21st century vocational teacher


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  • Revised Recommendation concerning Technical andVocational Education (2001) 7

    I. Scope 7

    II. Technical and vocational education in relation tothe educational process: objectives 9

    III. Policy, planning and administration 13

    IV. Technical and vocational aspects of general education 19

    V. Technical and vocational education as preparationfor an occupational field 21

    Organization 23

    Programme content 27

    VI. Technical and vocational education as continuingeducation 31

    VII. Guidance 35

    VIII. The learning process 39

    IX. Staff 41

    Teaching staff 43

    Administrative and guidance staff 47

    X. International cooperation 49


  • 5The General Conference,

    Recalling 154 EX/Decision 4.3 (May 1998) to incorporate the major themesoriginally envisaged for the third consultation on the implementation of theRevised Recommendation concerning Technical and Vocational Education intothe agenda of the Second International Congress on Technical and VocationalEducation,

    Recognizing the value of the recommendations of the Second InternationalCongress on Technical and Vocational Education (Seoul, April 1999) reflectingthe emerging challenges of the twenty-first century, an era of globalizationand revolution in the field of information/communication technology, and thatthese recommendations will therefore guide a new orientation of technicaland vocational education and training (TVET) for all throughout life so as tomeet the new demands of achieving the objectives of a culture of peace,environmentally sound sustainable development, social cohesion andcitizenship of the world,

    Recalling also 30 C/Resolution 14, which invited the Director-General to preparean updated version of the Revised Recommendation concerning Technical andVocational Education taking into account the new trends identified by theSecond International Congress on Technical and Vocational Education, to submitthe new draft version to all Member States during the 2000-2001 biennium forconsultation, and to submit it together with a proposal for the modalities offuture consultations on its implementation to the General Conference at its 31st

    session for approval,

    Having examined document 31 C/22 and the draft Revised Recommendationconcerning Technical and Vocational Education (2001) annexed thereto,

    United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • 61. Adopts the Revised Recommendation concerning Technical and VocationalEducation (2001) this second day of November 2001;

    2. Invites the Director-General to conduct future consultations with Member Statesconcerning its implementation, together with the five-yearly assessments of thefollow-up to the Seoul Congress;

    3. Recommends that when developing and improving technical and vocationaleducation, Member States should take whatever legislative or other steps may berequired to give effect, within their respective territories, to the principles set forthin this Recommendation;

    4. Further recommends that Member States should bring this Recommendationto the attention of the authorities and bodies concerned with technical and voca-tional education;

    5. Also recommends that Member States should submit to it, together with thefive-yearly assessments of the follow-up to the Seoul Congress, reports on theaction they have taken to give effect to the Recommendation.

    Annex of the Revised Recommendation concerning Technical and Vocational Education (2001)

  • 7I. Scope

    1. This Recommendation applies to all forms and aspects of education that aretechnical and vocational in nature, provided either in educational institutions orunder their authority, by public authorities, the private sector or through otherforms of organized education, formal or non-formal, aiming to ensure that allmembers of the community have access to the pathways of lifelong learning.

    2. For the purposes of this Recommendation technical and vocational educationis used as a comprehensive term referring to those aspects of the educationalprocess involving, in addition to general education, the study of technologiesand related sciences, and the acquisition of practical skills, attitudes, under-standing and knowledge relating to occupations in various sectors of economicand social life. Technical and vocational education is further understood to be:

    (a) an integral part of general education;

    (b) a means of preparing for occupational fields and for effectiveparticipation in the world of work;

    (c) an aspect of lifelong learning and a preparation for responsiblecitizenship;

    (d) an instrument for promoting environmentally sound sustainabledevelopment;

    (e) a method of facilitating poverty alleviation.

    3. Technical and vocational education, being part of the total educational processand being a right as described in Article 26 of the Universal Declaration ofHuman Rights, is included in the term education as defined in the Convention

    Revised Recommendation concerningTechnical and Vocational Education(2001)

  • 8and the Recommendation against Discrimination in Education adopted by theGeneral Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and CulturalOrganization at its 11th session (1960) and the Convention on Technical andVocational Education adopted by the General Conference at its 25th session(1989). The provisions of these documents are therefore applicable to it.

    4. This Recommendation should be understood as setting forth general principles,goals and guidelines to be applied by each individual country according to itssocio-economic needs and available resources in a changing world, with aview also to enhancing the status of technical and vocational education. Theapplication of the provisions and the timing of the implementation will dependupon the specific conditions, and constitutional provisions existing in a givencountry.

  • 9II. Technical and vocational education in relation to theeducational process: objectives

    5. Given the immense scientific, technological and socio-economic development,either in progress or envisaged, which characterizes the present era, particularlyglobalization and the revolution in information and communication techno-logy, technical and vocational education should be a vital aspect of theeducational process in all countries, and in particular should:

    (a) contribute to the achievement of the societal goals of greater demo-cratization and social, cultural and economic development, while at thesame time developing the potential of all individuals, both men andwomen, for active participation in the establishment and implement-ation of these goals, regardless of religion, race and age;

    (b) lead to an understanding of the scientific and technological aspects ofcontemporary civilization in such a way that people comprehend theirenvironment and are capable of acting upon it while taking a criticalview of the social, political and environmental implications of scientificand technological change;

    (c) empower people to contribute to environmentally sound sustainabledevelopment through their occupations and other areas of their lives.

    6. Given the necessity for new relationships between education, the world of workand the community as a whole, technical and vocational education shouldexist as part of a system of lifelong learning adapted to the needs of each par-ticular country and to worldwide technological development. This system shouldbe directed to:

    (a) abolishing barriers between levels and areas of education, betweeneducation and the world of work, and between school and societythrough:

    (i) the appropriate integration of technical/vocational and general edu-cation at all levels;

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    (ii) the creation of open and flexible educational structures;

    (iii) the taking into account of individuals educational needs, the evo-lution of occupations and jobs recognizing work experience as apart of learning;

    (b) improving the quality of life by creating a learning culture that permitsindividuals to expand their intellectual horizons, to acquire and to constant-ly improve professional skills and knowledge, and to engage positively insociety to utilize the fruits of economic and technological change for thegeneral welfare.

    7. Technical and vocational education should begin with a broad base which facil-itates horizontal and vertical articulation within the education system andbetween school and the world of work, thus contributing to the elimination ofall forms of discrimination, and should be designed so that it:

    (a) is an integral part of everyones basic general education in the form ofinitiation to technology, the world of work, and human values andstandards for responsible citizenship;

    (b) may be freely and positively chosen as the means by which peopledevelop talents, interests and skills leading to an occupation in varioussectors or to further education;

    (c) allows access to other aspects and areas of education at all levels,including institutions of higher learning, by being grounded in a solidgeneral education and, as a result of the integration mentioned in para-graph 6(a), containing a general education component through allstages of specialization;

    (d) allows transfers from one field to another within technical andvocational education;

    (e) is readily available to all and for all appropriate types of specialization,within and outside formal education systems, and in conjunction or inparallel with training in order to permit educational, career and jobmobility at the minimum age at which the general basic education isconsidered to have been acquired, according to the education systemin force in each country;

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    (f) is available on the above terms and on a basis of equality to womenas well as men, and where the learning and working environment ismade suitable for the participation of girls and women by removingovert and covert bias and discrimination and seeking strategies for moti-vating girls and women to take an interest in vocational and technicaleducation;

    (g) is available to people with disabilities and to socially and economicallydisadvantaged groups such as immigrants, refugees, minorities (includ-ing indigenous peoples), demobilized soldiers in post-conflict situations,and underprivileged and marginalized youth in special forms adaptedto their needs in order to integrate them more easily into society.

    8. In terms of the needs and aspirations of individuals, technical and vocationaleducation should:

    (a) permit the harmonious development of personality and character, andfoster spiritual and human values, the capacity for understanding,judgement, critical thinking and self-expression;

    (b) prepare the individual for lifelong learning by developing the necessarymental tools, technical and entrepreneurial skills and attitudes;

    (c) develop capacities for decision-making and the qualities necessary foractive and intelligent participation, teamwork and leadership at workand in the community as a whole;

    (d) enable an individual to cope with the rapid advances in informationand communication technology.

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    III. Policy, planning and administration

    9. Policy should be formulated and technical and vocational education adminis-tered in support of the general objectives adopted for the educational processas well as for national and, if possible, the regional social and economicrequirements of the present and the future, and an appropriate legislative andfinancial framework adopted. Policy should be directed to both the structuraland the qualitative improvement of technical and vocational education as stip-ulated in Article 2 of the Convention on Technical and Vocational Education(1989) and further described in the recommendations of the SecondInternational Congress on Technical and Vocational Education (1999):

    (a) Although governments carry the primary responsibility for technicaland vocational education, in a modern market economy technicaland vocational education policy design and delivery should beachieved through a new partnership between government, employ-ers, professional associations, industry, employees and theirrepresentatives, the local community and non-governmentalorganizations (NGOs). This partnership must create a coherentlegislative framework to enable the launching of a national strategyfor change. Within this strategy the government, apart from actuallyproviding technical and vocational education, can also provideleadership and vision, facilitate, coordinate, establish qualityassurance and ensure that technical and vocational education is forall by identifying and addressing community service obligations.

    (b) Technical and vocational education is best served by a diversity ofpublic and private providers. The appropriate mix can be found inmany ways, with the responsibility of governments being to facilitatechoice while ensuring quality.

    (c) Government and the private sector should recognize that technical andvocational education is an investment, not a cost, with significant returns,including the well-being of workers, enhanced productivity and inter-

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    national competitiveness. Therefore funding for technical and vocationaleducation should be shared to the maximum extent possible betweengovernment, industry, the community and the learner, with governmentproviding appropriate financial incentives. Furthermore, the govern-ments of least developed countries in particular should seek bilateraland multilateral capacity-building cooperation in technical andvocational education.

    (d) Within governments, there are often shared and overlapping responsi-bilities for various elements of technical and vocational educationamong departments and agencies. It is desirable that governmentsstreamline their own public institutional framework to the maximumextent possible to coordinate the national technical and vocationaleducation effort, create an effective partnership with the private sector,and promote technical and vocational education for the benefit of allstakeholders.

    10. Particular attention should be given to planning the development andexpansion of technical and vocational education by:

    (a) giving high priority to technical and vocational education in nationaldevelopment agendas as well as in plans for educational reform;

    (b) evaluating national short-term and long-term needs;

    (c) providing appropriate current and future allocations of financialresources;

    (d) establishing a national body responsible for coordinating planning intechnical and vocational education based on analysis of statistical dataand projections to facilitate complementarity between educationalpolicy planning and employment policy.

    11. Planning should respond to national and, if possible, regional, economic andsocial trends, to projected changes in demand for different classes of goodsand services, and for different types of skills and knowledge in such a way thattechnical and vocational education may easily adapt to the evolving scien-tific, technological and socio-economic changes. This planning should also becoordinated with current and projected training action and the evolution ofthe world of work in both urban and rural areas.

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    12. While the education authorities should have primary responsibility, the follow-ing groups of relevant stakeholders should be actively associated in policyformulation and in the planning process; corresponding structures, bothnational and local, taking the form of public agencies or consultative oradvisory bodies, should be created to permit this:

    (a) public authorities responsible for planning economic and social policy,labour and employment, and for the manufacturing and service sectors;

    (b) representatives of non-governmental organizations within each occu-pation sector from among employers and workers as well as of theinformal economy, small enterprise owners and entrepreneurs;

    (c) authorities or bodies responsible for out-of-school education and training;

    (d) representatives of those responsible both in public education and inState-recognized private education for executing educational policy,including teachers, examining bodies and administrators;

    (e) parents, former pupils, students and youth organizations;

    (f) representatives from the community at large.

    13. Policies for the structural improvement of technical and vocational educationshould be established within the framework of broad policies designed toimplement the principle of lifelong education through the creation of open,flexible and complementary structures for education, training and educationaland vocational guidance, considering the provisions of modern informationtechnology in education regardless of whether these activities take placewithin the system of formal education or outside it. In this respect, conside-ration should be given to the following:

    (a) multi-purpose secondary education offering diversified curricula linkingeducation to the world of work;

    (b) having institutions of higher learning offering flexible admission andprogrammes ranging from short specialized ones to longer full-timeprogrammes of integrated studies and professional specialization;

    (c) establishing a system of equivalencies whereby credit is given forcompletion of any approved programme, and recognition isgranted to educational and/or professional qualifications andwork experience;

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    (d) providing articulation and pathways between technical and vocationaleducation and programmes of higher education for the benefit of thoselearners who may wish to continue their education.

    14. Policy should be directed to ensuring high quality so as to exclude discrimina-tion between the different educational streams. In this respect, special effortsshould be made to ensure that national technical and vocational educationseeks to meet international standards.

    15. In order to ensure quality, responsible national authorities should establishcriteria and standards, subject to periodic review and evaluation, applying toall aspects of technical and vocational education, including, to the greatestextent possible, non-formal education for:

    (a) all forms of recognition of achievement and consequent qualification;

    (b) staff qualifications;

    (c) ratios of teaching and training staff to learners;

    (d) the quality of curricula and teaching materials;

    (e) safety precautions for all learning and training environments;

    (f) physical facilities, buildings, libraries, workshop layouts, quality and typeof equipment.

    16. National policy should foster research related to technical and vocational edu-cation, with particular emphasis on its potential within lifelong learning, anddirected to its improvement and relevance to the prevailing socio-economiccontext. This research should be carried out at national and institutional levels,as well as through individual initiative. To this end:

    (a) special emphasis should be placed on curriculum development,research concerning teaching and learning methods and materials,and, where the need exists, on technologies and techniques applied todevelopment problems;

    (b) financial resources and physical facilities from public and/or privatesources should be made available to institutions of higher education,specialized research institutions and professional organizations forapplying the results of this research on an experimental basis in repre-sentatively selected institutions for technical and vocational education;

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    (c) the positive results of research and experimentation should be widelydisseminated using all available media, especially information andcommunication technology;

    (d) the effectiveness of technical and vocational education should beevaluated using, among other data, relevant statistics including thoseconcerning part-time enrolments, drop-out rates and placement inwage- and self-employment;

    (e) research efforts to humanize working conditions should be emphasized.

    17. Administrative structures should provide for evaluation, supervisory andaccreditation services to ensure the rapid application of new research findingsand to maintain standards:

    (a) evaluation services as a whole should ensure the quality and smoothoperation of technical and vocational education by continuous reviewand action directed to monitoring progress and maintaining standardsthrough constant improvement of staff, facilities, programmes and,most importantly, student achievement;

    (b) supervisory services for the staff should encourage improvement in thequality of teaching by providing guidance and advice and recom-mending continuing education;

    (c) all technical and vocational education programmes, including thoseoffered by private bodies, should be subject to approval by the publicauthorities;

    (d) individual institutions should have the autonomy to design theirprogrammes with the involvement of business and industry to suitlocal needs.

    18. Particular attention should be given to the material resources required fortechnical and vocational education. Priorities should be carefully establishedwith due regard for immediate needs and the probable directions of futureexpansion in consultation with representatives from the world of work:

    (a) institutional planning should be directed to ensuring maximumefficiency and flexibility in use;

    (b) the planning, construction and equipping of facilities should be carriedout in collaboration with specialists from industry, teachers and

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    educational architects, and with due regard for the purpose of thefacilities, prevailing local factors and relevant research;

    (c) adequate funds should be allocated for recurrent expenditure forsupplies and maintenance and repair of equipment;

    (d) institutions should be given greater autonomy in their administrationand financial management.

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    IV. Technical and vocational aspects of general education

    19. An initiation to technology and to the world of work should be an essentialcomponent of general education. An understanding of the technologicalnature of modern culture and an appreciation of work requiring practical skillsshould thereby be acquired. This initiation should be a major concern ineducational reform and democratization. It should be a required element inthe curriculum, beginning in primary education and continuing through theearly years of secondary education.

    20. Opportunities for general technical and vocational initiation should continueto be available to those who wish to avail themselves of it within the educa-tion system and outside it in places of work or the community at large.

    21. Technical and vocational initiation in the general education of youth shouldfulfil the educational requirements of all spheres of interest and ability. Itshould mainly perform three functions:

    (a) to broaden educational horizons by serving as an introduction to theworld of work, and the world of technology and its products throughthe exploration of materials, tools, techniques, and the process ofproduction, distribution and management as a whole, and to enrichthe learning process through practical experience;

    (b) to orient those with the interest and ability in technical and vocationaleducation towards preparation for an occupational field or trainingoutside the formal education system;

    (c) to promote in those who will leave formal education with no specificoccupational aims or skills, attitudes and thought processes likely toenhance their aptitudes and potential, to facilitate the choice of anoccupation and access to a first job, and to permit them to continue theirvocational training and personal development.

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    22. General technical and vocational studies in schools, having great importancefor the orientation and education of youth programmes, should include anappropriate balance between theoretical and practical work. Such aprogramme of studies should be drawn up in collaboration with the profes-sional community and with those responsible for technical and vocationaleducation. These programmes should:

    (a) be based upon a problem-solving and experimental approach, andinvolve experience in planning methods and decision-making;

    (b) introduce the learner to a broad spectrum of technological fields andto productive work situations;

    (c) develop a certain command of valuable practical skills such as tool use,repair and maintenance and safety procedures, and a respect for theirvalue;

    (d) develop an appreciation of good design, craftsmanship and quality;

    (e) develop the ability to function as a team member and to communi-cate technical information;

    (f) be closely related to the local environment without, however, beinglimited to it.

    23. Technical and vocational initiation programmes in general educationalenrichment for youth and adults should be directed to enabling thoseengaged in working life to:

    (a) understand the general implications of technical change, its impact ontheir professional and private lives, and how to adapt to thesechanges;

    (b) use practical skills for improving the home and community environ-ment, and thus the quality of life and productive leisure-time activities;

    (c) inculcate an awareness of the possible impact of technology on theenvironment, and of the concept of sustainable development.

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    V. Technical and vocational education as preparation foran occupational field

    24. Given the disparities that may exist between formal education, whethersecondary or tertiary, and the employment and career opportunities avail-able, the highest priority should be given to technical and vocational educa-tion. Consequently the structure and content of traditional education, whethergeneral or technical and vocational, should be adapted accordingly through:

    (a) the diversification of secondary education in the later stages so that itmay be pursued in conjunction with employment or training, or maylead to employment or to higher education, thereby offering to allyouth educational options corresponding to their needs and abilities;

    (b)the development of educational structures and programmes on alllevels centred on organized and flexible interchange between educa-tional institutions (including universities), training institutions and theworld of work.

    25. Technical and vocational education as preparation for an occupational fieldshould provide the foundation for productive and satisfying careers andshould:

    (a) lead to the acquisition of broad knowledge and generic skillsapplicable to a number of occupations within a given field so that theindividual is not limited in his/her choice of occupation and is able totransfer from one field to another during his/her working life;

    (b) at the same time offer both a thorough and specialized preparationfor initial employment, including self-employment, and also trainingwithin employment;

    (c) provide the background in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes forcontinuing education at any point in the individuals working life.

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    26. Premature and narrow specialization should be avoided:

    (a) in principle, the age of 15 should be considered the lower limit forbeginning specialization;

    (b) a period of common studies providing basic knowledge and genericskills should be required for each broad occupational sector before aspecial branch is chosen.

    27. Technical and vocational education programmes should be designed ascomprehensive and inclusive systems to accommodate the needs of alllearners with special emphasis on motivating girls and women. Their equalaccess and participation should be ensured by:

    (a) appropriate legislative measures;

    (b) widespread dissemination of information concerning opportunities;

    (c) gender-sensitive guidance and counselling;

    (d) other incentives relevant to the local context.

    28. Special provision should be made for out-of-school and unemployed youthand children of socially disadvantaged groups such as minorities, migrantworkers, refugees, etc. with little or no primary education, as well as forthose not entering education or training programmes after completion ofcompulsory schooling, in order that they may acquire skills for wage- or self-employment.

    29. Given the necessity of integrating people who are disadvantaged due tophysical and intellectual disabilities into society and its occupations, the sameeducational opportunities should be available to them as to those withoutdisabilities in order that they may achieve qualification for an occupation torealize their potential and optimize their participation in the work force;special measures or special institutions may be required.

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    30. Technical and vocational education as preparation for an occupationalfield should be organized on a national or provincial/local basis, so as torespond positively to overall social, economic and educational require-ments and to the needs of different groups of the population withoutdiscrimination.

    31. Several organizational patterns of technical and vocational education,including full-time, part-time, open and distance learning options, could existwithin each country. The following patterns should be considered:

    (a) full-time programmes including general education and practicaltraining, provided in an educational establishment, either compre-hensive or specialized;

    (b) part-time programmes such as the following, in which general educa-tion and theoretical and broad practical aspects of the occupationalfield are given in an educational establishment, while specializedpractical training is acquired during work in the chosen occupation:

    (i) the day-release system, providing for workers and apprentices toattend an educational establishment one or two days a week;

    (ii) the sandwich system, under which periods in an educationalinstitution alternate with training periods in a factory, farm, businessestablishment or other undertaking;

    (iii) the block-release system, whereby workers are released to attendcourses of 10 to 15 weeks per year;

    (c) open and distance education programmes provided through:

    (i) correspondence;

    (ii) special radio and television broadcasting;

    (iii) the Internet and other computer-based media.

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    32. The responsible authorities should encourage part-time education; therefore:

    (a) these programmes could be available after completion of minimumcompulsory or required schooling, and should continue to be availablethroughout life;

    (b) the qualifications acquired by this means should be equivalent to thoseacquired by full-time education;

    (c) the practical training conducted by employers should be as broad aspossible, and should aim to meet international standards.

    33. In view of the increasing requirement for qualified middle-level personneland the increasing numbers completing secondary education or its equiva-lent, the development of technical and vocational programmes at a tertiarylevel should be given high priority, by both public and private providers. Thefollowing patterns should be considered:

    (a) a period of one to two years of guided work experience followed bypart-time or full-time programmes of specialization;

    (b) part-time and/or evening programmes;

    (c) full-time programmes as an extension to those given in specializedsecondary or tertiary institutions;

    (d) programmes offered through open and distance learning.

    34. In view of the high cost of equipment, its usage should be organized to yieldoptimum benefit. This could be achieved as follows:

    (a) centralized or mobile workshops and libraries could be used to serveseveral educational institutions;

    (b) when educational institutions close for the evenings and vacations, theirclassrooms and workshops should be utilized for continuing educationand non-formal training programmes;

    (c) workshops and laboratories should also be used to instil the culture ofmaintenance and respect for safety standards;

    (d) enterprises should be encouraged to make their equipment andfacilities available for practical training.

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    35. Enterprises should be actively involved in the theoretical and practicaltraining of those preparing for occupations in their particular sector, and shouldinteract with educational institutions regarding the organization of suchtraining.

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    Programme content

    36. All programmes of technical and vocational education as preparation for anoccupational field should:

    (a) aim at providing scientific knowledge, technical versatility and a clusterof core competencies and generic skills required for rapid adaptationto new ideas and procedures and for steady career development;

    (b) be based on analyses and forecasts of occupational requirements bynational education authorities, employment authorities, occupationalorganizations and other stakeholders;

    (c) include an appropriate balance between general subjects, science andtechnology, as well as subjects such as computer literacy, informationand communication technology, the environment and studies of boththe theoretical and practical aspects of the occupational field;

    (d) stress developing a sense of values, ethics and attitudes to prepare thelearner for self-reliance and responsible citizenship.

    37. In particular, programmes should:

    (a) be interdisciplinary in character, as many occupations now require twoor more traditional areas of study;

    (b) be based on curricula designed around core knowledge, competen-cies and skills;

    (c) include studies of the social and economic aspects of the occupationalfield as a whole;

    (d) include an interdisciplinary perspective to equip students to work in thechanging employment environment, and incorporate a multiculturalperspective, which may include the study of a foreign language aspreparation for international employment;

    (e) include the study of at least one foreign language of international use,which, while conducive to a higher cultural level, will give specialemphasis to the requirements of communication, the acquisition of a

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    scientific and technical vocabulary, and the need to prepare for inter-national employment and multicultural working environments;

    (f) include an introduction to organizational, planning and entrepreneurialskills;

    (g) emphasize instruction in safe and environmentally sound proceduresrelative to the materials and equipment used in a given occupationalfield, the importance of safe working conditions, and the health aspectsrelative to the occupation as a whole, including emergency and first-aid training.

    38. While based on the above general principles and components, and thuspursuing in all cases broader educational aims, programmes in their practicalaspect should be designed taking into account special occupational require-ments, especially in new professions and those undergoing change, andparticularly the use of the new information and communication technologyas a tool for enhancing the effectiveness of all vocations, including thoseconsidered traditional.

    39. Technical and vocational education programmes leading to universityqualification, while encouraging research and offering high-level special-ization, should be developed with particular attention to:

    (a) the inclusion of components directed to developing attitudes wherebythose with broad responsibilities in technological fields constantlyrelate their professional tasks to broader social and ethical goals;

    (b) preparing the learner more generally for life and the world of workbearing in mind that technical and vocational education is for eco-nomic, personal and social benefit.

    40. Programmes of technical and vocational education as preparation for occu-pations within the agricultural sector should be designed in accordance withthe overall social and economic requirements of sustainable developmentin rural areas.

    41. Where lack of resources is a serious constraint, priority should be given todeveloping programmes for areas experiencing skilled human resource short-ages, taking into consideration the projected needs for national economicdevelopment and the corresponding labour market growth.

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    42. Programmes preparing for occupations in small industry, individual farmingor the artisan trades, particularly for self-employment, should include entre-preneurship and elementary information and communication technologystudies to enable those engaged in such occupations to take responsibility forproduction, marketing, competent management and the rational organi-zation of the enterprise.

    43. Programmes leading to occupations in the business, commercial and servicesector, including the tourism and hospitality industries, should consist of:

    (a) training in the methods and skills developed as a result of the appli-cation of computer-based technology to business and office manage-ment, and particularly to the acquisition and processing of information;

    (b) training in the organizational and management skills required for thesmooth operation of enterprises;

    (c) an introduction to marketing and distribution procedures.

    44. Special attention should be given to developing programmes for preparingpersonnel at all levels for the social services system (e.g. community andfamily work, nursing and paramedical occupations, nutrition and foodtechnology, home economics and environmental improvement). Thoseprogrammes should:

    (a) orientate the special occupational field to raising standards of living interms of nutrition, clothing, housing, medical services, the quality offamily life and that of the environment;

    (b) be adapted to the special requirements of local conditions, in partic-ular those of climate and geography, materials available, communityorganization, and social and cultural patterns.

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    VI. Technical and vocational education as continuingeducation

    45. The development and expansion of technical and vocational education ascontinuing education, both within and outside the formal education system,with either public or private funding, and within the framework of lifelonglearning, should be a priority objective of all educational strategies. Broadprovision should be made for allowing everyone, whatever their priorqualifications, to continue both their professional and general education byfacilitating seamless pathways for learners through articulation, accreditationand recognition of all prior learning and relevant work experience.Technical and vocational education should develop close interfaces with allother education sectors to facilitate seamless pathways for learners with anemphasis on articulation, accreditation and recognition of prior learning.Within this spectrum, technical and vocational education has a responsibilityto ensure a sound initial education and training aimed at learning to learn,the most precious skill for all citizens, both young and adult.

    46. In addition to permitting adults to make up deficiencies in general orvocational education, which has often been its sole objective, continuingeducation should now:

    (a) offer possibilities for personal development and professional advance-ment by providing flexibility in programme administration andcurriculum design to facilitate smooth lifelong learning and ensurecontinuous entry, exit and re-entry points;

    (b)permit the updating and renewal of knowledge and practical abilitiesand skills in the occupational field;

    (c) enable individuals to adapt to technological changes in their occupa-tion or to enter another occupation;

    (d) be available throughout the individuals working life without restrictionwith regard to age, sex, prior education and training or position,recognizing work experience as a substitute for prior learning;

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    (e) be available to the increasing numbers of the aged population;

    (f) be broad in scope, including general education elements andcontemporary cross-cutting areas.

    47. The appropriate authorities should be encouraged to provide the basic condi-tions for continuing technical and vocational education, such as providing forpaid educational leave and other forms of financial aid.

    48. Continuing technical and vocational education should be actively encour-aged through:

    (a) widespread dissemination of information concerning the programmesavailable and ways of taking advantage of existing opportunities,including full use of the mass media and the Internet;

    (b) recognition of successful completion of programmes by increasedremuneration and professional advancement, with the involvement ofemployers and professional associations.

    49. Organizers of continuing technical and vocational education should considerthe following flexible forms of delivery:

    (a) courses and training offered during working hours at the workplace;

    (b) part-time courses utilizing existing secondary and tertiary technical andvocational education institutions;

    (c) evening and weekend courses;

    (d) correspondence courses;

    (e) courses on educational radio and television and the Internet;

    (f) short professional refresher courses.

    50. The following forms of study/training leave from work should be considered:

    (a) day release;

    (b) block release of varying lengths;

    (c) release for one or more hours during the working day.

    51. Programmes of continuing technical and vocational education should:

    (a) be designed and delivered to suit the special requirements of adultsusing flexible teaching methods that recognize already acquiredexpertise;

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    (b) be designed for individually paced learning;

    (c) be programmed to accommodate the potential that information andcommunication technology has to offer.

    52. Provision should be made for the particular requirements of special groups:

    (a) to enable women completing maternity leave to update their know-ledge and professional skills for re-entering the workforce;

    (b) to enable older workers and the unemployed to adapt to newoccupations;

    (c) to provide minorities, foreign workers, migrants, refugees, indigenouspeople and people with disabilities with training programmes to helpthem to adapt to working life;

    (d) to enable other marginalized and excluded groups, such as earlyschool leavers, out-of-school youth and demobilized soldiers in post-conflict situations to re-enter the mainstream of society.

    53. Continuing technical and vocational education programmes through thedistance learning mode should be promoted for the benefit of thosedisadvantaged by distance and location, such as individuals in rural commu-nities and those engaged in seasonal work.

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    VII. Guidance

    54. Guidance should be viewed as a continuous process spanning the entireeducation system, and should be directed towards aiding all to makeconscious and positive educational and occupational choices. It should ensurethat individuals are provided with the prerequisites:

    (a) to become aware of their interests, abilities and special talents, and tohelp them frame a plan for life;

    (b) to pursue courses of education and training designed to realize theirpotential and fulfil their life plans;

    (c) to acquire flexibility in decision-making concerning their occupations,in the initial and later stages, for developing a satisfying career;

    (d) to facilitate transitions back and forth as needed, between education,training and the world of work.

    55. Guidance should take into account the needs of industry, the individual andthe family while preparing students and adults for the real possibility offrequent career changes, which could include periods of unemployment andemployment in the informal sector, to be achieved through:

    (a) close liaison and coordination between lifelong learning, training, theworkplace and placement services;

    (b) ensuring that all necessary information concerning the world of workand career opportunities is available, and actively disseminated usingall available forms of communication;

    (c) ensuring that those engaged in work have access to informationconcerning continuing education and training as well as other workopportunities.

    56. While emphasizing the needs of individuals, guidance should be accom-panied by information that gives them a realistic view of the opportunities

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    available, including trends in the labour market and employment structures,the environmental impact of various occupations, and what may be expectedin terms of remuneration, career advancement and occupational mobility.

    57. Particular attention should be given to guidance for girls and women toensure that:

    (a) guidance is gender-inclusive and covers the whole range of education,training and employment opportunities;

    (b) girls and women are encouraged and motivated to take advantageof the opportunities available;

    (c) girls and women are encouraged to pursue subjects such as mathe-matics and science, which are prerequisites for vocational educationand training programmes.

    58. Guidance in the formal schooling context should promote technical and voca-tional education as a viable and attractive choice for young people. It should:

    (a) cover a broad range of occupations, include supplementary visits toworkplaces, and make the student aware of the eventual necessity ofchoosing an occupation and the importance of ensuring that this choiceis made as rationally as possible;

    (b) assist students and their parents/guardians in making a positive choiceconcerning educational streams, and encourage learners to keep opena wide range of options so as to increase their learning and occupa-tional flexibility.

    59. Guidance in technical and vocational education as preparation for anoccupational field should:

    (a) inform students of the various possibilities open in the particular field ofinterest, the educational background required, and the subsequentpossibilities for continuing education and further training;

    (b) encourage students to choose educational programmes that will notlimit their later employment options;

    (c) follow the students progress through their educational programmes;

    (d) supplement the programmes by short periods of work experience andstudy of real work situations.

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    60. For individuals engaged in continuing technical and vocational education asa part of their lifelong learning, guidance should:

    (a) help them to choose the programme best suited to their needs;

    (b) enable them to make effective choices regarding their entry intosuitable levels of specialization.

    61. Guidance should take into account:

    (a) economic, social, technological, cultural and family factors influencingthe learners attitudes, expectations and choice of career;

    (b) results of testing, including aptitude tests;

    (c) educational achievements and/or work experience;

    (d) opportunities and prospects in the occupational sector of interest;

    (e) individual preferences and special needs, including medical conditions,physical limitations and disabilities.

    62. Guidance systems need to be accountable to the beneficiaries and sponsorsof the service. Quality assurance and long-term results should be continuallymonitored at national and institutional levels through:

    (a) accurate records of clients, needs addressed, programmes and inter-ventions used and resultant employment including self-employment;

    (b) a system of evaluation both of staff performance and of the methodsused to determine the long-term effects of guidance and the degreeof self-reliance of beneficiaries.

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    VIII. The learning process

    63. The challenges facing technical and vocational education in the twenty-firstcentury demand learner-centred innovative and flexible approachesincluding a reoriented curriculum to take account of new subjects and issuessuch as technology, the environment, foreign languages and cultures, entre-preneurship and the requirements of rapidly growing service industries.

    64. Theory and practice should form an integrated whole and be presented in amanner that motivates the learners. Experience in the laboratory, workshopand/or enterprises should be linked to mathematical and scientific found-ations, and conversely, technical theory, as well as the mathematics andscience underlying it, should be illustrated through their practical applications.

    65. Full use should be made of contemporary educational technology, particu-larly the Internet, interactive multimedia materials, audiovisual aids and massmedia, to enhance the reach, cost-effectiveness, quality and richness ofprogrammes, especially in the promotion of self-learning.

    66. The methods and materials used in technical and vocational education shouldbe carefully adapted to the learners needs. In this respect:

    (a) where the language of instruction differs from the native language,teaching materials should make maximum use of numerical andgraphical representation, written material being kept to a minimum;

    (b) where materials developed in one country are adapted for use inanother, this adaptation should be carefully made with due regard tolocal factors;

    (c) considering, however, the increasing mobility of labour, the acquisitionof foreign language skills should be considered a vital aspect of thecurriculum.

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    67. Machines and equipment used in workshops in educational institutionsshould be geared to the needs of the workplace, and should simulate it asclosely as possible. Learners should be capable of operating and maintainingthe equipment.

    68. Evaluation/assessment should be an integral part of the teaching andlearning process, and its major function should be to ensure the availabilityof appropriate programmes for the development of learners in accordancewith their interests and capacities, and competence in the world of work.

    69. The learners performance should be evaluated/assessed on an overall basisthat considers class participation, interests and attitude, aptitude for acquiringpractical skills and competencies, and relative progress, allowance beingmade for aptitudes and examinations and other tests.

    70. Learners should participate in the evaluation/assessment of their ownprogress, and this system should have an in-built feedback mechanism toidentify and correct learning problems.

    71. Continuous evaluation of the teaching and learning process, including form-ative assessment, should be undertaken with the participation of teachers,supervisors, learners and representatives from the occupational fieldsconcerned to ensure that the programme is effective and that the knowledgeand skills imparted meet the needs of the workplace, and include recentdevelopments in the field of study.

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    IX. Staff

    72. To ensure the high quality of technical and vocational education, priorityshould be given to the recruitment and initial preparation of adequatenumbers of well-qualified teachers, instructors/trainers, administrators andguidance staff, and to the provision of continuous professional upgradingthroughout their career, and other facilities to enable them to functioneffectively.

    73. The emoluments and conditions of service which are offered should comparefavourably with those enjoyed by persons with similar qualifications andexperience in other occupational sectors. In particular, promotions, salariesand pension scales for technical and vocational education staff should takeinto account any relevant experience acquired in employment outside theeducational sector.

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    Teaching staff

    74. All teachers in technical and vocational education, including instructors/trainerswho teach practical skills, should be considered an integral part of theteaching profession, and should be recognized as having the same status astheir colleagues in general education. In this regard:

    (a) the Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers adopted bythe Special Intergovernmental Conference on the Status of Teachers on5 October 1966 is applicable to them especially as regards the provi-sions concerning preparation for a profession, continuing education,employment and career, the rights and responsibilities of teachers,conditions for effective teaching and learning, teachers salaries, andsocial security;

    (b) arbitrary distinctions between teachers in specialized technical andvocational institutions and those in general education institutions shouldbe eliminated.

    75. Technical and vocational education teachers, on a full-time or part-timebasis, should possess the appropriate personal, ethical, professional andteaching qualities, and a strong initial preparation that will enable themto operate in and adapt to an ever-changing scientific, technological andsocial environment.

    76. Teachers of technical and vocational subjects in general education should:

    (a) be familiar with a broad range of specialities;

    (b) develop the ability to relate these to each other as well as to the largersocial, economic, environmental, historical and cultural context;

    (c) where these subjects serve primarily an occupation or educationalorientation function, be able to give guidance.

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    77. Teachers of technical and vocational education for occupational fields shouldhave relevant qualifications so that:

    (a) if the occupational field requires primarily practical skills, they shouldhave significant experience in the exercise of these skills;

    (b) if learners are to be prepared for technician or middle-managementpositions, teachers should have a thorough knowledge, preferablyacquired through appropriate practical experience, of the specialrequirements of this type of position;

    (c) if the occupational field requires research and theoretical analysis, e.g.an engineering field, teachers should have a background in researchmethods.

    78. Teachers in technical and vocational education as continuing educationshould, in addition to the special preparation for teaching adults, have anadequate knowledge of the working environment of the learners, and beable to provide distance and individually paced education and training.

    79. Skilled professionals working outside education should be invited to teach inschools, universities or other educational institutions in order to link the worldof work more closely to the classroom.

    80. Teachers of general subjects in technical and vocational education institutions,in addition to qualifications in their own field, should have an appreciationof the nature of the learners specialized technical and vocational educationprogramme.

    81. Preparation for technical and vocational teaching should preferably beoffered as a tertiary programme, requiring completion of secondary educa-tion or its equivalent for entrance. All programmes should be designed withthe following objectives in mind:

    (a) to maintain standards of education and professional preparation ineffect for the teaching profession as a whole and to contribute to raisingthese overall standards;

    (b) to develop in future teachers the ability to teach both the theoretical andthe practical aspects of their field, with special emphasis on the need to use,whenever possible, the information and communication technologies;

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    (c) to develop in future teachers the responsibility for keeping up to datewith trends in their field, as well as with the related work opportunities;

    (d) to develop in future teachers the ability to guide learners with specialneeds;

    (e) to ensure that future teachers are equipped, by means of supple-mentary training, to teach other subjects related to their primary subject.

    82. Flexible training and retraining programmes, combining instruction on thecampus and in the workplace, must be adapted to suit the concerned subjectsand the needs of the learners and the workplace by developing new andappropriate instruments of assessment, accreditation and articulation, andcertification standards.

    83. When local conditions prevent future teachers from receiving practical workexperience in their training, the teacher-training institution should attempt tosimulate workplace conditions as part of the curriculum.

    84. The professional preparation of all technical and vocational teachers shouldinclude the following elements in pre-service training and in-serviceupgrading programmes:

    (a) educational theory in general and particularly as it applies to technicaland vocational education;

    (b) educational psychology and sociology relevant to the subjects/fields tobe taught by the future teachers;

    (c) classroom management, special teaching methods appropriate to thesubjects/fields of the future teachers and methods of evaluating/assessing the students work;

    (d) training in the choice and use of contemporary teaching techniquesand aids, including information/communication technologies;

    (e) training in how to create and produce appropriate teaching materials,including modular and computer-aided instructional materials, when-ever such materials are in short supply;

    (f) a period of supervised practice teaching before appointment to a post;

    (g) an introduction to educational and occupational guidance methods aswell as to educational administration;

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    (h) planning the instructional environment of practical classes and labora-tories and managing/maintaining these facilities;

    (i) a sound training in safety, with emphasis on teaching safe workingpractice and setting a good working example.

    85. Staff responsible for the preparation of technical and vocational teachersshould have obtained advanced qualifications in their field:

    (a) teacher-educators responsible for special technical and vocational fieldsshould have qualifications in their field equivalent to those of specialsubjects staff in other higher education institutions and programmes,including advanced degrees and employment experience in relatedoccupational fields;

    (b) teacher-educators responsible for the pedagogical aspect of teacherpreparation should themselves be experienced teachers in technicaland vocational education, and should possess advanced qualificationsin education.

    86. Staff responsible for the preparation of technical and vocational teachersshould be actively engaged in technical research and analyses of workopportunities in their field. Provision should be made for this in terms of areasonable teaching load, and access to appropriate facilities.

    87. Teaching staff should be encouraged to continue their education andtraining, whatever their specialized field, and should have the necessarymeans to do so. Lifelong learning should be made available in a wide rangeof facilities, and should include:

    (a) continuous review and updating of knowledge, competencies andskills;

    (b) continuous updating of specialized professional skills and knowledge;

    (c) periodic work experience in the relevant occupational sector.

    88. When questions of promotion, seniority and status are considered, teachersachievements in continuing education and training as well as relevant workexperience should be taken into account.

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    Administrative and guidance staff

    89. Administrators of technical and vocational education programmes should beequipped with the following qualifications:

    (a) teaching experience in a field of technical and vocational education;

    (b) some work experience in one of the fields taught in the programme;

    (c) a broad vision of technical and vocational education as a vital elementin personal, social and economic development;

    (d) knowledge of administrative techniques and procedures.

    90. The heads of technical and vocational education establishments shoulddevote a significant portion of their time to the educational and scientificaspects of their work. Sufficient staff should be available to provide thefollowing services:

    (a) counselling and guidance for candidates and students;

    (b) the preparation, supervision and coordination of all practical work andexperiments;

    (c) the maintenance of instruments, apparatus and tools in workshops andlaboratories;

    (d) academic support services such as libraries, information and commu-nication technology centres and information resource centres.

    91. Administrators should keep up to date with new administrative techniquesand trends, especially through relevant lifelong learning programmes. Theyshould receive special training in the methods and problems associated withthe specific features of technical and vocational education programmes, suchas flexible entry and re-entry patterns, continuous training in the workplace,and relevance to the needs of the world of work. This preparation shouldinclude:

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    (a) management methods appropriate to educational administration,including techniques that utilize information and communicationtechnologies;

    (b) financial planning methods that facilitate the allocation of availableresources, given the objectives and priorities of the variousprogrammes, and ensure their efficient utilization;

    (c) contemporary human resources management and developmentmethods.

    92. Guidance staff should receive special preparation for their tasks. They shouldbe equipped to make objective assessments of aptitude, interest andmotivation, and have up-to-date information concerning education and workopportunities. They should acquire a direct knowledge of the economy andthe world of work through systematically organized visits to enterprises andtraining periods in enterprises. Guidance staff should be provided withfacilities including the opportunity for practical experience to keep up withnew information and methods of guidance. Most importantly, they shouldbear in mind the concept that technical and vocational education must beavailable to all as part of the lifelong learning process. It must contribute topersonal and economic development and responsible citizenship.

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    X. International cooperation

    93. Member States should give priority to international cooperation between theNorth and South, as well as between countries of the South, with the assistanceof concerned international organizations, to renovate and sustain technicaland vocational education systems, with particular emphasis on the following:

    (a) the need for developing countries to take ownership of technical andvocational education and to increase their budget for this sector ofeducation;

    (b) the efficient coordination, within any given country, of internationalassistance activities;

    (c) enhancing the sharing of intellectual property, including throughresearch and development, for the benefit of learners in all countriesand situations;

    (d) recognition by all stakeholders, including international financial author-ities, of the contribution of technical and vocational education to themaintenance of peace and stability and to the prevention of socialdysfunction, and the need to incorporate support for this sector ofeducation in their assistance to recipient countries.

    94. Member States should take special measures to make technical and voca-tional education accessible to foreigners (in particular migrants and refugees)and their children living within their territory. Such measures should take intoaccount the special needs of such persons in the host country, as well as inthe event of their return to their country of origin.

    95. There is significant scope for countries to share their experience in technicaland vocational education. There is a need for mutual cooperative assistancebetween all countries, regardless of their state of development. Provisionshould be made at the national, regional and international levels forthe regular exchange, making use of contemporary information and

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    communication technologies, of information, documentation, and materialsobtained from research and development, in particular:

    (a) publications concerning comparative education, psychological andpedagogical problems affecting general and technical and vocationaleducation, and current trends;

    (b) information and documentation concerning curriculum development,methods and materials, study opportunities abroad, and employmentopportunities, including human resource requirements, working condi-tions and social benefits;

    (c) ideas, innovations and new teaching/learning/training materials;

    (d) mass media programmes of an informational or pedagogical char-acter.

    96. Regional cooperation should be encouraged among countries having acommon cultural heritage and/or facing common problems in the develop-ment or extension of technical and vocational education through:

    (a) periodic meetings at the ministerial level and the establishment of amechanism to review policies formulated and actions taken;

    (b) the creation of joint facilities for higher level research, the developmentof prototype materials and equipment, and the preparation of staff forthe training of teachers where the costs of such facilities are too high tobe sustained by any one country.

    97. The development of teaching and learning materials which use theinformation and communication technologies and are suitable for interna-tional or regional use should be considered a priority area. These materialsshould contribute to the progressive establishment and recognition ofcommon standards for professional competencies/qualifications acquiredthrough technical and vocational education. Moreover, such teaching andlearning materials should encourage deliberate international collaborativeteaching and learning among institutions.

    98. Member States should encourage the creation of a climate favourable tointernational cooperation with a view to capacity-building in developingcountries, especially in the areas of acquisition, adaptation and applicationof technology, through:

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    (a) fellowship and exchange programmes for teachers/trainers, studentsand administrators/managers;

    (b) establishing sustained cooperation between similar institutions indifferent countries, such as through twinning arrangements;

    (c) provision of work experience abroad, particularly when opportunitiesat home are limited;

    (d) encouraging countries to present and make known their educationalprogrammes outside their national boundaries.

    99. To facilitate international cooperation, Member States should, throughthe exchange of good practices and methods, aim to apply relevant andappropriate internationally recommended standards and norms relating inparticular to:

    (a) systems of assessment/evaluation;

    (b) scientific and technical symbols;

    (c) occupational qualifications and certification;

    (d) equipment and technical standards;

    (e) information processing;

    (f) equivalencies of qualifications implying standardization of curricula andtesting, including aptitude tests;

    (g) occupational safety and security through testing of materials, productsand processes;

    (h) environmental protection and conservation.

    100. Internationally recommended standards and norms should be continuouslyevaluated through sustained research on and monitoring of the effective-ness of their application in each country, with a view to enabling countriesto use lifelong technical and vocational education as a means of narrowingthe disparities between the North and the South and as a bridge to a moreprosperous and peaceful future in the twenty-first century.

  • For more information, please contact:

    Section for Technical and Vocational EducationUNESCO

    7, place de Fontenoy75352 Paris 07 SP (France)

    Tel.: (33.1) 45 68 08 34 Fax: (33.1) 45 68 55 45 Email: [email protected]: http://www.unesco.org/education/

    InFocus Programme on Skills, Knowledge and EmployabilityILO

    4, route des Morillons1211 Geneva 22 (Switzerland)

    Tel.: (41.22) 799 6860 Fax: (41.22) 799 7650 Email: [email protected]: http://www.ilo.org/skills/
