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ЕГЭ Говорение ЕГЭ 2016 Устная часть Образцы выполнения заданий Вариант 1 В этой статье представлены примерные образцы выполнения заданий устной части (Speaking Part) ЕГЭ 2016 по английскому языку. Статья написана с учетом изменений, которые произошли в формулировке задания 3 (пункт 1 и пункт 4). Надеюсь, данный материал поможет вам в подготовке к экзамену. Task 1 Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read this text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it. Burney Crouss went to school to study the sounds of nature. For 20 years he has recorded the sounds animals make. He has recordings of animal sounds from all over the world. Burney has made a record of animal songs. It all began when he took some of the sounds and put them together. Last year, he put together a song he called «Jungle Shoes.» It turned out great. Burney makes the music by taking part of his animal noises and saving them on a computer. He makes each sound play when a key is pressed. Then he asks other musicians to play the keys into songs. Burney believes in working to save nature. He thinks that more people need to take care of our world. The sounds of nature are quickly disappearing. When he recorded whales in Alaska, he could hear the sound of oil well drilling from fifteen to twenty miles away. It was very loud. He says his goal is to save nature sounds so his children will be able to hear them. Listen to this audiofile Mind your pronunciation! Crouss, sound, loud [au] Burney, turn, world [ɜ:] to think [θ] together [ð] Vocabulary nature [´neitʃə] – природа musician [mju:´ziʃ(ə)n] – музыкант, композитор key [ki:] клавиша (рояля, органа, клавиатуры компьютера)

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  • 2016


    (Speaking Part)

    2016 . ,

    3 ( 1 4). ,


    Task 1

    Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material

    for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read this

    text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.

    Burney Crouss went to school to study the sounds of nature. For 20 years he has recorded the sounds

    animals make. He has recordings of animal sounds from all over the world.

    Burney has made a record of animal songs. It all began when he took some of the sounds and put them

    together. Last year, he put together a song he called Jungle Shoes. It turned out great.

    Burney makes the music by taking part of his animal noises and saving them on a computer. He makes each

    sound play when a key is pressed. Then he asks other musicians to play the keys into songs. Burney believes

    in working to save nature. He thinks that more people need to take care of our world. The sounds of nature

    are quickly disappearing.

    When he recorded whales in Alaska, he could hear the sound of oil well drilling from fifteen to twenty miles

    away. It was very loud. He says his goal is to save nature sounds so his children will be able to hear them.

    Listen to this audiofile

    Mind your pronunciation!

    Crouss, sound, loud [au]

    Burney, turn, world [:]

    to think []

    together []


    nature [neit]

    musician [mju:zi()n] ,

    key [ki:] (, , )

  • to record [ri k:d] ,

    record [rek:d]

    to disappear [dispi]

    goal [ul] ,

    whale [weil]




    , .

    . ,

    , , ,


    , .



    ( + ).

    Task 2

    Study the advertisement.

    You are considering booking a river trip and now you are calling to find out more information. In 1.5

    minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:

    Booking of the trip ( )


  • Boarding time ( )

    Kinds of amenities ( )

    Reductions for senior citizens ( )

    If food and drinks available on board the yacht (


    You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

    Sample answer

    How can I book the trip? / Can I book the trip on the phone? / I can book the trip on the phone, cant

    I? / Should I book the trip in advance? / Is there any possibility to book the trip online?

    What is the boarding time? / When does the boarding start (begin)?

    What amenities are there on board the yacht (the boat, the ship)?

    Are there any reductions (discounts) for senior citizens?

    Can we order (buy) any food and drinks on board the yacht?

    amenities [mintiz]

    n board the ship (on board the plane) ()


    5 , ,


    , , .


    . (, )

    ? (, )

    I can order some food and drinks on board the yacht. (, ,

    : + )

    Can I order any food and drinks on board the yacht? (, ,

    : + )

    How can I book the trip? (, , : +

    + )

    Do you think I can book the trip on the phone

    I wonder if I can book the trip on the phone.

    Task 3

  • Imagine that these are photos from your photo album.

    Choose one photo to present to your friend.

    Photo 1

    Photo 2

    Photo 3

    You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (1215

    sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:


  • where and when the photo was taken

    what / who is in the photo

    whatis happening

    why you keep the photo in your album

    why you decided to show the picture to your friend

    You have to talk continuously, starting with:

    I've chosen photo number...

    Sample answer

    I've chosen photo number 2. ( ,


    You know, every summer we go to the seaside to have a good rest. So, I took this photo two years ago

    when our family went to Egypt on summer holidays. It was our first trip abroad.

    In the foreground of the photo you can see my little brother Dmitry. He is riding a camel on a sandy

    beach. He looks very happy because he has never done it before. The camel is covered with bright colourful

    blanket made of wool. It also has got some funny pompons (decorations) on its head. The day is quite hot

    and sunny and there are no clouds in the sky. So, not to get sunburnt Dima is wearing a T-shirt.

    The sea is very calm. You can notice several snow-white yachts (ships) against the skyline. Every day they

    take people for offshore excursions where one can watch dolphins and exotic species of fish.

    As a rule, I always take a lot of pictures while travelling. I often show them to my friends and relatives to

    share the best and the most thrilling moments of our journeys. Thats why I keep them in my album.

    I was really astonished (impressed, struck) by a funny look of the camel. It seems to me that the animal has

    got a smiling face. I decided to show this picture to you because I think it might improve your mood. I

    hope you find it amazing, too.

    That is all I wanted to say. ( ,


    Task 4

    Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

    give a brief description of the photos (action, location)

    say what the pictures have in common

    say in what way the pictures are different

    say which of the activities presented in the pictures youd prefer

    explain why

  • Photo 1

    Now I am going to compare and contrast [kntrast] these two photos.

    To start with I should admit that holidays are an integral[interl] part of our life no matter where we live.

    And these two photos are the evidence of what I have said.

    Both pictures show people celebrating Christmas.

    The first photo depicts a company of six young people who are enjoying a holiday season on a sandy

    beach. They are wearing swimming suits, sunglasses and Santas hats. Im not sure but it seems to me that

    it is a team of life-guards. In the background of the picture you can see a decorated Christmas tree, a large

    inflatable snowman and Santa Claus.

    Photo 2

    As for the second picture it shows a young man and a young woman singing carols in the street which is

    beautifully decorated with lights. The weather is snowy and I suppose its pretty cold outside because they

    are wearing warm clothes, gloves and scarves. Even their dog has got a warm jacket and a scarf and that

    makes me think (Ive got a feeling) that these people are very caring and love their pet very much.


  • As I have mentioned before the main similarity (the most obvious similarity) between these pictures is a

    festive atmosphere of Christmas. Also I get the impression that people in picture 1 and picture 2 are of the

    same age and look very joyful. Moreover, both pictures were taken outdoors (out-of-doors / in the open air).

    Comparing these two pictures, Id like to stress out that the most apparent (striking) difference between

    them is the season of the year. In the first photo the event might be taking place somewhere in Australia

    because Christmas Day usually falls in the middle of the summer in this country. In contrast, in the second

    picture you can see people in winter. I can only guess that they are probably British. Besides, picture No 1

    was taken during the daytime, while picture No 2 was taken at night.

    All in all, I may say that Id prefer to celebrate Christmas in Australia, because it is extremely unusual

    (awesome / thrilling / killing / dramatic) to celebrate totally winter holiday in summer.

    Thats where Id like to end. (Ive come to the end of my speaking.)

    Thank you for listening.

    , . -.




    Part) 2016 . .

    , 3 ( 1 4) 2016

    . . ,


    Task 1

    Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material

    for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read this

    text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it. No single person or culture invented the alphabet it has evolved over centuries. In order to understand

    modern alphabets, we must take a trip back through time.

    Archeologists have discovered cave paintings thousands of years old that document the first forms of

    alphabets. In fact, some of the oldest alphabetic symbols have been found in the Middle East more than

    5,000 years ago.

    One of the earliest forms of the alphabet was hieroglyphics. Hieroglyphics were single symbols that stood

    for entire words. Thousands of characters and symbols were used to represent the words, needs, and lives of

    early civilizations.

    Memorizing of thousands of unique hieroglyphic symbols was a difficult task, so only the most highly

    educated priests and scholars were experts.

    The Latin alphabet, also called the Roman alphabet, is the most widely used alphabetic writing system in

    the world today. This is the system on which the English alphabet is based.

    Listen to this audiofile

  • Mind your pronunciation!

    [:] person, expert, first, word, world

    [i] system, symbol, hieroglyphic

    [f] alphabet, hieroglyphic

    [k] archeologist, character, scholar

    [] through, thousand


    to evolve [ivlv] ,

    through [ru:] ,

    alphabet [lfbt]

    hieroglyphic [hairulifik] ,

    character [krkt] , , , ,

    scholar [skl] ,

    priest [pri:st]

    entire [intai]

    unique [ju:ni:k] ,




    , .


    . , ,

    ( );


    , ,




    ( + ).

    Task 2

    Study the advertisement.

  • You are considering taking part in a quiz in order to win a free 50 voucher to the Whitlingham

    Outdoor Centre and now you are calling to find out more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask

    five direct questions to find out about the following:

    deadline for answers ( )

    the way of picking a winner ( )

    age of applicants ( )

    if an applicant must live in Norfolk ( )

    list of activities available ( / )

    Sample answer

    1. What is the deadline for sending the answer? 2. How will you pick a winner? / What is the way of picking a winner? / Will you pick a winner at


    3. How old must be the applicants? / What age is suitable for applicants? 4. Must an applicant live in Norfolk? 5. Where can I get the list of activities at the outdoor centre? / Is there a list of possible activities at the

    centre? / Can I find the list of possible activities on your website? / What outdoor activities do you

    offer? / What kinds of activities are available at your center?

    at random

    Task 3

    Imagine that these are photos from your photo album.

    Choose one photo to present to your friend.


  • Photo 1

    Photo 2

    Photo 3


  • You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (1215

    sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:

    where and when the photo was taken

    what/who is in the photo

    whatis happening

    why you keep the photo in your album

    why you decided to show the picture to your friend

    You have to talk continuously, starting with

    Ive chosen photo number

    Sample answer (photo No 3)

    I've chosen photo number 3. ( ,


    I should say that a lot of amazing and curious things always happen around us daily. Look at this picture, for

    example. Its really fabulous, isnt it? My mum took it two years ago when she was travelling around Italy.

    In the foreground of the picture you can see a street performer. It looks like he is floating in the air. Its

    unbelievable but he is not touching the ground. The man is wearing bright orange Hindu clothes thats why I

    think he might be a yoga practitioner. In front of him there is a little box for charity.

    In the background of the picture there are some ruins of the ancient buildings. As my mum says its one of

    the most famous historical sights of Rome.

    I keep this photo in my album because I was totally impressed by this unusual / fantastic / incredible /

    stunning / gimmick.

    To tell the truth, I dont really believe in the power of levitation. Im sure its just a kind of illusion. I

    decided to show this photo to you because Im eager to know if you have any idea how this trick works. (I

    decided to show this photo to you because I have always wanted to know the secrets of this performance

    and maybe together we find out the answer).

    Thats all I wanted to say. ( )

    gimmick [imik] , , ,

    fabulous ,

    stunning [stni] ,

    incredible [inkredibl] ,

    levitation [levitei()n]

    to float [flut] ,

    to be eager [i:] to do smth -

    Task 4

    Study the photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

  • give a brief description of the photos (action, location)

    say what the pictures have in common

    say in what way the pictures are different

    say which kind of the activities presented in the pictures you'd prefer

    explain why

    Sample answer

    Photo 1

    Now I am going to compare and contrast [kntr:st] these two photos. (start with this phrase)

    Just at the beginning I would go as far as to say that lots of people are fond of dancing because it is a

    good way to express their feelings and emotions. And now lets take a closer look at these two photos.

    In the first picture you can see a group of people performing a folk dance on the stage. They are wearing

    nicely designed scarlet costumes embroidered with pearls and gold work. I am fairly sure that they are

    performing one of the traditional Russian dances because the girls are wearing kokoshniks which are an

    integral part of Russian folk costumes (which are a typical head-dress of Russian folk costumes). It looks as

    if all dancers are in a good mood.


  • Picture 2

    In the second picture Id like to draw your attention to the couple who might be dancing tango. The man

    looks very elegant in his black suit as well as his partner in a beautiful red dress. They seem to be showing

    some dramatic and complex figures.

    The main similarity between picture 1 and picture 2 is that they both display / show / depict people who

    take up dancing. Another resemblance is that people in both pictures are wearing their stage costumes

    instead of their casual clothes.

    The most obvious difference between picture 1 and picture 2 is the style of dances. Im pretty confident

    that in picture 1 people are performing a folk dance, whereas picture 2 depicts a kind of ballroom dancing.

    What is more, in comparison to picture 1 where you can see a folk ensemble (a lot of people), picture 2

    shows a partner dance (two people).

    As for me, I would prefer to take up ballroom dancing because I am a hot-tempered person so this style of

    dancing with its speed and emotions will better reflect my character.

    Summarizing, I may say that taking part into dancing activity is a good way of recreation.

    Thats where Id like to end.


    scarlet [sk:lt] -,

    to embroider [imbrid] ,

    pearl [p:l]



    integral part [inter()l]

    folk dance [fuk]

    ballroom dance

    tango [tu]

    couple [kpl]

    ensemble [:ns:mb()l]

    to draw ones attention

    recreation [rikriein]