· 2014. 12. 12. · ^raibetisi^™...

^raiBEtisi^™ "-FumEnm oFiiEinmEl ______ __ a l: — Br-f\T^^I«ddep-LQU(U' Air- ^ l)laiie' as» Grefttest Boon . to Scientific Exploirtt- tion During Recent Yearp ------- -------- - - poll Hx OSCAK LEIDING tcU lAyofltttcd PrcM Sdencc Wrtti-n ooo WASHtNOTON. Oct. 12—Prool llmt ^ Uk- mu m uuui> unn kiuiiUIng rcault ol Coloiirl cliiirWs Lliid^ -i IjetKh’H Cfniral American sunfy. Dr. Hie A. V, KlCiler. Carnrvle urrJiutfolcsrisU wllij'tlie expedition. saW twlay on lilsj Jl ri'liini. I •'DwarJln'; ovrn lhe dLscovfry of four I (href of wlilcli have ni'vcr bten «<n by ___ v.-*ilte-iiiiin^. bc-saltl.__ '3llc__tro»k?i ___ iidilfvfmpni vas ihf full drnionnrrttlon c; Dir vulilp ot the airplane to attliiitul- oxlcal cx|)fillilon.v "Durinn tlvc days of acrlul explora- * ----- Hom-n«Mirty=^000=wtl»cofcMa»aiea>tattfc ^ bluiikeu-dl with un Incourelvubly tliicU Jungle, were covercd. U look iw <ix- minuiM 10 go from Tlkal lo Uiixaclun,.!! , wlicn cverytliInK brcilw right. j Kpol Kdlnii Ht UUUnciv “Some of lhe pymmldii of the ruhied elllcs could bc 30 nillcs tway b Uh wc soared beiween 2M and 500 led juJ ubove theircc‘loi». In olher plBce«only und -rirre-w-_jirQkfn-bHs- Of lin^anry- pptrwl ]td, throiijh Ihe-broncUc.s to indicate lli.: bur ! cUle«. _______UHD "Two ot the newly found slips art- lo* t catcd tcnvcniently lo lakes on which lly* has Inic boats could lund und 1 recomiiiei;d lo'uie liutllulloti IM41' IllUIUlvy tuiir bc carried on from the air in explcrlnc cUs them." .ipo -------- N6«KorU555nrinTlB-r«TniOUh-a-vaT]cfe Inund, covered wllh veiietotlqnJjui nup- bcr liorUnif two teniplci faclnt: ench' other | ulc — ttnd-otferlnd-cnly-fleeilnK Klliniwex oiibor hiialicri-d walls. to i Of the four (ille^ located, from one to bul four pyramids reached oul of lhe fotejl the Iniiylg 10 iudlcule llic preaeiice ot an- n dent cltlw. No tracei. were TOUnfl~Of~a’ (hn ciou ^.-omitO' rood or roiiicii iruvelleU ihe by the Mayans iKfore thrlr ieniplc.i and cou licines were chobed from the world by bar li-o])lewl growth. i CooperalWe Project w ------ '1H6 unaeriBBng~ttTL5 a ‘cuuiteT^tivriTfm ' liuijwn rtnnitiffn iiuiummntii w ui r tifi Inslon and Pan*Anierlcan Atrways. in;, niu One>half of the Maya country was cov* wiille Colonel Lliidberiih plluled the r i " pliiiu and jotted notes on -hls-flylntl ri -------lU u^ Mr.<;. Liimiwritu um tiii! itiiuiu-' sraphic work. Dr. Ktddcr and Dr. Olher KIckelMii. Jr.. Curneele archueulDSlxt. kept ruiiiihiK noiea of ({round condltloiu und the obherved ruliM. t No plans hove been made for cnrryin?} on the work. Know-n cllles ot Muya, ln | < which atihaeulo2l.ils have delved for|M ma^ny^yeftra.ijeiiiuli^(o^^ fnre research will pro^rcM to the iKwly found clllcs. Two Men Eticapc From Idaho’s Prison Farm c H0I8E, Oct. 12 (/IO—Two Idaho prl»* on trusteeB were nt liberty loday, the The two men. Mom Baw. M. niiil Harrv ------- HnnclTT17T3cai>e5lttst nlshl and on automobile |xx«e failed to recapture en -------ihem.-Bajw-wft» hentcnccd-froni-CfcM- yon county to «erve.6 to M ycin» for a statutory while Hullcic wan aen- 1 teiiced trom MadLson county lo serve Mi _____Lto.K yfnn for fnm«ry.---------------- -ch B au was described by prLion offlclab svi as-the most dangerous of the two. Re- Pr wards for tUeIr capture were posted foi today.______________________________ _ itl -------— ^— r ____ .• >'«' Craters of Moon Draw 7730 Persons to Park 3e ' BLACK^T. Ocrig^ri=^ nr 7no'pvruiu'\'litm t'ilie 'Craters*o(''thr tn Moon'natlonal park during 1939. It was tr< ihnouneed today .by R. B. Moore. Arco, do the custodian., TW* waa an Increnw or ch 300 over lost u u o n . Automobile! were registered Irom 30 co stales nnd the OUtflct of Columbia, and ed vUltors olso were pntsent from the Phlll- to Ipplnea. Australia, Persia; Seotlnnttr British Columbia und Ontario. Canada. The craters of lava formation. 80 liiUeJ* -------Irocn-BUck(oo(rarfrSO-niun^-Ioc-tbelc. . lunar resemblahetf.lThey « e being sur- " - veyed by the.Bovebment and ft pipe * llne'totronaporlwater.previously-hauU ------- edJlVe mllot fmm a iprtngr ii.loJ>eJn=. jull<4;by.n«^»a«ft:;-~ - g Jamcs'Bancanei Pioneer ' :— _B lQckffl0t Merchant. P i9» ^ . ' blackfoot , OcU }2 O') — ------- BtitkaneHe-inefthmt-ettd-rAdettt-of “ BUCkfoor for~38:ye4r«.‘ttIed:i6dw 'al the age of 7S years. He came Irom Eu> Und AiB young man. ; - He U aurvlved by his widow and 16 ” ____ children. 8l.»TWdchlWren, «nil 11 r t a l . grw)dshlldres.-Ttie chlldreo.are Sadie. - Palmer and Mr«. - Newton-Kaunibecfc - LottBrVt>hr^<t)rnM~soil*On4i O liltur . AiiKd, Oml«. Tanotf.^wUlUa). Uroy. w . Mr*. U U COeff tod, U r«.-Pm t UUm. U •Blackfoot: A]m«.o( Riipert:'Mn. Wan* th etu Alien, boai Mrs.' Annie re " Pi!tSoirom?yh ^ ^ ff ..... ^ .lttoetiTlD^ralfla;^7TT----- ----------- 1 = From Injurlcsln Patls tim »*)—MIm Dorii nl xlr«M, died early lodny of liijiirU* re* i . elved In un aulomobili- cnllLtlDii m VtdiiPKlay nlKht. Her skull was fruc* I ured when on uulomobllr of u friiiid f n which ah? wut rUlinu coIlldt'O with Porg:cr Loses SIU,OUD "Playins: Honest Poker" i o -KAKSAg Ocl. 12 iJ-i‘-‘-ChatlOs W .avtr. 50, fleckiTa" bit oi duM f rom on Immaculate ccat jIu-vc a l ! wllcr^hnTclqUBrtrfS'tWiny-nnd artinlt*-— ~ ed Ihnt he had mode mor; thuii »10.- «0 111 the la*i year forvlny clirrka. "And wlui hnvf ^Qil ilom: ttltli-LlU------ S . Imt money." u«ed Horry HlrKh. ciiy Nt " u i n t pioylnir honrat iK)iici.'\wua7',. , he suriirlaliit aijiwcr. ______________ ' » ____________ rlxly liDlW Sill-IH -iPiOVtPROG[llltf -------- i Cu ^1 coml to Eliminate Obsolete, G u m V) e r some Proct*.ssesli',lK''i ______ 1wlUt BOISE. Oct. 13 W-Formatlon of a ! ^ ‘“ ludlciul council 10 rliuihiale obsolcle; md cmnbcrMme proctswh in court and 1 CKiiri)roct.'durf/l%'l)luiined by the .^tolo i In ;urcoimnlMlon. Jew itawley. jire'Kteni.jinuh inuumiccd toduy..,, __ _ M I The flrsl mectlnit of the niw body,‘^ liuK bi'en lentailvely set for October, ciiiw !8, ll U niuniied tor the cmmcll lo on* i ••rule alonit lhe lines i>l iilmllur cuuii-,**“^ :11s In other mates, mint ot vhlch an- 'fb* " tponMired by the stale. The present ;u p t buiicll'wiiriwliiaae up of tliKe iiienw-nnr Dcr:t of the supreme court, three dl'>>! irlct Judxes and five membein ot th e ! TQ ijor, These luive already ben tuininoned I I HI 10 lhe flrsl meetlnp. Hawley anitoiiiiced. i ' but thelrttnmes wlll-be-wlthheid-untll; Ihey Iwve Accepled. I Hawley said'tiic coinniKilon.'hapcd i I llVftt~lhP~Jitaie~Troiild-tlnnilna>ip-cver ihe burden of oiwnilTon uf lhe Judicial eouncli us ll would be loo Krent for the Tlu> «ouiic)l will ccnildtir re-dUtrlct* vUlun of lhe admlnlstrailon of Jusllcr,; ' moiT particularly the crlmlnal'low.'' . mrnmm !1 iL8»iiNli ! fiun . I but Mrs. Eva Donohoe Lives On-;‘"‘“ ly Few Minutes A fteri— Being Thi'own to Earth CORMCANA. Texus. Oct. 13 (;>*) - 1 Jeing taken to tiic circus crouiuls herej today. "Black Diamond." u mumlve bull •lephant. stlxai' und^ Injured^ fatnllv i»' The woman, Mrs. Eva bonohoe. Kern*' eiu. Texas, was tjken to a haspliuli where alie lived only a few m lnutes.-^l-1. - lendunU said her skull was crushed. H. D. (Curly) Prlckeit. employed b y ' Mra. Donohue on her iorm..ttaa- In-^----- char8rortnmnlmai;'otic of a herd of' several, when It became unmanageable, i Prlckett had hod cliame of the'a]eii)iant' for about seven years before it wns ob* i talned bV-UuLALQ-llarrft f7rfiu laftJ----- years ago. ~Aa tUe-.hcard renclicd n street comer. ;— according lo Prlcketi, the animal aud-; nruihedrhcrto the groiind.-Ttie tcroctr ' trolnei>-«iW-he-att«nipiW4»-T*falr»-con''=*= trol ol the elephant, but was unable to ' do so because If his Injuries, whleh In -! eluded a broken-wrlst. Ths tnlma) linally was brougnt under! ' control aild, heavily hobbled ond chain* i ed to three other elephants, was taken: to Ils quailen tn a freight car. ---------------- p— WOMAN OUILTl* O r MURDER CLEVELAND, Ohio. Oct. U (,tV-Mni. ___ Ahna eeemon, CleveioiidriiouMmtltl. wu-tonlghl fotind Bullty by-a Jury ot murder In the second degree In the stab- blnx to death of her mistress, Mrs. Dor- othy w .-a»ygH7TJieVHg>a'soclrty;Vnttt- ,fpn. Sentence wlil tie p s ^ MoMoy. ^ SAItOR LOSES LIFS \ CEPAR o rrv . Utah.. oct. -ia-oi>i — > htawiy tphlshometlftuU^^^ on'a.rurlot^. Tbe.mtehlne in ^ c h he was rldlnf aa-a posMnger collided with another ear. ' NQbak'a head wts cnuhed..-,--— ------------------------ .z.-8tow^v«Y8,Ba»o;nN*"- " ■ ~-8AW-DraQ0:09t: Kwtys «bo»nt' the , BHUsh i^ r t h ip Wand KlM, 'whoj^-wieiSrwlieli . ThBmcritssociATED / ■mcoirp ~ODCinnP 'P iVTv~TU n n " ~ Ul LIIUUUIA 1 II U lillll com BirayiieoiME^ Hi -— irac of Conpraluiations Pour in Upon Prime Minister from Earlh's-J'ar uorners ra; _______ __________________ mid Hy JAMLS l,. WEST . Prr,-,-. fiUtf..Wtllcci------ NEW VOHK. Oct. fJ-Frte Irom ot- Dal. thc- iM. prline’mli'.istcr. obsfr\'rd hl-1 Ixly-ihlrd blrihday onnlvpr.isrs^ hen- .oduy in (inlei tu^hlou. • ' I Arislni; enrlv. ai U hli cusiom. ho fl •ecelved iiU fliM birthday'|;lft~tiom hl.< __ iuuiihtor. Mibrl. who declined to trll ft’lm t_lL_BLt_-^iul_Lhgn_ha>l_ brtaU fan | n-ltli a few friends and lome ol lhe meni- ler.'* of hll party. Cablei:raiii;i and leleisranis of con- g ^ , :omln<f from mcmbcr.i of hls tamily »t ] Los'icmoulli. Ulld oilu-r.t from otflclals in»( the <lny he talked on lhe telepnont- A'lih members of IiImfilmlly whu ore In k London, this hnvlne been the second .Vc« irun-s-Atlanlic call arranjed for him "" ' since lie nrrlvcil licie. Ociober 4. «<>'■ In llie forenoon the British .111116.%- ’ , ii'iun reetivM'a'^froiriruinTnieifKaciuiil nf Proteslani clcntymen who voiced Iheir'approclftiion of his elforU In the q ot world ptacc. Accepllng the ijlft wilh a Iraceful llllle siieech. Mr. , Kls "It will tw the churai llmt. will back up our world pcnce eltorlt more than .... nninine-gtonpr ------------------ -------------- TiNiTSTM ii; T H E llM 'iHOlEa ____________________________-________top. WirjTWOOD.Ci-i .Ocl. 12 (,rf='lTiree call men were killed In llic deniilment of the the eiitilne ond 11 cun of u Red Rlvrr 8 Lumber "cnmp«n>- JojRlny 'tmtn nra? rlec CUfllS UUmii loday. PJ It 1.1 believed the cniiliicer tost con- trol of (lie heavlly-louded irsln on the slei'p domi KmOe IniolibKon, cuushiK a wheel uf the engine to coilup&e. E The dead:. , lefl J. A. McConnell, si. enjiia-er. uoi E. A. MUJIG, 31, fireman. vlw A fourth member of the train crew, i rear bnikemaii O. B. Kale, wus thrown iht fiuni the imln ond knocked unconxclous dai but rccovertd In time to sHjii.ftJ£Cond tnJ, tn.ln. fin :— ! \ -------- : -------- . IZl ___________ ___ --------------------- ^ r r » PRESS NEWSPAPER IN TH Victim Af Mishn'p^Tili “ Unconscious at Shoshone iT l -B O I^. OCL 12- U’l-Ruucll.Itobin- -T. tuln stu tes TrK'phon>- uiui TelrKraph X romiiaiiy. who was Uijiirrd hi an aulo- niobllc ucQldrnv iirur Slui.<lione la^t nli:hi. w a^ fllll uncoiiscioii' lonliiht. i cflmiNiiiy oftlciulA wrri' informrd.i- ' He rmlv'M a boMil skull traa^rjp^’licn hh fn:_uvet;imaeit..ln | .Auto Crash On lIlKhway Fig Injures Pocatcllo Mnn POCATELLO. Oct, V: „r, _ Jack \j DTilw. PWuieiioTTTiiT-Tr^Tmj'-iirtTWir — V t iiiid.cut In an nuiumui.ilr cc.lll*ion fimr . mllrs-MUth of h w lottishSr-Thp'-Tna- ^ ^ chine he wos drlvHi« mi ilir Yellow- _ ,, Mono Pork hlnhway Mruek n car drlv- 1^11 Dalr.s atiempifU lo u wanon on M thc-r«atfrBoth'cars-w(rtm»mii:(y. but ‘ ' tib otlS r 6ctU|imil.s U. LWy ,.() cunilnutU to Salt Lukc L'liy. iLWiffilElS ' “■ -omwiipmi -------- trom SoaiThers Find Mangled Remains of Hotly Lying Tnicki »f T?!iih-nnd hlHto _____ m ttth RUPERT. Oi-t. n'iS|<erl4l lu The Hc Vc«i>)->WItlte hi imrtuaiu-r of liU daly ^ nn a North Stdp lural frrlcht Salunlay Atlilel morning, J » l past tniiliiljht, Conduetor sw u^ P. J. Richards, aboul S3 yrar» uf age, jntLacc»dentnLdtath._wlifu^U I« «up* Ing/W poted, he fell from tlir train en route coupTt from rauL to Rwpert. ------- - ------- On arrlvlnjf In Ruiht: the freight Tlit crcw. discovering tliclr conductor miss- Iw l' la<i.,Dotlfl»d C.-Hi-6ii>Hfa-Orenpn a h o rt Line agent here, and wuli four men and a motor car they left Rupert neor dono 12:30 A . ALq<UQOa.dlACOver.the acclden;- - H rr hod taken pjacc iiboui one mlle west ''' nom where Conductor HIchards’ mang- led body waa found iirar his cop and UIT _ILl''lbcllcved bjMhe irulii crow tlial Mr. Rlcliords was Koliik'fo't'oiiimunlcatc — 0 with the. enKlneer uml walking'cn I] top-oLUJC-traln.__________________________ 1 ._Coroncr-...W^._Q.oj>_d.m.aJU-wa.i___ __ called ul once and the body was taken lo wA the Goodman undeiiiikiiiK lurlora here, (cr oi Surviving urv his wldnw and two mur- u ,; . ried douohlm nit Ihlni; lirPcttiTclIo. n,); g Forest Supervisor Warns today Hunters On Fire Danger _ \ -------- • ■ llIK tl B0I8E.\0ct, 12 (.t*)—Ptvc camp fires Uimc left buriiiiiinind one fire stnrted by u iind E ^m;wlw^nuau<^^iuclH »tr«»h duQium. =flf: Bolst forest crew.i lost week, Super- inolui visor Ouy B. Malii.i sold todoy. vliito He hud a n-mliider for oil hunlers ond v lhat fifes on the forest are still very wllh: dangerous, tliai mnokcrx munt be core- Tin till, and-Uiul the careless urc subject lo Gruii flne«. Mfiio Fallinjt Leaves TTWW PALLS CqVNTY fflackmen -T J m 1 Chicago, 10 Fighting A bility O f : ~ V ic to rs O verwhelm s I , -V eteran Strategian - — i’a l l , Lean, Tremulous OldlpHl M an^Sieps.Jliinidly-LitoiS • O ne ol W ildest L’e j e b r a - j tifins in Di.-tnioiul H isto ry |/'»f Wil> -------- ('uy »V KDWAHI) J. \t:iL ________LSliii: lA'.f-ociated l’ics.>i Siwrts W ilten i(Ji'ir SIlir.K P.AKK. PHILADKI^ t,.y! 'lU A . Oct. 12 — A tail. Iwin iV.mi t’cmu)oii.>t old nmn in ii neat bliicj nil, hat in liiinil, nvefcnat fold-iijiu^ tl mi.tiriilnim ly_qv|[|- nup iwMti. tG])])ti(] tim idly today into oimj«}i,i f the w ittiest cL‘li‘hnitlon.<< la thu Ctiri iHtorv of world Murii-H u f t i T - itlthH. ' lie .shivcrud with emotion art | Phil e topped llKhtly on llic door of l()c' His| llilelltii' drt.-isltiii room. .Vi ihu dour ■n .... Bung open, u bur-sl ot ehecrlnit, sln«-1 / , ig, and Jusl lilaln iiicoliereiit shout- ig.'blllowed pa?t lilm. He swallowed a . bun BupIFoniiilfnook o-nrni-pip on hlm-] F o r glLaiid slcpiK-d inside,_______________ ^^-ilill Tlie yeilliu over the mad 10*lo-8 dc- (n..i, ent of the Cubs died as Connie .\Lick., hat had Just sUged Ihc most ncnmi* Qllii lonol roily In world hcrli.s history look* W ai -Tcoiuinu6iroin»Ji!f3rc{*iiimft'2)— iiTioiTmsTs -DF1ISI!flRS-lBaS[1r~t WASHINOTON.'Ocr, 12 i-Pi-A ([uar- cr of n mlllloii more ^itoplc yielded lo he yearning for the wlde'open spuces Atll his summer t h'utn!vcr befoa-.____________ odav thal o lotal of 3.248.204 persons, ;23.420 m,orc tlian laM' yenr. hnd vlslUd J^'o* he national parks and monument.i dur- “ ■*« iijii the year ended Sepieiiibor 30. or JiMf 2.080,697 visited the national park^ ind 501M7-tlU! moium ienb.................... ^nfMh,.-nMlnnal n^rks.- Vovmlle rr- nolued the mast popular, wilh 401,2571 ilaitors. Rocky Mountain ranked sec* md wltli 274.408 and YtllowMone third ‘ 7 , Vilh2fl0.fi97. ... " Icuvi The new pnrks, Hrycp canyon and p 3ruiid Teton, had 2I.Ui/7 nnd 51.500^ , iLsltors. re.spectlvely. , * ,* ................ I ' Bun ------- ' - ................................... « ru oiit ________________________ ^ ___________ liberg ______ _______ : Iniili I mu iwith :itcoi ''' . I b a l l [.'f^^tST^Pss^SsSt^ __ -—I liii- . I with ^ runs --------- ■■ plicl y f.^reZ^SMsQESBl ipuci ^ ; Blok I ‘ the \ — ^baxe 4)ose Tl ^ k ' ,( inif [hui WBMBi II bB L ^ __ I...... lhe ■- -- -------lil )re40 Runs-in I to 8 in Fourl Official [Tid Box Score ® - s in B ic - A h k t~ p h 1l T i V k L . H lA , fid. 12 i/l>i-nffli-bl h o ^ U u l S p i - ^— A lM l' M rO -A -i:: ~ H: ilcMi».in r «lJ‘ . -'1 i> 0 1 “ ^»r . 2ntrlish; sJi' ........4 •• 1 <i ' I(>»>-, 2)> . 2 li 1 1 I) on, cf . . 1 2 :{ 0 I 'iiyW . i-f ......... I 20 0 1 ilPlilinunn, If— J—1— 1 --------- «rimm. ... -I 2 2 7 » l»| lA. *,)vl(i,- (. :{ 0 (1 ^ 1 0 fill iooi, )i V .y . ..... :i 0 (I 0 (V o lp ii ij Ji-hf, P .............. 0 y I) 0 I) » vvoi-h ilukt. |) ............... 0 0 0 0 0 0 eujfo Iliirtnett ......... l n 0 0 0 0 |,i,iat •jirlson, p ..... . 0 ft 0 t) 1 0 und t .................... .. , , ■■•^■=.7r..Tr=rjr.ilimfc Totids ............!5r» 8 10 24 H 2 hlsto mdelphiu AUU 11-0 A K »n }|,‘tlut|), 2 h ........ ; 5 1 2 2 ll 0 „iv« JuiiH, c f .............. ' I 1 1 2 0 0 rwllni :oclu-anL‘..c_ ........ .-I ,.1 _ 2 Jv»..:0 _ 0. ;iromoii».Jf ____ I*," T 2-3. 0 iTSi ........ :l ! M g !l i S , Juinn, p ......... 2 0 0 0 0 II Valbori', p ..... 0 0 (I 0 0 1 3 j. tommcl,-|) _______0 _ Q _ 0 _ 0 _ 0 _ 0 l C u b - ■“ B u r iw ............ 2.0 ft 0 0 0 “ I 3rov«. p ......... Tolal.v ............:tO 10 11)27 11) 2 SUrt“ i) •Butted for Mulonu in i;itrhth. •“Batted for Uommcl in ncv- .‘llth^ never ^iilw .................(IOO 2 0 5 1 OU— 8 nols i \thlctics ...... 000 OUD 10 Ox— 1ft ui»n ioas 3, Simmons. Foxx. Dykes 3. Boley; wo-bojie hlls-Cociirone, Dykes; ihree- only i »se' lilt — Honuby; home runs — , ,P" 3rlmm. Haas. Slinmaiis:.. sacrifices— roylor, Haas. Boley; double play - 3ykes to BWiop ond Foxx; left on W f^-C lileago iNL)-4.-_Phl^de^phto iMcMlll’an, EngllthJ. off Rommel 1. " ~ 7 ^ iWlltoni. off Nrht 1. iCochrnnej; iiruck out - by Quinn 2. iHoriuby. :uyltr). by Waiberg 2, iMcMlllan. Rood, by Orovc 4, iMcMlllon., raylor, HarlnelU. by Root 3 tSlm- non-, .. ...... . •»> ?. .nni>v_ Buriisl. by Carlsiin 1. (Simmons); ° riUih t n - rw ardr, - «ff.iQ»liin.7. hll.%nnrl, I run* <3 earned) In 5 Imilngs (none J lilt In sixth) whh 22 al bat. off Wai- ierg 1 hit and 1 run luneorncdi In 1 niiing wim 3 at bot, otf Rommel 2 ‘'‘® nhh and 1 run teamed) In 1 inning *'lth4 al Oroi-s. no IiUj ;mO •iinH In 2 Itinlnt-^ with H uf b j.. itcot 0 hits and C r.nw icsriied) in } 1*3 InnUuts with 27 ut bat, otf Nrhf ; hit and i runs lenrned) in no in* ilngnpirehfa tu 3 bn«ni[)^th-CTr| i>Br»«di-ln-nQ InnlniM inltChed''t'o~3'|^°?^ jaUer»)-wlth .a-Bt bul, oft Muiwie m»Jn 3-3_of un.lnnlnB vlth 5 ot bat. off Carbon 2 hlts-ind n o |““ ‘''^ •uns In 1 Iniiliw with 3 at bat; hit by ^ ““ )llcher-by Malone (Miller); winning jllchrr -- Rommel: losing pitcher — 31oke. I q..,i OfficlBU-Roy Von Oraflan (ALi all .he plole. Wllllom J. Klem <NLi first r ^ '’ « w rw iiiiam M. Din tfn- iALi-MiciiiiU )ose: Charles IS. Moron <NL) “ ilrd Sin, ot iime- 3;l!. 01”“! ' Icoom ------------:---------------------------- ^ -------------- i_Thi PlayBy Play g :-------------------------- ----------------------------- >of th By DKYAN BELL. I Thi ' .(AssoetoUd Prt»s HporU-Wrlleri {•*“ ‘•1 SHIBE PARK. PHILAUEL-Uv PH M ; Oct. 1 2 ^ T hc iilayerH run thot 3Ut w ith zcrtt for flic fourth'ijnd-i ?ame of the woffd'.s seriCH. The unthuHhiwm waw in t « n H i f i c d bji[_ Rimfr tho-britfht-w nrm ..<tuiuthiiic flood- stvt> lng_thcjl(?l(l . .... '.. Old Jack" QiUnn; veteran - oi ^ hundreda of iram en , it w iurdrd:Chariey:Rt»trhiiryounBer. E JJ rival from-the-Gub-aidc. -------- - PIRSt-INNING (CUBS)^ McillLLAN UP: Ball one. in- Bide.-Ball-two.- Ball- three. Ball fpurU!i£cMlllan„waJkea oh fodr ) Btralflhtpltehea. - --------- ,BB tali«d. -Ball -oiicrin8l^K-Qu|nn threw tTnrst-Ball'two,-,m W B&ike twbrcuUM.‘T6urit;:ttis m the.hit-and:run.-Fxul..;BDgliBh ^ -TODAY:^^^ ti^eveHth- TT T _________ *_f - • rth Contest idal W ave Dashes. C h i c a g b ’s i l o p e O f. Clinching Pennant - vuUniche— of— D estw iotive— -Hittinfrh^-ehamplon^rpf— American Leagnc“Sends— Fans Into Hysteria lAkswlatrd Prew'sports Eilltor) sn'iiiY': PAUK.' PHii.AnRi.- IIIA,- Ocl. 12 — The bubblinjf urld’.'t .serien liope.-» of the Chi- Ko Cttb.K were .scuttered all •rf-Shtkg-tmrk-^iotlny by a jom »' nation of liKhtninjr, cyclone 1(1 tidal wave in the wildest iri- iiif tif hiispLalL,,chiimpifmgh[p.„ story. When they had picked them- ' ivrs up sometime laler. daud and L-llny. Ihc Cubs found that the Ath-"' Ics hod broken, all records, by seorr ; 10 runs dn 10 hits In the seventh tilnir-aJf fout^pltchen. coming from uut of 10 to.B-ond take a lead-of------ ree vanics lo one In U)e world's wrlei nfllct. -— - ................. - -- --------- Qolng into Ihe leventh Inning, eight . U*. behind. Ihelr veteran spltballer. i Jock Qulhn. a kuxkout victim of ib-jlouters.-apd—Uielf-ntt-ctforts--.. owhig a grand tolol of three hiU off p faiiJ bulU of Charley Root, there ilti't apiKur more lhan llie pale ghost ’ 0 chancc for the Athletics to wId' Id prevent the Cubs from making ll •0 »iral?ht. tying the series. Tlrives Root >rom Bos If ever 0 club looked beaten, It was ■ ' IB As. yet-with o savagery that~ha»' -~ iver before been d u p H ^ T iT U iritlP ----- Ils of the world's series, they teoped- wn Root, drove him from tho box, ;r, and were slopped- by Pat Malone lly after IS men had gone to bat. On u drive that Riggs Slepltenson got 14 hands on but could not handle was . le sroiid climax, scoring Al Slmnriona. Id Jimmy Pox with Ihe, ninth and . ntlLiuna tliat-furnlahed the.decldlag - ■ontln.-------- ------------------------------------------ - ThU asl^liuiuiii; euuhur luimge." ' lU uvalanclie of destructive hlttlnf ( the chnniplon.s ot lhe Amerlcon Ague sent the home town cmvd of -• 1,000 Into on liysterlcol frtnsy and :ll)ued 0 run scoring record that had ood for ClKhl yeari, 7Tii» fnrm#r rt^. •d of eight hlta and eight runs lor ■ nglc binlng of worWs- series play, ctober 7. 1021, when thp seventh’ln- Ing iUto was the Itappy moment and le Yankees the victims.. The final :orc being 13 lo 8. ' Nothing, however, In series history, ir B pure, unadulicrated.exlilbltlon of ' : lodoyxriucky seventh" for the home _____ Crove-CoffleaJa.Resciie___________ Mhc-force8r-Robert-M oae*-«>tl»)— ries, came to the rescue wltlt his ailnf-TOUthpaw speed-to-hold-ihe— ubs completely al bay In the elghlh Id ninth timings. Orove not only held . >fc-Ihe As'winning margin bul he innedtfour Bruins lu a row. This made a tolol of 10 Cub strlke- it victims for the fourth game, a rtmd-tona-or- 44-for-the-ssrles-and— lualled the rccord which the. OlanU lade In the serles-ot 1911 against such thicus'old pltcirnitf'stafrsnKOis'iu ... hlef lender, Eddie Plank ind, Jaefc ™ oombs. • ^ , -The .Cubs,-^to^wln now,-must..take irre-stnilght-lo-wln-the-aerla.-’nieyr-: eed noi give up.liPpe.cntlrcly-Evea lf— ■ letr clunce9 ngw are exceedingly aum. he Plrotes' turned the trick In 1935. - tier losing Uiree of the- thru four . tmes to Washington. Tbe .Boston Red ox of 1003 closed wllh four straight iciorlei to win afler olso losing three ; r the first four to PlltsburgH." The Cubs, as a matUr of fact, wughi they had today’s gome-won. II was a honie drive by Jlmmy-Foxx 1 Uu seventh Inning of lhe Ilnt>iuhe . u t marked the first score «(r-R66l .. nd-itarted-the-A«-t<>watd-4letaq)i;l»»' ■. ay It waa another home-niB>^by the— Iher soeklnic twin, Alojrdut'-Biny immnns. thntJipeneOifcKycatli; W tl'', lartcd-Uia. dawnlall. of :Uic.£iibL . .. The- Cubs ^ m e panicky and ^ . ■ , :m t(j'm rum fl-0n h e ‘bi8*uinaarae; was au in favor of the Ouli».V LARXIX);-WirOo^>%inr^im i»ddLDi^ ia i iC T a n q r . a iM ls-aecrtUty-aBd'ii>lM«WWIip(BW»M<^ ’'^ d through XAredt):

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Page 1: · 2014. 12. 12. · ^raiBEtisi^™ "-FumEnm oFiiEinmEl ________ a l: —Br-f\T^^I«ddep-LQU(U' Air- ^ l)laiie' as» Grefttest

^raiBEtisi^™"-F u m E n m

oFiiEinmEl______ __ a l:

— B r-f\T ^ ^ I«ddep-LQU(U' Air- ^

l)laiie' as» Grefttest Boon

. to Scientific E x p lo ir t t-

tion D uring Recent Yearp• ------- ■ -------- - ■ - poll

Hx OSCAK LEIDING tcUlAyofltttcd PrcM Sdencc W rtti-n ooo

WASHtNOTON. Oct. 12—Prool llmt ^— Uk- m u m uuui> unn

kiuiiUIng rcault ol Coloiirl cliiirWs Lliid^ - i IjetKh’H Cfniral American su n fy . Dr. Hie A. V, KlCiler. Carnrvle urrJiutfolcsrisU w llij 'tlie expedition. saW twlay on l i l s j Jl ri'liini. I

•'DwarJln'; ovrn lhe dLscovfry of four I

(href of wlilcli have ni'vcr b ten «< n by___ v.-*ilte-iiiiin^. bc-saltl.__ '3 l lc _ _ tr o » k ? i___

iidilfvfm pni vas ih f full drnionnrrttlon c; Dir vulilp ot the airplane to a ttliiitul- oxlcal cx|)fillilon.v

"Durinn tlvc days of acrlul explora- *----- Hom-n«Mirty=^000=wtl»cofcMa»aiea>tattfc ^

bluiikeu-dl with un Incourelvubly tliicU Jungle, were covercd. U look iw <ix- minuiM 10 go from Tlkal lo Uiixaclun,.!!

, wlicn cverytliInK b rc ilw right. jKpol Kdlnii Ht UUUnciv

“Some of lhe pymmldii of the ruhied elllcs could bc 30 nillcs tw ay bUh wc soared beiween 2M and 500 le d juJ ubove th e ircc ‘loi». In olher plBce«only und

-rirre-w -_ jirQ kfn-bH s- Of lin^anry- pptrwl ]td, th ro iijh Ihe-broncUc.s to indicate lli.: bur! cUle«. _______UHD

"Two ot the newly found slips art- lo* t catcd tcnvcniently lo lakes on which lly* has Inic boats could lund und 1 recomiiiei;d lo 'u ie liutllulloti IM41' IllUIUlvy tu ii r bc carried on from the air in explcrlnc cUs them." .ipo

-------- N6«KorU555nrinTlB-r«TniOUh-a-vaT]cfeInund, covered wllh veiietotlqnJjui nup- bcr liorUnif two teniplci faclnt: ench' other | u lc

— ttnd-otferlnd-cnly-fleeilnK Klliniwex o iib o r hiialicri-d walls. to i

Of the four (ille^ located, from one to bul four pyramids reached oul of lhe fo te jl the Iniiylg 10 iudlcule llic preaeiice ot a n - n den t cltlw. No tracei. were TOUnfl~Of~a’ (hn c io u ^.-omitO' rood or roiiicii iruvelleU ihe by the M ayans iKfore th r lr ieniplc.i and cou licines were chobed from the world by bar li-o])lewl growth. i

CooperalWe Project w ------ '1H6 unaeriBBng~ttTL5 a ‘cuuiteT^tivriTfm' liuijwn r tn n iti ffn iiu iu m m n tii w u i r tif i

Inslon and Pan*Anierlcan Atrways. in ;, niu One>half of the Maya country was cov*

wiille Colonel Lliidberiih plluled the r i " pliiiu and jotted notes on -hls-flylntl r i

-------lU u ^ Mr.<;. Liimiwritu um tiii! itiiuiu-'sraphic work. Dr. Ktddcr and Dr. O lher KIckelMii. Jr.. Curneele archueulDSlxt. kept ruiiiihiK noiea of ({round condltloiu und the obherved ruliM. t

No plans hove been made for cnrryin?} on the work. Know-n cllles ot Muya, ln | < which atihaeulo2l.ils have delved f o r |M ma^ny^yeftra.ijeiiiuli^(o^^

fnre research will pro^rcM to the iKwly found clllcs.

Two Men Eticapc FromI d a h o ’s P r i s o n F a r m c

H 0I8E, Oct. 12 (/IO—Two Idaho prl»* on trusteeB were n t liberty loday, the

The two men. Mom Baw. M. niiil H arrv------- HnnclTT17T3cai>e5lttst n lsh l and on

automobile |xx«e failed to recapture en-------ihem.-Bajw-wft» hentcnccd-froni-CfcM-

yon county to «erve.6 to M ycin» for astatutory while Hullcic wan aen- 1teiiced trom MadLson county lo serve Mi

_____L to .K y fn n for fnm«ry.---------------- -— chB a u was described by prLion offlclab svi

as-the most dangerous of the two. Re- Prwards for tUeIr capture were posted foitoday._______________________________ i t l

■ • ■ -------— ^— r ____ .• >'«'C r a t e r s o f M o o n D r a w

7 7 3 0 P e r s o n s t o P a r k 3e

' B L A C K ^ T . O c r ig ^ ri= ^ n r7 n o 'p v ru iu '\ 'l i tm t 'i l i e 'C raters*o(''thr tn M oon'natlonal park during 1939. I t was tr< ihnouneed today .by R. B. Moore. Arco, do the custodian., TW* waa an Increnw or ch 300 over lost u u o n .

Automobile! were registered Irom 30 co stales nnd the O U tflct of Columbia, and ed vUltors olso were pntsent from the Phlll- to Ipplnea. A ustralia, Persia; Seotlnnttr British Columbia und Ontario. Canada.

T he cra ters of lava formation. 80 liiUeJ*-------Irocn-BUck(oo(rarfrSO-niun^-Ioc-tbelc.

. lunar resemblahetf.lThey « e being sur- " - veyed by the .B ovebm en t and ft pipe *

llne 'totronaporlw ater.previously-hauU ------- edJlVe mllot fmm a iprtngr ii.loJ>eJn=.— ju ll< 4 ; b y . n « ^ » a « f t : ; - ~ - g

Jam cs 'B an can e i P ioneer ' :— _ B lQ c k f f l0 t Merch an t. P i 9 » ^

. ' b l a c k f o o t , OcU }2 O') —------- B titk a n eH e-in e fth m t-e ttd -rA d e ttt-o f “

BUCkfoor for~38:ye4r«.‘ t tI e d :i6 d w 'a l the age of 7S years. He came Irom E u > Und AiB young man. ; -

He U aurvlved by his widow and 16 ”____ children. 8l.»TWdchlWren, «nil 11 r t a l. g rw )dsh lld res.-T tie ch lldreo.are Sadie. -— Palmer and Mr«. - Newton-Kaunibecfc -

LottBrVt>hr^<t)rnM~soil*On4i O liltu r. AiiKd, O m l« . Tanotf.^w UlUa). U roy . w

. Mr*. U U COeff to d , U r« .- P m t UUm. U •Blackfoot: A]m «.o( R iipert:'M n . Wan* th e tu Alien, b o a i Mrs.' Annie re

" P i ! t S o i r o m ? y h ^ ^ f f


^ . l t to e t i T lD ^ralfla;^7TT---------------- 1 =

F r o m I n j u r l c s l n P a t l s t i m

»*)—MIm Dorii n lxlr«M, died early lodny of liijiirU* re* i .elved In un aulomobili- cnllLtlDii mVtdiiPKlay nlKht. Her skull was fruc* Iured when on uulomobllr of u friiiid f n which ah? w ut rUlinu coIlldt'O with

Porg:cr Loses SIU,OUD

"Playins: Honest Poker" i o

-KAKSAg Ocl. 12 iJ-i‘-‘-ChatlOsW .av tr . 50, f leck iT a" bit oi duM f

rom on Immaculate ccat jIu-vc a l ! wllcr^hnTclqUBrtrfS'tWiny-nnd artinlt*-— ~ ed Ihn t he had mode mor; thuii »10.- «0 111 th e la*i year forvlny clirrka.

"And w lu i hnvf ^Qil ilom: ttltli-L lU ------ S.Imt money." u « e d Horry HlrKh. ciiy N t

" u i n t pioylnir honrat iK )iic i.'\w ua7 ',. ,he suriirla liit aijiwcr. ______________ '

» ____________ rlxly

l iD lW S il l - I H-iPiOVtPROG[llltf

-------- i Cu

“ ^ 1 comlto E lim inate O b so le te ,

G u m V) e r some Proct*.ssesli',lK''i______ 1 wlUt

BOISE. Oct. 13 W -F o rm atlo n of a ! ^ ‘“ ludlciul council 10 rliuihiale obsolcle; m d cmnbcrMme proctswh in court and 1 CKiiri)roct.'durf/l%'l)luiined by the .^tolo i In ;urcoimnlM lon. Jew itawley. jire 'K teni.jinuhinuumiccd toduy..,, __ _ M I

T he flrs l mectlnit of the niw b o d y ,‘^ liuK bi'en lentailvely set for O ctober, ciiiw !8, ll U niuniied tor the cmmcll lo on* i ••rule alonit lhe lines i>l iilmllur cuuii-,**“ :11s In other mates, m int ot vhlch an- 'fb* " tponMired by t he stale. The present ; u p t bu iic ll'w iir iw liiaae up of tliKe iiie n w -n n r Dcr:t of the supreme court, three dl'>>! irlct Judxes and five membein ot t h e ! T Q ijor, These luive already ben tuininoned I I HI 10 lhe flrsl meetlnp. Hawley anitoiiiiced. i ' but the lrttn m e s w lll-be-wlthheid-untll;Ihey Iwve Accepled. I

Hawley s a id 't i ic coinniKilon.'hapcd i I llVftt~lhP~Jitaie~Troiild-tlnn ilna> ip-cver ihe burden of oiwnilTon uf lhe Judicial eouncli us ll would be loo Krent for the

Tlu> «ouiic)l will ccnildtir re-dUtrlct*

vUlun of lhe admlnlstrailon of Ju sllcr,; ■ ' moiT particularly the crlm lnal'low .'' . “

m rnm m !1i L 8 » i i N l i

! fiun. I bu t

Mrs. E va Donohoe Lives O n-;‘"‘“

ly Few Minutes A f t e r i —

Being Thi'own to E arth

CORMCANA. Texus. Oct. 13 (;>*) - 1

Jeing taken to tiic circus crouiuls he re j today. "Black Diamond." u mumlve bull •lephant. stlxa i' und^ Injured^ fatnllv i»'

The woman, Mrs. Eva bonohoe. K ern* ' e iu . Texas, was tjken to a haspliuli where alie lived only a few m ln u te s .-^ l-1. - lendunU said her skull was crushed.

H. D. (Curly) Prlckeit. employed b y 'Mra. Donohue on her io rm ..ttaa - In- -----c h a r8 ro r tn m n lm a i ; 'o tic of a herd o f ' several, when I t became unmanageable, i Prlckett had hod cliame of the 'a ]e ii)ian t' fo r about seven years before it wns ob* ita lned bV-UuLALQ -lla rr f t f7rfiu la ftJ-----years ago.~Aa tUe-.hcard renclicd n street com er. ;— according lo Prlcketi, the anim al aud-;

n ru ih ed rh c rto the groiind.-T tie t c r o c t r ' trolnei>-«iW-he-att«nipiW4»-T*falr»-con''=*= tro l o l the elephant, but was unable t o ' do so because If his Injuries, whleh I n - ! eluded a broken-wrlst.

T hs tn lm a) linally was brougnt u n d e r! ' control aild, heavily hobbled ond chain* i ed to th ree other elephants, was ta k e n : to Ils q u a ile n tn a freight car.----------------p—

WOMAN OUILTl* O r MURDERCLEVELAND, O hio. Oct. U (,tV-Mni. ___

A hna eeem on, CleveioiidriiouM mtltl. w u -to n lg h l fotind Bullty by-a Jury o t m urder In th e second degree In the s tab- blnx to death of her mistress, Mrs. Dor-othy w .-a » ygH7TJieVHg>a'soclrty;Vnttt- •,fpn. Sentence wlil tie p s ^ MoMoy.

^ S A ItO R LOSES LIFS \CEPAR o r r v . Utah.. o c t. -ia-oi>i — >

h ta w iy tp h ls h o m e tlftu U ^ ^ ^ —o n 'a . r u r lo t ^ . T be.m teh lne i n ^ c h he was rld ln f aa-a posMnger collided w ith an o th er ear. ' NQbak'a head w tsc n u h e d . . - , - - — — ------------------------

. z . - 8 t o w ^ v « Y 8 , B a » o ; n N * " - " ■~-8A W -D raQ 0:09t: —Kwtys «bo»n t' the , BHUsh i ^ r t h i p W and K lM , 'w h o j ^ - w i e i S r w l i e l i .

T h B m c r i t s s o c i A T E D /

■ m c o i r p~ODCinnP 'P iVTv~TU n n " ~Ul LIIUUUIA 1 II U lillll



■ - — i r ac

o f C o n p ra lu ia tio n s P o u r

in U pon P rim e M in is te r

fro m E a r lh 's - J 'a r u o rn e rs r a ;_______ • __________________ ■ mid

Hy JAMLS l,. WEST .Prr,-,-. fiU tf..Wtllcci------

NEW VOHK. Oct. f J -F r te Irom o t- Dal.thc-

iM. prline’mli'.istcr. obsfr\'rd hl-1 ■ Ixly-ihlrd blrihday onnlvpr.isrs^ hen- .oduy in (inlei tu^hlou. • ' I

Arislni; enrlv. a i U h li cusiom. ho fl•ecelved iiU fliM birthday'|;lft~tiom hl.< __iuuiihtor. M ibrl. who declined to trll ft’lm t_lL_BLt_-^iul_Lhgn_ha>l_ b rtaU fan | n-ltli a few friends and lome ol lhe meni- ler.'* of h ll party.

Cablei:raiii;i and leleisranis of con- g ^ ,

:omln<f from mcmbcr.i of hls tamily » t ] Los'icmoulli. Ulld oilu-r.t from otflclals

in»( the <lny he talked on lhe telepnont- A'lih members of IiIm filmlly whu ore In k London, this hnvlne been the second .Vc« irun-s-Atlanlic call a rran jed for him " " ' since lie nrrlvcil licie. Ociober 4. «<>'■

In llie forenoon the British .111116.%- ’ , ii'iun ree tivM'a ' ^fro ir iruinTnieifKaciuiil nf Proteslani clcntymen who voiced Iheir'approclftiion of his elforU In th e q o t world ptacc. Accepllng the ijlft w ilh a Iraceful llllle siieech. Mr. ,

Kls " It will tw the ch u ra i llmt. will back up our world pcnce e lto rlt more th a n . . . . nn in ine-g tonp r------------------ --------------

T i N i T S T M ii; T H E l l M ' i HOlEa

____________________________-________ top.

W irjTW OOD.Ci-i .O cl. 12 (,rf='lTiree call m en were killed In llic deniilment of the th e eiitilne ond 11 c u n of u Red R lvrr 8 L um ber "cnmp«n>- JojRlny 'tm tn n r a ? rlec

CUfllS UUmii loday. P JI t 1.1 believed th e cniiliicer tost con­

trol of (lie heavlly-louded irsln on the sle i'p dom i KmOe IniolibKon, cuushiK a wheel uf the engine to coilup&e. E

T he dead :. , lefl

J . A. McCo n n e l l , s i . enjiia-er. uoiE. A. MUJIG, 31, fireman. vlw A fourth member of the train crew, i

rea r bnikemaii O. B. Kale, wus thrown iht fiuni the im ln ond knocked unconxclous daib u t rccovertd In time to sHjii.ftJ£Cond tnJ,tn .ln . fin


\-------- : -------- .

IZ l

___________ ___

--------------------- ^

r r


Victim Af Mishn'p^Tili “— Unconscious a t S hoshone i T l

- B O I ^ . OCL 12- U ’l-R u u c ll.I to b in - - T .

tuln s tu te s TrK'phon>- uiui TelrKraph X romiiaiiy. who was Uijiirrd hi an aulo- niobllc ucQldrnv iirur Slui.<lione la^t nli:hi. w a ^ fllll uncoiiscioii' lonliiht. i cflmiNiiiy oftlciulA wrri' informrd.i- '

He rm lv 'M a boMil skullt r a a ^ r jp ^ ’licn h h fn :_uvet;im aeit..ln |

.Auto C rash On lIlKhway F ig I n ju re s Pocatcllo Mnn

POCATELLO. Oct, V: „ r , _ Jack \ j DTilw. PWuieiioTTTiiT-Tr^Tmj'-iirtTWir — V t iiiid.cut In an nuiumui.ilr cc.lll*ion fimr . m llrs-M U th of h w lottishSr-Thp'-Tna- ^ ^ chine he wos drlvHi« mi ilir Yellow- _ ,, Mono Po rk hlnhway Mruek n ca r d rlv- 1^11

Dalr.s atiem pifU lo u wanon on Mthc -r«atfrB oth 'cars-w (rtm »m ii:(y . bu t ‘ 'tib otlS r 6ctU|imil.s U. L W y , . ( ) cunilnutU to Salt Lukc L'liy.

iL W iffilE lS ' “■-om w iipm i

-------- tr o m

S o a iT h ers F i n d M an g led

R e m a in s of Hotly L y in g

T n ic k i »f T?!iih-nnd hlH to_____ m tt th

RUPERT. Oi-t. n 'iS |<erl4 l lu T he H c Vc«i>)->WItlte hi imrtuaiu-r of liU da ly ^ nn a N orth Stdp lural frrlcht S a lun lay Atlilel m orning, J » l past tniiliiljht, Conduetor sw u ^ P. J. R ichards, aboul S3 yrar» uf age, “ jntLacc»dentnLdtath._w lifu^U I« «up* Ing/W poted, h e fell from tlir train en route coupTtfrom r a u L to R w p e r t .------- - -------

On arrlvlnjf In Ruiht: the fre igh t Tlit crcw. discovering tliclr conductor m iss- I w l ' la<i.,Dotlfl»d C.-Hi-6ii>Hfa-Orenpn a h o r t Line a g en t here, and wuli four men and a m otor car they left Rupert neo r dono 12:30 A . ALq<UQOa.dlACOver.the acclden;- - H r r hod ta k en pjacc iiboui one mlle w est ' ' ' nom w here Conductor HIchards’ m ang- led body waa found iirar his cop and U I T

_ IL l''lb c l lcv e d bjM he irulii crow tlia l Mr. R lcliords was Koliik'fo't'oiiimunlcatc — 0 with the. enKlneer uml w alk ing 'cn I]top-oLUJC-traln.__________________________ 1._C oroncr-...W ^._Q .o j>_d .m .aJU -w a.i___ __called u l once and the body was taken lo wA the G oodm an undeiiiikiiiK lu rlo ra here, (cr oi

Surviving urv his wldnw and two m ur- u , ; . ried d o u o h lm nit Ihlni; lirPcttiTclIo. n ,) ; g

F o rest Supervisor W arns today

H unters On F ire D anger_ \ -------- • ■ llIK tl

B 0 I8 E .\0 c t, 12 (.t*)—Ptvc camp fires Uimc le ft buriiiiiin ind one fire stnrted by u iind E

^m ;w lw ^nuau< ^^ iuc lH » t r «»h d uQium. = f l f : B olst forest crew.i lost week, S uper- inolui visor Ouy B. Malii.i sold todoy. vliito

He hud a n-mliider for oil hu n le rs ond v lh a t fifes on the forest a re still very w llh : dangerous, tliai mnokcrx munt be core- Tin till, and-U iul the careless urc subject lo Gruii flne«. Mfiio

Fallinjt Leaves


fflackmen- T • J m 1

Chicago, 10F i g h t i n g A b i l i t y O f : ~

V i c t o r s O v e r w h e l m s I ,

- V e t e r a n S t r a t e g i a n - —

i’a l l , L e a n , T r e m u l o u s O l d l p H l

„ M a n ^ S i e p s . J l i i n i d l y - L i t o i S

• O n e o l W i l d e s t L’e j e b r a - j

t i f i n s i n D i. - tn io iu l H i s t o r y |/ '» f Wil>

-------- ( 'u y»V KDWAHI) J. \ t : iL ________LSliii:

lA'.f-ociated l’ics.>i Siwrts W ilten i(J i 'ir S I l i r .K P .A K K . P H I L A D K I ^ t , .y !

'lU A . O c t . 12 — A ta i l . Iw in iV.mi t’cmu)oii.>t o ld n m n in ii n e a t b liic j n i l , h a t in lii in il, n v e fc n a t f o ld - i i j iu ^tl m i.t i r i i ln im ly _ q v|[|- n u p iwMti.tG])])ti(] t im id ly to d a y in to o im j« } i,i f t h e w it t i e s t cL‘li‘hnitlon.<< la t h u C tiri iH to rv o f w o rld Murii-H u f t iT -itlthH. '

l i e .sh iv c ru d w ith e m o tio n art | P h i l e topped llKhtly on llic door of l( )c ' H is | llilelltii' drt.-isltiii room. .Vi ihu dour ■ n .... Bung open, u bur-sl ot ehecrlnit, sln«-1 / , ig, and Jusl lilaln iiicoliereiit shout- ig.'blllowed pa?t lilm. He swallowed a . b u n B up IF o n iiilfn o o k o-nrn i-p ip on hlm -] F o rglL aiid s lcpiK-d inside,_______________ ^^-ilillTlie ye illiu over the mad 10*lo-8 dc- ( n . . i ,

ent of the Cubs died as Connie .\Lick.,

h a t had Just sUged Ihc most ncnmi* Q llii lonol roily In world hcrli.s history look* W ai

-T co iu inu6iro in»Ji!f3 rc{* iiim ft'2 )—


WASHINOTON.'Ocr, 12 i-Pi-A ([uar- cr of n mlllloii more ^itoplc yielded lo he yearning for th e w lde'open spuces A tll his sum m er t h'u tn!vcr befoa-.____________

odav th a l o lotal of 3.248.204 persons,;23.420 m,orc tlian laM' yenr. hnd vlslUd J^'o* he national parks and monument.i dur- “ ■*« iijii the year ended Sepieiiibor 30. o r JiMf 2.080,697 visited the national park^ind 501M7-tlU! m oium ienb ....................^nfM h,.-nM lnnal n^rks.- V ovm lle r r- nolued the m ast popular, wilh 401,2571 ilaitors. Rocky M ountain ranked sec* md wltli 274.408 and YtllowMone third ‘ 7 , Vilh2fl0.fi97. ... ■ " Icuvi

The new pnrks, Hrycp canyon and p 3ruiid Teton, had 2I.Ui/7 nnd 5 1 .5 0 0 ^ , iLsltors. re.spectlvely. , * ,*

................ I ' Bun------- ' - ...................................

« ru oiit

________________________ ___________ liberg______ _______ : Iniili

I m uiw ith

:itcoi ' ' '

. I b a ll[ . ' f ^ ^ t S T ^ P s s ^ S s S t ^ __ -—I liii-

. I with^ runs ---------■■ plicl

y ■ f . ^ r e Z ^ S M s Q E S B l ipuci^ ; Blok

I ‘ the\ — ^ b a x e



^ k • ' ,(

• in if

[ hui

W BM B iIIbB L ^ __ I...... lhe

■- - - -------lil

)re40 Runs-in

I to 8 in FourlOfficial [Tid

Box Score ®- s i n B i c - i » A h k t ~ p h 1 lT iV k L .H lA , f i d . 12 i / l > i - n f f l i - b l h o ^ U u l

S p i - — — A l M l ' M r O -A - i: : ~ H :ilc M i».in r « lJ ‘ . - '1 i> 0 1 “ ^ » r .2n tr lish ; s J i ' ........4 •• 1 <i 'I(>»>-, 2)> . 2 li 1 1 I) onV , c f . . 1 2 :{ 0 I'i iy W . i-f ......... I 2 0 0 1i lP lil in u n n , If— J— 1— 1 ---------«rim m . . . . -I 2 2 7 » l»| lA.*,)vl(i,- (. :{ 0 (1 ^ 1 0 f illio o i, )i V . y . ..... :i 0 (I 0 (V o l p i i i jJ i-h f, P .............. 0 y I) 0 I) » vvoi-hi lu k t . |) ............... 0 0 0 0 0 0 eujfo

I l i i r tn e t t ......... l n 0 0 0 0 |, i , ia t•jirlson , p ...... 0 ft 0 t) 1 0 u n d t.................... .. , , ■ ■ •^ ■ = .7 r . .T r = r jr . i l im f c

T o tid s ............!5r» 8 10 24 H 2 h ls tom d e l p h i u A U U 1 1 - 0 A K » n}|,‘tlut|), 2 h ........; 5 1 2 2 ll 0 „ iv «JuiiH, c f .............. ' I 1 1 2 0 0 rwllni:oclu-anL‘..c _ ........ .-I ,.1 _ 2 Jv»..:0 _ 0.;iromoii» . J f____ I * , "

T 2-3. 0 i T S i ........ :l ! M g !l i S ,

Juinn, p ......... 2 0 0 0 0 IIValbori', p ..... 0 0 (I 0 0 1 3 m m c l,- |) _______0 _ Q _ 0 _ 0 _ 0 _ 0 l C u b -■“ B u r iw ............ 2 . 0 ft 0 0 0 “ I3rov«. p .........

T o l a l . v ............:tO 10 11)27 11) 2 SUrt“ i)

• B u t t e d f o r M u lo n u in i;i trh th . • “ B a t te d f o r U o m m c l in ncv- ‘

.‘llth^ never^iilw .................(IOO 2 0 5 1 OU— 8 nols i\ t h l c t i c s ...... 0 0 0 OUD 10 Ox— 1ft u i»n

io as 3, Simmons. Foxx. Dykes 3. Boley; ‘ wo-bojie hlls-C ociirone , Dykes; ihree- only i » se ' li l t — H onuby; home runs — , ,P " 3rlm m . Haas. Slinm aiis:.. sacrifices— roylor, Haas. Boley; double play - 3ykes to BWiop ond Foxx; left on W f^ -C li leago iN L)-4.-_Phl^de^phto

iMcMlll’an, EngllthJ. off Rommel 1. " ~ 7 ^ iW lltoni. off N rh t 1. iCochrnnej; iiruck out - by Q uinn 2. iHoriuby. :u y ltr) . by Waiberg 2, iMcMlllan.Rood, by Orovc 4, iMcMlllon., raylor, HarlnelU. by Root 3 tSlm-non-, .. ...... . •»> ?. .nni>v_Buriisl. by Carlsiin 1. (Simmons); ° riUih t n - rw ardr, - «ff.iQ»liin.7. hll.% nnrl,I run* <3 earned) In 5 Imilngs (none J lilt In sixth) w hh 22 a l bat. off W ai- ierg 1 h it and 1 run luneorncdi In 1 niiing wim 3 a t bot, otf Rommel 2 ‘ '‘® nhh and 1 run team ed) In 1 inning *'lth4 a l b a t.o ff Oroi-s. no IiUj ;mO ’•iinH In 2 Itinlnt-^ with H uf b j.. itcot 0 hits and C r.nw icsriied) in } 1*3 InnUuts w ith 27 u t bat, o tf Nrhf ; h it and i runs lenrned) in no in* i ln g n p i re h fa tu 3 b n « n i [ ) ^ th - C T r |

i>Br»«di-ln-nQ InnlniM inltChed''t'o~3'|^ ° ? ^ jaU er»)-w lth .a -B t bul, o ft Muiwie m .a i id _ n o .ru n » Jn 3-3_of un.lnnlnB vlth 5 ot bat. off C arbon 2 h lts -ind n o |““ ‘ '' •uns In 1 Iniiliw with 3 a t bat; h it by ^ ““ )llc h er-b y Malone (M iller); winning jllch rr - - Rommel: losing pitcher —31oke. I q..,i

OfficlBU-Roy Von O raflan (ALi a l l .he plole. Wllllom J . Klem <NLi first r ^ ' ’ « w r w i i i iam M. Din t f n - iA L i- MiciiiiU )ose: Charles IS. Moron <NL) “ ilrd

S in , ot iim e-3;l!. ” 01”“!' Icoom

------------:---------------------------- -------------- i_ T h i

Play By Play g:------------------------------------------------------- >of th

By DKYAN BELL. I Thi' .(AssoetoUd Prt»s HporU-Wrlleri {•*“ ‘•1

S H I B E P A R K . P H I L A U E L - U v PH M ; O c t . 1 2 ^ T h c iila y e rH r u n thot 3Ut w i th zcrtt f o r f l ic fo u r th 'i jn d - i ? a m e o f t h e w o ffd '.s seriCH. T h e un thuH h iwm waw in t« n H if ic d bji[_ Rimfr th o - b r i t f h t-w n r m ..<tuiuthiiic f lo o d - stvt> ln g _ th c jl( ? l( l . . . . . ' . .

O ld J a c k " Q iU n n ; v e te r a n - o i ^ h u n d r e d a o f i r a m e n , it w

iu r d r d :C h a r ie y :R t» t r h i i r y o u n B e r . E J Jr iv a l f ro m - t h e - G u b -a id c . --------- P I R S t - I N N I N G (C U B S )^ M c i l lL L A N UP: B a ll o n e . in - ‘ B id e .-B a ll- tw o .- B a ll- t h r e e . B all f p u rU ! i£ c M llla n „ w a Jk e a o h f o d r ) B t r a l f lh tp l t e h e a . - --------- ,BB

ta l i« d . -B a ll - o i i c r i n 8 l^ K - Q u |n n th r e w t T n r s t - B a l l ' t w o , - , m W B & ik e tw b r c u U M .‘T 6 u r i t ; : t t i s m t h e .h i t - a n d : r u n . - F x u l . . ;B D g l iB h ^

- T O D A Y : ^ ^ ^

ti^eveHth-TT T _________ * _ f - •

rth Contesti d a l W a v e D a s h e s .

C h i c a g b ’s i l o p e O f .

C l i n c h i n g P e n n a n t -

v u U n ic h e — o f — D e s t w i o t i v e —

- H i t t i n f r h ^ - e h a m p l o n ^ r p f —

A m e r i c a n L e a g n c “ S e n d s —

F a n s I n t o H y s t e r i a

lAkswlatrd P rew 'spo rts Eilltor)sn 'ii iY ': P A U K .' P H i i .A n R i . - IIIA ,- O c l . 12 — T h e b u b b lin jf u r ld ’.'t .serien liope.-» o f t h e C h i- Ko Cttb.K w e r e .s c u tte re d a ll • r f -S h tk g - tm r k - i o tln y by a j o m » ' n a t io n o f liK h tn in jr , cy c lo n e 1(1 t id a l w a v e in t h e w ild e s t iri- iiif tif h iis p L a lL ,,c h iim p ifm g h [p .„ s to r y .W h e n t h e y h a d p ic k ed th e m - '

ivrs up sometime laler. d a u d and ’ L-llny. Ihc Cubs found th a t th e A th -" ' Ics hod broken, all records, by seorr ; 10 runs dn 10 hits In the seventh tilnir-aJf fout^p ltchen . coming from

uut of 10 to .B -ond take a lead-of------ree vanics lo one In U)e world's w rleinfllct. -— - ................. - -----------Qolng into Ihe leventh Inning, eight . U*. behind. Ihelr veteran spltballer. i Jock Q ulhn. a ku xk o u t victim of ib - jlo u te rs .-a p d —U ie lf - n t t- c tfo r ts - - . . owhig a grand tolol of three hiU off p faiiJ bulU of Charley Root, there ilti't apiKur more lhan llie pale ghost ’ 0 chancc for the Athletics to wId'Id prevent the Cubs from making ll •0 »iral?ht. tying the series.

T lrives Root >rom Bos If ever 0 club looked beaten, It was ■'IB As. ye t-w ith o savagery tha t~ ha» ' -~iver before been d u p H ^ T iT U ir i t l P -----Ils of the world's series, they teoped- w n Root, drove him from tho box,

;r, and were slopped- by P a t Malone lly after IS men had gone to bat.On u drive th a t Riggs Slepltenson got 14 hands on bu t could no t handle was . le sroiid climax, scoring Al Slmnriona.Id Jimmy Pox with Ihe, n in th and . n tlL iuna tliat-furnlahed the.decldlag -■ontln.-------- ------------------------------------------ -ThU asl^liuiuiii; euuhur lu im g e ." ' lU uvalanclie of destructive h lttln f ( the chnniplon.s o t lhe Amerlcon Ague sen t the home town cm vd of -• 1,000 Into on liysterlcol f rtn sy and :ll)ued 0 run scoring record th a t had ood for ClKhl yeari, 7Tii» fnrm#r r t^ .•d of e ight hlta and eight runs lo r ■ • nglc binlng of worW s- series play,

c tober 7. 1021, when thp seventh’ln - Ing iUto was th e Itappy moment and le Yankees the victims.. The final :orc being 13 lo 8. 'Nothing, however, In series history, ir B pure, unadulicrated.exlilbltlon of '

: lodoyxriucky seventh" for the home

_____ Crove-CoffleaJa.Resciie___________

Mhc-force8r-R o b e r t-M o a e * -« > tl»)— ■

ries, came to the rescue w ltlt h is ailnf-TOUthpaw sp e ed - to -h o ld -ih e — ubs completely a l bay In the elghlh Id ninth timings. Orove not only held . >fc-Ihe A s'w inn ing margin bu l he innedtfour B ru ins lu a row.T his made a to lo l of 10 Cub strlke- i t victims for the fourth game, a rtm d -to n a -o r- 44- fo r - the -ss r les-and— lualled the rccord which the. OlanU lade In th e serles-ot 1911 against such thicus'old p ltc irn i t f 's ta f rs n K O is 'iu . . . hlef le n d e r , Eddie Plank in d , Jaefc ™ oombs. • ,-The .Cubs,-^to^wln now ,-m ust..take i r re-s tn ilgh t-lo -w ln -the -aerla .-’n i e y r - : eed noi give up.liPpe.cntlrcly-Evea l f — ■ letr clunce9 ngw are exceedingly aum. h e Plrotes' turned the trick In 1935. - t ie r losing Uiree of the- th ru four . tm es to W ashington. Tbe .Boston Red ox of 1003 closed wllh four straight iciorlei to win a fle r olso losing three ; r the first four to PlltsburgH."The Cubs, a s a m atU r of fact, w ughi they had today’s gome-won.II was a honie drive by Jlmmy-Foxx

1 U u seventh Inning of lhe I ln t> iu h e . u t marked th e first score « (r-R 66l .. nd-itarted-the-A«-t<>watd-4letaq)i; l» »' ■. ay I t waa another home-niB>^by th e — Iher soeklnic tw in, A lo jrdu t'-B iny immnns. thn tJ ipeneO ifcK yca tli; W t l ' ' , lartcd-U ia. daw nlall. of :U ic.£iibL . . . The- Cubs ^ m e panicky and ^ . ■,

: m t ( j 'm ru m fl- 0n h e ‘ bi8*uinaarae; was au in favor of the Ouli».V

L A R X IX ) ; - W ir O o ^ > % in r ^ im i»ddLDi^ ia iiC T an q r . a iM ls-aecrtUty-aBd'ii>lM«WWIip(BW»M<^ ’'^ d through XAredt):

Page 2: · 2014. 12. 12. · ^raiBEtisi^™ "-FumEnm oFiiEinmEl ________ a l: —Br-f\T^^I«ddep-LQU(U' Air- ^ l)laiie' as» Grefttest

i K s i lB f e

= iiim m iii£- a w ip iiffih

M a n y I n s t i t u t i o n s C u t t i n g :

D o w n A r m i e s o f M e s s c n -

Onc Firm Operates 15-!iIHc'- Neiicork - ik n mUL^urjiun± ::z~

H u g e C o n i p i 'o s s .o r s D r i v i n g :

— A i i * - T h r o u g l i - T - u n n e l n - a t - -

- T e r r j i i c J t a l c . o f - S p c e i L —I Z

Ity WILI.UM It. KtHINShmniicinl E ditor ' • I*?

N ISW Y O R K . O c t ._ 1 2 - W a ll ; _

m in u lc « . b u t s t i l l c n r r ic s nn U s c l i ic f f u n c t io n . 'H ic d e liv u ry o f ca.'ih a n d ’ s o c u r i t ic s . l iy a rm o r e d t jucK n a n rt iiw a rm .i t) i - i t'i t i n u - (loilylnK n ic s sc n K c r b o y s .

R e c e n tly .se v e ra l l)iK c o n tra !

lionsL'H b a v o H tudiccl U ie pro s*, pi'st of ii 'lu ! iiM’Jcr«rojiivl I'ibcs to

8l)ool bundles of money nnd aioclcs irom one p a « of the city to nnother.

M«ny InslKiillons have c u ttio u n the ir anntes of m e«entcrx by u sn i; tubes.

— One flnn-h#s-beef»-u»liiB-B Mib*Rur^— —_jgce tub<» system belw ern l» varloiiii _____

branchca.tliicc 1B7C. U opem lrs H Ifl- mile iieiworlc Ih'roiiph wiiTcli 50.000 me%-

■aa8M.ara.amt flnlly --------* 30 MIlM of T odhte '

‘E})f lelrpl'iohe b’ocijis Burroiinillnq Ihe Atcek exchange floor nre ctunicclcd with

-tradtns-posts^brSO -m llejrof-n lim ilm im '--------tiiblng. Four 7$>lior:Kjio«er coinprcx* tu rs drive nir th rcush the liib?s n l liiej

-ratc-ol-30.000 cable fee t per minute. •The New York po.<ilofflee hns an nn-

derground-iiwll. acm cc through pneu-nm llr liitwx «nr1 II; In Ihn t n« nfft - n ___e at WAS cnce sen t 40 m iles,per hourIjy -thU route to n n - « p to ffn_aiU roai--------

-hosp ita l for » "^nck operation.A ncther firm on th e old Mndlzsn

room. A p lant fo r c reating vacuum malntnlnfl luftlc lcn t pressure to »hoct the leather carrlen up 17 floors In seven seconds. *

The tubes run'vcrtlcnlly 'throush clRht U rse shafts wllh atntlonx and Jitn :- |M

_llon polnls 'a f coch floo r.'T lilr t> '- iW I ] cncnnors hantlle tlic traffic , wiilch uv- I 'J

30.000 n icssucu- daii}'. I Z J . - I n 'i r bucm en t room three levels be*

low the Mreet I30 w hite tubes csnversc .. ill syinetrlcat c u n es U ia t M>em. a t Ilrst p o jtluncc, like some futurU tlc dUpluy cf MOn

_lhcJU CdianlcaLu«e___________________ trinp<

' ^ S S eI______________________ trinp

K o u n d - u p K c s u l t s j n A r -

I r e s t o f r A l l c g e f l O i)6 i 'a to } 's j | | | ~

W h o E e n t e r G u i l t y P l e a s

Five out of St.-? men nrrc.\tcd by po­lice In 0 round-ii|) here ye.ilcrdBy a lt- em oon were sentcjiced In police court mc to pay flncA of tlOO cach for operatlne xcwt |)Oker BBtntr T hey plended cullty. the ;

—Pm n-o\ll-of7lhe-ftv^j»kl-fln«i-aW «nco- -vlo*-< und the other piiltJ MO tiutiitlm enl. ofthi

... Itay-itaim ct.-thc.aU U i-acCTiM d.m an. ricult rrnTsilcdiilmscU of sta tu to ry p ro v tilo n u and i

defer entering his plea u n til Monday. . ford _ .T tto olher men who adm itted th a t

they wens patrons o t .tlic games o t the "I" J lin c .th c pfflcBrs arrived

"T cm rK Ctiicncrtrto puj” *a o^ntrtn i;ti;— j:.• Alleged operators cf cam es tnken In th e round-up yesterday were Arch Cnpron. orrcsled In th’e basement a l theSm oker pool hall. M ain avenue cnM: C. ____E Standlee. a rn a te d f» n cnrd room nt = th« Tanann pool hall. M iln avenue n u d !

.S ho fhoneslrte tiiou ih ! Clyde Sm ith and T ed Sorenw n, a rre ited lu a card room

. on Shoshone'Itreet. ond O. Abbl nnd Ray Oalmer. Arrested In a cigar fuc> to^- on Main avenue south. 1

-Tlio Dead sea U) Pulestlne Ilm lun-. c i t inland dcpresajOM 1^ t he worlil._________

“ *-AWi\ii' if tir oruiffrM )Tr tf6ba-iu uiiii “ T-wmntry-U Pouiia» -flr .--'- ..................... | -—

PA R IS . -............." A N D R B P A m S B nV IC B I

.7-‘.i"i'*&Trrv.-rrr;Jr*»- ---- ''—---- ----’. t w i n FALLS DAH

_ x ^ S | ^ ™ 5 |

P nrt of (he tube syHlem ( le f t) in th« ■■flW ntcw en ^ t r bovit daHy. A t4 h e - r i?

----- ------------- Johmmd-Ploi

A it UJ' IN T l i t ; nortli woods of Mn moon a t th e -liuiitinK lodge of G b it o f wood fo r th e lodge fireplii

nie^ Q t o 1______ Miy oi

Uirn] IFOItrCAST FOIt TOr)AY AND TO. OltBOW—Kalr; no l inurh elianijc In

m e mcrcur>' ciimDt'd-ia.thc 7U-C'.'i!reD srk jc»ierUny ftfternooii iiftcr re<l«- CIIU-'. m u n minimum tcm ocrature of 30' *'® srces lu Ihe m arnlug. nccnrdln^ to the ivernmnit w enlher cIxmtvci. Hlsii iiilKrnture Friday wnr, CO ilei;rtr.'<. nad ■O' « a » nc dt Mi'O'it" ■'— — :----- — C

______ ~ _______ _iiiark I

i i B m m a i r a t ^lllNFftltyiSIiiSS

— ^ , .the flu

MOSCOW.-Oct l‘J <Bi>ccnil 10 Tlir cw8)—0 r . C. W. Jlunccrford. lirnd of .If p lant pntlioloRy iteimrlmrm nnrt , MM«r*ctor-ot-t|w-o!|«HmcnLJitaUDii, ‘ tlie University of Idnho collfEc nt ni:-

ailturc„ls.oii.ttJleltl_UlpatLtuuUicmJ‘2!l.Id boiiiijcHhtcrn W nho, I5r, lIu im n r r T 'n ^ ' rd wni ninkc'hU flnnl »ur»Ty-t>f-|iliiiii wase,! In th e son tlicn i pnrt of llu-'-o''^ '*’' «e for itie cu rren t ycnr. Hewlll review n tih in e rxperlments In now benn varl^'lU^ In -'‘'S'Ip " irTwin FMn»M<etl(>n nnd will mwk" tin , rv. im ol«<rvutlon5 on th e beet ieiif ht7iiiVi,'r jou

udlcs In the Tw in Piills und Ulii'^-.'Kelr i im county dIstrletA nnd the pot(iio(iu> .Sulic : ises studied u t th e AlKrdeen CNpcri- c.Ago, '

G R A P H I C O U T L I N E SBy Ella M. Will

— - 'C i

— .....— ------- i»hr»«I— : : r • --but • I

• ?........ — iB i J ffl -il » pemiliMkcd

l ^ Y N E W S ^

J i f l l f l

^uw h r r t c o f^'

-'•lorenccrat^heir€am p-in^

■ ^J l a in c , l’ l o r e n c ^ a n ( i " j o l i n L o o itJg i

f G o v cm o i* J o h n T n im b i i l l , C o iin cc t e p la c e .

,cnl sukitallon . _____ |1 | |Dr. ilunKvrtoid-iilM) will n ttend ilic J | j | luuml Idnhn potato'.■sliow n t Shelley,—- - ; -

ly of'ldHho, i^u the ru branch. nRrlcuN U 1 1 ir/il (}f]>nnmn>t nt Focnteilo nnd the (iriLsfon dlvLsioii offices ut Boise, pliiu*UR lo bc nwny from tlic mnln cumpuswiiV-llMUyi------------------^____________ New

____________• ■' • <nicli

l i n : . \ « 0 OrTt).MKTIUST OKFKitS $:o .> 5 fK (:T A < ;i.K S r o i t 52.o« jjy j

Oivm 100 Day Trial . ' -------- quell

ark on Uie ni)sc or fnce and is su a r- n? ?rT 0 ra iT g rT n 'g ro n o rn n rn l5 timi{. ■ a a s

*ul pK ^uecd In yenrs, They create a • * sUuttulshed .appcamnce n n d -y e t r e s t ; mm markaljly ll?h t on the face. T h c w R tciiicles will ctinble nnyonc to read I f p flue.M p rln l. w c far cr near. WT llf monufnctur'crn nre «o plcnscd ■ 111 tills new product thn t they c lfe r lo iHl a pa ir cf tlu-.-o Ape:tnclca on tCO 1.1 trin l to nnv Jionrjt p -ir im »^)o H fir tm m rrw rn n m r iin d e n tn n tttn B - — III it th e ir ci!.s’»'iiicrs arc n o l ow ited nntcllithn'd ni'ilUn nni th in trlhespce* r!cn they tl.'.t nt J2ii8'cq¥al~tb those Iri-elsewherr-iit SSa.-Uiey wlU bo ou t —- ih ln r A bcnutlluU pcctacle ease und tie bock Includvd tree. Send no moh*. iua t your, nniiiti. a d d rc u .an d age 1 ^ ’

rlr rl^k. W rite Ur. Rlthoht & Sons. '2 . llie 1100. H45 W. Jackson Blvd.. Chl- .go, 111., tcdny. ndv


s s O P H I S T O R Y - ■WWlfl . j

C arpen ter’s l l a l i r :— :j . PhUailcliihiii | i

4t^ w u fc -lu -a h U -ii» ll-U w l-U>a------ 1 - I IQl i;oniinciitai cw isre j* rne? |11 Sept. S, 17(4. Al thc'topenlneI Mu- n t.- ih tt iw tw . I ___

itcch cdnuinlnB ih c 'm c m o r i> io ^ ~ Ilir»»i-=^l-*»n-noir-it—V lrg in ltn .------- —Jl • I am ' an A m rr tc n n ." _ :::i ' i ' U ur profound sense tft do ty- tl

em ilts no detnll to be o tm - . ,v«kcd. O ur skllird a tlcn^anU :nte »4«i lae t and c o u r i ^ . “

m em im M01 SHOSHONE STREET s d t p - ' -

, . / » r f O / v r / « o ; \ r j ; s ; V ;v


l l l W t i1 ^ ^ 9 3 1B b . a n d

' - Pct;

' n - H' J i l \ line nil I

ms^e co . tlon

Q»id i r th n

\ ■ nnd Mni

in -o il- t

" ------- forced isimiio

broiirhi■ •• • them 'b<

[)u itd{ng w h ic h d o c s - t h c w o rk land cii:

■ ■ ' Compi■■ — J g g g = a = g = = a strlklnc

r t ^ a i n e ’ I [iawllnc .................. ■ . lrfl« 20i i S S ^ B t S f i E i B The I

______ arpfkly


P SALT— ______ adverlLi

-----------^ -nram-------______ Utflcork-_______innV'Vcr i



' de'tlim »“tI Runyi

,,llu>d-w> iNhccilr.i

i = =A nw faliJ i-r*M rJitlu jcj |o<lg

t o T a sic c t ic u t . H e r e t h e y a r c a n w in g a um i he

bullet h______ ________ __ hend. a

' . ' H I d a n g e r .

Jifi[tilT8I!5I0 =^ T . i i m i n t m r n n P i m n T i t t a . 1 a

o l m t i M

nU ltl.EY. Oct. 13 (Spcclal to l l i c ' | y | | ;

llclinrd S.milei-.i. 13-ycar-old boy*, were

jherllf s ie p h rn Mniioney. They hnd teen commltlcd lo the Industrial fchool ly rroUnte Judae E. M. W rlnhi until J.™''* hey renehfd uuijorlty. or had been im r - : *>'***" )letl, on the charge o t juvenile dehn- tuency.

One of the t;oys had tired a .33 calllire _____ i

W c 0

"Seine folk^ " nuy-s Ike, "ihliik i ____ p• prohlblllun .. . ' . I n n

Applloa 10 b J lt* lfa ‘ condition: ^ I

---------- — : -----------------------------------------------U V lao k -o f-w m rr—iiot-lRiilCluii,— [fomi

C rc u l

— BONIj^-DR Y l ^

{ liL W fitiiU o U O a q lp t:-■_l*i’ .;i“ T PJl\-iL .taH P .rlei::T hcn_ IZ'-.S

they wcntier w V Uic s ti r tc r will” " ]not turn over ilic rnoW r. Wc ' ,

. srrvlcc b jtn rlc .i, and sell -dm loo.-Prcejuspcctldh'. - ' ■ '

Empire Auto io. H

: O R N I N G , O C T O B E R 1 3 U 9

i H e s i i iM M i i L i A m

jiTinimind G uards Stand Overj^^T^’J "

Petroleum Storage Tanks leJig 'MwlE d g a rJ

-------- • T h e g

cd w ith-rio l guns /Handing vigil-rltorlea • Mornue tanka, the ftrlke of gs.v>-|tlnd hlr nil truck drivers lonlfthl wenl In toiunrterta

■cek-end deadlock while both «rdcs he’s dor te conflfctfnit clnl(iu-f<)r the dura- -. News

ot llic fight. !Drow’n c H e-nrtV e-*t«ri«d-ln-L onR -I»lan!l^ "The

Qucrii<i. Saturday and sprend rap- niiwspa[ -thnniKhM hat-ttireugh-to-Brcoklyn ' trn r o n Mnnhniuin and Nassau couniy on ten . Lyl

p l.^lnnrt N<»«r HobnkcU. New Jor- where the drivers nre nol on -Hrlkc. .----------

cd 10 tlec-from three men. ..........Imilar ncli of violence in the clly i r h ' OUI lOOO jMllce guards. 200 of n 'belnf: cfiheentr.itrd In Long. I*. (I city. Hlot guut.riiardecl the slor- ,, , lank., nf tho Inroer oil com onnlo. _

ompiiny officials said the 3000 ViehWR »lnc drivers had been replnced, nmt hnd sep le there wrnt no ACrious short.ige ot under a iU nc~6rTutrotnitCTTlbutnnrwns-nf ‘ , ■.— t 20 per cenl below normal. he truck driver* union wniu.i a

t' for overilme and rccoBiiltlon of ho"’'*-, orgaiilzailoii. . ■ . J,”

for dlVQ■ and cru

ivcrtiscm cnt Leads to j _ _ -Arrest of Mun in U tah _

ALT LAKE CITY. 0:1. 12 i/l’— An crtU m c;iv-fur-a-"Udy-dclc;tlvc 'llctl __r5mo^n^-clT^rt^[mlsh^--------------—---J.-nummi. 43. w.i:. yrrcs^rd nfte: corkiiud-M'()»ei>ti‘d nyoiiiiit-wiiniin lo - - —'

lr xu-MilcioiiK- nuiiynti. |i:llce t.%ld “■ “ Ird to the yocn^ wnmnn liow .she B lid br employca tn private dciefiive ■

II loiilirlii oIllcLTs tock him Into cus- 1

in Ml;l he was n lips'.cr for prohlbl- 1 nKcnu. bu l the iccal piohlblihn

declnrcd Ihcy luid nc\er employedI nnr_iolerated_fliiclLineHioaA.---------- — _ -:unyan adm itted, police snid. th a i he I ta rvtd ft t t«»4n -inm iiA*cbrjtkn-for ~ — cilr.g a bootlegger.' ' m

lMi^DaiViV,*lt.**^U = is assumed th e blame nnd nMcrled _ X he fired the shot. Although the A Ict has been extracted from the glrl> t l id. ulic L\ Mid to bc not ycl ou l ot '8cr., , _ . . . ,

'''■ WANTED r ^ ti

WEN AND WOMEN ri----------------- --------------------------- tl


ro rk teaveH Burkholder rn rn tr nn cllioshone ntreet ul };4S and 8:13

A. M.

— The Nation’s-W E E T -T O O ¥ H — 4- -

ut on itH uniform and led by bund, marchcs through tho

Qunlry celebrating N'ulioiinl ■Cnndy Week

/c oCCer for this week a fine i n c of Atworted PHckngc

Chocolntes from

- 5 0 c t o $ 2 . 0 0 -Bulk CbocoInlcH,' per iwiind■ - ' n a ^ . _ .

()me»mmlo^l{iitlM-«iid Full- — - rcurn,Cflrmc‘f« that can’t be •

hi!!t-‘ii ll & ri- e » It -Home.made-i'canut. T •~ "':.:Rp|{~for, punnd-T------ ^ *

; z : : r 2 8 c " — “ ^. Try I I I '

. .............--jsiL-' ■

l 9 2 9 . ' ~ " ~ f ......

\8HVILLB, T^nnrrOct. -1 a*»-F lT ilon tb t - * IX years old, a soldier ah ills adult didn t say

ears In the United States n rm y - In W ashli la l Is the measure cf Major Qener-1 One ot I ,ylle Brown, named chief of nrmy engineer c neers to succeed Lieutenant O enera l, Four a.wl; i r Jndw ln., IdU trlcta lic gencm rs brst Ifcwstcr Is hts w ife.'of his du te's os nlaln us' an old shce.” slic ! Al Mu:r - lBfl' I MIIM'y m iiuuhib m iim wm trles subject to river overflow vlll ;s6n dam' him a good friend. And when he;approval!

irtakes a Jcb lie sticks lo It until :ndjnccnt done." • - [« '»»T'OW

:*•« a t (Ut RpDohumciU o t O cnewl | I n addltl vn conic ns n ilirprlsffia M rrB row n .; the Chati •he firat I-learaed of 11 was In the I vJlle dlaii ipnpers." she said.' " t ihouglit Gen- j Born-ln UrBU'll HU& Mill III rimuiiin. h i cd iIiIjTCI Lytic. r«celved n lelejrnm from h im ; heme her

i ^ . T r n i W c T A f i w — 1 ; ; ; ^ ° ! ^

10 Years’ Separation _ _ _

ml 0 . VIehwcs hn. inn ltu tcd full In:lct court for dlvcrcc from Marihn 1

separate srip;)ori and maintenanceer g decree n Colorudo_______ f jt. The Vlclmcss were m arrlrd in ver on Sc])IciiiIkt 17, 1018. Eleven iths Inter. nc:ord1ii'^ lo Vlehweg's

nn' absolntr dlvorcc. He Is asking joO E, J divorce now on grounds ot desertlsn crueity______ _________________

B a tte p y l^

depei^ui^^ gW i z a r d a n d W e s t - ^ J l l £ c c n G i a n t B a t t e r i e s l ^ l l n j h a v e l o n g s t o o d th e l l l l H

■ o f w e s t e r n c o n d i - Ht io n s . H i g h q u a l i t y a n d r u g g c d n c s s h a x 'c e a r n e d f o r

- t h c m - a - r c p u t a t i o n - f o r - g r c a t c r - ^

d e a r l y i n d i c a t e d b y in c r e a s in g p c h a s c s b y w e s t e r n c a r o w n e r s .

Y o u S h a r e O u r SW ith tliix qrOiL'inci n u m b e r o f b a lh creased f y rc n a f in a P n ic f r - - iL’irh cc

■ f o r Ui O u r poU cy o f s ? ; f l n 'n g ^ r u < o m r r ; t T ? ^ c / o ? t / ^ fu fio n o f Us h ir)d in th e w o rld . I n <

— po/t'cy r w c -a m o t i n ^ h m ~ N f a r I : o i


tro ffuaraolMd Z jr ta n

W e t te r a G i t a t B « tt« rie t

(V lu rd S tf tU l, I y u r )

-nw ijt tut in »»*•»»*• - W; mII tffmrr ----------- I Gl

• t*

6 .1 1 S M l ! 6 - 1 3 i

■ e - i 3 . i 6 - 1 5 i 6 - lB ! 6 . 1 7 5

W o«terii-Giwit„! fz.7 iSuper S t n ^ B t t t t r r ^

'.C w rnfM it J T f tri T M %

w m V i& j J*"’’ I uV ir~ “ ; jruhl«r v*n*«r t(v« tllll tohw r lit*. •

' b*<(uct f i ^ . h A h o V a a c « ■ ' “! ~Ji from lb*M t«w pric4i , r o v t f -

= F g EC

: S ''* " * tia;»*lt) ■ _ j ; M,

ForY our t . ‘M o n i t l ) ^ |S O Q t O R 0

0»cn .i.;

- S U P P W '"ff p u" ■ m m i N NOT

: T T O F A L L

T" ' . W» ....

I f l f cMl Not Dl & RServlce •5-day of iiU fipjjllnttnent i u t hp ' __ say anylliing abctit the a p ^ in t -

ihlngton, Im iead of Panama." ot the principal dutles.of the new

;er chief will be flood control work. a.ulgnmenU as chief of eiiglnrer Its have flUed him to r tha t pliii.ic duties.

Muscle ShonlH. Alnbainn, whrrc

im- from 1019 to 1820, he-won the val ot the people cf tiie three eltle.s :n t to the dam. and publle irlbuic old him when he wns translerrea. idltlon. he scn^ed as cnjiiieer o: hattanooga. Loulsvllle and Nash* llatricls. . —n-ln Nashville, he has always cnll- r t l t r w s ’h e m e in d mninlnliied « here.

•Bothw^ in m d - W r o r r .C h n n n n r C ^ - - K Tsr^,---------------7 ^ ------^ -----

UOr-Repolds-— j Q l i t o m e t r M _ ^ _____

. '_PJ»OL'S-Sgi _______ _____

E. Main Twin Falls.'Idnlio

• S a v i n g s !

iflffcriK .loW fo n jfs In-

r saving* iviih our cus- '7\xfrD^*'T//P"/orj7i'5f iftjff" ....... ■'

P :a a r P r i t" s ^ l^ --------------

Our Trade-In . Allowance

I jv i i r o ld battery matus thete N etu L»u> T rien ------- livTnLowift----------------------------


G u a r tn tte i 2 Y M r i_ _ „ __________(Wlvrd S|MUi-^l Y«u)

1 S p e e i i l .............. $ 6 .B 51 S t w d a r d . . . . 7 .S S3 -X-SBS . S t u i i a n f . . . . 9 .1 5 5 S p e d f l . 4 . . : . 9 .6 8B S t a n d t f d . . . . 1 1 .2 07 S b a d a r d . . . . 1 3 J tO7 Z ............................1 R 6 07 S U n d i r d - . . . . 1 1 .2 0 ----------

i l i s S e r v i e e

"TSSTALUTTONE K ^ e eto u r m f re ik a n iiO «iot«*.-^.^ E E --L oiti:B *»<fy^— — r : - r . - - . ?

d i l .~ ^

' —

Page 3: · 2014. 12. 12. · ^raiBEtisi^™ "-FumEnm oFiiEinmEl ________ a l: —Br-f\T^^I«ddep-LQU(U' Air- ^ l)laiie' as» Grefttest

S j p a ^ r

Z Z o ffliS cE E riAnd Lowers CarPlatf Endless Chain Mon

M o t o r i s t D e p o s i t s 2 5 . C e n t

u ii Gi a t i u i i a l A u t o m

. i n P a v k i n g ,

. ^ l ) I ) a l • a t u s H a s A d v a n t a c

^ _ S m f f l r e i : o u n c L A r e a

i n O l d S t i ' u

lUv Th(* Ajsociul

jK ii'k itip . h i s c u r . . in . i t w o u ld , se em

In U ic n }»‘e l. o n e .se a l ut it tim e is. f o rm <111 tlu* jjro u m l . W licn filk 'tl i t lir in > n iig U » ‘ n e x t s u i t in r o tu t io n 1'

w l» ‘»‘l-.<li:ip('(| rtjiacc o v c rh e ju i. i.-t lik i s i( ji- . 'O n t‘ s l i u f t c u r r i t 's in c o m in g c a r I jr iiig -i t l i c m ilDWU' u j:a in f iT p — s i r c e l le v e l. *• P '

_________ P lH lfn rm x Hniri C u r s H ]------- • ' r w i r c i iiltu:-.K' c l iu i ii.s in iiv r iiJi

• l l i c .s h a f t , o v e r w lioelrt u t tl iu to p -:in<t ( lo w u tl io o th e r s h a f t , puss* y

ui)W iiril u K a I n . H e tw e c n tlic chuin-< u r e .Hlnng p liitfo rm H , lik e V r ig id f l a t h u m m o c k s , e a c h o n e I

tiioucli lo hulct one cur,T ill' m ochlnery mo\M oulom ailcally ,

when lhe riRhi Itvec Is pulled, and tliere — 1.. uiio lu iip ru r 'i 'u n i |) iu ifo r~ 'T H ? ^

—appara tu s cnn b c -n :n -b y aitcndam.i. ^ - r r u 'l th c i if t iic m ro ra ^lot mechaiilMii In

the kcr to a lever. lie puiis U. and lli : belt move.s until lhe pintform which is his "sp:ice" comi'S lo ilreei level. . .

The appnra tas U’a» devclBPCrt iindiT I (lirw iion 0.' li. b . Jiirnen ot i l i T W e i^ ^ l ' iii«hy iiv Electric nnd Maiiurttclurlui!' Ml ccnipany. He say* li rc'qulre* a Brouiid I'n

■ spncc eauiil onfy to fhfll of n jrmall. CttJ- car ituruKv. l! cun Ik- In.Malled In old I hiilldliiXH or iieiv. to i>ny height lh e . . M iucture ot the bulldlnt will support, m

ljir« e Sluraci:.:ipace________.plaA biittery ot the u n iu would in ikc 8°

a stnrBuc Kuruge uf large caimelty. The , 'l ia tlo rm i nrc scimratcd the h e ^ h l riti

a V r n ° "ih icc ordinary' floors. . hli

Even s tre e t eora. says Mr. James, cau i;e stackcd by n heavier bu t tlnillar . . |device, whllo w alilns for the r«,ih hour. .,f

: •.................... — - 101M culai. tm jicror of Morocco 1727. had mi

K) brother.s. I'JH slaters. 2f>00 wives ond u j m chlJcfren.

Rccl.uratlon inxes cn inotoe n'hleles owned by New Mexlco■. re s id en t to iali ra

■ only $300,OCO a year.

FVnncl.i IIiinireM, Provldencc, fsnncd------ U w oft-tlmtfft-ln-oiit-lnnlnK-of-R-bnse- I’f

bull (jiirne. '"I

R, C. Dlllon. prescnl governor of New Mcxlco. la the only Bovcmor of th a t s lu tc ever to wui n sccond term.

- - ■■ ■ brSinrtinK a Dltscl etiglni: prcsenu a t

much more difficulty thon nlartlnR a nl lui'uline vnBhiC' ih

^ D L \ M O N D D A \

— .............. / — * '

H o w c h a r in io g , a D d

- d i a m o o d r i n g : a';’ ! p a s s e s a l l o t h e r g i f t s ;

_______ ____ p ro ap e C T iv e B r id e , f o r _

. f o r f o t f f W i f e ’s aaaiver. g r a d u a t i o n . B l u e b i r d

r Z I ’ 8 * « i ^ - q u a l i ^ s o I

________ J ___ g u * r a p |e e . l J 5 e _ s a f e « I

— “ — — J ew e t------------

^ O E N U l ' i T F p l A M

m m i A o a n A T

§fegdbBitBEgd:F o r L a irg•MgemeiifRMs ^ tforms Hanging On , rag in Two Shaftsn ts to Obtain Key f o r __m atic M achine^'— j ~ ? Device ' : of Requiring Mul _il and.M ay-Serva.— --------•uctiires — ■:iuleil PrCMi1)1 UllU|U!llU-JjUl'UUUlhM_uti.ii.L-iI= =

11 m u c h - l ik c - b o u r d lu K lu f u r m

i.s .sto{>f»e<I u t U ip b o u n li j ig Ji t m o v e s u p w a r d u iito m jil ie u l ly . 1” ” ’’I to th e g r o m u l le v e l. • j

ik e i\l 'o e le v n to r ‘-.h .if ts s iii.' l»y j Ar ; a r s i ip w a n l , a n d th e o th e r s ii le ,


Kghting-Ability OfCub;

\1* 1. A L IV i r t n f f I v p rw n f t lm is '

; the

Veteran Strategian 2?ihU

•;------- • the— T C tm tinue tfT ^ om T W one)-------- ;— ^

___________________________ s------------' i n Icd-around a U ils .p la y cfi. H li .'•hnxity in t

Ince were deep Irom rcslrjhu-d n n o . the tlon, ' I bill)'

Oul(n and Gb k s I Hx <l^ a n and niaU‘ly. the Wnillf old mai» .

uT ttn 'aV F inW ttT ii.T T Jtityerrartrrcom ^“;^ Sat,-trl«l to speak nnd brenk the beiim- ■■|ng, h.ipiiy Kllencc. He aull«‘d look­ed ol fflcJ} one oS lijrii).

Flnully he spoke, „. "I'd Jiiil like to bc able to oxpre-.i was

playcra-^lfluU-Caii't.. ril.h ave to J tL J l l_ A lg o ii i i i w c — r’" '” '

And then, ra ther thnn break down riichi In hU hiippliiens, Connie .lurni-d nn his flnit M,i;rri»-.l..u.l.. !- TJ -thi*-u*'U<brnllo:»-ttt-r«Mir-ouv-4<r«‘'J» -bfl^-iJ-; hinii him. . . [ v

' I've never seen anythlnK like th a t rally." he said as he hurried aw ay .' "There b n 'l unytlilnt; In biisebnll h i s - ' lory lacQinpure u l i h l l . l t was the u rea t- : - est dliiplny. of punch and IlishtlnK nbll>Uy I've ever seen on i> bull field." |

v _ lu aiw Uiot-drcuUiij.rooiiwonlji^ J*w-

Icars very close to the surface. If lear* can ever really n « th a t clo.-e to n ball piaycr. • ' I

Hiick WUson. the i;itllnnl, chunky jjow criJOUH^of-the-Culxtr-niuilered-tc- — himself nx he chanKcd his clothes. He IInimht U ' '.. juilUHlinwdown over hi* eyes und atalketl from “ th e room, obllvloiw ' to the cheering “ word.s of hi* tcnmmates. was heart broken and burnlne with iwntiip mge a l the snmc Umc. Up lo-lhe final In­nings today Hack wns llie liltting und fielding licro of the Bruins, Today he

= =

d a p p r o i ^ a t e i s th e

l" 'B lu e b i r d . ' I t su r* '

; ; ; a t o k e o ( o r th e

i r _ M o th e r ! a 'J > io h d a y .______ _________ :

ersarft or Daugbtcr'r_^r d d i a m o o d s a r e o f

K > l d u w l t b - a - 4 l o u b I e - : — ------------

t T o f ^ a m b a d in v e s t* " J ~

^ § b e g ts ^e l e r'^JstribuK^

E I ^ E s : = :M O N D k I M O S

- . . : ; . -----------In — r-:

A I L Y N E W S . - I W I N . P A L 1

f c s k s mg e N u in b

i : i E »U P . g B -

— T r r’ M STCl^Ai

T h e i) iu ) 'ru m lin d t h e p h o to K riip ii to i l s t m u y d n ip a c o in a n d l a k e h is

Another Mid li.'ill plnycr wo* N orm an McMillan, who :'aw a "double pluy bull' r r u n '^ a lm tn o i is ' tml Ixunieo over ills _ liciid lor Ih f clean h it iliai bla.sU-a lhe Cub.>' hoiH'.% hi the lln i l .suigc-i ot ilm l lO-nin •rffIlrln-th<*-«**vwiUi-lnnlm:_Mi:i. _ ^ .li» .M u » ^ » w ^ i> i like tlir 1.-st, of I )i7 | L Cub.s. u iio could hardiv believe thul, Ihe ihlngs llH-y raw the At do toduy actuully. ^ had iinpjH'iii'd.

the Bruins, caimcd his ptuyeni In phll- -"il oi^iphlcal faiihlon, i<‘>

"The brcak.s of the gume beat us to- day." he w id , “bu t we’re no t whipped in ihU serle.i yet by any means. Wc gul f®' the worst breaks I have ever seen." ' ^

In lhe .-veventh the sun shone d lrcctly In Uic.cvea.oLcvcry_pltchcr_l scni..out

till-gramiflland. Artie Nciif wus almost blinded nnd poor Hack wus lu a te rrible Ilx out there In cm icr field."

Joi-, certain ihut tlie serlc.H would Ktiil .bc-canlcd.b£yonUjltt_3flm Cii_tQ_Pl>ii. cage, couldn't natnr hl.s p h r h r r fo r the fifth game Monday. Al

Si, Patrick wn.s neither a Catholic, '» u .sulnt nor an Irlshiiuin—nnd h is nam e was noi Ptttriclcl _ ’

Ali-e Duthle. Vancqiircr,_Drltlsh_Ci)z _M liimbiHi-Holf—pro^.m adu-tw o.holcs-in> cnc In hucccsilon. 1012, rli

-------------------------- M

r,am ?a ira sa" i::

U N FIN ISH E D !W e hnv o ju s t- r e c e iv e d u sh i

I tire . s « c h «.s M ufw ziH e RH ck.i. 1 — ^ y e t» l i t i« e - ~ S ta n d s r - W n l l - S h c ln

iiu in p o rs u n d N ig h t S t a n d s .

I 'a in l 11 V o u rs c lf ! W e h a v e

[ m ™

Q T A W ro w g th,

PIPBRS. O n Ih tir d tily iru<ig< lo Kbo«t th«lr fct< nw d th«

—- p ro to c tio n - iia d lU S ^ o f P i ^ ' , Pip*t Shoiti-W orJd 't G fM ltit ' U ttUh Skoti fo r C hilJrtn . |

' N#» PIBO, PIPERS toe F.II________ ind School irg in u rt—com-

lo rtib u — p tc k ^ SI5K w firl----' _ 1 Jl- 'H IlA L T H -io iu iru c . ~

i _ - _* lion and ih* beti l(aih«rt mik« ih»m ■ hippy choie* for aciire

---------------W * •i*d BlKir-W h#n-ih*r-«»—fiiiMl 10 «m»U f««( In thi* nor* ‘hfr ir* filUd right—fcl-ptc^Ie

" -I tK i l i ." -------- --------- -

' ~ 'T f a f e - F a v o r i t e i r —

P i(c o ( S tra p SU pper, t B r' “ T ........... £ « D o u » P i« lF it* rB K S-------------------------— ^ r ty U » - to -c h o o je - f r

hwlth and com

- J .


b e r o f A u

I L ' . , T O M - il I

TD/)iisl \

i ip ii i l l u s lr u lc th e nv\\ e n i lk 's s lic it ly |) h i s c a r up o r dow n.

k O C I E T V-td'----------- —' —JL— UfW«e.AND CLtiOa I _____

H -------- vm i t 3 w----------- ■*“~ ■ U

T he American As^uclalloii iil Univer- w! .-iiy Women enlerlaim il wllh u oriage leu Sniurduy aC the JifiHH- of .Mr;. U. i '. yc Parry Ior mcmtjers and lim 'c i-llxible lo jg mcmbcinhlp, Klyhi labl.-. w iw ar* rania-d lor the «uine.H. with ii p riic lor ^ each fonr. tnble.s.'Tliw i' w re won by j \ MU>~r:ifti'fl~LanHelanil aad Mra.-Harry 4c Benoit. Al thrcL-.thlriy u clork icu v.ii.i ^ e r « d jn t h f dlnlnK room !;cin u pret*

green glass bovii i’oniain!n« yellow cul- jk ^fiidulas. The silver 'crvici-.s were prc- •|jQVjldcd over by Mrs, E. M. .«vvfcli-y. ou t- URoInK president, and Uu- in*camlng ^pi'esldenl. Mrs. C, » . Krennel- A num* Il»n^oT~0ther~gtH'5o r ra m r 'in~mr-te«ii------^A lter lhe games M K KrciiKo! talked Kon lhe work done by tlii- nuilonul and ^ (Oc.iJ o rja iila tlo j) iiniJ ajipointcd lhe following commlltee,'; Membrrship, ^Tr,CTrErJiHiyitruiTirMivrEi.'tr~Dung~ —

Mrs! W. A, Van^iiK^ij l i - ^ i i^ P- ...p|

r1^iV"publlclly, ‘M r.>.^<ihu!rTnomctir “} TMrs. Joslyn. chairman ot the m em ber- * "»1i1p furr.ntHtfe^lnlkcd -o l-thu-rcqulre— -----m enu lor mfnni»r>iiip *>nu n ‘»-' »»'-'=■• ------

)FURNITURUs h ip n ic n i o f u n f in is h e d ’ f u r n i - '.H. E n d THble,>i. C<iH,so)(* T«b)f.>J. c l r c 5 ^ \ 'n m t y - ' t ‘n b tn s r e iT 7 ttE S --------------

live th e P a in ( a n d E n n m c l!


I_______ _

/lo '- Ixp 1 . ■

I' r /Tr

I ' M .r

: ^ S s te S s —^B K * j T o r t h w r M i a j ^ : w l j « — — i~ ,::r -frora . AU h a v e-P ie d P ip« - com foit f c t t t im .

r "' Dependable Shoe

e 498, N ex t to O rp h eu m -


i f a g e ~ ] ^ eatomobn

■ V - • dnhiM■iml I n —------- . Y,’(i<|u<

i f l l l \

Wii \ =■a g e S ^ i B K \

^ _____________• ' vaiil '

B W rS lr^ 11...........7 '

' I Tlie 1

/ Inwt'e

' iNVl.-6l

' ' ' s j i ' ? ' ■ , l»lnoli

t y p e o f p a rk in g de v ice . A mo* ~ “? '

\Yllton.l'fi:!: wu\ c !in ln n a iL o l! |Hr rrfre*hmenl.s t'oniiiiitiPr io r ih r I'-u i t jml wa.s aa.slsleU In mtviiih by Mnt. Kid- ? ' i.iu.._-Mr« P a n v Mri, .Vun K nt!fli-n |t

T^UrSfwuTYm Iw hy Simplex Flcxie* t

low «tylc9 in a g reat ♦v a rie ly o ffin c I -

•*Thc I k p c n tla b lc .S h u e -H o u B c l

P h o n e 19H N e x l to O rp h e u m Z

“ It wo be k>

- ___ n o y i

' P re try s■ . w i l t DP w i t

— w r i n k l R d - B ;

— — T---------::— r S v K - ^ e il e f t i n : n e <

G i v e , i t

i , ■ h a r d w i t i t e

T h e s m s

f o r i t . . . w e

— - 1 ----------- ------------ o l e a n i n g - a i

I . . l i k e a 1 9 2 8

a t s n o w a r

----------------------------------------- - T h e - t e l e i


l i ^ i n B ig(t4<r9H=»»n>i-««>w*n>oii ..Mlcnaclmai-' tablttua. hi*:. wfrC'iiSMl-to dw oia io iho room&. w»k-wIii >, K, M, Sweeley, In. charge of ihc Knmes ? ifirn tUonttl r«la tlciii> gniun lnviUalaiiU,m;pcc-; 10 u rr Inlcrc^ted lo in«*r ul her home ut ,Uie i « ln p -« lB y e « n ln j. October twentj** irrplece: Int. uml Mra, Kreimcl rx lrn d n l an hi- ons, 11

til lu 'f Monday, evenlnit. OelolR-r .irrannc; . iit>.fir-.t,

■-------- TheMl,.. P. B. Precklc und Mrs. O. D<ix- wiiirh de eiilertuined Ih r Bliii! Lakes nimle- liicnlrd I ll Club u l 'th e home o f lh c rornii-r

x)ii, Ml'.s Ida Allen'nMliiKrt Sand ol which n e I.Incoln -school pUyed tevcrul num* ‘’f J.-: uliich .were .thoroiighlr enjoycd.K- ri'iriulnder o t ihc ulternoou was cni iw lally and the iioile'.^es s rn 'n i Jolm frr-liin.-nt< Btioronriato lo lhe Hfll- Uiat no wt'cn fpa’cn. Ouej’l.H ol the n f tr r^ l^ i ik U i ion wen* Mra, J. Pllgerrlm. Mr;!, 1,. l•l.■6l.^llU Mrs. J..JI,-Mtmn,|Chlca(tJ, - - - r ;e n mtn*beni were in-atiendance, 'An n_________ _____ ____________ ; i l k l l LMr. imd Mr.s. Alvin Ca»'y werr lto>i.s 111- Hllllhen Club Friday evrning al

►olr IwiMw Ayi-iiiii- Noflli ' Mrs. ,inohli was Ihe dlvcraion with -four ercr. 3^=-.^ , ■ .T=r~' ------. . . . . ...... . ^ — i_



------- .W ilL -th u f u l l o f t h e le a v e s , w h enl i i n e 'to 'c lf e O l’ lI j l ' lT n ilr tin v i th — —

K i t s , llE A ”U T l R ’l / n i / L O i

S e e u s f o r O rig in jii D e s ig n s .

A lso b u t to n s c n v e re d p i 'o m ii t ly - ' a n d th e d is c o u r a g in g ruh .s in y o u r

IiT-l. JLwkjt . _X-i» . .I - . P H O N E :15(

....... -

L, well, w ell, . , here we are von winter I _______________ _

soon the faithful old orar « tb us once, m ore. . . tested, '-Bnd-redolent-of-oamphs«TTT- iereis-B-%E-of-weat-an<}-war e old Ber-hy tit a fair s ta r t.;.th e re 's a 1 itei ahMd.m art thing to. do is to let us we’ll give it a rejuvenating -and-send4t-bacli-to.youJoo: 28 advance model all set to s: and sleet Iilephone-is-quickest.— :------

- I s H l^ C u v u a H d - C O .

H E I J T O U -W J N ................. . .D R Y C L E A N T H E M

■ - --

g C i S e ^ ^iL fltrn ln T -:w ra :-H tniy-giia'lina n f S = ^ -w ln n « r-o l-h l* lijeo rc .. • A U eiL U itl.:_ I es Mr*. Caaey served a delesUbic

h|- Vfr« fthnfU. riii...y lie small ta b le t which hod oscea*,--:—leers bud vases. holdlng-MU|xtrbg*-------

l l i c rbomn were lovely with t»u-


le IncoA' Slone of sacriflcc, on -h .MjO.OOO iH'ople v;rre Mctificpd, U led u l Teocalli. Mexico, '

^Tn^onrft- r 'c x ! M s!* '^ a s m a d M i p * ^ ^ ^ of wluL Is now TcnncfM . 1781-

... . . . . . . i

ilm r>vii-r v.a;; uovcrnor of n slat?. no lonKor«cxl2ta--r, :lh ;.»iU lc' of----- -nk lin r lln lte tl Blaiej? of AmcrKa.i-n^u.

n nni cnn pu]t HOO .timc.s'it own t l l L -----1---------------- ------ ---------- 1------------

M areelllnt . 50c.

•.3X4 JrtJ west,.Phone 1M 9-W .-A dv

I the rear-of lie LpApER—ie n i l ’.s g lo o m y o u ts id e , i t ’s i


ly— e f f i c i e n t h o m s titc h in ff ,[)iir h o s e m e iU led lik e n e w .

:15G -

— .

I ' .

‘ v e rg -

^ e r c o a f .. ' - — -

i d . a n d - - ........... ......


I long,

US’call ' -iR dry -ooking________________J s n e e r

' ' 'C t '


r G F T B N B R , ^ ^ M

Page 4: · 2014. 12. 12. · ^raiBEtisi^™ "-FumEnm oFiiEinmEl ________ a l: —Br-f\T^^I«ddep-LQU(U' Air- ^ l)laiie' as» Grefttest

... . " ■....■

r T" ’

-flUEfWUfflil-Declaration of D is b c li .e f ;

Ju ry 'R csu lts in Promisi!

Patrolmm-Koberl-tUkii—Public Hero III Capilali

Career in iMotropoiitan De-

0 n e of - l-iu li v idiialily - -

(Dy Till* A.Csoclatrd Pres-si W A S H lN f J T O N . O c t , 12 -

R o b e r t J . A llen . i\ “ k id c n p " ' j u s i - t h r e c yenrH <m th o W a s h in g to n m c tr o iw li ta n i^ l ic c r<ircL-,

\*if*tnrm uH ill t lic f I I ^ tsk irm to fo rc c d c n m io m o n t o f .

. . . .p .» ,i . .- f l , „ i - ^ t i r r c d t h e 'c a p i - _ . to l a n d w o rn e c t t n e iMiiia-.

P r e t t y V irR ln ii i " M cP h o rH o n .. 22, WttH fo u n d -K u r ro tc tl w i th th e ; m rrl.a f h rr twiftina;i In li;iri nnnrffllClV ’ licrc, Slifl had been cMrftiiRcd fram her hittbnnd. Robert A. Mcl’lirrsoii. Jr., 3t>}'car-o!d bonk clerk.

A coroncf's Jurj- held wilclclp. Llcti-. lcn*nt Edward J. Krnv. clilcf of tlip | homicide sqund, ntul limpcctor WllllBm A ShBlhv, flMitiarii ningriniciidfiiL dl— police atid chief of del!:llvc-t, asr-'cd t h a l j t »as^ulcldc. und the cjiso. t o »n

..IntCllLS, _________ ;_______________DeelarM m ilrf

Alien declared publicly nmi luudly tha t lie did not believe Vlrclnla Me- Pfttrson-lind-com m ltfed sulclrte.- lie

-(utU>wlU)-w<«H-MU4wtid«U-i»uM-(luly------------■■••Prove 11." Ill- »a.i luld. • nntl you wlU

be R sergeant of dclcctlvcs, ,• I t yourBlntemenU collnp.«r you will b r s tr ip p rd .........

_ c L m L s m r oneLdrtn iin rrrl n i n vUm»u».--------. able-traito r lo the unllorm ,’'

_day* ofJieftriuKV i'ii wUlch U cu le iuu tto lly and im p ector Shelby clunit rFniily_____10 Ihelr suicide view. Iin.s Indicted Me- ___

- m t r t t a ou n cHnrRc'DTTIrXrrirgroe m ur­der In ecnncrllou w ith the denth of

nnd’shelby bc relieved " ^ a U d u ly lu * ' connection wlU« the dolccllve bure.iu •• until Ihelr actlvltle* In IhU c a w ’Have^ been lnvoUls>ted.'^

So young Patrolm an Allen b some- i.r-N w hat o t n puollc hero In Wnnhht3t(ni 'Y ! The result a f Uie tria l rem ains to c l l - ' ' max his efforts. - n]

The nntlona) capital watched liic play ' and by-plny of th e “kid cop^' vs. hl» superlori wltli unnbnted Interest. Al>

m an of-Norlli C u«llna, Ihc home state oi Mrs. McP)}rnKHi, to ri'QUMt a sr>>i3il.Jury InvcsUgatlon. . . .

T he youns pntrolmnii wove hl.s ca.v - u r e u n m tici ncf i Tu im e'Cttvi* u u ii u u u '• to n m an who fled from n renr window ,

of the McPherson apartm eni_yic nlghi of th e tragedy. Only the trnnscrlp i of the gm hd Jury proceedings, and th e inal lue lf, will clear the.mynlcry. .

Allen’s career on tlie mctropolltnn po-1

__vldunlltv. He cnmc to W a.ihltiaton th ree !years ago to study* t a r and joined th e ' policc forcc to held pay his expensc-t. <

AltiioAt Jmmediately he 'begniv

■— « i ^ n > - b w ^ i H h e - > p ^ l i n i i : a W A ;i-=^__ '.'expoiton” of Irregulnrltles, I t h a s nnde j

him fripnris nnd mnnv eneinlM. ' Allen wns a pilot during the W o rl i ;

~ 'W ftrrhc~ sayK rnnd“ w as-dccom tcti for- — his a ir exiilolt,v

A Dlcsel-iirlnclple alrplnnc. on Iia flrsl 660*inllc flight ii«cl cxuctly >1-081 .In fuel cost.

— Ai^ n ~ h u r t? f h ^ M Q aii^ s t c r - A d T._____

o v e r !

m o o m o i- Sold

A l l w e a r e r s c a r i t b e w r o n ? :


= ^ J W t S S a m g B F d n d ~

( i ? r p v e r s a y e a r s - r -

= r - - f t i s : ^ g r o n t e e - — =

R o b e r l / . A lle n ( lo w e r l e f t ) jh tn e un w h o se c h n rK es h u v c r o c k e d th e ci - th e - in d k tm e n t- i» f -4 { « l> e i4 -A i-M e P h e larRC o f m u r d e r in g h is .c s l r n n K e d w i

_________ L a c o s t e t o M a r .v G

' ' \iSA ■ 3 |

_ | H ^ .y " f t T i M p

K N E L A C O S T E . K ro'ncli t t-n n is acc . la C liaw n te i F .ucnch H‘'I f Mi‘t'eii,- hav m e n t in Pa ri.s .

• CopyflgM i w CKryjftf Cofpdrailon

M ulti-R/



“ ■ MOT

^ S H S--------- c H i V t r - t i f 'U t f T t f i r > v o w i

■ ■ • . i : ' • ■ ■ '

Thtr^ r ' Jv 'r: I Mr. aM m City;M l / a

tn e y o u n p W n K h in g to n po lic e -1 a . a , e c a p i ta l . A lie n ’s a c t iv i t ie s icd I ” ’r'-' Ph e r wmr - j r W i ' I w ife ( r i g h t ) . jo im

...... — .........- — l i i ; : ”y G o l f S t a r c ity.


4 iieelal(it I*reiiT /roIir~“”" | ^

ICC. n n d M ilo, S im o n e T h io n do i h a v t‘ a i iiio u i ic e d t h c i r engai;&>. .26i

1" H E g r e a t e s t i

a p p l i c o f i o i

__________ Q u t o m o b i l e a

1 M ULTI-RAA W I ^ gives unbelievobi

4 X l ^ l i r " p lc k u p o v e ro mg

_____________________ 2 M ULTI-BAo lv » t vnii rh n if

______________________ lorth bolwoon d

I P t E T E L - y — 4 m u l t i . r aro au e e i-h ltU e lli

- -------;--------- ------------ — w ithoul-ony V

JTIONIZE 5 MULTI.RAi lm p lillo i seorz!

--------------------------------------«f(icloncy-ol « r

) I O R I N G 6 m u l t i . r a— “ e n o b lB r y o u to-

------------ - in o rdlnory dfivi

--------- ---- --------------------T -R ro n tT R A■' '7 . jirl& vidffi a ip o

for driving lhrou(

■ 8 MULTI-RAe u ls «ng1n« -sp

T «conomy’ o l _op«

.......L ..^.- l l ihe flfeoiflir

-< o r c o n tro l In <

' A » k - f e r - o - j

-------------- wilLpcaa»_q,


X s ; J O i B Q r S H N M ^ M Q i

P A B K W K k . Newcomb. Butte:. Mar? " ' t f c " rlfl'B rM i. So lse Davl*. Pny P ^ U r, , , orothXi, W hltrftck. EllxabcUi Brass. ' H o l f

. Je an a ille ttc . Mrs. John Daly. Mar- ^ irot Ryiin. Oeorgo Bantrec. C. E.iiilUbcrry. P .-* n t W otnu. Bolie; Mr, nerui,id Mrs. T . L. Bloomqiilst, it. U ?ord . ing pronoma* Jin n ln g s. Pocaiello: Charles th is seii r t ln . K enneU i MaOulre. 8ho*one: olive B

r. and .M rs. 8 . 8. T hun lon . b l l U k e M dnhat Ity; N.-8 . Lee, B in Prnnclsco: w . and Kibbc ' :rg. W. R . P ty n e . n ichdeld. U tah: pnniono corge A. Tetseh , Carl Summc;*. D. E. u r e tod reiich. Portlond : Edna Mlnden. Dr. (owed I- ■ •T /M U ltt. j< i^ M ;- -M « l Porch. Mr. ,he , | | , ia“Mpsr W.”iT H oladay. Ogden- ^ jpportu

n c a E 3 a O N . - ^ l U o a . WUlUms.-Mr. ceiienT lid M rs. A. K . Shepherd. J. L. McCul- are prl: pgh. and ^

. A. Pfonls,. Rose M. Rpcelman. Spo- Ann »nc; J. O .-gchfckcr. Mr. and Jitre. P.. Haniwn. D . A. W hltllg, Mr. and Mrs, Ken M» r C. TTiompson. Mrs. P. I?vans. MU.% octh ai ipanor Evans. Mrs. June. Lockwood, vllle nui ot.<e: Ml', and Mrs, Hugh Litzenby. itdpper o rtland: Adolph JU am lcr^Coucordla. onvlnbli unsas: ?«rs. M. W lnchcli: Blue l ik w ; “ lio lf , A, RucBg. A .C :a n rk ,S .in rm n c lw o : mlkcr i IL-s W. Carr. O gden: MIUi O. Tmver. st»rleu ttnto»v. Clitnn: MIjw Margaret SmcU I ln m J.' jr . MLsa imogcnc Dnipcr. O o zin g ; im* "nc ih n C ud, Bernard Jacobv. Poctello; j O us j

lly. Tennessee; B. S. Schectx. Mr. and 1 brilllan Irs. C. L . Woodcllff. DetroH; W. S. “ « ■ : odm an. Jr.. Kimball. Nebraskn; M r,|reco ra i

lr. and Mra. S. M. McNnb.Chicago; Mr'. tl“»l>- r nd M rs. T . B. Marygold. Cleveland: l« « - Ir. and Ml.s. W. F . O rr, Cottonwood, dnnces. ilaho; U eu icn a n t and''M rs. D. Hood.M“ ‘-

_____ succcssP TORINE—W. H. Fenalp. Portland, r**^

idney Lyle.“Spokane: D .c . Higlcy. S i . . S m ith. S n lt Lake City; Mr. imd Mrs.

1. 1>, P r F ~ o o o c i - ! S *mn. Hnlley; Ployd J. Qrcy. Chicago; | lr . nnd M rs. L. O . Young. Weiser. j , iTcMeneon HiifBTd Eioy.; M r« .j.(,. ,,, /. B. H o d ^ . MItss Boufurd. Balllmore; L „ |„I. CaTl.-ion. Jerom e; B. D. Bendy. WIch- j f nclnr. iT; Tolh"\VllIlams, ' ' '

— ---------------------a„„ l,Morc Uian h a lt of the coffcc grown i

1 BrnrJl Is Imported Into the United tiitcs. . '

New Mexico's revenue from Its 5c g a . ^ j t ^ :fg~\vlll bc nbou l 81 JODJOO-thlvyenr, W M

T w i n F a l l s [ ■

V e t e r i n a r y H o s p i t a l ■Dr. n . R . Groorae, V etcriutrU n

.260 ^ n d A v e . S . F h o i ic 2 0 - W I ^

. • — i l l

j s t a d v a n c e i n p o w e i ----------------------- R

i o n s i n c e f h e f ( r s ^ _ ^

i g p p . e o r e d . _____________________ L _ _

R A N G E G E A R SH IFT _'obly fo sler ond snoppiar . much w ide r speed range!


, each a d eq u a te in ilielf.

■■9* o m h if t tT i f l -b ire J ra H iJ ~ = n driving speeds o t V/lli.

R A N G E G E A R SH IFT 1;e llm b in g ” f im o - o n o ‘h o lf ------------------------ -y u n p le o so n t 'g e a r-n o is e .............

R A N G E G E A R SH IFT 'o r* sh I(tlng o n d In c rd o te i __^< a f - c o t t l r o l - o l - o i j - s p ^ i - i ------------------- —

R A N G E G E A R S H IFT .t o ' s h i f r g a a r i o r a lw o y r ------- : ----------------

Iriving — ne-cpmplicortqn*.— ---------- ---- —

R A -H G E G EA R - S H IFT---------------- ;;--------ip e c ta l H aa ry -D o ty .G ,*arT -------------- -------rough d e e p s a n d ,a n d mire,

R A N G E .G E A R SH IFT•sp e e d . i 5 ^ , inc r«os ihg_ o p e ro lid n 'o n d m olpV llfe. "

R A N G E _ _ G |A R ^ H I F T ^III advoneSm enf in. moior In a l l a u ie m e b ile h is lery .

r - t j e m o o t t f o H o n r - l t - - - — — - 3-;;;

- C L f l m f e t i o n . ____________________ ^ ____

L E R)~Gp. —

[ M N l K G r i Q C T - O B E i U M i

[ a l f M a r r i a g e ” O p e n s

A l u r p h c u i n S b o w t i o u & c

lerulded as cne of the finest alM alk- productlpns to rcnch iccal screens

s season. “Half Marriage," Is nlso ve'B orden 's t l n l Ulking velilcle for .

S ^ ^ ^ ^ n o v m g T i O T r ^ r j n a T n h a ttan youUi, adapted from.Oeorse Ibc Tumcr'B magazine story. 'C ouir i ilonaie." opens a t the Orpheum the- •e today. Borden fans, who have fol- ed her (brough her stellar work on - |■ Bllent screen, will now h a v e-U ils______ ;w rtunlty to hear her tallT ^Itie -hai t>een aurrounded*br~an cx- ____lent BUpportihg.cast. many-.of.wiiom .

prim e su g e favorites. Her leading n, Morgan Farley. crlglnslcU theding role In the New York c rP due-______11 of "An Amcrlcan ‘l^ngedv!" • k'nii “(JJrcehw^ay who HKgs tlie'tliciiic Iff -M ter tJje Cloudi Roll fly" «}d n Murray, who sings “It's AH of H er.' I Il a re prtnie favorttes n » h r.iud.'- e nudlence-v RIcharil Tucker, Heddn pper and Q. P a l Collins likewise haveilnble.stage followlnBS, - ‘ __Jialf-M iim age“‘'K m tH i\'rtht^nl:tin-^-------^ker to r Snlly Blane. ttnillo PJcturrs rleU The show was directed by Wll- n J . Cowen. who crented a furore with „" Ned .NTCCebW Daughtcr----------------

lu s Arnhcim and hU famous Cocon* . 'V -

lllan t sequences of tlie Radio Pic* . ! ? ' l ^ e. RCA PhotcphOne was used lo

r ...:nil. makes his screcn bow tii.the pic- 1 i-i------e. Murrny sings, talks, plays n n d 'y ^ l ^ nces. In "Half Marrlngc" In the sam e .;l. fam iliar way which brought h lm j , . :ccss nnd popularity on Uie>vaude-. - T le su g e . - - ! I"

\ new style nirplanc has been (level-' cd whlcbUuts.uoJgnlUon system, n o l -----

Por n given mlleaRc the fuel cw t of • n e v Olefie(.prlnclp{e alrplnnc tx. i t r ly nbout oiic*slxth th a l of a gnsollne;

, - - __ __________

Bunions lin rtr Ph . Dr, Foster 840. Adv. L /

— ■ ‘ 'l i e

T w i n - I g n i t i o k T E T

P l ic to r t o u $ 1 6 2 5 TO $22<l.« .b .fac to ^

— — - -■ —------------ -------- ----------—Ptii

HO U h a v e I

n e w 1 9 3 0

- J a n d b u i l t f o r l e a

a c y I n t h e i r F i e l d (

. " ' I W h e n y o u s e e

--------------- r — g e n e r a H o n ^ o f - m i

i n ' t h e i r i m p r e s s !

----------- r — f o r m a n c e i c i d v a n i

............. — m o r e l u x u r i o u

_______________ ^ r ^ J ^ c m i n c t y o u r s i

Bpyd-]>: . - ; ^ ^ : p w i f l J E a U 8 ■: V — - T T

.■cll-llam m <*«i-a«in-Arlhdr-anrt-H»rnfr'01i lie Myilerlnus Or. Fu M.inehu" n l Ihe Idnhn. ’i "The Mysterlnnn Or. Fu M anfhu.” cwfcy

iT ^ ra « lU lo llf f t'o n ^ ie . talking screen. W i stery role while Jean A rthur and Nell Ilnr ange, Iwldlous power, ’ -

First Mortgat----- I.ii^iiuNir'. -in^ i» v it> 'il lo jo u l{_ o v ti |-

g a g e L o a n s a l G p o r c o itl lo 7 p e r co a r e t'UM-miU’ed Citn .s» p p ly in

— ^Wc*own-nnd'i>r-f i*~foi'-?*Hl**-H}s«>-Hoi L A N D oh tlio T W I.V £ A L L S T U A C

'a c r e , in t r a c l s o f -10 « c ro :i tn Cdl^ T E R M S ,

lJ U lL l ) A K O U S K to y o n r o w n 1 -d e n c e - lo ts Jli \'-Io iin y ou -up -U i-S U -pcr.i In n i i i ! . AsidO 'T i‘u h r i i i t i n i i ; i i i i ‘-ljiii!diri5. _50 pe i' c c n t o f th o v a lu o r.f t h o s o tu r i

Arthur L. Swi


■iW T : T w m -T c* 2 6 0 P j iw p mow


- S i n g l e S ix -Ptic»o-f*oM -$W 5-TO“ $^1075------------


e been waitmg to see^ars J O Nash "4 0 0 s". They are sadership—for undisputed s Id and on.the highways of th« ee them, you will realize,tha ■motor cars has arrived-^suri issive array of structuraLai ancements-^more stylefullyd

Ts^f:! cday-tB'-seenthiB'Ii 931

liant successors to a g tea tJ

Nash M otor

-1 __________

sho, thru* iUy» xtnrllng nex t Turs- if ly 'o rlrn ta l nrlrn llit, who»r ma«l. e lijpplnfMi ot twu youthful * » rfl- ylhlnc. K thnlt i » UllHUU 1 W arner Oland portrays th e m astrr -Hamilton oppoic the ir Inve lo his

Ige Loansf f \ i r . l ia l .u l i '^ ir i - l M i i L - I Z

c o n t. .Some o f t h o f o r m e r i/j iiny <k-siri‘(i m in is '

.H o n » o -lM liI lO .U I.; iU 'U IU I---------1- -------A C T a r $ 1 0 0 to $ 2 0 0 p e r ;(lO-jjcrc.s. A I T R A C T I V E

tl iihtiih! W e s u p p ly r . e c n t o L U io -co sL o C -y u u r-— -------------

:u r i ty . ^

dm&Co. ^


i G N m O N S i x

^ 5 1 T $ 1 2 « 'to - $ 1 6 9 5 ---------------- ----------|.o.b,fncM ry

. ■ ' 7 ^FS like the ~ • "designed -) suprem- ■ -the world. _hat a new- . ' ‘ .urpossing , ~ ..oacLper-j: ■__i.'.designed - ■' - ' ■in l i f f l j i l_ . ZZI ag g fe tni f c ; ______________


r (To.r-:V '-.i"-|3 flod infp-- .1-

Page 5: · 2014. 12. 12. · ^raiBEtisi^™ "-FumEnm oFiiEinmEl ________ a l: —Br-f\T^^I«ddep-LQU(U' Air- ^ l)laiie' as» Grefttest

' lVI i f f< ? _ - ry p |p n .I ^ u ia e -B v rn e a f :

“ T c m p e f a n c C ' : R W r e s ^

— ttvc,-apcaks at~A s«aflbli!l^ .

----- M U RTaUO H . Oct. l a - A lu s e ftU eftd-,-------imcc mMkcd lh e Khool a*»cmbly pro- K rnm .held Prtd»y when. ^ Helen I/jiilM DjTnes. Los Angeles. reprracnUnB ;

' th e W om an's Christian Tem perance un ­ion, Rftv-e-an address gn the subject. ■

u tw IncJMded a reajllng. "Tiw^FTOt:' toy., Fruiiccs W ard: o n e -a a play. “A Blck

- Doy." presented by Elvln O liw tead. LU \y H cjibeck. Gcnevlve Rowley, E tn a . • MoyA. O nvnl Dates and Elmer O rn f f ; '

—vo c al'w lo rK c n n eth -H en d c rw n . Twin I _ - FalU, w ith aeeompft¥lment by Mra. E t - . . ,

- tJo-Robcrt*.-------- --------------- — ------------- -Tw enty mea»ber» cf the Epworth •

U'lmuc' a ttended ilte pw cm il of t h e : Womnn‘8 Chrlstlnn Tempcranee u n io n ,

M iirtau'sh (troup won k prUe offered f o r ! -JiavlnK th e la rsest rrprcsentatlon.-Those' iiiccndlnn were John Silvers. Jim Sil­vers, O eorse O raff. Elmer Ornff. Da- , vis Adamson. Sylvia Scliolh. Dorothy! Carm en. O rln Heslbeek, Lilly Hestbeck. i r iuncc 's W ard. IXilsy E\’un:i. M ary B .;l’:vt7ivr” Leslie 'H S tb w k , Miss Raj'Ie.---------Miiry McNnry, K athryn Bturceon, H ar- oltl .Mcnscr. Olenn Bcsslre. D oro thy ,Kuin-mm_______________________________

Mr. aiul Mrs. Will GrlfllUi le ft for Miialc Iwi springs TIuirsdny.

Mrs. R. D. True returned Iwme Tl>urs- H E I — - t'n tn ll.t n -llr til tnr •

th ree days. 'Mia. Elln Cameron. T » ln Fall*; nnd ‘

son. Dick, New York.'were dinner su e su

Mr. ond Mr*. Fre<l Herbert. Salt Lake - Clly, orc visiting Mr*. Herbert'* p a r­ents. Mr. ond M n . O eorse Deekef. .

Mrs. A. O. Lee and daushter. W andu,, Abcideen, accompanied by wvcral “ f f rneiid*. visited relatives In M u r u ti th ' Hi Siinday. ^

Irom u tr ip to O arlund. Utah. i“ ■ T w ciitym cm bcnror ttic-taiaier-^itr-*®^"*

MKli'iy m et lit the home of Mrs. Liiw- Mi ■Ti'iice Biel last week. On Ociobcr 17 dnug

. M^ . Emmn Carmen nn'd Mrs. Im John* j !>on will rntpriiiln members o lJ h e . so-.J „ clcty n t Uitj •MetlitKllsl, church. '

------ M rs_2lJiii_IUchimLon_aud-i>on_wlia__Mlhnvu been vlsltlnK ut the Hyrum Pick- Sum Ptl liomp. left for..Vnmt>n Wednesday to Sprli vWt Mrs. Myrili' Rawllnss before rc- Chrl tu rn ing lu 'th c lr home In Portland. .Mr,

Mr.s. Idn Qroiison and son left fur Lew* Mild— tatoiirUltihrFricluy-M«|>on<la-wock-wah-l-------

MrK. Bran»>ii'8 brolher, L. D. Lnne, who All

--------- • T h c rc ’s -R cnL E alcrtn ln^—

m cn l H ere"


2 and li'M . X0<; nnd 4 0 e

IT ’S A L I. IN I'U N !

T K i^D ian^t~— n e c k '

= ^ = ™ “ s m o k e = ~ ^ —

------------------ = f a l h t o r - i n s i r —

---------------------- g o j o y - r i d i n g - ~

T H E Y W E R E -

: lo v e -

A D D E D n

______ _ ! i l iM i) l lV r J j jh o J a c j’’ ■~ I'a^iim ount’8 3 -A c t .

, U f f j> ( r a p |i Comedy lUol'

' ........1 — ShipbulldeB

W ^ W p

■ j iu I

lE R E AUE rtliip officiii!-< wl)o have li; ^"nPW ffltirtirB rSlfSHri’r ■(iiiiin-i" i'l !lit

rlK hti .ChnrlcH M. Schwab of IJethIc Ucthlchcm Ship Buildinir corporati

■-Hh lp b u iMtn y e o m tHiny r iitit^-GtHttrti vice president, Bethlehem Ship Bu

<pecu to leave for Arl?onn, .H arry Applebaum returned from a I

uslncis Irlp tp Boise Thursday. .

ir-«vofaJ doyi-lookln« fuiui-Jocallon- Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Hoik' nnd

aughtcrs. of Spring City, Uinli. were . nests ut the home of Mr. and Mr-s. Lc- >ytee for Ihree days this week.Mr. uiul Mra. C. Clnwson enlfrlalncd S in jto

iimlny lor Mr.'nnd Mrs. Rudolph Hoi>e. ‘ prlni: Clly. Uiiih; Mr. uml Mr*. If. P. hrlstoftenion. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Lee.Ir, nnd Mra. lUiy ChrlMoIfcr-'oii und Dnui llldr-ed Chrlstotferson. tlon w

All foot trouble*. Ph. Dr. Fm ter. Adr Bench

------------>-------■ ■Thu-Home-oL:Earamo-------------ONE- OF- T H E - P U RblX-i>>A

id-Toinorrow!A L L T A L K I N G

Pic tu re

E S S S ' -

z ^ ™ z | p z z ! ! u

M M iA.,. liroHdway rw irud over — ‘ - H '^ i s m p y r fo r-< i^ 'W rr—7 - — —

~ ~ - I th m -c o m c now tcTthe ~•Talking ' S c r e e n w ith __

— . iiitiiy.-.Um'OluiuuB a i i u c F ^ ^ - w’ith th c -

~ 3 t a ^ .

F E A T U I ^ ' ^ " • ' ' -V -

n i r u t d y ~

j g a j ’w t i t r l n - S f a f e ^

p.: ■ I

e li^.stified in . th e .senate co m niittce j n iit) .It lliu 1927 ii.iv;»l con f t re nee i thlehcm Steel co n w nitio ii, nnd L iik ration. Below : N orm iin R. Parker, nt«ni- L i - B ard&T’ProBidan t .a f t ha co n Buiidini; co rpo ra tion .

A N N O U N C E M E N T Sns a 1

r^it! fiiflf SaciaL j:itilL Jiiil-niccu» '!»U Ji£.» rs. John A. Johaw n. 510 Fourth ave* ic' norili. .Mondn}~ifternMn. '

•-------- BailorThe Salmon Social'C lub wll! m eet,child iiiniday. Ociober-17 w ith -M rs.-D u n ; tlford. All members nre requested to iIngein icT tlicnT avoH ircnT cro rsa lifd -^D ^ clpe. Dull

■ • wiilUDnuglUers of ihc Amcilcan Revolu- cinrci un will bc entertained h t a - king

e»cl) on Monday- be u»

AlARC- US -T H E A TRES-----------^

s-h-h-h-h-h-h--------------------- Sinisler! .-------

Ominousl* Uw i»w er ot Dr. Fu Ma: dlabollcol villain ever conccl th o r .'S n x Rohmer. Seeking the ends o t lhe cnrlh . . . . dea

T hink of Itl This sinister vital persoiiallly. menaelnK

_________ - Never such cxcllement. thrill

I f you never SEE t another p ic tu r e d

- = | T H tT M Y $ T E I

" / SA X KOHM EU'S 1- - HiniT Now » PAItAlVl

THItlLL IITt— w h ^ , r ^ J r ---- » “ h WARNER-OLANI


‘.A ram m ourit Talking i

V ,<ho X cm tVeeii

[ ‘j ,

^ ' " c

------- r -M A R O


Da. lo .C o b b .

"Welcbm Jamcrsoi


— Tucker;_ vocal trl

I jameraoi

-------- -WCTTMtl_____ L. O. Co

.....M.-TuckMr. 01


Normn Frldav Oi

'U l U E i ----------CJTTFOTP

r ^ l X 2 ; S s l V c “ "

Axeefafcd I 'rcfi on*Tinm

c e ls in q u i r y l n t ( 7 th e a c t iv i t ie s ncrdny*? ;e i n, C cnevH r - ^ AlMji't..t lo f t {o win rtei ^ilKelte G ra c e , v ice p ru s id e n t , 'M r. ai {er,- v ic e p re .s id i;iit . N ew Y o rk ‘" V n "- ■ n m ;m n A ^ lid _ s ' W W ;iW .m ,n,,

........................................ ■ ■ Wllbcrfornia w------------------ ----- :--------------J

L IQl'O R Ill'KtNKKK GOOD n ite r nn OENEVA. Oct. 12 t;V—.Milk Is known Mra.’Sle I a big factor In Swk', commprce but le JJnuor Industry. jidvrrtlM-d niso •w iw ill'.' Wine reprr-viiU 5 |k t e c ia * * * * "^ * ' ibe'SwlsKosrlciilnirnt outpul und lhe ‘ewers of the rrinibllc ninke n d oun illons of l>eer for e/ich man. womnn and illd in the counlry. . j

FIND VlKiNG HlltTllK SS f tRWINFMlIRNnp; PriKHl'i (Vl 12 ____H

-DrcdgliiK un n swmiiii nrm pf ll i e ;DiiUk here dl.sclosfd ilie rnnnliw of! ^ iilU and ll brldcp which hclcjillsu de> I nred formed paft <i( the aiirlenl VI-1 Ins fortress of Jomsbiirii. TIiu utroiig-1

e used na n base by 300 Vihlng ships. |

Wh’c r c n m T K M i e c r i h e ----------------------

B e s t . A nd (i'c l H ! ” __________ . _____ _

, E V E N I X q , . I

7 a nd t>. 1 5 c a n d S O p

T r t j ' I 'O K A L M ,--------------------------

TH icu:


Maiichii. i>it- iiic-sl Iiceived by llic au* ' IIng hls Mcilnis n t Idealing sivili ilcath ____I

s tc r figure, now « I Inif you Irom lh e ___ |

irllts, sus|)ciis('l .______ • I I

E or IIEAU B•~ddn’lmisH . i I

E R I O K S i- ^ s - j

S F am o u .s , .....................ItAMOt5NT_::_- ------------ I

-AN D.-JM N - ----------- ' IlAmLTON J I

i l l p E S " ■ Ins Comcdy ;.V Iceily ' - j

E f c t i^ ~ T y ^ S iv ~ ' ? v ' _____




M u b H o n u r s T e a c h e r s

it ~ P r o g n t m - n m i - ^ i n n o r { ■ —

J-... ..._■ .. _. . _____ fmwjL. .Wl'. ih I *'T7 t*vreuiw Bl* . —ed lhe annual tenchers' recrpilon j

dinner given by the Murca Women's a l tho schoolhouse Frld.iy eve-

. T he progrom, .nrrniiRed by Mn.Daley, included Invocation by L.

;obb. sons by th e croup nitendlnK: - Icome to tlie Traclf^Ts-" T » "i ” r ^ eraon; ,res|>onso. teachers: hnr- le« aolo, Will Rappleye: rending, \ Hammond: duet, Mrs. Will Rappl- ’

and M l« Ham mcnd: rendlix*. J. N. I ker; plailo solo.. Ml(» H nm m ond:! - —,1 trio. Mrs. J. N. Dnl.-y, Mrs J M ____icraon nnd Mrs. Will. Rnpplcye ibetS' o f the cammiuee in clmrge ^W E te ;t^^yender:^ •^^m f«n^M rlr ,---- - I. Cobb, Mrs. Ru|>ert .Tegan, Mrs, J.

ruckcr-and.'Mra.-L. H..Brawn.............-r. ond Mrs. Dick Webster are i h ; ,•Ills o l a fflri born .Monday a t ihe e of Mrs. Dcrtluk Slerer. > jrm an Schccklcy reiurned to school av a t tc r rcccverinz from Jji;urJca tv-!aTftign - h r T fn - f n iiii a n t urltiiii'--------- ^Voodrow Heed.

C. H ulfm an was n member of n .IM>t-hunl«ra-whft-l«fUfor-S«M^jrown-------liursday nblaln deer. > y j i M r: and-M rs-W .-l^Rr>w t4eIl^W edr_ ' ^ lay for Portland where Mrs. Brown

r. and Mrs. John Crocker. Decn- • Illlnola, and Mr. Schnmb, Chlcngo, > n i A M

• in thla dlsirlcl In.comiecilon wllh !

llbcr Brown''lmsrctnrncii trom Cnll- ■ ” la where he nllended school. ' n t f rs. E. E-' Hnag hns returned home r nn extended visit wiili her sister, V n l .’S lephen Cass, Seattle.

T h e A l lT a ]------------- RadiaJComei

ft K mV a u d e v i l


T h e y

T a lk

___[ K _______ __________________ l o J u y iW --------- ......................

. . . M u r f l n p_ _ _ ' lu ffuc nni

• j l m v n tr^ ZR tifH a iin


' W . :. ' ................?* U ’8 a• , ;n n il.} iii|tf

- ^ T V l 5 S | 9 7 S j H » W ^

- - M A T m E ^ ' 2 ;

■ .... , I--.;


^ JV in n cra A t ScLcicty Hor

\N A G U EST ■ and Mild Tcs viiftiiirs iir iiru ijlah^Ju iiiiMTaisqtln; it the annual P ip ing Rock club 1 bailey New York.

T o d a y &

1 0 c c

a l k in g - A ll Me d y . D r a m a S e n s a t i o n

^ M t T R R i C

i l l e ’ s F l a s h F a v c

i d i o ’s M e l o d y A c e

i n

H A L Ff M a r r i ,

o r i l e r r '^ K 'n e s i f i g s i t .

^ Scaled /tp« ^ ihe pri< '*H alf Marriage."

V - "H alf Marriage'* ther^ ■ i m . •

U V a R a d i o i

f / OLIVK IJORDEN Ilk“ ^^----- "M O R ra^A Tll.EV

Lctfin_wjl(i. ■Uvev all - . ' Gus hmrto (alk/pnd June -- - ™nnvho-Avmtc-.lhe-dk-■ ■ ■ and adaptation irom Fffe-mhlie„Tiirwr^ir ■ " u n d - l {lnc"8tor<'?“ “CoTni>a>v - — - over 3

.......................... . ■'■•-ifaigff-a story .with words “ ■J&'F*'

lUtfJc ind how., , -•

m u i Q i i T ^ w

rl F B..............^

I p ~ r 1

--------jiiAtWiii'a j ' l u j j'fiuit---------------- 1

rcslator, f r r s t prjzc , JEh u r l l i i i l l Uiijnju|hbrmls, , I

lb horse show, a t Locust I

& T o m o r r o w ~

3 0 c — ^40c— —e — E v e n i n g — ^

■ \

i l u s i c a li n a n d -

l Y w ~

w r i t e i J C

lA E f e -

-------------;■"'■■ ■■ , T

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-MEIiRY, / ' J i '~~M A ir"' ^

9 --M agnificent-------^ ^-Love-Dram a *

m ce uouth pays to r ~~ ^

he- thrill picture of

io P ic ty r 'f i

S A L L V BLANiB - ^ A r ^ n R E E N W A Y ' - ^

J u s A rK h c im a n d W h C o - > "i n u L i ( ; r o v n _ A m b a ^ t t a r s - g Ji_* nlnh . th e m u8tlc .- ‘M f tc r ; - j r T i n u dR R flT tm S ^ ra H ' i g 'b y A n -n GroMway,1 ^ - ^ A ll n f? T ^ y ■ K< n:-MOTr t y i =.» r < ; : : i> ly - .: to V h e .:h ^ ~ - l to P t ~ - 3


Page 6: · 2014. 12. 12. · ^raiBEtisi^™ "-FumEnm oFiiEinmEl ________ a l: —Br-f\T^^I«ddep-LQU(U' Air- ^ l)laiie' as» Grefttest


p g W n ^

"liElir■ liim e s W .C iK n l . S i 'c r e t j i r v

= t().< iiv i‘ .AddreK.J-

________ ____________ ___________________S y s iv m tif Ji) Unvlcft _______ _

^ ^ ^ / ) n m s - ( - o s f H - W S , m ( ) . 0 0 0 ~ = ^

X u W I ’l'oJ 'A 'l I l i 'i i i . i i s ( l n ' i i i - . ----------

L-r. I m i ' i v . ii r r w . U i 1 '— — -

T r n i i . 'jx n 'ta t io i i

• llv 'Mu- A'>nrUiI<'cl I’l"'. •”• t 'lN C 'IN N A T i. Dl'I .

w ill 1h’ If i jf 't in u '< dii l l i c lii 'o ad-mtiu-llii.--nmn.lii._____________ ______

A n ii'iijr th e \v!iuilo fiiH iiiliin i <>r

l lu ' r iv e r w liic li o tico r a n ilsi-H':inil c o n in iu rc i' a s ti!illlVi'“ sn w ,'— w ill l)t“ I ’r i's id c iU I I f r l ) i 'r l |[ tii> v - ' u r . I’ ri

— i i a n i i ‘s ^ N i 'Ui Hi.-in.-! WIII ny n Hn"<^y<(rln «( -111 lork.s ihk] iiinnK. Uiv u n - illiS iiterwoj' »■(({ bl- iiiuii|;i(niccif lu-i im (in- ____lirovecl hlRlittiiy <if cihiiiiiw i', .iri'irh - ^------Jne from I'lttsbiirKti m Cairo, l i r T

"rill'coli'ljMiiiiii. .sclicifiili'i' Im- i:»- M r{ltp of Ociiibcr, imirHs ili<‘ coiiid!! • U IL Itinii nf u projcci Mnrtt'(l lu llilO ;iii;l p .

'SM-rf{aryl)r\Var ll) Sjifiik '

Tlip fi-crctiiry o( war, .lnnlp^ \V. Gdcxl, -U'llL»omul.Uio bcrilimuui.uMlu'.citk<liru- . Ilon H'ltli uo iidilrrs!! lu piii.sbiirjtli whi'ii an InuuRuriil fk ri Mart', iii tin- olii'.'S .1 ,

J jc aU K fllc ra -iv lx a -U ic -^ n ah a u ^ u iu U " ^ ;;,^ ^ Moiioiii'Alielii rivcr'i join, to iis ‘ wny 10 Ihe Misfcl^lpin, *■

Prt'slilpni Hoovpr wll! Jam ttu ‘ cclp- branUhere.murklnK ihi- occusionwlth ' lind jijJtJrfM snd cnthl/iK »IHi lln ' I h r i V*'’

-on n-onr-dnT lotim iT lo LoiilsvllU'. “frw icn T he iirMWciil will lintl ii river vn^tly Ycrk V

phnngr<l from llic r!n.rn,ivini- hnlM i.r. . b .bm .'•OUS Ohio of iw y c a r i uko. ---------------- t:ny-ot

Por mnny yciiri tho O hio river. Lii c \i;r i) t TJelle nivk-r," iis ilie French cnlled ll, li\ Uii

llle anil Ihe mnln mpnii.i o l travel In ih h ,cliar«i- McUoii ot llie cuiiiitry. w ith ilm comliiK , or the riillrond. Ihc ]X>iniIiirlly ol ilu< rh'*

-cm nnctty-rtlpcniwnj';---------------------------- --— -

— — mr » IMllii iimirm----------Now. Wlih' many now biirRo.H opcriif-‘

Inif ami with the lnlrrci.t Iti Iri'lt-lu *lJTiii*iK)r[alfoirby wuior pra-JmTiii),' i h e "

men fuiy. DiilThr old Sny.i, t l ) ^ « lI re !^ -!-quo.dayi,-Hiiparpnlly nre Kom- nirever, ’ li;

Tlie 9Ca-ml1e bnik uf the river now luKihii Iuu n wcll.bchnved channel nltu- lei'i iriliMti 1» (leplli the yenr uround. T hen- will joli'u i

'b e conUmioiift niivl|;atlon a t nil tlm rs uti-d || cxcepl when liiterriiiitert by Ilowl.i of m.j.s, j

Thg_8frtc* qtJock.i follow;, n i!ein!r-_”v"”;,,, ui pa llern of having ihe chaniUers 110, i„ ,i„. feet wide and COO fcct lonn. T he riverU dUided Into four *cciloiw iindcr llie | _____ _Immediate mipcrvlnton und direcllon o f :---------army englnwrs. In Pliub iirxh , n » m .Ingtoii, Clnclniinll nnd Loul.ivlllc.

U n i o n P a c i f i c S y s t e m

— Adds-25-New-Goachetu -gor:--------------- — ' n r r — —

— Tytnty-flv«>—»»w—mociwti—com lm ,_______ftlmllar hi dcali;n to I5_purelinaed I n i i t __year, will be imt inlo o 'ijcrutlbti'.lliis' full i)n the llue.s tif ihe Union PacUic

-tiyblcmf-ll -wiw-aiinoinicwl yesterduy. - • J Three o( tbc2£ cuaciiu.i ru n belween O m - . . / nlw tind Porllnnd uml four, belween • . Otlden anil Los Annelw, | i Is aniionnc'ed, - 1 —

: ’H E A r r W > K I N 6

: n rxam m rO B T W filbfiR 'fi-in jtrthc-tp islltj-tir

Z l f f i m ^ P C c

■ - T O R r c o A u r M r■ T i i A T S r m E - / T j | | ^


i i

l’rc>^i(lciil IIiM>\''or will Hpcnk u l Cini .■■Olrirr i'ivvr' n. 'ii ■ik'ii f in lii l i lf 'H iite i' It ' in ik s of rivor. Al Iciwcr rifiltt is an

S m o l i f T l

J ____ H

llicilion iiii'hue rVpniii.ii'lluli u r i lu - | 'Ullll l';i.-.vlnii [’lay ot ObiTiimmci'S.iu. 1 iirla. will Lh' pri'.<enivd pa rt of the im irrm irp -n tnh r^M P tnon isrE tits^^ — ■ ^Irhiirch here ioiUkU: al 7:30 o'clock. I rcprodiiciloti Is ligid to tie ns nrnrly-l

Cl a.\ It K pu.;.slbU' to make It. and_j nr',(ir.\ an* )K'n:,aiiis'iuf.ioad uf p ro ' j icnat—.heatrical pcaplc. The New H k World MtUI ol this iire.M'iitiillon "U ! ' ■ U-LV-r in g'Jliri'iillMi riii.l

• produci'd." The plcUiro h .wnt out Kiil.iry nnd KIuiiuIk i IiUm of De*

v l o r A n n e a l s F r o m i B

D e n i a l o f - l ) i t c h C 'l a i i n I

'alTrr~'i‘3Tt».i .,ilt~,nnn'in i.i il». .i,i'.i- **^n-rne ro-.iri 'rom judsm eni I'liien-tl: li.sinr! coun hrre'litKi July IB !i-‘'I il-’ l l •1 1 ; th a t he lia's no rtuht or IniereM in an ' '!iiliiiii tllteh acniM, IniuK owned bv ' Mon 11 O'CoimcII. Notice of nppiral 1 liiTf seMordiiy bv Tilylor'.s n ito r-i >. J. u . Uotiiwell und w , D rr Climi-i K ail 11. The action v.a.-! Instltiiifd b y '

he ditch. '

T r u c k I l _

jB e a n n g s>om ple le -S tock -o f—Tim ken;----------New w cp n riu ro and J iy n tt.

: ^ r N D - ^Automobile Co. ■ “

' ----------------------- I

l A t m x v . ■K T o w ro o

g J c a y x i L * j 7 ~

I G ^ Q A L f ______^ t l

^^^htRhw^moretHEAT-Pir ion;-- j - ~

I ■

f - P H O N E ---------------------~ f,809“.'-— j—

1 r- . _ ■____ ;;;


I'inc lnna ll Ihis ntoiitli a t rhe'c i'lebru ■r-h ig h>r n?- r » nnta sui'lr 'ii. II^ hi an Jlir view of a <laiii w ith (tlcR s..' '

W ins Beauty Title KIml

Ea:1 :il i n '

■ -- '. jk .- , .'' l '

' J P R .\C CU

J B _____

- :HellllU

'*i"V ■

I l i E ' w '' ' <

U a u k a d i i a m ; o r i:V,ckyl'M ount. N iirtli ( ’anilinu. cluw- ' i-ii a s "M iss Carolina SluU>I'n ir ." acls,a.'< liristt'ss o f llu> j],^. 1‘XiKisitinii a t Rali’iu li. .n e a r I

When tbe ou rer cabhet openoJ you haVif-

.'U cheer am>'sljw ot . lllr -^ire — ail exclasiva

~ ■ ■{leatJltuliatinifBm.Thiu new.' im proved, exc'

-------------- s tA -"A lk ii Lui.iiTue tio n -^crcaac.. heatliig su rface ' 1

_ ttie-caiiiK>i~prt,1qnga" th e l i t e u f l


_ : . ' ‘‘Compl


y N C ' T ^ w r * P r o i n i i

' k im d i• . ) • , of th e n

the Chrl . a l Ihe hi

n vrm-s. 1

■ : nild


' (Krnxicc i - ^ ^ v % 9 R |H i | i H R B I jowiiJK I]

* , TllC c:• '______ Uie )ifim. 1 We<l iie<d

''Q uirs, w ________liLA ldcj

’‘f • nn i hc.i

--------------------- - ; ly mei i

l) ru tlo n o v e r I h c c o m p le t io n « f um i'fcoi Ht, .U|li>l’r lC f r n m -T! W p iv I h c ' iiufiimn

- . '. - Mrs, J . '.c lw rge J

----- :----------------------— ; = = Dmiloti

m b e i - I y M a n S e l l s i l f u i e M

F i n c ^ F a r m t o I o w a n | S re \H l'lluccompa

--------- . , I WrlKlil.V. A. GarrL-iCn luis .■sold hl.s farm six l " 'n llc i n hull m ilts east of Kimberly loM ’l * ' " " •tin Mllkr..Crcst0lI.Jo'.vu._.^ir5_Gat:.^-'J,|',‘.‘■■'.“ " in nnd dunKhlcr, Al'edn lefi Friday ; =’“ " 7 inlnn fo r Colorado nnd fur iiolni.s l a ■East. Mr, O urrls:n will rem ain un- Qlrl

Ilia croiw arc liarve.Mf;! and personcf i|wriy olspoJed of. nfi.-r wlilch he ex- ■IS to go eosl to -%i)eiid a few iiiciilhs, j '

------------------ ------- -- ' tSeveriil’r• . iuniunlM t

' c u s e d D r i v e r D e n i e s j Mr. un

- D n m k e i r D P i v l n j j C h a r f f e !I M r. an

-------- I Monday__ _________ ____________ ________ ^llO;____)n arrRiKhiiicnrin proba{e*eo’iifl'hero Mr, un"•r(l;iy on n ml«demcnnor ehwrKe «/• e<l Insl.s ■nitlim ■ aiL nutom pblle while. Inloxl- .llirounh. I'd. li. ii. I’rlbble pleaded no l cuihv. E .C.Ti m au; wus sel for ncx i Friday. Qcio- day fro'rti

miiiK by iwllfc otflcerif who rciwrtwl ’ Mervln t l . hl.s tlir had curromed the .Veylcfir le t niKi sidewallc-after striking •''“ ' I

---------- = • ------ ----------—--------------- _hiint in In IHU Stevciuson estim ated the Miss El lie of paper mnde yearly In Orei'.i en Turn* mill III l.OOO.OOO sterllnn. »l>«»‘l *•''

__________________ Mre. Obrother n

riie flr-il Iron works 111 Amerirn nir'»ni»n‘(...v.lralnln, , ; i BU aac

i s t ' R e c H

- A w n t h e r S h i p

;|1 B ^ _ _ ^ A R L 0 R

F — T V T ^ B E N ^ S ^ i s ^ t l i e - - C

P - f f i ® ■ F u r n a c c t h a t th e ^ e

‘ t a l k i n g a b o u t . I t i s . p l

111 ‘‘ii ^ r o o m o r h a l lB V — ^ i u ^ ' C o n n e c t i o n . - ^ - R <

- m i n i m u m a n j o u n t b f . s f

i n a f e w m i n u t e s . H <

" S i r h o u s e . . - C i r c u l a t e s c l e a

a i r l i k e a p i p e l o s s f u r n a

v j . a p i e c e o f b e a u t i t u l p i

F i n i s h e d i n p o r c e l a i n e

W h y b u y a n * ^ b ld - f a :

--------------' • -yyhpn y i i u . c a n h a v e . . t h

. *............ / c i e n j : ‘A l l e n ’s ■ P a r b f F u t

r ° i n~ A l le h * s ~ d o IOO b i g e x c l u s i v e f e a t u r e s ?

i-cast- 7 l d p _ C h f f r a n d . H f a t " ^

’ Ask in g u s .t o _ t d l J I - t h c n i p l a c e s y o u - u n a e i

■ ............... C o m e i n ! ;

i - T i i f l i v A

Uete Home OuffitteW


i l i i i f

i i n i n e n t W o m e n S p e a k a t l

u 's ,« i(m .s o f 2 0 iM 'e m b o rii - s . - ^

It' C h u r c h O r g m i i z a t f o h 'Ht.; •

IMDKRLY. OcL 13—Al till ' mccUnR fei;jhe Kimberly M iiilgnary society of j . f JChrMUin cluirch 1-Ylday ndernoon .,1lie home of .Mrs. No.ih Swcnrlngen. i * j l■c.'i. es were Klven by Helen K, Jn-<. Lai AnaclM. national rcjirt-setit- B

Mr',.Uowney,lndli)nnpo)h..nivlloii;il.fiari- of t.’ie-W om an’s.-MlMlonnry | « ty of llie Christian church. About

.omen attended the mcclinR, Mrs. [«■■im .Miokc Qt .U it,P ioBrcy-«>Lm j;:.__ j Ms, of the church, and M1s.h Hyrnes ■Jmi^^etLliie reliiUoiuthli) belween the ,.> ■

ncc milwi und worJd jni.wloai. FuJ- j ' > «« llll- })ii)|irnm refreshments were, .I ' l Ile C.Meti(lnr Ten club will mccl u t ' a............. . Mrs. C. M PWlwr _____ ■ne«day atternoon.' Rev. B. E. P o w ;III.*; Iirranued lo imve Rev. .John R. I •s, who han scn'cd-fts b missionary *trtcii. .iipfuk a t.the meeting. i______ _hO'.i.sH-s.wlll be Mr.i. J. Fraiil; ■

ryrMrTrrOrl;.-RtT*-i. Mrs, A. lioiis- . --- ' und Mrs. Luiliam. ~ jf f - ta d le.s*' Htm ccrelub of K lmber- '■»nei ui the liome i>l' M l,V V Illlniii ;Iden Tliurstliiy afternoon. Decora-i .•

imn ciowrrx in bai.keti<'and bowls. I , . ' , J . M, Mason, p resident.'w ns in '-J)e ol Ihe busliieis w isloiJ.' Mnt.; lon Introduced Mrs. Slricker who] of life 111 llie Rock Creek district

tie early day.i. nnd dcvelopmenl of I Twin FuIIk irncl. Two vocnl solos:■ Klven bv Mrs._S._H. Proeior, wllh ■ -----■mpaiiimciit b y M rs . Florence jJlu. AsaI.MIii« hoslev.e.s^ were_Mrs^!____ .i'nliers. Mr*. C, M. Pliher, Mr.s, KU I r n i . 'n " cr nnd M to EIWiiii-'Tlay. Mrs. ‘-•lit and Mrs. Denton ns.sblea a l Ihe i i i . r'.wrvier'T^Iemlk’r.i'dfl^iinwflli club ' ‘Un.-.en wero unesls. ! y ,,rl Re.'verve membcra held,a purly in I ■ iiiBfncfiool'Frtd(iyr*"Ai)Oiit^'Ktrl!P*'— — — tided. The proKram was arraii«eil'Ilrji Ma'ble WIIaoii nn<l MIm Connie, IKiv. had clinrKC of enterUilnment. jrul new members were added lo th e : inlMtlon n l the parly.r. und Mnf. ,C. S. McMnriiir. Phoc-

•QoorgtrNoWg, —r. and M n. H. i Powers "returnedduy from n bURlne« trip lo l>oca- Jj \ ^ . [ ^

r^li(T.Mrtr-Hc’ii6^KrcliBtr rtUirii- isl.wMV rtfw u -m i. extended tripUBh.lUe.nntwMThtf5,____________0 . Taylor arrived In Kimberly Tiics- fro'^^LoKuii to spend a vncntlon of , “ iv7,cge

crvin OIU, PauTHiis.syriihd’ Ora'Mc,- \ lefi recently for the Snwtoglh moun-! to hun t deer. 'Iw rt-B rown -aiid-O.. E -D o w w irn«; ___

; In llieB onB nM di.itricl.------------- -------- —iss Elluibelh Fletcher nnd Ml.u llel-'iirncr arrived hcVe from Albion lo <■d the week-end with ihc lr parents, tre. O. E. DourIum Imd as her <. t / i llier nnd his fumUy last.week. * • t ^ '

la a c R m E .H jB .T iiF ! w b w h ,

t ^

i i i e A L ^ ^i p m e n t - o f — —

IN*^=FU R N A C E S “ ^ I ■

♦ .

»-- O r i g i n a l — P a r l o r — -------

l e e n t i r e c o u n t r y i s .

p l a c e d a b o v e t h e * • ft

a l l w h e r e t h e « ~ i i s t i

| ^ f q n ir«»g » n 1 y h __t

f. s p a c e . I n s t a l l e d " t ..

H e a t s t h e w h o l e ?

: l e a n , ‘ m o i s t w a r m . j

m a c e . R e s e m b l e s » .

[ p e r i o d f u r n i t u r e . ' i

n e n a m e l — n a t u r a l t

: t r —E a s y - t o - c l e a m --------------1 -----------

1 - fa s h io r i e d h e a t e r , ■ Nt h e m o d e m / e f f i - _____i t ______

F u r n a c e ? R e m e m -

r d b ~ y o u : g e t - t h e s . e — j

e s ; O l d t i m e . F i re < v ____ i '

' y o u m o r e a b o i i t _________| V

: d e r - n o - o b l i g a t i o n — ■— f ^ h n

1929: -::;— ~ '.... , : -

■ r r J t l i iS l i iK X T a m i P r e m ie r c f (iro ii

W h ite ll'M i^ '' w l ic re cfiiivo rsa iio ii.s I

t lu 'r a n c f nf jn 'i ic f w ill b f he ld .

V F a r e s t o P r e v a i l S o u t h e

O n T r a i n s . N e x t Y e a r C

~ _______I A total ■

030 summer tourist fares th e same • durliiB^ Hirate* muintuliii'd diirim: 1929 w ith ,dcr choice of route.-., ll wus a n - ;P “c f c syiccdJierc.yeilcrday-oii-xeccliil.ot.ttmm to Uiat effcct Irom D. S. S |ie n - , ‘ reaicd «tcnerid iaMeii«er anent. T he tick- s u u o .cill-be-uvnllable-from-ftlUpnrU-uf-JiW IJJilLl!InltcdStaica und the usuul stop over hs pti.>ie'leges will bc allowed,______ _______ coiintrles.

M W ant Ads reach the people you ’ Newn W lo attract. . wish to at

N E V E R A G A I W il l H e 'L o o k L

t r a g e d y th e m o t h e i i

' p o a e o f - h e r b a b y i n a m e d

^ I 'o i ig l i t h e g e n e r a t i o n s . .....................

H'c mnke n specialty o l-ln fan t' Pictures and with ioM


--------------- :— V‘ -------- ^-r:— -------r

---------- : ---------r l -

■ ; .

' AtiorI.'U.t r'lnln

roat iiritaiii s Iid w ii at tlic- l.s l(i7)kiiiK towartl liic fiir-

____________ \j _________

Jtern U tah Purlts D raw T o u ris t T ra ffic

ilai Oj O.V3B0 lourlst.i rcKl.^lercd nt______ "

:.Uie scubon Ju:>i clOM.‘d. nccocd* flpire-H mnde public by the Union : system yesterday. The number lors Io r U itjiou ih Utah pnrk.H lii- dN oo'per cent diiring !ix'year.-!.'h ' { ;<Kl.,.,Xhi».vljltori; ih b year caine ,1111 n n rt/ o t Hie United States und ........ks^evsloiw ni;d from 'J'2 forclKn les.

% Wftiil Ads reacli th e people you'0 a ltra r l.

r i s t m a s |

i s I

C o m i n g — I

U S U I ~ p "

■ ~7 "


I N - .-TU ^ T M s h ^

eiLof th is child wonld : ____ad ta iie d - to have th is - ____

t l l ? L w U i - _ i l v e - - - - - -

nVs and. ChUdrcn’s - ------flcrie »o«. :'

. •“ •-. '■,lo-Shop-—

Page 7: · 2014. 12. 12. · ^raiBEtisi^™ "-FumEnm oFiiEinmEl ________ a l: —Br-f\T^^I«ddep-LQU(U' Air- ^ l)laiie' as» Grefttest

- i i E M i FN um ber of Bishops in Re-

— pulj lif— Rif'll , r i ’W li i l l l i ! : , - ^__ lion—A gainst M ovem ent____

P retender to Throne Aslts _ '

- t o - - H a v e - K g m ‘g s e p ^ t i v e

By J. EDWAAD ANOLKY* •~ rA s» cI4 ti( r7 » re M -a tlff - W i1 t r r r r - -------■ PA l l lS, O e t .- 13 --P -r-» n o h , - —

sw uiifs and H w ectheurts w h o liiippcn to l»e bo th royalI«t« nnd R om an C atholics hn rc t l iu i r trowblfH th e se dem ocratic days

T s rT r th c rcpu!ilic“lh a t »fan(J8"ii)'"the w a y ; it is the c h u rch . Inm any diocose.s they a rc n o t p er- _____n iitte d to w ed in lr< jn t 'o l t u c | a lta r . • • - • • .IOH:

TllC carryin? son ol the roynllsU ulUi jjo rr

aolld^'wcu^ion^began UM)rovok^^ = ^ =on more Mmn one epUcoiml brow afcv*

'C Tnl-yenni-niw.— E tr ly - ln -1837 tliB — .™ '•AclloTrrrfliicaJw;” VJnlJy OTgaa ot I h c ' ' royiillst movement, wns placed on the Vatican 's Index. Later, n num ber o(Frcnch bishops slitned a proclomntlon deiiounclnE the movement nnd caIUiir upon th e royoltst-s to give up th e ir nl- IcRliinco to-thoa-AcUon Proncnlsc" un-dcr im ln 'o t b tlng a nncd~thc—ratmt’----------m c n ti-

- ______ Ban Applies lo Dead----- ---- -----■^he dcnd were the Jlret to whom the

bnn was nppllcd. or. n t lenst, th e flrni to a ttr iic t o ttcntlon. Soon a fte r the pro^iunclumento of the blxhoiu. fcveral O ntho1k»-who were mrmberR of lh :•'Action Frnncnlse" pnwed on to tlie^____

fim erals w rc denied entry to the churchcH In which they had been wont to n ttend mnxs.

In some ciises prlr-^tx conducted the ____fcn lc es Dt the cemciery: lii othem the {nmlllcs and friends coniented thcm - fielve.i w hh lay scrvlees In front of the

=;?t;«..>< n n n 'iit-ihA-eliiirfh. and.nt.M iC ____-burlnl pround. T h ls-so rt^ th in R u * i i i r rr~ r~

0 frequent oecurcnec.Love. loo. h(is found n wny. Every

-noK -an(l-lhen,the_!!A cllen.Pm ncnlsc,"._____printa un necount bf th o « who hnve moat recently suecoeded I t r ’ftarryinK

■ vhUg-rgmalnlng - tfu e bo th - to — the lr _____c h u rih ond th e movement to restorethe th ro n e .. i 'i i

cd nw ay from tlie portals of the church, a rc allowed In through the back door nud m urried In the laerlsty. B ut Just

-M -oft«n-U w y.arc-w ed-onljr-:aa-nlgria" y r i T _lu_lhc_brlilc'» .home.

- n e p rm n t Pretender UUOftentimes, if th e bride o rU c r chos- — ( h

en m an be of prominence, the Due dc /_ Oulsc. pretender to the th rone of ' Francc, "Rrnclously delgM to have hlm « a self reprcK nted a t the m aniage," ns- unlly by Monsler Marquis dc X . or Monsler le WIHIC OCT.' | "I

Even If he lived In France, the Due on Hi would bc prevented by the protocal from ln(t •' nttcndlntc the marriage of commoners. C()lur n u t ho l*n't In Frnnce. nnd Isn 't likely - to bc. for pretenders to the throne arc j_ |, compelled by Uie republic lo s tay In .^001 exile. The Due do OuUe lives'In Bcl- glum, and tomctlm es breaks bread and ,

-c lln k » —«lu«wg- wllh -Kina A lh e rtJn .

' _____________ ^

: B R E V _ m - E S i

R rlu rn s to roratelltH-M rs. D an Ro ie rc tu rn rd yeMcrdny to Pocatello n ltc r c ry d vlsltlnu her sister. Mra. C hrb Hnbcr.

Arrives From B o U e — Arclideacon lldw nrd Stoy. Dolse. arrlvcdj^cjilerday to U eonihict v rv lccs In Ascension Enlacopnl lu rbs

:^ li» rg lU gd-> y -.

for Pocatello yesterday a fte r n short ~vW l vilth friehds while on his wny.homc . Im m D olse, .

n U o T h n ^ e t u r n ^ ^ S J3 1" e r a l weclK ln-norlhcm Idaho and W aah-

tnston . with relullvcs and friends. | ^ l

EaMern Girls -VWI - Four mnldcnsXroni Uo.ilon In a M aHoclmfctls car .lycre in Twin r a i ls yesterday en route _ ■to acalU e f j spend wme time before Ire tu m tn s vin'CaUforpla nnd th? sou th- Je m route. T hey cxproticd surprise ^

' Y o u K h o w T h p r e l s

- - ^ N O B A ^ ^ F E B ¥ —

~ ^ 2

Nqw—They Coat Nb. I -■ • Morel .--------r- I 2

i i a i s t e’ ( . ■ W hprc.Jphn Cqoli

H N COOLIDGE and h is briilo. th tr fc om c a t P lym outh , Verm ont, iliirinK

)TTO N "STA TE-scnntbr.^— \\t:rcH n tc xm lt commltU-e'ii c)timwHflt4on-ot-i ( le ft) —f(iiIoral-farni-.bQar(l co tto n n ( r ig h t) and HarriH of GeorK ia.w erc i a w ish fo r an ’‘out-an'd-dut” co tto n m

th e wayl'imd^al5o"surprlM Ilnll- j ; ••biiilneM na usual." conducted, o n ; juniUiw day. j ^

loin* llusbaml l l r r t - M r . H. Saylor. [ coinpnnled by two children, arrived HtcrdAy froni'Tluncilon Cltf, T e n n u - ■»— , s. 10 join her hiubnnd. who recently

uxllbryjto ln s^ |-T > \^ » ____

hM<r^^ ^ e ° h o m e of Mrs. O . wt«r, 204 Ninth avenue enst, on MWP" y evenlnc. The hb*lc4s will bc luslst,* .., by Mr.i. R. E. U igliton nnd Mrs. prL-i

■yder. . ^ •

Bladder Irrita tion[f functlonnl Bladder Irritation dLs- rbs your Rleep. coums Burning or ih lng-S ensation . Backaehc or Leg ln«. maklnc j-ou feenircdrdeprtiacdrT = tm is a m ra ire d ry h rn o t - tf r th e-Oy»^ ~ c -M H our T r tl? DonTBlve up. O el sU x today Bt u i) 'd r u g sU>re.-Pui-li . . .

th e teat. See. for yourself w hal It ES. Money bock If It doesn't b r in g . • ^ Ick Improvement, and sntlsfy you! F

Royal Goal j-■ k o t ’n C l e ^ ~ I S

AaK’yqur neighbors

M 3 i5 6 2 B .T .U .3 : m— i4n ^ n i* l^ A n. *at/ X lA V U v 'U rU U Il ~ :

. P H O N E . ^ 6 ; •

I L Y N E W S . T w m t m s

Mlidges Wcril'On Thcir Honcyi

(Tform er F lo rcncc .T rum bu ll,j)» id a ' inK th c ir honeym oon. _______

nWilUoms ^

________ AUOfUUtd I ' l ' f fhf:ln — I

in tc re s re tH n-the-fle iJu tc -ftg rl-------- --

n m em ber, G eorge‘rc am ong aen a lo rs 'cxp rcssing^ n 'm an . ■ • ’

---------- -----------------------------


I Twin Falla, I d a h o .. ..... .. fOffice:' 411 Shodione Street West

'R esldenef Pbone 1571>J, .Office Phone ICT7.W.

Bailcy*s Candy for _ /



----- 0CT..13T0 19— - “

T a l M > r t i r a " l i p X ''o f o i i r UTchT : :v= P u r e C hocola tcH o r a p o u n d o f o u r 'J J u t t c r , T o f fy , ' 11 is th e

'■- • ■ *T<lHKinnt-nntl-bc:<l.- ----------3

W o c J i r r y - lh o 'm o a t-c u m p le lc , i !

l i n e o f ' - —— ^ c u m l y m - th fr-flt a l l ‘1 ■>- * •

^ A j U j y ^ - C A N P ^ . ^

l!)0 .:Sh'oi)hqiie,St. Tw in Knlls ^ ' ■ O'liposltl! Id ah o T hcalru

L S / I D ^ ' O . S t j W A ^ M O ' R ]


’ K i w t

. .. . < ror tHe T lU-Americ

' U was nn 'S .K m .p r i

B r . ' {Taylor a*«

{ i J i l Mleeted t L j . - j u ^ ^ { i 2 S g r n 3 K i M - \ " R ou ry cl

B - i ■ T heir tea'J S ^ ^ S s B o i M I ------- hcadquitn

ft III m ill is under v

The- '


I P — — I Booth.

-- ------- i t tn e in tr , j vbh Ir* p

a v is i t l o t h e C o o lid cc fam ily

_______________________ ., | m I1c<i P k

l U l f i L H L U U L U l J U r r ' T r S c i v c d iand retu i


-------- rector, m

n y in D is tr ic t C o u i ’ mS ®

-H o ld s-T w in -F a lla - 'G o in -~ —

pany Not Liable For Loss-

>«irw iiniey.''D uiiirT :n:n“ 'riini{'i5‘ --------------llcrt (16S0.70 frcm Twin FnlU Cnnil iniuny fcr ullpged danin>ir.lo ff polnto jp w hrn ft Jury In dlnlrlPl court here it n l^ht retu rned n vordlct lu fitvor ol i‘ cannl com pinv. Wlinlev cinlmsd'11 his potato field wns llooacd as a ______:ulLcLUic.canal.compam'.’.i iicsllscnct . . . building n d m ln p c e ditch in Ottolicr. A u to T

tatoes to^rot in the KroiiiKl.. Olaes.Thc^canftllccmphniL-ConiPiided tha t- .e land on which the rroii had b « n , ^anled was seeped, and th i t ioss. II •lyrw an-cauBcd-by'nesll^onco-on-the TOr t of Whaley. . t S i i n i r r ial ilu rB. T li i j l i i j I'U i b m

-Farm-BargaiirO ^ Short Time

71 tiit riik -nf [ jn n iU ii iu l^ l mUn f rn m

o th e r (llll l i i i i ld ln g s ,. 6 n j; r a v c lc d r o f l 5 5 p e r a iT c c a n h ,

MONEY TO LOAN ANIO u r n iD iilh ly r c s ld c n c c lo a n l i t 7

ban ilic t- l.s~ni>: b ( : .s lo n 'e m i h e re . F r iv

—4)k> ck T t^ iH M > t-b e -b e n ten rw ed v o u i< U i— to -y o iir-K a rm -lan d -lo a n H -H tr-5 1 /s -p c * ^

a u d a f t e r tw o y c n r« . '

— _ J . E. WHITP h o n e 217

' r a i i s t

- " j a 2 8 - B r a h m i F P a l i ; f S B l « n ^ ^ ^ ' ~

............ - . J H A N S i a i r

---------- J...A . / .



E i l i i l E pr a i S i G N i =

• • ' • ititnncrto i' ' ~ tcrday, T

m ittees o f r R o U ^ r y -and « p * .toun

iwania. Clubs .Will P u t e iu “ .

li D r i v e f o r ? 2 5 0 0 H c i -c-■_____ • brortght b., to « t *.«l(1

■uoLdfivc fo r thc.tlSOO lo be raised ty to „ro, ie Twin Fnlls d l.u r lc iB o y S ro u tl nitflea tu n a wm--bc hcId'_on lhe . ms of O ctobcr 33 nnd October 34, s announced yesterday by Wilbur ' , j.p r M W c n to f th c m tr 1c t:-L .C Ia i T J w caiilaln of the campnign nnd I 1 iaa_M ._R o^rtJion an d B tuart H, X I r oaalitaiils.. ' ~ ,fTH of IS mmber.< enchjiave^been __

y club to piit on the cnmpnlgii, I team s'n re a.*iked to report nt the

|uartCT8 I h 'th e P rrrtne hotel-nt-9 ----------on the days on which lhe campaign ______le r way/ ' , . -; following b tht; iirrsonnel of tlic 1; Rotarlnn.i-^Pnul R. T abrr, Har> fnolt. J . Pnul Thomnn. Ifeno’ J.O arl O. Bcnson.-John D. Orr, Roy

>ad. H. R. G ra n t. Ahher B. Wllwi>,D tltrM w ard Ooo|wr, * R CotwaU. ______;l D ean, W. R . Prlebe nnd C. E.

rnn la 'i« ; w itb u r S. H n i7 o . P r f ^ - ~ .R. p . Robinson. K enneth C. Beach. _ .jlllngsw onh, Ocorge C. Wiley, Joe T 1ley, O ran l Pndget, ftalph Musser, \ lI Browning, Q.^ M. ■ T

FcdTS5M»'nH»:30J>. M.'JasI n ljJ it ___relum ed Its verdict nboul an hour

ring the lost dny cf the trial, coun* n sr th e canal compsnv Intrcducednony of T , M, Balid. former dl-' - l i tr, M id 'W . R . HnlflcM and U. V K

'e m m a Wick, a.-ulBtant secretary. a . D. Perrine. engineer, __ ^

am i electric baths, woman and . . a tten d a n t. P lu Dr. Foiter, S40. Adt


_____ __ W c J[>lL_____________ ____to T o p 8.“ BcaU Covers. Upholster* -------- ;

I ts . Body nnd Fender Stralghl*■ 7 . cnlng. •, .


1 Snd g t. E aa t Pbone 7i8

Otfered-Foi^ ^ le Only j

r o a d . A r e a l b a r g a in n t .

ND L O T S O F ITt iy - ‘ p e r c e n t on u n p a id ' r iv i lc g e 1(1 j ia y a t a n y llm u

ir_giiiiL p c iv i lo g D tQ pa>' o n _____

UTE - —i:5U M a in A v e . lia .s t

5 C O V E R .

u s e d l c a b ;______ :

p © A t N 5 « —

g o i v t o ^

1 D tilc k T o u r i n g C a r •

— - i~ | '? o r d '^ r n ic k '■ " " • ? ? =

i , - a u H ^ ( i - L . . .

f f v . r ■ ■


— ' Iby^ g ^ i-W Ig~eoun ty pfflctairTrho-li;nl I m » . Lake" iimniime^ u wUness^i^in federal {c, Kncknsartonrt'arB O lieTTtnim w i la t r y c r ^ ............... ,’, T)ic lis t Included H arry C. Par- The Rev lounty a u d ltcrf T . & Moore.'c6un- tlver. New

action In which they weve .called - 1 , ; ' j.,_ incMC* was n suit In ejectment ,ht by Sfia,.Bva Lake. Callfomln, ‘A'lrte ta x tUle Issued by the coun* jw o j K ^ ^ j i ^ u h K j r r l n ^ c ^

[t Pays' ro^my-Qqa

/«R A I)T hat’s

\[ i£ t,O rIa m L jT h e - R r n v f i n f i i i c c f

V le lir Radio Coniole -------- Comp»tt«uwlth J n b c s ------------l^APIO

I V i c t o r R a d i o W i t h ]

...T hc-m odetu-com plcto .m uflcal .Instrui trola prov'fdrS-electrical reproduction ' clilld can tuno It. Olves performnnce

-V. .-y o » .|i>vo-heard. l a tt.beaulUul_Walmil ^ “ 1 ” B triJ^ e re “Mapie"p8Re!.

Majestic]With , ” " 'S Power j i i

U n i f o r m f -11’

" “A i f i p l i f i c a t i o n

A u t o m a t i c a l l y

a t a n y i P f l i n t - l _ ; ^ ^

- ' O n t h e D i a l - 9

- I ' - n - —

- ^ M o d e l 9 1 — - s j a : tT H i

■ $ 1 6 0 C o m p l e t e w ohdor. -

Victor and :!= ^ A r e - S o l d ^ H y f e ^

, I t l ' a y s T o l B u y :

--------- ■:— — T V t n i l i i e l i f i ^ B r i

, . . . . . V " .............

by t(» Wtfft,-

i k e ~ tc tn r ? p r f« n > « ^ l^ ^ t t f t '^ ~ ~ f— tm an, T y in f tlis .

R ev crsb t Palls ol the m . JflftH . lew Bruniwlek. Canada, t umble

king snake is immune to- ths of the m iller.

I tiaths^ Dr. rosie r. P ^ S(D. Adv.

! ___________ ■ ■

H a j e s g ^x e i j a e a . , , , _ _

VICTOR”A N e w W o r d

■ T o b e s c r i O e

RADIOidjfcllves have b:en ex liaust:d - ';________Ti7therr*hiwbeen'WJB^*or<l^P" " . to reproduced mu.ild which has t. tn the whole u-orld, the abso-PINNACLBofcxeellencc.'TlUa------------ha^ never been applied to ra- low it can be applied, Tho word TrOR—nnd th a l word gtiaran- 'Jie same degree of Quality andio r i t m n a r f r o i i h i n ^ ^ a i s t m i i z ~ed o ther Victor InstnimenlsT o r

IS T I I E MARVEL O P TH E - 10 AOfc. ■

h E l e c t r o l a _____________ ^ ___

itrum en t The new Btec- . ,loti'of rtcOTded muale. A . nee far b*yond anything[ntilJipishedcaW M t w im ________ ^

iSatfF —-


M o d e l 9 2 , ' ' V ;

$ 1 9 P - C o m p l c t c -----------------------1

r H u m — iio o s a l l a t l o n . Y o u j IccH a n d muH lc o n ly o n t h e • i g r e a t e r •M a je s tic . I t ’s a ■!

:Miajesticj i ^ E a s y J e r m s — — ^

l y Q u a l i t y ; 'w l n s X w g ■ ■ ■■....... , - ;:;ii r F a r f f i l tu ■ . . .■

Page 8: · 2014. 12. 12. · ^raiBEtisi^™ "-FumEnm oFiiEinmEl ________ a l: —Br-f\T^^I«ddep-LQU(U' Air- ^ l)laiie' as» Grefttest

- . F a i t a : E l 8 l i t - ~ ■

i i a i i P B gsTOfllMlliiE

N b le 'd 'M i n i i t c - i - i o D i 'm ' i ' i ' =

— I n s p i i 'H tt f — --------

M o d e l '. ) $ r>r,.(l(«l CIU M 'cli

. . F o r . ( ' im e iV K a l i ( i ) i H e n '

Vrw $U.QOQ Clu l’tluil flmM'u K (luclUM-

_ji.uriU Jig_’sun(liiv ■ M'i'i-'''! .'-rvui- iiii'Jtunillc ccn’tnoiiUl Ul A. M. iHiil ____coiicluilllii; Milli t!i" s.'iiiioii .oil -J-ii- incrtnmv." by Dr. I.. :-;iilv.'iy.. v tm liLcwWOttii lllino;'- anil il.'(llni:or> Hci.m i1

. nruvor (iiiU bi'iu'ilu u ' j i i U u ' .c 'v jn s a i T tiiii' 7;J0 i*. SI. . • •

tii'.nl KHliiv I* I’ll 1» no ti'i'l III (li.... .sl.iriv ol ’m l t«i«'.Miv brick, wllli bla:k

oii'cn luoa. Evi-ijiiiiii': ih'- lati'>: * ~ . u i . T i i aiui (!c>li;ii. 'n tp rliir.'; roonn

• a rr llll iiitHlrni niid itu-ri- U -i M'parali- P l j• room fcr cm li class. Onr nf ilir Ii-nltiri'.- J / j L Ilia; lm^ iiiir.iclofl ii KVnit di'al (i! n:*U iillfiii !•; i>ii ii[H'ii lilblr cu i-itli cornice.' T fl. I

:.|(l? anil oublilc. ~____IUn-HLmcliial-:iirai:i'i ul ---------

U:daj liu.s biTii viiKaiiiil in iliiJi.'iil.iiy i Th"' work (or i'hiiirhi'.<. Iin.s|iiui] anil <’iUi- dittiii' CUllOllIll IniillllilUills lur 111:* luNt 111 die ji'ur.K. una crrclvf.i call.s Irom all |u i i s >iw„ u

TiKJii nf ' itimt—charnclcr. 'luinii;

__________ GIvfv lllH .|n t^ ( |_ T a lk _ _ .•N Al lhe Siinctay m'IiwiI MTvlcr iiT T O iryH r A. M., In ciinncctloii u llli llir runillo rrlU'd Ctrcinonliil.'Wlilcli l to U: condurtril salvn by Dr.'Snlvrly In tin- ro iiu r of nn ll-! io llu lii.’ilrnlrct (nik. th r r f will In- a ''<uii; ilmt i: acrvlco nnrt ies|)3mlvp rrnilinK. o pray- byTiv <T by lhe iimtor, Hrv. C. c . Cinils. Ui- ilon c vlw lt 'i i >o»)t.s'mul rcirjillon ut mrni- iho d

Al-tliP IQ;JC-A.-M. xca-iw,-l)r, 8nivt’- ' i h c '«—ly-wlII-<|>«alc-o» llii: v ru n aa m situ U .u fj.........

Fnllli.' Tilt.' choir hui |irc|mr<'d a l"'0‘ n r i lirom of.,«iK;pliit muilc for llii.i »crvlei‘, H U I which wlll bf fo'llowi-il by a clliincr In U L n thv chinch (llitiin; rouiu to uhk-li nil

--m cm b m - of- thi» ccngrcgntlon, Ih fir ; l j *-}; fiK'hd-i nnil oul»of-to\Ci» niir.iU uro wi-l- n U l

Al 2:30 P, M. th frc will b t union memorial wrvlew In which inlnLitcrs , ccnncclcd.wlili_Uit.Xwlii-l-'alK Minis- L „ ‘ ,, itr la l aMo:lBtlon .will jmrilelimt.'. lU v .lS "" ''.' J . Ellloli Sllmp, iiRslor ot ih(> Buhl j '

—im C K iniB 5rir.C T m it(nrchlircliM ‘5 fn V " ''^ ;^ s - c r r c r tn r i i rnyrr ; ncv. B r r cTtipifatBr-^^^'j"^*'^

will give u rcadlni: ancl ttie U nl.n Sup-^ por will b? ob'orM'U. Musical tiuiiibors|‘ " will b f Rlvfn by a <iuiirielir i'f m tn and n irio of women, J, W. Bonuehomii anti ‘ Frnnk SlncV will drllv rr iiicniflrtal n’d- >

mcrce will fjicak. Rev. Cecil,Fi RlMow. i pvlcc- pastor o f. th? MctliodIM Eiil'copaliihcot,

cliurrh will kIvp tKn?c]lcUoii. i__________ Make Dedlcalloii Vomi P r O

w tm on on "ImincrlnlUy" bv Dr, Snivo-1 ly. ihcrt* will b i tledicntlcn vdm u:*a l iwiltlcns. led hy Rev. CuriU; p row nlo-j ' ,

— Uon-aLke>-s.by_W-S_P4idtli_clialiBiaii \ , . - J• of th e biiildluK com m lttc''racceptance

of keys by N. V. Bliarp, Filer, chair- f mnn of ihe boord of iruxtecs. ond clo.<-j in s 3ervlce.i, The choir will linve ffiwclnl I miislcol numbers for thl.% .u-rvlce.

— -W hUe m iiit,kllUnt.«fVl«e Ucondiiewd ot th e new church for adults 'e h li In lhe morning, there will bc »i)cclal 'verr tervleo for chlldron under 13 yi'nm nf civil nite a l lh e Idaho theatre at I0;30 A. M. Hmv nrcsldert over by EvaiiKcllst Reuben W heeler. Pendleton, ,

Monday there will be an all day con- bu.

I S tart NOI to buy aI Christn

5| -\Yatch ojc I


_ J e w e l r p i

c o m p le le a ls p lu y s —^ n d U ‘b i T — ------------ Qur:*‘.C o n v e n ie n t P a y m e n t 1*

= — Uc kIu » u w , .iu p a r f o n i ^

—:-r — ■— t a n u n y -am o-T— V - - - ■ ■ m e t lH K l~ o i^ ^ c i r i n r^ H rB ir

f d s o I o n s ; . - ^ Com ie .in to tn Q rro w ! _- /


------T « 0gK BT ^<C T H * * 3 - £ - — -----

■ : ' : — i t m r

i i)H

I P # ■ i=. . , ' ^ , btoii tu

.e cculil ^(•r II It lull any aaciioiav" ’— : . . . - -------------: - ~ - - T - r - r ■'r iir b<

iilon III ili - cMiiiili i-m<!i:cltd by D r.'Mil I)vi', im;.'l('ii.iiv iruiii Afrlcii. l ie v,i!! b: ii li.iiKln'' .'"ivfil a l 0:30

i v . _A... M tur''.’ Yiiuma. fo rm er;?lPr"nf-tnp-'fwm-h5t:r-cjmr»:h.-iimM <‘- t ^ *nnii.,llM W ln rlii, »lll coniUict iiii Dr;.k-iiiH''li'-Uc-caiuim::;u_ln_l!:c_rh<irpH__I*j._M. ■lc<tt'lnr thf* dprlir.itinii fll the chiircti Hev. E I'l tlR-'coi.vriiiii.ii,'- • ---------------- r r m r r .

_____ who <11Fhi^i;iiv.iii<.M Arniv «i11 oprn a d r i v v ^ ^ ,, i„ , ..... « f .l; 01 CMMH’i' -Jl 10 ralM- ». sim ;j .:,o wiihiii a ix rlwl of ,

ui'C'Lv _ii V.-V- niii-.uiin:td i search

nii;.i"ii liul ( \] ir: ';id i; lo meci with ■Hi- ■*■11(1 'h»< within the hist

U'd lioin Twin rial.'coitniy Into tlu->^)^ Ivntloii A nny homo 111 IJoliU*, a ln eo.'iijnmj the Army ul n;oir than *2800 and hair bi It i>: litb .\uiii It li'id brrn relmburM-ci .Twin ra lii' county wllh an approprla- n ol « 00. w thal llie sum nsked in . ' f * ' ’ • drlve't.i nbam saoo Irw than th i- -

reondu ri ol liic .lium e._- . - — |—

-------- f s . TeHie Soulhern Idaho b rin rom m lue i': churcl ■t n t Ihc offlci- nl th;’ Twin F u fliiiM r.vJ mil compnny Insl nliilU wllh E. N .t M atey Uynvovr. Haiisni, ij;esii!lnR. A baul.M ra . J e-hi*l{-of-iht>-liM>mi>^i*til(M>I-U»-rom-^,-Sla ttpo wns in -a ticn diii:c .- 'f;ie-cfaj?c t — n u rl lh<-Yiiuciiii-,:"^:in«Tcni^'_'(!nhe bean jdlM lQ iia liP iriirv il'i ' 01 ui'H'luyiii''ii:;i Rlner-j orrhnt t mcotln« tivo weeks i>riort'. No oc-1 Mrs,-] ;ii wn^ taki'ii, l l wu.‘ tli.- niilnUin o t , for m e commltieemoii iiiui liici; iV h i lin no rcnton In view nf Mibsrqurnt In- j _ _ Mn»iioiireenidliiif In rrrr- 'ilys-tm nK lI; ~ : r z Qduuctlon. 10 chunite i!ie nimimum •Ice-of 17. aiiri'cd on by llic i;riicrul i-ethiKSi lh e I ’arlKlihnll. ' "

r o h a t c C o u r t K c p o rts |__• C o l le c t io n s o f Q u a r t e r ;

Fi i'ft collccted by ihc ccui: j :fo durhw the past three m ontiu lo ial-1 1 »ia«0. uctoidlm ; lo rtport Illed,><'!<•;Tddy b^ C, A. Daltey. probul* JudBc. |Flnc-s nnd co!.U calkctcd In crlmlnul •lions accounted for SB84.05, of whlcii

.•hlclr uufflc laws. Other n-celpi:. ere listed iw follows; 'Estates, S163.15: ' il l uctlons, $1801 murrluses, »5U: »dot>-1 um SO’; liuardlunslilpa t}..

SALOMES nrc wonderful iipiile.s, SO: u. Ill Km'go Orclwril". ndv |

.............................................M n w » ^

mas i:diamond i|

F a l l s ’ O w n ' - S t o r e ! :

‘b easy tb 'p n y f o r il w ilh -. •; P lan ." . ' : ____

nnt each w e tk io r moh th - ^ j : i : mou n t y o u wLahr-A-new— — - 1 v - aiaTnond-yoBThnveTnm i^-------

ilers I


B L m iiiS fe• ■ ------- - . r&lly J

....................... ' inn!.in»

r . s

Uie.s -W hile .Seated ■ u t - i S ’j:

O w i i R c s l i l c n e e - l i i G l i . i j r- — - ■— ----------- l- r .n c r

Ifi . flew. I - NHsoii. -Ml,'v. lll' lil J:<lili ScnilllolliMiT, died <Hy-|i.

:lm ir at tier home u lll itly WIIS founil bv Mr u<ii n ti-- wlifr>*nr home (rom work r . V 1'. .\i F.x- .'or tinUiatli.n hidluilJeil t!i,i'. a -a lli ln :l .■II tu im l b'.jicj{-;dl-i-iv-i. :!3:ii jvliirli IJ

iDtiic.ycivli----------------------------------.-.tiKlay-Mi-lii(|iK‘M -lii-noi da riiua j.i;i;:-uiiry. i (or ,j, IQIHI- y. K. Drake wHl '•'.'•iiliu;.V body WI1.H btauxhl lo lhe Drnkeicrul parUjM lu'ic.ji\,Ulei lii'i’ h;w').ind. M i' r'-'l ' H'•ilvnt by lAo daii'^ iii 'i '

Cimoiul lo iv l tc s . '!•. w;.:. j'G E ir L v r a m io r u a t i r n c i i i i tn z y L 'r ; , . , ^ , ,;*k>i funi'Ml pK lcrs dinin-l !irn- ii’ '•i . 'M.^iodn.^'^iiul will !m j:-(iv

i io u - r y ,^ -___ • { lira:

refroJi O fficer St*t‘)i.s j W ord of Missiii}; M a n lm i

’ii.'.sli)llity .thul Srriiiiliiii r 'irr;'v , i i . j ^ 10 dLsaiipu u fil ln.‘t Miitcli, mav l-avrl |

n if f L. L Uiw. Ki;iiii,ilh ImIU. O n'- ll, who l-H recilir.iUlit: r i> i n li r r :• | rouiihtnil lh '* 'I ’liclfir iniiilivii''. I’li irch uiidertakfrs' riToul-. 'Hn- i_r-1

Piirroy wn^ di-ju.-rlbod

: feol mil nnd welKlw^ brtw rd i IHO | d IW) pound-1.- HLs cyw w m - jnuv. and ( .. ir brown. i '

ro lhers Pall Bearers j F o r Son of P id iu r tM -s!

Tiic 'H ody 'of Ruel D. C o u riim T 2 T 1 . n ol'.South Idnho p!onrcrr.-imd-i;viii!t!-1 n of Orejcon Iron tlrrinnn .'w ii:, iM r-i'iich ■d 10 tUi lasi rp.slln« p lnct Wx 'I '': '! ;.surc i ills ceriielery yeiterdny uliornoon by, iir .surviving brotherr, folIowini: !tin-|l>i>' i' ^l-M-rvU^oft-ln-UKuDrakgauiwl lltrf::.,: : ,,..^.!, Service.'t were In cliaiKe ol th r Hrv,;

Temple Slnrkey ot tho lurch. mul Included vocitl numt>rr.< uy | tas'. c rs, Johnson. Mrs. Shlllander and M r 1, ,,..v rttey. und by a fiuariel coiiiiWM'd ol | ' ra. Jolinson, ^Irs. Shllinnder. K.jrSlarkey-iind P. E. Dmkr:-------- ----------------fturl D.-Courinny. n IKr-irn-: inv;-li!' j •“ ^ MlonAVednn'dfiyfrom m c n n ! nc.T” j jThnce:—H r-w n ^th r-so n -n t-M r-atn J-'------:rs,-L- S. C&urinay. re.ii(leiits of Kilor. r mnnv yeurs. hvlnc na-.v wmtli m :Aln I’alto. . ^ 1 5 I m b

Q U A L I ^

- ^ K U P P E - N - H

i s i

____ h y K u p p e i n

-------------A - f l c e c e - o v e x c o a t -

w i t b i h e 1 > C B t o l <1

- - K c3 m r a i l b a i e ' l i b ' l d

------------- o n l y - w a y 1

u U y > ^ a u i& d i n c o n f S


G 'O O ^ ^ O -

r o ~ T r - r ~ ^ E V e »


n y S c o u t s _ W m .Q p c n . I S S J

~ . : . - .F i iU :S < ia .T O n .iU R l l l l v ^ ^

aoy -B cauu -'o rT nuntgrf r ." i m n r o ti i 'ip i tblLunCli iroops win Jd n w llh Twin 1-pl Ils BCflUtt'nwi f'riday cv i-im iin ii *i jS u ly Uiftl It i» brlim memborr. of M

itfa b -is U -^ ^ it ile rM -M M n -a c U v llle in p ir— *couUra(l.-Nrf.rly 3C0 Coy S c o u u l j J

i)iittna tter^ ort; a rn iiuiiin: for t h f | . —j • iy n i 'i i 'tn o iifgaFinin- io bJ e iitirc ir i t~ i tW nanti»-'of-i th rac n iir ir - — - — — ~ '•.nch-troon“p»«ic>Pattn(rtr-'t(j-eoii-- r t —

Jcnuts wilt assemble in Twin Falls •‘■'J y-|i.irU a i 3:30 Friday tv rn ln r . n n d | r i I mnrch (rom tl'uTo lo the pliice it—l irr» Ihe rally U to b<’ held. The place !• tlie rnlly Is bslni; k n n a socrci, , 0

l lQ ^ t^ C ^ ' i Q

la»-wa:*MlccUd as Uii> m uotU w -placu-l^— -r the 1630 com Tnt:5n-o!-ihe-IU iilio ^ -------nt" nr.>o:lallon,i)(,lnMimnec ni;eiils. U

CAUD OF THANKS ^We dcilre to crprev. our !liirci-c np- W rclntlon o( sjm pnthy m an llrsird dur- ^ ■rtr!T-l>ercai'cmniiriT rT hr- |"i---. c f nur—f—j-------:u tiiilJ)rfillic r^U L lJJ-X cunnny .'nnd • lip rtr jJIj-fe rfh fpn rt-tak rT T -tn^ tn se rs ;-^(I iinLflcian In the (iinrr^.l srn-ic-,'%. i l l v Mr. and Mr<, L. S. c.m rJnav | ^

nnd t-lillilrc'ti. — 7

llraiillful nnd beu Salome.n nt Farijo ^ chard, SOc bu. ndv

s j

T a k e o u t U


BEFORK IT .IS 1 0 0 I.ATIC |rjrt

i: paiK'r nml read .Manllnf: hc.*.dllnesj|Tr]!:ch OS "BIr Fire; .Heavy l.a.Hs," To be I f ^ ire thnl Ihls shall not .ii uny time np- y 10 you.imy nn Imniediai- visit t o l j n ii^liiKurane*>-bfflw'v-«iuUUiki>..outlliS'.l|«— - ?ce;sary pollclcs to proleci you iiKfllnsl y. of pro|K‘rty by flro., V.’o write ile -j - .•iii'able liKurnnce n ;n lnst cvfryihlnit- j _ ]

- a f l n s t ^ I c ^ M a i l — g —

T ■ Y ■ .B Y y

H - E - I

F n '

§ . " I

• ^ - D U l ' F E t S ” " r

i i n h e i m e r . 1

i t - t h a t j i r l l l j f r e a r ___ _____ [ S _

i l i e m . K n p p c n « ^ ,

l 'd i ~ t l i 'e ~ « e « r c t ~ o £ ------------ffi—

i ^ h a n d l C T ^ * I t m _

i f S n c d s< y lc« > t o o * • J

a i r ’ s F i r s t ' ' f

• - t - “ H - E - : - S .... ■- n

R Y M A N : 0 ^

J _______ _' « “ “ •

3R N IN G 'r0C TQ B E^13rl9l

i« lill ~ i p n i g » w < T H » ] a t l m n

= = ± H H l• .....

You’re Getlii VAT.TTIi


- - I W I ^ -^ H -A R T -S eH Al “ A ^ iM A R X S

Hiirt Sehaffner ahd M; the l i i i - g e a t clothiers world—nolindy can mak clothe.s than I-I a r t Sc

_ n n p -b ly in t n n f h w i t h pvi

style trend . O ur.stock ( famous su its consists of shades o f browli and gi

~ ~!U'0 ever so popular £Hts= the fall styles. Ask ou men to .show-^'OU-a-Hart-


-SHOEYou'll en jo y selecting

^ — —y o u r’sh o e s .h e te . 'W e ’ll e f i jo y b e in g o f serv ice to . . .

I t P ays to Buy ---------- Interwoven-Sox—

B. — hMI— - Ruk1 '.them w ear «o long and you'U like tI --------------------- talrtnn.-'ua?:------------

] 50c..a 75c

1929' • —

ing a ^R - ; y j'A B O V E -

E N Y O U . . J | \ \ '


M arx arc r'J j

rs in tho i\U& lj%^'akc better j ?“]Schuffner I ' ^

^f the new ■grey that V

.i=t-Sffha#-------------____________ ^ _________- J i



“ th in i r .vou (le-

c o a i o f - ( iu i i i i ty

. r ' H t a lo w p H c c .' ,

»2 9 . i >I ............. ....... ^ ' '■


= J^ -O u r 'fltock o f th e fnm oi m in com plete now- an d you ca

style.1 ..............................• - A garment i

f l

t ^ E R C G A T o r ; ^

^ ~ ~

o w -

............ : " „ J

) - B W - Y O U R - ^ - —


noufl MunBing^vea^ U -c a n g e t a n y th in f f .y o u ,: : _ | 5 .......

i t ’C O t t c m r t i r t h c A e a ^ r — — S r —:

....:." aso I '-i t a n d up • ' ■ .

Page 9: · 2014. 12. 12. · ^raiBEtisi^™ "-FumEnm oFiiEinmEl ________ a l: —Br-f\T^^I«ddep-LQU(U' Air- ^ l)laiie' as» Grefttest

1' ^

~ Affer Tiro EIctctT Score On Safeties

•Closc PlnyiiiK ThrouRlioul . II--iP«;itUfliAi-Lincnln.-FiPl<l TI.

Foriturof; AnnuaLCQiilCflt ~- notwc^Gndiron Toamaliy F- M. S^CELEV

______C o l l c g e - n f - ld a h t u m n - f lv c r - th t . ;___— J d a h o - f f O u lh w n - b r n R c h - ln - th e I r —

n n n u a l b a t t l e y e s te r d a y . 8 t o 2 . ___^ ^ lh f r R « m e -> w w ^ < to » e a i« a u ^ —

h a r d f o u K h t, n o ta b le f ro m u B n fc ty w o n b y c a c h te a m u n d e r n lm flu t ir f e n tlr a ! c lrc u m fila n c tH a n d p le a s e d th e I i I r c ro w d (jath - protl-<7T lht» p in v . C iiM w cin s c o rc d th e o n e lo u c h d o sv n o n u liaxs (rom W hiiiiry to^Bapp tliat \va<

- -iintwiial in s«rcrai-rnyji.—'r}»e-lhrow- — - wan Rliort. Sapp clitclscd lila n m for l>o.Utlon Ullll rev rrm l lo take Hie Im II.Il was ]qw/ und lii> Iiad to Ktoop. Ai

— - Pitlic Miilifeifcsioop, and carried ttnoiliM

• toeklcr olf Iwlancc as he went. TlUf _ _ ' left Sapp in pow .« io ii o t Ihe ball. — -

lil!< sudden tw ist and spurt carried him c t.t in io the d e a r and lie w ent to r the slot

- touchdown w ithout troiiWe. wtuThe college kicked o t( to R inse on har

th e 10*)-ard line. Over onxleiy caused a one m u tt Ih a t RinRe recovered, but he was the downed on hU » .ya rU line. A play to ond steady th e team and then u punl *ent the th e bull to ijio college near niiuiieiD. "froi Pour phiya gave Uie bnil to -the T igen T on do^^ns on its own 38-ynrd line. The Col first play produced a roiling tumble th a t sen t the branch back 14 yards, Rul nnd. forced a punl. T here was no ruiv huMt. Tuil rmrihi>x~tiy~ihe~coltegc~irate-

— thc~TiBerirtn6~i>aii~on~ c~8m > rn m n f - p - nea? midfleld. Poliowing a lS»yard J-

__Ltlrlvc-R lnge.dropped, lh t .b a ll- a n tl. lb e goi It. O 'Connor making the O il trap , on the 23-yard line. A penalty ot 20 yards aBalnei the Pocaiello team WM followed by a .-spin ploy Ihrough ce^il<r Ihat, threw Darnell loosc-for 15 ^

tiame. Roliertno^n I t o p p ^ ' him ' wllh' a ^ pretty Inckle. nnd the branch breathed *

■n b it easier. . ^ ^

---------?lH CU ffrnr«niow n ■wa rm iH h r C uy- - r -• ot«* could mnke. the ball going over O'C

on downs. T he Tigers punted. Caldwell------ran-a-tew-plays nmLpunted, to give Uie j> . '

TIgera the ball on the 22-yard line. Tlie £ way wa5 laid tor the tlrs t koro . Rob-crifton's pun t was blocked, bu l he saved Tig

. „ th e lu ll back of his.goal to give Cald-. Co]------weH-a-flHfety-M orer-T he-fltn fiw ^nd- — e------rn Wllii like bdll lli potsessioti ot the her\ branch on Caldwell's ^O 'o rtt .marlc. O'C

T he second pltir d t the second quar- sU)te r brought the T igers ihelr point*. WuRoberlson's puni rolled to the Caldwell vorfour-yard murk. T h t )>ass for Ihe kick Briu a i toK 'a iu l the U cker was downed it-,behind his tine w ilh the boil under Vai

. , Jilm . Anoihcr safely hnd th e score wa^ o- Cnldwell 2. TIgera 3, T h e ,r « t . i ) f Jhf. j f

quarter was o struggle up ana. dow-n H R th e field. O nlns were lu r d to get and Um keep. PunU ns was fretiuenl, and Kvcre V penalties cu t - off promising rolllea. Cnldwell was sel back GO yards 'ln this qunrter. .the branch 30, Koldlnf, otf- Coll ilrin, nnrl R u tln ltni'i ovu - 'a n iilely ts « n make a tackle a tte r n punl were tlic a oftenses th e officials u w . A fumlite fou

— c o ?on rarivn> nd~ n trt> ranctr< onoycd le n w ith steady gains U iai corrteu it wcii pos past mldtield before IV had to punl ma:

------B g a ln rT h e ^ b n m c h h rn - tb e -b a irm g r -pm... - Uw middle o t. m e field on t punt, ond

st nrlfd ■ for.Cold w»U'*.goal.-but-O^Con«- — - nor Intercepted a pa.<ts to end the halt.

--------------- TouoTuJoWiTfor CoyolCTT he university team kicked o tf to .,

open the second holt, got the ball on a pun t on lt« 40-yard line and started - ■'

'a g a in down the field. All wvht well. ^ ga la i came steadily until Caldwell's 33* ’ C

......>-6rd-llne came. There A.,«lssed ^ gnsl *'__.l:C lh«-«nJ*rJi.n«M 'B Otor o i r e l ^ t i w r t

p u n rnciied -bu t-l# -y« ras .-T he - 'C- -collegc-broke-looM w ith B-pretll-pos#. --V

W hitney to Sapp, tiin t w enl to tlie H• ccnter a t . t h e field. Rulledge dodged • II

- ond twis ty ; for M y a rg rT lM next^ptay -* v fclui)|Mid~di-ud'^t U it "line.-'Then-catne —€ th e w hining pass. WlilUiey to Sapp c again, and the college hnd Its touch- . c down. To moke- the play Rutledge i j . swung over to the opposite end. leiv- ,l Ing 8opp oc th e end ond eligible to re- g celve. The try tor p o ln f on anolher g pass drew loo ions a throw, and the a

" b o l l W r i h e ' ground untouched. The ~ g college was leading, S to 3. V - T he score upset the university play- c

era to r o Ultle. They had a spell qt q _ nw kU e.U ck lin t and Caidweji took ad- «

vanUBo of th e ir i u t« « t m Q idlb get as j, near ano lher counter os the 23-yard u

____line on t couplo.roore ptssea. but-was »

....... earetuily pelUns th e ir aeoro a d m to f s , ^. kicking prom pU y'to keep tb e b«U out .*>1

the ir 3«-y*rd Une. A Tiger drive ^ —r g l j ^ p p e t f r ^ ^

Ss• a Wild p a u from (be center th o t went to

hUBOAl Im e befora b e eetild capture It. t A c ildw ell n a n nailed h im e p .hU 4> Am yard U n e .. A |M d p a n and- s im t te o f cogi

f th e b i ^ ^ w ^ d y . t b e : 7 l « t n -

K— M -W »y-cw play . w h t o ; 'S y r o e ? t S ^

■' .—r-:v—----

P I p i ®

tw e e n I o w a a n d O lilo S l a te colle

LVarrto hrnVf. nu-nv fnr .lunupi,! n in ' f ,it .th e d^y. 38 yards, before he could be I n slopped.In Caldwell's 25-ynrd line. Time XJO was short. Hie university pla>ur* hustled Hard, and C apta in Rodm an Intercepted m >ne of the ir posses Just In time to mop L Ihe miircli. Caldwell promplly puiilrd, in d w ith a -pass completed to Sullivan Lhe gnme ended wUli Hie Tigers 30 yards

Tiie lineup: — i~ B EI^olltge of Idaho Southern Branch' air t

(81 (2) H.ORuHedKt-...................... ........... Beckitead | «-he,

«»d „ tallei

..........b ; , „ d ...............“ ■'“‘■Mb -□m ia m ..................................... '

center . ' ‘" 'P fR odm an .......................................Dennett i ‘*<»wi

G uard anoilRoberts ..................................... Stephens;' m

-T afik le , , - . - . - J - B wii-Keister....... .................................... afartiul^uie-l

End : Nortl D am eU ....... ................ ......- ...... Robertson, jn^ i

WHllrie'y . I I . ^ " ' ^ ' : : ....... ... m iiP r ^^ ^ ----------------T baSO'C onnor....... -------------- ............ RInttc ^ ^

hnlf . ,iP. Tucker . . . . , .................Sullivan • “

Score by qunrlcra:- 1 2 3 4 T ota l-'IX

T ig e rs ............... 0 3 0 0 3 illCoyotes............ 2 0 U 0 . 8 !

berger fo r DanneU ,-M cColloush forj i O'Connor; Stock for J. Tucker; unlver-; I sKy, southern brnnch—Stone for Lucns, t ! Wurdc to r Stone, Rosenbuum for Sulli- i von, Posnoi fo r Uiicoln. Lincoln to r ' Brniiett. Kelly for RIiiki*. :;tone tor Kel:If. Liieas for Stone. for DlVnnce. runn

O ftlciols: Referee. Kline, University minto U d u h ^ _ u m p |re . J } r ^ «liy ^

Umers, Hodgin nnd Ashworth. . ' verel Yards ualiied: - Co

Pass- Penal- 'R tt- First pion, R uns CS' Ues Punts a) Downs An,M,

^lleKC - 1 W 75 10 « 4 m 7 ,.,7),,

Tile collegc trfed 13 pn.vie;i, comptet«d I mI !T lg m ^ ied Ihrei

each o t which went for good'

=FootB3l$in^^■ IdahoJ9 , A tonU aa 0 ' ll

Uenvei* IS. W rBOins 0 \ jColorado M ines 20, W etirm Stale 1)Idaho B ^ n e h S. Idaho college I . 1

^C om en-49 .'n im pa tH -R ldnero— JJ*.- V I n ln la - l t 8w »rthm oreJ__--------. N onhw e.l«m 7. Wisconsin 0 i lUlnoU 4fl. Bnidlry 0 . . . ,i

-W h U m a ffT lr^ ^ t ltld 0 • ---------- i ° ' “ ,

CoJormdo 19,'cclonido Teacher* B Colorado eoUege U. Colorado Afglea

in tf r a w tu U ln 34, Montana Nonnal 0 fH||^ SovU uni Calirom U 4«. Washington 0 Stanford 47, California branch 0 1 ‘ A m rS S . Davidson 7 .1 Tl

StTLBiiro^^------------W hltlenberr SO, Denlion iCarBegio T och 33. Reserro 0 N f jO eo tg l» .M ,y a leO - ' •

-.N o tM .IH m alU ^aT y .7 .... •............U fa rc l le » , M anhattan • =Pennaylro n U M U l l ^ 7, 8L Josephs 6 ^

^ e h B w r t j j ^ o h n ^

:.;W asJilntton a n d Jeffenon.M ,’ Back.';

a > m iU M | New nam pib lrftlt. . , | _

- ; ^ « a a ^ . to d o M J J f e w . j 8 h r n j ) | j # j I j y

.O retoB -aU te I L C t i m i iU a . l . J _ _ _ ! l '_ 8 O fe w ''t t r W M la n a g < r ^ - — ^ i ~

a j g t t y ^ a ^ a t b w ; a M fath* { .

E s a E i$ 0 =

ro!loj;t‘ in C d h im liu s y e s te r d a y .

Beal Cougars, 14-0[-BERK ELEY . Oct. 12 i,I'i--Oul Ol UlC 'Hr today Calltonilu’* Bears plucked n * n H-0 victory over Wa.ihliigion S ta te ; , « hen repeated oailauKliti on the ground i “ failed to cruiiiblo a [wweiful C ougar.

' WinirTfiiOOoTpecinlor* clicerc3."'nir; Scars rushed Uiolr northern rivaLt; Jowii-Hir-fleld-ln-lhe hnlf to leave tl Im prlnu tw ice in NCorinK tiirt.A touch- fi lown In Hie tl^st period wax tollowed b y ' w inotiicr in Uie seco:id. ]

TllC crushing tiral half drive o t the ri Bwii-ii-cnnie ln itood t i tp e jp r in -.mon-of—-b i llie-lusl-tvo-perlods Uio team from U io l—ai t^orHi wns charging yoalward in thrill- ‘ rl Ing bu l futile efforts lo retaliate. i

rami- fortm « .Hvo In tiiriUng 1back the ir opponents, the Bearr< rem ov-' rd one o t ' th e mo.U forinldnble e lev e n s* as of Uie N orthland. |

Denver University Crushes Wyoming

DENVER. Oct. J2 andrunning the visiUng University oi Wyo­ming eleven off its feet, Denver unlvcr- Illy squad todny came from behind to win-a apectaeula r vUTcry 'ftt Denvet-u n1= versltysladlum . lOtoC, _

Coach Je ff Cravnih had drilled the pionccni into a defctulve nttaci: wtiicti ap|>enrcd to 'b c unbealaWe, Wyoming tuid i?iainp)ol>nl a eue’eeguful iiiuiili J liU g the I>cnvcr goal Une when the Pioneers suddenly' came to life and regUicred thrri- louclidowns before Hie final Run. SotHttiurSoiltlMtUlfeEloiuufirdkUKiM-

viere on th e two ends ot lhc'pu^sln;;

Noi^hwestmiW iiiF Over Wisconsin, 7-0

-MADI3O_N£\VU„Oct,-l2-?fl>i-N0rth- w estcra unlvcreity's W Iidiais uphcW Iheir tinm e liere todaymiH'clifffsaTItsir way to n costly 7-to-O. football .victory, over.the University, of Wi«onalii;;l«oro: Ihou— JOO—freniled ..spectators sut tlirouttli un Interm ittent drizzio to see th e W ildcats upset the dope.

Henr>' Brtider, brliliont Northwestern fullback, EUtfered o fractured leg in the th ird ix-riod and probably will be out for th e season.

T lte gam e was tlie opening Western conferenco 'contu t for bQlh teama and' was m o rk ^ - by freiiueiii ]>enalile& N orthwestern lost ISO j-ords on illegal ploys, w hile the Badgers were set back BO. , • .. . •

s - f i l i r iN- T I i r e a d B u b b e r

L a r e l t h e ' l M i g e s t . l i ^ a r

= ^ W t e i a ? B . 3 i u i l t = = =


i r m r C l a S h ............................. ........... ^

P E T E ■ jBauie:\ i j / ----------- (■ m ; s T n ? [ ------------------^ ‘ h i v a --------

j*i«tlarr.i /-.Ol f M t :.-<klrtei— Ing n:jliywl-f<>«M-lm-tfpr<twin-4*i>»-lL‘ lie - ' t t-»

- • • --------‘-Eflnle-llLl Ml

------------------------------------------ r? = — s Tlie

focaMloYEIeven S Loses To Braves

_____ K■ rOCATELLO. Ocl. 11 ;}'■ - Tlie ^llfiht Pocatello hlil> %<-hodl rootboll (or« i

' Irum held the hravlrr IIuUf Braves lodaylo th r r r touchdawn* uiuL a n 18-. to ev<

~pf6tttliflii». fourthUoUe presented a imoolUly tunc - gg

tlon ln r team and 3-«tsrrinK back- Ifield, w ith revrne playit aud a for- ward a lU ck n ttl ln r gaint.

The vU ton fccorrii In th r first j»e- c ity , riod and tn lled . 7 to 6, a t Ih r ha lf, npUhe

riod to seore tw irr morr. PAU] i ____lt-waa-BofeU tM o '. . .W - W f t f U r - until-'

—rruag a starred fnr IJol»r. - • game,

^h e i?e -a r( of ti

■ - I - . :3 j^m any:as~g------------- pay any one of t

• .ice. .

You, however. Maybe you driv you’ll drive it 'tl travel different, There is one.t ical buy for you ferent. We lielp pointing out' wl

~ 1. ' ;i±We carry all': :-------------- — n t - l f t w p s f f f l s l ;

in, iailt over yo

— “ t n rO fH e e o n d -B h o p P h o n e 2 9 9

V - 'X lin k e iH N ^ - O e i ^ r e a n d B e ^ r t n ^ D f e W b a l o r e .

t O I ^ I N C C O C T b B E T t j S , ^ ^ ^

_ • ■ i .

lays SteilaFRolei-------------------------- ------------------ t %tii

, — — • • Ihl

U i “A n T o r i e a i r Q u a r t p r l ) ; i d t ; -fo“ j

- _ W j i i t c s _ A i i ( i L i i ( ; i v \ ; i o i ; u m a | i ' ' ' ' ‘

'P iiK L * i l l ( J r i i l i n i i i l U s l t t r y l ^ ^

•C 0L 0RAt>0 .•'il'ltlNg.S. O d , 12 MV- | II3fT=?0mcni Ciu iii, cuiiiruua fuitfgr-in------}|ll-Amerlcan qii.inerunn:, wrote a n o ili- : * m itir lo iis-pa iie ln -h tT itcn terti-h i^n r} '• • ere todo>' b / Iriidln!! iil.i icnni to a H > ; t victor)’ over tlu- poftprliil C o lorudo:]]’ ■BBlM.’one of Ihr tavnrltrs In t h e »Qckv.Li->I^ lounla ln conferi’iicr r^cr.I t wnt t sram ioiiiil ii.ime. ri-plPte wiili ^

ir llla trom, tlie opciuiut uickoii 4iiitn ^ :ie crock of Hie linicr's uun. Ccai:U . ^Bully i ■Van derg ro aa 's—'lltfors. -vatily---------nprovcd In the iiiir o w r th e ir lOUB, mkeupi ouiimorioii the Av!!:lt';i. look th'i*’ ha Iny-ttway from them a iid .raiJitti a>vay . Irom> a 14-0 JMd a l Hlr aj:.ii;. Clarl: was tho bli; cun in th e Colo- ^’ulri

ido collfgu otfemive- l l f iind Ljlc^tl»o f

I to sljardoni in hi- Hr.Hl c o n lcn n i r ; ihe i: line.'alone bore Hie brun: ot th e Tluer dliim

liiieT-Clork-rlpprd off Hir iucIi Ip'k. i Cariil ilrted around Hie i'ikIk. did all tlu- ]>au^- - I'O'^H Ig and nil the kicking. ; f^drr

in ie 'C ln rk evcr'pru'yfdi Mirpar.'-liii. n i l , ’'JH'ct Ls M tuialionalpast perforniunces. >■ Roci: T lie Tigers know how to block a n d ! pus^ ley tackle hard, Todny's pertormnnce.i > hi tin I miiV l iRiiii tii! Itll iiii^ p e Rii'fliv xtrnim 'i-Bm n i jn lcnder tnr the Hccky m ountain title. | from

_________________ - . pa.ts

Hochester Defeats , Ci, Kansas City, 6 to 51“ “

ROCHESTER, Oct. 12 i,V » -R o c h e .< -~ |} | ir's Red Wings fought nn upliill batik* |Iday to bring th r liiHe world's serlo.1;> eveti tenns. Conilm: from beliind I jreen tinesrthey deIcBtcd-Ko»was-cit>Ti

In’nn 11-liinliiy )iiit!1i"for tl '^ lr ' -|)mlurth victory. Tlie n in th a n d decid- calit<lg gome of the .«rles is to be ployed defea^rc loniorKiw. IckIojT he two managen!. Billy SoulhworUi, off uioclustef. and Dutch Zwiliinir. K oiuas Iy bolIty, started their s ta r p llc h e r s 'b u t H iesilth e r lasted luii di.nance, • T h e Blues the Ciiind 'Tex Carle tbn 'lor iw o 'liltrw h lch ling ■[tii-B'palr of-walkrprMUCeu W fl-rnns.' Turtfi nui D eriJiuer replaced him iind lastediitll-the rilmh-when-he yi ^ ^ -T lT i

ime, getilnrc^edl^fo^ the vlctorjv-------the-v

Fe=as=Tnan3 tires as tfieis”6 tirlB"differinrt:typeroif 1 if tlie 6 to 15 dif ferent prices

'cr, may drive yourcar diffe rive it liarder, fa s te r 'f - or f thousands df miles farthe m f roads,'with different lo;le.type and size of tire, ther ou—for your particular nee elp you to pick th a t tire. Ofi where an6w -pric^tife“iS‘alill'types of tires—ail tioody ost to you—we know-w g f e your needs—no obligation.

g ^ 3 = ^ 9 M 3 g E 1 3 tE ff i

B ^ N B S T r T k ^ m - B E S I W

in d ~ - . ' . .i i .v - - '. '. r r -.

yltitiij5if(rag#"fP^i '2 ^' f l ^ i y r J r t ficrd Coliogc IflOl

-W hitm an dcteatrd'U nVicId eollrge ’ i I I I Q h r rr luday. 71 to 0, ulniilne lt< flrkt !. w l d

•%nfiuni-it panif . r ruiii 'III* lirs l play Mhrn Aptdrgalr r r- i

J.u tn ri| l.h il]rld’K HO yards i i \ ^ i ' lo i.cow.'WliUniinrra'irrllU'CUfiiUlia"-' l lir 4>rr(0ii la«l«.

k r e Dame Beats i - M id d ie v M - to -7 -^

----- -“ “ “ tory fl

;L!rs. J t p p e t L J x o

g o i ’ti of F rank C aridoo, j^r't^c

Spells Defeat For N avy'arw !. ~ r ~ ' ' { tin a

HALTUfORE. Oct. 12 - A pas* fhpped ' rom the fingers of F rank Cnrideo, | ' xniD -larcea Iho Navy ta bou- belore i '^>1’ ulr.' Dsme on o looiball Hold today as i Hic r.H 10 mpii of K nute Rockne’pas.-ifd auU- *'* * H m w >h n ln w y to-t<« ai^ m w > - 8VBr - tbfcdl le iiild'-hlimicn a t Uie Bnliimore * i a . ' ‘skins lum.' Ihir. I-NM-Uiat-iU-w(u-Ui«-pa<^loiiKe4l by-l-D^-dnJariilco, while lying nlmosl in a pione i“ J^hi O'itluii, Into the w.-.lting a n u s nl Jack Hu- ci Idcr th a t «ave Notn- Dame Uie win- ‘ouchi iHL- l.»irh/lntt». hilt It uqj lliln mill lit * ' ' H'ctLicular’footFnll th a l opened up the i Hahlli :ocicnr m en's attack. Up until ih a t 't< ’ t< as.\ fcfnt E lfler'scorinu over tht* llac 1 I the sreond period for Ihe ty ing touch- * 11““ m n i ' iiie - ff lvi^ a i -’matciiinn c y rivnM'-qu**** I'om tiir Mirtille Weal j-ard for yard ond Vaclu ass for pass. * brougl

I . . .. ,1, ........................' L Ih 1

iitanford University | H• ' I lolled

D^ealsLos A n g e l a s_____ ; Hie c

XCS^X N OH IESr& ^rTa W J^A game iin,U l-'deold<.ay-oulclaiM d-U iilt^lty~olalitorhlu u t Los Angeles eleven wns real slBtented by Stanford university here ^-gn <Klay', A7 to 0. Prom the opening kick- iidd i 'f until Uic final gun the Bnilns brave-’ botiled Ihelr O ianl opponents, and in lo jle second quarter fought Ihelr way to age ptle C a rd ln a lfo u r-y o rd line In a s ta r t- ders. I llg o ffe iS ve. whlfli carried them -tr cirm irus kn t e v f n u oiid spin plays.

' • D|._TlTc p ro v th u 6(‘Cadis. Spain ,'y ields populi

ic-wfpEid.— - - -----------------------------1 men.-- u .jaB L .1 ... - . —

[y-differentSre p rie

' 1 .f TireSTrillfltTpnjnriin^yi :es asked for-them and gct-t

'ferently thaiTthe next feil( i)r maybe easier, slower, her—or thousands of miles I loads.erefore, which is' the most eedsi That’s where our servi )ften we save a customer m all his driving-^VillT-equire. dyears. By properly tiring^j l-win-your-permanent-trad )n.

[ iT o b ile " (p g p GARAOB IN THE W133T.» .

s T

= = mwr-««r7TV,i'j-‘ y iiin ,rSu

ftahTeani,13to!2o F r a l o ’s - O G - Y a n l - l i u « . _ l ^ _

C la n ie I n F i r . s t Q i u u ' t o r •

p p g y o . u u h . . Oct. 2 t/i') ~ _ 8 hitty . ■,

iarU rbark!'ond"5‘ deadljTpassing a l i" “ " ek-'t!ttve-Monton9-8t«lfro-JJ4o*Ja.vkx— ry over lirlgham Young university li> Hirilllnir game here today. .DeProte’s ., i-ynrti ru n -to ti-louchdown. was xhe— Miation ot the encounter In th e latter irt of Ihc f ir .t quarter.Balllf’s fumble of. the kickoft goi rl«ham o tf to o bad t lo r t b u t they .

na territory. Shitty ru iu by Cacher, _ ny Y quarter, and Itoover's 'p a iw * "rre re.;i»iiMbis.. _ _____ :____________TliP D cFrate run, iioiicver. w verw il c f.ituatlon, with M ontana scoring. .In Uie middle of ihe second' period

kills Hie ball to 'M ontana's 7-iard- •IT. bul Moiiiuna held nnd kicked cm .

dnnatr.-MQUluna.nM:! unlrnshwl u — iuhig .a itttek ,-D eP rate-paM ln irov rr I- coal line to Loni; for the itevond uchdov.'ii. N tbiiuna converted.A U he ^ffond ha lt Brigham_cnme f.iil_ _- ihlhig. A 37-yard p u s-tro m “ Hii6ver MeiTlll nnd lltie smaslies by Thom e

oughi' a quick touchdown. D astrup. . uuard. played tine defensive' ball this

teller’s ru iu and Hoover's passes oiighi nnother touchdown, lh th i tlnol i«rl6d Y tried dcjper- , ely lo.score. W ith pusses working well e tenm mnrched down Into M ontano's rrltory bul MonUno held nnd Reeves lied lo kick n field goal. T lie boU wns irkcd-bacK. by_Aloniana j 1 t h . pataes, _.

es' soli when the game ended.W orthington played n g reat ^ m e n t e end tor Uio Bobcats. Reeve, end. id-Uastrupr guudr4ook«d-|00d^n*the— ^ J lx ic^uL Z J«E rttc jm O 'jJC iiK ’.. r tn i I . . . .:ort|m t-ttnd-slittty-ball-m u lgig. » ei e-------al slars. Brigham Young should have - m oil. yardage ga ined-bul M ontana— id In Um erlsLi.

tn fb e years ending IB80 tlie aver- e per l O m ur- ■

Dr. D t,Ren*l it» t4 » lJ l.p t£ .c e n l.o U U e ...^ pulatlon of N o p lu die of Impover-

----------------- ---------- -

t=kWte=ces^ y 6 u " c o u l d — I ~ 3 i

W i r e ^ s 'e r V - — - —

i l l o w d o e s ; . " ~

P e r h a p s ' '

s l e s s . Y o U ,

i t e c o n o i n ^ “

v i c e i s d i f - ' -

m o n e y b y

: . --------- -— — T — — ^

p O T D n a i r - r - — -

a a e . ^ m e - ■ . . ^ ^

^ - - - ___ - . a . r - ? ! . . . - " J l.

^ a l

Page 10: · 2014. 12. 12. · ^raiBEtisi^™ "-FumEnm oFiiEinmEl ________ a l: —Br-f\T^^I«ddep-LQU(U' Air- ^ l)laiie' as» Grefttest

J a O i l e r -

O i i i s t a n i l i n f f R o l e s

, Cacitficlil Sliift Rem-____

i n i s c c n t o f O ld S c h o o l •

_____ F l v i n e W e d g e T c a r a . W i d e

G a p s in ( J r i z z i l e s ’ R a n k s

<ny T h r AW'»clntnl I’rrMiM O S i’O W . Id n h o . O c t . 12---------

— lt!u h « )-V n n d a !} 4 -c « m q iie red - l* h -e --------U n iv c rH lly o f .M on tana fo o tb a l l

~ t e a m by th e s c o rc o f l 3 to 0 h e r e -- - to t la y in a c o n fc rc n c c R am « . I h c liH ." w in n in g te a m f lu lp la y fn j t t tu op*

' p o n e n ta h i l in e p lu n ffin ir a n d in* t e f c e p l in g p a sn ea . •

H c ^ r d e d a s a ic n n t wnTClT kn e w th e in n n n d ou Ik o f o v e r-

—>w>A(l-oiuli>uflhu-tlt*-MonUn»-arUsU»-------Ji«lRf<l Ior thrft! i)frlO(lii bftorr they M ill out- on nrrlnl UarrftRp, and th fn raw It xmcarc(UilLovcr.UiQ (ldd._wUh two nn<j-f!> In VnHdnl tor tnueh- _ .

-flo 'vnC B cfo rc Uiiii nu cirrrilve bh ik- licld lln i’ sh u t th a l n m rrm ltiuccni of the o!d >chool flyltis w edtt-to rc wida — lia ia III the OrlullP.V ponderous line.

Morp. n touchdomi by WllKlc. (iilll{nck.. ^ A fter an rxchancr of punl.< a(

tlie openlne pfriod Burlnj wUJch ------M omur. M o n t a n a , o u tp n n lc d nirbL n i r r . Idaho, by IS yard*. Ihp

.Vandalx Htartrd an off tackle and r rn te r bntktne p a n d r t t u t w t (i>nball on ttic o n c -y a rd - I ln e .,- ____________Wllklp nnrl Pederson, qiinrlrrhack*.

(III! nil of Ihe ball toting, ends. Ruordit mid ccntcr.1. de;>cndlnj: upon the wr.y

iDe ball nhd divrd n >-nnl fnr the firm :n«ctc..antLUlcliL-plaMfWckccLihft_W}-‘-

lor-|x)lnt.Tm-o PerloiU nf P tinllni ’

— TliPnlliVr-TA’T ro lW o -iitrltfa rd rjia iit-- -------InK. bucklnR nnd runiitnir, Irom one rnd of the field to the other. piny w ent Into M oiiiana territory and ih u ) Bllppcd back U> Idaho'A end, but

- to m e or t nB giu i n tne.-tititto rw w eyer.- inade 13 llr«l dowiui tn Uie llr*l Uiret ivrlods, wlUi MonUina rcgtUterlnB one.The loolted -tor- M ontana poMlna ad-

iiim in.iiuu.‘but- — wa? w on Ihorn of rucccm. H in t tlirowa were (Attempted. n;yl.ol thew . tv o were InicreejilK t'for touchdovna, four were irroundcd. iwo tncom piue .and .on ly-t«o . _

"com pleted, one for 26 >-artta nnd the--o U m .-Io r .a m i J . ............................ - ' ..

— rriee .snaes Paw_ Price. ld£hq_cnd^i ^n_agce_(I_a_ p a ; . s ____

rraT l> ' in ^ c -p c r io d rb u tr -w a irp m in tlr t - -------=ill Ills tracks.

' Ow rnh Twin Falla, Idaho, »ulnll- lu te quarterback, o rd rrtd a series o f Ilnr plunjcM th a t wero eneculcd in darxllne iityle to matti (he M on- - - .taiM wall back lo Ua lO-yard Hne.Owena then mre Ihreueh the re* m a in in r W yard* for a lonehdown. qptti DJehl’s try for polnl (aUed.

Undaunted,-~-ihe—O rin H e i-w en l •—

- niteieyrldahft, half, took a paa* a n t i - w ent 30 yaeda fop a loDchdown. ~

— Ilim i la ilffl- tu-i w i i i 'H. TIIP ta m e - ■ * « ended M»n a fU r wllh Idaho 30 * i yard* from ano ther »eof#. a fi^ r having beeti n ftia llw l t i vird^ fnr

played a lirllllniit i ^ c a l r i ih t

tano'8 one In ncrltnmnjrc and counted ^ l^lr^l■d6^^wT6^^o^UliiB■4 lw a.^ann^^ — ; _acored-flvc.Q f.thCM In the laK l.quarr. . . . I - tC T rw hlch aaw -M oniana's Brent comc- — I

back tttteinjii. 'U nc-up and Mimiiiary: .

IDAHO MONTANA-----m oi: , ............................. ................. ,0,- o

Price ........... McCarthyU -fl Kiul ^

D ciilrr ............... ....................Peterson ^-• L ell T iick le------- ,

O o rk ^ - - - - . M nW pet I-------------------L o frc ijn rfl—— -----------

-K lrkpa tricC ■ ' ■" ' ....... — . L cg iv ;— q

M arlin ' ..................MurrayR lstil Ouartl

• • D l c l i r ; : . ' . . — Walker

•OlUmon .. • ■ .............................Pe'rrj- ^ ,“1illRht Knd flurit

Pcdcrion . , .............................MorrowQ uarlerbaek . *

K c rs h b n tk ...................................... B tinuLcfl Halfback ''n** i

_ 1 M I ------1_______________ ___ Cfltncntci. 'Jl? 'n ig h t Halfback

■ Wllklc ............ CoxFullb.Kl:- Th

Score by periods:' lackIdaho .................................ri 0 0 13-10 wri-

“ M o nuna^ - ^ .0 0 - 0 0 — 0 MrlkiJdnho, «orJf>R,' ToiichdoHns-WJlkJe, r rx _

• IV y. for -pol«l*-a{ld-~touchdow n— auUli Mlrlil iplncc k lc k ;i. lilehi

G e o r g i a J ^ e r s i t y

A T llliN 8 .-G a .4 :^ ^ « (yj>^Yale’» bl» - R ii« :-ie iih — w a - « p u i i i « - tn - - i i r r i t » i "«•■ Houthem InTBaloh here today whco an ‘V ,

dOKd .tv lo M .b r a t leact th ree touch- •^down#.- »t«'t>iwd '.tb« vaqnlcd 'E aatem • apln.playik d e td J in d .tton l»r > »core of■ Colt*. '. .M o j t a m e , Ibe f l r i t m ^ r u ^ t pf

i -rW d, (Jew fU > new' b o w U n d w m w1I>

N o t r e D a m e M «

tn in John I jtw 'iin d M arty B rill u r ' JJow .stronrslarrcd fo r N avy .

B ig '

IIIN G S A R E HUMMING on F.ijr T en — back jm d .pxpccta .to .8ce Bomc ac tio

iitfli* hflclij ill pho^vlllff'j ood f o rm i C ap ta in A n d e rso n 'le d -N o rth w c s t

To BrealrUp Herds~ i l, :____________ - ............ to » iy °

# $ e 5 fo r S S. n lnsa

_____ Idalio

n i a l l K i l l D u e l o L a c k o f pionicdeparl

S n o w N c c e s s a r y t u D r i v e " iw ruIns M

~ G a m e D o w n W i t h i n lla n .c rc

~ot -Majovit.Y~of Nimvod.s'

___ JBy. .The A^boclatcd P ieu i_____ ■ ■ ■.n rH fiP --Q g t^ lW T hgb l?heH .rf-rirfr — — lat have roamed through Idnho fofc.ib j irlnc ilic summ er nre &U11 roamlne. I mosiunmolested, thoURh the d 'c r Ncu- J n has t>een open n ycck. hYom many sections come re^mrK ol ml horde.i ot huntera In the lorcMs but le num ber ot deer-re turning on the ickn oP u iilo m o tllti '" IS r:m3itsH)l7 ' t : iall.The small kill Is attlrb\iled lo the ck of tn o » on the high ranse.s nN-r>. m- 10 • forco Ihe deer doaii wiuiln rlkln^ ransO'Of the majority 01 h u m -: - fl. JTJie fncd In the lo n tr rnn;':.s hu:.

«iV-*iu- lo relus-U ii:.Jlc tr.. IT” ! eher htil in n number ol lorw i lire ;;

' ■' -----

Few IloHlera G et Deerlleptirls to the hU lc came w ardrn j ere lliiii.- Hf— i lilTTltflfli-iV H)—im O r

iBxnomriiRirtnimcti^ntiiniiTrDJnTn iB -lheflr*nlirc^d«ys.-O f-»Joh<w kod-: — I a t McCnIl. IB hkd deer whllo lu o had ‘ A k _ h te u s b t- I to m .J K a r r tn s - ^ .I d a h a : — lunty.- where Uiq eeason on elk iti o pen .' -TIiom: were- iioi -iftoron ly-c lk -shot, 1 - — m v b r . Ono Ai'tfs e«opQ<d-klltc4 near : - ? oltonwood-rlinBfr fllatlon cast-eCBoLic; li hW tcr %ft6 rriti.V MVc WlKlaKH i -----

Im for a d c rr :. H o « v er. Uie vuluubl!!'r th lu d heen taken oul nud the body; Mttdciied. ,| ■

Tli 1.1.1''

M eets Navy in ln terscctioi

i e w i B « a p Y ‘" l ^ s T R o w | = = = — n a w - - I —


J v-

- K o i n c D

i in t h o qiit_qtnnHiii|_''Jiilrnii!i!lii]M iil.f( I u r e tw o b i if H liots o f th c T s 'o tr c D an

ig Ten S ta rs in Grid Test

v ^ i S


■ ■ ANoaanoKil n- ■!!

T e n p r i i l i ro n .i . J n k c L a n i im , s t a r .fii : t i o n a g u ii ia tJ v a n s iu i u t - U r b u n a . Ut

v c s t e r n a B a in sv W is c o n s in y c s tc r d a ;

?ie b ro u sh f out. ' , ' f j iH un'.ers who went Into ihe country ol le Middle lork ol die Salmon rlvprobnbly nil coi ttieir lll l l l 1 lit?--------nd of expedliloii uhero a deer ts In- ^

llv as hnmedlnii.- food-lsn It. hna.becii “ | W- Ha

T he blR ru ir(iraT I(W M i»’ a i i ( n n < 5 r ^ ^ ^ n ss beRlnnluR lu iiuich of sou lhe rn i laliQ nex t Tuesday will be p lic jw am . juiUur. New biucka o t blnls have bctn an ted h i .wvenil ;« ilo n s by ihe ' : j» r tm cn i In ciwixrnilon w ith local ‘‘’f " tonsm en's n.v.oclatlniis and Uie .Mmol- S seems likely to Ik- fnlr, frcni Inci- Tl rn tal reporU. ‘ . flsJi

News W ani Ad-i-rtacit Uie pcop’is yon ltl i.tO !.R U ra«c___ •••■• - .................. Bl


M ukc yotii- j^holK iiiun t'T ;»y l il io o llt -------------------- _ . „ S U K l . U S i - t h c J o n c

______________ ^ . f ’B K E A E N l- ? KstlloiiH-ior loiigoet^taitfcttthor d

___ _ i ________ 7 fc a t,


' — s t u d e_ , , ,V— --

_______ ___ plane li

W M>>3r n

. (lom lio. II



~ In


Dh -H i IM M i —

V . ' ^i ~ 1 0 ~ ~

r r « * r*0t» — - • K

i l .C a t ilb a lU a m i? y c s t r r d a y , C a p J I _ ) a m c tc u m , C n p t i i in K oo |)ke a n d j

“ “7 ^ ^ f i r ^/h ,av» 8 / J >9

ll /4 ■______I j ___

L v 1 1

.Oivriulcd i'rc ii tlialo L

fu llb a ck a t l l l i i io i s in 1 927 . is g ijj:o n k o -M H K iirH k ir-M in n c!« ita Is .g .—

•day to a ‘7*0 v ic to r y . .____ . i y

G m lT cam P ra c lic e s " 1 ■ A l .Viriiort a l.N ig lit '3 _

WICHITA, K liv. Oct.- 12 M’i - S --m is iiU irN n n v T n ffr^ e in ira sc a -n ir -1 ^ —

— r rrp niniK in.-■.i- n ight-e<mlwt-**-»h— .— Hiiskell. llic 1‘ricnd.s iinlverslly eleven-

-pnicticed-im der floodllahts a l Hie B . . . nlr]Mtl t» uvuiislnn) Ihe-players lo || ' uvenlii; NcniiiiniiRe. , II

Derby’s Wubbly Opo.s.«iuni uses lu tall K :or a liidder aiul huiijts by ll In l b r

T ilt Phllliiiilne Goby b tho Miinllest fWi Known, mi’.y ilirce-slxUi of nn J l|


; Season!

.Y = a \ ^ f ^ H r ^ | r r --------- -- ^

ER-25Tn~ ------ =j i i n g F E P K iV A i: H i - r o w i i i i ~onff:3‘J in R c . lo a d . 'i - - 'n r ^ - r . - t -

NNZQIL_____ L_._ .1i r . i lu r J D jr -c n lir c 4 :c a s o n .I> r ii i;f - — c a th c r a to •

B R O S .0 I 7 - J

f i t 5 ^ A . M . I ^ ^


u d c n t ^ P i a r t e ^ S e n i c c T ^ ^ '^ H e a i f

For Oiif-nf-Town flnm cs.-------

6l-U M D IA iiao...6ci.J2 l/Pj—A cab in - - lie service to out-ef-tow n foolball np.t IS m iih ib lo-ttm fall iT U n h trs liy i- Mis*ouri sludcnU . .•or niait of M issouri's s a m a aw ayi nial i 11 liome, StudenU may iCuend S a t-1 xj,( ay iiiornlnt. c ltjues and still s e e ; versllta ifif.n ffin trita J a Mme ns*8>»*>f>nng_h aa.i«■. , Lastn excursion U planned tor siudeiils {. sever itceiid the Misso.urt-Wew Vork un ty ;___R jc

'Cinber 18, • i sp rlii

— M<''—


' Smart Stvli a tT a


M on— Y o u 'd b e t t e r K ol lo kii<i\' l e r l in e o l H erv ic e a b le HiiitH. Tii

______ in lo e v e r y s u i t is youi

M h (If . 'm n 'i - i i t r ih in!

■unpn th i slow p r ic o ............................................

FAMOUS-TRUE TOI'i .$22.5(l'

A y o iii it: n iiin ’s to p c o a t , h u t i w iil lik o t h r n i lo o . T lii 'y w e n

I f ill t h e uvo rn^rc m a n ’s w a n t f( f “ ...Ju o k iiik ' c o a l . w lU i - u i l l r u I i t lu

■ w ea r i n g i iu u l i l ie a . I n l i t th l liiii n iix tiirc .4 . S iiiK le b rca .s le il;;. : to m o r - _ ' ^ r


T ill s fam ouK -h iit- is-ts 'row iii) :-n i lu r e v e r y d a y n m o n p iiirii \ .s ty le w i th o u t l ia v in ir to |>ay fo r I t . S n a p o r c u r l .b r im s — (I f a v o r e d fn ll K hiidc s ...... .... . ^

. ' s h i r t m h b iN ea t (ailuriiiR . collars Ihul

^ - — ^ g j-c o m tH n -iY h lh ro t-d fx t in c it= il= rJid iH atttU '«S l.-r-T rT -r-—

C o m p a r e th fcm !-..-.— ,;— " r ^

! D e p e n d a b l e M e r c l i a n d

a r t On R l g h t ^ i d c = T - - [ G « r | _ M o J3 o U icr_ to J Iu s k c r . ^}£JJL W O O L N .N e b ..O c l .lS (? i^ > * - Y T iin lonfl— Richards* fooiball-playlnajllllv te net hampfred by the fac t f o o t b ^ia i W i'h e art and oilier v.ia* or- p n n sc —,ins are reverwd from thcir nor- Pracllclal positions. , . , OcorjlaThe aoo-pmiml taclile of the U nt- p,jpsrslty of Nebr«-.ka's squad already mduded, ai-waiv twnicnerj-OiVtlie gridiron,a a t year he was nieniioiicd on-------:Whileiveral honorar>’ Blx 8 k team s, tor Oeon ^meh^ards ji!»ia

>rlnc. en« -

\ ^ f . %

le Is Not Exp 'aik Tingwairs

s -

now tills lji*t-' .Talk’s label.

•our tfuaraii- • •_____________ ^

d n i i k i L J l i s s _________ ______________ ___

— § 2 5 — ^ ^

)I’COATS W '' - - - ' W k

lit older ineii Sfff, ''■ei'i! niiMlo to HVU V t for ll jfood- V \\\ \ J . itlic-'ordinary .liiii_ .:iiidjirrjf___ • •

.Sc(? the’m "


• ■ <itfSTSi.“illorC’IK)pU* * ■"**■■■ ■» who w an tay too m uch / r -

......... —Im l t u h u t - r H

op n n t er-

ndisc F

. . . 1 \

1 9 2 ^ ■■

i r j i a u r i d : M e i L W ^ r — 7 ' — ^

- A U '- C Q l Q w r n f R n ! p l>Q>Y ~

H E N a"aiT O cT 13 Mv Tac lo st Ihe - ^ .1 “ *11 have reason to use t!ic______

Wllce Jerslca for the U niversity of '( la team ran^e from da rk green lo

" « fy I ln l of IhcTalnbow

■iileearly-fteaacn-hope.rftre-1» rB R iT -------- ---Jtorjla as a footbaU team , the BuIK ■

:pensive-- i ^

i ;

W e e

F u l l V a l u e f o r 1 —

—^ e iy 'b o l l a r : ; ' Ifl

Page 11: · 2014. 12. 12. · ^raiBEtisi^™ "-FumEnm oFiiEinmEl ________ a l: —Br-f\T^^I«ddep-LQU(U' Air- ^ l)laiie' as» Grefttest

t " ~ ChampionsbipHope

. Dynam ic Q uarterback Leads

- “T hundering H erd” f)own .

t ’iekl,' S coring V irtu a lly ~

a l Will in T fifcT P efio as “

(Dy Tho AMOclated P r m )— S E A T T L E . O c t . 12— U n lv c r - •

s l t y o f S o u t h e r n C a l i f o r n ia lo -— i lu j ^ M n s l c d t h e P a d r i c coaHt

fo o tb a l l c o n f e r e n c c c h a m p in n - s l i ip h o p e s o f t h e U n iv e r s i t y o f W a s h ln R to n Iiy t h e s c o re o f 18

■ to 0 . . -A f l c r s p e n d in B th e f i r s t 12

___ m i n u t c s - o L l h e - g m n e - w i t h - t h c l r __ _InickH a e o in s t t h e i r o w n c o a l

thfr Soulhern Cnllfornla worrlon lird-by Jhrir (lyimmlc quarlerbBck. Ru»* • — sell Snunilcrs. burst in to n m ighty bnt- • IcrlnR rnm. •Tlie thundering herd" suim imlcd up nnd dow n the (leld, scor* 1 i Inc touchdown* vlrtunlly a t wni. Four ___

Ih'c Mcond period, tw o more were ndded = 111 the third qua rte r nnd another wan v t countcd Junt na tlio » n a l gun goundcd. c t

Trojnns by surprise nnd worked the ball Inlo Unlvcrsliy of Southern Callfor- "* nla territory before th e game w m bu t n few minute* old.- FiUUnB to gain more lim n n yard, S aunders punted from lib 22-ynrd line. T lie kick wns pnrlly Di

- blocked niid Johnny Stom baugh. WMh- Di Inelon hoUbnck. eaug iit 'th e ball on the Bi I t^ J a n ;ii*ynt'a line. . rs

Coach Enoch Bagshnw sen t In his M-------#p*cueuUr*h»in»ekrMerl9rMtrtfDTTtrt(r ,e

rcplace Pulver. A fter th ree Huskies n, llnfk-wnnshcs which gained seven yuril*, Kiifford took the bnil nnd raced around

•— r)E ht-cnd-to-T cacn-tne*f0e‘s 'i[0a l Uue. u, “ m a n in irs tfp p c f l-o u ro t-i jo u n tts -o n - th e

17-yard line. . . ' -------------------------Tl ---------- :---------------l:i

PLAY BY PLAY .iConunued r to m Page p n e j . _

- • ' — &------- rTHt?nn]t.t(,i M ilTcr o n a to u l n c n r oi

t h e l e f t f ie ld l in o . M c M illa n lie k l w f i r s t . . . .

I t i o n x s i i v ^ ^ u r ^ : S t r i l< ^ m ic , y

b U nll tw o Inw n m l o 'u tH idc. S t r i k e U ir c c r H o r n s b y la llM Ull a J ij i l- fl'

f t e r . g,L W IL S O N U P : F o u l , s t r ik e fc 5 r . , .o n r , . .W i ls o n ~ s l l i{ ? l f t l I ( ^•L - iM i i l i in - ta k i n K - f ie c o n d .- :^ -------------^I"----------C U V t l C i r t J l ^ B f l l l - o i v o r l o w r J•v S l r i k t i o n e , .sw u n if. F o u l , .s tr ik e \ tw o . F o u l . S t r i k e th rr lo . C u y lc r N

f j in n i’d o n a c n l lc d th i r d .-strike.I N o ~ r if iT s r im c ~ fi il . a n d no c r- ^

r o r s . T w o le f t o n b a s e s . ivF I R S T . I N N I N G ( A T H L E T - ii

K : .S ) - B I S I 1 0 P U P : .B h i t------- ’~ n ^ f7 rR fo p W .rf tmw -tn -iihnrf-1nf< - B

H A A S U P : H a a s b u n te d t f t f , M cM iiinn n n d w a s o u t t o G r im m . ^

C n C H R A N n ^ ^ I p r s t ? n ( f l onn. I c a lle d . B a ll o n e , hi{ ;h a n d o u t- P .Hide. R idI tw o . o u ts id e . Bnil

____ t i i r r n . in s i.dp, C n r h r « n e ..h i U i - f ly..,gt o Encli.Hli b a c k o f s e c o n d

_______ MQ-J3m s . _ n o J i j i 8_ a n d _ n o _ c i i H--------F ow .4»U m 0-le»-M i-baB 0K .-------- — U

■ KS E C O N i n N N I N ( i ( U U U S ) - 7

___ STEl’IlENSON-'UPi-Strlko one, Sc a lle d . S t e p h e n s o n g r o u n d e d to p B ish o p a n d w e n t o u t t o Fo?oc. oi

______ G U IiL M U P : B a ll o n o , inH lde. «S irik t* o n e , a i i l c d . G r im m fo u led “ o u t lo C o c h r u n c o u a c le v e r c a tc h in f r o n t o f t h e d u j^ o u t. n

T A Y L O U U P : . S t r i k e o n e , ai__ — c a lle d . T a y l o r g rm ia d e d - to -P ia h iL _

o p a n d w a s o u t t o T o x x . - ‘Jjl-----------N o - r u n t» , - n o - h U » - a n d - n o * e r - %k r o r s . N o n e l e f l o n ba-se. hi1 ______ S E C O N D , L N J t f . l A . ( U A T « - ^— I .IO U C S )— s i A w i o K s o n i ^ - B i a i . -

o n o , low .' S t r i k e o n e ; c a llc d . F o u l , ,■ .s tr ik e tw o . I t -» v « f i- ln to t l i e bu ll '

p e n . S im m o n .s s t r u c k o u l , .sw inp- i n p h a r d h e f e l l . '

F O X X U P : B a l l o n e . in s id e . . S t r i k e o n e . 'K w in K in ;r . F o x x

tr ru u n d c d l o E n ffli .sh J ind w us o u t to G rim m .

' .M I L L E R U P : ' S t r i k e one ._____u w u n jr .- f ia l l .o n o .- o u ti i i d c .- M il l c r -

h i t t o M c M illa n a n d w a.s o u t a t f i r s t o n n s t o p u n d th ro w .

.......... - e r - _n irB . N o n e l e f t o n b a s e a . _

' T n m o i N N i N 0 ~ ( ' c i j i i 8 i . - J-------- u i ^ a w im i tn j r iw c n g r i t o o t out

on (I Kreul ()hc-hai^ed >fop .by Poliiy. "

------ M cM lll« n -llft^ :;io -W i« ^ 7 k ^C f-llr» t- -'• z N o c T s iru P : 'T u ii '« 5 T iq th ;jR o D i: - t

TrrTTtsUttc onc7-3B ir.l\t« rh l* li.,D tii.ih ree . . . iiu lde. B n i r lou r, in side .. English TOlkcd;

-----------iio P 5 B Y :tm rrm jin itr tK irB ite n j5 ii “— ‘- T iif ftro m jio c T -s ir tK c - iw rw u iiB ;^ * ! ! ~

^IW B. H n n .^ v Itll tr.-lto1^v.n.wl.w a^out Bt first. B oley fielded lhe btll

No roiii, no'tUM l u d nD Y rron. Ont ' Irft on bk»e. _ .

T B IItl) INN W O ' ( A l l l U t n ^ U ; » r r — l^VKBB -U Pi—Bat o Bwry eut e l d ^ J t f f “

.T ^ -g A m - D A l i

'----- - : - — Some of f l

— ■ 4-A I ‘

............— ' - y ■

^TH E. 1929 G R ID .se aso n on tlu> P a t

in p la y . F r o m S e a t t l e to Sovithci'

went to sccond- whea the ball cludwl N Cuyler____________ itft

was a pllchout., Boley bunted to Orliiini Mil and'U 'ns out, unassisted. Dykes wcni lerl lo third. 11 was n .tncrlflce. ball

QUINN UP; Tlie Cub Inflejd came In.Ball nne,.out.',ide. S irlkc one. culled.' d Dali ttt-o, outside.' S lrlke two. c.i1Ied. niti Ball th rfc. hiRh. l l i e Cubs kicked. Tlifv lor Rathcrcd about- um p ire -V un CralUii- d jV McCarthy eame. from _tlie bcrich arid _ n ren t Kooi back lo th e mound. Strike was three, swung. Q uinn took n full cui. mc:

BISHOP UP: S trike one. called. Foul. Mrlke two. Ball one. low, Ball two, hlxh. Uyl Ball Hirce,'hl«h,-POul, niMiop m u n d - t^g rcf'io 6H m m 'atid 'V nJrouO inii;.v« r «iff Tlie Athtclic.s made n ureal klck.-^'ialm. C lag tlie ball wn.'i foul. , one

No rim<«, one h it and onr rrrur. O nt iiif lefl OM iKuc. strl

one, callcd. _ J'0ul._ftttlKc_tJV0._ Nw cnfoul'on a lly lo M lllerln-drcpT i-ht: -»>

CUYLCf^ UI*: Cuylcr slnclNi lo rtcht H"1 nnd went lo th ird w hen the ball rolled Toi lliroiiffh Miller. Mille r wn-i cli:irg?d fie] with an error,

STEPKOiSON U P : Boll one. Inside, Ho .Sttnlifn.^on nonnfd to Boley. .. (

O R n iM t ;p : l-'oul. slrliccone. Orlmm TJoi got a liome run over the rlRhi field to I fence, scoring Cuyler ahead of him. ler' U A Y T ^ .U E :JtlilL O lIC > Jm ta ltliL ja it i ii l two. Insider, _Slrlke one, en jlrt. Slrllte t ,t \o , swung; T a v lo r'h lt'tQ B<)lPS’'f tiid W was thrown oul a l first, lo

Two n m i. two hlL-i- and one error. C None left on,baw . Uu

KOURTli INNING (A T llL E T IC S l- tin HAAS UPf-B«l^one^oul^■l<l»^^Foul.ntl■llIe Wli one,' Ball two. ouLsldc nnd IllRh, Haa.i am h ll lu front of the plnte, Taylor caught Or It. bci

COCimANE U P: Ball one. ouUlde, to Blrlke-one. -ealled,- Bftll-tw o.-otrtatde. Poul. slrlkeUwoT'F'oiil. BStl thrM . ou t- Wi sldcr-C ochrnne h tC rin to -left -for-.two In .bases.______ -______ ' . . Ion

Foul, strike two. Ball one.-low ouUlde, I Simmons lilt lo McMillan nnd Coch- Iwi mne was run down. McMillan to Horn.s- «wi

r o x x tn>: Ball one. ouUldc. Ball 7 two, onttldc. Foul. fltt l to-<<nc. s trike | oni■tW0.,?LWlnBlngJurd__F n t t fiii»ri-i<i w ii- iou ison clow to th e stn iids In center flpld. sU- — N o-nm v^H W -hlt-and-nu t i iu ic -O n r “ 1 left on (mne. Ne

-n P n ilN N I N G (C tJB a i-R O O T U r: I Foul, strike one. Foul, strike two. Ball B l one, out.slde. Foul. B all two. high. Ball om Ihree. Koot h i t to Dykes >nd was ou t oul lo-^X-x who caught the bait w tttru n r hnnd, sir

McMlLLAN UP: Strike one, called, wb Bull one. ouwldc. McMllUn h ll to Boley < and was oul a t flrsl. Bu_E N Q U 511_V P; B all mio;-high. B ill ou two, Slrlke one, called. B,i11 three, oo t- ficl side. - Strike two, called. English lined f TSTflsliop WHO Vwod s t i in o cn\ch th e lefi ball. i

. - ■ G lenna W ins F-----------



■ • a f tu l - iw i l in ln g :h c r fm n - th w nm r

T h e K e y M e n o f G o a s t T <

P a c ific C o a s t fiiu l.s a n lu u is u a l ly li lllgrii C a lifo n iin .th .c ro a rc iilcn tj l o f

No runs; no hits and no errors. None L l left ou I iw . • till

F I F T H INNING (ATilll,CTICi>) — on M 1U £R UP: a irlke one ' called. Mil- tw Icr h ll through ihc box for a single, th e ; lm ball bounding from Itoo t's glove with III great force. ^

D yK E S U P iS trlkeone . called. Dykes ” filed to Wilson who dropped tho-ball—

Dyke* to first. • ,—BOLEY.UT; Slrlke on o. callcd.JJUUf. _ was out trying to sieal th ird . Tnylor to McMlllnn. Root wn.stcd the ball and was In jHisItlon for Tnylor to throw. Dykes to o rw co n d . B o ley 'w e n t'o u t on a great one-hanrted c.ttch by Wilson In __ deeii terifcr flelJT”

QUINN UP: F«i:!, i.trlke oiie. Bnil one, oiiUilde, S lrlkf iwo. e.nlled. Strike Uiftc. Quinn fa u m i mi a callcd Ihlrdstrike, ______________

ffg-^tmT-onrhlt~an[l nnc' crm r. tw e ^ ] d l on base. ”

SIXTH IN .V IN G -iC U flS l-K O llN S- -B \c\tH r-F oii> r» lrlK ^.4u4U li:««^il8 li; - Hnll two, hlRh. InHlde. H ull, firlke two. Foul, I'oul. Honisby lilt .safely to ccntcr

WILSON UP: WILwn .shiRlcd to right, ~ Honuby stopping a t second.

CUYLER UP: Strike one. Irled lo

to bunt again. - Hornsby scored on Cuy> - ler's single to righ t and Wilson m n toUilrri, Cuylcr_stont>ed itt - f ta t,___________

STEPHENSON UP: pn ll one. Iitslde. -i r

10 ccnicr. Cuyler wenl lo wcond., OmMJrf-UP:-Q01niPlP»rwkcn ouT oT '

the box. Waiberg came In to pilch is r , the As. Qrlmni bunted to Wnlberg > Who threw wild to first! Cuyler scored I and Stephenson fotldwcd him hontc., Orlmm wns given a br.*e h ll-and Wui-

berg ehnrgcd with on e rror. Orhnm ran , to llilrd,

I 111 rightlong a n d .hB rd.on.tiic.decl3 lon-U l'the, 1_

■ Dlate whlch_wn« rln-n, ROOT UP; Strike one. swung. Strike■ two, jwung. Ball ono. h igh . Sirlkc three.. swung.- Cochrane though t there were

I M(J^IILLAN UP: Ball one. high.EtrlkoII one, swung. Foul, strike two. Ball twb. _

, struck out.'swliiglng a th e third strike. • r — , ^^(^~p^c^cr^u ." ””

None left en base. fiiXTir INNING (A T ra ,C T i< :s r— -

i BISHOP UP: Strike one. nillcd. Ball I one. low.- Fmil, sirlkc two. Bl&tiop went •, oul Oll a fly lo Stephenson.__________ -"JlAAb” on( ( o iitsldc^t*^ilr

slrlke onr, Haa» h ll lo Horasby and , wBs out n l (Irst.' COCKBANK U P: Foul, -ntrlke nn«.

Bull one. outside. Cochrnnc w ent (Uit L e» ^ _ » y _ lo WlUon fa r b iic k jn .c en tr r _

I No runs, no b ib and no c iru lk .S'o'iipf le'fro-nbwfc -............— --------------------------


i F o u r t h ' T i t l e J


Ihn t i j ip h y f r n m " 'S i i i r l ( n i ^ b u c l a a o o itiV y to U o iw l-y 6 1 f* lii ll(» ^ u l‘O ak ”^



T e a m s ' : ^ ................. IcflllU- ____________________ m

■ — ■. . . ^ . . . h i j h .‘ c u

T T f ^ M l j i f - - iiisidiRlc U

I lefl c

" J T

N a s r to tl— . w i n

\ 1 \ - «hlcl

V \ J \ slnsl, / 3 \ ' UC

m s .third

U '- ' ' ted f

J two,a.— ft»l a t l f f *1- - t hcJH • fiictlP ■ B t\'T i 'J S J J . . - ----------1 --------- ,^rtki

4,... ' j near

f l a f j ic n u m b e r o f v i ' le r a i is b a c k i J ^ ] "o f o x D cric n ce d inpii._______________1 n t tii

. . • _____ - j Ro

L!SU UP: Rommell went In to jiltch for 1 the Athletics, SlrlkP one. ,Mviing. Bnil tera

two. high, “rtie crowd UxHd. Ball three, low.< liislde, Engllsli went out uu a fly to Ifan s

I laas In ccntcr. | t c r f<

— . ___ THE El

- t i a r

I TH insi E\f


\ — - - lU U h o r s e p o i n’ " ___________h o u r —5 h .c a th cm

J . . . - ......... ■■

5 . • R e v o lu t i o n a r y i n it

' c o m fo r t a n d sp& ciou:

f o r m a n c c . . . Y e s . .

d e s ig n a s w e lL


! - m o i ^ ' i f s t r m o US

! •• N e v e r b e f o r e b a S (

; u s e d lo c r e a t e a p e r

'______________ m a tc h in s t r u m e n t bi

-------------------------------- i s T c p c a t c d ' i m l n r t o

. --------^ - - ^ s ^ a i n ; o n d : a g a i n H n - i

I w b ic m , I h c lo p s o i ll

......... ............

. . r a M l '

' ' 3 n d a p «


I , • ' ;.y. ’

[Q R K lN G rO C T O B E R 13rl^

-ltO BN SD Y •U P^H o^uby h it liito.dw p ^ftipifnr thfft* h.KM - ' • ,_- tortt]

w n j tf iN i j r : Ball one, high, s tr ik e ,5»»J me. called, Qall.liii^..tiumdc,-.HaUiliref. —COilgh.-BaUfour...W lbon, walked.----------- *ld«-

CUYLERUP: Ball one, liliih, BnU two, Strik iisldf, Homsl»>Li|cprc(l_on_Cuyler's.»lni lie to left...W llsau.w fill

STEPHENSON UP: Ball one. low, niak< Stephenson h it (o nykc i nnd n double one, liny followed. Dykes to l)lr,ltop fo Foxx. out.-il

Ono run. two hlt< and n» c rm n . O nr mom eft on b**e.*, • to sp

lions h ll ou lop ot tlir stands Ic>r a 1;,,^, lome nm . The ball was hnrd h i t to

tXJXX UP: Ball OIU-. .Slrlke one, call- poxjxi-Foxx-slnRlwl-u.-i-mit- field------------ atopi• MILLER UP: Foul. Mpke one. Strike mi .wd, swlnglng. Foiil. Poiil. I t wns close ](,,,( :a thlrcTbase. Miller fliiclcd to <'cn- jpr v ;er nnd Foxx took secoud. II waa a fly 1,^,0 #hlch fell In Ironl of Wllwn. d '

DYKES UP: Foxs iiori-d oil Dike*' linll ilngle to lefl. Mlllrr jttopped o t secotid-

UOLBY UP: Ball one. oulslde. S lrlke ^hei sne .'sw ung . Miller scorcd on Boley's Jingle to right center. Dykes w rn t-1» toui, third. Boley slopjictl n l Bnrnfi ba t- b < ;etl for Rommel, i\,vo.

BURNS UP. Slrlke mir, liwiing. S trike fnnr .wo, swung. Bnil onc', fli-ildi*. Foul, over m Jiejltaudl£PM H w o, in«ldo •F o u y n u rw £aul lllcd to English b»ck of sliort. kiv^

BISHOP UP: Foiil, -Milke one. Poul, 1 t , itrlke tw o ,- l t was u long foul to le ll irft near tho line. Ball one. inside. Dykes e i 4Corcd on BLihop's slimle 10 ccnler. u p ; Uoley went lo third. Bbhop .^topplllB letlc>L f ir s t . --- _______________ __________ P a ll

taken oul. Nelil went In to iltch for the Cub,i. t /

HAAS UP: Tlie nexl Iwo Alhlcllc h ll- one, era nrc left-handed baUmen, Nehf Is two.

ow. Ball two, hlfiii, Boley. Dlsliop nnd batti fan s scored on Haas' hmiir run liUo cen- r t/ c r fclld w.hlch Jun^ped by Wllion us he Oabl

E m S L M O i a i V X A

- T C r P R E S t l V T - «

inmoniiieW 10.^0 HU'> w ar-an d ~ ^ D - m i l e s - p e r ------1h c J in t h o s m a r t n e s s 0

Ln a l - d e e g r . a t iv e . i d e a ----- E

n ils low er p rice , ils ex lrem c . Ii liousness, ils v clvel-sm oolh per* ' n s . . . A nil revo lu tionary in b ody . I


' a r i i t s r i s i n a l m o io r c a r , a s in iU .............^

' iue 'd ‘th ro u e h o u l f/i< c a r . ~ .

aS o ne deconilivc design b e e n a p e r le c l and h arm onious ensem - ii

t l board . U adialor cap m atches

T T to p -and -baekT ihh rcB rr-A nd------- !|in - f h c - b u m p c r :p l a f c s , - t h c ‘ c m * —” /

oi lh e la m p s , a a d . b o r n b u t to n .

— -S.— ________ - - ^ 9 ^

\ - ^

w H ing A un d ~ 3 n d - W e 5 t ' ^ " — -

i i L E R C O .IL

ir n r i

wipe4 -«botH .lo«*lchU ;lt-ron«dtoU ie r r u n r i n a » f t n o w - o t - lh a - p a t lr, T h i iun fanned

In Wllson'a eyes,____ ____________ the thi■CoaiRANB,UELflaU.unc.jQK.-oui=. lde-B all.lw o-liiilde-B aU -ihree .-low . tcft.oa trike one, called. BaU four. Cochrnne Cflrli falked, KIQl SIMMONS UP:"NeU w u U k u iu u l . 'J” ®” '

Hake came In to lake the mound. Ball ' ’'v '* / lie, hiKh. Foul, Btrlke one. Ball two, } uUilde. Ball three, outside, low, film- lions sliigled 'to left,sendlng Cochrane 0 sPToiid, U 'w os SlmmoiW stcond h ll f -u u a m u o g .. ' — :— :__________

me, called. B lU two. outside, Ball ’ ’ !irte. low. Slrlke two. called. Cochrnnc ,, •, f ored on ^ x x ' i sMgle-to ccnler lying

'oxx s second h it of Uie Inning. Foxx 'itopped-:at"flnrt.—-------------------------------

MUXER UI»: Blake wn* removed. Ma- Dt)c wenl In to.pllc]}. KlUer La up: MU- er wns h a pitched ball fllUng the ' j , , , ; w e* , , tA f i'i

DYICES U P: Ball one. ouUlde. low. ' lall two. Inside. Strike 6«C. called. Poul. ilrlke two, Simmons and Foxx scored *hen Dykes h it a fly Into Icli for two , jiL'.c5. Slephenaon'reached Uie ball bu t iQuW iiul hold ll. Miller went to third, ® 7 ,^

BOLKY UP: Foul, strike one. Strike „,\vo. called, Poul. Ball one. In.Udc. Boley Soui :nnned, swinging a t the th ird slrlke. ^ '

UURNS U P: str ike one. swlnRlni:. g,Pmil-^mir»-»g.n - Hiim<-<tr<H‘k-r>iH—U . _i'n. Bum s' second out of the InnliiR,

T rn Ituns, 10 hits aiid no erroni. Two Tlieleft on hate*.------------------- Unllei

K inU TIl INNING (C U O Sl-^R IM M el In UP: Grove went In to pilch for (he Alh-1 etlcs. Foul, strike one. Foul, strike two, i a all-one^oulslde..Qrl|iini went oul to n ,„ , „ Joley to Poxx.

TAYLOR UP: Foul. Strike one. Ball „ „ me, high. Sirlkc two. swung. Foul, Ball Lwo.-liu lde nnd low. Tnylor fanned. .Wlh R W ra riK r i lll^d- hTr llcT .' Ha-f tn c tt' ' ' ' " " mtied for Mnlone, Tlie

rtARTNCTT UP: Strike one, called. 4he labby klektd. Ball one, low. Strike two, beetle

;a r ^ e v « r - « e s i ^

T n t i w i n y F ---------------

gdReaatLJPMOBICBI—l i v e n t ta c - U iu c ro D c ^ ^ m c r .a u a e b m c n

o f t h e (oo t.rc s lS u B B d Ih o {ace -o [;tb<

.c a r ry ib c sa m e m o m . m e la s id e . j :

—^ v ilK ^ lh e -e a p lo - iK e ^ ^ w l i p e ^ l f tB tb

d e c o r a t io n o n tb e w in d o w s i l l s c o a

, I c s s l y w i th th e v a n i ty e a s e l . « . N o t !

n o le is s t r u c k . N o t a lA ijtlc f i t i n c a t ii

. F r o m . r a d ia to r - to g a s ta n k , f r o m t

t i r e s . . . th is n e w H u p m o b i l e i s W a

m o n t t e ( r t l 'i ' r i n S lc - c H b r t - o t - f t e a u t

p o w e r a n d -s p e e d tb a t g iv e a n u n p o r

- r f o r m a n c e , - f o r n o ta b ly - iu x t i r io u » r i d

a n id e a l o f h a rm o n iz e d b e a u ty n e v e r

in a n y m o lo r c v . • * v is i t y o u r

BODY T Y rE S -S r4 U f n /tr . <-^»*rSrdtfi7 r*»a Sfda„ m o . . . Ci0f t tiSfS. . . C«ae,

m tn l / t r '0II u tr* IUL AU^rib

n i ^ RadiatorH ^

R r ' E ablairi ■■, , ____

> -< '■ '■■ ■ I ^

- ^ h e t t e


. - v-->k;7 4 ia 8 ^ '^ T t

— -------|!A C I-E l8 \f iB L ____■

in r h » r d rB tU ;l* p .to w W * a tir tQ a fc i=ined>-H »-aW lint-«i-lK (M ^M ai-f«>-^—

Carlson w<nt In to pilch fo r Uie Ou&i. a a i m i IN N IN G -(A T H L E T IC S)- 9WOP U r r fCTl;atrlke-oiie. ] »aU pm;. ' lh. Foul, slrlke IwoTHb'trled to t 'a n t . ' ~ ' 11 two. high.- Bishop sln iled ' to left ■X Inside the foul line .'HAAS UP: H aa i bunted to Carlson d was o u t to Orlmm; Bishop Uking

ree. high. Bishop waa thro*m out a t 0 plate by Steplienson n f t« Coch- ne had singled to left. Cochrane took » n d on the throw.SIMMONS. UP: Strike one. called. m irs ir lk c -tw o .-S trlk e 'th T te re a lltd :— No runs, two hlta nnd no crrora. Ono I to n b ase . -NINTH INNW G (C U n S )-M c} .n L - VN in>; Strike one. called. Strike-two. t swung. Slrlke three. McMillan fan-.■d on three pitched balls.ENGLISH UP: Strike one.-awlDglng.)ul, strike two. Poul. Foul. S trike three.lllcd.'English fanned,------- ______________HORNSUY UP: Ball one. outside. rJkp one. called. S trike two, called.)ul, Hornsby tiled out to Miller.No runs, nu.hlts and no e m n . Non* r 'la n b ase . _

Tlie lowest point of d ry ' laiid ' Ih the ulled S lates Is 371 feet-below 'sea-kv*— In Denth Valley.

Arrow Rock dom. easl o( Boise, l^a*

Yellowstone national pa rk has w r e ysers than all the rest of th fy o r ld .

Ttie souUiem bob white, or quail, is le only bird th a t regards ]>olato •etlef BA a delicacy.

« D — — —

EIGHTT O im . i i i u tm l i '

;1b e r c w : l i g h t — .-..-L — e.ligb.t? eh1mo

n m b ln e s flaw- o t a d iscordanti t is 'o u to fk c y . • — — —r

n top d cck to filanned to bar* i iu ty - ; , -y l^ o r - ■ ,paralle led per* --------r id ing ,‘an d -fo r - rer seen before u r H upm obilo

n U SfsT . . 4-iHr(M rk b t '

04M , -

: P 4 ^ f j a t t i a < —— — r-7------- , ■,— L i m ..................................... - -

Iasid«O o«rU oU ia|

Page 12: · 2014. 12. 12. · ^raiBEtisi^™ "-FumEnm oFiiEinmEl ________ a l: —Br-f\T^^I«ddep-LQU(U' Air- ^ l)laiie' as» Grefttest


/ Copete For TitleL- T w t i - R t l l : ^ U > ‘im ) n - O n o - o t I — - j

• Nino Toaiiis Staiidliu: O ut i

* ■ -JinS «(sbnV ' (Ir if l- 'P la y ;;-- --*

r^ w is lm r 'l'I lw cn -S trn n jr------

------------ tBr Th r -ATtocfe»<f<t-yrw..>------- -i---------I lO IS E . O c l, 12— T h re e

c r n Id a h o c iis lr ic ts w ill c<m>- • p c le f o r th e s tn t c h ic h scOkmiI fo o tb u ll c lfnm pionH hiiv t h i s fn l l . ; b u t w h e n th e n in n in i r tc im i Ls; c h o s c n . i ( s Kh‘c iviH l;tf s o m c r w h a l te m p e re d b y th e f a c t t h a l ,

' in N o r th h lu h o s i t s u te a m t h a t

T h e I d a h o -H iK h S c h o o l 'A t h - i ‘ - iH lc tuwocluUoit lins nilod tlinl llii’ im r iu .

Idalio (liMHci chamittoii will not com- pi tc ill llie sla le mrci lliU jcnr, lc'nvin>>, tlic p r iu 10 tlic (Jpcldliii: kihiu- io Ih'.'

—Hbyi;ij.nbouLNflVi:iiib''r :iii i»-ut,Abau!-----------laanu pan.’;, TCKi-nTOiii ir:ivfi t iuv---------rcas-511. I

— Under lhe prKciil sclwiliilp llii’ wIiiiiit 1 ■ ot the floiithurM .M iiK . .IKtrli-t

mcei Ih f .'.ouih ccniral aiU rlct c lium *: ploii ill tlie la ltc r (IlMrlcu Tlie cliiini* ' • plon of Ihli Inleriilstrict mcci wilt jiluy :Dll' winner o( (lie Iilalin Falls dL^tricdin lliul (llslrict. To (lie viotor will «o 1 _____'ti l t ipoils. ; --------

— Dli;r<iftarj lng- Uai»~nliamp!a»ii. liow- evvr. nine schools siand om us ihc j hint ui brlBlitvr lit:hts ol iiluy this n-asoii. | the pn

TIiMC Icnim an- Lcttlston. Calilwell.i "Boise! Twin l 'all.i, i'Katello, lcliitiO|

l-‘ulls. Nampa. Ruiwrt nml Wallace. Ip a lliii...... BenKaU t«eatl In North • Hcra li. A hiwty Rurvey o( tlie nbrlli Idnlio cnn P h igh school football sl^atloii .^hows tlie .tciiooi.

"Cewislon Uensal:> siHlng at61^^ie^lcn|J. fair, licking thcir cliups and UaverliiK (or

• more ment. , ' Aiiihoi — Of. cnurae. U ili-bnrlv gonir ot mnlc- a blnu ..*U nncd jirld*hoDPcra_ouiwi:lBhtiLJl3eiiilBhj

_lo, 0. lost week, bui llie Ucnsalft Kliowcd; Fails .. _KLJ11«ch_power, smasli -a«ul - wrateyy Ulie >il

on th a t occasion th a t I'i's bouiiii'lb c ro p , o( Iio] ou l again aBalosi sironccr (earns ih n n :t ra m ' Orolino. A ynrdORC coun of 18'2 for Kui> Lewiston to 100 {or Orotlno («ll!i tlic irounc story. wiUi i, The Wnllace Miners were trounced by ciilcllt

Uir bulkier Ooiizofla bullpiipx of Spo* Ooo tone . H to 0, bu t lh a i dop^n l meaii.ll'li hua a

" iiai.pcii a imu a ' iiH'i'i^ i.umu iio m i !y iiii-C Idabo (eums. T bM luilaia stioA'iiifi mnde jscrapii

..ImrftDi.lniUcfttw^iiacB--.a»M l Lott-iston-w-ou^^ he, n :---------worthy spectacle. U ll could bc n rranR -, Nun cd. jc d t lu

The KeiloBg Wlldcftli played a hard i trle l i nnd close scs.slDn with Coeur d’Alvnf.;&cliool

down a fte r Uiey had tied the count In CaUlu th e third canto by n strini; of forw ani' 40 io i

' passes. The scorc of this brnwl-wns 13 well v ' lu e:^ lftJlllgl^ r e iry tiniiii 'a iic r msiiiiM iu iuii.

nwi. nfl»r.1nnfflifon^rynnif»L u'lili Hii«j

/ " I . • r | p i

^ I f l i M

| | | b

.— u —

T c A P t j ^ ^ K ^ I .

• ^ I f T i o U i a i l U a M ^ j J i a ^ . a a l l l i f t . e a d ^ a £ ^ U l c E S - d . e p c i --T-^irkr-A bO Tff Bf *

.j .T A n T T E n U A . A rk, Tl


g w i. ^' A T'.'-

id T itle ^' ‘“ ^ ^ C a l i f o m i a V F h s ^

‘ e ■ '

• T \ i e '

rn hn rH - n t ^ H ^ M t yI'ity, fnnin^'.'*t:ir <111 llio T w in Fulls <if till* K ii'iitist IjKok fie ld nK‘n dc

; wttk-'ciid IUld sackcd the lads from :polni_«.t<'J*._------------------ f lo u e -

T hm - Tfani-._putstundlnt nrnve-.ocaicllo, Idaho Falls and American i(he lijt Ll prjbably will bc (he principal K Uf- , 37 to 0 a ill llic Soiiliiciut district. Amerl* ! lntcr»c<

Falls trounced tlie Albion high i ge, Ml^K-!0 ._nA VL interd islrlct.nN jaupMrf ; Idiihii Fulln wns held (o ii score- im.ct ot

lie o n 'a niudUy Held by (he St. liDiiy olcvcii but vindicated Iwcif Hi niiowini la»e of Riory by tro im r T eton! w ith b tl « lioo t Ul U n g i l ^ S -to -o .—— J— pick-fr

ls ..lh c .ln rB «U > f.(h '' lui- foaW on highest wBVf a lter (ho A(cllur i c a ' - jioHohb

lioldina the AltJion-Mominl-colifKe-------m lo :i bare 3 to 0 victorj-.tuiiert. usually o siroiii; coiiiender.' J J a yunced Ooklvy 47 to 0 and Iollowed l l ------------h u victory over-81. J<»epirs ot Po-j ello CA tb 0. IJoodlnK. which for the pnst five y e a rs , w /I ahared nninv iionors with Twln^ cnc-a

ippy lltiii* KiltT team. 13 lo n. i>r.-vi- • ,iion)-tv flnndlng lind munnaod u •jn-tci-0.' mnchwry ovotL-Wende l l . ^ , . ------------ ______ «w

F n ildand In l.lnirlU lit________ uliccllumpu. BoLie and CuldWell iiavc roar- cuse :the big thunder In th e W w iern d ls - , jm:t though Ihl' lld le FruKland hl«h nie wlOol came Inlo ttie llm elluhl last I 'r i- —

Ulwell had previously beaten PayvUe.10 0, La.M wcek*ciid. however. Cald* 'II went down to n 6 (o 0 defeat n t the nflK-' oi llif u n n iio . u^■>^ll. iiri!i r ~ ' si.nn ; ^ ;^>-uMHu.TmllV-riet!UlOiicd Em -.jttCaU-

) M ' i>. M L Ittin ll U l

I r ^ m u u r T ^ • j g j

s i conference h ad to depend fo r exi p e n d e i .o n , lh c ir lo w ly jta m e sa k c i th jocks of.^e.irridirpitgTO .uiM jd:nw und

The A i k u n i B u e r b u k t stepped obI kftiw A f fila c d .w U e foo tU U -prom taM ee « » « u i Tm t i r tiuIA Iiif u ro n n en o p .to t o ^ ^ t t w e r t . ^ f m n c c . won

Vinner Wa f y i i l l i r i i f k 7 I ^

' I f a i

— X

ii i ic jB ^ / v :i B i C ’ ' ^

trn in c Is

W L ' - n m


B B B B B a f l a B W t t B B W B i n e r - t

AmilviJ Fllll FUI* '■

'a l ls h i) 'h s c h o o l e lu v o n , a.>« o n e I dovclo jK 'ii .sincL' l l u ' day.-^ o f

FItC,= = = = = = = •ll'il '

• ___niay I

lt.i wny to n divisional .scrnp u ilh fidenc L«—Uie usual -tlilni:.— Tin* Holtif iroubt ivrs imlkiocd to uii e jsv \lc!orv»)HT KO int “ fijtermoiininin Instiiule ot Weiwr. 1 0 0 0 to 0.’ to gel wanned up lor the biK BOi K ersecllonal game In Pocatello. k score of olher high ficliools Imve ]ciutcLialli&j)fllnz.biiLDrobably.ivilL {,ad-b Cl only la the class B. melee In cuch irlcl. n ig h t nott' none seeinx to be [jimdi mliiK jw rtlcularly out of (he iiaie. lh bu t a scant 75 to ,100 s’.udcnu to k~from*1in n n k 1nB-up“ii” tpam ~iniT ^ f ^ j

ikcibnll team th a t made li.s^ll knuwii iij; lonalI>—lt CTO be dono. . . ~ wiij b

..................................... .... On

J a y l o r G r i d C o n c h S ;

- T d 'S c r v F O i i J u r y " f ™ '

•*“ “ ShcstiWACO. Texas. Oct. 12 f,r» -For j„

nc-ji.'eek during Uic footlisli season

lom: wahout Morley Jennlncr.. head hvuvyoneh. r>:tin ^ llw nanie.w as.pulledriraiiK lherJllfir' “ TTT,'licel nnd the iudk'e refused to e«» t -------use him, | \ 1Jennings, hnn-evrr, has a choice ol r t l :

he week he wishes serve. 1 I I '

3orri"i< rbi'llc\fd 'lo‘'lm ve lic-fii'lli'sl' " A " . ;n n in Centnit Amcrk'ii.

g a u JU u liu n llea langalli-Uic j u r t a cc. -P h (----------------------------------- : TUCJC

■ — ■ ■ ■ ■ . ore’ir1 A “ • 1 than

■ m1^ end 0n r T i I I r ^ n l l l nL & V /X A L

f e r h - , ,L ,^ . . ! ! ! i ! ^ i |M | l p _____ th f_ jH'^lttuiikWhlfflilllhilnnM BtlHli

^U i WinDi’m nillilluIlM n i tHJ Il*O i|]jj|lu^^ - count


L a** Jralllr n flu a _

I IfiR nw ( ' ’ *S ' l b M E . ^ ^ j s l E i E ____

(RUrfSiSiBSHhlfHlliHHwiffi ilulBflaliHMI nn WlH u^ vicini[')IHHIiHRill!ftIImily(HlHl^ill '

^ ****** ' J Till^ Missi'

\ , and 1

-------- ansn


S most

--------- 'pOUr— T t

exlfltencc bfi the i929 ;iGibF* Goi ; th e outlook would b e -p re tty und ».gcnnlac.Ra2PrbA ^ .froni _..,J--------------V[ftoiu. pntTldlnc bcaI for ibepiMMen ^ k n d h u n o r fe rth e n a tlo r fe w iiw n e ln n . ^

T ite i m tdlUm ia Ute l u m t a e k f Me* » i tu r Kbedole. Q an e s hATe b A n *'>fnoke« ir itb ( e u u tta it BiM h ftw KOM

for - l i ,

? iK m « S £ S io S M :S S c "

i i B p


L a c p p p . I ' / ' i l - D ci f p i r t nf ,J l M t i n - l t

and .JeroimTFramise^T' _________ Conlpetitioii in (

ny-E-.SI^.SW rKI.KV _ which vA id e d b y t h o im rx iK 'c tfd tic -

'a t o f T w in F a l l s liy O ak ley , S ; m -< sh a m p io H P h ip -f« in ii it if> n -o f Ipnni!.'! n IC S o u th C e n L n il I d a l io d is t r ic t imdncui s o m e w h a t d o u r e r . R ( i |ic r t liiis

k'o h u r d jram cH jih o a d w ith d in . uuhi le t te u m a . B u h l a t K u iie rL N o - I*'- m ib e r I , a n d H u r l ty a t r .a c lc y ‘J f . n i-c m l)c r U , B o th w ill hp lia td - ihc pim itne.H a n d c i t h e r H n h l o r I h tr - honor, p Is callable o f kIvIuu H ii]im nn nr- tlielr pu ■m»H»->cwtT--os-v,TlHliM.ii»1- flKh(lnq"evereom Irll will no. • (inic amBill nny-team tlm t can make, a nd £ £ £ “»|; ep on moklnK, socres a;-, Ituport fiain n m lie In all it.s season 's cinni'-s is likely m 'lch fn have loo. powerful nn t 'ile n v , if It iideiier

rp '. lt.‘‘ .cdgC;__DiirU'i'_!ii.f',t_!in,_uiicrvi. l^dZkjUi

r-team-irood A—ticfwi'’ ; ^irkii thn t way. T lie Kasl End candl- eome fn t r look.1 like R upert now. bul In lhe to starl

a ted.'‘ hiid''ij'eli,Tier u .sulu'diilcd to a t siicct L-ei. R uperl' in (lie recular season, follow I

Filer Eleven SJronir • lag the Flfcr had a work ou t wfHi KlmberJy n t was by no m ean* n walknwuy. It ■y bo I I , . t n i f r - . nhvfr.-.Cted w ltli n tmicli of too much con- lence, a discuHs likely tc be mighly ^ iubtc*ome-lo-nny team , and dUI-noi

Into (h n t game wUli th e full .sirlk- ‘°i‘ "’Of m n r im ro V c k -d . 'A f lc r llie \Vllilcnt»' ‘i iI Kimberly lireil the Filer players bei n up n nicc scorc, bu t u t the half I'a*lsfc( ey hnd only six polnt.s for \;-hlch n Icy did i Kked kick paved th e way, and they I loughi i d -b e tn - tu m e d 'b a c k on iiog a rmorHi>»ii-w*fc nn onco. n i e r h a s n r.ood looking found t ncll th a t cnn play good football but If they til tliey gel firm ly fixed in their i> plna th e Idea th n t n game Isl I t reg iir nunrter.s long, nnil ihnl rneli ounr- Igainc!) (

U.JO m ake a w inning, Uielr .th rea tII be held In Uie balance. lO M B On the no rth side Coairli W hile's — ncll n l Jerom e is n o t to bi‘ overlooked.4pen scored 81 poiniA ugaliiM Sho- io n e .-b tif J e ro m (! 'to o t-S h o .itio n e 'n - — :ek earlier by n good scorc. and when icshone's big /u ll back. Barbee, was RomJ );ljn. Jerom e Is flshlliin her

iino.t through, an lnlnit «tren»tli w iih ; —

;a 'y «iiiiiv» in a ro x . Bulil, Filer undj \ :.klcv, iw oof these nre pluyedm home.]

’heasants Plentifd | AndFatSayHiintersi.Phcr^!an l_ liu ia lnB _w lll-bccln . ncxii uej'd ny lm H ^jw H sinT irm y^ira tn jtfilirr '—re'inuic plentiful and bv tter dcvclniicd mn last year ami tlm t Uie sensoii, hllp‘ 20’dny.s j<liortcr coybra d frir'\vIi3-‘ •

ub>doy aiid will close November 2i T. the end of 41 days in ttea d o t a t the A ul of 01 duys a.% oil six nrevlous vrais•e' Ada. Adams, liin ine, cnnyon. c as- "Tfl&, Elmorr. 0 cm. Oooding, Jerome, ' 1lacolni—M inldohii- Owyhee<7 Pj»y»‘Ue' -77—

110 suiiHse o V s im « i Mhcdulc as In le case wlili m inratory birds. The _ rrilory- from Mlnlduka to the Salmon un Including QoodlnR and Jerome ^a1d to b<> welt stocked. ____

lollywood Defeats Missions By 6 to 3

l o s ' ANOELES.. Oct. J3_W btH oU y-ood took g oiie-gnme ndvontiiKo over| ___lij'M isaons iu the tVfth gnine o t 'l 'a - lic coast-baseball league Spm-Mosoal iay.o/fihoro:i5aB>-:^by--Korihjr=»-0-'a^| ^ .ftnrv'.--llollvttnn<l--liim Ufin Ihri'pl _ _ rnlght. T he MlsiUons look the flrsii fO.The.score; R. H, E.lis sions............ .....001 101 000-3 10 oJollywood . :.:.......... 00 031 SOx-G 11 0 {•Bt»«rie*i— R«uUteiv-XrMuer-Hubb«ll ------nd H offman; Johns and Bossier. ^

iid-Erancis-Beats— — La Barba in Paris

PARIS, Oct. 13 t/l-j-K ld Pmncls. I t- iianbiERTsm’nsnT roniiK inneauB & r- ■ — ^ Ai CdlUomla, form er ilyv'clght'clinm*linn nf thft*icorld. In o la.trumri IwMit .lere ton ljlit.sRiFtl«towwFof3tie-tieK!tit-rnt “Tnost KlenUfic bouja wimM sedJn Parts

S s S S f e g g g j g g g j j ? =-TbftrBaLfi^rHCipk^far-lherboui-weffr r~=gOMLe.l» .L m °»^!\tL »^tig .0Q 0jT W . ; p

Sonzaga Team trounccs ■ ' ■ , _,_West.Coast.,Army. 39J

’■ ■ S P O ^ z 7 -O c t .~ l3 ~ (m — Q o n u t i aun tfop d e lttte d the W est coast Army lewn. 30 to 7. here today. O o n ia ft icered * l will u n u i Qw final period »hentheA rm yllneU glit«ned iru i»U T ii; .eC. !d an.o»enslve U u t n e tted » tA ttb d a m . ^

r u r k e y . '" • . . , . ^ S i

laho District Title ‘

n V G iv e Koon . ^n Games , i : '

ch will t'ive Jeroine snmc help, rn tiJcrom c'tioA o n o s c i th a t mfty tell ' - Ally In the ha rd HomcH. Card ran c. ;»i batUfS juert as lald-seaRon

I ncUiiracy can make a big dilferenee, llulil In Runnlne {

■ulll has been beuUn. but Is no t to f - - - r uverlookeil. T here Is a lot of power 1 :hai loam, and while I t m ay no t win j dls'.rici championship, i t may upset | pliiiLs of o thers who hope for th e j

lOr. Eiirly season Injuries luve hart ; • I-5 ir purt. u handicap th a t takes time 10 i '

' and trom th a t cam* some iilea.s 01' ^ omc'-s s L r m th 'c a n be ealncd '... .! . . . .

ch for Kran:ed a t Oakley. O ver-con-j J': -ner had ll'i |iliiOf In thu t name niu l' i* I; il.H to!!. Tlie (nini hu.i no J jFr^iio~lam r<iat-m i-grfafiii(irviain>i-------SeutsT— w lw ^-»t-acw »>itl;^ iTt~^ iiii» tu le frum : tcady team work which ha^ . SS ;tarl wUh the (irst wlilnie nnd keep- ^ Ilg' im tll"th9 l o H t i " i f j f l siicces.H. I t (he shake up likely (o ~ ow (he Onkley defeat results in glv- a the M|uad the team flijht conviction. g Urulns will play some cood fooUiall. ’ . =

'y have some games nlicnd tlm i u iir ' for real competitive snirlt. tin* «>fi .> , ' ,

H iits nnd keeps on h lK lii ir TttAKlOnkley Team Ready pivc

ivcr_nl Onkley (he tenm is^ e a d v ."more'l)hU les.'‘ I(s enrly games did' --------

pmiiil.n; to q -m uch; a nd tha t~mnr |ao H > t-i e been a contributing factor to Twin 1 rule ch Is feeling of na easy game. But Oak- j from tli did not undcrsUind ll th a t wny. und j hoa tnk Ih l w ithout a le t up nil the uuy to ' sparkle. f-wit-H-vlotory^ThBincMway-liavfr-thc-leB* Ild themselves Twin Falls. | waiUng hey liavc. otlier upsct» are In p ras-; tcom ca I. • • . |.suretht: requires no very shnrp ears a t th e ;b s ll wil ^!) to 'n o te that^li6 '^pgfroTors ^ n r r |g lo n ^

- P r ic e Com plete

Z T ^ - —


l i tL U W U O T l f E i n '. I i r c m te r a h o tp u t t rive.s b e e f a n d j i in c h to “ I’o ji" W a r n e r '

' change U m t.elim inated tlie run n - lo o ib n (he fumble in piay. T hai eliange(akea from the game some of iu K‘*i»e.

:kle. I t has inude the team thu t get* T he st •leBd-ablc-W -plnj-thrdogglntr-soter gHmes-UU of game. The .stroniier Filer tn c a n get a lend nnd then loaf, bring Rupert! th n t no dlslurblng run.frcm a loa^e shoshoi

will wipe out their lead. I t was field ntmed n s 'a .step toward maklnit .'.ure kcn n t C

^ P a i= H i ^— - ____U g M t T o d f lrl N ow ! F o r th e

J l tb roQ g li th e eea*on— f o r---------— ^ to 4 io ia » -« v « i7 -a ig b l> ~ tb » H

Sereea< G rid fn m o tu — tb e s e t tti ^ ---------o t m a k e a -a fo m b le t ----------

mftw» | i ft

' “ A tw i lS X M r tT i i e n i— r e i t f l t iy t■:------------ tab e* l;T o iio_ .._ . v o lu m e . eel, t h e f b a r ecea o f r a d io i i l l ' i n ^

I 'And n o ta fiuni'in d ttorefuH!I _ .B e a r th e n d i o th a t c a n ' t j ^ ji ■ft I n a n d p n t i t t o a n f te s t y o u c

_____ c W iih th U je t i f f le j jW h a te v e r w e^ ' l e t TOUT w ife h ave b e r c b oii j f l — L i n e t a . J ie w . sh ip m e n t j u t t J o . .Co j f l a t e y o u rse l f f o r tb e r e s t o f yo --------------p u r ne.=^Pay'o m o f ^ lg e g g


S - . F o r d c m o n s i i r a t i m ^ l i 7 ^ 9 ..^

i l i H a i f l i i i c k ' _ 7 ~

luttei* of tn e u ird in a l aquad, ler'rt 1A29 footlinll var.tity .

lotball. I t may du tha t, but It lia.s helped the public's Interest In the e.c sclicdule In the db trlc t calls for

e r a t Twin Falls. Buhl a t Jerome.jr l a t Idaho Falls. Kimberly at------------ihone. Gooding ut Nnmpa. Rleh- 1 n t Wendell. Oakley a t Albion. Han- u Cns’leford',- Biirlpy- h t Mnliia.~. ' ’ ~ ' -

\ ■

ssest j

th e b ig football games— allt . ' or th e great radio ahow ln |le Atwaldr Kont tha t made, • -------- ;t th a tn e re r misses a tackle!

pftw<^r_with:.Siq.>f.n. r r f T 7 ^ ' — ■

ey o 'n S n ’t'ge l w ith 'b ld ^ ^ le 'selectivity-^ , . distance . . .i- . --------

I yo tir faoDd 'togethCTrDialj

,, . . . .. “r r ■ -

;ihrown.£or.*.loe8t.Come - _____u can Ihink of; W hat others'r we say, i t goesua one better. ___boico of loTcly, 'l asting <Mb» ____ ^.C om aadeongratn-^ - _ i . i t y o u r life! Price is easy on «

» S C r i f 7 » ' i = l l k e j ^ = = = = =

-fiUlD ~

M :rtgwiair • ^

M r . 'H o p r -

Page 13: · 2014. 12. 12. · ^raiBEtisi^™ "-FumEnm oFiiEinmEl ________ a l: —Br-f\T^^I«ddep-LQU(U' Air- ^ l)laiie' as» Grefttest

iTEive Me] ^ R epre§

^ *IvHMdAmericairE ^ On Wan For keg

' P n n v A flm iv n ] W i1n)»y P ■

E x p e r t - o t T A r m a m e r

, C h o i c e f o r I m ]

Ambassado r Gibson, F re A. Swanson Favor

' — ^ . o f Selections 1............J _ . By 4 u :iim :R i

____________ ' (A x w la tr t I’m a Kea, W A S H IN G T O N . O c i n ^ — F iv e

lo n i a t i c ‘m e t t le in m n n y u n in te r n H o o v o r ’R p r o b a b le d io ic cK tu rcp i f o r th c o m in g n :iv a l l in i i t i i t io n s cut

T h » t J lc n r y L . S U m s o n , n e a v t i i ie a n 'd e lc n a t i im is*>jeni‘n i! ly cniicei in ir a ) in i i t r y P . Jonc?<. li»i)r th e n

\ T h e n a m e s o f o th e r s u r e y o t 5-----------fn v n r l U 's - Inn t i s c o s s i n n T - m i r c r l n

U n jfh S . G ib so n , u m b n s s u d o r to '« U eljriiim , is sicknow leilfred uk b e .

in ; ; t h e m o s t p r o b a b le c h o ic e .A ~ T O C c n t~ \i s it ' t o '" t h c “ W h i t t r

H o u s e b y S e n a to r F r e d e r ic k l ln l e o f M a in e , c h u i rm u n o f t h e

— — s m n tc V c o m m i t^ e - o n - ^ t t v u J - ^ t f - fn ir s , a n d S e n u to r C la u d e A . S w a n s o n o f A 'i r j r in la , r a n k in g d e m o c n i t o f t h e s a m e c o m m it­tee. ImincdUtdy cuuh-<I t!ic iinmi'x (if

_______thi?se two to tH- to thu front,

"Uic Kivr” In tr re ttliu■____ Tho probable "hlR five" offer an In -j

(cri-siii)K RiiK'y of iwrsonnUtlr.^. Here ; lire the five u t u Klunce:

KRNRY L. STIMSON—Not the Kill*-----------fnl-('yi>erttlWttytr(llrfCW<tiul-lbr««fuUTall,*

of slender build: iiruy>bhic eyes. llRhl{ (iraylsli hair and clasely cll]i|wU nms*

_______ liiclie »bove_n firm moiith. .Son of auractlelHR »ur«con. E ntered u law nrm In New York shortly after nrMluatlotv from-Ynle. T hree years n

----------- fe d tra H litrl'ct nt t uriicy ." Umm:i.T«.ntP 1.sought Rovernorshlp of New York. ]

»lotied by CoolldKC 10 stra luh len ou t, NlcaruHHan miiildK- 111 '1021. aTid r e - ; wiirdeil by iH-iiiB inuue KOvuriKjr-Kiin-i-i ul of tlie Phlllnpliies.

HUOII S, O ID S O N -Jua t past -JO,; . Leodliic cxpoiionl o f theory th u t "w hlu-,

V jp a tted tea drlnker«." alioulU be cllin*........ innted from diplomatic corp*. UuDdled'

di'fen:,e of &1U i Cuvell. EtlHllsli war- / ' liiirsc, excraleu by u e rm u a i, Boii «J un

' / lowu bank cu h lcr. Educuted by prl>| I vate luior» ond In Paris, r in ii Amerl*

, can mliiUtcr to Polund ^ t v r recoutiltloti I of th n l republlc’a'Independence. Inter!

J m inister lo Bnllzerlnnd. Ono of thc i I ___ most active In recent iK-fiotiullon;i for-

____ ^ ••Every ouncc.reni heat."

— i > ' . . ...........

BankCredi ^ - Bah

T h e b a la n c e y o u c n n c o u n t h a s a c o o d d e a l t

_____________ c r c d i t e x te n d e d a t y o u r

W h e n o n e m a n w ondi____ _______ _____ a a .rc a d ily _ u iU iia .n ( ;iK h b (

to ra cc jua l, th e reU son s te a d y , s u b s t a n t i a l u v o r s in a ll f l u c t u n t i n ? a cc o u r

• - •• ;It- ;iM -ifood ;*businM H -f ------------— -----------h u ild -u j) r -y o ttrH n tn lH n » lf

' ' ' ' I h r f ufcfiyo ,f l-liu iw K rk -^ _______________ ^ g n p j tn l_ f o r _ b u.sincaH opt

= ^ ; T w i h ~ F a l l8~Bank: : . "■ '■ ' - T w in P i


fDeiepioifWorllni^”i^SiiigS^trength"': . j a n e s . N a t i o n ’s L e a d i n | r i

e n t s . A l m o s t C e i ' t a n i

m p o r t a n t T a s k

r e d e r i c k H a l e a n d C l a u d e

o r i t e s i n D i s c u s s i o n

s b y P i y s i d c n t ___________ _____

RT <*UIMMER•eala tf Srrvlfe Writer! _ _____VC m e n w h ^ h a v e p ro v e d lln ; ir ilip- irn M io n a l f i r e n p p c a r iw P re s id o n t e p r e s e n t t h e U n i te d S ta te .s a l th e c tin fc rp n ce .L 'tnry a f .'f ta te . tv ill } i« id ih r Amor- c ed c d . A n d th o c h o i f c o f JU a r A d- • n a v y 's f o re m o s t e x p e r t on u rm a-

t •■< t h r e e , how uv.-r. ur(> r in frn ri- tli(r-r tc lc} rn tio n rt)f- t» T C K T f7■O^'* ' .............................................................L>. a lutval UKTeement between thi- Unileil |

SU tes und G reat Brtlftln. •' ' ‘ I ^ -JU LA JIX -P-JO N E S—

I name n l A nnu |» lh ; lie wn* uliidy; hked there. Now lie b one uf the m ost;

le iwpular men In the navj-. And lie IsJ

V niivul IlinlUitloiu. Completed i l yv;ir« 1 ■ of scrvlce to hi* counlry ht November,!

'K 1U37—27 yrui'H u t sea. Retired ul th iit' t - ttine In name only; twice nlnce lie l»d^ llf rcprestnliHl th e Untied S tates nt n d ls - ; _ m m nm fiu Kxnton. Avuiluble uny duy.

for ncihv duty. t ’REDERlOK ItA LE-Cliulrm un of

l - j the M.’iiate'i> nuvul commilteu. Known' r e ;b y nil iv-i "Preddy." -Fam ily na m e-h w

I Rtood for power In nutlonal i»llUc^ more i ii< tliun half u ceiiturj-. Rnrely 3i>caks:

h l{ lhun Ameiicu'ii navy. Rellrlnw fellow, s* Mmewhul short of stuture wllh u heticl JJ of light arnylsh hair. BacM o r und 55, lit Pluyu KOlf fn Wuslilnr.ton. but nTiitalne cr hl.s love of the woods a&virts lioitr. D e- . n llevea "u powerful American navy Is

k. I world." ’ ;

u t , of old Kchool and rimklni: democnit on c - ; the i:cnute's nuvul commltlve. Wears

: cliann und Krnce (or wlilelt .^tut^'•men, IG,: from hlx section huve been noled. H a$, .U-, always worked for w hal he xat. To-. n« senuto flr;;i In 1011 to llll out term of ed.' John W. Dunlul. There ever Unce.; a r: S c m d - tb m e ^ i In Iim iy, iinri.ttJk.uHV^ jn em0t.oL.VirvluaufronU00(!.to.l910.Re- i ^•1 cently hald Insenu te ; " I brlleve ihe bCbi; :l« I IntertfiU of the United Stule:. and O rcut' on I Brita in and the peaco ot the .world. e r I would be ■ccompllihcd by substan tia l. lic'i c‘<|uallty of the American Mnd. British' or - naWw." . .


< plenLihlnK your supply la t- | | i e r on. Now U the time lo B

7“ T iW i-rw r« r-w H i-5 T o c k e a ~ A — :, w hh Just llic kind of Aber. N

deeii Coal you want. . V .

I . |L A R S E N ) !M S C 0 Y | 8 i


............. _ " , s = s = s s a a s = s j

................ I

lit and Bank lances •n r r y in y o u r C h e c k in tf A c - ' I 1 t o do w i th t h e a m o u n t o f IJ r b a n k . .................._ . . .1

n d c rs w h y h e c a n ’t .b o rro w |i b o r ^ ^ i i n t l n g a l l o th e r f ttc - '>n is p r o b a b ly f o u n d in n .'oraKO b a la n c e a s a ( ;n in s t a . . i m n t . I

r f r o i T r w c i ^ ^

4 tg f t im tH n )p r g t ;n r i t r 5 r i^ < ly — -------- 1-ip w r t i i n l t l c a ._______________ _________ J

k & ' ^ a t C o m p a n y IP a l l s , I d a l i o i . „ “ ■

g m - ■ ' . . . .■ ■ i . i

* • -

'I p - i i



mls |

I ■ ' B e c ily-

i ' ' ' reia ; . -


I 6oimrs •


5-.Of •:e.;

e*i:bllatIdu ll3h; __ • •- ■ /

^ R ^ 8 t


U N_______ ____ ___ _____\____


p j

j jQ j^ _______rrRKPI.HlCk 1.A1.C- I

p S f i•V

cause It Giv IWant an3T]

ifortSaf' -w \‘ y * " Y '• 7

— Ji'Jie- new T'oM'^TiiaoLSe lo-w price. Distinguished I flee t lines. Generous room and rea r seats. Deep cush

__ ha rd w are__ ___________

O ther f e a tu r e s a r e ^ Q t H O U R-FO X IR HOUDAl FU LLY ENCLOSED SIL


I s t e r ...... ................. $45p“ Spl e ............................ '.S525 .T i l

P rieea-frorlK-Beti

ggm iM i I i_ _

IH p o m atS K iiiH ita f

• T u E N D Y L . & T IM S Q N _________

ves Tou Ev


!Eedanjs_a.great,caiLforJh( d by its fine coach w ork, b( om'^fbr five passengers. Am ishions, rich,.long w earing 1


Sport~C(mpe-:...*.......... $55(Tudor S edan ..................$521letroit-Plus-Gharge-for-Freij

: W h s '^ n

5___I HUGH s.o m so M I ..____ jjIL_

^ 0 verythingT rMotor Car


t ro it — „ beautiful colors, and low

.mple space between front g upholstery, full nickeled

^ 5 5 ^ ^ 6 ^ i L E i ^ N — TTO C K A B W R B ER S"::r^ 3’TEM—TRIPLEX SH A T?= ITK c h a s s is LUBRICA- IRTY MINUTE DEMON- . ERE IS NOTHING QUITE A m P R IC E .~

550— FordorScdan-nrTTTTTTTTT;525 Town S e d a n ......... .......eight-and-Belivery. .

11L Aay-' p.- JGNES-^---------— -• ' •' .....................

fou- : -■■■ — ■ ■-----=

mtp— -

________ _________ •„............. _ . . . ^ ___

♦ . . J,

y -------------- ---------------- l _ _

^ $ 6 2 5 — ^— --------------------- ^

....$695 ' ^

. ................ ............ ; tZ Z 2

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Page 14: · 2014. 12. 12. · ^raiBEtisi^™ "-FumEnm oFiiEinmEl ________ a l: —Br-f\T^^I«ddep-LQU(U' Air- ^ l)laiie' as» Grefttest

p A f i im t iS

" i n ntl T' rt iiinifrcBD’—n r n i i T i i r i n n l l n n coiUiiHrH ll i VrU im Bl k i l l


! - -------- knd i

D a t e f o r P a r t i e s I'’ i x e d b y ’’’IJJ,'

— iV iim iiicn t-W aah iiiB tbn g

W o m e n S b o i j A f t e r F e m i -

n i n e H o j r a L e a v e C r a d l e s

B r/S U E MtNAMARA pQJ^lAnwclatcd P w F r tlu rf Skrrlte ,

— W i < f S i n N G K S ^ b c t r l 2 ==A l- , b c f o r c - i i - j i i c L .c h U d _ o £ - a im a b i

f iin ii ly o f w p iiltit a n d p ro m in c n c c ih WitHhiHKto'* J* o u t ' o f ' t h e c ru d lc . sh o is d a t e d u p f o r h e r I""” d c l ju ta n le p a r ty . — ' S t i

M o th e r s o f te n a r r a n g e d a te s _____Tor t h c i r d i in j r h t e r s ' co n tfn ir ou t H irlic s tw o y e a r s a h e a d . M rs.

, I d e n — llatiiicti— _w en a so c ia l s c c rc U iry in tHiT -

- a i p i t u l - c i t y . fo r.-2 U yenrH n iu l . ,_ ik n o w s u ll t h o in s ;u i i l o u ts o f o f - : .f ic ia l so c iill l i f e h e ro , s a y s m o th . • C u r s f r c ( j i ic n t ly c o m e to h e r in th esprtoL^ to iH 'snoak tia te a f o r t h e ______w in te r o f t h e y e a r fo ltow inj^ . '

M ra . H a j rn o r s a w W a s h in g - t o n 's n e ed f o r a B o r t o f c lea r-

< i i iK '^ l io u i iu 4 o c ^ o c ia L d u tu L il» & ^ ^e n y e a r s «« '» » « d o iw n e d Ih e j ff i r s t Hociul b u r e a u h e ro . T o tla y 1h e r b u s in e s s is in c o r iw r a te d a n d Iflhe h u .s .a li s h e .c u t i do. I

H e r id e n h a s n lw a y s ))oon to I

a d v is e s o n th e c o lo r o f K ow ns tob t‘ w o rn , th i ' - c h n r n c t e r o f e n te r - ---------U i i i i m e n t J o h o j : i v e n f o r a deh .S h e is f i r s t o n t h e sc en o « t ‘ n - Jw ii n i i c u inu h -y h e r f ijr i’c tjo n a n d no f o r lo r n K ir is a r e e v e r le f t s l tT T i ig in o n g tl iu w a ll.

A h o .s te ss c o n to m p la t in n a d iiu m r^ u i i r t v t n l k t h o hocIuI se c- r c t n r y —^ lh e rq n r c s c v c rn i , now in"^VuHhinKtuif-*-«liuw n tu c h ^ h c - = ^ w n n tf l t o s p e n d f o r d c c o rn tio n s , m e n u s a n d m u s ic . T h e n a h c g o e s a w a y .a n d . f o r R c ti5 _ a b o u t_ i t . - a t- ' . to n d in R t h e d in n e r w i th n a c a re - f r e e a m in d a s . i in y o f h e r in iestH .

P o s t m i s t r e s s F o r 5 1 Y e a r s

- BLUEPIELD. W. Vi..' 0*1. 12 (/Ph- P lfly-(our y cnn ax pontrolslrcu of Rock Oamp; h'\1JlBi{r'oriOO,“t8 the rcconi of " “Atml" Cllnda llan*cy. n o v 87 yearn mmmm of age. W lien lUie * i« named to Uie ' •lO T r-lX T O n b er-« rli1 5 rW = P fw ia en t O ran t, It «’H« A dcpanu re from tlio uniul .. OVI custom to apiKiInt a womnn.

-----------^nUV -M A KX -IIO M K -------------------------

T K IE n. Ocrman>-, Oct, 12 (.Pt-Tlie house In which K arl M arx wrui born lin.i | been purchaticd b.v tlyp Soclaltot. parly^ “dorm uny, WhlilVWlirinfllJ>funn Ifhi* |----------tft g Marx ia n tniiw»um. Them k IU bc an extciulve librnry. nicliidliiB a lH he Ine* of the fn thcr of aoclnltim.


R0 ?^C 'dctT l3T/in—VacatloncolonlM extnbllshcd by the Rovcrnment, enter­tained aaa.lBO children . th is Mimmrr.

iirovlncc of M ilan took cnre of 3fi,- _____Tntr nn i r n m nL'r. |n .r‘a n a t neninn yn-,t iinfif in u m ----------- — ----------------

S t r a i g h t From P ^ r i s |

' • ------------------- -P A P---------------------- . t i i i u i

■—HHir ~ • ' -------I M V • • - hero.

J ............... ______________ :.pyri---------a

* • a ii ? ■' i C‘ ..■■‘•j. ■ ■' , V .............


pM w w -doH -drfw w f-m .cm m aalaL H H itiiinl lliui been w n t '« Mf*- Her- A

V t lT°i A l m t

DolU are hlahly iionored In Japan • tOid art cowWered the hl8Rp«rcomk .Iment a* glfW-With the doii cnmc an album of lolosraplu of dolu »hoa n a t the lu t

ated by tho JapuneMi K hool glrli. reaard >xeB in which both Rlft% are pack- cles wh( ; arc rnre examnlc% of ljaQ<tiCiafL. Uonirit*-

■ - I MlntJilllll - - — , : • • T - , crator»

RK dlSTKIl 1IICVCLE8 , try to R0R T -0P '8PA IN , Trinlrtad.- Oet. la women -M orc than 11.000 blcvcles were ree- world « r« U l^ A h lU T "-L i‘U ^co .* t^M Q ia.. clcthlng licenserre i*about611 ccntfl.Jam aica _

1; .

i t r a i g h t F r o m P a r i s J

— ■ j r f P I E r _____ _ expertsyearly.

Alma--- • -------------- of Klrls--------------------------------------------------- T m r n r

" v tv'in’ht

W l "[■y C T r I l g

A utum n J t in o y * U e n e ; on tlvU lonrf« &nae«\eV, it;

W W c k & t u . J i -c f ^ Pile

- • ■ ' ' . K.-boal..■iiimi j la i . i f j i I I I g |» ii.L iJW Mcmi

' ' I ' ----------- 1 the rl

i t r a i g H f F r o m P a r i s ' I J, ------ . ------> lean*


-MEXl ♦ to ciMIl


there 1

........... ' 'P A IUM elnu ar

lo the

^ I • ■ u F ^ - I~sti

’U l H . ' I -

l / ' l ’ ^■|----------;■■■ -------------------

H B F - ^lE !g |D E ~>ABia:0«trl3iJ^W Uiler cloihelre> - - - —iunu6H .l ip n tW ^ C K B llS ^ ~-_

la m iM f tiw f f 'o h n ia 'T r t ' wcnr®y"®nie — ~ the v ‘ '- - TilM k b t o t ^ q t l i v ^ t yU h; ^ i n o • j lc

■■ a

' V ' — ■

^OfStyfes topyIma A rcher, One o f Thpusar to New V ork Each Year tc

W ins Place in Li

•ard gtineroualy thoM. modern ora- ( ^I who can forecBRl the trcndjJJaili«-,.-jr,v-r. ritx-niOTlths o r 'n year aliead. ; llnUkes are costly, .t 'ab rie mill op.) MIm tor# and wholcanie cloth m er:hanl» i»n ' lo to avoid loMCB by lilrlint olert youn* a larse nen to tell them w hni the frmlnlne Parli t •Id will be M kliij for In the wfly oi round. JilnfriN w eeon-tfrtiro-tatrrr-im tnhirbfcaific

• ____________ -fc r- tJ it



'countyw rtt earn from |3a.OOO to t50.00^ Fnr rly. lii:iior<>lina Archer I.H on r of llie thnu.sMU^ I lir lr 'i (llrls tt'lio iirrlve unch year tn .New yi^r w

‘Ivr yrar.i nito Ahc I rl t anlcsliiiri;. Iiii; (rnHQl}^nd.ntm iccLln_NcjO Q iii_»ll!i___!^2L?n her liandbnj. H er c.nperleticc con- iniin 11

p tiih (I' " r --------fc- ■ . ------- — ■ = o[ ndo

flMim STAYS llil miiFUO i l l n l l - u i f l l « - l i l U I I I L i r . - ? 4 m ^

ll[lll5EB0IIMBlj[llflSl1“I Tlic

------ -- Ilor anMBMPHia. T enn ,, Oct. 12 (.?>- Im w w

JrA.CBrnlliia^W«rrlt:kLllQ-aiutlKir« . lU .m i 1 n tiie M lM ti^ip l ond xhe Mill Is on tlrrw li li ' . . rxlUbli

"X am n river rn t nnd will never tlmt m « anylhlns else." ahe aald. - A

Pliotlnii a w eather-beaten house- It w o a t Mra. W arrick reccnily \i»ltcd » im fr itcmiilO* on h e r nnnunl trlj) down tliry n hc^rlvtf. _A^ » n ncCTtn^n^Kl her. Atrlcu

)iana on a run between New O r- • 'ns jc » n s ond LouUvllie, th e daughter t,„(i n

» « IO O L S .F O n INDIANS_____lEXICgi.CrTY. Ocl. la ( /rv -T ry lns ren*., ciMIIW the Indlnno of Mexico, t h e fiA d 'e rnm fntincondnctlngTSflgchoolifor ilie fa )riKme^ "Tiie to ta l enrollm ent in 7<.- that ll -ch lld rsn -a n d -a o jo o -a d u u a — Al£0 _Ui« ett •re aro 9S.4G4 Ind lnns enrolled In 106U for mixed rnccii.

J l'« S RAVAGE FRENCH ELMS p u j »AR1B, Oct, 13 </tv-Prance'« beauUful | w J IS arc suceumblni: In la rse numbers ‘ the wolytold bcttU-, clo.«ly akin to Kdls I pear-blUht bettlc. T h e fem ale bore.-; jl'OUKl

StraigK fFfom P a ris I

5( J a n e ; " g a W '. S T w n w k * ' 4

" ' . -i

IPAHQ. S.Ut? E C T ^

)s Hiigeilewardsa n d s o f W o m e n G o i n g -

t o L a u n c h C a r e e r s

L i m e l i g h t

lO L J ia iK - t r a d ln a - B l U i - s y p t ie s

> » J.c a r_ Jo lm t_ m ac a iln c . e d i to r ia l------------■k"In Chicago.JIm A rcher worked n« liilc. n.t s « r c - - y to the m erchftndl.iln; mnn.iccr ol i r je deparUncnl store, then w enl to ■ll to w atch the fa.-.hloti wheels bond. She ew-V ork and •;------ -glHc an aav lie r-o n -» tv lw to tii ircn '

tim departm ent stores in vnrioui ta of the conntry.Ihc m ade tests o f’h r r f o rc w is a n d i tnd -tha t-hc rrtw itU nT ^a 'T raR e -w a 'i — — h enough-to w nrrnn t .i position a^: le prophet to mllbi, wholesale houses'I r c u l l dealers, ' |

cotoiM rFi-jdren Bc Seen and N ot H

■Heaitl'-Gctsr^Sn’T T r t 'O ir— W

ntEELEV, Colo., a - t . 12 •-)’-—All a d - ^ ' Ih a t decreed children .'•hnuld bc ^II nnd no t heard wns ulvcn 11 sevcrr I X

mty th is m onth. . ~■nr years Uiey have vit'd for Junior \S in i ior< o t tho county fnir cumlucted by l i \ c K'l Ir p n re iiu and were dlstiirbfd >hl.%;,r when thcir tlm orciti elders dccldfd . m m tW n rfn n rh T O m rd -b r th t- la r ly ,(ear It uould no t provo siicco-tKlui. HOST

•nr n tim e H secmrri ; l n i thn chlld rrii n iiccepi Uie ed ict of ilicir pwrcnt* m ,. fronh Uio ciutomnry n ir c k n w expected .sc.iyjn. ndolescenU. bu t th e n th ln is ’ bcKan followed Imppen.. The hours they hnd labor* of .Ml».i

k jic t! .g tt-X o t-!^ ia ^ loM tiift hiV 'g\ilfimty superintendent nf .%cliool.s nnd kt^ou'nii ' county asrlctiUuritl ncvnt nnd th e I rouii'JerI olflclala a g rc c l___________________ l.Counti->il ie appeal M t th e wheel.', lu moilan '■ Durini

an on ran iu tlo n th n t conducted-a j begun I rrrsfu l Junior fn ir Sepfcnibcr 10 nnci 1 two chi

'.‘I” '' "r"" .Vw i w cliiluren from the county wun u b iu ot their agricuhnrn] prowi-.u It excltcd the ad m iration ol the ir eld- n v r iv. Admlf!!;lan wns f m .......— ' - s s ^ 'S n.1 was n field day fo r the chililrcn, n . r umv n erentcd o | th e ir own where ■ ip •y reveled In th e ir accoiiipll.sUiiiciiUs., of [i,c g rlculivr.Bl exlilblUNt-ere brftuaht, by hrea-cn • t ru o W o a d J i^ - dlsuncc.TTis-BTcnt • guiioiui ( IS JOO milrs. T hey ronE fd from pure*^chlid in- 'd^livest«k to sugar bee^ts, • ’________

Riven b>"foral“m c rc tin n u nntl e lti- _o rcdB

\s definite evidence of the .luccew 01 r r s r x z ‘ fa ir tlie eiuidren hud-U ic rroue.’i t , . » ^ ^ M u Ihey Miow tne w lnnnig exhibit.% in )« la te -fB lr .---------------------- i — -

MANY V ISITO RS i( 1DUBLIN. Ocl. 12 M>>-Trinily co l- ':e h a d m.iny visitors this hum m er.’xtt of them Mkcd to see the Book of 1 ”!lls iiml tile ha rp of Brian Boru. iil - 'QiiKh mnny cx|irc.v«d doubl th a t the ;

L'entury pliuiu nvc rclntivc.s o( Uie

Z S " ' ' .

M -

- S S I S - -i


LOANS - 3 U S t l T l l O » S ^■Sa u o h h u i q ■ p h o n e m i _ _

i i m L i , a i - i i ! U | j j i . L j i i J l i W ^ --------............................................^

0 H ^ g Q G T O B E p 4 3 . - a

•" -------- -------------

id Golfer, 18 Y, -Seam tt^-G reat

' I T A u d r e y


,V lnninir tw o u « lf c h a m p io n s h ip s in I L* K nlf. M iss A u d re y 'W h i tc o f B irsibn K huid c r i t ic s a s o n e tif t h e t r o u b le ni in r to u rn i im c n ts n e x t s e a s o n . •

OSTON. Oct. 12 l- r ,-T h e golfins Tlie fl id'm iii'Jind.iuicK.lii:urtJi>ri;iiii:J*i.,.iiuintnU front in women's tonrimtticnis nexl Miinliiil

,<111. locnl obicrvtr;; wiro have .Tlien iwed the flntl yenr fnmi>cllUve |d o y . wlnnhig ,U«: Audrey Wlilte (if Dustun. | piny fo; !■-. W h»» IS nr.d Iin'. li narc -. cliilj ch; goltini; liUloiy. Her Inther Is well ia ll ii^r tt'ii lo the libiriii!! world ns Gus WlHWTheroppi ii'Jer nnd builder of ilie Sandy Burr I wnn'hcr iiti->icliit)_or W.iy:iimi. _ • . _ i yj>}»nci urlng the lasl' icsson M te W hiie M U i' iin her golfing enrcpr by w ln n ln s! one of

chiimiiloiuliliM und tiircu m edal 1 the wor C.V > l»er irot

M Q l'O R nrijINKSS GOOn i Bnllic KNEVA, Oct. 12 (/V.-Mllk I.t known wall.i ai I blR fn cto rin 8w t» commcrce butjC lorcd 1 llnuor Industry, le-u advertised also I King lot

s well. Wine- reprrwunf r \ ^ r ccilt ‘ hold wp lie ngrlculiiiriil output nnd the • be uicdycra-oL U m tptib ilc jnuK ,e_tt.tlaK n________oiuiof berr for cnch mnn. woman and j in 1i dln-the-counlrj-. ---------------------- ;Tniuc-c;


rcdgiiix on a Mvump nrm of the HI

Enjoy th e ^m i : a t h y c i u c T i

1 ‘i r c u l a t i mMade by tlie Old-Reliable

Superbii, H eatall,■ Corona,and Service

C irculators . -No Need to Endure !

;W into i-s:eo ld^M akc - Your-Home Cozy Now.lx_

— ^Priced trbm-ifoO.OO U p~-O u r C i rc u la to r s W ill H e a t th e

E n t i r e H o u se u t L o w F u e l C o n s u m p tio n C .o st!

, Y o i i J v i l U l n d J ? e r c . g r c ^ H e a te r s m a ile o t t h e

t h e f in e s t o f w o i'k m itn s h ip . W hy n o t t r n t ie in y o u v o ld -fa sh io i ic i i

— h c u tp r f o r o n e o f th e s is now -tho r* o u g h ly e f f ic ie n t 1’ u r 1 o f F u r - ■ nacosV In b e a u t i f u l tw o - to n e e f . f ..p U th o y W H .L A D O R N A N Y

- H O M B ! - .....^ ^ H erc ^y o u ^ * llW IU id -.tli tt^ h oatcr yti a -

choiild own. In buying a lisatcr uii<- ihould look un tlic llttldo. too. Do not

— ha-m ltlfd -b v -iiH asliv extorlor Which■ for I gheaply a m tr u c j .

--A F F O R D :T O PAY!

Q ^ a i i f l a r j l

2 ] 2 M a in A v e n u e S o u t h ' ! '

iest‘-Tind^-^■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I No- Ml


n W I By I

'- ‘ ' ^ 1 lA w clM PARIS,

men thin are

^ T h e r e -— m s o n m


I agile aiid_ them wit


r ■ wrap^.flttrdcoalinokshn

I j y ^ ' (or manyAndthe

■„ ,..fmrV-,«,U I buttoni nol mere

— Such biB y

dreu .


D rew (i jo n ^ are i

___ . slgncni wwill CO ii:

. . . , . . . ■. - ihcy're tl

...........1 [ J l M O nt

- — - HAMD

In h e r ' f i r s t y e a r o f -c o m p e ti- Ib n . ha .s h c c n " |n c k ^ h ^ e w i„Ktniied ! m a k e r s f o r f a v o r l le n in t h e going im

fiteamer <------------------------------- ------------------ .turbine p16 flr.'t louriiitmcnl she won wns the New Vorl «Hl.Kfilf_flii!mi>l'?i\:Jl!i'^n«‘l^<;“iL of "ChLlstm ilnill.iii coll'yc. New Vork City, lien !ahc...uddi:d' ii !,ccond title by jiang tiie luiiidi.cftp wriilch mutcii

for the Scltniitc iMn»s,i counlry . l u i u u chamiiloiwhlp. MIm nMn

Dpponcnm r h tghTi!r»-strolccgr6hfr -sd-tr oiu-t ’her flnnl mnteh frem a seven stroke T*'} ^ i i l ,5 m u l i^ _____________ '•«” ‘O'"Ul V/lilic.-obsmcrs polnl oufThu* of Uie longest tec khoU of any c t FIRS' woman goiferii of the country und n p n t i< Iron show nrc par excellence,

-----------Uic here dlsclorcd Uic remains of ,.1 aud a brldRc wlilcii sclentlots dc- cd •foimcd-purt of the miclciil Vi- ; lorlrcss of Jomsburg. Tha elrong-I WAS rienrlya-m llc Icmg'and Could - - TtlB iicd ns a base by 300 Viking ships. .

1613 SlcvciiAon cstunntcd iiic ’J^ u b U c ” c-c f-papc r-m adr-ycn rly -in -O rc ffr i7tt»'bw )run nt i n n n m .n* f m » ------------------I>cr cent

---------------------------- back In tIK‘ f irs ri ro n ^ o rte r liP A m c rtc n v n s jf re c d 'fo i • Hiclimom!, Vlminia, j fresh the

Best of He;l^ l l l .A T lO N IN S T E A l ) O i-' l iA D lA T I

lg P a r i o r l F n n)le -Wood E verett Company,

Iliil& lB tlilfII '

> r v

01 .

t- - . ................................- — ----------- T ■:■■ . , ....... w c J IE A y A»J T hlaviey-lllU B tratw -the-H eauui:

. tjp tn -T hccx tc rlp r h a » n jull wotnuour wlndowt

C 1^

M a t t e r W h a t W o m e n

l i n k o f F a l l S t y l e t ;

a r r i e d M e n W i l l P r o t e s t


isoclnted Press Feature W rltcri l ie , Oct. 13—No m atter w in t wo- Ihlnk of the new fall ntyies m e n ,■host sure to bc against them , pa^-

re are old-fashioned hooks andin many of lh« aftcnioon-ntid ere*-------------dresses Paris favors most. Morc- Ihe iKsky things go slr& lght-up . ■ nek in many nnd the moM .. a iid athlcllc woman cnn’t ge t Intowithout he lp .. ________________________itnih' suits nhTi coat-, revive theilw d hook* nnrt eyes of prc-w nr* ------I. Some of the seductively snuit coat3 arc.held In placn by invisible •

I hrre und there, fn.stcned Into Inll- 30JW ftiefi ns fiavo not Ocen seen nny n day.ither complirntloii In th e new! I. nrn nl rrtg-n n t .w all .11% whlcii. actually fa.stcn 'und nrc \ icrc ornnincnts. ' - ah biittonsrangcup lhe-fron t; bnck — cs of bu.Kitie twdlee drc.-iws itnd add les to Uic time It Uikes n womnii CM. , ,n gloves ithnro Uie tendoncy to bo

saving 8llp-on mctiiod of oijicr i;ea-

ISS gloves with as mnny a s 20 but- iirc on.sftJc.hcrc_nndJhcrB nre dc- rs willing to propiie^y Uk> buttons :o nil tlic Wny to the elbow before -c througii.

ttBKRMZE CkUMAN LINERS MBURO, O c t,' 12 (,P)—T he four

extensive alternUoiis. Swimmingaud-A m cilcuastyleJiurs arc.belni:____iled on them nnd new engines m r

Into llie liner Hamburg. The ler Columbia hm; bcen chanscd (o1C nronulslon and will re-en ter l l i ; ___

scrvler on occcniucr H ’ltSTnr stm as ship." ____________'

n t'G K SALT EXPORT RKS ISLAND, West Indies. Ocl,>—In the, flrM half pf Uic currcni

im.'thlsJalttnd,.tloublc!!he 1027 fir.-_______Tiie Riill buiiUieia hns IlgiirBhcil

for 300 years.

IRST BEKLIN SKYSCRAPERa i N , Oct. 12 ( /D -T lic -G crm aa 1-

by 'cd tw liT O iron^orihc 'flrjrflk )':--------#er. T he stnieturc iias 12 storj-s T %-ui completed In five montiis. Pro- (

Bnino pnus designed It. V

niR K IS lI JAILS R E nL L E O . !CORA, Oct. 12 (/n—Tlie general \tty-proslaim ed-b>--tlw -_Tuiici»h------ —Illle in .h o n q r .o tJU Jlf th .b lr th d a y -_____Jw n m r n grlni Ifl'rr rflniHv fivi T en t of the iibcrntcd prlsoiicrs nrc f In thc!'Jails from which they were~four-m onths-aeo.'~chBrBed-y»h- -------thefts, murders and banditries.

eat—\TION _____

- "•* ' . ,

l y , a n d K o i o w n ^ ^


• — - ______

t f ;------ . -----------

i s i r a t i i i n i O t t t r n u o s o K z : ~ ~ ~ ~im urcn rnnc l-fln lsh rS co it-ln— ------- ^

T w in F a i ls , j d i

— ___________

Page 15: · 2014. 12. 12. · ^raiBEtisi^™ "-FumEnm oFiiEinmEl ________ a l: —Br-f\T^^I«ddep-LQU(U' Air- ^ l)laiie' as» Grefttest

‘ S y s te m - b f U n i f c

. L e a d e r A d i C p f s M o s l e m R e l i g

o f W e s t e r n i z e d T u i t o y ; .’

a n d U n i n t e l l i g i b l e A

. F r o m k c w T e a

— .f - ■ ---------- lly

_ A y G n i l A .-T n rk o y . O c t.’ 12 — I n to ih ' o i' J iu .s la i ih u K

ilc rm li' so ( |u ie t ly :in d so lio f tly t h a t I in 'ii'k o r I b c t l i ro h . y v c n in lii::s t 'c iu u i)f a'HOW n .'liijio ii.

-------’l 'lit- i '< * ft» i'm -o f-t?x lt* rn 'iln -w riit-lh m ritl l l ip f i r s t T iiis tn - iiu ; p -a is a fLur K r t h e G re e k s , ills b o w in i ' tl ic A llie s ti;il indopiM ulont 'I 'n r k e y . arn! hi>; c r rn tin n - new n i i t io n n lis t ic e m n tio n ! . T h o s e w c r i f d o f f s u l t a n , c a lip h . iV /. aiKl* - - h a rc n i ia ,o n i‘ ijiy w liir lw itiri . T h e ' n r r

. t a n . Ijli'iv A n ta in 'll i ih ol'fv h is U L I

k i'y . ii'd lii ii 'fc r 11 vvliii-lwiiul lin t | a c h u s te n c d hriH'/.'.-. ’ [

K v o liitijin l ! n r t ^ W ay I ta in liiu ic lii i i is r c v l i l \ i l l » in ' i s :

t i id a y m c ltiiiK i t i t o u q u ii.'ti 'rMicaui ol rviilialoii In u Rrndiiiilly oliivr •'iii'W Tinkcy. Tlie I'rvpinnulU'.i piv:.- . m l ;nti:i!ili'»l ri'lulori U t lv in.i- Ji:r tb'i'inV iti llic iic'.v cvO!ii'.lniml-y .'.J'lH'' ' lilmny wlilch I:; repliidiii; lliu Piirli:r- tV ri'Vohi'lon.Tiy rliniiMxl;.' !if. naUonal ;iit- I!;:nii. Iiwiomi ol scr^iiiiillis; M >- Irni rrllnloii ilM'lI :is !io M'liipjicil ».• jjy : JuajliTv lhe mllaii-callpli.s. and Its sj iii-, ' i / Ik;1s, Mich as Ihc f « . Mi::ilaiili.-i Ki'li.:il p o irtprictlr-njnt?titrrthnl-TrtlK l‘--it-<->^l"<! yrtir?’ he conslclor;. llii?'.;:. of :i v.f.slcri;:; .'J o( r-

" T iirh e y : • ---------------------------------------- "n timTo svorrii <>I iluniMU.ds c! way,

lirle;:!;. Ilir''ii:;l;cim E iito;)i hi and A: IaI- ii.iio. 1" Tiirki'y. iiiillorin'-'rii- coi'i'Ivliix llic liiii'iiircM:inir:rr.lf)!i,i:nTci-:^-r.o:i!!t MOliiK.v a tf m-ii; mu from An- m:ikl

-“ i;nra*Tir.a'nTr*t:rirrrTcnT!rn'tfip-:n!thtt!i-'-'«.;‘i III all tlip tu rb ines' T.:hiilrn!!v. i!OVi-riiini'ift i:. !i3! th f nuihtir of ilir. > ^> ’7« M’lmoiif., rcr ilH'i li ';r r li-n » i ,s!ii!i- il U'^ir nro tih rn ii y . - j Mri:ck (loin llic imM iimioii ^

__LlHL_amc!e_^liU-U'li<.u.r. th r in tv -I 'h s ta ir Mt)-.lcnt' y . .

__ 'Mio v ’tiiifili-< ls‘iu-_Ir.)lit_’l;u’ n tli 'i ' Cl ihv Clil.'f Miiltl. llii- iifad , «; th.' M(iH:vin ri-li«ljii wim uiuli'f Ihr J",-,, n i mlt'lL’ ruplucfd Uil- bnnldiu'il Hlii'Uc-iil-

A iii:orn;'Indiibtub’l ^ i a * lU" c;»r c la v V '- ': ' It) !!ovcrnmcniftI doors, (iiiri Ills lirnrf I " " '' more In lilx itioiiih llu n in tIU' i.ncn-iit , liiowpln of a rollh Is clni-iiliiTt'

-M iicftih-lii^-nibtKrrtUmpliia lunula,-SriinuiiH .Stiiiidaiili?ril Jl

These Maiidftidli’i-d V.rinsiii. r.-iirh;;i " ; —lii-I>!StR Turklah-iiiatpad-cf-tn-t t r ”" - —

AMiia' U liirh -tcnnrrlrtin in— rtl l!irr.ui;h ll» ' mnxftitos, umsIi. tor !ii* I'j,',]'. ^lallCl^ ihiil ihiTp Ll HO Aln hi a wu-

.....Miiiii'5_imc&vi.‘f»ii! iier..fin:c. Inn Ilm*: ti,.i,ila/iness is n Kmit shi; tiia! tiiPtc i.-- iiu ' cc •ilil In II ulas-s ol whu:, but ihiit ihiTo l.--, „ |jni Krcni slu In iH’iiix cniiiciited wllli tio p ,.„, <:lnu ol aiiyilihii; and tn wiihliiK inilol-|cnm '

__-giUlv tor .Ailuh !n yend dcWll fn.);l illld ' ni-c.iiltliik;____________ , ;bi-fo

Faiiilwin. tnurtm. are Dclnc tcoiiiT fd; C lm 111 ililx nuw ri'llRloun tniitnictlon; m- 'tneri tiusiry, niiiblllaii. nrrbclnR cxIoIIl':!,'' ;

The inttM of AntitolinuH. who have’ a l- j ttuyji hearkened iinlo ihelr prlcjl.s mun iinlo oruele.i. nre (irodiinlly n liw btn i' ■Ihl III II iliii'ii lm I II llll I .......nil iiiiiiiiOlll '.hnl ihw e ivcids nrc noi Uium' form- im^'

— tulm ta jjjpi.c^iiMntbc-ttC-gidaU-tcIUyau..— •>f

w rii> v 'te lU iiK ~ lh e iir!o 3 u in io tt7 "A l(a * ]^

' throii|;h ccnliirlrs..'Ure. not. .lulfislrnlly.i worl . Imbued with the new doclrliics of e n - 'in m

di-nvor and lalilBilve ts qiiesiloii (uriher. becc T he dnMRcroux pr.ln! in llie pre.ienl Ihy

___uiiiisllloii tiiK e Is tlie iirle. la llientitlves may'who iveie trn ln e d 'l^ ilw :chools ofTlie

. old n-Kliiic. Soini' iiiarndU- nrrct;U ui i i p pieachi-rs whu disu-xarilt’d lhe Chlat PJL MuIH'.K syndicated M-rmuai. Imve m nde ' I IL

. the mujoriiy of lhe lurboiincd h e id s ;— UavM<» li«>-iU'a‘ order, n n d -K c iiiu l^ re -^ C T — ci>nUrtraulc-moasuro-iu-c]Dslne a il.tlie- { J {

■olo2icIl..'!iclioQls_ o l- . 'th e . old .reglm ci ' ihrouKhout Analolln, sjfcKunrd!i tiic lu -

luic_uLhlB_prosrain.' Titrklfili p rleau —• «r Ihe ftilurc must nil K onhrouginhe ----- rtTt^CTrtetHlrpBTtmcnt-of-thr-einmixmh

• Unlverslly mid V.-11I ilitrefurc bc mod- ernlsw lo a man.

Wilh th is gCHcrntloii. Hum, llie lant " old prlcM of the sciiool opiiased lo ihc ^ ,'j | Ireedpiii of women mid ilie educnllon ol thn llic mniW;:., ilic siiiooittiiicii laiw ui n i l -

_ jc d -u (jy ic liU n n iJ iii{ L lcn tJ it- l! iP i:r£ « L jw o ikill pray Ills lD^l pruyrr in the mosqtics (.q, of Turkey. ' ' .------------------------ers

---------------- ----------- . Is ll


. • _______ ___________ ■ of r

\VELl.mOTON. Ocl. 12 </?) - Tlie n „• W orjl uiiimAi p c s l'in New Zealand in

------DrIUsh-iinmc o f .s to a t - -------- --------~---- • ' , tlrflujilit - to Npw- y.»atnnd-ni-rf%fnbnt I----------- ing o ttifrintT othtcectT tsctlic n itm itrth c r mirn io S t^p a M iit ly n ia S iin u d ia r le u d a ji lU iL n S i

' ttic rabbit. He k ltie Drcti d a lroyc r o( ni nnlivc birds, when he Is no i mnking raids tiic on poultry yards, dea

Mr ^ ^ io w ._ c u t f t l o r ^ p U h ( ^ Q r t h ^

iZ r d n r a A i i a t ^ S b b to jB n O i® ! nmlcablo term s, o ften in tite u m e 'h u j i mei row. tlnd lh a t the stoaU prey entirely T u)>on birds, and especially (he w lngleu apa kiwi and weka, and th e newly Intro­duced OoUfomlA quail. T

Tho red deer, th e rabbit,'the tpUTOw, vic« (lie blncltblrd nnd the Btarllng Imve a ll due

W i S M~ © 0 i r o r n T O ' e i T i — ?[ =

-Irn-: T lir o un^

• p r m S e m a o n s 'mono

------- , Mie il

i g ' i o n ( 0 R c t i i i i r o r a e n t s ! bii^lii

; F a t a l i s m , T n i ' i - l i ; 1 - inW5

A K i i ) i c A b s e n t ; ; S “

s a c h j n p r s ' , , " S

.A t t i s c ; - ______________, • ■ ' '

t h i ‘ sk in <if till- ’.fiirki.-^i: ......n ^ c m a l - a r c p r e s s in ir a . ; ; ; . u i ; . : C i jI Ih c lia tin i i s c a r c c ly I '.'.l-, M i ' - ; j j |L ] ii:tt hy |io :k* i'n iic is-Ll-.c.n-i h t y j

K cn iiil 's ln ’illiiin l v ii'U irv <!• i / i i .T i'o f Jill nll-.'il-Vi'lR-r li l 'ii i 'n 'i:'H o i 'n ro p iih lic sn a n .c .l.d v . 'r j i ';Vcre liic n<ii,^y <iay,-» t l c t

fBUy Tll l l TO ! .■pDnniiffig

-------- , . - .............. Icwdllll------ -------------- ---------------------------------WnwJUliU io u '. ': '’i’l io i i f t i i l

i i ': iie .< O i l s u ' i | i C m o i ' r ; ; " ; . ' , ;

1)V T i 'e iU v -o l- V e r . ' i t i l l o ^ ; r in s!' ■ llv lll'Cl

— ;ili;;U .:V ^JAIIV »A lN nK II)(iJ; IIAYDI.N :"r:i;uil <A<.>.ocla:ed Pre.v; 3laf! V/nin>

r?0T30AM. Oct. 11’ ..Vi-WKh tii.' Id ”J.‘’

r”|j;ir:iilims and lh .' iiiU''m iiniiirlon osiriTiil’ly n;;i-pf—ttr ly. CeriPiiiis's ihDiUilil ii(-w loiin-1- I"" ('•' ■iio.s on i:a-..l Pr.i; :iihI th-- I’alt li I"'""*' oriUIi'r ' to iJ.iliriu, Oiawn nlni;; Wil- 1: :i‘n!i llm-r-of •self dtflvimiiiHlU>ir-hi*'-^''‘--'-U' akiiii! III! Iiiuiid of OiTinnn Ka;:t J’riK - t,-ii|nir.-tioni vim re'M of llu- l^i.^li.— -aic-iie Thi'i UO-nillo •.vide MMiv. cm <-ri fioiii frma:i>' by liu-Vcrhulllos in-nty n.t:i\c- cacot'i ji.iiid Iiit oiillcl U) 111'' m’Ii. coiiiin 1ms 1C yrenler jm rl ot Ih f lyrmer pmviaic;; I’j* ''': '

cimiiii cpiu.u-s of ioio. the pHfii:i.iiu>a

el they nre rcKardcd by miihy'Cwniaii'. " i-iiiiioilr (in- riirile.Hl >lroni:liuUls ol- A Iv i’.‘ Gciiiiiiil r an ' imrt ns ciilltir.iMy nin! ' hrlcallv .Ul Iniriiisic pari o! Cli'iintniv. <hrcni

i-i: «llK-!, ri'-ei!i;i.'lnWhl;.loiy. th f am- „ .. .i iiliillon of th e corridor Irom llir V ain - i:id I;; a growliii: source of liniatKui ,iud.(j iroiiKhoul Uu; Ki'Icli. TlU’ M'pnraiina rrtmrt •om the provijircii ot 1‘oincram.i iind-» inn wi fiinitenhurc, the MibinlkSton nf '.YrM liivslii lo coatrol. atnl th r nd- indii'- of t i f P.illsh fw ntk'r - |H } |-lliL cw e ci-m i: Mark C r ja tiu iib u ru JU -IU ip •li. lhe heart of Prn.- 'in. an- IxronJiuit IH U ally more and more painful thon;:. in If fleslio! nearly every Cicrnpn poll- iJjiral.imrty. ____________________ , fCelebinlloil Iiere of the tliousaiidth U f

nnlvciMiry of thu year 921). when I'riist I'usiiln nud th e Mnrk Draiuleuburi’ Ih'* ime offlciully O crinan. wii!> made ihe f . f . f •euJon for bilnHlnn tlie is-Mir M |Uei,ily_U.lll L'foie the ptibhu, H aas LulliiT. lon iu r ii'iainii chnmellor, ia hi;- a tliiipiiniam - ( | lered home three main iwluus, ^

■ Cerm nuy's Fate , f•'F irst, (lie east province;; fate I:: O er-

laiiy's fate." iic decinri'd. "aeconil. n______■flliuii'.iUuiy i« lU ilelli ii» weaKcsi mem- ers, Thtrd. lhe ImiHiwlb'.e corridor as no Mipiw rt either In hIMory, com- |,y m '•Ia , ~ lucrii'

iSht. e'er na'aermnas'wifo'ure vlxirkini:’

.-ork Jo hold and Rtrciir.ihcii the O er- i , , / niin Dint provliiccH. llic mto mu&t now ccoine.'W hut tiiiiu liant Inherited from of n' hy faliUTs. 8trive,lo deser\:<Ltliiit tljoiL Tn,K| nayat actually insscs', it,"

mimisjiicESjfiiiiifiiusifiitiiytES________________ ________ ifli

^ — wim-SYDNEY. O ct. J2 U w Pcrm lM lon has- u ry w en-soiiithl-from llii'-p ivernm enl for in ft Ldmltlancp tQ-AuMrnlii' nf a ( ro u w of Hnr., Klito 'eiiicrtalncrit from the United sir UoteB. ' isler

Liu.1 year tliere wns a public ou(-„ beco: :ry ugalnat some American m-Rro mu- mini ilclanH. The m nder was referred to In .hP fcrifral ,narllnmi-iil nniL H it!. m n n „ n :f . eft, AustraUn. Tlic fetlcrnl nuthorlttc.i»w-J»BVe-f»iiH»w«‘r-t<»-onforc*->ulcM------londitloiw under which iicKro jwrform- !rfl mny be ndnil((ed to A ustralia and il i « likely tliot the prescnl application will1C m n M ___________ _________^ ______

Dcfhilic evidence of KOOd repute nnd jond of $S00 for cavh member of (he ” “■■■ inrty nre requtrcd. inul th e niithorltlcs

4icir d^par^ur^al imy llm e in lht* tv e n t-* ^ “ )f misconilucl. , ' ___ 1’°®''

^ucen M arie R cbuiidinjr — r-r-Roum anittiyj^oyal-Eaiace - ^

a f fs'iPW lBlon 0I.QU(»ri3IflHe:thcjoy--u'liii;II palace, which burned down while fo ri ;lic lute kinft Ferdinand wns lyins on his funt leathbed, is bclnff rebuilt. She is assisted • ys_iale^_by a commlwion ot the lead ins - M <umnnmn»rchiieet.s;TngltirgrBirrfrtwi» - 'p tt-f ffllto Jim B ts._ tth6 '-ndviii^ ihe-dcpnrl---v— B cnt.o t public works, — .. - - | t i

T he palace is to be considerably more «cst ipaclous thnn the-old buildlnEf. Is «t

T he o)'»ter bed established by th e ad- ' Oi 'lce.of-Abbo-flennfilatd-iiuKrano#.-pro—Choii«tgdjg..i}^M iigA .oy?lcaJa.iflei;. .-■ -lar.y ii


ES0:BS=®iB■ > c » c li C i ^ M r o t l e s ( 0 — i ~ ~ g

U n v e A m e r i f tm j ~ ~ |

TOh oil’' Ameriv;;i; 'iav u r ' a re it> oe | I Ii-Kli' nr Franro ■

T-.,. nnv.--mrr-t--tobnrcOiioiioix)1y. For|>rl'<ecl at ilic heavy , ■ .lie III American liiniid.. brlnRlnii ' . ■ I'll a ri',;aiTlle H llitiiU:' u lll tie: th a t ■iihlne'-. 1 I

Ti:''.-'- •Ameriraii ’ ci' iia 'l les cer- I ■alnty will lin ;r lo u r 'f f la v n r .. TJic \ ■ubiiii-o will bt-'hi)iii;.(l with ll hnt ■\roarc^^^j^j^lycer^^ i . ^ 1

.ll! ilPi a :*ciiml iiliiiv.-i’i-h a th o f "fU - I oriii.’." made or :i;m, •ilycerln and ■ ■ .ioiiiiiilr flavoilm; i\; ;"a 'ts . I

mEFrIiX’:ili> r D t ' i i u i i u i ' i l l C’o i i i i l r .V ,

I o r C ' . h r i ' l i . i n j ' l i i - ^

■' i C;AN-|0N, 0(1 i : 'T l u - ' l > u : . l n r ' . . i n * ■ ‘

^.-llliu: Uibi":. .m a other C’.-..isii:in ■ o1;'; III Cliiiia !•; luiproviiu! rapttlly. in-- Idliii; in a .re ian l compiled lierC-by| .>4UuiUi»Amiiin.-.m.Iitble rJifiL‘l.y-J:iii-,i — .•i.lyn:ivirs ali.i ojiei'air llie o rp.aiil/.i-, I I , , , . n are nioiv niitlmu.lio than Uiey have | ur been aiiil, iiUhoui-li they liardly i-:;-1 ct-to.pi.irc n n ililc 111 11"- h ands of a '-

fh is i.iiiva«'<l liuhuuv: ia Ilililes la l- m a iii-cmie aniiaienl la it yn ir, n c o id .

;; t;>ili;iU'l>“‘t- - ' 'j j U 'p » '“ • .|-v i•ntuiu nf Ciniia iiiiil tlii' WitliinliiK .of e en, ot leconMriietioii- T he f lm ' '; moiilh-. I't lO'Jil :-aw a sale.. Ilinrfli:” _ :i;"H ie m!--in!:;;nry m»sliH--ed H - : * ' iii'rabli- and ih f i-eei.i.a :ax m o i? .t '~ ^ '- i r •ir even 'UuUir:il h a lf t^f ll i^ jJ i l lH ; IS |i:ovi'u iiioie |ir<<l:tal)le th a n eltii'-r, :"o.loIl;,My<al'. |To haiidlc lhe i i r 'i ra v d bu;.liie;Ls, t l i f .Lilly mauiiaiii!. :i-‘> a;.;i iiw in th e prov- j rrs of Kwniitiiiv; ;.iul lCv. iin:.i ili-. y ,

kiiiK 111 ;nder;i KtiaiiRC la say they icot'ulei liltle JlII:. -,i!t-.- wiMi lh e var-1 III; I'p ,-, uf selli'.ln'.;.'. lanaties In lh e . ;ovi:i;-f. In lai't . tlii-y li;rl.M. ihls j

llllrtlilui; aUmit ill,- rel!':V"ll f t th e wesl ].<■11 If I'niTi' 1’: :io ii'.l"ti:Uiti ol elilbr iic - :__lUlt. . IA U T week'. IWn f.;-ld ll,ieU..l Villi .Ilo i; i;ri>iil> of reilieal studeiil!. who ircaieivd the dlsiH'ii.ei,. ot C lirr .tlan l tCfiiiiire, The .ll look lo Ihclr |

set ol Cioji>el» for lii^ own use, tlii i i ' e'~eiilli'd a ma-iH tneeilUK mvi m in t-1 uced Ihe aitenta lo the coiiimiinliy, Tiie .“l?ort atalen th a l hu^lnev, a l tlit-. liietM-1 in was e,<etedlii[!ly brisk. .1 __■Siiftt■CMHl-iSIB.K f i c i i i l s o f C o n .< e r v a * i i v e ____

■“ ( i i - o i r i r i T P E n g h i i u l ' . n r n r '

; C o n i in e v c i a l E i i t e r | ) V i ? 6 s *

IX)ND0N. Oct, VI ( ,r .-S K meiiibent ll th r l;iie conservative cabinet headed.IV mi,»irv 'liilHii’hi Imvf ntrp.irlv M'O"iicratlve coiineciioiia in Lombard ;.ireet

s i r Arthur Chum berlnai. iiie lurmer nri-ii'ii w re tarV wlifi'p monocle Is I)*'- ni’eiHiI every cartoonlni, iiatl S ir - ns \V oithlim on-Evftm -!ulc-!,ecrciary — ]f siaie fur war, huve.Joined th e board j )f Ilic O reaier. lo n d o n and Couiiile:t| rriiKl, Ud., of-whlch the E arl ot-Ulil:-! ‘nhi-ml. formerlv the ir ciiblnet eolleaKue ;H eli'aln'iiiiii. The trust irinicre^.ii-d ai rleelrlclty.

Sir Ulilllp Cunllffc-LlMer, Inio pre'l- ;lcni of lhe bourti of trade. Hi chnlrman Df the newly formed T in Prodiieer.i as-adaiiw lJriilcli claiiha.lo-'m atrol.aQ .im :___:eiit_ u fth ,rn rm sh im p ro d u c ilo n ..

Iflrd HfeiiifbVd, better kno w n jis S ir, William .loyiison ltlck.s.,tllir latl- seere^ j " w ry of Male tor home affairs, lias r.nnc in f6rinsurr:heer ” a r h a .s S ir BflmilPl ~Hui-ii^ ex.teen-lnrv of state fdr nlr.________

Sir Arilufr Sieel-M alllanil. lale mm*, isler of labor, leans (o baiikinK. lie has bi-come n Olrctior of the United Po- mlnloiis Tnisl. ltd.

R i i r l n n c i r o T a x c a -frlO O -----------------

:— z V n n t ia l i y ^ O n L i « l i t - ( - a r p —

RIO JANRIHOr Oct. n i4* ,-It costs SltKl a vear for laxex on a Kmali automo­bile hei’o iivih '' fracm fdl*:tr1cr^Thr-li~ — c e iw iu e lf Is nbout 525 but the motorist lina to altl-ia siipiwrtlnR oilier tlilmt.s.

Tliere Is ll lieaarate pnymenl for the ___uumbcr..pliiu-s, j O ’.'rEiW‘-l'-'’.‘L Ja j;. i} '! : '......ixwr in t i;els its fiuoln and w> docs liiu

schools net a bit. th e stam p ta x on the llcem c is nnother thing and the ruiid deiiarimeiit itets'somethlnti'for repjirim: iMreiits— _____ ■--------- : _____ J——Blcyelt-simyundnrull lioadfctxccpitlin.-----

-u'liMtcdlliundrcurlaTwhlcir uui tjrii’ii-'o — for ImuKaiie contribute to the same tiirlil funds a 'i’docs th e motorist.

Moiit ot the sulphur used In the Unli-

The Green Hell. In 'B rarll. lK the bii:- . ficst furcsi lu the world, much ol wlilcti Is f t l l y i y cnctrable.

Ollc of llie m ost dfendiy outbrenks of' cholera - was. a u th e . Saipetrtere liinntic ftf.ylum.-hi Paris, in 18W. , ____

n<Y NEWS, TWIN FALKr a j p A I - i a , S U N D A Y m o r :

— P c i i i c c s s - M . t r - y - a n d - 1

y j M B

a a B g X ^ W .

.\i .M tV V i - . itu iU '.-’' i^i.Aicllr am i QtR'i'ii c l ' l-'.a;'!;\iu!. i:i u r i c 'o f Ii w illi h e r iw ii -..i'- , ( l e f t ) a

[o i- s e s f J i v i n i j W a y lu

Autompbilus in S pain n m th■-_______________ mtmt, w

MADIllD. Oci, v: •I '.- Th.- hor.e- ed the v, •awa rnrin;;e still m H|ia1n a ies;.. ils ■aad-a^amsL-lhl; eiico.i,lii:; ui lliu ot 'SpanI iKiU.lolille, liat Ifl-i a lii'.'iii' ii'.;lil. I III 'lhe eajillnl s;.inf oUl lauuiir.^. If |■!> iMtvH'iieil Of v.iMr.h. cniiiiiitif H)i The II;

ood.'d :li:ei!s, tlieir 'iuriicil eoacliineii talliian j

r : ■ ........N i i l m

I II .- \ \

n t ' i i s i v

/ u l t r a t -

f i i r s a l

w i t h :i

T h « I 'lll» in — ll

----------— ------------------------------ p n ^___________________________________ iU s O lu

Whet------------------------- 1 - • - Y o u >.n

(cnnn(-< D u r in g

■ itivH Cll

ff -WWi. y ' ' : ' .....Y o ltB h

o r t ! r o < lc iu u h o n u l

' u l i le HI)

j P W i________( lu l. _________ y i ( » D » r .T (>--------— .—

T «(ubr ■« •Il<hl rii

_________ - - »»,«<n.tolmmr.r«l<.

J E R O M E M( Je ro m e .

m FOMi(d-Hcr-Soiis— ---------- Qjjg-

-V -^B SV - ' / ' Q‘lerll..'iy lg B tU 'B S M r a ’

^ ____ 4i.i prlre1 lare whi

! * _ _ --------- III IA , . alime: b

r f . • . » known aI • * been muI .’H f t and on ir___J____________________________ birth ill'' S t V •

-. elKll vb

Uons. bt-------------r- . « H H B D |'rivJJe(.-e

iK-ddler':r - - — - T l IIIH............................„j fti„[

li'.irfrl r .f . l J-J.BIO I,nil, 1,111M [ ,1,. , c M. 1- ; I ahe 'm et

if l u 'r m o s t 1't‘cc iit j io i 'tr a i tH l A m or :) a n d (!(‘r a ld . ■'-ms iiis

and lolil:=: T----t : ---- ----- • txt-Wiia-

loolincii, and drive uf jcfiernoons h-\1iiK i he pavii.-:, price nrutthenori.e.'-.fwwhlchfspalawiLifn- ’'l*<=*“' ! it, whose ances to b weal to Mcxlco

he ViL-stern pliiius. ure wen io.^s and , ILS taxis lioiik ilirouith the s tr e e tIpanl^h citic,-.. ________ »'' tiian i:a'

le Il.shornien of the Columbia river. In nil.vpn.-- J ts tifir. riivi-. Mf llm u r I'lMil flln

I3n yearly. ernKcd 1


I m u n y l i f l lK T lrn T T d rc U s o f t h o i i

• H ij i S i x s c U - c U t l i t « U

i s i v o t t ) (IW I). A I o s l n f i h c n i Ix

ra< tc (5 1)V i l s 5 ;iy c a r p c r f o r m a 'n

s a f . l y u i ! ( l r i i i i i i f : «*;shc. B u t U i

II :i P o n l i t u ’ i i i ^ S i x > o i i a c l i i u l

m ijmbu'■ I ’linll.K- Hit: S iv t-o-u !«-»s lt> laj — iu>t l if ia i i 'it it-i.4 tlut liiwcHt- tu| •t-il'e ursoiK 'ntj ( :cf—D ruiirfiTuhO Til1 till- l.i» i-~ t.|tr i i-«-il L-iir«!<fr p r i i . _CQ

m i f w d rI t»nvc in titirratititi uml tiialii-____m<nni-4t w ith u l*ontiii<- IUk Nix. Ac riuK a la rg e im M ic «i(il-w ciiriipiMiy «iiKT«{cil 0% ant<>“ «li

WifmrfmIt mtvc u ith 11 Pontltir ^vlicn y«m cv ! rou il)' to r u new ca r. H»« lu u n i l f(»r UHcd l '4)U t Ja c N in i« uht'avH <-xi!C(t<lv(l ll iu u vu ll- ad e Hiipply. And thut iiu-uiih thut coi t .B iiv r . .u y « iu r p n t i l i n i» tn

W ¥ MT »>• r.r..\i:a-iL M ttro H H_______r.y.r.: r.miuf; - r^jinitiurthnuuMrMtf>rtf* •> «m'■ numnttt llu U .v.tu) p rtetuh tn tampttU

«|«. _______________________ diMftd._______

A ’r e r E a s t — — ^

- t w i n F a l l S r i

A s s o c i a t e f i e

M O T O R C O . B U H L M O T O l m , l i l o h o ^ . ■ ■ B o h I . I d a h


[GN F ii im s-I ' ...— .I. I i’ - r~ -

ieen“Marid)f:JugOTSl -tourist Pricelor-Hai

r i s n n t n V o m ? n r l ^ l s ~ t 7 r 1 t p f ' o i :

o f F a n c y W o i ’k a n d M a k e

^ h a r i r e f o r A r t i i _____ . * ■' - ■■ — , !

-lUy The M .w laleil Pre^.i ___

n .M arie of Juxo-Ulavin. .iMpularhier nf Marie of flmnania. recently • Jwil hout'protest a ruliitummer'tour* i ' ^rlre to rro m f t>riiiillliil liiiiiil ....... ' i Wwhicii siie purchAM-d (rom a "7 > c a i '^ 7 ~ ~ i^ H in m a a o n th e s tre e lio f nied. H Ile < iiireirri7ntJchiiyw fliK nncH reP tr^— r: bul uIDiotiKh thik hnbll h well in and (he queen h.'ui (hU summer >

more (han ever in (he public rye,011 (he public toiwuc ix'cuuw of lhe I 111 July uf her (hlrd son. the i>eus- i womuii mistook lirr ' fur soiue rof- ' ^ vbttor. The i|ueen. I( Is .'aid. i s ' S

>. but in (his CUHC khe paid lor (lie A

le royal customer looked over the iler'.s’ slock, nclected hcveral K]>ecl-

ami a:.ked tlie price. Any re.ildcnt « E 'Y lied.would iiave cut It at least in*, but Queen Marie tlld not barKnln. I i n ^ l v P ip e d h i:rjiur.e_andj!!iUli___

moment la ter a dor-en or more p e r- : iiishetl up (0 the ]>cn8U)il woman | ^ E ( ' :

.IflliUitf.cxclledly wlio her custom -! ^■IW M-he tt-nmoti U'n» nvofcnmp u t ’_______lli! charged her own queen sueh u | , *

and declared ahe would muke a i. lal piece of lace and prenciit it to l majesty a.i atonement for the error.

the. AiiKlo-lndlan army, cholera There (',s mure ravniiC.s amoim Europeans factorler.I liativuip, .............. fibre'yeni

nine years ending 1870 liie an-1 One flu flinltn fmm fiilnltic In-Frnncp av- miinv ns

•d HB, • • a wasoii-

o u H u n d H w l i o I tliV c p u r c h a s e d

H »H t}il}(.lK>ouuHC i l in s o i n c x > '

h o u g I U i t b o o u iiK C t h e y A v o rc

i a r i c ^ i i r l i i g l f u r f l t y l e , i t f r b i g —

i l i s u f u e l , n e v e r t h e l e s s , t h u t

lu U y s a v e m o n e y . Y o u 's h y c —

^ ^

lu R c t . T r y to A nd K im U ar n d v n n - tu K C H tu u n n th e r c n r — lin d y o n w il l l i n d t lm r H ic «!ur v h lc U olFrTB ttip cn

-U»-jH>y-U<«» r m t t tu<i;— ----- 1-----------------

rim _xvm o h U f n o f 3.1 d i lT frfn t n in kcw. ■ A ci-un liuK lu itH fiK K rcsJ iH P u n liu M t c o s t o ;i« vcn t Umk p e r i>iii£ to op e r­a te th a n an y o th e r h tc~ prieed alx.

e v e n (ill t h e d u y y o u 't r o d e ”i t " iD .- ”

A c o r w h ic h c o m b in e s M ich o m a x - , i n g c c o r io tn y w i th u ll o f P o n t l n r ’K a d d U lo r ia l dcHirubli^ q n n l l t ic a m u » t e o i^ im a n d y o n r u t l e n t lo n . C o ro e In tn . i c f . a t i i l d r iv o th c l* t in t l l i e l» g S i « t ■■

Motora• " P i i o n e

D e a l e r s 'r O R C O , J E N S E N A U T O c olah o *. . H agerm an , I d a h o .

m y - • '

Slavia Payr^ " ^ iand-Made Lace J .lop-nize RBya~l"Buyer ,kes Excessive.■tieles____ 1__ ■ ■

,-re are 3G5 flax, hemp, and Ju(e ler. coaiiimlng 310.W tons of yearly.

.• fl^hiiiK VC.WI somellmes kllU a.i _a3,5t).QC0,»iniLi^tf_Nm_8c<Stla In •


t ______________I _________ !l_L

i ■ ' —

---------------/ • - -------------- •


r S D T

m mb,FontU c,M iM ian

y : - E E z 2 ^i ^ V 3. ...................

Page 16: · 2014. 12. 12. · ^raiBEtisi^™ "-FumEnm oFiiEinmEl ________ a l: —Br-f\T^^I«ddep-LQU(U' Air- ^ l)laiie' as» Grefttest

: : j :-■ - ^ « m

: ? i r f s r S e ^ ' “ H = w f *■ S J f f c ; : : : : v : : : ..: : - = | i

« - 1 ^ r r - - - m T : , - | p y ! H M

^ a S i * w K 3 r f f e ^ rp”,!;

i s s , T S S . " , . S . u S s , : k ,»o<i.•t*o tt»*nt«l. ______________ l>rli

m u n i A»»oclll»d l*ff««. ^ ^'VOll

'" ■ITji “ihTO .U^m-Srmtuon* m » ciVcXuo™mty bf obin'infci

NO rwoonilblll'ly U iu»uinfd tor ih f e»rr ot uoMlleUril tnlinvucrlpu. iiUoloitraplu or Olher ronUlbulrt m^in-r. Arllclp» nMtimll- ,! . * ! ? , ? " i u / ' r i U \ Sw iia b^roDdncd lo loplo or cuircnt seitrral iii> k>ave^

•lllnol.b*pul)ii*h*cl. No m«muerij>u will at U h be returned unlfw »eeomp«nlfd by u»cm- Icfi t M ry p « U (« .^ _______•''>"•

hATIONAI. IlfiPRRSENTATlVM ••pRUDDtN. K!HQ-AND pnUDUEN. r»rw „,,pp„ Yorli. ChlCigb, a»n m ncueo, I/m Aiii!fU'>.

— ftciUlf,______________ ________________■■■ - --------pmrt-ii

T im M O I)E K » T l.tM . j« J ,<

n icM who rcod m adcrn novels with thcir ncwtpapcrt mu«‘. be lm|ir<-v

ncwnpapcr ns compared to llic r^urrcm ; cniuh-*oll6ririB» pi ncTOir-----------------------------Iy;*” '

Time WM when a iiinjorlty or cnn new«p«ptr» were of u kind vinmti| rcouirptl tiie'colrilng uf lic'v'VOi'as'nntt-r^nnt; liliraMs to fx p rtw public dLviipproval.l iJ 'ix’i •■ScnndBl Sheet*."'"yellow P rc«,”Sisters," "Journalese" nnd i« liosl ol oth-1

of public ccntempi. und to a.very IntKi Uniu extent they were c in itd . y,”

Anifrlcn slllt hns lls Yellow Joiinuil- L f fj iMn. Heri' unil ihcro scnsiilimiiil .news'-1 iraii> piiDors floiirWi nnd wax^fiil. O tociirejMvni

—^fgkiif<>-ln-l«u-au-t:Hlf.«-.l>aU ni ii»au..u _ tliel cf tilth nnd :i cerlatn type of cheap

viillinrlty pasM-.s for wli in %vndlc:itcii icrni nrlleles foincllmes lin'd by o:llu^w1 c' InrRi' clean dnllle.v' . I'l)v”i!

U u ru ii^ r in M rrirc rc iirr tiD ii oi t h r j

there WIW twenty five yciirs nito. nnd j h is h U is BrowinR less populiir nil the time.• Bui h i.lltcra lu re the trend lias beenL^ijj,

nua wiis f lt'tf/iM denn. The ciirreii'. I leu|i; novel wns mo^t o ltcn u slory uf iidven-j P ' ' ^'

■ iiiriM vithT ilire iirorrom aiicc-nnrt r - r - h n p \ nil eleiuenl of myslery eiiiwiiu'(l L ,.n ,, in the iinrrnllvc. Illslorlcal'}—Jt~M'ns tint;'

te r wna w eir'iT ltten . EntertulniiK'nt wns the point nimcd a l bul It was clenn

_ cntertAhimciil,' .......... — tob<Thc nvernttc mo<lcn> iiovel. esprOnlly A'

■ If It be IV "bes: w llc r" hns lUtle o‘l iliis

rrttiire-todny -lij ^o boni-uiwii-eiilll'iiH-a- mx- spnde B. spndc Ih n l Us producm ure foui' nppurcnlly no loiiuer nble (o dlsthi- Biilsh between reiilLim nnd Indecenry.

------- In ihciriKranftiysis pcrlwp.ntir-piiblir- -comh to blnnie ns miich us the publisher. Aim If jwoplc refused lo read n cerlnin lyjie * of book th a t type would soon piivi mil

And ni ilie’ fnct llin l'U ie iiewipnper Tinr hns been ennbled lo mnke Ihls .■hnii'ie ’ w ilh profit 10 lUelf the re Is ciiconrnKe- !■“ '* iiiciit for ih c llidviiihl tlmt lltoriilini* mny cl'iange too. Thc iicwspnpcr biwl- siiic iif is Is toUny upon ■ lilchcr plnno ihan i«0|

—^ t n n y Ume m lia iiisiory miu ilie nvei- age pubttslicr iinlns miicli of gm llfl c a - ___

niucli. f ' !


U Is nvuinca-now tb a t Urilnln nnd ] Amcrlea urc lo n^rec on nnvnl ef)iiulliy. im l l Is nlso u.viunied th n t this If. n Jobfor exnct flsurliii;. • • yj.

~ 'T :it:S R .a li: i lin t~ r^ n n .iu - iif lt t" irT D rtn r Tjr

ten lliou.'Biid-ton eruL'^rs wiili, .sny_-_foiirU ’p» •cIshuinclK .guiis--» ^, —n in g c d ln Iwo snuadrotvi »evcn ihaa^and bci

. miles npart on a storniy day.“nre c(iu.n nn to whal number of cnilsers of le.’c'erlun* Cr nagc w llh four and Mx-lneli su i» facln'i ° jcach oihcr in a calm xen where Ebm nnd ,|p

^C|uared. and fiubmurlncs and nlrplancs a rc rfCCBnlttd 03 Indclcrm hiaic'faeicrs. | | | '

; Here and lUcrc some (juli'l voice Is heard proiesUtis th a l I t Isp't altouellicr pa

:— rniToblenjidrnaict-m tithem oiiw .------- —

' ■! ■ — ^ • Ul: ■ •____________^ ^•------ l'ltlNOII>l.K u u r i u i m by- .......................... ■ - .................................. ■ hll|======1R FH gT iF tom FB #irateq<A m »ett.; 1»J

MIC a it 'th e lobbies a t W nsiilnjion. as “* thc Amcrlcan Legion-demands, Thc

'• '• •«<cord.-«lnco the- Sliearer-yevclntlons. ui:------But-thc-Lcgion-ttnd-aom e-othcf-pH lrl-; -otic o rsan lu tlo n s are in danger cf over-

— looking Im p ^ lan t^ lB tln c t lo n s .......— dt

- 'e v en in a mood of rlBim om indlBnatlon. ^ - • W -l iffiWliig; for - n ie tiCTiem-of-Bhip-- ®

^ — 1jull4c » '0r a n y ’o ther buslncss-group is ^■ ' In th e tam e clnss w ith lobbyins for l^ I pence, or prohibition; o r nlhclsm, o r hj

^ t h l n i r elic desirable or iindesjrablc “ ' i r ^ which th e proposcra wUI no l pre«t.}-w

.T W IN F A L L S D A n■he- lebb?i8t»-ihfm»elvei; of cow w .- ••t —

om 'lher-*Pw 'H (ffrJii6 le iid O f-M iw - r — r. ■ling or m U rfprf'frillng Iheir iftotivcs ~ m if-itm p •riirv.-jcm lo nctd a <;qdf .profcsalonnl eihiei, drnsilenlly np- ?iL, Witll »ueli rctorinullBTi. If ihn l Is

iroper <ll»lliicilou botwccii .le'iilllmnt? . . . . . .iTiirdHin n r r n rtT^itTin-trfhnif^cr-cr- t - —

Fhejmirnl test '*oi!;d bc Mmp!y th la :^ ;__ _

■ltc„ -Il It .rHf. J ____

>fll7>rlnclplc5 of all .wii% mny.b<* Kcanted i-olce 111-It fi'T roiin'.ryr hu l no t al^ . • • u ot prolll-Jcekiii;. _ /

• ChilMlail R M iii' Monll3r<

IL lr. n .-giving i;[iu-t-Ui internatloiiu 'i.Mniivhip^ U ui t Ili I1I-V<T n stulr;^nii»!i .___ __ves hts own cnimir.v ;iii(l travels o:;.offlcia l'jju itiuu .u .auu llicitiU icJiiia l. - , ___d ilusl ol inii'riiiil ixillllenl slr llc n r ;I behind, iUiiI niillon .'peuk.s- lo lui-

riu is U»m.-.iiy Mmlii.iuiUl hn s ,b e en I'M H leful It) putnt Olil liurliiit hts publle ~ prnninres In tin' I'nileil S in ies th a t |repre.'.eiil'. iiyi cnie p;irllcu!iir urouj)

rt-Jt is well kiiov ii ili 'it hln chief )«»m- otherII cppniiriit. Si:iiili-.\ ItaUrA'in, nurcr:; one d nil lljr .^:llI l llIr iiii;:.'. >' h»ch {iro.-up:- iui.'s wIhl- vis;:. IVoi'Ii' In, Iho- Uiiltcil oncel

mex hnve iH'i-n Inin'y to reeelve ih f (mve iiii-,h rnu ii; Mjul;.lr: i i> ,Uu: r tu r i : - , i iT»L'vc'~ cJ .1 Uli!’.a l li rit,iin .- nnn- nr r rm m r lu liicihu ihi' ui'h":iin' n1)i)',e llu- i:hi).'«:

nt. on ihis'i'i-.'i.'lMi Ui:> i.pciiks iu r n' ‘•''ilf-n llcd ci)n:-iiiuiii;y ! ' « ‘hIteeLKiinuui:, ihc-ii. i:i,ii the ir Prlini- bitu-ri

hl'lr.-il' jii?liii ''iiinv 'tjr i!rVitcfully iiii-celiitivv ol thr.-’- (|ii;ilUtc.'i ot lifelong Mlisin wlildi hiivi- iiriimpti-d RnniMiy |j | j,.J mtUuaald-it»»t*uw»biwnliitloi»-ia—tha- ^ . , i ' , il'.ed Stnles cii Mich ;i h iuh inor;il 'vailon. ' - • ' „p,j, ,StnmllrK In the. nWerniKnle ehnniber , i„ lu ,

Neiv York Cltv n a ll-sce iK ' cf m. i JJ,'", ;iny |i."!it;i'al riuiimilmenls cf llie le M i ; voiy kliiw •Hiiiitviv MncDon-.ild wn;; n'.smiin nnd M-er enmiKii iii w y ; imnin

ii.'l be inriilri'd tn n lU'w fnltli oi frn -rn iiy .'w iih iu '\s 'j :u rn 2':_ly_f::l]:i“ _____rm- imr! nmra; ;i*nis. mui .mid--im'iit ii!l i:ur m:i!crii;l arlii.-vrmi iil:.

.celli n c ic 'l l 'l l iF j^ u i iI ’- r iif Ihe.wor!:!. g

,s h r ir r is . "i-iuljnlrtcnri! by tlu-;r knit!- i?j ■M,' llll- I’rlim- Minl.UT i"Mitlniii';l: M Ynur ^U>.•.er.-\lK•r.'. m'u ^;Ml lii'^h. d

:i:^_iuur...i!ifl:i»-.-»\ ii-iy -ui Jiy ups i«U(r'bnn»(|j. cm Ani.,'il:Ii. IH! cJ. i,Liiiu^'i;n n iT m ;n : i ; . . i ! - i .m.v' i .-n t- .i - t t t f Aijj_-u:il. I eume lu-iV nc; to ;icU;ir..i' i.tnin iiilrr1.ll m riM l, Wi. tT)~ptrili;i‘ u in - '{jij-t); ■Ues; p^'di;c oiir.-i l'.v'i ilini mir, two "i', at;s, whrrevcr-il-.e wtrrk of Clod l i to wny;; ,• tiiiiii- 111 (Ills world, wi'il lie llymi: iiny, lie by slile, .v.rniniiw ulll I '.lR 'tT 'H .lU ll' in iii [1 the divine call, iiiiibl'.unL, ol iiiii!nnK< I trr.s- ompeliuve In nollilns. excepi wlileh Is menD be the-first of us lo otwy--------- ------------ tiaicl"A s'thcsc'w onis-sw elirfi-'hm uK li the turn Iderm/fiilc chamber, an:l over th rM n^ Tlm i Lilble waves ef the nlr lo nil pnrt.-. of

■IX- iippeiil,- -.Ruiiujiy M asU-iinlil-luuL 3und his wny into thc hear; ul Aineri- *‘‘l n. He hnd not bcrn u fn u l tn -jttip wny Ihe innterlall.'^ilc sliell whu-h ''■’ LM.’i, rien seems lo oW ure Amerirn 'n n ;

Viiietlca. cdiucernled. o? Its citizen;. Iii'.’f '0 think, l-j n lofty Ideal. -j.l,,,!

His tti-ie not cnrcles.s weril.i ot nmicr}\ n.-: all wiio rcii'.eniber n c ir e . - rd i- - 011

liimiuTy MncUuimiil hns tried tils idetili I ,. 011 n the fire ol .^ulleriiiK. nnd they have iron ;ume ou t whole. AU nrc nol prepared I - i .0 KO fti fnr. Sumi-'do 'n o l nn'iee wllli J,-n r

ilncerlty. or cbscure the value of h ls lnD iiiiornl elcvnllon in men's .siiiii:;;Ie to* and a'nrti ahnl MilrnriUl l.le:il - | -.lee on the?earth und good will l.rA ai ci men. I nen

" " • jti ie i

The-Open-Windo-wllHBy H ush A. Sluddert K ennedy | o n '

__________ III r.loi

In the h itler p.’irt of the ten-1 000 tury and the early yean, ot ili i ', n d in- T ner ii:>cd to be givijn every \e .ir Ik the Yel aurvivors of Ihe ClinrKe ol Uu- I.luhlji 'lve Urlsudc. Al llrsl, ll w;i:i :i ;;re;it 0 ;:- rivt ci...i-in: ■t>ufiwii'<n>y-iTOr.mtp-TpnKCTr-»»m

hy Vfo-- » LTi-w--nnMnr unti}t-ano a t last onSy-lhrtc-siirviviu-a wcri'-iin-s- epi. T he nexl ycnr there were iit>ii<-.- iv».n^-»ii . . - | ..... l in - i-= fl.' ii»-' 'becauw>.iu^J-boyLjniiniiii1>mi;iinilitililllii»f|iqi nround the pliiee vih u viI.-mVi uriKL. Crimean wnr. nnd we were never tlm l of lieurhix his Ule.s c l "lj.inn>:-di.," wiiile nn unlnllInK .tomte i.I ^nll..!llc- jgj tlon w-aa lo mnkc mud balls nnil hriiii!

■Uugn-tQ.lUiil—U u t : liii-iulalili ,.lutiuC, pip whPlhcr they were ns l;in:e » . ihe shells i , j , th a t w-crc- llirown inio aeb4-u»pol.Uu:u the DrlllsU wnrahlpA- Dec

W ith Ihls Iiirmory nl the . i;r.uliial paHlPS uul of Uic L lchl Uri;;nde Mill

Innlxcii'fc^cUnB *yc»rx m ierwutds ~ Uiut I nlood In ihe slrceU uf Uuilon nn iny^flrst vUll _

1 hlroiiu!' tho^'oi'aiid Army^ot^ tjiu ^lU-' ^

M * 'a^ 'ch lid rb^*m y-^hcrow “wns my Brent ideal nnd "Prtim L08 Cnb- tn lo W h l^ my I m p lra tlo ita n d ,

Uinllv- t a ^ n p a r t - ^ ^ l l - nil, oacli _

n-lth tnlKCd fcflings Bcalu llc a rn a l'J ru iuth e friend who was with me ilm i. awny a ido*Ti‘ tn- one -o f••the-6oulhorn-^lult•s, -j■rfouh t-. b c -h eW -thnt-yew r-the-flnm iH l if-ciicam pm m t of iho United Veterans o l i

Bomchow or oilftfrTf.oinro rcnVoii 1could well cxplaih. 1 wns w n y . nnd 'iherc-and Iticn was born w llhin mc the nniiope Ihat some dny Uicm two. thc Ulus byAnd the Oruy. might hold their encnnip- i>rlm cm toopUior. i t wa*. ihercfore. w llh ud -na-mUe-'BatW acUou Ibal I rcud I h c ju i

U L Y - i ^ s , T W I N F A a

H K l ’H K S II)K N 'l" .S ^ i^ lun l[ In lB c in .Mai'Dcjimlil i i m n 'n ' s i i l . ' l l t I le n u it i i i im l -

her dny there wnn a i:ti-.-<it;:iii.v tlm l ; . . .le day tlili ml«ht lie. A-. mn wriii r-IS ttflJ pill It. -'Ndmes' ofice blew iieriiv. ihe Inml Illie tnimiiei;;ive mown fninl, Ueiiy-buri: mul Aii--Inin nre old Inserliilinii ■ e;irvnl U'______

iD.s! «>r Hionewail ,(,iel; .ai :, _ _ ■umts. nni;’. ilii^'fuii-il "l <‘nau-■iiOrT.Vllle, ' Wltil lllj'ilio r i ^ l n l i r : . ^ IK thin, ll is l!l>0ll tu klUJ'.V 11,c ulll .ttiTlie:.:, liUi j'.rew dllU. 'AVjiiill nrn lutluciice.l.t.v U. -lur.... '

ileil Kl Mvetp the iiiiliiin lo it ■ l;-> i and now ns hni in Itie uir llian a utiilnl iinunl eiicnni|imcni nl tin- c .iand Aimy ..u,.,, [ thc llepiibllc uii't Ihl- tii iin il Vt le i- ' . ■ li.-i’of Mu' euii(.(ieiiuv; ir t« i.i i i .i -.111. - ' uiko nil theMiifiiw and all il',e liim r- ,,y e:-:t oul of It: for lu i'l;iee nl the ttnl liniiilshhiL’ VI.Ible nrmy ,nii-<•'e ., o|i- ' m -!lm ilK-newl)icili.-;;!ii...i «-mlil.-..' he ttllDle Armv iHlt.- :i~,iui m ';i''i innieln;m ..ii.'-iu ih r - i .m ul :-iv. A ;- { ^ininlox of the hen!!." ^ulll all uul:-:

______ L_________ ' l!-iin

i H e y , P e l l o w f s ! |

H I.. M. COOI.l'.V I'l"'

’ 'i::i; Hiu.-a- vn.-!- •lierulu iniuie .M..k...'liU :,n.-. Ml ilr ' L.'-, erlhlii" the emulltlin:.'. lit Cliiii;i li:ui'::ti; i-p.rnythr-dro iiK ht:- -----------

"I'ui- luaiiy bbel:s--'I ;iii'il i;i iln'i: - "i h vuyis on eurinnner. \^hell• ;ii.-:i' w,'n- ham inv, ur oil tup (if the w u. l.-. n; lur.::.;- , ;iilvi

■ ....... ........... ... III ilK- );u'- h<r.;er.s—the .Mieels were l.'oulvllU mi lii nen ntul women and ehlUin'ii in the lu''i hun •«.iinb..> nf ;m rvutlnll. I look oiu^lile- It I'.

^Im l 111 Sur,ii--l lh ;ii day. having s]ieiu lu i; X week. fr.i;njilniLjii nern.v; the dusty. A. '-eiiil.ilesert cniintry tu the .snpUiwc-t,, r!ic)~ tw i ull livetl III UH' Minie c im u'.i. i-.i 1 rniatTTlunriH tiirr-Tnp~ornMCh:" tlii'! i.i nt-ni lind been n huppy .-.i.Mencc-. ns huiii.y l,in era.Menee.i i;u e.iinii:: Chinese funner. Si There wete (.tiirMi:V' '.vho hnd «-;ieh uwn- 01 t cti iniid, Wli:eh in'iie thnn provltled (nr l.ei: the neriK o: lus tmiiily. A'fliululni: th r~ m n la rn u o l hi.' i-dU ' • thu t of the f;ithrr. Ilee Then llu- lum ee.i .ed. Iht- hind dried u;i, pt'i nnd j'i;awn lollawi-a ;.e,i;.tiii when ili.'tr c ro p s 'W it ' M'areelv worlh linrveslliu:. Minwil. I.„m- . | i i . „ , |ir-. yuar , wh i'J i . l l' i’ erouiid h .rr'i-iu <i i:Wi> p'liiery. Tv> tf e i^ n o r Irom -Muiviii;: Uiey nie Ihe lr i.eed crnlu. hen

-In llu-ir hMUds they held Ultle wno.l- vac en nee bowl:, nr tin cans or ha ltered tea- uin

(inn Army frei--oiip kitchens lo njieii. and It wnr, ilitlU'ull lo uniierslnnd h;>-.v ni:i they ^euiilil' -sll llii'i'e ~

iiblv he the llrsl tm "l of tlecenl fn-.wl j

a more iKminiu’ni «ny is seen of help- liiK till”’'- ix'njile lhaii t)v provullni: snup for-Uiou). -T'hai. ol.tuurac.l:i'iii:.- _ iMrnry J.orl uf r. lief hut now by menu'. of thc Sa Tuo Chll CunnI ih e whole re- r.lon will lie watered und will once mure <1

:rpnjduccitit)rn=iiJliclcntT J,<’j'dip.u00.*000 people, . - 1

Thc plnii 1- tu build a cnnul from the■ Yellow river lu the ilrv bed of th c Hluck wj: river some W intli'< nway. T he Dluek wn !river w'hieli Inis been d ry for m n iiy .-n moiiih': Vlll t‘‘.- 'i ‘ -tl —.another und ^ thejr Ihiv.w ^ ^

low river. , . 1By meniiH uf irrUii^oii m nny h iind re tb , ha

IlscK will tie duiic bj' tho Chinese u l- ';’ . thoimh Bcrordliii: to Mr. Snow: they look. _ Murccly nble lo curr^' n fiU-pound v.eiuhi i for 50 ynrds. A lew wcckJ of eaiinx. however, and Hie new hope ol iiuvirf; (n {)iOf.]wrouk-fa{Ut^.u’lU.xooii-Li.ULJlii:u^)il 111 «ootl Cfrndliion and oner tlie cnnul Is rompleUHl llmi-M'ellon of-ClUna wiil i i o l _ iiccd lo lear n fumitic ngnln. I .

_______________ _____________________ Ui

S K its a n < r £ ScratcK ^ p.

bu Scat

Ado,-: lsen tlt;til tob llc Uio firs t b i te . , , iti■ -Dororc h f s ciiitcfi ii!B altyv tcio«s.-• bi ' :!f~t>-tnt cTf« seratehcs'ihe-U nlo tt- c u ttu.l.ol

He-:, termed u wild c a l fuftl m alicious.: «l . •. ■: , 'T T ,-:— r r i i v

Kn JnsUrp for FclinM i d:Wc cats liiivc to livo'lii n dog's world • -

■ nnd n man's univcrtc. T h e liiw. made 1 I by Mi'caircd'liuninhs. (fives a duR the

prlvllcRe of the lirsl bllo before he Is- I udjuflKCd lfi:;ii;y vicious, w hich Is ccr-1 : t ta lnly hard on if, calu.. O r l l w juW b c '

i _ _ _____ ' . ' ■ '

[ j l s . i P A H O , S U N D A Y M O B

t e e a p i a a r i g i i f e n t ’i r f i e t i

~ - ' -«* 8 r « r y

Ifl t l io JJIiio U i!t]H-.nK iiiiituiii« o f i 'i i- c ii I t U o o v o r h e ld ih .-jj- iH fonii.-il ijj..;cii.'!.si(>i

— A Y A N K E E A i, ., SoloiiH Al- c Soloi

= = B ? ^ D i r W l T T = M A C K I

I.OND0N-, Oct. 1-J i.i-i-Kiicluiul ex. ihe ulur c a s fw r}- m an to <h iii-. iiikj-, nm i i( clely fo e Is u lawir member c'l the liuusc tjf relics ui ^ " - I it'ik n ;HCCUmU0 j verMtijW hen lie u i,ui loKi'juiiiu; n,cy like lo . lh?>het]"

ave him around iiiukhi;; j:<xnl 0:1 D iiii' rariy . hrni;e iw oltcn uttered hi eleciion cum- Chnrle.i

Belim n friend nnd ailviser of the folks Diutjy » t Jicftidh noninceiirc f,u i V m embc-ror, It bccnn urllnmeni who m ld ii ■ be tlon to puiUhiit h l i iwrhauieiiUiry In Inlo Oinpiirntlvc f-tiff. The [lenple who vo!- in-i tuvi ll for him come to liliii lunv wiUi ull Uielr The rouHes und jHTjHexnies, nud they c * . came ii y c. him to know the uiv,a.-r. - (inurrcl

Um- liiboi- t»nTrfnn-rjf-tttto-»»-!'iin:iiersmlth Nurih. wii.s sooverwlit-lm- mo:.t su 4w |t^JJc«iCCjUJlK.iJV-JuL0Il o il iU lii . tt-ns Ull- r .ry r :ii iO T im 'b u i 11,1 iH.iel n « ih t i '»i - t nJtnm y (he purely per.-.oiial nnd mairliiiun(;ii. s.m, itic li;ii he extablislied 11:1 • 'e o n rf (fu ih r^ licrecon;,liliieiit;.euuUlromewilhtlie;r It wa'

onee iT ^ k T v iih ^ - . I'r.eycr to n.K.n>.i>ljj) lie sa l aiicJ li-.iemd the hjusiJv Inusuivntc iroubles of III:, tliM rlct-iirob- Fieiieh'< Itu ti(Tl«i(w not M Iml Mir<-J,i- ;ts {fefnonsli-e- liiK-iui nny Hint uoriy ihe empire. And I - St i’.lll llliM, <>.^1 ft

thg-PifCThtw»-<mi...4i:^iuiigi^.i_ii.i',.■I one of (lie U v.ontf.i members ot the lionibm iw re ol eommon:. wii-r nctm s a:: n -rw t - thc mk >i lemlnliie Solomon, [icvdiini: her par- siuricd ;j.njjrjilury n-ee.vt ib juiiJ i.-jvliij; i i n-jiiilvueunthelroubli-s nf all w hoeaiiielo e. d itn

. ------------ , . . . __________ lil'.iitft'111III1I I'lln- O'l' |.: ..rii.l.i ,.,. „( b'UUll llllll I lllll J m il I IIIIII.I-IIJ. Ul I.I’ I - unlv nnlurnl thni i.iie, !<«.. slvjuld womii-i

luuily laken lo u lawyer. ' did nil'A.' for the'youni!'nnd cnthiisiuvic M is,. 10" yeli^ u ii: i)ehf-tirii work Js n vv(-U'uijii-o)>- )inr rui

it ins uf Ihe iH'Opli! -fho electeil iier. flUeil vsmne nf (Me older iieadti (n (he litm 'e ean ne

of ee.innitiii -, iiowever, un- im! >u :.urc, eon'.Uiil-ei:isl»(or:.. (hey eontcnd. need purh.i- mnis "m pnrnrrTrrr?TS-forrtutct-nndTs‘ttt-n-— Lloyd-,flei uun. (<ir't;idy nnd hivcsdcatiuii nnt}, eiiiiinu}ii'jJia;is, Jo; ;i bll of a vncatltii. ‘ SlHc

* ------r - not renl/'iitSuit JflmtoiirJ: J w ix'Cji

iliwu 111.' liver." The bulltluit: iliat ed," - T i^rm an; ^ .i .n h:arfacen-i{rtni(lr=ir -. in .- u.-= whendriiumer.-. ot Ilrlllsli hoxiiiK will be tUissljvaenled Iiy the N ationnl 8 |» rtiii ': elub. fnlr IsikhI. I t ! ' reiioited. will bc lun itil m lu a iiraph

J in ifl bv u:i in-v.- owners. 73C8Meaiiwiiiie ih r jifijit ii>iifla'i;r : ar j » u . i.iijiu:

ni:i, wliu ta n be ns scntlmcnlal aboul Loubil:

“ “ ” ' I Ofl'’ 0

- • a t L a r g e p l ! ; '

p . D, SE yuouB 1 ' Ij .ployet

W \X ^Y t7 i:iv o s r i r T ^ of hl i- u e n ilc s . Jentnie Kiu^els.' ft'rl. -•1 wlKise deaUi ;ji X', shocked Hriuilwny, daln, WU.S ju ii <1110 of a ihoUMiid hi | She

[ Times whenir hlLak 2^

_________ ..j— . __— —■1. iusiiciI If wc dimvi lake the tnw 'lnfy o-.ifotfii ter.— ' ' '“ f ]

( Thui'.s tii<. explanation of Uie pliiase • *'‘s ‘®I --'nuIck as n r a t." A cu t lins to he speedy to forcsinll the doij's first biic,T hal'i. why a thlm ble-slio bite of feline Muff cnn complcifly rout n mounlnln- j !

sta rted oil ihc bile pcrm lltcd i^*hni;.*'^I . . ." 'o irps Jor'C «U ' - - - - - yci ii

As Conjiresa Cot. 1 am Inlroiiucinc u infnui meaMiro M rmiitin« cal* also 10 luve Bn

Uiclr f ln l le«al b iie -o f liver, for In- tiwcc r*tttnco, .nnf| Th a c ju ^ ly jM_jurki-y nf»J w llh

Clirlatnio* boom-. Kcllncs h.ive had t i i o ^ l Jc.;ivlne« om; ow jich. lf<t imie th e Jaw fleli I

-ailttaCdH uJlU ree omioruiniiy for n cnn,i . Til-fiiac.tiKc. A fic r (f iQ t.fH iiiu r iT n io sr■ T a m •any cm loun - hw judsmpiit uhd either 'ploy:

Tfrry I'ujsyfont Appear* h T ^. 1 m not Mire th a t r d tnU t Prrcy Pus- ed lo j v f o o l w lo rn 'fH jmlf o f 0 Jirsi bJie. Sadli■ighnew -W O ttkU tM U tifl^rraiti nU thn Ho

^ n~phllnnttffOIilsr:~Thttt‘s~PrrcT' ine ww»«-«-uilj»n

b ile of - iH-rey. biiu I've no iiopc alow.lo tii^c ro :_ \S (m ld .p ro i> ab iy iii.i »wo. TliI.: Mop him mill Mip Into this coIiiuTn wiilr s tn crU n sa to Ttrn-itni'-iitiiiie ;iky-niis ', ^ h 'i s i , , ] i

; drauucd in ihc oihcrBio^! ’— britnJ - .. .s js ip f.y .SHOCKWO nrd Ii ■ llckory tllckovy docit. Eagea T h f num c rnn-up the dock. (he ISj '. liiiui:liie the BiJcciiU'li'! -Til■I Tilecioclt wo* elccirlcnl, n « l

60 Moms Bol tt aliock. J e w

1 ' ■ 1 '

Q R N I N G , O C T C i B E R I .S , 3 0

e t r ^ ■

1 * ^ 53 . T]

B ----------- — U l t

^ ---------- ------ »r a : — bcM

N i

..... ■tV in m w h e r e P r im e M itii.^ ier the fcr vsioiis o il t il l! Iiroblem.-^ o f in - fc^ ed ti

________ “ Dixon.----------------------------- Twin Fl

—» I — .. bra.ska.

ABROAD_____■ ihl

c K m i i h = = = = = = : ; J S__________ __ ' irca-suri

, noiince?

Kliirious past of pualhim as nny y for the preservation of hUturlc cs. urc rec.illlni; the a rra t bouts ihnl r jtu ji il i t-n l «_,Kln« slreci. Covcni

hed 111(0 fnmc there. ' en’irn -.i'uriy-iliree wns built in .th c l l i i^ u f nf , 1,,.

i!lhtLi!aij’'t i“ *RTriV' ' ' ' ' " " ‘•'‘J ’’’' ' ”' ’- cn jo jcd ;by nuti ih r .en rl of Orford. In Jeeanie a {wtcl ollcdtir, xecommoda-I Kl "100 noblemeii'uiui the ir *orn-• Inter n music linll nnd Uirii n spun- O ne t

' “ '•‘■f" - of "300:iie NaUonal Siwrtini; club, wlilch .Mr.s. Alie luto exl*(cnce o;; ihe result of u bcr 20.irrcl in tho old Pelican t-lnli, moved m w hi:rr-ia,M.l>.uil-aa- ;aarj: pm-)yj|i.|:.t siicciacular fiuht ever sintji'il lliert-.riim cs S-Ul'.L.lMU'i‘J n 1892 between llie A us-' re-

1, (he West Indian iiccro. endiiii: in a 'li,Uh riiumi victory for Uie iicRrn. 1 '' J„, t was hcie. t.K). Ill InU, llm l the frail ’ ‘ ” iLbui'liJUimjJU'-WJWc. Jwkij!i’J)):e a _ = ^ = Kly Murleut, ^cnl spurliiii; w nicrs and IS liiK. hyMerlM by kiiockinK uui the ff riii-JjMHiJi. U iisvn . ill li .vix - ;o!iml T " nonsiruilon of fistic Kcnliis, I\n d it was herc Uml Georiics Carpen-

llllll-lnnrllMlf fn .lrr.,lu - hvniburdier Weils to sleep nlmosl tieloreJ rijcctntors-coilid-rrec-the-ficlil-linil.:' 'VUS ^:i. (<K), wlileh ui ed lo be such ditiillli-d "hendquarier;. of HritiKli ,.;imstUh;iLiio..m ':mb'.-r w ould.hove. -------iiiinhi ot -wichlm ; tli'- Iwuis ntlircd In

i||H [nil rtrefLH. No Heremi.i I MM .iii'-i.mi. ul lUiu d .ji U m..|A-ot-iiuailLjii-i[i Ihi's,. .l..v»' ,n»r of th is ;i niiyoii.i ever u> far furRel himcdf ns Strliii! yell-';snak hl:;il'', "lull lilin'',-njr slm--. .• "Ucn

jr.rude . " I £!■

Ancclioof.U u;”rmAluncrciLu^wlUcli_. no t Joi Jed n-Jiole <'i U rltbh njiirAmcri* ^ix.-.|wifII nc-.v.siHiiien h i 'l sjirlnu, nnd caused' 'n'.lderuhle iiervuusiie« nmoiw dlplo- 1 re a ts o f fwth enuurries. Is fountf In wlthoi: <>y<lVrtsiiM«ir-«f-wi*K:ki-ftii--iilu<iu»tt4a^-Uoner. nilnu N'liireh :!i. u lur yi Since (lie -.mkiii': of the nnn ship docs dlvldu )lreudlly l;iil iiiit|i'i-thrsi;iucl;irdeliiss- the yo Iciilluih 01 "Abandoin-d," •'Founder-'1," ••Misslm;," '•llri)I;en up," "nuriil," ’ Pnn: •=W reeiulJJ-iliu il.wi I In nn Hiinfi iti 11 of r-pn ussUicaiion nil it. own. The entire uf- "T h ilr Is dlspn: cd of in one Inconlc p a ru - ' liopulf 'uph: or iIim73CB8: I 'm Aln;ir, il<v.U;)atton DcJirc; .-jUy't

oubiinna Maieii :;2. ' JiiM h____________ _ ' cortUr— ----------nr for an neiress who u tryliii; lo mnke " i‘ei cr- ma»;u.ahiJt;.j-uutli_and.fK;uuti' n re . fried,

w p-^lippin;;-l■wl■^^^^rl-tlVO ^gO■’ l-^ro•r-T==^

Uut Jcniiue Kai;cl,s wns j.urc she was / ! =o in irto -bc-n -jT rm rttr? im n tlc-stn r-so - ------ure th m when Zleulield. havlnn cm- • 'loywl her ni ja,') a week fu r« spokcii-bit a one of his hlioivs, offered iicr *150 to I titi lo-hs-fiwW y n lh irnnen ti IU U-sliow l - -- Irl. .she Mnlkul Irom his offlcc hi dls- ll.'fljH. ■ « =She wa:i little furllier lownrd cmlticiice

I'hcn she look ilic role of Sudlc Thomii- w h o n . - - t h c ^ l i c » i : h t r r - ^ f - l » . s ;ii

mlii-H III ll'o i^lr«lnnnp- with tiint bii- ''-clccfrlC'-cxcorliition - (If bittoiry - for ih lcli ,broUKht the piny lo It;, cilmnx. -i-onilit! Wfla II MICtH'ss, ' •________ __IW Sj|

a m atter of (ioiir.u; for Buin Hnr- n n u ti

>f Ihe play luc lf. _ ' Wclinsalufylng T rium ph " e t?ii

Dul she founu innt hpcccn a dear ptiL-e 0 puy for siartlom, '

I t was not-u-pretty ijK fchr und-lls neidnirscs fell u)>on curs ot audiences not /c i-imired, in urrJ, to such stacc lan- “ L ‘ "'

- ■ " r TB roatlw iy 'i Jc,ilcr4i /MrodUrd iljc

ilwcch. Vuudcvlllo netora got lauplu , , j-'llh Uic llnu; - I nuw a truck driver to- ' Jfl^■■gn'lnommKation-o^■J^amK^-t•(l— jcls In 'Rain.' ‘■ T hat onpoycd Jcnnnr. long Wtorr ^

iiloy no niol'C'TOQiiii pdria.She «rnnn'ti-to-)}i',‘,!! iiliiy-ttlmb-.oixLwhciiahcuut.lier.chBnce iiT 'T R e^C B rdbou rirare rT m ira tteT m in :-^^ ed lo wiM out of her m oulh Uie Uute ul ^ Slu 9adle Thompson, sLikc

l o S e H l L t S r ^ ^ ^Ml«r»-pacf(trmnripn nf 'T hfe-CardlK>i.rir~ff.~»

u le ^ i in a irc f l i t r -* - " 'fllOM. ............ .........

Time und acaln she came back To ihc uu Btzrse.'lo.a^twwIuiUfi tiio-svallotu-Ihii • the t L «H e H os-ard v m p la jin ? opposKc her. cs. nritrmBnrln-tho-nutHencc-wanlcd-How..— sh ard U». They called his name, bul Miss n{.|,i Siigets did no t Iwckon him out to sfinre 'on w the bravos. . , hers• Tlioae.who related U ie.lnciacnt thc i thlni

next day couldn't know how imich i slrcc Jcauuo Eaiicla.v,-(tmcd llia t- lo be h e ri At

— - S p m i ’T O A T ^ E Q E C I l l ! ': ' : » r T n r w q i i T i i i i r c » H i T O

iB lihop o r the Prole»U nt 0 ^

? ^ ^ « b i « him to bccome k fiantr^ledTilUdi Thft g rain of iru lh Uial Is In behavbrlim l«

ft'oro given us fOr guides. But Hu m InsUneU recu fl. W hen we pennl t desires »nihOTtVln»» t

ij)iatuaU!filnl£fiL“4i5"i_ , 'T here la « popuTirTwlicI’ n o w W in e tn it 1

latlsfBctlon In life. Such 0 belief U.crrpnMUi Wli»n mnn ^els out 10 -

uilm alSvM en guided by sucii piiifo*6iJhy iW b e a s ^ M h e

feujs^ InTTuTifi Tall

....... - ' ■ A g aTakcii K io m T h e F a lla N

F r i i la y . Q c to b ir 1-1.

le T-A-ln I'a lls News la prc*eiited.|o A. 8 , public loday by new ninnagcmrnt, mllw r,s.i ■fcrmiT pr.-'priciors hnvlns Iratis-; 113.000 U :d th t l r holdiiijs in full to Itn rl Hale nsency.'in nnU r. »"■>■ P » Plilllfta---------------n FnlLs. nnd K. Phlllco, Wayne. Nc- Messrs .ka. Bcninnlm: Tuesdnv. a scml- Jack Slir <Iy'cdltlon will bi- published. This the first 1 nice In locnl lournalism is the first to thc S iC iindcriflkcn. nnd will be followed a.1 proof ithcrs of like imjxirlnnce. Publlcn- days will be Tiic.sdav and Fridays. 0-*-lng

nu to Ihe sudden demise cl Mr, Phil- few monIJ ) ', . . t.ln(.njn

-surer of Uic paper. jfu rU ier 'an - m'Bkc_exl Rccmcni win bc made nexl week. In^se pla; -L-:-l>;-9p3freni7-s»ho-hS»'bMll-lii-i»tisi-wei rtfp of the publlcnilon tho lasl nionth the been retained as business manaser. fcrencc ■

_____ upon, w

irialiied lii;i( Wednesday a( (he home . * he inner, wiicrc nboul fifty ladles ijcd nil urtcniooii cf ."SOO." T ilt

H arldcitan nnd Mr*. Hooper. ^ ,-------- “500" in

ne nf the ni(a’. enjoyable ntlernoons of .Salt'300" (liven thls 'season was thn l of Blncicfoo.. A'. P.- Ceiiior cn Thursdny, Septem- icwln? k20. Sweet nli.-'Mun formed a pretty E. J, -OjI'hieh Ihc (en'tables were w t for Uie nel. Har

les. F lrs l nnd .second prizes were s . Oakl( I re.';pectivrly by Mrs. McDermld nnd Ciaiello r-<toid'smi*.h. ,T lie tnb !e» -w hw -fr w w e w lly Inncher.ii wns served were also Mr, Joh t urated w ith sivcet alywum. eaeh rcc


'P rn cc within and jny bcyoiul 3 3 1 Wrlcomc alwaya, for the Lat


• •A U l'JtN tN O ’q i ’KSTION ‘ flrTiinblc Iere is a letter I received the other Td satU

.■■u..m.,Tiri'.■l.n u ■■ rc.->der'thc Idc; Uils column- How would you U lllll- Wedli-w liii: readers n n sw i^ l? jTTUKt”■Ucnr Roscmnry: . wUfnllI Qi;u'l like to.smoke cinnrctles bul clgarctt ilH> don 'l IIH? <0 seem u n s o c in b le -b y |.A l l L Jolnliis In. Do you Uilnk-a.glcl.can'»JflsUdloi poptilnr und refuse to smoke? odor of

• ' "SALLIE," "Bul; referi'od tliU question, of course | blllly. a :houi dl»cl()slnK the name of thc()ues-. ellher'C jua :.tb^um of the most pop- not bou ir youni; women I know, slrongly In- i ridunllzed und n dsflnlte figure hi ; youncer set, , Inl*o

Tt* Smoke or Not to Smoke . ■ lege bo) Pnmcln'n nnswer Ls. 1 think, worthy of iilrls ■•■nn lHrriHInn R hrfiih l: IWrtunt'TU nfs n ibb lsh -U ie Iden th a t a g irl's , "'.Veil pularlty depcnila on w hether she docs. smokln diMjs no l smoke. II sounds Jusl us iMpul'ot

ly 'io m c as to wh'clher u mun's | Ihe wa;

sl hns nothlni! a l a ll lo do vs’Hh ll, ac> I know < rd ln g 'to my notion." 1 ny i-an

? ^ : s S X i w . ^ . b . . . i i. 1 , 'Sie(i^smj^lji|i|^.of co^unic.^npj.X

CIIEKIIKUL CHORES ' Uiat loWhen Tom Sawder hnd to whitewash; mothet i-s ;iunfa fence he

-llu.' truV th n t his frtpnds clnmorctitsomelt ir thn prlvllcRe of wlcldlnjt-tlic-briisli.-j rukliig- oni III liisi merely sa t by and eollcclcd t add m' .IIS mid (iH iilecorw ln paym ent for i« r - : aiicu._'; lining his- friend* to do his vrork for t Whemr----------------------- ---------------- :--------- H ivh tjrWc may deplore Tom'* mollvcs bul formed e niust iidmlro his psychology. He cx- done a lotted u ta c t ot hum an nalure w|\lch ’ and rc one of us who deal with children cun Uiese !iord to torRct, ■ : chlldh)^^■im^bul■kccps■ln-mltu^•lhc«'l!dom^— T he I Tom Saw yer one may Imbue thc most ’ them ' rciim iry 'tasks w llh pleasure and a .a g o o c nise Itt achievement. • j TeachWmild you have your child eager to fully e

11.I1U simrtLof ho\i(chol(l cliorcs? 't lu n 1 yourw 0 them youmelf so gully and g la d ly ! lu m f

H Jim iL s L iJ ltf ,l? f»{ipn UK jJa d if .6 h e | dimV‘p .I'l m biiicrcdJ»CD uac.l]icy.did[vl.uni llirp ^ "riinnd, and Howard becamc the U r« - "Joa

Slic and he didn'l speuk a wofd.tirf* . _ ... liine iiiruugh the whole Ncw'Yorlc run >1 |HiirTh>y7Tmtmiireveiriiaied'berpro- • » n t ^

rth flL ~ .\lie " w o u ld ii llh iiv c .la .l!c ^ S ZlEort ‘aulna-lict~«.--------■— ---------------------- the -U

^ ____ Ineyltable E p ita p h . , ................Hatketl by_ ncrvoi|snc*5. j h o beciima - - a k

he miwt lc.n1«ram enta l ot th e a c tre« . lo

"She Wauled lo bc Known a* ono 6{'t1ie i^'nllcw-omen of the stMge. and brooded m Whal greuier esteem mlijht have beei\ lers |f her first ftreal role had been any* Koles. hlng. bu t th a t of a Uwdry girl oC Ihe ‘ . ilrecu. . ■ • Tho

Ana Ihu pai>cr*.'Mu»unc>p»4«f-iud»

\ ‘ ■


T S N B B D F R ” “ ■ ”m ,» c O » « V r J ic R ^L V 1 _____. f c r - jm cm « r H e r tlu m I s d l a w ) . J '

ucnaiata —n Is U u t de ilK s u d tppe tlte s e u tn d im p u lu rm u it be dl*g» to O T e r p o ^ u i w e » » W ^ •

-ious! .ia i l ^ n i f i t t f i e lowMt ofiB H iJn trdo 'th im i* w hich-ihc---------- - ' 'd lf e c t« a -lv -4nim ilt»ni.a lone----------- —

- ...........■ ~ . . ^ v ■ J

i l l s 1 9 Y e a r s

s N e w s F i le s __________________________1. l ‘J09 - _ ___ _____

8 , Anderson sold BO acres three c.-uii of town to E. P. Di';iliip for '

« throuBh Darnes and Delwcllcr's T .'

ssrs Cliunhel. T. WlKRicsworUi.Sliroui nnd Ernest White returned of llic week from it huntlnir trip c Shoshone Basin benrin i n deer oof of th e ir hunUng ability.

Ing to the growth of business in lh'- lon lhs It lias been In operation, the ' -llu__^RcfrlKcratlng com pany' w'ill— A— •>xleiu»lye nddltlon8j i i J l 4 .alrca4J _ j P _ ) plant. S c reral officers of the com- v week, nnd a resu lt of the con- cc the Improvemeni wu* decldcd , which will consist o t an addl- ;o Uic p resch t building lo cost 116.-t r i 2(i:000,' lo" prov ldrsforigF T M m -------------cc to th c extent of 1500 to 2000

," a m r M r s . 'i r 6 r'M lln('r"fntPttflm-------------a 7 o'clock dinner and cvenltiB ol In honor of Mr. M ilner’s moUicr

a ll Lake City, and Mrs. Mlllch;(fool. Covers were U id for the (ol- 1; gucsl*: Me.ssrs and Me.sdnmcs -O.strunder. Lncy. S talker.' Chan-

HartdcRun, P, Costello. John Cos-rmitt-iiv Wnrrt R V. Mornr fln.l W.________akley. Misses. Flarence and Fcni !llo nMl.stcd in sen'lng. T he prUes

rohn Costello. The guesls of honor recclvcd a gift.

^ R I N G -

r /o u b f : ’ l a t ch-atnng'B out. _____

^ Y ■ , •

iiblc If j 'w a s deprived of ll. w ' r i ~ f ' “ latlsfled m y curiosity and I loathed /Idea of being mastered by a mere \ -

iK t^ oppcdn irobab ljrb ecau iie I'm • V l ull nnd w on't be d ic tated to by a f re ttc no m atter how well advertU- / .

id '^ o u s .ln -rc a u rd - lo - t^ -ta M -M d • of-stnle tobacco about myself. W . iu i as lo popularity or even soda- / y. B clsurette can 't ga in or lose you c r one, Those quullUes simply are bought o r w ld so cheap, th a t's all,"

re a c h or Prude ilso asked the pplAlon of P cu r, a eol- boy whb has naturally made a *ludy

ilrls along wllh tlio o ther less Im.;nnt sublecU In hi* curriculum. i /c llT 'sa id Peter. "I cutvi see now ‘ ' ikIng lu general has a hang to do with ulnrily lu purUcular. D ul, of course, way a girl refiisc-s to smoke can cer-

>w w hal I m ean; w hether she's a i-smoklng pcneh oi* a non-smoking dc," .vrhap-s. dear muiie, n tm e ia s atiu er's commen ts on iw pularlly versus _ ikliic m n r bc illumlnflUngi'

m S B E z it to help you Is u privilege. Helping ther lo m ake the beds und to string .

beaas for dinner may be th rtlllnc - -

i ^ S ^ n t i ! l ^ h l p ~ w llh~ lhe 'U sk of liu:-ui> the-leavcs m tuc yardcu muy— ^ I mlBhllly to one's sense of Import- ^

V heiheTlh'e rouUric tasks of ordinary S im UIU m l ly and -theeriu lly -i>ef ■ - - med or w hether lliey will have to bc le alw ays w llh n good deal of effort 1 resistance, depends largely oa.ljo*' se th ings were flrsl introduced I n ' idhood. • . . .n te 'p e rso n who Is able<^o dispatch m w ith speed and K ren lly Is saved {ood deol o t unneeesiarylrrlW U on- le h your child to do his chores cJicsr- |y even though In order to do so you iraeU m u st show n t h e r inore enttfus- m for Uiem Uwn you (eel. -

r p i w lng a t' th e Ih rw h o ld p th w rn a*

5 o M n e ^ ^ '* l» '» 'o H » U lg e r f ln o w |i- :“ ‘T-------------

!n th t 'd a l ly d u U e so t OTratch the bal* -. ee~Ttb r t t ^ 18iOpO_times eveiy 'tiro rr

t.orii in d :- ftrV.gc»iru ih c Q n lv_cU yH n^r.-

f e in r n r w o - c iw n im ju r - - — ----- --------- ^

V KiinsM -nian-hM -prodgoed-* {fi^ ---------:s w tlfW na m w m \ w .s n 4 o u ^ poundi — — :------------■-•■■■■-

BM lUrlllei w lpai aro eoveroU .wlUi lies, . _, ________ ■'

rh e D ead te a conl«tn»'|M,OOp.OOO,900_ • - , '_

Page 17: · 2014. 12. 12. · ^raiBEtisi^™ "-FumEnm oFiiEinmEl ________ a l: —Br-f\T^^I«ddep-LQU(U' Air- ^ l)laiie' as» Grefttest

OffMak Take Steps —LawAidOrderS

Panhandle trA fteu-T hree Violent Yea

---------------- ^CMnmunitxJFaces'• U nder Mart

- ■ $1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 , Uecen \ pose Lawl(

iDy The AsMcltB O i lG E I l . TfXfl.s, O c t. 12— T h e I

is Koln(T to b c p u r if io d i f i t tn k c .i tl I n thi> t h i t n v I o l c n f v e a r f i - o f J tf

f t f n r f o r it« la w lcssn w H . C r im e 1ms a n d o f f i c e r s sw n cn to m a in tn in th e in t h e o t h e r e n d o f to w n e v e r y tim

Y e t t h e t o w ^ h n s p r o s p re d dospi K tn n tin l c itizenH n r c rc .so lvcd th e p o p u lu t io n now i» 10 ,000 a n d t h e mc a t i t s in c c )) tio n w uh j u » t a n o th e r cc

--------n U ^ tx -d o o > > -u 4 th -o il a n d .w a t e r , . ~_____ n o \v h f t.s p a v in g , b u s in e s s h o u s e s f

o f i r i l~ d c H c H p tlo n !^ ~ c h u rc h c a . J" i ^ o o i s a n d u ^ a m b c r o f c o m - '■ mcrcc.

P r o c la im M a r t ia l L a w_______ T h e _ l a t c s t m o v e f o r _ n _ c le n n . _

l ip is t h e m a r t in i la w p ro c la m a - t io n o f G o v e rn o r ' D a n A . M oody . N a t io n a l Hun r d s m e n u n d e r c o m - ft

W oliert hftve taken over the enllre sov> crnm cnl.-ancl the peoQC olflcera have been disarmed. T*'c of them were nr- reated. and the mayor. Oten A, Pacc.Is under a Rharge of hovlns causcd n inuider w itneu to lenve town.

M artial law was Invoked a lte r the re> ccn t aasaMlnatlon'Of John A. HoUne.n. ol distric t nttornex. TKe prDclamniianl^^ charges th n l one peace officer Is an ex«

■ money for the prolectlon of crime and llia l (hrents hnve mcnaecd decent citl- , zcfxs who m lsh t Ull w hat they knew. ‘

-----------;D orB «r-*prtu led-hurrled lM u— 11120 ^n fter a new oil dlscoveo'- WUhln two m onlhs 6000 persons were there, a pood shnre of llwni promollns senje type of ' vlco to (tel tflb money of the well-|mld oll ■; worker:^' . ni

___. ju j_ rangers camc. TtKy averoced 100^ arrests a ’day unlil'lh'c lown qulclcd; In

Ociobcr of 1026 they came ngnln. under orders ot Oovernor Miriam A. Ferguson, and In the spring of 1027 Oovenior Mco- dy cent them n third Ume.

f Now. w ith the drastlc'fe jim e of Mar- Ual law. those who are workltiB for n C'

---------t u r n . . lU b . l l t r B t m r Ih ln t i n t <■crim inal clement moy be vanquwneo. ”

_ iVlGHEST FA tLS FOR p 6\VF.R "I_______ ,U U 8A N N E ._ Oel. 12 'W T -S w iuer. 1®'

land 's o im recbril of th e w ^tcr- * fait harnessed to Renerate elcetrlelty "

. will be the new DIxence pow- ° cr p lant. An artificial lake a t an eleva- Uon of 9600 feel will drop^wnler S600- ' ' fee t' to lhe i»wer station. TSie plnnt » win cost $15,000,000. p

» ___________ ’ VV/lihln n radius of ISO miles of An- »

choraRC. Alaska, nro plenty of moose, caribou, .mountain sheep and goals. _

Aboul 35.000 W r^ are plucked a n - 'w nually a i the capc averaglnB three iwunds bird bird. -

---------— ........... ,! - - : z r :

— Phones”4f

■ - TW IN F A U ^ DAI

I To^stibljsh Fainous ayBoy’’

Bars of Vice, Notorious 3S Final Cleanup ■' irtial ROle

int Citizens Op- . . . vlessness

oclftied Pressf* * *e h n il 'b o y :to w n -of I h c )i;mli;i))illi.'I th e w h o le .( if T cx n .s I ti 'd u it.J t a lif e . - H o r K c r -h a a -b c iu i-k im w ii-------a s th r iv e d , s t a t e o f f i c ia l s cIiu ik c . he p ence a r e a l le g e d to have been im e H o m eth inB h u p p m 'd .■Hpito i t s b u d n n m c , a n d tlie nub- e p r o i ip c r i ty s h a l l c o n tin u e , '[ 'he m o n th ly p a y ro l l $1,000,001). W lia t c o llec tio n o f h u t s o n th e im iir ie , •

----------- ----------------- ---------

STilDFDRiiIM llW SH Il'’'

M y rtle R. Davis-.—SuDoriii- ■

te n d e n t o f In .s triic lio ii,

On P ro g ra m a t Pucutt-Iio

' POCATELLO, O ct. 12 ,JWTi;ai.-l;crs j of the future will tlnd thcniselvi.- Ui tesuli ol demand# for brondcr cdufiuuin ‘need ot higher quiillHciitloii.'' lu . t i r ___Mi|)crimencient oi public Ui.sUucij'Jin , , lold lhe flflh d istric t ccnvvmion u( ttic . Iduho Education iiMoclatlun hi-r<- ludiiy.Ihe flth dsiTCt conventon ol ilie Idslia ^ “ TehchlirKTThTrc'ft'ajnrcfiutfiririrr.niay bui not only of (he'fundam ental three n s oll ol 'education, she siild. bu l n-«i4j;_rnnse rea q! understnndlns th n l will inke iiTnot ecu only llic average chlld'.s needs but ihasc Kr<

' cnilon as well ns hl.% vix-auoii. "Oli: lu tou7 cducaion wlll bc lhe 3l!ii." ihc lhu i

: snld. OilSoon by means of radio, hbnirlcs on

wheels. educHOonnt f/lins and tr.Vvlston tlh e ndvantases now 'eonfini'd t o ' t h f '*e Icliles will extend to ihe rural home, fhe "'h ' declared. TJic teneher m usl bi' prep.irpil ] ' “f to Uke advnnln«c of fnclors n sjlsl'

■ niey ueteiutj, . -h i■ For ih e Individual teneher. she said,

"Irnlnlng wHll be Iciiitcr and more thor-

chasen profession;— a a la n c s 'w ill-b e or higher nnd bn;«d on .iklll ra the r ihnn 'Pn

. on the BBCs of children tnuiiht. or the tl«

. lypc of school In whltTi one icftches- No th r longer will teachers use the profe.«lon an ; as-sfsteppmg stone-tfm -m ore deslr#b!e-Uc

position. Teacher* when nsked tlielr Oi vccailon will liwtaniR- nnd unhesi- fu

. intlngly say they n a - ’leachrr.*;.'" ea_________ ______ , tn;

Tliere are more Ihnn 7000 Cnihollc ro

■ schooU nnd w p lnns.. - of • •----------------* SUBSCRIBE FO R TU E NEWB


A n i Y . : ^ £ C - I W M - F A l J

to Stam~ ^ - T

.M ayor (J le n A . P a c c ( u p p e r r ig h l io llQ w in g t h c 'n ssiiB 8lnR lion_(if Jn h r a c c n e lh t h e v ic in i ty o f B o rR c r ; bc

|Fundamental£cononii ~PSroleiun Assurer — QHiidnstryrPeclat! Fam ous Bay S ta te Statis I , L o n g je rm .Outlook___________ Due to Increii;

Numerous ^iny lUKil^it W. ilAHSON ii:

BAJJSON PARK, Maw.. Oc'.. U - I am t bulllsh'on th e lonK‘tem -out!ook-foM hp- oll Industry tor .icverul fundam ental;^, reasoiui,, I f llils counlry Li lu L j ccintmue to grow th e oil Industry must |. Urow wltli It. Ten years from now our'[_i

^ ^ o im m jp lio ^ ^

^navo niauc llu- [i^M 'ni coiiMjnipiioii,|" :!huee .o iJL Is. comparison.j.’ ,

Oll Is absolutely ewentlal. Noi a wheel | i , , ol Indsiry can tu rn without ll. Riill-1 ^I road-1 rouJd not ojjoratc wilhout 11; p| •• rtenmshlp* would—be—tled -up n t-the. wharves; aulomobllc.s could nal run ; In uII fnct. life a.s we know ll would no t ex. ijlsl. Any Industry which holds so U«hl f,

duslrU l'''llfTca''iino^K o"bac^^ '[ m ust go forward. - gT To (iniunnram-lhM-»iMuu<4HwUolfUm-<^> nnd-IU -by-producU t w o u ld require c i •piigo*. T hey cxlciid from rtie produc- i . tlon . of llglll, heat, ami iiower down |i> throuish lliu entire range of Industrial j; J und chem ical u « s even to the prepara-

r au.sollne. kerosene, napllia . bendne. c. fuel oil. nclds, wax. alcohols, asphalt. i

carbon black, fuel na?, petroleum, clher, *tnacliliie oil. lubrlcnllnx greases, pel- a

: rolatum. a re bul a few of lhe common- U f^ iyjeoaaH-nnMliirLi ii«»TlifrR.a re lu u id tctii,.t

uf o th e n , a ll wllh Importnni a v s . i••llepeal" Huslnesi i

A t.ccond tr e a t rca-ion for the fu» 1

I f Yc

!ash3r Y o

■ X I I • X !

< ■ ■ ■ ■

_ _ _

■ "• ....... \ ' ' ■ “

■TJfl. m A H Q . SUNDAY MO

np Ottt C> v . ^ ■ C ' V ' ' - *

> |; j

TiW 'ii i'l "ll i ih 'T tT iliii

- ^ , - G : ] — :-------------------

K h t) o f H o rj ic r . T e x a s , is i in d e r n r r c s cihn a ; H ulm e.s ( lo w e r I r f t ) . d i s t r i c t a be low i s th e m a in s i r e e l « f Ih J? 'to w n .

nicImportanceOf s s"Fulure Prosperity ^arerf%W:BabHrr'---------------=r _ ■ Ui

tistician Stresses Urigilt °5t‘ )k fo r Oil Business f,“ ‘ ;iisc in Use of ; ■ i[“”’ s Products __________ ^“ • • .and

lure pra 'perliy iii <n1 lu". in the faei cred ..jth n l It Ls a "reiK’u i" bii.lm’;.s. F o re x - ijy J 'lam p le. when n m an lniv> a lankful of proi ^r«I^olInc,‘ il'T.~nnl“ n'Kc ImyTiTi; a“ ]afiR r- 531; ■'] knife- He will be tiaik ;il lhe filling prot “ I lla tion WlUiln u day (u m> lor anotlier tion t j ia n k lu l of nns, bul tlir }sck*l;nile may mid '': laM him n llltUme. It i> ihl-. rapid " re - ; is g(• I p e a r consum|i|^Hi. lhL^Llure, wlilch. we^^

*'lfon why tliLs bu:.llu• . siumld pro-sjier Is erircl ‘•rthe-na ttirc o f-lhe i««e m which wTTircliiool •' I living. '■MachJnci y^".«(Hi (l" and ■-•paw* | mg • je r ” nrc lhe key o f 'o u r 'p re te n tlin d i• elWllaiU w . Pptr«ic-n»i l« ltKllA;»n«ab le | j ® lo all tliree. Our Kinu'iiic love o H u x - ( prc? '* ury niso Jnvon m is liulii.stry. Household j pro« ■ oil burner^ ar>' iii:.i;illrd nn i so m uch,busl

for economy as Jor convenience. O ne‘ o|jci

'I lne.M neco.Mity in many rnmlllcs, bu t llic = growing hnbll of Imving two df more ^

0 convenlenre-iiifo fiir as (jctroluein can- - > tributes lo aiiili-tUvomfocl-iind'luxury n In living. 1i will rceclve nn added Im-; ill peius 10 KioivUi.Jr S llll iiiioiliiT field for " rcsress, and . c. one wlili <'iioruioiw polenllnlllles. Is in, t na lurul in conJUncilon- with oll r weH.i. ^xl( li !rJ• Js cojnJiijf W rr-,' k. allsc lhe iMwibllitlcs of piping na tu ra l'

gas 10 (ll^iaiii consuming centers- Many; l», oilcoml)i»nll•^lrc p o isc a cd of vnn na t- . _

u ral gas rewjiirce-i. T h n l they nuve been wa-Mlng imicli ol th is gas by allowlnBj'

1. It to blow ofJ inio lhe a ir Is nn economic 1 ^

OU W a n t

HORN IN G ,'O CTO BER 13, .1

jY im e m


■ n Q ^--------:.Ury

1B J a W

--------------------------'lumI KtOII Hall

• r e s t in th e m a r t ia l law r e u in ic ■ able ; t a t t o r n y y . A bove i.s a n o il f i d d N y

hold-------------- ------------------------------------------ ■ u Ucilnic. To bo .lure. a number of co in-“ 'f panics produce (juanmies of jjiu.yliiie!*''^ Jrcm na tu ra l gas. bul lhe retiulrenicnls| Tl for th is purixj.ic iire not .iulflelcnt toi

Rieal dcvelopuienls In nalural gas dh* irlbutlon durlnK lhe next Jive years, l>'*>f Many oil eomp:)iilc,s will benefit hniid-

^Trouble U llh i’roduetlun , 1 1,

Un(|ueillonabIy the trouble wllh tlie^on i oll Ind iu try is ivlth the produceis und l lUm not w llh lhe consumers, Nu olher tn- du*i duslry cnjoy.i a mure riipldly growing worl m arket. Tlie trend of tinsolliie eon- ly it sum)illon hns been sharply upw.ird Jor a reu i»erit>d-«t-yc(iro-«ml-froin-nlHndlentlon.''— Hi win ron tlnue ujiwanl lo nn flcecleraled i pe naee. New usi-> tor lueliilj-vJul^lcnnis,' 3 iir ,and byp iod iic ts are con^lnnlly cred. If pro<lucllon wrre stable and noi by jum ps, oll lodny would be lhe inoitl proiperoiis ludu.^iry we have. Admll- icaiyn i'inno rrd irfIc iiir ionW u3n le-lhe — production of oil tlmn ll Is the produc­tion o l boots nnd hliuei. Iron ami Meel. { nnd o lhe r commodlUes, o il well drilling 1 cimi Is going un all lhe Uiiie. Over 20.000 new wclU aru^comple Occa>i|oii»

enrd. S uch u ln e Is llic Sanla Fe Springs i,y IMOl in California ulilch toduy Li cuus- |{jer Ing^w o-th lrd i ol thn^lmlb1e which tlie niai ■iiiduslry'Li'iiow experlenclnK.— creC

r brIJetv, Iroweeef. thiit ecanoiiile___;^ c ? s u rc will lorce llie curbing of over- n production. Enlightened leaders In the pon buxlne's ri’(tiKnl7c the neceulty of'co-Uiivi upcrallvc cfJorl loward conservnllon. A [dur

JELLISONI M anufacturers of ai


M ARBLE ANDi 1 0 2 S o u th

T h e


L U - ....

New Oil«w Inrge. and ninny im ail openitori, r i i r lowevei, are sUll unwUllng "U> play • Ul, he game." A« k .result. In spile of our L l l l

ircaklhe m arket. Perhaps lhe only way U ilieK nO fts»8p*niion-can bf w ught-n — U

pnerf to-dccllnePK »-ll»y-dtd4n~>M Ve n d -p rS n c ilirW e - lh o in -o u t O fb u i l - L . . - - - iiM s-«QW-mudi » ls c r J l would be If a ll ib U ’C unlt» ln the Indaury would follow tlii?r~ clear path of cnllght^iiw VcU-imereM • F ttiikh i«lnt« to the voUniluty resirlc-l tlun uJ production. 1 I ^

T r j ln i NeWAei UgLilatlon Is being tried In CallJurnla ’

In the Jorm of the new Lyon nniurnl bqi

enniiKli yet to show w hal brneltclal-rc- '

lU'iice iliol th e new Inw .will succee;!' nnd it llie Oklnhbmn nntl T exas pro<luccrs ' Ulck to their prescnl attitude oJ vohm- Mry-rcairleilon-rccQvcry ln -thc_lruluj»-. " J try may eome sooner Ihnn many expcei. HrsnrtlleA* of w helher voluntary or lett- blutlve restriction-succeeds. .Jiojvevir. erononilc low wHJ sootier « r la te r com- Scti |)t1 ciirlallmenl. built— I h rrtc e n t drasile decline In Uie gen—mer !■ eral hlock m a iket lllusirntes how dnn- oumiv Kerouiily Inflated mnny slocks have be- part, luiue. However, from the long-growth i^sue st*ml;)o1nl Uie oils nrc In a stronger lhe s liiiubmenlnl poslllon lhan mo,sl olher ined Kroiips. Flrsl of a ll lhe oils a re not In- Ilale<l and Ihclr prices bear a reaw n- . able relftllon to Ihelr earnings. Second. while liivenlorles o t oll companies are

holding up well; nnd w ith lhe first signs I'f riiiTiivp control of nrniliiellon. bet- ter times 3 iou ld be seen lor good oil stocks, '«<

Tiiase companies In lhe « fl“ ‘ naiicial poslllon. nnd pnrlicplnrly ihose

tereitl^shouW^bc ln Ihifbesl t»slUon to IHofil. How soon llils Iniprovcmeni will t eome depends entirely upon Uic sp irit Srcssot.a>owrailBn.>hn^-n bv oll, BruailBffll, {‘J ” ' If a Jew continue Ihelr p resent short- ‘‘'C c sighted course of piling up n burden- ^ome over-supply, they will delay the Jtmdamcnlal recovery of the whole In-! du«ir>’- ll Is n clear ease where nil musl J*” '*' «ork Jor lhe good of the Inditiiry. ^ lere- ■ iy trying to beat ou t Ihc o lher Jelluw will reu rd tiie progress of a lli • ——Hujlnewi-bs-thc-Babsoiiohnrt-Jft-now---------i per cent above normal compnrcd w llh '3 LIT cent above normal a year.ago-

■ -------------- :

Wallace M an a tH cacI of— Idnho'G rcdit-A ssociation—

WALLACE. Oct. 12 i , t w n i e new .it.itc, ciialrman of ih e N ational nein ll Credit nwixlnllon 1# Herman M nrquardt. Wnl- ince. it hrts becnme knon'h here.—ApiiotilTnfSm fll Mlirillilirui tt 'n rinnd r—by Justin B. F^gcrion. New York; pres-, .• IdeiifoJ the nailonal body. The Wnllnc? . man Is now secrcury of Ihc-StJcahDne _ credit association.'

I t Is esUmnled thn l about 2000 pounds of fine gold nnd 12 .tons of fin ; silver were used in Ihc Industrlnl nrts during 1M7.

N B R O S T ^ IIf and Dealers In ;


JfD GRANI'H*: : 'i th iMaiiiU aJd iO io ----------- V

r ^

t P r€ S .

STG":-^ong Pista

Mitoiii i e r f f i u p8mStil1ffi8

irearn l!)n6^n~R {m iiragclirr

M urm urs. A lo n g Course _

BOISE, Ocl. 12 (.r.—Bclse now ownt ja llo r jii a d e river. • ’ , --------- --

JO, lind yel It iinich lamcd

) run |>erlodlc rampages down througli iirvanryrCTTCcplnroltTnanner of-defa^— cfnre It. now even In flood se'ason Ib t'oinparailvely dcclle.Scfttr scaw fu sltice. a big dam wi»UU 2S miles up ilrcain and this sum- er lhe Jliial blow against lU -«m pcilU r— iMivss M-eins to liave been struck. W ith »rl, oJ lhe money raised by ■ bond sue for Improvement u! the airport, lie sirenm channsl has been straight* ned and cleared through the clty:Where il ii.wl lo back up pools of

aicr on the airport, now cnglnecra nn* c ipatr il will race through lu nete W-Joot ch.>iinel sufflcienlly awlft 10

llhoul damage.-n :c~DoisT T n Ts r ' 5 .iiiigi i s n 'TOc am .; - '. fact ll drops 13 Ivci lo the mile, which , (|u tie a rap In cottifurllsfoii HUh the

lisslviippi. which slogs alsiig down a :cpe of six Inches to the mllc. Tlie lam nrxnurnicTJoiFc-ina-iJCTn-tnarrc— as tco mnny curves lo buck In ts pro^ rcss from Irrigatlan ditch 10 Irrigi*-- an dll^ch.

According to some archeologisU the :malns of U ic"n rst-chu rch bulU -in— nsland are near the village of Per*' iiniwrih.

UnplDrip/Dr ip /

_ S o in e b o d y ift in fo r a l o t o f g r i e f i r h e d o c in 't h iv e — •:—

—th a t- le a k -in -fa iffT « d U to r — fixed r ig h t aw a y . M a y b e y o u a re th e one !

W e con *nve you m o n e y ..

c lia rg c ^ 'i :su n ra n tc e c o m p le te m i s * _ fo ctio n . ? .

R c n ic m b cr— a s m a ll le a k • to p p e d now i? b e l t c r th * n a c o s tly r e p a ir l a ic r o n .D riv e a ro u n d e n d oec u#- t o d o y l ' ■■


---------n a ' j s r 'A ^ x o n h --------:---------


Page 18: · 2014. 12. 12. · ^raiBEtisi^™ "-FumEnm oFiiEinmEl ________ a l: —Br-f\T^^I«ddep-LQU(U' Air- ^ l)laiie' as» Grefttest

^ H O B P f tBlt'SiiiSESF"

W e s t E i u r l - 'a r m e r s ~ l^ i ‘lYQl'tr

-■ ■

~ ~ ~ i m d “ RFci~M"c1in c : in

DUHL, Ocl. l2-\V.irchtmVr. lii9lUl't''-[In UuIjI niid n tu lh r r i)(iint« !ii Hn- WpsIJ

• Kml m r ii.xcit to cam.clly u . lm' i 1;l- nooU nl Ihmii'. l>rlor to Uif

jie cn l laiu. :i'iir- ‘.iuni' K aimiii uav in » iiiimlH-r <>l lll•ll:llUo.l1Cu(i inul;i-iitiri KHiimr iiioiH.Tlnu.iir f bi'tiii; priw— <

ol iJir rccoixl cro|i.s nilM'(l In ilil.V ilM 'icl' this vfiir WHS KTCittirmi Ihi- IC. T. Sam i-1

U icat Noillli'ins a v n iu a i 48 bllMU'l';i ,if [ ^ f . Tfl ....... ln 'im \ <m Illu‘ sainc i)!ai'i‘ lUrraiii'd Imslvcl'. <>i'•JJ ncrrs. OllliT lan:* vU-UI:. Illtflmli- Vi bii.'.hi'ls |«T »(Tf mi :T> a w ' <il il''i l Ml'*;- Kaiis'«n IlH- ll-Tlaii -Sit la im ; M r b nil r,n .u 'l r ' I'li lIii,- M. » . 0-„'aott —

------;yi,UV. .S. I .iti.ilau. 4lHwt->lw4^Wlwt^fe<iec■i;i iictr*. U n Ncyninii nvrraiin l ; ciil biislic).' cr ri'ils <>n MibCibilllia had a ll.'Ul >•: <lial luailc". c,,,40 bil>lirl' H’-a"'' I' avliit: Utilll al ,\v(i ;lu' rate n( alj"i'l i'f"l>auis if (lnV Uj,...,,,,1 IV ,-M.ic!nl llir ,‘.lllt>Mir.ll> «11ll,t,„ iiirioiiM- vutliln ll'l' la'xl I'-'v <lav». ;r,m

Oriiru Miller. W, A. niaM:o«. J- K [on Mail>lll| i. WUllam Liivr. llilhl, ;,ii<l I’r t a - !

fiT litrm M-ini miKj "1 | lim;

,.;iU- M.1S mtuli' lliroutili Uir DcNOur nill Ural U 'tal.' rnmiiaiiy ;.ml tlir im idia'-r , , i,i| liilcr « ii ' nal iiiinamn rd. . ,s|i,.|

rillUTal.M-tvlcrs lu-ic lirlil al ilii- Hull! ' j....... ........„'v iiuiniliiv IM lo an l o r 'n

. tlii> tnlntil (laiiKliliT n( Mr, nud Mrs. .« i,; ClH-Mrt IlobMjii ttlii) dird III a T u Ii i i m i I I-'iilW liDsiiltal lull- Kililav. Srivicr.s w rrr ; vw

■ Iwslor ol till- MrlliixUKl Kjilsropah u tli iird i am! burial was brslOc tlir criivr ' i,ii, IJ' :i nvnyi-ar i>ld bmlli.T vihi» <llr<l lasl j.,,,,

. May- MciMr^ n K llraim niiv,a.sli< isirssH illw .,-„„

• SiiiiinliiVul::!il brkUr rlub mrinbrvs at ].«„]■_I’ 'r ln rl : liiiKiiroii Friilav '.vitli IIih t , ,;,t

___ U lilcs-ln.plai:— KalUlo'ica'i_u,wu_UM:4l_,n^a;, tubir di'cnialiens and iiboul tlir tnom.s. -Hiuli M'lTr «as wot. by Mr^.

• Amlv Mrrks luul roiiMilaliwi l>y Mr.s. • j,. JatlWi miL'r, Ntrs. U raiir.ui rlilrl'l.illl-Vll ihc 'N.B.n. ijroiiii. alsu ilii.s work, m , compllmrniarj- i« Mm HayniniidVwlw-in,, Icit Frldny lo inak^ liPi; t en try . i^.r

-----Titntin:— Olli3r!*nnT:“ M onir-H '” 'T-—r 'Cumornla. wnn flrM prl/f and alM> • prc:-enti‘d wllh « I'uest pili'.i' mid Mr;-. ,yin. Cilrl Mim won tlir, couMjlutloii.- Mis. ■ y Hiiiiis was llu- rrrliilrn i «:I a lavrwrll ,Rltt_________________ _________________ , Sllll

members ol :tic Sham rtck club Fruiay i.-i,., ultcrnoou [cr ii scclal inrciinK. Twrlvr members mul onr Kursi, Mrn, Dave U rr- ji,y rn ic r wert iw si-nl. Tlii- tw xi incrllriK • ri.|.

— m -lll 'to f O ctobrr 25 w ill' Mr^, F runk fi,,! acfiSolcr. • ■‘ L n

Mrs. C- C. ViiclliT. asslMrd by Mrs. iLm

T W m F A L L S M A R K E T S i , -

br<?urvMlm1uy. ,---- Tlip iBM<»lli«l-wu».»U0Ui!i:r^wlth tu ^ .-----

ciiiU lor aicklor uml iHi tru i'i lar ii’il.Tn* .

T h m I'flrrt »re (ibulned da«j at 4 o'clofk ia the allrrnvun and ate In. , '

.. tcniltd* lo rovtr uiily the a r r » ie of j titlen. Whrre trrtain ilralcro.ror >hott l<rdo<li olfrr laotr tllin tile iiuptrd ■ ;■■■:

. K v i u i v r »

I f f w w il lUtm h l ^ v. I— jg jTlio Twill Falli auirlet mBrket yf«lenJ«F i J*-

»»» IU Jolluwi*; : ,„ i

__________________ ^Lllhl biitchtrn...................... 10 00 lo »9 JO i IIIlcVvy bulencm ............ M.SO to l!».001 llyllwvT «»•» ... -................ ...... -........... 1 »rl

:5 s K i a j - i

Ie»vy hfni. 4 \j ibt. »ud up. tb .............^ j jJ 'UBht licn». uiulff 4',, lt».. Hi ................l i d bo<iLcsiiotnv lien^ Ii>. , ......................... •••‘;« .tuiiCo«ks. If ..................... .................... ..........iprinii rii. iriihoni'.. 2 lb«....................... . liw'liroUffi. nil 10 11. to 3 Itw. ...................IBC ^

;iUe T aik fji ■ ' ■ '-^Dii

' OK' .V"‘" ... -......... - ....— - .................. K l'U ti

___ ................................... .............. f

— —Jiuui rf.itr— rr.— ------------------- ■ TVK i» icasbi . . _____________ ' '.'I'

flacu-Who!eiAl«_.:. - : *aj

niiroU (2 2S I IrrIIUMrU ... _____ « 3 3 ; i l f• •• B«n» iu'i

• a rra l Norlhrrn »OJ0 , jo. nwl MfXlcnin..................................^ I IU|

■■ SmTn *d ,e loT rr--------------- ------------r r — -ISS'. . '

t(%Ml «Bd Mill r t t i 10 nr*n. emu ----------- -------------------1 .40 »i

• Bran, i^ P , J ot«^-U---- Jh Int^ - : ~ ftl, - Dlcklow, No. 3 cr b o tu r -------------------lius; 111

tteuil.Ttlte* '

Oraiigta. cloten_.------- ---------------JOe w OOc i

■ • 7,-. T,

Tomatoth e pouna i ■ ■... n--------------------- '. Pro«nc# . .„ .......... _ 111

' Buttn'CcrtUBiry) , ■n.-nH.Vi r>• • ButtCT •Jraneh)- ------------------------------ tse .11

: , - r ............... ---------------------------- »' ■ ■ CMl. lUttU p<

• • • iDrtlTWdJ «t S S f »“«»». t^n ----------------------- {{j g “

r.V,-'."; • ' •..... ■

m i N - E A m - D A ]

/ > h e n r v / - : . •r r> i . LO '^

;____ — - i i g A ' / m.’C - ' <25------- * ~ 'S D--------- - . M o u t ~ S L . r U . - .— .'-', p n e

--------------- '^ i 'T C T ’’/ c / .M E r “ * i— CT^ r ^ n r c . ^ ; r : r . r r ; r =i— p ™

__ ■■ i-v v v f l j L .P - ic ." ■ . - 'A l 'O : 'O K • ■ ’ 'O '-i.

• ■.<.... I : -(■,________ ; A t U( ( - 10 ' \

■ - . . A i J i . , I',.

acon:r - ^CuUitrc liul) M ifn '-n tr '^ io o n :— Tlio j''!-'.- Miblcrr . Inr r.ill (mH •'ForclKii 11„,. 1,::iiiiiilrli’.. I WniiLI l.l';-' n> Vlhli aiidj Wti>." II) lUitvli n iri'iiilirr.s ri-si>3iid?d, 1 Mr.v .lari: ai'iiiVt rtiiiinniili n fllu - 0(1 ;lt u:ii!inrni ol loii i.ji n-lallons of Ffd- •tilled rlllb^ _i;.ui- iiii iii'lruililvc talk 111 iDii'lvn rri;iti;i;i ;*iul Hi'Ictl Voplivr »“ 0'i ■)l;i)pl 11 iiiail.i niiiiiiiri i'laii.s wiTl- lll^- " " " j •rrv rtf* ■» n r r )n' — o<wiml—#lW L -m rrimi'liriui lo t).' Ii' ld al llir linillf of Mr*, mnti !->iwst MiiljiiirlT Nmi'inbrr 8, wlicti iiiiiiird liul: nil! Iir jmckrd for ilu' -litldKliV linair a! Motv liiul tin- day. rutili .jinii 111 srwiiu 111'- iii'iiaiUcni.

J, C. llaaiili'ju. ac.vHiuianlod by A. Jj. ,, 3 L-Jih.iiii. '[-.Ull l-'ilK. Irll roci-nily 16 rci m ultiirv. Imsrball i-aM,ir> of Ihc wcrm i i l r « a l Chuaio. Mr llalnlllOlii will

wMi Ills iiairiii.’V al Clarrncc. MiMOurCi .ir«u

lliihl ^llor!.•.nIfn h1k> an- In varioiii lilK uamr dlsiiici.s Oils wcc-k Inclndi- t.awiciifr Vail lllitrr. Olio I’lirrx, A; J.Mcrks. Krnticili llydr and Uyron War- iv i« 1(111 wllli an ' 1)11 Ila Lllllr fork of Ihp ctiiK' -nliucn rlM'i-: Liails Cibitlka. Ji-.m. Niii- ',7 .* HIT. Ciriui;<’ llaxii-r mid A. K. Hcs.h liuiit.

:ic (ii;r Irlr mill Grn:i:r IJraiicy a r r In iu.T:lirin Mdiiiatui.- .trrr<’ Mivs H.'lru Mllllkrti. liirillbri- of llir vmrl ia"uii> 1.1 llir jimii>r"hlJir'5i!J\nol. ''fT l” ’.li II lit till' Itliliili KryuoUls Iiumr. MLs.s vhuk Khrabplh Mur|)liv is Mil>*-llUitlnn for i^mui

Jrjirplrflucnrr. C h tm ittr n r t ' :in- uiii-.sis ul Mr. Uai'llrr's .sjstcr, .Mrs. nr)--, ilirrm aii Carry and lainlly. .

Mr. aud Mr.'. WllUam SaniueU arc ‘IK'mlliiK twn wrrks a l Ihr liotnc «f Mr. cUulc ^iiinurlnaro iil.M it Klulu, OroKon.

•wulm:, wltli a larxr aiirnclHntr. Num- cr»,2 Urr.s cn the |iro;;raiu nirludrd rratllnt:l>y Dean Cox: vocal tnuubor. Lyihu Ku- ^crtii; harmntilcn. Milii. Emery ‘Woixl- lumiin ilf : -rrndini;,-Hoac Kiifr rii; iiinno koId, ‘ Lrnori-"~VVoi)driiI 1; rcailuis M rr" fJrl;. Lanwti; pliiiu) >olo, Ltoiif McKae. Wo*nun ul llic urmiue MT\rtl rrfr<'^lnnl-tlI^. 5t„ |,

—..................... . . Ilfcc• to 41

............. I hiKh

' ■ ■ ---------- CaiI1KSVEHTIVEST0CK ilr.i!

DENVKIl. Ort, 1: ifliwrlul tci Tli>- N. w .i—CrIIIp: Il'TrliiU 34i, CJlVrr, 23; ti’f Kfi'V: ,,„n. lirrf -iprn. aiul yc«rllii|[« Mr.ily 10 ..iraiiu;Ir.i vma. JlD 10 $i4.»i I«I iifUi-f' "iroim 'g,- lo Jil' lowi't; loj) « i tiulK M-5U lu , t710; low ciillrt. uml ciitlfB. slearty n>, ' • MniiiK. bulls HMrty 10 Uc higbpr; c»lvr. aiul vr;il. .(riidy; mlri'aip lol> vtnl* »I5: luilk «U_ til tl4: iiatic aiiU frrclYIB.I3 to Ill.tS; I4JI iwund tUlWllIlK »lrrr> ’

.ir<ninTcovi'« tc hT»8; h rifri' ll.M) to »>«; j >latr orlKUi wrrk'o run: Coloradu 3. T rar>. Wyonuuit 113. Tf»as 71, N tr MrilCO S4, 1 |

non.; 'rwctliiu au .'w o lo»d. d lrm ; nual; Kally tolhcr ptklu: two load* HO to 310 i>ound nnorlKlK* U'i3; mock |>l|i» IS: ra>trni mar- huk«l> Atrnity 10 10« lowrr. Ri•BUtfli: Iti crlpU 16,«IP0, around WOO blllfd 1 ly

ti<> •.hrrp or frrdrn iold: rumi>nrcit with | to la.I wrrk, f lo r tal UmlM tt 10 ( l .» htKll*r; I III: T»lik~ii2~T7rinriiiirrt3|^«rTwoT-t3rto~aoe-:— n .iJe huK irT inkT TT ^ona^tJrT rW ri'w i-r*------U 1(1 14.40; khan tirrfdrra >4-M 10 *3.71:' , IIWKI moiilb f« 'c 17,«: «nlr» tor llir work I y ,toul .IDiOWl hcult________________ • . ! K

ciiKMon i.iyi;sToi-K 1 -, ,5CIIICAOO. Oft IJ I.l'l - lUlillfd 8tM«_; * '

Dipuriiupnt (It Aetlfullurrt— Cntllri Kv . iTiiit* 3i»3, tiiiuriuiril a »»•»>: bko' Ird yf»r-1 •']

10 Wc hlKlirf. .IKII. niorr o;i Iltibf kUul-: « 'nulily » tm . Jir to 50e olf; Ih'*it iiradr 1 "

l:iml- Hi iir» luw lui >ritsoii; ull \rariniK« ,‘ ** laiU li.-lirt Bfidp llKlit •lm'< vfry t iirlivr al artmncr. rJlrrnu' H>t> >rurUiit,i 1“

4 ltiU ;. wrl«l»w\»icrf»-Jlli,13: licllu.

1 r, iu.i-»y 2ic up mi |jf,“Vri"iii'i" t 1

h'JI'rn \r;>lri.'stildy: fc|il><'*»>n“‘t ' ' ' ’ 1C-” t'u

[rattlr rloant'aiVaity 10 w’rak » 1ili I'nUUi'y , 2t

'■ ^S arnK 'K rcrlpu 'J^ 'fum ^trrUlnu •lalloin; 4400 dirtcl: by thr «rrk I Jin iloutilrs fnun- frfdiiii itaiion'. H.iso ci dlrrcl, poiistantly Improtln* maikct. l,». .ira tuird wrrk'. tal lamba iradr: rlu-liii: >nU'.|Kc JOO lo ■ c abovp ago; fat r»«- -iroiii!; , Due lup prltr» tanir and nallvp lainU' »IJ.7.'>. |10c ''S ih r r ; uiilk m.33 to III;- lir.-r.iti,K a,rnr> IS lo 17.23; (rnlcr^ U duisii. , t»i

lion*;, iiccripu i}ooo. iiicludmn luw di> o; trfi: m atk rl^ion i^ aUad^l^o lo‘‘t : MOMUnd’. »9,7S 10 IIO.'IO; -paikltiK «>w. w %i I' 10 li-75; »Jiipjjfr» SCO; f»ilmai«i hiildiivrt* pi. JOOO; hulchrra inrduini. 10 rholcr Jlu 10 <r I‘ 3WJ iKiuntlii t».l» to 110,10: 200 10 3Mi |wund> •].&; .'isn-.n ll» Ifl' tWl in tOO («lllid> tB«U lo

■II..,., rl,„.r, W tflO WUIld. tig;.................. .------- . . iHv'

K A ^H jriT V , i ,m :sT iitj^ ___ >cr

>-»)W:~al»«dv ta,,, j.

t *'r r w t g a » -ywnm-t>utf>im-»g:io-i’»-WJoUl»^iim U H IltJ0ffi_r.2)-|0 ;M .«- • ‘ — -----

Caitlr; llrcfIpu W Tcalm SOO; fur.wrtk: . mtdli|m-.w||hl-«nd-hta»y al»»r» alraily.10 ‘23em*ner coM aitro f io mo*tlr»e-hii:H- Wla n : bulli'awady: olher kllUnc cltatra Uc 10 SOo hlgticr: ytirllagi Iti.broid (tcmann t l 1 * tn* Jul #dUinte:.v«»lcra aw dy lo ^ litgh* ^ rr: weighty talvca up SOe lo 1i<: atoeker*.Illd ftcdrn iiram to 2M.higher: ipot up

powjd'mUM n ^ l n p lis lo * beat maiurtd • ft ite«rt-»l»;.bulk-n»UTs grun feda tU.T} to Its: led patMr* l l tM to 112.30: atttigbi ' graaten *5,74 U M s tU ckm 19 to ; re«4»r> IIM to I II . ' • -,

l A I L Y - K E K S J - W M - P A L l

r : " - ' " - : : - . - ; - ; - ■■ '

ME--LIR.V/' J - .

% w u i : — j / . ( ? j4 .T .io 'ijr.n .r.T C A ,i

i i T J r n p A

'M. T M C D H IV C . w / . r . i r a S■ M1..1 I I '/ / : ’A*--. / • f ; ^ \vr “r ;1i / W ifl/. I ! ' , n r . i ;( n / | U

' " '' T ^ - ' ' ■

«rV-|5M, n thm J 4 » l..,* la i- UJinnH- f II,: l..nib« tl2 » ; bulk 112 in iU Ji L L

ti<aii:.s i.ivc.sToi K oonrN ; o<-i 12 .-r.- iunun i m:h.’ i> -

? i " ' r . V n , u “« ''" . : ''i iL i "rMi.,.."'::;;!’';...... fr«- l0V.drl^<-Ui« Un ii' ::'i‘I.10-I ■.'< t a » ; ifw |i>:hi. W i'.. ii.cKii..; -"» 'j

^h IViC’ w i (

IHT3 to tnw , romir.oii kliil i.i.iiiiiiii l*i i" 'Id; .ii» . 17 JO tn (I: ................. .nl down lu (J: biilU IA t(i >!, v..;>lri> ll"u n i r a r ’------------------------------------------------*'

.Shrrp; li>(Tipi« 17IU. iiifiuduii: Ami

U123___________ ^ _________________ IWItST, JI>>I:J-II i.ivrs'i'di'K j[[‘ ’

ST. JOSLI'II, o n , II Ulllll cl St lU-*l)i-l.i.rtl:ii lit, ul AKllfullilti,»- H-- , : t 1ik« liwi; iiiBiki t iIi»kkv, •ii--d\ wuh ln -liny', low tlair or wraK li, IU0 I.m.: ll.mi ."lal,

ilnHIUiK' aitJuiiirifl“ (jiriiu;iH ■'.i iKluiii: S27 M pouml>. M «. iiu>*:lv 17.74 lu iO.23 otid

FritI'mrliiiss nud n itirr; and liiv n .tin niv. -n

'!r.!dy:*i)u^nd*iKr't .V,'m“ '‘(u' .rtiau‘i(aH JUr lowir; rrjilarriunil 1.1.'. i ' iiiiv.iu; tlon .niund .irartyi ftioicp loiij jniriiiK- IlillJ. jinvtlu S 'u JW w '^ lT ^i‘^^■d vv..";n n r t.T ’i i 2:»riiiOTsniir»i2 ' ^ n j i t 3rrTisrrt -Wnl

»riO*"o V«!l?; 'bulV'inV rilun l'M iii" 10IU; iKrf ron> 10.73 to »7.Ju, . u ll.r vr M.-.13,15 to WIO; .me<llui!i l>iil1. »T 10 »7.V'; Mr.-


pr» 23r bishrr; top fat Iaiu1» $13 2i, l»ilk liolUT Ufadr. latr I IIU t . i . lU i '. *li:i'Hy choicr Iiall>r« IU.73: liu'k- lor •Mik 111 lo -•

!:,„1‘^ v ?^ 3 'ir .i2 V J ; "_________ : ____ JtW

t.tIH AN(i»;i.»:.s t.lvi::(Ti»'K i)„l103 A N O aia, Ocl, 12 ..V. - iUultrd illlll

6 lai.r» Uniarlliirni Of Aiirlnilliiri') - HoK> 1, 1.;Ilrcclpts Idf wrrl; 4M0; i'lo»Iim uurxfulr 2Sc , • to 40C lowrr lliun wrrk ag» bin 2Jc to 4»c lhe hiKher ihun wpr»'* low iimr: c1o.iiiii lop - V

ii^-;^i'ak y iV ^ w -u^Hy t u lo H*MT--------Caitlr; llrcrlpN lur wi'ck JlOU: all cU>sr< Kr.l

^Irailylo 2S( lowrt:'four toad> koo<I •Irluu i.kMwn. l 1I.tlS to 5I1.7S; uiajorlly -lrr,» l-i.JU 'tl. I l l lU; tbin Mrxlcnu. down to >7,73: l>“‘hulk: cow. »7 to IJ.23. , Calvi-.; Hecrlpl^ tor mr week 100: xifoiit:; iiu to ti4.

Slirrpl' llrrrlpt> [or wrt-k 431; strady; , ,mr.liuai lanilK ilo.73 10 111; eull uiul coin- ■>.■nun rwr> <2 .SO l<> M; cluiln. lunilM i|uulid tob tip la 113.10: ehnlCP rwrs 10 WJS. 5


—Polato-Maffceh-r--------------- r..-".' ' --------'Sai

Ill,\ll0 .MAIIKKT ;< llIKIDAIIO o n . 12 iJV>(t‘lillrd till

Karly deiniRd arthc; market tlrong: , pHtri hllhrr; latr drmand llih t; lomr hu»rt» huldint ulC ea>ler undfrlonr: of ItuufH U. 8. No. I K .Ji lo RJO: rar. tU ly aalpn niotlly araund IIJO; frw^anull

i'o’ Vi .m ! mOTlTyVuiMttiraU _ iii i .ir is r . s . Xu, i n . i i to n .ta . mo«ily

------ -------- cittc.\Ro-it,M tK rr--------------relClllfAliO. o n . 1; 111 (Unlird KlJte« mr

Ufpaitmenl ul .(grlrulintrl—Polalurc iqllectliui tl£ catt. an track 43}. m u l, L,,Unlitd Kiair. .h lnueni. 1123: tradinc >nitrlflr ra«lrri Wl..on«ln aacked rflund Jwhhe*. noflhecn tfcllon $2,iS to *2.73: be- cenlral »erH onK .»toM ,M | Mlnn.wlaand Nurlh lukuta ucked Hrd Hiver Ohlo'i S2.ID lo i:.Ji): fancy ahadr tilgh- ' r r; Mliinrtula uckrd ruuud whiirt tml

ll) UM; Dihpf. « j i lo nJfl;tiuulh ItokaU urLrd Karly Oblol 12.30 Ql' I.t 12.M. frw T .U; Idaho caeked IIU»>rl. K .tJ lo 11, _____ ,_____ ^ _ j a

• WM.T L,\K>: r i f v . Ort. 12

" I ’m ' s s i u s s t■•at auira—CalllurnU-lS, Cotorado ICI.

~ ldali« IJBTWafnr 413. Mlchtgan IS.

lUkata 13, VVa.hl^..n tZ. Wl.con.ln j o ^

CitlCAlin I'KODUCK CllfCAGO. Ocl, II ..I’l — 1‘onUry; Allvr,

«lrady: rrcrlpta 2 rar.; fowl* 2Sc; >prluir>J2e to 3lc; roo«ln> I'U' Turkrya 20c 10 30c, l)iicL> IOc to Jlc. IW-'*- 20c.

SAN V n A N a sto ^ o h :* ^3 * ^ Jw iu u

'‘biiiona; a rro i tl to *1,2} lug.; Siockton JotibliiK ned ^Dtirt l l U j o tl,SO: yrllowa^

''i^ ialoea; JcilitiUig «2.'jj 10 »2,«0 cwl.l iw r- <r low as 12: \WauiKlon O rnn 12,40 to •J.M . • - ....................

■ ..i jiiicc .a ic^ iacuuu iL . af-uie_sauilcry- iwnti^ .law nt WnMilnmon; there have

■ service coini'wiiMiUoir"

' M7 Dear K riendi - ‘;.„ KiiFry-up MKl Rvi-thoM flno ap p lu .ftt ~Farii0 OrTltflrtl„ befort! we liim the h o n ^u\. ' . ;— =Aa.7:

News W ant Adi rcftch th e p l e you«U h to tUracU - ..... ---------- .— ^.V-

I, ........ ' —C L O V E R S E E D .

. We are In the m 'a rk e taB a ln 'u uiuiil : (or high grade rc4 clover, ■UaUt.

OrUnm and ai>lke seed.C. L. CUNK .

; <«M th AW. K orth^ m B e « w T w la P tU i


A S O U N E A U E Y ^ ^ A S l p l

: : ~

-,it'L r n , i i^ D f iT a n - n t i P

0FFICffillWyL?3--------------- — - - —

WJ i e d c r M r i i i l l W ill M o l t ) | | l l l |

O i 'f i c e o f C o m m i i n d c r o f I _

O r g a n i z a t i o n !•' o r ^ Y e a i ‘ SI

_J*AU1—O c l^ lJ—Ai_4ujni:cuiii:.0 t_usc. _ w h » Amrrlcan Lculon n l Puul Friday ovc- |„ „ |) nlnn lhe fcllowinu c ff lr m were cleci- g im ts c d ip im n; f iwtiif n a t t tC-m i cvlv.r J o m u iwiimaiicicr:. Roy Sicken.. i i r .n U c e w »ini iirc sideiiirFS iycC tiirH 'iom rvlce f im - countt Idi-'iil., Jay Vnn Avery was rc-rlyclcd made ad ju laiit. %oh Klmtiirrllni;, rliu))lahi. Fulls .iiul Ilny Clnrk, nArKoanl‘ai*aniia, In* from I .".tallallon o t offlccr* will bc liuld Fil- enil 11 day cvenhtK, oelolJer J.'i. {brnliir“ \iiv i Koju Cullcy. Icaclicr ol nu: sec- otid Krade. was 111 mid nnablu^o I ra rh : P‘ Friday aflem oon. "

■nic“RillM who a tlciulrti ilio Woiinin > of ire CTil'MUill TimiM'iiUlCr- L)llWll-vmn’Pm'‘"b,ilnTIi tlon n l Twill Ftilb \V«lnr.*j1:>y, Thurs- Ul iom dav nnd Frldny of iliis w rrk were: Mr.v 11 Is li r . J. Tocvs. M d . 'C. \V, Scliiildrr, Mr... Umc 1 WnllhiBford. Mr«. William Trl'.'brr. Mrn, shown Cml Benedict. Mr.i, H. A, Wblllon. Mrs.I cd of Charles WUey. Mr.-*. Gcoriic Mu'Or and]m 'y. ’, .Mr.s. •Jitticl Coon, | alliia. Tv.cnlj; iKcinucrs of the Social club of i

Mrn, Mllllr Fl.ske, who will Iciivc .siwu io'-s[>etid M«ne time a i ih r home of u . .n X daiiuhicp In Callforijla. and Mr.s, W. R ,'* ' I’r icrm an, who w ith Mr. Peterm an ulll g . j iLaVL- K'r KnnjM j^herc_thi;y wlU make „ lll llr luime. Tr.ivel Kaiiicf. were lUayrd and a luiulcu) jiroKntin ciOoyptl, Tli- =

.;ir.shinciiiji were served n l lhe clo>c of £Iho afternoon......................... !- W htlr niaklHK repairs on hls truck al 1 •-— “

,hnn tr-

Rr.ilii 111 ilu'-HnKernian counlry. caniilii liL'. rlijhi hand In n btizr.-snw Friday, ’.h badly, tearliiK the miLsclei aud llKa* - . . .h r mrnts. A Inruc numbei' of Paul rrsi- , drni.s a liendi'd the funernl Momtay o l ; . . . ,„ i . H. L, U iaty ol Heyburii, who died Oc- tober 4.

Since lhe biirnlnB to the t;rout:d of the I’hoenlx-K raft fnctovy at jg ,g nui>ert. llie nillU .Irom 'llinl vicinity U J jjj

tory utider ih r inaiinitement of Arnold •aamptr:— A-tnnpom r>'-bulldlm {-l!r-be- — ini: fitted ii|i hi Rupert (o bc uu'd niitll tlm new factory 1» erected. In IJ'

day of ihL: week nnd will be elost-d all i Son of ncxl week lo nlve the hluh .school' iro C i.tuik'iits an opportunity lo help har­vest berLs and Dotntbes. Murn ‘ 'T liT I'aiil' C S raT m ^d'K 'gniin^-iii-cr. ['Aflen lm; a t llu- liraime hnll'Tue-itiay eve- _ Ail

re(re«lint<>i>l<v.werf-r«rvedf-Aniuuifau:Jc> «yM«i mnn. Eihel McMillan and ML« Serr are puny, to becomr members n t the nexl inert- ihereIn g , . . ------------------- -------------- Dijtrl

Mrs. Harley W hltton Is reporied lo cnlltl be conflneil lo her home becniise of an versua ttack of hifluenni:--------------------- .son. .

While topping; beet.1 Frldny Harold Inijs ' P e lll lt cul llu- palm of I1L1 left hajiil when qufte bmfiy. . • ' . ' mlitni

Mr.i, Kellll Merrill entertnliifd-aboui. elntm a children ol the tourth grade a r d j th e p

PEERiRem ains niore .stron ' Twiii Falls' Wost: ppi

" 'Y b u r " n e ® h 1 ) ( 5 r , h a v l H

. ' ------ ----------- y n n w h^

■............ So Will

The Ga^Pir ^ ; ,.

• ' i '- ■ • ! ■■

f O E s i A J v r O R m o J :

" T X o t '•Th i n I ^ ^ ^ ' - ' T w i u T ^ / w a i t w o n t

lU W i- T O D O A . _ i A p - £ i E W O R K . ,1 2 ^ 1 .U -T H & -R B S T -

• aa?d / j q t a )

• - W O R R N ••1 % %

______ - T - ^ , ■ / m k \

U'lr ti-achcr. Frieda Dci-ker. aifprojoc

•" .if lif i-ro n ’s pltfhth b tnhdny nnnl- :pany. .T.s.irv. Game* were plnynl nnd- th r tiatidi ifsi ci honor rt'celvwl uinny Kifis from Counl h rriritds, Mrs. M errill was a^.Uli-d :fvndai ,• Mr,s, Jiick Merrill In ,servl;iK ri-lrp.'.li- held Iinii-. - j „ I


Heiirt-eHH_____ the 01

' (|Ulred-Whethrr-Twln-FnlU-l.i-to-l»-lii<'ludBd-i^‘l ^ 1 n IHI of leadliiK cities of the Unlu-d lilies on which u Rlniit'wliale 53 fw.i ItifL ' < mg nntl ffflghiDH-rpnre_ihQn-3? toivs; Phd 1 ifl niiikc ckH. (ItiriiiK 11 Ioih' uroi»»yhc Mintry on n'hlch it hns stnrted; Is not -reeelv ladc dear in 11 tcleiimm to the Twin claim nils aiipiii of the Oregon Shorl Line csnlru •om D. S. Silencer. Sail Lnkc Clly, Ren- -'iuire.s •al pa^seIll:cr aiteni. nniiouiiclii« the .snld ii :-KliiiilnK of the trip . The bin mamincl celedi ,-itiounltsl-oii-n-fciwoiuIly-tunkiruciud (endui Intform bulil by th e Union I’aclflc «y»- utid n ri7i-nnd is-c arrled -in -n -siiec itiH rfw rrleasi ase, where It i.t prcaerved ns a result f,.|ulai f ireuimrnl w llh HSfi Kullonx of-em- ,)n,jr , iiliiTIni: fluid. Ow'fni! luiiWi'fliUti'.ilB>s n S H jI lowtu lo be vlslied ll Is i.lnted Hint

Is Imiwislble n t th e bcglnnliiB to nlve ^ ,me of arrivals of the exhlbU, where ~ . iiowii. which will, liowever. bc publlrn*- ,II of arrivtil n l any place In the ltlncr«ry. The whale was cnptured near Cat* Inw Ilua Island by fisherm en afler a four- ilie d nurbatlle. . . .. b.: blr

~\iubrri-i;aMeret^dlsci)viTed in l9J3,!iie7cb; ' .u h l^ 'o l ■aiiUMui* 111 a c-ive iit'iirloiilfspan. Frnnce, modeled a l l e a M -------1,060 years nuo,____________ m m

S. JENSENIUS. CnrT-.enler and cabi- e tm n k tr . 135-flth nve em t. adv ■ ___

Legal A dvertisem ents | ^NOTICH I

leelln;’ of the Boarci of Pardoiw lo b e ' eld ai the S tate House, UoLse. Idaho, n tho first Wednesday of January. 1930, t lalci; appllcnllon for a pardon Irom that X LTialn Judiiment of conviction of fo r- . ery. mnde nnd entered In the Dlstrlcl tm m :oiirt oil lie S tale of Idaho, for Twin •nils Couniy. on or aboul December 2 1 . , = = 92fl, L — ,

Dated a l Poise. Idaho, Ociober 7.1029.' |

Charles B. Slreeler, \

IS EllUITY NO. io n .n the Dlstrlcl Court of the United

Soiitheni Division, ro C. Bradley, et nl. Complainants.

V.s,.lurray Broskinnn, e i nl. tem ion-Ke n i r r : on Wiri&li PHlFt'U--------»

Aii setUers on the SiiJmofi Projecl and

lany. Llmlied. nre hereby notified thiii here Is peiidlni! In llie United SUtvs3 ltlrlc t.^ o u rt-a u jto U c ,-Jd a h o .-a .a u lL : ___rnlltled; ‘Irn 0 , Bradley and others ersus Murray ^ o o lo n an . A. C. Robin- 6 n rJ .”irT ueJIi:he f and Peoples Sav*ngi A: Trust Company of P i t ts b u r g h ." -----vherein there l.s presenled for deter- iilttnelon.zind drcree blHdlnR upon nil Intmaitts ihe ijuesilon w hether or not he plaintiffs nnd o ther Mttlers-on saldl •

M ICK-^ ^ UNG• o n g l y t h a n e v e r

p p p u l a i ^ t r a c t o r . ' ;

irm g u n e n v i l l - t e l l — - ~

g h v . - " ^ --------- - “ ^

Wl l . — ^ ^

ParlrerCo.“ , ^

, 1 9 2 9 ' - ■ - : : ^

" S R E S W H F H A 5 W T S S T F I O n f I J E E K 'l l b F HIC. W O U C -I V E T —

a t 1 r w M O T J.OOKIMC AROU^E « : I m a . / .M 'l s u e a i i T O T S ^ w o m ~ .— ............

ojQct an- rnililed to hnvt;^ih f shares o r jla ji

ny. Llmlted"iiii|i'irieiianl-to.Uii..Und4 a fu T c l indltit; $ii llir tet'WiU ol Twin Falla aujLor uiniy. Jrtnho, lii the uaines of .said de- tllfs he iidanu . <>r any of tlirin. cnncelled and hereby Id for nuuxlii.In ihl'i suit iilauuiffs conlencl ,»uit C'A’nipn-nr.t'rafirt-tltestqck in S u ln in n .j,- ' ■vcr Canal Omipaiiy. Llinlled,, evl- j..,

I tu 'llK' lunds 011 said projecl now tnding on ilir

T rust c om iianyo f Pltt.sburifii and e o ther drlrudmil.s heroin, ^ ■e e ac- . r Ired for their benefit, tliai the dc- .... . iid.mtK liavf as-snmert Uie obliiiniions tiic w ntrr fon trac i.r hciwecii lilaliF ,,j

f,s o r Iheir [iiedeces;.or.s hi interest ,id Twin Falls Salmon River Land and

eelvhiK llll-am o u n t o f . watt-r.-thcy dm 10 be enlllled to-recclvc.niider said nlrac ts. the i;ald w ater rinliUs and g. ares, of sleek apiiuilenutii lo the ^j.p- Id lands ot defendatit-s should be cnn- i„.„5n , led und held fnr nuiiuhl. white the de- iidttiHft-iin^Konit-iHlliw-UmUplalnltU*- -Yj-fltnri' ,d nlln-r seniors on .said .project'have , , , leasrt-nny-und-dll-cluJnit-»Kuiiui-dc-. idani-s under ?uid w ater eonir.ieis or All pi eir rlBhl.s lla v c^ feIt coneiiisivt-ly set» <nake n irTjy bliitliinf adJ'JillciiiltmfriuiU u i r tm T n c nteiidinu furilier •.lint none of tliem xcmbcr et us.sumrd’lh r oblliiatlotis of ihe said Uilrrviri kin Fnlls Sulmnn River Land and itJtlmo nier Company uuder Miid'coniiaetA. iiini ul Inw m uch as ll is contemplaied that e decree to be entered herein sh a l i |“‘ '' blndhii: upon all clalinaula. w htlher t ”

reby ttlven Hint all per^wis w];o a re jp .n ed

—Potato StG o m e a n d s e e o u r c e l l a r b

__________________________v o u r s t o r a t

PALACE SAND ANDi P h o n e cSO l


■F Itj i \~ R a n c h o J

.. ■ . “ r r - . T ’.T in llea ra o u lh e f tH l.'Q f

fo rm erly Simp.soii (

J la ry e s t S__Now-iaihft.lime-to.Betji>ULM M ^



“ Spccial Clean-Up Sale oa /

7 ^ T " 0 ^

2 1 0 - 2 2 0 S e c o n d J T T O i n l A v e n u e S o u ^ I W I U 1

W w f ^ T I______ : - :_________ —_______

rK W O W HO.W— •- ' — •T O - U 6 5 ^ M G M £ : i : ---------- ------H E N E E O S -A

— •............... =i _ - . K O R . A ____ _A _ „

S O C I A L V /< ^ S E C R E T A R V . i ' ____________


•lalin (0 be-5lmlIflrJ)-J'«»fll<^‘i "> •*>'*...... ..I.f. aitiiin or may here-

?rn iin -ttnv .:ef-l.4ie.liiuiiiUU-flt:.lhto_ . . ..o r .my of the relief r.oiiHlit by.plaln- s herein aiiniiist l aiil d'efendimU. ur;-- ebv nllowed lo and mcludim; the 4ih ■ of November, 192'J. Ill whicli to ap-r Ulld file the necc!.iiiry ylciidr.ii;". .........his su ll to obtain nn ndjiidicalion nf[rviftim ” nntl-that-nny-i)erw >n-nut--------------appenrlni: In this suli wlililn hnid .

ins', the snld defriidani.'i ns afo rr- ^ , .sliiiU be tnn-ver barred tr om elaun- }

Hint ,'a l'l defendanw have as.Miined obllR.illniis 0! T'Aln Trills Siilmoii

rr Land and W ater Company on nny Ils wnler couiracls or ilial said «h-,i.iMu ur.iinyofiliem 'h o ld ftiiv w ntrr t -------11.S o r >hare.s of slock In SaliiTon Ftiver lal Conipr.ny. Limited,'lor lhe benr- of such iier^oti.s. or th a t the s jiiir .

I sueh parties ahull not, iijfler lhe . ‘ -elusion 0' the trial and the ;udntnenl the Cnurl herrin. be .heard there- ;r la come Into coun nnd claim the icHts of lhe tleerec .reiiuered herchi10 renew any of the claims made bym rirrjrhcrcin-m Tthett-biH 'O l-Tom ---------- —IIIL______________ •_________ ’,11 persons who de.'-ircjo ccme in inns'Ke nn upprdiiriuir _________

iber, ID2U. nnd all pjrsous who mi 'rvirtie tha!! be bound by all of th,- Imony heretofore InirodiicL'il at llirII o f th is cau.s<; the same ns If they 1 been parties in said .suit ;u tlu- innint; of the irlaJ,ly oriier of the Court. . ______

\v p :---------;?d Ociober I lth . 1020._______________ ’

itorage >' b e f o r e y o u e n g a g e ^

■ a g e . ' - _ _ . ^

D GRAVEL CO. I TS t h ' S t , S o u t h f

m o — =r


; g f T w il l F a l l« . . .

11 O r c h a r d s ........................ - '

~ ‘ ■■'T Supplies _iiin e O verhauled and ready I__________

\F T IN G -P U L L E Y S

tO C K ETTS__________________

G E L ’SrARE'H&t-S u p p l i e s ” ........

I Fils, Idaho

Page 19: · 2014. 12. 12. · ^raiBEtisi^™ "-FumEnm oFiiEinmEl ________ a l: —Br-f\T^^I«ddep-LQU(U' Air- ^ l)laiie' as» Grefttest

s e a i i m m a l i m a e s i s s s s s s s e ^ B s a s B S s

z = ^ T K e ^D EV It’S

; F rank L. Packard— - - •

Peier'ft tiaud wenC iwlQglns' to hU forchMd, bru*l»ln« back Iho wcl hair

. util of hU eyes In n rtivzcd w iy. T here i came Burgltig u|w n him a seiue of in* | '

_Jlrnic{l lha l he linO heard orlRht. Thc cbnnierM cnirtl-to-num b hU tncuUlcii. I .

— WroWtlm-of-ih«^j*ow«MiUlU»rapccch-^-------. or movcmciu._ . •_

~ T « e 7 ' jaK n iu in p lifcy 'O nnh ;-------- ;-------■•HIh D u n n " m {<S th e Ulile

n-d -ha lrcd^k lppcr. m ihouith ll w tre , iin-niicrihmiBhl. "Alee Dunn."• Ami then n quiet volcC fiwkc—cleiir and son. with Ju»l th e suBKCsloin of u tremor tn ll. r a

"r um er. t iu iu .^ u u uun ii iiii.'mj m m .__ liecil iit tcn tlon -d rj- clolhc.i micV focKl?”

•■Yes, yo irrrnB ht.-M i>rlnn ,^r_G arU i_. aiiRwcred with b lu lt hcnrilnfv'. " A n d ' ^

the bcsl the I sb luis lo oirer! r ien iv ot ’ . Umc lor llllle Inter on. Now IheiuCii])-

__ uUii M umm D uim -iH ’ag:il—Jm t tome nloiiR below we'll whnl

Pcicr‘.s hiind llfleil and .■iweiil’“Wicc _.Jtioi,c.oci'OM htarWCTr^Hc cotild“riol

her uny more. T iie kiouii hud clow d in ' .tm n» l the I 'itle rftl-hnircfl .-klpiy r nm i hlm>clf. U wit.'i like ihiii oiticr iilghi

• when fiicci nnd lo n n s hnd come between J"®'* tlu'rn. blolilim eiiclt ou l ol the other'* hlKh.l nm Ihere w iu w m tih lnu else } ''i ‘

—h.,w—homelhlnK el*e belween ihetn. On* ~^l5rtitsTTilntl‘*crmed"l»rwlldere<l!*w>nIuh^—1^^

cd. A -i \ Mirt or rcjtrlevc. Alt>c Dunn! “ P;, III ft dnietl wny Pelcr tound himself |® J‘

. Ju 'riilu irM iim m undM O iirlliTnnllone. orlw oolhursiiroundlllm V w nycouU hfl he •eleiir his m ind of confusion? Nol * Pcler Blnke, wanll'<l fnr.«he m urder of ' Tom M urchlwn—no i Peter Ulakc—Alct Uiinn! ,

-------------------O n -IW ard -th e .X » U ------------^cltu_____lli rc e b i'lb -h H lf- ra s t nine!

'• lilt'hm »r'K in«^ih^[;nnc down? Jncrediblu! Peter Kill In '

— HTTTaKy cnijlc Hilt!- T ,i! ir ttl-n t-eap i.n ii-“ “ l Mumm, wiio hnd fluiiK lilmwlf-dottif^"- ■ on one of llu- m ln beds In lltc luxiii-- loii-ily iiiiiwlnUd slaleioom . A Mcwurd was rcmovinc llii> remains o t u meal J " |

__ ihiit had-Jiibt been served lo jheni._____ivicr'x eyes hhlflcd from Cni>:alii

Mumm lo the ^U•wnl■d. The fellow wns *'*' nil imm'ui^»!;iie iltt^le clini). nn East I n - , “ ‘

c<l cordliilly. mill was tnidouUlcdly «nx- lous lo, please nnd be obliging, bu l P c itr wWted the mnn would is). W hnl wllh IjrlnKlns In oulls o t elothea, and sulU *;;®l of pajnma* and tn tya of food, th e mnn

• hnd been constnnlly . In and out o f the- .itflleroom from -lhc ffiontent-he.-Peier-

Hnd found hlmbclf lia co-occupnnt will; «»' .Cniiialn Mumm, And now. lils mind no " loiiRcr In any so rl of daxe. he wattled ">

■ ' 'to talk to Cniitaln Josephus Mumm more t*” ' terlotisly than ho luid ever wiutlcd to *®‘‘

^ T - i "rTTr^— ^ - ‘r -’- r Illh lnsk.^ ftppnrenlly a t an end, •

“Is lltere. nnythlnn eluc yon would like. Kcittlemcii? Anything lh a l I cnn

y brlns you?" he Inquired, wllh nn lin i l- "*| . Ini! *mllc, "Mr. O arlh>.order*, Mi!., '

"Thank you. no," u tld Peter."If you will ring—ul any hour." smli-1

cd itie little mnn.• nidh l!" said Peter,

__ .T lip_doo rclo.sed. — :Pcicr Rol up frnm h li chair, nnd Mood

for n momcnl mntloitles.i, his eyes fixed “ onCrtlitnlir^o.’w ptiuxM um m -w nln-T hc - ■ llllle rcd-lialred nklppcr wns In pajam - - ( a«—had promplly donned them . In fart, thc momen t ihey Iwd arrived, nnd in lliiil m iu in e liiiu euii'ii rnn urmi. j u u ' h ,[ hcrvcd by thc Mcwnrd. Idc

"Swallowed n b i t 'to o much occnii. ing

• ■ by wny ot cxplnnnllon. "Aln'l fei-llni: loo _ t KOOd. nnd a in 't Koltts tu tog up. I 'm yot


Uui' Pc!l7hnd tihuken hU hMd* u l th a i i *’cKUKcesllon. nnd hod ptit on n 'n u l l of noi

1— '•H'nm r = pniwn3»—con tn im ttnm y- BUTr tjcj• of the ynchiV_offlecr.s — thnt he had

found ready for hliii. OlcepI TonlRhl! ,iw She wn.% U|> there . aomcwhcrc_on_dech cor Marloitl He knew Iter nnritc. H e had yoi heiiixl her fa ther cull her by name. M ar- j lon Ourth, Sleep! Tonlsht! O n l of allllie nl|!lil.s-of hla llfe. Ihls niRltl murked km n crlsl'i whoM! uftermuth, whutcvcr It Hit

^ ’iftiehl be,wotild pndurelu the end of his ^ iluyfi, ufie im ullirW liiitw oulin itn lu iicr- rci

. m ulhl)c7H ew antcdto5cc.licr;-hom u*l ..------ jcc 'herrtalk -lo -hcr-lon ljtlil.—But-flrat- -goii . he inuil Inlk to Ihl* man here—Cupiuln

JoseiiliiiB M u m m ^ liP red-haired tV.p- - i i per. lra.v:lblc. nnd oiirc tinlov'cly o t in

~ n man, wno nuu atidueniy ui^ir-iiorntcu i “ “THiM.icifin'JO'imexirecicd u iiintiton7in‘-''r]>ci

to a Very h um an friend, and—Peter p t Ijnllcil n lltlle w anly n o w -a l th c coal grl of CSOOO10 hlm selt. Two hours njto Cap- •

• tuln Mumm hud lived merely for tho i oni . jUOOO; half un h o ^ r iiBO lie Itud glibly Uil

lojHcd ll away—u'^aerlflec lliut. know- ngi Jnu the little tk lppcr aa ho. Pctcr, knew •

■ Hie oihcr. wua'iiofciuilly mCBCiircd.— - Ufl______ fl, it- ln -U i6 -lo iis -tu iv h a d n l-ll- l)cc a

'tiitllo, iiKlc-vi—ll bcini iicsle th a t re* nh bounded upon.hlmsclf with ugly compll- to ciiilDrw, bolh for Ihc man who hod mado all

. ll and fcr'lJiD m un,on whose behalf It du llllll been miMlo?^Whut was he, P c te rj io -

' Wa* ll^oiiy-CBilarto fac e 'h cr n» ^- P e ie r Hr*K5?'-Tll -lllfl-l»»l-mUt>'ll*-ho^ —

kiiew liim he nlone must decide, bu t th jj —,

whiiever lls tilUmaUi cansequencc*. hb ^____ «'«siconxtou2uo(-u.fiLninse_tttK-Ukl[U( —i— ant{.^,an i|.h eo rtod -*iKinUfallo

Ine beMde tho bed, leaned over and luld nii ' -b<rth itlKlianBii'on Uio m tlo rcd-hnlrcd ^

— »l(l|)per» bhou]drr6.-T6r n w»nDCtit-hl» W,- . - . g Z lield ‘h o :o ] j ic r .> « te f t^ fA ^

■ ~ "Jo » ip h u iM u m m ‘r h B n d o n d - l te k « n ii^ — -olher’* In n ilg h l . eloquent grip.* w

••I havon-l had a chance of luiylng I before.” w ld Poler huiklly. 'bu l w hal » you did up there oo deck, a Uiile while oil

, / - ■ - ■

y<UU--'iU»T ^KT W 6 E N & m t ROOWk-------

■*'— |~ W T « w r n N f r - O B P A tC fM U T ^

rrnt f \ u m ^ / V T JilwROOfA"' ' \ f BUFaV

_____w 'TME 5YAM PIN(.y v*h U U

KO wu» IIA <lecenl n th ln s ' us one miui ver did for nnother," . mpnpinin Mumm b)lnked - - nn^:>.liriiiit.- j m

‘"Itumiih!" he gnintcd, "Attd yi'u om- ' f r x p c e l - m v kldnrv nriiti- , __ r, did you. ch? Kind of left you u:; iiab- — ^ y ar, n Jellj’I lih . whut?" , | _ _ -••No." wild Pelcr qulejly: • Irom 'Hi;ii t l

•fl-Feen*nf-vntt7-to-bc-|>frfecily-tiuili— *------ul. 11 wiirit'l nt nil whut I cxpectnl yuu ■ S T lo rb u n tiiin n a ln s-lt-n H -llit-m o n :------

-••And-r-nirtnrcxpccTTo". nilOier,- in - 1 AU LTtupleil llio other Kruflly. ..^Aitd t ,umi: iiini - ii'i' dutn i; ili >‘Wi I’i! --------'OU know! Any ouc iliiil w:i'; lilnined col ciiuiich to k l hlb ehunct >Ii|» ^nii . here m ihe water, w ith nnbo;ly i.'it p)!il hlmselt, mid where he 'd be iiUlt: tc ; ___illrli n»v vjr ii he llkcci 11 ItC wur, [ili ket! _____ip, oui:ltt 10 have koi wus cominr LATI0 Him, Itulend ot thc olher fellow m«k- Hkt iu: of hlmiclf the worse fool of thc two! phon jM iyyi'itrm riiir’ ii ' livei am m . w . » . ■ llivol i— --------- -------------------------- ------------

"liavo you?" a&kcd Pcler sofily. „"Aye. blusl you!" snnpped Capl.iln - *i

lo.sephur, Mumm. "Plve thousand ------tound.-' suite lo Blory!” ' .

Peter gmllcd. T lielr hnnd:i were M ill':lti5C|)ed-ln □ mlghiy grip.-------------------

"Damn il." said Pcler. und nl:i voice ft-as suddenly K nilf.ns th e other's.inail'l iiliflX it beforrrhut-yfi'i^y^ H »hii4»-^man. Cnptuln Mumm! Thc \\.A^

"Damn ll," Jerked oul the htlle red -i haired skipper, ••you bu.shed my Jiiw • \vAt Dul there In the v.nier hurder tlmn any he mun ever lill Captain Jow ph tii Mumm before! But If you'll pass th e iHitlle I js jj, E ccthnrgrlnnlrs »<iulrt o f m itcw urdlclt handy over there on the inble. I'll huvc a drink wllh you -M r. D unn.'’f» = —:— Tftrrtnakr-DT-Alee-UuMi*?-----------------

3ver\o the table, filled two glawcfl with ^ Scoich and soda, nnd handed one to Coptaln Mumm, Then he drew uii a , o s chair 10 thc bedsfde nnd imt down,

•'Here's mud In your eye!" ^nld Cup-laln.M um m .wllh.n sudden.and.b.M JlV.[___e huekle-snd swallowed ihc eonicnis o f ! lq e his gluK ol n slnsle sulp, "We'll go ultend | my !nd"—08 Peter sot ItU claw;, scarcely i ^touched, ack on.tho ln b le - " I w e you’v e ; ___som elliliigclsc^t^^ Lci'k1iu u '.|PA ^

—quiet a To'l!' k iw w ""wliui p ro m p t^ you to do whut you did, and I've a lrcn d i'; — told you whnt I think of th a t; but T m lL O J nfrald It's no go," | Si

••Up Ihere on dcck ll eamc so Mid-jwiti- flenly and unexpectedly Ihu l lt~ w ell |o r —11 .ion ot sluitntd me mentally nnd c ie t ue were hu.slled In here before I col ii Krlp on mysclt ngaln. But now I've hnd LOf a cltnnce lo tltUtk ll over, n n rt-w e ll. 1 cr

1 do the name of Alec D unn,'’ tick— Jtctw fcn‘Iw o M en----- • - cne- CiipiaUt Josephus Mumm scowled.

•So!" lie gwordelctuolnETACINeino •'So!" he urowlwl.' "Well, 1 fnnrv, ,

then. I can tell you wny, I hnd an Idea you und lha l younu lady wu* s lu r- *■ Ing ut each other as If you'd m e t before. *I kinil flf Hgiirert 1 w avtuk liic .a chnnr.i;, y» i—but then It didn't seem im slb le vh^: pyou'd have spoken to ench o ther. H o w ___nbm^il-ll?-Am-l^righ^ — T\V(

’'’Caiilaln Muinm.’’ttlU scowllnj: tucued KOi ttbw somewhnl viciously nt lil.'i tuwiiy __^

"Thnl aln 'l so nice and mnbbc n bit TO ' awkwnrd for me n;; wrll ns yoli," he commeii'.cd. .VYo.«'rc. .nfrald shCll clve, ^ you iiwuy. ch?"

Peter shook his hcud."No," ho Kuld.-‘T h c only-num e .hlto

knows me by Ls the one you guve mc up there on the dcck-A lcc Dunn." Z l l i a a t l t f l r w l r l i plrcii'sklutici .V f in - gers took u firm er cluich on hi* bcnrd.- -

"took here." he c.Np1oded, " I a in 't no p n tBotxnn-7iddiw,------------------------------------ '- -r

"Il's not u riddle," P e t c t » « quietly. “ “Isaw heroncc Inn crowd— y e ar# n g o - Iri London. T hnl’* nil." _

Cuptaln Joscphuii Mumm’a-jaw d ro 'F f o i ped. nnd lo r n m om ttii j t^ n tlf rca iit u Pcler helplessly; tlicn siiudcnly n broad u .,, grin ovenprcad hto lacc,

•■My.\^urd!"hccjaculuied, " In u c ro w d , oncc-yeor# u g o - ln I/m donl Dllmyl I r l , Uilnk I’ll trouble you for U iol boltlcftgnlnr

"No” Mid P e tc n -w c 'ic 'B o ln s to t«lU ^ Ufls'out." •— ^UlHllli^VHlU-CliplAllt-Mummr^OO -T ^ nhcndl If you ain’t ntrnld.eha's-going to give you uvay whiil's tho reason you ain 't tatUflcd with thc nam e of Alec


^ " ^ -^ a n te d to Rent: - - - - ^W AN-iro T O '¥ E N T ^ o " .A O R M r^ - -i.perfcnccd._W rlte-ljox-17,-Car« Now*;

n ielh, Oreson. " Wc

W ANTtD’-T ^R B N ’i ^ i ^ ^. fafm, can give refercticcs. n . w , A n- “ “ derson. aon . Del,; Tw in P t l l t . '

WANTED' TO REN T-CO M PO BTA B- •ly fu m lilied 'flv c 'o r ilK rM m 'hliuM V

wUh g in ijc . W rilc Bo]<» ; care Newj j otflcc, -• - . a tt

■gi— BB

(R Y Y H IN fc- rOR TMS

O n e C e n t P e r W o t ^

P e r I n s e r t i o n

AU W»Bl A 'a ri llte nad » e U fr*B «= " *MOl^lb e y .b rln |-lb .- tfu y tr .— ....... PJ-

---- -------nrenra—;----------I. --------------------------- K on

For Sale—Aulomobiles

,A'TE M O D E r6 tD 'S M O Bin:'C O TJPB'’FORlike new. A bitrgaht, Reo Sales C o .., sit

‘hone «2Q. 6

W anted—Miscellonoous

A’A ^ E D - P o ijL T n 'v , » , C. H U N -' ^_ t u : ^ o i t e 0Q3W.___________ _____

IVANTED — FOHl) CAR. PICKUP - BnK■ body. Phone llia-M . - ~

ivAN-i'ED ‘“ I 'l 'lA m N O ' PARTNER, j C:_ g nll-S'f l H l ■"iv'flni'ri-hntPl IvHi

WANTED - - l ^ ^ N O c i r W ^ C A N help drlve’car. share expen.w, for Lo* •

Angeles o r San Diego, Leaving M th o r ' gg y 15th. Inquire Sch'*arU Aulo RepoJr; p Co. ’ ; ,Ta"ni _____•• — u-nl

-----------------Loat. __________ [PJ»5 REWARD-FOR RETURN O PCAM -^FO l - -c o p ln . R eturn to News Office. | ei

L O ST -R O L b OF CANVAS V^ITHIN city limit*. Reward for return,-Phone .

1070, ____________ _ 4 n

LOST - RE O 'm iS H SETTER; m onths old, was wearing chain about . ^

4 tool long. Phone 13;SW, _____ Pal

t»An T V ~ T R A ^ O HATS WITH ME_Qg' al'iW ray5 iJftlc Wednesday m o rn in g .^ ^

hy rnlllng.aiLleaY’. : " ” Ing word. 030 3rd ave west,__________ | 8W

LOST - 'b r o w n m T d W HITE ;ph( Spr;nitcr spaniel dog. 0 months o ld .; ■—

w ith seme white on cars, »10 reward ,»* for hLs return. Snake River Trout Co„ ■ 'Clear Lake;,,. PUonc.3l4J5..Uuhl. __ ___ ^

LOST - ’ sM A LirM A RK ET B.\SK ET: Bu: containing order book. Fln^t N ational phi

tlekei-v Losl on ond wcil rond 100 cne-mia:j,oulho£-lown.. Rcii,iird*^hQ i«iacr

^ P o f S a l e - L i v e s t o c I i ^

f . It t.'U V K P V I I E lF K R . 'T hPlume m o w .■

T \v b RE^^ iT 'Tf'n iE U -C U 'E R N S E Y : In.' f llUiX' l lM J l . . •.-----^

KOit :>ALr: - 3 opO D m ii .k c o W ^ __A -1, ' n . K. Sailer. Photic —

FO R " s a l e - h e a v y ” w o r k TEAM. I and Dccrlng binder. Phone 291W. ; __

I'-Olt SALE-GOOD YOUNO.SPANJtC^ FO bird i\v{. ITed L, Wilson. Roulc I , ' b

Filer. .......... ^

RE oisTE R E D S I W rE D • T O U N D , KO -Chlna-booM and gUU. L. A. Winkle. ]

FOR S A L r ^ c b w s r s ’ j u s ' i ’ f r S h . j •“■ ‘ 2 T 3 l i r s h ? n r F i in k “ nH lK « l^ ^ east of Zuek's Scrvlcc .flatlon , ■ ^ Hanscti. Phone CO. Kimberly. | _- . . ------

I head cl c'.ve;i from B l.t 5 y e w ol age j 4>I1 ' Olid M head ol liimb,-.. 'riic;.e therp iirc ; a in fine eonrllllun. priced rl",hl and p a - ; 255 i>Prse.tnl>e(uriiL.hcd. E. J. Daly, D>»l»l. =


tuale. ihorouKlily broken o}\ » h i tf - ,— Hcck. Hllh6*'f'^"’’' ' ' l ' l t ' * ^ " ‘4—ditekft. j.8iounch, 6leudy rctrlover; one Irish set* j.te r, male, nicely starlcd; I irj»h m Hw .tomalc, nlccly siartcrt:- S Engllih M tter —females nicely slutted; worlds '

-bloed-H neitrnlM ^lw r*'— ^C ttir OT w rlte-Ohlck • Bnin'rfm.--T>iln

, '• ------------- .y PA---------------- ■ - -C

Poun3*- ■ ............... COI

6 TBA V -lJ0 R « K .,- U A J U U lA a rm _ j f i l i

Wem Heyburn. Owner r o i w fo rw i'

V A f J ^ b W PUY.WHITB L M f l ^ |a P iJUlIcU, Joying sualn . Cnll 15B2J«I«^

,a itc r O P. IJ. ' ______

^ r- . ------------ -

L y . m u u ^ u i y u M , ! ! O T

TJf E- G V U P S - N O T T w i i r T B H M I ^ B B r r T r ^

COME ^ ■ ■ 0 i p R P i # r »

“ J J f l T O T / / v K v t i T m s v a y L l f / / ' j r \ 1 1 * H \i \ \ \ U - [

Jill I ^

' T o r Sale—Real EsUtTT.fODERNffOUSErORh'.tLf:. ‘VVANTI

..........________________________________ for gl___________ :__________ M T to ii

. lO D B ttN -S-R O O M -noU K B ^-r— A.bargain. 3'» miles w jilt ot South

;a i)L O f w r i'.- p h V e i

•OR SAL»! - 7 5 'ACIIKS IN MELON wANTl Valley. P . mlle.i !r<ni lliilil Ed• •ln p „ i ( ,

Jommon, ilto Mnry Alice Turk. Beauty

?OR-SAtC=«''ROOM-HOUSR-WITH-%VANTl sleeping porch, medein exeept h e at; keept

,n good localion. Phone “ lO'.V, sen. ^

IfAVE A WELL l.MPnOVtio BQ FOR, near Honsen. 11 inicre.'.icd wrilo ’cQoK.

Box 110, Route 1, Qnaicy. CullI, ce*. W


good «^ut”

Baglcy, Iowa, ou te r.

Clly Park on bcsl rcMiii-nce s lr te t: 3

down, balance ll!:c r<n:. llar.i-y Cog- ' gins, o-*ner. Phone «c , 3 o ^ 5^

8Q ACRES FOUR M1I;KS l-i^OM TW’IN D l o "Fnlls on gravel rtiad, K-y.a htniw, t in ; m.m

land. pienTy of waTei .'i.iy.s sufd. iiiidTill Vriil c u-nlcrs one wny. Prtcvv! r-.i.s:i;i.ible, two m cdui good crop* will pay Ior land. Address m jn lslP O. Box flO«, Ttt'ln Fiill>. vlciis c

FOR SA L E -J5.ACK.i--S Ol- iM i'K oV - ic n ''© ed Innd under fen:P. per a e it.

A-1 soil. 3-room hoiw . liocd well. 1*3 SALE! down cosy yearly paymrnts, fl per cen t lunl d tcss H agcrm an. Hnute J. Box 45. nicnej 4 miles S.E, of HaKermsn. Idaho. A d- lie nn

WE HAVE THE MOST ADVANTAGE- perlen■ ously located acreniic on the T w in >iou. tFalls trac t, wllh lovcHv. modern dwelling. « ,!,.* ,Ocod to r many business ■ N(

TCJHiFinBWJi^TronT^“ inn rtrinT u iii!iu •

c” Al bargain- prices* for -quick aalo. nnd siPhone 357-J, ’ ' Wo"*®

■ _____— _ _ SevenSTOCK AND CEI:D FA R M -W E DE- Blalni

vclnperiMhis >enr 320-aerc farm !'•; ru ra lmiles north cl West Point cheese factory, rowIc ■on‘'B ravcrro ti'fbe ttteen-W endell - a n d - a vec Buhl. Fine m-.v 7-room house. T :le - Rory.phijne, Elecirleliy will be Instnlleri, Well work.

100 ucr<'v eerillled Orlmm nltajfn; 24 -------acres wme piiMuic; SO acros Orlmm a l- MAN

la ilT R n v n n i go«rstfthdrbalPncr-clcar-— nmi ed nnd leveled, ready fcr seeding. No and s noxious weeiU, Oood dralitnge. Tills Hoti.w

TtBCT b rcx ly fw a grn-l rlnlrymim -vscd grower, Pilcc J160 per acre: $5,000 BH'ini cash, balance on terms. Will jtoi rent, r 'lm j T his Is in M ;.ure ,s_ccd dlslrlct. . ’rh ls Hnwl*

seed cropt'iilone .'hould pay for the plnce f'“ ry. I n .a few jc .in ^ -A d d rea .^ .N o rlh ^

-JdRh o, T -------------------------------T W O Olr ^ -T ii

F o F E i i n t — F a r m s \_______ Maek

FO R-RKK T-IW . COOD llOU.'iK AND barn . *1800, liilf 'doftn . baluitcc iicxl noi>r-

fall. I>nul Di-lwellcr, Fher. • iwcitl

FOR r 'e N TON HIfARES-160 ACRES Norill SU!e,_aell ltn|iroved. Cull 151- j;,,

.ji5 -g tlo rrA ficL C ,jM ^,JchnbQ ii. , ____<■ II I -- ...... I II— . invcfi

- F o r R m t ^ u n i u r n i s h e d - —------------ r - r — ------ : r ~ ~ ’ nnd t

F n n nvN T o a r a o e a t 304 7lh AVC f Al — caaL. Ehonc-153B-J..

;4 -R 00M HOU.SK WITH BATH,: age. chickcn hciise, 3 lols wllh berries.; 255 Jefferson Sl, “ “ ‘.'i*I I I Jl and II PO R R S N T-O O O D CLEAN, LlO BT, and I I otttoo ro tm i. Good leeatloo. lo q u lr t nn ve of o w w , room 1. o w r OrtU CM* . in co;

i .111 r- 11....... i-i yoy ,

F or Sale—Furniture' ■! ------ ------------ —----- lous.'

COI^PJiETE FU R NpW RE--EO R S- T ioy . room.houw , «1l tib*lOTilatr,.#iui good • c° n ^ J jM J r P n i n q i f ? p ^

I ^ W n o ^ ^ e i u i .* * t^ . ! ^ S L ^ ld l c l i c i i FOU^ H trrifflii,~ j>biejB tn)n iQ aB rtL _cdla^— try. ;»p«rtm ent ottlcc. .339 1

ja plona a t n real b a ^ S u ^ t e r o u t h a T B ^ lonyooe c an afford. OoMon Rice, 'd r e u .D oj ew , ^ U ) p % ruoiv

j u u u j u , u u i i u m - i y , - i y j

-Q X - 5 a BAD .

g a i n s t“ ^ ^ H e l i r W ^ te d — : Foi

lN TED =lJIOU LE'-A tlEU TAV 0M A N il-9^^i Dr geneml hau.stttork. Stay n igh ts ,I. * " '

lio in 'S l. ,aOLD

iickers___ A p»ily_'Jli4luiLs_otcharri-. f 0R--{jn e 6W -RI. -------------------- :--------------p p o lti l

tN TED ” CO.Ml'ETENT DEAUTX’ m.ISS *arlor Operator. Enquire Orphem n 1 ours,lUly Shoppe, City.__________ ! ;qotO

VW TgD-^W OM AN-FOR-HOU6^ ■;eeper on ranch. 3 miles i.nuth Hnit-;"^*^'- 1. ^ whft, Carl ltu'!he^. I ' f o r ;

nioK.“ 01V C 'rctcn!nccr-nnd-CTpcncn'-[^-^‘ I. W rite Box 0 , cnre News, ] fjLinj’

S T E D " : r i F m r a c m ~ A m 3iSckers Monduy morning, 4 niileJ. jth ; hnlf east south end of Main, Mr.s. jW.' itciactninr-------------------- ----------- j—


V w w kly; experience unnecevsary.! - gntftctt-rw ployw eMM.»f h .M>i.n , . l r,. le nerMiii.s, Fniplojnieiil Mititi'l'f'M .nr 01 1 i)f67, Ni»i).TVli:e..IlI. ,

10 OHIO cbRT'OllATl’oN SEEKS St. P in.iit«gcr fur uiiotciipled U-rrUoryrLIb- a l commission; E :itiliniS~«*Jirr h n - j ,„i,. cdu ic ly . Oond tor $.'>DtiO yearly. W e ,, |j ,( , '| rn lsh slock, deliver nnd collccl. .jCHS experience unnecesssry. Kyr-F'yl- j ,,j,

' in . O h io ._________________________ j idnjjo\T e S M A N - WONDERFUL O P P O R -; lun lly fnr capable' man 10 enrn ble j cney repre.scnlinj nuiloniilly known f nnd (h ir l maiiiifnclurcr: srllin ; d i­e t to consurr.*r; lull o r sp.tre tim e; ex- PIAN ;rlencc unnecessary; liberal commis- on. boinis offers, W rlle quick for tree lies oulfll. Public Scrvlcc Mlll.s. Dcpl.• w n , Hi J ' ■ - 4 w r t*

I A n 'o R WOMAN. WANTED W ITIL iimhitiftn nnrt Industry, lo Introduce

nd supply the dcmund lui JU nlettlH -— » ouschold-Produel8-to-»l«ody—user*. , cvcrul fine openings In Camas nnd lalne counties and near .by ta ’An* and NEW jra l dlsirlcis. Wc lra ln and help you. tng .owlelRh Dealers ean make up lo $100 Swcei week or morc. No experience neces* *7- : ;

u y . Pleasant, profitable,' dignified MAT ork. Write tcday. W .T . Rawlelgh Cu,.

IAN OR WOMAN WANTED W IT H j ~-nmbllloh-and industry, lo IniroducoJ-------r.d supply thc demand to r R nw leh irs j. lotisehold Products to stx'iidv ' :s‘T.v I c v ra l line eiHntlm;;; In Cainu-* u iul;**"*'inlur ...................... ' ’ural dlstrleis. We Unlit nnd help you, w iL ' inwlciEh Hcnlers can make up lo $100 ^ve

Nft ..Yport....rA n r r r s . iiry. Ple.->wiiil. . proflUble, dicitlflcd PER: ,'orl:. Wrlle lodny. W, T. Rewlclgh Co„ till ieni~TDT4rjrDciiVcr7CC10r' '

/OOL E fT P R O buC re SALESMEN - Job *Sell nie'N Iltlollully j'nmotii; PittrlcK inflc luluth guurtMit«a.oll wcol product^;, dls eel to coiiMiiuer 01 factory i>rl:es. ” AI' lueklnnw;i. Flannel Bhlrts. Work Cloth- s. Hiinilii<{ Oarmcnlji, Sweaters, Hos- * * “3 ry.-UndeniieMr. Bldnkcls and A u lo ’^y j^, lobes. Nuttoiially over, wcitly ve;ir.'. A Tcpeftl line lh a l con- imiei’i buy every year. Satiftfiicti-n _ , iiaraittcen.or money cheerfully refund- fd_-Ubcral-C3mmU4lon__ Exlra_bonu» . =:t mxnl prwlucers.- Attuat-CTHt»i>le«»r-Wg — uveflmeii!. Exclusive lerrliory. Hcnvy »lllii;i-Ana>«n itow _U nes.llm llCd—F o r .. uIck ncilon tjlve delnll* cf experience BRE: nd three references, P, O. Box 1632. • W j 'ATRICK D U LiyU CORPORATION, 4 m o Hilulh. MUHV~ ' " ----------- ttCTlti


iuiidllnt: moot widely knownnd unlvcriiillv usediU nc of Pcnionail tid B ublnw CliHitrpas Greeting Oarda n very liberal commlaslon llini Is pa id _ Z z n cosh every day logcUicr w llh ‘gcn eT » ij,io i lUs monlhly- iwiiuli; ■■Without cxtw rt- noc citlier f'i’l ^r p " r t tim'* p>*npi .ittke more money th a n ttisy ever enrncd BQC icforc sliicc WQ lacl\ you how nnd te jl Se ou where lo « ll,’W*o furnish m agnltl* r — ent lam plts ond ciompUtc Itw tnicUdhr ihsfiiiufiy iti ie , , K _ M iL H id m 3 to a m £ r gous. workcr.und isaiu.txi.aam .|lM O -0O ««»< Ii-Tnrt. chrL-t[ftas--WTto mc:today,-^-^'^-:----------sn ie rM grrO ep trP ,iN i«—"T IIK P l t Q C ^ CORPORATION ^

: F t i r S a l o n r T Y a tf p ; ---------^

'•OU S A L E ^ lT fR A D B PQ B e o u ^.try , i>r91>«!X-J*r?onUBWdemJiOHiei P M30 14tlT sircol,'Diilil,

;ood money. O r w h a t h iv e you? Ad* Ml irou W. M. An route B. Buht. Idabo . pern •hone 12R3, CBStlofwa. • M t i


S p p o r t u j[ • 'o r S a l t — M |8 c e l l a n € o u 8 — 1 = =

in rS E M T R U O S , 95c DOWN jToO I ■tteek,. Svvf-rL's. __________ I ' T

R-"SALB— ' e x c e l l e n t PO W E R '• ---------

ISS TRIUMPH POTATOES. nOOU lies, »2 per hundred. Phone 505-R14.TONS FIRSTCLASS'HAY »Y TH E ' S lU D I liiek- ■E'-'iui. n l U. C. Runch, Kim- ■ t i Tri

... ................ "w.'i7niiR .SAI.E ~ aiRL'.g BICVCI-K ,1N . Bulldl

ioH T L Y ' USED HOOVER POTATO 'liCKer.a-llnc. Oarrlsoii.O 'i: nille.scusl ______Kitnoerly’ noad .' --------- -----------SWEKL

1 MoonlDIO ALL ELECTRIC 8-TUHE CON- ; ____oTe'.~p~rlcert low for n~iii>k luiii; io r |a . J. >1 h only. Call any evening nn:l tic n f i i r nuiitl : '» h ave norlh. ___________________ i " ^ P ^

)R S A L E -l’RAtn'ICALLY NKW O il- ' Nallo ■u.iihmiic viftrfliii' i.'iT~4-io mill nice.01 lale record.'', U l'i .jr SI25. Miirhlne lls for JIC5 new. Call a l 13fl Wnhttil . Phone 1200,

lO E.IN AT THEJIHOP AND I.Vri 'd InHssaeks. Yim’surely tvlll neetl somi- 'Id baps, branded No, 1 uttd' branded • , ). 'J poiaii) ba?s, onion ba?s nnd twine pwQ_, e have reads and sends of Uiem, P h a n e ______

,aho Junk House. ' ’ ; lag C

M i s c e l l a n e u u s :


DATS AND SUITS REUNED“ 644 ;M ain nonlt....................................._ j qROZ'AHTPD- i OlllOHHMO-Ab li U iHUBi 1 3t rM. O . Canada. PItonc til2M . | --------

. ---------— I WAREA L 60M IN IN0, PAINTING AND PA- j AOt

lEW MATTRESS AT MONEY SAV- | ing pnccs. All new white cotton. ;8TAK

Kcet’8 Mattress Factory/ -oh n n '

lA TTRESS-YO U R OLD ONE MADE • = like new, »050 up. One duy *crvlcc '

hone 1205. Swcefs M attress Factory. .>— .

' ------ ' ■ ■ - - - - ^ , pinn

— S l t u a t i o n f l W a n t e d ---------t iE 5 n------------------------------------------- ---------- I • Un IlATERNtTY N U R SIN G , M O LU E 1 ____q m lier. P hone 407R4. ■ ------

y i u r T v u ( E ~ c H E ^ F ^ n n E D i n : T ; ---------cvenlugs. 301 3rd nve west. , iw Tjjn

'ERMANENT WORK BY.WEEK, a;30, Jomi tu t 2. Coll 1410. P to 7 P. M. iJ t —

Job 00 farm. 1 mllo east Kimberly. 1 \-inu3,m e south'; ' i c is i. C r jrU fc w a f ir > - .....________ L J _____________;---------------- WINT/A NTBU - WORK~TX>R— «gAVY.-<—appi RenU etcam of horses. Phone SIS-R4 '^iioshi

K la y p ra tte r4 P .M .w ce k d a} !. .- ,■ I ,,. --------------— DKUIt

ARPENTBR AND CONCRITE W ORK 1 j i j> w untcr, duy or Job. lo'*r clntrgc.% good ! t/w lh n isher. W. F . Paxton. Ccucral dcllv- — ry. city; CHOI'

oil I. . ' - —.,L'-

F o r S a l e — P o u l t r y ; it a l i- ^ — •— r-- . :• „ .„ n n d

REEDING COCKERELS W H I T E Orccc W ynndotle and Wliltu Lnngshan. nge [ — - m onths. 12 each. Mra. M. L. Alcihlre,-; ITALIo u ie T -BorSarTtnn-l'^lta----------- —— — *alo

. Mo -------------------------------------------------- : L. R - .

F o r R e n t — F u r n i s h e d

TOB^RENT-^ROOM AND O A JlA aB .’ jogJIl;_P ^ B ^ M 9W , ___________ r . ! “ ^ :. lO i i r T i r d D ^ B C T tR a 'T T 'A R.'a* i

m ent. 412 No, Main. _ _ j . . '•

tn n i tf AMD liO A R D -cL oaE IN.^ n d avenue norUi. ' ; [fA 3K

>URN16HED HOUSE FOR RENT T O ! UONI -g»wlvpoopUL32& aih avc north. ' ,

iO A RP AND ROOM'AT TH E O R 'A T E ^ ;^ S ^ :H,misc. «\h’ nvc

------- Artlmy r ^ E N l ' ^^^TW O—ilM N ^

u J iU n i ftYcp'uen p r t> i . : . 'P h 8 n ts ^ u u : i | ^

le rm ioea t n e iU . . HoDtjr.ot b n ( *n4 lo t 'iw le r.- . ••• ' '■ '- • • . j l 9 » •


— — - _____ - L l_ J

- M X w E i o u s ; ; .......

i n E ^ S l

---------P r o f e s f l i o n a ! -------------------- —


in iiO n c iN , Room* 4 and 8. Bant■Trust Biiiidlng. Phane g. ._________

u DUNN—Rooms 9 a&d 4 Bl Ttt niw iltdfflg,

£^ iU L L - o 7 e r O loirHook .B U ri - . V .T .

IN W. Q R A llA M -U w yer, Bank A ru st Bulldlag. PUo a t M5-W, , ,

EKLB'T A S W K E L B Y -U v omcM '[oorm«n-OuUd(ng, - -

■'.I'atiENKHEKGEiL L a a A-r. P in t a tlonal Dank Uuildlug. j ’flone an.‘-------

B u s i n e s s

’~ V ltJM fliN G •— . — *

M B 'r i .o i iT iN o '^ V ia v r r N O dojo'-H room and aiiops, 143 J rd m i >ne :c83 >

3 t ^ Fur U iai[oa troubles, ph. tH » i


iTo'lSsDBANC^Air MntM f itte r Beal E»UU. Phoaa y fi. -

n A N s n s

lOZlER '^ N B r a R '^ C b .^ i i M M

\ B B im a l u ^ i r a V A K o ^ w . iO E C O .-C oa l a n d p hone 142 '

w c U 0 l * » i u i 5 i n t t A S T O R ^ Qarbagc hauled dally, Phune 'iUU. ., ^ ~ T S ^ 8 i ^ c a — c r u J ^ t n i ■■ packing a ipeclalty. Royal CotL loneaas, __________ ♦


pian?. Phone 1070-J,

^ 5 S ir7 rP nA N C IS -.A ecred ll«d -v lo ..____ jIln lcacher. .Pluinc.SI3J2____________

— Fnr Rnir -Fruita .i i t n o ORCHARD. Ma c in t o s h , s a - lomes'ond Pippuu. w c busJiei. ~ . .

......... . i ' " ' i i I .m i __________ .......IN 'rER BANANA AND D ELIcioU ^ ip p Jc s r -A T tr Bootte;-*s-mlle- went 'Ol — = , hrldge.

• X ic ib u s At»PLES^OI?Cf~MRb7{UN! 'n per box. 'B rtn f eontnlnerb.3-4mde-^— — uth o f Klmberiy. Shuinbaugh.

tO ICB ITALIAN PRUNE.S, 75c~SOX ....oil trees, $1 picked.-Brlnj eontu^iters.

nyf Pa p , nvenue.

'ALIAN PR U N fii. 2 MILEJ) SOUTH tind_s.mllcs. west of the sou th Park rcccry. SCo box. Bring ccninlners.

^ A N PRUNES, { i n ^ p L v i i s K R tnln -1’, knmli 1: rimt fpP"! f t f t end.VIo^n^l^rectr-Phwte^4W^H•«r-^0a0W.-------R. Arrington.

e x f c t o u a A P f ^ B ^ W a -you Ilick. Abo other varlelles. Phono s m . 0 . D, KfrtJn, 1 mile mhIJj, 1 , li t , .’,u boulli and U weyv South Park,

,' L oaiu ' •••

ONEV. T P L O ^ . tP Q T T E S K tlJ i

p S R tc E K T .L b A N i" ^ l i’. ^ 6 i ® ( ^ r r - . ^

Page 20: · 2014. 12. 12. · ^raiBEtisi^™ "-FumEnm oFiiEinmEl ________ a l: —Br-f\T^^I«ddep-LQU(U' Air- ^ l)laiie' as» Grefttest

•■ 'P affoT w an ty . ........................... ..... .

UNlTA. Clilirfir'riiiMU. TUprp u rf ■tjay* dfpariin riiU und claxM-vIor all iiun . tho <

‘ T lia clioir will Il)|{ llir aiitlii'in by Spln- iiry. "Y f TIiHl Stand lu th r ItotLvf." Tin- i m ln lsirr will prMCli on tin- Iheme. "Do .. You WoMhIp Idol'S?"

0:30 P. M. - Epwortn IcaRue. T lif

laugh ihU fv«nlii>:* Octo!7:30 P. M.—The pvfuln:; .icrvlcc ol a l 11

tt'orrhlp. Thi< «rv!cc will bc Icatiirr^cl iindr(Ty n- lirr?ciiiiiiion“ iri n'.ouoii jncuun-* "Wraior •'TJu- I’luy." Wllh IIS' much tcMlim c in p M us Ih r Pa«lon play Int.’ cIni', tjfpn rrprwliicnl us ll h prc-.'i'nlfd liiu r

— tjy-ttip-pca»ant'-pl'Obrm miiuTi!i<u,-ln U op' buvnrlw. A Jrn.' wll! tiljrrlni: will bv All u

.luki-n to detrny thi' ol tin- tilt'* uml I

0:30 P. .Nf., M oiuli.y-Tlii'>aii Kl>: uTvicir Kuilil will oU.'i'ivt' K'ifii nlKht ultli a (lliitirr lii Ih r (^)urch piirlur. ly i

7:30 P. M.. Wrdur^^Ji^y-Tlll' LuOIm ’ u ;,- Aid w l f t r w i in s f r r a r i h t ' c in irrh r— — r r

_____T in- Olri>‘ Kl»u'^ I tm l iis 't t i l l mcr t u-m 'U iffJin rd i H W ucN /aj-.'iH /rnw i u h - t i n i ­

er wliool. I ll, 6:30 P, M.. T1iUR.duy - All-Clmrfh will n

— rvedou-3’JmrnajLj'.cv'c^ln-lli nlntf by u covmmI dUli (inpiMT to w hicli' Rociol

__-ill tn>.mlu.r< uii.l tiii-niU nl tl». plmrfliIIIC hivltrd. Followlnn llu ' supprr incm*: brrs ol u toreltcn mUsloii icuin now lourliiK Iduho will ^|)^nk. An Alrlcuii nutlunul u lll .s|>cak. uk will Dr. IlowiirdMu.iHfr. kiiowii us "the Jiingle Mun ot ____India." ' • -

PRESBYTKnUN FHIIKOM - --’(i:4S A. M.—Sunday school. T

l l :15 A. M .-Ju iJlo r Eiidriivor soclely.U:I5 P. InirriAodliitf Clirl<i(laii

Endi'uvor. ___ / 'C:30 P, M .^Sciilor Chrlsllan K ndm *

or MrN'lw*,-' -- --1(1 P, M.. . 'ru iad fty -T roou -lU ^ oy , ___

Scoub). will m ii-l with Mr. Herron,7:30 p. M .-W rdni'« lu i' - Mlil-wwk

prayer .lervlcc,

0:45 A. Nt—.Sunday school.11:00 A. M.—Coumiuiilon .service und

sermon. Archdeucon Howard Sioy, -U oU f. will ««kkU >. -— - ..... ......... , V

CHURCH OF TIIE H RETimEN “Rev. H. 8 . Will, pasior t

10:00 A. M .-8 iinday school, L. V. <' Nicholson. flupcHfitetidvJil.

----- 11:00 A. M .-M ornlntt wor>M|i. ~^3cr-nion Uiplc. "Tlie F l n t ComnmiKinient.'' Florcncc and Ozellc Crulg will .tlnii a duel, " I Would Be Tnie."

7:00 P . M.—AUuIl class; youtiR pco* pie's d rpurim ciit; juiiloi- IrHtiif; jiri*Miary cuIm . _ _________ J _ , _____

8':00'P.M.—Evening worMilp. Sermon lopic, “Jesii.^. O ur Pliy.^lelan." ,,

7:45 T u e^ la y -P ra v er mectlliiLflL llltl ^ church, ; ^

Sundfty. October 20. will be Kcihany SuiuJfty ihroutihoiii lhe Church o( ihc ■ ■ ■

7?T Fn Spec

~ % d a v

------------------------- S P t o N j A L l S

1.:____ T '

—— — -------------- ------


^nlniiry^Tli«>-i»iot<**4it-iu»'-it*«Ugui>> — Re jy "u'ltl“i' ntpi iil,'UTit*the“itetlv1tle *oF10 C liukh of tlir Hii'ihririi and a Kpe* .jroir, ■ll o tfri'In / >vill In- Ii'.krii for lhe Achool.__

F lR S T .a aH M -ll o r CIIHIST , l?on '-'. . w ; i e . w s T -

lt» Ninth Avrnur F JU • j wme •'Are .sin, DLioa.'^ nnd B c a lh Real" Li Iniplr

ciober la. Sunday 'orvlrcM are held | g,.|,io . 11 A. M. Siindi'.v school for pupn^l ■nirm id rr -iO yrar.< ot iiyr ni 10 A. M. T lie |

<tlmonlr< ol CiirlMinn Hcierfre U cnl-j,K HI.! Klvcn I. III. Jlo'elock. A r e a d . ' ; ? , , , , u ro(.nj (.1 134’. Mii.ii avenue no rlJ i'„{ „ ,,‘ opcii dully frum 1:J0 lo 4:J0 P.I uri- w clnimr m uUeiid om- r-i'rvlti-'.. ^ ; Id to vl-ii Ih r riMdliw rwKii. I

tlMH»:UI.V Cnill.lT IA N CH ItRCIt u ’l'i’r !Ki-v. J. lalluTl slluii). |)U!ilor ' ' tilble.

10:00 A. M,—Ulble rehool. \ '11:00 A. M .-Coiiuuunl(in. - x ilE T n3tr=^tD rnlrtr«uM hlp.—Tlii'-pB«or. iU-ai)caK.-on-UiC-:.ubJi;cl._rQo<L-the.:- in l 'tc r und tfie People." -n .p .irn i r Chrl'-lUn ttidavtir. j.enlor soclciy11 m eet with the .-xicleiy of Twin FulK -Uie^iitR-_thuri'Ji^'U )c_JntC{inM llftU '^_ll9; i-ioly will nu'Ct at tho reirulnr hour, ’ H:00

— RerRoof^_________________________ - W I T H -

O l(rJ ifm------Tee-lok-Shingles-ocJS

Rijjht o v e r y o u r old roo f i

- — S a v e .o n Jn3 u:Save on Fue

Save on Cost (W arm er in -w in tc rrco o !er in-sum m e und te rm s to .suit y o u r convcmiem

W c also apply 10, 15 and 20-j F u ll lino o f Old A m erican AHphnlt 5

..........' t ci'ifll.s fov Hn'2-i7 SIio.-<lioiu‘ S<i.

E STIM A TES F Tftlephonc 2!

AMERICAN S H lN t------------------------A » -Idaho CoriM)

T.wi» Kalin • Shoxhonc ♦ Pocntollo ■ ] " ' • A Uoot f o r l iv e r ^


e d s # 0 pYou enjoy so thoro

"T ----- fldddsinnntliness-ea — i f l i n g - a n d - s l iH it in g n ^ m ii i

______cmtioii.iii.tniffic.ana 01and absence o f engine

______biBtionandsOainTTtfiaundeistand immediate] timpmied four s p ^

_____sipnhas.TOnreco^tio: . ^ c ^ g i r a t a d v a n c c i n m o t t

~ W e in v ite ^ n t o (

Graliaih-iPaige wit • »peeds=fbnrarfa

^ re h i f t . . . l iM ^

i ^ — — — ^

i c e 3 r6 tor^BU H L -

........ l i j j i i i a

> A I L Y 1 ^ $ . T W I N F A L I

- J _________ ' ■ - ■ "8li


.......... . _____ ____ . m.1i;P in « T i i« MT t u T f n r n f - i t___. .

-rR cv. e . T rniplc flartaa-rm liiia it-f---------j-jTri5=Rmritiri’T E m i5T r-rn iT O nnrtt-T — ro«rjm adnpled to evi i-y i.iir. i.\i

1011, "Echoes from th'.- Sluu- Convcn- Ion,” b y the p u lo r . In ih l . o ld rc a ,10: he-pM tor-wlll'-endrB»t«^<i-liiU 'r|ir«l. icotli ome or the-hlith points uf lnlori-.'>t nnd Sp vplrnllon a t th e convenllon Jif.i elov be hi MC:30 P. M ,-Y ouni: PropU-'i- nuctlns. a . u

rnlor und Inlennedlftti' :oclrtle.s; A tflrmlid p ro iram of Iniv.-'-l t»i youmj

7:30'P. M,—Uvf-nlnL' »ervln-. Tlu- pw - ■' ■JT will bring th r »ecoiul lu ilir mtU-?; . f llu- evenlni! xrrtn.ons on th r thwur. . . Whut Cun tt Mun Ikllri'.'." 'l l ir nd- . r r 'T fn r th c cvemilir will ix- "C»n a M in ' I'llcvr III ati.Insplrwl lUbji-." Solu, "Oiic = wi’cily fioiemn Thought." by S'rhoii. in rh ^ r r -H .-n '.- .H t e rk f ‘ . —■rii«--jiuvlor «, ,111 *lni: “.V - Old V:wlrd buoV:. th r ilble."


----- -KAINTKrKILKIl'IUUNCIt---------ervlces In old tliiiri-h at Tiler 10:00 A. Nt.-rSuiidav r.ciiool.110:00 A. _M,-Prei>clilni;.________________«:00 P. M .-Prrach lm -.

^ O W !II— ________________________ 1

lericariJ 3 i = L o k . S h i n R l e a ----------------------

K)f a n d 'B a v e m o n e y

isurancfi________ ~u e l B i l l ----------------------------------------------

s t o f J o b

im e r , v e r)* -re n n o n n b li? -p ric cs“ * - lie n ee . A ll jo b f t R u a ra n lo e d .2 0 - y e a r b u i l t u p - ro o f s , iilt S h in p lc r t a n d r o o f i n p m n-n i ir iu :— ------------------------ 1 ‘ ' "— '----------- T^rm -Fm R TTTnnnr - -S F R E E c 221

N G L E CO, I n c .ir|M>i'ulion

0 ■ Boi.-ie . R u r lfV . R t-x h u r tf _ . ^ a ry F u rp iM i'

D r o u g h l y t h e 1

n i i c k e p c e c l ^ i1 nn liillg . . . i n e n o i s e , v i - —

d i a f r o t t w i l l *

a t e l y v f f y t f a i s

x d t i a n s f f l i s -

i t i o n a s i i c k - .

t ^ r o r d e ^ --------------- : - =

t o d i i v c ' a ..............................

w i t h f o u r


^ - 4 - U ^ V- -

^ O r a h u f P d l i Foor'Mnrleti w n it-------- -

K c T .' '~ ':iB :vie£.^~TrT .— ~ ~ W f c ^ I I 5 5 ^ t5 ^ * 2 4 9 5 ~ — ~ =

M fafMT.___________

Co.— i H A N s i N - i z z ; : .


8i00 P. M.. W ednejday-W cek d a y |B u s i l

J . Arthur'OAVU. (lU'irlci>, - P ienV«-U)4iav«e»in»-a.»flt.giin.layq^vl>-p [ '


Uicc. Ot.M aterial Tiiiiuu^ in W ln l i e r - Inll iim2 ijU liii.a « p .l.o J -G l.rl* v ,^ :-^ ------------ Ibtiinrn,

- " ‘ ' |]ia**«um‘T. ERWARD'fl CATHOLIC C H U ltC tllcri wh

Rev. Remi S . K eyu r. paxtor '(inmox -8:00 A .M . ond I0;30 A. M .-8urfday th n iihn.iisefi-------------------------------------------tiu ir i>. g-30 n n ^ :O ^ A .M .y H o b 'tla y «ta»e.s.:OTii,--

Iy ;g 9 -L > t..ttu n d iu j i j i i ^ t t u r . " ' , ; nl a m

l.>LMANUEL LUTHER,\.N C llt 'l lC il 'ii', >e[ I

< Rev. II. M. ZuKel. mliil.iter liienof .10:00 A. M.-r-.3iuiday.fcdKiol under dl* luU'ur i•oMon-of-ihe-jwstOT:--------------------------r Hcv-Vr

spcclnl MKilon rr.silviil n-rvlce* will :ii;;;.s-ar >e held a l 11:00 A. M. a n d 2:30 P. r t .i

— ------------------------- --- ’ kacaclThere orc « v e n il farni.i In nu*«la ,

yhtri? hnrri.f i...-) » . p >.ip)|y [f.p!__imklnff violin bo-*'.'. rro:ii’ I'hOlr hair. - j irom 0

' , — ------ ' . invcraKiA ri<h laiown a t "mllllonx" l;rep.« ( h r ,

'lund of ilarbatlos frci* lioni maliirla Jnv'', ly futlnK lhe rever-c.i.-r:'ini.' .iiiom)u1io. ■ Knclaii

. . . .

" g e m s 'P raises

—ofPEP— r — f — r —

. a • •

One of tl

The le tte r s ig n ific a r cern ed a t eeonomicg

.................................................. ...... (iem Sln tc....... Boise. Idol

■ _______________ (Jcnllemen

In rcea: (ircasca ar for (he cfi d f ic Sy8U

........... ........... ~ ~ ^ ’ O u r n e «--------------------- • .of.July^fln

hot weath.....— -------------- • and weigh

- -' T h cp e rl and we-ari

' rccord.

------------ _ . Sontembcr

Y o u c a n h a v e s im ila r pel

7 " : • ■ D istr

JORNING. OCTOBER 13,1iisincas Men a t - B u r lc y , . '- T ~

Play VoIley Ball Games; V'Q u n u ;y ..0 c u -1 2 iSprclAt 10 T h o ’ ^7!T=miTing.-.nni!inravinTOytijii~ifl ---------rI sml-wlnxor w ile s or Inlbnnnl volley; — -llTntnfshixlnK int'T iIgirM ireorijl'in '^l-------- -.Hium OS their field o f coniesi. V u i i - LI who have cbwrvetl .M ine or the , ‘‘1 mo5 from lhe boIUt }' have reinorktdu lhe bm iner. men exercise n J t on ly ' , ilr body miiKlvc, bn i Oioir volecs n«tA U .- . - .............. i/Dr COI

itdiili'd names have been annaunced ” "*■ je t Ior ihU seunoii, h u t the.tnrorinal 1..U nun. jii^ tM ..m ii im en n BTiirw - ' -WCTtwII of E<1 echroedrr, orln lnator of mn* F>' J ;ur volley .Ucill h ire . J.ame.n I t c ln T,-Va!rntine D rlih . a n d o ih m . Mect-^ Whf ;.s- a rr held once nr twice each week,' Wlirre

— ------------- ______ Wh(

ll j-ounc c:ilve.< arc!able In .\la .i-1 eacll for «he {iir tnidc. i_____ _

gft-t- irn ii ■jrr tnni car^wheel;; v e irh ‘ Oro' >111 UjOto sr>0 t'ach and llu-lr While criiKO life H : !.'< an<l n half j ; And

----------- :------------: Asrav;Jnv'.i hiirp.s are .■>illl nm nufuc.uiK: In Its i ii'laiid [or iNiMrt to »uvni.rr tciiuitrirs. Tn lea

g T A T E T?s P e r feci gasolinel.

of the tieel of luiii-m otnrcd bu«cs oprm lci

nce fb ^ e i ibout th e s ?al operatigIntc.OH.Compjmy................ ......................Idaho -


c ea rd lo Uic p c rfc c t ucrform ancc s and l*cp (iu so linc. w hich a re bcini; ! c ffic icn t o p e ra tio n of o u r ,b u s line \ y»lem opera tin g . hussc.s th ro u yhout ( new .tw InTiuotor ibuswcs w ere p u t inl , '-and -aftcr-a -cu r« !fu l-chcck -o f their !a thcr w c find ih u i th e busses «'hi« >l((h six teen th o u sa n d pounds have lii'Uhont ndditif>niil.oil o r r r f l l l -------- 1:

perform nnceiof y o u r-p ro d u c ts in nur I r a r e pleased (o havG th is opportunit.

V ery tru ly yoiii . . ( J E H S T .\

<Si«rnt‘d ) W. ] ibcr 21..t!)29 ------- ;

p e rfo rm a n c e fro m th e Pep i ~ L o o k to r P ep aiuP

stributedb^ GEM STATE C

1 , 1 3 2 9 . ; . , ' . - . I - ' , , .

------------- --------------------------- ' i l Y eUTHE;t)ESERT AND '• . THE SAGE____ ;

-------:--------:----- - ---------=---------Hr-trtaJl—r-HrnrRrCHtmOHIl-t;.-------—Ohh

- ___________ __ ; Wliorc

nrcaiesicd-to-Hrlrit-rUiJtJ-------TTnraEJlulil WV bui rend llir dc-eri Ion-. ' j h c : Iiw rl1j«L oa.K al:iri:';i:::: —:ero chUelod by Uie hind , of Tima . T h e dejIhrpuBhcui unreriilns’ii'je .s;............. i„ W llc r

could we icax :;ie cnimpled as * f^ ir_ » a! 1B-13U in m il tli'ilv-'i ,.r . .^«ofr

■ ;\nU t)reiilil l : !VVi'.il : r . i i iiip :.- l^ r re ? '---------Pinju \ih iiife U’caiiu-. anJ «li}' •c ln v till- l)airi:i hn:! thd. '■ ■ 'Where life.jerRinl .itoiii«l-u>dlu;------- - n c AiirrrtfourW imi-til wrt'i-nnt.a p.iri. n C HWhcrfi reptll.*:; vie with htr;

Meel 111 tun lr!illii".' :.'!!r. , *■"'*Tl

licre dO'l'ds ol iin ii itie d r 'e rt cliiliii^ , nror-d l;!! cit livr-ry'^; |in:;r: • ■- Wiirr lllle o'lT thr-:- . rnvc Ihr llllr.l!'.' luHU'J. • r.o<'iillkl And 'fou::(l 1: ilir ih 't G, li■rav; I’a- ii.-.-r:!’. .'rniiiy Its ic.os havr r.i'ti" nii:1 tune: _ The I1 lean-'i: .'^r-irfil nnd leiuiicst lorn. daiiKcr<

Performom r d Y W O

alcd by Oem Sl.ile T ransit Conipany

1 _____________ * _eioWy caffifc‘ry m otoris sa tis fa c to r on of h is ca

ICC of y ou r p roducts, Vico O ils, lini; suoplicd us^bv v ou r com pany - 1C which is p a r i o f th e Union I’a-111 (he n o rth w e s t; - ............ .. .................

into opcralio 'n 'a u r ln ^ lh e ^ m o n lh ic lr-ooertttion-du rln K -ih e -c x trc tn c - vhich ro r ry thiriy*'<lx passcnKer.-* c iiecn runn in jr ciR htcen h u n d red .

ur basse.'* is nil th a t can be d e s i r e d . .. • inity o f 'a d v is in g you o f th e ab o v e


V. II. C O lIfJH LIN . - -S uperin lenden l.

;i) and Vico you buy a t y o u r s

^ V ic o S is r is V ------ .


'e t $ll!Mhe'i«Bf Hvh o n - -

fhiingry woir In tiucat n f o t B t ' r"oiHl-i rorth lt« p l t rd n f -wall*.................. \ r - -« llH l^ i{ a rv ln ^ :w c lL .to - h U l.:ir r :z : r > - :'iirti»-ihe-<!»*rt-uiill:---------------------jV C lorc la lhe biirnim.’ l« a t of noon, *; •- 1 - heir bloodshot eyc.n crow sallow;raGn-t«l-thniitti-reluw.ta Uilii*,------------ ;—he aage will easl Us shadow.

• deierl hold* srlin se sro u locked^-^------------'here Bllcyi ilicyreposer, .................

PYlMlM I. Iritfrnnt breath.lofrJa\',lns lh;in i lu- rn^i;;_ _______

: in rm \ !tcii‘^ i i i 'd --------------------1 t)rnpe.^ I» purple flai: Qcra?.ih r i-.rrrrl nf ilm W rr_________ __________

EAL’ ESTATETRANSFERS'W B B H R n ^ i E f * iT O H n r a n i“ " * ■

TlUe »nd OgartnCy Comp»ay__________

/iirri'niy deed: T. P. Cemetery ns- iilk>h-lo Mliiii M. t'alrlck. $40- N ‘ - - G, bloi-k 17. Twill Falls C em eteu .

he klii t colin; h the litrKC-'ii and most iKcroiis [xibonoiisMiiike In the world.

, - n -----------

' CO ,ance i D-oS:^- ^

________ ;______ _____

H B i ;

9 n i '

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st con- ry and _ ar— —

r s e r v i c c s t a t i o n .

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