2009 feng shui handbook

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  • 7/27/2019 2009 Feng Shui Handbook



    Introduction to Feng Shui:

    This year, New Years Day is on January 26 (solar new year), while the actualyear and the beginning of spring is on February 4 which is when the Chinese calendarstarts. You have until before Feb. 4 to place your feng shui remedies and enhancers.

    The yearly Feng Shui determines which signs will be lucky and which wont be solucky is based on the Flying Star Formula. This formula uses the 8 directions (North,South, East, West, NE, NW, SE and SW) and determines where each type of Star willfly to in a particular year.

    There are lucky stars (or that which brings good luck) and affliction stars (orthat which brings bad luck) that fly to each of the 8 directions every year. The lucky starsare: the Auspicious Wealth Star, White or Victory Star, Multiplying or Expanding Star,Heaven Star and Romance Star. The affliction stars are: the Deadly 5 Yellow Star,Robbery Star, Argument Star, and Illness Star.

    Each astrological animal is associated with a particular direction or called itshome direction (youll see this below) and each will be affected with the star that flew tothat direction. For those with affliction stars in their charts, there are always remedies tobe done to counter this. I put the remedies in my office, in each bedroom and in theliving and dining room.

    In assessing your luck, remember that you are affected by the followingdirections: 1) your astrological signs home direction, 2) where your house is facing, 3)where your room is located in the house, 4) where you face while working, 5) where yourhead points while youre sleeping, and 6) direction of your position in family if father ofa family (Patriarch), the mother (Matriarch), eldest son, etc. Be watchful of the directions

    that pertain to you and your position in the family. So check your directions so you knowexactly whats in store for you.

    Each direction will need a particular type of energy to either activate the star ofthat direction or suppress the star there. These energies are earth, wood, metal, fire orwater. The details on what is considered each type of energy are found below.

    2008 Review:

    The year of the Earth Rat was ruled by the White Star. There should have beensuccess, wealth, career advancement and recognition for most of us, particularly for theRabbit, Dragon and Boar. It should have been great for those who got married, and

    those who started new businesses and ventures.

    2009 Feng Shui:

    2009 Year of the Earth Ox promises to be a year of peace, harmony and aauspicious wave of success, prosperity and growth luck for everyone as the year is ruledby the number 9 which is the Completion or Future Prosperity Star. There will be a good

    Summary of Lilian Too & Jennifer Toos Fortune & Feng Shui books (from World of Feng Shui)

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    start and good ending to the year. As the year connotes luck in future prosperity, if youenhance your luck this year, there is a great chance that your wealth level will increasesignificantly.

    The seeds for building future prosperity can be sown this year by creative andcourageous people, but it can get you exhausted. To counter this, place Fire energy in

    the center of the house and office.

    The luckiest this year is the Rooster and the Horse! The next lucky ones are theDragon, Snake, Dog and Boar.

    QUICK INFO AND TIPS FOR THIS YEAR: (If you want to do feng shui to your home oroffice, this should be done before Feb. 4!!)

    New Yang energy is needed to bring good fortune to the home in other words,wake up the energy of the house! Move stuff around, bring in some light, etc.

    Spring cleaning! You really need to do this! Move furniture a few inches from its

    place, clean the dirt around it and put back. This will awaken the energies of thehouse and of each room. Dont just clean around the furniture. You need to doyour spring cleaning before putting the Feng Shui-ing the place

    Better yet, create new arrangement of furniture to face your best directions asaccording to your Pa Kua number which is based on your birth year and gender.(Youll see it under each sign and if its not there, I can compute your pa kuanumber and give you your directions!)

    During the month of Feb, open doors and windows daily early in the morning tosuck in fresh air

    You can use cleansing rituals (ex. using bells, singing bowls and incense) toclean the energy. I use Sandalwood incense and go around each room 3 timesclockwise. Note that I do this after spring cleaning.

    The number 8 is a very lucky number from 2004-2024. In 2009, the number 9adds to luck of the lucky number 8.

    IMPT : In 2009, the most auspicious direction is South East. It has the AuspiciousWealth Star bringing prosperity, career luck and happiness. Use this direction asmuch as possible. Activate with a water feature, wood energy and bright lights.

    Other lucky directions : South, South West and North West

    DONT face North, North East and East all this year!

    Place feng shui remedies and accelerators before Feb. 4, particularly, make sureyour Five Element Pagoda is in place by then!

    Its important to have the purpose of Feng Shui in mind while putting the symbolor energy in its place.

    For this year, enhance Wood energy surround yourself with the color green aswell as plants. The lucky color to wear is Purple

    Make use of the precious stone Jade which provides the bridge that channelsheaven luck.

    Focus on the number 9 display things in nine or multiples of 9 such as a 9-rodwindchime or having 9 fish in your aquarium

    Remember that even if the stars say youre not so lucky this year, there arealways remedies to counter the unlucky stars.

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    For education, use your personal growth direction unless its afflicted this year.

    If Husband and Wife have different lucky directions, follow the lucky direction ofthe bread-winner.

    Be charitable! Donate to Unicef, a seminary or convent, or your local church toget an influx of luck!

    The secret of getting the most of the year is to tap the South East and avoid theNorth.


    Everyone has their best and worse directions. This is based on the year of birthand gender which gets your Pa Kua number. You can get your Pa Kua number atwww.wofs.com.

    Everyone has the general best directions (1st to 4th best) and each good directiondirectly affects an aspect whether for wealth, health, love and personal growth.For business, sit facing your wealth direction. For sleeping, point your head whilein bed facing your health The Health direction is the best direction to while

    sleeping, unless that direction is afflicted for that particular year. However , these generally good directions have to be compared to the Flying Star

    Chart every year to see if that direction is lucky for that specific year. See belowfor an example:

    Bad directions follow the same rule. Generally, dont stay or face thosedirections. BUT, if the flying charts indicate a change of luck there for a particularyear, you can tap and face that direction for that year. So, for houses, its best notto live in a room that is inherently bad for you as it will only be a good year IF anauspicious star flies to that bad direction.

    Under each astrological sign below, I placed the directions to face according topriority.

    EXAMPLE: Below is a full explanation of how our generally good directions couldchange in a particular year. Dont worry Ox ladies, a simpler lay-out is provided later.

    For OX LADIES (Feb. 3, 1973 Jan 22, 1974):

    Generally - Best Directions: W (Wealth and Success), NE (Health), SW (Love),

    NW (Growth). Our bad directions (from worst to best) are: S (Total Loss), N (6types of misfortunes), E (presence of troublemakers. A victim of gossip), SE (mildbad luck. Irritations and delay in projects). Look below how it applies for 2009:

    West is normally the best direction because it is the direction for Wealth and

    Success, BUT for 2009, the West is afflicted with the Illness Star. Do not facehere this year.

    Our 2nd best direction is usually North East which is also for Health, therefore thebest position to sleep in, BUT for 2009, it is afflicted with the Argument Star.Better to stay away for this direction all together.

    Our 3rd best direction is usually South West which is also for Love. It is the best

    direction for this year as it also has the Heaven Star. This is the best directionfor the year!

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    Our 4th best direction is usually North West which is also for Personal Growth and

    which is good for 2009 as it has the White Star. This is the 2nd best direction forthe year!

    For 2009 only, our3rd best direction is South East because of the Auspicious

    Wealth Star. It is also the direction of our ally, the Snake, so this will be beneficialto us.

    For 2009 only, our4th best direction is South which houses the Romance Star.


    You will see below that I will ask you put a certain type of energy in eachdirection. Use the info below to know what to put as a symbol of that energy.Youll notice the symbols are common sense. :D

    Make sure the objects or pictures you use dont symbolize loneliness, death,darkness, hatred, war, etc. or anything negative

    Water Energy You can use an aquarium, a fish bowl, a pond, a fountain, or a waterfall(that flows towards the house and not out the door). The waters should be kept moving

    with fish, turtles or pumps. I also use ornaments or objects with a picture of or in theimage of a fish; anything blue or black in color; or paintings or pictures with water orremind me of water (like abstract paintings).

    Earth Energy Use crystals (quartz, amethyst, jade, etc.), earthen or glass vases,paintings of pots or a brick house. You can also use a globe, a map or anything madewith glass or brown or orange in color.

    Wood Energy Use lush and healthy plants or paintings/pictures/images of flowers,trees, and wooden houses. Young broad-leaved plants are ideal and flowering plantsrepresent the blossoming of your projects. I also use paintings of birds since it remindsme of trees and anything wooden or green in color.

    Fire Energy Use bright lights, candles, or anything red in color. You can also use animage of the sun.

    Metal Energy Use all-metal wind chimes (better with 6 hallow rods), metal vases,statues, picture frames, bowls, or coins. You can also your computer or stereoequipment, or use anything white, silver or gold in color.


    This part states what each sector affects, what star has flown to that sector andthe remedies and accelerators to place.

    Note that every direction affects an astrological sign which is stated inparenthesis. Know the direction that affects you and make sure that your sectorin the house and office is clean, uncluttered and well-lit. Example, dont make it adumping ground of xmas gifts you wish you didnt receive

    Place the remedies/accelerators indicated in every sector (even if it doesnt affectyour sign). Placing them in a bedroom or office affects only the person stayingthere, while placing it in the living room or common part of the office will affecteveryone

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    When looking for directions, use a compass to detect the different directions andlocations to energize the directions accdg. to the details below. Dont use thesunrise or sunset as basis.

    CENTER (as in center of the bedroom/living room/office) Completion Star,

    Multiplying Star or Future Prosperity Star which brings completion luck to any projectwaiting to be finished and benefits those starting new ventures. Prosperity, happyevents, promotion luck, investment luck.

    Place of the middle son

    Put fire energy and wood energy

    NORTH (Rat)

    Generates Career and Wealth Luck.

    In 2009 - For Five Yellow Star brings severe illness, distress and misfortune.

    The Star is very strong this year, so 3 cures are recommended to be used

    together or singly depending on the size of the house or office: a) five element

    pagoda placed on a table, b) five element big bell (8-12 inches high) strike thebell at least once a day and more often if residents are going through a hardtime, and c) a ritual which can be found in the Lilian Too book

    Dont face or point your head facing North and dont use the North door of your


    Place other metal energy here

    Keep this area dim and quiet. Do not renovate Northern part of the house

    NORTHEAST (Ox and Tiger)

    Creates Education Luck (excellent examination results, scholastic honors, and

    even scholarships)

    In 2009 Argument Star which is associated with arguments, fights,

    misunderstandings and court cases, but with Tai Sui or God of the Year

    Put fire energy here like all kinds of lights and the color red

    Remove all water AND wood energy here (like plants)

    Place a Pi Yao made of earth or jade here

    Do not renovate this part of the house, keep area dim and quiet

    Remove metal wind chimes (yang metal) from this part. Only place yin metal


    For oxen, place yin metal energy here also

    EAST (Rabbit)

    Brings Good Health, longevity and descendants luck.

    It also creates luck that is conducive to the accumulation of wealth assets for the


    It is the location of the Eldest son

    The East is the ideal part of any home for the bedrooms of the sons of the family

    2009 Robbery or Violence Star with the Three Killings, but with the Star of

    Great Strength and Star of Strong Energy.

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    The best remedy is to place a large water feature in the East. You can also

    display a double horned rhino or water energy

    Place 9 elephants (with trunks up) or rhinos for added prosperity

    Place the 3 celestial protectors the Chi Lin, the Fu Dog and the Pi Yao facing


    Keep all doors and windows closed during the afternoon hours

    SOUTHEAST (Dragon and Snake)

    Generates income and prosperity (not family net worth)

    In 2009 Auspicious Wealth Star with Star of Big Opportunity

    Place water energy here. Also place wood energy like plants

    Place the color Purple here

    Have lots of yang energy here lots of activity, lots of noise and plenty of bright


    Place images of dragons here

    Place the number 9 or 9 objects here to enhance both current and future

    prosperity (ex. 9 goldfish)

    SOUTH (Horse)

    Brings recognition and fame

    2009 Romance and Scholastic Star with Golden Deity

    Place Fire energy here

    Place the color Purple here

    At the southern part of the outside of the house, keep lights turned on throughout

    the night

    For unmarried Oxen place a symbol or picture of a Horse here

    SOUTHWEST (Sheep and Monkey) Enhances the luck of relationships, bringing with it the promise of romance, love

    and the start of a new phase in the lives of people of marriageable age.

    It is the direction associated with the Matriarch

    In 2009 Heaven Star which brings windfall luck with Heaven Seal (celestial

    blessings) and Star of Resting (residents in SW part can do well in 2009 withouthaving to put in much effort). It also brings promotion and mentor luck

    Put water energy. Better, put a large water feature or an urn of water or fish bowl.

    Place bright lights

    WEST (Rooster)

    Protects Family Luck. It is designated as the space where happiness arises as aresult of a happy family.

    When W is energized or protected, the family stays together and remains healthy

    and strong. All the older members of the family will live a long life. Both patriarchand the matriarch, whose luck resides on both sides of the W (NW and NE) willenjoy increasing happiness and good fortune through the passing years.

    2009 Illness Star but it has the luck star called the Golden Diety.

    Put a metal wu lou and windchimes

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    Keep lights dimmed here

    Paint door or wall white to keep Illness Star suppressed

    NORTHWEST (Dog and Boar)

    For Mentor Luck. Signifies the luck of powerful and influential benefactors

    It is also the place of the Patriarch and the source of familys wealth. 2009 Victory or White Star with Prosperity Luck Star and Small Luck Rising


    Place Earth energy and objects made of Jade here

    Place symbols of victory here


    This is in the order of the zodiac sign-animals.

    If you were born mid-Jan to mid-Feb, you have to check if you are consideredunder the animal of that year or the year before. For birth dates, it is based onthe lunar calendar, so check if you born before or after Chinese New Year. You

    can check on www.wofs.com. To enhance or control the stars of your astrological sign, look at the

    direction/sector of the house pertaining to your sign.

    Rat (1960, 1972) Dynamic and vivacious. Image conscious. Can be moody. Cravessecurity. Thrives on praise. Wants to be liked/accepted. Social standing is important.

    Rats astrological compass direction is North.

    2008 Heaven Star with the Grand Duke This indirect wealth star bringsspeculative and windfall luck as well as power and authority luck.

    2009 Five Yellow Star The star of misfortune

    Despite the fact that you have the Five Yellow Star in your chart, your goodfortune will continue from last year. There will be however obstacles andunderlying problems that will cause irritation, anger and intolerance to arise. Youare blessed with truly excellent staying power and a cleverness that helps youwork your way around problems. The good news is that despite energy levelsbeing sapped, it does not distract too much from the joy de vivre that makes yoursign so lovable and attractive to others. If you use feng shui remedies for the FiveYellow Star, this year should bring some seriously promising signs of goodsuccess. Because you are compatible with the Ox, during this Ox year, you arepotentially a fireball of activity. You have the ability to rise above adversities andthis enhances your confidence, making you nice to have around. In 2009, youare popular with colleagues and friends. There is a forthrightness in the way youtackle problems and a fresh creativity in the way you approach your work.Because of the energy of the Ox year, you are positive and sociable this year.Make the effort to keep going like this and you will have a great year.

    Lady Rat is an efficient lady and this year her mothering skills are at their bestdespite inner worries. There is great resilience and fortitude in her character but

    just as there are challenges ahead of her, there are also many moments oftriumph and success. She will be very alert to money-making opportunities thisyear and despite the affliction of the Five Yellow, there are invisible forceshelping her success at what she starts. The 37 year old lady rat will discover that

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    2009 benefits them in terms of succeeding what they set out to do, althoughfinancially it may not be the year to make it big. But significant success awaitsthose who follow through on their instincts. It is advisable to overcome the urgeto give up due to initial obstacles because there are indications that whatever youbegin this year will stabilize and bring you huge satisfaction in future years.Money-wise, this year favors the lady rat born in 1960 who will enjoy superlative

    financial and success luck. The only problem facing her is possible hiddenconflicts and mental confusions. Stay positive and upbeat and inner doubts willbe laid to rest.

    Gentleman Rat The affliction of 2009 will force him to use his head as well ashis trained skills to get round problems but hes lucky in that this is a year whenthe overall chi energy tends to work in his favor. Older Rat born guys are advisedto keep busy and stay active as this will help subdue a tendency towards feelingdepressed. Physically you enjoy good health. It is your mental state and innerfeelings you should work at. Stay positive and let your natural exuberance andgood humor prevail. Rat Gentlemen who are in the prime of their career havegood things to look forward to this year. There is good promotion luck. This is ayear when you are creative and clever, so luck is on your side. As long as you

    watch your loose tongue and do not allow any negativity to influence what yousay and how you act towards others in the work arena, you should do really well.Your potentially worst enemy this year is your tendency to be too candid in yourview of others especially of colleagues. Keep whatever negative opinions youmay have to yourself and refrain from criticizing others.

    For the 73 year old Rat, there is excellent success and health luck. However, itimportant for the 73 year old to perform some good deed related to savinganimals or donating to a good charitable foundation.

    For the 37 year old Rat, 2009 brings maximum success luck. But s/he needs towatch the financial outgoings and take care to not succumb to the tendency toinvest and spend without thinking. There is real danger of making some bigmistakes that lead to financial loss. Economically, your luck is very unstable this

    year. To safeguard yourself from too much loss, you should perform somecharity. Make donations to temples and give money to feed the poor. To createbetter wealth luck, place a water feature in the Northern part of the house but notin the bedroom. You could also place metal energy here but water energy isstronger. (If youre serious about improving wealth luck, get Lilian Toos Rat bookand do the ritual on page 60.) The good news is that even though money luckmay be lacking in 2009, career and work luck are at their peak. This year you willgain the respect of peers and co-workers and reach an influential position whereyou are highly respected.

    To avoid the Five Yellow Star, display a Five Element Pagoda in the Northernpart of your bedroom or if its a big one, in the Northern part of house. If you dontwant to get the pagoda, then put any metal energy here. You should also hang a

    mantra protection plaque in the North high above doorways and entrances. Carrya symbol of the Monkey or Dragon in order to benefit from your allies goodfortune in 2009. Enhance the SE part of your house with whats written in thishandbook.

    There are lots of lucky months while the only two unlucky months are July andOctober

    1st month (Feb 4-March 5) Youre a Winner this Month

    2nd month (Mar 6-Apr 4) Laying Strong Foundation

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    some vital support (that of the Tai Sui) who lends a helping hand. You can lookforward to some small successes during the year. The year at best is lukewarm.However, those who buckle down to work and stay cool will benefit from 2009sgreat promise. What is needed is greater tolerance and patience.

    The Ox can be quite tireless when pursuing a cherished dream and thisdetermination is very evident in 2009. This is a year when your energy level is

    strong so those of you with a clear goal and a well thought out agenda willprevail, but not without having to fight strenuously and hard. It is a year whenhard work is called for. Unfortunately, there is a tendency to be stubborn,dogmatic and impatient with other peoples viewpoints. The Ox is normally calm,almost always logical and even fair minded, so these are characteristics theyshould fall back on to take advantage of the years opportunities. Leave room forthe alternative viewpoint and do not be too hasty in your judgments. Workconsciously at staying cool and fall back on your sense of systematicorganization if you have to. Better to be boring than difficult in 2009. Many peopleadmire you for your dedication, your vision and your ideals. So better to let otherssing your praises than to do it yourself. You have never been the insecure typeso misunderstandings should not affect your confidence.

    The 36 and 48 year old Oxen are not short on success luck. Just do not expectthis to be a spectacular year. You achieve what you set out to do but you do notsatisfy your own high standards. Your personality is not an especially endearingpersona this year. Make the effort to loosen up. Laugh! There is excellent newsfor the 48 year Ox as your financial luck is excellent this year and the year givesyou good energy.

    Lady Ox What is quite outstanding about the female Ox is not just her ability toget things done but also the way she tackles her responsibilities. She is neither awhiner nor a complainer. What causes her ire is irresponsibility. She simplycannot and will not tolerate those who promise and do not deliver and peoplewho cannot be relied upon annoy and irritate her. In 2009, it is her misfortune tomeet up with more than her fair share of laggards. She thus finds it hard to keep

    her cool, but she will also have a short fuse allowing even the most pettytransgressions on the part of others irritate her. The 36 year old Ox enjoysmoderate success but has to worry because of financial instability. The 36 yearold however enjoys the benefit from the years intrinsic energy being in sync withthe chi of the year. The power of 9 brings unseen strength to their efforts.Success lucks goes from good to better. As for the 48 year old Ox, she will havethe best year, enjoying a financial bonanza and having great health but has towatch out for spiritual obstacles. To avoid this, wear a crucifix.

    Gentleman Ox will be particularly grouchy this year, nursing past grievances,complaining and demanding explanations from colleagues and employees. Oxguys are not easy to deal in 2009. He is insensitive to other peoples feelings andtouchy about imagined slights and insults. He will bury his misery in his work and

    try to dissipate the tensions tearing him apart by pushing himself hard. It benefitshim to shrug off past hurts so he does not get too riled up. An Ox in temper is asight to behold! Good thing he has a long fuse and if feng shui cures are put intoplace, the affliction of the year will not affect him too excessively. Ox men will findthat the year favors those who do not respond to aggravating circumstances. The36 year old has to face money problems while the 48 year old enjoys some prettyexcellent luck at work financially and in terms of getting recognition.

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    The 48 year old Ox experiences an exceptional year with good success andoutstanding financial luck and great physical health luck. However, there couldbe some negative energies and niggling doubts which will keep you up at night.To counter this, try being charitable to some good cause and soften yourpersonality.

    The year threatens to be a noisy one for the Ox. While generally calm, this year

    they could occasionally act out of character and fly off the handle. Those notused to this side of the Ox personality could be in for a rude awakening. Calmingactivities such as yoga and meditation would greatly benefit the Ox this year.Relationships both professional and personal get strained because of yourvolatile personality. Try not to make enemies in the heat of the moment. Some ofyour words can be caustic, and some things said cannot be unsaid. Dont act onimpulse. In every situation, make it a habit to give yourself thinking time beforeacting.

    To improve your luck, place a water feature in the SE and immediately donate tosome good cause. Also, place yin metal like auspicious objects in brass (yin-nothing noisy or with movement) in the NE to subdue the Argument Star. Nowindchimes in the NE. Also, remove all plants in NE corner and add fire energy

    here. For luck, carry or display a symbol of the Snake or Rooster (snake isluckier). In choosing partners, choose those who are Snakes, Roosters or Rats.

    Lucky months- February, April, June, September, November, January

    Unlucky months May, July, August

    1st month (Feb 4-March 5) Start the Year Soaring

    2nd month (Mar 6-Apr 4) Confronting Realities

    3rd month (Apr 5- May 5) Unexpected Good Luck Comes

    4th month (May 6-June 5) Misfortune All Round

    5th month (June 6-July 6) Love is in the Air

    6th month (July 7-Aug 7) Aggravations Annoy You

    7th month (Aug 8-Sept 7) Succumbing to Illness Vibes

    8th month (Sept 8 -Oct 7) Strengthened and Raring to Go 9th month (Oct 8 Nov 6) Dont Let Success Go to Your Head

    10th month (Nov 7- Dec 6) Harvesting Good Fortune

    11th month (Dec 7- Jan 5) Crafty Friends Let You Down

    12th month (Jan 6-Feb 3) Good Fortune Smiles

    Wear the color Red to help prevent you from losing your cool

    Ox benefits from wearing Red jasper it keeps negative people away, attractinginstead those who have affinity with you. You can also use red coral. Forromance luck, wear the more muted pink rose quartz. Wear the 21-eyed Dzi tohelp you solve obstacles and problems

    Place a three legged toad on the floor, diagonally facing the front door. No need

    to place them in the bedroom Display a kalachakra symbol at the entrance of your home

    Ox Directions for 2009:1961 Male and Female:

    Best: South East Love & Family direction with Wealth Star.

    2nd best: South Success direction with Romance Star

    3rd best: North West only for 2009. White Star

    4th best: South only for 2009. Romance Star

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    1973 Male:

    Best: South East Health direction with Wealth Star.

    2nd best: South Personal Growth direction with Romance Star

    3rd best: North West only for 2009. White Star



    best: South only for 2009. Romance Star

    1973 Female:

    Best: South West Love & family direction with Heaven Star

    2nd best: North West Personal Growth direction with White Star

    3rd best: South East only for 2009. Wealth Star

    4th best: South only for 2009. Romance Star

    Tiger(1962, 1974) - Impulsive. Thrill seeker. Passionate in love. Energetic and gutsy.Can be reckless. Exudes confidence. Emotional with extreme attitudes.

    The Tigers astrological compass direction is Northeast 3.

    2008 - Romance Star with Small Auspicious Star

    2009 Argument Star with Robbery 2009 is an average year for you althoughyour personalized luck depends also on the kind of Tiger you are. The biggestchallenge you face will be controlling your temper. Frustrating squabbles thatshouldnt happen do, and misunderstandings can get blown out of proportion.There is a possible threat of robbery or being cheated, so double check yourdoors as well as all contracts to be signed. Use a blue rhino or an elephant withits trunk up to prevent robbery.

    The Tiger person will have great strength in 2009 which will be a year whenthings go smoothly if you keep your cool. In 2009, the Tiger person benefits froman inner determination and fortitude which will help you make the most ofopportunities that open up for you. The main obstacle during the year is theinfluence of the nasty number 3 star which can bring litigation, court cases andaggravating encounters. There are sure to be misunderstandings and quarrelswhich cause problems to your sense of well-being. However, you are blessedwith excellent staying power and steely nerves. It is a mixed bag of luckexpectations that face the different Tigers, but all of you must make it a point tokeep your cool and respond to aggravations with patience and humor.

    The sign of the Tiger carries some magnificent connotations in Chinesehoroscope lore. It is believed that simply being a Tiger offers automatic protectionagainst bad people such as thieves, cheats and evil minded people. Tigerspossess intrinsic amulets in their being! Alas in 2009, the Tiger does have a veryshort fuse, easy to take offense and rather hard to please. Impatience seems tobe the order of the day so the ferocious side of the Tiger personality is more onshow than the soft side. The affliction of the Argument Star hits the Tiger hardand it is advisable to use strong feng shui remedies to contain the tendency tohostility and temper tantrums. But there is saving grace and this is the Tigerswonderful sense of humor which shows through later in the year when thingsmove smoothly and career advancement open new avenues. This boosts theTigers confidence bringing forth an optimism that makes up for an underlyinghostility of attitude. Career conscious Tigers must refrain from impulsivebehaviors and those in the prime of their career must take their ambitionsseriously if they want to advance up the ladder of success. They need to keep an

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    eye out for the main chance and rely more on strategic thinking than on intuitionif avenues for advancement are to be maximized. In 2009, the Tigers will benefitif he/she acts true to form and rises above temporary disappointments, notallowing setbacks to get him/her down. Dont give up, especially in July aparticularly stressful month. Take heart from the fact that the latter half of theyear is much better than the first half.

    Lady Tiger in 2009, there could be moments when anger will pierce through herunassailable veneer of perfect poise. She might lose her cool, but onlymomentarily. This happens when the ego of this proud lady gets hurt. Watch outthen because the female Tiger is vengeful. If she should lose face this year, shewill be unforgiving. The female Tiger is very sensitive this year because of theaffliction in her chart, but her defenses are extremely strong and she is likely toprevail in whatever battle she fights or competition she engages in. This does notmean she emerges triumphant this year. Indeed success luck is lacking andwinning appears unlikely for her in 2009, but she will fight on, never giving up,dragging the battle onto the following year! Staying power is the key to ultimatesuccess which hopefully comes when the Tiger year takes over. Financially, the59 year old lady Tiger will intimidate one and all with her amazing Midas touch.

    The 35 year old may not be dazzling in terms of creating wealth this year, but thisdynamite woman also makes good money.

    Gentleman Tiger always conscious of the impression he makes and what otherpeople think of him, the Tiger guy rarely if ever takes kindly to being slightedand in 2009, alas, this thin skin aspect of his personality could well be hisundoing. The Ox year brings with it a horrible cross to have to bear. Because ofthe Argumentative Star, Tiger guys in 2009 fall victim to their own weakness.Being over sensitive this year tends to make them indecisive so they rationalizeand get hurt by their feelings of uncertainty. It is a year that the male Tiger mustkeep his cool and focus less on himself and more on the issues at hand.Successfully directing his attention outwards is an excellent way to cope with theenergies of the year. The year of the Ox does not bring fabulous luck for the

    Tiger, but he does have strength, stamina and staying power. The 59 year oldwill overwhelm himself with excellent money luck while the 35 year old willexperience a great year when success and wealth luck are at a high level. OtherTigers will enjoy excellent health and a powerful sense of confidence. All Tigersenjoy strong inner chi levels in 2009 and this brings both stability and a strongaura of protection. They may not win in 2009 but they also certainly do not lose!

    The 71 year old Tiger who, in retirement would appreciate good health above allelse. He ages well and gracefully. It is unlikely that the hostile star will bring anynegative effects on this Tiger. Being realistic and less impulsive than otherTigers, there is none of the restlessness and yearning for independence that canmake life so unstable. Instead, there is a down to earth attitude that is certain tobe beneficial to making the most of the years energies. You will have the luck of

    long term prosperity this year. The year promises to bring excellent opportunitiesthat you have the karma to benefit from. In 2009, you should try to energize theSE sector of your house with water.

    The 35 year old enjoys a strong year. Obviously at the prime of his/her career,there is a hardy resilience to the way you respond to opportunities in 2009. Youhave inner confidence and a tough sense of ambition that will help you overcomethe minor obstacles that crop up through the year, especially in the month ofMay. There is a tendency to bristle at criticism this year but strong discipline and

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    good sense this year keeps this Tiger on even keel. Overall, the year sees youenhance your net worth and credibility amongst your peers. Just like the 71 yearold Tigers, you will have the luck of long term prosperity this year. The yearpromises to bring excellent opportunities that you have the karma to benefit from.In 2009, you should try to energize the SE sector of your house with water.

    This year is one of extreme emotions; you could be wildly happy about one thing

    one minute, then terribly disappointed about something else the next. Youemotions play havoc with your life, so a lot of this year hinges on keeping youremotions under control. If you can maintain a calm frame of mind, you are morelikely to make good decisions. Dont let the wild cat in you overtake your rationalthought, or you could end up making some very stupid mistakes.

    Lucky color is Red while lucky gemstones are those with fiery red color which willstrengthen your intrinsic energy such as rubies, red jasper, garnets and redcrystalline stones. For those looking for love and romance, wear Jade stones

    Place a tree of wealth or a water feature in the SE part of your home and office.To counter the afflictions in your chart, place fire energy and a blue rhino or anelephant with its trunk up in the NE part of your home and office.

    1st month (Feb 4-March 5) Begin the Year with a Bang

    2nd month (Mar 6-Apr 4) Stay Alert to troublemakers

    3rd month (Apr 5- May 5) Good Fortune Comes from Heaven

    4th month (May 6-June 5) A Low Time of the Year

    5th month (June 6-July 6) A Time to Get Emotional

    6th month (July 7-Aug 7) Stressed Out and Irritated

    7th month (Aug 8-Sept 7) Vulnerable to Sickness

    8th month (Sept 8 -Oct 7) Soaring High Towards Victory

    9th month (Oct 8 Nov 6) Laying Strong Foundations

    10th month (Nov 7- Dec 6) An Excellent Month Filled with Success

    11th month (Dec 7- Jan 5) Looking Over Your Shoulder

    12th month (Jan 6-Feb 3) Luck Comes from Unexpected Quarters

    Tiger Directions for 2009:1938 & 1974 Males:

    Best: South West Success direction with Heaven Star

    2nd best: North West Health direction with White Star

    3rd best: South East only for 2009. Wealth Star

    4th best: South only for 2009. Romance Star

    1974 Female:

    Best: North West Success direction with White Star

    2nd best: South West Health direction with Heaven Star

    3rd best: South East only for 2009. Wealth Star

    4th best: South only for 2009. Romance Star

    Rabbit (1963, 1975) Tactful and diplomatic. The eternal optimist. Sensitive. Eager toplease, Takes betrayal badly. Tend to be social climbers, Seldom outrageous.

    The Rabbits astrological compass direction is East 2.

    2008 Auspicious Wealth Star this is the most auspicious star which bringsprosperity, career luck and much happiness.

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    2009 Robbery and Violence Star with the Three Killings

    The Rabbit will have excellent vitality in 2009 and some will top this with superbhealth luck while others amongst you will enjoy a financial windfall. You havemountains to climb and challenges to face at work but luckily your strength is atan admirable level and you possess an inner fortitude that gives you power. Youenjoy strong energy this year which makes you well-equipped to take advantage

    of a generally auspicious year. The only thing that you have to cope with is thebetrayal and burglary star so it is advisable to be alert to people whose intentionsare questionable. There could be some kind of loss or you might unknowinglyrely on people who play you out and slow you down. However, there is nodenying that your chi is high, so your resilience makes you bounce back quicklydespite setbacks and obstacles.

    You have great inner strength and will be in a very positive frame of mind. Thishelps you see things in good perspective this year. Your luck does not slow downfrom that of last year although you might have to put up with a couple of minorfinancial or work related setbacks caused by jealousy and people politickingagainst you. Once you subdue the Robbery and Violence Star by placing a bluedouble-horned Rhino or a pair of elephants with the trunks up at the Eastern part

    of your room, home or office, the year should be fairly smooth. The year is one ofconsolidation and relatively easy living for the Rabbit. After the excitement of lastyear, it is a welcome respite and many of you will adapt easily to a slower andmore enjoyable lifestyle. The Rabbit is in good humor most of the year with just asmall stumble in September. You will be more relaxed and for some of you, theyear brings some fabulous event that sends you over the moon with happiness.Just make certain that you watch your back and not be too trusting. It would besafe to not risk big money this year and to counter the affliction in your chart, docharity work.

    Lady Rabbit is at a very good place in 2009 as her personal luck is strong andher chi energy is conducive to meeting the right people and making the bestdecisions. She is sharp and very alert this year to new opportunities. The onlyproblem stems from her excessively trusting nature, as a result of which shemight get cheated or someone could talk her into a scam and cause her to losemoney. But whatever happens will not be too significant it is just something thatteaches her to be less trusting. The 58 year old enjoys superlative financial luckwhite the 34 year old will have an above average year in terms of financialstability and success luck. There could also be the promise of a happiness event.

    Gentleman Rabbit enjoys a special brand of chi that gives him strength. In2009 therefore, he will surprise even himself with his level of confidence. Thosein the prime of their career will find themselves able to cope with whatever theyear brings. The 46 year old guy may experience a financially unstable year andit is better to stay clear of taking risks. Better to stay low key. The 34 year oldcould get married if hes still single and that would be auspicious.

    For the 34 year old, the year brings potential good things. There is a strongoutlook in the year except for Success luck where there is possibility of somekind of setback or failure, so you need to watch your back. Office aggravationsand troublemakers can be remedied by displaying a Rooster on your desk. Forgood measure, place a blue Rhino nearby to protect from burglary star. To helpyour success luck, donate to charity. Place earth element in the NW and waterenergy (better a moving water feature) in the SE.

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    3rd best: South East only for 2009. Wealth Star

    4th best: South only for 2009. Romance Star

    Dragon (1964, 1976) Captivating and vibrant. Good head for business. Seldomunderstated. Enjoys attention. Can be egotistic. Said to bring good luck to family. Bornwinner.

    The Dragons astrological compass direction is Southeast 1.

    2008 Multiplying Star with Earth Seal

    2009 Auspicious Wealth Star with Side Tai Sui

    Snake (1965, 1977) Dignified and well-mannered. Mysterious and reserved. Nevershort of admirers. Gets along with the opposite sex. Deeply intellectual. Can appearvague. Never confrontational.

    The Snakes astrological compass direction is Southeast 3.

    2008 - Multiplying Star with Robbery

    2009 Auspicious Wealth Star with Yi Duo Star There are good things to be expected this year, but it is a year where you are

    better off becoming quietly successful rather than grandly successful.Nevertheless, a great deal of your intellectual capability is going to show through

    indeed, it will be your cleverness which brings you recognition and respect thisyear. It is as if your friends are seeing you in a new positive light and for some, itwill be for the first time. There are good friendships this year and you areeffective in influencing others. It is definitely going to be a very satisfying yearindeed. The Snakes low key but excellent good fortune brings out all that isadmirable and lovely about this very seductive sign. This is a year when theSnake will shine and when the winner in you is brought out. The Snake is moresocially active in 2009, leaving aside the natural reticence you usually adopt.

    There will be no money problems, but there may be some inexplicable moodswings as there will be minor physical health problems and fluctuating energylevels.

    Lady Snake is usually beautiful but also quite formidable. She has a mind thatis extremely sharp and very alert. She will not be caught unawares. She isconfident about her abilities and family circumstances. She will not expressanything negative; she will just silently slither away. Being low key comesnaturally to her which is why 2009 will be such a great year for her. The 44 yearold lady is focused on work and makes good money this year, while the 32 yearold achieves some unexpected honor which opens up fresh pathways. You arestrong this year so that is sure to help.

    Gentleman Snake In the year of the Ox, he benefits from the cosmic energy

    that is shining brightly on him, but he must also take note that should he becomevulnerable to attacks for whatever reason, he will leave himself open to sufferingsome kind of loss. At the start of the year, it is vital that you do somethingpositive by way of helping others to counter possible attacks. There is successand financial luck for the Snake guy although in terms of strength this is notnecessarily the best year to enter the fray. It is also not a good year to be toocompetitive. So it is better to go easy in 2009. Sit back and enjoy the goodies

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    being brought your way in 2009 and focus on doing some charity work. Better tobe relaxed and let good opportunities come to you. No need to fight for anything.

    The 44 year old will have some welcome additions to your net worth. Financialand wealth luck are very positive and there is also reasonably good fortune in thework and professional area of your life. So 2009 is a year when working life ispleasant and even exciting. This Snake is a business person who will enjoy a

    good year when both turnover and profits show good growth. You find yourselfvery well placed to take advantage of money-making opportunities. This WoodSnake is particularly efficient at keeping up to date information on everyone. In20009, there could be some minor problems with health but rest assured if thereis anything serious, you are sure to be on top of things being equally efficientwhen it comes to matters affecting you. Place water energy in the SE to enhanceyour luck.

    For the 32 year old, the year brings a very strong constitution. Excellent healthand vitality dominate your chart and this gives you the strength to suppresswhatever vulnerabilities you may encounter. As a result, you will find that you caneasily stay on top of challenges on the work front. Success luck is good but notstrong, but you have great wealth, relationship and health luck. This Fire Snake

    is both masterful and decisive, both excellent qualities that suit this time of yourlife. You have entered into the most prominently important sector of your like; it isa time when you can lay strong foundations for the future. It is therefore a goodtime to be energetic and to turn on your oodles of charm. You are a person whois capable of great passion and if you combine your determination to succeedwith your incredible charisma, there is literally no limit to what you can achieve in2009. You have the confidence and spiritual strength to start and see throughgreat achievements this year. The only obstacle standing in your way is thedepth of your own aspirations. Only you can formulate the real extent of thefame, riches and power you really want. Just bear in mind not to be too much ofa loner. Suppress your suspicious nature and acknowledge that you aresurrounded by allies strongly loyal to you whom you can trust.

    There will be opportunities to make money and achieve success, but indicatorssuggest that it will be quiet victories rather than loud and public ones for theSnake this year. Achievements and success of a more spiritual kind are whatturns the Snake on in 2009. If you have been ruthlessly materialistic in the past,this is a good time to start thinking about the other aspects of life; otherwise youcould find yourself feeling inexplicably lost, discontented or incomplete. Whenyou discover the missing piece of the jigsaw, everything becomes more satisfyingfor you.

    Low months October, April and January 2010

    1st month (Feb 4-March 5) Year starts with a romantic interlude

    2nd month (Mar 6-Apr 4) In a combative mood

    3rd month (Apr 5- May 5) Feeling under the weather

    4th month (May 6-June 5) A Good month for new beginnings

    5th month (June 6-July 6) On top of the world and on a roll

    6th month (July 7-Aug 7) Success comes easily and effortlessly

    7th month (Aug 8-Sept 7) Some loss and betrayal this month

    8th month (Sept 8 -Oct 7) Help comes from unexpected quarters

    9th month (Oct 8 Nov 6) Obstacles affect your endeavors

    10th month (Nov 7- Dec 6) Personal relationships bring joy

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    11th month (Dec 7- Jan 5) Misunderstandings cause unhappiness

    12th month (Jan 6-Feb 3) Slowing down as year comes to a close

    The Snake should wear clear stones this year such as diamonds and crystals.For those searching for love or to bring back sparks in the marriage, wear redstones like rubies and garnets. Lucky colors to use are deep pinks. For love andromance, wear bright chili reds.

    To enhance wealth luck, display a water feature or fountain in the SE area ofyour home and office, not in the bedroom.

    Snake Directions for 2009:1941, 1953 and 1977 Male:

    Best: North West Love & Family direction with White Star

    2nd best: South West Personal Growth direction with Heaven Star

    3rd best: South East only for 2009. Wealth Star

    4th best: South only for 2009. Romance Star

    1965 Male:

    Best: South West Success direction with Heaven Star

    2nd best: North West Health direction with White Star 3rd best: South East only for 2009. Wealth Star

    4th best: South only for 2009. Romance Star

    1965 Female:

    Best: North West Success direction with White Star

    2nd best: South West Health direction with Heaven Star

    3rd best: South East only for 2009. Wealth Star

    4th best: South only for 2009. Romance Star

    1977 Female:

    Best: South East Success direction with Wealth Star 2nd best: South Love & Family direction with Romance Star

    3rd best: North West only for 2009. White Star

    4th best: South West only for 2009. Heaven Star

    Horse (1942, 1966, 1978) Energetic, sometimes restless. Enjoys travel. Independent.Creative. Highly principled. Can be bossy or pushy. A straightforward character.

    The Horses astrological compass direction is South.

    2008 5 Yellow Star with the Three Killings The star of misfortune

    2009 Romance & Scholastic Star with Golden Deity

    The Horse person comes out of an extremely stressful year and into a loving new

    twelve months. No negative afflictions disturb you in 2009, but the Horse issobered and chastened and although you will be embraced by the loving energyof friends and loved ones, you are less confident and less impulsive this year.2009 brings a mixed bag of good and bad. The Horse enjoys the lucky star ofpeach blossom which also brings excellent learning and scholastic opportunities.Doorways to new knowledge or new fields of endeavor will open up to you.These bring attractive possibilities which the Horse will find exciting andchallenging. The Horse is adventurous and courageous so it looks like 2009

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    could become a benchmark year for some of you. The advice is to give as muchweight to your logical, rational mind as to your gut feel. Think before deciding onanything significant. The 2009 is a good time for preparatory practices, so youare well positioned to make the fullest use of your good luck when it comes. Inthe meantime, you should enjoy a trouble-free year when life is both pleasantand uneventful. The Horse changes personality in 2009 as s/he is more down to

    earth than its normal impulsive, independent character which is a good thing andin 2009, instead of bringing in a stream of new ideas and projects, the Horse willstick to the work at hand and strive to bring things to a successful completion.This is an excellent sign as it means you are making good progress on the careerfront. In your personal life, you are also brought down to earth by the Ox year soyou become more realistic in your expectations regarding matters of the heart.

    Also, with peach blossom in your chart, you will have a soaring feeling ofromanticism. The 19 year old Horse is really in his/her element as s/he enjoysgrowing popularity among friends and admirers, especially with the opposite sex.

    Lady Horse The year of the Ox brings some stabilizing influence on herexuberance; this plus the fact she has just come out of a stressful year causesher to be less confident and more serious than she usually is, but it does not take

    long before she bounces back to become the ultimate optimist and fun-lovingperson she usually is. The years energy embraces her with a bright aura of

    joyousness bringing her a special vitality. But she must not over tax herself.However, there will be moments when her energy gives out, making the year notcompletely smooth going. Her attitudes too will yo-yo, although this improves asthe year wears on. While you are super efficient, dont expect too much ofyourself as you are not operating at full capacity. 2009 is a good year toconsolidate and to spend time contemplating on what she really wants from life.

    Gentleman horse He is decisive but does not hesitate to change his mind forwhatever reason and he expects others to fall in with his plans. He does not gethis way all the time, but in 2009, when it comes to his love relationships, he willdominate. His energy levels reflect his quick mind, but as he tends to be more

    inhibited and less dandy in 2009, you will be seeing less razzle-dazzle about thisguy. But as the year progresses, he becomes more confident.

    The 67 year old Horse will have a very average year and there are somewarnings as to the financial situation. The remedy to avert this is to donatemoney to the poor during the first 15 days of the year. The year will be fairlyuneventful without any cause to feel low. S/he might hanker to travel and seenew places. Health and well being, both mental and physical, will be stable thisyear. It may be wise however to display symbols of longevity around the home.You will have relationship luck. To add wealth luck, place a water feature in theSE corner of the house. For windfall and victory luck, place a water feature alsoin the SW part of the home.

    The 43 year old Horse will have a year of robust health. This Horse is raring to go

    with his recharged vitality and the year may bring additional power to thie alreadypowerful Horse. He is helped by the Golden Deity and the Star of Big Auspiciousand this brings hidden assistance and celestial help to him. Any obstacles caneasily be vanquished. As to whether attaining his/her wishes will bring innerpeace and contentment however is another matter. For some of you, the doublefire could prove too hot and make you too highly charged, as a result of whichthere might be some amount of burn out. It is advisable to temper the urge togallop, with instead some sobering moments of self searching. Put your ingenuity

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    and resourcefulness to good use in 2009, but also stay sensitive to the feelingsof those who love you. For better luck, place earth energy in the NW and waterenergy in the SE.

    The 19 year old Horse is blessed with superlative luck in Health and WealthCreation. There is literally no mountain too high to climb nor any journey too longto begin. The Romance Star brings all the love interests this Horse can possibly

    handle, so it will be a roller coaster year filled with plenty of dating and partying.Socially, it will be a very active year and not surprisingly, s/he will in manyinstances be the one taking the lead. It is however necessary that the youngHorse to not get too carried away by his/her own vitality. The difficulty is that thisHorse tends to be stubborn for no rationale reasons. When cornered, they canalso be self-centered, unwilling or perhaps unable to rationalize whatever actionsthey perpetrate. Make sure not to fall into this behavior. When motivated,however, this Horse can be incredibly productive, so the key is to motivateyourself.

    Low months June and September

    1st month (Feb 4-March 5) An energetic start to the year

    2nd month (Mar 6-Apr 4) Wealth and Success come easy

    3rd month (Apr 5- May 5) Time to be Extra Careful

    4th month (May 6-June 5) Mentor and Completion Luck

    5th month (June 6-July 6) Some Misfortune in the Cards

    6th month (July 7-Aug 7) Stress and Scandal

    7th month (Aug 8-Sept 7) Quarrelsome energies affect you

    8th month (Sept 8 -Oct 7) Take care of your health

    9th month (Oct 8 Nov 6) A time for change

    10th month (Nov 7- Dec 6) Friends and allies offer assistance

    11th month (Dec 7- Jan 5) Good fortunes continues

    12th month (Jan 6-Feb 3) Not a time to be too trusting

    You benefit from wearing red gemstones such as red jasper or coral. The lucky

    colors for you are deep reds and maroons. If you want to attract love, weargreens in various shades.

    Horse Directions for 2009:1966 Male:

    Best: North West Success direction with White or Victory Star

    2nd best: South West Health direction with Heaven Star

    3rd best: South East only for 2009. Wealth Star

    4th best: South only for 2009. Romance Star

    1942 Female:

    Best: North West Love & Family direction with White Star

    2nd best: South West Personal Growth direction with Heaven

    3rd best: South East only for 2009. Wealth Star 4th best: South only for 2009. Romance Star

    1966 and 1990 Female:

    Best: South West Success direction with Heaven Star

    2nd best: North West Health direction with White Star

    3rd best: South East only for 2009. Wealth Star

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    4th best: South only for 2009. Romance Star

    Sheep (1967, 1979) A dreamy character. Can be indecisive. Subtle and patient. Sweetnatured, but good at manipulating. Flirtatious. Ambitious without letting on. Craves astable family life.

    The Sheeps astrological compass direction is Southwest 1.

    2008 Robbery and Violence Star with Side Tai Sui

    2009 Heaven Star but with direct conflict with the year of the Ox

    The luck of the Sheep is somewhat afflicted in 2009 as a result of being in directconflict with the Tai Sui and also as the natural adversary of the Ox. You will feelinhibited and restricted and this makes it hard for the natural side of the Sheep toshow through. As a result, anyone interacting with the sheep will find it hard tounderstand this person. The result is that the Sheep frequently feelsmisunderstood and unappreciated in 2009. In work situations, other people tendto find fault or take advantage of the Sheeps basic good nature. Luck is on thelow side and energy levels feel exhausted. There is a lack of creativity and

    initiative and this could cause colleagues and bosses to avoid giving youadditional responsibilities. Because of these reasons, the Sheep will show asubdued persona in 2009. The good news is that the Sheep always has friendswho bring help and support when needed. They tend to get wealthier with thepassing years and whenever they need luck, somehow a breakthrough occurs tobenefit them.

    Lady Sheep usually comes across fragile, vulnerable and sweet, usually havingan exaggerated air of femininity. The least critical of the zodiac signs, she hasgreat social success being a great favorite of Society hostesses. The luckiestSheep lady in 2009 is the 18 year old. The 30 year old needs rest in 2009 andwould benefit from taking the year off work. There are few benefits toparticipating in the rat race, so it is advisable to take things slow. For the 42 year

    old, while work takes a dampener in 2009, this lady is not quitting. Health andvitality are good but she needs to wear amulets to protect against yin spiritaffliction. The 54 year old enjoys good returns from investments but the 66 yearold has a mountain of concerns.

    Gentleman Sheep is a romantic with a gift of gab although never when toomany people are around. Sheep men tend to be very lucky and he gets luckier ashe grows older. He loves the luxury lifestyle and although not overtly ambitious,he does have some serious aspirations to become seriously wealthy. In 2009, heoperates at a handicap. The main enemy to overcome this year is the tendencyto give up easily, It is beneficial to wear or display a Pi Yao to subdue thenegativities that are slung at you this year. Most of you know how to lie low,cleverly making the decision to bide your time. The 42 year old continues to be

    active professionally despite some setbacks on the career front. For all Sheepmen, be extra careful in the month of August.

    The 42 year old Sheep will have great health luck in 2009 but will have low luckon the material side. Success luck is lacking while financial luck is at bestaverage although there is economic stability for this generally very industriousSheep. This Sheep tends to have a creative flair so will have a reasonablysuccessful career in the performing or visual arts. Wear the color green toenhance wealth luck and surround yourself with Wood energy to strengthen yourvigor and vitality. Wood energy will enable you to mentally transform some of the

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    1979 Male:

    Best: South East Love & Family direction with Wealth Star

    2nd best: South Success direction with Romance Star

    3rd best: North West only for 2009. White Star

    4th best: South West only for 2009. Heaven Star

    1967 Female:

    Best: South East Health direction with Wealth Star

    2nd best: South Personal Growth direction with Romance Star.

    3rd best: North West only for 2009. White Star

    4th best: South West only for 2009. Heaven Star

    Monkey (1944, 1968, 1980) Witty and chatty. Holds strong opinions. Spirited and funloving. Can be unconventional. Generous. A risk-taker. Enjoys being center of attention.

    The Monkeys astrological compass direction is Southwest 3.

    2008 - Robbery and Violence Star with Golden Deity

    2009 Heaven Star with Heaven Seal

    This is definitely going to be your year! In 2009, the Monkeys luck is so good thatsuccess comes almost effortlessly. There will be plenty of excellentdevelopments professionally bringing recognition, promotion and the kind ofupward mobility that will leave the younger ones among you breathless withdelight.

    The Monkey enjoys the favorable Heaven Star that brings heaven or windfall luckas well as the heaven seal star which brings benevolence from the celestials. Itis a rare coming together of several favorable indications, so this is a year whenyou should have no problems allowing your imagination and your creativity fullplay. You are strong, full of vigor and vitality. As a result, there is smooth sailingall the way with an absence of obstacles that make life in 2009 sheer joy. TheMonkey easily dominates the year of the Ox and will perform magnificently. TheMonkeys good fortune in 2009 is full and overflowing. There is maximum goodnews all the way for you.

    As a result of riding so high, the Monkey will be very busy throughout the yearand he/she will be constantly on the move, doing things, closing deals,negotiating new projects and travelling. It is a good thing that physically andmentally, the Monkey also enjoys excellent vigor. A fireball of activity, you willhave a great deal of natural exuberance, creating and generating enthusiasm ineverything you undertake. There should be few deterrents or cold showers in2009. In any case, nothing much can curb your happy and active disposition. Youare also a joy to be with. Your immediate optimism and open mindedness is somuch in sync with the year that you create your own magic. There is plenty ofgood humor and laughter all through the year. Your confidence shines throughand it supports a determined attitude to win and triumph over the competition. Asa result, powerful focus is being generated for all the things you set your mind ondoing. With so few obstacles, you are literally on a roll, and the year becomes aperfect showcase for your inherent creative genius and your intelligence.

    Lady Monkey is a dealmaker in the hotshot environment of the corporateboardroom, but she can also be a very efficient homemaker; in both roles she isalert to money making opportunities, and being an action-oriented person, rarely

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    does she waste time making things happen. In 2009, the years luck outlook suitsher fine as she grabs all thats exciting coming her way with plenty of panacheand enthusiasm. The year favors the 29 year old woman who should go bravelyforth for whatever is being dangled in front of her. She only needs to watch thatshe does not do anything to compromise her health. The 65 year old simply cando no wrong in 2009 so she should really go for whatever crops up for her. It is

    likely that whatever comes her way will be a surprise of sorts because of theheaven luck. The Chinese believe that when heaven luck favors your sign, youmust not waste the opportunity, so remember to welcome the year witheagerness and a positive mind set.

    Gentleman Monkey can be so smooth and quick to respond that it will be a joyto watch him in action in 2009. In many ways the Monkey writes his own rulesand sets his own standards so there is something unbearably attractive abouthim. So the Monkey guy in a good year will dazzle one and all with his brilliance.It seems 2009 is just such a year. Monkey gentlemen in the prime of theircareers have great things to look forward to this year. For the 29 year old, thereis sure to be some kind of promotion coming, the kind that could entail a changeof scenery but it is sure to bring you extra money and also many new

    responsibilities. For the 65 year old, he gets a totally unexpected second windand finds himself suddenly enjoying so much success luck that his head goesreeling. For you who are already reasonably successful, there is another coupcoming your way.

    The 29 year old will have an incredibly excellent year with both success andfinancial luck looking very awesome. 2009 should turn out to be great year foryou professionally. Your career looks like it is going to really take off with new orrenewed responsibilities (and more money) coming your way. You will find thatyou easily outdo your peers and colleagues belonging to other signs. The year ofthe Ox is a time when you are surrounded by a carefully laid out aura ofprotection. No one can really harm you no matter how hard they try; it will be as ifthere are hidden angels watching over you. In 2009, you could find yourself

    enjoying a happiness occasion which may be a birth of a child, a marriage or alongevity birthday celebrating the life of an older member of the family. Any ofthese happiness occasions will expand your luck. In matters of the heart, thisyear will witness the flowering of romance. Love might well hit some of yousuddenly and without warning in the month of September. However, take care ofyour health as it may be low this year. To enhance your health, donate to acharity that helps the sick.

    The 65 year old has an almost perfect luck outlook for the year. This Monkey isriding high in the year of the Ox and is certain to bring a bonanza of some kind oreven a ripening of an opportunity. The year could see major payouts oninvestments already made, or perhaps some financial windfall that brings megarecognition all over again. 2009 is therefore not only good but quite exceptional.

    What is very reassuring also is that health issues are excellent. Physical andmental health are high and its as if a very special aura is watching over you.These Monkeys will also bring wealth luck into the household, creating theenergy for their families to rise up a notch.

    Your luck is so good that at times your achievements and successes appeareffortless on your part. This can conjure up some jealous vibes by your peerswho may be envious of you, but because you are naturally such a good naturedperson, it is difficult to stay your enemy for long. As long as you are sensitive to

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    the feelings of those around you, youre more likely to make friends than foes.Luck really does rain down from the heavens this year, so make sure you makethe most of it. Youre only as good as you make yourself!

    1st month (Feb 4-March 5) Year Starts with Low Energy

    2nd month (Mar 6-Apr 4) A Transformational Month

    3rd month (Apr 5- May 5) Fame & Fortune on your Mind

    4th month (May 6-June 5) Everything Goes Right For You

    5th month (June 6-July 6) Lay Low to Avoid Danger this Month

    6th month (July 7-Aug 7) Luck from the Heavens

    7th month (Aug 8-Sept 7) Obstacles and Irritations

    8th month (Sept 8 -Oct 7) Things are Looking Good

    9th month (Oct 8 Nov 6) Quarrelsome Energies Plague You

    10th month (Nov 7- Dec 6) Susceptible to Falling Sick

    11th month (Dec 7- Jan 5) Transformation and Change

    12th month (Jan 6-Feb 3) High Energy at the End of the Year

    To further enhance the luck, display a Dragon or a Mongoose spouting jewels onyour desk and place a water feature in the SE part of your home and office. Have

    a Pi Yao in the NE part of the home. Lucky gemstones clear stones such as diamonds and to have clear quartz on

    your desk. Light green jade is also excellent to use. Lucky colors are white andmetallic colors. Wearing lots of bling will also bring luck.

    Monkey Directions for 2009:1944 Male

    Best: North West Love & Family direction with White Star

    2nd best: South West Personal Growth direction with Heaven Star

    3rd best: South East only for 2009. Wealth Star

    4th best: South only for 2009. Romance Star

    1944 and 1980 Female Best: South East Personal Growth direction with Wealth Star

    2nd best: South Health with Romance & Scholastic Star

    3rd best: North West only for 2009. White Star

    4th best: South West - only for 2009. Heaven Star

    Rooster (1969, 1981) Resourceful and practical. Supremely confident. Devoted tofriends and family. Fiercely loyal. Lack of patience. Can be temperamental. Honest andoutspoken. Highly principled.

    The Roosters astrological compass direction is West.

    2008 Argument Star with the Two Generals

    2009 Illness Star but with Golden Deity

    It looks like a very good for the Rooster whose luck is so filled with vitality andstrong spiritual essence that good fortune comes with ease to many of you.There are plenty of exciting work and business developments that bringrecognition, promotion and the kind of upward mobility that will leave the youngerones among you eager for more. Those in their prime, the 28 and 40 year old willfind themselves challenged in the most positive way while the older Roosters willenjoy some bonanza luck!

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    The Rooster also benefits from the prosperity star which brings a majorimprovement to your net worth from the golden deity. This indicates that theyears cosmic energy favors you. As a result, there is smooth sailing through theyear with few obstacles to block your success and triumphant moments. There isincrease in wealth and experience of success and for mature Roosters, 2009promises to bring fresh new opportunities. The only blight on the horizon is the

    presence of the Illness Star in your chart causing annoying health issues tomaterialize. It also makes you vulnerable to contracting viruses and bugs thatshow down your energy. Place the remedies in the West part of the home asindicated in this handbook. But because of the high vitality factor, the Rooster willbe less critical in 2009 as a result, s/he will be more effective in getting thingsdone. The Rooster will have plenty of travel especially during the early part of theyear. As long as you take care of your health, you will be able to attain heights ofproductivity and good results.

    Lady Rooster is direct and forthright, self assured and domineering, possessedof a great discipline when responsible for whatever comes under her care. Thisladys tendency to be vocal in her opinions can also grate on some nerves andwhen she is on a high like she is in 2009, it can be a source of resentment to

    those working alongside her. The 40 year old woman is the one to watch as sheis poised for growth and is already well placed to rise into a high profileleadership position. She and the 64 year old lady simply can do no wrong in 2009as their vivacity and determination are at very high levels. Other Rooster ladieswill likewise enjoy a good year and the 28 year old will see her net worth increasequite substantially indeed.

    Gentleman Rooster is a guy who carries himself extremely well and with greatdress sense and sartorial elegance. In 2009, the proud and vain Rooster man willpreen himself even more, as he will be going through a strong year. He shouldhowever be forgiven for his vanity because he is so much of an achiever thisyear, delivering on whatever promises he makes. All through 2009, he will easilymaintain his air of confidence and dignity. The years vitality will see the Rooster

    take off from the very first month of the New Year. His stamina and staying powerwill amaze those who work with him, and he will be especially good with themanagement of money during the year. The only danger for the Rooster is histendency to be a know-it-all sort of person. It would be wise to have somehumility to the excellent advice he gives. This will make what he says a lot morepalatable. Rooster Men in the prime of their career have great things to lookforward to this year. For the 40 year old, there is sure to be upward mobility, thekind that might require change of location but it is sure to bring extra money aswell as extra responsibilities. For the 64 year old, the sky is literally the limit. Youwill find yourself suddenly a lot richer!

    The 40 year old will have a great wonderful year. There are no negatives inhis/her chart; instead there are outstanding indications of great inner and outer

    strength. The mind, body and spirit are all strong and this is sure to bring thisRooster good fortune, making sure you will emerge triumphant, successful andvery much on top of the world. You can expect some kind of development whichmight surprise you as it will come suddenly and without warning. It could causeyou to have to change your lifestyle or even relocate but the decision will beyours to make. In any case, you will have various options confronting you in 2009and it is likely that you will choose well. Trust your own instincts and go with theauspicious flow of the year!

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    The 28 year old Rooster can look forward to a materially rich and great year, onewhich brings a big financial bonanza that adds serious extra wealth to your networth. In other words you are going to be, and to feel, very rich this year andsince you are the sort who loves material things, you will certainly feel very happythis year. Some kind of stunning professional option may open for you in 2009 orcould perhaps come into some serious money or inheritance. Whatever it is, the

    development is certain to bring a very significant and meaningful change in yourlife. You should feel courageous this year and go all the way, fuelling yourpersonal ambitions and giving power to all the things you are engaged in. All theingredients are in place for you to take full advantage of the years auspiciousflow of chi.

    Place metal energy, preferably a wu lou in the West part of the room or home

    Low months April and June

    Lucky gemstones for 2009 are purple stones such as amethyst which will bringsuccess luck and keep you grounded this year. For those looking for love, usered stones like rubies or rubellites. Same goes for lucky colors purple to attractsuccess and red for love or romance. In using red, stick with the fiery shade ofred, not maroon or burgundy.

    1st month (Feb 4-March 5) Cash flow may be strained

    2nd month (Mar 6-Apr 4) Others opinions bring benefits

    3rd month (Apr 5- May 5) A month to be careful

    4th month (May 6-June 5) Creativity gets a boost

    5th month (June 6-July 6) Quarrels and Misunderstandings

    6th month (July 7-Aug 7) A month of low energy

    7th month (Aug 8-Sept 7) Go with your instincts

    8th month (Sept 8 -Oct 7) An active month with lots to do

    9th month (Oct 8 Nov 6) Awesome luck for the Rooster!

    10th month (Nov 7- Dec 6) Danger of getting cheated

    11th month (Dec 7- Jan 5) Powerful person lends a helping hand

    12th month (Jan 6-Feb 3) Some obstacles to overcome

    Rooster Directions for 2009:1969 Male

    Best: South East Personal Growth direction with Wealth Star

    2nd best: South Health direction with Romance Star

    3rd best: North West only for 2009. White Star

    4th best: South West - only for 2009. Heaven Star

    1969 Female

    Best: North West Love & Family direction with White Star

    2nd best: South West Personal Growth direction with Heaven Star

    3rd best: South East only for 2009. Wealth Star 4th best: South only for 2009. Romance Star

    1981 Female

    Best: South West Success direction with Heaven

    2nd best: North West Health direction with White Star

    3rd best: South East only for 2009. Wealth Star

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    4th best: South only for 2009. Romance Star

    Dog (1970, 1982) Playful. Sporty and energetic. Can be extreme. A good worker. Riskaverse. Can be pessimistic. Makes a good friend. Fears rejection.

    The Dogs astrological compass direction is Northwest 1.

    2008 Illness Star with Small Luck

    2009 - White Star with Prosperity Luck Star

    Boar (1971, 1983) Compassionate and affectionate. Usually popular among friends.Good at PR. Romantic. Can be petty and competitive. Non-aggressive

    The Boars astrological compass direction is Northwest 3.

    2008 Illness Star with Heaven Seal While you may have physical ailmentsand illness, you do have the presence of the auspicious Heaven Seal whichbrings amazing good fortune in the form of something totally unexpected.

    2009 White or Victory Star with Small Luck Star but with Yearly Conflict Star

    The Boar will feel a lack of vitality in 2009 so it is important to strengthen

    yourself, physically as well as mentally to ensure you are able to enjoy the reallyexcellent cosmic energy of the Ox year. The 38 year old Boar benefits fromsuperb financial luck, but success for you and for all Boards will be an uphillbattle. The problem is a serious absence of motivation caused by a strangelistlessness. Remedy this listlessness by initiating interesting endeavors into yourlife. Actively go in search of friends who stimulate you and get you excited. Makea real effort to be upbeat and find ways to get your adrenaline flowing; this willhelp you jazz up your response to the years opportunities. It will also help youcope with whatever hindrances block your way. The Boars energy levels may below but the year brings some triumphant moments. For those in business, youcould feel rather stressed out, so it benefits you to take time off to block out thestress and the exhaustion. You will find that while the year may not be terribly

    auspicious for you, still, it is a time when you will succeed in forming long lastingfriendships with people who eventually in later years come to mean a great dealto you.

    Lady Boar will appear to lose steam this year, lacking motivation and energy tosocialize or party as she will feel at odds with the energy of the year. This is ayear when organized thinking and mental clarity serves up success luck, but theBoar woman prefers to go by her instincts. As a result, she will find it hard toaccept that she needs to be a little more disciplined with the way she thinks andworks. She cannot afford to go by instincts and hunches alone. In the office,there are unhelpful people and colleagues tend to be uncooperative. There is anews to be extra watchful. The 62 year old feels better than many of her Boarsiblings, while the 50 year old has to cope with problems at the work place. The

    38 year old goes through an excellent year financially while the 26 year oldneeds to depend on her own skill and talents to see her through the year.

    Gentleman Boar needs to tread carefully in 2009 and be alert to the possibilityof there being difficulties and obstacles cropping up at work. The problems willcome from two dimensions; one is a tendency towards carelessness causingsmall mistakes to balloon into seemingly big problems and two is the presence ofpotential troublemakers competitive colleagues or rivals causing unnecessaryhindrances. The 62 year old will feel more energized than other Boars and the

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    year will bring him new interests as well as meaning travel. The 50 year old mustwatch his back especially at the office where there are rivals who createproblems for you. The 38 year old enjoys a very good year financially, while the26 year old is short on luck and will have to create some of his own.

    The 38 year old Boar has an extreme chart. The year brings a financial bonanzathat brings an increase to your net worth, but your energy level is low, your health

    is not so good and you success luck in achieving what you set out to do isdisappointing. You are definitely more into work than family especially in 009when you will be focusing most of your attention on your working life. But thisBoar, clever as you are, you do have a tendency to underestimate your rivals.When you work, you almost always ignore the competition so that when theyperform better than you, they always catch you by surprise. You tend to be verysubjective in the way you judge people. Sometimes you get your reading sowrong that the outcome can be quite harmful. You must take care not to be tooquick to jump to conclusions as you might get them wrong. You will also benefitfrom living in a greater sense of awareness. You will feel exhausted most of thetime so it is advisable to enjoy your financial success and forget about thecompetition while laughing all the way to the bank.

    The 26 year old Boar may have some disappointing expectations for the comingyear unless feng shui remedies are placed. Apart from having a reasonablystrong constitution which benefits your health, you will have to contend with lowchi energy levels which have the effect of causing you to feel depressed and low.It is a year when there is danger to your self esteem as well as threats to yourwork stability. Be careful, observant and alert as people may politic against youat work. You prefer the soft life and have a tendency to shy away from