· 2019-10-02 · 11 soal dan jawaban no. 52 53. zahra mengikuti lima kali ulangan harian...

11 www.BukuFavorit.com Soal dan Jawaban No. 52 53. Zahra mengikuti lima kali ulangan harian Matematika. Salah satu ulangannya hilang. Jika diketahui rata-rata ulangan hariannya adalah 81, Nilai ulangan yang paling rendah adalah 74 dan nilai tertingginya adalah 95. Zahra ingat bahwa ia pernah mendapatkan dua kali ulangan dengan nilai yang sama, dan nilainya sama dengan mediannya. Nilai terbesar dari nilai ulangan yang mungkin adalah .... A. 93 D. 86 B. 91 E. 78 C. 88 Jawaban : C Soal dan Jawaban No. 54 Soal dan Jawaban No. 55

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Soal dan Jawaban No. 52

53. Zahra mengikuti lima kali ulangan harian Matematika. Salah satu ulangannya hilang. Jika diketahui rata-rata ulangan hariannya adalah 81, Nilai ulangan yang paling rendah adalah 74 dan nilai tertingginya adalah 95. Zahra ingat bahwa ia pernah mendapatkan dua kali ulangan dengan nilai yang sama, dan nilainya sama dengan mediannya. Nilai terbesar dari nilai ulangan yang mungkin adalah .... A. 93 D. 86 B. 91 E. 78 C. 88 Jawaban : C Soal dan Jawaban No. 54

Soal dan Jawaban No. 55

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Soal dan Jawaban No. 60

Teks berikut untuk soal nomor 61 sampai dengan 65. (1) Hampir seluruh komunikasi di negara maju, misalnya, Amerika Serikat, pada era ini menggunakan jaringan internet, mulai dari mengirimkan pesan singkat, berkirim surat elektronik, hingga telekonferensi. (2) Sayangnya, kelaziman penggunaan internet ini tidak seiring dengan kenyamanan dan keamanannya. (3) Kekhawatiran akan pelanggaran privasi via internet semakin menjadi-jadi di tengah masyarakat Amerika Serikat. (4) Kisah Snowden, yang mengungkapkan bahwa pemantauan dilakukan pemerintah kepada warganya, membuat warga AS semakin khawatir akan hak atas privasi di internet. (5) Dokumen rahasia yang diungkapkan oleh Snowden menunjukkan luasnya sistem pemantauan yang dilakukan oleh Badan Keamanan Nasional (NSA) yang dapat meraup data dari warga Amerika dan warga asing. (6) Selain dipantau, informasi mereka juga digunakan oleh para perusahaan iklan. (7) Alhasil, sebuah survei oleh lembaga Pew Research Center menunjukkan, bahwa 80% responden warga Amerika Serikat menyatakan prihatin terhadap pemantauan yang dilaukan pemerintah atas percakapan telepon dan hubungan internet. (8) Bahkan, mayoritas responden survei merasa bahwa situs media sosial sangat tidak aman untuk berbagi informasi pribadi. 61. Kalimat topik pada paragraf tersebut adalah kalimat ….A. (1) B. (2) C. (3) D. (4) E. (5)

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Jawaban : C 62. Kesalahan penggunaan tanda baca koma ter- dapat pada kalimat .... A. (2) B. (4) C. (6) D. (7) E. (8) Jawaban : D 63. Pertannyaan manakah yang jawabannya tidak ditemukan dalam teks tersebut? A. Mengapa warga Amerika Serikat khawatir akan pelanggaran privasi via internet? B. Apa saja bentuk komunikasi yang dapat dilakukan dengan jaringan internet? C. Apa saja data yang didapatkan oleh pe- merintah Amerika Serikat melalui media internet? D. Siapa yang menjalankan sistem peman- tauan di internet kepada warga Amerika Serikat? E. Berapa jumlah responden yang merasa pr ihatin ter hadap pemantauan yang dilakukan pemerintah? Jawaban : C 64. Kata ganti pada kalimat (6) merujuk pada .... A. Snowden B. Badan Kemananan Nasional C. Pemerintah Amerika Serikat D. warga Amerika dan warga asing E. Pew Research Center Jawaban : D 65. Kelemahan paragraf teks tersebut adalah .... A. soal informasi pribadi yang digunakan perusahaan iklan tidak dijabarkan B. tidak disebutkan bentuk komunikasi yang bisa dilakukan tanpa media internet C. sebaran penggunaan internet di Amerika Serikat tidak disebutkan dengan jelas D. alasan kek hawatiran warga Amerika Serikat akan pelanggaran privasi tidak jelas E. tidak dijelask an mengapa responden survei menganggap media sosial tidak aman Jawaban : A Teks berikut untuk soal nomor 66 sampai dengan 68. (1) Menurut sebuah studi terbaru, ada dua antibiotik yang diperoleh dari sekresi bakteri kulit yang bisa membantu menghadapi mikroba berbahaya penyebab infeksi kulit. (2) Pada kulit manusia, jumlah organisme mikro yang hidup melebihi jumlah sel dalam tubuh manusia. (3) Kebanyakan bakteri ini membantu kesehatan, walau sebagiannya berbahaya. (4) Para peneliti memeriksa 10.000 koloni bakteri dan menemukan dua bakteri – S.hominis dan S. epidermis – yang ternyata menghasilkan antibiotik untuk melawan S. aureus, bakteri penyebab eksim. (5) Kemudian hari, isolasi antibiotik dari bakteri ini kelak diracik menjadi krim untuk mengobati penyakit kulit. 66. Kalimat yang tidak efektif terdapat pada kalimat …. A.1

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B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5 Jawaban : E

67. Kata ini pada kalimat (5) merujuk pada A. koloni bakteri B. S. Hominis dan S. epidermis C. organisme mikro di kulit D. mikroba berbahaya E. S. Aurelis Jawaban : B 68. Apa simpulan isi paragraf tersebut? A. Infeksi kulit kelak bisa diobati dengan krim antibiotik yang disekresikan bakteri kulit B. Ada banyak ragam bakteri kulit yang dapat menghasilkan antibiotik untuk melawan bakteri penyebab eksim C. Dari 10.000 koloni bakteri di kulit, hanya dua jenis bakteri yang dapat menghasilkan antibiotik D. Mikroba berbahaya di kulit, salah satunya S. aureus, dapat menyebabkan penyakit eksim E. Krim antibiotik dari seluruh koloni bakteri dapat mengobati penyak it kulit yang disebabkan oleh S. aureus Jawaban : A Teks berikut untuk soal nomor 69 sampai dengan 71. (1) Dubes Indonesia untuk UNESCO, Fauzi Sulaiman dalam kurun dua tahun terakhir terus menelusuri potensi daerah untuk dijadikan warisan budaya tak benda dunia. (2) Melihat momentum ini, Riau pun mengusulkan agar pantun bisa dijadikan sebagai salah satu warisan dunia. (3) Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya (BPNB) Kepri menyampaikan bahwa pantun masuk dalam kategori budaya yang dideskripsikan berada dalam situasi mendesak dan hampir punah. (4) Lantaran hal itu pantun dimasukkan ke kategori warisan budaya yang genting untuk dijaga ke UNESCO. (5) Persebaran pantun tidak dibatasi wilayah administratif Negara. (6) Oleh karenanya, negara lain seperti Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, dan Thailand juga turut menyusulkan pantun menjadi warisan budaya dunia ke UNESCO. 69. Pada kalimat manakah kesalahan penggunaan ejaan (tanda baca, penulisan huruf, dan penu- lisan kata) ditemukan? A. (1), (2), dan (3) B. (1), (3), dan (4) C. (2), (3), dan (5) D. (3), (4), dan (6) E. (4), (5), dan (6) Jawaban : E

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70. Hubungan antara kalimat (5) dengan (6) adalah .... A. menyatakan akibat B. menyatakan pertentangan C. menyatakan perbandingan D. menyatakan penegasan E. menyatakan rincian Jawaban : A 71. Rangkuman teks di atas yang tepat adalah .... A. Bersama negara-negara lainnya, Indonesia mengusulkan pantun sebagai warisan dunia ke UNESCO B. Dubes Indonesia untuk UNESCO menga- jukan pantun sebagai warisan budaya tak benda dunia C. Pantun masuk kategori budaya yang be- rada dalam situasi mendesak dan hampir punah di Indonesia D. Persebaran pantun hingga ke empat negara, yaitu Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, dan Thailand E. Salah satu warisan budaya yang berasal dari Riau, yaitu pantun, diakui sebagai warisan dunia oleh UNESCO Jawaban : A Teks berikut untuk soal nomor 72 sampai dengan 75. (1) Dengan jumlah penduduk sekitar 255 juta orang, Indonesia adalah negara keempat terpadat jumlah penduduknya di dunia setelah China, India, dan Amerika Serikat. (2) Sekitar 50% dari populasi penduduk Indonesia adalah kalangan usia muda di bawah 30 tahun. (3) Jika kedua faktor tersebut digabungkan, Indonesia sesungguhnya negara yang memiliki kekuatan tenaga kerja yang besar. (4) Selain itu, pengangguran pada rentang usia 15 – 24 tahun jauh lebih tinggi dari rata-rata pengangguran secara nasional. (5) Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa para pemuda yang baru lulus dari universitas atau sekolah menengah atas dan setara mengalami kesulitan menemukan pekerjaan di pasar kerja nasional. 72. Perbaikan kalimat (1) yang benar adalah .... A. Indonesia yang jumlah penduduk nya sek itar 255 juta orang adalah negara keempat terpadat jumlah penduduknya di dunia setelah Cina, India, dan Amerika Serikat B. Dengan jumlah penduduk sekitar 255 juta orang, Indonesia adalah negara keempat terpadat di dunia setelah Cina, India, dan Amerika Serikat C. Indonesia adalah negara keempat terpadat jumlah penduduknya di dunia setelah Cina, India, dan Amerika Serikat dengan jumlah penduduk sekitar 255 juta orang D. Indonesia adalah negara keempat terpadat di dunia dengan jumlah penduduk di bawah Cina, India, dan Amerika Serikat E. Walau jumlah penduduk sekitar 255 juta orang, Indonesia masih urutan keempat negara terpadat jumlah penduduknya di dunia setelah Cina, India, dan Amerika Serikat Jawaban : C 73. Kata tersebut pada kalimat (3) merujuk pada .... A. jumlah penduduk dunia dan Indonesia

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B. jumlah penduduk dan jumlah usia muda di Indonesia C. setengah populasi penduduk Indonesia D. negara dengan populasi keempat terpadat di dunia E. populasi penduduk berusia di bawah 30 tahun Jawaban : B 74. Kata hubung yang tepat pada kalimat (4) yang menghubungkan antara kalimat (3) dan (4) adalah .... A. lagipula B. bahkan C. namun D. sesungguhnya E. oleh karena itu Jawaban : C 75. Komentar yang tepat dengan isi teks di atas adalah .... A. Indonesia telah terbukti memiliki kekuatan tenaga kerja yang besar B. Tingginya jumlah penduduk berusia muda menjadikan tingginya produktivitas pekerja di Indonesia C. Kepadatan penduduk yang tinggi merupa- kan potensi besar dalam hal ketersediaan tenaga kerja D. Tingginya pengangguran usia produktif menunjukkan sedikitnya lapangan peker- jaan yang tersedia E. Jumlah penduduk usia muda yang besar belum memberikan dampak positif pada kekuatan tenaga kerja di Indonesia Jawaban : E This text is for questions 76 to 79! Malaria will kill about 438,000 people this year, most of them in sub-Saharan Africa. That large number is tragic, but it still represents an improvement over earlier decades. The death rate of the mosquito-borne disease has fallen by 60 percent since 2000 and the rate of infection is down 37 percent, according to a recent report by the World Health Organization and Unicef. This progress shows what can be achieved when the world makes a serious attempt to deal with a major public health problem. Now, the United Nations and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are calling on the world to eradicate the disease by 2040, potentially saving 11 million lives in the next 25 years. They say this goal can be achieved for between $90 billion and $120 billion and would produce economic benefits of $2 trillion. Eliminating malaria by 2040 is very optimistic. Some medical experts who have worked on the disease are sceptical of that ambitious goal because it relies on medical advances like a single-dose cure and an effective vaccine that may not be available for years. In their report, the United Nations and the Gates Foundation argue that such breakthroughs will be available in time to meet the target. 76. How are the ideas in paragraph 2 and 3 related? A. Paragraph 2 and 3 highlight the same idea

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B. Paragraph 2 and 3 are very optimistic with the idea C. Par ag r aph 3 c on tr adic ts the idea in paragraph 2 D. Paragraph 3 gives the examples of the explanation in paragraph 2 E. Paragraph 3 supports the idea that is stated on paragraph 2 Jawaban : E 77. Which of the following is most relevant with the idea of eradicating malaria in the passage? A. Around 11 million lives can be saved if malaria has eradicated nowadays B. Some medicale xperts thought that eradicating malaria is a possible goal C. Since 2000, the death rate of the mosquito- borne disease has raised by 60% D. United Nations works independently to eradicate malaria by 2040 E. UN and Gates Foundation believe some new discoveries will be available on time Jawaban : E 78. Which sentence most effectively illustrates the burden of eradicating malaria disease? A. 1 of paragraph 1 B. 4 of paragraph 1 C. 2 of paragraph 2 D. 2 of paragraph 3 E. 3 of paragraph 3 Jawaban : D 79. Paragraph 3 implies that .... A. a single-dose cure and an effective vaccine against malaria are unavailable yet B. United Nations do some research in order to find a new cure from malaria C. the medical experts are very optimistic that malaria will be eliminated by 2040 D. some breakthroughs on curing malaria diseases will be available after 2040 E. some medical experts said that eradicating malaria by 2040 is unchallenging Jawaban : A This text is for questions 80 to 83! ...(1)... Indeed, it is often hard enough to educate children without ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), but to engage and maintain the attention of a child with autism when trying to teach them about something in which they have no interest can seem, at times, nigh or impossible. Kids with ASD may require very specialized teaching methods in order to combat sensory issues, difficulties in focusing on things which have no real interest for them, communication problems, and possibly attention deficiency. These problems may lead many to believe that the child is stupid or unskilled, and a lack of socially interactive skills on the part of the autistic child does nothing to help this illusion. The perception is that children who cannot get along with school cannot get along in the real world. As everyone who has witnessed the wonderful work of The Art of Autism know, this perception is entirely unfair. Autistic children are not unskilled. It is merely that their skills manifest in different ways to those of other children, and they are often not easily induced to demonstrate them. 80. Which options best complete (1)? A. Some people thinks that educating children is never easy

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B. Educating autistic children can seem like a challenge C. There are some common misconceptions about educating child with ASD D. Children with ASD need very specialized teaching methods E. M an y autistic childr en struggle in conventional classrooms Jawaban : B 81. Which of the following reflects the author’s attitude toward the topic of the passage? A. Cynical B. Doubtful C. Concerned D. Didactic E. Critical Jawaban : C 82. The paragraph following the passage will likely talk about .... A. the frustration among parents whose children are autistic B. the methods to build a communication with ASD children C. some possible ways in educating children with ASD D. the skills can be learned by ASD children E. the advantages of art learning for ASDchildren Jawaban : D 83. The word induced in line 10 in the passage means .... A. encouraged B. influenced C. generated D. questioned E. requested Jawaban : A This text is for questions 84 to 87! Changes in the Arctic climate are important because the Arctic acts as a refrigerator for the rest of the world. The Arctic region gives off more heat to space than it absorbs from outside, which helps cool the planet. So changes in the Arctic climate could affect the climate in the rest of the world. Arctic warming is causing changes to sea ice, snow cover, and the extent of permafrost in the Arctic. In the first half of 2010, air temperatures in the Arctic were 4°C warmer than the 1968 to 1996 reference period, according to NOAA. Satellite data show that over the past 30 years, Arctic sea ice cover has declined by 30 percent in September, the month that marks the end of the summer melt season. Satellite data also show that snow cover over land in the Arctic has decreased, and glaciers in Greenland and northern Canada are retreating. In addition, frozen ground in the Arctic has started to thaw out. Scientists first started to see changes in the Arctic climate in 1970s and 1980s. Researchers say that the changes in the Arctic are worrisome, because they could lead to feedback effects that spur further warming. For instance, when the white sea

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ice melts in summer, areas of dark open water are exposed which can absorb more heat from the sun. That extra heat then helps melt even more ice. Permafrost may also be involved in feedbacks. As permafrost thaws, plants and animals that were frozen in the ground begin to decay. When they decay, they release carbon dioxide and methane back to the atmosphere that contributes to further warming. Scientists have already seen evidence that positive feedbacks are occurring in the Arctic. They call this Arctic amplification. Predicting the Arctic climate is difficult. Some of the changes in the Arctic could also have negative feedback effects, or effects that reduce the amount of warming. For example, if warm temperatures make the Arctic growing season longer, more plants can survive and take up more carbon from the air. However, most evidence suggests that the positive feedback effects outweigh the negative effects. A recent report by NOAA concluded that Arctic climate is unlikely to return to previous conditions. 84. With the statement “However, most evidence suggests that the positive feedback effects outweigh the negative effects.” in the last paragraph, the authors intends to .... A. explore all the feedbacks from the Arctic warming to the surrounding environment B. show that the Arc tic warming brings positive effect to the growing season C. emphasize that the accelerated warming in the Arctic is due to positive feedback D. explain the method that is used to predict- ing the Arctic climate E. argue that the Arctic warming give more damages to the plants Jawaban : C 85. In representing the ideas, the author starts by .... A. analyzing an issue on environment B. mentioning a potential problem C. illustrating the main issue D. explaining the moral story of the problem E. giving a report from scientific study Jawaban : C 86. Which of the following obviously shows the author’s bias? A. The scientists found many difficulties on predicting the Arctic climate B. Warm temperature make more plants can take up carbon from the air C. The positive feedback of the Arctic warming is greater than the negative one D. The Arctic climate is unlikely to return to its previous conditions E. Snow cove on the Arctic land has decreased and started to thaw out Jawaban : B 87. Which lines of the passage illustrate the posi- tive feedback of The Arctic Warming? A. 2 – 3 B. 7 – 9 C. 11 – 12 D. 20 – 21 E. 23 – 24 Jawaban : C

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This text is for questions 88 to 90! A trio of researchers has presented their preliminary findings regarding a mitochondrial DNA study they have undertaken as part of an effort to learn more about the domestication history of the modern house cat. Evolutionary geneticist Eva-Maria Geigl gave the presentation at this year’s International Symposium on Biomolecular Archaeology at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History. To learn more about the ancestry of the common house cat, the researchers (which also included colleagues Thierry Grange and Claudio Ottoni) obtained mitochondrial DNA samples of 209 cats from multiple archaeological sites around the world—the ages of the remains ranged from approximately 15,000 years ago to just 300 years ago. After sequencing the samples, the researchers made some interesting discoveries surrounding the history of cats partnering with humans. The first was that there appeared to be two big migration waves—the first occurred not long after the development of agriculture by humans and the second shortly after the domestication of cats in ancient Egypt. The researchers suggest that the first wave was likely the result of small cats coming into contact with humans due to hunting the increased populations of rodents consuming the grains they grew—the researchers found a link between cats in the Fertile Crescent and other parts of the Mediterranean. The second wave occurred several thousand years later and appeared to be driven by human migrations out of Egypt—the researchers found links between cats there and throughout Eurasia and parts of Africa—likely due, the team suggests, to farmers and seafaring travellers taking cats with them to reduce rat and mouse populations. There were a couple of other surprises as well—one was that the fierce Vikings apparently had a soft spot for little kitties—one of them was found buried alongside its master in a common grave site that was dated back 1000 years. The other was that tabby cats did not evolve until mediaeval times. The researchers noted during their talk that little research has been conducted regarding the domestication of cats, unlike dogs, which means that little is known about their history. They hope their research will be the beginning of a much larger effort. 88. Which of the following is most relevant with the idea of the ancestry of the common house cat described in the passage? A. Migration was giving a less significant role on cat domestication B. Mitochondrial DNA study revealed the cat domestication history C. Small cats first contacted with humans due to hunting the rodents D. Agr iculture ac tivities influenced the domestication of the house cat E. The ancestors of the common house cat were coming from Egypt Jawaban : D 89. Which of the following best restates ideas of paragraph 3? A. The first wave of cat domestication was the small cats coming into contact with humans, while the second wave was driven by human migrations

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B. Cat first contacted with humans due to hunting the rodents, and then they spread out through human migrations C. There is a relation between modern house cat in Egypt and throughout Eurasia and parts of Africa D. Both the first wave and the second wave of the domestication of modern house cat were occurred at Egypt E. Cats moved to the other places because human took cats with them to reduce rat and mouse populations Jawaban : B 90. Paragraph 4 implies that .... A. some studies on cat domestication are urged to be conducted B. the researchers were giving a note to the audience during their talk C. there are only a few researches on cat domestication history D. a larger effort is needed on the next re- search of cat domestication E. the research publication of cat domestica- tion history is fewer than dog Jawaban : C