1~;~r · s 1~;~r s l2yj~ ~lhs~w 1, lâ fft l93 luç u vojl 1. toronto, canada> friday, january...

s s ~ 1~ ;~r L2YJ~ ~LHS~W 1, fft L93 luç u vojL 1. TORONTO, CANADA> FRIDAY, JANUARY - 8. THfl OY WB.OH ~iX~9~IDA pnrîdcd ana OOUjCtu rit tltQnx fut thç And iIWOI5.Sithia t)suught silssc ST TTCAL ND IAN ALP 'l~~I0N8, Iiigher and pliror cujoymenta of 1 nn.tIrn~~utcetstrouî st, . flctstSousi P.JI)CL ANDE I'I1 flT¶UîY RE ~Ot1 ~Ii~flhtTiGI ÀMlaiO~1t T o o*i er Démown Qiîfrk lastinau, tO ceIce hactloler edulit that in real ?t4TOD F04 ID 1nIT1R AMRl0,-Z of se muclt h i tw cre uin isargument ith life, itmaît lave a praetically dangerauss Auist W.jfrcd, la lie net. strictiy llu arniny and idoatrous toudoncy, 1, dwe atslier onr 1 swith Ocriptura1 tenciîg, NYlhea lie gays, - hxarts teorestuon the tdep, cf tiseir being i- At a =cetiflg rec6ftlyiscld in Mitchell, tihe It sa one four or'flve ycas &I5 x<5iiçt tuu iL ftSaJb. hO IU55.ulW . It wÀ11 . Iw.11411 % 'I Fx.L.>sceý urf. Ialat(lXÀ»ikiIslu(j n'4sgtejc, thée fret uppentanoe of thif wel.kowil btlo sng of 1my5minaI tu apprc..îate té<lic ideaof ana ýeû1taiuIY >ýt an Iinprovcunent, i tlé ien ltia saloin i coirtten tu prépare f-r béat:, ontitlod -'Gatis Ajpr," whiehi, fremio.t eow .Iorrialei, desaonCing out cf lion- forin or our îdloatrY." IlAsît winifred. veù fesu Goc I' We wcsuld ebjet-tilo hersolf c»lsgs that, if tue silence circulation is thé congrogation unsler 4i <hq Inature of its ijubject, aud the fisîcra- at.lscrcef file City whîcli bath fvttial orsibt ewsds~s8tit il.. s. niî9i. Ck hare,a U r th ftl ,( À. a. epirI(, lion cf itu tyle, has nureheîcs.l du marsy tiels, lee i-uduludealitthl.o L >'witl tu l,ie S>...~L....14- 1 , iszhlf t. 3ubnA6ttu.d.II e.s .. das.. wth Lise ssssL... rs sand eoito4l.so m inuol îutrest, bah o se tiîdea that ie grNs.n up lifo WeUl4 hc a 0 ,If h1w âetuall rir ljj-.rsblir, &uusthongswCs.tis wîgasrc si la Great flritain *and Amariew. The ain-more proioiîgatiou cf the c.enýi nts cf thé bRUS vic~' aec, lier 'lifo wnli l 1%onnîe nue b goraug tAndlency of.moDt 0f il Llîiosnsscy eshudLd Ia tell ili, lou, défiansce te thé first coninardment ' lce dp-cared, al rns Iot e qantarn i tis fcir istituée-, tisaIthé Ilînuses c f Psrlaunti Lro . nt w s at osw I is'tep, t oenony pohtitwlprmtecantc it, du~ve hotglîlse.nîy h, ed,.mingled, acu.Xngreoss are places itîerco sn -"jeeuf lier 83.teus u ttrsti l, eko IiiP.ust As thoy aew thtiongits boatrue andi- antd i %nss,"atlo$rtid.i n th<ir nurserv beatifi bs oitc a onadeal of criti- days, wenht net bho hkely te raise hugh Thé autîsoresthon earnestly presses 'an', eclsroli ut large, cndttisaIthe factawhielî clamtfuollase Cristida Pced À a m lt( 'n rbcar i uiscioittt home the Mont imîportant truth, tisaI it is iA ceitains wilstrangthon théhbandesof tos cis ficmthe('hritiîs i-ciAs 1 eIfluOp-eptration fer thé earnost w o fIllte. God abus wioso invisible preonco in ths wlso arc doing weli', rcîxso chierts ubiactioin riormauprit- repiy,. or antîite ota te i ptOy Aud the ifbe iloce Ltween lise csPocs- seul eau inake us Ptrenig; tisaI tlllî.sîîghésof tîseir slertcomiugs, and timuulate ai', dnngerouis influence, a ittie vlums . cahloltics cf t%,child a ait Il dtlt in ast notliusg messri-8 rmxay ea bentioser coînfert- t rrtrefrsadsciie ntécis "is ilty Wffeiî issUs Lundationsi," by- eC'nQraredwjitIsehédifférence hetweuî eunt cd by thsug being led te holieveilutheeocus- otechrist.refrsat ariie uts a Arabeila ?4. Jttueasi itls an introdueter iàdi~~a ààh6£il Âfe nw, aibi as thoy shall ho til isod pisese fisiew halncee iit letes'bySirJelxiColritgo Atorny evlepet ini theélîglser life te celme; lait lno s-cal atvance by aosssmîng efainea o. pe Tishe r rcin theo Prsl.ytery 16 pastoral Engsut, nt ateribe mntae t tyte leVel our .. x- sitioji, alla attemptiiùg Le hursy Gôd's grssd. Ges\ox-al of Egà lias rerentlybôen pub- ee atieo f flit'relisappiness. te eur pro. ',al werk la tiéesaeul. Silo wondors, tae, cierges, andt iese are ail prevîdlelt sot- Jhahcd by Willa su Miusençli,, Paternloster sent, ,,at ilmay hovery farfront spiritual whetlsor tti,îtloreàq,ocEIlGaecs.ajur" ever tlot flinistors. Il lias unslor its car' 1,671- 4q,!'JOid, x rei th P tl aites 2"4O! ee tig"sssthc Anther. lied ',kina wh iat il WR8 as to fa,' after tiée falntuî.s2,646Commnicantîs, 1,066 Salibath fl9~Lodos Myhin fici isepacfos, Ilwe may el certain,,that in lheîvrei los of aeaor fsieid, -as troubles et illdffi &Sooulscisulcs-, cand 700 3 .uiLg Ivple iui 1 *2iJ.lîn Ooleidela ur tehow-WtlIy cf oves-yItsuc asra'on iwilhlieporfecthy satis. cuities efterwardeis e, most sleeply. tlsnk DleCass t oki asstciiy1 âittenitîn, and 'is ints-etuetos-y lutter in lied. eycsaing of eur nature fer fui tuaI tIse hovaille scwnt ai hst free frOcm 'gausan,.sensible, atn- thoreughly lisîlan haautY or feralci(ge, fer eefiu.s r onteni al; ant sest iii Hiapresonce, %wls're ruiialers, 02 suliug eiders, 198 Sabbatis h l fts- u1oesc Gtsfor rest . and Abo4ke ailfor love,,nwill flua ils there le fuulness cf .joy.-1f sa, -file would selîcol ttccîers, andit161 Managers or (Ica à.es," ofay é- h an utiùs o s"tra s-perfat ulfillhont. But need t cinelethe rallier béat- anything liassef titan linId. cons. itn churclîca provîde accommodeil anXercs, u snewastsrsg0wslsehaeco Ia i knwcismore would et a ntsc-tien ffor 7,586 wurslîspî.rs, '27 weki 3. tae ne,.a wcmian,, silot sgsoping butre ?2 iis i rcthe< reny, Ilbéan t H 'tien briniihoininincny fsens'> a par son of consïiterable iablilties ; andi- on cf Ltise îicst udntdtea, or %vhese juitlier troubles agai.lu. "Biss«tai-e the Wmeetingst for prayer have beau sestuinot 'Èela vita a~e on ia hî~l xlsvi io esm ic clon<a tht Idielu tise Lrd-tliat Ihoy iMay 'turing the year, andi 9 associations oxist fer pîoynotel O-isewuid realhy liud gsermucih rest freoux thon: labusi-s.'-No 1 lot lis rathor culaetiag ameuey for tise Missions of tise ., 5 orytochigani.tener asçi wil etoneourapenu nxi the bepc. stt. tIi'0sairne l'raise lied tIhe Sîsepheord tisoesweet 1, Chgrch.Dusing tise year tlsure lias lican deut,.wili.lî het oties . JItiiseoccîipalsoii, iu saine fuin ut- utlci~, in lihcly l'rise G 6 tI tise ceuintr3us se fair! anuaicarse cf 80. familles, 128 Sabliath. combina 10 niaise ilpaînfulto eay enythiug tlubha li.cira for 1ver? As-e net thse for %Ve ceudite ilp thesu fsun i sec~t ,, euo citrO il ts cshr, -;-wsihîltîs Oceil, îay givo1ler pain. greatar lnumbCo f thiOeo wis Illabeur ntl WC cen bat hâste le uiscett êrtieros-e r sîc eldrs, Dun Bisleouiany seulas, an2 Thoe feul.in lier chai-isoer, às il soeit eaha vyide,' farcreataceiy 01 atisei amaieto a x ... .idca cf iest? taie as-e maîsyiar.song,us, Os stxpît ei8k temn > 16 sttisigin u sclînrces. Tise nunicr sï,o 5 aýud. 3vhiciL , ,Ment enn o~îybcause I nici-y station of lîfo, wh» 4id it difficloit tracts froin tissadmirable litti'> bolk, c-isch yelil, tise main scurCe of Ithefasults lu. le p-csoum w'tl iei-dutias fs-cm day le 'ivats-ust, Inlay ulie re. inted in An-serica, go atl*tatetiseroll of thuse in fuil commions hcrýbook, l, Iwilivontns-o te ei-sâ, a nation- day; ïVLOc haro keutee inuehi cf suifer- as te bring Vtri tru w ichit cutains te vas 255, te 208 lest yoas-. aI ne-autcf ovrono. f c~ssseing 5lis ciU sCticfl î tls ise ueesasy liffot bcs- on tli uar(s cf maxy cf that gVsoct cl" ffulLilisa ', tîsoeo utics, tn och, âuy cern Comipany cf meu r*n- rs among us, wlxc lave Tsui hr per ehv ent tise-e is-e any nti i-ca excplins,, Lest&Vwlal s'ves. jethéethieuglst tlsat sveslsould felul tlIse ismeof > ls goe- s inlno- ett rgcs i il lsats ai BOine 0 e msab «0o 'cne. 'r, have lIhe fsud lseaeu îusséreh nisprovet etlition cf lY fàcinaàtin;,. ln <ii 11111e -iboek tlîcy wviibathshool wcs-ls romains ni an unsatisfao- fiappiness te Itncw s*011. fut I ýeaspk Lui osetBaie d eisatest in f It n.bettes- way" cf moes-elasting cern- tes-y condition. 7 congs-.gatieus report an tise Aines-jeans as a nations, aud it secis te wNvischy differesît." fort. Thése cutiscross cenclt.taes liSr weliug sucs-asé,cf 119 scislars, anti 5 a decreaseof, nie tisaI thies-his-y, thiis-cos-stituteu, TVise P-orDoacen migîi have urgel tisaI Gosa, Iisuaicicl, ll- t satlisi cfetginof8fo téyex lies-wndifumtcilpoi-s ndràte- iedsgn f plîcswas us itsetif se. oiiiscslsisasdis sitlsefrn 6 hwagantganc o atan-., tims w ,àrioýe ;au tht,%vh.ithéhat, ofwliicllstis loave thai lirigisten eus- Tiseapparej n le-cse cf 128 B dset a Clins, -tise cLhsiostion is llOù~îng, tit i thé uS waarcoicuo titisca, wien isaufr pa sayharo areonly partial éenaissi,us sliaving liou secivetfrom ailthéecon shosilt ctsmufoi- Iino teceaie iggingfor lci auLi, ced Mes-e hue 'fil, wsth îegaeseu is asivsi u fiei1 dômestie babits 0teur0 dCatî Classs siet lc usaetsio-cleste"5-pétthstsn sîllybua- cneitiis tsega mtioiceethnilet.Tie umercf ail Conspireat tilsressitt. -inotn tely isnature whi id ItliilieiUbeenseo an îe holss cf any ecati heoiag.sîeltclcaln alnfo 1 e18 oj~ ee ccupsed withIiiss fas-m-crk, wcuidfb eio'ocir asflo rm1 a18 it Procvis, as,inacca m ho .èexp oe, 'e 1 . .1 - '. ýý .1. 1 f.. .. c.iangeui and 1enoielt; tisai, le faut, lho Andl le net Loue, aLtos %IIi, fe It te bchothe n h uuç o os nSbahrho ovon ýA regardte suý'çcis'- antiOftise ,nu goias-' cf tsh 'e.gsin SahiltOurliitmchona es-n i~~regrd e uliçcs ?5t Oi50n< lteui&ce'rtainly ustgo to>jeiin l ieeng llipla ýppînssc bc oi una .- 'smil is gocti for thoso wlohave te dcîs cof adoration I'just as lie steedtiti- in la iturs-e is pchie. If "a àusan iwoui givo âahi hiîria sfrocm ù,676. tu 5,0MLThesu as-e with hilim; tisât thoy siicluldfspÉ~rbacli iIh, ,field." In référencet4o: tise hhsory ilîit c 111ehésubstance cf hie bouge foi lave," and ti "il Led ilia boula as-sctattention. Our thory.in egýd t th. aOccpatons ono-ais e as,-"lt canneS lias-ty blie supposet the mesI antliiastic michinîet or astièei tt, iin-IIICÀlobnlvüRl téBm theou- in roaurd t tise njpy-t1ta>at il ee oos asioÛhy insainelthetho hallb donce tastot il for Ihinlmof, liasteu-atninwsh .b ingson n iesc - mnts &cof fuurestteas ioiig niregoeoral belisnf lhe-tisaI ive shall sef bave JfCr il tise mcclunlimitati succe l ie if .cedse -inc beasies ojoyet ain traininîg ic coitinuaticonamplification cf-thsco mcclthé fîsl use cf oui- poi-eseof fspeech i ivous-te insuite? Anti se, if Assi Winni- yeung, anti lier Lutsus-apraspsssty depends bacng enial; tea eux- natuirasles-'vsheavesuIl but whetiiei- *s-e shusîthojn ces-efs-t adlisho4an Abinadal Qui-k tisat Itisera las-gel. un lIis dopai-tinclss cf lies- isuîk. In ".llig ,tiso litho hUt' bocuso' tise taeampicv thoraithé iseway allé Ihits dn. isesan ssiinituy lhgiierpas-t cf us nature s-ie prsosnt déclinea tises-elsea luta eau te cies-uis l quste aniotiserthing. Wcs sbousila ehouitisfied, tiien tisati vhiscli c<-neree j)iurnjpIl, joy i .lus a,i-fe cenrs inoltcalBay, tuaI isulssetise inîcu-esîs anet loulerus itsolfNritlistivnioùîs anti patente ;-and te tlueso wlo have the is-crkcf (Jrist-ati c f - lng, llésueW islil havere1-giiîges-- -cf uitities- wrltifaîl-vée as- ciscs- f tise Il ciotildy" tisaIliers-Savionrsslave coulaiba His Cliuurcl ac Iseart, te gis-e lueur aid luns-e- r#ncPs'cantiisoxplsytliugs;" ani ail hiç b'>- tepeet felings cfllisepscontLain,:itlseancore satisfyuiig apossessiaon tisa ep.auo, svsmîg sitesest sn. eut -nieoiusg liseoffici cause fie caniset becs- tise 'unccstainty cf -allcgalthcr-inprchalbhc that -we diai winliste -cxesen a ishumatluol'c, it migist haveeu te ce. Uîîdoubitscly lises-eas-e lunes -new bri-uht le hoth a fer trucs- police. l -s tut fcr auiu csu an ntfiîle lacen os tsemectey.f aned tloy as-e unualytthee lunes we lav es-eot lifelo fenl Tttos e s-nwîî riiig ncw te tisef iances cf tise Pros- jî)reycrfui ono. Ail musî,bo mate defisîte te ramouCUbhr, thise otost aeut ippiùesi regard tuociiren, tli san il-nelicélagêona. byte-y.matas-s as-e, ou. tise wiolo, ini a-os-y suld loeels1 sî, ni abo hulai soOn, te lmomnts cif our bs-os, svicn laugiiing, andi ýVu'anturciy ebject tlu hictatemeel of Xise tisfactoy condtlien. lues-es-ytopastient thue piesesit capacity ci- tei-es cf cccaeue talkiità eud joking 61'finse hit wàuld f:il lielps htua, -1the principal jcy of a ciildati oatr'sof fpogos lt h i cf lis." Ta liteisrlieies:,"' Tha. spirit upon us î'àinifui. Sucli heurs, os- mimîtes, life conlssts sn catîngi" 'Wo hlaekuwn tssoaepef fpciee c u is livngwiî inlujoy cnt lfslicity, je nl nav tnet lias-ehotus ves-v I)Iontifti, but,i-ac asene siscèhket eut gri-rut by suds eatimin tuhiehieteuy of the.s Presbytes-y thé' tbis eeîlDo vIe us-o, beyend (l is, ssey Isspsîgtousches cf excoediung% lbohois asserîseu,citsca1l cîluls-ca, sVéry a'.eragýo rote cf contribution par coman c loWnes- s-iere, 'îsowcw à1'n; viiel uiùgsweehsliess have corne far iacss-er ta lise joy lhttîlc cnes,-wlsuulcsd not ha bribat by 1cant, for ail pus-posas, cxcods tiet uf Ibo iis -us-laI listes, ràfeeitieseo"poor , Ifof 1liens-ou Ithasuay limun maie ilSou is-rsuit cf cakes and icandy teaionaeCýr4,I isvdnfo «.5ls e ive bavé net Ibis istii kao6wledge, shah ]3euides, scli 'joking' &C., imlunsos a liced Il mania fer au aftes-noon, oste gis-c up tishé iucs tla u-u rm$.3hs er ' < ho ÙIIentl 10 cunuier eusols-es, a lc£ss.îtws is uaeas.t tl' "Bit"-suîsoCueC t a taleasiy losati picymale. WVc t,, 910.60 ncw, ihilo tiat of tIse Chisiîchin tes-ms-t, xueroly -'puffi cf gai.' - While lue jcssliexisI W]ss.s-e acllicart. as-c salis lao nwî miutu as Iicuia l%ith g >es.998.Tîoalntpii ustpo a oice- teaIlioee la tise communion of flot." dlvloeiul iu-ilu..tsî re.9u7u uavnec 119u atfa .Saints,, anati tI ýtbO iute aounions ef lsiearll isiî-s auilsespue ien, usopeaati fsunti avos-y indiffée-nt mo- Tihes-e'lias %bliou a ses-ynasket .suercs-oein saints iiluscints on casti, la iot sepai-atcl gîouy im. presisinsl u f-lîcavon ,Jil hé.y- Itiougis b oInc f good te Xlissuge "s-huaitUnsi-gehula -l>y tei l ,àjsls-onýgiy cljoti ,te M7\iss, ai-c apstii, t a~ be Ueî-s . "provld u-ecîes uisapy chushuis L uise tise iiheaiutleii -s' ru 20 Plshp lno-y tsa a sil si.brkcs,~ ini-iisle ,usw- - - IliesC * iosfslnfge-»soyduut 0 0csc 1, * t seu si n v ss l t oa uua.-s tu i sta af cf i ame s ure y st p I soti lu ld a L i u r t i l , t é a o t t h v n i v f d6ais lnhu~stleci iléora o le fs- ii- ,scsuaC-uispa.ksigiscultis 'btte- te resunce us obsu stItLic.. f -nlstu11,802.73, dise lasgel.Iv.théLe amýunt ci J> i cuiuu.isas ecruplo.ethu t telu B tgLiJ Teuailnhl untentetto ho eiy a insfoi-tùo hourp huit tl e Ur ttbâc iî~es- otheiisdi d eoi.tioe l u Cuisc ienf-c 1OR l 'wish.Icl-'sols-u e-u it sle, butWabcfur dis ld b. tscie in ul.-es-Ây u', ers ui-sna n d or îucl isofis,î t J 0% an iiuetn, alin bwoh avieits- et l s Z'sniet a-s i-u iui lcklL îitj~e sssigt-mi ui ish o-îst 272~58 hcel ieuLîs~fls ~--- cf ii y itue .1de-lu %li utsetiis cs c viates u çtisItLbise-. .ug i sc Iscerî clierreihyulubcd2n ooti plsus-l» susceptible bis loch n. e higis pas pcees 1.26l e28u -ony-;Ilil i coîneeosby isaiss cf li tlî>Ilcr:ti reccot. deu -i: Aul\ii- atu-tiai ii eaintue p-us wichecu pai Liy uls dais ies-iscicaiî on -let t u- Jhe. aulesi-la ôefolblnt 6'uem8,2-ut 2#6 boutsinanc vil, tIl le *go o us; nite by ises- issfu s-aes folerdusIletse-s'ese.425sehi gurtatseiea-nl2ci- u.ey.Ah5is8iesi-shieelult ax - congs esi uio-keuos.-etisaU'« si.a tie b t- i nuCa%>nipavilsu , oîî6sîr i tu" is' i l, a ul ed -I ivs> l t-ate re itiseA, isea co pti s es h f ro e s. bu iîi>il a le Nro fèc' that deOibîfuit PdUteîhs cfâgingertsnusps - p en f e c o a cB e s s e r .o a t i ii i c ii tïgu tuo rp-i ip e f li s- a - u i nt y s l n c 2" ld w th a o e -,i y c u gin g ho f t t is I i ets- y- s .. "esOzùànoeIcuisiu esis lsctuig Iecotis uWnue tise luiciia- ean ctitetlio iartit eu aon Icti-y i u-ncinJgtle t iieo ntîintuens, l t - uonxpsu, ç Issatit,ýii. ed tu titisol's'risoL iscrtosefor b1ragrealobutl< ot.uhi cusw.and lb iAl l3ôs Iov sisu î-4 she , a-ft. IntOlboads'a8u ss" -5y i-n u c u ssi e-ssc p n n ie. U a icTi-stcouitil t uiunt c I&ksUn i e t s e o IaIilsIl f Mat éîn-it c.tcù toti~hakits goci Les, clie, su cai ccouisî cf-uAilhu hur mortfrl aiuugs, sapllét - lcnsite-alsh -frue as-s-ylisuilil lotrby ues f hir-js-e ltliuyciestof tieig ie - and y, Weulcsiage Iso hc f nlointilyt pesesour i leod h ses thaï 1 îc's cnt tiens ; fl nq aau-iiig lier le continue thé jfoaw ttls sin adeitâs-ngtise foose - conteibutioni, - -neôdùbo;ht.ii oafor,, istîco lue ay of l bii issmieuto-a es-ugee 6cwsieîstflelssdi .tisthÙste weliýâ-vIiiC iiýtle lonèf, 0 bolwaté yvrycoflté ngl o fhrchi :- dcp rt d aisa t h-- âfcr us-e ta elbs B)s-rs ofc u' 'utt icIilr-l owlt,të TL R.ot W. C u'. a nd otscrets-iof i s (,ni- 91 tpelstI tn saI8~.-ihl Tis 111e co isof oi 1'l'upv-y10at011Ilhoi akcaifùile foâtr&ttutfer okljstctsîucct swtynçtceg-oez to. obigtO chl asgsult' a fui ,rinaclory -leakèuta- e Icttbs,. in- i e-Uf is-lti lire cth aicuilutise fl vsuce cf lh d Cteange tOhéO elio Q t on.naeeracnlsr Iun n-iTi I fsektý ex,-,cit-a s î -s- nlu s wu ie f hiaiio tcsuitattis, i.stai-t.lei aI 0 sudcitiofo- litssiaase o ile lt ehapopels gene-al tiath baOt, unâsîilcsste ',tisa onm tus; e ieIeicsYo~ ieTm~rno al ie-vsttsui nsctsnh~ fa]c bc qpslary~ iirslites1a1 e liig bst"Jss-tvlstcý ýI au Loi' u l boie iti issvt ae eos- isiil C issupn ie i-s ivnus-1,Atpré.hoy :ecnîs tand111es-a ýC.IIan 5 ~~~~~~~~~~Ç tonrô!tvsjrLohiatol'nb nun.pa-te fieic. thldéaùrateretcftisisdeifa-ssDoembr 0.a87.séea Sn uli abya:1wraeroomainnl'stse:ith-h o~b aen'~ll atixnu~li; le.isàyèCeùl svasru-fkomels be outief"-Iuts il, 'Roméê~, fr siiAnre ise '81;Qs2 his.aoPh huiaeh, îct a duofer t ie -ouen - - - a t i - 1 s i Nol .,$4" 1 -31*. I lijto. JiG 6 HiMl t50lb rcli 07 90y 23'rîytr 1 1 Iliddteloi ,1np , 1 7 ij i tctrh oi il ? 4.;5 5 '~ 0 '2 >islIsasi 15 40 2Nitroroli ; 0 2' 13 Nd teoui, 's4121 11 731 Q31d6Jwli 8 6 1 17 VivIýL, 2 1 s u l $1477 Cas O DU S Uii rtib, North Entojc Irifliigt,)ti irtelytoh 5 50i a111 ) ifli'i afil ' 1 c oueal xri 4jj 17 tloe B!sir r ns 8 À1£ uiift.M,- i, 771ke les yo si) ff'>îuŽ thal otrJibbt te tfflI lurtoen thea r.hat eûos isswnonut-ib tivera-et fte <l Prensbytf <hanCl rbhive cashcflo rîs, (auow, Milbonk, NBrum Nissoisp, HStrsou Mitchell yanA 1ontJ sinipfarbtow-tnaiî i eagoofable. rt ESttiopo, Nrts hurclio, SHMrysShake. schenics et argu a cenoir lioahv o tu lwhuoleton, Lxur ndÀtol, Hib O.rtEiîlu teolupte M v'r lon pfore ail purpsa, Sjdaes arp hnil a s on let yteasà <hough hotT still o<oupy a imediiu po<tiôîî. Tite vverages in twve cases, t hope of, tratè,rda anQ Noestii nasusepe, as-e vos-y iligu, diuc 6 ne toulit, ie large moesuro te *tise spotsial'effus-tà in-wiics îiey bave boenongt. tb Tlsough thoisesa e vidontly mueis vian te -"bo dono hefcs-a thî'>Prs-eytos-y labos ils pro- pas- place le tise Cu-its usvàLrýd si ample grounti fos-. hlhssng God anuidlaking courage. J. W. MurOUitLL, Conseue-. ulitchlel" l, u.7, -1873. - TH,?T -POOR PAPIST." Sit. -WlJi'n Ifirst soac tie Iter aofSs14 Peos- Papist," -I icugieti cuatihsugst tisaI is-s nli Ittesi-iet, but on fus-ls<- é i da tion, I concindetato niaka a s-es-.y fawira. merson tii4 opietlo. (<.) Christ titi rkac ap thse asiseof past centuirice, Les- ise li- ni-fit,;cf n Chu-ci s-isc pposet il lchange ce tise groundstitI he cousld, sub< luc srorsg.- Malthew xxsii. 85. (2-1 Oursd'e Asties t 1 -unoci-thlie f.ssils cf docte cof.wied-. nas" mes-utes- t isw. up tise fri-lts cf a Làs crocd.-lonice i 18, 82. (B.) Itrn bcc1iee e .. licir papist," us-ie beys tiowh, (Er. xx. 4, ô-) te tise "Im ages" cof -ceiouizesi mu- does-,, te f ut fesu itl i lis for mcrely vion. cs-atsug tise mami-y cf tisee o ctasud gôos mon "i lus-et. labos-ad, ant. idte seouîre te us liberty eut life., (4.) Tue Ilorniqhs or s-.srtlie- thc buePapit Chas-ch claiiua lu -ho, al, s have acu-isalf&b, iant tesefoeo iaossliessefresponsibieLes-r.Iaillbiseasie" cf the past centur-ies," wbich suie-usas <'ho lisane cf maing -eut, 011-1cisc bas Màte uiicls ashcâ,'fui, itlaSi iatter tuflsjstôrlo lact. tLsat th,..Pujlsîl 1callel> Clu-s. mus-taset nmoi-e tlien firi ;imillions cftise, isunaus race'! (5.) Wo- Protestants- lias-o' a idor- s-soînco tato -ny fs-cm" tn thse pour liap)iits" lias-a, for. ie have, ail tisci Lsave, Anthie Bible hesitkus. I arn vieil quaisîtr-I vil aPRÉ13tCon-mregatibn. of -2,OOCf sosuls, rma2nY cfrusoni toiât tloy hlis-i of ouly oasicocpy cfthse B iblin l lth.-isle [paliis, eud t l ePY lb in.thpIoisessica a f .llu wuslshis-lied'iÏueli anucig Prcttets> us-ia s-lic, Lit fO)- 1.h 't ft cLnl lia s-' Sce as ignor-anut cf> Goti's vici-tas -hue s-est of tsa Cengs-egalicn arc. Tiset man, s-blei still a ibonnu Catisoise, toit me lest eusuir,- bla iebl>keaand> s-cad- thaI copy u ie RemniCatusolie Bibie, both Pcntm-ry oe, ctd lun tcfîancess f. lhise -ost'e ex 1 »-essed orci-s 1 Wbiile r'>adisi il oeday in xny, ie â-ig, a noigliber camee ni entilucard hlm. x-uad Acts iv. 12; 1 Jolui i.7,wièon isc n j- t 'usitianoalul, 'iac 'îeno-fbe! (G.) Whyeiouti dthsafoiten-es- cLan,faitiUle guide buse muci ufraigl ant alîîntb able and infeilible Chus-cii fs.a-fs-cm tiosa whlie "rnke upîbe àsissof piaàt cantIns-ss." 'lô Chus-ch cf litlbe st 1bus-niseeple s dent , :thonIs-aise up thoeiras,"and, ls-uv tbcèm unietisithssueintisiîea luus4geusbMu, Limig<cd? ustsufafbl bule froni his ncudit î mcbices? (7.), SVc shiete, ïlc' s ilo el m'in o f ism' loi- se -(lespel cf thse mai slueae-,~k id béea;jfoars-l>si .aotu- "cli aih m ' a o np s,, o 'pib e e -e i u 0 Ynre ; &e.f, nlad'ï il*s oiseftie s -ceCiici ô .soLpue a iindb j se eius-ch tisaIthcy do0ciel appî-p'vocf Puol' àntitost~f ihdatrao nu bèbrmuiIrsst h t1sb ldmroduce No. 49. IË, le vi

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Page 1: 1~;~r · s 1~;~r s L2YJ~ ~LHS~W 1, lâ fft L93 luç u vojL 1. TORONTO, CANADA> FRIDAY, JANUARY -8. THfl OY WB.OH ~iX~9~IDA pnrîdcd ana OOUjCtu rit tltQnx fut thç And iIWOI5.Sithia

s s

~1~;~rL2YJ~ ~LHS~W

1, lâ fft

L93 luç u

vojL 1. TORONTO, CANADA> FRIDAY, JANUARY - 8.THfl OY WB.OH ~iX~9~IDA pnrîdcd ana OOUjCtu rit tltQnx fut thç And iIWOI5.Sithia t)suught silssc ST TTCAL ND IAN ALP'l~~I0N8, Iiigher and pliror cujoymenta of 1 nn.tIrn~~utcetstrouî st, . flctstSousi P.JI)CL ANDE I'I1 flT¶UîY RE

~Ot1 ~Ii~flhtTiGI ÀMlaiO~1t T o o*i er Démown Qiîfrk lastinau, tO ceIce hactloler edulit that in real ?t4TODF04 ID 1nIT1R AMRl0,-Z of se muclt h i tw cre uin isargument ith life, itmaît lave a praetically dangeraussAuist W.jfrcd, la lie net. strictiy llu arniny and idoatrous toudoncy, 1, dwe atslier onr1 swith Ocriptura1 tenciîg, NYlhea lie gays, - hxarts teorestuon the tdep, cf tiseir being i- At a =cetiflg rec6ftlyiscld in Mitchell, tiheIt sa one four or'flve ycas &I5 x<5iiçt tuu Là iL ftSaJb. hO IU55.ulW . It wÀ11 . Iw.11411 % 'I Fx.L.>sceý urf. Ialat(lXÀ»ikiIslu(j n'4sgtejc,thée fret uppentanoe of thif wel.kowil btlo sng of 1my5minaI tu apprc..îate té<lic ideaof ana ýeû1taiuIY >ýt an Iinprovcunent, i tlé ien ltia saloin i coirtten tu prépare f-rbéat:, ontitlod -'Gatis Ajpr," whiehi, fremio.t eow .Iorrialei, desaonCing out cf lion- forin or our îdloatrY." IlAsît winifred.veù fesu Goc I' We wcsuld ebjet-tilo hersolf c»lsgs that, if tue silence circulation is thé congrogation unsler 4i<hq Inature of its ijubject, aud the fisîcra- at.lscrcef file City whîcli bath fvttial orsibt ewsds~s8tit il.. s. niî9i. Ck hare,a U r th ftl ,( À. a. epirI(,lion cf itu tyle, has nureheîcs.l du marsy tiels, lee i-uduludealitthl.o L >'witl tu l,ie S>...~L....14- 1 , iszhlf t. 3ubnA6ttu.d.II e.s .. das.. wth Lise ssssL...rs sand eoito4l.so m inuol îutrest, bah o se tiîdea that ie grNs.n up lifo WeUl4 hc a 0 ,If h1w âetuall rir ljj-.rsblir, &uusthongswCs.tis hé wîgasrc si

la Great flritain *and Amariew. The ain-more proioiîgatiou cf the c.enýi nts cf thé bRUS vic~' aec, lier 'lifo wnli l 1%onnîe nue bgoraug tAndlency of.moDt 0f il Llîiosnsscy eshudLd Ia tell ili, lou, défiansce te thé first coninardment ' lce dp-cared, al rns Iot e qantarn i tisfcir istituée-, tisaIthé Ilînuses c f Psrlaunti Lro . nt w s at osw I is'tep, t oenony pohtitwlprmtecantc it,du~ve hotglîlse.nîy h, ed,.mingled, acu.Xngreoss are places itîerco sn -"jeeuf lier 83.teus u ttrsti l, eko IiiP.ustAs thoy aew thtiongits boatrue andi- antd i %nss,"atlo$rtid.i n th<ir nurserv

beatifi bs oitc a onadeal of criti- days, wenht net bho hkely te raise hugh Thé autîsoresthon earnestly presses 'an', eclsroli ut large, cndttisaIthe factawhielîclamtfuollase Cristida Pced À a m lt( 'n rbcar i uiscioittt home the Mont imîportant truth, tisaI it is iA ceitains wilstrangthon théhbandesof toscis ficmthe('hritiîs i-ciAs 1

eIfluOp-eptration fer thé earnost w o fIllte. God abus wioso invisible preonco in ths wlso arc doing weli', rcîxso chierts ubiactioinriormauprit- repiy,. or antîite ota te i ptOy Aud the ifbe iloce Ltween lise csPocs- seul eau inake us Ptrenig; tisaI tlllî.sîîghésof tîseir slertcomiugs, and timuulate ai',dnngerouis influence, a ittie vlums .cahloltics cf t%,child a ait Il dtlt in ast notliusg messri-8 rmxay ea bentioser coînfert- t rrtrefrsadsciie ntécis"is ilty Wffeiî issUs Lundationsi," by- eC'nQraredwjitIsehédifférence hetweuî eunt cd by thsug being led te holieveilutheeocus- otechrist.refrsat ariie uts aArabeila ?4. Jttueasi itls an introdueter iàdi~~a ààh6£il Âfe nw, aibi as thoy shall ho til isod pisese fisiew halncee iitletes'bySirJelxiColritgo Atorny evlepet ini theélîglser life te celme; lait lno s-cal atvance by aosssmîng efainea o. pe Tishe r rcin theo Prsl.ytery 16 pastoralEngsut, nt ateribe mntae t tyte leVel our .. x- sitioji, alla attemptiiùg Le hursy Gôd's grssd.Ges\ox-al of Egà lias rerentlybôen pub- ee atieo f flit'relisappiness. te eur pro. ',al werk la tiéesaeul. Silo wondors, tae, cierges, andt iese are ail prevîdlelt sot-

Jhahcd by Willa su Miusençli,, Paternloster sent, ,,at ilmay hovery farfront spiritual whetlsor tti,îtloreàq,ocEIlGaecs.ajur" ever tlot flinistors. Il lias unslor its car' 1,671-4q,!'JOid, x rei th P tl aites 2"4O! ee tig"sssthc Anther. lied ',kina wh iat il WR8 as to fa,' after tiée falntuî.s2,646Commnicantîs, 1,066 Salibathfl9~Lodos Myhin fici isepacfos, Ilwe may el certain,,that in lheîvrei los of aeaor fsieid, -as troubles et illdffi &Sooulscisulcs-, cand 700 3 .uiLg Ivple iui 1*2iJ.lîn Ooleidela ur tehow-WtlIy cf oves-yItsuc asra'on iwilhlieporfecthy satis. cuities efterwardeis e, most sleeply. tlsnk DleCass t oki asstciiy1âittenitîn, and 'is ints-etuetos-y lutter in lied. eycsaing of eur nature fer fui tuaI tIse hovaille scwnt ai hst free frOcm

'gausan,.sensible, atn- thoreughly lisîlan haautY or feralci(ge, fer eefiu.s r onteni al; ant sest iii Hiapresonce, %wls're ruiialers, 02 suliug eiders, 198 Sabbatish l eê fts- u1oesc Gtsfor rest . and Abo4ke ailfor love,,nwill flua ils there le fuulness cf .joy.-1f sa, -file would selîcol ttccîers, andit161 Managers or (Icaà.es," ofay é- h an utiùs o s"tra s-perfat ulfillhont. But need t cinelethe rallier béat- anything liassef titan linId. cons. itn churclîca provîde accommodeilanXercs, u snewastsrsg0wslsehaeco Ia i knwcismore would et a ntsc-tien ffor 7,586 wurslîspî.rs, '27 weki 3.tae ne,.a wcmian,, silot sgsoping butre ?2 iis i rcthe< reny, Ilbéan t H 'tien briniihoininincny fsens'>a par son of consïiterable iablilties ; andi- on cf Ltise îicst udntdtea, or %vhese juitlier troubles agai.lu. "Biss«tai-e the Wmeetingst for prayer have beau sestuinot'Èela vita a~e on ia hî~l xlsvi io esm ic clon<a tht Idielu tise Lrd-tliat Ihoy iMay 'turing the year, andi 9 associations oxist fer

pîoynotel O-isewuid realhy liud gsermucih rest freoux thon: labusi-s.'-No 1 lot lis rathor culaetiag ameuey for tise Missions of tise., 5orytochigani.tener asçi wil etoneourapenu nxi the bepc. stt. tIi'0sairne l'raise lied tIhe Sîsepheord tisoesweet 1, Chgrch.Dusing tise year tlsure lias licandeut,.wili.lî het oties . JItiiseoccîipalsoii, iu saine fuin ut- utlci~, in lihcly l'rise G6tI tise ceuintr3us se fair! anuaicarse cf 80. familles, 128 Sabliath.combina 10 niaise ilpaînfulto eay enythiug tlubha li.cira for 1ver? As-e net thse for %Ve ceudite ilp thesu fsun i sec~t ,, euo citrO il ts cshr,-;-wsihîltîs Oceil, îay givo1ler pain. greatar lnumbCo f thiOeo wis Illabeur ntl WC cen bat hâste le uiscett êrtieros-e r sîc eldrs, Dun Bisleouiany seulas, an2

Thoe feul.in lier chai-isoer, às il soeit eaha vyide,' farcreataceiy 01 atisei amaieto a x... .idca cf iest? taie as-e maîsyiar.song,us, Os stxpît ei8k temn > 16 sttisigin u sclînrces. Tise nunicrsï,o5aýud. 3vhiciL , ,Ment enn o~îybcause I nici-y station of lîfo, wh» 4id it difficloit tracts froin tissadmirable litti'> bolk, c-ischyelil, tise main scurCe of Ithefasults lu. le p-csoum w'tl iei-dutias fs-cm day le 'ivats-ust, Inlay ulie re. inted in An-serica, go atl*tatetiseroll of thuse in fuil commionshcrýbook, l, Iwilivontns-o te ei-sâ, a nation- day; ïVLOc haro keutee inuehi cf suifer- as te bring Vtri tru w ichit cutains te vas 255, te 208 lest yoas-.

aI ne-autcf ovrono. f c~ssseing 5lis ciU sCticfl î tls té ise ueesasy liffot bcs- on tli uar(s cf maxy cf that gVsoctcl" ffulLilisa ', tîsoeo utics, tn och, âuy cern Comipany cf meu r*n- rs among us, wlxc lave Tsui hr per ehv enttise-e is-e any nti i-ca excplins,, Lest&Vwlal s'ves. jethéethieuglst tlsat sveslsould felul tlIse ismeof > ls goe- s inlno- ett rgcs i il lsats aiBOine 0 e msab «0o 'cne. 'r, have lIhe fsud lseaeu îusséreh nisprovet etlition cf lY fàcinaàtin;,. ln <ii 11111e -iboek tlîcy wviibathshool wcs-ls romains ni an unsatisfao-fiappiness te Itncw s*011. fut I ýeaspk Lui osetBaie d eisatest in f It n.bettes- way" cf moes-elasting cern- tes-y condition. 7 congs-.gatieus report antise Aines-jeans as a nations, aud it secis te wNvischy differesît." fort. Thése cutiscross cenclt.taes liSr weliug sucs-asé,cf 119 scislars, anti 5 a decreaseof,nie tisaI thies-his-y, thiis-cos-stituteu, TVise P-orDoacen migîi have urgel tisaI Gosa, Iisuaicicl, ll- t satlisi lô cfetginof8fo téyex

lies-wndifumtcilpoi-s ndràte- iedsgn f plîcswas us itsetif se. oiiiscslsisasdis sitlsefrn 6 hwagantganc o atan-.,tims w ,àrioýe ;au tht,%vh.ithéhat, ofwliicllstis loave thai lirigisten eus- Tiseapparej n le-cse cf 128 B dset a

Clins, -tise cLhsiostion is llOù~îng, tit i thé uS waarcoicuo titisca, wien isaufr pa sayharo areonly partial éenaissi,us sliaving liou secivetfrom ailthéeconshosilt ctsmufoi- Iino teceaie iggingfor lci auLi, ced Mes-e hue 'fil, wsth îegaeseu is asivsi u fiei1dômestie babits 0teur0 dCatî Classs siet lc usaetsio-cleste"5-pétthstsn sîllybua- cneitiis tsega mtioiceethnilet.Tie umercfSa talail Conspireat tilsressitt. -inotn tely isnature whi id ItliilieiUbeenseo an îe holss cf any ecati heoiag.sîeltclcaln alnfo 1 e18oj~ ee ccupsed withIiiss fas-m-crk, wcuidfb eio'ocir asflo rm1 a18it Procvis, as,inacca m ho .èexp oe, 'e1 . .1 - '. ýý .1. 1 f.. 1ý . . c.iangeui and 1enoielt; tisai, le faut, lho Andl le net Loue, aLtos %IIi, fe It te bchothe n h uuç o os nSbahrhoovon ýA regardte suý'çcis'- antiOftise ,nu goias-' cf tsh 'e.gsin SahiltOurliitmchonaes-n i~~regrd e uliçcs ?5t Oi50n< lteui&ce'rtainly ustgo to>jeiin l ieeng llipla ýppînssc bc oi una.- 'smil is gocti for thoso wlohave te dcîs cof adoration I'just as lie steedtiti- in la iturs-e is pchie. If "a àusan iwoui givo âahi hiîria sfrocm ù,676. tu 5,0MLThesu as-ewith hilim; tisât thoy siicluldfspÉ~rbacli iIh, ,field." In référencet4o: tise hhsory ilîit c 111ehésubstance cf hie bouge foi lave," and ti "il Led ilia boula as-sctattention. Our

thory.in egýd t th. aOccpatons ono-ais e as,-"lt canneS lias-ty blie supposet the mesI antliiastic michinîet or astièei tt, iin-IIICÀlobnlvüRl téBmtheou- in roaurd t tise njpy-t1ta>at il ee oos asioÛhy insainelthetho hallb donce tastot il for Ihinlmof, liasteu-atninwsh .b ingson n iesc- mnts &cof fuurestteas ioiig niregoeoral belisnf té lhe-tisaI ive shall sef bave JfCr il tise mcclunlimitati succe l ie if .cedse -inc beasies ojoyet ain traininîg ic

coitinuaticonamplification cf-thsco mcclthé fîsl use cf oui- poi-eseof fspeech i ivous-te insuite? Anti se, if Assi Winni- yeung, anti lier Lutsus-apraspsssty dependsbacng enial; tea eux- natuirasles-'vsheavesuIl but whetiiei- *s-e shusîthojn ces-efs-t adlisho4an Abinadal Qui-k tisat Itisera las-gel. un lIis dopai-tinclss cf lies- isuîk. In

".llig ,tiso litho hUt' bocuso' tise taeampicv thoraithé iseway allé Ihits dn. isesan ssiinituy lhgiierpas-t cf us nature s-ie prsosnt déclinea tises-elsea luta eau tecies-uis l quste aniotiserthing. Wcs sbousila ehouitisfied, tiien tisati vhiscli c<-nereej)iurnjpIl, joy i .lus a,i-fe cenrs inoltcalBay, tuaI isulssetise inîcu-esîs anet loulerus itsolfNritlistivnioùîs anti patente ;-and te tlueso wlo have the is-crkcf (Jrist-ati c f- lng, llésueW islil havere1-giiîges-- -cf uitities- wrltifaîl-vée as- ciscs- f tise Il ciotildy" tisaIliers-Savionrsslave coulaiba His Cliuurcl ac Iseart, te gis-e lueur aid luns-e-r#ncPs'cantiisoxplsytliugs;" ani ail hiç b'>- tepeet felings cfllisepscontLain,:itlseancore satisfyuiig apossessiaon tisa ep.auo, svsmîg sitesest sn. eut -nieoiusg liseoffici

cause fie caniset becs- tise 'unccstainty cf -allcgalthcr-inprchalbhc that -we diai winliste -cxesen a ishumatluol'c, it migist haveeute ce. Uîîdoubitscly lises-eas-e lunes -new bri-uht le hoth a fer trucs- police. l -s tut fcr auiu csuan ntfiîle lacen os tsemectey.f aned tloy as-e unualytthee lunes we lav es-eot lifelo fenl Tttos e s-nwîî riiig ncw te tisef iances cf tise Pros-jî)reycrfui ono. Ail musî,bo mate defisîte te ramouCUbhr, thise otost aeut ippiùesi regard tuociiren, tli san il-nelicélagêona. byte-y.matas-s as-e, ou. tise wiolo, ini a-os-ysuld loeels1 sî, ni abo hulai soOn, te lmomnts cif our bs-os, svicn laugiiing, andi ýVu'anturciy ebject tlu hictatemeel of Xise tisfactoy condtlien. lues-es-ytopastientthue piesesit capacity ci- tei-es cf cccaeue talkiità eud joking 61'finse hit wàuld f:il lielps htua, -1the principal jcy of a ciildati oatr'sof fpogos lt h icf lis." Ta liteisrlieies:,"' Tha. spirit upon us î'àinifui. Sucli heurs, os- mimîtes, life conlssts sn catîngi" 'Wo hlaekuwn tssoaepef fpciee c u is

livngwiî inlujoy cnt lfslicity, je nl nav tnet lias-ehotus ves-v I)Iontifti, but,i-ac asene siscèhket eut gri-rut by suds eatimin tuhiehieteuy of the.s Presbytes-y thé'tbis eeîlDo vIe ré us-o, beyend (l is, ssey Isspsîgtousches cf excoediung% lbohois asserîseu,citsca1l cîluls-ca, sVéry a'.eragýo rote cf contribution par comanté c loWnes- s-iere, 'îsowcw à1'n; viiel uiùgsweehsliess have corne far iacss-er ta lise joy lhttîlc cnes,-wlsuulcsd not ha bribat by 1cant, for ail pus-posas, cxcods tiet uf Ibo

iis -us-laI listes, ràfeeitieseo"poor , Ifof 1liens-ou Ithasuay limun maie ilSou is-rsuit cf cakes and icandy teaionaeCýr4,I isvdnfo «.5ls eive bavé net Ibis istii kao6wledge, shah ]3euides, scli 'joking' &C., imlunsos a liced Il mania fer au aftes-noon, oste gis-c up tishé iucs tla u-u rm$.3hs er' < ho ÙIIentl 10 cunuier eusols-es, a lc£ss.îtws is uaeas.t tl' "Bit"-suîsoCueC t a taleasiy losati picymale. WVc t,, 910.60 ncw, ihilo tiat of tIse Chisiîchin

tes-ms-t, xueroly -'puffi cf gai.' - While lue jcssliexisI W]ss.s-e acllicart. as-c salis lao nwî miutu as Iicuia l%ith g >es.998.Tîoalntpii ustpo aoice- teaIlioee la tise communion of flot." dlvloeiul iu-ilu..tsî re.9u7u uavnec 119u atfa.Saints,, anati tI ýtbO iute aounions ef lsiearll isiî-s auilsespue ien, usopeaati fsunti avos-y indiffée-nt mo- Tihes-e'lias %bliou a ses-ynasket .suercs-oeinsaints iiluscints on casti, la iot sepai-atcl gîouy im. presisinsl u f-lîcavon ,Jil hé.y- Itiougis b oInc f good te Xlissuge "s-huaitUnsi-gehula-l>y tei l ,àjsls-onýgiy cljoti ,te M7\iss, ai-c apstii, t a~ be Ueî-s . "provld u-ecîes uisapy chushuis L uise tise iiheaiutleii -s' ru 20Plshp lno-y tsa a sil si.brkcs,~ ini-iisle ,usw- - - IliesC * iosfslnfge-»soyduut 0 0csc 1,* t seu si n v ss l t oa uua.-s tu i sta af cf i ame s ure y st p IÂ soti lu ld a L i u r t i l , t é a o t t h v n i v f

d6ais lnhu~stleci iléora o le fs- ii- ,scsuaC-uispa.ksigiscultis 'btte- te resunce us obsu stItLic.. f -nlstu11,802.73, dise lasgel.Iv.théLe amýunt ciJ> i cuiuu.isas ecruplo.ethu t telu B tgLiJ Teuailnhluntentetto ho eiy a insfoi-tùo hourp huit tl e Ur ttbâc iî~es- otheiisdi d eoi.tioe l u Cuisc ienf-c 1OR l'wish.Icl-'sols-u e-u it sle, butWabcfur dis ld b. tscie in ul.-es-Ây u', ers ui-sna n d or îucl isofis,î t J 0% aniiuetn, alin bwoh avieits- et l s Z'sniet a-s i-u iui lcklL îitj~e sssigt-mi ui ish o-îst 272~58 hcel ieuLîs~fls ~---

cf ii y itue .1de-lu %li utsetiis cs c viates u çtisItLbise-. .ug i scIscerî clierreihyulubcd2n ooti plsus-l» susceptible bis loch n. e higis pas pcees 1.26l e28u3 l isc-ony-;Ilil i coîneeosby isaiss cf li tlî>Ilcr:ti reccot. deu -i: Aul\ii- atu-tiai ii eaintue p-us wichecu pai Liy uls dais ies-iscicaiî on-let t u- Jhe. aulesi-la ôefolblnt 6'uem8,2-ut 2#6.J u hý,lil

boutsinanc vil, tIl le *go o us; nite by ises- issfu s-aes folerdusIletse-s'ese.425sehi gurtatseiea-nl2ci- u.ey.Ah5is8iesi-shieelult ax- congs esi uio-keuos.-etisaU'« si.a tie b t- i nuCa%>nipavilsu , oîî6sîr i tu" is' i l, a ul ed -I ivs> l t-ate re itiseA, isea co pti s es h f ro e s. bu iîi>il a leNro fèc' that deOibîfuit PdUteîhs cfâgingertsnusps- p e n f e c o a cB e s s e r .o a t i ii i c ii tïgu tuo rp-i ip e f li s- a - u i nt y s l n c 2" ld w th a o e -,i y c u gin g ho f t t is I i ets- y- s. . "esOzùànoeIcuisiu esis lsctuig Iecotis uWnue tise luiciia- ean ctitetlio iartit eu aon Icti-y i u-ncinJgtle t iieo ntîintuens, l t

- uonxpsu, ç Issatit,ýii. ed tu titisol's'risoL iscrtosefor b1ragrealobutl< ot.uhi cusw.and lb iAll3ôs Iov sisu î-4 she , a-ft. IntOlboads'a8u ss" -5y i-n u c u ssi e-ssc p n n ie. U a icTi-stcouitil t uiunt c I&ksUn i e t s e o IaIilsIl fMat éîn-it c.tcù toti~hakits goci Les, clie, su cai ccouisî cf-uAilhu hur mortfrl aiuugs, sapllét - lcnsite-alsh

-frue as-s-ylisuilil lotrby ues f hir-js-e ltliuyciestof tieig ie - and y, Weulcsiage Iso hc f nlointilyt pesesour i leod h ses thaï 1 îc's cnttiens ; fl nq aau-iiig lier le continue thé jfoaw ttls sin adeitâs-ngtise foose -conteibutioni, -

-neôdùbo;ht.ii oafor,, istîco lue ay of l bii issmieuto-a es-ugee 6cwsieîstflelssdi.tisthÙste weliýâ-vIiiC iiýtle lonèf, 0 bolwaté yvrycoflté ngl o fhrchi :-dcp rt d aisa t h-- âfcr us-e ta elbs B)s-rs ofc u' 'utt icIilr-l owlt,të TL R.ot W. C u'. a nd otscrets-iof i s (,ni- 91 tpelstI tn saI8~.-ihl

Tis 111e co isof oi 1'l'upv-y10at011Ilhoi akcaifùile foâtr&ttutfer okljstctsîucct swtynçtceg-oez to. obigtO chl asgsult' a fui,rinaclory -leakèuta- e Icttbs,. in- i e-Uf is-lti lire cth aicuilutise fl vsuce cf lh d Cteange tOhéO elio Q t on.naeeracnlsr Iun n-iTi I

fsektý ex,-,cit-a s î -s- nlu s wu ie f hiaiio tcsuitattis, i.stai-t.lei aI 0 sudcitiofo- litssiaase o

ile lt ehapopels gene-al tiath baOt, unâsîilcsste ',tisa onm tus; e ieIeicsYo~ ieTm~rno al ie-vsttsui nsctsnh~ fa]cbc qpslary~ iirslites1a1 e liig bst"Jss-tvlstcý ýI au Loi' u l boie iti issvt ae eos- isiil C issupn ie i-s ivnus-1,Atpré.hoy :ecnîs tand111es-a ýC.IIan 5

~~~~~~~~~~Ç tonrô!tvsjrLohiatol'nb nun.pa-te fieic. thldéaùrateretcftisisdeifa-ssDoembr 0.a87.séea Sn uli abya:1wraeroomainnl'stse:ith-ho~b aen'~ll atixnu~li; le.isàyèCeùl svasru-fkomels be outief"-Iuts il, 'Roméê~, fr siiAnre ise '81;Qs2 his.aoPh huiaeh, îct a duofer t ie -ouen

- - -a t i - 1 s i

Nol .,$4"

1 -31*. I lijto. JiG6 HiMl t50lb rcli 07

90y 23'rîytr 1 1Iliddteloi ,1np , 1 7 ij i tctrh oi

il ? 4.;5 5'~ 0 '2 >islIsasi15 40 2Nitroroli ; 02' 13 Nd teoui, 's412111 731 Q31d6Jwli 8 6 117 VivIýL, 2 1 s u l $1477

Cas O DU S Uii rtib, NorthEntojc Irifliigt,)ti irtelytoh 5 50ia111 ) ifli'i afil ' 1 c oueal xri 4jj17 tloe B!sir r ns 8 À1£ uiift.M,- i, 771ke

les yo si) ff'>îuŽ thal otrJibbt te tfflIlurtoen thea r.hat eûos isswnonut-ibtivera-et fte <l Prensbytf <hanCl rbhivecashcflo rîs, (auow, Milbonk, NBrumNissoisp, HStrsou Mitchell yanA 1ontJsinipfarbtow-tnaiî i eagoofable. rt

ESttiopo, Nrts hurclio, SHMrysShake.

schenics et argu a cenoir lioahv o tu

lwhuoleton, Lxur ndÀtol, Hib O.rtEiîlu

teolupte M v'r lon pfore ail purpsa,

Sjdaes arp hnil a s on let yteasà <hough

hotT still o<oupy a imediiu po<tiôîî. Titevverages in twve cases, t hope of, tratè,rda anQNoestii nasusepe, as-e vos-y iligu, diuc6 netoulit, ie large moesuro te *tise spotsial'effus-tàin-wiics îiey bave boenongt. tb

Tlsough thoisesa e vidontly mueis vian te-"bo dono hefcs-a thî'>Prs-eytos-y labos ils pro-

pas- place le tise Cu-its usvàLrýd siample grounti fos-. hlhssng God anuidlakingcourage.

J. W. MurOUitLL, Conseue-.ulitchlel" l, u. 7, -1873. -


Sit. -WlJi'n Ifirst soac tie Iter aofSs14Peos- Papist," -I icugieti cuatihsugst tisaI

is-s nli Ittesi-iet, but on fus-ls<- é i dation, I concindetato niaka a s-es-.y fawira.merson tii4 opietlo. (<.) Christ titi rkac

ap thse asiseof past centuirice, Les- ise li-ni-fit,;cf n Chu-ci s-isc pposet il lchangece tise groundstitI he cousld, sub< luc srorsg.-

Malthew xxsii. 85. (2-1 Oursd'e Astiest 1 -unoci-thlie f.ssils cf docte cof.wied-.

nas" mes-utes- t isw. up tise fri-lts cf a Làscrocd.-lonice i 18, 82. (B.) Itrn bcc1iee

e .. licir papist," us-ie beys tiowh, (Er. xx.4, ô-) te tise "Im ages" cof -ceiouizesi mu-does-,, te f ut fesu itl i lis for mcrely vion.cs-atsug tise mami-y cf tisee o ctasud gôosmon "i lus-et. labos-ad, ant. idte seouîrete us liberty eut life., (4.) Tue Ilorniqhs ors-.srtlie- thc buePapit Chas-ch claiiua lu -ho,al, s have acu-isalf&b, iant tesefoeoiaossliessefresponsibieLes-r.Iaillbiseasie"

cf the past centur-ies," wbich suie-usas <'holisane cf maing -eut, 011-1cisc bas Màte

uiicls ashcâ,'fui, itlaSi iatter tuflsjstôrlolact. tLsat th,..Pujlsîl 1callel> Clu-s.mus-taset nmoi-e tlien firi ;imillions cftise,isunaus race'! (5.) Wo- Protestants- lias-o'a idor- s-soînco tato -ny fs-cm" tn thsepour liap)iits" lias-a, for. ie have, ail tisci

Lsave, Anthie Bible hesitkus. I arn vieil cýquaisîtr-I vil aPRÉ13tCon-mregatibn. of

-2,OOCf sosuls, rma2nY cfrusoni toiât tloy hlis-iof ouly oasicocpy cfthse B iblin l lth.-isle[paliis, eud t l ePY lb in.thpIoisessica a f

.llu wuslshis-lied'iÏueli anucig Prcttets>us-ia s-lic, Lit fO)- 1.h 't ft cLnl lia s-' Sce

as ignor-anut cf> Goti's vici-tas -hue s-est oftsa Cengs-egalicn arc. Tiset man, s-bleistill a ibonnu Catisoise, toit me lest eusuir,-

bla iebl>keaand> s-cad- thaI copy uie RemniCatusolie Bibie, both Pcntm-ryoe, ctd lun tcfîancess f. lhise -ost'e ex1»-essed

orci-s 1 Wbiile r'>adisi il oeday in xny,ie â-ig, a noigliber camee ni entilucard hlm.

x-uad Acts iv. 12; 1 Jolui i.7,wièon isc n j-

t 'usitianoalul, 'iac 'îeno-fbe!(G.) Whyeiouti dthsafoiten-es- cLan,faitiUleguide buse muci ufraigl ant alîîntb

able and infeilible Chus-cii tô fs.a-fs-cm tiosawhlie "rnke upîbe àsissof piaàt cantIns-ss."

'lô Chus-ch cf litlbe st 1bus-niseeples dent , :thonIs-aise up thoeiras,"and,ls-uv tbcèm unietisithssueintisiîealuus4geusbMu, Limig<cd? ustsufafblbule froni his ncudit î mcbices? (7.), SVc

shiete, ïlc' s ilo el m'in o f ism' loi-se -(lespel cf thse mai slueae-,~k

id béea;jfoars-l>si .aotu- "cli aihm ' a o np s,, o 'pib e e -e i u n , -

0 Ynre ; &e.f, nlad'ï

il*s oiseftie s -ceCiici ô .soLpue a iindb j

se eius-ch tisaIthcy do0ciel appî-p'vocf Puol'àntitost~f ihdatraonu bèbrmuiIrsst h t1sbldmroduce

No. 49.

IË, le


Page 2: 1~;~r · s 1~;~r s L2YJ~ ~LHS~W 1, lâ fft L93 luç u vojL 1. TORONTO, CANADA> FRIDAY, JANUARY -8. THfl OY WB.OH ~iX~9~IDA pnrîdcd ana OOUjCtu rit tltQnx fut thç And iIWOI5.Sithia

ilm. elallna)resécyorMde ulicra 0 ltiétahe of bou ohrga tumbinga soondmidn dtalhooè f

T get th (nögiooiguiy ovahf de.wýd ofo ID O1, asth frigli MissionWReport Showvs, niot «iö n(d 00 4hat a(y PomI0 11pon you linM a,·Ostd' by-thld limrela t f 7, Evrywhero and at all im slot your onl.e is lhr uesnt money ta suportit we s -u 0a 6*ARElt luypÇod, to The,,, they do no pért a ihyte-wl n owrao r.metly 'bo two isionaries alreadly in th, fil, but,

Narer. to The* i ntlves? To 0what pulrpose !0 it to wih for such as hòeoiiño-the gospol of Christ. Strivewthusoiatnhegnosyofheo oonoucsofagthaig.k eamsMoró ect fahso to hrhwioxmples -CO the flook, romemeh hrhhsbe uhtartremsin

That iàlseth rqti (whloso äpltnloq h isn rtrta hi ysadteee fthe wol are u CRCoula ba supported insteadl of two." Who halth woe ý yho hath Borrowv 2 whloIS titll ii niOng shall bc, wrnl rrg ybeliovos to bc bOund uP' arlpn youi; 1,.l ait thing"s showing your- "The intoresting featurA cf flthe matter i athi contentions P wvho hlàth balblhuz 2 whlo

Närcanyod.to heeneaer o Tee ithi the stabiilit3 aind prosperity of this iOelvOt pattoriu of gtOod Work ; otmoCuthtw ruyseta the foreignl Mis- hanth on laf wih2 aa h ahrUnin), if wo, w so know hier host, appear hwngncrpuogravity, ameeority, sion enterprise of thc Chutrchi is not an lin. ".I7

Tho lke n crr,:nt t tinkho hoorwoth deftendling? Sonda socch that cannot ho condtemnodl , torest antalgonlistic to) tho home misw n hy Chat tRry Iong at the wvill; theWoV e tay ilearner leon fom h ls ha eht so he ontrary part mlay bu terpreo, but exacatly tho opposito. IL wast tha go taosuck mulitd wioe.--Prov. xxiii.My.rtest a etone ; elyn n hspit ntil late y- ashamed, hlaving no0 Ovd things to PaY of nt t ffl we hiadt al fin mao ospot2,

- Yetin ny drena.Id beand, weé presumto, aven yeIt in cOmo un youi," OnGo ilohro, enae m no mattr, thiat our hoe miso ean ut lorW ; l 14-o myw avod-toooneu.ea9rer, m y God, in > Ther nearer to Thee ter - the av rgmn ls e lya e t o h c o doubt thec Lord's , approvai. and1 ex e ie c ill sh w us that the foreignt ces 2? a eco nto" hpe"tob aaknod onoteBo impesdwihaon otepwrtrpie wiMuihjs i rprànt Look tnot thou il on thc'winio when it iHere !et nty wAY aippear sanctiflod, Tho. "lpreache-r' was a valid whlich attaches to your words aodt nets ; flhc 0norIy ithd whlich woe prosecuite Our red, whoin it givetr his color in thic rupste ps ünto heaven, mmliater to him for all1 spiril pros;anwtch, anda pray lent yo fall inlIm templ- homio wokTt is so) throuighsout the whlol'' whou, it moveithi itself atright,'All that Thoundes nie, .but wheon lie was to bc married or butriod, Cation. Ever act as thec faj hful, lovili,, Christiant Churchel, anda in not a singular in-

ti lnerey given ;"the parish Clergyman" waq resoQrted toialou folwro eu.O h abtsac tal u ueta ee diso At theo last it biitethl like a sorppnt andAnesto eckloii mie e.nd well was it if, fin the latter caso, it waIs in thls sianctuay an oig to it anld exception. Wildo weu give of Our substance, simgoth liko itn ad-.-PoersKi. 81,

Neaer m Goyt Teenere toThe. notneesay o roucoevdece f ap going from if, slhow bIy youir beatring that h,4 uis givo our earne.st prayers to God Chat 2Thei, N11 iy akin tlctiht iism in ordler to, vahdfato hlis claim for th'ai oy and that youi feeil it4 pecut- Lo0 wold stand by cite friends in heathon- 15. What is saidl about, keepinig company

Tne y w in lougtl Christian burial"-whaItever that meanus. liar sof omnity. ThrOaigh the work, mn yur dlomn, and thatt hie wIould raiso up taore 1 la-wthrnkd?

Ont *f-njrdûn gricATho natural consequenco followed. When a hominn i social lif(, be mon of whomt itl 1a blurer 'vio fort his harvestOéth Vi well.%vitto-do yountg WeIstoyan, inhoriting his bc saai, "l Bohold a Christian inideed, in to Con if avy witen Ctint you i notDt

Se be 'vny x= e, nerrboThc fati ei' arnins t uli no 11fi rligli or vi hui edi DO tofocovrwhwii\HAT THE BIBLE SAY8 OF STRONG ýroto bc a forniento or cov e or an

lia~ ~ nautil tiiltafc h rk Ofei i your pastor, you arc mnado overscors. IlThe ext ioratior; ith uc aal onea do d not eai-DENOMINATIONAL SELF-RESPECT. sawv employed to do, te Ilonerary wo k. O lders whichi aie amion- yout, I oxhort, whlo L Cor.ill lv. t malao1.on a.

com-se it may bu Said that a Church la not am also an eider, food the 11601- of GodI I. What does3 the Bible Say of strong I.Cr . .weaokened by such defections-andl perhaps wvhich is among you,. taking the ovorsighit drink 2 10. Myhat is said about the salvation of

nr náinv. . AL, . D, EWYon. ha i tre bt aChrc i no a lbet trorof, not >by constraint, butwilling-ly; not Wino is a mocker, strong drink is raging; ukaiûS ,oito forget hier duty to Overy way-faring- Man, for filthy lucre, butt of ai rengly Minda; and and whiosoever is deceivedj thereby in rut Nor thIleves, nlor cvtunrdukr

- s-.hardly supposed by any one that oven thoughi a fool. . ether as being lords ove.- God's heritago, wiso.-Pr-ov. xx. 1. noer rovilero, nier extortioners, shiall inherit

;when thec Lord enjoined hie disciples to turn WVe venture, thiereforo, to sponk this word but being exàimples to the flock." flaico rnune n wouo th ingdomn of God.-1. Cor. vi. 10.thé other cheek to himu who infleted a blow frnom itio n oslfros hueet, W Lot Cte spiritual ititerests of your own thec druniard li 17. What is saIid of those whio tormpt oth-

'ho condóImnedl truc solf.réspect. He crm- u ihi naseh cso congregation lie very near to your heart ; oVeut hmta ioueryi h rs to drink ?phàically' commended a forgiving spirit, among ourselves ; noer will flhc country. The always hlave a place in youir prayers ; and morning, thant they May follow strong VOO imto lum that giveth his neighibour

andstrngy-cndamnd vndctio eehg.absence of.an intelligent Uraih preferoecevk h hieto orefrs You r drink; that continue until niighit, tl vine drink, that putteth fihe bottle to juin, andeut ls own% silenco.béfo his juidgsB Show- is not Cathohecity. Tho virtues of manh- particular church hias the first clo)Un upon inflame thlem- 1 make.th himii drungken also, that thtou mayest

eéd thait. there is, a hinut toe -ficisulta ta ness and courage are muc toltlied in car- Ciah of yout in Overy respect. Keep a care- 'Voe unito themn that are mighty to drink look. on their naens.-Hb .15.whicli sû 'mias on is enjomeèd ; and thec apos 'I 11t ful eye over all that are mlit so as to gave . 8 Voi h is esnmnindio o th Gentil b nlith o plen of ton n aS no ût us Caitenm it re lui nean of sCcagthi to mmgle strong Sritr as. W oercomoy st rong mnudrink

ofagitiolin fdeecaas hi.ti Knno byeldmiLatin himous con- ou Piate lyopwhnv i anddy speuawrds ta . Whieat. nisado.h rnarso n ohbgn ob ubnmntorsecutors Sofrepcis now -t eoomn. , i o whehe we ouig bnaLot osy Icof- catiornt ay thoyat m t cro be- Eph.ý-ai andil ho2 pantd as vcmoy r t1rn

donnia Iriin.the wiofd, an ytcomo woa .nott bet si8twe yfml ron sry Vthfrt rtehb . Wa to the row of pdothe drunk-O And hodank of the inep an wsas drun-p.onsen ofmaki , t hodsitt n o f it idrn s-asperse w ithut myt voc bomg on of cn thoughvtflns aindlm y ina toards ofE hamw seg roubauyia kn;adhe as ncv ed it nhstn,

to f ort h.rep of ne 's fell o heard B eec;ad m h rh ihh r i p ntn, ad paefly ors t 1a i ad liwrahc ae o h .ea f -G u ptit a0 2 iLlo aWhaud t e loafr i h dvdalw regs, and frei o me Vol tb ie g-lovenMent fisl torofE cuioalok afte Chth inamb ofe t a fc th'aP aly fto ht r vro o 1.W ohmntoe-nteBbeatk

freti h fml.'h mnwoi i n uc my frin tount m o c d i ng to u t r atse chti r lo f s th cur h ini th mo ingCrw f rde the prn- A dltdgean of hi oin-acod ?a rnconst l'ntohnsyof his fathera or theher beig f etaidg t tt m. in h f touges un eep them m our on Bohold, o thoLvmio i hath clu a t igh a Butn anli uno ed i et tha hlipa u bit of h i s- m o t e o r si st e r io o s . m p u n d r i n a s s a et o o ; a n d m r ncyo r C ol . T r o u o n eoht e w e k e s e s r n g o e , w h c w sale p e t haea nr w ul1ot d f ol s lf w t h ta o t o n tof

x h i i t s w e alo k n s f o f, a th a re r s oiid a t rq C n r g v r i t a of il t e n d a -d d oi p efa m d i o s no u idi e r e n t fde t in g stov r , r sic a r il o h d o f m i h y w - Gth e k i g 's, m , o w : h th1i n.h i h h

C e i n a th at f o w c a n ap re ci t t b e u h c h u r chill ta c d it f i d i n t l ' e s .ic fl t e r s a ov a ei o g h all Ch a t d o w to ò d a k ; t e r f r e r q e t e f t e p i c,y.In thmatinsrhin onot i ex' Aen tHRGE TO. UINdgit ELDES. Dovoto youl. rsehles to the abhcho. i ath with th han."o the peuth oha hbig n-cotdefl himgen shlCù thanhooy it ro late, orl t ti seilytedt fodr ob n h rw fpie the dakrso ef-ano .8

n r esyo t it a a i l e r o i ate i n o i m u l ,u h o r d h i ch i r a sae d lu eldos n i e r i l mo g a g edm t h e i w o rk o Chtr u c ion t h er e i v . E p h ra ldn th al e L o r d n u ndhr f o t - I sn a - 2 0 . W t as t ere s utd o thish e r t e m p e r -0Thinl eelns -xtnde itsoio u BIlas the desinatlion. ofd anclsa- Vst te familesoo the committed t sahon xxvm.--h. NvqaCmothi laa wnýot ? oiohmefNih 3Prino

io parteand co m nte.ARpbs a olcr isa Presbyter. Hsnc the our flcare -rticula l e sik oresnt 4. Woy di Gto d rafoocthsw ? A da thnd of rglyv-tehn' oir tlien days thi hounocani t; etdoN Cli ten aiabt im.wod Prsbeaia. fhrmteemch nhem tht rs u they .log ha erre dthoug ivne ternpco apeared fierqeti and fattr ineshainonispliclfnsifthey cA The G olerhi is N theS poranntofic i unuyofortav the ftbe minded, support Cand lthg stro bngdrikaooto.h udtechlrnwihddettoprSfirl i-opelld ; an it old enrl the Chrc ofi God.el Ita xite ingh tht Jow-l anhekiBmm-n etl or wy;topis adtepohth v red to ftekn' et

.n al e torn e or ahu D ýemort snuch is oit ;adfomt a tp se n t sa andofcial t oou rs t all Ex- Thog srong df rink ; they dr r s v sio A nial mit.,of wsd m an8nd rChritia pàtone às oul sea hi lip if ease and moi st n tranlmanerI tdo th hi b ag mild firmnesso intuton dishargoo hysu beiiud mn. Iaa xi . tnigta h ig nut. fte ,h

lihpoiorla ' có mtn ren to"-i- chargos giens Christian. Hoc ti oolc hc h w ord te. Dlgt m te wr fto 5 htssi b u u er using son found W tm te t is boto thans all theh aoites Néol i member ofa i club, ur h ble.nnssflichorgniation of thl Chc h goneo make whe i is i »neeedo Somtudy to drmkvii ? 18 magcian 2 n 'srlgr ta i lsoCinýtrC orana iom it n i nd wil Rpbei incall aos.cr i I )obtr oc h io can pi- udenr t i nl halng isorsenn t is noIt foding G o Lemiue, tis not fo his u realm Danie o. 15, 20. i cun

Cali thad n;isno OXI t d uty l i f he pmiayts as- Th ord I appyo pria ted intfBil o he h h mayar sprmg up.n i ngsBu toe drink winav; nor for phrnces strong 21. Wnc a tear fairst ftem ernc lsocetpersaios oni his Èoiafriends is siecowuony o tlrh s whoc pare n moti n nl npm the andblo youred pspor Pro' drink l : toýdiikaeeto form e o-àflwic the Bviblo speks flcpr

oacqui eee, an d would vdnoofna'n Blishpc Thus in o Tist i.n:- f rl i n vaJ h0 Priunct Itnt'u(fica ut , h prgpo ,av Jré daOl t k iI t ohsbility ',torcnko afonco, pusilamty or idsli ovoty ant fo rha ifshni must fi sustaland oiiain terfauldwisharge of. pirevent'h tn rudgmentoay ofi th afiheiorn a rni all sone ofe ivsour nnter-

fciein ti-sen e f h oerat selfbi res ifcit. i ab d bl m ont unc. a shope, methofo h',ia work. H re s i n th alw a g om n ed.-Prov.bl xxi.jtgnht-si 4,i 5. Stan d usChay th kig haiul dn of ie,ancysn anAmriandlie or as Repub canic isi anw Irer him sel mwhat hi- fays ork o flic al . Whati as d bou rulrigginstrn an ià lcuto ie otà hnal h

ois n Mointesitin stil atbe ofPani nto.niesfth gzao or- the peop lo f It ca nooerie, ifd ta dineprt kig Nageither shdaqlyoge u husonor ,neD,s nmen wh r i ouio nt y a nd her b ns i . ai a oo r t eA o lsap loite o is ruh u inþ acing h anin dealingoosazt ekng ma o agetfat n rpan oyr, no v ay bu aluionsy oro olu ocne !Ia. m e-adfr ees - at.' thanel thayh wpill ofndo. anlhers t a thusn of is. Lds, nd drnk no our days yoDsaiell tents that0yiol a Unite dotates Edira an hi officsalsTo anr in r."John fi toues hisl firt ads in drposin thill ;nossece ofe fro- prinore thn th1snd ma byo man as in thoo elnd whorlo tyodurng thS, laewr snoinca banue Eil it ho alu ati on- Thildeesraos hirilwl.Uficng Te rn io n aie h osornes

apathy wouldyb chgarofateridast unanry mol Gpke 'fa od, and to easo nc-orago pininr hsuphoy, laors foaahcareslo-rn owm luan e i i. nc io falso l ,o to thi r co uo nry wesll olove ahsin tu. l57-- l(r ai c Ch ist. InIic, T f l1; th y sanioi h u a m for t fli ger ofi a d ays, wo, our w ive iviu r n, n our dai rh

Thinsney wl lio ate a omehingescta This threo," as thecsomo titlofe Cnsu frequC %ii ent a rooy with hnd al. v man si han , nd wroteo lvsr against- the tor.-Ji' drv. no-8.gentemen alu whoiu rulee or th Churchca ofGo. Let oner thimel inrest o y chrh .d Im al Mndlesfic u on the laster of t wau of te yo What blssinws pronounce upoo ae en s ed StoterfctiogSR n s by e t he ed r th t uowll c o d w r th in oming and enxeutingb plnvs , ir it we- ât e a o ; am thohe kmgl saw theil e this. society?

henotc oi s e ula tPresyt d erin si ,o fnube n or, ieAosté eia ly hey w il ta bor xitif farn u pr hi w ath your (Iinfle c, partof la n th atin wr o. re .e I nd JPra mia aIû d l nto tha e houe of b thDUslight gollision d be te nt esbteIas' mitl tho wor an frs oro.sys 1 vi defend Ch lis reputaton, nocr l hies u ta an tisri fis loritin hand wa writn. or dý abi iTal 1te i rdnt of hst t

'a n t e P r o f e s o T y d al h t gn l i i e h d s i o f g f s t e t a h g a d r l n l a nd m oi n i to n s . I n a or, b yi i n o s s e v e s ry m e a s f E N E , ME N TE K E Ln d U P A R I N Go fa I sdo : e s i n f ic a v oro e d t'li oar from so o r en thatam a ofsien e n uac ochurch Ji i t ro r ;tes ruhn f i n o rpo e ,m nit rt h fis cm or nd- Thi ist e i t r re ai n ,fth h nrcm and f Jo a ab f t er nd h'dbeng lcuded toinonnfqhePesby olEsI ri asited wilu as1 h le asisaas oen hriso hi usflness . MhENE dn hathe nmo-dtykndmnalh(>eo>s ndlroscrigut eir a n p ul its . It a di o t o e n eri fn o nd air mr t i flr.iccn ci n i u n a te d n e o h a d f u s e t l l h t l o h c m a d d y u

m n ,o i w ,t at t(om g t b o I'heslicor is a wl o e t h onor I a t m eetiy n gs w ofe y ou r te ssi n; and bnd avo to T E K E ;d T h ou r t wei h e i ns% o i a -o T h oro or sa a ith n y th e fl o r of H os t, thwc man ofe sica; P ansoho to ner taic heio t e o c. B t ehnr i s h ao i r the n r v of ia %fluec ance, andc arson w nig o of I el: o ab rfthe son tiifinRtchablyoporunt o tllnghs udene tth letd onl uponthos wTho adrunfaith tooan fStn.

end to onine ofhis letursa thei moantrto this w torIt , is ofoal oru thotlo on yohonregaion PERE ;ui hy mdsdvdd, and %rt v gan fidsal neo wnt ma o sans, o ore meùfollow theBbo randi n ot no riing bintwharfhless to itsoblgatons Reebrothat thuh yoach et givn toteMdsadPesas-Dne orov.-Jer. xxxv. 81.

fornralimn" to "thIrsbtrin. A o P roprio e to the honr wih vest ina ing Llder in(Ie l api patcfrcnrgtonol, vl.4ic52.2.W a osth psl alsyoPrébyorin atualy iquredin h ipa teldr po itin isth resonsibíh t ht I sI i m.h ou ae flic e ar rs av ghreat -dnoma- 7. Wha is wait abou pri2. drinkin winein u

por tha reorted t hoesor, wht ws po oe un , t ose l te who ono .Ad th in. orn wnd0lling o as your iturs wel in' aac . Ann b-no drunk withh win, wheriintithe ntroube.i M e at b y tossi b ough a n r inwihtaPep niiiyi et e b r ftehg e ors ow a rt And the Lornd Cpakt uuto aoeaig.xes u e ildwt h prt E h

to heclegy an henew tat e as h ind conformd has a grat infuno on yo can tou makrt hm wimpyrei fluetheir Dod noti h drink win, or ltrong drnk th uh.18suppit osrior. .oely hrelyta etosaeadpors ftheCuchpeaance hid epteibtions.nfr Ii epusg n ths sos flwit n hao, when thogo no 24.eatsolourpitnone-à r ofed so ater, and T nt e e a ame or e I f w t c ud gth er o necopan l l o u r th d no mmation Il a nod, wit its r rosus theN tab rncE of EL the con ra In lest pera c ,.r the sao fic r of others ?h

thought f tPro fessoe r ,i tha gn t ans c rui n eal deChr, ai fy h i mpts a or t anc ofi N eg e t not to k eobe sffi s ear o ' y i t s alb as a u of r v rt r u h I s o neith er t o a hno thinmoD , an h vn t ne r -th rpoton an th dp ndn w ich hisor . o ur cannutr wthi jutcoto o r ut yourhi ge n te ons-- vticus e . 8,i . wne no aything;cm a do wo1 h eýreb f thy brà ote

fore him, plublsed an ap o . N one thfi P e b . ed r Ch rch msù atc p ae upon a itiiom ts pli i n ecora ul blame t him for deending his clnda work wos waoul ddesothma earnest slsoith datg oyu eoplees 8.NU Wha wath nmcitlw the Nazmal stu i, I.psý an ,lu jCordis t eweifaaied, r vi de hel C ha d aertain dt h cs hrg fe i ok Gotloo n eglct th rem of thr e weeklynad e giou r it o? -Rom. ;y Th uat2.lidi tebl

•coacts'an ocee d hlipo them Ho "ar tak thed uoe usolve, andtter ai esae. .H hl sprf ilrmwno and 2. r What as c prophsrd on rogard toeoitted,- ofr to el bak his genera the flck Over which C 0l hose hvi r ath Bmo through-goga Prsbytrialiuns, as don- srn ark, and hadrn in nega o Jon thel ts ?oaa lcso fIc

pr.caton of hectpresnc ofa the mano ad ciouT oesees tonferdbte Chrh of tri andu og - blefangpatice-- wiEE or vinga ofstromn dikd, ndher Foet shall be grai th st ght of; thefloro ho hai.mae t and t oo Ixl amn t h o wn iicWh he hath purchas ith. ownigamong otheer Ch ritoins ad efo r t- th e h a flic d in an i u r s gapesDnreat Lord, an sh- lr in neithe w8, nos9on

poroesb whiich tan Ilflirence, reported by blooton ,. world moisth¶rapsinesaieainaprtclr ogegt Dfv.1 , or drie8 drink ;h adesh bol with the Hoyossip, regarn onel man sud wrn t au 'li ptkon he toe ùoslves " Culhat Lt your gric eaos ai b eat oo hist, A.lia daysof his seproat shalli ea Gos ev frmhsmte2wm.

Prfereed to.a denoation. a he news i yp •hs lv neKi.Adfl the. e savain fsutan tho enla rmnt nothVing tha ill made from thón vinol treeie Lukoi 15aprinprigthe crul.Maniubs ordi grea t adeep tinedcl flvnt repoy.it cop youran extesio of the ie curh, Do which from the korole uto, hro hseNm 2.Wa ssi ftepae fsc

tural l y v n the Proe ss r Cha d notw a fai c to ha rts gow r wt h li , urnm oa . i fl e ar n Ca s ad ad thgorya ó thp es v .R ed oe r g.vi. , 4 . a in ur t boi fill o enl i Cin m akringatidns poticth e . m o aivne ssrpyig ln ofe the "pr m- od de m ge o r th h r, hon sy mp e ranfet d -eieato s -lo s'elli Dtro drin ?rn ii r8rn dik ,Co , v

,ienePesytrins present.e Theh reprte sincerty unbemihe moahy Bie bora 9sonws inho, use thoy ancient g4 g\in hui cOrist ntmrobablé th og tthe a tte o rthy of no in e ,bor col alet.d n d e ra han de -IlO r fi o oniain Sd wt t p or sfi ac rào o feis ?o geai ,l s eAnde fuon yoi spa d ofoth yrs ha ds

ifo as'ind iting ie tieir remaerably asi Goigies you the m e ns. Shc ee TR1; o i cuNGijstc TE TMO Y Andx- t h r n fer ed si.Loitheefshl b. tho1 will h im enyesn fro yli; esw enyonif ens ofm honorsie ad selepeto hir B dhoNo hosudnftheibefurhpatofahr o tooo ambiintemaomayrayrtilhnt ha ;yucoil alad cuiiious.magnn i CLt te esealyyuroû s mla ei ttion day Thle o intl Recordt ofte Crofly plac sIhalt thou flclaueth rong ine a-tnds aetu of- ono. ý Ja

cialimportanceriturk may wW nuhsggs'm fteard, ages. a youeru moress riemarka lc recount of that Chulyrch'jOs prf 2"' -nbr xv.7 vlof. yorings frm2fr m.ysihf qstipo-is thee such ascotin spr-tmai ttnfolothminicit he nchnarsgnayw rk:.0.ea.wsco m ned'o2b1on 5eso4. o vl

poi•denó inaiona.-slf-rspet ? houd pupitexpoitins o yor gsorsookto Do - he oreiignmgisng P onto riso of( sth o uith inmpeao chilrn?: Learna todwlorokjgme :nivthe nan who pr pery -r sen s a im uta C"h i g y ml c ter Slcriptures .l Church has n p t in a b en ai nd yfavoured Andi hey sh l Sa (moth ld r f is l flhc oppre s ; .u g h fah re s a1io o n i fa m ly club , o p aty h o huic M a e yo u vr ev s w el cl uat e d whu h e Of G od . It wvl b ö o r d b m n c t , T i ou r s o i s ti bon arik rob olli F lo hel bdo . -Is la t i. 15 .17 .it of th

woo t1andao o, sin t en h is rhe Gsotnards of your debiath einso %thait ouw avocat the priety n of the de si hio \vik noy ou vof ëó heao lir an.Lrndiilrncnihrlicnriopnirosly .plrnean if:soc, oon wha ay bo. abo ysuddcrie oht-x ontd ofstrs thi arted ofnk hd Church's work gluttod andl ah drunork

prhicplo oest e distincion reswarHra t an cnyel the gainsayr. Sltad up Lt ver grae seioiusaderetwr n Ì the mo th ct shall 11 ,st est o fo e llis a eb' as o.dowooul r e t hde o iat t ieon be n o esp I e s i telb ent y i m y un va er gl fo h b e t o s r i e h t a C u l ,s c s h m wth siyoe s h aat io sn h l hc or , no sefr sp t t Co a o ra mzti n , lit g e do t ina, fon r r esio n. O i s h u nir lo k t ) o o ce i pithoi lg awa y i froman oti o i , ndaII i h e i ia .s ah p y a e a s

wdl,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~n nottcomman the reshe ofirl thera. fiB nno ryri h lst ttetl i'iaewssl-uprii thie ale alls evn one.ut tx 20t2.hoi afro-a. HIo teae drSý-crioy stani Pil s p m i p le t v P o f s e r dn a i d t f t f a m i lyr t a l t a r mv t h n b u r e bmni n . I N w h a a t o h s t r f hoo r i n :1 o sls r n g d i k eF: to uhry e n a h h r e t , o o d s h s o u gn s a k

churci ? ho pothna neuet frmlyworsip, ot .ot t a e msi n ui e en ? To.ork wasli eoner oi -r i t n4o.avtin

oic Co i• ontalistns f lic plauded old orai an yu enmm, oer, tot s the Antemde phain h hrhb ih-Po.x.i.1.eces-h ltinoo onshnto onrog minoitr u of ed c m yuri . h o . liesri a te fori w a aiu moment .ins flihie alain dolin s a ll d in hrklecptre nchtsryyhteecrbdt r romdesof ititlo1satedne sòl b orrdtö áeoo hersure B o aogwieibes; mn rö.icrn eof-ao o-tosoas w llclled th Indpedetsec rth ý_O. on allhl eral icstl of d you raia eire.o th:opetome.Iwsfaed thgos catos ofd thev fles spen fort wor .ads

Mofo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f- _',o b_ __p nde, upld a4-.. tal1 t_ 4i wil as miic your dutfas-ii i yoitr pastor' thvbrhyo:hshihwsnt uo h rna 1'nl h lto hl d a aoaoiuont on

Page 3: 1~;~r · s 1~;~r s L2YJ~ ~LHS~W 1, lâ fft L93 luç u vojL 1. TORONTO, CANADA> FRIDAY, JANUARY -8. THfl OY WB.OH ~iX~9~IDA pnrîdcd ana OOUjCtu rit tltQnx fut thç And iIWOI5.Sithia

7 't

Jan~ty17,- 187M BRTTSITin ]MJ]3.UOAN P3?TtEsT3yTEMNwoitK.

w URjPK for iite usti.teCesniagWvrk us ile tis e lsisii jirisý

Wa.rk 'iiistiuprinJsusg fiatweisWàrk uviea lise dCygrass >iter,

Itt-ek lli 'c Is-u i

Wt'rk fer the ighttcr ss cnîmg,Wien s-uist s-ok s doc.



W'erk for theC siflist jecoaing,'Work tri thes unssy 11.01i,Fiibrighsct ]hoitsvi wstla bour,1 C',L coipure AndiioOfl.Cive every fylrug sminute"ionittlting tc kecp li store;WaV-rk for Ille night is coniluig.

Wrhc ian ari ors len ore.

WVrk for th isei~t is coniing.Usidor 515iesnset ,kies

Whiie their lbriglistatn ar; glowingMfork for the. daylicht flieç.

Wurk sil the hst leainfadth-Fasictis tashsusc saie are;W ork for tihe uight is comnig,

W'Vi.ess îsanb wu'rk i u'.


The foloving paper on the subjec.t of thomocîsumentai records hitisorto obtitined lnMcsopotantssa, from tis oranoaf Mr. George

Smitli-Cie decihorcr of tire nowv worid-fanions 1' ievuitabiet," whueh contasthn4 .aldon itory of the Fiood-is pub-lisihd iti the onsd on Daily Tclegrap.-

Tlia subecet of Assyriasi discovery is swido, and Sthe resuits aracs seinarouB aujiimportant, tiat t wouIJho bciipobsbio tudispoecofa tho whio question even in a duzunarticles. Instead of watdorîng over tisalarge rango of Assyrian ilteratte, I wiltiserofora tssko, ta ilinstratt i themal, soirliof tise main restîts as regards; history.Considerattuns of space provent mjy aftrr-ing into datails as to the dîscoverors thotn-salves and icho ithais by îvlixh li oy tr-

rsves at t arfets. It inust siffice tu say.hat ail Assyrtan sehaolars hiavo hadi thoirsharo in Mie workz. Thao arliest. date yetvar.fiad is tIsat o! the conquest o!f Babyloitiaby I1udur-nasshlutdi, the Elamite, i.c. 2280,moro than 4.010 years agc. Kuir.îsuààlssn.idi carried off frasu Bîsbylonitî an image o!étise goddess Nana, miuchs venerstad by theBablyiîianq. Tihis Captive àeod(cis vns setUp in this ty of Sisusals, auJnd audtîfor 1080,ycars, ivisn 15 svas retsskcn y thèAssyrians andi restoredti tis place.

From thsa twOnty-thiird te tha siteentheentuiy ln.c., or feotn about 4000 'to 8100yaars rite, tihe Babylostiasi inscriptionssoitupply ns itl tiso millio of mssny rnoàarýchswho inltd in tha Enplsratos vallay. 'Tlssomonarclls buit groat Cition, axcavated *cati.ais, andi rearcrd mfgnificont teinplos, tira

runàÀof! whtcit cxtst, to tisi day. Want ofthea records of thea period provct.its us -fronknowmng ttscir exatct chronology, or uviin tlissuccessuin of thitir namcs;. but, ttt saniefasvcases, tlia i sscrptios hlavaCaone duivzs 50lis, and i jovo o! remarhabli torcst..

Oaa af tisamnot fanious o! tlisemon-archs ;ývas sergon I. 0f bus» thisasscripsuohîstel an axtracrdtnary tàla. He is sal te thtava bôci of royal descent; lus iothargava bithito lm ti obsattrity, pisedIllis

in. an ark cf ruhos daubed ti tis bitumen,%ne. CI osedi hlm on tise river Eupitrates, asJaciiebc'1d titi thinifantt osos aois tisa Nue.Sergon ivas rascueti by a mti .nainct Akkcj,

whin hros'tght tha cliiid . p as lis son. 11oafterwàirs becaina a hiusbandm'nats,,anti bygpoi fortutsn rasabdlekint;. During lis.rogit Sarkiiis assgnagcdinlaextensive wars, andicarielt tiseBabylonian arms frosu tha MIcd-iterrancan Sep. ta tii Persian'Onif. Asn-ethoui rannsd iarrior nauJ biildar ivasHaîitnmssrabi, whlo foundeti. tira groatness o!tihe City of Jabylon. flefore Gre'PoceandiBrma was'e tiiouffist ofand iwhuloiemast cftIsa peopIes of astiquitylindat tnoanrgaiinto neational life, tise first flabyloiiniit Bsn-uýrG ralidaaroaedy becoine aiId, its power 1usd

aeecayeo,,,ti its doin;nîon %vas fast paisssngietofise liants of tisa younigoirandi muse

vlgorous Icisgdcm of dAsiyria, tises rapidlyising att fise ite o!it. 'Tiea listery cf tise

carly Assyriait monarclis, se far es it isknosvi front isio lscriptions, shows tiien

warn-iiog taanst titeir naîiglisours on avary.ide, anc ' I gratiually tveiting togatiier a una-tion tiestincti te ovcrsiiadow thse Easternlworit.

Onu cf tisa gréatest cf tîl'seo aiy kingswas Tsglath 1'stcupr L, wlio roîigneti a.c.1120, a faw years; after ttseTiïjâti tar.Tigiatit Pilesce aiims te ]lava coaqucradsîxty lingli turing tho fitrýt lvo y8ars ortifJsresgne, nt iniitise intorvais heo fôtîntd tirna taengage in lsstnitingaxpoditions and te slatigi-ter maîsy lions, xvilti uxeii, leopards, andiathori fierai àiimiais. W\'Iid oxcen lin inssts.ten' tir& elopescfLbn , ant4i li dillaporplîss. isn thsa Matitarranoan. Atisaînoca rcarot tisagrea tawoxer cf -tise ity <f As-si, ;vlil i ismas-bat) by tali i i f Kalais

Slse4Vs 1tt. Once disAstér, evarthlâiss, nierbetae raigrn.i cftiispybsperônl aisi;liseWas defeated by*tlisa l3bylisiatins.wisn cap.

turai tise Asyrian city cf Ekali. Tigialispiloser, lsawvar, naxt yeer avongq(ti tiss

daefeit, asti ravàgc"1 ciergo part cf l3sshy.les01. InÙtisasdàýseticystisetwc reat Poearg-- asteoantise lobatiks <s!th isc osetise btliaran tsa batiks o! thse lMis e ntsuiuu tiw tarc cîst in pariilitical Ianguago Il frieisdlyJ

raitpos I tuticUe inilý cof Egypt scint ta'Tili 'îsPillasr tlï ise"tsiitdf àa lroc'tilè.

Pasà*iog ovor tisaiustarycfsay oircî,ine!stusgAsur..tzr-pslscaileeti ia:graat

ccsqstror"-~SoiD5 of ,! viose mmorialsarc su ise io l-ihsMuou-%1earietthea tiùssîfseit'sr 1,wib reigihet-

soi yiard - ,ld ie Christ ia iiiïi.' Iliteiloitg "f tits iioarcli ara rcoréiaco it thse

faînpissî black ebplisk arend tljissosssutlî freinKuýcii. Inti-cf liiranha lrss

Msssessnî,'1. PlIe issg il) the sixtlisyear ieflis


1seatea t tisseesas b5autu, in te mavuscassusiof!,Leheslosu. usiSît uuaevy laong. Hnze 5 fiat

h-on) tis aluttia pts-ssiui y lite victoriunufea, uuwi -Pas esuefaut un Ilus, imptai, Daines,

tisn City, 'aî'agaûthetisauts-set o!ILiarsin, siuiinarelsefi ta liteBslaCocast, noa'eJohns, uisonov; ecusýted tise tiis-oe alaiI n ei di ieItungis of Eyre andci ittuot, gave irunstrsbssto.Tcw-ards flise dose of!tiiss sostars-eli gn,lite son Asu-lss.ciimpatent taugs-esptisa COW-nf, cassUit 5 areVOit ,ig tusses. lise tatl.sr.Ninavehs, toissioiv capitas, Assur, tiso t-141capital, asnd twCuýy.f1-a otistu' eioutsg aticecf As8yrse, joindetitIarisc1liosu, usii ismsastilimateiy sut don-n by Sasuaspul, anotiiorson cf SliruassopAr.

Tigiatis Piieser IfL, w-hie cigned n.. '45is mallilowu toi us a n i îuthea Biscaitas'y.

lus ussausruals, siithsuugli very iînpsrfect as-epsriap.,e, lios sSimportant ile saAssy.sian sas-les. Ti glatlis Puis-t as-s nus. o!royai tescont, ans i le as-conenuatise titrautctrsng ss popuier rovsîitau. îLe dafetetlthse Ariciassns cAti maîy dises- te.oss,insconuîîsaredthetsa eoplae!fHarnatis, mslia liedrevoittetcadailicti tisemeelves tiitis Azasics,lise w-e-iske icusg o! Justici. Tus TuglatiPilecsr, ohe, Ring o! Isiel, gavatributo. ''ss sy-atauucspsstlicauquiesisq as faris Egypt, andt esgageatiliswar ivsSi thsa Qucicsof tise Asaa, imaeiSiame. ILu tise tune e! TîgiaslisPieper ls.sgn

ptoseto!Syriv.tyaio ilicorparatet i ito tisaAssysus iciu1iu, and xnssîy' o!tise Ile-t

dtes ws-eu ces-s-et oaptîî,-o Lt iassegiuosîs.Towards Sucr close of litseanatti, TugiatisPileses- mentionstisa mortier o! lchahs, Ringo! srnel,andithtie Accessionsoai Husesu. Altostise det cf SlsalnanesGr, tiesa sceessor ci!TighatiPiss,3cSaig.ii,vlo mislenutioaurd

by tisa Propiset Litiai, sssee i t lLu Guia.su. 722. Sau-gutcisjtnicd thse city riSetenti, ant 11i c»Ate tolit Stibc s of Issalnto captiiy. Lic alsa dlefeatesti sefamolis

Etîiapîssîs, Saiscea, nîusturued iiy Ile-odot-us, anti took tIsa city o! Aslisîbasnerelatcdisi tisa twvoitictl ciaptos- a! Isainîs. An-utier oxtslous. o! Sangun mas thuc cauquet ut

ïMerautacis Baladais, tis a lbylonsan sua»ae-ci siho sent ail embassy ta ll 1zckkreis.Sar-gan usit.hue cis.y a! Dur-Las-gisià, luin

whuci s ny of tise sculpsurds in tise Lossvrs.cotse.

Senssacierit, nan e! Sargen a epes-lapntise besIusownisby atone astidtc'usht cfail'tisa s'ssyrisuusmoues-dlis. Ha tegaus ota -egîn.us. 7015, andt lis Aias, car-raton tise grecs.singeut toile nth oi adauedtheStuc str-ance o!

lits îîai.îee, s-eacdthouavarinsinscideants o!bgutsi anigsnlaPaleFtine; tise subsuission

eutd ts-lbtc oe! lzokiali, Ring cf Jutîais;tise toicat of Plsaraoituitntisa Kinig o!Etiojua, Andtinîmarons otItes- mettons.Onse o! tisaeas. esastitiipalaces in Niriovlisms-esbuitdusiig lis q-igui. Tlisa cuipluret

]litse-i!tIsse esîsice ivata asîcrietion ctisoss teo witis sctises fronit duots-are assttninipis

o! tlisamouesclis, anti s-c rsentatieseofstiseArchitectural wcis of]ciIs e igri. Sonna-

chant insus tisa cosslompocas-y of Isalali, tisamoss. subime o! thea lots-nus- 1ripists crit

ivrîlrs, andu soinneo! tise fssicss.possagos ofIsaunî';syiiwnilgs w-eu-o dus-ctot against tiieA8sin a unardt, si-liu a sneitonib'e lîitcama up11)agaisset jos-ssalom. O! tisa oves--tusi-tv a! btigrecs. s-nias, tisainscriptionsgive sua insfor-matintu,uandimso lcanvrylittie <-11h resect ta his tragical icalh.Sonnaccisaitusas mssî-sieatby Sus-aoc! lus

otvn Bont s iiooa rslsuîpisig iin tisatemspleet Ninevelh. Tiha ciil mvcr triicli dam'

mncel nco rilis. ulcs ed t etlongthin uttisetinsumpliso! Eranisaddhai, a yotnrsn uo!tIsas. mntassscii, iîo entoe-ctt Nîoeis iustisacaRiy pars. o! the yods-s.c. 080, and ivas

c vîet Kinsg of Assysit. Ta Escs-liatddontributs*a m'-wq paît by MuaslKinig ciJîuiels. Esenhladdoui letoye thtie ity ui!

Zion, tise grecst. emporium ai castes» tratie,allt ha axtenîlautl his lî"ver os-es- lIseisicuito! Cyprus, ton lIcigsai w-vliei li rsstt talila. LaSer ilusisereigr i le ettaoket'iris-aaci, isa Ethiopian, anti dravoats moit-

es-clu ocf Egypt, tvlicls country liea sow-atitat ta tise As.syraiss omissiots. Escu--isadubon s taisea airons focrIis axp-iltininto Araii. Thoise alitrts-o! As-aiiaissus-c fermoa iaba-s-es' tliisuîislthi'iu faisof tisa couique-o-su of cniquty ai-or votistuette pass., go tisus. Sis dipaiga of Esaesisai-tan lisesues-rpsralilsin ltistory3.

Esarlnadîtîs es-aittot setsire as.hiledrtiî by Iisea cs-asvîing hie tusa» As;su. -bassupal, ceicisu-cet.ias tisaSat-ticapalus cftisa Us-cake. TIse prito anti pomp o! Sas--tanpaitte andthtiseuxtisy ! is urst, iaieiscen teseribet ýby massy ss-itss. Thisnusscriptioîse anti sculptu-es.oc! ise -peu tes

ent tIssseesasiptians is li Uréqesssts savoanc-fac thisnsg Ililea nas ns.tisaeeffamussate ntonarcls tise Us-cuiSetescrilsu

imbunt ae si-es-nias u)itnter ms-hase deaisriv~al tise see!fubis, Iosg-linaoaifXrasiscssors.

Luth ti ioeof Sartassaia'luss-eignetl Gyges,Kia aiofLydiIa. Tise ansntic stos-y e!

Gyges andl tha syie cf Candaîstes fui-meai-mns. iRtthea cposusgpssaga ! .lof sstoyofRaraiotuts; andie.tof lits- etatesitnle s--

êcsaiig Lytteus listnry- ara %vi-rai sntruneilby tisa Asrtin uscriptions. Sas-dauapiusstelle us Sit Gygès siss tau-uesl by Aqsur,tise natioalai aty o! tutuAssyrlan-, ta snbmuste tsa King, cf L.qsyrie, cuti tisareusîoîs ýlie.senl nu' cmIsas$îy to .Niuuavolu.anti piesentidSe Sardnepcisss, adeug itîsisun ltribistte.tvo

uClnipisîs esuegagot i i. s-ssssEyihcifetet '1 usîabsuls wli- liat igasn il.vaubslllndtisa teits-y, ai)luesestoe-iltisa t vestyklih1s o! Egypt wiso iuad liseast-r:es.us by hiefities-. Tis ahansls cr Sàrjlaaaua us aleal

Overesima by tise antebe, and perîssupàdtiustet by tIsa issisn- fldaissMbaeallut,

ise lîitet anti soames) Steliesilatc. tivasýanc -fn scents. A ',tfe lsunn etlisabaîssucoandi caccli emesit waï ant Cge. .

"'Cieas- issu-n1" seisous'esia vnicafron tise.acrt; c nt an-sut "Issu-rai 1 bs-sit ica à

tnpîifrorustlisabpliollig s.isltitudle.,TIsas.chocs' dît tisa ivai-Ir; hassîci tlbs-,io,fs-ea en-st upivànnsi amt embe aut odlame, -cnd sîs a uaomaont 1ite tcscesîts.-d itIst1is rescuset arnain hie arias.

Feuant, briser, w-iioiyoen e clrava senthat igwtls tsmps.cdd'n. , gg~gusater

men, cud' yet ' fatas-isg li i seusr uýf'%Vûftk.'nese, or usmentant ar, paii, thtbn" è1uI6à

tu'mambcs wlueina is avabcit,)sra sow-ntisac rccgulas exes-cisofa!eus ir itual îit!-os- seRa stcsa - eirrpinîitsucl llcîeftli<tutu luodsiy axtuscîis CtSur flties-sgi.au.t soiun tues -iîf tins-plisyssissa mt.'

tfiais tisaIu-m-0"atr SIb oa b iSutia

eem:uiia~~i, nnsala a-Usis ft l'u )

cd r: e ' cpi[-9atehd ntpeln ilz1--mi 1utId tii,1w'a- tsîts icititti>ia iis

1~ dis ai pu- a là eû. ~si ttsolsn)

ni buildiung riatertalit for tisa pui'î aU a fts. T) it Are 0ara aenttîut.,u>s people, titecoursa. Louksng lis licaritr-a full itlusthidutret. Vurlus%.s t(lisi assc"l(vî ihavc 414J a i iiîgiit tiserofarcbc e eiprtes tiat îlkoY fil e i.ciisgv, 0îuy soprotyt)*.'wk~euscticusardrelat4ng IJt lutici tiit ri uila ssîatiis le Cf iuse bit!cfia g& là m& ~ iitq whocs iasLd it u hui

Naboôîiui, i3eisiiazï.ar, Cyrts, tDarius, ati which iix icit <of tstt.he w ait, o,1, asti 1 iuflessdoptiig a fsmilisr eanversatiassfumiassyoaliter msiarcss; but,usnst; deuf tise iÀusig.atian o! mauiinitMt As Isis~.Wu masuer-, hutt eonid tisa peapjle lslp listaxi-

grc-at s-esatu unr kisov-lsseul oJarîsed dii not flsstt îi,îa callections was..tsug ti îng te a marn iio tisus cosgiis trilîit tofs-cm tise enssasilorm inscsription s, tisera ara eifiAor of thiesa esstentiel lementis of tisa Ilseir lisarts ?sut long iiiautîin untis)a inttorý 1an ansmuy proves-11j unît aUS uc rgondola floatUti iadiy That t hirs, wii aieraai feelinig a! diepMimsportant qstictteî psýcss.zug futtaI sin aver tli-, til itigon toivard Vonie, " tva ioismant lsaMi. the jroacer'e etvla anMtuisn wiisilsa snarchi n th isecils ust of tise Itractocstisis iamsusemenatt fsoin its rages. dcItivs-y tils unqsestscsabie. t s. t.roug.1'MeusIîpus.alutisnss undse wasiid noetunbt JTlsc s ,v,,saregivin ilis mo[scasap ouanit ivas a nqua andi claraceristio af-fus-niait. lîIMIR1ubl hssAtei-s, eF-ccarpani,'d bY tise fort, frec of ail attampst ,Y ~oatneus, and

- jEnglisi translsations, wioi j e ns itu,60votawcs e es.gcla Un is veîy eîmiplIity aussi gin.THE ASTORS ASSISTANT. clear as it migist bc. ;î.iiy, comnbinat witls exqnig!s.o tuchses cf

Oit thisvayfibsît pasga we anti evitesuce tendeorucia anti kaen searciigo!fsumanA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o thseiusibriie aaeuîsilc o l iw csteains inwisich 1wo.ncu uiree hearîs.yssssi.g mss t re oncesusis. O a s.aliseit bï tise Turkts: "WViîoovor tees not 0f tisaproaciicr's tlisolcgy wtt c.ssnot

fis us.qesstionis wtsiellis.ss < ce ~,bltah( vs lD noise taigh,,Wter i li ana d (yetit ise roasefavoluurably. It cortainly iaeckadyussr Copiea abo gooet reigu.s li aliers? ke uvl. Wstagilsatc ii .a savor e! tue nid-fasiiioned ci e-lpS;salTlis e dosa searcoiv bnaw. lHa was lin- ý1vc oatise uiomstie Iiseciille o! tisa Tssk- doctrine 6f mati XX a lmernas, Catiiis,

wiîlng a seceî tsas' ai taîes î is i rlieusehlcd I1 ilTisa gousines, %it, anti antiGutIsrie. lerae dt tIsesacertain%vasintaete tieiln Calei ln ts th pitcf a nationutare tiscovereti lit ils pir- :rsincicatasi thea v.ssvs whlihara moreyîkHe(dwI! i gaa etc leaur.Tsvsre"sys asy Laid UBacon, aisd Po art)a iSs htinety stated initt'îi asiitliora.rs idri al-suplie v photai.tis ofple iegan ioô prejssdiees, wcssknesees, cait vices. Titis iscascr assdlWifrid C.sinbegruaede, rcsp),.s.ingre s proie osa i. 'Cliech nî t é Chris tian a! xenplifiet n tisa !cllowissg w i c r aons tise final rs or t i o! iaw sa tt ti-fetsantoe i n lii e as-ane tisn ai- 0rosi5 t*agauofithe rot liais-,o

1hf itiseE i I roii e aant elhias tailiste. Tlicy wera osly giintulga towrdflisAn svor gi'teanuse gievisoa. tisa -w-ciias the bssysng a'.. estliiîgoa! isanian tisosa soniussuots, sucS epoi e elastestwrit n sicreesesl. vsdo The l iyfo sings "Do net ny ePs-edt itireti peoos:ani possisbly înay nct haloc 4rnca siticacitis pej~e wet- ias-iss e tia ca'v~stsdol not sali ane ithcr; if Tou ]lavea tian by tise mass cf bshiae cs-. ]Butsnot ua fcwcSthe issu rc Iar aofuisîrg,' Nas l isa bouse driva tbinsaway. 'Anti isw lunsisch ecogizet tisam distiactly, ctan xpîscsciofte uch ]ie rang a Xs- of Oî rital tspliseîty se expresset in tisetisethir duisatlt'sation in stresg Strna. To unBeût. Press uput li' os-ce ta ùchIl f isdotiy tIse ibaudt wiiclisYen canne. t RGJIv int ist tisaS tr, IstMacdonuad seemetiater.Pise its a snodgediot wt-k. A t le cut (ff.' ta teed lnier tise restreints of is sposition;

is e ics-al dassuguof astasrnast. sisorongiuiy 1 Vo linti esîdences liera o! tise ce§oin- andt îat th is îcanrze, viicli w-as Ilusl"]auChisstian papas-. 5ittis. t tsd-aw dîvi. blsaces obaci-ved in tisa jprover-be o!ai] ne--s-aspects se adimirale, n-a3 n "red by ai-

tends sîpon tise large învass.siiuiss, nos. ta tienîs. WCa Bay iii Esuglili, "lTisa pot catis Ureta , 'ring ont di 4ti.uctly tisae CEsentialw-ega coniti-ovpsy, iat ta deal 0onttih itisa kattie licol;' tise Italiens, "'fisa pan gospel luciepIps Vwliioh nîtes-licanedpar-

more naws o! tise day, ntat publislisbsi-t.sayis te? tisaptt ' KaeOp iff, or yo'u 11sinutaits matc tseo narrative. Ha diii net rimaistisalianut essaye ,; s sleadtng dessiîn ls ta dçc'Ime ,' Tut SpsniarsIl"Tise raven etdta isail.wviit tlisepassas- sîsoulti. hc uîosng. is.Joy tisa s'ruw, 'A anrts, flackarnut , - thse Ger Tiseonly direct reforeaco to thse aviuur'a

lcnow oasecytiiisig, saritcouiti bctaiksug asîl tî I'Osse ces rickïnamies anotlier ILong sufferings ati deats, aS tise foiitssJe'in efseaclsssug very week un cvay lbugse. It la E5rs; Us'le Ceat vs, "DrcIlciii s sVi t hc ur salvatien unto '"etes-ial lfu,"nas s na]lita assisitant.Unîd vicssr su tisa panisui. Ismr.s witisisirntlseat.l, -'11mw îgly y-su singla paraapîs lowardthtisaclose of tesppiainents Ilise w-osk. Is. goesos it iivts, Iuck;'"Ilasîd liera iva fitheTis iurks Say Brman., Ltil siticatly true, irideet, thsaï,wilia eisuiistit w-stc, It )es wilien and ing, Il Thea kttla enins tis a Bacs-pan Sî':ut Jegus IlsLmselfnssda noa dlusintA iiorc. itwlies-a lie causses go. Lt mnakes a Sunday. ty." Dr. Franklinu cYR, I"Keep0tisae 'hp, Mie interview wiii tise yaung mans, anti IMr.cci on lis people. Ud fits tlsem fo iseas--andti iy 81s isop iiibasp Suce ;", andth ie Mactonald inrigist say in saif distane tisas.mas th ise sxt .ay'e sermnons. It !ailows up1 Turks isave it, Il It lsew-ail foc a shospkepr slincas.t oniy sc fUr ase tisa jMaster liinisif

lits preacinsa, w-1ispornss agaîuu te thse cat- tbaile f u n ie fuot." W- -aY, 'Tisa dit ii titis interview-. Yet wlien preaciingajg rowninsg maisCatcites a a straw; tise te sucis a mulititudo e yes ing perteticnsienucea nuitth isarces-t, tise unsi Tr~"letsIissm lastienti aairiaigi! s 4 hBps 1011nsnpply liu s vacant Charollcîes. Lt te nover i Tik l ht al naIl patlê n urnllf,*lsreli P . s atily n'

utowi i wthl a cold,unos Absenîtaot a vacation. lîi i! tiesa srpvnt ln lie sa-.eil." IlGnt cessas-y, upan maneiy exegoticl groaitIs, taFs!s.y-tw-ýo tintes a ycar it brsssgs lisppîllssseleupti-s thsa.windta e s s-n iarb," sait isut aimeosuoit of view tisa grent truthasit t e t bsoultes of tlionsauts, and su avery ?tentiia; thé tTutrikehava il, IlTise nesl o! a witieut w-iiclistIsera cen lit) lnasaivation.]longe talle tise sn"ait- , oit stery cf Jesus blisat bssd semtn aby Got." IlNs-ver look I"Otiier foundaticîs rcau unamass lay tisan

Anit His love,' cf tise Clistrels and lier con- Il~ git-lorsa lis tisa mothtîs," a familier tisat xvîsicis lin laisd, muids il ecsus Christ."qncssss, o! liaususees, anti o!liseavan. Lot ssîyissg; tise Tus-ks put it lu intis fnovery cîsucci lia o lé. davoteul pastor anti a "TI'iseteetlis a!a luni-s f tvl-,cii a pi-ssent Wo AtU buis.oneuansrc refleetiosi. Par-Clsrssitsen papar, sansdtthése Gj, il wil mû% isulinç 4n) elo et-iré, auuss-ve " "lut sonaUly, tva n-ra quite tropae-etf1r et

tew-ostid.--itstes-for, o! tisa frying-peîs isita tisa ftce," is reil- sncb a sermon as tva lime adoscnibeo?. Auytisere trtby tisa i-verse figure, IlAvoidissg th- oeaWhosclias s-cati!. r. Mactlonet'a twe

ilse ta spita thse face," fints a diarasit volumes o! peerna liit and Ifflieit,JENVISH 3DIGOTRY. ressdérssg isusl"Wcntin.- teaaeiglit.tis a ndtil HHWdcnLifc, Anti especisslly tisa

ty2lssoç". put eut tishe CS." "l'HOWho pcem cat'ctl Thse Disciple, will lscartlly ap.Wa extrat a ramas-habla parigrapis fram stances mnuspay th isaddtler," lues au eqtiv- prec ate 'lur cniiot sn . Only ona ivis lisas

a cecesut report. giveri i tiseBible Socsety aient in Il ine and ti.tyen, yes - countis-gitit tong .0» .I tSosturing double, andiby Di-. Tiiompson cf Constantinsople. tue bille ; I 1w oo 1tc î a vuo his.t e a living presence, coutil

"At Zoitslsaii, 1 feutit a numbara sr a ensof oneietwl at !invo pr'acliedt sa.sermns, nottisitan.d-Thorcin mch codeusd witand i ng ils tefeets.Spanis Je iviwtli i orn IIsad a ùdi-ai (Tom itsirne o! tisase pr.vacbîal scyige. Iu pacson, ant somatvîsas. in matiner, ?Mc.at conversatin, int whItm I conailses- ta bc TIsa stiecomenciss a! trustîslet iue -tuiy fatoit midius a-ymcscainusugret tiseMnst deploabiy ignorant and 1Madoal "Ha tisa er mcho

fsîetiaii biottt sstvîts's i venuns.. uggeuied."H ta erpeaka tnulli insnts Join IB. ocinifl, Ia us ppas-esssly abatsFsom My snirwictgze uf Hebnev- ands pa» uv soig uts trsp. AJot-af isy yaars oit, wcars a ful1'qs-wn, deck,

181te istîtetfur a lime thiît I wal a greator titan is. reatly ls.' Mariy, wisu agr-s-e beng fai, and lasa npîcwrfasa i v-eis lias-yits., eeyfsita cpse - -- ilspaking feai, anti a Sangrl ias, mvsyframbuts.(,n y ps'fessing my failli in Jes- wistisathTus-k tias. povcrty le a suint cf fra. JIepeekes wtsia tecutet Snotch eccent,ueu tise prosisuetDivine ReteerntisIlO os-t.isleà eliglit hlttet icgenes-osity o!f nipsoua -no-u n~its !

reganîe le tisatilis sociiisg like Iliesroc. inepoplIl Genecsityfrnthpug an osseawndflmqotmo.Adivlsen I cjeciti Savern]afl e!lcirns- mrep scmts u-avoice,.catntenanco ed ausi -nec, svisucîî leAuJai naîsa."An' tisail yp'iciite 55 101<1, bolier feir tIseri clcscrili1. fU,- . Cleisti-svire te my argnmonls, as biug fosîndei, IlTise psayant tisaS are forced do nos. panle- Jcalreainl-VtoeofuectlIP .noît ast tisa Word o!fGei, butis. odie tradi- trata istoliseaveis." TlIsacaut.ionincicateti byterelatin urs tin oa ! is cbc i rstuons o!f mos,tiity bossted tlint titey isoldth ie insIl"Look befare yass ieap " se more fcrcibiv J lte iucie s vscilew-as vctvnis.t anditoral iesvs as ofe qsal eîîtiosity; exprassel tn I"Mensura àa tussand i tuie, poslar is a Proen'ser until illiisais.i indue-

tisst -ndusicseosse s iw-a îîcntonce suîtua ats-i cd itîta retira from tisa puliýs.. Sincaýtllttl;Cl noseseas1 attesii%-îs u1Itansiutoce"And i*si btlea ruhetison lia lias ta-rotadIituJtseif ta isapularsuat go siotvsi w-ittI ii',foîiacaJessj andtcosîvaye insutiseIl"This .ngman regarde staaua i rsect et- uvtisas.,~~~~~ ~~~~ iI atirl10likiiSi ey nos. <bath, but s. heif bis Collitn as mata o! ssrcng religions cns., tviliiî n geattîs, onigin.Semaievo, tisa Jan-sutiera iveult i bihme as j'vanut" aiy xloniionnadgnin-owtiiay nccrly tiiua Jowisli snissitinary, (?st it, sr-sstensas gntnprr

Palattit) Bunie six ycars Cgc; andti t, nPactellaimes-y anditStrikinarcempai-isnis tlisy entutia lirs tea hglipiace la tisa fretloadlet wis.i ins. tishe narne cf aur biensset au-e roet wnsting, As for instance.-"ITIs raxuk a! living ws-tes-s o! lits celss.-NV. Y.Lord Jesas. I contonssSis n-as isar-itate sipptita e eccalet unute'tishets; dig Chsriastan IsItclltgeccr.becs-; but I fait il sîas blest ta fllicwtisa a ivail witit a nûeetia ; tisasgis tlisy as-e___________axampie cf Jesst itîmutef, anti observaeusas. brotisere, ncertlisoiass "iseir poekets ars-est

focs. si lenîce, as tisoeUilllftppy mnsu eateSi Bstes-s. Parents 1t.11 appreccIstes: I"If "H E Là."1acs.uaily incapable of tisceraing wtietssyon ihava miceail itresi, e!ovf xuse ieeus abjection lied baecr prciporiy tnswivecinsney ; anti if poil, agsin a! vilias. use isor nat. It 1e ncw a lonîg tirne sisuce 1 hava it?" Th:is reveale a nsatuonal eisarnèter- InLaile o f aur large aities, a fir broha cuitlicu-i Jaîve boastiusg, cs tsay titi, tIsas.tisair iRlus Who Vselie% no boars-tiauno nautsos-. un a lofSy twoaliiug. I L ic's ar mis)tigist,

IntImons h laiia ts.Hciy AnsiJUS& Oaa, ity. Cee jetise gnusisia a! ili-luck:. -1UIve andtihtuaieames)lied mttie laaw-ay baforoan 1s uli i ostnos. but fuel tisat thienw-rts w-ase îas-diy gene out ta 1;11 ii i otil -s-t,r tlisy woae isco-ecat. Tisa fire campciniesamouited pas-s.cisarly ta a roetitiasuoattise torchies) tisais thoisan-en soa." The dissatis. ramilet; tIse lumeto s tseiot la affriglit;-

imrueaatiost. I"Hus bloat ite on ne antionest th t oit Il Tîtîscamai ivest inrscas-ciiofainsuthelistriae»w-os-botw-is. a will Sa snb-eut-]tiids'eis" boiesne, e -id lest lds acre." TIse ushios. ofi tesae isaines. Tiesa mok bailcbocomo se

__________-dislescty and cusuning leforùeult v'"lTito hck thaI lIse autlsis i sc.o 1 a4 bail'weraREDEEM TUE TIME. ifox ga.ss attisalst totise sio te p i te!tsier." scas-csiy visible, aussitisa fleny oiasnautt n-caREDEMTR VNa. Caencluta witis a srw aint s.ta Yousng s-eging w-it fcs-futpowear, wtota apiercing

1me»ncaolt te as-s-y, iviichis A l bp isslcabla ccy tisiltetil iseharîs, as îiîay liarluiu tat;Aloun timoalies-e otîlît telise rmadeteisenaYankee sa s iu Turkeydam : "Observa tiues-e nassona juasraci -t.s ussavet witltin.

Mogt of, iiecauii.c st se ps-:ocUS. s3ut su-e -hue cdeti, andtiraeotise linon; observe tlisetiso building,.oigitt jeatousty toe s.-zo anti tsa tsosse sj)e. motiser and talae tîse dohe.-ofa In a moment ac lejier wils swuuig tisu-uigî

clsensins anti oaes iviicis, s-gltly uset, Transcripi. tise dames, andi plants-t sgaitsst tut healsutaplsay jiep uise iii. aur sptritîuel svask. ____________Inalsq, andi a brave fisrman rusisiet iip Uis

Chiristmas ip sucs a àoassais, la danger i rounds tc tise vascua.cf beung overiaulei wtitli festivittes anti GEORGE MACDON5

4 ED kAS Asuadia isso ûthis icoat, a liitren'qlisoli. PRLA.CHER.

de'-, puir]y, iSsu sî'lmn ramio-es igistlyliset tuay eimnicta Our faitis, cIceprus Our Tisse ciebrtet 8Scottislitnovlilet eut

cissurtlot àta Hgumsa tvis mator indcci putpr-aliîe un -Association Hall, Nowcnlc,ais. <1woitaîucg u, at.t as-easi Bise., Jons Sebbîstlis flonr-an, Decesnbes-.1

Hie aw-uu boaiy eus tlisa tra c ut osigltily 2951stW ais immnense Siîros-îlg a ofpIl wlieonsicîs aur apisittiil l'is-filet a vory availsîbia sp of sîsting afit

Neuv Yei as esudhsa ano. IL sSenl- st.nding rcue n sitta saiene sbuildiug,tLa suieilitsii sungos-suat tL. i4s sîciali jetVise ossiy o.lsesermuoni suiiclitie iss e.Istîe. Bit.it p .1asA cet oofnent te cle.îr liy-cs- si 5.5e ]ie an-met lus Aunes-tot w-as

sis tue ticcouuit tif anc twvotvcmosstls cuit in Bj.un r ùÀdiu & g M-et ,ltituu t eopes» huit O o niet a nd tsthisas-a w-lûieuscýo*dèdit tisaMuisic laeu tc itea liii. LIlsu-)e rscolnssellesi ta loch back cire fields' Ndîsarhssiilte exorcises o! tise occasion

fitrcîvis tv&lstise rèCkr, o!fgtsulsiresollittiau, iw.ü eastucs.t Luy thtispreacluer. Maiea-etast8 Ciîiisbdiedti vutise uspionalblo teon*. sîsga!teSci-upur-su <sd Isymurs ant Iisstuaîîns o! !forgotilîsessati dfouly a.141 psyerw-ic cutckeiiebl istpenLésbauc-siiusdgu i itlt. eretns iltisotus-oms iit as-es-yus.-

s.O fitstwek oftise yns- is a solemnrilst-hsce. Thsesrmonu, Iw-ici mm ts chliZ-reiluuîl 'Oai, wd îcally iONu se cil pastasit w-tlscnt noIs., anti eccupicti n-ut ffftycIseluiCess s. se suatveck os! prayor thé- nffit's,ýwisîâ frotn t tisa ords o! Citiii tut

%vcligiui veu- Latlc ite si, u, ho roesitid. te yulfr tis lnfl ttlim 19:121), "'If tisaiL eS rv orx-îu celiuch.nutI liq YIccas t'bc e pa-focs." Il iussaea-stsc

As. hom inol i lss lii i. Addiaiitpuayesr- inga! tumirigt - xcgceis ;ofý,lssu slio tsar-îrsotiis sli le li aiusutfor.-ud. Ausi iss, -cive o .ï wi- ithsse. -o. e as #0e Ia uo.

P . iii ti)i- 1 tscsîCi*t. È1Le pntA - ,,e k 1iot piupote ausaye Oz rc .st îf"ti u , wll is-up tties,. £Lus N.îi tliseliscurs. Ls nuy 'eet, 4's. -mas-

ryt. 'itt ittltebois ' ', v.-Thse #gé . fisc s'î'ciman '.f tiea uxt. tur3, eisut

- .s idisuiàs, evolvîng -suaggestivei-auicfoTU RîLuS11PIîovEmuis. tliîcnglt,aîl utnttsssais an u

)enp-ecica ajlieuivîicliswcusl*rîgltshomeo t omusisesiîsTilâu4i A ýmît-16attesspt nt'

tise îosu4c.tit -st. Lakas-us, usntVie il:ias : r =sîas.JnA.titueJaoset s csaasi<'iîs~scs- fr u su"ins'uo!tie ~ iutn ili-s'sdssl, musiletsvssopseset esmhscs.

liait-l ut litia p:t ilin cait i ouis uuslQc um -ytsisiwetla~t

&viienladiig*as-e subjesit% vi' thee ibloi- '.11ttîa iersas lQ,-istbl a

tifu~l i1higtttt~.~titu uis-.taw ~ lte aFtiuo( tuaalbite iîie xslugîsîg, uoeds« of

Page 4: 1~;~r · s 1~;~r s L2YJ~ ~LHS~W 1, lâ fft L93 luç u vojL 1. TORONTO, CANADA> FRIDAY, JANUARY -8. THfl OY WB.OH ~iX~9~IDA pnrîdcd ana OOUjCtu rit tltQnx fut thç And iIWOI5.Sithia

;~N0Z~4~EpIoA.Y B~Y~3~tTa4~(. aM717, 1878

. vk Mu ff su in lale enlie; and the oi PUAsl . lae &0asoir and ualueem oae, whmor u gle th & insasfbr oeo aMauxl atu ru r a i i me W tImplAýy T au#Wa. Tbas lleagai 1111 Grecs aèQ. Dia lm maOlcd la o oil uId ape. sue Ibo mm ana Whou çand.i in uso ara 0(a lut mones th, 1it.~~OEONTO. < ~ ~ ~ klarcar ne Ot pnaaaa and tusessels cfMY or twa la piétinaet rsssver"USae or ato-sle m ai 01 ellgsut birL 1 wnaïsLlaa Johrnita UW ra. oreaiusd Ai Babty gt.Mý t ee. W ln te nd eaeois issl avi uladvt kms relalss e nt TIser ana liss Wj Du pmmutsiiy aira Sf 1 hat lsa ePaay andl tu- uses tend. a l sesaami .nba., set iseli.


08te- r M aset au t a ieîeaislrtire le e p riaia tls ses. lu )Ut gis.s é esii l ail lier 1br s. n a m Ofs.i* (orge em sa i ear. s ves . iie.se t a e i.tsasigus ats WIi hse.1Asirsrsaissus.sse, mam tes dmassae. loesbglss iit ursaesripOnt as.sol ., rium es t04iaOst&et. i f S.ea ea.lvedNid jf4 r püeses.,t ,

trr.e5sses5 e*15ee aeis.sses.sl es rai. asThee eseLeiî e.tl le.estateile s a ess iaraae.. well.siasa laaero( .ul a c ori thés Umesaller.s th. rssdo~g<e

010 8 sio . sa u e ;l e u - Ja M W W e U l bai n vus tues s e ese aI L ie, erae ees as" t . a1 eo s . ueIssi.ne l re I e ees ea i a e vs as î e r le s lnw us n lis e a i .e se a e a ga upràw: tlw w au-ftt60 lq&4 ffV>0»t00 04.t'tsa l'abinn es t ua b ie L JUCOeb tsi te di s graisyin a see w. r C i'

la doss altr qsasr eee.nass . lulbj )ia ai ai elrrt wu i*ssesi- txo;ls-at %.%Y, Ileesa apleiaa araL tact &Wey 6o.a ma .s.s. teo asedirsa. tellaanr 5e( fut feln,"l 4seumeaas ainsi "ae gerle sbe. -. 1 aitols. sesa .. . Dotseb t ir ltie rs9gelks l MEl'I y. GLA'wDSTONI aplà,u Pu kDOT N ose., braeel t. a 4m an w uelea ? b..pis. w-o h. le. M 3.4mrn a.ia al .L aD. DOrel. sa 0ar V a iss le (os. iSfe5


C... ç Pmtaoqa »sItic lue l.. 1144 JMIOn t&A.",iaimêu auD "#EW TEOUa mita -uo>ti(iwiir Peu btl l ,aad e av beau a ,lma a, Wo slle bs pémues bu &duosu l,4 te i Ssl aua.pobiau omg lai( ord__ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ m is la. al mahs tis a eeabour ~ nt tuait mu lois -ah teN dés7ir ocle mn OU" ltoauy W daaAIda-atY wy. ist 19 ea l;se aa, le 1van."Ho lrottla mm. taîudrslir is e senaiboa*lIty P eada deart-ue hhs.ae fsal crpe ire ij ont .sble caseIl. lu- elutomornoutIboernrin'. r. aaiss.14L- . sas mrlt se..» mérus seesinessseeee5nghd ee . bi. t oedt

MOITI) Fl UÂT ».~<.~ ~ qrn lu l ia t t til la ec. lihisUt parpis hav e b.aiea aid th e praâessai Premier add s e t m tallaule lae. U sl, is0u ohalid960à la l is Ur la Pema" mir____ ___ ___natal__ onces. Do--ur te Og.sss 4 e, ta ta a sua itit loely e ~ ~ i a a luoaaa iiai vluin tres Ontlci prvs ylteasau- - - - - - ur a is ter . i s O ra m s a fr a ia d n e Mttal I e la oi a a sra rb d a s a dbeaua U a l ve b btti la oafs a y s T o aruia- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ « is aauise, f G*olar b@S ofogil eteasirno aia Il hoOa M b. t e u lsasst

tom lt n hal ChriaSa eliaslM 19baps hou- bhu OI4 . ahies Vé a isasiatase a it

aiasia paer u tUsseosleaavtaaiyna sit ala ais.sur . . rbUs. seearng asth a Ii us . or i, ah'd in bis ads halosefo s. isea malhyb he Usa ulei hmaldeein Dm "o 0tas rviaeaaal eeerab.Iii LIs.~ 1ýL st la -egris i Usa budets l Usworeln aiolal a am lOsO au t . btaIS in i t ud a M a SI sha"a ae seaha clae par- 1 lul tsp.as. aotsa.iTaisIaesoss ubam e.soeef Ontri mtiunl. a iu s lutta a p .udb.S. uinIalie lismest rà nCut «-1%tédae u ftépio fte à o Saoltal z àu aurne as. taahagfr Liaib ias and Us 4jz l.bis la sah prisaataon n lvaisisorvl U hi tenalift trieblu via oea for ail o- m te sili appw lit ai i t erloafnu mlin Wi. godna tory aaaab une s . Clu Dw r Lsopu- 'vP ColearnIb aadt teva isa s Io id tel la lb oe ts. a Ir. Isupos, lnor ra b. siwam.aein an

m eraln apow iera spi r n@lauio est&W ijl îî ~ ~ 9 ~ i at Io irao Mb.à ysla tafta liste aa havant sIlv foarst bo X .i .l a@4 tar lb. a s ele n, tal lb u pr th" on. - d th i» ta1 - h Isre tetis Usai the ?*@Mma eopeseland ena G r ulisias O" Xt oa utm s.seal, Cia seI r ,aal-a E N and I aslr e to is .a l eEqtioisma la aminnl boas.. gola vii atalalae l blieus laui.t auopea asaius . ral o p ise mae lldtedl soler t a t L b.d fiisu i O Met. P.- ho mtir or sica ee a nd p Obervm a.a iit.â l , u e t m Usoo wuaa a e et l. pes u mg a on sa i na dl a u tOgabaIsa u, rnd th,

I. sathego ô!s pe t Ue etaauluyc l Of ssrut elé au a oi e sls eaaius it 51 V ornl b . Sémglinoal ÎM kwea th&& la aid ai lb. ins u bu.i t, tiof Diin ThuIs, o latrcts. a éiet a

mmwya etorauopninineawn dmuit 1 lsu Wd)ïilj a beat o t ailai aos" at lugniât D lii ss nIe imaai b. l i tl..foe~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.I t astoehemal ibi. Do Uoe tl o m efsss tiausosrspa sS thseaan mal sua s rana I a thé teaao mu , ge eti ta s a sla r oo m si m se moeo.lu Otoh 10@ àlr, MalapBone taai meaime a thé Usan mmaslal l. fon. 1.a2tlra1M10 =gvr twonpoviahaeal , ies u oa naaia alrtyol oby ncan s nbomml.pnlal ableala e pal- aglaUs. Itar l i abLer a m hiosu a se hme . lapp d, as on ail hme apos . aLle int . New alradsss & wirk-tWt T qB-- -sOesaoaSbatMeSuiau. bd a I ll e o "t llth e i Ca" pou- gaeaiorSavea lb P»rseaOr rvass els a thr~ei voomm rmaa "rs lal Us.uelailaa0d tui ap elie havs4 mials

tl n n Parmimm th . onr eW . poss te out aofthes urba nn Ussy gel U s or ut Edilmis slm pabl aer eu byd lb. aite, aik M lieinS.Tert t lly atidi ase loigal.d ua eprbzoTm age te. n e m mt..y A min putskenei a Us.e mo- tlia Oaius c Bat.lal frata toat. fot isa haea aué bfroe W osmalv. la â.ael d b . i u iole , a vaQu M 91101thïeamet Vtr aWit nierit pop 7inI ai&" ay u Mri i t e omnuaa5 ble r h apsp i ssl vqbeau ea san s Bpsadla tbeau iaiiis y aCObsia taabimesalter ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A lb. int Yoss' r&sout jeteiiol m1 a oe m r z atlgbaese a Usnv assesa ai o e prill b lme S Xa U w > c a la imavl au i is Us. fsai ssilm nt ra ma la 1 Hlmktise Vésry 0f lis . amor aseh. Do ptta int gleda la.m aild utau hla Campa1 yn Oir.as ia i v Gau M'à ia vIll tie o ien pse r Doene-tal un wn s t e l laW -eciatl lo r a

lbpesonsa aa itlilSa e alb oa piaal. arell gram lisai thel je."t hava umolhisbl sel byavé

Of lotr lb.alav a aton ra. l e Preta n& u s i l oa pt ofrea rdapaia iaa laten Do m7e u j ±derelu s, r s~e & j~ lueata &Cap s rs t e tal ai u %Md&ala le taa f iulUs lb. ps1a meilaseSca ~ ~ ~ ~ .a 4 B Oai lb., Pr arl.e li es l gl a tirtia aiu Dod il m e.e etrd ai v s le e v s s a i e s , iI ai i eci~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ian r ONA àDt mvn qad, arm Mli a.maw o« mkl toésieo tyuiur Tas g Mipeal oulaii mas aisavaaakemmiess tah" aise ait,.g <BEI oerooy enow tue5o tatéf,.t m rsent On ossg sl wvaaré.-aisl ma.,avh aWos abl aai la odcr a bhttb ly di lae bodi y rm peed midis -m l"a lte, u t I teuai atrl ip lso

0'__ __ _ __ _ ami febreRmasesisbt hresi- a tabtt tut u«lcal thegme amy« Jl mya haa pcal.y" ae a&ra

i a a a s o Osite: asSrc as o ols vsas u l llb.. mine l s u. , isi m a le a ain e st lom u. tissru pe.p elr M is càu a ne e t "alionhesvagdl have ao anme« etm las. EEIG Use t b. s....)u vernp ua Doan i5gve auai byt a a r" T It A vi e l 40oy t el saM a w raoX is ilere le a i t au &Ul a llos a dselbl ofaamesf u el tom t lie au tall Ile uti auss a s . d d yu r t ~ amiud it lanpoes amaim

Dane vow i thea q meta liO.f Pr&& gieonsgo ta. 01 olyr elmma la"Wh hù u c emo ia Vi sta s. s m slat sump dialohjauela ts eOssa %ls p.re auleel. tau__ate loa lb biéair hor theg. sabl .. e e. b là au al l hé vgoai" eOm là l a s e U so rii S ais r o s, c i a s t a i"ga a n. thea.a m a l ot i s . v i d a P a m i s a b r i l é v e e r e l s e t a l A gda 1 --i h I a l , p u h i .a .tra i l p ao d h a au i inaM-lisritia DseDo .vs.. AgeI s.0~ uda D aaabmai.mlimusla lb. M"eciptisa Doé mlve 8"ac a il" tu ibm i Use u seo d eaug mviem 0 Do aeo dma uheis ole tW raIm u naitilb Ioha estl.ye p 1 m d arc utCampell aOf Coit c Sts , Tb " la a e - a Th Dow eijai bu t m i mm sen p insnm & the atmiiitaoe. aom sota duâ asDo Mds @ W et l n- ie prol ea " e ae"td OOieoe actisya luv MS d" onb.ettemt I l a hsin Oeiol , i n Wl b ia a.U ofbailP latn Oa io br th e aa OMMi Do tor "wdaté aulg laMt amorormaissi,- la ma l a'qQt0 mh l vautg ate mailflam i tae épeauiW'* usai us.. w unl e *"m of cas isalat amusrsats au nb o -taavei ase taW 0e I cha a a ui it e e ty ca ier selasty Wignta Usa m htaa Of lia ornos l meW haay ora Chriel ans W" il n as e Usiald.4 mei rab 0 yltov s amafw I a o pe a elelvrs .lm*@" ulina t" ahlelnD siteut fil=ai lb o raSgaeIpla. lais. bu peblise prS o o m ae . viola las " rirelly Ua. h is vasou n îlu gmeuren i Mrlsaa a obt.ai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~dib an déofise WiL VIai4 Md buserb laobptl to eDo i si atyo BvSs. ala e 011 has in baies e Maisv pol a vi Sm DYsi basa Ubaii epre narit

itn hiwàoe" m a Do Mev. le 51 tsiseadaomla 1tase Do f-oa matrocsls haaelga elgls atr.pail ai ualmat loa. fis. Us. have ua viMMvi Af l s laitrei .frlnma . ena l aiu au Ida mern u u Las m émubea a o¶alol o urtaL A f= = uai osmicce, éamlibaIl landi ra elisotaga sVeait ipnte Tubaa .ma yTyorv has S a ithe tal a s.o la a,te dm uSel bai mla« bu tims lOy, tese us a.aIa iie ervn, mal lisaiMsveiDri,

5al sa p timiytaie e Dlssas omo tbalm a ms-b vai opsoe i o f in a tre e mm.7 mors-sa tr msaeuey.aoSStatr egta pe... Ilth .he. lae q ella Il &monemi t@ a a Vére Do tewo t liai hav vIl aigand lai Do asagatVialar bis Iran etr lec., bsl o. a d et mel n UaigsipaiSMo ter se. W U se idït aitty a l ania ai se = Len ài au&y D sià r 1 1mm

vidlS ions DYs. Lau a Tal.oaý,aDo S 7als. aim lmina t r a a GemIon..I D% S Ain. ne cal am ilt ues ànuhs e"r la ______Us.u.M t» Wn" MtIs ife seiea.ss.a mai mu ortieus a es on y liecsl s e glr t h " aeepaipis ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h b.p.l Usau b.e étiat bédc 7~ lb tuhaehriu. Dlutsa e.bskl.epobpI otîela e D o pol m" e h op buM Do lima Usa a

e 01* setasaites b... s ai.alt ~, 5a11b. moel ae. lsaos mal psa saso a laailoemMdrnalua b saaltheeDo91,11,e tsllseles.c Uselac.I voisiarhfrw «n oalf ai thélSra et anam7 t mos. th e la ptl M asata melsgumey mai lseta.lla. haslm r u alu Mtval se Wta s, o coitat fprésm boy nea4 4 s atSlag ur*r«Fou Lgaa Ita. r Usa hea tilt bo.. a"o Do nuO ua ne b. W me alla. ami tocpl dmtlitus toais case ya lu eyemlbasaiý me sem* , U ai Io" on -Mi rai.deM ed e4P« igalat M s er tuî~ mf vsonl Uio Oum1 paib fegr on ot i, tut thagso WIM5IOy taf seure" sWaia sin« * tal ss wipau moaratbat. et i praîe. r Doa- $ kW .aemel Ofl - - l a sa, o eu k ao rpl I sud i m eon bs~ ie.u ehi m y e uai bt biE .d sv "A ara l mnsir unebo à"ngr qwoons Laiii Usle- of à-de Vuasmya*Iuil laisses. maimymaI un up th mes.al. *milieu ailém 11000<. Th O spet. ennam uaienle t oloUalaerise.B upub dc . *1em Wu" lp lb. y " the wSam teg e »un hi Ns.. M 0(ea tet Tauat.oreu de et csunlsmase Ttsu, "o tla aprarlt kop in da.e i n Do i en »in Pf u . m taVoe.l ual i9a rln b. d vi a. laSSa » lionltsa M aisseîl POt .W" a a nie à as prévna itr ma ntaimltaq aI Balsa.u lit le"e imisa. thi Doop plns bu e n ahé me as h avmnl eai et de taa usabaltalusdi.alu0volilag.

ho - , el Dl tisa qu e s o d u Um e, mm ri i a U e v e ai s i D r u n eh pu. la I nou I w at5db U"l a laé aulalasea mal t ostas l n e n Ta O ta « ir s~ «D o f ap gm a M i snoam ,drtebd atw ,ot à a lim bu4 esr yUmaln i e Dot munastD hl oelm p oraas Who, I thé Duf me thees tal wa maI of e oadeu, 1er ssnh n oeus IS o e eu- .aslmnasa a.aq«v.tair oethé lrim h leail a r bu ' .eoollela ons ier. aultases. emme ài hm 111 Y Ilu la i

n-P and. ag .lSlath w éMda as fmay rta, na ta el iSsa seltonné o f Il.Tg lBut. quetlhhsleM & ewo pas-e ala-bos.. m«l dnaiéom ruy hmiUm oW& ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a~aelà la vue heig bayealc ubissI puospisereyTyo éthskwi y -n AErilw Ob n" u Wt a k» ( hi ealiste glavIz h on fhi i i haa Doy -b aani amI Usa ai o ou t *et us cana onl -oo va a- va o g- 4 m a l .W w A mal pl iM d i

- aâa I .u i thon a éi t ud lm e tourt i ta eh" end.I obé it .11 Puysùa case, b avaêus tait ei a"s=td s b s e d e ' b po at c

Stable avala esalag dol th"nl vper â4e"moem tai us o «U l o ais e sLe. te laluta M ai tawm b. Ioosll lred ya.l.se Maees amIlh b uom a . rI m ds e a N e a . i o s a m u " al t , - t sc v u aly s .el cd . se o m eU or s. bo i 1 -4e89,~ ~ r u a a u s I g a t t a li , b U u a a m o , S y .A e aoib .C a e e. s l

ol a d Ula Us 011 ainml iii ou ev. ho perdatlastu mie. anat ale Dln Se oisio ade viero smutbeing ti. di M idu mv bas ecilrl los eidsnomalgaiSlP-P o eul tti il havena su y tnea un clie t" ase >bay*W Usoos Ibsye. mai Do , vahi b. bm l. amsato n b. x nrladtP ippotialli ta aiin erai i o l. aa vmcrCuas ts.he Prenai a fo ans mss rainols amg ui bth s emntamaGa pnaaelo &. Icetool ei.ISsoRn t na e la 0ma»e Mt msgmaiaNDaCTIuN ______ ____

fiant, Do-w uaUsiLa o ca exe.licsey ma. old Use &a a à thons e ad trmars ths vara otieaW h étia ai e___ " u ao egle.ug Il u i a d tte , ieu, 1a aila era m e aisngrerll. l o mos tàMli hoa Do Weald s tlie 0 dsealvs mme an t ai, ba tre k u a s & ta mal au. pal asu t Of as lta Do mmte e ealt Tiabn. 1,1.1 a10 Mileaa s t.

v elà . i Po -v. Doth r t ala vwu t e o ieaera sa l Waoess, laU is met.a u nbiabo Il 9 ".1 sa fa s bis oh.- b s em u vss e U sa uni .ahe il, a h i È.lylrp l o y D o m oo u n oer l a tc nli ais, ol may b r t hé o ial u is ia d ' simlai, m 1o . aW M alU I&Mt ms e Seotm o id ta gnSier i aien r g l D ata, " " ai e tea o rgiaee i s. pm a s e w u ise

M"svio -a VnIa la ail W D oilis tad ib nO odte plati ufl o er Te= iimon 8411 .Iw te 1 Iial as wu y ,Osrm-oebiomorsui O -essin, ila i$ pppr prfu d br" Io< h or wul.... av". o Usm G. a f imaie n Th eu ig solalo p à = > & l a -bd IV Ur -nlimousin s a gafie Il aam aao d b ay ag ~ ai îî e aeltb te sais.mer nte ai.it. am l a b.a na . T ei ai laobiUs W]v-s ota o c le . at s ai da i s ha. P iCl f b aye .1 m )i utag..se adm

dîm se" a ies vamhava thâ Doé taie W.t taresa or ani os at ebv ei l met =ruav do met copal Do 5 .eovhm"éas-2imlth S iéor o î.in»e ewi s te Win "W ta " thmva vu pesa . mm sy ter o b.oUia*et al mm Or Tomt .ea. m .LOu- eouisn ie

'a~~~~a~ebpuss ho.t map deeppelou 1b. ouqas idNse *ait ferls @Vr &à lieumilteemIe mmbai hsle o l. eauai. OM kv vili lems, o Iiseai bo 0f ou<m ites nis. slai fr he.S r 6.t ete auw mtis 4" k.11111,b

Page 5: 1~;~r · s 1~;~r s L2YJ~ ~LHS~W 1, lâ fft L93 luç u vojL 1. TORONTO, CANADA> FRIDAY, JANUARY -8. THfl OY WB.OH ~iX~9~IDA pnrîdcd ana OOUjCtu rit tltQnx fut thç And iIWOI5.Sithia

Janiiary 17,~ 1~87~. EmITsU AER~C~UPRTEU3YTSER!AN.lm' .. é ~- ~iltein.y dina nnilnin2 Amices ifcalanact.cd Cain oet anaLIw.V sý g dAbel, liad

U~ L $. - with thil wliuh sohool by fuitihnq duarti or ba]dit tglluti, biltt44à iviv» nbr.41iar. fti.PEIY MùO~C.TUM itiximooi ulèstakea a ar. s ar l hoa ietQ <(10-, tlokinghe' ,'nula de

CRARAX cf h$ nejool cove od.But sec iîo'ý woli tiod knew'WhîouGloire %wu.hyouir clamce.No%, bcoys vorythiuj, from athe Vary irtt. fut 10ho ull

This Prenbytery mot iniiitiade stroot pro wneael retidy ta ola g? Ye$, ar. 13 g flt itutCt bis offozing. tis lie da,%bti''Jhuich, UChtham,. on Tueaaty 17th Janu- ICean 0x4ly ki,çv sat. by Fvaiàg OQO u ry u % y ,wwiiot 'd thia 1 huld iii My aiJ 9 Aar IThure Nus Li guoutiatedit I.0 uf zin- .sitting Ua, tuuilig majnu, ih îuîig st.idkip £tt. ... ht sniztora aund ider$. Among theiu iro lun- ing youi lbandsA ani fut pwft' t]y quit. a ~N~ r gn urn liq. 1.nfflt3kurtaflt itvms it b4uisilîosa trardactud wo10 FoLl aunra 1l4ow, sutead of Loing herv, ujsi-10 Jown, and On Ovt'rY sigle, u at nfile fdlowng - lndiso0coneotble, peine of un miglit ho rney not sac tirebihli b aillinsido. Itavo

M.r. i. U. Miligaiî wwucent'l niellera- siik or huit, aýil nut able ta corio Donit yuua tiofi it ail thîo t1imua? Yoh,, Y" utor of théc Presbytory for théo nLiling siz yoli thîlI tuat wa ouglit tu b li thnlft u Cali sou tlittijIii the glaRts, an(] i mt bidemonths. The edonc wat, uirtrited tû uss- Uud îlt ijt ,u îîe wùli and lhero te day ? anything frarri yni in the lhottioell il thongregations N ithi the boride for Yce, 8ir. Now, yen tva just ika thiat boatltît' e Qe.the lresLytory hulà for 1879, actordmng ta a Weil, lot us 411 tell Uni- ]Jeavtunly Fathaer V'oi Ctu't bide auny thiauglîte or f"oebngiratio adoptoti by the uuCûtiog. Mlr. W. blii twc are tllaiilfnh. Lot tu pray. TIhon, in your heurts that. Ood cftn't Boa. bid théIti, of Toronto, was lunalmously ilomaiuî nolenily but sîmpIy uffor up a priver of lastio» I waflt yau to rl~ionber Ï8Atod as8 noduonîtt)r of the zîv.it Goiorl As, tiantune:aBtu oc. I am lippoFûýu .t t canieut )ude alethiîîg froilî Q elleanbiy. Xi ý b. 11, W'tlvn îf otiuvlyuo JuèetL- liuealy taîî(t .. t Vlcr~ul l t t ~true, ~ ~ ~ Lt a t

%Vas tltttLOlt'itUITiUtltllitd s M1>4t0tufl rave.î 1, and tai Uug u i L -ittht Mbacçue u a unuedivbuttie al lîrv3 auiSecrtar et ue hurh. Tse sia~yt dC ,ejIandi loseti cyce. lHave thcm li l ro-bL k lik teoIf, BU if yuuihau cLad tiîutllook ntu Considération théa rprtuy of yul peut tire wurde ove-r vtl youi, diîna teach r ooîna uyour heurt$, they wuliakýe

tiumg thé boulit1s Of thre ttidgutOiui hav90. ng thorm flue, t isethoir prayor, ami vil a you îiarts hati bitethomsocI es,Contraissioncys frornithé Baverail itricte of yonrs. H1congrégation wero board ; andi ater dsons Nnw lot un .ung thieso words eAHFsien, the Preabytory resolve( a io mltid " ke 'u akanisnul u. AINABBL OITYFSOCial mentin Il tflicIgotowîî lChîunchu, i l1Io 'onva n ifubtJjtE

Tlwrnday, yBrd .anuraT lt Iàa.m. ;for Ithe will forgivé, NTOA ILSCEYFSOpurposeccf nmore fully discnuting, and d.cîi- For Marty lttl chilIrvuiflvegunu to lcavon T>'J)'TEAVIIERS BIBLEý"

ing this nattor. The lurk wves instraoicd te live."te cite te this mooting these sasîiion ndcon. Now for flic Lesson 1 (n tha procacvnîg 44A chois» pockot Bible, with referanicem,

iein of Rudgtown, the flaggas-t's Sot- lossons tJayhvalarni of fie woijdl, marginal rending, accurate auaps, a goodtdament Station, thé vengregatiom cf Dart, Adami, Evo, Edon, andi Adur's sin, &o.) index of buhjavts, andi caroftilly cendensoilandi also tlic sslimiandi congrgation of Dring ta ronsembranco, by a fow questions hitstonjeal ai lii uuolpgicoal tables, is tllanyîchi,-îvitl instructions te thé Hag- what yuu nocti of what basueauéo goncovoer. nunet important audticncessrry of ail thegart's Settlement, Duatan ud Ritgotown Thrartleatîns luh nybohpacltiorb'Sdy holtohr.congnogatioîîs, t cpoae aBuéw t Teotr ic hnswii Myb ioara able o b ude cho gotuer-

amtnt eset oy ho re a mteestatawhatmatie simple andi very useful to vor'y yoting barantaitle taqirectgthfo r n awo twarnounté sapportîoy they an m.eIisa te- childrciî from this lesson'>e inttul lqirn o uitawrt

wudstlîo ppo ththodnue renit j on-bs 1 lW yryd hnsfr oat ieany tîîat us setuatactory. Tho only euewionly antc pttéinèthaIsa risti ie t -thi I."WOtaoa. tb efr oiatigv Ylùcîîîs partiaîîy adaptseto Mot titis went,

mecetingw, o lnuos fth t-thig e e. spublisheti in Englanti, arid cunnot Le oh.ponad 119, fieo charges, teant loact $000 par 1 Now iva muet try enti Icaril semothing tailiei liera, excopt lit 0 prive tii.t practi-alnnuin cehli, in bah ocf îvichî it lias lbore- front this losson. . Cain anti Abel wore tiare ally puts ît bcyon(ltitIrachofethtéaMajor-tofore beaon unian tliîs 8s111, sous Of Gain w te a - &bel xvaea ty cf our Sunday-scbool tauceros. T£le

A latter %vas rendi froia Mr. Lafonitaino, - Tell me saina cf tIsa thinge a fariner wid, dietribution ot Auchi an édition cf thaSt. An.iio'os, II., teting; thet Mr. 0. Chini- woulti have 2 Andi whet doce a silophIorti Bible as; wo have ind(iceteti, would rentierquy Was sûrionsly iII, andi asking nt hit; ro*e. wn? Cain broughit seineofetl"tho timings an ocvedingly valueablo service tu tua cause.1est, eninterest in tha prayors oftirhe Pros- thnt grew 0cix lus tarin," anti Abliseaineofcf Script-ural etiucation ini this country.1

bytery. An informai report was reecivad hie s beep," te give thoera te Qed, as an cf- Saveral prominont Surnday-school wvorkorafremn the vougregatien ef Tilbury East, te faîing or gift. hava exprasoeetirte opinion, that if thuethe effeot triat; sUd congrégation woro uét Why tido g procisute car friande ?, Amorican Bible Society wvas lot refitrictetipresont putting forth au effort ta inenvcas Becatuso iabuatoin? Ne, si-. .3cceusc te pnblisbing and distributing "titerBible

Mn. Fernst'astiiponti td $600 par anmura. zw love £lumîn. WlydidAltlhingfatsheeop ithout note or commenit" aven timon théaThea éhenk wad inrtructeil te cleanth emsit te Qed? Di d acapt svbat La ulord? Amenivan Sunday Sclicol Uiion, w.ouldlef tiîis 'effort, Ac as to ha ablu tae port te TIse an us a poor little girl in -a Sanday generaily La rogardvd as tiue Society Lestthé noxt ragular moeting. blvssrs Simpson ScIsool, -vir brouglît a piae cof ri'obon sila fttei te propane anti dstrib'uto a Biblte ofanti Staniforthi, eiders, wero appouitoi uî lied vut frofhtheb' ribbon on lier bat te tire this kind. In Ordar te, fîu-nisli a woî-k ne-committée te isit Botany, immd tho In2dien supermituîeiat, Whalîe léed oenutollingthé qniing se miricurcan anti exonso in tsRéserve Congregationes, ithî a vîaet ofsa. children tea ax'e thoir.coppers te huy Bibles pr-opanation, nt a chc» priva, se tuit ail

eanfing from tiienian inereaso ef tioir Min. for tha peor liaflion. Sita wantod humaite touchers, ovon tiiosa of thé Most moderatoistors stipendi. Mr. A. MeCail roportCat, soU thoriuLLe»anti gat vhatit wculd sel fer, meauis, mighit own a* vepy, it wonld ho un-having atimmusercid i cojuntienl with I o hoip. Now thatwavs bLnging aomnathing veasary te bave' thme cost ef prCýaring anti

Rey. A. Suthlalnd, ef Ekfnido, tireorodin- as an offenîng te Qedl like Abl.I Wasn't it 2 stencctyping siieli a Bible provideori byanceofethté suppar nt Do-vorn t which place Qed uccepted. tliet offeing, just as ho ne- speciuul fuias. No, douht tlien are mauîyMr. Robert Angus vas ntiainetias us C id- cepted ALl's, heceuso Ho e w.thiat un han large-hoaî-tctiChristians, te iviom thé Lgrtior. Mn. W. Ring preoantei tIse claimseet heart sha lovati Qed. lias tiNen, wcalth, whîcli tliy doligbt te usatht' Preshytoruan population of Boee u'or, Whit- <da Gain brng 2 Di d I ccopt in flrhè service whe ýwouI l cîcrftilv contni-who- arc anxione te have régulir prctchiigB it?2 Qejd saw mte Ciu',s heurt, anti kuon bute thse farnds ncvesery- te plblisli a Sun.tluenô. Mr. Chisholm atidresseti the court, that it çvas net lIsa Aba's. SuepesOo yentay-svhoel Touchers' bible. It would hooffaing te givo grttuiteuisly severel oigibie Ilied Stinel yeun littia -sistenr, an(ct o a diffieult te undicato cny eotlier way un whuchlots in thovae for the purpes etfhIavinè goiîg t tatlyenr father or niothar on you, thoy coulti as offectually antipûnnautlI'

a ourc, &. oectti hor. o aIsevol- anti yeutiy te please her,,te koep hanr frein pramnoto tie Bvdame'kingdlom on eant.'untoorodta te an-vase thé sunroündîeg due- dôingit, by glvinglier anaepplo. That would -Suiuday Scheol Weor!d.district for fuinde wit hmhiI te build fleho bcguvtug a proseut fom, a %.rang nricve \V acuit llwbere juq't such a Bibla cen

obtîurcit. Tho tlmaukg cf tho e syc~ anti if yeu bring anything te Qed freonbfu« ipraal YhNTNA-weretendoreti Mr. Chisholin, bis liber- wrongnmotives, Qed wiilh now itbecause o fon.ItspîitibyIa AcuLai offon accotid, anti tue mattan et builti- ha kîîews our heurts; ant ieoWill nlot tak IBL UiaiSeCuan or SCOTLAND.ing left hilis bauds anti thosoc f 1Mr. King-.'ii, as -lie iwexld net take Gain's. NowLi wait lu tire Suuxmon 1871 ti oit ottInteroating reports -waro given hby Severn!lyyia tu erembertis- this Scey ottcf tid brothunen, 'uvhbhati ni'cotly viitii I ý.Weiniay til do .lhingsfor GQed, andi thé Presbytery cf Owven Soundi, antiWC

nethybealoc,a-nti Mrofeers ayde itl'ng thingit ta Goèl. .supposa tu othuor Prosbytermes, an offur taanti ?cCol -woeo ppointeti te oudam these If ie brung a now boy te the SuntiaY cu abx.tBblsassecioxscitions as fêlone:s&n Yr V Tli r Tes- Schoi, tliet is; deing 60orncthing for Oed, s Pnésbytou'y acceptedthétlc aler.. 026 vols.day, 4lî Fahonuary, et 7 j.s.; Blnacnek, it net?2 Anti ifwe cde as that littla girl diti,niera sont, andti though woivra a little afraiWednasulay, bth'Febiuîa-y;et 7 :.n.; Bear or SaeOour- voppars-feu- tlîémissinarY box, t rtthé frt, our foers woe nt ocva "easiCroek, Thunuday, Otlu Fobrnary, eat 7 p.rn. whuo are no gîying thym te ? way ' wien WC saw tha mvoice andthtuA. Acharna cf Missiotas-y nmeetingas %as snh- Now toli, ma whiat I wunt yen te romans- Books. XV warc caete put tlmam on salemittei&l fr. J.,B3eekott, wich elwas nad-lhen?epteti, anti instructions givon ta hù;ivé A UÀllready 1 Feltiai-ms 1 Stand up1 aotey 0 gatin-a e ntigseheaprintei anti distibuiteil 11ou i cy Hands down1I Hentis Leindt Felidarme! -brotught mte the market wich soiti tastorday.-Mr. R. H. Werdau neetian cÉsay'ôu thé Let ui ail ing, en gava ancli géoot satisfaction. Thuey' woeIlStatirtics -anti, genenul workunùg o o eMissions, ùi théo vitionas Canadlien"Lord, a little band anti owîy, nvo are corne boautifully heunat, oxtraontinaiily vhîeapchlrcbies. On motion et Mn. Friorost, 'théa .È;f te sing te ThuyaIl, antlieduawliat is.iuudlispcnàibio teaàlPrcdsby-,thenke cf the Pneebyteuy woe tendaereti Sit downc INew look at the blackboard teians; tflu elus in maire, andtifluePenn- -

Mn. Wal"don1, «Whoue ws requestoti telia-ve anti reti oven thcse ivords with me: phrases. Se popuien wena he tlîay tet ibeotwe thensanti copies eft thcx essay prntvd min Bad hnila elîs baci lhoicghts,,, Preshytenian congrégations iii Owen Sounlpamphlet termi, eit tha oxpaense cf tia Pres- bad aettueia 1 furmoti thanssalves miet a 73ible Socity inîytoÏy, o0rtIiitribution ýaMeng tuio congre-ddQ tit fn t hti ' BSt tlgation wituin théaboûntis. TIsePrcsbytcry- Hew id e uet a WO, offolns u cunlîueien wnu th.N. . - f- oceu.,Iagreédt io ultiits naxt rgl eeig nCern antiAbat 2 Why dii Qed rejeecaiu's anti xva hava sunceor oreetand. got 1,497WolCUîngton Stneot.Cîuro , tacm, on t Béc'wh dtisat, a ni iglit.vols. -mono. 1WC bave doisots ton thua sale etTuosday, 2fflh Mancli, et 1l .n,; nti3'aeo*se etàndiadyuWnSC

csut îthéu Boeet'iio.-Cox. how wolil odknaw lis bout was wuckad. tîjs ilsiiOo oni asePn__________________ i Insted cf îsking Qed te give bina a geeîl Elgus, Southamptun, Cuiatswortuî, Lîxtonuu,

herurt, luegot angry Ha 0gotjaalous et lis Keadie, Leith, Kihsythi,, Dunedin, Bll'sSABBATH oCHOOL LESSONS. buotlienAbel, andi bogen itethink ,how a onos BlBeiniéefod

unîghft hurt b àn ntIi oaday, ivlan lie wcsINFNTCLASE.out i the fieldiçwit1a AblI, lie tecok np a big Xith respect to priva, tbey aia preotne-

INFANT'LASSES.stick, on in sa e. way kuockeil Abîll down, cd hy-voxybodly lec ho Ie cuiapasti tiiar snr ta I~vs unbo o ulil~ andikl Rhiu.At i ii u hubcuse .they hbave avez sean. Tlhoy soU varynîup.

1 a Soýy hat1 Ias mabo t fafilM3holieda a beunt. 1Nôn, den't ycu tliukintentioun tebauve aà teiW ints eéëlu ÇLkfor *tliet GQôduvas iglit un thutukin" ,tbui 'Cuin's dyhon scceylidw isneInfant Classes ou tho basis et tho "'I Iter- héant wcs 1net ight? '' places untul they are a laitoui.niational SoieL"1 11If Gain lhed askoti Qed for eu guet lieisrt,, Thie vaniety le vcry great. 'Wo hava the

1 taIse à utp, loweven, çnt thé 4th Leson- lue woutld't have hall bad feelings. Ant i. fScîbeatîxh lel'eoes Bible 'îith u mr-"Caie n dAbl "-Gen iv. 8.10. hlied ua lig, ewïlushave hell

lu to Ifan Clsuu neu evry ue y lid txenhut-, uditho adgetiio gi gnai refe.roes, Iscautifulnaps, anti unnéInfaeon Cluse uowe y asueet u wol[if -ahdnobattis nd ui-t Index cf Subjects,, bounti in good i orocco,

-tIse band, if possible, *,as tlijryCae inté tisa dereti bis biothuvn. iitli gilti etgez, fer 41.05'. ThIicorcu com-récoit. Evau-y cuviueÔ n ar-hile ssthing cf j johui, *bat te bacd actions cerne fres 2 piste fBibles bôunt in, celuretis-lues», uilltlis kind - muglit -tako placit m.thOýcaSe pr- pouitîng, te thué hourd) JBad 1thougýhl. psalts and. Paraphrases fo-, cnly28 cents.:hape s o me ibey iwýlme lis.give» tzrunîd. <Clad wlat de 'bcd tluoiugbtà coicraoin ? Xa<entwieue~tmnstea- iverti se

Tliusý: »B . adféeingat. Anti wbist do Led feelings % .1 - wieiba.l ig~Wef, Jhnhav yo tho~vods t-Iut ernefren? ?<il letirs, omeaba our Bibles'in Owen àound, beause ours l'a

versa I gai'o yen lest Sunday? 2yé$, ir>. tIsani,, hat uhinee yn obcd doos, a werk ud lhbovir etflove; -%vado net puyTheat's'a sýlcnditi boy.if yen bavecrne.,think Lad tingtor- hâva bcd fcéUigs, it ay gents, npon du, wo niaIsaasîy pr9fi6ts'

liko ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1l thtae-o.uueynwl-hnwn~bcauîse yuhaebcd huants. Anti thé and we vu aia uù sw r Latffrent 1 innyby nexýt Chxnstnas. ifi:you eu-c oply nway yenan gotgodati iôa, is b;ý,


Sbis . uurtttioui us u8aublieiîed by cuharterebtaunati lu-m thePauani-hueiut, toi qumec, us

thue contrul i f i oral Asseibiy cf flieCanada PretiL-ytoiuaîi Chîhu, Its wonk is

limiteti oxcilli-vohy ta tIse training at can-dildates for tlîe ioly miîuisîny. Iii hâne.1868, the Box'. Dr. D. H. MateVicar, thoenununiston ot Cote streot Cimurch, ii thîîscity,

uvaS Imieveti etthe liond efthe, istitutieox asProfesser of Systenîctie Thooio.-Y aumi Apo-

legales, hy appoitîneut ut theo OciioralSyneti. It was theaîudostituteof et counces

:unul appliac of etail sorts, but hics alrcdyccunsulateti assets acuonting te avenSasenty thlisntidollars, andui uas (i5'Cu-fcnty

studouuts upon ýils roil. Four cf theso araolti Metists un Ar-ta, twa front the Uiîî-

s'ersity oet Toronito, andi twc tram. McîiltCdiloea, Meutroal ; cutdtwc cf these lire lpre-pnaparing for Foreign Mission work. Sixot ite gredtmates a re suttieti pùstons-tac ofthomin mthie Pro'vcutofQuiobve and.fou£ litOntat*io. Ton stutients %viii graiuato next

s1 pring. Théa hbraiy, mumbering aven tanthouisentivolumes, us select tandi aaluabla;andi twanty schuola-simips are offcreîi fourcii-

uaul eerpetitiou, anti e geit modal ftinti.cd by tlue students. This nuedal us ewardedun sîîooual andtiestnsive oeiamintiolis unthuolcugy, cait linuitetat the gru-ating classof vacli session, Ful Provision is mcde fortriniung Franchî-spcaking stutouts Iwutlia

*.'mw te missioncry service umông RomuanCaeflibv. TDits us tho unly mnstitution sin

the Dansaau ýutiîit ffure suchu ftcihtiesi.The staff et- instrucoes for tIse prosent

session are Rcv. D. J-. MaeVicar, L.L.D.,Prof. cf Systontic TPielogy,, &o.; I1ev. D.C.ussirat,, B.D., -Prof. cf Pelemics, &c., lec-

titres un FrouaIsc; tegetiier wuth thaetullesv-in.- ecturore, viy.. lias. J. M. Qibsoén, M.A.,iin Exegesîs; 11ev. \Vm. McLux-eù, iu Apole-gatie -, eu. John Caelol; M.A., in,

à0hureh I Hutorv; lies. \Vm. ienzie, ini-Pastoral Thuoloegy ; Mr. Q. Qibsuus, M.A.,Cleesicci Tuitor; Ux-. J. Andrewp, Elocu-

;tieniat, Who lectîures mica a wf%'ic, ailstadonts haing reupuîi-cd te attend ihuis vlesu.


These ara hoing eroctt'd on tue lot iii'Me-Tavush stroat, in -close pu'oxiusity teé3fcGihl

Coiloe. Thîey stand tu-ontiug te-vanti Shen-brooke street,aon. e une seinewliat nu ad-vunve fetMGil College, anti upon eaIsigiierbu-ch. Tbcy are te Le fcun stmi-iS higu,inciutiing the hasemnsut, wluicIs in tu-cut wîllhbc hco'a grounti. The onture longtlu et thebuidinis 112 ft., watiian deptlî et 41 ft.The Prmncupl's nesudoico us taLebci thmews-st anti, opuning oeux MeTitvalu Street. Tihaventre ofthuefronto et Ianii àbu lijing ebrokoen bf a towar whielx projeetblraa foot

'e' hpliie of theéuWall, et itua' upperpenîic.i et. tins toeonlics turrate on îuuaun -les, lithua Scottislu Luronial stylaetoarcliitectitre. The c6utre of Ithe xx'sternportion of thme fu-cît is roliavetlby al prejec-tieÙ n iithe fou-un cfa beywind(ow, censenc-

uaug eat tîxe basculent, ceutiuuing thîrouglicaclx story anti teniîuitiuîg inapoiteti

'roof. Tueé'cixtraicdt te a ain b'uilding li -thunouugh diot' teo, ant i i pmrecietLe y atioublé fliglit cf Stone Stops. %On pcssingtbmough iL yea enter a -%vie hall, veuîtauniug-tlîo main staircae. Oui thie leftt istho lar-ge

.Examiuuaticn Hall, in aviuich f lue uJury iste b homnponsunîy placet; on tlîo rmgttnlecture room anti n studlent's u-eaduug.reoa

'On-tue next ster3 aboya tiitharo anc dla8erecuis anti rcturuig rooms for- thue proc.us-te flue niglit anti eft out ho liait:;- nel.1la

firont,,îmmetiiately e-ver tlue otranice, thuePnuciux'soffiv oran etudly Théo uholo outtua fonh tury le dîiidti ilitau studies auud

tonunîtories for etudent ;,anti tise beeutnent-

u-eýtirîng rom f onstatienx.i, -sviti sopanate,

buuildi'is eto Laouf, oiut-oal atone, t]Issr--facleée, su-l als bain g Teck becet,«i, ftuuIAue

d&,rs, àvIno;À?S, anugles, &e., Ibaçing out-e~oia resiîus.Thé root is te hôsalate.

,Thie foundateul huas alu-ciuly -benlaid pro-,pcrctery b an eanrly voinimenceusauît et then-uirk n a saseas tea-atv usilt'

sity grountis. the city, fl6asceéery et tli'St. taruc,.ut lecouutu-y to thIsm etIs

et u. - IsA uil ias- hing ereéteti ndesthe' suc nuecnv ofetA. C. lHntcluisen

Studàies ant i tomnitox-r ill ho begiveux te'stileiits tu-ceoet cluux'ga, thus redÏciig îlie

éoS4 et huvuug ate u uinimuumn. Y-u » -maiù Utending ý>tejointiea cologe uinei

secioÏn suiuluitiînuko S' iy u a iain orodiligianthèeo-ai ihog-Autedin-th6 èrdeir;iii whuieh-nppieatioli'k u-e neceivécd. Copiescf,~ii t anznusl ealeuuda-, ceâtsinlng luitl

lnfotiation Meg dièg thé of.um ;btl~udy,,


Thue Puesbytcny et Ontarnio mot et PrinceAlbevrt attiL ta,7(U Jauctay, 1873, fortha nauctueux ai li. James Thilomu, laIe et

Ennihihen.A 'zouy suitalle anti excli eunserouun ua ci ceib Icv.J. L. Murray,et W'oodtiuie. Dx.Ilmrten uuru-tod lue1stops talion mI nregard-tite the cali antthonput tue questionus imi thie Formula for oudina-tionî or riductionioff minisere to'Mu-. Thomn,wviuchi boiiug sutiufuctoriiy aimerod, li e sthoen ii n yen soleiuniy ret apant tate swerk cf thie loi-c li his now aphucre. Vcryapprepniete etidreuisos wono thon doliveoite asinister and liugegutiess, flua for-mes' by11ev. NV. D. Baliontyneof etWuithy, Aatheuhatter iLy flou. J. Sunithi, B 'uvi-illo. Attha close cf tlue public seCu-iOs, thue uc-cniinisteî- nas ontutelta toenetrance oftthse vlimîîu-lî y Mu-. Edmundsoiî, (late Modes'-ater ot tne Sesbun oft Pirce MAlb3tj, %nhenec happy nelceo mas giv-en te Mr. Thomhy tIse eoigreautien ounuetiring. Mr.u Thonm

ciîtare ipun his nen fli et fuebeu«i iliencauraging prospocts, lu rcfcrcuuectea whioliit Me uidly hiaçluie. wilt sot ho dîsappeint.cd. 11e jucs eluowil great tiisiintorestetinessilrelinquisuing lis former chaieug, in wlîîel lilied tise clueoriog syumtilics of nul uttachotipeuple in i uiv ork, fur afiolwiuiclî diailàdmiieihard ivorI,anathLtaexorcise cf nulnis-tersai .quaiîues whtuviu many e 'xcelle t menýdo net pessesa, ant iun saiea phones do, nôtse much requiro. Aithuglu tha ceuse inPrince Albert anti Port Peu'-ny l yet xveaâk,tha rapîdly 'Mvreasiîg populatrin in thq -

letton place gives-4greundtiat hope tluçt eu-elong Mu-. Thiom i iiseo ",the wou-k et his

b lants. ostal>ljhsed;" antila-vaenample.renard bun uuy sacrifices -lie ics mata, liaccptiîug. tte vailt te islay thora ie"bannoin hi e naine of tlie LontI-Com.


Oïï the hast dix> cf thme ot year, n dopuita-tien consisting -of tlui Tnuistoas anti Ôther'-meimbers cfthue Tlsansesfou-d cugeutin

xviteà ou the pester, Bau. K. McDenaidlanti proete.à iriiitu tire folowng aet-tu-cie, accenipenieti xlth a puirso couiainxigneau-iy $1 80.1à

To Uihe11ev. K. McDonaldiininisten oftIse Themeefer nteguegtion, ci tlIsaPrese'Lytenian Churcli : To sîsber lu tisa Newý

'Yecr withî expressions of flsankfunmsýessfu- ais e plOcsing duty, but to e L éh.te

uceauipany tuosa cApressiuns xwitli aeuh-,btiutiai proet et gratitutia, anti te a Ix.ie-L

conscioasnesset o a wortlxy necipiant onwhtichî te bestena -a oc li thicnk.effcring,more pieaiug stilI. XVo tesire te prissentte yeoý'ur gu-tlatious cPQfl Vie fevutcabler.indications sî'iichi hasve attouded 1yoiuumin-istny liltixrto, anathle acnpuyugpiaas ail unist cf Our,- ipndciution, cf ýoui'faitlufulnegsin tIse tuOýi ftisa iuWstIanai a a prlctica1 -expression. et cekuâxlotainant,cf cuir obligations te tue Giveoiaul gooti, for thse degrceufpn5spauity s-ulil a'vuluafdteus ctiîi*tug thse iyoas-. TIset the New Yecu- xay hûaus goeu-euS 1,Dyeîon i hepurauuit oiyouir aiealling, anti more se iii uateriai prespencit

ant futm yhaplty natu-i. etoflueoosi1na-y greet yoIIu1uuu tisananuniens desireyour pcnîsiiionorg, towards younself. a

fcmuly. Signoti ci l chàait off-tueu con

,IAuss PATTREaS06i

in a sermn.ss spteacised, hjy flutiBox.Wilson, ef Kingstoni on' thuo-ocuue4ieuI-eo"19&i anva-ayÔ Iliu ir î4 'tdiatd or'

4rIuc1, stru ~P r-byltenim.Churlm,Novcrnbor., iL nec itctei that'during

10 yerà480. pousous nn tnitt ocoinsutnio, u g'u xhieus x'zt- vfàe-b

tuzeti byhini iuîn 'ny bot2 unj

or an aeruage peu- yoas' ef 24 .. tua

euxlce wiaemadi e tIse-ton ut é d,- tc-lat~lveyet*Il .1'ttwlls tcu

place, -kiaý l le w: rs epow 0îveeuae ai u- ogtes ÀR thé (uurt-

1'reent materiel irnuro*vexstnih*~ ~~ ~~~i .l~n ofrauiêd's

t- "~r'~-----------~--~- -I -' . --

-'~-~ Ž''

I ~ -~ s--'-~ '%t,' ~




~ (~


PRESBYT1'~1~IA.N COLLEGJ~ M 9w'riu~aw.

Page 6: 1~;~r · s 1~;~r s L2YJ~ ~LHS~W 1, lâ fft L93 luç u vojL 1. TORONTO, CANADA> FRIDAY, JANUARY -8. THfl OY WB.OH ~iX~9~IDA pnrîdcd ana OOUjCtu rit tltQnx fut thç And iIWOI5.Sithia


M ~ù1.1

-' ~ - -- M4"J5~Ç &Y~.------r'-.,- f -

~'. -, fr a~ I~7».

. *<3~2IW 43,ND ~.l$j~4.q

. 'yoracs 0, iQ~

~. 85; Roxn.~~. V~; I Juhw iii. Ifi; ~s

-iL 10. - Iù~ ~:t, IIqV.C.ont~o1 -Uat~. ai i~ brother is





-- s - --

- -~ - - - - -; Pt~-I%~$ ~-~t~[ê~ S]~Y~ÏA N.--

c#ed,"(r,");"-u Zinl!a 4ihe o doi-'

- ccan nanily fllow titiset llrIWC diridt i l ia tirea. part-, nir -hiclI te


- 8or-e97; Tliflloin« incas rappear lu

p otr-aN~ f Goti was eta blielied a(

ice. Tilt àeia a'f Ibis latter aite--wliielaièuttoa dklindt taI ana muloft ilîmsli

ho likely tla fat tpon-le net direcety mro-Goa îot latiiode, LI.elîytoacoiiitîg -naca

Ijor-b <l -a% onte ai is, Auiîtals ltoniauniaû t~e dl. If in saerificea, ticin sliusmatie intlagai-meuts uioy ireli stanîtoitau

L-tW1ietltOi Adamn sawiti or not-tts a sigu i tIe Co-erin, w tvahaain ougi the lt am

Iuamh Gchi-îstaaiiy accepte anly trianeiJaa~ J-doî-. zzie cpteti sacrifice, Pro.

bably :ie orticro, til, Seo hat12~1-coa-ised otdaevardly in egring Io

F d,)f cùùoulitis-ias itall, buitilias'a-ptr 'if it k lcat Nedt itatIle lins

lcd; -bliat lRe'isttachao-imi& ai -giving Ali.Adariaeh iîront-Goa, wlnt -Goti kepb, ondfou.-Ua-haraa-Ciiala oCod ?latwut Goti

gave .10 hlm. Giring ie ta hbon part nont-u:vïotal î ïl. BoeIiaUseda xir. 2; Ilob. xii.

- - 8~-1'1c hu Zirllcr nau girl seprtbd-uiffrritufrruis.Enci t e to

:ivltiGoti fa -hitiîsoif. Gain iras n fariner.-ýaîdtài a directei, (othîe ga-unti for lis

F t Loot ~iaptoi- i. 17, 18, 19, at ieadseau ntulr>asînil. Aii'sahal Ert aci

~-conuti: the bte ller, antatlIa-pres

-- ixgsveia not-different. çuui lIis accouaI sin--ply. - 'lu, Ofrfféi f iýCrc.i lc>iltcîuscVC3.

-~ Se-Piàw~xi.27. -

-Tieea lstalemou le t i taIItie fa-uits aithé ü1 1gro-il aîi danil . duly tatake b oGot ion

Sprsàt-in' ant ti i nipiy nny divinegridi rsiato bc pardonci; ýirhltih ienifan-

- - in oi-îllicunl liieaoait admissiona lItIlteeffet-diCserrcd d tial anti coulti oniy lira

-turètýiAUWsàérifide.'Titis je truc; buItire,'ati aiartua-nûflir liglt, bau rpcaiSueo

mare diitinctiy titan titi lte potsans tirai-- -- selvce. Thîre -yas enmtling an, Cain'e.

-àC1f ýililGoati dt oo bolîninit fa-oua-.Tuit-~i~s tfatlaAbcl hilnilf nia'*Iiicltlie1

tiitilook iniOurfbly. Sec "lho Cain ant isi

J) aauliiraieofféring, 'v,-4,:5..

Hcw,Gede'sitîot bile regard'-ta Abeol wcmay~iacrioujo non',.Anti ly fine fa-cm

héavcn is te- caumon gnose; but ire arenoaldi. Vo cln» canciva nofitilas bcbg

har-ce, oliecui o lie yaa- (Ginbraingeapl,cfrits or cn-a-,Ablthia fintharliaai

bita 'fiocb'mliclf lie bille anti offens, for ltaeli fIt -is meittiautit, as in Ien sacrifices.

-(4 Wh'aguaofGod's favaur aias iuielî-s-gli, ivhIàtoven ils ot-iMamy lia-vaelien, fanCala kNv ril, V.. 5, aund bile doîrnenel anti

*'angry look edet ls antgor- nt Goà, anti,*nryâfAbc1. Thtis was the Easternu anti isa iWn omon-iryofy ai boiing ill-tcxupea-.

(Site-Jobxixii. 24).

-G-od notices looks, tougît lie Gos e in-lents i itelheaurt, Ilwhii l Iy counten-

îCh-eo falien?2" lesecs ont- exprcssions oif- .fac, scoruu, an hale, orlilgitinose, onla-..*!eirencoe

-Hi anta nom givon any Seaiptune, anti

ho aiitatie Ius viii kaon in ca ii alter antifttim2g'aye. Sa lac akotiCala "%vly, &c.,"

Ï -. 5. Hô cri-csons critt liai, os mitîl aa a'nter Uie (les. i. 18, 19, 20,mbicit

sec, nti compare wîIli Cain's admonition.maýd c'Onditior.q)1Hie apponi respecets tira points-Cain's

alai~ng bafte<lt, an'a hile relation tOa'Abel. (1). Il fthalu tiesl ive], in lcarl anti,ife, citat,flot lIaou lie negrtetiashli is2

Bat if tItan -test Dal, Fin, or ils punirhulnoei-ôuchiee I Liîy deor, ma tglasprng au

-,,t- sl-tlotc.,Oquers laite ltisaslî -oa aia offcnîng miit lae nigitBut Itliiss-not ilte language liar

.for né offeaing at-aile for a mati con-gIn do rODg.ndtt as forn hune angor againet Abel,

tclet w-cit vili iloak up 10 thie Ila>il "er brothierlaote eIder; anti thon

aa ityp inca of cuput-ioa-îy. Se the9.Of AL desina "-iii.16.

r* bt-aItnsshtonîi Liooket up bo,o-tit leerv l li. itIlitougitGoti

*itiiIi -il wns all ianvain. Tue.ehi ta Lord sawin ]lis hcat alrcady,

easuig-liorcibraite out. Thtis

[ada-ie-aintoit lis brtîter ta proposetaI lta Froet cu ouncil shoula.hImii te fieldilItI i, nmay froun . guord eginsi lite pretonsians of the Polie,

ut aiant ncînlMý t or ilb way lite, :naîtinquira ita hequestion aiflte mth-àlltercalioniri it h ui, anti his evil draiai tua ieexequatur fron tlitePapal

àèting lta m.asle-y over lMi, bha: i{nica. Thue "I t dCatliolcie " of Gene-va,.1, .. c-f. Itb itate6ranti sicir liii, hin#ave tecitiet lIat, sitoniulte GrantCoun-

baile UL r&b-ohioa ii Itu1teýcil pneu abillion île nppaitnlcanbaipas-;îlîd- fli'e o ô is lthétho olni're b oa-s by hue Onoinues, au atemp2I wihl lbe

cory is ièpoeatinlanthlluor ay. mata e Wcloct Ialher liyacinîlas m- Cureo!fismgarict laonaito fera.TIc(Inova.

iltit C'o l ivo dcfiatdâ 'Abel kilts Lüi aition tae111e anovamooit lu Sitlzar-I tlti oéccasial i is f o e oligflon. mati%1ean iatcaesiigiact hat Uic Sonate.

iûtomanya-i6~ or nè-uu sftoifta,- Ruperto Carîillam Unwiverîy, nt,ëtizhîfor t!ii aller; anti lteé pon- Heclieng, ]lia aioweédtlima1101(l Catiolie"1

[catit bla.eoit Alel, anti canlytîtaiicaasPfcet-ceie toaéibr r healooicai

la' ipet sil us ra àin iiluCam. ou aIec"telrgy, l ut -dîiii l1ILS 4- aàtaieti,iion lioverna&nvthlimebljêct ofiongmnizingthto"Oiti Cabhilo"ê'piÂoencodieven thiaigli nia vuineatllronghitîtu le Grand -Dudhy ai

ci.~Y.13),-Doàutli'lna-i ne tiag;. Bde,'a£ic icknniodoge hlm Ïasl~' ~laâ wftnune- it Ii. a m Ieai. The pro!esso' paeuela expacleal

-~t ' -- - eer ia mt lbeaeflcial1And iaeotmg.

j1 te how, piiniaid., p bp"~.Y lrs's iiigacr

~com$ttwitil as<c ,~X tu lMAain

~)aeria ]~4t l~Jb a titji aad'fllyoit ut

eùt 4 af penitonco,gOtitiWrow, or atttie, a»s t hia li yiram4têaAt Fe. ilitby atqcéif oc.ly einhttorna

~tat ia*diatc ita êpi, autiý fon aof phliI

40 ol-o aJetaagyî~jlte Jutge.

Titoro i4 no-eviticiýce thilt Abtel rogsetc,onr oveitaro-onacltcdli himother'r illîhis dy-

1 iligbreatIi thishoo.-llllîîeaoinue3bluiocdiJ)i a4a e îifo, v. 10. lb iesiti-*ter-a Qanme ni det aBItyo-thVb act-yîlot ronchon G(bd'a tliiaua 1«

Jtutong uîany oller bessons la liiilearneti

(1) The'ireyaogrcs# nj sin ironi fateor laBon. Cain lsltAan' m .SinagRinttGoa ade bsBiclln g ainstie na ather. SOCils Prî-gr cin anchon, wsil-worsl, auvy,unger, mude1

Bowae nib~gn ifts Course. strivoagintla tcpen, anvy, rerenge, passion.

nain alqnarraCi w.l îybrolleora andti s-lor, ln'nili l ie tory conces Iltlîybror,Il hs lirutlier."

(2) ifs i7lexeiusablen>ils. Thiey -troe tboys, but men. Titis casant occurretil irentlity bud tanty brothieru andi sisiere, anti nodauhi Ibey again hant chilidran, for Caai n ys

Iltaey ltat idme a ltal elay xMO."'AntiGati hadl irnictiCain.

(B) Sin andd auiecry go 7&lsd in haad.Tlue frst famiiy in sorroîr-ta fit-st deatiza, mut-te. Passion blackening lte face,

spil ig tle life, tlia prnmptcug ta blond-siiena . linagiat er's feelings 1 11cr Cain

lier possessian--coina la Ibhis t(4) Il lu mat enongi thiat-tû a is religion.

Caanland, 19 it oainterighît kirtil'.1Vhatare W in uott-selvct-e? Lika wickstd Gain orIIrigliteous Abol?" Seo Malt. xxii. 835.liat aree coffeailig 2 lIon da Wregan"rd

ont- broîta-en 2 Are wo iweliing lun'love


Inl faveur aiflte use ai l ile as a,reaciing-book ia sceooie, ProfeserHuxleygives bile lestimaiiy ia langunge nf iuaamiarnitlt. rici May surprise titoseofailisca-itieswho accusa lxitai ai tiscarciing lthe ne-iginaîs sn111atalaoita. hIIavo ai-

îvaye been slrangly lit invour ai seonian alla.cationa, la bhe sauce ni etication miitanuttîieolog; but 1 muet canfass Ilave bieuno:l(s, serisly poet-eet to kaaow by irhapracéticai menasures tlhq religious feing,wrbicît le lte esseubmai basis nf cnnduct, le talie kepî up, la tle Jrosent nllorly chaoticebale ai opinion an lteose imaltera, ivitîtoutlte tise.cf lte Bible. Tha pagan maraliesiack lite anti colour, anti aveui île nobleSloic, !Marcus Anlonitis, îa tone igaand rt-fineti farn onntiary ciild 1i,'Take Ilie Biblens a mlaolo; nmbke the ecreres et tctcions-whlîi fair criticisin eau dictate for slotb

connsanti positive errai-a (sic.;) euimiuale,as e-nsibie loy teacîtor wouhd do, if loft laiiuseli, mail tînt it le ualtiesîmablo for cl-

timon ýta nccapy thiecvel ivitlit-ntd lterastli rername lu intis olti litorature a vast ne-situe oi moral beauty andtai aneur. Allaithonî considor lte great hielarical Lat, ltaI,ifor thrce ceal*unies, tle bklin(ls L'eaumoren

int tli leoaiail tînt is basanti uoblesblu Englielli istaa-y; tîtitlitas liccote ltenational epic n i rtaiii, andtislefantilian, 1anoble anti simple, irom Joian-a-Groaa'sousela Land's Enti, as Dacîta an.d -Tassa moreance la lte Italens; titat ib is witn in lultenabiestýanti put-est Enghîshi, andaboasintîinexquisile licauties oai mna i iterary forra;anud, flliy, tint il fat-bide lia vot-leet binti

Whto naver leit ins village ta laa ignorant nilto eexistence a lof tCr çaulrîesanti otiarcivilizaions, andfti agî-eat pa.-it, elritlingbiahtla the fartîtest limlite niflte oldest na-jtions in tue mot-Id. By lte cinudy oai mitIallier- baok conula childa-on lie 6o machli hu-Manizotiantiadmatie ta 10e1 lIt acdi liguro e

in Liant biieorical procession tilbia, ilit bietuselves, but a maontary epace lltae intsir-1val bulmoon lira entrie; anti canna lteblessitiga or theo urses ai ail lime, according-la ite effort ta do gond ant iite le1, avenni lhîey aiearoeaeran iacthinpayanant fan

bluein îvork."--ý. Y.Tribtune.9


LaIe intelligence froin Sitlzerland lni-cotes ltaI the maremene againstetIin l-ialiibiity" dogmna, le gining ebreugth anti

'colierance titrougitout Ihat repuhhlo. 0Inuai.mnost veîy district, ai impor-tance LiboralCatholie socielies arace ithÎr in c-kisteiaco orla procces ni formattitn. The Caliohlo par.isi lof Aarau, ini a barge nssembly,lins ununinaôushy resolveti uat le recognîzo ltio o.l

ai, ntlie parisu of Ober-Mup, in utho-cautan of Mangan, lias expressot i le

idioresolubian. It is ae aiea Unit nIltaegrenIer part ai the population o!flthe cantonilni Lucarne bave jainctho île uiCîlalsA Bernaeîc',ectramiclaIes thaite o n

________ u~>z~y~17,~ a87a

T ~ aat-oli r 4 ttlq's sng.J)Qtter arce)U a,,i aotai,

'Xlmmt tttitag wtti a bli,:

<urael)ti iilo tz gengîit.

W'ho hiloe llalt tlneWVlen l btrics ton sean te lly;

Folk& ta-a sira W tuiblîi'iWiotaihey cliatitors ltiî.

ArQ sure t lu oie t 'alt;;Coo a-ci, aia iy bttnte,

Ct-ec, tufaru yan gUtE-


i aaming lë;aataado, andi a ivel il eicaîtidboy wili flin ltefat-m tan ampla e ltifonlte uxet ciea --i ait ltLs ieullies. ne %mmliSIndy lte expet-ieîîeo oni telhilgetl traorsirelilieo iili sec a prend in lthe ngticullnî-aljonua(1,iatlie tril in fati ntpie foodi for

tlgitughviilo oiagod lanlais diffa, n thiaPat ar Ft-i iîîg ou.ht nat, imut etn, in

titis n(lttuaced -ago, bho Ietai ehoa abuin-tirnun ibusines, aeqnitztli ntiai, io alun-iug for A utigîor lelIf.Taerailleducaîti

mind muet direct lte lobons oi tIr liantant e inlte sons oai Ilîouax.ni viii lakalitepoqilions titat Goti altid nature înaoulct foi-

thoraa. Theoutovernaîte ai colleces la adn-ente tho itranr-lo givo hm lid t tdu-cationItoie etis-is ca featuir ai oftito bines.lbtloties gond ta tito tai ltao tauttetilaraw anti liard lianti.

A meent avant la aur cîty hies stronglycdapr so vith bte it ralound i jaagmoeiit

ani uagynparonie lit giviatg lîiîeo 81AeinerhanicaIl t-ados. Nnnw, mequiretilta inairelthe s!nttggioof ai le olotte, vitit tioli-bradeslbey gn fat-ti mtalte warid -citli a fceingni indepetatieucoltat ent-res auccess.

Whaaulte sans ni atîar parents, bon procitta secutre thoir boys tî-ndcs--who ivnidVaaea-r ta sec ltaont ctttiaf tape, onrireigi-

ng ottitter-ara lui tiwao rilhiout cru-pbymentb-toa froqitently ioafing la sa-'otasant i dreti, pinces, Itoîr tili bteoy

lainata hoinfatuation ni thii i.sjuiltiggp a t-ente iWiîo titoso youctr mon ivio, oit-,ouitetak up te Sa ir a t e ianoti,anth sle uetge,oecuroci ta tleoies valu.able brades, itllriscnt up tlioin tearts nflien-tl, tîtinli of thitir paretats andti Ullîembiesseti

" "Y s"i1 t ati y r ai y nu îlî a re i on t ie ti d ta

fit rn ia-yaur mannhîood-Io fmityen tababa lotita oplatcs aifltose imeut noir paseing

before you., amiirbose.o- ltaîers raem tItI6groat supaa-stl-uctuýe of civil'zoti anti christ-inîtîzet Society. \Viii yn îby Iia-aming lteynke in yonr yonlî, iîi you b îp-rn

lu aiys mare itbuàbie ta yo ltait ltericitet, tiioui-fit yourscîivos for limeperformnance aiflte carnesî dutice îlichivibi cnlo upon you,mas you eonit uettlaitenp ltaetsrnggle 'a ife niono ?-P>acifie



anunry-. ,yOaxTO»», D.D.

I sonielimes licar lb saiti, "Sucli a youtag-man le ekotical," an, Iliao le lrying ta boefi infidel.

I inquit-c, Il VAe bue0instructeti in religiontriton a ciltiV"

Yclie lînti a rty iaillaiul, pionsnmotior."

"lTitan I atnetual vorriet abaut li; ha,ivili conte cli nigil ia ercilong."

Anti80Sa ucit nuahiy do. Tlîoy areiteltihy naseen corde, anti cannot break aîray.Thorae le a veny iise pet-lo t ht ble ifoevea-y yotîng macn, irlîcu lia Ilkuows ailabout il," anti, bnking coutiseiof lits aralient-t, is 17cady la beliloe as mrach or as;bibI e as lie pleases. But I1ihava been ain.azati ant iltiiglite t t<asec itan'easy il isfor Got t ako ecai lu lis mruaad, antiiîring liaemnt a n liescira liglit. Iharaiabeiy litid sucit a yoaang friand, mh iteItttIac mcii consacience ta fuel easy wirlenaglectiîag htis eoenai intereste, anti yetinveti ci. a.ao trota yiit i lelielitItereasotIcotaviciti,onaaven tl hve.]Butaneday I sir lie iras inu bube-tiisîrcss-andyet %ras lryiîag la couceai it, anti eînt laiet'oul mîay frot lte iglis. Su I saiu la hum,ILook hIore, George; liaea s somnallîng

irhici a friand Itas sontraI efrom Cml-itirnia."',"Wiîlili? Itlboits c117inus."di P le te homne aifltae rap-daen spider.

Non',us -1c1eaminia i ercisa alump aithe yelan' enil ai Galifottttmcenteuttetita-goter, so lIatIt ailauieros firanly. leWaboaut aigit indhes long antitt-ec iiituante-ter. You Seoocthlitabottant it 0Siiken bal,thtaï ]longs tio'rn. rTahaut is lte borne ailta >spider. But lookt cft-ciuii 3' a I le top.Yeu se c ,cuirartop pet-hapeblîce a on-lot-s ofalanmcii net-ose it. Yeusoa olîcîîbutý luis caveretd top. N .1',rtîtlt anof iny bniio just arise tIstislô. Il linane"llt;it*o ndul its- tha'-rn an snlugly1tlaItyeunmotit .novoer i-tati ilcould

tlbuiobtà fÛ Qnd, I»k the Fpiiior,[da iodot 9Mand ld 0 o tiinli

I tonyoiu~bîni ilcaikwr il. l'; cdltaI.yen are, i a illthra »U itta ifoi-the pro.

Renit to rematin. 33n1t théce i4 a pû *cr1fûllian l ilaI iù digging clown bolow âl ihis,

Rat wil 0on, X do0 betiove, lift yaut andiyali vetreal ît,Ut. %th le ligllt."

IlTîtoto jq nattier roeoblatice. 'rîttetî-ap-dlor siiidoi' b vory poicoous ilu hiebite, but )aéi;poawels vwlicîit Aaîuha-ttakaen bis strong.ltl. ,$0So yt n vali lpoisanaus amng y011r edrIpittunOII ant tIboys ewha are inoking 11i> ta you chcîuid N'oneonimnicate ynr tliins. litit God wonti«,t Y"",. Re opeils your enceta ltîu.,anli l Ide syon ME lb landi, alid )lae ontlot ynolis!on otlie-s."

"O , air, 1 où it, 1 Eue il ifl 1 ani hollirustt laio lent-s; his lheart waq solteuled, lifrelugo wag gono, andtti tite' lie trtip-donrSpider proaclivrd a serlnolimore poweriultitan I cotîld (do. 1 eiîaii kccp lte sPitar'ahaone, anti wi nonws 110w nally sermonsit milv ydc4-acli. AUwho soc '- pr-

nomncoI il awontlcr, and isa ig the hiîing.place uinte sinner's lent ba wonider; but agrûater wonlor far l ia nae mrvy whioi canopen il, anti pour it il tha banuie thatcoic froua Illa Liglit of the worldi-8$. S.2'îaîws.


At Vlitenat of the Scollilit reformeraRtandl Archilialti Camîpbell, Marquis of Ar-gyle. sgr'ilîprteîetcpiyafis l ife, and the ardur of ]lis zeai liat

made hMinthoe hief agent inu.ail the relig-ions changes ltat il apsBed overlbiecelin-trv iiîce bte fanos rising ai 1667 ; iE

sAoîlarsiîip iras cotasidorabia, ltifi courage,thougli sonictimer îvavarirg, tatI allen licoudieplayoti inthe ltIbd as ivelt as in concacil;hie territorice lînti becil at-age(l Iy bte pre.datory bands if Montrose andthetua Imielin.

vadrs Yt ilioyaiby 10 Chaarles Il. liatibiout as conispicuions as laisý pialus %cal, andi

wion tle youffiful prinîce iras prnôlaicncdking aI Scono, the Marquis oi Argyla Itiplacedl ltae croîvo upon hie hboad. wVhouCharces inas dri-on Irain Sclai, hie ne-knowèedgod lthe facîittl servicesuf lte nmar-

utis, aciilpt*onised, anttlie woru oi*a king,liat,,gligttild lie cicrboarestoroi1hlte )istiroîco,lie Nvouid repay mii gratitude lte faxvourslieha lîrocoivectatdIthe large anme afi cuancyfor vhticli lie iras itîtiobtotilta Argylo. TheRostoration came. Chancit iras King aiEtiglatid. Oneaofilise arlicat actesiras todirect lte Ltuai andi execcition oai lais -beîle.factor. Mie ia-thiess Stuart roinemlierodlthe bniti irrds tain -hteh Al-gyla lînti ru-

pi-oved 1-ii vice;Jiu reolved ta eti- ce downItle moit poworiail oniet Scollîsi Prceby-terinnti, anti iitirta eilsdutui I' i te unctus.

pcctig clnt-ci. 'Pinarquiq,wio liaci gonelup bo Lonitti, iliReoa isgiviiigs, tairelconto Iis eariy irienti antdeîeegaat once tltrown iut ltae Tuwcr. lHa masaiterwvard saont ta Scotiaîad,,atidci cafinetouiitae caînin npirion aI Etalblurgit. 11irascondoettd Ia.ie. opîîrtctlfroi'chilusfaiblîful ivife wirii irids oi rosignaloa. "I

couiti die,'? iesaitil "Iikc a Roana; Imeuitrallier dia like a Clînistii." le put ounlais

htt andi claak, anti folbowcl bysoveral noble.mna anti iri6nc1R iant clown lthe ebroot andtwibhi groal eorcuity Maunited lthe scaflolti.

la knolcl d cwn), ho prayoci, gavaelthn sig-nai, andti is hieatias severeti fiom iis-botly.IL je easyta caticeiv ivi itht iiligaiatiibtîanti whtat grieflte ScatliCoveiuatiti-e bu-lielto ie of thite vise and oicîaroue Ar.gyle, the fulrtmar-Ltr aiflte noirperrsecu.lion ; lior coulic prositytor or layiîa t atîylnger dlubtthaI lie unsraitîg lyrntiîoRal on lthe Engluirlui lrono blail resoiredtu ti epny îviti no ss bitter ingratitcla ltaeeai-ly devociaitnioftha Scottîit Gliaurclà.-P-inal"The Sccttisla Coveiitnbers," l'y Eu.

anisc LAteNmrisn aIfIarlpcr's Magazinte forDecceiiiber.


Observaelion'seoif- iportane makes amian nobaciy and ti tuîicaiîîy3. olia ti jeai-irays thinkiano iiueowiiexceleces rend.ersbîiinsaif thiîey îflt tlu oty bte otai aIliers, andi is proue ta iinaiî'efliatùary tîkeui af affctin agiven b aathe lesan mnt offored la hantar'lf. Heaiceoi llnncily, sensitive, irritable and euvions.nie taklinon orice îvhie n ne is meant,anti aven -vlien ttosa oarountl hit nare 11altiiîîm of ai m at ali lie lîtborprota titeoirconcluct as if il mvore ebuclinusiy cliqceur-Locus, tnl goos thrraugh .111e world fimart.in- fi-arn wnundea wlicii Juavae prutig tnt ruomacli fraîn nogicl ai otie-e as irorn ies

oîvm avcrwoaing soli-caneoil.Tiere isno curer way tla nnku, ontils

mîsorablo than la ttiak a( ou.so!vés nmoreIligiiy thai me otiglît latuiîliik. Lb i.461 tes.

ui irom, all about lns. IL culs i's nil alikafroin humait syutnpatliy anti Divine asciest-ance. IL mnakei s n-ipr etInlaci's iMth ecir

liaîdB a aeveryinan, anti ery anai'ehaiapp ýarenitiy -aaintt ns. Lb givr.,janciced liuÔo tjeIlia bltavour ofïtioso.'

Whoa, su "afri uin aaiîgludo cvii frolùn.us, liavo kon.' boit itêarosts atI huat, àtitlave tas wtl nSf erifti g'affection.-Tuie,ruati) wliolias a a ii cl about JMin, no naIt-

anplieci cOlourcl ieis coiue mb afshiOn. tis A rchcpycllowý, and 11w ,iurfeco leiilighltiý frostea ; in faot it in to P1Rin geaWllat tijped tld tI1AC~jcIU(reabrasa i6 ta thoeOrigiui article. On acouti Of tho gorge-

ans appoaranco it pr-osonitR it commaigroat lavori nthe M»Iakot, esp6cially as thenation in pflbttN Proviuet fthatolourecilgolcil muqt iucceearcly ho pure, or lit leustof very gond quîility. Pojînitir opinion iariglit for Olice, ana, enuai nuh bothoi tlieso alterntatives are tiue). Thoe qua litymust bce got to bogin wibhi, audt1ic surfacewhieh uM. lits tho oye is Por-fectly pure. 11,11nrocees of Yprndnlcilug What is Callodl color isvoi-Y simiple,ana is ceftcaly Identical withthat ofI uldipnig' in bras.4 vork. niVeartiecles wlie.i t3lieti arc iimmorso lainnbathnifinuriatic Acid, wich Data aw4y fthuallo , anil ba-ves a biîin crust of gaîtuino

gnd.oyfiuiy gramitàin d utexo, t-,Andit8 natioralcoior hiihlted by the clisposi-tien ofIfs particies. If tuec quality woeerton low, bte largo qtulaltity of base mtal~or afloy Llhat %'ouid wla an a-way by theacid, wouid a a ue flid la ina 0;eycomlirdate, bsides destroyiug the structure ofth wrk ,;11o gelais thcreforgr ubjectocl tathiR ;ioesLstitat 15 not at beast ffteon-carat

crpatod l n trflado liy tho introffluctit n oftitis metiocl,antu thibnaf abturors.oi cotor.i edjvwelry are. considored tb follow a dis-tînct braviliigiier thi tat followocl liylte maker-3 of plain golti wurk, whlacnaylin of any standard, dowui to nonao-at aIl."CasscZZ's '1echndcal Bdiccator.


To go witli coid feot is ta erditnluitieconstitution anti this lhall of tho wonanti girls ara doing. Tholiy liv a ha>bit ofcolti fect, andi an accnmacîylug habit nfi il-

are nt vwL' ilshionable. Onc un ectuuîtrygirl iras it ta o c arricti nutil [;ie adkncitler pilla w case ful ni stnckiugs9, but it le'lnt so12W Do. 1 (1do nregret that les lihalctitting il eton now titan fornîeiy, but1hlpe ivo shitlil aot'givo n pverîtu wonllenetochicigs for iiwme n t r ii voecaui ropiacotthecai tit sofiotiiiig botter. Morillo, orcomcmon " bouigliteit" îhito vool Eetoreirge,

-irc rallier itlin, but saine ai us suppleinenttîtoin %with ailn aitional pair ni etockînige,îvoaring thetoatt or the ircaicu pair stextthe f0et as iuidiVidnUalS Profor.' Copld footarc ollen causoti, aç lbncI iu part, by tonlight elasticà ôor bauds naI 11w topsaiofthe8etneking, o r by tiglit sijocq, nri- y ehacs

ighl i t nices. T'i'ho interfère wilhthe circulalt ifte blood, ana ltheraceauflot lie a confortabia degrec of îvanmlhwitlînat a gond ,circuletion Antd iratînn aof,lIe bloop. Mxy ladstsan lai tis inatter

camne froinbalîy's exporioa ast 8 ep tom-ber. Sundeniy slIc cantriotûdt a b it afliaving calti fect, anti wlîen i ,vaimedl!aecnmtho Fidn ecentetil hard andi inécia.cgotiiig tho'0 neti a, bath, irlien alhaalh dia nats t cessary except for tho foot. t

Icugtli it occurroti lai m it lier Ilankbe-tics liad liea n ou loose, nijus;tîtofnoewcame lhomno froni aur it a yong ladycousin lhatiset Élie buttons haolt farter, te

ffinko ile elippers rlQy on botter. Eversilce lIai chango tho telippêr-sbritps liaii

licou10tagl arnutid lier aukies, especiai-iv aiter I pit on *wtvohîn ettachings. Ichangcdea ulîitn ' i gain, andtietr foot neýlnger gaI cciii, exe«cpt iti cousequence af.acttual rigors o nieeihocniato. Soute wall.informoti poreens abject toC. cagrece gariters,the Plarties are ncuaiiy $0 firin anta closeabolit the anicle. Only %-,,ry basao gai-torsarao allowable, ant iesa rnay Dot lbe neces-sary wiou tho Steecings arc worn over

uncr.rawrs. GarterA lu tha shape aofrtrapa ibtaoning to bath ivaist and stock.

i»Rwt are nMost sensible for wamnie as WOeUas cîtilllren.


1 hile teata-n stockug,-h ut ennîcîla-octhce l10icolsaiMy hîîsbanci's Ebehes givo îrayifore hie miouliboots lu sitchaa chacking

naîtuner t I li Ilna lient t la iia-tnaoltsir repai-, anadi ias foin b pt-vide newsnobks mtent. Thao llols aiptsaIliniaitrlierong cmiii, Oncé e, liro -theo Din

cut inaiiy aiffoa-ner's Ilsboga" boots, Ithoulzl il tenn'alsh tatn < lie hictls with

dloubla yarnlirol*fia socls. Inspepocft-ven lIe'linin-t bte liols %vitîtiail mont- onttan cnan, anti a dav cameipn in at-v che-iag.Iiag iras no Ic'tagot a plenal- , liai mata rophiicîi la mé, ant I trt-(ari1 nothaingmore lia» Vie cal! fov cn soclus,

One ni gm, %trIetho Iababy irs etlessantd prero«etuv ys1leepia, glil limita tap-fon anyat, l(,Eit-cita.1 I mac impatienîtfo nntig to daîrît and tia- ltaecanilicat

catrient nmoment 1'qnt fdoirjoi aieîlloa scir iîha llnnetas gntns air." 1rq"k sala-ong cloii, noir deuni, ihickory,

da-I liling, or diuckixl, anti cul ént liéeds langeanngli ta caver ail lbie maggcd potunîtof

ittaeci.eI Al il is raggcilt 1ciaet,away, a nat allthe noir licolse ludoubla, thaantan cioth being lt-e- umltalimer i

nr.et-titt lter nigît li tiènoliuffiiicr placôm-viétheanom licols jo«nicl n oit Ie nizsche.T iiarnedin- lt ofttia ieiteaiter-liéil ntiltenmed-thccaî dai ntàflý, but litaie tîtor

clAii 1 only ci-ns-stitchidou. Il aIl look-lînliilttia time, ntn-aîrchii it i

'iiid 1 ktit inuar.lîilsas ainkaittens do, â at-i tînî lin clatth l ls m11i

ment- muhiiPe- n tne 6f hiten titîublec MhI)h liai-rumorti ot yrt, I- (1p aal-d'aiit at mnaiiy tncandmn a iia entant wo

long ag, l biaIt nlto failedti prepeirt 4il fuirteliùtof tl r îleei-' i-, i iacingda-oea-a

oînanifînune 3 s'qt-coaWkà io~Lt-cat

.bor uatllîli) cui taîk w1ith Gçd-aIt >1à'amne lime in luis hieitrt. --

do.eRatteieuB'ttlui*tii imi»,~tir-avbtta~'àhop maJèUe"'

'l'; -

el . 12 -

Page 7: 1~;~r · s 1~;~r s L2YJ~ ~LHS~W 1, lâ fft L93 luç u vojL 1. TORONTO, CANADA> FRIDAY, JANUARY -8. THfl OY WB.OH ~iX~9~IDA pnrîdcd ana OOUjCtu rit tltQnx fut thç And iIWOI5.Sithia

JBnMua*y l', 2618. BuFrm~ ÀIU~RWÀW ~

13i441a 14410 cfr114414iot, dîî11ng 114. coin- 2 Au.î.j

insycer. issâd ta th. ,sud bobml4i au4 toilow- .14Lg 14botaik4. 44'4 i1 0441.A10,8 M4.

For4 10 14441.41441direct 040, Wb Winitu

Fur 42 401.4crit4144 su14el;1. 44. wiii4toguliau404414 deyJ 01.ok. .. wNM 4.. 41-- 41ie 40'44740444 441acill1.i. Word.41 41.

For 404.1444844401. b 1400. W1, wd41 fu.4.4g11 au4 îýlusto *11401 1,.48081144 set,

For 40 s1411wI.4 m 4. mi 4w $09 v gil fur.elle au44 144cgaîîî I4411.o, (IocI, %tor14 M2.For 90 euI.hnirN. ê.m4 ni40.r. w. n lfu.

41>41.4 a4.144 1'I...4.. !4~I. T.-. I4117440.woae'. fou.

For ou am41miI.o MW. 4I*I, va wOl jete.biais au Ellooio Olives.,..o % lm 4444y) coin.1.4414444204, wvorgI h 1,

À.Y 3*1414.44 Wo..-1 %.i-hÙîg tN .'.314o444

Fer 4 subsor.44...e 68.4 444 ¶011 ili4.1181

Iàbrary .4y44, u-rtI11 et ..ForO9 auIoix,. st.. .14,ý jet wo4 vl al

a4 Library lt. toi ,.l.4 I, ,ohrwy.aestylo, wloLj.44

For le imb14.oe14r I04q4 1444r14 44.tl144ri50 volt. I& kc4t luti.la. 4111444 l4brq,vori. 69.9m.

Fpor 12 aoonorl*m iedI que 42 wl folt.ndaitthe011 114144.441.7 I .il0Ory ing44411 30.00

For M8 publor. senti towb4 Wgg Win44114414 aIl4..4 0r.11, *4444

W.g désoir. 4. ,,44. «s. 14.> 410 outi irsOoV&Mus 444.440 l'.-jo r. .%joli o,4Ir trmpt-Ing iîuduo..nrslt..

For 4441.l414rril. Atr.1. %,«ti.. 48.4> ftomi.4îCh4mbW Lîl.rarj -- l ml~i )40 44or" 7008. 030414. w4014, .l4

For 7 vuêoisie 1N ollS 14,. e.81 worn l11lChambor.' 1*bmr)y #-.. l'on8

people, IIIvo048., 0lo111, v.o44 40,414,,

boisés0 v4 401>0.

F013441114.4940.408.sud %4 %m w434 foroieilob« cote for 41. -Jro ,, . 441îî'.4mtr.l viUîcau4m14lî. . - rii. tel.

Ferd 4 oàrfflvw. -ý1wI '4m. w<' vl foinl.14,

Dl 1. 11414 i f.'> u .ier 194-oê.Ion.

Fe , wo0 m 344,444, wil or

Sla ilo y rn.i .Bible î 4.404.*

F.w 13 mubor.41.-. 4112101vi 0

M0 ogvmving.. i.. il. 4944,14.

For 30 mi4..4.4o.r.j pist' 40. ', Win &14 r.

ea otm An> .Il. i,l& o 11.00l

1v 44413 woII nv4.41.4for

00.4 .411sII W4.4'. imm¶'430

Fuir 20 b8lw0g4401 owl #14. wu Wi1n fur.

For Do84.'4 .' 84 '44181. s;8.sein4fie.

0a"1 lé.100 ilio104.. w..14m $40.For Bc ub..4.. I 74wol(il4

voeU. $17.414.For Ion rig11.40 t 441 s4141. sr 1.43 loe

f.4u a bât i.I' 44-41 I4,44.o424 30all. 'at.

For 130 a1.ro und m..440. %vin lfier..14.14 a gooll,....on'o GléhI. l404444.44 lYnîi,

1B4B4 1-YI. 1uu.4& £448, worti 147-1

GRnslIrnu' Murdo

14844 .3.4 1.4.4. 84u4.'m4

1. .........0.4 .4 4.41 8.1 r

~~43Deai ......... y14."40le41 .41, if14414414'4 ........4.4O 0.4.AI4 cetlas

a304044*%Ma 4444L4Y.

e.v.4 1. ru. U.14a.4 .1. le &0

Lie14 .1 1 34 ... ..

148414 .. 41441. 51a . ........ ...

4441144v. 111 1L.

u ai 04* 4808 dom 5o3ot8 of 104 444703 .

0..84410 1 , . .~ ý

THIS DAY PUBLISHED,2'Ar c.a ... a Eio î, 4.4140. 44

11GW 1 FOURD LIVINCSTOME.Teilé 1% lo j> Mp ffl.. &4 p.è 441..,.

et,.40 .. ,44. 4è. - 444.8

*FGo jot-e orgies le Logual Apel.0.



114414400I..I 44. lori. ti. (md..4 et sui1 -16 eN. 8.l 84. 4,141.. UA441..11440Dàmkbg , so.4.41..1 é- 83bu4W4>- 4.41.14 .4.40.4

(Cs-" MÂ U L4 le.1,46 PÂNl Oqeu1444. .4,1 4.1 .11144y14441.


Vosl. = 10hr%.4.416.tuIM. t et là* FM ..

14W4.44.3fru0it 148.00.My

084,4,144,1448114.8 or I"l884414114

tgbo..4. J1 .

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4ou- &.-At Rites.a 4 ¶4.84<el corts m u W

a11 Km cosete m.1Mol4I'D= . il .41..1 1401Ou.4 471

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>pîrfl ~. Ire

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lor,- u - t là; Id 41 .. 'o41 3

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soi, Ws4. U.kq.44 D. fiai4.. N .......

t10037$i144 et4 W«. 4 ... j a. rosir.etit,.4... 4 p14048.48


Goal & Wood Merchant04311lo 4180118 gea Quile sboiga.



Tolu AL034144 .- "4.1 ti441 .8 --

W -ro~ " R e-" Im-oi b . e lHarper'i ]Bazar. C"W 44IW&tltlc

bmdm4... ou d.y- i,1 flyà os

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x0gbbwt4. Wb.4. "p4 et. 4

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s .. -t li IIIII el. t87


N 4bb toi8, ls.voploisa.e MW 44.4 ot .t4 1

Tmoe tblte Iuptrs.14 4.04 tel8 rigollut 46 g . 1.0841 e 0. = 1 3. ¶.4

l t t=.

lubtrtm 'hiaUa laehy

0441W1C44411400.333loisuir4.014.4411.W M U 314...4. W 0&b'u-*fl n lr.ui wu1808 v- wké' 1~in!f B&êii.

* -%4".'kamikol4.140o.4444Ojî maMd1.

JÂMES su-TON à 00., Pb11o.

t1nqueoo41Wj14 the0 14.41 .. 1*184 wor414118.44444 le 41wWorM.."


mots, »14 . -t.. pq84rI .044-6i11.44044 1-14 4-u ti *Mt1 t. 2Z.1. 44..4 W. W les,10. e.O.I m- s, ».0 lb, V>41441.q. 1.4 '14 .444. .40184141

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BU .4MIM" m3- Ç _1s,4 si4 01.&.4 pu a U14et8441o

e RVERE BOCSE.IN9020* 144103.04&Mt0

4 1. ST. LAWERENCE 1ALl4la11401 8.0414411.84 ST. JAMES STRBET,

1441Lon -WUakd We.148 4 .

3.4.i.o14t.48.18. au 4844144 ër100148.43.

Ptbu --- W l *Ibggutw t44 ST. CLOUD RoL4T4L,

-. 6u . -, .. i = R.AND JIROVUIERS,

4m0Isu *»»vàV AND4 Md. greusse Trocoo Tom

PATENTS. . la .o~ 84.4v t. 144.840* .%. oe

-W Mdoustw osr 0 N Il i

Y4Ni ba 4 4 ~4.4,bm.l4

1414410" lie41484 bz lm .440.8. 44.4

0814084..~~~-gi àà 4Nuqi41tn~>.]loisibles.-4

UZOfflVRR Ob AýL $%6b4.410.440? 0440100. 1'aauto">d~

au .~L ff8.U8l4. ýf=:4

l «ý 7

T wR, AND TIiIRc8or rues


la8s 40 bit 8.11448.1 14 l441141 o u itqo

jUST REUEl VEI>1411.1 Or ~1. tu1801


Nogub -cep4.8 41 s4. ta4.68 u..4u3&O ,444 .404 -l. 414 *.1se4,144

.3.41.14144140LM.4.0.. -m'sa tisu b. . %W

NREADY,IorE 9".1010111 0121400zIl u1w


se = t e. - f4%1 44441ilad

m'Won ussuh* tl!a";na

bol, 4014a à@*" Io *8h

S . 8484.08. 48 44*14WLOI." il. 'X. Gemoaba

fiui I&14.

bu .LI mm. SamIn zlu»M ou".34uI d31 a

U0484..80 lo . 4sfi .. 440 .4141,034 74.0.40,4.4 M1

1 0

0.n 14444. tosi lt . e.b

413¶OU4Lff mm4. 8 4


mm L.014418.

WALE #d ToeêP o .='ë Téléa" lm .


g8 ~ 30416.. test8.~, 84.o t soir


Page 8: 1~;~r · s 1~;~r s L2YJ~ ~LHS~W 1, lâ fft L93 luç u vojL 1. TORONTO, CANADA> FRIDAY, JANUARY -8. THfl OY WB.OH ~iX~9~IDA pnrîdcd ana OOUjCtu rit tltQnx fut thç And iIWOI5.Sithia

s Jiinnâry i7 88- -----.. - .- -- '-w - -- - ~ -. -- -~ .. - -- .~ - ,. ~-.------- 'r.-.--..-e.-..-~- ... ~ .. - ____________

M t.. FobRrDai obtr1u ta4-

'A 4 41 igeî s , jtug r i th 51111.

Rv.. iittJtj;t' et- et..oaj WAlliotos Ww.euch


Waft itmlaci,.tr oric(o of titx rntthiqairieiet: 1ou Mtti 'Taching fa-L'a4.Ld~e

w1toro no tn b cu eood.'

ALlCer.¶l1wr OR lmrt MIfIÇl F T114 CANA.DA

f3g1aT.ailit eif- f $~fÔ oratiiluno wltli $100fot t #11,vILiog oxpouses te> the ibIdà o1 labour.

Ap Ue t--,i!l rolvù fuill,ft iularu ou Coin

* or tho Convoiir v1 the Iloino mission comngtýo,





**Thi;Ilialuo has hithierto biem ltsurl iuder theWORDS FOR TUIE YOUNG~." Te

maurk thé Important elianges and lmprovoiments %iltchJm.ve becn iitrudurrd, f h lie been thouglit ivell te alterhe rimo te tlie simpler and pitier one givra abovo.

GoOD Toiizi %vii uddt-w ltsett.to the young of ail âges,Irom the little begilnnor, %vite can.just read a-picturo, tehe big boyasand girls %sohoatudy rit the duki or.sbout ln,the playgrounul 1 and! se onwyardo.ùptD the.výeterali wluo,after ait tjîel learrntug tern tû the cildren for a rmi-oer.wtsdom, and! alter all their wotk, att lit theo alady corner

ýandielY thuodt ea;over aan tritîicdr es. 0001)TillOS hiopea As a pernutcl tO avxce uxglns Velthunibeti and dng-eared .ani %wlien thec bindcr lias

itinmeu t los anud raudo It fit four the lIbiary.'tho vol lunewilI try for;a lixed! plaroè iluro lni gobti comupauy. The,tiovors of0 anultitude bf assorted l goouiica" c.mnuot icý

*p»Ut nto A ptiopoctus:. but the


fbsl fo ow rcaely,

'j'Fr gale by, âail Uooioiu cool reMcana,

TEUbiS-..Yosly Dn onlc, $2.60. Single ZXnmu, e.25 ccnts2wtth>Li Lplnc<ttlo Malno $.30. l'iberaCubbing flatm . SeEcimae Nt',un allod, postagePald, tte eay atdroafs, on recelpt of 20 ccnts.

d. 'B. LIPPINCOTT,& CO., PUbliiero.

71"ý5 siii!d717 MARKET ST., PffLAD£OLpilIÀ.




Black wood'a Edinburgh Magazine



At &bout anctlilrd the picohithe ortgaolsMUEE )INDiRU REVIW,



Pnbiilibd Quartry 'J. nu rY, Apîi, Jaly, Ostober.

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.& ao-Imltoofthacagini.Publahetimonthly,


lPr ycr u o. tesle........................$84 00,,.Lr any .two Reevr3o....1................... 700Yor eny flre. lteviews .................. 100Dl'or al fou»r fevielys ................ 2OVer J5aekwoad's ma&'oic.............. 4 00

Feor flacksood Andi one ltevlew .... .7 DOFor BLalekwood snd .,toeifeviews .............. 10 00Bor lekwoodâc1ilre e lvewa.........ioù

FPor Biaek*od aliti tbefour ltie oi.... ..... $ DO0I'ogtage. two scentsc aniab4r, dtebUprépiti by the

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pht -tin


.140 Fuiltnisi ti.tNow York


Y#1e C.ellôt ? tw ilavea.


8ýi 87 91,Y SfRLUITC










Ai B. FLEMING & Co.)

Loîth, Scotiand






And f En Slo te tlioTrado gî tlo n,-thewMlhber4terme.

ADAM MILLJF.,IlWllitnstroot Wéat,

O 8T ESFOR~172


sAxe e Éiý>r AeII, soc.'CN O, 00.

LITTLIf F0L1.,10,c.


Ul.V. Tract Socety Depo.itory,IoLXolnge itrent


llow, a4 herotahore, Tite T'niam;t strvl o-a eb.t Iirt ofAil anti lyitiniently a ne- piper..

France a Itipublie-Eoiglndu andi Oermaxy Eraîlu.sllypermeoatCul oîiIlepnblican lulcaa%-rSpqin awvîg is thencrvoesc raapor a rifler toC' gondu for'ac ibg anti tonvocok for a Itepuhlcin, wo Ie b nabletû gaverntheapseottIsa!dthat hlci -the cntrsnce tes dur <JuI f f leonocnd cqnsly unablo te givd If ip-tlic Ocrnuaaxo*epaing

ppIes aglifteul by a few otoranintanu. ceporitîsc;etromt'theSet, of Reineon the. i,'gsa af l'Apal ualli-

abilit,' and aseeuusita retoiaiot ua"IlOlti ('.thohes*'tht chroIe Cautlnent jervadel tby thflttelleetusi :'fer.

mnitthat coites of te oie-ujt t Imeeu aId liras.ppltlnroplileal, thralogical, îiustMatl, anti the îtivaîîce or

ýhsteanti Oseat hiriin. runtug arace tor theofinlti glns fluai baîl rtérfminc AotIt 00e.)reràaery-Chlesa scemIng rcuuy ta abandon bera ntices

an!dire-loge .lier hotu uupened qales-larrîabolistuin«fonulalisim andi Iuvitiug Western c yltlsttun ta IrraitiateWeseorni commerce toecnih er longhdeu empire-..;suoh are pnascs ai the riens froin abros! elueihthemsalle oser ail Continent ut and the seires undçr aillBSearc elly beuurina uw. WJ(it ble andt tru-teel carres-

poudents lu flic tranîhg capitale, Aoi wsereser gm-atchaongesc ar,, lu pre-çréà, TitTnuîoser u lts, et sohoteere-oct, to lac beforo lis raudrs theo mont prompt, caîplebe,anti popoular preeniment of tlie*e div-ersc onul e-oy&ili!ciug aîovemeut.tlrough îdl ofh ei, as it fondly truist.flic talllng: masses arceverysolro ctruîgglIng Up toawardforger recognition andi a brigluter futurs.A thorne the ealrueglcifor reedoin ne-cus oÇer. 'Meilust alevea Iaglicukena citizen; fliclust o Lonsta omanrlpatlan. e-afranchlce-meat, e-quaI civil Cflg lut.~ltforînaliv enraban!osced. Na 5uarty. Northi or Sonii.lCngertdo'putes the resîîltot theIVar for the -Union , ail

wlta vhîcpeolofIisranteulontie grand platnraf Ail Rielîte fer Ail, vsereto 'our blond)s~ ti-uîgle., an!

flu ssologru Ciil ontstetlut flloccu, hroled lis;tlid Itpublurcloues the records.aioflih bitter. listuIt'ast. anti turs pese-eftily. iuopefoily. ta tic le-su allonmn.

e-ver nmal clucîdale the reoneroel !teussioue or action onflicse, Tati Ta'iBtctn gives amîplp,o p&an muidot fim.pafflal record. WNhctovcr purlies maypropose. uclut,tver palitical leatders may say. whâtver oMrnecmmay ,lo,lsfaliveetelacn ihalte coluntos.s, htlerthisosrlve-ipor bioders ite s own iwccs. Its r..iulcrs hatve the ic lit tean liesct stateinent cf flic factoe, andmi th flivcîysget.

Tat %Vza.v Tnîsus-xtw n ase c liutlirty yearsai!. han Pcudea%,aretita )eeîp i~swth the prgreest arthencc In lmpta'rcnsntnit oen erpiie. Il decotte clatrechare of Ie clis uouuta Jubrlture nt the matt cecentîi

'anul eer ncrit humnn pîirsults. ut omyîoys the ablestasnd most Ilueccllful cnllîvatare ta cet forftflibier,sicav otsays tlîpi r aeàt'cAleiq nis, the Yarrner's 'worieIf reparla publie dýtiiusnîso el iuc tlst curlr ogatbera froin avers ontre.A zglaîî,sal rowe, fthcreportsor the laiest caperhmenAthe sc treitbo e teet $tue.ceccsandlu falluured, acuti otever îcay tendt nt ance ta

better AgrA.tture, cuti tuscommenti It as flielnet andmost imparfait of progressive Ast% baseul on nat'uralscience.

Ta W .eîet.Y Taucsa aîpcsialt l.o ta Teari,1,.rtc. andi poe-lof n ri ntg ind<, iuy tflic -bse-fer of lis litery.conutetg,, slileh binde rôeio aitithc vloruuuàproceciliiue franm thenitéir is oflsaithe aie-r cfthu e s1ý e i. iltli'litl eri atsfront thecqo cf

cepcla lncreot. ImaginatIve LîleratureA isclisattèntIon1 lut hua auberdilnate derre. Il"ome Inter.

ta Instrnet ant Istcetler o'lu oex, cuti.thc Jaungerpostiýgn s),fthe iotier, Suscelumm là moroe M.erly cauikhtor jS due uutseth crreutler averse profit thon bers. TheNewse ai the IDny, eltildatetib ritfcommente. le ce)t.iu!cnif'l tisaituareculer cain ule-in If diMiîc, uwhitegiven auuilri aIly undessillae catisti théeusante afIleaversce efreon $eiitlie r t-ilarti umalle front theexîtesive-ourr-oluaoulnce oi Tirn Dflzty 'Fainuit. omavery enuntrr. audjlie -lllalsi o nrd pemanentvaluearc litre reîrl, -rtie. b*oI uort,'Fuir WrricstrTescuî,r. e-nmenraii rd ta >tllle. by asiinîstin e t

tfliîr intellectuel wantc mars ftîlly thon thcv araensetihyany ather tournasi. while Itt reculesr replafa the Caitle,Countrr Produre.anou iler IMAret will. ai bicmselves.,sarvehéflic mser Sîluaregnlarly notec ilin ir morc thonlula jnral'CiJTrire.

For the fmis tIcrele of lthecuiriceteul taner or arillun.Tysa wxrirt.vTniscerx itsue s upenlor as le proYeui hy

the bunulreul aithostn'utlis 'ha. luaving iedSl t train chlhaaul, àlll cbertoli ar'encJoy If n fle prime anduioa the'lown lill naili'tte Te reetfulelu rge tholls "o

koas, Mis rrflutoa c ti dTia Warxrv ine-oyE tahoti trenuts An! n"fguburs. id epi-ailer flb ta club.

At prie 'ch barely puy th.e-tust of râprer saut prees-sccrk.


One cary,. one y6ar.-52 licîn $ 2 00Pive eubn, elle Vear.-52 hosise 7 5TO ONX AfIX.0123, ii At One Paît Office

10 Capies - $ 25 eseli.20 copiesa1 10D cd.:0 copuies 1 00 êae-h.Ans! an extra ta cash Club.

xole E nae-all),ait at one Post-office.locapie-----------------1Sacu.

20 copie# - i20 eneh30 copies............. 110 eci.

*Andi aietra ta dill Clit.For Clubs cf FVZo Tux Sami-.Wî.eriv Tatise-sec ill

bc contaas netra cnpy.

NrW-YORK nF.MI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE t4 publicheut",oY Tu&uuieandut FlouAi'. sud bcbng rinted twice zo"aeitlbcantalns early cil <lue Imposant Ne-ws, Carres.

pondeacoe. Reyhewie. an!dKulltortls of Tiac DàIlî, inellide.tou:,everythlng on th4 aubJee-t cf,'AgCU'tcUtîe. end mue-llateresilng anud raluable matteir a. hldh there la nt,umtelent roum la 'Fuie Ws:aaKi Tatvuxa. 'Tiix Seau-

WZaRK.r TifUicu" allieSires, lu licthecourgee-f,& ycar,'zrîoor- roua eftbhe

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atour, It et lîttîsnmere thlon thée ost. ta alnitlccubuu.rtbrsat i to, Vaztut, auowbere-@e*ecee-n sa muce-h ciîreinteiligenva oeitpeissuneat lterai3 mltier lie hsdall tct

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