真三国无双4武器及道具入手法 天墨号的装备 12星座时间表 notes

【蜀国】 赵云:【豪龙胆】 战场:【成都之战:蜀军】 条件:击败雷铜、费观、邓贤和刘循,占领雒城,并歼灭镇守城门西门和北门的 两个守门队长。成功后会有贵重物品发现提示。 关羽:【黄龙偃月刀】 战场:【樊城之战:蜀军】 条件:帮助关平尽快击败曹仁配下的武将:牛金、乐进和于禁。引发水攻樊城的 剧情。成功后会有贵重物品发现提示。 张飞:【破军蛇矛】 战场:【长坂之战:蜀军】 条件:先迅速击败附近的敌将文聘,引发长坂桥仁王立剧情,然后迅速击败夏侯 惇和夏侯恩。成功后会有重物品发现提示。 备:【真黄龙剑】 战场:【夷陵之战:蜀军】 条件:开始先在中间的桥头等候,时间经过会出现朱然执行火计的信息,之后败朱然阻止火计发生;接下来,过桥击败凌统和甘宁;接近孙尚香军团后,会发 生剧情,之后击败孙尚香;最后击败吴军大营附近的陆逊。成功后会有贵重物品发现提示。注意:孙尚香见到刘备会逃跑的。 诸葛亮:【朱雀羽扇】 战场:【天水之战:蜀军】 条件:先根据诸葛亮自己的指示,占领下方的两座城池;出现剧情后,释放夏侯 懋;接着击败姜维,城主马遵逃走。成功后会有贵重物品发现提示。 马超:【龙骑尖】 战场:【潼关之战:蜀军】 条件:一开始立刻从地图中间的水路接近曹操军团(推荐骑马,不要与其他的敌将 发生战斗);在曹操进入空据点前随便伤到他一下即可。主要就是一定要快。成功 a u o m o v e n d u s y s a e g c a n a y s s h m # x z z 1 6 H 3 C P R y a u o m o v e n d u s y s a e g c a n a y s s h m # x z z 1 6 H 3 C P R y a u t o m o t i v e - i n d u s t r y - s t r a t e g i c - a n a l y s i s . h t m l # i x z z 1 6 H 4 4 8 u 3 2

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条件:在 5分钟之内迅速击败敌将夏侯渊和张颌(一定要赶在曹操军团增援到来之










速占领城壁,消灭 4个守备兵团长,(以上流程要在 10分钟以内完成)。成功后会












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条件:在开始后的 10分钟以内,迅速击败 9名以上敌将,或者消灭敌军数量合计

超过 750人,就会引发张辽夸奖自己武艺的剧情(速度是关键,击败敌方武将主将




条件:保护自军的兵器,并尽快占领敌军下方的 3个据点,破坏攻城兵器。成功
















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示。  呂布:【无双方天戟】


条件:先击败张燕,获得袁绍的信任,之后完成 1000人斩(注意不要轻易消灭据















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生;在时间经过 17分钟左右后,敌方的增援来到,这时候击败敌将甘宁和蒋钦,










条件:2分钟内完成 200人斩。就会出现“贵重物品”发现的提示。建议:由于时








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  条件:战斗开始后,5分钟内击败许楮、曹仁和甄姬, 顺序不限。完成后就












条件:开始后在 5分钟内击败颜良、文丑这两名武将后,就会出现“贵重物品”发现





条件:在 3分钟内击败关羽、张飞和刘备即可。完成后就会出现“贵重物品”发现的






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条件:在 4分钟之内,按顺序击破张角、裴元绍、张梁、张宝、波才,且自军武





  条件:在战斗开始后 4-5分钟之内,将敌方武将曹仁击败,就会出现“贵重物














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条件:在战斗一开始,在 1分钟内迅速将敌将木鹿大王周围 3个虎使者击败,就




  条件:战斗开始后,迅速摧毁全部 7辆虎战车后,就会出现“贵重物品”发现的










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  白虎秘石:每消灭 100敌人,攻击力都自动+2





  百草丸:每消灭 100敌人,都会自动恢复体力。是攻克难关必备的道具












条件:快速击破 20个石像。





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条件:击破许褚后 3分钟内击破徐晃



条件:击破 1000人 玄武秘石:


条件:开始后 2分钟内击破城外的邓贤,李辅,申仪,申耽并击破 80人







“虎牢关之战”和 “十常侍之乱”前者千人斩练官阶,后者练能力

四區:╰☆小 ξ酷★╮被盗时间:7月 12日(下午 2.30至 3.30)不见的东西:套装:76外功帽子 強化46   76外功衣服 強化172血   76外功靴子 強化17力量 1 4体制   76外功披風 36%金抗   76外功護腕 強化46 5201314 戒子 2 粒 陰陽真氣玄武腰帶

武器:85枪青字跳 1强 51 85拳青字跳 1强 51

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85剑+4青字跳 2强 52 85刀+10 3孔 5 级满青字跳 8

百宝物品:風雨頭(男)(永久) 福虎生威(身) (永久)福虎生威(頭) (永久)墨尊 面具之外功(永久)沙灘裝(男/永久) 黑戰士(身體)(力) 黑戰士(頭部)(力) 比基尼

(女/永久) 婚紗(女) 光线刀 1把


招术:終極金鐘罩千裏不留行天地同壽中平槍鎮鎖五龍龍吟九天千鳥流雷神訣 火球之術祝融訣屍鬼封盡守鶴之盾動感光波鳳翼天翔明鏡止水小樓一夜聽春雨 陽關三疊鳳點頭無招二階無招一階金剛不壞神功_7 層金剛不壞神功_5 層羅漢伏


四區:╰☆小 ξ杰★╮被盗时间:8月 4日(下午 3点至 4点)不见的东西:85暗青字跳 2强 52 77天空制霸環(內功)有 2 粒 1 粒强 18 火系 15 金系另一粒强 17 火系 16金系 77天空制霸令(內功) 强 16 火系 17金系 77天空制霸腰帶(內功)没强的 77天空制霸靴(內功) 强 17心脉 77天空制霸冠(內功)强 45 77 天空制霸袍(內功)强 152体制 76戒有 2 粒 1粒强 19 火系另一粒强 20金系 特級教官披風强 40金抗力 蠻牛寶甲强 195体制 21外功护腕强 49 21 內功套裝紅花環强 21火系 21內功套裝紅花令强 19火系 21內功套裝虎皮靴强 18心脉 21內功套裝護營皮强 43 21內功套裝短靠没强

星 座 日期(公历) 英文名

魔羯座 (12/22 - 1/19) Capricorn 水瓶座 (1/20 - 2/18) Aquarius

双鱼座 (2/19 - 3/20) Pisces

牡羊座 (3/21 - 4/20) Aries 金牛座 (4/21 - 5/20) Taurus 双子座 (5/21 - 6/21) Gemini 巨蟹座 (6/22 - 7/22) Cancer

狮子座 (7/23 - 8/22) Leo

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处女座 (8/23 - 9/22) Virgo

天秤座 (9/23 - 10/22) Libra 天蝎座 (10/23 - 11/21) Scorpio 射手座 (11/22 - 12/21) Sagittarius

Effects of Contract : (I) Valid Contract - Legal; not void, legally binding or effective. (II) Voidable Contract - Contract that has legal effect and force when it is made, but is liable to

be subsequently annulled or set aside by the courts through the process of rescission. Circumstances or features that make a contract voidable include (1) non-disclosure of one or more material facts, (2) misrepresentation, (3) mutual mistake, (4) lack of free will of a contracting party, or presence of one contracting party's undue influence over the other, and (5) a material breach of the terms of the contract. Contract that is voidable in only one or few parts may be saved by the process of severance. Not to be confused with void contract

(III) Void Contract- A contract is a legal agreement that is binding onto the parties who have agreed to an exchange. When some aspects of a contract can no longer be enforce or are by no means legal, then it is possible for a contract to be rendered null and void from the beginning. Such contracts are referred to as void contracts.

` - A void contract is different from a voidable contract in that the former was never enforceable to begin with while the latter could be voided later on. Since a void contract was never legally binding from the start, a part who has entered into such a contract is not legally obligated to fulfill the terms and conditions stipulated.

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- A contract can become a void contract if some form of illegal activity is involved. It is not possible for people to be legally obligated to commit an illegal act. For example, a drug cartel and individual drug dealers enter into a void contract since the contract involves the transaction of illegal drugs. A void contract can also exist if the language used or terms stipulated cannot be performed by the parties involved. For example, a person enters into a void contract with a deceased individual since the deceased cannot fulfill whatever conditions were placed in the contract and did not give any form of consent.

- A void contract provides no legal obligations for parties involved, but a voidable contract can still hold involved parties into performing the terms and conditions during the period that the contract is still valid.

(IV) lLLEGAL Contract - Contract whose formation, object, or performance is so iniquitous, against the law

of the land, or contrary to public policy, that no court will entertain or enforce it. Technically, it is a 'no contract.' In situations where two wrong doers enter into an illegal contract and one of them takes advantage of the other, law normally will not intercede to rectify the situation.

Freedom of Contract:- Right of an adult to make a legally binding mutual agreement with one or more other persons, without governmental interference as to what type of obligations he or she can take upon himself or herself.

Principles of Contract:(1) This section discusses the factors that are vital to the formation of a valid contract:in legal terminology, offer, acceptance, consideration, and the intention to create alegal relationship. It then looks at the contents of the contract, the terms includedby the parties and those implied by statute or the courts. The law of contract is ofenormous complexity and the following material may be likened to a landscapepainted with a ten-inch brush.Every day, many times a day, most people in modern society enter contracts or areaffected by contracts entered into by others. It is easy to enter a contract; it is suchan everyday experience that most of us do not realise when we have entered yetanother contractual relationship. For example, if a man rings the doctor for anappointment, catches a bus to the surgery, stops on the way to drop off the laundryand buy a pie and sauce, it is little wonder if he complains of feeling exhausted.Already that day he has used his telephone rental contract, entered into a contractof carriage with the bus company (through its agent, the driver), travelledpursuant to that contract, entered a contract of service with the cleaners, left theclothes on the strength of a bailment agreement, and created and performed acontract for the sale and purchase of a pie and sauce. When that person eventuallygets to the surgery it is probably a good thing that he does not realise that thereceptionist is only returning his smile pursuant to a clause in her contract ofemployment.

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Similarly, contract pervades the professional life of the artist. Leasing a workspace, buying turps at the local hardware shop, insuring works, getting thetradesman around the corner to do some frames, selling a piece to a studio visitor,having an exhibition of works, all involve the creation of a contractual relationship,the formulation of contractual rights and responsibilities and the possibility oflegal recourse if those mutual expectations are not fulfilled. Thus it is important to know what contracts are, how to enter them, how to enforce them, how to enjoythem.

(2) 1. OfferIt seems facile to say that there must be an offer and that the offer must be accepted-- but it is the very root of any bargain. Because it is the basis of the transaction, anoffer must be in reasonable detail: it must be clear just what is being offered and onwhat terms. Thus if a collector says, ``I'll buy that one for $500'', the offer is quiteclear. On the other hand, if the collector said, ``I'd go to $500 for something thatreminded me of the trip to West Wyong'', that would not constitute an offerbecause its terms are too vague. It is really only an indication of intention or desire.A difference of phrasing may seem slight but its effect may be considerable. Forexample, what if the collector had said: ``If you paint me a picture, I'll pay you$500 if I like it''; or ``If you paint me a picture, I'll pay you $500 if it's any good''; oreven ``If you paint me a picture, we'll talk about the price when it's finished.''The first example would amount to an offer, but the bargain would be conditionalupon the collector liking the finished work. Whether or not the sale will proceed istotally dependent upon subjective criteria. The second example provides the artistwith slightly more protection because it might be an objectively good painting,even though the collector does not like it. On the other hand, the third examplewould not constitute an offer of any kind. It is altogether too vague. It is really onlyan offer to make an offer.So that these sorts of disputes do not arise it is often advisable to jot the exact termsof an agreement onto a piece of paper, for then the parties have a record of theirmutual expectations. Simple and clear language is all that is required. The paperdoesn't make it any more legal -- it just provides an easily formulated and easily

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filed record. Most offers may be withdrawn at any time up until they are accepted. Or, the offermay be made for a limited period and at the end of that period it will automaticallyextinguish (``I'll buy that painting for $500 . . . You've got 'til Friday''). It is alsoextinguished by any counter-offer. Thus if a collector offers $500 for a piece (offer),and the artist says ``You can have it for $650'' (counter-offer), it is an implicitrejection of the original offer and destroys it. If the parties eventually settle on$500, that would involve the acceptance of another, newly made offer: Hyde v.Wrench (1840) 49 E.R. 132; Baker v. Taylor (1906) 6 S.R. (N.S.W.) 500.Sometimes, what looks like an offer capable of acceptance, is not. It is merely anindication of preparedness to negotiate. For example, if a gallery exhibits apainting and beside it places a little card detailing the artist's name, the work's title,and the price, that does not constitute an offer to sell that work at that price. It ismerely an offer to negotiate, akin to an advertisement. If the collector goes to thegallery owner and says ``I'll take it!'', he or she is not accepting a standing offer.Rather the collector is making an offer to buy the work at the listed price. Theowner can accept or reject that offer!

(3) 2. AcceptanceAcceptance is achieved by showing the person making the offer that the terms ofthe offer are agreed to. This may be done orally, in writing, or even implied fromconduct (usually by doing the thing required). The latter mode is hazardous andan artist should seek or give at least oral acceptance of an offer.The acceptance must be communicated to the offeror; it cannot be inferred fromsilence: Felthouse v. Bindley (1862) 142 E.R. 1037.

(4) 3. ConsiderationConsideration is the feature that distinguishes a bargain from a gift. It is the price,not necessarily in money terms, that each party asks of the other in return forentering the agreement. This is important because, in order to enforce a contract, aparty has to show that he or she paid a price. This can be done in one of two ways:1. It may be shown that at the time of the alleged bargain, one party offered apromise if the other party was to do an act. For example, ``I'll pay you $500when you paint my portrait.'' In this example, one party gives consideration bymaking a promise, and the other will provide consideration by painting theportrait.2. It may be shown that at the time the bargain was reached, each party was togive a promise in exchange for the other's promise. For example, ``I'll give you$500 if you paint my portrait.'' ``O.K. I'll do it!'' In this example, theconsideration is construed as a promise in return for a promise. Each isconsideration for the other. Similarly, a person might offer an artist $500 not topaint a certain subject. The promise of $500 would be consideration from the

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one, and the promise to refrain would be consideration from the other.The exchange does not have to be even, for the law will not inquire into the relativevalues of the consideration; one party might provide an enormous sum of money,another might give a promise, and still another might provide a proverbialpeppercorn. The important thing is that each has given the other the requiredprice.It is also crucial that the consideration not be past. Thus if a collector buys a workand then says to the artist that he enjoys the work so much that he is going to givehim an additional $500, that promise is unenforceable because the only consideration that the artist has provided (the painting) is past. The law does notrecognise the continuing pleasure given by the work to be of actual value. Thepromise to pay the extra money would be only a promise of a gift (for theconsideration is one sided) and therefore unenforceable.

(5) 4. Intention to Create a Legal RelationshipIf a promise is to be enforceable it must be shown that it was intended to be alegally binding commitment. This excludes merely domestic arrangements such aspromises to pay pocket-money or house-keeping money, for these are to beenforced in the kitchen rather than the courtroom.In contrast, agreements of a commercial nature are presumed by the courts to beentered with the intention of creating a legal, enforceable relationship. Thispresumption is particularly important in the artist- gallery relationship because somany galleries do not have written contracts with the artists they represent.Contrary to the commonly held belief, this does not necessarily mean that there isno contractual relationship between them; so long as the terms of their relationshipare sufficiently clear (offer and acceptance), the court would not hesitate to findthat the parties had intended to enter a legal, and therefore enforceable, contract. Ifthe court's jurisdiction is to be excluded, very particular proof of that intention isrequired.

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(6) 5. Contents of the ContractNot everything contained in a contract is necessarily a term of the contract. Somematters are classified as ``mere representations'' and are not enforceable. Forexample, if a person says, ``I will sell you this very fine Walter Withers for$10,000'', the phrase ``very fine'' would not be considered a term of the contract. Rather it would be treated as a promotional puff. On the other hand, the fact thatthe painting was by Withers and that the price was $10,000 would be treated asterms of the agreement. It is not always easy to distinguish between terms andmere representations, but one may ask oneself, ``Would it appear to a reasonableonlooker, that the party was guaranteeing the truth of the statement?'' If theanswer is yes the statement is a term of the contract.The two most important types of term are conditions and warranties. Namingthem is easy but accurately describing them is not. For centuries, judges havebattled with the definitional problem without reaching any apparent consensus.Difficult as it may be, the problem is an important one because the breach of acondition permits the disappointed party to rescind the contract, whereas thebreach of a warranty only permits that party to sue for damages to make up forany loss that has been suffered. Lord Upjohn has suggested that one should askwhether the breach of the stipulation goes so much to the root of the contract that itmakes further commercial performance impossible: Hong Kong Fir Shipping Co. v.Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd [1962] 2 Q.B. 26 at 64. On the other hand, the High Courtin Associated Newspapers Ltd v. Bancks (1951) 83 C.L.R. 322 at 336-367 suggested thata condition was a term without which the parties would not have entered thecontract. The facts of that case provide an interesting example of the conditionwarranty

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problem.The defendant Bancks was the creator of ``Ginger Meggs'', a well- known cartooncharacter. The artist contracted with the newspaper to supply every week, for tenyears, a full page of ``Us Fellers''. In return, one of the promises made by thenewspaper was that the work would be published on the front page of the comicsection. For three Sundays in a row the strip appeared on page three, so Banckshung up his pencil. In the case that followed, the High Court (!) decided that unlessthe newspaper had offered front page status to Bancks, the artist would not haveentered the contract. Thus that term could be characterised as a condition, the newspaper had breached that condition, and Bancks was entitled to treat thecontract as at an end.What this case illustrates is that whether a term is called a condition or a warrantywill depend on the judicial construction accorded it. If the parties wish to make itclear that the breach of particular terms of the contract should permit terminationof the agreement, they should not simply call those terms, ``conditions'', and theothers, ``warranties''. The court will not consider itself bound by such a quixoticforay into the definitional problems of the law of contract. But if the parties spellout the effect of such breach, rather than merely labelling it, the court will giveeffect to that declared intention.

(7) 6. Terms Implied by StatuteThe Commonwealth and every State government has statutes which impose dutiesupon manufacturers and sellers of products. These apply to works of art and craftjust as much as to any other products.These statutes have effect in numerous ways but all of them are basically consumerprotection provisions. Some imply terms into the contract, others impose liabilityeven in the absence of a contract. This latter approach is both exceptional anduseful for it avoids the problems caused by the doctrine of privity of contract.For example, under the common law where a retailer sold an item to a purchaser,it could not be argued that there was any contractual duty owed by themanufacturer to the purchaser. The relationship was simply between the purchaserand the seller. If there was anything wrong with the goods the purchaser'srecourse, if any, was against the seller. Now, thanks to statutory intervention insome jurisdictions, where goods are sold retail, the manufacturer warrants to thepurchaser that the goods are of merchantable quality even though there is no privity be-tween them. Thus an artist (the manufacturer) warrants a privatecollector (the purchaser) that the works (the goods) are of merchantable quality:see Sale of Goods Act (N.S.W.) 1923, s. 64(5); Hire-Purchase Act 1960 (N.S.W.);Manufacturers' Warranties Act 1974 (S.A.); Manufacturers' Warranties Ordinance1975 (A.C.T.); Trade Practices Act 1975 (Cth), Pt V, Div. 2A. (a) Conformity with descriptionA sale by description occurs when a seller describes goods to the buyer and thebuyer purchases them on the strength of that description. In such a case there is astatutorily implied term that the goods will in fact correspond to the description.

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However the term will be implied only if the non-compliance goes to the identityof the goods, rather than their quality. For example, if an artist buys a tube of paintthe label of which reads ``ochre'' and takes it home only to find that it containsblack paint, the seller has breached an implied term in the contract of sale that thegoods would conform with their description given on the label and relied upon bythe buyer. If the tube had contained paint which was ochre, but which also waschemically defective, there would have been no breach of this implied termbecause the defect would have been one of quality rather than identity.(b) Fitness for their purposeWhere:• goods are supplied to a consumer in the course of business, and• the consumer has expressly or impliedly informed the seller of the purpose forwhich the goods are sought, and• the consumer actually relies on the advice and judgment of the seller,the Acts imply a term into the contract of sale that the goods will be fit for thestated purpose. For example, if a sculptor is erecting an installation, part of whichrequires a 100-kilo segment to hang from two wires, the artist might go to the hardware shop and ask for a coil of wire capable of fulfilling these requirements. Ifthe wire subsequently snaps under the weight, it is likely that the seller hasbreached a statutorily implied condition in the contract of sale, that the goodswould be fit for the purpose for which they were sold. Amongst other things, thedamages would cover the cost of the wire and any resulting damage to theartwork. Other examples might occur if a ceramist sold wares that leaked, or asculptor sold a piece made of soluble materials, knowing that it was to be placedoutside.(c) Merchantable qualityWhen in the course of its business a company sells goods to a consumer, or aprivate person who deals in such items sells goods, there is an implied conditionthat they will be of ``merchantable quality''. In deciding whether the goods are ofmerchantable quality the courts will look to the description applied to them at thetime of sale, the price paid, and any other relevant circumstances. The term willnot be implied if, at the time of sale, the seller points out the defects to the buyer,or if the buyer inspects the goods at that time.Thus, if an oil painting develops a severe crack due to the inadequate preparationof the canvas by the artist or a hand crafted cabinet no longer closes properlybecause the craftsperson has used some insufficiently seasoned timber, it may beargued that the goods are not of merchantable quality.This raises interesting implications for creators of ephemeral or self- destructingartwork. Of course in most situations the buyer of such a piece would be fullyaware of its fundamental characteristic but where this was not clear to the buyerand not made known to him or her, the term might be implied. More probably, itwould be relevant to artists who use materials of inferior quality, that do not last aslong as would normally be expected of them; the painting that starts flaking or cracking badly after only a short time; the installation that falls to pieces because ofinherent defects of design; the glaze on the ceramic plate that deteriorates.

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(8) 7. Formalities for Entering a ContractWhether the contract is for services (such as painting a portrait or making aweaving on commission) or for the sale of goods (such as selling a painting or atapestry already made), the contract may be either wholly oral, wholly in writing,or partly in writing and partly oral. Its form is not relevant to validity. However,there is one important qualification to this; except in Queensland, if the contract isfor the sale of goods over the value of $20, the contract will not be enforceableunless:• some memorandum in writing of the contract is made and signed by the partyto be charged; or• the buyer accepts some of the goods in part performance of the contract; or• the buyer gives something in earnest to bind the contract or in part payment(such as the payment of a deposit): Sale of Goods Act, s. 9.It must be emphasised that this relates only to the sale of goods, not services.Further, it does not affect the validity of the contract, merely its enforceability. If acollector attends an exhibition, singles out a work and says to the artist, ``I'll havethat one! I'll drop in on Friday with my cheque for $1,200'', the artist cannot enforcethat contract of sale unless the collector signs a memorandum, takes a work away,or leaves a deposit. An example of the importance of this occurred at the nowdefunct David Reid Gallery in Sydney. On one occasion a client told the galleryowner that he would buy all of the works in a Suzanne Archer exhibition. Shortlybefore the close of this apparently sell-out show the client changed his mind.Although there was a valid contract to purchase the works, the contract wasunenforceable because the dealer had neglected to get anything signed by the

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client or even take a deposit. The potential personal and professional cost of such an omission is obvious. Thus the rule is simple; when selling goods valued at over$20 outside Queensland, one must obtain either the agreement in writing signedby the buyer, or a deposit. But remember to keep a receipt.

(9) 8. Avoiding Contractual ResponsibilitiesAt common law a number of factors may vitiate a contract. They include duress,mistake, legal incapacity, deceit, misrepresentation, illegality and undue influence.As one author explains, these are consistent with the consensual theory of freedomof contract because each is a clear example of lack of consent: Peden, The Law ofUnjust Contracts (Butterworths, Sydney, 1982), p. 9.One of the most important recent developments in contract has been thepreparedness of the courts to vitiate or even rewrite contracts that are harsh oroppressive. The traditional view of the common law was that parties had thefreedom to enter contracts. Whether those contracts were beneficial or harsh was amatter for the individual. Usually it came down to a question of which party hadthe most bargaining power. The stronger party could force the more advantageousterms. This is still largely the position, but there is now some assistance available tothe underdog. The courts are certainly more than ever prepared to intervene.Judicial intervention is usually achieved by fitting the claim into one of theestablished heads of equitable intervention (such as fraud in equity, undueinfluence, mistake in equity, innocent misrepresentation and contracts in restraintof trade). There were few cases in the arts industries until 1974 but the possibilitieshave since been highlighted through a line of English cases involving the musicindustry. The case names read like an extract from a Who's Who of the industry:Gilbert O'Sullivan, Fleetwood Mac, Elton John, The Kinks, Sting and so on.In Australia one may look to the decisions such as Commercial Bank of Australia v.Amadio (1983) 57 A.L.J.R. 358 in which a High Court judge said:``Undue influence, like common law duress, looks to the quality of the

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consent or assent of the weaker party. . . . Unconscionable dealing looks tothe conduct of the stronger party in attempting to enforce, or retain thebenefit of, a dealing with a person under a special disability incircumstances where it is not consistent with equity or good conscience thathe should do so.''Legislation is increasingly important in this area: Trade Practices Act (for example,s. 45(2)); Industrial Arbitration Act 1940 (N.S.W.), s. 88F; Contracts Review Act1980 (N.S.W.); Fair Trading Act 1987 (N.S.W.); Consumer Affairs Act 1970 (Qld)and so on.It is outside the scope of this work to discuss these matters in any detail. Thelawyer readers will have need of more detail than non-lawyer readers couldwithstand. The important point that can be drawn from all of the cases and statutesis that there is an increasing ability to get people out of contracts that are unfair tothe point of being unconscionable. It is not an easy matter and is often expensive,but it can be done.In the music industry, litigation has had the effect of making some of the``standard contracts'' offered by recording and publishing companies, much fairer.It will be interesting to see the effect that such an action would have in the visualarts.Nevertheless, contracts must be approached on the basis that they will be binding.In certain circumstances, a party may get out of a contractual arrangement, butdoing so is fraught with legal difficulty. If escape from a contract is contemplated, see a lawyer. Simply breaching its terms and keeping one's fingers crossed, iscertainly not recommended.

(10) 9. SummaryThe elements vital to the formation of a contract are that:• there has been an offer made;• the offer has been accepted;• consideration has been given; and• the parties intended to create a legal relationship.The terms of the contract may usually be divided into ``conditions'' and``warranties''. The distinction is important although extremely difficult to define,because the type of term breached may affect the remedy available to the injuredparty.These terms may be expressly agreed upon by the parties or may sometimes beimplied by statute.In most circumstances, no particular formalities are necessary for validity but itmust be noted that, except in Queensland, in the case of contracts for the sale ofgoods valued at $20 or more, a contract must be in writing if it is to be enforceable.

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McDonald's PEST Analysis


−Pestle is an analysis of the external macro environment in which a business operates. According to (2008), pestle stands for political, economic, social, technology, and environmental factors.

A. Political Factors

- The international operations of McDonald’s are highly influenced by the individual state policies enforced by each government. (2001, 705) For instance, there are certain groups in Europe and the United States that clamor for state actions pertaining to the health implications of eating fast food. (2005) They have indicated that harmful elements like cholesterol and adverse effects like obesity are attributable to consuming fast food products.

On the other hand, the company is controlled by the individual policies and regulations of operations.

Specific markets focus on different areas of concern such as that of health, worker protection, and

environment. All these elements are seen in the government control of the licensing of the restaurants in the

respective states. For instance, there is an impending legal dispute in the McDonald’s franchise in India

where certain infringement of rights and violation of religious laws pertaining to the contents of the food. The

existence of meat in their menus in India is apparently offensive to the Hindu religion in the said market.

There are also other studies that points to the infringement of McDonald’s Stores with reference to the

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existing employment laws in the target market. Like any business venture, these McDonald’s stores have to

contend with the issues of employment procedures as well as their tax obligations so as to succeed in the

foreign market.

B. Economic Factors

- Organisations in the fast food industry are not excused from any disputes and troubles. Specifically, they do have their individual concerns involving economic factors. Branches and franchises of fast food chains like McDonald’s has the tendency to experience hardship in instances where the economy of the respective states is hit by inflation and changes in the exchange rates. The customers consequently are faced with a stalemate of going over their individual budgets whether or not they should use up more on these foreign fast food chains. (2004) Hence, these chains may have to put up with the issues of the effects of the economic environment. Particularly, their problem depends on the response of the consumers on these fundamentals and how it could influence their general sales. In regarding the operations of the company, food chains like McDonald’s tend to import much of their raw materials into a specific territory if there is a dearth of supply. Exchange rate fluctuations will also play a significant role in the operations of the company.

As stated in the paragraph above, McDonald stores have to take a great deal of consideration with reference

to their microenvironment. The company’s international supply as well as the existing exchange rates is

merely a part of the overall components needed to guarantee success for the foreign operations of

McDonald’s. Moreover, it is imperative that the company be cognizant of the existing tax requirements

needed by the individual governments on which they operate. This basically ensures the smooth operations

of the McDonald’s franchises. In the same regard, the company will also have to consider the economic

standing of the state on which they operate on. The rate at which the economy of that particular state grows

determines the purchasing power of the consumers in that country. Hence, if a franchise operates in a

particularly economically weak state, hence their products shall cost higher than the other existing products

in the market, then these franchises must take on certain adjustments to maintain the economies of scale.

C. Socio-Cultural Factors

Articles on the international strategies of McDonald’s seem to function on several fields to guarantee

lucrative returns for the organisation. To illustrate, the organisation improves on establishing a positive

mind-set from their core consumers. McDonald’s indulge a particular variety of consumers with definite

types of personalities. ( 1994) It has also been noted that the company have given the markets such as the

United Kingdom, an option with regards to their dining needs. (2005) pointed out that McDonald’s has

launched a sensibly valued set of food that tenders a reliable level of quality for the respective market where

it operates. Additionally, those who are aged just below the bracket of thirty-five are said to be the most

frequent consumers of McDonald’s franchises. ( 2005)

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The multifaceted character of business nowadays is reflected in the harsh significance of the information on

the subject of the existing market. This procedure is essentially identified in the field as market research.

(1997) Information with regards to the appeal and potential fields of the market would double as

obstructions to the success of the company if this area of the operations is neglected. In the case of

McDonald’s they establish a good system in determining the needs of the market. The company uses

concepts of consumer behaviour product personality and purchasing decisions to its advantage. ( 1998) It is

said to have a major influence on the understanding of the prospective performance of the organisation in a

particular market. (2000)

D. Technological Factors

McDonald’s generates a demand for their own products. (2006) The company’s key tool for marketing is by

means of television advertisements. There are similarly some claims that McDonald’s are inclined to

interest the younger populations more. The existence of play spots as well as toys in meals offered by the

company shows this actuality. ( 1995) Other demonstration of such a marketing strategy is apparent in the

commercials of they use. They employ animated depictions of their characters like Grimace and Ham

burglar. Other advertising operations employ popular celebrities to promote their products. The like has

become endorsers for McDonald’s worldwide “loving’ it” campaign. Moreover, the operations of McDonald’s

have significantly been infused with new technology. Elements like the inventory system and the

management of the value chain of the company allows for easy payments for their suppliers and other

vendors which the individual stores in respective markets deal with. The integration of technology in the

operations of McDonald tend to add value to their products. Basically, this is manifested in the

improvements on its value chain. The improvement of the inventory system as well as its supply chain

allows the company to operate in an international context.

E. Legal Factors

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There has been the recurrent bellowing in opposition to the fast food industry. This has similarly made

McDonald’s apply a more careful consideration on their corporate social responsibilities. On the whole, this

addressed the need of the company to form its corporate reputation to a more positive one and a more

socially responsible company. ( 2005) The reputation of McDonald’s is apparently a huge matter. Seen on

the website of the company, it seems that they have acquired strides to take in hand the key social censures

that they have been berating them in the past decades. The company has provided their customers the

relevant data that they need with reference to the nutritional substances of their products. This is to attend

to the arguments of obesity charged against the products of the company. In the same way, the consumers

provided freedom in choosing whether or not they want to purchase their meals.

This is tied up with the socio-cultural attributes of the market on which they operate. For instance, operations

in predominantly Muslim countries require their meat to conform to the Halal requirements of the law. In the

same regard, those that operate in countries in the European Union should conform to the existing laws

banning the use of genetically modified meat products in their food. Other legal concepts like tax obligations,

employment standards, and quality requirements are only a few of important elements on which the

company has to take into consideration. Otherwise, smooth operations shall be hard to achieve.

F. Environment

The social responsibilities of McDonald’s on the state are influential to the operations of the company.

These entail accusations of environmental damage. Among the reasons why they are charged with such

claims is the employ of non-biodegradable substances for their drinks glasses and Styrofoam coffers for the

meals. (1997) Several civic groups in Hong Kong have made actions to make the McDonald’s franchises in

Hong Kong aware of the rather copious use of Styrofoam containers and the resultant abuse of the

environment. (1997) further indicated that in 1995, McDonald’s Hong Kong went over the Styrofoam used

by both Australia and the United States combined.

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Debatably, the most significant contribution of this generation is the combination of globalization and

internationalization in the businesses sector. Developments in the international setting have an effect on the

more particular factors in the operations in individual organizations. Alterations could take placer and require

intense modifications to the operations such that it could have an adverse effect on the entire structure of

the company. However, as indicated in the arguments and comments in this paper, this could be acquired

by setting a certain level of flexibility in the organization. This level of flexibility is basically acquired through

the acquaintance of both the internal and external environment of the company.

Even though McDonald’s may have been deemed as demigod in the fast food business in the international

scene, what it preserves as revealed in its processes is the need for flexibility. The slight changes that take

place in the market have an effect on the operations of the business in any case. This denotes that having

the information on the effects of these alterations swiftly provides these fast food industry giants to take fine-

tuning actions on their acts and still preserve their market position. As implied in the introduction of this

paper, the markets of nowadays manifest a cutthroat rivalry with the individual competitors, recognized

brands or otherwise. Hence, any business in spite of the muscle of the brand name or the size of its

reserves could not afford any failures in their individual markets.

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The following recommendations shall be based on the conclusions and arguments above.

l Political Factors

Since it is apparent that the company is expanding continuously, it is wise to deal directly with the proper

authorities in the respective markets that they intend to operate in. This way, a good way of establishes

good relationship with the government. It is advisable that the company rests on the good graces of the

government on which they will be penetrating. To do this, all they have to do is accomplish all the prescribed

acts and satisfy all the prerequisites for doing business. The company must also be acquainted with the law

in order to know what their responsibilities and their possible liabilities.

l Economic Factors

Before penetrating the market, the company must carry out a well conducted market research, especially in

the movements in the economic environment. The frequency of the shifts in the inflation rate as well as the

fluctuations in the exchange rate affects the operations of the company.

l Social-cultural Factors

Obtain the relevant information from the target market in addition to the individual customers of the

organisation. It is imperative that before a franchise is granted to a particular market, a well drafted and

comprehensive market research should be conducted initially so as to establish the acts that would conform

to good customs, public policies, and morals of the said state. Similarly, the company should find out the

shifts in areas like the consumer behaviour and purchasing patterns of the market. Fundamentally, this is the

key condition for executing a suitable customer relationship management system.

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l Technological Factors

Use the internet to their advantage. The cost-effectiveness, interactivity and real-time effects of the

communications are a good way to find suppliers. It is also a good way to correspond with the respective

McDonald’s headquarters in every state. The company must also look into the use of IT to enhance their

inventory operations. As the operations in its inbound and outbound logistics improve, the company will

expect significant savings and reduction of costs in the operations.

l Environmental Factors

Find out the environmental regime that governs the operations in every market. Monitor the waste disposal

of the company. Minimize the use of Styrofoam materials and plastic cups. Constant updating of the social

corporate responsibility is imperative. This should also entail that the headquarters should take in hand a

manner of internal control of those that would infringe upon this company objective. Sanctions such as

revoking of the franchise license or a particularly high fine should be installed to serve as a deterrent to


l Legal Factors

Hire local counsels to deal with the legal conflicts in individual markets on which the company may

encounter. This is shall ensure the company that the lawyers that will handle their legal affairs are more

versed with the legal regime that would iron out certain creases on their operations.

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Pest Analysis of Automobile Industry

Pest Analysis- The automotive sector is a critically important and complex one. In many ways,

the automotive industry offers an almost endless stream of political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental inter-connections which affect people in one way or another. The industry faces a need for accelerated investment, in order to deploy the new technologies, for pressing geo-political, economic, environmental and societal reasons.

Political. Observers will see a continuing progression in the ruinous steps which have forced the industry into a socio-politico-economic corner. Whether this is related to flat demand or to the industry’s creation of an ever-wider range of vehicles that many buyers seem to care little about, there is a problem. The industry is likewise linked closely to the policies of governments, the earnings of banks. Little wonder then that so many emerging countries are keen to develop an auto sector or that there is such a political pressure to protect it in the developed countries. The world’s vehicle industry is currently dominated by little more than a handful of firms, each wielding colossal financial, emotional and political power. The industry’s approach to dealing with political institutions has not always been brilliant. It tends to be good on technical issues, although it has not always fully presented the longer-term options, in order to make the choices and their implications clear.

Economic. For much of the developed world, and increasingly fro the developing

world, the automotive industry is a pillar industry, a flag of economic progress. Without

an automotive industry, it is impossible to develop an efficient steel business, a plastic

industry or a glass sector – other central foundations of economic progress. The

automotive industry has been a core industry, a unique economic phenomenon, which has

dominated the twentieth century. However, the industry now suffers from a series of

structural schisms and has become riddled with contradictions and economic

discontinuities. For the capital markets and the finance sector, it has lost a lot of its

significance, as a result of ever declining profits and stagnant sales. The proliferation of

products means that it has become hopelessly wasteful of economic resources. While all

these and more sound like a very gloomy assessment of such a vast economic

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phenomenon, the industry is not in the end despondent. A different future is possible for

the industry, a highly desirable one.

Social. The world’s automotive industry affects the society as a whole. It employs

millions of people directly, tens of millions indirectly. Its products have transformed

society, bringing undreamed-of levels of mobility, changing the ways people live and

work. The social value of the additional mobility that this industry brings involves the

value of the people being able to commute over longer distances easily, among many

others. For most of its existence the motor industry has been a model of social discipline

and control and it is not just that the auto sector offers a ‘pillar’ of something else. There

are, on the other hand, particular social issues to address in many developing countries,

often those that are the result of an undertone of religious faith. The automotive industry

has the role to play in helping develop the mobility of such countries and it can be

achieved at an acceptable social cost of the country is prepared to learn the necessary

lessons from those who have traveled this route before it, and to make the necessary


Technological. The automotive industry works on a scale so awesome and has an

influence so vast that it is often difficult to see. The level and diversity of technologies

that it must deploy are increasing, which imposes both new investment burdens and new

uncertainties and risks. Roughly a million new cars and trucks are built around the world

each week – they are easily the most complex products of their kind to be mass-produced

in such volumes. The industry uses manufacturing technology that is the cutting edge of

science. But still, the potential for developing coordination skills, intellectual capabilities

and emotional sensitivities through electronic technologies remain far from fully

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exploited. There are numerous additional near-term technological opportunities to adapt

the automobile to changing energy availability. The possibilities suggest that automotive

technology is unexpectedly robust and provides a powerful defence against energy

starvation even if the real price of oil climbs steadily during the next couple of decades.

Legal. The automobile industry is subject to numerous technical directives and

regulations, as well as legislation of a more legal nature. The legislation covers areas such

as competition law, intellectual property law, consumer protection and taxation, and

emissions (air quality and fuels). When the auto parts industry reached full development,

accelerated technological efforts were made to create a web of local suppliers that would

make it possible to meet the growing legal requirements for the national integration of


Environmental. Other than the vehicles themselves, and the roads and fuel needed

to run them; the business is intricately tied to the manufacture of a wide range of

components and the extraction of precious raw materials. Indirectly, it brings people road

congestion, too many fatalities and a wave of other environmental troubles. The effect to

the automotive companies are that they needed to establish R&D centres to take

advantage of research infrastructure and human capital, so that they can develop vehicle

products locally to satisfy the requirements of the environmental and safety regulations

more effectively.

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Porter’s 5 Forces Model

Threat of New Entrants. The automobile industry has high entry barriers. As it is

difficult to start out small in this field and eventually grow into a big business, one has to

start big right out from the start. It’s either that or face the consequences of high unit

costs. This capital requirement is only one of the several barriers to entry in this industry.

The economies of scale are another. It prevents most entrepreneurs from venturing in the

business of manufacturing cars because, as large-scale production is a characteristic of

this industry, it subsequently results into a few, very large firms, those only with enough

capital to continue with production. A large amount of capital is indeed a barrier to entry

in this industry. The industry is experiencing increased concentration because of this,

monopoly being the correct term for it. Another entry barrier is the absolute cost

advantage of the already established firms. Being in the industry first, they enjoyed the

priority of looking for low cost sources of auto parts. Arguably, government and legal

barriers are formidable barriers that few or no auto company has been able to thwart.

Threat of Substitutes. As there is only a handful of major auto players in the world

market, the threat of substitute is relatively low. Further, the cost to shift to another

automotive company is very high, especially for the average customer, given the not-so-

cheap prices of cars nowadays. Unlike basic commodities like food products, cosmetics

and the like, the threat of substitute for the automotive industry is extremely lo. This

presents a very good opportunity for automobile companies to exploit on the high cost of

substituting to another brand of car.

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Bargaining Power of Buyers. The bargaining power of the buyers are relatively

low, as factors affecting the manufacture or production in the automotive industry are

highly dependent on uncontrollable external forces like oil prices, steel availability, glass

and plastic production and other such factors which the car company has absolutely no

control of.

Bargaining Power of Suppliers. The revolution in the supplier industry, begun

twenty to twenty-five years ago, has not fully run its course. Relationships with this

sector are still very one-sided. There is a danger of excessive pressure on it killing the

geese that increasingly lay the golden eggs of innovation. The excessive costs of these are

to a large extent extorted from the systems and components suppliers under duress. The

matching suppliers have to make the necessary changes to compete with joint venture

suppliers as well as meet the demands of joint venture assemblers.

Intensity of Rivalry between Competitors. There are far too many platforms,

models, derivatives and major components on offer – far more than are needed to provide

an adequate level of choice and competition. The entry of joint venture assemblers has a

great impact worldwide automobile production. They have opened up equity investment

in parts supply, thereby triggering competition among matching suppliers under the

protection of local governments and forcing them to reorganize and change. Increasingly,

the nature of the competition in the intermediate inputs market is also affecting both the

administrative boundaries and inter-firm relationships between auto assemblers and parts

suppliers. To compete with limited funds in the quality and scale of parts and components

production, local governments have had to select a few enterprises in which to

concentrate their investment in support of modernization programs.

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. (1982) observed that the automotive industry has been depended upon by other

industrial sectors to provide them with means with which to optimize their investment

capital because of the transfer of its technology, which basically means that the

manufacturing and materials handling processes that revolve around mass auto

production will be, in the future, far removed from their original use through consulting

engineering firms that undertake to design and equip factories. The tendency for car

manufacturers, then, will be to focus on competition that would become more rigorous,

giving special attention to profit-gaining activities and concentrating also on arranging

for financial, marketing and industrial cooperation among car makers.

The growing pressures of the global economy, as an example the 1998 ‘merger-

of-equals’ by the old Chrysler Corporation with German automaker Daimler-Benz, could

result in the profound consolidation of car manufacturer giants. In 2003, a prominent

industry insider has predicted that it would all just boil down to three to four auto giants

within 10 years (, 1995). Last year, a survey of auto executives revealed that 51% of them

believe that the world will witness major consolidations in the field, up from 35% during

the 2004 survey of the same issue. The greatest area for growth according to (2003) is to

be found in the emerging auto markets of Asia and Eastern Europe. At the same time, the

targets market volume is still to be found in Western Europe, Japan and North America (,

2005). To that end, perhaps the rest of the world should hold its breath in the anticipation

of what might transpire in this industry where innovation is first and foremost, the

competitive edge.

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