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7 Apps For A Better Life 生活禪 Foods that Help and Foods that Disrupt Sleep 迪拜算什麼,看看2015年中國 世界頂級妖孽建築,絕對沒見過! Civilization in 2015


7 Apps For A Better LifeFoods that Help and Foods that Disrupt Sleep2015Civilization in 2015

7 Apps For A Better LifeIts been years since our cellphones could only make phone calls and send text messages, so why not use them to make your life better? Improve your alertness, vitality and fitness, and even get rid of mosquitos. These 7 apps will turn your smartphone into a powerful tool to better your life. All of these apps are free, so download whichever one you want and see the difference it makes in your life.

1. SleepBot Wake Up When Youre Ready

Alarm clocks have an uncanny ability to catch you in the middle of a dream, but with SleepBot, you can make sure that you wake up at a time thats good for your body. The app can also give you data about the length and quality of your sleep. All you need to do is set up a 30-minutes time frame in which youd like to wake up, place the phone at the side of the bed with the app running, and let the app analyze your sleep by using the phones motion detection ability. Just remember to plug your phone in for the night, as the app may drain weaker batteries.

2. Anti Mosquito Repel Mosquitos with Your Phone

Summer brings with it mosquitos, which means itchy bites. But instead of using chemicals or zappers, you can just install an app on your phone. These apps use high-frequency sounds that the human ear cant pick up, but mosquitos cant stand. For maximum effect, hook up the smartphone to loudspeakers.3. Aqualert Stay Hydrated

In our daily routine, its easy to forget to drink, and water is vital for our wellbeing. By usingAqualert youll have a helpful sidekick that will remind you to sip on some water by sending alerts to your phone throughout the day. Its particularly helpful during hikes and prolonged exposure to the sun (at the beach, for example). You can install it on your kids phones and keep track of how much water they drink.

4. Global Air Quality Real Time Air Pollution Information The quality of the air we breathe directly affects our quality of life.Global Air Quality is an app that will display up-to-date information about the air quality where you currently are. The system works in most parts of the world, and will even send you warnings about high levels of pollution in your area. This can be particularly helpful when traveling abroad.5. Moves How Much Did You Move Today? This app is very useful in measuring the amount of steps you take in a day. It can differentiate between walking, running, and cycling. At the end of the day,Moves will tell you how many calories youve burnt and how far youve walked. The app lets you set yourself new challenges every day, and lets you know if youve reached your goal.

6. Daily Yoga Learn How to Do Yoga and Stretches Lower back aches, stiff muscles and cramps you wont believe how many of these problems can be solved by doing yoga and stretching. The Daily Yoga app has over 50 sets for training, and 400 different yoga positions, all displayed through pictures and videos. Even if youve never done yoga, the app will teach you, and help you set a plan to lose weight, relieve stress, or ease sore muscles.7. Medicalog Track Your Familys Health This application lets you track the medical conditions of both you and any of your family members. The interface is simple and straightforward. Medicalog allows you to set up a profile for each family member and document their medical history. Periodic graphs will let you see how they are doing, and the symptoms will allow the app to give you a possible diagnosis.

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Foods that Help and Foods that Disrupt Sleep

Night time is a very tempting time to eat. We often get little cravings and feel like having a little snack or a small meal between dinner and brushing out teeth. In essence, there is nothing wrong with eating a small something before going to bed, but in so doing, it pays to know what we should and what we shouldn't eat to get a good night's sleep.

Foods that help you sleep:CherriesCherries are some of the only foods naturally containing the chemical melatonin, which is responsible for configuring our 'internal clock'. A study has found that adults suffering from insomnia and drank cherry juice before bed reported a marked improvement in the quality and length of their sleep time.

Jasmine Rice

Although rice has a high glycemic value, the body slowly digests it, slowly releasing glucose into the bloodstream. This prevents a sugar spike that can destroy your sleep. Researchers have found that eating rice a few hours before going to bed lowered the amount of time it takes to fall asleep by half.

Enriched Cereals

As a rule, carbs are a pretty good food option before going to sleep, but a box of cookies before bed isn't recommended. Instead, try a bowl of cereal with complex carbohydrates. If you make a habit of eating cereal with milk, you're twice the winner, because milk is also considered a food that promotes good sleep. Quinoa, buckwheat and barley are also recommended carbs to eat before going to bed.Bananas

Bananas are rich in magnesium and potassium, minerals known to be muscle relaxants. They are also a good source of carbs, which, as we've mentioned, promote a better quality of sleep. If you choose to eat a banana you also earn a few more healthy advantages, such as helping your heart and blood vessels, as well as your cognitive functioning.


Turkey meat contains an essential amino acid called tryptophan, which is one of the most powerful materials your body uses to get you to sleep. That's why you always feel like napping after eating a good amount of turkey.

Sweet Potato

Like the banana, so does the sweet potato contains carbs combined with potassium that relaxes your muscles. As a food belonging to the orange family, sweet potatoes also contains carotenoids and powerful antioxidants that will promote your general health.

Valerian Root Tea

The root of the valerian plant has been proven by several studies to be a high-quality sleep promoter, shortening the length of time it takes to fall asleep. You can drink the mixture with chamomile, a plant known to relax the body as well.

Important: Only drink chamomile or valerian root tea without caffeine.Foods you should avoid before sleep:


The large amount of fat found in hamburgers is a known 'sleep killer'. The fat encourages the stomach to pump more acid out, which can cause heartburn. Of course, these heartburns may really get in the way of falling asleep, not to mention the stomach needs to work extra hours to digest this heavy meal, which will also harm the quality of your sleep.


Although it may put us to sleep faster, all types of alcohol go through a fast metabolic process in our digestive system, causing us to wake up several times during the night, even if we don't remember it the next day. A study has found that women who drank alcohol before going to sleep were up 15 minutes more (in little mini-breaks) in the middle of the night, as well as sleeping 20 minutes less than average. That may not sound like a lot, but the study found that the quality of the sleep is damaged. In addition, alcohol may cause snoring, causing disruptions in your sleep as well as your spouse's.


I bet you knew this one already. Coffee is meant to wake us up in the morning. It doesn't actually make us more alert, it works as an antagonist to sleep hormones, and so is, of course, one of the worst things you can put in your body in the hours before you go to bed. Of course, people have a radically different reaction to caffeine, and so the length of time you should keep between drinking coffee and going to sleep may change from person to person.


Other than the vast amounts of sugar, causing your blood sugar levels to spike, chocolate also contains caffeine and is considered a food that keeps you awake. Chocolate also contains a substance called theobromine, which can elevate the heart rate and interfere with our sleep.

Spice is not nice

Any spicy food will detract from the quality of our sleep. A recent Australian study found that men who consumed tabasco sauce or mustard before sleep had trouble falling asleep as well as experiencing a low quality of sleep. Hot food can also cause heartburn, which, as we've explained, is terrible for a good night's sleep.



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I'm scared Shitless