)',l\Iont­gomcry ('onnty; Virglnln-J.YDchIJllrg, Norlolk; Wnshlngwn-1'lcrce ConnlY.



- '"



TABLE l.-NlInlbr.r of bOllS' and lirl,,' drlinqlll'nc!I lInd drpr.C1f and nl'glert cases di.,po"ed of and num/ler 0 cases of childrw di,~c"argcrl from lluperl1i3ion by 96 specified courts during 192!J ~~~~~ "" - -_. -- ,_. -

Delinquency coses J)npenrlenry nnll neglect Cn~!ol r.nscs children

Court dlschnr~cd Irom 5U-

T ltlll IJoys (]frls Totol Boys OIrls l'ervlsloD

-- --------- ---Tota1. ____ ._ •••• ____ • __ • __ •• __ • __ • ___ 1 46, 312 38, ffil 7.R.11 18.80.1 0,6117 O,~8 10,493

-----------Alohamo: AulongA County. ___ • _____ • ______ • ____ , __ _

Baldwin Connty. _________________ • __ _ Bnllook Connty _________________ ._. __ • Cnlhoun Cmmty ___________________ ._. Chnm bors Conn Iy ____ • ____ • ___ ._ ------Cherokee County. _______ ._. __ .• ______ • Chilton County._. ___ •• _. __ ••••. _____ _ Clnrke County _____________ •• ___ ••• _._ Cloll1lrne enunty ••• _ •• ______ • ________ • Colbort Conllly _______ • __ • ___ •• _. ___ •• Coosn Connty __ . ______ • _____ • ____ ._. __ Cren"how Connty • _______ . ____ • ___ •• -.,-.-Dnle Counly _ • ____ • ___ •• _. ___ ._ •... _._ Dnil!l.q County. __ ••• _____ •• _. __ ._ •• ___ • Eltnnro Counly. ___________________ ._._ Escorn bin Connty _____________________ ,. __ EIownh Connty. ___________ • ___ ._. ___ _ Fnyetto ('ounty ________ • _______ •• __ • __ Frnnklln Crumly _._ •• __ ._ ••••• _ •• ___ ._ 11nlo Counly _ ._. ______________ • ______ _ 1I0Ilfiton County _ •• ___ • _____ . _____ • __ _ Jorkson Connty. __________ • ____ . _____ . Lnuderdnle Counly ___ . _____ ._. ____ • __ • 1,('6 County _. _. ____ ••.• _____ ••• ___ . __ . Llmcston& County ______ ._. _____ • ____ . Lowndos County. ___________ ._. ______ _ Mnron~Q Counly _. ________________ ._ .• M 8r~hnll Connty ____ • ___ • ____ ._. _____ _ Mobile Connty_ •• _ •• ______ • ___ • __ ••••• Monroe County ____ • __ • _________ ._ •• __ M organ County _._. _______________ • __ _ Perry County _________ • ______________ _ PIckens County. _________________ • __ ._ TnilnrloRa Connty __ • _______ • ______ ••• _ TolinpoosA County ____ • ___________ • __ _ Wnshlngton Cnllnly._ .• ____ • ____ ._ •• __

Colllurnln: Hon Dlr~o Counly._ ••• _______ _ Conn"r.tir.ut: Br"l~eport __ • ______________ _ J>lstrlcL 01 ColumbIA ___ .. __ . ___ . __ ••• ____ _ I1i1nols: nuck Islond County _________ •••• _

24 11 13 _._ •• _. __ •• 16 13 3 10 7 II 12 3 ________

3 11.1 30 3.1 16 02 48 14 4i 21 2:1 16 6

6 ________ 16 II 7 II 2 ________

2 8 3 II _ •••••• __ ._ Z'I 20 8 10 II II 1 9 8 1 32 16 10 3 2 I 1 2 1 1 _ •••••••• __

18 11 7 72 3Il 34 7 1 _______ • 1 4 2 2 8

~ ..... -- ... - 20 18 11 20 11 11 2 ••• _ •••• 2 16 22 18 4 !\.I 43 41 22 6 4 2 2 2 _._. __ ._ ....... _-.-...... -

12 7 II If nt 49 12 17 10 7 G 4 a I fl6 42 44 8

13 12 I 0 1 II ••• _ •••• _ •• 10 7 3 31 16 15 211 18 16 2 411 2:1 2:1 22 12 9 3 0 2 4 1 14 7 7 104 39 65 6\1 3

3 . _______ 20 11 15 16 7 6 1 IU 0 10 ••••••• _. __ 2 2 • __ ._._. 38 15 2:1 II 3 2 I 61 33 28 II 8 I! _. __ • __ . j 4 3 __ •••• _____

219 170 49 II 0 3 18 I _______ . 1 64 26 2!1 2

21 16 0 30 13 17 11 4 3 1 M 38 26 24 3 3 ____ • ___ 6.1 2.'i 2!1 4

IU 15 4 42 22 20 7 6 n ___ ••.• _ 2:1 10 13 7 7 4 3 27 10 17 14

6!ifl 1,417 2:111 43R 20\ 2:14 ---............. ~r.1 3111 70 70 37 33 lOll Ii;; l,fi2:1 32·\ 34H 1117 Jr.l 1124

34 17 17 102 iO U2 In Indlono: Clny County __ • ___ • ________ • _____ • ___ _

Loke County ____ • ____ • _______ • ___ •• __ : Morlon County ______________________ . Monroe County ___________ • __ ._. __ •• __ Stonbon County ________________ • _____ _ Union Counly _. ____ •• ______________ ••. Vanderburg ('ounty ________ • ___ • _____ _

lows: Polk County _. _____________________ _

19 13 n 13 n 7 10 2·12 13~ IOq 240 113 133 112 1i8.1 65.1 332 282 163 1111 278

21 14 7 . ___ •••. ----- .... --------- 11 17 II a

5 ________ 5 ._ •• __ •• _._

24 16 8 ___ ., ___ _ .. ------ ---_ ........ 12 02 37 65 ._------ -------- .......... _-- .. -----.... _--

747 Sfi9 liS 631 309 322 --........ _----Loulslsnn:

Dos..ler and Webster porlshes __ •••• ___ _ Oaddo pnrlsh ______ •• _ •• _. __ • __ • ____ • __ , . Ouochlta Psrlsh _____ •• _____ • ______ • __ _

Mlchlgon: Kent County _ •• _ •• ___ ._ •• __ • __

4 3 1 ft 2· 3 _ ••• __ ._ •• _ 27~ 2:10 30 107 ftl 611 20 2611 2:.2 17 110 (,0 !lO - ........................ 431 346 S5 279 133 110 --.. ----_ .. --

Mlnnesoto: Hennopln County ______ ._. ______ • ____ _ Romsoy County. _____________ • ___ •• _._ Wlnono Count.)' _. _______ • ________ • __ ._

097 8117 200 343 161 182 M2 3g0 3~ 87 138 67 71 312 38 6 17 7 10 31

New Jersey: Hudson Connty ______ • _________ • _____ _ Mercer County _. _____ ._. _________ • ___ _

840 1,584 262 ......... -_ .... ...... __ .. -- .. -----_ .. 189 433 414 III -----_ ... .............. -- ..... -.. -...... 148

New York: D ulTnlo_ •• _. _______ • ________ • __ • _ •• ___ _ Cbemung County. _____ • ___ • _________ _ Columbia County _. _________ • ________ • Delnwnre ConnLy _______________ • __ •• _ Dut"hcss Counly _____________ ••••• _ •• _ Erlo Counly __________ • __ • ____________ _ Monroe Couoty _. ___________ • ______ ._. Now York Clly _______ • ____________ ._.1 7 Onlorlo Connty. ______ • __ •• ____ • _____ _ Orlenns COllnty. ________ • __ • ______ • __ _ Ronssoloor (',,"nly ••• __ • _____ • ______ 0"

Westchesler Cnunty._ •. _____ • ______ •• _ NDrth Caroiloa: lJuncombe County ___ ._ ••

932 8M {)IJ 72 48 24 142 133 100 33 135 65 iO ....... __ ........ --126 IIR B 133 66 Oll 46

16 14 2 ______ •• -......... --- -------- ............ _ ..... -..

223 200 2:1 203 164 139 II 2m 1112 II r.g 41 27 9~ ZI3 III·' 3!1 284 114 140 148 {I.rtfi a.SlilI I,o!tq 3,Rlll 2,(H5 1,846 8, 313

1-((\ fi7 11/ 73 20 H ..... -.. ------30 2!l I 2·' 15 \I --..... _------31~ 2.'i!i ron IHi Ill() 87 --_ .. _ ..... -.... -J;."~ i·J\t l;m 2.0 1:14 136 407 J.l1l 12i "" IOJ 67 46 -----_ ..... ---

Page 4: 1929 - OJP


T.ART,E l.-NlImbcr of boy.,' and ?irl.,' delinqlleflCl! and dependency and ncglect case.~ di-~7/(}R('d of and nllm/u'r Q. ca~e8 of children discharged from 811J1crvisioll by 96 specified court.~ during IOe9-Continued

Delfn'lueney rosos I Depenrlenrl' nrHl nrglrrt Co<r, or (,RSes rhilrir:-n


Nortb Dakotn: Third Judlclnl district (In pnrt) ___________________________________ _


_ di.rh"r~rcl

Totnl J noys I Girls I Tom1 I Boys I OIrls fruJl1 SU" pervision

71 4 3 10 2 8 ___________

Allltlnl1.B COllnty _____________________ _ \15 80 15 28 16 12 ________ • __

C1nrk COllnty ________________________ _ 401 320 75 7R 35 43 Ii!' ('lIynho!!n ('ounty ____________________ _ Fronklln COllnty _____________________ _ nnmilton County ____________________ _ Lnke COllnl[. __________________ • _____ _ lItnhonlng Coullty • ___________________ _ lit ontgomrry County _________________ _ f:,mdllsky CounLy _. _________________ _

Oregon: MuitnolJlBh County _____________ _ reon~}·Jvanil.:

Allegheny COllnty ____________________ _ Lvromlng COllfity_. __________________ _ lIiontgomery COllnty. ________________ _ Ph i1adclphln ___ • ___ • _______ •. _________ _

Bouth Cnrollna: Greeovllle CouoLy ______ _ Utah:

3,8S3 3,172 711 1,300 720 6.6 ,II;! 47:1 274 199 r,!ill 342 317 -------.......

2, 034 1,394 640 41Jl1 213 2ft5 :J.f:' 59 4~ 11 31 10 15 2;,

2,O~1 l,ftll9 3.12 2112 H.~ 147 ;02 623 229 3M 1110 J!IIj 1:111 60 42 27 40 22 IS 14

902 7m 162 443 202 241 07

1,290 1,090 200 706 3fi4 392 ~ .. ---------

19 11 10 39 15 24 ---------~-

55 47 8 13 8 5 ________ •.. 6, 055 6,1lS9 866 3,6iO 1,91~ 1,752 1,r.JI

120 103 23 IH 64 60 15 First dlstrIcL ________________________ _ Second dl~trlcL ______________________ _ 279 250 211 -------- -------- -------- -----------535 473 62 18 11

7 ___________ Third 'li.trioL. _______________________ _ 871 710 101 130 67 r.a H Fourth (Ii.trict _______________________ _ 3R5 317 58 19 11 8 3 Filth dlslrlct. ________________________ _ fm 637 64 27 19 8 5!i Cnrhoo County ______________________ _ OilIer counUes _______________________ _ 59 52 7 4 3 1 4H

204 230 28 7 1 6 14 VIrginin: li}'ncb burg. _____________________ • ____ _

Norfolk __ • ____________ • _________ • _____ _ Washington: rlerco County ______________ _

246 211 35 12 8 4 04 852 ;09 In 209 103 1011 1117 135 100 35 01 3; 24 .. -------_ ....

Most of the courts reporting have county-wide jurisdiction, bu t fl few nre serving a city only.s In most of the StR.te of Utnh the jlJve­nile courts nrc organized on a district basis, each diRtrict including sevl'ml counLies.s Utah is the only State in which nil the jllvenile courLs reported.

The populations of the areas served by the courts, shown in Tnble i, vnried from less thnn 25,000 to 500,000 or over in 1920. Six of t,he court.s sen'cd populations of 500,000 or over; 24, populntions of 100,000 to 500,000; 49, populations of 25,000 to 100,000; and 17, populat.ions of less than 25,000. Eighty-nine per cent of the delin­quency clI.Ses and 85 per cent of the dependency and nl'glect cases were reported by courts coming within the firnt two groups.

The maximum nge of original jurisdiction of t,he gO courts varied from 16 to 21 years. Fifty-seven courts had jurisdiction oyer children under 16 yeR.rs of age;7 5lhtd jurisdiction under 17 yearR;B 25 hnd juris­dict.ion under 18 Yl'nrs;v 9.nd 1 (San Diego County, Calif.) had jurisdic­tion under 21 yeaTS. Of the remaining 8 courts, 7 (in Indiana) had jurisdict.ion over delinquent and dependent and neglected boys under 16 years, delinquent girls under 18 years, and dependent and negle(',j pel girls under 17 years; find 1 (Rock Island Count,y, IlL) had jurisdic­tion over boys under 17 years and girls under 18 years.

. . _.-. __ .- ---. -~-~-~--------I Nrw York ~ILy Ineludr.s Ove borouRh~, or COil nlIe." ench of which hn., nsuhdlvlslon or ther.onrt. • Thr. cOllrls ror rm'h "f the rrlllslnllll( rOlllltles, BllhollRh 1I0t orgalliled 011 n dl,Irirt (111111, hnve been

dr:.1t with In two grolll" for ~tntl.lIr:lll)url>osr.s, .. Cnrhon C'Ollllty" IIl1d .. OUter COUlltlt-s." 7:10 In .\Inhmllll, I I" C"nnrll'clirlll, 21n Nrw Jcrsl'Y, 12 ill New York, 1 in North Unrolillll, 4 III P ... lIlsyl.

,"nub, nnf' I in Huur h C:lrolilla. '111I.he Il!slrlrt of ('oillmhln, 3111 LOlIl,hUIR, nlHl I h,lIlh·hlgllll. 'I in lown, 3 io Minoesotn, I 10 Nortb Dnkotn, 9 ill Ohio, I ill Oregon, 710 Utah, 2111 Virgin in, nml1 in




e:_ I





The extent to which tho nge limitation of original jurisdietioh of the court affected the number of cases dealt with is shown in Table 2.11 Tho Cases of 16 and 17 year old children constitut,ed almost one-third of the boys' clI.Ses and almost two-fifths of the ~irls' cases for which Lhe age of the child was reported in courts haVIng jurisdiction over children undor 18 years, and more thun one-third of the boys' cases lind nlmost two-fifths of the girls' cases in the one court having juris­diction over children under 21 yeurs. Cases of 14 and 15 year old childron constituted the largest group in courts of each nge jurisdic­tion under 18 years.

TABI,E 2.-Aoe limitation of original court juri3diction and age of bOilS and girl. dealt with in. delinquency ca.' ell dill[lolleel of by 9,"1 COUTts eluring 1929 I

Delinquency cases

Ago IImltntion of original court Jurisdiction

Age and Bel( or child Under 10 yenTS I Under 17 yenTS Under 18 yenrs Under 21 yeRrs' ToW

Num- Por cent NlIm- Perront Nllm· Per r~nt Num- Per rent distri- distrl· dlstrl· dlstrl-hor hulion ber billion Iocr 1m lion Iocr hUtlon

------------------------Totnl nnsos ____ • ___ 46,312 23,073 . --- .. --... 2,lH3 .......... _ ...... 17, 7~0 .. --............. I, o.~" .. ................

---== ----==.~ == = Doys' ensr,s ________ 38,461 211,&;3 .. -------- 2,177 .. ---- ... --- 13,71}! ------- ... - 1,417 -_ ............ -.... ---------------------- - ---Age reporlcd _____________ 38,IH3 20,635 100 2,402 100 13, fi31 100 1,41~ 100 ---------------------------Under 10 yenrs. ______ 2,0.10 1,572 8 201 8 708 6 89 II

10 ynllrs, ulllier 12 ____ 4,7:16 3,Or,Q 15 2l'0 12 1,2·"0 10 116 7 12 y,,"rs, ulllirr 14 ____ 9,O~0 O,IH2 30 [,i1 23 2,606 20 207 I~ 14 yrnrs, nnder 16. ___ 15,250 9, [t33 4fr 875 30 4,4(}1 3.1 441 32 16 yellrs, unrl,-r IH ____ 5,OHS 275 1 627 21 4, :I.il 32 515 36 18 Ylmrs nlll] over ____ 91 6 (I) 2 (I) ~tl (I) el ,

Age not rr.ported _________ 418 228 ..................... 15 --_ ......... -- 173 _ .................. 2 _________

Oirls' cnscs ________ 7,851 3,110 -------_ .. 406 -_ .. _ .... _-- 4,0.16 ..... _ ... -... _-- 239 . ...... -....... -------------'----'-----------Ago reported _____________ 7,75.1 3,060 100 466 100 3,984 100 237 100 ------ - ------ -Uuder 10 yonrs __ • ____ 286 117 4 27 0 132 3 10 4 JO ycars, under 12. ___ 426 2(~~ 7 45 10 167 4 6 a 12 Yenrs, ullrlcr 14 ____ 1,434 OliO 23 116 25 679 15 40 17 14 yenrs, IInder 10 ____ 3,71i:1 I,UJ!; 63 188 40 I,~OO 39 00 28 10 yrnrs, under IR ____ J,BOO U3 S 00 19 1,627 38 IJO 38 18 yeurs Rn.1 f)"cr _____ 42 4 (I) -.. -.... _-- .... ---- .. -. 13 (I) 25 I1

Age not reportcIL ________ 98 H ... -............ _ .. -_ .......... -- _ .... -....... _ .. b2 ..-............... 2 • ________

-_.- -

180 of the 93 courts reported boys' cnsc., nnd RO, girls' cases. IIlIcIIH!r.s truancy rrlSc.~ ill We.'tchrstcr County, N. Y. (wbere Jurisdiction to 17 years authorized h7

the stllle·wldo or/uclliion bw Is c,rrri.rd). I Incl",lrs Slln J)io~() County, Unlir., only. I Lc.o;s than I I)~r milt.

10 As B nllmbrr of t.ho children wero denlt with moro tbnn onco, th. 4n,312 dollnquoncy C88M reported ror IP2IIropro.'ontod 41 ,Ill! chi"lrcn-~3,703 hoys nnd 7,~08 gIrls. In 11127 nnd 1D:J8 !.nhlos showing Bge nnd social chllrnderi,th,. or I.ho chiltlron Involvoliln tho c"-'os wern hn.<orl on chllilron, 1I0t CMI\', thn In[orm .... ti<\!l nllollt tho .-JIII.\ conlllir,erl In tho rreonl or tho first cnso dl'Jlo.ed 01 dllring tho yrnr I1l!IIIR Il~ed. A eomparlsoll or (ahlr-s nlillting to ~ocinl tint" h,,<",1 on chlldron and on CIL5CS rovI'I\I",llIoslgnincnnt .. "f.renros In prr crnt III,trlhlll.lllll. ;\11 tnhles for lUlU nro thereforo bnsrd 011 casrs, IIlIch child helng conn led ... , mnny tlrlll~~ .llIring tltn rnar lIS ho WILq rcrerred on n 1I0W complnlnt.

II 'I'h(- inc-llIsiAII in th .. tnhlllS of n f.-w (·"So~ of rhilrlroll boyond tho ngo of orlglnnl Jurlslllrtlon may be c,"lnirll'd hy I he rllrl. that. 501110 rourls I",vo Jllri,tiil'lion hCYUIIII tho ngr 01 (lfl~III'11 Jllri.,IIr.1 Inn In cortllin ~ltTln' inlls: fur (''tnmplr. It (':\'''r ill whh'h thr nlTrnsn wn:; ('oll1f11iflf'.1 Iw(nrr thr n~f~ limit was rrllchrd, oqm thouJ!h Iltn (':1..0:;;0 di,l nut t'UlIH~ 10 Ihn :11'1'111 hili flf 1 Iw ('Ollrt 1IIIIIInrtc'fwnnl. JlIHI n f':I~{'I in wlJidlllchlld made: n ward hdaro roachiug: tho ago limit was IIrow;hL IIrforc tho court 011 J\ now char.:c.

Page 5: 1929 - OJP


Color and nativity. Colorrd boys wore involved in ono~Rixth nnd color(ld girlfl in one­

fifth of the ddinqu('nry cn...c;es for whtch color of child was reported by t.he COllrt.s. (See Table 3A, below)

Few children of foreign birth are report9d to the courts in delin­qu{'ncy cases. This is douhtless duo, at loast in part, to tho fact thnt a smaiIor proport.ion of the foreign-born white population than of tho native-born white population is of juvenile-court nge. .

Inform~tion regarding the nativity of tho parr.nts of the native­born white c.hildren, whoso cnses constituted the largoRt proportion of the delinquency cnses, wns obtftined in the 31,264 cnRes shown in Table 3B_ In only two-fifths of the delinquency CRSes of nativo-born whito girls were one or both pnrents foreign born. Tho situation is rrv('rsrd, however, in rosl'S of native-born w!lite hoys who hecamo delinquent. In slightly moro tlum onr-half of tho boys' cases, one or both parents were foreign born.

TABLE 3A.-Color and nativity of bOy3 and gir13 dealt with in delinquency caau di.~posed of by 9:3 tourl., during 19i39 I

Color Bod nntlvlty or child

DellnQuonoy cases

TotRI lIoyS

Per ront Number I (1I~lrI· I NumlJRr


Per cent rll~trl· butioo


Number Per ceot dlstrl· butlon

-----------------1----.----.·----.-.----,----Tot,,1 cast'S_. ____________ • ___________ ! 46,3121", __ , ____ 1 38,461 , ____ 00 ____ 1

'Jolor rt'portl'll ___________ • ____ • ______ • __ .. ---. ,

.,. a~1

= 100 I 7,745 100 -----45,183 I JOO I 37,4J8 c---I---I

84 6.210 80 73 ft,720 74

2 148 2 9 34~ 4

Whlt~_. _________ • ______________ •• _. __ • N ntl vo ___________ ._. __ • _. _______ ._ Forel!:n horn._. ______ •• __ •• _. ____ • Natlylty not rt'ported. _________ ._.

37,1!32! 8f! 3J.013 33, 195 73 77.469 743 2 59:;

3,894 9 3, M9


16 1,626 20


COIOred .... __________ •• _____ • _____ • ___ 1 7,351

Color not reporter'- _____ • _____ • __ • _______ • 1,129

1~ 11,825

I 89 or tho 93 courts roported hays' cnscs, and 86, glrl5' cnsC3.

TABLE 3B.-Parent nativity of nati~e white boy., and girls I dealt with in delinquency ca·'t'll dispo.~ed of by OS courl3 dllring 1029 2 •

Delinquency CllSes of native white children

Total Boys OIrls P8l'Cnt t1Btlvlty

Number Por cent Per cent Per cent

dlstrl· Number di~trl· NumlJRr dlstrl· buUon bulion bulllm

--------------------Totnl CllSr1!. __ • ______________________ 31,264 100 26,OlSR 100 ~, tlOO 100

ggl ----Natlve pnrontl\lte. ___________________ • ____ • 15.775 12, 3751 48 3,400 Gl Foreign or mixed pllrrntnge. ____________ •• 16,480 13, 283 62 2, 206 S9

- ----~-- ------

1 E~ch"lrR COSOS or chlidron ror whom pnrent nativity WAS not reportod. "S9 01 the 93 courtareportod boys' CllSCS. and 86, girls' cnsos.

" ~ fit


JUVENILE-COURT STATISTICS, 11)20 e 7 Where livIng when referred to court.

In two-thirds of the cases of delinqnent boys, but in Rlij!ht,ly less than one-half of the casos of dC!llnqllent girh; for whom this informa­tion was reported (Table 4), the children worc living with boUl their own parent,s when they were rr.forred to court. This rather striking diITNence between boys and girls is prohahly due to severnl fnctors. The lack of normal family lifo may plllY a more significant part in the delinquency of girls than of boys. It is gPllOrnlly conceded that the difficulties which bring girls into court are usunlly more serious in character and more closely related to home conditions than the diffi­culties of boys.

TABLE 4.-1Vhcreabnut~, when referred 10 court, of bOll~ and girlll dealt with in delinquC11cy ca.'C3 disllO.wl of by 98 r.ollrl.~ during 1.929 I

Whereabouts or child Totsl

Pcr ~ent Number I distri­


])l'"nfjtlcnc~: cnses

Doys GIrls

Per cent I I Per ront Number 1 t11~lrl· Number dl~trl-

bullon hulion

'----1----1----1-->-'----.----Tot81Insos __ ._ ••• __ ........ __ ._ ... __ 4n.312 1_. __ . ___ .. 311.461 .... ____ •• 1 7 851 ._ ...... __

WbllNabouts reported._. __ •• _____ ._. __ .... ~O, 503 I~ '-:3. (.:II! ~ e, \l(\5 100 Wllh both own pnrents •• _ •• _ •• ____ ._. 25.833 t}I n.487 e7 3, 3i~ .8 With mothor find Rlclllnther ___ • ___ .___ 2.136 5 1,5\10 5 MO 8 With ralher nne' sloplnolher __ ... _ ••• _. I. 2.~5 3 974 a 2!l1 C With mother only _ .. __ • ____ ... ___ ..... ~, 7M H C. (ffl 13 1,241 18 With ralher only._._._._ .... ____ •• ____ 2.3S2 6 I. B30 5 &10 8 In adoplivc horno •• ____ .. _. __ • ____ .___ 202 <') 128 (I) 14 1 In other family homo .. _ ..... ______ .___ 2,ISQ I. (UI 4 (\I!~ 10 In InsUtulion. _____ ... ___ ~ ...... _ .. ___ 336 231 1 106 2 Other __ • ___ ._ •• _._ ...... _. ___ .... _ •• __ ~46 2!l7 1 11\8 2

Wherenboul, not reportoo._ •• _. ________ • __ 1 6, ROll 1_ .•• _. __ ._1 4,023 ••• _ .. _ ....

t 80 of Ule 93 courts reported boYl!' c.\305, nnel 86, Khls' CMes. t Less thlUl 1 l.er cen t.


8M , __ ._._ ....

The distribution of tho sources from which cases 0.1'0 refotTod to court is some indication of t.he relation of the court to tho community. The proportion referred by such sources as parents and rcrativos, other individuals, nnd social agencies shows to a certain extent whether the court is regarded as a general agency to deal with all oonduct problems or only as an agency to deal with cases of marked conflict with public authority. More than haH the cases shown in Tahlo 5 were reported by the police. Parents or relatives, or other individuals, referred one-fourth of the cases. Prohation officers were reJmrted I1S sourco of reference in a small percentage of the cases.12

II Some courts mny have roportGlI the person signing tI.n potlllon rathor than tho PArsO, mnltlnl\: the milnal complaint, thw reporting" probolion officer" 00 lho source In cnsll9 actually rererred Df othen.

Page 6: 1929 - OJP


TAnr.F, i').-SOllr('r of rrferrnce (0 COllr( of clclinqlll'nCl! CaRl'S di"poud of by 9:'J collrl., during t.92!J

Bouree oC relerence to court

D('lin'lllen(T msn~

I'rr rrnt Number I nlsfrlhu·


Totnl cn.<r$. ____________ • ______________________________________________________ I ·10,312 ~-~,---:--:-~-:-. .;::. Sourre reported ___________ .. __ • ________________________________________ • ______ .. ___ _

-tlif2ft2 100 ... - ~ ------PolJre _________ . _____ ._ .. __ • _______ .... __ .. _. ________ ... _ .... __ .•• __ ..... ____ .... 2:i,3!iO 55

~~:;;.~\~~~ :r.\~lt~{:~::= ===:::::::: ::: ~:::::::::::: ::::: ::: ::::: :::::: :::::_:::::: ·I,2m II 7,·lnl 16 School tie pArI mcnL. ________ .. ___ .... ____ ._ ....... ___ ..... ___ ._. _____ • __ •••• ___ • 4,1I?1 II

rrobollon olll"er ______ .. __ ...... . 2, Il:I1 6 Sorlnl nl1cnry ________ .. __________ ...... ____ ... __ .. ____ .... __ • __ .. ________ .. _ ... __ U·~7 2 Other 50ur= _____________________________________________________________ • __ • __ G:IH I

Source not reported ____________________________________ .. __________ • ______________ • f.o


Table 6A ghows that more than half the delinquont chilorrn Wf'm not detninl.'d pending the hoaring or disposition of their cag(,s, or t,he-ir cas('s w('ro disposed of on the day the complaint WitS made. For Ihe children who were detained, a diversity of plnces were used Itccording t.o the facilities available in the local community. Detont.ion hOllll'S

were lIsl.'d in one-fourth of the cases. Practically all the caS(,fl of children cared for in detention homes were reported by eomls sj(,u­Ilt('d in cities or counties of 100,000 or more population. Although a number of courts reported the use of institutions other thnn dl.'tf'lI­tion homes, including the instit,utionaI resources of privl1.te ag(meif'H, the majority of the cases in which children were so cared for W('J'O

reported by the Now York City court. (See Tahle VII, p. 51.) Five llCr cent of the boys and two per cent of the girls were dl'l,llilll'ci in jai s or police stations. In all 1,8!Hi children, of whom 713 WI'I"O

under the age of 16 years, were detained in jltils or police !ltntiomL 13

A marked difference is shown in the type of d('tention cnre ~iv('n children over 16 yenrs of a~e and (,hat gIven yOllnger childn'lI. A smaller pereental{e of the older children were detained in dplr-nlioll homes and other lllstitutioIlS and a larger percentage in jnils 01' police st,ations.

II Although courts using th~ cnrd. were In~tructrd that a child hrld lor 8 low hour~ only shollld not he con.hlrrrl\ drtnlnrd, It Is prohnblr thnt some oC the children rfporled fl." dntnlnrd In Jnlls Ilr plllil'(' stalinns wer. hrlrl Cor n Crw hnurs only, nnti nolov.rnlght. A Cew court., stated thnt n" detention rO"III" Illrchihlrcn Wfl.' located In the courthouse or In the Joli. Detentlon In the snme building as tho Jnll WBS cllISsillcd .... detenlion In Jnll.


~ ..



TAnT,1': fiA,-Plarr of carr. pnnrlill(/ hrnri1l.(/ or rli"!ln.,i/inll and aYI! nf boy" and flirl! r/"nlt 1I'ilh in ddillqllcIICY ((W'.' dis{JO.,rd of b!l !):J cnlLrl~ rlllring 1929 I

==== __ ... ===:-==.==---:=-z.,.-'·

PIneo 01 ('I1ro nm! sal of child

Totnl Umler 14



Ago or child

14 ,·rnr,. 16,·rRrs. I I~ ~rnrs ull;lrr 16 unilcr III Rmi <l~er

Not reo JlOlted

I Prr ,,-----prr I I Per Prr Prr I Per

NUIll" <r.nl./l: llm• rr.llt 'Nnm-. rr!,!. Num. crnl Num. ernt Num- ('('.nt Ihs· , d,S' I ,11<- dis· IlIs- • d,S'

ber I rillU'1 1lrr tribn.! hrr Iri"u. her tril'''' !Jer trill\!' ber frlbu. tion tiOll I I lin II lion' tlnn Uon

Tntnl cnscs _________ Jo, 3121==/ln. 13R == 10,0211.= 7, ~O~ == -;;~ == 3J~ == J==;~=====

Roys' Cfl.<e.q ___________ !3R.1nl :.:..::::.::1.'0. OH: .:..::::.::i~I.::..:.::.:..:.: 5, r.fi~ -----_ 04 _____ • 41R ____ __

Ploeo 01 rnro fQPortod .. ____ 138, 211' ")(ljIO, RHO 100'15, IflR, 100 5, or..! 100 \)41 100 405 100

Own homo or rMO 'Us· r- ------- --1--------"n~rd "r snme dny ____ 22, (I3S fiR/IO,3S5 61 8,076 53 3,:lIlI M 40 62 2M /1.1

llonnling home _________ 1 131 (J) H (I) ~r. (I) 32 I 6 6 1 (I) lJotcntion homo or

other Institution ' ____ 113. 8nt an O,IIIR 37 O,31l.1 2 1.184 21 11 12 135 33 D"tenlion homo I .. ' O. pa5 20 4,2M7 2S

I' 1, HS {) 1,072 10 10 II 118 2IJ

Other institution ___ 3, fiSC, 10' I, on II 1,015 3 112 2 I 1 17 4 Jnll or IlOlico stntioD ____ 1.741 5 160 I 4H7 3 1,000 19 23 24 U 2

On y "Inco or rnre __ 1. 1m ~ 128 1 413 3 oal 16 23 24 8 2 One or tbo IIInces of

cnre______________ 23R 2S (') 74 (') 135 2 ______ ______ 1 (I) M oro tllnn on~ place or rnre ,_________________ 240 1 \Ifl 1 123 \ 2IJ 1 _______ .____ 1 (')

Other pIneo 01 enro.____ 161 (I) 38 (I) G4 (') 52 1 6 6 6 1

Plnco oC enre not reported___ ~r.o ._____ 102 ______ 101 ______ :H ______ ______ ______ 13 ____ __

Olrls' cnsr.' ___________ 7,R.~II------ 2,1461 ______ 13' 7M ______ 1,800 ______ p~I. _____ pl------------ ---- '------

Plnre 01 roro r~portod______ 7, 700 ~ 2. 13G ~! 3. 735 ~ 1,7R.1 100 4I

t') O~ 100

Own homo or CMO r11~- i 110fierl 01 snmo dny ____ 3,865 r..o 1,278 00 I,IHO 44 872 49 14 ______ I 6~1 611

nonnling homc .. _______ U1 I 11 I 33 I flO 3 __________ __ ])~trnllo" horne or

other In~tltlltlo" ' ____ 3,437 44 7M 37 I. 892 ~I 712 40 IR ______ 27 2S ]J"trntin" hOfllo I .. 2,2.13 2\l 454 21 1.I,~7 31 (,00 33 14 .. ____ • 18 10 Othrr Instltutlon ___ 1. ~I 15 331 16 735 20 122 7 41______ II 9

Inll or I,olicn ~lntlon____ 151, 21 12 I 58 2 7n 4 6 ______ 3 3 On Y Illneo or cnre__ 117 2 11 1 37 1 flO 3 61______ 3 a Ono 01 lho plncrs 01 •

cnre._____________ 38' (I) More thnn one plnco oC , enro ,_________________ 73 Othrr Jllnce oC cAre_____ Ir.n

11 (')

20 27


40 00


11 62

11 ______ 1 ______ 1 ____ ... 1 ......... .

1 3

2 _____ _ ) 9

I \I

rlneo 01 cnre not roportod __ 1 611.. ___ .1 101.. ____ 1 30, ____ __ 17, ____ __



_____ _

1 ____ __ 3, _____ _

I JIg 01 tho 93 courts rnported hoys' Cll5es and 8~, girls' CS!M. I v,<s limn 1 por cont. 'Tnrludrs Cfl.'rs oC rhllflren cared Cor pArt 01 the tlmo In dflenfion homes !lnd part or tho tlme el!Owbel1l,

hut olrhllles rnsrs 01 child ron nlso beld In Jnlls or polire ~tntloll •. i gxrlullrs rn~e., 01 chlldron hold III dotenlion homes, Jnils, or police stations. I Not shown becnusu number 01 cases wns Irs< tllnn SO.

Table 60 shows that white boys were more frequently cured for in . their own homes or had their cases disposed of the same day, t,han tho colored hoys, and that a lnrger proport,ion of the colored than of tho ,vhite wero cared for in detention homes or in jails or police stations. Approximately the snmc proportion of white and colored girls had l,hOlr cases disposed of the same day or were allowed to remain in j,heir own homes. But in the case of girls cared for in place:l othei' than their own homos, detention home'S were Ilsed more freqlll.'ntly for colorf'd girls nnd institutions ot,her than dett'ntion homes for the care of ",hiLt' girls.

Page 7: 1929 - OJP


TA~L1'J lill.-Pillce of care prndinu hearing or di~po.~ition and color of bOY3 and girl! dralt with in delinquency callell dil!posr,z of by 9."J c(JUrlll durin" 1!)!29 I

Delln'luenry CMo.'

Placo 01 care nnd scx or child


White chlld,,·n Colored rblldrcn h

I (' Ildren

I who::e

Numb~r dlstrl- Number/ rJf<'rI- ~~~:l~~ PH rrnt Per rrnt l'olor

hutlon hu tlon 1---1----1--_1 ___ ' ___ _

'J'olnl rn.<es________________________________ 40.312' 37, R12.:..:.::=.:..: 7, 3~1 I.:..:.::=.:..:I~

Doys' ca..es .• ______________________________ -3R.:rolt31~ r.Il' ~==== 6, R26 ~I 1;023 Plot") of cnre reported. __________________ ._______ 3~, 211 31,391 100 6,797 100 1,023

- -I Own rlOme or ClISC disposed of ,arne day_____ 22.035 19,199 61 2, 6.17 I~ I IPn nonrdin~ home ____ • __ .• ___ ._ ••.•.. ______ • __ • 131 123 (I) 8 (I) Drtelllion home or other institution • __ ._____ 13. Snl 10.3na 33 2,674 46 R21

l),lpntlon hOlllo , ___________ .___________ 9,1135 7,O:m 22 2,072 36 1124 Olhpr instltutinn________________________ 3, P'ift 3,3~i 11 002 10

Jail or \"'Iirn 5tnUon_________________________ 1.741 1,321 4 420 7 On y Jllnr~ of rnre ___________ .___________ I, rJ03 1,143 4 300 0 One of the rln~5 orc.re.________________ 21~ 178 1 60 I

Morp limn ono Jllnc~ oC caro ,________________ 2i9 214 1 35 1 Olher pineo of enre__________________________ 1M HI (I) 23 (')

PI9<.'O of care not reported _______________________ 2.".0 222 --.... _ ....... -

::~ r::::;~: -----:~ Oir15' CII-"1lS ________________________________ 7,851 6,210 .-------. PlAce of csre reported ___________________________ 7, iOG 6,1114 100

Own home or cnse dlspo~ed oC ~omr 'lsy _____ 3,~r.5 a,oro 50 nOBr'lIn~ hOIll~ ___________ .. _:. __ ..... ______ Dt 80 I 8 1 Dctcntion hOlllo or other In~titutlon ' .. ______ 3,437 2,600 43 692 46 711 Ilrtentlon hOllle , ___________ .. __________ 2,233 1,652 27 506 33 75 ()thrr In~tittlUon ________________________ 1,201 1,017 16 J80 12 1 Jail or rolira stallon .. _______________________ 1.,5 120 2 35 2

On y plnrn of rnre .. _____________________ 117 S9 1 28 2 One of thp plnres oC rRre. ________________ 38 31 1 7 (I)

Morn I.hnn onr plnce oC ClIre , ________________ 73 59 1 14 1 Other plnce of cnro __________________________ lrJlJ 137 2 29 2

PIRro of rMC not reportrd _______________________ 61 65 -- ... -.. -_ .. - n 1 __ .. __ .. ___ 1. ___ ..... ___

, 8P of tho 9~ courl~ reportrd hOYR' ClISCS amI Hft, girls' cnsos. , J.o",< thnn I prr ~l1t. 'Ind"rlr~ rAse' of rhilrlrrn corNl for port of the tlmo In dctentlon homes lind part of the tlmo elsowhore,

hut ",d"de, cr~'.' oC rhilllrrn nlRo hl'l<l in jnil" or pollr. N!ntions. •• Excludes cascs of cbilllrell heIr! In detention hOlnR<, jnils, or police stntlons,


AlthOllgh an nu,rmpt is hring mndo to s("curc uniCormit,y in the lise of lerms, t h£> r("nsons r(,,}JOrtrd for refrrring children t.o court.s as delinquents give n vt'ry incomplete pictlln~ of (.heir lwhavior problems. A child may have commit,t.ed sovernJ offenses at or ahout the snmo t.ime hut be rl'ferred to the court, on only ono of them. The specific offense for which he is r("fl'rred may be much less srrious than offt'nses dis­('oyered in the COllrnc of the ~;ocjal inveRtigation. When the cnRC is investigated hefore the filing of a petition instead of afl,erwnrd, the formal chnrgr is usunlly more accurate, but, evt'n in such cnscs t.ho offense stated in t.he complnint may reflect t,he d('sire of the COlll't to protect the child.'5 Thrse differClnces in the attitudes nnd practices or the court nrc appnrl'llt in the proportion of cnses referred for the varicHls rensons by the different courts. (See Tables lILA, IlIn, pp_ 40, 42_)

.. 'fhn trrm "rhnrJ(e" wn.'"5rrlln rnrllerrepnrt~_ II A .:irl may hI' ,·lmrgr.1 wil II ill"')fri~ihllitv in51rad OfR ,nx nfTrn.p, n hoy wIth mischIef Instend ofstenllng,

or 8l'1l~n~t' of hurr;Jary :llHll'nlry 1", rrdnrr;l 10 tn'~pa!'~im! allli l~kinJ! tho property of another.


~ --

&e , I


It if! generally nccepted that I.h(' ofTt'nseR for which hoys nnd girls nre rcr("J'I'C'd to court, rcprmHml, difTerl'nI. delinfJ\lcncYJrohlems. Table 7 A shows (,hat II stenling or ntl.elllpted stealing" an "nct, of cnrele2s­neHS or mischief" wel'e the most, 1lslIal offenses reported in boys' enses, wherens tho dosely related ofTrnH~s or "running awn,," lIungovem­ahlo or beyond pnrentnl control," and IIsex offense' were reported more often in girls' cnses.

TADLE 7J ... -Rcn.,on for reference to court and color of boy" and girl6 deal! with in delinquency case.' di.,po"cd of flY 98 court.' during 1929 1

Drlln'lurncy ClIlIo._

Whll. rhlldren Cnlored chllrlren Rcnson ror rc!crrnro to court,. Bnd scx of 1 ChlfdAn

child I 1Oho~ Prr crnt Prr rent Por cent col.:.'


Num- rll<trl- NUIII- rll<trl- Num- dls!rl- .""" not her bullon brr bullon bcr hulion reporled

-1----1-Totnl rn.<es .. _______________________ 14~,312 _________ 37,1\.12 ________ • 7,351 _________ 1.120

nOlS'rn.<cs _________________________ r3R.4r.1 . ______ ..(31,1113 ~I~ ~I~

RORson reporl.elL________________________ 3R.3311 ----wQ, 31, frIO 100 I 5,800 100 1,023

Stonllng or nttnmptrrl .tenllng ________ Ir., PM ---42-112, A27 41 1 2,651 40 4fO Alltolllohile strallng ...... ________ 2, fo75 7 2,IR2 7 335 0 68 Jlurglnry or IInlnwlul onlry_______ 4, foR.l 121 3,1127 12 541 II 117 Hohhcry_ .. _____ .. ________________ 8:10 2 r>~2 2 105 2 43 l!l.hcr typo o( .tenHng_____________ 6, ~~2 141 3, 1I~5 I~ 1,1711 20 228 'I ype of stcnhng not reported_____ 2, .,,2 7 2.0.,1 ,521 II _______ __

Trunncy______________________________ 3, :120 9 2, Q~n 9 377 II 13 Running IIwny .... ___________________ 2,433 6 I, Hr.4 6 368 II 211 U ngn\'crnnhlo or beyond pnrontnl con-1m!.. _ ______________________________ 2, flllO Brx ofTrnse .... ________________________ flIlR J/lJury fir nttolllPtotllnjnrr. to pr.rRon. 1.0:;3 Art fir earelr."nr5.1 or IIlI~r .I.r.. .. ___ .. 1O,lij/~ Vlolnting lil),,"r or .Irug Inw, or Inloxl-

rntion __ .. _______________________ .. __ _ nth"r rrM,"' ______ .. ________________ _

H"n.<on not reportod _____________________ _

J!jR 111·1


71 2,I5R 2 47R 3 ff!4

20 i 9,3Rl)

I 2

30\1 7.'il


7 2 3

ao 1 2

482 12(J 228


H 120

8 2 4


1 2

M 10 II ~2

8 II

19 1 _________ 1_ ••••• ___

Olrls' cl\.<o5.. _______________________ 1 7,851 / .. _______ 1 n,21P 1 _________ 1 I, ~211 _________ / l~

ReIL.on reportod.. ____________ • ___________ ' 7,7OS 1-uiOn:t7IT--wilfl.5m --wD1---r06 Stonllnlt or n!tpllljltod stenllng________ ~:;3 ---I-I-I---;;;----llfm---12-1----8

AntOlnohilc stenling______________ I., (I) H (') 1 <') ________ . Burglnry IIr IIlIlnwful ontry _______ 02 1 40 1 13 1 B Hoh;,rry_________________________ fo9 1 4R 1 11 1 __ ._. __ __ Othrr I.yl'o or steallng_____________ 4.11 6 329 3 117 8 5 Typo "f ,tcnling not reported _____ 2';0 3 221 4 45 3 ____ • ___ _

Tmnnry______________________________ 1,093 H USI 10 110 7 2 Hunnlng nWIlY _______________________ 1,2110 17 1.020 17 203 14 ~7

UnRovrrnnblo or beyond parcntnl con· troL _ _ ____________________ ____ _____ 2,000 S(\X orrl'n~o._. ____________________ .. ____ 1, !il2

Injury or nllcmpt.Nllnjury tIl pcr'o"_ 201 Act of cnn'lr$:;n~~ or rnlschieL________ .'i06 Vlolatiug li'!uIlr or drug Inw, or Inloxl-

en lion .. _ ...... _________________ ...... _ ........ Other rcnson _______________________ __

Penson nllt roported _____________________ _

74 129


20 J9 3 7

I 2

, ao (0[ tho 113 courl~ reported boys' cnsos and SO, gIrls' cnses. , I,ess thnn 1 per ccnt.

I,MI 1,2r.O

100 433

M 01


2~ 21 2 7

478 239 101 131

16 30

~~ I-------:! 9 2

~ /'-----·-2 25 1 ......... _ ........ 1 __ .......... ..

The distribution of offen~('s for white nnd colored children, though nppafNltly quite similar, is significantly difft'rcnt. White hoys wero rcferl'rci t.o ('.Ollrt moro frl'qllt'nll.y I,hnn colored fOf "t.rtll1.ncy" and act of carrlessncss or l11i~chil'f, wherrlls ('olol't'd boys wero referred

Page 8: 1929 - OJP

12 I)


f{lrRt{'alin~ ~mrl "injllry or II U('mpt<'.c1 injury to p~rROTl "mor(' fr('quf'nfl}T thnn thl' "whit£' hOYR. An nnnlYl"IR of t.Iw Y!lrlOIlS forms of st£'nling shows tha,t whi t(' hoys w('ro r('porl ('el for "hur~lnry or unlawful ('II t.ry" mOr(' often than ('olored hOWl nm! that ('olored hovs wero rf'ff'rred for "oUter typC' of s{<'aling" iuoro oft('n tl1fln the '~·hite. WhiLe gidR wero rf'f('rr('d more fr('quC'ntIy t.hon ('olor('ri for truaIlcy, whereas ('olor('d girlR Wf'r(' r('frrT('d mort' oftt'n thnn whitt' for injury 10 IH'rSOIl. The otht.'r 0If('nst'5 show('(l1ittlt' difft'rt'nce for whito ond color('d girlR.

T AJI'LE 7n.-Pcr cent dislribution according 10 rm.oon for refercnce (0 Caliri of C'n8C'S (If h(l!11I and girls of cach age period dealt lI'illl in delinqucncy C'n8C8 disposcd of b" .'J.'1 cOllr/., during 1929 1

Renson for refercnce to court, and ~rx oC child

Drlin'lllrllry rnses

I : Age of child

Totnl, • 10 12 H 1ft IR U ndrr, yr~u~. yr!1rs, )"r'lfS, yr'lfS, Yt':\r:~. Not V~'?r5 'IIn·lrr ulIllcr unllrr IInller lIlI,l p ret' d >, I 12 14 10 18 onr or r

Doys' CB-<!'S ••• _ •• ____ •••• __ •••••••••• _... 100 I~I---;;-~ ~ ~ -100 --1~ Anlomohilc stenling .......... _._.......... 7 1 2 4 II 13 13 2

Stenllng or RUemptrd "!ralln!:................. 421-ai-~44- -45 ~ -;n 41---;S

]lur~lary or nnlawful('ntry •••••••• -...... 12 13 15 H 12 8 10 7 ltoh!>!'ry •• _ .••••.•...••• _................. 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 Other Iype of slrolinJl:._..... •••••••••••••• 14 • 16 17 17 13 II 12 10 Tn>c DC stenling lIot rrporl('rl •••••• _....... i 7 7 8 1 5 3 6

Trmmry_ •••.•.• _ ••••••• _..................... II 7 5 8 10 10 0 l{nnlllng swny ••••••• _ ••.•••.. '" ._ •••••• _.__ 6 0 6 7 0 6 5 10 l·n~o"rrnAhl(' or heyond parrntnl ronlroL _ ••• 7 II 8 7 7 0 I!J 4 SI"ofTrn~r ••••• __ ................ , .......... __ .•• _. 2 I 1 I 2 3 5 2 InJnr)' or nttrmplr<llnJllry II) pets"n •. , .••• __ • 3 4 3 ;I 3 3 3 Art oC ('nrelr,;sne<;.< or rnl'rhloC .. . .. ... •••• 29 35 31 2R 27 29 14 40 Viulatlng If'lunr or drug Inw, or Intm"'nt ion... I , ••• _ •• _ <') (I) 1 4 7 (I) Olher rrl\.~on._. __ • __ ._ •• _. ____ ._ ••• _._ ••••• _.. 2 1 I 21 3 4 7

GIrls' caSC5..._._ •••• __ ._ ••• __ •• __ ••• ___ • loa 100 100 100 100 100 (I) 100 .'---'------'------------

Stenllng or ntt(,Olpt<>r1 strnlllll: •••• __ •• _ ••••• _ •• A uloll1ohllr st(,Allnl! .••••• __ •• _ •••••• "_'" JJllr~lnry or IInhwCul entry ••••• _._ •• , •• _. Rohnery ••• _ •• _ .••• _ ••••••• _ •• _ •••••.••••• Olher Iypo of stealing ........... ": •••. _ ••••. Type oC stenling not reporle.!.. ••• _ ••.•.•••

Trt1'n('~· ••• ____________ .................. ___ •• ___ .... __ ... ltllnning flwny _. ____________ ...... _____ ... , ........ ___ _ tlncoHrnnhl(, or hryond pnrrnlnl conlrol •.•• ff" ulTrn~e_. ______ ..... ___ ~_ .. __ w~.~. _ ._~~ ____ . IIIJmy or nlkrnrtrrl InJllry to ]>('<:'00 •••••••••• ... \ rl or l"1lr("h'~~lIr~ or rni .. rhirL~ ____ . ~ ~ MW •• M __ ~ Yiolnflm: 1II]lIor or drug In". or Inlo<lrntlOll_ •• (II hrf r('n~oll ~~_~_. ________ ~ __ • __ • ~ • ¥ _ • w •• _ ~ __ _

II 22 23 16 n R • ___ ••• 1 Ii (I) 1 (I) (I) (') .-.-__ ., ____ ••.

I 5 1 J 1 (') • ___ •••••••• __ 1(1) 21(') 1 :I o 12 12 II 4 5 I :I 5 7.5 3 2 I

It 19 II 13 15 H J.1 I. 4 R 14 21 J4 W 26 18 ' 2'2 30 2R 2:1 27 HI i 7 H 10 30 . __ ••• _, HI 3 4 8 4 2 7 _._ •• _. 7 20 29 8 5 5 ._._._. ~a 1 (.) <'l 1 2 ._ •• __ • __ ...... 2 (I) 1 2 3 . __ •••• : a

, fl9 DC the 111 comts rrported hor~' Cll-~S nnd 86, gIrls' CBSCS. • {",s< tllnn I prr cent. I Not sho"'" brcnu>., ",'Olher of cll-<es WItS Ir.<;.~ thnn 50.

The types of off('nses committC'd by children vary with thrir og(', reflecting changing intem~ts nnd IHII·Ruits. Tnble 7n shows t.hot the offenses committ('(\ by girls under 12 yenr~ of age cOH('sponded morf' clORdy to those ('ommitt('(i by bOYR of thnt nge group t.illl,n did th(' off<>nst's of 01drr girls to those of older boys. J n boys' Clts('s stenling nnd ncts of cnr('lesRn('sR or mischi('I were th::- ll1njor offenses in each ngo group lIndpr 18 yenrs, nlthough t,hp, t.ypc of stcnling chang('rl ItR thC' boys ~r('w old('r. 11'01' tlte grOIl)) 18 yf'n.rs nnd over, in whieh the lTInjorit.y of Ulf' cn~C's Wf'fC r('port('r1 h.v Snn Dirgo COllnty, CnEL, slf'nling was still one of the llllljor oli'ensf's, hilt, t,he pf'rcrntnge rc-


- e

e-;e I 1

JUVENII,F,-coun'r STATfSTTCS, H12() e 13' fer red for bejn~ ungovernahle wns grl'nter tlmn that r('fcrred for acts of cnrclrsRnC'RR or llJiRChiC'L (Tn CliIi fornill, eOllrts ho.ve only concurrent jurisdktion brt\\"C'on t.he ngrs of IR nnd 21 yPurs, nnd many cases of ,Young pC'opie in t.his IIgn gl'Oup are dellll, with by adult courts.) In girls' CORrs tho percentages referred for running nway. being un­goyernnblc, nnd sex orrel1l'H's worn .lnrger for the higher than for the lowC'r oge groups. In bot.h boys' nnd girls' ('.nses the percentage 1'0-frrred t.o court for nets of cnrC'lossneRs or mischief decrensed as the ogo of the children incl'ens('(l, nlt,hough the decren.qo was much more Jll'OllOUllCod in girls' thnn in boys' caS(,R, while the percentages 1'0-fnrr{'d for ROX oll'cnsrs ILnd violn t.iom; of liquor or drug IlLws or intoxi­{'alion I'Ose ns the nge of the childrnn increased.


Individuol courts showed wide vltriot.ion in the ext.ent to which dirrcront ty[lrs of diR[lositions wrf(l used (See To,hIes IVA, IVn, pp. 41, 46.) Such varintionR nfO due in mony instances to differences m eourt pro('.rclure and prn.ctice. For im;t:mcn, the number of official f'ltsC's dismissed or eon t.in lied indefinitely 16 is small if cuses aro i'n­v('stignted before the filing of n, prtiLion nnd trivial cases nre denlt with IlnolllcinlIy nnd dropped. The proportion of cases in which tho ehild is p1ncecl on probat.ion is influenced by several factors, among thrill the number of cases dismissed or eonLinued indefihitely upon first hearing, the extent to wliieh unofficial probnLion is used, tho 10('.nl inRtit.lltions uyailnble for short-time commitments, and the care \vith which childrpn are RC'lpf'ted for probation hot.h as to those likely to profit by it !tnti as to the courL's fltcililies for giving adequatE' Sll pcrvisioll.

Officlnl cnsell. .

Tahlo RA shows the extrnt. to wllich different types of dispositions were used by the court.s in officinl c1p\inquellcy cnses. Placing the child on Jll'olmtioTl was the disposition mORt, fr('(fll('ntiy used. The number of eases dismissecl 01' continlled indefinitely was nlso large; in Il. smnller nmnbrr the child['('n were cOIllmitted to institutions. Only aboul. one-Rcventh of t.Iw cast's wrl"C disposed of by nny other method than one of theRc three. Altho\lgh {,he sn.mc percentnge or boys nnd girls were pln,ced on probation, tlw pl'rcentngo·o£ cases dis­missed or {'ontinued indefinitely was Iltrg('r for boys nnd tho per­centnge of cOlllmiLments to illRtitutiol1s wnR lorger for girls. Other slight, diffo[,(,IlC('R in tho methods of deltling with boys and girls are shown in this tubic. The types of dispositions reported in cnses of white and color('d children show some diITl'r('nces: whito children were reluti.vplv more apt to be lined than the colored; colored ehildren W('fe more often committed Lo boards, departments, or ngencies than the white.

"Tho Chl<;.~ificaUon .. ~Mo dlsml~~orl" WM ""'cl Cor rl\.'O" eln<",1 wit hOllt Cmlhrr nrUon, Cll-<~~ rcforrod to olher {'unrl~ Cor rOllllllltlllrnt to III~til,lIt inlls Cnr It ... r",·hh··lIlill"~d. ",,,1 {'''<es di"",t~sr(1 hr('nllso DC IBet or jllri!{fli('llon in tlil' jUYl'lliin ('olIrl.. I 'a~I'~ wI'n' C'OII!'lfh'frd n~ 11('0,,1 illlH'd imll'fillih'ly" "'hrf1 110 rurlhrr 11('11011 wa~ tak(111 or ::;Ul'ervi~ioll glvon I h,' t·hilcln'lI r 1I11f. whl'lI Jllri!'clic" inn Wil,lI rnninlnhu·tJ so thnt Ir n Ilk .. ~i1t1l\li"" :lrOSII hler tho ellSI) ",i~:hl. tl(' hrull~hl. inl" I·"ml IIgnill wll hnlll t h~ filillg oC n new potll.loll. Cn~('s ur t'hitflrtm pln('('d on prnhal ion to Imn'llf~ III' c'orn111 illt-d to ill!" itlll ions witlll'ommitmciltsusponded whl'n no rllrlllt'r nelioH wn.'I\ ('ontl'IIlIIJal('c1 W('fO also (~Iaf>,.~crl ns "continuod iuul'finil(lly." •

Page 9: 1929 - OJP


TARLE 8A.-Di.,pollilion of COSC' (tntl r:olor of 1/0](., and girls dralt 1I'rfh in o.flici(// delinquency I'Olfrll tiillfloarcl of by 8!J ('olll'is til/ring 1929 I

Offil'lnl (kllnQurncy rnsrs

Tntnl , ""~lto chlltlr;; (,,,I,lTrd children' Chlld .. 'n ::-,lsposlUon oC C!lsr Rnd sex oC ~h!ld -~--- _______ 1 "hn!;£':

I f'oir)r

er buUon ~r butlon pr huUon portrd

Num. J'r!~rntl Num. J'r,rrrnt Nmn. pr!ront

l WIIS not

b dlslrl· b dlslrl· b I'"'lrl' n'·

TotnlcM8:I ......................... I~I,8H ....... J..:->:.~~ ...... = 5'.~~1.:.::~:::.:1 700

Disposition reporled ...................... , aI, SOO 1 __ 1_00_1 2:;, 050 __ I~..I~!J __ II)~J-_~~ Dlsmlg.<t).1 or ronthmo,l In,lpnnllply. 11,501 30 l !!. 1r.1 31 I, ~11 20 00 Chilli plnced on l"ohallon ... ' 12, 5K1'l 40 I HI, on 39 2, 178 ~2 ~n:J ChIlli ~o'llmllte( 10 Institution "1 5,0211 16 4,025 10 822 16 IR2

Staln InslltutIon for dollnQuent children.................. ""11,IIH 0 l,~r.2 6 406 9 ~6

Other Institution ror delinquent chlldr~n.... ............ ....... 2,003 8 2,221 9 201 6 121

Typeof Institution for delinquent children not reported ......... ..

Other In511111110n ............... .. Restitution, noc, or co.~ts ............ .

Fino Imposed or payment or co.ts ordered ........................ .

Restitution or roparatlon ordered. Other .. Isposltlon ................... .

Child placed under supervision or Indlvldllftl other thsn proba· tlon officer ..................... .

1~9 203

2, 2f.o

1,5i9 081



1 1 7

5 2 7


157 185


1.457 Wi!



1 1 8

6 2 6


32 03


122 74



! r"''''i~ ~ 1"''''''8

121 84

2 Child cOJnllllUed to board, de·

partment. or s~ency ......... _ .. 1 1,IOU Child retume,l hOlllo ............ _ 353

5 1

053 279

3 1

386 03

8 1

70 11

Child referred ror criminal prose· cutlon ...................... _ ..

Child otherwl~o cRred lor ........ . Disposition not roporled .................. ;

Do)'s' cas8:l •.•••••• _. ___ ••. _ ••• _. __ •

Dfspooltlon reported ..... _ .......... _ .. __ •

Dismissed or I'Ontlnue<l Indennltely .. Chll,l plnce(l on rrohntlon ........... . Chl"l commltto, to Institution ... , •.•

Blnte Institution Cor delinquent ~hlldren ....................... .

Other Institution for delinquent chllliren ...................... ..

Ty/,e orlnstltutlon lor delinquent ~ .Ihlren not reported .......... .

Other In.tltutlon ................ . R8:ltltutlon, nne, or co.ts ............ .

Fine Imposed or pnYlllent oC ~osts ord.,.0<1 ........................ .

RestltuLion or reporBtinn orrl~red. Other dlsposILlon ................. ..

Chll,l Illnced under supervision oC In,J\vlduol other thnn pro· batlon offirer .................. .

Chilli committed to bonrd, de-

r.nrtment, or a~ency .......... .. C Illd ,rturned home ........... .. Chilli referre .. for crllllinal prose·

cutlon ........................ .. Chll .. otherwise CAred Cor ........ .

Disposltion not reporled ............. " .. .

~tL.~~ .. ~. 33 315


(I) 4 ~3


26,S69 I.:::::.:=I!I,RS·I.:::::.:=I .,093 I ......... J~ 26, 560 I~I 21,1151 ~ .,OU3 I 100 ~

8,464 32 7,203 33 1,13ij r~ 63 10, 503 ~O 8,4;8 39 I, 0110 ~ I 329 3.626 14 2,Ri3 13 fiD6 15 Jfi7

1,499 II 1,09R 5 3r.9 9 42

1,847 7 1,555 7 184 4 108

lOR <') gr, (') lZ 'I (') ........ . 172 1 12" 1 40 1 7

2, 205 8 2, 008 9 IS9 5 S

1,542 663



779 247

37 320



61 1,420 2 fiH2 7 1,2'l9

3 1


412 106

33 2115



7 3 6

2 1

116 73



314 42

3 34


I~ I ...... ·~~ 2

8 1

53 II

I SO or the 03 courl' rpporllng delinquency Cll.1eo reporle(1 official delinquency cnscs; 87 or the 89 court. reporled hays' CIL'CS nn.1 i6, girls' cnses.

, Less lbBn 1 per cent.


I) •



TA TlI,I, RA.--ln'llo"ition of fa"r. anti rnlor oj l)n!/., onti !lirl~ dealt lt1i1h in official tlrl1'lI/f llrllCll r((u" rIi,'lJO"rrl of II!! sn rllllri., d'lrit," 1!J2!J-Conlilillcr\

=.:.:--==- .'-. -=.,-,,-' -::'::=-"'-== === Oflldnl ()oliJ1lJtlonry rn~o~

~~--------~-----'r,,'al Whltr chlJ,lroJ1 Col'rrcd chl"lr~n)(,hlhlron

DlspII.it Illn (,I "II so nnd sex 01 rhlhl ____ .__ _______ -- who.e

I ' J' J' color /'.:1110' I rrrNll :-:um. r.Trrnt NlIm. rrrrnt 1'"M not I ,"~Irl.' I "'~lrI· b ,1I~trl· .

• _)_"r_\_I_Il_'l_h_ID ___ ,_o_r __ 1_lII_t_i'_," ___ r._r __ h_'_II_il_JO __ p_o_rrC_t~_d_ Olrls' cnso~ __ ....................... r.,2·lfo ......... 4,110 ......... I, n;,1 ......... 84

D1spo<ILJon rcpnrle.L .................... ~~~,~!- I~.I 4~ 100 I,Ofll 1m I l\-4

1lIsllll.~c'l or rllnllrlll~.lln~~nnlloly. I.Wi I 2:' R~q 22 203 19 I e Chil'l phlr",1 011 rrnhallon • ......... 2,1I~" I 40', I,ror," 3~ 1~2 4r, 3l ChjJ'I"lIIl1111illr' 10 jll~llIlIlioll....... I, ·111:1 27 1,1;'2 28 Z!G 22 25

Rlnlp Inslltillion for ,lelinq!Jent rhlldr'" ...................... .

Oll'er h",ltlltlon lor 'lr.lInqll~nt

T;:Ir"~'~(I~~ili i,l i~il iri; ;ieii,j~ii;ri t rhll.lrrn not reporteeL ......... .

nlhrr Inslll.lll1on ................ . Reslllillitm, nne, or ('o~ts ........... ..

F~~~I~:~.I~~~'~.~~ ~:~l:~~~~:.~~ ~~:~~.1 Ilr~!jtlllion or repnratlon onlrrc''-I

Other dlspo.lllon ..................... , Chilo! phl('("1 un,lor suppr.-Islon 01

i",Ii,· 11111 01 oth~r thnn prohnlion "ffiter ........................ ,

ChillI rllltlllllttc" to hanni, de·

cr,il~:~~~::~n~~ ~:;,~~~::::::::::::: Child rclNwl lor crlmlnnl pro,;o,

('II lion ........................ .. (,hllli 01 horwl~e CAred Cor ........ .



RI til 55

37 IR



310 106

I 39

o Ii

2 2 I

(I) II



o 2



Co2 GO 4q

31 17



z·1J 1<3

o la

2 I 1

(I) II


ft 2

301 .. • .... j·



tn 23 7

6 I



.2 21

I 9


7 13

~ 1· .... • .. 8 I

(') 13 I····· "ig



7 2

17 2

Disposllion .not r~~~t~(I. ............ • .... 1 u 1· ...... ··1 .. ,· .. • .... ·, ...... ·T-5 ,. 1 ..... - _ .. __ .. 1. ___ ... ___ 1---.......... _-1- .............. -

, Less limn 1 per cent.

T A nr,F) RR.-Per cent (li~fribufion, of'cordin(l 10 di.,pn"ition of caM~ of bOYIf and girlll of each age period dealt Vlith in officiol drliTI/fllC7ICll C(l~C,' di"p03crl of by 89 courl" during lfJ29 I

omrlnl rlellnquency cn"es --~------------ --~--------

TntJ Disposition 01 CASe nnd sex 01 child

noys' CBSOS ................. • .......... ..

Dlsmlssod or continllod Indennltely .......... . Child Illnerd un prohntlon ................... .. Child commll,tcrl to Insl.Hullnn ............... .

gloto Institntinn Cor dcllnQllnnt chllrlren ... Other Inst.ll ntlon Cnr dnli-'1ncnt chil.lrrn .. Typc oC Instil-ution lor doi.nljncDt children

nllt rnporie.I ............................ • Olhr.r Instil-ullnn ........................ ..

Uoslilntlon, Ono, or cosls ..................... · Oth~r "Ispositinn ............................. •

Olrls' cnse~ ...................... •• .... •· Dlpml<.<od or conLlnll~.lln~cnnltcly ......... .. Chlhl plnrrri Oil /'rohnUon ................... .. Child mllllnllt"' In h'"litllllon .............. ..

I'lnlr Insliluliun I"r lielln'llIrnl rhllliron .. . Olhrr in~lillllion f .. r ,lolln'l1l0nl. (,/'lhlr~n __

• 'l'ypr. of In<1 II III i"n lur ,Iclirlll1l0nt chillircn nul rr.porlrd •. ______ .. _. __ .. _ ----- .. -- ........ --

(1111<'r in"lillll.l"n ...................... • .. . 1l."llIrrlion, IInr, IIr ('u"I.< ................. _ .. .. IHher IiI"p".lliun ...................... _ ..... ..

tOO ~2 ~o 14 6 7

(I) I 8 7

tOO 21 10 27

9 14

2 2 I


Ago of chllrl

undrrl 10 112 14 I~ 18

.• yrnr.;:. yrnr~r yr.nr!l, yrnrs, '1~Brw Notn-y;~rs : umier umier nn·lcr under Rnd ported

! 12 14 If> 18 a.-or

100 ''I;; -----------100 100 100 100 100

----:iii" --a2 --3-1 33 :18 2\l 39 37 42 .3 .0 I 33 37 20 8 12 14 H 15 10 21

I 3 5 0 10 8 .. 11 5 8 8 7 4 7

(I) (\ (') !~ <') ..... ,- . I

~ I I :I 8 II 8 7 11 0 7

, 8 5 5 ft 13 19 7

100 100 100 100 100 .JL -1L . ---:j2 :18

--2-1 ~ --1-9

2\l H 42 41 34 .. _----- ... .. --- ..... II 16 27 211 32 .. ... --....... .-............. 2 ~ 8 II 14 -... -_ .. _- -_ .. _-- .. 7 9 15 15 15 ..... --_ ... .... -_ .. -..

1 2 1 2 ....... .............. 2 3 2 I 2 ....... .. -.. _-_" 3 3 1 1 I ....... .. -----..

15 I~ 10 111 13 -_ ... __ .... ----_ .. -----

I sn oC Ihr n:l rnmls r.porlln~ ,Irllnqupncy cnsc~ reported offirlnl <!cllnrluency CAses; 87 01 the 89 courts roported hoy::;' ,':1':1':: and ;n, virl:;' I'n~r:;.

:I Lr,-; I hnn 1 pl'r "f'1I1, I Nul sh(IWI1 "('I''''I~(I nlll11hrr or l'n~cs \\as ll'r.s thnn 50.


Page 10: 1929 - OJP


.E ~

~ ~ .~

~ '" >-

'C' '" R. ~

-S t:l

'" >-~ 1! ~

8~ 0,» -C)

""-. .,~ t.r: ~:s

"1::l .!lao >-­....... ""~ ",,8 I'! 0, "OJ ~~ 0-0

-0."., .".,0

0"" ~;; "0 t:lR. <>.,

.".,.-0"" ~~ 0 ..

' .. t:l )l<> 0;" R.<> .,I'! .- .., ""<' .s"" "" I'! ~ ... 8 u

'" ~ o :g .0 .r: 0;



~ o


J'l ~ III



~ 8

§ I ~ iJ ~ o '" ~ ~ C" .. .!l .e -;; 0

" 0

d ~ ·0 P: S 0

JUVENILE-COUR'l' B'l'A'l'IS'l'ICB, 1929

! § I ~~t-e.., 0) §Ic:l!;;~ :~

, , .... , , L;_

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o~o g...J!f


Both t.he age of the child and the chnrncter of his offense affect the disposition of his case. Tnhle 8n shows \,he relat,ion between the dis .. position of the case nnd the nge of the child, nnd Tahle Bc, between the disposition of the case and the reason given for referring the child to court.

Table 8n shows II. larger pel'ccntltge of cases of boys under 10 yoers of age than of older boys dismissed or continued indefinitely and R

steadily increasing percentage of commitments to institutions in each higher age period. Comparison of the age group 16, under 18 yCI\r8 with age groups under 16 yean~ shows that ill a smaller percentage of the older group than of each of the younger groups the case was dis­missed or contmued indefinitely or I,he hoy placed on probation. In a higher percentage of the older group than of each of the younger groups the disposition was one of a miscellaneous list classed as "other." The age group 18 years and over in which percentages were based on II. small number of cases (52), the majority reported by one court (San Diego CounLy, Calif.), may be excluded from con-sideration.

In cases of girls under 10 years of age dismissal or indefinite contin­uance constituted a mueh larger percentage and probation R much smaller percentage of the dispositions than in each of the higher ago groups. As in boys' cases, commitment. to institutions constituted an increasing percentage of the dispositions as the age of the girls in creased.

Table 8c shows that with a few except.ions the treatment (or differ-ent tlpeR of offenses waR quito similar in .boys' and girls' case!]. Dismlssal or indefinite continuance was the disposition most often IIsed in both boys' and girls' cases when the offense was truancy, injury or attempted injury to person, and act of carelessness or mis­chief. Probation was the most usual disposition in cases o( both hoys and girls eharged with stealing, runnin~ away, and being un­governahle. The contrast in methodR of dealIng with boys nnd girls committing sex offenses is striking, probation being wled most oftl'n for boys and commitment to an institution for girls. In a group oC miscellaneous offenses classed as "other" dismissal or indefinite con­tinuance was used most often for the boys and commitment to an institution for the girls. 17

Unofficial cases. Sixty-four of the 93 courts reporting delinquency caRes disposed of

cases unofficially. Tahle 9 shows thnt a large percentage of theRe cases were dealt with either by adjust.ing the difficulty or by dropping t.1~a case without action of any sort. In a smnll percentage of the caRes children were placed on linofficial'prohation, and in still smaller percentages they were referred to institutions or agencies. The return of runaways or children living away from home to their homes also constituted a smull percentage of the cases,

n The high Jll)rcentn~~ of oOlTllTlltments to In~tJtllllons In the oases of girls whoso oUon:.e wllS clllSWd BI "othor" Is UIIO to thu ligures reporteu by ono COllrt.

Page 11: 1929 - OJP


T .. mr.l'l 1J.-7Ji,~p(J~mon of ((/,.r and coTor of hoy~ (lnd (lirT,. draU wilh in lInofficial rirlinqurnry ca,.es disposed (If by 64 rOIlTl1I during 1!Jf!,'1I

" -'~.,.. - ===== Unomclnl d~1inqll(lncy cn.~s

'fotRI TInys OIrls Df.oIDo.11l10n of ('lISr /lnd color of child

- ----.---

I Pcr c.enl 1 Pcr rrnt Pcr rrnt Numher "I~trl- Numher ,lIstrl· Numbrr rll<lrI-

Totnl ~.es- __ ... ---... - _______ .... __ ...1-;;;\._~~::~~._ 11. ~!121 .. ~:I::~~ __ ~noo .~~':In~ .. Ol~poslllon rr"ortl'd.-. ____ .. _ .. __ • ______ ... J-i.j~~~1-1 100 1·I,fl;;,i~(--,ilO· .- i.r.(~r-=-Wo

----,---- ---------- ~-- ---~!---DI'ml .. <lld ______________________ .. _______ • 3,011 21 2,l\~~ 21 ~iG IS Difficulty fldJu~trd •.•• _. __ .... __ .. _ •• __ •• 7,~r.' 52 1I.3!I2 M 1,1r.1 45 Chilrl Jlln~rl ou unoffirlnl probntlolL .... _ 1,615 11 1,:1Il2 II 313 12 Chilrl rrlmnrd home '. "' __ ' . _. ___ .... POI 6 0;3 6 22R 0 l'lnC('mcQt of child In Instllllllon I't'com·

monrll'd .................... _....... ..• 3~4 2 Zl7 2 97 4 Plor'{'ment of child elsewhero recom·

mrnrlc'L ...................... ________ • 161 I 113 1 54 2 nrf~rrr<1 to a<:ency or other court .. _...... 4<q 3 2i2 2 2111 8 Other dls[losltloo __ .... _ ... ~ .. _ .. __ .... _.. 415 3 3fiO 3 50 2

Disposition Dol reported ____________________ • 14 __________ II _____ .____ 5 2

White. _____________ • ____ .-___________ .. II, Mq ... _____ .. 1I.7SQ 1. ____ ..... 2, 109 .... -.... -

Ol~po~llIoo r~port~<L .. _ .. _ ... _____ .. ___ .... lI,"i;I------u;i) II, 7r~1 l~_ 2, ;i}~ 100

Dlsmlss.d .. _ ..... ____________ ._. ________ • 2. 471 2\ 2. 120 22 3·tfi 10 mffirnlty RdJIJ~trrL ................ _____ G,~19 M 5,3~1I M om 40 Child plnrrd on ullomriAI prohntlon .. __ .. I, Z~1 JO '9i9 ]0 2[O~ 12

~~~~r:;~~:r~~~~IId"ln'ir;~i{i;itio;;~;,;,(,m:. iIR ~ I 623 6 Ig5 II mrndrd ........ ___ ............... _.... 259 2 188 2 71 a

1'lo{'<'mrllt oC child rlsrwhrre" rcrom· mrorll'd ......... __ . __ .................. 18 1 43 ('l 3.~ 2

nefrrrrd to al'rnC3' or other court......... 3'" II 19fi 2 19~ II Othrr d13p0511100 .. ___ .... __ ._ .. __ .. ____ • 354 3 307 3 41 2

Dlsposfl[oo not rcported ...... _. ____ .. _ •• __ .. H II 5 , .... ---.. -

COloted ___ • __ • ________ ._. _____________ .I~I ... ---.... 1 1,732 ,, ______ m ~7ri , .... _____ _

Dbposltlon rcported ..... __ • ______ .... __ ..... 2,207 100 I J,732 100 415 100

Dlsml<~rd •••••• _ .. __ ... _ .. _______ ._._ ... _I--rrlO ---2-4-,-rog---24-1--W- ---2'1-lJllO,'ully Arllll<lcrl.. ___ ........... _...... 9~q 45 70J 4n . HI5 41 Chllrl plarrll nn unoffirl"1 prohntloll ••• __ • 2i2 12 220 )3 '[02 11 ('hll.lrrturnrrlh"nlC' ... _._ ........ _ .. __ lUI 5 88 51 :In II Phrrrmrnt of chllrl In Instltllll~n rrrnm·

n .. IUfrd .. _ ...................... _. ... 51 2 33 2 IR 4 PI:1f'rrnf"nf, or chUrl rlo:::rwh"rr r(,"(ltIJ-

nIl'lIrfrr!. ............... _.. .......... R9 4 70 4 19 4 nrfrrrr<1 to o~rncy or other rOllrl......... U1 4 74 4 23 G Othrr dlsllOsllion ...... __ .. ___ .. __ .. _ ... _. 52 2 45 3 7 1

Dlsposl1l00 not I't'vortod _______________ ............... ------.-.... ---...... ----.-... -----..... --.-.---

Color not reportl'd ______ .---.. ___ ._.... 423 .... __ .... 401 .. ________ ' 22 ....... - ..

Disposition r~ported_. ____________ .. ______ ... --413 --;00,--401 --;00 ~ 1--('-'-DI~'"I. ... rd .... ___ ,-.. -.--------.... -. ___ ............. --.................. -... -- ...... -............ -lJIlllrlllly:vlJllsll'd....................... 218 51 210 [,2 0 Child plnc.-I on IInofllrlfll prohn1l011...... 100 25 103 21) 3 f'hihlro.turm·<lhoml" __ ._. ____ ....... 6r, 15 62 )5 3 l'lnl ... mrnt of ~hlld 10 In,litlltion r~crlm·

'OI'"rIO(1. ...... _...... •. .__ 24 0 10 8 1'1,,,'rnll'nl of chllrl .I~r'where rrl'oll1'

Jlll!nfJ(·fl.~ ..••• «~." ___ .~ __ . ..-. - .. -- ........ - ---------- -------- •• ----- ... -- •• _-_ .. _ .. -- - .. ---

Rrlrrrrri to ngeney or othrr ('OlIrL._...... 3 I 3 I ""---' Othrr dl~JI"silion ......... __ .. _........... 0 2 7 2 2 ........ ..

f>1,po"ltlolI notreportrd ______ .. __________ ....... --...... ------.... -.---.. ..----....... - •• ---

. - --- --.. -~ .. --~--161 nf thr 113 (,OllrlS rrporUo!! drllnqllenry r .. <c., rrporlnrlunoffidal dr'lin"III'''''Y r .. ,,·s; [,r, ul L111' II~ <'(II IrIs

fl'I'nrtt'fl \lOyg· ~~\.~('!I> a,ntl f,t:). ~ir'~" C'm;rs. '.'"plll's only 10 rII'"IWIIYS or cbllrlren living flwnY from thplr owo homrs fit timr th(IY were rcl"rrt'd to

COHr1 . • I,. ,,. I.Imn I prr crnt • • ;'\lo:,.,shuwn hec:m!=c n\lmhr.r or (";lsr~ wlL'llrss than 50 ..


~ ..





Although the proport.ion8 of depend('ncy nnd n('F1«:'.ct nnd of d('lin­fJunncy cnRm; rl'portl'<\ hy the differenL COUl't~ ~howC( much vnrintion,I8 c1C'prndnncy nnd ne~lrri, cnRr!'; ~en('rlllly rOllsti {,1I trd a sTllnller part, of t hr work of thr ('0111'1 s thnn dplmq Heney em;es.19 Srven rourtR delliing wi'1,h delinquent rhil<in'n tlid not report lirpendellcy nnd neglect I'm;cs. cmf.OREN INVOLVEO IN TilE CAS.:S"

'1'a1>les 10, HA, 11 TI, nnd 12 show the Ilge, s('X, mca, nativity, nlllivit.y of parents, nnd whereaboutB wlH'n rrferred to court of chil­dren dealt with in dependency and nl'glecL enSl'S. Nel1rly I1S mnny boys as girls wer~ denlt with in t\WRO cnse!; in which the children were fnirly ovenly distrihuted in the nge groups under 14 yent'S. 'fhe number who were 14 and 15 yenr!'; of nge was slightly smaller thlln tho numhers in tho lower age groups, 1U1<i the number 16 yenril of ngo or older was very small. .

A compnriRon of 'l'ables llA and 3A shows prnctically no difference in the distribution of dependency nnd neglect cnses n.nd delinquency cnses among whiLe nnd colored children; neither is t.hero any signifi­call t difference in the percentnge of native and foreign-born children referrml in theso two types of cnscs,21 However, thero is 0. marked diJTerence in tho two types of cosos if the parent nativity of tho nativo white group is consid('l'ed, n. much In.rger proportion of the children del11t with in dcpcl1l1cney nnn neglect cnses hein~ of native pnrentnge Own of those denlt with in delinquency cnses ('I nbles lln and 3D).

In litHe more th~n oIle-fourth of the dependency nnd neglect cases wero tho children living with.hoLh of their oWIlJ)arents when referred to court. Familirs were hroken hy death, ivorce, desertion, or other causO in ahout one-hnlf of the cnses, ns shown by the number of children living with a pnrent and step-pnrent or with onlv one parent, and it is probable that most of the fnmilies were simlInrly broken in tho remainder of the cnses, ulmoRt one~fourth, in which children wpre living in ndoptivc or ot.her family homes, illBtitutions, and else-whero (Table 12).

" Thl~ vnrlatlon In tho proportion of doprnrloncy nn<1 nr~lcrt ROIl dolln'llloncY cases I~ dlle 10 ~evel1ll fnelnrs, Among them thol,rnctlcc In some rOllrts of filing I.h. romplnlnt oRnlnsL th" ndull r~spon<lhlo lor ~he rkprlltloney or no~lrct nstcntl 01 Itrln~llIg the chillirtn Inlo court ns .'npendellt or nrglt't'lrll. Another fnr:lor Is tho policy III wille locnlitles of hrillgln~ 10 tho nUrnllon of tho rOllrt only thosodrJlrnrtrocy Rnll 1I,'~Ir'rt cnSM which rOl]lIlro commitment or Ic~,,' tled"lon ns to cllslod), or I'flreolnlllhllg:lllon, In other I{l{."lftles tho court Is tho principal or ooly locn! IIKency cnrlng (or s!:ch chihfrcn, (· ... cs of mothers' nllow· onr,'s, which Cr~l]lIrotly nrc oumlnlstored hy courts, nro nOllnclutlcd In thll tnhlllnlloll$.

"In 3201 the coll1ls reporting holh .lrlllHluNlry lind dnp<'ndenry nnrlllrglcct cnses the nllmh~t of de­prnd"ncy find !lrglcot ellSes wns grrnter thnn tho t1l1mhcr of dl'lIlIqllrnry cu.<es, 1\105t oC thrs. werc smnll cr,IIrts III Alnhnmll where thOCOllllty sHporintcnrlrnt of child wellMr Is nlso probation onicrrollho JIIHllile court, In slIch !dtuntlons It 15 frcrl"ently dllilellit for the worker 10 dlSllnglllsh between unomclAI Ju"enllo­rourt rnseS nnd other c1111d.wcllnro CIIS{j.<. Three Alllhnmil courls r<'!,ortc<1 urpcmlcocy ami neglect cnSC.'l

hut no delinqUM1CY ellsrS, ,~ As II uumhrr of tho. chlldr"n ",ere drnlt with moro thAn once, tho tR.RO~ dcpcn<'loncy fln<1 nrglrct CR.%!! rt'presrnted 1~,2~i chlldron, In 1027 IIlId 11I2R tllhles showlnJ( nge nnd sorlAI chnrnclrrlslirs of Ihe chlMron III\'ol",.d III till' ,,"SrS woro hll."011 on .. chlltlrNI" not" CII.<I'S," tho Infnrlllillinn ol'out tho chllrl contnlnrliln J.I,,' roronl oC the Orst cnse rlisposr<1 olllmlllR lho yrllr hrinJ( 1151"1. ""omlmrisllu "l tllJoles ,,'Iflling 10 <orlRI dnln hn<ed on childrell 11011 on r .. <,'s rewnk" DO siRlIlOeAnt rJlllorrllrr, in 1'''' ,'rnt ,lislrIhlltion, A II tnhlrs for 111211 nro t.hrreforo hnserl on cnses, eneil child Itrlng countl'd liS 1II11ny tin",s <luring tho yrnt M h~ was rt'r,lrrf'cl on n l1rW C'nrnlllnint. " 'I'ho nppnren!. dllfl1rrl'co In tho tnhlos Is uuo to the large nllDlhor of dolinqueocy CIISes In which onUvlty

C!! chi"l ~Ill! 1101. rOl'ortl"I, •

Page 12: 1929 - OJP


TABLt: lO.-Age.! oj children dealt wifh in dcpendrncy and neglect cn:,e.~ disposed of by 89 courts during 19£9

.Age or child

Doprmlrncy nn,! Deg lect cn.<rs

Per r~nt Number 1 'll<lrl·


Totsl C8S1'3. ________________ ._. ____________ • ___________________ ._______________ If!. ROr. ,

=~-:-==-:~ Age reparteeL ____________________ • __________________________________________ • ___ .. _ IR,1R7 100

Under 2 y~ ••• _._ ••• _ ..................... _ ••••••. _ •.•••••••••• _ •••• _ •••••• __ • 2. IR~ 12 2ye~rlI. under 4._ .•• __ •• _ ... _ .. _ ........... _ ........ ___ .. ____ ._ .. __ ._ .. _ ••••.• _. 2,390 13 4 YeArs. under 6 •• __ •• ___ •• ___ ._ ........... _. __ ... _ .... __ • ___ • ____ ... _._._ •• _.___ 2.4r.1 13 e ye8r~, uneler 8 _____ ••• ______ • __ ._ ... _. ____ ... ___ •• _. __ ._._ ..... _............... 2,578 H 8 yenrs, under 10 .. _. __ ........ _ ....... ___ ............. _. __ ._._. __ ••• _ ......... __ 2. n~n Ii IOye .... r.', umler 12 ... __ ....... __ .. __ ... _ .. _ .... _ .. ____ .... __ .... _ .... _ .. _ .... ___ • 2. 1\10 12 12 years, under 14 .. _ ••• _ ...... _ .. _ .. ___ .. _ .. ____ .. _ .. ___ .. _ .•• _ ... __ •.• _ .. ____ .. 2,07:1 II If years, under 16 ___ ... ___ • __ ...... ___ ._. ___ ._ •• _ .... _ ......... __ ..... __ ._ .. __ .. 1, r,r.O 9 16 years Dnd over_ ... _______ ....... ___ • ______ .• _____ • __ . ________ .. __ ... ___ .... ___ 2IlS :I

.Age not reported ______ .. __ • __ • __________ • _____ .. ___ ._. ____ . __________________ •• ___ ._ 318

TABLE th.-Color and nativity of boys and girls dealt wilh in dependency and neglect cau.! di3poscd of by 89 courls during 19£9'

Dependency lind neglect cnsa,

Totnl Doys OJrls Color and nativity of cblld

P~r Cilnt Per cent Per crnt Numoor "I~trlhu- Number dlst.rlbu· Numher dlstrlhu·

tlon tlon !Ion

---------------- ----Total cn.<e. ... ____ .. _________ ._ .. ____ • I.q, 805 .--------- 1),];67 ... --------- 9,213

.~--------"""".-~~===-=='::.-- .-

Color n'ported ..... __________________ .. ___ IS, (11\.1 ~ ~ ~I~ ___ I~~ Whltn._. ___________ . ___________ .______ 16,IR6 87 8,196 80 7, UlJo R7

NeUvo .. __ • _______ .. _._ ..... ___ .. _ 15, 5M ~3 i, RUl 83 7, nr.2 R3 For~!!O' born ...... ____ .. ____ .... 19t t 113 1 IGI I NRUvity nut reported ______ .. __ ... 436 2 209 2 227 2

Co!ored .... ____ . _______ . ____________ .. 2, 417 13 1,2!J1 14 1.IRn 13

Color not reported _________ • __ • _______ • __ • 142 • ____ • ____ • 80 •• __ • ___ ._. 62

, 81 01 the 89 couru reported boys' esse. Rnd 88, girls' C8Stl3.

TADLE lID.-Parent nativity of native white boy.~ and girls I dealt with in dependency and neglect cascs disposed of by 89 cotlrt.~ dUring 1929 2 •

Dependency Rnd neglect cases 01 nnllve whlto children

Perent nftUvlty Tots!

Number Per rent dl~trl· lmllull


Number Per rent ,1I"trl· IlIlllon



I Per rent Number tll,[rl·


-----------------,----,----,----.----.----.---.-Tota! case., _____________________ • ___ .I.--::!r.21~. 7, 700 1 __ I~J __ 7, ~.r~I __ I~

Native parent8~e" .. _____ ... _______________ II. !I!t~ 65 6: 012 rr. ! 4, !ItO 65 Foreign or mixed parentage_. _______ • __ .__ 5, oM 35 2, 718 35 2, r.tn 36

--~-- - --.~ -.-- .. -~ ..... ---- .-.. ----------~-~. • .. ,rllI.I.·" eR"rS of ~blhlren ror whom I'lIrrnt nnth'lty WB" nell rr(lOrted. J 57 or the ~9 cOllrl, reported boys' cnses ond SR, gIrls' CRErs.


, fI


JUVENILE-counT STATISTICS, t 92!l _ 21

TABI,E 12.-Wh(,Tcaboltt8 when re/erred to court oj childr(,IL dealt with tn dependency allli neglect cases cli'~7/IJsed oj f,y S.? cIl/lrls dUTing'J929

Whercnbouts or ehUd

Dependoncy lind neglect CIL'IO!

Per OI!nt Numoor I Ill.trl·


Totnl ca.<os __ " ___ .-.------- __ -.--••• - .------ -- _ ------- ---. ----- __ -- -- __________ 1 18, 80~ ----'= Whoreabouts reported __________ • ___ • __ • ____ ••• ___________ ._ •• __________ • _____ • ___ •• ~I 100

With both o""n pnrant~_. ____________ .. ______ ._ .. _. ___ • _____ • ____ .. _____ .. __ ". __ With mother nnel stepfather._. ____ ._._. ____ ._. __ .. __ .. ____ . ________ ._. __ • ___ " ___ WHh lather lInll stepmnthcr _______________ • __ " ____ • _________________ ._. _____ ._ .. With mol her nnl~' _____ • ___ • __ • ____ . ______ ._. _" ____ .• ________ ._._.: _____________ _ With fllt hor only. __ . ______ ._._._._._._._._ .. _. __ ... _. ___ • __ ..... _____ . _______ ._. III ndoptlvn h","e ...... _______________ ......... ___ ...... ___ .. _._ ... _. _ .... ___ .. . In other rnmlly hOllle. _______ ._ .. _________ ._ •• ______ •• __ • ___ • _____________ ... ___ 1 n 11l~t!tIlUOIl __ ' ___ • ___ • ____________ • ____ .. ____ • _________ • ____ . __ . __ • __________ _ f)t her _ • _._ ._. _. _____ ._. __ ._ • ___________ • __ ._ .•. _. _. __ " ______ • __________ • ____ _

4,34~ 3r.5 :!6S

4,1)71 2,828


2, 551 621 178

Whereabouts not rc(.ortcn ... ______ • ___ • _________ • ____ • ___________ • _____________ •• __ 1 2, MO


27 2 :I

31 18 1

I~ a 1

Since severnl children in a family may be referred to court at the same t.ime and for t.he same reason, t.he families represented as well as the children's eases are shown in Tables 13 and 14. Each family was counted only once for each time it was dealt wit,h by the court on 8

new complltmt involving one or more Gf the children. It is to be expected that soeial agencies would be one of the most

import.ant sources of reference in dependency and neglect cases. In some locnlil.ies the court prefers to havo such cases investigated first by a sorinl agency so that only those nctunlly nreding court action nre brought to court. In other localities the court undertakes the initial work and receives complnints from any intercsted persons including paHmts nnd rel,d,ives. Tnble 13 shows that the largest group of families wcro refcrred by social ngcncies and the next largest by parents and relatives, these two groups referring almost three-fourths of the families.

Some form of neglect 22 on the part of parents or guardians, and situat.ions involving dependency 2J primarily, were the two major reasons for referring fa~ilies to court. The proportion of famihes referred for each of these two reasons was the same, more than two­fifths of tho total number. Less than one-tenth of tho families were referred for reasons related to questions of custody and II. still smaller proportion for other reasons.

II Abnndonmenl or desrrtlon, nbuse or cruel trealment, ImproP<'r eon<lltlons In Ihe home, n Thcconrls wrro Mkecllo Inlerprrllhc t.rm "Insumclent parentnl enre," us woll us "nonnelal need," lIS

Inability, rather th~n neglect, to provide lor ~hlId(cD.

Page 13: 1929 - OJP


22 - J1JYENII,E-COl:mT STATISTICS, ] !l2!)

TARJ,E 13.-Srmrcr of reference tn COllrt (lnd f(fmilir.~ rrl/rr..~cnrr.rI in dcprnd('ncll alld ilcglcrl ea .• c:! di:!l/Osrd (If //!f S.? courls durin!l J.f];?:J

Source or rdcrenro to court

ncponrlonry nnd ne~loct m.<I<' -- ~-.----;----

Tolnl m.<c.' Fnmllics roprr.<pnfo<l ---,---1---. , ... ,-

Per ront NUhlhcr 1 .li5Lri· 1 Numhor


Prr rl'nt dl.,rI· IJlllion

-------------------------------------------------1-------1 ~----I-------'--____ _

"",=T::;:.;::::::===::=:::::::::::::::::::::=::::::::. :~~r--;ii~I=i:~:_C--.:;~ Sodnl n~oncy._ •. _ •••• _. ____ •• _ ..... ___ • ___ ._ ... _._ ••• _._.. 7. i30 4I 3, ~21 37 l'orrnl, o~ rrlnlh'c,. __ •• _ ••••••• _ •••••• _ •• _ ••••• _ ••••. _._._ G,230 33 3, 13~ 31 Othrr imlh·l<lulll.. .... _ .. __ • __ .. _____ • _____ .. __ .... ______ .. I, [0:11 8 ~no 10 1'01i.,o ......... ___ ... _. ___ ._ ....... _____ ..... ____ .... ____ .. _ I, laS 6 rh~1 7 Pwhntioo omrrr __ .......... __ ...... _ ... _. __ ... ___ ••• ___ ._. I, rr.lf, 0 f,RI 0 School dcrortmcnL .. ___ ........ _______ .... ___ • ___ .. _____ .. 7iO ~ 3i3 4 Other ~ourre .... __ • ___ • ___ .. ___ .. ________ ._________________ 213 I 152 :;;

~otJrce not re:)ort eel _______________ ......... __ ... _____________________ .. 19 8 , _________ _

TABLE 14.-Rcflson for reference to cOllrt amI. familie.~ represented in dependency and neglect casc.~ disposrd of by 89 c(Jurts during 1929

neason for rereronre 10 court

Dependency nod negloct cn.<os

Totnl cn.<cs Fnmllles repre5entcd

rer rent Numher 1 'It~lrl- 1 Numbor


Per cent distri­bution

---------------------------------------------1------'------,------,------TolnL ___________________________________ • ______________ -' I~, ~05 P, 2[:,.1 I~ ... ~ ______ _

nM.~on rcporterL ______________________________________________ 1 IR~Ti31 100 I 11,230-' 100 -- _. -----------~ -----

AI>,m<lonment or dC1rrthm __________________________ .. _____ 1,711 9 I 808 10 Ahusc or crncltrrnt'"cul. ___ • ___________ .. ___ •• _________ .. _ Gni 4 331 4 ImJlroJl~r condlll?ns III f .. lme. ___ .......... _______ ._________ G,I34 33 f,730 30 InslIllklCntlmrcnlnl cnre __ .. ____ .. __________ .. _________ .___ 6,109 331 2, 9~8 ;12 Flnnllrinl ncr.L _____________ .. _____ .. _ .. _ .. ____ .. __ ..... ___ 2,~52 13 1,0;8 12 Qur:;lInn of custody ____ ...... ______________ ....... _________ POi Ii 714 8 Othcr rcMon ____________________ .. ___________ ... __ .. _____ .. 800 4 4P8 5

Re.~son not reporled .. ____ ••• ____________________ • ____________ _ 32 23


The detention of dependent and neglected children presen ts problems different from those involved in the detent.ion of delinquent children. A compnrison of Tnhles 6A and 15 shows that bonrding homes ond other institut.ions were 11['\e<1 more frequently in depend­ency nnd neglect cases than in delinquency cases. The Inrge numher ?f cases if! ,"J?ich. depe~dent an.d n~~lected c!lildre!l were. detained m "other InstItutIOns" IS due pnmanly to the mcluslOn of flgurel"l for New York and I'hiladelphin.. Almost three-fourths of the ('.n<;eR of children so detnined wPJ'e reported by these two ('.ollrts. (See Tn-hIe Xl1, p. 58.) The pNc('nt.n-ge of cnseR in whieh ehildren \\:ere If'ft. in their own homes or whi('h w('re di:::;po:::;pd of on the dny t,he cOll1plnint WfiS mnde wns slightly larger in dependency nnd 1Ieglect cns('s thal1 in deIitl(~llenc'y cases.

~ I

f\ .-



T AnLE 1 fi.-Plncll nf care of child pending hrnrillU nr di.~po.,ili(Jn in depcntlclIcl/ ann neglect ca~c.~ ciispnse!l :'f by 89 cuurls during Jf)2lJ

1'lnco of cnre or child

Dopcnllcncy Ilod ne~lect c,,"<es

Por cent Numher 1 dl~trl·


'rotsl CIlS05 _________________________________________ .. ____ •• ___ ... _______ • _____ I IR, ~or. 1 __ " .. __ __

Ploro or cllro reported. __________ • _________ . ________________ ... ___ .... ___ ••• _____ ._ .. ·_.!R,liHI-, 100

Own homo or c,,"~o dlspo~ed or 5111110 day ____ .. ______ ... ________ .. ____ .. ____ • __ ... 1I,4iO ft2 llonnJllIg homo .. __ ............ _____ • _____ ............. __ ........... ___ ....... __ 1181 6 Detontlon hOlllo or oLhor 11l5L1tuLion '. __ ......... ___ • ____ .. __ • __ ..... ______ .. ___ 5, OM 80

IJcLontioll horno I •• __ .. _._ .. ___ .. ____ .. _ ..... _ .. ______ .. ______ .. ________ .... , 1,213 7 Otlior ""UluUon .. _ ..... __ .... _______ ....... __ .. __ .......... ____ •• __ .... ____ 4, HI 24

Inll or 1)0111'0. 5tnlloll .......... _______ • ______ .. __ .. __ .. __________ .... __ • __ ... ___ .. 8 (') Morn t lOll 0110 plnro of cnro , _______ • __________ .... _____ .. ___ .. __ .... __ .... _ .. _.. HO 1 othor 1.loce of (·o'e ____ .... _________________ .... _ ...... ______ · _______ .____________ ~22 2

Pineo of cnro not rcJlortod ___________ .. ______ • __ .. _________________________ • ________ _ 224 ,_. ____ •• _.

- ------- ----~-

I [nr\udes eoses of chlhlrrn cllre<l ror port or the Ume In ,i .. Lcntion honll'~ :lnd (lnrt of tbo time el50where. but oxcludos cnses of children 0150 held In Jlllls or police sLntlons.

I Less LImn I IIcr cent. , Excludes CMes or children held In detention homes, Jolls, or police sLoLlons.


The majority of dependency n.nd neglect cnses were officinl, but 58 ('.ourts reported some unofficinl cnses. The extent to which individual t'ourts denlt unofficilllly with dependency and neglect casee varied considerably. (See Table IX, p. 54.)

As is shown by Table 16, some definite action sHch as committing the ('.hild to an institut.ion or agcncy or plncing him under the super­viRion of n.Jl officer of the court or some llldividunl was taken in four­nfLlIs of the ofIicial cnses. In more Lhlln one-fourth of the unofficial ('ltS('R pln.cmncnt, or supcrvision of the child was n.dvised, as is shown by Tttble 17, the proportion placed uncIer the sllpprvision of tho proba­tion ofIicer being much larger in 1029 thnn in 1928. One-half of the utloffic:ial cnses were disposed of by making some adjustment of the <Ii Ilicul ties in vol ved.

Page 14: 1929 - OJP

24 e


TADLE IO.-Disposition of official drprndrncll and neglect cnllcs disposed of 1J!I 81 couri., during 1929 1

DIsvositioD of cast

Offirlnl dopenr!­ency Bnd lIc~lccL cnscs

Per ronL Number 1 <l1<trf·


Total ca."M ___________________________________________________ -----------------1 J.~ 7n.~_:=

Dl~posltJon fflported ________ .. _________________________________________ -------------1 H.7M I 1Il0

Dll!mlssed or contlnlled Indennltely - --------------------------------------------Child plRced under rourt snl'P.,,·lslon .. __________________________________ • ______ _ Child placed nnder ~nper\'lslon of Itullvldlllli nth~r thnn prohntlon officer _______ _ Child rommllted to board, depsrtmont, or Rgency -------------------------------

!'tste nRency _________ -- -- ---- -.. ----------- ----- ------ ----- -----------------Other n~ency ______ ------------ -------- -------- ---- -- --- ---- --- --------------Typo of n~cnry not reported _______________________________________________ _

Cbnd committed tl) Instltutlon ______________________________________________ ----Stnte In~tlllltion for dep\'ndent3 ____________________________________________ _ Other Institution for dOl'lIl1den13 ___________________________________________ _ Type of Institution for del'endenLq not reported ____________________________ _ 1n.<litution for drlln'lllent chlldren _________________________________________ _ Institution for fcchle-mlmlpd or epileptic c1ll1dren_ --------------------------lnstitntion lor physicslly bsndlcapped chlldren ______________________ : _____ _ Other Ins! Itutlon _____________ - -- ------------------ -- ----- --- - -- --- --- --- ----

Other d Isposltlon ____________________ --- ---------------------------------- -- -----

2.RIS 3.,100 1.127 3,1157

451 3,1J7

80 3,514

216 2.8[>6

H9 78 30 70

100 112


10 24 8

25 3

21 I

24 1

19 1 1

DIsposItion not reported ____________________________________________________________ • II

181 of thl' 89 courls reporting dependency Bnd neglect CBSCS reported officlnl dependency nnd ncglect cnscs. J Less than 1 per cent.

TABLE 17.-Disposilion of unofficial dependency and neglect cases disposed of by 58 courls during 1929 I

DIsposition of CMe

Unofficlnl dcpond­ency ~nd neglect cases

T'cr rent Number 1 dlslrl­


Total ca.<e3 _____________________________________________________ --- ---- ----- -I 4. IH2 ~.=-=

4_027 ! 100

1.0 5 2,Ia9 53

408 JO ml 2

In! 4 923 23

U8 2

DIS:~~::::::~~~~~~~~::~:~~~~~:~~:~::::~~:~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:r-::=-I-lJlffieulty Rd!usled ______________________________________________ ----------------nererred to agoncy or other rourt. _____________________________________________ _ I'lnrmnent 01 rhlhlln IlIslitullon recommended __ -------------------------------J'lncement of child el~whero reOOlllmel1lletl ___________________________________ __ Child l>lncetlllllller supervision of probation officer _____________________________ _ Other dl~posltIon _____________________________________________ -------------------

Dl~posltlon not reported ________________________________________________ ------------ 15

I 58 01 the 89 courl! reporting dependency nnd ncglcet ensc.~ reporte,] unofficlnl dependency nnd ncglcrl cases_


Cages of drlinqucnt children discharged from supcrvigion or prohn­tion were reported by 61 courts and coses of dependent ond T1p~l('d.l'd childr(,T1 dischnrged from supervision by 48 courts. Tnhl('s 1 R ond 1!J show that in the majorit.y of casl's children were diRchnrgetl from Rlllwrvh;ioll l)('('ntlsl' (If improyrllwnt. in (,OTlllllcL or home c!)lIriil.iom; or l}('('ltusc further sllj>Pl'vision seelllC'd llnnr('PS1mry. Ahllo:;t olle-Lenth

• t -

I ~~'-


of the drlinrJ1H'nt childrl'Tl were rl'porled as tlischn.rgcd hecauso they had rell('hed t.ho ogo limit of court juri!;dictirm, without cornmcnt ns to improvement or lack of improvement in behavior. Failure or prohnl.ioll as indicat.ed hy commitment to nn institution for delin­qucnt. ('.hildren WfiR ShOW;l in nhollt onc-pig-hlh of the cases. Some int,erl.'sl.ing- diffcrcnees ItS to the Icng-t.h of (.he supcrvision period in different courts nrc shown in Tables XIV and XVI. (See Pl'. 60,61.)

T ARLE 18.-Rc(l~on for di3char(1c in C(lMS of drlinqul'nl children discharged from sl1pervi.,ion by 6 L cOllris dllrin(1 I92fJ

Renson for dlschnrge of child

CI\.'fl,1 0' <lelln'lneot chll.lr~n dl~chArlted from ~Ul'P.rV1510n

Per ClInt Number 1 <ll~trlbu­


1'01 nl ca.'C3 ______________________________________________________________ .. ___ _ 8, 026

Ren.~on reporle<l _ _ ___________________________________________________ _______________ 8, 0111 p;.' 100

----Furl.har supcrvlslon not recommendcd, or dlschnr~c,1 with Improvcment belore oge limit. _______ • _________________________________________________ .. ___________ 6, III ~

ChU,1 commltte,1 10 Instltntlon .. __ _ _____________________________________________ I, I~ H InslitllUon for d~lInfJnont chlldrcn__________________________________________ 1.007 13 Olher In<tll.tlllon _____________ . __ .• _ _ ______ __ __ __ __________ __ ________________ 97 1

Child cOl11milte,llo o~ency I'r Indl,hlnol..______________________________________ 37n 6 Child renrherl nge linlll.________________________________________________________ iOI 9 Othcr roo.<oll _______ . _ _________ _______ ______________ _____ ___ _______ __ _____ ___ __ __ no 9

Trnn,lrrre,j to olher court___________________________________________________ 57 1 Whr.rnnhonL. nnk lIown ______________ .... ____________ _____ __ ____________ ____ 202 a Moved from Jurisdiction of COllrt____________________________________________ m f Other reosoll_____ _________ _____________________________________ _____________ li5 2

ReBSon not reporter! _______________________________________________________________ _ 8 • ____ • ____ _

TABLE 19.-Ren.,on for dischargc in cn.'c.' of dependent and neglected children dischar(Jed from supcrvi.,ion by 48 COllTt3 during 1929

Ronson for dlschorge of child

CI\.W\ of deJWIn<lent and nllJl:lnc~ chIldren dls­chRrged 'rom supervisIon

Per cent Number 1 dl~trlbu­


ReBSO:::~O:::~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~:::~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~:::~::::I ~ ::~ . 100

Further mpervlslon nol recommended. or dlschnrgad wIth Improt"emont hefore ARC IImlt_________________________________ __________ ___________________________ I, roll el Chllrl commitled to Instltutlon__________________________________________________ 282 II Child commlUe,1 10 n~ency _ ____________________________________________________ 213 g Chllrl commltterl to IndlvlduaL_________________________________________________ 88 4 Chllrl renehO!I RRC IImlt_________________________________________________________ 46 2 () ther rcn~on _ __ ___ ______ __ __ ____ __ _______ _ __ _ _ ___ _ _ ____ _ _ ___ _ __ _ _ _ __ ____ _ _ ___ _ __ 31 9 13

Ron.~on not reporled_ _ __________________ _ _ __ _ _____ ____ __ _ _ _ ___ _ __ ___ __ ____ _ ___ ____ _ _ 10

Page 15: 1929 - OJP



Tnllle A ~llOWS t,h(' numh('r of o£'Jinqu('ncy cas£'s oi!'lpmled of o1lring 192i, 11128, and 1929 hy courts which clpnlt, with nt.Ioast. 50 Cn!'leR nnd reporteo for two or thr£'e Yl'nrn. Figures for Ow tot.al ntllll 1I('r of ca~('s report.l'o 1>y th{' (,O\lft~; during n 2-:rear or a 3-yenr pl'riod f;ho:w a definite iu('rl'ase in the number of delinqu£'ncy caR(,S. The 21 com!·R rl'port.in~ for the thrl'o yearn,sllOw an inrrras(\ of 11 prr rcnt in 10211 ovl'r th(' nnmhrr rrpor{.rd for 1112i, and nn inr.r£'fi!'lC' of i prr ('rnt. ov£'r 11128. For t.l1O courts rrportin~ for HJ28 find 1112H ouly, the percentnge increaso wns higl1£'r, bu t this mcrense is duo in pnrt to tho figures of one court· which fitilrd to r£'port II)) of it~ CIIRC'S in 1928.

It is difficult to det.ermine how llJ11ch of t,his increnRe may be at­trihut.£'d to nn act.llal increase in delinqurncy Ilnd how much t.o ot,h£'r CIIUSl'S. It should he horne in mind nlw:;.ys thnt the nmount; of ddinquency which conH'S to the attention of the juvenile comt. is only a smull part of the totnl amount in tho community and IJla.y or may not. he n reliabl£' index of tho achlfll delinquency sit.unt,ion,

Growth in population is one faclor which mny nITeet tho incrrRse in ca.'~es rt'ported by the courts. Information as to inerensc in t.he numher of children of juvenile-court flgc in the areas s(1fvrrl h.Y the courts is not available, hut during t.ho lO-year p£'riod 1920-19ao there was nn a.verage anIlual incrl'nse of 2 per cent in the totnl population of these nreas. In severnl jllrisdidions, including suburhan m'cas, the increase in population consid£'rnhly exceeded this 2 p£'r c£'nt.

The extent. to which thc courts k£'pt complete statisf.ical records would nIso aITect the number of cnses reported t(l the Children's Burenll. In ono instance it is stnted t.hat reporting wns less cornpld.e in 1928 find in 1929 than in 1927. In most irlRtances, however, it is believed that, it hns hCC'fl growing more, rather than less, completc and that this fuller r£'porting has influC'lIcrd the figures of nIallY of the courts.

In individunl eourts a certnin nmount of variation in the numhrr of cnsps dralt with from yrRr to year is to be expected on t,he basis of ('hance alone. In courts reporting a smallnumb.cr of cns£'s, a not.ice­nhIe increase or decreuRe in numbers may be due entirely t.o this fnctor. The marked vnriationR in t.he numher of caRes reported hy some courts, which might easily be flssurned 00 indicate changes in d£'linqueney, arc frequ£'ntIy due to chang£'s in the policy, pcrs;ollllcI, or equipment of the court or to chunges in the law that revj~e the nge of jurisdiction or bring children before the court for offenses not previ­ously considered of juv£'nile-court, jurisdiction. The number of cases r£'ported Inny also he Itffecf£'d hy alterations in t,he policy, personnel, or equipment of othr/" offieinl and nOJlofficial agendes denling with children who exhibit conduct difficulties.


Although the r£'nsons for referring children to court and t.1H~ methoc1s of d£'nling with them differ Romewhat from COllrt to court, Ol£' ppr cent, distrihutions of the cOIn billC'd fi,gllrel' for nil courf.s reporling in each of till' three years 1927, 11128, lind l!J20, liS shown in the following


• e fit


JUVENILE-COURT BTATrSTICS. 1!l29 e 27 tables, l'evcnl only minor dW·C'renrl'R. This similarity is f01lnd also with r£'sp£'ct. to 5p.X,ngr, IIl1d !;orinl ('.hllrnc(·rri!;t,jr,9 of f.l1C children ('onr.efJII'd. Thnt tho r1n.f.n. nrr similnr, ()p:-;pir(l t.ho inr.reuse in t.he 1111mber of reporting COurl.R nndin the nlllllhC'r of CflReR reportl'd, sug­gel;!,s that f,he 1l1lifol'l11 report.illg of jllvenile-colll·t sLatist.ies hns made nvnilable informlltion f/tirly rl'preR()ntnt.ivo for Lhe United StRtes regnrding the natnrc of the problcms dplLlt. wit,h hy the juvenile court, the sex, nges, nnd social chllracteri~tics of the children involved, a.nd tbo extent to which certain types of treatU1()nt are used.

TAnIJE A.-Number of drlinq!lcnc!I ca"es disprMcd of during 19!J7, 1911S, and IOlO, bYllpccijicd court., reporting 60 or more drlinqllcncy Calles

Delinquoncy CRSO.'I

Courts reporting 50 or more rlollnqucncy cn"cs IIl2IJ 1028 11m

All courL~ reporting In In28 nDd �n9 ••••••••••••• _ •••••••••••••• _ ••• ,- 41,037/. ". '" [ ••••• ,.

Conrt.~ reporting In lQ27, 1028. nDd 192\1.. ......... _ ................. - 29, MD 27,"iii! 211, ~'18 Connecticut: Ilri(lgrport_ •••••••• _ ••••••••••• _ •••• _...................... ~~I District 01 Columhlu ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• _............. I,OH Indinna:

Lnke Counly •••••••••••••••••••••.•••• _ ••••••••••• _ •••••••••••••••••• M arion COlin ty ••••••••••••••••••• -••••• -••••• -.-•• -••••••• -•.••• -•••


2~2 111!5

1 T,mnepln County __ •••• _ •••••••. _ •••••• _ •.••• _ ••••••••••• __ •• _ •• _ •••• , 1,0117 Itnrnsey Cou nty •••• __ ••••.••• _ •••• _ •••••••• _................. •••••••• 3!16

Now Jorsey: Hlldson County •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• _......................... I, ~~n ?If crcor County •• _ •••• _._ •••••••••••••••• _ •• _ •••••••••• _.............. 4:13

Now York: Il II ITn 10 .................... _ ••• _ ••••••••• __ ••••••••• _ ••••••••••••••••• Colum hln County •••••••••••••••••••.••.••••••••••••••••• _ ••••••••••• Rrle County ••••••••••••••••• _._ ......................... _._ •••••• _ ••• No,," York City ..• __ •..••••• _ •.•••••••••.••••••••••••.••••••••••••••• W o..tcl,r<ter County •••••• _ •••••• __ • ____ •••••• _ ..•.• _ •••••••• _____ ••••

North Cnrollnn: lIuncornbe Counly ••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••• Ohio:

!l32 1211 2m

7,0[06 &'iSI H~

431 2,001

454 ~22

1,149 375

1,8, ... .) 29~

!l38 n5

IQ7 7, rol

!\ .. ~ 100

Franklin County_ ••••••••••••••••• ___ ••••••••••.•..••••••.•. _ ••• '."'1 473 1 i03 1Inmlllon C?lInty •••••••• __ ._._ ••••••• _ .•• _ •••••••• _................. J 1,304 J I,O'J7 M nhonlnll: COllnly ••••••••••••• _ ••••••••••••••••• _................... 2,021 I. H54

Penn~ylvnnlll: r..1 tJf'r.J~flmory County ________ .. __ .... ____ • _________ • ____________________ _

Phllndelphln ••• __ •••••••••• _ ••••••.••....••••••••••• _ •••.•••••••..••. Vlrp,lnln: Norlolk_ ••. __ ••• _ •••••••••••• _ ••.•• _ ••••••••••• _ •.•••••••••••••• Washlnglon: Pierce Counly._._._ •••••••. _ •. _._ ••••••••••••••• _ ••••••••••

M R, g~5

1152 IJ5

M n.:ro

r .. u J5~

~Ift 1,076

627 1!112

I)(!ft 342

1,1186 215

838 tl8

177 'ft,I02

1.104 144

883' '1,3.12


6.1 6, 1~2

72!1 1211

Courts reportIng In 1928 and 1929 only •• _ ••••• _ •••• _ ••••••••• _ •••• _.1 11,494 P, (",16 1 ... _ .... _ ........

Iown: Polk County .- ••••••••••••••• -•••••••••••••••••••••••• -••••••••••• T,olllslnnn:

Gorldo Pnrlsh_ ••• _ ••••••• _ ••••••••••••••••••• _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ol'nch I tn l'nrlsh ••••••••••••••• __ ••• _ ••••••••••••••••••••• _ •••••••• _ ••

New York: . Chemllng County ••••••••••••••• _ ••••••.• _ ••••••••• _ ••• ~ ••••••••.••. Monroe County ••••••••••••••• -•••.• --•• -•••••••••••• --•• -••••••••••• Ontnrlo County ••••••••••• _ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• _ ••••••


~ri:*i~n~t~~~~:=~~=~=:~~======::=::=::==~~~=:=:=====:=:=~====:=::: /If ont~l)lIIery COllnty ._ •••••••••••••..•.••••• _ •••••• _ •.•••••••••• _ •••• Pennsylvllnln: Allc~hc,:y County .•.••• _._ •••••••••.. _ •••••••••••••..•• _. gnlll h Cnrollnn: OrcoD~me County •.• _ •••••• _ .• _ •• ___ •••• _ •••••• _ ••••••• Ut.llh:

First dlslrlct ••• _ ••• _ ••••• _ ••••••• __ ••• _. __ ••••••••• _ •••••••••••••••.. Suennd fllstt :ct_ " .. _. ____________ .... __________________ .. _______________ .. __

11;~~rfl:l~i~~.i~t~=::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Filth district.. __ •••••••••••••••••• _._ •• _ •.••••••••••••• _._ .• _ •••••••• Cnrhon Counly __ ••••••••••••••• __ •• _ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Other cou n tics .•••••••••••••• '.' ••••••••••••••••••••••• __ •••••••••••••

Vlrgl nln: J.y Dch I ,II r~ •• _ •• _ ••••••••••••••• _ ' ••• '.'.' _ •••••••• _ ••••••••••.•

747 ifi3

275 232 2119 'J!J7

133 124 233 m 80 100

401 395 3, !\.'l.1 , 2, (,16

511 67 762 5.14

1,290 J,243 120 105

279 347 5.15 318 HiI ~'J!J :!~,~ :108 ,;01 4[,3

r,n 117 2fH 241 24" 279

---------------------.--------------~--~----~----I FIRnro.~ Incomplelo, rn~r< pcndlnJ: on Jnn. 1, fU27. nollncluded, ! Inr.hJflo..q hny~' ( .. ,t;f'~ only. J Elclu:-fl'O flf lIlI"nil'lul rasos lIot rrlmrlrri (or thrl'o months.


Page 16: 1929 - OJP


TAJIt,E D.-Per cent di.,trilmHon arcording [0 color and nativity of bm/" and gir18 dealt with in drlinqllcnru ca3CS diftpn~rd of during 1927, l[}28, aild 1929 by juvenile cotlrts reporting IIlati"ticll (0 (he Children'll Bureau I

Cblldren dmlt wllb In drllnqurnry rMrs

Color IIn~t nativity o( child Bars Olrlll

1927 1928 1929 1927 1028 192!l

----------------------1---,---,---,---,---,---Totnl........................................... 100 100 I 100 /i00 100 100

whlll'................................................. 85 8,~ /. -s;- 79 --70- ---8-0 Kolh·8............................................ 72 7~ 73 !l8 73 74 Forei~n hIlTn...................................... 4 2 2 6 2 2 Nnll"lty not reporlt'rl............................. 9 10 10 6 6 Ii

(,nlored ............................................... 1 16 15 16 21 21 20

142 court:! ~porled delinquency N1S~ In 11l27. 62 In 1928, nnd 93 In 1920.

TABLE C.-Per cent distributinn according to parent nativity of natille while bOYIJ and girlll dealt with in delinquency calles disposed of during 1927, 1928, and 1929 by juvenile COllrtll reporting stati~ticl! to the Children's Bureau I

Children denlt with In delinquencY rnsrs

Nativity o( parents Doys GIrls

1m 1928 1920 1927 10211 1020 ,---,---,---,---,---

Total.. ·········································riOO I 100 I 100 I 100 I 100 I 100 ---------------NatIve parentRlre..................................... 43 H ill 55 liS 61 Forel~n or mbed par.nt~e........................... 57 fjIJ 52 45 45 39

'~2 courts reported delinquency cnse!! In 1927, r,2 In 1112'1, and 93 In 1920.

TABLE D.-Per cr.nt distriblltion according to placr. of care pending hearing or dispo"ition of boytl' and girL,' delinqllenc1/ case" di"pollcd of during 1,?27, 1.'J28, ami 1.?29 by .illllenile COllrts reporting statistics to the Children's Bureau I

D~J1n<tu~nrY cases

Place or care DC child Doys Olrls

1!127 1928 1920 1927 1928 1920

TotAL .......................................... ~ 100 100 I 100 100 Hl()

O;m home or case dlspooed oC~Ame day............... ~I r,o fill 51 50 ;'0 Doardln!: home........................................ <I) <') (I) I I I DetenUon home or other Institution '. •••••.•••••.•••• 34 311 36 43 45 H ]BII or r,oliCO ~tBtlon ,................................. 4 4 6 2 2 2 More t Ian one plAre oC care ,.......................... I I 1 2 I I Other place or care. .••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (I) (I) (I) 2 I 2

I 42 courts reported delln queney M\.'es In '"27. 62 In i92l!, Bnd 93 In 1920. J J,cs,. than I per Mnt. I Inrludes cn..e.~ or children hrl<lpBrt o( I.he time In detention homes Bnd pnrt of the time .I~ewhere, hut

elcl",le' case.. or children RI~n held In jnlh or police ~I.ntf"ns. , In,·ln.les r.:J..C5 or rhll'lren held pnrt olthe lime In JAils or pollco 5tAtfon~ nnd psrt oethe time elsewhere, I Exclude!! C8S!lS or children held In Jails, police stations, or detention homes.

- e



TAnr,E E.-Per cent di~triblltion according (0 rea~on for rrference to COllrt of boytt' and girls' delinquency CaSflJ di"po.,rrl of dllring 1f}27, 1928, and 1929 b1/ juvenile courts reporting r.(atistic8 to tlte Ghilrlrl'n'lI Burr.au I

llelln'lllcncy roses

Renson (er rererence to court 110ys Olrl

1927 1928 1929 1027 1921! 1929

- ---------------Total ••• ""'" ••• , •• '."" ••••••••••••••••••••• If)() 100 100 100 100 100 ---------------8Ie81Inl( .............................................. .

'I'runnry ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••• HnnnlnK awny ••••••••••••••.•••••.•••••.••••••••••••. VII~o\"ernnhle .•••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•• "'"

42 43 42 13 12 II R 9 9 JO 12 14 7 II 6 19 15 17

B:f'l otTnn~c ....... _. _____ .. __________ .... ______ .. ____________ _ 7 7 7 2R 2!1 211

Injury 10 person ....•.....•..•.•••••••••••.•••.•••.••.. 2 2 2 19 IU 19 3 3 3 3 3 3

28 2!1 :lU 7 8 7 I I I I I I 2 I 2 I I 2

A"t or "1\f~lessnes_. or fIIl"'hlef. ....................... . "Iolntlng lI'1uor or dntl( law or ·llIlm!rntlun ..•.••••••.. Other rea.oll ••••.•.•...••••••••••.•.•••..••.••••..•••.

, 42 courL. reported dollnquency cnses In 1927, 02 In IIJ28, and 93 In tu20.

T ABLE F.-Per cent distriblltion according tn dillpollition of boys' and girls' official delinquency ca"es disposed of during /92'1, 1928, and 1929 by juvenile courta reporting slati,,[ics to the Chilr/ren's lJureall I

Olllr.llll d~lInquency CMOS

DIsposItion o( CMe Day! Olrl!

1927 I 1923 1020 1027 1D28 1920 ----------------------1---,---,---,---,---,---

TotaL.......................................... 100 100 ~1i00 '~HOO Dlsmlll..orl or continued Indennlt~ly ••••• •••••••••••• 36 30 32 27 22 21 Chllrl Jllnced on r"batlon. .••.•••••••••.•••••..•••••• 39 43 40 41 41 40 Chll.1 rommlttcl to Institution........................ 14 14 14 22 26 27 Hrstltntloil. nno, "usL~................................ 7 7 8 2 I 1 Other disposition...................................... ~ 0 7 8 g 11

142 courts reported ol11clal delinquency casos In 1927, 61 In 1928, and 87 In 1920.

TABLF. G.-Per cent distribution according to color and nativity of children df'oll with in dependenC!1 and neglect cases disposed oJ ell/ring 1927, 1928, and 1929 1

b1/ jllVfnile COllrts reporting statistics to the Children's Ilureaa 2

Color and nativIty or cblld

Chlldrrn dealt with In de: prndenry and neRlectcB.~es I

1927 1928 1929 r----.-__ _

TotaL ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••• _ •• ~OO 100 100

whW~:!f:~b~:r;::=====:===========::====:=:=:==::::::::::::~:::::===:::: ~r ~ ~ Nativity not re)lorted................................................ 3 3 2

Colnred •••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.• 13 14 J8

, Figure.. lor Jn27 nnd Jn2R nrc hosed on chlldmn, each rhlld helng cnuntnd only onco durlnlf the yeB1; figllrrs rur 111211 nro hased on cnses, n child bring counte,1 each time he Is .Ienlt with hy tbe ""uft on II new chnrge durln(( t1w year.

• 34 courts reported dependency Bnd neglect cnses In 1927, L'3 In 1028, Rnd 89 In 1920.

Page 17: 1929 - OJP

30 e JUVENIfJE-COUR'1' S'1'A'1'IS'I'ICS, 1 !l2!J

T Am,E IT .-Pcr cent dislribulion arcnTdin(1 to parent natiuil'lI oj nnti"c white children dcall leith in dl'}lClIf/cncy /111(/ neglecl ca.'(!S cii",l11scd of durill(1 1927, 1[)28, anti 1929 1 III/ jlll'cllilc co uris rC7'orting slnlistics 10 the Children's iJILrcau 2

(",hil,!rell denlt ,,-Ith In do-Nativity or parents I pl'ndl'neynnd negh'I'trnsl-s I

----------1\12i I 1028 10211 L ______________________________________________________________ , 100 1 (J!J IOn

~~:~~~poa:~:I't::JiiRi;niiigii:=::::::==::::::~:~::==-=-=:::~::::::::::=:::-=. __ . ~::_I___ ~~ ----~ I FI~uro., ror \027 Blld 1\128 nro based on chihlrrn, rnl'h chll,1 hell1ll "011111011 only on('o !lurlnR the renr;

n~ures r(lr 19211 are hll..ed on cnses, a chil<I 1)('il1~ cOl1nh'!1 ench tlmc Iw is deall wilh hy tho cOllrt 011 n uew ehnrgc durlnK lhe yenr.

'34 courL, reported dependoncy nnd neglect cn.-es In 192;, 53 In \0211, nnd 80 III J!l2Il.

TABLE I.-Per cenl di.,lribution according to 1)/ace oj care of child pentling hcnring or di8po~ilion oj dependency and n('glrct cn.,es di,'posed of during 1927, 1928, and 1929 by juvenile courts reporting statistics to the Children' Il Bureau I

Plaoo 01 caro 01 chUd Drprntleney and neglrrll'nsrs

1927 1928 1929 -------------------1--,----,--

TotnL______________________________________________________________ 100 100 100 Own homo or caso dlspo,ed or snme dny __________________________________ ---M- ----61- ----0-2 J1"nr(l11l1l homo _____________ ._____________________________________________ 6 6 5 l>rlcnlioD homr or other Institution ,_____________________________________ 36 31 30 Jnil or 110Ure "tnllnn ,_____________________________________________________ (.) (.) (.) More t 18n ono plnce of care ,_____________________________________________ 1 1 Othrr plnce of enro. ________________________________________________ .______ 3 2 1


'34 CODrts reported depondoncy ,,,,<I neglect eMrs In 11127,53 In 192Q, nnd R9 In 1929. , InrlU<.l.s cnses of children held pnrt or the lIroo In <letenllon homes Bnd part 01 the time else,vhere, but

excludes CllSr.s of children nlso hrldln jnils or police "t!lllons. '11II'ludes CIl.,es or children held jlnrt of tho time In Jails or pollee stutlons Rod part of the time elsewhere. I ),.s., thnn 1 per ccnt. • Excludes cases of children held In lolls. police stntlons, or detention homes.

TARLE J.-Per cent distribution according to rca.,on Jar reJerence to court of Jamilie., n!prc.,r.nled in dependency and neglect ca.,I'., dis7)Oscd of dUTl:ng 1.'J27, 1928, and 1929 by juvenile courlll reporting .,tali.,lics to the Children's ]Jurenu 1

ROBSon lor rclerenco to court

Fnmllirs repn'srnted In do· 1,,-nu"lIey 111111 n"glrl'! ellSCS

1927 1028 1029 --------------------1----'---,---Totsl ______________________________________________________________ _

)00 100 100 Ahnndonment or dMcrtlnn _________ • _____________________________________ ,----,----,----12

3 22 30 12 B 7

)0 3

211 34 15 10 7

10 4

30 32 12 B ft

A 10 If so or cnlfllrcntlllrnt. _______________________________________________ _ ] IIIJ1fllper cumUli",," In 1001110 ____________________________________________ _ In"lftndrnl. jI!lrelftnl caro ________________________________________________ _ Fillnnrinl nrcd ..... ________ .............. _____ ... _____ .. _ .. ____________________________ _ 4111'"lIon or custody _____________________________________________________ _ Other rCBson ____________________________________________________________ _

i 33 courts roport.d fomllle., represe"teu In dopcndency nnd neglcct cases In 1927. 53 In 1928, nnd 80 In 1D29.

TABLE K.-Per cent diltribution according to disposition oj official dependency and neglect callcs dislJOscd oj during 19rt7, 1928, and 1929 by juvenile courts rel)ortinir IIlutillticS to the Children' 3 Bureau 1

T.l/sposillon or case

Olllclni dcr,rndl'ncy and nrg­ret rns(.iS

1927 1028 1029 TotnL __ .___________________________________________________________ 100 100 100

Dl5ml~d or contJnncd (ndeflnltl'ly ______________________________________ ---25- ---211- ---I-U

Child plnced nndrr ""lIrt 51111r.r\'I<"'"_____________________________________ 19 23 :M Chlhll.lncnd nnder sllJlrrvl~ lin III h1lllvhlllnl othor thnn probntlon officrr__ 0 7 B Child ('Olll1l1ll1c'( t" hllnrd, dr.ltnrtl1lclIl, or ngoncy______ __________________ 22 20 25 (~hlhll:fIIll1l1lt.tr'l tfllnslil.utlfll1 ____________________________ :______________ 27 22 24 Olhrr disposll.fun _________________________________________________________ 1 1 1

1114 courts rCJlorlCfl olllclnl dependency BIIiI neglect cn..es In 1927, m In HI:R, lind 811n 1029.

• I e

I j


.. J



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Page 18: 1929 - OJP

T ADLE I.-Number (If white and cCllored boys' and gir~' delinquency and dependency and neglect cases disp08ed of by 79 8pecified courts during 1929-Continued



Delinquency case:!

White children Colored chlldren Chilo dren

whose color Tot:ll

Dependency and neglect cases

I Colorer! children Chll-

1---.,---.,..--- Ilr~n

White children

I\'hose color

Tot:ll Boys Girls Total Days Girls n~ase- Total BoyS Girls' Total Days Girls was not port~d. i reported

3,S83 -::-1--::--:-: -:-:=-= -;: -: -:1-: -: -: = Ohio: Cuyah~ga County ___________________ • Fr;lDkltn County. __ .. _______________ _ 473 321 166 155 152 lOB 44 0.>0 ,;r,2 295 267 I 97 47 r.o

2,034 1,470 1,000 4;'0 5tH 394 1iO 4liS 321 138 18.1 147 75 i2 2. 021 I, ii3 1,497 276 248 192 56 292 2M 129 136 0 2i 16 11

Hamilton County .. ________________ __ :-'f'lhoning County __________________ _

752 612 417 195 140 106 34 305 300 146 154 85 H 41 )[onqzomery County. _________ .. __ __ Orecon: )fultnomah County .. _________ _ Pennsyl ... nnia:

AIl~!!heny County _________________ __ 902 889 741 148 13 9. 443 424 193 '! 2:11 19 9 10

1.290 1,101 941 160 189 149 40 756 670 312 358 86 52 34 05 49 42 7 6 5 1 13 13 8 5 , _______ ••• __ ._. ___ •••• _, ____ ._ ••••

R,95.'; 4,3n 3,8i7 495 1 454 1,189 265 --ri2ii' 3,670 2,823 1,493 1,330 \ i05 345 360 142 m ~~ L~ 1~ , 4.;5 36? sf; ~ i~ ~~ ~i i .J -----25· 11 ::::::::::

::.(ont~omery ('ounty. ______________ _ P hibdel ph ia .. _____________________ ..

Ltah: Third district ____________________ _ Vil'):inia: ~ orfolk ________________________ _ Washington: Pierce County _______ ._ •. ___ _


135 130 96 34 5 4 1 61 58 34 24 I 3 3 .... ___ • _________ _

I Total .. _______ •• __ ._. ___ • ___ • ____ .~~ 4, 302 _~ _661 ,_582 475 107 ____ .. __ 1 2, 501 2, 324 I, 150 I, li4

A.labama: '-! ---I---t---i,---/-------Iii 80

97 L-------,

Bullock County .. ____ • _____ ._. ______ • 3 3 3 Calholln County ______ • __ ._ .. _______ • 62 51 38 13 -----ii· --'--iii' ·-.... r :::::::: 63 50 25 25

19 13 6

5 2

8 ____ • __ ... 44 38 19

4 • _____ .. __ Chambers County ___ ._______________ 5 4 4 ________ 1 1 _____________ .. _ Clarke County _______________ .. ______ 9 8 7 1 1 1 _______________ _ Colbert County _________________ ._.. 18 14 7 7 4 4 .. ____________ __ Dallas County. __ ... ____________ ..... 2:! 2:! 18 4 _______ • ____ ._ •• ____ .. _______ ... Elmore County • __________ .. _________ 6 6 4 2 Etowah County ______________ .. ______ 61 49 37 12 -----i2· ·----ii· :::::::: :::::::: Houston County ___________ .. __ ._____ 18 18 16 2 Jackson County .. __ ._________________ 12 10 7 3 ----··2· -----·2· :::::::: :::::::: Lauderdale County._. ____ ... ________ 14 13 6 7 1 I • ___ .. __ .. __ .. __ Lee County. ___ • ___ .. ______ .. _ .. _____ 3 3 3 ______________ _ Limestone County__________________ 7 % 2 :; -----or ------i' ::::::::

16 16 9 32 32 16 i2 65 37 84 83 42

2 2 17 15 9 46 46 23 6 6 2

104 104 39 26 26 11 19 19 9

16 _ .. ___ ... _. __________ • _____ .. _._ •• 28 7 1 6


. __ .... _._.

.----:~. ---.. -~. --.-.-~. :::::::: :::::::::: 6 2 1 l 1. _____ ... _

~ ~mm~ I·I~~Im mml~lmm~

Lo~des County __ .. ________________ _ Marengo Count .1' .... ____ • __________ __ ~(nrsh6U COlmty ______________ • __ • __ • 'Monroe County .. __________ .. _______ • ~(organ County .. __________ .. _______ _ Perry Couaty .. __ • _________ .. __ •• __ __ Pickens Count .1' .... ______ .. _"" __ '" Tulhldeg:l County .. _______________ ••• TulllPoosn County _____ .. ___________ _

Illinois: Rock Islund Count .1' .. _________ __ Intl!ann: rIllY County __ • __ • ____ • __________ .. __

\"qnderburg County .. __ ._ .... _______ • Loulsillnn:

!lossler nnd Webster Parfshca .. --.--. Coddo Parlsh._ •• __ .. ___________ ... •• Ounchlta Parish .. ______ .. ___________ •

)rtnnesotn: WInona County _____ • __ ..... New Lork: ('hemung County • _______ • __ • ___ .. __ •

('oillmhla Count .1' .... _. _____ ."'''''' nelaware COlloty _____ • ______ ... _ ... . IhltdlcsS COulity. ___ .. __ ......... __ • OtHllrio ('aunt .1' .... _____ .. '"' ____ ''' OrlC!\ns ('ollnty ••••• _____ .......... ..

':"Qrth Carollnn: nuncon::be ('ounty .... . ~"'th D,lkotn: Third JUdlclnl dlst.kt

(hI p~rt) ....... __ ... _ ......... __ • __ ... .. Ohio: ;\IlSlolzo COllnty ... __ ... _ .. ___ .. ; •• _.

('\ 'rko ('aunt .1' ____ ....... "----------T.-.ke ('ount~· ..... __ .. __ •• ____ • ... • .. • S.ID'lusky ('ounty , ............ -.... .

Pcnn~~'I\,'lnhl: Lycon~lnll ('ounty ...... .. ~,,"th r.arulInn: Orcen\'llle County .... __ U,lh:

First dlstrlct •• ___ -... -- •• --.---.... -. Second ,listrlct .. __ .. ___________ ·_ .. .. Fourth .Hstrlct __ --.---- -.,-.. - -------fifth dlstrlct •• ___ ... _ ...... _ •• -----.. Other countl~ ... ___________ .. ______ _

VIrginia: Lynchburg ••• ___ • __ ._ .. ____ ....

2 , 2 2 • ____ • __ ._______ 381 37 15 22 I 1 1 _______ -' 1 \--.----.--

rl·----T ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ :::::::: :::::::~ :::::::: :::::::: ~ \ ~ ;i ~ ::::::i:'l~~~~~~~~'\::::::i:l~~~~~~~~~~ 21 19 13 6 2 2 ... - •• -. -------- "., 61 36 '25 3 2 1 1. __ ...... _

4 . 4 ~ 1 • .. ·--i- '--"-i' :::::::: :::::::: 5a I 53 ~,'i 28 ' .... ____ ....... - -------- ... --... --31 2 8 •• .. -T i, 42 39 20 191 3 1 2 I 1 ,--.----.. -l~ I I~ 4 " .--... -- .------. :!.1 2:l 10 \ 13 1 .. -----· ________ 1 ...... __


.... __ ... _ 34 1 32 :5 -----i1' :; 2 :::::::: :::::::: 162 101 69 92 \ 1 I \ ..... --- -- ....... .

~: i 425~ "---54' '--"2i' --"'iii' :::::::: ----~~~. -- .. ·:i- -----~i- ----·:i· ~~~~~:~~~~~~):~~::~~t~~~~~~~ 275 ""-00' ----·16· ·----i-i· :::::::: 0 50 1 1 I I

2~ 1~ -----:~ ... ---~ ....... ~. :::::::: :~~ :: :: ~: ~:~~~::: ::~::::: ~:::::::C:::::~: ~~~ ~ ........ ·-6- .. 4 .... _ .. 5 .. ·· ........ r :::::::: 133 l'.!i 62 65 6 t 3 t 3 t ............ -- .. ..

1~ 2 --........ --_ ......... ; ....... -- ----~ .. "--;;":j' .... i-ifi· ''''i~s' .. --·ili·'· .... T .... ·ii-,,:::::::::: 2~':J 21 12 10 - --.. -... - 3 - - 4' , , . 8ij IS 2 1 1 .. ______ 73 71 2. ., - - •• .. ·---1 .. • .. --· ..

30 1 1 I • 24 :!3 14 9 1~ ~ ..... '8'(.----....

l-I~ : ..... ::_ ..... ~:. ~~~~~~~~\~:::~~:: I: :: :: :: :::::::: ~~:::::: ::::::::L::::~~: 95 15 1--...... ---.. : .... ----...... ---. ~~ ~ ,~ I 3{ Inj i IJ : ......... .

401 ~6 ~ '* 10 : .. ----.. 31 26 i4: 12 5 2 3 ......... . 50 ~~ - 2 ..... -j.\:::::::: 40 30 21 I' 1~ 1 1 ........ , ........ :.: 69 10' 2 39 39 15 24 ........................... - .... . 1~~ J4 37 2S ...... 0·\:::::::: 114 [ 74 36 j 3~ 40' IS 22 1·-.. --.. ••

279 29 11 1~ ::::::::c:::::: · .... i8- • .. ··ig' '--"iiT-----r' :::::::: :::::::: :::::::::::::::::: ,m ~~ 3 2 1 1 .... _... 19 19 II I 8 ------.... ---.......... : .... -- ... . 3!!.l I 1 I "" 27 19 I 8 .. ----.............. --.. : ...... --.. f,ol 64 ...... -- ... ----- -, 1 6 211-1 27 4 3 1 1 .... ---- 12 7 5 1 .. --.. 0· .... ·T --'--TI'::::::::: 246 U! SS 69 19 r---.... 6

19 13 58 16

4 3 lB.') 100 225 214 38 32

133 100 120 113

16 14 211 100 &1 66 2Il 2lI 57 51


95 SO 30; 251

57 46 G-I 40 17 7 S9 75

275 246 524 4R2 382 315 (JOO ~6 2F,o 233 158 142

Page 19: 1929 - OJP


JUVENILE-GaUnT RTATISTICS. t929 34 • TAm,!') IT A.-.1 no limitafion (If orinillal mllrt jllri.~rfirfirm miff (I(1f' of hoy., d('(llt

with in drlin'll/mCI! ((/,~rll di,'7lflSCri of blf 77 Ilwxijicd ('tll1rf.~ dllrillg m:!.? I


COURTS SToII"':-O ARr:A~ WITIl 100,000 OR 1I0R1: port'I .. ' TION

Al!r Iillll· .:.Iion nr nrl~illnl

rOllrl illris. diction I Tolol

-.----------- -~--~-~---~-nays' '1~lh"lllrn.·y ,''''.os

AJ!r (If hoy

(TlItl) In I 12 14 I to I IS 1 0 :t''1r~. 'Yf'nn:. y('nr~, t yC'nr.;, yC'nrs

vrnn:; ,un,lrr nn,J('r uJlfJrr IltftlJt1r I nntl _' __ '_I~I~ _I_G_._I_R_ -=-, __ _ N,rl,

rcport· "d

Tolal rn>c~ ____ .. __ .. __ ... J. ______ ... __ ll •. lRI 12, 21R / ~,221; I R. nroll3, 8R7 /4, R71 sa ar.o ~.-----

I Indudcs 811 courts reporting boys' delinquency cascs tbat servcd areas wltb 25,000 or more populntlon In 1920.


. 4



JUY.ENII,E-COtTRT I')TATJS'Plf'S, 1!J29 • 35

T AmiFl TT A.-An/) limifn/7'o/l 0/ orininfll (,fllII-' illri.q,/irfj(J1l, mul (Inc (1/ hOlfll draU wifh in ddlll'lllellry (,(!Nr.~ di.~]IIm;d oj by If .,prc:ijirrl ('tllIrfs during J929-Contd.



Ago 11m I· 1 II lin II 1)1 urhdnnl

cnurt jlJri'j~ dirtloll

Totnl ensrs •••••••••••••••• , __ ........ ..

Alnhnmll: Cnlholln County............ Undrr I" .. GhnmhNs Coullt.y __ ............ ,10 ..... .. Clnrke COllllty .............. __ .tlo .... _ .. ColI",rt COlluty ................. ,0 ..... .. Ilnllns COullt.y .. __ ............. '10 ...... . Ellllore COllllly ...... _ .......... do ...... . Etownh CounLy ................ do .. __ ... 1I0uston (·"'lIIty ............... tlo ...... . Jnckson r,Ollllty ................ '10 ...... . l,nlldrrrinle ('oullt.y __ ...... ____ .do ...... . lA!Il Call II t,y .................... do ..... .. Limestolle COIIIIIS .......... I ... tlo .. _ .. .. Lownclcs OOllllty ............... do ..... .. MBrel1~O COllllty ............ ' ... '10 ..... .. lIInrshnll ('Ollllt.y ............... do ..... .. Mor~Bn COllllt}· ................ '10 ..... .. Perry Coullty ........ _ ......... tlo ...... . Pickens County ................ "0 ..... .. T.lln"~g" COlluty .............. <10 ..... .. 'I'nllaroo,n O""nty ......... _ •.• ,10 ..... ..

I11ll1ols: Hock Islnnd County .... Illlder 17 .. lurIlonn:

Vlny County. __ ........ __ • __ {'IIII"r In .. Vnnderburg COllnty ............ rln .... __ •

Loulslnnn: Dos.qlernlld WohstcrPnrishcs.' I'ndrr 17 .. Cnddo Pnrlsh ............... _'- •. 'Io ..... .. OunchJt.a Pnrlsh ................. rI" .... ..

Mlnnesotn: Wlnonn CoulItY"'''II'lIdrr I~ .. New York:

ChOlllllllg COllnty ........... 111l.lrr 10 .. Colllrn"la Cnunty __ ............ dn ...... . Drlnwnre ('ollllty .............. 'In ...... . J)lItchr$s Cnllllly ............... rlo ..... .. Ontnrlo Cnullty ................ tlo ..... .. Orlel\us. County •• _____ ......... tio ..... ..

North Onrollll.: nllnrombe (·ounty ........................... do ..... ..

North Dnkotll: Third iudlclnl dlslrlct (in pnrt) .......... __ ... Undrr IS ..

Ohio: Auglnl7.e County ... ----..... I ... ,lo ..... .. Clnrk County ......... __ ....... rlo ..... .. Lnke COllnty ................... rlo. __ ... . Rnndusky CounLy .............. do ..... ..

P~~~::~~~~!~:.~:::~~~I.~~.:-.~~~J Under In .. 80llth Cnrollna: Oreenvllle:

(:ounty .... __ ... __ ................ no ...... . Utnh:

First dlstrlct.. .. _____ ... __ ... Unrlrr 18 .. Second dlstrlct. .... ___ ......... ,In ..... .. Fourth dlstrict. ... __ ........... ,10 ...... . Firth dlstrict. __ ................ do .... __ • Other countles ......... ____ ..... rlo ...... .

Vlrglnln: Lynchlturg. _____ • __ ....... do ..... _.

noys' d~IlIl,,"rn~y rnses

.A~o 01 hoy

Tnloll • I 10 ! 12 141- ,~- III -r~--Un lrr; yrnr'q •. yrnr:Z

t yrnrs.' yrnr:Ot Yl'nr:l Not

y~~ ... 1I1l'\H lIwlN undrr ',lIllller nn.1 lre~drt. _·_·_1~1_1_1 ___ '_" __ 1_11_"::' __ _

<, ,,,~1--""-1--""-~1-"-""-1--8_~ 1~ 6 '. __ '~'I 1~ 20 r----..... ---. ---.. -.

!; ... - .. - .. -3 ._. ____ •• ____ • ____ .o.

R I ... ____ 2 Ii ____ ...... _ ..... ______ ....... _ II I 2 .~ a ........ ____ ......... IR 2 1 I 3

7 ____ ..... ___ .. 2 4 ______ •

... -- .. --- .. -- .. -.. -3 _____ .. ..- ........... 1

49 3 8 12 23 1 • __ ._ .. 2 10 3 5 7 __ .o ... ..- ........... 1 U ____ ... I 4 3 I ____ ... .. ..... _---i 1 ....... 3 3 " __ '" .- .... --- ......... _-. 3 I 1

I . ______ -- ... --_ .. ............. 6 I 2 2 I . __ .... .. ............ 2 I __ ..... I .. __ . __ --- .... _- ---- .... -2 ""'"

_____ .... f .... ____ .. 2 ____ ... ,. ...... -.. - ----- .. -

R 2 ' ............. 6 ....... ..- ..... - .. - ... ---- .... J!i -- .. - ........ .. ... -... _-- 2 I __ '"'' ------- 12 3 I I I ....... .. ... __ ..... - -------3 I I I .. ____ . .. .......... - .. --_ ......

1ft -_ .. _--- .... ----- a o ....... --_ .. - .... .......... --Ii _ .. _____ - .. -- ... -- 2

4 ______ • .. ............ -_ ........... 17 3 6 4 2 ______ •

la ..-_ .... -- I 7 4 I _______ ..............

3i I 10 H 12 - .... - ...... .... -_ ....... .............

3 ...... , ------- ------- ------- I 2 ZlO 25 27 5~ 82 48 1 252 30 31 H III ro 8 32 1 II 8 13 1


l11 .... ~· 18 26 22

JlS 30 4.~ .. ..... - .. -.. ------- -_ ......... -11 4 o ... __ .. - ... _- ...... _ ............

2(l() 32 35 roS r.1 1 ....... 1 ti, o 6 2.'; 27 -_ .. ---- .... ----- -- .. ----29 I 5 10 10 -- .. - ........ ------- 3

121 22 24 32 43 _ ..... - ...... - .. _---- .. ~

.. _----- -------3 __ • ____ _ ............. - --_ ...... -

~o n I~ 22 ao a 2 321i 19 35 53 113 /OS I ,, __ . __

4~ 6 2 3 8 !?ll I 1 42 2 6 II 12 13 ---_ .. _- ... __ ..........

\I 2 a ..... _. ... -- ... -..... .-.. -.......

10.1 13 15 30 H 1 .. __ ... ........ __ .. 2!m 20 24 43 68 P4 1 • ______ 473 49 no 101 ml m r.---- 2 317 IP 25 r.q 113 112 __ • ____

5:l7 311 5!J 111 130 2O\l .. , ____ ----.. 4 Z16 14 22 30 711 8i ______ •

211 17 13 32 75 73 .. ____ • 1

Page 20: 1929 - OJP



.1" .. 1'';~1':' Hll .• q/" /imitation of or(qinal COllrt jllri"'lil"lion (Inri agl' of girl,~ "mll li'ith in ""';11,///1"71('11 C(I.'CII di8110$('d of 11!J is Itpr:rijirri co//rl,~ dllring 1M!!! I


AJ!rJlmJ· Intima of oriJ!illnl

Olrh' drlhaflfJrnry m'rs

.AJ:r of girl

rnuTt Juri"Uc'

lion Tn!nll T 10! 12 H I 10 ) IR I . It nder yrnrs,! y('nrl:;, y('nr~, yrHr~. yrnr~ N of

• y!Oars un'Jerl unrlrr unrlrr IIndt'r f nnd II ~rl' I " 12 14 to 18 I 'n rr 'fT (f

COt'RT3 IIJ;Rl"/lW AnP:A1! WITII 1------ --1'------ ---. ------100,00!' OR 'lonF: rol'tI,ATlnN

Total cnse.. __________________________ ..1 7.0.l2 221 I 37D 1.2!l5! 3,415 1.5QII ~O \ ~R • T ;-------------,·------1--·----,---

AlahamR. Mohlle ('ollnty ....... 1 nrlrr 10"1 4~ ....... 3 to I 33 I 31--" ., ... __ __

CalifornIa: Rnn )llr!!o ('olmty ... I'JIIlrr 2'-- 23!1 10 6 10 r.n PO 2.'i 2 ('oflncctkut: Jlrf<ll:rporl. -------! l'ntlrr Ir._. 70 !i 9 In 41) '-____ .. 1.. _____ 1 ______ _ JJi.lrlrt of Colulllbla ____________

1 Under 17 __ 1 32~, I4 34 86 13, I 53 .. ___________ _

Inllinna: I • LAke county. ____________ .. _/ Untler 18__ lOR .. ___ .. 1 21 .'i-1 3=1 ____________ __ Mnrlon Connty ________________ .. tln ____ !._ 3~2 J 7 49 172 101. ______ 1 ______ _

lown: 1'011; ('ounty .. ____________ ... __ .tln.___ liS 17 17 31 :;21 r.t . __ .... ___ .... 1\IIrhl/:nn: Kent County _______ .I11ntlrr li_. 55 i 4 21 32, 21 • _____ ... ____ _ Minnesota:! I

HennepIn County ____ • ____ .. 1 llntlrr 18.. 201) 2 0 22 7R 8R 1 _____ __ Hnmsey COullty ___ • _________ ..... do .. __ 87 ._ .. __ .. "_"__ 4 2'J IH ______ •• _. ___ _

N_n~~ I . lIutlson Cnunty ____ • ___ .. __ • lIntirr In.. 2fi2 • JJ 1,~ 50 1711 __ ........ __ __ Merrer Counly ____________ ....... 110.___ 111/'. __ ... _ 2 6 12 ._ .. __ ... _____ .. ____ _

New-York: JlulTnlo .. _______________ .. ______ .. tlo____ 00 1 Jfi 48 ____ • _______ ••. ____ __ Erie County ... _________ • ____ , ___ • tln .. __ Jl 1 2 4 Ii ____ ..... __ ... 1 .. ____ _ Monroe Couoty -------------I---.. tln---- a!l ' _____ • ______ . 11 2.'l New York Clty _______________ ... <10 .. _. I,O~~ I 2!J 73 2m 717 Renl«e!nrr County ---------.'---- ,In._ -- m I 5 to 30 Wc.<trhc.,tcr County._. __ .. ___ ... 10 ____ 13~ 0 3 22 74

Ohio: CuynhOJ!n County _________ .. tTrrdrr 18.. 711 30 211 107 2!lJ Frtlnklln County .. ________ ....... do ... _ Inl' ' 1 4 IR 80 Hnmilton Counly -------... - __ ... tlo____ f>40 10 20 I RR 203 :t.lnhoning County _________ ...... tlo .. __ 1.12 9 III 4~ HI) MontJ>;nmrry County_ •• ___ .... _ .. Iln____ 220 13 10 J 51 82

Ort'Fon: lIIultnomnh County _________ do .. __ 152 I II • 15 61

::::i~:I:::::::I"""ii 31 .. ----. --""­... _- .. _- ~ .... .. _--

231 PR 2~n lI5

f>1 76


-----~-I I~ !l

2·1 3 1 I Penns\'h'nnIR: ,

Alir~hcny County_ .. ______ .. Un,lrr 16._ 200 7 /0 I 4R 11.~ H 3 3 ]\foJlh<nmery County ______ ....... tln .. __ !' .. - .... " __ ' __ 1 3 Ii ..... , ............. .. l.hlln'lrl/lhla ___ .. · .. _________ I .... ·"o .. __ 8M 26 iR 1111 ~11 23 21

Utnh: 'fhlrrl fli.,rlct .... _________ llntler 18.. lfi/ 4 a 21 r.1 in .. __ .. _ .. ___ __ Vlrglnln: Norlolk __________ .. _______ .. do____ In 0 7 24 43 11.1 I .. ____ _ Wn.-1Jington: )'ierce County ___ .... ___ do._.. 35 _________ "___ 0 16 13 .. ___________ _

I Inrludl!3 all courtl! reporting girls' delinquency cases that served arollS with 25.000 or Dlore pOflulntlon In 1920.

• • e


JUVENIfJE-COnR1' f>1'A'I'JS1'ICf>, 1929 e 37 T"m,l'l lTn.-Agc limitation of or;ui1lnl mUTI jllri,~dicli(Jn and nUl! of girl.,

dr.nll 1IIilll in drlillq'lClICY CIIM,~ (/i.~lJ().~I'rl of b!l 'l.'J ,'Jlccijicr[ c(JlIris tiurillg 1929 -Cu"tilillcd


.A~e limi­tnfl'lJ) or uriCilwl

('uurl. juri.·'lic·


~-======~=================== (J irl,' tlrliuqurllry rn'Cs

A~o of gIrl

I 10 I 12 I H lin Undrr yt'nrs, yr-nT:1, y{\'nr~, yrhf.';_ .,!O .1 untlrr Ulltl~r lJIHln un.lrr ~cnrs 12 I 14 10 I~

Tot,,1 18 yrnr~

nll,1 o\'rr

Not rr·


I ,---,---,- -

nnJR'fft SF.R\·.Nn ARF.A~ wrnt I 2",000 TO HKI,fIIJ(1 f'()I'l'I~"110N

Tot:.1 rru;ros .... _____ .. __ .. _, __ .. _ ....... -'~I_~1_4~..I~I_~_ ~1 __ 2_1 __ 9

Alr-hnmn' I I I I Uu1inrk ('ormly .... _ .... _ ... rnclrr W. ~ ......... _.... ....... a ----- .... ---.... -----

Clnrke (·mlnly ..... -_ ............ tln._.. I I 1 ___ " __ ...... - --.. " ... ___ .......... 1..._ .. . ('"III'llln ('m III '.y ________ .. ____ ... tlo .. __ H 2 ___ .... 3 • n • ______ .. _ .... ____ "_

rolllrrL (',,""ty .... _ ..... __ .!.. .. _,ln.___ 7\ I I I 3 21 .. _ .......... .1 .... ---

ghnor~ ('olln'Y .......... ___ ..... _tln ... _ 2, ....... , ....... !._..... 2 ----.. - .......... -----nnlhl.. ('Ollllly ..... ____ .. ___ :, .... _,IO .. __ 4 ....... ....... ....... 21 I I --.... -

~~tnwn" ('OIlllly ___________ • ______ rlo.___ 12! 2 , I J 2 0 1 ______ -j-. ___ __ lIoll~ton COullly .... ______ • ____ .. tlo.___ 2/ .. • .... 1 .. -·--· ....... 2,_ .. __ .. --·---·1---.... Jnrk~on ('tlIIIII)' .. ____ .. _____ .. _ .. do .. __ a 1 .. - ... - .. --.... I 2 .... - .... ---.... ---.. Lnlltlrrtlnlr County _ .. _. __ .... __ .110____ 7', I "---" J f I I ... --..... ---.-)'hll~slolle ('ollllly __ .. __ •• __ ..... do____ I .. __ ..... _ ...... __ ... I ---____ .. ----:.------

R!~~;~~~~~'~~r=::=::::::: :::J~:~:: J. :::::~: ::::::: ::::::: "--Ti::::::: ::::::: ::::::~ Prrry ('0111\1.1' ...... ___ •• ___ ...... 10 .. __ I I ................. - .. : ......... ---.. ---.--.

Tnllndrpn (. t>ll II ty .......... ·1·· ... tlo .. - - 4 ...... ·1· .. · .. · I Z I I 1 .. -...... -----illinoIs: llm:k IsllIlIU ('oullty. __ IIndrr IR.. 17 " __ '" I I 0 6 ....... "'-'--"ulinnn:

Clny ('onnty_ . __ .... _ ... _ ........ tlo____ n ''' __ '' ....... 5 .......... - ... ----VnndcrburK COllnty ____ ._._ .... _.do .. __ fir. 1 3 25 ! 21 , __ .. _ .. t .. _ .. __

LOlIlslnlln: lIos.-lor nnd Webster Par·

Ishes .... _ .... _____ ._ ..... _. Un,ler 17 .. CR.l"o pnrlsh ... _____ ... ___ ....... tlo .. --Ollnrhiln I·nrlsll ... _ ...... ___ ..... ,{o __ ._

Minnesota: Wlnoll" County ____ • Uncler 18 .. New Ynrk:

ChOnJllllp: COllnty _ .... _ ... __ Under 16" Colurllhlll COllnly ... _______ ...... ch ... __ Ilelllwnrn COllllty _____________ ... ,h, .. .. Dutchr" COullty ________ • ____ .... clo. __ _ Ontnrio {'ollllly ________________ .. tln .. __ Orlenlls ('nil II ty ___ ... _ .. ___ , ._._.do __ __

North ('nrolinn: Tluneomhe COllnty ...... ___ .......... __ . __ ... _ .. <10 ___ _

N nrtll »nkol n: Third ju<lirinl .lislrlct rill flnrl) ____ .. __ .. ____ . Under IR •.

01110: A u~lnI7" County ________________ .do .... Clark County __________________ .. ,10 .. __ Lake County ____ .. _____________ .. du ___ _ Rnntlusky ('ounly __ .. _. __ ....... _tIeL __ _

Pelln<ylvnnln: 1,,('Olllln!! ('ouJlty Under 10 __ South Cnrolilla: (lroell\'1110 (·ounly ... _________________ • ___ • ___ . do ___ •

Utn!': First rllstrkt ..... ____________ Under 18 __ Serolld dlslrieL .. ___________ • ___ •. tlo __ .. Fourlh tlistrir'l. __________________ tIn .... Fifth tllslrlrl._ .. _ .. ___________ ... tlo. ___ Other roulllirs .. _- ___________ • __ .. tlo ....

Vlr~lnin: Lylll·llhnrg. ____ .. _____ ._ .. _do __ __


3~ 1'''--6' "-",j' ..... ~. "--ii'll 17 .... __ . 3 1 7 G I .. _ .. __ I 2

I / ... - ___ 1 _____ __ 9 .. _____ .... __ _

ft ...... _ .. _.". 1 .. _ .. _. I

33 ~ I ~ 20 ! .. _ .... '. __ .... 2

R ' ....... 1 ___ .... 2 •• _ ...... ___ __ 2,1 , 2 _ .. _ .. _ 1!I'_ .. __ .. 1 I 1_._ .. __ .. __ .. ,

22 2 2

3 !i • ______ • ________ ..... __ _ I I .. ____ ... ___ .. _____ .. 9 12 .. ____ ... __ .... _____ _

f .. _ .. ~~.i::::::: ::::::: ::::::: 8 10 1 ___ ........ _1 ___ .. ___ 1 ___ ...... __

3 1 _______ : _______ 1 __ .. ___ _ 2 J '_" ___ '1" ___ __

15 75 II 27 to


20 Co2 foR rol 2.Q 35

:t 2 3 2

4 13 3 2


o 2 2 I 3

I \I



4 14 . ~ n 5


6 31

1 II

6 _._____ I

2S '1_"_'" -------7 ....... ______ _ ~ I

4 1 _______ 1 _______ 1 ______ _

1 J 1 _______ 1 __ .. ___ _ 2

13 17 31 2:1 II


8 1_ ... _____ 1 ... _____ _

12 2i' I .. ~_ .. ___ I_ ..... _ .......

31 13 8

Page 21: 1929 - OJP


TAB'LE IIIA.~('a.~on for reference to (,OI/rt in boys' delinquency ca3ell dtsposed of by 77 .~Jlecifie([ co/(rl.~ during 1929 1

DoYll' dcllnlJllc: .V cnsM

nrn.<on for reference to conrt


"" "" '....., ~ g E 0 2 c. ~_ ~!2"1:'§ e ~e ~a ~ ~~ ~bO :;sa ee ~'Qj ~g C!E ~.!!8 (08. 11:0 g-g ~11 ~ ~~ 4' ~g ~~ :§"~ til:;; ~ btl ~g a :5>' os ~-;:

N &

a g = :.. ~ I ~ ~tf '0 ": 0 S:a d ~ 3:c. 0 3- ~ ~ :a ., o lP 2 :l c: H _ ~ o-::! 0 81m 8 ~ b ~ .5l ..: ::= lol~


COURTS ~p;n\'lIm ARF.:Al! WITn 100,000 1------.-----------QR 1I0RE l'urtlLATION I I I. ,

Total ClIS<'S .. __________________ • 3~, lSI H.2f.o 2, 773; 2,22!l 2, .;001 531/ 881 9,85J) 202 8101 121

AlahAma: MoWc Counly. __________ . 1.0.--00-40."'/2' __ .... --3:--1-7 -2i --5 ;{.:=-{'nUfornla:Snn Plcgo ('ounly. _____ .. 1,417, 412, 11:;1 lfoS IRr. 39 17 4(H 23 67 ___ = ('OIlIlPellc1I!: Drl<l~rJlort .. ____ .. _____ • 3!1I 222 H> 18 211 6 5 OR I 1 __ __ DI<lrict oC Columbla_________________ 1,6"'" 691/ 48 J6 16. 4 50 63U 4 13 __ __

• hullnnn; ;, L.1ko County _______________ ...... 13~f Ill, 27 I, 10 6 .. ____ B ____ ... _____ __ MRrlon County _____ .. ___________ Gr,1 33B, P2 H. 701 3 14 811 4 20 .. __

Iowa: Polk ('oullly .... __ .. ________ .. _ 5{;9, 225, H 33, 43 5 H 214 9 12 ... _ Mlchignn: Kent County_____________ 34,) 1M/ IS {I 20 7 8 RD 2 2, __ __ M I"'"~soln: ,

Henn.pln County________________ 89ij 5J}4 28 5, S7 41 12 133 14 13 ___ _ 1!amS('y Couuty__________________ 30<)1 207 3 1 IR 5 3 5. I II ___ _

New Jersoy: I Hudson County __________________ 1,5~·I, 0.1.5, 400 10 174 17 3~ 320 I 4 ___ _ Mererr County___________________ 4J~1 2771 25 4 9 3 II 84 I ______ __

New York: , BulTalo___________________________ BIi, 5!\>1 1 3r.: 40 121 20 I(,~ ____________ __ Erl~ County __ ___________________ 192, 00 4 4 II 3 9 04 ______ 71 __ __ MOllroo ('flunty__________________ 194, 132, 3 13 7 0, 3 30' _______ .... __ __ NeW' York Clly __________________ n, FOg !,4R~ Or, 508 55.0; 56. 248 2,5481 I 251/120 n~uS('~I"'~r Gounty_______________ 25R, 71: 1'2 10. 17 2; 9 36 1 ______ __ WNlIehestcr Counly______________ 7411,' 250 20:1 4/' IH lSI H 19' I 4. ___

Oh~: ! Cllrnh~n County________________ 3, r~2: 1,4r.9 JOO 240 219 58 8!l 728 ? 8 1 Frnnk"n County _________________ 2,4 209 19 4· 3 28 6 2 4 . _____ __ 1IAIII/llon COIIJ'ly ________________ 1,39·' 055' 23 109, 411 IS 12 378 17 43 __ __ l\fnhoulllg County _______________ I, r,qg 346 2~2 lH 132 21 41 6!j9 13 FB __ __ M ont~olllery County_____________ 513 191' 134 36' 35 22 22 75 6 3


__ __ Oregon: .I\Iullnomnh ('oullly _________ 750, 400 6J 19 OJ 10 17 126 15 30 __ __ }'cnu5vl\"nnln: I

Allegheny County _______________ 1,090 &16 185 84 81 17 18 63 5 1 ___ _ l\Iolll~OIn"ry Cot,Dly_____________ 47 39, 21 _____ .1 3 I 1 1 _____________ _ I'hll"I'.I/1hlll - --__________________ O_Olm 2,243, 1021 017/ 3211 08 J52 2,220/ 2712U"I----

Utnh: Third t1lslrlcL_________________ 710 3r.4 1541 36j 25 13 0 10.1 If> 4 __ __ VIrgInIa: Norf"'k_____________________ il~l, 20S !l5 291 54 10 34 31l, 20 10 __ __ Wn.<hlngton: I'lrrre County__________ IIX) 79' 2 4 _________________ .I R ______ 7 __ __

Ilncln.l~ .. nil cOllrts reporting boys' delllH/uency cnscs thnt serve<l nren..~ wltb 25,000 or lUore popula­tlonln 11120_

• f e



TABLE HL ... -Rl'fl.mnfor rrjcrencc to conrl in IIO/ls' dl'.linqllcncy caliCo' disposed of by 77 s]/ccijir.tl r:nltrts during 1!H!9-Cl)lItinllcrl

noys"c!ellnquoncy cnsM

ncnson for rcference to court

.8 ... .. 't:J 0

~g a " 0

-g" ~ 0. "'-

.~a "'0

~o ,,-It. .D!:; c.", Court

"'0 8'" ~.~

n [ I>. 0 0

!!~ -.0 .,u ~~

"" .., :COl ~o ... '3 ~

~ .,~ ..,

"'~ l;~

o~ '" E"

i5 I>. ",e .,

~It " ..

to u " >" P::: ~~ " " '0 go. 0

~ o..!! -5 0 01

I~ .,

" H C :; 0 Z 2 " c '" --: 0 .:: w Ul H E-< rn 8

counTS Ry.nvfNo A RUR "'ITII 26,000 1 I I I I - TO 1011,000 rOrtlLA TION

TotAl cn.~c., _____________________ , 1, 1Ir.! ',mo: 52fl lOR IR2 73 1M 1,1141 I.~I' g51 1

Aln'tlomn: ,------------------,---CAlhonn COllnt y _________________ .ffl 311 3 0 7 ------ •• ---- ------ 11'--- ----Cll.'lInhrrs (:ounty_______________ (j 4 1 ___________ .- .... -- ------ ______ .......... -- ---- ... _-Clarke Gounty ____________ .______ R 41 I I _____ • - _____ .. __ .. __ .. __ I I ----Colbert Cnnnty ___________ ...... _ II 5 6 _____________ .... _ 1 ___ .. _______ --------nnUns COllnly ______________ .. ____ IR 6. 4 4 _____ . _______ .. ___ 4 ______ --------

Elrnoro Counly .... __ .. ___________ ~ 2 ------ .. ---- ------ 1


------ .... __ , 1 .. __ ----1';lo\\'nh COllnly ______________ .. __ 40 3·1, 4 ______ 4 ____ .. J 3 1-___ ----"oll~lon County ______ .. _________ Jfo 13..______ ______ 2, .. ____ 1 ____________ ---- ----Jnl·kson I'ollnty. ____ .. ___________ III 5, ____________ -- ___ ', I I ! 1 ______ __ l.nullenl"lr County_______________ 7 2, .. ____ I 4.-----'1'----. ______ ------ ---- ----

tr,~,~r~.'.'~}~~iii,j:v::::::::::::::: gr----;:, :::::: :::::: _ ... J:::::: :::::: .. ---=,:::::: :::: :::: J.'nvndr" COUllt)'_________________ 21 2 - .. ---,------ ------1------ ------ ------ ------ ---- ----Mnrengo ('011111)' __________ .. _____ 1 2 ____________ "' __ -'-""_ ---.. - ______ ------ --------Mnr"hnll COullly ___ .. ____________ R 4 , __________ .• _____ I 2 ______ --------

f;rJ.t~~~f~~~ri:~;,~~:::::::::::::::::: I~ :::J---j:::::: "-<i:::::: .. ---~ :~~j:::::: :::: :::: 'I'nllndega I'QUIlt.y __ .. ____ .. ______ I!. HI 21 I 2' .... - I Ir ·---- .--- ----'l'nllnJloo~a COllnly_______________ 0 r. 1 _____ .• ----. ------ -- .. -- .. ____ 1 ______ ---- ----

Jillnol~: Hoek 151:111<1 County _______ .. 17 121 I 2 I I ------ ----.... ---- ---- ----IIII/lnnn: Cia}, COIlllty ... __________________ 13 R, 4 .. _____ 1 ______ ---- .... __________ ----j .. --

Vnn.lcrhurg County______________ 37 2"1 D· __ .. __ I .--.-- .. ---- 2 1

1 __ " ----

J,oul~lnna: II 0.'<5 lor nnd Webst~r Pnrlshrs_____ 3 2 ____ .. ______ 1. _____ ---.. - -----.1.----- ---- ----enddo l'nrlsh_. _________ .. ________ 230 7R, r. 12 7 ______ 29 94, 7, g, .. __ Ollarhlln Pnrish _______ .. __ .. _____ 2:;2 471 25 3r, 1ft 6 17 RO, 2, 17 __ __

~:~-n~;;g:k; WInona Gounty .. ________ 32 20


___ ,, ________ ..... ----.. I 6, 2 3 ----

Ch~mulII: County .. __ .... _______ J()() 37 20/ 3 f, I 3 30 ______ 1 ----Columllia Clmnl.y .. ______________ lIN :J,~I 3 15 10 21 3 47, ______ ---- ----Delnwnre COullly .. _ .. ___________ 11 10 ___ ._ .... ____ 3 _ .. ___ ______ 1 ______ --------])IIlchr~" COllnly_________________ 2(ij) 03 311, ,0; ~ I I ll.1 _______ • __ ----Onlnrio COlillty __________ .. ______ lIil 10, 21 I 2 I 5 9 ______ I ----Orleans ('ollnt)" _____ .. ________ .. _ 2DI 21. _____ -- .. - .. ----- 1 ___ .. _ 7. ______ ---- .---

Norl h ('nrollnn: Bunl'omhe noullt.)'__ ]2.1 [03. 19 3 4 •• ____ 2 40 2' 1 ___ _

N([,~hp~r~~_~t~:_~'~~I~~I_j~~~~=~I_~~~I::~:_ 1 3


'- _____ 1 ____________________ .. __ !I ______ I ____ .. -. OhIo: AURlnlto ('ounty _________________ RO 4D 2 n 7 6 0 7 II 6 ___ •

Clark Counl.y .. ______________ .... 326 02 77 :i2 30 2 3 ~2 ______ I 1 I.nke COllnly_____________________ 4R Ill, I I 4 2 ____ .. 15, g .. ____ __ ~lIndllskl' COllllty _______ .. _______ 42 3D, I 1 I I. 3 5


.. ----1---- ---_

Prnn"ylvnnla: J.Y!'OInln)! County __ .. II 21 3 .. __ .. I I: 2 .... ________ .. ____ __ f'olllh Cnrollnn: (lrcell\'lIIc Count)-.. _ J0.1 571 5 15 n 2 8 7 3, __ .. ----V~C !

Fir,,/. <I1.trIrL .. _______ .... _______ 2[,0 79, 47 R 4 J \' 6 71 13, 11 __ __ ~1'I'onrl d!~lr!l·L _______________ .. _ !i~ InO ~o 27 2~ 13 301 1341 8. 3\ ___ _ l'Ollrlh 'It'I.II'I.__________________ .lI, 14-1 "~I 13 I 12 n 70. 9 II ___ : "In~ "1~lrirl . ____________________ r.:1i 11171 foR .. ____ I I! lfol Ifo2/' (,0, ~3 .. __ (Ilhrrr·Ollnlir~ ________________ .. __ 2:11; III 33 5 :1 D 7 [03 2R, 7 ___ _

Vlrglnin: LyrH'hl"Ir~---.. ---------.. - 211 [,!I, .rr,1 J 0 _"_,,I R Rill OJ ___ -/-__ _

Page 22: 1929 - OJP



"TABLE •• -ReG80n for rrlercnre to cQurt in (lirl.,' delin.quency ca.,es rf!'.,poM,d of by 78 specifier! courts during 1929'

Olrls' d~lin'lll~n~y cnsrs

--.~----- ~--.

l!enson ror rdercnco to court

" "" og ~ I~' '" .015 o O'M

Court Ie. " 0.<1 ~ ~~ 53 EO 8 .. [! c 0._ ~

~'" '" ~ .. ~~ g. .... ~e '" E" ~c.

~~ r: "::l "'- It .0'" "0 ~C! ,,~ .. 0,"

.. eB. ~ ~~ ~ d'- oo~ .. ., '" .. " 0", <'I: ,,-c 0

CJ " f;" a'3 "'~ 0. c e i: '0 ~ g'~ ~ .. C! Il

oe- 0 .aE ~

" <I ,",,00 0 [; '" Cl;...!: H ... '0-= !",c ::;

'" '" CJ _ ... .., ...

f-o f-o , ,,; ~ rn ... -.: I> 0 Y. --1--------'-COURTS SERVING Anr.AS wlTn 100,000 I I OR MORE rOrULAnON

Totn) cnses .. __ .. ____ .. __ .... ___ 7,0:12 75~ ROO, I,IFO I,OID 1,3·ln WI "Iro li2 II!'I i3

AlAooma: Moll"o ('mlnty .. __________ --49j--OI'--0/--7 --2117 3 -'/--1 =1= ('nmornla; ~an Drlgo ('ounty .. ______ 239 15 27 H fI,~ 4R 3 21 7 0 __ ._ ConnrcHcut: I1rlrlgeporl. .. _ .. _. ___ .. 70 R 7 R JO 34...... 2 __ ........ "'_ Di<lrict or Columola ___________ • __ .__ 324 72 3 I~ 112 9 8 711 2 21 .. __ IndlAnn:

Lnkc County .. --------------__ • __ Marion ('Otlllty __ • ___________ •. _.

Iowa: I'olk County .. _. ____________ ... Mlcol~nn; Kent County ______ ._ .... _ 1>lfnnrsoln:

IO~ 3.12' 17R' 8

,1 ~J

7 23 15 24

6 40 7 H

I.~ 2,1 II 3

J1~nnrpln county ... --•• ----___ .. 1 2(lQ I1nm~ey Couoly ..... _________ .___ 87

Nr.wJrr.;cy; 1Iudso" <'ollnty .... _ .... __ .. ___ .. 262 M~r['f'r COullty ...... ____________ . JD: :I"';~~I o. 2


New York: nulTnl,, ___ .... _____ .. _____ ... __ ... Erlr ('orml,)' .. __ . ______ ....... __ .. Monror County __ ... __ ........ _ •. New York Clty. __ .. ____ ..... __ • __ Renl'.<elnrr COullty ...... _______ .. Wcslchrslcr C'OUllty ____ • ______ ...

OhIo: CuynllOgn County .. ______ . __ ._ ... Frnnklin ('ounly .. ____ .. ___ • ___ .. Hnmillnn Counly._ .. ____ ._ .. __ .. Mahnllin!: ('[Junly .... _ .. __ .. _ .... I\fnntcmncry (·"""ty .... ___ . __ __

Ore~on: IIlultnomnh County._ ...... _ I'ennsylmnfn:

Allr~heny ('oullty __ ------------.. Mo"(~nmrry County __ . ________ ._ PI.II,"leJI ,hI A ... _ •• _______ ..... __ __

Utnh: 'I'hlrel r/Istrlct. __ .. ____ .. _. __ __ Vlr!!lnl.: Norrolk--....... --.----... __ J' Wn.'hl"~ton: PIerce County ........ __

60 23 ...... , rr. II __ .... I __ •••. 39 6 __ .. __ n

I, cs,q Hi II 270 flO 133 2

139 7 70, .... __ 711 70 22.1 9n 100 r. Zq 12 640 61 2Q, 136 3~2 13 GHI' all' 2211 16 Ii4 34 152 10 0 7

2t"J B'

B66' 101 143 35

29 321 35' 6~ --"27 3a~ 19 H 22

~ liL..~~:

21 172;

GO, 27

62 IR'

47" 7 2 •••.• II "" 671 1/ ...... , 1/ __ .. , ....

~ ..... ~ .-.-~~I:::::: .J:::: 6~ "''''1 1°1 ..... \ 9, __ __ 4~ •• _ •. __ ._... " ___ ....... .

I 53r ai' 2' I __ • __ ., 2, __ ••

41 3


I 2 __ .-. ____ ''''

'L_ .. ~ ..... ~ .... ·5 __ ... ~I· .. il:::: 4(1~. ~~ •• .. 2ij' .... 70 .::::: --'ani

J.5 4 2 3 21i 40, I __ .....

"0, 140 14 31 71 2 __ ._ 21, 129 3 I 3 3 2

10" I()'~ 33 32 6 IR 3 ti5 63 3 (in .. 12 . .• 41: 411' 4 Zl Ii __ .. I 31

1 77(.____ 10 4 I __ ••

4g: ~ ..... ~ :::::: ____ .: :::: :::: 247( 30 23 SI 0 JO . __ _ 27, 35._.... 4 8 2. __ _ 64, 0 22 13 3 ._ .... __ 10: 20 __ ....... __ . 1 ...... __

I Includes nil courts reporlfng gIrls' delinquency cnses that served areos with 26,000 or more populnt/on In 1920.

• • I e

f) ~

JUVENJI,E-COURT STATISTICS, HI_ 41 TAIlT,!,; lIT n.-ReG.,on lor refrrcncr. 10 Caliri in girl,,' rlr.lill'l,ulncy ca.,e" di8poud oj

bll 7."J .,pecijieri cOllrl" !lliring I!JJfJ-Contiullcd


COUJlTS :-:;F.n VINO An F.AN WITU 2.),000 TO 100,000 rOI'ULA TION

3 0 f-o

"g Ie.

6 B ... ~" ".-


Oirb' delln'lIlOnCy cases

I1cMon ror rererooce to court

b' -g .. !;~ .08 0 ~d ti ~~ I~ B.a r: ...

'" .H g, I ~ " 2C ~ .0"' "0 .. ,,:0 m ~~ ~~

It ~

'" bO EO. 0 0'" B'Sc g

" c ""- .. "'~ '" - 1>- ... 0 ~ i!~ lJ E " 0 3,~:reJ "0 ~!i E § ~ - !l.c ~ c:-,ul H E '-' 02'0 1_ 0 f-o e:: :.;, ~ ..: > 0 7--------- ----

Aloon:::nl c~~es .. __ ._ .. _. __________ • ;~1:~1~ ~I~l Ir'11~i~;~I~ .---nllJloek ('Olin tv .------ .. -------.. 31' .. --.' ........ --..... -.. 3 .. ____ --...... ----1---- ---. ('nlhouu ('''Ullly ____________ ._... 11


.... __ I r. 3 2 2j 1 ______ ---- .--.

~~~~~g~~::~:~::~~::~:~~ ,1!~~~~J::::::: :::i ::J ::::::E:~~:~ ~:~~~i:~~:~~: }~?~~~~~fo~:~li.~~::::::::::::::: ~ ::::::1:::::: -.-.. ~ :::::: ~ :::::: :::::: ::::::!:::: :::: I,ntllh'rdnle County ---.------..... 71 __ .... ' .. __ .. --.... I (, .... -... ---............. --!.I11I.'st0l1l' ('ounty ___ ... ____ .. _.. I I -., ... """ .. - ............ --.• ,,-.... --.. I ...... --M"l'ell~o ('onnty .... __ .. __ ....... I I ........................ ----.......... --......... --Mortr"e Courtty .... _ ... ______ .... 1 ... __ • ,, __ •• I. ............ --.. " ........... - ---. ---. M "r~lIn County_. _______ .. ___ .... 0 ... __ • ...... 2, 31 I ... - .. "--" .. ---- ..... ,,-I'Nrr County. _____ ._ ... ___ • __ .__ 11' __ '" I ...... ! .................... --........ ! ... --.. 'I'nlhl/legl\ Connty ........ ------.. 4 .. _ ..... __ .. 2...... 1 ____ .. _____ • I ..... - ..

illinoIs: Hock lslnnd County ... ___ ... 17 2 3 2 3 ~ 1 .. __ .. 1 1 --.. Irullnlln: Clny ('ounty .. __ .. __ ... ____ ._.... n, I 2, ........ __ .. 1 ____ .... ____ ----.. 2. __ •

VIln,I"rhllTl: County .•• ___ ........ r.~1 4 17 4 3 24 3 .. -..... ---. --...... Loulslllllll:

II,,,,-,irr nnd Wehster Parlshes __ ... I ....... _ .. __ ...... I ........ ---... ---- .... -- .. -- .. --('''''''0 /'nrlsh ......... _........... 39 7...... 4 n' 6 R 7 .. - .. - 1 -- •• Oll",'hll,n /'arl,h,... ............. 17..... 3 3 4 4 2 I ............ ..

Mfnnesot:l: WIIIOIIII ('ollnty.......... no .......... -. "--" •.. - .... ---- .. --... ----- .. -- ... -N~w York: I I Chell1ung Counly._._. ________ ... 33 I 13 17ft 2 1._____ 2 ....

Colurnhlll ("ounly_ .. _ .... __ ...... H'...... I 3 __ .... 2. ____ • 2 .. ____ .... --.-Drlnwnrr ('ounty ___________ ..... 21. __ ... -... -- ...... I 2 ...... ·---.. 1----... ---...... "'-J>lIlcllI'sS ellunf,y ... ____________ .. 23 2/ 4...... 15, I .. __ .. 1 .. ---- --.. ----Onfurlo ('mll/tv ..... ______ • ____ .. lU 2 .. ____ I 3 13 .. ____ ------ ------ .... ----Orle'lIIs Count;· ......... __ ....... II 11· ___ .. --.......... 1·· .... 1 .. --.. 1· .. --· --.---, .. -- ----

North ('Ilrollun: llunromhe ('ounl y.. 2"1 9 I .. ___ . 4 6 .. ____ .. ---- 2 ---- "--North J)qkntll: 'l'hlrtl Judlclnl dis·

trlct (In IlIlrtl ___ .. __ ·_ .. _ .... _ .. • .. • 31~ • ____ 1 _____ _ 2, _____ _ 11_--_ ..... 1_ ... ____ 1_ .. - ___ 1_ -_ -1----

OhIo: A 1II:1nI7.0 County ...... ________ .•. (,Inrk County. _____ ...... ____ ._ .• I,nkc ('onnty ............ _ ...... .. Snndnsky County ...... -- ...... --

PenlisylvIlllin: 1,~'roll1lnr. Connl,Y ... . South Cnrollnn: (Jrcenvlllo ('ounty ... Utoh:

First cllstrlct. ..... ____________ .... Sccond III~lrlcL ___ . _____ .. _____ .. Yomth rlfstrlcL._ .... ____ .. _ ..... Fllth'lIsl,rlr'l. __ ... _ .• ___ . __ •• ___ .. OUu'r rnunlles .... _ ...... _ .. _ ... ..

Vlrglnlll: Lynclthurg •. __ .... __ ..... __



i 2 .•. - .. ''''''1 7 ~ ..... , ----.. ...... I .. --7[0 ~ 43 7 9 6 1 2 .......... ----II ... ". I 2 4 3 ____ .. I --.. -. --.... --?7 2 I 13 2 7 1 I ............ --"I' .... __ I ' I ...... Ii S ... , .............. .. 231 3 2 G 0 I I ........ ---- I .. ..

~~)i 6 2 I 2 4...... 2 .. __

g~1 % I~ Ib I~ I~ .... _~ 11 · .... 4 :::: :::: nil 121 301 I r. ...... I 13 2 ...... __ ~~, I 10 ~ ...... ~ ...... ...... 1 .. -- ... . :1\ .. --. IsI .. ___ . II ___ ... 6\ I --... -j---. --..

Page 23: 1929 - OJP


TAnt.>.: IV A.-Disposition "lid mallner of handling IJn!l'~' dclinquency cases di.,­po .• cd of by 77 specified courts dllringlB!!!} I

Court Total

Doy);' deUn'luency en..!).,


I Dls(lo,itlon -, ·Uno(.

I lIeloI - - I

('1111,1 , nr~l/· Not Db· I ['hlld I ('11111' tl/(illn, Other rOflort. Total'mlose,l (llore,l 1II11!~'I~lIl1r, eel

orr,.un· on IIf1 in· or tlnne,l (lro· ,lfI,,· costs ___ _ flulrO· Ion110n I lIun , __ , IIllely 1 __

1-1--1-~- ----COURTS Sr.:RVINn A lIE.'~ WITn 100,000


Total C!IS~S ___________________ .. ~ 24, 10!l /1, i2'l 11,747 3, 2!i~ 1,80.5 I, ;",71 __ 3 __ 10,072

Alnh"ma: Mohfle County____________ 1,0 JiO 51 10 !~1 15 1 ____ ._ .• __ .. __ {'n/ifornia: ~nn DI.~o ('ounty _______ ._ 1,411 1;.18 1!13 .00 3'1 2 2H .______ Rr,9 COllh~clicnt: lIrld~clJOrt--.. --------- 391 'H2 3·\ .r.:; 40 __ ._... a .______ 11'1 Di.trlct or Columbin_________________ 1,623 I, 11·1 272 5o.'l 3r. IS 2~3 [,C~I Indinna:

I.ake Connty. ___________________ • 134 114 14 34 30 10 2(l ~o

Mor/IIII ("ounty__________________ r ..... ' r,qs 271 176 81\ 4t. 16 r.~ [owa: Polk COllnly ___ ._______________ M9 2'!.'i 92 53 50 23 7 31~

.Mlrhl~nn: Kent Connly______________ 34r. 346 115 115 93 I~ J\ • ______ ... _ . __ ~Hnnesola:

l1~uncl.in ('ounty ________________ 897 Jlfml$6Y County _____________ .____ 309


897 309

Hudson Connly __________________ 1,584 I,~.

J\fNC'Cr County___________________ 41-1 41·1 New York: DulTnlo ____ • ___________________ --. ~r.tl 8G6

Rrft' Connty_. __ ._________________ 192 192 M onroc County __________________ IP4 19.1 New York Clty _________________ • 6./lf.'1 o.l!f'~

llpns,;elnor ('onnty __ • ____________ 208 2Nl Westchester COllnty ______________ H9 5!l'J

OhIo: ('uyahogA C'ollnly ______ • _____ • __ 3, 17~ FrnllkUn Connl"_. _______ •• ______ 274 Hnmllton Coullly __________ ._____ 1,39·1 Mnhollllll: Cnullty .. ____________ •• I,CH!I 1\1 on'J!()mcry COUJ~t y .... _______ ...... __ 52:1

Oregon: Multnolllnh County_________ 7:;0

I,R32 271

114 :177 2110 6W

184 32

723 8

4i4 3'1

"fcijii' 20, 22(l

177 12 12 3,~ r,2


4R4 210

203 334

W2 J1~, ]fo7

2,!i25 9


868 Hi.; 21

Il,q Hit) 65

21R :;0

210 71

100 :18 20

li76 2ll 24

403 88 41 r.1 rA~



371 1

6 1 ___ ...... __ 1- .. ____ _

B 17 1 ______ .. 1_. ____ _

121 '------0-' ..... ::1::::::: ij ---.. I

--. 75ii·I·----7 '1::: ::::1-----·-II 4 I ...... _ 2R 10 ____ ... 1.;1)

18 7

62 t


ar.,5 II 10 211 !I


: L~,~t~ 1,:lHI 1,:112

2:!i I:IIJ

Penn~yl\·nnfn: A/lrltheny COllnty ________________ I,O'lO I,O!lO 5 822 172 9J ______ ... ____ _ Mont~omery County_____________ 47 47 24 .~ 17 _______ I _______ • _____ . Phllnclrlphlll. _____________ • ______ • a,m.I' 2,9~,~ 72~ 1,413 44\ \lR 2711 3,111

Utah: Third tll.trlct _____ .____________ 710 I/l.~ 40 57 51 23 f.I ron Vlr~fnln: Nor(olk __ .__________________ 70') iO'J 2J5 2."9 :l.q lOS 102 _____________ _ Wnshlngton: Pierro ('OIIn!y ___ .______ 100 100 :13 IZ 42 Ii 7 _________ ... __

J Inclntles all court~ reporting boy,' dellnqllency CIlSrs thnt served nrcos with 25,000 or more 1IOIIIJIlltion III 1I1QO.

• e



TAnT,l'l IVA.--Di.~PQ,~ifinn and 1Il1l11l!1'r of han dUllY IlOlIs' delinqllency caMS dis-7lQ,~ctl of uy 77 ,~pcciji"d r.ourt,~ dllrillY 1!),!,9-Continu(:d


COURTS SF-It "!I'm A Itl':AS WITII 20,000 TO 100,000 l'OPUU.TIUN



JJoys' Ilcl/n'lucncy co.o;o.,



I I Child I Re,tI-nr..· [,hll<!; com- tIIllon, 1IJ1,,;~d plnrrt! IIJIlled

l' lille,

or cO"'j on 'til In- or tlnno.l, 1""' I stltn- CQst3 lc"lell',hntioUI tion nitdy

Not Othor / roport




727 r,9.i 3.1.1 302 17a t,7113 Totnl Cn..es_. ________________ • ../4, lin /2, :l2~ ---:--1--'---1---,---/--1-1-

Alnbnma: . Calhoun County ________________ _ Churnh"r, COllnty_ .. ___ • _______ .. Clnrke ('ounty ___________ .. _ .. _ .. Golhrrt, CunnI Y ________________ __ Dnllns COlJnty ___________________ _ Elmora County __________________ _ };townh County ______ • __________ _ Uouslon ('onnly ________________ _ Jnckson ('ounlS ________ • ________ _ I.nudordole County ________ • ___ ... Leo County __ .... ____________ .. __ l.1mrstolle ('ounty ____________ .. _ J,owndcs rOlll1t~ .... _______ .. ______ •• Mnrcn~o Conllt y .. ____________ ... Mnrshnll County _______________ __ Morgnn ('ounty ______________ .. __ I'erry County ___ • ______________ __ l'kkrns ('ounl.y _________ •• ____ ... '1'nlfndegn ('ounty ... __ .. ________ _ 'j'olfllpoo,;n County .. ____ ._ .. _ ....

nllnols: Hock [slnnd COllnty ________ _ Indlnnn: Clny County ___ .. _______ • _______ _

Vnndorlrurg County .. __ .. _______ • I.oulslnnn:

lIos.,lcr nnd Weh~t6f Pnrl~he.~ ___ __ Cnd,lo I'nrish ____________________ _ Onnchltn 1'nrlsh _______________ ...

lIf/nnn.soln: Wlnoua County .. ______ __ Nc,,' York:

Chemung Connty ----------------1 Columuln ('ollnty _______________ _ Dolnwnre ConnLY ________ • ______ _ Dutritess ',,~un Ly _____ •• ____ ._. __ _ Ontnrlo <-'ollnty _________ •• _____ __ ()rlonn~ ('ollnty. _____ .... _ .. ____ _

North Cnrollnn: BIJlIcomhe ('neIllLy __ North ])IIkotn: Third jlldkinl ,lis·

trlot (UI pnrt) .. _________________ .. __ Ohio: AlIglni7.e County ___ • __________ • __

Clnrle ('Ollllty __ • ________________ _ Lnke Counly ..... ___ .. __________ _ Snndllfiky ('ounty .. _____________ _

Ponns)""'unln: LY<1"nln)i: ('ollnl.y .. __ _ ROllth Carollnn: Orccn\"i1/e County._. lItnlJ:

Flr~t dl~1 rlrL. .. _________________ _ Hornnrl ,1f,1 rkt. ________ . ________ _ I'ollrth ,li<1 rkt .. ________________ _ Flflh ,f/~I r!c'L. _________ .. ________ _ Other rOil II I ir~ .. _-_______________ _

Virgin in: I,Ylldl hllrg. _______________ ._

3~ __ .. _______ ~~_ I~ \::::::= ~ I~ . ________ .... _ I __ ... __. a

10 2 2 4 ____ .__ 2 1 .. ___ .. _. _______ ~ __ .. __________ .. _____ 14 .. I I 2 _________ • ___ • -- _______ ._. __

4R 3 2·1 IIi 5 ______ • I 14 1;1 I ____ • ____ • ___ ... _____ 2 M n 2 ... ______ • ____ .. _____ 1

4q 6 R


4!1 lfi 9 7 :; __ • ___ ... ____ ._.. :; ___ ...... ________ .... ___ .... 2 ;1 I I .. _ .... __ ..... ____ .. _ - ..• --- ~

ro 6 ;1 3 .... ___ .. _____ -.----- --.-.-. 2 I ______ •• ____ .. I • ______ .. _______ ._.__ I 2 _____ .. ____ ...... __ ... ___ .... _________ • __________ • 2 R r. _______ 3 ~ ._ .. __ • ___________ .__ 2

IS to __ .. ___ I 13 _____ .. 1 ... -.-- --_. __ _ a ____ ... ____ ... __ .......... -- ------- .. ----... ----. ! 3 2 I I • __ .. __ .. __ .... ______ 1

Ir. J4 2 7 I • ____ ._ 1 n 2 3 _____ .. _______ _______ 1

17 17 0 0 2 ----.-- ---'---

13 37

3 Zln 2:,2 32


J.I 200 67 ~I


80 321i ·I~ 42 !'


2.~O -17:1 :117 !,:r; 2:lli :1II


" ;1 • __ ....

In u • ~ ]I 2

loo M 117 • 14 4 IW ~ ~ ~ ~ r. 2

u 2

II D 0


M w 17 I

a 6

1 13

.A 1----ji"l·--.. j·I:::::::I· .. --03 23 _____ ._ 4 ,,_.___ 192 2 .. _____ J _______ 21

13 8 2

10 2 3

14 1 17 .. ___ ._ 1

3 • __ • __ • ___ • __ •

3 ______ .1._. ___ _

2~ L_~~. :::::::I ____ ._~ 3 ___ • _____ " __ _

J •• __ ._. 122

-- -----,------- .... ----- --...... --Ii I 12 ' ____ ...


11,1 23 47 2~ 13 / 6 • ______

212 4H S 21 I 15 n •• '_' __ ----_ .... 19 J 10 6

2 • ______ 23

o _ .. _ .. _ 3 G ______ ..

... -- ... -- .. -.... ---- --...... --I!~ 38 2\i 10 i 8 14

nq 27 11 13 2~ 17 Ift2 151 :11l 71 12 :11) 2 322 Jr.I 2-1 71 211 :.III 17 15/J 2:t~ III ·t! \)r, 2 302 lIi~ 22 :ti 10 67 26 74 ~II 11:1 rtf; .. 31 8 .. __ ._. -... -----

Page 24: 1929 - OJP


~4 e JUYl'JNH,]1;-COURT STA't'lsTtcs, 1929

TABLE IYn.-Di3position and manna of handling girl.,' delinquency paull of by 7.'j 1'1ll'cijicti emlrt:! dllring 192fJ I

ca"cs cU,-

OIrl9' delinquency CB"l\'


DlsposlLlon Court

Total I ' I I Unor· DIs· . ('hIM Chlld nl\-u, ficlnl

Totnl ml~ed plnCl'd com· tullon Not onoll' Oil mlttod 11110,' Other r~J1ort·, tillncd )Ira' \0 In· or ml hlllell- halfon ~fftll- co.ts

_1_,nltel)'I_~_' _. ,_._

Tot81cnses •• _ ••• _ •••••• __ ._ •••• 7,~ ~,1lI0 1,002 l'1l391~ __ 4_5 ~ __ 51 2,222 OR MORE rorULATION r I

AlllbAma: Mobile ('ollnty ••••••• _ •• _. 49 49 15 31 28 ••• ,... 3 CalifornIa: !'nn J>lr~o County ••• _.... 2.19 G5 20 27 11 ••• ,... 7 ('onnt'l't!cut: Hr!ih:cport._ ••• ___ •••••• ;0 ~8 18 17 12 •••••• _ I Dj~trlrt 01 Columbia ••••••••• _._..... 324 241 38 116 IiO 3 ~O

""""""j74 22 77

Indiana: Lake County ......... __ ._ •• _ ••••• Mnrlon County •• _ •• _ •• _ •••• _ ••••

Iowa: I'olk Cllunty ••••••• __ ••• _ •••••• M:chl£nn: Kent COllnt, ••• _. __ •••••••

103 332 li8 85

l\llnlle~otll: Henncpin ('Ollllty •••••••••••• __ •• 200 nnlll~ry COllnty ••••.•• __ •••• _. __ • 87

New Jcrre,: lIud""n County ••••• _............ 262 Mereu County •••• _ ••• _._._._ ••• _ J9

83 144

73 85

200 87

262 19

Ne,.. York: DulInlo •••••••••••• __ ••• _ •••• _.... 60 06 Erie eOllnty. __ •• _ •••••••••••••••• 1 11 11 Monroe Conn'.y ••••••••. _........ 30 39 Ne ... York Clty •• _ ••••• _ ••••••••• I,OS8 I,OS8 Renssclnr.r County ••• _ ••• _ •• _ •••• 1 fJll 00 We..tchestor county._ ••••••••••••

1 13\1 121

I)hlo: Cuynbngn Connty •• _ •••••.••• _.__ ill 522 Frnnklin C~nnty- ••••••••• - •••••• l 1l1li 100 Jlamilton (o,lOty •••••••• _._ •• _ •• : f..JO 30 Mahonlnl/: CountY"""""'--"'i 332 75 Montgomory {'''nnty •• _ ••••••• _ •• , 220 08

Oregon: l\Iultnomnh County •• _ •••••• , 152 123 l·enDsr,l ... anIB: i

AI cRhcny County •• _ •••••••••••.• , M ol!tg"mery County •• __ ._ •• _ •• PhfJn~lrlJ1hla.- ••••••••••••••••••• :

Utnh: Tlurd dlstrlc!. ••••••••• _ .•••••• ; \,jr~lnln: Norrolk-••.• --····_·········t' Wn~hlnJ:tou: }'Icrce ('OIlnty ••••••••••

200 8

~1i6 !Gt 143 35

200 8

5110 37

143 35

15 50 12 34

37 6

127 2

18 61 13 17

102 37

50 11

10 17 3 6

••••••• 13 284 5Gl1 48 •• _ •••• 46 47

30 12 2 6

28 17

1 1

87 2

37 5

218 05

2 24 30 34

118 1

2 ... >11 10 rt\) 8


~ 1---"3' 21 10 o

25 11l.~ 105

2\l 6 1 _____ .. _1 ... ____ .. _

~~ t==::::I· .... i-c:::::I::::::: 39 5

28 3

24 231 11 22

142 94 18 33 25 59

~7 o

101 20 \I


~ I...·~~·I~~:~~:I~~~~: ....... \ ............. .: ...... . .... "3" ~ 1:::::::1:::::::

1 ._ •••• , .•.•.•• 9 . ___ ._. J5

132 23 8

12 15 13

·-'··n ... ~~~ 010 2,,1 131


34 1 •••••• _, __ ··_··

....... \ .... "'1"" ... \-- --.. , •••• ,._ lfi2 _ •• ,... 2.0 1 4 \....... 121

.. -.. ~ ..... ~~- ::::::: ::::::: I Includes all courts reporting girls' delinquency cases that served'nreBS wIth 25,000 or more population

In 19:10.

• • e

I !



T A m,E IV n.--Di"pn"itinn and mannl'r nf handling girl,,' drlinlJllrnc!l ca"ea dis­pa,~cd of by 7S "pccijird cnllrl" durina 1.'J29-COlltitllll'(\

Courl Totnl

OIrls' f\clln'llloncy cnfC,'

'I' I nls.'

olnl ,ml"s6,1 {,hllrl "rcon' [llnC<',1 (hlUl'll' on IIIIIon.' [lro· nil~ly bnllon



('hlhl TIl\,II- I Not com· tullon, Ollrer ,r~PQrt.

rnHlrd fine, I ed to In· or stlln.,' costs . lion

Unof· nclnl



Tntnl cnsc."""""""""""I~J~I~I~_ ~1 __ tl_I~I.:.::::.:: ~ Alnlmmn: I

Illlllock County_ ••••••••••••••• _. 3 1 •••••• _ •••• _.. I , ••••• _. ••••••• ••••••• ~ GnlhouD County •••.••• _......... H 7 ""'" 2 5 ••••••• ""'" ••••••• 7 Clnrke Count~· _. __ •• __ ••••• _ ••• _. 1 _._ •••. _._ •• _ •••••••.•••• _.. ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• 1 Colhcrt County ••••••••• _ ••••• _.. 7 a....... 1 ••• ,... I ""'" 4 DnllllS COllnty.................... 1 ••••••• _ •• _._. ""'" ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• 4 Elmoro {'ounty ••• _._............. 2 _"_'" _ ••••••••••••.••• __ •• ' ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• 2 Etownh ('mlllty ••••••••• _........ 12 12 ~ 71-.. ·_ ...................... . Hlluston {',,,roty ••• _ ••••••••• _... 2 I ._ •••• _ 1 •••• , •••••••••••••••• _...... I Inckson County ••.••.•• _ ••. _..... 3 3 ••••• ,_ 1 2 ••••••• -•••••••••••• _ ••••••• Lnurlcnlnlo !·nllnty ••• _ •••••• _.... 7 1 _ •••••• _...... 4 ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• 3

kl~~~~;~~~~;'I';:~~:-:::::=:=::::::: I ..... ~. ::::::: ..... ~_ :::::::c::::: ::::::: ::::::: ...... j Mnnroe ('onnty •••••••••••••• _... 1 ••.•• _ •••••• _ •••••••• "'_'" _...... ••••••• ••••••• I MorRan ('onllty .••••• _........... fi n .•••••• 5 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Porry ('onnl,r ... _ ••••••• _ ••••••. _ I ...... _ ...................... - ............ -' .... , ) 'I'nlla!lrKn ('"unty _ •.• _ •••••• __ ••• 4 4 •••• _ •••• _ •• _. 4 •••••••••••• ,. ""'" •••••••

I\Ilno:s: HO!'k Islnud County......... 17 17 8 (I 2 •••••••••••••• 111111,,"n:

Clny ('ounty._ •.• _._ •••••••• __ •• _ 0 3 3 •• _ ••• , .................... . Vanrlerhurg County .••• _._....... r .. ~ 35 3 IS 10 4 ••••••• ro

I.oul.lnna: 1I,,""ler nnrl Wolister }'oTlshl\'. __ • Cn,ldo I'arl"h ..•• _._ ••.••• _ ••• _ •• _ Ouachltn Parish. _ .••. _ •••••••••• ,

Mlnnl\,oln: Wlnonn County •.••••••.• Now York:

Chemung ('ounty _ •••••••••••••• _ Columhla County ••• _ •• _ ••••• _ •• _ Delnwnrc {'ouul,y ••••••••• _ •• _ ••. Dutch~ss County .••••••• _ •••••••• OntnTio County •••••••••••• _ ••• _. Orl~nns Counly •••• _ .••••••••• _ ••

North t'nrollnn: Iluncom\>o ('ounty •• North Dnkotn: Third Judicinl dis·

trlct (In "art}._ •••.• _ •••••••••• __ ••• OhIo:

AURlnl1.o County ••••••••••••••••. Clark ('oullty ••.•••••••• _ ••••• _ •• Lake County .•••.• __ ••••••••••• _. RnlHlusky Counly .• _._ •• ·_. __ ._·.

Pennsylvnnla: I.ycolllim: County._ ••• South Cnrollna: Ore~U\·illo Couuty ••• Utah:

First rllstrlct. •••• _ .•••••••••••••• Second dlstrlcl. •••••••••••••••••. Fllurth di .. trkL ••••••••• _ ••••• _ •• Filth <\lstrlrl. __ """",_" ._.'_. Othor countil1S_ .••••• _._ ••••••••• _

Vlrglllln: I.y nchhllrg •••••• _ ••••••••••.

I 3U 17 a

33 8 2

n IU I



I.~ 75 11 27 10 23

21J 1i2 (III M 2R a5

31r· .. T'·· .. · .. ~ 1:::::::1" ....• -

I~ "'-":rl'''--6'1:::::::I''''''e 2 . • •••• ••••••• ••••••• 15


3~ 18 7 o 1 ~ 1:::::::1::::::: 8 l 1

2 _...... I I \ ....... \ ...... _\ ....... \ ...... . 22 5 3 6 ••••••• R ••••••• 1 10 3 7 6 •••• __ • 3 •••••••••• , •••

~ ::::::: ..... ~J""2t::::::I:::::::t::::::I···"20 3 , .. _ .. ____ 1 ______ _ 3 1 ___ .. ___ ... __ ...... _ .. 1 _____ .. _1 ____ .... _

Ii !"-'T 14 1 10 10

n 8

37 In 7


"'''7' :I 2 2

13 2


3 •• _ •••• _...... I ••••••• / 11 6 6 •••••••••••••• _...... 61 2 3 2 1 _ ••••• _ ••••• ,.

I ~ ~ :::::=: :::::i= ::=:=j .... ~~ 2 4 •••••••••••••• _ ••••••

ro 64 I 3 """_1 2

1 ...... .

2. 6 ••.•..• 3 .•••••• ••••••• 31 31::""'1 48 • ••••• 21

------- -.... oo_--1 ••••••• 2

I 1 o I 1

_-!..._ .. _..:. __ .

Page 25: 1929 - OJP


V A.-Color, 71nfil'il!l. nnrl parent nn/i/lf(y of 001/,' nl'IlU with in C:(lSC,~ dilfpouri of bll .'30 .~]J('.cifil'tl cOllr/s during ifl>!.? I

rlrlinqllcnclI TAnT,F;

nays' (klhlf.\lrn~y cn~es

While hoYs


Totnl INntlv~, N~th'e.

t\ntl\'~ •. (flr~lgtl Jlnrent'l For. nafive I or ngr not ~(gn

Tol,,1 I i'nr~nl· mb~(1 r~l~lft. born nJ!r. jlnrrnl· cd

Nn· th·/l.y not ro· porle,1

lln~'" wh,,~o rot-I cuJflr

nr('rI W:IS l1o)'s nnl rr.



---------1--1--1--1-- J _~--I---'---.--­

Tol». Cl\SOO .................. ~:.!~J!i. RI7

,Alahama: Mohile ('ounty......... 170 110 Cnlifornr.: ~nn J)ir~o Counly ..... 1.~17 J,~2 Connecticul: Ilrifl~PI'(lrt.......... aUI3S0 l>lstri~t of Cohllnhi9 .............. 1,r.23 GUO Indlnna:

Lnke Collnty ................ .. Jllnr/on COllnl,y __ ., ......... ..

J01'"a: Polk ('ounl~· ____ ...... __ ••• MlchlRan: Rent Counly __ ...... .. Minnc<f)tR:

lIennepln County ....... __ •••• Ramsey County ............. ..

134 ll4 r.Sol 422 W~ 511 346 330

897 872 309 302

New Jersey: nud~on County ............. .. Mercer County ..... ___ ...... ..

1, oM 1,495 414 343

New1'ork: DufTolo ....................... . 866 825 Erie UOllnty •••• __ ............ . Monroe County .............. . New York Clty ........ ____ •• Rens.<elnr.r ('ounty __ ......... .

192 183 194 103

6,8roS 6.173 25R 257

Weslchcsler County .......... . i4U 6i8 OhIo:

Cuyahoga County ........... .. Frnnklin County ........ _ ... . Hnmilton County ......... __ .• Mnhonln,l: County ........... . Jl!onlgomery County ........ ..

Orr~nn: l\lultnomAh County .... .. rcunsyh'nnIA:

Alle~11ony County ............ . Monl~o"'ery County ........ . l'hllatlelflhin ................. .

(lfBh; '1'hiHI !listrlc! __ •• ______ .. __ •

3,172 2,774 27{ Ifl6

1,394 1,000 l.foRP 1.497

523 417 iliO 741

1,000 OU 47 42

6,009 3.8i7 710 700

Vfrr.lnln: Norfolk ... __ .... ____ •• __ • W li!'hlngton; l'ierce County .......

709 342 100 \JO

"'~I J2,!l'~\ I.i{l' ~ 3.147 ~ •• I_I __ ":'.~~

9~~ r--'272' · .... 2i· .... fit -'--19' ~? ::::::: Rij 2111 ... __ ......... _ ....... 11 ..... .

209 40 54 1/ 3i8 927 ...... .

28 82 ........ 2 2 20 ...... . 389 1 ..... ". 32 ....... 231 476 30 ........ ....... ....... 58 229 , 80 2 . __ .... 19 16

408 H2 8 10 2Ii 166 136 . _ ...... --- ----_ ..... ------- 7

303 1,149 38 89 i9 2.~n 6 71

240 5,~2 - ... ----... 33 -- .. - .. - .. 41 ~3 124 2 3 I IJ 5:! HI ---_ .. --- -_ ....... -- ------ .. l

1,Si"i 4.3r.l 8 211 10 605 III 137 2 1 6 I 166 4R2 3 22 4 71

331 1,1118 470 H 731 308 Ifil 2 .... ____ 2 I lOR 64 211 900 J ....... 3U·1

270 691; :z.~s 27 200 1112 370 36 ---- ... --- ----_ .... II 100 005 185 18 1\ 28 9

2.58 679 2 ....... 2 149 22 19 .. - .. ----- ------- I

1,I8g l"i:iii3 684 1,IR,o; 22 00 I, !l36 431 234 17 22 4 2 318 21 ... - ... ---- .. ------- 3 367 81 15 .. - .. --'"'-- ... _----- ... --.. - .... 4

, Ineludes flll courts reporting hoys' delinquency cases that served Dress with 100,000 or more populntlon In 1920.

• t e



T AnLF. Vn.-Color, n~lir'itll. an" pnrent n(]li/lily of girl" rjralt !/lith in delinquency C/l,H'.' dM]Joscd of by flO 8]lr.cificrl cOllrl.' dllTing 1929 I

o irIs' "clin!llI~nrY cnses

While Kjrl~


• . :-:""~'O.! J"nII "e, ('01· ~I~S: Tolnl! !!';nll~e'l (orrl~1l 'plOr.ml. For. ~n· orrtf \\'lIS

'folnl n:tll, ~ !lr nell not ~(gn ",Ity girl.! noUf'. I",rcnl· IllIx",I, r.p"t. horn not reo pOrted


IIge "~~~:t'l! cd Ik,rlcd

Totnl ea.<us .................. ~~.:J fI, r.~:. 2. iflll 1-2~~:;- 117 14: 3211 I, m ~ .Alnhnmn: Mnhllo {'mm(.y......... 411 I ~s 2i j ........ \........ I --.... , 21 Cnllrornln: Hun 1 )/I\g(l ('"ulln' ..... 2:m 2'lll 117 fit) 2 0 2:1 II Conncclfrut: Hritlcc(lort.......... .0 1;7 17 49 ........ 1 ....... 3 l)hlrlr~ or ('olulll\);u.............. 321 lit! 41 6 6 I 61 221 Indlolll':

j,nke County ................. . Morioll ('ounty ............ __ •

Iowa, l'olk County ............. .. Mlchlgnn: Kent ('ounty ........ ..

Hl~ SO I 31

3:\2 2r.1 2M "R 1[,1 113 85 84 • 02

Mlnl1o.~oto: Hennepin County ........... .. Rnmsey ('ounty .............. .

21)0 193 103 87 84 48

New Jersoy: nud~on County .............. . :Merccr Count}' ............... .

2I!2 24U rn IV 15 6

New'York: nutTnlo ................... __ .. . III! li6 13 ErIe County ........... __ .... .. Monroe ('nun~y ............. .. New York Clly ........... ~ .. . Rcnssclnr.r Co"nty ........... : Wr.stchester ('oullty ......... ..

II 10 ~ 30 :l'J 18

l,aQR 0:15 2Il5 Gil [,II 34

l:m JJ5 Zl Ohio:

Ctly~hoJ(n ('ounty ........... .. FrAnklin Counly ... __ ........ . 1Iomllllln Cmml.y ........... .. Mnhonjn~ Counly ... __ ..... .. M"nt~omory County ......... .

Oregon: Mull.nlllnllh ('nllnty .... ..

111 ['93 117 1110 155 135 010 HI) 3!1·1 332 270 Jfl~

229 1115 Ifi~ ]L2 HR lJ,'j

J'enn~ylvnnln: Allegheny COllnly. ___ .. ______ • Monlgomery <.:ounty ........ .. l'hlln,le!phln •. __ ........... __ •

Utnh: Third t11.'trleL __________ .. . Vlrginln: Norrolk ................. . Wnshlllgton: Picreo Counly ...... .

200 WO 70 8 i G

866 -105 ]!iO 101 IflO Wi ]43 r.7 (In

35 34 2Il

(,3 I 10

.... '~g ·1::::::::1:::::::1·· .. ·0· 8., 2 3 all 1 .... _ .. ___ 1 .. ______ 1 __ ....... _

li5 10

H ........

2 1 .. ____ .....

22 71 27 1

7 3


10 1

~I 6

21 (,!13

21 ,9 ...... ir .. 'f:::if·iJ·' .... · .. ''''''2'

310 81 12 (14 118 15 ........ 2 a ~. 15 3 • M 170

12! H 3 30 /j()

/8 I 2 II 34 30 1 2 4

89 -_ ..... -.. _ .. ... - ...... -- 40 2 ........ ---_ .... - .. _-_ .. -- ~ I"--j~ 24R 2 17 78

42 6 ~ 2 1

A:::::::: ::::::: :::::::1 86 I

I Incllldc.~ oil courts reporlfng girls' delin!IUoncy cnses lhAt served Brens wllh 100,000 or more population In 1020.


Page 26: 1929 - OJP


48 A· JUYENILE-counT STA'rrSTICS, ] !lZ!l

;" m.B VI~m(rc(! oj rrjcrc}Jcc /0 cOllrt of tlrlillqllCI/f'Y ca,~c,~ dispo,qrn of hy.''10 SlJCC-ijirti rom'ts dming If):!!} 1

J)clinrl'lclJ('Y l1.q~S

Sonrre of rcfcrrnre 10 rourt Court

Tolal \parrnts! Oth~rl schOOl! pro·l R I II Not

PoUre or r~ln-11I1di •. r1~l'nrl·lhnlio.n ,~g~~ ~.J' OU,rr ro.,

I th'M / 'I'l<IunJ, Hlent offiror .• I . IKIf!rli

~1.f.r.o 3, nr,~ In. [II," ~--;;;; -;;4 ;R3'---;; - -~ ,\lfl.hnUln: "rohll~ ("onntr·.· ••• _ ••• '2i9~ --[,71-- 32---~;J"--Go-;;;--fi-·'; :=, ('aliCorllla: Snlllli~l:n COlln!y •••• __ 1,r.~6 i09 2(10 241 I 211 ;IS 20 221 ('olll'l'dll'II',: "ri.I~.,I'''rt ••••••.•. __ 461 1iO I 17 II I 1.\ n ~ 3 •.•• -.-l>ls!rkl oC t 011111111\1\ ••••••••••••• _. 1,IH7 1,307 21( 2231 4 IRO I, I Indlnnn:

t.nke County................... 242 SS 2ll ~1 40 50 ~ ••••••• \ 1 lIInrion County ••••••••••••••• _ 005 Sr.9 143 RO 14(1 10 12 Il 5

Ion'a: Polk ('oullty_............... i47 291 i3 257 41 \l I" OJ -••••• Jllichll!nn: Kent Connly •••••••• _.. 431 2891 58 431 19 0 10 •••••• - •••••• Mlnneso!a:

Hellnopl .. COllllty_............. I. ()lI7 Hntn:;ey County................ 300

New Jersey; Hutlson COllnty •••••••••••••••• 1,840 Jlrrrt'Cr County................. 433

621 313

510 332

No..- York: DulTnlo ••••••.••••••••••••••••• • 9321 830 ErIe County.................... 203 116 ]If onree ("ollnty ••••••••••.•• _.. 233 143 Net<' York Cit.},. .•••••••••••.•• 7,Or.o 4,2lI9 J!ells'''l!!oer ('mlllty............. 31& 75 1'·estch!' ... ter COlllity •••••••••• _. 88S 300

Oblo: Cuyahogn County •• _ •••••••••• _ J, SS3 2, 03(l Fronklln Counly............... 473 258 ITnmll!on County. ••••••••••••• 2,034 1.2i2 Mahonlnr. ('onnty ••••••••••• _. Z.021 800 MontgomerY County ••••• _..... 752 195

Oregon: l\!ultnornnh Coullly....... \102 650 Ponn<yJ\,Rnln:

AJlrl!heny COullty_............ I.m 386 MontgomerY County........... 55 30 PhilB.!efphIB.................... 6,955 5, 6~ I

UiHh: Third rllstrlc!.. •••••••••••• _. BIl 416 VlrglnlJ\: Norfolk ••••••••• _ •••••.• __ 8S1 554 Wn..hlngton: Plerco County •••. _... 135 118

158 18

104 7

~2 5

3R J.1r,o

25 ~9

208 55

246 201 114 22

112 i

463 42 56


19a ,~2

430 M

22 59 211

2,070 53


iOO 30

232 467 lSi 116

H J1

r.s3 31

126 3

50 33 2 1 •• ____ _

6i7 21

57 20


I 3

33 4


8 7 • _____ _

8.1 • 2 I~ _____ .I .. ____ _

10 9

21 226

1 h •• __ _

14 2

20:; 15f! 309 j

o 2 ~ I-··-iis-._ .. ___ _

J 8 I

645 fi~

100 426 192 8S

68 4

229 247 52 10

105 35 20 14 75 12

691 -·-··i-

112 50


Ill> 31

110 49 lR 9

3 r.


5 I 1

4 !.-.---i -.----- 7

151 3 3 _. _____ 1 ___ · .. _ 30 I 8 .------7 8 I!

8 ______ • _ •••• _. ••••••• 12 1 .... _ ..

I Jncludes all Cilurts teporllngtlellnquoncy cn.ses lllnt served areRS with 100.000ormore populRlIon In I!rIO,

• - e

"~':8 I


TADl.E VII.-Plnc:1' oj carll of chilrl pr.ruUlI(f hrnn:n(f or rli'VJ(l,~':U(m in rlrlinqllency ttI.,~r.q disposed oj Ily :/1) ,~[If'rificrl olllrl,l ""rill!! 192!} I

lJrlflllluency ca.,r.'

Plnre of rnre or chllt!

Court [-I I I O,rn I I Mora I hOlllo Jnll or' '.hnn I Not

Tolal ior~I\~0'lloar'l. Tl·'rn-' Olhor IlOlIro olle Othor ra-<l1~' I 11l~ , lin" 11"~.JI·1 $In· plnro ported

I'o'cil hOlllo hOllie', 11,11011 lion I I of

~~~~'O 1 I / raro • dny 1 ___ 1 __ _

---1---1---1-----------1--1--, Tolnl r.MO~ ••••••••••••••••••••• 41,213!21, 777/ 171 II,Rn /5,0"0 11,,~421 :IIlO I 2(of/ 270

Alnhnmn: Mohllo Connt.y. ___ •••••••• --2iil--;;u=~;1ii'1--I-I--21-1.··-·-·I······· == C:nlirornlo: f;nnl,llrgo COim!y _ ••• _._. I. ~r.6 I. o~~ 2\1 I 3S2 21 IX) 2 70 II (ollnnrtir.ut: nrJII~.porL •• _._ •••••• _ 4r.1 ~.~1 4, •••.• __ 33 Z41 ..... _. I ••••••• ni<Irid of Golumhfn ••••••••• _ •••.••• I. !Hi' 1.275 2\ 2.'>0 3i,~ a 32 6 1 In<llaun:

Lnko County._ •••••••••••••••••• _ 242 15R 61 63 8 IR , ••••• 2"1" .... 8.'::::::: Morlan ('ounly.................. !'~.1 791 5 173 3 fown: I'olk Connty ••••••••••••••.• _. 7471 ,':;0 31 2r.0 7 1Il1rhlgnn: Kent ('ollnty .•••••••••••• 4:11 2:19 2 IR7 I Jlllnur,qol.n:

lIonnopln (:ounly ••.••••••••••••• 1,()(17 Hn'llsoy Coun'y •• _ •.••••• _ ••• _... 300

~a~ 2;'3

New J.r~ay: 11l1!1~on County.................. J, RIr.!· 1.259 ]\.ferrer Colmty................... 433 400

New York: lluffnlo_._. ___ •••••••••••••••••••• pa2 600 Erlo COlln'.y._, •• _ ••••••••••• _ .• __ 2()3 1:;1 Jlronroe ('Ollnty •• __ ••. _ ••••••••• _ 2:13 120 No"' York Clty •.•••••••• _ ••.•• _. 7.U;'0 3.R3~ J!ollssolncr County .•••••••••••• _. 31R 2\0 Wo.,lchester (,onnty •••• _._ ••.•• __ RS.~ 50a

Ohio: Cuynhogl\ County •••••.••••••••.• 3. &q3 2,2i3 FrRnklin County ••••••••.••••••. _ 173 31 1I11rnllton GOlln'.y •••••••• _._ •••• _ 2.0a·1 fl07 Jlrnhonlng COl~"ty .•.•••• _ •••• _.. 2.021 I. 0'l2 MOII!g" ... rry COII"ty_. ___ •.•••••• 7[,2 1[.2

Oro~nn: Jllull.nolllnh COull!y __ ••••• _. 902 671 J'o,lII,~ylvnnrn:

A IIORilouy County __ ••••••••••••• _ 1,290 326

71 2

2 !i~O

21 I 328

21-······ 3 ••• _ ••• ~ ) ...... .

.•.. "2" :::::::

6 i 1.2.~ 1 2n,~ 9 1,21)1) 3 r,:10 i 1 m/

16 71

4 2

~ 31

101 4,O;I~

10' 93

H 21 an 10 10 J.I


"'. I 4 •••• - •• 27 ••••••• 1 1 --.--- ......... _ ......

172 70


:::::;:'=:,:i::::::~F:::; :100 14-1 to

2111 77 /lq

2 2 6 2 6 2

19 3

50 10 II 6

19 8

J7 J4 4 8

MonlROlllory COullty ••••• _ •••••• _ r.r. 2a Phllnrlolphln •• _ •. _ •••••.••.• _.... 6. Vii" 2,1\03

Utnh: Thlrrl dl .• !rlcL •••••••••••••• __ Ri'! 5a1 Vlrglllln: Norfolk •••• _ •••••.••••••• _._ ~.12 442

3 1


771 30

4.441 2R2 2in


3 _ ••••• + .. _ .. _1 184 1 •••••••••••••• _ ••••••

91"_ .... ······-1-······ 2 :. 10 ••••••• ]" 1

I~~ ::::::=F:::=F:::::: W,"qhington: Plorre County._ •• _..... 135 ~()

• Tncludes nil cOllr!s rOpOrting rlcllnl'fllcnrY CM~S thnt sor'l'cd arcBS t<'ltl! JOO.ooo or marc pOpulation 10 1920.

, Inclurle., r)l.'O' of child ron rarOlI for pnrt oC the 'Inre In d~I~lIllol1 hOIllP~ Rnd part of tI,e time el~where, bul ",eludo., r""Cs oC rhlltlrcn nlso holll In jo/l,' ,or I'ollro slntions,

I In"'lIIlos '~/I~rs of rh/hlren eM"II for pnrl. of Ihe lillie In jnils or pallr<> ,'nllons nnd part oC the time else­whor~ .

• Excludes ClISes of cblfdron bold In detontion hOIll!'s. jl\lIs, or pOlice stntlons,

Page 27: 1929 - OJP


TABLF; Vln.-Rcn.~on Jor rrJrrl'ncll (o c(lllrl oj J(lmiliClI repr(,M!nled i,'t dr.]lcndr,nr.y !ll/(i /leglect C(l.~(,8 di$p,,~('d af bI! 74 :Jpccificd COllrt:J dl/rillg 102!) 1


COURTS :OKRYINO AlI~A9 wrrn 100,000 OR HORP: l'opur,':l'ION

Fnmllfc.~ re(lr~,scntcd {n dO(lenrlcn~y nnd neglect c""cs



nC.,~on (or relor once to court

I ~l 1m· I In- I Que;. "hnn·. A huso pro(ler, ~lIm· Flnnn. lion oC <Ion· \ Or COil' riont clol 1 ellS' monf. cnJcl .J/tions (lnron' nre,1 I tody or .10' trrot· I in : tnl ~CI tton. ment hOlllo t cnre

Ntltro­Other! (lortcd


Total CaP:idles. _______________ •• 7, WI 1 787 'Il7 I 2.4M I 2, 612 RO fiPR! 415 21

AIBh~m8: Mobile COllnty -- .-.-••• --. (> 2 ....... ~J--l- ""'" " .... , == ==--: Cnlf(ornlR: ilRn D1~go County_....... 'Ill 30 30 I ~! . 61 23 28 5 •• -.-•• Connectlrut: nrld~eporL_ ••• _....... 31 7 .",." 15

1 7 2 ••••••• 1.. ......... -.-

1)lstrl~t 0' Columbia._ ••••••••• _ •• _.. 2lO 5 3 33 1731 4 2 20 Indinnn:

I,nke Gounty ••••••• _ ••••••••• _... Iro{) 18 8 23 63 I 20 8 3 Marlon COllnty ._ •••••••• __ ••• _._ Ir,~ 37 G 8.1 21 : 4 7 -......

Iowa: Polk COImt.Y ••••••••• _ ••• _..... 3m lQ 10 (.2 117 i 33 33 70 Michigan: Kent t;mmty ••• _ •••• _..... l~ft 3 12 r.4 j r.4 I 2 Minne~nta: i .

I1enn!'p!n County ••• _._ ••• _ ••••• _ 1i6 lR 1 63 32 i 10 M ·····--1····-·· RRms~y County ••••• _._ •• _ •••• ___ COS 6 12 rlO .-•• _., •• _ •••••• , •••••••••••

NewD~a~i~ •••• _ •• _ •••••• _ ••••• _...... 37 .-••• - •• - •• -.. 15 221 .. __ .......... _._. __ .1···_·_. ~[~~~I~!~nr;:::::::::::::::::: ll~ ::::::: ::::::: 1~ II~ c::=: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: New York City __ ••• _ •••••••• _._. l,I1I3 49 21 1,2119 415, 34 4 1 ,.-.-••• RenSl'e1n~r County .•••••••••••••• _ 102 lO 10 [,5 ! 23 3 1 ••. --.-Wcstchrster Count, ••••• __ ••• __ •• J24 0 Ii 100. __ •• _ ••••• -•• ··--···1-······

OhIo: I Cuyfthogn County •••••••••••••• _. G08 59 40 99 277 62 30 41 - ••••• ' FrRnklin Count~· •••. -••••. --..... 41~ 20 6 62 HR 35 9S 49 ••• ,.-. HRmllton County ••• _ ••• _ ••••• _._ 21M 22 H 124 40 4 17 37 •••••.• MRhnnlng County .••••• __ •• _ ••• _ 157 3 1 17 90 I 13 4 20 ,.- •••••

Montgnmery County._ •••••• _._.. 215 20 0 33 R~ I 23 59 10 1"""-' Oregon: MllltnomRh County. __ ._.... 227 21 8 78 95 12 12 ••• _... I Penn~yl"Rnla:

Allel!h~ny County ••••••••••••••• _ 322 70 35 74 no I 3Q 4 4 ••• , •• -.Mont~o,"cry County •••••••••• _.. 7 1 ••• "__ . I 5 ._ •• _ •• _""" ••• -••• -- ••••• I'hiln'.lrlJ1l!iR.~ •• - •••• -•••••••• - •• 1, r083 all I 80 ~;,B 3~ 3r.1 205 J85

j ...... _

Utnh: Tbml'ltslnct_ •.•••• _._ •• _._ •• , r.J li I 9 2,. I 6 1 a .. -... , Vlr!:lnin: Norrolk... •••••••••••••••••• 121 4 6 55 40 1 18 •••• _._ •• - ••• -Washington: !'irrco CQunty •• _....... 42 9 1 5 6 6 10 6 .-•••• -

I Includes all courts reporting dependcncy Dnd neglect cnses that served 8reas with 26,000 or D1nro popu· Iatlon In 1920.

~ I i I



f':e I



TAnT,Jl) VIJI.~Rrns(/n for rrjr.rcnr.e to COllrt oj familir,' r('"rc,~clI{cd ,:n dq}(mficnclI and 11rgicrt cnr.(',~ rli~1108rd oj b1l 74 "pccificri clJurl,~ rilll'illg 1fJ2f.i-Collt illllrri



Fnmlllc., roprrsrlllcilin ,Irprndency nnd IIc~lccl CMOII

Renson (nr refrrenco to COllrt

I I~~~ 1- Tn· I QII"'" .-I.hnn.,' "hn~e proprr, SlItlI- Flnnn· tlon~(1 h rINo',M­dll"- or ron·. drnt rlnl, w:. 01 e ported IlIrnt ernel cllli'"'N (lnrrn· need 1 tody nr rle·· tront· h' I tni I

sortion rnent h0l116 I O.lfO

_____________ I __ I __ I--I--I--I--I--f--'--,


Alnhnml\: -1-1·-I-----I~'-t21-III/llock COllnty.................. 27 2 ••• _.__ 3 I, II 2 3 ('nlltoun COl/nly. __ •••••••.••• _.. ~o R 1 5 10 2 4 •••••••••••• __ Ohnmbers ('!ll/nty_ ••••. _._ ••••.• _ 0 ••• , •.••••• , •• __ ._._. r. 2 _...... 1 ••• , ••• Clnrko COullly_ •• _ ..•• _ ••• _...... :; I 1 .... ___ I r. 1/ ••••• -- I .... - .•

TotBI 'Bmllies._ •••••••••• _ ••••• 1 '.liO 46 109 24-1 :l!i2 07 roO

Cnl"er! GOllnly ••••••• _ •••••• _... 21 3 I II 3 1 2 ""'" ••.••• ,

~ili~~~~~:::~t:~:~===:===::::::=: ;1 I .::::::: =::::~= ==:::~: .-.. :~. :::::i: ::::::: ::::::: HOllston COllnty ••••• _. __ •••• _... If. I __ ._.__ 2 7 4 •••• ,.. I ••• , ••• Jackson COlIl/ly._ •.•••••••.•• _... 4 1 2 I ",.,_ •• " ••• _ •••• _ •••• _ ••• _ Lnuderdnlo OOllnty_ ••••• _ •••.•• _ 41 1 6 IJ 21 _ ••• _._ •• _ •• , •• _._._. 10M County._ • __ ._ ••.•• __ ••••• ___ 12 ••• ,._. __ •••• _ 5 4 I 2 ••••••• """_ Limestone OOI/1I1y ___ ._ •• __ •• _... 8 3 •••• ,.. 4 _'_'." •• _._., I ••• -.-. -••••• , Lowndes COllnty •••••.•• _........ 14 _...... I 6 2 3 •• _.,.. 2 -._ ••• _ Mnrengo COllnly •••.••• _ •••••••• _ 18 2 2 3 3 R _"" __ ••••••••••••• _ Mnrshnll COllnly_ •••• __ •••• _..... 2 1 I __ .,. __ •.••• _ ••••• __ •• -- •• , •••••••• Monroe COl/nly _ ••• __ •• __ •••• _... 13 I ••••••• I _ •• _... II ••• , •• _ ••••••• ""'" MorR~n Gnunty._ ••••• __ • ___ .• _. 10 2 ••• _ •••••••• _. 2 3 I I 1 !'trry County __ •••••• _ ••••••.••• _ 23 _""" ••••••• 2 2 11 •••••• _ 2 J'lckeus County •••••••• _ ••••• _.__ 24 I ••••• -. 4 ~ II 1 ..... __ 5 'I'nllBdoRB C:ollnty _ •••.• _ ••••••• __ 21 _._. __ .. _._.... 1 In 2 I I 1'Rlln\'o08n COllnly._............. 12 3 ••• , ••• "" •• , I 4 ._ •• _.. 4

Intllnnn: Clay COullty ••• __ •.•••••• _.. 3 ••••••• 1.._.... 1 2 •• _._ •••• ____ •• -- ••••• -••• -.-Illinois: }lock Isln",1 COl/nty._ ••• _._. 10·1 I7 II 23 4~ 2 2 I

LoulsinnB: llossier anti Webstor Pnrlshes ••.• Cnddo Pnrlsh_ •• _ •• _ •• _ ••••••••••. Ouachita 1'nrlsh •••• ___ ••••••• _._ •

MlllnesotB: Winonn Counly .•.••••••• New'{ork:

Cholllung County •••••••••••••• _. ColumblB Connty ••• _._ •••• _._ ••• Dutchess County •.••••••.•••••••• Ontnrlo COllnty •••••••••.•••••••• Orlenns COllnly •••• _._ •••••••• __ •

North Cnrolinn: lIuncomhe COllnly •• North Dokotn: Thlrll jl/rlieiB' dIstrict

(in port}_ ••• _ ••••••••••••••••• _ •• _ •• Ohio:

Auglsl.o Cnunty ••••••••• _ ••••••• Clnrk COllnty._ ••• _ ••••••• _ •• __ •• Lnke COllnly._. __ •••••••• _ ••••••. BnlHlu~ky County _, •• " •• ,_._".,

Pennsylvnnlo: I,ycoming Counly •.••• Sout.l, CnrollnB: Oreonvillo County. __ Ulnh:

80cond dlstrlcL_._ •••••.••• _ •• _ ••• Fnllrth dlstrlct •••• _._ ••••• __ • __ •• Flllh distrlcL ••••••••••••••.•••• Olher countl""_ ••• _ •••••••• _ ••• _ ••

Virginia: LYIlc!,lmrg ___ •••••••••• _ •••

~~ 1-···TI:::::~:I····;f II I _' _"_' 5

66 M

120 32 15 iO


"-'TI"---j' 2 _ •• '." 2 1 U I 2

2 1 .. ______ 1 _____ ... _

10 1 _______ 1 .. _____ _

41 15 211 2:) on


22 2[. 21 9 I


2 o 6 o o 6

2/--.--.. / ... -.-.1--..... , .... ---6 20 30 , ••••••.••• __ ._ r. If) ._._.__ I _ .. ___ _ 1 4 ••• , ••• _ •••••• ""_"


'2 1/ 2 141 10

~ I-···~~-l··.·~~· 2~ 19 c:::::

2 a 3 1 2 1

2~ ::::=~r::~~~ :::::~: ::::::: 7 131 __ ",_, ., .. _ .... _ .... 3 __ '_'_' 1 9 •••••• _

In 11 20 ••••• _. _ •• _. __

'1--····-1·······1 . 21 21 21 '1-·····-1······-4 2 1 """_ I ••• _ •• , _ ••••.•••••••• -•• -••• 9 ••• , •• _ '.'.'_' 5 2 2 ""'" ••••• _ ••••• __ • 2 1 ._ •• ,_. _ ••• _ •• _." •• _ ••••••• 1 ••••• _. _ •••• ,_ 7 5 •••••• , ••••••• 2 _ •••••••• _._ •• _._ •• __ ••••• ,.

Page 28: 1929 - OJP


TAlILE JX,-Di"P(Mition and mllnner of hfll1dling depcndenry a.nd nr.qll'cf cn"/'IJ

ru',prMl'd of by 74 "pccifil'ti COIITtll dllri/lg J.?.'J!J 1

n~l>('nllcnry Rnll n~"ln('t O/l.<1IS


Il I<po:;lt Ion

Court ---- ( (,hlllli I

plnr~d ('hild I Tol~lI I I IInder I rom, ,

nl~, (,hlld ,<n)lfr,fmi! ted (,h("l Toml, m'~·rrl l,lnrc!l ,(slon tn ""m· I I Not

orr'''''lnnrlrT of ""n, hOMd, 1II1ttCrl

i nth r r~,

tinn('(1 r~nrt ,'lllnnl dl'- ' to In, . C I purt,

1'11' nlli, dill

ill.lcO'I"npcr. oth"T port·: stitn- cd nirrly vl~lon Ihnn mo.llt, , lioll

prohn- or . tion l·\gNWY·


-----------__ -1--1--1---1---1---1---1---1-_1--'--


Totnl C1\.<e., •• ___ •••• ____ ...... In, n~lla, ~~ 2, C10 3. lr,~ __ ~_Ja', :t, r.~:~~ _..!~ __ 0 .::.?~

AI"hRmR: Mohile county .. • ______ ·1 D pi 6 ----... 1 '--"--1 3 .. , .. ' ... -- ...... (,alifomiA: f:nn nlcl'o COllnly ..... _ ~38 133 63 65 1 .. _____ '2 2 ______ 30.'; ('onn!)Client: 11rldl:cl'ort .. _________ .0/ 51 R I 1 3 3S ____ .. ____ .. III I)lstrlct of ColumbiA ______________ . 34~ 348 liB 11 _____ .. 2111, 1 1 I ------In!llan!l: Lnke County _______ • ________ __

1IIarion Counly .... ___ .. __ .. _ .. Iowa: Polk Counly _____ .. ____ .. __ • lIIkhlgnn: Kenl Count)' .. ________ •

246 2l'2 631 2;-P

11m 2l.!21 2l\S, 2iP,

H 8

83 1M

6 I 3


34 22, ,~I


46, i2:

81 12: Mhm~"ntR:

lI~lInepln County _______ ....... 3431 343. Horn~ry Couoty _________ .. ____ IJ.~ J3R 175/----.70

IS 7

116 3.1

New York: . lluITRlo________________________ 72, Erie County .... _ .. __ ...... __ .. f,~· Monroe CounIY ___ .. _ .. ___ .. _.. 2R~

l'~w York ('jly ...... ____ ~ __ ... ~,FDI nenS!'elnpr Counly ____ .. _ .. __ .. IR' Wcstchc.<lcr Co"nly_ ...... __ .. 2;-0

72 I 61 .... __ . 61 OR 29 .. _____ .. _____ 36

2R4 ------- 231 fj 62, 3. ~~~ I, o~ .. ~~~~~ _____ ~ _____ .~

269 87 I (, 167

M J78 130


12\ .. _ ... \ 77 1 ______ ... _ .. 4 ______ 340

, 1 ... __ .... _____ _

29! 11, .. __ .. / ____ .. IP .. ___ . ' __ '" .. _ .. _



.. ____ 1 ... __ . -.. ---

19~ ::~:~~I:'::~: :::::: 1.1311 2 ____ ...... __

lliOI .. ____ .. ---... ----3 (j ______ 1

ObltJ: Cuynhol!n County .. __ .. ____ ... 1,3011 I, Of. 11 I 2Il3 fYll fi!l2 20 I" I aaR Frnnklln Connly ______ .... __ .. O[~I (l.5Q 11 70 174 H~ 21,~ 7 7 .. ---Jlnrnllton C(lUllly ______________ 4r,~ III ______ . 11 4, 94 I I .. ____ 357 Jlfnhonin~ COllnly .... ____ ..... 292 1U7 3~ ___ "__ IRi 2Q 121 .. _ .. _ .~____ 115 ;\Inntgomery ('ollnty _____ ..... 3~:; <il, 43 un 15, 31 129 13 _ .. _.. liB

Oregon: Muitnomnh ('ounly ______ 443 3.T~ 30 13,q [,(II· 20 Rfl 40. .. _.. 110 l'cnn5ylvanln:

A Ih'~heny County ___________ .. 75(1 75IJ 3 312 22 4112 17 .. ____ ---___ --.. --Jllnnlgnrnery County ____ • __ ... 13 13 ....... "_"__ 5 8 .. __ ..... ____ .... -- - .... l'hil:1q~lph!R __ ~ .. __ .. _______ .. _ 3,6.0 2.~'~ 2H 3.. 1071 1,374 4~1 " .. __ .. O?2

UWh: 11urd dlSlrlct. __ .. __________ 130 JOI 4 :2 HI....... III " __ " .. ____ 211 '·Ir~inl": Norfolk __ .. ______________ 2(1.1 2011 III III M 2l' I 13 ____ .. ---.. . WIL<hill~ton: Pierce COllnl}' ____ ... fH (II 21\ 11 4 13 7. _____ .-- .. - .... ..

I Inrh"lo.~ nil conrts reporting dependency and neglect cases that served nre"" wIth 26,000 or more populMlon In ID2Q,

• f G


JUYENIf.E-COun'T' f)'T'ATTS'T'Wfl, 1 !12!l • 53

T A nJ.P. TX.-J)i87jO,~itio1t and monner of handling ril']ll'ndrnrll and tl(·glect ca"e! di'~/,,}ud of by 7-1 "7Jr.cijictl court., "Ilriug 1!J~[)-·Contil1l1r,!I




Dcpelld".lIr)' lind negil:ct CIISC,'1



Child ph",.,1 Child

'I I tllldt!r com-DIs· (,hilI) stllli'r· milled Child 1'ol.:ll.lJIi~'NI I'lIlf'rti \"i,ioll til corn· /. I Not

or!'o,,· IInder of illdl· bonrd. mittrd Other reo tinned I'olnl I ,idllnl II~· to In· I port. I'HI,'O· slIfI"r' olhor p:,rt· stltl!' et! nitol)' \'1,1011 thall mellt, tlon

(1roll/l' or thlll a~cncy

oJIit'cr ~

Un· ofll· elal

1 __ 1 ___ 1 ___ 1 ___ 1. __ 1 ___ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __

I I I I I Totsl C8 .. 09 ...... _ .. __________ 2,5O!! I, 4i1 ~ ~ __ 3_1~ ~ ~ ~.::::.:.: 1,027

AlnbnmA: I Bullock County ______ .. __ .. ____ 03 4 I 1 __ ..... I 1 ____ .. ______ Ii!I Colhoun Counly .... ____ ....... H 17 .... __ • ....... 12, ___ .. __ 5. ____ • ______ 2i Chnmbrr~ ('ounly .. _ .. _____ ... IIi 6 _...... 4, __ .•.• ( 1 .. __ ..... __ .... ____ 11 Clarko County .... _____________ 32 II ___ .... _____ .. __ ..... 2 .. ____ • 7 .. __ .. 23 ('olhort Connly .. ____ ...... ____ 72 14 __ ..... ; 4.______ 2 1 .. ____ 68

ll::~~oC'cg~'I~ry~:::::::~::::~~~ BJ J ·----·2 :::::~: :~::~: :i::::::: ____ ~,~ :::~:: :::::~ ____ ~ Htownh Cnllllly .. _ .. ________ ... Ii 15 ..... __ 2 ;"...... 4 2 ______ 2 Houston County ____ .. __ ..... __ 411 3 __ ..... 1 2 ____ .. ____ ... __ .... ...... 43 JAckson Connty .. __________ .. __ Ii .... ____ ... ____ ..... ____ .,i ______ ... __ ... ______ .. , __ • 0 J,Iludcnlnlo COllllty____________ JIll 32 3 211 I'....... 8 __ .. __ ______ ;2 Loa Counly. __ .________________ ~a 8 ______ • 3 5 ___ .. __ .... _ .. __ .. __ .. ____ 18 Llmcslone Connly _____ .... ____ III 6 ___ .. __ :\ ----... 1------- 2 __ ........ __ 14 LowlIIlc,q COllnty ______ .. _____ • 3~ 1 .. _____ __ ...... __ .... '. __ '" •• __ ... 1 .. ____ 37 MnrenJ(O County .... __ .. __ .. __ • 61 11 __ .. __ • 4 1/' ____ ... 4 .. ____ ______ ~2 JIInrshllll County .. __ .... _____ • i r, ..... __ r. .... __ .... __ .. _ ........ ____ ______ 2 Monroe County __ .. ___________ • M 2 I _______ .. __ ... __ ..... I ________ .... 62 MUfgAn ('ounly________________ 31/ 0 _______ .. _____ 1; .. _ .. __ I 41 ____ .. 24

~:r;k~r~~~I!,:::r.iy:::::::::::::::: ~ I::::::: .. __ .. : -----)::::::: ::::::: ::::::1:::::: ~~ 'I'AlhllrRn county ___ .... _______ 4~ C, __ ••• :. I .... --I....... 4 li--.... 3~ '\'AIIII)lo080 Connly ____ ... ____ .. 2:1 .... _____ .. __ , •• __ • .... • .. ____ " ___ " _____ ... __ .. 23

Illlnoi9: Hurk Islnnd County __ .. __ • 1Ii2 102 I:; 4l '1°1 I 51 14 .. __ .. ____ __ Indillna: Clny County ...... ___ .. __ 1:1 13 --... -- H --.. ,-- "--'-- 5 ______ 1' ______ .. ----

l..uui~hlJJn: BU5.<ier nnr! Wchstcr Parishes__ 5 5 ----.-- --.. --... ----. ------- r. --.... ______ 1 __ .. __ CAdtin Parlsh .. _ .. ________ ..... 107 IO~ II __ "_" [,;\ __ .. ___ 3. C __ ... 2 Ollhchltn Pnrish .... ____ .. _ .. __ • 110 55 13 21 I; 8 ; ___ "'1 ___ "_ 6.0;

Mlnnc,qoln: Wlnonn County ______ • 17 0 4 --......... ,-- 2


,,_,,__ ______ ______ II Now York:

Chemung C~unly . __ "_" __ "__ 135 135 102 2 10 _______ 21 ______ .. ____ -.... . ClllumhlA County ______ .. _..... 133 131 II; 2Q [, I IU 1 .. ____ ... --. lJllldlo.~, County __ .... _ .. ____ • 2(1:1 21;:, 81 ;~ f,~ 33 .... ___ 2 .. __ .. 2S Ontnril) County________________ i:J ;;1 7 li2 2 41 8 _____ .: .... ___ ...... _- .... Orlr.nns Co"nly ________ .. ______ 2,1 24 .. __ ... III 3 8/ 2 -.. ·--1 .. ---- .... --

North Cnrolinn'.lltlDcomho Cllllnty. Io;! 3; 2 3 20 2 U I .. ____ 66 Nort.h Dnkotn: 'I'hlrd Jllllicini dis·

tricl (In pnrtl _______ .. ____ .. _ .. __ Ohi(l:

.A1I~IRI7.o COllnty ________ .. ___ __ Clnrk (Jollnty ________________ __ T."kc COllnly .. _______________ • &A"'ln~ky CUUIlIy .. _ .. _ .. __ .. __

PennsylVAniA: l.ycII"'ln~ ('nllnty .. ~nlll.h Cllrnlinll: o rrell ville C'ounly. lltllh:

Secont! ,1I~lrlr.L _______________ _ Fourth di5Irlrl.. _____________ __ I'lIlh dl~tril't... ___________ .. __ __ Other COllllfir ..... ____ ... __ ...

Virgin I,,: 1.ynf'llIJurg_ .. ___________ •

10' I

2S ,R 31 4U' 311


18 1\' 2. ;


10' 61 ______ .. 1 ______ _ .fl __ .... __ I ....... __ I ...... __ ..

2R 11 "---" III 0 ------. ---... ----.... ----77 0 3 Hi 1 61 ______ .. __ .. 1 31 12 1 ___ .... , .. __ ... 18 __ ..... ____ ....... 10 .. __ ... ....... :II 11 ~ I .. ____ 21 3R .. _____ I I 1M 1·1 4 .. _... I 8·1 20 2·1 2[,1 2 II 2 .. ____ 30

J =::::=: =:::::: :::=:::1::::::: ~ :::::= :::::: g , ____ ..... _____ r. .. __ ... 1 .. __ .. __ .... 20 ,I .. ____ 4 __ • ___ ,1 .. __ ........ __ ......... __ 3

12 ...... -----.. '1 3 2 .. --... ---. ------

Page 29: 1929 - OJP

tCI ~541' e JUVENII,l'}-COURT BTA'l'ISTICS, 1929

TAnJ.Fl X.-(,olor, nolil'i!!!, nnd parl'nt nalillily of children dealt with in (ll'pendency mId 7Ieffleel en.,('., di:rPQ.,cd of by 28 .,pecijicd COllrts during 1929 I

Court Totol


Dependency lind neglect CR.<M

Whlta ~hllt1ron

I Nntlve'l Nntln, lorfilm Nntlve. nntlve I or I'~rcnl· porrnt. mite" n!!c not

nge pnrent. rrport· n~e cd

For­cl~n born

I Nnt"", fly not report-


{'ol­orell chll· dren

(,hll­fir"n wh,,~o (,,,lor 'Wne

nllt re­porleci

---,---,---,---,---,---,-__ , __ -1----Totnl cn!'~. __________________ ~ 13, ~ 7, /I8~1 Ii, 1~9 ~97 L~ --.!~ 2. 2foiJ l-~

Alabnma: Mohlle ('nunts .... ---- 11 S 8


______ ,. ________ '-____ .. __ .. __ . I -------Californln: !';an D1rRIl {"'II11ly _____ ~l~ 416 no 07 J6 'I 4 00 22 -------e~n"ecIiMll: nrhl~eptlrt__________ 70 67 27 4~ _____________ .. ___ .... 3 J)1~lrlrl of ('ollllllhlo______________ 34~ 140 5 I 9 -______ 125 202 Indlnna: J.nke County ________________ __

M:1rlon COl111ty ______________ _ lawn: Polk GOllnt. _______________ _ Mkhlgnn: Kent ('ounty _________ _

2.r. 2H2 6.11 279

1I11nnc<otn: lIennepln Connty_____________ 3i3 nnlll~oy Counly_______________ 13~

New York: IlnITlIlo________________________ 72 Erl~ Count)·___________________ nR Monroe COllnty _______________ 2.~. New York ('ity _______________ 3,~!11

Rcn=lnrI County____________ IS7 West chest or County___________ 2iO

Ohio: Cnynhnl(n ronnty _____________ 1.396 Frllnklln ('Ollllly______________ fori) lI"ml1lon ('ounty_____________ ill.'! M.honlnlt ('oullty_____________ 21.2 Mon~nlllery ('ounl)·__________ :lH5

1\10 2.18 562 2i9

323 136

71 08

2M 3.~20

195 230

1,152 502 321 26S 300 424 Ore!!nn: !\Iulln('mnh COllnly______ 443

l'enn~}'h·nnla: Allclthenv County _____ .. ______ 750 070 Monl~omr.ry COllnty__________ 13 13 Phllntlrlphln .. _________________ 3,liiO 2, R23

Utllh: Third <listrlc1.._____________ J30 J20 Vlrdnln: Norfolk__________________ 2(19 IGO WR..hington: 1'Ierro County_______ 01 (>II

881 100 I 2




_____ __ ~7 ______ .. ________ _______ 1 ,28 34 ____________________ __ 233 36 ________ 2 II

60 44 00

203 \19

34 40

HI 1,4,1

liO 1011

410 (027 300

gO 2!lO 322

388 12

1.305 08

103 55

107 37

37 28

140 I, \107

14 114

~25 20


130 II \19


12 20 2

--------,-------,-------'-------._------________ _______ _______ 3 _____ ~~ _____ ~~~ ~ I 37~

6 _______ 2 40

07 I

11 4 1

--------1- ____ j_

3 1 ______ _

30 4 6

33 9 2


244 97

H7 27 85 10


I. 241 r----iiO-I----~i·I----OO·I---70.~·I----i42 3~ c::::: ::::::: ::::::: 4~ 21 ________ ------- 1 3

I Incilules all collrts reporting dopeudency Bnd neglect CIlStl5 that served areas with 100,000 or more popu­lation In 11120.


f e



'TABLE XL-Source of rcfcrCIlf:fl In c01l.rt of famiUe., rflpn·"cnlr.tl in dllpcndcncy and llcgict;t CIl3C,f rli81l1/.~cd of hy 28 sp~r:;jil!(l cOlI.rl.f tlnriTl!1 102.') I

Fnmlllcs rOl'rC50lltCtlill dependoncy and neglect CBSo.'I

SOllrco 01 fcferonco to court Court

Total I Pnr- n h h School 1

- . I

Rorlnl rnl,.or t ~r Pro o· ,10' Notrr .... ngellCY\ rrln. ~I"IJ. Pollco U,,~ "nrt.1 Other I ported

ti~es '1t11l"11 OmlCr IIIcnt

Totnl famlllas ___________________ ! 7, "no 3,2011 2, r.15 --;;; --;;;; ~;; --;;;1--;; --4

Alabama: Mobile County ____________ --; --1- ---4----1-== == ==1'==-= == Cnllrornln: Rnn Dle!!o County________ 271 51 75 n 2U 1\ 2t 4 ______ _ Connecticllt: IIrltlRoport.____________ 31 20 2 ___ .. __ ,,_00__ 3 _____ .. ____ .. _______ _ )Jlstrlct of C<;lurnhll\_________________ 2·10 3U 06 J7 71 24 24 2 ______ _ Indlnna: Lnko County ___________________ .. 1m 15 43 17\ 16 45\ 15 _______ - _____ _

Marlon COllnty__________________ 158 37 43 18 61 3 _______ 6 Iown: Polk COllnty__________________ 361 liS llR 70 17 4 23 22, ______ _ Michigan: Kont County _____________ 1:10 33 40 45 7 6 5 1 ______ _ Mlnno..ota:

Dennopln County________________ 170 166 Ramsoy County __________________ 68 63

New York: DuITnlo___________________________ 37 10 Erlo {'Ollnty______________________ 17 17 Monroe COllnty ____________________ 1m 114 New York City _ _________________ I, ~13 I, Ol~ Renssolnor County_______________ 102 1 WcstchC!'tor County______________ 121 116

Ohio: Cuynhogll County _____________ .. _ Frnnklln COullty .. _____________ __ n nmliton CounLy ______________ .. Mnhonlng (Jollnly _______________ _ MontRorncry ('ollnLy ____________ _

Oregon: Multnomnh Gounty_ .. ____ _

r,08 4JS 2104 l!i7 245 Tn

I'ellnsylvnnln: Allcgheny Corml.y________________ 322 Montgornery COllnLy_____________ 7 Philndelphln______________________ I,OR3

Utnh: Third <l151rlrt__________________ 01 V Irglnln: Norfolk .. ___ .. ___________ ___ J 23 WlIShlllgton: I'lerco County__________ 42

2nD lOll 112 97 OJ 43

143 2

Ii 14 30 H 7

~~:~:;: ;::;:a:::::: ~~~~~;~ :::::;: ~~~::~: =-~~~~ I 1 , ___ 00__ _______ 3 _____ • _______ _

4~~ ~~ 2~1 _____ ~ _____ ~~_C:::: ------j 3 2 .. ______ _______ 3 L ____________ _

105 122 61 23

113 no

27 I

I, or,:-, /j

fl.1 10

10 RI r.;s 10 2!1 ;r,

~I ' 16 n



42 R.l If) In 2lI :I

20 I'


3 I

10 2 6, _____ .. , ______ _ ~ 3 ______ _ 7 2 ______ _

11 I 2 I 134 I 3 2 -------

IR 8 17 :I _____ .. ______ _ 2 5 6 4 2 __ • ___ •

I~ I I~ I----T ----T ~~~~~~: ::::::i --------------.------~--~--~--~--~-

I Inclut/a.. nil courts reporting dUJlondcncy and neglcct casas lbnt servor! arollS with 100.000 or lIIore popu­lation In 1920.

Page 30: 1929 - OJP

..t.. '. ." 56 e JUYENII,E-COUnT STATISTICS. lS2IJ

T.\RLPJ XII.-Placc of care of child prndiflg hearing or di~po!lilion in dependency (lnd nr.glr.ct (a"c.' rlil1po~E'rl of by 2,'; tlpcr:ijicd cOllrls dt:rinr; 1.9!!.? I

Dependency nn'\ neglect casCll

FlaCll oC care DC chllrl



--- I Own home orraJnoard.Delen- Other

tlt.- lIng tlon I In,t]­po~ClI home homo I, tntlon



Jail oTllhnn I I Not poliro o_no Other r~-~Ia- pmre porto,1

tlon' or Mme caro • dny

------------------------------1-----'-----'-----1-----.----_.-----.-----'-----.-----Tolal CRSeS _____________________ 16, 0.18 I II, 2);0 ~. 4 I I, 1~8 I 4.32\1 1 I 128 242 I 20~

Aln~RntR: Mobll~ Cntll~ty-.---------- --g-17 _____ . __ 1=="--2 ==I==~I== CRhfornln: Snn lle;!n { ollnly________ 438 I 279 26 20 00 _______ I 221 ______ _ ("l'nnertirut: DrliI~eporL-----.------ 70 I 43 1 _______ 2-1 __ .____ _______ 2 -------Dblrlct of Colt'mbill_________________ 348 2i6 ___ .___ 24 25 _______ 21 2 1-------IDlllnnn: Lake County ____________________ _

MArion ("ollnly _________________ _ lown: Polk eOllnty ____ ._ •• __________ _ MichigRn: Kenl County ____________ _

216 282 r"'1 279

l\Iinn~sotn: lIennrpin Counly. ______________ .' 343 nAm~y COullly__________________ lJS

Nen-York: DIlIInln.__ ________________________ i2 Erie ("ounty_____________________ r.s }'Ionroe ("ouoly__________________ ~1 New York ClIy __________________ 3,ROt nen=hcr ('ollnty _______________ 167 Weslrh~tcr ("ounty______________ 2.0

Ohio: Cuynho~" County ________________ 1,306 FrAnklin Gount.y_________________ 0:." llRntillon COImly ________________ 4r,s lIfnhonlng C~t11lly __ • _________ .___ 292 r.lonl~nmery COltnly.____________ :tRr.

(lrc~on: Mllltnomnh C""nly_________ 443

1411 137 3[,1)


245 65

45 43 r.l

1,2!!3 1f13 6:;

1,1).17 ::07 :1I8 101 277 2);S

l'cnnsyl'.-onia: Allel(hr.ny County________________ 7!i1i 222 Monlcor.lery Gounly-------.-_--- 13 G Phll.delphis ______________________ 3,670 3. (1(jO

Ulnh: 'rhlrt! ':i.lrict__________________ 130 :17

U 47 42 a

30 65

34 8

119 57

----:n:::~~: ---iiii-I::::::

sn 49 Ii 30 12 f6



161 151

6 16 6-1 45

32 i2 1 ___ ...... _, .... ___ ....

49 7

13 18 41

68 1 __ ... ____ 1 _______ I • ______ 1 ______ _


Ii ,------- ------- _______ 1 ______ _ 12 __________________________ .. :!II ______________ .. ___________ _

2, [,H _______ JI ; ,- _____ _ 22 ___________________ ._ 2 5 _______ ;r. R _____ ._

91 _______ 3 i1 U 130 _______ 3 18 1 un _______ 2 25 I 36 __ .____ _______ 13 151_______ 1 u ______ _

~ _____ ~ ______ ~ ___ ._::_ IR2

2:1 .______ I 2 ______ _

3,15 7 9 ~7 o

IS 18 8

"ir~inln: Norfolk ___________ ._________ 20!l 1M "nshlnglon: Plrrce County __________ 61 28

---&~rl::=:::: :::::::I::::iil: ~~~~~~~ . __________ ..!.._...!.._--'-_....!.._---'-__ 9..!,i-_--_-_--..!-__ ----~_.~=

1 Inchtilm all courl~ reporting ilepcnrlcney Rnil n(-;tlceL ell-'cs that sen'eil areas with 100.000 or more pop­ulal!on In 192()'

1 Inch,.I ... rn"e.'< oC chllrlron cared (or rart of the lintn in drlcnt.ion homes snil part of Lho Unte cl,owhore, l)IIt e~rhl'lc< rn.<~ of children sl<o hel! In Jail. or pnlice ,tntioos.

• Includes rosl'S of children cnrr~J for pnrt of tho tlmo In jnils or police stations I\nd pnrt of the time el~6-wher~.

t Excludes co.ses of chllcJren held In delentlon bomos. Jnlls, or police stations_



JUVENILE-counT S'I'ATISTICS, 1920 • 57· T AnTlE Xlrr.--Rr.a.~on for diflchar(lc in cn.,r,' of delinquent children dt'scharocd from

IW1Jr.rviaion by 21 "lJ('cijici. couris durill(l 1929 I

CMC.' of cJelinQllent children dlscbnrRcd (rom supervision



Further supcrvblun not rerom­mended or III'rhnr~ocl with Im-

provemcnt hc(ore r~nch­Inc ngo limit

nCIISnll (or di.'ielmr~o

Child / Child com mil- cornmit-ted to let! to

In.Ulu- n~enc}' Uon or hHII­


Child I Not rellchod I Other reportEd n~e


----------------.-------'-----1---------1------T"" '"~-- ________ u ___ uul ' .. 0' <. n. '. ~, ---;;;---";;-1 ~l 1---7

Alahnmn: l\Iohllc ('ounfy __________ ;--i,~ 12 4 --------. ~ 21== ('onnr~Ucllt: IIrhll:0l'or[.__________ lfiO 94 22 I 40 8 1 lJl~trlct of ColullJbia_______________ fili 2IJU 47 14; UU 65 Indiana:

Lnke County___________________ 75 :Marlon COllllly________________ 2i8

?flnnesnla: lIennepln County __________ .___ SG2 nnm~oy COullly ___________ .____ Z:7

New· Jersey: Ih,d<on ('uunty________________ 189

4i 177

418 194

6 28

130 34


8 2



4 28

2 3

9 43

9 4

Mercer COuIlLy_________________ J.l8 New York:

12.) 40 .. 8 1. __ .......... 1 .... ___ ... __ _

21 1 ________ _ w . ________ _ Du ITnlo_ ____ ____________________ 139 Eric {'ouoty ____________________ 1 \1:; Monroe COllOty ________________ 1 12·1 New York City • _______________

1 I.!'III

101 filj O'j

1,[;07 311

3.'; 13 23

2:14 2'J Ohl~;·estehestcr C(lUllly • ___________



Cuynhogn ('ounty______________ M:; 2l'2/ 127 Hnmilton C01l11ly _______ .______ 3014 1:.0 4'; Moulgnmery ('!)!Il1ly .. _________ 1~!I 61 40

Oregon: MIIII.nornnh (""lIlly _______ , :Iq 3 7 J;nnns~l.v~nin:. Ph!lntlCll'hla __ •• ____ /I, lill 610 12; I lllh: IllInl d'~lrtct________________ 41 30 I ·1 ~::~llIla: N()r~'~k----~-------------- _ lUi IH, 24

I . ------T ------~r ::~:~:~f::::::i fi 10·1 ~:I • ________ _ 4 4 :!8 , ________ _

42 13 al '--______ _

20 H 11131 1 5 II 25


________ _ 7 10 II ________ _

lOr. 211 12S 1 I 111 ________ _

._ ... __ 1_2 __ 1_3~= , Inch,des nil courls rrporllng en~o' of dellnquonl child ron disehnrgod frolll supervision tbal served arefl!

with IOn,OOO or lIloro Jlopulntion III 111:10.

Page 31: 1929 - OJP


TARLE XTV.-Dllrnlionof SlL]lrrl'i.,ion in c(t.~ell of drlinqllcnl children discharged from ,'1I1Icrvision by 21 specified Cnllr(,11 dllrillg 1929 I


-:-:-===== CIIl'IlS or delinrluent ~hlldron dlseh~r~ed rrom suparvlslon

DllmUon or suporvlslon

6 11 Yenr'llB I.e. .. , Imonn," Irss months'12 YCnrS'13 ycnrs th:1ll r, ) .• limn )c..~ lcss onr!

months th~;\2 I~ ilIOn lIlnn 3 ovor mon Ihs 2 years

Tillal Notre· porterl

_______________ \ ___ 1 ___ 1 ___ 1 ___ 1 ___ 1 ___ • ___ • __ _

Total cm:cs ••••• _. _______ • ______ 7,~21 , 2.6i2 2,9:!4 1,136

----:::·I·---:~·I·-·-:~:-I-------: .Alahllmn: lIfohlle ('.onnly ___________ 18 Ii 1 -----2!i-Connrr.licllt: nrirl~cllorl .. __________ lfor. lir. r>R 13 1 ________________

District or Collllllhio _________________ 017 li9 218 101 40 3S 14 Indlnna: J.!Iko COllnty ____________________ 75 2ll 21 2~ 1

Morlon Count .1 _________________ T.8 157 sa 20 to I 2 Mlnno.':olo: Hennepin County _______________ 1i62 2S9 243 27 1

2 -------T-------Rnmspy County _________________ 237 !l8 roll 40 10 13 1 ________

New Jrr.ey: Hudson ('ounty _. _______________ ,<:!I 42 59 li9 24 fi • _______________

\ Mcrcer Connty _______ • _________ 148 2ll 13 0 9 13 iD Nev; l"nr:a n nIT n 10 _____________________ • ___ 139 2.~ 47 52 II Ii

Erie ("ounly _____________________ 95 II 8 4U 19 III - .. -- .. --- -.------lIfollrro ('''nnty----------------- 124 III 47 48 10 -------- -------- --------Nm,. York ('il)· __________________ I,!I!H 1,025 8[>0 II~ 19

2 ________ --------

Wn<tchfslcr COllnty------------- ~()(I 9S JIH 84 31 25 4 ________

OhIo: Cnynbnt:n ('onnty ______________ • 545 184 2r03 93 4 1 ________

--- ... -- .. -Hnmflt'm ('OIlOly ________________ 3U a9 JIG 02 30 32 14 1 1<lonlgnmcr.r ('ollnty ____________ I:?'I 27 25 r.o 17 .. ------- -------- --------

Or~~on: J\11I"nom~h ("ollnly-----.. - J.~ If 15 2 3 2 2 ________

P~nnsyJ"'nin: I'hil;\tlrll.hin. _________ 1.1.9 2O.q 510 22i 102 79 48 fi lltah: Thlr" di.frieL ________________ 4t 41 -------- --oO----- - ..... _--- .. -------- -- .. --.. -- ...... -_ .. ---Vlr!!inIR: Norr.,lk. _______ • ___________ 197 40 li9 ~5 21 9

3 ________

• Jndurlr_~ 011 courL~ rcpnrUnK cm:rs or dplinqncnt children dlschRrged from supervisIon thnt served nren.q with 100.000 CIf more llIlflulatinn In W20.

TAm,E XV.-Realmn for di.,chargc in casc., of dppendent and neglected children r/i.,chnTgcd from .~upcTl';.,ion byJ."] specified courls dnring .1929 I

('n.<P.s 01 rlrpcn.lent nnd neglecled chlhlren rJf~ehnrgerl from Bupervlslon

Rcnson ror .lfschnrl!o

Court Further l'1'- I per vision not

TotoJircrommcnrlc,1 Child Chilrl (,hlld Child or child dis- commlt- eommlt- rl'mmlt-lrenChedl Other INotre­ehnrl!cd with ted to In· led 10 Icrl to In- nge ported "nwovemcnt stltutlon agency rllvlduo. limit bdoro re,.ch-'nl{ ngo limit


Tolnl r.n.<cs _____________ • 2.IY.'0!1 I 1,429 24S I~ __ 22_I __ 3_71~1 __ IO

Conn~lkul: JlrirlgtllOrl._____ 21 ______________ ---------,--------- ---------1--------District 01 ~olu"'hin__________ i 3 _________ 2 _________ 1 Jndi:,"n: t.nke Cnunty _ .. _____ 17 12 3 --------- .-------. --------Minnesota: J(olll~y GouIIIS__ 75 47 8 15 4 -.------

2 I 2 J

New York: nllllnlo___________________ 3 Monrne County __________ • 24 Nen' York {'ILY .. _________ 1.31l1 Wc.,tehoslcr Cuunty.----- J

I~ I ~ I ? 1:::::::::I::::~:::I:::::::l:::::: ________ ~:~~ ______ ~! _______ ~_ ::::::::: _____ ~~_ 2~ 1

Ohio: Cnyfthogn Counly ________ Jroll i8 6 31i 1 ________ 3.1 Ii Jlnrnllton ("OIl11ly _________ 1 J I .. ________________ --------- -------- ------.- --------l\fonll!mllery ('ounly_____ I ._____________ I --_______ --------- -------- -----.-- --------

Orr~"n: I\lnll"olOnh ('''"11ty_ W ___________ .__ 5 2 17 _.______ 35 --.-----Penllsyh:nnh: J'hifnrldflhin.. ~n Zl~ 17 III .________ 0 Ii.1 4 ... -."~. .---- ----- .--_.---_. ---.-----------I Inrln'lo.' nil ('o"rl~ rel'orlin!,: c .. "r.< (Or .1('llr_IIdN.I nnrl neglerlcd children rlischnrgerl rrom sIIllervlslon

that scn'o:l nr6."1S with 1111,«1 U Oi nwro puplll:ll j",. in Ht:! .•.

, I

I ! i

,- 14& I


JUVENILE-COURT STATISTICA, 1 !l2!l • 59 TAnr.F: xvr.-J)I1T1l/;on of .~lIpr,nli.~ion in rfl.,r8 of r/rprndrlll and ne(lfrelrd children

dilJclwT{l('Ii from .m]l(ln·i.~ion Ii!! 18 .~Jlccifirtl collrl., (lilTing 1.92[1 I


G,,~,·~ (lr '''·pclI.lrnl "'HI nr~lrt'lrrl rhilrlrcn dl~chnrRr" from ::;tll'~\r\·i\ion

J)urllllnn IIr "ul,crv/sloll

Tolnl I r,"M 0 I ~~~r'I""':~h~'12 "cnr~'13 yenr~ thnn r. IIIon'hs, Ihnn II!.:" iess nnrl I Not re-

1II0llths I Ie':., IH Ihnll thnn 3 O\'er florted IHIlI 12 months 2 year, _ _______________ 1_ ... ______ _

ToLol rn..es .. ___________________ 2,(~1!I om i3P 2f1l I 110 ~I 41 3

("ollnrellcut: nrlrlcrporL ____________ -- 2' == ---2-==='~:== ==:== 111.lril·1 of noh.III lIin ..... ______ ._____ i I r. .. ___ ... _______ . ________ .. _____ , _ .. ____ _ IlIrlinlln: I,nko (·Ollll'y .. _ ..... ___ .___ 17 ~ 0 _____ ... ____ ....... ___ •• ____ ...... _____ _ 1II1tIllr~otR: Jln",scy Counly .. _______ .5 30 II 12 U II 2 " ___ ' __ New ~'urlc: . "ullnlo ___________ .. ____________ • 3 2 I .... __________ ._ .. ______ .. ______ .. _____ _

Monroo Coun'y .. ------.. -_______ .2·1 0 I 10 -; .. ______________ .. _____ _ Nnw York C.Ly .... ____________ .. 1, 31~ .[,4 4iO 67 :""1 .. ______ .. _ .. ___ ...... __ Wo.~tche.~ler Cuunly------------- , I • _____________ .. _____ .... _______ .. ___ ..... _____ _

Ohio: Cllynhogn Counly ______________ _

"mnillon GOllnty .. --------------I\I(lnt~"'"ery County ___________ _

Or~~nll: Multnolllnh ('(lunty _______ _ J'ellllsylvnnln: l'hiladcIJlhia _________ _


Tn 432

33 621 371 0 , ________ , .. ______ , ..... __ _ I ________ .. ______________ .. _____________ _

i ~i 1---. ;~l-I· ---.;~. r---~~ '1' ----~ '1---- -;~. j==:::::j

• Incllldes nil courls rellOrlln!: cnsc.q or dnprllrlellt nnd neglccLoo chlldrcn dischnrgoo from sUllervlsloD thntscrvcd orcRS wlLh 100.000 or lIIoropopulntioll ill 1920.

Page 32: 1929 - OJP

~ -. If e


CarelR w('r(' r('{'('i\'('d from 95 {'ourt./! in 20 St.nkR and Ull' Dillt.rict of Columbia for thc enl in.' (',"\lendar Yl'ar 1!12!), nnd tnbl(,ll WN{, PTt'p:ul'd h.\- 1 court; (Philadel­phia). TIll.' lllUn{'s of Ih!')':!' courts with thc lllrg('st dt,'" or town in the an'n servcd by ench court nrc nR follows:

l,nr~c.<t rUr or town'ln Alabama: nren sen'c,1

Juven!le court of Autauv;n County __________________ Prnthi!I!'. JuveIldc court of Balch"n Coun!,y __________________ Rny l\Inwtt!'. Ju\"Cnilc court oC Bullll('k Count.y ___________________ lInion Springs. Juvenile court. of Cnlhoun Count.y __________________ AnniRton. Juvenile cO'lrt. of Chambers Counl.)" _________________ Lnn('tt. Juvenile court of Chcrokee County __________________ C('(lar mulT. Juvenile court of Chilton County ___________________ Chmton. Juvenile court of Clarke County ____________________ Jackson. Juvenile court of Cleburne County __________________ Heflin .. Juvenile court of Coosa County _____________________ Goodwater. ,Juvenile court of Crenshnw County _________________ Luverne. Juvcnile court of Dnle Countv ______________________ O:mrk. Juvenile court of Dallas COUllty ____________________ Selma. Juvcnile court of Elmore County ___________________ TnllasReo. ,Juv('nilc court of Escnmbin Count .... ____________ .. ____ Brewton. Juvenile court of Etowah Counl.y~ __________________ GadRden. Juvenile court of Fnyettc County ___________________ FaYl)tte. JU\'enile court of Franklin County __________________ RusRrllville. Juvenile court of Hale County ____________ ---------- Grcrllf,horo. Juvenile court of Houston County __________________ Dothan. Juvenile court of ,Jackson Count.y ___________________ Bridgrport. Juvenile court of Lamlcrdnle County ________________ I'lnrence. Juvenilc court of Let' County _______ ~ _______________ Phenix. Ju.enilc court of Limestonc County _________________ Alhens. Juvenilc court of Lowndcs County __________________ Fort Deposit. Juvenile court of Marrngo County __________________ Demopoli'l. Juvenile court of Marshall County __________________ Guntersville. Juvenile court of :Mobile County ____________________ Mobile. Juvenile court of Monroe County ___________________ l'vlonroeville. Juvcnile court of Morgan COUllty ___________________ Alhany. Juvenile court of Perry County ________________ . _____ Marion. Juvenilc court. of I)ickens County ___________________ Iteform. Juvenilc court of Talladega COllnty _________________ Tnllad!,gn. Juvcnile court of Tnllnpoosn Coun!.y ________________ AlexRnder City. JII\'enilc court of 1Vashington Count.y _______________ ---

California: Juvenilc court of Snn Diego County __________ San Dirgo. COl\lwcticut: Juvenilc court of the cit.y of Bridgrporl. ______ Bridgeport. DistriCt of Columbia: Juvenilc court of the District of C;olumbia _______________________________________ --- Wnshinp.;ton. Illinois: Juvenilc court of Rock Island County ___________ Rock Islnnd. Illdi:ma:

Juvenilc court of Clay Count.y ----------------------Juvl'nilc court of Lake County ____________________ _ Juvenilc court of Marion County __________________ _ Juvenilc court. of l\.fonroc County __________________ _ JU\'enilc court of Steuben County __________________ _ Juvcnilc court of Union Count.y ___________________ _ Juvcnile court of Vanderhurg County -- --- ----------

Towa: Polk County juvenile court. ____________________ _ Louisinna:

,Juvenilc court of Bossier and Webster Pari/;hes ______ _ Juv('nile court of Caddo Parish ____________________ _ .Ju\'l'nilc ('ourl, Pnril>h of Ouachita _________________ _

Mi(~"ip;an: Juvenile cuurt, Kcnt COUllty ________________ _


Brnzil. Gary. I Ilflianapolis. Bloomington. Angoln. J.ibcrtv. Evamlville. Des Moines.

Minden. Shrev('port. MonroI' . Gmm' Rapids.



JUVENII,E-COUJrI' S'/'A'('II)'/'rc;-;, I !l2!l • 61

Minnl!Rota: I.nr!!",'t rit.y or lown I" urea :;rr\'m'

Juvc'nile ('ourt of Hennepin COllnl.y ______ ~ _________ _ • Juvenile C·ntll't of ltarlllwy COllllf.\·~ _________________ _ M inncapolis •

HI.. Paul. "'inona. Winollll County juvcnilc cOllrL ____________________ _

New.TerRey: .Juvenile ('our!, of the COllnl.y of 1I11dIlOll _____________ ,Jersey City. ,luvcllile COllrl. of thc County of I\Icrcer ______________ Trenton.

New York: Children's court of Buii.,lo ________________________ _ Chemung County chilrlr('n's cOllrt __________________ _ BulTalo.

Elmim. IIlIdson. 'rallon. l'oughkc('pRie. L:u'ka WUIlII!l ..

Rocht'Rter. New York. Gencva. Medina.

Colulllbin County children's ('ollrL_, _______________ _ Delnwllr(' County children's cOllrL _____________ ~ ___ _ Children's court of DlitchrRs County _______________ _ Eric Count,y children's courL _____________________ _ Monroo County court, children'lI di\'isflll. ___________ _ Chilclreu'R court of thc city of New York. __________ _ OBlario Counly court, chilclrcB's pnrL _____________ _ Orleans County children's courL __________________ _ Children's court of ItenR/;claer County ______________ _ Westchester County chiidren'R cOllr!. ______________ _

Troy. Yonkers. Aflheville. Wahprton.

Norlh CaroJinn: Juvenile courl. of Buncombe County ____ _ North Dakota: District court, third judicial disLrieL _____ _ Ohio:

,Juvenile court of AugJnize County _________________ _ Juvenilo conrt of Clark County ____________________ _ .Tuvenile court, County of Cuyahoga _______________ _

St. Marys. flpringfidd. Cle"l)land.

Court of common plens, division of domestic rclationR, Franklin County ________________________ .. _______ Columbus.

Common-pleas court of Hamilton County, division of domestic relntions, juvenile court, and marital rela-tionR -- - --_.,__________ ____ __________ __________ _ Cincinnntl.

Juvenile court of Lake County _____________________ Pnillcsville. Common-plens court of Mnhoning County, division of

dOlllestic rl'lations ____________________________ . __ Youngstown. Court of COllllllon plens, division of dOIlleRlic relationR,

MOll/gomery County ___________________________ _ ,JlI"('IIi1(~ eourt of Sandusky County ________________ _

Orpgon: Conrt of domestic relations, County of 1\1 ulLnomah_ PI'nnllylvania:

,Ju"cnile court of Allcgheny Connty ________________ _ ,Ju"rnile cOllrl. of Lycoming COllnf.y ________________ _ Juvcnile court of Montgomrry County _____________ _ Municipal court of Philadclphin, jU\'enile division ____ _

Routh Carolina: Children's court of Greenville County ___ _ Utah:

Juvenile court; first district; 'M _____________________ _ Juvenile court, second district 2 ____________________ _

Juvenile courl., third district 3 _____________________ _

Juvcnile court, fourth district 4 ____________________ _

Juvenile court, fifth disf.rict 5 ______________________ _

Juvcnile court, Carbon Count.y _____________________ _ ,Tuvclli!e courts, othcr countics ft ____________________ _

Virgin in: .Juvcnile and domestic-relations court of T..ynebburg __ _ ,Juvenilc and domestic-relations courl. of Norfolk ____ _

\\' allhington:' Juvcnile court of Pierce County ___________ _

J ('ncho, Doxchler, nnd Hlrl! ('olin Lies. I Wrhrr. Morgan, nnd ])n~15 Countirs, I !'all I.nko. 8I11nlllll .• nnll 'l'ooell' Counties. 'Vlnh, Jnnh. nllli \\'n.atch ('ollnlll's.

Dnvton. FrC:mont. Port/nnd.

Pit.lshlirgh. WiJliamRport. Norristown. Philadelphia. Greenville.

I..ogan. Ogden. Sail. Lake City. Provo. Richfield. IJrice. Cedar City.

IJynchblirg. Norfolk. Tacomn.

I Pin te, 8anprtf', Hcvlr'r, nntI "'IlYJlQ COHntfrs. • /I!'a"r.r, Duchcsne, Emery, Onrllcltl, Orood, Iron, Kono, Millard, Snn Junn, Ulntnh, nnd Washington

