2011 tÜrkİye İstatİstİklerİ

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  • 7/29/2019 2011 TRKYE STATSTKLER


    TRKYE STATSTK KURUMU Turkish Statistical Institute

    STATSTKLERLE TRKYE Turkey inStatistics2011


    [ ] Trkiye statistik Yll, 2011 zeti The Summary of Turkeys Statistical Yearbook, 2011

  • 7/29/2019 2011 TRKYE STATSTKLER


    DIA1 N" BD D BD 11FAF4F D BS kS+-


    STATSTKLERLE TRKYE Turkey inStatistics2011 [ ] Trkiye statistik Yll, 2011 zeti The Summary of Turkeys Statistical Yearbook, 2011

  • 7/29/2019 2011 TRKYE STATSTKLER


    BD D BD 12"A2"DIA1 N" D~ -BS

    statistiki veri vebilgiistekleriiin (S kSuSSS-u - S -~

    BilgiDatmGrubu !SS! ~ -S -)

    Tel: Faks-Fax :

    Yaynistekleriiin (a kS -u~

    DnerSermayeletmesi A~ - (-u4S-S ~~-

    Tel: Faks-Fax :

    Yaynieriine ynelik sorularnziin (~ -Sak-~- ~a

    Yayn Tasarm Takm ?a kS -!~ -D~S

    Tel: Faks-Fax :

    nternet +-~-~ http://www.tuik.gov.tr qS

    E-posta " S [email protected] - _

    YaynNo ?a kS -5a~3689

    Trkiyestatistik Kurumu D BS kS+- ~

    YcetepeMah.NecatibeyCad.No:114 06100ankaya / ANKARA / TRKYE

    Bu yaynn5846 SaylFikirveSanatEserleriKanununa gre her hakk Trkiyestatistik KurumuBakanlna aittir. Gerek veya tzelkiilertarafndanizinsizoaltlamaz ve datlamaz.

    D BS kS+- ~~~ a kS -F-S ~uuu a - a kS - 2S5q

    Trkiyestatistik KurumuMatbaas, Ankara D BS kS+- ~r? - - Tel:0312 410 01 64 * Faks-Fax : 0312 418 50 82

    Haziran2012 0-~MTB: 2012-434-10 Adet -Copies

    ISBN 978-975-19-5323-0

  • 7/29/2019 2011 TRKYE STATSTKLER


    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011



    Toplumun pek ok alanna ynelik resmi istatistiklerin genel ereveitibariyle sunulduu ve lke profilihakk ndaki zet bilgilere eriim imkansalayan statistiklerle Trkiye,Trkiye statistik Kurumu (TK)taraf ndan yay mlanmaktadr.

    Turkey in Statistic, in which officialstatistics related to many aspects of the society are presented generallyand which provides immediateaccess to information regardingcountry profile, is being published byTurkish Statistical Institute


    Yaynda yer alan bilgiler, yaymlandzaman dilimindeki mevcut en sonverileri iermektedir. Tablo sonlarndayer alan veri kaynaklarn n ise, dahadetayl istatistiklere erimek isteyenkullanc lar iin iyi bir balang noktas olaca dnlmektedir. Bu

    Yayna, http://www.tuik.gov.tr webadresinden de erimek mmkndr.

    Information in the publication coversthe most recent data availableduring the publication period. Datasources given at the last chapter of the publication are assumed to be agood starting point for the userswho want to reach more detailedinformation. It is also possible toreach this publication onhttp://www.turkstat.gov.tr.

    statistiklerle Trkiye, yayn n n genikullanc kitlesine hizmet verecei vearat rmac lar her bir konununkayna na gtrecei inancylaistatistiki bilgi retilmesine kaynak salayan tm bireylere, kurum vekurululara, yay n n haz rlanmasndaemei geenlere katk lar ndan dolayteekkr ederim.

    With the belief that Turkey inStatistics would serve a wide rangeof users and take the researchers tothe source of each subject, I thank all individuals and organizationswhich provided data to the statisticalinformation production, and allpeople who have contributed to thepreparation of this publication.

    A. mer TOPRAK Ba kan V.

    Acting President

    Foreword nsz

    Birol AYDEMR Bakan


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    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011




    nsz III Forewordindekiler V Contents A klama XVI Explanation

    statistiki Blge BirimleriS n flamas (BBS) 1 Statistical Regions (SR)

    Arazi veklim 2 Land and Climateevre 6 Environment

    Nfus ve G 8 Population and MigrationDemografi 16 Demography

    Salk 20 HealthEitim ve Kltr 26 Education and Culture

    Turizm 32 Tourism Adalet 34 Justice

    Seimler 36 ElectionsSosyal Gvenlik 38 Social Security

    alma 40 LabourTarm 44 Agriculture

    statistikleri 48 Business StatisticsEnerji 58 Energy

    Ulatrma ve Haberleme 60 Transportation and CommunicationD Ticaret 64 Foreign Trade

    Fiyat ve Endeksler 68 Prices and IndexesSatnalma Gc Paritesi 70 Purchasing Power Parity

    Para ve Banka 72 Money and BankingMaliye 76 Finance

    Ulusal Hesaplar 78 National AccountsGelir ve Yaam Koullar 82 Income and Living Conditions

    Tketim Harcamalar 86 Consumption ExpendituresGven Endeksleri 90 Confidence Indices

    gc Maliyeti 92 Labour CostBilim ve Teknoloji 96 Science and Technology

    Yaam Memnuniyeti 100 Life Satisfaction

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    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011


    indekiler Contents


    Tablolar 2 Tables

    Arazi ve klim Land and Climate

    1.1 Trkiye anakaras 'nn u noktalar 2 1.1 Extreme points of Turkey

    1.2 Corafik gstergeler 2 1.2 Geographic indicators

    1.3 Trkiye ve illerin yzlmleri 3 1.3 Area of Turkey and provinces

    1.4 Aylk maksimum scaklk, 2011 4 1.4 Monthly maximum temperature, 2011

    1.5 Aylk minimum scaklk, 2011 4 1.5 Monthly minimum temperature, 2011evre Environment

    2.1 Kkrtdioksit (SO2) ve partiklermadde (duman) ortalamalarnn enyksek olduu il ve ile merkezleri,2011

    6 2.1 Provincial and district centers havingthe maximum sulphur dioxide andparticulate matter concentrations,2011

    2.2 Sektrlere gre CO2 emisyonu,2007-2009

    6 2.2 CO2 emissions by sectors, 2007-2009

    2.3 Belediye evre gstergeleri,2008, 2010

    7 2.3 Environmental indicators formunicipalities, 2008, 2010

    2.4 malat sanayi evre gstergeleri,2008

    7 2.4 Environmental indicators formanufacturing industry, 2008

    2.5 Kamu sektrnn cari ve yatrmharcamalar, 2008-2010

    7 2.5 Environmental current and investmentexpenditure of public sector,2008-2010

    Nfus ve G Population and Migration3.1 Nfus, yllk nfus art hz ve nfus

    younluu, 1927-20008 3.1 Population, annual growth rate of

    population and population density,1927-2000

    3.2 Nfus, yllk nfus art hz ve nfusyounluu, 2008-2011

    9 3.2 Population, annual growth rate of population and population density,2008-2011

    3.3 l, ile, belde belediyesi ve ky

    says, 2009-2011

    9 3.3 Number of provinces, districts, towns

    and villages, 2009-20113.4 Cinsiyete gre il/ile merkezi ve

    belde/ky nfusu, 2009-201111 3.4 Population of province/district centers,

    towns/villages by sex, 2009-2011

    3.5 Ortanca ya ve ya bamllk oran,2009-2011

    11 3.5 Median age and age dependency ratio,2009-2011

    3.6 llere gre nfus, 2011 12 3.6 Population by provinces, 2011

    3.7 Ya grubu ve cinsiyete gre nfus,2011 13 3.7 Population by age group and sex,2011

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    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011




    Nfus ve G Population and Migration3.8 Yasal medeni durum ve cinsiyete

    gre nfus, 201114 3.8 Population by legal marital status and

    sex, 2011

    3.9 Okuryazarlk ve cinsiyete grenfus, 2009-2011

    14 3.9 Population by literacy and sex,2009-2011

    3.10 2010-2011 dnemi net g hznagre en fazla g alan, g vereniller

    15 3.10 The provinces with highest in-migration and out-migration by rate of net migration in 2010-2011 period

    Demografi Demography

    4.1 Doumlar, 2008-2010 16 4.1 Births, 2008-2010

    4.2 Yaa zel dourganlk hz,2008-2010

    16 4.2 Age specific fertility rate, 2008-2010

    4.3 Evlenmeler ve boanmalar,2008-2010

    17 4.3 Marriages and divorces, 2008-2010

    4.4 Evlilik sresine gre boanmalar,2008-2010

    17 4.4 Divorces by duration of marriage,2008-2010

    4.5 lmler, 2007-2009 18 4.5 Deaths, 2007-2009

    4.6 Ya grubuna gre intiharlar,2008-2010

    18 4.6 Suicides by age group, 2008-2010

    4.7 Demografik gstergeler, 2015,2020, 2025

    19 4.7 Demographic indicators, 2015, 2020,2025

    Sal k Health

    5.1 Baz salk personelinin saylar,Trkiye, 2008-2010

    20 5.1 Number of some health professionals,Turkey, 2008-2010

    5.2 Dallara gre hastanesaylar,Trkiye, 2008-2010

    21 5.2 Number of hospitals by branches,Turkey, 2008-2010

    5.3 Baz seilmi enfeksiyonhastalklarnn vaka saylar,Trkiye,2008-2010

    22 5.3 Number of cases of some infectiousdiseases,Turkey,2008-2010

    5.4 Organ nakli says, Trkiye,2008-2010

    23 5.4 Number of organ transplantations,Turkey, 2008-2010

    5.5 Pratisyen hekim/aile hekimi, uzmanhekim ve di hekiminden hizmetalanlarn cinsiyete gre dalm,2010

    23 5.5 Percentage of individuals receivinghealth care service from generalpractitioner/family doctor, specialistand dentist by sex, 2010

    5.6 0-6 ya grubundaki ocuklarn son6 ay iinde geirdii hastalklarncinsiyete gre dalm, 2010

    24 5.6 Percentage of children in 0-6 agegroup who were exposed todiseases/accidents in the past 6months by sex, 2010

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    k Health5.7 7-14 ya grubundaki ocuklarn son

    6 ay iinde geirdii sorun/hastalklarn cinsiyete gre dalm,2010

    24 5.7 Percentage of children in 7-14 agegroup who were exposed to healthconditions/diseases in the past 6months by sex, 2010

    5.8 Hekim taraf ndan tehis edilenhastalk/salk sorunlarnn cinsiyetegre dalm, 2010

    25 5.8 The percentage of diseases/healthproblems diagnosed by a medicaldoctor by sex, 2010

    5.9 Bireylerin ttn kullanmadurumunun cinsiyete gre dalm,2010

    25 5.9 Percentage of persons by detailedsmoking status and sex, 2010

    Eitim ve Kltr Education and Culture

    6.1 retim yl ve okul grubuna greokullama oran, 2009/'10-2011/'12

    26 6.1 Schooling ratio by group of schoolsand the education year, 2009/'10-2011/'12

    6.2 Eitim kurumlarna gre renciler,


    27 6.2 Enrollments by educational

    institutions, 2010/'11-2011/'126.3 Yksek retim kurumlarnda

    (lisans) retim alanna grerenciler, 2010/'11

    28 6.3 Higher educational institutionsenrollments by fields of study,2010/'11

    6.4 retim elemanlarnn akademik grevlerine gre saylar, 2010/'11

    28 6.4 Number of teaching staff by academictitle, 2010/'11

    6.5 Yurtdnda renim yapan resmiburslu renci saylar, 2010-2011

    29 6.5 Number of Turkish Governmentsponsored students educated abroad,2010-2011

    6.6 Sinema salonu, gsterilen film veseyirci says, 2008-2010

    29 6.6 Movie houses, movies andattendances, 2008-2010

    6.7 Tiyatro salonu, oynanan eser,gsterim says ve seyirciler,2007/'08-2009/'10

    29 6.7 Theaters, shows, performances andattendances, 2007/'08-2009/'10

    6.8 Opera ve bale salonu, oynananeser, gsterim ve seyirci says2007/'08-2009/'10

    30 6.8 Operas and ballets halls, shows,performances and attendances,2007/'08-2009/'10

    6.9 Ktphane ve mze saylar,2008-2010

    30 6.9 Number of library and museums,2008-2010

    6.10 Mze ve mzelere bal halka ak ren yeri ziyaretileri ve gelirleri,2008-2010

    30 6.10 Museums and ruins under theresponsibility of the museums open tothe public, visitors and receipts,2008-2010

    6.11 Gazetelerin ve dergilerin corafikapsama (yayn blgesi) gre says,2008-2010

    31 6.11 Number of newspapers and magazinesby geographical coverage (region of publishing),2008-2010

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    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011




    Turizm Tourism7.1 Gelen ve giden yabanclar,

    2009-201132 7.1 Foreigners arriving and departing,


    7.2 Gelen ve giden vatandalar,2009-2011

    32 7.2 Citizens arriving and departing,2009-2011

    7.3 Seilmi milliyetlere gre gelenyabanc ziyaretiler, 2009-2011

    32 7.3 Foreign visitors arrivals by selectednationalities, 2009-2011

    7.4 Turizm gideri, 2009-2011 33 7.4 Tourism expenditures, 2009-20117.5 Turizm geliri, 2009-2011 33 7.5 Tourism income, 2009-2011

    Adalet Justice

    8.1 Cinsiyet, ya ve eitim durumunagre ceza infaz kurumuna girenhkmller, 2007-2009

    34 8.1 Convicts received into prison by sex,age group and education level,2007-2009

    8.2 Su trne gre ocuk ceza infazkurumu ve eitimevine girenhkml ocuklar, 2007-2009

    35 8.2 Juvenile convicts received into juvenileprison and reformatory by type of crime, 2007-2009

    Seimler Elections

    9.1 Milletvekili Genel Seimi sonular,2002, 2007, 2011

    36 9.1 Results of the General Election of Representatives, 2002, 2007, 2011

    9.2 Mahallidareler Seimi sonular,2009

    37 9.2 Results of the Local AdministrationElections, 2009

    9.3 Halk Oylamas sonular, 1988,2007, 2010

    37 9.3 Results of the Referendum, 1988,2007, 2010

    Sosyal Gvenlik Social Security

    10.1 Emekli Sand, Sosyal SigortalarKurumu ve Ba-Kur'dan aylk alanlar, 2008-2010

    38 10.1 Persons receiving monthly benefitsfrom the Government EmployeesRetirement Fund, Social InsuranceInstitution and Ba-Kur 2008-2010

    10.2 SSK, Ba-Kur ve Emekli Sandnayaplan bte transferleri,2008-2010

    38 10.2 Budget transfers to Social InsuranceInstitution, Ba-Kur and GovernmentEmployees Retirement Fund,2008-2010

    10.3 Sosyal Gvenlik Kurumunun gelir vegider dengesi, 2008-2010

    39 10.3 Revenues and expenditures of SocialSecurity Institution, 2008-2010

    10.4 TrkiyeKurumuna yaplanbavurular ve ie yerletirilenler,2009-2011

    39 10.4 Applications to and placements by theTurkish Employment Organization,2009-2011

    10.5 TrkiyeKurumunca yurtdndaie yerletirilen iiler, 2009-2011

    39 10.5 Workers placed abroad by the TurkishEmployment Organization, 2009-2011

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    indekiler Contents



    al ma Labour11.1 Kurumsal olmayan nfusun igc

    durumu, 201140 11.1 Labour force status of non-

    institutional population, 2011

    11.2 Ya grubuna gre istihdamedilenler, 2011

    40 11.2 Employed persons by age groups,2011

    11.3 teki durum ve ekonomik faaliyetegre istihdam edilenler, 2011

    41 11.3 Employed persons by status inemployment and branch of economicactivity, 2011

    11.4 Ekonomik faaliyete gre istihdamedilenler, 2011

    42 11.4 Employed persons by branch of economic activities, 2011

    11.5 Ya grubuna gre isizler, 2011 43 11.5 Unemployed persons by age groups,2011

    11.6 Eitim durumuna gre isizler, 2011 43 11.6 Unemployed persons by educationalstatus, 2011

    Tar m Agriculture

    12.1 Tarm ve orman alanlar, 2008-2010 44 12.1 Agricultural land and forest area,2008-2010

    12.2 Seilmi tarla rnleri retimi,2009-2011

    45 12.2 Selected field crop production,2009-2011

    12.3 Seilmi sebzelerin retimi,2009-2011

    45 12.3 Selected vegetable production,2009-2011

    12.4 Seilmi meyvelerin retimi,2009-2011

    45 12.4 Selected fruit production, 2009-2011

    12.5 Organik bitkisel retim, 2008-2010 46 12.5 Organic crop production, 2008-2010

    12.6 Trlerine gre hayvanlar,2008-2010

    46 12.6 Livestocks by type, 2008-2010

    12.7 St retimi, 2008-2010 46 12.7 Milk production, 2008-2010

    12.8 Et retimi, 2008-2010 47 12.8 Meat production, 2008-2010

    12.9 Kmes hayvancl, 2008-2010 47 12.9 Poultry and egg production,2008-2010

    statistikleri Business Statistics13.1 Radyo ve televizyon kurumlar temel

    gstergeleri, 2009-201048 13.1 Basic indicators on radio and television

    institutions, 2009-2010

    13.2 Mali sektrlerde istihdam ve temelgstergeler, 2010

    49 13.2 Employment and basis indicators infinancial sectors, 2010

    13.3 Sanayi ve hizmet sektrlerindek smlara gre istihdam ve temelgstergeler, 2009

    50 13.3 Employment and basic indicators bysection in industry and service sectors,2009

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    statistikleri Business Statistics13.4 Sanayi retim endeksi, 2009-2011 54 13.4 Industrial production index,


    13.5 Sanayi ciro endeksi, sanayi istihdamendeksi, sanayide allan saatendeksi ve sanayide brt cret-maa endeksi, 2009-2011

    54 13.5 Industrial turnover index, industrialemployment index, hours workedindex in industry and gross wages-salaries index in industry, 2009-2011

    13.6 Ticaret - Hizmet ciro endeksi,

    Ticaret - Hizmet istihdam endeksi,Ticaret - Hizmet allan saatendeksi ve Ticaret - Hizmet brtcret-maa endeksi, 2009-2011

    54 13.6 Trade and Services turnover index,

    Trade and Services number of personsemployed index, Trade and Serviceshours worked index and Trade andServices gross wages and salariesindex, 2009-2011

    13.7 Seilmi madenlerin retimi,2009-2011

    55 13.7 Production of selected minerals,2009-2011

    13.8 Yap sahiplii ve kullanma amacnagre yaplacak yeni ve ilave yaplar,2009-2011

    55 13.8 New buildings and additions by use of building and type of investor,2009-2011

    13.9 aylk inaat sektr istihdamendeksi, 2009-2011

    56 13.9 Quarterly number of personsemployed index in construction,2009-2011

    13.10 aylk inaat sektr istihdamendeksi, brt cret-maa endeksi,allan saat endeksi, ciro endeksive retim endeksi, 2009-2011

    56 13.10 Quarterly number of personsemployed index in construction, grosswages salaries index in construction,hours worked index in construction,

    turnover index in construction,production index in construction,2009-2011

    13.11 Bina inaat maliyet endeksi, 2011 57 13.11 Building construction cost index, 2011

    Enerji Energy

    14.1 Elektrik santrallerinin kurulu gc veenerji kaynaklarna gre elektrik enerjisi retimi, 2008-2010

    58 14.1 Installed capacity of electricity powerplants and electricity generation byenergy resources, 2008-2010

    14.2 Elektrik tketimi, 2008-2010 59 14.2 Electricity consumption, 2008-2010

    Ulat rma ve Haberle me Transportation/Communication

    15.1 Otoyol, devlet, il ve ky yollaruzunluu, 2008-2010

    60 15.1 Length of motorways, state highways,provincial roads, village roads,2008-2010

    15.2 Otoyol, devlet ve il yollar zerinde

    seyir ve tamalar, 2009-2010

    60 15.2 Circulation and transportation on

    motorways, state highways andprovincial roads, 2009-2010

    15.3 Motorlu kara tatlar, 2009-2011 61 15.3 Road motor vehicles, 2009-2011

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    indekiler Contents



    Ula t rma ve Haberle me Transportation/Communication15.4 Y l iinde kayd yaplan ve kayd

    silinen motorlu kara tat says,2010-2011

    61 15.4 Number of road motor vehiclesregistered and withdrawn in the year,2010-2011

    15.5 Trafik kazalar, 2008-2010 62 15.5 Traffic accidents in road, 2008-2010

    15.6 Kullanlan yak t trne gre motorlukara tat says, 2009-2011

    62 15.6 Number of road motor vehicles bykind of fuel used, 2009-2011

    15.7 Demiryollar

    nda koltuk-kilometre,yolcu says ve yolcu-kilometre,2008-2010

    62 15.7 Seat-kilometers, number of passengers carried and passenger-kilometers in railways, 2008-2010

    15.8 Hava trafii, yolcu says ve tananyk, 2008-2010

    63 15.8 Air traffic, number of passengers andfreight carried, 2008-2010

    15.9 Haberleme aralar abone saylar,2008-2010

    63 15.9 Number of subscribers of communication tools, 2008-2010

    D Ticaret Foreign Trade

    16.1 D ticaret gstergeleri, 2009-2011 64 16.1 Main indicators of foreign trade,2009-2011

    16.2 Ekonomik faaliyete gre d ticaret,2009-2011

    65 16.2 Foreign trade by economic activity,2009-2011

    16.3 Geni ekonomik gruplarnsnflamasna gre d ticaret,2009-2011

    65 16.3 Foreign trade by classification of broadeconomic categories,2009-2011

    16.4 Uluslararas standart ticaretsnflamasna gre d ticaret,2010-2011

    66 16.4 Foreign trade by standardinternational trade classification,2010-2011

    16.5 En ok ithalat ve ihracat yaplan 10lke, 2011

    67 16.5 First 10 countries by exports andimports, 2011

    16.6 D ticaret endeksleri, 2010-2011 67 16.6 Foreign trade indices, 2010-2011

    Fiyat ve Endeksler Prices and Indexes

    17.1 retici fiyatlar endeksi, 2009-2011 68 17.1 Producer price index, 2009-201117.2 Tketici fiyatlar endeksi, 2009-2011 69 17.2 Consumer price index, 2009-2011

    Sat nalma Gc Paritesi Purchasing Power Parity

    18.1 BBS'ye gre tketim harcamalarfiyat dzeyi endeksleri, 2009-2011

    70 18.1 Price level indices for consumptionexpenditures by SR, 2009 - 2011

    18.2 OECD lkelerinde satnalma gc

    paritesi deerleri, 2009-2011

    71 18.2 Purchasing power parity values in

    OECD countries, 2009-2011

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    Para ve Banka Money and Banking19.1 Uluslararas rezervler, 2009-2011 72 19.1 International reserves, 2009-2011

    19.2 Altn fiyatlar, 2009-2011 73 19.2 Gold prices, 2009-2011

    19.3 Dviz kurlar, 2009-2011 74 19.3 Exchange rates, 2009-2011

    19.4 Parasal sektr analitik bilanosu,2010-2011

    75 19.4 Monetary sector analytical balancesheet, 2010-2011

    Maliye Finance

    20.1 l zel idareleri ve belediyeler btegereklemeleri, 2008-2010

    76 20.1 Special provincial administrations andmunicipalities budget realizations,2008-2010

    20.2 Merkezi Ynetim btegereklemeleri, 2009-2011

    76 20.2 Realization of Central Governmentbudget, 2009-2011

    20.3 Trkiye brt d bor stoku,2009-2011

    77 20.3 Gross external debt of Turkey,2009-2011

    20.4 Merkezi Ynetim i bor stoku,2009-2011 77 20.4 Central Government domestic debtstock, 2009-2011

    Ulusal Hesaplar National Accounts

    21.1 Gayri safi yurtii hasla, 2009-2011 78 21.1 Gross domestic product, 2009-2011

    21.2 Cari fiyatlarla gayri safi yurtiihasla, 2010-2011

    79 21.2 Gross domestic product in currentprices, 2010-2011

    21.3 BBS'ye gre cari fiyatlarla blgesel

    gayri safi katma deer, 2008

    80 21.3 Regional gross value added at current

    basic prices by SR, 200821.4 BBS'ye gre kii bana gayri safi

    katma deer (GSKD), 200881 21.4 Per capita gross value added (GVA) by

    SR, 2008

    Gelir ve Yaam Koullar Income and Living Conditions

    22.1 Edeer hanehalk kullanlabilirgelirine gre sral yzde 20'lik gruplar itibariyle yllk gelirlerindalm, 2010

    82 22.1 Distribution of annual incomes byquintiles ordered by equivalisedhousehold disposable income, 2010

    22.2 Edeer hanehalk kullanlabilirgelirine gre sral yzde 20'lik gruplar ve gelir trlerine gre yllk gelirlerin oransal dalm (Dikey%),2010

    83 22.2 Quintiles ordered by equivalisedhousehold disposable income andproportional distribution of annualincomes by types of income(Vertical%), 2010

    22.3 Hanehalk fertlerinin esas itekidurumlarna gre yllk ortalamaesas i gelirleri, 2009-2010

    84 22.3 Average annual main job incomes of individuals by employment status atmain job, 2009-2010

    22.4 Gelire dayal greli yoksulluk snrlarna gre yoksul saylar veyoksulluk oran, 2010

    85 22.4 Number of poors and poverty rate byrelative poverty thresholds based onincome, 2010

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    PageTketim Harcamalar Consumption Expenditures

    23.1 Hanehalk byklne gretketim harcamasnn dalm,2009-2010

    86 23.1 Distribution of consumptionexpenditures by household size,2009-2010

    23.2 Trlerine gre aylk ortalamatketim harcamalarnn oransaldalm, 2009-2010

    87 23.2 Percentage of distribution of monthlyaverage consumption expenditures,2009-2010

    23.3 Gelire gre sral %20'lik gruplarayrmnda hanehalk tketimharcamasnn dalm, 2010

    88 23.3 Distribution of consumptionexpenditures by quintiles ordered byincome, 2010

    23.4 Tketim harcamasna gre sral%20'lik hanehalk tketimharcamasnn dalm, 2010

    89 23.4 Distribution of consumptionexpenditures by quintiles ordered byhousehold consumption expenditures,2010

    Gven Endeksleri Confidence Indices

    24.1 Tketici gven endeksi ve altendeksler, 2011

    90 24.1 Consumer confidence index and sub-indices, 2011

    gc Maliyeti Labour Cost

    25.1 Saatlik igc maliyeti endeksi,2009-2011

    92 25.1 Hourly labour cost index, 2009-2011

    25.2 Saatlik kazan endeksi, 2009-2011 92 25.2 Hourly earnings index, 2009-2011

    25.3 Saatlik kazan d igc maliyetiendeksi, 2009-2011

    92 25.3 Hourly labour cost excluding earningsindex, 2009-2011

    25.4 Cinsiyet ve meslek ana grubunagre aylk ortalama brt cret veyllk ortalama brt kazan, 2010

    93 25.4 Monthly average gross wage andannual average gross earnings by sexand major occupational group, 2010

    25.5 Cinsiyet ve eitim durumuna greaylk ortalama brt cret ve yllk ortalama brt kazan, 2010

    94 25.5 Monthly average gross wage andannual average gross earnings by sexand educational attainment, 2010

    25.6 Aylk ortalama igc maliyeti vebileenleri, 2008

    95 25.6 Monthly average labour cost andcomponents, 2008

    Bilim ve Teknoloji Science and Technology

    26.1 Gayri safi yurtii Ar-Ge harcamas,2008-2010

    96 26.1 Gross domestic expenditures on R&D,2008-2010

    26.2 Yenilik faaliyeti yrten giriimlerinoran, 2008-2010

    97 26.2 Enterprises with innovation activities,2008-2010

    26.3 Cinsiyete gre bilgisayar ve internetkullanm oranlar, 2011

    97 26.3 Proportion of computer and internetuse by gender, 2011

    26.4 Hanelerde biliim teknolojileribulunma oran, 2011

    98 26.4 Availability of ICT equipments inhouseholds, 2011

    26.5 Son ay iinde (Ocak-Mart)bilgisayar ve internet kullanm,2011

    99 26.5 Individuals using the computer andInternet in the last 3 monthsJanuar -March 2011

    indekiler Contents

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    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011


    Contents indekiler



    Yaam Memnuniyeti Life Satisfaction27.1 Genel mutluluk dzeyi, 2009-2011 100 27.1 General level of happiness, 2009-2011

    27.2 Gelecekten umut dzeyi, 2009-2011101 27.2 Level of hope, 2009-2011

    27.3 Kamu hizmetlerinden memnuniyet,2011

    102 27.3 Satisfaction from public services, 2011

    27.4 2012 ylndan beklentiler 103 27.4 Expectations for year 2012

    Simge ve K saltmalar Symbol and Abbreviations

    Bilgi geicidir Data is provisional

    Bilgi yoktur Denotes magnitude nil

    2008'den - 2011 (dahil) ylna kadar 2008 to 2011 inclusive

    2009'dan balayan ve 2012'de bitenrn yl, mali yl, renim dnemivb.

    Crop year, financial year, school yearetc. beginning in 2009 ending in 2012

    Trk Liras Turkish Liras

    statistiki Blge Birimleri Snflamas Statistical Regions

    Uluslararas Standart EitimSnflamas

    International Standard Classification of Education

    Uluslararas Standart Meslek Snflamas

    International Standard Classification of Occupations

    Uluslararas Standart teki DurumSnflamas Standard Internatonal Classification of Status in Employment

    Avrupa Topluluu'nda Ekonomik Faaliyetlerinstatistiki Snflamas

    Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community

    naat Tipleri Snflamas Classification of Type of Construction

    Uluslararas Standart TicaretSnflamas

    Standard International TradeClassification













  • 7/29/2019 2011 TRKYE STATSTKLER


    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011

    X I


    Ka sam Covera e

    statistiklerle Trkiye, kullancya yllk bir karlatrma olana salayacak biimde dzenlenmitir. Aksibelirtilmedike "yl" takvim ylngstermektedir. "Mali yl" ise, 12 ay iinsz konusu olup 1 Ocak tarihindebalar.

    The data in Turkey in Statistics arepresented in three year period. Unlessotherwise stated, "year refers to thecalender year. Fiscal year refers to the12 months and begins with January 1st

    of each year.

    statistiklerle Trkiye, ayn yl yaynlananTrkiye statistik Y ll zetindenolumaktadr.

    Turkey in Statistics is a summary of Turkey's Statistical Yearbook of thesame year.

    Veri Kaynaklar Data Sources

    Yaynda sunulan veriler Trkiyestatistik Kurumu'nun saym ve anketlerinden,ayrca dier kurulularn idarikaytlarndan derlenmektedir. Kaynak verilmeyen tablolardaki bilgiler Kurum

    taraf ndan hazrlanmtr.

    Data presented in the publication arecompiled from censuses and surveysconducted by the Turkish StatisticalInstitute and from administrativeregisters of the other organizations.

    Tables for which no source is indicatedare based on information prepared byTurkStat.

    Aklamalar Explanation

  • 7/29/2019 2011 TRKYE STATSTKLER


    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011


    TR1 stanbul TR10 stanbul TR100 stanbul (Zonguldak, TR811 Zonguldak (Tekirda, TR211 Tekirda Karabk, TR812 Karabk Edirne, TR212 Edirne Bart n) TR813 Bart n

    K rklareli) TR213 K rklareli (Kastamonu, TR821 Kastamonu

    (Balkesir, TR221 Balkesir ank r , TR822 ank r

    anakkale) TR222 anakkale Sinop) TR823 Sinop

    TR31 (zmir) TR310 zmir (Samsun, TR831 Samsun(Ayd n, TR321 Ayd n Tokat, TR832 Tokat

    Denizli, TR322 Denizli orum, TR833 orum

    Mula) TR323 Mula Amasya) TR834 Amasya(Manisa, TR331 Manisa (Trabzon TR901 Trabzon

    Afyonkarahisar, TR332 Afyonkarahisar Ordu, TR902 OrduKtahya, TR333 Ktahya Giresun, TR903 Giresun

    Uak) TR334 Uak Rize, TR904 Rize(Bursa, TR411 Bursa Artvin, TR905 Artvin

    Eskiehir, TR412 Eskiehir Gmhane) TR906 GmhaneBilecik) TR413 Bilecik (Erzurum, TRA11 Erzurum

    (Kocaeli, TR421 Kocaeli Erzincan, TRA12 Erzincan

    Sakarya, TR422 Sakarya Bayburt) TRA13 Bayburt

    Dzce TR423 Dzce (Ar , TRA21 ArBolu, TR424 Bolu Kars, TRA22 Kars

    Yalova) TR425 Yalova Id r, TRA23 Id rTR51 (Ankara) TR510 Ankara Ardahan) TRA24 Ardahan

    (Konya, TR521 Konya (Malatya, TRB11 Malatya

    Karaman) TR522 Karaman Elaz , TRB12 Elaz(Antalya, TR611 Antalya Bingl, TRB13 Bingl

    Isparta, TR612 Isparta Tunceli) TRB14 Tunceli

    Burdur) TR613 Burdur (Van, TRB21 Van

    TR62 (Adana, TR621 Adana Mu, TRB22 MuMersin) TR622 Mersin Bitlis, TRB23 Bitlis

    TR63 (Hatay, TR631 Hatay Hakkari) TRB24 Hakkari

    Kahramanmara TR632 Kahramanmara (Gaziantep, TRC11 GaziantepOsmaniye) TR633 Osmaniye Ad yaman, TRC12 Adyaman

    TR71 (K r kkale, TR711 K r kkale Kilis) TRC13 Kilis

    Aksaray, TR712 Aksaray (anl urfa, TRC21 anl urfaNide, TR713 Nide Diyarbak r) TRC22 Diyarbak rNevehir, TR714 Nevehir (Mardin, TRC31 MardinK rehir) TR715 K rehir Batman, TRC32 Batman

    TR72 (Kayseri, TR721 Kayseri rnak, TRC33 rnak Sivas, TR722 Sivas Siirt) TRC34 Siirt


    TR723 Yozgat

    T o p

    l a m

    T o t a l

    12 26 81



    T R C








    T R 2



    T R 8

    T R 9

    T R B

    T R A

    1. DzeyLevel 1

    2. DzeyLevel 2

    3. DzeyLevel 3

    1. DzeyLevel 1

    2. DzeyLevel 2

    3. DzeyLevel 3







    TR52 T R 5

    O r t a

    A n a

    d o

    l u - C e n

    t r a l

    A n a

    t o l i a

    B a


    A n a

    d o

    l u

    W e s


    A n a

    t o l i a

    TR Trkiye - Turkey


    T R 6

    A k d e n

    i z

    M e d

    i t e r r a n e a n

    T R 7

    T R 4

    T R 3

    B a

    t M

    a r m a r a

    W e s

    t M a r m a r a

    B a

    t K

    a r a

    d e n

    i z - W e s

    t B l a c k

    S e a

    D o


    K a r a

    d e n

    i z

    E a s t

    B l a c k

    S e a

    K u z e y

    d o


    A n a

    d o

    l u


    o r t h e a s t

    A n a

    t o l i a

    O r t a

    d o


    A n a

    d o

    l u

    C e n

    t r a l e a s t

    A n a

    t o l i a

    G n e y

    d o


    A n a

    d o

    l u

    S o u t

    h e a s

    t A n a

    t o l i a

    D o


    M a r m a r a

    E a s t

    M a r m a r a

    E g e -

    A e g e a n

    Statistical Regions statistiki Blge Birimleri Snfamas

  • 7/29/2019 2011 TRKYE STATSTKLER


    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011


    1.1 Trkiye anakaras 'n n u noktalar - Extreme points of Turkey

    Ynler ve u noktalar Enlem (Kuzey) Boylam (Do u)Location of points Latitude (North) ongitude (East)

    Do u Kk A r Da 'n n 34 km do usunda

    Trk- ran- Azerbaycan (Nahcivan)s n rlar n n kav ak noktas

    East Point of intersection of Turkish-Iranian-Azerbaijanboundaires 34 km east of Mt.Kk A r 39 0 37' 44 0 49'

    Bat Gkeada'da nceburunWest Cape nceburun Gkeada Island 40 0 08' 25 0 40'Kuzey Sinop ilinde nceburunNorth Cape Inceburun Sinop province 42 0 06' 34 0 57'Gney Hatay ili Yaylada ilesinin Topraktutan

    (Beysun) Ky'nn gneyi

    South South of Topraktutan (Beysun) village Yaylada district Hatay province 35 0 48' 36 0 09'

    Not. Harita Genel Komutanl na ait topo rafik haritalardan 1' do ruluklaelde edilmi tir.Note. Data are calculated from the topographic maps of General Command of Mappingwith 1' accuracy.

    1.2 Co rafik gstergeler - Geographic indicators

    En yksek da - Highest mountain Byk A r 5 137 m

    En uzun akarsu - Longest river K z l rmak 1 355 km

    En byk baraj gl - Highest dammed lake Atatrk 817 km 2

    En byk do al gl - Highest natural lake Van 3 713 km2

    En byk ada - Highest island Gkeada 286.84 km 2

    1 Arazi ve klim Land and Climate

  • 7/29/2019 2011 TRKYE STATSTKLER


    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011

    1.3 Trkiye ve illerin yzlmleri

    Area of Turkey and provinces (km2)

    l Yzlm l zlm l YzlmProvince Area Province Area Province Area

    Trkiye -Turkey 785 347 Adana 14 125 Giresun 6 831 Samsun 9 352 Ad yaman 7 644 Gm hane 6 440 Siirt 5 499 Afyonkarahisar 14 772 Hakkri 7 228 Sinop 5 805 Ar 11 520 Hatay 5 867 Sivas 28 619 Amasya 5 702 Isparta 8 913 Tekirda 6 339 Ankara 25 437 Mersin 15 620 Tokat 10 073 Antalya 20 909 stanbul 5 313 Trabzon 4 662 Artvin 7 359 zmir 12 007 Tunceli 7 705 Ayd n 7 943 Kars 9 939 anl urfa 19 451Bal kesir 14 272 Kastamonu 13 136 U ak 5 382Bilecik 4 310 Kayseri 17 170 Van 21 334

    Bingl 8 277 K rklareli 6 304 Yozgat 14 097Bitlis 8 855 K rehir 6 544 Zonguldak 3 306Bolu 8 341 Kocaeli 3 623 Aksaray 7 997

    Burdur 7 174 Konya 41 001 Bayburt 3 741Bursa 10 882 Ktahya 12 043 Karaman 8 924

    anakkale 9 955 Malatya 12 146 K r kkale 4 575ank r 7 490 Manisa 13 269 Batman 4 680

    orum 12 797 Kahramanmara 14 525 rnak 7 203Denizli 11 861 Mardin 8 858 Bart n 2 076Diyarbak r 15 272 Mula 12 974 Ardahan 5 156Edirne 6 119 Mu 8 090 I d r 3 546Elaz 9 313 Nev ehir 5 407 Karabk 4 103Erzincan 11 746 Nide 7 400 Kilis 1 444Erzurum 25 355 Ordu 5 952 Yalova 850

    Eskiehir 13 925 Rize 3 919 Osmaniye 3 215Gaziantep 6 887 Sakarya 4 878 Dzce 2 574

    Not. Harita Genel Komutanl na ait 1/1 000 000 lekli Mlki dariBlmleri Haritas vektr verisinden hesaplanarak elde edilmi tir.Note. Data are calculated from the vector data of the Map of Administrative Divisionof General Command of Mapping with scaled to 1/1 000 000.

    Land and Climate Arazi ve klim

  • 7/29/2019 2011 TRKYE STATSTKLER


    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011

    Arazi ve klim Land and Climate

    1.4 Ayl k maksimum s cakl k, 2011

    stasyon Ocak ubat Mart Nisan May s

    Stations January February March April MayBatman 14.3 16.8 23.5 28.3 32.5Diyarbak r 12.2 15.5 22.4 27.0 32.2Siirt 12.2 15.5 21.0 26.6 31.7anlurfa 14.6 17.8 25.2 28.5 34.9

    Adyaman 13.3 15.1 21.8 24.6 30.9 Antalya 19.8 20.2 22.5 26.9 30.6


    8.7 13.0 20.2 24.7 30.8Kahramanmara 14.5 17.0 23.3 25.9 31.1Mardin 11.1 13.4 19.6 25.0 30.3Tunceli 10.3 10.3 20.2 23.6 29.6

    Not. Austos ay baz al nm t r.

    1.5 Ayl k minimum s cakl k, 2011

    stasyon Ocak ubat Mart Nisan May sStations January February March April May

    Erzurum -22.2 -32.2 -17.7 -11.3 -0.6

    Ardahan -19.2 -23.3 -17.9 -5.5 0.0

    A r -18.1 -27.8 -17.0 -4.0 2.5Kars -17.7 -23.7 -19.8 -4.9 0.7

    Sivas -17.1 -17.7 -6.7 -4.3 -0.4

    Bitlis -13.4 -20.1 -12.1 -5.1 1.7

    Kayseri -12.8 -15.6 -5.9 -2.0 0.9

    Mu -12.1 -15.1 -6.3 -1.7 5.0Hakkari -11.8 -15.0 -7.6 -1.9 2.4

    Yozgat -11.7 -13.3 -9.1 -4.3 -1.4

    Not. Ocak ay baz al nm t r.

  • 7/29/2019 2011 TRKYE STATSTKLER


    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011

    1.4 Monthly maximum temperature, 2011 (oC)

    Haziran Temmuz Austos Eyll Ekim Kas m Aral k

    June July August September October November December38.5 45.9 44.6 38.0 32.9 19.1 12.938.9 44.7 44.3 37.0 32.4 18.4 11.936.1 44.0 43.2 36.5 31.8 16.3 12.238.9 44.5 42.2 39.1 32.7 21.4 16.037.7 44.6 41.7 37.7 32.0 19.8 14.838.5 42.2 41.5 37.6 30.1 25.8 20.4

    35.5 42.1 41.5 35.0 29.9 16.4 9.838.0 42.9 41.4 36.5 32.4 20.9 15.135.2 42.3 41.1 34.7 30.0 15.0 14.933.6 40.8 40.6 34.9 29.7 17.1 10.2

    Note. Based on the month of August.

    Land and Climate Arazi ve klim

    1.5 Monthly minimum temperature, 2011 (oC)

    Haziran Temmuz Austos Eyll Ekim Kas m Aral k June July August September October November December

    3.2 5.9 4.1 -0.1 -6.3 -24.0 -25.22.3 6.5 1.0 -0.8 -7.0 -17.9 -21.65.4 7.7 0.0 0.0 -3.3 -23.5 -24.93.3 7.8 2.7 0.3 -6.3 -19.6 -22.47.2 9.4 8.6 3.9 -3.7 -11.6 -10.65.6 11.7 10.8 7.2 -1.5 -12.2 -14.06.9 8.5 7.5 3.2 -3.5 -12.5 -11.49.5 13.4 13.9 9.3 0.2 -10.4 -16.9

    12.0 15.3 15.2 7.7 0.0 -9.1 -11.17.8 0.0 10.6 6.3 -2.1 -10.6 -8.1

    Note. Based on the month of January.

  • 7/29/2019 2011 TRKYE STATSTKLER


    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011

    2.1 Kkrtdioksit (SO 2) ve partikler madde (duman) ortalamalar n n en yksek oldu u il ve ile merkezleri, 2011Provincial and district centers having the maximum sulphur dioxide and particulatematter concentrations, 2011 (mg/m3)

    Kkrtdioksit (SO2) Partikler madde (PM10)Sulphur dioxide (SO2) Particulate matter (PM10)

    Edirne 57 Afyon 115Mula 1 52 Siirt 102

    Aydn 41 Gaziantep 101orum 33 Aydn 96Isparta 33 Sakarya 94

    Kaynak: evre ve ehircilik Bakanl

    Source: Ministry of Environment and Urbanization

    2.2 Sektrlere gre CO 2 emisyonu, 2007-2009

    CO2 emissions by sectors, 2007-2009 (Bin ton - Thousand tonnes)

    2007 2008 2009

    Toplam - Total 307 916 297 124 299 106

    Yak tlar n yanmas - Fuel combustion 282 834 270 862 271 109Elektrik retimi - Electricity production 106 603 105 941 102 516

    Sanayi - Industry 80 374 55 973 55 097

    Ula t rma - Transport 51 011 47 048 46 707

    Dier (konut, tar m, vs.)Other (residential, agriculture, etc.) 44 846 61 900 66 788

    Endstriyel prosesler - Industrial processes 25 082 26 262 27 997

    Kii ba CO 2 emisyonlar (ton/ki i)CO2 emissions per capita (tonnes/capita) 4.38 4.18 4.16

    2 evre Environment

  • 7/29/2019 2011 TRKYE STATSTKLER


    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011

    2.3 Belediye evre gstergeleri, 2008, 2010Environmental indicators for municipalities, 2008, 2010

    2008 2010 Anket uygulanan belediye say s Number of municipalities questionned 3 225 2 950

    Ki i ba ekilen gnlk su miktar (litre/ki i-gn)Water abstraction per capita in municipalities (liters/capita-day) 215 217

    Ki i ba gnlk at ksu miktar (litre/ki i-gn) Amount of wastewater per capita (litres/capita-day) 173 182

    Ki i ba ortalama at k miktar (kg/ki i-gn) Amount of municipal waste per capita (kg/capita-day) 1.15 1.14

    Environment evre

    2.4 malat sanayi evre gstergeleri, 2008Environmental indicators for manufacturing industry, 2008

    ekilen su miktar (Bin m3

    /y l) Amount of water abstracted (Thousand m 3 /year) 1 313 878

    Dearj edilen at ksu miktar (Bin m 3/y l) Amount of wastewater discharged (Thousand m 3 /year) 1 027 838

    Toplam at k miktar (Bin ton/y l)Total amount of waste (Thousand tonnes/year) 12 482

    Tehlikeli at k miktar (Bin ton/y l)

    Amount of hazardous waste (Thousand tonnes/year) 1 136

    2.5 Kamu sektrnn cari ve yat r m harcamalar , 2008-2010Environmental current and investment expenditure of public sector, 2008-2010


    2008 2009 2010

    Toplam evresel harcamalarTotal environmental expenditure 9 042 514 654 9 712 399 676 9 856 818 881

    Cari harcamalar toplam Total current expenditure 5 546 210 654 6 480 742 573 6 374 720 008

    Yat r m harcamalar toplam Total investment expenditure 3 496 304 001 3 231 657 103 3 482 098 873

  • 7/29/2019 2011 TRKYE STATSTKLER


    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011

    3.1 Nfus, y ll k nfus art h z ve nfus yo unlu u, 1927-2000Population, annual growth rate of population and population density, 1927-2000

    Y ll k nfus art h z Nfus yo unlu uSay m y l Nfus Annual growth rate PopulationCensus year Population of population () density (1) (2)

    1927 13 648 270 - 18

    1935 16 158 018 21.10 21

    1940 17 820 950 (3) 17.03 23

    1945 18 790 174 10.59 24

    1950 20 947 188 21.73 27

    1955 24 064 763 27.75 31

    1960 27 754 820 28.53 361965 31 391 421 24.62 41

    1970 35 605 176 25.19 46

    1975 40 347 719 25.00 52

    1980 44 736 957 20.65 58

    1985 50 664 458 24.88 65

    1990 56 473 035 21.71 73

    2000 67 803 927 18.28 88

    (1) Trkiye'nin yzlm 769 604 km 2'dir.(1) Surface area of Turkey is 769 604 km 2 .

    (2) Yzlmne do al gller ve baraj glleri dahil de ildir. Harita GenelKomutanl 'ndan al nan 1/1 000 000 lekli harita baz al narak hesaplanm t r.

    (2) Lakes and dams are excluded from the surface area. It was calculated according

    to 1/1 000 000 scaled map provided from General Command of Mapping.(3) Hatay ilinin nfusu toplama dahil edilerek hesaplanm t r.(3) It was calculated by including the population of Hatay province to total population.

    Nfus ve G Population and Migration

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    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011

    Population and Migration Nfus ve G

    3.3 l, ile, belde belediyesi ve ky say s , 2009-2011Number of provinces, districts, towns and villages, 2009-2011

    2009(1) 2010(1) 2011(1)

    l say s - Number of provinces 81 81 81le say s - Number of districts 892 892 892Belde/ilk kademe belediyesi say s

    Number of towns and submunicipalities 1 978 1 977 1 977

    Ky say s - Number of villages(2)

    34 367 34 402 34 425

    Kaynak: Adrese Dayal Nfus Kay t Sistemi (ADNKS) Sonular

    Source: Results of Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS)(1) l, ile, belediye ve kylere gre say ve nfuslar belirlenirken;Nfus ve Vatanda l k leri Genel Mdrl (NV GM) taraf ndan,ilgili mevzuat ve idari kay tlar uyar nca Ulusal Adres Veri Taban

    (UAVT)nda yerle im yerlerine ynelik olarak yap lan idari ba l l k ve tzel ki ilik de iiklikleri dikkate al nm t r.(1) Number and population of provinces, districts, municipalities and villagesare determined by taking into account administrative attachment and legalentity changes recorded by the General Directorate of Civil Registration andNationality (GDCRN) in the National Address Database (NAD) in accordancewith the related regulation and administrative registers.(2) ADNKS'ye gre ikamet eden ki i kayd olmayan kyler kysay s na dahil edilmi tir.(2) Number of villages, in which there is no residing population accordingto ABPRS, are included.

    3.2 Nfus, y ll k nfus art h z ve nfus yo unlu u, 2008-2011Population, annual growth rate of population and population density, 2008-2011

    Y ll k nfus art h z Y l Nfus Annual growth rate Nfus yo unlu u Year Population of population () Population density

    2008 71 517 100 13.10 93

    2009 72 561 312 14.50 94

    2010 73 722 988 15.88 96

    2011 74 724 269 13.49 97

    Kaynak: Adrese Dayal Nfus Kay t Sistemi (ADNKS) Sonular Source: Results of Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS)

  • 7/29/2019 2011 TRKYE STATSTKLER


    T K

    , s t a

    t i s t i k l er l eT

    r k i y

    e ,2

    0 1 1

    T u

    r k S t a t ,

    T u

    r k e y

    i n S t a t i s t i c s ,

    2 0

    1 1

    1 0

    Adrese Dayal Nfus Kayt Sistemi 2011 sonularna gre hazrlanmtr.Prepared according to the results of Address Based Population Registration System 2011

    Nfus younluu (kii/km )Population density (person pe

  • 7/29/2019 2011 TRKYE STATSTKLER


    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011


    3.4 Cinsiyete gre il/ile merkezi ve belde/ky nfusu, 2009-2011Population of province/district centers, towns/villages by sex, 2009-2011

    2009 2010 2011Toplam nfus - Total population 72 561 312 73 722 988 74 724 269

    Erkek - Males 36 462 470 37 043 182 37 532 954Kad n - Females 36 098 842 36 679 806 37 191 315

    l ve ile merkeziProvince and district centers

    Erkek - Males 27 589 487 28 308 856 28 853 575

    Kad n - Females 27 217 732 27 913 500 28 532 131Belde ve kyTowns and villages

    Erkek - Males 8 872 983 8 734 326 8 679 379Kad n - Females 8 881 110 8 766 306 8 659 184

    Kaynak: Adrese Dayal Nfus Kay t Sistemi (ADNKS) Sonular

    Source: Results of Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS)

    Population and Migration Nfus ve G

    3.5 Ortanca ya ve ya ba ml l k oran , 2009-2011Median age and age dependency ratio, 2009-2011

    2009 2010 2011

    Ortanca ya - Median age 28.77 29.22 29.70Toplam ya ba ml l k oran Total age dependency ratio 49.25 48.89 48.42

    Yal ba ml l k oran (65+ ya )Elderly dependency ratio (age 65 and over) 10.46 10.76 10.91

    Gen ba ml l k oran (0-14 ya ) Youth dependency ratio (age 0-14) 38.79 38.13 37.51

    Kaynak: Adrese Dayal Nfus Kay t Sistemi (ADNKS) Sonular Source: Results of Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS)

  • 7/29/2019 2011 TRKYE STATSTKLER


    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011


    Nfus ve G Population and Migration

    3.6 llere gre nfus, 2011Population by provinces, 2011

    l Nfus l Nfus l NfusProvince Population Province Population Province Population

    Trkiye-Turkey 74 724 269 Adana 2 108 805 Giresun 419 498 Samsun 1 251 729 Adyaman 593 931 Gmhane 132 374 Siirt 310 468 Afyonkarahisar 698 626 Hakkri 272 165 Sinop 203 027 Ar 555 479 Hatay 1 474 223 Sivas 627 056 Amasya 323 079 Isparta 411 245 Tekirda 829 873 Ankara 4 890 893 Mersin 1 667 939 Tokat 608 299 Antalya 2 043 482 stanbul 13 624 240 Trabzon 757 353 Artvin 166 394 zmir 3 965 232 Tunceli 85 062 Aydn 999 163 Kars 305 755anlurfa 1 716 254Balkesir 1 154 314 Kastamonu 359 759 Uak 339 731Bilecik 203 849 Kayseri 1 255 349 Van 1 022 532Bingl 262 263 K rklareli 340 199 Yozgat 465 696Bitlis 336 624 K rehir 221 015 Zonguldak 612 406Bolu 276 506 Kocaeli 1 601 720 Aksaray 378 823Burdur 250 527 Konya 2 038 555 Bayburt 76 724Bursa 2 652 126 Ktahya 564 264 Karaman 234 005anakkale 486 445 Malatya 757 930 K rkkale 274 992ank r 177 211 Manisa 1 340 074 Batman 524 499

    orum 534 578 Kahramanmara 1 054 210 rnak 457 997Denizli 942 278 Mardin 764 033 Bartn 187 291Diyarbak r 1 570 943 Mula 838 324 Ardahan 107 455Edirne 399 316 Mu 414 706 Idr 188 857Elaz 558 556 Nevehir 283 247 Yalova 206 535Erzincan 215 277 Nide 337 553 Karabk 219 728Erzurum 780 847 Ordu 714 390 Kilis 124 452

    Eskiehir 781 247 Rize 323 012 Osmaniye 485 357Gaziantep 1 753 596 Sakarya 888 556 Dzce 342 146

    Kaynak: Adrese Dayal Nfus Kay t Sistemi Sonular (ADNKS), 2011Source: Results of Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS), 2011

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    3.7 Ya grubu ve cinsiyete gre nfus, 2011Population by age group and sex, 2011

    Ya grubu - Age group Toplam - Total Erkek - Males Kad n - Females

    Toplam - Total 74 724 269 37 532 954 37 191 3150 - 4 6 199 824 3 184 160 3 015 6645 - 9 6 084 146 3 123 697 2 960 449

    10 - 14 6 602 605 3 386 882 3 215 72315 - 19 6 317 583 3 240 196 3 077 38720 - 24 6 224 591 3 173 618 3 050 973

    25 - 29 6 306 233 3 210 343 3 095 89030 - 34 6 495 634 3 285 387 3 210 24735 - 39 5 632 742 2 837 182 2 795 56040 - 44 4 770 774 2 430 841 2 339 93345 - 49 4 786 084 2 405 435 2 380 64950 - 54 3 792 436 1 909 912 1 882 52455 - 59 3 454 415 1 716 102 1 738 31360 - 64 2 566 487 1 231 274 1 335 21365 - 69 1 868 175 876 489 991 68670 - 74 1 451 368 649 739 801 62975 - 79 1 118 310 497 023 621 28780 - 84 688 840 260 355 428 48585 - 89 284 594 94 160 190 43490+ 79 428 20 159 59 269

    Kaynak: Adrese Dayal Nfus Kay t Sistemi Sonular (ADNKS), 2011Source: Results of Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS), 2011

    Population and Migration Nfus ve G

    Nfus piramidiPopulation pyramide


    6 4 2 0 2 4 6

    90+85 - 8980 - 8475 - 7970 - 7465 - 6960 - 6455 - 5950 - 5445 - 4940 - 4435 - 3930 - 3425 - 2920 - 2415 - 1910 - 14

    5 - 90 - 4 (%)

    Erkek - Males Kadn - Females

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    Nfus ve G Population and Migration

    3.9 Okuryazarl k ve cinsiyete gre nfus, 2009-2011Population by literacy and sex, 2009-2011

    [6 ve daha yukar ya taki nfus - Population 6 years of age over ]

    2009 2010 2011

    Erkek - MalesOkuma yazma bilmeyen - Illiterate 915 054 700 400 553 704(%) 2.96 2.21 1.70Okuma yazma bilen - Literate 30 039 678 30 983 102 32 013 033(%) 97.04 97.79 98.30

    Kad n - FemalesOkuma yazma bilmeyen - Illiterate 3 757 203 3 125 244 2 617 566(%) 12.10 9.87 8.06

    Okuma yazma bilen - Literate 27 304 701 28 542 644 29 876 706(%) 87.90 90.13 91.94

    Kaynak: Adrese Dayal Nfus Kay t Sistemi (ADNKS) Sonular Source: Results of Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS)

    Not.1. Oranlar hesaplan rken bilinmeyen kapsanmam t r.Note.1. Proportions are calculated by excluding unknown.

    2. Yabanc lar kapsama al nmam t r.2. Foreigners are not included.

    3.8 Yasal medeni durum ve cinsiyete gre nfus, 2011Population by legal marital status and sex, 2011

    [15 ve daha yukar ya taki nfus - Population 15 years of age over ]

    Toplam Erkek Kad nTotal Males Females

    Toplam - Total 55 618 439 27 738 198 27 880 241Hi evlenmedi - Never married 15 260 068 8 768 359 6 491 709Evli - Married 35 667 658 17 848 866 17 818 792Bo and - Divorced 1 673 661 692 716 980 945

    E i ld - Widowed 3 017 052 428 257 2 588 795

    Kaynak: Adrese Dayal Nfus Kay t Sistemi Sonular (ADNKS), 2011Source: Results of Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS), 2011

    Not. Yabanc lar kapsama al nmam t r.Note. Foreigners are not included.

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    Population and Migration Nfus ve G

    3.10 2010-2011 dnemi net g h z na gre en fazla g alan, g veren illerThe provinces with highest in-migration and out-migration by rate of net migrationin 2010-2011 period

    ADNKS Net g h z2011 nfusu Rate of netPopulation of Ald g Verdii g migration

    ABPRS In-migration Out- migration ()

    Net g h z na gre en fazla g alan illerThe provinces with highest in-migration according to their net migration rate

    Tekirda 829 873 42 265 28 620 16.58 Antalya 2 043 482 89 731 62 875 13.23 Ankara 4 890 893 191 864 137 385 11.20Gmhane 132 374 10 426 8 988 10.92Eskiehir 781 247 35 045 27 908 9.18

    Net g h z na gre en fazla g veren iller

    The provinces with highest out-migration according to their net migration rate Van 1 022 532 23 415 72 273 -46.67 Yozgat 465 696 15 251 26 921 -24.75ank r 177 211 10 582 14 322 -20.88K rkkale 274 992 12 190 17 482 -19.06Kars 305 755 10 654 16 376 -18.54

    Kaynak: Adrese Dayal Nfus Kay t Sistemi Sonular (ADNKS), 2011

    Source: Results of Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS), 2011

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    4.1 Doumlar, 2008-2010Births, 2008-2010[31/08/2011 tarihi itibariyle - Date as of 31/08/2011]

    2008 2009 2010

    Doum say s - Number of births 1 288 772 1 254 946 1 238 970Erkek - Males 661 664 645 761 636 722K z - Females 627 108 609 185 602 248

    Kaba do um h z - Crude birth rate () 18.1 17.4 17.0Genel do urganl k h zGeneral fertility rate () 75.8 72.9 71.5Toplam do urganl k h z (kad n ba na)Total fertility rate (per woman) 2.15 2.07 2.03

    Kaynak: Nfus ve Vatanda l k leri Genel Mdrl Source: General Directorate of Civil Registration and Nationality

    4.2 Ya a zel do urganl k h z , 2008-2010Age specific fertility rate, 2008-2010[31/08/2011 tarihi itibariyle - Date as of 31/08/2011] ()

    Annenin ya grubu - Age group of mother 2008 2009 2010

    15-19 39 36 3220-24 122 116 11125-29 128 125 12330-34 87 83 8635-39 40 42 4340-44 11 10 10

    45-49 2 2 2

    Not. 2009 y l ndan itibaren do um istatistikleri ikametgah yerine gre yay mlanmaya ba lanm t r.Note. Birth statistics have been started to publish by the permanent residencesince 2009.

    Demogra Demography

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    4.3 Evlenmeler ve bo anmalar, 2008-2010Marriages and divorces, 2008-2010

    2008 2009 2010Evlenmeler - Marriages 641 973 591 742 582 715Boanmalar - Divorces 99 663 114 162 118 568

    Kaynak: Nfus ve Vatanda l k leri Genel MdrlSource: General Directorate of Civil Registration and Nationality

    Demography Demogra

    4.4 Evlilik sresine gre bo anmalar, 2008-2010Divorces by duration of marriage, 2008-2010

    Evlilik sresi (y l)Duration of marriage (year) (%) (%) (%)

    Toplam - Total 99 663 100.00 114 162 100.00 118 568 100.00-1 3 910 3.92 4 020 3.52 3 967 3.351 9 672 9.70 10 439 9.14 10 559 8.912 8 136 8.16 9 174 8.04 9 295 7.843 7 252 7.28 8 095 7.09 8 634 7.284 6 681 6.70 7 379 6.46 7 821 6.605 5 577 5.60 6 696 5.87 7 001 5.90

    6-10 21 335 21.41 23 879 20.92 24 940 21.0311-15 13 863 13.91 16 628 14.57 17 528 14.7816+ 22 997 23.08 27 426 24.02 28 433 23.98Bilinmeyen - Unknown 240 0.24 426 0.37 390 0.33

    Kaynak: Nfus ve Vatanda l k leri Genel MdrlSource: General Directorate of Civil Registration and Nationality

    2008 2009 2010

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    Demogra Demography

    4.5 lmler, 2007-2009Deaths, 2007-2009

    l ve ile merkezleri Trkiye geneliProvince and district centers The whole Turkey(1)

    2007 2008 2009

    Toplam - Total 212 731 215 562 367 971Erkek - Males 118 059 119 391 203 096Kad n - Females 94 672 96 171 164 875

    (1) 31/07/2011 tarihi itibariyle - Date as of 31/07/2011

    4.6 Ya grubuna gre intiharlar, 2008-2010Suicides by age group, 2008-2010

    Ya grubu - Age group(%) (%) (%)

    Toplam - Total 2 816 100.00 2 898 100.00 2 933 100.00-15 76 2.70 95 3.28 107 3.6515-24 721 25.60 603 20.81 692 23.5925-34 544 19.32 589 20.32 619 21.1035-44 444 15.77 480 16.56 478 16.3045-54 354 12.57 475 16.39 417 14.2255-64 219 7.78 303 10.46 270 9.2065-74 178 6.32 180 6.21 158 5.3975+ 147 5.22 159 5.49 163 5.56Bilinmeyen - Unknown 133 4.72 14 0.48 29 0.99

    2008 2009 2010

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    Demography Demogra

    4.7 Demografik gstergeler, 2015, 2020, 2025Demographic indicators, 2015, 2020, 2025

    2015 2020 2025Toplam dourganl k h z (kad n ba na)Total fertility rate (per woman) 2.05 2.01 1.97Katk l yenilenme h z (kad n ba na)Gross reproduction rate (per woman) 1.00 0.98 0.96Net yenilenme h z (kad n ba na)Net reproduction rate (per woman) 0.98 0.97 0.95

    ocuk dourmada ortalama ya Mean age of childbearing 26.9 26.8 26.6Bebek lm h z - Infant mortality rate ()

    Toplam - Total 11.0 9.9 8.8Erkek - Males 12.7 11.4 10.0K z - Females 9.2 8.4 7.5

    Douta beklenen ya am sresi (y l)

    Expectation of life at birth (year)Toplam - Total 74.9 75.4 75.9Erkek - Males 72.3 72.7 73.1Kad n - Females 77.7 78.3 78.9

    Not. 2008 Adrese Dayal Nfus Kay t Sistemine gre Nfus Projeksiyonlar .Nfus Projeksiyonlar , 2008 Trkiye Nfus ve Sa l k Arat rmas kesinsonular na gre revize edilmi tir.

    Note. Population Projections were based on 2008 Address Based Population RegistrationSystem. Population projections have been revised according to the final result of 2008 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey.

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    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011


    5.1 Baz sal k personelinin say lar ,Trkiye, 2008-2010Number of some health professionals, Turkey, 2008-2010[Tm sektrler - All sectors]

    2008 2009 2010

    Toplam hekim - Physicians total 113 151 118 641 123 447Uzman hekim - Specialist physicians 56 973 60 655 63 563Pratisyen hekim - General practitioners 35 763 35 911 38 818Asistan hekim - Medical residents 20 415 22 075 21 066

    Di hekimi - Dentists 19 959 20 589 21 432Eczac - Pharmacists 24 778 25 201 26 506Sal k memuru - Health officers 86 540 92 373 94 900Hemire - Nurse 101 516 105 754 116 979Ebe - Midwife 48 145 49 603 51 293

    Kaynak: Personel Genel Mdrl Source: General Directorate of PersonnelNot. zel sektre ait baz sal k personeli say lar Sal k Bakanl PersonelGenel Mdrl taraf ndan geriye dnk olarak gncellenmi tir.Note. The numbers of some health professionals relevant to the private sector wereretrospectively updated by the Ministry of Healths General Directorate of Personnel.

    Salk Health

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    5.2 Dallara gre hastane say lar , Trkiye, 2008-2010Number of hospitals by branches, Turkey, 2008-2010

    Dallar - Branches 2008 2009 2010Toplam - Total 1 350 1 389 1 439

    Genel hastane - General hospital 1 171 1 219 1 266 Acil yard m ve travmatoloji hastanesiEmergency and traumatology hospital 5 3 2ocuk hastal klar hastanesiChild diseases hospital 8 6 7

    Di hastanesi - Dental hospital 3 5 5Diyabet hastanesi - Diabetes hospital 2 2 2Fizik tedavi ve rehabilitasyon merkezleriPhysical treatment and rehabilitation centers 12 12 14Gs hastal klar hastanesiChest diseases hospital 22 19 18Gs kalp damar cerrahisi merkezleri

    Chest and cardiovascular diseases centers 7 11 11Gz hastal klar hastanesiOphtalmology hospital 18 24 26Kad n doum ve ocuk hastal klar hastanesiObstetric and child hospital 74 63 63Kardiyoloji hastanesi - Cardiology hospital 5 1 1Kemik hastal klar hastanesiBone diseases hospital 3 3 3Lepra hastanesi - Lepra hospital 2 1 1Meslek hastal klar hastanesiOccupational diseases hospital 2 2 2Onkoloji hastanesi - Oncology hospital 4 5 5Psikiyatri hastanesi - Psychiatry hospital 11 12 12Zhrevi hastal klar hastanesi

    Veneral diseases hospital 1 1 1

    Kaynak: Tedavi Hizmetleri Genel Mdrl Source: General Directorate of Curative ServicesNot.Dier kamu kurulu lar ve yerel idarelere ait hastaneler genel hastaneleredahil edilmitir.Note. Hospitals owned by other public establishments and local administrations wereincluded in general hospitals.

    Health Salk

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    Salk Health

    5.3 Baz seilmi enfeksiyon hastal klar n n vaka say lar ,Trkiye, 2008-2010Number of cases of some infectious diseases, Turkey, 2008-2010

    2008 2009 2010K zam k - Measles 4 4 7Tetanoz - Tetanus 14 12 25Neonatal tetanoz - Neonatal tetanus 7 0 2Bomaca - Pertussis 21 10 48Hepatit B - Hepatitis B 5 849 5 005 3 099Difteri - Diptheria 0 0 0

    ADS - AIDS 49 75 70HIV Enfeksiyonu - HIV Infectious 401 453 557Tberkloz - Tuberculosis 17 600 16 757 15 879S tma - Malaria 215 84 87

    Kaynak: Temel Sal k Hizmetleri Genel Mdrl, S tma Sava DaireBakanl , Verem Sava Daire Bakanl Source: General Directorate of Primary Care Services, Department of Malaria Control,Department of Tuberculosis ControlNot. 2008 y l 4 k zam k vakas n n 1i yurt d kaynakl olup dier 3bu vaka ile ilikilidir. Yerli vaka say s 0 (s f r) d r. 2009 y l 4 k zam k vakas n n 3 yurt d kaynakl olup 1i bu vaka ile ilikilidir. Yerli vakasay s 0 (s f r) d r. 2010 y l 7 k zam k vakas n n tamam yurt d kaynakl olup yerli vaka say s 0 (s f r) d r. 2006 y l s tma vakalar n n45i, 2007 y l s tma vakalar n n 45i, 2008 y l s tma vakalar n n 49u,2009 y l s tma vakalar n n 46s yurtd kaynakl vakad r. 2010 y ls tma vakalar n n 78i yurtd kaynakl , 9u nks vaka olup yerli yenivaka say m z 0 (s f r) d r.Note. 1 of 4 measles cases reported in 2008 was an imported measles case and other3 cases were import-related cases. No local cases were reported. 3 of 4 measles casesreported in 2009 were imported measles cases and other 1 case was an import-relatedcase. No local cases were reported. All of 7 measles cases reported in 2010 were

    imported cases and no local cases were reported in 2010. 45 of all malaria casesreported in 2006, 45 of all malaria cases reported in 2007, 49 of all malaria casesreported in 2008 and 46 of all malaria cases reported in 2009 were imported malariacases. In 2010, 78 imported cases and 9 recurrent cases were reported for malariawhile no domestic cases were reported.

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    Health Salk

    5.4 Organ nakli say s , Trkiye, 2008-2010Number of organ transplantations, Turkey, 2008-2010

    2008 2009 2010Toplam - Total 2 362 3 074 3 336

    Bbrek - Kidney 1 665 2 362 2 495Karacier - Liver 602 592 697Kalp - Heart 50 54 87Kalp kapak - Heart valve 29 38 18Akcier - Lung 0 7 3

    Kalp-Akcier - Heart-Lung 3 0 0Pankreas - Pancreas 10 18 29nce ba rsak - Small intestine 3 1 3

    Kaynak: Tedavi Hizmetleri Genel Mdrl Source: General Directorate of Curative Services

    5.5 Pratisyen hekim/aile hekimi, uzman hekim ve di hekiminden hizmetalanlar n cinsiyete gre da l m , 2010Percentage of individuals receiving health care service from general practitioner/familydoctor, specialist and dentist by sex, 2010

    Hizmet al nan en son dnem Toplam Erkek Kad nLast period that service received Total Males Females

    Pratisyen hekim/aile hekimiGeneral practitioner/family doctor

    12 aydan k sa sre nce - Less than 12 months ago 51.0 42.9 58.712 ay ve daha uzun - 12 months ago or longer 33.4 38.8 28.1Hibir zaman - Never 15.7 18.3 13.2

    Uzman hekim - Specialist12 aydan k sa sre nce - Less than 12 months ago 58.4 51.1 65.512 ay ve daha uzun - 12 months ago or longer 36.2 42.3 30.3Hibir zaman - Never 5.4 6.6 4.3

    Di hekimi - Dentist12 aydan k sa sre nce - Less than 12 months ago 26.2 24.6 27.912 ay ve daha uzun - 12 months ago or longer 59.0 59.7 58.3Hibir zaman - Never 14.8 15.7 13.8

    Kaynak: Sal k Arat rmas , 2010Source: Health Survey, 2010

    Trkiye - Turkey

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    Salk Health

    5.6 0-6 ya grubundaki ocuklar n son 6 ay iinde geirdi i hastal klar ncinsiyete gre da l m , 2010Percentage of children in 0-6 age group who were exposed to diseases/accidentsin the past 6 months by sex, 2010 (%)

    Hastal k/Kaza tr Toplam Erkek Kad nDiseases/Accidents Total Males Females

    st solunum yolu enfeksiyonu(tonsilit, orta kulak iltihab , farenjit)Upper respiratory tract infection

    (Tonsillitis, middle ear infections, pharyngitis) 31.6 32.2 31.0shal - Diarrhea 25.5 27.1 23.9Kans zl k - Anemia 9.4 9.6 9.1 A z ve di sal sorunlar Oral and dental health problems 7.8 8.2 7.4Bula c hastal klar - Communicable diseases 9.6 10.0 9.3

    Kaynak: Sal k Arat rmas , 2010Source: Health Survey, 2010

    5.7 7-14 ya grubundaki ocuklar n son 6 ay iinde geirdi i sorun/hastal klar n cinsiyete gre da l m , 2010Percentage of children in 7-14 age group who were exposed to health

    conditions/diseases in the past 6 months by sex, 2010 (%)Toplam Erkek Kad n

    Total Males Females

    Enfeksiyz hastal klar - Infectious diseases 14.2 14.0 14.3 A z ve di sal sorunlar Oral and dental health problems 23.9 24.2 23.7Gz ile ilgili sorunlar - Visual problems 13.3 12.1 14.6Beslenme ile ilikili hastal klarDiseases related with nutrition 4.7 5.4 3.9Cilt hastal klar - Skin diseases 5.6 5.5 5.8

    Kaynak: Sal k Arat rmas , 2010Source: Health Survey, 2010

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    Health Salk

    5.8 Hekim taraf ndan te his edilen hastal k/sa l k sorunlar n n cinsiyetegre da l m , 2010The percentage of diseases/health problems diagnosed by a medical doctorby sex, 2010[15 ve daha yukar ya - 15 years old and over] (%)

    Toplam Erkek Kad nTotal Males Females

    Bel blgesi kas iskelet sistem problemleri(bel a r s , bel f t , dier bel defektleri)

    Back musculoskeletal system disorders (lumbago,back hernia, other back defections) 12.9 9.3 16.5Romatizmal eklem hastal (romatoid artrit)Rheumatismal joint desease (romatoid artrit) 9.3 5.4 13.1lser (mide, gastrit veya oniki parmak ba rsa lseri)Ulser (stomach, gastritit or duodenum ulser) 8.8 6.7 10.8Migren ve benzeri iddetli ba ar sMigraine and severe headache 5.6 2.4 8.7Hipertansiyon - High blood pressure (hypertension) 12.7 8.4 16.8

    Kaynak: Sal k Arat rmas , 2010Source: Health Survey, 2010

    5.9 Bireylerin ttn kullanma durumunun cinsiyete gre da l m , 2010Percentage of persons by detailed smoking status and sex, 2010[15 ve daha yukar ya - 15 years old and over] (%)

    Ttn kullanma durumu Toplam Erkek Kad nSmoking status Total Males Females

    Halen ttn kullanan - Current tobacco smoker 29.5 43.5 16.0

    Her gn kullanan - Daily smoker 25.4 39.0 12.3Ara s ra kullanan - Occasional smoker 4.1 4.5 3.7Halen ttn kullanmayan - Non-smoker 17.1 23.0 11.5Hi kullanmayan - Never smoker 53.4 33.5 72.6

    Kaynak: Sal k Arat rmas , 2010Source: Health Survey, 2010

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    6.1 retim y l ve okul grubuna gre okulla ma oran , 2009/'10-2011/'12Schooling ratio by group of schools and the education year, 2009/'10-2011/'12


    Eitim seviyesi Brt Net Brt Net Brt Net

    Level of educational Gross Net Gross Net Gross NetlkretimPrimary education 106.48 98.17 107.58 98.41 108.42 98.67

    Erkek - Males 107.05 98.47 107.36 98.59 108.21 98.77Kad n - Females 105.88 97.84 107.81 98.22 108.65 98.56

    Orta retimSecondary education 84.19 64.95 89.70 66.07 92.56 67.37

    Erkek - Males 89.14 67.55 94.42 68.17 95.68 68.53Kad n - Females 78.97 62.21 84.73 63.86 89.26 66.14

    Yksek retimHigher education 53.43 30.42 58.45 33.06 - -

    Erkek - Males 58.14 31.24 62.65 33.44 - -Kad n - Females 48.48 29.55 54.04 32.65 - -

    Not 1. Y l ortas nfus projeksiyonlar kullan lm t r.

    Note 1. The mid-year population projections were used.2. Okullama oranlar 2007/'08 retim y l ndan itibaren Adrese

    Dayal Nfus Kay t Sistemi sonular na gre hesaplanmaktad r.2. Schooling ratios from 2007-2008 educational year were calculated according

    to the results of the Address Based Population Registration System.

    2009/'10 2010/'11 2011/'12

    Eitim ve Kltr Education and Culture

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    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011


    6.2 Eitim kurumlar na gre renciler, 2010/'11-2011/'12Enrollments by educational institutions, 2010/'11-2011/'12

    Okul renci Okul renciSchool Enrollment School Enrollment

    Okul ncesi eitim - Pre-school(1) 27 606 1 115 818 28 625 1 169 556lkretim - Primary education 32 797 10 981 100 32 108 10 979 301Genel lise - General high schools(1) 4 102 2 676 123 4 171 2 666 066Mesleki ve teknik lise

    Vocational and technical high schools(1) 5 179 2 072 487 5 501 2 090 220Faklte ve yksek okulHigher educational institutions(2) 1 756 3 626 642 - -

    Kaynak: Milli Eitim statistikleri, 2011/'12Source: MONE, National Education Statistics, 2011/'12(1) Resmi ve zel okullar kapsar.(1) It covers public and private schools.(2) Bilgiler YK'ten al nm t r.(2) Source: General Directorate of Higher Education.

    2010/'11 2011/'12

    Education and Culture Eitim ve Kltr

    rencilerin eitim kurumlarna gre dalmThe distribution of enrollment by educational institutions






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    Eitim ve Kltr Education and Culture

    6.3 Yksek retim kurumlar nda (lisans) retim alan na gre renciler,2010/'11

    Kad n Erkek retim alan - Field of education Females Males

    Toplam - Total 1 152 779 1 375 553Eitim - Education 153 353 120 571nsani bilimler ve sanat - Human sciences and art 121 769 82 341Sosyal bilimler, i ynetimi, hukuk

    Social sciences, business, law 646 748 849 743Mspet ve do a bilimleri - Positive and natural sciences 81 882 83 338Mhendislik, retim ve yapEngineering, production and construction 56 931 138 499Ziraat, ormanc l k, su rnleri ve veterinerlik

    Agriculture, forestry, fishery and veterinary 16 586 30 013Sal k ve sosyal hizmetler - Health and social services 61 188 42 380

    Hizmetler - Services 14 322 28 668Kaynak: SYM, 2010/'11 retim Y l Yksekretim statistikleriSource: Student Selection and Replacement Center, 2010/'11 Higher Education Statistics

    Higher educational institutions enrollments by fields of study, 2010/'11

    6.4 retim elemanlar n n akademik grevlerine gre say lar , 2010/'11Number of teaching staff by academic title, 2010/'11

    Kad n Erkek Females Males

    Profesr - Professor 4 288 11 241Doent - Associate professor 2 735 5 751 Yard mc doent - Assistant professor 7 705 14 012retim grevlisi - Instructor 6 844 10 676

    Okutman - Language instructor 4 917 3 273Uzman - Specialist 1 466 1 791 Arat rma grevlisi - Research assistant 17 603 19 066evirici - Translator 15 8Eitim-retim planlamac sEducation-training planner 26 78

    Kaynak: SYM, 2010/'11 retim Y l Yksekretim statistikleriSource:Student Selection and Replacement Center, 2010/'11 Higher Education Statistics

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    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011


    Education and Culture Eitim ve Kltr

    6.5 Yurtd nda renim yapan resmi burslu renci say lar , 2010-2011Number of Turkish Government sponsored students educated abroad, 2010-2011

    [10.01.2011 tarihi itibariyle - As of 10.01.2011]2010 2011

    Dil - Language 419 420Lisans - Undergraduate - - Yksek lisans - Master 875 1 054Doktora - Doctorate 510 751Staj - Internship 1 1

    Kaynak: Milli Eitim Bakanl ; Yksekretim Genel Mdrl Source: The Ministry of National Education; General Directorate of Higher Education

    6.6 Sinema salonu, gsterilen film ve seyirci say s , 2008-2010Movie houses, movies and attendances, 2008-2010

    2008 2009 2010Sinema salonu say sNumber of movie houses 1 514 1 647 1 834Gsterilen film say s - Number of movies 32 003 34 947 35 999

    Yerli film - National production 9 455 13 275 12 885Yabanc film - Foreign production 22 548 21 672 23 114

    Seyirci say s - Number of attendances 31 132 231 31 334 447 35 787 380

    Kaynak : Sinema mdrlkleriSource: Directorates of cinemas

    6.7 Tiyatro salonu, oynanan eser, gsterim ve seyirci say s ,2007/'08-2009/'10Theaters, shows, performances and attendances, 2007/'08-2009/'10

    2007/'08 2008/'09 2009/'10

    Tiyatro salonu say s - Number of theater halls 204 201 430Oynanan eser say s - Number of shows 2 122 2 217 3 694Gsterim say s - Number of performances 17 410 18 803 25 378Seyirci say s - Number of attendances 3 380 214 4 320 729 5 248 226

    Kaynak: Devlet Tiyatrolar Genel Mdrl, belediye, resmi kurum ve zel

    tiyatro mdrlkleriSource: General Directorate of State Theaters, municipalities, directorates of officialand private theaters

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    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011


    6.10 Mze ve mzelere ba l halka a k ren yeri ziyaretileri ve gelirleri,2008-2010Museums and ruins under the responsibility of the museums open to the public,visitors and receipts, 2008-2010

    2008 2009 2010

    Ziyareti say s - Number of visitors 22 736 238 23 000 957 25 107 203cretli - Paying entrance fee 15 823 171 16 504 935 17 209 442cretsiz - Free 6 913 067 6 496 022 7 897 761

    Gelir - Income (TL) 116 331 539 148 955 195 170 817 942

    Kaynak: Kltr Varl klar ve Mzeler Genel MdrlSource: General Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Museums

    Eitim ve Kltr Education and Culture

    6.8 Opera ve bale salonu, oynanan eser, gsterim ve seyirci say s2007/'08-2009/'10Operas and ballets halls, shows, performances and attendances, 2007/'08-2009/'10

    2007/'08 2008/'09 2009/'10

    Opera ve bale salonu say sNumber of operas and ballets halls 10 7 12Oynanan eser say s - Number of shows 203 143 251Gsterim say s - Number of performances 650 441 757Seyirci say s - Number of attendances 325 364 181 605 324 007

    Kaynak: Devlet Opera ve Balesi Genel Mdrl Source: General Directorate of State Operas and Ballets

    6.9 Ktphane ve mze say lar , 2008-2010Number of library and museums, 2008-2010

    2008 2009 2010

    Milli Ktphane - National Library 1 1 1Halk ktphaneleri - Public libraries 1 156 1 149 1 136niversite ktphaneleri - University libraries 416 435 473Mze say s - Museums 159 183 185Etnografya - Ethnography 38 39 39Arkeoloji - Archaeology 57 60 60Genel - General 64 84 86

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    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011


    Education and Culture Eitim ve Kltr

    6.11 Gazetelerin ve dergilerin co rafi kapsama (yay n blgesi)gre say s , 2008-2010Number of newspapers and magazines by geographical coverage

    (region of publishing), 2008-2010

    Yay n blgesiRegion of publishing 2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010

    Toplam - Total 2 479 2 604 2 780 3 186 3 469 3 679 Yerel - Local 2 304 2 368 2 501 1 239 1 284 1 316Blgesel - Regional 58 73 92 258 278 265Ulusal - National 117 163 187 1 689 1 907 2 098

    Gazete - Newspapers Dergi - Magazines

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    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011


    7.1 Gelen ve giden yabanc lar, 2009-2011Foreigners arriving and departing, 2009-2011

    2009 2010 2011

    Gelen yabanc lar - Foreigners arriving 27 077 114 28 632 204 31 456 076Giden yabanc lar - Foreigners departing 27 347 977 28 510 852 31 324 528

    Kaynak: Emniyet Genel Mdrl Source: General Directorate of Public Security

    7.2 Gelen ve giden vatanda lar, 2009-2011Citizens arriving and departing, 2009-2011

    2009 2010 2011

    Gelen vatanda - Citizens arriving 10 242 183 10 921 427 11 592 653Giden vatanda - Citizens departing 10 493 175 11 000 817 11 640 532

    Kaynak: Emniyet Genel Mdrl Source: General Directorate of Public Security

    7.3 Seilmi milliyetlere gre gelen yabanc ziyaretiler, 2009-2011Foreign visitors arrivals by selected nationalities, 2009-2011

    2009 2010 2011

    Almanya - Germany 4 488 350 4 385 263 4 826 315Rusya Fed. - Russian Fed. 2 694 733 3 107 043 3 468 214ngiltere - United Kingdom 2 426 749 2 673 605 2 582 054ran - Iran 1 383 261 1 885 097 1 879 304

    Bulgaristan - Bulgaria 1 406 604 1 433 970 1 491 561

    Kaynak: Emniyet Genel Mdrl Source: General Directorate of Public Security

    Turizm Tourism

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    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011

    7.4 Turizm gideri, 2009-2011Tourism expenditures, 2009-2011

    2009 2010 2011 Vatanda ziyareti say s Number of citizen visitors 5 561 355 6 557 233 6 281 972Turizm gideriTourism expenditure ($) 4 145 740 850 4 825 214 101 4 976 176 604Ki i ba ortalama harcama

    Average expenditures per person ($) 745 736 792

    Not. Bilgiler "Vatanda Giri Anketi" sonular na aittir.Note. Data cover "The Citizen Entry Survey" results.

    Tourism Turizm









    02007 2008 2009 2010 2011

    Turizm geliriTourism income

    7.5 Turizm geliri, 2009-2011Tourism income, 2009-2011 ($)

    2009 2010 2011

    Yabanc - Foreigners 15 853 074 448 15 577 356 752 17 798 293 461 Vatanda - Citizens 5 396 260 135 5 229 351 692 5 222 098 789

    Not. Bilgiler " k Yapan Ziyaretiler Anket" sonular na aittir.Note. Data cover "The Departing Visitors Survey" results.

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    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011

    8.1 Cinsiyet, ya ve e itim durumuna gre ceza infaz kurumuna girenhkmller, 2007-2009

    Convicts received into prison by sex, age group and education level, 2007-2009

    2007 2008 2009

    Toplam - Total 127 304 76 607 74 404

    Cinsiyet - Sex

    Erkek - Males 122 787 73 933 71 349Kad n - Females 4 517 2 674 3 043

    Bilinmeyen - Unknown - - 12

    Ya grubu - Age group11 - 14 61 123 18715 - 17 779 1 065 900

    18 - 24 24 391 15 636 14 036

    25 - 34 41 349 25 854 18 638

    35 - 44 35 807 20 357 15 56945 - 54 18 616 10 002 8 073

    55 - 64 5 034 2 843 2 373

    65 + 1 267 727 536Bilinmeyen - Unknown - - 14 092

    Eitim durumu - Education levelOkuryazar olmayan - Illiterate 3 089 2 137 2 040Okuryazar olup da bir okul bitirmeyen

    Literate but not graduated from a school 2 397 1 795 2 375

    Bitirilen okul - Completed school 121 818 72 675 65 115lkokul - Primary school 72 844 42 683 31 715lk retim - Primary education 9 779 8 303 10 377Ortaokul/dengi meslek okulu - Junior high school

    and vocational school at junior high school level 15 283 8 078 7 356

    Lise/dengi meslek okulu - High schooland vocational school at high school level 19 495 11 049 12 675

    Yksek retim - Higher education 4 417 2 562 2 992Bilinmeyen - Unknown - - 4 874

    Not. 2006 ve sonraki y llarda, TCK'ya gre ceza sorumluluk ya 12 olmu tur.Note. The criminal responsibility age was 12 years old in the year 2006 and subsequent

    years by the new TCL.

    Adalet Justice

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    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011

    8.2 Su trne gre ocuk ceza infaz kurumu ve e itimevine giren hkmlocuklar, 2007-2009Juvenile convicts received into juvenile prison and reformatory by type of crime,


    2007 2008 2009

    Toplam - Total 236 429 652ldrme - Homicide 21 39 34H rs zl k - Theft 47 121 194Irza gemek - Rape 30 7 -

    Fiili livata - Sodomy 5 28 -Cinsel sular - Sexual crimes - - 42 Yaralama - Assault 14 9 13Gasp - Robbery 100 171 271Dier - Other 19 54 97Bilinmeyen - Unknown - - 1

    Justice Adalet












    2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

    2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

    Ceza infaz kurumuna giren hkmllerConvicts received into prison

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    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011

    9.1 Milletvekili Genel Seimi sonular , 2002, 2007, 2011Results of the General Election of Representatives, 2002, 2007, 2011

    2002 2007 2011

    Kay tl semen - Registered voters 41 407 027 42 799 303 52 806 322Oy kullanan semen - Actual voters 32 768 161 36 056 293 43 914 948Seime kat lma oran Participation rate (%) 79.1 84.2 83.2

    Geerli oy say s - Number of valid votes 31 528 783 35 049 691 42 941 763Milletvekili say s Number of representatives 550 550 550

    Erkek - Males 526 500 471Temsil oran - Representation rate (%) 95.6 90.9 85.6Kad n - Females 24 50 79Temsil oran - Representation rate (%) 4.4 9.1 14.4

    Milletvekili Genel Seimi sonularResults of the General Election of Representatives







    Seimler Elections

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    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011

    9.2 Mahalli dareler Seimi sonular , 2009Results of the Local Administration Elections, 2009

    l genel Byk ehir Belediyemeclisi yeleri belediye b k. meclisi yeleriProvincial Mayor of Belediye Municipal

    general council metropolitanbakanl councilmembers municipality Mayor members

    Kay tl semen say sNumber of registeredvoters 48 049 446 22 677 450 39 809 274 39 809 272

    Oy kullanan semensay sNumber of actual voters 40 932 260 18 861 493 33 510 343 33 461 620Kat l m oran Participation rate (%) 85.2 83.2 84.2 84.1Geerli oy say sNumber of valid votes 39 988 763 18 183 894 32 299 515 32 086 214

    Elections Seimler

    9.3 Halk Oylamas sonular , 1988, 2007, 2010Results of the Referendum, 1988, 2007, 2010 A. Al nan oy - Votes polled B. Oy oran - Ratio of vote

    1988 2007 2010



    semen - Registered voters 26 739 227 42 690 252 52 051 828Oy kullanan semen - Actual voters 23 750 873 28 819 319 38 369 099Kat l m oran - Participation rate (%) 88.8 67.5 73.7Geersiz oy say sNumber of unvalid votes 793 995 651 658 725 062Oran - Ratio (%) 3.3 2.3 1.9Geerli oy say sNumber of valid votes 22 956 878 28 167 661 37 644 037Oran - Ratio (%) 96.7 97.7 98.1Evet - Yes A 8 034 933 19 422 714 21 787 244Oran - Ratio (%) B 35.0 68.9 57.9Hay r - No A 14 921 945 8 744 947 15 856 793Oran - Ratio (%) B 65.0 31.1 42.1

    Not. Resmi Gazete sonucudur. Gmrk kap lar ndaki halk oylamas sonular ,

    Trkiye toplam

    iinde gsterilmi tir.Note. It is the result of the Official Gazette. The results of the referendum at customsgates are shown in Turkey total.

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    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011

    10.1 Emekli Sand , Sosyal Sigortalar Kurumu ve Ba -Kur'dan ayl k

    alanlar, 2008-2010

    Persons receiving monthly benefits from the Government Employees

    Retirement Fund, Social Insurance Institution and Ba -Kur 2008-2010

    2008 2009 2010

    Emekli Sand (1) (4/c)Government Employees Retirement Fund 1 807 419 1 845 351 1 872 373

    Sosyal Sigortalar Kurumu (4/a)

    Social Insurance Institution 5 024 696 5 290 270 5 535 411

    Ba -Kur (4/b)

    Ba-Kur 1 965 247 2 088 146 2 160 507

    (1) Emekli say s na, sand a tabi hizmeti olup di er sosyal gvenlik kurumlar ndan emekli olanlar kapsanmam t r.

    (1) Data concerning the retired persons does not cover persons who are in

    other social security institutions eventhough they belong.

    10.2 SSK, Ba -Kur ve Emekli Sand na yap lan bte transferleri, 2008-2010

    Budget transfers to Social Insurance Institution, Ba -Kur and GovernmentEmployees Retirement Fund, 2008-2010

    (Bin TL - Thousand TL)

    2008 2009 2010

    SSK - Social Insurance Institution 23 451 270 41 627 730 42 898 409

    Ba -Kur - Ba-Kur 2 154 482 1 534 110 1 851 724

    Emekli Sand

    Government Employees Retirement Fund 9 410 651 9 437 851 10 494 125

    10 Sosyal Gvenlik Social Security

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    TK, statistiklerle Trkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011

    10.3 Sosyal Gvenlik Kurumunun gelir ve gider dengesi, 2008-2010

    Revenues and expenditures of Social Security Institution, 2008-2010(Bin TL - Thousand TL)

    2008 2009 2010

    Gelirler - Revenues 67 257 484 78 072 788 95 273 183Giderler - Expenditures 93 159 462 106 775 443 121 997 301

    A k - Deficit -25 901 978 -28 702 655 -26 724 118

    Not. Nakit hareketler tablosu dikkate al narak haz rlanan geici gerekle me

    rakamlar d r.

    Note. These are provisional numbers prepared according to the table of cash flows.

    Social Security Sosyal Gvenlik

    10.4 Trkiye Kurumuna yap lan ba vurular ve i e yerle tiri