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  • 7/28/2019 2005-2 spm



    Section A

    Bahagian A

    [60 marks]

    [60 markah]

    Answerall questions in this section.

    Jawab semuasoalan dalam bahagian ini.

    1.Figure below shows the scale of an ammeter.

    Rajah di bawah menunjukkan skala pada sebuah ammeter.



    (a) Name the physical quantity measured by the ammeter.

    Namakan kuantiti fizik yang diukur dengan ammeter.


    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    (b) In the space below, draw the symbol for an ammeter.

    Pada ruang di bawah, lukiskan simbol bagi ammeter.

    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    (c) What is the value of the smallest division on the scale?

    Berapakah nilai bagi satu senggatan terkecil di skala itu?

    0.1 A

    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    (d) State the function of the mirror located under the scale.

    Nyatakan fungsi cermin yang terdapat di bawah skala itu.

    To overcome parallax error

    [1 mark]


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    2.Two similar louds peakers are placed 0.8 m apart. They emit a coherent sound wave. A girl walks slowly parallel

    to the two loudspeakers at a distance 3.2 m in front of the loudspeakers. She hears a loud sound and weak sound

    alternately. Figure below shows the positions of the loud and weak sounds.

    Dua pembesar suara yang serupa diletakkan sejarak0.8 m antara satu sama lain. Pembesar suara itu

    menghasilkan gelombang bunyi yang koheren. Seorang pelajar berjalan perlahan pada jarak3.2 mselari di

    hadapan pembesar suara itu. Pelajar itu mendengar bunyi kuat dan bunyi perlahan berselang seli. Rajah below

    menunjukkan kedudukan bunyi kuat dan bunyi perlahan itu.



    (a) What is meant by a coherent wave?

    Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan gelombang yang koheren?

    Coherent waves are waves of the same frequency (same wavelength) and constant phase difference.

    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    (b) The distance between three positions of the loud sound is 4.5 m, as shown in Figure above.

    Calculate the wavelength of the sound wave.

    Jarak di antara tiga kedudukan bunyi kuat ialah 4.5 m,seperti ditunjukkan pada Rajah di atas.

    Hitungkan panjang gelombang bagi gelombang bunyi itu.

    a = 0. 8 m, D = 3.2 m, x = m = 2.25 m

    = 0.56

    [3 marks]

    [3 markah]

    (c) The loud sound is heard due to the constructive interference of the sound waves. State how the constructive

    interference occurs.

    Bunyi kuat itu kedengaran disebabkan oleh interferens membina gelombang bunyi. Nyatakan bagaimana

    interferens membina berlaku.

    When the peak/trough of one wave meets with the peak/trough of another wave, constructive interference

    occurs[1 mark]


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    3.Figure A shows a student standing 3 m from a plane mirror in a room. The student can see the image of the wall

    clock located 2 m behind him.

    Rajah A menunjukkan seorang pelajar yang berdiri 3 m dari sebuah cermin satah di dalam sebuah bilik.

    Pelajar itu dapat melihat imej jam dinding yang berada 2 m di belakangnya.

    Figure A

    Rajah A

    Figure B shows the top view of the student in the room.

    Rajah B menunjukkan pandangan dari atas kedudukan pelajar di dalam bilik itu.

    Figure B

    Rajah B

    (a) Name the light phenomenon that enables the student to see the image of the wall clock in the plane mirror.

    Namakan fenomena cahaya yang membolehkan pelajar itu melihat imej jam dinding di dalam cermin


    Reflection of light/ Pantulan cahaya

    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    (b) What is the distance between the student and the image of the wall clock?

    Berapakah jarak di antara pelajar itu dengan imej jam dinding?

    8 m

    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    (c) The student then moves 1 m towards the plane mirror. What is the distance between the student and the

    image of the wall clock?

    Pelajar itu kemudian bergerak1 m ke arah cermin satah. Berapakah jarak di antara pelajar itu dengan

    imej jam dinding?

    7 m [1 mark]

    (d) The time shown by the wall clock is 9 a.m. By drawing the hands of the clock in Figure C, complete the


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    image of the wall clock in the plane mirror as seen by the student.

    Jam dinding itu menunjukkan pukul9 a.m.Dengan melukiskan jarum jam pada Rajah C, lengkapkan imej

    jam dinding yang diperhatikan oleh pelajar itu di dalam cermin satah.

    Figure C

    Rajah C

    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    (e) The student moves to position X. He can see the image of the lamp in the plane mirror.

    In Figure D, draw a ray diagram to show how the student can see the image of the lamp.

    Pelajar itu bergerak ke kedudukan X.Dia dapat melihat imej lampu di dalam cermin satah.

    Pada Rajah D, lukiskan gambar rajah sinar untuk menunjukkan bagaimana pelajar itu dapat melihat imejlampu.

    Figure D

    Rajah D

    [2 marks]

    [2 markah]

    4. (a) Sweating is one of the ways our body maintains the body temperature of about 37 C. Sweat

    is largely made up of water and it comes from sweat glands as shown in Figure below.

    Berpeluh adalah satu cara badan kita mengekalkan suhu badan di sekitar37 C. Sebahagian

    besar peluh adalah air dan ianya dikeluarkan oleh kelenjar peluh, seperti ditunjukkan pada

    Rajah di bawah.



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    When sweat evaporates, it takes heat away from our body.

    Apabila peluh menyejat, ia mengeluarkan haba dari badan kita.

    (i) What is meant by evaporation?

    Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan penyejatan?

    The change of liquid into gas at the surface of the liquid happening at any temperature below the

    boiling point of the liquid.

    [1 mark]

    (ii) Using kinetic theory of matter, explain how evaporation takes away heat from our body.

    Menggunakan teori kinetik jirim, terangkan bagaimana proses penyejatan mengeluarkan haba dari

    badan kita.

    When a person sweats, water evaporates from the skin. Evaporation takes place when fast moving

    molecules near the surface escape to the surroundings. The average kinetic energy of the molecules

    left behind decreases and this causes a drop in the temperature, hence causing the cooling effect on

    the body.

    [2 marks]

    (b) State two environmental factors that affect the rate of evaporation of sweat.


    faktor alam sekitar yang mempengaruhi kadar penyejatan peluh.

    The flow of air/humidity of air/atmospheric pressure/the surface area of the liquid.

    [2 marks]

    (c) While playing badminton, 0.05 kg of sweat was evaporated from Ahmadfs body. Calculate the quantity of

    heat lost from his body due to the evaporation. The latent heat of vaporisation of sweat is 2.3 10 6 J kg-1.

    Semasa bermain badminton, 0.05 kgpeluh tersejat dari badan Ahmad. Hitungkan kuantiti haba yang hilang

    dari badan Ahmad yang disebabkan oleh penyejatan peluh itu. Muatan haba pendam pengewapan peluh

    ialah 2.3 106 J kg-1.

    The heat loss/Kehilangan haba= ml

    = (0.05 kg)(2.3 106J kg1)

    = 1.15 105 J

    [2 marks]

    5. Figure A shows a piece of paper hanging from a retort stand. When air flows from the nozzle

    of an air pump, the paper changes its position as shown in Figure B.

    Rajah A menunjukkan sekeping kertas digantung pada satu kaki retort. Apabila udara dialirkan

    dari muncung suatu pam udara, kedudukan kertas itu berubah seperti ditunjukkan pada Rajah B.

    Figure A/Rajah A Figure B/Rajah B

    (a) Compare the position of the paper in Figure A and Figure B.

    Bandingkan kedudukan kertas itu dalam Rajah A dan Rajah B.

    The position of the paper in Figure B is higher than in Figure A.

    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]


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    (b) F is a force that causes the paper to change its position. In box X, on Figure B, indicate and label the

    direction of F that acts on the paper.

    F ialah daya yang menyebabkan kedudukan kertas itu berubah. Dalam petak bertanda X,pada

    Rajah B, tanda dan labelkan arah Fyang bertindak ke atas kertas itu.

    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    (c) Explain how F is produced.

    Terangkan bagaimana F dihasilkan.

    The fast flowing stream of air blown above the paper has caused the air pressure at that region to be

    lower than that of the region below the paper. The difference in pressure results in a net force, F, acting

    upwards.[2 marks]

    [2 markah]

    (d) (i) Compared to the position of the paper in Figure B, how does the position of the paper change when the

    air flows faster?

    Berbanding dengan kedudukan kertas itu pada Rajah B, apakah perubahan pada kedudukan kertas itu

    jika udara mengalir lebih laju?

    The paper will move further upwards

    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    (ii) Give a reason for your answer in (d)(i).Berikan sebab bagi jawapan anda di (d)(i).

    Because the difference in pressure increases and produces a greater force

    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    (e) Name the principle that causes the observation in Figure B.

    Namakan prinsip yang menyebabkan pemerhatian pada Rajah B.

    Bernoullis principle

    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    (f) Name one piece of apparatus in a school laboratory which uses the principle in (e).

    Namakansatualat yang terdapat di dalam makmal sekolah yang menggunakan prinsip di (e).

    Bunsen burner

    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]


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    6. A student studies the effect of the movement of a lift on the readings of a weighing scale. The mass of the

    student is 50 kg. In this study, the student stands on a weighing scale in a lift as shown in Figure below.

    Seorang pelajar mengkaji kesan gerakan lif terhadap bacaan suatu penimbang. Jisim pelajar itu ialah 50 kg.

    Dalam kajian ini, pelajar itu berdiri di atas penimbang di dalam lif seperti ditunjukkan pada Rajah di bawah.



    He records the readings of the weighing scale when the lift is at rest, moving up with acceleration, moving upwith uniform velocity, moving down with uniform velocity and moving down with deceleration. The readings

    of the weighing scale in the study are shown in Table above.

    Pelajar itu mencatatkan bacaan penimbang semasa lif itu pegun, bergerak naik dengan pecutan, bergerak naik

    dengan halaju sekata, bergerak turun dengan halaju sekata dan bergerak turun dengan nyahpecutan. Bacaan

    penimbang dalam kajian ini ditunjukkan dalam Jadual di atas.



    (a) The mass of the student is 50 kg. What is the weight of the student in newtons?

    Jisim pelajar itu ialah 50 kg.Berapakah berat pelajar itu dalam unit newton?

    500 N

    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    (b) State two types of movement of the lift when the reading on the weighing scale is equal to the mass of the

    student.Nyatakandua jenis gerakan lif yang menunjukkan bacaan penimbang sama dengan jisim pelajar itu.

    1. At rest

    2. Moves up with uniform velocity/Moves down with uniform velocity

    [2 marks]


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    (c)Fis a resultant force that acts on the student.R is the normal reaction of the weighing scale on the student.

    m is the mass of the student.gis the gravitational acceleration. Write a general equation to show the

    relationship between F, R, m and g.

    F ialah daya paduan yang bertindak ke atas pelajar itu. R ialah tindak balas normal penimbang itu ke atas

    pelajar itu. m ialah jisim pelajar. g ialah pecutan graviti. Tulis satu persamaan umum untuk menunjukkan

    hubungan antara F, R, m dan g.

    R = mg + F

    R = mg F

    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    (d) When the lift moves up with acceleration, the normal reaction is greater than his weight. Explain why.

    Semasa lif itu bergerak naik dengan pecutan, tindak balas normal lebih besar daripada berat pelajar.

    Jelaskan mengapa.

    The normal reaction, R, is the summation of the weight, W, and the resultant force actingupwards on

    the students.

    [2 marks][2 markah]

    (e) (i) What is observed on the reading of the weighing scale when the lift moves down with acceleration?

    Apakah yang diperhatikan pada bacaan penimbang itu semasa lif itu bergerak turun dengan pecutan?

    The reading of the weighing scale decreases.

    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    (ii) Give a reason for your answer in (e)(i).

    Berikan sebab bagi jawapan anda di (e)(i).

    Normal reaction = Weight Resultant force[1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    7. (a) A grazing pasture was polluted with radioactive waste from a nuclear reactor. A researcher carried out a

    study on the radioactive content in the milk collected from the cows in that area. He discovered the

    radioactive content in every litre of the milk was 1600 counts per minute. The researcher continued to

    measure the radioactivity in the milk from that area in 10 day intervals.

    Suatu kawasan padang ragut telah tercemar dengan sisa radioaktif daripada suatu reaktor nuklear.

    Seorang penyelidik mengkaji kandungan radioaktif dalam susu daripada lembu yang diternak di kawasan

    itu. Penyelidik itu mendapati kandungan radioaktif dalam setiap liter susu itu ialah 1600 bilangan per

    minit. Penyelidik itu seterusnya mengukur keradioaktifan susu dari kawasan itu dalam sela masa setiap 10hari.

    The results of the study are shown in Table below.

    Keputusan kajian itu ditunjukkan dalam Jadual di bawah.


    (i) On the graph paper below, draw a graph of radioactivity against time.

    Pada kertas graf di bawah, lukis graf keradioaktifan melawan masa.


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    [2 marks]

    [2 markah]

    (ii) Using the graph in (a)(i), determine the half-life of the radioactive material in the milk.

    Show on the graph how you determined the half-life.

    Dengan menggunakan graf di (a)(i), tentukan setengah hayat bahan radioaktif dalam susu itu.

    Tunjukkan pada graf itu bagaimana anda menentukan nilai setengah hayat itu.

    The half-life is The half-life is 7 days.

    [2 marks]

    [2 markah]


    Milk is safe to drink if the radioactivity in every litre of the milk is not more than 50 counts per minute.Using the half-life in (a)(ii), calculate the time when the milk from this area becomes safe to drink.

    Susu selamat di minum jika keradioaktifan dalam setiap liter susu itu tidak melebihi 50

    bilangan per minit. Menggunakan setengah hayat di (a)(ii), hitungkan masa susu dari kawasan itu

    menjadi selamat diminum.

    Time taken = 5 half-lives

    The time when the milk becomes safe to drink = 5 7 days = 35 days

    [2 marks]

    [2 markah]

    (b) In a nuclear reactor, radium-226 decays to become radon-222 by releasing one alpha particle. This reaction

    experiences a mass defect.

    Dalam suatu reaktor nuklear, radium-226 mereput menjadi radon-222 dengan membebaskan satu zarah

    alfa. Bertindak balas itu mengalami satu kecacatan jisim.

    (i) The number 226 for radium is called itsNucleon number

    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    (ii) Complete the equation of the reaction by writing the appropriate number in the

    boxes provided.

    Lengkapkan persamaan bagi tindak balas itu dengan menulis nombor yang sesuai

    dalam kotak yang disediakan.


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    [1 mark]



    The nuclear reaction of one nucleus of radium-226 experiences a mass defect of 8.6818 10 -30 kg.

    Calculate the energy released in the nuclear reaction. The velocity of light is 3 10 8 m s-1.

    Tindak balas nuklear bagi satu nukleus radium-226 mengalami kecacatan jisim sebanyak8.6818 10-30 kg.Hitungkan tenaga yang dibebaskan dalam tindak balas itu. Halaju cahaya adalah

    3 108 m s-1.

    E = mc2

    E = (8.6818 1030 kg) (3 108 m s1)2

    = 7.81 1013 J

    [2 marks]

    8. A factory producing pesticide uses a logic system to ensure the volume of pesticide in a plastic bottle is within

    an acceptable range. Figure below shows the arrangement of the logic system fixed beside a conveyor belt

    carrying bottles of pesticide. The radioactive detectors, S1 and S2, detect the level of radiation passing

    through the bottles.Satu kilang pengeluar racun serangga menggunakan sistem logik untuk mempastikan isi padu racun

    serangga yang diisi di dalam botol plastik adalah dalam julat yang diterima. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan

    susunan sistem logik yang dipasang bersebelahan tali sawat yang membawa botol-botol racun serangga.

    Pengesan radioaktif, S1 dan S2, mengesan tahap sinaran yang melalui



    Detectors S1 and S2 will give input 0 to the logic gate system when they receive a low level of radiation.

    Detectors S1 and S2 will give input 1 to the logic gate system when they receive a high level of radiation.

    Pengesan S1 dan S2 memberikan input0 kepada sistem get logik apabila menerima tahap sinaran

    yang rendah.Pengesan S1 dan S2 memberikan input1 kepada sistem get logik apabila menerima tahapsinaran yang tinggi.

    (a) State the level of the pesticide in the bottle if the input S1 is 0. Give a reason for your answer.

    Nyatakan aras racun serangga dalam botol itu apabila inputS1 adalah 0.Berikan sebab bagi jawapan


    The level of the pesticide exceeds the acceptable range. This is because only low level of radiation is


    [2 marks]

    [2 markah]

    (b) State the level of pesticide in the bottle if the input S2 is 1. Give a reason for your answer.

    Nyatakan aras racun serangga dalam botol itu apabila S2adalah 1.Berikan sebab bagi jawapan anda.

    The level of the pesticide does not fulfil the acceptable range. This is because high-level radiation is


    [2 marks]


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    Figure below shows two combinations of logic gates, P and Q, that are suggested to develop Use

    the logic gate system.

    Rajah di bawah menunjukkan dua kombinasi get logik, P dan Q,yang dicadangkan untuk membina

    sistem get logik ini.



    (c) Name the logic gate M.

    Namakan get logikM.

    OR gate

    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    (d) Complete the truth tables for P and Q.

    Lengkapkan jadual kebenaran bagi P dan Q.

    For P/Q

    The table truth table of P The truth table of Q

    Jadual kebenaran bagi P Jadual kebenaran bagi Q

    [4 marks]

    [4 markah]

    (e) When the output of the logic gate system is 1, it indicates the volume of the pesticide in the bottle

    is within the acceptable range. When the output of the logic system is 0, it indicates the volume of the

    pesticide in the bottle is outside the acceptable range.

    Apabila output sistem get logik ini adalah1, ia menandakan isi padu racun serangga di dalam botol

    adalah di dalam julat yang diterima. Apabila output sistem get logik ini adalah 0, ia menandakan isi padu

    racun serangga di dalam botol adalahdi luar

    julat yang diterima.(i) Based on the output of the truth tables in (d), which combination of logic gates is suitable to be used for

    the logic gate system?

    Berdasarkan output dalam jadual kebenaran di (d), kombinasi get logik yang manakah sesuai

    digunakan untuk get logik ini?

    Combination of logic gates: Combination of logic gates P.

    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    (ii) Give two reasons for your choice.

    Berikan duasebab bagi pilihan anda.

    1. When input S1 is 1 and input S2 is 0, combination P gives an acceptable output.

    2. When both inputs are 0 or 1, the output is not acceptable.

    [2 marks]

    [2 markah]


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    Section B

    Bahagian B

    [20 marks]

    [20 markah]

    Answer any one question from this section.

    Jawab mana-mana satusoalan daripada bahagian ini.

    9. (a) A fisherman finds that his boat is at different levels in the sea and in the river, although the boat carries

    the same load. The density of sea water is 1 025 kg m -3 and of river water is 1 000 kg m-3.

    Figures A and B illustrate the situation of the boat in the sea and in the river.

    Seorang nelayan mendapati botnya pada aras yang berbeza semasa di laut dan di sungai, walaupun bot

    itu membawa muatan yang sama. Ketumpatan air laut ialah 1 025 kg m-3dan ketumpatan air sungai

    ialah 1 000 kg m-3.Rajah A dan B menggambarkan situasi bot itu ketika di laut dan di sungai.

    Figure A Figure B

    Rajah A Rajah B

    (i) What is meant by density?

    Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan ketumpatan?

    Density is defined as the mass per unit volume of a substance.[1 markah]

    (ii) Using Figures A and B, compare the levels of the boat and the volumes of water displaced by the boat.

    Relating the mass of the boat with its load, the volume of water displaced and the density of the water,

    deduce a relevant physics concept.

    Menggunakan Rajah A dan B, bandingkan aras bot dan isi padu air yang disesarkan oleh bot itu.

    Hubungkaitkan antara jisim bot bersama muatannya, isi padu air yang disesarkan dan ketumpatan

    itu, untuk menyimpulkan satu konsep fizik yang sesuai.

    The boat submerges more in the river than in the sea.

    The volume of river water displaced is more than the volume of sea water displaced. The mass of river water displaced is the same as the mass of sea water displaced.

    The buoyant force acting on the boat in Figure A is the same as that acting on the boat in Figure B.

    As the density of the water increases, the volume of water displaced decreases and vice-versa.

    [5 marks]



    Name the physics principle that explains the above situation.

    Namakan prinsip fi zik yang menerangkan situasi di atas.

    Archimedes principle

    [1 markah]


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    (b) A submarine can sail on the sea surface and under the sea. Explain how a submarine on the surface


    Suatu kapal selam boleh belayar di permukaan laut dan di dalam laut. Terangkan bagaimana suatu kapal

    selam yang berada di permukaan laut tenggelam ke dalam laut.

    When a submarine is floating partially above water, its ballast tanks are only partially filled with

    water and the weight of the submarine is equal to the buoyant force.

    When the ballast tanks are filled with sea water, the weight of the submarine increases..

    This causes the submarine to sink into the sea water as its weight is greater than the buoyant force.

    [3 marks]

    (c) Figures C and D illustrate the working principle of a hydrometer. The depth to which the test tube sinks

    depends on its surrounding liquid.

    Rajah C dan D menggambarkan prinisp kerja hidrometer. Kedalaman tabung uji itu tenggelam

    bergantung kepada ketumpatan cecair di sekitarnya.

    Figure C/Rajah C Figure D/Rajah D

    Explain how you would design a hydrometer that can determine a wide range of densities of liquid,

    using the idea of the working principle of a hydrometer shown above. Draw a diagram that shows the

    design of your hydrometer and in your explanation, emphasise the

    following aspects:Terangkan bagaimana anda merekabentuk satu hidrometer yang boleh menentukan ketumpatan cecair

    dalam julat besar, dengan menggunakan idea tentang prinsip hidrometer yang ditunjukkan di atas.

    Lukiskan gambar rajah yang menunjukkan reka bentuk hidrometer anda dan dalam penerangan dan anda

    diberikan penekanan bagi aspek-aspek berikut:

    (i) the stability of the hydrometer,

    kestabilan hidrometer itu,

    The lead shots at the base lowers the centre of gravity of the hydrometer

    Cylinder with a bigger diameter at the lower section

    To enable the hydrometer to float upright in a liquid and not overturn


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    (ii) the sensitivity of the hydrometer,

    kepekatan hidrometer itu,

    The cylinder must have a small diameter on the upper section

    A small reading scale can be incorporated



    the ability to measure a wide range of densities of liquids,

    kebolehan menentukan ketumpatan cecair dalam julat yang besar,

    The cylinder must be long

    The scale can be made bigger and cover a wide range of densities

    (iv)the calibration of the hydrometer.

    penentukuran hidrometer itu.

    The hydrometer is floated in a liquid with a known density like water. The liquid level at

    the stem is marked.

    For every liquid with a known density, the level of the liquid on the hydrometer stem is marked. The difference in the liquid levels can be used to calibrate the stem of the hydrometer.

    [10 marks]

    [10 markah]

    10. Figure A shows the arrangement of the apparatus for an experiment to study a wave phenomenon.

    Rajah A menunjukkan susunan radas bagi eksperimen untuk mengkaji satu fenomena gelombang.

    Figure A

    Rajah A

    Figure B shows the bright and dark bands of the wave pattern formed on the screen when plane waves pass

    trough narrow and wipe gaps.Rajah B menunjukkan jalur terang dan jalur gelap bagi corak gelombang yang terbentuk pada tabir apabila

    gelombang satah melalui celah kecil dan celah besar.

    Figure B

    Rajah B


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    (a) (i) Explain how the dark and light bands are formed on the screen.

    Terangkan bagaimana jalur terang dan jalur gelap terbentuk pada tabir.

    The water waves formed are like convex and concave lenses

    This causes the parallel light rays from the lamp to converge forming bright spots and diverge

    Forming dark regions.

    [4 marks]

    (ii) Observe Figure B. Compare the wave patterns and the wavelengths of the waves before and

    after they pass through the gaps.Relate the size of the gaps, the wave patterns and the wavelengths to

    deduce a relevant physics concept.

    Perhatikan Rajah B. Bandingkan corak gelombang dan panjang gelombang sebelum dan selepas

    gelombang air itu melalui celah-celah itu. Hubungkaitkan antara saiz celah, corak gelombang dan

    panjang gelombang untuk menyimpulkan suatu konsep fizik yang sesuai

    The wavelengths of the waves before and after passing through the narrow and wide gaps are the


    Before passing through the narrow and wide gaps, plane wavefronts can be observed.

    After passing through the gaps, the waves emerging from the gap have circular wavefronts

    The curvature of the bending is more obvious in the diagram, where the gap is narrower.

    When a wave passes through a gap, the wave bends. The narrower the size of the gap is, the

    bigger the bending/ curvature of the wave will be.



    Name the wave phenomenon shown in Figure B.

    Namakan fenomena gelombang yang ditunjukkan pada Rajah B.

    Diffraction of waves

    [1 mark]

    (b) Figure C shows the seashore of a fishing village. During the rainy season , waves are big. One year

    the waves eroded the seashore, caused the jetty to collapse and damage the fishermenfs boats.

    Rajah C menunjukkan pantai bagi satu kampung nelayan. Semasa musim tengkujuh, saiz gelombang

    adalah besar. Pada suatu tahun gelombang ini menghakis pantai meruntuhkan jeti dan merosakkan bot-

    bot nelayan.


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    Figure C

    Rajah C

    To prevent similar damage in the future, the fishermen suggest building retaining walls and relocating

    the jetty. Make further suggestions of ways to help the fishermen solve their problems. You should use

    your knowledge of reflection, refraction and diffraction of waves to explain these suggestions, to include

    the following aspects:

    Untuk mengelakkan kerosakan yang serupa berulang pada masa hadapan, nelayan-nelayan itu bercadang

    untuk membina benteng dan memindahkan jeti ke tempat yang baru. Buat cadangan selanjutnya tentang

    cara untuk membantu nelayan itu mengatasi masalah mereka. Anda perlu menggunakan pengetahuantentang pantulan, pembiasan dan pembelauan gelombang bagi menerangkan cadangan itu, yang

    merangkumi aspek-aspek berikut:

    (i) the design and structure of the retaining wall,

    reka bentuk dan struktur benteng,

    Concrete structures, solid and rigid

    Can withstand the impact of the waves, not easy to crack

    Has narrow gaps

    Diffraction will occur, the smaller amplitude of the diffracted waves causes the sea to be calm

    Must be high To ensure no overspill of the waves

    (ii) the location of the new jetty,

    lokasi jeti yang hendak dibina,

    The new jetty is built in the region of the bay

    The waves in the bay are calmer (amplitude is lower) than in the cape



    the size or energy of the waves.

    saiz atau tenaga gelombang.

    The wave energy diverges at the bay

    The wave energy converges at the cape

    The amplitude and size of the waves are smaller at the bay

    [10 marks]

    [10 markah]


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    Section C

    Bahagian C

    [20 marks]

    [20 markah]

    Answer any one question from this section.

    Jawab mana-mana satusoalan daripada bahagian ini.

    11. (a) Figure A shows two convex lenses, R and S, used in an astronomical telescope.

    The focal length for R is 40 cm and for S is 10 cm .

    Rajah A menunjukkan dua kanta penumpu, Rdan S,yang digunakan dalam teleskop astronomi.

    Panjang fokus bagi Rialah 40 cm dan panjang fokus bagi S ialah 10 cm.

    Figure A

    Rajah A

    (i) Define the power of a lens.

    Definisikan kuasa kanta.

    Power of the lens =

    [1 markah]

    (ii) Give two reasons why R is used as the objective lens of the telescope.

    Nyatakan duasebab mengapa Rsesuai digunakan sebagai kanta objek dalam teleskop.

    Has a larger surface area which allows more light in

    Has a longer focal length [2 markah]



    Using lenses R and S, draw a ray diagram on Figure A to show the formation of the final

    image by the telescope at normal adjustment. Use a scale of 10 cm to 1 cm.

    Menggunakan kanta Rdan kanta S, lukiskan Rajah A, satu gambar rajah sinar

    untukmenunjukkanpembentukan imej akhir oleh teleskop itu pada pelarasan normal. Gunakan

    skala 10 cm kepada 1 cm.


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    [5 markah]

    (iv)Calculate the magnification of the final image formed by the telescope at normal adjustment.

    Hitungkan pembesaran imej akhir yang dibentuk oleh teleskop pada pelarasan normal.

    Magnification = Focal length of objective lens/Focal length of eyepiece

    [2 markah]

    (b) Presbyopia is an inability of the eye to adjust the focussing of far and near objects. This usually happens

    when we get old, where the ciliary muscle is less able to change the shape of the eye lens to focus the

    image on the retina, as shown in Figures B and C.

    Presbiopia ialah keadaan di mana mata tidak boleh memfokus objek jauh dan objek dekat. Keadaan ini

    biasanya berlaku apabila kita telah tua, disebabkan otot silia pada mata kurang kenyal untuk mengubah

    bentuk kanta semasa memfokus ke retina, seperti ditunjukkan pada Rajah B dan Rajah C.

    Figure B Figure C

    Rajah B Rajah C

    As an optician, you have three designs of lenses, X, Y and Z, in your shop. The cross-section of X,

    Y and Z are shown in Figure D.

    Sebagai seorang pakar optik, anda mempunyai tiga reka bentuk kanta, X, Y dan Z, di kedai anda. Keratan

    rentas X, Y dan Z ditunjukkan pada Rajah D.

    Figure D

    Rajah D


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    (i) Choose the most suitable design of lens in Figure D to correct the sight of a person with

    presbyopia and explain the suitability of the design.

    Pilih reka bentuk kanta pada Rajah Dyang paling sesuai untuk membetulkan penglihatan seorang

    yang mengalami presbiopia dan terangkan kesesuaian reka bentuk kanta itu.

    Most suitable for making a lens: Design Y

    Contains both diverging and converging lenses

    A diverging lens can be used to focus the image from a distant object onto the retina

    A converging lens can be used to focus the image from a near object onto the retina

    (ii) Explain why the other two designs are not suitable. Either low or high refractive index glass can be

    used to make the lenses.

    Terangkan mengapa dua reka bentuk kanta yang lain tidak sesuai. Kaca mempunyai indeks biasan

    yang rendah atau yang tinggi boleh digunakan untuk membuat kanta.

    Design X does not allow the image of a distant object to be focused onto the retina, so the distant

    object cannot be seen clearly.

    Design Z does not allow the image of a near object to be focused onto the retina, so nearobject cannot be seen clearly.



    Which type of glass is most suitable to make the lens chosen in (b)(i)? Give reasons for your choice.

    Jenis kaca yang manakah sesuai untuk membina kanta yang anda pilih di (b)(i)?Berikan sebab bagi

    pilihan anda.

    Glass with a high refractive index is suitable to be used to make the lens. This produces a lighter

    and thinner lens

    [10 marks]

    [10 markah]

    12. (a) Most of our electrical energy comes from hydroelectric power stations and thermal power

    stations. These power stations are connected by cables to transmit electricity to users in industries,

    offices, schools and houses. This system is called the national grid network.

    Sebahagian besar tenaga elektrik yang digunakan datang daripada stesen janakuasa elektrik

    hidro dan stesen janakuasa termal. Stesen janakuasa ini disambung antara satu sama lain

    menggunakan kabel untuk menyalurkan tenaga elektrik kepada industri, pejabat, sekolah dan

    rumah kediaman. Sistem ini dikenali sebagai rangkaian grid nasional.

    (i) State the transformations of energy in a hydroelectric power system.

    Nyatakan pemindahan bentuk tenaga yang berlaku di stesen janakuasa elektrik hidro.

    Potential energy Kinetic energy Electrical energy[1 markah]

    (ii) Explain briefly the importance of the national grid network system in distributing electrical

    energy to the user

    Terangkan secara ringkas kepentingan sistem rangkaian grid nasional dalam penghantaran

    tenagaelektrik kepada pengguna.

    The cost of generation of electricity is reduced because high voltage transmission of

    energygreatly reduces energy loss in the cables.

    Repair work and maintenance can be carried out at any power station at any time

    To ensure the supply of the power is continuous

    The generation of electricity by each station can be controlled and regulated according tothe demand pattern


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    (b) Figure below shows how a model of an electric transmission system can be set up in a laboratory.

    The model consists of a power station that generates 12 V of alternating current (a.c) that

    transmits the electrical energy to the users using transmission wires and transformers P, Q and R.

    Rajah di bawah menunjukkan satu model sistem penghantaran tenaga elektrik yang boleh dibina

    di dalam makmal. Model ini mengandungi satu stesen janakuasa yang menjana 12 V arus ulang

    alik(a.u) yangmenghantar tenaga elektrik kepada pengguna menggunakan dawai penghantar

    dan transformerP, Q dan R.



    You are required to set up a model as in Figure above using the information in Table below.

    Anda dikehendaki untuk menyediakan model seperti dalam Rajah di atas dengan menggunakan

    maklumat dalam Jadual di bawah.



    Using the information in Figure and Table above determine:Menggunakan maklumat dalam Rajah dan Jadual di atas tentukan:

    (i) the number of turns in the primary coil and the secondary coil of transformers P, Q and R and

    show your working.

    bilangan lilitan dalam gegelung primer dan bilangan lilitan dalam gegelung sekunder

    transformerP, Q, danR, tunjukkan kerja hitungan yang anda lakukan.

    For transformer P(12 V 24 V):

    Choose Np = 500, Ns = 1 000


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    For transformer Q (24 V 8 V):

    Choose Np = 1 200, Ns = 400

    For transformer R (24 V 6 V):

    Choose Np = 500, Ns = 120

    (ii) the type of core you will use in all transformers and justify your choice.

    jenis teras yang anda gunakan bagi semua transformer itu dan jelaskan pilihan anda.

    - Laminated soft -iron core Soft iron can be easily magnetized and demagnetized. Therefore, reducing hysteresis loss

    A laminated core is used for reducing the eddy current/induced current in the core, hence

    reducing the power loss of the transformer.



    the material you will use for the transmission wire and justify your choice.

    bahan yang anda gunakan untuk membina dawai penghantar dan jelaskan pilihan anda.


    Aluminium has a low resistance per metre, and so the power loss from the transmission

    wire will be reduced.

    Copper wire has a lower resistance per metre than aluminium but it is expensive and ithas a much higher density than aluminium

    [10 marks]

    (c) If the resistance of the transmission wires between transformers P and Q in the model at Figure

    above is 30 , calculate:

    Jika rintangan dawai penghantar antara transformerP dan transformerQ dalam model pada

    Rajahdi atas ialah 30 , hitungkan:

    (i) the current that flows in the transmission wire,

    arus yang mengalir dalam dawai penghantar itu,

    V = 24 V,R = 30

    Current =

    = 0.8 A

    (ii) the power loss due to the heating effect of the current in the transmission wire.

    kuasa yang hilang disebabkan oleh kesan pemanasan arus dalam wayar penghantar itu.

    Power loss in the cables = I2R

    = (0.8)2(30 )

    = 19.2 W

    [5 marks]